DynaCERT Inc. proizvaja in prodaja tehnologije za zmanjšanje emisij CO2 za motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem. Kot del vse pomembnejšega mednarodnega vodikovega gospodarstva uporabljamo svojo patentirano tehnologijo za proizvodnjo vodika in kisika prek edinstvenega sistema elektrolize. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives. Internet: www.dynaCERT.com

CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: DA.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., s sedežem v Mississaugi, Ontario, proizvaja lastniški material, podoben aktivnemu oglju (SulfaCHAR), ki se lahko uporablja za odstranjevanje vodikovega sulfida (predvsem bogatega z metanom) in nečistoč air).
CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) is an innovator in the field of enzymatic carbon capture, and has been committed to the development and commercialization of fixed carbon pollution source technologies. CO2 Solutions' technology lowers the cost barrier of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCSU), positioning it as a viable CO2 mitigation tool, and enabling the industry to obtain profitable new products from these emissions. CO2 Solutions je vzpostavil obsežen patentni portfelj, ki pokriva uporabo ogljikove anhidraze ali njegovih analogov za zajem ogljikovega dioksida po učinkovitem zgorevanju z nizkoenergijsko vodno topilo.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. Zanimajo ga tehnološko osredotočene rešitve, ki vključujejo industrijsko energetsko učinkovitost in pretvorbo ogljikovega dioksida v trge goriva, pa tudi Avstralijo in drugo. Conventional geothermal resources in the vast Pacific Ocean are rim.

Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) is an international environmental oilfield service provider, established in late 1994, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has offices in the Prairie, Alberta. Podjetje se osredotoča na tehnologijo čistega zraka in deluje v Kanadi, ZDA, Evropi in Aziji. Questor načrtuje in izdeluje visoko učinkovite sežigalnice odpadnih plinov za prodajo ali najem ter nudi tudi storitve naftnih polj, povezane z zgorevanjem. Lastniška tehnologija sežigalnice lahko uniči strupene ali strupene ogljikovodične pline in s tem doseže skladnost s predpisi, varstvo okolja, zaupanje javnosti in zmanjšanje obratovalnih stroškov kupcev. Questor is known for its special expertise in sour gas (H2S) combustion. Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Although Questor's current customer base mainly operates in the crude oil and natural gas industries, the company's combustion technology is also applicable to other industries, such as landfills, water and sewage treatment, tire recycling and agriculture.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), matično podjetje GO Energy Group, je sestavljeno iz več avstralskih podjetij in ima vodilni položaj na področju najnovejših visoko učinkovitih energetskih tehnologij in storitev. Od svoje ustanovitve leta 2010 je GO Energy Group hitro utrdila svoj položaj stebra na nacionalnem področju obnovljivih virov energije ter dosegla obsežen uspeh in rast. Solco Limited je subjekt, ki je naveden na ASX in se je združil z GO Group Energy, da bi zagotovil najvišji standard strategije obnovljivih virov energije. Z našo blagovno znamko CO2markets smo postali eden največjih trgovcev z okoljskimi certifikati v Avstraliji, hkrati pa komercialnemu sektorju prek GO Energy zagotavljamo pametne, izvedljive in obnovljive rešitve za reševanje naraščajočih stroškov energije. Naš visoko konkurenčen paket izdelkov združuje maloprodajno energijo z drugimi izdelki, kot so naša garancija za najboljšo ceno, prilagojena proizvodnja sončne energije, učinkovita razsvetljava in storitve spremljanja energije, ki so vsi nacionalni. Uspeh lahko našim strankam pomaga premagati naraščajoče stroške elektrika in prispeva k zmanjšanju emisij ogljika. Naša najnovejša ponudba blagovne znamke GO je v stalnem razvoju tega področja podpreti sončno industrijo in potrošnikom omogočiti pridobivanje brezplačnih ponudnikov namestitve od lokalnih ponudnikov sonca, medtem ko CO2 Global zagotavlja zagotavljanje kakovosti (QA) in nadzor kakovosti (QC) process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
TOMI™Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTC: TOMZ) je globalno podjetje za bakterijsko dekontaminacijo in nadzor nad nalezljivimi boleznimi, ki proizvaja, prodaja in licencira izdelke, ki temeljijo na glavni platformi vodikovega peroksida prek proizvodnje, prodaje in licenciranja, za notranje površine. Dekontaminacija zagotavlja environmentally friendly environmental solution. Binary ionization technology (BIT) is the most advanced technology for producing six logarithmic fog represented by the TOMI (TM) SteraMist (TM) brand. TOMI's products are designed to serve a wide range of commercial structures, including hospitals and medical facilities, cruise ships, office buildings, hotels and motels, schools, restaurants, meat and food processing facilities for non-food safety, military barracks and sports field equipment . TOMI's products and services have also been used in single-family houses and multi-family houses. TOMI razvija tudi programe usposabljanja in aplikacijske protokole za svoje stranke in je dober član Ameriškega združenja za biološko varnost, Ameriškega bančnega združenja, Poklicnega združenja za nadzor okužb in epidemiologijo, Ameriškega medicinskega in zdravstvenega epidemiološkega združenja ter Repair Association . Združenje industrije, Združenje za kakovost zraka in mednarodno združenje ozonov.

Calvert Global Alternative Energy A (Nasdaq: ^ CGAEX) This investment seeks long-term capital growth. The fund usually invests at least 80% of its net assets (including borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of US and non-US companies whose main business is sustainable energy solutions or have significant businesses in the field of sustainable energy solutions. Ima trajnostne, družbeno odgovorne naložbene standarde, ki lahko odražajo posebne vrste podjetij, v katera želi sklad vlagati in se izogiba vlaganju. Sklad ni razpršen.

The Clean Technology Index (NYSE: ^ CTIUS) is the first and only stock market index designed to reflect the surge in demand for clean technology products and services. By tracking the market performance of the world's leading publicly traded clean technology companies, CTIUS has become an industry standard index, which is the basis for more and more financial products (such as exchange-traded funds). Indeks sestavlja 58 podjetij, ki so vodilna v svetu na področju čiste tehnologije s široko paleto panog, od alternativne energije in energetske učinkovitosti do naprednih materialov, zraka in energije; water purification, eco-friendly agriculture/nutrition, power transmission Wait.

First Trust NASDAQ® CleanEdge® Green Energy Index Fund (NASDAQGM: QCLN) is an exchange-traded index fund. The index is a revised market capitalization weighted index designed to track the performance of publicly traded clean energy companies in the United States, including companies engaged in manufacturing, development, distribution and installation of emerging clean energy technologies, including but not limited to solar photovoltaics, biogoriva in napredne baterije
First-hand Alternative Energy Fund (Nasdaq: ALTEX) vlaga v podjetja za alternativno energijo in energetsko tehnologijo v Združenih državah Amerike in po svetu. Alternative energy sources include solar energy, hydrogen energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, tidal energy, biofuels and biomass energy
Global X Lithium (NYSEArca: LIT) želi zagotoviti naložbene rezultate, ki na splošno ustrezajo ceni in dobičku indeksa Solactive Global Lithium (brez provizij in stroškov).

iPath Global Carbon ETN (NYSE: GRN) aims to provide investors with an understanding of the Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™. The Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™ (hereinafter referred to as the “Index”) is designed to measure the performance of the most liquid carbon-related credit programs. Vsaka kreditna shema, povezana z ogljikom, vključena v indeks, je predstavljena z najbolj likvidnim instrumentom na trgu. The index is expected to be included in new carbon-related credit programs worldwide.
iShares S&P Global Clean Energy Index (NasdaqGIDS: ICLN) attempts to track the S&P Global Clean Energy IndexTM. A fund usually invests at least 90% of its assets in the constituent securities of the index and investments with basically the same economic characteristics as the constituent securities, and may invest up to 10% of its assets in certain futures, options and swap contracts, denar in denarni ustrezniki ter vrednostni papirji, ki niso vključeni v indeks. Namen indeksa je slediti uspešnosti približno 30 najbolj likvidnih in trgovalnih vrednostnih papirjev svetovnih podjetij, ki se ukvarjajo s posli, povezanimi s čisto energijo. It is non-diversified.

Market Vectors Solar Energy (NYSEArca: KWT) attempts to replicate the price and earnings performance of the MarketVectors® Global Solar Index as closely as possible before excluding fees and expenses. A fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities that make up the fund's benchmark index. The solar energy index is the fund's benchmark index, which consists of equity securities of companies whose income is at least 50% from photovoltaics and solar energy, or manufacturers of solar energy equipment/technology and materials or service equipment/technology for solar energy. Je nediverzificiran.
New Alternative Fund (Nasdaq: NALFX) je družbeno odgovoren vzajemni sklad, ki poudarja alternativno energijo in okolje. We seek investment from listed companies that have a positive impact on the environment. Od skladov, ki prispevajo k okolju, se razlikujemo le po tem, da se izogibamo škodi okolju.
The investment approach of Portfolio 21 (Nasdaq: PORTX) combines environmental, social and governance analysis with basic investment research. Radi najdemo odlična podjetja. We believe that these companies can provide investors with competitive returns while innovating within the emerging environmental limits, reducing their environmental impact and operating in a manner that respects society. Global equity funds exclude mining and fossil fuel production extractive industries, and companies specializing in agricultural biotechnology.
The PowerShares Clean Technology ETF (NYSEArca: PZD) is based on the Cleantech Index™. Sklad običajno vloži vsaj 90 % svojih celotnih sredstev v delnice podjetij čiste tehnologije (ali čistih tehnologij), ki sestavljajo indeks, in ameriška potrdila o depozitu, ki temeljijo na delnicah indeksa. The index aims to track leading clean technology companies from a wide range of industries that provide the best return on investment. The Clean Technology Index is a modified average weighted index composed of publicly traded clean technology company stocks (and ADRs for such stocks). Funds and indexes are re-allocated every quarter
The PowerShares Global Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: PBD) is based on the WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (Index). Sklad običajno vloži najmanj 90% celotnega premoženja v vrednostne papirje, ki vsebujejo indeks in ameriške depozitarne prejemke (ADR) na podlagi vrednostnih papirjev v indeksu. The index aims to provide capital appreciation and is composed of companies that focus on green and general renewable energy and promote clean energy technologies. Sredstva in indeksi se vsako četrtletje prerazporedijo

SPDR Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: CNRG) želi zagotoviti naložbene rezultate, ki se, preden se odštejejo provizije in stroški, običajno ujemajo s skupno uspešnostjo donosa Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy Index. V normalnih tržnih razmerah sklad običajno vloži veliko večino (vsaj 80 %) vseh svojih sredstev v vrednostne papirje, ki sestavljajo indeks. The index aims to capture companies whose products and services are driving clean energy innovation. Sklad lahko vlaga v lastniške vrednostne papirje, denar in denarne ustreznike ali instrumente denarnega trga, ki niso vključeni v indeks, kot so pogodbe o začasnem nakupu in skladi denarnega trga. It is non-diversified.
Trading Emissions Corporation (LSE: TRE.L) operates as a closed-end investment fund in the UK. Vlaga v okoljska in emisijska sredstva. The fund invests in a series of environmental tools, focusing on units generated by projects developed under the joint implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism and the “Kyoto Protocol”
VanEck Vectors Low Carbon Energy ETF (NYSEArca: SMOG) strives to replicate the price and income performance of Ardor Global IndexSM Extra Liquid (AGIXLT) as closely as possible before deducting fees and expenses. The index aims to track the overall performance of low-carbon energy companies, which are mainly engaged in alternative energy, including electricity mainly from biofuels (such as ethanol), wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal energy, as well as supporting the production of these resources. Različne uporabljene in shranjene tehnologije
WilderHill Clean Energy Index (NYSE: ^ ECO) A focus of the WilderHill® Index (ECO) is to define and track the field of clean energy: in particular, companies that benefit from the social transition to a society that uses clean energy and saves energije. Inventar in uteži industrije v indeksu ECO temeljijo na njihovem pomenu za čisto energijo, tehnološkem vplivu in pomenu za preprečevanje onesnaževanja. Dajemo poudarek novim rešitvam, ki so tako ekološko kot ekonomsko smiselne, in si prizadevamo postati vodilni na tem področju.
The WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NYSE: ^ NEX) is made up of companies around the world whose innovative technologies and services focus on the generation and use of clean energy, conservation and efficiency, and the promotion of renewable energy in general. Sem spadajo podjetja, katerih nizkoogljične metode so povezane s podnebnimi spremembami in katerih tehnologije pomagajo zmanjšati emisije v primerjavi z uporabo tradicionalnih fosilnih goriv.

Advanced Battery Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: ABAT) ima izvršni urad v Pekingu na Kitajskem, namenjen industriji čiste energije. ABAT ima tri proizvodne hčerinske družbe v Harbinu, Wuxi in Dongguanu na Kitajskem, ki se ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem, proizvodnjo, trženjem in distribucijo polnilnih polimernih litij-ionskih (PLI) baterij in povezanih izdelkov za lahka električna vozila (LEV).
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , s poudarkom na pametnih omrežjih. Battery energy storage: Based on years of experience in power electronics and AC substations, Alstom has developed a complete set of intelligent battery storage solutions Maxsine™ eStorage as a competitive solution to the grid challenges.

Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Prva kategorija so motocikli na litijeve baterije, sledijo jim motocikli. ALYI also recently hired Clarkson University professor David Mitlin to lead a cannabis energy storage program. Mitlin je uspešno uporabil konopljo (preostala vlakna konoplje) za izdelavo ogljikovih nanoplošč, ki lahko tekmujejo z nekaterimi boljšimi grafenskimi nanoploščami in v nekaterih vidikih prekašajo superkondenzatorje. Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
American Vanadium Corporation (TSX: AVC.V) is a comprehensive energy storage company and the main North American sales agent for the CellCube energy storage system of GILDEMEISTER Energy Solutions. CellCube is the world's leading commercial vanadium flow battery, which can provide a long-term solution for a service life of more than 20 years, and can be used for a wide range of applications including the integration of renewable energy and the reduction of demand charges . CellCube is a powerful, durable and reliable energy storage system that ensures clean, emission-free energy is always provided. American Vanadium razvija projekt vanadija Gibellini v Nevadi, ki bo postal edini namenski rudnik vanadija v Združenih državah, ki bo zagotavljal pomemben vir vanadijevega elektrolita za sistem za shranjevanje energije CellCube.
Axion Power Intl Inc (NasdaqCM: AXPW) is an industry leader in lead-carbon energy storage. Njegova baterijska tehnologija PbC, ki uporablja lastniške elektrode z aktivnim ogljem, je edina napredna baterija, ki jo je mogoče sestaviti na obstoječih proizvodnih linijah za svinčeno kislino po vsem svetu. Glavni cilj družbe Axion Power je postati vodilni dobavitelj sklopov ogljikovih elektrod za podjetja, ki uporabljajo svinčeve baterije po vsem svetu.

Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) is a multi-commodity mineral development company engaged in the exploration and development of mineral projects in South Africa and Madagascar. Ima portfelj sredstev iz železove rude in kositra, ki vsebujejo vanadij in titan. Bushveld Resources se zavzema za izgradnjo pomembne globalne vertikalno integrirane vanadijeve platforme, ki združuje rudarjenje in predelavo visokokakovostnega vanadija ter nadaljnjo industrijo vanadija (vključno s sistemi za shranjevanje energije na osnovi vanadija).
BYD Co., Ltd. (Hongkong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) se v glavnem ukvarja z IT industrijo, ki v glavnem vključuje poslovanje z baterijami za ponovno polnjenje, komponente mobilnih telefonov in računalnikov ter storitve sestavljanja in avtomobilsko poslovanje, vključno s tradicionalnimi gorivi. Motorna vozila in nova energetska vozila ob izkoriščanju naše tehnologije aktivno razvijajo druge nove energetske izdelke, kot so sončne elektrarne, postaje za shranjevanje energije, električna vozila, LED, električni viličarji itd.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems Company (CSE: CUBE; OTC: CECBF)-formerly Stina Resources-is a vanadium resource company dedicated to becoming a fully integrated manufacturer of vanadium and vanadium electrolytes in the battery storage industry. The company's vanadium mineral resources are located in the Bisoni McKay and Bisoni Rio mining areas in northern Nevada. Stina recently acquired Gildemeister's assets, which are now operated by its subsidiary Enerox GmbH and renamed CellCube Energy Storage Systems Inc., enabling the company to capitalize on global demand for vanadium redox flow batteries to help meet the world's rapid Increasing demand for energy and storage requirements .
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) and its subsidiaries are jointly committed to the development, manufacture and sale of high-energy and high-energy lithium batteries in China and internationally. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; in električna orodja, shranjevanje energije in intermitentni napajalniki ter druge aplikacije z visoko močjo.
China TMK Battery System Company (OTC: DFEL) zagotavlja Ni-MH akumulatorske baterije v Ljudski republiki Kitajski in po svetu. The company mainly provides products for wireless household appliances, vacuum cleaners, power tools and other household appliances, electric bicycles, battery-powered toys and medical equipment. Izdelke prodaja neposredno distributerjem in proizvajalcem embalaže.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and okolje. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. Od obnovljivih virov energije, kot so fotovoltaika, vetrna energija, biogoriva in gorivne celice, do uporabe naprednih materialov, zaradi katerih je raziskovanje, proizvodnja in transport nafte in plina učinkovitejši, DuPontovi izdelki in storitve pomagajo zagotoviti boljšo učinkovitost, zanesljivost in nižje stroške. , higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Naši izdelki podpirajo tehnologije za shranjevanje energije in varčevanje z energijo v celotnem procesu proizvodnje, distribucije in pretvorbe energije.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. Svoje tehnološke aplikacije in možnosti sodelovanja namerava licencirati v različnih panogah in aplikacijah. Podjetje je bilo prej znano kot ZENN Motor Company Inc. in se je aprila 2015 preimenovalo v EEStor Corporation.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) je licenčno podjetje, ki želi izkoristiti povpraševanje po naslednjih proizvodih: litij, vanadij, mangan, kositer, grafit, kobalt, nikelj in baker. Spodbujanje elektrifikacije (avtomobili, akumulatorske baterije, obsežno shranjevanje energije, proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih virov in druge aplikacije). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. To ustvarja edinstveno priložnost za vlaganje in pridobivanje licenčnin za rudnike in projekte, ki bodo zagotovili materiale, potrebne za revolucijo moči. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Obstaja 6 kombinacij licenčnin. Transakcija je odvisna od izpolnjevanja pogojev (vključno z regulatorno odobritvijo). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.

Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Njegove nanostrukture se lahko uporabljajo v baterijah za ponovno polnjenje za aplikacije z nizko porabo energije, pa tudi v mikro baterijah na mikroskopskih filmih. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. Večino energetskih produktov in rešitev je mogoče takoj uvesti, kjer je to potrebno. EHT združuje celoten nabor rešitev za sončno fotovoltaiko, vetrno energijo in baterije za shranjevanje, da izstopa od konkurentov. Rešitev lahko zagotavlja energijo v majhnih in velikih formatih 24 ur na dan. Poleg tradicionalne podpore za vzpostavljena električna omrežja je EHT odličen tudi tam, kjer električnega omrežja ni. Organizacija združuje rešitve za varčevanje z energijo in proizvodnjo energije, da bi zagotovila napredne rešitve za različne industrije. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) je globalno vodilno podjetje na področju rešitev za shranjevanje energije za industrijske aplikacije, ki proizvaja in distribuira rezervno napajanje in napajalne baterije, polnilnike, električno opremo, dodatke za baterije in rešitve ohišja zunanje opreme za stranke po vsem svetu. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. Baterije za rezervno napajanje se uporabljajo v telekomunikacijski in komunalni industriji, neprekinjenem napajanju in številnih aplikacijah, ki zahtevajo rešitve za shranjevanje energije, vključno z medicinskimi, vesoljskimi in obrambnimi sistemi. Izdelki za zunanjo opremo se uporabljajo v telekomunikacijah, kablih, komunalnih storitvah, transportni industriji ter pri vladnih in obrambnih strankah. Podjetje nudi tudi poprodajne storitve in storitve podpore strankam iz več kot 100 držav/regij prek svojih prodajnih in proizvodnih lokacij po vsem svetu.
EnSync, Inc. (NYSE: ESNC) je naredil prihodnost električne energije vse bolj odvisno od širitve obnovljivih virov energije prek naprednih sistemov upravljanja z energijo, ki so ključni za svetovno gospodarstvo. Ne glede na to, ali je del omrežja za prenos in distribucijo električne energije ali za števci v komercialnih, industrijskih in večnajemniških zgradbah, lahko tehnologija EnSync v zahtevno energetsko okolje prinese diferenciran nadzor moči in rešitve za shranjevanje energije. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid aplikacije. In 2015, EnSync incorporated power purchase agreements (PPA) into its product portfolio, thereby saving customers electricity and providing investors with stable financial returns. EnSync je globalno podjetje s skupnim podjetjem v kitajski družbi Meineng Energy in strateškim partnerstvom s podjetjem Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).

Fengfan Company (Šanghaj: 600482.SS) je podjetje s sedežem na Kitajskem, ki se v glavnem ukvarja z raziskavami, razvojem, proizvodnjo in distribucijo baterij. The company's main products are batteries, including low temperature series, low maintenance series, SAIL series, electric vehicle series, ship series, maintenance-free series and complete series, such as lead-acid batteries, motorcycle batteries, industrial batteries. Batteries and lithium-ion batteries, etc. In addition, it is also involved in the manufacturing and distribution of lead alloy products, battery casings and separators.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. V primerjavi s tradicionalnimi rešitvami lahko rešitve za shranjevanje Flux zagotovijo višjo zmogljivost, daljšo življenjsko dobo in večjo donosnost naložbe. Flux prodaja izdelke neposredno prek rastočega distribucijskega odnosa. Izdelki vključujejo napredne baterijske sklope za napajanje dvižne opreme, vlačilcev ter trge vleke in robotike, prenosne napajalnike za vojaške namene in stacionarne napajalnike za shranjevanje v omrežju.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE združuje fizični in digitalni svet na način, ki mu ni kos nobeno drugo podjetje. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Energy storage: GE's energy storage solution system is the foundation of a consistent and reliable energy storage system that provides power for various stationary and power applications. GE energy storage is very suitable for power generation, utilities, energy management, microgrid and telecommunications markets, and can provide excellent cycle performance, high energy density and higher reliability.

Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage systems , Mobile and wearable products, electric bicycles, medical equipment, digital and electronic equipment, personal care and household products. Podjetje razvija tudi nastajajoče aplikacije na področju dronov, robotike in tehnologije brezžičnega polnjenja. Highpower has advanced production facilities in China, and has more than 100 battery materials, processing and design patents. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (TSXV: HPQ.V; OTC: URAGF; FWB: UGE) is developing in cooperation with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PYR.V), a company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma basic processes high tech podjetje. , The innovative PUREVAPTM “Quartz Reduction Reactor” (QRR), a true 2.0 carbon exothermic process (patent pending), will allow one step to convert quartz (SiO2) into high-purity silicon (Si), and its price will be promoted Its obnovljiva energija energetski potencial. Pilotna naprava Gen3 PUREVAPTM QRR bo preverila komercialni potencial postopka in naj bi se začela v prvem četrtletju leta 2020. HPQ sodeluje s PyroGenesis in prav tako razvija proces, ki lahko uporablja silicij visoke čistosti (Si), ki ga proizvajata PUREVAPTM in proizvajajo. Spherical silicon metal nanopowder for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. V prvem četrtletju leta 2020 načrtujemo uporabo izboljšanega reaktorja Gen2 PUREVAPTM za potrditev naše proizvodne metode, ki spreminja igro, za izdelavo sferičnih vzorcev nanopraškov kovine silicij (Si), ki jih bodo uporabljali udeleženci v industriji in raziskovalne ustanove.
Hkrati HPQ sodeluje tudi z vodilnim v industriji Apollon Solar za razvoj proizvodnih zmogljivosti, ki uporabljajo silicij visoke čistosti (Si), ki ga proizvaja PUREVAP™, za izdelavo poroznih silicijevih rezin, potrebnih za polprevodniške litij-ionske baterije. Prva silicijeva rezina bi morala biti pripravljena za dostavo proizvajalcem baterij za testiranje v prvem četrtletju 2020 (testiranje v skladu z NDA). Finally, together with Apollon Solar, we are researching and developing metallurgical ways to produce solar-grade silicon metal (SoG Si). It will take full advantage of PUREVAPTM QRR to produce silicon (Si) materials with 4N+ purity and low boron content (<1 ppm) in one step. Na splošno se HPQ osredotoča na to, da postane najcenejši kovinski silicij (Si), kovinski silicij visoke čistosti (Si), sferični silicijev nanoprah za litij-ionske baterije naslednje generacije, porozne silicijeve rezine za polprevodniške litij-ionske baterije, and lithium Porous silicon powder and solar grade silicon metal (SoG-Si) for ion batteries.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) je tehnološko podjetje, namenjeno izboljšanju učinkovitosti pretvorbe energije. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA izboljša velikost, ceno, učinkovitost, prilagodljivost in zanesljivost elektronskih pretvornikov moči. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. The company is also developing a bidirectional bidirectional double junction transistor (B-TRAN™), and has applied for a patent, which has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and power density of bidirectional power switches. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
iGo Inc (OTC: IGOI) je ponudnik okolju prijaznih rešitev za upravljanje porabe energije in dodatkov za mobilne elektronske naprave. iGO has been a provider of mobile accessories since 1995, providing high-quality power solutions for notebook computers and electronic mobile devices, thereby increasing the possibility of life after being fully charged. iGO's universal chargers, batteries and audio accessories provide support and performance to enhance the mobile consumer experience.

Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Ustvarjamo kakovostne izdelke, storitve in rešitve za optimizacijo energetske in obratovalne učinkovitosti stavb; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; in notranji sistemi avtomobilov. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. Leta 2015 je revija »Corporate Responsibility Magazine« Johnson Controls uvrstila na 15. podjetje v letnem izboru »100 najboljših korporativnih državljanov«.

Linear Technology Corporation (NasdaqGS: LLTC) is a member of S&P 500 and has been designing, manufacturing and selling a wide range of high-performance analog integrated circuits for major global companies for more than 30 years. The company's products have built an important bridge between the analog world and digital electronic products of communications, networks, industry, automobiles, computers, medical, instrumentation, consumer, and military and aerospace systems. Linear Technology produces power management, data conversion, signal conditioning, RF and interface ICs, µModule® subsystems and wireless sensor network products. polnilec baterij
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) For sixty years, Livent has worked with customers to safely and sustainably use lithium to power the world. Livent is one of the few companies with the ability, reputation and know-how to produce high-quality finished lithium compounds that can help meet the growing demand for lithium. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent ima približno 700 zaposlenih po vsem svetu in ima proizvodne obrate v ZDA, Združenem kraljestvu, Indiji, na Kitajskem in v Argentini.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) je podjetje, ki želi postati diamantni standard za trg magnezija (Mg). The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. proizvaja SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 visoke čistosti in druge prodajne stranske proizvode in stranske proizvode; Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; and IV. Nadaljnja komercializacija njegove gorivne celice/baterije MagPower lahko zagotovi zasilno napajanje, razsvetljavo in polnjenje za pomoč ob nesrečah in drugih nujnih primerih na kopnem in morju.
Poslanstvo podjetja Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) je pridobiti in pospešiti možnosti rudarjenja manganove rude z visokim potencialom v Severni Ameriki, da bi zagotovili materiale z dodano vrednostjo za litij-ionske baterije in druge industrije alternativne energije. . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Maxwell Technologies (NASDAQ: MXWL) je svetovni vodilni na področju razvoja in izdelave stroškovno učinkovitih, inovativnih rešitev za shranjevanje energije in prenosa energije. Our supercapacitor products provide safe and reliable power solutions for consumer and industrial electronics, transportation and telecommunications applications. Naši visokonapetostni razvrstitveni in spojni kondenzatorji CONDIS® pomagajo zagotoviti varnost in zanesljivost energetske infrastrukture in drugih aplikacij, ki vključujejo prenos, distribucijo in merjenje visokonapetostne električne energije. Naši mikroelektronski izdelki za zmanjšanje sevanja vključujejo napajalne module, pomnilniške module in računalnike z eno ploščo, ki združujejo močan komercialni silicij za zagotavljanje vrhunske zmogljivosti in visoke zanesljivosti v vesoljskih aplikacijah.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) razvija nove in razširljive tehnologije obdelave za proizvodnjo visoko zmogljivih baterijskih materialov za električna vozila, shranjevanje energije in potrošniško elektroniko po nizki ceni. Patentirano tehnologijo je mogoče konfigurirati za različne nanostrukturne materiale in je prilagodljiva ter jo je mogoče preoblikovati z nastajajočimi in prihodnjimi trendi trga baterij in različnimi drugimi priložnostmi za rast. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Nano One's mission is to establish its patented technology as the world's leading platform for the production of a new generation of nanostructured composite materials.
Skupina New Energy System Group (OTC: NEWN) se prek svojih hčerinskih družb v glavnem ukvarja z raziskavami, razvojem, proizvodnjo in distribucijo izdelkov za mobilno napajanje, solarnih panelov in izdelkov, povezanih s sončno energijo, na Kitajskem. The portable power bank products provided by the company are mainly used in portable consumer electronic devices, such as smart phones, notebook computers, digital cameras, digital video cameras, MP3 players, PMPs, PDAs and PSPs. It sells its mobile power products directly through its retail network of distribution channels (under the Anytone brand name in China) and its own international brands. Podjetje proizvaja in prodaja tudi solarne panele in druge izdelke, povezane s sončno energijo, kot so sončne luči, sončne ulične luči, sončni semaforji, sončne pokrajinske luči, oprema za sisteme za proizvodnjo sončne energije in drugi izdelki, povezani s sončno energijo, ter solarnim stavbam in Installation company sales.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industrial machinery; in inženiring, elektronska oprema in elektronska oprema. Poleg tega podjetje nudi tudi finance, avtokredite in avtomobilske leasinge, zavarovalniške storitve, storitve financiranja zalog in kartične storitve. Poleg tega se ukvarja tudi s poslovanjem in svetovanjem v zvezi z analizo in določitvijo surovin; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; uvoz in izvoz avtomobilskih delov in materialov; Poslovanje z nepremičninami; promocija motornih športov; management of football teams and football schools. Nissan improves sustainable travel through extensive use of zero-emission vehicles. Nissan LEAF electric vehicle has the ability to safely and conveniently provide electricity stored in its large-capacity lithium-ion battery to the home through LEAF to the home power system.
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) razvija in prodaja inovativne komponente za upravljanje porabe energije za računalniške, potrošniške, industrijske, avtomobilske in komunikacijske trge. Izdelki vključujejo LED splošno razsvetljavo, osvetlitev ozadja, upravljanje baterije in upravljanje porabe energije. O2Micro International has an extensive intellectual property portfolio, with 28,852 patent claims granted and more than 29,000 outstanding. The company has offices worldwide.
Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (TSX: GEM.V) se zavzema za trajnostni razvoj svoje posesti Eco Ridge v Elliot Lakeu v Ontariu. Lastnina Eco Ridge ima edinstvene značilnosti, zaradi katerih je privlačno mesto za razvoj, vključno z odlično regionalno infrastrukturo, močno lokalno podporo in njeno strateško lokacijo v edinem kanadskem zgodovinskem taborišču za rudarjenje redkih zemelj. Pele je osredotočen na napredek Eco Ridge kot države gostiteljice prvega kanadskega centra za predelavo redkih zemelj, ocenjuje pa tudi potencial za velike sončne elektrarne in projekte za shranjevanje energije v severnem Ontariu. Mineralni viri Eco Ridgea NI 43-101 zagotavljajo tudi delničarjem PELE tudi vzvod za dostop in izkoriščanje naraščajočega svetovnega povpraševanja po redkih zemljah in uranu. Pele is evaluating solar power and storage projects in northern Ontario, as well as smart “behind the meter” control systems. Moč Baileyja na teh območjih vključujejo obsežne izkušnje s proizvodnjo projektov v severni regiji in dobre delovne odnose z vlado in avtohtonimi skupnostmi. Bailey sodeluje z vodilnimi ponudniki tehnologije obnovljivih virov energije in shranjevanja energije, da bi kupcem električne energije zagotovil vrsto prilagojenih koristi.

PowerStorm Holdings Inc (OTC: PSTO) uporablja inovativne materiale za razvoj naprednih modularnih rešitev za shranjevanje energije v kombinaciji z našimi poceni, visoko zmogljivimi litij-ionskimi baterijami, ki bodo napajale shranjevanje energije naslednje generacije in aplikacije obnovljive energije. The basic innovative technology of Powerstorm ESS has been protected by multiple patents.

Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) je vertikalno integrirano podjetje za razvoj virov vanadija in redoks pretočnih baterij vanadija, s sedežem v Avstraliji, z operacijami in strateškimi partnerji v Koreji. Through a 50% collaboration with Protean Korea's vanadium/uranium mineral project Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon is a unique sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit with the potential to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). The project can use 36,000m of historical core, so that cost-effective and non-destructive pXRF testing can be performed on the metallogenic section. Protean v sodelovanju s svojim 50-odstotnim južnokorejskim partnerjem KORID Energy Ltd razvija lastniško tehnologijo shranjevanja energije vanadijeve redoks pretočne baterije (VRFB), imenovano V-KOR. Tehnologija je bila razvita v zadnjih 10 letih, deluje že več kot 3000 ciklov in je bila obsežno testirana v korejskih tovarnah. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Redflow (ASX: RFX.AX) develops, manufactures and sells zinc bromide flow batteries worldwide. Podjetje ponuja 3kW neprekinjene/8kWh elektrolitske baterijske module s pretokom cinkovega bromida, ki jih je mogoče integrirati v sisteme za shranjevanje energije za različne stacionarne aplikacije.

Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Oddelek za napredne baterijske materiale se ukvarja s komercializacijo litij-ionskih baterij in materialov za gorivne celice. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment

Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) provides products and services to the market, from power solutions to communications and electronic systems. S svojim inženiringom in skupnimi metodami reševanja problemov Ultralife zagotavlja storitve vladnim, obrambnim in komercialnim strankam po vsem svetu. The company is headquartered in Newark, New York, and its business units include batteries and energy products and communication systems. Ultralife has operations in North America, Europe and Asia.
Ynvisible Interactive Inc. (TSXV: YNV) (OTCQB: YNVYF) (FRA: 1XNA) is a leading company in the emerging printing and flexible electronics fields. Glede na prednosti stroškov in porabe energije v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi elektronskimi izdelki so tiskani elektronski izdelki ključna gonilna sila za obsežno sprejetje interneta stvari (IoT) in pametnih predmetov. Ynvisible has experience, expertise and intellectual property in the fields of electrochromic materials, inks and systems. Ynvisible's interactive printed graphics solution addresses the need for ultra-low power consumption, large-scale deployment and easy-to-use electronic displays and indicators for everyday smart objects, IoT devices and environmental intelligence (smart surfaces). Ynvisible nudi hibridne storitve, materiale in tehnologije za lastnike blagovnih znamk za razvoj pametnih objektov in izdelkov IoT. Ynvisible Production AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ynvisible Interactive Inc. It is a contract manufacturer of printed electronics and hybrid systems, located in Linköping, Sweden. Green: Ligna Energy's battery partners all come from residual materials in the forest. The first industrial production was carried out at Ynvisible Production in Linköping, Sweden.
ZBB Energy Corporation (NYSE MKT: ZBB) je podjetje za aplikativne rešitve, ki zagotavlja napredne sisteme upravljanja z energijo, ki so ključnega pomena za prehod iz »gospodarstva, osredotočenega na premog«, na veliko širitev, ki temelji na obnovljivi energiji. Ne glede na to, ali je del omrežja za prenos in distribucijo električne energije ali za števci v komercialnih, industrijskih in večnajemniških stavbah, je ZBB Energy rešil pomembne rešitve za nadzor moči in shranjevanje energije zaradi naraščajoče priljubljenosti proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih virov. Najbolj pereče vprašanje. sredstev. ZBB Energy also provides energy management systems for off-grid applications such as islands or remote power. ZBB is a multinational company with a joint venture in Anhui Minor Energy, China, and a strategic partnership with Lotte Chemical of South Korea.
Zinc8 Energy Solutions (CSE: ZAIR), prej znan kot MGX Renewable, je zbral izkušeno ekipo za izvedbo razvoja in trženja zanesljivih nizkocenovnih cink-zrak baterij. This large-capacity storage system has both environmental advantages and efficiency advantages. Zinc8 is committed to meeting the growing demand for safe and reliable power supplies.

Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) ponuja rešitve za alternativno energijo, ki izpolnjujejo naraščajoče povpraševanje po okolju prijazni in ekonomsko upravičeni energiji na svetovnem trgu. The main goal of Alter NRG is to further commercialize Westinghouse plasma gasification technology through its wholly-owned subsidiary to provide renewable and clean energy solutions from a variety of raw materials and provide various energy outputs, including liquids such as ethanol and diesel. Fuel, electricity and syngas
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Predhodnik podjetja je bil AMEC plc
AMG Bioenergy Resources Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSX: ABG.V) je podjetje za obnovljivo energijo v fazi razvoja na Kitajskem. Podjetje razvija nasade surovin jatrofe na Kitajskem za proizvodnjo surovega olja jatrofe za pretvorbo v biodizel. Osredotoča se tudi na upravljanje priprave zemlje; the planting of seedlings; the maintenance of plantations; žetev jatrofe; the extraction of crude jatropha oil from the harvested seeds.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) is a comprehensive renewable products company dedicated to achieving sustainable growth for the world's leading brands. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amyris has partnered with TOTAL to develop renewable diesel and jet fuel, aiming to become the best transportation fuel. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Njegova gostota energije, zmogljivost motorja in zmogljivost shranjevanja so primerljivi z najboljšimi naftnimi gorivi.
(NASDAQ: ANDE) je razvejano podjetje Andersons Inc (NasdaqGS: ANDE), ki deluje v Severni Ameriki, s kmetijskimi dejavnostmi v sektorjih žita, etanola, rastlinskih hranil in železnic. Podjetje ima tudi maloprodajo potrošnikov.

The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Te energetske elektrarne vključujejo enociklične in kombinirane elektrarne na zemeljski plin ter naprave za alternativno pridobivanje energije, vključno z biodizlom, etanolom in naprave, ki jih poganjajo obnovljivi viri energije, kot sta veter in sonce. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
Australian Renewable Fuels Limited (ASX: ARW.AX) is Australia's only national biodiesel company with factories in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Od začetka obratovanja leta 2005 je skupna letna proizvodna zmogljivost treh tovarn ARfuels znašala 150 milijonov litrov. The biodiesel we produce meets the most stringent biodiesel standards in the world.
BDI Biodiesel International (Berlin: D7I.BE; Frankfurt: D7I.F) je razvil tehnologije za pridobivanje energije iz stranskih produktov in odpadkov, hkrati pa zagotavlja največjo zaščito virov. Kot vodilni profesionalni tovarniški proizvajalec BDI uporablja lastno razvito tehnologijo za zagotavljanje prilagojenih tovarn biodizla in bioplina na ključ.
BIOX Corporation (TSX: BX.TO) je podjetje za obnovljivo energijo, ki ima v lasti in upravlja 67-milijonski obrat za proizvodnjo biodizla s stalnim tokom v Hamiltonu v Ontariu. BIOX ima inovativen, zaščiten in patentiran proizvodni proces, ki lahko uporablja različne surovine za proizvodnjo najkakovostnejšega obnovljivega, čistega zgorevanja in biološko razgradljivega biodizla – od čistega semenskega olja do živalske maščobe do recikliranega rastlinskega olja brez spremembe proizvodnega procesa. BIOX's high-quality biodiesel fuel meets North American (ASTM D-6751) quality standards

Ceres, Inc. (NasdaqCM: CERE) je kmetijsko biotehnološko podjetje, namenjeno razvoju in prodaji semen in lastnosti za proizvodnjo pridelkov za živalsko krmo, sladkor in druge trge. The company's advanced plant breeding and biotechnology platform can increase crop productivity, improve quality, reduce crop input and improve farming on marginal lands. Široko se uporablja v različnih pridelkih, vključno s pridelki hrane, krme, vlaknin in goriva. Ceres sells its seed products under the Blade brand. The company also licenses its biotechnological properties and technologies to other companies and organizations.
China Clean Energy Corporation (OTC: CCGY) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Fujian Zhongde Technology Co., Ltd. and Fujian Zhongde Energy Co., Ltd. is engaged in the development, manufacturing and distribution of biodiesel fuels and specialty chemicals. Products made from renewable resources. Since its establishment, the company has been committed to using renewable resources to produce high-quality specialty chemical products. Z raziskavami in razvojem je podjetje razvilo lasten postopek, ki lahko pridobiva biodizelsko gorivo iz odpadnih maščob in nekaterih rastlinskih olj. S tem lastniškim postopkom je podjetje začelo proizvajati biodizel leta 2005 in komercialno prodajo biodizla začelo decembra 2005. Sedež podjetja je v mestu Fuqing, provinca Fujian, Ljudska republika Kitajska (Kitajska).
China Integrated Energy Group (OTC: CBEH) je vodilno integrirano energetsko podjetje v nedržavni lasti na Kitajskem, ki se ukvarja s tremi poslovnimi področji: proizvodnjo in prodajo biodizla, veleprodajo rafinirane nafte in težkih naftnih derivatov ter maloprodajo bencinskih servisov.
Cielo Waste Solutions (CSE: CMC) is working to commercialize a game-changing technology that can convert many different waste streams into renewable diesel at a much lower cost than biofuel companies. Odlagališča so eden največjih svetovnih povzročiteljev emisij toplogrednih plinov, njihov obseg pa naj bi se v naslednjih 7 letih podvojil. Cielova lastniška tehnologija lahko pretvarja veliko različnih surovin (vključno z razvrščenimi trdnimi komunalnimi odpadki (smeti), lesnimi in kmetijskimi odpadki, pnevmatikami, odpadki modre škatle, vso plastiko in skoraj vsemi drugimi celuloznimi odpadki) na stroškovno učinkovit način. Way to solve this crisis. Izdelek se pretvori v visoko kakovostno obnovljivo dizelsko gorivo.
Cosan Limited (NYSE: CZZ) in njegove hčerinske družbe se v glavnem ukvarjajo s sladkorjem in etanolom, gorivi, logističnimi storitvami, mazivi in ​​zemeljskim plinom v Braziliji, drugih regijah Južne Amerike, Evrope, Bližnjega vzhoda, Azije in Severne Amerike. Oddelek podjetja Raízen Energia proizvaja in prodaja različne izdelke, pridobljene iz sladkornega trsa, vključno s surovim sladkorjem, brezvodnim in hidriranim etanolom. The department is also involved in activities related to combined heat and power in bagasse; and is interested in companies involved in the research and development of new technologies.
Crop Energy Corporation (XETRA: CE2.DE; Frankfurt: CE2.F) is one of the leading manufacturers of sustainable bioethanol in the European fuel sector. In our modern production facilities in Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and France, we use grains and sugar beets to produce approximately 1.2 million cubic meters of bioethanol each year. In addition, we process raw materials into more than 800,000 tons of high-quality protein food and animal feed products every year. V primerjavi s fosilnimi gorivi lahko učinkoviti proizvodni obrati zmanjšajo emisije ogljikovega dioksida do 70 % v celotni verigi dodane vrednosti. S proizvodno bazo v Evropi, edinstveno logistično mrežo in trgovskimi pisarnami v Braziliji, Čilu in Združenih državah je CropEnergies eno vodilnih podjetij na večjih trgih v razvoju.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) is the world's largest edible and inedible bio-nutrient sustainable natural ingredients developer and manufacturer, providing a wide range of ingredients and specialty products, feed, and feed for pharmaceutical, food, and pet food customers. Industrija tehnologije, goriva, bioenergije in gnojil. Podjetje deluje na petih celinah, kjer zbira in pretvarja vse vidike toka živalskih stranskih proizvodov v široko uporabljene posebne sestavine, kot so želatina, jedilna maščoba, maščoba za krmo, živalske beljakovine in moka, plazma, sestavine hrane za hišne živali, organsko gnojilo, rumeno Maščoba, gorivna surovina, zelena energija, naravni ohiš in usnje. The company also recycles waste cooking oil and commercial baking residues and converts them into valuable feed and fuel components. Poleg tega podjetje nudi storitve lovilcev maščob za gostinske storitve, okoljske storitve za predelovalce hrane ter prodajo opreme za dostavo in zbiranje jedilnega olja za restavracije. Many of our brands are leading the country in biofuel development. Bio-G 3000 je prvi komercialni objekt v ZDA, ki je uporabljal nafto za proizvodnjo biodizla. Leta 2001 je naša blagovna znamka Rothsay začela svojo prvo operacijo v Kanadi in proizvajala biodizel iz svojih recikliranih olj. Naše blagovne znamke Ecoson in Rendac zagotavljajo biogoriva in zeleno energijo v Evropi in Aziji. In 2013, Diamond Green Diesel (with our partner Valero Energy) began production at the largest plant in North America, which produces renewable diesel from animal fats, waste edible oils and vegetable oils.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and okolje. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. Od obnovljivih virov energije, kot so fotovoltaika, vetrna energija, biogoriva in gorivne celice, do uporabe naprednih materialov, zaradi katerih je raziskovanje, proizvodnja in transport nafte in plina učinkovitejši, DuPontovi izdelki in storitve pomagajo zagotoviti boljšo učinkovitost, zanesljivost in nižje stroške. , higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Naši izdelki podpirajo tehnologije za shranjevanje energije in varčevanje z energijo v celotnem procesu proizvodnje, distribucije in pretvorbe energije.
Dyadic International, Inc. (OTC: DYAI) is a global biotechnology company that uses its patents and know-how to carry out research, development and commercial activities to discover, develop, manufacture and sell enzymes and biofuels for bioenergy and biofuels. Druge beljakovine. Temelji na kemični, biofarmacevtski in industrijski encimski industriji. Dyadic utilizes an integrated technology platform based on its patent and proprietary C1 microorganisms to develop and mass-produce low-cost enzymes and other proteins to provide various market opportunities. The C1 platform technology can also be used to screen and discover new genes. Poleg prodaje lastniških encimskih izdelkov Dyadic tudi aktivno išče licenčne dogovore in druge poslovne priložnosti, da bi izkoristil vrednost teh tehnologij tako, da bi svojim partnerjem in sodelavcem zagotovil prednosti proizvodnje in/ali uporabe encimov in drugih beljakovin, ki jim te tehnologije pomagajo. . produce. Biogoriva: Dyadic uporablja svojo najnaprednejšo patentirano tehnologijo platforme C1 in druge zaščitene tehnologije za razvoj biogoriv iz kmetijskih stranskih proizvodov, kot so koruzna in pšenična stebla. Through licensing and partnerships, Dyadic provides researchers with opportunities to develop advanced and reliable bioenergy solutions, including starch-based and cellulosic ethanol, and high-yield enzymes used in all areas of biofuel production. We believe that our technology may play an important role in the development of biofuels (such as ethanol), whose cost is competitive with oil prices, thereby reducing subsidies and ultimately expanding consumers' use of these renewable energy sources.
Fuel Performance Solutions, Inc. (OTC: IFUE), prej znano kot International Fuel Technology, Inc., je podjetje, namenjeno zagotavljanju rešitev za učinkovitost goriva za velike industrijske porabnike železniškega, cestnega prometa, stacionarnega dizelskega in biodizelskega mešanega goriva Proizvodnja električne energije in ladij. industrija.
FutureFuel Corp. (NYSE: FF) je vodilni proizvajalec raznovrstnih kemičnih izdelkov in bioloških izdelkov (vključno z biogorivi in ​​posebnimi kemičnimi izdelki na biološki osnovi). V svojem poslu s kemikalijami FutureFuel proizvaja posebne kemikalije za posebne stranke (»proizvodnja po meri«) in posebne kemikalije za več strank (»učinkovite kemikalije«). Portfelj izdelkov FutureFuel, izdelan po meri, vključuje aktivatorje belila za glavne proizvajalce detergentov, lastniške herbicide in intermediate za velika podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo s področja znanosti o življenju, ter klorirana poliolefinska lepila in antibakterijska sredstva za velika kemična podjetja. Prekurzor oksidanta. Portfelj visoko zmogljivih kemičnih izdelkov FutureFuel vključuje polimerne (najlonske) modifikatorje in več majhnih serij posebnih kemikalij za izpolnjevanje različnih aplikacijskih potreb. FutureFuel's biofuel business mainly involves the production of biodiesel.
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. Zavzemamo se za alternativna goriva in verjamemo, da so biogoriva najpomembnejša kratkoročna rešitev za zmanjšanje odvisnosti od olja in emisij ogljikovega dioksida. We are a global leader in the production of FlexFuel vehicles that can use gasoline and E85 ethanol at the same time, and we offer more models of this type than any other model. Of the 14 million flexible-fuel vehicles on North American roads, more than 8.5 million are General Motors and trucks. Compared with gas, ethanol burns cleaner, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 21%. Kupci lahko katerega koli od naših dostavnih vozil in težkih tovornih vozil leta 2014 napolnijo z biodizlom B20 ali pa izberejo izbrana dostavna vozila Chevrolet in GMC, ki jih poganja stisnjen zemeljski plin in utekočinjen naftni plin. Stranke lahko izberejo tudi dvojno gorivo CNG pri izbranih poltovornjakih Chevrolet Silverado in GMC Sierra, ki lahko brezhibno preklapljajo med sistemi za gorivo CNG in bencinom.
Gevo, Inc. (NasdaqCM: GEVO) je vodilno podjetje na področju obnovljivih tehnologij, kemičnih izdelkov in biogoriv naslednje generacije. Gevo has developed a proprietary technology that combines the applications of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, focusing on the production of isobutanol and related products from renewable raw materials. Gevo's strategy is to commercialize petroleum-based bio-substitution products to optimize the assets of fermentation facilities, and its ultimate goal is to maximize the cash flow generated by the operation of these assets. Gevo produces isobutanol, ethanol and high-value animal feed at its fermentation plant in Luwayne, Minnesota. Gevo je razvil tudi tehnologijo za proizvodnjo ogljikovodikov iz obnovljivega alkohola. Gevo trenutno sodeluje s podjetjem South Hampton Resources Inc. pri upravljanju biorafinerije v Silsbeeju v Teksasu, ki proizvaja obnovljivo reaktivno gorivo, oktan in poliester ter druge plastične surovine. Gevo ima veliko partnerjev, vključno s podjetjem The Coca-Cola Company, Toray Industries Inc. in Total SA. Gevo is committed to achieving a sustainable bio-based economy to meet the society's needs for abundant food and clean air and water

Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) is a revolutionary green and renewable energy business whose bioconversion technology engineering is used for fuel, agriculture and waste management. Naša strategija je razvijati, zaprositi za patente in izvajati lastniške tehnologije pretvorbe za biogoriva. To daje GELV priložnosti za razvoj v več panogah, ki so trenutno povezane z vladnimi pooblastili. Te zahteve povečujejo obnovljivo energijo in biogoriva. Gorivo, hkrati pa zmanjšati odvisnost od tuje nafte in zmanjšati emisije ogljika. Glavni poudarek Green Energy Live je postati vodilni v nastajajočih panogah pretvorbe energije iz odpadkov/biomase in obnovljivih virov energije. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. Te tehnološke platforme se lahko hitro in ekonomično namestijo na odlagališče odpadkov in obratno. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green Plains Partners LP (NasdaqGM: GPP) je komanditna družba v Delawareju, ki temelji na provizijah in jo je ustanovil Green Plains Inc., ki zagotavlja skladiščenje in skladiščenje goriva z lastništvom, upravljanjem, razvojem in pridobitvijo rezervoarjev za shranjevanje etanola in goriva, terminalov, transportnih sredstev in druge storitve pošiljanja. Povezana sredstva in podjetja
Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) is a diversified commodity processing business that involves ethanol production, corn oil production, grain handling and storage, livestock farm operations, and commodity marketing and distribution services. The company processes more than 10 million tons of corn each year, producing more than one billion gallons of ethanol at full capacity, three million tons of livestock feed and 250 million pounds of industrial-grade corn oil. Green Plains je tudi partner v skupnem podjetju, ki bo komercializiralo napredne tehnologije za gojenje in nabiranje biomase alg

GreenShift Corporation (OTC: GERS) razvija in trži čiste tehnologije za spodbujanje učinkovitejše rabe naravnih virov. Today, GreenShift is committed to doing this in the US ethanol industry, where GreenShift innovates and provides technologies that can increase the profitability of licensed ethanol producers.

Jatenergy Limited (prej Jatoil Limited) (ASX: JAT.AX) je energetsko naložbeno podjetje, ki kotira na ASX in se osredotoča na tehnologijo bogatenja. Technology that can extract the true value of low-grade coal or mineral waste/ore. V Indoneziji smo dejansko vzpostavili projekte virov za nasade konvencionalnega premoga in biogoriv druge generacije.
Kreido Biofuels (OTC: KRBF) zagotavlja lastniško tehnologijo vrtenja cevi v cevi (STT), biodizel in izboljšavo postopkov za proizvodnjo biodizla in drugih kemičnih izdelkov. The company licenses its STT technology to third-party biodiesel producers in the United States and internationally. Njegovo tehnologijo je mogoče uporabiti v različnih aplikacijah, vključno z biodizlom in drugimi biogorivi, posebnimi kemikalijami, začimbami in aromami, zdravili z majhnimi molekulami in predelavo hrane. Podjetje je razvilo tudi obrat za proizvodnjo biodizla, ki temelji na njegovi tehnologiji v Združenih državah.

Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agriculture/environmental industry. Njegova glavna področja delovanja vključujejo naslednja tri področja: ekološko kmetijstvo (na Kitajskem je poudarek na sajenju drevesnih sadik z dodano vrednostjo in izdelki iz drevesnic), obnovljiva energija (obnovljiva energija) (ukvarja se z različnimi projekti obnovljivih virov energije po vsem svetu, including China's Huangjiao Horn), it will provide valuable Huangjiao horn with valuable seeds, and ultimately extract oil from these seeds, and use It is used to produce biodiesel and high-quality healthy cooking oil. ) And Canadian MMPR-it seeks opportunities in the medical cannabis industry. Currently, it is seeking the status of a Canadian MMPR licensed producer to grow medical marijuana in Canada for domestic consumption and export to approved countries.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) je vodilno podjetje za gradnjo infrastrukture z glavnimi dejavnostmi po vsej Severni Ameriki in pokriva več industrij. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; proizvodnja električne energije, vključno z infrastrukturo za obnovljivo energijo; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec si močno prizadeva za razvoj izvedljivih rešitev za biogoriva, da bi dosegel obnovljivo, zanesljivo in čisto energijo zgorevanja. We are taking the lead in designing and building facilities powered by a variety of innovative energy sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, and biomass.
Methanex Corporation (TSX: MX.TO; NASDAQGS: MEOH) je javna družba s sedežem v Vancouvru in je največji svetovni proizvajalec metanola in dobavitelj glavnemu mednarodnemu trgu. Methanol, also known as methanol, is a transparent liquid chemical substance, soluble in water and easily biodegradable. Methanol is a clean burning biodegradable fuel. The increasing environmental and economic advantages of methanol make it an attractive alternative fuel for powering vehicles and ships.

Mission NewEnergy Limited (ASX: MBT.AX) je podjetje za obnovljivo energijo, ki rafinira in prodaja biodizel. Mission ima 20-odstotni delež v eni največjih malezijskih rafinerij biodizla. Skupno podjetje Mission si prizadeva za nadgradnjo rafinerij biodizla z najnovejšo tehnologijo biodizla zunaj Združenih držav Amerike, zaradi česar postane eden najcenejših proizvajalcev biodizla na svetu. Predvidoma bo po končani prenovi rafinerije biodizla prodaja potekala predvsem na pooblaščenih malezijskih in ameriških trgih.
Momentum Biofuels (OTC: MMBF) se ukvarja z licenciranjem svoje intelektualne lastnine, postopkov, tehnologije in formulacij za proizvodnjo biogoriv in sorodnih izdelkov.
Refining and marketing company Neste Oyj (Frankfurt: NEF.F; OTC: NTOIF; NasdaqOMX-Helsinki: NESE) is a refining and marketing company that produces and sells various petroleum products in Finland and internationally. The company operates in four areas: petroleum products, renewable fuels, petroleum retail and others. Petroleum Products Division sells and sells gasoline, diesel, light and heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, base oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), jet fuel, marine fuel, heating oil, base oil, gasoline components, specialty fuels, solvents , Asphalt and other petroleum products, and services provided to the wholesale market. The renewable fuels division sells and sells NEXBTL renewable diesel, NEXBTL renewable aviation fuel, renewable NEXBTL naphtha, NEXBTL propane and NEXBTL isoalkanes for the chemical industry. The petroleum retail sector provides petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, heating oil, heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, lubricants, chemicals and liquefied petroleum gas, as well as directly to end users (such as private motorists, industry, transportation companies) Related services, farmers and heating oil customers. Omrežni segment ima 1034 lokacij na Finskem, v severozahodni Rusiji, Estoniji, Latviji in Litvi. Other departments provide technical, design and project management services and solutions for customers in the fields of oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical and biotechnology. The company's predecessor was Neste Oil Oyj and was renamed Neste Oyj in June 2015.
NewGen Technologies Inc. (OTC: NWGN) je podjetje za proizvodnjo in distribucijo goriva, ki proizvaja in distribuira obnovljiva biogoriva in mešanice ogljikovodikov v Združenih državah. Its products include proprietary and complex technologies that can improve the performance of gasoline and diesel fuels and alternative fuels, such as ethanol-based E85 and biodiesel-based B20 blends. NewGen Technologies has its own fuel terminal storage and distribution terminals, as well as wholesale and retail outlets in the Southeast.
NGL Energy Partners LP (NYSE: NGL) is a limited partnership in Delaware. NGL ima v lasti in upravlja vertikalno integrirano energetsko podjetje, ki vključuje pet glavnih poslov: logistiko surove nafte, vodne raztopine, tekočine, maloprodajo propana in rafinirane nafte ter obnovljivo energijo.
Novozymes A/S (Frankfurt: NZM2.F; OTC: NVZMY; NasdaqOMX-Copenhagen: NZYM-B) produces and sells industrial enzymes, microorganisms and biopolymers worldwide. The company provides solutions for the agricultural industry, including enzymes that improve the digestibility and nutritional value of animal feed; microbial solutions that maintain water quality, limit disease risks, and increase aquaculture production; in sredstva za biološko plodnost, biološko kontrolo in biološko povečanje na osnovi mikrobov. Izdelki, ki lahko naravno proizvedejo bolj zdrave pridelke in povečajo donos. It also provides a portfolio of enzyme products for biofuel production. Podjetje ponuja širok portfelj zmogljivih encimov z visokim donosom za vsa področja proizvodnje biogoriv, ​​ki so brez para v smislu učinkovitosti, kakovosti in zanesljivosti. Driven by our rich industry experience and mature expertise, customers can also expect timely delivery and unparalleled technical support. With the huge progress in the field of starch and cellulosic ethanol, Novozymes is currently exploring more possibilities for biodiesel and biogas. Tako pomagamo premagati enega največjih izzivov časa in uresničiti perspektivo obnovljivih virov energije.
Orbital Corporation (ASX: OEC.AX) se po vsem svetu ukvarja z načrtovanjem, razvojem, proizvodnjo in testiranjem motorjev, sistemov za upravljanje motorjev in drugih izdelkov. Podjetje razvija in dobavlja motorje, pogonske sisteme, sisteme za upravljanje motorjev in komponente sistema za gorivo za proizvajalce originalne opreme in avtomobilski poprodajni trg. Orbital je izvedel obsežno raziskavo o uporabi goriv z mešanicami etanola (kot so E5, E10 in E20), pa tudi o naprednih inženirskih in raziskovalnih projektih z uporabo E100 v aplikacijah s konvencionalnim in neposrednim vbrizgavanjem.
OriginClear, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) has developed breakthrough water purification technologies for oil, natural gas, algae and other water-consuming industries. Unlike other technologies, the company's patent-pending Electro Water Separation™ process can quickly and effectively remove organic substances from large amounts of water without the use of chemicals. Za nastajajočo industrijo alg OriginClear omogoča obsežno nabiranje. Algae used in biofuels
Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQCM: PEIX) je vodilni proizvajalec in prodajalec nizkoogljičnih obnovljivih goriv v zahodnih Združenih državah Amerike. Pacific Ethanol also sells by-products, including nutritional animal feed wet distillers grains (“WDG”). Pacific Ethanol provides services to integrated oil companies and gasoline marketers that blend ethanol into gasoline through third-party service providers in the western United States (mainly in California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Oregon, and Colorado). State, Idaho) provides transportation, storage and transportation of ethanol. And Washington. Pacific Ethanol has four ethanol production facilities with a total annual production capacity of 200 million gallons. These operating facilities are located in Boardman, Burleigh, Idaho, Stockton, California, and Madeira, Oregon. These facilities are close to their respective fuel and feed customers and have significant time, transportation costs and logistics advantages. Kinergy Marketing LLC, a subsidiary of Pacific Ethanol, sells ethanol from Pacific Ethanol's management plant and other third-party production facilities and another subsidiary, Pacific Ag. Products, LLC sells WDG.
Petrobras SA (NYSE: PBR) je integrirano energetsko podjetje na naslednjih področjih: raziskovanje in proizvodnja, rafiniranje, prodaja, transport, petrokemikalije, distribucija naftnih derivatov, zemeljski plin, elektrika, kemični plini in biogoriva.
PetroSun (OTC: PSUD) je raziskovalno podjetje, namenjeno raziskovanju, razvoju in proizvodnji naftnih in plinskih lastnosti. It also focuses on producing algae to biofuels and providing oilfield services.
Petrotec AG (XETRA: PT8.DE; Frankfurt: PT8.F) proizvaja enega najbolj trajnostnih in podnebju prijaznejših biodizlov, ki jih je mogoče proizvesti industrijsko. V „Direktivi o spodbujanju obnovljive energije“ (RE-D), ki je začela veljati junija 2009, je Evropska komisija potrdila, da ima biodizel, proizveden iz ostankov in odpadnih surovin (kot je rumena mast), 83-odstotni potencial zmanjšanja emisij CO2. . Petrotec svoj biodizel prodaja pod blagovno znamko EcoPremium Biodiesel.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Holdings Limited (TSN: PL.TO) je hitro rastoči proizvajalec in distributer industrijskih lesnih peletov ter tretji največji proizvajalec na svetu. Podjetje proizvaja trajnostna goriva iz obnovljivih virov energije v obliki industrijskih lesnih peletov. Large thermal power generators use this fuel as a green alternative to producing reliable base-load renewable energy. Pinnacle is a trusted supplier to customers, and they need a reliable, high-quality fuel supply to make the most of their facilities. Pinnacle is proud of its industry-leading safety practices. The company owns seven industrial wood pellet production facilities in Western Canada and a port terminal in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It is currently building a new production facility in Smithers. Pinnacle, British Columbia The business company has signed long-term “pay as you go” contracts in the UK, Europe and Asia, which will account for 106% of its production capacity by 2021 and 98% of its production capacity by 2026.
Radient Technologies Inc. (TSX: RTI.V) uporablja obdelavo s pomočjo mikrovalov (»MAP™«) za ekstrakcijo naravnih spojin iz vrste bioloških materialov. This patented technology platform provides customers with excellent results in terms of ingredient purity, yield and cost. . Radient služi vodilnim na trgu farmacevtskih izdelkov, hrane, pijače, naravnega zdravja, osebne nege in biogoriv prek svojega 20.000 kvadratnih metrov velikega proizvodnega obrata v Edmontonu v Alberti.
Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) is a leading producer of advanced biofuels and a developer of renewable chemicals in North America. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. Že več kot deset let je REG zanesljiv dobavitelj naprednih biogoriv, ​​ki izpolnjujejo ali presegajo specifikacije kakovosti ASTM. REG sells REG-9000™-based biomass diesel to distributors, so consumers can obtain cleaner burning fuel, which helps diversify the energy complex and improve energy security. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG also sells ultra-low sulfur diesel and heating oil in the northeastern and midwestern United States.
Rentech Inc. (NasdaqCM: RTK) owns and operates wood fiber processing, wood pellet production and nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing businesses. Rentech Nitrogen v svojih dveh tovarnah proizvaja in prodaja izdelke, ki niso dušikova gnojila – v naši tovarni Dong Dubuque smo prek prodajne pogodbe z Yaro prodali DEF, vključno z DEF, industrijskim strankam na trgih z elektriko, etanolom in dizelskim gorivom. Of liquid urea. DEF is a urea-based chemical reactant designed to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust system of certain diesel engines in trucks, off-road farms and construction equipment.
Solazyme, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SZYM) develops and sells high-performance oils and ingredients that are beneficial to humans and the planet. Starting with microalgae, the world's original petroleum producer, Solazyme has created innovative, sustainable, high-performance products. Sem spadajo obnovljiva olja in sestavine, ki se lahko uporabljajo kot osnova za bolj zdravo hrano; visoko zmogljivi industrijski izdelki; edinstvene rešitve za dom in osebno nego; in bolj trajnostna goriva. Solazyme is headquartered in South San Francisco and its mission is to use one of the world's smallest and earliest life forms: microalgae to solve some of the world's biggest problems. Solazyme collaborated with industry leaders to develop advanced biofuels derived from microalgae, which burn cleaner and perform better than petroleum-based fuels. The clean, renewable fuel extracted from Solazyme's oil provides solutions to complex problems such as fuel shortage, energy security and environmental impact, and can be installed neatly in existing infrastructure without the use of any engines. .

