E whakapono ana matou: Ko te auahatanga to tatou wairua me to tatou wairua. Ko te kounga pai ko to tatou oranga. Ko te Kaihokohoko ko to tatou Atua mo Factory Outlets Haina Tuatahi Hangaia te Hanga Waro Whakahohe Waro Acf Felt, Ko o tatou hua me o tatou otinga e mohiotia whanuitia ana, e pono ana e nga kaiwhakamahi, ka taea te whakatutuki i nga hiahia ohaoha me nga hiahia hapori.
E whakapono ana matou: Ko te auahatanga to tatou wairua me to tatou wairua. Ko te kounga pai ko to tatou oranga. Shopper Me ki te whai ko to tatou Atua moHaina Air Puring, Tātari, Ko ta matou kamupene e hipoki ana i te waahanga o te 20, 000 mita tapawha. Neke atu i te 200 nga kaimahi inaianei, he roopu hangarau whai mana, 15 tau te wheako, he tino pai te mahi, he pumau me te pono te kounga, te utu whakataetae me te kaha o te whakaputa, na konei tatou e kaha ake ai o taatau kaihoko. Mena kei a koe tetahi patai, kia mohio koe kia kaua koe e mangere ki te whakapiri mai ki a maatau.
Wao Wao Hiato:
Wao hiato waro (Carbon-fiber-reinforced carbon composites) (CFC) he momo mea i hangaia e te kaha teitei te muka waro me te kopu waro i muri i te tukatuka whakaniko i te kauwhata.
Ka taea te whakamahi whanui i roto i te taiao pāmahana teitei o nga momo hanganga, whakamahana me nga oko. Ka whakatauritea ki nga taonga miihini tuku iho, ko te hiato waro waro nga painga e whai ake nei:
1) Te kaha teitei
2) Te pāmahana teitei ki te 2000 ℃
3)Atete ru werawera
4) He iti te whakarea o te roha wera
5) Te kaha waiariki iti
6) He pai te aukati i te waikura me te aukati radiation
1. Aerospace. No te mea o te rauemi hiato he pai pūmautanga waiariki, teitei kaha motuhake me te maro. Ka taea te whakamahi mo te hanga i nga perehi rererangi, te parirau me te waka, te antenna amiorangi me te hanganga tautoko, te parirau o te ra me te anga, te anga takirikiri kawe nui, te anga miihini, etc.
2. Te ahumahi waka.
3. Te mara hauora.
4. Te whakamahana-wera
5. Wae Whakawera
6. Te hihi-ara
Raraunga Hangarau o te Wao/Carbon Composite | |||
Taurangi | Waeine | Uara | |
Kiato rahi | g/cm3 | 1.40~1.50 | |
Te ihirangi waro | % | ≥98.5~99.9 | |
Te pungarehu | PPM | ≤65 | |
Te kawe werawera (1150℃) | W/mk | 10~30 | |
Te kaha tensile | Mpa | 90~130 | |
Te Kaha Toka | Mpa | 100~150 | |
Te kaha kōpeke | Mpa | 130~170 | |
Te kaha kutikuti | Mpa | 50~60 | |
Te kaha kutikuti Interlaminar | Mpa | ≥13 | |
Te parenga hiko | Ω.mm2/m | 30~43 | |
Whakarea o te Roha Ngawha | 106/K | 0.3~1.2 | |
Te Waahi Tukatuka | ℃ | ≥2400 ℃ | |
Te kounga o te ope hoia, ki tonu i te weranga oumu waipara matū matū, i kawemai i te muka waro Toray T700 te niu ngira 3D i mua-whatu. Nga whakaritenga o nga rawa: te whanui o waho 2000mm, te matotoru pakitara 8-25mm, teitei 1600mm | |||