DynaCERT Inc. e hlahisa le ho rekisa theknoloji ea phokotso ea CO2 bakeng sa lienjineri tse tukang ka hare. E le karolo ea moruo oa machaba oa hydrogen o ntseng o eketseha, re sebelisa theknoloji ea rona e nang le tokelo ea molao ho hlahisa haedrojene le oksijene ka mokhoa o ikhethang oa electrolysis. Likhase tsena li hlahisoa ka phepelo ea moea ho ntlafatsa ho tuka, kapa ho thusa ho fokotsa mesi ea CO2 le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea mafura. Mahlahla a rona a lumellana le mefuta e mengata le boholo ba enjene, e tsoang ka siling, mechine ea meroho, likepe tsa meropa le literene. Internet: www.dynaCERT.com
BIOREM Inc. (TSX: BRM.V) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele e hloekileng ea thekenoloji e ikemiselitseng ho rala, ho etsa le ho aba letoto la mekhoa e mengata ea ho laola mocheso oa moea ho felisa monko o monate, metsoako ea lintho tse phelang (VOC) le lintho tse kotsi tsa tšilafalo ea moea (VOC). LIHLOOHO). BIOREM e na le liofisi tsa thekiso le tlhahiso ho pholletsa le k'honthinente ea Afrika, litsi tsa lipatlisiso tse khethehileng, marang-rang a baemeli ba thekiso ea lefats'e, le mekhoa e fetang 1,000 e kentsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara, e ka fanang ka bomasepala, lik'hamphani tsa indasteri le likhoebo lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa tse thehiloeng theknoloji , Ho u lumella ho sebelisa sechaba se ba potolohileng ka boiketlo.
CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: YES.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., e Mississauga, Ontario, e hlahisa thepa e kang carbon activated activated (SulfaCHAR) e ka sebelisoang ho tlosa hydrogen sulfide (haholo-holo e ruileng ka khase ea Methane) le litšila. moea).
CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) ke moqapi lefapheng la ho nka khabone ea enzymatic, 'me e ikemiselitse ho nts'etsapele le khoebong ea mekhoa e tsitsitseng ea mohloli oa tšilafalo ea khabone. Thepa ea Co2 Fulutions 'e fokotsa tšebeliso ea litšenyehelo tsa carbon, le ts'ebeliso (CCSU),' me e e tsamaisang e le lihlahisoa tse ncha tse tsoang ho metshelo ena. CO2 Solutions e thehile potefolio e pharaletseng ea patent e koahelang tšebeliso ea carbonic anhydrase kapa li-analogues tsa eona ho tšoara carbon dioxide ka mor'a ho tuka ka katleho ka li-solvents tse nang le matla a tlaase.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) ke khamphani e fapaneng ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Australia. E thahasella litharollo tse shebaneng le theknoloji tse kenyelletsang matla a matla a indasteri le phetoho ea carbon dioxide ho limmaraka tsa mafura, hammoho le Australia le tse ling. Mehloli e tloaelehileng ea mocheso oa mocheso Leoatleng le leholo la Pacific ke melomo.
Pond Technologies Holdings Inc. (TSX: POND.V) e hlahisitse sethala sa kholo ea thepa e ka fetolang hoo e batlang e le mehloli eohle ea carbon dioxide (CO2) hore e be lihlahisoa tsa bohlokoa tsa likokoana-hloko. Seteta se sebetsanang le samente, tšepe, oli le khase, indasteri ea motlakase ea ho chesa le ho etsa mehloli e mecha ea chelete. Pound's platform technology also includes the development of algae superfoods for the nutraceutical and food additive markets. Sistimi ea sekoti e khona ho hola algae e fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa le maemo a hlahisang li-antioxidants, Omega-3 mafura acid le protheine bakeng sa tšebeliso ea batho le liphoofolo
Reno International Corporation (OTC: RINO) ke k'hamphani ea ts'ireletso ea tikoloho le tokiso ho People's Republic of China. The company is engaged in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of wastewater treatment and flue gas desulfurization equipment mainly used in the steel industry; Le lihlahisoa tse amisitsoeng le lisebelisoa tse sebelisoang ho hlahiseng lihlahisoa tsa poleiti tse chesang tse chesang tse chesang. Its products include Lamella inclined tube settler wastewater treatment system, including industrial water treatment equipment, wastewater condensing equipment kits, solid and liquid extraction and dehydration equipment, and coal gas dust removal and cleaning equipment; circulating fluidized bed flue gas desulfurization system for removing steel production Granular sulfur in the flue gas generated during the sintering process; a high-temperature anti-oxidation system for hot-rolled steel, a set of products and a mechanized system, which can reduce the output loss related to oxidation in the continuous casting of hot-rolled steel production. In addition, it also provides contract processing services for third-party industrial companies.
Bokachane teropong ea Inc. Khampani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho theknoloji e hloekileng ea moea 'me e sebetsa Canada, United States, Europe le Asia. Mekhoa ea ho belaela le ho etsa litšila tse matla tsa litšila tse rekisoang kapa ho hira, hape ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tse amanang le oli tse amanang le oli tse amanang le oli. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani ea ho cheselletsa mocheso e ka senya likhase tsa hydrocarbon tse chefo kapa tse chefo, kahoo ea finyella ho lumellana le taolo, ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, tšepo ea sechaba le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso ea bareki. Questor e tsebahala ka boitseanape ba eona bo khethehileng ba ho chesa khase e bolila (H2S). Ka ClearPower Solutions (karolelano ea Questor), thekenoloji ena e hlahisa monyetla oa ho sebelisa mocheso o hlahisoang ke ho tuka hantle, o ka sebelisoang bakeng sa moea oa mouoane oa metsi, mocheso oa tšebetso le ho fehla matla. Leha bareki ba hona joale ba Questor ba sebetsa haholo indastering ea oli e tala le khase ea tlhaho, theknoloji ea ho chesa mollo ea k'hamphani e boetse e sebetsa liindastering tse ling, joalo ka lahla, ho hloekisa metsi le likhoerekhoere, ho sebelisa mabili le temo.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Ho tloha ha e thehwa ka 2010, GO Energy Group e kopantse ka potlako maemo a yona a tshiya lepaleng la naha la eneji e ka ntjhafatswang mme e fihlelle katleho le kgolo e kgolo. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Ha re sebelisa buka ea rona ea Co2Bardbikeng, re fetohile bahoebi ba setifikeiti sa Machaba, 'me ka nako e tšoanang ba fana ka tharollo e bohlale, e ka khonehang ea ho ea matlafatso ea matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
TOMI™Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTC: TOMZ) ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e ka bophara ea ho tlosa baktheria le taolo ea mafu a tšoaetsanoang e etsang, e rekisa le ho fana ka lilaesense lihlahisoa ho latela sethala sa mantlha sa hydrogen peroxide ka tlhahiso, thekiso le laesense, bakeng sa libaka tsa kahare. Tharollo ea tikoloho ea tikoloho. Binary ionization technology (BIT) ke thekenoloji e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa ea ho hlahisa moholi o tšeletseng oa logarithmic o emetsoeng ke lets'oao la TOMI (TM) SteraMist (TM). Lihlahisoa tsa TOMI li etselitsoe ho sebeletsa meaho e mengata ea khoebo, ho kenyelletsa lipetlele le lits'ebeletso tsa bongaka, likepe tse tsamaeang ka sekepe, meaho ea liofisi, lihotele le li-motels, likolo, lireschorente, lisebelisoa tsa ho lokisa nama le lijo bakeng sa polokeho e seng ea lijo, matlo a sesole le lisebelisoa tsa lebala la lipapali. . Lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa TOMI le tsona li sebelisitsoe matlong a malapa a le mong le matlong a malapa a mangata. TOMI e boetse e hlahisa mananeo a koetliso le liprothokholo tsa kopo bakeng sa bareki ba eona, 'me ke setho se setle sa American Biosafety Association, American Organization Banking Association, Professional Association of Infection Control le Epidemiology, American Medical and Health Epidemiology Association, le Mokhatlo oa Tokiso. . Mokhatlo oa Indasteri, Indoor Air Quality Association le International Ozone Association.
Alger Green FUND (Nasdaq: SPEGX) e batla kananelo ea nako e telele ea chelete ka ho tsetela bonyane 80% ea thepa ea eona ea boleng bo botle ba lichelete tsa lik'hamphani tsa boholo bofe kapa bofe. Khampani e lumela hore lik'hamphani tsa boholo bona li tsamaisa khoebo ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng oa tikoloho , Ha li ntse li bontša bokhoni bo bongata ba kholo
Calvert Global Alternative Energy A (Nasdaq: ^ CGAEX) Letsete lena le batla kholo ea nako e telele ea chelete. Letlole hangata le tsetela bonyane 80% ea matlotlo a lona a marang-rang (ho kenyeletsoa le likalimo molemong oa matsete) ho matsete a tekano a lik'hamphani tsa US le tseo e seng tsa US tseo khoebo ea tsona e ka sehloohong e leng tharollo ea matla a nako e telele kapa tse nang le likhoebo tsa bohlokoa lebaleng la tharollo ea matla a tsitsitseng. E na le litekanyetso tsa matsete tse tsitsitseng, tse nang le boikarabelo sechabeng tse ka bonahatsang mefuta e itseng ea lik'hamphani tseo letlole le batlang ho tsetela ho tsona le ho qoba ho tsetela ho tsona. Letlole ha le arotsoe ka mefuta-futa.
Cambium Global Timberland Limited (“Cambium”) (LSE: TREE.L) e na le matlotlo a mangata a meru a fapaneng ho ea ka libaka. Leano la k'hamphani ke ho kenya tšebetsong matsete a Sehlopha ka mokhoa o laolehileng, ho holisa boleng ba beng ba liabo, le ho khutlisetsa chelete e setseng ho beng ba liabo ka ho khutlisa chelete ea nakoana.
Lenane la Technology (NYSE: ^ Ctius) ke oa 'marata oa' maraka oa Creat ea Cords le Stop feela o reretsoeng ho bonts'a lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa bohloeki. Ka ho latela ts'ebetso ea 'maraka ea likhamphani tse hloekileng tsa lefats'e, CTIUS e fetohile index e tloaelehileng ea indasteri, eo e leng motheo oa lihlahisoa tse eketsehileng tsa lichelete (joalo ka lichelete tse rekisoang. Lenane lena le entsoe ka lik'hamphani tse 58 tseo e leng baetapele ba lefats'e lefapheng la thekenoloji e hloekileng e nang le mefuta e mengata ea liindasteri, ho tloha ho mefuta e meng ea matla le matla a matla ho ea ho thepa e tsoetseng pele, moea le matla; tlhoekiso ea metsi, temo/ phepo e nepahetseng ka tikoloho, phetiso ea motlakase Emela.
First Trust Global Wind Energy Fund (NYSEArca: FAN) ke letlole le rekisoang ka phapanyetsano. Sepheo sa matsete a letlole ke ho batla sephetho sa matsete sa index ea stock e bitsoang ISE Global Wind Energy Index e batlang e lekana le theko ea pele le chelete ea litšenyehelo le lits'enyehelo tsa letlole.
First Trust Nasdaq® CleanEdge® Smart Grid Infrastructure Index (NasdaqGIDS: GRID) ke letlole le rekisoang ka phapanyetsano. Lenane le reretswe ho latela tshebetso ya ditoko tse tlwaelehileng lekaleng la marangrang a motlakase le makala a meralo ya motheo ya motlakase. Lenane lena le kenyelletsa lik'hamphani tse amehang haholo le ho kenya letsoho ho tšehetsa software e sebelisoang masimong a marang-rang a motlakase, limithara tsa motlakase le lisebelisoa, marang-rang, polokelo ea matla le tsamaiso, le lisebelisoa tsa marang-rang tse bohlale.
First Trust NASDAQ® CleanEdge® Green Energy Index Fund (NASDAQGM: QCLN) ke letlole la index ea khoebo ka phapanyetsano. The index is a revised market capitalization weighted index designed to track the performance of publicly traded clean energy companies in the United States, including companies engaged in manufacturing, development, distribution and installation of emerging clean energy technologies, including but not limited to solar photovoltaics, biofuels Le libeteri tse tsoetseng pele
The First-hand Alternative Energy Fund (Nasdaq: ALTEX) invests in alternative energy and energy technology companies in the United States and internationally. Mehloli e meng ea matla e kenyelletsa matla a letsatsi, matla a haedrojene, matla a moea, matla a jeoang ke mocheso, matla a fehloang ka metsi, matla a maqhubu, matla a matla a leoatle, matla a biofuel le matla a biomass.
Global X Lithium (NYSEArca: LIT) e batla ho fana ka liphetho tsa matsete tse tsamaellanang ka kakaretso le tšebetso ea litheko le meputso ea Solactive Global Lithium Index (ho sa kenyeletsoe litefiso le litšenyehelo).
The Guggenheim Solar ETF (NYSEArca: TAN) seeks to invest in investment results that are usually in line with the performance of the fund's fees and expenses before the stock index called the MAC Global Solar Index. Letlōle lena le tla tsetela bonyane 90% ea thepa eohle ea eona ka har'a lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tse etsang index, ADR le GDR, le lirisiti tsa depositary tse emelang lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tse kenyelletsoeng ho index. Index e kenyelletsa polokeho ea thepa ea thepa ea thepa e hlophisitsoeng, ho kenyeletsa le risiti ea Amerika ea laesense le risiti ea Amerika. Ka kakaretso, e tla tsetela ka har'a khatello eohle e etsang index e lekanang le boima ba eona index. Letlole lena ha le arotsoe ka mefuta-futa.
Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund (Nasdaq: GAAEX) Letsete lena le batla kananelo ea nako e telele ea chelete. Letlole le ipabola bonyane 80% ea thepa ea eona ea letoto la eona (hammoho le lik'hamphani kapa lik'hamphani kapa lik'hamphani tse lekanang tsa likhomphutha tsa matla (rona le se seng US). Moeletsi o tla tsetela matlotlo a letlole ho lisecurity tsa lik'hamphani le lik'hamphani tsohle tsa lichelete tsa 'maraka tse ngolisitsoeng United States le linaheng tse ling, ho kenyeletsoa le lik'hamphani tse nang le monyetla oa ho ngolisoa kapa ho rekisoa limmarakeng tse ntseng li hlaha. Letlole lena ha le arotsoe ka mefuta-futa.
Impax Asset Management Group (LSE: IPX.L) ka makala a eona e fana ka litšebeletso tsa matsete bakeng sa lichelete tse sebetsanang le 'maraka oa tikoloho, haholo-holo libakeng tse ling tsa UK tsa matla, metsi le litšila. E laola letoto la lichelete le liakhaonto tse arohaneng molemong oa litsi le batseteli ba ikemetseng.
Ipat Global Carbon Enn (NYSE: Brn) e ikemiselitse ho fa batseteli ba nang le kutloisiso ea Barclats ea Globand ea Lefatše ka kakaretso ea Carcon The Barclays ea Global Carbox Kakaretso ea "Index" e bitsoang "index") e etselitsoe ho lekanya ts'ebetsong ea mananeo a mokitlane a amanang le koloi a amanang le khabone. Sekema se seng le se seng sa mokoloto se amanang le khabone se kenyellelitsoeng lethathamong se emeloa ke sesebelisoa sa mokelikeli ka ho fetisisa 'marakeng. The index is expected to be included in new carbon-related credit programs worldwide.
iShares S&P Global Clean Energy Index (NasdaqGIDS: ICLN) e leka ho latela S&P Global Clean Energy IndexTM. Hangata letla le ipatlela bonyane 90% ea thepa ea eona ka har'a lits'oants'o tsa moruo le tse ling tsa matlotlo a eona a bokamoso, likhetho le likonterakang tse fetohang, cash And cash equivalents and securities not included in the index. Lenane lena le ikemiseditse ho sala morao tshebetso ya disekhuriti tse ka bang 30 tsa metsi le tse ka rekiswang tsa dikhampani tsa lefatshe tse amehang dikgwebong tse hlwekileng tse amanang le eneji. Ha se mefuta-futa.
Ludgate Environmental Fund Limited (LSE: LEF.L) e tšoere maemo mafapheng a lik'hamphani tse fapaneng tse bolokang lisebelisoa.
Mkt Vectors Glb Alternative Energy ETF (NYSEArca: GEX) This investment seeks to replicate the price and earnings performance of Ardor Global IndexSM (additional liquidity) as closely as possible before fees and expenses. Lichelete hangata li tsetela bonyane 80% ea thepa eohle ea bona ho matlotlo a etsang Ardor Global Index. Lenane lena le tsepamisitsoe haholo indastering ea matla a mang le makaleng a indasteri le theknoloji ea tlhahisoleseling. Lisebelisoa le liindasteri tsa boikhethelo ba bareki li nka karolo e kholo ea index ea lefats'e ea Ardor. Ha se mefuta-futa.
The Market Vectors Uranium + Nuclear Energy ETF (NYSEArca: NLR) ke index-based-weighted-weighted, floating-adjusted indexes e ikemiselitseng ho fa batseteli mokhoa oa ho lekola tšebetso ea kakaretso ea lik'hamphani tsa matla a uranium le tsa nyutlelie.
Li-vernar tsa Marmar Erlar (NYSearca: KwSar) Boiteko ba ho Hlahisa theko le moputso oa lefatše. A fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities that make up the fund's benchmark index. Lenane la matla a letsatsi ke index ea letlole, e nang le security securities tsa lik'hamphani tseo chelete ea tsona e kenang bonyane 50% ho tsoa ho photovoltaics le matla a letsatsi, kapa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa matla a letsatsi/theknoloji le lisebelisoa kapa lisebelisoa tsa ts'ebeletso/theknoloji bakeng sa matla a letsatsi. Ha se mefuta-futa.
The New Alternative Fund (Nasdaq: NALFX) is a socially responsible mutual fund that emphasizes alternative energy and the environment. We seek investment from listed companies that have a positive impact on the environment. Re fapane le lichelete tse tlatsetsang tikolohong feela ka ho qoba tšenyo ea tikoloho.
Mokhoa oa matsete oa Portfolio 21 (Nasdaq: PORTX) o kopanya tlhahlobo ea tikoloho, sechaba le puso le lipatlisiso tsa mantlha tsa matsete. Re labalabela ho fumana lik'hamphani tse ntle haholo. Re lumela hore lik'hamphani tsena li ka fa bo-ramatsete meputso ea tlholisano ha li ntse li iqapela ka har'a meeli e hlahang ea tikoloho, tsa fokotsa tšusumetso ea tsona tikolohong le ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o hlomphang sechaba. Lichelete tsa lichelete tsa lefats'e ha li kenyelle liindasteri tsa tlhahiso ea mafura a merafo le mesaletsa ea khale, le lik'hamphani tse sebetsanang ka ho khetheha le theknoloji ea temo ea baeloji.
PowerShares Clean Technology ETF (NYSEArca: PZD) e thehiloe ho Cleantech Index™. Hangata letlole lena le tsetela bonyane 90% ea thepa eohle ea eona metšoasong ea thekenoloji e hloekileng (kapa thekenoloji e hloekileng) lik'hamphani tse etsang index le lirisiti tsa depositi tsa Amerika tse thehiloeng ho li-stock tsa index. Lenane lena le ikemiselitse ho sala morao lik'hamphani tse etellang pele tsa theknoloji tse hloekileng tse tsoang liindastering tse fapaneng tse fanang ka phaello e ntle ka ho fetisisa matsete. Lethathamo la Theknoloji e Hloekileng ke index e fetotsoeng ea boima ba 'mele e entsoeng ka lihlahisoa tsa lik'hamphani tse hloekileng tse rekisoang phatlalatsa (le ADRs bakeng sa metšoasong e joalo). Lichelete le li-index li aroloa hape kotara e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe
PowerShares Global Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: PBD) e thehiloe ho WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (Index). Hangata letla le ipatile bonyane 90% ea thepa ea eona e felletseng lipolotiking e nang le risiti e nang le risiti e ngata ho ipapisitse le liteishene tsa index. The index aims to provide capital appreciation and is composed of companies that focus on green and general renewable energy and promote clean energy technologies. Lichelete le li-index li aroloa hape kotara e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe
PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Portfolio (NYSEArca: PBW) e thehiloe ho WilderHill Clean Energy Index (Index). Hangata letlole le tsetela bonyane 90% ea thepa eohle ea eona metšoasong e tloaelehileng e etsang index. The index is composed of stocks of companies that are publicly traded in the United States and are engaged in clean energy and energy conservation businesses. Lichelete le li-index li aroloa hape kotara e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe
PowerShares WilderHill Progressive Energy (NYSEArca: PUW) e thehiloe ho WilderHill Progressive Energy Index (Index). Hangata letlole le tsetela bonyane 90% ea thepa eohle ea eona metšoasong e tloaelehileng e etsang index. Lenane lena le bopilwe ke dikhamphane tsa thekenoloji ya matla tsa phetoho tse leng bohlokwa ho ntlafatsa tshebediso ya mafura a masala le matla a nyutlelie. Lenane lena le entsoe ka lik'hamphani tse tsepamisitseng maikutlo holim'a libaka tse latelang: matla a mang, ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, phokotso ea mocheso, mesebetsi e mecha ea matla, lisebelisoa tse tala, lisebelisoa tse ncha le polokelo ea matla. Lichelete le li-index lia lekanngoa hape li hlophisoa bocha kotara e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe.
SPDR Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: CNRG) e batla ho fana ka liphetho tsa matsete tseo, pele litefiso le litšenyehelo li tlosoa, hangata li lumellanang le kakaretso ea ts'ebetso ea Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy Index. Tlas'a maemo a tloaelehileng a 'maraka, hangata letlole le kenya chelete e ngata haholo (bonyane 80%) ea thepa eohle ea eona ho matlotlo a etsang index. Lenane lena le ikemiselitse ho hapa lik'hamphani tseo lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa tsona li tsamaisang boqapi bo hloekileng ba matla. Letlole le ka tsetela ho disecurity tsa equity, cash le cash equivalents kapa lisebelisoa tsa mmaraka oa chelete tse sa kenyelletsoeng index, joalo ka litumellano tsa ho reka hape le lichelete tsa mmaraka oa chelete. Ha e fetohe.
Trading Emissions Corporation (LSE: TRE.L) e sebetsa joalo ka letlole le koetsoeng la matsete UK. E aha litseleng tsa thepa ea tikoloho le ea embision. Letlole lena le tsetela letotong la lisebelisoa tsa tikoloho, le tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a likarolo tse hlahisoang ke merero e entsoeng tlas'a ts'ebetsong e kopanetsoeng ea Mokhoa oa Ntlafatso ea Hloekileng le "Kyoto Protocol"
VanEck Vectors Low Carbon Energy ETF (NYSEArca: SMOG) strives to replicate the price and income performance of Ardor Global IndexSM Extra Liquid (AGIXLT) as closely as possible before deducting fees and expenses. The index aims to track the overall performance of low-carbon energy companies, which are mainly engaged in alternative energy, including electricity mainly from biofuels (such as ethanol), wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal energy, as well as supporting the production ea lisebelisoa tsena. Various technologies used and stored
WilderHill Clean Energy Index (NYSE: ^ ECO) Sepheo sa WilderHill® Index (ECO) ke ho hlalosa le ho lekola tšimo ea matla a hloekileng: haholo-holo, lik'hamphani tse ruang molemo phetohong ea sechaba ho ea sechabeng se sebelisang matla a hloekileng le ho boloka matla. matla. Boima ba thepa le indasteri ho index ea ECO li ipapisitse le bohlokoa ba tsona ba ho hloekisa matla, tšusumetso ea thekenoloji, le bohlokoa ba thibelo ea tšilafalo. Re totobatsa litharollo tse ncha tse nang le moelelo tikolohong le moruong, 'me re ikitlaelletsa ho ba moetapele lefapheng lena.
WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NYSE: ^ NEX) e entsoe ka lik'hamphani ho pota lefatše tseo mahlale a tsona a macha le lits'ebeletso li shebaneng le tlhahiso le ts'ebeliso ea matla a hloekileng, paballo le ts'ebetso e nepahetseng, le kholiso ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ka kakaretso. Tsena li kenyelletsa lik'hamphani tseo mekhoa ea tsona ea khabone e tlase e amanang le phetoho ea maemo a leholimo le tseo theknoloji ea tsona e thusang ho fokotsa mesi e amanang le tšebeliso ea libeso tsa khale tsa khale.
WilderHill Progressive Energy Index (NYSE: ^ WHPRO) e entsoe ka lik'hamphani tse sebetsang e le marokho a matla ka ho ntlafatsa tšebeliso ea nako e haufi ea mafura a mafura, ho eketsa bokhoni ba bona le ho fokotsa tšilafalo ea bona e tloaelehileng, CO2 le mesi e meng. WHPRO ke k'hamphani ea pele ea ho hapa mekhoa e mecha ea khase ea tlhaho ea sejoale-joale. It is a new way to reduce the hazards of major non-renewable energy sources that still dominate the energy industry today. E hapa le ho latela mekhoa e fapaneng ea ho fokotsa tšilafalo le moroalo oa khabone sebopehong sa rona sa matla sa hajoale.
Technology ea Battery e tsoetseng pele ea Battery Co - Ltd. Abat e na le li-subridear tse tharo tsa ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tsa habin, China, le etsa moralo oa thepa ea polymer Lithium ion (Pli) lihlahisoa tse amanang le motlakase.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa phepelo ea motlakase, phetisetso le meaho ea literene, a beha mohlala bakeng sa boqapi le mahlale a baballang tikoloho. Alstom e hahile terene e lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le tsela e tsamaeang ka tlas'a lefatše e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa, e fana ka litharollo tsa seteishene sa motlakase se kopaneng sa turnkey le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le mehloli e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa motlakase oa metsi, matla a nyutlelie, khase ea tlhaho, matla a mashala le moea, 'me e fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea tharollo ea phetisetso ea matla. , ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho li-grids tse bohlale. Battery energy storage: Based on years of experience in power electronics and AC substations, Alstom has developed a complete set of intelligent battery storage solutions Maxsine™ eStorage as a competitive solution to the grid challenges.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) e bitsoa Altairnano 'me ke k'hamphani e rekisoang phatlalatsa. Altairnano e qapa, e hlahisa le ho fana ka mekhoa ea ho boloka matla bakeng sa matla a hloekileng le a sebetsang hantle le tsamaiso ea matla. The company provides commercial solutions that enable grid modernization, utility-scale renewable energy integration, and support for remote uninterruptible power supply (UPS) requirements, military and transportation applications.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) e shebane le ho fana ka litharollo tse fapaneng tsa polokelo ea matla e tšoarellang tikolohong bakeng sa mebaraka e shebiloeng, ho kenyeletsoa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa bareki le lits'ebetso tsa sesole. Sehlopha sa pele ke lithuthuthu tse tsamaisoang ke libeteri tsa lithium, tse lateloang ke lithuthuthu. ALYI hape e sa tsoa hira moprofesa oa Univesithi ea Clarkson David Mitlin ho etella pele lenaneo la ho boloka matla a cannabis. Mitlin o ile a sebelisa hemp ka katleho (fiber e setseng ea hemp) ho etsa li-nanosheet tsa khabone, tse ka qothisanang lehlokoa le li-graphene nanosheets tse betere le ho feta li-supercapacitor likarolong tse ling. Mitlin e amohetse patent ea US bakeng sa theknoloji ea eona ea polokelo ea matla ea cannabis.
American Vanadium Corporation (TSX: AVC.V) ke k'hamphani ea polokelo ea matla e felletseng ebile ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa Amerika Leboea bakeng sa sistimi ea polokelo ea matla ea CellCube ea GILDEMEISTER Energy Solutions. CellCube is the world's leading commercial vanadium flow battery, which can provide a long-term solution for a service life of more than 20 years, and can be used for a wide range of applications including the integration of renewable energy and the reduction of demand charges . CellCube ke sistimi e matla, e tšoarellang le e ts'epahalang ea polokelo ea matla e netefatsang hore ho lula ho fanoa ka matla a hloekileng, a se nang mosi. American Vanadium is developing the Gibellini vanadium project in Nevada, which will become the only dedicated vanadium mine in the United States, providing an important source of vanadium electrolyte for the CellCube energy storage system.
Axion Power Intl Inc (NasdaqCM: AXPW) is an industry leader in lead-carbon energy storage. Its PbC battery technology using proprietary activated carbon electrodes is the only advanced battery that can be assembled on existing lead-acid production lines worldwide. Sepheo sa mantlha sa Axion Power ke ho ba morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa li-carbon electrode assembles bakeng sa lik'hamphani tsa libeteri tsa lead-acid lefatšeng ka bophara.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa malapeng le tsa khoebo, litsamaiso tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa ho boloka betri ea lithium. Re boetse re rala litharollo tsa sistimi ea ho khanna ka motlakase bakeng sa baetsi ba literaka le libese lefatšeng ka bophara. Balqon Corporation e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso le tsa R&D Seaport, California, 'me e sebetsa le balekane ba lehae ba tlhahiso ho etsa libese le literaka tsa motlakase Europe, India le China.
Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) ke khamphani ya ntshetsopele ya dihlahiswa tse ngata-ngata e sebetsanang le dipatlisiso le ntshetsopele ya diporojeke tsa diminerale Aforika Borwa le Madagascar. E na le potefolio ea tšepe ea tšepe le thepa ea thini e nang le vanadium le titanium. Bushveld Resources e ikemiseditse ho aha sethala sa vanadium sa bohlokwa sa lefatshe se kopantsweng ho theosa se kopanyang merafo le tshebetso ya vanadium ya boleng bo hodimo le indasteri e tlase ya vanadium (ho kenyeletswa le mekgwa ya ho boloka eneji e itshetlehileng hodima vanadium).
BYD Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) e ikakhetse ka setotsoana indastering ea IT, haholo-holo e amehang khoebong ea libeteri tse nchafatsoang, lisebelisoa tsa mehala ea thekeng le likhomphutha le lits'ebeletso tsa kopano, le khoebo ea likoloi, ho kenyeletsoa libeso tsa setso. Likoloi tsa motlakase le likoloi tse ncha tsa matla, ha li ntse li sebelisa monyetla oa theknoloji ea rona, li nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse ling tse ncha tsa matla, joalo ka mapolasi a letsatsi, liteishene tsa polokelo ea matla, likoloi tsa motlakase, li-LED, lifereko tsa motlakase, jj.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems Company (CSE: CUBE; OTC: CECBF)-eo pele e neng e le Stina Resources-ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa ea vanadium e ikemiselitseng ho ba moetsi ea kopantsoeng ka botlalo oa vanadium le vanadium electrolyte indastering ea polokelo ea betri. Mehloli ea liminerale ea vanadium ea k'hamphani e sebakeng sa merafo ea Bisoni McKay le Bisoni Rio ka leboea ho Nevada. Stina e sa tsoa fumana thepa ea Gildemeister, eo hona joale e sebelisoang ke setsi sa eona sa Enerox GmbH mme e reha lebitso la CellCube Energy Storage Systems Inc., e nolofalletsang k'hamphani ho sebelisa chelete holima tlhokahalo ea lefats'e ea li-betri tsa vanadium redox ho thusa ho fihlela tlhoko e ntseng e eketseha ea lefats'e ea tlhoko ea matla le polokelo. .
China Bak Battery Co., Ltd. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa le likoloi tsa motlakase, joalo ka likoloi tsa motlakase, libese tsa motlakase, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng le libese; Likoloi tsa motlakase tse bobebe, joalo ka libaesekele tsa motlakase, meto ea motlakase le ho bona likoloi; le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla, le phepelo ea motlakase ea Nako le nako le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla a phahameng.
Khamphani ea China TMK Battery System (OTC: DFEL) e fana ka libeteri tse nchafatsoang tsa Ni-MH Rephabliking ea People of China le lefatšeng ka bophara. The company mainly provides products for wireless household appliances, vacuum cleaners, power tools and other household appliances, electric bicycles, battery-powered toys and medical equipment. It sells products directly to distributors and packaging manufacturers.
Ho tloha ka 1802, Dupont (NYSE: DD) e hlahisitse mahlale a maemo a lefatše le mahlale a boenjiniere ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tsa lefatše ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tse ncha ka mokhoa oa ho ithuta The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and tikoloho. Re ikemiseditse ho hlahisa ditharollo tsa boiqapelo le tse ka kgonehang moruong ka mefuta e fapaneng ya dithekenoloji ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa matla tsa lefatshe. Ho tloha mehloling ea matla e tsosolositsoeng e kang photovoltaics, matla a moea, biofuel le lisele tsa mafura ho ea ho tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho etsa hore lipatlisiso, tlhahiso le lipalangoang tsa oli le khase li atlehe haholoanyane, lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa DuPont li thusa ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, botšepehi le litšenyehelo tse tlaase. , polokeho e phahameng le ho fokotsa sebaka sa tikoloho. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li tšehetsa polokelo ea matla le theknoloji ea ho boloka matla nakong eohle ea tlhahiso ea matla, kabo le ts'ebetso ea ho e fetola.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), ka setsi sa eona sa EEStor, Inc., e ikemiselitse ho fana ka tharollo ea polokelo ea matla le mahlale a amanang le indasteri ea likoloi. E ikemiselitse ho fana ka laesense lits'ebetsong tsa eona tsa theknoloji le menyetla ea tšebelisano liindasteri le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng. Khampani e kile ea tsejoa e le ZENN Motor Company Inc. 'me e ile ea bitsoa EEStor Corporation ka April 2015.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) ke khamphani e nang le laesense e ikemiselitseng ho nka monyetla oa tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tse latelang: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel le koporo. Khothaletsa phepelo ea motlakase (likoloi, libeteri tse nchafatsoang, polokelo e kholo ea matla, phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang le lits'ebetso tse ling). Lithekiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, matla a tlhahiso ea betri le tlhahiso ea matla a tsoang ho matla a tsosolositsoeng li lebelletsoe ho eketseha haholo lilemong tse 'maloa tse tlang, kahoo tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsena tse reriloeng e tla eketseha ka nepo. Sena se hlahisa monyetla o ikhethang oa ho tsetela le ho fumana meputso merafong le mererong e tla fana ka lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa phetolo ea motlakase. Ntle le sethala sa sehlahisoa sa Globex, lengolo la sepheo sa ho sebelisa franchise ea motlakase lea tlama. Ho na le mefuta e 6 ea li-royalty. Ts'ebetso e ipapisitse le ho phethahala ha maemo (ho kenyeletsoa tumello ea taolo). Moralo oa litefiso tsa motlakase o tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ho fumaneng meputso methating e tsoetseng pele le merero ea ts'ebetso ho aha sethala sa matsete se fapaneng libakeng tse nang le likotsi tse tlase tsa tikoloho.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) e qapa, e hlahisa le ho hlahisa li-betri tsa Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 tse nang le thepa, lisebelisoa tsa betri, le lihlahisoa tse amanang le betri bakeng sa ho boloka matla, ho tsamaisa matla a hloekileng le lisebelisoa tse ling tse khethehileng. Electrovaya, ka setsi sa eona se tlase sa Litarion GmbH, e boetse e hlahisa li-electrode le li-diaphragm tsa SEPARION™ tsa ceramic, tse nang le tlhahiso ea selemo le selemo e ka bang 500MWh. Electrovaya ke k'hamphani e shebaneng le theknoloji, ka ho kopana ha lihlopha tsa Canada le Jeremane, litokelo tse ka bang 500 li sireletsa theknoloji ea eona. Electrovaya e na le ntlo-khōlō Ontario, Canada, e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso Canada le Jeremane, 'me e na le bareki lefatšeng ka bophara.
Netefatsa IPC (OTC: EIPC) e matsa le ho fumana mangolo a macha a batho ba United States. Li-nanostructures tsa eona li ka sebelisoa ka libeteri tse nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse fokolang matla, hammoho le li-betri tse nyenyane lifiliming tse nyenyane haholo. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Li-nanoparticles le nanoparticles tse sebelisoang lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea matla tse kang li-supercapacitor le lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enedyymic hybrid ea mahlale corp. (TSX: EHT.V) e fana ka tharollo ea matla, e nang le matla. Lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa matla le litharollo li ka kengoa hang-hang moo ho hlokahalang. Eht e kopanya sete e felletseng ea Solar Photovoltaic, matla a moea le tharollo ea battery ea ho hlahella ho bahlolisano. Tharollo e ka fana ka matla ka lifomate tse nyane le tse kholo lihora tse 24 ka letsatsi. Ntle le ts'ehetso ea moetlo bakeng sa li-grid tsa matla a motlakase, eht le eona e ntle haholo moo ho se nang grid ea matla. Mokhatlo o kopanya tharollo ea matla a ho boloka matla le matla a ts'ebetso ea ho fana ka tharollo ea tikoloho e fapaneng. Tsebo ea EHT e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele ea meaho ea modular le kopanyo e felletseng le litharollo tse bohlale tsa matla. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebetsoa ka lebaka la tlhahiso ea tlhahiso ea Eht e nang le lits'ebetso tse ntle: matlo a mangata, likopano tsa bolulo le tsa nakoana / tsa bolulo.
Lisebelisoa tsa Elley (NYSE: Ke moetapele ea lefats'e ho lisebelisoa tsa boloi tsa lisebelisoa, lihlahisoa, lisebelisoa tsa lisebelisoa le lisebelisoa tsa matlo ho potoloha lefatše. Libetri tsa motlakase le li-charger li sebelisoa ka forklift ea motlakase le likoloi tse ling tsa khoebo tsa motlakase. Libetri tsa "backup power" li sebelisoa indastering ea lithelefono le lits'ebeletso, phepelo ea motlakase e sa sitisoeng, le lits'ebetso tse ngata tse hlokang litharollo tsa matla a polokelo, ho kenyeletsoa lits'ebetso tsa bongaka, sefofane le ts'ireletso. Lihlahisoa tsa likhetla tsa thepa ea kantle li sebelisoa mecheng ea mehala, likhoele, lits'ebeletso, indasteri ea lipalangoang hammoho le bareki ba mmuso le ts'ireletso. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka litšebeletso tsa morao-rao tsa thekiso le tšehetso ea bareki ho bareki ba tsoang linaheng tse fetang 100 ka libaka tsa eona tsa thekiso le tsa tlhahiso ho pota lefatše.
EnSync, Inc. (NYSE: ESNC) has made the future of electricity increasingly dependent on the expansion of renewable energy through advanced energy management systems that are vital to the global economy. Whether it is part of the power transmission and distribution network, or behind the meters in commercial, industrial and multi-tenant buildings, EnSync technology can bring differentiated power control and energy storage solutions to the challenging power environment. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid applications . Ka 2015, EnSync e kenyellelitse litumellano tsa theko ea matla (PPA) ka har'a sethala sa eona sa lihlahisoa, kahoo e boloka bareki ba motlakase le ho fa batseteli meputso e tsitsitseng ea lichelete. EnSync is a global company with a joint venture in China's Meineng Energy and a strategic partnership with Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) e rala le ho etsa lilaoli tsa motlakase tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa polokelo ea matla tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo. Eguana has more than 15 years of experience in providing grid-edge power electronic equipment for fuel cell, photovoltaic and battery applications, and provides proven, durable, high-quality solutions through its high-capacity manufacturing plants in Europe and North America. Eguana e na le li-inverter tse likete tsa polokelo ea matla tse kentsoeng 'marakeng oa Europe le Amerika Leboea 'me ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa taolo ea matla bakeng sa tšebeliso ea letsatsi, lits'ebeletso tsa grid, le lits'ebetso tsa ho tjhaja tse batloang ke grid.
Fengfan Company (Shanghai: 600482.SS) is a company headquartered in China, mainly engaged in battery research, development, manufacturing and distribution. Lihlahisoa tsa mantlha tsa k'hamphani ke libeteri, ho kenyelletsa letoto la mocheso o tlase, letoto la tlhokomelo e tlase, letoto la SAIL, letoto la likoloi tsa motlakase, letoto la likepe, letoto la mahala la tlhokomelo le letoto le felletseng, joalo ka libeteri tsa lead-acid, libeteri tsa lithuthuthu, libeteri tsa indasteri. Libetri le libeteri tsa lithium-ion, joalo-joalo Ho phaella moo, e boetse e ameha tlhahisong le ho ajoa ha lihlahisoa tsa alloy lead, casings betri le separators.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) e hlahisa le ho rekisa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea ho boloka matla a lithium-ion ("betri") ho latela mokhoa oa eona oa tsamaiso ea betri (BMS) le boenjiniere ba ka hare le sehlahisoa sa lihlahisoa. Ha ho bapisoa le litharollo tsa setso, litharollo tsa polokelo ea Flux li ka fana ka ts'ebetso e phahameng, bophelo bo bolelele ba ts'ebeletso le phaello e kholo ea matsete. Flux e rekisa lihlahisoa ka kotloloho ka kamano e ntseng e hola ea kabo. Lihlahisoa li kenyelletsa lipakete tse tsoetseng pele tsa betri bakeng sa matla a lisebelisoa tsa ho phahamisa, li-tugboats le limmaraka tsa ho hula le liroboto, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse nkehang bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa sesole le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse emeng bakeng sa polokelo ea marang-rang.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) e inahanela lintho tseo ba bang ba sa kang ba e etsa, e haha lintho tseo ba bang ba ke keng ba e etsa, ’me e fana ka liphello tse etsang hore lefatše e be sebaka se molemonyana. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Polokelo ea matla: Sistimi ea tharollo ea polokelo ea matla ea GE ke motheo oa sistimi e tsitsitseng ea polokelo ea matla e fanang ka matla bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tse emeng le tsa motlakase. Polokelo ea matla ea GE e loketse haholo bakeng sa phepelo ea matla, lits'ebeletso, taolo ea matla, limmaraka tsa microgrid le likhokahano, 'me e ka fana ka ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ea potoloho, matla a phahameng a matla le ts'epo e phahameng.
Greatbatch Inc. (NYSE: GB) ka lihlahisoa tsa eona Greatbatch Medical, Electrochem le QiG Group li fana ka theknoloji ea boleng bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa liindasteri tse itšetlehileng ka ts'ebetso e ka tšeptjoang, ea nako e telele. Ka ho fana ka lisebelisoa tse ikhethileng tsa matla le tsamaiso ea betri, liteishene tsa ho tjhaja le ho emisa, le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase bakeng sa limmaraka tse hlokang ho pota lefatše, Electrochem ke moetapele oa indasteri ea tharollo ea matla a matla bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bohlokoa. E nkiloe ho betri ea lithium e qapiloeng ke mothehi oa rona Wilson Greatbatch bakeng sa li-pacemakers tse kenngoang, tsebo ea rona ea tekheniki le boleng bo hlahelletseng boo re bo futsitseng le ho tšepahala li sebelisoa ho netefatsa katleho ea thōmo.
H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) ke kopanyo ea sistimi e ikemiselitseng ho rala le ho kenya tšebetsong litharollo tsa matla a hloekileng, ho kenyeletsoa letsatsi, theknoloji ea betri le sistimi ea matla a haedrojene. Khampani e sebeletsa mafapha a bolulo, a khoebo le a mmuso.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) e thehiloe ka 2001 ho hlahisa libethe tsa boleng bo holimo tsa lithium le nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH), hammoho le lisebelisoa tsa betri tse sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, joalo ka libese tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla. litsamaiso , Lisebelisoa tsa mehala le tse ka aparoang, libaesekele tsa motlakase, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, lisebelisoa tsa dijithale le tsa elektroniki, tlhokomelo ea motho le lihlahisoa tsa lapeng. Khamphani e boetse e nts'etsapele lits'ebetso tse hlahang masimong a li-drones, liroboto le theknoloji ea ho tjhaja waelese. Highpower e na le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso Chaena, 'me e na le lisebelisoa tse fetang 100 tsa betri, ho sebetsa le ho etsa moralo. Highpower e ikemiselitse ho hloekisa thekenoloji le tlhahiso e se nang tikoloho. Bareki ba shebiloeng ke Highpower ke lik'hamphani tsa Fortune 500 le lik'hamphani tse 10 tse holimo karolong e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e emeng ea 'maraka. Boholo ba lihlahisoa tsa Highpower li rekisoa haholo-holo 'marakeng oa lefatše, haholo-holo United States, Europe, China le Asia Boroa-bochabela.
HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (TSXV: HPQ.V; OTC: URAGF; FWB: UGE) is developing in cooperation with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PYR.V), a company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma basic processes high tech company. , The innovative PUREVAPTM “Quartz Reduction Reactor” (QRR), a true 2.0 carbon exothermic process (patent pending), will allow one step to convert quartz (SiO2) into high-purity silicon (Si), and its price will be promoted Its renewable energy energy potential. The Gen3 PUREVAPTM QRR pilot plant will verify the commercial potential of the process and is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2020. HPQ cooperates with PyroGenesis and is also developing a process that can use high-purity silicon (Si) made by PUREVAPTM and produce it. Seteishene sa tšepe sa silicapowder bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium tse latelang. In the first quarter of 2020, we plan to use the improved Gen2 PUREVAPTM reactor to validate our game-changing manufacturing method to produce spherical silicon metal (Si) nanopowder samples for use by industry participants and research institutions.
Ka nako e ts'oanang, HPQ e boetse e sebelisana le moetapele oa indasteri Apollon Solar ho nts'etsapele bokhoni ba tlhahiso bo sebelisang silicon e hloekileng (Si) e entsoeng ke PUREVAP ™ ho etsa liphaephe tsa silicon tse porous tse hlokehang bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion tse tiileng. Sephaphatha sa pele sa silicon se lokela ho ba se loketse ho isoa ho baetsi ba betri bakeng sa tlhahlobo kotareng ea pele ea 2020 (liteko ho latela NDA). Qetellong, hammoho le Apollon Solar, re ntse re etsa lipatlisiso le ho hlahisa mekhoa ea metallurgical ea ho hlahisa tšepe ea silicon ea boemo ba letsatsi (SoG Si). It will take full advantage of PUREVAPTM QRR to produce silicon (Si) materials with 4N+ purity and low boron content (<1 ppm) in one step. Ka kakaretso, HPQ e tsepamisitse maikutlo tabeng ea ho ba silicon e theko e tlaase ka ho fetisisa ea tšepe (Si), silicon ea tšepe e hloekileng haholo (Si), silicon e chitja ea nanopowder bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion tsa moloko o latelang, liphaephe tsa silicon tse porous bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion tse tiileng, le lithium Porous silicon phofo le solar grade silicon metal (SoG-Si) bakeng sa libeteri tsa ion.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) is a technology company dedicated to improving power conversion efficiency. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA improves the size, cost, efficiency, flexibility and reliability of electronic power converters. Ppsa e ka holisa 'maraka o moholo le o holang, ho kenyeletsoa litšoantšo tsa Solar tsa Solar Photos, ho boloka matla a motlakase le ho tjhaja. Khamphani e boetse e theha transtictor habeli Bidictor ea Bidictal (B-Trans ™), 'me e kentse kopo ea sethala, se nang le monyetla oa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a matla le matla a motlakase a phallang. Matla a loketseng a sebelisa mofuta o sebetsang oa capital o nolofalletsang k'hamphani ho sebetsana le merero ea tlhahiso-kholo ea sehlahisoa le mebaraka ka nako e le 'ngoe.
iGo Inc (OTC: IGOI) ke mofani oa litharollo tsa taolo ea matla a tikoloho le lisebelisoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa thekeng. iGO e 'nile ea e-ba mofani oa lisebelisoa tsa mohala ho tloha 1995, e fana ka tharollo ea matla a boleng bo phahameng bakeng sa lik'homphieutha tsa libuka le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike, kahoo e eketsa monyetla oa bophelo ka mor'a ho lefisoa ka ho feletseng. Lichaja tsa iGO tsa bokahohleng, libeteri le lisebelisoa tsa molumo li fana ka tšehetso le ts'ebetso ho ntlafatsa boiphihlelo ba bareki ba mehala.
International Battery Metals Limited (CSE: IBAT) e tsepamisitse maikutlo tabeng ya ho hlwaya, ho lekola, le ho tsetela ho matlotlo a merafo le dithekenoloji tsa ho sebetsa/ho hula e le hore e kgone le ho boloka boetapele ba yona ba ditjeho ho fana ka diminerale tsa bohlokwa ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa indasteri ya dibetri. After careful evaluation of various minerals, technological progress, imbalance between supply and demand, and internal advantages, International Battery Metals Corporation will focus on tin, lithium, cobalt and tantalum. International Battery Metals e tla sebelisa likamano tsa eona tsa lefats'e, botsebi ba indasteri le boiphihlelo bo netefalitsoeng ho aha le ho laola ts'ebetso e kholo ho fihlela sepheo sa eona.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Re theha lihlahisoa tsa boleng, lits'ebeletso le litharollo ho ntlafatsa matla le ts'ebetso ea meaho; libeteri tsa koloi tsa lead-acid le libeteri tse tsoetseng pele bakeng sa likoloi tse nyalisitsoeng le tsa motlakase; le tsamaiso ea ka hare ea koloi. Johnson Controls e fana ka letoto la litheknoloji tsa betri tsa lithium-ion ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki le matla. Re fana ka litharollo tse feto-fetohang tsa tekheniki ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa matla, voltage le hora ea ampere. Mehaho ea modular e etsa hore libeteri tsa rona tsa lithium-ion li be matla empa li sebetsa ka mokhoa o fapaneng. Re sebelisa libeteri tsa cylindrical kapa prismatic mme re li rala hore li hokahane le likoloi tse fapaneng tse nang le litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa sebaka le matla. Boitlamo ba rona ho nts'etsopele ea moshoelella bo qalile ka 1885 ha re ne re qapa thermostat ea pele ea kamore ea motlakase. Ka leano la rona la kholo le karolo e ntseng e hola ea mmaraka, re ikemiselitse ho theha boleng ba beng ba liabo le ho etsa hore bareki ba rona ba atlehe. Ka 2015, "Magazine ea Boikarabello ba K'hamphani" e ile ea beha Johnson Controls e le k'hamphani ea 15th "100 Best Coporate Citizens" ea selemo le selemo.
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), ka k'hamphani e tlase ea eona ea KULR Technology Corporation ("KULR"), e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa theknoloji e sebetsang hantle, e sebelisang sebaka bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa elektroniki, libeteri le likarolo tse ling tsa Motlakase. likoloi, ho khanna ka boithaopo (tseo ka kakaretso ho thoeng ke E-Mobility) le lisebelisoa tse ling hammoho le AI, cloud computing, polokelo ea matla le mekhoa ea puisano ea 5G. Theknoloji ea mantlha ea thepa ea KULR ke thepa ea carbon fiber, e metse ka metso libakeng tsa sefofane le tšireletso. E fana ka conductivity e babatsehang ea mocheso le ho senya mocheso ka lisebelisoa tse khanyang le tse bonolo. Ka ho sebelisa tharollo ena ea katleho ea ho pholisa le likamano tsa eona tsa nako e telele tsa nts'etsopele le NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab le lik'hamphani tse ling, KULR e etsa hore likoloi tsa motlakase le lihlahisoa tse ling li phole, li be bobebe, hape li sireletsehe.
Leclanché SA (sebaka sa botšelela: LECN) ke e 'ngoe ea bafani ba ka sehloohong ba fanang ka tharollo ea polokelo ea matla lefatšeng ka bophara. E fana ka mefuta e mengata ea litharollo tsa polokelo ea matla bakeng sa matlo, liofisi tse nyenyane, liindasteri tse kholo, li-grid tsa motlakase, le mekhoa e meholo ea lipalangoang (e kang likepe tsa libese le li-ferries) matla a lebasetere. Leclanché e thehiloe ka 1909 mme esale e le mofani oa tharollo ea matla a matla a betri ka lilemo tse fetang 100. Leclanché e thehiloe moetlong oa moqapi oa libeteri tse omeletseng, Georges Leclanché, 'me hona joale o na le sesebelisoa sa sehlahisoa sa betri se ruileng (BESS), ho kenyeletsoa le lits'ebetso tsa betri tse ikhethileng tse tsoang ho litharollo tsa lithium-ion tse etellang pele indastering.
Linear Technology Corporation (NasdaqGS: LLTC) is a member of S&P 500 and has been designing, manufacturing and selling a wide range of high-performance analog integrated circuits for major global companies for more than 30 years. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li thehile borokho ba bohlokoa pakeng tsa lefats'e la analog le lihlahisoa tsa elektroniki tsa dijithale tsa puisano, marang-rang, indasteri, likoloi, likhomphutha, bongaka, lisebelisoa, bareki le litsamaiso tsa sesole le tsa sefofane. Linear Technology e hlahisa taolo ea matla, phetoho ea data, boemo ba matšoao, RF le interface ICs, µModule® subsystems le lihlahisoa tsa marang-rang tsa sensor tse se nang mohala. tjhaja ya betri
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) Ka lilemo tse mashome a tšeletseng, Livent e sebelitse le bareki ho sebelisa lithium ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng ho matlafatsa lefatše. Livent ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse' maloa tse nang le bokhoni, botumo le tsebo ea ho hlahisa metsoako ea boleng bo phahameng ea lithium e ka thusang ho finyella tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea lithium. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent e na le basebetsi ba ka bang 700 lefatšeng ka bophara 'me e na le limela tsa tlhahiso United States, United Kingdom, India, China le Argentina.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) is a company dedicated to becoming the diamond standard for the magnesium (Mg) market. Khampani e tsepamisitse maikutlo mererong e mene ea pele setsing sa eona sa ts'ebetso se karolong e ka boroa ea Quebec, Canada: I. Kopano le Thekiso ea mapolanka a sheathing a thehiloeng ho magnesium (ROK-ONIM) a sebelisoang mohahong; 2. Produce high-purity SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 and other saleable by-products and by-products; Ea boraro, hlahisa 99.9% e hloekileng ea magnesium ingot; and IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
Morero oa Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) ke ho fumana le ho ntšetsa pele litebello tsa ho rafa ore ea manganese e ka bang teng holimo Amerika Leboea e le ho fana ka lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo eketsehileng bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion le liindasteri tse ling tsa matla. . Ikitlaelletse ho fumana tharollo ea kalafo ea manganese e tala/zero.
Maxwell Technologies (NASDAQ: MXWL) is a global leader in the development and manufacture of cost-effective, innovative energy storage and power transmission solutions. Lihlahisoa tsa rona tsa supercapacitor li fana ka tharollo ea matla e sireletsehileng le e ka tšeptjoang bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki le tsa indasteri, lipalangoang le lits'ebetso tsa mehala. Our CONDIS® high-voltage classification and coupling capacitors help ensure the safety and reliability of power infrastructure and other applications involving the transmission, distribution and measurement of high-voltage electrical energy. Our radiation mitigation microelectronic products include power modules, memory modules, and single-board computers, which combine powerful commercial silicon to provide superior performance and high reliability in aerospace applications.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) e nts'etsapele mahlale a morao-rao le a scalable processing ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa betri tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa likoloi tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bareki ka theko e tlase. Theknoloji e nang le tokelo ea molao e ka hlophisoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse sa tšoaneng tsa nanostructured 'me e khona ho fetoha,' me e ka fetoloa ka mekhoa ea 'maraka ea betri e hlahang le e tlang le menyetla e meng e fapaneng ea kholo. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Morero oa Nano One ke ho theha theknoloji ea eona e nang le tokelo ea molao e le sethala sa lefats'e se etelletseng pele bakeng sa tlhahiso ea moloko o mocha oa lisebelisoa tse kopaneng tsa nanostructured.
New Energy System Group (OTC: NEWN), through its subsidiaries, is mainly engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and distribution of mobile power products, solar panels and solar-related products in China. The portable power bank products provided by the company are mainly used in portable consumer electronic devices, such as smart phones, notebook computers, digital cameras, digital video cameras, MP3 players, PMPs, PDAs and PSPs. It sells its mobile power products directly through its retail network of distribution channels (under the Anytone brand name in China) and its own international brands. The company also produces and sells solar panels and other solar-related products, such as solar lights, solar street lights, solar traffic lights, solar landscape lights, solar power generation system equipment and other solar-related application products, and to solar buildings and Thekiso ea k'hamphani ea ho kenya.
Co, Ltd. (OTC: NSASY; DOO: Lihlahisoa tsa metsing le likarolo tse amanang le Japane le kahare. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa likoloi, li-Sedans tse khethehileng, likoloi tse bobebe, likotoana, literaka tsa li-scubers le li-afniti le datsun Brands. Khamphani e boetse e ameha likhoebong tse fapaneng tsa likepe, ho kenyelletsa le tlhahiso le thekiso ea likepe tsa sekepe, khoebo ea lefu la lienjinieteng tsa kantle ho naha. Ntle le moo, e boetse e fana ka li-enbox tsa li-garcas, li-aceani tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri, li-betri tse ling tse amanang le lithium-lion; industrial machinery; le lisebelisoa tsa boenjiniere, tsa elektroniki le tsa elektroniki. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e boetse e fana ka lichelete, mekoloto ea likoloi le ho hira likoloi, setsi sa inshorense, lits'ebeletso tsa lichelete tsa thepa le lits'ebeletso tsa likarete. Ho phaella moo, e boetse e kopanela mesebetsing le lipuisanong tse amanang le tlhahlobo le boikemisetso ba lisebelisoa tse tala; Ho rekisa, inshorense, maeto, tikoloho, lits'ebeletso tsa theknoloji, lits'ebeletso, lits'ebeletso tsa koloi, litšebeletso tsa linomoro; import and export of auto parts and materials; real estate Business; promotion of motor sports; tsamaiso ea lihlopha tsa bolo ea maoto le likolo tsa bolo ea maoto. Nissan improves sustainable travel through extensive use of zero-emission vehicles. Korinthe ea motlakase ea Nissan e na le bokhoni ba ho fana ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng 'me bonolo o fana ka motlakase o bolokiloeng ka mokhoa o nepahetseng oa Mathium-Uon.
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa likarolo tse ncha tsa taolo ea matla bakeng sa limmaraka tsa komporo, bareki, indasteri, makoloi le likhokahano. Lihlahisoa li kenyelletsa mabone a akaretsang a LED, mabone a morao, taolo ea betri le taolo ea matla. O2Micro International has an extensive intellectual property portfolio, with 28,852 patent claims granted and more than 29,000 outstanding. Khamphani e na le liofisi lefatšeng ka bophara.
Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (TSX: GEM.V) e ikemiseditse ho nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng ea thepa ea eona ea Eco Ridge Elliot Lake, Ontario. The Eco Ridge property has unique characteristics that make it an attractive development site, including excellent regional infrastructure, strong local support, and its strategic location in Canada's only historic rare earth mining camp. Pele o tsepamisitse maikutlo ho ntšetseng pele Eco Ridge joalo ka naha e amohelang setsi sa pele sa Canada se sa tloaelehang sa ho lokisa lefatše, hape o ntse a lekola bokhoni ba lifeme tse kholo tsa matla a letsatsi le merero ea polokelo ea matla ka leboea ho Ontario. Eco Ridge's NI 43-101 mineral resources also provides Pele shareholders with leverage to access and capitalize on the growing global demand for rare earths and uranium. Pele is evaluating solar power and storage projects in northern Ontario, as well as smart “behind the meter” control systems. Matla a Bailey libakeng tsena a kenyelletsa boiphihlelo bo pharaletseng ba tlhahiso ea merero sebakeng se ka leboea le likamano tse ntle tsa ts'ebetso le mmuso le baahi ba matsoalloa a moo. Bailey e sebetsa le bafani ba ka sehloohong ba matla a tsosolositsoeng le theknoloji ea polokelo ea matla ho fana ka letoto la melemo e ikhethileng ho bareki ba motlakase.
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) e hlahisa, e hlahisa le ho rekisa li-membrane tse khethehileng tsa microporous bakeng sa karohano le mekhoa ea ho hloekisa. Khoebo ea k'hamphani e arotsoe likarolo tse tharo: lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa polokelo ea matla le EDV, lipalangoang tsa polokelo ea matla le indasteri, le mecha ea phatlalatso ea karohano. Khampani e fana ka letoto la patented polypropylene le polyethylene single-layer le multi-layer separators bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium, tse ka sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse sa tšoaneng, tse kang lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, likoloi tsa motlakase (EDV), lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse se nang mohala le mekhoa ea ho boloka matla. E boetse e fana ka li-diaphragm tse thehiloeng ho polymer bakeng sa libeteri tsa lead-acid tse sebelisoang likoloing le likoloing tse ling; hammoho le li-membrane tsa filthara le likarolo bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bongaka, ho kenyelletsa hemodialysis, oksijene ea mali, phapanyetsano ea plasma le lits'ebetso tse ling tsa bongaka, hammoho le mefuta e fapa-fapaneng ea ho hloekisa Le lisebelisoa tse khethehileng, tse kang microfiltration, ultrafiltration le gasification / degassing applications. Khampani e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona ho bahlahisi le li-processor ka basebetsi ba rekisoang ka ho toba, barekisi le baemeli. E sebetsa haholo United States, Jeremane, Fora, China le linaha tse ling.
Power Ore (TSX: PORE.V) e ikemela e le mong'a li-portfolio tse fapaneng tsa thepa ea tšepe ea betri naheng ea Canada, 'me e lebisa tlhokomelo lintlheng tse peli: thepa ea tšepe e sebelisoa feela bakeng sa ho etsa libeteri tsa koloi ea motlakase (cobalt) le nickel; Matlotlo a tsoetseng pele a sibollotsoeng, tsebo ea mineralization le mekhoa ea motheo e teng.
PowerStorm Holdings Inc (OTC: PSTO) is using innovative materials to develop advanced modular energy storage solutions combined with our low-cost, high-performance lithium-ion batteries that will power next-generation energy storage and renewable energy applications . Theknoloji ea mantlha ea boholo ba Powerstower e sirelelitsoe ke li-patent tse ngata.
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) ke k'hamphani ea ntlafatso ea betri ea vanadium redox e pharalletseng e otlolohileng, e ntlo-kholo ea eona e Australia, e nang le ts'ebetso le balekane ba maano Korea. Ka tšebelisano-'moho ea 50% le protean ea vanadium/uranium ea Protean Korea ea Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon ke sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit e nang le bokhoni ba ho hlahisa vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) ea boleng bo holimo. Morero o ka sebelisa 36,000m ea mantlha ea nalane, e le hore tlhahlobo ea pXRF e theko e tlaase le e sa senyeheng e ka etsoa karolong ea metallogenic. Protean, ka tshebedisano-mmoho le molekane wa yona wa 50% wa Korea Borwa KORID Energy Ltd, e ntshetsa pele theknoloji ya polokelo ya matla ya vanadium redox flow (VRFB), e bitswang V-KOR. Theknoloji ena e ntlafalitsoe lilemong tse 10 tse fetileng, e 'nile ea sebetsa ka nako e fetang 3,000,' me e lekoa haholo lifekthering tsa Korea. Ka Phuptjane 2018, libeteri tsa K-VOR li ile tsa sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tsa khoebo Perth, Australia.
Redflow (ASX: RFX.AX) e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho rekisa libeteri tsa zinc bromide tse phallang lefatšeng ka bophara. Khampani e fana ka 3kW e tsoelang pele / 8kWh zinc bromide ea li-module tsa betri tsa electrolyte, tse ka kopanngoang le mekhoa ea ho boloka matla bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tse emeng.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) ke moqapi le moetsi ea ka sehloohong lefatšeng oa libeteri tsa indasteri tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Sehlopha ke moetsi ea etelletseng pele lefats'eng oa libeteri tsa nickel le libeteri tsa mantlha tsa lithium bakeng sa meaho ea indasteri le lits'ebetso, lipalangoang le mebaraka ea elektroniki ea sechaba le ea sesole. Saft e fetohile moetapele oa lefats'e oa libeteri tsa sepakapaka le ts'ireletso ka theknoloji ea eona ea lithium-ion, e sebelisoang hape mebarakeng ea polokelo ea matla, lipalangoang le likhokahano tsa mehala.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. Tšimong ea libeteri tsa Lithium-Ion, Lefapha le Fana ka Lifilimi tsa Theko, Litona tsa Aluminium ea Aluminium bakeng sa Cathode ea hajoale. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Sehlopha sa Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ebetso ea Matlafatso ea Matlafatso ea Ener. Trug e atile haholo seterekeng se seng se le seng sa thepa ea matla a matla ho ea pele UK le leboea-bochabela mererong ea ts'ebetso. Ho tloha ka la 1 Phuptjane 2018, TRIG e tsetetse libakeng tse fapaneng tse 58 United Kingdom, Fora le Rephabliki ea Ireland, ho kenyeletsoa mapolasi a moea, merero ea matla a letsatsi le polokelo ea matla a betri, ka kakaretso ea matla a fehlang a 876 MW.
Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) e fana ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso ho marakeng, ho tloha ho tharollo ea matla ho ea ho mekhoa ea puisano le ea elektronike. Through its engineering and collaborative problem-solving methods, Ultralife provides services to government, defense and commercial customers worldwide. Khampani e na le ntlo-kholo Newark, New York, 'me likarolo tsa eona tsa khoebo li kenyelletsa libeteri le lihlahisoa tsa matla le mekhoa ea puisano. Ultralife e na le ts'ebetso Amerika Leboea, Europe le Asia.
Ynvisible Interactive Inc. (TSXV: YNV) (OTCQB: YNVYF) (FRA: 1XNA) ke k'hamphani e ka sehloohong lefapheng le hlahang la khatiso le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tse feto-fetohang. Ha ho nahanoa ka litšenyehelo le melemo ea tšebeliso ea matla ha e bapisoa le lihlahisoa tsa elektronike tse tloaelehileng, lihlahisoa tsa elektronike tse hatisitsoeng ke mokhanni oa bohlokoa bakeng sa ho amoheloa ka bongata ba Inthanete ea Lintho ("IoT") le lintho tse bohlale. Ynvisible has experience, expertise and intellectual property in the fields of electrochromic materials, inks and systems. Tharollo ea litšoantšo e hatisitsoeng ea Ynvisible e sebetsana le tlhoko ea tšebeliso ea matla a tlase haholo, phepelo e kholo le lipontšo tsa elektroniki tse sebelisoang habonolo le matšoao bakeng sa lintho tse bohlale tsa letsatsi le letsatsi, lisebelisoa tsa IoT le bohlale ba tikoloho (maholimo a bohlale). Ynvisible provides hybrid services, materials and technologies for brand owners to develop smart objects and IoT products. Ynvisible Production AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ynvisible Interactive Inc. It is a contract manufacturer of printed electronics and hybrid systems, located in Linköping, Sweden. Green: Ligna Energy's battery partners all come from residual materials in the forest. Tlhahiso ea pele ea indasteri e ile ea etsoa Ynvisible Production e Linköping, Sweden.
ZBB Energy Corporation (NYSE MKT: ZBB) ke k'hamphani ea litharollo tsa likopo e fanang ka lits'ebetso tse tsoetseng pele tsa taolo ea matla tse bohlokoa phetohong ea ho tloha "moruong oa mashala" ho ea kholong e kholo e itšetlehileng ka matla a tsosolositsoeng. Whether it is part of the power transmission and distribution network, or behind the meters in commercial, industrial and multi-tenant buildings, ZBB Energy has solved the important power control and energy storage solutions due to the increasing popularity of renewable energy power generation. The most pressing issue. assets. ZBB Energy e boetse e fana ka litsamaiso tsa taolo ea matla bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse kantle ho grid joalo ka lihlekehleke kapa matla a hole. ZBB ke k'hamphani ea machaba e nang le khoebo e kopanetsoeng ho Anhui Minor Energy, Chaena, le tšebelisano ea maano le Lotte Chemical ea Korea Boroa.
Zinc8 Energy Solutions (CSE: ZAIR) eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le MGX Renewable-e bokelletse sehlopha se nang le boiphihlelo ho etsa nts'etsopele le khoebo ea libeteri tsa moea tse theko e tlase tsa zinki. Sistimi ena e kholo ea polokelo e na le melemo ea tikoloho le melemo e sebetsang hantle. Zinc8 e ikemiselitse ho fihlela tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea phepelo ea motlakase e bolokehileng le e tšepahalang.
Abengoa (NasdaqGS: ABGB; MCE: ABG.MC) e sebelisa tharollo ea mahlale a macha ho fihlela ts'ebetso ea matla le tikoloho, ho hlahisa motlakase ho tsoa mehloling e ka nchafatsoang, ho fetola biomass ho ba biofuel le ho hlahisa metsi a nooang ho tsoa metsing a leoatle.
Aemetis, Inc. (Nasdaqgh: Amyx E thehiloe ka 2006, Aemetis e na le sebaka sa tlhahiso ea limilione tse 60 ho senotlolo, California. Aemetis hape o na le lilithara tse limilione tse 50 ka selemo se tsoetseng pele le Glycerol Biodiel e nang le boleng bo holimo le Europe. Aemetis e na le laboratori ea lipatlisiso le ea nts'etsopele ea Maryland, 'me e na le letoto la li-patens le laesense ea li-patents le mahlaseli a mahlaseli a puo ea biochemical.
Algae.Tec (ASX: AEB.AX; Frankfurt: GZA.F) ke k'hamphani e tsoetseng pele ea lihlahisoa tsa algae e ikemiselitseng tlhahiso ea khoebo ea theknoloji ea algae ho etsa lihlahisoa tse tšoarellang, ho kenyeletsoa liprotheine le petroleum (joaloka biofuels).
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) ke khamphani e thathamisitsoeng e inehetseng ho matla a "tala" le mahlale a tsosolositsoeng. Makala a ALLM a tsepamisitse maikutlo ho litheknoloji tse ntseng li hlaha mafapheng a matla a ka nchafatsoang, lifuele tsa baeloji le litheknoloji tse ncha. ALLM e na le 50% ea Carbolosic, LLC, 'me e na le litokelo tse khethehileng Amerika Leboea (ho kenyeletsoa Canada, United States le Mexico) le Afrika. Carbolosic has an exclusive global license for the patented mechanical/chemical technology “CTS™” developed by the University of Central Florida. Theknoloji ea CTS e khona ho hlahisa tsoekere, lik'hemik'hale tse fapaneng tse ntle, lipolasetiki, fiber ea carbon le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa bohlokoa ho tsoa hoo e batlang e le lihlahisoa tsa semela, lehong kapa lihlahisoa tsa pampiri, liphutheloana tsa litholoana kapa litšila tsa likokoana-hloko.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) e fana ka tharollo ea matla a mang ho khotsofatsa tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea matla a ikarabellang tikolohong le moruong 'marakeng oa lefatše. The main goal of Alter NRG is to further commercialize Westinghouse plasma gasification technology through its wholly-owned subsidiary to provide renewable and clean energy solutions from a variety of raw materials and provide various energy outputs, including liquids such as ethanol and diesel. Mafura, motlakase le lisyngas
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero bakeng sa limmaraka tsa lefats'e tsa oli le khase, merafo, matla a hloekileng, le tikoloho le mebaraka. Khampani e fana ka litharollo tsa boenjiniere, theko le kaho bakeng sa matla a moea, matla a letsatsi, biomass le biofuel merero, 'me e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho rala le ho fana ka thepa ea ho tuka le ho fehla mouoane. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero ka har'a metsi, lipalangoang le meaho, lits'ebeletso tsa mmuso le liindasteri. E fana ka lits'ebeletso ho lik'hamphani tsa oli, lik'hamphani tsa lik'hemik'hale, lik'hamphani tse thusang le mekhatlo ea mmuso. Moetapele oa k'hamphani e ne e le AMEC plc
Amg bienenergy Holdings Co, Ltd. (Tsx: Abg.v) Khampani e ntse e hlahisoa masimong a marua a China ho Chaena ho hlahisa oli ea sekhukhu ea Jatlong Jatlopha bakeng sa ho sokoloha ho biodisel. Ho boetse ho bua haholo ka batsamaisi ba tokiso ea naha; Ho lema lipeo; ho boloka masimong; the harvest of jatropha; the extraction of crude jatropha oil from the harvested seeds.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) ke khamphani e felletseng ea lihlahisoa tse nchafalitsoeng e ikemiselitseng ho fihlela kholo e tsitsitseng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse etelletseng pele lefatšeng. Amyris e sebelisa litharollo tsa eona tse ncha tsa bioscience ho fetolela tsoekere ea semela hore e be limolek'hule tsa hydrocarbon, metsoako e ikhethang le lihlahisoa tsa bareki. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amyris o sebelisane 'moho le TOTAL ho theha diesel e ka nchafatsoang le mafura a jet, ka sepheo sa ho ba mafura a hloahloa a lipalangoang. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Boima ba matla a eona, ts'ebetso ea enjene le ts'ebetso ea polokelo li bapisoa le mafura a peterole a molemo ka ho fetisisa.
(NASDAQ: ANDE) is a diversified company of Andersons Inc (NasdaqGS: ANDE), with operations in North America, with agricultural operations in the grain, ethanol, plant nutrients, and railway sectors. Khamphani e boetse e na le khoebo ea bareki.
Batho ba Archer Danisels Midland Daniels Corsho (NYSE: Batho ba Art ea Artgels Midland ba phethile litlhoko tse khotsofatsang tsa lefatše le ntseng le eketseha. Kajeno, re fetohile e 'ngoe ea li-processor tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng tsa temo le barekisi ba lisebelisoa tsa lijo, ba sebeletsang bareki linaheng/litikolohong tse fetang 140. Letoto la rona la boleng lefatšeng ka bophara le kenyelletsa libaka tse fetang 460 tsa ho fumana lijalo, lisebelisoa tse 300 tsa tlhahiso ea metsoako, litsi tse 40 tsa boqapi le marang-rang a pele a lefats'e a lipalangoang tsa lijalo. Re hokahanya kotulo le malapa le lihlahisoa tsa lijo, lijo tsa liphoofolo, lik'hemik'hale le Lihlahisoa bakeng sa tšebeliso ea matla. Re hlahisa metsoako ea lijo, lijo tsa liphoofolo le lisebelisoa tsa phepo, li-biofuels le lihlahisoa tse ling. Baetsi ba baetsi lefatšeng ka bophara ba sebelisa lihlahisoa tsena ho fana ka lijo tse phetseng hantle le bophelo bo molemo ho batho ba limilione ba lefatše ho pota lefatše.
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Limela tsena tsa matla li kenyelletsa limela tsa motlakase oa potoloho e le 'ngoe le potoloho e kopaneng ea matla a khase ea tlhaho, hammoho le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla, ho kenyeletsoa biodiesel, ethanol, le lisebelisoa tse tsamaisoang ke mehloli ea matla e nchafalitsoeng joalo ka moea le letsatsi. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
Australian Renewable Fuels Limited (ASX: ARW.AX) ke eona feela k'hamphani ea naha ea Australia ea biodiesel e nang le lifeme tse Victoria, Australia Boroa le Australia Bophirima. Ho tloha ha ts'ebetso e qala ka 2005, matla a selemo le selemo a tlhahiso ea mafura a limela tse tharo tsa ARfuels e bile lilithara tse limilione tse 150. Biodiesel eo re e hlahisang e kopana le litekanyetso tse thata ka ho fetisisa tsa biodiesel lefatšeng.
BDI Biodiesel International (Berlin: D7I.BE; Frankfurt: D7I.F) e hlahisitse mahlale a ho fehla matla ho tsoa lihlahisoa le litšila, ha e ntse e netefatsa tšireletso e phahameng ea lisebelisoa. Joaloka moetsi ea etelletseng pele oa feme, BDI e sebelisa theknoloji e ntlafalitsoeng ka tlung ho fana ka lifeme tse ikhethileng tsa BioDiesel le BioGas.
BIOX Corporation (TSX: BX.TO) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e nang le le ho sebelisa lilithara tse limilione tse 67 tsa setsi sa tlhahiso ea biodiesel e tsoelang pele Hamilton, Ontario. BIOX e na le ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso e ncha, ea thepa le e nang le tokelo ea molao e ka sebelisang mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tse tala ho hlahisa mafura a boleng bo holimo a ka nchafatsoang, a tukang a hloekileng le a bolileng a biodiesel - ho tloha oli ea peo e hloekileng ho ea ho mafura a liphoofolo ho ea ho oli ea meroho e tsosolositsoeng ntle le Fetola mokhoa oa tlhahiso. Mafura a boleng bo holimo a biodiesel a BIOX a kopana le litekanyetso tsa boleng ba Amerika Leboea (ASTM D-6751)
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele, ho ba le ho sebelisa limela tsa mafura a lipalangoang tse thehiloeng ho lik'habohaedreite kapa li-biorefineries Amerika Leboea. Setsi sa eona sa ho hloekisa lintho tse phelang se fetola litšila tsa temo, lijalo tse nang le biomass tse ngata haholo, masalla a patsi le lintho tse phelang tse kang selulose e tsoang litšila tse tiileng tsa masepala hore e be ethanol. Khampani e saenetse tumellano ea tumello ea theknoloji le Arkenol, Inc. ho sebelisa le ho sebelisa theknoloji ea Arkenol, e fetolang selulose le lisebelisoa tsa litšila hore e be ethanol le lik'hemik'hale tse ling tsa boleng bo phahameng. E boetse e ikemiselitse ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa litsebi ho li-biorefineries lefatšeng ka bophara. Pele ho k'hamphani e ne e le BlueFire Ethanol Fuel Company.
Ceres, Inc. (NasdaqCM: CERE) ke khamphani ea temo ea biotechnology e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele le thekiso ea peo le mekhoa ea ho hlahisa lijalo bakeng sa lijo tsa liphoofolo, tsoekere le limmaraka tse ling. Sethala sa k'hamphani se tsoetseng pele sa tlhahiso ea limela le biotechnology se ka eketsa tlhahiso ea lijalo, sa ntlafatsa boleng, sa fokotsa tlhahiso ea lijalo le ho ntlafatsa temo masimong a ka thoko. E 'nile ea sebelisoa haholo lijalong tse fapaneng tse kenyeletsang lijo, lijo, fiber le lijalo tsa mafura. Ceres e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa peo tlasa mofuta oa Blade. The company also licenses its biotechnological properties and technologies to other companies and organizations.
China china e hloekileng Lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tse ka nchafatsoang. Since its establishment, the company has been committed to using renewable resources to produce high-quality specialty chemical products. Ka ho etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, k'hamphani e thehile ts'ebetso ea thepa e ka ntšang mafura a biodiesel mafura a litšila le oli e itseng ea meroho. Ka ts'ebetso ena ea phatlalatso, khamphani e ile ea qala ho rekisoa biodiesel ka 2005, 'me ea qala ho rekisoa ha thekiso ea khoebo ka December, China (Chaena).
China Sehlopha se kopanetsoeng sa matla
Cielo Waste Solutions (CSE: CMC) is working to commercialize a game-changing technology that can convert many different waste streams into renewable diesel at a much lower cost than biofuel companies. Ho lahlela lithōle ke e 'ngoe ea lintho tse tlatselitseng haholo lefatšeng ka bophara ho felisoeng ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše, 'me tekanyo ea eona e lebelletsoe ho imena habeli lilemong tse 7 tse tlang. Cielo's proprietary technology can convert many different raw materials (including classified municipal solid waste (garbage), wood and agricultural waste, tires, blue box waste, all plastics, and almost all other cellulose waste) in a cost-effective manner. Tsela ea ho rarolla bothata bona. The product is converted into high-grade renewable diesel.
Cosan Limited (NYSE: CZZ) le litsi tsa eona li sebetsana haholo le tsoekere le ethanol, mafura, lits'ebeletso tsa thepa, mafura le likhoebo tsa khase ea tlhaho tsa lipeipi naheng ea Brazil, libaka tse ling tsa Amerika Boroa, Europe, Middle East, Asia le Amerika Leboea. The company's Raízen Energia division produces and sells a variety of products derived from sugar cane, including raw sugar, anhydrous and hydrated ethanol. The department is also involved in activities related to combined heat and power in bagasse; hape o thahasella lik'hamphani tse amehang lipatlisisong le nts'etsopele ea mahlale a macha.
Crop Energy Corporation (XETRA: CE2.DE; Frankfurt: CE2.F) is one of the leading manufacturers of sustainable bioethanol in the European fuel sector. In our modern production facilities in Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and France, we use grains and sugar beets to produce approximately 1.2 million cubic meters of bioethanol each year. In addition, we process raw materials into more than 800,000 tons of high-quality protein food and animal feed products every year. Ha ho bapisoa le mafura a mafura, lisebelisoa tse sebetsang hantle tsa tlhahiso li ka fokotsa ho tsoa ha carbon dioxide ka 70% ho pholletsa le ketane ea boleng ba boleng. With a production base in Europe, a unique logistics network and trade offices in Brazil, Chile and the United States, CropEnergies is one of the leading companies in major emerging markets.
Darling imes Inc. (NYSE: DASEDITY KE LINTHO TSE KHOLO TSA BOPHELO LE METSOALLE, HO FIHLELA LITLHAKISO TSA BOPHELO LE LINTHO TSE KHOLO, Lijo tsa Peter. Thekenoloji, mafura, bioenergy le indasteri ea manyolo. Khamphani e sebetsa le lik'honthinente le ho fetola likarolo tsohle tsa phoofolo ka bongata, mafura a mangata, manyolo a liphoofolo a manyolo, 'mala oa manyolo Mafura, lisebelisoa tse tala tsa mafura, matla a tala, likhase tsa tlhaho le letlalo. Khampani e boetse e sebelisa lithōle tsa oli e phehang le masalla a ho baka a khoebo le ho a fetola lijo tsa bohlokoa le likarolo tsa mafura. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e fana ka litšebeletso tsa lithahasello tsa mekhatlo ea litšebeletso, lits'ebeletso tsa tikoloho bakeng sa profeshetso ea lijo le lisebelisoa tsa ho tsamaisoa ka oli tse jeoang tsa oli le pokello bakeng sa lireschorente. Bongata ba mefuta ea rona e etella naha pele nts'etsopele ea biofuel. Bio-G 3000 ke setsi sa pele sa khoebo United States ho sebelisa oli ho hlahisa biodiesel. Ka 2001, mofuta oa rona oa Rothsay o ile oa qala ts'ebetso ea ona ea pele Canada, ho hlahisa biodiesel ho tsoa ho oli ea eona e tsosolositsoeng. Our Ecoson and Rendac brands provide biofuels and green energy in Europe and Asia. Ka 2013, Diamond Green Diesel (hammoho le molekane oa rona Vallero matla) a qalile tlhahiso ea limela tse ngata tsa liphoofolo, lioli tse mpe tsa liphoofolo le oli ea meroho.
Ho tloha ka 1802, Dupont (NYSE: DD) e hlahisitse mahlale a maemo a lefatše le mahlale a boenjiniere ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tsa lefatše ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tse ncha ka mokhoa oa ho ithuta The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and tikoloho. Re ikemiseditse ho hlahisa ditharollo tsa boiqapelo le tse ka kgonehang moruong ka mefuta e fapaneng ya dithekenoloji ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa matla tsa lefatshe. Ho tloha mehloling ea matla e tsosolositsoeng e kang photovoltaics, matla a moea, biofuel le lisele tsa mafura ho ea ho tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho etsa hore lipatlisiso, tlhahiso le lipalangoang tsa oli le khase li atlehe haholoanyane, lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa DuPont li thusa ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, botšepehi le litšenyehelo tse tlaase. , polokeho e phahameng le ho fokotsa sebaka sa tikoloho. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li tšehetsa polokelo ea matla le theknoloji ea ho boloka matla nakong eohle ea tlhahiso ea matla, kabo le ts'ebetso ea ho e fetola.
Dyadic International, Inc. (OTC: DYAI) ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e ea theknoloji ea baeloji e sebelisang litokelo tsa eona tsa molao le tsebo ea ho etsa lipatlisiso, nts'etsopele le mesebetsi ea khoebo ho sibolla, ho nts'etsapele, ho etsa le ho rekisa li-enzyme le biofuel bakeng sa bioenergy le biofuel. Liprotheine tse ling. E ipapisitse le liindasteri tsa lik'hemik'hale, biopharmaceutical le liindasteri tsa enzyme. Dyadic e sebelisa sethala sa thekenoloji se kopantsoeng se ipapisitseng le patent ea eona le li-microorganisms tsa C1 ho nts'etsapele le ho hlahisa ka bongata li-enzyme tse theko e tlase le liprotheine tse ling ho fana ka menyetla e fapaneng ea mebaraka. Theknoloji ea sethala sa C1 le eona e ka sebelisoa ho lekola le ho sibolla mefuta e mecha. Ntle le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa enzyme, Dyadic e boetse e batla ka mafolofolo litokisetso tsa laesense le menyetla e meng ea khoebo ho phahamisa boleng ba mahlale ana ka ho fa balekane ba eona le basebetsi-'moho melemo ea ho etsa le/kapa ho sebelisa li-enzyme le liprotheine tse ling tseo mahlale ana a li thusang. . lihlahisoa. Biofuels: Dyadic uses its most advanced patented C1 platform technology and other proprietary technologies to develop biofuels from agricultural by-products such as corn stalks and wheat stalks. Through licensing and partnerships, Dyadic provides researchers with opportunities to develop advanced and reliable bioenergy solutions, including starch-based and cellulosic ethanol, and high-yield enzymes used in all areas of biofuel production. We believe that our technology may play an important role in the development of biofuels (such as ethanol), whose cost is competitive with oil prices, thereby reducing subsidies and ultimately expanding consumers' use of these renewable energy sources.
Fuel Performance Solutions, Inc. (OTC: IFUE) eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le International Fuel Technology, Inc., ke k'hamphani e inehetseng ho fana ka litharollo tsa ts'ebetso ea mafura bakeng sa bareki ba bangata ba indasteri ea literene, lipalangoang tsa litsela, diesel e emisang le mafura a tsoakiloeng a biodiesel Ho hlahisa matla le marine. indasteri.
FutureFuel Corp. (NYSE: FF) is a leading manufacturer of diversified chemical products and bio-based products (including biofuels and bio-based specialty chemical products). In its chemicals business, FutureFuel manufactures specialty chemicals for specific customers (“custom manufacturing”) and multi-customer specialty chemicals (“performance chemicals”). Setsebi sa sehlahisoa se sebetsang se entsoeng ka mokhoa o ikhethileng se kenyelletsa baetsi ba baetsi ba li-agriagile ba liphiri tse kholo, ba sebelisa lik'hasete tse kholo tsa polyolefini le li-antibacterial tsa lik'hamphani tse kholo tsa polyolefini. Oxidant precursor. Sesebelisoa sa Tlhaloso ea Lichelete sa Bokamoso se Fetohang sa Nyhela Khoebo ea FutureFuel ea biofuel haholo-holo e kenyelletsa tlhahiso ea biodiesel.
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) le balekane ba eona ba hlahisa likoloi linaheng tse 30, 'me khampani e na le boemo bo ka sehloohong' marakeng oa likoloi o moholo ka ho fetisisa le o hōlang ka potlako ho fetisisa lefatšeng. General Motors, litsi tsa eona le likhoebo tse kopanetsoeng li rekisa likoloi tlas'a mefuta ea Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall le Wuling. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. We are committed to alternative fuels and believe that biofuels are the most important near-term solution to reduce oil dependence and carbon dioxide emissions. We are a global leader in the production of FlexFuel vehicles that can use gasoline and E85 ethanol at the same time, and we offer more models of this type than any other model. Har'a likoloi tse limilione tse 14 tse tsamaeang ka mafura litseleng tsa Amerika Leboea, tse fetang limilione tse 8.5 ke General Motors le literaka. Ha ho bapisoa le khase, ethanol e chesa sehloekisi, e fokotsa ho tsoa ha carbon dioxide ka 21%. Bareki ba ka khotsofatsa li-vaans tsa rona le tse boima ka 2014 ka B20 biodivel, kapa chevrole e khethiloeng le khase e hatelletsoeng ea tlhaho. Bareki ba ka boela ba khetha CNG dual-fuel ho literakeng tse khethiloeng tsa Chevrolet Silverado le GMC Sierra, tse ka khonang ho chencha lipakeng tsa CNG le lisebelisoa tsa peterole.
Gevo, Inc. (NasdaqCM: GEVO) is a leading company in renewable technologies, chemical products and next-generation biofuels. Gevo has developed a proprietary technology that combines the applications of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, focusing on the production of isobutanol and related products from renewable raw materials. Leano la Gevo ke ho fana ka lintlha tsa petroleum ho ntlafatsa matlotlo a thepa ea betment, 'me sepheo sa eona sa ho qetela ke ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea thepa ena. Gevo e hlahisa Isobutanol, Ethanol le lijo tse jalang liphoofolo tse jang liphoofolo tse ngata semeleng sa eona Luway, Minnesota. Gevo has also developed technology to produce hydrocarbon products from renewable alcohol. Gevo e ntse e sebetsa le New South Hampton Inc. Ho kenya li-biorefinies tsa biorefike, texas e hlahisang mafura a maholo a jeme. Gevo e na le balekane ba bangata, ho kenyeletsoa The Coca-Cola Company, Toray Industries Inc. le Total SA. Gevo e ikemiseditse ho fihlella moruo o tsitsitseng o itshetlehileng ka dintho tse phelang ho fihlela ditlhoko tsa setjhaba tsa dijo tse ngata, moya o hlwekileng le metsi.
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) e sebetsa sethaleng se kopantsoeng ka botlalo se kopanyang biotechnology le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea ntlafatso ea lijalo ka tsamaiso e rarahaneng le mekhoa ea ho ntlafatsa. Ka k'hamphani ea eona ea ts'ebetso, Global e ntlafalitse mefuta e fapaneng ea peo 'me ea fumana litumello tsohle tse hlokahalang tsa taolo bakeng sa maemo a ts'ebetso a tsamaellanang le US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) le RED, mme e file k'hamphani ka lilithara tse 40,000 tsa mafura a jet a Tsosolositsoeng. Lefapha la Tšireletso la US le ntse le tsoela pele ho sebetsa polasi e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea matla a lijalo Amerika. Khoebo ea lefats'e ea lehae le ea machabeng e etsoa ka lithuso tse nang le thepa e felletseng
Green Plains LP (NASDAQGM: GPPES) E hlophisitsoe ka tlas'a Inc. le ts'ebeletso e meng ea thomello. Matlotlo a amanang le likhoebo
Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) ke khoebo e fapaneng ea ho lokisa thepa e kenyelletsang tlhahiso ea ethanol, tlhahiso ea oli ea poone, ho tšoara lijo-thollo le polokelo, ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a mehlape, le lits'ebeletso tsa ho bapatsa le ho aba thepa. Khamphani e sebetsana le lithane tse fetang limilione tse 10 tsa poone selemo se seng le se seng, e hlahisa lilithara tse fetang limilione tse sekete tsa ethanol ka botlalo, lithane tse limilione tse tharo tsa lijo tsa liphoofolo le liponto tse limilione tse 250 tsa oli ea poone ea boemo ba indasteri. Green Plains hape ke molekane khoebong e kopanetsoeng e tla rekisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea ho lema le ho kotula limela tsa algal.
Green Star Products, Inc. (OTC: GSPI) ke k'hamphani e thathamisitsoeng e baballang tikoloho e ikemiselitseng ho theha lihlahisoa tse ncha le tse bolokang chelete e ngata ho ntlafatsa boleng ba bophelo le tikoloho. GSPI le consortium ea eona e kenya letsoho tlhahisong ea lihlahisoa tse tala le tse tšoarellang, tse kenyelletsang lisebelisoa tse ka nchafatsoang tse kang algae biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol le li-biofuel tse ling tse hloekileng tse tukang, hammoho le lihlahisoa tse ling tse tala, ho kenyelletsa le mafura, litlolo, litlolo, li-additives le lisebelisoa tse fokotsang. mesi le ho ntlafatsa moruo oa mafura a makoloi, metjhini le lifeme tsa motlakase
Greenlane Renewables Inc. (TSXV: GRN) (FRA: 52G) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e oa thepa ea ntlafatso ea biogas e ka thusang ho tlosa khase ea tlhaho. Sistimi ea rona e hlahisa khase ea tlhaho e hloekileng, e nang le khabone e tlase, e nchafalitsoeng ho tsoa mehloling ea litšila ea lintho tse phelang, ho kenyeletsoa lithōle, limela tsa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila, mapolasi a lebese le litšila tsa lijo, tse loketseng ente ka har'a marang-rang a khase ea tlhaho kapa e sebelisoang ka kotloloho e le mafura a koloi. Greenlane ke eona feela k'hamphani ea ntlafatso ea biogas e fanang ka theknoloji e meraro ea mantlha: ho hlatsoa metsi, khatello ea khatello ea maikutlo le karohano ea membrane. Greenlane e na le lilemo tse fetang 30 tsa boiphihlelo ba indasteri, tsebo e nang le tokelo ea molao, le litsamaiso tse fetang 110 tsa ntlafatso ea biogas tse fuoeng linaha tse 18 lefatšeng ka bophara (ho kenyeletsoa setsi se seholohali lefatšeng sa ntlafatso ea biogas). E bululetsoe ke boitlamo ba eona ba ho thusa lijenereithara tsa litšila, Litšebeletso tsa khase ea tlhaho kapa boitlamo ba baetsi ba merero ea ho fokotsa litšenyehelo, lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng li fetoloa mehloli ea boleng bo phahameng, e tlaase ea carbon e tsosolositsoeng.
GreenShift Corporation (OTC: GERS) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa theknoloji e hloekileng ho khothaletsa tšebeliso e ntle ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho. Today, GreenShift is committed to doing this in the US ethanol industry, where GreenShift innovates and provides technologies that can increase the profitability of licensed ethanol producers.
Gulf Alternative Energy Company (OTC: GAEC) e fana ka ethanol e thehiloeng ho 'moba. The company's predecessor was the Gulf of Mexico Ethanol Company
Imperial Oil Company (OTC: IPMN) le makalana a eona a ntse a etsa lipatlisiso le tlhahiso ea oli le khase United States. It is also engaged in the production and sale of biodiesel and crude glycerin. The company has a biodiesel production facility in Middletown, Indiana, with a nameplate capacity of approximately 30 MMGPY.
Jatenergy Limited (formerly Jatoil Limited) (ASX: JAT.AX) is an energy investment company listed on the ASX, focusing on beneficiation technology. Technology that can extract the true value of low-grade coal or mineral waste/ore. Ka sebele re thehile merero ea lisebelisoa bakeng sa masimo a tloaelehileng a mashala le a moloko oa bobeli oa biofuel Indonesia.
Kreido BIOFUELS (OTC: KRBF) e fana ka seripi sa Binining ka Tube ea Biodiesel bakeng sa tlhahiso ea biodiesel le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa lik'hemik'hale. Khampani e fana ka tumello ea theknoloji ea STT ho bahlahisi ba li-biodiesel ba mekhatlo ea boraro United States le linaheng tse ling. Theknoloji ea eona e ka sebelisoa likopo tse fapaneng tsa lits'ebetsong, ho kenyelletsa biodiesl le li-biofiels tse ling, lik'hemik'hale tse ikhethang, linoko tse nyane le tšebetso ea molek'hule le ho sebetsana le lijo. Khampani e boetse e thehile setsi sa tlhahiso ea mafura a biodiesel ho latela theknoloji ea eona United States.
The assets of MP Evans Group PLC (LSE: MPE.L) include oil palm plantations in Indonesia (majority and minority equity), beef cattle rights in Australia and residential property development in Malaysia. Morero oa mantlha oa sehlopha ke ho tsoela pele ho atolosa sebaka sa eona sa palema sa oli Indonesia ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng le o theko e boima. Ka tloaelo, oli ea palema e 'nile ea sebelisoa e le lijo le thepa e tala bakeng sa indasteri ea biofuel,' me ho na le tlhokahalo e matla ea oli ea palema. Ntle le ho hola Indonesia, leano la sehlopha ke ho sebelisa boleng ba khoebo ea eona Australia le Malaysia, le ho sebelisa chelete leha e le efe ea thekiso ho tšehetsa tsoelo-pele e tsoelang pele ea Indonesia.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) ke k'hamphani ea Canada e shebaneng le indasteri ea temo/tikoloho. Libaka tsa eona tse ka sehloohong tsa ts'ebetso li kenyelletsa libaka tse tharo tse latelang: Temo ea tikoloho (China, sepheo sa eona ke ho lema lipeo tsa lifate tsa boleng bo eketsehileng le lihlahisoa tsa bana), Matla a tsosolositsoeng (matla a tsosolositsoeng) (e sebetsana le merero e fapaneng ea matla a tsosolositsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara, ho kenyeletsa le Huangjiao Horn ea Chaena), e tla fana ka lenaka la bohlokoa la Huangjiao ka peo ea bohlokoa, 'me qetellong e ntše oli ho lipeo tsena,' me e sebelise E sebelisetsoa ho hlahisa biodiesel le oli ea boleng bo phahameng ea ho pheha e phetseng hantle. ) Mme MMPR ea Canada-e batla menyetla indastering ea cannabis ea bongaka. Hajoale, e ntse e batla boemo ba moetsi ea laesense ea MMPR oa Canada ho lema matekoane a bongaka Canada bakeng sa tšebeliso ea lapeng le ho romelloa linaheng tse amohetsoeng.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; mokokotlo oa gapolo ya tlhaho le dipehelo tsa oli; mehala e se nang mohala, e neng e le mateano le ea satellite; Moloko oa matla, ho kenyelletsa le lits'ebeletso tsa matla a maholo ka ho fetisisa; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec e sebetsa ka thata ho hlahisa litharollo tse sebetsang tsa biofuel ho fumana matla a ka nchafatsoang, a tšepahalang le a hloekileng a tukang. Re ntse re etella pele ho rala le ho haha meaho e meholo ka mefuta e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyelletsa le ethanol, biolosel, le bioloss.
Methanex Corporation (TSX: MX.TO; NASDAQGS: MEOH) ke k'hamphani e rekisetsoang phatlalatsa e fumanehang Vancouver 'me ke eona e hlahisang methanol e kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le e fanang ka thepa 'marakeng o moholo oa machaba. Methanol, eo hape e tsejoang e le methanol, ke ntho ea lik'hemik'hale ea metsi e bonaletsang, e qhibilihang ka metsing 'me e senyeha habonolo. Methanol is a clean burning biodegradable fuel. Melemo e ntseng e eketseha ea tikoloho le moruo ea methanol e etsa hore e be mafura a mang a khahlehang bakeng sa ho tsamaisa likoloi le likepe.
Methes Energies International Ltd. (NasdaqCM: MEIL) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e fanang ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tse fapaneng ho bahlahisi ba mafura a biodiesel. Methes e boetse e fana ka processor ea biodiesel, e nang le theknoloji ea morao-rao e ikhethang, e kopaneng, e itirisang ka botlalo le phallo e tsoelang pele e ka tsamaisoang ka lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tse tala. Methes e bapatsa mafura a eona a biodiesel a hlahisoang femeng ea eona ea 13 MGY Sombra, Ontario ho bareki ba United States le Canada, mme e fa bareki ba eona mefuta e fapaneng ea tharollo ea mafura a biodiesel. Litšebeletso tsa eona li kenyelletsa ho rekisa thepa ho marang-rang a bahlahisi ba biodiesel, ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa biodiesel le ho fa bareki software ea thepa ho sebetsa le ho laola li-processor tsa eona. Methes e ka boela ea lekola boleng le litšobotsi tsa tlhahiso ea bareki, ho ntlafatsa le ho lokisa li-processor, le ho eletsa bareki ho fetola lits'ebetso ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tse tala ho ntlafatsa boleng ba biodiesel.
Mission NewEnergy Limited (ASX: MBT.AX) ke k'hamphani ea matla a ka nchafatsoang e hloekisang le ho rekisa biodiesel. Mission e na le thahasello ea 20% ho se seng sa lifeme tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa Malaysia tsa biodiesel. Mission's joint venture seeks to retrofit biodiesel refineries with the latest biodiesel technology outside the United States, making it one of the world's lowest cost biodiesel producers. Ho lebeletsoe hore ka mor'a hore ho phethoe ntlafatso ea setsi sa ho hloekisa biodiesel, thekiso e tla etsoa haholo-holo limmarakeng tse lumelletsoeng tsa Malaysia le Amerika.
Momentum Biofuels (OTC: MMBF) e sebetsana le ho fana ka laesense ea thepa ea eona ea bohlale, ts'ebetso, thekenoloji le mekhoa ea ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa biofuel le lihlahisoa tse amanang le tsona.
Khamphani ea ho hloekisa le ho bapatsa Neste Oyj (Frankfurt: NEF.F; OTC: NTOIF; NasdaqOMX-Helsinki: NESE) ke k'hamphani e hloekisang le ho bapatsa e hlahisang le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa peterole naheng ea Finland le machabeng. Khampani e sebetsa libakeng tse 'nè: lihlahisoa tsa peterole, mafura a tsosolositsoeng, thekiso ea peterole le tse ling. Karolo ea lihlahisoa tsa Petroleusion e rekisa peterole, e fofa mafura, oli ea peterole, e khethehileng, solvents, asphalt le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa peterole, le litšebeletso tse fanoang 'marakeng o moholo. Karolo ea mafura a ka nchafatsoang e rekisa le ho rekisa NEXBTL diesel e ka nchafatsoang, NEXBTL mafura a sefofane a ka nchafatsoang, NEXBTL naphtha e nchafalitsoeng, NEXBTL propane le NEXBTL isoalkanes bakeng sa indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale. The petroleum retail sector provides petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, heating oil, heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, lubricants, chemicals and liquefied petroleum gas, as well as directly to end users (such as private motorists, industry, transportation companies) Related Litšebeletso, balemi le bareki ba futhumatsang oli. Karolo ea marang-rang e na le libaka tsa 1,034 Finland, leboea-bophirimela ho Russia, Estonia, Latvia le Lithuania. Mafapha a mang a fana ka litšebeletso tsa botekgeniki, meralo le tsamaiso ea merero le tharollo bakeng sa bareki mafapheng a oli le khase, petrochemical, chemical and biotechnology. Moetapele oa k'hamphani e ne e le Neste Oil Oyj mme e ile ea rehoa Neste Oyj ka Phuptjane 2015.
NewGen Technologies Inc. (OTC: NWGN) ke khamphani ya tlhahiso le kabo ya mafura e hlahisang le ho aba dibayofule tse ka ntjhafatswang le metswako ya hydrocarbon naheng ya Amerika. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa theknoloji ea thepa le e rarahaneng e ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso ea peterole le mafura a disele le mafura a mang, joalo ka E85 e thehiloeng ho ethanol le metsoako ea B20 e thehiloeng ho biodiesel. NewGen Technologies e na le liteishene tsa eona tsa polokelo ea mafura le ho ajoa, hammoho le mabenkele a maholo le a mabenkele a ka Boroa-bochabela.
NGL Energy Partners LP (NYSE: NGL) ke tšebelisano e fokolang ea Delaware. NGL e na le khoebo ea matla e kopantsoeng ka kotloloho, e kenyelletsang likhoebo tse hlano tse kholo: thepa ea oli e tala, litharollo tsa metsi, lino, propane ea mabenkele le oli e hloekisitsoeng, le matla a ka nchafatsoang.
Novozymes A/S (Frankfurt: NZM2.F; OTC: NVZMY; NasdaqOMX-Copenhagen: NZYM-B) e hlahisa le ho rekisa li-enzyme tsa indasteri, likokoana-hloko le li-biopolymers lefatšeng ka bophara. Khampani e fana ka litharollo bakeng sa indasteri ea temo, ho kenyelletsa le li-enzyme tse ntlafatsang tšilo ea lijo le boleng ba phepo ea lijo tsa liphoofolo; litharollo tsa likokoana-hloko tse bolokang boleng ba metsi, tse fokotsang likotsi tsa mafu, le ho eketsa tlhahiso ea liphoofolo tsa metsing; le bio-fertility e thehiloeng ho likokoana-hloko, taolo ea likokoana-hloko le lisebelisoa tse eketsang likokoana-hloko Lihlahisoa tseo ka tlhaho li ka hlahisang lijalo tse phetseng hantle le ho eketsa chai. E boetse e fana ka potefolio ea lihlahisoa tsa enzyme bakeng sa tlhahiso ea biofuel. Khampani e fana ka sebaka se pharaletseng sa li-enzyme tse matla, tse fanang ka lihlahisoa tse ngata bakeng sa libaka tsohle tsa tlhahiso ea biofuel, tse sa tloaelehang ho latela ts'ebetso, boleng le ho tšepahala. E tsamaisoa ke boiphihlelo ba rona ba indasteri ea rona ea indasteri le botsebi ba holileng tsebong, Bareki le bona ba ka lebella tšehetso ea nako e tlang 'me u tšehelitsoe ke ts'ehetso ea mahlale. Ka tsoelopele e kholo tšimong ea starch le cellulosic ethanol, Novozymes hajoale e ntse e hlahloba menyetla e mengata ea biodiesel le biogas. Ke kamoo re thusang ho hlola e 'ngoe ea liqholotso tse kholo ka ho fetesisa tsa nako le ho hlokomela tebello ea matla a ka nchafatsoang.
Orbital Corporation (ASX: OEC.AX) e sebetsana le moralo, nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le tlhahlobo ea lienjineri, litsamaiso tsa taolo ea enjene le lihlahisoa tse ling lefatšeng ka bophara. Khamphani e nts'etsapele le ho fana ka lienjineri, litsamaiso tsa propulsion, litsamaiso tsa taolo ea enjene le likarolo tsa sistimi ea mafura bakeng sa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mantlha le 'maraka oa morao oa likoloi. Orbital e entse lipatlisiso tse batsi mabapi le tšebeliso ea mafura a kopantsoeng a ethanol (joalo ka E5, E10 le E20), hammoho le merero e tsoetseng pele ea boenjiniere le lipatlisiso e sebelisang E100 lits'ebetsong tse tloaelehileng le tse tobileng tsa ente.
OriginClear, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) e hlahisitse mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea ho hloekisa metsi bakeng sa oli, khase ea tlhaho, algae le liindasteri tse ling tse senyang metsi. Ho fapana le mahlale a mang, ts'ebetso ea k'hamphani e ntseng e emetse ka molao ea Electro Water Separation™ e ka tlosa lintho tse phelang metsing a mangata ka potlako le ka nepo ntle le tšebeliso ea lik'hemik'hale. For the emerging algae industry, OriginClear is making large-scale harvesting possible. Algae e sebelisoang ho biofuel
Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQCM: PEIX) is a leading producer and marketer of low-carbon renewable fuels in the western United States. Pacific Ethanol also sells by-products, including nutritional animal feed wet distillers grains (“WDG”). Pacific Ethanol e fana ka lits'ebeletso ho lik'hamphani tse kopaneng tsa oli le barekisi ba peterole ba kopanyang ethanol ho peterole ka bafani ba litšebeletso tsa mekha ea boraro United States (haholo-holo California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Oregon, le Colorado). State, Idaho) provides transportation, storage and transportation of ethanol. And Washington. Pacific Ethanol has four ethanol production facilities with a total annual production capacity of 200 million gallons. These operating facilities are located in Boardman, Burleigh, Idaho, Stockton, California, and Madeira, Oregon. These facilities are close to their respective fuel and feed customers and have significant time, transportation costs and logistics advantages. Kinergy Marketing LLC, a subsidiary of Pacific Ethanol, sells ethanol from Pacific Ethanol's management plant and other third-party production facilities and another subsidiary, Pacific Ag. Products, LLC sells WDG.
Petrobras SA (NYSE: PBR) ke khamphani e kopantseng ea matla libakeng tse latelang: ho hlahloba le ho hlahisa, ho hloekisa, ho rekisa, ho tsamaisa, lik'hemik'hale tsa petroleum, kabo ea lihlahisoa tsa peterole, khase ea tlhaho, motlakase, likhase tsa lik'hemik'hale le biofuel.
PetroSun (OTC: PSUD) ke k'hamphani ea sethala sa lipatlisiso e ikemiselitseng ho hlahloba, nts'etsopele le tlhahiso ea thepa ea oli le khase. E boetse e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho hlahiseng algae ho biofuel le ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa oli.
Petrotec AG (XETRA: PT8.DE; Frankfurt: PT8.F) e hlahisa e 'ngoe ea li-biodiesel tse tšoarellang ka ho fetisisa le tse lumellanang le boemo ba leholimo tse ka hlahisoang indastering. Ho "Renewable Energy Promotion Directive" (RE-D) e qalileng ho sebetsa ka Phuptjane 2009, Khomishene ea Europe e netefalitse hore biodiesel e hlahisitsoeng motheong oa masala le litšila tse tala (joalo ka grease e mosehla) e na le 83% ea monyetla oa ho fokotsa tlhahiso ea CO2. . Petrotec e rekisa biodiesel ea eona tlasa mofuta oa EcoPremium Biodiesel.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Holdings Limited (TSN: PL.TO) is a fast-growing manufacturer and distributor of industrial wood pellets and the third largest producer in the world. Khamphani e hlahisa mafura a maholohali ka mokhoa oa mapolanka a lehong la liindasteri. Lijenereithara tse kholo tsa motlakase li sebelisa mafura ana e le mokhoa o mong o motala ho hlahisa matla a ka nchafatsoang a botlaaseng. Pinnacle ke morekisi ea tšepahalang ho bareki, 'me ba hloka phepelo ea mafura e tšepahalang, ea boleng bo holimo ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa bona hantle. Pinnacle is proud of its industry-leading safety practices. Khamphani e na le lisebelisoa tse supileng tsa tlhahiso ea mapolanka a indasteri Canada Bophirima le boema-kepe ba Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Hajoale e ntse e haha setsi se secha sa tlhahiso Smithers. Pinnacle, British Columbia Khamphani ea khoebo e saenetse likonteraka tsa nako e telele tsa "ho lefa ha u ntse u tsamaea" UK, Europe le Asia, e tla ikarabella bakeng sa 106% ea matla a eona a tlhahiso ka 2021 le 98% ea tlhahiso ea eona ka 2026.
Radient Technologies Inc. (TSX: RTI.V) e sebelisa microwave assisted processing (“MAP™”) ho ntša metsoako ea tlhaho mefuteng e mengata ea lintho tse phelang. Sethala sena sa theknoloji se nang le tokelo ea molao se fa bareki liphetho tse ntle haholo mabapi le bohloeki ba motsoako, lihlahisoa le litšenyehelo. . Radient e sebeletsa baetapele ba mebaraka mebarakeng ea meriana, lijo, lino, bophelo bo botle ba tlhaho, tlhokomelo ea motho le biofuel ka setsi sa eona sa tlhahiso ea maoto a lisekoere tse 20,000 Edmonton, Alberta.
Phetoho ea Lihlahisoa tsa Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ebetso (NASDAQG: Regi Regia e sebelisa tlhahiso ea naha ka bophara, e leng lits'ebetso tse kopaneng tsa ho fetola lifofane tsa tlhaho, li shebane le thepa e fapaneng ea li-bilm tsa lik'hemik'hale tse ntlafalitsoeng. REG e na le li-biorefineries tse 10 tse sebetsang ho pholletsa le naha, bokhoni ba R&D, le potefolio ea thepa ea mahlale e fapaneng le e ntseng e hola, 'me e ikemiselitse ho ba moetapele oa nako e telele oa libeso le lik'hemik'hale tse thehiloeng ho bioloji. Ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, REG esale e le morekisi ea tšepahalang oa biofuel e tsoetseng pele e fihlelang kapa e fetang litlhaloso tsa boleng ba ASTM. REG e rekisetsa baphatlalatsi diesel ea biomass e thehiloeng ho REG-9000™, kahoo bareki ba ka fumana mafura a tukang a hloekileng, a thusang ho fapanyetsana matla a matla le ho ntlafatsa ts'ireletso ea matla. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel e rekisoa libakeng tse ngata tsa United States. REG e boetse e rekisa disele tsa sulphur tse tlase haholo le oli e futhumatsang ka leboea-bochabela le bohareng ba United States.
Rentech Inc. Rentech naitrojen e hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ling ntle le manyolo a nitrogen ka lifekthele tsa bona tsa mantsiboea ka nepo le Yase. Ea metsi a leoatle. DEF ke sesebelisoa sa lik'hemik'hale se thehiloeng ho urea se etselitsoeng ho fokotsa tlhahiso ea nitrogen oxide tsamaisong ea ho ntša metsi ea lienjine tse itseng tsa diesel ka literaka, mapolasing a seng tseleng le thepa ea kaho.
Solazyme, Inc. (Nasdaqgs: szyma. Starting with microalgae, the world's original petroleum producer, Solazyme has created innovative, sustainable, high-performance products. Tsena li kenyelletsa oli le metsoako e ka sebelisoang e le motheo oa lijo tse phetseng hantle; lihlahisoa tsa indasteri tse sebetsang hantle; litharollo tse ikhethang tsa tlhokomelo ea lapeng le ea botho; le libeso tse tšoarellang haholoanyane. Solazyme e hateletsoe ka boroa ho San Francisco le thomo ea eona ke ho sebelisa e 'ngoe ea mefuta e nyane haholo le ea liphoofolo tse chesehang haholo: Minial ho rarolla mathata a mang a maholo a lefats'e. Solazyme e ile ea sebelisana le baeta-pele ba indasteri ho hlahisa li-biofuel tse tsoetseng pele tse nkiloeng ho microalgae, tse chesang ka mokhoa o hloekileng le ho sebetsa hantle ho feta mafura a thehiloeng ho petroleum. Mafura a hloekileng, a tsosolositsoeng a ntšitsoeng oli ea Solazyme a fana ka tharollo mathateng a rarahaneng a kang khaello ea mafura, ts'ireletso ea matla le tšusumetso ea tikoloho, 'me a ka kenngoa ka makhethe litsing tsa motheo tse teng ntle le tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa leha e le life. .
Taurus Energy (Stockholm: TAUR-B.ST) e fana ka mokhoa o mocha oa ho hlahisa ethanol ho tloha merung le litšila tsa temo. Mokhoa ona o sirelelitsoe ke mekhoa e 13 ea machaba e nang le patented microbiological mme o ka sebelisa lisebelisoa tse nchafalitsoeng tseo pele li neng li le sieo ho hlahisa ethanol. Taurus Energy's method represents a major environmental benefit, while also greatly reducing ethanol production costs compared to existing methods.
VEGA BOFUELS, Inc. litšila tsa patsi. Ho otlanya likhalase ke mokhoa oa ho phekola biomass ka mocheso o phahameng tlas'a maemo a tlaase a oksijene.
Verbio Vgt Bioenerg (XETRA: VBK.DE; Frankfurt: VBK.F) ke e mong oa bahlahisi ba itlhommeng pele ba Europe le ba fanang ka thepa ea biofuel, hape ke eena feela moetsi oa indasteri ea biodiesel, bioethanol le biomethane Europe. At present, its nominal annual production capacity is approximately 450,000 tons of biodiesel, 270,000 tons of bioethanol and 480 GWh of biomethane. VERBIO e sebelisa mokhoa oa eona oa tlhahiso ea ho boloka matla le theknoloji ea morao-rao ho etsa mafura a eona a sebetsang hantle haholo. Compared with standard gasoline and diesel, VERBIO's biofuel can reduce carbon dioxide by up to 90%.
VIASPACE Company (OTC: VSPC) e holisa GiantKing® Grass e nchafalitsoeng e le mafura a khabone e tlase bakeng sa phepelo ea motlakase e hloekileng; bakeng sa likaroloana tsa matla tse se nang tikoloho; hape e le tlhahiso ea biomethane le green cellulose biofuel, lihlahisoa tsa biochemical le biomaterials raw material. Joang ba Giant Gold® ke sejalo sa thepa, se behang haholo, se inehetseng sa biomass energy. Joang ba GiantKing®, bo atisang ho kojoa ka limithara tse 4 ho isa ho tse 5, le bona ke phepo e ntle haholo ea liphoofolo. Lefapha la Temothuo la United States le tjhaelletse monwana ho lengwa ha “Giant Golden Grass” ho phatlalla le United States mme la sebedisana le diyantle ka ho etsa ditlhahlobo tse hlokehang le ho fana ka disetifikeiti tsa phytosanitary bakeng sa ho reka kantle ho naha. GiantKing® Grass e lengoa California, Hawaii, Santa Cruz Virgin Islands, Nicaragua, Afrika Boroa, Chaena, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines le Guyana.
XcelPlus International Inc (OTC: XLPI) e hlahisa le ho rekisa litsamaiso tsa phetoho, lihlahisoa tsa mafura a ethanol le lik'hemik'hale tse khethehileng bakeng sa 'maraka oa lefatše oa ethanol. E fana ka lihlahisoa tsa lik'hemik'hale tsa likoloi bakeng sa tlhahiso le tšebeliso ea E-85 ethanol, lihlahisoa tse tlosa mafome tse sireletsehileng tikolohong le lihlahisoa tse nkhang hamonate, le lihlahisoa tse ling tse fapaneng tsa mafura le metsoako. E fana ka lihlahisoa tsa likoloi, mosebetsi o boima, sebaka sa sefofane, sa metsing le lisebelisoa tse ling. Khampani e thehiloe ka 2000 'me e thehiloe Saluda, Virginia. XcelPlus International, Inc. ke katlase ho Clean Energy Pathways, Inc.
Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSX: XBC.V) provides gas purification and filtration solutions for the natural gas, field gas, biogas, helium and hydrogen markets. Xebec e rala, e etsa lienjiniere le ho etsa lihlahisoa tse ncha tse fetolang khase e tala hore e be matla a hloekileng a ka rekisoang
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power e rera ho fa bareki matla a matala a boleng bo botle ho tsoa matleng a sireletsehileng le a ts'eptjoang a ka nchafatsoang ao Sehlopha se se hahang, se nang le sona le ho se sebetsa. Khamphani e rera ho nts'etsapele, ho aha le ho fumana limela tsa motlakase tse sebelisoang ke setoko sa Bio Feed (biomass)
4Energy Invest SA (Brussels: ENINV.BR) ke k'hamphani ea Belgian ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e ikemiselitseng ho theha le ho laola potefolio ea merero e meholo ea lehae e kenyellelitsoeng ka kotloloho kapa ka mokhoa o sa tobang hore e be matla. The core business of 4Energy Invest is to directly generate heat and electricity in cogeneration, or indirectly generate renewable solid fuels, such as converting unpolluted wood biomass at the end of life in the forestry sector into energy. Joalo ka lithapo tsa lehong tse omeletseng le li-pellets tse tšoeu tsa patsi.
The A2Z infrared project (formerly known as A2Z Maintenance and Engineering) (NSE: A2ZINFRA-EQ.NS) is involved in the generation of renewable energy from waste. Khampani e lumela ka tieo ho boloka matla a tsosolositsoeng, kahoo e sebelisa RDF ka matla temong, merung, indastering ea temo, litšila le litšila tse tiileng tsa masepala e le mafura a bobeli, 'me e thehile morero oa tlhahiso ea matla a biomass. Khamphani e na le pono ea ho ba ka pele-pele ho fehlang matla a matla a ka nchafatsoang ho pholletsa le linaha tse tsoelang pele
Abengoa (NasdaqGS: ABGB; MCE: ABG.MC) e sebelisa tharollo ea mahlale a macha ho fihlela ts'ebetso ea matla le tikoloho, ho hlahisa motlakase ho tsoa mehloling e ka nchafatsoang, ho fetola biomass ho ba biofuel le ho hlahisa metsi a nooang ho tsoa metsing a leoatle.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Acciona ke sebapali se seholo 'marakeng oa matla a nchafatsang, ka ts'ebetso e matla ea linaha tse fetang 20 / libaka tse hlano. The company specializes in working with renewable energy, especially five of them-wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, hydroelectric power and biomass energy.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa phepelo ea motlakase, phetisetso le meaho ea literene, a beha mohlala bakeng sa boqapi le mahlale a baballang tikoloho. Alstom e hahile terene e lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le tsela e tsamaeang ka tlas'a lefatše e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa, e fana ka litharollo tsa seteishene sa motlakase se kopaneng sa turnkey le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le mehloli e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa motlakase oa metsi, matla a nyutlelie, khase ea tlhaho, matla a mashala le moea, 'me e fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea tharollo ea phetisetso ea matla. , ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho li-grids tse bohlale. Biomass: Re moetapele oa 'maraka oa ho thunya le ho kenya biomass e inehetseng. Ka litharollo tsa rona tse kopaneng bakeng sa tokiso ea biomass, o ka eketsa ts'ebeliso e ntle ea biomass tlhahisong ea matla.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero bakeng sa limmaraka tsa lefats'e tsa oli le khase, merafo, matla a hloekileng, le tikoloho le mebaraka. Khampani e fana ka litharollo tsa boenjiniere, theko le kaho bakeng sa matla a moea, matla a letsatsi, biomass le biofuel merero, 'me e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho rala le ho fana ka thepa ea ho tuka le ho fehla mouoane. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero ka har'a metsi, lipalangoang le meaho, lits'ebeletso tsa mmuso le liindasteri. E fana ka lits'ebeletso ho lik'hamphani tsa oli, lik'hamphani tsa lik'hemik'hale, lik'hamphani tse thusang le mekhatlo ea mmuso. Moetapele oa k'hamphani e ne e le AMEC plc
Areva Sa (Paris: ANva.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka matla a nyutlelie. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Ka tlatsetso ya eneji ya nyutlelie le eneji e ka ntjhafatswang, Sehlopha sa Areva se nyehela ho thehoeng ha mmotlolo wa hosane wa eneji: ho fa palo e kgolo ya batho matla a bolokehileng, a fokolang a carbon dioxide. Sehlopha sa Areva se na le letoto la likhoebo libakeng tse 'ne tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang: matla a moea a tsoang lebopong la leoatle, bioenergy, matla a letsatsi le polokelo ea matla. Biomass: AREVA is an industry pioneer in the development of power engineering solutions, with a focus on biomass combustion technology. Ntle le moo, Areva Group e nts'etsapele FlexBio, e leng tharollo ea eona e ikhethang le e rarahaneng ea ho tuka ha biomass, e fumanehang ka bongata India le Asia Boroa-bochabela. Mokhatlo o boetse o ekelitse theknoloji ea ho baka ea indasteri ho setsi sa lihlahisoa tsa eona, ho lumella AREVA ho kenya letsoho 'marakeng ona o tšepisang.
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele, ho ba le ho sebelisa limela tsa mafura a lipalangoang tse thehiloeng ho lik'habohaedreite kapa li-biorefineries Amerika Leboea. Setsi sa eona sa ho hloekisa lintho tse phelang se fetola litšila tsa temo, lijalo tse nang le biomass tse ngata haholo, masalla a patsi le lintho tse phelang tse kang selulose e tsoang litšila tse tiileng tsa masepala hore e be ethanol. Khampani e saenetse tumellano ea tumello ea theknoloji le Arkenol, Inc. ho sebelisa le ho sebelisa theknoloji ea Arkenol, e fetolang selulose le lisebelisoa tsa litšila hore e be ethanol le lik'hemik'hale tse ling tsa boleng bo phahameng. E boetse e ikemiselitse ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa litsebi ho li-biorefineries lefatšeng ka bophara. Pele ho k'hamphani e ne e le BlueFire Ethanol Fuel Company.
Clenergen Corporation (OTC: CRGE) e ikemiseditse ho kenya, ho ba le ho sebetsa le ho sebetsa tsamaiso ya matla a tikoloho a ka ntjhafatswang. The company is engaged in the production of clean energy and the supply of biomass raw materials to meet the needs of renewable and sustainable power supply. E sebelisa biomass e hlahisoang ke lisebelisoa tsa ho lema tse nang le thepa ho hlahisa motlakase o ka nchafatsoang. The company provides services to captive end users, islands, mining companies, government or private grid systems, and other end users (including private residences). E sebetsa haholo India, Ghana, Guyana le Philippines. Khampani e na le ntlo-kholo London, Engelane
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ke 'muso o moholo ka ho fetisisa United States, o fana ka bareki ba Amerika ba limilione tse 7,3. Re hlahisa li-Mgawatts tse ka bang 570 000 tsa motlakase Carolina, bohareng ba Milina, bohareng le Florida, 'me re fana ka litšebeletso tsa kabe tsa khase ho Ohio le Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Biomass energy: In response to my country's increasing demand for base-load power generation, Duke Energy is seeking to use biomass (“biomass power generation”) as a renewable energy source.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) ke mofani oa machaba oa motlakase oa poraefete, ea tobaneng le liphetoho tsa mantlha: ka ho kengoa ts'ebetsong ha leano le lecha, E.ON e tla tsepamisa maikutlo ka botlalo ho tse nchafalitsoeng nakong e tlang Matla, matla. marang-rang le tharollo ea bareki ke motheo oa lefats'e le lecha la matla. Biomass Ka 2008, re ile ra kenya tlhahiso ea Steven's Croft (Steven's Croft), e leng setsi se seholo ka ho fetisisa se inehetseng sa biomass sa Scotland se nang le matla a 44 MW. Ha e bapisoa le mesi ea limela tsa motlakase tsa setso, e ke ke ea fana ka matla ka ts'epo feela matlong a 70,000 a Borithane, empa e boetse e re lumella ho qoba tlhahiso ea lithane tse ka bang 140,000 tsa carbon dioxide selemo le selemo. Hajoale, setsi se seng se inehetseng sa matla a biomass, Blackburn Meadows, se ntse se hahuoa, 'me mesebetsi ea E.ON ea biomass UK e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho fetoleng litsi tse teng tsa motlakase tse fehloang ka mashala hore e be mollo oa biomass. Morero oa rona oa pele oa phetoho o ntse o tsoela pele Ironbridge, 'me meralo e meng le eona e tseleng. Lisebelisoa tsohle tse sebelisoang setsing sa rona sa biomass li lumellana le leano la rona la ho fumana thepa.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) e ikemiseditse ho nts'etsopele le tsamaiso ea tlhahiso ea matla a tsosolositsoeng boemong ba machaba, ka ts'ebetso Europe le Amerika. Enel Green Power e sebelisa mehloli eohle ea matla a ka nchafatsoang ho hlahisa matla ka mekhahlelo e mengata ea merero ea matla a moea, a nang le metsi, a mocheso, a letsatsi le a biomass. Matla a Biomass: Morero oa Enel Green Power o fana ka ts'ehetso bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea bioenergy ea Italy. Re sebetsa ka thata ho theha libaka tsa liteko tsa lijalo ho fehla motlakase libakeng tsa mahaeng tseo hajoale li sa sebelisoeng kapa li sa tloheloeng. Sepheo ke ho sebelisa biomass bakeng sa ho hlahisa matla le bakeng sa mekhoa ea ho kopanya. Ho feta moo, re thehile setsi sa motlakase ka tšebelisano 'moho le Univesithi ea Scuola Universitaria Sant'Anna le Univesithi ea Pisa eo ho eona re ikemiselitseng ho lekola lijalo tse ncha ho hlahisa biomass e matla le ho nts'etsapele lits'ebetso le mahlale a phepelo ea motlakase. Mefuta e meng ea biofuel e theko e tlase.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (eo pele e neng e le GDF Suez) ke mofani oa thepa ea matla lefatšeng ka bophara ebile ke setsebi sa tšebetso likarolong tse tharo tsa bohlokoa tsa litšebeletso tsa motlakase, khase ea tlhaho le matla. Liphetoho tsa sechaba tse tšehetsoeng ke sehlopha ha lia itšetleha feela ka kholo ea moruo, tsoelo-pele ea sechaba le tšireletso ea mehloli ea tlhaho. Engin e na le bokhoni bo hlahisang ba 115.3 GW mme hona joale ke moetsi oa matla o ikhethileng lefatšeng. Setsi sa eona sa ho fehla motlakase ke se seng sa tse fapaneng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng. Kaha keketseho ea tlhahiso ea motlakase e ke ke ea senya tekano ea tikoloho, ENGIE e ikemiselitse ho nts'etsapele lits'ebetso tse ncha mme e rata litharollo tse nang le ts'ebetso e phahameng ka ho fetesisa le likhase tse tlase tsa carbon dioxide. Ho fihlela joale, 22% ea motlakase oa sehlopha o tsoa mehloling e ka nchafatsoang. Hydropower is undoubtedly the main energy source to be developed, but wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy are becoming more and more important in the energy structure.