Taurus Energy (Stockholm: TAUR-B.ST) zagotavlja novo metodo proizvodnje etanola iz gozdnih in kmetijskih odpadkov. This method is protected by 13 international patented microbiological methods and can use renewable raw materials that were previously unavailable to produce ethanol. Taurus Energy's method represents a major environmental benefit, while also greatly reducing ethanol production costs compared to existing methods.

Verbio Vgt Bioenerg (XETRA: VBK.DE; Frankfurt: VBK.F) is one of Europe's leading independent producers and suppliers of biofuels, and the only industrial-scale producer of biodiesel, bioethanol and biomethane in Europe. At present, its nominal annual production capacity is approximately 450,000 tons of biodiesel, 270,000 tons of bioethanol and 480 GWh of biomethane. VERBIO uporablja lasten proizvodni proces za varčevanje z energijo in vrhunsko tehnologijo za proizvodnjo svojih visoko učinkovitih goriv. Compared with standard gasoline and diesel, VERBIO's biofuel can reduce carbon dioxide by up to 90%.
VIASPACE Company (OTC: VSPC) grows the renewable GiantKing® Grass as a low-carbon fuel for clean power generation; for environmentally friendly energy particles; and as a production of biomethane and green cellulose biofuels, biochemical products and biomaterials raw material. Giant Gold® grass is a proprietary, high-yielding, dedicated biomass energy crop. Trava GiantKing®, ki se pogosto kosi 4 do 5 čevljev visoko, je tudi odlična krma za živali. The US Department of Agriculture approved the planting of “Giant Golden Grass” throughout the United States and cooperated with exports by conducting necessary inspections and issuing phytosanitary certificates for imports. GiantKing® Grass is grown in California, Hawaii, Santa Cruz Virgin Islands, Nicaragua, South Africa, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines and Guyana.
XcelPlus International Inc (OTC: XLPI) proizvaja in prodaja sisteme za pretvorbo, izdelke za gorivo na etanol in posebne kemikalije za svetovni trg etanola. It provides automotive chemical products for the production and consumption of E-85 ethanol, environmentally safe rust removers and deodorant products, and various alternative fuel products and formulations. It provides products for automotive, heavy-duty, aerospace, marine and other applications. The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Saluda, Virginia. XcelPlus International, Inc. is a subsidiary of Clean Energy Pathways, Inc.

3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power namerava strankam zagotoviti zeleno energijo v praktičnem obsegu iz varne in zanesljive obnovljive energije, ki jo skupina gradi, ima v lasti in upravlja. The company plans to develop, build and acquire power plants operated by Bio Feed stock (biomass)

Infrardeči projekt A2Z (prej znan kot vzdrževanje in inženiring A2Z) (NSE: A2ZINFRA-EQ.NS) je vključen v pridobivanje obnovljive energije iz odpadkov. Podjetje trdno verjame v trajnost obnovljivih virov energije, zato intenzivno uporablja RDF v kmetijstvu, gozdarstvu, agroindustriji, odpadkih in trdnih komunalnih odpadkih kot sekundarno gorivo ter vzpostavi projekt proizvodnje električne energije iz biomase. The company envisions being at the forefront of renewable energy power generation across developing countries

Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Biomasa: Smo vodilni na trgu namenskega sosežiga in namestitve biomase. Z našimi integriranimi rešitvami za pripravo biomase lahko povečate učinkovito uporabo biomase pri proizvodnji električne energije.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Predhodnik podjetja je bil AMEC plc

Clenergen Corporation (OTC: CRGE) is committed to installing, owning and operating renewable distributed environmental power systems. Podjetje se ukvarja s proizvodnjo čiste energije in dobavo surovin biomase za potrebe obnovljive in trajnostne oskrbe z električno energijo. Za proizvodnjo obnovljive električne energije uporablja biomaso, proizvedeno iz zaščitenih sadilnih materialov. The company provides services to captive end users, islands, mining companies, government or private grid systems, and other end users (including private residences). It mainly operates in India, Ghana, Guyana and the Philippines. The company is headquartered in London, England

E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) je mednarodni zasebni dobavitelj energije, ki se sooča s temeljnimi spremembami: z uvedbo nove strategije se bo E.ON v prihodnosti popolnoma osredotočil na obnovljive vire Energija, energija omrežja in rešitve za stranke so temelj novega energetskega sveta. Biomass In 2008, we put into production Steven's Croft (Steven's Croft), which is Scotland's largest dedicated biomass power plant with a total capacity of 44 MW. V primerjavi z emisijami tradicionalnih elektrarn ne le, da lahko zanesljivo oskrbuje približno 70.000 britanskih domov, ampak nam tudi omogoča, da se izognemo proizvodnji približno 140.000 ton ogljikovega dioksida vsako leto. Currently, another dedicated biomass power plant, Blackburn Meadows, is under construction, and E.ON's biomass activities in the UK focus on converting existing coal-fired power plants into biomass combustion. Our first conversion project is underway at Ironbridge, and other plans are also in the pipeline. All raw materials used in our biomass plant comply with our responsible sourcing policy.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) is committed to the development and management of renewable energy power generation at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. Enel Green Power uses all renewable energy sources to produce energy through a wide portfolio of wind, hydro, geothermal, solar and biomass energy projects. Biomass energy: The Enel Green Power plan provides support for the development of the Italian bioenergy industry. We are working hard to create experimental crop areas to generate electricity in rural areas that are currently not used or abandoned. Namen je uporaba biomase za proizvodnjo električne energije in sisteme soproizvodnje. In addition, we have developed a power plant in cooperation with Scuola Universitaria Sant'Anna University and the University of Pisa in which we intend to test innovative crops to produce high-energy biomass and develop processes and technologies for power generation. Alternative low-cost biofuels.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Njegov objekt za proizvodnjo električne energije je eden najbolj raznolikih na svetu. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. Hidroenergija je nedvomno glavni vir energije, ki ga je treba razvijati, vendar postajajo vetrna energija, sončna energija, energija biomase in geotermalna energija v energetski strukturi vse pomembnejši.

G2 Technologies Corp. (CSE: GTOO) je namenjena proizvodnji lesnih peletov za civilne in komercialne namene v Evropi. All pellets are made from residual sawdust and wood chips. G2 Technologies is able to provide cleaner renewable fuels for European power plants that generate electricity and power while meeting the company's goal of reducing carbon footprint.
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) is a revolutionary green and renewable energy business whose bioconversion technology engineering is used for fuel, agriculture and waste management. Naša strategija je razvijati, zaprositi za patente in izvajati lastniške tehnologije pretvorbe za biogoriva. To daje GELV priložnosti za razvoj v več panogah, ki so trenutno povezane z vladnimi pooblastili. Te zahteve povečujejo obnovljivo energijo in biogoriva. Gorivo, hkrati pa zmanjšati odvisnost od tuje nafte in zmanjšati emisije ogljika. Glavni poudarek Green Energy Live je postati vodilni v nastajajočih panogah pretvorbe energije iz odpadkov/biomase in obnovljivih virov energije. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. Te tehnološke platforme se lahko hitro in ekonomično namestijo na odlagališče odpadkov in obratno. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) is a diversified commodity processing business that involves ethanol production, corn oil production, grain handling and storage, livestock farm operations, and commodity marketing and distribution services. The company processes more than 10 million tons of corn each year, producing more than one billion gallons of ethanol at full capacity, three million tons of livestock feed and 250 million pounds of industrial-grade corn oil. Green Plains je tudi partner v skupnem podjetju, ki bo komercializiralo napredne tehnologije za gojenje in nabiranje biomase alg
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) je pomemben akter v rastoči indijski energetski industriji ter vodilni lastnik in upravljavec projektov čiste energije v Indiji na trgu. Skupina v Indiji gradi netvegan portfelj vetrne energije, vodne energije, zemeljskega plina in biomase.
Helius Energy (LSE: HEGY.L) je bil ustanovljen za prepoznavanje, razvoj, lastništvo in upravljanje elektrarn na obnovljivo energijo na biomaso. Helius ima obsežno znanje na področju trga obnovljivih virov energije, energetske tehnologije biomase, virov biomase, razvoja projektov, izvedbe in delovanja elektrarn.
Lakshmi Energy and Food Company (BSE: LAKSHMIO.BO) in njene hčerinske družbe se ukvarjajo s proizvodnjo, predelavo in prodajo riža v Indiji in po svetu. Deluje skozi dva dela, ki temeljita na kmetijstvu in energetiki. Upravlja elektrarno z močjo 30 megavatov, ki iz riževih luščin pridobiva elektriko in jo prodaja. Lakshmi Energy and Food Co., Ltd. je bil prej znan kot Lakshmi Overseas Industrial Co., Ltd.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) je vodilno podjetje za gradnjo infrastrukture z glavnimi dejavnostmi po vsej Severni Ameriki in pokriva več industrij. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; proizvodnja električne energije, vključno z infrastrukturo za obnovljivo energijo; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec si močno prizadeva za razvoj izvedljivih rešitev za biogoriva, da bi dosegel obnovljivo, zanesljivo in čisto energijo zgorevanja. We are taking the lead in designing and building facilities powered by a variety of innovative energy sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, and biomass.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) is an energy and environmental technology group dedicated to the development, production and sales of systems and products for environmentally friendly, efficient and low-resource energy. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon deluje na Švedskem, v Nemčiji in Združenem kraljestvu. Poslovno področje Opcon Renewable Energy se osredotoča na proizvodnjo električne energije brez ogljikovega dioksida na podlagi odpadne toplote, termoelektrarne na biološki pogon, obrate na pelete, sisteme za predelavo biomase, blata in zemeljskega plina, industrijsko hlajenje, kondenzacijo dimnih plinov in obdelavo dimnih plinov. Zračni sistem gorivne celice.
Orient Green Power Limited (NSE: GREENPOWER-EQ.NS) je neodvisno podjetje za proizvodnjo električne energije iz obnovljivih virov v Indiji. Podjetje se osredotoča na razvoj, lastništvo in upravljanje raznolikih elektrarn na obnovljivo energijo. Naložbeni portfelj družbe vključuje projekte biomase in vetrne energije na različnih stopnjah razvoja.

PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. ORC tehnologijo PowerVerde je mogoče kombinirati tudi z geotermalnimi, biomasnimi in sončnimi viri toplote.
In order to take advantage of the growing opportunities in the clean energy sector, React Energy (previously known as Kedco plc) (LSE: REAC.L) was established. Skupina je zdaj raznoliko podjetje za obnovljive vire energije z ustvarjanjem gotovine in razvojnim premoženjem v Združenem kraljestvu in Republiki Irski. Skupina se osredotoča na biomaso in ogrevalno industrijo v Združenem kraljestvu z kapitalskimi stroški od približno 500.000 do 40 milijonov funtov, zmogljivost proizvodnje energije od približno 4 MW do 10 MW in proizvodnji toplote od 200 kW do 1 MW , while the wind energy field It is Ireland. And, special attention is paid to project delivery from greenfield opportunities to planning, grid and construction phases, and cash-generating assets.

Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) is a leading producer of advanced biofuels and a developer of renewable chemicals in North America. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. Že več kot deset let je REG zanesljiv dobavitelj naprednih biogoriv, ​​ki izpolnjujejo ali presegajo specifikacije kakovosti ASTM. REG sells REG-9000™-based biomass diesel to distributors, so consumers can obtain cleaner burning fuel, which helps diversify the energy complex and improve energy security. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG also sells ultra-low sulfur diesel and heating oil in the northeastern and midwestern United States.
Suryachakra Power Corporation Limited (Mumbai: SURYACHAKRA.BO) in njene hčerinske družbe skupaj proizvajajo in prodajajo električno energijo v Indiji. It operates power plants that use diesel/biomass fuel to generate electricity. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Hyderabad, India.

Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY has a strong pipeline of approximately 8,000 MW RES projects, which are in operation, under construction or in advanced stages of development, leading in Greece, with operations in Central Europe, Southeast Europe and the United States. TERNA ENERGIJA aktivno sodeluje tudi v mednarodnih programih za nadaljnje spodbujanje rabe OVE. It is also a member of the European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)

Velocys (LSE: VLS.L) je vodilno majhno plinsko-tekočinsko (GTL) podjetje, ki pretvarja zemeljski plin ali biomaso v visokokakovostne tekoče proizvode. The system based on Velocys technology is much smaller than the system using traditional technology, which allows modular factories to be deployed in remote areas and smaller areas more economically than competing systems. Velocys sodeluje s partnerji svetovnega razreda, da bi zagotovil popolno GTL rešitev majhnega obsega, ki lahko zadosti neizkoriščenemu trgu do 25 milijonov sodčkov goriva na dan. Velocys' technology can also be applied to biomass to liquid (BTL) and coal to liquid production.
Viridis Energy Inc. (TSX: VRD.V) is a publicly traded “clean technology” manufacturer and distributor of renewable energy that provides wood chip biomass to the global residential and industrial markets. Viridis Energy Inc. is located in Vancouver, British Columbia. Upravlja Okanagan Pellet Company Ltd. (BC), Scotia Atlantic Biomass Company Limited (Nova Škotska) in Viridis Merchants Inc. (Delaware), z več kot 300.000 tonami trgovskih in proizvodnih zmogljivosti v Severni Ameriki.
2GEnergy AG (XETRA: 2GB.DE) is the world's leading manufacturer of combined heat and power systems (CHP), which realize decentralized energy production and supply through combined heat and power. The company's product portfolio includes systems with capacities between 20 kW and 4,000 kW, which can be used for natural gas, biogas or biomethane and other lean gas operations. Doslej je 2G uspešno namestil na tisoče SPTE v 35 državah/regijah. In particular, in the performance range of 50 kW to 550 kW, 2G has its own technical internal combustion engine concept, which is characterized by lower specific fuel consumption, higher operational availability and optimized maintenance intervals. The company has invested in an additional production, sales and service base in St. Augustine, Florida, next to its main production base at its headquarters in Sigg, Germany. Stranke 2G segajo od kmetov do industrijskih strank, občin, nepremičninske industrije, občinskih služb in velikih javnih komunalnih podjetij. Tesno servisno omrežje ter visoka tehnična kakovost in zmogljivost elektrarn 2G so osnova za vzpostavitev visoke ravni zadovoljstva strank. Zahvaljujoč kombinaciji njihovih termoelektričnih lastnosti dosegajo skupno učinkovitost od 85 % do več kot 90 %. Za nadaljnjo širitev svojega tehnološkega vodilnega položaja podjetje še naprej vlaga v dejavnosti raziskav in razvoja za plinske motorje, ki se uporabljajo za zemeljski plin, bioplin in sintetični plin (kot je vodik). The company is located in Westphalia in northwestern Germany, adjacent to a combined heat and power station, and provides integrated solutions from the planning stage, installation to serial service and maintenance work. Due to its decentralized location, scalability and predictable availability, CHP power plants will play a vital role as part of the intelligent networked energy system (the so-called virtual power plant) in the continuous transition to clean energy and modern energy supply concepts. Vloga
AirTest Technologies Inc. (TSX: AAT.V) is a fast-growing green technology company that specializes in sensors that can significantly improve the operational efficiency of commercial buildings. AirTestova vodilna zaščitena senzorska tehnologija izboljšuje energijsko učinkovitost, vpliv na okolje in donosnost naložb v milijonih zgradb, v katerih vsi delamo, nakupujemo in se zabavamo. Sodelujemo z obstoječimi gradbenimi izvajalci, lastniki objektov, podjetji za upravljanje nepremičnin, podjetji za upravljanje z energijo ter velikimi proizvajalci opreme in krmiljenja.
The main initiative of Alternate Energy Holdings (OTC: AEHI) is the construction of a proposed nuclear power plant in Payette County, Idaho. AEHI bo v ospredju te priložnosti in bo tako postalo prvo javno javno neodvisno podjetje za jedrsko energijo v Združenih državah. With its inherent bureaucracy, its performance will easily surpass large nuclear and fossil power companies. AEHI is also seeking small green energy companies to acquire and create new companies. AEHI expands the market by providing excellent management and network skills, thereby assisting the growth of the acquired business. Podjetje bo še naprej iskalo priložnosti za širitev z nakupom bolj ekološko učinkovitih napajalnikov. Z lastništvom obstoječih virov za proizvodnjo električne energije bo AEHI pomagal pri pospeševanju regulativne odobritve svoje nove energetske konstrukcije, vključno s skupnimi podjetji, ki proizvajajo reaktorje in jedrske komponente ter druge vire energije.
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) je vodilni neodvisni ponudnik, ki podjetjem in organizacijam v Severni Ameriki in Evropi zagotavlja celovite storitve, energetsko učinkovitost, nadgradnjo infrastrukture, trajnost sredstev in rešitve za obnovljive vire energije. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
American DG Energy Company (NYSE MKT: ADGE) provides its customers with low-cost energy through distributed power generation systems. Podjetje je zavezano zagotavljanju čiste in zanesljive električne energije, hlajenja, tople vode in tople vode tovarnam, komercialnim in malim industrijskim objektom prek svojega On. The cost is lower than that of local utility companies without bringing any capital to energy users. Or startup costs. - Energetska rešitev Site Utility. DG Energy is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. The company's solutions are now powering gigawatts of renewable energy around the world and have improved the performance and reliability of power networks in more than a dozen countries. AMSC je bil ustanovljen leta 1987 in ima sedež v bližini Bostona, Massachusetts, z operacijami v Aziji, Avstraliji, Evropi in Severni Ameriki.

AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) je vodilni mednarodni dobavitelj elektronskih pasivnih komponent in rešitev za medsebojno povezovanje z 21 proizvodnimi in skladiščnimi obrati v 12 državah/regijah po vsem svetu. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Blue Earth, Inc. (NasdaqCM: BBLU) is engaged in the clean technology industry, mainly focusing on energy efficiency and alternative/renewable energy fields. Prizadevamo si sodelovati v globalnem planetarnem gibanju za trajnostni razvoj z zagotavljanjem izdelkov in storitev, ki lahko optimizirajo porabo energije, zmanjšajo škodljive okoljske emisije in bistveno zmanjšajo stroške energije za stranke.
Cap-XX (LSE: CPX.L) načrtuje in izdeluje superkondenzatorje in sisteme za upravljanje z energijo za prenosne elektronske naprave ter aplikacije v avtomobilski industriji in obnovljivih virih energije. It provides a series of super capacitors for wireless components and mobile devices, such as PCMCIA and compact flash memory products, mobile phones, rugged PDAs and wireless sensor networks. And consumer products, including digital cameras, laptops, digital music players, fusion handheld devices, toys and e-books. The company also provides supercapacitors for commercial products, including durable PDAs, automatic meter readers, medical equipment, location tracking devices and automotive applications. Deluje predvsem v azijsko-pacifiški regiji, Severni Ameriki in Evropi. CAP-XX Limited was formerly known as Energy Storage Systems Pty Limited.

China Energy Recovery, Inc. (OTC: CGYV) je inženirsko podjetje, specializirano za predelavo odpadne energije iz številnih industrijskih procesov, vključno s proizvodnjo žveplove kisline in gnojil, izdelavo papirja in petrokemičnih izdelkov. Okrevanje energije vključuje zbiranje in obnovo zapravljene toplotne energije v sistemu zaprte zanke, s čimer znatno zmanjša stroške in onesnaževanje. CER strankam ponuja prilagojene stroškovno učinkovite rešitve, namenjene znatnemu izboljšanju operativne učinkovitosti in zmanjšanju škodljivih emisij. Zaradi pionirskih projektov CER-ovega kakovostnega načrtovanja, gradnje in namestitve na Kitajskem in celo v svetu ima CER tudi dolgo zgodovino v inženirstvu.
Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd. CETI (formerly Probe Manufacturing Company) (OTC: PMFI) is a clean energy and environmentally sustainable technology company that not only provides heat recovery solution products, but also provides focus on other energy-saving and environmentally sustainable technologies Engineering and manufacturing solutions. Glavni izdelek podjetja je generator Clean Cycle™, ki ga zagotavlja Heat Recovery Solutions ali HRS. Inženirski in proizvodni viri podjetja podpirajo njegovo poslovanje z rešitvami za rekuperacijo toplote in še naprej podpirajo druga rastoča podjetja s svojo tehnologijo, zlasti čisto tehnologijo. The company intends to identify other technologies or companies to acquire and integrate into engineering and manufacturing platforms focused on clean technologies.

Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) je ena najpomembnejših in najpomembnejših skupin v brazilskem sektorju električne energije, saj ima v lasti ali ima v lasti delnice 103 podjetij in 15 konzorcijev. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. emig se uvršča na tretje mesto med največjimi proizvajalci v Braziliji in prek svoje hčerinske družbe v popolni lasti ima nadzorovano in pridruženo podjetje za proizvodnjo električne energije 65 delujočih elektrarn, od tega 59 hidroelektrarn, tri termoelektrarne in tri vetrne elektrarne. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW. Energy efficiency: efficiency
ConEdison Solutions, a subsidiary of ConEdison Corporation (NYSE: ED), is a leading energy services company that provides renewable energy, sustainable services, cost-effective energy efficiency solutions, demand response and energy performance contracting. The company serves commercial, industrial, residential and government customers as well as universities, public school districts and hospitals across the country. Podjetje zagotavlja inovativne izdelke, stabilne finance in predanost storitvam za stranke. It has an office in Valhalla, New York. Burlington, Massachusetts; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Falls Church, Virginia; Tampa, Florida; Nashville, Tennessee, Kansas Land Park; and Bloomington, Minnesota. The company's professional team of energy professionals provides a wide range of energy solutions. Con Edison Solutions provides programs and services designed to help customers achieve their respective energy goals and is recognized as an energy service provider (ESP) by the National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO).
Conselation Energy (NYSE: EXC), družba Exelon, je vodilni konkurenčni dobavitelj električne energije, zemeljskega plina, obnovljivih virov energije ter izdelkov in storitev za upravljanje z energijo za domove in podjetja po vsej celinski ZDA. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. energetska učinkovitost
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) leads the LED lighting revolution and obsolete traditional lighting technologies that waste energy by using energy-saving, mercury-free LED lighting. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. Linija izdelkov Cree vključuje LED-sijalke in žarnice, modre in zelene LED-čipe, LED-diode visoke svetlosti, močne LED-diode za razsvetljavo, preklopne naprave in RF-naprave. Izdelki CREE® spodbujajo izboljšanje aplikacij, kot so splošna razsvetljava, elektronski znaki in signali, napajalniki in sončni pretvorniki.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Our wireless mesh network platform provides “last mile” connections between millions of devices and enterprise software. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. In addition, we work with our partners to provide first-class support and hosting services, as well as “software as a service” to assist in planning and integrating our solutions. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). Namenjen je števcem električne energije in je optimiziran za doseg, podatkovno komunikacijo, interoperabilnost in varnost. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. It can save a lot of electricity by enhancing the way of controlling, measuring and managing public lighting energy use.

Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and okolje. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. Od obnovljivih virov energije, kot so fotovoltaika, vetrna energija, biogoriva in gorivne celice, do uporabe naprednih materialov, zaradi katerih je raziskovanje, proizvodnja in transport nafte in plina učinkovitejši, DuPontovi izdelki in storitve pomagajo zagotoviti boljšo učinkovitost, zanesljivost in nižje stroške. , higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Naši izdelki podpirajo tehnologije za shranjevanje energije in varčevanje z energijo v celotnem procesu proizvodnje, distribucije in pretvorbe energije.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) is a power management company. Eaton ponuja rešitve za varčevanje z energijo, s katerimi lahko našim strankam učinkoviteje, varno in trajnostno upravljajo z električno, hidravlično in mehansko močjo. Eaton sells products to customers in more than 175 countries.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Globalni povezani trgi. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon helps its customers reduce operating costs, improve satisfaction and safety, increase revenue, and perform better in both existing and emerging markets.
Emerson Electric Company (New York Stock Exchange: EMR), headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is a global technology and engineering company that provides innovative solutions to customers in the industrial, commercial and residential markets. Naše poslovanje z avtomatizacijskimi rešitvami lahko pomaga proizvajalcem procesnih, hibridnih in diskretnih proizvodov povečati proizvodnjo, zaščititi ljudi in okolje ter hkrati optimizirati njihove stroške energije in obratovanja. Our commercial and residential solutions business helps ensure people's comfort and health, protect food quality and safety, improve energy efficiency, and create sustainable infrastructure.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. Večino energetskih produktov in rešitev je mogoče takoj uvesti, kjer je to potrebno. EHT združuje celoten nabor rešitev za sončno fotovoltaiko, vetrno energijo in baterije za shranjevanje, da izstopa od konkurentov. Rešitev lahko zagotavlja energijo v majhnih in velikih formatih 24 ur na dan. Poleg tradicionalne podpore za vzpostavljena električna omrežja je EHT odličen tudi tam, kjer električnega omrežja ni. Organizacija združuje rešitve za varčevanje z energijo in proizvodnjo energije, da bi zagotovila napredne rešitve za različne industrije. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
Energy Edge Technologies Corporation (OTC: EEDG) nudi storitve energetskega inženiringa in druge storitve v Združenih državah. The company provides energy engineering and services specializing in the development and implementation of advanced turnkey projects to reduce energy loss and improve the efficiency of new and old buildings.
Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ERII) razvija nagrajene rešitve za izboljšanje produktivnosti, donosnosti in energetske učinkovitosti v naftni in plinski, kemični in vodni industriji. Naši izdelki poenostavljajo kompleksne sisteme in ščitijo ranljive naprave. Energy Recovery ima sedež na območju zaliva San Francisco, pisarne pa v Šanghaju in Dubaju.

EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) je vodilni ponudnik programske opreme za energetsko inteligenco (EIS) in storitev v oblaku za tisoče podjetij in javnih služb po vsem svetu. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. Enterprise EIS vključuje pripravo proračuna in nabavo, upravljanje zaračunavanja komunalnih storitev, optimizacijo objektov, vidljivost in poročanje, sledenje projektom, upravljanje povpraševanja in odziv na povpraševanje. Rešitve EnerNOC za utility EIS pomagajo povečati sodelovanje strank in vrednost virov na strani povpraševanja, vključno z odzivom na povpraševanje in energetsko učinkovitostjo. EnerNOC podpira uspeh strank s svojo ekipo profesionalnih storitev svetovnega razreda in 24x7x365 omrežnim operacijskim centrom (NOC).

Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) designs, manufactures and provides power supplies and mobile semiconductor technologies to improve the energy efficiency of home appliances, enabling mobile device manufacturers to provide innovative new features and improve the efficiency of industrial products. Naše globalno poslovanje podpira notranja in zunanja proizvodnja ter prilagodljiva dobavna veriga iz več virov. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Our semiconductor solutions for automotive, mobile, LED lighting and power management applications help our customers succeed every day.

Fujitsu Co., Ltd. (OTC: FJTSY) is Japan's leading information and communication technology (ICT) company, providing a full range of technical products, solutions and services. Fujitsu has approximately 159,000 employees supporting customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. The sustainable development of the balanced economy, society and environment has brought challenges and opportunities to modern enterprises. Organizacije, ki razumejo inovativno uporabo IT, hkrati pa se osredotočajo na optimizacijo, učinkovitost virov in energije, bodo imele koristi od poslovnih prednosti in družbene odgovornosti. Fujitsu can help your organization optimize the efficiency of its ICT equipment and data center, saving you money and reducing greenhouse gases. Our corporate sustainability services align your environmental goals with business goals to achieve sustainable operations. Our data center optimization services can improve energy efficiency and reduce data center operation and management costs. Using our sustainability framework, organizations can reduce ICT energy costs by an average of 40% in the first 12 months without increasing capital expenditures.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. Zanimajo ga tehnološko osredotočene rešitve, ki vključujejo industrijsko energetsko učinkovitost in pretvorbo ogljikovega dioksida v trge goriva, pa tudi Avstralijo in drugo. Conventional geothermal resources in the vast Pacific Ocean are rim.

Hydro66 Holdings Corp. (CSE: SIX) (OTCQB: HYHDF) ima v lasti in upravlja nagrajeni podatkovni center za kolokacijo na Švedskem, ki je specializiran za kolokacijo visokozmogljivega računalništva (»HPC«). The company has a third-party IT infrastructure, which uses 100% green power, is among the lowest in the EU, and is in an ISO27001-approved facility. Edinstvena prednost Hydro66 je, da lahko izkoristi infrastrukturo blockchain in priložnosti na tradicionalnem trgu podatkovnih centrov za podjetja. The company provides real green energy, dedicated space and refrigeration, telecommunications, IT support services, and 24/7 physical security at its facilities in Boden, Sweden, at leading prices. Hydro66 pomaga podjetjem, podjetjem HPC blockchain in sistemskim integratorjem znatno zmanjšati stroške in ogljični odtis podatkov.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) je tehnološko podjetje, namenjeno izboljšanju učinkovitosti pretvorbe energije. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA izboljša velikost, ceno, učinkovitost, prilagodljivost in zanesljivost elektronskih pretvornikov moči. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. The company is also developing a bidirectional bidirectional double junction transistor (B-TRAN™), and has applied for a patent, which has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and power density of bidirectional power switches. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.

International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (NYSE: IBM) provides information technology (IT) products and services worldwide. Energy and environment: IBM is committed to making our existing products and processes more effective for the environment and business, and at the same time developing new innovative technologies to help the world become smarter, promote economic and operational improvements, increase responsibility and reduce Environmental impact . Today's energy and climate-related issues are the top priority on our strategic agenda. IBM solutions can help customers reduce costs and systematically reduce energy, water, carbon emissions and waste. IBM is helping customers improve energy efficiency, adopt new ways to purchase, manufacture and distribute goods and services in a more sustainable way, achieve safe and renewable energy sources, and manage resources at a macro level, thereby transforming the entire industry. IBM združuje naše inovativne tehnologije, globoke poslovne vpoglede in strokovno znanje v panogi, da se na celovit način odzove na izzive našega planeta. Together, we can enhance the sustainability of our business and the planet.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. Ponujamo celovite rešitve za merjenje, upravljanje in analizo energije in vode. Naš obsežen portfelj izdelkov vključuje opremo za merjenje in krmiljenje električne energije, zemeljskega plina, vode in toplote; komunikacijski sistemi; programska oprema; ter storitve gostovanja in svetovanja. Itron uporablja znanje in tehnologijo za boljše upravljanje energetskih in vodnih virov.
IXYS Corp. (NASDAQGS: IXYS) manufactures and sells technology-driven products to improve power conversion efficiency, generate solar and wind power, and provide effective motor control for industrial applications. IXYS zagotavlja raznoliko bazo izdelkov za izpolnjevanje globalnih potreb po nadzoru moči, električni učinkovitosti, obnovljivi energiji, telekomunikacijah, medicinski opremi, elektronskih zaslonih in RF napajalnikih.
Just Energy Group, Inc. (TSX: JE.TO; NYSE: JE) je vodilno potrošniško podjetje, ki je specializirano za električno energijo in zemeljski plin, rešitve za energetsko učinkovitost in možnosti obnovljivih virov energije. Just Energy has offices in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland and Japan, serving approximately 1.7 million residential and commercial customers, providing a wide range of energy solutions for homes and businesses to provide comfort, convenience and control. Just Energy Group Inc. is the parent company of Amigo Energy, Green Star Energy, Hudson Energy, EdgePower Inc., Tara Energy and terrapas
Kontrol Energy Corp. (CSE: KRN) je vodilno podjetje na področju rešitev in tehnologij za energetsko učinkovitost. Through a rigorous merger strategy and organic growth, Kontrol Energy Corp. provides our customers with market-based energy solutions that aim to reduce their overall energy costs while correspondingly reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Legend Power Systems Inc. (TSX: LPS.V) is a leading energy saving company that produces and sells patented equipment to help commercial and industrial customers achieve significant energy savings through voltage optimization. Električni koordinator Legend Power lahko podjetjem pomaga zmanjšati račune za elektriko, stroške vzdrževanja in podaljšati življenjsko dobo električne opreme, hkrati pa pomaga zmanjšati emisije toplogrednih plinov. Lenovo Power is recognized as the best performing clean technology company for TSX/V in 2015.

MicroPlanet Technology Corp. (TSX: MP.V; OTC: MCTYF) zagotavlja napredno tehnologijo za varčevanje z energijo za stanovanjska, komercialna in industrijska okolja, ki lahko dinamično upravlja napetost, prejeto od elektroenergetskega podjetja, na optimalno raven. Na območjih z višjo vhodno napetostjo lahko to odjemalcem omogoči zmanjšanje porabe energije za 5 do 12 % in znižanje računov za elektriko, ne da bi spremenili svoje obnašanje. Na nizkonapetostnih območjih jo lahko izdelki MicroPlanet povišajo na programljivo nastavljeno točko, kar podjetjem za oskrbo z električno energijo omogoči hitro in stroškovno učinkovito izboljšanje kakovosti storitev za svoje stranke.
Microsemi Corp. (NasdaqGS: MSCC) provides a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for the communications, defense and security, aerospace and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; and power management products; timing and synchronization equipment and precise time solutions that have established world time standards; voice processing equipment; radio frequency solutions; Discrete components; varnostna tehnologija in razširljivi izdelki, zaščiteni pred posegi; Ethernet solutions; power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; and custom-designed functions and services. Microsemi ima sedež v Aliso Viejo v Kaliforniji. Smart Energy

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. Največji obnovljivi vir energije na svetu prihaja iz vetra in sonca. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) razvija in prodaja inovativne komponente za upravljanje porabe energije za računalniške, potrošniške, industrijske, avtomobilske in komunikacijske trge. Izdelki vključujejo LED splošno razsvetljavo, osvetlitev ozadja, upravljanje baterije in upravljanje porabe energije. O2Micro International has an extensive intellectual property portfolio, with 28,852 patent claims granted and more than 29,000 outstanding. The company has offices worldwide.
ON Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: ON) spodbuja inovacije za varčevanje z energijo, ki strankam omogočajo zmanjšanje svetovne porabe energije. The company is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, providing a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient power and signal management, logic, standard and custom equipment products. Izdelki podjetja lahko inženirjem pomagajo rešiti svoje edinstvene oblikovalske izzive na področju avtomobilskih, komunikacij, računalništva, potrošnikov, industrijskih, medicinskih in vojaških/vesoljskih aplikacij. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, as well as a network of manufacturing plants, sales offices, and design centers in major markets in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) vodi preoblikovanje komercialnih in industrijskih zgradb z najnaprednejšimi energetsko varčnimi sistemi razsvetljave in rešitvami za naknadno vgradnjo razsvetljave. Orion manufactures and sells a series of cutting-edge products, including LED solid-state lighting and high-intensity fluorescent lamps. Many of Orion's more than 100 patented and pending patents are related to lighting systems, which have excellent optical and thermal performance, which can bring financial, environmental and workspace aspects to many customers in the renovation market the benefits of.

PMFG, Inc. (NasdaqGS: PMFG) je vodilni ponudnik po meri zasnovanih sistemov in izdelkov, zasnovanih za zagotavljanje varne, učinkovite in čiste dobave energije. We mainly serve the natural gas infrastructure, power generation and petrochemical processing markets.
Poeta Technologies Inc. (TSX: PTK.V; OTC: Poetf) (Planarna optoelectronics Technology) je razvijalec optoelektronskih in fotonskih proizvodnih procesov in izdelkov. Photonics integration is essential to increase the expansion of functions and reduce the cost of current photonics solutions. POET verjame, da lahko njegova napredna optoelektronska procesna platforma znatno izboljša energetsko učinkovitost, stroške komponent in velikost pri proizvodnji pametnih optičnih komponent. Motor poganja različne aplikacije od podatkovnih centrov do potrošniških izdelkov do vojaških aplikacij. Patentirani proces modula z enim čipom podjetja POET iz Silicijeve doline združuje digitalne, visokohitrostne analogne in optične naprave na istem čipu in je namenjen uporabi kot industrijski standard za pametne optične komponente. The company's subsidiary DenseLight is a semiconductor process development company dedicated to the development of next-generation semiconductor integrated circuit technology, which integrates optics and electronics on a single chip, thereby extending the physical limitations of Moore's Law in performance and speed.
Power Clouds Inc. (OTC: PWCL) develops renewable energy and sustainable energy projects on a global scale, and is engaged in the planning, creation and management of photovoltaic power plants on a global scale. It determines the best locations for its solar power plants and then supports these projects through business development activities and coordination of strategic resources from engineers, suppliers, skilled builders and partner companies. The company has a production plant in Romania, and business activities in Japan and other parts of the world. The company has a core team composed of international-level experts and project managers who have specific expertise in photovoltaics and green economy. In ima sposobnost zagotavljanja najvišje stopnje zanesljivosti. Technology and cutting-edge solutions.
Power Efficiency Corporation (OTC: PEFF) designs, develops, sells and sells solid-state electrical equipment that can reduce the energy consumption of AC induction motors. Njegovi glavni proizvodi vključujejo trifazne krmilnike učinkovitosti motorjev (MEC), ki se lahko uporabljajo v industrijskih in komercialnih aplikacijah, kot so drobilniki kamna, peletizatorji in tekoče stopnice. The company also offers digital single-phase MEC products, which can reduce the energy consumption of motors by sensing and controlling the energy consumed by the motors. It provides services to end users, such as retail chains, hotels, airports and bus systems, as well as mining, plastics and manufacturing companies. The company mainly sells products through direct sales, original equipment manufacturers, dealers, distributors and independent representatives mainly in the United States.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Zagotavljanje javnih služb. Ima specializirane zmogljivosti za proizvodnjo električne energije za namene odzivanja na povpraševanje; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Njegova lastniška zasnova porazdeljenega sistema za proizvodnjo električne energije uporablja različne tehnologije za dobavo električne energije, vključno z obnovljivo energijo. Energijsko varčni izdelki in storitve podjetja vključujejo rešitve za varčno razsvetljavo, ki uporabljajo tehnologijo LED za izboljšanje kakovosti razsvetljave, ter načrtovanje, namestitev in vzdrževanje ukrepov za varčevanje z energijo, ki jih v glavnem zagotavljamo kot podizvajalci velikim ponudnikom energetskih storitev. (imenovano ESCO). , Za interese komercialnih, industrijskih in institucionalnih strank kot končnih uporabnikov in neposredno za trgovce na drobno. PowerSecure zagotavlja elektroenergetskim podjetjem tudi storitve vzdrževanja in gradnje prenosne in distribucijske infrastrukture ter inženirske in regulativne svetovalne storitve.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. ORC tehnologijo PowerVerde je mogoče kombinirati tudi z geotermalnimi, biomasnimi in sončnimi viri toplote.

Sabien Technology Group Plc (LSE: SNT.L) zagotavlja zasebnim in javnim organizacijam po vsem svetu tehnologije za zmanjšanje emisij ogljika in porabe energije. Načrtuje, izdeluje in prodaja patentirane izdelke za nadzor optimizacije obremenitve kotla M2G in krmiljenje grelnika tople vode M1G z neposrednim kurjenjem, ki lahko zmanjšajo porabo energije in emisije ogljika pri komercialnih in industrijskih kotlih ter kotlih za toplo vodo za 10 % do 25 %. %.

SmartHeat Inc. (OTC: HEAT), through its subsidiaries, mainly designs, manufactures, sells and services clean technology plate heat exchangers (PHE), heat exchangers and related systems for the industrial, residential and commercial markets in China. Kitajska. It provides PHE units, heat meters and heat pumps for commercial and residential buildings. The company also provides spiral heat exchangers and tube heat exchangers, as well as after-sales service, including maintenance, repairs and spare parts supply. Its products can be used in a variety of applications, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) energy conversion; and industrial applications, for oil refining, petrochemical, metallurgy, food and beverage, and chemical processing. Podjetje prodaja svoje izdelke pod blagovno znamko Smartheat, Taiyu in Sodex. Smartheat, Inc. Prodaja izdelke neposredno prek prodajnega osebja in omrežja distributerjev. The company is headquartered in Shenyang, China.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) je holdinška družba za energetske storitve s sedežem v Folsomu v New Jerseyju in deluje prek dveh glavnih podružnic. South Jersey Gas je eno najhitreje rastočih podjetij za oskrbo z zemeljskim plinom v Združenih državah, ki zagotavlja čist in učinkovit zemeljski plin približno 370.000 strankam v južnem New Jerseyju in izboljšuje energetsko učinkovitost. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable energy; for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.

Tecogen Inc. (NasdaqCM: TGEN) načrtuje, proizvaja, prodaja, namešča in vzdržuje učinkovite, ultra čiste izdelke za soproizvodnjo, vključno s soproizvodnjo z motorjem na zemeljski plin, klimatskimi sistemi in visoko učinkovitimi grelniki vode za stanovanjske, komercialne, zabavne in Industrial applications. The company is known for its cost-effective, environmentally-friendly and reliable products for energy production, which almost eliminate standard pollutants through patented technology and significantly reduce the customer's carbon footprint. Danes, po več kot 20 letih delovanja, je Tecogen vzpostavil mrežo inženirskega, prodajnega in servisnega osebja v Združenih državah Amerike in poslal več kot 2300 enot.

Thermal Energy Corporation (TSX: TMG.V) je dobro znan globalni dobavitelj, ki zagotavlja preizkušene lastniške rešitve za varčevanje z energijo in zmanjševanje emisij za svetovne industrijske in institucionalne sektorje. We save customers' money and increase profits by reducing fuel usage and carbon emissions. Our clients include many Fortune 500 companies and other leading multinational companies from various industries.
Willdan Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM: WLDN) nudi strokovno svetovanje in tehnične storitve javnim službam, javnim ustanovam in zasebnim podjetjem po vsej ZDA. Ponudba storitev podjetja pokriva široko paleto komplementarnih disciplin, vključno z energetsko učinkovitostjo in trajnostjo, inženiringom in načrtovanjem, finančnim in ekonomskim svetovanjem ter nacionalno obrambo. Willdan zagotavlja integrirane tehnične rešitve za razširitev pokritosti in virov svojih strank ter zagotavlja vse storitve prek svojih podružnic v različnih tržnih segmentih.

Energy Edge Technologies Corporation (OTC: EEDG) nudi storitve energetskega inženiringa in druge storitve v Združenih državah. The company provides energy engineering and services specializing in the development and implementation of advanced turnkey projects to reduce energy loss and improve the efficiency of new and old buildings.

The RPS Group (LSE: RPS.L) consultant company provides advice on the exploration and production of oil and gas and other natural resources; as well as the development and management of the natural environment. The company's energy department provides integrated technical, commercial and project management support and training services in the fields of energy science, geoscience, engineering and health, safety and environment. Njegov oddelek za gradnjo in naravno okolje nudi svetovalne storitve za vse vidike oddelkov za razvoj in upravljanje nepremičnin in infrastrukture. Ta del zagotavlja svetovalne storitve, vključno z okoljsko presojo, upravljanjem vodnih virov, skrbnim pregledom, oceanografijo, zdravjem in varnostjo, obvladovanjem tveganja, urbanim in podeželskim načrtovanjem, arhitekturo, krajinsko in urbanistično zasnovo, geodetskim in transportnim načrtovanjem ter laboratorijskim testiranjem, svetovanjem o azbestu, Air quality and noise characteristics. The company provides services in the United Kingdom, North America, Ireland, Asia Pacific, Australia, the Netherlands, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Norway and other countries.
Active Power (NASDAQCM: ACPW) designs and manufactures flywheel uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems and modular infrastructure solutions that enable data centers and other mission-critical operations to remain “on” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The comprehensive advantages of its products' power density, reliability and total cost of ownership are unparalleled in the market, enabling the world's leading companies to achieve their most forward-looking data center designs. Izdelki in rešitve podjetja imajo najnaprednejše proizvodne in preskusne obrate, registrirane po standardu ISO 9001:2008, v Austinu v Teksasu, na kar so ponosni. Serving global customers through Austin and three regional operation centers in the UK, Germany and China, which support the deployment of systems in more than 50 countries/regions
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company je s podjetjem Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., ki se nahaja v provinci Jiangsu na Kitajskem, doseglo dogovor o distribuciji novega tipa električnega vozila, imenovanega e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle), v Združenih državah. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. Električno vozilo e-Go lahko sprejme štiri potnike, ima dolgo življenjsko dobo baterije, in ker je vozilo lahko, je stopnja energetske učinkovitosti pri mestni vožnji kar 150+ MPG-E. Petsedežna luksuzna limuzina Ibis EV iz ogljikovih vlaken, veliki brat e-Go, bo prav tako prikazana poleg e-Go EV za prihodnjo prodajo v Združenih državah.
AFC Energy plc (LSE: AFC.L) je zdaj vodilni svetovni razvijalec nizkocenovne tehnologije alkalnih gorivnih celic. The technology focuses on large-scale industrial applications and can be fully expanded to provide clean power on demand. Gorivne celice lahko postanejo katalizator in spremenijo način, kako današnja industrija proizvaja energijo za jutri.
Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. The company categorizes its activities into natural gas and services, engineering technology and other activities. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. Zagotavlja tudi medicinske pline, sanitarne izdelke, medicinsko opremo in storitve za bolnišnice in bolnike na domu. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Its engineering and technical activities include design, development and construction of industrial gas production plants. Its other activities include the development of welding and cutting technologies, and the provision of deep-sea diving and swimming equipment. vodik

American Safety Resources (OTC: ARSC), through its subsidiary American Hydrogen Corporation, is developing technology to formulate hydrogen. Namenjen je zagotavljanju reformerja-čistilnika zemeljskega plina za zagotavljanje vodika na zahtevo.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Skupina Areva s komplementarnostjo jedrske energije in obnovljivih virov energije prispeva k vzpostavitvi jutrišnjega energetskega modela: čim večjemu številu ljudi zagotoviti varnejšo energijo z manj ogljikovega dioksida. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage. Fuel cell/hydrogen energy storage: Areva Group has more than 10 years of experience in energy storage, especially in the hydrogen field. The team designs, manufactures and industrializes turnkey energy storage solutions and products to generate electricity through fuel cells and hydrogen through electrolysis.

Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE: BE) designs, manufactures and sells solid oxide fuel cell systems, with a mission to provide clean, reliable and affordable energy to people all over the world. The company's product Bloom Energy Server can provide clean, sustainable, highly reliable, uninterrupted 24×7 constant power. Petindvajset od Fortune 100 podjetij je strank Bloom Energy, nekatere od njegovih največjih uvedb pa so v Equinix, AT&T, Home Depot, The Wonderful Company, Caltech, Kaiser Permanente in Delmarva Power.
BWT AG ORD (Vienna: BWT.VI; Frankfurt: TWB.F) is a water technology company. Fuel cell: FUMATECH, a subsidiary of BWT, as a supplier of innovative membranes (fumion® polymer and fumapem® polymembrane), has been established globally to serve the future global fuel cell market. Te inovativne membrane so jedrne komponente membranskih elektrodnih enot. PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) fuel cell.
Cabot Corporation (NYSE: CBT) je vodilno svetovno podjetje za posebne kemikalije in funkcionalne materiale s sedežem v Bostonu, Massachusetts. Naš portfelj izdelkov z dodatki ogljika razvijalcem baterij omogoča, da iz vsakega aktivnega materiala pridobijo najvišjo možno učinkovitost, s čimer spodbujajo visoko izhodno moč in energijsko gostoto litij-ionskih baterij ter podaljšajo življenjsko dobo in sprejemljivost polnjenja svinčenih baterij. Our carbon additives are also used in super capacitors, fuel cells, lithium air and other energy storage devices.

Clean Energy Capital Corporation (CSE: Move) je investicijska družba, ki je specializirana za oportunistične naložbe v zasebna in javna podjetja, ki lahko vključujejo različne panoge. It currently focuses on the health and renewable energy industries. Zlasti se naložbena direktiva osredotoča na naložbene priložnosti z visokim donosom, kar dosega razumno stopnjo apreciacije kapitala in zmožnost iskanja likvidnosti naložb. The company acquired a 90% stake in PowerTap on October 27. PowerTap, with its environmental protection intellectual property rights, modular design, and product design with the lowest level of hydrogen production costs, and a start-up plan, is leading this expense to establish a cost-effective hydrogen fuel infrastructure.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. The Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles named after the Mercedes-Benz brand, as well as small cars named after smart brands. Daimler's truck business unit sells trucks under the names Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, Thomas-made buses and Bharat Benz brands. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division produces and sells combined buses, city and intercity buses, coaches and bus chassis under the Mercedes-Benz and Setra brands. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. Podjetje se ukvarja tudi s prodajo rezervnih delov za svoja vozila. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. 180 patentnih prijav na tem tehničnem področju poudarja pionirske dosežke skupine.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. The company was founded in 1904 and is headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, with approximately 23,000 employees in 25 countries/regions on six continents. Dana je uporabila zrele tehnologije za prihodnje vire energije, vključno z izdelki na gorivne celice in poznejšimi izdelki. With our recognized expertise in the development of high temperature materials, we develop and manufacture superior fuel products for the automotive market, including the balance of factories, hydrogen reformers and chimney assemblies. Že več kot deset let smo vodilni na svetu na trgu gorivnih celic in smo prejeli priznanja, vključno z nagrado General Motors QSTP, nagrado PSA Supplier Award in zlato nagrado f Battery 2010. Zavezani smo k izpolnjevanju vaših trenutnih in prihodnjih potreb. Ne glede na to, ali gre za gorivne celice, baterije, hibridna električna vozila ali motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem, bo Dana zagotovila inovativne in zanesljive izdelke za alternativno energijo, ki vam bodo pri tem pomagali.
Dominovas Energy (OTC: DNRG) is a public company in Nevada. Dominovas Energy Corporation is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and is a leading power solution provider for emerging markets around the world. DEC uses its proprietary RUBICON™ solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology to deploy in multi-megawatt power generation plants worldwide. Pursuing clean and efficient power production globally through solid oxide fuel cell technology inspired its founder to create an “Energy Solutions” company. Recognizing the huge growth potential of the “green” and “alternative energy” markets, Dominowas Energy Corporation takes active action to immediately allocate its intellectual and financial capital to strategically solve 100% reliable, efficient and measurable green energy solutions Cleaner than generator sets and CCGT . In addition, unlike wind and solar solutions, RUBICON provides base load power 24/7/365 days a year. By manufacturing and deploying RUBICON™ on a global scale, Domino Gas Energy is committed to creating shareholder value not only by generating a guaranteed revenue stream, but also by increasing the value of “human and community capital”. Z izjemno poštenostjo in poštenostjo v vseh poslovnih transakcijah, da bi se zavezala temeljnim vrednotam, je Dominowas Energy tudi zavezana spoštovanju pravic vseh ljudi, hkrati pa priznava in spoštuje vse kulture, ki so potrebne za podporo rasti in razvoja skupnosti in narodov. It works in it. The company firmly believes that this unique advanced technology will have an impact on the world, and is determined to fulfill its mission of providing electricity where it is economically feasible.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Hydrogen fuel cell: Hydrogen has broad prospects as an environmentally friendly and sustainable means of storing and transferring energy. The challenge is to develop an economical method to extract hydrogen to justify the replacement of existing fuels. V zadnjih nekaj letih smo sodelovali pri raziskovalnih in pilotnih projektih, da bi preizkusili izvedljivost tega vira goriva. Naši projekti vključujejo: gorivne celice Homosassa Springs, naložbe v mikrocelice, gorivne celice Palm Garden, avto na vodik in bencinsko črpalko za vodik.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and okolje. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. Od obnovljivih virov energije, kot so fotovoltaika, vetrna energija, biogoriva in gorivne celice, do uporabe naprednih materialov, zaradi katerih je raziskovanje, proizvodnja in transport nafte in plina učinkovitejši, DuPontovi izdelki in storitve pomagajo zagotoviti boljšo učinkovitost, zanesljivost in nižje stroške. , higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Naši izdelki podpirajo tehnologije za shranjevanje energije in varčevanje z energijo v celotnem procesu proizvodnje, distribucije in pretvorbe energije.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) produces and sells carbon dioxide emission reduction technologies for internal combustion engines. Kot del vse pomembnejšega mednarodnega vodikovega gospodarstva uporabljamo svojo patentirano tehnologijo za proizvodnjo vodika in kisika prek edinstvenega sistema elektrolize. Ti plini se uvajajo z dovodom zraka za optimizacijo izgorevanja ali pomagajo zmanjšati emisije CO2 in povečati učinkovitost porabe goriva. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Avstralska korporacija Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) je odgovorna za proizvodnjo ogljikovih nanocevk in ogljikovih vlaken, nano-materialnih betonskih primesi, proizvodnja vodika, skladiščenja in transportnega goriva (vključno z nizko emisijskim vodikom, vodikom, metanom, metanom, metanom, metanom s premog and shale gas). ) Interested. United Kingdom. All these aspects of Eden's business are part of an integrated strategy that aims to become a major global player in the alternative energy market, especially focusing on the clean energy transportation market, producing carbon-free hydrogen, and transporting hydrogen to Market and provide engines. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) je licenčno podjetje, ki želi izkoristiti povpraševanje po naslednjih proizvodih: litij, vanadij, mangan, kositer, grafit, kobalt, nikelj in baker. Spodbujanje elektrifikacije (avtomobili, akumulatorske baterije, obsežno shranjevanje energije, proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih virov in druge aplikacije). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. To ustvarja edinstveno priložnost za vlaganje in pridobivanje licenčnin za rudnike in projekte, ki bodo zagotovili materiale, potrebne za revolucijo moči. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Obstaja 6 kombinacij licenčnin. Transakcija je odvisna od izpolnjevanja pogojev (vključno z regulatorno odobritvijo). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Njegove nanostrukture se lahko uporabljajo v baterijah za ponovno polnjenje za aplikacije z nizko porabo energije, pa tudi v mikro baterijah na mikroskopskih filmih. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enova Systems, Inc. (OTC koda: ENVS) načrtuje, razvija in proizvaja pogonske sisteme in sorodne komponente za električne in hibridne sisteme ter sisteme gorivnih celic za mobilne aplikacije v Združenih državah, Aziji in Evropi. It provides series and parallel hybrid systems. The company's electric and hybrid electric drive systems as well as power management and power conversion systems are used in applications such as medium and heavy trucks, buses and heavy industrial vehicles.

General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, njegove podružnice in skupna podjetja prodajajo vozila pod znamkami Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall in Wuling. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. Our engineers are exploring future advanced technologies such as fuel cell vehicles. We are at the forefront of this innovation, which enables vehicles to release water vapor instead of carbon dioxide from the exhaust pipe. Naše stranke so prevozile več kot 3 milijone milj v našem testnem voznem parku vozil na vodikove gorivne celice. This real feedback allows us to improve the technology, further reduce its size and increase durability.
GreenCell Inc. (OTC: GCLL) je podjetje v razvojni fazi, namenjeno razvoju plinskih sistemov in vžigalnikov opreme, senzorjev za kisik, gorivnih celic in opreme za proizvajalce originalne opreme, proizvajalce, industrijske distributerje in preprodajalce gospodinjske opreme Izdelki zavornih ploščic, avtomobilska industrija , heating and cooling, and medical industries

Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) is a leader in providing energy management systems and hybrid solutions for distributed stationary industrial applications, as well as products and solutions for education, training and applied research Technology providers are used in fuel cell, solar, wind and hydrogen technologies. Heliocentrisov sistem upravljanja z energijo ustvarja pametne, daljinsko vodene, zanesljive in učinkovite hibridne energetske rešitve prek različnih komponent (kot so baterije, fotovoltaični moduli, običajni dizelski generatorji in gorivne celice). V primerjavi s konvencionalnimi energetskimi rešitvami za mobilne telekomunikacijske bazne postaje lahko ta rešitev zmanjša emisije CO2 za 50 % in obratovalne stroške v povprečju do 60 %. Heliocentris' fuel cell system can ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical infrastructures (such as TETRA base stations, backbone sites and server stations in mobile networks) and a long operating time. Področje »poučevanja« ponuja vrsto učnih in raziskovalnih sistemov za tehnologijo gorivnih celic in solarnega vodika ter druge tehnologije obnovljivih virov energije. Stranke vključujejo izobraževalne centre, raziskovalne ustanove in industrije.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) razvija, proizvaja in distribuira motorna kolesa, avtomobile, pogonske in druge izdelke po vsem svetu. Podjetje je razdeljeno na štiri oddelke: posel z motornimi kolesi, posel z avtomobili, posel s finančnimi storitvami ter posel z električnimi izdelki in druga podjetja. The motorcycle business unit produces sports models, including test and cross-country motorcycles. Commercial and commuting modes; all-terrain vehicles; and utility vehicles. The automotive business unit provides passenger cars, light trucks and mini cars, as well as vehicles powered by alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol, electric and fuel cell vehicles. The financial services business segment provides a variety of financial services, including retail loans, leasing and other financial services, including wholesale financing to distributors and customers. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers , in vrtne kosilnice Stroj in vrtni traktor. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. The company sells its products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. As always, our attention is focused on the future. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. This is all part of Honda's thinking and action. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells

Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. The company provides Centennial/Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20, i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. Ponuja tudi športne terence pod imeni Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson in Creta. Vključno s tovornjaki, avtobusi, posebnimi vozili in gospodarskimi vozili z izpostavljenimi izdelki podvozja ter ekološkimi vozili, vključno z vozili Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell in Sonata-Hybrid. Kanadčanom kot prvemu avtomobilskemu proizvajalcu, ki zagotavlja gorivo, Hyundaijevo vozilo Cell Electric omogoča, da rezervoar za gorivo brez emisij in obremenitve avtomobila prevozi več kot 400 kilometrov, ne da bi morali porabiti ure za polnjenje. Naše novo razmišljanje je prebilo tradicionalne meje, na novo opredelilo cilje, ki jih avtomobili lahko dosežejo, nov svet in se premika proti boljši prihodnosti.
Itm Power (LSE: ITM.L) designs, manufactures and sells hydrogen energy systems for energy storage and clean fuel production in the UK. Podjetje razvija opremo, ki pretvarja obnovljivo energijo v čista goriva; in ga shrani kot zeleni vodik za razogljičenje v transportu, industriji in proizvodnji električne energije iz zemeljskega plina ter stanovanjskih aplikacijah. It provides the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer HPac 40; HFuel, an independent module for refueling hydrogen-powered road vehicles and forklifts; in HGas za proizvodnjo električne energije iz zemeljskega plina. Podjetje se ukvarja tudi z raziskavami in razvojem znanstvenih in inženirskih projektov; razvoj in izdelava prototipnih izdelkov; sales of electrolysis equipment and hydrogen storage solutions.
Johnson Matthey PLC (LSE: JMAT.L) je razdeljen na pet oddelkov: tehnologija za nadzor emisij, procesna tehnologija, izdelki iz plemenitih kovin, fine kemikalije in nova podjetja. Johnson Matthey Fuel Cell je svetovni vodilni pri proizvodnji katalizatorjev gorivnih celic in katalitičnih komponent. Ta tehnologija je tehnologija, ki proizvaja nizkoogljično moč. Johnson Matthey fuel cell is at the forefront of fuel cell component development. The company has the world's largest manufacturing plant in Swindon, UK, for the production of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) for hydrogen and methanol fuel systems.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) je podjetje, ki želi postati diamantni standard za trg magnezija (Mg). The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. proizvaja SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 visoke čistosti in druge prodajne stranske proizvode in stranske proizvode; Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; and IV. Nadaljnja komercializacija njegove gorivne celice/baterije MagPower lahko zagotovi zasilno napajanje, razsvetljavo in polnjenje za pomoč ob nesrečah in drugih nujnih primerih na kopnem in morju.
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. (OTC: MVTG) is a clean technology incubator that adopts and commercializes innovative and emerging technologies. Podjetje prek svoje hčerinske družbe Mantra Energy Alternatives trenutno razvija dve pionirski elektrokemični tehnologiji, katerih cilj je zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov donosno, in sicer ERC (Electrical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide) in MRFC (Mixed Reaction Fuel Cell). ERC is a form of “carbon capture and utilization” (CCU) that converts the polluting greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into useful and valuable products, including formic acid and formate. By using clean electricity, this process provides industrial plants with the potential to reduce emissions, while generating marketable products and profits. MRFC is an unconventional fuel cell that uses a mixture of fuel and oxidant, which greatly reduces the complexity and cost of the fuel cell system. MRFC is ideal for portable applications and is cheaper, lighter and more compact than traditional fuel cell technology.
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Modine products are used in light, medium and heavy vehicles, heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, off-road and industrial equipment, and refrigeration systems. Modine je globalno podjetje s sedežem v mestu Racine, Wisconsin, ZDA, z dejavnostmi v Severni Ameriki, Južni Ameriki, Evropi, Aziji in Afriki. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Tehnologija brezkrtačnega ventilatorja s spremenljivo hitrostjo (EFAN) se uporablja za nadzor temperature v dizelskih, stisnjenih zemeljskih plinih (CNG) in hibridnih aplikacijah ter je tudi del pionirskih avtobusov, ki jih poganjajo gorivne celice.

NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) je vodilni svetovni neodvisni proizvajalec avtobusov, ki ponuja celovit nabor rešitev za javni prevoz v skladu avtobus), Plaxton (osebno vozilo z motorjem), MCI® (osebno vozilo z motorjem), ARBOC® (osebno vozilo z nizko šasijo in osebno vozilo srednje velikosti) in NFI Parts™. Avtobusi NFI uporabljajo najobsežnejše pogonske sisteme, vključno z: čistim dizelskim gorivom, zemeljskim plinom, dizelsko-električnimi hibridnimi vozili in električnimi vozili brez emisij (vozički, baterije in gorivne celice). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) is changing the transportation industry on a global scale. Kot oblikovalec in proizvajalec baterijskih električnih in vodikovih električnih vozil, pogonskih sklopov električnih vozil, komponent vozil, sistemov za shranjevanje energije in infrastrukture bencinskih postaj za vodik je Nikola zavezan spodbujanju gospodarskega in okoljskega vpliva poslovanja, kot ga poznamo danes. influences. Nikola Corporation was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
NioCorp Developments Ltd. (TSX: NB.TO; OTC: NIOBF) razvija projekt superzlitin v jugovzhodni Nebraski, ki bo proizvajal niobij, scan in titan. Niobij se uporablja v proizvodnji superzlitin in nizkolegiranih (HSLA) jekel visoke trdnosti, ki so lahka jekla visoke trdnosti, ki se uporabljajo v avtomobilski industriji, konstrukcijah in cevovodih. Didium can be used in combination with aluminum to make an ultra-high performance alloy with higher strength and higher corrosion resistance. Didium is also an important part of advanced solid oxide fuel cells. Titanium is used in various high-temperature alloys and is widely used in aerospace, defense, transportation, medical and other applications. It is also a key ingredient of pigments used in paper, paint and plastics.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industrial machinery; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. electric car. Nissan razvija tehnologijo gorivnih celic, ki lahko uporablja rastlinski etanol za pogon avtomobilov.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) is an energy and environmental technology group dedicated to the development, production and sales of systems and products for environmentally friendly, efficient and low-resource energy. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon deluje na Švedskem, v Nemčiji in Združenem kraljestvu. Poslovno področje Opcon Renewable Energy se osredotoča na proizvodnjo električne energije brez ogljikovega dioksida na podlagi odpadne toplote, termoelektrarne na biološki pogon, obrate na pelete, sisteme za predelavo biomase, blata in zemeljskega plina, industrijsko hlajenje, kondenzacijo dimnih plinov in obdelavo dimnih plinov. Zračni sistem gorivne celice.
Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQGS: PLUG) Plug Power je arhitekt sodobne tehnologije vodika in gorivnih celic ter inovator, ki uporablja tehnologijo vodika in gorivnih celic od konceptov do komercializacije. Plug Power je revolucioniral industrijo ravnanja z materiali s svojo celovito rešitvijo GenKey, katere cilj je povečati produktivnost, zmanjšati operativne stroške in zmanjšati ogljični odtis na zanesljiv in stroškovno učinkovit način. Rešitev podjetja GenKey združuje vse potrebne elemente za zagotavljanje energije, goriva in storitev strankam. With proven hydrogen and fuel cell products, Plug Power replaces lead-acid batteries to power electric industrial vehicles, such as forklifts used by customers in their distribution centers. Plug Power's modular fuel cell engine ProGen platform expands its influence in the road electric vehicle market, enabling OEMs and system integrators to quickly adopt hydrogen fuel cell technology. ProGen engines are proven to provide thousands of services and support some of the most robust operations in the world. Plug Power je zaupanja vreden partner strank in lahko njihovo poslovanje potisne v prihodnost.
Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. Podjetje proizvaja, prodaja in distribuira atmosferske, procesne in posebne pline ter visoko zmogljive površinske premaze. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Oskrba z vodikom iz gorivnih celic: Praxairov vodik poganja vse, od vozil z rekordnimi kopenskimi hitrostmi do osebnih avtomobilov, avtobusov in zdaj viličarjev. Praxair že več kot deset let zagotavlja vodikovo gorivo in povezano tehnično podporo razvijalcem gorivnih celic in voznim parkom po vsej državi. Praxair's comprehensive hydrogen supply system allows your distribution center to take full advantage of the lower cost and higher productivity provided by hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, while leaving the hydrogen supply to experts.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L) prek svoje hčerinske družbe Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH načrtuje, razvija, izdeluje in preizkuša električne sisteme na gorivne celice in hibridne gorivne celice ter povezane tehnične komponente v Nemčiji in drugih delih Evrope ter na mednarodni ravni. . It provides a hydrogen fuel cell module that is integrated with an energy storage system to create an electric fuel cell hybrid system to provide electricity during peak demand. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. The company provides technical consulting services for engines, powertrain and gearboxes, hybrid and electrical systems, and vehicle systems; and environmental consulting services. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. In addition, the company also sells and supports a series of design and analysis software products specifically developed for applications in the powertrain development and vehicle integration process; in zagotavlja tehnično pomoč, usposabljanje in informacijske storitve. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Quantum produces one of the most innovative, advanced, and lightest compressed natural gas storage tanks in the world. Poleg popolnoma integriranih sistemov rezervoarjev za shranjevanje zemeljskega plina ponuja tudi te skladiščne rezervoarje za proizvajalce originalne opreme za tovornjake in avtomobile ter integratorje poprodajnih in originalnih originalnih tovornjakov. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum is headquartered in Lake Forest, California, with operations and branches in the United States, Canada and India.
SFC Energy Corporation (XETRA: F3C.DE; Frankfurt: F3C.F) je vodilna svetovna podjetniška skupina za mobilne energetske rešitve in upravljanje z energijo na industrijskih, obrambnih in potrošniških trgih, s poudarkom na naftni in plinski industriji. The company has sold thousands of fuel cells and has successfully established comprehensive commercialization and award-winning products worldwide. The group has also successfully developed, produced and distributed advanced power management components, such as converters and switch-mode power supplies, globally. Products are increasingly delivered as power system solutions based on customer requirements. SFC has passed DIN ISO 9001:2008 certification.
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) je eden vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev izdelkov na osnovi ogljika. Naša obsežna paleta izdelkov sega od karbonskih in grafitnih izdelkov do karbonskih vlaken in kompozitnih materialov. We are committed to creating innovative solutions and value for our customers. Fuel cell components: SGL Group develops and commercializes carbon-based products for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEFC)
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Oddelek za napredne baterijske materiale se ukvarja s komercializacijo litij-ionskih baterij in materialov za gorivne celice. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Solarvest BioEnergy Inc. (TSX: SVS.V) je tehnološko podjetje za alge, katerega platforma za proizvodnjo alg zagotavlja izjemno prilagodljiv sistem, ki ga je mogoče prilagoditi za proizvodnjo čiste energije v obliki vodika in zdravstvenih izdelkov (kot je omega olje). Economically and environmentally sensitive way. Hydrogen fuel can be used for direct energy use, compression and storage, or for power generation, such as in stationary fuel cells. In addition, this green technology will continue to generate carbon credits, which companies can sell or trade.

