Содержание двух разрешительных актов, требуемых Директивой по возобновляемым источникам энергии (RED II), принятой Европейским Союзом (I)

Согласно заявлению Европейской комиссии, первый разрешительный акт определяет необходимые условия для того, чтобы водород, топливо на его основе или другие энергоносители были классифицированы как возобновляемые виды топлива небиологического происхождения (RFNBO). The bill clarifies the principle of hydrogen “additionality” set out in the EU Renewable Energy Directive, which means that electrolytic cells producing hydrogen must be connected to new renewable electricity production. This principle of additionality is now defined as “renewable energy projects that come into operation no earlier than 36 months in advance of facilities producing hydrogen and its derivatives”. The principle aims to ensure that the generation of renewable hydrogen incentivises an increase in the amount of renewable energy available to the grid compared to what is already available. In this way, hydrogen production will support decarbonization and complement electrification efforts, while avoiding putting pressure on power generation.

With regard to geographical relevance, the Act states that renewable energy plants and electrolytic cells producing hydrogen are placed in the same tender area, which is defined as the largest geographical area (usually a national border) in which market participants can exchange energy without capacity allocation . The Commission said this was to ensure that there was no grid congestion between the cells that produce the renewable hydrogen and the renewable power units, and that it was appropriate to require both units to be in the same tender area. The same rules apply to green hydrogen imported into the EU and implemented through the certification scheme.

Время публикации: 21 февраля 2023 г.
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