Enviva Partners, LP (NYSE: EVA) ke selekane se phatlalalitsoeng sa mekoloto e lekantsoeng eo khoebo ea eona e ka sehloohong e leng ho etsa polymerize likhoele tsa lehong tsa tlhaho le ho li etsa ka mokhoa o ka tsamaisoang, e leng lithapo tsa lehong. Tšebelisano-'moho e rekisa boholo ba li-pellets tsa eona tsa patsi tlas'a litumellano tsa tefo kapa tsa tefo ka litumellano tsa nako e telele le bareki ba hlomphehang UK le Europe. The partnership owns and operates six factories in Southampton County, Virginia; Northampton County And Ahoskie, North North North; Amoory le Wiggins, Mississippi;; le Cottondale, Florida. Our annual comprehensive production capacity is approximately 2.2 million tons. In addition, the partnership has a deep-water marine terminal in the Port of Chesapeake, Virginia, for the export of wood pellets. Enviva Partners e boetse e romela li-pellets ka likoung tsa Mobile, Alabama, USA le Panama City, Florida
G2 Technologies Corp. (CSE: GTOO) e ikemiseditse ho hlahisa mapolanka a patsi bakeng sa merero ya setjhaba le ya kgwebo Europe. Li-pellets tsohle li entsoe ka masala a sawdust le litsupa tsa patsi. G2 Technologies is able to provide cleaner renewable fuels for European power plants that generate electricity and power while meeting the company's goal of reducing carbon footprint.
Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) ke khoebo e fapaneng ea ho lokisa thepa e kenyelletsang tlhahiso ea ethanol, tlhahiso ea oli ea poone, ho tšoara lijo-thollo le polokelo, ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a mehlape, le lits'ebeletso tsa ho bapatsa le ho aba thepa. Khamphani e sebetsana le lithane tse fetang limilione tse 10 tsa poone selemo se seng le se seng, e hlahisa lilithara tse fetang limilione tse sekete tsa ethanol ka botlalo, lithane tse limilione tse tharo tsa lijo tsa liphoofolo le liponto tse limilione tse 250 tsa oli ea poone ea boemo ba indasteri. Green Plains hape ke molekane khoebong e kopanetsoeng e tla rekisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea ho lema le ho kotula limela tsa algal.
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) ke sebapali se seholo indastering ea matla e ntseng e hola ea India ebile e le mong'a 'maraka ea etelletseng pele le ea tsamaisang merero ea matla a hloekileng India. The group is building a risk-free portfolio of wind energy, hydropower, natural gas and biomass assets in India.
Helius Energy (LSE: HEGY.L) e thehiloe ho tsebahatsa, ho nts'etsapele, ho rua le ho sebelisa lifeme tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang ka biomass. Helius o na le tsebo e batsi 'marakeng oa matla a tsosolositsoeng, theknoloji ea matla a biomass, mehloli ea mafura a biomass, nts'etsopele ea morero, ts'ebetsong le ts'ebetsong ea setsi sa motlakase.
Lakshmi Energy and Food Company (BSE: LAKSHMIO.BO) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the production, processing and sale of rice in India and internationally. E sebetsa ka likarolo tse peli ho latela temo le matla. E sebetsa semela sa matla se nang le bokhoni ba limithara tse 30, tse sebelisang raese ho hlahisa motlakase le ho rekisa motlakase. Lakshmi Energy and Food Co., Ltd. pele e ne e tsejoa e le Lakshmi Overseas Industrial Co., Ltd.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; mokokotlo oa gapolo ya tlhaho le dipehelo tsa oli; mehala e se nang mohala, e neng e le mateano le ea satellite; Moloko oa matla, ho kenyelletsa le lits'ebeletso tsa matla a maholo ka ho fetisisa; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec e sebetsa ka thata ho hlahisa litharollo tse sebetsang tsa biofuel ho fumana matla a ka nchafatsoang, a tšepahalang le a hloekileng a tukang. Re ntse re etella pele ho rala le ho haha meaho e meholo ka mefuta e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyelletsa le ethanol, biolosel, le bioloss.
NSE Green Green Power Limited Limited (NSE Khamphani e bua haholo ka ho hola, ho ba le limela ebile ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o hlophisehileng ka matla a qapiloeng. Polokelo ea matsete ea k'hamphani e kenyelletsa merero ea matla a biomass le moea ka mekhahlelo e fapaneng ea nts'etsopele.
Peat Resources Co., Ltd. (TSX: PET.V) e thehiloe ho hlahloba, ho hlahisa le ho hlahisa peat fuel, e leng mohloli o tsitsitseng oa bioenergy. Khampani e thehile mokhoa o amohelehang oa tikoloho oa kotulo le ts'ebetso ho fana ka mafura a peat a boleng bo phahameng bakeng sa mocheso le ho fehla matla ho lisebelisoa le mesebetsi e meng ea indasteri tlas'a likonteraka tsa nako e telele. Khampani e boetse e ithuta ka tlhokahalo ea ho hlahisa lintho tse tsoang ho li-bio-carbon tse nang le boleng tse tsoang likarolong tsa peat (tse kang carbon activated), e nang le tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha lits'ebetsong tse ngata tsa indasteri le malapeng.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) ke nts'etsopele ea sistimi ea matla e ikemiselitseng ho sebelisa theknoloji ea organic Rankine cycle ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla le ho hlaphoheloa ha mocheso litšila. E sebelisa moralo oa eona oa thepa le selekane sa maano, sepheo sa PowerVerde ke ho nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa motlakase tse ajoang ka matla a ka tlase ho 500kW le ho fihlela boemo bo etelletseng pele indastering. Hlahisa mehloli ea matla a ts'eptjoang, e bolokang chelete e ngata, 'me e se nang tlhahiso e ka sebelisoang tšimong kapa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa microgrid. Theknoloji ea ORC ea PowerVerde e ka boela ea kopanngoa le mehloli ea mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa 'mele oa lefatše, biomass le letsatsi.
E le ho nka monyetla ka menyetla e ntseng e hola lekaleng la eneji e hloekileng, ho ile ha thehoa React Energy (eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le Kedco plc) (LSE: REAC.L). Hona joale sehlopha ke k'hamphani e fapaneng ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e nang le thepa e hlahisang chelete le nts'etsopele United Kingdom le Rephabliki ea Ireland. Sehlopha se tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a liindasteri tsa matla a biomass le futhumatsang United Kingdom, ka litšenyehelo tsa chelete e ka bang £500,000 ho isa ho £40 milione, matla a ho fehla matla a hoo e ka bang 4 MW ho isa ho 10 MW, le tlhahiso ea mocheso ea 200 kW ho isa ho 1 MW. , ha e le matla a moea a e hlokomela ke Ireland. 'Me, tlhokomelo e khethehileng e lefshoa ho fana ka merero ho tloha menyetla ea greenfield ho ea ho moralo, mekhahlelo ea marang-rang le ea kaho, le thepa e hlahisang chelete.
Renewable Energy Power Generation Limited (LSE: WIND.L) e ntshetsapele, e aha, e tshehetsa le ho sebetsa diporojeke tsa matla a ntjhafatswang lebopong UK, tse kenyeletsang dikarolo tse tharo tse kgolo: eneji ya moya wa lebopong, matla a biomass le matla a letsatsi. Re hlahisa matla a ka nchafatsoang ka ho sebelisa li-bio-liquid tse nang le tokelo ea molao tse fumanoeng ka har'a oli e jeoang ho khotsofatsa tlhoko ea marang-rang ea naha ea ho boloka matla a mabone a UK nakong ea tlhoko e sa reroang.
Phetoho ea Lihlahisoa tsa Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ebetso (NASDAQG: Regi Regia e sebelisa tlhahiso ea naha ka bophara, e leng lits'ebetso tse kopaneng tsa ho fetola lifofane tsa tlhaho, li shebane le thepa e fapaneng ea li-bilm tsa lik'hemik'hale tse ntlafalitsoeng. REG e na le li-biorefineries tse 10 tse sebetsang ho pholletsa le naha, bokhoni ba R&D, le potefolio ea thepa ea mahlale e fapaneng le e ntseng e hola, 'me e ikemiselitse ho ba moetapele oa nako e telele oa libeso le lik'hemik'hale tse thehiloeng ho bioloji. Ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, REG esale e le morekisi ea tšepahalang oa biofuel e tsoetseng pele e fihlelang kapa e fetang litlhaloso tsa boleng ba ASTM. REG e rekisetsa baphatlalatsi diesel ea biomass e thehiloeng ho REG-9000™, kahoo bareki ba ka fumana mafura a tukang a hloekileng, a thusang ho fapanyetsana matla a matla le ho ntlafatsa ts'ireletso ea matla. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel e rekisoa libakeng tse ngata tsa United States. REG e boetse e rekisa disele tsa sulphur tse tlase haholo le oli e futhumatsang ka leboea-bochabela le bohareng ba United States.
Suryachakra Power Corporation Limited (Mumbai: SURYACHAKRA.BO) le makalana a eona hammoho a hlahisa le ho rekisa motlakase India. It operates power plants that use diesel/biomass fuel to generate electricity. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Hyderabad, India.
Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SES) is a Houston-based technology company dedicated to bringing clean, high-value energy to developing countries through its proprietary U-Gas®-based gasification technology , The technology has been licensed by setsi sa litheko tsa khase. Sense ea kharekano (Sgt) e ka hlahisa stongas e hloekileng, e theko e tlase bakeng sa moloko oa liiki, manyolo a lipalangoang, ka tsela eo a kenya matla a mangata a khase. SGT e ka boela ea hlahisa haedrojene e hloekileng haholo hore e sebelisoe joalo ka mafura a lipalangoang a hloekileng. SGT uses the blue sky to achieve growth and provide greater fuel flexibility for large-scale and efficient small and medium-scale operations near fuel sources. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.
Terna Energy SA (Athene: TENERG.AT) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e hlophisitsoeng hantle e ikemiselitseng ho nts'etsapele, kaho, lichelete le ts'ebetso ea merero ea matla a tsosolositsoeng (moea, metsi, letsatsi, biomass, taolo ea litšila). TERNA ENERGY e na le phaephe e matla ea merero e ka bang 8,000 MW RES, e ntseng e sebetsa, e ntseng e hahuoa kapa e maemong a tsoetseng pele a nts'etsopele, e etellang pele Greece, ka ts'ebetso Europe Bohareng, Europe Boroa-bochabela le United States. TERNA ENERGY e boetse e nka karolo ka mafolofolo mananeong a machaba ho ntšetsa pele ts'ebeliso ea RES. Hape ke setho sa European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
VEGA BOFUELS, Inc. litšila tsa patsi. Ho otlanya likhalase ke mokhoa oa ho phekola biomass ka mocheso o phahameng tlas'a maemo a tlaase a oksijene.
Velocys (LSE: vls.l) ke k'hamphani e lebisang ho khaba ea khase e nang le limela tse nyane tse fetolang khase ea tlhaho kapa biomass ho lihlahisoa tsa metsi a boleng bo holimo. The system based on Velocys technology is much smaller than the system using traditional technology, which allows modular factories to be deployed in remote areas and smaller areas more economically than competing systems. Velocys e sebetsa le balekane ba maemo a lefats'e ho fana ka tharollo ea GTL e felletseng e ka khahlanyetsang 'maraka o sa sebelisoang oa libarele tse fihlang ho limilione tse 25 tsa mafura ka letsatsi. Theknoloji ea Velocys ea Velocys e ka sebelisoa le ho biomass ho isa ho metsi (BTL) le mashala tlhahiso ea metsi.
Viridis Energy Inc. (TSX: VRD.V) ke moetsi oa "theknoloji e hloekileng" e rekisoang phatlalatsa le mofani oa matla a tsosolositsoeng a fanang ka biomass ea lehong ho limmaraka tsa lefats'e tsa bolulo le tsa indasteri. Viridis Energy Inc. e fumaneha Vancouver, British Columbia. E sebetsa Okanagan Pellet Company Ltd. (BC), Scotia Atlantic Biomass Company Limited (Nova Scotia) le Viridis Merchants Inc. (Delaware), e nang le lithane tse fetang 300,000 tsa Khoebo le bokhoni ba ho etsa Amerika Leboea.
2GEnergy AG (XETRA: 2GB.DE) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e oa litsamaiso tse kopaneng tsa mocheso le matla (CHP), tse hlokomelang tlhahiso le phepelo ea matla ka mocheso o kopaneng le matla. The company's product portfolio includes systems with capacities between 20 kW and 4,000 kW, which can be used for natural gas, biogas or biomethane and other lean gas operations. Ho fihlela joale, 2G e kentse li-chps tse likete ho linaha tse 35 / libaka. Haholo-holo, molemong oa ts'ebetso ea 50 kW ho isa ho 550 kW, 2G e na le mohopolo oa eona oa tekheniki oa enjene ea ho tuka, e tšoauoang ka tšebeliso e tlase ea mafura, ho ba teng ha ts'ebetso e phahameng le linako tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa tlhokomelo. Khamphani e e tsetetse tlhahiso e eketsehileng, thekiso le litšebeletso ho St. AURU AURUSTINE, FOIDA, haufi le setsi sa eona se seholo ho li-ntlo-kholo tsa eona tsa Sigg, Jeremane. Bareki ba 2g ba ho tloha balemi ho ea bareki ba liindasteri, likhoebo tsa matlo le matlotlo a matlo a mangata le lik'hamphani tse kholo tsa lichelete. Marang-rang a haufi a litšebeletso le boleng bo phahameng ba tekheniki le ts'ebetso ea liteishene tsa motlakase tsa 2G ke motheo oa ho theha boemo bo phahameng ba khotsofalo ea bareki. Ka lebaka la ho kopanya thepa ea bona ea Thermoelectic, ba fihlela katleho e akaretsang ea 85% ho feta 90%. Bakeng sa ho hola ho holisa boeta-pele ba bona ba theknoloji, khamphani e tsoela pele ho tsetela ho R & D Ts'ebetso bakeng sa Li-enjini tsa Khase e sebelisoang khase ea tlhaho, biogas le syngas (joalo ka hydrogen). Khamphani e fumaneha Westphalia ka leboea-bophirima ho Jeremane, e haufi le tharollo e kopaneng ho tsoa sethaleng se kopaneng le mosebetsi oa tlhokomelo ea litšebeletso. Ka lebaka la sebaka sa eona se arolelanoang, scalability le ho fumaneha esale pele, lifeme tsa motlakase tsa CHP li tla bapala karolo ea bohlokoa e le karolo ea tsamaiso ea matla a marang-rang a bohlale (seo ho thoeng ke setsi sa matla sa motlakase) phetohong e tsoelang pele ea ho hloekisa matla le mehopolo ea sejoale-joale ea phepelo ea matla. Karolo ea
AirTest Technologies Inc. (TSX: AAT.V) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji e tala e ntseng e hōla ka potlako e sebetsanang le li-sensor tse ka ntlafatsang haholo ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea mehaho ea khoebo. Theknoloji e etellang pele ea lisebelisoa tsa thepa ea AirTest e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla, tšusumetso ea tikoloho le ho khutlisa matsete a limilione tsa meaho eo kaofela re sebetsang, ho reka le ho ithabisa ho eona. Re sebelisana 'moho le likonteraka tse seng li ntse li le teng tsa kaho, beng ba meaho, lik'hamphani tsa taolo ea thepa, lik'hamphani tse tsamaisang matla, le bahlahisi ba baholo ba lisebelisoa le taolo.
The main initiative of Alternate Energy Holdings (OTC: AEHI) is the construction of a proposed nuclear power plant in Payette County, Idaho. AEHI will be at the forefront of this opportunity, becoming the first publicly traded independent nuclear power company in the United States. With its inherent bureaucracy, its performance will easily surpass large nuclear and fossil power companies. AEHI is also seeking small green energy companies to acquire and create new companies. AEHI expands the market by providing excellent management and network skills, thereby assisting the growth of the acquired business. The company will continue to look for expansion opportunities by purchasing more eco-efficient power supplies. Ka ho ba le disebediswa tse teng tsa ho fehla motlakase, AEHI e tla thusa ho akofisa tumello ya taolo ya kaho ya yona e ntjha ya eneji, ho kenyeletswa le dikgwebo tse kopanetsweng tse hlahisang diactor le dikarolo tsa nyutlelie le mehlodi e meng ya eneji.
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) ke mofani ea ikemetseng ea ikemetseng ea fanang ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng, matla a matla, ntlafatso ea meaho, ts'ebetso ea thepa le tharollo ea matla a tsosolositsoeng bakeng sa lik'hamphani le mekhatlo ea Amerika Leboea le Europe. Litšebeletso tsa moshoelella tsa Ameresco li kenyelletsa ntlafatso ea meralo ea motheo ea matla le nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea lifeme tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang. Ameresco e atlehile ho phethela merero ea ho boloka matla le e ikarabellang tikolohong le mebuso ea federal, ea naha le ea libaka, litsi tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle le thuto, balaoli ba matlo, le bareki ba khoebo le ba indasteri. Ofisi ea Ameresco e Framingham, Massachusetts, e na le basebetsi ba fetang 1,000, 'me e fana ka litsebi tsa lehae United States, Canada le United Kingdom.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) e hlahisitse mehopolo, mahlale le litharollo tse fapaneng ho fihlela tlhoko ea lefats'e ea ho ba bohlale, bohloeki… matla a betere(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. The company's solutions are now powering gigawatts of renewable energy around the world and have improved the performance and reliability of power networks in more than a dozen countries. AMSC was founded in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. Ka tharollo e kopaneng ea aspenone, bahlahisi ba ts'ebetso ba ka kenya mekhoa e metle ho ntlafatsa boenjiniere ba bona, ho etsa thepa le lichane le litulo tsa mothapo le litulo tsa thoriso. As a result, AspenTech customers can better increase production capacity, increase profits, reduce costs and improve energy efficiency.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. Lipatlisiso le lihlahisoa tsa AVX li bohlokoa bakeng sa mahlale a macha a "tala" a etselitsoeng ho boloka matla a teng le ho theha mekhoa e tšepahalang le e theko e tlaase ho sebelisa matla a ka nchafatsoang joalo ka moea, letsatsi le motlakase oa metsi. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Blue Earth, Inc. (NasdaqCM: BBLU) is engaged in the clean technology industry, mainly focusing on energy efficiency and alternative/renewable energy fields. Re ikitlaelletsa ho kenya letsoho mokhatlong oa lefats'e oa nts'etsopele ea moshoelella oa lefats'e ka ho fana ka lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tse ka ntlafatsang tšebeliso ea matla, ho fokotsa mesi e kotsi ea tikoloho, le ho fokotsa haholo litšenyehelo tsa matla a bareki.
Cap-XX (LSE: CPX.L) designs and manufactures supercapacitors and energy management systems for portable electronic devices and automotive and renewable energy applications. It provides a series of super capacitors for wireless components and mobile devices, such as PCMCIA and compact flash memory products, mobile phones, rugged PDAs and wireless sensor networks. Lihlahisoa tsa bareki, ho kenyelletsa lik'hamera tsa dijithale, laptops, lisebelisoa tsa 'mino tsa sebili, li-ays le li-e-libuka. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka li-supercapacitor bakeng sa lihlahisoa tsa khoebo, ho kenyeletsoa li-PDA tse tšoarellang, li-meter tsa othomathike, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, lisebelisoa tsa ho latela sebaka le lits'ebetso tsa likoloi. E sebetsa haholo sebakeng sa Asia-Pacific, Amerika Leboea le Europe. CAP-XX Limited pele e ne e tsejoa e le Energy Storage Systems Pty Limited.
China Energy Recovery, Inc. (OTC: CGYV) is an engineering company specializing in the recovery of waste energy from a wide range of industrial processes including sulfuric acid and fertilizer production, papermaking and petrochemical products. Energy recovery involves collecting and recovering wasted heat energy in a closed-loop system, thereby significantly reducing costs and pollution. CER provides customers with tailor-made, cost-effective solutions designed to significantly improve operational efficiency and reduce harmful emissions. Ka lebaka la moralo oa boleng ba CER, kaho le ho kenya merero ea bopula-maliboho Chaena esita le lefats'e, CER le eona e na le nalane e telele ea boenjiniere.
Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd. CETI (eo pele e neng e le Probe Manufacturing Company) (OTC: PMFI) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji ea matla a hloekileng le e tsitsitseng tikolohong e sa faneng feela ka lihlahisoa tsa tharollo ea ho khutlisa mocheso, empa hape e fana ka maikutlo ho tse ling tse bolokang matla le ho boloka tikoloho. technologies Engineering and manufacturing solutions. The company's main product is the Clean Cycle™ generator provided by Heat Recovery Solutions or HRS. Lisebelisoa tsa boenjiniere le tlhahiso ea k'hamphani li tšehetsa khoebo ea eona ea tharollo ea mocheso 'me li tsoela pele ho tšehetsa lik'hamphani tse ling tse ntseng li hōla ka theknoloji, haholo-holo theknoloji e hloekileng. Khampani e ikemiselitse ho tsebahatsa mahlale a mang kapa lik'hamphani tse ling ho li fumana le ho li kopanya ho li-platform tsa boenjiniere le tsa tlhahiso tse shebaneng le mahlale a hloekileng.
CleanSpark, Inc. (OTCQB: CLSK) e fana ka software e tsoetseng pele ea matla le thekenoloji ea taolo, e ka khonang ho fumana litharollo tsa khoebo tsa plug-and-play ho tobana le mathata a mehleng ea kajeno ea matla. Litšebeletso tsa rona li kenyelletsa tlhahlobo e bohlale ea matla, moralo le boenjineri ba microgrid, lits'ebeletso tsa tlhahlobo ea microgrid le lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso ea turnkey microgrid. Bareki ba CleanSpark ha ba kenyelle feela basebelisi ba matla, empa hape le tikoloho eohle e ajoang ea matla: bahlahisi, li-installer, EPC, IPP le bafani ba polokelo ea matla. Software ea CleanSpark e lumella basebelisi ba matla ho fumana maemo le ho ntlafatsa moruo. Software ea rona e na le mesebetsi e ikhethang, e ka atolosa microgrid ho ea ka litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa basebelisi, 'me e ka sebelisoa ka ho pharaletseng litabeng tsa khoebo, tsa indasteri, tsa sesole, tsa temo le tsa masepala.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) ke se seng sa lihlopha tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa le tsa bohlokoa lekaleng la matla a motlakase a Brazil hobane e na le kapa e na le likarolo ho lik'hamphani tse 103 le mekhatlo e 15. Ena ke k'hamphani e bulehileng ea capital e laoloang ke mmuso oa naha oa Minas Gerais, e nang le beng ba liabo ba 114,000 linaheng tse 44. Ho phaella ho Distrito Federal, Cemig e boetse e sebetsa linaheng tse 22 tsa Brazil, 'me e sebelisa mohala oa phetisetso naheng ea Chile o etsang kopano le Alusa. Khampani e ile ea atolosa karolo ea eona ho Leseli 'me ea nka taolo ea k'hamphani ea kabo ea matla, e fanang ka litšebeletso motseng oa Rio de Janeiro le metse e meng e sebakeng sa lebitso le tšoanang. E boetse e na le tekano lik'hamphaning tse tsamaisang matla (TBE le Taesa), karolo ea khase (Gasmig), likhokahano tsa mehala (Cemig Telecom) le ts'ebeliso e ntle ea matla (Efficientia). Cemig hape ke eona feela k'hamphani ea motlakase Latin America e kenyellelitsoeng ho Global Dow Index. Emig o na le karolo ea boraro har'a ba leng bahlahisi ba motlakase ba 65, limela tsa motlakase tsa motlakase, tse tharo ho na le limela tsa matla a motlakase. Matla a kentsoeng ke 6,925 GW. Ts'ebetso ea Matla: Phetoho
ConEdison Solutions, e leng motlatsi oa ConEdison Corporation (NYSE: ED), ke k'hamphani e ka sehloohong ea lits'ebeletso tsa matla e fanang ka matla a tsosolositsoeng, lits'ebeletso tse tšoarellang, litharollo tsa ts'ebeliso ea matla a theko e tlase, karabo ea tlhokahalo le kontraka ea ts'ebetso ea matla. Khampani e sebeletsa bareki ba khoebo, ba indasteri, ba bolulo le ba mmuso hammoho le liunivesithi, litereke tsa likolo tsa sechaba le lipetlele ho pholletsa le naha. Khampani e fana ka lihlahisoa tse ncha, lichelete tse tsitsitseng le boitlamo ho tšebeletso ea bareki. E na le ofisi e Valhalla, New York. Burlington, Massachusetts; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Falls Church, Virginia; Tampa, Florida; Nashville, Tennessee, Kansas Land Park; le Bloomington, Minnesota. Sehlopha sa Boithati sa Boithati ba litsebi tsa matla a matla li fana ka tharollo e fapaneng ea matla. Tharollo ea tharollo e fana ka mananeo le lits'ebeletso tse etselitsoeng ho thusa bareki ho thusa bareki ka sepheo sa bona sa litšebeletso tsa matla a motlakase (asp).
Conselation Energy (NYSE: EXC), a company of Exelon, is a leading competitive supplier of electricity, natural gas, renewable energy, and energy management products and services for homes and businesses across the continental United States. Re fana ka litharollo tse pharalletseng tsa matla-ho tloha ho theko ea motlakase le khase ea tlhaho le phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang ho isa litharollong tsa taolo ea tlhokahalo-tse ka thusang bareki ka maano ho reka, ho laola le ho sebelisa matla a bona. matla a matla
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) e etella pele phetoho ea mabone a LED le mekhoa ea khale ea mabone a khale e senyang matla ka ho sebelisa khanya ea LED e bolokang matla, e se nang mercury. Cree ke setsebi se khahlisang tsa 'maraka oa mabone a mekhabiso e meholo Sehlahisoa sa Cree se kenyelletsa mabone a LED le li-bulbs, li-chips tsa LED tse putsoa le tse tala, li-LED tse khanyang haholo, li-LED tsa boemo bo khanyang, lisebelisoa tsa ho fetola matla le lisebelisoa tsa RF. Lihlahisoa tsa Cree® li ntlafatsa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka mabone a akaretsang, matšoao le matšoao a elektroniki, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le li-inverters tsa letsatsi.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Our wireless mesh network platform provides “last mile” connections between millions of devices and enterprise software. Marang-rang a Cyan a na le lisebelisoa tsa rona, joalo ka li-module tsa puisano le li-unit tsa concentrator tsa data, CyNet mesh network software, le sethala sa puisano sa ts'ebeliso bakeng sa kopanyo e felletseng ea sistimi. Ho phaella moo, re sebetsa le balekane ba rona ho fana ka ts'ehetso ea boemo ba pele le litšebeletso tsa ho amohela baeti, hammoho le "software e le tšebeletso" ho thusa ho rera le ho kopanya litharollo tsa rona. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). E nehetsoe ho limithara tsa motlakase 'me e ntlafalitsoe bakeng sa mefuta, puisano ea data, tšebelisano-'moho le ts'ireletso. CyLux ke tsamaiso ea mabone le tsamaiso ea Cyan ea boemo ba khoebo. E ka boloka motlakase o mongata ka ho ntlafatsa tsela ea ho laola, ho leka le ho laola matla a matla a sechaba.
Cyberlux Corporation (OTC: CYBL) ke moetsi oa lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, tse bolokang matla a solid-state lighting (SSL) tse kenyelletsang li-LED tse tsoang ho baetsi ba lihlahisoa tse ntlehali tsa lefatše tsa LED. Ntle le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tsa eona, Cyberlux e boetse e sebelisana le lik'hamphani tse hlokang hore re rale le ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa mabone ho tlatselletsa lihlahisoa tsa eona tse teng le lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa mabone ho ntlafatsa potefolio ea eona ea hajoale ea sehlahisoa.
Ho tloha ka 1802, Dupont (NYSE: DD) e hlahisitse mahlale a maemo a lefatše le mahlale a boenjiniere ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tsa lefatše ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tse ncha ka mokhoa oa ho ithuta The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and tikoloho. Re ikemiseditse ho hlahisa ditharollo tsa boiqapelo le tse ka kgonehang moruong ka mefuta e fapaneng ya dithekenoloji ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa matla tsa lefatshe. Ho tloha mehloling ea matla e tsosolositsoeng e kang photovoltaics, matla a moea, biofuel le lisele tsa mafura ho ea ho tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho etsa hore lipatlisiso, tlhahiso le lipalangoang tsa oli le khase li atlehe haholoanyane, lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa DuPont li thusa ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, botšepehi le litšenyehelo tse tlaase. , polokeho e phahameng le ho fokotsa sebaka sa tikoloho. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li tšehetsa polokelo ea matla le theknoloji ea ho boloka matla nakong eohle ea tlhahiso ea matla, kabo le ts'ebetso ea ho e fetola.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) ke khamphani ea taolo ea matla. Eaton e fana ka litharollo tsa ho baballa matla ho thusa bareki ba rona ho laola motlakase, haeteroliki le matla a mochini ka katleho, ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng. Eaton e rekisetsa bareki linaheng tse fetang 175 lihlahisoa.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) ke pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea sethaleng se bulehileng sa taolo ea marang-rang, ho fana ka "sechaba sa lisebelisoa" tse matla tsa indasteri ho moralo, ho kenya, ho beha leihlo le ho laola mabone, ho iketsetsa li-automation, Inthanete ea Lintho, le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri Lintho tsohle tse hlokahalang. Global related markets. E le karolo ea sethala sa Ezot ™, Echen o rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa lebone tlasa mofuta oa li-echelon Brand, hammoho le lihlahisoa tse ling tse amanang le tsona le li-iniota tse amanang le tsona. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon e thusa bareki ba eona ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso, ho ntlafatsa khotsofalo le tšireletseho, ho eketsa chelete e kenang, le ho sebetsa hamolemo limmarakeng tse teng le tse ntseng li hlaha.
Emerson Electric Company (New York Stock Exchange: EMR), e nang le ntlo-khōlō ea St. Louis, Missouri, ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e ea thekenoloji le ea boenjiniere e fanang ka tharollo e ncha ho bareki limmarakeng tsa indasteri, tsa khoebo le tsa bolulo. Khoebo ea rona ea litharollo tsa othomathike e ka thusa ho sebetsa, bahlahisi ba li-hybrid le tse ikhethang ho holisa tlhahiso, ho sireletsa batho le tikoloho, ha ba ntse ba ntlafatsa litšenyehelo tsa bona tsa matla le ts'ebetso. Kgwebo ya rona ya ditharollo tsa kgwebo le tsa bodulo e thusa ho netefatsa boiketlo ba batho le bophelo bo botle, ho sireletsa boleng ba dijo le polokeho, ho ntlafatsa tshebediso ya matla a motlakase, le ho thea meralo ya motheo ya moshwelella.
Enedyymic hybrid ea mahlale corp. (TSX: EHT.V) e fana ka tharollo ea matla, e nang le matla. Lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa matla le litharollo li ka kengoa hang-hang moo ho hlokahalang. Eht e kopanya sete e felletseng ea Solar Photovoltaic, matla a moea le tharollo ea battery ea ho hlahella ho bahlolisano. Tharollo e ka fana ka matla ka lifomate tse nyane le tse kholo lihora tse 24 ka letsatsi. Ntle le ts'ehetso ea moetlo bakeng sa li-grid tsa matla a motlakase, eht le eona e ntle haholo moo ho se nang grid ea matla. Mokhatlo o kopanya tharollo ea matla a ho boloka matla le matla a ts'ebetso ea ho fana ka tharollo ea tikoloho e fapaneng. Tsebo ea EHT e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele ea meaho ea modular le kopanyo e felletseng le litharollo tse bohlale tsa matla. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebetsoa ka lebaka la tlhahiso ea tlhahiso ea Eht e nang le lits'ebetso tse ntle: matlo a mangata, likopano tsa bolulo le tsa nakoana / tsa bolulo.
Energy Edge Technologies Corporation (OTC: EEDG) e fana ka boenjiniere ba matla le lits'ebeletso tse ling United States. Khamphani e fana ka boenjiniere ba matla le lits'ebeletso tse ikhethileng ho nts'etsopele le ts'ebetsong ea merero e tsoetseng pele ea ho fokotsa matla le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea meaho e mecha le ea khale.
Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ERII) e hlahisa litharollo tsa ho hapa likhau ho ntlafatsa tlhahiso, phaello le matla a matla indastering ea oli le khase, lik'hemik'hale le metsi. Our products simplify complex systems and protect vulnerable devices. Energy Recovery e na le ntlo-kholo ea eona San Francisco Bay Area, e nang le liofisi Shanghai le Dubai.
Energi Ltd (ASX: ERJ.AX) le bathusi ba eona ba rekisa ka matla le tharollo ea matla a matla a matla a matla a matla a Transarabia. Khamphani e qapitsoe le ho ntlafatsa mokhoa o sebelisang mocheso ho hlahisa motlakase. E boetse e rekisa li-heaters tsa Airec.
Enenoc, Inc. (Nasdaqgs: Enoc) ke mofani ea etellang pele ea bareki ba bohlale ba bohlale ba pelo le lits'ebeletso lefatšeng ka bophara. Litharollo tsa EnerNOC tsa EIS bakeng sa bareki ba likhoebo li ntlafatsa tlhahiso ea matla ka ho ntlafatsa mekhoa ea ho reka, tšebeliso le nako ea ts'ebeliso. Lenane Eis e kenyelletsa ho etsa moralo oa tšebeliso ea chelete, ho bonahala le ho baloa le ho tlaleha, ho batla ha mosebetsi oa ho batla ha projeke. Litharollo tsa Enenoc tsa Esnoc li thusa ho matlafatsa boitlamo ba bareki le boleng ba lisebelisoa tsa tlhokomeliso, ho kenyelletsa karabo ea tlhoko le ts'ebetso ea matla. EnerNOC e ts'ehetsa katleho ea bareki ka sehlopha sa eona sa litšebeletso tsa maemo a holimo tsa lefats'e le setsi sa ts'ebetso sa marang-rang sa 24x7x365 (NOC).
Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (OTC: EVSP) ke k'hamphani ea pele lefapheng la tlhahlobo ea mongobo / indasteri ea boleng ba moea ea ka tlung hore e be k'hamphani e thathamisitsoeng phatlalatsa. ESP e na le likhoebo tse ngata tse akaretsang tse sebetsanang le ts'ebeliso e ntle ea matla, litaba tsa tikoloho le ho rarolla mathata a amanang le tikoloho mebarakeng ea bolulo le ea khoebo. ESP e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse fapaneng tsa tlhahlobo, ho kenyeletsoa litlhahlobo tsa matla / katleho bakeng sa thepa ea bolulo le ea khoebo, e shebaneng le tlhahlobo ea boleng ba moea ka tlung bakeng sa chefo, ho kenyelletsa hlobo, ho kenella ha mongobo, ra, lead, VOC, le tse ling tse mpe tsa nako e telele le tse telele. liphello tse ka hare ho matlu Sesilafatsa tikoloho le bophelo bo botle ba motho.
Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) e rala, e etsa le ho fana ka lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le theknoloji ea semiconductor ea thelefono ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a lisebelisoa tsa lapeng, ho nolofalletsa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mohala ho fana ka likarolo tse ncha tse ncha le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tsa indasteri. Our global business is supported by internal and external manufacturing and a flexible multi-source supply chain. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Litharollo tsa rona tsa semiconductor bakeng sa likoloi, mehala, mabone a LED le lits'ebetso tsa taolo ea matla li thusa bareki ba rona ho atleha letsatsi le letsatsi.
Fuel System Solutions Company (NASDAQGS: FSYS) ke moqapi ea ka sehloohong, moetsi le mofani oa thepa ea lisebelisoa tse ling tse pakiloeng, tse bolokang chelete e ngata ho lipalangoang le lits'ebetsong tsa indasteri. Likarolo le litsamaiso tsa sistimi ea mafura li laola khatello le phallo ea mafura a mang a nang le khase (joalo ka propane le khase ea tlhaho) e sebelisoang lienjineng tse tukang ka hare. These components and systems have the company's advanced fuel system technology, which can increase efficiency, increase power output and reduce emissions by electronically sensing and adjusting the appropriate ratio of fuel and air required by the internal combustion engine. In addition to components and systems, the company also provides engineering and system integration services to meet customers' unique requirements for performance, durability and configuration.
Fuel-Tech, Inc. (NASDAQGS: FTEK) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele ea theknoloji e ikemiselitseng ho ntshetsa pele, ho etsa khoebo le ho sebelisa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea thepa lefatšeng ka bophara bakeng sa taolo ea tšilafalo ea moea, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le lits'ebeletso tse tsoetseng pele tsa boenjiniere. Theknoloji ena e thusa bareki ho hlahisa matla le lisebelisoa tsa ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o bolokang chelete le ho boloka tikoloho.
Fujitsu Co., Ltd. (OTC: FJTSY) is Japan's leading information and communication technology (ICT) company, providing a full range of technical products, solutions and services. Fujitsu e na le basebetsi ba ka bang 159,000 ba tšehetsang bareki linaheng tse fetang 100. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. The sustainable development of the balanced economy, society and environment has brought challenges and opportunities to modern enterprises. Organizations that understand the innovative use of IT while focusing on optimization, resource and energy efficiency will benefit from business advantages and social responsibility. Fujitsu can help your organization optimize the efficiency of its ICT equipment and data center, saving you money and reducing greenhouse gases. Our corporate sustainability services align your environmental goals with business goals to achieve sustainable operations. Our data center optimization services can improve energy efficiency and reduce data center operation and management costs. Using our sustainability framework, organizations can reduce ICT energy costs by an average of 40% in the first 12 months without increasing capital expenditures.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) ke khamphani e fapaneng ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Australia. E thahasella litharollo tse shebaneng le theknoloji tse kenyelletsang matla a matla a indasteri le phetoho ea carbon dioxide ho limmaraka tsa mafura, hammoho le Australia le tse ling. Mehloli e tloaelehileng ea mocheso oa mocheso Leoatleng le leholo la Pacific ke melomo.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) e fana ka lichelete tsa likoloto le tekano bakeng sa ts'ebeliso e ntle ea matla le mebaraka ea matla a ka nchafatsoang. Khamphani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho faneng ka chelete e tlang pele kapa chelete e kholo ho batšehetsi le bakoloto ba nang le boleng bo phahameng ba mokoloto ho hlahisa phallo ea chelete ea nako e telele, e iphetang le e lebelletsoeng esale pele. Ntlo-khōlō ea hae e Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong o khethile trust ea matsete a matlo le meaho (REIT) e lokeloang ke ho lefa lekhetho molemong oa lekhetho la federal. Selemo sa eona sa lekhetho se qala ka la 31 Tšitoe 2013
Khampani ea Hanwei Enert Company (TSX: He.to) Khoebong ea sehlooho Lihlahisoa le theknoloji e nepahetseng, ho sebeletsa matla a matla a matla mmarakeng oa lefatše), le ho hlahisa litokelo tsa litokelo tsa eona litokelo tsa litokelo tsa eona tsa oli le li-garchena. The company's GRE pipe manufacturing plant is one of the largest production facilities of its kind, with 22 production lines located in Daqing, China.
Hydro66 Holdings Corp. (CSE: SIX) (OTCQB: HYHDF) owns and operates an award-winning colocation data center in Sweden that specializes in high-performance computing (“HPC”) colocation. The company has a third-party IT infrastructure, which uses 100% green power, is among the lowest in the EU, and is in an ISO27001-approved facility. The unique advantage of Hydro66 is that it can take advantage of the blockchain infrastructure and the opportunities in the traditional enterprise colocation data center market. The company provides real green energy, dedicated space and refrigeration, telecommunications, IT support services, and 24/7 physical security at its facilities in Boden, Sweden, at leading prices. Hydro66 e thusa likhoebo, lik'hamphani tsa blockchain tsa HPC le li-integrator tsa sistimi ho fokotsa haholo litšenyehelo le khabone ea data.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) is a technology company dedicated to improving power conversion efficiency. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA improves the size, cost, efficiency, flexibility and reliability of electronic power converters. Ppsa e ka holisa 'maraka o moholo le o holang, ho kenyeletsoa litšoantšo tsa Solar tsa Solar Photos, ho boloka matla a motlakase le ho tjhaja. Khamphani e boetse e theha transtictor habeli Bidictor ea Bidictal (B-Trans ™), 'me e kentse kopo ea sethala, se nang le monyetla oa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a matla le matla a motlakase a phallang. Matla a loketseng a sebelisa mofuta o sebetsang oa capital o nolofalletsang k'hamphani ho sebetsana le merero ea tlhahiso-kholo ea sehlahisoa le mebaraka ka nako e le 'ngoe.
Ho tloha ka 1995, iGo Inc (OTC: IGOI) esale e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa mohala, e fana ka litharollo tsa matla a tsoetseng pele bakeng sa likhomphutha tsa libuka le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike, ka hona e eketsa monyetla oa bophelo bo felletseng. iGO's universal chargers, batteries and audio accessories provide support and performance to enhance the mobile consumer experience.
Infineon Technologies (eo pele e neng e le International Rectifier Company) (OTC: IFNNY; Frankfurt: IFX.F) ke moetapele oa lefats'e lefapheng la semiconductor. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. Ka Pherekhong 2015, Infineon e ile ea fumana K'hamphani ea Machaba ea Rectifier e thehiloeng US, e leng mofani ea ka sehloohong oa theknoloji ea taolo ea matla. International Rectifier Corporation (IR®) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa taolo ea matla. Baetsi ba ka sehloohong ba lik'homphieutha, lisebelisoa tse bolokang matla, mabone, likoloi, lisathelaete, lifofane, le lisebelisoa tsa ts'ireletso kaofela li itšetlehile ka litekanyetso tsa tsamaiso ea matla a IR ho matlafatsa lihlahisoa tsa bona tsa moloko o latelang.
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (NYSE: IBM) e fana ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa theknoloji ea tlhahisoleseding (IT) lefatšeng ka bophara. Matla le tikoloho: IBM e ikemiselitse ho etsa hore lihlahisoa le lits'ebetso tsa rona tse seng li le teng li sebetse hantle tikolohong le khoebong, 'me ka nako e ts'oanang ho nts'etsapele mahlale a macha ho thusa lefats'e ho ba bohlale, ho khothaletsa ntlafatso ea moruo le ts'ebetso, ho eketsa boikarabello le ho fokotsa tšusumetso ea tikoloho. . Litaba tsa kajeno tsa eneji le tse amanang le boemo ba leholimo ke tsona tse tlang pele molemong oa leano la rona. Litharollo tsa IBM li ka thusa bareki ho fokotsa litšenyehelo le ho fokotsa matla, metsi, khabone le litšila ka mokhoa o hlophisehileng. IBM e thusa bareki ho ntlafatsa katleho ea matla, ho sebelisa mekhoa e mecha ea ho reka, ho etsa le ho aba thepa le litšebeletso ka tsela e tsitsitseng haholoanyane, ho fumana mehloli ea matla e sireletsehileng le e ka nchafatsoang, le ho laola lisebelisoa ka tekanyo e kholo, kahoo e fetola indasteri eohle. IBM e kopanya mahlale a rona a boqapi, lintlha tse tebileng tsa khoebo le boiphihlelo ba indasteri ho arabela liphephetso tsa polanete ea rona ka mokhoa o felletseng. Hammoho, re ka ntlafatsa matla a khoebo ea rona le polaneteng ea rona.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele lefats'e ea thekenoloji le tšebeletso e ikemiselitseng ho sebelisa mehloli ea matla le metsi. Re fana ka litharollo tse felletseng tsa ho metha, ho laola le ho sekaseka matla le metsi. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; communication systems; software; le lits'ebeletso tsa ho amohela le ho rerisana. Itron e sebelisa tsebo le theknoloji ho laola mehloli ea matla le metsi hamolemo.
IXYS Corp. (NASDAQGS: IXYS) e etsa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse tsamaisoang ke theknoloji ho ntlafatsa katleho ea ho fetola matla, ho hlahisa matla a letsatsi le a moea, le ho fana ka taolo e sebetsang ea motlakase bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa indasteri. IXYS e fana ka motheo oa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa lefats'e tsa taolo ea matla, ts'ebetso ea motlakase, matla a tsosolositsoeng, likhokahano tsa mehala, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, lipontšo tsa elektroniki le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa RF.
Sehlopha sa Scip feela, Inc. (TSX: NYSE: JA) KE K'hamphani ea Khase e Ikhethileng le Lits'ebetso tsa Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Lits'ebetso tsa Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Lits'ebetso tsa Matla le Lits'etsong tsa Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Matla a Matla le Mehala Feela Energy e na le liofisi United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Jeremane, Ireland le Japane, e sebeletsang bareki ba ka bang limilione tse 1.7 ba bolulo le ba khoebo, e fana ka mefuta e mengata ea tharollo ea matla bakeng sa malapa le likhoebo ho fana ka matšeliso, boiketlo le taolo. Just Energy Group Inc. ke khamphani ea motsoali ea Amigo Energy, Green Star Energy, Hudson Energy, EdgePower Inc., Tara Energy le terrapas.
Kontrol Energy Corp. (CSE: KRN) is a leader in energy efficiency solutions and technologies. Ka leano le tiileng la ho kopanya le kholo ea tlhaho, Kontrol Energy Corp. e fa bareki ba rona litharollo tsa matla tse thehiloeng 'marakeng tse ikemiselitseng ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa bona ka kakaretso tsa matla ha ka tsela e tšoanang li fokotsa ho tsoa ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše (GHG).
Legend Power Systems Inc. (TSX: LPS.V) ke k'hamphani e ka sehloohong ea ho boloka matla e hlahisang le ho rekisa thepa e nang le tokelo ea molao ho thusa bareki ba khoebo le ba indasteri ho fumana chelete ea bohlokoa ea ho boloka matla ka ho ntlafatsa motlakase. Mohokahanyi oa motlakase oa Legend Power a ka thusa lik'hamphani ho fokotsa likoloto tsa motlakase, litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, ha li ntse li thusa ho fokotsa tlhahiso ea khase e futhumatsang lefatše. Lenovo Power e amoheloa e le k'hamphani ea theknoloji e hloekileng e sebetsang hantle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa TSX/V ka 2015.
Lime Energy Co. (NASDAQCM: LIME) e haha bokamoso bo bocha ba matla. Joaloka Mofani ea etellang pele oa naha ea katleho ea matla likhoebong tse nyane le bareki ba khoebo, li-lime li entse hore ho be le mananeo a ho kenya ka kotloloho ho bareki ba ho boloka lenaneo. Morero oa rona oa boikhathollo o lumellang litšebeletso tse nang le lits'ebeletso tse nang le lisebelisoa tse tšepahalang tsa matla a nang le matla a ho phela ka ho fetisisa tsa khotsofalo ea bareki. Mokhoa ona o latelang o thusa lik'hamphani tse theko e tlaase naheng e theko e tlaase, li hloekisa le tse potlakileng tsa matla bakeng sa ntlafatso e tsoelang pele.
MicroPlanet Technology Corp. (TSX: MP.V; OTC: MCTYF) provides advanced energy-saving technology for residential, commercial and industrial environments, which can dynamically manage the voltage received from the power company to an optimal level. Libakeng tse nang le matla a phahameng a motlakase, sena se ka nolofalletsa bareki ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla ka 5% ho isa ho 12%, le ho fokotsa likoloto tsa motlakase ntle le ho fetola boitšoaro ba bona. Libakeng tse nang le matla a tlaase, lihlahisoa tsa MicroPlanet li ka li phahamisetsa sebakeng se lokiselitsoeng, ho lumella lik'hamphani tsa lisebelisoa hore li ntlafatse boleng ba tšebeletso ho bareki ba tsona ka potlako le ka theko e tlaase.
Microsemi Corp. (NasdaqGS: MSCC) provides a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for the communications, defense and security, aerospace and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; le lihlahisoa tsa tsamaiso ea matla; timing and synchronization equipment and precise time solutions that have established world time standards; voice processing equipment; radio frequency solutions; Discrete components; thekenoloji ea tšireletso le lihlahisoa tse ke keng tsa senyeha; Ethernet solutions; matla-over-Ethernet ICs le midspans; and custom-designed functions and services. Microsemi e ikarabella ho Aliso Viejo, California. Smart Energy
National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) e fetisa le ho aba motlakase le khase ea tlhaho. Khamphani e sebetsa ka phetisetso ea theko ea UK, phetisetso ea khase ea UK, ho tsamaisoa ha khase ea UK le mekhatlo ea morao-rao. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. Lefapha la phepelo ea khase ea Brithani le na le marang-rang a phepelo ea khase ka UK mme a na le khase ea tlhaho ea tlhaho (LNG) Meaho ea polokelo UK. The British Gas Distribution Division e sebelisa mokhoa oa ho aba khase ea tlhaho UK. Grid ea Naha: Khamphani ea National Grid ke k'hamphani ea motlakase le ea tlhaho e hokahanyang bareki ba ka bang limilione tse 7 ho ea New York, Massachusetts le Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Ka leano la eona la US Connect21, Grid ea Naha e fetola marang-rang a eona a matla le khase ea tlhaho ho fana ka litharollo tsa matla tse bohlale, tse hloekileng, le tse tsitsitseng haholoanyane ho ts'ehetsa moruo oa dijithale oa lekholong la bo21 la lilemo. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele ea matla a hloekileng e nang le hoo e ka bang 44,900 megawatts ea motlakase, ho kenyelletsa le megawatts e amanang le lithahasello tse sa laoleheng tsa NextEra Energy Partners. NextEra Energy e ikarabella ho Juneau Beach, Florida, 'me litšehetso tsa eona tse ka sehloohong ke Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (e leng e' ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa motlakase tse laoloang ke theko United States) le NextEra Energy Resources, LLC le mekhatlo e amanang le eona. Mohloli o moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa matla a ka nchafatsoang o tsoa moeeng le letsatsing. Ka lithuso tsa eona, NextEra Energy e hlahisa motlakase o hloekileng, o se nang mosi ho tsoa lits'ebetsong tse robeli tsa khoebo tsa nyutlelie Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa le Wisconsin. NextEra Energy e amohetsoe ke mekha ea boraro bakeng sa boiteko ba eona ba botsitso, boikarabello ba khoebo, melao ea boitšoaro le ho latela melao le mefuta-futa, 'me e rehiloe e 'ngoe ea "Lik'hamphani tse Ratehang ka ho Fetisisa tsa 2015 Lefatšeng" ke makasine ea Fortune. Boqapi ba eona le maikutlo a boikarabello ba sechaba li maemong a har'a lik'hamphani tse leshome tse holimo lefatšeng. ”
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa likarolo tse ncha tsa taolo ea matla bakeng sa limmaraka tsa komporo, bareki, indasteri, makoloi le likhokahano. Lihlahisoa li kenyelletsa mabone a akaretsang a LED, mabone a morao, taolo ea betri le taolo ea matla. O2Micro International has an extensive intellectual property portfolio, with 28,852 patent claims granted and more than 29,000 outstanding. Khamphani e na le liofisi lefatšeng ka bophara.
ON Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: ON) e khothalletsa mekhoa e mecha ea ho boloka matla, e nolofalletsang bareki ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla lefatšeng ka bophara. Khamphani ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa litharollo tse thehiloeng ho semiconductor, e fana ka sethala se felletseng sa matla a sebetsang hantle a matla le taolo ea mats'oao, logic, lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng le lisebelisoa tsa tloaelo. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li ka thusa baenjiniere ho rarolla mathata a bona a ikhethileng a moralo ho likoloi, likhokahano, likhomphutha, bareki, indasteri, bongaka le lits'ebetso tsa sesole / tsa sefofane. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, as well as a network of manufacturing plants, sales offices, and design centers in major markets in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Onion Energy Enertems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OEX) e hlahisa phetoho ea mealo ea khoebo le litsamaiso tse ntseng li phahama ka matla le tharollo ea mabone a ntlafalitsoeng. Orion e etsa le ho rekisa letoto la lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho kenyeletsoa mabone a boemo bo tiileng ba LED le mabone a phahameng a matla a fluorescent. Boholo ba li-inion tse fetang 100 li amana le lits'ebetso tse ntle tsa mabone, tse ka tlisang likarolo tsa lichelete, tse ka tlisang bareki ba bangata 'marakeng oa ho nchafatsa melemo ea ho nchafatsa melemo ea.
Pioneer Technologies (TSX: PTE.V), e ikarabellang ho Mississauga, Ontario, ke "energy smart" sehlahisoa sa tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa / k'hamphani ea bareki le moeta-pele oa theknoloji ea tšireletso ea mollo oa Amerika Leboea. Baenjiniere ba bo-pula-maliboho ba tlisa litharollo tse bohlale tsa matla bakeng sa lihlahisoa tsa bareki 'marakeng, ho li etsa hore li bolokehe, li be bohlale kapa li sebetse hantle. Theknoloji/lihlahisoa tsa Pioneer tse nang le tokelo ea molao tsa ho pheha mollo li etselitsoe ho thibela mollo oa ho pheha 'me ke sesosa se ka sehloohong sa ho chesoa ha mahae Amerika Leboea (bothata ba lidolara tse libilione). Matšoao a mollo a neng a pheha ea mollo o ne a kenyelletsa sebaka sa kokelo ea mollo, seratorburner ea Slevarbrurner le Safer-T-T-t-t-t-sensor.
PMFG, Inc. (NasdaqGS: PMFG) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa mekhoa le lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka tloaelo tse etselitsoeng ho thusa ho netefatsa phepelo ea matla e bolokehileng, e sebetsang hantle le e hloekileng. We mainly serve the natural gas infrastructure, power generation and petrochemical processing markets.
POET Technologies Inc. (TSX: PTK.V; OTC: POETF) (Planar Optoelectronics Technology) ke moqapi oa mekhoa ea tlhahiso ea optoelectronic le photonic le lihlahisoa. Photonics integration is essential to increase the expansion of functions and reduce the cost of current photonics solutions. POET believes that its advanced optoelectronic processing platform can significantly improve the energy efficiency, component cost and size in the production of smart optical components. Enjene e khanna lits'ebetso tse fapaneng lits'ebetsong tsa data ho lihlahisoa tsa sesole ho bareki. Silicon Valley-based POET's patented single-chip module process e kopanya lisebelisoa tsa digital, analog ea lebelo le holimo le optical ho chip e le 'ngoe,' me e reretsoe ho sebelisoa e le maemo a indasteri bakeng sa likarolo tse bohlale tsa optical. Tšehetso ea k'hamphani ea DenseLight ke k'hamphani ea nts'etsopele ea ts'ebetso ea semiconductor e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele ea moloko o latelang oa theknoloji ea semiconductor e kopantsoeng ea potoloho, e kopanyang optics le lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki ho chip e le 'ngoe, kahoo e eketsa mefokolo ea' mele ea Molao oa Moore ts'ebetsong le lebelo.
Power Clouds Inc. (OTC: PWCL) e hlahisa merero ea matla a tsosolositsoeng le matla a ts'oarellang lefatšeng ka bophara, 'me e sebetsana le moralo, pōpo le tsamaiso ea limela tsa matla a photovoltaic lefatšeng ka bophara. E etsa qeto ea libaka tse ntle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa litsi tsa eona tsa motlakase oa letsatsi ebe e tšehetsa merero ena ka mesebetsi ea nts'etsopele ea khoebo le khokahanyo ea lisebelisoa tsa maano ho tsoa ho lienjiniere, bafani ba thepa, lihahi tse nang le litsebo le lik'hamphani tsa balekane. The company has a production plant in Romania, and business activities in Japan and other parts of the world. Khampani e na le sehlopha sa mantlha se entsoeng ka litsebi tsa boemo ba machaba le batsamaisi ba merero ba nang le tsebo e khethehileng ea photovoltaics le moruo o motala. 'Me o na le bokhoni ba ho fana ka boemo bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa ba ho tšepahala. Theknoloji le litharollo tsa morao-rao.
Power Efficiency Corporation (OTC: PEFF) designs, develops, sells and sells solid-state electrical equipment that can reduce the energy consumption of AC induction motors. Lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa sehlooho li kenyelletsa mokhanni oa motor ea methapo e meraro (Mec), e ka sebelisoang lits'ebeletso tsa liindasteri le tsa khoebo tse kang majoe. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa MEC tsa karolo e le 'ngoe ea dijithale, tse ka fokotsang tšebeliso ea matla a li-motor ka ho utloa le ho laola matla a sebelisoang ke li-motor. E fana ka lits'ebeletso ho basebelisi ba ho qetela, joalo ka liketane tsa mabenkele, lihotele, boemafofane le lits'ebetso tsa libese, hammoho le merafo, lipolasetiki le lik'hamphani tsa tlhahiso. Khamphani e rekisa haholo lihlahisoa ka thekiso e tobileng, baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mantlha, barekisi, barekisi le baemeli ba ikemetseng haholo United States.
Litšebelisano tsa Matla (NASDAQGS: POWI) ke moqapi ea ka sehloohong oa theknoloji ea semiconductor bakeng sa phetoho ea matla a phahameng a matla. Dihlahiswa tsa khamphani ke diboloko tsa bohlokwa tsa ho aha tikolohong ya eneji e hlwekileng, e kgontshang phepelo ya eneji e ka ntjhafatswang le phetiso e hlwahlwa ya matla le tshebediso ya dikopo tsa milliwatt ho isa ho megawati.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. Khampani ke pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea mekhoa ea matla ea IDG® e nang le mesebetsi e tsoetseng pele ea marang-rang e bohlale, ho kenyelletsa le bokhoni bo latelang: 1) Ho bolela esale pele tlhokahalo ea matla le ho sebelisa tsamaiso ea elektronike ho fana ka matla a sebetsang hantle le a tikoloho nakong ea lihora tse phahameng; 2) Fana ka lebaka la lisebelisoa tsa sechaba. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) ke nts'etsopele ea sistimi ea matla e ikemiselitseng ho sebelisa theknoloji ea organic Rankine cycle ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla le ho hlaphoheloa ha mocheso litšila. E sebelisa moralo oa eona oa thepa le selekane sa maano, sepheo sa PowerVerde ke ho nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa motlakase tse ajoang ka matla a ka tlase ho 500kW le ho fihlela boemo bo etelletseng pele indastering. Hlahisa mehloli ea matla a ts'eptjoang, e bolokang chelete e ngata, 'me e se nang tlhahiso e ka sebelisoang tšimong kapa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa microgrid. Theknoloji ea ORC ea PowerVerde e ka boela ea kopanngoa le mehloli ea mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa 'mele oa lefatše, biomass le letsatsi.
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, operates as an energy company primarily in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. E rekisa motlakase, khase ea tlhaho, likoloto tsa tlhahiso le letoto la lihlahisoa tse amanang le matla tse sebelisetsoang ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea marang-rang. The company also transmits electricity; 'Me a aba khase ea motlakase le ea tlhaho ea ho lula le bareki, ea khoebo le litsebi tsa indasteri le merero ea matla ea matla. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
Royal Philips Electronics NV (NYSE: PHG) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji e fapaneng e ikemiselitseng ho ntlafatsa maphelo a batho ka boqapi bo nang le morero litabeng tsa bophelo bo botle, mokhoa oa bophelo oa bareki le mabone. Khampani ke moeta-pele litabeng tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle ba pelo, tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle ba tšohanyetso le malapeng, tharollo ea mabone a pholosang matla le lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa mabone, hammoho le ho kuta le botle ba banna, le tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle ba molomo.
Sabien Technology Group Plc (LSE: SNT.L) e fana ka mekhatlo ea poraefete le ea sechaba lefatšeng ka bophara ka mekhoa ea ho fokotsa ho ntšoa ha khabone le tšebeliso ea matla. E rala, e etsa le ho rekisa li-boilers tsa M2G tse nang le tokelo ea molao le lihlahisoa tse laolang mocheso oa metsi a chesang a M1G, tse ka fokotsang tšebeliso ea matla le khase ea liboiler tsa khoebo le tsa indasteri le li-boilers tsa metsi a chesang a chesang ka ho toba ka 10% ho isa ho 25%. %.
SmartCool Systems Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; TSX: SSC.V) e fana ka tharollo e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa ea ho boloka matla le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa matla bakeng sa likhoebo tsa lefats'e. ECO3 le ESM ke litheknoloji tse ikhethang tsa Smartcool tse ka fokotsang tšebeliso ea matla ea li-compressor moeeng, sehatsetsing le tsamaisong ea pompo ea mocheso ka 15% ho isa ho 20%, ka hona ho fumana phaello ho tsetelo nakong ea likhoeli tse 12 ho isa ho tse 36.
SmartHeat Inc. (OTC: HEAT), ka lithuso tsa eona, haholo-holo e etsa meralo, e hlahisa, e rekisa le ho fana ka litšebeletso tse hloekileng tsa mocheso oa mocheso oa lipoleiti (PHE), lisebelisoa tsa mocheso le mekhoa e amanang le eona bakeng sa limmaraka tsa indasteri, tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo Chaena. China. It provides PHE units, heat meters and heat pumps for commercial and residential buildings. Khampani e boetse e fana ka li-exchangers tsa mocheso oa mocheso le li-tube heat exchangers, hammoho le tšebeletso ea ka mor'a ho rekisa, ho kenyelletsa tlhokomelo, ho lokisa le ho fana ka likarolo tse ling. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li ka sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, joalo ka ho futhumatsa, ho kenya moea, le ho fetola moea (HVAC) matla; and industrial applications, for oil refining, petrochemical, metallurgy, food and beverage, and chemical processing. The company sells its products under the SmartHeat, Taiyu and Sondex brands. SmartHeat, Inc. sells products directly through its sales staff and distributor network. The company is headquartered in Shenyang, China.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) ke k'hamphani e nang le lits'ebeletso tsa matla e ikarabellang ho Folsom, New Jersey, 'me e sebetsa ka lithuso tse peli tse kholo. South Jersey Gas ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse sebelisang khase ea tlhaho tse holang ka potlako ho fetisisa United States, tse fanang ka khase ea tlhaho e hloekileng, e sebetsang hantle ho bareki ba ka bang 370,000 karolong e ka boroa ea New Jersey le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla. Khoebo e sa laoleheng ea SJI tlasa Lefapha la New Jersey la Energy Solutions, ka nts'etsopele, beng le ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea matla sebakeng sa marang-rang (ho kenyeletsoa ho kopanya, matla a letsatsi, le merero ea ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa setereke) ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, theknoloji e hloekileng le e ka nchafatsoang. energy; bakeng sa bareki ba retal ba fumanang le ho rekisa khase ea tlhaho le motlakase; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; le ho fana ka hvac le lits'ebeletso tse ling tse amanang le matla.
Superglass Holdings plc (LSE: SPGH.L) e etsa le ho rekisa thepa ea ho kenya fiberglass UK, Ireland le machabeng. Khampani e fana ka letoto la lihlahisoa tsa boea ba liminerale tse futhumatsang le tsa acoustic bakeng sa indasteri ea kaho. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li sebelisetsoa marako a ka hare, a ka ntle le a mokete / karohano; likoti tsa masonry, liforeimi tsa lepolanka le marako a entsoeng ka tšepe; marulelo a kang marulelo, marulelo a entsoeng ka lehong le marulelo a entsoeng ka tšepe; le mekato e fanyehiloeng ea lepolanka le likaroloana tsa konkreite.
SWW Energy (ASX: SWW.AX) e etsa lipatlisiso, e hlahisa, e hlahisa le ho rekisa matla a ka nchafatsoang Australia. Khampani eo pele e ne e tsejoa e le Solverdi WorldWide Limited.
Tonggection Inc. (NASDAQCM: TGEN) LITLHAKISO TSA BOPHELO Lits'ebetso tsa indasteri. Khamphani e tsejoa ka lihlahisoa tsa eona tse theko e boima, e nang le botsoalle le tse tšepahalang bakeng sa tlhahiso e potlakileng ka theknoloji e entsoeng hantle ka mokhoa o hlakileng. Kajeno, kamora ho sebetsa ka lilemo tse fetang 20, Tologen o thehile marang-rang a boenjiniere, thekiso le basebetsi ba litšebeletso United States, 'me bo romelletse likarolo tse fetang 2 300.
Telkonet (OTC: TKOI) ke mofani ea etellang maikutlo a tharollo ea boleng bo bohlale 'marakeng oa khoebo. The Internet of Things (IoT) through intelligent network communication, improved asset utilization and data analysis functions can significantly reduce energy costs, increase employee productivity and reduce carbon footprint. IoT platforms such as Telkonet's EcoSmart enable users to realize savings, value and services through network connections, thereby providing monitoring, control, analysis, convenience, and the ability to participate in the emerging smart grid through automated demand response plans. Telkone o sebeletsa 'maraka o ka tlas'a mebaraka o entseng k'hamphani e etellang pele ea netweke, e atlehileng thekenoloji ea matla. Limmaraka tsena li kenyelletsa lihotele, thuto, sesole, mmuso, tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle le matlo a sechaba. Telkonet's business units include EcoSmart(TM), a network automation platform with Recovery Time(TM) technology, which can save costs, reduce energy consumption, optimize asset utilization and improve comfort; EthoStream(R) is One of the largest high-speed Internet access in the hotel industry, the world's largest network provides public Internet access to more than 8 million users every month.
Thermal Energy Corporation (TSX: TMG.V) is a well-known global supplier that provides proven proprietary energy-saving and emission-reduction solutions for global industrial and institutional sectors. Re boloka chelete ea bareki le ho eketsa phaello ka ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea mafura le khabone. Bareki ba rona ba kenyelletsa lik'hamphani tse ngata tsa Fortune 500 le lik'hamphani tse ling tse etellang pele tsa machaba tse tsoang liindasteri tse fapaneng.
Willdan Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM: WLDN) e fana ka lipuisano tsa litsebi le lits'ebeletso tsa theknoloji ho lits'ebeletso tsa sechaba, mekhatlo ea sechaba le lik'hamphani tse ikemetseng ho pholletsa le United States. Litšebeletso tsa k'hamphani li fana ka mekhoa e mengata e fapaneng ea tlatsetso, ho kenyeletsoa ts'ebetso ea matla le ts'ebetso, boenjiniere le moralo, lipuisano tsa lichelete le moruo, le ts'ireletso ea naha. Willdan e fana ka litharollo tse kopaneng tsa tekheniki ho atolosa tšireletso le lisebelisoa tsa bareki ba eona le ho fana ka litšebeletso tsohle ka lithuso tsa eona likarolong tse sa tšoaneng tsa 'maraka.
ARCADIS NV (Khoutu ea Euronext Amsterdam: ARCAD; OTC khoutu: ARCAY) ke k'hamphani e etelletseng pele lefatšeng ka bophara ea meralo ea thepa ea tlhaho le ea meralo, e sebetsa le bareki ho fana ka bokhabane ka moralo oa likopo, boeletsi, boenjiniere, lits'ebeletso tsa projeke le tsamaiso Le liphetho tse tšoarellang.
Energy Edge Technologies Corporation (OTC: EEDG) e fana ka boenjiniere ba matla le lits'ebeletso tse ling United States. Khamphani e fana ka boenjiniere ba matla le lits'ebeletso tse ikhethileng ho nts'etsopele le ts'ebetsong ea merero e tsoetseng pele ea ho fokotsa matla le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea meaho e mecha le ea khale.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) e fana ka litharollo tsa boenjiniere ba botekgeniki le litharollo ho bareki ba mekhatlo ea sechaba le ea poraefete mebarakeng ea meaho, ea matla, ea kaho, ea thekiso ea matlo le ea tikoloho. NV5 e tsepamisitse maikutlo libakeng tse hlano tsa khoebo: tiisetso ea boleng ba mohaho, lisebelisoa tsa motheo, boenjiniere le litšebeletso tsa tšehetso, matla, tsamaiso ea mananeo le tharollo ea tikoloho. Khampani e na le libaka tsa 42 Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington le Wyoming. Ofisi, ntlo-kholo e Hollywood, Florida.
Ricardo PLC (LSE: RCDO.L) ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e ea boenjiniere, maano le boeletsi ba tikoloho. Re thehiloe ke Sir Harry Ricardo ka 1915, 'me re ntse re arolelana le eena pono ea rona ea ho fihlela katleho e kholo le ho felisa litšila.
Khamphani ea boeletsi ea RPS Group (LSE: RPS.L) e fana ka likeletso mabapi le lipatlisiso le tlhahiso ea oli le khase le mehloli e meng ea tlhaho; hammoho le nts'etsopele le taolo ea tikoloho ea tlhaho. Lefapha la Mokhatlo la Khamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ehetso tsa tšehetso le projeke le progense masimong a mahlaseli a progration. Lefapha la eona la kaho le tikoloho le fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi bakeng sa likarolo tsohle tsa thekiso ea matlo le nts'etsopele ea meralo ea motheo le mafapha a tsamaiso. Karolo ena e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, ho kenyeletsoa tlhahlobo ea tikoloho, taolo ea mehloli ea metsi, boikitlaetso bo loketseng, thuto ea maoatle, bophelo bo botle le polokeho, taolo ea likotsi, moralo oa litoropo le mahaeng, meaho, sebopeho sa naha le moralo oa litoropo, tlhahlobo le moralo oa lipalangoang, tlhahlobo ea laboratori, tlhahlobo ea asbestos, Boleng ba moea le litšobotsi tsa lerata. Khamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso United Kingdom, Amerika Leboea, Amerika, Asia Pacific, Australia, Norway le linaheng tse ling.
Active Power (NASDAQCM: ACPW) e rala le ho etsa litsamaiso tsa phepelo ea motlakase tse sa senyeheng (UPS) le litharollo tsa meaho tse nolofalletsang litsi tsa data le lits'ebetso tse ling tsa bohlokoa hore li lule li le "ho" lihora tse 24 ka letsatsi, matsatsi a 7 ka beke. Melemo e felletseng ea matla a lihlahisoa tsa eona, ts'epahalo le kakaretso ea litšenyehelo tsa ho ba mong'a tsona ha li bapisoe 'marakeng, e leng se nolofalletsang lik'hamphani tse etelletseng pele lefats'eng ho fihlela meralo ea tsona ea setsi sa data se shebileng pele. Lihlahisoa le litharollo tsa k'hamphani li na le lits'ebeletso tse ngolisitsoeng tsa tlhahiso le liteko tsa 2008 tse tsoetseng pele ka ho fetesisa tsa ISO 9001:2008 Austin, Texas, 'me li motlotlo ka sena. Ho sebeletsa bareki ba lefats'e ka Austin le litsi tse tharo tsa ts'ebetso ea libaka UK, Jeremane le Chaena, tse tšehetsang ho tsamaisoa ha litsamaiso linaheng / libaka tse fetang 50.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Tse ling tsa theknoloji ena li kenyelletsa mafura a mang a ka nchafatsoang, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng, libeteri tsa lithium tse tsoetseng pele tsa graphene le likoloi tse theko e tlase tsa carbon fiber. 2050 Automotive e atlehile ho theha litšebelisano tsa nako e telele le likonteraka tse ikhethileng bakeng sa mahlale a fapaneng a ho fetola lipapali. 2050 Motor Company e fihletse tumellano le Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., e Profinseng ea Jiangsu, Chaena, ho aba mofuta o mocha oa koloi ea motlakase e bitsoang e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) United States. Lefatšeng le lulang le fetoha la likoloi tsa motlakase, e-Go EV ke mohopolo o mocha oa phetoho. Ena e tla ba eona feela koloi ea motlakase e nang le 'mele oa carbon fiber le likarolo. Mohala oa tlhahiso o tla sebelisa mechini ea liroboto ho etsa lits'ebetso tse ncha ka lits'ebetso tse ncha, ka hona ho fokotsa haholo nako ea tlhahiso le litšenyehelo tsa likarolo tsa carbon fiber. Koloi ea motlakase ea e-Go e ka nka bapalami ba bane, e na le bophelo bo bolelele ba betri, 'me kaha koloi e bobebe, boemo ba matla a ho khanna teropong bo phahame ho feta 150+ MPG-E. Carbon fiber luxury sedan sedan Ibis EV, e leng moholoane oa e-Go, le eona e tla hlahisoa haufi le e-Go EV bakeng sa thekiso ea nako e tlang United States.
AFC Energy plc (LSE: AFC.L) joale ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e oa theknoloji ea lisele tsa alkaline e theko e tlaase. The technology focuses on large-scale industrial applications and can be fully expanded to provide clean power on demand. Lisele tsa mafura li na le monyetla oa ho ba sehlohlolong, ho fetola tsela eo indasteri ea kajeno e hlahisang matla ka eona hosane.
Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. Khampani e arola mesebetsi ea eona ka khase ea tlhaho le litšebeletso, theknoloji ea boenjiniere le mesebetsi e meng. Lintho tsa eona tsa khase le tsa litšebeletso li fana ka khase e fapa-fapaneng, lisebelisoa tse amanang le litheko tsa theknoloji, lipatlisiso, meriana, meriana, meriana, meriana. It also provides medical gas, sanitary products, medical equipment and services for hospitals and patients at home. Ho phaella moo, e boetse e fana ka khase le litšebeletso bakeng sa tlhahiso ea li-semiconductors, liphanele tse bataletseng le liphanele tsa photovoltaic. Mesebetsi ea eona ea boenjiniere le ea theknoloji e kenyelletsa moralo, nts'etsopele le kaho ea limela tsa tlhahiso ea khase ea indasteri. Mesebetsi e meng ea eona e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele ea theknoloji ea ho cheselletsa le ho seha, le phano ea lisebelisoa tsa ho qoela le ho sesa botebong ba leoatle. haedrojene
Air Products (NYSE: APD) is a leading industrial gas company. For nearly 75 years, the company has provided atmospheric, process and specialty gases and related equipment to manufacturing markets such as metals, food and beverages, refining and petrochemicals, and natural gas liquefaction. Air Products' Materials Technology Division serves the semiconductor, polyurethane, cleaning and coatings, and adhesive industries. With more than 20,000 employees in 50 countries/regions, Air Products is committed to making Air Products the safest and best-performing industrial gas company in the world, providing sustainable products and quality services to all customers. Matla a Hydrogen: Lihlahisoa tsa Moea li na le lilemo tse fetang 50 tsa phihlelo ea haedrojene 'me li ka pele ho nts'etsopele ea theknoloji ea matla a hydrogen. We deployed the first hydrogen refueling station in 1993 and developed an extensive patent portfolio related to hydrogen supply and distribution technology. Lihlahisoa tsa Moea li fana ka haedrojene e nang le metsi le khase le sethala se pharaletseng sa tharollo ea mekhoa ea litšebeletso tsa refueling
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) For more than 100 years, AMEC has provided detailed design, engineering and construction for power developers, utilities, industries, contractors, financial institutions, governments, and renewable energy technology developers. Litšebeletso tsa Tsamaiso. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
American Safety Resources (OTC: ARSC), ka thuso ea eona ea American Hydrogen Corporation, e nts'etsapele theknoloji ea ho etsa haedrojene. E reretsoe ho fana ka sehloekisi sa khase ea tlhaho ho fana ka hydrogen ha ho hlokahala.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka matla a nyutlelie. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Ka tlatsetso ya eneji ya nyutlelie le eneji e ka ntjhafatswang, Sehlopha sa Areva se nyehela ho thehoeng ha mmotlolo wa hosane wa eneji: ho fa palo e kgolo ya batho matla a bolokehileng, a fokolang a carbon dioxide. Sehlopha sa Areva se na le letoto la likhoebo libakeng tse 'ne tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang: matla a moea a tsoang lebopong la leoatle, bioenergy, matla a letsatsi le polokelo ea matla. Polokelo ea matla ea lisele tsa mafura / haedrojene: Sehlopha sa Areva se na le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse fetang 10 polokelong ea matla, haholo-holo tšimong ea haedrojene. The team designs, manufactures and industrializes turnkey energy storage solutions and products to generate electricity through fuel cells and hydrogen through electrolysis.
AYRO, Inc. (NASDAQGS: AYRO) designs and provides compact, emission-free electric fleet solutions for urban and short-distance markets. Likoloi tsa AYRO li ka fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa khoebo mme ke baetapele ba ntseng ba hlaha ba lipalangoang tse bolokehileng, tse theko e tlaase, tse sebetsang hantle le tse tšoarellang. AYRO e thehiloe ka selemo sa 2017 ke bo-rakhoebo, bo-ramatsete le batsamaisi ba chesehelang ho theha litharollo tsa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa litoropong tse tšoarellang bakeng sa taolo ea khamphase, ho tsamaisoa ha mile ea ho qetela le teropo, le lipalangoang tsa khamphase tse koetsoeng.
Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQGM: BLDP; TSX: BLD.TO) e fana ka lihlahisoa tse hloekileng tsa matla tse ka fokotsang litšenyehelo le likotsi tsa bareki, le ho thusa bareki ho rarolla mathata a theknoloji le a khoebo mererong ea bona ea lisele tsa mafura.
Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE: BE) e rala, e etsa le ho rekisa lisebelisoa tse tiileng tsa oxide fuel cell, ka sepheo sa ho fana ka matla a hloekileng, a tšepahalang le a theko e tlase ho batho lefatšeng ka bophara. Sehlahisoa sa k'hamphani sa Bloom Energy Server se ka fana ka matla a hloekileng, a tsitsitseng, a ka tšeptjoang haholo, a sa sitisoeng ke 24 × 7 kamehla. Likhamphani tse mashome a mabeli a metso e mehlano tsa Fortune 100 ke bareki ba Bloom Energy, 'me tse ling tsa thepa ea eona e kholo ka ho fetisisa e Equinix, AT&T, Home Depot, The Wonderful Company, Caltech, Kaiser Permanente le Delmarva Power.
Bwt Ag Ag Ag (Vienna: BWT.VI, Frankfurt: Twb.) ke k'hamphani ea mahlale a metsi. Fuel cell: FUMATECH, a subsidiary of BWT, as a supplier of innovative membranes (fumion® polymer and fumapem® polymembrane), has been established globally to serve the future global fuel cell market. Membranes tsena tse ncha tse ncha ke membrane Electrobebere likarolo tsa mantlha tsa core. PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) sele ea mafura.
Lik'hemi tsa Cabot (NYSE: CBT) ke lik'hemik'hale tse khahlisang tsa lefatše le k'hamphani e sebetsang lefatšeng, e leng ntlo ea Boston, Massachusetts. Sehlahisoa sa rona se eketsang khabone se thusa bahlahisi ba betri ho ntša ts'ebetso e phahameng ka ho fetesisa nthong e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e sebetsang, ka hona ba khothaletsa tlhahiso e phahameng ea matla le matla a matla a betri ea lithium-ion, hammoho le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba potoloho le kamohelo ea tefiso ea libeteri tsa lead-acid. Li-additives tsa rona tsa carbon li boetse li sebelisoa ho li-super capacitor, lisele tsa mafura, moea oa lithium le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa ho boloka matla.
Ceres Power Holdings (LSE: CWR.L) ke mohlahisi ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e oa theknoloji ea lisele tsa mafura a theko e tlase. Li-grating tsa rona tsa tšepe tse sebelisoang lihlahisoa tsa matla a marang-rang li fetotse tsela eo mahae le likhoebo li hlahisang motlakase ka eona, ho theola litšenyehelo tsa matla, ho fokotsa tlhahiso ea CO2, ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng le ts'ireletso e ntlafetseng ea matla le ho tšepahala.
Clean Energy Capital Corporation (CSE: MOVE) ke k'hamphani ea matsete e sebetsanang le matsete a nkang monyetla lik'hamphaning tse ikemetseng le tsa sechaba tse ka kenyelletsang liindasteri tse fapaneng. Hajoale e shebane le indasteri ea bophelo bo botle le matla a ka nchafatsoang. Haholo-holo, taelo ea matsete e tsepamisitse maikutlo menyetla e phahameng ea matsete, ho finyella tekanyo e utloahalang ea kananelo ea chelete le bokhoni ba ho batla chelete ea lichelete. The company acquired a 90% stake in PowerTap on October 27. PowerTap, with its environmental protection intellectual property rights, modular design, and product design with the lowest level of hydrogen production costs, and a start-up plan, is leading this expense to theha mafaratlhatlha a mafura a haedrojene a bolokang chelete.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) e nts'etsapele, e hlahisa, e aba le ho rekisa likoloi tsa baeti le likoloi tse sa tsamaeeng tseleng, literaka, liveni le libese lefatšeng ka bophara. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division e rekisa likoloi tsa baeti le likoloi tse tsoang tseleng tse rehelletsoeng ka lebitso la Mercedes-Benz, hammoho le likoloi tse nyane tse reheletsoeng ka mabitso a bohlale. Lefapha la khoebo la literaka la Daimler le rekisa literaka ka mabitso a Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, libese tse entsoeng ke Thomas le mefuta ea Bharat Benz. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division e hlahisa le ho rekisa libese tse kopantseng, libese tsa litoropo le tse kopanang, likoetliso le chassis ea libese tlasa mofuta oa Mercedes-Benz le Setra. Daimler Financial Services Division e fa bareki le barekisi litšebeletso tsa lichelete le tsa khiriso, inshorense, tsamaiso ea likepe, lihlahisoa tsa matsete le likarete tsa mokitlane, hammoho le litšebeletso tse fapaneng tsa maeto. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa ho fana ka litsamaiso tse hlophisitsoeng hantle tsa phetisetso, ho tiisa le theknoloji ea taolo ea mocheso e ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea likoloi tse sebelisang matla a motlakase a tloaelehileng le a mang. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. Khampani e thehiloe ka 1904 'me e na le ntlo-khōlō Maumee, Ohio, e nang le basebetsi ba ka bang 23,000 linaheng tsa 25 lik'honthinenteng tse tšeletseng. Dana o sebelisitse mahlale a seng a hōlile mehloling ea nako e tlang ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa lihlahisoa tsa lisele tsa mafura le lihlahisoa tsa morao-rao. Ka boitseanape ba rona bo tsebahalang ho nts'etsopele ea lisebelisoa tsa mocheso o phahameng, re nts'etsapele le ho etsa lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa mafura bakeng sa 'maraka oa likoloi, ho kenyeletsoa ho leka-lekana ha lifeme, lintlafatso tsa haedrojene le likopano tsa chimney. Ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, re bile moetapele oa lefats'e ka bophara 'marakeng oa lisele tsa mafura 'me re hapile litlotla tse kenyeletsang General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award le f Battery 2010 Gold Award. Re ikemiselitse ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tsa hajoale le tsa nako e tlang. Ebang ke lisele tsa mafura, libeteri, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng kapa lienjine tse tukang ka hare, Dana e tla fana ka lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa matla tse ka tšeptjoang ho u tšehetsa moo.
Dominovas matla (OTC: DNRG) ke k'hamphani ea phatlalatsa e Nevada. Dominovas Energy Corporation e ikarabella ho Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 'me ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa tharollo ea matla bakeng sa limmaraka tse ntseng li hlaha lefatšeng ka bophara. DEC e sebelisa theknoloji ea eona ea thepa ea RUBICON™ solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) ho sebelisa lifeme tse fehlang motlakase tse nang le megawate e mengata lefatšeng ka bophara. Ho phehella tlhahiso ea matla e hloekileng le e sebetsang lefatšeng ka bophara ka theknoloji e tiileng ea oxide fuel cell e khothalelitse mothehi oa eona ho theha k'hamphani ea "Energy Solutions". Ka ho hlokomela bokhoni bo boholo ba kholo ea limmaraka tse "tala" le "matla a mang", Dominowas Energy Corporation e nka khato e matla ea ho fana ka chelete ea eona hang-hang ea bohlale le lichelete ho rarolla tharollo ea 100% e tšepahalang, e sebetsang hantle le e ka lekanngoang ea matla a matala e Hloekileng ho feta li-sete tsa jenereithara le CCGT. . Ho phaella moo, ho fapana le mekhoa ea moea le ea letsatsi, RUBICON e fana ka matla a moroalo oa motheo matsatsi a 24/7/365 ka selemo. By manufacturing and deploying RUBICON™ on a global scale, Domino Gas Energy is committed to creating shareholder value not only by generating a guaranteed revenue stream, but also by increasing the value of “human and community capital”. Ka ho sebetsa ka botshepehi le botshepehi bo boholo dikgwebong tsohle ho itlama ho latela melao ya motheo, Dominowas Energy e boetse e ikemiseditse ho hlompha ditokelo tsa batho bohle, ha e ntse e hlokomela le ho hlompha ditso tsohle tse hlokahalang ho tshehetsa kgolo le ntshetsopele ya ditjhaba le ditjhaba. E sebetsa ho eona. The company firmly believes that this unique advanced technology will have an impact on the world, and is determined to fulfill its mission of providing electricity where it is economically feasible.
Ho tloha ka 1802, Dupont (NYSE: DD) e hlahisitse mahlale a maemo a lefatše le mahlale a boenjiniere ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tsa lefatše ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tse ncha ka mokhoa oa ho ithuta The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and tikoloho. Re ikemiseditse ho hlahisa ditharollo tsa boiqapelo le tse ka kgonehang moruong ka mefuta e fapaneng ya dithekenoloji ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa matla tsa lefatshe. Ho tloha mehloling ea matla e tsosolositsoeng e kang photovoltaics, matla a moea, biofuel le lisele tsa mafura ho ea ho tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho etsa hore lipatlisiso, tlhahiso le lipalangoang tsa oli le khase li atlehe haholoanyane, lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa DuPont li thusa ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, botšepehi le litšenyehelo tse tlaase. , polokeho e phahameng le ho fokotsa sebaka sa tikoloho. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li tšehetsa polokelo ea matla le theknoloji ea ho boloka matla nakong eohle ea tlhahiso ea matla, kabo le ts'ebetso ea ho e fetola.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) e hlahisa le ho rekisa theknoloji ea ho fokotsa mocheso oa carbon dioxide bakeng sa lienjineri tse tukang ka hare. E le karolo ea moruo oa machaba oa hydrogen o ntseng o eketseha, re sebelisa theknoloji ea rona e nang le tokelo ea molao ho hlahisa haedrojene le oksijene ka mokhoa o ikhethang oa electrolysis. Likhase tsena li hlahisoa ka phepelo ea moea ho ntlafatsa ho tuka, kapa ho thusa ho fokotsa mesi ea CO2 le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea mafura. Theknoloji ea rona e lumellana le mefuta e mengata le boholo ba lienjine tsa diesel, tse kang tse sebelisoang likoloing, literaka tse nang le sehatsetsing, kaho ea litsela tse sa tsamaeeng, tlhahiso ea motlakase, mechine ea merafo le meru, likepe le literene tsa terene.
Australia's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) is responsible for the production of carbon nanotubes and carbon fibers, nano-material concrete admixtures, hydrogen production, storage and transportation fuel systems (including low-emission hydrogen, hydrogen, methane, coalbed methane and shale gas). ) Interested. United kingdom. Likarolo tsena tsohle tsa khoebo ea Edene ke karolo ea leano le kopaneng le ikemiselitseng ho ba sebapali se seholo sa lefats'e 'marakeng oa matla a fapaneng, haholoholo ho shebana le mmaraka oa lipalangoang tse hloekileng tsa matla, ho hlahisa hydrogen e se nang carbon, le ho tsamaisa haedrojene ho ea Marakeng le ho fana ka lienjine. Lipalangoang tse thehiloeng ho haedrojene le tharollo ea matla.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) ke khamphani e nang le laesense e ikemiselitseng ho nka monyetla oa tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tse latelang: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel le koporo. Khothaletsa phepelo ea motlakase (likoloi, libeteri tse nchafatsoang, polokelo e kholo ea matla, phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang le lits'ebetso tse ling). Lithekiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, matla a tlhahiso ea betri le tlhahiso ea matla a tsoang ho matla a tsosolositsoeng li lebelletsoe ho eketseha haholo lilemong tse 'maloa tse tlang, kahoo tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsena tse reriloeng e tla eketseha ka nepo. Sena se hlahisa monyetla o ikhethang oa ho tsetela le ho fumana meputso merafong le mererong e tla fana ka lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa phetolo ea motlakase. Ntle le sethala sa sehlahisoa sa Globex, lengolo la sepheo sa ho sebelisa franchise ea motlakase lea tlama. Ho na le mefuta e 6 ea li-royalty. Ts'ebetso e ipapisitse le ho phethahala ha maemo (ho kenyeletsoa tumello ea taolo). Moralo oa litefiso tsa motlakase o tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ho fumaneng meputso methating e tsoetseng pele le merero ea ts'ebetso ho aha sethala sa matsete se fapaneng libakeng tse nang le likotsi tse tlase tsa tikoloho.
Netefatsa IPC (OTC: EIPC) e matsa le ho fumana mangolo a macha a batho ba United States. Li-nanostructures tsa eona li ka sebelisoa ka libeteri tse nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse fokolang matla, hammoho le li-betri tse nyenyane lifiliming tse nyenyane haholo. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Li-nanoparticles le nanoparticles tse sebelisoang lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea matla tse kang li-supercapacitor le lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enova Systems, Inc. (Khoutu ea OTC: ENVS) e rala, e hlahisa le ho hlahisa mekhoa ea likoloi le likarolo tse amanang le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, lebasetere le mafura bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mohala United States, Asia le Europe. It provides series and parallel hybrid systems. Mekhoa ea ho khanna motlakase ea motlakase le e nyalisitsoeng ea k'hamphani hammoho le tsamaiso ea matla le lisebelisoa tsa ho fetola matla li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse kang literaka tse mahareng le tse boima, libese le likoloi tse boima tsa indasteri.
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) e rala le ho etsa lilaoli tsa motlakase tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa polokelo ea matla tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo. Eguana has more than 15 years of experience in providing grid-edge power electronic equipment for fuel cell, photovoltaic and battery applications, and provides proven, durable, high-quality solutions through its high-capacity manufacturing plants in Europe and North America. Eguana e na le li-inverter tse likete tsa polokelo ea matla tse kentsoeng 'marakeng oa Europe le Amerika Leboea 'me ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa taolo ea matla bakeng sa tšebeliso ea letsatsi, lits'ebeletso tsa grid, le lits'ebetso tsa ho tjhaja tse batloang ke grid.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tse sebelisetsoang ho hloekisa, ho sireletsa le ho tsamaisa thepa ea bohlokoa e sebelisoang ho sebetsa le ho etsa li-semiconductors le liindasteri tse ling tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Entegris e fetile setifikeiti sa ISO 9001 mme e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso, litšebeletso tsa bareki le/kapa liphuputso United States, Chaena, Fora, Jeremane, Iseraele, Japane, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea Boroa le Taiwan. Fuel cell: Bokhoni ba mantlha ba Entegris ho mahlale le tlhahiso ea thepa ea polymer bo re thusa ho fa baetsi ba lisele tsa mafura lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa lisele tsa mafura, likaroloana, likaroloana le lits'ebeletso tse kenyellelitsoeng boleng.
Matla a lisele tsa mafura (NASDAQGS: FCEL) e fana ka tharollo e sebetsang, e theko e tlaase le e hloekileng bakeng sa phepelo ea matla, ho hlaphoheloa le ho boloka matla. Re rala, re etsa, le ho etsa nts'etsopele ea projeke, ho kenya, ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo ea megawatt fuel cell system, 'me re fana ka tharollo bakeng sa lits'ebeletso, indasteri le basebelisi ba matla ba masepala ba bangata, ho kenyeletsoa sekala sa ts'ebeliso le phepelo ea motlakase sebakeng sa marang-rang, ho ts'oaroa ha khabone, le ho etsa sebaka sa lehae. lipalangoang le tlhahiso ea haedrojene ea indasteri le polokelo ea nako e telele ea matla. Ka SureSource ™ e kentsoeng lik'honthinenteng tse tharo 'me e hlahisa lihora tse limilione tsa megawatt tsa matla a hloekileng a hloekileng, FuelCell Energy ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka ho rala, ho etsa, ho kenya, ho sebetsa le ho hlokomela litharollo tsa matla a lisele tse ikarabellang tikolohong.
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. Our engineers are exploring future advanced technologies such as fuel cell vehicles. We are at the forefront of this innovation, which enables vehicles to release water vapor instead of carbon dioxide from the exhaust pipe. Bareki ba rona ba khannetse lik'hilomithara tse fetang limilione tse 3 ho li-sydrojene ea mocheso oa hae oa metsi. Karakolo lena ea 'nete e re lumella ho ntlafatsa mahlale a tsoang le ho eketsa moeli.
GreenCell Inc. (OTC: GCLL) ke k'hamphani ea sethala sa nts'etsopele e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele ea litsamaiso tsa khase le lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang lisebelisoa, lisensara tsa oksijene, lisele tsa mafura le lisebelisoa bakeng sa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mantlha, bahlahisi, baphatlalatsi ba indasteri le barekisi ba thepa ea ntlo Lihlahisoa tsa Brake pad, likoloi. , liindasteri tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa, le tsa bongaka
H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) ke kopanyo e ikemiselitseng ho rala le ho kenya ts'ebetsong litharollo tsa matla a hloekileng, ho kenyeletsoa letsatsi, libeteri, lisele tsa mafura le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea haedrojene. In addition, HCCC also provides integration of environmental systems and safety systems through its subsidiaries. HCCC serves the residential, commercial and government sectors
Khamphani ea Heliocentris Fumanment (Xetra: h2f.de; h2Fach E sebelisoa ka seleng ea mafura, letsatsi le letsatsi le mahlakore a moea le a hydrogen. Sistimi ea Ts'ebetso ea HniotherIs Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Sistimi ea mafura ea Heliocentris e ka netefatsa phepelo e sa sitisoeng ea motlakase bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bohlokoa (tse kang liteishene tsa motheo tsa TETRA, libaka tsa mokokotlo le liteishene tsa seva marang-rang a mehala) le nako e telele ea ts'ebetso. Lekala la "thuto" le fana ka letoto la litsamaiso tsa ho ithuta le ho etsa lipatlisiso bakeng sa selefouno ea mafura le theknoloji ea hydrogen hydrogen le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla a tsosolositsoeng. Customers include training centers, research institutions and industries.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho aba lithuthuthu, likoloi, motlakase le lihlahisoa tse ling lefatšeng ka bophara. Khamphani e arotsoe ka likarolo tse 'ne: khoebo ea lithuthuthu, khoebo ea likoloi, khoebo ea litšebeletso tsa lichelete, lihlahisoa tsa motlakase le likhoebo tse ling. Yuniti ea Khoebo ea lithuthuthu e hlahisa mefuta ea lipapali, ho kenyelletsa liteko le lithulura tsa naha. Mekhoa ea khoebo le ea ho eta; all-terrain vehicles; and utility vehicles. The automotive business unit provides passenger cars, light trucks and mini cars, as well as vehicles powered by alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol, electric and fuel cell vehicles. Karolo ea khoebo ea litšebeletso tsa lichelete e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea lits'ebeletso tsa lichelete, ho kenyeletsoa likalimo tsa mabenkele, ho hirisa le lits'ebeletso tse ling tsa lichelete, ho kenyeletsoa le lichelete tse ngata ho barekisi le bareki. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers , le mechine e kutang mohloa Mochini le terekere ea mohloa. Karolo ena ea mmaraka e fana ka likarolo tsa kopane ea malapa a tsoang malapeng. Khamphani e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona ka barekisi ba ikemetseng, barekisi ba rekisoang le barekisi ba lumelletsoeng. Lefa la Honda la bohloeki ha le na bapisoa le ka har'a indasteri ea likoloi. Joaloka kamehla, tlhokomelo ea rōna e lebisitsoe ho bokamoso. Ka mohlala, bakhanni ba bang ba California hona joale ba khanna likoloi tsa motlakase tsa FCX Clarity. This is all part of Honda's thinking and action. Likoloi tse baballang tikoloho: khase ea tlhaho, matla a lebasetere le lisele tsa mafura
HyperSolar Inc. (OTC: HYSR) e nts'etsapele katleho ea thekenoloji ea theko e tlaase ho hlahisa haedrojene e tsosolositsoeng e sebelisa mahlaseli a letsatsi le mohloli ofe kapa ofe oa metsi, ho akarelletsa le metsi a leoatle le metsi a litšila. Ho fapana le libeso tsa hydrocarbon tse kang oli, mashala le khase ea tlhaho, libeso tsa hydrocarbon li ntša carbon dioxide le lintho tse ling tse silafatsang sepakapakeng ha li sebelisoa, ha tšebeliso ea mafura a haedrojene e hlahisa metsi a hloekileng e le oona feela sehlahisoa. Ka ho ntlafatsa theknoloji ea nano-scale water electrolysis, li-nanoparticles tsa rona tse theko e tlaase li ka etsisa photosynthesis ho sebelisa khanya ea letsatsi ka katleho ho arola haedrojene ka metsing ho hlahisa haedrojene e hloekileng le e nchafalitsoeng. Re ikemiselitse ho sebelisa mokhoa oa rona o theko e tlase ho hlahisa haedrojene e nchafalitsoeng ho hlokomela lefatše la tlhahiso ea haedrojene e ajoang bakeng sa motlakase o tsosolositsoeng le likoloi tsa hydrogen fuel cell.
Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. Khampani e fana ka Centennial / Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20 , i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Ho kenyeletsoa literaka, libese, likoloi tse khethehileng le likoloi tsa khoebo tse nang le lihlahisoa tsa chassis tse pepesitsoeng, hammoho le likoloi tsa Eco, ho kenyeletsoa Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell le Sonata-Hybrid likoloi. Bakeng sa batho ba Canada e le moetsi oa pele oa koloi ea ho fana ka Fuel, koloi ea Hyundai ea Cell Electric e nolofalletsa tanka ea mafura e sa ntšeng mosi, e nang le koloi e nang le zero ho tsamaea lik'hilomithara tse fetang 400 ntle le ho qeta lihora tse ngata e tjhaja. Our new thinking has broken through the traditional boundaries, redefining the goals that cars can achieve, a new world, and moving towards a better future.
Itm Power (LSE: ITM.L) e rala, e etsa le ho rekisa lisebelisoa tsa matla a haedrojene bakeng sa polokelo ea matla le tlhahiso e hloekileng ea mafura UK. Khampani e hlahisa lisebelisoa tse fetolang matla a tsosolositsoeng hore e be libeso tse hloekileng; 'me e e boloka e le hydrogen e tala bakeng sa decarbonization lipalangoang, tlhahiso ea matla a khase ea indasteri le ea tlhaho, le lits'ebetso tsa bolulo. E fana ka proton exchange membrane electrolyzer HPac 40; HFuel, mochine o ikemetseng oa ho tlatsa likoloi tsa litsela tse tsamaisoang ke hydrogen-powered le forklifts; le li-HGA bakeng sa moloko oa motlakase oa tlhaho. Khampani e boetse e kenya letsoho lipatlisisong le nts'etsopele ea merero ea saense le ea boenjiniere; ntshetsopele le tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa mohlala; thekiso ea lisebelisoa tsa electrolysis le litharollo tsa polokelo ea haedrojene.
Johnson Matthey PLC (LSE: JMAT.L) e arotsoe ka mafapha a mahlano: thekenoloji ea ho laola mocheso, theknoloji ea ts'ebetso, lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tsa bohlokoa, lik'hemik'hale tse ntle le khoebo e ncha. Johnson Matthey fuel cell is a world leader in the production of fuel cell catalysts and catalytic components. This technology is a technology that produces low-carbon power. Johnson Matthey fuel cell is at the forefront of fuel cell component development. The company has the world's largest manufacturing plant in Swindon, UK, for the production of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) for hydrogen and methanol fuel systems.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) is a company dedicated to becoming the diamond standard for the magnesium (Mg) market. Khampani e tsepamisitse maikutlo mererong e mene ea pele setsing sa eona sa ts'ebetso se karolong e ka boroa ea Quebec, Canada: I. Kopano le Thekiso ea mapolanka a sheathing a thehiloeng ho magnesium (ROK-ONIM) a sebelisoang mohahong; 2. Produce high-purity SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 and other saleable by-products and by-products; Ea boraro, hlahisa 99.9% e hloekileng ea magnesium ingot; and IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. (OTC: MVTG) ke incubator e hloekileng ea theknoloji e amohelang le ho rekisa mekhoa e mecha le e hlahang. Khamphani, ka nako ea ho fula ea Mantera ea AroundIary, hajoale e ntse e tsoela pele theknoloji ea motlakase, e leng erc (phokotso ea motlakase) le Monghali oa 'nete). ERC ke mofuta oa "carbon capture and utilization" (CCU) e fetolang khase ea carbon dioxide e silafatsang hore e be lihlahisoa tse molemo le tsa bohlokoa, ho akarelletsa le formic acid le formate. Ka ho sebelisa motlakase o hloekileng, ts'ebetso ena e fana ka limela tsa indasteri monyetla oa ho fokotsa likhase, ha li ntse li hlahisa lihlahisoa tse rekisoang le phaello. MRFC ke sele e sa tloaelehang ea mafura e sebelisang motsoako oa mafura le oxidant, e leng ho fokotsang haholo ho rarahana le litšenyehelo tsa tsamaiso ea lisele tsa mafura. MRFC e loketse likopo tse nkehang 'me e theko e tlase, e bobebe le e tšoanang ho feta theknoloji ea sele ea mafura.
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) e sebetsa ka thata ho litsamaiso le likarolo tsa taolo ea mocheso, e tlisang mahlale a ho futhumatsa le a pholileng a nang le boenjiniere le tharollo 'marakeng oa lefatše o fapaneng. Lihlahisoa tsa Modine li sebelisoa likoloing tse bobebe, tse mahareng le tse boima, ho futhumatsa, ho kenya moea le lisebelisoa tsa moea, lisebelisoa tsa off-road le tsa indasteri, le lisebelisoa tsa sehatsetsi. Modine ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Racine, Wisconsin, USA, e nang le ts'ebetso Amerika Leboea, Amerika Boroa, Europe, Asia le Afrika. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Variable-speed brushless fan (EFAN) technology is used to control temperature in diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid applications, and is also part of pioneering fuel cell-powered buses.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa libese ea ikemetseng lefatšeng ka bophara, o fana ka sete e felletseng ea tharollo ea lipalangoang tsa sechaba tlasa mefuta e latelang: NewFlyer® (libese tse boima), Alexander Dennis Limited (molao o le mong le Double-decker bese), Plaxton (koloi ea bapalami e tsamaeang), MCI® (koloi ea bapalami e tsamaeang), ARBOC® (koloi ea bapalami e tlase le koloi ea bapalami ba boholo bo mahareng) le NFI Parts™. Libese le likoetliso tsa NFI li sebelisa mekhoa e mengata ka ho fetisisa ea ho khanna, ho akarelletsa le: disele e hloekileng, khase ea tlhaho, likoloi tse nyalisitsoeng tsa diesel-electric le likoloi tsa motlakase tsa zero-emission (trolleys, libeteri le lisele tsa mafura). Hona joale NFI e tšehetsa palo ea libese le likoetliso tse fetang 105,000 tse sebelisoang hona joale lefatšeng ka bophara.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) e fetola indasteri ea lipalangoang lefatšeng ka bophara. Joaloka moqapi le moetsi oa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa motlakase le tsa haedrojene tsa motlakase, literene tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, likarolo tsa koloi, lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea matla, le lisebelisoa tsa seteishene sa hydrogen refueling, Nikola o ikemiselitse ho ntšetsa pele phello ea moruo le tikoloho ea khoebo joalokaha re e tseba kajeno. litšusumetso. Nikola Corporation was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
NioCorp Developments Ltd. (TSX: NB.TO; OTC: NIOBF) is developing a superalloy material project in southeastern Nebraska that will produce niobium, scan and titanium. Niobium is used in the production of superalloys and high-strength, low-alloy (“HSLA”) steels, which are lightweight, high-strength steels used in automotive, structural and piping applications. Didium can be used in combination with aluminum to make an ultra-high performance alloy with higher strength and higher corrosion resistance. Didium is also an important part of advanced solid oxide fuel cells. Titanium e sebelisoa ka li-alloys tse fapaneng tsa mocheso o phahameng 'me e sebelisoa haholo sebakeng sa sefofane, tšireletso, lipalangoang, bongaka le lisebelisoa tse ling. Hape ke motsoako oa bohlokoa oa li-pigments tse sebelisoang pampiring, pente le polasetiki.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa likoloi tse kopanetsoeng, li-sedans, likoloi tse khethehileng le tse bobebe, li-minivan / vans, li-SUV / literaka tse tsamaisang thepa le likoloi tse bobebe tsa khoebo tlas'a mefuta ea Nissan, Infiniti le Datsun. Khamphani e boetse e ameha likhoebong tse fapaneng tsa likepe, ho kenyeletsoa tlhahiso le thekiso ea likepe tse tsamaeang ka sekepe, khoebo ea boema-fofane le ho romelloa kantle ha lienjineri tsa sekepe. Ntle le moo, e fana ka li-gearbox, li-axle, lienjineri tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri, libeteri tsa lithium-ion tse nchafalitsoeng le likarolo tse ling tse amanang le tsona; mechine ea indasteri; le lisebelisoa tsa boenjiniere, tsa elektroniki le tsa elektroniki. koloi ea motlakase. Nissan e ntse e ntlafatsa theknoloji ea lisele tsa mafura, tse ka sebelisang ethanol ea semela ho fehla likoloi.
Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQGS: PLUG) Plug Power ke setsebi sa meralo ea theknoloji ea sejoale-joale ea hydrogen le fuel cell, hape ke moqapi ea sebelisang theknoloji ea hydrogen le fuel cell ho tloha mehopolong ho ea khoebong. Matla a plug a fetotse litaba tsa ho tšoara indasteri e neng e sebetsana le tharollo ea eona ea Transy ea Transy ea Tennkey, e fokotsa mokhoa o tšepahalang oa ho sebetsa, o sebetsang. Tharollo ea k'hamphani ea GenKey e kopanya lintlha tsohle tse hlokahalang ho fa bareki matla, mafura le litšebeletso. Ka lihlahisoa tse netefalitsoeng tsa hydrogen le mafura, Plug Power e nkela libeteri tsa lead-acid sebaka ho matlafatsa likoloi tsa indasteri ea motlakase, joalo ka liforklift tse sebelisoang ke bareki litsing tsa bona tsa phepelo. Plug Power's modular fuel cell enjene ProGen sethala se holisa tšusumetso ea sona 'marakeng oa likoloi tsa motlakase oa litseleng, se nolofalletsang li-OEM le li-integrator tsa sistimi ho amohela theknoloji ea lisele tsa hydrogen kapele. Lienjineri tsa ProGen li netefalitsoe ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tse likete le ho ts'ehetsa tse ling tsa ts'ebetso e matla ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng. Plug Power ke molekane ea tšeptjoang oa bareki mme a ka sutumelletsa khoebo ea bona nakong e tlang.
Praxair (NYSE: PX) ke k'hamphani ea Fortune 250, k'hamphani e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea khase ea indasteri Amerika Leboea le Boroa, hape ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa khase ea indasteri lefatšeng. Khampani e hlahisa, e rekisa le ho aba likhase tsa sepakapaka, ts'ebetso le tse khethehileng le liphahlo tse sebetsang hantle tsa holim'a metsi. Lihlahisoa, lits'ebeletso le mahlale a Praxair li tlisa katleho le melemo ea tikoloho indastering e mengata joalo ka sefofane, k'hemistri, lijo le lino, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, matla, tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle, tlhahiso le litšepe tse kholo, ka hona ho etsa hore polanete ea rona e sebetse hantle. Phepelo ea haerojene e tsoang liseleng tsa mafura: Hydrojene ea Praxair e besa ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ho tloha ho likoloi tse nang le lebelo le senyehileng ho ea ho likoloi tsa baeti, libese 'me hona joale liforklift. Ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, Praxair esale e fana ka mafura a haedrojene le tšehetso e amanang le tekheniki ho baetsi ba lisele tsa mafura le likepe ho pholletsa le naha. Sistimi e felletseng ea phepelo ea haedrojene ea Praxair e lumella setsi sa hau sa kabo ho nka monyetla o felletseng oa litšenyehelo tse tlase le tlhahiso e phahameng e fanoang ke liforklift tsa hydrogen fuel cell, ha li ntse li siea phepelo ea haedrojene ho litsebi.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), ka tlatsetso ea eona ea Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, e rala, e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho lekola lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa lisele tsa mafura le lisebelisoa tse amanang le tekheniki Jeremane le libakeng tse ling tsa Europe le machabeng. . E fana ka mojule oa lisele tsa mafura a haedrojene tse kopantsoeng le sistimi ea polokelo ea matla ho theha sistimi e nyalisitsoeng ea lisele tsa mafura tsa motlakase ho fana ka motlakase nakong ea tlhokeho e phahameng. Khamphani e fana ka lihlahisoa ho mafapha a fapaneng a mebaraka, ho kenyeletsoa libese tsa litoropo, liketsoana tsa baeti, likoloi tsa ho shebella le tse bobebe, likarolo tse thusang tsa motlakase, le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase bakeng sa IT le meralo ea motheo.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Palo ea palo e hlahisa e 'ngoe e ncha e ncha e tsoetseng pele, e tsoetseng pele le litanka tsa polokelo tsa khase e hatelletsoeng ka tlas'a khase ea tlhaho lefatšeng. In addition to fully integrated natural gas storage tank systems, it also provides these storage tanks for truck and automotive OEMs as well as aftermarket and OEM truck integrators. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Boholo ba morung oa moru, Carefornia, ka ts'ebetso le makala United States, Canada le India.
SFC Eneel Comparation (Xetra: F3C.DE; FLKFURT: F3C.Sarekeng ea motlakase, ts'ireletso le liphiri tse shebaneng le indasteri ea oli le ea khase. Khamphani e rekisitse lisele tsa mafura a mafura mme e atlehile ho fumana khoebo le liphallelo tse atlehang lefatšeng ka bophara. Sehlopha se atlehile, se hlahisitse le ho hlahisitse le ho fana ka likarolo tse tsoetseng pele tsa taolo ea matla a ts'ebetso ea taolo, joalo ka lifofane tsa motlakase le switch-mode. Lihlahisoa li ntse li fanoa ka ho eketsehileng e le tharollo ea tsamaiso ea matla e thehiloeng ho litlhoko tsa bareki. SFC e fetisitse lengolo la DIN ISO 9001:2008.
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) ke e 'ngoe ea baetsi ba lefats'e ba ka sehloohong ba lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka carbon. Sehlahisoa sa rona se pharaletseng se fapana ho tloha ho lihlahisoa tsa carbon le graphite ho ea ho carbon fiber le lisebelisoa tse kopantsoeng. Re ikemiselitse ho theha litharollo tse ncha le boleng ho bareki ba rona. Likarolo tsa lisele tsa mafura: Sehlopha sa SGL se hlahisa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho carbon bakeng sa lisele tsa mafura a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEFC)
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. Tšimong ea libeteri tsa Lithium-Ion, Lefapha le Fana ka Lifilimi tsa Theko, Litona tsa Aluminium ea Aluminium bakeng sa Cathode ea hajoale. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Solarvest BioEnergy Inc. (TSX: SVS.V) is an algae technology company whose algae production platform provides it with an extremely flexible system that can be adapted to produce clean energy in the form of hydrogen and health products (such as omega oil). Mokhoa oa moruo le tikoloho. Mafura a haedrojene a ka sebelisoa bakeng sa tšebeliso e tobileng ea matla, ho hatella le ho boloka, kapa bakeng sa ho fehla matla, joalo ka liseleng tse emeng tsa mafura. Ho phaella moo, theknoloji ena e tala e tla tsoelapele ho hlahisa likoloto tsa carbon, tseo lik'hamphani li ka li rekisang kapa tsa li rekisa.
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE: TDY) is a leading provider of cutting-edge instruments, digital imaging products and software, aerospace and defense electronics, and engineering systems. Khoebo ea Teledyne Technologies e fumaneha haholo United States, Canada, United Kingdom le Europe Bophirimela le Europe Leboea. Lisele tsa mafura: Teledyne e ka kopanya li-solenoids tsohle tsa mafura, li-sensor tsa khatello, li-regulator, li-valve tsa polokeho, li-valve tsa ho hlahloba le li-thermistors ka har'a poleiti e mengata qetellong ea mokelikeli oa sele ea mafura. Hydrogen: Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. e fana ka letoto la lijenereithara tsa haedrojene tse batloang sebakeng se ka fanang ka hydrogen le oksijene e hloekileng haholo bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsena le tse ling.
Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) ke moetsi oa likoloi tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, moetsi oa likoloi tsa mafura tsa Prius le Mirai, tse ikemiselitseng ho etsetsa batho likoloi ka mekhoa ea rona ea bophelo ea mofuta oa Toyota, Lexus le Scion. Lilemong tse 50 tse fetileng, re entse likoloi le literaka tse fetang limilione tse 25 Amerika Leboea, moo re sebetsang limela tsa tlhahiso ea 14 (10 US) 'me re hira basebetsi ba fetang 42,000 ka ho toba (ho feta 33,000 US) ). Ka 2014, likhoebo tsa rona tse 1,800 tsa Amerika Leboea (1,500 US) li rekisitse likoloi le literaka tse limilione tse 2.67 (tse fetang limilione tse 2.35 US) - lilemong tse 20 tse fetileng, hoo e ka bang 80% ea likoloi tsa Toyota tse rekisitsoeng li ntse li le kajeno tseleng. Lefatšeng ka bophara, batho ba sebetsa ka thata ho sebelisa matla a hydrojene, eo e leng ntho e ngata ka ho fetisisa bokahohleng. Toyota e hlokomela bokhoni bo boholo ba hydrojene e le mohloli o hloekileng oa matla ebile o ntse o hola hantle mme o hlahisa likoloi tsa sele ea mafura (fcv).
Ultralife Corp. (NasdaqGM: ULBI) e fana ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso ho marakeng, ho tloha ho tharollo ea matla ho ea ho mekhoa ea puisano le ea elektronike. Ka mekhoa ea eona ea boenjiniere le e kopanetsoeng ea ho rarolla mathata, Ultralife e fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki ba mmuso, ba ts'ireletso le ba khoebo lefatšeng ka bophara. The company is headquartered in Newark, New York, and its business units include batteries and energy products and communication systems. Ultralife e na le ts'ebetso Amerika Leboea, Europe le Asia. We have the ability to integrate batteries, charging solutions, and monitoring, and have established strong partnerships with wind, solar, fuel cell and power management companies to ensure that we can meet the needs of all markets with the right solutions.
United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX) e fana ka litsamaiso le lits'ebeletso tsa theknoloji e phahameng bakeng sa indasteri e ntseng e hola ka potlako ea sefofane le ea kaho. Fuel cell: Our fuel cell power module (FCPM) powers Navantia's S-80 Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) submarine for the Spanish Navy. S-80 FCPM e koetlisitsoe 'me e kentsoe tlhahiso. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell cell energy system e fana ka matla a ikemetseng a moea bakeng sa likoloi tse tsamaeang ka tlas'a metsi tse laoloang ke batho le tse se nang motho (UUV). Re ntse re fetoha le maemo, re theko e bonolo, tse bonolo le matla a matla a likoloi tse ka tlas'a metsi a nang le bophara ba lisenthimithara tse 21 le ka tlase. We have decades of experience in the design and production of reliable, durable and safe qualified subsea hardware.
Ke mokhoa oa hau oa UQM (NYSO mkt: UQM) ke moqapi oa matla The main focus of UQM is to develop propulsion systems for electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles. UQM is TS 16949 and ISO 14001 certified and is located in Longmont, Colorado
Xebec Inc (TSX: XBC.V) ke mofani oa lefats'e oa litharollo tsa matla a hloekileng bakeng sa lik'hamphani le mebuso e batlang ho fokotsa khabone ea bona. Xebec has more than 1,500 customers worldwide, and its innovative products designed, engineered, and manufactured convert raw gas into saleable clean energy. Sepheo sa leano la Xebec ke ho theha boemo bo etelletseng pele 'marakeng ka tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea tlhoekiso ea khase, ho felloa ke metsi metsi a tlhaho le ho sefa. E thehiloe Montreal (QC), Xebec ke k'hamphani ea machaba e nang le limela tse peli tsa tlhahiso Montreal le Shanghai, le marang-rang a thekiso le kabo Amerika Leboea le Asia. Xebec e fana ka litharollo tsa tlhoekiso le tlhoekiso ea khase bakeng sa mebaraka ea khase ea tlhaho, khase ea masimong, ea biogas, helium le hydrogen.
Aboitiz Power Corporation (AP) (Philippines: AP.PH) e sebetsana le likhoebo tsa ho fehla motlakase, ho abela le ho rekisa Philippines ka lithuso tsa eona. E sebetsa ka ho fehla motlakase, kabo, k'hamphani ea batsoali le mafapha a mang. Khoebo ea ho fehla motlakase e kenyelletsa ho fehla le ho fana ka motlakase ho bareki ba fapaneng ho latela likonteraka tsa phepelo ea motlakase le litumellano tsa theko ea litšebeletso tse tlatselletsang, hammoho le ho hoeba 'marakeng oa thekiso ea motlakase ka bongata. Lefapha lena le sebetsa ka lifeme tsa motlakase o fehlang metsi, lifeme tsa motlakase o fehloang ke mocheso oa mocheso o phahameng oa mocheso le lifeme tsa motlakase tse fehloang ka mashala. Lekala la kabo ea motlakase le abela le ho rekisetsa bareki ba liindasteri, bolulo, khoebo le ba bang motlakase. Lefapha le khahloa ke ts'ebelisano ea lihlahisoa tse robeli tsa matla a phepelo libakeng tsa tokiso ea litoropo tse ka bang 18 tsa Luzon, Visayas le Minicas le Minicas le Mindanao. Khampani ea botsoali le mafapha a mang a rekisa motlakase ho batho ba fapaneng ba timang motlakase; le ho fana ka litšebeletso tse amanang le motlakase, joalo ka ho kenya lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.
AES Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: AES) ke k'hamphani e matla ea lefatše ea Fortune 500. Re fana ka matla a theko e tlaase le a matla ho linaha / libaka tse tsoang lithupelong tse fapaneng le tse matlafatsang le tse matlafatsang tsa matla a motlakase. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa phepelo ea motlakase, phetisetso le meaho ea literene, a beha mohlala bakeng sa boqapi le mahlale a baballang tikoloho. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho li-grids tse bohlale. Geothermal: We are at the forefront of geothermal innovation, have a broad portfolio of mature technologies, and are able to create customized solutions for the most challenging geothermal applications.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra e na le karolo ea 247 MW ea matla ana 'me e hlahisa ho feta 1,250 GWh ea matla a hloekileng selemo le selemo. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra e lebelletsoe ho ba le beng ba 50% (hona joale ke 100%). Kamora ho phethelwa ha diporojeke tsena tse pedi, Alterra e tla sebedisa dipolante tse supileng tsa motlakase tse nang le matla a kakaretso a 819 MW mme e tla ba le 381 MW ya matla ao, e tla hlahisa ho feta 1,700 GWh ya eneji e hlwekileng selemo le selemo. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX: BSR.V) ke k'hamphani ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale e ikemiselitseng ho ntšetsa pele morafo oa eona oa khauta oa Cerro Blanco o nang le 100% le morero oa mocheso oa mocheso oa Mita Guatemala. Moruo oa projeke ea Cerro Blanco e senotsoe tlhahlobong ea pele ea moruo ea khamphani Cerro Blanco (e fumanehang ho www.sedar.com) le likhakanyo tsa morao-rao tsa mohloli oa liminerale oa Cerro Blanco li bonts'a hore projeke e matla mme e lebelletsoe ho hlahisa li-ounces tse 952,000 nakong ea lilemo tse 9. bophelo ba ka Morafo oa khauta. Khauta le lithane tse 3 141 000 tsa silevera. Chelete e hakanyetsoang ea pele ea chelete ea PEA bakeng sa kaho le ts'ebetso e hakanyetsoa ho $170.8 milione, 'me kakaretso ea litšenyehelo tsa ho lokisa (tse hlalosoang ho latela litataiso tsa Lekhotla la Lefatše la Khauta, ho tloswa litšenyehelo tsa kakaretso le tsa taolo ea k'hamphani) li hakanyetsoa ho $490 ponto e le 'ngoe ea khauta. produced.
Calpine Corporation (NYSE: CPN) ke mohlahisi e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa lisebelisoa tsa khase ea tlhaho le mocheso oa mocheso oa lefatše United States. Re na le litsi tse 82 tsa motlakase tse nang le hoo e ka bang 27,000 MW tse sebetsang. Re sebeletsa bareki liprofinseng tse 18 le Canada, ba ipapisitse le nts'etsopele, kaho, beng le ts'ebetso ea khase ea tlhaho le lipolante tse nchafalitsoeng tsa mocheso oa mocheso o sebelisang mahlale a tsoetseng pele ho fehla motlakase ka mokhoa o fokolang oa khabone le tikoloho. Re ikutloa re hloekile, e sebetsang hantle, likepe tsa sejoale-joale tsa sejoale-joale le tsa nakoana li ikemiselitse ka nepo hore li rue molemo mekhoa ea nako e telele e amang indasteri ea rona. Litloaelo tsena li kenyelletsa phepelo ea khase e hloekileng e fumanehang ka theko e tlase, melaoana e thata ea tikoloho, mekhoa ea khale ea ho fehla motlakase, le Tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea lifeme tsa motlakase tse ka romelloang. E atlehile ho kopanya matla a ka nchafatsoang ka linako tse ling ho marang-rang. We focus on the fiercely competitive electricity wholesale market and advocate market-oriented solutions to provide investors with non-discriminatory forward price signals
Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tsa matla tse kopaneng tsa lefatše. Khamphani e kenella likarolong tsohle tsa indasteri ea matla. Chevron e nyalane, e hlahisa le ho tsamaisa khase ea tlhaho le khase ea tlhaho; e hloekisa, e rekisa le ho tsamaisa mafura a tsamaisang lipalangoang le lubricats; e hlahisa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa peteroche tsa petrochemical le litlatsetso; o hlahisa motlakase ebe o hlahisa matla a masene; le ho hlaha le ho pepeseha se ka ntlafatsang likarolo tsohle tsa theknoloji ea ts'ebetso ea boleng ba khoebo bakeng sa boleng ba Khoebo. ntlo-kholo ea Chevron e San Ramon, California.
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. It operates through integrated energy and other fields. The company produces, buys and retails electricity and natural gas. E hlahisa motlakase ho tsoana ka hydropower, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le matla a futhumatsang le matla a moea. Khampani le eona e ameha thekisong ea khase ea peterole e khethiloeng. E sebeletsa ba rekisang bolulo, khoebo le liindasteri. Ntle le moo, e boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa limithara ho barekisi ba bang.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) e ikemiseditse ho nts'etsopele le tsamaiso ea tlhahiso ea matla a tsosolositsoeng boemong ba machaba, ka ts'ebetso Europe le Amerika. Enel Green Power e sebelisa mehloli eohle ea matla a ka nchafatsoang ho hlahisa matla ka mekhahlelo e mengata ea merero ea matla a moea, a nang le metsi, a mocheso, a letsatsi le a biomass. Geothermal: Enel's renewable energy company operates one of the largest geothermal power plants in the world, with 34 facilities, totaling approximately 769 net megawatts, and generating more than 5 TWh per year, which can meet 26% of regional demand and average consumption Approximately 2 malapa a limilione a Mataliana. In addition, the heat provided by EGP can heat more than 8,700 residential and commercial customers and approximately 25 hectares of greenhouses. Enel Green Power is currently committed to strengthening its role in the global environment through new initiatives implemented abroad. One of them, especially worth mentioning is the United States, where the two Stillwater and Salt Wells plants use one of the most advanced technologies applied in this field: binary circulation and intermediate Enthalpy. Several countries in Central and South America are also defining various investment plans.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (eo pele e neng e le GDF Suez) ke mofani oa thepa ea matla lefatšeng ka bophara ebile ke setsebi sa tšebetso likarolong tse tharo tsa bohlokoa tsa litšebeletso tsa motlakase, khase ea tlhaho le matla. Liphetoho tsa sechaba tse tšehetsoeng ke sehlopha ha lia itšetleha feela ka kholo ea moruo, tsoelo-pele ea sechaba le tšireletso ea mehloli ea tlhaho. Engin e na le bokhoni bo hlahisang ba 115.3 GW mme hona joale ke moetsi oa matla o ikhethileng lefatšeng. Setsi sa eona sa ho fehla motlakase ke se seng sa tse fapaneng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng. Kaha keketseho ea tlhahiso ea motlakase e ke ke ea senya tekano ea tikoloho, ENGIE e ikemiselitse ho nts'etsapele lits'ebetso tse ncha mme e rata litharollo tse nang le ts'ebetso e phahameng ka ho fetesisa le likhase tse tlase tsa carbon dioxide. Ho fihlela joale, 22% ea motlakase oa sehlopha o tsoa mehloling e ka nchafatsoang. Hydropower is undoubtedly the main energy source to be developed, but wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy are becoming more and more important in the energy structure.
Li-gedynamics Ltd. E ikemiseditse ho ntshetsapele mesi e se nang mesi le ho hlahisa matla a ka ntjhafatswang ka disistimi tse matlafaditsweng tsa mocheso wa mobu (EGS). The company is interested in the Innamincka (EGS) project, located in approximately 2,300 square kilometers in the Cooper Basin, South Australia; litumello tse peli tsa ho hlahloba mocheso oa mocheso Phuleng ea Hunter; le sebaka sa ho tsoma litsebo ka bochabela ho Tasmania. Ho boetse hoa thahasella merero ea matla a mangata naheng ea Savo Sehlekehlekeng sa Solomon Island infatung Vanuatu.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation e na le litsebi tse tsebahalang lefatšeng ka bophara tsa boenjiniere lefapheng la vacuum le theknoloji ea ho fetisa mocheso. It is a global designer, manufacturer and supplier of custom ejectors, pumps, condensers, vacuum systems and heat exchangers . Graham ke mofani oa lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso bakeng sa indasteri ea ho fehla motlakase. Li-condensers tsa eona tse ka holim'a metsi li sebelisetsoa litšebeletso tsa jenereithara ea turbine, li-ejectors tsa jet jet le lisebelisoa tsa pompo ea metsi li sebelisoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa condenser exhaust, 'me li-exchange tsa mocheso li sebelisetsoa litšebeletso tse fapaneng. Litšila ho ea ho eneji (ho kenyeletsoa le methane ea ho qhalla mobu ho ea ho eneji), mocheso le matla a kopantsoeng, matla a nyutlelie, mocheso o matla, mocheso o kopaneng le matla, le lisebelisoa tsa phepelo ea motlakase tse kopaneng kaofela li hloka lihlahisoa tsa rona.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) ke khamphani e fapaneng ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Australia. E thahasella litharollo tse shebaneng le theknoloji tse kenyelletsang matla a matla a indasteri le phetoho ea carbon dioxide ho limmaraka tsa mafura, hammoho le Australia le tse ling. Mehloli e tloaelehileng ea mocheso oa mocheso Leoatleng le leholo la Pacific ke melomo.
HRL Holdings Ltd (ASX: HRL..AX) e sebetsa indastering ya eneji e hlwekileng, e ntse e hlahloba le ho ntshetsapele diporojeke tsa yona tsa mocheso wa mocheso le mohatsela Victoria, ka sepheo sa ho sebedisa mekgwa e metle ya lefatshe ho hlahisa motlakase o hlwekileng. Lilaesense tse ling tse peli tsa ho hlahloba mocheso oa mobu (GEP 6 le 8) li sa tsoa nchafatsoa ka nako ea lilemo tse 5. Morero oa mosebetsi o reriloeng o kenyelletsa ho hlalosa bocha data ea 2D ea litšisinyeho tsa lefatše, ho phethela liphuputso tsa 3D tsa tšisinyeho ea lefatše, ho cheka le ho etsa liteko bakeng sa lebelo la phallo e phahameng sebakeng sa metsi a chesang a nang le aquifer e robehileng.
LSB Industries, Inc. (NYSE: LXU) is a manufacturing and sales company. The main business activities of LSB include the production and sale of chemical products for agricultural, mining and industrial markets; le tlhahiso le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa khoebo le tsa bolulo tsa taolo ea tikoloho, joalo ka mehloli ea metsi le lipompo tsa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso o phahameng oa mocheso, li-coil tsa fene tse potolohang, li-coolers tse ling tsa modular le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa moea.
NRG Yield, Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: NYLD, NYLD-A) e na le potefolio e fapaneng ea konteraka e ka nchafatsoang, ho fehla matla a tloaelehileng le thepa ea thepa ea motheo ea thermal United States, ho kenyeletsoa libeso tsa khale, letsatsi le moea tse ka fanang ka tšehetso e eketsehileng. mahae le likhoebo tsa Amerika tse fetang limilione tse 2 li na le lisebelisoa tsa ho fehla matla. Thepa ea rona ea thepa ea motheo e futhumatsang e fana ka mouoane, metsi a chesang le/kapa metsi a pholileng, 'me ka linako tse ling motlakase, ho likhoebo tsa khoebo, liunivesithi, lipetlele le mafapha a 'muso libakeng tse ngata.
Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ORA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e lefapheng la limela tsa matla a mocheso oa mocheso. Khamphani e na le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse ka bang 50 ho nts'etsapele litharollo tsa morao-rao tsa motlakase tse baballang tikoloho. Ormat ke k'hamphani e hokahaneng ho ea holimo e ikakhetse ka setotsoana khoebong ea ho fehla matla a mocheso le mocheso o tsosolositsoeng. Khampani e rala, e nts'etsapele, e aha, e ba le eona ebile e sebelisa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso le mocheso o tsosolositsoeng. Ka tlhokomelo e sebetsang hantle le karabelo e nakong litabeng tsa ts'ebetso, tsebo e tebileng e fumanoeng lits'ebetsong tsena e fa k'hamphani monyetla oa tlholisano. Ntle le ho ba le ho sebetsa le ho sebelisa lifeme tsa matla a mocheso o chesang ka tlas'a lefatše United States le linaheng/litikolohong tse ling, k'hamphani e boetse e rala, e etsa le ho rekisa lisebelisoa tsa ho fehla motlakase le lihlopha tse felletseng tsa lifeme tsa motlakase. Ormat hajoale e na le ts'ebetso United States, Guatemala le Kenya.
Petratherm Limited Petratherm Limited ke ea etellang pele le moqapi oa matla a tikoloho adengide. Khamphani eo e nkile karolo ka mokhoa o ikemetseng ea ho fana ka merero ea Australia, Spain le China.
PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (Philippines: PERC.PH) focuses on upstream oil exploration and development. PERC haholo-holo e fumana chelete libakeng tse tharo tsa tlhahiso Gabon, Afrika Bophirimela, 'me e se e le eona feela k'hamphani ea Philippines e etsang phaello khoebong ea machaba e holimo. Ha e hlokomela monyetla oa ho fapanyetsana khoebo, PERC e ile ea boela ea tsetela phaello ea Gabon masimong a 'maloa a oli le mererong ea matla a ka nchafatsoang Philippines. Geothermal
Polaris Infrastructure Corporation (eo pele e neng e le Ram Power, Corp.) (TSX: PIF.TO) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e sebetsanang le ho fumana, ho lekola, ho nts'etsapele le ts'ebetso ea thepa ea mocheso oa mocheso 'me e thahasella merero ea mocheso oa mocheso oa Amerika, Canada le Latin. Amerika.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) ke nts'etsopele ea sistimi ea matla e ikemiselitseng ho sebelisa theknoloji ea organic Rankine cycle ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla le ho hlaphoheloa ha mocheso litšila. E sebelisa moralo oa eona oa thepa le selekane sa maano, sepheo sa PowerVerde ke ho nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa motlakase tse ajoang ka matla a ka tlase ho 500kW le ho fihlela boemo bo etelletseng pele indastering. Hlahisa mehloli ea matla a ts'eptjoang, e bolokang chelete e ngata, 'me e se nang tlhahiso e ka sebelisoang tšimong kapa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa microgrid. Theknoloji ea ORC ea PowerVerde e ka boela ea kopanngoa le mehloli ea mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa 'mele oa lefatše, biomass le letsatsi.
Raya Group (ASX: RYG.AX) ke k'hamphani ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea geothermal e sebetsanang le letoto la merero Australia le machabeng. Raya is headquartered in Melbourne, Victoria, with projects in South Australia, Indonesia and the United States. Moetapele oa k'hamphani e ne e le Panax Geothermal Co., Ltd.
American Geothermal Company (NYSE MKT: HTM, TSX: GTH.TO) is a leading profitable renewable energy company dedicated to the development, production and sales of geothermal power generation. Hona joale k'hamphani e sebetsa merero ea matla a mocheso oa mocheso Neal Hot Springs, Oregon; San Emidio, Nevada; and Raft River, Idaho, with a total power generation capacity of approximately 45 megawatts. The company is also developing projects in Geysers, California; the second phase of the project in San Emidio, Nevada; the El Ceibillo project near Guatemala City, Guatemala; and Crescent Valley, Nevada. The growth strategy of US geothermal is to achieve 200 MW of power generation by 2020 through a combination of internal development and strategic acquisitions
Advanced Metallurgical Group (Euronext Netherlands: AMG) is a global key materials company that is at the forefront of carbon dioxide reduction trends. AMG e hlahisa litšepe tse khethehileng tse khethehileng le lihlahisoa tsa liminerale, 'me e fana ka lits'ebeletso le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le lipalangoang, lisebelisoa tsa motheo, matla le limmaraka tsa ho qetela tsa tšepe le lik'hemik'hale tse khethehileng. Lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tsa AMG li hlahisa li-alloys tse kholo tsa aluminium le li-powders, li-alloys tsa titanium le liaparo, ferrovanadium, graphite ea tlhaho, tšepe ea chromium, antimony, tantalum, niobium le tšepe ea silicon. AMG Engineering designs, engineers and produces advanced vacuum furnace systems, and operates vacuum heat treatment equipment, mainly used in the transportation and energy industries. AMG e sebetsa lefatšeng ka bophara, e nang le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso Jeremane, United Kingdom, Fora, Czech Republic, United States, Chaena, Mexico, Brazil le Sri Lanka, le liofisi tsa thekiso le litšebeletso tsa bareki Russia le Japane.
Alabama Graphite Company (TSX: CSPG.V) is a Canadian-based flake graphite exploration and development company and an ambitious battery material production and technology company. The company conducts business through its wholly-owned subsidiary Alabama Graphite Company Inc. (a company registered in Alabama). With the development of flake graphite projects in the United States, Alabama Graphite Corp intends to become a reliable long-term American company. Mofani oa lihlahisoa tse khethehileng tsa graphite tse phahameng, sehlopha se nang le phihlelo se etella pele k'hamphani e nang le phihlelo ea lilemo tse fetang 100 tsa merafo ea graphite, ho sebetsa ha graphite, lihlahisoa tse khethehileng tsa graphite le likopo, le thekiso ea graphite. Khamphani ea Grafbama e ikemiselitse ho phatloha le nts'etsopele. The development of the flagship Coosa graphite project in Coosa County, Alabama, the development of the Bama mine project in Chilton County, Alabama, and the research and development of battery material proprietary manufacturing and technical processing technology, Alaba Ma Graphite holds 100% interest in the mineral rights of the two US graphite projects located on private land. Morero ona o akaretsa sebaka sa lihekthere tse fetang 43,000 'me o sebakeng se tsitsitseng sa lipolotiki ebile ho bonolo ho rafa. There are a large number of historical flakes in the flake graphite belt in central Alabama (also known as the Alabama graphite belt) History of graphite production (source: US Bureau of Mines). A large part of the deposits in Alabama are characterized by graphite-containing materials that are oxidized and weathered into extremely soft rock. Both projects have proper infrastructure and are close to major highways, railroads, electricity and water, and are approximately three hours away from the Port of Mobile, Alabama Port Authority's deep sea port and the ninth largest port (via Truck or train). Ports ka Tonage United States (mohloli: Sesole sa US Corps of Baenjiniere / Usce). Alabama's pleasant climate allows year-round mining operations, and the world's largest marble quarry (Sylacauga, Alabama, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) is less than a 30-minute drive from the Coosa Graphite Project.
Archer Exploration Company (ASX: AXE.AX) is a prospector of graphite, magnesite, manganese, copper, gold and uranium, dedicated to discovering world-class deposits. Khamphani e fumane ka hloko sephutheloana sa merero ea lisekoere-k'hilomithara tse fetang 10,500 libakeng tse tšepisang haholo tsa Gawler Craton le Adelaide Fold Belt tsa Australia Boroa. Merero eohle ke ea 100% ea k'hamphani.
Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource assets. It mainly explores gold, copper, nickel, base metal, precious metal and graphite deposits. The company has an interest in the Prospect Valley gold mine near Merritt, British Columbia; and the Peter Lake copper mine in Mont Laurier Terrane, Greenville, Central Quebec, Canada. E boetse e thahasella letlotlo la graphite la Lac Guéret East le fumanehang Manicouagan Regional County, Quebec, Canada. Le setša sa Cimandiri se Sukabumi, Indonesia.
Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX: CAZ.AX) ke k'hamphani e fapaneng ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale naheng ea Australia. Khampani e hlahloba haholo-holo tšepe ea tšepe, graphite, koporo, nickel, tšepe ea motheo, khauta, cobalt le zinki. E na le thepa e fapaneng e fumanehang Western Australia le Northern Territory.
Ceylon Graphite Co., Ltd. (TSX: CYL.V) ke khamphani e thathamisitsoeng ho TSX Venture Exchange (TSX VENTURE: CYL). Khoebo ea eona ke ho hlahloba le ho nts'etsapele merafo ea graphite Sri Lanka. 'Muso oa Sri Lanka o file khampani tokelo ea ho hlahloba sebaka se fetang lisekoere-k'hilomithara tse 100. Li-grids tsena li koahela libaka tsohle tse amehang le nalane ea tlhahiso ea Graphite mathoasong a lekholo la bo20 la lilemo mme li emetse boholo ba liqhomane tse tsebahalang ka Sri Lanka. graphite ea Ceylon ke eona e hloekileng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, 'me hajoale e nka karolo e ka tlase ho 1% ea tlhahiso ea graphite lefatšeng.
CKR Carbon Corp (TSX: CKR.V) (eo pele e neng e le Caribou King Resources) e ikemiselitse ho hlahisa graphite ea boleng bo phahameng ba tlhaho e loketseng libeteri tsa lithium-ion le foil ea graphite. Re khetha feela merero e nang le capital e tlase le nako e khuts'oane ho 'marakeng.
China Carbon Graphite Group Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHGI) has become a pioneer in manufacturing and distributing graphite products such as electrodes, bipolar plates, precision machined graphite parts/assemblies and graphene-related products in China through its subsidiary Royal Elite New Matla. Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Royal Elite). Khamphani e thehile setsi se pharaletseng sa bareki Europe, Amerika le Asia Boroa-bochabela le libakeng tse ling tsa lefats'e. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li batloa haholo indastering ea tšepe, metallurgy, non-ferrous, photovoltaic, polokelo ea matla, fiber optical, semiconductor le lik'hemik'hale.
DNI Metals Inc. (CSE: DNI) ke k'hamphani ea merafo ea Canada. Hona joale k'hamphani e shebane le morafo oa graphite oa Vohisara o Madagascar.
Eagle Graphite Incorporated (TSX: EGA.V; OTC: APMFF; FSE: NJGP;) ke k'hamphani ea Ontario e nang le e 'ngoe ea meaho e 'meli feela ea tlhahiso ea graphite ea tlhaho Amerika Leboea, e 35 bophirima ho Nelson, British Columbia Kilometers hole, Lik'hilomithara tse 70 ka leboea ho Washington State, USA, e tsejoa e le Black Crystal Graphite Quarry.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) ke khamphani e nang le laesense e ikemiselitseng ho nka monyetla oa tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tse latelang: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel le koporo. Khothaletsa phepelo ea motlakase (likoloi, libeteri tse nchafatsoang, polokelo e kholo ea matla, phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang le lits'ebetso tse ling). Lithekiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, matla a tlhahiso ea betri le tlhahiso ea matla a tsoang ho matla a tsosolositsoeng li lebelletsoe ho eketseha haholo lilemong tse 'maloa tse tlang, kahoo tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsena tse reriloeng e tla eketseha ka nepo. Sena se hlahisa monyetla o ikhethang oa ho tsetela le ho fumana meputso merafong le mererong e tla fana ka lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa phetolo ea motlakase. Ntle le sethala sa sehlahisoa sa Globex, lengolo la sepheo sa ho sebelisa franchise ea motlakase lea tlama. Ho na le mefuta e 6 ea li-royalty. Ts'ebetso e ipapisitse le ho phethahala ha maemo (ho kenyeletsoa tumello ea taolo). Moralo oa litefiso tsa motlakase o tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ho fumaneng meputso methating e tsoetseng pele le merero ea ts'ebetso ho aha sethala sa matsete se fapaneng libakeng tse nang le likotsi tse tlase tsa tikoloho.
ELCORA ADVANCED MATERIALS CORP. (TSX: ERA.V; OTCQB: ECORF) e thehiloe ka 2011 'me joale e se e le k'hamphani e kopaneng ea graphite le graphene e merafo, e sebetsa le ho hloekisa graphite, le ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa graphene le basebelisi ba ho qetela. . E le karolo ea leano la ho kopanya ka holimo, Elcora e thahasella ts'ebetso ea morafo oa eona oa Ragedara, o qalileng ho hlahisa Sri Lanka, ho fumana graphite ea boemo bo phahameng le graphene precursor graphite. Elcora e hlahisitse mokhoa o ikhethang oa theko e tlase le o sebetsang hantle haholo oa ho hlahisa khoebo ea boleng bo holimo ea graphite le graphene. Motsoako ona o bolela hore Elcora e na le lisebelisoa le lisebelisoa tsa ho kopanya graphite le graphene ka kotloloho.
Energizer Resources Inc. (TSX: EGZ.TO) ke khamphani ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale e fumanehang Toronto, Canada. The company is developing its 100% owned flagship Molo graphite project in southern Madagascar and in the feasibility study stage.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) is a leading provider of various products used to purify, protect and transport critical materials used in the processing and manufacturing of semiconductors and other high-tech industries. Entigris e fetisitse setifikeiti sa ISO Graphite: Poco Graphite-Entegris; Lisebelisoa tsa POCO li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong le liindastering tse ngata tse fapaneng. Lihlahisoa tsa Poco li hlahisoa bakeng sa mebaraka e latelang e latelang: Kaha ke moetsi oa thepa ea theknoloji e phahameng, Poco e fana ka tšehetso e ntle ea bareki, ho kenyelletsa le tlhaiso-leseling e khethehileng ea ts'ebeliso, bokhoni ba moralo, ho sebetsa le ho hlahlojoa le ho hlahlojoa lintho le tlhahlobo ea lintho.
Fangda Carbon New Materials Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600516.SS) is a company headquartered in China, mainly engaged in the production and sales of carbon products. The company provides graphite electrodes, including ultra-high power, high power and normal power graphite electrodes. Litene tsa carbon, ho kenyelletsa le li-electrode tsa graphite tse phahameng haholo, litene tsa khabone tsa aluminium, litene tsa khabone ea cathode le peista; lihlahisoa tse khethehileng tsa graphite, ho akarelletsa le spectral carbon rods, high-themperature carbon felts, ultra-fine graphite powder, fluorocarbon felts, joalo-joalo, lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa carbon le tšepe ea tšepe ea tšepe, joalo-joalo Ho phaella moo, e boetse e kopanela mesebetsing ea merafo 'me e fana ka tšepe. shebisisa mahloriso.
Flinders Resources Limited (TSX: FDR.V) ke 100% mong'a morafo oa Woxna graphite le sebaka sa ho lokisa naheng ea Sweden. Flinders Resources e ntse e hlahloba menyetla eohle e teng ea ho fumana lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng le ho ntlafatsa moruo oa khoebo.
Focus Graphite Inc. (TSX: FMS.V) ke k'hamphani e tsoetseng pele ea ho etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea merafo eo sepheo sa eona e leng ho hlahisa likhakanyo tsa graphite polokelong ea Lac Knife ka boroa-bophirima ho Fairmont, Quebec. Mokhahlelong oa bobeli, molemong oa ho khahlametsa lithahasello tsa bankakarolo phetohong ea Quebec ka har'a profinse le ho eketsa boleng ba ba nang le kabelo, Fox e lekola monyetla oa ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tsa graphite tse kenyellelitsoeng ho kenyelletsa le betri-grade spherical graphite.
Global Lithium Ion Graphite Company (CSE: LION) e ikemiselitse ho ba morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa graphite bakeng sa indasteri ea betri ea lithium ion e ntseng e hola ka potlako-ho kenyeletsoa semela se seholo sa Gigafactory sa Tesla se Nevada le limela tse ling tse reretsoeng ho buloa lefatšeng ka bophara.
Globe Metals & Mining (ASX: GBE.AX) e sebetsana le matsete, lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea mehloli ea liminerale Australia le Afrika. Khampani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele ea morero oa eona oa Kanyika niobium Malawi. E boetse e hlahloba tantalum, graphite, fluorite le likarolo tse sa tloaelehang tsa lefatše.
Goa Carbon Company (BSE: GOACARBON.BO) ke moetsi le morekisi oa calcined petroleum coke in India. Khampani e fana ka lihlahisoa ho li-smelters tsa aluminium, li-electrode tsa graphite le baetsi ba titanium dioxide, le basebelisi ba bang indastering ea metallurgical le lik'hemik'hale. Setsi sa calcining sa k'hamphani se nang le matla a selemo le selemo a lithane tse 75,000 se fumaneha karolong e ka boroa ea Goa, lik'hilomithara tse 40 ho tloha Mormugao Port. The company has two other factories in Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh and Paradeep in Orissa.
Graphite Energy Corp. (CSE: GRE) e na le theknoloji ea morao-rao ea merafo e baballang tikoloho. Re merafo ea graphite, e lokelang ho ba matla a latelang a tala nakong e tlang. Morafo oa rona o Quebec, Canada, 'me esale e le mohloli oa tlhaho oa graphite. Ka tlhokahalo e ntseng e hola ea graphite ho tse ling tsa liindasteri tse hlahelletseng le tse tsoetseng pele, joalo ka lisele tsa letsatsi le libeteri tsa lithium likoloing tsa motlakase le liroboto, re ntlafalitse theknoloji ea rona ho fihlela litlhoko tsa nako e tlang.
Graphite India Ltd. (NSE: GRAPHITE.NS) manufactures and sells graphite electrodes and carbon and graphite specialty products in India and internationally. Sebaka sa khoebo sa k'hamphani se kenyelletsa: graphite le carbon, tšepe le masimo a mang. E fana ka li-electrode tsa graphite bakeng sa ho etsa tšepe le lisebelisoa tse ling tse se nang ferrous ka libono tsa motlakase tsa arc le litsela tsa sebōpi sa ladle, hape e le lisebelisoa tsa ho tsamaisa maqhubu a maholo ka khatello e tlaase nakong ea ho qhibiliha le / kapa ho kopanya. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka lithupa le li-blocks, li-micro rods, li-tubes tsa graphite, li-tubes tsa mocheso oa mocheso, graphite e bōpiloeng, graphite e entsoeng ka isostatically, carbon le graphite machined parts, carbon graphite / litene, le lisebelisoa tsa carbon-carbon composite / mariki Foromo ea extruded graphite. Suitable for optical discs in steel, non-ferrous metals, metallurgy, solar energy, semiconductors, chemistry, glass, quartz and machinery and other processing industries. Ho phaella moo, e boetse e fana ka calcined petroleum coke, carbon electrode peste, likaroloana tsa graphite le lisebelisoa tse ntle, hammoho le lisebelisoa tse nang le carbon tse sebelisoang indastering ea aluminium, tšepe, tšepe ea tšepe le liindasteri tsa ho lahla. Ho phaella moo, k'hamphani e boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa mocheso oa graphite tse ke keng tsa qojoa, tse kenyelletsang li-condensers, li-coolers, li-heaters, li-reboilers, li-evaporator, li-exchangers, le litora tsa graphite bakeng sa distillation, ho monya le ho hlatsoa, lisebelisoa tsa ejector le centrifugals Pump; HCl gas generation unit for HCl synthesis and drying, as well as H2SO4 / HCl concentration and acid dilution cooling unit; bursting disc, thermowell, pipes and pipe fittings. In addition, it also provides glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes; manonyeletso, joalo ka lingoloa tsa GRP, manonyeletso a manonyeletso, manonyeletso, jj.; le liqhobosheane, lifate, li-tees, li fokotse, litimale, litifsas tse tharo tse feteletseng joalo-joalo. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fana ka matla a potlakileng, lisebelisoa le phofo ea metallirgy tšepe bakeng sa ho rema lisebelisoa. E kenella hape molokong oa matla le ho rekisoa ha grid ea Karnataka ea Karnataka ka semela sa matla a hydel
Graphite One Resources Inc. (TSX: GPH.V) is conducting exploration to develop the Graphite Creek project, the largest large-scale flake graphite deposit in the United States, located on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 60 miles north of Nome . Morero o ntse o tloha mothating oa ho hlahloba ho ea boemong ba tlhahlobo. Mosebetsi ona ho fihlela joale o khetholla lisebelisoa tse kholo, tse phahameng le tse phahameng tsa lisebelisoa tse nang le lisebelisoa tse bonolo le tsoelo-pele e ntle ea liminerale. Morero o na le menyetla ea ho hlahisa lihlahisoa e ka qothisana lehlokoa le 'marakeng oa betri ea phahameng (likoloi tsa motlakase le li-craphite tse ling tse hloekisitsoeng.
Graftech International Ltd. (NYSE: GTI) ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e e hlalositseng moeli bocha ka lilemo tse fetang 125. Re fana ka tharollo ea lisebelisoa tsa graphite bakeng sa bareki liindastering tse ngata le limmarakeng tse qetellang, ho kenyeletsoa tlhahiso ea tšepe, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa matla le lihlahisoa tsa morao-rao tsa lihlahisoa tsa elektroniki. GrafTech e na le limela tse 18 tse kholo tsa tlhahiso lik'honthinenteng tse 'nè,' me lihlahisoa tsa eona li rekisoa linaheng tse fetang 70.
Great Lakes Graphite Company (TSX: GLK.V) ke k'hamphani ea lirafshoa ea indasteri e ikemiselitseng ho tlisa lihlahisoa tsa khabone ea boleng bo holimo limmarakeng tse hlakileng. Lefapha la popontshwa la khamphani le saenetse tumellano ya nako e telele bakeng sa tshebediso ya meaho ya Matheson ya micronization le phano ya graphite ya boleng bo phahameng ba tlhaho. Sena se etsa hore Great Lakes Graphite e be mohlahisi ea ntseng a hlaha ka lapeng le morekisi oa lihlahisoa tse nyane, tse sebeletsang sebaka se ntseng se hola sa bareki moo litheko le tlhoko e ntseng e phahama.
HEG Limited (NSE: HEG.NS) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong le morekisi oa li-electrode tsa graphite India. HEG ke feme e kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng e nang le ntlha e le 'ngoe ea graphite electrode e nang le bokhoni ba selemo ba tlhahiso ea 80,000 MT. Ke k'hamphani e netefalitsoeng ea ISO 9001 le ISO 14001. HEG e boetse e sebetsa disebediswa tse tharo tsa ho fehla motlakase tse nang le kakaretso e kentsweng matla e ka bang 77 MW.
Imerys (Paris: NK.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa litharollo tse ikhethang tse thehiloeng ho liminerale indastering. Imerys e fetotse letoto la liminerale tse ikhethang ho fana ka litharollo tse ikhethang tse sebetsang (ho hanyetsa mocheso, matla a mochini, conductivity ea motlakase, ho koahela) , Barrier effect, joalo-joalo). E bohlokoa molemong oa sehlahisoa sa moreki le ts'ebetsong ea tlhahiso. Graphiation: Che. 1 Lefatšeng la Graphie bakeng sa libeteri tsa alkaline; No. 1 lefats'eng bakeng sa likhahla tse kholo tsa tlhaho tsa graphite
IMX Resources (ASX: IXR.AX) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa ea Australia e nang le thepa ea 5,400 square kilometers ka boroa-bochabela ho Tanzania. Morero oa eona oa Chilalo o ntse o tsoela pele ka potlako ho ba projeke e latelang ea boemo ba lefatše ba graphite flake. Khampani e boetse e ntlafatsa morero oa eona oa nickel le litebello tsa khauta.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the lik'hamphani tse peli. Sehlopha se ne se tsepamisitse maikutlo ho lisebelisoa tsa konopo tse tala. Matlotlo a rona le tsepamiso ea lipatlisiso ke lisebelisoa tse tala bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminium); lisebelisoa bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa ho haha mocheso (graphite, silica, nepheline); le lisebelisoa tse ka ntlafatsang moloko oa ts'ebetso ea matla (DY, Nonodymium, Ha). Leading Edge Materials is in an ideal position to play a key role in the sustainable supply of technology and energy-critical materials
Lincoln Minerals (ASX: LML.AX) ke k'hamphani ea Australia ea ho hlahloba mehloli ea liminerale, haholo-holo e sebetsanang le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea projeke ea li-graphite tse ngata le tšepe ea tšepe Hloahloeng ea Eyre e Australia Boroa, empa sethala sa eona sa matsete se boetse se kenyelletsa boleng bo holimo. koporo, lead, zinki le silevera , Nickel cobalt, uranium le merero ea khauta profinseng eona eo.
Lithex Resources Ltd. (ASX: LTX.AX) is an exploration company currently committed to unlocking the resource potential of Australia's graphite-rich provinces. The newly acquired graphite deposits are among the best in a series of Lithex projects, and the company is now focusing on graphite exploration in Australia. Sepheo sa tlhokomelo ea hang-hang ke ho hlahloba morero oa graphite oa Munglinup karolong e ka boroa ea Australia Bophirimela, le nts'etsopele ea morero oa Plumbago graphite karolong e ka leboea ea pipeline e ncha le eona e ntse e tsoela pele haufinyane.
Makino Milling Machine (Tokyo: 6135.T) ke k'hamphani ea tlhahiso ea Japane. Khampani le litšehetso tsa eona li sebetsana le ho etsa, ho rekisa le ho hlokomela mechine ea indasteri. Khamphani e fana ka setsi sa machining se otlolohileng, setsi sa machining se otlolohileng, setsi sa machining sa 5-axis, setsi sa machining sa 5-axis, mochini oa ho sila oa graphite, taolo ea linomoro (NC) mochini o lahlang motlakase, mochini o lahlang motlakase oa terata, moralo o thusoang ke komporo (CAD) / Mokhoa oa ho etsa thepa ka khomphutha (CAM) le tse ling
Mersen SA (Paris: MRN.PA) ke setsebi sa lefats'e sa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le tsa graphite. Mersen e qapile litharollo tse ncha ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethileng tsa bareki, e ba lumellang ho ntlafatsa mekhoa ea bona ea tlhahiso indastering ea matla, lipalangoang, tsa elektroniki, tsa lik'hemik'hale, tsa meriana le tse sebetsang.
Meteoric Resources NL (ASX: MEI.AX) ke setsebi sa liminerale tse fapaneng tse nang le litaemane, khauta, koporo, khauta le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe Australia le liminerale tsa graphite Spain. Ka lebaka la thahasello ea graphite e le thepa ea theknoloji e phahameng le e ka 'nang ea e-ba ea boleng bo phahameng, Meteoric e entse kopo ea tumello ea lipatlisiso e koahelang merafo ea khale ea graphite le libaka tsa liketsahalo sebakeng sa merafo ea graphite e Huelva, SW Huelva, ka boroa-bophirimela ho Spain.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (Tsxv: Nmi.v) e kenelletse tucheng le nts'etsopele ea thepa ea senotlolo sa Namibia. Khampani e hlahloba lefatše le boima le sa tloaelehang, cobalt, koporo, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate le tšepe ea khauta, hammoho le likarolo tsa sehlopha sa platinum. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
National Graphite Corporation (OTC: NGRC) ke khamphani ea sethaleng sa lipatlisiso e fumanang, e hlahlobang le ho hlahisa liminerale United States. Khampani e hlahloba khauta, silevera, graphite le liminerale tse ling. E khahliloe ke thepa ea Silver Strike Silver e koahelang lihekthere tse ka bang 1,363 ho Candelaria. Khampani e kile ea tsejoa e le Lucky Boy Silver Corporation.
Japan Carbon Corporation (Tokyo: 5302.T) ke k'hamphani ea Majapane e sebetsanang haholo le tlhahiso le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa carbon. The carbon department is engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of carbon products, including artificial graphite electrodes, impermeable graphite, isotropic high-purity graphite, graphite products for equipment, general-purpose carbon fibers and graphite fibers, lithium ion battery anode materials and ba bang.
NMDC LTD. (BSE: NMDC.BO) e tlas'a tsamaiso ea tsamaiso ea Lefapha la Tšepe le Litšepe la 'Muso oa India. Ho tloha ha e thehoa, e 'nile ea sebetsana le lipatlisiso tsa liminerale tse fapa-fapaneng, ho akarelletsa le tšepe ea tšepe, koporo, lejoe la phosphate, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, bentonite, magnesite, taemane, tin, tungsten, graphite, lehlabathe la leoatle, joalo-joalo. moetsi e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa tšepe ea tšepe India.
Nouveau Monde Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: NOU.V) e na le projeke ea Matawini graphite, moo k'hamphani e hlalositseng sehlopha se bontšitsoeng sa likhakanyo tsa mehloli ea graphite ea kakaretso ea 48.6 Mt, grade 3.97% Cg, grade 34.7 Mt, grade Ke 4.08%. . Infer Cg sehlopheng. The project is located in the Saint-Michel-des-Saints area, about 130 kilometers north of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. E ka sebelisa ka kotloloho lits'ebetso tsohle tse hlokahalang, basebetsi, ts'ireletso ea tikoloho e tala le motlakase oa metsi o theko e tlase. Nouveau Mose ke merero e tsoelang pele e nang le litekanyetso tsa boikarabello ba sechaba ka ho fetisisa litekanyetso tsa boitlamo ba boikarabello ba lichelete le bolo ea maoto a zero ea Zero Carbon).
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of carbon-based products. Sehlahisoa sa rona se pharaletseng se fapana ho tloha ho lihlahisoa tsa carbon le graphite ho ea ho carbon fiber le lisebelisoa tse kopantsoeng. We are committed to creating innovative solutions and value for our customers.
Sinosteel Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 000928.SZ), eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le Sinosteel Jilin Carbon Co., Ltd., ke k'hamphani e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Chaena, e sebetsanang haholo le tlhahiso le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa carbon. Lihlahisoa tse kholo tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa li-electrode tsa graphite, li-carbon blocks, li-electrode pastes le lihlahisoa tsa carbon fiber.
Stratmin Global Resources plc (LSE: STGR.L) ke k'hamphani e kholo ea tlhahiso ea graphite le lipatlisiso e thathamisitsoeng London, e shebaneng le Madagascar. Thepa ea eona e kenyelletsa mangolo a tumello a mabeli a nako e telele a merafo: Loharano le Antsirabe
Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa ea Australia e nang le potefolio ea liphuputso tse fapaneng Afrika Boroa-bochabela. Porojeke ya Balama ya graphite le vanadium ke ntlha e ka sehloohong ya Syrah, mme e hatetse pele ka potlako ho tloha ha ho lekolwa ho fihlela qetellong ya dithuto tsa kgonahalo.
Thundelarra Ltd. (ASX: THX.AX) ke k'hamphani ea Australia ea ho hlahloba liminerale e nang le merero e sebetsang Australia Bophirimela le Northern Territory. Currently, our main commodity focus is copper, gold and uranium, although our project also has the potential to discover base metals (lead, zinc, silver, nickel) and graphite mineralization.
Tokai Carbon Korea Co. (Korea: 064760.KQ) produces and sells various silicon wafers and semiconductor products in Korea. The company provides silicon wafer products, such as high-purity graphite used in silicon crystal drawing and semiconductor processing equipment parts; and SiC coated products, which can be used to grow monocrystalline silicon parts, for semiconductor diffusion and LP-CVD The parts are used for epitaxy and CVD susceptors, for semiconductor heaters and parts for CZ crystal pulling. It also provides a variety of semiconductor materials, including SiC wafers for various applications, including diffusion, LP-CVD, sputtering, virtual wafers for etching, etc.; and for EPI light-emitting diodes, laser diodes and pedestals Wafer carrier. Ho phaella moo, k'hamphani e boetse e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa carbon le carbon composite, tse ka sebelisoang e le likarolo tsa li-crystal pullers, likarolo tsa mohaho oa sebōpi, li-heaters, joalo-joalo; glassy carbon products, used for wafer holders, heat reflectors, bases, guide rings , Plasma etching electrodes, crucibles, etc.; Li-electrode tsa silicon cathode li sebelisoa e le li-cathodes le likarolo tsa ente ea khase ts'ebetsong ea etching. Graphite composition
Toyo Tanso (Tokyo: 5310.T) ke k'hamphani e sebetsanang le ho etsa, ho sebetsa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse khethehileng tsa graphite, lihlahisoa tse akaretsang tsa carbon, lisebelisoa tse kopantsoeng le lihlahisoa tse ling. Lihlahisoa tse khethehileng tsa graphite tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa li-crucibles bakeng sa liobelo tse hulang tsa kristale ea silicon e le 'ngoe, licheso, metheo ea lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tsa organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), liforomo tse tsoelang pele, li-electrode tsa machining tsa motlakase, le lisebelisoa tsa ho kenya ion. Li-electrode, lisebelisoa tsa mantlha tsa nyutlelie le lisebelisoa tsa pele tsa lebota la nyutlelie fusion reactor. Lihlahisoa tsa eona tse tloaelehileng tsa khabone li kenyelletsa li-bearings tsa lipompo le li-compressor, lisebelisoa tsa ho tiisa, li-slider tsa zoom, likarolo tsa koloi, borashe ba k'habone le borashe ba makoloi. Thepa ea eona e kopantsoeng le lihlahisoa tse ling li kenyelletsa metheo ea lisebelisoa tsa Si-Epi, lisebelisoa tsa pele tsa plasma tsa lebota bakeng sa li-reactors tsa nyutlelie, li-gaskets tsa likoloi le metheo ea lisebelisoa tsa MOCVD.
TYK Corporation (Tokyo: 5363.T) ke k'hamphani e ntlo-kholo ea Japane, e sebetsanang haholo le tlhahiso le thekiso ea lisebelisoa tsa refractory. Together with its subsidiaries and associated companies, the company operates in three business divisions, the refractory materials division, the advanced materials division and other divisions. Lefapha la Advanced Materials Lefapha le sebetsana le ho etsa le ho rekisa litene tsa refractory, canteens tsa amorphous, li-ceramics tse ncha le litene tse thibelang mocheso, le thekiso ea li-crucible tsa graphite le li-graphite flakes.
Valterra Resource Corp. (TSX: VQA.V) ke sehlopha sa sehlopha sa lisebelisoa tsa Manex. Sehlopha se fana ka litsebo tsa ho hlahloba, tsamaiso le lits'ebeletso tsa nts'etsopele ea mekhatlo ea Valterra Minerals e British Columbia le Ontario. Valterra focuses on early properties in areas with superior infrastructure and has the potential to accommodate large deposits. Lilemong tse 'maloa tse fetileng, Valterra o fumane' me o ntse a hlahloba merero e mengata ea bohlokoa, ho kenyeletsa le merafo ea graphite ea Swift Katie le Bobcaygeon, e haufi le litsela tsa Canada, literene, matla le mehloli ea lisebelisoa.
Zen Graphene Solutions (TSX: ZEN.V) ke k'hamphani e hlahang ea theknoloji ea graphene e ikemiselitseng ho etsa projeke e ikhethang ea Albany graphite. This precursor graphene material provides the company with a competitive advantage in the potential graphene market, because independent laboratories in Japan, the United Kingdom, Israel, the United States and Canada have proven that ZEN's Albany Graphite / Naturally PureTM can be easily used in a variety ea litsela Phetoho ea mobu (exfoliation) ea graphene ho graphene. Mekhoa e bonolo ea mechine le ea lik'hemik'hale.
Zimtu Capital Corp. (TSX: ZC.V) ke mofani oa matsete a sechaba a ikemiselitseng ho tsetela, ho theha le ho nts'etsapele lik'hamphani tsa matlotlo a tlhaho, ka ho etsa joalo e fa ba nang le kabelo mokhoa oa ho kenya letsoho ka mokhoa o sa tobang tšebetsong ea kaho ea lik'hamphani tsa sechaba le ho etsa phaello ho tsoa ho eona. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka tlhahiso ea merero ea liminerale le lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi ho thusa k'hamphani ho theha maqhama le thepa e nang le thahasello. Graphite: GTA Resources and Mining Inc. ke k'hamphani e hlahlobang lisebelisoa e nang le merero e meraro ea boleng bo holimo ea Canada: North Shore, Ivanhoe le Oden.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa tsa khoebo tsa Spain, tse etellang pele ntlafatsong le tsamaisong ea litšebeletso tsa motheo, matla a tsosolositsoeng, metsi le litšebeletso. ACCIONA Construction e sebelisa theknoloji ea morao-rao ho phethahatsa merero. E ka pele-pele lebaleng la R+D+ hape e le e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse ka sehloohong tsa kaho lefatšeng. Kaho ea ACCIONA e akaretsa mefuta eohle ea kaho, ho tloha ho moralo oa boenjiniere ho ea ho ts'ebetso ea boenjiniere le tlhokomelo e latelang, hammoho le taolo ea litumellano tsa boenjiniere ba sechaba, haholo-holo mafapheng a lipalangoang le litšebeletso tsa sechaba.
Alumasc Group PLC (LSE: alu.l) ke morekisi oa boleng ba boleng bo holimo le booatla UK. Most of the group's business is in the area of sustainable building products, enabling customers to manage the use of energy and water in the built environment. Re lumela hore nakong ea potoloho eohle ea kaho, sekhahla sa kholo ea liindasteri tsena se tla feta karolelano ea indasteri ea UK.
Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. E boetse e hlahisa thepa ea kaho ka litšila. The company uses SF materials (a mixture of waste plastics and coal ash) to develop and produce products. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
Conforce International, Inc. (OTC: CFRI) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa litsamaiso tsa fatše tsa laminate naheng ea Canada. It provides EKO-FLOR flooring system to replace outdated hardwood flooring in the container, trailer and cruise industries.
Crown ElectroKinetics (OTC: CRKN) is the global leader of DynamicTint-we make your Glass Smarter™. Theknoloji ea rona qalong e qapiloe ke Hewlett-Packard (HP, Inc.), e lumellang sebaka leha e le sefe sa khalase hore se fetohe pakeng tsa ponahalo e hlakileng le e lefifi ka metsotsoana e seng mekae. DynamicTint™ e lumella fensetere ho fetoha ho tloha ho pepeneng ho ea ho e ntšo. Ka mefuta e mengata ea lifensetere tse kenyelletsang meaho ea khoebo, mabone a holimo a likoloi le mabone a leholimo a bolulo, Crown e sebelisana le baetsi ba likhalase le lifilimi tse etellang pele ho hlahisa le ho aba ka bongata. Moko-taba oa theknoloji ea Crown ke filimi e tsamaisoang ke li-pigments tse qositsoeng. Filimi ha e khone feela ho nkela likharetene tse tloaelehileng tsa likharetene, empa hape le mokhoa o tsitsitseng haholoanyane oa likharetene tsa setso.
Dynamic Ventures Corp (OTC: DYNV) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa litharollo tse sebetsang tsa kaho bakeng sa meaho ea bolulo le ea khoebo. Khamphani e fana ka tharollo ea turnkey e nolofalletsang k'hamphani ho etsa moralo, ho etsa le ho kenya meaho e felletseng e netefalitsoeng ea LEED.
EcoSynthetix Inc. (TSX: ECO.TO) e fana ka letoto la li-biopolymers tse entsoeng ka boenjiniere tse nkang sebaka sa lisebelisoa tse sa tsosolosoeng tse sebelisoang ha ho etsoa lihlahisoa tse ngata (tse kang pampiri le liphutheloana, lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea botho, lisebelisoa tsa ho pata le lisebelisoa tsa lehong) Lik'hemik'hale. Lihlahisoa tsa rona tse hlahelletseng tsa EcoSphere®biolatex® le DuraBind™ biopolymers li fana ka mofuta o mong o tsitsitseng o ka fokotsang khabone ea bareki, ho theola litšenyehelo tsa thepa ka kakaretso le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso.
Enedyymic hybrid ea mahlale corp. (TSX: EHT.V) e fana ka tharollo ea matla, e nang le matla. Lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa matla le litharollo li ka kengoa hang-hang moo ho hlokahalang. Eht e kopanya sete e felletseng ea Solar Photovoltaic, matla a moea le tharollo ea battery ea ho hlahella ho bahlolisano. Tharollo e ka fana ka matla ka lifomate tse nyane le tse kholo lihora tse 24 ka letsatsi. Ntle le ts'ehetso ea moetlo bakeng sa li-grid tsa matla a motlakase, eht le eona e ntle haholo moo ho se nang grid ea matla. Mokhatlo o kopanya tharollo ea matla a ho boloka matla le matla a ts'ebetso ea ho fana ka tharollo ea tikoloho e fapaneng. Tsebo ea EHT e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele ea meaho ea modular le kopanyo e felletseng le litharollo tse bohlale tsa matla. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebetsoa ka lebaka la tlhahiso ea tlhahiso ea Eht e nang le lits'ebetso tse ntle: matlo a mangata, likopano tsa bolulo le tsa nakoana / tsa bolulo.
NCI Building Systems Co., Ltd. (NYSE: NCS) ke e 'ngoe ea lihlahisoa tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tse akaretsang tsa lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tsa kaho tse sa luleng Amerika Leboea. NCI e entsoe ka letoto la likhamphani tse mabapi le United States, Mexico le China, 'me e na le liofisi le libōpuoa tse ling tsa thekiso United States le Canada. Litharollo tsa lihlahisoa tse tala: Lilemong tsa morao tjena, ha tlhokahalo ea thepa ea mohaho e bolokang tikoloho e ntse e eketseha, khatiso ea NCI ea ho theha lihlahisoa tse tala le eona e eketsehile. Ha e sebelisoa e le karolo ea mehaho e sebetsang hantle, likarolo tse entsoeng ke marang-rang a k'hamphani ea rona li ka tšehetsa maemo a tikoloho, moruo le bophelo bo botle tse nkoang ha ho etsoa qeto ea ho boloka morero ka kakaretso. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li ka thusa meaho ho fihlela litlhoko tsa litlhokahalo tse fapaneng tsa setifikeiti tsa mmuso le mekhatlo e ikemetseng e behang maemo a botala, ho kenyeletsoa lenaneo la mmuso oa US la ENERGY STAR le lenaneo la US Green Building Council's in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Re sebelisa tsebo ea rona ho thusa bareki ho haha meaho e baballang matla le e baballang tikoloho.
SG Blocks (OTC: SGBXQ) ke moqapi ea ka sehloohong oa lik'hontheinara tsa thepa tse entsoeng ka likhoutu libakeng tsa khoebo le tsa poraefete. SG Blocks e fana ka tharollo bakeng sa lik'hamphani tse ling tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le mekhatlo ea mmuso. E fana ka thekenoloji ea kaho ea lijana e theko e boima e fetang litlhoko tsa melaoana e mengata ea meaho e tloaelehileng. We work with architects, developers, builders and commercial customers to help them use code-designed shipping containers to build incredibly safe, strong and green structures. Re sebetsa haufi-ufi le balekane ba rona ho fumana lebokose le nepahetseng bakeng sa litlhoko tsa projeke ka 'ngoe, ebe re sebelisa boiphihlelo le boiphihlelo ba rona bo ikhethang ho holisa lebokose le leng le le leng la liphutheloana ho fihlela litlhoko tse nepahetseng.
SustainCo Inc. (TSXV: SMS.V) conducts business through its wholly-owned subsidiary VCI CONTROLS Inc. (“VCI”), and is a leading supplier and integrator of proptech's healthy building solutions and services. Khampani ke moetapele oa indasteri ho nts'etsopele ea theknoloji ea kaho e bohlale, ho kenyeletsoa tšebeliso ea mekhoa ea morao-rao ea puisano le litekanyetso ho kopanya mekhoa eohle ea kaho. Khoebo ea VCI e shebane le taolo ea dijithale le lits'ebeletso tsa mochini, tlhahlobo ea ts'ebetso le tharollo ea ts'ebeliso ea matla. Ofisi ea SustainCo e Toronto, e nang le liofisi Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa le Vaughan, Canada.
TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) esale e le pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea katleho ea mahlale le thekenoloji ea boenjiniere ho tloha lilemong tsa bo-1960. TRC is a national engineering, environmental consulting and construction management company for energy, environment and infrastructure The market provides integrated services. TRC e fana ka litšebeletso ho mefuta e mengata ea bareki 'musong le indastering, e phethahatsa merero e rarahaneng ho tloha mohopolong oa pele ho isa ho phano le ts'ebetsong. Liphetho tse fanoeng ke TRC li thusa bareki ho atleha lefatšeng le rarahaneng le le fetohang.
Yulong Ecoology Epe, Ltd. (NASRAQ: YECRAQ Khampani hajoale ke eona e etellang pele litene tsa molora oa litene le konkreite toropong ea Pingdingshan, hape ke mofani oa eona feela oa litšebeletso tsa taolo ea litšila.
Carbon Conscious (ASX: CCF.AX) ke k'hamphani e thathamisitsoeng ho ASX e hlahisang le ho laola merero ea ho lema meru ea k'habone bakeng sa mekhatlo kapa batho ka bomong ba batlang ho felisa ho tsoa ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše Australia le New Zealand. More than 22 million trees have been planted on more than 18,000 hectares of land in Australia and New Zealand. Kamora ho fihlela lilemo tse kholo tsa kholo, lifate tsena li tla fokotsa lithane tse 1.4-210,000 tsa mesi ea CO2-e selemo se seng le se seng.
China CDM Exchange (ISDX: CCEP) ke k'hamphani e kenyelletsoeng Jersey e fanang ka lits'ebeletso tsa khoebo, boeletsi le lipatlisiso tse amanang le phokotso ea likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše (GHGs) Asia. E sebetsa le lik'hamphani le merero e hlahisang likhase tsa khabone, 'me e thusa beng ba merero ho tsebahatsa bareki le barekisi ba likalimo tsena tsa khabone.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) e hlahisa le ho sebetsa lihlahisoa tse sa tšoaneng tsa lik'hemik'hale India. Khampani e sebetsa ka likarolo tse kang lik'hemik'hale, khoebo ea matla a moea, motlakase le lipontšo tsa theatre. Sehlopha sa khoebo sa matla a moea se fana ka li-turbine tsa moea (WTG); litšebeletso tsa ho reka le ho fana ka litšebeletso; lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo; Litšebeletso tsa Tsamaiso ea Litlakelo tsa Tsamaiso; le lits'ebeletso tsa ntlafatso ea sebaka sa WTG. Karolo ea Matla e hlahisa matla. Lefapha la lipontšo tsa theatre le sebetsa le ho laola libaesekopo tse kopaneng le libaesekopo. Gujarat Fluorochemical Co., Ltd. e boetse e etsa mesebetsi ea ntlafatso ea thekiso ea matlo le meaho; le ho hlahloba merafo ea fluorite. GFL e 'nile ea e-ba ka pele-pele ho hlahisa khopolo ea lik'habone tsa khabone India. Morero oa CDM ke oa pele lefatšeng ho batla ngoliso ho Komiti ea Motsamaisi ea CDM (Mefuta e Kopaneng ea Phetoho ea Boemo ba Boemo). GFL ke sebapali sa CDM se seholo ka ho fetisisa India le tse hlano tse holimo lefatšeng. Ka ts'ebetso ea projeke ena, GFL e utloisisa bohlokoa haholo ho ntšetsopele e tiileng le boikarabello ba sechaba.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) develops and sells wind farms, manages wind assets, and produces Green Power® for sale to utilities and companies. Phethahatso ea Turnkey ea merero ea matla a moea ho tloha mohopolong ho isa ho khomishene. Litharollo tsa taolo ea thepa ea matla a moea bakeng sa thepa e kentsoeng, ho kenyeletsoa ts'ebetso, li-invoice, le pokello ea lekeno ho tsoa ho bareki ba morero. Ho fana ka botala bo botle ho bareki. Cer (carbon mokitlane) thekiso le khoebo.
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), ka lithuso tsa eona, haholo-holo e sebetsa e le k'hamphani ea matla ka leboea-bochabela ho United States le bohareng ba Atlantic. E rekisa motlakase, khase ea tlhaho, likoloto tsa tlhahiso le letoto la lihlahisoa tse amanang le matla ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea marang-rang a matla. Khampani e boetse e fetisa motlakase; le ho aba motlakase le khase ea tlhaho ho bareki ba bolulo, khoebo le indasteri, le ho tsetela mererong ea matla a letsatsi, le ho kenya ts'ebetsong meralo e sebetsang hantle ea matla le meralo ea karabo ea tlhoko. Ho feta moo, e boetse e fana ka tšebeletso ea lisebelisoa le tlhokomelo bakeng sa bareki. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. e thehiloe ka 1985 'me e thehiloe Newark, New Jersey.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Ho tloha ha e thehwa ka 2010, GO Energy Group e kopantse ka potlako maemo a yona a tshiya lepaleng la naha la eneji e ka ntjhafatswang mme e fihlelle katleho le kgolo e kgolo. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Ha re sebelisa buka ea rona ea Co2Bardbikeng, re fetohile bahoebi ba setifikeiti sa Machaba, 'me ka nako e tšoanang ba fana ka tharollo e bohlale, e ka khonehang ea ho ea matlafatso ea matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa tsa khoebo tsa Spain, tse etellang pele ntlafatsong le tsamaisong ea litšebeletso tsa motheo, matla a tsosolositsoeng, metsi le litšebeletso. E thathamisitsoe lethathamong le khethiloeng la Ibex-35 stock exchange index, e leng letšoao la 'maraka. ACCIONA e behiloe e le pula-maliboho ea nts'etsopele le nts'etsopele ea moshoelella, e bonts'ang bokhoni ba eona ba ho tobana le liphephetso tsa nts'etsopele ea moshoelella libakeng tsohle tsa khoebo. Boitlamo bo khethehileng ba ACCIONA ke ho fokotsa butle-butle boemo ba boemo ba leholimo le ho lebisa phetoho ho moruo o fokolang oa carbon.
AltaGas Ltd. (TSX: ALA.TO) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase e shebaneng le khase ea tlhaho, motlakase le lits'ebeletso tse laoloang. AltaGas e theha boleng ka ho nts'etsapele le ho ntlafatsa lisebelisoa tsa eona tsa matla (ho kenyeletsoa ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho matla a hloekileng).
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero bakeng sa limmaraka tsa lefats'e tsa oli le khase, merafo, matla a hloekileng, le tikoloho le mebaraka. Khampani e fana ka litharollo tsa boenjiniere, theko le kaho bakeng sa matla a moea, matla a letsatsi, biomass le biofuel merero, 'me e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho rala le ho fana ka thepa ea ho tuka le ho fehla mouoane. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero ka har'a metsi, lipalangoang le meaho, lits'ebeletso tsa mmuso le liindasteri. E fana ka lits'ebeletso ho lik'hamphani tsa oli, lik'hamphani tsa lik'hemik'hale, lik'hamphani tse thusang le mekhatlo ea mmuso. Moetapele oa k'hamphani e ne e le AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) ke mofani ea ikemetseng ea ikemetseng ea fanang ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng, matla a matla, ntlafatso ea meaho, ts'ebetso ea thepa le tharollo ea matla a tsosolositsoeng bakeng sa lik'hamphani le mekhatlo ea Amerika Leboea le Europe. Litšebeletso tsa moshoelella tsa Ameresco li kenyelletsa ntlafatso ea meralo ea motheo ea matla le nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea lifeme tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang. Ameresco e atlehile ho phethela merero ea ho boloka matla le e ikarabellang tikolohong le mebuso ea federal, ea naha le ea libaka, litsi tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle le thuto, balaoli ba matlo, le bareki ba khoebo le ba indasteri. Ofisi ea Ameresco e Framingham, Massachusetts, e na le basebetsi ba fetang 1,000, 'me e fana ka litsebi tsa lehae United States, Canada le United Kingdom.
American Electric Power Company (NYSE: AEP) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa motlakase United States, tse fanang ka motlakase ho basebelisi ba limilione tse 5.4 liprofinseng tse 11. AEP ke e 'ngoe ea lihlahisi tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa motlakase United States, e nang le hoo e ka bang li-megawate tse 32,000 tsa matla a ho fehla motlakase United States. AEP e boetse e na le sistimi e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea phetisetso ea motlakase United States, e leng marang-rang a limaele tse fetang 40,000, e kenyelletsang matla a mangata ho feta lithapo tsa phetiso tsa 765 kV UHV. Kakaretso ea litsamaiso tse ling tsohle tsa phetisetso United States. Sistimi ea phetisetso ea AEP ka kotloloho kapa ka tsela e sa tobang e kopana le hoo e ka bang 10% ea tlhoko ea motlakase marang-rang a khokahanyo ea bochabela, e akaretsang linaha tse 38 tsa bochabela le bohareng tsa United States le Canada bochabela, athe tlhoko ea motlakase ho ERCOT e etsa hoo e ka bang 11%. E akaretsa boholo ba Texas. Likarolo tsa lisebelisoa tsa AEP li kenyelletsa AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (e Virginia le West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (e Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Oklahoma Public Service Company, le Southwest Electric Company (Arkansas). , Louisiana and Eastern Texas). AEP is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.
Chicago Iron Bridge Company (NYSE: CBI) is the world's most complete company focused on energy infrastructure. Ka boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 125 le boiphihlelo ba basebetsi ba ka bang 54,000, CB&I e ka fana ka litharollo tse tšepahalang ha e ntse e sebetsa ka polokeho le maemo a boleng a sa fetoheng.
Emerson Electric Company (New York Stock Exchange: EMR), e nang le ntlo-khōlō ea St. Louis, Missouri, ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e ea thekenoloji le ea boenjiniere e fanang ka tharollo e ncha ho bareki limmarakeng tsa indasteri, tsa khoebo le tsa bolulo. Khoebo ea rona ea litharollo tsa othomathike e ka thusa ho sebetsa, bahlahisi ba li-hybrid le tse ikhethang ho holisa tlhahiso, ho sireletsa batho le tikoloho, ha ba ntse ba ntlafatsa litšenyehelo tsa bona tsa matla le ts'ebetso. Kgwebo ya rona ya ditharollo tsa kgwebo le tsa bodulo e thusa ho netefatsa boiketlo ba batho le bophelo bo botle, ho sireletsa boleng ba dijo le polokeho, ho ntlafatsa tshebediso ya matla a motlakase, le ho thea meralo ya motheo ya moshwelella.
Exon Corp. (NYSE: Ke mofani oa matla a etellang pele oa matla a tlholisano United States. Amonsen e ntse e habile naheng ea Chicago 'me e na le lits'ebetso tse 48 States tse 48, setereke sa Columbia le Canada. Exelon ke e 'ngoe ea lijenereithara tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa tlholisano United States, e nang le matla a fetang 32,000 MW, e leng se etsang hore e be e' ngoe ea likepe tse hloekileng le tse theko e tlase ka ho fetisisa United States. Sehlopha sa khoebo sa Constellation se fana ka lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa matla ho bareki ba fetang limilione tse 2.5 ba bolulo, ba sechaba le ba khoebo, ho kenyelletsa le karolo ea bobeli ho tse tharo ea lik'hamphani tsa Fortune 100. Exelon's utilities provide electricity and natural gas (BGE) to 7.8 million customers in central Maryland, northern Illinois (ComEd) and southeastern Pennsylvania (PECO).
Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e ea boenjiniere le kaho e ralang le ho aha tse ling tsa merero e rarahaneng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng. Khampani e fa bareki litharollo tse ncha le tse kopantsoeng tsa boenjiniere, theko, tlhahiso, kaho, tlhokomelo le tsamaiso ea merero lefatšeng ka bophara. Ka lilemo tse fetang lekholo, Fluor e 'nile ea sebeletsa bareki mafapheng a matla, lik'hemik'hale, mmuso, indasteri, litšebeletso tsa motheo, merafo le limmaraka tsa motlakase. Headquartered in Irvine, Texas, Fluor is ranked 136th on the Fortune 500 list.
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: JEC) e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa theknoloji, litsebi le tsa kaho ho bareki ba fapaneng ba indasteri, ba khoebo le ba mmuso. Litšebeletso tsa morero tseo e fanang ka tsona li kenyelletsa boenjiniere, moralo, meralo, moralo oa kahare, moralo, lits'ebeletso tsa tikoloho le tse ling; hammoho le lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi ba ts'ebetso, saense le sistimi, ho kenyeletsoa liteko tsa mahlale, tlhahlobo le boeletsi, theknoloji ea tlhahisoleseling, le mesebetsi ea boenjiniere ea tsamaiso le kopanyo. Tshebeletso. Jacobs (Jacobs) ke e mong oa bafani ba kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng ba nang le mefuta e mengata ka ho fetesisa ea boitseanape le lits'ebeletso tsa kaho.
KBR, INC. (NYSE: Ke theknoloji ea lefatše, boenjiniere, boenjiniere, boenjiniereiti le liindasteri tsa kaho. E na le basebetsi ba ka bang 25,000 ba linaheng tse 70 ho fana ka boeletsi le boiphihlelo ba niche ka lithuso tsa Granherne, Energo le GVA; boenjiniere le Kaho, ho kenyeletsoa oli ea maoatle le khase ea tlhaho; oli ea onshore le khase ea tlhaho; LNG/GTL; hloekisitsoeng; petrochemical products; lik'hemik'hale; lits'ebeletso tse fapaneng tsa EPC le tsa indasteri; Litšebeletso tsa mmuso, ho kenyelletsa taolo ea basebetsi le likonteraka tsa nako e telele. KBR Mkhohomosa ka boikhohomoso e sebelisana le bareki ba lefats'e ho fana ka theknoloji, lits'ebeletso tse lekanang tsa boleng, e kopaneng ea enjene ea indasteri le litholoana tse boletsoeng esale pele. Ka KBR, rea fana.
Macquearie ResortsIrture Corporation (NYSE: E sebetsa, e sebetsa ebile e fana ka litšebeletso tsa mantlha bareki United States. Its business includes bulk liquid terminal business, international material storage tank terminal business, airport service business, Atlantic Airways, natural gas processing and distribution business, Hawaiian Gas, and multiple entities including contract energy and energy business. MIC is managed by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Macquarie Group.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with a generating capacity of approximately 44,900 MW, including MW related to non-controlling interests in NextEra Energy Partners, LP (NEP), and in 27 The state and Canada had basebetsi ba ka bang 13,800 ho ea qetellong ea 2014. NextEraEnergy e na le ntlo-khōlō Juneau Beach, Florida. Tšehetso ea eona e ka sehloohong ke Florida Power & Light Company, e sebeletsang bareki ba ka bang limilione tse 4.8 Florida 'me ke e' ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tse laoloang ke theko United States, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC le mekhatlo ea eona e amanang le eona ke moea o moholo ka ho fetisisa oa moea le letsatsi. lijenereithara tsa matla a tsosolositsoeng. Ka lithuso tsa eona, NextEra Energy e hlahisa motlakase o hloekileng, o se nang mosi ho tsoa lits'ebetsong tse robeli tsa khoebo tsa nyutlelie Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa le Wisconsin. NextEra Energy e amohetsoe ke mekha ea boraro bakeng sa boiteko ba eona ba botsitso, boikarabello ba khoebo, melao ea boitšoaro le ho latela melao le mefuta-futa, 'me e rehiloe e 'ngoe ea "Likhamphani tse Ratehang ka ho Fetisisa tsa 2015 Lefatšeng" ke Fortune Magazine. Boqapi ba eona le maikutlo a boikarabello ba sechaba li maemong a har'a lik'hamphani tse leshome tse holimo lefatšeng. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) e etella pele phetoho e shebaneng le bareki ba indasteri ea matla ea US ka ho fana ka likhetho tse hloekileng le tse bohlale tsa matla le ho haha photefoliong e kholo ka ho fetisisa le e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa matla a tlholisano Amerika. As a Fortune 200 company, we create value through reliable and efficient conventional power generation, while promoting innovation in solar and renewable energy, electric vehicle ecosystems, carbon capture technology and customer-centric energy solutions. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) e fana ka litharollo tsa boenjiniere ba botekgeniki le litharollo ho bareki ba mekhatlo ea sechaba le ea poraefete mebarakeng ea meaho, ea matla, ea kaho, ea thekiso ea matlo le ea tikoloho. NV5 e tsepamisitse maikutlo libakeng tse hlano tsa khoebo: tiisetso ea boleng ba mohaho, lisebelisoa tsa motheo, boenjiniere le litšebeletso tsa tšehetso, matla, tsamaiso ea mananeo le tharollo ea tikoloho. Khampani e na le libaka tsa 42 Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington le Wyoming. Ofisi, ntlo-kholo e Hollywood, Florida.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. Khampani ke pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea mekhoa ea matla ea IDG® e nang le mesebetsi e tsoetseng pele ea marang-rang e bohlale, ho kenyelletsa le bokhoni bo latelang: 1) Ho bolela esale pele tlhokahalo ea matla le ho sebelisa tsamaiso ea elektronike ho fana ka matla a sebetsang hantle le a tikoloho nakong ea lihora tse phahameng; 2) Fana ka lebaka la lisebelisoa tsa sechaba. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Khampani ea Litšebeletso tsa Primoris (Nasdaqgs: Primdais e thehiloe ka 1960 le, ka lik'hamphani tse fapaneng tsa bolumeli tsa bolumeli United States. United States. Primoris e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea limmaraka tsa ho qetela, e fana ka mefuta e mengata ea kaho, tlhahiso, tlhokomelo, phetisetso, metsi le metsi a litšila, le lits'ebeletso tsa boenjiniere bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tse kholo, lik'hamphani tsa petrochemical, lik'hamphani tsa matla, bomasepala, mekhatlo ea lipalangoang tsa mmuso le bareki ba bang. Ka kholo ea manyolo le kholo ka ho rekoa, khoebo ea naha ka bophara ea k'hamphani e se e batla e le naheng eohle 'me e fetela Canada.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) e fana ka moralo, boenjiniere, meralo, moralo oa ka hare, moralo oa naha, lipatlisiso, saense ea tikoloho bakeng sa meaho le merero Canada, United States, Canada, United States, Canada, United States, United States, le New York State , Litšebeletso tsa boeletsi tsa litsebi bakeng sa tsamaiso ea merero le moruo oa merero, le machaba. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka boqapi ba litsamaiso tsa mochini ka mokhoa o nepahetseng, litsamaiso tsa thuto ea thuto, mekhatlo ea khoebo le ea mmuso; Litšebeletso tsa ho fokotsa lipatlisiso tsa liphallelo; lipalangoang, meralo ea motheo, kaho le litšebeletso tsa tikoloho; bakeng sa oli le khase, merafo, le motlakase Ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boenjiniere ba othomathiki, motlakase le lisebelisoa le lekala la indasteri; le lits'ebeletso tsa mabitso, hammoho le nts'etsopele, moralo, lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya le ho boloka seriti bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tsa lipeipi tsa oli le khase le lits'ebeletso tsa liteishene. In addition, it also provides professional services in ecology, environmental restoration, water resources and regulatory support for public and private customers in the fields of electricity, transportation, energy and resources, as well as services in cultural resource management and historical protection.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) ke k'hamphani e etelletseng pele ea ts'ebeliso ea matla e tšoarellang e inehetseng ho tharollo ea motlakase oa lefatše ka bophara, oa letsatsi le oa metsi. 3Power e rera ho fa bareki matla a matala a boleng bo botle ho tsoa matleng a sireletsehileng le a ts'eptjoang a ka nchafatsoang ao Sehlopha se se hahang, se nang le sona le ho se sebetsa.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa litšepe tse khethehileng le lihlahisoa tsa lik'hemik'hale. Khampani e kopantsoe ka ho feletseng le lisebelisoa tsa ho tsosolosa li-loop tse koetsoeng, e leng ntlo-khōlō e Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 'me e na le liofisi tsa tlhahiso ea limela le tsa thekiso libakeng tse ngata tsa Europe, Amerika le Asia. 5N Plus e sebelisitse letoto la mahlale a morao-rao le a netefalitsoeng ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ka sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse ngata tse tsoetseng pele tsa meriana, tsa elektroniki le tsa indasteri. Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng li kenyelletsa lirafshoa tse hloekileng tse kang bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium le tellurium, lik'hemik'hale tse sa tloaelehang tse thehiloeng holim'a litšepe tsena, le liphaphatha tsa semiconductor tse kopantsoeng. Bongata ba bona ke bo-pula-maliboho ba bohlokoa le batšehetsi ba bohlokoa, joalo ka matla a letsatsi, li-diode tse ntšang khanya le lisebelisoa tse baballang tikoloho.
A-Power Energy Generation System Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: APWR), ka setsi sa eona sa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso naheng ea China, ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa litsamaiso tsa phepelo ea motlakase China, 'me e ntse e atoloha ho fihlela tlhahiso ea mekhoa e meng ea ho fehla matla. Focusing on energy-saving and environmentally-friendly distributed power generation projects ranging from 25 to 400 MW, A-Power also operates one of the largest wind turbine manufacturing plants in China.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Acciona ke sebapali se seholo 'marakeng oa matla a nchafatsang, ka ts'ebetso e matla ea linaha tse fetang 20 / libaka tse hlano. The company specializes in working with renewable energy, especially five of them-wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, hydroelectric power and biomass energy.
Accsys Technologies PLC (LSE: AXS.L) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji ea lik'hemik'hale e ikemiselitseng ho fihlela nts'etsopele ea moshoelella ka nts'etsopele le khoebo ea letoto la mahlale a phetoho a ipapisitseng le acetylation ea lehong le tiileng le likarolo tsa lehong.
Acorn Energy Corporation (NasdaqCM: ACFN) ke k'hamphani e ts'oereng eo lik'hamphani tsa eona tse tharo tsa potefolio li thusang bareki ba tsona ho fumana tlhahiso e phahameng, ts'epahalo, polokeho le lintlha tse sebetsang hantle, ka hona li tlisa phaello e kholo. DSIT e fana ka tharollo ea ts'ireletso ho tsoa ka litšokelo tsa metsi ka tlas'a metsi ho ea ho nal le thepa ea matla a puo. GridSense® e fana ka tlhokomelo ea lintlha tsohle tsa bohlokoa tsamaisong ea phetisetso. OmniMetrix® mainly remotely monitors and controls critical equipment in the form of emergency backup power generation systems and natural gas pipeline corrosion protection systems to improve their reliability and ensure compliance.
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Ho tloha ka 1989, AERT e 'nile ea etella pele ho sebeliseng lipolasetiki tsa polyethylene tse nchafalitsoeng ha ho etsoa thepa ea ho haha e kopantsoeng. Ka potefolio ea eona e ntseng e tsoela pele ea litokelo tsa molao le mahlale a morao-rao a beng ba matlo, AERT e amohetsoe e le moetapele oa boqapi ba paballo ea lisebelisoa mme e hapile Khau ea EPA Environmental Excellence Award bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea eona ea ho fetola polasetiki ea litšila hore e be mokatong o ka ntle oa laminate. Khampani e sa tsoa hapa Khau ea ESGR Patriot bakeng sa tšehetso ea eona ho balebeli ba rona le ho boloka mabotho a Sesole sa US. AERT e fetola litšila tsa polasetiki le lehong tse sebelisoang hape hore e be lits'ebetso tsa boleng bo holimo tsa mekhabiso ea kantle, lits'ebetso tsa terata, le likarolo tsa mamati le lifensetere. Khamphani ke moetsi ea ikhethileng oa ChoiceDek® flooring, e fumanehang ka mebala e fapaneng mme e rekisoa mabenkeleng a mekhabiso ea lapeng Lowe naheng ka bophara. Lenaneo la AERT's MoistureShield® paving le ntse le hola, 'me lihlahisoa li se li rekisoa United States kaofela. Aert e na le limela tsa tlhahiso, Arkansas le Lowell, mme li sa tsoa qala lits'ebetso tsa lilemo tse tala tse nchafatsang tsa oklahoma.
AES Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: AES) ke k'hamphani e matla ea lefatše ea Fortune 500. Re fana ka matla a theko e tlaase le a matla ho linaha / libaka tse tsoang lithupelong tse fapaneng le tse matlafatsang le tse matlafatsang tsa matla a motlakase. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
Alaska Hydropower Corporation (TSX: AKH.V) e sebetsana le nts'etsopele ea merero ea matla a ka nchafatsoang, e shebaneng haholo le matla a fehloang ka metsi ho nts'etsapele lisebelisoa bakeng sa boemo ba leholimo ba leboea. Alaska Hydro hajoale e ntse e nts'etsapele Morero oa More Creek Hydropower ("Project"), e leng More Creek, e phallelang Nokeng ea Iskout, lik'hilomithara tse ka bang 130 ka leboea ho toropo ea Stewart ka leboea-bophirima ho British Columbia.
Alcoa (NYSE: AA) Alcoa ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa theknoloji ea tšepe e bobebe, boenjiniere le tlhahiso, 'me litharollo tsa eona tse ncha tsa lisebelisoa tse ngata li ka ntlafatsa lefats'e la rona. Theknoloji ea rona e ka ntlafatsa lipalangoang ho tloha likoloing le lipalangoang tsa khoebo ho ea sebakeng sa lifofane, le ho ntlafatsa lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa indasteri le tsa bareki. Re tšehetsa meaho e bohlale, liphutheloana tsa lijo le lino tse tšoarellang, likoloi tsa ts'ireletso tse sebetsang hantle ho pholletsa le moea, lefats'e le leoatle, ho cheka ho teba ha oli le khase, le phepelo ea motlakase e sebetsang hantle haholoanyane. Re ile ra bula maliboho indastering ea aluminium lilemong tse 125 tse fetileng. Kajeno, basebetsi ba rona ba fetang 60,000 linaheng/litikolohong tse 30 ba fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng tse entsoeng ka titanium, nickel le aluminium, 'me ba hlahisa bauxite ea boemo ba pele, alumina le lisebelisoa tse tala. Lihlahisoa tsa Aluminium. Tsoelo-pele e tsitsitseng, nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng ea lihlahisoa
Alexco Resource Corp. (TSX: AXR.TO; NYSE MKT: AXU) e na le hoo e ka bang likarolo tsohle tsa morafo oa silevera oa Keno Hill Yukon, Canada, ho kenyeletsoa morafo oa silevera oa Bellekeno, Flame & Moth, Lucky Queen, Bermingham le li-deposit tsa Onek. le tse ling tse ling tsa histori le fatše mehloli. Alexco e nka mofuta o ikhethileng oa khoebo, 'me ka lefapha la eona la litšebeletso tsa tikoloho, Alexco Environmental Group, e fana ka bareki ba mmuso le indasteri ka lits'ebeletso tsa tikoloho tse amanang le merafo, theknoloji ea tsosoloso, le lits'ebeletso tsa ho lokisa le ho koala merafo.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) ke k'hamphani ea mefuta e fapaneng ea ho fehla, ho fetisa le ho fana ka matla Amerika Leboea. Sehlopha sa kabo se sebetsa United States mme se fana ka litšebeletso tse laoloang ke theko ea metsi, motlakase le khase ea tlhaho ho bareki ba fetang 489,000. Sehlopha se sa laolweng sa ho fehla motlakase se na le kapa se na le potefolio ya disebediswa tse fehlang motlakase wa moya, wa letsatsi, o fehlwang ka metsi, le kgase ya tlhaho tse fumanehang Amerika Leboya, tse nang le matla a kentsweng a fetang dimekawate tse 1,050. Sehlopha sa Phetiso se tsetetse ho phetiso ea matla e laoloang ke sekhahla le lits'ebetso tsa lipeipi tsa khase ea tlhaho United States le Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities e fihletse kholo e tsitsitseng ka ho atolosa mecha ea merero ea ntlafatso ea matla a ka nchafatsoang, kholo ea tlhaho ka har'a likhoebo tse laoloang tsa kabo ea motlakase le phetisetso, le ho lelekisa theko ea boleng bo eketsehileng.
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) ke khamphani e thathamisitsoeng e inehetseng ho matla a "tala" le mahlale a tsosolositsoeng. Makala a ALLM a tsepamisitse maikutlo ho litheknoloji tse ntseng li hlaha mafapheng a matla a ka nchafatsoang, lifuele tsa baeloji le litheknoloji tse ncha. ALLM e na le 50% ea Carbolosic, LLC, 'me e na le litokelo tse khethehileng Amerika Leboea (ho kenyeletsoa Canada, United States le Mexico) le Afrika. Carbolosic has an exclusive global license for the patented mechanical/chemical technology “CTS™” developed by the University of Central Florida. Theknoloji ea CTS e khona ho hlahisa tsoekere, lik'hemik'hale tse fapaneng tse ntle, lipolasetiki, fiber ea carbon le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa bohlokoa ho tsoa hoo e batlang e le lihlahisoa tsa semela, lehong kapa lihlahisoa tsa pampiri, liphutheloana tsa litholoana kapa litšila tsa likokoana-hloko.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa phepelo ea motlakase, phetisetso le meaho ea literene, a beha mohlala bakeng sa boqapi le mahlale a baballang tikoloho. Alstom e hahile terene e lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le tsela e tsamaeang ka tlas'a lefatše e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa, e fana ka litharollo tsa seteishene sa motlakase se kopaneng sa turnkey le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le mehloli e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa motlakase oa metsi, matla a nyutlelie, khase ea tlhaho, matla a mashala le moea, 'me e fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea tharollo ea phetisetso ea matla. , ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho li-grids tse bohlale.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) e fana ka tharollo ea matla a mang ho khotsofatsa tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea matla a ikarabellang tikolohong le moruong 'marakeng oa lefatše. The main goal of Alter NRG is to further commercialize Westinghouse plasma gasification technology through its wholly-owned subsidiary to provide renewable and clean energy solutions from a variety of raw materials and provide various energy outputs, including liquids such as ethanol and diesel. Mafura, motlakase le lisyngas
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra e na le karolo ea 247 MW ea matla ana 'me e hlahisa ho feta 1,250 GWh ea matla a hloekileng selemo le selemo. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra e lebelletsoe ho ba le beng ba 50% (hona joale ke 100%). Kamora ho phethelwa ha diporojeke tsena tse pedi, Alterra e tla sebedisa dipolante tse supileng tsa motlakase tse nang le matla a kakaretso a 819 MW mme e tla ba le 381 MW ya matla ao, e tla hlahisa ho feta 1,700 GWh ya eneji e hlwekileng selemo le selemo. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Alterrus Systems (OTC: ASIUQ) e sebetsana le nts'etsopele, tlhahiso, ts'ebetso le kopanyo ea VertiCrop, mokhoa oa ho jala o otlolohileng oa Canada, United Kingdom le United States. Sistimi ea eona ea VertiCrop e hola meroho e matala e foreshe, e nang le phepo e ntle le e mahlaku holim'a lishelefo tse arohaneng, tse hlophiloeng ka ho otloloha holim'a liphalete tse tsamaisoang ke sistimi e tsamaisang thepa e holimo.
Amanasu Environment Corporation (OTC: AMSU) is a development stage company engaged in technology acquisition, product marketing and testing environmental technology for commercial sales in Japan and internationally. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani e kenyelletsa sebōpi sa Amanasu, se sebetsanang le litšila tse chefo le tse kotsi ka mochine o tukang o phahameng oa mocheso. Hot water boiler technology, incineration of waste tires in a non-polluting way, and extracting heat energy from the incineration process; mokhoa oa ho ntša letsoai ka loop-pipe o ka hloekisa metsi a leoatle le ho tlosa litšila tse kotsi metsing a litšila.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero bakeng sa limmaraka tsa lefats'e tsa oli le khase, merafo, matla a hloekileng, le tikoloho le mebaraka. Khampani e fana ka litharollo tsa boenjiniere, theko le kaho bakeng sa matla a moea, matla a letsatsi, biomass le biofuel merero, 'me e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho rala le ho fana ka thepa ea ho tuka le ho fehla mouoane. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi, boenjiniere le tsamaiso ea merero ka har'a metsi, lipalangoang le meaho, lits'ebeletso tsa mmuso le liindasteri. E fana ka lits'ebeletso ho lik'hamphani tsa oli, lik'hamphani tsa lik'hemik'hale, lik'hamphani tse thusang le mekhatlo ea mmuso. Moetapele oa k'hamphani e ne e le AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) ke mofani ea ikemetseng ea ikemetseng ea fanang ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng, matla a matla, ntlafatso ea meaho, ts'ebetso ea thepa le tharollo ea matla a tsosolositsoeng bakeng sa lik'hamphani le mekhatlo ea Amerika Leboea le Europe. Litšebeletso tsa moshoelella tsa Ameresco li kenyelletsa ntlafatso ea meralo ea motheo ea matla le nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea lifeme tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang. Ameresco e atlehile ho phethela merero ea ho boloka matla le e ikarabellang tikolohong le mebuso ea federal, ea naha le ea libaka, litsi tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle le thuto, balaoli ba matlo, le bareki ba khoebo le ba indasteri. Ofisi ea Ameresco e Framingham, Massachusetts, e na le basebetsi ba fetang 1,000, 'me e fana ka litsebi tsa lehae United States, Canada le United Kingdom.
American Safety Resources (OTC: ARSC), ka thuso ea eona ea American Hydrogen Corporation, e nts'etsapele theknoloji ea ho etsa haedrojene. E reretsoe ho fana ka sehloekisi sa khase ea tlhaho ho fana ka hydrogen ha ho hlokahala.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) ke khamphani e felletseng ea lihlahisoa tse nchafalitsoeng e ikemiselitseng ho fihlela kholo e tsitsitseng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse etelletseng pele lefatšeng. Amyris e sebelisa litharollo tsa eona tse ncha tsa bioscience ho fetolela tsoekere ea semela hore e be limolek'hule tsa hydrocarbon, metsoako e ikhethang le lihlahisoa tsa bareki. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amyris o sebelisane 'moho le TOTAL ho theha diesel e ka nchafatsoang le mafura a jet, ka sepheo sa ho ba mafura a hloahloa a lipalangoang. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Boima ba matla a eona, ts'ebetso ea enjene le ts'ebetso ea polokelo li bapisoa le mafura a peterole a molemo ka ho fetisisa.
Likarolo tse tharo tsa khoebo tsa American Equipment Recycling Center (ARCA) (NasdaqCM: ARCI) li maemong a ikhethang indastering mme li ka fana ka litšebeletso tse felletseng tse amanang le lisebelisoa. ARCA Advanced Processing, LLC e sebelisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ho ntlafatsa theknoloji ea khale ea ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa lapeng ho fihlela melemo e metle ea ho hlahisa chelete le melemo ea tikoloho. ARCCA le eona ke eona ea moetsi oa Amerika oa North oa Leoatle la North a volicling (Urt), e 'ngoe ea libaka tse ommeng tsa ho fana ka lisebelisoa tse nchafatsang tsa bosholu le litšila tsa elektroniki. Litsi tsa setereke tsa Arca e lahla lisebelisoa nakong ea bophelo ba ho qetela ho tlosa lintho tse kotsi tikolohong ea bophelo le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse fumanehang ka bongata bakeng sa ts'ebeliso ea United States le Canada. Mabenkele a 18 ke lik'hamphani tsa lebitso la lisebelisoa, Inc.® Repa lisebelisoa tse ncha ka kotloloho ho bareki, le ho fana ka likhetho tse boima ho hatisa mananeo a sebaka sa lisebelisoa tse sebetsang ka matla
Aquentium, Inc. (OTC: AQNM), k'hamphani e boemong ba nts'etsopele, e shebane le ho fana ka theknoloji e tala. E fana ka lisebelisoa tsa bohloeki ba ozone le lisebelisoa tsa tlhoekiso ea metsi, joalo ka litsamaiso tsa moea le lits'ebetso tsa metsi. Khampani e boetse e hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa mobile flushing; le liphanele tsa meaho tsa meaho bakeng sa meaho ea khoebo le ea bolulo. E rekisa lihlahisoa ka kotloloho le ka barekisi ho lifeme tsa ho lokisa lijo le lino, likolo, lipetlele, lihotele le lireschorente.
ARCADIS NV (Khoutu ea Euronext Amsterdam: ARCAD; OTC khoutu: ARCAY) ke k'hamphani e etelletseng pele lefatšeng ka bophara ea meralo ea thepa ea tlhaho le ea meralo, e sebetsa le bareki ho fana ka bokhabane ka moralo oa likopo, boeletsi, boenjiniere, lits'ebeletso tsa projeke le tsamaiso Le liphetho tse tšoarellang.
Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (NYSE: ADM) For more than a century, the people of Archer Daniels Midland Corporation have transformed crops into products that meet the urgent needs of the growing world. Kajeno, re fetohile e 'ngoe ea li-processor tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng tsa temo le bafani ba lisebelisoa tsa lijo, ba nang le basebetsi ba fetang 33,000, ba sebeletsang bareki linaheng/litikolohong tse fetang 140. Letoto la rona la boleng lefatšeng ka bophara le kenyelletsa libaka tse fetang 460 tsa ho fumana lijalo, lisebelisoa tse 300 tsa tlhahiso ea metsoako, litsi tse 40 tsa boqapi le marang-rang a pele a lefats'e a lipalangoang tsa lijalo. We connect harvesting with families and produce for food, animal feed, chemical and Products for energy use.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka matla a nyutlelie. Sehlopha sa Areva se boetse se tsetela ho matla a ka nchafatsoang ho nts'etsapele litharollo tsa theknoloji e phahameng ka litšebelisano. Ka tlatsetso ya eneji ya nyutlelie le eneji e ka ntjhafatswang, Sehlopha sa Areva se nyehela ho thehoeng ha mmotlolo wa hosane wa eneji: ho fa palo e kgolo ya batho matla a bolokehileng, a fokolang a carbon dioxide. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage.
Aquentium, Inc. (OTC: AQNM), k'hamphani e boemong ba nts'etsopele, e shebane le ho fana ka theknoloji e tala. E fana ka lisebelisoa tsa bohloeki ba ozone le lisebelisoa tsa tlhoekiso ea metsi, joalo ka litsamaiso tsa moea le lits'ebetso tsa metsi. Khampani e boetse e hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa mobile flushing; le liphanele tsa meaho tsa meaho bakeng sa meaho ea khoebo le ea bolulo. E rekisa lihlahisoa ka kotloloho le ka barekisi ho lifeme tsa ho lokisa lijo le lino, likolo, lipetlele, lihotele le lireschorente.
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. Ka tharollo e kopaneng ea aspenone, bahlahisi ba ts'ebetso ba ka kenya mekhoa e metle ho ntlafatsa boenjiniere ba bona, ho etsa thepa le lichane le litulo tsa mothapo le litulo tsa thoriso. As a result, AspenTech customers can better increase production capacity, increase profits, reduce costs and improve energy efficiency.
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) e na le le ho laola matla a khase ea tlhaho, motlakase, likhoele tsa phetiso le thepa ea metsi Amerika Leboea, Amerika Boroa, Spain, Algeria le Afrika Boroa. Ho tloha ka la 31 Tshitwe 2017, khamphani e ne e na le thepa e 22, ho kenyeletswa dimekawate (MW) tse 1,446 tsa thepa ya ho fehla matla a ka ntjhafatswang, ho kenyeletswa le dipolante tsa matla a letsatsi le a moya; 300 MW of natural gas power generation assets, which can use natural gas to generate electricity and steam ; lik'hilomithara tse 1,099 tsa likhoele tsa phepelo ea motlakase; le setsi sa ho tlosa letsoai letsoai se nang le kakaretso ea tlhahiso ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea maoto a li-cubic tse limilione tse 10.5.
BacTech Environmental Corporation (CSE: BAC; OTC Pink: BCCEF) We are changing the way we clean the environment. Ka thuso ea likheo tsa rona, re tlisitse moelelo oa khopolo ea "tšepe e tala" ka ho tsosolosa tšepe ha re ntse re ntlafatsa tikoloho e potolohileng ts'ebetsong. BacTech e khothaletsa tšebeliso ea theknoloji ea eona ea kalafo ea "bioleaching" ho alafa mehatla e hlahisitsoeng ka har'a concentrate ea khale ea arsenopyrite le mehatla. Ponce Enriquez (Ponce Enriquez) area in southern Ecuador. BacTech has agreed to participate as a technology partner in a group that hopes to reprocess arsenic stocks in Snow Lake, Manitoba.
Berskeley matla ltd E shebane haholo le nts'etsopele ea projeke ea eona e kholo ea Salamanca, e kenyelletsang li-deposit tsa Retortillo, Alameda, Zona 7 le Gambuta, hammoho le li-deposit tsa sathelaete tse ka bophirima ho Spain. Moqapi oa pele oa k'hamphani e ne e le Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. 'me e ile ea rehoa Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. ka November 2015.
Biaamber Inc. (NYSE: BIAA) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa tse nchafatsoang. Its innovative technology platform combines biotechnology and catalysis to convert renewable raw materials into basic materials that can be used in a variety of daily products, including plastics, paints, textiles, food additives and personal care products.
Bioceres Crop Solutions (NYSE: BIOX) is a fully integrated provider of crop productivity technologies designed to make the transition of agriculture to carbon neutral. To this end, Bioceres' solutions provide farmers and other stakeholders with economic incentives to adopt more environmentally friendly production methods. Khampani e na le sethala se ikhethileng sa biotechnology se nang le theknoloji e nang le litokelo tse phahameng bakeng sa lipeo le lisebelisoa tsa temo tse nyane, hammoho le phepo e nepahetseng ea lijalo le litharollo tsa ts'ireletso. Ka lenaneo la HB4®, k'hamphani e tla tlisa tharollo ea dijithale ho ts'ehetsa ho etsa liqeto tsa balemi le ho fana ka ts'ebetso ea ho qetela ea tlhahiso ea tlhahiso.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) is a technology service company dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions to improve the environment. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Sethala sa thekenoloji sa Bion Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: BNET) se fana ka pheko ea litšila ea mehlape ka botlalo le e sa sebetseng hantle 'me e fumana thepa ea bohlokoa ho tsoa moketjaneng oa litšila, ho kenyeletsoa matla a ka nchafatsoang, limatlafatsi le metsi a hloekileng. Theknoloji ea Bion e ka boloka litšenyehelo tse ngata le ho ntlafatsa katleho liindastering tse peli: ho hloekisa metsi le tlhahiso ea lebese / mehlape.
Bio-Clean International, Inc (OTC: BCLE) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse hloekisang tikoloho le maro a hloekisang likokoana-hloko tse etselitsoeng merero e fapaneng United States. E boetse e ts'oara matsete likhoebong tse fapaneng tse kopaneng tsa elektroniki le lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho.
Blue Spure Corporation (OTC: BLSSS) ke Khamphani e hloekileng ea theknoloji le theknoloji ea merero ea matla. Blue Grahere e hlahisa litšila le merero e meng e ncha e nchafalitsoeng. Khamphani e lakatsa ho ba sebapali se seholo ho soka ke litšila tsa lefatše lohle le 'maraka o khaphatsehang.
BODISEN BIOTECH (LSE: BODI.L; OTC: BBCZ) e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le thekiso ea menontsha ea tlhaho, manyolo a metsi, meriana e bolaeang likokoanyana le likokoanyana naheng ea People's Republic of China, 'me e hlahisitse mela e fetang 60 ea lihlahisoa. The company produces its product line, then sells and sells it to distributors, who then sell its products to farmers. Ntle le mosebetsi oa ho etsa, oa thekiso le oa ho bapatsa, k'hamphani e boetse e etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ho ntlafatsa lihlahisoa tse teng le ho nts'etsapele liforomo tse ncha le lihlahisoa tse ncha.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) ke moetsi oa motlakase eo khoebo ea hae ea mantlha e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele le ts'ebetsong ea liteishene tsa motlakase o tsosolositsoeng. Boralex e na le basebetsi ba ka bang 250 'me e tsebahala ka boitseanape ba eona le boiphihlelo bo bongata mefuteng e mene ea phepelo ea motlakase: moea, metsi, mocheso le letsatsi. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) le makalana a eona a hlahisa le ho rekisa masela a thermoplastic hammoho. Karolo ea k'hamphani ea polyolefin e hlahisa polyethylene, ho kenyelletsa LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, UHMWPE le EVA. Polyethylene e tala ho tsoa mehloling e tsosolositsoeng; le polypropylene (PP). Lihlahisoa tsa segmet li ka sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, joalo ka lifilimi tsa polasetiki bakeng sa lijo le liphutheloana tsa indasteri; libotlolo, mekotla ea mabenkele le lijana tse ling tsa thepa ea bareki; likarolo tsa likoloi; le lisebelisoa tsa ka tlung. Makala a k'hamphani ea US le Europe a hlahisa PP US le Jeremane. Lefapha la eona la kabo ea lik'hemik'hale le aba lihlapolli, ho kenyeletsoa li-solvents tsa aliphatic, tse nkhang hamonate, tsa maiketsetso le tsa eco-friendly; boenjiniere li-solvents tsa polasetiki tsa hydrocarbon le li-isoparafini; le lik'hemik'hale tse akaretsang tse kang ho lokisa oli, li-chemical intermediates, metsoako, lik'hemik'hale tse khethehileng, le meriana le Santubong. Braskem SA e boetse e reka kantle le ho romela dikhemikhale, dihlahiswa tsa petrochemical le mafura. Ho hlahisa, ho fana le ho rekisa lits'ebeletso, joalo ka metsi le khase ea indasteri; le ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa indasteri.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) e sebetsa e 'ngoe ea li-platform tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng tse rekisoang ka matla a hloekileng a ka nchafatsoang. Phatlalatso ea lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani e akaretsa litsamaiso tsa linōka tse 74 le limmaraka tsa motlakase tse 14 Amerika Leboea, Latin America le Europe, haholo-holo motlakase oa metsi, o nang le kakaretso e kentsoeng ea ho feta 7,000 MW. Ka potefolio ea thepa ea boleng bo holimo le tebello e matla ea kholo, khoebo e ka hlahisa phallo ea chelete e tsitsitseng ea nako e telele le ho ts'ehetsa kabo ea chelete e tloaelehileng le e ntseng e hola ho beng ba liabo.
CALCITECH LTD (OTC: CLKTF) e hlahisa le ho rekisa synthetic calcium carbonate (SCC) Europe. E hlahisa SCC ho tloha kalaka e litšila le carbon dioxide ho tsoa tšilafalong ea moea. SCC ke 'mala o mosoeu o ka sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng tsa indasteri, ho kenyeletsoa pampiri, polymer, pente, lijo le meriana. Khampani e fana ka lihlahisoa tse tharo tsa SCC bakeng sa indasteri ea pampiri, ho kenyeletsa CalciLS, e ikemiselitseng ho eketsa ho hasana ha leseli; CalciSG, e ikemiselitseng ho fana ka liphahlo tse benyang bakeng sa pampiri e tsoetseng pele ea khatiso le ea ho ngola; le CalciRG, e leng ntlafatso ea ts'ebetso bakeng sa 'maraka oa khatiso oa gravure. additive. E boetse e fana ka CalciSP, sehlahisoa se seng sa pampiri bakeng sa indasteri ea lijo, ea meriana le ea litlolo; and CalciRC, which targets polymer applications such as plastics, sealants, rubber and adhesives.
Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (OTC: CVAT) ke moeta-pele ea iqapetsoeng kalafong ea maro, metsoako ea mokelikeli, li-emulsion le lintho tse tiileng tse emisitsoeng. Khampani e shebane le ts'ebetsong ea sebele ea mekhoa e mecha ea ka hare le tsoelo-pele, 'me e bona mosebetsi oa eona o ka sehloohong e le ho finyella litlhoko tsa hona joale le tsa nakong e tlang tsa liindasteri tse kholo. CTi e thehiloe ka 2007 ho rala le ho etsa lisebelisoa le litsamaiso tse tsoetseng pele ka ho fetesisa, tse phallang, tse matla, tsa hydrodynamic cavitation. The company develops efficient processing technologies for edible oil refining, algae oil extraction and renewable fuel production, alcoholic beverage enhancement, water treatment and rapid petroleum upgrades. The company is committed to operating in a responsible manner to improve its impact on the environment and is the first to adopt technology to save and protect natural resources. Khamphani e rekisitse ts'ebetso ea eona ea CTi NanoNeutralization® e ntseng e emetse patent, e fanang ka bahlahisi ba mafura a jeoang ka keketseho e kholo ea lihlahisoa, ho boloka litšenyehelo tse kholo le melemo ea tikoloho. E le tlatsetso ea sistimi e teng ea ho se nke lehlakore, NanoReactor® ea k'hamphani e nang le tokelo ea molao e thusa li-refinery ho fokotsa haholo litšenyehelo tsa ho sebetsa, ho eketsa tlhahiso le ho ntlafatsa boleng ba oli. Desmet Ballestra Group, e leng mofani oa lefats'e ea ka sehloohong oa tharollo bakeng sa indasteri ea oli e jeoang, ea mafura le ea biodiesel, e sebelisane le CTi ho ntšetsa pele katleho ena ea theknoloji lefatšeng ka bophara le lifemeng tse kholo.
CECO Environmental Corp. (NasdaqGS: CECE) ke k'hamphani e etelletseng pele lefatšeng ka bophara ea theknoloji ea ho lokisa tikoloho, matla le mokelikeli. Through its well-known brands, CECO provides a wide range of products and services, including dampers and diverters, cyclone technology, thermal oxidizers, filtration systems, scrubbers, fluid treatment equipment, and factory engineering services and engineering design and construction. These products play a vital role in helping companies meet strict production standards, meeting growing factory demands and strict global emission control regulations. CECO serves the widest range of markets and industries worldwide, including power, municipal, chemical, industrial manufacturing, oil refining, petrochemical, metals, minerals and mining, hospitals and universities. CECO is committed to building long-term shareholder value by bringing its unique technology, product portfolio and superior operational advantages into strategic key growth markets around the world, while maintaining the highest level of employee development, project execution and safety leadership.
Cemtrex (NasdaqCM: CETX) ke k'hamphani e itlhommeng pele lefatšeng ka bophara ea liindasteri le lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tse fanang ka litharollo tse fapaneng ho tobana le liphephetso tsa kajeno tsa tekheniki. Cemtrex e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa elektronike tse tsoetseng pele tse entsoeng ka tloaelo, li-monitor le lisebelisoa tsa mekhoa ea indasteri, le lits'ebeletso tsa tlhahiso bakeng sa taolo ea tikoloho le mekhoa ea ho hloekisa moea bakeng sa indasteri le lits'ebeletso.
Century Sunshine Ecological Technology. Hldg. (Hong Kong 0509.HK) etsa khoebo Hong Kong le People's Republic of China. Khamphani e sebetsa libakeng tse 'ne: khoebo ea manyolo a tikoloho, khoebo ea alloy ea magnesium, khoebo ea metallurgical flux le khoebo ea litšebeletso tsa lichelete. Litšehetso tsa eona li kenyelletsa Baishan Tianan Magnesium Resources Co., Ltd., Guangshi Group Co., Ltd., CapitaLand Investment Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine (Jiangxi) Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. ., Century Sunshine (Nanping) Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. and Century Sunshine (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., joalo-joalo.
CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: YES.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., e Mississauga, Ontario, e hlahisa thepa e kang carbon activated activated (SulfaCHAR) e ka sebelisoang ho tlosa hydrogen sulfide (haholo-holo e ruileng ka khase ea Methane) le litšila. moea).
China Agricultural Trade Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHBU) is engaged in the production and sale of non-toxic fertilizers, fungicides and fungicides for agriculture in the People's Republic of China. The company provides organic biochemical agricultural application products, including Xinsheng Lvyuan, a chemical fertilizer product series mainly used to increase agricultural production; Xinsheng Lufeng, letoto la tokiso ea mobu oa manyolo joalo ka sebolaea-khuru; and Xinsheng Huang-jin-gai, an amino acid fertilizer product line, This product is designed to help crops absorb calcium and improve its quality. It also provides a new type of humic acid fertilizer product series “New Life Homeland”, which aims to improve the quality of crops; Xinsheng Baile, sehlahiswa sa sehlahiswa sa manyolo a amino acid, se ikemiseditseng ho fana ka dimatlafatsi tsa dijalo le ho thusa dijalo ho leka-lekanya kgolo ya Meroho. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e boetse e hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ling tsa agrochemical, ho kenyelletsa difensulfuron, pretilachlor, lipeo tsa peo le litokisetso. China Agricultural Trading Co., Ltd. mainly sells its products through wholesale and retail distributors.
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) e hlahisa le ho aba menontsha e nang le acid e humic e thehiloeng ho motsoako oa eona o felletseng, e leng: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (e tla bitsoa "Jinong"). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (eo hamorao e tla bitsoa "Gufeng") le mokhatlo o feto-fetohang oa tekano Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (eo hamorao e tla bitsoa "Yuxing"). As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ". F. Jinong hajoale e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa manyolo ho barekisi ba setsomi le barekisi liprofeteng le barekisi ba 4 Aunonomo ba laoloang ke Machaena. Ho tloha ka la 31 Tšitoe, 2014, Jinong e ne e na le barekisi ba 972 Chaena. Gufeng le setsi sa eona se ka tlase ho Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. ke bahlahisi ba Beijing ba manyolo a kopaneng, manyolo a kopaneng, manyolo a motsoako oa manyolo le manyolo a kopaneng. Manyolo a motsoako oa Organic-inorganic compound.
China Water Affairs Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0855.HK; OTC: CWAFF) e boloka boemo ba eona ba hona joale bo etelletseng pele 'marakeng o kopaneng oa litšebeletso tsa metsi oa China ka ho tsetela, ho fumana, ho kopanya le katoloso ea meaho e teng. Kwa China, diporojeke tse di kopantsweng tsa metsi tsa Setlhopha di akaretsa kabo ya metsi a a sa dirisiwang, phepelo ya metsi a dipompo, go phepafatsa leswe, kago ya mafaratlhatlha a diphaepe tsa metsi, diporojeke tsa kgwebo tse di oketsang boleng jwa dimetara tsa metsi le metswedi ya metsi.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Khampani e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa litharollo tsa motlakase tse tsoang kantle ho gridi e bohlale le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo tse thehiloeng marung bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi, moea le motlakase (joalo ka mabone a seterateng, lits'ireletso, lits'ebetso tsa likhokahano, phepelo ea motlakase ea tšohanyetso le lisebelisoa tsa Marang-rang. Clear Blue. e tlas'a mofuta oa eona oa Illumient, E boetse e rekisa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a tsoang ka ntle a letsatsi le matla a moea.
Minas Gerais Perporaisce (Cemig) (NYSE: Cig) ke e 'ngoe ea lekala la matla la Brazil hobane e na le likarolo tse 103 le 15 Consorties. Ena ke k'hamphani e bulehileng ea capital e laoloang ke mmuso oa naha oa Minas Gerais, e nang le beng ba liabo ba 114,000 linaheng tse 44. Ho phaella ho Distrito Federal, Cemig e boetse e sebetsa linaheng tse 22 tsa Brazil, 'me e sebelisa mohala oa phetisetso naheng ea Chile o etsang kopano le Alusa. Khampani e ile ea atolosa karolo ea eona ho Leseli 'me ea nka taolo ea k'hamphani ea kabo ea matla, e fanang ka litšebeletso motseng oa Rio de Janeiro le metse e meng e sebakeng sa lebitso le tšoanang. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig hape ke eona feela k'hamphani ea motlakase Latin America e kenyellelitsoeng ho Global Dow Index. Emig o na le karolo ea boraro har'a ba leng bahlahisi ba motlakase ba 65, limela tsa motlakase tsa motlakase, tse tharo ho na le limela tsa matla a motlakase. Ho beha bokhoni bo behiloeng ke 6,925 GW.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka bophara ho fana ka tharollo ea litšila le matla a tsitsitseng. The company's 45 waste-generation energy facilities use waste to generate clean and renewable energy, providing communities and businesses around the world with environmentally sound solid waste disposal. Selemo se seng le se seng, meaho ea sejoale-joale ea Cvantta e fehla matla a litšila e ka fetola ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le ka ts'epahalo lithane tse ka bang limilione tse 20 tsa litšila hore e be motlakase o ka nchafatsoang, ho matlafatsa malapa a ka bang milione, le ho sebelisa lithane tse ka bang 500,000 tsa tšepe hape. Lisebelisoa tsa Matla li hlahisitsoe ho tsoa ho litšila fokotsa likhase tsa sethopo, li tlatsetso hape, 'me ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea taolo e tiileng ea litšila
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) e fana ka litharollo tsa theknoloji ea matla a tsosolositsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. E fana ka litharollo tsa LED tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a ka ntle le a ka hare, ho kenyelletsa le sebaka sa ho paka likoloi le mabone a seterateng, mabone a likhohola, mabone a sephethephethe, mabone a tlaase le a bulbs, mabone a fluorescent le mekhoa e tloaelehileng. Khamphani e boetse e rekisa li-turbine tsa moea tsa WePOWER vertical axis wind, ho kenyeletsoa li-turbine tsa moea tsa marang-rang le li-off-grid bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bolulo, tsa khoebo, tsa indasteri le tsa mmuso; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; le mekhoa ea mabone ea khoebo ea Skystream. Ho feta moo, e fana ka letoto la litharollo tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang, ho kenyelletsa thekiso, waranti, lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya le ho beha leihlo. Khampani e fana ka litšebeletso ho lik'hamphani tse ikemetseng, lik'hamphani tsa sechaba, mekhatlo ea 'muso, litsi tsa thuto le metse ea bolulo.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) ke moetsi le moetsi oa lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho tse jeoang ka ho fetesisa le tse ke keng tsa jeoa, tse fanang ka mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa le lihlahisoa tse ikhethang, phepelo le phepelo bakeng sa bareki ba meriana, lijo le ba liphoofolo tsa lapeng. Thekenoloji, mafura, bioenergy le indasteri ea manyolo. Khamphani e sebetsa lik'honthinenteng tse hlano, e bokella le ho fetola likarolo tsohle tsa sehlahisoa sa liphoofolo hore e be lisebelisoa tse khethehileng tse sebelisoang haholo tse kang gelatin, mafura a jeoang, mafura a lijo, liprotheine tsa liphoofolo le lijo, plasma, metsoako ea lijo tsa liphoofolo tsa lapeng, manyolo a manyolo, mosehla. Mafura, lisebelisoa tse tala tsa mafura, matla a tala, likhase tsa tlhaho le letlalo. Khampani e boetse e sebelisa lithōle tsa oli e phehang le masalla a ho baka a khoebo le ho a fetola lijo tsa bohlokoa le likarolo tsa mafura. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa sefi bakeng sa mekhatlo ea litšebeletso tsa lijo, lits'ebeletso tsa tikoloho bakeng sa baetsi ba lijo, le thekiso ea phepelo ea oli e jeoang le lisebelisoa tsa pokello bakeng sa lireschorente.
Donaldson Company Inc. (NYSE: DCI) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e ka bophara oa lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa le likarolo tse ncha. Ho tloha ka 1915, re 'nile ra ntlafatsa le ho sebelisa mahlale a rona a macha, likamano tse matla tsa bareki le tšusumetso e kholo ea tikoloho ho fihlela litlhoko tse fetohang tsa bareki ba rona.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. Re hlahisa hoo e ka bang 570,000 megawatts ea motlakase Carolina, Midwest le Florida, 'me re fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa kabo ea khase ea tlhaho Ohio le Kentucky. Khoebo ea rona ea khoebo le ea machaba e na le thepa e fapaneng ea matla Amerika Leboea le Latin America, ho kenyeletsoa libaka tsa thepa ea matla. Duke Ergelivations e ntse e hatella Charlotte, North Carolina 'me ke k'hamphani e 250
Dundee Sustainable Technologies Co., Ltd. (CSE: DST) e ikemiseditse ho ntshetsapele dithekenoloji tse baballang tikoloho, ho di sebedisa bakeng sa ho lokisa thepa indastering ya merafo, le ho di etsa kgwebo. Ka nts'etsopele ea ts'ebetso ea thepa e nang le tokelo ea molao, DST e ntša litšepe tsa bohlokoa le litšepe tsa motheo ho tsoa ho thepa e nang le liminerale, li-concentrate le mehatla, ha e ntse e tsitsisa lintho tse silafatsang tse kang arsenic. Ka lebaka la litaba tsa metallurgical kapa menahano ea tikoloho, lits'ebetso tse tloaelehileng ha li khone ho ntša kapa ho tsitsisa litšila tsena. DST e entse kopo ea, ea fana le ho fumana litokelo tsa molao bakeng sa mekhoa ena linaheng tse ling.
Ho tloha ka 1802, Dupont (NYSE: DD) e hlahisitse mahlale a maemo a lefatše le mahlale a boenjiniere ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tsa lefatše ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tse ncha ka mokhoa oa ho ithuta The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and tikoloho. Re ikemiseditse ho hlahisa ditharollo tsa boiqapelo le tse ka kgonehang moruong ka mefuta e fapaneng ya dithekenoloji ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa matla tsa lefatshe. Ho tloha mehloling ea matla e tsosolositsoeng e kang photovoltaics, matla a moea, biofuel le lisele tsa mafura ho ea ho tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho etsa hore lipatlisiso, tlhahiso le lipalangoang tsa oli le khase li atlehe haholoanyane, lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa DuPont li thusa ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, botšepehi le litšenyehelo tse tlaase. , polokeho e phahameng le ho fokotsa sebaka sa tikoloho. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li tšehetsa polokelo ea matla le theknoloji ea ho boloka matla nakong eohle ea tlhahiso ea matla, kabo le ts'ebetso ea ho e fetola.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) ke mofani oa machaba oa motlakase oa poraefete, ea tobaneng le liphetoho tsa mantlha: ka ho kengoa ts'ebetsong ha leano le lecha, E.ON e tla tsepamisa maikutlo ka botlalo ho tse nchafalitsoeng nakong e tlang Matla, matla. marang-rang le tharollo ea bareki ke motheo oa lefats'e le lecha la matla.
ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa litharollo tse nang le tokelo ea molao le tsa thepa bakeng sa tikoloho moo kutloisiso ea boteng, motsamao le/kapa bophahamo ba metsi e leng bohlokoa. Libaka tse kholo tsa mebaraka li kenyelletsa: temo, kolofo le turf, lipatlisiso tsa mahlale, boenjiniere ba sechaba le tlhahiso ea oli e tala. Litharollo tsa ESI li hlahisitsoe ka katleho ho linaha tse fetang 40 ho nolofalletsa bareki ho ntlafatsa lits'ebetso le ho laola lits'ebetso, 'me ba hlokomela botšepehi ba libaka tsa ho nosetsa libaka tsa leoatle. Sesebelisoa sa k'hamphani sa FloPoint™ se etselitsoe indasteri ea peterole ho lekanya bophahamo ba metsi a pompetsoeng nakong ea ho ntšoa ha oli e tala ho bontša le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso. ESI e ikarola ka ho fetola mahlale a molemo ka ho fetisisa a fumanehang hore e be litharollo tse sebetsang, tseo ho leng bonolo ho li sebelisa. Batsamaisi ba nosetso, baenjiniere ba matamo le bo-rasaense ba amohetse lihlahisoa tsa ESI ka lebaka la ho nepahala ha tsona, ho sebelisoa habonolo, ho pheta-pheta le bokhoni ba ho sebetsa libakeng tse thata.
Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc. (CNSX: EAC) e ikemiselitse ho ba sebapali se seholo 'marakeng oa lefats'e oa tharollo ea liindasteri tse tšoarellang tikolohong. The company cooperates with the latest innovations of microbial technology companies to formulate and apply for patented innovative products. Once these products are specifically used for environmentally harmful chemicals and additives, they can meet the toughest industrial challenges. Khampani e ikemiselitse 1) ho laola lerole indastering ea merafo le 2) ho boloka tikoloho indastering ea temo.
eCobalt Solutions Inc. (TSX: ECS.TO) ke k'hamphani e tsebahalang e thathamisitsoeng ea Toronto Stock Exchange e ikemiselitseng ho fana ka lihlahisoa tse sireletsehileng, tse nang le boikarabelo, tsa boitšoaro le tsa tikoloho tsa letsoai la cobalt, tse bohlokoa bakeng sa khōlo e potlakileng libetri tse nchafalitsoeng le matla a ka nchafatsoang li bohlokoa ebile li hlakile United States.
EcoloCap Solutions Inc. (OTC: ECOS) is an integrated environmental technology company that uses nanotechnology to develop alternative energy products. Sehlahisoa sa rona le lits'ebeletso tsa rona li kenyelletsa litheknoloji tse ncha tse latelang: M-Fuel, mafura a entsoeng ka emulsified bakeng sa oli e boima, eo ts'ebetso ea eona le mesi ea eona e fetang mafura 'ohle a tloaelehileng.
Ecoloclean Industries, Inc. (OTC: ECCI) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and sell machines for treating sewage through a process called electrocoagulation. It designs and manufactures portable electrocoagulation devices for groundwater purification; Phekolo ea metsi a litšila; metsi a nooang; sewage treatment; litora tse pholileng; radioisotope removal; phekolo ea pele ea reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration le photocatalysis; Ts'ebetso e nchafalitsoeng ea metsi e lebisa ho zero; ho tsosolosa tšepe; taolong e ntaramane ea metsi; le metsi a litšila a indasteri. Khamphani e fana ka lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa lefats'e tsa lefatše tsa lefatše, petroleum, lik'hemik'hale, lipalangoang, ho hatisa le ho itlhompha.
ECOLOGIX Resources Group (OTC: EXRG) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho e ikemiselitseng ho rema le ho rekisa mapolanka. Khampani e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho kotula mefuta eohle ea lifate tse thata. E boetse e kenyelletsa tlhahiso ea tharollo ea matla a mang, joalo ka ethanol le biodiesel.
Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E&E) (NasdaqGM: EEI) ke marang-rang a lefats'e a baqapi le ba rarollang mathata, litsebi tse inehetseng tse 85 le baetapele ba indasteri lithutong tsa boenjiniere le saense, ba sebetsa 'moho ho nts'etsapele le ho fana ka tharollo , E le ho khothaletsa botsitso ba tikoloho. mme o fetile litebello tsa bareki.
EcoPlus, Inc. (OTC: ECPL) provides a comprehensive solution for the management of fats and oils in food service organizations and food processors. EcoPlus e shebane haholo le litoropo, litereke le mekhatlo ea tlhoekiso ea metsi a litšila. Likhamphani tsena li tla kopana le mathata a ho monya FOG e feteletseng nakong ea kalafo ea metsi a litšila. Sehlahisoa sa ho qetela sa ts'ebetso ea EcoPlus (US Patent No. 7,384,562) ke granular solid e nang le lisebelisoa tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa le tse molemo ka ho fetisisa 'me ke sehlahisoa se seng se tala sa mafura.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) is a technology development and intellectual property licensing company dedicated to developing environmental solutions for the global water, energy and industrial markets. Re thusa indasteri ho eketsa tlhahiso, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo, le ho sireletsa tikoloho ka letoto la mahlale a ikhethang a nang le tokelo ea molao: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® le Ecos GrowCube™ e sa tsoa phatlalatsoa, e u fang menyetla e ikhethileng le e sa ikhethelang ea ho fana ka laesense indastering eohle A. mefuta e mengata ea liindasteri le lisebelisoa hohle. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Canada e boetse e felisitse limilione tsa lilithara tsa lik'hemik'hale tse metsi 'me ea hlahisa lidolara tse fetang limilione tse 70 tsa Canada ho tsoa thekisong ea thepa, litšebeletso le laesense. Khamphani e boetse e atlehile ho etsa mechini e ka bang 50 ea Ozonix® mme ea e fetisetsa libakeng tse fapaneng tse kholo tsa hydraulic fracturing shale oli ho pholletsa le United States le Canada.
EcoSynthetix Inc. (TSX: ECO.TO) e fana ka letoto la li-biopolymers tse entsoeng ka boenjiniere tse nkang sebaka sa lisebelisoa tse sa tsosolosoeng tse sebelisoang ha ho etsoa lihlahisoa tse ngata (tse kang pampiri le liphutheloana, lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea botho, lisebelisoa tsa ho pata le lisebelisoa tsa lehong) Lik'hemik'hale. Lihlahisoa tsa rona tse hlahelletseng tsa EcoSphere®biolatex® le DuraBind™ biopolymers li fana ka mofuta o mong o tsitsitseng o ka fokotsang khabone ea bareki, ho theola litšenyehelo tsa thepa ka kakaretso le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Re nts'etsapele khoebo mebarakeng ea lefats'e mme re tsoela pele ho holisa khoebo ea rona libakeng tse ncha, re ikemiselitse ho boloka boemo bo etelletseng pele 'marakeng o mong le o mong le ho theha boleng bakeng sa ba amehang le ba nang le kabelo. Khoebo ea EDPR e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a moea a boleng bo holimo le litsi tsa motlakase oa letsatsi lefatšeng ka bophara. Ho kenyeletsoa ka hare ho mekhahlelo ena e meraro ea bohlokoa ea nts'etsopele ea projeke le sepheo sa ntlafatso e tsoelang pele li bohlokoa ho fumana boleng bo bongata ho tsoa thepa ea rona.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) ke khamphani e nang le laesense e ikemiselitseng ho nka monyetla oa tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tse latelang: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel le koporo. Khothaletsa phepelo ea motlakase (likoloi, libeteri tse nchafatsoang, polokelo e kholo ea matla, phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang le lits'ebetso tse ling). Lithekiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, matla a tlhahiso ea betri le tlhahiso ea matla a tsoang ho matla a tsosolositsoeng li lebelletsoe ho eketseha haholo lilemong tse 'maloa tse tlang, kahoo tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsena tse reriloeng e tla eketseha ka nepo. Sena se hlahisa monyetla o ikhethang oa ho tsetela le ho fumana meputso merafong le mererong e tla fana ka lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa phetolo ea motlakase. Ntle le sethala sa sehlahisoa sa Globex, lengolo la sepheo sa ho sebelisa franchise ea motlakase lea tlama. Ho na le mefuta e 6 ea li-royalty. Ts'ebetso e ipapisitse le ho phethahala ha maemo (ho kenyeletsoa tumello ea taolo). Moralo oa litefiso tsa motlakase o tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ho fumaneng meputso methating e tsoetseng pele le merero ea ts'ebetso ho aha sethala sa matsete se fapaneng libakeng tse nang le likotsi tse tlase tsa tikoloho.
Netefatsa IPC (OTC: EIPC) e matsa le ho fumana mangolo a macha a batho ba United States. Li-nanostructures tsa eona li ka sebelisoa ka libeteri tse nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse fokolang matla, hammoho le li-betri tse nyenyane lifiliming tse nyenyane haholo. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Li-nanoparticles le nanoparticles tse sebelisoang lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea matla tse kang li-supercapacitor le lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) e ikemiseditse ho nts'etsopele le tsamaiso ea tlhahiso ea matla a tsosolositsoeng boemong ba machaba, ka ts'ebetso Europe le Amerika. Enel Green Power uses all renewable energy sources to produce energy through a wide portfolio of wind, hydro, geothermal, solar and biomass energy projects.
Enedyymic hybrid ea mahlale corp. (TSX: EHT.V) e fana ka tharollo ea matla, e nang le matla. Lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa matla le litharollo li ka kengoa hang-hang moo ho hlokahalang. Eht e kopanya sete e felletseng ea Solar Photovoltaic, matla a moea le tharollo ea battery ea ho hlahella ho bahlolisano. Tharollo e ka fana ka matla ka lifomate tse nyane le tse kholo lihora tse 24 ka letsatsi. Ntle le ts'ehetso ea moetlo bakeng sa li-grid tsa matla a motlakase, eht le eona e ntle haholo moo ho se nang grid ea matla. Mokhatlo o kopanya tharollo ea matla a ho boloka matla le matla a ts'ebetso ea ho fana ka tharollo ea tikoloho e fapaneng. Tsebo ea EHT e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele ea meaho ea modular le kopanyo e felletseng le litharollo tse bohlale tsa matla. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebetsoa ka lebaka la tlhahiso ea tlhahiso ea Eht e nang le lits'ebetso tse ntle: matlo a mangata, likopano tsa bolulo le tsa nakoana / tsa bolulo.
EnSync, Inc. (NYSE: ESNC) has made the future of electricity increasingly dependent on the expansion of renewable energy through advanced energy management systems that are vital to the global economy. Whether it is part of the power transmission and distribution network, or behind the meters in commercial, industrial and multi-tenant buildings, EnSync technology can bring differentiated power control and energy storage solutions to the challenging power environment. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid applications . Ka 2015, EnSync e kenyellelitse litumellano tsa theko ea matla (PPA) ka har'a sethala sa eona sa lihlahisoa, kahoo e boloka bareki ba motlakase le ho fa batseteli meputso e tsitsitseng ea lichelete. EnSync is a global company with a joint venture in China's Meineng Energy and a strategic partnership with Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) ke khamphani ea CleanTech e Fort Lauderdale, Florida. E tsoetsoe 'me e etsa karohano ea Voraxial®, e ka boleloang hore e be e sebetsang ka ho fetisisa, e nang le likarolo tse ngata tsa molumo le tsa theknoloji e arohaneng / ea karohano. Voraxial® e ka aroloa ntle le ho theoha ha khatello. Likopo li kenyelletsa empa ha li felle feela ho: tlhoekiso ea phallo ea oli, phetolo ea litšila hore e be eneji, karohano ea metsi a lebopong le lebopong la leoatle, metsi a pshatlehang, metsi a pula, tlhoekiso ea metsi a litšila le biofuel. Mmaraka oa karohano o kenyelletsa likarolo tse ngata tsa 'maraka oa lidolara tse limilione tse likete, o akaretsa liindasteri le lits'ebetso tse ngata lefats'eng ka bophara. Sistimi ea karohano ea Voraxial® ea EVTN e phethetse merero ka lik'hamphani tse ngata tse hloahloa lefatšeng ka bophara
Taolo ea Taolo ea Tikoloho (OTC: EVCC) e ba e-ba le lisebelisoa tsa taolo ea Entission bakeng sa li-enjhini tse nyane tsa ntoa. Khamphani e fana ka li-catalytic mufflers tse sebelisetsoang ho fokotsa mesi e tsoang lienjineng tse tukang, ho kenyeletsoa lisebelisoa tsa lipalangoang tsa motho ka mong, likoloi tsa boithabiso tse kantle ho tsela, likepe tsa motho ka mong le lipompo tsa metsi. Mochini oa eona oa ho roala mohloa o boetse o sebelisoa ho mochini oa mohloa oa rotary, mochini o hulang mohloa o ka morao, literekere tse ka pele tsa mohloa, literekere tsa jareteng, li-rotary tillers, mehoma ea lehloa, metjeko ea khoebo e ka morao ho metjeko ea rotary, ho palama turf ea khoebo. turbulators, gasoline-powered chain saws, gasoline-powered hand-held blowers, gasoline-powered knapsack blowers, gasoline-powered trimmers/brush cutters, and gasoline-powered hedge trimmers. Khampani e tsepamisitse maikutlo 'marakeng oa Amerika Leboea bakeng sa baetsi ba enjene ba pele.
Mofani oa tharollo ea lisebelisoa Environmental Infrastructure Holdings (OTC: EIHC) e fana ka lihlahisoa tse baballang tikoloho, litšebeletso le litharollo tsa boenjiniere ka setsi sa eona sa Equisol, LLC. E rala, e etsa le ho rekisa litsamaiso tsa lisebelisoa, ho kenyeletsoa le lits'ebetso tsa ho hloekisa metsi; sells equipment systems and spare parts as well as basic maintenance, repair and operation components; e fana ka litšebeletso tsa ho ntlafatsa, ho lekanya, ho kenya le ho lokisa; le ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa boenjiniere ba tikoloho le boeletsi. E fana ka lits'ebeletso ho hlakola, limela tsa matla, lik'hamphani tsa boenjiniere, tsa boenjinianteng le tsa masepala le mekhatlo ea 'muso.
Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (OTC: EVSP) ke k'hamphani ea pele lefapheng la tlhahlobo ea mongobo / indasteri ea boleng ba moea ea ka tlung hore e be k'hamphani e thathamisitsoeng phatlalatsa. ESP e na le likhoebo tse ngata tse akaretsang tse sebetsanang le ts'ebeliso e ntle ea matla, litaba tsa tikoloho le ho rarolla mathata a amanang le tikoloho mebarakeng ea bolulo le ea khoebo. ESP e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse fapaneng tsa tlhahlobo, ho kenyeletsoa litlhahlobo tsa matla / katleho bakeng sa thepa ea bolulo le ea khoebo, e shebaneng le tlhahlobo ea boleng ba moea ka tlung bakeng sa chefo, ho kenyelletsa hlobo, ho kenella ha mongobo, ra, lead, VOC, le tse ling tse mpe tsa nako e telele le tse telele. liphello tse ka hare ho matlu Sesilafatsa tikoloho le bophelo bo botle ba motho.
Global Environmental Solutions Corporation (OTC: ESWW) e hlahisa le ho rekisa mefuta e fapaneng ea phetolo ea tlhahiso ea mosi, taolo ea tlhahiso le lihlahisoa tsa ts'ehetso ea meamo le mahlale a lipalangoang, kaho, seporo, likepe, lisebelisoa le limmaraka tse ling. Lihlahisoa tsena li etselitsoe lisebelisoa tsa enjine ea diesel, ho kenyeletsoa literaka tse mahareng le tse boima, libese tsa sekolo, literaka tse tsamaisang lithōle, le literaka tse bokellang lithōle. Ntle le likoloi tsa fatše, theknoloji ea ESW Group e boetse e sebelisoa lienjineng tse kholo tsa leoatle. Khampani e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa taolo ea tlhahiso ka marang-rang a thekiso a thehiloeng ke marang-rang a fetang 30 a kabo ho pholletsa le United States, a tlatselletsoa ke sehlopha sa litsebi tse nang le boiphihlelo tsa nts'etsopele ea khoebo, baenjiniere le litsebi tsa masimong tse tsepamisitseng maikutlo holima mesi. Sehlopha sa ESW se boetse se sebetsa ESW America, setsi sa tlhahlobo ea tlhahiso ea enjene, setsi sa setifikeiti le netefatso se amoheloang ke EPA le CARB e le tse khonang ho etsa netefatso ea tlhahiso ea enjene le liprothokholo tsa tlhahlobo ea setifikeiti bakeng sa ketane ea phepelo ea OEM.
Exro Technologies Inc. (CSE: XRO) is a Vancouver-based company that commercializes patented technologies aimed at improving existing rotating electric machines. Theknoloji ena e thusa li-motor tsa motlakase le litsamaiso tsa jenereithara hore li sebetse hantle, ka hona li tlisa melemo 'marakeng oa phepelo ea motlakase o tsitsitseng le o nchafalitsoeng le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tsa indasteri le tsa khoebo tsa li-motor tsa motlakase.
Tšoaea (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) ke "setsebi se nang le litšebeletso tse fapaneng ho sechaba sa lehae 'me o etselitsoe khoebo ea lehae ka tieo. Chesa Rideshare k'hamphani ea pele ea ho fana ka tharollo ea lipalangoang sebakeng sa lipalangoang, ho jala lifate tse likete pakeng tsa likoloi tsa motlakase le likoloi tsa setso. Facedrive Marketplace e fana ka lihlahisoa tse khethiloeng tse entsoeng ka thepa e fumanehang ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng. Facedrive Foods e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea lijo bakeng sa phepelo ea batho bao e seng bao u kopanang le bona, ho tsepamisitsoe maikutlo ho lijo tse phetseng hantle monyako oa bareki. Facedrive Health e hlahisa litharollo tse ncha tsa theknoloji bakeng sa mathata a bophelo bo botle a kajeno. Facedrive e fetola tlaleho ea ho arolelana likoloi, phepelo ea lijo, khoebo ea e-commerce le theknoloji ea bophelo bo botle ho ntlafatsa motho e mong le e mong.
Thaba ea mafura NV (nasdaqgs: FTEK) ke k'hamphani e etelletsoeng pele theknoloji e tsoetseng pele moruong, sebetsa lits'ebeletso tsa tšitiso ea moea. Theknoloji ena e thusa bareki ho hlahisa matla le lisebelisoa tsa ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o bolokang chelete le ho boloka tikoloho. Theko ea Theko ea Nitrogen ea Khampani ea Nitrogen (Nox) uses various combinations of these systems and ULTRA™ process to safely generate ammonia. Theknoloji ena e entse Fuel Tech moetapele oa ho fokotsa NOx, ka lisebelisoa tse fetang 900 tse kentsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. Therication ea Fuel ea theknoloji ea mafura e kenyelletsa lihlahisoa tsa motlakase Sisteme ea Khase ea Bo-furu (FGC) e kenyelletsa ts'ebeliso ea sebabole (so3) le motho ea etsang phekolo ea esp ka ho fetola tšebetso ea lifofane tsa sefofane. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology has been installed in more than 125 units worldwide. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani ea FUELCHEM® e pota-potile ts'ebeliso e ikhethang ea lik'hemik'hale. E ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho ts'epahala, ho sebetsa mafura mafura le maemo a tikoloho a yuniti ea mollo ka ho sisinya, ho sisinyeha le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea boile. Khampani e na le phihlelo ea theknoloji ena ho feta li-unit tsa 110 ka mokhoa oa lenaneo la customizable FUEL CHEM. Fuel Tech also provides a range of services, including boiler commissioning and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) optimization services. Ntle le moo, lisebelisoa tsa ho lokisa li lokisa le lits'ebeletso tsa mohlala tsa 'mele le tsa lichelete ho ka sebelisoa ho ntlafatsa kabe ea khase ea Flue le ho kopanya limela le lits'ebeletso tsa indasteri. Bongata ba lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa Fuel Tech li itšetlehile haholo ka bokhoni bo botle ba k'hamphani ba computational fluid dynamics modelling, bo matlafatsoang ke software e entsoeng ka hare e phahameng ea ho qetela. Likarolo tsena, hammoho le theknoloji ea k'hamphani le sebaka se ntlafalitsoeng sa k'hamphani se nolofalletsa maikutlo a mafura a mangata mathateng a mang a bareki ba teng.
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) ke mohlahisi oa lefats'e le morekisi oa theknoloji e ncha ea taolo ea mocheso. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Automotive products include actively heated and cooled seat systems and cup holders, heated and ventilated seat systems, heat storage tanks, heated car interior systems (including heated seats, steering wheels, armrests and other components), battery thermal management System, cable system and other electronic equipment. Non-automotive products include remote power generation systems, heating and cooling furniture, and other consumer and industrial temperature control applications. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.
GFL Environmental Inc. (NYSE: GFL) ke k'hamphani ea bone e kholo ka ho fetisisa e fapaneng ea litšebeletso tsa tikoloho Amerika Leboea. Ka li-platform tsa eona tsa lits'ebeletso ho pholletsa le Canada le Canada, e fana ka taolo e felletseng ea lithōle tse tiileng tse se nang kotsi, meaho le tokiso ea mobu, le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo ea litšila tsa metsi Har'a linaha tse 23 tsa United States. Ho pholletsa le mokhatlo, GFL e na le basebetsi ba fetang 11,500, 'me e fana ka mefuta e mengata ea litšebeletso tsa tikoloho ho bareki ba fetang 135,000 ba khoebo le ba indasteri,' me e fana ka litšebeletso tsa ho bokella litšila malapeng a fetang limilione tse 4.
GIBRALTAR INDUSTRIES INC (NasdaqGS: ROCK) ke moetsi ea etelletseng pele le morekisi oa lihlahisoa tsa kaho bakeng sa mebaraka ea bolulo, indasteri, meaho le matla a tsosolositsoeng le mebaraka ea paballo. Leano la litšiea tse 'ne tsa Gibraltar le tsepamisitse maikutlo ntlafatsong ea ts'ebetso, ntlafatso ea lihlahisoa, taolo ea potefolio ea lihlahisoa le phumano, kahoo sepheo sa eona ke ho khothaletsa ts'ebetso ea maemo a holimo. Gibraltar e sebeletsa bareki ho pholletsa le Amerika Leboea le libaka tse nyane tsa Asia.
Global Bioenergy Corporation (Paris: ALGBE) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse' maloa lefatšeng 'me ke eona feela ts'ebetso ea Europe e fetolang lisebelisoa tse ka nchafatsoang hore e be li-hydrocarbon ka ho belisoa. Khampani qalong e ne e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho hlahiseng isobutene, e leng e 'ngoe ea lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa tsa petrochemical tse ka fetoloang mafura, polasetiki, plexiglass le elastomers. Global Bioenergy Corporation e ntse e tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea eona ea ts'ebetso, ho etsa liteko tsa indasteri, e se e qalile ts'ebetso setsing sa eona sa lipontšo sa Jeremane, 'me e itokisetsa ho haha polante ea eona ea pele e kholo ka khoebo ea eona e kopanetsoeng IBN-One le Cristal Union. Khampani e ile ea kopitsa ka lebaka la litho tse peli tsa lelapa la Gasefin, propylene le khumama, e leng limolek'hule tsa bohlokoa indastering ea petrocheme.