Ultralife Corp. (NasdaqGM: ULBI) trgu ponuja izdelke in storitve, od energetskih rešitev do komunikacijskih in elektronskih sistemov. S svojim inženiringom in skupnimi metodami reševanja problemov Ultralife zagotavlja storitve vladnim, obrambnim in komercialnim strankam po vsem svetu. The company is headquartered in Newark, New York, and its business units include batteries and energy products and communication systems. Ultralife deluje v Severni Ameriki, Evropi in Aziji. We have the ability to integrate batteries, charging solutions, and monitoring, and have established strong partnerships with wind, solar, fuel cell and power management companies to ensure that we can meet the needs of all markets with the right solutions.
United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX) provides high-tech systems and services for the rapidly growing aerospace and construction industries. Gorivne celice: Naš napajalni modul za gorivne celice (FCPM) poganja Navantiino podmornico S-80 z zračno neodvisnim pogonom (AIP) za špansko mornarico. S-80 FCPM is qualified and has been put into production. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell energy system provides air-independent power for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). We are developing flexible, reasonably priced, simple and energy-intensive system solutions for underwater vehicles with a diameter of 21 inches and below. We have decades of experience in the design and production of reliable, durable and safe qualified subsea hardware.

Xebec Inc (TSX: XBC.V) je globalni dobavitelj rešitev čiste energije za podjetja in vlade, ki želijo zmanjšati svoj ogljični odtis. Xebec has more than 1,500 customers worldwide, and its innovative products designed, engineered, and manufactured convert raw gas into saleable clean energy. Xebec's strategic focus is to establish a leading position in the market with growing demand for gas purification, natural gas dehydration and filtration. Xebec je večnacionalno podjetje s sedežem v Montrealu (QC) z dvema proizvodnima obratoma v Montrealu in Šanghaju ter prodajnimi in distribucijskimi mrežami v Severni Ameriki in Aziji. Xebec provides gas purification and filtration solutions for the natural gas, field gas, biogas, helium and hydrogen markets.
Aboitiz Power Corporation (AP) (Philippines: AP.PH) is engaged in power generation, distribution and retail businesses in the Philippines through its subsidiaries. It operates through power generation, distribution, parent company and other departments. The power generation business involves generating and supplying electricity to various customers in accordance with power supply contracts and ancillary service purchase agreements, as well as trading in the wholesale power spot market. Ta oddelek upravlja hidroelektrarne, geotermalne elektrarne in elektrarne na premog. The power distribution sector distributes and sells electricity to industrial, residential, commercial and other customers. The department is interested in eight power distribution utilities that supply power to the concession areas of approximately 18 cities and municipalities in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The parent company and other departments retail electricity to different offtakers; and provide electricity-related services, such as installing electrical equipment.
AES Corporation (Newyorška borza: AES) je svetovno energetsko podjetje s seznama Fortune 500. We provide affordable and sustainable energy to 14 countries/regions through a diversified distribution business and thermal and renewable energy power generation facilities. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.

Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra ima v lasti 247 MW delež te zmogljivosti in letno proizvede več kot 1.250 GWh čiste energije. Alterra ima tudi dva nova projekta v gradnji: Jimmie Creek-62 MW projekt rečne hidroelektrarne, ki meji na obstoječo elektrarno Toba Montrose; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 Projekt MW vetrne energije se nahaja v okrožju Clay v Teksasu; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra naj bi imela 50-odstotno lastništvo (trenutno 100-odstotno). Po zaključku teh dveh projektov bo Alterra upravljala s sedmimi elektrarnami s skupno močjo 819 MW in bo imela 381 MW te moči, kar bo letno proizvedlo več kot 1700 GWh čiste energije. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX: BSR.V) is a mineral exploration and development company dedicated to advancing its 100% owned Cerro Blanco gold mine and Mita geothermal project in Guatemala. Ekonomika projekta Cerro Blanco, razkrita v predhodni ekonomski oceni podjetja Cerro Blanco (na voljo na www.sedar.com), in najnovejše ocene mineralnih virov družbe Cerro Blanco kažejo, da je projekt robusten in naj bi v 9 letih proizvedel 952.000 unč mine life Gold mine. Gold and 3,141,000 ounces of silver. Ocenjeni začetni kapitalski izdatki PEA za gradnjo in zagon so ocenjeni na 170,8 milijona dolarjev, skupni denarni stroški vzdrževanja (opredeljeni v skladu s smernicami Svetovnega sveta za zlato, zmanjšani za splošne stroške in stroške upravljanja podjetja) pa so ocenjeni na 490 dolarjev za unčo zlata. produced.
Calpine Corporation (NYSE: CPN) je največji proizvajalec zemeljskega plina in geotermalnih virov v ZDA. Imamo 82 elektrarn s skoraj 27.000 MW v obratovanju. We serve customers in 18 states and Canada, specializing in the development, construction, ownership and operation of natural gas and renewable geothermal power plants that use advanced technologies to generate electricity in a low-carbon and environmentally friendly manner. Our clean, efficient, modern and flexible fleet is uniquely positioned to benefit from long-term trends affecting our industry. These trends include affordable clean natural gas supply, stricter environmental regulations, aging power generation infrastructure, and The increasing demand for dispatchable power plants. Successfully integrated intermittent renewable energy into the grid. We focus on the fiercely competitive electricity wholesale market and advocate market-oriented solutions to provide investors with non-discriminatory forward price signals
Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies. Podjetje je vključeno v skoraj vse vidike energetske industrije. Chevron raziskuje, proizvaja in transportira surovo nafto in zemeljski plin; refines, sells and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; produces and sells petrochemical products and additives; proizvaja električno energijo in pridobiva geotermalno energijo; and develops and deploys that can improve all aspects of company operations Technology for business value. Chevron is headquartered in San Ramon, California.
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. Deluje preko integriranih energetskih in drugih področij. Podjetje proizvaja, odkupuje in prodaja električno energijo in zemeljski plin. It generates electricity from hydropower, geothermal and thermal resources, and wind energy. The company is also involved in the sale of liquefied petroleum gas. Služi stanovanjskim, komercialnim in industrijskim strankam. Poleg tega nudi storitve števcev tudi drugim trgovcem na drobno.
Enel Green Power (Milano: EGPW.MI) je zavezan razvoju in upravljanju proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih virov na mednarodni ravni, z dejavnostmi v Evropi in Ameriki. Enel Green Power uporablja vse obnovljive vire energije za proizvodnjo energije s širokim portfeljem projektov vetrne, vodne, geotermalne, sončne in biomasne energije. Geotermalna energija: Enelova družba za obnovljivo energijo upravlja eno največjih geotermalnih elektrarn na svetu s 34 napravami, ki skupaj zmorejo približno 769 neto megavatov in proizvedejo več kot 5 TWh na leto, kar lahko zadosti 26 % regionalnega povpraševanja in povprečne porabe Približno 2 million Italian families. In addition, the heat provided by EGP can heat more than 8,700 residential and commercial customers and approximately 25 hectares of greenhouses. Enel Green Power se trenutno zavezuje k krepitvi svoje vloge v svetovnem okolju z novimi pobudami, ki se izvajajo v tujini. One of them, especially worth mentioning is the United States, where the two Stillwater and Salt Wells plants use one of the most advanced technologies applied in this field: binary circulation and intermediate Enthalpy. Več držav v Srednji in Južni Ameriki prav tako opredeljuje različne naložbene načrte.
The Energy Development Company (Philippines :: EDC.PH) is a pioneer in the geothermal energy industry and has more than 30 years of mature business viability. It helped discover new methods for the development and commercialization of renewable energy at the resource center, regardless of location and conditions. Od raziskovanja in proizvodnje vodne proizvodnje parne energije do proizvodnje električne energije za komercialne namene se zanašamo na visoko usposobljeno delovno silo in lastno tehnologijo, da vzpostavimo nekatera pionirska in najbolj zapletena področja pare na svetu, ki hitro postajajo merila v industriji.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Njegov objekt za proizvodnjo električne energije je eden najbolj raznolikih na svetu. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. Hidroenergija je nedvomno glavni vir energije, ki ga je treba razvijati, vendar postajajo vetrna energija, sončna energija, energija biomase in geotermalna energija v energetski strukturi vse pomembnejši.
Geodynamics Ltd. (ASX: GDY.AX) explores and develops geothermal energy in Australia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. It is committed to developing zero-emissions and generating renewable energy through enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). Podjetje se zanima za projekt Innamincka (EGS), ki se nahaja na približno 2300 kvadratnih kilometrih v Cooper Basinu v Južni Avstraliji; two geothermal exploration permits in the Hunter Valley; and the prospecting right in eastern Tasmania. It is also interested in geothermal power projects on Savo Island in the Solomon Islands and Efate in Vanuatu.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation ima svetovno priznano inženirsko strokovno znanje in izkušnje na področju tehnologije vakuuma in prenosa toplote. Je svetovni oblikovalec, proizvajalec in dobavitelj ejektorjev, črpalk, kondenzatorjev, vakuumskih sistemov in toplotnih izmenjevalcev po meri. Graham je ponudnik izdelkov in storitev za industrijo proizvodnje električne energije. Its surface condensers are used for turbine generator services, steam jet ejectors and liquid ring pump systems are used for condenser exhaust devices, and heat exchangers are used for various services. Energija iz odpadkov (vključno z metanom na odlagališčih v energijo), soproizvodnja toplote in električne energije, jedrska energija, geotermalna energija, soproizvodnja toplote in električne energije ter naprave za kombinirano proizvodnjo električne energije s kombiniranim ciklom zahtevajo naše izdelke.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. Zanimajo ga tehnološko osredotočene rešitve, ki vključujejo industrijsko energetsko učinkovitost in pretvorbo ogljikovega dioksida v trge goriva, pa tudi Avstralijo in drugo. Conventional geothermal resources in the vast Pacific Ocean are rim.

Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ORA) is a global leader in the field of geothermal power plants. Podjetje ima skoraj 50 let izkušenj z razvojem najnovejših okolju prijaznih energetskih rešitev. Ormat is a vertically integrated company mainly engaged in geothermal and renewable energy power generation business. The company designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy power plants. Z učinkovitim vzdrževanjem in pravočasnim odzivom na operativne težave daje poglobljeno znanje, pridobljeno pri teh operacijah, konkurenčno prednost podjetja. In addition to owning and operating geothermal power plants in the United States and other countries/regions, the company also designs, manufactures and sells power generation equipment and complete sets of power plants. Ormat currently has operations in the United States, Guatemala and Kenya.

PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (Filipini: PERC.PH) se osredotoča na pridobivanje in razvoj nafte. PERC mainly derives income from three production areas in Gabon, West Africa, and has become the only Philippine company that makes a profit from an international upstream enterprise. Realizing the opportunity of business diversification, PERC reinvested Gabon's profits into several oil fields and renewable energy projects in the Philippines. Geothermal
Polaris Infrastructure Corporation (formerly Ram Power, Corp.) (TSX: PIF.TO) is a renewable energy company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of geothermal assets and is interested in geothermal projects in the United States, Canada And Latin Amerika.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. ORC tehnologijo PowerVerde je mogoče kombinirati tudi z geotermalnimi, biomasnimi in sončnimi viri toplote.

American Geothermal Company (NYSE MKT: HTM, TSX: GTH.TO) je vodilno donosno podjetje za obnovljivo energijo, namenjeno razvoju, proizvodnji in prodaji geotermalne energije. The company currently operates geothermal power projects in Neal Hot Springs, Oregon; San Emidio, Nevada; and Raft River, Idaho, with a total power generation capacity of approximately 45 megawatts. The company is also developing projects in Geysers, California; druga faza projekta v San Emidio, Nevada; projekt El Ceibillo v bližini mesta Guatemala, Gvatemala; and Crescent Valley, Nevada. The growth strategy of US geothermal is to achieve 200 MW of power generation by 2020 through a combination of internal development and strategic acquisitions
Advanced Metallurgical Group (Euronext Netherlands: AMG) is a global key materials company that is at the forefront of carbon dioxide reduction trends. AMG proizvaja visoko zasnovane posebne kovine in mineralne izdelke ter zagotavlja povezane sisteme vakuumskih peči in storitve za transport, infrastrukturo, energijo in končne trge posebnih kovin in kemikalij. Ključni materiali AMG proizvajajo aluminijeve glavne zlitine in prah, titanove zlitine in prevleke, ferovanadij, naravni grafit, kovinski krom, antimon, tantal, niobij in kovinski silicij. AMG Engineering načrtuje, načrtuje in proizvaja napredne sisteme vakuumskih peči ter upravlja opremo za vakuumsko toplotno obdelavo, ki se večinoma uporablja v transportni in energetski industriji. AMG operates globally, with production facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Czech Republic, the United States, China, Mexico, Brazil and Sri Lanka, and sales and customer service offices in Russia and Japan.
Alabama Graphite Company (TSX: CSPG.V) is a Canadian-based flake graphite exploration and development company and an ambitious battery material production and technology company. Podjetje posluje prek svoje hčerinske družbe Alabama Graphite Company Inc., ki je v 100-odstotni lasti (podjetje, registrirano v Alabami). With the development of flake graphite projects in the United States, Alabama Graphite Corp intends to become a reliable long-term American company. A supplier of special high-purity graphite products, an experienced team leads the company with more than 100 years of experience in graphite mining, graphite processing, special graphite products and applications, and graphite sales. Alabama Graphite Company is committed to exploration and Development. The development of the flagship Coosa graphite project in Coosa County, Alabama, the development of the Bama mine project in Chilton County, Alabama, and the research and development of battery material proprietary manufacturing and technical processing technology, Alaba Ma Graphite holds 100% interest in the mineral rights of the two US graphite projects located on private land. The project covers an area of ​​more than 43,000 acres and is located in a jurisdiction that is geopolitically stable and easy to mine. V grafitnem pasu kosmičev v osrednji Alabami (znanem tudi kot grafitni pas Alabame) je veliko število zgodovinskih kosmičev. Zgodovina proizvodnje grafita (vir: ameriški urad za rudarstvo). A large part of the deposits in Alabama are characterized by graphite-containing materials that are oxidized and weathered into extremely soft rock. Both projects have proper infrastructure and are close to major highways, railroads, electricity and water, and are approximately three hours away from the Port of Mobile, Alabama Port Authority's deep sea port and the ninth largest port (via Truck or train). Ports by tonnage in the United States (Source: US Army Corps of Engineers/USACE). Prijetno podnebje v Alabami omogoča celoletno rudarjenje, največji kamnolom marmorja na svetu (Sylacauga, Alabama, odprt 24 ur na dan, 365 dni v letu) pa je od projekta Coosa Graphite oddaljen manj kot 30 minut vožnje.

Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource assets. It mainly explores gold, copper, nickel, base metal, precious metal and graphite deposits. The company has an interest in the Prospect Valley gold mine near Merritt, British Columbia; in rudnik bakra Peter Lake v Mont Laurier Terrane, Greenville, osrednji Quebec, Kanada. Zanima ga tudi grafitno premoženje Lac Guéret East v regionalnem okrožju Manicouagan v Quebecu v Kanadi. In nepremičnina Cimandiri v Sukabumiju v Indoneziji.
Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX: CAZ.AX) is a diversified mineral exploration and resource development company in Australia. Podjetje raziskuje predvsem železovo rudo, grafit, baker, nikelj, navadne kovine, zlato, kobalt in cinkove rude. It owns various properties located in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
Ceylon Graphite Co., Ltd. (TSX: CYL.V) is a listed company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX VENTURE: CYL). Njena dejavnost je raziskovanje in razvoj rudnikov grafita na Šrilanki. The Sri Lankan government has granted the company the right to explore more than 100 square kilometers of land. Te raziskovalne mreže pokrivajo vsa pomembna območja z zgodovino proizvodnje grafita v začetku 20. stoletja in predstavljajo večino znanih rudnikov grafita na Šrilanki. Cejlonski grafit je najčistejši na svetu in trenutno predstavlja manj kot 1 % svetovne proizvodnje grafita.

China Carbon Graphite Group Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHGI) has become a pioneer in manufacturing and distributing graphite products such as electrodes, bipolar plates, precision machined graphite parts/assemblies and graphene-related products in China through its subsidiary Royal Elite New Energy . Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Royal Elite). The company has established a wide customer base in Europe, America and Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. Po naših izdelkih je veliko povpraševanje v industriji jekla, metalurgiji, barvnih kovin, fotovoltaiki, shranjevanju energije, optičnih vlaken, polprevodnikov in kemični industriji.

Eagle Graphite Incorporated (TSX: EGA.V; OTC: APMFF; FSE: NJGP;) je podjetje iz Ontarija, ki ima v lasti enega od samo dveh obratov za proizvodnjo naravnega grafita v kosmičih v Severni Ameriki, ki se nahaja 35 kilometrov zahodno od Nelsona v Britanski Kolumbiji, 70 kilometrov severno od zvezne države Washington v ZDA je znan kot kamnolom črnega kristalnega grafita.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) je licenčno podjetje, ki želi izkoristiti povpraševanje po naslednjih proizvodih: litij, vanadij, mangan, kositer, grafit, kobalt, nikelj in baker. Spodbujanje elektrifikacije (avtomobili, akumulatorske baterije, obsežno shranjevanje energije, proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih virov in druge aplikacije). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. To ustvarja edinstveno priložnost za vlaganje in pridobivanje licenčnin za rudnike in projekte, ki bodo zagotovili materiale, potrebne za revolucijo moči. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Obstaja 6 kombinacij licenčnin. Transakcija je odvisna od izpolnjevanja pogojev (vključno z regulatorno odobritvijo). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
ELCORA ADVANCED MATERIALS CORP. (TSX: ERA.V; OTCQB: ECORF) je bila ustanovljena leta 2011 in se je zdaj razvila v vertikalno integrirano podjetje za grafit in grafen, ki izkopava, predeluje in rafinira grafit ter proizvaja grafen in aplikacije za končne uporabnike grafena. . As part of the vertical integration strategy, Elcora is interested in the operation of its Ragedara mine, which has begun production in Sri Lanka, to obtain high-grade graphite and graphene precursor graphite. Elcora je razvila edinstveno poceni in visoko učinkovito metodo za proizvodnjo komercialno prilagodljivega visokokakovostnega grafita in grafena. This combination means that Elcora has the tools and resources to vertically integrate graphite and graphene.
Energizer Resources Inc. (TSX: EGZ.TO) je podjetje za raziskovanje in razvoj rudnin s sedežem v Torontu v Kanadi. The company is developing its 100% owned flagship Molo graphite project in southern Madagascar and in the feasibility study stage.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) je vodilni ponudnik različnih izdelkov, ki se uporabljajo za čiščenje, zaščito in transport kritičnih materialov, ki se uporabljajo pri predelavi in ​​proizvodnji polprevodnikov ter drugih visokotehnoloških industrijah. Entegris has passed ISO 9001 certification and has manufacturing, customer service and/or research facilities in the United States, China, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Graphite: Poco Graphite-Entegris; POCO materials are used in many different applications and industries. POCO products are produced for the following major markets: semiconductors and general industrial products, biomedicine, glass industrial products and electrical discharge machining (EDM). As a manufacturer of high-tech materials, POCO provides excellent customer support, including specific application information, design capabilities, processing and material testing.

Globe Metals & Mining (ASX: GBE.AX) se ukvarja z naložbami, raziskovanjem in razvojem mineralnih virov v Avstraliji in Afriki. Podjetje se osredotoča na razvoj svojega projekta niobija Kanyika v Malaviju. It also explores tantalum, graphite, fluorite and rare earth elements.
Goa Carbon Company (BSE: GOACARBON.BO) is a manufacturer and seller of calcined petroleum coke in India. Podjetje dobavlja izdelke talilnicam aluminija, proizvajalcem grafitnih elektrod in titanovega dioksida ter drugim uporabnikom v metalurški in kemični industriji. Žganje podjetja z letno zmogljivostjo 75.000 ton se nahaja v južni Goi, 40 kilometrov od pristanišča Mormugao. Podjetje ima še dve tovarni v Bilaspurju v Chhattisgarhu in Paradeepu v Orissi.
Graphite Energy Corp. (CSE: GRE) ima najnovejšo rudarsko tehnologijo, ki je okolju prijazna. We are mining graphite, which should be the next green energy in the future. Our mine is located in Quebec, Canada, and has historically been a natural resource of graphite. With the growing demand for graphite in some of the most prominent and cutting-edge industries, such as solar cells and lithium batteries in electric vehicles and robotics, we have updated our technology to meet future demands.
Graphite India Ltd. (NSE: GRAPHITE.NS) manufactures and sells graphite electrodes and carbon and graphite specialty products in India and internationally. The company's business scope includes: graphite and carbon, steel and other fields. Zagotavlja grafitne elektrode za proizvodnjo jekla in drugih neželeznih kovin v elektroobločnih pečeh in poteh peči na lonec ter kot potrošni material za prevajanje velikih tokov pri nizkem tlaku med taljenjem in/ali legiranjem. Podjetje ponuja tudi palice in bloke, mikro palice, grafitne cevi, cevi izmenjevalnika toplote, oblikovan grafit, izostatično oblikovan grafit, ogljik in strojno obdelane dele grafita, ogljikov grafit/opeke in ogljik-ogljik kompozitne materiale/zavore. Oblika ekstrudiranega grafita. Primerno za optične diske v jeklu, barvnih kovinah, metalurgiji, sončni energiji, polprevodnikih, kemiji, steklu, kremenu in strojni ter drugi predelovalni industriji. In addition, it also provides calcined petroleum coke, carbon electrode paste, graphite particles and fine materials, as well as carbon-containing materials used in the aluminum, steel, iron alloy and casting industries. Poleg tega podjetje ponuja tudi neprepustne grafitne izmenjevalnike toplote, vključno s kondenzatorji, hladilniki, grelniki, reboilerji, uparjalniki, izmenjevalniki in grafitnimi stolpi za destilacijo, absorpcijo in pranje, ejektorske sisteme in centrifugalne Črpalke; HCl gas generation unit for HCl synthesis and drying, as well as H2SO4 / HCl concentration and acid dilution cooling unit; bursting disc, thermowell, pipes and pipe fittings. In addition, it also provides glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes; joints, such as GRP couplings, laminated joints, flanges, etc.; and GRP elbows, tees, reducers, diffusers, valve three Pass and so on. In addition, the company also provides high-speed, alloy tools and powder metallurgy steel for cutting tools. Ukvarja se tudi s proizvodnjo električne energije in prodajo električnemu omrežju Karnataka prek elektrarne Hydel

Imerys (Paris: NK.PA) is a global leader in mineral-based specialty solutions in the industry. Imerys je preoblikoval vrsto edinstvenih mineralov, da bi zagotovil funkcionalne posebne rešitve (toplotna odpornost, mehanska trdnost, električna prevodnost, pokritost), učinek pregrade itd.). Bistvenega pomena je za kupčev izdelek in proizvodni proces. Grafit: št. 1 v svetu grafita za alkalne baterije; No. 1 in the world for large natural graphite flakes
IMX Resources (ASX: IXR.AX) je avstralsko podjetje za vire, ki ima v lasti 5400 kvadratnih kilometrov zemljišč v jugovzhodni Tanzaniji. Its Chilalo project is rapidly developing into the next world-class graphite flake project. Podjetje prav tako izboljšuje svoj projekt niklja in možnosti za zlato.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the two companies. The team focused on key raw materials. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); materiali za gradbene izdelke z visoko toplotno učinkovitostjo (grafit, silicijev dioksid, nefelin); in materiali, ki lahko izboljšajo učinkovitost pri pridobivanju energije (dy, neodim, ha). Vodilni robni materiali so v idealnem položaju, da igrajo ključno vlogo pri trajnostni ponudbi tehnologije in energetskih kritičnih materialov
Lincoln Minerals (ASX: LML.AX) je avstralsko podjetje za raziskovanje rudnih virov, ki se v glavnem ukvarja z raziskovanjem in projektnim razvojem več nahajališč grafita in železove rude na polotoku Eyre v Južni Avstraliji, vendar njegov naložbeni portfelj vključuje tudi visokokakovostne projekti bakra, svinca, cinka in srebra, niklja, kobalta, urana in zlata v isti provinci.

Makino Milling Machine (Tokyo: 6135.T) is a Japanese manufacturing company. Podjetje in njegova hčerinska podjetja se ukvarjajo s proizvodnjo, prodajo in vzdrževanjem industrijskih strojev. The company provides vertical machining center, horizontal machining center, 5-axis machining center, 5-axis vertical machining center, graphite milling machine, numerical control (NC) electric discharge machine, wire electric discharge machine, computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) System and others
Mason Graphite Inc. (TSX: LLG.V; OTC: MPHHF) je kanadsko rudarsko podjetje, ki se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in razvojem nahajališča naravnega grafita Lac Guéret v severovzhodnem Quebecu v 100-odstotni lasti. The company is led by an experienced team with more than fifty years of experience in graphite production, sales and research and development.
Mersen SA (Paris: MRN.PA) is a global expert in electrical and graphite-based materials. Mersen je zasnoval inovativne rešitve za izpolnjevanje posebnih potreb strank, ki jim omogočajo optimizacijo njihovih proizvodnih procesov v energetski, transportni, elektronski, kemični, farmacevtski in predelovalni industriji.
Meteoric Resources NL (ASX: MEI.AX) je raznovrsten iskalec mineralov z viri diamantov, zlata, bakra, zlata in železa v Avstraliji ter minerali grafita v Španiji. Out of interest in graphite as a high-tech and potentially high-value commodity, Meteoric has applied for an investigation permit covering old graphite mines and occurrence locations in a graphite mining area in Huelva, SW Huelva, southwestern Spain.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in razvojem ključnih lastnosti kovin v Namibiji. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. Podjetje je nedavno od Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd pridobilo portfelj projektov. Razpršite prednosti na kobalt, grafit, litij, tantal, niobij, vanadij, zlato in sorodne navadne kovine. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
National Graphite Corporation (OTC: NGRC) is an exploration stage company that acquires, explores and develops minerals in the United States. Podjetje raziskuje nahajališča zlata, srebra, grafita in drugih mineralov. Zanima ga posest Silver Strike Silver, ki pokriva približno 1363 hektarjev v Candelarii. The company was formerly known as Lucky Boy Silver Corporation.
New Energy Minerals Ltd (ASX: NXE.AX) (prej Mustang Resources) raziskuje področja rudarjenja, raziskovanja in tehnologije vanadija in grafita. Mozambique's unique Caula project is about to be put into production, and they will provide vital high-quality resources for the fast-growing new energy market.
Japan Carbon Corporation (Tokyo: 5302.T) is a Japanese company mainly engaged in the production and sales of carbon products. The carbon department is engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of carbon products, including artificial graphite electrodes, impermeable graphite, isotropic high-purity graphite, graphite products for equipment, general-purpose carbon fibers and graphite fibers, lithium ion battery anode materials and drugi.
NMDC LTD. (BSE: NMDC.BO) je pod upravnim vodstvom Ministrstva za železo in jeklo indijske vlade. Since its establishment, it has been engaged in the exploration of various minerals, including iron ore, copper, phosphate rock, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, bentonite, magnesite, diamond, tin, tungsten, graphite, beach sand, etc. NMDC is the largest single iron ore producer in India.
Northern Graphite Corporation (TSX: NGC.V) is a graphite development and battery technology company whose Bissett Creek deposit is located in eastern Canada. Bissett Creek has a natural competitive advantage in the field of lithium-ion batteries because it has a high percentage of battery-grade materials, high yields for converting mineral concentrates into anode materials, and original, highly ordered crystal structure, thereby reducing the cost of purification And higher capacity batteries. Podjetje uporablja lastniške, okoljsko trajnostne tehnologije premazov in čiščenja, da bi izkoristilo te prednosti za proizvodnjo boljših, cenejših anodnih materialov in nadomestilo okolju škodljive prakse, ki se trenutno uporabljajo v njegovi proizvodnji.
Nouveau Monde Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: NOU.V) owns the Matawini graphite project, in which the company has delineated the indicated category of graphite resource estimates totaling 48.6 Mt, grade 3.97% Cg, grade 34.7 Mt, grade It is 4.08% . Infer Cg in the category. The project is located in the Saint-Michel-des-Saints area, about 130 kilometers north of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Neposredno lahko uporablja vso potrebno infrastrukturo, delovno silo, zeleno zaščito okolja in cenovno dostopno hidroenergijo. Nouveau Monde is developing projects with the highest corporate social responsibility standards and the lowest environmental footprint (for net zero carbon emissions operations).
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) je eden vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev izdelkov na osnovi ogljika. Our comprehensive product range ranges from carbon and graphite products to carbon fiber and composite materials. We are committed to creating innovative solutions and value for our customers.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Carbon Division provides graphite electrodes for electric steelmaking furnaces. These electrodes are essential for steel recycling. Stranke po vsem svetu, vključno z Japonsko, zelo cenijo grafitne elektrode Showa Denko. The division provides high-end products for advanced markets, while developing and selling volume products for the significant growth of emerging economies.

Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) je avstralsko podjetje za pridobivanje virov z raznolikim portfeljem raziskovanja v jugovzhodni Afriki. The Balama graphite and vanadium project is Syrah's top priority, and it has progressed rapidly from exploration to completion of feasibility studies.
Thundelarra Ltd. (ASX: THX.AX) je avstralsko podjetje za raziskovanje mineralov z aktivnimi projekti v Zahodni Avstraliji in na Severnem ozemlju. Currently, our main commodity focus is copper, gold and uranium, although our project also has the potential to discover base metals (lead, zinc, silver, nickel) and graphite mineralization.
Tokai Carbon Korea Co. (Korea: 064760.KQ) produces and sells various silicon wafers and semiconductor products in Korea. The company provides silicon wafer products, such as high-purity graphite used in silicon crystal drawing and semiconductor processing equipment parts; and SiC coated products, which can be used to grow monocrystalline silicon parts, for semiconductor diffusion and LP-CVD The parts are used for epitaxy and CVD susceptors, for semiconductor heaters and parts for CZ crystal pulling. Zagotavlja tudi različne polprevodniške materiale, vključno z rezinami SiC za različne aplikacije, vključno z difuzijo, LP-CVD, naprševanjem, virtualnimi rezinami za jedkanje itd.; in za EPI svetleče diode, laserske diode in podstavke. In addition, the company also provides carbon and carbon composite materials, which can be used as components for crystal pullers, furnace structural parts, heaters, etc.; glassy carbon products, used for wafer holders, heat reflectors, bases, guide rings , Plasma etching electrodes, crucibles, etc.; silicon cathode electrodes are used as cathodes and gas injection parts in the etching process. Graphite composition
Toyo Tanso (Tokyo: 5310.T) is a company engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of special graphite products, general carbon products, composite materials and other products. The company's special graphite products include crucibles for single crystal silicon pulling furnaces, heaters, bases for metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) devices, continuous casting molds, electrical discharge machining electrodes, and ion implantation equipment. Elektrode, materiali jedrskega jedra in materiali prve stene plazme jedrskega fuzijskega reaktorja. Its common carbon products include bearings for pumps and compressors, sealing materials, zoom sliders, auto parts, carbon brushes and motor brushes. Njegovi kompozitni materiali in drugi izdelki vključujejo podlage za naprave Si-Epi, plazemske materiale za prve stene za jedrske fuzijske reaktorje, tesnila za avtomobile in podlage za naprave MOCVD.

Valterra Resource Corp. (TSX: VQA.V) is a Manex resource group company. Skupina zagotavlja strokovno znanje in izkušnje pri raziskovanju, upravljanju in storitvah korporativnega razvoja za Valterra Minerals v Britanski Kolumbiji in Ontariu. Valterra focuses on early properties in areas with superior infrastructure and has the potential to accommodate large deposits. In the past few years, Valterra has acquired and is exploring several key projects, including the Swift Katie and Bobcaygeon graphite mines, which are located near Canada's road, rail, power and resource communities
Zen Graphene Solutions (TSX: ZEN.V) je podjetje za tehnologijo grafena v vzponu, namenjeno razvoju edinstvenega grafitnega projekta Albany. This precursor graphene material provides the company with a competitive advantage in the potential graphene market, because independent laboratories in Japan, the United Kingdom, Israel, the United States and Canada have proven that ZEN's Albany Graphite / Naturally PureTM can be easily used in a variety of ways Ground conversion (exfoliation) of graphene into graphene. Simple mechanical and chemical methods.
Zimtu Capital Corp. (TSX: ZC.V) is a public investment issuer dedicated to investing in, creating and developing natural resource companies, thereby providing shareholders with a way to indirectly participate in the process of public company construction and profit from it. The company also provides mineral project generation and consulting services to help the company establish contacts with interested properties. Graphite: GTA Resources and Mining Inc. je podjetje za raziskovanje virov s tremi visokokakovostnimi kanadskimi projekti: North Shore, Ivanhoe in Oden.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. ACCIONA Construction uporablja najnovejšo tehnologijo za izvedbo projektov. Je v ospredju področja R+R+ in eno vodilnih svetovnih gradbenih podjetij. ACCIONA Construction covers the entire construction range, from engineering design to engineering performance and subsequent maintenance, as well as the management of public engineering concessions, especially in the fields of transportation and social infrastructure.

Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. Iz odpadkov proizvaja tudi gradbene materiale. The company uses SF materials (a mixture of waste plastics and coal ash) to develop and produce products. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. ima sedež v Harbinu na Kitajskem

Crown ElectroKinetics (OTC: CRKN) je globalno vodilno podjetje DynamicTint – vaše steklo naredimo pametnejše™. Our technology was originally invented by Hewlett-Packard (HP, Inc.), which allows any glass surface to switch between transparent and dark in a few seconds. DynamicTint™ allows the window to transition from transparent to black. Crown sodeluje z vodilnimi proizvajalci stekla in filmov za množično proizvodnjo in distribucijo s široko paleto oken, vključno s poslovnimi stavbami, avtomobilskimi strešnimi okni in stanovanjskimi strešnimi okni. The core of Crown's technology is a film driven by charged pigments. The film can not only replace ordinary curtain shades, but also a more sustainable alternative to traditional curtains.

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. Večino energetskih produktov in rešitev je mogoče takoj uvesti, kjer je to potrebno. EHT združuje celoten nabor rešitev za sončno fotovoltaiko, vetrno energijo in baterije za shranjevanje, da izstopa od konkurentov. Rešitev lahko zagotavlja energijo v majhnih in velikih formatih 24 ur na dan. Poleg tradicionalne podpore za vzpostavljena električna omrežja je EHT odličen tudi tam, kjer električnega omrežja ni. Organizacija združuje rešitve za varčevanje z energijo in proizvodnjo energije, da bi zagotovila napredne rešitve za različne industrije. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
International Barrier Technology Inc. (OTC: IBTGF) develops, manufactures and sells proprietary fire-resistant building materials under the trademarks LP® FlameBlock® fire-resistant OSB sheath and Blazeguard FR deck panels. Barrier's award-winning fire-resistant wood board uses a patented, non-toxic, non-flammable coating that has an extraordinary function: it releases water in the heat. Pri vsakem ciljnem požarnem preizkusu in uporabi te plošče presegajo zahteve gradbene kode »modela« in so edinstvene v smislu kombiniranih značilnosti, ki lahko povečajo trdnost plošče in zmanjšajo vpliv na okolje in ljudi. Barrier's product series provide customers with high-quality material choices that can meet the increasingly challenging combination of requirements in residential and commercial construction.
NCI Building Systems Co., Ltd. (NYSE: NCS) is one of the largest comprehensive manufacturers of non-residential construction metal products in North America. NCI je sestavljen iz vrste podjetij, ki upravljajo proizvodne obrate v Združenih državah, Mehiki in na Kitajskem, ter ima druge prodajne in distribucijske pisarne v Združenih državah in Kanadi. Green product solutions: In recent years, as the demand for environmentally friendly building materials continues to grow, NCI's emphasis on creating green products has also increased. When used as part of high-performance buildings, components manufactured by our company network can support environmental, economic and health standards that are considered when determining the overall sustainability of the project. Our products can help buildings meet the requirements of various government and non-governmental agency certification requirements that set green standards, including the US government's ENERGY STAR program and the US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. S svojim strokovnim znanjem strankam pomagamo graditi energetsko učinkovitejše in okolju prijaznejše zgradbe.
SG Blocks (OTC: SGBXQ) is the leading innovator of freight containers designed with codes in commercial and private environments. SG Blocks ponuja rešitve za nekatera največja svetovna podjetja in vladne agencije. Zagotavlja stroškovno učinkovito tehnologijo gradnje kontejnerjev, ki presega zahteve številnih standardnih gradbenih predpisov. We work with architects, developers, builders and commercial customers to help them use code-designed shipping containers to build incredibly safe, strong and green structures. Tesno sodelujemo z našimi partnerji, da poiščemo pravo embalažno škatlo za potrebe vsakega projekta, nato pa uporabimo svoje edinstvene izkušnje in strokovno znanje, da vsako embalažno škatlo razširimo na natančne specifikacije.
Trutco Inc. (TSXV: SMS.V) opravlja poslovanje prek svoje hčerinske družbe VCI Controls Inc. ("VCI") in je vodilni dobavitelj in integrator PropTech-ovih zdravih gradbenih rešitev in storitev. Podjetje je vodilno v industriji pri razvoju tehnologije inteligentnih gradenj, vključno z uporabo najnovejših komunikacijskih tehnologij in standardov za integracijo vseh gradbenih sistemov. VCI's business focuses on digital control and mechanical services, performance monitoring and energy efficiency solutions. SustainCo is headquartered in Toronto, with offices in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa and Vaughan, Canada.
TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) has been a pioneer in the development of breakthrough science and engineering technology since the 1960s. TRC je nacionalno inženirsko, okoljsko svetovalno in gradbeno podjetje za upravljanje energije, okolja in infrastrukture. Trg ponuja integrirane storitve. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. The results provided by TRC enable customers to succeed in a complex and changing world.

China CDM Exchange (ISDX: CCEP) is a company incorporated in Jersey that provides brokerage, consulting and research services related to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Asia. Sodeluje s podjetji in projekti, ki ustvarjajo ogljikove dobropise, in pomaga lastnikom projektov pri prepoznavanju kupcev in prodajalcev teh ogljikovih dobropisov.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) produces and operates various chemical products in India. The company operates through sectors such as chemicals, wind energy business, electricity and theater exhibitions. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); erection procurement and commissioning services; operation and maintenance services; general infrastructure services; and WTG site development services. Napajalni del proizvaja moč. Gledališko razstavni oddelek upravlja in upravlja integrirane kinematografe in kinematografe. Gujarat Fluorochemical Co., Ltd. se ukvarja tudi z nepremičninami in dejavnostmi razvoja nepremičnin; in raziskovanje rudnikov fluorita. GFL has been at the forefront of introducing the concept of carbon credits into India. GFL's CDM project is the first in the world to seek registration from the CDM Executive Committee (United Nations Framework for Climate Change). GFL is the largest CDM player in India and the top five in the world. Through the implementation of this project, GFL attaches great importance to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG) prek svojih hčerinskih družb v glavnem deluje kot energetsko podjetje v severovzhodnih Združenih državah in srednjem Atlantiku. Prodaja elektriko, zemeljski plin, emisijske dobropise in vrsto izdelkov, povezanih z energijo, za optimizacijo delovanja energetskega omrežja. Podjetje opravlja tudi prenos električne energije; and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. Poleg tega nudi tudi servis in vzdrževanje opreme za stranke. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1985 in ima sedež v Newarku, New Jersey.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), matično podjetje GO Energy Group, je sestavljeno iz več avstralskih podjetij in ima vodilni položaj na področju najnovejših visoko učinkovitih energetskih tehnologij in storitev. Od svoje ustanovitve leta 2010 je GO Energy Group hitro utrdila svoj položaj stebra na nacionalnem področju obnovljivih virov energije ter dosegla obsežen uspeh in rast. Solco Limited je subjekt, ki je naveden na ASX in se je združil z GO Group Energy, da bi zagotovil najvišji standard strategije obnovljivih virov energije. Z našo blagovno znamko CO2markets smo postali eden največjih trgovcev z okoljskimi certifikati v Avstraliji, hkrati pa komercialnemu sektorju prek GO Energy zagotavljamo pametne, izvedljive in obnovljive rešitve za reševanje naraščajočih stroškov energije. Naš visoko konkurenčen paket izdelkov združuje maloprodajno energijo z drugimi izdelki, kot so naša garancija za najboljšo ceno, prilagojena proizvodnja sončne energije, učinkovita razsvetljava in storitve spremljanja energije, ki so vsi nacionalni. Uspeh lahko našim strankam pomaga premagati naraščajoče stroške elektrika in prispeva k zmanjšanju emisij ogljika. Naša najnovejša ponudba blagovne znamke GO je v stalnem razvoju tega področja podpreti sončno industrijo in potrošnikom omogočiti pridobivanje brezplačnih ponudnikov namestitve od lokalnih ponudnikov sonca, medtem ko CO2 Global zagotavlja zagotavljanje kakovosti (QA) in nadzor kakovosti (QC) process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.

Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Listed on the selective Ibex-35 stock exchange index, which is the benchmark of the market. ACCIONA is positioned as a pioneer in development and sustainable development, demonstrating its ability to meet the challenges of sustainable development in all business areas. Posebna zaveza ACCIONA je postopno zmanjševanje podnebnega odtisa in vodenje prehoda na nizkoogljično gospodarstvo.
AECOM Technology Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: ACM) je vodilno, popolnoma integrirano podjetje za profesionalne tehnološke storitve, ki načrtuje, gradi, financira in upravlja globalna infrastrukturna sredstva za stranke iz javnega in zasebnega sektorja. AECOM has nearly 100,000 employees-including architects, engineers, designers, planners, scientists, and management and construction service professionals-providing services to customers in more than 150 countries/regions around the world. Revenue from Engineering News Record Among them, AECOM was rated as the first global engineering design company. Letna razvrstitev v panogi, revija Fortune pa ga je razglasila za "najbolj občudovano podjetje na svetu". The company is a leader in all key markets it serves, including transportation, facilities, environment, energy, oil and gas, water, high-rise buildings, and government. AECOM combines global influence, local knowledge, innovation and superior technology to provide customized and innovative solutions that meet the needs of customers' projects.

AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Predhodnik podjetja je bil AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) je vodilni neodvisni ponudnik, ki podjetjem in organizacijam v Severni Ameriki in Evropi zagotavlja celovite storitve, energetsko učinkovitost, nadgradnjo infrastrukture, trajnost sredstev in rešitve za obnovljive vire energije. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
American Electric Power Company (NYSE: AEP) je eno največjih energetskih podjetij v Združenih državah, ki oskrbuje z električno energijo 5,4 milijona uporabnikov v 11 državah. AEP is one of the largest power producers in the United States, with nearly 32,000 megawatts of power generation capacity in the United States. AEP also owns the largest power transmission system in the United States, which is a grid of more than 40,000 miles, which includes more power than 765 kV UHV transmission lines. Vsota vseh drugih prenosnih sistemov v Združenih državah. AEP's transmission system directly or indirectly meets about 10% of the electricity demand in the eastern interconnection network, which covers 38 eastern and central states in the United States and eastern Canada, while the electricity demand in ERCOT accounts for about 11%. Covering most of Texas. AEP's utility divisions include AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (located in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (located in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Oklahoma Public Service Company, and Southwest Electric Company (Arkansas, Louisiana and Eastern Texas). AEP is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.
The mission of Capstone Infrastructure Corporation (TSX: CSE.TO) is to provide investors with attractive total returns through the responsible management of long-term investments in core infrastructure in Canada and internationally. The company's strategy is to develop, acquire and manage a series of high-quality utility, power and transportation businesses, as well as public-private partnerships that operate in a regulated or contract-defined environment and generate stable cash flow. Capstone trenutno vlaga v evropsko komunalno podjetje, ima v lasti, upravlja in razvija objekte za proizvodnjo toplotnih in obnovljivih virov energije v Kanadi, s skupno nameščeno zmogljivostjo 466 MW.

Emerson Electric Company (New York Stock Exchange: EMR), headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is a global technology and engineering company that provides innovative solutions to customers in the industrial, commercial and residential markets. Naše poslovanje z avtomatizacijskimi rešitvami lahko pomaga proizvajalcem procesnih, hibridnih in diskretnih proizvodov povečati proizvodnjo, zaščititi ljudi in okolje ter hkrati optimizirati njihove stroške energije in obratovanja. Our commercial and residential solutions business helps ensure people's comfort and health, protect food quality and safety, improve energy efficiency, and create sustainable infrastructure.
Exelon Corp. (NYSE: EXC) is a leading competitive energy provider in the United States. Exelon is headquartered in Chicago and has operations in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. Exelon is one of the largest competitive generators in the United States, with more than 32,000 MW of its own capacity, making it one of the cleanest and lowest cost generator fleets in the United States. The company's Constellation business unit provides energy products and services to more than 2.5 million residential, public and commercial customers, including two-thirds of Fortune 100 companies. Exelonova javna podjetja zagotavljajo elektriko in zemeljski plin (BGE) 7,8 milijonom strank v osrednjem Marylandu, severnem Illinoisu (ComEd) in jugovzhodni Pensilvaniji (PECO).
Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) is a global engineering and construction company that designs and builds some of the most complex projects in the world. The company provides customers with innovative and integrated solutions in engineering, procurement, manufacturing, construction, maintenance and project management on a global scale. For more than a century, Fluor has been serving customers in the fields of energy, chemical, government, industry, infrastructure, mining and power markets. Fluor s sedežem v Irvinu v Teksasu je na lestvici Fortune 500 uvrščen na 136. mesto.
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: JEC) provides technical, professional and construction services to various industrial, commercial and government clients. The project services it provides include engineering, design, architecture, interior design, planning, environmental and other services; as well as process, science and system consulting services, including scientific testing, analysis and consulting activities, information technology, and systems engineering and integration activities. Storitev. Jacobs (Jacobs) is one of the world's largest and most diverse providers of technical expertise and construction services.
KBR, Inc. (NYSE: KBR) is a global technology, engineering, procurement and construction company serving the hydrocarbon and government service industries. It has approximately 25,000 employees in 70 countries/regions and customers in three different Global business, operating in 40 countries/regions: technology and consulting, including know-how in refining, ethylene, ammonia and fertilizer, and gasification; providing niche consulting and expertise through subsidiaries Granherne, Energo and GVA; engineering and Construction, including offshore oil and natural gas; onshore oil and natural gas; LNG/GTL; refined; petrochemical products; chemicals; differentiated EPC and industrial services; vladne storitve, vključno z upravljanjem načrtov in dolgoročnimi rentnimi pogodbami. KBR proudly cooperates with global customers to provide technology, value-added consulting services, integrated EPC delivery and long-term industrial services to ensure consistent project delivery and predictable results. In KBR, we provide.

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) je vodilno podjetje za čisto energijo s proizvodno zmogljivostjo približno 44.900 MW, vključno z MW, povezanimi z neobvladujočimi deleži v NextEra Energy Partners, LP (NEP), leta 27 pa sta država in Kanada imeli approximately 13,800 employees as of the end of 2014. NextEraEnergy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida. Its main subsidiary is Florida Power & Light Company, which serves approximately 4.8 million customers in Florida and is one of the largest price-controlled power companies in the United States, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities are the world's largest wind and solar renewable energy generators. Nextera Energy s svojimi hčerinskimi družbami proizvaja čisto električno energijo brez emisij iz osmih komercialnih jedrskih energij na Floridi, New Hampshireu, Iowa in Wisconsinu. Nextera Energy so tretje osebe prepoznale zaradi svojih prizadevanj na področju trajnosti, korporativne odgovornosti, etike in skladnosti ter raznolikosti, revija Fortune pa je bila imenovana za eno izmed "najbolj občudovanih podjetij na svetu". Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) vodi k uporabnikom usmerjeno preobrazbo energetske industrije v ZDA z zagotavljanjem čistejših in pametnejših energetskih možnosti ter gradnjo na največjem in najbolj raznolikem portfelju konkurenčnih energetskih izdelkov v ZDA. Kot podjetje s seznama Fortune 200 ustvarjamo vrednost z zanesljivo in učinkovito konvencionalno proizvodnjo električne energije, hkrati pa spodbujamo inovacije na področju sončne in obnovljive energije, ekosistemov električnih vozil, tehnologije zajemanja ogljika in energetskih rešitev, osredotočenih na stranke. Naš maloprodajni dobavitelj električne energije oskrbuje več kot 3 milijone stanovanjskih in poslovnih odjemalcev po vsej državi.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Zagotavljanje javnih služb. Ima specializirane zmogljivosti za proizvodnjo električne energije za namene odzivanja na povpraševanje; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Njegova lastniška zasnova porazdeljenega sistema za proizvodnjo električne energije uporablja različne tehnologije za dobavo električne energije, vključno z obnovljivo energijo. Energijsko varčni izdelki in storitve podjetja vključujejo rešitve za varčno razsvetljavo, ki uporabljajo tehnologijo LED za izboljšanje kakovosti razsvetljave, ter načrtovanje, namestitev in vzdrževanje ukrepov za varčevanje z energijo, ki jih v glavnem zagotavljamo kot podizvajalci velikim ponudnikom energetskih storitev. (imenovano ESCO). , Za interese komercialnih, industrijskih in institucionalnih strank kot končnih uporabnikov in neposredno za trgovce na drobno. PowerSecure zagotavlja elektroenergetskim podjetjem tudi storitve vzdrževanja in gradnje prenosne in distribucijske infrastrukture ter inženirske in regulativne svetovalne storitve.
Primoris Services Company (NasdaqGS: PRIM) Primoris was established in 1960 and, through various subsidiaries, has grown into one of the largest publicly traded professional construction and infrastructure companies in the United States. Primoris služi različnim končnim trgom in nudi široko paleto gradbenih, proizvodnih, vzdrževalnih, nadomestnih storitev, storitev oskrbe z vodo in odpadnimi vodami ter inženirskih storitev za glavne gospodarske družbe, petrokemična podjetja, energetska podjetja, občine, državne prevozne agencije in druge stranke. Through organic growth and growth through acquisitions, the company's nationwide business is now almost all over the country and extends to Canada.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) provides planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape design, survey, environmental science for infrastructure and projects in Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Združene države Amerike in zvezna država New York, strokovne svetovalne storitve za projektno vodenje in projektno ekonomijo ter mednarodno. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; control panel manufacturing services; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; in storitve blagovnih znamk, kot tudi storitve razvoja, oblikovanja, namestitve in vzdrževanja celovitosti sistemov naftovodov in plinovodov ter objektov postaj. Poleg tega ponuja tudi poklicne storitve na področju ekologije, okoljske obnove, vodnih virov in regulativne podpore javnim in zasebnim strankam na področju električne energije, prometa, energije in virov ter storitev pri upravljanju kulturnih virov in zgodovinske zaščite.

5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) je vodilni proizvajalec posebnih kovin in kemičnih izdelkov. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Mnogi od njih so ključni pionirji in ključni promotorji, kot so sončna energija, svetleče diode in okolju prijazni materiali.

Acorn Energy Corporation (NasdaqCM: ACFN) is a holding company whose three portfolio companies help their customers achieve higher productivity, reliability, safety and efficiency factors, thereby bringing greater profits. DSIT zagotavlja varnostne rešitve pred podvodnimi grožnjami pomorskim in pomorskim energetskim sredstvom. GridSense® provides monitoring of all key points in the transmission system. OmniMetrix® mainly remotely monitors and controls critical equipment in the form of emergency backup power generation systems and natural gas pipeline corrosion protection systems to improve their reliability and ensure compliance.
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Od leta 1989 je AERT prevzel vodilno vlogo pri uporabi reciklirane polietilenske plastike v proizvodnji kompozitnih gradbenih materialov. With its ever-evolving portfolio of patents and proprietary recycling technologies, AERT has been recognized as a leader in resource conservation innovation and won the EPA Environmental Excellence Award for its process of converting waste plastic into outdoor laminate flooring. Podjetje je pred kratkim prejelo nagrado ESGR Patriot za svojo podporo našim stražarjem in rezervnim silam v oboroženih silah ZDA. AERT converts recycled plastic and wood fiber waste into high-quality outdoor decoration systems, fence systems, and door and window components. Podjetje je ekskluzivni proizvajalec talnih oblog ChoiceDek®, ki so na voljo v različnih barvah in se prodajajo v trgovinah z opremo za dom v kraju Lowe po vsej državi. AERT-ov program za tlakovanje MoistureShield® se širi in izdelki se zdaj prodajajo po vseh Združenih državah. AERT has manufacturing plants in Springdale, Arkansas and Lowell, and recently started operations at the Green Age recycling plant in Watts, Oklahoma.
AES Corporation (Newyorška borza: AES) je svetovno energetsko podjetje s seznama Fortune 500. We provide affordable and sustainable energy to 14 countries/regions through a diversified distribution business and thermal and renewable energy power generation facilities. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
The Alaska Hydropower Corporation (TSX: AKH.V) is engaged in the development of renewable energy projects, which mainly focus on hydropower to develop resources for the northern climate. Alaska Hydro trenutno razvija projekt hidroelektrarne več potoka ("projekt"), ki se nahaja v več potoku, ki se pretaka v reko Iskout, približno 130 kilometrov severno od mesta Stewart na severozahodni Britanski Kolumbiji.
Alcoa (NYSE: AA) Alcoa is a global leader in light metal technology, engineering and manufacturing, and its innovative multi-material solutions can improve our world. Our technology can improve transportation from automobiles and commercial transportation to aerospace, and improve industrial and consumer electronics. We support smart buildings, sustainable food and beverage packaging, high-performance defense vehicles across the air, land and sea, deeper oil and gas drilling, and more efficient power generation. We pioneered the aluminum industry 125 years ago. Today, our more than 60,000 employees in 30 countries/regions provide value-added products made of titanium, nickel and aluminum, and produce first-class bauxite, alumina and raw materials. Aluminum products. Trajnostni razvoj, trajnostni razvoj izdelkov

Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. Distribucijska skupina deluje v Združenih državah Amerike in zagotavlja cenovno nadzorovane storitve oskrbe z vodo, elektriko in zemeljskim plinom za več kot 489.000 strank. The unregulated power generation group owns or owns a portfolio of contracted wind, solar, hydropower, and natural gas power generation facilities located in North America, with an installed capacity of more than 1,050 megawatts. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.

Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) ponuja rešitve za alternativno energijo, ki izpolnjujejo naraščajoče povpraševanje po okolju prijazni in ekonomsko upravičeni energiji na svetovnem trgu. The main goal of Alter NRG is to further commercialize Westinghouse plasma gasification technology through its wholly-owned subsidiary to provide renewable and clean energy solutions from a variety of raw materials and provide various energy outputs, including liquids such as ethanol and diesel. Fuel, electricity and syngas
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra ima v lasti 247 MW delež te zmogljivosti in letno proizvede več kot 1.250 GWh čiste energije. Alterra ima tudi dva nova projekta v gradnji: Jimmie Creek-62 MW projekt rečne hidroelektrarne, ki meji na obstoječo elektrarno Toba Montrose; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 Projekt MW vetrne energije se nahaja v okrožju Clay v Teksasu; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra naj bi imela 50-odstotno lastništvo (trenutno 100-odstotno). Po zaključku teh dveh projektov bo Alterra upravljala s sedmimi elektrarnami s skupno močjo 819 MW in bo imela 381 MW te moči, kar bo letno proizvedlo več kot 1700 GWh čiste energije. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Alterrus Systems (OTC: ASIUQ) se ukvarja z razvojem, proizvodnjo, delovanjem in integracijo verticropa, sistema za sajenje z visoko gostoto v Kanadi, Združenem kraljestvu in Združenih državah Amerike. Its VertiCrop system grows fresh, nutritious and leafy green vegetables on closely spaced shelves, which are arranged vertically on pallets that are moved by an overhead conveyor system.

AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Predhodnik podjetja je bil AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) je vodilni neodvisni ponudnik, ki podjetjem in organizacijam v Severni Ameriki in Evropi zagotavlja celovite storitve, energetsko učinkovitost, nadgradnjo infrastrukture, trajnost sredstev in rešitve za obnovljive vire energije. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
American Safety Resources (OTC: ARSC), through its subsidiary American Hydrogen Corporation, is developing technology to formulate hydrogen. Namenjen je zagotavljanju reformerja-čistilnika zemeljskega plina za zagotavljanje vodika na zahtevo.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) is a comprehensive renewable products company dedicated to achieving sustainable growth for the world's leading brands. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amyris has partnered with TOTAL to develop renewable diesel and jet fuel, aiming to become the best transportation fuel. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Njegova gostota energije, zmogljivost motorja in zmogljivost shranjevanja so primerljivi z najboljšimi naftnimi gorivi.

Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) owns and manages renewable energy natural gas, electricity, transmission lines and water assets in North America, South America, Spain, Algeria and South Africa. As of December 31, 2017, the company had 22 assets, including 1,446 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy power generation assets, including solar and wind power plants; 300 MW sredstev za proizvodnjo električne energije iz zemeljskega plina, ki lahko uporabljajo zemeljski plin za proizvodnjo električne energije in pare; 1,099 miles of power transmission lines; and a desalination plant with a total daily production capacity of 10.5 million cubic feet.
BacTech Environmental Corporation (CSE: BAC; OTC Pink: BCCEF) We are changing the way we clean the environment. With the help of our loopholes, we have brought meaning to the concept of “green metal” by recycling metal while improving the surrounding environment in the process. BacTech spodbuja uporabo lastne tehnologije obdelave z biološkim izpiranjem za obdelavo jalovine, proizvedene v dolgo uveljavljenem koncentratu in jalovini arsenopirita. Območje Ponce Enriquez (Ponce Enriquez) v južnem Ekvadorju. BacTech has agreed to participate as a technology partner in a group that hopes to reprocess arsenic stocks in Snow Lake, Manitoba.

BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) is a technology service company dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions to improve the environment. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.

Bio-Clean International, Inc (OTC: BCLE) develops and sells environmentally friendly cleaning products and bioremediation fluids designed for various purposes in the United States. Prav tako ima naložbe v različna skupna podjetja v elektroniki in naravnih virih.
Blue Sphere Corporation (OTC: BLSP) is a clean technology company and an integrator of waste-to-energy projects. Blue Sphere razvija projekte za pridobivanje energije iz odpadkov in druge obnovljive vire energije. The company aspires to become a major player in the global waste-to-energy conversion and renewable energy market.

Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) is an electricity producer whose core business is dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations. Boralex ima približno 250 zaposlenih in je znan po svojem strokovnem znanju in bogatih izkušnjah na področju štirih vrst proizvodnje energije: vetrne, vodne, termalne in sončne. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) and its subsidiaries produce and sell thermoplastic resins together. Poliolefinski oddelek podjetja proizvaja polietilen, vključno z LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, UHMWPE in EVA. Zelen polietilen iz obnovljivih virov; and polypropylene (PP). Izdelke segmenta je mogoče uporabiti v različnih aplikacijah, kot so plastične folije za hrano in industrijsko embalažo; bottles, shopping bags and other consumer goods containers; automotive parts; in gospodinjskih aparatov. Ameriške in evropske podružnice podjetja proizvajajo PP v ZDA in Nemčiji. Njegov oddelek za distribucijo kemikalij distribuira topila, vključno z alifatskimi, aromatskimi, sintetičnimi in okolju prijaznimi topili; inženirska plastična ogljikovodična topila in izoparafini; and general chemicals such as processing oils, chemical intermediates, mixtures, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceuticals And Santubong. Braskem SA uvaža in izvaža tudi kemikalije, petrokemične izdelke in goriva. Proizvodnja, dobava in prodaja pripomočkov, kot sta voda in industrijski plin; and provide industrial services.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) operates one of the world's largest publicly traded pure renewable energy platforms. Portfelj izdelkov podjetja pokriva 74 rečnih sistemov in 14 energetskih trgov v Severni Ameriki, Latinski Ameriki in Evropi, predvsem hidroenergijo, s skupno nameščeno zmogljivostjo več kot 7000 MW. Z visokokakovostnim portfeljem sredstev in močnimi obeti za rast lahko podjetje ustvari stabilen dolgoročni denarni tok in podpira redne in naraščajoče razdelitve denarja delničarjem.
CALCITECH LTD (OTC: CLKTF) develops and commercializes synthetic calcium carbonate (SCC) in Europe. It produces SCC from waste lime and carbon dioxide from air pollution. SCC je bel pigment, ki se lahko uporablja v različnih industrijskih aplikacijah, vključno s papirjem, polimeri, barvami, hrano in farmacevtskimi izdelki. The company provides three SCC products for the paper industry, including CalciLS, which aims to maximize light scattering; CalciSG, katerega namen je zagotoviti sijajne premaze za napreden tiskarski in pisalni papir; and CalciRG, which is a performance enhancement for the gravure printing market. additive. Ponuja tudi CalciSP, nepapirni izdelek za prehrambeno, farmacevtsko in kozmetično industrijo; in CalciRC, ki cilja na aplikacije polimerov, kot so plastika, tesnila, guma in lepila.