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) e sebetsa sethaleng se kopantsoeng ka botlalo se kopanyang biotechnology le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea ntlafatso ea lijalo ka tsamaiso e rarahaneng le mekhoa ea ho ntlafatsa. Ka k'hamphani ea eona ea ts'ebetso, Global e ntlafalitse mefuta e fapaneng ea peo 'me ea fumana litumello tsohle tse hlokahalang tsa taolo bakeng sa maemo a ts'ebetso a tsamaellanang le US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) le RED, mme e file k'hamphani ka lilithara tse 40,000 tsa mafura a jet a Tsosolositsoeng. Lefapha la Tšireletso la US le ntse le tsoela pele ho sebetsa polasi e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea matla a lijalo Amerika. Khoebo ea lefats'e ea lehae le ea machabeng e etsoa ka lithuso tse nang le thepa e felletseng
Green SoneangLe Corp. (TSX: Gae.v) This new financing option can complement both debt financing and equity financing, while enabling entrepreneurs to retain control of their own businesses. Ntle le moo, GreenAngel e ntse e sebetsana le matsete a ntseng a le teng lefapheng le hloekileng la matla mme e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa ho buisana le khoebo ho netefatsa katleho ea lik'hamphani tsena.
GREENHUNTER ENERGY (NYSE MKT: GRH) ka lithuso tsa eona tsa GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC le GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC e fana ka Total Water Management Solutions™/oilfield fluid management solutions™ masimong a oli le shale ea ona. Tšoantšiso ea Basin ea Appalachian. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT ratings Sehlopha sa literaka tse 407 se sebelisetsoa ho hula condensate le metsi boteng ba condensate. Metsi a limela a mela le eena a ile a etella pele motsamao oa metsi a kutang, hobane mokhoa o sebetsang o sireletsehileng o bapisoang le ho tsamaisoa ka teraka kapa ho tsamaisoa ha terene. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC e fana ka litharollo tsa tikoloho sebakeng sa marang-rang holim'a liphaephe le lisebelisoa. Sephutheloana sa eona sa ts'ebeletso se kenyelletsa ho hloekisa tanka le rig, ho tlosa litšila / ho lokisoa ha litšila tse metsi le tse tiileng, ho tiisa le karabo ea ho qhalana. Kutloisiso e tobileng ea litšebeletso ke senotlolo sa lisebelisoa tsa E & P e senyehileng e nang le mokhoa o matla oa ho qetela. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC e fana ka ts'ebeletso ea li-hydrocarbons (lipalangoang tsa peterole, 'me li tla sebelisa li-hydrocarbons tse teng haufinyane. , Condensate le NGL) polokelo, ho sebetsa le ho rekisa. , E kenyelletsang libaka tse fihlang ho tse tšeletseng tse fapaneng tsa likepe tsa likepe, tseo hajoale e leng tsa GreenHunter Resources kapa tse hiriloeng.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) e fana ka lichelete tsa likoloto le tekano bakeng sa ts'ebeliso e ntle ea matla le mebaraka ea matla a ka nchafatsoang. Khamphani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho faneng ka chelete e tlang pele kapa chelete e kholo ho batšehetsi le bakoloto ba nang le boleng bo phahameng ba mokoloto ho hlahisa phallo ea chelete ea nako e telele, e iphetang le e lebelletsoeng esale pele. Ntlo-khōlō ea hae e Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong o khethile trust ea matsete a matlo le meaho (REIT) e lokeloang ke ho lefa lekhetho molemong oa lekhetho la federal. Selemo sa eona sa lekhetho se qala ka la 31 Tšitoe 2013
Khampani ea Hanwei Enert Company (TSX: He.to) Khoebong ea sehlooho Lihlahisoa le theknoloji e nepahetseng, ho sebeletsa matla a matla a matla mmarakeng oa lefatše), le ho hlahisa litokelo tsa litokelo tsa eona litokelo tsa litokelo tsa eona tsa oli le li-garchena. The company's GRE pipe manufacturing plant is one of the largest production facilities of its kind, with 22 production lines located in Daqing, China.
Headwaters Incorporated (NYSE: HW) e ntlafatsa maphelo ka boqapi le nts'etsopele ea thepa ea moaho ts'ebelisong, moralong le ts'ebelisong. Headwaters is a diversified growth company that provides products, technologies and services to the building materials and building product markets. Ka lihlahisoa tsa eona tse tukang mashala, lihlahisoa tsa kaho, le likhoebo tsa matla, k'hamphani e khona ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ka ho fetola lisebelisoa tse sa sebelisoeng hantle hore e be lihlahisoa tsa bohlokoa.
HTC Purenergy (TSX: HTC.V) le litšehetso tsa eona li sebetsana le nts'etsopele, kopanyo le khoebo ea theknoloji ea thepa e amanang le ho tšoara carbon dioxide (CO2) le ho hlaphoheloa ha motsoako oa CO2. E fana ka mokhoa oa ho hapa chelete oa hau. RS solvent, a preparation solvent used to remove gas phase impurities from gas streams; HTC DELTA solvent recovery system, used to remove degradation products and particles suspended in the solvent; le moralo oa moralo oa PDoengine le fektheri e ncha, kapa e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lifensetere tse teng ka lik'hemik'hale, tsa gerochemical le oli. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka li-absorber tsa jet tsa laminar ho lekanya kinetics ea karabelo le phallo ea khase ka har'a metsi. Le litharollo tsa kalafo ea manyolo a NuVision ho rala, ho aha, ho nchafatsa le ho sebeletsa limela tse ncha le tse teng tsa manyolo. Ntle le moo, e fana ka lisebelisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa ho cheka indastering ea oli le khase; lihlahisoa tsa oli le litšebeletso tsa hydraulic fracturing; lisebelisoa tsa oli; bajari ba motlakase ba inehetseng le sethala sa tlhokomelo; le mohlokomeli oa maxx peipes lits'ebetso tsa ts'ebetso.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) is committed to the investment, construction and operation of new energy projects. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. Khamphani e tsitlella nts'etsopele ea saense 'me e tsamaisa khoebo. Ka ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a maholo a matla a moea le mapolasi a moea le ho hatisoa, 'me o lula a ntlafatsa phaello ea eona, tlholisano le sustainability Development capabilities, therefore maintaining its established position in the People's Republic of China (China) and expanding the international market, with a view to becoming an internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. The company attaches great importance to protecting and improving the environment, fulfilling its social responsibilities, and striving to bring sustainable, stable and growing returns to shareholders.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) is a technology company dedicated to improving power conversion efficiency. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA improves the size, cost, efficiency, flexibility and reliability of electronic power converters. Ppsa e ka holisa 'maraka o moholo le o holang, ho kenyeletsoa litšoantšo tsa Solar tsa Solar Photos, ho boloka matla a motlakase le ho tjhaja. Khamphani e boetse e theha transtictor habeli Bidictor ea Bidictal (B-Trans ™), 'me e kentse kopo ea sethala, se nang le monyetla oa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a matla le matla a motlakase a phallang. Matla a loketseng a sebelisa mofuta o sebetsang oa capital o nolofalletsang k'hamphani ho sebetsana le merero ea tlhahiso-kholo ea sehlahisoa le mebaraka ka nako e le 'ngoe.
Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd. (OTC: IEVM) ke khamphani e thathamisitsoeng phatlalatsa e sebetsang ka setsi sa eona sa IET, Inc. Lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsohle tsa khamphani li rekisoa le ho rekisoa tlas'a letšoao la khoebo la EcoTreatments™. Khamphani e rekisa le ho rekisa tharollo ea eona ea ho thibela likokoana-hloko ka tlas'a lebitso la Excelyte®. Tharollo e hlahisoa ke thepa ea k'hamphani ea EcaFlo™, e sebelisang mokhoa oa electrolysis o bitsoang electrochemical activation ho hlahisa tharollo e ikarabellang tikolohong ka botšepehi. Bakeng sa ho hloekisa, ho thibela likokoana-hloko le ho thibela likokoana-hloko. Tharollo ea Excelyte® ke sebolaea likokoana-hloko se ngolisitsoeng ka thata sa EPA le se bolaeang likokoana-hloko. E amohetsoe hore e sebelisoe boemong ba sepetlele hape e amohetsoe hore e sebelisoe joalo ka sebolaea-mafu ha ho chekoa oli le khase. Sehlahisoa se ka sebelisoa hohle moo likokoana-hloko, libaktheria, livaerase le libaktheria li hlokang ho laoloa. Thepa ea k'hamphani ea EcaFlo® e boetse e hlahisa tharollo ea ho hloekisa, eo k'hamphani e e rekisang tlas'a mofuta oa Catholyte Zero™. Litharollo tsa Catholyte Zero™ ke lihloekisi tse baballang tikoloho le li-agents tsa ho hloekisa, ho hloekisa le ho lokisa lijo.
Itronics (OTC: ITRO) ke k'hamphani ea "creative clean technology" e hlahisang menontsha ea mokelikeli e khethehileng ea GOLD'n GRO le khauta le silevera. It has a large-scale iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) mine (the rutile project) in the prolific Yellington copper mine in northwestern Nevada. Sepheo sa k'hamphani ke ho finyella mahlale a matle a hloekileng ho khothaletsa kholo ea tlhaho ea menontsha ea GOLD'n GRO, silevera, zinki le liminerale. The company's technology maximizes the recovery and utilization of metals and minerals. Ka tlatsetso ea eona ea Itronics Metallurgical, Inc., Itronics ke eona feela k'hamphani United States e nang le semela se lumelletsoeng ka botlalo sa "ts'ebeliso e ntle ea "photochemical, silevera le metsi" se fetolang mokelikeli o bobebe ho ba silevera e hloekileng le manyolo a GOLD'n GRO Liquid. . The company is developing environmentally friendly mining technology. Itronics e amohetse likhau tse ngata tsa lehae le tsa machabeng ka lebaka la ho ananela bokhoni ba eona ba ho sebelisa ka katleho mekhoa ea mahlale le boenjineri ho theha le ho kenya ts'ebetsong mekhoa e mecha ea ho sebelisa bocha e hloekileng le ea manyolo e sa silafatseng tikoloho.
Kadant Inc. (NYSE: KAI) ke morekisi oa lefats'e oa likarolo tsa bohlokoa le litsamaiso tsa boenjiniere tse nang le boleng bo holimo ba lefats'e. Lihlahisoa tsena le litsamaiso tsa ts'ebetso li sebelisoa indastering ea ts'ebetso ea lefats'e. The company's products, technologies and services play an indispensable role in improving process efficiency, optimizing energy utilization, and maximizing productivity in resource-intensive industries. Ntlo-kholo ea Kadant e Westford, Massachusetts.
Khamphani e hloekileng e hloekileng (LSE: Leaf.L) ke lisebelisoa tse nchafatso tsa matla a ho hlokomela le kholo ea matla a maholo Leaf o na le ts'ehetso ea bo-ramatsete ba etelletseng pele lefatšeng ka bophara.
Nevada company LiqTech International, Inc. (NYSE MKT: LIQT) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji e hloekileng e hlahisitseng le ho fana ka theknoloji ea morao-rao ea ho hloekisa khase le metsi ho sebelisa li-filters tsa ceramic silicon carbide ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, haholo-holo li-filters tse khethehileng haholo, tse sebelisetsoang ho laola. the dust emission particles and liquid filtration of diesel engines. LiqTech e sebelisa nanotechnology ho nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse sebelisang theknoloji ea silicon carbide. LiqTech's products are based on a unique silicon carbide film that can promote new applications and improve existing technologies. Haholo-holo, tharollo ea mantlha ea k'hamphani e thusang ka ho fetisisa A / u s e ntlafalitse Melao ea The Technology ea Tefo ea Metsi ea Tlhaho ea Tlhaho ea Tlhaho ea Tlhaho ea Tlhaho ea Tlhaho ea Tefo ea Metsing ea ho Fumana Tlhokahalo e Hōlisang ea boleng bo holimo ba metsi. Ka ho kopanya theknoloji ea membrane ea metsi ea LiqTech ea SiC le boiphihlelo ba eona ba nako e telele ea moralo oa sistimi le mesebetsi, e ka fana ka tharollo mathateng a thata ka ho fetisisa a tšilafalo ea metsi.
Sehlopha sa Liteon Semiconductor (Taiwan: 5305.TW) se rala, se ntlafala, se kenyelletsa le ho leka letoto la likarolo tsa semiconductor tse amanang le phepelo ea matla a matala. Likarolo tsena li sebelisoa haholo-holo puisanong, tlhahisoleseling, phepelo ea motlakase le phepelo ea motlakase bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bareki. Hape, re e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse' maloa tse nang le sethala sa matla se seholo, se nang le sensor le metsoako e fapaneng ea matrix, e le hore re ka haha matla a felletseng ho sebetsana ka botlalo matla a motlakase kapele ho boloka litlhoko Litharollo tsa Tsamaiso. Ho boloka motlakase ke mokhoa o ke keng oa qojoa oa lefats'e, 'me tšusumetso ea eona e atoloselitsoe ho lisebelisoa tsa ntlo le lihlahisoa tsa bareki, e leng ho tla ntšetsa pele tlhokahalo ea litharollo tsa tsamaiso ea matla a lefats'e. Ka matsapa a tsoelang pele a ho atolosa bophara le botebo ba lihlahisoa tsa rona sethaleng sa GreenPower, sepheo sa LSC ke ho ba e mong oa bafepedi ba molemo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng ba likarolo tsa Green Power Semiconductor.
Morero oa Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) ke ho fumana le ho ntšetsa pele litebello tsa ho rafa ore ea manganese e ka bang teng holimo Amerika Leboea e le ho fana ka lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo eketsehileng bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion le liindasteri tse ling tsa matla. . Ikitlaelletse ho fumana tharollo ea kalafo ea manganese e tala/zero.
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. (OTC: MVTG) ke incubator e hloekileng ea theknoloji e amohelang le ho rekisa mekhoa e mecha le e hlahang. Khamphani, ka nako ea ho fula ea Mantera ea AroundIary, hajoale e ntse e tsoela pele theknoloji ea motlakase, e leng erc (phokotso ea motlakase) le Monghali oa 'nete). ERC ke mofuta oa "carbon capture and utilization" (CCU) e fetolang khase ea carbon dioxide e silafatsang hore e be lihlahisoa tse molemo le tsa bohlokoa, ho akarelletsa le formic acid le formate. Ka ho sebelisa motlakase o hloekileng, ts'ebetso ena e fana ka limela tsa indasteri monyetla oa ho fokotsa likhase, ha li ntse li hlahisa lihlahisoa tse rekisoang le phaello. MRFC ke sele e sa tloaelehang ea mafura e sebelisang motsoako oa mafura le oxidant, e leng ho fokotsang haholo ho rarahana le litšenyehelo tsa tsamaiso ea lisele tsa mafura. MRFC e loketse likopo tse nkehang 'me e theko e tlase, e bobebe le e tšoanang ho feta theknoloji ea sele ea mafura.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agricultural/environmental industry. Ts'ebetso ea eona ea mantlha e kenyelletsa likarolo tse tharo tse latelang: Temo ea tikoloho (Chania, ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho ho jala lipeo tsa liphoofolo le batho ba hanyetsang tse ngata. Matla a tsosolositsoeng (matla a tsosolositsoeng) (e sebelisoa mererong e fapaneng ea matla a tsosolositsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara, ho kenyeletsoa China Huangjiao Horn), e tla fana ka peo ea bohlokoa ea Huangjiao, 'me e qetelle e ntša oli ho tsoa lipeong tsena, E sebelisoa ho hlahisa biodiesel le bophelo bo botle ba boleng bo holimo. edible oil. ) Mme MMPR ea Canada-e batla menyetla indastering ea cannabis ea bongaka. Hajoale, e batla boemo ba moetsi oa bana oa Cantadian ho holisa matekoane a Canada bakeng sa ts'ebeliso ea lapeng bakeng sa linaha tse amohelehang.
Mariner's Choice International Inc. (OTC: MCII) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse hloekisang tse senyehang habonolo le tse sireletsehileng tikolohong bakeng sa boithabiso, limmaraka tsa indasteri le tsa khoebo, tlhokomelo ea likoloi, le matamo a ho sesa le limmaraka tsa spa. E boetse e fana ka litharollo tsa bohloeki bakeng sa basebetsi, basebetsi le baeti leha e le bafe, 'me e fana ka lihlahisoa tse thibelang likokoanyana, likokoanyana, letsatsi le mafu a tšoaetsanoang. E boetse e fana ka MUNOX le MUNOX SR, lihlahisoa tsena tse peli tse sireletsehileng tikolohong li na le likokoana-hloko le lintho tse silafatsang 'me li ka sebelisoa bakeng sa bioremediation, bioenhancement le ho tlosa mafura. Khampani e fana ka lihlahisoa bakeng sa lekala la leoatle; le limmaraka tse ling tse kang malapa, likoloi, lifofane, likoloi tsa boithabiso le bioremediation
Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. (NasdaqGM: MBII) ke k'hamphani e sekametseng kholong e thusang bareki ho sebetsa ka ho sibolla, ho nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa baeloji bakeng sa ts'ireletso ea lijalo, bophelo bo botle ba limela le kalafo ea tsamaiso ea metsi, ka hona e etelletse pele lefats'e. ntshetsapele ntshetsopele ya moshwelella, ha e ntse e eketsa sekgahla sa kgutliso dipeeletsong. MBI used its in-depth understanding of the plant and soil microbiome to screen out more than 18,000 microorganisms and 350 plant extracts. Advanced molecular technology and natural product chemistry have enhanced their knowledge, thereby rapidly developing seven product series. MBI currently has more than 400 issued and pending patents. Li-portfolio tsena tse matla tsa lihlahisoa li tšehetsa Regalia®, Stargus®, Grandevo®, Venerate®, Majestene®, Haven® le Amplitude®, Zelto®JetOxide® le JetAg® le Zequanox®, e leng sebolaea-mahola sa likokoana-hloko le mouoane oa likokoana-hloko moleng oa sehlahisoa sa k'hamphani. Lefapha la tlasana la MBI le Pro Farm, Finland, le sebelisa mekhoa ea theknoloji e nkiloeng litšila tsa patsi ho susumetsa kholo ea limela le ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba limela, kahoo e eketsa chai le boleng ba lijalo. Lihlahisoa li kenyelletsa UBP-110®, LumiBio™, LumiBio Valta™, LumiBio Kelta™, Foramin®.
Maxtech Ventures Inc. (CSE: MVT) ke khamphani ea liindasteri e fapaneng e nang le thepa ea khauta le manganese ntlo-kholo ea eona e leng Canada. E tsepamisitse maikutlo holima merafo le lihlahisoa tsa eona. Khamphani e ikemiselitse ho qala ka ho nts'etsapele li-depositi tsa manganese 'me qetellong e be matla a bohlokoa ho ore e tala ea manganese,' me qetellong e be morekisi oa bohlokoa oa theko e tlase 'marakeng oa betri oa LMC oa indasteri le o hlahang. Maxtech Ventures e na le thahasello ea projeke mme e thehile likamano tsa maano Amerika Boroa, Afrika, India le Canada.
Mechanical Technology Company (OTC Pink: MKTY) ka tlatsetso ea eona ea MTI Instruments, Inc. e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho rala, ho etsa le ho rekisa lisebelisoa le litsamaiso tsa liteko le ho metha, 'me ka setsi sa eona sa morao-rao sa EcoChain, e nts'etsapele morafo o matla o tsosolositsoeng oa chelete ea crypto. khoebo, Inc.
Meridian Waste Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: MRDN) ke boitlamo ba rona, ke hore, boitlamo ba rona ba ho sebeletsa bareki ba rona ka tlhompho e sa tsitsang, toka le tlhokomelo. Re tsepamisa maikutlo ho ho fumana le ho kenya tšebetsong tharollo ho lisebelisoa tsa rona le liphetho tsa rona tsa mantlha ke ho fumana tharollo ea moputso le ntlafatso. Khoebo ea rona ea tlhokomelo ea bophelo e ikemiselitse ho theha likamano tsa sechaba ka tšebelisano 'moho le tharollo ea software. Khoebo ea rona e ncha (www.attisinnovations.com) e leka ka matla ho theha boleng ho tsoa mehloling e sebelisoang hape.
Micron Waste Technologies Inc. (CSE: MWM) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji e tšehelitsoeng hantle ka lichelete. Lijo tsa k'hamphani le lits'ila tse ling tsa tlhaho li etselitsoe ho laola lijo le litšila tse ling tsa tlhaho setšeng, ho li fetola metsi a hloekileng. K'hamphani ea aerobic digester e sebelisa theknoloji ea MOC, e ka eketsang ts'ebetso ea tšilo ea lijo ea likokoana-hloko ka 95%. Karolo e setseng ea 5% ea likaroloana tse sa hloekisoang li ntse li sebetsoa hape, 'me likhoerekhoere tse hlahisoang li kopana le litekanyetso tsa tsamaiso ea likhoerekhoere tsa masepala. Ka lebaka la khothatso ea ts'ebetso e ntle ea litšenyehelo le ho kenya ts'ebetsong ea melaoana e ntseng e tsoela pele e thata ho thibela lijo le litšila tse ling ho kena libakeng tsa lithōle lefatšeng ka bophara, theknoloji ea Micron ke tharollo e nepahetseng bakeng sa ho lokisa lijo le litšila tse ling tsa tlhaho.
MFRI, Inc (NASDAQ: MFRI) e etsa liphaephe tse khethehileng tsa pele ho insulated bakeng sa pokello ea oli le khase, ho futhumatsa setereke le ho pholisa, le lisebelisoa tse ling. Khampani e boetse e hlahisa lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng oa ho hloekisa liindasteri ho tlosa likaroloana tse tsoang moeeng le melapo e meng ea moea.
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) ke k'hamphani ea biotechnology e shebaneng le tlhahlobo e potlakileng ea lisele tse phelang. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li ka potlakisa ho fumanoa le ho tsebahatsa likokoana-hloko. Ntle le lits'ebetso tsa bongaka, ts'ireletso le ts'ireletso ea naha, theknoloji ea NanoLogix e boetse e loketse tlhahlobo ea meriana, indasteri, bongaka ba liphoofolo le tikoloho. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. Tikoloho le polokeho ea metsi a nooang
Tlhatlhobo ea tlhaho ea tlhaho, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ke k'hamphani ea ntlafatso Khamphani e ikakhetse ka setotsoana khoebong ea ho sebelisa litšila le khoebo ea polasetiki le tšepe. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) ke moetapele oa 'maraka mabapi le ho lokisa litšila tsa metsing (Marpol) le lithōle tse lebōpong la leoatle, ka lilemo tse fetang 25 tsa phihlelo ea ho bokella le ho sebetsa. Bokhoni ba ho tšoara litšila litsing tsa rona tse tsitsitseng le bokhoni ba ho sebelisa mochini oa rona o monyane oa kalafo oa mehala o re lumella ho fana ka tharollo ea litšila tse fihlelang litlhoko tsa indasteri ea maoatle, oli le khase. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Mehaho ea rona ea ho amohela boema-kepe e Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) le Texas Gulf Coast (United States) e bokella le ho tšoara litšila tsa leoatle ho latela "Malpol Annex IV". Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Sehlopha sa rona sa boenjiniere se ipapisitse le meralo, boenjineri, ho kenya le ho lokisa litharollo tsa pheko ea litšila tse lebopong le kantle ho naha.
Neptune Marine Service Co., Ltd. (ASX: NMS.AX) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa litharollo tse kopanetsoeng tsa tlhahlobo, tokiso le tlhokomelo ea liindasteri tsa oli le khase, tsa leoatleng le tse tsosolositsoeng. Ntlo-khōlō e Perth, Australia Bophirimela, Neptune e na le ts'ebetso Australia, Perth, Darwin, Darwin, Melbourne le Gladstone, hammoho le litsi tsa ts'ebetso United Kingdom le Asia.
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE Thepa ea li-supercapacitor e lumella theknoloji hore e sebelisoe lits'ebetsong moo matla, litlhoko tsa potoloho ea bophelo kapa maemo a tikoloho a fokotsang tšebeliso ea libeteri kapa li-capacitor. Lihlahisoa tsa Nesscap li ka sebelisoa ka libeteri le li-modules ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao, ho tloha lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tse nkehang ho ea ho li-windmill tse sebetsang hantle le likoloi tse "tala" tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Nesscap e na le mefuta e mengata ka ho fetisisa ea lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tsa khoebo 'marakeng, ho tloha ho 3 farads ho ea ho 6200 farads, kaofela ka mefuta e meng ea li-electrolyte e tsejoang ke indasteri. Bareki ba k'hamphani ba kenyelletsa lipalangoang, motlakase le limmaraka tsa bareki.
Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. (CSE: LUX) e ikemiselitse ho khutlisa lintho tse silafatsang le lirafshoa tse setseng tsa bohlokoa tse tsoang litšila tsa khale ho tloha lekholong la lilemo la merafo e sa sebetseng hantle le ea meepo e menyenyane. Khampani e bua ka lipuo tse tsitsitseng tsa lipolotiki ho latin America. NewLax e fihlile tumellano le tšebelisano ea 'mele ea thepa ea lehae ho fana ka phepelo e tsitsitseng ea lisebelisoa tsa Amerika le lienjiniere tse nang le boiphihlelo le lienjiniere tsa boiphihlelo. Histori ea lilemo tse makholo ea merafo ea Latin America le ho se sebetse ha hona joale ha mosebetsi oa matsoho ho fa k'hamphani menyetla e mengata ea ho ntlafatsa mokhoa oa eona oa khoebo. NewLax o fumane 'maraka oa niche indastering ea meepo. Likhamphani tsa Cleantech li ka sebelisa mahlale a macha a ts'ebetso ho se fumane feela litšepe tsa bohlokoa, empa hape le ho etsa liphetoho tse ntle tikolohong le tikolohong ea sechaba ka ts'ebetso ea eona.
Mafura a latelang. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) ke mofani oa theknoloji le k'hamphani ea litšebeletso e fanang ka litšebeletso ho indasteri ea oli le khase. Khampani e ikemiselitse ho ntlafatsa theknoloji ea ho hloekisa metsi ho fana ka litharollo tsa theko e tlaase, tse phahameng haholo tsa tokiso ea khoebo.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele ea matla a hloekileng e nang le hoo e ka bang 44,900 megawatts ea motlakase, ho kenyelletsa le megawatts e amanang le lithahasello tse sa laoleheng tsa NextEra Energy Partners. NextEra Energy e ikarabella ho Juneau Beach, Florida, 'me litšehetso tsa eona tse ka sehloohong ke Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (e leng e' ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa motlakase tse laoloang ke theko United States) le NextEra Energy Resources, LLC le mekhatlo e amanang le eona. Mohloli o moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa matla a ka nchafatsoang o tsoa moeeng le letsatsing. Ka lithuso tsa eona, NextEra Energy e hlahisa motlakase o hloekileng, o se nang mosi ho tsoa lits'ebetsong tse robeli tsa khoebo tsa nyutlelie Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa le Wisconsin. NextEra Energy e amohetsoe ke mekha ea boraro bakeng sa boiteko ba eona ba botsitso, boikarabello ba khoebo, melao ea boitšoaro le ho latela melao le mefuta-futa, 'me e rehiloe e 'ngoe ea "Lik'hamphani tse Ratehang ka ho Fetisisa tsa 2015 Lefatšeng" ke makasine ea Fortune. Boqapi ba eona le maikutlo a boikarabello ba sechaba li maemong a har'a lik'hamphani tse leshome tse holimo lefatšeng. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) e etella pele phetoho e shebaneng le bareki ba indasteri ea matla ea US ka ho fana ka likhetho tse hloekileng le tse bohlale tsa matla le ho haha photefoliong e kholo ka ho fetisisa le e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa matla a tlholisano Amerika. As a Fortune 200 company, we create value through reliable and efficient conventional power generation, while promoting innovation in solar and renewable energy, electric vehicle ecosystems, carbon capture technology and customer-centric energy solutions. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country.
NuEarth Corporation (OTC: NUEC) e hlahisa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa tlhaho le tse senyehang ka tlhaho United States. Khampani e nts'etsapele mahlale a hloekileng le a matala a ho baballa mobu le metsi. Mohala oa eona oa sehlahisoa o kenyelletsa lihlahisoa tsa moea oa nusoli tsa metsi le lihlahisoa tsa granular ho fetola matla a khoholeho ea mobu o behang; Saltblocker ke ntho ea manyolo e lumellanang le ts'ebeliso ea litsie tsa letsoai le li-enter mobung tse metsi ebe o fetola ho kenella ha mobu; NUWATER, NUSOIL HYDROVEDIVIVEEL, E thusa ho thibela lehlabathe le sefefo sa lerōle; le mokelikeli oa metsi a aquasolv le foromo ea granulautula, e ka sotsang ho kenella ha metsi mme e jarele morao selemong seo. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka DustBlocker le RoadBinder anionic polyacrylamide, e nolofalletsang batsamaisi ba litsela merafong le libaka tsa kaho ho laola lerōle le ho kopana. Ntle le moo, e boetse e ntlafatsa letoto la lihlahisoa tse 'maloa tse nang le li-cl-40
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) e fana ka litharollo tsa boenjiniere ba botekgeniki le litharollo ho bareki ba mekhatlo ea sechaba le ea poraefete mebarakeng ea meaho, ea matla, ea kaho, ea thekiso ea matlo le ea tikoloho. NV5 e tsepamisitse maikutlo libakeng tse hlano tsa khoebo: tiisetso ea boleng ba mohaho, lisebelisoa tsa motheo, boenjiniere le litšebeletso tsa tšehetso, matla, tsamaiso ea mananeo le tharollo ea tikoloho. Khampani e na le libaka tsa 42 Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington le Wyoming. Ofisi, ntlo-kholo e Hollywood, Florida.
Offsetters Climate Solutions Inc (TSX: COO.V; Frankfurt: 9EA.F) ke k'hamphani ea machaba ea taolo ea khabone e fapaneng le tharollo ea temo ea meru. E na le liofisi tsa Offsetters tse Vancouver, British Columbia, le Portland, Oregon, le Forest Finest Consulting liofisi tsa Bonn, Jeremane le Panama, sehlopha sa eona sa baetapele ba indasteri ha se fane ka lihlahisoa feela, empa hape se tsepamisitse maikutlo holima temo ea boleng bo holimo le meru le merero ea khabone. , nts'etsopele le khoebo ea sehlopha se felletseng sa lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi ba nts'etsopele ea moshoelella. Ka Sehlopha sa Litšebeletso tsa Offsetters Advisory Services le CO2OL e thehiloeng Jeremane, khamphani e ka thusa mekhatlo ho utloisisa, ho fokotsa le ho fokotsa tšusumetso ea bona ho boemo ba leholimo. Offsetters e sebelisane le mekhatlo e fetang 200 e etellang pele ea khoebo, ho akarelletsa Aimia, Vancity, lululemon sportsa, Catalyst Paper, Harbour Air, HSE-Entega le Shell Canada Limited.
ORBITE Technologies INC (TSX: ORT.TO; OTC: EORBF) (formerly known as Orbite Aluminae Inc.) is a Canadian clean technology company whose innovative and proprietary processes are expected to produce alumina and other high-value products such as rare earths and rare metals Using raw materials including bauxite, kaolin, nepheline, bauxite, bauxite, red mud, fly ash and serpentine residues from chrysotile processing plants, in a sustainable manner, at the lowest cost in the industry One produces oxides. Orbite is currently finalizing its first commercial high-purity alumina (HPA) production plant in Cap-Chat, Quebec, and has completed the basic construction of the proposed smelter-grade alumina (SGA) production plant, which will use mined clay Withdraw from his Grande-Vallée deposit. Lelapa la pele la thepa ea bohlokoa le fumanoeng le fumane li-patents Canal Canada, Australia, China, China le Russia le Russia le Russia. Khampani e boetse e sebetsa Setopori se ntlafalitsoeng sa Theknoloji ea Laval, Quebec, moo theknoloji e hlahisitsoeng le ho netefatsoa.
Pacific Environment Limited (ASX: PEH.AX) is an environmental consulting and technology solutions company. It provides the EnviroSuite system for customized weather forecasts, air quality and noise management, explosion and complaint management, national pollutant inventories, and national greenhouse and energy reports. The company also provides air quality and weather services, including air quality modeling and assessment, odor and dust specialization, forecasting and analysis, emission estimation and inventory, pollution reduction plans, process design optimization, regulatory compliance and reporting, and transportation emissions assessment. In addition, the company also provides emissions monitoring, odor sampling and analysis, process and environmental monitoring, workplace monitoring, employee and customer training, CEMS consulting and calibration, and vehicle emission testing services; environmental monitoring procedures and investigations, fugitive emissions measurement and modeling , Real-time data acquisition and management system and intensive field procedures. In addition, it analyzes, estimates and reports emissions; e etsa tlhahlobo ea khabone; e hlahloba likotsi tsa boemo ba leholimo; and designs mitigation strategies for carbon management. In addition, the company provides toxicology and risk assessment; acoustic consulting and noise monitoring; municipal solid waste collection, recycling, and landfill gas management; tlhokomelo ea metsi a ka tlas'a lefatše; hydrogeological water quality and chemistry; taolo ya matlakala a tiileng; and contaminated land assessment services. It has operations in Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Africa, America and Europe. The company serves oil, gas and energy; meepo; likou; temothuo; government; transportation, manufacturing and industry; mafapha a ho hloekisa litšila le metsi a litšila.
Pacific Sands (OTC: PFSD) ke k'hamphani e ntseng e hola ka potlako e ikemiselitseng ho nts'etsapele, ho bapatsa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse ikhethang tse se nang chefo, tsa lefatše, tsa bophelo bo botle le tse thusang bana bakeng sa ho hloekisa, bohloeki ba motho le lits'ebetso tsa tlhokomelo ea metsi. Pontšong ea Machaba ea Letamo le Spa New Orleans ka Pulungoana 2012, sistimi ea kalafo ea spa ea ecoone® ea k'hamphani e hapile sebaka sa boraro sehlopheng sa "Sehlahisoa se Molemohali sa Tala".
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) ke k'hamphani e ts'oereng matsete e sebetsanang le matsete, nts'etsopele, ts'ebetso le tsamaiso ea matla a letsatsi le a mang a matla a tsosolositsoeng ho People's Republic of China le United Kingdom. .
PEN Inc. (OTC: PENC) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka bophara ho nts'etsopele, khoebo le papatso ea lihlahisoa tsa bareki le liindasteri tse thehiloeng ho nanotechnology tse ka rarollang mathata a letsatsi le letsatsi a bareki indastering ea optics, lipalangoang, sesole, lipapali le ts'ireletso. Ka Nanofilm Ltd., k'hamphani e nang le thepa e felletseng ea PEN, k'hamphani e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho nanotechnology, ho kenyeletsoa lihloekisi tsa mahlo tsa brand ULTRACLARITY®, lihlahisoa tsa CLARITY DEFOG IT™ tsa defogging, le khalase ea CLARITYULTRASEAL® le sehlahisoa sa ceramic nano coatings. Khamphani e boetse e rekisa litšireletseho tsa sefahleho sa mofuta oa HALO™, tse matlafatsang le tse hloekisang tikolohong ka k'hamphani ea eona e tlase ea PEN Technology, LLC. Katlase ea k'hamphani ea Applied Nanotech, Inc. e Austin, Texas e sebetsa e le setsi sa meralo, se fana ka litšebeletso tsa R&D bakeng sa bareki ba mmuso le ba poraefete le nts'etsopele ea sehlahisoa se secha sa PEN, se shebaneng le boqapi le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele mafapheng a polokeho, bophelo bo botle le tharollo ea Sehlahisoa sa moshoelella.
Perma-Fix Environmental Services (NasdaqCM: PESI) is a nuclear services company and a leading provider of nuclear and mixed waste management services. The company's nuclear waste services include the management and treatment of radioactive and mixed waste for hospitals, research laboratories and institutions, federal agencies (including the US Department of Energy), the Department of Defense (“DOD”) and the commercial nuclear industry. Lefapha la litšebeletso tsa nyutlelie la k'hamphani le fa bareki tsamaiso ea merero, tsamaiso ea litšila, tokiso ea tikoloho, ho tlosa tšilafalo le ho felisa, kaho e ncha, le ts'ireletso ea mahlaseli, polokeho le bohloeki ba indasteri. The company operates four nuclear waste treatment facilities and provides nuclear services in DOE, DOD and commercial facilities nationwide.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) ke nts'etsopele ea sistimi ea matla e ikemiselitseng ho sebelisa theknoloji ea organic Rankine cycle ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla le ho hlaphoheloa ha mocheso litšila. E sebelisa moralo oa eona oa thepa le selekane sa maano, sepheo sa PowerVerde ke ho nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa motlakase tse ajoang ka matla a ka tlase ho 500kW le ho fihlela boemo bo etelletseng pele indastering. Hlahisa mehloli ea matla a ts'eptjoang, e bolokang chelete e ngata, 'me e se nang tlhahiso e ka sebelisoang tšimong kapa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa microgrid. Theknoloji ea ORC ea PowerVerde e ka boela ea kopanngoa le mehloli ea mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa 'mele oa lefatše, biomass le letsatsi.
Lihlahisoa tsa ho hloekisa ka tlung tsa Pura Naturals' (OTC: PNAT) li monya mafura le litšila ha li ntse li fana ka ts'ebetso e ikhethang ea ho kenya sesepa ntle le lik'hemik'hale tse kotsi kapa li-baktheria tse atileng lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tsa seponche. Theknoloji ea foam ea Pura Naturals e ile ea ntlafatsoa ka lebaka la ho qhalana ha oli ea Gulf. The revolutionary foam absorbs grease, while repelling water and inhibiting bacterial growth and odor. Khampani e hlokomelang lefatše e ithorisa ka lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa limela, tse entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tse nchafalitsoeng 'me ha li na lihlahisoa tsa petroleum. Lihlahisoa tsa Pura Naturals li rekisoa CVS Pharmacies, Ingles Market, Kroger, Meijer, Sprout Farmers Market, Target, Walmart le Whole Foods Market naheng ka bophara.
Khamphani ea Pyxis Tanker (NasdaqCM: PXS) e na le likepe tsa sejoale-joale tsa litanka tse 6, tse sebetsanang le lipalangoang tsa maoatleng tsa lihlahisoa tse hloekisitsoeng tsa peterole le lino tse ling tse ngata. We are focused on developing our fleet of medium-sized product tankers that offer operational flexibility and enhanced profit potential due to their “ecological” functions and modifications (eco-efficient or ecologically modified design). With a competitive cost structure, strong customer relationships and an experienced management team, we are at a favorable opportunity to expand our fleet and align its interests with the interests of our shareholders.
Quantum Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: QTM.AX) le makalana a eona hammoho a etsa le ho aba metsi a chesang a baballang matla, a futhumatsang le a pholiso bakeng sa limmaraka tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo Australia le machabeng. The company provides solar energy systems, hot water heaters and pool heaters, as well as commercial and industrial building heaters.
Bokachane teropong ea Inc. Khampani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho theknoloji e hloekileng ea moea 'me e sebetsa Canada, United States, Europe le Asia. Mekhoa ea ho belaela le ho etsa litšila tse matla tsa litšila tse rekisoang kapa ho hira, hape ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tse amanang le oli tse amanang le oli tse amanang le oli. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani ea ho cheselletsa mocheso e ka senya likhase tsa hydrocarbon tse chefo kapa tse chefo, kahoo ea finyella ho lumellana le taolo, ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, tšepo ea sechaba le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso ea bareki. Questor e tsebahala ka boitseanape ba eona bo khethehileng ba ho chesa khase e bolila (H2S). Ka ClearPower Solutions (karolelano ea Questor), thekenoloji ena e hlahisa monyetla oa ho sebelisa mocheso o hlahisoang ke ho tuka hantle, o ka sebelisoang bakeng sa moea oa mouoane oa metsi, mocheso oa tšebetso le ho fehla matla. Leha bareki ba hona joale ba Questor ba sebetsa haholo indastering ea oli e tala le khase ea tlhaho, theknoloji ea ho chesa mollo ea k'hamphani e boetse e sebetsa liindastering tse ling, joalo ka lahla, ho hloekisa metsi le likhoerekhoere, ho sebelisa mabili le temo.
REG Technologies Inc (TSX: RRE.V; OTC: REGRF) is developing a commercialized improved axial vane rotary engine called Rand Cam (R) / RadMax (TM) rotation technology for lightweight and High-efficiency revolutionary design. Enjene, compressor le pompo. Compared with the 40 moving parts in a simple four-cylinder piston engine, the RadMax™ engine has only two unique moving parts, namely the blades (up to 12) and the rotor. Moralo ona o hlokang kelello o etsa hore ho khonehe ho hlahisa matla a holimo a 24 a tsoelang pele, ntle le ho lekanya le ho khutsisa haholo. Lienjineri tsa RadMax(TM) le tsona li na le mesebetsi e mengata e li nolofalletsang ho sebetsa ka mafura a kenyelletsang peterole, khase ea tlhaho, hydrogen, propane le diesel.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . Re tla rarolla bothata bona ka tagline ea lebitso mona™, ho tsebisa bareki hore ba ka tšepa Rephabliki ho fana ka boiphihlelo bo botle, ha re ntse re khothaletsa Blue Planet™ e tsitsitseng bakeng sa meloko e tlang ho thabela lefatše le hloekileng, le sireletsehileng le le phetseng hantle.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) is an independent oil and gas company worldwide. It operates through upstream and downstream market segments. Khampani e hlahloba le ho ntša oli e tala, khase ea tlhaho le maro a khase ea tlhaho. E boetse e fetola khase ea tlhaho hore e be maro ho fana ka mafura le lihlahisoa tse ling. The market trades natural gas; e ntša sekontiri lehlabatheng la oli e epiloeng ebe o e fetola oli e tala ea maiketsetso; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e sebetsana le ho etsa, ho fana le ho tsamaisa oli e tala; e rekisa libeso, mafura, sekontiri le khase ea petroleum (LPG) bakeng sa merero ea malapeng, ea lipalangoang le ea indasteri; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; le khoebo e meng ea matla. Ntle le moo, e boetse e rekisa Hydrocarbons le lihlahisoa tse ling tse amanang le matla; e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa lipalangoang; mme e hlahisa lik'hemik'hale tsa motheo tse kenyeletsang ethylene, propylene le aromatics, le lik'hemik'hale tse bohareng tse kang styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, le detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide le ethylene glycol. Khampani e na le libaka tsa ho hloekisa oli tse ka bang 24; Lithane tse 1,500 tsa polokelo; le lits'ebeletso tse 100 tse ajoang. E rekisa mafura a mafura a khetla.
RusHydro (Russia: MICEX: HYDR) is one of the largest power generation companies in Russia. RusHydro is Russia's leading producer of renewable energy, with more than 70 power generation facilities in Russia and abroad. Khamphani e boetse e khona ho laola lienjiniere tsa boenjiniere le lik'hamphani tse rekisoang ka matla. The thermal assets of the group are operated by the subsidiary RAO Eastern Energy Systems in the Russian Far East.
Siemens (NYSE: SI) ke eona feela k'hamphani ea theknoloji e kopantsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. Lihlahisoa tsa eona, tharollo le lits'ebeletso li kopantsoe le ketane eohle ea ho sokoloha matla, 'me ke eona ea pele ea ho fana ka tharollo ea mahlale a bohlale. Mohalaleli esale e le moetapele lihlahisoa tse thata le tharollo ea phetisetso le ho tsamaisa thepa ea marang-rang, ho beha leihlo le taolo. Therefore, Siemens' smart grid technology has proven its reliability, availability, and cost-effectiveness in many different projects around the world in Austria, Canada, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the UAE, and the United States.
Sierra Monitor Corporation (OTC: SRMC) addresses the industrial and commercial facility management markets with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions that connect and protect high-value infrastructure assets. System integrators and OEMs use the company's FieldServer branded protocol gateway to implement local and remote monitoring of assets and facilities. FieldServer e na le lihlahisoa tse fetang 100,000, e ts'ehetsa liprothokholo tse fetang 140 tse kentsoeng litsing tsa khoebo le tsa indasteri, 'me ke eona tsela e etellang pele indastering ea liprotocol tse ngata. Industrial and commercial facility managers use Sierra Monitor's Sentry IT fire and gas detection solutions to protect their personnel and property. Sentry IT brand controllers, sensor modules and software have been installed in thousands of facilities, such as natural gas vehicle refueling and maintenance stations, wastewater treatment plants, oil and gas refineries and pipelines, parking lots, US Navy ships and underground telephone warehouses. Sierra Monitor is headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley in Milpitas, California. E thehiloe ka 1979 'me esale e le k'hamphani ea sechaba ho tloha ka 1989. Ka ho kopanya ts'ebetso ea eona e hlahelletseng lefapheng la maikutlo a indasteri le li-automation le theknoloji e ntseng e tsoela pele ea IoT (e kang khokahanyo ea maru, data e kholo, tlhahlobo le tlhahlobo, Sierra Monitor e sebakeng sa marang-rang. ka pele ho mekhoa e hlahang ea IIoT.
SmartCool Systems Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; TSX: SSC.V) e fana ka tharollo e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa ea ho boloka matla le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa matla bakeng sa likhoebo tsa lefats'e. ECO3 le ESM ke litheknoloji tse ikhethang tsa Smartcool tse ka fokotsang tšebeliso ea matla ea li-compressor moeeng, sehatsetsing le tsamaisong ea pompo ea mocheso ka 15% ho isa ho 20%, ka hona ho fumana phaello ho tsetelo nakong ea likhoeli tse 12 ho isa ho tse 36.
Solarbrook Hydropower Corporation (OTC: SLRW) and its subsidiaries are dedicated to developing, manufacturing and marketing water management and clean energy integrated solutions for the consumer, municipal and industrial markets in the United States. The company designs, builds, sells and installs water filtration and water treatment systems to remove harmful metals, elements and compounds in drinking water and wastewater. It also distributes water filtration systems and provides funding for water treatment systems for households and businesses; le ho fana ka lisebelisoa tsa masepala tse kopanyang moea le oksijene le oksijene e qhibilihileng metsing bakeng sa liindasteri tse fapaneng. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e boetse e fana ka tharollo ea metsi a litšila bakeng sa bareki ba indasteri le ba mmuso. SolarBrook Hydropower haholo-holo e fana ka lihlahisoa ho baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mantlha United States le Europe.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Ho tloha ha e thehwa ka 2010, GO Energy Group e kopantse ka potlako maemo a yona a tshiya lepaleng la naha la eneji e ka ntjhafatswang mme e fihlelle katleho le kgolo e kgolo. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Ha re sebelisa buka ea rona ea Co2Bardbikeng, re fetohile bahoebi ba setifikeiti sa Machaba, 'me ka nako e tšoanang ba fana ka tharollo e bohlale, e ka khonehang ea ho ea matlafatso ea matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) ke k'hamphani e nang le lits'ebeletso tsa matla e ikarabellang ho Folsom, New Jersey, 'me e sebetsa ka lithuso tse peli tse kholo. South Jersey Gas ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse sebelisang khase ea tlhaho tse holang ka potlako ho fetisisa United States, tse fanang ka khase ea tlhaho e hloekileng, e sebetsang hantle ho bareki ba ka bang 370,000 karolong e ka boroa ea New Jersey le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla. Khoebo e sa laoleheng ea SJI tlasa Lefapha la New Jersey la Energy Solutions, ka nts'etsopele, beng le ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea matla sebakeng sa marang-rang (ho kenyeletsoa ho kopanya, matla a letsatsi, le merero ea ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa setereke) ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, theknoloji e hloekileng le e ka nchafatsoang. energy; bakeng sa bareki ba retal ba fumanang le ho rekisa khase ea tlhaho le motlakase; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; le ho fana ka hvac le lits'ebeletso tse ling tse amanang le matla.
Spirax Sarco Engineering Limited (LSE: SPX.L) ke sehlopha sa machaba sa boenjiniere ba indasteri se nang le ntlo-kholo e Cheltenham, Engelane. Sehlopha se kenyelletsa likhoebo tse peli tse etelletseng pele: Spirax Sarco bakeng sa mouoane le Watson-Marlow bakeng sa lipompo tsa niche peristaltic le theknoloji e amanang le phallo.
SPX Corp. (NYSE: SPW) ke moetsi oa lefats'e, oa liindasteri tse ngata o sebetsang linaheng tse 35. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani tse ikhethang haholo tsa boenjiniere le mahlale li shebana le theknoloji ea phallo le lisebelisoa tsa matla. Litharollo tse ngata tse ncha tsa SPX li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho thusa ho fihlela tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea lefats'e ea motlakase, lijo tse lokisitsoeng le lino, haholo limmarakeng tse ntseng li tsoela pele. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa lits'ebetso tsa ho lokisa lijo bakeng sa indasteri ea lijo le lino, likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa phallo ea oli le khase, li-transformer tsa motlakase bakeng sa lik'hamphani tse sebetsang, le lisebelisoa tse pholisang bakeng sa lifeme tsa motlakase. The efficiency and commercial viability of developing renewable energy is an important part of the development of a secure power network for the future. Re na le lilemo tse ngata tsa phihlelo ea ho fana ka mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea lisebelisoa, ho kenyeletsa lipompo, li-filters, li-condenser tse pholileng moeeng, lijenereithara tsa mouoane, li-valve tsa ho laola mouoane le metsoako ea letsoai e qhibilihisitsoeng.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) e fana ka moralo, boenjiniere, meralo, moralo oa ka hare, moralo oa naha, lipatlisiso, saense ea tikoloho bakeng sa meaho le merero Canada, United States, Canada, United States, Canada, United States, United States, le New York State , Litšebeletso tsa boeletsi tsa litsebi bakeng sa tsamaiso ea merero le moruo oa merero, le machaba. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka boqapi ba litsamaiso tsa mochini ka mokhoa o nepahetseng, litsamaiso tsa thuto ea thuto, mekhatlo ea khoebo le ea mmuso; Litšebeletso tsa ho fokotsa lipatlisiso tsa liphallelo; lipalangoang, meralo ea motheo, kaho le litšebeletso tsa tikoloho; bakeng sa oli le khase, merafo, le motlakase Ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boenjiniere ba othomathiki, motlakase le lisebelisoa le lekala la indasteri; le lits'ebeletso tsa mabitso, hammoho le nts'etsopele, moralo, lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya le ho boloka seriti bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tsa lipeipi tsa oli le khase le lits'ebeletso tsa liteishene. In addition, it also provides professional services in ecology, environmental restoration, water resources and regulatory support for public and private customers in the fields of electricity, transportation, energy and resources, as well as services in cultural resource management and historical protection.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) e sebelisa tsebo le phihlelo ea tsamaiso ho fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki le ba nang le kabelo hona joale ka litšebeletso le lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng, ho loanela ho khotsofatsa bareki, le ho sireletsa tikoloho ka ho sebelisa mekhoa e metle ea theknoloji e tala. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific e boetse e phatlalalitse merero ea ho sebelisa Morero ona o tlisa morero haufi le bokamoso. Theknoloji ea Blockchain e ka shebella marang-rang a macha a matla, ho leka-lekanya boima le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.
Supreme Metals Corp. (CSE: ABJ) ke k'hamphani ea liphuputso ea Canada e tsepamisitseng maikutlo holim'a litšepe tse tala le tsa matla Lefats'eng la Bophirimela, haufi le merero e lebelletsoeng ea tlhahiso e tlase, e batloang haholo bakeng sa litšepe tsena.
Synex International Inc. (TSX: SXI.TO) e na le litšehetso tse peli tse nang le thepa ka ho feletseng, Synex Energy Resources Ltd le Sigma Engineering Ltd. Likhoebo tsa bona li kenyelletsa nts'etsopele, beng le ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa matla, hammoho le ho fana ka lipuisano tsa boenjiniere le tikoloho. services in the city. Water resources, especially hydropower facilities. Synex is an independent power producer with 11 megawatts of hydroelectric power generation capacity in British Columbia (mainly on Vancouver Island).
Synodon Inc. (TSX: SYD.V) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji e hlahisitseng mokhoa o tsoetseng pele oa moea o ka thōko oa khase e hōle e thehiloeng ho Canadian Space Program le theknoloji e entsoeng ke bo-rasaense ba Synodon, e bitsoang realSens™. The company currently provides advanced airborne pipeline integrity management services for the oil and gas industry through a series of services, including natural gas and liquid hydrocarbon leak detection, pipeline threat assessment, and waterway intersection analysis.
Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SES) is a Houston-based technology company dedicated to bringing clean, high-value energy to developing countries through its proprietary U-Gas®-based gasification technology , The technology has been licensed by setsi sa litheko tsa khase. Sense ea kharekano (Sgt) e ka hlahisa stongas e hloekileng, e theko e tlase bakeng sa moloko oa liiki, manyolo a lipalangoang, ka tsela eo a kenya matla a mangata a khase. SGT e ka boela ea hlahisa haedrojene e hloekileng haholo hore e sebelisoe joalo ka mafura a lipalangoang a hloekileng. SGT uses the blue sky to achieve growth and provide greater fuel flexibility for large-scale and efficient small and medium-scale operations near fuel sources. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), ka lithuso tsa eona tse ruiloeng ka botlalo, Ranor, Inc. le Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., e hlahisa likarolo tse kholo, tse entsoeng ka tšepe le tse sebetsitsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebelisoa limmarakeng tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa: matla a mang (solar le moea), bongaka, nyutlelie, ts'ireletso, indasteri, le sebaka sa sefofane. Sepheo sa TechPrecision ke ho fa bareki ba fanang ka litšebeletso tsa lefats'e ka bophara ka ho fana ka tharollo ea "turnkey" e hlophisitsoeng le e kopantsoeng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse feletseng tse hlokang ho etsoa le ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o hlophisitsoeng, ho bokella, ho hlahlojoa le ho hlahlojoa.
Tembec (TSX: TMB.TO) ke moetsi oa lehong, makhasi, pampiri le lihlahisoa tse khethehileng tsa meru ea cellulose, 'me ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa mekhoa e tsitsitseng ea ho laola meru. Khoebo e ka sehloohong e Canada le ea Fora.
Tennant Corporation (NYSE: TNC) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ho rala, ho etsa le ho bapatsa litharollo tse nolofalletsang bareki ho fumana ts'ebetso ea ho hloekisa ea boleng bo holimo, ho fokotsa haholo tšusumetso ea bona ea tikoloho le ho thusa ho theha lefatše le hloekileng, le sireletsehileng le le phetseng hantle. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tse sebelisetsoang ho boloka bokaholimo libakeng tsa indasteri, tsa khoebo le tsa kantle; Mahlale a mahala le a mang a khothatsang a ho hloekisa; le liphahlo tse sebelisoang ho sireletsa, ho lokisa le ho ntlafatsa bokaholimo. Khokahano ea ts'ebeletso ea tšimo ea lefats'e ea Tennant ke eona e atileng haholo indastering. Tenntant e na le ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea Minneapolis, Minnesota; Michigan, Netherlands; Louisville, Kentucky; Uden, Netherlands; United Kingdom; Sao Paulo, Brazil; le Shanghai, China; le ka barekisi ba linaheng tse fetang 80 linaheng tse 15 Rekisa lihlahisoa ka kotloloho.
Terna Energy SA (Athene: TENERG.AT) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e hlophisitsoeng hantle e ikemiselitseng ho nts'etsapele, kaho, lichelete le ts'ebetso ea merero ea matla a tsosolositsoeng (moea, metsi, letsatsi, biomass, taolo ea litšila). TERNA ENERGY e na le phaephe e matla ea merero e ka bang 8,000 MW RES, e ntseng e sebetsa, e ntseng e hahuoa kapa e maemong a tsoetseng pele a nts'etsopele, e etellang pele Greece, ka ts'ebetso Europe Bohareng, Europe Boroa-bochabela le United States. TERNA ENERGY e boetse e nka karolo ka mafolofolo mananeong a machaba ho ntšetsa pele ts'ebeliso ea RES. Hape ke setho sa European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) ke beng ba lefats'e ba nang le mefuta e fapaneng ea thepa ea matla a hloekileng, ho kenyeletsoa merero ea matla a letsatsi, a moea le a fehloa ka metsi mebarakeng e khahlang, e holang haholo.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa boeletsi, boenjiniere, tsamaiso ea ts'ebetso le litšebeletso tsa tsamaiso ea kaho. Khampani e tšehetsa bareki ba khoebo le ba mmuso ba shebaneng le metsi, tikoloho, mekhoa ea motheo, tsamaiso ea mehloli le matla. Tetra Tech e na le basebetsi ba 13,000 lefatšeng ka bophara, e fanang ka tharollo e hlakileng mathateng a rarahaneng.
Thermax (BSE: Thermax.bo) e fana ka tharollo ea boenjiniere bakeng sa indasteri ea matla le tikoloho ka India le kahare. E arotsoe ka likarolo tse peli: matla le tikoloho. Khamphani e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa taolo ea silifation ea moea, ho kenyeletsoa mekotla ea mokotla, likhahla tse metsi le bahlahisi ba elektrosta. litsamaiso tsa ho monya, ho kenyeletsoa li-coolers tse monyang, lipompo tsa mocheso, lihlahisoa tse futhumatsang tsa letsatsi le lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang moea; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; le lifuthumatsi tsa mafura le tse futhumatsang oli. E boetse e fana ka tlhoekiso ea metsi, liindasteri tsa tsoekere le lipampiri, masimo a oli, lik'hemik'hale tse tala, tsa kaho le tsa mollo, hammoho le li-resin tsa li-ion le lisebelisoa tsa mafura; Limela tsa motlakase tsa EPC; tharollo ea mocheso oa letsatsi le photovoltaic; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. Ntle le moo, e fana ka matla, nchafatso le nchafatso, tlhoekiso ea metsi a litšila, ts'ebetso ea projeke e akaretsang ea konteraka, li-boilers tse kholo, koetliso ea bareki le lits'ebeletso tse khethehileng le tharollo; lisebelisoa tse felletseng tsa li-boilers le lisebelisoa tsa peripheral, hammoho le ts'ebetso ea setsi sa motlakase le lits'ebeletso tsa tlhokomelo; le likarolong tsa phomolo. Khamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso bakeng sa oli le khase, tšepe, moloko oa motlakase, warmating, tsoekere, tsoekere, tsoekere le e jeoang, e tsoekere industries; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Toro Corporation (NYSE: TTC) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e ka bophara oa litharollo tse ncha bakeng sa libaka tse ka ntle, ho kenyelletsa le lehloa, ho tlosoa ha lehloa le lisebelisoa tsa fatše, ho nosetsa le tharollo ea mabone a ka ntle. Toro e na le ts'ebetso ea lefats'e linaheng tse fetang 90. Ka boqapi bo tsoelang pele le likamano tse tsotellang tse theiloeng holim'a ts'epo le bots'epehi, Toro le lelapa la mofuta oa eona ba thehile lefa le ikhethang ka ho thusa bareki ho hlokomela lebala la kolofo, libaka tsa naha, mabala a lipapali, libaka tse tala tsa sechaba, libaka tsa khoebo le tsa bolulo, le temo.
TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) esale e le pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea katleho ea mahlale le thekenoloji ea boenjiniere ho tloha lilemong tsa bo-1960. TRC is a national engineering, environmental consulting and construction management company for energy, environment and infrastructure The market provides integrated services. TRC e fana ka litšebeletso ho mefuta e mengata ea bareki 'musong le indastering, e phethahatsa merero e rarahaneng ho tloha mohopolong oa pele ho isa ho phano le ts'ebetsong. Liphetho tse fanoeng ke TRC li thusa bareki ho atleha lefatšeng le rarahaneng le le fetohang.
Trex Co. Inc. (NYSE: TREX) is the world's largest manufacturer of high-performance wood substitute paving and railings, with more than 20 years of product experience. Lihlahisoa tse phelang ka ntle tsa Trex li fumaneha mabenkeleng a fetang 6,700 lefatšeng ka bophara, a fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea likhetho tsa setaele. Ha e bapisoa le lehong, e hloka tlhokomelo e fokolang ea kamehla 'me ke khetho e nang le boikarabelo ba tikoloho.
Sepheo se seholo sa Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) ke ho eketsa boleng ho ba nang le kabelo ka ho hlahisa le ho boloka lithahasello tsa nako e telele mererong ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ea Canada le thepa ea polokelo ea khase ea tlhaho e ka tlas'a lefatše ho latela litheko tsa 'maraka. Sepheo sa Tribute ke ho aha k'hamphani e ka finyellang le ho boloka kholo ea nako e telele ka karolo e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ka ho hlahisa merero ea matla e ka hlahisang chelete e tsitsitseng ea nako e telele ha e sebetsa ka botlalo. Morero oa khoebo oa Tribute ke ho tseba, ho lumella, ho ntshetsa pele le ho aha merero e fihlelang litekanyetso tsa eona tsa ho khutlisa ho ipapisitsoe le thepa ea eona e teng. Tribute e theha boleng ka ho tsebahatsa menyetla ea merero, ho fana ka boiphihlelo mererong ea nts'etsopele, le ho boloka thahasello ea thepa e phethiloeng, ka hona ho theha phallo ea chelete ea boleng bo botle ba nako e telele ka motheo oa thepa e matla le e fapaneng e amanang le matla.
American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa litšebeletso tsa tikoloho bakeng sa mekhatlo ea khoebo le ea mmuso Amerika Leboea. Khampani e kopana le litlhoko tsa bareki tse rarahaneng tsa taolo ea litšila, ho fana ka kalafo ea litšila tse kotsi, tse se nang kotsi le tse nang le mahlaseli a kotsi, ho lahla le ho li sebelisa hape, hammoho le mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea litšebeletso tse tlatselletsang setšeng le indastering. US Ecology e tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a polokeho, ho latela tikoloho, le litšebeletso tsa bareki tsa boemo ba pele, tse re lumellang ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki ka nepo le ho theha likamano tsa nako e telele tsa tšebelisano. Khampani e ikarabella ho Boise, Idaho, e na le ts'ebetso United States, Canada le Mexico, 'me e ikemiselitse ho sireletsa tikoloho ho tloha ka 1952.
Victrex plc (LSE: VCT.L) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa boqapi oa litharollo tse thehiloeng ho polymer tse sebetsang hantle tsa PEEK tse nang le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse fetang 35. Khamphani e sebeletsa limmaraka tse ngata tse kang likoloi, sefofane, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, matla le bongaka, 'me e sebetsa le baetapele ba indasteri ho fana ka tharollo mathateng a bona a mantlha.
Litšila tsa litšila Co, Ltd. (NYSE: WM) Khamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa pokello, phetisetso, ho e sebelisa hape le ho khutlisa lisebelisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa ho lahla ka lithuso tsa eona. Hape ke mohlahlami ea etelletseng pele, ea sebetsang le mong'a meaho ea ho felloa ke matla ea khase ho la United States. Bareki ba k'hamphani ba kenyelletsa bareki ba bolulo, ba khoebo, ba indasteri le ba masepala ho pholletsa le Amerika Leboea.
Thabiso ea West Hill Cormetion / Ps2) (TSX: Ke k'hamphani ea tharollo ea tikoloho e thehiloeng kalafong ea mocheso le e seng kotsi. Ka batšehetsi ba eona, e sebelisa ho futhumatsa ho futhumatsa, theknoloji e koahetsoeng e ka nts'imolohe mobung le khase khase ea tlhaho ea ho boloka peterole e matlafatsang peterole e matlafatsang peterole e sebetsang. Ha ho bapisoa le theknoloji ea khale ea ho senya litšila tse kotsi, mokhoa ona o fana ka monyetla oa bohlokoa oa ho fokotsa likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše. Sehlopha sa botsamaisi ba k'hamphani se na le tsebo ea taolo ea litšila tse kotsi le tokiso ea sebaka se silafetseng, 'me se na le boiphihlelo bo pharaletseng Amerika Leboea le linaheng/libaka tse 15 lefatšeng ka bophara. Shanghai mohato karohano
Winning Brands Corporation (OTC: WNBD) is a manufacturer of advanced environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. Ntle le ho sebelisa theknoloji ea www.Vappex.com ho rekisa sebolaea likokoana-hloko sa mouoane www.BlauAire.com e le khoebo e kopanetsoeng, Winning Brands hape ke sehlahisoa sa KIND(R) sa ho hlatsoetsa liaparo, sesepa sa 1000+(TM), e leng tharollo e sebetsang ka ho fetisisa ea ho hloekisa. world ( TM), (www.1000Plus.ca), Brilliant Wet Cleaning Solutions (www.BrilliantWetCleaning.com) le lihlahisoa tse ling tse fanoeng ka setsi sa eona sa Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd. Sesepa sa 1000+ ke sesebelisoa se hloekisang se nang le mefuta e mengata se ikhethang le se loketseng. litšobotsi. Ba bang ba barekisi ba kholo ka ho fetisisa Canada, ho kenyeletsoa Wal-Mart naheng ea Canada, Home Depot, Lowe's, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, le mabenkele a mangata a United States, ba ka sebelisa 1,000+ ho tloha lebopong ho ea lebopong la leoatle. TrackMoist and ReGUARD4 are examples of industry-specific solutions from Winning Brands. TrackMoist enhances the performance of dusty surfaces used in sports and entertainment venues (www.TrackMoist.com). ReGUARD4 is a series of fire safety cleaning solutions for emergency personnel.
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) is one of the most respected design, engineering and project management consulting companies in the world. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Akins e ka peletolo ea 'mala oa tikoloho e khanyang ea matla a khaphatsehang le lits'ebeletso tse qaqileng tsa boenjiniere naheng ea moea, wave le matla a motlakase.
WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse etellang pele lefatšeng ka bophara tsa litšebeletso tsa litsebi. WSP provides technical expertise to clients in real estate, buildings, transportation and infrastructure, environment, industry, and resources (including mining and oil and gas) Knowledge and strategy consulting for natural gas) and power and energy fields. WSP also provides highly specialized services in project delivery and strategic consulting. Litsebi tsa eona li kenyelletsa lienjiniere, baeletsi, litsebi tsa theknoloji, bo-rasaense, litsebi tsa meralo ea meralo, litsebi tsa meralo, bafuputsi le litsebi tsa tikoloho, hammoho le litsebi tse ling tsa meralo, meralo le tsamaiso ea kaho. Ka basebetsi ba ka bang 34,000 liofising tse 500 linaheng/litikolohong tse 40, WSP e na le molemo oa merero e atlehileng le e tšoarellang tlas'a mabitso a WSP le WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff. Metsi: Ka Phuptjane 2016, k'hamphani e phatlalalitse hore e fihletse tumellano le Schlumberger, k'hamphani e etelletseng pele lefatšeng ea litšebeletso tsa oli, ho fumana khoebo ea eona ea boeletsi mabapi le metsi. Khoebo ena e tla thusa WSP ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa tlhahlobo ea metsi le tharollo ea merero ho bareki ba indasteri ba lefats'e.
Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. (OTC: WUHN) e sebetsana le meralo, nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le thekiso ea lifensetere tsa liindasteri tsa lifeme tsa motlakase tse tsamaisoang ke mouoane Rephabliking ea People of China. Lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa li-blower li kenyelletsa li-axial fans, tse ka fanang ka phallo e kholo le moea o tlaase oa khatello bakeng sa liteishene tse kholo tsa matla; li-centrifugal blowers le li-centrifugal blowers, tse fanang ka moea o fokolang ka likhatello tse phahameng, 'me li ka sebelisoa liteisheneng tsa matla a mahareng ho bululela mashala a pshatlehileng seboping, Le ho kenya moea libakeng tsa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere. Khamphani e boetse e hlahisa li-turbine tsa mouoane le metsi, ho kenyeletsoa li-turbine tse tloaelehileng tsa mouoane le li-cogeneration tsa mouoane, bakeng sa ho sebelisoa lifemeng tsa matla a motlakase le a metsi. Ho phaella moo, e boetse e hlahisa li-silencer, li-connectors le likarolo tse ling tse tloaelehileng bakeng sa lifofane le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase. Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. haholo-holo e rekisetsa lik'hamphani tsa tšepe, lifeme tsa motlakase, lifeme tsa lik'hemik'hale, lifeme tsa pampiri le lifeme tse fehlang matla a metsi lihlahisoa.
Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSX: XBC.V) provides gas purification and filtration solutions for the natural gas, field gas, biogas, helium and hydrogen markets. Xebec e rala, e etsa lienjiniere le ho etsa lihlahisoa tse ncha tse fetolang khase e tala hore e be matla a hloekileng a ka rekisoang
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) e etsa meralo, e tšehetsa lichelete, e aha le ho sebelisa lipolante tse fehlang matla a litšila tse tsamaisang litšila tse tiileng tsa masepala, tsa bongaka le tsa indasteri ho fehla motlakase. Ho tloha ka 1996, Sino-German Group e phethile merero e ka bang 200 ea ho hloekisa litšila liprofinseng tse 13. Sino-Jeremane ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse tsebahalang haholo lefapheng la matla a litšila a EPC le merero ea BOT, hape ke moetsi oa limela tse ngata tse tukang Chaena. Joalokaha mokonteraka ea akaretsang oa projeke ea EPC, Sino-Jeremane e ikarabella bakeng sa boqapi, serikhoe, ka ho betla merusu e fapaneng (e kang Grantary, pyrolysis Kiln). As an investor in the BOT project, Sino-German also operates waste energy plants. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. China ntlo-kholo ea China e fumaneha Beijing, China. Setsi sa tlhahiso ea Sino-Jeremane se teng Fuzhou, Chaena.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa litšepe tse khethehileng le lihlahisoa tsa lik'hemik'hale. Khampani e kopantsoe ka ho feletseng le lisebelisoa tsa ho tsosolosa li-loop tse koetsoeng, e leng ntlo-khōlō e Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 'me e na le liofisi tsa tlhahiso ea limela le tsa thekiso libakeng tse ngata tsa Europe, Amerika le Asia. 5N Plus e sebelisitse letoto la mahlale a morao-rao le a netefalitsoeng ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ka sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse ngata tse tsoetseng pele tsa meriana, tsa elektroniki le tsa indasteri. Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng li kenyelletsa lirafshoa tse hloekileng tse kang bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium le tellurium, lik'hemik'hale tse sa tloaelehang tse thehiloeng holim'a litšepe tsena, le liphaphatha tsa semiconductor tse kopantsoeng. Bongata ba bona ke bo-pula-maliboho ba bohlokoa le batšehetsi ba bohlokoa, joalo ka matla a letsatsi, li-diode tse ntšang khanya le lisebelisoa tse baballang tikoloho.
Huaguan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 6289.TW) e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho nts'etsopele, ho etsa le ho aba liphaephe tse nang le khanya e ntšang khanya (LED) le li-chips tsa LED. The company is also involved in providing technical support and after-sales service for LED chips and LED chips. The company's LED products are mainly used in displays, automobiles, consumer electronics, communication products, information products and indicator lights. The company's products are distributed in the domestic market and other Asian countries. AOC is now the main supplier of many leading LED manufacturers in the world
Bluglass Limited (ASX: BLG.AX) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea nitride ea Sehlopha sa III ho nts'etsapele lits'ebetso le lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa ho etsa li-LED le lisele tsa letsatsi. Khamphani e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa "remote plasma chemical vapor deposition" (RPCVD), theknoloji ea ho etsa thepa ea semiconductor. E fana ka lits'ebeletso tse sentsoeng bakeng sa ho etsa litempele tsa moetlo oa Nitri ea Khethollo ea Nitride Optical microscope and LED rapid test.
BYD Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) e ikakhetse ka setotsoana indastering ea IT, haholo-holo e amehang khoebong ea libeteri tse nchafatsoang, lisebelisoa tsa mehala ea thekeng le likhomphutha le lits'ebeletso tsa kopano, le khoebo ea likoloi, ho kenyeletsoa libeso tsa setso. Likoloi tsa motlakase le likoloi tse ncha tsa matla, ha li ntse li sebelisa monyetla oa theknoloji ea rona, li nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse ling tse ncha tsa matla, joalo ka mapolasi a letsatsi, liteishene tsa polokelo ea matla, likoloi tsa motlakase, li-LED, lifereko tsa motlakase, jj.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Khampani e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa litharollo tsa motlakase tse tsoang kantle ho gridi e bohlale le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo tse thehiloeng marung bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi, moea le motlakase (joalo ka mabone a seterateng, lits'ireletso, lits'ebetso tsa likhokahano, phepelo ea motlakase ea tšohanyetso le lisebelisoa tsa Marang-rang. Clear Blue. e tlas'a mofuta oa eona oa Illumient, E boetse e rekisa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a tsoang ka ntle a letsatsi le matla a moea.
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) e etella pele phetoho ea mabone a LED le mekhoa ea khale ea mabone a khale e senyang matla ka ho sebelisa khanya ea LED e bolokang matla, e se nang mercury. Cree ke setsebi se khahlisang tsa 'maraka oa mabone a mekhabiso e meholo Sehlahisoa sa Cree se kenyelletsa mabone a LED le li-bulbs, li-chips tsa LED tse putsoa le tse tala, li-LED tse khanyang haholo, li-LED tsa boemo bo khanyang, lisebelisoa tsa ho fetola matla le lisebelisoa tsa RF. Lihlahisoa tsa Cree® li ntlafatsa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka mabone a akaretsang, matšoao le matšoao a elektroniki, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le li-inverters tsa letsatsi.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) e fana ka litharollo tsa theknoloji ea matla a tsosolositsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. E fana ka litharollo tsa LED tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a ka ntle le a ka hare, ho kenyelletsa le sebaka sa ho paka likoloi le mabone a seterateng, mabone a likhohola, mabone a sephethephethe, mabone a tlaase le a bulbs, mabone a fluorescent le mekhoa e tloaelehileng. Khamphani e boetse e rekisa li-turbine tsa moea tsa WePOWER vertical axis wind, ho kenyeletsoa li-turbine tsa moea tsa marang-rang le li-off-grid bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bolulo, tsa khoebo, tsa indasteri le tsa mmuso; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; le mekhoa ea mabone ea khoebo ea Skystream. Ho feta moo, e fana ka letoto la litharollo tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang, ho kenyelletsa thekiso, waranti, lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya le ho beha leihlo. Khampani e fana ka litšebeletso ho lik'hamphani tse ikemetseng, lik'hamphani tsa sechaba, mekhatlo ea 'muso, litsi tsa thuto le metse ea bolulo.
CRS Electronics Inc. (TSX: LED.V) ke moeta-pele oa 'maraka o ntseng o hōla, o hōlang ka potlako o sebetsang ka mokhoa o phahameng oa "LED") kapa oa solid-state lighting ("SSL"). Mesebetsi ea mantlha ea CRS Electronics e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele, ho etsa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa mabone a kahare, joalo ka mabone a khutlisetsoang a LED, mabone a temoso a kantle bakeng sa libese tsa sekolo, lisebelisoa tsa polokeho ea bana bakeng sa libese tsa sekolo, lisebelisoa tsa mabone a meralo ea LED, le tlhahiso ea OEM ea potoloho ea LED. Boards Amerika Leboea. Ho tloha 1998, e le moqapi oa tharollo ea LED, CRS Electronics Inc. e 'nile ea tsoela pele ho atolosa potefolio ea lihlahisoa tsa eona le karolo ea' maraka le balekane ba khoebo le bareki. KVIC Lighting™ le Lumenova™ ke mela e 'meli ea sehlahisoa e bonts'ang boitlamo ba CRS Electronics Inc. ho atoloseng.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Our wireless mesh network platform provides “last mile” connections between millions of devices and enterprise software. Marang-rang a Cyan a na le lisebelisoa tsa rona, joalo ka li-module tsa puisano le li-unit tsa concentrator tsa data, CyNet mesh network software, le sethala sa puisano sa ts'ebeliso bakeng sa kopanyo e felletseng ea sistimi. Ho phaella moo, re sebetsa le balekane ba rona ho fana ka ts'ehetso ea boemo ba pele le litšebeletso tsa ho amohela baeti, hammoho le "software e le tšebeletso" ho thusa ho rera le ho kopanya litharollo tsa rona. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). E nehetsoe ho limithara tsa motlakase 'me e ntlafalitsoe bakeng sa mefuta, puisano ea data, tšebelisano-'moho le ts'ireletso. CyLux ke tsamaiso ea mabone le tsamaiso ea Cyan ea boemo ba khoebo. E ka boloka motlakase o mongata ka ho ntlafatsa tsela ea ho laola, ho leka le ho laola matla a matla a sechaba.
Cyberlux Corporation (OTC: CYBL) ke moetsi oa lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, tse bolokang matla a solid-state lighting (SSL) tse kenyelletsang li-LED tse tsoang ho baetsi ba lihlahisoa tse ntlehali tsa lefatše tsa LED. Ntle le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tsa eona, Cyberlux e boetse e sebelisana le lik'hamphani tse hlokang hore re rale le ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa mabone ho tlatselletsa lihlahisoa tsa eona tse teng le lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa mabone ho ntlafatsa potefolio ea eona ea hajoale ea sehlahisoa.
Dialight plc (LSE: DIA.L) Sehlopha se kenyelletsa lihlopha tse latelang tsa khoebo: mabone ho finyella tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea tharollo ea mabone a pholosang matla libakeng tsa indasteri / tse kotsi; matšoao a koahelang sephethephethe, lipalangoang le matšoao a litšitiso; mme haholoholo ho elektroniki OEM e rekisa likarolo ho bontša boemo. Khampani e na le ntlo-kholo ea United Kingdom, e nang le libaka tsa khoebo Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Jeremane, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, UAE, United Kingdom le United States.
Diguang International Development Co., Ltd. (OTC: DGNG) is mainly engaged in the design, production and distribution of small and medium light emitting diodes and cold cathode fluorescent lamp backlights for large and medium-sized companies. E fana ka khanya ea morao-rao bakeng sa lipontšo tsa LCD lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, tse kang lipontšo tsa mebala bakeng sa liselefouno, lithelevishene tsa koloi le tsamaiso ea ho tsamaea, lik'hamera tsa digital, lithelevishene, lisebelisoa tsa k'homphieutha, lik'hamera, li-PDA, li-DVD, li-CD le libapali tsa MP3 / MP4, le lisebelisoa tsa lapeng, Hammoho le mabone a kahare le kantle le ts'ebeliso ea lapeng le ea ofisi. Khamphani e rekisa haholo lihlahisoa ho bareki ba Taiwan, Hong Kong, Amerika Leboea, Europe, Japane, Asia Boroa-bochabela le Mainland China.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) ke pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea sethaleng se bulehileng sa taolo ea marang-rang, ho fana ka "sechaba sa lisebelisoa" tse matla tsa indasteri ho moralo, ho kenya, ho beha leihlo le ho laola mabone, ho iketsetsa li-automation, Inthanete ea Lintho, le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri Lintho tsohle tse hlokahalang. Global related markets. E le karolo ea sethala sa Ezot ™, Echen o rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa lebone tlasa mofuta oa li-echelon Brand, hammoho le lihlahisoa tse ling tse amanang le tsona le li-iniota tse amanang le tsona. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon e thusa bareki ba eona ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso, ho ntlafatsa khotsofalo le tšireletseho, ho eketsa chelete e kenang, le ho sebetsa hamolemo limmarakeng tse teng le tse ntseng li hlaha.
Energy Focus Inc. (NasdaqCM: EFOI) is a leading provider of energy-saving LED lighting products and a developer of energy-saving lighting technology. Compared with traditional lighting, our LED lighting products can provide advantages in energy saving, aesthetics, safety and maintenance costs. Tšebelisano ea rona ea nako e telele le 'muso oa US e ntse e tsoela pele ho re thusa ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa mabone a LED a sebetsang hantle bakeng sa likepe tsa Sesole sa Metsing sa US le Lipalangoang tsa Sesole sa Metsing. Clients include US national, state and local government agencies and Fortune 500 companies as well as many other commercial and industrial clients. Ntlo-khōlō ea lefatše e Solon, Ohio, ’me liofisi tse ling li Washington, DC, New York City le Taiwan.
Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) e rala, e etsa le ho fana ka lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le theknoloji ea semiconductor ea thelefono ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a lisebelisoa tsa lapeng, ho nolofalletsa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mohala ho fana ka likarolo tse ncha tse ncha le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tsa indasteri. Our global business is supported by internal and external manufacturing and a flexible multi-source supply chain. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Litharollo tsa rona tsa semiconductor bakeng sa likoloi, mehala, mabone a LED le lits'ebetso tsa taolo ea matla li thusa bareki ba rona ho atleha letsatsi le letsatsi.
Forcefield Enehlety Forcefield Energy Per. le bathusi ba eona ba fana ka lihlahisoa le tharollo ea ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla Chaena le United States. E aba li-diode tse ntšang khanya le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa mabone a khoebo le lisebelisoa.
Heliospectra AB ADR (OTC: HLSPY; FirstNorth: HELIO) specializes in intelligent lighting technology for plant research and greenhouse cultivation. Sistimi ea mabone ea k'hamphani e kopanya lihlopha tse 'maloa tse fapaneng tsa li-light-emitting diode (LED) tse nang le lisebelisoa tsa optical, thekenoloji ea ho lemoha hole le litharollo tse matla tsa ho felisa mocheso ho fana ka theknoloji e sebetsang le e tšoarellang nako e telele bakeng sa temo ea sethopo le ea ka tlung. Setulo sena sa phepelo se lumella balemi ba ho laola botebo le leseli leo, ka ho etsa joalo ba etsa mefuta e fapaneng ea mefuta le kholo ea ho holisa photosynthesis. The complete, well-designed light produces crops that look better, taste better, and have a longer shelf life than those under HID lights. Theknoloji ena e ke ke ea fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla ka ho fihlela 50%, empa e boetse e thusa ho tsosa litšobotsi tsa kholo le ho ntlafatsa boleng ba limela. Melemo e meng e kenyelletsa tšilafalo e fokolang ea tšilafalo e fokotsehileng, e fokotsitseng mohopolo ka ho qoba ho hira ha setso sa hid / HPS. Lihlahisoa tsa Heliospectra li thehiloe kutloisisong e tebileng ea physiology ea limela le photosynthesis, hammoho le mokhoa o ikhethang o sebelisang theknoloji ea kajeno ea LED. Kamora lilemo tse ts'eletseng tsa nts'etsopele ea Sweden, k'hamphani e se e qalile ho hola 'marakeng oa machabeng. The company has raised more than US$21 million in funding and has received more than US$2.6 million through academic scholarships and grants. Theknoloji ea eona e shebileng pele le eona e hapile likhau tse ngata.
Infineon Technologies (eo pele e neng e le International Rectifier Company) (OTC: IFNNY; Frankfurt: IFX.F) ke moetapele oa lefats'e lefapheng la semiconductor. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. Ka Pherekhong 2015, Infineon e ile ea fumana K'hamphani ea Machaba ea Rectifier e thehiloeng US, e leng mofani ea ka sehloohong oa theknoloji ea taolo ea matla. International Rectifier Corporation (IR®) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa taolo ea matla. Baetsi ba ka sehloohong ba lik'homphieutha, lisebelisoa tse bolokang matla, mabone, likoloi, lisathelaete, lifofane, le lisebelisoa tsa ts'ireletso kaofela li itšetlehile ka litekanyetso tsa tsamaiso ea matla a IR ho matlafatsa lihlahisoa tsa bona tsa moloko o latelang.
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) ke opareitara ea marang-rang e se nang mohala le mofani oa lisebelisoa tsa software tse inehetseng ho Marang-rang a Lintho. Iota e rekisa litharollo tsa lekeno khafetsa tse ka ntlafatsang ts'ebeliso ea matla, ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea meaho ea khoebo le ea indasteri ka kotloloho kapa ka likamano tsa batho ba bang. Iota e boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa tlatsetso tsa bohlokoa ho khothaletsa ho amoheloa ha lits'ebeletso tsa eona tse thehiloeng ho ngoliso, ho kenyeletsoa letsatsi, mabone a LED le lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso ea HVAC.
LED International Holdings (LSE: LED.L) e kenya letsoho phanong ea litšebeletso tsa konteraka ea taolo ea matla (“likonteraka tsa EMC”) kapa litšebeletso tsa konteraka ea tšebetso ea matla, ho latela tseo Sehlopha se kenyang lihlahisoa tse baballang matla matlong a bareki ba sona, ho kenyeletsoa mabone le mabone. reactive filtering equipment The electricity is provided by the group, and then the customer saves the electricity bill, and then the electricity is shared by the group with the customer, so that the group generates recurring income instead of one-time sales income. , Ho hlahisa le ho rekisa lipontšo le li-module tse nang le matla a tlaase a khanyang a khanyang (LED).
Lighting Science Group Corporation (OTC: LSCG) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa tharollo ea mabone a LED a qapang, a hlahisang le ho bapatsa lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele tse bohlale bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bareki le tsa khoebo. We are committed to using light science to improve the lives and health of people and our planet by inventing breakthrough bio-friendly LED lights and lighting devices.
New Neon Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 1868.HK) ke moetsi e moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa mabone a khale le a khabisitsoeng a LED. Khampani e sebetsa khoebo ea mabone a khanyang a khanyang (LED), e sebetsanang le tlhahiso le ho aba lihlahisoa tsa mabone a khabiso a LED; LED general lighting lighting business unit, engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of LED general lighting lighting products; lefapha la mabone a mabone a incandescent, le sebetsanang le lihlahisoa tsa mabone a mabone a khantšang Karolo ea mabone a boithabiso e sebetsana le tlhahiso le kabo ea lihlahisoa tsa mabone a boithabiso, 'me likarolo tse ling kaofela li sebetsana le kabo ea lisebelisoa tsa lihlahisoa tsa mabone.
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa likarolo tse ncha tsa taolo ea matla bakeng sa limmaraka tsa komporo, bareki, indasteri, makoloi le likhokahano. Lihlahisoa li kenyelletsa mabone a akaretsang a LED, mabone a morao, taolo ea betri le taolo ea matla. O2Micro International has an extensive intellectual property portfolio, with 28,852 patent claims granted and more than 29,000 outstanding. Khamphani e na le liofisi lefatšeng ka bophara.
Li-otoyectronics tsaatcronics co. 2340.tw) Lihlahisoa tse ka sehloohong tsa k'hamphani li arotsoe ka mekhahlelo e meraro: lisebelisoa tse khanyang (LED), ho kenyelletsa le li-chips tsa LED le li-infrared light-emitting diode chips; photodetection diode components, including photodetection diode chips, photodetection semiconductor chips and high-power electronic components, and system products , Including LED information display, LED lighting system and LED car lights. It also provides LED package components. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li ajoa 'marakeng oa lapeng le mebarakeng ea mose ho maoatle ho kenyeletsoa Europe, Amerika le libaka tse ling tsa Asia.
Onion Energy Enertems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OEX) e hlahisa phetoho ea mealo ea khoebo le litsamaiso tse ntseng li phahama ka matla le tharollo ea mabone a ntlafalitsoeng. Orion e etsa le ho rekisa letoto la lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho kenyeletsoa mabone a boemo bo tiileng ba LED le mabone a phahameng a matla a fluorescent. Boholo ba li-inion tse fetang 100 li amana le lits'ebetso tse ntle tsa mabone, tse ka tlisang likarolo tsa lichelete, tse ka tlisang bareki ba bangata 'marakeng oa ho nchafatsa melemo ea ho nchafatsa melemo ea.
Photonstar LED Group (LSE: PSL.L) ke moqapi ea ka sehloohong le moetsi oa tharollo ea mabone a bohlale UK. Theknoloji ea thepa ea sehlopha Halcyon TM ke sethala sa mabone se hokahaneng se kenyelletsang lisebelisoa le software bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a LED a se nang mohala, a laoloang ke microprocessor-controlled retrofit, e ntlafalitsoeng bakeng sa ho boloka matla, morethetho oa circadian le lits'ebetso tsa data-centric .
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. Khampani ke pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea mekhoa ea matla ea IDG® e nang le mesebetsi e tsoetseng pele ea marang-rang e bohlale, ho kenyelletsa le bokhoni bo latelang: 1) Ho bolela esale pele tlhokahalo ea matla le ho sebelisa tsamaiso ea elektronike ho fana ka matla a sebetsang hantle le a tikoloho nakong ea lihora tse phahameng; 2) Fana ka lebaka la lisebelisoa tsa sechaba. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM: RVLT) is a leading LED lighting solutions company. We design, manufacture, sell and sell energy-efficient LED and conventional lighting solutions. Re na le matla a matla limmarakeng tsa indasteri, tsa khoebo le tsa mmuso United States, Canada le lefats'e ka bophara. Revolution Lighting e thehile k'hamphani ea mabone e nang le mefuta e mengata e fanang ka sethala sa lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo ba mabone a LED a kahare le kantle, e shebane le 'maraka o ntseng o tsoela pele oa tharollo ea mabone a LED. Revolution Lighting markets and distributes its products through a network of independent sales representatives and distributors, as well as energy-saving companies, national accounts and its wholly-owned subsidiary Value Lighting. Value Lighting is a leading supplier of lighting solutions for multi-family homes and new residential buildings. Mefuta e meng ea 'maraka ea RVLT e kenyelletsa Lumificient, e fanang ka mabone a LED bakeng sa indasteri ea lipontšo. Le Sentinel, e leng mokhoa oa phetoho o nang le tokelo ea molao le o nang le laesense le taolo e bohlale ea grid e loketseng lits'ebetso tsa mabone a kantle. Revolution Lighting e amoheloa e le k'hamphani ea 2014 ea Deloitte High-Tech High-Growth 500.
Royal Philips Electronics NV (NYSE: PHG) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji e fapaneng e ikemiselitseng ho ntlafatsa maphelo a batho ka boqapi bo nang le morero litabeng tsa bophelo bo botle, mokhoa oa bophelo oa bareki le mabone. Khampani ke moeta-pele litabeng tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle ba pelo, tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle ba tšohanyetso le malapeng, tharollo ea mabone a pholosang matla le lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa mabone, hammoho le ho kuta le botle ba banna, le tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle ba molomo.
Rubicon Technology Inc. (NasdaqGS: RBCN) ke mofani oa thepa ea elektronike e tsoetseng pele e tsoetseng pele e sebetsanang le sapphire e le 'ngoe ea kristale bakeng sa diode tse khanyang (LED), lisebelisoa tsa optical le lisebelisoa tse khethehileng tsa elektronike. Rubicon e na le sethala sa thekenoloji le boiphihlelo bo ke keng ba lekanngoa, ho tloha ho lokisoeng ha alumina ho isa kholong le tlhahisong ea likristale tsa safire, ho isa liphaepheng tse kholo tsa sapphire tse nang le bophara bo boholo le li-substrates tsa sapphire (PSS), tse nolofalletsang Rubicon ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le tse nepahetseng. .
SavWatt USA, Inc. (OTC: SAVW) e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele ea mekhoa e mecha, e bolokang matla le e theko e tlaase ea mabone a LED. Ka ho fana ka litsamaiso tsa mabone a LED a tlatselitsoeng ka boleng, ka sepheo se ikhethileng, re ka fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa matla haholo le ho fokotsa sebaka sa rona sa lefats'e sa khabone. SavWatt e etella pele phetoho ea mabone a LED mme e itokisetsa ho felisoa ha mabone a incandescent. Mohala oa sehlahisoa oa SavWatt o kenyelletsa mabone a LED, li-bulbs, mabone a seterateng le mabone a ho paka.
Seoul Semiconductor Company, Ltd. (SSC) (Korea: 046890.KQ) produces and packages various light-emitting diodes (LEDs) used in the automotive, general lighting, electrical appliances, signage and backlighting markets. The company is the fifth largest LED supplier in the world, with more than 10,000 patents worldwide, and provides a wide range of LEDs in the fields of “nPola”, deep ultraviolet LED, and “Acrich” (the world's first commercially produced direct lighting ) Theknoloji le matla a tlhahiso. Ac Td le "Acrich MJT-Munction Trighteri ea" Propring Trights New-voltage.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Ho tloha ha e thehwa ka 2010, GO Energy Group e kopantse ka potlako maemo a yona a tshiya lepaleng la naha la eneji e ka ntjhafatswang mme e fihlelle katleho le kgolo e kgolo. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Ha re sebelisa buka ea rona ea Co2Bardbikeng, re fetohile bahoebi ba setifikeiti sa Machaba, 'me ka nako e tšoanang ba fana ka tharollo e bohlale, e ka khonehang ea ho ea matlafatso ea matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo ho sebetsana le litšenyehelo tsa matla a khoebo. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Solis Tek Inc. (OTC: SLTK) is an importer, distributor and marketer of digital lighting equipment for the hydroponics industry, focusing on the research, design, development and manufacturing of advanced, energy-saving indoor/greenhouse gardening lighting and auxiliary equipment . By using some of its proprietary technologies, the company provides innovative intelligence through its ballast, reflector and lamp products. Pono ea rona ke ho sebelisa tsoelo-pele ea morao-rao ka mabone a sebetsang le theknoloji e sebetsang le ea Thekoang ea limela ka litheko tsa tlholisano. The company's customers include retail stores, distributors and commercial growers in the United States and abroad.
Stanley Electric (TYO: 6923.T; OTC: STAEF) produces automotive lighting equipment and electronic components. It operates in the automotive equipment business, electronic parts business, and applied electronic product business units. Lefapha la khoebo ea thepa ea likoloi le fana ka lihlahisoa tsa thepa ea likoloi, ho kenyelletsa le mabone a ka morao, mabone a kopantsoeng ka morao, mabone a marang-rang a phahameng, mabone a moholi, li-bulbs tsa likoloi, lihlahisoa tse amanang le HID, joalo-joalo Lefapha la khoebo la likarolo tsa elektronike le fana ka likarolo tsa elektronike, tse kang LED, infrared LED. mabone le lihlahisoa tsa elektronike tse sebelisoang, ho kenyelletsa lihlahisoa tsa mabone a LED, li-backlights tsa LCD, LCD flashes, lik'hamera, lisebelisoa tse sebetsang, joalo-joalo Khampani e boetse e fana ka mabone a LED bakeng sa lithuthuthu le likoloi. 3D e hatisitsoeng boto ea potoloho. E ne e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona ho lik'hamphani tsa likoloi le lik'hamphani tsa motlakase, hammoho le lisosa tsa likoloi tsa motlakase haholo Japane, Amerika, Europe, Asia Pacifike.
Toyoda Gosei Co. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; functional components, including fuel tank module components, power transmission system parts, and chassis and transmission systems Parts; internal and external parts; and safety system products, such as airbags, steering wheels, etc. The company also provides solar LED and deep ultraviolet light source modules; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights
Transportation Technology Limited (ASX: TTI.AX) ke k'hamphani e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea lipalangoang ea Australia, e ikemiselitseng ho fana ka litharollo tse ncha le tse baballang indasteri ea lipalangoang. Traffic Technologies e thehiloe ka 2004 mme e thathamisitsoe ho Australian Stock Exchange ka 2005. Ka likarolo tsa eona tse peli, Technology Products le Signage Division, e hapile botumo bo botle liindastering tse hlokang. Sistimi ea mabone ea LED ea Aldridge
Trans-lux Corporation (OTC: TNLX) ke moqapi le moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa TL Vision digital video displays le TL Energy LED mabone tharollo. Its products are suitable for financial, sports and entertainment, gaming, education, government and commercial markets. Ka sistimi e felletseng ea skrineng e kholo ea LED, ponts'o ea phanele ea LCD, lebota la data le boardboard (e rekisoang ke Trans-Lux tlasa Fair-Play), Trans-Lux e fana ka tharollo e felletseng ea ponts'o ea video e loketseng litlhoko tsa ponts'o tsa kahare le kantle tsa sebaka sefe kapa sefe. TL Energy e thusa mekhatlo ho fokotsa haholo litšenyehelo tse amanang le matla ka tharollo ea mabone a matala.
Universal Display Corporation (NasdaqGS: OLED) ke moetapele oa nts'etsopele le phano ea theknoloji e tsoetseng pele haholo ea organic emitting diode (OLED), lisebelisoa le lits'ebeletso ho indasteri ea lipontšo le mabone. Khampani e thehiloe ka 1994 'me hajoale e na le litokelo tse khethehileng kapa e na le litokelo tse ikhethileng, litokelo tse ikhethileng tse kopaneng kapa litokelo tse le 'ngoe tsa laesense lefatšeng ka bophara, tse kenyelletsang litokelo tse fetang 3,500 tse fanoeng le tse ntseng li emetse. Universal Display e fana ka laesense ea mahlale a eona a thepa, ho kenyeletsoa katleho ea eona ea theknoloji ea OLED e sebetsang hantle haholo ea UniversalPHOLED® phosphorescent, e thusang nts'etsopele ea lipontšo le mabone a se nang matla a tlase le tikoloho. Khampani e boetse e hlahisa le ho fana ka lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng, tsa morao-rao tsa UniversalPHOLED, tse nkoang e le lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tsa ho etsa li-OLED tse nang le ts'ebetso e ntle ka ho fetisisa. Ho feta moo, Universal Display e boetse e fana ka litharollo tse ncha le tse ikhethileng ho bareki le balekane ba eona ka phetisetso ea theknoloji, nts'etsopele ea tšebelisano ea theknoloji le koetliso ea sebaka sa marang-rang. Universal Display e na le ntlo-kholo Ewing, New Jersey, e na le liofisi tsa machaba Ireland, Korea Boroa, Hong Kong, Japane le Taiwan, 'me e sebelisana le marang-rang a mekhatlo ea maemo a lefatše.
Zhejiang Yangkang Group Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600261.SS) ke khamphani ea ntlo-kholo ea Chaena, e sebetsanang haholo le nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le kabo ea lisebelisoa tsa mabone. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa mabone a kopantsoeng a elektronike a bolokang matla a motlakase, mabone a T5 a matla a phahameng a pholosang matla a motlakase le lisebelisoa tse amanang le tsona, mabone a khethehileng, lisebelisoa tsa ho bonesa tse khanyang (LED) joalo-joalo. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li ajoa limmarakeng tsa malapeng le linaheng tse ling, ho akarelletsa le Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Asia and other regions.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Tse ling tsa theknoloji ena li kenyelletsa mafura a mang a ka nchafatsoang, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng, libeteri tsa lithium tse tsoetseng pele tsa graphene le likoloi tse theko e tlase tsa carbon fiber. 2050 Automotive e atlehile ho theha litšebelisano tsa nako e telele le likonteraka tse ikhethileng bakeng sa mahlale a fapaneng a ho fetola lipapali. 2050 Motor Company e fihletse tumellano le Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., e Profinseng ea Jiangsu, Chaena, ho aba mofuta o mocha oa koloi ea motlakase e bitsoang e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) United States. Lefatšeng le lulang le fetoha la likoloi tsa motlakase, e-Go EV ke mohopolo o mocha oa phetoho. Ena e tla ba eona feela koloi ea motlakase e nang le 'mele oa carbon fiber le likarolo. Mohala oa tlhahiso o tla sebelisa mechini ea liroboto ho etsa lits'ebetso tse ncha ka lits'ebetso tse ncha, ka hona ho fokotsa haholo nako ea tlhahiso le litšenyehelo tsa likarolo tsa carbon fiber. Koloi ea motlakase ea e-Go e ka nka bapalami ba bane, e na le bophelo bo bolelele ba betri, 'me kaha koloi e bobebe, boemo ba matla a ho khanna teropong bo phahame ho feta 150+ MPG-E. Carbon fiber luxury sedan sedan Ibis EV, e leng moholoane oa e-Go, le eona e tla hlahisoa haufi le e-Go EV bakeng sa thekiso ea nako e tlang United States.
92 Resources Corp. (TSXV: NTY.V; OTCQB: RGDCF; FSE: R9G2) ke k'hamphani ea sejoale-joale ea tharollo ea matla e shebaneng le ho fumana le ho khothaletsa merero ea maano le e ka bang teng ea sejoale-joale e amanang le matla. Hona joale k'hamphani e na le thepa e tšeletseng Canada 'me e na le thepa e meraro ea mantlha: Thepa ea Hidden Lake Lithium e Northwest Lake District, Corvette Lithium ea QC le thepa ea Golden Frac Sand e British Columbia.
Aberdeen International (TSX: AAB.TO; OTC: AABVF) ke motseteli oa lichelete tsa poraefete le moeletsi ea tsepamisitseng maikutlo holim'a indasteri ea merafo le mehloli ea tlhaho ea lefats'e. Peeletso ya ntlha ya Aberdeen mo Afrika Thunder Platinum ke motlhagisi wa tshipi wa polatinamo wa tlhwatlhwa e e kwa tlase kwa Bushveld Complex e e tumileng mo Aforika Borwa. Aberdeen e tla tsoela pele ho eketsa matsete a eona a matsete a liminerale ka ho fumana projeke e ntle ea Diabllillos lithium naheng ea Argentina.
Technology ea Battery e tsoetseng pele ea Battery Co - Ltd. Abat e na le li-subridear tse tharo tsa ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tsa habin, China, le etsa moralo oa thepa ea polymer Lithium ion (Pli) lihlahisoa tse amanang le motlakase.
Advantage Lithium Corp. (TSX: AAL.V) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa e sebetsanang le maqheka a ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea lithium, e nang le ntlo-khōlō Vancouver, British Columbia. Khampani e saenetse lengolo la sepheo le mohlahisi oa lithium Orocobre ho fumana karolo ea 100% mererong e mehlano ea Argentina le karolo ea 75% ea morero oa botšelela o bitsoang Cauchari. Cauchari e na le lisebelisoa tse haufi-ufi tsa lithane tse 470,000 tsa lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) le lithane tse limilione tse 1.62 tsa manyolo a potash (KCL). Lipakane tsa lipatlisiso tse kholo ke 5.6mt ho 0.25mt LCE le 19mt ho 0.9KCL. Cauchari e fumaneha feela lik'hilomithara tse 20 feela tse 20 tsa lipalesa tsa Orocozbbreobraz 1 Khamphani e boetse e amohetse matsete ho tsoa ho Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp., e leng photefolio ea merero e mehlano ea lithium brine Clayton le Lida Valley, Nevada, eo 70% ea eona e leng Clayton NE. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fumane 100% ea projeke ea Stella Marys lithium brine, e haufi le morero oa Salinas Grandes o Orocobre, o fumanehang morafong oa li-triangular oa lithium Argentina, o kentseng lisebelisoa tse haufi le bokaholimo.
AJN Resources Inc. (CSE: AJN) ke khamphani ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele e thehiloeng ka morero oa ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea lisebelisoa tsa lithium tlas'a maemo a tiisitsoeng le a ka khonehang. Re fumana le ho nts'etsapele thepa e nang le bokhoni bo netefalitsoeng. The management and directors of AJN have more than 75 years of collective industry experience and are very successful in exploration, financing, and development of major mines around the world.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) e shebane le ho fana ka litharollo tse fapaneng tsa polokelo ea matla e tšoarellang tikolohong bakeng sa mebaraka e shebiloeng, ho kenyeletsoa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa bareki le lits'ebetso tsa sesole. Sehlopha sa pele ke lithuthuthu tse tsamaisoang ke libeteri tsa lithium, tse lateloang ke lithuthuthu. ALYI hape e sa tsoa hira moprofesa oa Univesithi ea Clarkson David Mitlin ho etella pele lenaneo la ho boloka matla a cannabis. Mitlin o ile a sebelisa hemp ka katleho (fiber e setseng ea hemp) ho etsa li-nanosheet tsa khabone, tse ka qothisanang lehlokoa le li-graphene nanosheets tse betere le ho feta li-supercapacitor likarolong tse ling. Mitlin e amohetse patent ea US bakeng sa theknoloji ea eona ea polokelo ea matla ea cannabis.
Altura Mining Limited (ASX: AJM.AX) ke sebapali se seholo 'marakeng oa lefats'e oa lithium mme e nka monyetla oa tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea lisebelisoa tse tala tsa lithium-ion bakeng sa ho etsa likoloi tsa motlakase le polokelo e tsitsitseng. Addra e na le mosebetsi oa maemo a leholimo a tsoang sebakeng sa Worlder Khamphani e phethile thuto ea ho khetholloa ho holisa bokhoni ba ho hlahisoa ke 440,000, mme ba etsa qeto ea ho litela pele kamora ho hlahloba mosebetsi oa pele mme o eketsa tlhahiso ea lebitso la pele.
Ariana Resources plc (LSE: AAU.L) ke k'hamphani e etelletseng pele ea lipatlisiso, nts'etsopele le tlhahiso e shebaneng le Turkey hajoale. Sepheo sa k'hamphani ke ho fumana mekhoa e meholo ea liminerale haholo-holo profinseng ea Western Anatolian Volcano le Extension Zone (WAVE) ka bophirimela ho Turkey. Profinse ena e na le morafo o moholo ka ho fetisisa oa khauta o sebetsang Turkey, 'me ho sibolloa ha li-porphyry le li-hyperthermal deposits ho ntse ho e-na le litebello tse phahameng. Profinseng, Ariana o na le morero o le mong oa tsoelo-pele e tsoetseng pele (Morero o Mofubelu oa Rabbit) le merero e meng e 'meli e tsoetseng pele ea ho hlahloba (Ivrindi le Demirci). The area around the project is called the WAVE project area. Ho tsamaisana le leano la rona la nts'etsopele ea lisebelisoa le lipatlisiso karolong e ka bophirimela ea Turkey, Ariana o ile a theha khoebo e kopanetsoeng le potefolio ea eona ea ho hlahloba ka leboea-bochabela ho Turkey ho theha Eldorado Gold Corp. (Eldorado Gold Corp.). Ariana hape ke mothehi oa mothehi oa Royal Road Minerals (Jersey), e shebaneng le tlhahlobo ea khauta / koporo le Asgard Metals (e fumanehang Australia) e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho hlahlobisisong ea tšepe ea tekheniki (lithium). Khamphani e boetse e tsoela pele ho lekola menyetla e mecha ea ho fumana kapa ea kopanelo Turkey kapa kae kapa kae.
Ashburton Ventures Inc. (TSX: ABR.V) ke k'hamphani e nyenyane ea lipatlisiso e batlang ka mafolofolo menyetla ea liminerale le matla molemong oa bohle ba amehang. Hona joale Ashburton o ntse a sebetsa mererong e 'meli British Columbia, ho akarelletsa le morafo oa lithium le morafo oa koporo.
Avalon Advanced Lisebelisoa Inc. (OTC: AVLNF; TsX technologies. The demand continues to grow. The company has three advanced stage projects all with 100% ownership, providing investors with investments in lithium, tin and indium, as well as rare earth elements, tantalum, niobium and zirconium. Angolon hajoale e shebane hantle le projeke ea lithium tsa lithium tsa lithium e neng e le Kenora, Ontario, le Eastmouth Kemmouth, New South Wales Social responsibility and environmental management are the cornerstones of the company.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa malapeng le tsa khoebo, litsamaiso tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa ho boloka betri ea lithium. Re boetse re rala litharollo tsa sistimi ea ho khanna ka motlakase bakeng sa baetsi ba literaka le libese lefatšeng ka bophara. Balqon Corporation e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso le tsa R&D Seaport, California, 'me e sebetsa le balekane ba lehae ba tlhahiso ho etsa libese le literaka tsa motlakase Europe, India le China.
Bearing Lithium Corp. (TSX: BRZ.V) ke khamphani ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale e shebaneng haholo le lithium. Letlotlo la eona le ka sehloohong ke phaello ea 17.7% morerong oa Chile oa Maricunga oa lithium brine. Morero oa Maricunga ke o mong oa matsoai a phahameng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng a lithium brine ebile ke morero o le mong feela oa tlhahiso ea pele ho Chile.
Canada Orenodies Inc. (Tsx: Co.v) ke k'hamphani ea Phatlalatso ea Canada e nang le li-portfolios tsa Canada tse nang le li-portsfolios tsa matlo le Nunavut le Ontario. Merero e kenyelletsa tšepe ea tšepe, khauta, lithium le liminerale tse sa tloaelehang tsa tšepe.
Champion Bear Resources Limited (TSX: CBA.V) ke k'hamphani ea Canada ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale e sebetsanang ka ho khetheha le libaka tsa nalane tsa Ontario. Sepheo se seholo sa k'hamphani ke litšepe tsa sehlopha sa platinum, le ho isa tekanyong e fokolang ea khauta, polymetallic le li-deposit tsa tšepe tse sa tloaelehang. Lithium: li-rapids tse arohaneng
Chimata Gold Corp. (TSX: CAT.V; CSE: CAT) is a Canadian company founded in 2010 and headquartered in Vancouver, Biltis. Chimata e sebetsana le phumano, lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale Canada le kantle ho naha (eo hajoale e leng Zimbabwe). The current focus is on the proposed exploration plan for the BAM mineral and Troilus North minerals, and the development of potential lithium minerals and assets in Zimbabwe located at the Kamativi Tin mine. Chimata o tsoela pele ho tseba le ho fumana lithahasello tsa thepa e 'ngoe, le ho ithuta le ho lekola lilekane tsa eona, ha li ntse li hlokomela lilekane tsa eona, likepe tse kopaneng.
China Bak Battery Co., Ltd. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa le likoloi tsa motlakase, joalo ka likoloi tsa motlakase, libese tsa motlakase, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng le libese; Likoloi tsa motlakase tse bobebe, joalo ka libaesekele tsa motlakase, meto ea motlakase le ho bona likoloi; le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla, le phepelo ea motlakase ea Nako le nako le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla a phahameng.
Clean Commodities Company (TSX: CLE.V) ke k'hamphani ea liphuputso e nang le pokello ea thepa e fapaneng e hloekileng e kenyelletsang merero ea lithium, uranium le PGE.
Limohelo tse nyarosang tsa li-corporation (TSX: CRE.V) ke k'hamphani ea meepo e nyane mohatong oa ho hlahloba. Morero oa eona oa pele oa "lithium tantalum tantalum" o fumaneha Quebec, 'me o na le phihlello ea setšeng ea lits'ebetso tse kang likhoele tsa motlakase, litsela, boema-fofane, literene le likampo.
Cypress Development Corp. (TSX: CYP.V) ke k'hamphani ea lipatlisiso ea lithium-zinc-zinc-silevera e nts'etsang merero Nevada, USA.
Khamphani ea Daikin Revirts (TSX: Dji.v) ke k'hamphani ea ho ithuta ka makhetlo a 100% sebakeng sa 2000 le ka boron. Daikin e fihlile tumellano ea khetho e nang le k'hamphani ea bophahamo ba letsatsi (TsX-V: SSI) ho hlahloba sebaka sa bona sa matša a Etheum Valley hole. . Daikin le eena o na le thahasello ea 100% profinseng ea bochaba, e leng Argenssion, e neng e fumanoe libakeng tseo ho nang le mabota a tsebahalang, lithium le borena ea borena li fumanehang. Litumellano tsena li fumaneha Salinas Grandes/Guayatoque Salt Lake Basin, haufi le litumellano tsa Orocobre Limited (ORL-T: TSX) ka tšebelisano-'moho le Toyota Tsusho. Haufinyane tjena Dajin o fihletse tumellano le sechaba sa Tres Morres ho hlahloba litumellano tsa San Jose le Navidad ka har'a mekhoabo ea letsoai ea Salinas Grandes.
E3 METALS CORP. (TSXV: ETMC) (OTC: EEMMF) is a lithium company that develops an inferred mineral resource of 6.7 Mt LCE in Alberta. Ka ho amohela tšebetso ea eona ea maiketsetso ea li-lithium, e3 merero ea ho beha ka potlako le lithium hydroxide e phahameng ka potlako E3Metals Corp e kopanya lisebelisoa tse ngata le litharollo tse nepahetseng tsa tekheniki mme e na le monyetla oa ho tlisa lihlahisoa tsa lithium 'marakeng. E 'ngoe ea li-souridiation tse ntlehali lefatšeng. Letamo la rona le lengata la Leduc le na le brine e ngata ea lithium 'me ho fihlela hajoale e se e entse 'mapa oa lithane tse limilione tse 6.7 tsa mehloli ea liminerale e hlahisitsoeng ke LCE. Alberta, nts'etsopele ea mohloli ona ka lebaka la ho senya litšila ke ketsahalo e kholo ea metsi, 'me metsi ana a letsoai a ntse a hlahisoa ka bongata ba oli le khasefale. Le hoja li-lithium brines le hydrocarbon li ikhetha, letamo la Leduc le ka ts'ehetsa tlhahiso e nyane ea brine e hlahisoang ke metsi a mang, ka seliba se khonang ho tlisa 10,000 m3 / letsatsi (115 L/s) holimo. Tekanyetso e tloaelehileng le e sa fetoheng ea theknoloji ea e3 ion Ka nako e ts'oanang, 99% ea litšila le tekanyo e tloaelehileng ea ho hlaphoheloa ea 90% e tlosoa, e hlahisang thepa e tala e tsitsitseng e ka 'nang ea sebetsoa ka ho toba ka theknoloji e tloaelehileng ea tlhahiso ea lithium ho hlahisa bohloeki bo phahameng ba lithium hydroxide (LiOH∙H2O) . Morero oa k'hamphani ke ho fana ka lisebelisoa tse 10 000 tsa selemo / selemo sa ho sebetsana le litlolo tse 2022 'me u tsoelepele ho hola le li-tonkeng tse 50 000.
Edison Cobalt Corp (TSX: EDDY.V) ke k'hamphani e nyane ea ho hlahloba merafo e thehiloeng Canada e shebaneng le ho reka, ho lekola le nts'etsopele ea cobalt, lithium le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla. Leano la ho reka la Edison Cobalt le tsepamisitse maikutlo tabeng ea ho fumana liminerale tsa theko e tlaase, tse bolokang chelete e ngata le tse nkoang e le tsa bohlokoa haholo libakeng tse nang le bokhoni bo netefalitsoeng ba jeoloji.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) ke khamphani e nang le laesense e ikemiselitseng ho nka monyetla oa tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tse latelang: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel le koporo. Khothaletsa phepelo ea motlakase (likoloi, libeteri tse nchafatsoang, polokelo e kholo ea matla, phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang le lits'ebetso tse ling). Lithekiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, matla a tlhahiso ea betri le tlhahiso ea matla a tsoang ho matla a tsosolositsoeng li lebelletsoe ho eketseha haholo lilemong tse 'maloa tse tlang, kahoo tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsena tse reriloeng e tla eketseha ka nepo. Sena se hlahisa monyetla o ikhethang oa ho tsetela le ho fumana meputso merafong le mererong e tla fana ka lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa phetolo ea motlakase. Ntle le sethala sa sehlahisoa sa Globex, lengolo la sepheo sa ho sebelisa franchise ea motlakase lea tlama. Ho na le mefuta e 6 ea li-royalty. Ts'ebetso e ipapisitse le ho phethahala ha maemo (ho kenyeletsoa tumello ea taolo). Moralo oa litefiso tsa motlakase o tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ho fumaneng meputso methating e tsoetseng pele le merero ea ts'ebetso ho aha sethala sa matsete se fapaneng libakeng tse nang le likotsi tse tlase tsa tikoloho.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) e etsa meralo, e hlahisa le ho etsa li-betri tsa lithium-ion super polymer 2.0 (R) tsa thepa, lisebelisoa tsa betri le lihlahisoa tse amanang le betri bakeng sa polokelo ea matla, lipalangoang tse hloekileng tsa motlakase le lisebelisoa tse ling tse khethehileng . Electrovaya, ka setsi sa eona sa tlatsetso sa Litarion GmbH, e boetse e hlahisa li-electrode le SEPARION(TM) karohano ea ceramic, e nang le matla a tlhahiso a ka bang 500MWh ka selemo. Electrovaya ke k'hamphani e shebaneng le theknoloji e sireletsang theknoloji ea eona ka sehlopha se kopaneng sa Canada le Jeremane se nang le litokelo tsa molao tse ka bang 500. Electrovaya e na le ntlo-khōlō Ontario, Canada, e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso Canada le Jeremane, 'me e na le bareki lefatšeng ka bophara.
Netefatsa IPC (OTC: EIPC) e matsa le ho fumana mangolo a macha a batho ba United States. Li-nanostructures tsa eona li ka sebelisoa ka libeteri tse nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse fokolang matla, hammoho le li-betri tse nyenyane lifiliming tse nyenyane haholo. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Li-nanoparticles le nanoparticles tse sebelisoang lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea matla tse kang li-supercapacitor le lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enertopia Corporation (CSE: TOP; OTCQB: ENRT) e ikemiselitse ho sebelisa theknoloji ea sejoale-joale ho aha boleng ba beng ba kabelo. Enertopia e sebetsa ka thata ho theha mohloli oa lithium, 'me ka nako e ts'oanang e ikemiselitse ho ntša lithium ho tloha tharollo ea eona ea maiketsetso ea brine ka ho sebelisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea indasteri. Mokhatlo oa Enertia ke k'hamphani ea ho ithuta le ho fumana theknoloji e tsoang ho brine ka brayton, Nevada, Danda le Texas. The Steve Placer mine claims to be located near the Silver Peak lithium brine mine in Albemarle.
Far Resources Ltd. (CSE: FAT) ke khamphani ea lipatlisiso e rekisoang phatlalatsa ho Canadian Stock Exchange tlas'a letšoao la ticker FAT, e ikemiselitseng ho khetholla le ho hlahisa menyetla e phahameng ea liminerale sebakeng se tsitsitseng. Yuan Resources e ka fumana kapa ea khetha litšobotsi tsa boleng ho fihlela sepheo sa eona sa hajoale, e leng ho fumana, ho ntšetsa pele le ho lokolla menyetla ea menyetla ena ea liminerale. Far Resources hajoale e na le merero e 'meli ea liminerale. Morero oa Zoro Lithium o akaretsa li-depositi tse ngata tse tsebahalang tsa lithium pegmatite mme o haufi le Snow Lake ho MB. Manitoba e behiloe maemong a bobeli a matla a matsete a merafo lefatšeng ke Fraser Institute. Morero oa bobeli ke Morero oa Winston o New Mexico, USA, e leng letlotlo le leng la nalane la morafo le nang le bokhoni ba silevera le khauta. New Mexico e boetse e kenyelelitsoe lethathamong la Fraser Institute, e behiloe har'a libaka tse 25 tse holimo tsa merafo lefatšeng.
Fengfan Company (Shanghai: 600482.SS) is a company headquartered in China, mainly engaged in battery research, development, manufacturing and distribution. Lihlahisoa tsa mantlha tsa k'hamphani ke libeteri, ho kenyelletsa letoto la mocheso o tlase, letoto la tlhokomelo e tlase, letoto la SAIL, letoto la likoloi tsa motlakase, letoto la likepe, letoto la mahala la tlhokomelo le letoto le felletseng, joalo ka libeteri tsa lead-acid, libeteri tsa lithuthuthu, libeteri tsa indasteri. Libetri le libeteri tsa lithium-ion, joalo-joalo Ho phaella moo, e boetse e ameha tlhahisong le ho ajoa ha lihlahisoa tsa alloy lead, casings betri le separators.
Tokomane ea pele ea litoropo tsa pele ea litopo. (OTC: FLPC Matla a tokoloho ea pele a ipapisitse le mokhoa o reriloeng ho bula setlanka le nts'etsopele ea ts'ebetso ea k'hamphani ea k'hamphani le ea ts'ebetso. Morero oa Khamphani ke ho tlisa liminerale 'marakeng ha o ntse o netefatsa polokeho ea Bad, botšepehi ba tikoloho le taolo e ntle ea tikoloho. Lenaneo la litokisetso tsa FLPC le bonts'oa ka botlalo tseleng ea bona ea ho tsoela pele, e leng batseteli le batseteli le balekane ba litaba le tsoelo-pele ea k'hamphani le tsoelo-pele. Potefolio ya hajwale ya sehlahisoa sa diminerale sa First Liberty Power se kenyeletsa antimone, gauta le diporojeke tse ding tsa leano la tshepe le thepa. First Liberty Power hajoale e ntse e hlahloba menyetla ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele bakeng sa merafo e 'meli ea lithium Nevada le libaka tse ling tse ka tsekoang sebakeng se le seng sa jeoloji.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) e hlahisa le ho rekisa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea ho boloka matla a lithium-ion ("betri") ho latela mokhoa oa eona oa tsamaiso ea betri (BMS) le boenjiniere ba ka hare le sehlahisoa sa lihlahisoa. Ha ho bapisoa le litharollo tsa setso, litharollo tsa polokelo ea Flux li ka fana ka ts'ebetso e phahameng, bophelo bo bolelele ba ts'ebeletso le phaello e kholo ea matsete. Flux e rekisa lihlahisoa ka kotloloho ka kamano e ntseng e hola ea kabo. Lihlahisoa li kenyelletsa lipakete tse tsoetseng pele tsa betri bakeng sa matla a lisebelisoa tsa ho phahamisa, li-tugboats le limmaraka tsa ho hula le liroboto, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse nkehang bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa sesole le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse emeng bakeng sa polokelo ea marang-rang.
Frontier Lithium Inc. (TSX: FL.V) e ikemiselitse ho ba mohlahisi oa lithium le tantalum ea theko e tlaase, e kopantsoeng ka ho feletseng ka ho hlahisa PAK lithium deposit Ontario, Canada. Frontier e boloka sebopeho se haufi, 'me beng ba tsamaiso ba feta 30% ea k'hamphani. Ho tloha 2013 ho ea ho 2017, lidolara tse limilione tse 4,5 tsa Canada tsa mosebetsi oa ho hlahloba li ile tsa etsoa ka deposit, e khetholloang ke lithium e sa tloaelehang, e hloekileng, e tlaase ea tšepe e spodumene. E le ho qoba phokotso e sa hlokahaleng ea tekano, k'hamphani e nkile mokhoa oa ho hola ka mekhahlelo oa boithuto le nts'etsopele, e leng morero oa leano la k'hamphani. Mmaraka oa pele o reriloeng ke indasteri ea ceramic ea likhalase, e jang hoo e ka bang karolo ea boraro ea phepelo ea lefats'e ea lithium 'me hajoale e maemong a ikemetseng. Ntle le moo, bahlahisi ba ka sehloohong ba lithium ba ntse ba eketsa tlhahiso ea bona ho ts'ehetsa tlhahiso ea betri.
Galan Lithium Limited (ASX: GLN.AX) is an Australian mineral exploration company established to create shareholder wealth by identifying, acquiring and/or developing mineral projects. Morero oa k'hamphani o sebakeng sa Amerika Boroa sa lithium triangle sa Hombre Muerto Basin, e leng e 'ngoe ea mekhoabo ea letsoai ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa le e hlahisang Argentina le lefats'e. Joalo ka ha bohle re tseba, lintho tse sa hloekang tsa beisine ena ke tse tlase ho fetisisa har'a tsohle tsa Salars tse hlahisoang Argentina, 'me e se e hlahisitsoe ka lilemo tse fetang 20.
Galaxy Resources (ASX: GXY.AX), k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa e shebaneng le lithium, e hlahloba le ho hlahisa liminerale tsa lithium carbonate. Morero oa mantlha oa k'hamphani ke projeke ea Sal de Vida lithium le potash brine naheng ea Argentina. E boetse e na le lithahasello tsa morafo oa lithaba oa Cattlin Spodumene Australia Bophirimela; le morero oa James Bay lithium pegmatite Quebec, Canada.
Glen Eagle Resources Inc. (TSX: GER.V) e sebetsana le ho fumana, ho hlahloba, ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea merafo Canada. The company has an interest in the Authier lithium project in La Motte, Quebec. U ka khetha ho reka li-phosphates tsa Moose Lake le Lac Lisette tse Lac St-Jean, Quebec. E boetse e thahasella Nicaragua le Honduras.
Global Lithium Ion Graphite Company (CSE: LION) e ikemiselitse ho ba morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa graphite bakeng sa indasteri ea betri ea lithium ion e ntseng e hola ka potlako-ho kenyeletsoa semela se seholo sa Gigafactory sa Tesla se Nevada le limela tse ling tse reretsoeng ho buloa lefatšeng ka bophara.
Global X Lithium and Battery Technology ETF (NYSEArca: LIT) Letsete lena le batla ho fana ka liphetho tsa matsete tse tsamaellanang ka kakaretso le ts'ebetso ea theko le meputso (ho sa kenyeletsoe litefiso le litšenyehelo) tsa Solactive Global Lithium Index. Letlole le ipatileng bonyane 80% ea thepa ea eona e felletseng ea lits'ebeletso le ea Amerika e behiloeng ("Gdr") e thehiloeng indeteng e ka tlase. Lenane la motheo le ikemiselitse ho lekanya ts'ebetso e pharaletseng ea 'maraka oa setoko oa lik'hamphani tsa lefats'e tse nkang karolo indastering ea lithium. Letlole ha le na phapang.
Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: GMX.TO) e na le setsi sa matsete sa Amerika Leboea se nang le mefuta e fapaneng ea lichelete tsa lipatlisiso tsa nako e bohareng, nts'etsopele le litokelo tsa tšebeliso ea liminerale, ho kenyelletsa le: lirafshoa tsa bohlokoa (khauta, silevera, platinum, palladium), tšepe ea motheo (koporo, zinki) , lead), nickel), tšepe e khethehileng le liminerale (manganese, titanium oxide, tšepe, molybdenum, uranium, lithium, lefatše le sa tloaelehang) le liminerale tsa indasteri le metsoako (mica, silica, apatite, talc, magnesite). Globex e etsa lipatlisiso bakeng sa li-account tsa eona mme e lefa lik'hamphani tse ling bakeng sa likhetho tse ngata bakeng sa merero ea eona e mengata, e lefang Globex ka chelete, metšoasong le meputso, le ho etsa lipatlisiso tse pharalletseng e le ho hlahisa thahasello mererong ea Globex.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale Manitoba le leboea-bophirima ho Ontario. E na le setsebi sa barui, ho kenyelletsa khauta, platination sehlopha sa tšepe le matlotlo a ikhethang, le li-titadium, Tithium le chromium. Khamphani e boetse e na le palo e kholo ea li-depority tse hloekileng, li-tlomiquiting tse ruileng le lithahasello tse fapaneng tsa lichelete le litlhophiso tsa lichelete tsa lichelete tse robehileng.
Greatbatch Inc. (NYSE: GB) ka lihlahisoa tsa eona Greatbatch Medical, Electrochem le QiG Group li fana ka theknoloji ea boleng bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa liindasteri tse itšetlehileng ka ts'ebetso e ka tšeptjoang, ea nako e telele. Ka ho fana ka lisebelisoa tse ikhethileng tsa matla le tsamaiso ea betri, liteishene tsa ho tjhaja le ho emisa, le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase bakeng sa limmaraka tse hlokang ho pota lefatše, Electrochem ke moetapele oa indasteri ea tharollo ea matla a matla bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bohlokoa. E nkiloe ho betri ea lithium e qapiloeng ke mothehi oa rona Wilson Greatbatch bakeng sa li-pacemakers tse kenngoang, tsebo ea rona ea tekheniki le boleng bo hlahelletseng boo re bo futsitseng le ho tšepahala li sebelisoa ho netefatsa katleho ea thōmo.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) e thehiloe ka 2001 ho hlahisa libethe tsa boleng bo holimo tsa lithium le nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH), hammoho le lisebelisoa tsa betri tse sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, joalo ka libese tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla. litsamaiso , Lisebelisoa tsa mehala le tse ka aparoang, libaesekele tsa motlakase, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, lisebelisoa tsa dijithale le tsa elektroniki, tlhokomelo ea motho le lihlahisoa tsa lapeng. Khamphani e boetse e nts'etsapele lits'ebetso tse hlahang masimong a li-drones, liroboto le theknoloji ea ho tjhaja waelese. Highpower e na le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso Chaena, 'me e na le lisebelisoa tse fetang 100 tsa betri, ho sebetsa le ho etsa moralo. Highpower e ikemiselitse ho hloekisa thekenoloji le tlhahiso e se nang tikoloho. Bareki ba shebiloeng ke Highpower ke lik'hamphani tsa Fortune 500 le lik'hamphani tse 10 tse holimo karolong e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e emeng ea 'maraka. Boholo ba lihlahisoa tsa Highpower li rekisoa haholo-holo 'marakeng oa lefatše, haholo-holo United States, Europe, China le Asia Boroa-bochabela.