CECO Environmental Corp. (NasdaqGS: CECE) je vodilno svetovno okoljsko, energetsko in tehnološko podjetje za predelavo tekočin. Through its well-known brands, CECO provides a wide range of products and services, including dampers and diverters, cyclone technology, thermal oxidizers, filtration systems, scrubbers, fluid treatment equipment, and factory engineering services and engineering design and construction. These products play a vital role in helping companies meet strict production standards, meeting growing factory demands and strict global emission control regulations. CECO serves the widest range of markets and industries worldwide, including power, municipal, chemical, industrial manufacturing, oil refining, petrochemical, metals, minerals and mining, hospitals and universities. CECO is committed to building long-term shareholder value by bringing its unique technology, product portfolio and superior operational advantages into strategic key growth markets around the world, while maintaining the highest level of employee development, project execution and safety leadership.
Cemtrex (NasdaqCM: CETX) je vodilno svetovno raznoliko industrijsko in proizvodno podjetje, ki ponuja široko paleto rešitev za soočanje z današnjimi tehničnimi izzivi. Cemtrex provides advanced custom engineered electronic products, emission monitors and instruments for industrial processes, and manufacturing services for environmental control and air filtration systems for industry and utilities.
Ekološka tehnologija Century Sunshine. Hldg. (Hong Kong 0509.HK) conduct business in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China. The company operates in four areas: ecological fertilizer business, magnesium alloy business, metallurgical flux business and financial service business. Its subsidiaries include Baishan Tianan Magnesium Resources Co., Ltd., Guangshi Group Co., Ltd., CapitaLand Investment Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine (Jiangxi) Ecological Technology Co., Ltd ., Century Sunshine (Nanping) Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. in Century Sunshine (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., etc.
CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: DA.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., s sedežem v Mississaugi, Ontario, proizvaja lastniški material, podoben aktivnemu oglju (SulfaCHAR), ki se lahko uporablja za odstranjevanje vodikovega sulfida (predvsem bogatega z metanom) in nečistoč air).
China Agricultural Trade Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHBU) se ukvarja s proizvodnjo in prodajo nestrupenih gnojil, fungicidov in fungicidov za kmetijstvo v Ljudski republiki Kitajski. Podjetje ponuja organske biokemične kmetijske izdelke, vključno s Xinsheng Lvyuan, serijo kemičnih gnojil, ki se v glavnem uporablja za povečanje kmetijske proizvodnje; Xinsheng Lufeng, an organic soil amendment series as a fungicide; in Xinsheng Huang-jin-gai, linija izdelkov za aminokislinska gnojila. Ta izdelek je zasnovan tako, da pomaga pridelkom absorbirati kalcij in izboljša njegovo kakovost. It also provides a new type of humic acid fertilizer product series “New Life Homeland”, which aims to improve the quality of crops; Xinsheng Baile, an amino acid fertilizer product line, which aims to provide supplementary micronutrients for crops and help crops to balance Vegetative growth. In addition, the company also produces other agrochemical products, including difensulfuron, pretilachlor, seed coatings and preparations. China Agricultural Trading Co., Ltd. mainly sells its products through wholesale and retail distributors.
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) proizvaja in distribuira sestavljena gnojila na osnovi huminske kisline prek svoje hčerinske družbe v 100-odstotni lasti, in sicer: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Jinong"). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Gufeng«) in subjekt s spremenljivim lastniškim kapitalom Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Yuxing«). As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ”. F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.

Clean Harbors Inc (NYSE: CLH) je vodilni ponudnik okoljskih, energetskih in industrijskih storitev v Severni Ameriki. The company serves a diverse customer base in chemical, energy, manufacturing and other markets as well as many government agencies, including most of the Fortune 500 companies. These customers rely on Clean Harbors to provide a wide range of services, such as end-to-end hazardous waste management, emergency spill response, industrial cleaning and maintenance, and recycling services. Through its Safety-Kleen subsidiary, Clean Harbors is also the largest waste oil refiner and recycler in North America and a leading provider of parts washing machines and environmental services to commercial, industrial and automotive customers. Podjetje Clean Harbor je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1980 in ima sedež v Massachusettsu, deluje pa v ZDA, Kanadi, Mehiki in Portoriku.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Podjetje razvija in prodaja pametne rešitve za napajanje izven omrežja in storitve upravljanja v oblaku za sončne, vetrne in hibridne sisteme napajanja (kot so ulične luči, varnostni sistemi, telekomunikacijski sistemi, zasilni viri napajanja in oprema za internet stvari). Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. emig se uvršča na tretje mesto med največjimi proizvajalci v Braziliji in prek svoje hčerinske družbe v popolni lasti ima nadzorovano in pridruženo podjetje za proizvodnjo električne energije 65 delujočih elektrarn, od tega 59 hidroelektrarn, tri termoelektrarne in tri vetrne elektrarne. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.

Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. Zagotavlja energetsko učinkovite rešitve LED za zunanje in notranje razsvetljave, vključno z razsvetljavo parkirišč in ulic, reflektorji, semaforji, lučmi in zamenjavami žarnic, fluorescentnimi lučmi in aplikacijami po meri. Podjetje prodaja tudi vetrne turbine WePOWER z navpično osjo, vključno z vetrnimi turbinami na omrežju in izven njega za stanovanjske, komercialne, industrijske in vladne aplikacije; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; and Skystream commercial lighting systems. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) is the world's largest edible and inedible bio-nutrient sustainable natural ingredients developer and manufacturer, providing a wide range of ingredients and specialty products, feed, and feed for pharmaceutical, food, and pet food customers. Industrija tehnologije, goriva, bioenergije in gnojil. The company operates on five continents, collecting and converting all aspects of the animal by-product stream into widely used special ingredients such as gelatin, edible fat, feed grade fat, animal protein and meal, plasma, pet food ingredients, organic fertilizer, yellow Grease, fuel raw materials, green energy, natural casings and leather. The company also recycles waste cooking oil and commercial baking residues and converts them into valuable feed and fuel components. In addition, the company provides grease trap services for food service organizations, environmental services for food processors, and sales of edible oil delivery and collection equipment for restaurants.
Donaldson Company Inc. (NYSE: DCI) is a leading global supplier of filtration systems and replacement parts. Od leta 1915 nenehno izboljšujemo in uporabljamo naše inovativne tehnologije, močne odnose s strankami in obsežen geografski vpliv, da bi zadovoljili spreminjajoče se potrebe naših strank.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) je največji energetski holding v Združenih državah Amerike, ki zagotavlja in dobavlja energijo približno 7,3 milijona ameriških strank. Proizvajamo približno 570.000 megavatov električne energije v Karolini, na srednjem zahodu in na Floridi ter nudimo storitve distribucije zemeljskega plina v Ohiu in Kentuckyju. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company
Dundee Sustainable Technologies Co., Ltd. (CSE: DST) is committed to developing environmentally friendly technologies, using them for material processing in the mining industry, and commercializing them. Through the development of a patented proprietary process, DST extracts precious metals and base metals from mineralized materials, concentrates and tailings, while stabilizing pollutants such as arsenic. Zaradi metalurških težav ali okoljskih razlogov konvencionalni postopki ne morejo ekstrahirati ali stabilizirati teh nečistoč. DST has applied for, issued and obtained patents for these processes in some countries.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and okolje. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. Od obnovljivih virov energije, kot so fotovoltaika, vetrna energija, biogoriva in gorivne celice, do uporabe naprednih materialov, zaradi katerih je raziskovanje, proizvodnja in transport nafte in plina učinkovitejši, DuPontovi izdelki in storitve pomagajo zagotoviti boljšo učinkovitost, zanesljivost in nižje stroške. , higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Naši izdelki podpirajo tehnologije za shranjevanje energije in varčevanje z energijo v celotnem procesu proizvodnje, distribucije in pretvorbe energije.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy omrežja in rešitve za stranke so temelj novega energetskega sveta.

Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc. (CNSX: EAC) aims to become a major player in the global environmentally sustainable industrial solutions market. The company cooperates with the latest innovations of microbial technology companies to formulate and apply for patented innovative products. Once these products are specifically used for environmentally harmful chemicals and additives, they can meet the toughest industrial challenges. Podjetje je zavezano 1) nadzoru prahu v rudarski industriji in 2) okoljski trajnosti v kmetijski industriji.
eCobalt Solutions Inc. (TSX: ECS.TO) is a well-known Toronto Stock Exchange listed company that is committed to providing safe, responsible manufacturing, ethical and environmentally friendly battery-grade cobalt salts, which is important for rapid growth The field of baterije za ponovno polnjenje in obnovljivi viri energije so bistvenega pomena in pregledni v Združenih državah.

Ecoloclean Industries, Inc. (OTC: ECCI) in njene podružnice skupaj izdelujejo in prodajajo stroje za zdravljenje kanalizacije s postopkom, imenovanim elektrokoagulacijo. It designs and manufactures portable electrocoagulation devices for groundwater purification; treatment of rinse water; drinking water; sewage treatment; cooling towers; radioisotope removal; predobdelava reverzne osmoze, ultrafiltracija, nanofiltracija in fotokataliza; Ponovna uporaba predelane vode vodi do ničelnega izpusta; recikliranje kovin; nadzor kakovosti dotočne vode; in industrijske odpadne vode. Podjetje ponuja izdelke in storitve za globalno raziskovanje nafte, naftno, kemično, transportno, rafinirno in mlečno industrijo.
ECOLOGIX Resources Group (OTC: EXRG) je podjetje za naravne vire, namenjeno sečnji in prodaji lesa. The company is engaged in harvesting all kinds of hardwoods. It also involves the production of alternative energy solutions, such as ethanol and biodiesel.

Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) is a technology development and intellectual property licensing company dedicated to developing environmental solutions for the global water, energy and industrial markets. Industriji pomagamo povečati proizvodnjo, zmanjšati stroške in zaščititi okolje z vrsto edinstvenih patentiranih tehnologij: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® in našo nedavno napovedano Ecos GrowCube™, ki vam nudijo ekskluzivne in neizključne priložnosti licenciranja v celotni panogi. široka paleta panog in aplikacij povsod. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Kanada je prav tako odpravila na milijone galon tekočih kemikalij in ustvarila več kot 70 milijonov kanadskih dolarjev prihodkov od prodaje opreme, servisiranja in licenciranja. The company has also successfully manufactured approximately 50 Ozonix® machines and deployed them to various major hydraulic fracturing shale oil fields throughout the United States and Canada.

Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) je licenčno podjetje, ki želi izkoristiti povpraševanje po naslednjih proizvodih: litij, vanadij, mangan, kositer, grafit, kobalt, nikelj in baker. Spodbujanje elektrifikacije (avtomobili, akumulatorske baterije, obsežno shranjevanje energije, proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih virov in druge aplikacije). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. To ustvarja edinstveno priložnost za vlaganje in pridobivanje licenčnin za rudnike in projekte, ki bodo zagotovili materiale, potrebne za revolucijo moči. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Obstaja 6 kombinacij licenčnin. Transakcija je odvisna od izpolnjevanja pogojev (vključno z regulatorno odobritvijo). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Njegove nanostrukture se lahko uporabljajo v baterijah za ponovno polnjenje za aplikacije z nizko porabo energije, pa tudi v mikro baterijah na mikroskopskih filmih. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. Večino energetskih produktov in rešitev je mogoče takoj uvesti, kjer je to potrebno. EHT združuje celoten nabor rešitev za sončno fotovoltaiko, vetrno energijo in baterije za shranjevanje, da izstopa od konkurentov. Rešitev lahko zagotavlja energijo v majhnih in velikih formatih 24 ur na dan. Poleg tradicionalne podpore za vzpostavljena električna omrežja je EHT odličen tudi tam, kjer električnega omrežja ni. Organizacija združuje rešitve za varčevanje z energijo in proizvodnjo energije, da bi zagotovila napredne rešitve za različne industrije. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.

EnSync, Inc. (NYSE: ESNC) je naredil prihodnost električne energije vse bolj odvisno od širitve obnovljivih virov energije prek naprednih sistemov upravljanja z energijo, ki so ključni za svetovno gospodarstvo. Ne glede na to, ali je del omrežja za prenos in distribucijo električne energije ali za števci v komercialnih, industrijskih in večnajemniških zgradbah, lahko tehnologija EnSync v zahtevno energetsko okolje prinese diferenciran nadzor moči in rešitve za shranjevanje energije. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid aplikacije. In 2015, EnSync incorporated power purchase agreements (PPA) into its product portfolio, thereby saving customers electricity and providing investors with stable financial returns. EnSync je globalno podjetje s skupnim podjetjem v kitajski družbi Meineng Energy in strateškim partnerstvom s podjetjem Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) je CleanTech podjetje s sedežem v Fort Lauderdaleu na Floridi. Razvila in izdelala je separator Voraxial®, za katerega lahko rečemo, da je najučinkovitejši separator z visoko zmogljivostjo in velikim volumnom na svetu Tehnologija ločevanja tekočin in tekočin/trdnih snovi. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. Applications include but are not limited to: oil spill cleanup, waste conversion into energy, onshore and offshore water separation, fracturing water, rainwater, refinery wastewater cleanup and biofuels. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies

Environmental Control Corporation (OTC: EVCC) razvija in prodaja naprave za nadzor emisij za majhne motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem na prisilni vžig. Podjetje ponuja katalitične dušilce, ki se uporabljajo za zmanjšanje emisij iz motorjev na prisilni vžig, vključno z opremo za osebni prevoz, terenskimi rekreacijskimi vozili, osebnimi čolni in vodnimi črpalkami. Its catalytic muffler is also used in rotary lawn mowers, rear-engine lawn mowers, front-engine lawn tractors, garden tractors, walk-behind rotary tillers, snow plows, commercial turf mid-mounted walk-behind rotary lawn machines, Commercial turf riding turbulators, gasoline-powered chain saws, gasoline-powered ročni puhalniki, nahrbtni puhalniki na bencinski pogon, obrezovalniki/rezalniki grmičevja na bencinski pogon in škarje za živo mejo na bencinski pogon. The company focuses on the North American market for original engine manufacturers.

Global Environmental Solutions Corporation (OTC: ESWW) proizvaja in prodaja različne lastniške izdelke in tehnologije za katalitsko pretvorbo emisij, nadzor emisij in podporo emisijam za promet, gradnjo, železnico, pomorstvo, komunalne storitve in druge trge. Ti izdelki so v glavnem zasnovani za uporabo z dizelskimi motorji, vključno s srednjimi in težkimi tovornjaki, šolskimi avtobusi, dostavnimi tovornjaki in tovornjaki za zbiranje smeti. Poleg kopenskih vozil se tehnologija skupine ESW uporablja tudi v velikih ladijskih motorjih. The company sells its emission control products through a sales network established by more than 30 distribution networks throughout the United States, supplemented by a team of experienced business development professionals, engineers, and field technicians who focus on emissions. ESW Group also operates ESW America, an engine emission testing, certification and verification facility recognized by EPA and CARB as capable of executing engine emission verification and certification testing protocols for the OEM supply chain.
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (OTC: EXPI) is the holding company of many companies, the most famous of which is eXp Realty LLC, which is a Cloud Brokerage™ owned by an agent. It is a full-service real estate agent that can provide 24/7 access to collaboration tools, through its 3D, fully immersive cloud office environment, provides training and socialization for real estate agents and agents. eXp Realty, LLC and eXp Realty of Canada, Inc. have also adopted aggressive revenue-sharing schemes that pay agents a percentage of the total commission income earned by real estate professionals they attract to the company. eXp World Holdings, Inc. ima v lasti tudi 89,4 % First Cloud Mortgage, Inc. To je podjetje iz Delawarea, ustanovljeno leta 2015 in ima zdaj dovoljenje za uvedbo hipotek v Arizoni, Kaliforniji, Virginiji in Novi Mehiki. By purchasing carbon offsets for homeowners, First Cloud Mortgage has positioned itself as a “planet-friendly mortgage company”, thus offsetting the first year of the typical house carbon footprint of every mortgage initiated through First Cloud Mortgage, Inc..

Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. Facedrive Marketplace ponuja izbrane izdelke iz trajnostno pridobljenih materialov. Facedrive Foods ponuja raznoliko hrano za brezkontaktno dostavo, s poudarkom na zdravi hrani pred vrati potrošnikov. Facedrive Health develops innovative technological solutions for today's most serious health challenges. Facedrive spreminja pripoved o delitvi prevozov, dostavi hrane, e-trgovini in zdravstveni tehnologiji, da bi bili vsi boljši.
Fuel Tech NV (NASDAQGS: FTEK) je vodilno tehnološko podjetje, ki je namenjeno razvoju, komercializaciji in uporabi najnaprednejših lastniških tehnologij na svetovnem merilu za nadzor onesnaževanja zraka, optimizacijo procesov in napredne inženirske storitve. These technologies enable customers to produce energy and process materials in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. Tehnologija zmanjšanja dušikovih oksidov (NOx) podjetja vključuje napredno tehnologijo za izboljšanje izgorevanja in metode nadzora dušikovih oksidov po zgorevanju, vključno s sistemi NOxOUT®, HERT™ in Advanced SNCR, naprednimi sistemi selektivne katalitične redukcije ASCR™ in integriranim sistemom za zmanjšanje NOx I-NOx™ uporablja različne kombinacije teh sistemov in postopka ULTRA™ za varno pridobivanje amoniaka. These technologies have made Fuel Tech a leader in reducing NOx, with more than 900 devices installed worldwide. Tehnologija za nadzor trdnih delcev družbe Fuel Tech vključuje izdelke in storitve elektrostatičnega filtra (ESP), vključno s popolnimi funkcijami na ključ za naknadno vgradnjo ESP, in ima izkušnje z enotami pod 700 MW. The flue gas conditioning (FGC) system includes the use of sulfur trioxide (SO3) and ammonia (NH3)-based conditioning for treatment to improve the performance of ESP by modifying the performance of fly ash particles. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology has been installed in more than 125 units worldwide. Tehnologija podjetja FUELCHEM® se vrti okoli edinstvene uporabe kemikalij. It improves efficiency, reliability, fuel flexibility, boiler thermal efficiency, and environmental conditions of the combustion unit by controlling slagging, scaling, corrosion, opacity and improving boiler operation. The company has experience in this technology in more than 110 units in the form of a customizable FUEL CHEM program. Fuel Tech also provides a range of services, including boiler commissioning and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) optimization services. Poleg tega se lahko za optimizacijo porazdelitve dimnih plinov in mešanja v elektrarnah in industrijskih aplikacijah uporabijo opremo za korekcijo pretoka ter storitve fizičnega in računskega modeliranja. Many of Fuel Tech's products and services rely heavily on the company's excellent computational fluid dynamics modeling capabilities, which are enhanced by internally developed high-end visualization software. These features, coupled with the company's innovative technology and interdisciplinary team approach, enable Fuel Tech to provide practical solutions to some of its customers' most challenging problems.
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) je svetovni razvijalec in prodajalec inovativne tehnologije upravljanja toplote. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Automotive products include actively heated and cooled seat systems and cup holders, heated and ventilated seat systems, heat storage tanks, heated car interior systems (including heated seats, steering wheels, armrests and other components), battery thermal management System, cable system and other electronic equipment. Neavtomobilski izdelki vključujejo sisteme za daljinsko proizvodnjo električne energije, pohištvo za ogrevanje in hlajenje ter druge aplikacije za nadzor temperature za potrošnike in v industriji. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.
GFL Environmental Inc. (NYSE: GFL) je četrto največje podjetje za raznolike okoljske storitve v Severni Ameriki. S svojimi platformami po vsej Kanadi in Kanadi zagotavlja celovito ravnanje z nenevarnimi trdnimi odpadki, infrastrukturo in sanacijo tal ter storitve ravnanja s tekočimi odpadki v Med 23 državami v Združenih državah. V celotni organizaciji ima GFL več kot 11.500 zaposlenih in zagotavlja široko paleto okoljskih storitev za več kot 135.000 komercialnih in industrijskih strank ter zagotavlja storitve zbiranja trdnih odpadkov za več kot 4 milijone gospodinjstev.
GIBRALTAR INDUSTRIES INC (NasdaqGS: ROCK) is a leading manufacturer and distributor of construction products for the residential, industrial, infrastructure, and renewable energy and conservation markets. Gibraltar's four pillar strategy focuses on operational improvement, product innovation, product portfolio management and acquisitions, so its mission is to promote top-notch performance. Gibraltar služi predvsem strankam po vsej Severni Ameriki in manjših azijskih regijah.
Global Bioenergy Corporation (Paris: ALGBE) is one of the few companies in the world and the only process in Europe that converts renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation. The company initially concentrated on the production of isobutene, which is one of the most important petrochemical base materials that can be converted into fuels, plastics, plexiglass and elastomers. Global Bioenergy Corporation continues to improve its process performance, conduct industrial trials, has started operations in its German demonstration plant, and is preparing to build its first large-scale plant through its joint venture IBN-One with Cristal Union. Podjetje je svoje dosežke kopiralo tudi na dva člana družine plinastih olefinov, propilen in butadien, ki sta ključni molekuli v središču petrokemične industrije.

GREENHUNTER ENERGY (NYSE MKT: GRH) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC and GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides Total Water Management Solutions™/oilfield fluid management solutions™ in oil fields and their shale. Drama of the Appalachian Basin. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT ocene Vozni park 407 tovornjakov se uporablja za vleko kondenzata in vode v prisotnosti kondenzata. GreenHunter Water also took the lead in the movement of barge water, because barge transport is a safer and more cost-effective transportation method compared to truck or rail transport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC provides on-site environmental solutions on well pads and facilities. Its service package includes tank and rig cleaning, liquid and solid waste removal/repair, solidification and spill response. The understanding that interconnected service suites are the key to E&P waste stream management has shaped GreenHunter Resources' comprehensive end-to-end service approach. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC zagotavlja storitve ogljikovodikov (prevoz nafte, kondenzata in NGL) in bo kmalu uporabil našo obstoječo bazo sredstev in infrastrukturo za zagotavljanje ogljikovodikov (nafte) v regiji Apalači. , Condensate and NGL) storage, processing and sales. , ki vključuje do šest različnih lokacij terminala za barže, ki so trenutno v lasti ali najemu podjetja GreenHunter Resources.

Headwaters Incorporated (NYSE: HW) izboljšuje življenja z inovacijami in napredkom gradbenih materialov pri uporabi, oblikovanju in uporabi. Headwaters is a diversified growth company that provides products, technologies and services to the building materials and building product markets. Through its coal combustion products, construction products, and energy businesses, the company is able to improve sustainability by turning underutilized resources into valuable products.
HTC Purenergy (TSX: HTC.V) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the development, integration and commercialization of proprietary technologies related to carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and CO2 solvent recovery. It provides LCDesign CO2 capture system; RS topilo, topilo za pripravo, ki se uporablja za odstranjevanje nečistoč plinske faze iz plinskih tokov; HTC DELTA sistem za rekuperacijo topil, ki se uporablja za odstranjevanje produktov razgradnje in delcev, suspendiranih v topilu; in PDOEngine oblikovanje in optimizacija nove tovarne ali optimizacija delovanja obstoječih tovarn v kemični, petrokemični in naftni/plinski industriji. Podjetje ponuja tudi laminarne absorberje za merjenje reakcijske kinetike in difuzije plina v tekočine. In rešitve za čiščenje gnojil Nuvision za načrtovanje, gradnjo, naknadno opremljanje in servisiranje novih in obstoječih rastlin gnojil. Poleg tega ponuja tudi vrtalno opremo in storitve za naftno in plinsko industrijo; Oilfield Products in hidravlične storitve lomljenja; oilfield equipment; dedicated power carriers and maintenance platforms; and Guardian Maxx pipeline processing systems.

Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) je tehnološko podjetje, namenjeno izboljšanju učinkovitosti pretvorbe energije. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA izboljša velikost, ceno, učinkovitost, prilagodljivost in zanesljivost elektronskih pretvornikov moči. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. The company is also developing a bidirectional bidirectional double junction transistor (B-TRAN™), and has applied for a patent, which has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and power density of bidirectional power switches. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd. (OTC: IEVM) is a publicly listed company operating through its wholly-owned subsidiary IET, Inc. All of the company's products and services are sold and sold under the general trademark of EcoTreatments™. Podjetje prodaja in prodaja svojo raztopino za dezinfekcijo anolitov pod blagovno znamko Excelyte®. Raztopino proizvaja lastna oprema podjetja EcaFlo™, ki uporablja postopek elektrolize, imenovan elektrokemična aktivacija, za zanesljivo izdelavo okolju prijazne rešitve. Za čiščenje, dezinfekcijo in dezinfekcijo. The Excelyte® solution is an EPA-registered hard surface disinfectant and disinfectant. It has been approved for use at the hospital level and has also been approved for use as a disinfectant in oil and gas drilling. The product can be used wherever pathogens, bacteria, viruses and bacteria need to be controlled. The company's EcaFlo® equipment also produces a cleaning solution, which the company sells under the Catholyte Zero™ brand. Rešitve Catholyte Zero™ so okolju prijazna čistila in sredstva za razmaščevanje za namene čiščenja, higiene in predelave hrane.
Itronics (OTC: ITRO) je podjetje za »kreativno čisto tehnologijo«, ki proizvaja posebna tekoča gnojila GOLD'n GRO ter zlato in srebro. It has a large-scale iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) mine (the rutile project) in the prolific Yellington copper mine in northwestern Nevada. Cilj podjetja je doseči ugodne čiste tehnologije za spodbujanje organske rasti posebnih GOLD'n GRO gnojil, srebra, cinka in mineralov. Tehnologija podjetja maksimira predelavo in izkoristek kovin in mineralov. Prek svoje hčerinske družbe Itronics Metallurgical, Inc. je Itronics edino podjetje v Združenih državah, ki ima v celoti dovoljeno tovarno za "koristno uporabo fotokemičnih, recikliranih srebra in vode", ki pretvarja odpadno lahko tekočino v čisto srebro in tekoče gnojilo GOLD'n GRO. . The company is developing environmentally friendly mining technology. Itronics has received numerous domestic and international awards in recognition of its ability to successfully use science and engineering techniques to create and implement new environmentally friendly clean recycling and fertilizer technologies.
Kadant Inc. (NYSE: KAI) is a global supplier of key components and engineering systems with high global value. These products and process systems are used in the global process industry. Izdelki, tehnologije in storitve podjetja igrajo nepogrešljivo vlogo pri izboljšanju učinkovitosti procesov, optimizaciji izrabe energije in maksimiranju produktivnosti v panogah, ki zahtevajo veliko virov. Kadant's headquarters are located in Westford, Massachusetts.

Nevada company LiqTech International, Inc. (NYSE MKT: LIQT) is a clean technology company that has developed and provided the latest technology for gas and liquid purification using ceramic silicon carbide filters for more than ten years, especially highly specialized filters , Used to control the dust emission particles and liquid filtration of diesel engines. LiqTech uporablja nanotehnologijo za razvoj izdelkov z lastniško tehnologijo silicijevega karbida. LiqTech's products are based on a unique silicon carbide film that can promote new applications and improve existing technologies. Zlasti hčerinska družba podjetja Provital Solutions A/S je razvila nove tehnološke standarde za filtriranje vode, da bi zadovoljila naraščajoče zahteve po višji kakovosti vode. Z združevanjem tehnologije tekoče membrane SiC podjetja LiqTech z dolgoročnimi izkušnjami in funkcijami načrtovanja sistema lahko zagotovi rešitve za najtežje težave z onesnaževanjem vode.
Liteon Semiconductor Group (Taiwan: 5305.TW) designs, develops, encapsulates and tests a series of semiconductor components related to green power supplies. Te komponente se uporabljajo predvsem v komunikacijskih, informacijskih, stikalnih napajalnikih in sistemskih napajalnikih za potrošniško elektroniko. Smo tudi eno redkih podjetij, ki ima platformo za zeleno moč, prek katere lahko z različnimi kombinacijami matrike združimo naše diskretne naprave, analogne IC-je in senzorje svetlobe/bližine okolice, tako da lahko hitro zgradimo skupno moč za doseganje največje energije. rešitve za upravljanje potreb po varčevanju. Power saving is an inevitable global trend, and its influence has been extended to household appliances and consumer products, which will further promote the demand for global power management solutions. Through continuous efforts to expand the breadth and depth of our products on the GreenPower platform, LSC's goal is to become one of the world's best Green Power Semiconductor component suppliers.
Poslanstvo podjetja Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) je pridobiti in pospešiti možnosti rudarjenja manganove rude z visokim potencialom v Severni Ameriki, da bi zagotovili materiale z dodano vrednostjo za litij-ionske baterije in druge industrije alternativne energije. . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. (OTC: MVTG) is a clean technology incubator that adopts and commercializes innovative and emerging technologies. Podjetje prek svoje hčerinske družbe Mantra Energy Alternatives trenutno razvija dve pionirski elektrokemični tehnologiji, katerih cilj je zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov donosno, in sicer ERC (Electrical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide) in MRFC (Mixed Reaction Fuel Cell). ERC is a form of “carbon capture and utilization” (CCU) that converts the polluting greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into useful and valuable products, including formic acid and formate. By using clean electricity, this process provides industrial plants with the potential to reduce emissions, while generating marketable products and profits. MRFC is an unconventional fuel cell that uses a mixture of fuel and oxidant, which greatly reduces the complexity and cost of the fuel cell system. MRFC is ideal for portable applications and is cheaper, lighter and more compact than traditional fuel cell technology.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agricultural/environmental industry. Njegove glavne dejavnosti vključujejo naslednje tri vidike: Ekološko kmetijstvo (na Kitajskem je poudarek na sajenju drevesnih sadik z visoko dodano vrednostjo in izdelkov iz drevesnic). Renewable energy (renewable energy) (it is engaged in various renewable energy projects around the world, including China's Huangjiao Horn), it will provide valuable Huangjiao valuable seeds, and ultimately extract oil from these seeds, Used to produce biodiesel and high-quality healthy edible oil. ) And Canadian MMPR-it seeks opportunities in the medical cannabis industry. Currently, it is seeking the status of a Canadian MMPR licensed producer to grow medical marijuana in Canada for domestic consumption and export to approved countries.
Mariner's Choice International Inc. (OTC: MCII) razvija in prodaja biološko razgradljive in ekološko varne čistilne izdelke za zabavne, industrijske in komercialne morske trge, oskrbo avtomobilov in bazena in spa. It also provides sanitary solutions for the crew, crew and any guests, and provides products that prevent insects, insects, sun and infectious diseases. Ponuja tudi MUNOX in MUNOX SR, ta dva ekološko varna izdelka vsebujeta mikroorganizme in onesnaževala in se lahko uporabljata za bioremediacijo, biološko izboljšanje in odstranjevanje maščob. Podjetje ponuja izdelke za pomorski sektor; in drugi trgi, kot so gospodinjstvo, avtomobilizem, letalstvo, rekreacijska vozila in bioremediacija

Mechanical Technology Company (OTC Pink: MKTY) through its subsidiary MTI Instruments, Inc. is engaged in the design, manufacture and sales of test and measuring instruments and systems, and through its latest subsidiary EcoChain, it develops a renewable energy-powered cryptocurrency mining business, Inc.

Micron Waste Technologies Inc. (CSE: MWM) je dobro financirano tehnološko podjetje. Sistem za ravnanje s hrano in drugimi organskimi odpadki v podjetju je zasnovan za ravnanje s hrano in drugimi organskimi odpadki na kraju samem ter jih spreminja v čisto vodo. Aerobni digestor podjetja uporablja tehnologijo MOC, ki lahko poveča učinkovitost prebave mikroorganizmov do 95 %. Preostalih 5 % neprebavljenih delcev se nadalje predela, proizvedena odplaka pa ustreza standardom za izpust komunalnih odplak. In view of the promotion of further cost efficiency and the implementation of increasingly strict regulations to prohibit food and other organic waste from entering landfills around the world, Micron's technology is an ideal solution for on-site processing of food and other organic waste.

NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) je biotehnološko podjetje, osredotočeno na hitro diagnosticiranje živih celic. Its products can speed up the detection and identification of microorganisms. In addition to medical, defense and homeland security applications, NanoLogix technology is also suitable for pharmaceutical, industrial, veterinary, and environmental testing. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. Varnost okolja in pitne vode

Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Naš oddelek za nafto in plin se nahaja v Stavangerju na Norveškem in je specializiran za obdelavo odpadkov na kopnem in morju, ki nastanejo med raziskovanjem in proizvodnjo nafte in plina. Naša inženirska ekipa je specializirana za načrtovanje, inženiring, namestitev in vzdrževanje rešitev za obdelavo odpadkov na kopnem in morju.
Neptune Marine Service Co., Ltd. (ASX: NMS.AX) is a leading provider of integrated inspection, repair and maintenance solutions for the oil and gas, marine and renewable energy industries. Neptune s sedežem v Perthu v Zahodni Avstraliji deluje v Avstraliji, Perthu, Darwinu, Darwinu, Melbournu in Gladstonu ter operativne centre v Združenem kraljestvu in Aziji.
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) since its establishment in 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. has become an award-winning global leader in supercapacitor technology innovation and product development. Lastnosti superkondenzatorjev omogočajo uporabo tehnologije v aplikacijah, kjer moč, zahteve življenjskega cikla ali okoljski pogoji omejujejo uporabnost baterij ali kondenzatorjev. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap has the most complete range of standard commercial products on the market, from 3 farads to 6200 farads, all with industry-recognized alternative organic electrolytes. The company's customers include transportation, power and consumer markets.

The next fuel. (OTC: NXFI) je ponudnik tehnologije in storitveno podjetje, ki nudi storitve naftni in plinski industriji. The company is committed to developing water treatment technology to provide low-cost, high-volume commercial repair solutions.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. Največji obnovljivi vir energije na svetu prihaja iz vetra in sonca. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”
Northland Power Inc. (TSX: NPI.TO; NPI-PA.TO) is an independent power producer, established in 1987, and has been publicly traded since 1997. Northland develops, builds, owns and operates facilities that produce “clean” ( zemeljski plin) in „zelena“ (vetrna, sončna in hidroenergetska energija za zagotavljanje delničarjev, zainteresiranih strani in skupnosti s trajnostno dolgoročno vrednostjo
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) vodi k uporabnikom usmerjeno preobrazbo energetske industrije v ZDA z zagotavljanjem čistejših in pametnejših energetskih možnosti ter gradnjo na največjem in najbolj raznolikem portfelju konkurenčnih energetskih izdelkov v ZDA. Kot podjetje s seznama Fortune 200 ustvarjamo vrednost z zanesljivo in učinkovito konvencionalno proizvodnjo električne energije, hkrati pa spodbujamo inovacije na področju sončne in obnovljive energije, ekosistemov električnih vozil, tehnologije zajemanja ogljika in energetskih rešitev, osredotočenih na stranke. Naš maloprodajni dobavitelj električne energije oskrbuje več kot 3 milijone stanovanjskih in poslovnih odjemalcev po vsej državi.
NuEarth Corporation (OTC: NUEC) develops and sells organic and biodegradable products in the United States. The company develops clean and green soil and water conservation technologies. Its product line includes NuSoil liquid and granular products to change the properties of erosion into productive land; SaltBlocker is an organic substance that limits the utilization of salt cations and anions in liquid soil and changes the penetration of soil composites Pressure; NuWater, NuSoil hydrogel additive, helps prevent sand and dust storms; in tekočo in zrnato formulo AquaSolv, ki lahko upočasni prodiranje vode in se bočno širi skozi predel korenin. The company also provides DustBlocker and RoadBinder anionic polyacrylamide, which enables road managers in mines and construction sites to manage dust and compaction. In addition, it has also developed the CL-40 series of products, such as cleaners for various cleaning applications, composite strippers and graffiti removers.

Offsetters Climate Solutions Inc (TSX: COO.V; Frankfurt: 9EA.F) is an international diversified carbon management and agroforestry solutions company. With Offsetters offices in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Portland, Oregon, and Forest Finest Consulting offices in Bonn, Germany and Panama, its industry leader team not only provides products, but also focuses on high-quality agriculture and forestry and carbon offset projects Initiation, development and commercialization of a complete set of sustainable development consulting services. Through the Offsetters Advisory Services Group and Germany-based CO2OL, the company can help organizations understand, reduce and offset their impact on the climate. Offsetters je sodeloval z več kot 200 vodilnimi poslovnimi organizacijami, vključno z Aimia, Vancity, lululemon sportsa, Catalyst Paper, Harbour Air, HSE-Entega in Shell Canada Limited.
ORBITE Technologies INC (TSX: ORT.TO; OTC: EORBF) (formerly known as Orbite Aluminae Inc.) is a Canadian clean technology company whose innovative and proprietary processes are expected to produce alumina and other high-value products such as rare earths and rare metals Using raw materials including bauxite, kaolin, nepheline, bauxite, bauxite, red mud, fly ash and serpentine residues from chrysotile processing plants, in a sustainable manner, at the lowest cost in the industry One produces oxides. Orbite is currently finalizing its first commercial high-purity alumina (HPA) production plant in Cap-Chat, Quebec, and has completed the basic construction of the proposed smelter-grade alumina (SGA) production plant, which will use mined clay Withdraw from his Depozit Grande-Vallée. Prva družina intelektualne lastnine je pridobila patente v Kanadi, ZDA, Avstraliji, na Kitajskem, Japonskem in v Rusiji. Podjetje upravlja tudi center za razvoj napredne tehnologije v Lavalu v Quebecu, kjer je bila tehnologija razvita in preverjena.
Pacific Environmental Limited (ASX: PEH.AX) je podjetje za okoljsko svetovanje in tehnološke rešitve. Ponuja sistem za okolje za prilagojene vremenske napovedi, kakovost zraka in upravljanje s hrupom, eksplozijo in upravljanje pritožb, nacionalne zalog onesnaževal ter nacionalna poročila o toplogrednih in energiji. The company also provides air quality and weather services, including air quality modeling and assessment, odor and dust specialization, forecasting and analysis, emission estimation and inventory, pollution reduction plans, process design optimization, regulatory compliance and reporting, and transportation emissions assessment. In addition, the company also provides emissions monitoring, odor sampling and analysis, process and environmental monitoring, workplace monitoring, employee and customer training, CEMS consulting and calibration, and vehicle emission testing services; environmental monitoring procedures and investigations, fugitive emissions measurement and modeling , Real-time data acquisition and management system and intensive field procedures. Poleg tega analizira, ocenjuje in poroča o emisijah; conducts carbon audits; checks climate risks; in oblikuje strategije za ublažitev za upravljanje ogljika. Poleg tega podjetje zagotavlja toksikologijo in oceno tveganja; acoustic consulting and noise monitoring; Občinsko zbiranje trdnih odpadkov, recikliranje in upravljanje na odlagališčih na odlagališčih; groundwater monitoring; hydrogeological water quality and chemistry; solid waste management; and contaminated land assessment services. Deluje v Avstraliji, Novi Zelandiji, jugovzhodni Aziji, Afriki, Ameriki in Evropi. The company serves oil, gas and energy; mining; ports; agriculture; government; transportation, manufacturing and industry; waste and wastewater treatment sectors.
Pacific Sands (OTC: PFSD) is a fast-growing company dedicated to developing, marketing and selling unique non-toxic, earth, health and child-friendly products for cleaning, personal hygiene and water maintenance applications. Na mednarodni razstavi bazenov in zdravilišč v New Orleansu novembra 2012 je sistem zdravljenja zdravilišča ecoone® podjetja osvojil tretje mesto v kategoriji »Najboljši zeleni izdelek«.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .

Perma-Fix Environmental Services (NasdaqCM: PESI) is a nuclear services company and a leading provider of nuclear and mixed waste management services. The company's nuclear waste services include the management and treatment of radioactive and mixed waste for hospitals, research laboratories and institutions, federal agencies (including the US Department of Energy), the Department of Defense (“DOD”) and the commercial nuclear industry. Oddelek podjetja za jedrske storitve strankam zagotavlja vodenje projektov, ravnanje z odpadki, sanacijo okolja, dekontaminacijo in razgradnjo, novogradnjo ter zmogljivosti zaščite pred sevanjem, varnosti in industrijske higiene. The company operates four nuclear waste treatment facilities and provides nuclear services in DOE, DOD and commercial facilities nationwide.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. ORC tehnologijo PowerVerde je mogoče kombinirati tudi z geotermalnimi, biomasnimi in sončnimi viri toplote.

QS Energy, Inc. (OTC: QSEP) (previously known as Save The World Air, Inc.) provides patent-protected industrial equipment for the global energy industry and aims to bring measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. The QS Energy high-value solution developed in cooperation with leading crude oil production and transportation entities solves the huge capacity shortage problem of domestic and foreign pipeline infrastructure designed and constructed before the current surge in global oil production. Da bi podprli zavezanost naših strank k odgovornemu naročanju upravljanja z energijo in okoljem, QS Energy združuje znanstvene raziskave z ustvarjalnimi rešitvami problemov, da zagotovi energetsko učinkovite rešitve »čiste tehnologije«, s čimer zagotavlja zgornje, srednje in aglomeracijske pasove. Prinaša novo učinkovitost in zmanjšuje obratovanje stroške oddelka.
Quantum Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: QTM.AX) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and distribute energy-efficient hot water, heating and cooling systems for residential and commercial markets in Australia and internationally. Podjetje ponuja sisteme za sončno energijo, grelnike tople vode in bazene ter grelnike za poslovne in industrijske zgradbe.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) is an international environmental oilfield service provider, established in late 1994, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has offices in the Prairie, Alberta. Podjetje se osredotoča na tehnologijo čistega zraka in deluje v Kanadi, ZDA, Evropi in Aziji. Questor načrtuje in izdeluje visoko učinkovite sežigalnice odpadnih plinov za prodajo ali najem ter nudi tudi storitve naftnih polj, povezane z zgorevanjem. Lastniška tehnologija sežigalnice lahko uniči strupene ali strupene ogljikovodične pline in s tem doseže skladnost s predpisi, varstvo okolja, zaupanje javnosti in zmanjšanje obratovalnih stroškov kupcev. Questor is known for its special expertise in sour gas (H2S) combustion. Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Although Questor's current customer base mainly operates in the crude oil and natural gas industries, the company's combustion technology is also applicable to other industries, such as landfills, water and sewage treatment, tire recycling and agriculture.

REG Technologies Inc (TSX: RRE.V; OTC: REGRF) is developing a commercialized improved axial vane rotary engine called Rand Cam (R) / RadMax (TM) rotation technology for lightweight and High-efficiency revolutionary design. Motor, kompresor in črpalka. Compared with the 40 moving parts in a simple four-cylinder piston engine, the RadMax™ engine has only two unique moving parts, namely the blades (up to 12) and the rotor. This innovative design makes it possible to generate up to 24 continuous power pulses per revolution, without vibration and extremely quiet. RadMax(TM) engines also have multiple functions that enable them to run on fuels including gasoline, natural gas, hydrogen, propane and diesel.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) je vodilno podjetje v ZDA na področju recikliranja in nenevarnih trdnih odpadkov. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . To težavo bomo obravnavali s sloganom znamke here™, ki bo kupcem dal vedeti, da se lahko zanesejo na Republic pri zagotavljanju odlične izkušnje, hkrati pa spodbujal trajnostni Blue Planet™ za prihodnje generacije, da bodo uživale v čistejšem, varnejšem in bolj zdravem svetu.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. The company provides technical consulting services for engines, powertrain and gearboxes, hybrid and electrical systems, and vehicle systems; and environmental consulting services. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. In addition, the company also sells and supports a series of design and analysis software products specifically developed for applications in the powertrain development and vehicle integration process; in zagotavlja tehnično pomoč, usposabljanje in informacijske storitve. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) je neodvisno naftno in plinsko podjetje po vsem svetu. Deluje prek zgornjih in spodnjih tržnih segmentov. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; pridobiva bitumen iz izkopanega naftnega peska in ga pretvarja v sintetično surovo nafto; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. Poleg tega se podjetje ukvarja s proizvodnjo, dobavo in transportom surove nafte; prodaja goriv, ​​maziv, bitumna in utekočinjenega naftnega plina (UNP) za gospodinjstvo, transport in industrijske namene; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; proizvodnja in prodaja petrokemičnih izdelkov, kot so plastika, premazi in detergentne surovine za industrijske stranke; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; opravlja prevozne storitve; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. The company owns approximately 24 oil refineries; 1500 skladiščnih rezervoarjev; in 150 distribucijskih objektov. Gorivo prodaja pod blagovno znamko Shell V-Power.

Siemens (NYSE: SI) is the world's only integrated technology company. Njegovi izdelki, rešitve in storitve so integrirani, pokrivajo celotno verigo pretvorbe energije in so prvi, ki zagotavljajo tehnične rešitve za uresničitev tega pametnega omrežja. Siemens je bil vedno vodilni na področju kompleksnih izdelkov in rešitev za instrumentacijo prenosnih in distribucijskih omrežij, spremljanje in nadzor. Zato je Siemensova tehnologija pametnih omrežij dokazala svojo zanesljivost, razpoložljivost in stroškovno učinkovitost pri številnih različnih projektih po vsem svetu v Avstriji, Kanadi, na Kitajskem, Združenem kraljestvu, Nemčiji, Novi Zelandiji, Savdski Arabiji, Švedskem, v ZAE in ZAE in Združene države Amerike.

Solarbrook Hydropower Corporation (OTC: SLRW) in njene hčerinske družbe so namenjene razvoju, proizvodnji in trženju integriranih rešitev za upravljanje z vodo in čisto energijo za potrošniške, komunalne in industrijske trge v Združenih državah. The company designs, builds, sells and installs water filtration and water treatment systems to remove harmful metals, elements and compounds in drinking water and wastewater. Prav tako distribuira sisteme za filtriranje vode in zagotavlja sredstva za sisteme za čiščenje vode za gospodinjstva in podjetja; and provides municipal aeration and oxygen mixing equipment and dissolved oxygen in water for various industries. In addition, the company also provides wastewater treatment solutions for industrial and government customers. SolarBrook Hydropower mainly supplies products to original equipment manufacturers in the United States and Europe.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), matično podjetje GO Energy Group, je sestavljeno iz več avstralskih podjetij in ima vodilni položaj na področju najnovejših visoko učinkovitih energetskih tehnologij in storitev. Od svoje ustanovitve leta 2010 je GO Energy Group hitro utrdila svoj položaj stebra na nacionalnem področju obnovljivih virov energije ter dosegla obsežen uspeh in rast. Solco Limited je subjekt, ki je naveden na ASX in se je združil z GO Group Energy, da bi zagotovil najvišji standard strategije obnovljivih virov energije. Z našo blagovno znamko CO2markets smo postali eden največjih trgovcev z okoljskimi certifikati v Avstraliji, hkrati pa komercialnemu sektorju prek GO Energy zagotavljamo pametne, izvedljive in obnovljive rešitve za reševanje naraščajočih stroškov energije. Naš visoko konkurenčen paket izdelkov združuje maloprodajno energijo z drugimi izdelki, kot so naša garancija za najboljšo ceno, prilagojena proizvodnja sončne energije, učinkovita razsvetljava in storitve spremljanja energije, ki so vsi nacionalni. Uspeh lahko našim strankam pomaga premagati naraščajoče stroške elektrika in prispeva k zmanjšanju emisij ogljika. Naša najnovejša ponudba blagovne znamke GO je v stalnem razvoju tega področja podpreti sončno industrijo in potrošnikom omogočiti pridobivanje brezplačnih ponudnikov namestitve od lokalnih ponudnikov sonca, medtem ko CO2 Global zagotavlja zagotavljanje kakovosti (QA) in nadzor kakovosti (QC) process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) je holdinška družba za energetske storitve s sedežem v Folsomu v New Jerseyju in deluje prek dveh glavnih podružnic. South Jersey Gas je eno najhitreje rastočih podjetij za oskrbo z zemeljskim plinom v Združenih državah, ki zagotavlja čist in učinkovit zemeljski plin približno 370.000 strankam v južnem New Jerseyju in izboljšuje energetsko učinkovitost. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable energy; for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.
Spirax Sarco Engineering Limited (LSE: SPX.L) je večnacionalna skupina za industrijski inženiring s sedežem v Cheltenhamu v Angliji. Skupina vključuje dve vodilni podjetji: Spirax Sarco za paro in Watson-Marlow za nišne peristaltične črpalke in povezano pretočno tehnologijo.

Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) provides planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape design, survey, environmental science for infrastructure and projects in Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Združene države Amerike in zvezna država New York, strokovne svetovalne storitve za projektno vodenje in projektno ekonomijo ter mednarodno. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; control panel manufacturing services; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; in storitve blagovnih znamk, kot tudi storitve razvoja, oblikovanja, namestitve in vzdrževanja celovitosti sistemov naftovodov in plinovodov ter objektov postaj. Poleg tega ponuja tudi poklicne storitve na področju ekologije, okoljske obnove, vodnih virov in regulativne podpore javnim in zasebnim strankam na področju električne energije, prometa, energije in virov ter storitev pri upravljanju kulturnih virov in zgodovinske zaščite.
STT Enviro Corp (TSX: STT.V) (formerly Semcan Inc) provides cost-effective and incremental environmental improvements for traditional industrial products. Dva operativna oddelka podjetja, STT Enviro Corp Systems and Solutions in STT Enviro Corp Tank and Industrial Division, sta zavezana k stroškovno učinkovitemu zmanjševanju okoljskega odtisa strank. Inženirji sistemov in rešitev STT Enviro Corp zagotavljajo tudi sisteme za kemično odstranjevanje ličil za nevtralizacijo onesnaževal (običajno kisle vode), ki nastanejo v procesu pridobivanja rude ali nafte; and after-sales services, including optimizing the use of chemicals for our customers to reduce Cost and reduce carbon footprint. STT Enviro Corp tanks and industrial engineers provide bolted tanks for dry and liquid storage applications with a small environmental footprint. Okoljski dejavniki so predpogoj za razmah sodobne industrije. STT Enviro Corp. je zavezan postati vodilni in inovator pri postopnem izboljševanju okolja. Strategija podjetja je organska rast, dolgoročno pa prevzem podjetja po ceni s strateškimi in finančnimi prednostmi.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uporablja znanje in izkušnje vodstva za zagotavljanje storitev strankam in trenutnim delničarjem z visokokakovostnimi storitvami in opremo, stremi k zadovoljstvu strank in varuje okolje z uporabo pametnih zelenih tehnologij. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Tehnologija veriženja blokov lahko spremlja nova električna omrežja, izravnava obremenitev in podaljša življenjsko dobo električne opreme.

Synex International Inc. (TSX: SXI.TO) has two wholly-owned subsidiaries, Synex Energy Resources Ltd and Sigma Engineering Ltd. Their businesses involve the development, ownership and operation of power facilities, as well as the provision of consulting engineering and environmental services in the city. Vodni viri, predvsem hidroenergetski objekti. Synex je neodvisni proizvajalec električne energije z 11 megavati hidroelektričnih zmogljivosti v Britanski Kolumbiji (večinoma na otoku Vancouver).

TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. Ti izdelki se uporabljajo na različnih trgih, vključno z: alternativno energijo (sončno in vetrno), medicinsko, jedrsko, obrambno, industrijsko in vesoljsko. TechPrecision's goal is to provide customers with an end-to-end global service provider by providing customized and integrated “turnkey” solutions for complete products that require customized manufacturing and processing, assembly, inspection and testing.
Tembec (TSX: TMB.TO) je proizvajalec lesa, celuloze, papirja in specialnih celuloznih gozdnih proizvodov ter vodilni v svetu na področju praks trajnostnega gospodarjenja z gozdovi. The main business is in Canada and France.

Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY has a strong pipeline of approximately 8,000 MW RES projects, which are in operation, under construction or in advanced stages of development, leading in Greece, with operations in Central Europe, Southeast Europe and the United States. TERNA ENERGIJA aktivno sodeluje tudi v mednarodnih programih za nadaljnje spodbujanje rabe OVE. It is also a member of the European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) je globalni raznovrstni lastnik čistih energetskih sredstev, vključno s projekti sončne, vetrne in hidroelektrarne na privlačnih, hitro rastočih trgih v razvoju.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) je vodilni ponudnik storitev svetovanja, inženiringa, upravljanja procesov in vodenja gradnje. The company supports commercial and government customers focused on water, environment, infrastructure, resource management and energy. Tetra Tech has 13,000 employees worldwide, providing clear solutions to complex problems.
Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; Absorpcijski sistemi, vključno z absorpcijskimi hladilniki, toplotnimi črpalkami, solarnimi hladilnimi izdelki in zračno hlajenimi izmenjevalniki toplote; kotli, kot so rekuperacija odpadne toplote in sončna energija. Toplotni sistemi, komunalni odpadki in veliki industrijski kotli, generatorji tople vode in kompletni kotli; ter grelniki na gorivo in termalno olje. Zagotavlja tudi pripravo vode, sladkorno in papirno industrijo, naftna polja, zelene, gradbene in požarne kemikalije ter smole za ionsko izmenjavo in dodatke za goriva; EPC power plants; solarne toplotne in fotovoltaične rešitve; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; and spare parts. Podjetje nudi storitve za nafto in plin, jeklo, avtomobilsko industrijo, hrano, cement, kemikalije, rafinerije in petrokemijo, proizvodnjo električne energije, tekstilno industrijo, farmacevtsko industrijo, papir in celulozo, ogrevanje skladišč nafte, ogrevanje prostorov, sladkor, barve, gumo in jedilno olje industries; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.

TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) has been a pioneer in the development of breakthrough science and engineering technology since the 1960s. TRC je nacionalno inženirsko, okoljsko svetovalno in gradbeno podjetje za upravljanje energije, okolja in infrastrukture. Trg ponuja integrirane storitve. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. The results provided by TRC enable customers to succeed in a complex and changing world.
Trex Co. Inc. (NYSE: TREX) is the world's largest manufacturer of high-performance wood substitute paving and railings, with more than 20 years of product experience. Trex outdoor living products are available in more than 6,700 retail stores around the world, offering a variety of style options. V primerjavi z lesom zahteva manj rutinskega vzdrževanja in je okolju prijazna izbira.
The main focus of Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) is to add value to shareholders by developing and maintaining long-term interests in Canadian renewable energy projects and underground natural gas storage assets based on market prices. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Tribute's business plan is to determine, allow, develop and build projects that meet its threshold return standards based on its existing assets. Tribute ustvarja vrednost z opredelitvijo projektnih priložnosti, zagotavljanjem strokovnega znanja na področju razvojnih projektov in ohranjanjem zanimanja za dokončana sredstva ter s tem vzpostavi dolgoročni stabilen denarni tok, ki je kakovost uporabnosti z močno in raznoliko bazo sredstev, povezanih z energijo.
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) podjetjem zagotavlja takojšnje prihranke stroškov s čistejšo elektriko. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. Solar energy, wind energy, LED lighting
American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) je vodilni ponudnik okoljskih storitev za komercialne in vladne agencije v Severni Ameriki. The company meets customers' complex waste management needs, providing hazardous, non-hazardous and radioactive waste treatment, disposal and recycling, as well as a wide range of complementary on-site and industrial services. US Ecology focuses on safety, environmental compliance, and first-class customer service, which allows us to effectively meet customer needs and establish long-term cooperative relationships. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.

Waste Management Co., Ltd. (NYSE: WM), headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a leading provider of integrated waste management services in North America. The company provides collection, transfer, recycling and resource recovery and disposal services through its subsidiaries. Je tudi vodilni razvijalec, upravljavec in lastnik objektov za pridobivanje energije iz deponijskega plina v Združenih državah. Stranke podjetja vključujejo stanovanjske, komercialne, industrijske in komunalne stranke po vsej Severni Ameriki.
West Hill Capital Corporation/Phase Separation Solutions (PS2) (TSX: WMT.V) je podjetje za okoljske rešitve s sedežem v Kanadi, ki je specializirano za toplotno obdelavo različnih tokov nevarnih in nenevarnih odpadkov. Through its subsidiaries, it uses a unique indirect heating, closed-loop technology that can extract the most dangerous pollutants from soil and industrial sludge, and convert most of them into reusable petroleum and synthetic natural gas to maintain The process. Compared with traditional hazardous waste destruction technology, this method provides an important opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases. The company's management team has expertise in hazardous waste management and contaminated site remediation, and has extensive experience in North America and 15 countries/regions around the world. Shanghai phase separation
Winning Brands Corporation (OTC: WNBD) je proizvajalec naprednih okolju prijaznih čistilnih rešitev. Poleg uporabe tehnologije www.Vappex.com za komercializacijo razkužila s paro www.BlauAire.com kot skupnega podjetja je Winning Brands tudi KIND(R) izdelek za pranje perila, detergent 1000+(TM), najbolj vsestranska čistilna rešitev v world (TM), (www.1000Plus.ca), Brilliant Wet Cleaning Solutions (www.BrilliantWetCleaning.com) and other products provided through its subsidiary Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd. 1000+ detergent is a multi-purpose cleaning solvent with unique and ideal characteristics. Some of the largest retailers in Canada, including Wal-Mart in Canada, Home Depot, Lowe's, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, and many stores in the United States, can use 1,000+ from the coast to the coast. TrackMoist in ReGUARD4 sta primera industrijskih rešitev zmagovalnih znamk. TrackMoist enhances the performance of dusty surfaces used in sports and entertainment venues (www.TrackMoist.com). ReGUARD4 is a series of fire safety cleaning solutions for emergency personnel.

WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) is one of the world's leading professional service companies. WSP provides technical expertise to clients in real estate, buildings, transportation and infrastructure, environment, industry, and resources (including mining and oil and gas) Knowledge and strategy consulting for natural gas) and power and energy fields. WSP also provides highly specialized services in project delivery and strategic consulting. Njeni strokovnjaki vključujejo inženirje, svetovalce, tehnike, znanstvenike, arhitekte, načrtovalce, geodet in okoljske strokovnjake, pa tudi druge strokovnjake za oblikovanje, načrtovanje in upravljanje gradnje. S približno 34.000 zaposlenimi v 500 pisarnah v 40 državah/regijah ima WSP prednost uspešnih in trajnostnih projektov pod blagovnima znamkama WSP in WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff. Voda: Junija 2016 je podjetje objavilo, da je doseglo dogovor s Schlumbergerjem, vodilnim svetovnim podjetjem za storitve na naftnih poljih, o prevzemu njegovega svetovalnega podjetja za industrijsko vodo. This business will enable WSP to provide water consulting services and project solutions to global industrial customers.
Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. (OTC: WUHN) is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and sales of industrial blowers for steam-driven power plants in the People's Republic of China. Njegovi izdelki za puhala vključujejo aksialne ventilatorje, ki lahko zagotovijo velik pretok in zrak pod nizkim pritiskom za velike elektrarne; centrifugalna puhala in centrifugalna puhala, ki zagotavljajo majhno količino zraka pri višjih tlakih in se lahko uporabljajo v srednje velikih elektrarnah za vpihovanje premogovega prahu v peč, in prezračevanje v čistilnih napravah. The company also produces steam and water turbines, including conventional steam turbines and cogeneration steam turbines, for use in electric and hydroelectric power plants. In addition, it also produces blower silencers, connectors and other common parts for blowers and electrical equipment. Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. mainly sells products to steel companies, power plants, chemical plants, paper mills and hydropower plants.

ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) designs, finances, builds and operates waste-to-energy plants that process solid municipal, medical and industrial waste to generate electricity. Od leta 1996 je kitajsko-nemška skupina zaključila približno 200 projektov obdelave odpadkov v 13 provincah. Sino-German is one of the most well-known companies in the field of waste energy EPC and BOT projects, and is also a manufacturer of large-scale combustion plants in China. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). Sino-German kot investitor v projektu BOT upravlja tudi elektrarne za pridobivanje energije iz odpadkov. Registrirani sedež družbe ZhongDe Waste Technology AG je v Frankfurtu v Nemčiji. China headquarters is located in Beijing, China. Kitajsko-nemški proizvodni obrat se nahaja v mestu Fuzhou na Kitajskem.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) je vodilni proizvajalec posebnih kovin in kemičnih izdelkov. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Mnogi od njih so ključni pionirji in ključni promotorji, kot so sončna energija, svetleče diode in okolju prijazni materiali.
Huaguan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 6289.TW) is engaged in the development, manufacturing and distribution of light-emitting diode (LED) wafers and LED chips. Podjetje se ukvarja tudi z zagotavljanjem tehnične podpore in poprodajnih storitev za LED čipe in LED čipe. The company's LED products are mainly used in displays, automobiles, consumer electronics, communication products, information products and indicator lights. The company's products are distributed in the domestic market and other Asian countries. AOC is now the main supplier of many leading LED manufacturers in the world
Bluglass Limited (ASX: BLG.AX) se ukvarja z raziskavami in razvojem nitridov razreda III za razvoj novih procesov in opreme za proizvodnjo LED in sončnih celic. Podjetje razvija in trži daljinsko plazemsko kemično naparjevanje (RPCVD), tehnologijo za proizvodnjo polprevodniških materialov. It provides foundry services for manufacturing custom nitride templates and device wafers, and provides characterization services, including X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope, high-resolution full-wafer photoluminescence (PL) and thickness mapping, and Hall measurement , Optical microscope and LED rapid test.
BYD Co., Ltd. (Hongkong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) se v glavnem ukvarja z IT industrijo, ki v glavnem vključuje poslovanje z baterijami za ponovno polnjenje, komponente mobilnih telefonov in računalnikov ter storitve sestavljanja in avtomobilsko poslovanje, vključno s tradicionalnimi gorivi. Motorna vozila in nova energetska vozila ob izkoriščanju naše tehnologije aktivno razvijajo druge nove energetske izdelke, kot so sončne elektrarne, postaje za shranjevanje energije, električna vozila, LED, električni viličarji itd.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Podjetje razvija in prodaja pametne rešitve za napajanje izven omrežja in storitve upravljanja v oblaku za sončne, vetrne in hibridne sisteme napajanja (kot so ulične luči, varnostni sistemi, telekomunikacijski sistemi, zasilni viri napajanja in oprema za internet stvari). Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) leads the LED lighting revolution and obsolete traditional lighting technologies that waste energy by using energy-saving, mercury-free LED lighting. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. Linija izdelkov Cree vključuje LED-sijalke in žarnice, modre in zelene LED-čipe, LED-diode visoke svetlosti, močne LED-diode za razsvetljavo, preklopne naprave in RF-naprave. Izdelki CREE® spodbujajo izboljšanje aplikacij, kot so splošna razsvetljava, elektronski znaki in signali, napajalniki in sončni pretvorniki.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. Zagotavlja energetsko učinkovite rešitve LED za zunanje in notranje razsvetljave, vključno z razsvetljavo parkirišč in ulic, reflektorji, semaforji, lučmi in zamenjavami žarnic, fluorescentnimi lučmi in aplikacijami po meri. Podjetje prodaja tudi vetrne turbine WePOWER z navpično osjo, vključno z vetrnimi turbinami na omrežju in izven njega za stanovanjske, komercialne, industrijske in vladne aplikacije; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; and Skystream commercial lighting systems. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
CRS Electronics Inc. (TSX: LED.V) je vodilni na nastajajočem, hitro rastočem trgu visoko učinkovitih svetlečih diod (»LED«) ali polprevodniških (»SSL«) razsvetljave. Glavne dejavnosti CRS Electronics vključujejo razvoj, proizvodnjo in prodajo izdelkov za notranjo razsvetljavo, kot so nadomestne LED luči, zunanje LED opozorilne luči za šolske avtobuse, varnostni sistemi za otroke za šolske avtobuse, LED arhitekturna razsvetljava in OEM proizvodnja LED vezij. boards in North America. Od leta 1998 je CRS Electronics Inc. kot inovator LED rešitev še naprej širil svoj portfelj izdelkov in tržni delež pri poslovnih partnerjih in strankah. KVIC Lighting™ and Lumenova™ are two product lines that reflect CRS Electronics Inc.'s commitment to expansion.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Our wireless mesh network platform provides “last mile” connections between millions of devices and enterprise software. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. In addition, we work with our partners to provide first-class support and hosting services, as well as “software as a service” to assist in planning and integrating our solutions. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). Namenjen je števcem električne energije in je optimiziran za doseg, podatkovno komunikacijo, interoperabilnost in varnost. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. It can save a lot of electricity by enhancing the way of controlling, measuring and managing public lighting energy use.

Dialight plc (LSE: DIA.L) The group includes the following business units: lighting to meet the growing demand for energy-saving lighting solutions in industrial/hazardous locations; signali, ki pokrivajo prometne, transportne signale in signale za ovire; and mainly to electronics OEM sells components to indicate status. The company is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with business locations in Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, the UAE, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Globalni povezani trgi. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon helps its customers reduce operating costs, improve satisfaction and safety, increase revenue, and perform better in both existing and emerging markets.
Energy Focus Inc. (NasdaqCM: EFOI) je vodilni ponudnik energetsko varčnih LED izdelkov za razsvetljavo in razvijalec energetsko varčne tehnologije razsvetljave. Compared with traditional lighting, our LED lighting products can provide advantages in energy saving, aesthetics, safety and maintenance costs. Our long-term partnership with the US government continues to enable us to provide energy-efficient LED lighting products for the US Navy and Military Maritime Transportation Command fleet. Clients include US national, state and local government agencies and Fortune 500 companies as well as many other commercial and industrial clients. The world headquarters is located in Solon, Ohio, with other offices in Washington, DC, New York City and Taiwan.
Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) designs, manufactures and provides power supplies and mobile semiconductor technologies to improve the energy efficiency of home appliances, enabling mobile device manufacturers to provide innovative new features and improve the efficiency of industrial products. Naše globalno poslovanje podpira notranja in zunanja proizvodnja ter prilagodljiva dobavna veriga iz več virov. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Our semiconductor solutions for automotive, mobile, LED lighting and power management applications help our customers succeed every day.

Heliospectra AB ADR (OTC: HLSPY; FirstNorth: HELIO) je specializirana za tehnologijo inteligentne razsvetljave za raziskave rastlin in gojenje v rastlinjakih. The company's lighting system combines several different sets of general-purpose light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with optical devices, remote sensing technology and powerful heat dissipation solutions to provide effective and long-lasting technology for greenhouse and indoor plant cultivation. This proprietary setting allows growers to control the intensity and wavelength of the emitted light, thereby creating a spectrum that is specifically adjusted for different plant species and growth stages to better promote photosynthesis. The complete, well-designed light produces crops that look better, taste better, and have a longer shelf life than those under HID lights. This technology can not only reduce energy consumption by up to 50%, but also helps to stimulate growth characteristics and improve plant quality. Other benefits include reduced light pollution, reduced mercury usage by avoiding traditional HID/HPS bulbs, and reduced HVAC investment and monthly expense requirements. Heliospectra products are based on an in-depth understanding of plant physiology and photosynthesis, as well as a unique method using modern LED technology. After six years of development in Sweden, the company has now begun to expand into the international market. The company has raised more than US$21 million in funding and has received more than US$2.6 million through academic scholarships and grants. Its forward-looking technology has also won numerous awards.

Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) is a wireless network operator and software application provider dedicated to the Internet of Things. Iota prodaja rešitve za ponavljajoče se prihodke, ki lahko optimizirajo porabo energije, trajnost in delovanje komercialnih in industrijskih objektov neposredno ali prek odnosov s tretjimi osebami. Iota also provides important ancillary products and services to promote the adoption of its subscription-based services, including solar, LED lighting and HVAC implementation services.
LED International Holdings (LSE: LED.L) sodeluje pri zagotavljanju pogodbenih storitev upravljanja z energijo (»pogodbe EMC«) ali pogodbenih storitev energetske učinkovitosti, v skladu s katerimi skupina vgrajuje energetsko varčne izdelke v hiše svojih strank, vključno z razsvetljavo in oprema za reaktivno filtriranje Električno energijo zagotovi skupina, nato pa odjemalec prihrani račun za elektriko, nato pa skupina deli električno energijo s odjemalcem, tako da skupina ustvari ponavljajoče se prihodke namesto enkratnega sales income. , Manufacturing and selling low-power light-emitting diode (LED) displays and modules.

O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) razvija in prodaja inovativne komponente za upravljanje porabe energije za računalniške, potrošniške, industrijske, avtomobilske in komunikacijske trge. Izdelki vključujejo LED splošno razsvetljavo, osvetlitev ozadja, upravljanje baterije in upravljanje porabe energije. O2Micro International has an extensive intellectual property portfolio, with 28,852 patent claims granted and more than 29,000 outstanding. The company has offices worldwide.
Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Tajvan: 2340.TW) je tajvansko podjetje, ki se v glavnem ukvarja s proizvodnjo optoelektronskih polprevodniških komponent in sorodnih izdelkov. The company's main products are divided into three categories: light-emitting diode (LED) components, including LED chips and infrared light-emitting diode chips; photodetection diode components, including photodetection diode chips, photodetection semiconductor chips and high-power electronic components, and system products , Including LED information display, LED lighting system and LED car lights. It also provides LED package components. The company's products are distributed in the domestic market and overseas markets including Europe, America and other regions in Asia.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) vodi preoblikovanje komercialnih in industrijskih zgradb z najnaprednejšimi energetsko varčnimi sistemi razsvetljave in rešitvami za naknadno vgradnjo razsvetljave. Orion manufactures and sells a series of cutting-edge products, including LED solid-state lighting and high-intensity fluorescent lamps. Many of Orion's more than 100 patented and pending patents are related to lighting systems, which have excellent optical and thermal performance, which can bring financial, environmental and workspace aspects to many customers in the renovation market the benefits of.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Zagotavljanje javnih služb. Ima specializirane zmogljivosti za proizvodnjo električne energije za namene odzivanja na povpraševanje; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Njegova lastniška zasnova porazdeljenega sistema za proizvodnjo električne energije uporablja različne tehnologije za dobavo električne energije, vključno z obnovljivo energijo. Energijsko varčni izdelki in storitve podjetja vključujejo rešitve za varčno razsvetljavo, ki uporabljajo tehnologijo LED za izboljšanje kakovosti razsvetljave, ter načrtovanje, namestitev in vzdrževanje ukrepov za varčevanje z energijo, ki jih v glavnem zagotavljamo kot podizvajalci velikim ponudnikom energetskih storitev. (imenovano ESCO). , Za interese komercialnih, industrijskih in institucionalnih strank kot končnih uporabnikov in neposredno za trgovce na drobno. PowerSecure zagotavlja elektroenergetskim podjetjem tudi storitve vzdrževanja in gradnje prenosne in distribucijske infrastrukture ter inženirske in regulativne svetovalne storitve.
Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM: RVLT) is a leading LED lighting solutions company. Načrtujemo, izdelujemo, prodajamo in prodajamo energetsko učinkovite LED in konvencionalne svetlobne rešitve. We have strong strengths in the industrial, commercial and government markets in the United States, Canada and around the world. Revolution Lighting has created an innovative, multi-brand lighting company that provides a comprehensive product platform of high-quality indoor and outdoor LED lamps and fixtures, with a focus on the developing LED lighting solutions market. Revolution Lighting trži in distribuira svoje izdelke prek mreže neodvisnih prodajnih zastopnikov in distributerjev, kot tudi podjetij za varčevanje z energijo, nacionalnih računov in svoje hčerinske družbe Value Lighting v 100-odstotni lasti. Value Lighting is a leading supplier of lighting solutions for multi-family homes and new residential buildings. Other brands in the market's RVLT series include Lumificient, which provides LED lighting for the signage industry. And Sentinel, which is a revolutionary patented and licensed monitoring and smart grid control system suitable for outdoor lighting applications. Revolution Lighting is recognized as a 2014 Deloitte High-Tech High-Growth 500 company.

Rubicon Technology Inc. (NasdaqGS: RBCN) is a vertically integrated provider of advanced electronic materials that specializes in single crystal sapphire for light-emitting diodes (LED), optical systems and special electronic devices. Rubicon has an unparalleled technology platform and expertise, from the preparation of alumina to the growth and manufacturing of sapphire crystals, to large-diameter polished sapphire wafers and patterned sapphire substrates (PSS), enabling Rubicon to provide high-quality and precise Custom sapphire products .

Seoul Semiconductor Company, Ltd. (SSC) (Koreja: 046890.KQ) proizvaja in pakira različne svetleče diode (LED), ki se uporabljajo v avtomobilski industriji, splošni razsvetljavi, električnih napravah, napisih in osvetlitvi ozadja. The company is the fifth largest LED supplier in the world, with more than 10,000 patents worldwide, and provides a wide range of LEDs in the fields of “nPola”, deep ultraviolet LED, and “Acrich” (the world's first commercially produced direct lighting) Technology and production capacity. AC LED and “Acrich MJT-Multi-Junction Technology” proprietary high-voltage LED series.
SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) and its subsidiaries manufacture and sell solar products together. Njegovo poslovno področje vključuje proizvodnjo in prodajo solarnih izdelkov, proizvodnjo sončne energije, tovarniško delovanje in storitve ter proizvodnjo in prodajo izdelkov s svetlečimi diodami (LED).
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), matično podjetje GO Energy Group, je sestavljeno iz več avstralskih podjetij in ima vodilni položaj na področju najnovejših visoko učinkovitih energetskih tehnologij in storitev. Od svoje ustanovitve leta 2010 je GO Energy Group hitro utrdila svoj položaj stebra na nacionalnem področju obnovljivih virov energije ter dosegla obsežen uspeh in rast. Solco Limited je subjekt, ki je naveden na ASX in se je združil z GO Group Energy, da bi zagotovil najvišji standard strategije obnovljivih virov energije. Z našo blagovno znamko CO2markets smo postali eden največjih trgovcev z okoljskimi certifikati v Avstraliji, hkrati pa komercialnemu sektorju prek GO Energy zagotavljamo pametne, izvedljive in obnovljive rešitve za reševanje naraščajočih stroškov energije. Naš visoko konkurenčen paket izdelkov združuje maloprodajno energijo z drugimi izdelki, kot so naša garancija za najboljšo ceno, prilagojena proizvodnja sončne energije, učinkovita razsvetljava in storitve spremljanja energije, ki so vsi nacionalni. Uspeh lahko našim strankam pomaga premagati naraščajoče stroške elektrika in prispeva k zmanjšanju emisij ogljika. Naša najnovejša ponudba blagovne znamke GO je v stalnem razvoju tega področja podpreti sončno industrijo in potrošnikom omogočiti pridobivanje brezplačnih ponudnikov namestitve od lokalnih ponudnikov sonca, medtem ko CO2 Global zagotavlja zagotavljanje kakovosti (QA) in nadzor kakovosti (QC) process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Solis Tek Inc. (OTC: SLTK) is an importer, distributor and marketer of digital lighting equipment for the hydroponics industry, focusing on the research, design, development and manufacturing of advanced, energy-saving indoor/greenhouse gardening lighting and auxiliary equipment . Z uporabo nekaterih svojih lastniških tehnologij podjetje zagotavlja inovativno inteligenco s svojimi izdelki za balast, reflektorje in svetilke. Our vision is to use the latest developments in efficient lighting and control technology and effective manufacturing technology to provide differentiated products with obvious advantages to the greenhouse and indoor gardening markets at competitive prices. The company's customers include retail stores, distributors and commercial growers in the United States and abroad.
Stanley Electric (TYO: 6923.T; OTC: STAEF) produces automotive lighting equipment and electronic components. Deluje v poslovnih enotah avtomobilske opreme, elektronskih delov in uporabnih elektronskih izdelkov. Poslovni oddelek za avtomobilsko opremo ponuja izdelke za avtomobilsko opremo, vključno z žarometi, zadnjimi kombiniranimi lučmi, visokimi zavornimi lučmi, meglenkami, avtomobilskimi žarnicami, povezanimi izdelki HID itd. Poslovni oddelek za elektronske komponente ponuja elektronske komponente, kot so LED, infrardeče LED svetilke in uporabne elektronske izdelke, vključno z LED izdelki za razsvetljavo, LCD osvetlitvami, LCD bliskavicami, kamerami, upravljalnimi ploščami itd. Podjetje nudi tudi LED žaromete za motorna kolesa in avtomobile. 3D printed circuit board. It mainly sells its products to automotive and electric companies, as well as auto parts suppliers mainly in Japan, America, Europe, Asia Pacific and China.
Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) produces and sells automobile parts, optoelectronic products and other general industrial products. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; funkcionalne komponente, vključno s komponentami modula rezervoarja za gorivo, deli sistema za prenos moči ter deli sistemov šasije in prenosa; notranji in zunanji deli; and safety system products, such as airbags, steering wheels, etc. The company also provides solar LED and deep ultraviolet light source modules; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights

Trans-lux Corporation (OTC: TNLX) is a leading designer and manufacturer of TL Vision digital video displays and TL Energy LED lighting solutions. Its products are suitable for financial, sports and entertainment, gaming, education, government and commercial markets. With a comprehensive LED large screen system, LCD flat panel display, data wall and scoreboard (sold by Trans-Lux under Fair-Play), Trans-Lux provides a comprehensive video display solution suitable for indoor and outdoor display needs of any scale venue . TL Energy omogoča organizacijam znatno zmanjšanje stroškov, povezanih z energijo, z rešitvami zelene razsvetljave.
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) podjetjem zagotavlja takojšnje prihranke stroškov s čistejšo elektriko. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. Solar energy, wind energy, LED lighting
Universal Display Corporation (NasdaqGS: OLED) is a leader in the development and provision of the most advanced organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology, materials and services to the display and lighting industries. The company was established in 1994 and currently owns or owns exclusive rights, joint exclusive rights or sole licensing rights globally, involving more than 3,500 issued and pending patents. Universal Display licencira svoje lastniške tehnologije, vključno s svojo revolucionarno visoko učinkovito fosforescentno OLED tehnologijo UniversalPHOLED®, ki omogoča razvoj okolju prijaznih zaslonov in razsvetljave z nizko porabo energije. The company also develops and provides high-quality, state-of-the-art UniversalPHOLED materials, which are considered to be the key ingredients for making OLEDs with the best performance. In addition, Universal Display also provides innovative and customized solutions to its customers and partners through technology transfer, collaborative technology development and on-site training. Universal Display is headquartered in Ewing, New Jersey, has international offices in Ireland, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, and cooperates with a network of world-class organizations.

2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company je s podjetjem Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., ki se nahaja v provinci Jiangsu na Kitajskem, doseglo dogovor o distribuciji novega tipa električnega vozila, imenovanega e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle), v Združenih državah. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. Električno vozilo e-Go lahko sprejme štiri potnike, ima dolgo življenjsko dobo baterije, in ker je vozilo lahko, je stopnja energetske učinkovitosti pri mestni vožnji kar 150+ MPG-E. Petsedežna luksuzna limuzina Ibis EV iz ogljikovih vlaken, veliki brat e-Go, bo prav tako prikazana poleg e-Go EV za prihodnjo prodajo v Združenih državah.

Aberdeen International (TSX: AAB.TO; OTC: AABVF) je zasebni kapitalski vlagatelj in svetovalec, osredotočen na svetovno rudarsko industrijo in industrijo naravnih virov. Aberdeen's first investment in Africa Thunder Platinum is a low-cost platinum group metal producer in the famous Bushveld Complex in South Africa. Aberdeen will further increase its mineral investment holdings by acquiring the lucrative Diabllillos lithium project in Argentina.
Advanced Battery Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: ABAT) ima izvršni urad v Pekingu na Kitajskem, namenjen industriji čiste energije. ABAT ima tri proizvodne hčerinske družbe v Harbinu, Wuxi in Dongguanu na Kitajskem, ki se ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem, proizvodnjo, trženjem in distribucijo polnilnih polimernih litij-ionskih (PLI) baterij in povezanih izdelkov za lahka električna vozila (LEV).
Advantage Lithium Corp. (TSX: AAL.V) is a resources company specializing in the strategic acquisition, exploration and development of lithium assets, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. The company has signed a letter of intent with lithium producer Orocobre to acquire a 100% stake in five projects in Argentina and a 75% stake in the sixth project called Cauchari. Cauchari ima skoraj površinske vire 470.000 ton ekvivalenta litijevega karbonata (LCE) in 1,62 milijona ton kalijevega gnojila (KCL). Large-scale exploration targets are 5.6mt to 0.25mt LCE and 19mt to 0.9KCL. Cauchari is located only 20 kilometers south of Orocobre's flagship Olaroz lithium battery facility. The company also received investment from Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp., a portfolio of five lithium brine projects in Clayton and Lida Valley, Nevada, of which 70% are in Clayton NE. In addition, the company has acquired 100% of the Stella Marys lithium brine project, which is adjacent to the Salinas Grandes project in Orocobre, which is located in the triangular lithium mine in Argentina, which has inferred near-surface resources.
AJN Resources Inc. (CSE: AJN) is an exploration and development company established for the purpose of acquiring, exploring and developing lithium resource properties under guaranteed and feasible conditions. Pridobivamo in razvijamo nepremičnine z dokazanim potencialom. The management and directors of AJN have more than 75 years of collective industry experience and are very successful in exploration, financing, and development of major mines around the world.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Prva kategorija so motocikli na litijeve baterije, sledijo jim motocikli. ALYI also recently hired Clarkson University professor David Mitlin to lead a cannabis energy storage program. Mitlin je uspešno uporabil konopljo (preostala vlakna konoplje) za izdelavo ogljikovih nanoplošč, ki lahko tekmujejo z nekaterimi boljšimi grafenskimi nanoploščami in v nekaterih vidikih prekašajo superkondenzatorje. Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
Altura Mining Limited (ASX: AJM.AX) je pomemben igralec na svetovnem trgu litija in izkorišča vse večje povpraševanje po surovinah za litij-ionske baterije za proizvodnjo električnih vozil in statične hrambe. Altura owns and operates a world-class Altura lithium project in Pilgangoora, Pilbara, Western Australia, with an annual production capacity of 220,000 tons of high-quality spodumene concentrate. The company has completed the deterministic feasibility study to expand the second-phase production capacity to 440,000tpa, and made the final investment decision after reviewing the first-phase operations and increasing the nameplate output.
Ariana Resources plc (LSE: AAU.L) is a leading exploration, development and production company currently focusing on Turkey. The company's goal is to discover larger mineral systems mainly in the Western Anatolian Volcano and Extension Zone (WAVE) province in western Turkey. The province has the largest operating gold mine in Turkey, and the discovery of new porphyry and hyperthermal deposits still has high prospects. In the province, Ariana has one advanced development project (Red Rabbit project) and two other advanced exploration projects (Ivrindi and Demirci). Območje okoli projekta se imenuje območje projekta WAVE. Parallel to our resource development and exploration strategy in western Turkey, Ariana established a joint venture with its exploration portfolio in northeastern Turkey to establish Eldorado Gold Corp. (Eldorado Gold Corp.). Ariana is also a founding investor in Royal Road Minerals (Jersey), which focuses on gold/copper exploration and Asgard Metals (located in Australia) with a focus on technical metal exploration (lithium). The company also continues to evaluate new acquisition or joint venture opportunities in Turkey or elsewhere.

Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (OTC: AVLNF; TSX: AVL.TO) (prej znano kot Avalon Rare Metals Inc.) je kanadsko podjetje za razvoj mineralov, ki je specializirano za raziskovanje potreb po kovinah in mineralih na nastajajočih trgih ter razvoj novih technologies. Povpraševanje še naprej raste. Podjetje ima tri projekte v napredni fazi, vsi v 100-odstotnem lastništvu, ki vlagateljem zagotavljajo naložbe v litij, kositer in indij ter redke zemeljske elemente, tantal, niobij in cirkonij. Avalon se trenutno osredotoča na litijev projekt Separed Rapids v Kenori v Ontariu in projekt kositra in indija East Kemptville v Yarmouthu v Novem Južnem Walesu. Družbena odgovornost in ravnanje z okoljem sta temelja podjetja.

Bearing Lithium Corp. (TSX: BRZ.V) is a mineral exploration and development company that focuses primarily on lithium. Njegovo glavno premoženje je 17,7-odstotni delež v čilskem projektu litijeve slanice Maricunga. The Maricunga project is one of the world's highest-grade lithium brine salts and the only pre-production project in Chile.
Canadian Orebodies Inc. (TSX: CO.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration company with real estate portfolios in Nunavut and Ontario. Projekti vključujejo železovo rudo, zlato, litij in minerale redkih kovin.

Chimata Gold Corp. (TSX: CAT.V; CSE: CAT) je kanadsko podjetje, ustanovljeno leta 2010, s sedežem v Vancouvru, Biltis. Chimata is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of minerals in Canada and abroad (currently in Zimbabwe). Trenutni poudarek je na predlaganem načrtu raziskovanja mineralov BAM in Troilus North ter razvoju potencialnih litijevih mineralov in sredstev v Zimbabveju, ki se nahaja v rudniku Kamativi Tin. Chimata continues to identify and potentially acquire other property interests, and conduct exploration and evaluation to assess its potential, while identifying strategic alliances, acquisitions or joint ventures.
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) and its subsidiaries are jointly committed to the development, manufacture and sale of high-energy and high-energy lithium batteries in China and internationally. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; in električna orodja, shranjevanje energije in intermitentni napajalniki ter druge aplikacije z visoko močjo.

Daikin Resources Corporation (TSX: DJI.V) is an early energy metal exploration company with 100% interest in 215 placer claims in the Teels Marsh area of ​​Mineral County, Nevada, which is known to contain lithium and boron . Daikin has reached an option agreement with Southern Sun Mining Company (TSX-V: SSI) to explore their alkaline lake area in Esmeralda County, Nevada (located northeast of the Clayton Valley lithium business in Rockwood) 191 placer claims 7 miles (12 kilometers) away. . Daikin also has a 100% interest in concession or concession applications in Jujuy Province, Argentina, which were acquired in areas where brines with known potassium, lithium and boron values ​​are contained. Te koncesije se nahajajo v bazenu slanega jezera Salinas Grandes/Guayatoque, ki meji na koncesije, ki jih ima Orocobre Limited (ORL-T: TSX) v sodelovanju s Toyoto Tsusho. Dajin recently reached an agreement with the Tres Morres community to explore the San Jose and Navidad concessions within the Salinas Grandes salt marshes.
E3 METALS CORP. (TSXV: ETMC) (OTC: EEMMF) is a lithium company that develops an inferred mineral resource of 6.7 Mt LCE in Alberta. By commercializing its proprietary lithium extraction process, E3 plans to rapidly produce high-purity battery-grade lithium hydroxide. E3Metals Corp combines a large amount of resources with the right technical solutions and has the potential to bring lithium products to the market. One of the best jurisdictions in the world. Our prolific Leduc Reservoir has lithium-rich brine and has so far mapped 6.7 million tons of LCE inferred mineral resources. In Alberta, the development of this resource through saltwater production is a well-known risky activity, and this saltwater is currently being produced through a large amount of oil and gas development. Although lithium brines and hydrocarbons are mutually exclusive, the Leduc reservoir can support a small amount of brine production touted by other brines, with one well capable of bringing 10,000 m3/day (115 L/s) to the surface. The average and consistent grade of E3 Metals ion exchange technology in Clearwater Resource Area 1 is 77.4 mg/L, which can quickly produce concentrates up to 1500 mg/L2. Hkrati je odstranjenih 99 % nečistoč in povprečna stopnja izkoristka 90 %, kar proizvede koncentrirano surovino, ki bo verjetno obdelana neposredno s konvencionalno proizvodno tehnologijo litija za proizvodnjo litijevega hidroksida visoke čistosti (LiOH∙H2O). . The company's plan is to provide 10,000 tons/year LiOH processing facilities by 2022 and continue to expand to the final 50,000 tons/year.

Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) je licenčno podjetje, ki želi izkoristiti povpraševanje po naslednjih proizvodih: litij, vanadij, mangan, kositer, grafit, kobalt, nikelj in baker. Spodbujanje elektrifikacije (avtomobili, akumulatorske baterije, obsežno shranjevanje energije, proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih virov in druge aplikacije). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. To ustvarja edinstveno priložnost za vlaganje in pridobivanje licenčnin za rudnike in projekte, ki bodo zagotovili materiale, potrebne za revolucijo moči. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Obstaja 6 kombinacij licenčnin. Transakcija je odvisna od izpolnjevanja pogojev (vključno z regulatorno odobritvijo). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.

Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Njegove nanostrukture se lahko uporabljajo v baterijah za ponovno polnjenje za aplikacije z nizko porabo energije, pa tudi v mikro baterijah na mikroskopskih filmih. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enertopia Corporation (CSE: TOP; OTCQB: ENRT) is committed to using modern technology to build shareholder value. Enertopia is working hard to establish a lithium resource, and at the same time is committed to extracting lithium from its synthetic brine solution by using industry-leading mature technology. Enertopia Corporation je podjetje za raziskovanje in razvoj, ki uporablja sodobno tehnologijo za proizvodnjo baterijskega litijevega karbonata iz slanice ali proizvaja sintetično slanico prek svojih projektov za litij v Clayton Valleyju, Nevadi, Dandanu in Teksasu. Rudnik Steve Placer trdi, da se nahaja v bližini rudnika litijeve slanice Silver Peak v Albemarlu.
Far Resources Ltd. (CSE: FAT) je raziskovalno podjetje, s katerim se javno trguje na kanadski borzi pod oznako FAT in je namenjeno odkrivanju in razvoju mineralnih priložnosti z visokim potencialom v stabilni jurisdikciji. Yuan Resources may acquire or select value attributes to achieve its current goal, which is to find, advance and release the potential of these mineral opportunities. Far Resources currently has two mineral projects. The Zoro Lithium Project covers many known lithium pegmatite deposits and is located near Snow Lake in MB. Manitoba is ranked as the second largest mining investment jurisdiction in the world by the Fraser Institute. Drugi projekt je Winston Project v Novi Mehiki v ZDA, ki je še eno zgodovinsko rudarsko sredstvo s potencialom srebra in zlata. New Mexico is also included in the Fraser Institute list, ranking among the top 25 mining jurisdictions in the world.
Fengfan Company (Šanghaj: 600482.SS) je podjetje s sedežem na Kitajskem, ki se v glavnem ukvarja z raziskavami, razvojem, proizvodnjo in distribucijo baterij. The company's main products are batteries, including low temperature series, low maintenance series, SAIL series, electric vehicle series, ship series, maintenance-free series and complete series, such as lead-acid batteries, motorcycle batteries, industrial batteries. Batteries and lithium-ion batteries, etc. In addition, it is also involved in the manufacturing and distribution of lead alloy products, battery casings and separators.
First Liberty Power Corp. (OTC: FLPC) je raznoliko podjetje za raziskovanje, razvoj in mlajše rudarstvo, namenjeno zagotavljanju strateških mineralov za prihodnost Združenih držav. First Liberty Power temelji na metodologiji, katere cilj je pospešiti raziskovanje in razvoj rudarskih in predelovalnih dejavnosti podjetja. Cilj podjetja je prinesti minerale na trg ob vedno zagotavljanju varnosti zaposlenih, okoljske celovitosti in dobrega upravljanja podjetja. FLPC -jeva korporativna filozofija je v celoti prikazana v svojem programu PATH DO PROMETCIJA (POP), ki je odprta in pregledna komunikacijska platforma, ki se uporablja za obveščanje delničarjev, vlagateljev in rudarskih partnerjev podjetja News and Progress. Trenutni portfelj mineralnih izdelkov First Liberty Power vključuje antimon, zlato in druge strateške kovinske projekte in lastnosti. Prva Liberty Power trenutno ocenjuje možnosti raziskovanja in razvoja za dve litijevi rudniki v Nevadi in druga trdilna območja na istem geološkem območju.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. V primerjavi s tradicionalnimi rešitvami lahko rešitve za shranjevanje Flux zagotovijo višjo zmogljivost, daljšo življenjsko dobo in večjo donosnost naložbe. Flux prodaja izdelke neposredno prek rastočega distribucijskega odnosa. Izdelki vključujejo napredne baterijske sklope za napajanje dvižne opreme, vlačilcev ter trge vleke in robotike, prenosne napajalnike za vojaške namene in stacionarne napajalnike za shranjevanje v omrežju.
Frontier Lithium Inc. (TSX: FL.V) aims to become a low-cost, fully integrated lithium and tantalum producer by developing the PAK lithium deposit in Ontario, Canada. Frontier ohranja tesno delniško strukturo, upravljavsko lastništvo pa presega 30 % družbe. From 2013 to 2017, 4.5 million Canadian dollars of exploration work was carried out on the deposit, which is characterized by the rare, high-purity, low-iron lithium in spodumene. In order to avoid unnecessary equity dilution, the company has adopted a phased growth approach to exploration and development, which is the company's strategic priority. The initial target market is the glass ceramic industry, which consumes approximately one-third of the global supply of lithium and is currently in a monopolistic state. Poleg tega večji proizvajalci litija vse bolj usmerjajo svojo proizvodnjo v podporo proizvodnji baterij.

Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in razvojem mineralov v Manitobi in severozahodnem Ontariu. It has a rich asset portfolio, including gold, platinum group metals and base metals, as well as specialty and minor metals, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium and chromium. Podjetje ima tudi veliko nahajališč dolomita visoke čistosti, bogatih z magnezijem, in različne finančne interese pri drobljenju nahajališč peska.

Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage systems , Mobile and wearable products, electric bicycles, medical equipment, digital and electronic equipment, personal care and household products. Podjetje razvija tudi nastajajoče aplikacije na področju dronov, robotike in tehnologije brezžičnega polnjenja. Highpower has advanced production facilities in China, and has more than 100 battery materials, processing and design patents. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
Houston Lake Mining (TSX: HLM.V) aims to become a fully integrated lithium, rub and tantalum producer by developing the PAK rare metal project in Ontario, Canada. Strategija podjetja je izkoristiti globalni prehod na električna/hibridna vozila in visokokakovostno potrošniško elektroniko tako, da postane dobavitelj surovin, ki si prizadeva za trajnostno energijo in druge elemente, potrebne za visokotehnološko elektroniko in aplikacije kovinskih zlitin. Together, HLM's board of directors and management have more than 300 years of experience in finance, exploration and mining to advance the company's goals.
Iconic Minerals Ltd. (TSX: ICM.V) is an exploration company focusing on the acquisition, exploration and development of outstanding projects in North America. The company's main focus is to discover and develop economical and multi-million ounce gold deposits through exploration of high-quality projects; it is mainly located in areas with great historical discovery potential in Nevada, which will make development and mine production costs low. Iconic Minerals je ustanovil ekipo strokovnjakov z bogatim poslovanjem in strokovnim znanjem pri odkrivanju in razvoju številnih dragocenih rudnikov zlata; including venture capital for resource-raising projects. Lastnina Bonnie Claire Lithium podjetja Iconic: posest pokriva površino 23.100 hektarjev in se nahaja v dolini, dolgi približno 30 kilometrov (19 milj) in široki 20 kilometrov (12 milj). The associated drainage area is 2,070 square kilometers (800 square miles). Quartz-rich volcanic rocks in and near the basin contain abnormal amounts of lithium. Geokemična analiza lokalnih solin, ki jo je izvedlo podjetje, je pokazala vrednosti litija do 340 ppm, vključno z USGS (United States Geological Survey) do 500 ppm. Nizka gravitacijska točka v dolini je dolga 20 kilometrov (12 milj), trenutna ocenjena globina kamnine pa sega od 600 do 900 metrov (2000 do 3000 čevljev). Trenutni obseg zahtevka zajema točke nizke gravitacije in s tem povezane blatne ravnine.

International Lithium Corp. (TSX: ILC.V) je raziskovalno podjetje z odličnim portfeljem projektov, močnim lastništvom upravljanja, močno finančno podporo ter strateškim partnerjem in ključnim vlagateljem Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. (vodilni kitajski proizvajalec izdelkov za litij ). Glavni poudarek podjetja je Mariana Lithium Potassium Brine Project, ki je bil ustanovljen kot skupno podjetje z Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. v znamenitem južnoameriškem »Lithium Beltu«, ki ima večino svetovnih virov, zalog in proizvodnje litija. The Mariana project, covering an area of ​​160 square kilometers, strategically covers a complete mineral-rich evaporation basin, which is considered to be one of the most promising salt marshes or “salt lakes” in the region. Complementing the company's lithium brine project are the three rare metal pegmatite minerals in Canada, namely the Mavis, Raleigh and Forgan projects. Projekt na Irskem (Avalonia Project) pokriva 50 km dolg pegmatitni pas. The Mavis and Raleigh projects conducted by strategic partners Ganfeng Lithium and Avis and strategic partners Pioneer Resources Limited (PIO: ASX) are all Avalonia projects. The Mavis, Raleigh and Forgan projects together form the basis of the company's newly created Upper Canada lithium mining pool. The focus of the mining pool is to use previously reported high-concentration lithium to obtain numerous exploration prospects in close proximity to existing infrastructure. . As the demand for high-tech rechargeable batteries used in vehicle propulsion technology and portable electronics continues to increase, lithium is vital to tomorrow's “green technology” and sustainable economy. By positioning with solid development partners and obtaining high-quality grassroots projects in the early stages of exploration, ILC's goal is to become the preferred resource explorer for green technology investors and to create value for its shareholders.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Ustvarjamo kakovostne izdelke, storitve in rešitve za optimizacijo energetske in obratovalne učinkovitosti stavb; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; in notranji sistemi avtomobilov. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. Leta 2015 je revija »Corporate Responsibility Magazine« Johnson Controls uvrstila na 15. podjetje v letnem izboru »100 najboljših korporativnih državljanov«.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the two companies. The team focused on key raw materials. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); materiali za gradbene izdelke z visoko toplotno učinkovitostjo (grafit, silicijev dioksid, nefelin); in materiali, ki lahko izboljšajo učinkovitost pri pridobivanju energije (dy, neodim, ha). Vodilni robni materiali so v idealnem položaju, da igrajo ključno vlogo pri trajnostni ponudbi tehnologije in energetskih kritičnih materialov
Li3 Energy, Inc. (OTC:LIEG) is a listed company in the exploration stage of lithium mining and energy. Li3′s goal is to acquire, develop and commercialize a large number of lithium brine deposits in the Americas. Relying on the interest in the Maricenga project, as well as the completion of the NI 43-101-compliant measurable resource report and the acquisition of Cocina, Li3′s goal is to: a) advance Maricenga to the feasibility study stage; b) podpora globalnemu izvajanju pobud čiste in zelene energije; c) Meet the growing demand for lithium market; d) Become a mid-range low-cost supplier of lithium, potassium nitrate, iodine and other strategic minerals, serving global customers in the energy, fertilizer and specialty chemical industries.
Liberty One Lithium Corp (TSX: LBY.V; OTCQB: LRTTF; FRANKFURT: L1T.F) is an exploration company dedicated to the acquisition and development of high-grade lithium brine deposits. The extensive property of Pocitos in western Argentina is located in the heart of the famous “Lithium Triangle”, in the trend of several lithium producers within 25 kilometers. The property is strategically located to produce lithium brine through low-cost and mature evaporation methods, and is adjacent to substantial infrastructure and skilled and experienced labor. Liberty's international team is composed of well-known technical experts who have focused on lithium for decades. Podjetje strogo upravlja odločitve o ustvarjanju vrednosti, da zagotovi, da ima podjetje dovolj kapitala in še naprej ustvarja vrednost za delničarje.
Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR.AX) is engaged in mineral exploration and evaluation in Australia. Podjetje raziskuje litij, zlato, vanadij in nikelj. It is interested in the Katherine Valley Lithium Tantalum Project, Buldania Lithium Project, Killaloe Project and Norcott Project in Western Australia. And the Toolebuc vanadium project in Queensland.

Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX: LAC.TO; OTC: LHMAF) is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of lithium, potassium and other mineral resources in South America. The company owns approximately 161,000 hectares of land use rights in five salt lakes in the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, Argentina. Njegova glavna lastnina je litijev projekt Cauchari-Olaroz, ki se nahaja v bližini slanih jezer Cauchari in Olaroz v Jujuyu v Argentini in pokriva površino približno 81.000 hektarjev.

Lithium X (TSX: LIX.V) je podjetje za raziskovanje in razvoj litija, namenjeno temu, da postane nizkocenovni dobavitelj v nastajajoči industriji litijevih baterij. Podjetje razvija svoj projekt Sal Sal los Los Angeles, ki pokriva več kot 95 % Salar de Diablillos v provinci Salta v Argentini. It is also exploring a large land in the Clayton Valley in Nevada, adjacent to North America's only lithium production business owned and operated by Albemarle, the world's largest lithium producer.
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) For sixty years, Livent has worked with customers to safely and sustainably use lithium to power the world. Livent is one of the few companies with the ability, reputation and know-how to produce high-quality finished lithium compounds that can help meet the growing demand for lithium. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent ima približno 700 zaposlenih po vsem svetu in ima proizvodne obrate v ZDA, Združenem kraljestvu, Indiji, na Kitajskem in v Argentini.

Makena Resources Inc. (TSX: MKN.V) se ukvarja s pridobivanjem in raziskovanjem mineralov v Kanadi. Projekti: Patterson Uranium Project; Clone Gold Project; DB Diamond Project. August 2016: Announced that it has signed a subscription agreement with Bachman Lithium Corp
Poslanstvo podjetja Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) je pridobiti in pospešiti možnosti rudarjenja manganove rude z visokim potencialom v Severni Ameriki, da bi zagotovili materiale z dodano vrednostjo za litij-ionske baterije in druge industrije alternativne energije. . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Matamec Explorations Inc. (TSX: MAT.V) is a junior mining exploration company whose main focus is on the development of the Kipawa HREE joint venture deposit. The company owns 72% of the company and 28% of Quebec Resources; Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd. (Japonska Nagoya) ima 10 % licenčnine na čisti dobiček tega depozita. In addition, the company is exploring a strike length of more than 35 kilometers in the Kipawa alkali mining area through its Zeus mine for rare earth-yttrium-zirconium-niobium-tantalum mineralization. The company is also exploring gold, base metals and platinum group metals. V Quebecu podjetje uporablja svoje minerale Tansim za iskanje strateških kovin, kot so litij, tantal in berilij, ter za iskanje plemenitih in navadnih kovin v svojih mineralih Sakami, Valmont in Vulcain.
MGX Minerals Inc. (CSE: XMG) je raznoliko kanadsko rudarsko podjetje, ki se ukvarja z nakupom in razvojem industrijskih mineralov v Zahodni Kanadi. These minerals have near-term production potential with minimal barriers to entry and low initial capital expenditures. The company operates lithium, magnesium and silicon projects throughout British Columbia and Alberta, including the Driftwood magnesium project. MGX je pred kratkim prejel odobritev za Driftwoodov 20-letni najem rudarjenja in trenutno izvaja serijsko vzorčenje.
Millennial Lithium Corp. (TSX: ML.V; OTCQX: MLNLF) is an exploration and development company focused on high-quality lithium assets in Argentina. Proyecto Pastos Grandes SA is an important project of the company, has 100% ownership, and is strategically located in the Argentine region of the “Lithium Triangle” (with some of the largest lithium resources in the world). Nepremičnina ima površino približno 5.500 hektarjev in se nahaja 154 kilometrov zahodno od Salte v Argentini. Millennial has also reached an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Cauchari East Lithium Project in Jujuy Province, Argentina (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”). Cauchari East zavzema 2990 hektarjev na vzhodni strani Cauchari-Olaroz Salar, ki meji na Salar de Olaroz, ki ga proizvaja Orocobre, in pozni Cauchari-Olaroz iz Lithium Americas Corp.
Mineral Hill Industries Ltd. (TSX: MHI.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration company. Rudnik je v Kanadi zbral raznolik portfelj visokokakovostnega litija, zlata in plemenitih kovin. The company's main focus is to put into operation the Liberty Hill gold mine operated by Mineral Hill's subsidiary Veritas Resources Corp., while continuing to explore and develop its four 100% owned hard rock lithium carbonate projects in Quebec (Canada). .
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in razvojem ključnih lastnosti kovin v Namibiji. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. Podjetje je nedavno od Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd pridobilo portfelj projektov. Razpršite prednosti na kobalt, grafit, litij, tantal, niobij, vanadij, zlato in sorodne navadne kovine. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.

Neo Lithium Corp. (TSX: NLC.V) quickly became a famous new name in lithium brine exploration with its high-quality 3Q projects and experienced team. Neo Lithium already has sufficient funds and is rapidly advancing its newly discovered 3Q project-a unique high-end lithium saltwater lake and Salar complex in the lithium triangle of Latin America. The 3Q project is located in Catamarca, Argentina's largest lithium producer. The project covers an area of ​​approximately 35,000 hectares, and the Salar complex in the area is approximately 160 square kilometers. Surface exploration results show that the high-grade lithium target in the northern part of the Salar extends approximately 20 x 5 km, and contains the lowest magnesium and sulfate impurities. Nizka vsebnost nečistoč je ključni dejavnik pri tradicionalni nizkocenovni tehnologiji izhlapevanja, ki se uporablja za končno proizvodnjo litijevega karbonata. Geothermal hot springs with elevated lithium content are part of the Salar Group's replenishment system. Tehnična ekipa, ki je odkrila ta edinstveni solinski kompleks, je ena najbolj izkušenih ekip v litijskem slanem močvirju. Odkril je in vodil tehnično delo, vključno z opredelitvijo virov in obsežno študijo izvedljivosti, da bi Cauchari postal litijeva slanica. Postalo je tretji največji vir litijeve slanice na svetu.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) explores and develops minerals in Australia. It mainly explores lithium, titanium, vanadium, iron ore, nickel and base metals. Ima 70-odstotni delež v litijskem projektu Marion Mountain; and a 100% interest in the Barrambie titanium vanadium iron project in Western Australia.

Nevada Sunrise Gold Company (TSX: NEV.V) je mlado podjetje za raziskovanje rudnin z močno tehnično ekipo v Vancouvru v Britanski Kolumbiji v Kanadi. The company is interested in nine mineral exploration projects in Nevada, USA. Nevada Sunrise Company began to acquire Nevada's lithium assets in September 2015, including options to obtain 100% equity in the Neptune and Clayton Northeast projects and the option of 100% equity in the Aquarius project in the Clayton Valley area right. The company also has the option to obtain 100% equity in the Jackson Wash and Atlantis projects, and has a 50% participation equity in the Gemini project. Each project has Located in Playas near Clayton Valley. The company's three main gold assets include a 21% interest in a joint venture with Pilot Gold Inc. (PLG.TO) in Kingsley Hills near Wendover, a 100% interest in the Golden Arrow project near Tonopah, and 100% interest in the Golden Arrow project near Tonopah. Zlata sredstva za ruleto na jugovzhodu Carlina so ponavadi blizu Yilija in vsako sredstvo ima določeno proizvodno in uporabniško pristojbino.

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. Podjetje se ukvarja tudi z različnimi ladijskimi posli, vključno s proizvodnjo in prodajo ladij za križarjenje, poslovanjem terminalov in izvozom izvenkrmnih motorjev. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industrial machinery; in inženiring, elektronska oprema in elektronska oprema. Poleg tega podjetje nudi tudi finance, avtokredite in avtomobilske leasinge, zavarovalniške storitve, storitve financiranja zalog in kartične storitve. Poleg tega se ukvarja tudi s poslovanjem in svetovanjem v zvezi z analizo in določitvijo surovin; prodaja, zavarovanje, potovanja, okolje, proizvodna tehnologija, objekti, poligoni za testiranje, upravljanje vozil, informacijske in logistične storitve; import and export of auto parts and materials; real estate Business; promotion of motor sports; vodenje nogometnih ekip in nogometnih šol.
Noram Ventures Inc. (TSX: NRM.V) je mlado raziskovalno podjetje s sedežem v Kanadi, katerega cilj je postati sila v revoluciji zelene energije z razvojem nahajališč litija in postati nizkocenovni dobavitelj za cvetoče litijeve baterije industrija.
Nordic Mining ASA (Oslo: NOM.OL) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem, rudarjenjem in proizvodnjo industrijskih mineralov in kovin na Norveškem in v tujini. It mainly researches deposits of rutile (titanium dioxide), garnet, quartz, lithium/lithium carbonate, nickel, palladium and platinum. The company has an interest in the Engebø rutile gold mine in Naustdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. It is also interested in the Kvinnherad deposit, which consists of hydrothermal quartz in the Proterozoic bedrock south of the Hardanger fault zone. Prav tako ima v lasti pravice do raziskovanja Tromsa in Finnmarkovega polotoka Øksfjord.
Nortec Minerals Corp. (TSX: NVT.V) is a mineral exploration and development company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. Podjetje ima 100-odstotni delež v projektu Tammela Gold Lithium na jugozahodnem Finskem. The company also holds a majority stake in Finore Mining Inc. Finore controls 100% of the Finnish Lantinen Koillismaa PGE-Au-Cu-Ni deposit by acquiring Nortec Minerals Oy from Nortec.

Pacific North West Capital Corp (TSX: PFN.V) je podjetje za raziskovanje mineralov, namenjeno projektu PGM River Valley v Sudburyju, Ontario, Kanada. This is one of Canada's largest platinum group metal (PGM) primary deposits Exploration and development. The company's newly established Lithium Division will focus on the acquisition, exploration and development of Canadian lithium projects. In the United States, the company will use its wholly-owned US subsidiary to acquire and develop projects in active mines in Nevada, Arizona and California. Pacific Northwest Capital Corporation is a member of International Metals Corporation, an organization of professionals with extensive experience in all aspects of the mining industry.

Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. Če električno omrežje odpove, je treba te potrebe izklopiti

Prevzemna strategija družbe Power Americas Minerals Corp. (TSX: PAM.V) (prej Victory Ventures) se osredotoča na pridobivanje cenovno dostopnih, stroškovno učinkovitih in zelo cenjenih mineralov na območjih z dokazanim geološkim potencialom. Ta območja vključujejo zgodovinske in trenutno delujoče rudnike z obstoječo infrastrukturo. The strategy includes obtaining 100% equity in mineral resources without payment terms or work plan commitments, which will not threaten the financial stability of junior mining companies. The company believes that through the implementation of this acquisition strategy, the largest shareholder value can be created effectively and cost-effective. The company believes that the demand profile of cobalt, lithium, copper and other basic power-related materials will be dominated by the adaptive growth of electric vehicles, and the increase in production of renewable energy and superalloys. The company is committed to identifying and developing ethical materials within the Americas, aiming to solve the growing demand for energy metals due to the introduction of innovation and new technologies. Power Americas Minerals Corp. is a Canadian junior mining exploration company focused on sourcing, exploring and developing cobalt, lithium, copper and other energy metals in North and South America.
PowerStorm Holdings Inc (OTC: PSTO) uporablja inovativne materiale za razvoj naprednih modularnih rešitev za shranjevanje energije v kombinaciji z našimi poceni, visoko zmogljivimi litij-ionskimi baterijami, ki bodo napajale shranjevanje energije naslednje generacije in aplikacije obnovljive energije. The basic innovative technology of Powerstorm ESS has been protected by multiple patents.

Redzone Resources Ltd. (TSX: REZ.V; OTC: REZZF) je podjetje za raziskovanje mineralov, osredotočeno na oblikovanje in podporo kovin, ki se hitro razvijajo v baterije (litij) v Združenih državah in Peruju.
Resources Majescor (TSX: MJX.V) signed an option agreement with Genius Properties Ltd. and two other suppliers to purchase the Montagne B lithium assets (approximately 708 hectares) located approximately 12 kilometers southwest of Nemaska ​​Lithium's world-class Whabouchi Lithium ) . Nahajališča so v osrednjem Quebecu. Majescor načrtuje tudi delo v rudniku zlata Eastmain na območju James Bay v Quebecu.
Rock Tech Lithium Inc. (TSX: RCK.V) je podjetje za raziskovanje mineralov, osredotočeno na industrijo litija. The company is headquartered in Vancouver and listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. Njegov mednarodni upravni odbor zagotavlja pravi globalni vpliv in edinstven dostop do kapitala in projektov.

Scientific Metals Corp. (TSX: STM.V) formerly known as Suparna Gold Corp-is a Canadian exploration company focused on the global acquisition and development of production-grade lithium deposits. STM je pridobil nepremičnino Deep Valley v srednji zahod Alberta. The property includes a permit area of ​​6,648 hectares (16,427 acres) that covers areas reported to be enriched in lithium brine. As stated in the ERCB report in October, the Deep Valley mine is located in the active Fox Creek-urge fish lake area in Alberta. The formation water in the Leduc aquifer in this area is rich in lithium, potassium, boron, bromine and others. Commodity, 2011, z naslovom "Geološki uvod v formacijsko vodo, bogato z litijem", se je osredotočil na območje Fox Creek (NTS 83F in 83K) v osrednji in zahodni Alberti.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Oddelek za napredne baterijske materiale se ukvarja s komercializacijo litij-ionskih baterij in materialov za gorivne celice. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Sienna Resources Inc (TSX: SIE.V; OTC: SNNAF) is engaged in the identification, acquisition, exploration and evaluation of mineral properties in Canada. Raziskuje lastnosti zlate, srebrne, litijeve in aluminijeve gline. Zanima ga projekt litijeve slanice globokega bazena Clayton Valley in litijev projekt Esmeralda v dolini Clayton v Nevadi.
Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in vrednotenjem mineralnih virov. Predvsem je namenjen raziskovanju navadnih in plemenitih kovin, vključno z nikljem, bakrom, kovinami platinske skupine, zlatom, diamantom, tantalom in litijem. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. Glavno ciljno področje podjetja je južna Afrika. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Zimbabvejski litijski projekt Shamva (80 % možnosti je mogoče pridobiti). Nedavna pridobitev projektov Chuatsa in Shamva je rezultat dolgoletnega osredotočanja na področje baterijskih kovin in izkorišča pomembna znanja in izkušnje SI6 pri raziskovanju in operacijah v Južni Afriki.
Slam Exploration Ltd. (TSX: SXL.V) je podjetje za pridobivanje virov s portfeljem projektov zlata in navadnih kovin v vzhodni Kanadi. Projekt rudnika zlata Menneval je rezultat rudnika zlata Maisie, ki ga je leta 2012 odkrila višja preiskovalna skupina SLAM. Drugi projekti pridobivanja zlata vključujejo projekta zlata Reserve Creek in Miminiska v Ontariu. SLAM ima licenčnine NSR za nahajališča cink-svinec baker-srebro-srebro Superjack in Nash. SLAM je pred kratkim objavil, da je vložil zahtevke proti sedmim litijem in sorodnim mineralom v jugovzhodnem New Brunswicku.
Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA/Chile Chemistry and Mining Co., Ltd. (NYSE: SQM) is a global company, headquartered in Chile, established in 1968, and now has a wide range of industries and applications through its five branches worldwide Močan vpliv poslovnega obsega: posebna prehrana rastlin, jod in njeni derivati, litij in njeni derivati, industrijske kemikalije in potassium
Spearmint Resources Inc. (CSE: SPMT) is a Canadian primary resource exploration company dedicated to actively pursuing world-class deposits. Družba se osredotoča na sestavljanje nizko tveganega portfelja premoženja med raziskovanjem in ga razvije, da bi povečala vrednost delničarjev. Zaradi več prihajajočih projektnih mejnikov je potencial za rast podjetja Spearmint vznemirljiv čas. Spearmint's Whabouchi Lakes lithium mine is located in the James Bay region of Quebec, about 40 kilometers east of Nemaska ​​community and 228 kilometers northwest of Chibougamau city, next to Nemaska ​​Lithium Inc's Whabouchi deposit. Spearmint je pred kratkim pridobil tudi 100-odstotni delež v 53 nepatentiranih mineralnih lastninah v dolini Clayton v Nevadi. Ti minerali imajo zaloge litija, znane kot Elon Mineral in McGee Minerals, ki pokrivajo skupno 1420 hektarjev.
Standard Lithium (TSX.V: SLL) (OTC: STLHF) is a specialty chemicals company dedicated to unlocking the value of the existing large-scale lithium brine resources in the United States. Podjetje verjame, da je mogoče hitro doseči novo proizvodnjo litija z zmanjšanjem projektnih tveganj v fazi izbire (viri, politika, geografija, predpisi in dovoljenja) ter z izkoriščanjem napredka v tehnologiji in postopkih pridobivanja litija. Vodilni projekt podjetja se nahaja v južnem Arkansasu in uporablja lastniško tehnologijo selektivne ekstrakcije podjetja za testiranje in dokazovanje komercialne izvedljivosti pridobivanja litija iz 150.000 hektarjev licenciranih operacij slanice. The company is also seeking resources to develop more than 30,000 acres of individual brine leases in southwestern Arkansas, and approximately 45,000 acres of mineral leases in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California.

Tianqi Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002466.SZ) is a leading new energy material company in China and the world. Za jedro vzamemo litij. Naša dejavnost vključuje rudarjenje in proizvodnjo litijevih koncentratov ter proizvodnjo litijevih spojin. We have established mineral operations, manufacturing plants and subsidiaries in China (Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangsu) and Australia, enabling the company to provide services to customers worldwide.
Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) provides products and services to the market, from power solutions to communications and electronic systems. Through its engineering and collaborative problem-solving methods, Ultralife provides services to government, defense and commercial customers worldwide. Sedež podjetja je v Newarku v New Yorku, njegove poslovne enote pa vključujejo baterije in energetske izdelke ter komunikacijske sisteme. Ultralife deluje v Severni Ameriki, Evropi in Aziji. Batteries and energy products provide various high-energy non-rechargeable and rechargeable power sources and charging systems for defense and commercial applications. Ultralife uses various chemicals including lithium manganese dioxide, nickel nickel hydride, lithium manganate, polymer lithium and lithium thionyl chloride to manufacture batteries. Some have the highest energy density currently available. As a market leader in providing batteries for military use, Ultralife also has a solid technical foundation in battery and battery design in commercial and medical equipment, security metering, telematics and other industrial fields. Our battery technology usually provides turnkey solutions based on customer requirements and specifications, and cooperates with other battery manufacturers to provide the best solutions when necessary.
Ultra Lithium Inc. (TSX: ULI.V) is a Canadian listed exploration and development company that focuses on the acquisition and development of lithium assets. Podjetje se trenutno osredotoča na prevzeme v Severni Ameriki in raziskuje svoj projekt Great Smoky Valley v Nevadi v ZDA. V ZDA ima podjetje 100-odstotni delež v projektu Great Smoke Valley v Nevadi. The company is also exploring lithium in a Balkan project in Serbia.
Lithium Corporation of America (OTC: LITH) is an exploration and development company focused on North America, dedicated to providing lithium and related resources for the fast-growing energy storage industry. Podjetje upa, da bo izkoristilo priložnosti na področju litijevih baterij, vključno z zagotavljanjem litijevih baterij za rastoč trg baterij naslednje generacije. Po nedavnem poročilu Goldman Sachsa naj bi se povpraševanje po litiju do leta 2025 potrojilo. Za mnoge analitike litij velja za nov bencin prihodnosti. Ko povpraševanje po litiju raste, namerava American Litium Corporation postati del te nastajajoče industrije. Naš trenutni poudarek je na porečju in gorskih provincah Nevade. Albemarle's Silver Peak project is located in the only mine in North America that produces lithium. Our first project, Elon, is located in Clayton Valley, close to Silver Peak and several other active explorers and developers.

Voltaic Minerals Corp. (TSX: VLT.V) is a lithium exploration company based in Vancouver, established as a joint venture with Equitorial Exploration Corp., and owns 100% green energy lithium projects. The green energy project covers 4,160 acres required by the Land Management Administration (BLM) and is located in Grand County, Utah, 30 miles west of Moab. Litij in drugi minerali so se pojavili v prenasičeni slanici (40 % mineralov, 60 % vode), odkriti med raziskovanjem nafte v projektu, ko je vrtina prestregla klastično plast št. 14 formacije Paradox.
Fortune Minerals Co., Ltd. (TSX: WML.V; OTC: WMLLF) is a mineral resources company with interests in Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile. The company's main focus is the acquisition of lithium projects in South America. To date, the company has positioned itself to develop Aguas Caliente Norte, Pujsa and Quisquiro Salars in Chile, and to cooperate with existing producers of the prolific Atacama Salar. The company continues to actively seek new acquisitions in the region. The dynamic changes in the lithium market and the rapid rise in metal prices are the result of far-reaching structural issues in the industry meeting expected future demand. Bogastvo se postavlja kot glavni upravičenec neskladja med ponudbo in povpraševanjem v prihodnosti. Družba tudi vzdržuje in še naprej ocenjuje naložbeni portfelj projektov faze raziskovanja plemenitih kovin in navadnih kovin.
Western Lithium USA Corporation (TSX: WLC.TO) razvija svoje nahajališče litija v Kings Valleyju v Nevadi v strateški, razširljiv in zanesljiv vir visokokakovostnih litijevih izdelkov. The company positions itself as a major US supplier to support the growing global demand for lithium, and the use of hybrid/electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and consumer and industrial lithium battery storage applications is expected to increase. In addition, Western Lithium is seeking opportunities to become a supplier of specialty drilling additives, Hectatone™, and other organoclays that may be used in oil and gas and other industries.
Capstone Turbine Corporation (NASDAQCM: CPST) is a leading global manufacturer of low-emission micro-turbine systems and the first company to sell commercially viable micro-turbine energy products. Capstone Turbine has delivered more than 8,500 Capstone Microturbine systems to customers worldwide. Ti nagrajeni sistemi zabeležijo milijone posnetih časov delovanja. Capstone Turbine je član združenega programa toplote in električne energije Agencije ZDA za varstvo okolja, ki je namenjen izboljšanju učinkovitosti energetske infrastrukture ZDA in zmanjšanju emisij onesnaževal in toplogrednih plinov. Capstone je podjetje s certifikatoma UL ISO 9001:2008 in ISO 14001:2004, s sedežem na območju Los Angelesa, s prodajnimi in/ali servisnimi centri v metropolitanskem območju New Yorka, Združenem kraljestvu, Mexico Cityju, Šanghaju in Singapurju.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (hčerinska družba Abtech Holdings, Inc.) je podjetje za okoljsko tehnologijo in inženiring s polnimi storitvami, namenjeno zagotavljanju inovativnih rešitev za skupnosti, industrije in vlade. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. Njeni izdelki temeljijo na polimerni tehnologiji, ki lahko odstrani ogljikovodike, usedline in druge tuje elemente iz deževnice (ribniki, jezera in doki), tekoče vode (obcestna drenaža, odtoki cevi, reke in oceani), industrijskih procesov in odpadne vode. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. Ta tehnologija lahko učinkovito zmanjša koliformne bakterije, ki jih najdemo v deževnici, industrijski odpadni vodi in komunalni odpadni vodi. SmartSponge®plus je bil registriran pri agenciji za varstvo okolja (registrska številka 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
Basic Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE: BAS) provides well site services, which are critical to maintaining the production of oil and gas wells within its business scope. The company employs 4,400 in more than 100 service points in major oil and gas production areas in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Kansas, and the Rocky Mountains and Appalachians. Več zaposlenih. Basic provides a wide range of functions to treat the entire oilfield wastewater stream from dewatering drilling fluid to processing fracturing flowback fluid and produced water for reuse. Our services include chlorine dioxide (ClO2) treatment in downhole and surface water applications, including treatment of fresh water, produced water and hydraulic fracturing (fracture) water. Basicova storitev vodnih rešitev se osredotoča na dve ključni področji: kroženje vode in nadzor bakterij. In each task, we will work with customers to develop strategic plans around project conditions, which are tailored to their specific operations. Our service reduces the need for fresh water, water transportation, disposal and congestion on the ground. As a result, we help save customers time, money and water, the most precious natural resource.
BioLargo, Inc. (OTC: BLGO) improves lives by providing products based on sustainable technologies that can help solve some of the most widespread problems that threaten the world's water, food, agriculture, healthcare, and energy supply. Za več informacij o podjetju in njegovih podružnicah obiščite www.BioLargo.com. Its subsidiary BioLargo Water, Inc. (www.BioLargoWater.com) demonstrated an advanced oxidation system, including its AOS filter-a product under development, specifically designed to eliminate common, troublesome and dangerous (toxic) pollution in water Part of the thing. The time and cost of current technology. It received the “Technology Star” award from “New Technology” magazine for its breakthrough innovation in the petroleum industry, and was appointed by Frost & Sullivan as a technological innovation leader in the water treatment market. BioLargo also owns a 50% interest in Isan System, which was awarded the title of “Top 50 Water Company in the 21st Century” by the Artemis project. The company has now been commercialized with a license from Clarion Water, Inc. Odor-No-More Inc., a subsidiary of BioLargo, provides award-winning products that serve the pet, horse, military supplies and consumer markets, including the Nature's BestSolution® and Deodorall® brands (www.OdorNoMore.com). Clyra Medical Technologies, Inc. (www.ClyraMedical.com), hčerinska družba BioLargo, se osredotoča na napredno zdravljenje ran.
Bird River Resources Inc. (CSE: BDR) je podjetje za raznolike vire s sedežem v Winnipegu v Manitobi. BDR has interests in ten oil and gas wells in production in southern Manitou Brazil. BDR also provides various environmental services and sells a range of environmental absorption products for oil and industrial spills and farms.
Petro-Canada Extraction and Rehabilitation Enterprise Limited (TSX: CVR.V) is a petroleum services company headquartered in Canada. CORRE ponuja rešitve za ravnanje z odpadnim oljem v celotnem ciklu za naftno industrijo. CORRE's customers are mainly in the upstream oil sector (oil production and drilling companies) and the downstream oil sector (refining, transportation and distribution companies). Proizvodna linija CORRE vključuje sanacijo z nafto onesnaženih tal; treatment of sludge, oil-based mud and drilling waste, oil production; automated storage tank cleaning, oil and gas engineering and project management. CORRE provides its advanced environmental solutions through strategic operating partnerships with some of the world's most prominent companies.
Seba Energy Services (TSX: CEI.V) zagotavlja specializirane storitve za energetsko industrijo, zlasti za podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z raziskovanjem, črpanjem in proizvodnjo nafte in plina v Zahodni Kanadi. Ceiba develops and builds facilities near customers to provide crude oil emulsion processing, oil storage, storage and sales, and production water disposal.
Cypress Energy Partners (Cypress Energy Partners, LP) (NYSE: CELP) je komanditna družba, usmerjena v rast, za podjetja na področju energetike, raziskovanja in proizvodnje ter srednjeročna podjetja v Združenih državah in Kanadi ter njihovo dobavo. Dobavitelj zagotavlja storitve srednjega toka, vključno s pregledom cevovodov, integrity and hydrostatic pressure testing services. Cypress also provides salt water treatment and other water and environmental services to the US Energy Exploration and Production Corporation and its suppliers in North Dakota in the Williston Basin and West Texas in the Permian Basin. In these three business areas, Cypress works closely with customers to help them comply with increasingly complex and stringent environmental and safety regulations and reduce operating costs. Cypress ima sedež v Tulsi v Oklahomi.

Eco-Stim Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM: ESES) is an oilfield service and technology company focused on the environment, providing proprietary on-site management technology for oil and gas producers drilling in the fast-growing international unconventional shale market. Storitve stimulacije in dokončanja. EcoStimova lastniška metodologija in tehnologija lahko zmanjšata število stopenj stimulacije v rezervoarju skrilavca z edinstvenim postopkom, ki lahko predvidi proizvodna območja z visoko verjetnostjo in uporabi najnovejšo generacijo diagnostičnih orodij v vrtini za identifikacijo teh proizvodnih območij. In addition, EcoStim also provides its customers with completion technologies that can greatly reduce horsepower requirements, emissions, surface footprint and water use. EcoStim je zavezan k zagotavljanju globalnih nekonvencionalnih proizvajalcev nafte in plina s storitvami dokončanja vrtin z boljšo tehnologijo, boljšo ekologijo in znatno izboljšanimi gospodarskimi koristmi.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) is a technology development and intellectual property licensing company dedicated to developing environmental solutions for the global water, energy and industrial markets. Industriji pomagamo povečati proizvodnjo, zmanjšati stroške in zaščititi okolje z vrsto edinstvenih patentiranih tehnologij: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® in našo nedavno napovedano Ecos GrowCube™, ki vam nudijo ekskluzivne in neizključne priložnosti licenciranja v celotni panogi. široka paleta panog in aplikacij povsod. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Kanada je prav tako odpravila na milijone galon tekočih kemikalij in ustvarila več kot 70 milijonov kanadskih dolarjev prihodkov od prodaje opreme, servisiranja in licenciranja. The company has also successfully manufactured approximately 50 Ozonix® machines and deployed them to various major hydraulic fracturing shale oil fields throughout the United States and Canada.
Enservco Corporation (NYSE MKT: ENSV) through its various operating subsidiaries, ENSERVCO has become one of the leading providers of thermal oil, acidification, fracturing water heating and fluid management services in the energy service industry in seven major domestic oil and gas fields. Storitve strankam v Koloradu, Kansasu, Montani, Novi Mehiki, Severni Dakoti, Oklahomi, Pensilvaniji, Ohiu, Teksasu, Wyomingu in Zahodni Virginiji
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) je CleanTech podjetje s sedežem v Fort Lauderdaleu na Floridi. Razvila in izdelala je separator Voraxial®, za katerega lahko rečemo, da je najučinkovitejši separator z visoko zmogljivostjo in velikim volumnom na svetu Tehnologija ločevanja tekočin in tekočin/trdnih snovi. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. Applications include but are not limited to: oil spill cleanup, waste conversion into energy, onshore and offshore water separation, fracturing water, rainwater, refinery wastewater cleanup and biofuels. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies

Freestone Resources Inc. (OTC: FSNR) je podjetje za razvoj tehnologije nafte in plina s sedežem v Dallasu v Teksasu. The company's ongoing goal is to develop new technologies to utilize our vast resources in an environmentally responsible and cost-effective manner. Freestone vedno raziskuje nove in inovativne tehnologije. New technologies increase revenue by leveraging our revolutionary oil sand extraction and oil remediation technologies and other state-of-the-art products. Tehnično področje
Frontier Oilfield Services, Inc. (OTC: FOSI) se ukvarja s prevozom in odstranjevanjem slanice in drugih tekočin iz naftnih polj v Teksasu. Podjetje ima v Teksasu v lasti in upravlja 11 vodnjakov za odlaganje. Zagotavlja storitve nacionalnim, integriranim in neodvisnim podjetjem za raziskovanje nafte in plina.

Gibson Energy Company (TSX: GEI.TO) is a large independent integrated service provider for the oil and gas industry, with operations in major North American production areas. Gibsons is engaged in the transportation, storage, blending, processing, marketing and distribution of crude oil, condensate, natural gas liquids, water, oilfield waste and refined products. The company uses an integrated network of terminals, pipelines, storage tanks and trucks throughout Western Canada, as well as an important network of trucking and gas stations in the United States to transport energy products. Podjetje ponuja tudi storitve obdelave emulzij, obdelave vode in ravnanja z odpadki iz naftnih nahajališč prek svoje mreže obratov za predelavo, recikliranje in odlaganje v Kanadi in Združenih državah Amerike ter je drugo največje kanadsko podjetje za distribucijo industrijskega propana. The company's integrated operations enable it to participate in the entire midstream energy value chain in Canada and the US hydrocarbon producing regions through the company's strategic locations in Hardisty and Edmonton, Alberta, and injection stations and terminals in the United States. . , Provided to end users or refineries in North America.
GreenHunter Water LLC (NYSE MKT: GRH) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC and GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides Total Water Management Solutions™/Oilfield Fluid Management Solutions™ in oil fields and their fields. Shale gas in the Appalachian Basin. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT Ocene Flota 407 tovornjakov se uporablja za vleko kondenzata in vode v prisotnosti kondenzata. GreenHunter Water also took the lead in the movement of barge water, because barge transport is a safer and more cost-effective transportation method compared to truck or rail transport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC ponuja okoljske rešitve na kraju samem na blazinicah in objektih. Njen servisni paket vključuje čiščenje rezervoarjev in ploščadi, odstranjevanje/popravilo tekočih in trdnih odpadkov, strjevanje in odziv na razlitje. Razumevanje, da so medsebojno povezani servisni paketi ključ do upravljanja toka E&P, je oblikovalo celovit pristop storitev GreenHunter Resources. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides the service of hydrocarbons (transportation of petroleum, condensate and NGL), and will use our existing asset base and infrastructure to provide hydrocarbons (petroleum) in the Appalachian region soon. , Kondenzat in ngl) shranjevanje, obdelava in prodaja. , Ki vključuje do šest različnih lokacij terminalov barž, ki so trenutno v lasti ali v najemu Greenhunter Resources.
Intercept Energy Services Inc. (OTC: IESCF; borza v Torontu: IES.V) uporablja inovativno in lastniško tehnologijo za zagotavljanje najučinkovitejše tople vode za podjetja za raziskovanje in proizvodnjo nafte in plina; in Canada and During the fracturing process in the United States. Z uporabo HE Heaters(TM) lahko IES zmanjša porabo goriva in emisije, izboljša varnost in produktivnost ter doseže delovanje v ekstremno hladnem vremenu z izjemno nizkimi operativnimi stroški, s čimer svojim strankam prinese neposredno konkurenčno prednost.

Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Naš oddelek za nafto in plin se nahaja v Stavangerju na Norveškem in je specializiran za obdelavo odpadkov na kopnem in morju, ki nastanejo med raziskovanjem in proizvodnjo nafte in plina. Naša inženirska ekipa je specializirana za načrtovanje, inženiring, namestitev in vzdrževanje rešitev za obdelavo odpadkov na kopnem in morju.
The next fuel. (OTC: NXFI) je ponudnik tehnologije in storitveno podjetje, ki nudi storitve naftni in plinski industriji. The company is committed to developing water treatment technology to provide low-cost, high-volume commercial repair solutions.
Nuverra Environmental Solutions (NYSE: NES) is one of the largest companies in the United States, committed to providing customers in the energy market with comprehensive and full-cycle environmental solutions. Nuverra focuses on the transportation, collection, treatment, recycling and disposal of restricted solids, water, wastewater, waste liquids and hydrocarbons. Podjetje še naprej širi svojo zbirko rešitev, ki izpolnjujejo okoljske zahteve in trajnostni razvoj, na stranke, ki od ponudnikov storitev zahtevajo strožjo okoljsko skladnost in odgovornost.
OriginOil, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) je vodilni ponudnik rešitev za čiščenje vode in razvijalec prelomnih tehnologij za čiščenje vode za hitro rastoči svetovni trg. OriginClear prek svojih podružnic v 100-odstotni lasti zagotavlja sisteme in storitve za čiščenje vode v številnih panogah, vključno s komunalno, farmacevtsko, polprevodniško, industrijsko, naftno in plinsko. In order to rapidly develop this business unit, we strategically acquired a lucrative and well-managed water treatment company, which allowed us to expand our global market share and technical expertise. Da bi ustvarili novo dobo čistih in družbeno odgovornih rešitev za čiščenje vode, smo izumili Electro Water Separation™, revolucionarno večstopenjsko visokohitrostno tehnologijo čiščenja vode z elektrolizo, ki je bila licencirana proizvajalcem opreme za čiščenje vode po vsem svetu. Water is our most precious resource. Poslanstvo »Clear Origin Family Business« je izboljšati kakovost vode in jo pomagati povrniti v prvotno, čisto stanje.
Planet Resource Recovery, Inc. (OTC: PRRY) is the developer, manufacturer and seller of the Earth-friendly products of the PetroLuxus™ technology platform. It currently includes the PetroLuxus™ series products for the oil and gas industry and the oil and gas industry. AquaLuxus je nestrupen izdelek za čiščenje vode v vodni industriji.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) je vodilno podjetje v ZDA na področju recikliranja in nenevarnih trdnih odpadkov. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . To težavo bomo obravnavali s sloganom znamke here™, ki bo kupcem dal vedeti, da se lahko zanesejo na Republic pri zagotavljanju odlične izkušnje, hkrati pa spodbujal trajnostni Blue Planet™ za prihodnje generacije, da bodo uživale v čistejšem, varnejšem in bolj zdravem svetu.
Robix Env​​​​ironmental Technologies Inc. (CSE: RZX; Frankfurt: ROX) is an “industrial products/technology” company that provides investors with a rare opportunity to participate in leading companies engaged in patent ownership business, and From commercial development to global expansion through various business arrangements. Robix owns the Clean Ocean Vessel (“COV”) patent, which is an oil spill recovery vessel design that can recover oil in rough and debris-laden sea conditions. Robix has recognized the global market opportunity for effective containment, recycling and disposal of equipment, especially in the oil spill protection industry, and it proposes to develop into a service provider and/or equipment provider business based on licensing agreements with other industry participants Mode, pri katerem bo Robix uporabil svojo patentirano oblikovalsko rešitev COV.

Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; Absorpcijski sistemi, vključno z absorpcijskimi hladilniki, toplotnimi črpalkami, solarnimi hladilnimi izdelki in zračno hlajenimi izmenjevalniki toplote; kotli, kot so rekuperacija odpadne toplote in sončna energija. Toplotni sistemi, komunalni odpadki in veliki industrijski kotli, generatorji tople vode in kompletni kotli; ter grelniki na gorivo in termalno olje. Zagotavlja tudi pripravo vode, sladkorno in papirno industrijo, naftna polja, zelene, gradbene in požarne kemikalije ter smole za ionsko izmenjavo in dodatke za goriva; EPC power plants; solarne toplotne in fotovoltaične rešitve; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; and spare parts. Podjetje nudi storitve za nafto in plin, jeklo, avtomobilsko industrijo, hrano, cement, kemikalije, rafinerije in petrokemijo, proizvodnjo električne energije, tekstilno industrijo, farmacevtsko industrijo, papir in celulozo, ogrevanje skladišč nafte, ogrevanje prostorov, sladkor, barve, gumo in jedilno olje industries; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Titanium Corporation Inc. (TSX: TIC.V) CVW™ technology provides sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of the oil sands industry. Our technology reduces the environmental impact of oil sands tailings, while economically recovering valuable products that would otherwise be lost. CVW™ recovers bitumen, solvents and minerals from the tailings, thereby preventing these commodities from entering the tailing pond and the atmosphere: fundamentally reducing the emission of volatile organic compounds and greenhouse gases; kakovost vroče jalovinske vode je mogoče izboljšati. Recycling; preostalo jalovino je mogoče lažje zgostiti.
Trican Well Service Ltd (TSX: TCW.TO) ponuja široko paleto profesionalnih izdelkov, opreme in storitev, ki se lahko uporabljajo pri raziskovanju in razvoju zalog nafte in plina. EcoClean-LW™ is a linear water fracturing fluid designed to eliminate the risk of contamination to geological structures, aquifers and product handlers. Sistem EcoClean-LW vsebuje nestrupene, biorazgradljive ali bioakumulativne dodatke, ki se uporabljajo samostojno ali v kombinaciji. Each additive will pass strict Microtox® tests. Products or chemicals that pass the Microtox® test are considered safe to be used in drinking water, and generally meet the standards specified in other regulatory inspections.
Veolia Environnement (NYSE: VE; Pariz: VIE.PA) pomaga mestom in industrijam upravljati, optimizirati in v celoti izkoristiti svoje vire. Podjetje ponuja vrsto rešitev, povezanih z vodo, energijo in materiali – s poudarkom na recikliranju odpadkov – za lažji prehod v krožno gospodarstvo.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Prek svoje hčerinske družbe R360 Environmental Solutions je podjetje tudi ponudnik storitev obdelave, recikliranja in odlaganja odpadkov za več najbolj dejavnih območij proizvodnje naravnih virov v Združenih državah (vključno s Permskim bazenom, Bakken Basinom in Eagle Ford Basinom). Vodilni ponudnik. . Waste Connection Corporation oskrbuje več kot 2 milijona stanovanjskih, komercialnih, industrijskih ter raziskovalnih in proizvodnih strank prek mreže delovanja v 32 državah. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.

WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) is one of the world's leading professional service companies. WSP provides technical expertise to clients in real estate, buildings, transportation and infrastructure, environment, industry, and resources (including mining and oil and gas) Knowledge and strategy consulting for natural gas) and power and energy fields. WSP also provides highly specialized services in project delivery and strategic consulting. Njeni strokovnjaki vključujejo inženirje, svetovalce, tehnike, znanstvenike, arhitekte, načrtovalce, geodet in okoljske strokovnjake, pa tudi druge strokovnjake za oblikovanje, načrtovanje in upravljanje gradnje. S približno 34.000 zaposlenimi v 500 pisarnah v 40 državah/regijah ima WSP prednost uspešnih in trajnostnih projektov pod blagovnima znamkama WSP in WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff. Voda: Junija 2016 je podjetje objavilo, da je doseglo dogovor s Schlumbergerjem, vodilnim svetovnim podjetjem za storitve na naftnih poljih, o prevzemu njegovega svetovalnega podjetja za industrijsko vodo. This business will enable WSP to provide water consulting services and project solutions to global industrial customers.

5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) je vodilni proizvajalec posebnih kovin in kemičnih izdelkov. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Mnogi od njih so ključni pionirji in ključni promotorji, kot so sončna energija, svetleče diode in okolju prijazni materiali.

ARRAY Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGS: ARRY) je eden največjih svetovnih proizvajalcev zemeljskih instalacijskih sistemov za solarne projekte. The company's main products are an integrated system of steel brackets, electric motors, gearboxes, electronic controllers and software, usually called single-axis “trackers”. The tracker moves the solar panels throughout the day to maintain the best direction towards the sun, thereby significantly increasing its energy production. V primerjavi s projekti, ki uporabljajo običajne sisteme namestitve s fiksnim nagibom, lahko solarni projekti, ki uporabljajo sledilnike, ustvarijo do 25 % energije in zagotovijo nižje povprečne stroške energije. Array Technologies is headquartered in the United States, with offices in Europe, Central America and Australia.
Aurora SolarTechnologies Inc. (TSX: ACU.V) razvija, proizvaja in prodaja spletne merilne sisteme za fotovoltaično industrijo. Headquartered in North Vancouver, Canada, founded by experienced leaders in process measurement, semiconductor manufacturing and industrial automation, the company's online, real-time measurement and control products provide photovoltaic cell manufacturers with a way to reduce production costs and increase profits.
Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) is one of the largest renewable energy companies in India, with a current project portfolio of 5,290 MW. AGEL is part of Adani Group's commitment to provide India with a better, cleaner, and greener future. Podjetje, ki ga vodi filozofija »dobre rasti« skupine, razvija, gradi, ima v lasti, upravlja in vzdržuje projekte solarnih in vetrnih elektrarn, povezanih z omrežjem. Proizvedena električna energija se dobavlja centralnim in državnim vladnim subjektom ter podjetjem, ki jih podpira vlada.
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AEIS) is a global leader in innovative power and control technology for high-growth, precision power conversion solutions. Advanced Energy ima sedež v Fort Collinsu v Koloradu in ima namenske podporne in servisne lokacije po vsem svetu. Advanced Energy is a global leader in reliable power conversion solutions used in thin-film plasma manufacturing processes and solar power generation.
Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. Družba svojo dejavnost razvršča v dejavnosti zemeljski plin in storitve, inženiring in druge dejavnosti. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. Zagotavlja tudi medicinske pline, sanitarne izdelke, medicinsko opremo in storitve za bolnišnice in bolnike na domu. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Its engineering and technical activities include design, development and construction of industrial gas production plants. Its other activities include the development of welding and cutting technologies, and the provision of deep-sea diving and swimming equipment.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. Skupina za neregulirano proizvodnjo električne energije ima v lasti ali ima v lasti portfelj pogodbenih objektov za proizvodnjo električne energije iz vetra, sonca, vode in zemeljskega plina v Severni Ameriki z nameščeno zmogljivostjo več kot 1050 megavatov. Skupina Transmission Group je vlagala v sisteme prenosa električne energije z reguliranimi cenami in plinovodne sisteme v Združenih državah in Kanadi. Algonquin Power & Utilities je dosegel trajno rast s širitvijo kanalov razvojnih projektov obnovljivih virov energije, organsko rastjo znotraj reguliranih podjetij za distribucijo in prenos električne energije ter prizadevanjem za prevzeme z dodano vrednostjo.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom je zgradil najhitrejši vlak na svetu in avtomatizirano podzemno železnico z največjo zmogljivostjo, ki zagotavlja integrirane rešitve za elektrarne na ključ in sorodne storitve za različne vire energije, vključno z vodno energijo, jedrsko energijo, zemeljskim plinom, premogom in vetrno energijo, ter ponuja široko paleto rešitev za prenos električne energije , with a focus on smart grids. Solar energy: Our technology can be adapted to all types and scales of projects, including hybrid power generation and all-solar power plants.
Alternus Energy Inc. (OTC: ALTN) is a global independent electricity producer (“IPP”). We develop, own and operate solar photovoltaic parks directly connected to the national grid. Naš trenutni vir prihodkov izvira iz dolgoročnih dobavnih pogodb s fiksno ceno, ki jih je določila vlada. Te pogodbe so v obliki državnih odkupnih cen (FiT) in drugih energetskih spodbud ter veljajo od 15 do 20 let. Naše trenutne pogodbe zagotavljajo letni prihodek, od katerega približno 75 % izvira iz teh virov, preostalih 25 % pa prihaja iz prihodkov, ustvarjenih s pogodbenimi pogodbami o nakupu energije (»PPA«), podpisanimi z drugimi energetskimi operaterji, in prodajo na splošnem energetskem trgu. The countries in which we operate. Overall, these contracts generate an average sales rate per kilowatt-hour of green energy generated by our solar park. Our current focus is the European solar photovoltaic market. However, we are also actively exploring opportunities in other countries outside of Europe.
Amtech Systems, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ASYS) is a global supplier of advanced heat treatment equipment for the solar, semiconductor/electronic and LED manufacturing markets. Amtech's equipment includes diffusion, ALD and PECVD systems, ion implanters and solder reflow systems. Amtech also provides wafer processing automation and polishing equipment and related consumables. Obdelava rezin, toplotna obdelava in potrošni izdelki podjetja trenutno obravnavajo korake difuzije, oksidacije in nanašanja, ki se uporabljajo pri poliranju sončnih celic, LED, polprevodnikov, MEMS, tiskanih vezij, embalaže polprevodnikov ter sveže rezanega safirja in silicija. . Vafelj.
Apollo Power Ltd (Tel Aviv: APLP.TA) razvija inovativne tehnične rešitve in izdelke na področju solarne energije. Vodilni izdelek podjetja je prožna solarna folija, zasnovana za pretvorbo katere koli površine pod soncem v energijo. Apollo Power has one approved patent and five pending patents in different approval stages.
Applied Materials Corporation (NASDAQGS: AMAT) je vodilno podjetje na področju inženirskih rešitev natančnih materialov za industrijo polprevodnikov, ploščatih zaslonov in solarne fotovoltaike. Naša tehnologija pomaga narediti inovativne izdelke, kot so pametni telefoni, televizorji z ravnim zaslonom in sončne celice, cenovno dostopnejše in dostopnejše potrošnikom in podjetjem po vsem svetu.
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Te energetske elektrarne vključujejo enociklične in kombinirane elektrarne na zemeljski plin ter naprave za alternativno pridobivanje energije, vključno z biodizlom, etanolom in naprave, ki jih poganjajo obnovljivi viri energije, kot sta veter in sonce. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc

Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) je lastnik in upravljavec obnovljivih virov energije, zemeljskega plina, električne energije, daljnovodov in vodnih sredstev v Severni Ameriki, Južni Ameriki, Španiji, Alžiriji in Južni Afriki. Renewable energy power generation assets include solar and wind power plants.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) je vodilni mednarodni dobavitelj elektronskih pasivnih komponent in rešitev za medsebojno povezovanje z 21 proizvodnimi in skladiščnimi obrati v 12 državah/regijah po vsem svetu. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Azure Power (NYSE: AZRE) is India's leading independent solar producer, generating more than 1,630 MW in 22 states/regions. S svojim internim inženiringom, strokovnim znanjem in izkušnjami na področju nabave in gradnje ter naprednimi zmogljivostmi notranjega delovanja in vzdrževanja Azure Power strankam po vsej Indiji zagotavlja poceni in zanesljive solarne rešitve.
BioSolar, Inc (OTC: BSRC), proizvajalec inovativnih bioloških solarnih izdelkov, trenutno razvija prelomno tehnologijo shranjevanja energije za zmanjšanje stroškov shranjevanja sončne energije. Existing battery technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, can store energy for a long time, but cannot charge or discharge quickly. This feature limits the use of batteries for backup power applications. BioSolar po navdihu narave razvija poceni superkondenzator na osnovi polimerov, ki se polni in prazni stokrat hitreje kot baterije in bo dopolnjeval baterije, ki se uporabljajo za shranjevanje sončne energije. By integrating BioSolar supercapacitors into the battery pack as a high-power front-end, the number of battery packs required is less than usually required, and the solar energy during the day can be quickly and cost-effectively stored for use at night at a nižji stroški. This potentially game-changing technology will enable users of solar systems to reduce their dependence on or completely disconnect from the utility grid

Bluglass Limited (ASX: BLG.AX) se ukvarja z raziskavami in razvojem nitridov razreda III za razvoj novih procesov in opreme za proizvodnjo LED in sončnih celic. Podjetje razvija in trži daljinsko plazemsko kemično naparjevanje (RPCVD), tehnologijo za proizvodnjo polprevodniških materialov. It provides foundry services for manufacturing custom nitride templates and device wafers, and provides characterization services, including X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope, high-resolution full-wafer photoluminescence (PL) and thickness mapping, and Hall measurement , Optical microscope and LED rapid test.

Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) operates one of the world's largest publicly traded pure renewable energy platforms. Portfelj izdelkov podjetja pokriva 74 rečnih sistemov in 14 energetskih trgov v Severni Ameriki, Latinski Ameriki in Evropi, predvsem hidroenergijo, s skupno nameščeno zmogljivostjo več kot 7000 MW. Z visokokakovostnim portfeljem sredstev in močnimi obeti za rast lahko podjetje ustvari stabilen dolgoročni denarni tok in podpira redne in naraščajoče razdelitve denarja delničarjem.
BYD Co., Ltd. (Hongkong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) se v glavnem ukvarja z IT industrijo, ki v glavnem vključuje poslovanje z baterijami za ponovno polnjenje, komponente mobilnih telefonov in računalnikov ter storitve sestavljanja in avtomobilsko poslovanje, vključno s tradicionalnimi gorivi. Motorna vozila in nova energetska vozila ob izkoriščanju naše tehnologije aktivno razvijajo druge nove energetske izdelke, kot so sončne elektrarne, postaje za shranjevanje energije, električna vozila, LED, električni viličarji itd.

Cemtrex (NasdaqCM: CETX) is a world-leading diversified industrial and manufacturing company that provides a wide range of solutions to meet today's technical challenges. Cemtrex provides advanced custom engineered electronic products, emission monitors and instruments for industrial processes, and manufacturing services for environmental control and air filtration systems for industry and utilities. Podjetje se namerava podati v nastajajoči indijski sektor obnovljive energije. Družba namerava v Indiji ustanoviti hčerinsko družbo v stoodstotni lasti, ki bo zgradila in upravljala 100-megavatno sončno elektrarno, da bi dosegla svoj cilj širitve v sektor obnovljive energije.
Chevron Energy Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, and its subsidiaries operate globally. The company explores, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, sells and distributes transportation fuels and other energy products; produces and sells petrochemical products; generates electricity and generates geothermal energy; provides energy efficiency solutions; in razvija prihodnost, vključno z energijo biogoriv. Chevron ima sedež v San Ramonu v Kaliforniji.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. In addition, it also runs other projects such as thermal power, solar power, tidal power, biomass power and geothermal power. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. Po letih kopičenja je podjetje postopoma vzpostavilo deset podpornih sistemov za tehnologijo vetrne energije in storitve, v predhodnem merjenju vetrne energije, svetovanju pri oblikovanju, nabavi opreme, spremljanju delovanja, pregledu in vzdrževanju, tehničnih raziskavah in razvoju, tehnični podpori, tehničnem razvoju , tehnična podpora, tehnologija Podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora in druga področja so oblikovala edinstvene prednosti. Strokovno usposabljanje.
China Solar Energy and Clean Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (OTC: CSOL) designs and provides integrated renewable energy solutions for industrial customers and real estate developers in China and the world. Podjetje ponuja vakuumske cevne in ploščate solarne grelnike vode; peči na biomaso in naprave za intervalno ogrevanje ter sistemi za rekuperacijo industrijske odpadne toplote, vključno s toplotnimi izmenjevalniki toplotnih cevi, visokotemperaturnimi pušalnimi pečmi, uparjalniki toplotnih cevi, sistemi za odstranjevanje prahu in razžveplanje, kotli za vročo vodo s konstantnim tlakom in brezdimni kotli na premog in biomaterial peči. It also provides industrial waste heat recovery systems and heating products, such as heating tubes, heat exchangers, special heating tubes and tubes, high temperature hot blast stoves, heating filters, atmospheric hot water boilers and radiators. In addition, the company also provides conventional tubular heaters with dense coverage; and sells spare parts for its products, and provides after-sales maintenance and repair services. China's solar and clean energy solutions sell products through a network of distributors, wholesalers, sales agents and retailers.
Chofu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5946.T) is a Japanese company mainly engaged in the manufacture of hot water supply equipment, air conditioning equipment, system equipment and solar equipment. Its main products include hot water supply equipment, such as oil-fired water heaters, gas water heaters, electric water heaters, ecological water heaters and cogeneration systems; klimatska oprema, kot so gospodinjske klimatske naprave, sistemi za toplo vodo in kurilna oprema na kurilno olje; system equipment, such as system bathrooms, systems Kitchen and bathroom toilets, as well as solar energy equipment, including solar power generation equipment, under-floor ventilation fans and solar water heaters. The company is also engaged in the production and sales of software through one of its subsidiaries.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Podjetje razvija in prodaja pametne rešitve za napajanje izven omrežja in storitve upravljanja v oblaku za sončne, vetrne in hibridne sisteme napajanja (kot so ulične luči, varnostni sistemi, telekomunikacijski sistemi, zasilni viri napajanja in oprema za internet stvari). Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS: COHR) je eden vodilnih svetovnih ponudnikov laserjev, lasersko temelječih tehnologij in lasersko temelječih sistemskih rešitev za znanstvene, komercialne in industrijske stranke. Naše navadne delnice kotirajo na borzi Nasdaq Global Select Market in so del indeksa Russell 2000 in indeksa S&P SmallCap 600. sončna
Conselation Energy (NasdaqGS: EXC), družba Exelon, je vodilni konkurenčni dobavitelj električne energije, zemeljskega plina, obnovljive energije ter izdelkov in storitev za upravljanje z energijo za domove in podjetja v celinskih Združenih državah Amerike. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. Solar energy
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) leads the LED lighting revolution and obsolete traditional lighting technologies that waste energy by using energy-saving, mercury-free LED lighting. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. Linija izdelkov Cree vključuje LED-sijalke in žarnice, modre in zelene LED-čipe, LED-diode visoke svetlosti, močne LED-diode za razsvetljavo, preklopne naprave in RF-naprave. Izdelki CREE® spodbujajo izboljšanje aplikacij, kot so splošna razsvetljava, elektronski znaki in signali, napajalniki in sončni pretvorniki.
CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 200012.SZ) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of glass and the solar energy industry. The company's flat glass business mainly provides float glass, special glass, quartz sand, etc. The engineering glass segment mainly provides environmentally friendly and energy-saving low-emissivity coated glass. The fine glass business mainly provides color filters, screening glass, etc.; sončno polje v glavnem zagotavlja polisilicijeve materiale visoke čistosti ter sončne celice in module. The company's products are distributed in domestic and overseas markets, including Hong Kong, Europe, North America and Australia.

Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) nearly 6 million customers from 19 states use electricity or natural gas from Richmond, Virginia-based Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) to power their houses and businesses. Podjetje je zavezano k doseganju trajnostne, zanesljive, cenovno dostopne, varne in varne energije. It is one of the largest energy producers and transporters in the United States, with more than $78 billion in assets that can provide power generation, transmission and distribution, As well as natural gas storage, power transmission, distribution and import and export services. As one of the leading solar operators in the United States, the company plans to reduce carbon intensity by 50% by 2030. Through its Dominion Energy Charity Foundation, EnergyShare and other programs, Dominion Energy plans to donate more than $30 million to the community in 2018. Vzrok celotnega odtisa in drugi razlogi.
The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) combines the power of science and technology to enthusiastically innovate what is essential to human progress. The company is promoting innovation to extract value from the intersection of chemical, physical and biological sciences to help solve many of the world's most challenging problems, such as the demand for clean water, the generation and protection of clean energy, and the increase in agricultural productivity . The Dow Chemical Company's market-oriented integration, industry-leading specialty chemistry, advanced materials, agricultural science and plastics business portfolio, provides a wide range of technology-based products for customers in approximately 180 countries and high-growth fields such as packaging and electronics . Products and solutions, water, paint and agriculture. Dow Solar
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy ima sedež v mestu Charlotte v Severni Karolini in je na lestvici Fortune 250. Sončna energija: vse več ljudi v Združenih državah išče več možnosti za obnovljivo energijo in sončna energija igra vse pomembnejšo vlogo pri tem, kako Duke Energy svojim strankam zagotavlja električno energijo. It is already helping homeowners, businesses and government organizations meet some of their energy needs. And as the cost of solar installation continues to decline across the country, it has become easier for customers to choose solar. Duke Energy is committed to providing customers with more options for using solar energy and other forms of renewable energy. In our six-state service area, Duke Energy's customers have received approximately 7,000 MW of solar power generation in the six states we serve, generating 700 MW of solar power generation, of which 70 MW is from the rooftop Solar installation.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering technology to the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and okolje. DuPont Solar: Provides the widest combination of materials in photovoltaics (PV) and provides six of the eight most critical materials for manufacturing solar modules.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY) is an international private energy supplier, and it is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of new strategies, E.ON will focus entirely on renewable energy, energy networks and customer solutions in the future. They are all obstacles to building a new energy world. Sončna energija: sončna energija je ključno tehnično področje E.ON-ove strategije obnovljive energije, ki se osredotoča na fotovoltaične zemeljske farme. We currently operate about 60 MW of photovoltaic power generation capacity in Southern Europe and about 20 MW of photovoltaic power generation capacity in the United States, and are a shareholder of the Spanish CSP project. We are working hard to bring the solar business to the same level of maturity as the wind energy business, and strive to reduce power generation costs by 35%.
Prvotno podjetje EB (Tokio: 6361.T) proizvaja in prodaja industrijske stroje v Aziji, Severni Ameriki in po svetu. The fluid machinery and systems provided by the company include a series of pumps for the power, water, oil and gas, petrochemical, general industrial and construction infrastructure markets, as well as blowers, compressors, turbines, fans, refrigeration and heating equipment, Products such as coolers and cooling towers. Ponuja tudi inženirske, javne, gradbene, obratovalne in vzdrževalne storitve za okoljsko in energijsko infrastrukturo, kot so občinske in industrijske sežiganje odpadkov, elektrarne na biomase, čistilne naprave itd. Poleg tega podjetje razvija, proizvaja in distribuira various semiconductor manufacturing equipment and components, including dry vacuum pumps, chemical mechanical polishing equipment, electroplating equipment, gas reduction systems, etc. Solar battery

Aige Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600537.SS) is a high-tech company specializing in the research, development, production and sales of photovoltaic products. Its vertically integrated system combines ingots, wafers, batteries, module packaging and solar power generation. EGing's annual production capacity is 1GW monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon solar modules. EGing Photovoltaic Group je ustanovila Jiangsu EGing Photovoltaic Engineering College, Jiangsu Solar Materials Research Center, Laboratorij za module in baterije (njegov modulni laboratorij je pridobil certifikat VDE in TDAP), Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center in National Postoctoral Research Station.
Elecnor SA (MCE: ENO.MC) je špansko podjetje, ki se ukvarja s promocijo, razvojem in upravljanjem projektov na področju energije, telekomunikacij, prevoza in okolja. The company operates through four business areas: infrastructure, renewable energy, concessions, and Deimos. Njegovi izdelki in storitve vključujejo proizvodnjo in distribucijo električne energije, distribucijo zemeljskega plina, delovanje telekomunikacijskih sistemov, zagotavljanje podpornih storitev letališčem in železniškim postajam, oskrbo s pitno vodo in obdelavo odpadkov; and the construction, management and maintenance of industrial plants. Sončna energija

Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) is a major investment company that specializes in solar and onshore wind energy and park operations. It does not focus on investing in the Greenfield project from scratch, nor does it assume major development or construction risks. It seeks to withdraw from investment within five to seven years through IPOs, trade sales, secondary purchases or repurchases. Podjetje želi investirati zunaj svoje bilance stanja. Osredotoča se na pridobivanje in upravljanje sončnih in vetrnih elektrarn na ključ s sekundarnega trga. Podjetje lahko vlaga kot soinvestitor. Podjetje Encavis AG je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1996 in ima sedež v Hamburgu v Nemčiji.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. Večino energetskih produktov in rešitev je mogoče takoj uvesti, kjer je to potrebno. EHT združuje celoten nabor rešitev za sončno fotovoltaiko, vetrno energijo in baterije za shranjevanje, da izstopa od konkurentov. Rešitev lahko zagotavlja energijo v majhnih in velikih formatih 24 ur na dan. Poleg tradicionalne podpore za vzpostavljena električna omrežja je EHT odličen tudi tam, kjer električnega omrežja ni. Organizacija združuje rešitve za varčevanje z energijo in proizvodnjo energije, da bi zagotovila napredne rešitve za različne industrije. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.

Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company, provides smart, easy-to-use solutions that connect solar power generation, storage, and management on a smart platform. The company revolutionized solar energy through its micro-inverter technology and produced the world's only truly integrated solar energy plus energy storage solution. Enphase je dobavil več kot 17 milijonov mikroinverterjev in uvedel več kot 790.000 sistemov Enphase v več kot 120 državah/regijah.

Envision Solar International, Inc (OTC: EVSI) designs, manufactures and deploys unique, architectural structures, renewable energy EV charging, media and brand systems through the drag and drop infrastructure™ product line. The company's products include the patent-pending EV ARC™, the patented SolarTree® and SolarTree®Socket™ arrays with EnvisionTrak™ solar tracking, the SunCharge™ column-integrated electric vehicle charging station, and the ARC™ technology energy storage solution. Podjetje ima sedež v San Diegu in v svoje izdelke "Made in America" ​​integrira komponente najvišje kakovosti.

Etrion Corporation (TSX: ETX.TO) je neodvisni proizvajalec električne energije, ki razvija, gradi, ima v lasti in upravlja sončne elektrarne v velikem obsegu. The company has 130 MW of installed solar capacity in Italy and Chile. Etrion has 34 MW of solar power projects under construction in Japan, and is also actively developing greenfield solar power projects in Japan and Chile.

First Solar, Inc. (NASDAQGS: FSLR) is a leading global provider of integrated photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems using its advanced module and system technology. The company's integrated power station solution provides an economically attractive alternative to today's fossil fuel power generation. Od nabave surovin do recikliranja zastarelih modulov lahko sistem obnovljive energije First Solar zaščiti in izboljša okolje.

General Electric (NYSE: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE je ustvaril naslednjo industrijsko dobo v svojih laboratorijih in tovarnah ter vzpostavil sodelovanje s strankami za premikanje, napajanje, gradnjo in zdravljenje sveta. Sončna energija: GE ponuja celovito rešitev za sončno energijo, ki upošteva situacijo in cilje vsake stranke. Ne glede na to, ali se uporablja za komercialne, industrijske, komunalne ali mešane aplikacije, lahko GE uporabi širino in globino svojih izdelkov in strokovnega znanja, da strankam pomaga pri izbiri prave tehnološke kombinacije.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE: GOOD.L) kupuje, proizvaja in prodaja električno energijo iz obnovljivih virov energije v Združenem kraljestvu prek svojih podružnic. The company operates through supply companies, power generation companies and power generation development departments. Električno energijo proizvaja s pomočjo vetrnih turbin in sončnih kolektorjev. In zagotoviti storitve upravljanja cen električne energije v omrežju za mikro generatorje. The company also sells natural gas; and provides services related to the development of micro-renewable power generation and power generation sites.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC: GSFI) is a Wyoming-based company with satellite offices in Malibu, California and New York City, New York. It is committed to developing an unsatisfied market in the solar field and is currently in Nevada California is licensed, Arizona, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Colorado, Hawaii and Canada. The company's next-generation solar greenhouse is constructed and managed by the Nevada branch Green Rain Solar, LLC, using the proprietary greenhouse technology and trademark design developed by the world-renowned architect Mr. Anthony Morali. The company currently targets the high-growth solar market with advanced solar greenhouses and advanced solar cell products. The company has a growing share of the New York City solar market that is in short supply, and the company plans to use 50,000 to 100,000 square feet of roof space for solar panels. Green Stream hopes to establish key partnerships with major investment groups to take advantage of various unique investment opportunities in the commercial solar market. The company is committed to becoming a major player in this critical area. Podjetje je s svojimi inovativnimi sončnimi izdelki in industrijskimi partnerstvom dobro postati pomemben udeleženec na sončnem področju.
Greenbriar Capital (TSX: GRB.V) je vodilni razvijalec obnovljivih virov energije, trajnostnih nepremičnin in pametnih energetskih izdelkov. Greenbriar has long-term, high-impact contractual sales agreements at key project locations, and is led by a successful industry-recognized operations and development team that targets high-value assets with the goal of increasing shareholder value. Solar energy: Located on the west coast of Puerto Rico, the sunshine level is very high, which is the highest in Puerto Rico.

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Newyorška borza: HMC) je največji svetovni proizvajalec motorjev, ki vsako leto proizvede več kot 27 milijonov motorjev za različne izdelke, vključno z: letali, motorji, terenskimi vozili, generatorji in ladijskimi motorji. , lawn and garden equipment as well as Honda and Ac song cars. Honda Solar: Cigs thin-film solar cells-instead of silicon, Honda has developed CIGS solar cells, which are composed of thin films and can generate electricity made of copper, indium, gallium and selenide. This reduces the thickness of the film from 80 microns containing silicon to only 2-3 microns. This reduces the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions during the production process, making them harmless to the environment. The structure of these solar cells can generate electricity stably even when part of the solar cells are in the shadow without a significant drop in voltage.

Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) je tehnološko podjetje, namenjeno izboljšanju učinkovitosti pretvorbe energije. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA izboljša velikost, ceno, učinkovitost, prilagodljivost in zanesljivost elektronskih pretvornikov moči. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. The company is also developing a bidirectional bidirectional double junction transistor (B-TRAN™), and has applied for a patent, which has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and power density of bidirectional power switches. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) is a professional renewable energy company that develops, constructs, owns and operates renewable energy power generation assets. Ima pravice do 24 vetrnih elektrarn, vključno s 6 vetrnih elektrarnah v operaciji, Avstralija ima skupno instalirano zmogljivost 557 MW; Združene države imajo 18 delujočih vetrnih elektrarn s skupno nameščeno zmogljivostjo 1.089 MW, kot tudi vetrno energijo in razvoj sončne obnovljive energije.
Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho v Združenih državah Amerike. posel. Its asset portfolio currently includes: (i) ownership of 33 operating facilities with a total net installed capacity of 687 MW (total 1,194 MW), including 26 hydropower facilities, 6 wind farms and 1 solar photovoltaic power generation (Ii) Have rights in five projects under development or under construction that have signed power purchase agreements, with a total net installed capacity of 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) potencialni projekti, skupna neto Skupna moč je 3.190 MW (skupaj 3.330 MW).
Integrated Electrical Services Inc. (NASDAQGM: IESC) is a holding company that owns and manages various operating subsidiaries, including providers of industrial products and infrastructure services for various end markets. Our 2,700 employees provide services to customers in the United States and abroad. Sončna energija: IES Commercial and Industrial zagotavlja številne funkcije stavb, vključno s stanovanjskimi, komercialnimi, industrijskimi, prenosom in distribucijo električne energije ter alternativnimi viri energije, kot so vetrna, sončna in električna vozila. Vsaka od naših podružnic se osredotoča na več disciplin in posluje po Združenih državah, nekatere podružnice pa delujejo po vsej državi.
Intevac Inc. (NasdaqGS: IVAC) was established in 1991 and has two businesses: thin film equipment and photonics. In our thin film equipment business, we are a leader in the design and development of high productivity thin film processing systems. Naša proizvodno preizkušena platforma je zasnovana za množično proizvodnjo substratov z natančnimi lastnostmi tankega filma, kot so trdi diski, ki jih trenutno uporabljamo, pokrovi zaslonov in trgi sončne fotovoltaike.
Invesco Solar ETF (NYSEArca: TAN) The investment result sought by this investment is usually in line with the performance of the fund's fees and expenses before the stock index called the MAC Global Solar Index. The fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the common stocks that make up the index, ADR and GDR, and depositary receipts representing the common stocks included in the index. The index includes stock securities traded in developed markets, including American depositary receipts and American depositary receipts. Na splošno bo vlagal v vse vrednostne papirje, ki sestavljajo indeks, sorazmerno s svojo težo v indeksu. The fund is non-diversified.
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) is a wireless network operator and software application provider dedicated to the Internet of Things. Iota prodaja rešitve za ponavljajoče se prihodke, ki lahko optimizirajo porabo energije, trajnost in delovanje komercialnih in industrijskih objektov neposredno ali prek odnosov s tretjimi osebami. Iota also provides important ancillary products and services to promote the adoption of its subscription-based services, including solar, LED lighting and HVAC implementation services.

ITOCHU Corporation (Tokio: 8001.T) se ukvarja z domačo trgovino, uvozom in izvozom ter čezmorsko trgovino z različnimi izdelki, kot so tekstil, stroji, kovine, minerali, energija, kemikalije, hrana, informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija, nepremičnine in general products. , Insurance, logistics services, construction and finance, and business investment in Japan and overseas. Solar energy
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; communication systems; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources. Itron Total Solar: Itron, svetovni vodilni na področju merjenja, zbiranja podatkov in tehnologije in storitev upravljanja, prepoznava nastajajoče potrebe sončne industrije. Na podlagi našega uspeha ITron ponuja ponudnikom sončne energije in javne službe z edinstvenim portfeljem rešitev in upravljanih storitev, katerih cilj je spoprijeti s poslovnimi izzivi porazdeljene proizvodnje električne energije in zgraditi bolj prilagodljivo in prožno omrežje za prihodnost. ITron Total Sončni pakira naše obstoječe vodilne zmogljivosti pri merjenju sonca, komunikacij, spremljanja sredstev in upravljanja podatkov, analiziranju in napovedovanju obremenitve ter upravljanih storitev s poenostavljeno strukturo cen, ki temeljijo na naročnini.

JinkoSolar Holdings Limited (NYSE: JKS) je globalno vodilno podjetje v industriji sončne energije. JinkoSolar distribuira solarne izdelke ter prodaja svoje rešitve in storitve raznoliki mednarodni uporabniški, komercialni in rezidenčni bazi strank na Kitajskem, v Združenih državah Amerike, na Japonskem, v Nemčiji, Združenem kraljestvu, Čilu, Južni Afriki, Indiji, Mehiki, Braziliji in Združenih državah. Države Združeni arabski emirati, Italija, Španija, Francija, Belgija in druge države in regije. JinkoSolar tudi prodaja elektriko na Kitajskem in je v omrežje povezal približno 500 MW solarnih projektov. JinkoSolar ima 4 proizvodne obrate v Jiangxi in Zhejiang, Kitajska, Portugalska in Južna Afrika ter 12 globalnih prodajnih pisarn na Kitajskem, v Španiji in Združenih državah. Kraljestvo, Združeni arabski emirati, Jordanija, Savdska Arabija, Egipt, Maroko, Gana, Brazilija, Kostarika in Mehika ter 11 čezmorskih podružnic v Nemčiji, Italiji, Švici, ZDA, Kanadi, Avstraliji, Singapurju, na Japonskem in v Indiji , Južna Afrika in Čile
Jusung Engineering Co., Ltd. (Korea: 036930.KQ) manufactures and sells solar cells, semiconductors and display equipment in Korea and internationally. The company's solar cell equipment product line includes thin film deposition equipment; thin film silicon solar cell equipment; thin film amorphous silicon building integrated photovoltaic equipment; in opremo za sončne celice iz kristalnega silicija. It also provides flat panel display equipment, such as plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition equipment and organic light emitting diode products. The company's semiconductor equipment product line includes Cyclone Plus air separation chemical vapor deposition (CVD) equipment. TRUFIL HDP CVD, a technology for forming thin films such as SiO2; Genaon dry etching equipment for polymerization and metal processing; ultra-high vacuum CVD equipment for cleaning the deposition environment; Cyclone Plus semi-batch low-pressure CVD equipment for furnace type Batch equipment; in kovinsko-organska CVD oprema, ki se uporablja v proizvodnih linijah polprevodnikov za uporabo v dielektriku in kovinskem filmu. In addition, it provides gallium nitride metal organic CVD equipment, which can be used for mass production of green, blue and white LED lights.
KANEKA CORPORATION (Tokio: 4118.T) je japonsko kemično podjetje. When Kaneka was founded, our main product lines included caustic soda, soap, cosmetics, edible oil and electrical wires. But as Kaneka grew, we began to focus on R&D and began to look forward to the rapidly changing global market. Today, Kaneka's main product lines include chemicals, functional and expandable plastic products, food, life science products, synthetic fibers and solar modules. Kaneka Solar: Kaneka uporablja naše več kot 60-letno napredno znanje o materialih in temeljne zmogljivosti proizvajalca kemičnih izdelkov za raziskovanje, razvoj in proizvodnjo lastnih solarnih panelov.

KLA-Tencor Corporation (NasdaqGS: KLAC) is a leading provider of process control and yield management solutions, cooperating with customers around the world to jointly develop the latest detection and metrology technologies. These technologies serve the semiconductor, LED and other related nanoelectronic industries. With an industry-standard product portfolio and a world-class team of engineers and scientists, the company has provided customers with excellent solutions for nearly 40 years. KLA-Tencor ima sedež v Milpitasu v Kaliforniji in ima namenske storitvene centre za stranke po vsem svetu. MicroXAM-800 optical interferometer supports R&D and production, application of measuring texture, step height and shape. It is used in various industries: LED, power equipment, medical equipment, MEMS, semiconductor, solar energy and precision surface.
Lam Research Coporation (NasdaqGS: LRCX) is a reliable global supplier of innovative wafer manufacturing equipment and services for the semiconductor industry. Lamov obsežen portfelj izdelkov za nanašanje, jedkanje, odstranjevanje in čiščenje rezin, ki je vodilni na trgu, poskrbi, da je delovanje opreme 1000-krat manjše od delcev peska, kar strankam omogoča, da dosežejo uspeh, s čimer strankam omogočijo, da dosežejo uspeh, s čimer dosežejo manjše in več Hitrejše in več energije -efficient bargaining chips. S sodelovanjem, nenehnimi inovacijami in izpolnjevanjem obljub Lam preoblikuje atomsko inženirstvo in strankam omogoča, da oblikujejo prihodnost tehnologije. The company's subsidiary Silfex Incorporated is the world's largest supplier of high-purity customized silicon components and components that can serve a wide range of high-tech markets. As a market leader in advanced materials, Silfex provides integrated silicon solutions for the solar, optical and semiconductor equipment markets. Solar equipment and materials

MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; zemeljski plin in naftovodna infrastruktura; wireless, wired and satellite communications; proizvodnja električne energije, vključno z infrastrukturo za obnovljivo energijo; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Solar energy: We are a leading solar energy facility contractor, providing engineering, construction and power system integration services to government, corporate and residential customers across the country. Načrtujemo, gradimo, širimo in vzdržujemo učinkovite in stroškovno učinkovite sončne naprave od samega začetka, da bi našim strankam pomagali zadovoljiti naraščajoče povpraševanje po čisti, trajnostni energiji in nenehnem varčevanju z energijo.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6503.T) is one of the world's leading brands in the manufacturing and sales of electrical and electronic products and systems used in a wide range of fields and applications. Kot vodilno globalno zeleno podjetje uporabljamo svojo tehnologijo, da prispevamo k družbi in vsakdanjemu življenju po vsem svetu. Solarni izdelki Mitsubishi Electric vključujejo fotovoltaične module, ki zbirajo energijo sonca in jo sproščajo v električno energijo, ki lahko napaja vaš dom ali pisarno. Mitsubishi Electric je s sončno tehnologijo spodbujal široko uporabo obnovljive energije.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) is a diversified manufacturer. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries provides the entire process from construction to after-sales service for various power generation facilities, including thermal power plants that achieve the world's highest power generation efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions levels, as well as nuclear and wind power plants, so as zagotoviti stabilno moč in boljšo kakovost življenja. The renewable energy power plant sector includes thin-film photovoltaic modules

Mosel Vitelic Inc. (Taiwan: 2342.TW) is engaged in casting and solar cell business in Taiwan. Zagotavlja različne livarske storitve IC; kot tudi monokristalne in polikristalne sončne celice, kot tudi namestitev in vzdrževanje solarnih sistemov za strešne in zemeljske instalacije, elektrarne in solarno razsvetljavo. Podjetje se nahaja v Hsinchu, Tajvan.
Mospec Semiconductor Corporation (Tajvan: 2434.TW) je vertikalno integrirano podjetje za močnostne polprevodnike. We are the most technologically advanced power semiconductor company in Taiwan with a wide range of product lines. Our core power products include power transistors, Schottky rectifiers, ultra-fast and fast recovery rectifiers, TVS diodes and surface mount devices (SMD). MOSPEC also specializes in silicon wafer technology, producing epitaxial silicon wafers, raw wafers and crystalline silicon solar cells.
Motech Industries Co (Taiwan: 6244.TWO) manufactures solar cells, modules and inverters. Motech je zavezan razvoju in ustvarjanju visokokakovostnih izdelkov in storitev, vključno s sončnimi celicami, solarnimi moduli in sistemi za proizvodnjo sončne energije. Motech is one of the top ten solar cell manufacturers in the world.
MVV Energie AG (Frankfurt: MVV1.F) and its subsidiaries mainly provide electricity, natural gas, district heating and water in Germany. The company's power generation and infrastructure division operates conventional power plants. And waste and biomass power plants, as well as water plants and wind farms. Oddelek upravlja tudi naprave za elektriko, toploto, zemeljski plin in vodo ter enote za tehnično servis, dodeljenih omrežnem poslovnem območju za porazdelitev električne energije, toplote, zemeljskega plina in vode na podlagi omrežja. Its trade and portfolio management department provides energy procurement and portfolio management as well as energy trading services. The company's sales and service department provides electricity, heat, natural gas and water to end customers. And provide energy-related services. Photovoltaic/solar
Neo Solar Power Corp. (Tajvan: 3576.TW) se ukvarja z raziskavami, razvojem, proizvodnjo in prodajo sončnih celic in modulov v Tajvanu in po svetu. It provides monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar cells; monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar modules.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) je vodilno podjetje za čisto energijo s približno 44.900 megavati električne energije, vključno z megavati, povezanimi z neobvladujočimi deleži NextEra Energy Partners. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. Največji obnovljivi vir energije na svetu prihaja iz vetra in sonca. Prek svojih hčerinskih družb NextEra Energy proizvaja čisto elektriko brez emisij iz osmih komercialnih jedrskih elektrarn na Floridi, New Hampshiru, Iowi in Wisconsinu. Tretje strani so NextEra Energy priznale za svoja prizadevanja na področju trajnosti, korporativne odgovornosti, etike in skladnosti ter raznolikosti, revija Fortune pa jo je imenovala za eno izmed »Najbolj občudovanih podjetij na svetu leta 2015«. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”The Solar Age
Japan Thin Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5202.T) is one of the world's leading glass and glass system manufacturers in three main business areas; architectural products, automotive and technical glass. Arhitekturno steklo se uporablja v gradbeništvu in solarnih aplikacijah.

Norsk Hydro ASA (Oslo: NHY.OL) is a global aluminum company. In the entire value chain, from bauxite, alumina and energy production to the production and recycling of primary aluminum and rolled products, it has production, sales and Trading activities. The company is headquartered in Norway and has activities in more than 50 countries on all continents. Z več kot stoletnimi izkušnjami na področju proizvodnje obnovljive energije, tehnološkega razvoja in razvijajočih se partnerstev je Hydro zavezan povečanju sposobnosti preživetja strank in skupnosti, ki jim služimo. Solar solutions: Aluminum is becoming the material of choice for long-lasting, beautiful and environmentally sound solar solutions.

OC Oerlikon Corporation AG (OTC: OERLF) is a world-leading technology group dedicated to providing market-leading technologies and services for surface solutions, man-made fiber manufacturing, drive systems, and vacuum pumps and components in growth markets. Te napredne tehnologije koristijo strankam z izboljšanjem učinkovitosti izdelka, produktivnostjo, učinkovito rabo energije in virov ter prispevanjem k bolj trajnostnemu okolju. Vacuum solutions for solar cells
Origin Energy Limited (ASX: ORG.AX) je integrirano energetsko podjetje, ki se v glavnem ukvarja z raziskovanjem in proizvodnjo nafte in plina v Avstraliji in na Novi Zelandiji. Deluje prek sektorjev energetskega trga, raziskovanja in proizvodnje, utekočinjenega zemeljskega plina in povezane energetike. Podjetje se ukvarja tudi s proizvodnjo električne energije. And the wholesale and retail of electricity and natural gas. It has an interest in the BassGas project in Victoria; the Kupe Gas project in New Zealand; the Otway Gas project in Victoria; the gas field, the coalbed methane field in Queensland, and other onshore production facilities located in Surat and Bowen, Queensland. Basins, Perth Basin in Western Australia and Taranaki Basin in New Zealand. The company's product portfolio includes electricity and natural gas; zelena energija, vključno s certifikati za zeleno energijo, zemeljski plin in obnovljivo energijo; origin intelligence to track and manage electricity consumption; solar energy; rešitve za toplo vodo, vključno s solarnimi sistemi za toplo vodo, programom rešitev za toplo vodo, centraliziranim sistemom tople vode in dostopom do storitev tople vode; and heating and cooling products, including split air conditioning, space heating, pipe evaporative cooling, pipe heating and pipe reverse cycle air conditioning products. It also provides charging products for electric vehicles; and liquefied petroleum gas.

PanaHome Corporation (Tokyo: 1924.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in housing business. The company is engaged in the basic design of houses called PanaHome, as well as the manufacture, construction and sale of materials for house systems. Družba se preko svojih hčerinskih družb ukvarja tudi s proizvodnjo, gradnjo in prodajo hiš pod imenom PanaHome, prodajo samostojnih enot in gradbenih zemljišč ter s posredovanjem, oddajanjem, upravljanjem in prenovo nepremičnin ter projektiranjem. , gradnja in nadzor urejanja okolice. PanaHome uporablja različne tehnologije in celovito moč skupine Panasonic za zagotavljanje pametnega bivalnega okolja za naslednjo generacijo. (Including solar roof)
Panasonic Corporation (Tokyo: 6752.T) is a Japanese company. Oddelek za domače aparate se ukvarja z razvojem, proizvodnjo in prodajo belih dobrin, lepotnih in življenjskih aparatov ter zdravstvenih izdelkih. Oddelek za okoljske rešitve se ukvarja z razvojem, proizvodnjo in prodajo svetlobne opreme, svetilk, osvetlitvene opreme, opreme za ožičenje, stikalnih ploščah, materialih in opremi, povezanih z ohišjem, sistemi za proizvodnjo energije, baterije in ventilatorji za prezračevanje. The AVC network department is engaged in the development and manufacturing of digital cameras and mobile phones. Oddelek za avtomobilske in industrijske sisteme se ukvarja z razvojem, proizvodnjo in prodajo avtomobilskih izdelkov in opreme, povezane z industrijo. Other divisions are engaged in other related businesses.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .

Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. Če električno omrežje odpove, je treba te potrebe izklopiti
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. ORC tehnologijo PowerVerde je mogoče kombinirati tudi z geotermalnimi, biomasnimi in sončnimi viri toplote.

Public Power Corporation SA (Athens: PPC.AT) and its subsidiaries together generate, transmit and distribute electricity in Greece. The company was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Athens, Greece. V zadnjih letih družba poleg gradnje novih termoelektrarn (lignit, kurilno olje in zemeljski plin) in hidroelektrarn vlaga v alternativne vire energije (vetrna, sončna in geotermalna energija). PPC renewable energy-solar
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG) prek svojih hčerinskih družb v glavnem deluje kot energetsko podjetje v severovzhodnih Združenih državah in srednjem Atlantiku. Prodaja elektriko, zemeljski plin, emisijske dobropise in vrsto izdelkov, povezanih z energijo, za optimizacijo delovanja energetskega omrežja. Podjetje opravlja tudi prenos električne energije; and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. Poleg tega nudi tudi servis in vzdrževanje opreme za stranke. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1985 in ima sedež v Newarku, New Jersey.
PV Crystalox Solar (LSE: PVCS.L) je visoko specializiran dobavitelj vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev sončnih celic, ki proizvaja polisilicijeve rezine za sisteme za proizvodnjo sončne energije. Naše stranke so vodilni svetovni proizvajalci sončnih celic, ki te rezine vgrajujejo v solarne module za izkoriščanje čiste, tihe in obnovljive energije sonca. Igramo osrednjo vlogo pri tem, da stroške proizvodnje sončne energije konkurenčno s konvencionalno proizvodnjo ogljikovodikov. Zato si bomo še naprej trdo delali, da bi zmanjšali stroške proizvodnje, hkrati pa povečali učinkovitost sončnih celic.

Quantum Energy Limited (ASX: QTM.AX) proizvaja in distribuira energetsko učinkovite sisteme za toplo vodo, ogrevanje in hlajenje za stanovanjske in poslovne trge v Avstraliji in po svetu. The company provides solar energy systems, hot water heaters and pool heaters, as well as commercial and industrial building heaters.

Renesola (NYSE: SOL) is an international leading brand and technology provider of green energy products. S svojim globalnim poslovanjem ter obsežno OEM in prodajno mrežo lahko ReneSola zagotovi najkakovostnejše izdelke zelene energije in pravočasne storitve za globalne EPC, inštalaterje in projekte zelene energije. Solar products
RGS Energy (NasdaqCM: RGSE) je eden od vodilnih monterjev sončne opreme za strehe v Združenih državah, ki oskrbuje stanovanjske in male poslovne stranke v celinskem delu Združenih držav in na Havajih. Od prve serije fotovoltaičnih panelov, prodanih leta 1978, je podjetje namestilo več deset tisoč sistemov sončne energije. RGS Energy makes it very convenient for customers to save energy costs by providing comprehensive solar solutions from design, financing, permitting and installation to continuous monitoring, maintenance and support
Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4204.T) is a company operating in three business divisions: the housing division, the environment and lifeline division, and the high-performance plastic division. Housing companies conduct business based on the principle of providing environmentally friendly housing with a safe and comfortable life for at least 60 years. Naš reprezentativni izdelek je »Stanovanje brez stroškov komunalnih storitev«, ki lahko dolgoročno zmanjša vpliv družine na okolje. In addition, the total number of “houses with solar power generation systems” built exceeds 160,000, ranking first in the residential construction industry.
Sekisui Jushi Corporation (Tokio: 4212.T) je japonsko proizvodno podjetje. The urban environment department manufactures, processes and sells soundproof wall materials, traffic signs, signage, pavement labels, electronic system related products, road safety materials, solar products, artificial grass and artificial wood, etc. The street and living department manufactures, processes and sells fences for pedestrians and cars, snow fences, construction sidewalks, railings, park materials, shelters, solar lighting, decorative building materials, mesh fences, etc. The industrial and residential sectors manufacture, process and sell packaging materials, agricultural materials, garden facility materials, dry products, storage products, assembly system pipes, digital picking systems, etc.
SES Solar Inc (OTC: SESI) develops and provides products in the field of photovoltaic energy in Switzerland. The company provides a series of photovoltaic products, such as solar tiles, which consist of standard panels and flat or sloping roofs mainly used in urban or rural areas; and custom/building integrated panels made of glass/glass felt for industrial and Residential building glass, light holes and balcony roofs. Ukvarja se tudi s storitvami vodenja projektov od zasnove do zaključka ter nudi storitve spremljanja (nadzora), vzdrževanja in delovanja.
Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (HT-SAAE) (Shanghai: 600151.SS) is a Chinese company engaged in the development of new energy. Podjetje nudi novo energetsko fotovoltaiko (PV), vključno s polisilicijem, moduli sončnih celic itd.

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4063.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in chemical business. At present, the company provides unparalleled high-tech materials in the fields of synthetic quartz, optical fiber preforms and semiconductor silicon. Shin-Etsu je prvo podjetje na svetu, ki komercialno proizvaja 300 mm rezine in je vodilno na svetovnem trgu rezin različnih velikosti. Shin-Etsu Chemical has become a manufacturer with the world's largest market share in a number of key areas, and at the same time is in a leading position in more areas. Photovoltaics: Pyrolytic Boron Nitride (PBN) is a high-purity ceramic with excellent chemical resistance and strength at high temperatures. This is the first time Shin-Etsu Chemical has successfully produced PBN in Japan. PBN uporablja svoje značilnosti za proizvodnjo sestavljenih polprevodnikov in epitaksijo z molekularnim žarkom v lončku. Potencialne uporabe PBN se širijo, kot so visokozmogljivi grelniki PG/PBN na področju polprevodnikov in tanki filmi na osnovi CIGS za fotovoltaično proizvodnjo energije.
SHOWA SHELL SEKIYU KK (Tokyo: 5002.T) oal will focus on oil and energy solutions as its two main businesses, providing customers with safe and sustainable energy solution providers to support its customers and society. Sončna energija: Showa Shell Sekiyu je razvila tehnologijo, ki se uporablja za izdelavo tankoplastnih solarnih panelov CIS naslednje generacije. The total annual production capacity of the production plant owned by our subsidiary Solar Frontier KK is about 1GW, and our CIS modules have been sold in Europe, the United States, the Middle East and Asia, and Japan. Solar Frontier KK ponuja široko paleto storitev, od inženiringa naprav do obratovanja naprav, do prodaje teh naprav končnim uporabnikom ali investitorjem, povezanih z razvojem sončnih elektrarn.
SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) and its subsidiaries manufacture and sell solar products together. Njegovo poslovno področje vključuje proizvodnjo in prodajo solarnih izdelkov, proizvodnjo sončne energije, tovarniško delovanje in storitve ter proizvodnjo in prodajo izdelkov s svetlečimi diodami (LED).

Sika AG (SIX:: SIK.SW, Švica) je podjetje s sedežem v Švici, dejavno v industriji posebnih kemikalij. The company mainly produces products for the automotive and auto parts, renewable energy, and equipment and parts industries. Sončna energija: industrija sončne energije je zavezana zmanjševanju stroškov, optimizaciji procesov in izboljšanju učinkovitosti. Optimized adhesive technology enables photovoltaic, CSP and solar collector system providers to seek new design solutions, save materials and improve processes to meet these challenges. Extensively tested and inspected products ensure the long-term performance of bonded joints and systems. In order to successfully carry out development and implementation, Sika provides customers with comprehensive project support, from construction consulting, functional testing, application and process technical advice to spraying personnel training.

SINGLEPOINT INC. (OTCQB: SING) is a technology company whose focus is on acquiring companies that will benefit from growth capital injection and technology integration. The company's product portfolio includes mobile payments, daily fantasy sports, assisted cannabis services and blockchain solutions. S prevzemi na horizontalnem trgu SinglePoint gradi svoj naložbeni portfelj s pridobivanjem deležev podcenjenih podjetij, s čimer zagotavlja bogato in raznoliko bazo holdingov. Through its subsidiary SingleSeed, the company is providing products and services to the cannabis industry. Solar: Direct Solar is a subsidiary of technology and acquisition company SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING). Direct Solar America je solarno posredniško podjetje z več kot 3.500 stanovanjskimi inštalacijami, ki strankam stanovanjske solarne energije omogoča nakup možnosti za iskanje najboljših stanovanjskih možnosti. Tako kot raketne hipoteke ali posojilna drevesa neposredni solarni zastopniki lastnikom stanovanj zagotavljajo različne ponudnike financiranja in storitev; to lastnikom stanovanj olajša nakup sončne energije. Direct Solar že deluje v osmih državah in bo še naprej širil svoj sončni odtis v stanovanjskih hišah. Direct Solar Commercial provides services to customers who own and/or manage commercial properties. Poleg neposrednega solarnega kapitala, rešitve za financiranje alternativne energije, lahko komercialni projekti prejmejo tudi 50.000 do 3 milijone ameriških dolarjev sredstev za solarne instalacije.
Sino-American Silicon Products Co., Ltd. (Tajvan: 5483.two) je trenutno največji dobavitelj 3 ″ ~ 12 ″ rezin na Kitajskem s popolno proizvodno linijo. Our main products include semiconductors, solar and sapphire, and the application range extends to solar, photovoltaic and daily energy. Naši izdelki visoke vrednosti vključujejo silicijeve ingote CZ/FZ/NTD, rezine Epi, polirane rezine, rezine, dopirane z antimonom, jedkane rezine, rezine TVS, rezine, dopirane z arzenom, ultra tanke rezine, rezine z globoko difuzijo, solarne ingote in rezine, baterije, moduli In safir napolitanke. Zaradi skupnih prispevkov vodstvene ekipe in vseh zaposlenih je SAS-ova operativna uspešnost vztrajno dosegala nove vrhunce. Whether it is in providing technology and information, co-developing products or in terms of sales/service quality, SAS has been firmly recognized by customers at home and abroad, and has been rated as the best-selling product of the year.
Sky Solar Holdings Ltd. (NasdaqCM: SKYS) is an investment holding company and an independent power producer worldwide. Podjetje v glavnem razvija, ima v lasti in upravlja solarne parke na prodajnem solarnem trgu. It also sells solar systems including pipelines. Kot tudi inženirske, gradbene in nabavne storitve ter se ukvarja z gradnjo in prenosom solarnih parkov.
SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. The photovoltaic inverter is the core component of any solar system. SMA lahko zagotovi pravilne pretvornike za vse vrste fotovoltaičnega modula, ki se uporablja na svetu, in različne vrste omrežnih, izoliranih in pripravljenih operacij. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Solar A/S (Copenhagen: SOLAR-B.CO) is a Danish-based company engaged in the distribution of electrical, heating, plumbing and ventilation components. Prodaja podjetja je razdeljena na panožni in pogodbeni del. The company provides (among others) lightning, boilers and radiators, water heaters, heat pumps, switches and sockets, detection and buttons, fans and air handling units, solar heating units, fire alarm systems, contactors and building cables, marine And offshore and telecommunications industries.
Solar Alliance Energy Inc. (TSX: Solr.V) je ponudnik energetske rešitve, ki se osredotoča na stanovanjske, komercialne in industrijske sončne instalacije. Podjetje deluje v Kaliforniji, Tennesseeju, Severni Karolini ter v Južni Karolini in v Kentuckyju ter ima širi kanal za sončne projekte. Od ustanovitve leta 2003 je podjetje razvilo projekt vetra in sonca v višini 1 milijarde dolarjev, ki lahko zagotovi dovolj električne energije za 150.000 gospodinjstev. Naša strast je izboljšati življenje z izvirnostjo, preprostostjo in svobodo izbire. Solar Alliance zmanjšuje ali odpravlja občutljivost strank na naraščajoče stroške energije, zagotavlja okolju prijazen vir proizvodnje električne energije in zagotavlja cenovno dostopne rešitve za čisto energijo na ključ.