Houston Lake Mining (TSX: HLM.V) e ikemiselitse ho ba mohlahisi ea kopantsoeng ka ho feletseng oa lithium, rub le tantalum ka ho hlahisa morero oa tšepe o sa tloaelehang oa PAK Ontario, Canada. Leano la k'hamphani ke ho nka monyetla oa phetoho ea lefats'e ea likoloi tsa motlakase / tse nyalisitsoeng le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa boleng bo holimo ka ho ba morekisi oa thepa e tala ea hahamallang matla a tsitsitseng le likarolo tse ling tse hlokahalang bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa theknoloji e phahameng tsa elektroniki le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe. Hammoho, boto ea batsamaisi le botsamaisi ba HLM ba na le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse fetang 300 litabeng tsa lichelete, lipatlisiso le merafo ho ntšetsa pele merero ea k'hamphani.
Iconic Minerals Ltd. (TSX: ICM.V) ke k'hamphani ea lipatlisiso e shebaneng le ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho nts'etsapele merero e hlahelletseng Amerika Leboea. Ponahalo ea mantlha ea k'hamphani ke ho fumana le ho ntlafatsa chelete ea moruo le likarolo tse fapaneng tsa khauta ka ho hlahloba merero ea boleng bo holimo; e fumaneha haholo libakeng tse nang le monyetla o moholo oa ho sibolla nalane ho Nevada, e leng se tla etsa hore nts'etsopele le litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso ea merafo e be tlase. Iconic Minerals e thehile sehlopha sa litsebi tse nang le khoebo e ruileng le tsebo ea ho sibolla le nts'etsopele ea merafo e mengata ea bohlokoa ea khauta; ho kenyeletsa le chelete ea khoebo bakeng sa merero ea ho phahamisa lisebelisoa. Thepa ea Iconic's Bonnie Claire Lithium: Thepa e akaretsa sebaka sa lihekthere tse 23,100 'me e phuleng e ka bang lik'hilomithara tse 30 (19 miles) bolelele le 20 kilometers (12 miles) bophara. Sebaka se amanang le drainage ke 2,070 square kilometers (800 square miles). Quartz-rich volcanic rocks in and near the basin contain abnormal amounts of lithium. Tlhahlobo ea geochemical ea geochemical ea li-flats tsa letsoai la lehae li fumane boleng ba lithium e le holimo ho 340 PPM, ho kenyelletsa USGS (United States e phahameng ka makhetlo a 500. Sebaka se tlase sa matla a khoheli phuleng ke bolelele ba lik'hilomithara tse 20 (12 miles), 'me botebo ba lefika le hakanyetsoang hona joale bo tloha ho limithara tse 600 ho isa ho tse 900 (maoto a 2,000 ho isa ho a 3,000). The current claim scope covers low gravity points and related mudflats.
Infinity Lithium Co., Ltd. (ASX: INF.AX) ke k'hamphani ea liminerale e thathamisitsoeng Australia, ka ts'ebelisano le Valoriza Mineria, e batla ho hlahisa morero oa San Jose lithium le ho hlahisa lithium hydroxide ea betri. Ka ho fana ka matla ho lifeme tse kholo tsa libeteri tse ntseng li hahuoa hajoale, karabelo ea phepelo ea hlokahala ho fihlela tlhoko ea polokelo ea matla e ntseng e hola ka potlako ea Europe. Setsi sa polokelo ea San Jose ke monyetla o tsoetseng pele haholo, oo pele o neng o entsoe ka morafo oa brownfield mme o emela e 'ngoe ea li-depositi tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa lithium Europe. Infinity Lithium e tla rafa lisebelisoa tse thata tsa mica le ho nts'etsapele lits'ebetso tsa ts'ebetso ho fana ka khoebo e le 'ngoe feela ea sehlahisoa sa lithium hydroxide Europe.
International Battery Metals Limited (CSE: IBAT) e tsepamisitse maikutlo tabeng ya ho hlwaya, ho lekola, le ho tsetela ho matlotlo a merafo le dithekenoloji tsa ho sebetsa/ho hula e le hore e kgone le ho boloka boetapele ba yona ba ditjeho ho fana ka diminerale tsa bohlokwa ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa indasteri ya dibetri. After careful evaluation of various minerals, technological progress, imbalance between supply and demand, and internal advantages, International Battery Metals Corporation will focus on tin, lithium, cobalt and tantalum. International Battery Metals e tla sebelisa likamano tsa eona tsa lefats'e, botsebi ba indasteri le boiphihlelo bo netefalitsoeng ho aha le ho laola ts'ebetso e kholo ho fihlela sepheo sa eona.
Lithium Corp. (TSX: ILC.V) ke sebapali sa tlhahlobo ea projeke ea projeke, e leng Intd. (moetsi ea etellang pele ). Morero oa mantlha oa k'hamphani ke oa Mariana oa Mariana oa Mariana oa Mariana oa Mariana Lithium Morero oa Mariana, o koahelang sebaka sa lik'hilomithara tse 160, se akaretsa sehlekehleke se nang le limiriana se tšeloang ka ho fetisisa kapa "matša a letsoai haholo sebakeng seo. Ho tlatsetsa Morero oa Khoebo oa Lithium Brine oa Company ke mekhalase e meraro ea tšepe Canada, e leng Mavis, Raleigh le Merero ea Mofoto. A project in Ireland (Avalonia Project) covers a 50 km long pegmatite belt. Merero ea Mavis le Raleigh e entsoeng ke balekane ba maano ba Ganfeng Lithium le Avis le balekane ba maano ba Pioneer Resources Limited (PIO: ASX) kaofela ke merero ea Avalonia. Merero ea Mavis, Raleigh le Forgan hammoho e theha motheo oa letamo la merafo la Upper Canada la lithium le sa tsoa thehoa. Sepheo sa letamo la merafo ke ho sebelisa lithium e tlalehiloeng ka holimo e phahameng ho fumana menyetla e mengata ea lipatlisiso haufi le mekhoa ea motheo e teng. . Ha tlhokahalo ea libeteri tse nchafalitsoeng tsa theknoloji e phahameng tse sebelisoang ho theknoloji ea ho tsamaisa likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tse nkehang li ntse li eketseha, lithium e bohlokoa ho "theknoloji e tala" ea hosane le moruo o tsitsitseng. Ka ho ikamahanya le balekane ba nts'etsopele ba tiileng le ho fumana liporojeke tsa maemo a holimo maemong a pele a boithuto, sepheo sa ILC ke ho ba mofuputsi ea ratoang oa bo-ramatsete ba thekenoloji ea tala le ho theha boleng ho beng ba eona.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Re theha lihlahisoa tsa boleng, lits'ebeletso le litharollo ho ntlafatsa matla le ts'ebetso ea meaho; libeteri tsa koloi tsa lead-acid le libeteri tse tsoetseng pele bakeng sa likoloi tse nyalisitsoeng le tsa motlakase; le tsamaiso ea ka hare ea koloi. Johnson Controls e fana ka letoto la litheknoloji tsa betri tsa lithium-ion ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki le matla. Re fana ka litharollo tse feto-fetohang tsa tekheniki ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa matla, voltage le hora ea ampere. Mehaho ea modular e etsa hore libeteri tsa rona tsa lithium-ion li be matla empa li sebetsa ka mokhoa o fapaneng. Re sebelisa libeteri tsa cylindrical kapa prismatic mme re li rala hore li hokahane le likoloi tse fapaneng tse nang le litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa sebaka le matla. Boitlamo ba rona ho nts'etsopele ea moshoelella bo qalile ka 1885 ha re ne re qapa thermostat ea pele ea kamore ea motlakase. Ka leano la rona la kholo le karolo e ntseng e hola ea mmaraka, re ikemiselitse ho theha boleng ba beng ba liabo le ho etsa hore bareki ba rona ba atlehe. Ka 2015, "Magazine ea Boikarabello ba K'hamphani" e ile ea beha Johnson Controls e le k'hamphani ea 15th "100 Best Coporate Citizens" ea selemo le selemo.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the lik'hamphani tse peli. Sehlopha se ne se tsepamisitse maikutlo ho lisebelisoa tsa konopo tse tala. Matlotlo a rona le tsepamiso ea lipatlisiso ke lisebelisoa tse tala bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminium); lisebelisoa bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa ho haha mocheso (graphite, silica, nepheline); le lisebelisoa tse ka ntlafatsang moloko oa ts'ebetso ea matla (DY, Nonodymium, Ha). Leading Edge Materials is in an ideal position to play a key role in the sustainable supply of technology and energy-critical materials
Li3 Energy, Inc. (OTC:LIEG) ke k'hamphani e thathamisitsoeng sethaleng sa lipatlisiso tsa merafo ea lithium le matla. Sepheo sa Li3 ke ho fumana, ho ntshetsa pele le ho rekisa palo e kholo ea lithium brine deposits Amerika. Relying on the interest in the Maricenga project, as well as the completion of the NI 43-101-compliant measurable resource report and the acquisition of Cocina, Li3′s goal is to: a) advance Maricenga to the feasibility study stage; b) tshehetsa ho kenngwa tshebetsong ha lefatshe lohle ha maikitlaetso a Eneji e hlwekileng le e tala; c) Kopana le tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea 'maraka oa lithium; d) Become a mid-range low-cost supplier of lithium, potassium nitrate, iodine and other strategic minerals, serving global customers in the energy, fertilizer and specialty chemical industries.
Liberty One Lithium Corp (TSX: LBY.V; OTCQB: LRTTF; FRANKFURT: L1T.F) ke k'hamphani ea liphuputso e ikemiselitseng ho fumana le ho nts'etsapele li-depositi tsa lithium brine tsa boemo bo holimo. Thepa e pharaletseng ea Pocitos karolong e ka bophirimela ea Argentina e ka har'a "Lithium Triangle" e tummeng, ka mokhoa oa bahlahisi ba 'maloa ba lithium ka har'a lik'hilomithara tse 25. The property is strategically located to produce lithium brine through low-cost and mature evaporation methods, and is adjacent to substantial infrastructure and skilled and experienced labor. Sehlopha sa machaba sa Liberty se entsoe ka litsebi tse tsebahalang tsa tekheniki tse tsepamisitseng maikutlo ho lithium ka lilemo tse mashome. Khamphani e laola ka tieo liqeto tsa tlhahiso ea boleng ho netefatsa hore k'hamphani e na le chelete e lekaneng le hore e ntse e tsoela pele ho theha boleng bakeng sa ba nang le kabelo.
Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR.AX) e ntse e tsoela pele ho etsa lipatlisiso tsa liminerale Australia. Khampani e hlahloba lithium, khauta, vanadium le nickel. E thahasella Katherine Valley Lithium Tantalum Project, Buldania Lithium Project, Killaloe Project le Norcott Project Australia Bophirimela. Le morero oa Toolebuc vanadium Queensland.
Li-Mine a matla (Tsx: LCN.VS) ke mong'a 100% Minds Mines ea Lithium Bines Hivada le Arizona. The characteristics of the Nevada Railroad Valley are similar to the lithium brine target in Clayton Valley, and the Arizona Black Canyon is the target of lithium clay.
Lithium Americas Corp. (Tsx: LAC.TO; OTC: LHMAF Khampani e na le lihekthere tse ka bang 161,000 tsa litokelo tsa tšebeliso ea mobu matšeng a mahlano a letsoai liprofinseng tsa Jujuy le Salta, Argentina. Sebaka sa eona sa mantlha ke morero oa Cauchari-Olaroz
Lithium Corporation (OTC: LTUM) ke k'hamphani ea lipatlisiso e fumanehang Nevada, e ikemiselitseng ho lekola lisebelisoa tse amanang le polokelo ea matla ho pholletsa le Amerika Leboea, ka tšepo ea ho sebelisa menyetla 'marakeng o ntseng o hola bakeng sa libeteri tsa moloko o latelang. Khampani e boloka selekane sa leano le Altura Mining, k'hamphani ea ntlafatso ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho e thathamisitsoeng ho Australian Stock Exchange. Khamphani hajoale e ntse e batla konteraka ea ho tlohela mosebetsi bakeng sa liminerale tsa eona tsa 100% tsa maemo a lefats'e tsa Pilgangoora lithium pegmatite e Australia Bophirima.
Lithium X (TSX: LIX.V) is a lithium exploration and development company dedicated to becoming a low-cost supplier in the emerging lithium battery industry. Khamphani e nts'etsapele projeke ea eona ea Sal Sal los Los Angeles, e akaretsang ho feta 95% ea Salar de Diablillos Profinseng ea Salta, Argentina. E boetse e hlahloba naha e kholo Clayton Valley e Nevada, e haufi le Amerika Leboea feela khoebo ea tlhahiso ea lithium e nang le Albemarle, moetsi e moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa lithium.
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) Ka lilemo tse mashome a tšeletseng, Livent e sebelitse le bareki ho sebelisa lithium ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng ho matlafatsa lefatše. Livent ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse' maloa tse nang le bokhoni, botumo le tsebo ea ho hlahisa metsoako ea boleng bo phahameng ea lithium e ka thusang ho finyella tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea lithium. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent e na le basebetsi ba ka bang 700 lefatšeng ka bophara 'me e na le limela tsa tlhahiso United States, United Kingdom, India, China le Argentina.
Makena Resources Inc. (TSX: MKN.V) e sebetsana le ho fumana le ho hlahloba lirafshoa Canada. Projects: Patterson Uranium Project; Clone Gold Project; DB Diamond Project. August 2016: Announced that it has signed a subscription agreement with Bachman Lithium Corp
Morero oa Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) ke ho fumana le ho ntšetsa pele litebello tsa ho rafa ore ea manganese e ka bang teng holimo Amerika Leboea e le ho fana ka lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo eketsehileng bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium-ion le liindasteri tse ling tsa matla. . Ikitlaelletse ho fumana tharollo ea kalafo ea manganese e tala/zero.
MaTamec Express Inc. (TSX: Ke k'hamphani ea tlhahlobo ea morao eo motho a buang ka eona ea ho ithuta ka mokhoa oa mantlha oa tlhahlobo ea Sergawa. The company owns 72% of the company and 28% of Quebec Resources; Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd. (Japan Nagoya) holds a 10% royalties on the net profit of this deposit. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e hlahloba bolelele ba lik'hilomithara tse 35 ho la li-kipawa meefa ea la alkaawa oa la alkaa Khampani e boetse e hlahloba khauta, litšepe tsa motheo le tšepe ea sehlopha sa platinum. Quebec, k'hamphani e sebelisa liminerale tsa eona tsa Tansion ho fumana tšepe ea eona ea maano joalo ka Lithium, tintalum, le Beryllium, le Beryllinals le Valmont
MGX Minerals Inc. (CSE: XMG) ke k'hamphani ea merafo ea Canada e fapaneng e sebetsanang le ho fumana le ho ntlafatsa lirafshoa tsa indasteri Bophirimela Canada. Liminerale tsena li na le menyetla ea tlhahiso ea nako e haufi e nang le litšitiso tse fokolang tsa ho kena le litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa chelete ea pele. Khamphani e sebetsa Lithium, Magnesium le silicon MGX recently received approval for Driftwood's 20-year mining lease and is currently conducting batch sampling.
Millennial Lithium Corp. (TSX: ML.V; OTCQX: MLNLF) is an exploration and development company focused on high-quality lithium assets in Argentina. Proyecto Pastos Grandes SA is an important project of the company, has 100% ownership, and is strategically located in the Argentine region of the “Lithium Triangle” (with some of the largest lithium resources in the world). Thepa e na le sebaka se ka bang lihekthere tse 5,500 mme e fumaneha lik'hilomithara tse 154 ka bophirima ho Salta, Argentina. Millennial has also reached an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Cauchari East Lithium Project in Jujuy Province, Argentina (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”). Cauchari East occupies 2,990 hectares on the east side of Cauchari-Olaroz Salar, adjacent to Salar de Olaroz produced by Orocobre and late Cauchari-Olaroz from Lithium Americas Corp..
Mineral Hill Industries Ltd. (TSX: MHI.V) ke k'hamphani ea ho hlahloba liminerale ea Canada. The mine has accumulated a diversified portfolio of high-quality lithium, gold and precious metal properties in Canada. Sepheo sa k'hamphani e ka sehloohong ke ho kenya ts'ebetsong Gold Moreyli ea nang le li-Veritary tsa Tritas tsa Corp. .
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (Tsxv: Nmi.v) e kenelletse tucheng le nts'etsopele ea thepa ea senotlolo sa Namibia. Khampani e hlahloba lefatše le boima le sa tloaelehang, cobalt, koporo, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate le tšepe ea khauta, hammoho le likarolo tsa sehlopha sa platinum. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Nemaska Lithium Inc.V: NMX.V) Khampani e ntse e hlahisa e 'ngoe ea li-deposit tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa tsa spodumene lithium hard rock lefatšeng ka bongata le kereiti. Spodumene concentrate produced at Nemaska's Whabouchi mine will be shipped to the company's lithium compound processing plant in Shawinigan, Quebec. Semela se tla sebelisa mokhoa oa thepa o entsoeng ke k'hamphani ho fetola concentrate ea spodumene ka har'a bohloeki bo phahameng ba lithium hydroxide le carbonate, 'me e kentse kopo ea patent.
Neo lithium Corp. (Tsx: NLC.V Neo Lithium e se e ntse e e-na le chelete e lekaneng 'me e ntse e tsoela pele ka potlako morero oa eona oa 3Q o sa tsoa sibolloa-e leng letša le ikhethang la metsi a letsoai a metsi a letsoai a phahameng a holimo le Salar complex ka har'a lithium triangle ea Latin America. The 3Q project is located in Catamarca, Argentina's largest lithium producer. The project covers an area of approximately 35,000 hectares, and the Salar complex in the area is approximately 160 square kilometers. Liphetho tsa lipatlisiso tsa bokaholimo li bonts'a hore sepheo sa maemo a holimo sa lithium karolong e ka leboea ea Salar se fetela hoo e ka bang 20 x 5 km, 'me e na le litšila tse tlase tsa magnesium le sulfate. Litšila tse tlase ke ntlha ea bohlokoa ho thekenoloji ea setso ea theko e tlase ea mouoane e sebelisoang bakeng sa tlhahiso ea ho qetela ea lithium carbonate. Geothermal hot springs with elevated lithium content are part of the Salar Group's replenishment system. Sehlopha sa botekgeniki se sibolotseng sebaka sena se ikhethang sa matsoai a letsoai ke se seng sa lihlopha tse nang le boiphihlelo ka ho fetesisa sebakeng sa lithium salt marsh. O ile a fumana 'me a etsa mosebetsi oa tekheniki, ho kopanyelletsa le tlhaloso ea thepa le thuto e felletseng ea ho etsa joalo, e bile sesebelisoa sa bohlano se seholo sa lithium.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) e hlahloba le ho hlahisa liminerale Australia. It mainly explores lithium, titanium, vanadium, iron ore, nickel and base metals. E na le thahasello ea 70% morerong oa lithium oa Marion Mountain; le thahasello ea 100% morerong oa Barrambie titanium vanadium iron e Australia Bophirima.
Nevada Energy Metals Corporation (TSX: BFF.V; OTC: SSMLF; Frankfurt: NMK.F) ke k'hamphani ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Canada, e thathamisitsoeng haholo ho TSX Venture Exchange. The company's main focus is on brine lithium exploration targets located in mining friendly states in Nevada.
Nevada ea khanya ea letsatsi ea Nyav: Nev.v) ke sehlopha se sebetsang sa Seminior se nang le Vancouver, British Columbia, British Columbia, British Columbia Khamphani e thahasella merero e robong ea translation ea 'mineral ea Nevada, USA. Khampani ea Nevada e ile ea qala ho fumana thepa ea li-nevada ea Nevada ka Loetse ka Loetse le khetho ea ho lekana ha 100% sebakeng sa Aquarius Valley ka nepo. The company also has the option to obtain 100% equity in the Jackson Wash and Atlantis projects, and has a 50% participation equity in the Gemini project. Morero ka mong o sebakeng sa PAYAS haufi le Playton Valley. Matlotlo a mararo a bohlokoa a khauta a k'hamphani a kenyelletsa phaello ea 21% khoebong e kopanetsoeng le Pilot Gold Inc. (PLG.TO) Kingsley Hills haufi le Wendover, thahasello ea 100% morerong oa Golden Arrow haufi le Tonopah, le thahasello ea 100% ho Golden. Morero oa motsu haufi le tonopah. The roulette gold assets in the southeast of Carlin tend to be near Yili, and each asset has a certain production and use fee.
New Tech Minerals Corp. (CSE: NTM) e 'nile ea hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa mehloli ea letsoai ea lithium le potassium ho Paradox Basin le Southeastern Utah (UT) ka lilemo tse fetang 8. Litokelo tsa tlhahlobo ea letsoai / nts'etsopele ea UT's lithium + potassium ke hoo e ka bang lihekthere tse 40,000.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) e hlahisa le ho rekisa makoloi, dihlahiswa tsa lewatleng le dikarolo tse amanang le tsona Japane le matjhabeng. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industrial machinery; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. In addition, the company also provides finance, auto credit and auto leasing, insurance agency, inventory financing services, and card services. Ho phaella moo, e boetse e kopanela mesebetsing le lipuisanong tse amanang le tlhahlobo le boikemisetso ba lisebelisoa tse tala; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; ho kenya le ho romela kantle ho naha likarolo tsa koloi le thepa; real estate Business; promotion of motor sports; tsamaiso ea lihlopha tsa bolo ea maoto le likolo tsa bolo ea maoto.
Noram Ventures Inc. indasteri.
Nordic pining asa (Oslo: nom.ol) e kenelletse tucheng, meepo le tlhahiso ea liminerale le lihlahisoa tsa litebele le ka hare. Haholo-holo e etsa lipatlisiso ka li-deposit tsa rutile (titanium dioxide), garnet, quartz, lithium/lithium carbonate, nickel, palladium le platinum. Khamphani e na le thahasello morafong oa khauta oa rutile oa Engebø o Naustdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. E boetse e na le thahasello ho depositi ea Kvinnherad, e nang le quartz ea hydrothermal sebakeng sa Proterozoic ka boroa ho sebaka sa phoso sa Hardanger. E boetse e na le litokelo tsa boithuto ba Troms le hloahloeng ea Øksfjord ea Finnmark.
Nortec Minerals Corp. (TSX: NVT.V) ke k'hamphani ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale e Vancouver, British Columbia. Khamphani e na le thahasello ea 100% morerong oa Tammela Gold Lithium o ka boroa-bophirima ho Finland. Khampani e boetse e na le karolo e ngata ho Finore Mining Inc. Finore e laola 100% ea Finnish Lantinen Koillismaa PGE-Au-Cu-Ni deposit ka ho fumana Nortec Minerals Oy ho tloha Nortec.
One World Lithium Corporation (CSE: OWLI) ke k'hamphani e atlehileng ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele e nang le litsebi tsa jeoloji tse nang le boiphihlelo bo batsi ka khauta, silevera, tšepe ea motheo le lithium lilemong tse 30 tse fetileng.
Orocobre Limited (Asx: Ore.ax Khampani e sebelisane 'moho le Toyota Tsusho Corporation le JEMSE ho haha porojeke ea pele e kholo ea "greenfield brine-based lithium" e Salar de Olaroz ka lilemo tse 20, mme e rera ho hlahisa lithane tse 17,500 tsa lithium carbonate tsa theko e tlaase selemo le selemo.
Pacific North West Capital Corp (TSX: PFN.V) is a mineral exploration company dedicated to the River Valley PGM project in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Ena ke e 'ngoe ea li-deposit tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa Canada tsa polatinamo (PGM) tsa Tlhahlobo le nts'etsopele. The company's newly established Lithium Division will focus on the acquisition, exploration and development of Canadian lithium projects. Naheng ea Amerika, k'hamphani e tla sebelisa lekala la eona la US ho fumana le ho nts'etsapele merero merafong e sebetsang Nevada, Arizona le California. Pacific Northwest Capital Corporation is a member of International Metals Corporation, an organization of professionals with extensive experience in all aspects of the mining industry.
Piedmont Lithium (NasdaqGS: PLL) holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project located in the Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) of Carolina and develops along the Harman Bundle and Kings Mountain mines, Historically, the Western world has provided most ea lithium pakeng tsa bo-1950 le bo-1980. TSB e hlalosoa e le e 'ngoe ea liprofinse tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa lithium lefatšeng' me e fumaneha lik'hilomithara tse 25 ka bophirimela ho Charlotte, North Carolina. With its good geological conditions and convenient infrastructure, power, lithium and battery storage R&D centers, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities, it is an important location for the development of integrated lithium businesses.
Pioneer Resources Ltd. (ASX: PIO.AX) ke khamphani ea boithuto e hloahloa e nang le bokhoni bo netefalitsoeng ba ho sibolla le sethala se seholo sa thepa ea bolulo se nang le thepa e mengata se fumanehang sebakeng sa lik'hilomithara tse 200 ho tloha Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Australia Bophirima. Pioneer's current and active exploration focus is on key global demand-driven commodities. Ho fihlela sena, Pula-maliboho e atolositse thepa ea eona ea khauta le nickel ka merero e mene e matla ea lithium; projeke ea lithium e tsoetseng pele ea Mavis e Ontario, Canada, le merero ea lithium ea Donnelly, Pioneer Dome le Phillips River e Australia Bophirima.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) e rala, e etsa le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa DC kapa tsa DC, lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi tse nyalisitsoeng tsa lithium betri bakeng sa mmaraka oa likhokahano, le mebaraka e meng, ho kenyeletsoa sesole, ho tjhaja likoloi tsa motlakase, ho kopanya, ho tsamaisa matla le phepelo ea motlakase e sa fetoheng. . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. Haeba grid ea utility e hloleha, litlhoko tsena li tlameha ho tima
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) e hlahisa, e hlahisa le ho rekisa li-membrane tse khethehileng tsa microporous bakeng sa karohano le mekhoa ea ho hloekisa. Khoebo ea k'hamphani e arotsoe likarolo tse tharo: lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa polokelo ea matla le EDV, lipalangoang tsa polokelo ea matla le indasteri, le mecha ea phatlalatso ea karohano. Khampani e fana ka letoto la patented polypropylene le polyethylene single-layer le multi-layer separators bakeng sa libeteri tsa lithium, tse ka sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse sa tšoaneng, tse kang lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, likoloi tsa motlakase (EDV), lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse se nang mohala le mekhoa ea ho boloka matla. E boetse e fana ka li-diaphragm tse thehiloeng ho polymer bakeng sa libeteri tsa lead-acid tse sebelisoang likoloing le likoloing tse ling; hammoho le li-membrane tsa filthara le likarolo bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bongaka, ho kenyelletsa hemodialysis, oksijene ea mali, phapanyetsano ea plasma le lits'ebetso tse ling tsa bongaka, hammoho le mefuta e fapa-fapaneng ea ho hloekisa Le lisebelisoa tse khethehileng, tse kang microfiltration, ultrafiltration le gasification / degassing applications. Khampani e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona ho bahlahisi le li-processor ka basebetsi ba rekisoang ka ho toba, barekisi le baemeli. E sebetsa haholo United States, Jeremane, Fora, China le linaha tse ling.
Portofino Resources (TSX: POR.V; FSE: POT) ke khampani e Vancouver, Canada, e ikemiselitseng ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa merero ea mehloli ea liminerale Amerika. Khamphani e na le lihekthere tse fetang 17,000 tsa thepa ea tharollo ea letsoai la lithium Catamarca, Argentina.
The acquisition strategy of Power Americas Minerals Corp. (TSX: PAM.V) (formerly Victory Ventures) focuses on acquiring affordable, cost-effective and highly regarded minerals in areas with proven geological potential. These areas include historical and currently producing mines with existing infrastructure. The strategy includes obtaining 100% equity in mineral resources without payment terms or work plan commitments, which will not threaten the financial stability of junior mining companies. The company believes that through the implementation of this acquisition strategy, the largest shareholder value can be created effectively and cost-effective. The company believes that the demand profile of cobalt, lithium, copper and other basic power-related materials will be dominated by the adaptive growth of electric vehicles, and the increase in production of renewable energy and superalloys. The company is committed to identifying and developing ethical materials within the Americas, aiming to solve the growing demand for energy metals due to the introduction of innovation and new technologies. Power Americas Minerals Corp. ke k'hamphani e nyenyane ea Canada ea ho hlahloba merafo e tsepamisitseng maikutlo holima, ho hlahloba le ho hlahisa cobalt, lithium, koporo le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla Amerika Leboea le Boroa.
PowerStorm Holdings Inc (OTC: PSTO) is using innovative materials to develop advanced modular energy storage solutions combined with our low-cost, high-performance lithium-ion batteries that will power next-generation energy storage and renewable energy applications . Theknoloji ea mantlha ea boholo ba Powerstower e sirelelitsoe ke li-patent tse ngata.
Premier African Minerals (LSE: PREM.L) ke k'hamphani e nang le lisebelisoa tse ngata tsa tlhaho e sebetsanang le lipatlisiso, tlhahlobo le nts'etsopele ea libaka tsa polokelo ea liminerale Afrika Bophirimela le Boroa. Khampani e ile ea hlahloba letoto la merero ea lihlahisoa tse ngata, ho akarelletsa le tungsten, khauta, letsopa, phosphate, laterite nickel ore, lead, zinki, uranium, lintho tse sa tloaelehang tsa lefatše, fluorite le lithium. Haholo-holo e shebana le RHA, merero ea Zulu le Katete ho Zimbabwe.
Pure Energy Minerals Limited (TSX: PE.V) ke mohlahisi oa lisebelisoa tsa lithium brine e fetohileng morekisi ea theko e tlase ka ho fetisisa oa lithium indastering e ntseng e hlaha ea Amerika Leboea ea betri ea lithium. Currently, Pure Energy is focusing on developing our anticipated CVS lithium brine project.
QMC Quantum Minerals Corporation (TSX.V: QMC) (OTC: QMCQF) (FSE: 3LQ) ke k'hamphani e ntlo-kholo ea eona e leng British Columbia, e sebetsanang le ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea thepa. Sepheo sa eona ke ho fumana le ho ntshetsa pele moruo oa bohlokoa, litšepe tsa motheo, lirafshoa tse sa tloaelehang le litšobotsi tsa lisebelisoa. Thepa ea k'hamphani e kenyeletsa morero oa morafo oa lithium oa Irgon le thepa e 'meli ea VMS, e leng Rocky Lake le Rocky-Namew, tseo ka kakaretso li bitsoang Namew Lake Project. Hajoale, thepa eohle ea k'hamphani e fumaneha Manitoba
Redzone Resources Ltd. (TSX: REZ.V; OTC: REZZF) ke k'hamphani ea ho hlahloba liminerale e shebaneng le ho theha le ho tšehetsa litšepe tse ntseng li hōla ka potlako ho ba libeteri (lithium) United States le Peru.
Resources Majescor (TSX: MJX.V) signed an option agreement with Genius Properties Ltd. and two other suppliers to purchase the Montagne B lithium assets (approximately 708 hectares) located approximately 12 kilometers southwest of Nemaska Lithium's world-class Whabouchi Lithium ) . Li-deposit li bohareng ba Quebec. Majescor e boetse e rera ho sebetsa morafong oa khauta oa Eastmain sebakeng sa James Bay Quebec.
Rock Tech Lithium Inc. (TSX: RCK.V) is a mineral exploration company focused on the lithium industry. Khamphani e thehiloe Vancouver mme e thathamisitsoe ho TSX Venture Exchange. Its international board of directors provides true global influence and unique access to capital and projects.
Rodinia Lithium Inc (TSX: RM.V) ke k'hamphani ea Canada ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale, haholo-holo e shebaneng le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea lithium naheng ea Argentina. Khampani e boetse e lekola ka mafolofolo khoebo ea sehlahisoa sa bohlokoa sa letsoai sa potasiamo, se lebelletsoeng ho sebelisoa hape ka ts'ebetso ea kotulo ea lithium.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) ke moqapi le moetsi ea ka sehloohong lefatšeng oa libeteri tsa indasteri tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Sehlopha ke moetsi ea etelletseng pele lefats'eng oa libeteri tsa nickel le libeteri tsa mantlha tsa lithium bakeng sa meaho ea indasteri le lits'ebetso, lipalangoang le mebaraka ea elektroniki ea sechaba le ea sesole. Saft e fetohile moetapele oa lefats'e oa libeteri tsa sepakapaka le ts'ireletso ka theknoloji ea eona ea lithium-ion, e sebelisoang hape mebarakeng ea polokelo ea matla, lipalangoang le likhokahano tsa mehala.
Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA.AX) is a company listed on the ASX (SYA) in Australia, dedicated to the procurement and development of raw materials required for the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries for use in rapidly developing new technologies and green technology fields. Sepheo se seholo sa k'hamphani ke nts'etsopele ea projeke e tsoetseng pele ea Authier lithium e Quebec, Canada.
Scientific Metals Corp. (TSX: STM.V) formerly known as Suparna Gold Corp-is a Canadian exploration company focused on the global acquisition and development of production-grade lithium deposits. Stum o ile a fumana thepa e tebileng ea phula ea Phula Alberta. The property includes a permit area of 6,648 hectares (16,427 acres) that covers areas reported to be enriched in lithium brine. As stated in the ERCB report in October, the Deep Valley mine is located in the active Fox Creek-urge fish lake area in Alberta. The formation water in the Leduc aquifer in this area is rich in lithium, potassium, boron, bromine and others. Commodity, 2011, e nang le sehlooho se reng "Geological Introduction to Lithium-rich Formation Water", e shebaneng le sebaka sa Fox Creek (NTS 83F le 83K) bohareng le bophirimela ho Alberta.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. Tšimong ea libeteri tsa Lithium-Ion, Lefapha le Fana ka Lifilimi tsa Theko, Litona tsa Aluminium ea Aluminium bakeng sa Cathode ea hajoale. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Sienna Resources Inc (TSX: SIE.V; OTC: SNNAF) e sebetsana le ho tsebahatsa, ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho hlahloba thepa ea liminerale Canada. E hlahloba thepa ea khauta, silevera, lithium le letsopa la aluminium. E khahliloe ke Morero oa Clayton Valley Deep Basin Lithium Brine le Morero oa Lithium oa Esmeralda o Clayton Valley, Nevada.
Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. Haholo-holo e nehetsoe ho hlahloba litšepe tsa motheo le tsa bohlokoa, ho kenyelletsa nickel, koporo, tšepe ea sehlopha sa platinum, khauta, taemane, tantalum le lithium. Ke khamphani ea bofuputsi e sebetsang Afrika Boroa, haholo-holo e shebaneng le merero e nang le "betri kapa lefats'e le lecha" litšepe ho nka monyetla oa thahasello e ntseng e hola lefapheng lena ka lebaka la tsoelo-pele ea morao-rao ea mahlale a lefats'e le tlhoko e ntseng e eketseha ea lisebelisoa tsena. The company's main target focus area is Southern Africa. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Zimbabwe's Shamva lithium project (80% of the options can be acquired). Ho nkuoa ha mecheng haufinyane ea chua maina le ho khahloa ke lilemo tse shebileng tšimong le boiphihlelo ba 'nete le boiphihlelo ba Si6 le tšebetso ea Afrika Boroa tsa Ts'ebetso ea Afrika Boroa.
Slam Exploration Ltd. (TSX: SXL.V) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa tse hlahisang merero e nang le potefolio ea merero ea khauta le tšepe ea motheo Canada Bochabela. Morero oa morafo oa khauta oa Menneval ke sephetho sa morafo oa khauta oa Maisie o sibolotsoeng ke sehlopha se phahameng sa lipatlisiso sa SLAM ka 2012. Merero e meng ea merafo ea khauta e kenyelletsa merero ea khauta ea Reserve Creek le Miminiska e Ontario. Slam e na le borena ba NSR ba e mong ho Superlack le Nash Zinc e etellang pele tsa Coiled-Trade ea silevera. Slam haufinyane tjena e phatlalalitse hore e bolelletse tseko ho tseko ho tse supileng tsa lithikium le liminerale tse amanang le bophirima ho boroa-bochabela.
Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA/Chile Chemistry and Mining Co., Ltd. (NYSE: SQM) is a global company, headquartered in Chile, established in 1968, and now has a wide range of industries and applications through its five branches worldwide Sekhahla se matla sa ho susumetsa
Spearmint Resources Inc. (CSE: SPMT) is a Canadian primary resource exploration company dedicated to actively pursuing world-class deposits. The company focuses on assembling a low-risk, high-return asset portfolio during the exploration phase and developing it to maximize shareholder value. Several upcoming project milestones make Spearmint's corporate growth potential an exciting time. Moepo oa lithium oa Spearmint's Whabouchi Lakes o sebakeng sa James Bay sa Quebec, lik'hilomithara tse 40 ka bochabela ho sechaba sa Nemaska le lik'hilomithara tse 228 ka leboea-bophirima ho toropo ea Chibougamau, haufi le polokelo ea Nemaska Lithium Inc's Whabouchi. Spearmint hape e sa tsoa fumana thahasello ea 100% ho thepa ea liminerale e se nang patente ea 53 e Clayton Valley, Nevada. Liminerale tsena li na le mehloli ea lithium, e tsejoang ka hore ke Elon Mineral le McGee Minerals, e nkang kakaretso ea lihekthere tse 1,420.
Standard Lithium (TSX.v: Sll) Khamphani e lumela hore ka ho fokotsa likotsi tsa projeke (lisebelisoa, tlhahiso ea litsamaisong, tlhahiso e ncha ea lithium e ka fumaneha kapele. Morero o ka sehloohong oa k'hamphani o karolong e ka boroa ea Arkansas 'me o sebelisa theknoloji ea k'hamphani e khethang ho lekola le ho paka monyetla oa khoebo oa ho ntša lithium ho lihekthere tse 150,000 tsa ts'ebetso ea brine e ngolisitsoeng ka molao. Khamphani e boetse e batlana le lisebelisoa tsa ho nts'etsapele lihekthere tse fetang 30,000 tsa khiriso ea metsi a brine ka boroa-bophirima ho Arkansas, le lihekthere tse ka bang 45,000 tsa khiriso ea liminerale Lehoatateng la Mojave Seterekeng sa San Bernardino, California.
Morero oa Sunset Cove Mining (TSX: SSM.V) ke ho fumana le ho ntšetsa pele litebello tse phahameng tsa merafo Amerika Leboea ho fana ka lisebelisoa tse ekelitsoeng ho betri ea lithium-ion le liindasteri tse ling tsa matla.
Tianqi Lithium indasteri Co - Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002466.SZ) ke k'hamphani e ncha ea lisebelisoa Chaena le lefatše. Re nka lithium joalo ka mantlha. Our business includes the mining and production of lithium concentrates and the manufacturing of lithium compounds. Re thehile ts'ebetso ea liminerale, limela tsa tlhahiso le makalana a China (Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangsu) le Australia, e leng se nolofalletsang khampani ho fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara.
Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) e fana ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso ho marakeng, ho tloha ho tharollo ea matla ho ea ho mekhoa ea puisano le ea elektronike. Ka mekhoa ea eona ea boenjiniere le e kopanetsoeng ea ho rarolla mathata, Ultralife e fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki ba mmuso, ba ts'ireletso le ba khoebo lefatšeng ka bophara. Khampani e na le ntlo-kholo Newark, New York, 'me likarolo tsa eona tsa khoebo li kenyelletsa libeteri le lihlahisoa tsa matla le mekhoa ea puisano. Ultralife e na le ts'ebetso Amerika Leboea, Europe le Asia. Libetri le lihlahisoa tsa matla li fana ka mehloli e fapaneng ea matla a phahameng a ke keng a shajwa hape a ka nchafatsoa hape le lits'ebetso tsa ho tjhaja bakeng sa ts'ireletso le lits'ebetso tsa khoebo. Ultralife e sebelisa lik'hemik'hale tse fapaneng tse kenyelletsang lithium manganese dioxide, nickel nickel hydride, lithium manganate, polymer lithium le lithium thionyl chloride ho etsa libeteri. Tse ling li na le matla a phahameng ka ho fetisisa a matla a teng hona joale. Joaloka moeta-pele oa 'maraka oa ho fana ka libeteri bakeng sa tšebeliso ea sesole, Ultralife e boetse e na le motheo o tiileng oa tekheniki ka moralo oa betri le betri ka thepa ea khoebo le ea bongaka, metering ea tšireletso, telematics le masimo a mang a indasteri. Theknoloji ea rona ea betri hangata e fana ka tharollo ea turnkey ho latela litlhoko le litlhaloso tsa bareki, 'me e sebelisana le bahlahisi ba bang ba betri ho fana ka tharollo e molemohali ha ho hlokahala.
Ultra Lithium Inc. (TSX: ULI.V) ke k'hamphani ea Canada e thathamisitsoeng lethathamong la lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele e shebaneng le ho fumana le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea lithium. The company is currently focusing on North American acquisitions and exploring its Great Smoky Valley project in Nevada, USA. United States, k'hamphani e na le thahasello ea 100% morerong oa Great Smoke Valley Nevada. The company is also exploring lithium in a Balkan project in Serbia.
Lithium Corporation of America (OTC: LITH) is an exploration and development company focused on North America, dedicated to providing lithium and related resources for the fast-growing energy storage industry. The company hopes to take advantage of opportunities in the field of lithium batteries, including providing lithium batteries for the expanding next-generation battery market. According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs, demand for lithium is expected to triple by 2025. For many analysts, lithium is considered the new gasoline of the future. As the demand for lithium grows, American Lithium Corporation intends to become a part of this emerging industry. Tsepamiso ea rona ea hajoale e holim'a mabasi le liprofinse tsa lithaba tsa Nevada. Morero oa Albemarle's Silver Peak o teng morafong o le mong Amerika Leboea o hlahisang lithium. Our first project, Elon, is located in Clayton Valley, close to Silver Peak and several other active explorers and developers.
Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. (ASX: VMC.AX) e sebetsane le lipatlisiso tsa mehloli ea liminerale Australia Bophirimela. E ithuta haholo-holo vanadium, cobalt, nickel, khauta le lithium.
Voltaic Minerals Corp. (TSX: VLT.V) is a lithium exploration company based in Vancouver, established as a joint venture with Equitorial Exploration Corp., and owns 100% green energy lithium projects. The green energy project covers 4,160 acres required by the Land Management Administration (BLM) and is located in Grand County, Utah, 30 miles west of Moab. Lithium le liminerale tse ling li etsahetse ka brine e otlolohileng (40% metsi, ha ho cheka hofihlela ho ile ha robala bethe ea mofuta oa lipaki tse 14.
Fortune Minerals Co., Ltd. (TSX: WML.V; OTC: WMLLF) ke khamphani ea mehloli ea liminerale e nang le lithahasello Canada, Mexico, Peru le Chile. The company's main focus is the acquisition of lithium projects in South America. Ho fihlela joale, k'hamphani e ikemiseditse ho nts'etsapele Aguas Caliente Norte, Pujsa le Quisquiro Salars naheng ea Chile, le ho sebelisana le bahlahisi ba teng ba Atacama Salar e ngata. The company continues to actively seek new acquisitions in the region. The dynamic changes in the lithium market and the rapid rise in metal prices are the result of far-reaching structural issues in the industry meeting expected future demand. Wealth positions itself as the main beneficiary of the mismatch between supply and demand in the future. The company also maintains and continues to evaluate the investment portfolio of precious metals and base metals exploration phase projects.
Western Lithium USA Corporation (TSX: WLC.TO) e nts'etsapele deposit ea eona ea lithium Kings Valley, Nevada, hore e be mohloli oa leano, o ka senyehang le o tšepahalang oa lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo tsa lithium. Khampani e ipeha e le mofani oa thepa ea ka sehloohong oa US ho tšehetsa tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea lithium lefatšeng ka bophara, 'me tšebeliso ea likoloi tsa motlakase / motlakase, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa bareki, le lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea betri ea lithium tsa bareki le indasteri li lebelletsoe ho eketseha. Ho feta moo, Western Lithium e ntse e batla menyetla ea ho ba morekisi oa lisebelisoa tse khethehileng tsa ho cheka, Hectatone™, le li-organoclays tse ling tse ka sebelisoang ho oli le khase le liindasteri tse ling.
Capstone Turbine Corporation (NASDAQCM: CPST) is a leading global manufacturer of low-emission micro-turbine systems and the first company to sell commercially viable micro-turbine energy products. Capstone Turbine e fane ka lisebelisoa tse fetang 8,500 tsa Capstone Microturbine ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara. Sistimi ena e hapileng likhau e rekota limilione tsa linako tse rekotiloeng tsa ho sebetsa. Capstone Turbine is a member of the US Environmental Protection Agency's combined heat and power program, which is dedicated to improving the efficiency of the US energy infrastructure and reducing pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. Capstone ke UL-certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 company certified, in the headquarter in Los Angeles, with sales and/or service centers in New York metropolitan area, United Kingdom, Mexico City, Shanghai le Singapore.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is a full-service environmental technology and engineering company dedicated to providing innovative solutions for communities, industries and governments. Ho rarolla mathata le tšilafalo ea metsi. Its products are based on polymer technology that can remove hydrocarbons, sediments and other foreign elements from rainwater runoff (ponds, lakes and docks), running water (roadside drainage, pipe outflows, rivers and oceans), industrial processes and wastewater. Lihlahisoa tsa Abtech li kenyelletsa theknoloji e ncha ea likokoana-hloko tse bitsoang sgatsongeb. Theknoloji ena e ka fokotsang baktheria e fumanehang ka nepo e fumanoang ka metsi, litšila tsa metsi a litšila tsa malapa le metsi a litšila a nang le masepala. SmartSponge®Plus has been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (registration number 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
Basic Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE: BAS) e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa libaka tsa seliba, tse bohlokoa ho boloka tlhahiso ea liliba tsa oli le khase ka har'a sebaka sa khoebo ea eona. Khamphani e sebelisa lintlha tse 4,400 libakeng tse fetang 100 libakeng tse kholo tsa oli le khase ho Texas, Oklahoma, Ards, Ards Multiple employees. Metheo e re fa mesebetsi e fapaneng ea ho tšoara molatsoana ohle metsi a senyehileng a tsoang metsing a ho fetisang ho sebetsana le metsi a phallang ho sebetsa metsi a phallang. Litšebeletso tsa rona li kenyelletsa kalafo ea chlorine Dioxide ka likopo tsa metsi a sefefong, ho kenyelletsa le katleho ea metsi a hloekileng, e hlahisitsoeng metsi le ho robeha) metsi. Tšebeletso ea motheo ea tharollo ea metsi e shebane le libaka tse peli tsa bohlokoa: ho potoloha metsi le taolo ea libaktheria. Mosebetsing o mong le o mong, re tla sebetsa le bareki ho theha meralo ea maano mabapi le maemo a projeke, a lokiselitsoeng ho latela ts'ebetso ea bona e ikhethileng. Ts'ebeletso ea rona e fokotsa tlhoko ea metsi a hloekileng, lipalangoang tsa metsi, ho lahloa le tšubuhlellano fatše. Ka lebaka leo, re thusa ho boloka nako ea bareki, chelete le metsi, mohloli oa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa oa tlhaho.
BioLargo, Inc. (OTC: BLGO) e ntlafatsa bophelo ka ho fana ka lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho thekenoloji e tsitsitseng e ka thusang ho rarolla mathata a mangata a sokelang metsi, lijo, temo, tlhokomelo ea bophelo le matla a lefats'e. Bakeng sa tlhaiso-leseling e batsi ka k'hamphani le lithuso tsa eona, ka kopo etela Www.BioLargo.com. Thuso ea eona ea ho tšehetsa biolargo metsi, Inc.BolargoWater.com The time and cost of current technology. E amohetse "Blank Star" New the theknoloji e ncha "e ileng ea khethoa ke serapa sa petso ho ba 'marakeng oa kalafo. BioLargo e boetse e na le thahasello ea 50% ho Isan System, e ileng ea fuoa tlotla ea "Top 50 Company Company of the 21st Century" ke morero oa Artemis. Hona joale k'hamphani e se e le khoebo le laesense e tsoang metsing, Inc. monr-no-setjhaba e sebetsang phoofolo ea pere, ho kenyelletsa le mebaraka ea mokhatlo ® and Deodorall® brands (www.OdorNoMore.com). Clyra Medical Technologies, Inc. (www.ClyraMedical.com), a subsidiary of BioLargo, focuses on advanced wound care management.
Bird River Resources Inc. (CSE: BDR) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa tse fapaneng e fumanehang Winnipeg, Manitoba. BDR e na le lithahasello ho liliba tse leshome tsa oli le khase tse hlahisoang karolong e ka boroa ea Manitou Brazil. BDR e boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse fapaneng tsa tikoloho mme e rekisa mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa tse monyang tikoloho bakeng sa ho qhalla ha oli le indasteri le mapolasi.
Petro-Canada Extraction and Rehabilitation Enterprise Limited (TSX: CVR.V) ke k'hamphani ea litšebeletso tsa petroleum e ntlo-kholo ea eona e leng Canada. CORRE e fana ka litharollo tsa taolo ea litšila tse felletseng bakeng sa indasteri ea peterole. Bareki ba ho lokisa hangata ba le lefapheng la lirifitlelletsa ka tlase (tlhahiso ea oli le lik'hamphani tse noang (ho hloekisa, lipalangoang le ho tsamaisa lipalangoang le ho tsamaisa lipalangoang le ho tsamaisa lipalangoang Mohala oa tlhahiso ea CORRE o kenyelletsa ho lokisoa ha mobu o silafalitsoeng ke oli; treatment of sludge, oil-based mud and drilling waste, oil production; automated storage tank cleaning, oil and gas engineering and project management. CORRE e fana ka litharollo tsa eona tse tsoetseng pele tsa tikoloho ka litšebelisano tsa maano a ts'ebetso le tse ling tsa lik'hamphani tse hlahelletseng lefatšeng.
Seba Energy Services (TSX: CEI.V) provides specialized services for the energy industry, especially for companies engaged in oil and gas exploration, extraction and production in Western Canada. Ceiba e nts'etsapele le ho aha lits'ebeletso haufi le bareki ho fana ka ts'ebetso ea emulsion ea oli e tala, polokelo ea oli, polokelo le thekiso, le ho lahla metsi a tlhahiso.
Cypress Energy Partners (Cypress Energy Partners, LP) (NYSE: CELP) ke tšebelisano e fokolang ea kholo bakeng sa matla, lipatlisiso le tlhahiso le lik'hamphani tse bohareng ba United States le Canada le phepelo ea tsona Mofani o fana ka lits'ebeletso tse bohareng, ho kenyelletsa le tlhahlobo ea lipeipi, integrity and hydrostatic pressure testing services. Cypress e boetse e fana ka phekolo ea metsi a letsoai le litšebeletso tse ling tsa metsi le tsa tikoloho ho US Energy Exploration and Production Corporation le bafani ba eona North Dakota sebakeng sa Williston Basin le West Texas ho Permian Basin. Libakeng tsena tse tharo tsa khoebo, Cypress e sebetsa haufi-ufi le bareki ho ba thusa ho latela melao e thata le e thata ea tikoloho le polokeho le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso. Cypress e ntse e hatella Tulsa, Oklahoma.
ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa litharollo tse nang le tokelo ea molao le tsa thepa bakeng sa tikoloho moo kutloisiso ea boteng, motsamao le/kapa bophahamo ba metsi e leng bohlokoa. Libaka tse kholo tsa mebaraka li kenyelletsa: temo, kolofo le turf, lipatlisiso tsa mahlale, boenjiniere ba sechaba le tlhahiso ea oli e tala. Litharollo tsa ESI li hlahisitsoe ka katleho ho linaha tse fetang 40 ho nolofalletsa bareki ho ntlafatsa lits'ebetso le ho laola lits'ebetso, 'me ba hlokomela botšepehi ba libaka tsa ho nosetsa libaka tsa leoatle. Sesebelisoa sa k'hamphani sa FloPoint™ se etselitsoe indasteri ea peterole ho lekanya bophahamo ba metsi a pompetsoeng nakong ea ho ntšoa ha oli e tala ho bontša le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso. ESI e ikarola ka ho fetola mahlale a molemo ka ho fetisisa a fumanehang hore e be litharollo tse sebetsang, tseo ho leng bonolo ho li sebelisa. Batsamaisi ba nosetso, baenjiniere ba matamo le bo-rasaense ba amohetse lihlahisoa tsa ESI ka lebaka la ho nepahala ha tsona, ho sebelisoa habonolo, ho pheta-pheta le bokhoni ba ho sebetsa libakeng tse thata.
Eco-Stim Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM: ESES) ke k'hamphani ea litšebeletso tsa oli le theknoloji e tsepamisitseng maikutlo tikolohong, e fanang ka theknoloji ea taolo ea sebaka sa marang-rang bakeng sa bahlahisi ba oli le khase ba chekang 'marakeng oa machaba o ntseng o hola ka potlako o sa tloaelehang oa shale. Litšebeletso tsa khothatso le ho phethela. Mokhoa le thekenoloji ea thepa ea EcoStim e ka fokotsa palo ea methati ea khothatso ka har'a letamo la shale ka mokhoa o ikhethileng o ka bolelang libaka tse phahameng tsa tlhahiso le ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao tsa tlhahlobo ea li-downhole ho khetholla libaka tsena tsa tlhahiso. Ntle le moo, EcoStim e boetse e fa bareki ba eona mahlale a ho phethela a ka fokotsang haholo litlhoko tsa matla a lipere, mesi, sebaka sa maoto le ts'ebeliso ea metsi. EcoStim e ikemiseditse ho fa bahlahisi ba lefatshe ka bophara ba sa tlwaelehang ba oli le kgase ditshebeletso tsa ho phethela hantle ka thekenoloji e ntlafetseng, tikoloho e betere le melemo ya moruo e ntlafetseng haholo.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) is a technology development and intellectual property licensing company dedicated to developing environmental solutions for the global water, energy and industrial markets. Re thusa indasteri ho eketsa tlhahiso, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo, le ho sireletsa tikoloho ka letoto la mahlale a ikhethang a nang le tokelo ea molao: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® le Ecos GrowCube™ e sa tsoa phatlalatsoa, e u fang menyetla e ikhethileng le e sa ikhethelang ea ho fana ka laesense indastering eohle A. mefuta e mengata ea liindasteri le lisebelisoa hohle. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Canada e boetse e felisitse limilione tsa lilithara tsa lik'hemik'hale tse metsi 'me ea hlahisa lidolara tse fetang limilione tse 70 tsa Canada ho tsoa thekisong ea thepa, litšebeletso le laesense. Khamphani e boetse e atlehile ho etsa mechini e ka bang 50 ea Ozonix® mme ea e fetisetsa libakeng tse fapaneng tse kholo tsa hydraulic fracturing shale oli ho pholletsa le United States le Canada.
Enservco Corporation (NYSE MKT: ENSV) ka lithuso tsa eona tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebetso, ENSERVCO e fetohile e mong oa bafani ba ka sehloohong ba fanang ka oli e futhumetseng, acidification, fracturing water futhumala le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo ea mokelikeli indastering ea lits'ebeletso tsa matla libakeng tse supileng tse kholo tsa oli le khase ea lapeng. Ho sebeletsa bareki Colorado, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, Wyoming le West Virginia
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) ke khamphani ea CleanTech e Fort Lauderdale, Florida. E tsoetsoe 'me e etsa karohano ea Voraxial®, e ka boleloang hore e be e sebetsang ka ho fetisisa, e nang le likarolo tse ngata tsa molumo le tsa theknoloji e arohaneng / ea karohano. Voraxial® e ka aroloa ntle le ho theoha ha khatello. Likopo li kenyelletsa empa ha li felle feela ho: tlhoekiso ea phallo ea oli, phetolo ea litšila hore e be eneji, karohano ea metsi a lebopong le lebopong la leoatle, metsi a pshatlehang, metsi a pula, tlhoekiso ea metsi a litšila le biofuel. Mmaraka oa karohano o kenyelletsa likarolo tse ngata tsa 'maraka oa lidolara tse limilione tse likete, o akaretsa liindasteri le lits'ebetso tse ngata lefats'eng ka bophara. Sistimi ea karohano ea Voraxial® ea EVTN e phethetse merero ka lik'hamphani tse ngata tse hloahloa lefatšeng ka bophara
Lihlahisoa tsa Esp, Inc. (OTPI) li hlahisa, ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tse ikhethang tsa lik'hemik'hale tsa oli le tsa khase United States. Khamphani e fana ka lik'hemik'hale tse ikhethang bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tsa masimo a oli le khase, ho kenyelletsa ho bolaea libaktheria, ho arola metsi a emisitsoeng le lintho tse ling tse silafatsang oli e tala, ho arola oli ho khase ea tlhaho, ho ntlafatsa lipompo tsa ho pompa le ho hloekisa, le maro a fapaneng a sebelisoang le li-additives. Nakong ea ho cheka le ho etsa tlhahiso. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa ho phethoa ha lihlahisoa tsa petrochemical, tse sebelisoang haholo nakong ea ho phethoa ha liliba tsa oli kapa tsa khase ea tlhaho tse chekiloeng ka mefuta e fapaneng ea shale. The company's products also include the production of petrochemical products, such as surfactants used to deal with production and injection problems; well completion and workover chemicals, which can maximize the productivity of new and existing wells; and biocides can kill water transmission The growth of bacteria; scale compounds that prevent or treat scale deposits; corrosion inhibitors are organic compounds that can form a protective film on the metal surface to isolate the metal from the corrosive environment; defoamers used to control foaming problems; emulsification Agents for crude oil containing produced water; inhibit and/or dissolve paraffin to prevent accumulation of paraffin chemicals; le lintho tse hloekisang metsi bakeng sa tlhoekiso ea likhoerekhoere. In addition, it provides various services for the upstream, midstream and downstream industries of the energy industry, including new construction, modification of operations support for onshore and offshore production, collection, refining facilities and pipelines.
Freestone Resources Inc. (OTC: FSNR) ke k'hamphani ea ntlafatso ea theknoloji ea oli le khase e fumanehang Dallas, Texas. Sepheo se tsoelang pele sa k'hamphani ke ho hlahisa mekhoa e mecha ea ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa rona tse ngata ka tsela e nang le boikarabelo ba tikoloho le e bolokang chelete e ngata. Freestone is always exploring new and innovative technologies. Theknoloji e ncha e eketsa lekeno ka ho sebelisa mekhoa ea rona ea phetoho ea ho rala lehlabathe la oli le theknoloji ea tokiso ea oli le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa morao-rao. Sebaka sa tekheniki
Frontier Oilfield Services, Inc. (OTC: FOSI) is engaged in the transportation and disposal of brine and other oilfield fluids in Texas. Khampani e na le 'me e sebetsa liliba tse 11 tsa ho lahla Texas. It provides services to national, integrated and independent oil and gas exploration companies.
FTI Food Technology International (TSX: FTI.V) e sebetsa indastering ea lihlahisoa tse setseng tsa Canada. Ho kenyelletsa ho rekisoa ha thepa e felisitsoeng. The company's chlorine dioxide water purification tablets can be used for water treatment for a variety of purposes, including drinking water, swimming, industrial hygiene and pest control, as well as various applications in the natural gas and mining industries.
Genoil Inc (OTC: GNOLF) ke k'hamphani ea ntlafatso ea theknoloji ea boenjiniere ea Canada e ntlo-kholo ea Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, e nang le liofisi Calgary, Sherwood Park, New York, Constanta, Romania, Dubai le Abu Dhabi Place. Genoil e fana ka letoto la mahlale a hloekileng a theknoloji ea peterole. Genoil e ikemiselitse ho nts'etsapele nts'etsopele 'me e na le litsi tse peli tse kholo tsa lipatlisiso Canada le Romania. E na le sesebelisoa sa ho fetola "sa 10 BPD se nang le li-hydrogena" (Ghu) le PLC bakeng sa taolo ea ts'ebetso ea othomathike ea Canada Two Hills. Patlisiso ea Genoil le nts'etsopele (R & D) Basebetsi ba Genoil ba ntlafalitse mekhoa e mecha ea ho fumana tharollo ea mathata a matla a lefatše. Genoil e boetse e na le litokelo tse 'maloa tse amanang le GHU, tse kenyelletsang tlhoekiso ea metsi, tlhahlobo ea seliba, theknoloji ea ho hlatsoa lehlabathe le theknoloji ea tokiso ea tikoloho. Genoil e atlehile ho etsa kopo ea litokelo tsa molao bakeng sa litheknoloji tsena tse ncha 'me e fumane litokelo tsa morao-rao bakeng sa theknoloji ea eona ea ho hlatsoa lehlabathe. Ka sebopeho se secha sa k'hamphani, Genoil o tšepa hore Genoil o tšepa hore o tla sebelisa monyetla o felletseng oa 'maraka oa lefatše. Ha ke feta likopo tse ngata tsa masene le mebang ea 'maraka, genoil e tšehelitse likarolo tse ngata le litlolo ho lebisa tsela ea pele.
Gibson Energy Company (TSX: GEI.TO) ke mofani oa litšebeletso tse kholo tse ikemetseng tse kopanetsoeng bakeng sa indasteri ea oli le khase, e nang le ts'ebetso libakeng tse kholo tsa tlhahiso ea Amerika Leboea. Gibsons e sebetsana le lipalangoang, polokelo, ho kopanya, ho sebetsa, ho rekisa le ho aba oli e tala, condensate, metsi a khase ea tlhaho, metsi, litšila tsa oli le lihlahisoa tse hloekisitsoeng. Khampani e sebelisa marang-rang a kopantsoeng a li-terminals, liphaephe, litanka tsa polokelo le literaka ho pholletsa le Canada Bophirimela, hammoho le marang-rang a bohlokoa a literaka le liteishene tsa khase United States ho tsamaisa lihlahisoa tsa matla. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka ts'ebetso ea ho hlophisoa, kalafo ea kalafo ea metsi le oli ea oli ea oli ea oli le marang-rang a Projeke. Ts'ebetso e kopaneng ea k'hamphani e e thusa ho nka karolo ho ketane eohle ea boleng ba matla naheng ea Canada le libakeng tse hlahisang hydrocarbon ea US ka libaka tsa maano tsa k'hamphani tse Hardisty le Edmonton, Alberta, le liteishene tsa ente le liteishene tsa United States. . , E fuoe basebelisi ba felisang kapa ba ratoang Amerika Leboea.
GreenHunter Water LLC (NYSE MKT: GRH) ka lithuso tsa eona tsa GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC le GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC e fana ka Total Water Management Solutions™/Oilfield Fluid Management Solutions™ masimong a oli le masimong a ona. Shale Gas in the Appalachian Basin. Metsi a limela a mela a ntse a eketseha ha sephutheloana sa tšebeletso ea sephutheloana sa ho senyeha ha literekere tsa therehole ka ho fetisisa ratings Sehlopha sa literaka tse 407 se sebelisetsoa ho hula condensate le metsi boteng ba condensate. Metsi a limela a mela le eena a ile a etella pele motsamao oa metsi a kutang, hobane mokhoa o sebetsang o sireletsehileng o bapisoang le ho tsamaisoa ka teraka kapa ho tsamaisoa ha terene. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC e fana ka litharollo tsa tikoloho sebakeng sa marang-rang holim'a liphaephe le lisebelisoa. Sephutheloana sa eona sa ts'ebeletso se kenyelletsa ho hloekisa tanka le rig, ho tlosa litšila / ho lokisoa ha litšila tse metsi le tse tiileng, ho tiisa le karabo ea ho qhalana. Kutloisiso ea hore lisutu tsa lits'ebeletso tse hokahaneng ke senotlolo sa taolo ea litšila tsa E&P e thehile mokhoa o felletseng oa lits'ebeletso tsa pheletso ho isa pheletsong ea GreenHunter Resources. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC e fana ka ts'ebeletso ea li-hydrocarbons (lipalangoang tsa peterole, 'me li tla sebelisa li-hydrocarbons tse teng haufinyane. , Condensate le NGL) polokelo, ho sebetsa le ho rekisa. , E kenyelletsang libaka tse fihlang ho tse tšeletseng tse fapaneng tsa likepe tsa likepe, tseo hajoale e leng tsa GreenHunter Resources kapa tse hiriloeng.
Intercept Services Inc. Canada le nakong ea ho roba mokhoa oa ho robatsa United States. Ka ho sebelisa HE Heaters(TM), IES e ka fokotsa tšebeliso ea mafura le mesi, ea ntlafatsa polokeho le tlhahiso, le ho fihlela ts'ebetso ea boemo ba leholimo bo batang haholo ka litšenyehelo tse tlase haholo tsa ts'ebetso, kahoo e tlisetsa bareki ba eona monyetla oa tlholisano o tobileng.
MOP Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTC: MOPN) ke k'hamphani e thehiloeng US, e ikopantseng le JPO Absorbents, e ikemiselitseng ho hlahisa mekhoa e tsitsitseng ea ho rarolla mathata a tikoloho, ho kenyelletsa le ho lokisa ho qhala ha oli, ho hlaphoheloa, le ho sefa.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) ke moetapele oa 'maraka mabapi le ho lokisa litšila tsa metsing (Marpol) le lithōle tse lebōpong la leoatle, ka lilemo tse fetang 25 tsa phihlelo ea ho bokella le ho sebetsa. Bokhoni ba ho tšoara litšila litsing tsa rona tse tsitsitseng le bokhoni ba ho sebelisa mochini oa rona o monyane oa kalafo oa mehala o re lumella ho fana ka tharollo ea litšila tse fihlelang litlhoko tsa indasteri ea maoatle, oli le khase. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Mehaho ea rona ea ho amohela boema-kepe e Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) le Texas Gulf Coast (United States) e bokella le ho tšoara litšila tsa leoatle ho latela "Malpol Annex IV". Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Sehlopha sa rona sa boenjiniere se ipapisitse le meralo, boenjineri, ho kenya le ho lokisa litharollo tsa pheko ea litšila tse lebopong le kantle ho naha.
Mafura a latelang. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) ke mofani oa theknoloji le k'hamphani ea litšebeletso e fanang ka litšebeletso ho indasteri ea oli le khase. Khampani e ikemiselitse ho ntlafatsa theknoloji ea ho hloekisa metsi ho fana ka litharollo tsa theko e tlaase, tse phahameng haholo tsa tokiso ea khoebo.
Nuverra Environmental Solutions (NYSE: NES) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa United States, tse ikemiselitseng ho fana ka bareki 'marakeng oa matla ka tharollo e feletseng le e feletseng ea tikoloho. Nuverra e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho lipalangoang, ho bokella, ho phekola, ho tsosolosa le ho lahla lintho tse thata tse thibetsoeng, metsi, metsi a litšila, lino tse litšila le li-hydrocarbon. Khampani e ntse e tsoela pele ho atolosa lethathamo la eona la litharollo tse finyellang litlhoko tsa tikoloho le nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng ho bareki ba hlokang tlhokomelo e matla ea bafani ba litšebeletso le boikarabelo ba tikoloho.
OriginOil, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) is a leading provider of water treatment solutions and a developer of breakthrough water purification technologies for the fast-growing world market. Through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, OriginClear provides systems and services to treat water in many industries including municipal, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, industrial, oil and gas. In order to rapidly develop this business unit, we strategically acquired a lucrative and well-managed water treatment company, which allowed us to expand our global market share and technical expertise. In order to create a new era of clean and socially responsible water treatment solutions, we invented Electro Water Separation™, a breakthrough multi-stage electrolysis high-speed water purification technology, which has been licensed to water treatment equipment manufacturers worldwide . Water is our most precious resource. Thomo ea "Thobalano e hlakileng ea Lelapa" ke ho ntlafatsa boleng ba metsi le ho e lokisa ho ea boemong ba eona ba pele, bo hlakileng.
Planet Resource Recovery, Inc. (OTC: PRRY) is the developer, manufacturer and seller of the Earth-friendly products of the PetroLuxus™ technology platform. Hajoale e kenyelletsa lihlahisoa tsa letoto la PetroLuxus™ bakeng sa indasteri ea oli le khase le indasteri ea oli le khase. Aquahalaxus ke sehlahisoa se sa tšoaroang ha kalafo ea indasteri ea metsi.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . Re tla rarolla bothata bona ka tagline ea lebitso mona™, ho tsebisa bareki hore ba ka tšepa Rephabliki ho fana ka boiphihlelo bo botle, ha re ntse re khothaletsa Blue Planet™ e tsitsitseng bakeng sa meloko e tlang ho thabela lefatše le hloekileng, le sireletsehileng le le phetseng hantle.
Robix Environmental Technologies Inc. (CSE: RZX; Frankfurt: ROX) is an “industrial products/technology” company that provides investors with a rare opportunity to participate in leading companies engaged in patent ownership business, and From commercial development to global expansion through various business arrangements. Robix owns the Clean Ocean Vessel (“COV”) patent, which is an oil spill recovery vessel design that can recover oil in rough and debris-laden sea conditions. Robix e amohetse monyetla oa 'maraka oa lefats'e oa ho boloka, ho sebelisoa hape le ho lahloa ha lisebelisoa, haholo indastering ea ts'ireletso ea ho qhalana ha oli, mme e sisinya ho nts'etsapele khoebo ea mofani oa litšebeletso le/kapa thepa e ipapisitseng le litumellano tsa laesense le bankakarolo ba bang ba indasteri. in which Robix will use its COV patented design solution.
Seair Inc. (TSX: SDS.V) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji ea metsi e sebetsang motheong oa kamano ea matla a metsi, ho fana ka theknoloji ea ho hasana ka thepa, le ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa lefats'e liindastering tse ngata tse kenyeletsang oli le khase, merafo, metsi a litšila a masepala le a indasteri Kopo ea thobalano. Theknoloji ea khoebo ea k'hamphani e rarolla bothata ba bohlokoa ba karohano ea metsi le oli (deoiling) ka mokhoa o theko e tlase le o sebetsang ka ho hasanya oksijene, ozone, naetrojene le carbon dioxide mokelikeling le ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla. Seair esale a sebetsa le bareki indastering ea oli le khase ka lilemo tse fetang tse hlano. Seair's applications include oil sand SAGD aqueous solutions, fracturing and produced water treatment, industrial pond treatment, mine dehydration/treatment, end-to-end sewage treatment in permanent residential areas and remote work camps, golf course irrigation and pond treatment, and industrial waste gas treatment.
Sionix Corporation (OTC: SINX) e qapile mokhoa o mocha le o tsoetseng pele oa ho hloekisa metsi (MWTS) ka theknoloji ea rona e nang le tokelo ea molao le ea thepa ea DAF e le motheo oa sistimi. Sistimi ea rona e etselitsoe matla, lits'ebeletso tsa mmuso, lits'ebeletso tsa bophelo bo botle, phepelo ea metsi ea tšohanyetso nakong ea likoluoa tsa tlhaho, merero ea nts'etsopele ea matlo, ho ts'oaroa ha metsi a leoatle pele ho ts'oaroa ha metsi a leoatle le lits'ebetso tse ling tsa filtration, le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tse kenyelletsang ho putlama ka tlas'a lefatše ka har'a oli le khase ea indasteri ea ho cheka.
Thermax (BSE: Thermax.bo) e fana ka tharollo ea boenjiniere bakeng sa indasteri ea matla le tikoloho ka India le kahare. E arotsoe ka likarolo tse peli: matla le tikoloho. Khamphani e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa taolo ea silifation ea moea, ho kenyeletsoa mekotla ea mokotla, likhahla tse metsi le bahlahisi ba elektrosta. litsamaiso tsa ho monya, ho kenyeletsoa li-coolers tse monyang, lipompo tsa mocheso, lihlahisoa tse futhumatsang tsa letsatsi le lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang moea; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; le lifuthumatsi tsa mafura le tse futhumatsang oli. E boetse e fana ka tlhoekiso ea metsi, liindasteri tsa tsoekere le lipampiri, masimo a oli, lik'hemik'hale tse tala, tsa kaho le tsa mollo, hammoho le li-resin tsa li-ion le lisebelisoa tsa mafura; Limela tsa motlakase tsa EPC; tharollo ea mocheso oa letsatsi le photovoltaic; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. Ntle le moo, e fana ka matla, nchafatso le nchafatso, tlhoekiso ea metsi a litšila, ts'ebetso ea projeke e akaretsang ea konteraka, li-boilers tse kholo, koetliso ea bareki le lits'ebeletso tse khethehileng le tharollo; lisebelisoa tse felletseng tsa li-boilers le lisebelisoa tsa peripheral, hammoho le ts'ebetso ea setsi sa motlakase le lits'ebeletso tsa tlhokomelo; le likarolong tsa phomolo. Khamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso bakeng sa oli le khase, tšepe, moloko oa motlakase, warmating, tsoekere, tsoekere, tsoekere le e jeoang, e tsoekere industries; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Titanium Corporation Inc. (TSX: TIC.V) Theknoloji ea CVW™ e fana ka litharollo tse tsitsitseng ho fokotsa sebaka sa tikoloho sa indasteri ea lehlabathe la oli. Tloaense ea rona e fokotsa tšusumetso ea tikoloho ea oli e boloka methapo, ha e ntse e khutlisa lihlahisoa tsa bohlokoa tse neng li ka lahleha. CVW™ e fumana sekontiri, lihlapolli le liminerale ho tloha mehatleng, ka tsela eo e thibela lihlahisoa tsena ho kena ka letamong le sepakapaka le sepakapaka: e fokotsa haholo ho ntšoa ha metsoako ea tlhaho le likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše; boleng ba metsi a chesang a chesang bo ka ntlafatsoa. Recycling; residual tailings can be thickened more easily.
Trican Well Service Ltd (TSX: TCW.TO) provides a wide range of professional products, equipment and services that can be used in the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves. EcoClean-LW™ is a linear water fracturing fluid designed to eliminate the risk of contamination to geological structures, aquifers and product handlers. Sistimi ea EcoClean-LW e na le li-additives tse se nang chefo, tse bolang kapa tse se nang bioaccumulating tse sebelisoang li le mong kapa li kopane. Each additive will pass strict Microtox® tests. Lihlahisoa kapa lik'hemik'hale tse fetisang tlhahlobo ea Microtox® li nkoa li sireletsehile ho sebelisoa metsing a nooang, 'me ka kakaretso li finyella litekanyetso tse boletsoeng litlhahlobong tse ling tsa taolo.
Veolia Environnement (NYSE: VE; Paris: VIE.PA) helps cities and industries manage, optimize and fully utilize their resources. Khamphani e fana ka mefuta e mengata e amanang le metsi, matla le ho tsepamisa mohopolo ho isa tekanyong ea ho ipha metsi.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Ka tlamo ea eona ea R360 Environmental Solutions, khamphani hape ke mofani oa litšebeletso tsa ho hloekisa litšila, ho tsosolosa le ho lahla lits'ebeletso bakeng sa libaka tse ngata tse sebetsang ka ho fetisisa tsa tlhahiso ea lihloliloeng United States (ho kenyeletsoa Permian Basin, Bakken Basin le Eagle Ford Basin). Mofani ea ka sehloohong. . Waste Connection Corporation e sebeletsa bareki ba fetang limilione tse 2 ba bolulo, ba khoebo, ba indasteri, ba lipatlisiso le ba tlhahiso ka marang-rang a ts'ebetso linaheng tse 32. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa intermodal bakeng sa lipalangoang tsa thepa le litšila tse tiileng Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. e thehiloe ka Loetse 1997 mme e na le ntlo-kholo Woodlands, Texas.
WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse etellang pele lefatšeng ka bophara tsa litšebeletso tsa litsebi. WSP provides technical expertise to clients in real estate, buildings, transportation and infrastructure, environment, industry, and resources (including mining and oil and gas) Knowledge and strategy consulting for natural gas) and power and energy fields. WSP also provides highly specialized services in project delivery and strategic consulting. Litsebi tsa eona li kenyelletsa lienjiniere, baeletsi, litsebi tsa theknoloji, bo-rasaense, litsebi tsa meralo ea meralo, litsebi tsa meralo, bafuputsi le litsebi tsa tikoloho, hammoho le litsebi tse ling tsa meralo, meralo le tsamaiso ea kaho. Ka basebetsi ba ka bang 34,000 liofising tse 500 linaheng/litikolohong tse 40, WSP e na le molemo oa merero e atlehileng le e tšoarellang tlas'a mabitso a WSP le WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff. Metsi: Ka Phuptjane 2016, k'hamphani e phatlalalitse hore e fihletse tumellano le Schlumberger, k'hamphani e etelletseng pele lefatšeng ea litšebeletso tsa oli, ho fumana khoebo ea eona ea boeletsi mabapi le metsi. Khoebo ena e tla thusa WSP ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa tlhahlobo ea metsi le tharollo ea merero ho bareki ba indasteri ba lefats'e.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) ke k'hamphani e etelletseng pele ea ts'ebeliso ea matla e tšoarellang e inehetseng ho tharollo ea motlakase oa lefatše ka bophara, oa letsatsi le oa metsi. 3Power e rera ho fa bareki matla a matala a boleng bo botle ho tsoa matleng a sireletsehileng le a ts'eptjoang a ka nchafatsoang ao Sehlopha se se hahang, se nang le sona le ho se sebetsa.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa litšepe tse khethehileng le lihlahisoa tsa lik'hemik'hale. Khampani e kopantsoe ka ho feletseng le lisebelisoa tsa ho tsosolosa li-loop tse koetsoeng, e leng ntlo-khōlō e Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 'me e na le liofisi tsa tlhahiso ea limela le tsa thekiso libakeng tse ngata tsa Europe, Amerika le Asia. 5N Plus e sebelisitse letoto la mahlale a morao-rao le a netefalitsoeng ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ka sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse ngata tse tsoetseng pele tsa meriana, tsa elektroniki le tsa indasteri. Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng li kenyelletsa lirafshoa tse hloekileng tse kang bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium le tellurium, lik'hemik'hale tse sa tloaelehang tse thehiloeng holim'a litšepe tsena, le liphaphatha tsa semiconductor tse kopantsoeng. Bongata ba bona ke bo-pula-maliboho ba bohlokoa le batšehetsi ba bohlokoa, joalo ka matla a letsatsi, li-diode tse ntšang khanya le lisebelisoa tse baballang tikoloho.
7C Solarparken AG (XETRA: HRPK.DE; Frankfurt: HRPK.F) e rala le ho aha lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi tsa turnkey bakeng sa bareki ba poraefete, masepala, indasteri le khoebo. Khamphani e boetse e sebetsa limela tse fapaneng tsa matla a letsatsi Jeremane le Italy ka kakaretso e kentsoeng ea 26 MWp. Ho feta moo, e boetse e fana ka letoto la lits'ebeletso, tse kang ts'ehetso ea tekheniki, ho lebela hole, ho hlahloba le ho lokisa, ho rarolla mathata le ho lokisa, ho tlaleha, ho boloka boitsebiso, hammoho le litšebeletso tsa keletso le tšehetso bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea tsamaiso ea letsatsi, tlhokomelo le tlhokomelo.
ABCO Energy, Inc. (OTC: ABCE) le litšehetso tsa eona li sebetsa e le lihlahisoa tsa motlakase le bafani ba litšebeletso United States. Khampani e rekisa le ho kenya lisebelisoa tsa matla a letsatsi la photovoltaic ho nolofalletsa bareki ho hlahisa motlakase libakeng tsa bona tsa bolulo kapa tsa khoebo. E boetse e rekisa le ho kenya lihlahisoa tsa mabone a baballang matla, mabone a literata a solar le lisebelisoa tsa mabone ho bareki ba bolulo le ba khoebo. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e fana ka merero ea ho hira ea letsatsi le merero ea nako e telele ea lichelete bakeng sa bareki ba eona le mekhatlo e meng ea ho bapatsa le ea ho kenya.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Acciona ke sebapali se seholo 'marakeng oa matla a nchafatsang, ka ts'ebetso e matla ea linaha tse fetang 20 / libaka tse hlano. The company specializes in working with renewable energy, especially five of them-wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, hydroelectric power and biomass energy.
ARRAY Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGS: ARRY) ke e 'ngoe ea baetsi ba kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng ba lisebelisoa tsa ho kenya fatše bakeng sa merero ea letsatsi. The company's main products are an integrated system of steel brackets, electric motors, gearboxes, electronic controllers and software, usually called single-axis “trackers”. The tracker moves the solar panels throughout the day to maintain the best direction towards the sun, thereby significantly increasing its energy production. Ha ho bapisoa le merero e sebelisang mekhoa e tloaelehileng ea ho kenya "fixed tilt", merero ea letsatsi e sebelisang li-trackers e ka hlahisa ho fihla ho 25% ea matla le ho fana ka litšenyehelo tse tlaase tsa motlakase. Array Technologies is headquartered in the United States, with offices in Europe, Central America and Australia.
Aurora SolarTechnologies Inc. (TSX: ACU.V) e hlahisa, e hlahisa le ho rekisa mekhoa ea ho lekanya marang-rang bakeng sa indasteri ea photovoltaic. Headquartered in North Vancouver, Canada, founded by experienced leaders in process measurement, semiconductor manufacturing and industrial automation, the company's online, real-time measurement and control products provide photovoltaic cell manufacturers with a way to reduce production costs and increase profits.
Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang India, tse nang le projeke ea hajoale ea 5,290 MW. AGEL ke karolo ea boitlamo ba Adani Group ba ho fa India bokamoso bo betere, bo hloekileng le bo botala. Ka ho susumetsoa ke filosofi ea sehlopha ea "kholo e ntle", k'hamphani e nts'etsapele, e aha, e laola, e sebetsa le ho boloka merero e amanang le marang-rang e amanang le matla a letsatsi le mapolasi a moea. Motlakase o fehloang o fuoa mekhatlo e bohareng le ea naha le lik'hamphani tse tšehelitsoeng ke 'muso.
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AEIS) is a global leader in innovative power and control technology for high-growth, precision power conversion solutions. Matla a tsoetseng a le hlooho e kholo ea litopo, Colorado, hape e na le tšehetso le libaka tsa litšebeletso ho potoloha lefatše. Matla a tsoetseng pele ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka litharollo tse ts'epahalang tsa ho sokoloha ka matla a ho sokola ha li-Plasma tsa lifilimi le moloko oa letsatsi oa letsatsi.
Sehlopha sa Liphoofolo (Paris: Ai.PA) ke mofani oa khase, theknoloji le lits'ebeletso tsa indasteri, lijo le li-pharmaticals kapa merima. The company categorizes its activities into natural gas and services, engineering technology and other activities. Mesebetsi ea eona ea khase le litšebeletso e fana ka lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa khase, lisebelisoa tsa kopo le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le tsona bakeng sa theknoloji, lipatlisiso, thepa, matla, likoloi, tlhahiso, lijo, meriana, mesebetsi ea matsoho le liindasteri tsa marang-rang. It also provides medical gas, sanitary products, medical equipment and services for hospitals and patients at home. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Its engineering and technical activities include design, development and construction of industrial gas production plants. Its other activities include the development of welding and cutting technologies, and the provision of deep-sea diving and swimming equipment.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO) ke k'hamphani ea mefuta e fapaneng ea ho fehla, ho fetisa le ho fana ka matla Amerika Leboea. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. Sehlopha sa metsamao e sa ngolisoang meloko e sa ngolisoang e na le sethunya sa moea o mongobo, setereli sa letsatsi sa khase, se nang le moea oa khase ea motlakase, se nang le bokhoni ba megawatts tse fetang 1,050. Sehlopha sa Phetiso se tsetetse ho phetiso ea matla e laoloang ke sekhahla le lits'ebetso tsa lipeipi tsa khase ea tlhaho United States le Canada. Matla a Algonquin le lits'ebeletso li finyeletse ho eketsa likhamphani tse nchafalitsoeng tsa matla a matla a matla a matla a matla a motlakase, 'me ho lelekisa likhamphani tsa matla a matla a molao, le likhoebo tsa motlakase tse hatisitsoeng.
Alstom (paris: Alopa.PA) Ke Moetapele oa lefats'e ka har'a matla a matla molokong oa matla Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , ka tsepamisa mohopolo ho tsa mriri e bohlale. Matla a Solar: Theknoloji ea rona e ka ikamahanya le mefuta eohle le sekala sa merero, ho kenyeletsoa tlhahiso ea motlakase e nyalisitsoeng le limela tsa matla a letsatsi kaofela.
Alternus Energy Inc. (OTC: ALTN) is a global independent electricity producer (“IPP”). We develop, own and operate solar photovoltaic parks directly connected to the national grid. Our current source of revenue comes from long-term, fixed-price, long-term supply contracts stipulated by the government. These contracts are in the form of government feed-in tariffs (“FiT”) and other energy incentives, and are valid for 15 to 20 years. Our current contracts provide annual revenue, of which approximately 75% comes from these sources, and the remaining 25% comes from revenue generated from Contract Energy Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) signed with other energy operators and sales to the general energy market. Linaha tseo re sebetsang ho tsona. Ka kakaretso, likonteraka tsena li hlahisa sekhahla se tloaelehileng sa thekiso ka hora ea matla a botala e hlahisoang ke Solar Park. Re na le lintlha tsa rona tsa hona joale ke 'maraka oa Solar Solar Photovolic. Leha ho le joalo, re boetse re hlahloba menyetla linaheng tse ling ka ntle ho Europe.
Lisebelisoa tsa Amtechs, Inc. (NASDAQ: Lisebelisoa tsa Phello tsa Toka "bakeng sa Lihlahisoa tsa Phello tsa Livideo tse Ntle Bakeng sa Likhatiso tsa Solar. Amtech's equipment includes diffusion, ALD and PECVD systems, ion implanters and solder reflow systems. Amtech e boetse e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa othomathike le lisebelisoa tsa polishing le lisebelisoa tse amanang le tsona. The company's wafer processing, heat treatment and consumable products currently address the diffusion, oxidation and deposition steps used in the polishing of solar cells, LEDs, semiconductors, MEMS, printed circuit boards, semiconductor packaging, and freshly cut sapphire and silicon. . Wafer.
Apollo Power Ltd (Tel Aviv: APLP.TA) develops innovative technical solutions and products in the solar field. Sehlahisoa se hlahelletseng sa k'hamphani ke filimi e feto-fetohang ea letsatsi e etselitsoeng ho fetolela bokaholimo bofe kapa bofe ka tlas'a letsatsi hore e be matla. Apollo Power e na le patent e le 'ngoe e amohetsoeng le litokelo tse hlano tse ntseng li emetse ka mekhahlelo e fapaneng ea tumello.
Applied Materials Corporation (NASDAQGS: AMAT) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa litharollo tsa boenjiniere tse nepahetseng bakeng sa semiconductor, ponts'o ea liphanele tse bataletseng le liindasteri tsa letsatsi la photovoltaic. Theknoloji ea rona e thusa ho etsa hore lihlahisoa tse nchafalitsoeng tse kang li-smartphone, lithelevishene tse bataletseng le liphanele tsa letsatsi li fihlellehe le ho fumaneha ho bareki le likhoebo lefatšeng ka bophara.
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Limela tsena tsa matla li kenyelletsa limela tsa motlakase oa potoloho e le 'ngoe le potoloho e kopaneng ea matla a khase ea tlhaho, hammoho le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla, ho kenyeletsoa biodiesel, ethanol, le lisebelisoa tse tsamaisoang ke mehloli ea matla e nchafalitsoeng joalo ka moea le letsatsi. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
Atlantic Wind & Solar Inc. (OTC: AWSL) is a developer of utility-scale renewable energy power plants with more than 750 MW projects in different stages of development in Canada, South America, Asia and the Caribbean. Sehlahisoa sa eona haholo-holo ke photovoltaic ea letsatsi, e nang le matla a kakaretso a ka bang 650 megawatts ka mekhahlelo e fapaneng ea tsoelo-pele. E se e lahlile Ontario, litoropo tse 22 Canada, le libaka tse 5 tsa Amerika Bohareng le Amerika (ho kenyeletsa le Ecuador le Peru).
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) e na le le ho laola matla a khase ea tlhaho, motlakase, likhoele tsa phetiso le thepa ea metsi Amerika Leboea, Amerika Boroa, Spain, Algeria le Afrika Boroa. Matlotlo a fehlang motlakase o ka tsosolositsoeng a kenyelletsa litsi tsa motlakase oa letsatsi le moea.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. Lipatlisiso le lihlahisoa tsa AVX li bohlokoa bakeng sa mahlale a macha a "tala" a etselitsoeng ho boloka matla a teng le ho theha mekhoa e tšepahalang le e theko e tlaase ho sebelisa matla a ka nchafatsoang joalo ka moea, letsatsi le motlakase oa metsi. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Azure Power (NYSE: AZRE) ke mohlahisi ea ka sehloohong ea ikemetseng oa letsatsi India, ea hlahisang ho feta 1,630 MW literekeng/literekeng tse 22. Ka boenjiniere ba eona ba ka hare, boitsebelo ba ho reka le ho haha le bokhoni bo tsoetseng pele ba ts'ebetso ea kahare le tlhokomelo, Azure Power e fana ka litharollo tsa letsatsi tse theko e tlase le tse tšepahalang ho bareki ho pholletsa le India.
BioSolar, Inc (OTC: BSRC), a manufacturer of innovative bio-based solar products, is currently developing a breakthrough energy storage technology to reduce the cost of storing solar energy. Existing battery technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, can store energy for a long time, but cannot charge or discharge quickly. This feature limits the use of batteries for backup power applications. Inspired by nature, BioSolar is developing a low-cost polymer-based supercapacitor that charges and discharges hundreds of times faster than batteries, and will complement the batteries used to store solar energy. Ka ho kopanya li-spercapripers tse borikhoe ka har'a pakete ea betri e le pheletso ea battery e le 'muso o phahameng, palo ea mekotla ea betri e hlokahalang haholo le litšenyehelo tse fumanehang hantle ka lebaka la tšebeliso bosiu ho theko e tlase. This potentially game-changing technology will enable users of solar systems to reduce their dependence on or completely disconnect from the utility grid
Bluefield Solar Income Fund (LSE: BSIF.L) is an investment company dedicated to acquiring and managing a diversified large solar investment portfolio in the UK. Sepheo sa BSIF ke ho fihlella chelete e tsitsitseng ea nako e telele ho thepa ea sechaba le li-portfolio tsa matsete sebakeng se setala, indasteri le/kapa libaka tsa khoebo.
Bluglass Limited (ASX: BLG.AX) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea nitride ea Sehlopha sa III ho nts'etsapele lits'ebetso le lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa ho etsa li-LED le lisele tsa letsatsi. Khamphani e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa "remote plasma chemical vapor deposition" (RPCVD), theknoloji ea ho etsa thepa ea semiconductor. E fana ka lits'ebeletso tse sentsoeng bakeng sa ho etsa litempele tsa moetlo oa Nitri ea Khethollo ea Nitride Optical microscope and LED rapid test.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) e sebetsa e 'ngoe ea li-platform tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng tse rekisoang ka matla a hloekileng a ka nchafatsoang. Phatlalatso ea lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani e akaretsa litsamaiso tsa linōka tse 74 le limmaraka tsa motlakase tse 14 Amerika Leboea, Latin America le Europe, haholo-holo motlakase oa metsi, o nang le kakaretso e kentsoeng ea ho feta 7,000 MW. Ka potefolio ea thepa ea boleng bo holimo le tebello e matla ea kholo, khoebo e ka hlahisa phallo ea chelete e tsitsitseng ea nako e telele le ho ts'ehetsa kabo ea chelete e tloaelehileng le e ntseng e hola ho beng ba liabo.
BYD Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) e ikakhetse ka setotsoana indastering ea IT, haholo-holo e amehang khoebong ea libeteri tse nchafatsoang, lisebelisoa tsa mehala ea thekeng le likhomphutha le lits'ebeletso tsa kopano, le khoebo ea likoloi, ho kenyeletsoa libeso tsa setso. Likoloi tsa motlakase le likoloi tse ncha tsa matla, ha li ntse li sebelisa monyetla oa theknoloji ea rona, li nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse ling tse ncha tsa matla, joalo ka mapolasi a letsatsi, liteishene tsa polokelo ea matla, likoloi tsa motlakase, li-LED, lifereko tsa motlakase, jj.
Canadian Solar Company (NasdaqGM: CSIQ), e nang le ntlo-kholo e Ontario, Canada, ke mofani oa matla oa lefats'e ka bophara o nang le litšehetso tse atlehileng tsa khoebo linaheng / literekeng tse 18 lik'honthinenteng tse 6. Limmaraka tsa rona tse kholo li kenyelletsa Canada, United States, Japan, China, Jeremane le India. E na le litsi tse 8 tsa tlhahiso ea thepa ka botlalo China le Canada
Cemtrex (nasdaqcm: cetx CMTRex e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa elektroniki tse tsoetsoeng e le tsa bongaka tse thehiloeng ho ngaka, bahlokomeli ba Embisa, bahlokomeli ba lits'ebetso tsa indasteri le lits'ebeletso tsa moea tsa taolo ea tikoloho le lits'ebeletso. Khampani e rera ho kena lekaleng le ntseng le hlaha la India la matla a ka nchafatsoang. Khamphani e rera ho theha setšehetsi sa ho aha le ho aha le ho aha setsi sa matla a mmele a 100-megawatt ea matla a eona a ho nyolohela lefapheng la matla a matla a matla.
Chevron Energy Corporation (NYSE: CVX) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse tsamaisang matla tse kopaneng lefatšeng ka bophara, 'me makala a eona a sebetsa lefatšeng ka bophara. Khampani e hlahloba, e hlahisa le ho tsamaisa oli e tala le khase ea tlhaho; refines, sells and distributes transportation fuels and other energy products; e hlahisa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa petrochemical; generates electricity and generates geothermal energy; e fana ka litharollo tse sebetsang hantle tsa matla; mme o hlakisa bokamoso ho kenyeletsa matla a biofuls. ntlo-kholo ea Chevron e San Ramon, California.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. Ho feta moo, e boetse e tsamaisa merero e meng e kang matla a mocheso, matla a letsatsi, matla a maqhubu, matla a biomass le matla a mocheso oa mocheso. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. After years of accumulation, the company has gradually established ten wind power technology and service support systems, in the preliminary measurement of wind power, design consultation, equipment procurement, operation monitoring, inspection and maintenance, technical research and development, technical support, technical development, technical support, technology Support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support and other fields have formed unique advantages. Professional Training.
China Solar Energy le Clean Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (OTC: CSOL) e theha le ho fana ka litharollo tse kopantsoeng tsa matla a tsosolositsoeng bakeng sa bareki ba indasteri le bahlahisi ba thekiso ea matlo le meaho Chaena le lefats'e. Khampani e fana ka li-vacuum tube le li-heaters tsa metsi tsa letsatsi tse bataletseng; libono tsa biomass le lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa ka nakoana le lits'ebetso tsa ho khutlisa litšila tsa indasteri, ho kenyeletsoa liphaephe tse futhumatsang mocheso, li-stove tsa mocheso o chesang o chesang, li-evaporator tsa liphaephe tsa mocheso, ho tlosa lerōle le lits'ebetso tsa desulfurization, liboilers tsa metsi a chesang tse lulang li le khatello le li-boilers tse tukang mashala le bio-material. libopi. E boetse e fana ka mekhoa ea ho khutlisa mocheso oa litšila tsa indasteri le lihlahisoa tsa ho futhumatsa, tse kang li-tubes tse futhumatsang, li-heaters tsa mocheso, li-tubes tse khethehileng tsa ho futhumatsa le li-tubes, li-stove tsa mocheso o phahameng oa mocheso o chesang, li-filters tse futhumatsang, li-boilers tsa metsi a chesang a sepakapaka le li-radiator. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e boetse e fana ka li-heaters tse tloaelehileng tsa tubula tse nang le tšireletso e teteaneng; le ho rekisa li-spare parts tsa lihlahisoa tsa eona, le ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa ho lokisa le ho lokisa ka mor'a ho rekisa. Litharollo tsa China tsa matla a letsatsi le a hloekileng li rekisa lihlahisoa ka marang-rang a barekisi, barekisi, baemeli ba thekiso le barekisi.
Chofu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5946.T) ke k'hamphani ea Japane e sebetsanang haholo le ho etsa thepa ea phepelo ea metsi a chesang, lisebelisoa tsa moea, lisebelisoa tsa tsamaiso le lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi. Lihlahisoa tsa eona tse ka sehloohong li kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa ho fana ka metsi a chesang, tse kang licheso tsa metsi tse chesitsoeng ka oli, lifuthumatsi tsa metsi a khase, licheso tsa metsi tsa motlakase, licheso tsa metsi a tikoloho le mekhoa ea ho kopanya; lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa moea, tse kang li-air conditioner tsa malapeng, lisebelisoa tsa metsi a chesang le lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa ka oli; thepa ea tsamaiso, joalo ka likamore tsa ho hlapa, litsamaiso Kichineng le matloana a ho hlapela, hammoho le lisebelisoa tsa matla a letsatsi, ho kenyeletsoa lisebelisoa tsa ho fehla matla a letsatsi, lifenehi tse kenang moea tse ka tlas'a fatše le licheso tsa metsi a letsatsi. Khamphani e boetse e ikakhetse ka setotsoana tlhahisong le thekisong ea software ka e 'ngoe ea lithuso tsa eona.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Khampani e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa litharollo tsa motlakase tse tsoang kantle ho gridi e bohlale le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo tse thehiloeng marung bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi, moea le motlakase (joalo ka mabone a seterateng, lits'ireletso, lits'ebetso tsa likhokahano, phepelo ea motlakase ea tšohanyetso le lisebelisoa tsa Marang-rang. Clear Blue. e tlas'a mofuta oa eona oa Illumient, E boetse e rekisa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a tsoang ka ntle a letsatsi le matla a moea.
Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS: COHR) ke e mong oa bafani ba lefats'e ba ka sehloohong ba lisebelisoa tsa laser, thekenoloji ea laser-based le litharollo tsa tsamaiso ea laser bakeng sa bareki ba saense, ba khoebo le ba indasteri. Setoko sa rona se tloaelehileng se thathamisitsoe ho Nasdaq Global Select Market mme ke karolo ea Russell 2000 Index le S&P SmallCap 600 Index. Letsatsi
Conselation Energy (NasdaqGS: EXC), k'hamphani ea Exelon, ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa tlholisano ea motlakase, khase ea tlhaho, matla a tsosolositsoeng, le lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo ea matla bakeng sa malapa le likhoebo tsa kontinenteng ea United States. Re fana ka litharollo tse pharalletseng tsa matla-ho tloha ho theko ea motlakase le khase ea tlhaho le phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang ho isa litharollong tsa taolo ea tlhokahalo-tse ka thusang bareki ka maano ho reka, ho laola le ho sebelisa matla a bona. Matla a letsatsi
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) e etella pele phetoho ea mabone a LED le mekhoa ea khale ea mabone a khale e senyang matla ka ho sebelisa khanya ea LED e bolokang matla, e se nang mercury. Cree ke setsebi se khahlisang tsa 'maraka oa mabone a mekhabiso e meholo Sehlahisoa sa Cree se kenyelletsa mabone a LED le li-bulbs, li-chips tsa LED tse putsoa le tse tala, li-LED tse khanyang haholo, li-LED tsa boemo bo khanyang, lisebelisoa tsa ho fetola matla le lisebelisoa tsa RF. Lihlahisoa tsa Cree® li ntlafatsa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka mabone a akaretsang, matšoao le matšoao a elektroniki, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le li-inverters tsa letsatsi.
CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 200012.SZ) e sebetsana haholo le ho etsa le ho rekisa likhalase le indasteri ea matla a letsatsi. Khoebo ea khalase e bataletseng ea k'hamphani e fana haholo ka likhalase tse phaphametseng, likhalase tse khethehileng, lehlabathe la quartz, joalo-joalo Karolo ea khalase ea boenjiniere e fana haholo ka likhalase tse sirelelitsoeng ka tikoloho le tse bolokang matla a tlase a koahetsoeng. Khoebo ea likhalase tse ntle haholo-holo e fana ka li-filters tsa mebala, khalase ea ho hlahloba, joalo-joalo; tšimo ea letsatsi haholo-holo e fana ka lisebelisoa tse phahameng tsa polysilicon le lisele tsa letsatsi le li-module. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li ajoa limmarakeng tsa lapeng le mose ho maoatle, ho kenyeletsoa Hong Kong, Europe, Amerika Leboea le Australia.
CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQCM: CVV) ke moqapi le moetsi oa lisebelisoa tse hlophisitsoeng le tse tloaelehileng tsa morao-rao bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, moralo le tlhahiso ea likarolo tse tsoetseng pele tsa elektroniki, lisebelisoa le liphahlo bakeng sa lipatlisiso le lits'ebetso tsa indasteri. CVD e fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea mouoane oa lik'hemik'hale, taolo ea khase le lisebelisoa tse ling, bareki ba ka li sebelisa ho etsa lipatlisiso, ho qapa le ho etsa li-semiconductors, lisele tsa letsatsi, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, LEDs, MEMS, likhalase tse bohlale, li-betri, Supercapacitors, liaparo tsa bongaka, liaparo tsa indasteri le lisebelisoa tsa holim'a metsi bakeng sa likarolo tsa potoloho tse hatisitsoeng. Laeborari ea ts'ebeliso ea CVD e shebane le ho etsoa ha nanoscale le nanoscale ho lisebelisoa tse kholo ka mebaraka e mengata ea kholo, e rekisoang ka lekala la rona la CVD Materials Corporation.
Daegu New Energy Corporation (NYSE: DQ) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa polysilicon e hloekileng haholo bakeng sa indasteri ea lefats'e ea photovoltaic ea letsatsi. Khampani e thehiloe ka 2008 'me ke e' ngoe ea bahlahisi ba polysilicon ba theko e tlaase ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng. Mehaho ea tlhahiso e phahameng ea Daqo le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele Xinjiang, Chaena hajoale e na le matla a selemo le selemo a tlhahiso ea polysilicon ea lithane tse 18,000, 'me k'hamphani e ntse e atolosa matla a eona a tlhahiso, a tla fihla ho lithane tse 30,000 tsa polysilicon selemo le selemo bofelong ba 2018.
Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) nearly 6 million customers from 19 states use electricity or natural gas from Richmond, Virginia-based Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) to power their houses and businesses. Khamphani e ikemiselitse ho fihlela lintho tse tšoarellang, tse tšepahalang le tse sireletsehileng le tse sireletsehileng. Ke e 'ngoe ea bahlahisi le bapalami ba matla ka ho fetisisa United States, e nang le thepa e fetang $78 bilione e ka fanang ka phepelo ea motlakase, phetiso le kabo, Hammoho le polokelo ea khase ea tlhaho, phetisetso ea matla, kabo le lits'ebeletso tsa ho reka kantle ho naha. E le e 'ngoe ea li-solar operators tse etellang pele United States, khamphani e rera ho fokotsa matla a carbon ka 50% ka 2030. Ka Dominion Energy Charity Foundation, EnergyShare le mananeo a mang, Dominion Energy e rera ho fana ka chelete e fetang $30 milione ho sechaba. 2018. Baka sebaka sohle sa maoto le mabaka a mang.
The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) combines the power of science and technology to enthusiastically innovate what is essential to human progress. Khamphani e khothaletsa boqapi ba ho ntša boleng ho tsoa mateanong a mahlale a lik'hemik'hale, 'mele le baeloji ho thusa ho rarolla mathata a mangata a thata ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, joalo ka tlhokeho ea metsi a hloekileng, tlhahiso le ts'ireletso ea matla a hloekileng, le keketseho ea temo. tlhahiso. Likonteraka tsa Dow lik'hemik'hale tse etellang pele tsa 'maraka, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, tsa mahlalehlahare le libaka tsa polasetiki tse ngotsoeng linaheng tse ka bang 180 le liphutheloana tse kang ho paka le elektroniki . Lihlahisoa le tharollo, metsi, pente le temo. Sola Solar
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ke k'hamphani e kholo ka ho fetisisa e nang le matla United States, e fanang ka le ho fana ka matla ho bareki ba Amerika ba ka bang limilione tse 7.3. Re hlahisa hoo e ka bang 570,000 megawatts ea motlakase Carolina, Midwest le Florida, 'me re fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa kabo ea khase ea tlhaho Ohio le Kentucky. Likhoebo tsa rona tsa khoebo le tsa machabeng li na le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa ho fehla motlakase Amerika Leboea le Latin America, ho kenyeletsoa le li-portfolio tsa matlotlo a ka nchafatsoang. Duke Energy e ikarabella ho Charlotte, North Carolina mme ke k'hamphani ea Fortune 250. Matla a letsatsi: le batho ba bangata United States ba batla likhetho tsa matla le ho feta ba 'maloa ba bapalang karolo ea bohlokoa ka tsela e fanang ka motlakase ho bareki ba eona. It is already helping homeowners, businesses and government organizations meet some of their energy needs. Le joalo ka litšenyehelo tsa ho kenya ka letsatsi ho ntse ho tsoela pele ha u theoha naheng ea naha, ho bile bonolo hore bareki ba khethe letsatsi le letsatsi. Duke Energy is committed to providing customers with more options for using solar energy and other forms of renewable energy. Sebakeng sa rona sa litšebeletso tsa mebuso e tšeletseng, bareki ba Duke Energy ba fumane hoo e ka bang 7,000 MW ea ho fehla matla a letsatsi liprofinseng tse tšeletseng tseo re li sebeletsang, tse hlahisang 700 MW tsa motlakase oa letsatsi, tseo 70 MW tsa tsona li tsoang marulelong a ho kenngoa ha Solar.
Ho tloha ka 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) esale e tlisa mahlale a maemo a lefats'e le theknoloji ea boenjiniere 'marakeng oa lefats'e ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tse ncha, lisebelisoa le lits'ebeletso. Khampani e lumela hore ka tšebelisano-'moho le bareki, mebuso, mekhatlo e ikemetseng le baeta-pele ba nahanang, re ka thusa ho fumana tharollo ea mathata a lefats'e, joalo ka ho fana ka lijo tse lekaneng tsa bophelo bo botle bakeng sa batho lefatšeng ka bophara, ho fokotsa ho itšetleha ka mafura le ho Sireletsa bophelo le tikoloho. DuPont Solar: E fana ka motsoako o pharaletseng ka ho fetisisa oa lisebelisoa tsa photovoltaics (PV) 'me e fana ka lisebelisoa tse tšeletseng ho tse robeli tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa ho etsa li-module tsa letsatsi.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY) is an international private energy supplier, and it is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of new strategies, E.ON will focus entirely on renewable energy, energy networks and customer solutions in the future. Kaofela ke litšitiso tsa ho aha lefatše le lecha la matla. Matla a Solar: Matla a letsatsi ke sebaka sa bohlokoa sa tekheniki sa leano la E.ON la matla a tsosolositsoeng, le shebaneng le mapolasi a fatše a photovoltaic. Hona joale re sebetsa hoo e ka bang 60 MW ea matla a ho fehla matla a photovoltaic Europe Boroa le hoo e ka bang 20 MW ea matla a ho fehla matla a photovoltaic United States, 'me re beng ba kabelo morerong oa CSP oa Spain. Re sebetsa ka thata ho tlisa kgwebo ya solar boemong bo lekanang le ba kgwebo ya matla a moya, mme re leka ka matla ho fokotsa ditjeho tsa ho fehla motlakase ka 35%.
Khamphani ea mantlha ea EB (Tokyo: 6361.T) e hlahisa le ho rekisa mechini ea indasteri Asia, Amerika Leboea le lefats'e. Mechini ea mokelikeli le litsamaiso tse fanoeng ke k'hamphani li kenyelletsa letoto la lipompo bakeng sa matla, metsi, oli le khase, petrochemical, mebaraka e akaretsang ea indasteri le ea kaho, hammoho le li-blower, compressors, turbines, fan, sehatsetsi le lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa, Lihlahisoa. such as coolers and cooling towers. E boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boenjiniere, theko, kaho, ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo bakeng sa meaho e amanang le tikoloho le matla, joalo ka litsi tsa masepala le liindasteri tse chesang litšila, lifeme tsa matla a biomass, litsi tsa tlhoekiso ea metsi, joalo-joalo. Ho feta moo, khamphani e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho aba. lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa tlhahiso ea semiconductor le likaroloana, ho kenyeletsoa lipompo tsa vacuum tse omeletseng, lisebelisoa tsa ho bentša mochini oa lik'hemik'hale, lisebelisoa tsa electroplating, lisebelisoa tsa phokotso ea khase, joalo-joalo.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Re nts'etsapele khoebo mebarakeng ea lefats'e mme re tsoela pele ho holisa khoebo ea rona libakeng tse ncha, re ikemiselitse ho boloka boemo bo etelletseng pele 'marakeng o mong le o mong le ho theha boleng bakeng sa ba amehang le ba nang le kabelo. Khoebo ea EDPR e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a moea a boleng bo holimo le litsi tsa motlakase oa letsatsi lefatšeng ka bophara. Ho kenyeletsoa ka hare ho mekhahlelo ena e meraro ea bohlokoa ea nts'etsopele ea projeke le sepheo sa ntlafatso e tsoelang pele li bohlokoa ho fumana boleng bo bongata ho tsoa thepa ea rona.
Aige Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600537.SS) is a high-tech company specializing in the research, development, production and sales of photovoltaic products. Sistimi ea eona e kopaneng e otlolohileng e kopanya li-ingots, li-wafers, libeteri, liphutheloana tsa module le tlhahiso ea matla a letsatsi. Bokhoni ba tlhahiso ea selemo le selemo ba EGing ke silicon ea 1GW monocrystalline le li-module tsa letsatsi tsa polycrystalline silicon. EGing Photovoltaic Group e thehile Jiangsu EGing Photovoltaic Engineering College, Jiangsu Solar Materials Research Center, Module le Battery Laboratory (laboratory ea eona ea module e fumane VDE le TDAP certification), Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center, le National Postdoctoral Research Station.
Elecnor SA (MCE: ENO.MC) ke k'hamphani ea Spain e sebetsanang le nts'etsopele, nts'etsopele le tsamaiso ea merero e amanang le matla, likhokahano, lipalangoang le tikoloho. Khamphani e sebetsa libakeng tse 'ne tsa khoebo: meaho, matla a tsosolositsoeng, litumellano, le Deimos. Lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa eona li kenyeletsa tlhahiso le kabo ea motlakase, kabo ea khase ea tlhaho, ts'ebetso ea mekhoa ea likhokahano, phano ea litšebeletso tsa tšehetso ho boemafofane le liteishene tsa literene, phepelo ea metsi a nooang le ho hloekisa litšila; and the construction, management and maintenance of industrial plants. Matla a letsatsi
Electronic Solar Energy (OTC: ESRG) e fana ka tharollo ea matla a letsatsi le a matala bakeng sa beng ba matlo, likhoebo, mekhatlo e sa etseng phaello le mekhatlo ea mmuso United States. Khampani e fana ka litsamaiso tsa matla a letsatsi kapa li-photovoltaic system, li-backups tsa betri, lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa metsi a letsatsi, litšepe tsa mahlaseli a letsatsi, marulelo a khanyang, lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa letamo la letsatsi, lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa matamo le mekhoa ea ho bokella metsi a pula. E boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) ke khamphani e kholo ea matsete e sebetsanang le matla a letsatsi le matla a moea a lebopong le ts'ebetso ea lipaka. Ha e shebane le ho tsetela morerong oa Greenfield ho tloha qalong, ebile ha e nahane ka likotsi tse kholo tsa nts'etsopele kapa kaho. E batla ho ikhula matseteng nakong ea lilemo tse hlano ho isa ho tse supileng ka li-IPO, thekiso ea khoebo, theko ea bobeli kapa ho reka hape. Khampani e batla ho tsetela ka ntle ho leqephe la eona la tekanyo. E shebane le ho fumana le ho sebetsa mapolasi a letsatsi le moea a turnkey ho tsoa 'marakeng oa bobeli. Khampani e ka tsetela e le mohoebi-'moho le eena. Encavis AG e thehiloe ka 1996 'me e thehiloe Hamburg, Jeremane.
Enedyymic hybrid ea mahlale corp. (TSX: EHT.V) e fana ka tharollo ea matla, e nang le matla. Lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa matla le litharollo li ka kengoa hang-hang moo ho hlokahalang. Eht e kopanya sete e felletseng ea Solar Photovoltaic, matla a moea le tharollo ea battery ea ho hlahella ho bahlolisano. Tharollo e ka fana ka matla ka lifomate tse nyane le tse kholo lihora tse 24 ka letsatsi. Ntle le ts'ehetso ea moetlo bakeng sa li-grid tsa matla a motlakase, eht le eona e ntle haholo moo ho se nang grid ea matla. Mokhatlo o kopanya tharollo ea matla a ho boloka matla le matla a ts'ebetso ea ho fana ka tharollo ea tikoloho e fapaneng. Tsebo ea EHT e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele ea meaho ea modular le kopanyo e felletseng le litharollo tse bohlale tsa matla. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebetsoa ka lebaka la tlhahiso ea tlhahiso ea Eht e nang le lits'ebetso tse ntle: matlo a mangata, likopano tsa bolulo le tsa nakoana / tsa bolulo.
Enerkon Solar International, Inc. (OTC: ENKS) moralo oa leano la nako e telele, Vision 2028 ke 'mapa oa nako e telele oa ho fihlela lipakane tsa rona tsa kholo le theknoloji le lipakane tsa boetapele ba litšenyehelo. Ha re kenya ts'ebetsong merero ea maano a nako e telele, re tsepamisa maikutlo ho sebeliseng li-module tsa rona ho fana ka tharollo ea letsatsi la photovoltaic bakeng sa limmaraka tse kholo tsa libaka. Re lumela hore limmaraka tsena tsa bohlokoa li hloka ka potlako tlhahiso e kholo ea matla a photovoltaic, ho kenyeletsoa Amerika kaofela, Asia, Middle East le Afrika, Theko ea lik'hamphani tsa maano ka har'a phanele le mahlale a theknoloji le lik'hamphani tse ling tse nyane le tse mahareng tse nang le matla a tsosolositsoeng. hape karolo ea bohlokoa ea merero ea rona ea morao-rao.
Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company, provides smart, easy-to-use solutions that connect solar power generation, storage, and management on a smart platform. Khampani e ile ea fetola matla a letsatsi ka theknoloji ea eona ea "micro-inverter" 'me ea hlahisa tharollo ea lefats'e feela e kopaneng ea matla a letsatsi hammoho le tharollo ea polokelo ea matla. Enphase e fane ka li-microinverter tse fetang limilione tse 17 'me e kentse lisebelisoa tse fetang 790,000 tsa Enphase linaheng / libaka tse fetang 120.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa thepa le tharollo bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa tlhahiso bakeng sa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso ho semiconductor le liindasteri tse ling tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Entegris e fetile setifikeiti sa ISO 9001 mme e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso, litšebeletso tsa bareki le/kapa liphuputso United States, Chaena, Fora, Jeremane, Iseraele, Japane, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea Boroa le Taiwan. EntGris Solar / Order Energy
Envision Solar International, Inc (OTC: EVSI) e rala, e etsa le ho sebelisa meaho e ikhethang, ea meralo, ho tjhaja EV ea matla a ka nchafalitsoeng, mecha ea litaba le lits'ebetso tsa marang-rang ka mohala oa sehlahisoa sa drag and drop infrastructure™. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa EV ARC™ e ntseng e emetse patent, lisebelisoa tsa SolarTree® le SolarTree®Socket™ tse nang le tokelo ea molao tse nang le ts'ebetso ea letsatsi ea EnvisionTrak ™, seteishene sa ho tjhaja likoloi tsa motlakase sa SunCharge™, le tharollo ea polokelo ea matla ea theknoloji ea ARC™. Khamphani e ikarabella ho San Diego mme e kopanya likarolo tsa boleng bo holimo ho lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa "Made in America".
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) e rala le ho etsa lilaoli tsa motlakase tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa polokelo ea matla tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo. Eguana has more than 15 years of experience in providing grid-edge power electronic equipment for fuel cell, photovoltaic and battery applications, and provides proven, durable, high-quality solutions through its high-capacity manufacturing plants in Europe and North America. Eguana e na le li-inverter tse likete tsa polokelo ea matla tse kentsoeng 'marakeng oa Europe le Amerika Leboea 'me ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa taolo ea matla bakeng sa tšebeliso ea letsatsi, lits'ebeletso tsa grid, le lits'ebetso tsa ho tjhaja tse batloang ke grid.
ESI Energy Services Inc. (CSE: OPI) is a plumbing equipment leasing and sales company with main operations in Leduc, Alberta and Phoenix, Arizona. The company supplies (leases) backfill separators (“fillers”) to mainline pipeline contractors through its operating subsidiaries ESI Pipeline Services Limited (“ESIPSL”) and Ozzie's Pipeline Padder, Inc. (“OPI”). , Lipeipi tsa Oilfield le likonteraka tsa kaho, likonteraka tsa kaho ea ts'ebeliso ea ts'ebeliso le borakonteraka ba matla a ka nchafatsoang (moea le letsatsi).
Etrion Corporation (TSX: ETX.TO) is an independent power producer that develops, builds, owns and operates utility-scale solar power plants. Khamphani e na le 130 MW ea matla a letsatsi a kentsoeng Italy le Chile. Etrion e na le 34 MW ea merero ea matla a letsatsi e ntseng e hahuoa Japane, 'me e ntse e tsoela pele ka mafolofolo ho nts'etsapele merero ea motlakase oa letsatsi e tala Japane le Chile.
Ferrotec Corporation (Tokyo: 6890.T) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji e fapaneng e sebetsang lefatšeng ka bophara, e kenyelletsang mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa tsa ho qetela, mekhoa ea tlhahiso le liindasteri. Re fa bareki lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, likarolo le tharollo ea kopano ho etsa hore lihlahisoa tsa bona li sebetse hantle, ka nepo, le ka ts'epo. Ho ipapisitsoe le motheo oa theknoloji oa Ferrofluid magnetic fluid le lihlahisoa tse tiisang tsa Ferrofluidic®, khamphani ea rona le photefolio ea lihlahisoa tsa rona li holile ho fihlela litlhoko tse lulang li fetoha tsa bareki. Ferrotec is now a global enterprise, which is characterized by a large number of inter-company cooperation in product research, manufacturing and marketing. PV
First Solar, Inc. (NASDAQGS: FSLR) is a leading global provider of integrated photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems using its advanced module and system technology. Tharollo ea seteishene sa motlakase se kopaneng sa k'hamphani e fana ka mokhoa o mong o khahlang moruong ho fapana le phepelo ea motlakase ea mafura a mehleng ea kajeno. From the procurement of raw materials to the recycling of obsolete modules, First Solar's renewable energy system can protect and improve the environment.
Fujipream Corporation (Tokyo: 4237.T) e sebetsana haholo le ho etsa le ho rekisa li-filters tsa optical bakeng sa liphanele tsa plasma display panel (PDP), lisebelisoa tsa optical le lisebelisoa tsa photovoltaic. The company operates two business units. Karohano ea liphanele tse pharalletseng e sebetsana le ho etsa le ho rekisa li-filters tsa optical bakeng sa li-PDP, tse sebelisoang lipontšong tse sephara le lihlahisoa tse amanang le likaroloana tsa sensor ea skrineng. Lekala la matla a hloekileng a tikoloho le kenyelletsa nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le thekiso ea limmojule tse fapaneng tsa lisele tsa letsatsi; the design, construction and sales of residential and industrial solar power systems, as well as the manufacturing, installation and sales of thin-film laminated glass and double-layer glass for thermal insulation, etc. .
GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 3800.HK) e sebetsa e le k'hamphani ea solar photovoltaic naheng ea China le machabeng. E sebetsa ka khoebo ea lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi, khoebo ea polasi ea letsatsi le yuniti e ncha ea khoebo ea matla.
Kakaretso ea Motlakase (NYSE: GE) e nahana ka lintho tseo ba bang ba sa kang ba li etsa, e haha lintho tseo ba bang ba ke keng ba li etsa, 'me e fana ka liphello tse etsang hore lefatše e be sebaka se molemo. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE e thehile mehla e latelang ea indasteri lilaboratoring le lifekthering tsa eona le tšebelisano ea fatše le bareki ho falla, ho matlafatsa, ho haha le ho folisa lefatše. Matla a letsatsi: GE e fana ka tharollo e feletseng ea matla a letsatsi, e nahanang ka boemo le lipakane tsa moreki e mong le e mong. Ebang e sebelisetsoa khoebo, indasteri, lisebelisoa kapa mekhoa e tsoakiloeng, GE e ka sebelisa bophara le botebo ba lihlahisoa tsa eona le tsebo ea eona ho thusa bareki ho khetha motsoako o nepahetseng oa theknoloji.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE: GOOD.L) e reka, e hlahisa motlakase le ho rekisa motlakase ho tsoa mehloling ea matla a tsosolositsoeng UK ka lithuso tsa eona. Khampani e sebetsa ka lik'hamphani tsa phepelo, lik'hamphani tse fehlang motlakase le mafapha a nts'etsopele ea phepelo ea motlakase. E fehla motlakase ka li-turbine tsa moea le liphanele tsa letsatsi. Ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa taolo ea theko ea li-gradity bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tsa theko ea li-grolid. Khampani e boetse e rekisa khase ea tlhaho; le ho fana ka ditshebeletso tse amanang le ntshetsopele ya dibaka tsa ho fehla matla a manyane a ntjhafatswang le ho fehla motlakase.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC: GSFI) is a Wyoming-based company with satellite offices in Malibu, California and New York City, New York. E ikemiselitse ho ntshetsa pele 'maraka o sa khotsofalang tšimong ea letsatsi' me hona joale e Nevada California e na le tumello, Arizona, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Colorado, Hawaii le Canada. Sekhooa sa Solar se latelang se hahiloe le ho tsamaisoa ke lekala la Pula ea Nevada le ho sebelisa theknoloji ea mohloaare le meralo Mong. Anthony Anthonyi. Hona joale k'hamphani e shebane le 'maraka o moholo oa letsatsi o nang le li-greenhouses tse tsoetseng pele tsa letsatsi le lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa lisele tsa letsatsi. Khampani e na le karolo e ntseng e eketseha ea 'maraka oa letsatsi la New York City e haellang,' me k'hamphani e rera ho sebelisa sebaka sa marulelo a lisekoere-mithara tse 50,000 ho isa ho tse 100,000 bakeng sa liphanele tsa letsatsi. Green Stream e na le tšepo ea ho theha litšebelisano tsa bohlokoa le lihlopha tse kholo tsa lichelete ho sebelisa menyetla e sa tšoaneng e ikhethang ea matsete 'marakeng oa letsatsi la khoebo. The company is committed to becoming a major player in this critical area. Ka lihlahisoa tsa eona tse ncha tsa letsatsi le likamano tsa indasteri, k'hamphani e boemong bo botle ba ho ba karolo ea bohlokoa tšimong ea letsatsi.
Greenbriar Capital (TSX: GRB.V) ke moqapi ea etelletseng pele oa matla a ka nchafatsoang, meaho e tsitsitseng le lihlahisoa tse bohlale tsa matla. Greenbriar e na le litumellano tsa nako e telele tsa thekiso ea likonteraka tse nang le phello e phahameng libakeng tsa bohlokoa tsa morero, 'me e etelletsoe pele ke ts'ebetso e atlehileng e tsejoang ke indasteri le sehlopha sa nts'etsopele se shebaneng le thepa ea boleng bo phahameng ka sepheo sa ho eketsa boleng ba ba nang le kabelo. Matla a letsatsi: E lutse lebōpong le ka bophirimela la Puerto Rico, mocheso oa letsatsi o phahame haholo, e leng oona o phahameng ka ho fetisisa Puerto Rico.
H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) ke kopanyo ea sistimi e ikemiselitseng ho rala le ho kenya tšebetsong litharollo tsa matla a hloekileng, ho kenyeletsoa letsatsi, theknoloji ea betri le sistimi ea matla a haedrojene. Khampani e sebeletsa mafapha a bolulo, a khoebo le a mmuso.
Hara Minato Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8894.T) e sebetsa haholo khoebong ea thekiso ea matlo. Karolo ea kabo ea matlo le meaho e kenyelletsa kabo le thekiso ea lifolete, hammoho le moralo, moralo le thekiso ea matlo a koetsoeng, hammoho le thekiso ea matlo le thekiso ea matlo. Lefapha la thekiso ea matlo le tsamaiso ea matlo le sebetsana le tsamaiso ea matlo a hirisoang Seterekeng sa Yamaguchi le ts'ebetso le tsamaiso ea matlo a maqheku bakeng sa maqheku. Khoebo ea matla a letsatsi
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (New York Stock Exchange: HMC) ke moetsi oa lienjene tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, o hlahisa lienjine tse fetang limilione tse 27 selemo se seng le se seng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa: lifofane, lithuthuthu, likoloi tse tsamaeang hohle, lijenereithara le likepe Engines. , thepa ea mohloa le jareteng hammoho le likoloi tsa lipina tsa Honda le Ac. Honda Sillar: Cigs lisele tse tšesali tsa palema ho fapana le sign, tse hlahisitsoeng ke li-filis tse tšesaane 'me li ka hlahisoa motlakase, Indium, li-Ganaum le tsejoeng. Sena se fokotsa botenya ba filimi ho tloha ho li-micron tse 80 tse nang le silicon ho ea ho li-microns tse 2-3 feela. Sena se fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla le ho ntšoa ha carbon dioxide nakong ea tlhahiso, ho etsa hore li se be kotsi tikolohong. Sebopeho sa lisele tsena tsa letsatsi li ka hlahisa motlakase haholo le ha karolo ea lisele tsa letsatsi e le moriti oa motlakase.
HyperSolar Inc. (OTC: HYSR) e nts'etsapele katleho ea thekenoloji ea theko e tlaase ho hlahisa haedrojene e tsosolositsoeng e sebelisa mahlaseli a letsatsi le mohloli ofe kapa ofe oa metsi, ho akarelletsa le metsi a leoatle le metsi a litšila. Ho fapana le libeso tsa hydrocarbon tse kang oli, mashala le khase ea tlhaho, libeso tsa hydrocarbon li ntša carbon dioxide le lintho tse ling tse silafatsang sepakapakeng ha li sebelisoa, ha tšebeliso ea mafura a haedrojene e hlahisa metsi a hloekileng e le oona feela sehlahisoa. Ka ho ntlafatsa theknoloji ea nano-scale water electrolysis, li-nanoparticles tsa rona tse theko e tlaase li ka etsisa photosynthesis ho sebelisa khanya ea letsatsi ka katleho ho arola haedrojene ka metsing ho hlahisa haedrojene e hloekileng le e nchafalitsoeng. Re ikemiselitse ho sebelisa mokhoa oa rona o theko e tlase ho hlahisa haedrojene e nchafalitsoeng ho hlokomela lefatše la tlhahiso ea haedrojene e ajoang bakeng sa motlakase o tsosolositsoeng le likoloi tsa hydrogen fuel cell.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) is a technology company dedicated to improving power conversion efficiency. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA improves the size, cost, efficiency, flexibility and reliability of electronic power converters. Ppsa e ka holisa 'maraka o moholo le o holang, ho kenyeletsoa litšoantšo tsa Solar tsa Solar Photos, ho boloka matla a motlakase le ho tjhaja. Khamphani e boetse e theha transtictor habeli Bidictor ea Bidictal (B-Trans ™), 'me e kentse kopo ea sethala, se nang le monyetla oa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a matla le matla a motlakase a phallang. Matla a loketseng a sebelisa mofuta o sebetsang oa capital o nolofalletsang k'hamphani ho sebetsana le merero ea tlhahiso-kholo ea sehlahisoa le mebaraka ka nako e le 'ngoe.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ea profeshenale e nts'etsang pele, e ahang, e nang le thepa le ho sebetsa matlotlo a fehlang matla a ka nchafatsoang. E na le litokelo tsa mapolasi a moea a 24, ho kenyelletsa le mapolasi a moea a 6 a sebetsang, Australia e na le kakaretso e kentsoeng ea 557 MW; United States e na le mapolasi a moea a sebetsang a 18 a nang le kakaretso ea matla a kentsoeng a 1,089 MW, hammoho le matla a moea le Phaephe ea nts'etsopele ea matla a matla a letsatsi.
Khampani ea INDEX Ngola ea Matla a INTITLE (TX: INE.To) Na Matla a Ikemetseng a Khoeling ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho United States. khoebo. Its asset portfolio currently includes: (i) ownership of 33 operating facilities with a total net installed capacity of 687 MW (total 1,194 MW), including 26 hydropower facilities, 6 wind farms and 1 solar photovoltaic power generation (Ii) Have rights in five diporojeke tse di leng mo tlase ga tlhabololo kgotsa tse di sa ntseng di agiwa tse di saenneng ditumelano tsa theko ya motlakase, tse di nang le palogotlhe ya bokgoni jo bo tsentsweng jwa 208 MW (ka kakaretso 319 MW); (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).
Integrated Electrical Services Inc. (NASDAQGM: IESC) ke k'hamphani e ts'oereng le ho laola litsi tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebetso, ho kenyeletsoa le bafani ba lihlahisoa tsa indasteri le lits'ebeletso tsa litšebeletso tsa mebaraka bakeng sa limmaraka tse fapaneng. Basebetsi ba rona ba 2,700 ba fana ka lits'ebeletso ho bareki ba United States le kantle ho naha. Solar energy: IES Commercial and Industrial provides multiple building functions, including custom residential, commercial, industrial, power transmission and distribution, and alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, and electric vehicles. E mong le e mong oa makala a bua haholo ka likhakanyo tse ngata 'me a khanna khoebo ho theosa le United States,' me makala a mang a sebetsa naheng ka bophara.
Intevac Inc. (NasdaqGS: IVAC) e thehiloe ka 1991 'me e na le likhoebo tse peli: lisebelisoa tse tšesaane tsa lifilimi le lifoto. Khoebong ea rona ea lisebelisoa tse tšesaane tsa lifilimi, re moetapele oa moralo le nts'etsopele ea tlhahiso e phahameng ea litsamaiso tse nyane tsa ho sebetsa lifilimi. Sethala sa rona se netefalitsoeng ke tlhahiso se etselitsoe tlhahiso ea bongata ba li-substrates tse nang le thepa e nepahetseng ea lifilimi tse tšesaane, joalo ka media oa hard disk eo re e sebeletsang hajoale, likoahelo tse bonts'ang le limmaraka tsa solar photovoltaic.
Invesco Solar ETF (NYSEArca: TAN) Sephetho sa matsete se batloang ke letsete lena hangata se lumellana le ts'ebetso ea litefiso le litšenyehelo tsa letlole pele ho index ea setoko e bitsoang MAC Global Solar Index. Letlōle lena le tla tsetela bonyane 90% ea thepa eohle ea eona ka har'a lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tse etsang index, ADR le GDR, le lirisiti tsa depositary tse emelang lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tse kenyelletsoeng ho index. Lenane lena le kenyelletsa li-stock securities tse rekisoang mebarakeng e tsoetseng pele, ho kenyeletsoa le lirisiti tsa depositary tsa Amerika le lirisiti tsa depositi tsa Amerika. Ka kakaretso, e tla tsetela ka har'a khatello eohle e etsang index e lekanang le boima ba eona index. Letlole lena ha le arotsoe ka mefuta-futa.
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) ke opareitara ea marang-rang e se nang mohala le mofani oa lisebelisoa tsa software tse inehetseng ho Marang-rang a Lintho. Iota e rekisa litharollo tsa lekeno khafetsa tse ka ntlafatsang ts'ebeliso ea matla, ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea meaho ea khoebo le ea indasteri ka kotloloho kapa ka likamano tsa batho ba bang. Iota e boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa tlatsetso tsa bohlokoa ho khothaletsa ho amoheloa ha lits'ebeletso tsa eona tse thehiloeng ho ngoliso, ho kenyeletsoa letsatsi, mabone a LED le lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso ea HVAC.
Ishii Weapon Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6336.T) is engaged in the development, production and distribution of manufacturing equipment for motor parts, displays and electronic components, and solar cell wafers. The company is active in three business units. The motor parts manufacturing equipment department provides printed circuit board (PCB), semiconductor and solar cell wafer manufacturing equipment; ceramic jet scrubbers; flatbed grinders and inkjet printers. The display and electronic parts department provides membrane switch panels, excel switch panels, printed boards, silk-screen products, precision steel plates, nameplates and plastic enclosures. Mafapha a mang a sebetsa ka ho khetheha ka lisele tsa letsatsi.
ITOCHU Corporation (Tokyo: 8001.T) e sebetsa khoebong ea lehae, ho kenya le ho rekisa kantle ho naha le khoebo ea mose ho maoatle ea lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tse kang masela, mechini, litšepe, liminerale, matla, lik'hemik'hale, lijo, theknoloji ea tlhahisoleseling le puisano, thekiso ea matlo le meaho. lihlahisoa tse akaretsang. , Insurance, logistics services, construction and finance, and business investment in Japan and overseas. Matla a letsatsi
Ic. (NASDAQGS: Itrifs: Ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji ea theknoloji le litšebeletso e inehetseng ho tšebeliso ea matla a matla le a metsi. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; communication systems; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources. Itron Total Solar: Itron, moetapele oa lefats'e oa tekanyo, pokello ea data le thekenoloji ea tsamaiso le litšebeletso, o lemoha litlhoko tse hlahang tsa indasteri ea letsatsi. Ho ipapisitsoe le katleho ea rona, Itron e fana ka bafani ba matla a letsatsi le lits'ebeletso tse nang le litharollo tse ikhethang le lits'ebeletso tse laoloang, tse ikemiselitseng ho tobana le liphephetso tsa khoebo tsa phepelo ea motlakase e ajoang le ho aha gridi e feto-fetohang le e tsitsitseng haholoanyane bakeng sa bokamoso. Itron Total Solar packs together our existing industry-leading capabilities in solar metering, communications, asset monitoring and data management, analysis and load forecasting, and managed services through a simplified subscription-based pricing structure.
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (NASDAQGS: JASO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa letsatsi. The company sells its products to solar manufacturers worldwide, which assemble and integrate solar cells into modules and systems that convert sunlight into electricity for residential, commercial, and utility-scale power generation.
JinkoSolar Holdings Limited (NYSE: JKS) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka bophara indastering ea matla a letsatsi. JinkoSolar e aba lihlahisoa tsa letsatsi le ho rekisa litharollo le lits'ebeletso tsa eona ho lits'ebeletso tse fapaneng tsa machaba, bareki ba khoebo le ba bolulo naheng ea China, United States, Japan, Jeremane, United Kingdom, Chile, Afrika Boroa, India, Mexico, Brazil le United States. Ha e re e bitsoang United Arab Emirates, Italy, Spain, France, France, Belgium le libaka tse ling le libaka tse ling. JinkoSolar e boetse e rekisa motlakase naheng ya China mme e hokelletse diprojeke tsa letsatsi tse ka bang 500 ho marangrang. Jinngosoelar e na le likarolo tse 4 tsa tlhahiso ho Jiangxi And Zhejiang, China, Afrika Boroa le liofisi tsa thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa lefatše tsa China China, Spain le United States. 'Muso o United Arab Emirates, Jordane, Saudi Arabia, Egyco, Switzilland, Australia, Singapore, Australia, India, India, India , South Africa and Chile
Jusung Engineering Co., Ltd. (Korea: 036930.KQ) e etsa le ho rekisa lisele tsa letsatsi, li-semiconductors le lisebelisoa tsa ho bonts'a Korea le linaheng tse ling. Mohala oa sehlahisoa oa lisebelisoa tsa lisele tsa letsatsi oa k'hamphani o kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tse tšesaane tsa ho beha lifilimi; thepa e tšesaane filimi silicon matla a letsatsi; filimi e tšesaane amorph silicon mohaho o kopantsweng photovoltaic thepa; le lisebelisoa tsa lisele tsa letsatsi tsa silicon tsa crystalline. E boetse e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa ho bonts'a liphanele tse bataletseng, joalo ka lisebelisoa tsa plasma tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa mouoane oa lik'hemik'hale le lihlahisoa tsa organic emitting diode. Mohala oa sehlahisoa sa k'hamphani oa semiconductor o kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa Cyclone Plus karohano ea moea ea lik'hemik'hale tsa mouoane (CVD). TRUFIL HDP CVD, theknoloji ea ho etsa lifilimi tse tšesaane tse kang SiO2; Genaon dry etching thepa bakeng sa polymerization le tšepe sebetsa; Lisebelisoa tsa CVD tsa vacuum tse phahameng haholo bakeng sa ho hloekisa tikoloho ea deposition; Cyclone Plus semi-batch semi-batch low-pressure CVD thepa bakeng sa mofuta oa sebōpi Lisebelisoa tsa Batch; le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe-organic CVD tse sebelisoang meleng ea tlhahiso ea semiconductor bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa lifilimi tsa dielectric le tšepe. Ho feta moo, e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa gallium nitride metal organic CVD, tse ka sebelisoang bakeng sa tlhahiso e kholo ea mabone a LED a tala, a maputsoa le a masoeu.
KANEKA CORPORATION (Tokyo: 4118.T) ke k'hamphani ea lik'hemik'hale ea Japane. When Kaneka was founded, our main product lines included caustic soda, soap, cosmetics, edible oil and electrical wires. Empa ha kaneka a ntse a hola, re ile ra qala ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho R & D mme ra qala ho lebella 'maraka oa lefatše ka potlako. Today, Kaneka's main product lines include chemicals, functional and expandable plastic products, food, life science products, synthetic fibers and solar modules. Kaneka Solar: Kaneka e sebelisa lilemo tsa rona tse fetang 60 tsa tsebo e tsoetseng pele ea lintho tse bonahalang le bokhoni ba mantlha e le moetsi oa lihlahisoa tsa lik'hemik'hale ho etsa lipatlisiso, ho hlahisa le ho iketsetsa lisebelisoa tsa eona tsa letsatsi.
North River Seiki Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6327.T) ke khamphani ea ntlo-kholo ea Japane, haholo-holo e sebetsanang le khoebo ea mechine ea indasteri. Beichuan Precision Machinery e boetse e sebelisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ho nts'etsapele le ho etsa lihlahisoa lefapheng la tlhahiso ea matla a photovoltaic. Ho hlahisa matla a photovoltaic ke mohloli o hloekileng oa matla o ntseng o hohela tlhokomelo ea sechaba ka ho eketsehileng. Laminator ea rona ea multi-opening photovoltaic module laminator e ka eketsa haholo tlhahiso ha e ntse e fokotsa litlhoko tsa sebaka le mosebetsi. Mochine oa laminating oa Kitagawa Seiki o ka sebetsana le mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea li-modules, ho akarelletsa le kristale, filimi e tšesaane le silicon e chitja, ha e ntse e fana ka boleng bo phahameng le theko e tlaase.
KLA-Tencor Corporation (NasdaqGS: KLAC) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa taolo ea ts'ebetso le litharollo tsa taolo ea lihlahisoa, e sebelisana le bareki lefatšeng ka bophara ho nts'etsapele ka kopanelo mekhoa ea morao-rao ea ho lemoha le ea metrology. Mahlale ana a sebeletsa semiconductor, LED le liindasteri tse ling tse amanang le nanoelectronic. Ka potefolio e tloaelehileng ea lihlahisoa tsa indasteri le sehlopha sa maemo a lefats'e sa baenjiniere le bo-rasaense, k'hamphani e file bareki litharollo tse babatsehang ka lilemo tse ka bang 40. KLA-Tencor e na le ntlo-kholo e Milpitas, California, 'me e fane ka lits'ebetso tsa bareki le litsi tsa lits'ebeletso ho pota lefatše. MicroXAM-800 optical interferometer e tšehetsa R&D le tlhahiso, ts'ebeliso ea mokhoa oa ho lekanya, bophahamo ba mohato le sebopeho. E sebelisoa liindastering tse sa tšoaneng: LED, lisebelisoa tsa matla, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, MEMS, semiconductor, matla a letsatsi le sebaka se nepahetseng.
Lam Research Coporation (NasdaqGS: LRCX) ke mofani oa thepa ea ka tšeptjoang oa lefats'e oa lisebelisoa le lits'ebeletso tse ncha bakeng sa indasteri ea semiconductor. Sebaka se seholo sa Lam se etellang pele 'marakeng, etching, stripping and wafer cleaning solutions product portfolio se etsa hore thepa e sebetse ka makhetlo a 1,000 ho feta likaroloana tsa lehlabathe, ka tsela eo e nolofalletsa bareki ho finyella katleho, kahoo ba nolofalletsa bareki ho finyella katleho, kahoo ba finyella tse nyenyane le ka potlako le ho feta matla. - li-chips tse sebetsang hantle tsa bargaining. Ka tšebelisano-'moho, mekhoa e mecha e tsoelang pele le litšepiso tse phethahatsang, Lam e fetola boenjiniere ba athomo le ho nolofalletsa bareki ho theha bokamoso ba theknoloji. Tšehetso ea k'hamphani ea Silfex Incorporated ke mofani e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa lefats'e oa lisebelisoa tsa silicon tse entsoeng ka mokhoa o hloekileng le likaroloana tse ka sebeletsang mefuta e mengata ea limmaraka tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Joaloka moetapele oa 'maraka oa thepa e tsoetseng pele, Silfex e fana ka tharollo e kopantsoeng ea silicon bakeng sa limmaraka tsa lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi, tsa optical le semiconductor. Lisebelisoa le lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi
Longji Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 601012.SS) e 'nile ea khomarela theknoloji e le' ngoe ea kristale, e hopola boikarabelo ba ho ntlafatsa tlhahiso ea batho le bophelo, le ho fana ka matla a tsitsitseng bakeng sa tsoelo-pele e tsitsitseng. Longi o hlahisa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa Monocrystalline lefatšeng ka bophara. E fana ka lithupa tsa silicon tsa monocrystalline le li-wafers. The company's predecessor was Xi'an Longi Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. and was renamed Longi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. in January 2017.
Manz Automation (Frankfurt: M5Z.F) ke pula-maliboho ea lihlahisoa tse ncha 'marakeng o hōlang ka potlako. Khamphani e thehiloe ka 1987 mme e na le boitseanape makaleng a supileng a tekheniki: automation, metrology, laser processing, vacuum coating, k'hemistri e metsi, ho hatisa le ho roala, le lits'ebetso tsa roll-to-roll. Manz e entsoe le ho ntlafatsoa le ho ntlafatsa mahlale ana libakeng tse tharo tsa khoebo "," matla a ntoa "le" polokelo ".
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. Mesebetsi e ka sehloohong ea k'hamphani e kenyelletsa boenjiniere, kaho, ho kenya, ho boloka le ho ntlafatsa matla, lisebelisoa le mekhoa ea puisano, joalo ka: phetisetso ea lisebelisoa le kabo; meralo ea motheo ea lipeipi tsa khase le oli; likhokahano tse se nang mohala, tsa mehala le tsa sathelaete; phehlo ya matla a motlakase, ho kenyeletswa meralo ya motheo ya eneji e Ntjhafatswang; le meaho ea indasteri ea indasteri. Bareki ba MasTec haholo-holo ba liindastering tsena. Matla a Solar: Re borakonteraka ba ka sehloohong ba setsi sa matla a letsatsi, ba fanang ka litšebeletso tsa boenjiniere, kaho le ho kopanya tsamaiso ea motlakase ho bareki ba mmuso, ba likhoebo le ba bolulo naheng ka bophara. We design, build, expand and maintain efficient, cost-effective solar facilities from the ground up to help our customers meet the growing demand for clean, sustainable energy and continuous energy saving.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6503.T) is one of the world's leading brands in the manufacturing and sales of electrical and electronic products and systems used in a wide range of fields and applications. Joaloka k'hamphani e lemetseng Global Glandal, re sebelisa theknoloji ea rona ho kenya letsoho sechabeng le bophelo ba letsatsi le letsatsi ho potoloha le lefatše. Lihlahisoa tsa TitsuBishi tsa Mitsubishi tsa MitsuBibishi tsa MitsuBate li kenyelletsa module oa li-Photovoltaic tse bokellanang motsong ebe o e lokolla matlang a motlakase a ka thetsang lehae kapa ofising. Mitsuroshi Seteishene se ile sa tsamaisa tšebeliso e atileng ea matla a maholohali ka theknoloji ea letsatsi.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) ke moetsi oa mefuta-futa. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries e fana ka ts'ebetso eohle ho tloha kahong ho isa ho ts'ebeletso ea morao-rao ea thekiso bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tse fapaneng tsa phepelo ea motlakase, ho kenyeletsoa le lifeme tsa motlakase tse futhumatsang mocheso tse fihlelang katleho e phahameng ka ho fetesisa ea ho fehla matla lefatšeng le maemo a tlase a ho ntšoa ha carbon dioxide, hammoho le lifeme tsa nyutlelie le moea, e le to provide stable power and better Contributed to their quality of life. Lefapha la fektheri ea matla a tsosolositsoeng le kenyelletsa li-modules tsa photovoltaic tse tšesaane
Mosel Vitelic Inc. (Taiwan: 2342.TW) e sebetsa khoebong ea ho lahla le ea letsatsi le letsatsi Taiwan. E fana ka litšebeletso tse fapaneng tsa motheo tsa IC; hammoho le lisele tsa letsatsi tsa monocrystalline le polycrystalline, hammoho le ho kenya le ho boloka lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi bakeng sa marulelo a marulelo, ho kenya fatše, limela tsa matla le lisebelisoa tsa mabone a letsatsi. Khamphani e sebakeng sa Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Mospec Semiconductor Corporation (Taiwan: 2434.TW) ke k'hamphani ea semiconductor ea matla e kopantsoeng ka holimo. We are the most technologically advanced power semiconductor company in Taiwan with a wide range of product lines. Our core power products include power transistors, Schottky rectifiers, ultra-fast and fast recovery rectifiers, TVS diodes and surface mount devices (SMD). MOSPEC also specializes in silicon wafer technology, producing epitaxial silicon wafers, raw wafers and crystalline silicon solar cells.
Motech Industries Co (Taiwan: 6244.TWO) e etsa lisele tsa letsatsi, li-module le li-inverters. Motech e ikemiseditse ho ntshetsapele le ho hlahisa dihlahiswa le ditshebeletso tsa boleng bo hodimo, ho kenyeletswa disele tsa letsatsi, dimmojule tsa solar le mekgwa ya ho fehla matla a letsatsi. Motech ke e 'ngoe ea tse leshome tse holimo ka ho fetisisa tse hlahisang lisele tsa letsatsi lefatšeng.
MVV Energie AG (Frankfurt: MVV1.F) le makalana a eona haholo a fana ka motlakase, khase ea tlhaho, futhumatsang setereke le metsi Jeremane. Karohano ea tlhahiso ea matla le meaho ea k'hamphani e sebetsa litsi tsa motlakase tse tloaelehileng. Le litšila le litšila tsa matla le lijalo tsa BOAMAS, hammoho le limela tsa metsi le mapolasi a moea. The department also operates grid facilities for electricity, heat, natural gas and water, and technical service units allocated to the grid business area for the distribution of electricity, heat, natural gas and water based on the grid. Its trade and portfolio management department provides energy procurement and portfolio management as well as energy trading services. The company's sales and service department provides electricity, heat, natural gas and water to end customers. And provide energy-related services. Photovoltaic/solar
Neo Solar Power Corp. (Taiwan: 3576.TW) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso, nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le thekiso ea lisele tsa letsatsi le li-module tsa Taiwan le linaheng tse ling. E fana ka lisele tsa letsatsi tsa monocrystalline le polycrystalline silicon; monocrystalline le polycrystalline solar modules.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele ea matla a hloekileng e nang le hoo e ka bang 44,900 megawatts ea motlakase, ho kenyelletsa le megawatts e amanang le lithahasello tse sa laoleheng tsa NextEra Energy Partners. Boholo ba matla ba Teeko, Florida, 'me bathusi ba bona ba mantlha ba Florida ba lisebelisoa tsa matla United States) ba lisebelisoa tsa motlakase United States). Mohloli o moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa matla a ka nchafatsoang o tsoa moeeng le letsatsing. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "Mehla ea Letsatsi
Japan Thin Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5202.T) is one of the world's leading glass and glass system manufacturers in three main business areas; lihlahisoa tsa meralo, likhalase tsa likoloi le tsa tekheniki. Khalase ea meralo e sebelisoa mesebetsing ea kaho le ea letsatsi.
Nisshinbo Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 3105.T), e le sehlopha sa "Tikoloho le Lik'hamphani tsa Matla", e tla fana ka tharollo ea ho rarolla mathata a lefatše a tikoloho a bakang phephetso e kholo ho sechaba sa batho. Re sebelisa mahlale a fapaneng a bokelletsoeng ho tla fihlela joale, re sebetsana le lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, mariki a likoloi, lisebelisoa tse nepahetseng, k'hemistri, masela, ho etsa pampiri le likhoebo tsa thekiso ea matlo le meaho, ho kenyeletsoa "lipuisano tse se nang mohala le lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki", "likarolo tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa", "mokhoa oa bophelo le lisebelisoa" , and “New Energy and Smart Society” as our four strategic business areas. Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc. e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea mochine oa photovoltaic eseng feela Japane empa hape le ho baetsi ba li-module ba ka sehloohong lefatšeng ka bophara. In addition, the company is engaged in the installation of photovoltaic power generation systems and the development of photovoltaic cell materials to solve the problem of photovoltaic power generation. Khampani e ikemiselitse ho tsoela pele ka boiteko ba eona ba ho hlahisa lihlahisoa ho ntlafatsa ho tšepahala le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa lisele tsa letsatsi (e leng matla ka ho fetisisa a emelang matla a hloekileng).
Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6641.T) ke moetsi oa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase. Lekala la khoebo la Matla a Tsosolositsoeng le Tikoloho le kopana le litlhoko tsa sechaba tse behiloeng boemong ba lefats'e, tse kang tšebeliso ea matla a ka nchafatsoang, tlhokahalo e latelang ea tsamaiso e tsitsitseng ea matla, ntlafatso ea meralo ea motheo ea motlakase le khaello ea mehloli ea metsi. Khoebong ea matla a ka nchafatsoang, re fana ka li-conditioner tsa motlakase le litsamaiso tsa ho fehla motlakase oa photovoltaic, hammoho le lihlahisoa bakeng sa ho aha mekhoa ea phetisetso le kabo ea motlakase oa moloko o latelang (li-grids tse bohlale). In the environmental business, we provide products related to electrical equipment and energy management systems (EMS) for water treatment facilities.
Norsk Hydro ASA (Oslo: NHY.OL) ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e ea aluminium. Ka har'a ketane eohle ea boleng, ho tloha ho bauxite, alumina le tlhahiso ea matla ho isa tlhahiso le ho sebelisoa bocha ha aluminium ea mantlha le lihlahisoa tse rokoang, e na le mesebetsi ea tlhahiso, thekiso le Khoebo. Khampani e na le ntlo-khōlō Norway 'me e na le mesebetsi linaheng tse fetang 50 lik'honthinenteng tsohle. Ka boiphihlelo bo fetang lilemo tse lekholo tlhahisong ea matla a ka nchafatsoang, nts'etsopele ea theknoloji, le litšebelisano tse ntseng li tsoela pele, Hydro e ikemiselitse ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea bareki le sechaba seo re se sebeletsang. Litharollo tsa letsatsi: Aluminium e fetoha thepa ea khetho bakeng sa tharollo ea letsatsi e tšoarellang nako e telele, e ntle le e nang le tikoloho.
Northland Power Inc. (TSX: NPI.TO; NPI-PA.TO) ke moetsi oa matla ea ikemetseng, ea thehiloeng ka 1987, 'me o rekisitsoe phatlalatsa ho tloha 1997. Northland e hlahisa, e haha, e na le lisebelisoa tse hlahisang "hloekile" () khase ea tlhaho) le matla a “tala” (phefo, letsatsi le metsi) ho fa beng ba liabo, bankakarolo le sechaba ka boleng ba nako e telele.
OC Oerlikon Corporation AG (OTC: OERLF) ke sehlopha se etelletseng pele sa theknoloji se inehetseng ho fana ka mahlale a etelletseng pele 'marakeng le lits'ebeletso bakeng sa tharollo ea bokaholimo, tlhahiso ea likhoele tse entsoeng ke motho, litsamaiso tsa likoloi, le lipompo tsa vacuum le likarolo tsa mebaraka ea kholo. Theknoloji ena e tsoetseng pele e tsoela bareki molemo ka ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea sehlahisoa, tlhahiso, tšebeliso e ntle ea matla le lisebelisoa, le ho kenya letsoho tikolohong e tsitsitseng haholoanyane. Litharollo tsa vacuum bakeng sa lisele tsa letsatsi
Origin Energy Limited (ASX: ORG.AX) is an integrated energy company mainly engaged in oil and gas exploration and production in Australia and New Zealand. It operates through the energy market, exploration and production, liquefied natural gas and connected energy sectors. Khampani e boetse e kenya letsoho tlhahisong ea motlakase. Le thekiso le thekiso ea motlakase le khase ea tlhaho. E na le thahasello morerong oa BassGas Victoria; morero oa Kupe Gas New Zealand; morero oa Otway Gas Victoria; the gas field, the coalbed methane field in Queensland, and other onshore production facilities located in Surat and Bowen, Queensland. Basins, Perth Basin in Western Australia and Taranaki Basin in New Zealand. The company's product portfolio includes electricity and natural gas; green energy, including green energy, natural gas and renewable energy certificates; origin intelligence to track and manage electricity consumption; solar energy; hot water solutions, including solar hot water systems, hot water solutions Program, centralized hot water system and hot water service access; le lihlahisoa tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa, ho kenyeletsoa ho arola moea o pholisang, ho futhumatsa sebaka, mouoane oa liphaephe, ho futhumatsa lipeipi le lihlahisoa tsa ho futhumatsa moea ka lipeipi. E boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa ho lefisa likoloi tsa motlakase; le khase ea peterole e qhibilihisitsoeng.
P2 Solar, Inc. (OTC: PTOS), as a developer of solar photovoltaic (PV) power and small hydropower projects, participates in the lucrative renewable energy market. Ka ho hlokomela tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea lefats'e ea matla a hloekileng, phaello e ntseng e eketseha ea tlhōlisano ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ka matla a marang-rang, le boiteko ba khoebo ba ho fokotsa ho itšetleha ka mafura a mafura bakeng sa ho tsoa ha khase e futhumatsang lefatše, P2 Solar e tsetela le ho tsamaisa lisebelisoa tsa eona ho rua molemo ho mekhoa ena ea lefats'e.
PanaHome Corporation (Tokyo: 1924.T) ke k'hamphani ea ntlo-kholo ea Japane, e sebetsanang haholo le khoebo ea matlo. The company is engaged in the basic design of houses called PanaHome, as well as the manufacture, construction and sale of materials for house systems. Ka lithuso tsa eona, k'hamphani e boetse e kenya letsoho mosebetsing oa ho etsa, ho haha le ho rekisa matlo a tlas'a lebitso la PanaHome, thekiso ea lihlopha tse ikemetseng le mobu oa kaho, hammoho le ho rekisa, ho hira, tsamaiso le phetoho ea thekiso ea matlo le moralo. , kaho le tlhokomelo ea ho lokisa naha. PanaHome uses a variety of technologies and the comprehensive strength of the Panasonic Group to provide a smart living environment for the next generation. (Including solar roof)
Panasonic Corporation (Tokyo: 6752.T) ke k'hamphani ea Japane. Lefapha la lipapali la lapeng le kopane le nts'etsopele, ho etsa thepa le lisebelisoa tsa thepa e tšoeu, botle le lisebelisoa tsa bophelo le lihlahisoa tsa bophelo bo botle. Karohano ea tikoloho ea tikoloho e kenella nts'etsopele, e kenya le ho rekisa lisebelisoa tsa mabone, lisebelisoa tse ling tse amanang le li-afsoration, libetera tsa matlo le li-betri le balateli ba moea. Lefapha la marang-rang la AVC le sebetsana le nts'etsopele le tlhahiso ea lik'hamera tsa digital le liselefouno. The Automotive and Industrial Systems Department is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of automotive-related products and industrial-related equipment. Other divisions are engaged in other related businesses.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) ke k'hamphani e ts'oereng matsete e sebetsanang le matsete, nts'etsopele, ts'ebetso le tsamaiso ea matla a letsatsi le a mang a matla a tsosolositsoeng ho People's Republic of China le United Kingdom. .
Phoenix Solar AG (FRA: PS4.F) e sebetsa 'marakeng oa bohlokoa oa photovoltaic,' me e na le lihlopha tse 'maloa,' me e fana ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa eona lefatšeng ka bophara. Sepheo sa rona ke ho fehla motlakase bakeng sa bokamoso. Re behile litekanyetso tsa lefats'e bakeng sa ho fihlela sepheo sena. Re nts'etsapele, re rera, re aha le ho sebelisa limela le litsamaiso tsa matla a letsatsi ho fihlela ho li-megawatt tse 'maloa,' me re morekisi oa litsebi oa lisebelisoa tse felletseng tsa limela le litsamaiso tsa matla a photovoltaic, li-module tsa letsatsi, li-inverters, le likarolo tse ling tsohle tsa limela le litsamaiso tsa matla a photovoltaic. Matla a letsatsi e ntse e le mohloli o sireletsehileng oa matla nakong e tlang.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) e rala, e etsa le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa DC kapa tsa DC, lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi tse nyalisitsoeng tsa lithium betri bakeng sa mmaraka oa likhokahano, le mebaraka e meng, ho kenyeletsoa sesole, ho tjhaja likoloi tsa motlakase, ho kopanya, ho tsamaisa matla le phepelo ea motlakase e sa fetoheng. . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. Haeba grid ea utility e hloleha, litlhoko tsena li tlameha ho tima
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) ke nts'etsopele ea sistimi ea matla e ikemiselitseng ho sebelisa theknoloji ea organic Rankine cycle ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla le ho hlaphoheloa ha mocheso litšila. E sebelisa moralo oa eona oa thepa le selekane sa maano, sepheo sa PowerVerde ke ho nts'etsapele le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa motlakase tse ajoang ka matla a ka tlase ho 500kW le ho fihlela boemo bo etelletseng pele indastering. Hlahisa mehloli ea matla a ts'eptjoang, e bolokang chelete e ngata, 'me e se nang tlhahiso e ka sebelisoang tšimong kapa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa microgrid. Theknoloji ea ORC ea PowerVerde e ka boela ea kopanngoa le mehloli ea mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa 'mele oa lefatše, biomass le letsatsi.
PPL Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: PPL) is one of the largest companies in the US utility sector. PPL's seven award-winning high-performance utility companies serve 10 million customers in the United States and the United Kingdom. The company has more than 12,000 employees and is committed to providing customers with excellent customer service and reliability, and creating outstanding value for shareholders. Solar energy: June 2018-Acquired Safari Energy LLC, a leading provider of solar solutions for US commercial customers. Safari Safari e ntlafatsa litharollo tsa Turkey e hlophisitsoeng haholo ho bareki, ho tloha licheleteng ho ea licheleteng, ho atoloha le ho aha likokoana-hloko. Safari Energy is headquartered in New York City and has completed more than 200 solar projects in 19 states and is currently working on more than 80 projects.
Premier Power Renewable Energy (OTC: PPRW), ka lithuso tsa eona tse nang le thepa e felletseng, e ikemiselitse ho rala, ho nts'etsapele le ho kopanya litsamaiso tsa letsatsi le marulelong bakeng sa bareki ba lichelete tsa khoebo, tsa indasteri, tsa bolulo, tsa temo le tsa tekano Amerika Leboea, Europe le Asia. E boetse e fana ka letoto la lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya bakeng sa bareki ba letsatsi, ho kenyeletsoa moralo, boenjiniere, theko, ho fana ka laesense, kaho, khokahanyo ea marang-rang, tiisetso, tlhahlobo ea sistimi le lits'ebeletso tsa tlhokomelo. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e boetse e tsamaisa likarolo tsa tsamaiso ea letsatsi (ho kenyeletsoa li-racks, li-modulasetsi, libui tse ling tse amanang le letsatsi.
Public Power Corporation SA (Athene: PPC.AT) le makala a eona hammoho a hlahisa, a fetisa le ho aba motlakase Greece. Khampani e thehiloe ka 1950 'me ntlo-khōlō e le Athene, Greece. Lilemong tse 'maloa tse fetileng, k'hamphani e' nile ea tsetela mehloling e meng ea matla (phefo, matla a letsatsi le mocheso oa mocheso) ho phaella tabeng ea ho haha litsi tse ncha tsa motlakase oa mocheso (lignite, oli ea mafura le khase ea tlhaho) le lifeme tse fehlang matla a metsi. PPC e nchafalitsoeng ea matla a letsatsi
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), ka lithuso tsa eona, haholo-holo e sebetsa e le k'hamphani ea matla ka leboea-bochabela ho United States le bohareng ba Atlantic. E rekisa motlakase, khase ea tlhaho, likoloto tsa tlhahiso le letoto la lihlahisoa tse amanang le matla ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea marang-rang a matla. Khampani e boetse e fetisa motlakase; le ho aba motlakase le khase ea tlhaho ho bareki ba bolulo, khoebo le indasteri, le ho tsetela mererong ea matla a letsatsi, le ho kenya ts'ebetsong meralo e sebetsang hantle ea matla le meralo ea karabo ea tlhoko. Ho feta moo, e boetse e fana ka tšebeletso ea lisebelisoa le tlhokomelo bakeng sa bareki. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. e thehiloe ka 1985 'me e thehiloe Newark, New Jersey.
PV Crystalox Solar (LSE: PVCS.L) ke mofani oa thepa ea khethehileng haholo oa baetsi ba lisele tsa letsatsi ba etellang pele lefatšeng, ba hlahisa liphaephe tsa polysilicon bakeng sa litsamaiso tsa ho fehla matla a letsatsi. Bareki ba rona ke baetsi ba lisele tsa letsatsi ba etelletseng pele lefats'eng, ba kenyelletsang li-wafers tsena ho li-module tsa letsatsi ho sebelisa matla a hloekileng, a khutsitseng le a ka nchafatsoang a tsoang letsatsing. Re bapala karolo e ka sehloohong ho etsa hore litšenyehelo tsa ho fehla matla a letsatsi li qothisane lehlokoa le ho fehla motlakase o tloaelehileng oa hydrocarbon. Ka hona, re tla tsoelapele ho sebetsa ka thata ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso ha re ntse re eketsa katleho ea lisele tsa letsatsi.
PVA TePla AG (Frankfurt: TPE.F) ke fektheri e Jeremane e fanang ka lisebelisoa bakeng sa tlhahiso le ts'ebetso ea thepa ea indasteri. The company conducts business through two divisions: Industrial Systems and Semiconductor Systems. Sistimi ea semiconductor e fana ka lits'ebetso tsa theknoloji e phahameng bakeng sa indasteri ea semiconductor le ea letsatsi, ho tloha lits'ebetsong tsa tlhahiso ea silicon ea li-semiconductor, liindasteri tsa letsatsi le li-photovoltaic ho isa lits'ebetsong tsa ts'ebetso ea plasma ka likarolo tsa semiconductor.
Quantum Energy Limited (ASX: QTM.AX) e hlahisa le ho aba metsi a chesang a sebetsang hantle, a futhumatsang le a pholileng bakeng sa limmaraka tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo Australia le machabeng. Khampani e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa matla a letsatsi, licheso tsa metsi a chesang le lifuthumatsi tsa matamo, hammoho le licheso tsa khoebo le tsa indasteri.
REC (Norway: REC.OL) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa thepa ea silicon e thehiloeng holim'a silyl. REC Silicon ASA ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa thepa ea silicon e tsoetseng pele, e fanang ka polysilicon e hloekileng haholo le khase ea silicon ho indasteri ea letsatsi le lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki lefatšeng ka bophara.
Renesola (NYSE: SOL) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa machaba le mofani oa theknoloji ea lihlahisoa tsa matla a tala. Ka khoebo ea eona ea lefats'e le marang-rang a mangata a OEM le thekiso, ReneSola e khona ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa matla a tala le lits'ebeletso tsa nako bakeng sa li-EPC tsa lefats'e, li-installers le merero ea matla a tala. Lihlahisoa tsa letsatsi
RGS Energy (NasdaqCM: RGSE) ke e 'ngoe ea li-installer tsa marulelo a lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi tse etellang pele United States, tse sebeletsang bareki ba bolulo le ba likhoebo tse nyane kontinenteng ea United States le Hawaii. Ho tloha ka sehlopha sa pele sa liphanele tsa photovoltaic tse rekisoang ka 1978, k'hamphani e kentse mashome a likete a lisebelisoa tsa matla a letsatsi. RGS Energy e etsa hore ho be bonolo haholo bakeng sa bareki ho boloka litšenyehelo tsa matla ka ho fana ka litharollo tse felletseng tsa letsatsi ho tloha ho moralo, ho tšehetsa lichelete, ho lumella le ho kenya tšebetsong, tlhokomelo le tšehetso e tsoelang pele.
Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4204.T) ke k'hamphani e sebetsang likarolong tse tharo tsa khoebo: karohano ea matlo, karohano ea tikoloho le ea bophelo, le karolo ea polasetiki e sebetsang hantle haholo. Housing companies conduct business based on the principle of providing environmentally friendly housing with a safe and comfortable life for at least 60 years. Sehlahisoa sa rona sa moemeli ke "Zero Utility Cost Housing", e ka fokotsang phello ea tikoloho ea lelapa ka nako e telele. Ho phaella moo, palo eohle ea "matlo a nang le mekhoa ea ho hlahisa matla a letsatsi" a hahiloeng ho feta 160,000, a behoa pele indastering ea kaho ea bolulo.
Sekisui Jushi Corporation (Tokyo: 4212.T) ke k'hamphani ea tlhahiso ea Japane. The urban environment department manufactures, processes and sells soundproof wall materials, traffic signs, signage, pavement labels, electronic system related products, road safety materials, solar products, artificial grass and artificial wood, etc. The street and living department manufactures, processes and e rekisa terata bakeng sa batho ba tsamaeang ka maoto le likoloi, terata ea lehloa, litselana tsa kaho, liporo, thepa ea ho paka, matlo a bolulo, mabone a letsatsi, lisebelisoa tsa moaho, mesh terata, joalo-joalo lisebelisoa, lihlahisoa tse omeletseng, lihlahisoa tsa polokelo, liphaephe tsa tsamaiso ea kopano, lisebelisoa tsa ho khetha tsa digital, joalo-joalo.
SES Solar Inc (OTC: SESI) develops and provides products in the field of photovoltaic energy in Switzerland. Khamphani e fana ka letoto la lihlahisoa tsa lifoto tsa lifoto, tse kang lithaelese tsa letsatsi, tse nang le marulelo a tloaelehileng le marulelo a bataletseng haholo kapa a marulelo; le liphanele tse kopantsoeng tsa moetlo / tsa moaho tse entsoeng ka khalase / likhalase tse utliloeng bakeng sa likhalase tsa moaho tsa indasteri le tsa Bolulo, masoba a bobebe le marulelo a foranteng. E boetse e sebetsana le lits'ebeletso tsa merero e sebetsa ho tsoa ho moralo ho latela ho phethoa, 'me ho fana ka tlhokomelo (ho hlokomela le ho hlokomela le ho hlokomela le ho hlokomela le ho hlokomela le lits'ebeletso le ts'ebetsong.
Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (HT-SAAE) (Shanghai: 600151.SS) is a Chinese company engaged in the development of new energy. Khampani e fana ka matla a macha a photovoltaic (PV), ho akarelletsa le polysilicon, li-module tsa lisele tsa letsatsi, joalo-joalo.
Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 2727.HK) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa tlhahiso ea thepa Chaena. E na le melemo ea bohlokoa ka phano e felletseng ea lisebelisoa tsa sejoale-joale, lisebelisoa tse felletseng, le boenjiniere le likonteraka. Matla a letsatsi
Sharp Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6753.T) ke k'hamphani e ntlo-khōlō ea eona e Japane, haholo-holo e sebetsanang le tlhahiso le thekiso ea likhokahano tsa elektroniki, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le tsa elektroniki. Sharp Solar: Ka lilemo tse fetang 50, boiteko ba lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea Sharp bo lebisitse ho tharollo e matla ea letsatsi.
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4063.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in chemical business. Hajoale, k'hamphani e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa theknoloji e phahameng tse ke keng tsa lekanngoa masimong a quartz ea maiketsetso, li-preform tsa fiber optical le silicon ea semiconductor. Shin-Etsu ke k'hamphani ea pele lefatšeng ho hlahisa liphaephe tse 300mm 'me ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa liphaephe tsa boholo bo fapaneng. Shin-Etsu Chemical e fetohile moetsi ea nang le karolo e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea 'maraka lefatšeng ka bophara libakeng tse ngata tsa bohlokoa,' me ka nako e ts'oanang e boemong bo ka sehloohong libakeng tse ngata. Photovoltaics: Pyrolytic Boron Nitride (PBN) is a high-purity ceramic with excellent chemical resistance and strength at high temperatures. Lena ke lekhetlo la pele Shin-Etsu Chemical e hlahisa PBN ka katleho Japane. PBN uses its characteristics to produce compound semiconductors and molecular beam epitaxy in a crucible. Lisebelisoa tse ka sebelisoang tsa PBN li ntse li eketseha, tse kang li-heaters tse phahameng tsa PG / PBN tšimong ea semiconductor le lifilimi tse tšesaane tse thehiloeng ho CIGS bakeng sa ho hlahisa matla a photovoltaic.
SHOWA SHELL SEKIYU KK (Tokyo: 5002.T) oal e tla shebana le tharollo ea oli le eneji joalo ka likhoebo tsa eona tse peli tse kholo, e fa bareki ba fanang ka tharollo ea matla e bolokehileng le e tšoarellang ho ts'ehetsa bareki ba eona le sechaba. Matla a letsatsi: Showa Shell Sekiyu e hlahisitse theknoloji e sebelisoang ho etsa moloko o latelang oa liphanele tsa letsatsi tsa CIS tse tšesaane. Kakaretso ea selemo le selemo ea matla a tlhahiso ea setsi sa tlhahiso ea setsi sa rona sa Solar Frontier KK se ka bang 1GW, 'me li-module tsa rona tsa CIS li rekisitsoe Europe, United States, Middle East le Asia le Japane. Solar Frontier KK e fana ka litšebeletso tse ngata, ho tloha ho boenjiniere ba limela ho ea ho ts'ebetso ea limela, ho ea ho thekiso ea limela tsena ho ea ho basebelisi ba ho qetela kapa lichelete tse amanang le nts'etsopele ea limela tsa matla a letsatsi.
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Matla a letsatsi: Siemens e hlahisitse litharollo tse felletseng tsa mathata a marakeng a ntseng a hola. Kajeno, Siemens e fetohile mofani oa thepa e le 'ngoe ea likarolo tsohle tsa bohlokoa tsa limela tsa matla a letsatsi.
Sika Ag (tse tšeletseng :: sik.sw, Switzerland) ke ntlo e kholo ea Switzerland, e mafolofolo indastering e ikhethang ea lik'hemik'hale. The company mainly produces products for the automotive and auto parts, renewable energy, and equipment and parts industries. Solar energy: The solar energy industry is committed to reducing costs, optimizing processes and improving performance. Optimized adhesive technology enables photovoltaic, CSP and solar collector system providers to seek new design solutions, save materials and improve processes to meet these challenges. Extensively tested and inspected products ensure the long-term performance of bonded joints and systems. In order to successfully carry out development and implementation, Sika provides customers with comprehensive project support, from construction consulting, functional testing, application and process technical advice to spraying personnel training.
Silex Systems Limited (ASX: SLX.AX: OTC: SILXY) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso, nts'etsopele le khoebo ea matla a nyutlelie, matla a letsatsi, le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele le theknoloji ea lisebelisoa. Khampani e hlahisa le ho rekisa theknoloji ea SILEX, e leng mokhoa oa karohano ea laser isotope bakeng sa ho matlafatsa uranium; and researches, develops and commercializes dense array concentrated photovoltaic systems for utility-scale solar power plants. E boetse e kentse letsoho lipatlisisong, nts'etsopele le khoebong ea lisebelisoa tse sa tloaelehang tsa oxide ea lefats'e bakeng sa ho etsa lisebelisoa ho semiconductor, matla a motlakase le liindasteri tsa photovoltaic; nts'etsopele le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa nako le taolo tse nepahetseng haholo tse thehiloeng ho thekenoloji ea thepa ea USB-inSync. Mmarakeng oa lisebelisoa tsa elektronike.
SINGLEPOINT INC. (OTCQB: SING) ke khamphani ea thekenoloji eo sepheo sa eona e leng ho fumana lik'hamphani tse tla rua molemo ho enteng ea chelete ea kholo le kopanyo ea theknoloji. The company's product portfolio includes mobile payments, daily fantasy sports, assisted cannabis services and blockchain solutions. Through acquisitions in the horizontal market, SinglePoint builds its investment portfolio by acquiring the interests of undervalued companies, thereby providing a rich and diversified holding base. Through its subsidiary SingleSeed, the company is providing products and services to the cannabis industry. Solar: Direct Solar is a subsidiary of technology and acquisition company SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING). Direct Solar America ke k'hamphani ea khoebo ea letsatsi e nang le meaho e fetang 3,500 ea matlo, e nolofalletsang bareki ba letsatsi la bolulo ho reka likhetho tsa ho fumana likhetho tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tsa matlo. Like rocket mortgages or loan trees, direct solar representatives provide homeowners with various financing and service providers; this makes the process of homeowners purchasing solar energy easier. Direct Solar already operates in eight states and will continue to expand its residential solar footprint. Direct Solar Commercial provides services to customers who own and/or manage commercial properties. In addition to Direct Solar Capital, an alternative energy financing solution, commercial projects can also receive US$50,000 to US$3 million in solar installation funding.
Sino-American Silicon Products Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 5483.TWO) hajoale ke morekisi o moholo ka ho fetisisa oa 3″~12″ oa China o nang le mohala o felletseng oa tlhahiso. Our main products include semiconductors, solar and sapphire, and the application range extends to solar, photovoltaic and daily energy. Lihlahisoa tsa rona tsa boleng bo holimo li kenyelletsa CZ / FZ / SZ / NTD Silicon Angol, Sepapa se nang le linoko, linotši tse tebileng tsa letsatsi le likepe, batteries, modules And sapphire wafers. Ka lebaka la tlatsetso e kopanetsoeng ea sehlopha sa batsamaisi le basebetsi bohle, ts'ebetso ea SAS e ntse e tsoela pele ho fihla holimo. Hore na ke ka ho fana ka theknoloji le tlhaiso-leseling, lihlahisoa tsa ho rekisa kapa tsa litšebeletso, Sas esale li lekantsoe e le sehlahisoa se rekisoang haholo sa selemo.
Sky Solar Holdings Ltd. (NasdaqCM: SKYS) is an investment holding company and an independent power producer worldwide. The company mainly develops, owns and operates solar parks in the downstream solar market. It also sells solar systems including pipelines. Hammoho le litšebeletso tsa boenjiniere, kaho le theko, 'me ba kopanela kahong le phetisetsong ea lipaka tsa letsatsi.
SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. The photovoltaic inverter is the core component of any solar system. SMA e ka fana ka li-inverters tse nepahetseng bakeng sa mofuta o mong le o mong oa mojule oa photovoltaic o sebelisoang lefatšeng le mefuta e fapaneng ea lits'ebetso tse hoketsoeng ke grid, tse ikhethileng le tse emeng. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Solar A/S (Copenhagen: SOLAR-B.CO) is a Danish-based company engaged in the distribution of electrical, heating, plumbing and ventilation components. Lithekiso tsa k'hamphani li arotsoe ka karolo ea indasteri le karolo ea mokonteraka. The company provides (among others) lightning, boilers and radiators, water heaters, heat pumps, switches and sockets, detection and buttons, fans and air handling units, solar heating units, fire alarm systems, contactors and building cables, marine And offshore and liindasteri tsa mehala ea puisano.
Solar Alliance Energy Inc. (TSX: SOLR.V) ke mofani oa tharollo ea matla e shebaneng le lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi tsa bolulo, tsa khoebo le tsa indasteri. The company has operations in California, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina and Kentucky, and has an expanding channel for solar projects. Ho tloha ha e thehoa ka 2003, k'hamphani e thehile morero oa moea le letsatsi oa $ 1 bilione o ka fanang ka motlakase o lekaneng bakeng sa malapa a 150,000. Our passion is to improve lives through originality, simplicity and freedom of choice. The Solar Alliance reduces or eliminates the vulnerability of customers to rising energy costs, provides an environmentally friendly source of power generation, and provides affordable, turn-key clean energy solutions.
Solar Applied Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 1785.TWO) ke moetsi e moholo oa lefats'e oa lifilimi tsa polokelo ea data ea optical. SOLAR is recognized as one of the world's leading companies in the field of precious metals and rare materials refining, special molding and processing, providing customers with key materials and integrated service models for their applications in the optoelectronics, information, petrochemical and consumer electronics industries. The main products include four categories: precious chemicals/materials, special chemicals, resource recovery and film application targets/materials
Solar Enertech Corp. (OTC: SOEN) ke moetsi oa lihlahisoa tsa matla a letsatsi. Khampani e hlahisa lisele tsa letsatsi le li-modules Chaena. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa silicon ea monocrystalline le lisele tsa letsatsi tsa polycrystalline silicon le li-module tsa lisele tsa letsatsi. Khampani e rekisa haholo li-module tsa lisele tsa letsatsi ho li-solar panel installers tse kopanyang li-module tsa tsona tsamaisong ea tsona ea ho fehla matla ebe li li rekisa ho felisa bareki ba Europe, Australia, Amerika Leboea le Chaena.
Solar Integrated Roofing Corporation (OTC: SIRC) ke k'hamphani e kenyellelitsoeng ea letsatsi le marulelo e sebetsanang le khoebo le thepa ea bolulo, e shebaneng le ho fumana lik'hamphani tse tšoanang ho haha mohato oa naha ka bophara.
SolarCity Corporation (NasdaqGS: SCTY) e fana ka matla a hloekileng. Khampani e ile ea senya indasteri ea matla ea lekholong la lilemo ka ho fana ka motlakase o tsosolositsoeng ka ho toba ho beng ba matlo, likhoebo le mekhatlo ea 'muso ka theko e tlaase ho feta likoloto tsa lisebelisoa. SolarCity e thusa bareki ho laola litšenyehelo tsa bona tsa matla ho ba sireletsa likolotong tse ntseng li phahama tsa motlakase. The company makes solar energy easy through everything from design to licensing to monitoring and maintenance.
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SEDG) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa theknoloji e bohlale ea matla. By leveraging world-class engineering capabilities and unremitting attention to innovation, SolarEdge has created smart energy solutions that power our lives and advance future progress. SolarEdge has developed a smart inverter solution that changes the way that electrical energy is collected and managed in photovoltaic (PV) systems. Solaredge Basebetsi ba Ikhethileng ba loanela ho eketsa moloko oa matla ha o fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa matla tse hlahisitsoeng ke litsamaiso tsa lifoto tse hlahisoang ke litsamaiso tsa lifoto tsa photovoltaic. Continuously developing smart energy, SolarEdge meets a wide range of energy market areas through its photovoltaic, energy storage, electric vehicle charging, UPS and grid service solutions.
Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0757.HK) is engaged in the manufacturing, processing and trading of polycrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon ingots and wafers in the People's Republic of China. The company also produces photovoltaic cells and modules; meralo le ho kenya litsamaiso tsa Photovioltaic; ebe o sebetsa limela tsa motlakase tsa PhotovOltaic. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited provides services to manufacturers or traders of silicon solar wafers, cells or modules. The company's products are mainly exported to Japan, Britain, North America, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, France and Germany. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited is headquartered in Wanchai, Hong Kong
Solaria Energíay Medio Ambiente (Spain: SLR.MC) is the only solar company on the Spanish Stock Exchange, producing photovoltaic modules and batteries in its two production facilities in Spain with a capacity of 250 MW. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e boetse e nts'etsapele merero ea li-turnkey bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tsa eona tse kholo le tsa mokha oa boraro, e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo, 'me e fehla motlakase ka mehala ea eona ea matla a photovoltaic hohle Europe, e nang le kakaretso ea tlhahiso ea matla a 45 MW. e fumane chelete e tloaelehileng. Ensure strong financial strength and reaffirm its commitment to solar photovoltaic energy
Solartron Co., Ltd. (Thailand: SOLAR.BK) e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea li-module tsa boleng bo phahameng ba letsatsi le litekanyo tsa tsamaiso bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi. Re boetse re fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya naha ka bophara.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) ke k'hamphani e nang le lits'ebeletso tsa matla e ikarabellang ho Folsom, New Jersey, 'me e sebetsa ka lithuso tse peli tse kholo. South Jersey Gas ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse sebelisang khase ea tlhaho tse holang ka potlako ho fetisisa United States, tse fanang ka khase ea tlhaho e hloekileng, e sebetsang hantle ho bareki ba ka bang 370,000 karolong e ka boroa ea New Jersey le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla. Khoebo e sa laoleheng ea SJI tlasa Lefapha la New Jersey la Energy Solutions, ka nts'etsopele, beng le ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea matla sebakeng sa marang-rang (ho kenyeletsoa ho kopanya, matla a letsatsi, le merero ea ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa setereke) ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, theknoloji e hloekileng le e ka nchafatsoang. energy; bakeng sa bareki ba retal ba fumanang le ho rekisa khase ea tlhaho le motlakase; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; le ho fana ka hvac le lits'ebeletso tse ling tse amanang le matla.
Spectacular Solar, Inc. (OTC: SPSO) is a diversified company engaged in the installation of solar energy systems, investment fund management and roof contracting through its subsidiaries. Li-Solar Integrators tsa DC li thehile le ho kenya lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa matla a letsatsi bakeng sa malapa le beng ba likhoebo. Star Power Services ke rakonteraka ea nang le tumello ea ho rulela e nang le tsebo ea ho kenya, ho lokisa le ho hlokomela marulelo a macha. The Solar Investor Fund contributes to ongoing insurance costs directly related to the installation of solar systems. In return, the fund will receive a portion of tax incentives and continuous income from electricity sales.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) ke mofani oa lefats'e oa litharollo tsa photovoltaic ("PV") bakeng sa bareki ba khoebo, ba bolulo, ba mmuso le ba litšebeletso le batseteli. Morero oa photovoltaic oa letsatsi o entsoeng ke k'hamphani o ka rekisoa ho motho ea sebetsang ka lehlakoreng la boraro, kapa o ka ba le thepa le ho sebelisoa ke k'hamphani ho rekisa motlakase ho marang-rang a matla a linaha tse ngata tsa Asia, Amerika Leboea le Europe. Khampani e ka tlase ea Australia e rekisa haholo li-module tsa photovoltaic tsa letsatsi ho bareki ba mabenkele le baetsi ba merero ea letsatsi. Ntlo-kholo ea ts'ebetso ea k'hamphani e Santa Clara, California, 'me e boloka ts'ebetso ea lefats'e Asia, Europe, Amerika Leboea le Australia. Green Auto-E phatlalalitse ho thakholoa ha EdisonFuture, Inc., e leng lekala le felletseng la SPI Energy, ho rala le ho nts'etsapele likoloi tsa motlakase ("EV") le litharollo tsa ho tjhaja tsa EV.
Spire Corporation (OTC: SPIR) ke k'hamphani ea letsatsi ea lefats'e e fanang ka theknoloji, lisebelisoa le melapo ea tlhahiso ea turnkey ho etsa li-module tsa photovoltaic le ho khetholla li-module tsa letsatsi.
Sehlopha sa StF (OTC: STL "ke k'hamphani e shebaneng le bokamoso. Re motlotlo ka ho khona ho sheba maikutlo a macha a ho sebelisa theknoloji ea hajoale ha a ntse a sebelisa theknoloji ea joale ho sireletsa hosane. Dithekenoloji tsa rona tse tala di amme mebaraka e mengata e fapaneng, ho kenyeletswa tlhahiso le paballo ya matla, dipalangwang tsa thepa, polokelo le matlo. Re motlotlo ho fana ka tiisetso e ntle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa liphanele tsa letsatsi tse entsoeng US. We view our business model as a model that promotes environmental responsibility as everyone's obligation, while also enabling our customers to save money. Ha liqholotso tse ncha li hlaha, sepheo sa rona e tla tsoela pele ho ba ho hlahisa litharollo tse se nang moelelo feela empa hape tse etsang phapang.
STR Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: STRI) ke mofani oa lefats'e oa li-sealants tsa boleng bo phahameng, tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa indasteri ea module ea photovoltaic (PV), e sebeletsang ho feta baetsi ba li-module tsa letsatsi tsa 80 lefatšeng ka bophara. Ka ho qaptjoa ha EVA sealant, k'hamphani e ile ea bula 'maraka oa solar sealant lilemong tse 30 tse fetileng. Kajeno, e ntse e tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa ka lenaneo la eona le pharalletseng la R&D, le lebisitseng ho hlahisoeng ha mahlale a macha.
Sumitomo Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8053.T) e etsa mesebetsi e mengata e fapaneng ea khoebo ka ho sebelisa matla a eona a felletseng a khoebo. Mesebetsi ena ea khoebo e kenyelletsa thekiso ea lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tse fapaneng ka har'a Japane, ho reka kantle ho naha le kantle ho naha, khoebo ea linaha tse tharo, matsete a khoebo ea lapeng le ea machabeng. Lekala la khoebo la tikoloho le meralo ea motheo le kenyeletsa ho fehla matla a letsatsi le a photovoltaic
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) e sebelisa tsebo le phihlelo ea tsamaiso ho fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki le ba nang le kabelo hona joale ka litšebeletso le lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng, ho loanela ho khotsofatsa bareki, le ho sireletsa tikoloho ka ho sebelisa mekhoa e metle ea theknoloji e tala. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific e boetse e phatlalalitse merero ea ho sebelisa Morero ona o tlisa morero haufi le bokamoso. Theknoloji ea Blockchain e ka shebella marang-rang a macha a matla, ho leka-lekanya boima le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.
SUNNOVA ENERGY INTERNATIONAL INC. (NYSE: NOVA) ke mofani oa litšebeletso tse ka sehloohong tsa bolulo tsa letsatsi le polokelo ea matla, e sebeletsang bareki ba fetang 63,000 liprofinseng le libakeng tse fetang 20 United States. Sepheo sa rona ke ho ba mofani ea ka sehloohong oa matla a hloekileng, a theko e tlaase le a ka tšeptjoang bakeng sa bareki, 'me morero oa rona oa khoebo o bonolo: ho finyella boipuso ba matla.
SunPower Corp. (NASDAQGS: SPWR) designs, manufactures and provides the highest efficiency and highest reliability solar panels and systems available today. Residential, corporate, government and utility customers rely on SunPower's 30 years of experience and guaranteed performance to provide the greatest return on investment during the entire life of the solar system. SunPower e lula San Jose, California, e nang le liofisi Amerika Leboea le Boroa, Europe, Australia, Afrika le Asia.
Sunrun Inc. (NasdaqGS: RUN) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele ea bolulo ea letsatsi, polokelo ea matla le litšebeletso tsa matla United States. Ho tloha ka 2007, morero oa Sunrun e bile ho aha polanete e tsamaisoang ke letsatsi, e etellang pele indasteri e nang le mohlala oa "solar e le tšebeletso", e ka fanang ka matla a hloekileng ho malapa a batlang a se na litšenyehelo kapa a se nang litšenyehelo tsa pele, 'me a theko e tlase ho feta a setso. litšenyehelo tsa motlakase. . Khamphani e rala, ea kenya, ea lichelete, ea inshorense, e beha leihlo le ho hlokomela sistimi, 'me malapa a ka fumana litheko tse lebelletsoeng ka lilemo tse 20 kapa ho feta. The company also offers Sunrun Brightbox, a home solar battery service, which manages home solar, energy storage and utility power through smart inverter technology.
Sunvalley Solar, Inc. (OTC: SSOL) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse etellang pele lefats'eng tsa theknoloji ea solar, li-integrator tsa solar system le lik'hamphani tse fanang ka litšebeletso tse felletseng tsa tharollo ea letsatsi. Sunvalley Solar Inc. e fumaneha metsotso e 20 ka bochabela ho Los Angeles, California, 'me e ikemiselitse ho fokotsa sekhahla sa khabone lefatšeng ka bophara ka phetoho ho tloha ho matla a khale ho ea ho matla a letsatsi le ho ba mohloli o moholo oa matla United States.
SunVault Energy, Inc. (OTC: SVLT) e ikemiseditse ho tlisa tlhahiso ya matla a theko e tlase le polokelo ya matla indastering ya matla a letsatsi ka mekgwa e metjha ya ho kopanya tlhahiso le polokelo ya matla ntle le mathata. Mokhoa ona oa theknoloji ke oa pele 'me o na le monyetla oa ho finyella litšenyehelo tse tlaase ka ho fetisisa tsa tsamaiso ka katleho e phahameng ka ho fetisisa. SunVault e boetse e fapane ka ho fumana lik'hamphani kapa thepa e ntseng e eketseha hang-hang, e leng se tla thusa ho ba le thepa ea boleng bo holimo e sa sebetseng.
Sunworks Inc. (NASDAQCM: SURW) ke mofani oa lithaeletsing tsa matla a letsatsi bakeng sa bareki le likhoebo. Re ikemiselitse ho ba le mekhoa ea ho tšoarela e phahameng e lulang e feta litekanyetso tsa bohlokoa tsa indasteri le ho latela maikutlo a rona a boitšoaro le polokeho. Kajeno, litsebi tsa letsatsi li ntse li tsoela pele ho holisa boholo ba eona, li atolosa ka liofisi tsa tikoloho le tsa lehae ka bophara. Re ikemiseditse ho fana ka ditharollo tsa boleng bo hodimo, tse shebaneng le tshebetso bakeng sa indasteri ya temo, ya kgwebo, ya mmuso, ya setjhaba, ya bodulo le ya ditshebeletso. Boinehelo ba rona ho bokhabane bo bonahala ho tiisetso ea rona ea lilemo tse 25, e leng mohlala oa rona oa ho fa bareki tšehetso e fetang tebello ea bona. Sunworks has an experienced and diverse workforce, including outstanding veterans who are committed to providing the best customer experience. Ho tsoa ho li-acinies ho isa ho babusi, basebetsi bohle ba rona ba latela melao-motheo ea k'hamphani letsatsi le leng le le leng. Sunworks ke setho sa Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) mme ke mmuelli ya motlotlo wa ntshetsopele ya matla a letsatsi.
TABUCHI ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (Tokyo: 6624.T) ke k'hamphani e etsang le ho rekisa thepa ea elektroniki le ea motlakase, lisebelisoa le likarolo. Khoebo ea phepelo ea motlakase e kenyelletsa: kopano ea li-inverters tsa letsatsi tsa photovoltaic, li-inverters tse nyalisitsoeng bakeng sa photovoltaics le libeteri, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse fetohang, li-adapter tsa AC, li-charger tsa betri, li-ballast tsa elektronike bakeng sa mabone, li-inverters bakeng sa magnetrons , Matla a matla bakeng sa mabone a LED le lisebelisoa tse ling tse sa tšoaneng.
Khamphani ea Datong (Taiwan: 2371.TW) e na le likarohano tsa khoebo tse 3, ho kenyelletsa le likarohano tsa khoebo tse 7, joalo ka tharollo ea ponts'o ea dijithale le khoebo ea lisebelisoa tsa dijithale, khoebo ea lisebelisoa tsa ka tlung, khoebo e ncha ea matla, khoebo ea ICT le tharollo ea matla, khoebo ea matla a boima, Wire le cable. khoebo le Motor BU. E le ho boloka khōlo e matla le ea nako e telele, Khamphani ea Datong e tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo-holo ho nts'etsopele ea theknoloji e tsoetseng pele le marang-rang a sebetsang lefatšeng ka bophara. Ka nts'etsopele ea makala a eona linaheng / libaka tsa 12 ho pota lefatše, Tatung e boemong bo tiileng ba ho fana ka lihlahisoa ka katleho le ho ntlafatsa katleho ea litšebeletso tsa bareki. Datong e fana ka bareki ba eona ka melemo ea litšenyehelo, lebelo le ts'ehetso e sa feleng ea ho boloka tikoloho ea khoebo ea kajeno e ntseng e fetolela kapele. Khamphani ea Datong e sebetsa ka ho khetheha khoebong ea ODM/OEM mme e fana ka lits'ebeletso ho bareki ba marang-rang lefatšeng ka bophara. E le kopano e kholo, lipakane tsa lichelete tsa Datong li kenyelletsa liindasteri tse kholo tse kang optoelectronics, matla, lithelefono, tsamaiso ea tsamaiso, mekhoa ea indasteri, mechine ea lihlahisoa le nts'etsopele ea thepa.
TBEA Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600089.SS) e sebetsana haholo le ho etsa le ho rekisa thepa ea phetisetso ea matla le phetoho. Khampani e fana ka li-transformer, ho kenyelletsa le li-transformer tsa motlakase, li-reactors, li-transformer, li-substations tse kopantsoeng le mabokose a kabo, joalo-joalo; lithapo le likhoele, ho kenyeletsoa lithapo tsa motlakase, lithapo tsa polasetiki tse insulated, lithapo tsa motlakase le lithapo tse khethehileng, joalo-joalo, hammoho le lihlahisoa tsa photovoltaic le boenjineri ba thusang Ema. The company is also involved in the construction of power transmission and transformation projects and photovoltaic projects, as well as the trade of other products.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), ka lithuso tsa eona tse ruiloeng ka botlalo, Ranor, Inc. le Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., e hlahisa likarolo tse kholo, tse entsoeng ka tšepe le tse sebetsitsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebelisoa limmarakeng tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa: matla a mang (solar le moea), bongaka, nyutlelie, ts'ireletso, indasteri, le sebaka sa sefofane. Sepheo sa TechPrecision ke ho fa bareki ba fanang ka litšebeletso tsa lefats'e ka bophara ka ho fana ka tharollo ea "turnkey" e hlophisitsoeng le e kopantsoeng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse feletseng tse hlokang ho etsoa le ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o hlophisitsoeng, ho bokella, ho hlahlojoa le ho hlahlojoa.
Terna Energy SA (Athene: TENERG.AT) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e hlophisitsoeng hantle e ikemiselitseng ho nts'etsapele, kaho, lichelete le ts'ebetso ea merero ea matla a tsosolositsoeng (moea, metsi, letsatsi, biomass, taolo ea litšila). TERNA ENERGY e na le phaephe e matla ea merero e ka bang 8,000 MW RES, e ntseng e sebetsa, e ntseng e hahuoa kapa e maemong a tsoetseng pele a nts'etsopele, e etellang pele Greece, ka ts'ebetso Europe Bohareng, Europe Boroa-bochabela le United States. TERNA ENERGY e boetse e nka karolo ka mafolofolo mananeong a machaba ho ntšetsa pele ts'ebeliso ea RES. Hape ke setho sa European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
Sehlopha sa Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ebetso ea Matlafatso ea Matlafatso ea Ener. Trug e atile haholo seterekeng se seng se le seng sa thepa ea matla a matla ho ea pele UK le leboea-bochabela mererong ea ts'ebetso. Ho tloha ka la 1 Phuptjane 2018, TRIG e tsetetse libakeng tse fapaneng tse 58 United Kingdom, Fora le Rephabliki ea Ireland, ho kenyeletsoa mapolasi a moea, merero ea matla a letsatsi le polokelo ea matla a betri, ka kakaretso ea matla a fehlang a 876 MW.
Thermax (BSE: Thermax.bo) e fana ka tharollo ea boenjiniere bakeng sa indasteri ea matla le tikoloho ka India le kahare. E arotsoe ka likarolo tse peli: matla le tikoloho. Khamphani e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa taolo ea silifation ea moea, ho kenyeletsoa mekotla ea mokotla, likhahla tse metsi le bahlahisi ba elektrosta. litsamaiso tsa ho monya, ho kenyeletsoa li-coolers tse monyang, lipompo tsa mocheso, lihlahisoa tse futhumatsang tsa letsatsi le lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang moea; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; le lifuthumatsi tsa mafura le tse futhumatsang oli. E boetse e fana ka tlhoekiso ea metsi, liindasteri tsa tsoekere le lipampiri, masimo a oli, lik'hemik'hale tse tala, tsa kaho le tsa mollo, hammoho le li-resin tsa li-ion le lisebelisoa tsa mafura; Limela tsa motlakase tsa EPC; tharollo ea mocheso oa letsatsi le photovoltaic; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. Ntle le moo, e fana ka matla, nchafatso le nchafatso, tlhoekiso ea metsi a litšila, ts'ebetso ea projeke e akaretsang ea konteraka, li-boilers tse kholo, koetliso ea bareki le lits'ebeletso tse khethehileng le tharollo; lisebelisoa tse felletseng tsa li-boilers le lisebelisoa tsa peripheral, hammoho le ts'ebetso ea setsi sa motlakase le lits'ebeletso tsa tlhokomelo; le likarolong tsa phomolo. Khamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso bakeng sa oli le khase, tšepe, moloko oa motlakase, warmating, tsoekere, tsoekere, tsoekere le e jeoang, e tsoekere industries; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600550.SS) e sebetsana haholo le ho etsa le ho aba lihlahisoa tsa phetisetso ea matla. Lihlahisoa tse ka sehloohong tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa li-transformer tsa jenereithara, li-transformer tse nang le mapheo a mekhahlelo e arohaneng, li-transformer bakeng sa phetisetso ea matla le ho ajoa, li-reactor le li-traction transfoma. Khamphani e boetse e hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa matla, ho kenyelletsa le lisebelisoa tsa matla a moea, li-turbine tsa moea, lihlahisoa tsa polysilicon le lisele tsa letsatsi tse tšesaane. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li ajoa limmarakeng tsa malapeng le tsa mose ho maoatle.
Tokuyama Corporation (Tokyo: 4043.T) haholo-holo e hlahisa le ho rekisa lik'hemik'hale, lihlahisoa tse khethehileng, samente le lisebelisoa tse sebetsang. The Special Products Business Unit provides products for a wide range of fields such as energy, electronics and environment. Our high-purity polysilicon is used in semiconductors and solar cells. Tokuyama ke e 'ngoe ea likhamphani tse etelletseng pele 'marakeng oa lefatše oa polysilicon.
Topco Scientific Co. Ltd. (Taiwan: 5434.TW) e fana ka lisebelisoa, lisebelisoa le lisebelisoa bakeng sa liindasteri tse amanang le semiconductor, optoelectronic le green energy tse amanang le Taiwan le lefats'e. E fana ka lihlahisoa tse amanang le semiconductor, ho kenyeletsoa lithography, diffusion, filimi e tšesaane / etching le lisebelisoa tse amanang le ts'ebetso ea wafer le wafer, hammoho le lisebelisoa tsa ho lokisa mochini oa lik'hemik'hale le bajari ba liphaephe. The company also provides optoelectronic related products, such as packaging and testing related materials, LED related materials and equipment, LCD related materials and equipment, and advanced materials and equipment. In addition, it also provides solar energy materials, equipment and integration services including solar energy-related materials and renewable energy applications, as well as engineering, procurement and construction services for solar systems.
Total (NYSE: TOT) ke mohlahisi le mofani oa matla a kopaneng lefatšeng ka bophara, k'hamphani e etelletseng pele ea oli le khase lefatšeng ka bophara, hape ke setsi sa bobeli se seholo sa letsatsi lefatšeng la SunPower. Joaloka moahi ea nang le boikarabelo, re ikemiselitse ho etsa bonnete ba hore khoebo ea rona linaheng/litikolohong tse fetang 130 e lula e tlisa melemo ea moruo, ea sechaba le ea tikoloho.
Toyoda Gosei Co. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; functional components, including fuel tank module components, power transmission system parts, and chassis and transmission systems Parts; internal and external parts; and safety system products, such as airbags, steering wheels, etc. The company also provides solar LED and deep ultraviolet light source modules; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights
TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc. (OTC: TSSP) e sebetsana le ho rala, ho etsa le ho aba litanka tsa polokelo ea mocheso oa letsatsi, lisebelisoa tsa mocheso oa tšepe e sa hloekang le ba bokellang United States. It also provides various components, including panels, pumps, water tanks, controllers and sensors. Khampani e fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki ba bolulo le ba khoebo.
ULVAC, Inc. (Tokyo: 6728.T) e sebetsa haholo khoebong ea mochini oa vacuum. Business areas include: development, manufacturing, sales, customer support, and import and export activities of vacuum equipment, peripheral equipment, vacuum components and materials for displays, solar cells, semiconductors, electronics, electrical, metal, machinery, automobiles, and chemicals. , The food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as universities and research centers in various aspects of vacuum technology research guidance and technical consulting.
Sehlopha sa Umovore (Brussels: Umi.br) ke theknoloji ea lefats'e le sehlopha se sebetsang. Bongata ba lekeno la Umicore le tsoa lithekenoloji tse hloekileng, tse kang ho recycle, li-catalyst tsa ho laola mesi, libeteri tse ka tjhajoang le lisebelisoa tsa photovoltaic. The Substrates business is the world's largest manufacturer of germanium wafers with more than 1 million installations. Our germanium wafers can be used in a variety of applications: ground solar cells (CPV), space solar cells, high-brightness LEDs and various semiconductor applications.
Litharollo tsa lisebelisoa tsa Veeco Instruments Inc (NASDAQGS: VECO) li etsa hore ho khonehe ho etsa li-LED, lipontšo tsa OLED tse tenyetsehang, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, li-semiconductors tse kopantsoeng, li-hard disk drive, li-semiconductors, MEMS le li-chips tse se nang mohala. Re moetapele oa 'maraka ho MOCVD, MBE, ion beam, wet etching single wafer process le mahlale a mang a tsoetseng pele a masesaane a ho lokisa lifilimi. Veeco's solar technology equipment is helping to increase cell efficiency and manufacturing profits to new levels. Our industry-leading MOCVD platform for CPV (Concentration Photovoltaics) and the world's only production-proven thermal deposition source manufactured by CIGS utilize our unique expertise and industry-leading resources.
Visionstate Corp. (TSX: VIS.V) is a growth-oriented company that invests in the research and development of promising new technologies in the areas of sustainability, analytics and the Internet of Everything. Visionstate provides investors with the right to own disruptive technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain platforms and solar energy. Through Visionstate Inc., the company can use its advanced equipment to track and monitor visitor activities and requests to help companies increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. The footprint of WANDA™ smart devices has now expanded to hospitals, airports, shopping malls and other public facilities throughout North America. Ka ho theha letoto la theknoloji ea tšebelisano, Visionstate Corp. e tla tsoelapele ho ntlafatsa, ho fokotsa tšusumetso ea tikoloho le ho fetola boiphihlelo ba bareki.
Wacker Chemie AG (FRA: WCH.F) ke khamphani ea indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale ea ntlo-kholo ea Jeremane. Khampani e sebetsa lihlopha tse 'nè tsa khoebo: WACKER Silicones, e hlahisang lihlahisoa tsa silicone, ho tloha ho silanes ho ea ho metsi a silicone, emulsions, elastomers, sealants le resin, ho silika ea pyrogenic. WACKER POLYMERS e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea li-polymer binders le li-additives; WACKER Polysilicon, e fanang ka polysilicon, le WACKER Biotech, lefapha la mahlale a bophelo la k'hamphani, e fana ka tharollo le lihlahisoa bakeng sa indasteri ea lijo, ea meriana le ea agrochemical. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li loketse masimo a mangata, ho kenyelletsa lihlahisoa tsa bareki, lijo, meriana, masela le matla a letsatsi, motlakase / elektroniki, indasteri ea mantlha ea lik'hemik'hale, theknoloji ea bongaka, biotechnology le boenjiniere ba mechini, likoloi le kaho. The company also supplies silicon wafers to the semiconductor industry.
Wafer Works Corp. (Taiwan: 6182.TWO) e fana ka bareki ka mefuta e mengata ea litharollo tsa li-wafer ka li-vertically integrated single crystal ingot, polishing le mela ea tlhahiso ea Epi wafer. Wafer Works ke mofani oa thepa ea elektroniki ea maemo a holimo lefatšeng, e sebetsanang le tlhahiso ea li-wafers tsa silicon tse nang le doped haholo, tse sebelisoang haholo lisebelisoa tsa semiconductor tsa matla. Re ka fa bareki lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo tsa semiconductor polishing le li-wafers tsa Epi bakeng sa li-semiconductors, li-wafers tsa Si bakeng sa lisele tsa letsatsi le li-sapphire substrates bakeng sa li-LED.
Websol Energy Systems Ltd. (BOM: WEBELSOLAR.BO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa India oa lisele tsa letsatsi le li-module tsa photovoltaic monocrystalline. Ho tloha ka 1994, Websol e fane ka lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele le tsa boleng bo holimo ka meaho ea eona ea morao-rao e kopaneng ea tlhahiso sebakeng sa Falta Special Economic Zone (Falta SEZ) seterekeng sa bobeli sa Falta, West Bengal - boitlamo ba boleng bo Tšeptjoang. ke bareki lefatšeng ka bophara. Ho theosa le lilemo, k'hamphani e thehile botumo ba ho etsa li-module tsa photovoltaic tse tšepahalang haholo tse loketseng lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tsa lapeng, tsa khoebo le tsa indasteri.
Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng. Khamphani e bua haholo ha u e tseba, ho hola le ho tšehetsa mekhoa e meng ea matla a moea, e kang matla a letsatsi, mapolasi a moea le hydrower moea le hydrower. E hlahloba menyetla ea tlhahiso ea matla a tala, joalo ka mapolasi a maholo a khoebo a fehloang ka moea Europe, le menyetla ea ho fehla motlakase oa letsatsi le o fehlang ka metsi Amerika Leboea le machabeng.
Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0868.HK) provides complete solutions for glass products, including high-quality float glass, automotive glass, engineering glass and electronic glass. Ka ho fumana tharollo e le 'ngoe e nang le litšenyehelo tse ntlafalitsoeng, re ka isa lihlahisoa ho bareki ba lefats'e ka marang-rang a litsebi tsa thepa. Xinyi Glass is the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality float glass and currently has a 12200T/D high-quality float glass production line. Our environmentally friendly special glass products are mainly used in the deep processing of energy-saving glass to meet the needs of automobiles, LOW-E, insulating glass and other engineering glass; ho phaella moo, re boetse re fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea likhalase tse mebala-bala ho finyella litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa bareki lapeng le linaheng tse ling. Lihlahisoa le tharollo ea Xinyi Glass, e ikarabellang ho feta 20% ea 'maraka oa lefats'e oa sebaka sa likhalase tsa likoloi, e sebelisitsoe linaheng le libakeng tse fetang 100 lefatšeng ka bophara. Khampani le lihlahisoa tsa eona li fetile Iso / TS16949: ISO114001, DoT The group has established long-term strategic partnerships with Chinese brands such as Chery, Beiqi Foton and Yutong, and is able to conduct simultaneous R&D with the entire automaker. Hajoale, Xinyi Glass e etsa karolo ea 15% ea 'maraka oa LOW-E oa 'maraka oa phetolo ea matla,' me e fane ka lihlahisoa tsa likhalase tsa boleng bo holimo tsa boenjiniere bakeng sa meaho ea bohlokoa litoropong tse kholo le tse mahareng tsa China le linaheng tse ling (joalo ka China Pavilion la 2010 Shanghai World Expo). , The main stadium of the World University Games, Digital Beijing Building, Guangzhou Victory Square, Shenzhen Excellence Times Square, Tokyo Tower in Japan, Bio Valley in Singapore, etc. Xinyi has domestic leading technical strength, and its R&D center was rated as the provincial enterprise technology center established in 1997. The company has been committed to the research and development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly products, and has developed LOW-E glass that can be tempered and bent, SOLAR-X heat-reflective automotive glass and other environmentally friendly glass. Friendly products, HUD glass, water repellent glass, photocatalytic glass, super high-permeability high-speed train glass and other new products. Xinyi Glass e phehella theknoloji e ncha le ho tsetela ho lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ho fihlela litlhoko tsa motho ka mong tsa 'maraka le bareki. Re ikitlaelletsa ho theha tšebelisano-'moho ea khoebo le balekane ba rona le ho kenya letsoho sechabeng.
XL Energy Ltd. (India: XLENERGY.BO; XLENERGY.NS) ke e 'ngoe ea tse ka sehloohong tse fanang ka tharollo ea ho qetela ea India. It was established in the solar field in 1992 and has expertise in the production of solar photovoltaic modules. XL has more than 17 years of experience in manufacturing solar photovoltaic modules and systems for many agents in India and overseas.
Yamada SXL Home Co, Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 1919.T) ke khamphani e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Japane, haholo-holo e sebetsanang le khoebo ea matlo. Karolo ea matlo e sebetsana le likonteraka, meralo le kaho ea matlo a ikemetseng, nts'etsopele le kaho ea meaho ea khoebo, tlhahiso le thekiso ea thepa ea matlo a liindasteri, le mosebetsi oa kaho. The department is also engaged in the construction and sales of detached houses and apartments, the sales of agency and general-purpose building materials, the provision of supervision and guidance services, and the business of house franchising. The decoration division is engaged in house decoration. The real estate leasing segment is engaged in real estate leasing. The company's “smart housing” design includes batteries, solar power systems, electric car charging stations, LED lighting and other “energy saving, energy creation and energy storage” solutions.
Yingli Green Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: YGEHY) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of solar panels. Tlhahiso ea Yingli Green Energy e akaretsa ketane ea boleng ba photovoltaic ho tloha ho ingot casting, ts'ebetso ea silicon wafer ho isa tlhahiso ea lisele tsa letsatsi le kopano ea matla a letsatsi. E matla e tala e ne e le ntloholetsi, China, e na le bathusi ba fetang 30 le makala a fetang a 30, 'me a abile ka ho fetang 10 GW ea Solar Panels ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa litšepe tse khethehileng le lihlahisoa tsa lik'hemik'hale. Khampani e kopantsoe ka ho feletseng le lisebelisoa tsa ho tsosolosa li-loop tse koetsoeng, e leng ntlo-khōlō e Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 'me e na le liofisi tsa tlhahiso ea limela le tsa thekiso libakeng tse ngata tsa Europe, Amerika le Asia. 5N Plus e sebelisitse letoto la mahlale a morao-rao le a netefalitsoeng ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ka sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse ngata tse tsoetseng pele tsa meriana, tsa elektroniki le tsa indasteri. Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng li kenyelletsa lirafshoa tse hloekileng tse kang bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium le tellurium, lik'hemik'hale tse sa tloaelehang tse thehiloeng holim'a litšepe tsena, le liphaphatha tsa semiconductor tse kopantsoeng. Bongata ba bona ke bo-pula-maliboho ba bohlokoa le batšehetsi ba bohlokoa, joalo ka matla a letsatsi, li-diode tse ntšang khanya le lisebelisoa tse baballang tikoloho.
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Ho tloha ka 1989, AERT e 'nile ea etella pele ho sebeliseng lipolasetiki tsa polyethylene tse nchafalitsoeng ha ho etsoa thepa ea ho haha e kopantsoeng. Ka potefolio ea eona e ntseng e tsoela pele ea litokelo tsa molao le mahlale a morao-rao a beng ba matlo, AERT e amohetsoe e le moetapele oa boqapi ba paballo ea lisebelisoa mme e hapile Khau ea EPA Environmental Excellence Award bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea eona ea ho fetola polasetiki ea litšila hore e be mokatong o ka ntle oa laminate. Khampani e sa tsoa hapa Khau ea ESGR Patriot bakeng sa tšehetso ea eona ho balebeli ba rona le ho boloka mabotho a Sesole sa US. AERT e fetola litšila tsa polasetiki le lehong tse sebelisoang hape hore e be lits'ebetso tsa boleng bo holimo tsa mekhabiso ea kantle, lits'ebetso tsa terata, le likarolo tsa mamati le lifensetere. Khamphani ke moetsi ea ikhethileng oa ChoiceDek® flooring, e fumanehang ka mebala e fapaneng mme e rekisoa mabenkeleng a mekhabiso ea lapeng Lowe naheng ka bophara. Lenaneo la AERT's MoistureShield® paving le ntse le hola, 'me lihlahisoa li se li rekisoa United States kaofela. Aert e na le limela tsa tlhahiso, Arkansas le Lowell, mme li sa tsoa qala lits'ebetso tsa lilemo tse tala tse nchafatsang tsa oklahoma.
American Manganese Inc. (TSX: AMY.V) ke k'hamphani e fapaneng ea tšepe le lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa, e ikemiselitseng ho hlahisa kapa ho tsosolosa lihlahisoa tsa electrolytic manganese, le ho tsosolosa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa lithium-ion tsa libeteri tse nchafatsoang lefatšeng ka bophara , Sebelisa ka botlalo. ea betri ea thepa ea bohlale e nang le tokelo ea molao. Khahleho ea ts'ebetso ea k'hamphani e nang le tokelo ea molao e fetotse sepheo sa American Manganese Corporation ho sebelisa theknoloji ea eona e nang le tokelo bakeng sa merero le lisebelisoa tse ling. American Manganese Inc. e ikemiselitse ho sebelisa theknoloji ea eona e nang le tokelo ea molao le tsebo ea ho ba moetapele oa indasteri ts'ebetsong ea li-betri tsa motlakase tsa lithium-ion tse nang le lik'hemik'hale tsa cathode, ho kenyelletsa: lithium cobalt, lithium cobalt nickel nickel manganese, lithium manganese.
Armco Metals, Inc, Is Bareki ba Armco Metals ba kenyelletsa tse ling tsa limilone tsa tšepe tse ntseng li hola ka potlako le metheo ho pholletsa le China. Lisebelisoa tse tala li fumanoa ho sehlopha sa barekisi ba lefats'e ba fumanehang linaheng tse fapaneng (ho kenyeletsoa empa ho sa felle feela Brazil, India, Indonesia, Ukraine le United States). Khoele ea sehlahisoa sa Armco e kenyelletsa mocheso oa tšepe le ore, li-chromium ore, manganese ore, mangane scp, mangane
AnaeCo (ASX: ANQ.AX) ke mohlahisi oa thekenoloji oa Australia ea thathamisitsoeng phatlalatsa ebile ke moqapi oa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea ho hlaphoheloa le ho e sebelisa ho ipapisitsoe le sistimi e nang le tokelo ea molao ea AnaeCo™. Theknoloji ea AnaeCo e fana ka tharollo ea kalafo e tšoarellang tikolohong, e lemohuoang sechabeng le moruong e ka sebelisoang bocha 75% kapa ho feta ea litšila tsa ka tlung tseo qalong li neng li sebelisetsoa ho qhalla lithōle kapa ho chesoa e le mohloli oa bohlokoa. Sehlopha se fapaneng sa baenjiniere le litsebi tsa AnaeCo se na le boiphihlelo bo pharaletseng ba theknoloji ea litšila le tsamaiso le ts'ebetso ea lits'ebeletso tsa ho hloekisa litšila. Re fana ka meralo ea boenjiniere le lits'ebeletso tsa tekheniki ho ts'ehetsa moralo, moralo, nts'etsopele, ts'ebetsong le ts'ebetso ea ho khutlisa lisebelisoa le litharollo tsa ho e sebelisa hape ho latela sistimi ea AnaeCo™.
Aqua Metals Inc. (NasdaqCM: AQMS) has developed AquaRefining(TM), a modular electrochemical process that can produce ultra-pure lead from used lead-acid batteries in an effective and socially responsible manner. Ho fapana le ho qhibilihisa loto (mokhoa oa hajoale oa ho nchafatsa libeteri tsa asiti ea lead), AquaRefining ha e hlahise mosi o batlang o se na mesi. Ha ho bapisoa le ho qhibilihisa loto, AquaRefining e boetse e sebelisa matla a fokolang 'me e na le litšenyehelo tse ngata. Aqua Metals has an office in Alameda, California, and is building its initial commercial lead production AquaRefining facility in the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center in Nevada.
Augean PLC (LSE: AUG.L) provides hazardous waste management services in the UK. The company provides comprehensive services, including general waste collection; ho nchafatsa le ho rekisa likhetho tsa litheko tse bulehileng tsa Melao le Lekhethoa; hazardous and problematic waste treatment and disposal; TLHALOSO EA Ofisi; training and support; a set of reports classified by waste streams, Revenue by recycling and by location; and consulting services for recycling, landfill avoidance and recycling for large and medium-sized manufacturing customers. It also manages waste from land remediation, construction and demolition projects; handles ash from waste to power plants; holds a large number of mining rights that can be used to supply various aggregates to the market; operates three hazardous and non-hazardous waste landfills Field; generate energy from a closed landfill; and provide laboratory services. Ho phaella moo, khampani e boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa tsamaiso ea litšila le lits'ebeletso tsa ho hloekisa litšila bakeng sa basebetsi ba oli le khase lebōpong la leoatle Leoatleng le ka Leboea; hammoho le lits'ebeletso tsa ho hloekisa indasteri, ho khutlisa oli le lits'ebeletso tsa ho hlatsoa litanka bakeng sa indasteri ea oli le khase.
BioHiTech Global (OTC: BHTG) e na le ntlo-khōlō Chestnut Ridge, New York, 'me e ikemiselitse ho nts'etsapele le ho tsamaisa mekhoa e mecha ea tsamaiso ea litšila e senyang. BioHiTech Global's portfolio of products provides our customers with a complete set of technology-based disposal solutions that can have a significant impact on waste while providing a truly zero-waste landfill environment. With multiple options for on-site and off-site biological treatment of waste, BioHiTech Global is a leader in providing zero waste solutions for businesses and governments of all sizes.
Boliden AB (Stockholm: BOL.ST; OTC: BDNNF) ke k'hamphani ea tšepe e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng. Metso ea rona e Europe Leboea, empa khoebo ea rona e lefatšeng ka bophara. Tlholisano ea mantlha ea k'hamphani e maemong a lipatlisiso, ho rafa, ho qhibilihisa le ho khutlisa tšepe.
Cascades Inc (TSX: CAS.TO) e thehiloe ka 1964. Cascades e hlahisa, e sebetsa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa liphutheloana le tsa lisele tse entsoeng haholo-holo ka likhoele tse tsosolositsoeng. Khamphani e na le basebetsi ba ka bang 11,000 ba sebetsang mafapheng a fetang 90 a tlhahiso Amerika Leboea le Europe. Ka filosofi ea eona ea tsamaiso, phihlelo e fetang halofo ea lekholo la lilemo tsa ho tsosolosa le boiteko bo tsoelang pele e le tšusumetso ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, Cascades e tsoela pele ho fana ka lihlahisoa tse ncha tseo bareki ba itšetlehileng ka tsona.
Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS: CWST) ke k'hamphani ea tikoloho ea lits'ebeletso tse kopaneng tsa litšila tse fanang ka lits'ebeletso tsa pokello, phetisetso, lahla, ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso le taolo ea lisebelisoa bakeng sa bareki ba bolulo, indasteri le khoebo ka bochabela United States.
Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. E boetse e hlahisa thepa ea kaho ka litšila. The company uses SF materials (a mixture of waste plastics and coal ash) to develop and produce products. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) e hlahisa le ho aba menontsha e nang le acid e humic e thehiloeng ho motsoako oa eona o felletseng, e leng: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (e tla bitsoa "Jinong"). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (eo hamorao e tla bitsoa "Gufeng") le mokhatlo o feto-fetohang oa tekano Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (eo hamorao e tla bitsoa "Yuxing"). As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ". F. Jinong hajoale e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa manyolo ho barekisi ba setsomi le barekisi liprofeteng le barekisi ba 4 Aunonomo ba laoloang ke Machaena. Ho tloha ka la 31 Tšitoe, 2014, Jinong e ne e na le barekisi ba 972 Chaena. Gufeng le setsi sa eona se ka tlase ho Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. ke bahlahisi ba Beijing ba manyolo a kopaneng, manyolo a kopaneng, manyolo a motsoako oa manyolo le manyolo a kopaneng. Manyolo a motsoako oa Organic-inorganic compound.
China Indies Symberment Co, Ltd. (OTC: CIWT) e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa tikoloho le tharollo ka leboea-bochabela ho China. Khampani e bokella, lits'ebetso Ho nka karolo hape kalafong ea likhoerepa tsa masepala le ho robala mehahong ea kalafo ea likhopo e kahare le Dalian. The company has sewage treatment facilities and sludge treatment facilities in Dalian, and provides environmental pollution restoration services to the Dalian Municipal Government. Ntle le moo, e boetse e fana ka tšireletso ea tikoloho, likeletso tsa polista, kalafo ea polasetiki, kalafo ea taolo ea litšila le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo ea litšila le lits'ebeletso tsa lits'ebeletso tsa marang-rang. Khamphani e rekisa lisebelisoa tsa eona tse hlophisehileng (ho kenyeletsoa sulfate ea koporo), tšepe le lik'hamphani tse tsoang ho slitty.
CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) ke moqapi lefapheng la ho nka khabone ea enzymatic, 'me e ikemiselitse ho nts'etsapele le khoebong ea mekhoa e tsitsitseng ea mohloli oa tšilafalo ea khabone. Thepa ea Co2 Fulutions 'e fokotsa tšebeliso ea litšenyehelo tsa carbon, le ts'ebeliso (CCSU),' me e e tsamaisang e le lihlahisoa tse ncha tse tsoang ho metshelo ena. CO2 Solutions e thehile potefolio e pharaletseng ea patent e koahelang tšebeliso ea carbonic anhydrase kapa li-analogues tsa eona ho tšoara carbon dioxide ka mor'a ho tuka ka katleho ka li-solvents tse nang le matla a tlaase.
Khoebo ea Khoebo ea Khoebo Mokhatlo (NYSE: CMC) le lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa tšehetso, lijalo tsa sehlahisoa sa polokelo le li-parching tsa ho rekisa le ho tsamaisa thepa bakeng sa tšepe lihlahisoa, lisebelisoa le litšebeletso tse amanang le tsona US le limmaraka tsa maano a machaba.
Deep Green Waste & Recycling, Inc. (OTC: DGWR) e tsosolosa boemo ba eona e le k'hamphani e ncha ea litšila le ea ho tsosolosa, ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa tsamaiso ea litšila le ho tsosolosa, le ho nolofatsa mekhoa ea ho thusa bareki ba khoebo ho fumana chelete ea ho boloka litšenyehelo. These The process helps reduce, reuse and recycle waste.
DS SMITH PLC Khampani e fana ka thekiso ea mabenkele le lihalalello, mabenkele a marang-rang le a elektronike, lipalangoang le lipalangoang, thepa ea bareki, thepa ea indasteri, thepa e kotsi le lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa liphutheloana, hammoho le liphutheloana tse pota-potileng, pallet le lebokose la liphutheloana; corrugated paper sales point and point of purchase display racks , Packaging machine system, modular display racks and pallets, corrugated paper racks and Sheetfeeding products; Sizzlepak ke sesebelisoa se ikhethileng sa ho tlatsa lipampiri se ka phuthoang ka sebopeho sa zigzag, sa khaoloa ka likhoele tse moqotetsane, hape se ka fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi ba liphutheloana. E fana ka lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa ho paka lijo le lino, thepa ea bareki, indasteri, khoebo ea e-commerce le kabo, le mebaraka ea li-converter. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka litšebeletso tse ngata tsa taolo le likhalase, polasetiki le lijo, lits'ebeletso tse akaretsang; le lits'ebeletso tse eketsehileng tsa boleng, ho kenyelletsa le tsamaiso ea likoloi, ho latela melao-motheo ea csr le likhoebo tse kholo, ho hatisa, ho hatisa le ho hatisa le ho phatlalatsa litaba tsa pampiri. In addition, it also produces recycled corrugated box materials and specialty papers, and provides related technology and supply chain services; e boetse e etsa le ho rekisa litharollo tse bonolo tsa ho paka le ho aba bakeng sa seno, meriana, likoloi, lihlahisoa tse ncha, liindasteri tsa kaho le tsa mabenkele, le litharollo tse thata tsa Packaging le lihlahisoa tsa foam.
Enpar Technologies Inc. (TSX: ENP.V) e nts'etsapele ts'ireletso ea tikoloho le theknoloji ea tokiso. It provides patents and know-how to treat wastewater and drinking water, which are contaminated by metals or nutrients related to mining, metal processing, chemical, agricultural, municipal, and waste management sectors; le ho tsoa ho litšila tse amanang le indasteri ea merafo Nickel le litšepe tse ling tsa bohlokoa li fumanoa mehatleng ea sulfide ea semela. Khampani e fana ka ESD, e leng capacitive deionizer e sebelisetsoang ho tlosa lihlahisoa tse feletseng tse qhibilihisitsoeng; AmmEL e tšoara metsi a silafetseng a ammonia; tsamaiso ea NitrEL, mokhoa oa phekolo ea metsi oa electrochemical o fokotsang tšilafalo ka ho fetola nitrate ka ho toba ho naetrojene. Khokahano ea nitrate metsing a nooang, metsi a ka tlas'a lefatše le ts'ebetso ea indasteri ea metsi a litšila. E boetse e fana ka ExtrEL, e leng mokhoa o mong oa hydrometallurgical bakeng sa ho khutlisa tšepe ho tloha mehatleng ea sulfide le ore; le tsamaiso ea AmdEL, tsamaiso ea electrochemical e thibelang liminerale tsa sulfide ka tailings kapa majoe a litšila Oxidation. Khampani e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa eona ho bareki ba likarolong tsa lefats'e tsa sechaba le tsa poraefete.
International Environmental Waste Corporation (EWI) (TSX: EWS.V) e ipapisitse le lits'ebetso tsa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho tse bolisang lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho joalo ka lithaere. EWI e sebelisitse lilemo tse 15 tsa litsamaiso tsa boenjiniere ho kopanya tšebetso ea EWI e nang le patent Reverse Polymerization™ le sistimi ea phepelo ea microwave. Theknoloji e ikhethang ea microwave ea EWI e khona ho sebetsa le ho sebelisa lithaere tse litšila ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng, ha e ntse e hlahisa lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo bakeng sa indasteri ea carbon black, petroleum le tšepe. Moralo oa yuniti ka 'ngoe e boloka matla, 'me moo ho khonehang, ho theoa mohlala o itseng oa moruo bakeng sa ho khutlisa oli e fapaneng ea hydrocarbon le khase ea tlhaho.
GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) ke k'hamphani ea lik'hemik'hale e tala e nang le theknoloji e ntseng e emetse patent e ka fetolang litšila tse kotsi hore e be lihlahisoa tse tala. GlyEco Technology™ e na le bokhoni bo ikhethang ba ho hloekisa glycol e silafetseng liindastering tsohle tse hlano tse hlahisang litšila: HVAC, masela, likoloi, lifofane le bongaka. Theknoloji ena e ka sebelisa litšila tsa ethylene glycol ho kopana le litlhaloso tsa ASTM Type 1 - bohloeki bo tšoana le boemo ba ho hloekisa ethylene glycol.
Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji e hloekileng "e tala ka ho feletseng" e kopanyang lisebelisoa tsa phepelo tsa limela tse nchafalitsoeng le tse ka sebelisoang hape, le sebopeho se ikemetseng se hahiloeng ho pota-pota likhopolo tse 'nè tsa Theknoloji e tala: Biodegradable, recyclable, tsosolosehang le tikoloho. safe. GET e sebelisa G-CLEAN(R) le G-OIL(R) joalo ka lihlahisoa tsa eona ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse "hloekileng le tse tala" tse entsoeng Amerika tse baballang tikoloho, tse ling tsa tsona li etselitsoe ho thusa ho hlola ho robeha le khatello lefatšeng ka bophara. Phephetso ea ho se tšepane e lumella bareki le bareki ba amehang ka tikoloho le boits'oaro ba mafura a Amerika ho etsa karolo ea bona ntle le boitelo. Boloka polanete - seo u ka se fang.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji ea litšila ho ea ho eneji. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. Khampani e fumane konteraka ea ho reka oli ea Geth ho tloha ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). Ts'ebetso ea GETH e thusa ho rarolla mathata a mangata a hatellang a tikoloho United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. Mokhoa ona o boetse o khona ho fetola liponto tse 14,400,00 tsa lipolasetiki tsa morao-rao tse sa sebelisoang hape tse sa sebelisoang ka sistimi ka selemo le ho hlahisa libarele tse ka bang 36,000 tsa oli. Ts'ebetso ea GETH ha e hlahise mesi e kotsi, ebile ha e na phello e mpe tikolohong.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industries. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani, ho kenyelletsa le tse sebelisoang thepa ea eona ea ho bopa ente, motsoako o mong oa li-resin tsa polasetiki tse tsosolositsoeng, le moralo o nang le tokelo ea molao, o nolofalletsa tlhahiso e potlakileng ea liphalete tsa boleng bo holimo ka theko e tlaase ho feta mekhoa e mengata. Plastiki e nchafalitsoeng e sebelisetsoang liphalete e thusa ho laola litšenyehelo tsa thepa ha e ntse e fokotsa litšila tsa tikoloho, 'me e na le molemo oa litšenyehelo ho feta basebelisi ba resin ea moroetsana. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Theknoloji ea Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) ke ts'ebetso e netefalitsoeng, e sebetsang hantle ea ho hloekisoa le ea lik'hemik'hale, eo qalong e neng e reretsoe 'maraka oa oli oa li-transformer oa lidolara tse limilione tse likete o sebelisoang ke indasteri ea matla ea lefats'e. Hajoale, oli ea litšila e sebelisoa lifemeng tse peli tsa khoebo. Ba na le sekhahla se phahameng sa ho hlaphoheloa (haufi le 100%) mme ba na le melemo e totobetseng ea tlhōlisano. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. e hlokang kotsi. Tshebetso ena e boetse e felisa ka ho feletseng li-PCB tse nang le chefo tse hanetsoeng ke melao ea machaba. Limela tsa Hydrodec li fumaneha Canton, Ohio, USA le Young, New South Wales, Australia. Ka 2013, Hydrodec e ile ea fumana khoebo le thepa ea OSS Group. OSS Group ke 'mokelli e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa UK, e kopanyang le processor ea lisebelisoa tsa litšila, hammoho le morekisi oa oli e hloekisitsoeng, 'me e na le polokelo ea oli le litsi tsa phetisetso naheng ka bophara. Marang-rang a seteishene. Oli ea litšila e fetoloa oli ea mafura a sebetsoang fekthering ea OSS's Stourport, eo haholo-holo e rekisetsoang likori le indasteri ea motlakase UK. Ka Mmesa 2015, Hydrodec e ile ea tsoela pele ho fumana khoebo le thepa ea Eco Oil, e leng eona e etelletseng pele ho bokella oli ea litšila UK le morekisi oa oli ea liindasteri e nchafalitsoeng, e ka sebelisoang indastering ea motlakase le ea majoe a litsela. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
American Industrial Services Corporation (NasdaqCM: IDSA) e ikarabella ho Louisville, Kentucky. American Industrial Services Corporation ke k'hamphani e rekisetsoang phatlalatsa e rekang, e sebetsa le ho rekisa litšepe tse nang le ferrous le tse se nang ferrous le lisebelisoa tse ling tse ka sebelisoang hape, 'me e fana ka taolo ea litšila ho bareki ba khoebo. Mekhoa le lisebelisoa, le ho rekisa likarolo tsa koloi tsa khale.
Kurita Water Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6370.T; OTC: KTWIF) provides various water treatment solutions in Japan, Asia, North America, Europe and internationally. Khampani e sebetsa ka likarolo tse peli: lik'hemik'hale tsa phekolo ea metsi le lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa metsi. Lefapha la lik'hemik'hale tsa ho hloekisa metsi le fana ka lik'hemik'hale tsa ho hloekisa metsi a boiler, lik'hemik'hale tsa ho hloekisa metsi a pholileng, lik'hemik'hale tsa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila, lik'hemik'hale tsa ho hloekisa, likonteraka tsa ho paka, lisebelisoa tsa lik'hemik'hale le lisebelisoa tsa metering, joalo-joalo; le lits'ebeletso tsa ho lokisa. Liphaphasine tsa naha tsa metsi li fana ka litsamaiso tsa taolo e hloekileng ea metsi, li indasteri e sebetsang ea liindasteri, litsamaiso tsa metsi a senya le litšila tsa metsi a senya. Lefapha le boetse le fana ka phepelo ea metsi e hloekileng ea Seutira, tlhoekiso ea lik'hemik'hale, tlhoekiso ea lisebelisoa le metsi a metsi le mobu.
Lizhan tikoloho ea tikoloho ea lizhan E fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea lesela la letlalo la bolokolohi, ho kenyelletsa lihlahisoa tse ntle tsa Super Suede, lesela la koluoa, lesela le nang le masela a koahetsoeng, le lesela le entsoeng perforated cotton. Khampani e boetse e kenya letsoho lipatlisisong le nts'etsopele e amanang le tlhahiso ea letlalo la maiketsetso. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li sebelisoa ka litheolelo tsa bareki, ho kenyelletsa le thepa ea bolulo le thepa ea ka tlung, liaparo le limpho tsa likoloi. Khampani e rekisa haholo lihlahisoa tsa eona ho baetsi ba thepa ea ka tlung le barekisi ba masela. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li romeloa United States, Nicaragua, Jeremane, Belgium, Fora le Korea Boroa.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) ke khamphani ea thekenoloji le laesense eo sepheo sa eona e leng ho potlakisa phetoho ea lefatše ho lipolasetiki tsa moshoelella le ho tlosa ho itšetleha ka libeso tsa khale. Loop has patented and proprietary technology that can depolymerize priceless and low-priced waste PET plastics and polyester fibers, including plastic bottles and packaging, carpets and polyester textiles of any color, transparency or condition, and even be exposed to sunlight and salt Degraded marine plastic , ho karolo ea eona ea motheo (monomer). Li-monomers tsena lia hloekisoa, lia hloekisoa, 'me li entsoe bocha ho hlahisa mofuta oa mantlha oa Loop™ brand PET resin ea polasetiki le likhoele tsa polyester tse loketseng ho paka tsa boemo ba lijo, tse rekisetsoang lik'hamphani tsa lihlahisoa tsa bareki ho ba thusa ho fihlela lipheo tsa bona tsa ts'ebetso. Ka bareki ba rona le balekane ba tlhahiso ea rona, Loop e etella pele lefats'e ka ho hlokomelisa bohlokoa ba ho thibela le ho tsosolosa litšila tsa polasetiki tse tsoang tikolohong ho netefatsa hore lipolasetiki li lula li le moruong, ka hona ho theha bokamoso bo tsitsitseng bakeng sa bohle Ho ea moruong o chitja.
Metalico, Inc. (NYSE MKT: MEA) and its subsidiaries operate non-ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap recycling stations, including PGM and secondary metal recycling facilities. Libaka tsa k'hamphani ea ho tsosolosa li kenyelletsa li-shredders tsa likoloi tse tharo tse New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, New Jersey le Mississippi.
National Waste Management Holdings Limited (OTC: NWMH) ke khamphani e ntseng e hola e ntseng e hola ea taolo ea lithōle tse tiileng, e shebaneng le pokello ea C&D, lipalangoang le ho e sebelisa hape. The National Waste Service on the west coast of Florida and upstate New York is an outstanding leader in solid waste services.
Tlhatlhobo ea tlhaho ea tlhaho, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ke k'hamphani ea ntlafatso Khamphani e ikakhetse ka setotsoana khoebong ea ho sebelisa litšila le khoebo ea polasetiki le tšepe. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Newalta Corporation (TSX: NAL.TO) is a leading provider of innovative engineered environmental solutions that enable customers to reduce disposal, increase recycling rates and recover valuable resources from oil and gas exploration and production waste streams. We simplify the key challenges of sustainable environmental practices by using advanced processing capabilities deployed through differentiated business models. Re fana ka litšebeletso tsa marang-rang ka kotloloho ho bareki ka marang-rang a rona a lits'ebeletso ho pholletsa le Amerika Leboea. Mekhoa ea rona e tšepahalang le rekoto e ntle haholo ea polokeho li re etsa bafani ba ratoang ba litšebeletso tsa ntlafatso ea moshoelella bakeng sa bareki ba oli le khase. Newalta e na le sehlopha sa basebetsi ba nang le litsebo tse phahameng, rekoto ea lilemo tse mashome a mabeli tsa boqapi le boitlamo ba ho rekisa litharollo tse ncha, ho rala motheo oa kholo e tsoelang pele le ntlafatso nakong e tlang. Re nolofalitsoe bakeng sa ntlafatso e tsitsitseng ™
Perf Go Green, Holdings Inc. (OTC: Pgog) ke k'hamphani ea polasetiki ea biodegradadadia e leng Canada. E tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki tse baballang tikoloho, tse se nang chefo, tse senyehang habonolo tse fihlelang litlhoko tsa ho kopana le lijo. Lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki tse senyehang ka tlhaho tsa k'hamphani li fana ka tharollo e sebetsang bakeng sa ho fokotsa litšila tsa polasetiki tikolohong. Its products include biodegradable garbage bags, biodegradable plastic drip cloth, biodegradable dog responsibility bags and Cat liners, PerfPower alkaline batteries and Perf Go Clean cleaning products.
Pro-pac spackage limited (asx: PPG.ax) Khamphani e sebetsa ka pokello ea indasteri le likarolong tse thata tsa liphutheloana. Lefapha la ho paka liindasteri le etsa, le reka le ho aba thepa ea liindasteri ea ho paka le lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tse amanang le tsona. Lefapha le boetse le kenya, le tšehetsa le ho hlokomela mechini ea ho paka. Lefapha la ho paka ka thata le etsa, le reka le ho aba lijana le ho koala le lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tse amanang le tsona. PA-Pac Packages Limited e boetse e fana ka lifilimi tse feto-fetohang tsa liphutheloana, mabokose a likarete le ntloana le ho hloekisa lihlahisoa le ho hloekisa. mme e rekisa le ho rekisa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa liphutheloana, mechini le litsamaiso. E fana ka lits'ebeletso ho liindasteri tse akaretsang le liphutheloana tsa mantlha, polokeho le thepa ea ts'ireletso ea motho ka mong, litšebeletso tsa lijo le mafapha a ho lokisa lijo. Lihlahisoa tsa Biodegradadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadad
Cycle Cycle Cycle. (NASDAQCM: PCYO) e na le matlotlo a metsi a libakeng tse 'maloa tsa Colorado le tse ling tse mpe lijererele, Colorado. Pure Cycle e fana ka litšebeletso tsa metsi le metsi a litšila ho bareki ba fumanehang toropong ea Denver, ho kenyelletsa le moralo, kaho, ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo ea lits'ebetso tsa metsi le litšila. Pure Cycle e boetse e na le mobu o ka bang 14,600 oa lihekthere tse ka boroa-bochabela ho Colorado, o hiretsoeng lihoai sebakeng seo.
Quest Resource Holding Corp (NasdaqCM: QRHC) e fa lik'hamphani lenaneo la taolo ea sebaka se le seng ho sebelisa hape, ho sebelisa hape le ho lahla litšila tse fapaneng tse hlahisoang ke likhoebo tsa bona, 'me e sebelisa mecha ea litaba ea sechaba e thehiloeng tikolohong le data ea inthaneteng e nang le Platform ea tlhahisoleseling le tse hlokahalang. litaelo tsa ho lumella bareki le lik'hamphani tsa lihlahisoa tsa bareki ho sebelisa hape kapa ho lahla lihlahisoa le thepa ea lapeng hantle. Lenaneo la Quest la tshebediso e phethahetseng, la ho recycle le taolo e nepahetseng ya ho lahlwa le reretswe ho fa bareki ba lebatowa le ba naha sebaka sa ho ikopanya ho laola melapo e fapaneng ya matlakala le e ka sebediswang hape. Lethathamo la Quest la recycled ea lehae le mekhoa e nepahetseng ea ho lahla e ka ntlafatsa bokhoni ba bareki ka kotloloho le ho thusa lik'hamphani tsa lihlahisoa tsa bareki ho fa bareki mokhoa o nepahetseng oa ho sebelisa hape kapa ho lahla lihlahisoa le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa ntlo (ho kenyeletsoa "hobaneng, kae, le mokhoa oa ho "sebelisa". ” Quest Mananeo ana a fanoa ka makalana a eona a Quest Resource Management Group, LLC le Earth911, Inc. Quest e ts'ehetsa matsapa a k'hamphani a ho eketsa phaello le ho fokotsa likotsi ha e ntse e fokotsa boemo ba eona ba tikoloho ea Quest ho tsoa mafapheng a mangata a Indasteri, ho kenyeletsoa litšebeletso tsa lijo, kamohelo ea baeti. tsa bongaka, tlhahiso, kaho, likoloi aftermarket le liindasteri tsa likepe Quest e fana ka bareki le meralo ea moshoelella, mekhoa e mecha ea tharollo le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho Quest e fana ka litharollo tse khethehileng bakeng sa moreki e mong le e mong Motlotlo ka tharollo ea litlhoko.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . Re tla rarolla bothata bona ka tagline ea lebitso mona™, ho tsebisa bareki hore ba ka tšepa Rephabliki ho fana ka boiphihlelo bo botle, ha re ntse re khothaletsa Blue Planet™ e tsitsitseng bakeng sa meloko e tlang ho thabela lefatše le hloekileng, le sireletsehileng le le phetseng hantle.
Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc. (NasdaqGS: SCHN) is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of recycled metal products in the United States, with operations in 24 states, Puerto Rico and Western Canada. Schnitzer has seven deepwater export facilities on the east and west coasts, as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The company's integrated operating platform also includes auto parts stores and steel manufacturing. The company's steel manufacturing business has an effective annual production capacity of approximately 800,000 tons, which can produce finished steel products including rebar, wire rod and other special products. Khamphani e qalile ho sebetsa Portland, Oregon ka 1906.
Shanks Group plc (LSE: SKS.L) ke khoebo e etellang pele ea machaba ea ho hloekisa litšila. We meet the growing need to manage waste without destroying the environment. Litharollo tsa rona li ka fokotsa ho ntšoa ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše, tsa sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho hape, 'me tsa fokotsa ho itšetleha ka libeso.
Sims Metal Management Ltd. (OTC: SMSMY; ASX: SGM.AX) ke setsi se seholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng sa ho sebelisa litšepe hape, se nang le lifeme tse fetang 250 le basebetsi ba 5,700 lefatšeng ka bophara. Sims' core business is metal recycling and electronic recycling. Approximately 60% of Sims Metal Management's revenue comes from North American operations.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) e sebetsa ka thata ho nts'etsopele le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa polasetiki le mahlale a mang a tikoloho, 'me e sebetsa lefatšeng ka bophara. Khamphani ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa nts'etsopele le papatso ea lipolasetiki tse laoloang ke bophelo, 'me e rekisa li-additives tsa pro-degradation le lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki tse felileng ka marang-rang a ntseng a hola a sa khaotseng a barekisi le liakhente tsa machabeng. Khampani e boetse e rekisa mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki tsa setso, tse sa senyeheng, tse tenyetsehang. Sehlopha se khethile ho hlahisa mosebetsi ona ka hloko hore o khethile barekisi ba likabelo ho potoloha le lefatše. Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo ho fa sehlopha le bareki ba sona tšireletso ea phepelo, ho fumaneha ha lehae, le melemo e mengata ea litšenyehelo. Lihlahisoa tse felisitsoeng tse senyehang le litlatsetso li rekisoa ka kotloloho ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara, kapa ho rekisoa lefatšeng le nang le libini le libapali. Khamphani e na le litšehetso tse peli tseo e leng tsa tsona ka botlalo-Symphony Environmental Ltd, e shebaneng le tharollo ea polasetiki e baballang tikoloho, le Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, e shebaneng le ho nchafatsa lihlahisoa le matla ho tsoa ho litšila tsa polasetiki le lihlahisoa tsa rabara. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Tomra Systems (Oslo: TOM.OL) e fana ka tharollo e thehiloeng ho sensor ho fihlela tlhahiso e ntle ka ho fetisisa ea lisebelisoa lefatšeng. E sebetsa ka likaroloana tsa "litharollo tsa pokello" le "litharollo tsa lihlopha". Lefapha la litharollo tsa pokello le nts'etsapele, le hlahisa, le rekisa, le hirisa, 'me le fana ka litsamaiso tsa pokello ea lits'ebeletso, ho kenyeletsoa le sistimi ea taolo ea data e ka hlokomelang thepa e bokelletsoeng le litšebelisano tse amanang le depositi. E boetse e emela baetsi ba lino-mapholi / li-filler ka har'a pickup, lipalangoang le ho sebetsana le lijana tsa seno tse se nang letho; tlhahiso ea balekane ba banyenyane le ba mahareng. This market segment provides solutions under the TOMRA brand of the European food retail industry. Lefapheng la Tharollo tsa Tlelaletso tsa Tlelanofatso li fana ka selelekela le ho sebetsa theknoloji ea lijo tse ncha le ho hlophisoa indasteri ea lijo; litsamaiso tsa lihlopha tsa melapo ea litšila le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe; litsamaiso tsa ho hlophisa litsamaiso tsa boithabiso; le mahlale a ho hlopha le ho lokisa a thehiloeng ho sensor bakeng sa liindasteri tsa koae le lisebelisoa tse tala. Karolo ena ea Mmaraka ena e fana ka tharollo tlas'a mabitso a mmareka ea Titech, Genal Ultrasort, Odeenberg le Molemohali.
Tox Free Solutions Limited (ASX: TOX.AX) provides industrial and waste management services in Australia. The company is divided into three parts: technical and environmental services, industrial services and waste services. Lefapha la Litšebeletso tsa Litšila le sebetsana le ho bokella, ho khutlisa lisebelisoa, ho tsosolosa le ho lahla litšila tse tiileng, tsa indasteri, tsa litoropo le tsa khoebo sebakeng sa Kimberley, Pilbara le Southwest Australia Bophirimela le Queensland. This section also provides bulk liquid and total waste management, resource recovery and recycling, and waste tracking and reporting services. The Industrial Services Department provides on-site industrial cleaning services for the oil and gas, mining, heavy manufacturing, civil infrastructure, municipal and public utilities sectors, including tank and drain cleaning, high-pressure water jetting, vacuum loading, and liquid and industrial waste collection services. This part also provides pipeline maintenance and CCTV, concrete cutting, cleaning, industrial coating, vacuum loading, non-destructive excavation and waste management services. Lefapha la Litšebeletso tsa Setegeniki le Tikoloho le na le marang-rang a lits'ebeletso tsa taolo ea litšila tsa metsi le tse kotsi Kwinana, Henderson, Karratha, Port Hedland, Kalgoorlie, Sydney, Brisbane le Melbourne. Karolo ena e fana ka litšila tse kotsi le tsa lik'hemik'hale, taolo ea litšila tse kotsi, litšila tse ngata tsa metsi, litšila tse kotsi tsa malapa, litšupa tsa fluorescent le lisebelisoa tsa mabone le lits'ebeletso tsa karabo ea tšohanyetso, hammoho le tokiso ea libaka tse silafetseng, tlhahlobo ea litšila, ho latela melao ea tikoloho le lits'ebeletso tsa ho sala morao lithōle.
Transpacific Industries (ASX: TPI.AX) mainly provides recycling, waste management and industrial services in Australia. The company operates through Cleanaway, Industrials and New Zealand divisions. It provides commercial, industrial, municipal and residential collection services for various types of solid waste streams, including general waste, recyclable waste, construction and demolition waste, and medical and toilet services. It also owns and manages waste transfer stations, resource recovery and recycling facilities, ensures product destruction, quarantine treatment operations and landfills, and sells paper, cardboard, metal and plastic. In addition, the company is also involved in the collection, treatment, processing and recycling of liquid and hazardous waste, such as industrial waste, grease trap waste, oily water, and waste mineral oil and edible oil in packaged and bulk forms. As well as refining and recycling used mineral oil to produce fuel oil and base oil. Ntle le moo, e fana ka tharollo ea indasteri, ho kenyelletsa ho hloekisa indasteri, ho palamisa tanka ea vacuum, ho lokisoa ha sebaka, taolo ea seretse, ho hloekisa likarolo, ho lokisa konkreite, thelevishene e koetsoeng, ts'ireletso ea kutu le lits'ebeletso tsa karabelo ea tšohanyetso.
Trius Investments Inc. (TSX: TRU.V) ke k'hamphani e nang le matsete. Khampani e laola le ho sebelisa Trius Disposal Systems Ltd., k'hamphani e ncha ea khoebo/ea bolulo ea ho hloekisa litšila. Khamphani e etsa matsete a thekiso ea matlo le meaho United States ka setsi sa eona se seng se nang le thepa e felletseng, TRU Investments, LLC.
American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa litšebeletso tsa tikoloho bakeng sa mekhatlo ea khoebo le ea mmuso Amerika Leboea. Khampani e kopana le litlhoko tsa bareki tse rarahaneng tsa taolo ea litšila, ho fana ka kalafo ea litšila tse kotsi, tse se nang kotsi le tse nang le mahlaseli a kotsi, ho lahla le ho li sebelisa hape, hammoho le mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea litšebeletso tse tlatselletsang setšeng le indastering. US Ecology e tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a polokeho, ho latela tikoloho, le litšebeletso tsa bareki tsa boemo ba pele, tse re lumellang ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki ka nepo le ho theha likamano tsa nako e telele tsa tšebelisano. Khampani e ikarabella ho Boise, Idaho, e na le ts'ebetso United States, Canada le Mexico, 'me e ikemiselitse ho sireletsa tikoloho ho tloha ka 1952.
Veolia Environnement (NYSE: VE; Paris: VIE.PA) helps cities and industries manage, optimize and fully utilize their resources. Khamphani e fana ka mefuta e mengata e amanang le metsi, matla le ho tsepamisa mohopolo ho isa tekanyong ea ho ipha metsi.
Vertex Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: VTNR) is a leading environmental services company that recycles industrial waste streams and substandard commercial chemical products. Its main focus is the recovery of used motor oil and other petroleum by-product streams. Vertex Energy purchases these streams from an established network of local and regional collectors and generators. Vertex Energy also manages the transportation, storage and delivery of aggregated raw materials and product flows to end users, and manages the refining of a portion of its aggregated petroleum streams to sell them as high-value final products. Vertex Energy sells its collected oil streams as feedstock to other refiners and fuel mixers, or as an alternative fuel used in industrial burners. The refining of used motor oil managed by Vertex Energy takes place at its plant, which uses a proprietary thermochemical extraction process (TCEP) technology. Vertex Energy e ikarabella ho Houston, Texas, 'me e na le liofisi California, Chicago, Georgia, Nevada le Ohio.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Ka tlamo ea eona ea R360 Environmental Solutions, khamphani hape ke mofani oa litšebeletso tsa ho hloekisa litšila, ho tsosolosa le ho lahla lits'ebeletso bakeng sa libaka tse ngata tse sebetsang ka ho fetisisa tsa tlhahiso ea lihloliloeng United States (ho kenyeletsoa Permian Basin, Bakken Basin le Eagle Ford Basin). Mofani ea ka sehloohong. . Waste Connection Corporation e sebeletsa bareki ba fetang limilione tse 2 ba bolulo, ba khoebo, ba indasteri, ba lipatlisiso le ba tlhahiso ka marang-rang a ts'ebetso linaheng tse 32. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa intermodal bakeng sa lipalangoang tsa thepa le litšila tse tiileng Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. e thehiloe ka Loetse 1997 mme e na le ntlo-kholo Woodlands, Texas.
Litšila tsa litšila Co, Ltd. (NYSE: WM) Khamphani e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa pokello, phetisetso, ho e sebelisa hape le ho khutlisa lisebelisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa ho lahla ka lithuso tsa eona. Hape ke mohlahlami ea etelletseng pele, ea sebetsang le mong'a meaho ea ho felloa ke matla ea khase ho la United States. Bareki ba k'hamphani ba kenyelletsa bareki ba bolulo, ba khoebo, ba indasteri le ba masepala ho pholletsa le Amerika Leboea.
Yulong Ecoology Epe, Ltd. (NASRAQ: YECRAQ Khampani hajoale ke eona e etellang pele litene tsa molora oa litene le konkreite toropong ea Pingdingshan, hape ke mofani oa eona feela oa litšebeletso tsa taolo ea litšila.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom e hahile terene e lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le tsela e tsamaeang ka tlas'a lefatše e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa, e fana ka litharollo tsa seteishene sa motlakase se kopaneng sa turnkey le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le mehloli e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa motlakase oa metsi, matla a nyutlelie, khase ea tlhaho, matla a mashala le moea, 'me e fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea tharollo ea phetisetso ea matla. , ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho li-grids tse bohlale. Smart grid: Alstom Grid ke motheo oa phetoho e bohlale ea grid, 'me tharollo ea eona e kopanya mahlale a eona a bohlokoa ho tlisa melemo e tobileng ho bahlahisi ba matla, lits'ebeletso, liindasteri le basebelisi ba ho qetela.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) e hlahisitse mehopolo, mahlale le litharollo tse fapaneng ho fihlela tlhoko ea lefats'e ea ho ba bohlale, bohloeki… matla a betere(TM). Ka litharollo tsa eona tsa Windtec(TM), AMSC e fana ka litsamaiso tsa taolo ea elektroniki tsa turbine ea moea, litsamaiso, moralo le lits'ebeletso tsa boenjiniere tse ka fokotsang litšenyehelo tsa matla a moea. Ka tharollo ea eona ea Gridtec(TM), AMSC e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa moralo oa boenjiniere le lits'ebetso tse tsoetseng pele tsa marang-rang ho ntlafatsa ts'epo ea marang-rang, katleho le ts'ebetso. Litharollo tsa k'hamphani hona joale li matlafatsa li-gigawatt tsa matla a tsosolositsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara 'me li ntlafalitse ts'ebetso le ts'epahalo ea marang-rang a matla linaheng tse fetang leshome le metso e' meli. AMSC e thehiloe ka 1987 mme e na le ntlo-kholo e haufi le Boston, Massachusetts, e nang le ts'ebetso Asia, Australia, Europe le Amerika Leboea.
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS: CSCO) ke moetapele oa lefats'e lefapheng la IT. E thusa k'hamphani ho sebelisa menyetla ea hosane ka ho tiisa hore lintho tse hlollang li ka etsahala ha u hokela lisebelisoa tse sa kang tsa hokahanngoa. Smart grid: lits'ebeletso tse hokahaneng tsa grid, balekane ba tikoloho, marang-rang a sebaka sa lehae, ts'ebetso ea marang-rang, ts'ireletso ea grid, meralo ea grid block, geoeconomics, phetisetso le li-substations, marang-rang a hokahaneng a Cisco Developer Network (CDN)
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Our wireless mesh network platform provides “last mile” connections between millions of devices and enterprise software. Marang-rang a Cyan a na le lisebelisoa tsa rona, joalo ka li-module tsa puisano le li-unit tsa concentrator tsa data, CyNet mesh network software, le sethala sa puisano sa ts'ebeliso bakeng sa kopanyo e felletseng ea sistimi. Ho phaella moo, re sebetsa le balekane ba rona ho fana ka ts'ehetso ea boemo ba pele le litšebeletso tsa ho amohela baeti, hammoho le "software e le tšebeletso" ho thusa ho rera le ho kopanya litharollo tsa rona. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). E nehetsoe ho limithara tsa motlakase 'me e ntlafalitsoe bakeng sa mefuta, puisano ea data, tšebelisano-'moho le ts'ireletso. CyLux ke tsamaiso ea mabone le tsamaiso ea Cyan ea boemo ba khoebo. E ka boloka motlakase o mongata ka ho ntlafatsa tsela ea ho laola, ho leka le ho laola matla a matla a sechaba.
Digi International (NasdaqGS: DGII) is your mission-critical M2M solution expert, providing some of the industry's most extensive wireless products, a cloud computing platform tailored for devices, and development services to help customers use wireless devices and applications to quickly push To the mmaraka. . Digi's entire solution set is tailored to allow any device to communicate with any application around the world. Smart grid: Digi is helping utilities add a layer of digital intelligence to their grid. Li-grid tsena tse bohlale li sebelisa li-sensor, limithara, li-control tsa dijithale, le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo ho iketsetsa, ho beha leihlo le ho laola phallo ea matla a mahlakore a mabeli ho tloha setsing sa motlakase ho ea ho polaka. Power companies can optimize grid performance, prevent power outages, restore power outages faster, and allow consumers to directly manage the energy use of individual network devices
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ke 'muso o moholo ka ho fetisisa United States, o fana ka bareki ba Amerika ba limilione tse 7,3. Re hlahisa hoo e ka bang 570,000 megawatts ea motlakase Carolina, Midwest le Florida, 'me re fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa kabo ea khase ea tlhaho Ohio le Kentucky. Likhoebo tsa rona tsa khoebo le tsa machabeng li na le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa ho fehla motlakase Amerika Leboea le Latin America, ho kenyeletsoa le li-portfolio tsa matlotlo a ka nchafatsoang. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Smart grid: We are committed to helping customers control energy use through a smarter grid. Ha re kenya Theknoloji ena e tsoetseng pele, re thabela ho sebetsa le uena ho theha bokamoso ba melao ea matla.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) ke pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea sethaleng se bulehileng sa taolo ea marang-rang, ho fana ka "sechaba sa lisebelisoa" tse matla tsa indasteri ho moralo, ho kenya, ho beha leihlo le ho laola mabone, ho iketsetsa li-automation, Inthanete ea Lintho, le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri Lintho tsohle tse hlokahalang. Global related markets. E le karolo ea sethala sa Ezot ™, Echen o rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa lebone tlasa mofuta oa li-echelon Brand, hammoho le lihlahisoa tse ling tse amanang le tsona le li-iniota tse amanang le tsona. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon e thusa bareki ba eona ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso, ho ntlafatsa khotsofalo le tšireletseho, ho eketsa chelete e kenang, le ho sebetsa hamolemo limmarakeng tse teng le tse ntseng li hlaha.