SolarCity Corporation (NasdaqGS: SCTY) provides clean energy. The company disrupted the century-old energy industry by directly providing renewable electricity to homeowners, businesses and government organizations at a cost less than utility bills. SolarCity enables customers to control their energy costs to protect them from rising electricity bills. Podjetje omogoča preprosto uporabo sončne energije skozi vse od načrtovanja do licenciranja do spremljanja in vzdrževanja.
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SEDG) is a global leader in smart energy technology. By leveraging world-class engineering capabilities and unremitting attention to innovation, SolarEdge has created smart energy solutions that power our lives and advance future progress. SolarEdge has developed a smart inverter solution that changes the way that electrical energy is collected and managed in photovoltaic (PV) systems. Pretvorniki SolarEdge, optimizirani za enosmerni tok, si prizadevajo povečati proizvodnjo električne energije, hkrati pa zmanjšati stroške energije, ki jih ustvarijo fotovoltaični sistemi. Continuously developing smart energy, SolarEdge meets a wide range of energy market areas through its photovoltaic, energy storage, electric vehicle charging, UPS and grid service solutions.
Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0757.HK) se ukvarja s proizvodnjo, predelavo in trgovanjem polikristalnega silicija, monokristalnega silicija in polikristalnih silicijevih ingotov in rezin v Ljudski republiki Kitajski. The company also produces photovoltaic cells and modules; designs and installs photovoltaic systems; and operates photovoltaic power plants. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited provides services to manufacturers or traders of silicon solar wafers, cells or modules. The company's products are mainly exported to Japan, Britain, North America, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, France and Germany. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited ima sedež v mestu Wanchai v Hong Kongu
Solaria Energíay Medio Ambiente (Španija: SLR.MC) je edino solarno podjetje na španski borzi, ki proizvaja fotovoltaične module in baterije v svojih dveh proizvodnih obratih v Španiji z zmogljivostjo 250 MW. In addition, the company also develops turnkey projects for its own and third-party large-scale facilities, provides operation and maintenance services, and generates electricity through its own photovoltaic power plants all over Europe, with a total power generation of 45 MW, which has earned regular income. Ensure strong financial strength and reaffirm its commitment to solar photovoltaic energy
Solartron Co., Ltd. (Thailand: SOLAR.BK) provides a variety of high-quality solar modules and system balances for solar applications. Nudimo tudi storitve montaže po vsej državi.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) je holdinška družba za energetske storitve s sedežem v Folsomu v New Jerseyju in deluje prek dveh glavnih podružnic. South Jersey Gas je eno najhitreje rastočih podjetij za oskrbo z zemeljskim plinom v Združenih državah, ki zagotavlja čist in učinkovit zemeljski plin približno 370.000 strankam v južnem New Jerseyju in izboljšuje energetsko učinkovitost. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable energy; for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.
Spectacular Solar, Inc. (OTC: SPSO) is a diversified company engaged in the installation of solar energy systems, investment fund management and roof contracting through its subsidiaries. DC Solar Integrators designed and installed the most advanced solar energy conversion equipment for homes and business owners. Star Power Services je vezan in licenciran strešni izvajalec s strokovnim znanjem in izkušnjami pri namestitvi, popravilih in vzdrževanju novih streh. Sklad Solar Investor Fund prispeva k tekočim stroškom zavarovanja, ki so neposredno povezani z namestitvijo solarnih sistemov. V zameno bo sklad prejel del davčnih olajšav in stalne prihodke od prodaje električne energije.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) is a global provider of photovoltaic (“PV”) solutions for commercial, residential, government and utility customers and investors. The solar photovoltaic project developed by the company can be sold to a third-party operator, or it can be owned and operated by the company to sell electricity to the power grids of many countries in Asia, North America and Europe. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. Operativni sedež podjetja se nahaja v Santa Clari v Kaliforniji in ohranja globalne operacije v Aziji, Evropi, Severni Ameriki in Avstraliji. Green Auto-Announced the launch of EdisonFuture, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPI Energy, to design and develop electric vehicles (“EV”) and EV charging solutions.

STF Group (OTC: SLTZ) is a company focused on the future. Ponosni smo, da se lahko osredotočimo na nove zamisli, medtem ko uporabljamo trenutno tehnologijo za zaščito današnjega jutri. Naše zelene tehnologije so vplivale na številne različne trge, vključno s proizvodnjo in ohranjanjem energije, prevozom tovora, skladiščenjem in stanovanji. We are honored to provide the best warranty for solar panels made in the US. Na naš poslovni model gledamo kot na model, ki spodbuja okoljsko odgovornost kot obveznost vseh, hkrati pa našim strankam omogoča prihranek denarja. As new challenges emerge, our goal will continue to be to create solutions that are not only meaningful but also make a difference.

Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uporablja znanje in izkušnje vodstva za zagotavljanje storitev strankam in trenutnim delničarjem z visokokakovostnimi storitvami in opremo, stremi k zadovoljstvu strank in varuje okolje z uporabo pametnih zelenih tehnologij. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Tehnologija veriženja blokov lahko spremlja nova električna omrežja, izravnava obremenitev in podaljša življenjsko dobo električne opreme.

Sunrun Inc. (NasdaqGS: RUN) is a leading residential solar, energy storage and energy service company in the United States. Since 2007, Sunrun's mission has been to build a planet run by the sun, leading the industry with a “solar as a service” model, which can provide clean energy to households with almost no or no upfront costs, and is less expensive than traditional electricity Cost. . The company designs, installs, finances, insurance, monitors and maintains the system, and families can get predictable prices for 20 years or more. The company also offers Sunrun Brightbox, a home solar battery service, which manages home solar, energy storage and utility power through smart inverter technology.
Sunvalley Solar, Inc. (OTC: SSOL) je eno vodilnih podjetij na področju solarne tehnologije, integratorjev solarnih sistemov in celovitih storitev solarnih rešitev. Sunvalley Solar Inc. is located 20 minutes east of Los Angeles, California, and is committed to reducing the global carbon footprint through the transition from traditional energy to solar energy and becoming the mainstream energy source in the United States.
SunVault Energy, Inc. (OTC: SVLT) is committed to bringing cost-effective energy production and energy storage to the solar industry through novel ways of seamlessly integrating energy production and storage. Ta tehnični pristop je prvi in ​​ima potencial za doseganje najnižjih skupnih stroškov sistema z najvišjo učinkovitostjo. SunVault has further diversified through the acquisition of companies or assets that increase immediately, which will help to have high-quality non-cyclical assets.
Sunworks Inc. (NasdaqCM: SUNW) is a major provider of solar energy solutions for consumers and businesses. Zavezani smo k visokokakovostnim gradbenim praksam, ki vedno presegajo industrijske standarde in se držijo naših etičnih in varnostnih konceptov. Danes Sunworks še naprej širi svoj poslovni obseg in se širi prek regionalnih in lokalnih pisarn po vsej državi. Zavezani smo doslednemu zagotavljanju visokokakovostnih, v uspešnost usmerjenih rešitev za kmetijsko, komercialno, zvezno industrijo, javna dela, stanovanjske in komunalne industrije. Naša predanost odličnosti se odraža v naši 25-letni garanciji, ki je merilo za zagotavljanje podpore strankam, ki presega njihova pričakovanja. Sunworks has an experienced and diverse workforce, including outstanding veterans who are committed to providing the best customer experience. From technicians to executives, all our employees abide by the company's guiding principles every day. Sunworks is a member of the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) and a proud advocate of solar energy development.
TABUCHI ELECTRIC CO. , LTD. (Tokio: 6624.T) je podjetje, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo in prodajo elektronske in električne opreme, orodij in komponent. The power supply business includes: assembly of solar photovoltaic inverters, hybrid inverters for photovoltaics and batteries, switching power supplies, AC adapters, battery chargers, electronic ballasts for lamps, inverters for magnetrons , Power supply for LED lighting and various other equipment.

TBEA Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600089.SS) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of power transmission and transformation equipment. Podjetje ponuja transformatorje, vključno z močnostnimi transformatorji, reaktorji, transformatorji, kompozitnimi transformatorskimi postajami in razdelilnimi omaricami itd.; žice in kabli, vključno z napajalnimi kabli, krmilnimi kabli s plastično izolacijo, elektromagnetnimi žicami in posebnimi kabli itd., kot tudi fotovoltaični izdelki in pomožni inženiring Počakajte. The company is also involved in the construction of power transmission and transformation projects and photovoltaic projects, as well as the trade of other products.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. Ti izdelki se uporabljajo na različnih trgih, vključno z: alternativno energijo (sončno in vetrno), medicinsko, jedrsko, obrambno, industrijsko in vesoljsko. TechPrecision's goal is to provide customers with an end-to-end global service provider by providing customized and integrated “turnkey” solutions for complete products that require customized manufacturing and processing, assembly, inspection and testing.
Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY has a strong pipeline of approximately 8,000 MW RES projects, which are in operation, under construction or in advanced stages of development, leading in Greece, with operations in Central Europe, Southeast Europe and the United States. TERNA ENERGIJA aktivno sodeluje tudi v mednarodnih programih za nadaljnje spodbujanje rabe OVE. It is also a member of the European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)

Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; Absorpcijski sistemi, vključno z absorpcijskimi hladilniki, toplotnimi črpalkami, solarnimi hladilnimi izdelki in zračno hlajenimi izmenjevalniki toplote; kotli, kot so rekuperacija odpadne toplote in sončna energija. Toplotni sistemi, komunalni odpadki in veliki industrijski kotli, generatorji tople vode in kompletni kotli; ter grelniki na gorivo in termalno olje. Zagotavlja tudi pripravo vode, sladkorno in papirno industrijo, naftna polja, zelene, gradbene in požarne kemikalije ter smole za ionsko izmenjavo in dodatke za goriva; EPC power plants; solarne toplotne in fotovoltaične rešitve; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; and spare parts. Podjetje nudi storitve za nafto in plin, jeklo, avtomobilsko industrijo, hrano, cement, kemikalije, rafinerije in petrokemijo, proizvodnjo električne energije, tekstilno industrijo, farmacevtsko industrijo, papir in celulozo, ogrevanje skladišč nafte, ogrevanje prostorov, sladkor, barve, gumo in jedilno olje industries; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd. (Šanghaj: 600550.SS) se v glavnem ukvarja s proizvodnjo in distribucijo izdelkov za prenos električne energije. Glavni izdelki podjetja vključujejo generatorske transformatorje, transformatorje z navitiji s cepljenimi fazami, transformatorje za prenos moči in distribucijo, reaktorje in vlečne transformatorje. Podjetje proizvaja tudi nove energetske izdelke, vključno z opremo za vetrne elektrarne, vetrnimi turbinami, izdelki iz polisilicija in tankoplastnimi sončnimi celicami. The company's products are distributed in the domestic and overseas markets.
Tokuyama Corporation (Tokio: 4043.T) večinoma proizvaja in prodaja kemikalije, posebne izdelke, cement in funkcionalne materiale. Poslovna enota Special Products ponuja izdelke za številna področja, kot so energija, elektronika in okolje. Naš polisilikon z visoko čistomo se uporablja v polprevodnikih in sončnih celicah. Tokuyama je eno vodilnih podjetij na svetovnem trgu Polysilicon.
Topco Scientific Co. Ltd. (Taiwan: 5434.TW) provides materials, equipment and facilities for the semiconductor, optoelectronic and green energy related industries in Taiwan and the world. It provides semiconductor-related products, including lithography, diffusion, thin film/etching and materials related to wafer and wafer processing, as well as chemical mechanical polishing processing materials and wafer carriers. Podjetje ponuja tudi optoelektronske sorodne izdelke, kot so embalaža in materiali, povezani s testiranjem, materiali in oprema, povezani z LED, materiali in oprema, povezani z LCD, ter napredni materiali in oprema. Poleg tega nudi tudi materiale za sončno energijo, opremo in integracijske storitve, vključno z materiali, povezanimi s sončno energijo, in aplikacijami za obnovljivo energijo, kot tudi storitve inženiringa, nabave in gradnje solarnih sistemov.

Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) produces and sells automobile parts, optoelectronic products and other general industrial products. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; funkcionalne komponente, vključno s komponentami modula rezervoarja za gorivo, deli sistema za prenos moči ter deli sistemov šasije in prenosa; notranji in zunanji deli; and safety system products, such as airbags, steering wheels, etc. The company also provides solar LED and deep ultraviolet light source modules; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights

UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) podjetjem zagotavlja takojšnje prihranke stroškov s čistejšo elektriko. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. Solar energy, wind energy, LED lighting
ULVAC, Inc. (Tokyo: 6728.T) is mainly engaged in vacuum machinery business. Poslovna področja vključujejo: razvoj, proizvodnjo, prodajo, podporo strankam ter dejavnosti uvoza in izvoza vakuumske opreme, periferne opreme, vakuumskih komponent in materialov za zaslone, sončne celice, polprevodnike, elektroniko, elektriko, kovine, stroje, avtomobile in kemikalije. , The food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as universities and research centers in various aspects of vacuum technology research guidance and technical consulting.
Umicore Group (Bruselj: UMI.BR) je globalna skupina za tehnologijo materialov in recikliranje. Večina prihodkov Umicoreja izvira iz čistih tehnologij, kot so recikliranje, katalizatorji za nadzor emisij, polnilne baterije in fotovoltaični materiali. Posel Substrates je največji svetovni proizvajalec germanijevih rezin z več kot 1 milijonom namestitev. Our germanium wafers can be used in a variety of applications: ground solar cells (CPV), space solar cells, high-brightness LEDs and various semiconductor applications.
Veeco Instruments Inc (NASDAQGS: VECO)'s process equipment solutions make it possible to manufacture LEDs, flexible OLED displays, power electronics, compound semiconductors, hard disk drives, semiconductors, MEMS and wireless chips. We are the market leader in MOCVD, MBE, ion beam, wet etching single wafer processing and other advanced thin film processing technologies. VEECO -jeva oprema za sončno tehnologijo pomaga povečati učinkovitost celic in proizvodnjo dobička na nove ravni. Naša vodilna platforma MOCVD za CPV (koncentracijska fotovoltaika) in edini proizvodno preizkušen vir toplotnega nanašanja na svetu, ki ga proizvaja CIGS, uporabljata naše edinstveno strokovno znanje in vire, ki so vodilni v industriji.
Visionstate Corp. (TSX: VIS.V) is a growth-oriented company that invests in the research and development of promising new technologies in the areas of sustainability, analytics and the Internet of Everything. Visionstate vlagateljem zagotavlja pravico do lastništva prelomnih tehnologij, vključno z umetno inteligenco (AI), platformami blockchain in sončno energijo. Through Visionstate Inc., the company can use its advanced equipment to track and monitor visitor activities and requests to help companies increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. The footprint of WANDA™ smart devices has now expanded to hospitals, airports, shopping malls and other public facilities throughout North America. Through the establishment of a series of collaborative technologies, Visionstate Corp. will continue to innovate, reduce environmental impact and change the consumer experience.
Wacker Chemie AG (FRA: WCH.F) is a chemical industry company headquartered in Germany. The company operates four business units: WACKER Silicones, which produces silicone products, ranging from silanes to silicone fluids, emulsions, elastomers, sealants and resins, to pyrogenic silica. WACKER POLYMERS provides a variety of polymer binders and additives; WACKER Polysilicon, ki zagotavlja polisilicij, in WACKER Biotech, oddelek družbe za znanost o življenju, zagotavljata rešitve in izdelke za prehrambeno, farmacevtsko in agrokemično industrijo. Izdelki podjetja so primerni za številna področja, vključno s potrošniškimi izdelki, hrano, farmacevtskimi izdelki, tekstilom in sončno energijo, elektriko/elektroniko, osnovno kemično industrijo, medicinsko tehnologijo, biotehnologijo in strojništvom, avtomobili in gradbeništvom. The company also supplies silicon wafers to the semiconductor industry.
Wafer Works Corp. (Tajvan: 6182.TWO) strankam ponuja široko paleto rešitev za rezine prek vertikalno integriranih enokristalnih ingotov, linij za poliranje in proizvodnih linij za rezine Epi. Wafer Works je dobavitelj elektronskih materialov svetovnega razreda, specializiran za proizvodnjo visoko dopiranih silicijevih rezin, ki se pogosto uporabljajo v močnostnih polprevodniških napravah. We can provide customers with high-quality semiconductor polishing and Epi wafers for semiconductors, Si wafers for solar cells and sapphire substrates for LEDs.

Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) je podjetje za obnovljivo energijo. The company focuses on identifying, developing and funding alternatives to clean air energy production, such as solar power, wind farms and hydropower. It explores green energy production opportunities, such as large-scale commercial wind farms in Europe, and solar and hydropower prospects in North America and internationally.
Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited (Hongkong: 0868.HK) ponuja celovite rešitve za steklene izdelke, vključno z visokokakovostnim float steklom, avtomobilskim steklom, steklom za tehniko in elektronskim steklom. By realizing a one-stop solution with optimized costs, we can deliver products to global customers through a professional logistics network. Xinyi Glass is the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality float glass and currently has a 12200T/D high-quality float glass production line. Our environmentally friendly special glass products are mainly used in the deep processing of energy-saving glass to meet the needs of automobiles, LOW-E, insulating glass and other engineering glass; Poleg tega ponujamo tudi različna barvna stekla, ki ustrezajo različnim potrebam strank doma in v tujini. Izdelki in rešitve podjetja Xinyi Glass, ki predstavljajo več kot 20 % svetovnega trga nadomestkov za avtomobilsko steklo, so bili uporabljeni v več kot 100 državah in regijah po vsem svetu. Podjetje in njegovi izdelki so prestali standarde ISO/TS16949: 2002, ISO14001: 2004, OHSAS18001, nemški VDA, ameriški DOT, EU ECE in kitajski 3C. Skupina je vzpostavila dolgoročna strateška partnerstva s kitajskimi blagovnimi znamkami, kot so Chery, Beiqi Foton in Yutong, in lahko izvaja sočasne raziskave in razvoj s celotnim proizvajalcem avtomobilov. At present, Xinyi Glass accounts for about 15% of the LOW-E energy conversion glass market and has provided high-quality engineering glass products for landmark buildings in large and medium-sized cities in China and other countries (such as the China Pavilion at Svetovna razstava v Šanghaju 2010). , The main stadium of the World University Games, Digital Beijing Building, Guangzhou Victory Square, Shenzhen Excellence Times Square, Tokyo Tower in Japan, Bio Valley in Singapore, etc. Xinyi has domestic leading technical strength, and its R&D center was rated as the provincial enterprise technology center established in 1997. The company has been committed to the research and development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly products, and has developed LOW-E glass that can be tempered and bent, SOLAR-X heat-reflective automotive glass and other environmentally friendly glass. Friendly products, HUD glass, water repellent glass, photocatalytic glass, super high-permeability high-speed train glass and other new products. Xinyi Glass pursues new technologies and invests in research and development to meet the individual needs of the market and customers. We strive to establish a win-win business cooperation with our partners and contribute to society.

Yamada SXL Home Co, Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 1919.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in housing business. Stanovanjski segment se ukvarja s podjemništvom, projektiranjem in gradnjo samostojnih hiš, razvojem in gradnjo poslovnih objektov, proizvodnjo in prodajo industrializiranih stanovanjskih materialov ter gradbenimi deli. The department is also engaged in the construction and sales of detached houses and apartments, the sales of agency and general-purpose building materials, the provision of supervision and guidance services, and the business of house franchising. The decoration division is engaged in house decoration. Segment lizinga nepremičnin se ukvarja z lizingom nepremičnin. The company's “smart housing” design includes batteries, solar power systems, electric car charging stations, LED lighting and other “energy saving, energy creation and energy storage” solutions.
Yingli Green Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: YGEHY) je eden vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev solarnih panelov. Yingli Green Energy's manufacturing covers the photovoltaic value chain from ingot casting, silicon wafer processing to solar cell production and solar panel assembly. Yingli Green Energy is headquartered in Baoding, China, has more than 30 regional subsidiaries and branches, and has distributed more than 10 GW of solar panels to customers worldwide.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) je vodilni proizvajalec posebnih kovin in kemičnih izdelkov. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Mnogi od njih so ključni pionirji in ključni promotorji, kot so sončna energija, svetleče diode in okolju prijazni materiali.
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Od leta 1989 je AERT prevzel vodilno vlogo pri uporabi reciklirane polietilenske plastike v proizvodnji kompozitnih gradbenih materialov. With its ever-evolving portfolio of patents and proprietary recycling technologies, AERT has been recognized as a leader in resource conservation innovation and won the EPA Environmental Excellence Award for its process of converting waste plastic into outdoor laminate flooring. Podjetje je pred kratkim prejelo nagrado ESGR Patriot za svojo podporo našim stražarjem in rezervnim silam v oboroženih silah ZDA. AERT converts recycled plastic and wood fiber waste into high-quality outdoor decoration systems, fence systems, and door and window components. Podjetje je ekskluzivni proizvajalec talnih oblog ChoiceDek®, ki so na voljo v različnih barvah in se prodajajo v trgovinah z opremo za dom v kraju Lowe po vsej državi. AERT-ov program za tlakovanje MoistureShield® se širi in izdelki se zdaj prodajajo po vseh Združenih državah. AERT has manufacturing plants in Springdale, Arkansas and Lowell, and recently started operations at the Green Age recycling plant in Watts, Oklahoma.
American Manganese Inc. (TSX: AMY.V) je raznoliko specializirano podjetje za kovine in ključne kovine, zavezano nizkocenovni proizvodnji ali recikliranju elektrolitskih manganovih izdelkov ter recikliranju rabljenih litij-ionskih akumulatorskih baterij za električna vozila po vsem svetu. Izkoristite v celoti. of its patented intellectual property battery. The interest in the company's patented process has turned the focus of American Manganese Corporation to use its patented technology for other purposes and materials. American Manganese Inc. želi s svojo patentirano tehnologijo in znanjem postati vodilni v industriji pri recikliranju odpadnih litij-ionskih baterij za električna vozila s katodnimi kemikalijami, vključno z: litij kobalt, litij kobalt nikelj nikelj mangan, litij mangan
Armco Metals, Inc (NYSE: AMCO) is engaged in the sales and distribution of metal ores and non-ferrous metals in China, and is engaged in the recycling business in China. Armco Metals' customers include some of the fastest growing steel mills and foundries across China. The raw materials are obtained from a group of global suppliers located in different countries (including but not limited to Brazil, India, Indonesia, Ukraine and the United States). Linija izdelkov Armco Metals vključuje železovo rudo in rudo barvnih kovin, železovo rudo, kromovo rudo, nikljevo rudo, magnezij, bakrovo rudo, manganovo rudo, jeklene gredice, reciklirane odpadne kovine, hlode in ječmen.

Aqua Metals Inc. (NasdaqCM: AQMS) has developed AquaRefining(TM), a modular electrochemical process that can produce ultra-pure lead from used lead-acid batteries in an effective and socially responsible manner. Za razliko od taljenja svinca (trenutni način recikliranja svinčeno-kislinskih baterij) AquaRefining ne proizvaja skoraj nobenih emisij. Compared with lead smelting, AquaRefining also consumes less total energy and is more cost-effective. Aqua Metals has an office in Alameda, California, and is building its initial commercial lead production AquaRefining facility in the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center in Nevada.
Augean PLC (LSE: AUG.L) zagotavlja storitve ravnanja z nevarnimi odpadki v Združenem kraljestvu. The company provides comprehensive services, including general waste collection; recycling and sales through open market pricing options and revenue sharing; hazardous and problematic waste treatment and disposal; office waste treatment; training and support; a set of reports classified by waste streams, Revenue by recycling and by location; in svetovalne storitve za recikliranje, izogibanje odlagališčem in recikliranje za velike in srednje velike proizvodne stranke. Upravlja tudi z odpadki iz projektov sanacije zemljišč, gradnje in rušenja; prevaža pepel iz odpadkov v elektrarne; holds a large number of mining rights that can be used to supply various aggregates to the market; upravlja tri odlagališča nevarnih in nenevarnih odpadkov Field; pridobivanje energije iz zaprtega odlagališča; in zagotavljanje laboratorijskih storitev. Poleg tega podjetje nudi tudi storitve ravnanja z odpadki in obdelave odpadkov za naftne in plinske operaterje na morju v Severnem morju; kot tudi storitve industrijskega čiščenja, pridobivanja nafte in izpiranja tankerjev za naftno in plinsko industrijo.
BioHiTech Global (OTC: BHTG) ima sedež v Chestnut Ridgeu v New Yorku in je posvečen razvoju in uvajanju inovativnih destruktivnih tehnologij za ravnanje z odpadki. Portfelj izdelkov BioHiTech Global našim strankam zagotavlja popoln nabor tehnoloških rešitev za odstranjevanje, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na odpadke, hkrati pa zagotavljajo resnično okolje brez odpadkov na odlagališčih. With multiple options for on-site and off-site biological treatment of waste, BioHiTech Global is a leader in providing zero waste solutions for businesses and governments of all sizes.

Cascades Inc (TSX: CAS.TO) was established in 1964. Cascades produces, processes and sells packaging and tissue products mainly composed of recycled fibers. Podjetje ima skoraj 11.000 zaposlenih, ki delajo v več kot 90 proizvodnih oddelkih v Severni Ameriki in Evropi. With its management philosophy, more than half a century of recycling experience and continuous efforts as a driving force for research and development, Cascades continues to provide innovative products that customers rely on.

Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. Iz odpadkov proizvaja tudi gradbene materiale. The company uses SF materials (a mixture of waste plastics and coal ash) to develop and produce products. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. ima sedež v Harbinu na Kitajskem
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) proizvaja in distribuira sestavljena gnojila na osnovi huminske kisline prek svoje hčerinske družbe v 100-odstotni lasti, in sicer: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Jinong"). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Gufeng«) in subjekt s spremenljivim lastniškim kapitalom Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Yuxing«). As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ”. F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.

CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) is an innovator in the field of enzymatic carbon capture, and has been committed to the development and commercialization of fixed carbon pollution source technologies. CO2 Solutions' technology lowers the cost barrier of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCSU), positioning it as a viable CO2 mitigation tool, and enabling the industry to obtain profitable new products from these emissions. CO2 Solutions je vzpostavil obsežen patentni portfelj, ki pokriva uporabo ogljikove anhidraze ali njegovih analogov za zajem ogljikovega dioksida po učinkovitem zgorevanju z nizkoenergijsko vodno topilo.
Commercial Metals Corporation (NYSE: CMC) in njene hčerinske družbe proizvajajo, reciklirajo in prodajajo jeklo in jeklo prek mreže, ki vključuje majhne jeklarne, obrate za proizvodnjo in predelavo jekla, skladišča izdelkov, povezanih z gradbeništvom, obrate za recikliranje kovin in trženje Prodajne in distribucijske pisarne za kovine products, related materials and services in the US and international strategic markets.
Deep Green Waste & Recycling, Inc. (OTC: DGWR) is re-establishing its position as an innovative waste and recycling company, providing sustainable waste and recycling management services, and simplifying processes to help commercial customers achieve cost savings. Ti procesi pomagajo zmanjšati, ponovno uporabiti in reciklirati odpadke.
DS Smith PLC (LSE: SMDC.L) through its subsidiaries designs and manufactures recycled packaging for consumer products in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and internationally. The company provides retail and shelf-ready, online and electronic retail, transportation and transportation, consumer goods, industrial goods, dangerous goods and multi-material packaging products, as well as wrap-around packaging, pallet and box packaging; corrugated paper sales point and point of purchase display racks , Packaging machine system, modular display racks and pallets, corrugated paper racks and Sheetfeeding products; Sizzlepak is a special paper filling material that can be folded into a zigzag shape, cut into narrow strips, and can also provide packaging consulting services. It provides packaging products and services for the food and beverage, consumer goods, industrial, e-commerce and distribution, and converter markets. Podjetje nudi tudi celovite storitve recikliranja in ravnanja z odpadki, kot so papir, karton, suhe mešanice, plastika, organski materiali in hrana, gradbeni odpadki in odpadki pri rušenju objektov, splošne storitve recikliranja odpadkov in storitve zaupnega drobljenja; and value-added services, including supply cycles Management, carbon management, regulatory compliance, CSR reporting and brand reputation, for large and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises in the retail, manufacturing, printing and publishing, and paper industries. In addition, it also produces recycled corrugated box materials and specialty papers, and provides related technology and supply chain services; it also manufactures and sells flexible packaging and distribution solutions for the beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, fresh produce, construction and retail industries, and rigid Packaging solutions and foam products.
Enpar Technologies Inc. (TSX: ENP.V) develops environmental protection and remedial technologies. It provides patents and know-how to treat wastewater and drinking water, which are contaminated by metals or nutrients related to mining, metal processing, chemical, agricultural, municipal, and waste management sectors; and from waste materials related to the mining industry Nickel and other valuable metals are recovered from the sulfide tailings of the plant. The company provides ESD, a capacitive deionizer used to remove total dissolved solids; AmmEL treats ammonia-contaminated water; Sistem dušika, elektrokemični postopek čiščenja vode, ki zmanjšuje onesnaževanje z neposredno pretvorbo nitrata v dušik. Koncentracija nitrata v odpadni vodi za pitno vodo, podzemno vodo in industrijske procese. Zagotavlja tudi ExtrEL, ki je hidrometalurška alternativa za pridobivanje kovin iz sulfidne jalovine in rude; in sistem AmdEL, elektrokemični sistem, ki preprečuje oksidacijo sulfidnih mineralov v jalovini ali odpadnih kamnih. Podjetje ponuja svoje izdelke strankam v svetovnem javnem in zasebnem sektorju.

GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) je zeleno kemično podjetje s patentirano tehnologijo, ki lahko pretvori nevarne odpadke v zelene izdelke. GlyEco Technology™ ima edinstveno sposobnost čiščenja onesnaženega glikola iz vseh petih industrij, ki proizvajajo odpadke: HVAC, tekstilne, avtomobilske, letalske in medicinske. This technology can recycle waste ethylene glycol to meet ASTM Type 1 specifications-the purity is the same as refinery grade ethylene glycol.

Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) is an innovative waste-to-energy technology company. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. Podjetje je prejelo pogodbo za nakup olja Geth od ConocoPhillipsa (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. Proces GETH ne proizvaja škodljivih emisij, niti nima negativnega vpliva na okolje.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industrije. Tehnologija podjetja, vključno s tistimi, ki se uporabljajo v njegovi opremi za brizganje, lastniško mešanico recikliranih plastičnih smol in patentirano zasnovo palet, omogoča hitro proizvodnjo visokokakovostnih palet po nižji ceni kot mnogi postopki. Reciklirana plastika, ki se uporablja za palete, pomaga nadzorovati materialne stroške, hkrati pa zmanjšuje okoljske odpadke in ima stroškovno prednost pred uporabniki čiste smole. Odvečna plastika, ki se ne uporabi pri proizvodnji palet, bo ponovno predelana za nadaljnjo prodajo.
Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) technology is a proven, efficient refining and chemical process, initially aimed at the multi-billion dollar transformer oil market used by the global power industry. At present, waste oil is processed in two commercial factories. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. harmless. Postopek prav tako popolnoma odstrani toksične dodatke PCB, ki jih prepovedujejo mednarodni predpisi. Hydrodecovi obrati se nahajajo v Cantonu, Ohio, ZDA in Youngu, Novi Južni Wales, Avstralija. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group je največji zbiralec, združevalec in predelovalec odpadnih maziv v Združenem kraljestvu ter prodajalec predelanega kurilnega olja in ima skladišča olja in zmogljivosti za pretovarjanje po vsej državi. Station network. Odpadno olje se v tovarni OSS v Stourportu pretvori v predelano kurilno olje, ki se večinoma prodaja kamnolomom in energetski industriji v Združenem kraljestvu. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
American Industrial Services Corporation (NasdaqCM: IDSA) is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. American Industrial Services Corporation je javna družba, ki kupuje, predeluje in prodaja železne in neželezne kovine ter drugo blago, ki ga je mogoče reciklirati, in komercialnim strankam zagotavlja ravnanje z odpadki. Procedures and equipment, and sell second-hand auto parts.
Kurita Water Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokio: 6370.T; OTC: KTWIF) ponuja različne rešitve za čiščenje vode na Japonskem, v Aziji, Severni Ameriki, Evropi in na mednarodni ravni. Podjetje deluje prek dveh delov: kemikalije za čiščenje vode in ustanove za čiščenje vode. Oddelek za kemikalije za čiščenje vode zagotavlja kemikalije za obdelavo kotlovne vode, kemikalije za obdelavo hladilne vode, kemikalije za čiščenje odpadne vode, kemikalije za procesno obdelavo, pogodbe za pakiranje, opremo za vbrizgavanje kemikalij in merilno opremo itd.; and maintenance services. Oddelek za naprave za čiščenje vode ponuja sisteme za proizvodnjo ultra čiste vode, sisteme za splošno industrijsko čiščenje odpadne vode, sisteme za čiščenje odpadne vode in sisteme za recikliranje odpadne vode. Oddelek nudi tudi oskrbo z ultra čisto vodo, kemično čiščenje, čiščenje orodij in popravilo tal in podtalnice ter storitve vzdrževanja.
Podjetje Lizhan Environmental Protection Company (OTC: LZENF) se prek svojih podružnic ukvarja s proizvodnjo, distribucijo, trženjem in izvozom sintetičnega usnja in drugih tkanin iz usnjenih odpadkov in drugih materialov v Ljudski republiki Kitajski. It offers a variety of synthetic leather fabric products, including super suede products, reclaimed leather flocking fabrics, microfiber towel fabrics, tufted fabrics and colgre products, as well as others made of flocking powder, suede fabrics, short pile and honeycomb A fabric composed of perforated cotton. The company is also involved in research and development related to synthetic leather production. Its products are used in a variety of consumer applications, including residential and office furniture, clothing and automotive interior products. The company mainly sells its products to furniture manufacturers and fabric distributors. Its products are exported to the United States, Nicaragua, Germany, Belgium, France and South Korea.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) je tehnološko in licenčno podjetje, katerega poslanstvo je pospešiti svetovni prehod na trajnostno plastiko in se znebiti odvisnosti od fosilnih goriv. Loop ima patentirano in lastniško tehnologijo, ki lahko depolimerizira neprecenljivo in poceni odpadno PET plastiko in poliestrska vlakna, vključno s plastičnimi steklenicami in embalažo, preprogami in poliestrskimi tekstili katere koli barve, prosojnosti ali stanja, in je celo izpostavljena sončni svetlobi in soli. Degradirana morska plastika , to its basic component (monomer). Ti monomeri so filtrirani, prečiščeni in ponovno polimerizirani, da proizvedejo plastično smolo in poliestrska vlakna PET blagovne znamke Loop™ izvirne kakovosti, primerna za embalažo za živila, ki se prodajajo podjetjem za potrošniške izdelke, da jim pomagajo doseči njihove trajnostne cilje. Through our customers and production partners, Loop leads the world by raising awareness of the importance of preventing and recycling waste plastics from the environment to ensure that plastics remain in the economy, thereby creating a more sustainable future for everyone Towards a circular economy.

National Waste Management Holdings Limited (OTC: NWMH) je rastoče nastajajoče vertikalno integrirano podjetje za ravnanje s trdnimi odpadki, ki se osredotoča na zbiranje C&D, prevoz in recikliranje. Nacionalna služba za odpadke na zahodni obali Floride in v zvezni državi New York je izjemen vodja na področju storitev za trdne odpadke.

Newalta Corporation (TSX: NAL.TO) je vodilni ponudnik inovativnih inženirskih okoljskih rešitev, ki strankam omogočajo zmanjšanje odlaganja, povečanje stopnje recikliranja in pridobitev dragocenih virov iz tokov odpadkov pri raziskovanju nafte in plina ter proizvodnji. We simplify the key challenges of sustainable environmental practices by using advanced processing capabilities deployed through differentiated business models. We directly provide on-site services to customers through our service network throughout North America. Zaradi naših zanesljivih procesov in odlične varnostne evidence smo prednostni ponudnik storitev izboljšanja trajnosti za stranke nafte in plina. Newalta has a team of highly skilled personnel, a record of two decades of innovation and a commitment to commercialization of new solutions, laying the foundation for continued growth and improvement in the future. We are Simplified for Sustainable Development™
Perf Go Green, Holdings Inc. (OTC: PGOG) je podjetje za biorazgradljivo plastiko v Združenih državah in Kanadi. Osredotoča se na razvoj in prodajo okolju prijaznih, nestrupenih, biorazgradljivih plastičnih izdelkov, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve za stik z živili. The company's biodegradable plastic products provide a practical solution for reducing plastic waste in the environment. Njeni izdelki vključujejo biorazgradljive vrečke za smeti, biorazgradljive plastične krpe za zbiranje tekočine, biorazgradljive vrečke za odgovornost za pse in podloge Cat, alkalne baterije PerfPower in čistilne izdelke Perf Go Clean.
PRO-PAC Packaging Limited (ASX: PPG.AX) proizvaja in distribuira industrijske, zaščitne in toge embalaže v Avstraliji. The company operates through industrial packaging and rigid packaging divisions. The industrial packaging department manufactures, purchases and distributes industrial packaging materials and related products and services. The department also installs, supports and maintains packaging machines. The rigid packaging department manufactures, purchases and distributes containers and closures and related products and services. Pro-Pac Packaging Limited also provides flexible packaging films, cardboard boxes and cardboard packaging products, agricultural products packaging products, and toilet and cleaning products; and sells and services various packaging tools, machines and systems. Ponuja storitve za splošno industrijsko in primarno embalažo, varnostno in osebno zaščitno opremo, sektorje prehrane in predelave hrane. Biorazgradljivi izdelki
Pure Cycle Corp. (NASDAQCM: PCYO) owns water assets in several watersheds in Colorado and certain aquifers in Denver, Colorado. Pure Cycle nudi storitve oskrbe z vodo in odpadno vodo strankam v središču Denverja, vključno z načrtovanjem, gradnjo, delovanjem in vzdrževanjem sistemov za vodo in odpadno vodo. Pure Cycle ima v lasti tudi približno 14.600 hektarjev zemlje v jugovzhodnem Koloradu, ki je v najemu kmetom na tem območju.
Quest Resource Holding Corp (NasdaqCM: QRHC) provides companies with a one-stop management program to reuse, recycle and dispose of various waste streams and recyclables generated by their business, and operates environmentally-based social media and online data containing information Platform and necessary instructions for authorizing consumers and consumer product companies to recycle or properly dispose of household products and materials. Quest's comprehensive reuse, recycling and appropriate disposal management program is designed to give regional and national customers a point of contact to manage various waste streams and recyclables. Questov katalog lokalnega recikliranja in ustreznih načinov odstranjevanja lahko neposredno poveča zmožnosti potrošnikov in podjetjem za potrošniške izdelke omogoči, da strankam zagotovijo pravilno recikliranje ali odlaganje različnih gospodinjskih izdelkov in materialov (vključno z »zakaj, kje in kako »reciklirati«. ”Te programe so na voljo prek njegovih podružnic Quest Resource Management Group, LLC in Earth911, Inc. Quest podpira prizadevanja podjetja za povečanje dobička in Quest strankam zagotavlja celovite trajnostne načrte, rešitve za recikliranje in varstvo okolja specific solutions for each customer Proud of the target solution for the needs.
Redishred Capital Corp (TSX: KUT.V) is the owner of the PROSHRED® trademark and intellectual property in the United States and internationally. PROSHRED® shreds and recycles confidential documents and proprietary materials for thousands of customers in various industries in the United States. PROSHRED® is a pioneer in the mobile document destruction and recycling industry and has obtained ISO 9001 certification. PROSHRED®'s vision is to become a “selection system” and provide shredding and recycling services worldwide. PROSHRED® trenutno deluje na 35 trgih v ZDA.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) je vodilno podjetje v ZDA na področju recikliranja in nenevarnih trdnih odpadkov. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . To težavo bomo obravnavali s sloganom znamke here™, ki bo kupcem dal vedeti, da se lahko zanesejo na Republic pri zagotavljanju odlične izkušnje, hkrati pa spodbujal trajnostni Blue Planet™ za prihodnje generacije, da bodo uživale v čistejšem, varnejšem in bolj zdravem svetu.

Shanks Group plc (LSE: SKS.L) je vodilno mednarodno podjetje za izdelke za obdelavo odpadkov. Zadovoljujemo vedno večjo potrebo po ravnanju z odpadki brez uničevanja okolja. Naše rešitve lahko zmanjšajo emisije toplogrednih plinov, reciklirajo naravne vire in omejijo odvisnost od fosilnih goriv.

Symphony Environmental Technologies Plc (LSE: Sym.L) je specializiran za razvoj in prodajo različnih plastičnih izdelkov in drugih okoljskih tehnologij ter deluje po vsem svetu. Podjetje je vodilno na področju razvoja in trženja življenjske plastike in prodaja progegradicijske dodatke in končne plastične izdelke prek nenehno rastoče mreže mednarodnih distributerjev in agentov. Podjetje prodaja tudi različne tradicionalne, nerazgradljive, fleksibilne plastične izdelke. Ekipa se je odločila, da bo skrbno oddala to delo izbranim in pregledanim podizvajalcem po vsem svetu. Ta prilagodljivost zagotavlja skupini in njenim strankam varnost oskrbe, lokalno razpoložljivost in znatne stroškovne prednosti. Razgradljivi končni izdelki in dodatki se prodajajo neposredno strankam po vsem svetu ali pa se prodajajo po svetu prek vse večje mreže pooblaščenih distributerjev in zastopnikov. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).

Tomra Systems (Oslo: TOM.OL) provides sensor-based solutions to achieve the best resource productivity in the world. It operates through subdivisions of “collection solutions” and “classification solutions”. The collection solutions department develops, produces, sells, leases, and provides automatic collection systems for services, including a data management system that can monitor the collected materials and related deposit transactions. Predstavlja tudi proizvajalce/polnila za pijače pri prevzemu, prevozu in ravnanju s praznimi posodami za pijače; production of small and medium-sized compactors. Ta tržni segment ponuja rešitve pod blagovno znamko TOMRA evropske prehrambene maloprodajne industrije. Oddelek za klasifikacijske rešitve zagotavlja klasifikacijsko in predelovalno tehnologijo za industrijo sveže in predelane hrane; klasifikacijski sistemi za tokove odpadkov in kovinskih materialov; Sistemi za sortiranje rude za rudarsko industrijo; and sensor-based sorting and processing technologies for the tobacco and raw material industries. This market segment offers its solutions under the brand names of TITECH, Commodas Ultrasort, ODENBERG and BEST.
Tox Free Solutions Limited (ASX: TOX.AX) provides industrial and waste management services in Australia. The company is divided into three parts: technical and environmental services, industrial services and waste services. Oddelek za storitve odpadkov se ukvarja z zbiranjem, predelavo virov, recikliranjem in odlaganjem trdnih, industrijskih, mestnih in komercialnih odpadkov v regijah Kimberley, Pilbara in jugozahodu Zahodne Avstralije in Queenslanda. This section also provides bulk liquid and total waste management, resource recovery and recycling, and waste tracking and reporting services. The Industrial Services Department provides on-site industrial cleaning services for the oil and gas, mining, heavy manufacturing, civil infrastructure, municipal and public utilities sectors, including tank and drain cleaning, high-pressure water jetting, vacuum loading, and liquid and industrial waste collection services. This part also provides pipeline maintenance and CCTV, concrete cutting, cleaning, industrial coating, vacuum loading, non-destructive excavation and waste management services. The Technical and Environmental Services Department has a network of liquid and hazardous waste management facilities in Kwinana, Henderson, Karratha, Port Hedland, Kalgoorlie, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. This section provides hazardous and chemical waste, hazardous waste management, bulk liquid waste, household hazardous waste, fluorescent tube and lamp recycling and emergency response services, as well as contaminated site repair, waste audit, environmental compliance and waste tracking services.
Transpacific Industries (ASX: TPI.AX) mainly provides recycling, waste management and industrial services in Australia. The company operates through Cleanaway, Industrials and New Zealand divisions. It provides commercial, industrial, municipal and residential collection services for various types of solid waste streams, including general waste, recyclable waste, construction and demolition waste, and medical and toilet services. It also owns and manages waste transfer stations, resource recovery and recycling facilities, ensures product destruction, quarantine treatment operations and landfills, and sells paper, cardboard, metal and plastic. Poleg tega se podjetje ukvarja tudi z zbiranjem, obdelavo, predelavo in recikliranjem tekočih in nevarnih odpadkov, kot so industrijski odpadki, odpadki iz lovilcev maščob, zaoljene vode ter odpadna mineralna in jedilna olja v pakiranih in razsutih oblikah. Kot tudi rafiniranje in recikliranje rabljenega mineralnega olja za proizvodnjo kurilnega olja in baznega olja. In addition, it also provides industrial solutions, including industrial cleaning, vacuum tanker loading, site repair, sludge management, parts cleaning, concrete repair, closed-circuit television, corrosion protection and emergency response services.

American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) je vodilni ponudnik okoljskih storitev za komercialne in vladne agencije v Severni Ameriki. The company meets customers' complex waste management needs, providing hazardous, non-hazardous and radioactive waste treatment, disposal and recycling, as well as a wide range of complementary on-site and industrial services. US Ecology focuses on safety, environmental compliance, and first-class customer service, which allows us to effectively meet customer needs and establish long-term cooperative relationships. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.
Veolia Environnement (NYSE: VE; Pariz: VIE.PA) pomaga mestom in industrijam upravljati, optimizirati in v celoti izkoristiti svoje vire. Podjetje ponuja vrsto rešitev, povezanih z vodo, energijo in materiali – s poudarkom na recikliranju odpadkov – za lažji prehod v krožno gospodarstvo.
Vertex Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: VTNR) is a leading environmental services company that recycles industrial waste streams and substandard commercial chemical products. Its main focus is the recovery of used motor oil and other petroleum by-product streams. Vertex Energy purchases these streams from an established network of local and regional collectors and generators. Vertex Energy upravlja tudi prevoz, skladiščenje in dostavo agregiranih surovin in proizvodnih tokov končnim uporabnikom ter upravlja rafiniranje dela svojih agregiranih naftnih tokov za prodajo kot končne izdelke visoke vrednosti. Vertex Energy prodaja svoje zbrane naftne tokove kot surovino za druge rafinerije in mešalce goriva ali kot alternativno gorivo, ki se uporablja v industrijskih gorilnikih. Rafiniranje rabljenega motornega olja, ki ga upravlja Vertex Energy, poteka v njegovi tovarni, ki uporablja lastniško tehnologijo termokemičnega ekstrakcijskega procesa (TCEP). Vertex Energy is headquartered in Houston, Texas, and has offices in California, Chicago, Georgia, Nevada, and Ohio.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Prek svoje hčerinske družbe R360 Environmental Solutions je podjetje tudi ponudnik storitev obdelave, recikliranja in odlaganja odpadkov za več najbolj dejavnih območij proizvodnje naravnih virov v Združenih državah (vključno s Permskim bazenom, Bakken Basinom in Eagle Ford Basinom). Vodilni ponudnik. . Waste Connection Corporation oskrbuje več kot 2 milijona stanovanjskih, komercialnih, industrijskih ter raziskovalnih in proizvodnih strank prek mreže delovanja v 32 državah. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.
Waste Management Co., Ltd. (NYSE: WM), headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a leading provider of integrated waste management services in North America. The company provides collection, transfer, recycling and resource recovery and disposal services through its subsidiaries. Je tudi vodilni razvijalec, upravljavec in lastnik objektov za pridobivanje energije iz deponijskega plina v Združenih državah. Stranke podjetja vključujejo stanovanjske, komercialne, industrijske in komunalne stranke po vsej Severni Ameriki.

Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Pametno omrežje: Alstom Grid je jedro revolucije pametnih omrežij, njegove rešitve pa združujejo njegove ključne tehnologije, da bi prinesle neposredne koristi proizvajalcem energije, javnim podjetjem, industrijam in končnim uporabnikom.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. Rešitve podjetja zdaj napajajo Gigavate obnovljive energije po vsem svetu in so izboljšale zmogljivost in zanesljivost močnih omrežij v več kot ducatih državah. AMSC was established in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS: CSCO) je globalno vodilno podjetje na področju IT. It helps the company seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect devices that were not connected before. Smart grid: interconnected grid services, ecosystem partners, local area networks, grid operations, grid security, grid block architecture, geoeconomics, transmission and substations, interconnected grids Cisco Developer Network (CDN)
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Our wireless mesh network platform provides “last mile” connections between millions of devices and enterprise software. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. In addition, we work with our partners to provide first-class support and hosting services, as well as “software as a service” to assist in planning and integrating our solutions. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). Namenjen je števcem električne energije in je optimiziran za doseg, podatkovno komunikacijo, interoperabilnost in varnost. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. It can save a lot of electricity by enhancing the way of controlling, measuring and managing public lighting energy use.
Digi International (NasdaqGS: DGII) je vaš strokovnjak za kritične rešitve M2M, ki zagotavlja nekatere najobsežnejše brezžične izdelke v industriji, platformo za računalništvo v oblaku, prilagojeno napravam, in razvojne storitve, ki strankam pomagajo pri uporabi brezžičnih naprav in aplikacij za hitro pošiljanje na trgu. . Digi's entire solution set is tailored to allow any device to communicate with any application around the world. Pametno omrežje: Digi pomaga javnim podjetjem dodati plast digitalne inteligence v njihovo omrežje. Ta pametna omrežja uporabljajo senzorje, merilnike, digitalne krmilnike in orodja za analizo za avtomatizacijo, spremljanje in nadzor dvosmernega pretoka energije od elektrarne do vtičnice. Power companies can optimize grid performance, prevent power outages, restore power outages faster, and allow consumers to directly manage the energy use of individual network devices
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Naša komercialna in mednarodna podjetja imajo v lasti in upravljajo različna sredstva za proizvodnjo električne energije v Severni in Latinski Ameriki, vključno s portfelji sredstev za obnovljivo energijo. Duke Energy ima sedež v mestu Charlotte v Severni Karolini in je na lestvici Fortune 250. Pametno omrežje: Zavezani smo k temu, da strankam pomagamo nadzorovati porabo energije prek pametnejšega omrežja. When we deploy this advanced grid technology, we are happy to work with you to shape the future of energy use.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Globalni povezani trgi. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon helps its customers reduce operating costs, improve satisfaction and safety, increase revenue, and perform better in both existing and emerging markets.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) je vodilni ponudnik programske opreme za energetsko inteligenco (EIS) in storitev v oblaku za tisoče podjetij in javnih služb po vsem svetu. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. Enterprise EIS vključuje pripravo proračuna in nabavo, upravljanje zaračunavanja komunalnih storitev, optimizacijo objektov, vidljivost in poročanje, sledenje projektom, upravljanje povpraševanja in odziv na povpraševanje. Rešitve EnerNOC za utility EIS pomagajo povečati sodelovanje strank in vrednost virov na strani povpraševanja, vključno z odzivom na povpraševanje in energetsko učinkovitostjo. EnerNOC podpira uspeh strank s svojo ekipo profesionalnih storitev svetovnega razreda in 24x7x365 omrežnim operacijskim centrom (NOC).

ESCO Technologies Inc (NYSE: ESE), s sedežem v St. Louisu, ponuja zasnovane filtrirne izdelke za svetovno letalstvo, vesoljsko in predelovalno tržišče ter je vodilno podjetje na področju RF zaščite in izdelkov za testiranje EMC. Poleg tega podjetje zagotavlja tudi vrhunsko knjižnico diagnostične opreme, storitev in statistično pomembnih rezultatov testiranja opreme v korist globalnih podjetij za proizvodnjo, prenos in prenos energije ter industrijskih uporabnikov električne energije.
General Cable Company (New York Stock Exchange: BGC) is one of the Fortune 500 companies. Ukvarja se z razvojem, oblikovanjem, proizvodnjo in trženjem žičnih in kabelskih izdelkov in sistemov iz bakra, aluminija in optičnih vlaken za energetsko, industrijsko, specializirano in gradbeno industrijo ter je vodilna v svetu na trgu distribucije in komunikacij.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE združuje fizični in digitalni svet na način, ki mu ni kos nobeno drugo podjetje. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. GE uses the cleanest and most advanced technology and energy solutions to power the world. From FlexEfciency combined cycle power generation, to smart grids that can help utilities manage electricity demand, to gas engines fueled by organic waste, our technology is currently helping to provide a quarter of the world's electricity. GE Oil and Gas currently operates in more than 120 countries/regions and is committed to the safest, most reliable and most cost-effective innovation in the oil field
Honeywell (NYSE: HON) je vodilno podjetje na lestvici Fortune 100 na področju raznolike tehnologije in proizvodnje, ki strankam po vsem svetu zagotavlja vesoljske izdelke in storitve. Control technology for buildings, houses and industries; turbochargers; in materiali za izvedbo. Smart grid: Over the past 30 years, Honeywell's Smart Grid Solutions (SGS) team has helped more than 60 utility companies across the world exceed energy efficiency and demand response targets, and is improving overall customer engagement and satisfaction. At the same time manage the grid.
Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designed and built key technologies that are the foundation of the world's computing equipment. Kot vodilni na področju korporativne odgovornosti in trajnostnega razvoja je Intel izdelal tudi prvi komercialno dostopen mikroprocesor »brez konfliktov« na svetu. Pametno omrežje

ITC Holdings Corp (NYSE: ITC) je največje neodvisno podjetje za prenos električne energije v ZDA. ITC is located in Novi, Michigan. ITC je investiral v prenosno omrežje, da bi izboljšal zanesljivost, razširil dostop do trga, zmanjšal skupne stroške dobavljene energije in omogočil, da so novi proizvodni viri medsebojno povezani s svojim prenosnim sistemom. Through its regulated subsidiary ITC Transmission, Michigan Power Transmission Company, ITC Midwest and ITC Great Plains, ITC is in Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma The state owns and operates high-voltage transmission facilities, with a total peak load exceeding 26,000 megawatts traveling approximately 15,600 miles along the transmission linija. ITC's grid development focuses include growth through standardized infrastructure investment, and domestic and international expansion through merchants and other business development opportunities.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. Ponujamo celovite rešitve za merjenje, upravljanje in analizo energije in vode. Naš obsežen portfelj izdelkov vključuje opremo za merjenje in krmiljenje električne energije, zemeljskega plina, vode in toplote; komunikacijski sistemi; programska oprema; ter storitve gostovanja in svetovanja. Itron uporablja znanje in tehnologijo za boljše upravljanje energetskih in vodnih virov.
Jinpan International Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: JST) designs, manufactures and sells electrical control and power distribution equipment for demanding industrial applications, utility projects, renewable energy installations and infrastructure projects. The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan je usposobljen dobavitelj vodilnih kitajskih proizvajalcev industrijske električne opreme, na Kitajskem ima široko paleto kupcev in je vstopil na mednarodni trg. Jinpan's four production bases in China are located in Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. Podjetje je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1993. Njegova glavna izvršna pisarna se nahaja v Haikouju, provinci Hainan na Kitajskem, njegov ameriški urad pa se nahaja v Karlstadtu v New Jerseyju.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; zemeljski plin in naftovodna infrastruktura; brezžične, žične in satelitske komunikacije; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; in industrijsko infrastrukturo. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries.

NGK Insulator (Tokio: 5333.T) in njegove hčerinske družbe proizvajajo in prodajajo električno opremo na Japonskem in v tujini. It is divided into three parts: power supply, ceramic products and electronic parts. The power sector produces and sells insulators and equipment for power companies and heavy electrical equipment manufacturers. This market segment provides insulators, insulator component hardware, current limiting bow horns, casing shells, fuse fuses, APM and line arresters, and NAS (sodium-sulfur batteries). The ceramic products division produces components for automotive exhaust purification, industrial processing equipment, and industrial heating systems and refractory materials. This department provides automotive ceramics for exhaust gas purification, corrosion-resistant ceramic equipment for the chemical industry, gas analyzers, industrial heating systems, refractory products and radioactive waste treatment systems. The electronics department provides beryllium copper forged products, molds and ceramic components for electronics and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Portland General Electric Company (NYSE: POR) is a vertically integrated power company that serves approximately 849,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in the Portland/Salem metropolitan area of ​​Oregon. Pametno omrežje
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Zagotavljanje javnih služb. Ima specializirane zmogljivosti za proizvodnjo električne energije za namene odzivanja na povpraševanje; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Njegova lastniška zasnova porazdeljenega sistema za proizvodnjo električne energije uporablja različne tehnologije za dobavo električne energije, vključno z obnovljivo energijo. Energijsko varčni izdelki in storitve podjetja vključujejo rešitve za varčno razsvetljavo, ki uporabljajo tehnologijo LED za izboljšanje kakovosti razsvetljave, ter načrtovanje, namestitev in vzdrževanje ukrepov za varčevanje z energijo, ki jih v glavnem zagotavljamo kot podizvajalci velikim ponudnikom energetskih storitev. (imenovano ESCO). , Za interese komercialnih, industrijskih in institucionalnih strank kot končnih uporabnikov in neposredno za trgovce na drobno. PowerSecure zagotavlja elektroenergetskim podjetjem tudi storitve vzdrževanja in gradnje prenosne in distribucijske infrastrukture ter inženirske in regulativne svetovalne storitve.

Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR) is a leading professional contracting services company that provides infrastructure solutions for the power, oil and gas industries. Quanta's comprehensive services include design, installation, repair and maintenance of energy infrastructure. Quanta has operations in the United States, Canada and Australia, and operates in some other international markets. Ima človeške vire, vire in strokovno znanje za varno dokončanje lokalnih, regionalnih, nacionalnih ali mednarodnih projektov.

SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. The photovoltaic inverter is the core component of any solar system. SMA lahko zagotovi pravilne pretvornike za vse vrste fotovoltaičnega modula, ki se uporablja na svetu, in različne vrste omrežnih, izoliranih in pripravljenih operacij. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uporablja znanje in izkušnje vodstva za zagotavljanje storitev strankam in trenutnim delničarjem z visokokakovostnimi storitvami in opremo, stremi k zadovoljstvu strank in varuje okolje z uporabo pametnih zelenih tehnologij. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Tehnologija veriženja blokov lahko spremlja nova električna omrežja, izravnava obremenitev in podaljša življenjsko dobo električne opreme.
Valmont Industries Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: VMI) je svetovni vodilni na področju oblikovanja in izdelave visoko inženirskih izdelkov, ki podpirajo globalni razvoj infrastrukture in kmetijsko produktivnost. Njeni izdelki za infrastrukturo služijo avtocestam, transportu, brezžičnim komunikacijam, prenosu električne energije ter industrijski gradnji in energetskim trgom. Mehanizirana namakalna oprema, ki se uporablja za obsežno kmetijstvo, ne le izboljša kmetijsko produktivnost, ampak tudi prihrani vire sveže vode. Poleg tega Valmont nudi tudi storitve premazovanja za preprečevanje korozije in izboljšanje življenjske dobe jekla in drugih kovinskih izdelkov.
WESCO International Corporation (NYSE: WCC) je podjetje s seznama Fortune 500 s sedežem v Pittsburghu v Pensilvaniji. Gre za električne, industrijske in komunikacijske vzdrževanje, popravilo in operacije ("MRO") in vodilni ponudnik proizvajalca opreme ("OEM")), gradbene materiale in napredne storitve upravljanja dobavne verige in logistične storitve. Stranke vključujejo komercialna in industrijska podjetja, izvajalce, vladne agencije, agencije, ponudnike telekomunikacij in javne službe. WESCO is in North America and internationally There are 9 fully automated distribution centers and approximately 485 full-service branches operating in the market, providing customers with local businesses and global networks to serve multi-location enterprises and multinational companies
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company je s podjetjem Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., ki se nahaja v provinci Jiangsu na Kitajskem, doseglo dogovor o distribuciji novega tipa električnega vozila, imenovanega e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle), v Združenih državah. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. Električno vozilo e-Go lahko sprejme štiri potnike, ima dolgo življenjsko dobo baterije, in ker je vozilo lahko, je stopnja energetske učinkovitosti pri mestni vožnji kar 150+ MPG-E. Petsedežna luksuzna limuzina Ibis EV iz ogljikovih vlaken, veliki brat e-Go, bo prav tako prikazana poleg e-Go EV za prihodnjo prodajo v Združenih državah.
ADOMANI Inc. (NasdaqCM: ADOM) ADOMANI, Inc. v Kaliforniji nudi vozila brez emisij in priključne hibridne rešitve za operaterje šolskih avtobusov in voznih parkov. ADOMANI brings together proven patented electric drive system technology, customized products and trusted service partners to reduce total cost of ownership, improve vehicle reliability and unleash the many benefits of green technology.
Advanced Battery Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: ABAT) ima izvršni urad v Pekingu na Kitajskem, namenjen industriji čiste energije. ABAT ima tri proizvodne hčerinske družbe v Harbinu, Wuxi in Dongguanu na Kitajskem, ki se ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem, proizvodnjo, trženjem in distribucijo polnilnih polimernih litij-ionskih (PLI) baterij in povezanih izdelkov za lahka električna vozila (LEV).
Advanced Engine Technology (OTC: AENG) se ukvarja z razvojem in komercializacijo motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem OX2. OX2 is a four-stroke internal combustion engine that runs on a variety of fossil fuels, including gasoline, diesel, natural gas and liquid propane gas. Podjetje ponuja tri prototipe motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem OX2 ter druge dele za razvoj motorjev in izdelavo drugih prototipov. In addition, it has sublicenses to manufacture, distribute and sell OX2 engines in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Izdelki podjetja se uporabljajo v stacionarnih generatorjih, avtomobilskih, pomorskih in letalskih aplikacijah, pa tudi v kosilnicah, motornih žagah, motorjih za grmičevje, ladijskih vgrajenih/izvenkrmnih motorjih, črpalkah, varilnih strojih, letalih ter avtomobilskih in industrijskih motorjih.

ALPS Clean Energy ETF (NYSEARCA: ACES) seeks investment results (before fees and expenses) that generally correspond to the performance of its underlying index, CIBC Atlas Clean Energy Index (stock code NACEX) (the “base index”). Sklad bo vložil najmanj 80 % svojih čistih sredstev v vrednostne papirje, ki sestavljajo osnovni indeks. The base index uses a rule-based approach developed by CIBC National Trust Corporation (“Index Provider”), which aims to provide a diversified portfolio of US and Canadian companies (including renewable energy and clean technology) involved in the clean energy sector Risk exposure . The fund is non-diversified.
The investment results sought by the ALPS Disruptive Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: DTEC) (before fees are deducted) usually correspond to the performance of the Indxx Disruptive Technology Index (“Base Index”). Sklad bo vložil najmanj 80 % svojih čistih sredstev v vrednostne papirje, ki sestavljajo osnovni indeks. The basic index aims to identify companies using disruptive technologies in each of ten subject areas: medical innovation, Internet of Things, clean energy and smart grid, cloud computing, data and analysis, financial technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence , Internet security, 3D printing and mobile payment. Sklad je nerazpršen.

Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Prva kategorija so motocikli na litijeve baterije, sledijo jim motocikli. ALYI also recently hired Clarkson University professor David Mitlin to lead a cannabis energy storage program. Mitlin je uspešno uporabil konopljo (preostala vlakna konoplje) za izdelavo ogljikovih nanoplošč, ki lahko tekmujejo z nekaterimi boljšimi grafenskimi nanoploščami in v nekaterih vidikih prekašajo superkondenzatorje. Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
American Power Corporation (OTC: APGI), hčerinska družba American Power Corporation, zagotavlja stroškovno učinkovite izdelke in storitve, ki promovirajo gospodarske in okoljske koristi naših alternativnih goriv in tehnologij za zmanjšanje emisij. Our patented Turbocharged NaturalGas® dual-fuel conversion technology is a unique non-invasive software-driven solution that can convert existing vehicle-mounted and stationary diesel engines into diesel and various forms of natural gas (including compressed Natural gas, liquefied natural gas, natural gas in good conditions) run on top/ditch gas or biomethane gas, and can return to 100% diesel operation at any time. Odvisno od vira goriva in delovnih pogojev lahko naša dvojna pretvorba goriva, ki jo je odobrila EPA in CARB, nemoteno nadomesti 45–65 % dizla s čistejšim zemeljskim plinom, s čimer se izmerljivo zmanjšajo dušikov oksid (NOx) in druge emisije, povezane z dizlom. Z našo tehnologijo za zbiranje in predelavo povezanega plina Trident proizvajalcem nafte in plina zagotavljamo storitve zajemanja plina na baklji za reševanje povezanega plina, ki nastaja v oddaljenih in nasedlih vrtinah. These producers are under increasingly severe regulatory pressures to capture and liquefy the burned methane gas at their remote and stranded well sites, otherwise they will face a sharp drop in oil production. With our proprietary Flare to Fuel™ process technology, we can convert these captured gases into natural gas liquids (NGL), which can be sold as heating fluids, emulsifiers or further processed by refineries. In view of the upcoming federal methane capture regulations, we expect our next-generation NGL treatment system will have the ability to convert residual combustion methane into pipeline-quality natural gas, which can be sold for a variety of dedicated and dual-fuel vehicles, Stationary, industrial and domestic use.

Armor Electric Inc. (OTC: ARME) proizvaja in prodaja električna vozila. It also provides electronic propulsion and battery power systems for electric vehicles. V skladu s sporazumom z NuAge Electric, Inc. ima Armor Electric, Inc. pravico do uporabe določenih lastniških tehnologij za namestitev električnih pogonskih sistemov na električna vozila, vključno z gorskimi kolesi, navadnimi kolesi, otroškimi kolesarskimi igračami in kolesarskimi kolesi, enotami ATV za rekreacijo. , scooters, motorcycles, karts, neighborhood electric cars, racing cars, ordinary passenger cars, buses and other types of two- and three-wheeled vehicles, water vehicles and other vehicles and products.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) je vodilni mednarodni dobavitelj elektronskih pasivnih komponent in rešitev za medsebojno povezovanje z 21 proizvodnimi in skladiščnimi obrati v 12 državah/regijah po vsem svetu. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQCM: BLNK, BLNKW) je eden od vodilnih v državi na področju opreme in storitev za polnjenje javnih električnih vozil (EV), ki voznikom električnih vozil omogoča enostavno polnjenje po Združenih državah. Headquartered in Florida, Blink Charging has offices in Arizona and California, and its business aims to accelerate the popularity of electric vehicles. Blink Charging provides EV charging equipment and connects with Blink Network. Blink Network je programska oprema v oblaku, ki lahko upravlja, upravlja in sledi polnilnim postajam Blink EV in vsem povezanim podatkom. Blink Charging also owns and operates EV charging equipment mainly under the Blink brand, and uses many other charging station equipment manufacturers, such as ChargePoint, General Electric (GE) and SemaConnect. Blink Charging has strategic real estate partners in multiple commercial areas, including multi-family residential and commercial real estate, airports, colleges, municipalities, parking lots, shopping malls, retail parking lots, schools and workplaces.