Enenoc, Inc. (Nasdaqgs: Enoc) ke mofani ea etellang pele ea bareki ba bohlale ba bohlale ba pelo le lits'ebeletso lefatšeng ka bophara. Litharollo tsa EnerNOC tsa EIS bakeng sa bareki ba likhoebo li ntlafatsa tlhahiso ea matla ka ho ntlafatsa mekhoa ea ho reka, tšebeliso le nako ea ts'ebeliso. Lenane Eis e kenyelletsa ho etsa moralo oa tšebeliso ea chelete, ho bonahala le ho baloa le ho tlaleha, ho batla ha mosebetsi oa ho batla ha projeke. Litharollo tsa Enenoc tsa Esnoc li thusa ho matlafatsa boitlamo ba bareki le boleng ba lisebelisoa tsa tlhokomeliso, ho kenyelletsa karabo ea tlhoko le ts'ebetso ea matla. EnerNOC e ts'ehetsa katleho ea bareki ka sehlopha sa eona sa litšebeletso tsa maemo a holimo tsa lefats'e le setsi sa ts'ebetso sa marang-rang sa 24x7x365 (NOC).
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) e rala le ho etsa lilaoli tsa motlakase tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa polokelo ea matla tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo. Eguana has more than 15 years of experience in providing grid-edge power electronic equipment for fuel cell, photovoltaic and battery applications, and provides proven, durable, high-quality solutions through its high-capacity manufacturing plants in Europe and North America. Eguana e na le li-inverter tse likete tsa polokelo ea matla tse kentsoeng 'marakeng oa Europe le Amerika Leboea 'me ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa taolo ea matla bakeng sa tšebeliso ea letsatsi, lits'ebeletso tsa grid, le lits'ebetso tsa ho tjhaja tse batloang ke grid.
Khamphani ea General Cable (New York Stock Exppation: BGC) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse 500. E sebetsana le nts'etsopele, moralo, tlhahiso le papatso ea koporo, aluminium le optical fiber terata le lihlahisoa tsa cable le litsamaiso bakeng sa indasteri ea matla, ea indasteri, e ikhethang le ea kaho Le moetapele oa lefats'e kabong le mebaraka ea likhokahano.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE e thehile mehla e latelang ea indasteri lilaboratoring le lifekthering tsa eona le tšebelisano ea fatše le bareki ho falla, ho matlafatsa, ho haha le ho folisa lefatše. GE e sebelisa theknoloji e hloekileng le e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa le tharollo ea matla ho matlafatsa lefatše. From FlexEfciency combined cycle power generation, to smart grids that can help utilities manage electricity demand, to gas engines fueled by organic waste, our technology is currently helping to provide a quarter of the world's electricity. GE Oil and Gas currently operates in more than 120 countries/regions and is committed to the safest, most reliable and most cost-effective innovation in the oil field
Honeywell (NYSE: HON) ke setsebi se fapaneng sa theknoloji le moetapele oa tlhahiso bakeng sa lik'hamphani tsa Fortune 100, tse fanang ka lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa sefofane ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara. Control technology for buildings, houses and industries; turbochargers; and performance materials. Sehlopha se bohlale sa Grid: Lilemong tse 30 tse fetileng, libaesekopo tsa honeywell li thusitse sehlopha sa lik'hamphani tse fetang 60 le liphofutso tse ntle tsa thuto ea bareki, 'me li ntlafatsa ho ikoahlaea le ho khotsofatsa. At the same time manage the grid.
Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa boqapi ba likhomphutha. Khampani e ile ea qapa le ho haha theknoloji ea bohlokoa eo e leng motheo oa lisebelisoa tsa lefats'e tsa k'homphieutha. As a leader in corporate responsibility and sustainable development, Intel has also produced the world's first commercially available “conflict-free” microprocessor. Smart grid
ITC Holdings Corp (NYSE: ITC) ke k'hamphani e kholo ka ho fetisisa e ikemetseng ea phetisetso ea motlakase United States. ITC is located in Novi, Michigan. ITC has invested in the transmission grid to improve reliability, expand market access, reduce the total cost of energy delivered and allow new generation resources to be interconnected with its transmission system. Ka setsi sa eona se laoloang sa ITC Transmission, Michigan Power Transmission Company, ITC Midwest le ITC Great Plains, ITC e Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas le Oklahoma. mojaro o fetang 26,000 megawatts o tsamaea lik'hilomithara tse ka bang 15,600 ho latela mohala oa phetisetso. Tsepamiso ea maikutlo ea ntlafatso ea marang-rang ea ITC e kenyelletsa kholo ka matsete a tloaelehileng a meralo ea motheo, le katoloso ea lehae le ea machabeng ka barekisi le menyetla e meng ea nts'etsopele ea khoebo.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele lefats'e ea thekenoloji le tšebeletso e ikemiselitseng ho sebelisa mehloli ea matla le metsi. Re fana ka litharollo tse felletseng tsa ho metha, ho laola le ho sekaseka matla le metsi. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; communication systems; software; le lits'ebeletso tsa ho amohela le ho rerisana. Itron e sebelisa tsebo le theknoloji ho laola mehloli ea matla le metsi hamolemo.
Jinpan International Co. (Ltd. (NASDAQGISS: JST) Merako, Lits'ebetso tsa Matla tsa Setokelo The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan is a qualified supplier of China's leading industrial electrical equipment manufacturers, has a wide range of customers in China and has entered the international market. Jinpan's four production bases in China are located in Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. The company was established in 1993. Its main executive office is located in Haikou, Hainan Province, China, and its US office is located in Karlstadt, New Jersey.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; mokokotlo oa gapolo ya tlhaho le dipehelo tsa oli; mehala e se nang mohala, e neng e le mateano le ea satellite; phehlo ya matla a motlakase, ho kenyeletswa meralo ya motheo ya eneji e Ntjhafatswang; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries.
National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) e fetisa le ho aba motlakase le khase ea tlhaho. Khamphani e sebetsa ka phetisetso ea theko ea UK, phetisetso ea khase ea UK, ho tsamaisoa ha khase ea UK le mekhatlo ea morao-rao. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. Lefapha la phepelo ea khase ea Brithani le na le marang-rang a phepelo ea khase ka UK mme a na le khase ea tlhaho ea tlhaho (LNG) Meaho ea polokelo UK. The British Gas Distribution Division e sebelisa mokhoa oa ho aba khase ea tlhaho UK. Grid ea Naha: Khamphani ea National Grid ke k'hamphani ea motlakase le ea tlhaho e hokahanyang bareki ba ka bang limilione tse 7 ho ea New York, Massachusetts le Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Ka leano la eona la US Connect21, Grid ea Naha e fetola marang-rang a eona a matla le khase ea tlhaho ho fana ka litharollo tsa matla tse bohlale, tse hloekileng, le tse tsitsitseng haholoanyane ho ts'ehetsa moruo oa dijithale oa lekholong la bo21 la lilemo. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
NGK insulator (Tokyo: 5333.T) and its subsidiaries manufacture and sell power-related equipment in Japan and internationally. It is divided into three parts: power supply, ceramic products and electronic parts. The power sector produces and sells insulators and equipment for power companies and heavy electrical equipment manufacturers. Karolo ena ea 'maraka e fana ka li-insulators, lisebelisoa tsa lisebelisoa tsa li-insulator, linaka tsa seqha tse fokotsang hona joale, likhetla tsa casing, fuse fuse, APM le li-battery tsa mela, le NAS (libetri tsa sodium-sulfur). Karohano ea lihlahisoa tsa ceramic e hlahisa likarolo tsa tlhoekiso ea mosi oa likoloi, lisebelisoa tsa ho lokisa liindasteri, le lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa indasteri le lisebelisoa tsa refractory. This department provides automotive ceramics for exhaust gas purification, corrosion-resistant ceramic equipment for the chemical industry, gas analyzers, industrial heating systems, refractory products and radioactive waste treatment systems. The electronics department provides beryllium copper forged products, molds and ceramic components for electronics and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Portland General Electric Company (NYSE: POR) ke k'hamphani e matla e kopantsoeng ka kotloloho e sebeletsang bareki ba ka bang 849,000 ba bolulo, ba khoebo le ba indasteri sebakeng sa toropo ea Portland/Salem ea Oregon. Smart Grid
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. Khampani ke pula-maliboho ho nts'etsopele ea mekhoa ea matla ea IDG® e nang le mesebetsi e tsoetseng pele ea marang-rang e bohlale, ho kenyelletsa le bokhoni bo latelang: 1) Ho bolela esale pele tlhokahalo ea matla le ho sebelisa tsamaiso ea elektronike ho fana ka matla a sebetsang hantle le a tikoloho nakong ea lihora tse phahameng; 2) Fana ka lebaka la lisebelisoa tsa sechaba. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR) is a leading professional contracting services company that provides infrastructure solutions for the power, oil and gas industries. Litšebeletso tse felletseng tsa Times li kenyelletsa moralo, ho kenya, ho lokisa le ho hlokomela lits'ebeletso tsa matla. Quanta e na le ts'ebetso United States, Canada le Australia, 'me e sebetsa mebarakeng e meng ea machaba. E na le lisebelisoa tsa batho, lisebelisoa le boiphihlelo ba ho phethela merero ea lehae, ea tikoloho, ea naha kapa ea machabeng ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng.
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) ke senatla sa lefats'e sa theknoloji seo boenjiniere ba sona, boqapi, boleng, ts'epahalo le machaba bo emelang lilemo tse fetang 165 tsa nalane. Siemens Smart Grid and Energy Automation: It adopts new methods and new technologies to meet new challenges. Siemens provides you with solutions in the entire smart grid system through innovative products, solutions and services, unparalleled expertise and global market expertise.
SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. The photovoltaic inverter is the core component of any solar system. SMA e ka fana ka li-inverters tse nepahetseng bakeng sa mofuta o mong le o mong oa mojule oa photovoltaic o sebelisoang lefatšeng le mefuta e fapaneng ea lits'ebetso tse hoketsoeng ke grid, tse ikhethileng le tse emeng. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) e sebelisa tsebo le phihlelo ea tsamaiso ho fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki le ba nang le kabelo hona joale ka litšebeletso le lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng, ho loanela ho khotsofatsa bareki, le ho sireletsa tikoloho ka ho sebelisa mekhoa e metle ea theknoloji e tala. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific e boetse e phatlalalitse merero ea ho sebelisa Morero ona o tlisa morero haufi le bokamoso. Theknoloji ea Blockchain e ka shebella marang-rang a macha a matla, ho leka-lekanya boima le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.
Liikela tsa Valmont Indi (New York Sekhahla sa Lefatše: VMI) ke moetapele ea lefats'e ka moralo le tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tse ngata tse sirelelitsoeng bakeng sa kholo ea lefats'e le tlhahiso ea temo. Lihlahisoa tsa eona bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa litho tsa kereke, Lipalangoang, ho Buisane Lits'ebetso tsa Metsi Sesebelisoa se nang le mecha e neng e sebelisetsoa temo e kholo eseng feela ho ntlafatsa tlhahiso ea temo, empa hape e boloka lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa metsi. Ho phaella moo, Valmont e boetse e fana ka litšebeletso tsa ho roala ho thibela kutu le ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea tšepe le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa tšepe.
WESCO International Corporation (NYSE: WCC) ke k'hamphani ea Fortune 500 e ikarabellang ho Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ke lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, tsa indasteri le tsa likhokahanyo, tokiso le ts'ebetso ("MRO") le lihlahisoa tsa moetsi oa lisebelisoa tsa pele ("OEM"), thepa ea kaho le lits'ebeletso tse tsoetseng pele tsa taolo ea phepelo le thepa. Bareki ba kenyelletsa likhoebo tsa khoebo le tsa indasteri, bo-rakonteraka, mekhatlo ea mmuso, mekhatlo, bafani ba likhokahano le lits'ebeletso. WESCO e Amerika Leboea le machabeng Ho na le litsi tse 9 tsa kabo ea boiketsetso le makala a ka bang 485 a fanang ka litšebeletso tse felletseng tse sebetsang 'marakeng, a fa bareki likhoebo tsa lehae le marang-rang a lefats'e ho sebeletsa likhoebo tsa libaka tse ngata le lik'hamphani tsa machaba.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Tse ling tsa theknoloji ena li kenyelletsa mafura a mang a ka nchafatsoang, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng, libeteri tsa lithium tse tsoetseng pele tsa graphene le likoloi tse theko e tlase tsa carbon fiber. 2050 Automotive e atlehile ho theha litšebelisano tsa nako e telele le likonteraka tse ikhethileng bakeng sa mahlale a fapaneng a ho fetola lipapali. 2050 Motor Company e fihletse tumellano le Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., e Profinseng ea Jiangsu, Chaena, ho aba mofuta o mocha oa koloi ea motlakase e bitsoang e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) United States. Lefatšeng le lulang le fetoha la likoloi tsa motlakase, e-Go EV ke mohopolo o mocha oa phetoho. Ena e tla ba eona feela koloi ea motlakase e nang le 'mele oa carbon fiber le likarolo. Mohala oa tlhahiso o tla sebelisa mechini ea liroboto ho etsa lits'ebetso tse ncha ka lits'ebetso tse ncha, ka hona ho fokotsa haholo nako ea tlhahiso le litšenyehelo tsa likarolo tsa carbon fiber. Koloi ea motlakase ea e-Go e ka nka bapalami ba bane, e na le bophelo bo bolelele ba betri, 'me kaha koloi e bobebe, boemo ba matla a ho khanna teropong bo phahame ho feta 150+ MPG-E. Carbon fiber luxury sedan sedan Ibis EV, e leng moholoane oa e-Go, le eona e tla hlahisoa haufi le e-Go EV bakeng sa thekiso ea nako e tlang United States.
ADOMANI Inc. (NasdaqCM: ADOM) ADOMANI, Inc. ea California e fana ka likoloi tse se nang letho le litharollo tse nyalisitsoeng tsa plug-in bakeng sa batsamaisi ba libese tsa sekolo le tsa likepe. ADOMANI e kopanya theknoloji e netefalitsoeng ea patented electric drive system, lihlahisoa tse ikhethileng le balekane ba ts'ebeletso ba tšepahalang ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsohle tsa beng, ho ntlafatsa ts'epo ea koloi le ho hlahisa melemo e mengata ea theknoloji e tala.
Technology ea Battery e tsoetseng pele ea Battery Co - Ltd. Abat e na le li-subridear tse tharo tsa ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tsa habin, China, le etsa moralo oa thepa ea polymer Lithium ion (Pli) lihlahisoa tse amanang le motlakase.
Advanced Engine Technology (OTC: AENG) e ikakhetse ka setotsoana ho nts'etsopele le khoebong ea enjene e tukang ka hare ea OX2. OX2 ke enjene e tukang ka hare ea mehatla e mene e sebelisang mefuta e fapaneng ea libeso, ho kenyeletsoa peterole, diesel, khase ea tlhaho le khase ea metsi ea propane. Khamphani e fana ka li-prototypes tse tharo tsa enjine e tukang ka hare ea OX2, hammoho le likarolo tse ling bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea enjene le ho etsa li-prototypes tse ling. Ho feta moo, e na le lilaesense tse tlase tsa ho etsa, ho aba le ho rekisa lienjine tsa OX2 United States, Canada le Mexico. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li sebelisoa ho lijenereithara tse emeng, likoloing, tsa likepe le lifofaneng, hammoho le mochini o kutang mohloa, li-chainsaw, li-brashi cutters, ka har'a maoatle / kantle, lipompo, litšepe, lifofane, le lienjine tsa makoloi le tsa indasteri.
AeroVironment, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AVV) ke mofani oa litharollo tsa theknoloji tse inehetseng ho moralo, nts'etsopele, tlhahiso, ts'ehetso le ts'ebetso ea mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea lifofane tse sa sebetsoeng (UAS) le li-portfolio tsa tharollo ea lipalangoang tsa motlakase. Litharollo tsa lipalangoang tsa motlakase tsa AeroVironment li kenyelletsa sistimi e felletseng ea ho tjhaja koloi ea motlakase (EV), ho kenya le lits'ebeletso tsa marang-rang bakeng sa bareki, baetsi ba likoloi, lits'ebeletso le mekhatlo ea mmuso, libaesekele tsa motlakase le lits'ebetso tsa liteko bakeng sa baetsi ba EV, le basebelisi Sistimi ea ho tjhaja likoloi tsa motlakase tsa indasteri bakeng sa likepe tsa khoebo.
ALPS Clean Energy ETF (NYSEARCA: ACES) seeks investment results (before fees and expenses) that generally correspond to the performance of its underlying index, CIBC Atlas Clean Energy Index (stock code NACEX) (the “base index”). The fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in securities that make up the underlying index. The base index uses a rule-based approach developed by CIBC National Trust Corporation (“Index Provider”), which aims to provide a diversified portfolio of US and Canadian companies (including renewable energy and clean technology) involved in the clean energy sector Risk exposure . The fund is non-diversified.
The investment results sought by the ALPS Disruptive Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: DTEC) (before fees are deducted) usually correspond to the performance of the Indxx Disruptive Technology Index (“Base Index”). Letlole le tla ipalla bonyane 80% ea thepa ea eona ea Matumo ea likokoalong tse etsang setsi sa index e ka tlase. The basic index aims to identify companies using disruptive technologies in each of ten subject areas: medical innovation, Internet of Things, clean energy and smart grid, cloud computing, data and analysis, financial technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence , Internet security, 3D khatiso le tefo ea mohala. Letlole ha le na phapang.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) e bitsoa Altairnano 'me ke k'hamphani e rekisoang phatlalatsa. Altairnano e qapa, e hlahisa le ho fana ka mekhoa ea ho boloka matla bakeng sa matla a hloekileng le a sebetsang hantle le tsamaiso ea matla. The company provides commercial solutions that enable grid modernization, utility-scale renewable energy integration, and support for remote uninterruptible power supply (UPS) requirements, military and transportation applications.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) e shebane le ho fana ka litharollo tse fapaneng tsa polokelo ea matla e tšoarellang tikolohong bakeng sa mebaraka e shebiloeng, ho kenyeletsoa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa bareki le lits'ebetso tsa sesole. Sehlopha sa pele ke lithuthuthu tse tsamaisoang ke libeteri tsa lithium, tse lateloang ke lithuthuthu. ALYI hape e sa tsoa hira moprofesa oa Univesithi ea Clarkson David Mitlin ho etella pele lenaneo la ho boloka matla a cannabis. Mitlin o ile a sebelisa hemp ka katleho (fiber e setseng ea hemp) ho etsa li-nanosheet tsa khabone, tse ka qothisanang lehlokoa le li-graphene nanosheets tse betere le ho feta li-supercapacitor likarolong tse ling. Mitlin e amohetse patent ea US bakeng sa theknoloji ea eona ea polokelo ea matla ea cannabis.
American Power Corporation (OTC: APGI), a subsidiary of American Power Corporation, provides cost-effective products and services that promote the economic and environmental benefits of our alternative fuels and emission reduction technologies. Our patented Turbocharged NaturalGas® dual-fuel conversion technology is a unique non-invasive software-driven solution that can convert existing vehicle-mounted and stationary diesel engines into diesel and various forms of natural gas (including compressed Natural gas, liquefied natural gas, natural gas in good conditions) run on top/ditch gas or biomethane gas, and can return to 100% diesel operation at any time. Depending on the fuel source and operating conditions, our EPA and CARB approved dual fuel conversion can seamlessly replace 45%-65% of diesel with cleaner burning natural gas, thereby measurably reducing nitrous oxide (NOx) and others Emissions related to diesel. Through our Trident associated gas collection and recovery technology, we provide oil and gas producers with flare capture service solutions to solve the associated gas generated in remote and stranded well sites. These producers are under increasingly severe regulatory pressures to capture and liquefy the burned methane gas at their remote and stranded well sites, otherwise they will face a sharp drop in oil production. Ka theknoloji ea rona ea tšebetso ea Flare to Fuel™, re ka fetola likhase tsena tse hapiloeng hore e be maro a khase ea tlhaho (NGL), tse ka rekisoang e le maro a futhumatsang, liemulsifier kapa tsa ntlafatsoa hape ke lihloekisi. Ka lebaka la melaoana e tlang ea 'muso ea ho hapa methane, re lebeletse hore moloko oa rona o latelang oa tsamaiso ea NGL e tla ba le bokhoni ba ho fetola methane e tukang e tukang hore e be khase ea tlhaho ea lipeipi, e ka rekisoang bakeng sa mefuta e fapaneng ea likoloi tse inehetseng le tse nang le mafura a mabeli. Tšebeliso e sa sebetseng, ea indasteri le ea malapeng.
Arcimoto, Inc. (NasdaqCM: FUV) e rala mahlale a macha le mekhoa ea maeto ho ntlafatsa ka kopanelo ts'ebetso ea tikoloho, sebaka sa fatše le maemo a theko e tlase. Arcimoto's Fun utility vehicle is now available for pre-order. It is one of the lightest, most affordable, and most suitable electric vehicles for everyday drivers.
Armor Electric Inc. (OTC: ARME) e hlahisa le ho rekisa likoloi tsa motlakase. E boetse e fana ka tsamaiso ea motlakase le lisebelisoa tsa matla a betri bakeng sa likoloi tsa motlakase. According to the agreement with NuAge Electric, Inc., Armor Electric, Inc. has the right to use certain proprietary technologies to install electric propulsion systems on electric vehicles, including mountain bikes, regular bicycles, children's bicycle toys and cycling bicycles, Recreational ATV units , li-scooters, lithuthuthu, likarate, likoloi tsa motlakase tsa boahelani, likoloi tsa mabelo, likoloi tse tloaelehileng tsa baeti, libese le mefuta e meng ea likoloi tse mabili le a mararo, likoloi tsa metsi le likoloi tse ling le lihlahisoa.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. Lipatlisiso le lihlahisoa tsa AVX li bohlokoa bakeng sa mahlale a macha a "tala" a etselitsoeng ho boloka matla a teng le ho theha mekhoa e tšepahalang le e theko e tlaase ho sebelisa matla a ka nchafatsoang joalo ka moea, letsatsi le motlakase oa metsi. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
AYRO, Inc. (NASDAQGS: AYRO) designs and provides compact, emission-free electric fleet solutions for urban and short-distance markets. Likoloi tsa AYRO li ka fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa khoebo mme ke baetapele ba ntseng ba hlaha ba lipalangoang tse bolokehileng, tse theko e tlaase, tse sebetsang hantle le tse tšoarellang. AYRO e thehiloe ka selemo sa 2017 ke bo-rakhoebo, bo-ramatsete le batsamaisi ba chesehelang ho theha litharollo tsa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa litoropong tse tšoarellang bakeng sa taolo ea khamphase, ho tsamaisoa ha mile ea ho qetela le teropo, le lipalangoang tsa khamphase tse koetsoeng.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa malapeng le tsa khoebo, litsamaiso tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa ho boloka betri ea lithium. Re boetse re rala litharollo tsa sistimi ea ho khanna ka motlakase bakeng sa baetsi ba literaka le libese lefatšeng ka bophara. Balqon Corporation e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso le tsa R&D Seaport, California, 'me e sebetsa le balekane ba lehae ba tlhahiso ho etsa libese le literaka tsa motlakase Europe, India le China.
Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQCM: BLNK, BLNKW) ke e mong oa baeta-pele ba naha ba likoloi tsa motlakase tsa sechaba (EV) ho lefella lisebelisoa le litšebeletso, ho lumella bakhanni ba EV hore ba lefelle habonolo ho pota-pota United States. Ntlo-kholo ea eona e Florida, Blink Charging e na le liofisi Arizona le California, 'me khoebo ea eona e ikemiselitse ho potlakisa botumo ba likoloi tsa motlakase. Blink Charging e fana ka lisebelisoa tsa ho tjhaja tsa EV mme e hokahana le Blink Network. Blink Network ke software e thehiloeng marung e ka sebetsang, ea laola le ho latela liteishene tsa ho tjhaja tsa Blink EV le lintlha tsohle tse amanang. Blink Charging e boetse e na le lisebelisoa tsa ho tjhaja tsa EV haholo-holo tlas'a letšoao la Blink, 'me e sebelisa bahlahisi ba bang ba bangata ba thepa ea seteishene sa ho tjhaja, joalo ka ChargePoint, General Electric (GE) le SemaConnect. Blink Charging e na le balekane ba mahlale ba thekiso ea matlo le meaho libakeng tse ngata tsa khoebo, ho kenyeletsoa libaka tsa bolulo tsa malapa a mangata le tsa khoebo, boemafofane, likoleche, bomasepala, libaka tsa ho paka makoloi, litsi tsa mabenkele, libaka tsa ho paka makoloi, likolo le libaka tsa mosebetsi.
BorgWarner Corporation (NYSE: BWA) ke moetapele oa lihlahisoa tsa lefats'e ka likarolo le litsamaiso tse etselitsoeng haholo bakeng sa li-powertrains. Khamphani e sebetsa litsing tsa tlhahiso le tsa tekheniki libakeng tse 57 linaheng tse 18, e fana ka litharollo tse ncha tsa powertrain ho ntlafatsa moruo oa mafura, ho fokotsa mesi le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso.
BYD Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) e ikakhetse ka setotsoana indastering ea IT, haholo-holo e amehang khoebong ea libeteri tse nchafatsoang, lisebelisoa tsa mehala ea thekeng le likhomphutha le lits'ebeletso tsa kopano, le khoebo ea likoloi, ho kenyeletsoa libeso tsa setso. Likoloi tsa motlakase le likoloi tse ncha tsa matla, ha li ntse li sebelisa monyetla oa theknoloji ea rona, li nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse ling tse ncha tsa matla, joalo ka mapolasi a letsatsi, liteishene tsa polokelo ea matla, likoloi tsa motlakase, li-LED, lifereko tsa motlakase, jj.
Canoo Inc. (NasdaqGS: GOEV) ke k'hamphani e thehiloeng Los Angeles e hlahisitseng likoloi tsa motlakase tse senyang fatše. E ntlafalitse indasteri ea likoloi ka mekhoa e metle ea meralo, mahlale a morao-rao le mefuta e ikhethang ea khoebo. Mokhoa ona oa khoebo o iphapanyetsa botho ba Setso bo beha moreki pele. Canoo e khetholloa ke sehlopha se nang le boiphihlelo (bahiruoa ba fetang 350 ba tsoang ho likhamphani tse etelletseng pele tsa theknoloji le likoloi) mme ba ralile sethala sa motlakase se tloaelehileng ho fana ka sebaka se seholohali sa kahare ho koloi le ho khona ho fa bareki le likhoebo mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea lits'ebetso tsa likoloi.
Car Charging Group, Inc. (OTC: CCGI) ke pula-maliboho litšebeletsong tsa ho tjhaja likoloi tsa sechaba tsa naha ka bophara (EV), tse lumellang bakhanni ba EV ho lefisa habonolo hohle United States. Ntlo-khōlō e Miami Beach, Florida, e nang le liofisi San Jose, California; New York, New York; and Phoenix, Arizona; Mokhoa oa khoebo oa CarCharging o ikemiselitse ho potlakisa ho amoheloa ha sechaba ka EV. CarCharging e thehile litšebelisano tsa maano le libaka tse ngata tsa khoebo, ho kenyeletsoa libaka tsa bolulo tsa malapa a mangata le tsa khoebo, libaka tsa ho paka makoloi, litsi tsa mabenkele, libaka tsa ho paka makoloi le bomasepala.
Cerence Inc. (NASDAQ: CRNC) is a global industry leader in creating unique and engaging experiences for the automotive world. Boitseanape ba rona ke AI e tsoetseng pele, kutloisiso ea puo ea tlhaho, biometrics ea lentsoe, theknoloji ea boitšisinyo le pono, le 'nete e matlafalitsoeng. Joaloka molekane oa boqapi ba baetsi ba likoloi ba ka sehloohong lefatšeng, re thusa ho fetola tsela eo likoloi li ikutloang ka eona, ho arabela le ho ithuta. This record is based on 20 years of knowledge and nearly 300 million cars. Whether it is connected cars, autonomous driving or electric cars, we are planning the road for the future.
China Bak Battery Co., Ltd. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa le likoloi tsa motlakase, joalo ka likoloi tsa motlakase, libese tsa motlakase, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng le libese; Likoloi tsa motlakase tse bobebe, joalo ka libaesekele tsa motlakase, meto ea motlakase le ho bona likoloi; le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla, le phepelo ea motlakase ea Nako le nako le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla a phahameng.
Clean Air Power Corporation (LSE: CAP.L) ke mohlahisi le moetapele oa lefats'e oa Dual-Fuel™ combustion technology bakeng sa lienjine tsa diesel tse sebetsang ka thata. Theknoloji ea maemo a holimo ke sistimi e nang le patente ea Dual-Fuel™, e lumellang lienjineri tsa diesel tsa mosebetsi o boima hore li sebetse ka motsoako oa khase ea tlhaho le diesel. Sena se fa bareki ts'ebetso ea enjine ea diesel, ho boloka mafura a bohlokoa le mesi e hlahisoang ka tlase, ntle le ho tela ts'ebetso kapa ts'epahalo ea lienjine tsa diesel.
Ts'oaetso ea Dieel Diesel Co, Ltd. CDTI (NASDAQCM: CDTI) e sebelisa theknoloji ea eona ea thepa ho etsa le ho tsamaisa lihlahisoa tsa taolo ea li-antison tsa taolo. CDTi uses its proprietary mixed phase catalyst (MPC(R)) technology and other related technologies to provide high-value sustainable solutions to reduce emissions, improve energy efficiency, and reduce the carbon intensity of on- and off-road internal combustion engine systems. E le ho bonahatsa ts'ebetso ea eona e tsoelang pele ea boqapi, CDTi e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa li-catalyst tsa "low-platinum group metal" (PGM) tse tsoetseng pele, ho kenyeletsoa lisebelisoa tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa PGM (SPGM™) le zero PGM (ZPGM™). CDTi e na le ntlo-khōlō Oxnard, California, 'me e na le mesebetsi UK, Canada, Fora, Japane le Sweden.
Khamphani e hloekileng ea mafura (Nasdaqgs: Clne) ke mofani oa thepa ea Amerika Leboea bakeng sa lipalamo. Re haha le ho sebetsa liteishene tsa ho tlatsa tsa CNG le LNG; ho iketsetsa lisebelisoa le mahlale a CNG le LNG bakeng sa rona le lik'hamphani tse ling; nts'etsapele lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea RNG; le ho fana ka mafura a CNG, LNG le Reem RNG ho feta k'hamphani efe kapa efe United States
Coates International Ltd. (OTC: COTE) ke k'hamphani ea boenjiniere e nepahetseng e fumanehang New Jersey, e sebetsanang le nts'etsopele ea mahlale a ka ntlafatsang lienjineri tse tukang ka hare ho eketsa haholo ts'ebetso ea mafura le tlhahiso ea matla, ho fokotsa mesi e kotsi, le ho sebetsa nako e telele. litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo.
CPS Technology Corporation (NASDAQCM: CPsh) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ho hlahiseng likarolo tsa tšepe tsa mattrix e sebelisoang ho ntlafatsa ts'ehetso le ts'ebetso ea motlakase o fapaneng. CPS products are used in motor controllers for hybrid and electric vehicles, high-speed trains, subways and wind turbines. They are also used as heat sinks in Internet switches, routers and high-performance microprocessors. CPS also develops and produces metal matrix composite armor
Cummins Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: CMI) ke k'hamphani e kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng ea matla a motlakase. Ke k'hamphani e entsoeng ka lihlopha tse tlatselletsang tsa khoebo tse ralang, tse hlahisang, tse aba le ho lokisa lienjineri tsa diesel le khase ea tlhaho le mahlale a amanang le ona, ho kenyeletsoa litsamaiso tsa mafura, taolo, kalafo ea Moea, tlhoekiso, tharollo ea tlhahiso le lits'ebetso tsa ho fehla matla. Cummins e thehiloe Columbus, Indiana, USA. Hajoale e na le basebetsi ba ka bang 55,400 lefatšeng ka bophara 'me e sebeletsa bareki linaheng tse ka bang 190 le libaka ka marang-rang a libaka tse ka bang 600 tsa lik'hamphani le libaka tse ikemetseng tsa barekisi le libaka tse ka bang 7,400 tsa barekisi.
Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. (OTC: CYPW) is the developer of the award-winning Cyclone Engine, which is a full-fuel, clean-tech engine with powerful functions and versatility that can run generators from waste energy , Everything from solar thermal systems ho ea likoloing, literaka le literaka. Invented by the company's founder and CEO Harry Schoell (Harry Schoell), the patented cyclone engine is an environmentally friendly internal combustion engine, its ingenious design aims to achieve high thermal efficiency through a compact heat storage process, and is almost usable Run on any fuel (including biodiesel), syngas or solar-while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating pollutants into the air. The cyclone engine was named “2008 Invention Award” by “Popular Science” magazine, and won the AEI Technology Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers in 2006 and 2008. In addition, the cyclone engine was recently awarded the title of “Environmental Business of the Year” by Broward. Setsi sa Tšireletso ea Tikoloho ea Setereke.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) e nts'etsapele, e hlahisa, e aba le ho rekisa likoloi tsa baeti le likoloi tse sa tsamaeeng tseleng, literaka, liveni le libese lefatšeng ka bophara. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division e rekisa likoloi tsa baeti le likoloi tse tsoang tseleng tse rehelletsoeng ka lebitso la Mercedes-Benz, hammoho le likoloi tse nyane tse reheletsoeng ka mabitso a bohlale. Lefapha la khoebo la literaka la Daimler le rekisa literaka ka mabitso a Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, libese tse entsoeng ke Thomas le mefuta ea Bharat Benz. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division e hlahisa le ho rekisa libese tse kopantseng, libese tsa litoropo le tse kopanang, likoetliso le chassis ea libese tlasa mofuta oa Mercedes-Benz le Setra. Daimler Financial Services Division e fa bareki le barekisi litšebeletso tsa lichelete le tsa khiriso, inshorense, tsamaiso ea likepe, lihlahisoa tsa matsete le likarete tsa mokitlane, hammoho le litšebeletso tse fapaneng tsa maeto. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa ho fana ka litsamaiso tse hlophisitsoeng hantle tsa phetisetso, ho tiisa le theknoloji ea taolo ea mocheso e ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea likoloi tse sebelisang matla a motlakase a tloaelehileng le a mang. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. Khampani e thehiloe ka 1904 'me e na le ntlo-khōlō Maumee, Ohio, e nang le basebetsi ba ka bang 23,000 linaheng tsa 25 lik'honthinenteng tse tšeletseng. Dana o sebelisitse mahlale a seng a hōlile mehloling ea nako e tlang ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa lihlahisoa tsa lisele tsa mafura le lihlahisoa tsa morao-rao. Ka boitseanape ba rona bo tsebahalang ho nts'etsopele ea lisebelisoa tsa mocheso o phahameng, re nts'etsapele le ho etsa lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa mafura bakeng sa 'maraka oa likoloi, ho kenyeletsoa ho leka-lekana ha lifeme, lintlafatso tsa haedrojene le likopano tsa chimney. Ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, re bile moetapele oa lefats'e ka bophara 'marakeng oa lisele tsa mafura 'me re hapile litlotla tse kenyeletsang General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award le f Battery 2010 Gold Award. Re ikemiselitse ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tsa hajoale le tsa nako e tlang. Ebang ke lisele tsa mafura, libeteri, likoloi tsa motlakase tse nyalisitsoeng kapa lienjine tse tukang ka hare, Dana e tla fana ka lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa matla tse ka tšeptjoang ho u tšehetsa moo.
Delphi (NYSE: DLPH) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji e phahameng e kopanyang litharollo tse sireletsehileng, tse tala le tse hokahaneng haholoanyane bakeng sa indasteri ea likoloi. Delphi is headquartered in Gillingham, UK, with technical centers, production bases and customer support services in 44 countries/regions.
dPollution International Inc. (OTC: RMGX) e na le tokelo ea ho etsa le ho aba thekenoloji e nang le tokelo ea molao ea ho lokisa mafura. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani e sebetsa ho mefuta e fapaneng ea lienjine tse tukang tse koetsoeng, ho kenyelletsa le tse sebelisoang likoloing, literaka, libese, literene, lijenereithara le lisebelisoa tse boima. E na le litokelo tsa lisebelisoa tse tharo tse nang le tokelo ea molao ea ho laola mafura, tse ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso ea ho tuka ha lienjine tsa khase kapa tsa diesel, ho fokotsa mesi ea tšilafalo le ho eketsa sebaka sa lik'hilomithara. Khamphani e ikemiselitse ho fana ka tharollo bakeng sa bareki, likhoebo le mebuso.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) e hlahisa le ho rekisa theknoloji ea ho fokotsa mocheso oa carbon dioxide bakeng sa lienjineri tse tukang ka hare. E le karolo ea moruo oa machaba oa hydrogen o ntseng o eketseha, re sebelisa theknoloji ea rona e nang le tokelo ea molao ho hlahisa haedrojene le oksijene ka mokhoa o ikhethang oa electrolysis. Likhase tsena li hlahisoa ka phepelo ea moea ho ntlafatsa ho tuka, kapa ho thusa ho fokotsa mesi ea CO2 le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea mafura. Theknoloji ea rona e lumellana le mefuta e mengata le boholo ba lienjine tsa diesel, tse kang tse sebelisoang likoloing, literaka tse nang le sehatsetsing, kaho ea litsela tse sa tsamaeeng, tlhahiso ea motlakase, mechine ea merafo le meru, likepe le literene tsa terene.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) ke khamphani ea taolo ea matla. Eaton e fana ka litharollo tsa ho baballa matla ho thusa bareki ba rona ho laola motlakase, haeteroliki le matla a mochini ka katleho, ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng. Eaton e rekisetsa bareki linaheng tse fetang 175 lihlahisoa. Lipalangoang: Lihlahisoa tsa lipalangoang tsa Eaton li kenyelletsa likhokahano tsa basebelisi, li-control le liswichi, hammoho le tharollo ea bohlokoa ea ho fetola matla le ho ajoa bakeng sa taolo e sebetsang ea matla a likoloi.
Australia's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) is responsible for the production of carbon nanotubes and carbon fibers, nano-material concrete admixtures, hydrogen production, storage and transportation fuel systems (including low-emission hydrogen, hydrogen, methane, coalbed methane and shale gas). ) Interested. United kingdom. Likarolo tsena tsohle tsa khoebo ea Edene ke karolo ea leano le kopaneng le ikemiselitseng ho ba sebapali se seholo sa lefats'e 'marakeng oa matla a fapaneng, haholoholo ho shebana le mmaraka oa lipalangoang tse hloekileng tsa matla, ho hlahisa hydrogen e se nang carbon, le ho tsamaisa haedrojene ho ea Marakeng le ho fana ka lienjine. Lipalangoang tse thehiloeng ho haedrojene le tharollo ea matla.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), ka setsi sa eona sa EEStor, Inc., e ikemiselitse ho fana ka tharollo ea polokelo ea matla le mahlale a amanang le indasteri ea likoloi. E ikemiselitse ho fana ka laesense lits'ebetsong tsa eona tsa theknoloji le menyetla ea tšebelisano liindasteri le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng. Khampani e kile ea tsejoa e le ZENN Motor Company Inc. 'me e ile ea bitsoa EEStor Corporation ka April 2015.
Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp. (NasdaqCM: SOLO) ke moqapi le moetsi oa likoloi tsa motlakase. The company produces innovative all-electric SOLO, a single passenger car developed to revolutionize the way people commute, and Tofino, an elegant high-performance two-seater electric sports car. Likoloi ka bobeli li lokisitsoe ho fana ka boiphihlelo ba ho khanna ha u ntse u etsa hore leeto la hau le atlehe haholoanyane, le be le moruo ebile le se na tikoloho. Intermeccanica, e leng setsi sa setsi sa Electra Meccanica, se atlehile ho etsa likoloi tse khethehileng tsa boleng bo phahameng ka lilemo tse 59. Letoto la Electra Meccanica le fana ka moloko o latelang oa likoloi tsa motlakase tse theko e tlaase ho sechaba.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) ke khamphani e nang le laesense e ikemiselitseng ho nka monyetla oa tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tse latelang: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel le koporo. Khothaletsa phepelo ea motlakase (likoloi, libeteri tse nchafatsoang, polokelo e kholo ea matla, phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang le lits'ebetso tse ling). Lithekiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, matla a tlhahiso ea betri le tlhahiso ea matla a tsoang ho matla a tsosolositsoeng li lebelletsoe ho eketseha haholo lilemong tse 'maloa tse tlang, kahoo tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsena tse reriloeng e tla eketseha ka nepo. Sena se hlahisa monyetla o ikhethang oa ho tsetela le ho fumana meputso merafong le mererong e tla fana ka lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa phetolo ea motlakase. Ntle le sethala sa sehlahisoa sa Globex, lengolo la sepheo sa ho sebelisa franchise ea motlakase lea tlama. Ho na le mefuta e 6 ea li-royalty. Ts'ebetso e ipapisitse le ho phethahala ha maemo (ho kenyeletsoa tumello ea taolo). Moralo oa litefiso tsa motlakase o tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ho fumaneng meputso methating e tsoetseng pele le merero ea ts'ebetso ho aha sethala sa matsete se fapaneng libakeng tse nang le likotsi tse tlase tsa tikoloho.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) e qapa, e hlahisa le ho hlahisa li-betri tsa Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 tse nang le thepa, lisebelisoa tsa betri, le lihlahisoa tse amanang le betri bakeng sa ho boloka matla, ho tsamaisa matla a hloekileng le lisebelisoa tse ling tse khethehileng. Electrovaya, ka setsi sa eona se tlase sa Litarion GmbH, e boetse e hlahisa li-electrode le li-diaphragm tsa SEPARION™ tsa ceramic, tse nang le tlhahiso ea selemo le selemo e ka bang 500MWh. Electrovaya ke k'hamphani e shebaneng le theknoloji, ka ho kopana ha lihlopha tsa Canada le Jeremane, litokelo tse ka bang 500 li sireletsa theknoloji ea eona. Electrovaya e na le ntlo-khōlō Ontario, Canada, e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso Canada le Jeremane, 'me e na le bareki lefatšeng ka bophara.
Lisebelisoa tsa Elley (NYSE: Ke moetapele ea lefats'e ho lisebelisoa tsa boloi tsa lisebelisoa, lihlahisoa, lisebelisoa tsa lisebelisoa le lisebelisoa tsa matlo ho potoloha lefatše. Libetri tsa motlakase le li-charger li sebelisoa ka forklift ea motlakase le likoloi tse ling tsa khoebo tsa motlakase. Libetri tsa "backup power" li sebelisoa indastering ea lithelefono le lits'ebeletso, phepelo ea motlakase e sa sitisoeng, le lits'ebetso tse ngata tse hlokang litharollo tsa matla a polokelo, ho kenyeletsoa lits'ebetso tsa bongaka, sefofane le ts'ireletso. Lihlahisoa tsa likhetla tsa thepa ea kantle li sebelisoa mecheng ea mehala, likhoele, lits'ebeletso, indasteri ea lipalangoang hammoho le bareki ba mmuso le ts'ireletso. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka litšebeletso tsa morao-rao tsa thekiso le tšehetso ea bareki ho bareki ba tsoang linaheng tse fetang 100 ka libaka tsa eona tsa thekiso le tsa tlhahiso ho pota lefatše.
Enova Systems, Inc. (Khoutu ea OTC: ENVS) e rala, e hlahisa le ho hlahisa mekhoa ea likoloi le likarolo tse amanang le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, lebasetere le mafura bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mohala United States, Asia le Europe. It provides series and parallel hybrid systems. Mekhoa ea ho khanna motlakase ea motlakase le e nyalisitsoeng ea k'hamphani hammoho le tsamaiso ea matla le lisebelisoa tsa ho fetola matla li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse kang literaka tse mahareng le tse boima, libese le likoloi tse boima tsa indasteri.
Tšoaea (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) ke "setsebi se nang le litšebeletso tse fapaneng ho sechaba sa lehae 'me o etselitsoe khoebo ea lehae ka tieo. Chesa Rideshare k'hamphani ea pele ea ho fana ka tharollo ea lipalangoang sebakeng sa lipalangoang, ho jala lifate tse likete pakeng tsa likoloi tsa motlakase le likoloi tsa setso. Facedrive Marketplace e fana ka lihlahisoa tse khethiloeng tse entsoeng ka thepa e fumanehang ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng. Facedrive Foods e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea lijo bakeng sa phepelo ea batho bao e seng bao u kopanang le bona, ho tsepamisitsoe maikutlo ho lijo tse phetseng hantle monyako oa bareki. Facedrive Health e hlahisa litharollo tse ncha tsa theknoloji bakeng sa mathata a bophelo bo botle a kajeno. Facedrive e fetola tlaleho ea ho arolelana likoloi, phepelo ea lijo, khoebo ea e-commerce le theknoloji ea bophelo bo botle ho ntlafatsa motho e mong le e mong.
The investment results sought by the First Trust Nasdaq Global Automotive Index Fund (NasdaqGM: CARZ) are usually the same as the price and return of a stock index called the Nasdaq OMX Global Automotive Index (SM) (before the fund's fees and expenses) Corresponding . A fund usually invests at least 90% of its net assets (including investment borrowings) in the common stocks and depositary receipts that make up the index. Lenane lena le ikemiselitse ho latela tšebetso ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tse nang le metsi a mangata tse sebetsanang le tlhahiso ea likoloi. Letlole lena ha le arotsoe ka mefuta-futa.
Fisker Inc. (NYSE: FSR), California-based Fisker Inc., e fetola indasteri ea likoloi ka ho hlahisa likoloi tsa motlakase tse lakatsehang ka ho fetisisa le tse sireletsang tikoloho lefatšeng. Driven by everyone's vision for a clean future, the company's mission is to become the number one electric vehicle service provider with the world's most sustainable vehicles.
Fuel System Solutions Company (NASDAQGS: FSYS) ke moqapi ea ka sehloohong, moetsi le mofani oa thepa ea lisebelisoa tse ling tse pakiloeng, tse bolokang chelete e ngata ho lipalangoang le lits'ebetsong tsa indasteri. Likarolo le litsamaiso tsa sistimi ea mafura li laola khatello le phallo ea mafura a mang a nang le khase (joalo ka propane le khase ea tlhaho) e sebelisoang lienjineng tse tukang ka hare. These components and systems have the company's advanced fuel system technology, which can increase efficiency, increase power output and reduce emissions by electronically sensing and adjusting the appropriate ratio of fuel and air required by the internal combustion engine. In addition to components and systems, the company also provides engineering and system integration services to meet customers' unique requirements for performance, durability and configuration.
Kakaretso ea Motlakase (NYSE: GE) e nahana ka lintho tseo ba bang ba sa kang ba li etsa, e haha lintho tseo ba bang ba ke keng ba li etsa, 'me e fana ka liphello tse etsang hore lefatše e be sebaka se molemo. GE e kopanya lefatše la 'mele le la dijithale ka tsela eo ho seng k'hamphani e' ngoe e ka bapisoang le eona. GE e thehile mehla e latelang ea indasteri lilaboratoring le lifekthering tsa eona le tšebelisano ea fatše le bareki ho falla, ho matlafatsa, ho haha le ho folisa lefatše. Lipalangoang: GE e khothalletsa nts'etsopele ea lefats'e ka tsela e sireletsehileng, e potlakileng le e sebetsang ka ho fetisisa. Re sebelisa enjene ea jete e kholo ka ho fetesisa ebile e sebetsa hantle ho feta lefats'e ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea lik'hamphani tsa lifofane. Re sebelisa li-locomotives tse tsoetseng pele haholo le litsamaiso tsa lipontšo ho tsamaisa thepa. Re bile re etsa enki ea lifofane tsa helikopthara bakeng sa mesebetsi e pholosang. Haeba ho na le mokhoa o betere oa ho tsamaisa batho le thepa, ge e tla fana ka tšehetso
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) le balekane ba eona ba hlahisa likoloi linaheng tse 30, 'me khampani e na le boemo bo ka sehloohong' marakeng oa likoloi o moholo ka ho fetisisa le o hōlang ka potlako ho fetisisa lefatšeng. General Motors, litsi tsa eona le likhoebo tse kopanetsoeng li rekisa likoloi tlas'a mefuta ea Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall le Wuling. Likoloi tse tala: moruo oa mafura, likoloi tsa motlakase, li-biofuel le likoloi tsa hydrogen fuel cell
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) ke mohlahisi oa lefats'e le morekisi oa theknoloji e ncha ea taolo ea mocheso. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Automotive products include actively heated and cooled seat systems and cup holders, heated and ventilated seat systems, heat storage tanks, heated car interior systems (including heated seats, steering wheels, armrests and other components), battery thermal management System, cable system and other electronic equipment. Non-automotive products include remote power generation systems, heating and cooling furniture, and other consumer and industrial temperature control applications. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.
Global X Autonomy and Electric Vehicle ETF (NasdaqGM: DRIV) e leka ka matla ho fana ka liphetho tsa matsete tse tsamaellanang le tšebetso ea theko le meputso (ntle le litšenyehelo le litšenyehelo) tsa Solactive Autonomy and Electric Vehicle Index ka kakaretso. Letlole le tsetela bonyane 80% ea kakaretso ea thepa ea eona ho li-securities tsa index. Lenane lena le ikemiselitse ho fana ka ts'oaetso ea kotsi ho lik'hamphani tse thathamisitsoeng ka phapanyetsano tse kenyang letsoho ntlafatsong ea likoloi tsa motlakase le / kapa likoloi tse ikemetseng, ho kenyelletsa le lik'hamphani tse hlahisang likoloi tsa motlakase / tsa lebasetere, likarolo tsa koloi ea motlakase / lebasetere le thepa, theknoloji ea ho khanna e ikemetseng le marang-rang . Litšebeletso tsa lipalangoang tse hokahaneng. Ha se mefuta-futa.
GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) ke k'hamphani ea lik'hemik'hale e tala e nang le theknoloji e ntseng e emetse patent e ka fetolang litšila tse kotsi hore e be lihlahisoa tse tala. GlyEco Technology™ e na le bokhoni bo ikhethang ba ho hloekisa glycol e silafetseng liindastering tsohle tse hlano tse hlahisang litšila: HVAC, masela, likoloi, lifofane le bongaka. Theknoloji ena e ka sebelisa litšila tsa ethylene glycol ho kopana le litlhaloso tsa ASTM Type 1 - bohloeki bo tšoana le boemo ba ho hloekisa ethylene glycol.
Grande West Transportation Group Inc. (TSX: BUS.V) is a Canadian bus manufacturer that designs, projects and manufactures medium-sized buses for transportation authorities and commercial enterprises. Libese tsa Grande West tsa Libaka tse Hloahloa tsa Setifikeiti li fumaneha ka mefuta e bolelele ba limithara tse 27.5, tse 30 le tse 35, tse tsamaisoang ka diesel e hloekileng kapa CNG, 'me li entsoe ka mokhoa o khonang, ho fihlella le boikarabello ba lefats'e ka bophara. Theko ea eona e tlase haholo ho feta ea bese e tloaelehileng ea maoto a 40, e chesa mafura a fokolang 'me e ntša likhase tse seng kotsi haholo. Khampani e fana ka libese tse ncha ho mekhatlo ea lipalangoang ea masepala le basebetsi ba ikemetseng Canada le United States, 'me e na le bareki liprofinseng tse 8 ho tse 10 tse lebōpong la leoatle ho pholletsa le Canada. Grande West e fihlela litlhoko tsa Buy America, 'me, hammoho le mofani oa eona ea ikhethileng oa US ABG, e fana ka mafolofolo ka litšebeletso tsa lipalangoang tsa sechaba le tsa poraefete tsa Amerika.
Ntho ea mantlha ea mantlha ea k'hamphani ea koloi e tala (OTC: Gacr) ke likoloi tsa koloi tsa koloi ea kofi, le lik'hamphani. GACR ke k'hamphani ea motsoali ea Newport Coachworks. Inc (NCI) ke setsi se nang le thepa ka botlalo se sebelisang polante ea ho etsa likoloi tsa baeti ea 40,000-square-square-square Riverside, California. NCI e sa tsoa hlahisa theknoloji ea libese tsa motlakase, e nang le mefuta ea E-Patriot ea litulo tse 15 ho isa ho tse 23 le litulo tse 27 ho isa ho tse 33 tsa E-Atlas. Mopresidente oa GACR le NCI/CEO Carter Read (Carter Read) ke moetapele oa indasteri khoebong ea libese le likoloi tse majabajaba. O na le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 25 tsa indastering ea lipalangoang, e etsang hore sechaba se be setsebi se ntlafalitsoeng ka leboea. E mong oa baetsi ba likoloi United States. GACR e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le thekiso ea libese tsa boleng bo holimo tse tloaelehileng le tsa motlakase tsa boleng bo holimo, tseo qalong li neng li sebeletsa 'maraka oa Amerika Leboea, empa qetellong li sebeletsa kantle ho naha. The Newport Coachworks facility in Riverside, California can accommodate all stages of the bus development process, from design and prototyping to various mass production and assembly stages, through to completion and delivery to the dealer network. Khampani e sebelisa lisebelisoa le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa ho etsa tlhahiso ea mokoetlisi ka boemo bo phahameng haholo ba boqhetseke le ho tšepahala ka theko ea tlhōlisano.
Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji e hloekileng "e tala ka ho feletseng" e kopanyang lisebelisoa tsa phepelo tsa limela tse nchafalitsoeng le tse ka sebelisoang hape, le sebopeho se ikemetseng se hahiloeng ho pota-pota likhopolo tse 'nè tsa Theknoloji e tala: Biodegradable, recyclable, tsosolosehang le tikoloho. safe. GET e sebelisa G-CLEAN(R) le G-OIL(R) joalo ka lihlahisoa tsa eona ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse "hloekileng le tse tala" tse entsoeng Amerika tse baballang tikoloho, tse ling tsa tsona li etselitsoe ho thusa ho hlola ho robeha le khatello lefatšeng ka bophara. Phephetso ea ho se tšepane e lumella bareki le bareki ba amehang ka tikoloho le boits'oaro ba mafura a Amerika ho etsa karolo ea bona ntle le boitelo. Boloka polanete - seo u ka se fang.
GreenCell Inc. (OTC: GCLL) ke k'hamphani ea sethala sa nts'etsopele e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele ea litsamaiso tsa khase le lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang lisebelisoa, lisensara tsa oksijene, lisele tsa mafura le lisebelisoa bakeng sa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mantlha, bahlahisi, baphatlalatsi ba indasteri le barekisi ba thepa ea ntlo Lihlahisoa tsa Brake pad, likoloi. , liindasteri tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa, le tsa bongaka
GreenPower Motor Company Inc. (NasdaqGS: GP) designs, manufactures and distributes a full range of high- and low-rise vehicles, including transportation buses, school buses, shuttle buses and double-decker buses. GreenPower e sebelisa moralo oa pampiri o se nang lerōle ho etsa libese tsa motlakase ohle, tse etselitsoeng matla a betri a se nang letho.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industries. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani, ho kenyelletsa le tse sebelisoang thepa ea eona ea ho bopa ente, motsoako o mong oa li-resin tsa polasetiki tse tsosolositsoeng, le moralo o nang le tokelo ea molao, o nolofalletsa tlhahiso e potlakileng ea liphalete tsa boleng bo holimo ka theko e tlaase ho feta mekhoa e mengata. Plastiki e nchafalitsoeng e sebelisetsoang liphalete e thusa ho laola litšenyehelo tsa thepa ha e ntse e fokotsa litšila tsa tikoloho, 'me e na le molemo oa litšenyehelo ho feta basebelisi ba resin ea moroetsana. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) e thehiloe ka 2001 ho hlahisa libethe tsa boleng bo holimo tsa lithium le nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH), hammoho le lisebelisoa tsa betri tse sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, joalo ka libese tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla. litsamaiso , Lisebelisoa tsa mehala le tse ka aparoang, libaesekele tsa motlakase, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, lisebelisoa tsa dijithale le tsa elektroniki, tlhokomelo ea motho le lihlahisoa tsa lapeng. Khamphani e boetse e nts'etsapele lits'ebetso tse hlahang masimong a li-drones, liroboto le theknoloji ea ho tjhaja waelese. Highpower e na le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso Chaena, 'me e na le lisebelisoa tse fetang 100 tsa betri, ho sebetsa le ho etsa moralo. Highpower e ikemiselitse ho hloekisa thekenoloji le tlhahiso e se nang tikoloho. Bareki ba shebiloeng ke Highpower ke lik'hamphani tsa Fortune 500 le lik'hamphani tse 10 tse holimo karolong e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e emeng ea 'maraka. Boholo ba lihlahisoa tsa Highpower li rekisoa haholo-holo 'marakeng oa lefatše, haholo-holo United States, Europe, China le Asia Boroa-bochabela.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho aba lithuthuthu, likoloi, motlakase le lihlahisoa tse ling lefatšeng ka bophara. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. Yuniti ea Khoebo ea lithuthuthu e hlahisa mefuta ea lipapali, ho kenyelletsa liteko le lithulura tsa naha. Commercial and commuting modes; likoloi tse ngata tsa lefatše; le likoloi tsa ulity. Secha sa likoloi sa likoloi se fana ka likoloi tsa baeti, literaka tse bobebe le likoloi tsa mini, tse kang khase ea tlhaho, eslinol ea motlakase le mafura. Karolo ea khoebo ea litšebeletso tsa lichelete e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea lits'ebeletso tsa lichelete, ho kenyeletsoa likalimo tsa mabenkele, ho hirisa le lits'ebeletso tse ling tsa lichelete, ho kenyeletsoa le lichelete tse ngata ho barekisi le bareki. Lihlahisoa tsa Matla le likarolo tse ling tsa khoebo li tšoaretsoe ho etsa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng, ho latela metjeko e nkang bohloa, li-pumps tsa metsi, lifofane tsa matla , le mechine e kutang mohloa Mochini le terekere ea mohloa. Karolo ena ea mmaraka e fana ka likarolo tsa kopane ea malapa a tsoang malapeng. Khamphani e rekisa lihlahisoa ka barekisi ba ikemetseng, mabenkele a barekisi le barekisi ba lumelletsoeng. Lefa la Honda la popontshwa ha le bapiswe le indasteri ya makoloi. Joalo ka mehla, ho tsepamisa mohopolo oa rona o tsepamisitse maikutlo nakong e tlang. Mohlala, bakhanni ba bang ba California hona joale ba khanna likoloi tsa motlakase oa motlakase oa motlakase. Sena sohle ke karolo ea monahano le liketso tsa Honda. Likoloi tse botsoalle tsa tikoloho: khase ea tlhaho, matla a nyalisitsoeng le lisele tsa mafura
Theknoloji ea Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) ke ts'ebetso e netefalitsoeng, e sebetsang hantle ea ho hloekisoa le ea lik'hemik'hale, eo qalong e neng e reretsoe 'maraka oa oli oa li-transformer oa lidolara tse limilione tse likete o sebelisoang ke indasteri ea matla ea lefats'e. Hajoale, oli ea litšila e sebelisoa lifemeng tse peli tsa khoebo. Ba na le sekhahla se phahameng sa ho hlaphoheloa (haufi le 100%) mme ba na le melemo e totobetseng ea tlhōlisano. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. e hlokang kotsi. Tshebetso ena e boetse e felisa ka ho feletseng li-PCB tse nang le chefo tse hanetsoeng ke melao ea machaba. Limela tsa Hydrodec li fumaneha Canton, Ohio, USA le Young, New South Wales, Australia. Ka 2013, Hydrodec e ile ea fumana khoebo le thepa ea OSS Group. OSS Group ke 'mokelli e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa UK, e kopanyang le processor ea lisebelisoa tsa litšila, hammoho le morekisi oa oli e hloekisitsoeng, 'me e na le polokelo ea oli le litsi tsa phetisetso naheng ka bophara. Marang-rang a seteishene. Oli ea litšila e fetoloa oli ea mafura a sebetsoang fekthering ea OSS's Stourport, eo haholo-holo e rekisetsoang likori le indasteri ea motlakase UK. Ka Mmesa 2015, Hydrodec e ile ea tsoela pele ho fumana khoebo le thepa ea Eco Oil, e leng eona e etelletseng pele ho bokella oli ea litšila UK le morekisi oa oli ea liindasteri e nchafalitsoeng, e ka sebelisoang indastering ea motlakase le ea majoe a litsela. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
HyperSolar Inc. (OTC: HYSR) e nts'etsapele katleho ea thekenoloji ea theko e tlaase ho hlahisa haedrojene e tsosolositsoeng e sebelisa mahlaseli a letsatsi le mohloli ofe kapa ofe oa metsi, ho akarelletsa le metsi a leoatle le metsi a litšila. Ho fapana le libeso tsa hydrocarbon tse kang oli, mashala le khase ea tlhaho, libeso tsa hydrocarbon li ntša carbon dioxide le lintho tse ling tse silafatsang sepakapakeng ha li sebelisoa, ha tšebeliso ea mafura a haedrojene e hlahisa metsi a hloekileng e le oona feela sehlahisoa. Ka ho ntlafatsa theknoloji ea nano-scale water electrolysis, li-nanoparticles tsa rona tse theko e tlaase li ka etsisa photosynthesis ho sebelisa khanya ea letsatsi ka katleho ho arola haedrojene ka metsing ho hlahisa haedrojene e hloekileng le e nchafalitsoeng. Re ikemiselitse ho sebelisa mokhoa oa rona o theko e tlase ho hlahisa haedrojene e nchafalitsoeng ho hlokomela lefatše la tlhahiso ea haedrojene e ajoang bakeng sa motlakase o tsosolositsoeng le likoloi tsa hydrogen fuel cell.
Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. Khampani e fana ka Centennial / Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20 , i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Ho kenyeletsoa literaka, libese, likoloi tse khethehileng le likoloi tsa khoebo tse nang le lihlahisoa tsa chassis tse pepesitsoeng, hammoho le likoloi tsa Eco, ho kenyeletsoa Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell le Sonata-Hybrid likoloi. Bakeng sa batho ba Canada e le moetsi oa pele oa koloi ea ho fana ka Fuel, koloi ea Hyundai ea Cell Electric e nolofalletsa tanka ea mafura e sa ntšeng mosi, e nang le koloi e nang le zero ho tsamaea lik'hilomithara tse fetang 400 ntle le ho qeta lihora tse ngata e tjhaja. Our new thinking has broken through the traditional boundaries, redefining the goals that cars can achieve, a new world, and moving towards a better future.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) is a technology company dedicated to improving power conversion efficiency. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA improves the size, cost, efficiency, flexibility and reliability of electronic power converters. Ppsa e ka holisa 'maraka o moholo le o holang, ho kenyeletsoa litšoantšo tsa Solar tsa Solar Photos, ho boloka matla a motlakase le ho tjhaja. Khamphani e boetse e theha transtictor habeli Bidictor ea Bidictal (B-Trans ™), 'me e kentse kopo ea sethala, se nang le monyetla oa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla a matla le matla a motlakase a phallang. Matla a loketseng a sebelisa mofuta o sebetsang oa capital o nolofalletsang k'hamphani ho sebetsana le merero ea tlhahiso-kholo ea sehlahisoa le mebaraka ka nako e le 'ngoe.
Innovation Shares NextGen Vehicle and Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: EKAR) e batla ho fana ka liphetho tsa matsete ho latela tšebetso ea Innovation Lab Next Generation Vehicle Index (“index”) pele e fokotsa litefiso le litšenyehelo. The fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the index. The index aims to measure the performance of the portfolio of companies involved in the development or use or investment of “new energy vehicles” or “self-driving cars” (for example, being able to drive their own cars from the beginning). Use various in-vehicle technologies and sensors to reach the intended destination in “automatic driving” mode.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Re theha lihlahisoa tsa boleng, lits'ebeletso le litharollo ho ntlafatsa matla le ts'ebetso ea meaho; libeteri tsa koloi tsa lead-acid le libeteri tse tsoetseng pele bakeng sa likoloi tse nyalisitsoeng le tsa motlakase; le tsamaiso ea ka hare ea koloi. Johnson Controls e fana ka letoto la litheknoloji tsa betri tsa lithium-ion ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki le matla. Re fana ka litharollo tse feto-fetohang tsa tekheniki ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa matla, voltage le hora ea ampere. Mehaho ea modular e etsa hore libeteri tsa rona tsa lithium-ion li be matla empa li sebetsa ka mokhoa o fapaneng. Re sebelisa libeteri tsa cylindrical kapa prismatic mme re li rala hore li hokahane le likoloi tse fapaneng tse nang le litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa sebaka le matla. Boitlamo ba rona ho nts'etsopele ea moshoelella bo qalile ka 1885 ha re ne re qapa thermostat ea pele ea kamore ea motlakase. Ka leano la rona la kholo le karolo e ntseng e hola ea mmaraka, re ikemiselitse ho theha boleng ba beng ba liabo le ho etsa hore bareki ba rona ba atlehe. Ka 2015, "Magazine ea Boikarabello ba K'hamphani" e ile ea beha Johnson Controls e le k'hamphani ea 15th "100 Best Coporate Citizens" ea selemo le selemo.
Kandi Technologies, Corp. (NasdaqGS: KNDI) e ikarabella ho Jinhua City, Profinseng ea Zhejiang, e ikemiselitseng ho etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa likoloi. Kandi e fetohile e mong oa baetsi ba ka sehloohong ba likarolo tsa koloi ea motlakase e hloekileng (EV), lihlahisoa tsa likoloi tsa motlakase le likoloi tse sa tsamaeeng tseleng Chaena.
KraneShares Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility ETF (NYSEARCA: KARS) seeks to provide investment results that generally correspond to the price and earnings performance of electric vehicles and the Future Mobility Index. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets in the component parts of the index, the depositary receipts (including ADRs) representing the component parts and the securities that serve as depositary receipts in the index. Lenane lena le etselitsoe ho latela tšebetso ea 'maraka oa setoko oa lik'hamphani tse sebetsanang le tlhahiso ea likoloi tsa motlakase kapa likarolo tsa tsona, kapa ho kenya letsoho mererong e meng e ka fetolang tsela ea ho tsamaea nakong e tlang (joalo ka ha ho khethiloe ke mofani oa index). Letlole lena ha le arotsoe ka mefuta-futa.
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), ka k'hamphani e tlase ea eona ea KULR Technology Corporation ("KULR"), e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa theknoloji e sebetsang hantle, e sebelisang sebaka bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa elektroniki, libeteri le likarolo tse ling tsa Motlakase. likoloi, ho khanna ka boithaopo (tseo ka kakaretso ho thoeng ke E-Mobility) le lisebelisoa tse ling hammoho le AI, cloud computing, polokelo ea matla le mekhoa ea puisano ea 5G. Theknoloji ea mantlha ea thepa ea KULR ke thepa ea carbon fiber, e metse ka metso libakeng tsa sefofane le tšireletso. E fana ka conductivity e babatsehang ea mocheso le ho senya mocheso ka lisebelisoa tse khanyang le tse bonolo. Ka ho sebelisa tharollo ena ea katleho ea ho pholisa le likamano tsa eona tsa nako e telele tsa nts'etsopele le NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab le lik'hamphani tse ling, KULR e etsa hore likoloi tsa motlakase le lihlahisoa tse ling li phole, li be bobebe, hape li sireletsehe.
Last Mile Holdings (TSXV: MILE), eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le OjO Electric, ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa likoloi tse nyenyane United States, tse fanang ka lihlahisoa tse ngata ka ho fetisisa indastering. Last Mile e na le liunivesithi tse 30 tse tlas'a mabitso a OjO le Gotcha le likonteraka tse 50 tsa 'masepala tse arolelanang litsamaiso tsa maeto. Ho nkuoa ha Gotcha kotareng ea pele ea 2020 ho fana ka mocha o pharalletseng oa kholo mme ho fana ka sethala sa lihlahisoa ho kenyeletsoa libaesekele tsa motlakase, libaesekele, scooters le likepe.
Nevada company LiqTech International, Inc. (NYSE MKT: LIQT) ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji e hloekileng e hlahisitseng le ho fana ka theknoloji ea morao-rao ea ho hloekisa khase le metsi ho sebelisa li-filters tsa ceramic silicon carbide ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, haholo-holo li-filters tse khethehileng haholo, tse sebelisetsoang ho laola. likaroloana tse tsoang lerōleng le ho sefa metsi a lienjineri tsa disele. LiqTech e sebelisa nanotechnology ho nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse sebelisang theknoloji ea silicon carbide. Lihlahisoa tsa LiqTech li thehiloe filiming e ikhethang ea silicon carbide e ka khothaletsang lits'ebetso tse ncha le ho ntlafatsa mahlale a teng.
Loopshare Ltd. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Saturna Green Systems Inc., has integrated the first generation of wireless rugged 7 Inch touch screen dashboard is commercialized, and the telematics function of electric inner city vehicles LOOPShare highly specialized display can provide a wide range of services for consumers , merero ea bohahlauli kapa khoebo. Morero oa LOOPShare ke ho nts'etsapele le ho kenya likoloi tsa ho qetela bakeng sa likoloi tsa lipalangoang tse kahare ho toropo. Litharollo tsa khokahano ea ho qetela ho isa qetellong, haholo li-gearbox tse inehetseng ho lipalangoang joalo ka ts'ebeletso ("TaaS"). LOOPShare will implement TaaS solutions through global regional operators, with LOOPShare's unique focus on commuting/travel/business, the latest technology to provide subscribers with commuting convenience and travel applications wireless two-wheel electric sharing technology, “Loop” is LOOPShare Ltd .'S letšoao la khoebo.
Lumentum Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: LITE) ke moetsi ea etelletseng pele 'marakeng oa lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa optical le photonic,' me lihlahisoa tsa eona li sebeletsa marang-rang a mahlo le bareki ba laser ba khoebo lefatšeng ka bophara. Likarolo tsa optical tsa Lumentum le li-subsystems ha e le hantle ke karolo ea mofuta o mong le o mong oa marang-rang a telecom, a khoebo le a setsi sa data. Lumentum's commercial lasers support advanced manufacturing technologies and multiple applications including next-generation 3D sensing capabilities. Bokhoni ba ho lemoha ba 3D bo fetola tsela eo re sebelisanang le theknoloji letsatsi le letsatsi. Nete ea 'Nete
Lyft, Inc. (NasdaqGS: LYFT) e thehiloe ka 2012 mme e na le bapalami ba fetang limilione tse 30 le bakhanni ba limilione tse peli. Re ikemiseditse ho ntlafatsa maphelo a batho ka dipalangwang tse hlwahlwa ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng, mme re ikemiseditse ho aha dipalangwang tse tshepehang, tse theko e tlaase le tse tswelang pele.
Magna International (TSX: MG.TO; New York Stock Exchange: MGA) ke morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa likoloi lefatšeng ka bophara o nang le ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea 319 le nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa tse 85, litsi tsa boenjiniere le thekiso linaheng / libaka tse 29. Bokhoni ba rona ba lihlahisoa bo kenyelletsa tlhahiso ea 'mele, chassis, ka hare, bokantle, litulo, powertrain, lisebelisoa tsa elektronike, pono, sebaka se pota-potiloeng le marulelo a tsamaiso le li-module, hammoho le boenjiniere bo feletseng ba likoloi le tlhahiso ea konteraka.
MiX Telematics Limited (NYSE: MIXT) ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e oa litharollo tsa tsamaiso ea likepe le thepa ea mehala, e fuoang bareki ba linaheng/litikolohong tse fetang 120 ka mokhoa oa SaaS. Lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa k'hamphani li fana ka tharollo e bolokehileng, e sebetsang, ea kotsi le polokeho bakeng sa likepe tsa mekhatlo, likepe tse nyane le bareki. Kopanoiletsa Teotas ka 1996 'me e na le liofisi tsa Afrika Boroa, United States,' me e na le balekane ba fetang 130 lefatšeng ka bophara.
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) e sebetsa ka thata ho litsamaiso le likarolo tsa taolo ea mocheso, e tlisang mahlale a ho futhumatsa le a pholileng a nang le boenjiniere le tharollo 'marakeng oa lefatše o fapaneng. Lihlahisoa tsa Modine li sebelisoa likoloing tse bobebe, tse mahareng le tse boima, ho futhumatsa, ho kenya moea le lisebelisoa tsa moea, lisebelisoa tsa off-road le tsa indasteri, le lisebelisoa tsa sehatsetsi. Modine ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Racine, Wisconsin, USA, e nang le ts'ebetso Amerika Leboea, Amerika Boroa, Europe, Asia le Afrika. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Variable-speed brushless fan (EFAN) technology is used to control temperature in diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid applications, and is also part of pioneering fuel cell-powered buses.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) e nts'etsapele mahlale a morao-rao le a scalable processing ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa betri tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa likoloi tsa motlakase, polokelo ea matla le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bareki ka theko e tlase. Theknoloji e nang le tokelo ea molao e ka hlophisoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse sa tšoaneng tsa nanostructured 'me e khona ho fetoha,' me e ka fetoloa ka mekhoa ea 'maraka ea betri e hlahang le e tlang le menyetla e meng e fapaneng ea kholo. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Morero oa Nano One ke ho theha theknoloji ea eona e nang le tokelo ea molao e le sethala sa lefats'e se etelletseng pele bakeng sa tlhahiso ea moloko o mocha oa lisebelisoa tse kopaneng tsa nanostructured.
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE Thepa ea li-supercapacitor e lumella theknoloji hore e sebelisoe lits'ebetsong moo matla, litlhoko tsa potoloho ea bophelo kapa maemo a tikoloho a fokotsang tšebeliso ea libeteri kapa li-capacitor. Lihlahisoa tsa Nesscap li ka sebelisoa ka libeteri le li-modules ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao, ho tloha lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tse nkehang ho ea ho li-windmill tse sebetsang hantle le likoloi tse "tala" tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Nesscap e na le mefuta e mengata ka ho fetisisa ea lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng tsa khoebo 'marakeng, ho tloha ho 3 farads ho ea ho 6200 farads, kaofela ka mefuta e meng ea li-electrolyte e tsejoang ke indasteri. Bareki ba k'hamphani ba kenyelletsa lipalangoang, motlakase le limmaraka tsa bareki.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa libese ea ikemetseng lefatšeng ka bophara, o fana ka sete e felletseng ea tharollo ea lipalangoang tsa sechaba tlasa mefuta e latelang: NewFlyer® (libese tse boima), Alexander Dennis Limited (molao o le mong le Double-decker bese), Plaxton (koloi ea bapalami e tsamaeang), MCI® (koloi ea bapalami e tsamaeang), ARBOC® (koloi ea bapalami e tlase le koloi ea bapalami ba boholo bo mahareng) le NFI Parts™. Libese le likoetliso tsa NFI li sebelisa mekhoa e mengata ka ho fetisisa ea ho khanna, ho akarelletsa le: disele e hloekileng, khase ea tlhaho, likoloi tse nyalisitsoeng tsa diesel-electric le likoloi tsa motlakase tsa zero-emission (trolleys, libeteri le lisele tsa mafura). Hona joale NFI e tšehetsa palo ea libese le likoetliso tse fetang 105,000 tse sebelisoang hona joale lefatšeng ka bophara.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) e fetola indasteri ea lipalangoang lefatšeng ka bophara. Joaloka moqapi le moetsi oa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa motlakase le tsa haedrojene tsa motlakase, literene tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, likarolo tsa koloi, lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea matla, le lisebelisoa tsa seteishene sa hydrogen refueling, Nikola o ikemiselitse ho ntšetsa pele phello ea moruo le tikoloho ea khoebo joalokaha re e tseba kajeno. litšusumetso. Nikola Corporation was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
NIO (New York Stock Exchange: NIO) e thehiloe ka Pulungoana 2014 mme ke pula-maliboho 'marakeng oa China oa maemo a holimo a likoloi tsa motlakase. Morero oa NIO ke ho theha bophelo bo monate ka ho fana ka likoloi tsa motlakase tse bohlale le ho ba k'hamphani e ntle ka ho fetisisa ea basebelisi. NIO e qapa, e etsa ka kopanelo le ho rekisa likoloi tsa motlakase tsa boleng bo holimo tse bohlale le tse hokahaneng, ka ho etsa joalo li khothaletsa mahlale a morao-rao a mahlale a khokahanyo, ho khanna ka boithaopo le bohlale ba maiketsetso. NIO e hlakisa boiphihlelo ba mosebelisi hape e fa basebelisi litharollo tse felletseng, tse bonolo le tse nchafalitsoeng tsa ho tjhaja le lits'ebeletso tse ling tse shebaneng le basebelisi. Weilai Automobile e qalile ho fana ka SUV ES8 ea motlakase ea litulo tse 7 naheng ea China ka Phuptjane 2018, 'me e rera ho tsebisa SUV ES6 ea motlakase ea litulo tse 5 mafelong a 2018.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) e hlahisa le ho rekisa makoloi, dihlahiswa tsa lewatleng le dikarolo tse amanang le tsona Japane le matjhabeng. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. Khamphani e boetse e ameha likhoebong tse fapaneng tsa likepe, ho kenyeletsoa tlhahiso le thekiso ea likepe tse tsamaeang ka sekepe, khoebo ea boema-fofane le ho romelloa kantle ha lienjineri tsa sekepe. Ntle le moo, e boetse e fana ka li-enbox tsa li-garcas, li-aceani tsa likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri, li-betri tse ling tse amanang le lithium-lion; Mechine ea indasteri; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. koloi ea motlakase
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) e etella pele phetoho e shebaneng le bareki ba indasteri ea matla ea US ka ho fana ka likhetho tse hloekileng le tse bohlale tsa matla le ho haha photefoliong e kholo ka ho fetisisa le e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa matla a tlholisano Amerika. As a Fortune 200 company, we create value through reliable and efficient conventional power generation, while promoting innovation in solar and renewable energy, electric vehicle ecosystems, carbon capture technology and customer-centric energy solutions. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) e rala, e etsa le ho rekisa lits'ebetso tsa DC kapa tsa DC, lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi tse nyalisitsoeng tsa lithium betri bakeng sa mmaraka oa likhokahano, le mebaraka e meng, ho kenyeletsoa sesole, ho tjhaja likoloi tsa motlakase, ho kopanya, ho tsamaisa matla le phepelo ea motlakase e sa fetoheng. . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. Haeba grid ea utility e hloleha, litlhoko tsena li tlameha ho tima
Liipories tsa Polaris, Inc. (nyse: Pii) ke moetapele ea tsebahalang indastering ea lipapali tsa motlakase. Polaris e rala, e rala, e etsa le ho rekisa likoloi tsa boleng bo holimo tse kantle ho tsela, ho kenyeletsoa likoloi tse tsamaeang hohle (ATV) le likoloi tse tsamaeang ka lehlakore, likoloi tsa lehloa, lithuthuthu le likoloi tsa motlakase / tsa lebasetere. Polaris ke e mong oa baetapele ba lefats'e ba thekiso ea likoloi tsa lehloa le makoloi a sa tsamaeeng tseleng, 'me o na le sebaka' marakeng oa lithuthuthu tsa boima ba 'mele le bohahlauli. Ho feta moo, Polaris e ntse e tsoela pele ho tsetela indastering ea likoloi tse nyane tsa motlakase / tsa lebasetere lefatšeng ka bophara ka Global Electric Vehicles (GEM), Goupil Industrie SA, Aixam Mega SAS le likoloi tse ntlafalitsoeng ka hare. Polaris e ntlafatsa boiphihlelo ba ho palama ka sete e felletseng ea likarolo tsa boenjiniere ba Polaris, lisebelisoa le liaparo, liaparo tsa mofuta oa Klim le lisebelisoa tsa ORV. Polaris Industries Inc. (Polaris Industries Inc.) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and the company has been included in the Standard & Poor's Mid-Cap 400 Index Price Index.
Power Ore (TSX: PORE.V) e ikemela e le mong'a li-portfolio tse fapaneng tsa thepa ea tšepe ea betri naheng ea Canada, 'me e lebisa tlhokomelo lintlheng tse peli: thepa ea tšepe e sebelisoa feela bakeng sa ho etsa libeteri tsa koloi ea motlakase (cobalt) le nickel; Matlotlo a tsoetseng pele a sibollotsoeng, tsebo ea mineralization le mekhoa ea motheo e teng.
Matla a motlakase oa motlakase, Inc. (NASDAQCM: Psix) ke moetapele ea tsamaisong ea Fuel ea 'muso oa mafura. PSI e fana ka litharollo tse kopaneng tsa li-turnkey bakeng sa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mantlha lefatšeng ka bophara mebarakeng ea indasteri le ea litsela tse kholo. Ka moralo oa k'hamphani e ikhethang oa k'hamphani, o ile oa etsa hore lienjiniere tsa boenjiniere li ka sebelisa lithaele tse hloekileng, ho kenyeletsoa lienteneng tsa tlhaho, ho kenyelletsa le khase ea tlhaho, biogas, disegas. PSI e tsoetsoe 'me e fane ka sesebelisoa sa matla a li-4,97 ho isa ho tse 22 tsa li-speati tsa "tse bohareng, liseke tsa sekolo le literaka tsa sekolo. PSI power systems are currently used worldwide for generators, forklifts, aerial work vehicles and industrial sweepers, as well as oil and gas, aircraft ground support, agricultural and construction equipment
Praxair (NYSE: PX) ke k'hamphani ea Fortune 250, k'hamphani e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea khase ea indasteri Amerika Leboea le Boroa, hape ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa khase ea indasteri lefatšeng. Khampani e hlahisa, e rekisa le ho aba likhase tsa sepakapaka, ts'ebetso le tse khethehileng le liphahlo tse sebetsang hantle tsa holim'a metsi. Lihlahisoa, lits'ebeletso le mahlale a Praxair li tlisa katleho le melemo ea tikoloho indastering e mengata joalo ka sefofane, k'hemistri, lijo le lino, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, matla, tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle, tlhahiso le litšepe tse kholo, ka hona ho etsa hore polanete ea rona e sebetse hantle. Phepelo ea haerojene e tsoang liseleng tsa mafura: Hydrojene ea Praxair e besa ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ho tloha ho likoloi tse nang le lebelo le senyehileng ho ea ho likoloi tsa baeti, libese 'me hona joale liforklift. Ka lilemo tse fetang leshome, Praxair esale e fana ka mafura a haedrojene le tšehetso e amanang le tekheniki ho baetsi ba lisele tsa mafura le likepe ho pholletsa le naha. Sistimi e felletseng ea phepelo ea haedrojene ea Praxair e lumella setsi sa hau sa kabo ho nka monyetla o felletseng oa litšenyehelo tse tlase le tlhahiso e phahameng e fanoang ke liforklift tsa hydrogen fuel cell, ha li ntse li siea phepelo ea haedrojene ho litsebi.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), ka tlatsetso ea eona ea Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, e rala, e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho lekola lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa lisele tsa mafura le lisebelisoa tse amanang le tekheniki Jeremane le libakeng tse ling tsa Europe le machabeng. . E fana ka mojule oa lisele tsa mafura a haedrojene tse kopantsoeng le sistimi ea polokelo ea matla ho theha sistimi e nyalisitsoeng ea lisele tsa mafura tsa motlakase ho fana ka motlakase nakong ea tlhokeho e phahameng. Khamphani e fana ka lihlahisoa ho mafapha a fapaneng a mebaraka, ho kenyeletsoa libese tsa litoropo, liketsoana tsa baeti, likoloi tsa ho shebella le tse bobebe, likarolo tse thusang tsa motlakase, le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase bakeng sa IT le meralo ea motheo.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Palo ea palo e hlahisa e 'ngoe e ncha e ncha e tsoetseng pele, e tsoetseng pele le litanka tsa polokelo tsa khase e hatelletsoeng ka tlas'a khase ea tlhaho lefatšeng. In addition to fully integrated natural gas storage tank systems, it also provides these storage tanks for truck and automotive OEMs as well as aftermarket and OEM truck integrators. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Boholo ba morung oa moru, Carefornia, ka ts'ebetso le makala United States, Canada le India.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) ke moqapi le moetsi ea ka sehloohong lefatšeng oa libeteri tsa indasteri tsa theknoloji e phahameng. Sehlopha ke moetsi ea etellang pele oa libeteri tsa Nickel ea Lefatše le libeteri tse ka sehloohong tsa li-Ithium bakeng sa litšebeletso tsa indasteri le lits'ebetso tsa indasteri, lipalangoang le 'marakeng oa lehae. Saft e fetohile moetapele oa lefats'e oa libeteri tsa sepakapaka le ts'ireletso ka theknoloji ea eona ea lithium-ion, e sebelisoang hape mebarakeng ea polokelo ea matla, lipalangoang le likhokahano tsa mehala. Likoloi tsa motlakase: Likoloi tsa motlakase tse tsamaisoang ke Saft's high-tech-tech battery system-EV, HEV le PHEV, li fana ka tharollo e tsitsitseng ea ho fokotsa mocheso oa CO2, ho finyella lipakane tsa taolo, ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea mafura le sebaka sa tikoloho ka kakaretso.
Sevcon, Inc (NasdaqCM: SEV) ke mofani oa lefats'e ka bophara oa litharollo tsa zero-emission, taolo le matla bakeng sa likoloi tsa motlakase le tse nyalisitsoeng. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li laola lebelo le likoloi tsa likoloi tsa tsela tse tsamaeang ka tsela e fapaneng, li-coge tsa ho kopanya likarolo, li ntlafatsa tšilafalo ea matla le ho thusa ho fokotsa tšilafalo. Sevcon's Bassi division produces battery chargers for electric vehicles; power management and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for industrial, medical and telecommunications applications; electronic instruments for battery laboratories. Khamphani e sebeletsa bareki ka ts'ebetso ea eona United States, United Kingdom, Fora, Jeremane, Italy, Canada, Chaena le sebaka sa Asia-Pacific, le ka marang-rang a barekisi ba machabeng.
SPDR Kensho Smart Mobility ETF (NYSEARCA: XKST) seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses are deducted, usually correspond to the total return performance of the Standard & Poor's Kensho Smart Transportation Index. Under normal market conditions, a fund usually invests the vast majority (at least 80%) of all its assets in the securities that make up the index. Index e entsoe ka metšoasong (ho kenyeletsoa risiti ea sebopeho) These stocks are included in the field of intelligent transportation, which is determined by the classification standards established by the index provider. The fund is non-diversified.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) ke mofani oa lefats'e oa litharollo tsa photovoltaic ("PV") bakeng sa bareki ba khoebo, ba bolulo, ba mmuso le ba litšebeletso le batseteli. Morero oa photovoltaic oa letsatsi o entsoeng ke k'hamphani o ka rekisoa ho motho ea sebetsang ka lehlakoreng la boraro, kapa o ka ba le thepa le ho sebelisoa ke k'hamphani ho rekisa motlakase ho marang-rang a matla a linaha tse ngata tsa Asia, Amerika Leboea le Europe. Khampani e ka tlase ea Australia e rekisa haholo li-module tsa photovoltaic tsa letsatsi ho bareki ba mabenkele le baetsi ba merero ea letsatsi. Ntlo-kholo ea ts'ebetso ea k'hamphani e Santa Clara, California, 'me e boloka ts'ebetso ea lefats'e Asia, Europe, Amerika Leboea le Australia. Green Auto-E phatlalalitse ho thakholoa ha EdisonFuture, Inc., e leng lekala le felletseng la SPI Energy, ho rala le ho nts'etsapele likoloi tsa motlakase ("EV") le litharollo tsa ho tjhaja tsa EV.
T3 Motion, Inc. (NYSE MKT: TTTM) specializes in designing and manufacturing cost-effective clean electric vehicle technology solutions for professional markets (including law enforcement, security, retail, government and military). Khampani e ikemiselitse ho ntlafatsa maemo a tikoloho ea likoloi le litekanyetso tsa tharollo ea matla a tala.
Sehlopha sa Tanfield (LSE: TAN.L) se khetholloa e le k'hamphani ea matsete. Khampani e na le thahasello ea 49% ea litho tsa Snorkel International Holdings le thahasello ea 5.76% ho Smiths Electric Vehicles Corp. Smith Electric Vehicles Corp ke moqapi ea ka sehloohong le moetsi oa likoloi tsa khoebo tsa motlakase bakeng sa likoloi tse khutšoanyane tsa litoropo. Likoloi tsa Smith tsa zero-emission li na le ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ho feta literaka tsa setso tsa diesel, 'me li na le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ts'ebetso le litšenyehelo tse tlase. Morero oa Smith ke ho ba moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa likoloi tse sebetsang hantle haholo, tse se nang letho indastering ea lipalangoang tsa khoebo, a sebelisa sethala sa eona se ikhethileng ho sebelisana le lihlahisoa tsa maemo a lefats'e ho fetola likepe tsa eona kaofela, ho li thusa ho sebetsa ka chelete e ngata, le ho khutlisetsa matla ho. Grid
Tenneco (NYSE: TEN) ke e mong oa baqapi ba kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, bahlahisi le barekisi ba moea o hloekileng le lihlahisoa tsa ts'ebetso ea ho khanna le lits'ebetso tsa 'maraka oa lisebelisoa tsa mantlha tsa likoloi le tsa khoebo. Mabitso a sehlooho a Tenneco ke Monroe®, Walker®, XNOx™ le Clevite®Elastomer.
Tesla Motors (NasdaqGS: TSLA) e rala, e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho rekisa likoloi tsa motlakase, likarolo tsa koloi ea motlakase le lits'ebetso tsa polokelo ea matla United States, China, Norway le machabeng. E boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa nts'etsopele bakeng sa baetsi ba likoloi tse ling ho nts'etsapele likarolo le litsamaiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase. Khampani e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona ka lebenkele la Tesla le marang-rang a marang-rang le marang-rang.
Torotrak plc (LSE: TRL.L) e rala, e ntshetsa pele le ho rekisa thekenoloji bakeng sa baetsi ba likoloi. Khamphani e arotsoe likarolo tse tharo: tumellano ea laesense, lits'ebeletso tsa boenjiniere le mesebetsi ea nts'etsopele. E fana ka flybrid, flywheel hybrid power system, e ka khutlisetsang matla a kinetic a mochine. V-Charge, mochine o motlakase oa motlakase o fapaneng bakeng sa lienjiniere tsa peterole le tsa disele; Torotrak e tsoelang pele e fetotsoe ka mokhoa o fapaneng e tiisa enjene ho matha tlasa maemo a nepahetseng. Khamphani e boetse e etsa mosebetsi oa tšepe; ts'ebetso ea lithupelo tse felletseng tsa mochini; ho chesoa ha tšepe, aluminium le magnesium; le li-hubs tsa li-flywheels tse lebelo le boima ba carbon fibers. Ntle le moo, e boetse e ameha ho rala, ho etsa mohlala, nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa, prototyping le mesebetsi ea liteko. Khampani e rekisa lihlahisoa tsa eona ho likoloi tse tsamaeang le tse ka ntle ho litsela tse kholo, likoloi tsa baeti le limmaraka tse ling.
Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) ke moetsi oa likoloi tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, moetsi oa likoloi tsa mafura tsa Prius le Mirai, tse ikemiselitseng ho etsetsa batho likoloi ka mekhoa ea rona ea bophelo ea mofuta oa Toyota, Lexus le Scion. Lilemong tse 50 tse fetileng, re entse likoloi le literaka tse fetang limilione tse 25 Amerika Leboea, moo re sebetsang limela tsa tlhahiso ea 14 (10 US) 'me re hira basebetsi ba fetang 42,000 ka ho toba (ho feta 33,000 US) ). Ka 2014, likhoebo tsa rona tse 1,800 tsa Amerika Leboea (1,500 US) li rekisitse likoloi le literaka tse limilione tse 2.67 (tse fetang limilione tse 2.35 US) - lilemong tse 20 tse fetileng, hoo e ka bang 80% ea likoloi tsa Toyota tse rekisitsoeng li ntse li le kajeno tseleng. Lefatšeng ka bophara, batho ba sebetsa ka thata ho sebelisa matla a hydrojene, eo e leng ntho e ngata ka ho fetisisa bokahohleng. Toyota e hlokomela bokhoni bo boholo ba hydrojene e le mohloli o hloekileng oa matla ebile o ntse o hola hantle mme o hlahisa likoloi tsa sele ea mafura (fcv).
Turbodyne Technologies, Inc. (OTC: TRBD) ke mohlahisi oa lisebelisoa tsa ho tjhaja tse laoloang ke dijithale bakeng sa lienjine tse tukang tsa ka hare tsa peterole le disele. Moralo oa eona o nang le tokelo ea molao o fokotsa ho tsoa ha carbon dioxide, o ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho hlokomela miniaturization ea lienjineri tse tukang tsa ka hare tsa peterole le disele.
Morero oa Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: UBER) ke ho theha menyetla ka lipapali. Re qalile ho rarolla bothata bo bonolo ka 2010: na u ka fumana litšebeletso tsa ho palama ha u tobetsa konopo? Ka mor'a maeto a fetang limilione tse likete tse 10, re hlahisa lihlahisoa ho atametsa batho moo ba batlang. Ka ho fetola tsela eo batho, lijo le lintho li phallang ka eona litoropong, Uber ke sethala se bulelang lefatše menyetla e mecha.
Ke mokhoa oa hau oa UQM (NYSO mkt: UQM) ke moqapi oa matla The main focus of UQM is to develop propulsion systems for electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles. UQM is TS 16949 and ISO 14001 certified and is located in Longmont, Colorado
Vmoto Limited (ASX: VMT.AX) ke sehlopha se etelletseng pele lefatšeng ka bophara sa baetsi ba li-scooter le kabo, se sebetsanang le mabili a mabeli a motlakase. Lihlahisoa tsa motlakase tsa VMOTO li na le moralo oa Europe oa Europe le moralo oa Jeremane. Vmoto e boetse e kenya letsoho ho etseng le ho ajoa ha scooter tsa peterole le makoloi a mabili a mane a tsamaeang hohle. Vmoto e na le e 'ngoe ea li-cleoter tsa ho ajoa haholo tsa lefats'e tsa Scooter tsa Scooter tsa Scooter lefatšeng, tse nang le libaka tse ka bang 27 Pacific, Europe, Amerika Leboea. Sehlopha se sebetsa ka mefuta e 'meli e meholo: Vmoto le E-Max. Khamphani e boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa ho bareki ba bangata ka mokhoa oa OEM.
Vydrotech Inc. (OTC: VYDR), e thehiloeng Houston, Texas, ke k'hamphani ea thekenoloji e tala e ikemiselitseng ho rala, ho hlahisa le ho etsa lisebelisoa tsa mafura a hydrogen-enhanced bakeng sa lienjiniere tsa khoebo tsa diesel tse sebelisoang liindastering tsa literaka, libese le tsa leoatleng.
Workhorse Group Inc. (OTC khoutu: WKHS) ke moetsi oa lisebelisoa oa mantlha United States. Ke teraka ea boholo bo mahareng e amohetsoeng ke betri ea motlakase ea EPA le drone e kentsoeng ka botlalo ea literaka e khahlano le litlhoko tsa FAA (UAS) Delivery drone. Ho tloha khale, teraka e kholo e rekisitsoe likepe tse kholo ka ho fetisisa United States le Canada bakeng sa ho tsamaisoa ha lik'hilomithara tsa ho qetela le tšebeliso e amanang le eona.
XPeng Inc. (NYSE: XPEV) is a leading smart electric vehicle company in China dedicated to designing, developing, manufacturing and selling smart electric vehicles that attract China's large and growing technology-savvy middle-class consumers. Its mission is to promote the transformation of smart electric vehicles through technology and data to shape the future of mobile experience. Bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa boiphihlelo ba maeto a bareki, XPeng e ntlafalitse ka hare ho theknoloji ea ho khanna e ikemetseng e felletseng le sistimi e bohlale ea ho sebetsa ka koloing, hammoho le litsamaiso tsa mantlha tsa makoloi ho kenyelletsa powertrain le electrification/electronic achitecture. XPeng e na le ntlo-khōlō Guangzhou, Chaena, 'me e na le liofisi Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley le San Diego United States. Likoloi tsa motlakase tse bohlale tsa k'hamphani li hlahisoa limela tsa Zhaoqing le Zhengzhou.
ZAP Jonway (OTC: ZAAP) e rala le ho etsa likoloi tse ncha tsa boleng bo holimo, tse theko e tlaase le tsa motlakase (EV). Yongyuan Automobile e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea ISO 9000 Chaena 'me e fetisitse setifikeiti sa tlhahiso ea EV le boenjiniere, thekiso le lisebelisoa tsa litšebeletso tsa bareki. Jonway e na le matla a tlhahiso ea selemo le selemo a likoloi tse fihlang ho 50,000, sebaka sa fektheri se boholo ba lisekoere-mithara tse fetang 1 milione, se na le mobu o fetang lihekthere tse 65 Chaena mme o thehile marang-rang a thekiso le kabo. ZAP ke pula-maliboho oa pele oa likoloi tsa motlakase, tse tlisang mefuta e mengata ea theknoloji ea lihlahisoa tsa likoloi tsa motlakase ho lik'hamphani tse peli. Zap e habile Santa Rosa, California le Jonbil Auto Profinseng ea Zhejiang Profilehong ea Chahejang, Rephabliki ea China.
Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) ke mohlahisi e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa thermoplastic resin in the Americas. Khampani e na le limela tsa 36 Brazil, United States le Jeremane, 'me e hlahisa liponto tse fetang limilione tse likete tse 35 tsa resin ea thermoplastic le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa petrochemical selemo le selemo. Braskem is the world's leading producer of biopolymers, with an annual production capacity of 200 tons of polyethylene made from sugar cane ethanol.
Cardia Bioplastics Limited (ASX: CNN.AX) ke moqapi oa lefats'e, moetsi le 'maraka oa li-resin tse tšoarellang tse nkiloeng mehloling e ka nchafatsoang. Li-resin tsa rona tsa bio-blending le compostable li fana ka sebaka se tlase sa khabone bakeng sa ho paka le lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki.
Lingling Global Corporation (NASDAQ: FORK) ke moetsi ea hloahloa le moabi oa software ea litšebeletso tsa polasetiki e baballang tikoloho, e nang le limela tsa tlhahiso e nepahetseng United States le China. Lihlahisoa tsa tšebeletso ea polasetiki ea k'hamphani li kenyelletsa li-tableware tse lahliloeng, mahlaka, linoelo, lipoleiti le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa polasetiki, tse sebelisoang ke bareki ba fetang lekholo haholo-holo ba tsoang United States le Europe, ho akarelletsa le Subway, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC (Chaena feela) , Wal-Mart, McKesson and Woolworths.
Good Natured Products Inc. (TSX: GDNP.V) e na le meralo e fetang 100 ea liphutheloana tsa lijo tse thehiloeng ho limela, likarolo tse 10 tsa li-membrane tsa bioplastic, lihlahisoa tse 30 tsa lapeng le tsa khoebo, le sehlopha sa bo-ramahlale, lihahi tsa likhoebo le mabenkele A maemo a holimo lefatšeng. sehlopha sa bahlahisi, k'hamphani e hlahisa le ho aba e 'ngoe ea lihlahisoa tse pharalletseng tsa bareki le lihlahisoa tsa ho paka Amerika Leboea. Lihlahisoa tsena le liphutheloana li entsoe ka liperesente tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tse ka nchafatsoang tse thehiloeng ho semela 'me ha li na BPA. Li-phthalates kapa lik'hemik'hale tse ling tse amehang. Mosa TM e ikemiselitse ho etsa lintho tse molemo ho polanete le k'hamphani, 'me e theha lihlahisoa tse ntle tsa letsatsi le letsatsi TM, ho kopanya theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea bioplastic le likarolo tsa morao-rao tse tsitsitseng tsa moralo, tse seng ntle feela, empa hape li eketsa sebaka sa sethala le ho khothalletsa Keketseho. thekiso, thepa e ntlafalitsoeng le ts'ebetso e ntlafalitsoeng ea tikoloho kaofela li kopantsoe ka mofuta o mocha le o mosa.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji ea litšila ho ea ho eneji. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. Khampani e fumane konteraka ea ho reka oli ea Geth ho tloha ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). Ts'ebetso ea GETH e thusa ho rarolla mathata a mangata a hatellang a tikoloho United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. Mokhoa ona o boetse o khona ho fetola liponto tse 14,400,00 tsa lipolasetiki tsa morao-rao tse sa sebelisoang hape tse sa sebelisoang ka sistimi ka selemo le ho hlahisa libarele tse ka bang 36,000 tsa oli. Ts'ebetso ea GETH ha e hlahise mesi e kotsi, ebile ha e na phello e mpe tikolohong.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industries. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani, ho kenyelletsa le tse sebelisoang thepa ea eona ea ho bopa ente, motsoako o mong oa li-resin tsa polasetiki tse tsosolositsoeng, le moralo o nang le tokelo ea molao, o nolofalletsa tlhahiso e potlakileng ea liphalete tsa boleng bo holimo ka theko e tlaase ho feta mekhoa e mengata. Plastiki e nchafalitsoeng e sebelisetsoang liphalete e thusa ho laola litšenyehelo tsa thepa ha e ntse e fokotsa litšila tsa tikoloho, 'me e na le molemo oa litšenyehelo ho feta basebelisi ba resin ea moroetsana. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) ke khamphani ea thekenoloji le laesense eo sepheo sa eona e leng ho potlakisa phetoho ea lefatše ho lipolasetiki tsa moshoelella le ho tlosa ho itšetleha ka libeso tsa khale. Loop has patented and proprietary technology that can depolymerize priceless and low-priced waste PET plastics and polyester fibers, including plastic bottles and packaging, carpets and polyester textiles of any color, transparency or condition, and even be exposed to sunlight and salt Degraded marine plastic , ho karolo ea eona ea motheo (monomer). Li-monomers tsena lia hloekisoa, lia hloekisoa, 'me li entsoe bocha ho hlahisa mofuta oa mantlha oa Loop™ brand PET resin ea polasetiki le likhoele tsa polyester tse loketseng ho paka tsa boemo ba lijo, tse rekisetsoang lik'hamphani tsa lihlahisoa tsa bareki ho ba thusa ho fihlela lipheo tsa bona tsa ts'ebetso. Ka bareki ba rona le balekane ba tlhahiso ea rona, Loop e etella pele lefats'e ka ho hlokomelisa bohlokoa ba ho thibela le ho tsosolosa litšila tsa polasetiki tse tsoang tikolohong ho netefatsa hore lipolasetiki li lula li le moruong, ka hona ho theha bokamoso bo tsitsitseng bakeng sa bohle Ho ea moruong o chitja.
Metabolix, Inc. (NasdaqCM: MBLX) ke k'hamphani ea thepa e khethehileng e tsamaisoang ke boqapi e ikemiselitseng ho fana ka bareki ba indasteri ea polasetiki ka litharollo tsa biopolymer tse sebetsang hantle haholo. Li-biopolyer tsa Metabolix's Mirel® Phepelo ea metaboli e fana ka sethala sa bo-metaboli e thusa ho thehoa ka likokoana-hloko tse khethehileng, tse kang ho aha le lisebelisoa tsa khoebo, Consumer le lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea bahlahisi.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) e sebetsa ka thata ho nts'etsopele le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa polasetiki le mahlale a mang a tikoloho, 'me e sebetsa lefatšeng ka bophara. Khamphani ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa nts'etsopele le papatso ea lipolasetiki tse laoloang ke bophelo, 'me e rekisa li-additives tsa pro-degradation le lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki tse felileng ka marang-rang a ntseng a hola a sa khaotseng a barekisi le liakhente tsa machabeng. Khampani e boetse e rekisa mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki tsa setso, tse sa senyeheng, tse tenyetsehang. Sehlopha se khethile ho hlahisa mosebetsi ona ka hloko hore o khethile barekisi ba likabelo ho potoloha le lefatše. Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo ho fa sehlopha le bareki ba sona tšireletso ea phepelo, ho fumaneha ha lehae, le melemo e mengata ea litšenyehelo. Lihlahisoa tse felisitsoeng tse senyehang le litlatsetso li rekisoa ka kotloloho ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara, kapa ho rekisoa lefatšeng le nang le libini le libapali. Khamphani e na le litšehetso tse peli tseo e leng tsa tsona ka botlalo-Symphony Environmental Ltd, e shebaneng le tharollo ea polasetiki e baballang tikoloho, le Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, e shebaneng le ho nchafatsa lihlahisoa le matla ho tsoa ho litšila tsa polasetiki le lihlahisoa tsa rabara. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) e fana ka lichelete tsa likoloto le tekano bakeng sa ts'ebeliso e ntle ea matla le mebaraka ea matla a ka nchafatsoang. Khamphani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho faneng ka chelete e tlang pele kapa chelete e kholo ho batšehetsi le bakoloto ba nang le boleng bo phahameng ba mokoloto ho hlahisa phallo ea chelete ea nako e telele, e iphetang le e lebelletsoeng esale pele. Ntlo-khōlō ea hae e Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong o khethile trust ea matsete a matlo le meaho (REIT) e lokeloang ke ho lefa lekhetho molemong oa lekhetho la federal. Selemo sa eona sa lekhetho se qala ka la 31 Tšitoe 2013
Arafura Resources NL (ASX: ARU.AX) explores and develops minerals in Australia. Khampani e hlahloba liminerale tse sa tloaelehang tsa lefats'e, tšepe ea motheo le ea bohlokoa, tungsten le vanadium ea tšepe. Morero oa eona o ka sehloohong ke projeke ea Nolans, depositi e sa tloaelehang ea phosphate ea lefats'e e ka fanang ka lihlahisoa tsa neodymium le ase sebakeng sa Northern Territory ea Australia. The company is also involved in mining and related infrastructure and social and environmental feasibility assessments.
Aura Energy Limited (ASX: AEE.AX) ke k'hamphani ea merafo ea Australia e nang le merero e meholo ea polymetallic le uranium Europe le Afrika, 'me e na le lisebelisoa tse ngata. Ho tloha ha e qala ho phatlalatsa ka 2006, e eketsehile ka potlako ka ho fumana merero e mecha libakeng tse nang le li-deposit tse tsebahalang tsa polymetallic le uranium tse kang Sweden le libaka tse sa ntlafatsoang tse kang Mauritania. Hona joale, maikutlo a Aura a holim'a morero oa Häggån profinseng ea Swedish bauxite shale, e leng e 'ngoe ea li-depositi tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa vanadium tse nang le boleng bo bongata bo ekelitsoeng ka polymetallic; le profinse e tshepisang ya Regibat ya Mauritania.
Australian Vanadium Limited (ASX: AVL.AX) e ikemiselitse ho theha boleng ba beng ba liabo ka ho fana ka vanadium ea eona ea boemo bo holimo 'marakeng oa tšepe le bahlahisi ba libeteri lefatšeng ka bophara. Currently, the Australian vanadium mine is developing the Gabanintha vanadium project near Meekatharra, Western Australia, which is one of the highest grade vanadium projects in the world.
Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) e sebetsana le ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea tlhaho ea tlhaho Canada. Khampani e na le thahasello ea 100% thepa ea Cobalt Fold, eo litlaleho tsa 40 li kenyelletsang lihekthere tse 2,176.19 sebakeng sa Côte-Nord sa Quebec; the Roscoe Vanadium project contains 40 claims, involving approximately 2,189.19 hectares in the northern area of Côte d'Ivoire.
Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) le makalana a yona a sebetsana le dipatlisiso le ntshetsopele ya diporojeke tsa diminerale Afrika Borwa. E arotsoe ka likarolo tse tharo: vanadium le ore ea tšepe, lipatlisiso tsa mashala, le merafo ea vanadium le tlhahiso. It explores vanadium, titanium, iron ore, phosphate, tin and power coal deposits. The company's flagship project is the Bushveld vanadium project, which includes the Vametco assets, as well as the Brits and Mokopane vanadium projects located in the north limb of the Bushveld complex in Limpopo, South Africa.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems (CSE: CUBE) focuses on the fast-growing energy storage industry, which is driven by the substantial increase in demand for renewable energy. CellCube provides vertically integrated energy storage systems for the power industry. It recently acquired the assets of Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. has now been renamed Enerox GmbH, which is the developer and manufacturer of CellCube energy storage systems. Litšehetso tse ling tse amanang le CellCube ke EnerCube Switchgear Systems le Power Haz Energy Mobile Solutions Inc. Khampani e boetse e tsetetse Braggawatt Energy Inc, sethaleng sa lichelete tsa lichelete tse tsosolositsoeng tsa marang-rang. CellCube develops, manufactures and sells energy storage systems based on vanadium redox flow. Technology, and has more than 130 project installations and 10-year operating records. Its highly integrated energy storage system solution has 99% of the remaining energy capacity after 11,000 cycles, with a focus on large container modules. The basic building blocks consist of FB modular 250kW units with 4, 6 and 8 hours energy changes. CellCube has obvious vanadium-rich characteristics in Nevada. The Bisoni-McKay and Bisoni-Rio properties in Nevada contain pure vanadium resources. Ho fapana le li-devadits tse ling tse ngata (moo Vaxadium e kopantsoeng le tšepe tse ling tse kang tšepe kapa urani ntlo), Bison
Chalice Gold Mines Limited (TSX: CXN.TO; ASX: CHN.AX) e sebetsana le phumano, lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea liminerale Australia le Canada. Khampani e hlahloba lichelete tsa khauta, koporo, vanadium le nickel.
Coziron Resources Limited (ASX: CZR.AX) e na le 85% ea merero e meraro ea Australia Bophirima, Yarraloola, KingX-Earaheedy le Buddadoo, e tlalehang liminerale tse tala tse tsoang lifemeng tsa tšepe tse otlolohileng. The supplier Mr. Mark Creasy retains 15% ownership of the project. Merero eohle e na le tharollo ea litšebeletso tsa motheo. Li-deposit tsa tšepe le manganese li ntse li hlahlojoa libakeng tsena tsa tente, empa mefuta e meng ea liminerale e boetse e tlalehoa, ho kenyeletsa khauta, koporo, tšepe ea motheo, titanium, vanadium le uranium.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) ke khamphani e nang le laesense e ikemiselitseng ho nka monyetla oa tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tse latelang: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel le koporo. Khothaletsa phepelo ea motlakase (likoloi, libeteri tse nchafatsoang, polokelo e kholo ea matla, phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang le lits'ebetso tse ling). Lithekiso tsa likoloi tsa motlakase, matla a tlhahiso ea betri le tlhahiso ea matla a tsoang ho matla a tsosolositsoeng li lebelletsoe ho eketseha haholo lilemong tse 'maloa tse tlang, kahoo tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsena tse reriloeng e tla eketseha ka nepo. Sena se hlahisa monyetla o ikhethang oa ho tsetela le ho fumana meputso merafong le mererong e tla fana ka lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa phetolo ea motlakase. Ntle le sethala sa sehlahisoa sa Globex, lengolo la sepheo sa ho sebelisa franchise ea motlakase lea tlama. Ho na le mefuta e 6 ea li-royalty. Ts'ebetso e ipapisitse le ho phethahala ha maemo (ho kenyeletsoa tumello ea taolo). Moralo oa litefiso tsa motlakase o tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ho fumaneng meputso methating e tsoetseng pele le merero ea ts'ebetso ho aha sethala sa matsete se fapaneng libakeng tse nang le likotsi tse tlase tsa tikoloho.
Energy Fuel Company (TSX: EFR.TO; NYSE: UUUU) ke k'hamphani e etellang pele, e kopantseng morafo oa uranium e thehiloeng United States e fanang ka U3O8 ho lik'hamphani tse kholo tsa matla a nyutlelie. Ofisi ea eona ea koporasi e Denver, Colorado, 'me thepa eohle ea eona le basebetsi ba teng ka bophirima ho United States. Energy Fuels e na le litsi tse tharo tse kholo tsa tlhahiso ea uranium United States, tse fumanehang White Mesa Mill e Utah, Nichols Ranch Processing Plant e Wyoming, le Alta Mesa Project e Texas. Leloala la White Mesa ke lona feela leloala le tloaelehileng la uranium le sebetsang United States kajeno, le nang le tumello ea ho feta liponto tse limilione tse 8 tsa U3O8 ka selemo. The Nichols Ranch Processing Plant ke setsi sa tlhahiso ea ISR se nang le matla a tumello ea liponto tse limilione tse 2 tsa U3O8 ka selemo. Hajoale Alta Mesa ke setsi sa tlhahiso ea ISR se sebetsanang le tlhokomelo le tlhokomelo. Energy Fuel Company e boetse e na le mohlahisi e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa mehloli ea uranium United States e kopanang le NI 43-101, hammoho le merero ea merafo ea uranium linaheng tse ngata ka bophirimela ho United States, ho kenyeletsoa morero oa ISR, merafo e emeng le liminerale ka mekhahlelo e fapaneng. Lilaesense le nts'etsopele. Khampani e boetse e hlahisa vanadium le uranium ho tloha merafong e itseng ea Colorado Plateau ho latela maemo a 'maraka.
Ethos Gold Corp. (TSXV: ECC) (OTCQB: ETHOF) is exploring the La Purisima gold project in Chihuahua, Mexico (100% revenue), and the Iron Point Carlin gold project (50% revenue from Victory Metals Inc.) ), e fumanehang lik'hilomithara tse 22 ka bochabela ho United States. Winnemucca in Nevada and the Perk-Rocky copper-gold porphyry project 220 kilometers west of Williams Lake in British Columbia (100% revenue). La Purisima is a near-surface, large-tonnage, gold oxide target, and the virgin drilling program will soon begin. Iron Point ke sepheo sa khauta sa Carlin se tsamaisoang ka poleiti e ka tlaase, 'me merero ea ho leka sepheo sena ka mekoti e meraro e emeng e tla qala haufinyane tlas'a tlhokomelo ea Dr. Quinton Hennigh. Perk-Rocky ke sepheo sa porphyry ea koporo-gauta, 'me moralo oa lipatlisiso o kenyelletsang lintlha tse qaqileng tsa geophysics ea moea, tlhahlobo ea fatše le ho etsa sampole li tla thakholoa nakong e khutšoanyane. Hajoale Ethos e na le chelete e ka bang limilione tse 6.8 tsa lidolara tsa Canada le likabelo tse saletseng morao tse limilione tse 54.6. Ethos plans to spend a total of approximately $1.8 million on the first drilling program at La Purisima and Iron Point in 2019 and the initial work program at Perk-Rocky. Ethos also profited from the Pine Pass and Ursula vanadium projects in north-central British Columbia (100% profit). Ka Hlakubele 2019, Ethos e ile ea fumana tsebiso e tsoang ho British Columbia ea hore litokelo tsa thepa ea liminerale tse etsang morero oa eona oa Pine Pass vanadium li kenyelelitsoe sebakeng seo ho nahanoang ka sona ho emisa hang-hang tlhahiso ea nts'etsopele mme mohlomong e e kenyelle sebakeng se atolositsoeng sa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, 'me u nahane ka sena. hlokomela, mosebetsi oa morero oa eona oa vanadium o emisitsoe.
First Vanadium Corp (TSX: FVAN.V) (OTCQX: FVANF) (FSE: 1PY) (eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le Cornerstone Metals Inc.) e ka khetha ho fumana thahasello ea 100% morerong oa Carlin Vanadium Seterekeng sa Elko, lik'hilomithara tse 6 ka boroa. Take I-80 from the town of Carlin, Nevada. Carlin Vanadium Project e na le depositi ea Carlin Vanadium, e bataletseng ho isa boemong bo sa tebang le e patiloeng ka botebo, 0-60 m (0-200 ft) ka tlase ho bokaholimo.
Golden Deeps Limited (ASX: GED.AX) e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho patlisiso ea liminerale 'me e thahasella merero e Rephabliking ea Namibia. Khampani e ntse e batlisisa laesense ea eona Namibia. Maikaelelo a leano la patlisiso ke go ribolola dimenerale tsa ikonomi ka tiriso e e rulagantsweng ya dithekeniki tsa segompieno tsa patlisiso. Khopolo ea Matloana ea GrootFontein (GBP) e teng Lithabeng tsa OTAWI. Sebaka sena se batla se hokahantsoe ke khutlo-tharo e hokahanyang Tsumeb le Groot Toropo ea Fontaine le Otavi. Sebaka sena se na le merafo ea koporo, zinki, lead, silevera le vanadium ea bohlokoa lefatšeng ka bophara, ho kenyeletsoa merafo ea Tsumeb, Khusib Springs, Abenab, Berg Aukas le Kombat.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) has a broad portfolio of multi-element assets, which is expected to accommodate gold, platinum group elements and base metals as well as special “green battery metals”, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium le chromium. Gossan o boetse o na le palo e kholo ea li-deposit tsa dolomite tse ngata tse hloekileng, tse nang le magnesium e ngata, 'me o lefa esale pele USD 100,000 bakeng sa litokelo tsa tlhahiso le ts'ebeliso ea selemo ka selemo ho senya lichelete tsa lehlabathe. Matlotlo 'ohle a Gossan a ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa a fumaneha Manitoba le Northwest Ontario.
Intermin Resources Ltd (ASX: IRC.AX) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea mehloli ea liminerale Australia. Khampani e hlahloba lichelete tsa khauta, nickel, koporo, vanadium le molybdenum. E na le merero ea khauta ea 100% sebakeng sa Kalgoorlie, 'me e na le merero ea khauta Menzies le Goongarrie, morero oa Nanadyville oa koporo-nickel le Richmond Vanadium e Queensland Ho na le likhoebo tse kopanetsoeng morerong ona.
Jinhe Resources Co., Ltd. (ASX: KRR.AX) (eo pele e neng e le Jinhe Copper) e hlahisa 100% ea tekanyo ea eona ea lefats'e le lisebelisoa tsa VANADIUM. Ho phaella moo, KRR e ntse e hlahloba khauta, silevera le koporo. Khampani e na le khiro ea liminerale ea lisekoere-k'hilomithara tse 785, e koahelang karolo e ikhethang ea jeoloji ea Kimberley e ka bochabela ho Australia Bophirima e bitsoang Speewah Dome.
Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX: LGO.TO; OTC: LGORF) ke khamphani ea merafo ea maano e ntlo-khōlō ea Toronto, e shebaneng le tlhahiso ea vanadium flakes, vanadium flakes e hloekileng le vanadium e hloekileng haholo morafong oa Maracás Menchen, Bahia. Phofo, Brazil.
Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR.AX) e ntse e tsoela pele ho etsa lipatlisiso tsa liminerale Australia. Khampani e hlahloba lithium, khauta, vanadium le nickel. E thahasella Katherine Valley Lithium Tantalum Project, Buldania Lithium Project, Killaloe Project le Norcott Project Australia Bophirimela. Le morero oa Toolebuc vanadium Queensland.
Mount Burgess Mining NL (ASX: MTB.AX) e thathamisitsoe ho Australian Stock Exchange ho tloha ka 1985. Ho ile ha sibolloa depositi ea khauta ea Red October Australia Bophirimela, 'me ka mor'a moo ho ile ha fumanoa li-kimberlite tse tharo Namibia. Dipolokelo tsa Kihabe le Nxuu zinc/lead/silver/germanium le vanadium mo Botswana di ntse di tsweletswa pele.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (Tsxv: Nmi.v) e kenelletse tucheng le nts'etsopele ea thepa ea senotlolo sa Namibia. Khampani e hlahloba lefatše le boima le sa tloaelehang, cobalt, koporo, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate le tšepe ea khauta, hammoho le likarolo tsa sehlopha sa platinum. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) ke mohlahisi oa liminerale tsa indasteri le merero ea thepa e tsoetseng pele. Neometals e na le likarolo tse peli tse kholo - khoebo ea lithium e kopantsoeng ka botlalo le khoebo ea nts'etsopele ea titanium vanadium. Ka bobeli li tšehetsoa ke theknoloji ea beng ba matlo e ka thusang khokahanyo e tlase ka ho eketsa lekeno le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea litšenyehelo. Neometals e na le merafo ea Mt Marion lithium haufi le Kalgoorlie 'me e na le 13.8% ea likarolo. Khamphani ke e 'ngoe ea li-concentrator tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng tsa lithium. Li-Neometals li na le khetho ea off-take e etsang motheo o motle bakeng sa khoebo ea eona ea lithium e kenyellelitsoeng ka botlalo, e kenyelletsang lisebelisoa tsa lithium hydroxide refineries le lits'ebetso tsa lithium-ion battery recycling. Morero oa 100% oa Barrambie titanium-vanadium Australia Bophirima ke e 'ngoe ea li-depositi tse thata ka ho fetisisa tsa rock titanium-vanadium lefatšeng ka bophara.
Nevado Resources Corporation (TSX: VDO-HV) e sebetsana le ho fumana, ho hlahloba le ho hlahloba thepa ea merafo Canada. E na le thahasello ea 100% ho thepa ea La Blache ea titanium-vanadium-iron, eo litletlebo tse 48 li amang lihekthere tse 2,653 karolong e ka leboea ea Quebec.
New Energy Minerals Ltd (ASX: NXE.AX) (eo pele e neng e le Mustang Resources) e ntse e hlahloba masimo a merafo ea vanadium le graphite, lipatlisiso le theknoloji. As Mozambique's unique Caula project is about to go into production, they will provide high-quality resources that are vital to the fast-growing new energy market.
Prophecy Development Corp. (TSX: PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) e nts'etsapele projeke ea Gibellini-e leng eona feela projeke e kholo e bulehileng, ea qubu ea leaching vanadium ea mofuta oa eona Amerika Leboea. Gibellini e sebakeng sa Nevada 'me e na le litekanyetso tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa NI 43-101 tse tsejoang United States. This standard has been measured and indicated in the United States as the main vanadium resource. EPCM e ntse e tsoela pele 'me nts'etsopele e lumelletsoe
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) ke k'hamphani ea ntlafatso ea betri ea vanadium redox e pharalletseng e otlolohileng, e ntlo-kholo ea eona e Australia, e nang le ts'ebetso le balekane ba maano Korea. Ka tšebelisano-'moho ea 50% le protean ea vanadium/uranium ea Protean Korea ea Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon ke sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit e nang le bokhoni ba ho hlahisa vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) ea boleng bo holimo. Morero o ka sebelisa 36,000m ea mantlha ea nalane, e le hore tlhahlobo ea pXRF e theko e tlaase le e sa senyeheng e ka etsoa karolong ea metallogenic. Protean, ka tshebedisano-mmoho le molekane wa yona wa 50% wa Korea Borwa KORID Energy Ltd, e ntshetsa pele theknoloji ya polokelo ya matla ya vanadium redox flow (VRFB), e bitswang V-KOR. Theknoloji ena e ntlafalitsoe lilemong tse 10 tse fetileng, e 'nile ea sebetsa ka nako e fetang 3,000,' me e lekoa haholo lifekthering tsa Korea. Ka Phuptjane 2018, libeteri tsa K-VOR li ile tsa sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tsa khoebo Perth, Australia.
Pursuit Minerals (ASX: PUR.AX) ke k'hamphani ea ho hlahloba liminerale le nts'etsopele ea merero e ikemiselitseng ho ntšetsa pele merero ea koporo, zinki le vanadium liprofinseng tsa tšepe tsa maemo a holimo lefatšeng. Pursuit Minerals e fumaneha morerong oa morafo oa zinki bohareng ba Mount Isa Super Basin. It has a unique value creation ability in seeking to discover world-class mineral deposits adjacent to the existing regional infrastructure and extract value from its existing mineral resources. In 2018, Pursuit expanded its project portfolio by applying for high-quality vanadium projects in open spaces in Sweden and Finland.
QEM Limited (ASX: QEM.AX) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea merero ea vanadium le oli ea shale Australia. It holds a 100% interest in the Julia Creek project, which includes 3 exploration licenses and is located in the Julia Creek area in northwestern Queensland, Australia, covering an area of 176 square kilometers.
Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR.AX) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and evaluation of basic and precious metal projects in Australia and Canada. Khampani e hlahloba zinki, lead, koporo, silevera, vanadium, khauta, nickel le cobalt deposits, hammoho le litšepe tsa sehlopha sa platinum.
Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. Haholo-holo e nehetsoe ho hlahloba litšepe tsa motheo le tsa bohlokoa, ho kenyelletsa nickel, koporo, tšepe ea sehlopha sa platinum, khauta, taemane, tantalum le lithium. Ke khamphani ea bofuputsi e sebetsang Afrika Boroa, haholo-holo e shebaneng le merero e nang le "betri kapa lefats'e le lecha" litšepe ho nka monyetla oa thahasello e ntseng e hola lefapheng lena ka lebaka la tsoelo-pele ea morao-rao ea mahlale a lefats'e le tlhoko e ntseng e eketseha ea lisebelisoa tsena. The company's main target focus area is Southern Africa. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Zimbabwe's Shamva lithium project (80% of the options can be acquired). Ho nkuoa ha mecheng haufinyane ea chua maina le ho khahloa ke lilemo tse shebileng tšimong le boiphihlelo ba 'nete le boiphihlelo ba Si6 le tšebetso ea Afrika Boroa tsa Ts'ebetso ea Afrika Boroa.
Southern Cross Exploration NL (ASX: SXX.AX) e sebetsana le ho hlahloba litšepe le liminerale tse ling Australia. Haholo-holo e hlahloba uranium, khauta le liminerale tse ling. The company's interest in the Bigrlyi uranium mine joint venture is one of its main assets, which is a joint venture with two multi-billion dollar companies through the operators Energy Metals Ltd (EME) and Paladin Energy Ltd (PDN) with CGNPC. Morero oa Bigryi o na le lisebelisoa tse ngata tsa uranium le vanadium tse finyellang litlhoko tsa JORC.
Sparton Resources Inc. (TSXV: SRI.V) is an exploration and development stage company that focuses on the exploration and evaluation of Canadian and Chinese properties. Merero ea mantlha ea k'hamphani ke sebaka sa khase sa Chebucto sebakeng sa Sehlekehleke sa Sable se lebopong la Nova Scotia; le Vandium ea Vanpar ea Vanpar le Battery ea Battery ea China. E boetse e fana ka litšebeletso tsa ho cheka konteraka.
Surefire Resources NL (ASX: SRN.AX) e hlahloba le ho lekola botho ba litokelo tsa liminerale tsa Australia. The company is interested in the Kooline lead-silver project in Ashburton, Western Australia, covering an area of 386 square kilometers; merero ea Unaly Hill le Victory Bore vanadium e Bophirima Bophirima ba Australia Bophirima.
Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) ke k'hamphani ea liminerale le theknoloji ea indasteri e thehiloeng Australia. Syrah ke mong'a le ho haha Projeke ea Balama Graphite (Balama) naheng ea Mozambique. Balama ke letlotlo la maemo a holimo, le phetseng nako e telele, hape ke morafo o moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa tlhaho oa graphite. Ts'ebetso ea Balama e qalile mathoasong a 2018. Ho ea ka tlhokahalo ea 'maraka, Syrah e ile ea eketsa tlhahiso ea eona ho 350ktpa nameplate bokhoni ka nako. Parama e boetse e na le lisebelisoa tse ngata tsa vanadium, e leng sehlahisoa se seng se ntse se tlalehoa Parama tailings. Balama's vanadium optionality. Balama contains a large amount of vanadium resources, which provides potential value-added opportunities; VANDIM e nka lihlahisoa tse fanoang ke tlhahiso ea maikutlo ebile e ka bokelloa ho lihlahisoa tsa melatsoana (v2o5) ka lisebelisoa tse sebetsang hona joale tse tlalehiloeng ho liqhomane tsa Balama.
Tando Resources Limited (ASX: TNO.AX) is a junior exploration company that recently obtained 73.95% of the rights to the world's important vanadium project (SPD project). Ho cheka setšeng le mesebetsi e meng e ntse e tsoela pele, ka sepheo sa ho latela kapele le tlhahiso e tloaelehileng haufinyane. Tando e boetse e na le 100% ea merero e 3 e fumanehang Pilbara, Australia Bophirima. High-grade zinc and copper mineralization has previously been drilled in the Quartz Bore project, and the Mt Sydney project is located at the strike site of Rumble Resources' Braeside project.
Australian Technical Metals Corporation (ASX: TMT.AX) e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele ea projeke ea 100% ea Gabanintha vanadium e Australia Bophirima. TMT hajoale e ntse e etsa boithuto bo matla ba ho khonahala (DFS).
TNG Limited (ASX: TNG.AX) ke k'hamphani ea lisebelisoa ea Australia e ikemiselitseng ho lekola le ho nts'etsapele morero oa tšepe oa Mount Peake vanadium-titanium. Sepheo se seholo sa TNG ke tekolo le ntshetsopele ya projeke ya tshepe ya Mount Peake vanadium-titanium e ruilweng ke 100%, e Profinseng e tshepisang ya Alenta Geological, dikhilomithara tse 80 ka leboya-botjhabela ho Alice Springs Sebakeng sa Leboya. TNG o ile a fumanoa mathoasong a 2008 hore projeke ea ho thaba ea 160 e na le lithane tsa Jorc tsa lisebelisoa tse nang le lipehelo tsa 0.28, 5.3% TOO2 le 23%
U3O8 Corp. (TSX: UWE.TO) e shebane le ho hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa lihlahisoa tsa uranium le betri Amerika Boroa. Lisebelisoa tsa betri tse hlahang ka lisebelisoa tsa uranium li kenyelletsa vanadium, nickel, zinki le phosphate. Likhakanyo tsa mehloli ea liminerale tsa k'hamphani li thehiloe ho National Instruments 43-101 'me li kenyelelitsoe ho li-deposit tse latelang: Laguna Salada deposit-PEA ea Argentina e bontša hore sebaka sena se haufi-ufi, sa mahala sa uranium-vanadium deposit se na le litšenyehelo tse tlaase tsa tlhahiso; PEA e bonts'a , Berlin e boetse e na le li-depositi tse theko e tlaase tse ka hlahisoang ke uranium ka lebaka la chelete e hlahisoang ke phosphate, vanadium, nickel, rare earth (yttrium le neodymium) le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa tšepe.
United Battery Metals Corporation (CSE: UBM; OTC: UBMCF) is a vanadium and uranium exploration company dedicated to becoming the first vanadium producer in North America. Vanadium e na le lisebelisoa tse ngata lefatšeng la kajeno la kajeno. E sebelisoa haholo libetering tsa vanadium redox flow, liteishene tsa ho tjhaja likoloi, lifemeng tsa matla a nyutlelie le tlhahiso ea tšepe. Vanadium ke e 'ngoe ea liminerale tse 35 tse nkoang li le bohlokoa ho ts'ireletso ea naha le moruo oa United States.
Vanadium One Energy (TSXV: VONE.V) ke k'hamphani e hlahlobang liminerale e ntlo-kholo ea eona e leng Toronto, Canada. The company is focused on advancing the Fu Vanadium Magnetite Project in Chibugabao, Quebec. The purpose is to determine the scope of this resource and prove its economic viability.
VanadiumCorp Resource Inc. (TSX: VRB.V) e rera ho nts'etsapele VEPT naheng ea Canada le ho fana ka laesense e kopanetsoeng ea VEPT ho ea libakeng tse lebisitsoeng tsa lefats'e ho fumana ka kotloloho lihlahisoa tsa vanadium tsa boleng ba betri, Vanadium Electrolyte TM, le lihlahisoa tse kang tšepe le titanium ho tsoa mehloling e mengata. -lihlahisoa tsa oxidation le lintho tse kotsi tse kang silica. Ts'ebetso ena e ncha ea lik'hemik'hale, e entsoeng ka kopanelo le ea Electrochem, e ka khutlisa litšepe tsa bohlokoa ho vanadium-titanium magnetite "VTM", magnetite, hematite le ilmenite, hammoho le slag ea tšepe, calcination le masalla a oli lefatšeng ka bophara. VanadiumCorp e boetse e na le motheo oa bohlokoa oa lisebelisoa tsa vanadium-titanium indastering ea merafo e Quebec, Canada.
Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. (ASX: VMC.AX) e sebetsane le lipatlisiso tsa mehloli ea liminerale Australia Bophirimela. E ithuta haholo-holo vanadium, cobalt, nickel, khauta le lithium. Morero oa Youanmi Vanadium
Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp (CSE: WUC; OTCQX: WSTRF) ke k'hamphani e tloaelehileng ea morafo ea uranium le vanadium e fumanehang Colorado. E ikemiseditse ntshetsopele le tshebediso ya tlhahiso ya moraorao tjena ya uranium le vanadium e ka bophirimela ho United States, hammoho le thekenoloji ya merafo ya ablation.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) For more than 100 years, AMEC has provided detailed design, engineering and construction for power developers, utilities, industries, contractors, financial institutions, governments, and renewable energy technology developers. Litšebeletso tsa Tsamaiso. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) is a technology service company dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions to improve the environment. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Blue Spure Corporation (OTC: BLSSS) ke Khamphani e hloekileng ea theknoloji le theknoloji ea merero ea matla. Blue Grahere e hlahisa litšila le merero e meng e ncha e nchafalitsoeng. Khamphani e lakatsa ho ba sebapali se seholo ho soka ke litšila tsa lefatše lohle le 'maraka o khaphatsehang.
China Recycling Energy Corporation (NasdaqGM: CREG), e ntlo-kholo e leng Xi'an, Chaena, e fana ka theknoloji e baballang litšila ho ea ho eneji e ka khutlisetsang lihlahisoa tsa indasteri bakeng sa limela tsa tšepe tsa China, limela tsa samente le limela tsa ho pheha. By-products include heat, steam, pressure and exhaust gas to generate large amounts of low-cost electricity and reduce the need for external power sources. Mmuso oa China o amohetse maano a ho khothaletsa tšebeliso ea mahlale a ho recycle ho ntlafatsa kabo ea lisebelisoa le ho fokotsa tšilafalo. At present, renewable energy only accounts for 1% of total energy consumption. Due to the increasing concern for the environment and the continuous growth of China's economy and the rising energy cost, this renewable energy is regarded as a growing market. The management and engineering team has more than 20 years of experience in China's industrial energy recovery.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e ka bophara ho fana ka tharollo ea litšila le matla a tsitsitseng. The company's 45 waste-generation energy facilities use waste to generate clean and renewable energy, providing communities and businesses around the world with environmentally sound solid waste disposal. Selemo se seng le se seng, meaho ea sejoale-joale ea Cvantta e fehla matla a litšila e ka fetola ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le ka ts'epahalo lithane tse ka bang limilione tse 20 tsa litšila hore e be motlakase o ka nchafatsoang, ho matlafatsa malapa a ka bang milione, le ho sebelisa lithane tse ka bang 500,000 tsa tšepe hape. Lisebelisoa tsa Matla li hlahisitsoe ho tsoa ho litšila fokotsa likhase tsa sethopo, li tlatsetso hape, 'me ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea taolo e tiileng ea litšila
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ke k'hamphani e kholo ka ho fetisisa e nang le matla United States, e fanang ka le ho fana ka matla ho bareki ba Amerika ba ka bang limilione tse 7.3. Re hlahisa li-Mgawatts tse ka bang 570 000 tsa motlakase Carolina, bohareng ba Milina, bohareng le Florida, 'me re fana ka litšebeletso tsa kabe tsa khase ho Ohio le Kentucky. Khoebo ea rona ea khoebo le ea machaba e na le thepa e fapaneng ea matla Amerika Leboea le Latin America, ho kenyeletsoa libaka tsa thepa ea matla. Duke Energy e ikarabella ho Charlotte, North Carolina mme ke k'hamphani ea Fortune 250. Lesupa ho matla: Duke Matla a ho nka lehlakore mererong ea likhopo tsa fatše, e fetolang empoli ea litšila hore e kene motlakase bakeng sa bareki hore ba e sebelise. When the organic matter in large landfills decomposes, landfill gas, which is mainly composed of methane, is produced. Ha methane e ntša mocheso sepakapakeng, e sebetsa ka makhetlo a 20 ho feta carbon dioxide. Capturing methane and using it as fuel is a more sustainable option for burning it as waste.
Free Energy International Inc (TSX: FEE.V) e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa tse sebelisang theknoloji ea thermal superconductor.
Global Clean Energy Corporation (OTC: GCEI) ke k'hamphani ea litšila ho ea ho eneji e nang le liofisi Texas le Montreal. Khamphani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho mahlale a netefalitsoeng ke khoebo a fetolang litšila hore e be matla a boleng bo holimo, e leng ts'ebetso e tsejoang ke k'hamphani e le Ho Fetolela Pholoso ea Tikoloho ho Matla a Tšebeliso e Hloekileng (RESCUE). GCE e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho lihlahisoa tse emeng tsa lipolasetiki tsa litšila, lithaere le phepelo ea PGM (litšepe tsa sehlopha sa platinum) 'marakeng oa Amerika Leboea. GCE e kenyelletsa theknoloji ts'ebetsong ea eona e pharalletseng lefats'eng ka bophara ho fihlela kholo e potlakileng, ho fokotsa likotsi tsa tekheniki, le ho potlakisa ts'ebetso le matsete.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation e na le litsebi tse tsebahalang lefatšeng ka bophara tsa boenjiniere lefapheng la vacuum le theknoloji ea ho fetisa mocheso. It is a global designer, manufacturer and supplier of custom ejectors, pumps, condensers, vacuum systems and heat exchangers . Graham ke mofani oa lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso bakeng sa indasteri ea ho fehla motlakase. Li-condensers tsa eona tse ka holim'a metsi li sebelisetsoa litšebeletso tsa jenereithara ea turbine, li-ejectors tsa jet jet le lisebelisoa tsa pompo ea metsi li sebelisoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa condenser exhaust, 'me li-exchange tsa mocheso li sebelisetsoa litšebeletso tse fapaneng. Litšila ho ea ho eneji (ho kenyeletsoa le methane ea ho qhalla mobu ho ea ho eneji), mocheso le matla a kopantsoeng, matla a nyutlelie, mocheso o matla, mocheso o kopaneng le matla, le lisebelisoa tsa phepelo ea motlakase tse kopaneng kaofela li hloka lihlahisoa tsa rona.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji ea litšila ho ea ho eneji. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. Khampani e fumane konteraka ea ho reka oli ea Geth ho tloha ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). Ts'ebetso ea GETH e thusa ho rarolla mathata a mangata a hatellang a tikoloho United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. Mokhoa ona o boetse o khona ho fetola liponto tse 14,400,00 tsa lipolasetiki tsa morao-rao tse sa sebelisoang hape tse sa sebelisoang ka sistimi ka selemo le ho hlahisa libarele tse ka bang 36,000 tsa oli. Ts'ebetso ea GETH ha e hlahise mesi e kotsi, ebile ha e na phello e mpe tikolohong.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) e fana ka tharollo ea metsi a litšila (ETP) le tharollo ea metsi a litšila (STP). Biopipe ke lekala le nang le thepa ka botlalo le entseng patent ea 100% e se nang litšila, e se nang lik'hemik'hale, e sa nkhang, e khutsitseng, e bonolo ho kopanya le ho e kenya, e ka senyehang, e theko e tlase, ea tikoloho le e batlang e sa hloke tlhokomelo ea likhoerekhoere setšeng. tsamaiso ea phekolo . E tšoara metsi a bohlooho le metsi a matšo ka nako e le 'ngoe. Metsi a hloekisitsoeng a feta EU le litekanyetso tsohle tsa sebakeng seo 'me a ka sebelisoa hape bakeng sa ho nosetsa, ho hlatsoa le ho hloekisa.
Magnegas Corporation (NasdaqCM: MNGA), e teng Tampa, MagneGas® Corporation e thehiloe ka 2007 e le k'hamphani ea theknoloji. Ho qaptjoa ha eona ke theknoloji e nang le tokelo ea molao e fetolang litšila tsa metsi hore e be mafura a thehiloeng ho hydrogen. Hona joale k'hamphani e rekisa MagneGas® 'marakeng oa ho sebetsa ka tšepe ho nkela acetylene sebaka. E boetse e rekisa lisebelisoa tsa ho thibela litšila tsa metsi tse silafalitsoeng ke baeloji bakeng sa mebaraka e fapaneng ea indasteri le ea temo. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e sebelisa mocheso oa eona o phahameng oa lelakabe ho chesa mafura a hydrocarbon ka mafura a mang ho nts'etsapele lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa mafura a MagneGas®.
N-Viro International Corp. (OTC: NVIC) is a leader in the conversion of organic materials from industrial, agricultural and municipal sources. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani e nang le tokelo ea molao, litšebeletso tse ikhethang le tsebo ea ho sebetsana le thepa li kopana ho fana ka tharollo ea turnkey bakeng sa ho matlafatsa mobu le nts'etsopele ea mafura a mang.
PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX: PYR.V) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji ea ho hloekisa ea TSX Venture50®, e leng moetapele oa lefats'e oa moralo, nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le khoebo ea mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea plasma. Re fana ka tsebo ea boenjiniere le ea tlhahiso, lipatlisiso tsa konteraka tsa morao-rao, le lisebelisoa tsa lisebelisoa tsa turnkey bakeng sa ts'ireletso, metallurgy, merafo, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele (ho kenyeletsoa khatiso ea 3D), oli le khase le indasteri ea tikoloho. Pyrogeneen o na le sehlopha sa baenjiniere ba nang le boiphihlelo, bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-ramahlale ba sebetsang ofising ea rona ea Montreal le lisekoere tsa limithara tse 3,800 Ka hona, PyroGenesis e lula e le ka pele ho nts'etsopele ea thekenoloji le khoebo, kahoo e boloka monyetla oa tlhōlisano . Bokhoni ba rona ba mantlha bo thusa PyroGenesis ho fana ka lirumula tse ncha tsa plasma, kalafo ea litšila tsa plasma, lits'ebetso tsa pyrometallurgical le lits'ebeletso tsa boenjiniere bakeng sa mmaraka oa lefats'e. Ho tloha ka 1997, mesebetsi ea rona e fetile ISO 9001:2008 setifikeiti. Ka boqapi, tšebelisano 'moho le tšebelisano' moho, PyroGenesis e hlahisitse ts'ebetso e tsoetseng pele haholo empa e bonolo ho e sebelisa e kopanyang hantle le 3R, empa e boloka matla ho fihlela holimo. And/or recover resources from the massive waste streams generated by municipalities or industries.
Sharc International Systems Inc. (CSE: SHRC), eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le International Wastewater Systems Inc.-ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa ho tsosolosa mocheso. The SHARC system can recover the heat energy in wastewater, thereby generating the most energy-efficient and economical system for heating, cooling and hot water in commercial, residential and industrial buildings.
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) e etsa meralo, e tšehetsa lichelete, e aha le ho sebelisa lipolante tse fehlang matla a litšila tse tsamaisang litšila tse tiileng tsa masepala, tsa bongaka le tsa indasteri ho fehla motlakase. Ho tloha ka 1996, Sino-German Group e phethile merero e ka bang 200 ea ho hloekisa litšila liprofinseng tse 13. Sino-Jeremane ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse tsebahalang haholo lefapheng la matla a litšila a EPC le merero ea BOT, hape ke moetsi oa limela tse ngata tse tukang Chaena. Joalokaha mokonteraka ea akaretsang oa projeke ea EPC, Sino-Jeremane e ikarabella bakeng sa boqapi, serikhoe, ka ho betla merusu e fapaneng (e kang Grantary, pyrolysis Kiln). As an investor in the BOT project, Sino-German also operates waste energy plants. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. China ntlo-kholo ea China e fumaneha Beijing, China. Setsi sa tlhahiso ea Sino-Jeremane se teng Fuzhou, Chaena.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is a full-service environmental technology and engineering company dedicated to providing innovative solutions for communities, industries and governments. Ho rarolla mathata le tšilafalo ea metsi. Its products are based on polymer technology that can remove hydrocarbons, sediments and other foreign elements from rainwater runoff (ponds, lakes and docks), running water (roadside drainage, pipe outflows, rivers and oceans), industrial processes and wastewater. Lihlahisoa tsa Abtech li kenyelletsa theknoloji e ncha ea likokoana-hloko tse bitsoang sgatsongeb. Theknoloji ena e ka fokotsang baktheria e fumanehang ka nepo e fumanoang ka metsi, litšila tsa metsi a litšila tsa malapa le metsi a litšila a nang le masepala. SmartSponge®Plus has been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (registration number 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
BioteQ Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (TSX: BQE.TO) ke mofani oa litšebeletso tse khethehileng ho phekola metsi a litšila a merafong le melapo e khethehileng ea hydrometallurgical, e tsepamisitseng maikutlo ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa potoloho ea bophelo ha e ntse e finyella ho latela melao le ho kenya ts'ebetsong tsamaiso ea metsi. Re na le boiphihlelo bo pharaletseng le boiphihlelo ba ts'ebetso mabapi le pula ea sulfide, phapanyetsano ea ion, alkali / lime neutralization le theknoloji ea ts'ebetso ea SART. Lilemong tse leshome tse fetileng, BioteQ e ralile le ho fana ka lifeme morafong bakeng sa mekhatlo e etellang pele ho kenyeletsa Glencore Canada, Freeport McMoRan, Jiangxi Copper le US EPA, 'me hajoale e sebetsa lifeme tse tšeletseng tlas'a likonteraka tsa nako e telele. These plants remove dissolved metals and sulfates well below the prescribed discharge limits, while reducing or eliminating the generation of sludge and/or recovering valuable metals from waste liquids to be sold, thereby reducing water The life cycle cost of processing. BioteQ is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, and its trading code on TSX is BQE.
Calix Limited (ASX: CXL.AX) e thehiloe ka 2005 mme e fana ka letoto la merero ea ho hloekisa litšila le metsi ho ipapisitsoe le theknoloji ea eona, ho kenyeletsoa metsoako e ka ekeletsoang ho likhoerekhoere ho laola monko.
Canadian Zeolite Corp. (TSX: CNZ.V) ke k'hamphani ea theknoloji e sa tsotelleng tikoloho le e tala e loketseng maemo a moruo a kajeno. Ka lebaka la hore lihlahisoa tsa rona li lekoa, tsa sebelisoa 'me tsa finyelloa le ho feta litekanyetso tsa limmaraka tse itseng, re na le monyetla oa tlhōlisano indastering ea zeolite. Re sebetsa le baeletsi ba tsebahalang ba zeolite lefatšeng ka bophara. Zeolite ke liminerale tsa tlhaho tse fumanoang moloreng oa seretse se chesang. Se etsang hore zeolite e khahle mahlo ke sebopeho sa eona sa kristale se nang le li-pores tse ntle le li-perforations. Li-pores tsena li lumella zeolite ho sebetsa joalo ka filtara ea tlhaho. Azolite e ka sebelisoa sebopeho sa eona se sa sebetsoang, kapa se ka sebetsoa ka boholo bo tsoang ho granular ho ea phofo ho latela kopo. Lisebelisoa li kenyelletsa temo, indasteri, temo ea metsing le ho hloekisa metsi.
Canature Environmental Prod (Shenzhen: 300272.SZ) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso, nts'etsopele, tlhahiso, kabo le litšebeletso tsa likarolo tsa ho hloekisa metsi le likarolo tsa mantlha. The company provides habitat water treatment equipment, including household water purification equipment, household water softening equipment, commercial water purification and drinking water equipment; likarolo tsa mantlha, ho kenyeletsoa li-valve tse laolang likanale tse ngata, likepe tsa khatello tse kopaneng, joalo-joalo, hammoho le libaka tsa mollo le likarolo tse ling. The company is also involved in providing installation, repair, maintenance and other services of water supply equipment. Its products are distributed in domestic and overseas markets
CLP Environmental Protection (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300172.SZ) (eo pele e neng e le Nanjing CLP Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.) e sebetsana haholo le ho fana ka litharollo tsa tsamaiso ea metsi, ho kopanngoa ha lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa metsi le mekhoa ea ho hloekisa metsi. kaho ea konteraka ea merero e amanang le eona. Thermal power, nuclear power, petrochemical, coal chemical, metallurgical and other industrial projects. The company mainly provides condensate polishing treatment, water supply treatment, waste water treatment, steam centralized monitoring and chemical injection pipelines, industrial flue gas treatment, municipal sludge treatment, municipal sewage treatment, etc.
Theknoloji ea Formation Fluid (TSX: FFM.V) e thehile polante e phahameng ea ho hloekisa metsi a litšila (Hydro-Cycle), e sebelisang mokhoa oa mong'a ho hloekisa metsi a litšila. Semela se seng le se seng se tsamaea 'me se khona ho sebetsa ho fihla ho li-cubic metres tse 1,000 tsa metsi ka letsatsi. Sistimi e hloekisa metsi ho fihlela kapa ho feta litataiso tsa CCME (Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines) ho hlahisa metsi a ka sebelisoang hape a ka sebelisoang bakeng sa: liboilers, metsi a fracturing, likhohola le ts'ebetso ea ho cheka. Mekelikeli ea tlhahiso e thehile ts'ebeliso ea khoebo ea litsamaiso tsa potoloho ea hydraulic indastering ea oli le khase. Sepheo se seholo sa mokhoa oa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila ke ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa moetsi ho hloekisa metsi a hlahisoang. Sistimi ena e boetse e khotsofatsa tlhoko ea ho sebelisa hape le ho tsosolosa lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tse ntseng li hōla
FTI Food Technology International (TSX: FTI.V) e sebetsa indastering ea lihlahisoa tse setseng tsa Canada. Ho kenyelletsa ho rekisoa ha thepa e felisitsoeng. The company's chlorine dioxide water purification tablets can be used for water treatment for a variety of purposes, including drinking water, swimming, industrial hygiene and pest control, as well as various applications in the natural gas and mining industries.
General Environmental Management Co., Ltd. (OTC: GEVI) provides industrial waste liquid treatment and repair services. E fana ka litšebeletso tsa setšeng, tokiso, lipalangoang le kalafo ea setšeng ea thepa e kotsi le e seng kotsi bakeng sa indasteri ea oli le khase, bareki ba indasteri le lijenereithara tsa litšila tsa malapeng. The company manages on-site waste disposal systems and environmental incidents, and provides spill cleanup services.
Hyflux (Singapore: 600.SI) is a leading global fully integrated water solutions company dedicated to producing clean, safe, affordable and easy-to-use water. Merero ea rona le ts'ebetso ea rona e phatlalla le lefats'e, ho kenyeletsoa le merero ea bohlokoahali joalo ka limela tse ling tse kholo ka ho fetesisa tsa metsi a leoatle a reverse osmosis ho la Singapore, China le Algeria. Re fana ka litharollo tsa moshoelella tsa ho tlosa letsoai ka membrane, ho sebelisa metsi hape, ho hloekisa metsi a litšila (ho kenyeletsoa theknoloji ea membrane bioreactor (MBR)) le kalafo ea metsi a nooang.
Jiangsu Weir Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300190.SZ) e thehiloe ka Hlakola 2003. Kamora lilemo tse leshome tsa nts'etsopele le kholo, e fetohile pula-maliboho e shebaneng le kalafo ea litšila tse matla tsa masepala le kalafo ea leachate, 'me e fetohile moetapele ea etelletseng pele. Khoebo naheng ea China, e fana ka tharollo e felletseng. Taolo ea tšio ea tšilafalo le ho lahla litšila tsa lapeng. Wenale o ikemiselitse ho fana ka bareki ka lits'ebeletso tse akaretsang ho tsoa ho moralo oa lisebelisoa, phepelo ea lienjiniere tsa motlakase, thepa ea ts'ebetso. Hajoale, Welle o na le basebetsi ba litsebi oa boholo ba Mahlale a Tloaelo ea Bohlale ba Lefatše. Khamphani e phethile merero e ka bang 100 ho pholletsa le China. Ka ho kopanya boiphihlelo bo atlehileng ba ho haha li-aprastitu le nts'etsopele ea lapeng, ea khathollang ea likonopo tsa boenjiniere, le motlalehi. Kajeno, re na le litheknoloji le litokelo tsa molao tse amanang le kalafo ea leachate le kalafo ea litšila tse tiileng, tse loketseng mathata a tikoloho a China. WELLE e fumane mangolo a mangolo a thuto bakeng sa borakonteraka ba boenjiniere ba tikoloho le ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa taolo ea tšilafalo ea tikoloho. Kaha e ne e le setho sa Komiti ea Bohlale ba Buka ea Naha ea China, e leng le eona e nkile karolo ea litumellano tsa mekhabiso le litlhaloso tsa masepala ea masepala. Ka tšebelisano e felletseng ea lik'hamphani tse tsebahalang tsa lehae le ba tsoang linaheng tse ling le metsoalle ea liphallelo, re qetile makhetlo a mangata a lekantsoeng la tikoloho le machabeng a lekantsoe ka lichelete.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) e fana ka tharollo ea metsi a litšila (ETP) le tharollo ea metsi a litšila (STP). Biopipe ke lekala le nang le thepa ka botlalo le entseng patent ea 100% e se nang litšila, e se nang lik'hemik'hale, e sa nkhang, e khutsitseng, e bonolo ho kopanya le ho e kenya, e ka senyehang, e theko e tlase, ea tikoloho le e batlang e sa hloke tlhokomelo ea likhoerekhoere setšeng. tsamaiso ea phekolo . E tšoara metsi a bohlooho le metsi a matšo ka nako e le 'ngoe. Metsi a hloekisitsoeng a feta EU le litekanyetso tsohle tsa sebakeng seo 'me a ka sebelisoa hape bakeng sa ho nosetsa, ho hlatsoa le ho hloekisa.
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) ke k'hamphani ea biotechnology e shebaneng le tlhahlobo e potlakileng ea lisele tse phelang. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li ka potlakisa ho fumanoa le ho tsebahatsa likokoana-hloko. Ntle le lits'ebetso tsa bongaka, ts'ireletso le ts'ireletso ea naha, theknoloji ea NanoLogix e boetse e loketse tlhahlobo ea meriana, indasteri, bongaka ba liphoofolo le tikoloho. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. Tikoloho le polokeho ea metsi a nooang
Tlhatlhobo ea tlhaho ea tlhaho, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ke k'hamphani ea ntlafatso Khamphani e ikakhetse ka setotsoana khoebong ea ho sebelisa litšila le khoebo ea polasetiki le tšepe. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) ke moetapele oa 'maraka mabapi le ho lokisa litšila tsa metsing (Marpol) le lithōle tse lebōpong la leoatle, ka lilemo tse fetang 25 tsa phihlelo ea ho bokella le ho sebetsa. Bokhoni ba ho tšoara litšila litsing tsa rona tse tsitsitseng le bokhoni ba ho sebelisa mochini oa rona o monyane oa kalafo oa mehala o re lumella ho fana ka tharollo ea litšila tse fihlelang litlhoko tsa indasteri ea maoatle, oli le khase. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Mehaho ea rona ea ho amohela boema-kepe e Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) le Texas Gulf Coast (United States) e bokella le ho tšoara litšila tsa leoatle ho latela "Malpol Annex IV". Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Sehlopha sa rona sa boenjiniere se ipapisitse le meralo, boenjineri, ho kenya le ho lokisa litharollo tsa pheko ea litšila tse lebopong le kantle ho naha.
PHI Group, Inc. (OTCQB: PHIL) e shebane haholo le ho fumana le ho tsetela liindastering tse itseng le maemong a ikhethileng a ka eketsang boleng ba ba nang le kabelo haholo. E boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi ka M&A ka k'hamphani ea eona e tlase ea PHI Capital Holdings, Inc. METSI: PHI EZ Water Tech, Inc. ke khamphani ea Wyoming e thehiloeng ke PHI Group, e ikarabellang bakeng sa ho laola, ho etsa le ho bapatsa liphotefolio tse ncha tsa sehlahisoa sa ho hloekisa metsi. Tsamaiso e entsoeng ke Dr. Martin Nguyen bakeng sa temo le batho.
Bokachane teropong ea Inc. Khampani e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho theknoloji e hloekileng ea moea 'me e sebetsa Canada, United States, Europe le Asia. Mekhoa ea ho belaela le ho etsa litšila tse matla tsa litšila tse rekisoang kapa ho hira, hape ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tse amanang le oli tse amanang le oli tse amanang le oli. Theknoloji ea k'hamphani ea ho cheselletsa mocheso e ka senya likhase tsa hydrocarbon tse chefo kapa tse chefo, kahoo ea finyella ho lumellana le taolo, ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, tšepo ea sechaba le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso ea bareki. Questor e tsebahala ka boitseanape ba eona bo khethehileng ba ho chesa khase e bolila (H2S). Ka ClearPower Solutions (karolelano ea Questor), thekenoloji ena e hlahisa monyetla oa ho sebelisa mocheso o hlahisoang ke ho tuka hantle, o ka sebelisoang bakeng sa moea oa mouoane oa metsi, mocheso oa tšebetso le ho fehla matla. Leha bareki ba hona joale ba Questor ba sebetsa haholo indastering ea oli e tala le khase ea tlhaho, theknoloji ea ho chesa mollo ea k'hamphani e boetse e sebetsa liindastering tse ling, joalo ka lahla, ho hloekisa metsi le likhoerekhoere, ho sebelisa mabili le temo.
SEYCHELLE Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTC: SYEV) ke k'hamphani e tsebahalang indastering e ntseng e hōla ka potlako ea ho hloekisa metsi. We sell a complete set of high-quality portable water filtration products and brands in North America and worldwide. Potefolio ena e ikgethang ya dihlahiswa tsa thepa e tla kgontsha bareki ba rona le balekane ba dikgwebo tse kopanetsweng ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa bareki ba bona bakeng sa dihlahiswa le mekgwa e metjha ya ho sefa metsi, ka hona ho fana ka metsi a bolokehileng le a hlwekileng lefatsheng lohle.
Shanghai Safran Water Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300262.SZ) e sebetsana le ho hloekisa metsi a indasteri, ho hloekisa metsi a masepala, ho hloekisa litšila tse tiileng, liteishene tsa ho lokisa khase ea tlhaho le litšebeletso tsa matla a ajoang. E sebelisa pholiso e iketselitseng ea condensate, deposition microfiltration, sludge drying, sistimi ea boemo ba khase ea tlhaho le mahlale a mang ho fa bareki lits'ebeletso tsa tharollo e le 'ngoe, ho kenyeletsoa moralo oa tekheniki, moralo oa boenjiniere, ts'ebetsong ea tekheniki, kopanyo ea sistimi, ho kenya sistimi le ho lokisa liphoso. , Ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa ts'ebetso, joalo-joalo.
Stina Resources Ltd. (CSE: SQA) hajwale e ntse e ntshetsapele morafo wa lewa wa Bisoni McKay wa vanadium o Nevada. Ka mor'a ho saena tumellano ea molao le America Greener Technologies ea ho aba Soft Wave Technology naheng ea Canada, hona joale Stina o boetse o kena indastering ea theknoloji ea tikoloho. Soft Wave ke mokhoa oa ho hloekisa metsi o se nang lik'hemik'hale o ka fanang ka chelete e ngata ea ho boloka litšenyehelo, melemo ea tikoloho le ea botho bakeng sa basebelisi ba malapa, likhoebo, lisebelisoa tsa motheo tsa phepelo ea metsi litoropong le lits'ebetso tse kholo tsa indasteri. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. The soft wave dissolves and suspends minerals in the water, thereby preventing the formation of scale in the pipe and eliminating the previous scale. Theknoloji ea Softwave e 'nile ea ntlafatsoa ka lilemo tse fetang tse tšeletseng' me esale e fumaneha khoebong United States lilemong tse tharo tse fetileng. During this period, in addition to many other well-known companies in North America, Soft Wave was also installed in locations such as Dole Foods, Fresh Express and Best Western Hotels. Soft Wave e senyehile ka botlalo, 'me phello ea ts'ebetso lapeng e tšoana le ea setsing sa motlakase. Benefits include reducing or eliminating all chemical additives in the water system, eliminating calcium and mineral deposits, reducing system maintenance or replacement costs, and saving significant costs while reducing environmental footprint. The application of soft wave technology in industrial cooling tower operations can reduce water evaporation without the need for chemical cleaning, which usually results in an increase in the number of cycles. The combination of these factors can reduce the need for make-up water and reduce blowdown water, thereby saving millions of gallons of water, reducing reliance on chemical treatment to prevent scaling and reducing production downtime. This means that large-scale industrial costs can be saved by reducing component wear, reducing liability, reducing overhead and improving efficiency. Ho na le bareki ba bangata ba ka bang teng, ho tloha litsing tsa motlakase ho ea ho tse hloekisang oli, limela tsa tšepe, ts'ebetso ea temo, lifeme tsa tlhahiso ea lijo, lits'ebetso tsa phepelo ea metsi litoropong le meaho ea bolulo.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa phepelo ea motlakase, phetisetso le meaho ea literene, a beha mohlala bakeng sa boqapi le mahlale a baballang tikoloho. Alstom e hahile terene e lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le tsela e tsamaeang ka tlas'a lefatše e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa, e fana ka litharollo tsa seteishene sa motlakase se kopaneng sa turnkey le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le mehloli e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa motlakase oa metsi, matla a nyutlelie, khase ea tlhaho, matla a mashala le moea, 'me e fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea tharollo ea phetisetso ea matla. , ka tsepamisa mohopolo ho tsa mriri e bohlale. Wave le matla a mangata, re ka pele ho theknoloji e kholo ea molatsoana o moholo ho nka monyetla oa ho khona ho sebelisana le theknoloji ea matla le boqapi ba matla ) .
Carnegie Wave Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: CWE.AX) ke moqapi ea thathamisitsoeng ho ASX, mong'a le moqapi oa theknoloji e nang le patente ea CETO wave energy, e fetolang katoloso ea maqhubu hore e be matla a tsosolositsoeng a tsoang ho zero le ho ntša letsoai metsi a hloekileng. Carnegie (Carnegie) o phahamisitse lidolara tse fetang limilione tse 80 ho tšehetsa nts'etsopele ea mahlale a CETO mme a amohela prototyping e ikhethang e potlakileng, ho kenyeletsoa papiso ea computational, tlhahlobo ea tanka ea wave, setsing sa eona sa poraefete sa lipatlisiso tsa matla a maqhubu, le tlhahlobo ea lebopong / kantle ho naha. at the site and commercial-scale marine testing at Garden Island in Western Australia. CETO e entsoe e le theknoloji e bonolo le e matla ka ho fetisisa ea maqhubu lefatšeng. Ka mor'a lilemo tse 10 tsa tsoelo-pele e tsoelang pele, teko le ntlafatso, hajoale e ntse e bontšoa ka tekanyo ea khoebo HMAS Stirling, setsi se seholo ka ho fetisisa sa metsing sa Australia se Sehlekehlekeng sa Garden, Australia Bophirimela. CETO ke eona feela tekhenoloji ea matla a maqhubu a leoatle e lekiloeng lefatšeng e ka qoelisoang ka botlalo le ho hlahisa motlakase le/kapa ho ntša metsi a letsoai lebōpong. Theknoloji ea CETO e netefalitsoe ka boikemelo ke EDF-Energies Nouvelles (EDF EN) le mokonteraka oa likepe oa Fora DCNS.
Ke pula-maliboho oa motlakase, Inc. àpt Theknoloji ea thepa ea OPT ea PowerBuoy® e itšetlehile ka moralo oa modular 'me e' nile ea e-ba tekong ea kamehla ea metsing ho tloha 1997. OPT e sebetsa ka mokhoa o khethehileng oa ho hlahisa matla a maqhubu a matla a maqhubu le tsamaiso ea tikoloho.
Stonehenge Metal Co., Ltd. (ASX: SHE.AX) e sebetsane le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea merero ea uranium Korea Boroa. Khamphani e boetse e hlahloba vanadium le molybdenum. Morero oa eona oa mantlha ke projeke ea Daejon e sebakeng sa Ogchon Basin. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e boetse e nkile karolo khoebong ea theknoloji ea ho fetolela matla a Protean wave. Stonehenge e hlophisa bocha khoebo ea eona le lithuso tsa lichelete ho tsepamisa maikutlo khoebong e ikhethileng le papatso ea machaba ea thekenoloji.
Sepheo se seholo sa Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) ke ho eketsa boleng ho ba nang le kabelo ka ho hlahisa le ho boloka lithahasello tsa nako e telele mererong ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ea Canada le thepa ea polokelo ea khase ea tlhaho e ka tlas'a lefatše ho latela litheko tsa 'maraka. Sepheo sa Tribute ke ho aha k'hamphani e ka finyellang le ho boloka kholo ea nako e telele ka karolo e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ka ho hlahisa merero ea matla e ka hlahisang chelete e tsitsitseng ea nako e telele ha e sebetsa ka botlalo. Morero oa khoebo oa lekhetho ke oa ho tseba, o lumelle, ho theha merero le ho aha merero e fihlelang litekanyetso tsa eona tsa thepa. Tribute e theha boleng ka ho tsebahatsa menyetla ea merero, ho fana ka boiphihlelo mererong ea nts'etsopele, le ho boloka thahasello ea thepa e phethiloeng, ka hona ho theha phallo ea chelete ea boleng bo botle ba nako e telele ka motheo oa thepa e matla le e fapaneng e amanang le matla. Morero oa maqhubu
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) is one of the most respected design, engineering and project management consulting companies in the world. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Akins e ka peletolo ea 'mala oa tikoloho e khanyang ea matla a khaphatsehang le lits'ebeletso tse qaqileng tsa boenjiniere naheng ea moea, wave le matla a motlakase.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) ke k'hamphani e etelletseng pele ea ts'ebeliso ea matla e tšoarellang e inehetseng ho tharollo ea motlakase oa lefatše ka bophara, oa letsatsi le oa metsi. 3Power e rera ho fa bareki matla a matala a boleng bo botle ho tsoa matleng a sireletsehileng le a ts'eptjoang a ka nchafatsoang ao Sehlopha se se hahang, se nang le sona le ho se sebetsa.
A-Power Energy Generation System Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: APWR), ka setsi sa eona sa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso naheng ea China, ke mofani ea ka sehloohong oa litsamaiso tsa phepelo ea motlakase China, 'me e ntse e atoloha ho fihlela tlhahiso ea mekhoa e meng ea ho fehla matla. Focusing on energy-saving and environmentally-friendly distributed power generation projects ranging from 25 to 400 MW, A-Power also operates one of the largest wind turbine manufacturing plants in China.
ABB Ltd. (NYSE: ABB) ke moetapele lefapheng la mahlale a matla le a boiketsetso a thusang bareki ba ts'ebeliso le indasteri ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ha ba ntse ba fokotsa tšusumetso ea bona tikolohong. The ABB group of companies operates in approximately 100 countries around the world and has approximately 140,000 employees. Wind Matlafatso ea Litharollo tsa Moea
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Acciona ke sebapali se seholo 'marakeng oa matla a nchafatsang, ka ts'ebetso e matla ea linaha tse fetang 20 / libaka tse hlano. The company specializes in working with renewable energy, especially five of them-wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, hydroelectric power and biomass energy.
Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang India, tse nang le projeke ea hajoale ea 5,290 MW. AGEL ke karolo ea boitlamo ba Adani Group ba ho fa India bokamoso bo betere, bo hloekileng le bo botala. Ka ho susumetsoa ke filosofi ea sehlopha ea "kholo e ntle", k'hamphani e nts'etsapele, e aha, e laola, e sebetsa le ho boloka merero e amanang le marang-rang e amanang le matla a letsatsi le mapolasi a moea. Motlakase o fehloang o fuoa mekhatlo e bohareng le ea naha le lik'hamphani tse tšehelitsoeng ke 'muso.
AeroVironment, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AVAV) ke mofani oa tharollo ea theknoloji. Tharollo e nyane ea modular wind turbine ea AeroVironment e ikemiselitse ho fana ka tharollo e khahlehang, e matla, le e hloekileng ea ho hlahisa matla e ka kopanngoang habonolo meahong e mecha le e teng ea khoebo. Ho fapana le meralo e meng e nyane ea turbine ea moea, Architectural Wind™ e kopanya ts'ebetso le botle bo botle ho theha sistimi ea pele ea modular le e ntlafalitsoeng ea sebopeho sa turbine e nyane ea moea. Moralo o nang le tokelo ea molao oa AeroVironment le mokhoa o mocha oa ho beha maemo o nka monyetla oa ho potlakisa lebelo la moea la tlhaho le hlahisoang ke litšobotsi tsa moea tsa moaho. Lebelo lena le potlakileng la moea le ka eketsa moloko oa matla oa turbine ho feta 50% ha e bapisoa le matla a ho potlakisa. Ha ho bapisoa le moea oa moea oa kalafo ea moea oa moea oa kalafo, likarolo tse bobebe le tse bobebe le tsona li na le lerata le tlase le ho ba le vibrate nakong ea ts'ebetso.
Alerion Clean Energy Company (Milan: ARN.MI) ke sehlopha sa indasteri se sebetsanang ka ho khetheha le tšebeliso ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ho hlahisa motlakase, haholo-holo tšimong ea matla a moea. Alerion Clean Power is a leading independent industrial company in Italy, dedicated to the production of green energy.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) ke k'hamphani ea mefuta e fapaneng ea ho fehla, ho fetisa le ho fana ka matla Amerika Leboea. Sehlopha sa kabo se sebetsa United States mme se fana ka litšebeletso tse laoloang ke theko ea metsi, motlakase le khase ea tlhaho ho bareki ba fetang 489,000. Sehlopha se sa laolweng sa ho fehla motlakase se na le kapa se na le potefolio ya disebediswa tse fehlang motlakase wa moya, wa letsatsi, o fehlwang ka metsi, le kgase ya tlhaho tse fumanehang Amerika Leboya, tse nang le matla a kentsweng a fetang dimekawate tse 1,050. Sehlopha sa Phetiso se tsetetse ho phetiso ea matla e laoloang ke sekhahla le lits'ebetso tsa lipeipi tsa khase ea tlhaho United States le Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities e fihletse kholo e tsitsitseng ka ho atolosa mecha ea merero ea ntlafatso ea matla a ka nchafatsoang, kholo ea tlhaho ka har'a likhoebo tse laoloang tsa kabo ea motlakase le phetisetso, le ho lelekisa theko ea boleng bo eketsehileng.
Alliant Energy Corporation (NYSE: LNT) is the parent company of two utility companies (Interstate Power and Lighting Company and Wisconsin Power and Lighting Company) and Alliant Energy Resources, LLC. Alliant Energy Resources, LLC ke khoebo e sa laoleheng ea k'hamphani ea Alliant Energy Parent. Alliant Energy is an energy service provider whose utility subsidiary serves approximately 1 million electricity and 410,000 natural gas customers. Ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa motlakase tse hatisitsoeng le tsa khase ea tlhaho ho bareki bohareng ke mohopolo oa mantlha oa k'hamphani. Alliant Energy e ikarabella ho Madison, Wisconsin mme ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tsa Fortune 1000. Khamphani e na le mapolasi a mane a moea ho Iowa, Minnesota le Wiseconsin.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa phepelo ea motlakase, phetisetso le meaho ea literene, a beha mohlala bakeng sa boqapi le mahlale a baballang tikoloho. Alstom e hahile terene e lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng le tsela e tsamaeang ka tlas'a lefatše e nang le bokhoni bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa, e fana ka litharollo tsa seteishene sa motlakase se kopaneng sa turnkey le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le mehloli e fapaneng ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa motlakase oa metsi, matla a nyutlelie, khase ea tlhaho, matla a mashala le moea, 'me e fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea tharollo ea phetisetso ea matla. , ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho li-grids tse bohlale. Alstom has 30 years of experience in the field of wind power, providing global energy solutions, from developing, designing and setting up wind farms to supplying and maintaining wind turbines.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra e na le karolo ea 247 MW ea matla ana 'me e hlahisa ho feta 1,250 GWh ea matla a hloekileng selemo le selemo. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra e lebelletsoe ho ba le beng ba 50% (hona joale ke 100%). Kamora ho phethelwa ha diporojeke tsena tse pedi, Alterra e tla sebedisa dipolante tse supileng tsa motlakase tse nang le matla a kakaretso a 819 MW mme e tla ba le 381 MW ya matla ao, e tla hlahisa ho feta 1,700 GWh ya eneji e hlwekileng selemo le selemo. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) For more than 100 years, AMEC has provided detailed design, engineering and construction for power developers, utilities, industries, contractors, financial institutions, governments, and renewable energy technology developers. Litšebeletso tsa Tsamaiso. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) e hlahisitse mehopolo, mahlale le litharollo tse fapaneng ho fihlela tlhoko ea lefats'e ea ho ba bohlale, bohloeki… matla a betere(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. The company's solutions are now powering gigawatts of renewable energy around the world and have improved the performance and reliability of power networks in more than a dozen countries. AMSC was founded in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Ka tlatsetso ya eneji ya nyutlelie le eneji e ka ntjhafatswang, Sehlopha sa Areva se nyehela ho thehoeng ha mmotlolo wa hosane wa eneji: ho fa palo e kgolo ya batho matla a bolokehileng, a fokolang a carbon dioxide. Sehlopha sa Aterese se na le letoto la matla a matla a matla a matla: matla a moea a ho fetelletseng, matla a Biohlener, matla a maholo a letsatsi le a matla. Ho hlahisa matla a moea: Ho kopanya tsebo ea matla a moea a Gamesa le AREVA le rekoto e pharalletseng, Adwen e ikemiselitse ho ba k'hamphani e etelletseng pele ho matla a moea a tsoang lebopong la Europe ka 2020 ka pompo ea projeke ea 2.8 GW le karolo ea mmaraka e ka bang 20%. .
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Limela tsena tsa matla li kenyelletsa limela tsa motlakase oa potoloho e le 'ngoe le potoloho e kopaneng ea matla a khase ea tlhaho, hammoho le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla, ho kenyeletsoa biodiesel, ethanol, le lisebelisoa tse tsamaisoang ke mehloli ea matla e nchafalitsoeng joalo ka moea le letsatsi. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
Arise AB (Stockholm: ARISE.ST) ke khamphani e kopantseng ya matla a moya e laolang methati yohle ya ketane ya boleng, ho tloha ho ntshetsopele ya projeke ho isa thekisong ya motlakase o motala o hlahiswang ke di turbine tsa rona tsa lebopong la moya. Sepheo sa kakaretso sa k'hamphani ke ho fa beng ba liabo chelete e ngata ka mokhoa oa likhaello le kholo ea lichelete ka lichelete tse sebetsang hantle, ts'ebetso ea tsamaiso le nts'etsopele ea merero lefapheng la matla a tsosolositsoeng.
Atlantic Wind & Solar Inc. (OTC: AWSL) ke moqapi ea rekisoang phatlalatsa oa thepa ea matla a tsosolositsoeng, a shebane le nts'etsopele ea matla a letsatsi a photovoltaic (PV) le matla a moea.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. Lipatlisiso le lihlahisoa tsa AVX li bohlokoa bakeng sa mahlale a macha a "tala" a etselitsoeng ho boloka matla a teng le ho theha mekhoa e tšepahalang le e theko e tlaase ho sebelisa matla a ka nchafatsoang joalo ka moea, letsatsi le motlakase oa metsi. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE: B) ke moetsi oa machaba oa indasteri le sefofane le mofani oa litšebeletso, o sebeletsang mefuta e mengata ea limmaraka le bareki. Barnes Group (Barnes Group) provides highly engineered products, differentiated industrial technologies and innovative solutions for a wide range of applications, providing transportation, manufacturing, healthcare products and technologies to the world. The Seeger-Orbis subsidiary produces a variety of DIN standardized and customized retaining rings and snap rings for the wind power industry. Re boetse re fana ka lihlahisoa tsa likarolo tse ling bakeng sa ho lokisa le ho lokisa lebokose la li-gearbox, tse ntseng li ba bohlokoa le ho feta indastering eohle ea matla a moea.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) ke moetsi oa motlakase eo khoebo ea hae ea mantlha e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele le ts'ebetsong ea liteishene tsa motlakase o tsosolositsoeng. Boralex e na le basebetsi ba ka bang 250 'me e tsebahala ka boitseanape ba eona le boiphihlelo bo bongata mefuteng e mene ea phepelo ea motlakase: moea, metsi, mocheso le letsatsi. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
BP plc (NYSE: BP) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse itlhommeng pele lefatšeng ka bophara tsa oli le khase. We provide customers with transportation fuels, heat and light energy, lubricants to run engines, and petrochemical products used to make daily necessities (such as paint, clothing, and packaging). BP Wind Energy ke eona mong'a le ea ka sehloohong oa lisebelisoa tsa matla a moea. Jwaloka monga ona le mosebeletsi ya ka sehloohong wa disebediswa tsa matla a moya (tse amanang haholo le mapolasi a moya a 16 diterekeng tse 9 United States), kakaretso ya matla a rona a ho fehla motlakase e haufi le dimekawate tse 2,600. Sena se lekane ho fana ka motlakase bakeng sa toropo boholo ba Washington. Hajoale re ntse re haha mapolasi a mabeli a mefokolo, a tla eketsa meloko ea rona ea matla ka makhetlo a 375 megawatts.
Broadwind Energy, Inc. (NasdaqCM: BWEN) e sebelisa lilemo tse mashome tsa boiphihlelo bo tebileng ba indasteri ho qapa litharollo tse kopaneng bakeng sa bareki 'marakeng oa matla le meaho. Ho tloha ho li-gear le lisebelisoa tsa lisebelisoa bakeng sa moea, tšepe, oli le khase, le lisebelisoa tsa merafo, ho ea ho litora tsa moea, ho tsosolosa ka ho feletseng li-gearbox le li-blades, ho ea lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo, le li-welding tsa indasteri, re fana ka matla bakeng sa bokamoso ho fana ka tharollo. Sehlopha sa basebetsi ba nang le talenta ba Broadwind Energy se na le makala ho pholletsa le United States, a ikemiselitseng ho thusa bareki ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea bona ea matsete kapele, ha bonolo le ka bohlale.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) e sebetsa e 'ngoe ea li-platform tse kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng tse rekisoang ka matla a hloekileng a ka nchafatsoang. Phatlalatso ea lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani e akaretsa litsamaiso tsa linōka tse 74 le limmaraka tsa motlakase tse 14 Amerika Leboea, Latin America le Europe, haholo-holo motlakase oa metsi, o nang le kakaretso e kentsoeng ea ho feta 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders. Morero oa matla a moea: Ka 2006, Brookfield e ile ea fana ka projeke ea eona ea pele ea matla a moea, Prince Wind Farm leboea-bophirima ho Sault Ste. Mary, Ontario, Canada. Kajeno, Brookfield e na le lisebelisoa tse 37 tsa matla a moea linaheng tse tšeletseng: Canada, United States, Rephabliki ea Ireland le Northern Ireland, Brazil le Portugal.
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (São Paulo: ELET6.SA) ke moetapele oa tsamaiso, e entsoeng ka lithuso tse tšeletseng, lik'hamphani tse tšeletseng tsa kabo ea matla, setsi sa lipatlisiso tsa matla a motlakase (Eletrobras Cepel) le Eletrobras Participações SA (Eletrobras Eletropar), 'me ke tsamaiso Mong'a Itaipu Binacional o na le 50% ea chelete ea kabelo. Eletrobras provides power, welfare and development to the Brazilian people through its 180 hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, wind power plants and nuclear power plants, half of Brazil's transmission lines and six power distribution companies. Li-electrobras li hohle naheng. Its company is responsible for the country's 42987 MW of installed power generation capacity, which accounts for 34% of the total local installed capacity. Ho na le limela tse 45 tsa motlakase oa hydroelectic, limela tse 12 tse futhumatsang matla, lijalo tse 8 tse futhumetseng le limela tsa matla a nyutlelie.
China Datang Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1798.HK) e hlahisa le ho rekisa matla a moea le matla a mang a ka nchafatsoang ho People's Republic of China. E boetse e nts'etsapele, e tsetela, e aha le ho laola phepelo ea matla a moea; le mehloli e meng ea matla a ka nchafatsoang, ho kenyeletsoa matla a letsatsi, biomass, le methane ea mashala. Ho feta moo, e boetse e kenya letsoho mesebetsing ea konteraka ea ts'ebetso ea matla; lipatlisiso tsa thekenoloji ea khabone e tlase, nts'etsopele, ts'ebeliso le phahamiso; lipatlisiso, thekiso, teko le tlhokomelo ea lisebelisoa tse amanang le matla a ka nchafatsoang; tlhahiso ea matla; boenjiniere; kaho ea lehae le ea lehae le ho kenya; merero ea motlakase Tokiso le tlhokomelo; ho reka kantle le ho romela thepa le thekenoloji ya eneji e ka tsosoloswang; matsete a kantle ho naha; phano ea litšebeletso tsa boeletsi tse amanang le matla a tsosolositsoeng; and property leasing. China Datang Group Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. ke katlase ho China Datang Group Corporation.
China High Speed Transmission Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0658.HK) e sebetsana le lipatlisiso, moralo, nts'etsopele, tlhahiso le kabo ea lisebelisoa tsa phetisetso ea mochini Rephabliking ea People of China le machabeng. Its product portfolio includes wind turbine transmission equipment; marine gear transmission equipment; transmission equipment for high-speed locomotives, subways and urban light rail systems; traditional gear transmission equipment; computer numerical control machine tools; and marine diesel engines, diesel engines for power generation, and gasoline engines. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li boetse li kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa ho haha le lisebelisoa tsa ho tsamaisa thepa, le tsa polasetiki le li-craters tsa mochini oa motlakase, moloko oa li-craners Li-gearbox tsa tsoekere, li fokola tsa tsoekere, li-cookiniki tsa litšoantšo, li-colors tsa diar, li-gere tse ngata li hlahisoa le ho rekisa tšepe le lisebelisoa tsa eona, litulo, lisebelisoa, Li-gearboo tsa GARARS, li tsamaisa lisebelisoa tsa ho khanna, lisebelisoa tse boima le lisebelisoa tsa ho hlaphoheloa, lisebelisoa tse bapisoang le lisebelisoa tsa mochini le lisebelisoa tsa mochini. Ho phaella moo, e boetse e kopanela boenjiniere ba metallurgical le ho etsa le ho rekisa likhoebo. E sebeletsa metallurgy, thepa ea kaho, lipalangoang, lipalangoang, petrochemical, aerospace le liindasteri tsa merafo. Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li romelloa United States, India, Japane le Europe.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. Ho feta moo, e boetse e tsamaisa merero e meng e kang matla a mocheso, matla a letsatsi, matla a maqhubu, matla a biomass le matla a mocheso oa mocheso. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. After years of accumulation, the company has gradually established ten wind power technology and service support systems, in the preliminary measurement of wind power, design consultation, equipment procurement, operation monitoring, inspection and maintenance, technical research and development, technical support, technical development, technical support, technology Support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support and other fields have formed unique advantages. Professional Training.
China Mingyang Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (NYSE: MY) ke moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa turbine ea moea naheng ea China, e ikemiselitseng ho rala, ho etsa, ho rekisa le ho hlokomela li-turbine tsa moea tsa megawatt. Mingyang e hlahisa li-turbine tsa moea tse tsoetseng pele le tse feto-fetohang tse nang le tlhahiso e phahameng ea matla, 'me e fa bareki lits'ebeletso tse felletseng tsa kamora thekiso. Ming Yang e sebelisana le Aerodyne Energiesysteme, e leng e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse etelletseng pele lefatšeng ka bophara tsa boqapi ba mochini oa mochini oa moea, tse ntlo-kholo li leng Jeremane, ho nts'etsapele li-turbine tsa moea ka kopanelo. Mabapi le matla a macha a kentsoeng, Mingyang e ne e le moetsi oa turbine ea moea o phahameng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng ka 2013 le moetsi e moholo ka ho fetisisa eo e seng oa mmuso oa China.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Khampani e nts'etsapele le ho rekisa litharollo tsa motlakase tse tsoang kantle ho gridi e bohlale le lits'ebeletso tsa taolo tse thehiloeng marung bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa letsatsi, moea le motlakase (joalo ka mabone a seterateng, lits'ireletso, lits'ebetso tsa likhokahano, phepelo ea motlakase ea tšohanyetso le lisebelisoa tsa Marang-rang. Clear Blue. e tlas'a mofuta oa eona oa Illumient, E boetse e rekisa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a tsoang ka ntle a letsatsi le matla a moea.
Minas Gerais Perporaisce (Cemig) (NYSE: Cig) ke e 'ngoe ea lekala la matla la Brazil hobane e na le likarolo tse 103 le 15 Consorties. Ena ke k'hamphani e bulehileng ea capital e laoloang ke mmuso oa naha oa Minas Gerais, e nang le beng ba liabo ba 114,000 linaheng tse 44. Ho phaella ho Distrito Federal, Cemig e boetse e sebetsa linaheng tse 22 tsa Brazil, 'me e sebelisa mohala oa phetisetso naheng ea Chile o etsang kopano le Alusa. Khampani e ile ea atolosa karolo ea eona ho Leseli 'me ea nka taolo ea k'hamphani ea kabo ea matla, e fanang ka litšebeletso motseng oa Rio de Janeiro le metse e meng e sebakeng sa lebitso le tšoanang. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig hape ke eona feela k'hamphani ea motlakase Latin America e kenyellelitsoeng ho Global Dow Index. Emig o na le karolo ea boraro har'a ba leng bahlahisi ba motlakase ba 65, limela tsa motlakase tsa motlakase, tse tharo ho na le limela tsa matla a motlakase. Ho beha bokhoni bo behiloeng ke 6,925 GW.
Concord New Enegnager (HKG: 0182.hk) (eo pele e neng e le 'nete ea China Ho fihlela joale, ke rona feela k'hamphani ea ho fehla matla a hloekileng e kenyellelitsoeng ho ea holimo e thathamisitsoeng ho Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Libakeng tse nang le lisebelisoa tse ngata tsa moea le tsa letsatsi, CNE e 'nile ea sebetsa ka mafolofolo ho haha limela tsa moea le tsa letsatsi, ho etsa litharollo tse ka tšeptjoang bakeng sa phetoho ea matla a tsosolositsoeng, le ho fana ka tšehetso le litšebeletso tsa litsebi. CNe o ikemiselitse ho fana ka litharollo tse kopaneng bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea moea le matla a letsatsi. CNE e konokono khoebo e akarelletsa moea le letsatsi matsete a polasi, tshebetso le ditshebeletso (tswelopele pele, moralo le boeletsi, kaho, tshebetso le tlhokomelo, le tlhahiso e ncha ea matla thepa). CNE e tsetetse ho feta mapolasi a moea a 30 le mapolasi a letsatsi libakeng tse 26 ho kenyelletsa Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangxi, New York, mme e thehiloe libakeng tse 26 Setsi sa Tsamaiso ea Setereke. United States, United States of Hawaii. Eseng seo feela, sefuba se boetse se na le boqapi ba matla le lik'hamphani tsa limela tsa matla le liphallelo tsa Winding. Ho feta moo, CNE e boetse e na le mangolo a thuto le moralo mafapheng a matla a moea le matla a letsatsi, le konteraka ka kakaretso ea merero ea motlakase. Hajoale, CNE ke k'hamphani ea profeshenale ea moea le matla a letsatsi a hlahisang matla a letsatsi a nang le ketane e felletseng ea liindasteri lefapheng la moea le motlakase oa letsatsi naheng ea China. CNE e na le sehlopha se phahameng sa lisebelisoa tsa batho le sehlopha sa tsamaiso
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. It operates through integrated energy and other fields. The company produces, buys and retails electricity and natural gas. E hlahisa motlakase ho tsoana ka hydropower, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le matla a futhumatsang le matla a moea. Khampani le eona e ameha thekisong ea khase ea peterole e khethiloeng. E sebeletsa ba rekisang bolulo, khoebo le liindasteri. Ntle le moo, e boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa limithara ho barekisi ba bang.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) e fana ka litharollo tsa theknoloji ea matla a tsosolositsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. E fana ka litharollo tsa LED tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a ka ntle le a ka hare, ho kenyelletsa le sebaka sa ho paka likoloi le mabone a seterateng, mabone a likhohola, mabone a sephethephethe, mabone a tlaase le a bulbs, mabone a fluorescent le mekhoa e tloaelehileng. Khamphani e boetse e rekisa li-turbine tsa moea tsa WePOWER vertical axis wind, ho kenyeletsoa li-turbine tsa moea tsa marang-rang le li-off-grid bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bolulo, tsa khoebo, tsa indasteri le tsa mmuso; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; le mekhoa ea mabone ea khoebo ea Skystream. Ho feta moo, e fana ka letoto la litharollo tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang, ho kenyelletsa thekiso, waranti, lits'ebeletso tsa ho kenya le ho beha leihlo. Khampani e fana ka litšebeletso ho lik'hamphani tse ikemetseng, lik'hamphani tsa sechaba, mekhatlo ea 'muso, litsi tsa thuto le metse ea bolulo.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ke 'muso o moholo ka ho fetisisa United States, o fana ka bareki ba Amerika ba limilione tse 7,3. Re hlahisa li-Mgawatts tse ka bang 570 000 tsa motlakase Carolina, bohareng ba Milina, bohareng le Florida, 'me re fana ka litšebeletso tsa kabe tsa khase ho Ohio le Kentucky. Khoebo ea rona ea khoebo le ea machaba e na le thepa e fapaneng ea matla Amerika Leboea le Latin America, ho kenyeletsoa libaka tsa thepa ea matla. Duke Energy e ikarabella ho Charlotte, North Carolina mme ke k'hamphani ea Fortune 250. Wind energy: Duke Energy owns and operates a total of 11 wind farms: four in Wyoming, three in Texas, and one in Colorado, Kansas, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Duke Energy Renewable Energy e tla sebetsa mapolasi a matjha a matjha a maholo a fehlwang ka moya a nang le kakaretso ya matla a ho fehla motlakase a fetang dimekawate tse 600 le mesi e tswang lefela. These new wind farms include two wind farms in Texas, one wind farm in Kansas and one wind farm in Pennsylvania.
Ho tloha ka 1802, Dupont (NYSE: DD) e hlahisitse mahlale a maemo a lefatše le mahlale a boenjiniere ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tsa lefatše ka mokhoa oa lihlahisoa tse ncha ka mokhoa oa ho ithuta The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and tikoloho. Re ikemiseditse ho hlahisa ditharollo tsa boiqapelo le tse ka kgonehang moruong ka mefuta e fapaneng ya dithekenoloji ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa matla tsa lefatshe. Ho tloha mehloling ea matla e tsosolositsoeng e kang photovoltaics, matla a moea, biofuel le lisele tsa mafura ho ea ho tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, ho etsa hore lipatlisiso, tlhahiso le lipalangoang tsa oli le khase li atlehe haholoanyane, lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa DuPont li thusa ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng, botšepehi le litšenyehelo tse tlaase. , polokeho e phahameng le ho fokotsa sebaka sa tikoloho. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li tšehetsa polokelo ea matla le theknoloji ea ho boloka matla nakong eohle ea tlhahiso ea matla, kabo le ts'ebetso ea ho e fetola.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy marang-rang le tharollo ea bareki ke motheo oa lefats'e le lecha la matla. Matla a Moea: Re sebelisa moea o holim'a lefatše le leoatleng ho hlahisa matla a baballang tikoloho. In the ever-growing renewable energy market, we play a key role in the wind energy industry and are already among the top ten wind energy operators in the world-we hope to develop further. Europe le United States, re sebetsa mapolasi a moea a theohang a nang le matla a kentsoeng a ka bang 4.000 MW. Tsena li kenyelletsa Roscoe, Texas, eo turbine ea eona ea moea ea 782 MW e leng e 'ngoe ea mapolasi a moea a maholohali a lebopong lefatšeng. Re basebetsi ba boraro ba kholo ka ho fetisisa ba polasing ea moea kantle ho naha lefatšeng. Through cooperation with DONG Energy and Masdar, we recently completed the London Array, which is the world's largest offshore wind farm with an installed capacity of 630 MW. It provides enough clean energy for nearly half of British households. Hajoale re theha projeke ea pele ea khoebo ea E.ON ea matla a moea a tsoang kantle ho leoatle Jeremane, e leng Amrumbank West. Hang ha e phethiloe, Amrumbank West e tla fana ka motlakase o lekaneng bakeng sa matlo a Jeremane a 300,000 selemo se seng le se seng. Re ikemiseditse ho ntshetsapele matsete a maholo le ho hodisa bokgoni ba rona ba lebopong le kantle ho naha. Ka nako e ts'oanang, re hahamalla lipehelo tse tiileng tsa phokotso ea litšenyehelo ho etsa hore matla a moea e be a tlholisano le a theko e tlase.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Re nts'etsapele khoebo mebarakeng ea lefats'e mme re tsoela pele ho holisa khoebo ea rona libakeng tse ncha, re ikemiselitse ho boloka boemo bo etelletseng pele 'marakeng o mong le o mong le ho theha boleng bakeng sa ba amehang le ba nang le kabelo. Khoebo ea EDPR e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a moea a boleng bo holimo le litsi tsa motlakase oa letsatsi lefatšeng ka bophara. Ho kenyeletsoa ka hare ho mekhahlelo ena e meraro ea bohlokoa ea nts'etsopele ea projeke le sepheo sa ntlafatso e tsoelang pele li bohlokoa ho fumana boleng bo bongata ho tsoa thepa ea rona.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) ke khamphani e kholo ea matsete e sebetsanang le matla a letsatsi le matla a moea a lebopong le ts'ebetso ea lipaka. Ha e shebane le ho tsetela morerong oa Greenfield ho tloha qalong, ebile ha e nahane ka likotsi tse kholo tsa nts'etsopele kapa kaho. E batla ho ikhula matseteng nakong ea lilemo tse hlano ho isa ho tse supileng ka li-IPO, thekiso ea khoebo, theko ea bobeli kapa ho reka hape. Khampani e batla ho tsetela ka ntle ho leqephe la eona la tekanyo. E shebane le ho fumana le ho sebetsa mapolasi a letsatsi le moea a turnkey ho tsoa 'marakeng oa bobeli. Khampani e ka tsetela e le mohoebi-'moho le eena. Encavis AG e thehiloe ka 1996 'me e thehiloe Hamburg, Jeremane.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPP.MI_) E ikemiselitse ho nts'etsopele le taolo ea moloko oa matla a matla a matla maemong a machabeng, ka lits'ebetso tsa Europe le American. Enel Green Power e sebelisa mehloli eohle ea matla a ka nchafatsoang ho hlahisa matla ka mekhahlelo e mengata ea merero ea matla a moea, a nang le metsi, a mocheso, a letsatsi le a biomass. Moea: Khoebo ea rona e akaretsa Europe, Latin America le North America, haholo-holo United States. Morero oa rona o ntse o tsoela pele ka potlako. Re rera ho aha dimekawate tse ka bang 1,000 tsa motlakase United States. EnelGreen Power e rerile ho tsoelapele ka boitlamo ba eona ba ho sireletsa tikoloho ea naha ea tlhaho, le ho netefatsa hore e nka bohlokoa bo boholo ho hokahanya mapolasi a moea le tikoloho e potolohileng le nts'etsopele ea sechaba ea libaka tse amanang, ha e ntse e tsoela pele ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho boqapi le libaka tse ncha tsa moea. matla, joalo ka lifeme tsa motlakase tse kantle ho naha. Bakeng sa lifeme tse ntseng li hahuoa hajoale, litataiso tse ntlafalitsoeng ke Enel Green Power li kenyelletsa tšebeliso ea boholo bo loketseng bakeng sa palo ea li-turbine sebakeng se seng le se seng ho theha moralo o fihlelang litlhoko tsa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho. Other measures have also been taken, such as: low-reflective coatings and “hidden” coatings are being tested in cooperation with several universities, especially for offshore factories.
Enedyymic hybrid ea mahlale corp. (TSX: EHT.V) e fana ka tharollo ea matla, e nang le matla. Lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa matla le litharollo li ka kengoa hang-hang moo ho hlokahalang. Eht e kopanya sete e felletseng ea Solar Photovoltaic, matla a moea le tharollo ea battery ea ho hlahella ho bahlolisano. Tharollo e ka fana ka matla ka lifomate tse nyane le tse kholo lihora tse 24 ka letsatsi. Ntle le ts'ehetso ea moetlo bakeng sa li-grid tsa matla a motlakase, eht le eona e ntle haholo moo ho se nang grid ea matla. Mokhatlo o kopanya tharollo ea matla a ho boloka matla le matla a ts'ebetso ea ho fana ka tharollo ea tikoloho e fapaneng. Tsebo ea EHT e kenyelletsa nts'etsopele ea meaho ea modular le kopanyo e felletseng le litharollo tse bohlale tsa matla. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebetsoa ka lebaka la tlhahiso ea tlhahiso ea Eht e nang le lits'ebetso tse ntle: matlo a mangata, likopano tsa bolulo le tsa nakoana / tsa bolulo.
Energias de Portugal SA (Lisbon: EDP.LS) ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo lefapheng la eneji Europe; we are one of the largest energy operators in the Iberian Peninsula, the largest Portuguese industrial group and the third largest wind energy producer.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (eo pele e neng e le GDF Suez) ke mofani oa thepa ea matla lefatšeng ka bophara ebile ke setsebi sa tšebetso likarolong tse tharo tsa bohlokoa tsa litšebeletso tsa motlakase, khase ea tlhaho le matla. Liphetoho tsa sechaba tse tšehetsoeng ke sehlopha ha lia itšetleha feela ka kholo ea moruo, tsoelo-pele ea sechaba le tšireletso ea mehloli ea tlhaho. Engin e na le bokhoni bo hlahisang ba 115.3 GW mme hona joale ke moetsi oa matla o ikhethileng lefatšeng. Setsi sa eona sa ho fehla motlakase ke se seng sa tse fapaneng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng. Kaha keketseho ea tlhahiso ea motlakase e ke ke ea senya tekano ea tikoloho, ENGIE e ikemiselitse ho nts'etsapele lits'ebetso tse ncha mme e rata litharollo tse nang le ts'ebetso e phahameng ka ho fetesisa le likhase tse tlase tsa carbon dioxide. Ho fihlela joale, 22% ea motlakase oa sehlopha o tsoa mehloling e ka nchafatsoang. Hydropower is undoubtedly the main energy source to be developed, but wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy are becoming more and more important in the energy structure.
ESI Energy Services Inc. (CSE: OPI) is a plumbing equipment leasing and sales company with main operations in Leduc, Alberta and Phoenix, Arizona. The company supplies (leases) backfill separators (“fillers”) to mainline pipeline contractors through its operating subsidiaries ESI Pipeline Services Limited (“ESIPSL”) and Ozzie's Pipeline Padder, Inc. (“OPI”). , Lipeipi tsa Oilfield le likonteraka tsa kaho, likonteraka tsa kaho ea ts'ebeliso ea ts'ebeliso le borakonteraka ba matla a ka nchafatsoang (moea le letsatsi).
Motlakase wa Moya wa Bochabela bo Hare (OTC: FEWP) o tsepamisitse maikutlo hodima ntshetsopele, kaho le tshebetso ya diporojeke tsa tekanyo ya tshebediso ya matla a moya Rephaboliking ya People of China.
Fersa Energias Renovables SA (Madrid: FRS.MC) e thehiloe ka 2000 mme ke khamphani ea pele e ikemetseng e thathamisitsoeng ho Spanish Stock Exchange, e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele ea matla a tsosolositsoeng, haholo matla a moea. Sepheo sa k'hamphani ke ho sebelisa 100% matla a tsosolositsoeng ho hlahisa motlakase. FRSA e qalile khoebo ea eona ea machaba ka 2008 mme ea qala ho nts'etsapele khoebo ea eona maemong a machabeng. FERSA hajoale e sebetsa lik'honthinenteng tse tharo: Amerika, Europe le Asia.
Ke k'hamphani ea pele ea ho nahafala ea naha (OTC: Fnec) ke mohatelli oa matla a khutlisetsang ho fihlela tlhoko e hloekileng ea matla a hloekileng, e nchafatseng. Tlhokomeliso ea First National e holim'a matla a tala, e leng mohloli o hōlang ka potlako oa phepelo ea motlakase lefatšeng ka bophara. Sehlopha sa First National sa ditsebi tse nang le boiphihlelo se kopanya mmoho ntshetsopele ya projeke e felletseng, bokgoni ba botekgeniki, ditjhelete le ho bapatsa ho rala, ho aha le ho tsamaisa disebediswa tsa matla a moya.
Gamesa Corp (Madrid: GAM.MC) e na le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 21 'me e kentse libeteri tsa 31,200 MW linaheng tse fetang 50. Gamesa ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa theknoloji indastering ea matla a moea. Karabelo ea eona e felletseng e boetse e kenyelletsa taolo ea lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo ea li-turbine tsa moea tse fetang 20,700 MW. Khampani e na le litsi tsa tlhahiso marakeng a ka sehloohong a matla a moea: Spain le Chaena, e le litsi tsa lefats'e tsa tlhahiso le phepelo, ha li ntse li boloka matla a tlhahiso ea lehae India, United States le Brazil. Gemei a hape ke moetapele wa lefatshe ka bophara ntshetsopeleng, kahong le thekisong ya mapolasi a moya, a kentsweng 6,400 MW lefatsheng ka bophara. Gemei ke karolo ea li-index tsa mantlha tsa machaba tsa ts'ebetso: FTSE4Good le Ethibel.
GC China Turbine Corp (OTC: GCHT) e etsa le ho rekisa lifensetere tsa moea naheng ea People's Republic of China. E fana ka li-turbine tsa moea tsa 2-blade le 3-blade 1.0 MW bakeng sa indasteri ea lisebelisoa. Khamphani e thehiloe ka 2006 mme e na le ntlo-kholo ea eona Wuhan, China
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) e inahanela lintho tseo ba bang ba sa kang ba e etsa, e haha lintho tseo ba bang ba ke keng ba e etsa, ’me e fana ka liphello tse etsang hore lefatše e be sebaka se molemonyana. GE e kopanya lefatše la 'mele le la dijithale ka tsela eo ho seng k'hamphani e' ngoe e ka bapisoang le eona. GE o bōpile nako e latelang ea indasteri e latelang ea likweretori tsa eona le lifeme le tšebelisano 'moho le bareki ho sisinyeha, matla le ho folisa lefatše. GE e sebelisa theknoloji e hloekileng le e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa le tharollo ea matla ho matlafatsa lefatše. Wind power: GE Renewable Energy is one of the world's leading suppliers of wind turbines. Our current product portfolio includes turbines with a rated capacity of 1.7 MW to 3.2 MW. Ho feta moo, litšebeletso tsa tšehetso tseo re fanang ka tsona li akaretsa ntho e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe ho tloha ho thuso ea ntlafatso ho ea ho ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo. Hore na o qalong ea leeto la hau la matla a moea kapa o batla nts'etsopele, re ka u fa litšebeletso tseo u li hlokang.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE:: GOOD.L) is a vertically integrated utility company whose 100% of its electricity comes from renewable energy. Sehlopha se fana ka motlakase ho malapa a fetang 51,500 le bareki ba khoebo, 'me se fana ka khase ea tlhaho ho bareki ba malapa ba fetang 25,000. E boetse e fana ka lijenereithara tse tala tse ikemetseng tse fetang 76,000 ho sechaba se ntseng se hola ho pholletsa le UK. Sehlopha se fana ka motlakase ka litsela tse tharo, ebang ke thepa ea eona ea ho hlahisa matla a tsosolositsoeng, ho tsoa ho bahlahisi ba bang ba UK ba matla a tsosolositsoeng, kapa ka ho toba ho tsoa 'marakeng. Sehlopha se batla ho ba 19% ea motlakase oa eona ka polasing ea eona ea moea o liehang moea o fokang moea o fokang moea o nang le kally. The company owns 9.2MW of onshore wind energy assets in North Cornwall. E boetse e tsetetse ho Good Energy's e ncha Projeke ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ea Generation Ltd, e rera ho aha polasi ea moea ea 4.6 MW Aberdeenshire.
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) ke sebapali se seholo indastering ea matla e ntseng e hola ea India ebile e le mong'a 'maraka ea etelletseng pele le ea tsamaisang merero ea matla a hloekileng India. The group is building a risk-free portfolio of wind energy, hydropower, natural gas and biomass assets in India.
Greentech Energy Systems (Copenhagen: GES.CO) ke k'hamphani ea matla e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea merero ea matla a tsosolositsoeng le lifeme tsa motlakase. Greentech e ikemiselitse ho atolosa machaba 'me e ikemiselitse ho ba k'hamphani e ka sehloohong lefapheng la matla a tsosolositsoeng. Merero ea matla a moea ea Greentech e ntse e sebetsa le nts'etsopele: merero ea ts'ebetso e fumaneha Denmark, Jeremane, Poland, Italy le Spain; merero ea ntlafatso e fumaneha Poland.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) e hlahisa le ho sebetsa lihlahisoa tse sa tšoaneng tsa lik'hemik'hale India. Khampani e sebetsa ka likarolo tse kang lik'hemik'hale, khoebo ea matla a moea, motlakase le lipontšo tsa theatre. Seno sa khoebo sa moea se fana ka li-turbine tsa moea (wtg); litšebeletso tsa ho reka le ho fana ka litšebeletso; lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo; ditshebeletso tsa mafaratlhatlha ka kakaretso; le lits'ebeletso tsa ntlafatso ea sebaka sa WTG.
Gurit Holding AG (Switzerland: GUR.SW) e se e le moqapi le moqapi oa indasteri ea lisebelisoa tse entsoeng, e ipeha boemong ba eona e le mofani oa lefats'e ea ka sehloohong oa thepa e kopantsoeng, litšebeletso tsa boenjiniere, lisebelisoa le lisebelisoa, le likarolo tse khethiloeng le litsamaiso. Ka lilemo tse fetang 30 tsa boiphihlelo ts'ebelisong e sebetsang ea lisebelisoa tse kopaneng mebarakeng e fapaneng ea mebaraka le merero ho tloha likarolong tse nyane ho isa meahong e meholo, Gurit e ka fana ka tharollo e felletseng ea lisebelisoa tse kopantsoeng le mekhoa e ikhethang ea tekheniki. Matla a Moea: Lilemong tse 15 tse fetileng, Gurit e hlahisitse tharollo ea lisebelisoa bakeng sa baetsi ba lehare la turbine ea moea ho tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa matla a moea.
Khamphani ea Heliocentris Fumanment (Xetra: h2f.de; h2Fach E sebelisoa ka seleng ea mafura, letsatsi le letsatsi le mahlakore a moea le a hydrogen. Sistimi ea Ts'ebetso ea HniotherIs Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Sistimi ea mafura ea Heliocentris e ka netefatsa phepelo e sa sitisoeng ea motlakase bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bohlokoa (tse kang liteishene tsa motheo tsa TETRA, libaka tsa mokokotlo le liteishene tsa seva marang-rang a mehala) le nako e telele ea ts'ebetso. Lekala la "thuto" le fana ka letoto la litsamaiso tsa ho ithuta le ho etsa lipatlisiso bakeng sa selefouno ea mafura le theknoloji ea hydrogen hydrogen le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa matla a tsosolositsoeng. Customers include training centers, research institutions and industries.
Helix Wind, Inc. (OTC: HLXW) e sebetsa khoebong e 'ngoe ea matla ea li-turbine tse nyane tsa moea, e fana ka sethala sa theknoloji se ajoang sa paradigm se ikemiselitseng ho hlahisa motlakase ho tsoa moeeng. Ho tloha ha e thehoa, Helix Wind e ntse e sebetsa haholo lipatlisisong le nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa thepa.
Hexcel Corporation (NYSE: HXL) is a leading advanced composite materials company. E hlahisa, e hlahisa le ho rekisa lisebelisoa tse bobebe, tse sebetsang hantle haholo, tse kenyelletsang carbon fibers, reinforcement, prepregs, mahe a linotši, mekhoa ea matrix, li-adhesives le mehaho e kopanetsoeng bakeng sa lifofane tsa khoebo, sefofane le tšireletso, le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri, tse kang Wind turbine blades.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) is committed to the investment, construction and operation of new energy projects. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. Khamphani e tsitlella nts'etsopele ea saense 'me e tsamaisa khoebo. Ka ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a maholo a matla a moea le mapolasi a moea le ho hatisoa, 'me o lula a ntlafatsa phaello ea eona, tlholisano le sustainability Development capabilities, therefore maintaining its established position in the People's Republic of China (China) and expanding the international market, with a view to becoming an internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. The company attaches great importance to protecting and improving the environment, fulfilling its social responsibilities, and striving to bring sustainable, stable and growing returns to shareholders.
Iberdrola Renovables SAU (Madrid: IBE.MC) e bile le liphetoho tse ngata lilemong tse leshome tse fetileng, e leng se etsang hore e be sehlopha sa pele sa matla a Spain le e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse kholo tsa Spain tsa Ibex 35. Ke moetapele oa lefats'e oa matla a moea ka lichelete tsa lichelete. . , Hape ke e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse matla ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) e nts'etsapele mapolasi a moea a tla rekisoa, e laola thepa ea matla a moea, 'me e hlahisa Green Power® hore e rekisetsoe lits'ebeletso le lik'hamphani. Turnkey implementation of wind power projects from concept to commissioning. Litharollo tsa taolo ea thepa ea matla a moea bakeng sa thepa e kentsoeng, ho kenyeletsoa ts'ebetso, li-invoice, le pokello ea lekeno ho tsoa ho bareki ba morero. Fana ka GreenPower® ho bareki. CER (carbon credit) thekiso le khoebo.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ea profeshenale e nts'etsang pele, e ahang, e nang le thepa le ho sebetsa matlotlo a fehlang matla a ka nchafatsoang. E na le litokelo tsa mapolasi a moea a 24, ho kenyelletsa le mapolasi a moea a 6 a sebetsang, Australia e na le kakaretso e kentsoeng ea 557 MW; United States e na le mapolasi a moea a sebetsang a 18 a nang le kakaretso ea matla a kentsoeng a 1,089 MW, hammoho le matla a moea le Phaephe ea nts'etsopele ea matla a matla a letsatsi.
India Infrastructure (LSE: IIP.L) ke k'hamphani ea matsete e koetsoeng e kenyelletsoeng Isle of Man, e fang batseteli menyetla ea ho tsetela matlotlong a mahlale a India. Matla a Moea: Indian Energy Limited (IEL) IEL ke mohlahisi ea ikemetseng ea nang le mapolasi a mabeli a sebetsang a moea a nang le matla a 41.3 MW.
Khampani ea INDEX Ngola ea Matla a INTITLE (TX: INE.To) Na Matla a Ikemetseng a Khoeling ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo ea Tloaelo. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho United States. khoebo. Its asset portfolio currently includes: (i) ownership of 33 operating facilities with a total net installed capacity of 687 MW (total 1,194 MW), including 26 hydropower facilities, 6 wind farms and 1 solar photovoltaic power generation (Ii) Have rights in five diporojeke tse di leng mo tlase ga tlhabololo kgotsa tse di sa ntseng di agiwa tse di saenneng ditumelano tsa theko ya motlakase, tse di nang le palogotlhe ya bokgoni jo bo tsentsweng jwa 208 MW (ka kakaretso 319 MW); (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).
IXYS Corp. (NASDAQGS: IXYS) e etsa le ho rekisa lihlahisoa tse tsamaisoang ke theknoloji ho ntlafatsa katleho ea ho fetola matla, ho hlahisa matla a letsatsi le a moea, le ho fana ka taolo e sebetsang ea motlakase bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa indasteri. IXYS e fana ka motheo oa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa lefats'e tsa taolo ea matla, ts'ebetso ea motlakase, matla a tsosolositsoeng, likhokahano tsa mehala, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, lipontšo tsa elektroniki le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa RF.
Japan Wind Development Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 2766.T) JWD e ikitlaelletsa ho lemoha bohlokoa ba matla a moea. JWD e na le rekoto e ntle ea ho aha le ho sebelisa lifeme tsa moea tse bolokang chelete e ngata. In addition, we will make full use of the knowledge gained through the construction and operation of wind power plants equipped with storage batteries to develop our own green power system integration technology, and prepare to enter the next phase as your energy solution partner
Jinpan International Co. (Ltd. (NASDAQGISS: JST) Merako, Lits'ebetso tsa Matla tsa Setokelo Lihlahisoa tse ka sehloohong li kenyelletsa li-transformer tsa resin, li-transformer tsa VPI le li-reactors, li-swinch cabinets le li-unit substations. Jinpan ke morekisi ea hloahloa oa lihlahisoa tsa China tse etellang pele lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa indasteri, o na le bareki ba bangata China mme o kene 'marakeng oa machabeng. Litsi tse 'ne tsa tlhahiso ea Jinpan Chaena li fumaneha Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai le Guilin. Setsi sa tlhahiso ea k'hamphani ea Chaena se na le matla a maholo ka ho fetisisa a tlhahiso ea naha bakeng sa li-cast resin transformer. Khampani e thehiloe ka 1993. Ofisi ea eona e kholo ea tsamaiso e Haikou, Profinseng ea Hainan, Chaena, 'me ofisi ea eona ea US e Karlstadt, New Jersey. Matla a Moea: Li-transformer tsa mofuta o omileng oa resin bakeng sa ts'ebeliso ea matla a moea, tse sebelisoang mapolasing a moea (ka hare kapa kantle ho tora) ho eketsa motlakase oa motlakase o fetisoang ho fetisoa keriting ea matla a mahareng.
Juhl Wind (OTC: JUHL) ke moetapele ea tsebahalang indastering ea matla a tsosolositsoeng, a shebane le ho fana ka litharollo tsa matla a hloekileng a tlholisano le nts'etsopele ea matla a moea a thehiloeng sechabeng, beng le taolo ho pholletsa le United States le Canada. Juhl Energy e ile ea bula maliboho nts'etsopele ea lipolasi tsa moea tse thehiloeng sechabeng, e ntlafalitse moralo o tsebahalang oa lichelete, ts'ebetso le molao, le ho fana ka beng ba lehae ba mapolasi a moea a mahareng ho isa ho a maholo libakeng tsa mahaeng tsa United States. Ho fihlela jwale, khamphani e phethile diporojeke tse 24 tsa polasi ya moya ka kakaretso ya phehlo ya motlakase e ka bang 260 MW, mme e fane ka taolo ya tshebetso le bodisa bakeng sa photefolio ya projeke kaofela. Juhl Energy e fana ka lits'ebeletso bakeng sa likarolo tsohle tsa nts'etsopele ea polasi ea moea, ho kenyeletsoa nts'etsopele e felletseng le beng, lipuisano tse akaretsang, taolo ea kaho, le ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo ea sistimi. Matla a Juhl a boetse a fana ka maikutlo a mangata a hloekileng a matla.
Kalahari Greentech Inc. (OTC: KHGT) ke khamphani ea nts'etsopele e inehetseng ho nts'etsopele, kaho le ts'ebetso ea merero ea matla a moea le a letsatsi, hammoho le ho batla menyetla ea ho sebelisa theknoloji ea eona ho hlahisa matla a tsosolositsoeng.
Landmark Infrastructure Partner LP (NasdaqGM: LMRK) Tšebelisano-'moho ena e sekametse kholong e lekanyelitsoeng e reretsoeng ho fumana, ho ba le ho laola lik'hamphani tse hirisetsang likhokahano tse se nang mohala, lipapatso tsa kantle le liindasteri tse fehlang matla a ka nchafatsoang ka thepa ea thekiso ea matlo le thepa. . The partnership is headquartered in El Segundo, California, and its real estate interests include long-term and permanent easements, tenant lease assignments and a diversified portfolio of fee-based properties located in 49 states and the District of Columbia, giving the partnership rights The rente e lefelloa ho tsoa ho khiriso libakeng tse fetang 1,400 tsa bahiri. Matla a moea
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. Mesebetsi e ka sehloohong ea k'hamphani e kenyelletsa boenjiniere, kaho, ho kenya, ho boloka le ho ntlafatsa matla, lisebelisoa le mekhoa ea puisano, joalo ka: phetisetso ea lisebelisoa le kabo; mokokotlo oa gapolo ya tlhaho le dipehelo tsa oli; mehala e se nang mohala, e neng e le mateano le ea satellite; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; le meaho ea indasteri ea indasteri. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Ho fehla motlakase ka moea: Basebetsi ba rona ba fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa ho qetela bakeng sa indasteri ea polasi ea moea, ho kenyeletsoa litsamaiso tsa pokello ea motlakase, litsi tse nyane, lits'ebeletso tsa khokahano, le tharollo e felletseng ea EPC/BOP bakeng sa bahlahisi ba ikemetseng, lik'hamphani tsa motlakase le mekhatlo ea mmuso naheng ka bophara. Re na le palo e kholo ea li-cranes tsa ts'ehetso le ho kenya, ho kenyelletsa le tse peli (2) tonne 550 Demag 250-1 le 660 ton Demag 2800-1 NT, tse re lumellang ho sebetsana ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng likarolo tse telele ka ho fetisisa kajeno le ho khanna tse boima ka ho fetisisa. turbine.
MGE Energy, Inc (NasdaqGS: MGEE) ke k'hamphani e nang le lisebelisoa tsa sechaba. Its main subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE), generates and distributes electricity to 143,000 customers in Dane County, Wisconsin, and purchases and distributes natural gas to 149,000 customers in 7 counties in south central and western Wisconsin. The origin of MGE can be traced back to the Madison area 150 years ago. Wind power: In the past ten years, MGE's wind power capacity has increased from 11 megawatts (MW) to 137 MW.
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8031.T) e ntlafalitse mefuta e mengata ea likhoebo libakeng tse tšeletseng tsa mantlha: tšepe, mechine le lisebelisoa tsa motheo, k'hemistri, matla, mokhoa oa bophelo, le mekhoa e mecha le nts'etsopele ea lik'hamphani. Matla a moea: liteishene tsa ho fehla motlakase ka mocheso o futhumatsang le liteishene tsa motlakase o fehlang ka metsi, lits'ebeletso tsa phetisetso le liteishene tse nyane, lifeme tsa matla a moea le phepelo e meng ea matla a ka nchafatsoang.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) ke moetsi oa mefuta-futa. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries provides the entire process from construction to after-sales service for various power generation facilities, including thermal power plants that achieve the world's highest power generation efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions levels, as well as nuclear and wind power plants, so as ho fana ka matla a tsitsitseng le molemo E kenyelelitsoe boleng ba bophelo ba bona. Meetso ea moea: Mhi o lekile ho etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea li-turbine tsa moea ho tloha ka 1980. Ho tloha ka nako eo, re ile ra ba le li-5800w. Ho fihlela joale, re se re entse le ho fana ka likarolo tse fetang 2,250 lefatšeng ka bophara. Ho ipapisitsoe le boiphihlelo ba lefats'e ba letoto la li-turbine tsa moea tsa MWT, re tla tsoelapele ho nts'etsapele mahlale a betere ho ntlafatsa ts'ebeliso ea moea, e leng o mong oa mehloli e meholo ea matla bakeng sa ho hloeka le ho sireletsa tikoloho.
NaiKun Wind Energy Group Limited (TSX: NKW.V) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e ntlo-kholo ea eona e leng British Columbia. NaiKun Wind e lebopong le ka leboea-bophirima ho British Columbia. Lisebelisoa tsa moea ke e 'ngoe ea mehloli ea moea e matla le e tsitsitseng lefatšeng. Morero oa eona oa 400MW oa matla a moea a tsoang lebōpong o tla hlahisa matla a lekaneng ho matlafatsa malapa a 200,000 British Columbia. Haeba projeke e tsoela pele, ho lebelletsoe hore e tla tlisa mesebetsi e 500 nakong ea kaho, e fane ka mesebetsi e 50 ea nako e telele bakeng sa tlhokomelo le ts'ebetso, le ho tlisa chelete e fetang limilione tse 400 tsa lidolara tsa Canada ka tšebeliso e tobileng profinseng nakong ea kaho, eo ho eona 2.5 C$100. milione e tla tswela baahi ba Lebopo la Lebopo molemo molemo
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "Joaloka mohlahisi e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa moea le oa letsatsi Amerika Leboea, NextEra Energy Resources e bonts'a mokhoa o sebetsang oa ho sebetsana le phetoho ea maemo a leholimo. Through our use-and consumer support-renewable resources, we can all make a difference
Nordex AG (Frankfurt: NDX1.F) ka tlhahiso e tsoelang pele ea li-turbine tsa moea tse nang le megawate e mengata ea meloko ea Gamma Nordex N90/2500, N100/2500 le N117/2400, Nordex e khona ho fana ka li-turbine tsa moea tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa tšebeliso ea mobu. Ho tloha ka 2013, ha ho na moo ho nang le Delta motsotsoana le N100 / 3300 bakeng sa meea e matla, n117 / 3000 bakeng sa libaka ka moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o nang le moea o fokang. Joaloka mohlahisi le moetsi oa li-turbine tsa moea, re shebana le tlholisano ea rona ea mantlha. Ntle le moralo oa kakaretso oa tekheniki, theknoloji ea rona ea thepa e boetse e itšetlehile ka nts'etsopele ea li-rotor blade tse telele ho feta limithara tse 64 le theknoloji e kopantsoeng ea motlakase le taolo bakeng sa li-turbine tsa moea.
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) e etella pele phetoho e shebaneng le bareki ba indasteri ea matla ea US ka ho fana ka likhetho tse hloekileng le tse bohlale tsa matla le ho haha photefoliong e kholo ka ho fetisisa le e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa matla a tlholisano Amerika. Joaloka k'hamphani ea Fortune 200, re theha boleng ka ho hlahisa matla a tloaelehileng a tloaelehileng, ha re ntse re khothalletsa mekhoa e mecha ea matla a letsatsi le a ka nchafatsoang, tikoloho ea likoloi tsa motlakase, theknoloji ea ho tšoara carbon le tharollo ea matla a bareki. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country. We have more than 150 renewable energy projects around the world, and we are using technology to ensure a sustainable, clean energy future. As we continue to develop internationally, our solar, wind and microgrid solutions will be cleaner today and tomorrow
NRG Yield, Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: NYLD, NYLD-A) e na le potefolio e fapaneng ea konteraka e ka nchafatsoang, ho fehla matla a tloaelehileng le thepa ea thepa ea motheo ea thermal United States, ho kenyeletsoa libeso tsa khale, letsatsi le moea tse ka fanang ka tšehetso e eketsehileng. mahae le likhoebo tsa Amerika tse fetang limilione tse 2 li na le lisebelisoa tsa ho fehla matla. Thepa ea rona ea thepa ea motheo e futhumatsang e fana ka mouoane, metsi a chesang le/kapa metsi a pholileng, 'me ka linako tse ling motlakase, ho likhoebo tsa khoebo, liunivesithi, lipetlele le mafapha a 'muso libakeng tse ngata.
NSE Green Green Power Limited Limited (NSE Khamphani e bua haholo ka ho hola, ho ba le limela ebile ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o hlophisehileng ka matla a qapiloeng. Polokelo ea matsete ea k'hamphani e kenyelletsa merero ea matla a biomass le moea ka mekhahlelo e fapaneng ea nts'etsopele.
Otter Tail Corporation (NASDAQGS: OTTR) e thahasella ts'ebetso e fapaneng ho kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase le ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso. Wind power: We have approximately 138 MW of energy and purchased more than 107 MW of emission-free renewable wind energy, which accounts for 19% of our retail sales. Between 2017 and 2021, we will consider adding 300 megawatts of wind energy to our portfolio.
Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) e nts'etsapele, e etsa le ho rekisa thepa e kopanyang, marulelo le fiberglass. Khoebo ea etellang pele ea 'maraka ea khoebo ea khoebo e na le maemo a lefatše' me a rera botho. E sebelisa tsebo ea eona e tebileng ea thepa, tlhahiso le saense ea kaho ho hlahisa lihlahisoa le mekhoa ea ho boloka matla le ho ntlafatsa boiketlo ba mehaho ea khoebo le ea bolulo. Through its glass reinforcement business, the company makes thousands of products lighter, stronger, and more durable. In the end, Owens Corning's employees and products make the world a better place. Wind energy products: Glass fiber reinforced composite materials can be lightweight, insulated, corrosion-resistant, impact-resistant and heat-resistant, and can be used to replace steel, aluminum, wood and other materials. Glass fiber as a reinforcing material can reduce weight while providing strength equal to or better than other materials (such as steel). The lighter weight means higher fuel efficiency in all modes of transportation. Ntlafatso e tsoelang pele ea theknoloji ea matla, lisebelisoa tse kopaneng le moruo o telele, ka hona, li-blade tsa matla li ka sebelisoa ka lebelo la moea.
Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NasdaqGS: PEGI; TSX: PEG.TO) ke k'hamphani e ikemetseng ea matla. Pattern Energy e na le potefolio ea lisebelisoa tse 16 tsa ho fehla matla a moea United States, Canada le Chile, ka kakaretso ea thahasello ea botho ea 2282 MW, e sebelisa theknoloji e netefalitsoeng ea boemo ba pele. Pattern Energy's wind power generation facilities generate stable long-term cash flow in an attractive market and lay a solid foundation for the continued growth of the business.
PNE Wind AG (Frankfurt: PNE3.F) is Germany's international wind power pioneer and one of the most experienced developers of onshore and offshore wind farms. Likhamphani li kopanya katleho ea moruo le boikarabello ba tikoloho. Mefuta e 'meli e tsamaisoang ke PNE WIND Group ke PNE WIND le WKN. Ho tloha tlhahlobong ea pele ea setša le mekhoa ea tumello, lichelete le kaho ea konteraka e akaretsang, ho ea ts'ebetsong le phepelo ea motlakase bocha qetellong ea bophelo ba lits'ebeletso tsa sistimi, lits'ebeletso tse fanoeng li akaretsa methati eohle ea projeke ea matla a moea.
Polish Energy Partners (Poland) (Warsaw: PEP) ke sehlopha sa pele sa poraefete sa Poland indastering ea motlakase se entsoeng ka lik'hamphani tse kopaneng tse otlolohileng tse bapalang karolo ts'ebelisong ea matla a tloaelehileng le a nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa phepelo ea matla le kabo le khoebo ea matla a motlakase. Matla a moea: Linoma tsa Mefatsang: Sehlopha sa Polenergia se na le meralo e meraro ea meea e meraro e nang le bophahamo ba 80 megawatts. Limela tse ling tse tharo tse nang le matla a felletseng a 104 MW li ntse li hahoa kapa li haufi le ho qala kaho. Ntle le moo, sehlopha se kenya tšebetsong merero e 13 ea ntlafatso ea 775 MW, 'me e tla haha le merero ea polasi ea methapo ea methapo ea lifofane le kakaretso ea matla a 1.2 GW, e finyellang litlhoko tsa khokahanyo ea marang-rang tse fanoeng ke PSE.
Repower Systems (Switzerland: REPI.SW) is a Swiss-based company engaged in power generation, management, trading, sales, power transmission and distribution. The company also buys and sells natural gas, emission certificates and certificates of origin in selected European markets. Khampani e na le thepa ea eona ea ho fehla matla Switzerland (motlakase oa metsi), Italy (motlakase oa motlakase o fehlang ka khase le matla a moea) le Jeremane (motlakase oa moea). The company has trading floors in Poschiavo, Switzerland; Milan, Italy le Prague, Czech Republic. The company provides energy to home and business customers. The company also directly or indirectly provides energy for southern Switzerland through resellers. In Germany, the company sells electricity to medium-sized companies and listed companies, and in Italy, the company also supplies them with natural gas.
Ntlafatso ea matla a matla a matla (Wind.l.l) Sehlopha sa rona se ntseng se hola sa mapolasi a moea a lebopong a hasaneng naheng ka bophara a ka fana ka matla a hloekileng a hlokahalang haholo. Matsete ho sehlopha sa marang-rang a marang-rang a nang le boiphihlelo ho bolela hore re na le lisebelisoa tsa kahare ho khetholla le ho theha merero ea moea. Our strong financial resources enable us to quickly complete the project from agreement to operation.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) is an independent oil and gas company worldwide. It operates through upstream and downstream market segments. Khampani e hlahloba le ho ntša oli e tala, khase ea tlhaho le maro a khase ea tlhaho. E boetse e fetola khase ea tlhaho hore e be maro ho fana ka mafura le lihlahisoa tse ling. The market trades natural gas; e ntša sekontiri lehlabatheng la oli e epiloeng ebe o e fetola oli e tala ea maiketsetso; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e sebetsana le ho etsa, ho fana le ho tsamaisa oli e tala; e rekisa libeso, mafura, sekontiri le khase ea petroleum (LPG) bakeng sa merero ea malapeng, ea lipalangoang le ea indasteri; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; le khoebo e meng ea matla. Ntle le moo, e boetse e rekisa Hydrocarbons le lihlahisoa tse ling tse amanang le matla; e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa lipalangoang; mme e hlahisa lik'hemik'hale tsa motheo tse kenyeletsang ethylene, propylene le aromatics, le lik'hemik'hale tse bohareng tse kang styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, le detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide le ethylene glycol. Khampani e na le libaka tsa ho hloekisa oli tse ka bang 24; Lithane tse 1,500 tsa polokelo; le lits'ebeletso tse 100 tse ajoang. E rekisa mafura a mafura a khetla.
Rwe ag (Frankfurt: RWE.) ke 'muso oa motlakase le k'hamphani ea khase ea tlhaho ea ikarabellang bakeng sa ho hlahisa, le ho hlahisa le ho rekisa khase ea tlhaho. E sebelisa mastite, mashala, khase ea tlhaho, matla a nyutle, matla a maholo, matla le oli bakeng sa lijalo tsa matla; hammoho le pompo ea pompo ea pompo le noka ea noka, e hlahisa mocheso. Khamphani e boetse e etsa phepelo le khoebo ea motlakase, khase ea tlhaho, mashala, peterole ea matopo le mefuta ea biomass; le ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi. Matla a moea: RWE Innogy e sebetsa mapolasi a moea a lebopong la leoatle Jeremane, UK, Spain, Poland, Netherlands le Italy. Ka Rhyl Flats le North Hoyle, re sebelisa lipolasi tse peli tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa moea tse tsoang lebopong la UK. Hajwale re aha polasi ya moya e tswang lebopong la Nordsee Ost haufi le lebopo la Jeremane, mme polasi ya moya ya 576 MW ya Gwynt yMôr e tla ahwa haufi le lebopo la Wales.
Sauer Energy Corporation (OTC: SENY) ke moqapi oa theknoloji le moetsi ea shebaneng le 'maraka o ntseng o hlaha oa matla a ka nchafatsoang. Sehlahisoa sa pele sa SEI, WindCutter, se ipapisitse le molao-motheo oa Darrieus 'me se na le li-blade tse 5 tsa airfoil tse sebelisang molao-motheo oa ho phahamisa ho potoloha shaft le ho e beha holim'a molamu. SEI e boetse e rera ho fana ka mofuta oa patent spiral WindRider, vertical axis wind turbine e sebelisang theknoloji ea HelixWind® e rekiloeng ka 2012. Liphetoho tsa moralo tse nang le ts'ebetso e phahameng li lebeletsoe ho tlisa liphello tse molemo. WindRider e boetse e kenngoa holim'a palo 'me e ka sebelisoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse sa hlokeng ho kenya marulelo. SEI e boetse e qapa le ho rera ho fana ka li-turbine tsa brand WindCharger® ho fana ka tharollo e ntle ea ho kenya marulelo bakeng sa mehaho ea bolulo le e meng e menyenyane. Theknoloji ea SEI e ntle haholo hobane e hloka likarolo tse fokolang haholo. Sena se bolela litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa tlhahiso, ts'ebetso e sebetsang hantle, tlhokomelo e fokolang (likarolo tse fokolang = monyetla o fokolang oa ho hlōleha) le tlhahiso e kholo ea matla. Sena se tla fa SEI tsela e ncha ea ho hapa matla a moea, ho nolofatsa ho atolosoa ho tloha ntlong ea bolulo ho ea ho matla metseng e menyenyane - ho ea fihla litsing tse kholo tsa indasteri. Menyetla ea 'maraka ea theknoloji ena e ncha, e ikemetseng, ha e na moeli ebile e ntse e hōla ka potlako. SEI e na le litokelo tse 'maloa tsa litokelo tsa molao,' me ho na le litokelo tse ling tse ntseng li le teng, 'me re lebelletse tlhahiso ea pele le khoebo. It is also actively seeking financial returns on investments.
Sea Breeze Power Corp. (TSX: SBX.V) is a Vancouver-based company dedicated to the production and transmission of renewable energy. Tlhokahalo ea matla e ntseng e eketseha lefatšeng e ntse e eketseha, matla a matala ke matla a mantlha a thekiso bakeng sa khoebo ea rona. Morero oa Wind: Sea Breeze Power Corp., ka lik'hamphani tse 'maloa tse nang le makala, e na le linako tse ka bang 50 tsa lipatlisiso libakeng tsa British Columbia bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea matla a moea. Libaka tsena kaofela li atile ka hohle-hohle li leng libakeng tse hlano tsa profinse. Garrard Hassan o entse boithuto bo ikemetseng ho British Columbia Hydropower Company, mehloli ea matla a moea ea British Columbia e na le bokhoni bo boholo.
SeaEnergy PLC (LSE.SEA.L) e fana ka boqapi ba leano bakeng sa lik'hamphani tsa lefats'e tsa matla. Our pioneering solutions can help oil and gas, renewable energy and other industries fulfill their financial, operational and legal obligations. Re kopanya boiphihlelo ba rona le boitseanape ba rona le boqapi le tsebo ea tekheniki ho nolofatsa lits'ebetso tsa khoebo le ho kenya letsoho ts'ebetsong, polokeho le ts'epo ea bareki ba rona. SeaEnergy's customers are mainly in the oil and gas, wind energy, engineering, construction and public sectors.
Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 2345.HK) le lithuso tsa eona li sebetsana le moralo, tlhahiso le thekiso ea li-blades tsa turbine, li-bearings tse nepahetseng, li-fasteners, lisebelisoa tsa mochine oa CNC, joalo-joalo Chaena. Le ka machabeng. Khamphani e fana ka lipekere tsa turbine bakeng sa limiria tse kholo, hammoho le 'maraka oa lifofane le aerospace. Lisebelisoa tsa motlakase bakeng sa indasteri ea matla le lifofane. E boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa tse jereng bakeng sa lipalangoang tsa literene, likoloi, lisebelisoa tsa lipalangoang tsa thepa, lisebelisoa tsa sefofane, likoloi le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, hammoho le li-bearings le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le tokiso le tlhokomelo. Ho feta moo, k'hamphani e boetse e hlahisa lisebelisoa tse lebelo le lebelo, tse kang ho kuta lireschorente, tse sehiloeng se rema lisebelisoa le sehlopha se sema lisebelisoa; Hape le lisebelisoa tsa ho seha ho roala matloana, boitsebiso bo matla bo atileng bo rema le lisebelisoa, CNC li hatella ka letsoho le litsuonyana, li lekanya lisebelisoa le cartide. Ntle le moo, e fana ka merero ea molao le ba bonolo ba khethehileng; li-fasteners tse matla le lisebelisoa tse amanang le tsona; le li-fasteners le likarolo tse khethehileng bakeng sa indasteri ea likoloi, hammoho le mechine ea tšepe ea tšepe le lisebelisoa bakeng sa indasteri ea ho etsa tšepe. Ho feta moo, e boetse e sebetsana le nts'etsopele ea thekenoloji, phetisetso ea morero oa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho le lipuisano, hammoho le likepe tse thibelang ho bola le mosebetsi oa thibelo ea tšilafalo le litšebeletso tse amanang le tsona. Ntle le moo, k'hamphani e boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse amanang le tekheniki, lits'ebeletso tsa batho, matsete a indasteri, le khoebo ea lapeng le thekiso ea thepa hape. The company was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Shanghai, China. Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) ke senatla sa lefats'e sa theknoloji seo boenjiniere ba sona, boqapi, boleng, ts'epahalo le machaba bo emelang lilemo tse fetang 165 tsa nalane. Wind power generation: We have more than 30 years of experience in onshore wind power generation and more than 20 years of experience in offshore power generation. We are one of the global market leaders. There are nearly 13,000 wind turbines worldwide with a total capacity of 21 GW, helping to provide the world with clean, renewable energy.
China Power Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 601558.SH) ke khoebo ea pele ea China ea theknoloji e phahameng e sebetsanang le nts'etsopele e ikemetseng, moralo, tlhahiso le thekiso ea li-turbine tse kholo tsa lebopong la leoatle, kantle ho naha le lipakeng tsa maqhubu a leoatle. These wind turbines are suitable for global use Various wind energy and environmental conditions, and it is the first company in China to independently develop the world's advanced 5MW and 6MW series wind turbines.
SKF AB (ADR) (OTC: SKFRY) ke mofani oa thepa ea ka sehloohong lefatšeng ka bophara oa li-bearing, litiiso, mechatronics, litsamaiso tsa ho tlotsa le lits'ebeletso (ho kenyeletsoa tšehetso ea tekheniki, lits'ebeletso tsa tlhokomelo le ts'epahalo, boeletsi ba boenjiniere le koetliso). SKF has operations in more than 130 countries around the world and has approximately 15,000 distributors worldwide. Matla a Meetso: SKF ke ho etsa liqeto, lils systerining System le litlolo tsa tumello ea ho fihlela moloko o matla o theko e tlaase oa moea. Baenjiniere ba SKF ba sebetsa le batsamaisi ba lisebelisoa tsa pele ho fana ka tharollo e inehetseng ba ka ntlafatsang ho tšepahala le meralo ea moea o mocha oa moea oa khale oa turbine.
Sepako sa leholimo sa leholimo sea ba le Corp. (OTC: SCFH), k'hamphani e nngweng, e ikemiselitse ho sebelisa matla a moea ho hlahisa motlakase Canada. Khamphani e na le takatso ea sesole ea naha e ka boroa-bophirima ho haha meaho ea matla a ho hlahisa le ho rekisa motlakase. E ameha hape ka boqapi, ho etsa le ho rekisa li-turbicine tsa moea. Phetolelo ea k'hamphani e ne e le joang e ne e le Spack Windpower Corp ..
Solar Wind Energy Tower Inc. (OTC: SWET) Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc. and its wholly-owned commercial subsidiary Solar Wind Energy, Inc. were established in 2010 and are the inventors of the patented Solar Wind Downdraft Tower. Using the most advanced technology and building systems, a large amount of cheap electricity is produced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sepheo sa mantlha sa k'hamphani le sepheo sa eona ke ho ba motšehetsi ea ka sehloohong oa matla a hloekileng le a sebetsang a tsosolositsoeng lichabeng tsa lefats'e ka litšenyehelo tse utloahalang ntle le ho baka masala a senyang a mafura a mafura, ha e ntse e tsoela pele ho hlahisa litharollo tsa botekgeniki tse ncha ho khotsofatsa tlhoko ea motlakase nakong e tlang.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) e sebelisa tsebo le phihlelo ea tsamaiso ho fana ka litšebeletso ho bareki le ba nang le kabelo hona joale ka litšebeletso le lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng, ho loanela ho khotsofatsa bareki, le ho sireletsa tikoloho ka ho sebelisa mekhoa e metle ea theknoloji e tala. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific e boetse e phatlalalitse merero ea ho sebelisa Morero ona o tlisa morero haufi le bokamoso. Theknoloji ea Blockchain e ka shebella marang-rang a macha a matla, ho leka-lekanya boima le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.
Suzlon Energy Limited (NSE: SUZLON.NS) is proud to create lasting value through sustainable development. It firmly believes in connecting its core capabilities to provide the best wind power solutions. The group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of wind turbines. Ntle le ho ba moetapele oa theknoloji, Suzlon e boetse e ikemiselitse ho sireletsa tikoloho, ho matlafatsa sechaba le ho khothaletsa kholo e nang le boikarabelo-mohlala oa boikarabello ba mekhatlo ea sechaba. The group has been driven by the concept of sustainable development for a long time. Its wind turbines are spread all over the world, which is a sign of a pollution-free environment. Suzlon is a market leader in India, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, and North and South America. Over the past two decades, Suzlon has established and consolidated its business in 19 countries/regions through wind power generation facilities spanning 14,600 MW worldwide. Suzlon's global wind energy installations help reduce 44 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The company has 14 manufacturing plants in India, China (joint venture) and the United States. Suzlon has a dynamic workforce of more than 6,900 employees from 19 countries/regions, and we proudly support a culture that respects and empowers employees to become the company's most valuable asset.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), ka lithuso tsa eona tse ruiloeng ka botlalo, Ranor, Inc. le Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., e hlahisa likarolo tse kholo, tse entsoeng ka tšepe le tse sebetsitsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. Lihlahisoa tsena li sebelisoa limmarakeng tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa: matla a mang (solar le moea), bongaka, nyutlelie, ts'ireletso, indasteri, le sebaka sa sefofane. Sepheo sa TechPrecision ke ho fa bareki ba fanang ka litšebeletso tsa lefats'e ka bophara ka ho fana ka tharollo ea "turnkey" e hlophisitsoeng le e kopantsoeng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse feletseng tse hlokang ho etsoa le ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o hlophisitsoeng, ho bokella, ho hlahlojoa le ho hlahlojoa.
Tektronix Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-A.TO; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-B.TO) e hlahisa le ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho Amerika, Asia Pacific le Europe. The company's main products include steelmaking; copper concentrates and refined copper cathodes; refined zinc and zinc concentrates; 'me u etelle pele. E boetse e hlahisa molybdenum, khauta, silevera, germanium, indium le cadmium, hammoho le lik'hemik'hale le menontsha. Ho phaella moo, khampani e boetse e na le lithahasello mererong ea lehlabathe la oli le lithahasello tse ling sebakeng sa Athabasca sa Alberta; mme e na le lithahasello tsa mesebetsi ea merafo le ts'ebetso Canada, United States, Chile le Peru, 'me e sebetsa limela tsa metallurgical. It is also interested in wind power facilities. Tektronix Resources Co., Ltd. e thehiloe ka 1906 'me e thehiloe Vancouver, Canada.
Terna Energy SA (Athene: TENERG.AT) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng e hlophisitsoeng hantle e ikemiselitseng ho nts'etsapele, kaho, lichelete le ts'ebetso ea merero ea matla a tsosolositsoeng (moea, metsi, letsatsi, biomass, taolo ea litšila). TERNA ENERGY e na le phaephe e matla ea merero e ka bang 8,000 MW RES, e ntseng e sebetsa, e ntseng e hahuoa kapa e maemong a tsoetseng pele a nts'etsopele, e etellang pele Greece, ka ts'ebetso Europe Bohareng, Europe Boroa-bochabela le United States. TERNA ENERGY e boetse e nka karolo ka mafolofolo mananeong a machaba ho ntšetsa pele ts'ebeliso ea RES. Hape ke setho sa European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) ke beng ba lefats'e ba nang le mefuta e fapaneng ea thepa ea matla a hloekileng, ho kenyeletsoa merero ea matla a letsatsi, a moea le a fehloa ka metsi mebarakeng e khahlang, e holang haholo.
Tetra Tech, Inc. The company supports commercial and government customers focused on water, environment, infrastructure, resource management and energy. Tetra Tech e na le basebetsi ba 13,000 lefatšeng ka bophara, e fanang ka tharollo e hlakileng mathateng a rarahaneng. Wind energy: Tetra Tech is a leader in the wind energy market and ranks second in wind energy in the Engineering News Record. Re fana ka tikoloho e kopanetsoeng, boenjiniere, tsamaiso ea kaho le tharollo ea litšebeletso tsa ts'ebetso bakeng sa mekhahlelo eohle ea nts'etsopele ea morero oa matla a moea. Tetra Tech supports the projects of 20 of the 25 top wind energy developers and 80% of the top wind energy industry OEMs. Lilemong tse 'maloa tse fetileng, sehlopha sa rona se entse merero ea matla a matle a 650 lefatšeng ka bophara, ka mokhoa o phethahetseng oa li-mw tse fetang 25,000. Our project experience covers all 50 states in the United States and 8 provinces in Canada.
Sehlopha sa Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ebetso ea Matlafatso ea Matlafatso ea Ener. Trug e atile haholo seterekeng se seng se le seng sa thepa ea matla a matla ho ea pele UK le leboea-bochabela mererong ea ts'ebetso. Ho tloha ka la 1 Phuptjane 2018, TRIG e tsetetse libakeng tse fapaneng tse 58 United Kingdom, Fora le Rephabliki ea Ireland, ho kenyeletsoa mapolasi a moea, merero ea matla a letsatsi le polokelo ea matla a betri, ka kakaretso ea matla a fehlang a 876 MW.
Theolia (Paris: TEO.PA) is a French wind energy project developer and operator. Khoebo ea k'hamphani e bua haholo ka melaoana ea merero ea polasetiki le kaho ea mekha ea metsamao ea moea ka boeona ea sehlopha sa hae ka boeona le ea boraro. It also involves the sale of wind farm systems in two to four years (excluding trade activities). Mesebetsi le lits'ebeletso tsa khoebo tsa Theolia Sa li sebetsa sebakeng sohle sa indasteri ea moea, ho kenyelletsa mohato oa ho haha, ho khetha tumello ea meetso ea moea, lipatlisiso tsa ho phahamisa li-turbines, lipatlisiso tsa ho phahamisa funds, and construction of operating farms And sales.
Pan Asia Petroleum and Energy Development Corporation (Philippines: TA.PH) Nakong e tlang e lebelloang, ka lebaka la kholo e potlakileng ea tlhoko ea matla ea lehae, ho na le menyetla e mengata. Moloko oa motlakase oa motlakase le phepelo ea motlakase ke khoebo ea mantlha ea pan. As an advocate of sustainable energy, the company also invests in renewable energy such as wind and geothermal energy, which it believes is the key to the long-term sustainability of the country's economic development.
Transalta Corporation (TSX: Ta.To; thle: tac) TransAlta e boloka kotsi e tlase ho isa ho e mahareng ka ho sebelisa thepa e nang le konteraka e phahameng haholo Canada, United States le Australia. Morero oa transalta o ntse o sebetsa hantle moeeng, metsi, khase ea tlhaho le limakasine tsa tlhaho ho fa bareki ba nang le matla a tšepahalang le ba theko e tlaase. Ka lilemo tse fetang 100, e bile o le lemetseng le setsebi 'me o entse metse e sa tsoa tlala metseng eo e sebetsang ho eona le ho phela ka eona. Ho tloha ka 2009, TransAlta e khethiloe ke Sustainlytics e le e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tse 50 tse ikarabellang sechabeng Canada,' me e 'nile ea hlokomeloa lefatšeng ka bophara ke FTSE4Good bakeng sa boeta-pele ba eona ba maemo a ts'ebetso le boikarabelo ba mekhatlo.
TransAlta Renewable Energy Company (TSX: RNW.TO; OTC: TRSWF) has 16 wind power and 12 hydroelectric power generation facilities, and in TransAlta's Sarnia thermal power plant, Le Nordais wind farm, uneven chute hydroelectric power station, Wyoming Wind Farm and Australia ba na le matlotlo a molemo moruong a nang le kakaretso ea matla a kentsoeng a 2,467 MW, eo ho eona a nang le phaello ea thepa ea 2.291 MW. TransAlta Renewables' economic interests in Australian assets include 425 MW of power generation from six operating assets that are operated and signed under long-term contracts, as well as the 150 MW South Hedland project currently under construction and recently under construction. Morero o laelitse lik'hilomithara tse 270 tsa lipeipi tsa khase ea tlhaho. TransAlta Renewables has the largest power generation capacity of any publicly traded renewable independent power producer (“IPP”) in Canada, and its wind power capacity is more than any other publicly traded IPP in Canada. TransAlta Renewables' strategy focuses on the efficient operation of its asset portfolio and expands its asset base by acquiring high-quality contract renewable energy and natural gas power generation facilities and other infrastructure assets. Sepheo sa rona ke ho (i) ho etsa meputso e tsitsitseng le e tsitsitseng bakeng sa bo-ramatsete ka ho ba beng ba matla a tsosolositsoeng a konteraka le ho hlahisa matla a khase a tlhaho le matlotlo a mang a meralo ea motheo, 'me matlotlo ana ka lihlopha tse hlomphehang (ho kenyeletsoa TransAlta Corporation) Likonteraka tsa nako e telele li fana ka chelete e tsitsitseng. phallo; (ii) seek and use strategic growth opportunities in the areas of renewable energy, natural gas power generation and other infrastructure; (iii) pay a portion of the cash that can be allocated to the company's shareholders every month.
Sepheo se seholo sa Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) ke ho eketsa boleng ho ba nang le kabelo ka ho hlahisa le ho boloka lithahasello tsa nako e telele mererong ea matla a tsosolositsoeng ea Canada le thepa ea polokelo ea khase ea tlhaho e ka tlas'a lefatše ho latela litheko tsa 'maraka. Sepheo sa Tribute ke ho aha k'hamphani e ka finyellang le ho boloka kholo ea nako e telele ka karolo e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ka ho hlahisa merero ea matla e ka hlahisang chelete e tsitsitseng ea nako e telele ha e sebetsa ka botlalo. Tribute's business plan is to determine, allow, develop and build projects that meet its threshold return standards based on its existing assets. Tribute creates value by identifying project opportunities, providing expertise in development projects, and maintaining interest in completed assets, thereby establishing a long-term stable utility-quality cash flow through a strong and diversified energy-related asset base. Wind Energy Project
Trinity Industries, Inc. (NYSE: TRN), headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is a diversified industrial company with market-leading businesses that provide products and services to the energy, transportation, chemical, and construction industries. Trinity reports the financial performance of five main business units: Railway Group, Railway Vehicle Leasing and Management Services Group, Inland Barge Group, Construction Products Group and Energy Equipment Group. Trinity Structural Towers, Inc. (TSTI) is the leading manufacturer of structural wind towers in North America. TTI e sebetsa le k'hamphani ea thepa ea Boraro-bo-bong ho fana ka ts'ehetso ea lipalangoang le lits'ebeletso ho nolofalletsa ho tsamaisoa ha moea o hlophisitsoeng ho isa ho mapolasi a moea.
TrustPower Limited (NZE: TPW.NZ) e sebetsana le tlhahiso le thekiso ea motlakase. Lefapha la phepelo ea motlakase la k'hamphani le nts'etsapele, le laola le ho sebetsa lits'ebeletso tsa phepelo ea matla a ka nchafatsoang. Lefapha lena le na le liteishene tse 34 tse fehlang motlakase ka metsi le mapolasi a fehloang a 2 New Zealand; and 2 wind farms in South Australia. Karolo ea eona ea thekiso e kenyelletsa thekiso ea motlakase, khase ea tlhaho le lits'ebeletso tsa likhokahanyo.
Vestas Wind Ender Systems (OTC: Ke eona feela khampani ea matla a lefatše feela e neng e nehetsoe feela ho matla a moea le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa barekisi. Vestas e sebetsa haufi-ufi le bareki ho fana ka tharollo e sebetsang ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa ho fumana boipuso ba matla. Kgwebo ya rona ya mantlha ke ntshetsopele, tlhahiso, thekiso le tlhokomelo ya dipolante tse fehlang matla a moya. Bokhoni ba eona bo akaretsa likarolo tsohle tsa ketane ea boleng ho tloha ho lipatlisiso tsa tšimo ho ea ho ts'ebeletso le tlhokomelo.
Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) ke k'hamphani ea matla a tsosolositsoeng. Khamphani e bua haholo ha u e tseba, ho hola le ho tšehetsa mekhoa e meng ea matla a moea, e kang matla a letsatsi, mapolasi a moea le hydrower moea le hydrower. E hlahloba menyetla ea tlhahiso ea matla a tala, joalo ka mapolasi a maholo a khoebo a fehloang ka moea Europe, le menyetla ea ho fehla motlakase oa letsatsi le o fehlang ka metsi Amerika Leboea le machabeng.
Wind Works Power Corp. (OTC: WWPW) joale e sebetsa 4.6 megawatts (MW) Jeremane. Khamphani e na le beng ba 49% mme ho lebelletsoe ho nka habeli ho isa ho 9.2 MW bofelong ba selemo. Ntle le moo, Mesebetsi ea moea e sebetsa le libaka tsa mabenkele tsa majoe (tsa lithuso tsa masholu a macquarie) ho ntlafatsa projeke ea konteraka ea 50 mme e eketsa 10 MW MW; morero oa hamorao Jeremane 77 MW; le phaephe ea morero United States. Our mission is to provide people with opportunities to participate in the development of renewable wind energy projects. We believe that reasonable investments that are good for the environment are good for our shareholders and our planet. Bakeng sa ho felisa bolo ea maoto ea motho ea selemo le selemo ea lithane tse 10 (bakeng sa Jeremane), ho nka matsatsi a 2 ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa mehleng ena, tse ka bolokang lisebelisoa tse 2 tsa mehleng ena. 20,000 Kww of matla a hloekileng le matla a zero.
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) is one of the most respected design, engineering and project management consulting companies in the world. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Akins e ka peletolo ea 'mala oa tikoloho e khanyang ea matla a khaphatsehang le lits'ebeletso tse qaqileng tsa boenjiniere naheng ea moea, wave le matla a motlakase.
Woodward Corporation (NasdaqGS: WWD) ke moqapi ea ikemetseng, moetsi le mofani oa litšebeletso oa tharollo ea tsamaiso ea tsamaiso le likarolo tsa 'maraka oa lifofane le matla. Motsoako o ntlafalitsoeng oa k'hamphani, motsoako oa motlakase o ka thusang bareki ho fana ka boselamose, ba sebetsa haholoanyane le ba sebetsang. Bareki ba rona ba kenyelletsa baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mantlha le basebelisi ba ho qetela ba lihlahisoa tsa bona. Woodward ke k'hamphani ea lefats'e e nang le ntlo-kholo ea Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Matla a moea: Woodwward ke e 'ngoe ea babuelli ba phallang ba moea ba moea ba matla bakeng sa moloko o matla oa matla. Li-converter tse fetang 9,500 tseo Woodward a li kentseng lits'ebetsong tsa lebopong le mose ho maoatle li fa Woodward bokhoni le boiphihlelo ba ho ba moetapele khoebong ea matla a moea. CONCYCLE's e nepahetseng le e bohlale ea ho fetola matla a matla a moea a algorithm®, hammoho le lijenereithara tse feto-fetohang tsa lebelo, e theha sistimi ea ho fehla matla e ntlafalitsoeng bakeng sa boleng ba semela sa motlakase.
Xinjiang Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002202.SZ; OTC: XJNGF; Hong Kong: 2208.HK) is a wind power company in mainland China and internationally. The company operates through three divisions: WTG manufacturing, wind power generation services, and wind farm investment, development and sales. It is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and sales of wind turbine generators and wind power components; nts'etsopele le ts'ebetso ea mapolasi a moea; and provides wind power related consulting, wind farm construction, maintenance and transportation services. Lihlahisoa tse ka sehloohong tsa k'hamphani li kenyelletsa li-turbine tsa moea tsa 1.5 megawatt (MW) le 2.5 MW tse sa feleng tsa magnet direct drive (PMDD). E boetse e sebetsana le tlhahiso le thekiso ea lisebelisoa tsa matla a moea le lisebelisoa; Mechini le Theknoloji ea Technian; le kaho le ts'ebetso ea merero ea matla a moea le matla a letsatsi.
XZeeres Corp (OTC: XPWR) ke k'hamphani e khutlisang hape ea matla lefatšeng lohle. The company designs and manufactures grid-connected and off-grid wind turbine systems and energy efficiency solutions for the commercial, light industrial and residential markets. Lihlahisoa tsa Xzeres li ka fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa matla le litlolo tsa maoto a khabone. The company's international distribution network is headquartered in Wilsonville, Oregon, and supports the deployment of its products in 110 countries/regions on seven continents.
Sebaka sa rona sa marang-rang ha se fane ka litlhahiso tse tobileng 'me ha li khothalletse batseteli ba tsona ho phethela cheseho ea bona e loketseng. Our list is compiled from internal and external research sources. Lenane la rona le sebelisoa feela e le mohloli o sa fellang oa boikitlaetso bo loketseng.
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