BYD Co., Ltd. (Hongkong: 1211.HK; OTC: BYDDF) se v glavnem ukvarja z IT industrijo, ki v glavnem vključuje poslovanje z baterijami za ponovno polnjenje, komponente mobilnih telefonov in računalnikov ter storitve sestavljanja in avtomobilsko poslovanje, vključno s tradicionalnimi gorivi. Motorna vozila in nova energetska vozila ob izkoriščanju naše tehnologije aktivno razvijajo druge nove energetske izdelke, kot so sončne elektrarne, postaje za shranjevanje energije, električna vozila, LED, električni viličarji itd.

Car Charging Group, Inc. (OTC: CCGI) is a pioneer in nationwide public electric vehicle (EV) charging services, which allows EV drivers to easily charge all over the United States. Headquartered in Miami Beach, Florida, with offices in San Jose, California; New York, New York; and Phoenix, Arizona; Cilj poslovnega modela CarCharging je pospešiti uvedbo javnega polnjenja električnih vozil. CarCharging has established strategic partnerships with multiple commercial areas, including multi-family residential and commercial properties, parking lots, shopping centers, retail parking lots and municipalities.
Cerence Inc. (NASDAQ: CRNC) je vodilna v svetovni industriji pri ustvarjanju edinstvenih in privlačnih izkušenj za avtomobilski svet. Our expertise is advanced AI, natural language understanding, voice biometrics, gesture and gaze technology, and augmented reality. Kot inovacijski partner vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev avtomobilov pomagamo spremeniti način, kako se avtomobili počutijo, odzivajo in se učijo. This record is based on 20 years of knowledge and nearly 300 million cars. Whether it is connected cars, autonomous driving or electric cars, we are planning the road for the future.
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) and its subsidiaries are jointly committed to the development, manufacture and sale of high-energy and high-energy lithium batteries in China and internationally. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; in električna orodja, shranjevanje energije in intermitentni napajalniki ter druge aplikacije z visoko močjo.

Clean Diesel Technology Co., Ltd. CDTi (NasdaqCM: CDTI) uses its advanced material technology to manufacture and distribute vehicle emission control products. CDTi uporablja svojo lastniško tehnologijo mešanega faznega katalizatorja (MPC(R)) in druge sorodne tehnologije za zagotavljanje trajnostnih rešitev visoke vrednosti za zmanjšanje emisij, izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti in zmanjšanje intenzivnosti ogljika v sistemih motorjev z notranjim zgorevanjem na cestah in zunaj njih. In order to reflect its continued focus on innovation, CDTi is developing and commercializing proprietary advanced low-platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts, including enhanced PGM (SPGM™) and zero PGM (ZPGM™) catalysts. CDTi ima sedež v Oxnardu v Kaliforniji in deluje v Združenem kraljestvu, Kanadi, Franciji, na Japonskem in Švedskem.

Cummins Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: CMI) is the world's leading electric power company. Je podjetje, sestavljeno iz komplementarnih poslovnih enot, ki oblikujejo, proizvajajo, distribuirajo in popravljajo dizelske motorje in motorje na zemeljski plin ter povezane tehnologije, vključno s sistemi za gorivo, nadzorom, obdelavo zraka, filtracijo, rešitvami za emisije in sistemi za proizvodnjo električne energije. Cummins is headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, USA. Trenutno ima približno 55.400 zaposlenih po vsem svetu in služi strankam v približno 190 državah in regijah prek mreže približno 600 lokacij distributerjev v lasti podjetja in približno 7.400 lokacij trgovcev.
Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. (OTC: CYPW) je razvijalec nagrajenega Cyclone Engine, ki je motor s polnim gorivom, čisto-tehnološki motor z močnimi funkcijami in vsestranskostjo, ki lahko izvaja generatorje iz odpadnih energije, vse iz sončnih toplotnih sistemov iz sončnih toplotnih sistemov to cars, trucks and locomotives. Patentirani ciklonski motor, ki ga je izumil ustanovitelj in izvršni direktor podjetja Harry Schoell (Harry Schoell), je okolju prijazen motor z notranjim zgorevanjem, njegova domiselna zasnova pa želi doseči visoko toplotno učinkovitost s kompaktnim postopkom shranjevanja toplote in je skoraj uporaben Deluje na katero koli gorivo (including biodiesel), syngas or solar-while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating pollutants into the air. Revija "Popular Science" je ciklonski motor imenovala "2008 Invention Award", leta 2006 in 2008 pa je prejel nagrado AEI Technology Award, ki jo podeljuje Združenje avtomobilskih inženirjev. Poleg tega je bil ciklonski motor pred kratkim nagrajen z nazivom "Okoljsko podjetje the Year” by Broward. County Environmental Protection Agency.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. The Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles named after the Mercedes-Benz brand, as well as small cars named after smart brands. Daimler's truck business unit sells trucks under the names Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, Thomas-made buses and Bharat Benz brands. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division produces and sells combined buses, city and intercity buses, coaches and bus chassis under the Mercedes-Benz and Setra brands. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. Podjetje se ukvarja tudi s prodajo rezervnih delov za svoja vozila. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. 180 patentnih prijav na tem tehničnem področju poudarja pionirske dosežke skupine.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. The company was founded in 1904 and is headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, with approximately 23,000 employees in 25 countries/regions on six continents. Dana je uporabila zrele tehnologije za prihodnje vire energije, vključno z izdelki na gorivne celice in poznejšimi izdelki. With our recognized expertise in the development of high temperature materials, we develop and manufacture superior fuel products for the automotive market, including the balance of factories, hydrogen reformers and chimney assemblies. Že več kot deset let smo vodilni na svetu na trgu gorivnih celic in smo prejeli priznanja, vključno z nagrado General Motors QSTP, nagrado PSA Supplier Award in zlato nagrado f Battery 2010. Zavezani smo k izpolnjevanju vaših trenutnih in prihodnjih potreb. Ne glede na to, ali gre za gorivne celice, baterije, hibridna električna vozila ali motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem, bo Dana zagotovila inovativne in zanesljive izdelke za alternativno energijo, ki vam bodo pri tem pomagali.

dPollution International Inc. (OTC: RMGX) has the right to manufacture and distribute patented fuel conditioning technology. Tehnologija podjetja je uporabna za različne motorje z zaprtim zgorevanjem, vključno s tistimi, ki se uporabljajo v avtomobilih, tovornjakih, avtobusih, vlakih, generatorjih in težki opremi. It has the rights to three patented fuel regulation devices, which can improve the combustion efficiency of gas or diesel engines, reduce pollution emissions and increase mileage. The company is committed to providing solutions for consumers, businesses and governments.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) produces and sells carbon dioxide emission reduction technologies for internal combustion engines. Kot del vse pomembnejšega mednarodnega vodikovega gospodarstva uporabljamo svojo patentirano tehnologijo za proizvodnjo vodika in kisika prek edinstvenega sistema elektrolize. Ti plini se uvajajo z dovodom zraka za optimizacijo izgorevanja ali pomagajo zmanjšati emisije CO2 in povečati učinkovitost porabe goriva. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) je podjetje za upravljanje z električno energijo. Eaton ponuja rešitve za varčevanje z energijo, ki našim strankam pomagajo pri učinkovitejšem, varnejšem in trajnostnem upravljanju električne, hidravlične in mehanske energije. Eaton sells products to customers in more than 175 countries. Transportation: Eaton's transportation products include user interfaces, controls and switches, as well as important power conversion and distribution solutions for effective power management of vehicles.
Avstralska korporacija Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) je odgovorna za proizvodnjo ogljikovih nanocevk in ogljikovih vlaken, nano-materialnih betonskih primesi, proizvodnja vodika, skladiščenja in transportnega goriva (vključno z nizko emisijskim vodikom, vodikom, metanom, metanom, metanom, metanom s premog and shale gas). ) Interested. United Kingdom. All these aspects of Eden's business are part of an integrated strategy that aims to become a major global player in the alternative energy market, especially focusing on the clean energy transportation market, producing carbon-free hydrogen, and transporting hydrogen to Market and provide engines. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. Svoje tehnološke aplikacije in možnosti sodelovanja namerava licencirati v različnih panogah in aplikacijah. Podjetje je bilo prej znano kot ZENN Motor Company Inc. in se je aprila 2015 preimenovalo v EEStor Corporation.
Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp. (NasdaqCM: SOLO) is a designer and manufacturer of electric vehicles. The company produces innovative all-electric SOLO, a single passenger car developed to revolutionize the way people commute, and Tofino, an elegant high-performance two-seater electric sports car. Both cars have been adjusted to provide the ultimate driving experience while making your commute more efficient, economical and environmentally friendly. Intermeccanica, a subsidiary of Electra Meccanica, has successfully manufactured high-end special vehicles for 59 years. Serija Electra Meccanica javnosti ponuja naslednjo generacijo cenovno dostopnih električnih avtomobilov.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) je licenčno podjetje, ki želi izkoristiti povpraševanje po naslednjih proizvodih: litij, vanadij, mangan, kositer, grafit, kobalt, nikelj in baker. Spodbujanje elektrifikacije (avtomobili, akumulatorske baterije, obsežno shranjevanje energije, proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih virov in druge aplikacije). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. To ustvarja edinstveno priložnost za vlaganje in pridobivanje licenčnin za rudnike in projekte, ki bodo zagotovili materiale, potrebne za revolucijo moči. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Obstaja 6 kombinacij licenčnin. Transakcija je odvisna od izpolnjevanja pogojev (vključno z regulatorno odobritvijo). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.

EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) je globalno vodilno podjetje na področju rešitev za shranjevanje energije za industrijske aplikacije, ki proizvaja in distribuira rezervno napajanje in napajalne baterije, polnilnike, električno opremo, dodatke za baterije in rešitve ohišja zunanje opreme za stranke po vsem svetu. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. Baterije za rezervno napajanje se uporabljajo v telekomunikacijski in komunalni industriji, neprekinjenem napajanju in številnih aplikacijah, ki zahtevajo rešitve za shranjevanje energije, vključno z medicinskimi, vesoljskimi in obrambnimi sistemi. Izdelki za zunanjo opremo se uporabljajo v telekomunikacijah, kablih, komunalnih storitvah, transportni industriji ter pri vladnih in obrambnih strankah. Podjetje nudi tudi poprodajne storitve in storitve podpore strankam iz več kot 100 držav/regij prek svojih prodajnih in proizvodnih lokacij po vsem svetu.
Enova Systems, Inc. (OTC koda: ENVS) načrtuje, razvija in proizvaja pogonske sisteme in sorodne komponente za električne in hibridne sisteme ter sisteme gorivnih celic za mobilne aplikacije v Združenih državah, Aziji in Evropi. It provides series and parallel hybrid systems. The company's electric and hybrid electric drive systems as well as power management and power conversion systems are used in applications such as medium and heavy trucks, buses and heavy industrial vehicles.
Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. Facedrive Marketplace ponuja izbrane izdelke iz trajnostno pridobljenih materialov. Facedrive Foods ponuja raznoliko hrano za brezkontaktno dostavo, s poudarkom na zdravi hrani pred vrati potrošnikov. Facedrive Health develops innovative technological solutions for today's most serious health challenges. Facedrive spreminja pripoved o delitvi prevozov, dostavi hrane, e-trgovini in zdravstveni tehnologiji, da bi bili vsi boljši.

The investment results sought by the First Trust Nasdaq Global Automotive Index Fund (NasdaqGM: CARZ) are usually the same as the price and return of a stock index called the Nasdaq OMX Global Automotive Index (SM) (before the fund's fees and expenses) Corresponding . A fund usually invests at least 90% of its net assets (including investment borrowings) in the common stocks and depositary receipts that make up the index. The index aims to track the performance of the largest and most liquid companies engaged in automobile manufacturing. The fund is non-diversified.

General Electric (NYSE: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE je ustvaril naslednjo industrijsko dobo v svojih laboratorijih in tovarnah ter vzpostavil sodelovanje s strankami za premikanje, napajanje, gradnjo in zdravljenje sveta. Transportation: GE promotes world development in the safest, fastest and most effective way. We are using the world's largest and most efficient jet engine to promote the development of airlines. We use the most advanced locomotives and signal systems to transport goods. We even manufacture helicopter engines for lifesaving missions. Če obstaja boljši način prevoza ljudi in blaga, bo GE zagotovil podporo
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, njegove podružnice in skupna podjetja prodajajo vozila pod znamkami Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall in Wuling. Zeleni avtomobili: varčna poraba goriva, električni avtomobili, biogoriva in avtomobili na vodikove gorivne celice
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) je svetovni razvijalec in prodajalec inovativne tehnologije upravljanja toplote. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Automotive products include actively heated and cooled seat systems and cup holders, heated and ventilated seat systems, heat storage tanks, heated car interior systems (including heated seats, steering wheels, armrests and other components), battery thermal management System, cable system and other electronic equipment. Neavtomobilski izdelki vključujejo sisteme za daljinsko proizvodnjo električne energije, pohištvo za ogrevanje in hlajenje ter druge aplikacije za nadzor temperature za potrošnike in v industriji. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.

GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) je zeleno kemično podjetje s patentirano tehnologijo, ki lahko pretvori nevarne odpadke v zelene izdelke. GlyEco Technology™ ima edinstveno sposobnost čiščenja onesnaženega glikola iz vseh petih industrij, ki proizvajajo odpadke: HVAC, tekstilne, avtomobilske, letalske in medicinske. This technology can recycle waste ethylene glycol to meet ASTM Type 1 specifications-the purity is the same as refinery grade ethylene glycol.

The main focus of the Green Car Company (OTC: GACR) is to acquire companies engaged in manufacturing and selling diesel, natural gas and CNG passenger cars, as well as companies developing electric passenger car technology. GACR je matična družba Newport Coachworks. Inc (NCI) is a wholly-owned subsidiary that operates a 40,000-square-foot passenger car manufacturing plant in Riverside, California. NCI je nedavno predstavil tehnologijo električnih avtobusov z modeli E-Patriot s 15 do 23 sedeži in modeli E-Atlas s 27 do 33 sedeži. Predsednik/izvršni direktor GACR in NCI Carter Read (Carter Read) je vodilni v panogi na področju proizvodnje avtobusov in luksuznih avtomobilov. Ima več kot 25 let izkušenj v transportni proizvodni industriji, zaradi česar je GACR najbolj inovativna javnost na severu. Eden od proizvajalcev avtomobilov v ZDA. GACR se osredotoča na razvoj, proizvodnjo in prodajo najkakovostnejših konvencionalnih in električnih visokokakovostnih avtobusov, ki so sprva služili severnoameriškemu trgu, na koncu pa tudi izvozu. Obrat Newport Coachworks v Riversidu v Kaliforniji lahko sprejme vse stopnje procesa razvoja avtobusov, od načrtovanja in izdelave prototipov do različnih stopenj množične proizvodnje in sestavljanja, do dokončanja in dostave trgovski mreži. Podjetje uporablja najnaprednejšo opremo in tehnologijo za izdelavo avtobusov z zelo visoko stopnjo izdelave in zanesljivosti po konkurenčni ceni.

GreenCell Inc. (OTC: GCLL) je podjetje v razvojni fazi, namenjeno razvoju plinskih sistemov in vžigalnikov opreme, senzorjev za kisik, gorivnih celic in opreme za proizvajalce originalne opreme, proizvajalce, industrijske distributerje in preprodajalce gospodinjske opreme Izdelki zavornih ploščic, avtomobilska industrija , heating and cooling, and medical industries
GreenPower Motor Company Inc. (NasdaqGS: GP) designs, manufactures and distributes a full range of high- and low-rise vehicles, including transportation buses, school buses, shuttle buses and double-decker buses. GreenPower uporablja zasnovo papirja brez prahu za izdelavo popolnoma električnih avtobusov, ki so zasnovani za baterijsko napajanje brez emisij.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industrije. Tehnologija podjetja, vključno s tistimi, ki se uporabljajo v njegovi opremi za brizganje, lastniško mešanico recikliranih plastičnih smol in patentirano zasnovo palet, omogoča hitro proizvodnjo visokokakovostnih palet po nižji ceni kot mnogi postopki. Reciklirana plastika, ki se uporablja za palete, pomaga nadzorovati materialne stroške, hkrati pa zmanjšuje okoljske odpadke in ima stroškovno prednost pred uporabniki čiste smole. Odvečna plastika, ki se ne uporabi pri proizvodnji palet, bo ponovno predelana za nadaljnjo prodajo.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage systems , Mobile and wearable products, electric bicycles, medical equipment, digital and electronic equipment, personal care and household products. Podjetje razvija tudi nastajajoče aplikacije na področju dronov, robotike in tehnologije brezžičnega polnjenja. Highpower has advanced production facilities in China, and has more than 100 battery materials, processing and design patents. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. Poslovna enota za motorna kolesa proizvaja športne modele, vključno s testnimi in kros motocikli. Commercial and commuting modes; terenska vozila; in komunalna vozila. The automotive business unit provides passenger cars, light trucks and mini cars, as well as vehicles powered by alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol, electric and fuel cell vehicles. The financial services business segment provides a variety of financial services, including retail loans, leasing and other financial services, including wholesale financing to distributors and customers. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers , in vrtne kosilnice Stroj in vrtni traktor. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. The company sells products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. As always, our attention is focused on the future. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. This is all part of Honda's thinking and action. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells

Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) technology is a proven, efficient refining and chemical process, initially aimed at the multi-billion dollar transformer oil market used by the global power industry. At present, waste oil is processed in two commercial factories. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. harmless. Postopek prav tako popolnoma odstrani toksične dodatke PCB, ki jih prepovedujejo mednarodni predpisi. Hydrodecovi obrati se nahajajo v Cantonu, Ohio, ZDA in Youngu, Novi Južni Wales, Avstralija. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group je največji zbiralec, združevalec in predelovalec odpadnih maziv v Združenem kraljestvu ter prodajalec predelanega kurilnega olja in ima skladišča olja in zmogljivosti za pretovarjanje po vsej državi. Station network. Odpadno olje se v tovarni OSS v Stourportu pretvori v predelano kurilno olje, ki se večinoma prodaja kamnolomom in energetski industriji v Združenem kraljestvu. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.

Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. The company provides Centennial/Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20, i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. Ponuja tudi športne terence pod imeni Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson in Creta. Vključno s tovornjaki, avtobusi, posebnimi vozili in gospodarskimi vozili z izpostavljenimi izdelki podvozja ter ekološkimi vozili, vključno z vozili Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell in Sonata-Hybrid. Kanadčanom kot prvemu avtomobilskemu proizvajalcu, ki zagotavlja gorivo, Hyundaijevo vozilo Cell Electric omogoča, da rezervoar za gorivo brez emisij in obremenitve avtomobila prevozi več kot 400 kilometrov, ne da bi morali porabiti ure za polnjenje. Naše novo razmišljanje je prebilo tradicionalne meje, na novo opredelilo cilje, ki jih avtomobili lahko dosežejo, nov svet in se premika proti boljši prihodnosti.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) je tehnološko podjetje, namenjeno izboljšanju učinkovitosti pretvorbe energije. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA izboljša velikost, ceno, učinkovitost, prilagodljivost in zanesljivost elektronskih pretvornikov moči. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. The company is also developing a bidirectional bidirectional double junction transistor (B-TRAN™), and has applied for a patent, which has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and power density of bidirectional power switches. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.

Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Ustvarjamo kakovostne izdelke, storitve in rešitve za optimizacijo energetske in obratovalne učinkovitosti stavb; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; in notranji sistemi avtomobilov. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. Leta 2015 je revija »Corporate Responsibility Magazine« Johnson Controls uvrstila na 15. podjetje v letnem izboru »100 najboljših korporativnih državljanov«.

Last Mile Holdings (TSXV: Mile), prej znan kot Ojo Electric, je eno največjih podjetij za mini avtomobile v Združenih državah Amerike, ki ponuja najobsežnejši paket izdelkov v industriji. Last Mile has 30 universities under the OjO and Gotcha brands and 50 municipal contract shared travel systems. Prevzem podjetja Gotcha v prvem četrtletju leta 2020 zagotavlja širok kanal rasti in portfelj izdelkov, vključno z električnimi kolesi, tricikli, skuterji in križarkami.

Nevada company LiqTech International, Inc. (NYSE MKT: LIQT) is a clean technology company that has developed and provided the latest technology for gas and liquid purification using ceramic silicon carbide filters for more than ten years, especially highly specialized filters , Used to control the dust emission particles and liquid filtration of diesel engines. LiqTech uporablja nanotehnologijo za razvoj izdelkov z lastniško tehnologijo silicijevega karbida. LiqTech's products are based on a unique silicon carbide film that can promote new applications and improve existing technologies.
LOOPShare Ltd. (TSX: LOOP.V) je podjetje iz Vancouvra, ustanovljeno leta 2009, ki se osredotoča na skupno rabo vozil, mikro potovanja in trajnostni transport. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Saturna Green Systems Inc., has integrated the first generation of wireless rugged 7 Inch touch screen dashboard is commercialized, and the telematics function of electric inner city vehicles LOOPShare highly specialized display can provide a wide range of services for consumers, tourism or commercial purposes. The purpose of LOOPShare is to develop and deploy end-to-end vehicles for inner city transportation vehicles. Rešitve medsebojnega povezovanja od konca do konca, zlasti menjalniki, namenjeni prevozu kot storitvi ("TaaS"). LOOPShare will implement TaaS solutions through global regional operators, with LOOPShare's unique focus on commuting/travel/business, the latest technology to provide subscribers with commuting convenience and travel applications wireless two-wheel electric sharing technology, “Loop” is LOOPShare Ltd .'S trademark.
Lumentum Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: LITE) is a market-leading manufacturer of innovative optical and photonic products, and its products serve optical networks and commercial laser customers worldwide. Lumentum's optical components and subsystems are actually part of every type of telecom, enterprise and data center network. Lumentum's commercial lasers support advanced manufacturing technologies and multiple applications including next-generation 3D sensing capabilities. Zmogljivosti 3D zaznavanja vsak dan spreminjajo naš način interakcije s tehnologijo. Navidezna resničnost (VR), razširjena resničnost (AR) in avtonomna vozila so le nekateri primeri novih aplikacij, ki prihajajo.

Magna International (TSX: MG.TO; New York Stock Exchange: MGA) is a leading global automotive supplier with 319 manufacturing operations and 85 product development, engineering and sales centers in 29 countries/regions. Naše zmogljivosti izdelkov vključujejo proizvodnjo telesa, podvozja, notranjosti, zunanjosti, sedežev, pogonskega sklopa, elektronike, vida, ohišja in strešnih sistemov in modulov ter celovito inženirstvo vozil in pogodbeno proizvodnjo.
MiX Telematics Limited (NYSE: MIXT) is the world's leading provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions, provided to customers in more than 120 countries/regions in the form of SaaS. Izdelki in storitve podjetja zagotavljajo varne, učinkovite rešitve za tveganje in varnost za flote podjetij, majhne flote in potrošnike. Mex Telematics je bil ustanovljen leta 1996 in ima pisarne v Južni Afriki, Združenem kraljestvu, Združenih državah Amerike, Ugandi, Braziliji, Avstraliji, Romuniji, Tajskem in Združenih arabskih emiratih in ima več kot 130 ekipnih partnerjev po vsem svetu.
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Modine products are used in light, medium and heavy vehicles, heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, off-road and industrial equipment, and refrigeration systems. Modine je globalno podjetje s sedežem v mestu Racine, Wisconsin, ZDA, z dejavnostmi v Severni Ameriki, Južni Ameriki, Evropi, Aziji in Afriki. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Tehnologija brezkrtačnega ventilatorja s spremenljivo hitrostjo (EFAN) se uporablja za nadzor temperature v dizelskih, stisnjenih zemeljskih plinih (CNG) in hibridnih aplikacijah ter je tudi del pionirskih avtobusov, ki jih poganjajo gorivne celice.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) razvija nove in razširljive tehnologije obdelave za proizvodnjo visoko zmogljivih baterijskih materialov za električna vozila, shranjevanje energije in potrošniško elektroniko po nizki ceni. Patentirano tehnologijo je mogoče konfigurirati za različne nanostrukturne materiale in je prilagodljiva ter jo je mogoče preoblikovati z nastajajočimi in prihodnjimi trendi trga baterij in različnimi drugimi priložnostmi za rast. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Nano One's mission is to establish its patented technology as the world's leading platform for the production of a new generation of nanostructured composite materials.

Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) since its establishment in 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. has become an award-winning global leader in supercapacitor technology innovation and product development. Lastnosti superkondenzatorjev omogočajo uporabo tehnologije v aplikacijah, kjer moč, zahteve življenjskega cikla ali okoljski pogoji omejujejo uporabnost baterij ali kondenzatorjev. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap has the most complete range of standard commercial products on the market, from 3 farads to 6200 farads, all with industry-recognized alternative organic electrolytes. The company's customers include transportation, power and consumer markets.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) je vodilni svetovni neodvisni proizvajalec avtobusov, ki ponuja celovit nabor rešitev za javni prevoz v skladu avtobus), Plaxton (osebno vozilo z motorjem), MCI® (osebno vozilo z motorjem), ARBOC® (osebno vozilo z nizko šasijo in osebno vozilo srednje velikosti) in NFI Parts™. Avtobusi NFI uporabljajo najobsežnejše pogonske sisteme, vključno z: čistim dizelskim gorivom, zemeljskim plinom, dizelsko-električnimi hibridnimi vozili in električnimi vozili brez emisij (vozički, baterije in gorivne celice). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) is changing the transportation industry on a global scale. Kot oblikovalec in proizvajalec baterijskih električnih in vodikovih električnih vozil, pogonskih sklopov električnih vozil, komponent vozil, sistemov za shranjevanje energije in infrastrukture bencinskih postaj za vodik je Nikola zavezan spodbujanju gospodarskega in okoljskega vpliva poslovanja, kot ga poznamo danes. influences. Nikola Corporation was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
NIO (New York Stock Exchange: NIO) was established in November 2014 and is a pioneer in China's high-end electric vehicle market. The mission of NIO is to shape a happy lifestyle by providing high-end smart electric vehicles and becoming the best user company. NIO designs, jointly manufactures and sells smart and interconnected high-quality electric vehicles, thereby promoting next-generation technology innovations in connectivity, autonomous driving and artificial intelligence. NIO redefines the user experience and provides users with comprehensive, convenient and innovative charging solutions and other user-centric services. Podjetje Weilai Automobile je junija 2018 na Kitajskem začelo dostavljati 7-sedežni visokozmogljivi električni SUV ES8, do konca leta 2018 pa načrtuje lansiranje 5-sedežnega električnega SUV ES6.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) proizvaja in prodaja avtomobile, pomorske izdelke in sorodne dele na Japonskem in v tujini. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. Podjetje se ukvarja tudi z različnimi ladijskimi posli, vključno s proizvodnjo in prodajo ladij za križarjenje, poslovanjem terminalov in izvozom izvenkrmnih motorjev. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industrial machinery; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. električni avto
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) vodi k uporabnikom usmerjeno preobrazbo energetske industrije v ZDA z zagotavljanjem čistejših in pametnejših energetskih možnosti ter gradnjo na največjem in najbolj raznolikem portfelju konkurenčnih energetskih izdelkov v ZDA. Kot podjetje s seznama Fortune 200 ustvarjamo vrednost z zanesljivo in učinkovito konvencionalno proizvodnjo električne energije, hkrati pa spodbujamo inovacije na področju sončne in obnovljive energije, ekosistemov električnih vozil, tehnologije zajemanja ogljika in energetskih rešitev, osredotočenih na stranke. Naš maloprodajni dobavitelj električne energije oskrbuje več kot 3 milijone stanovanjskih in poslovnih odjemalcev po vsej državi.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. Če električno omrežje odpove, je treba te potrebe izklopiti
Polaris Industries, Inc. (NYSE: PII) is a recognized leader in the electric sports industry. Polaris designs, designs, manufactures and sells innovative and high-quality off-road vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and side-by-side vehicles, snowmobiles, motorcycles and road electric/hybrid vehicles. Polaris is one of the global sales leaders of snowmobiles and off-road vehicles, and has a place in the heavyweight cruiser and touring motorcycle market. Poleg tega Polaris še naprej vlaga v globalno industrijo cestnih malih električnih/hibridnih vozil prek Global Electric Vehicles (GEM), Goupil Industrie SA, Aixam Mega SAS in interno razvitih avtomobilov. Polaris improves the riding experience with a full set of Polaris engineering parts, accessories and clothing, Klim brand clothing and ORV accessories. Polaris Industries Inc. (Polaris Industries Inc.) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and the company has been included in the Standard & Poor's Mid-Cap 400 Index Price Index.

Power Solutions International, Inc. (NasdaqCM: PSIX) (PSI) is a leader in the design, manufacture and manufacture of emission-certified alternative fuel power systems. PSI zagotavlja celovite rešitve na ključ za vodilne svetovne proizvajalce originalne opreme na industrijskem in avtocestnem trgu. With the company's unique internal design, prototyping, engineering design and testing capabilities, PSI can customize clean, high-performance engines that can use a variety of fuels, including natural gas, propane, biogas, diesel and gasoline. PSI je razvil in zagotovil celoten napajalni sistem od 0,97 do 22 litrov, vključno z 8,8-litrskim motorjem za industrijske in cestne trge, vključno s srednje velikimi voznimi parki, dostavnimi tovornjaki, šolskimi avtobusi in tovornjaki za smeti/smeti. Napajalni sistemi PSI se trenutno uporabljajo po vsem svetu za generatorje, viličarje, zračna delovna vozila in industrijske pometače, pa tudi za nafto in plin, zemeljsko podporo letal, kmetijsko in gradbeno opremo
Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. Podjetje proizvaja, prodaja in distribuira atmosferske, procesne in posebne pline ter visoko zmogljive površinske premaze. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Oskrba z vodikom iz gorivnih celic: Praxairov vodik poganja vse, od vozil z rekordnimi kopenskimi hitrostmi do osebnih avtomobilov, avtobusov in zdaj viličarjev. Praxair že več kot deset let zagotavlja vodikovo gorivo in povezano tehnično podporo razvijalcem gorivnih celic in voznim parkom po vsej državi. Praxair's comprehensive hydrogen supply system allows your distribution center to take full advantage of the lower cost and higher productivity provided by hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, while leaving the hydrogen supply to experts.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L) prek svoje hčerinske družbe Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH načrtuje, razvija, izdeluje in preizkuša električne sisteme na gorivne celice in hibridne gorivne celice ter povezane tehnične komponente v Nemčiji in drugih delih Evrope ter na mednarodni ravni. . It provides a hydrogen fuel cell module that is integrated with an energy storage system to create an electric fuel cell hybrid system to provide electricity during peak demand. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Quantum produces one of the most innovative, advanced, and lightest compressed natural gas storage tanks in the world. Poleg popolnoma integriranih sistemov rezervoarjev za shranjevanje zemeljskega plina ponuja tudi te skladiščne rezervoarje za proizvajalce originalne opreme za tovornjake in avtomobile ter integratorje poprodajnih in originalnih originalnih tovornjakov. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum is headquartered in Lake Forest, California, with operations and branches in the United States, Canada and India.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. The company provides technical consulting services for engines, powertrain and gearboxes, hybrid and electrical systems, and vehicle systems; and environmental consulting services. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. In addition, the company also sells and supports a series of design and analysis software products specifically developed for applications in the powertrain development and vehicle integration process; in zagotavlja tehnično pomoč, usposabljanje in informacijske storitve. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Saft Groupe SA (Pariz: SAFT.PA) je vodilni svetovni oblikovalec in proizvajalec visokotehnoloških industrijskih baterij. The group is the world's leading manufacturer of nickel batteries and lithium primary batteries for the industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, and civil and military electronics markets. Saft has become a global leader in space and defense batteries with its lithium-ion technology, which is also used in the energy storage, transportation and telecommunications network markets. Electric vehicles: Electric vehicles powered by Saft's high-tech battery system-EV, HEV and PHEV, provide a sustainable solution to reduce CO2 emissions, meet regulatory targets, limit fuel consumption and overall environmental footprint.
Sevcon, Inc (NasdaqCM: SEV) is a global supplier of zero-emission, control and power solutions for electric and hybrid vehicles. Njeni izdelki nadzorujejo hitrost in gibanje cestnih in terenskih vozil, vključujejo specializirane funkcije, optimizirajo porabo energije in pomagajo zmanjšati onesnaženost zraka. Sevcon's Bassi division produces battery chargers for electric vehicles; power management and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for industrial, medical and telecommunications applications; electronic instruments for battery laboratories. Podjetje služi strankam prek svojih dejavnosti v Združenih državah, Združenem kraljestvu, Franciji, Nemčiji, Italiji, Kanadi, na Kitajskem in v azijsko-pacifiški regiji ter prek mednarodne trgovske mreže.
Smart Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTC: SMGY) produces electronic controls for vehicle batteries. The company provides a battery box (Battery Brain), which is a box-shaped device that can be connected to the car's battery to prevent battery failure and theft. Battery Brain is used for various types of motor vehicles, including passenger cars, light to heavy trucks, buses, tractors, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, ships, disabled vehicles and other motor vehicles that rely on batteries. The company sells its products to automotive retail, automotive dealers, automotive original equipment manufacturers, automotive professionals, fleets, military, heavy trucks/buses, RV/RV and maritime sectors. Smart Energy Solutions sells its products wholesale through distributors mainly in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Asia and Israel. In maloprodaja prek interneta.

SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) is a global provider of photovoltaic (“PV”) solutions for commercial, residential, government and utility customers and investors. The solar photovoltaic project developed by the company can be sold to a third-party operator, or it can be owned and operated by the company to sell electricity to the power grids of many countries in Asia, North America and Europe. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. Operativni sedež podjetja se nahaja v Santa Clari v Kaliforniji in ohranja globalne operacije v Aziji, Evropi, Severni Ameriki in Avstraliji. Green Auto-Announced the launch of EdisonFuture, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPI Energy, to design and develop electric vehicles (“EV”) and EV charging solutions.

Tanfield Group (LSE: TAN.L) is classified as an investment company. The company has a 49% membership interest in Snorkel International Holdings and a 5.76% interest in Smiths Electric Vehicles Corp. Smith Electric Vehicles Corp is a leading designer and manufacturer of all-electric commercial vehicles for short-distance urban fleets. Smithova brezemisijska vozila imajo znatno boljše zmogljivosti kot tradicionalni dizelski tovornjaki ter imajo večjo učinkovitost delovanja in nižje stroške. Smithovo poslanstvo je postati vodilni proizvajalec visoko učinkovitih vozil brez emisij v industriji komercialnega transporta, pri čemer uporablja svojo edinstveno platformo za sodelovanje z blagovnimi znamkami svetovnega razreda za preoblikovanje celotnega voznega parka, pomoč pri bolj dobičkonosnem poslovanju in vračanje energije Mreža

Torotrak plc (LSE: TRL.L) oblikuje, razvija in trži tehnologijo za proizvajalce avtomobilov. The company is divided into three parts: license agreement, engineering services and development activities. It provides a flybrid, flywheel hybrid power system, which can recover mechanical kinetic energy. V-Charge, a variable drive supercharger for gasoline and diesel engines; Torotrak continuously variable transmission enables the engine to run under optimal conditions. The company is also engaged in sheet metal manufacturing; obratovanje kompletnih strojnih delavnic; welding of steel, aluminum and magnesium; and manufacturing hubs for high-speed flywheels and carbon fiber-wound rims. In addition, it is also involved in design, modeling, product development, prototyping and testing activities. The company sells its products to on- and off-highway commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles and other markets.

Turbodyne Technologies, Inc. (OTC: TRBD) je razvijalec električnih digitalno nadzorovanih polnilnih sistemov za bencinske in dizelske motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem. Its patented design reduces carbon dioxide emissions, improves performance and realizes miniaturization of gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines.

Vmoto Limited (ASX: VMT.AX) is the world's leading scooter manufacturer and distribution group, specializing in electric two-wheelers. Izdelki električnih dvokoles Vmoto imajo eleganten evropski dizajn in nemško inženirsko oblikovanje. Vmoto se ukvarja tudi s proizvodnjo in distribucijo bencinskih skuterjev in štirikolesnih terenskih vozil. Vmoto ima eno najobsežnejših globalnih distribucijskih mrež med vsemi proizvajalci električnih skuterjev na svetu, z več kot 28 distributerji v 27 državah/regijah v geografskih regijah, kot so Azija, Pacifik, Evropa, Severna Amerika, Južna Amerika in Južna Afrika. The group operates two main brands: Vmoto and E-Max. The company also provides products to many customers in an OEM manner.

Westport Fuel Systems (NasdaqGS: WPRT; TSX: WPT.TO) inženirji proizvajajo in zagotavljajo najnaprednejše sisteme in komponente za alternativna goriva na svetu. Ne le to, temeljito smo spremenili način potovanja po svetu po cestah, železniških tirih in oceanu. Our innovative and cost-effective solutions can improve efficiency and reduce emissions while maintaining performance. We provide a variety of leading brands for transportation and industrial applications, and we serve customers in more than 70 countries, including some of the world's largest and fastest-growing markets.
Workhorse Group Inc. (OTC code: WKHS) is an original equipment manufacturer in the United States. It is a medium-sized EPA-approved battery electric delivery truck and fully integrated truck-launched drone that meets FAA requirements (UAS) Delivery drone. V preteklosti je bil glavni tovornjak prodan največjim voznim parkom v Združenih državah in Kanadi za dostavo v zadnjem kilometru in s tem povezane uporabe.
XPeng Inc. (NYSE: XPEV) je vodilno podjetje za pametna električna vozila na Kitajskem, ki se posveča oblikovanju, razvoju, proizvodnji in prodaji pametnih električnih vozil, ki pritegnejo velike in rastoče kitajske potrošnike srednjega razreda, ki so podkovani s tehnologijo. Its mission is to promote the transformation of smart electric vehicles through technology and data to shape the future of mobile experience. In order to optimize the customer's travel experience, XPeng internally developed full-stack autonomous driving technology and in-car intelligent operating system, as well as core vehicle systems including powertrain and electrification/electronic architecture. XPeng is headquartered in Guangzhou, China, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley and San Diego in the United States. The company's smart electric vehicles are produced in Zhaoqing and Zhengzhou plants.
ZAP Jonway (OTC: ZAAP) designs and manufactures high-quality, affordable new energy and electric vehicles (EV). Yongyuan Automobile ima proizvodne obrate ISO 9000 na Kitajskem in je opravil certificiranje proizvodnje in inženiringa električnih vozil, prodaje in storitev za stranke. Jonway has an annual production capacity of up to 50,000 vehicles, a factory area of ​​more than 1 million square feet, has more than 65 acres of land in China and established a sales and distribution network. ZAP je prvi pionir električnih vozil, ki obema podjetjema prinaša široko paleto tehnologij izdelkov za električna vozila. ZAP ima sedež v Santa Rosi v Kaliforniji, Jonway Auto pa v provinci Zhejiang v Ljudski republiki Kitajski.
Biome Technologies (LSE: BIOM.L) je v rast usmerjena poslovno usmerjena tehnološka skupina. Glavna dejavnost skupine je razvoj njene hitro rastoče dejavnosti bioplastike. Je vodilni inovator in dobavitelj biološko razgradljivih naravnih polimerov, ki lahko nadomestijo in izboljšajo izdelke, tradicionalno izdelane iz materialov na osnovi olja. We offer a variety of bioplastics that can replace existing oil-based materials in a variety of applications. Naši plastični polimeri so naravnega izvora, imajo visoko trajnostno vsebnost in jih je mogoče reciklirati nazaj v naravo.

Lingling Global Corporation (NASDAQ: FORK) is a professional manufacturer and distributor of environmentally friendly plastic service software, with precision manufacturing plants in the United States and China. Plastični storitveni izdelki podjetja vključujejo posodo za enkratno uporabo, slamice, skodelice, krožnike in druge plastične izdelke, ki jih uporablja več kot sto strank predvsem iz Združenih držav in Evrope, vključno s Subway, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC (samo Kitajska), Wal-Mart, McKesson and Woolworths.
Good Natured Products Inc. (TSX: GDNP.V) has more than 100 plant-based food packaging designs, 10 grades of bioplastic membranes, 30 home and business organization products, and a team of scientists, business builders and retail A world-class team of manufacturers, the company is producing and distributing one of the most extensive consumer products and packaging products in North America. These products and packaging are made of the highest possible percentage of renewable plant-based materials and are BPA-free. Ftalati ali druge zaskrbljujoče kemikalije. Kindness TM is committed to doing things that are beneficial to the planet and the company, and is creating better daily products TM, combining advanced bioplastic technology with the latest sustainable design features, which is not only beautiful, but also maximizes shelf space and promotes Incremental sales, enhanced logistics and improved environmental efficiency are all bundled in a fresh and friendly brand.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) is an innovative waste-to-energy technology company. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. Podjetje je prejelo pogodbo za nakup olja Geth od ConocoPhillipsa (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. Proces GETH ne proizvaja škodljivih emisij, niti nima negativnega vpliva na okolje.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industrije. Tehnologija podjetja, vključno s tistimi, ki se uporabljajo v njegovi opremi za brizganje, lastniško mešanico recikliranih plastičnih smol in patentirano zasnovo palet, omogoča hitro proizvodnjo visokokakovostnih palet po nižji ceni kot mnogi postopki. Reciklirana plastika, ki se uporablja za palete, pomaga nadzorovati materialne stroške, hkrati pa zmanjšuje okoljske odpadke in ima stroškovno prednost pred uporabniki čiste smole. Odvečna plastika, ki se ne uporabi pri proizvodnji palet, bo ponovno predelana za nadaljnjo prodajo.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) je tehnološko in licenčno podjetje, katerega poslanstvo je pospešiti svetovni prehod na trajnostno plastiko in se znebiti odvisnosti od fosilnih goriv. Loop ima patentirano in lastniško tehnologijo, ki lahko depolimerizira neprecenljivo in poceni odpadno PET plastiko in poliestrska vlakna, vključno s plastičnimi steklenicami in embalažo, preprogami in poliestrskimi tekstili katere koli barve, prosojnosti ali stanja, in je celo izpostavljena sončni svetlobi in soli. Degradirana morska plastika , to its basic component (monomer). Ti monomeri so filtrirani, prečiščeni in ponovno polimerizirani, da proizvedejo plastično smolo in poliestrska vlakna PET blagovne znamke Loop™ izvirne kakovosti, primerna za embalažo za živila, ki se prodajajo podjetjem za potrošniške izdelke, da jim pomagajo doseči njihove trajnostne cilje. Through our customers and production partners, Loop leads the world by raising awareness of the importance of preventing and recycling waste plastics from the environment to ensure that plastics remain in the economy, thereby creating a more sustainable future for everyone Towards a circular economy.
Metabolix, Inc. (NasdaqCM: MBLX) je v inovacije usmerjeno podjetje za specialne materiale, namenjeno zagotavljanju visoko zmogljivih biopolimernih rešitev strankam v industriji plastike. Metabolix's Mirel® biopolymers are derived from renewable resources and are a series of bio-based performance additives and specialty resins based on PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate). Metabolix's proprietary biotechnology platform enables the creation of special biopolymers that can be used in various applications, such as construction and packaging materials as well as industrial, consumer and personal care products.
Symphony Environmental Technologies Plc (LSE: Sym.L) je specializiran za razvoj in prodajo različnih plastičnih izdelkov in drugih okoljskih tehnologij ter deluje po vsem svetu. Podjetje je vodilno na področju razvoja in trženja življenjske plastike in prodaja progegradicijske dodatke in končne plastične izdelke prek nenehno rastoče mreže mednarodnih distributerjev in agentov. Podjetje prodaja tudi različne tradicionalne, nerazgradljive, fleksibilne plastične izdelke. Ekipa se je odločila, da bo skrbno oddala to delo izbranim in pregledanim podizvajalcem po vsem svetu. Ta prilagodljivost zagotavlja skupini in njenim strankam varnost oskrbe, lokalno razpoložljivost in znatne stroškovne prednosti. Razgradljivi končni izdelki in dodatki se prodajajo neposredno strankam po vsem svetu ali pa se prodajajo po svetu prek vse večje mreže pooblaščenih distributerjev in zastopnikov. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).

Arafura Resources NL (ASX: ARU.AX) raziskuje in razvija minerale v Avstraliji. The company explores rare earth minerals, base and precious metals, tungsten and iron vanadium. Its main project is the Nolans project, a rare earth phosphate deposit that can provide neodymium and ase products in the Northern Territory of Australia. The company is also involved in mining and related infrastructure and social and environmental feasibility assessments.

Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) se ukvarja s pridobivanjem, raziskovanjem in razvojem naravnih virov v Kanadi. The company holds a 100% interest in the Cobalt Fold property, of which 40 claims involve 2,176.19 hectares in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec; the Roscoe Vanadium project contains 40 claims, involving approximately 2,189.19 hectares in the northern area of ​​Côte d'Ivoire.
Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) and its subsidiaries are engaged in exploration and development of mineral projects in South Africa. Razdeljen je na tri dele: vanadijevo in železovo rudo, raziskovanje premoga ter rudarjenje in proizvodnjo vanadija. It explores vanadium, titanium, iron ore, phosphate, tin and power coal deposits. The company's flagship project is the Bushveld vanadium project, which includes the Vametco assets, as well as the Brits and Mokopane vanadium projects located in the north limb of the Bushveld complex in Limpopo, South Africa.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems (CSE: CUBE) se osredotoča na hitro rastočo industrijo shranjevanja energije, ki jo poganja znatno povečanje povpraševanja po obnovljivi energiji. CellCube zagotavlja vertikalno integrirane sisteme za shranjevanje energije za elektroindustrijo. Pred kratkim je pridobil sredstva Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. se je zdaj preimenoval v Enerox GmbH, ki je razvijalec in proizvajalec sistemov za shranjevanje energije CellCube. Druge povezane podružnice CellCube so EnerCube Switchgear Systems in Power Haz Energy Mobile Solutions Inc. Podjetje je vložilo tudi v Braggawatt Energy Inc, spletno platformo za financiranje obnovljivih virov energije. CellCube develops, manufactures and sells energy storage systems based on vanadium redox flow. Technology, and has more than 130 project installations and 10-year operating records. Its highly integrated energy storage system solution has 99% of the remaining energy capacity after 11,000 cycles, with a focus on large container modules. The basic building blocks consist of FB modular 250kW units with 4, 6 and 8 hours energy changes. CellCube has obvious vanadium-rich characteristics in Nevada. Lastnosti Bisoni-McKay in Bisoni-Rio v Nevadi vsebujejo čiste vanadijske vire. Za razliko od večine drugih nahajališč vanadija (kjer je vanadij pomešan z drugimi kovinami, kot sta železo ali uran), imata Bisoni McKay in Bisoni-Rio čisti vanadij v ogljikovem skrilavcu.
Chalice Gold Mines Limited (TSX: CXN.TO; ASX: CHN.AX) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of minerals in Australia and Canada. Podjetje raziskuje nahajališča zlata, bakra, vanadija in niklja.
Coziron Resources Limited (ASX: CZR.AX) ima v lasti 85 % treh projektov v Zahodni Avstraliji, Yarraloola, KingX-Earaheedy in Buddadoo, ki poročajo o mineralih surovin iz vertikalno integriranih jeklarn. Dobavitelj g. Mark Creasy obdrži 15% lastništvo projekta. Vsi projekti imajo infrastrukturne rešitve. V teh stanovanjih raziskujejo nahajališča železove rude in mangana, vendar so poročali tudi o drugih vrstah mineralizacije, vključno z zlatom, bakrom, navadnimi kovinami, titanom, vanadijem in uranom.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) je licenčno podjetje, ki želi izkoristiti povpraševanje po naslednjih proizvodih: litij, vanadij, mangan, kositer, grafit, kobalt, nikelj in baker. Spodbujanje elektrifikacije (avtomobili, akumulatorske baterije, obsežno shranjevanje energije, proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih virov in druge aplikacije). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. To ustvarja edinstveno priložnost za vlaganje in pridobivanje licenčnin za rudnike in projekte, ki bodo zagotovili materiale, potrebne za revolucijo moči. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Obstaja 6 kombinacij licenčnin. Transakcija je odvisna od izpolnjevanja pogojev (vključno z regulatorno odobritvijo). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Energy Fuel Company (TSX: EFR.TO; NYSE: UUUU) is a leading, integrated uranium mining company based in the United States that supplies U3O8 to major nuclear power companies. Pisarna podjetja se nahaja v Denverju v Koloradu, vsa sredstva in zaposleni pa so v zahodnih Združenih državah Amerike. Energy Fuels owns three major uranium production centers in the United States, located at the White Mesa Mill in Utah, the Nichols Ranch Processing Plant in Wyoming, and the Alta Mesa Project in Texas. Tovarna White Mesa je edina običajna tovarna urana, ki danes deluje v Združenih državah, z licenčno zmogljivostjo več kot 8 milijonov funtov U3O8 na leto. The Nichols Ranch Processing Plant is an ISR production center with a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds of U3O8 per year. Alta Mesa is currently the ISR production center engaged in maintenance and maintenance. Energy Fuel Company also owns the largest producer of uranium resources in the United States that meets NI 43-101, as well as uranium mining projects in multiple states in the western United States, including an ISR project, standby mines and minerals in different stages. Licenciranje in razvoj. Podjetje prav tako proizvaja vanadij in uran iz nekaterih rudnikov na planoti Colorado glede na tržne razmere.
Ethos Gold Corp. (TSXV: ECC) (OTCQB: ETHOF) is exploring the La Purisima gold project in Chihuahua, Mexico (100% revenue), and the Iron Point Carlin gold project (50% revenue from Victory Metals Inc.) ), located 22 miles east of the United States. Winnemucca in Nevada and the Perk-Rocky copper-gold porphyry project 220 kilometers west of Williams Lake in British Columbia (100% revenue). La Purisima is a near-surface, large-tonnage, gold oxide target, and the virgin drilling program will soon begin. Iron Point is a Carlin gold target carried on the lower plate, and plans to test this target in three vertical holes will begin shortly under the supervision of Dr. Quinton Hennigh. Perk-Rocky is the target of copper-gold porphyry, and the exploration plan including detailed airborne geophysics, ground surveying and sampling will be launched in the short term. Ethos ima trenutno približno 6,8 milijona kanadskih dolarjev v gotovini in 54,6 milijona odprtih delnic. Ethos plans to spend a total of approximately $1.8 million on the first drilling program at La Purisima and Iron Point in 2019 and the initial work program at Perk-Rocky. Ethos also profited from the Pine Pass and Ursula vanadium projects in north-central British Columbia (100% profit). In March 2019, Ethos received a notice from British Columbia that the mineral property rights constituting its Pine Pass vanadium project are included in the area under consideration to immediately suspend the development proposal and possibly include it in the expanded environmental protection area, and consider By this notice, work on its vanadium project has been suspended.

Golden Deeps Limited (ASX: GED.AX) focuses on mineral exploration and is interested in projects in the Republic of Namibia. Podjetje aktivno išče svojo licenco v Namibiji. Namen raziskovalnega načrta je odkrivanje gospodarskih mineralov s sistematično uporabo sodobnih tehnik raziskovanja. The Grootfontein Basic Metals Project (GBP) is located on the Otawi Mountains (OML) in northern Namibia, with a permit area of ​​more than 632 square kilometers. Območje je približno povezano s trikotnikom, ki povezuje Tsumeb in Groot, mesti Fontaine in Otavi. The region has several globally important copper, zinc, lead, silver and vanadium mines, including Tsumeb, Khusib Springs, Abenab, Berg Aukas and Kombat mines.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) has a broad portfolio of multi-element assets, which is expected to accommodate gold, platinum group elements and base metals as well as special “green battery metals”, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium and chromium. Gossan ima v lasti tudi veliko število nahajališč dolomita visoke čistosti, bogatih z magnezijem, in predplačuje 100.000 USD za pravice do proizvodnje in izkoriščanja na leto v nahajališčih peska za lomljenje. Vsa Gossanova sredstva za raziskovanje in razvoj mineralov se nahajajo v Manitobi in severozahodnem Ontariu.

Jinhe Resources Co., Ltd. (ASX: KRR.AX) (formerly Jinhe Copper) is developing 100% of its global scale and VANADIUM resources. Poleg tega KRR raziskuje zlato, srebro in baker. The company has a mineral lease of 785 square kilometers, covering a unique geological feature of Kimberley in eastern Western Australia called the Speewah Dome.

Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR.AX) is engaged in mineral exploration and evaluation in Australia. Podjetje raziskuje litij, zlato, vanadij in nikelj. It is interested in the Katherine Valley Lithium Tantalum Project, Buldania Lithium Project, Killaloe Project and Norcott Project in Western Australia. And the Toolebuc vanadium project in Queensland.
Mount Burgess Mining NL (ASX: MTB.AX) has been listed on the Australian Stock Exchange since 1985. The Red October gold deposit in Western Australia was discovered, and three kimberlites were subsequently discovered in Namibia. Trenutno se razvijata nahajališči cinka/svinca/srebra/germanija in vanadija Kihabe in Nxuu v Bocvani.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in razvojem ključnih lastnosti kovin v Namibiji. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. Podjetje je nedavno od Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd pridobilo portfelj projektov. Razpršite prednosti na kobalt, grafit, litij, tantal, niobij, vanadij, zlato in sorodne navadne kovine. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) is a developer of industrial minerals and advanced materials projects. Neometals ima dva glavna oddelka – popolnoma integrirano podjetje za litij in podjetje za razvoj titan-vanadija. Oba sta podprta z lastniškimi tehnologijami, ki lahko pomagajo pri nadaljnji integraciji s povečanjem prihodkov in izboljšanjem stroškovne učinkovitosti. Neometals owns the Mt Marion lithium mine near Kalgoorlie and owns 13.8% of the shares. Podjetje je eden največjih koncentratorjev litija na svetu. Neometals ima možnost odkupa, ki predstavlja idealno osnovo za njegovo popolnoma integrirano poslovanje z litijem, ki vključuje rafinerije litijevega hidroksida in postopke recikliranja litij-ionskih baterij. Projekt titan-vanadija Barrambie v Zahodni Avstraliji, ki je v 100-odstotni lasti, je eno najkakovostnejših nahajališč titan-vanadija v trdih kamninah na svetu.
Nevado Resources Corporation (TSX: VDO-HV) se ukvarja z nakupom, raziskovanjem in oceno rudarskih sredstev v Kanadi. Ima 100-odstotni delež v titan-vanadij-železovih sredstvih La Blache, od katerih 48 terjatev vključuje 2653 hektarjev v severnem Quebecu.

Prophecy Development Corp. (TSX: PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) razvija projekt Gibellini – edini tovrstni projekt velikega obsega za izpiranje vanadija na prostem v Severni Ameriki. Gibellini is located in Nevada and has the largest NI 43-101 standard known in the United States. This standard has been measured and indicated in the United States as the main vanadium resource. EPCM is currently underway and development is allowed
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) je vertikalno integrirano podjetje za razvoj virov vanadija in redoks pretočnih baterij vanadija, s sedežem v Avstraliji, z operacijami in strateškimi partnerji v Koreji. Through a 50% collaboration with Protean Korea's vanadium/uranium mineral project Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon is a unique sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit with the potential to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). The project can use 36,000m of historical core, so that cost-effective and non-destructive pXRF testing can be performed on the metallogenic section. Protean v sodelovanju s svojim 50-odstotnim južnokorejskim partnerjem KORID Energy Ltd razvija lastniško tehnologijo shranjevanja energije vanadijeve redoks pretočne baterije (VRFB), imenovano V-KOR. Tehnologija je bila razvita v zadnjih 10 letih, deluje že več kot 3000 ciklov in je bila obsežno testirana v korejskih tovarnah. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Pursuit Minerals (ASX: PUR.AX) is a mineral exploration and project development company dedicated to advancing copper, zinc and vanadium projects in the world-class metal provinces. Pursuit Minerals se nahaja v projektu rudnika cinka v osrčju Mount Isa Super Basin. It has a unique value creation ability in seeking to discover world-class mineral deposits adjacent to the existing regional infrastructure and extract value from its existing mineral resources. In 2018, Pursuit expanded its project portfolio by applying for high-quality vanadium projects in open spaces in Sweden and Finland.

Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR.AX) se ukvarja s pridobivanjem, raziskovanjem in vrednotenjem projektov osnovnih in plemenitih kovin v Avstraliji in Kanadi. The company explores zinc, lead, copper, silver, vanadium, gold, nickel and cobalt deposits, as well as platinum group metals.
Raziskovalni portfelj družbe Sabre Resources Limited (ASX: SBR.AX) podpira poslovni model, zasnovan za olajšanje odkrivanja in razvoja ekonomskih nahajališč mineralov. Sabre's main focus is the exploration and development of the Otavi Mountain Land Base Metals project in northern Namibia. Our two licensed areas cover more than 800 square kilometers and contain more than 60 known deposits of copper, lead, zinc and vanadium. Sabre's exploration scope ranges from basic geochemical targets all the way to resource descriptions at the Guchab Mining Center, to the feasibility study of zinc-lead deposits on Pavian and Hoek Trends.

Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in vrednotenjem mineralnih virov. Predvsem je namenjen raziskovanju navadnih in plemenitih kovin, vključno z nikljem, bakrom, kovinami platinske skupine, zlatom, diamantom, tantalom in litijem. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. Glavno ciljno področje podjetja je južna Afrika. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Zimbabvejski litijski projekt Shamva (80 % možnosti je mogoče pridobiti). Nedavna pridobitev projektov Chuatsa in Shamva je rezultat dolgoletnega osredotočanja na področje baterijskih kovin in izkorišča pomembna znanja in izkušnje SI6 pri raziskovanju in operacijah v Južni Afriki.

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSXV: SRI.V) je podjetje na stopnji raziskovanja in razvoja, ki se osredotoča na raziskovanje in vrednotenje kanadskih in kitajskih nepremičnin. Glavni projekti podjetja so plinsko polje Chebucto na območju otoka Sable ob obali Nove Škotske; in VanSparjev projekt zagona vanadija in baterij na Kitajskem. Zagotavlja tudi storitve pogodbenega vrtanja.

Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) je industrijsko mineralno in tehnološko podjetje s sedežem v Avstraliji. Syrah je lastnik in zgradil Balama Graphite Project (Balama) v Mozambiku. Balama je visoko kakovostno, dolgoživo sredstvo in največji rudnik naravnega grafita na svetu. Poslovanje Balame se je začelo v začetku leta 2018. V skladu s tržnim povpraševanjem je Syrah sčasoma povečal svojo proizvodnjo na 350 kt/na nazivno zmogljivost. Parama also contains a large amount of vanadium resources, which is a by-product currently being reported in Parama tailings. Balamina možnost vanadija. Balama contains a large amount of vanadium resources, which provides potential value-added opportunities; vanadium releases by-products in the graphite production process and may be refined into saleable products (V2O5) by processing materials currently reported to Balama tailings.

Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. (ASX: VMC.AX) is engaged in the exploration of mineral resources in Western Australia. Preučuje predvsem vanadij, kobalt, nikelj, zlato in litij. Youanmi Vanadium Project

BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) is a technology service company dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions to improve the environment. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Blue Sphere Corporation (OTC: BLSP) is a clean technology company and an integrator of waste-to-energy projects. Blue Sphere razvija projekte za pridobivanje energije iz odpadkov in druge obnovljive vire energije. The company aspires to become a major player in the global waste-to-energy conversion and renewable energy market.
China Recycling Energy Corporation (NasdaqGM: CREG) s sedežem v Xi'anu na Kitajskem zagotavlja okolju prijazne tehnologije za pridobivanje energije iz odpadkov, ki lahko predelajo industrijske stranske proizvode za kitajske jeklarne, cementarne in koksarne. Stranski proizvodi vključujejo toploto, paro, tlak in izpušne pline za proizvodnjo velikih količin poceni električne energije in zmanjšanje potrebe po zunanjih virih energije. Kitajska vlada je sprejela politike za spodbujanje uporabe tehnologij recikliranja za optimizacijo dodeljevanja virov in zmanjšanje onesnaževanja. At present, renewable energy only accounts for 1% of total energy consumption. Due to the increasing concern for the environment and the continuous growth of China's economy and the rising energy cost, this renewable energy is regarded as a growing market. The management and engineering team has more than 20 years of experience in China's industrial energy recovery.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Waste to energy: Duke Energy participates in a number of landfill gas projects, which convert waste emissions into electricity for customers to use. Ko se organska snov na velikih odlagališčih razgradi, nastane odlagališčni plin, ki je v glavnem sestavljen iz metana. When dissipating heat in the atmosphere, methane is 20 times more effective than carbon dioxide. Zajem metana in njegova uporaba kot gorivo je bolj trajnostna možnost za sežiganje kot odpadek.

Global Clean Energy Corporation (OTC: GCEI) je podjetje za pridobivanje energije iz odpadkov s pisarnama v Teksasu in Montrealu. The company focuses on commercially-proven technologies that convert waste into high-value energy, a process known by the company as Converting Environmental Rescue into Clean Usable Energy (RESCUE). GCE focuses on the vertical products of waste plastics, tires and PGM recycling (platinum group metals) in the North American market. GCE incorporates technology into its extensive operations worldwide to achieve faster growth, reduce technical risks, and accelerate operations and investment.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation ima svetovno priznano inženirsko strokovno znanje in izkušnje na področju tehnologije vakuuma in prenosa toplote. Je svetovni oblikovalec, proizvajalec in dobavitelj ejektorjev, črpalk, kondenzatorjev, vakuumskih sistemov in toplotnih izmenjevalcev po meri. Graham je ponudnik izdelkov in storitev za industrijo proizvodnje električne energije. Its surface condensers are used for turbine generator services, steam jet ejectors and liquid ring pump systems are used for condenser exhaust devices, and heat exchangers are used for various services. Energija iz odpadkov (vključno z metanom na odlagališčih v energijo), soproizvodnja toplote in električne energije, jedrska energija, geotermalna energija, soproizvodnja toplote in električne energije ter naprave za kombinirano proizvodnjo električne energije s kombiniranim ciklom zahtevajo naše izdelke.
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) is a revolutionary green and renewable energy business whose bioconversion technology engineering is used for fuel, agriculture and waste management. Naša strategija je razvijati, zaprositi za patente in izvajati lastniške tehnologije pretvorbe za biogoriva. To daje GELV priložnosti za razvoj v več panogah, ki so trenutno povezane z vladnimi pooblastili. Te zahteve povečujejo obnovljivo energijo in biogoriva. Gorivo, hkrati pa zmanjšati odvisnost od tuje nafte in zmanjšati emisije ogljika. Glavni poudarek Green Energy Live je postati vodilni v nastajajočih panogah pretvorbe energije iz odpadkov/biomase in obnovljivih virov energije. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. Te tehnološke platforme se lahko hitro in ekonomično namestijo na odlagališče odpadkov in obratno. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) is an innovative waste-to-energy technology company. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. Podjetje je prejelo pogodbo za nakup olja Geth od ConocoPhillipsa (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. Proces GETH ne proizvaja škodljivih emisij, niti nima negativnega vpliva na okolje.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage sistem zdravljenja. It treats grey water and black water at the same time. The treated water exceeds EU and all local discharge standards and can be reused for irrigation, washing and cleaning.
Magnegas Corporation (NasdaqCM: MNGA) s sedežem v Tampi je bila družba MagneGas® Corporation ustanovljena leta 2007 kot tehnološko podjetje. Its invention is a patented technology that converts liquid waste into hydrogen-based fuel. The company currently sells MagneGas® to the metal processing market to replace acetylene. It also sells equipment for sterilizing biologically contaminated liquid waste for various industrial and agricultural markets. Poleg tega podjetje uporablja visoko temperaturo plamena za sežiganje ogljikovodikovih goriv z drugimi gorivi za razvoj različnih pomožnih uporab goriv MagneGas®.

Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) is an energy and environmental technology group dedicated to the development, production and sales of systems and products for environmentally friendly, efficient and low-resource energy. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon deluje na Švedskem, v Nemčiji in Združenem kraljestvu. Poslovno področje Opcon Renewable Energy se osredotoča na proizvodnjo električne energije brez ogljikovega dioksida na podlagi odpadne toplote, termoelektrarne na biološki pogon, obrate na pelete, sisteme za predelavo biomase, blata in zemeljskega plina, industrijsko hlajenje, kondenzacijo dimnih plinov in obdelavo dimnih plinov. Zračni sistem gorivne celice.
PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX: PYR.V) is the TSX Venture50® cleaning technology company, which is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing and commercialization of advanced plasma processes. We provide engineering and manufacturing expertise, cutting-edge contract research, and turnkey process equipment packages for defense, metallurgy, mining, advanced materials (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. PyroGenesis has a team of experienced engineers, scientists and technicians who work in our Montreal office and 3,800 square meters manufacturing plant. Zato je PyroGenesis vedno v ospredju tehnološkega razvoja in komercializacije ter tako ohranja konkurenčno prednost. Naša osrednja kompetenca omogoča PyroGenesisu zagotavljanje inovativnih plazemskih gorilnikov, obdelave odpadkov s plazmo, pirometalurških procesov in inženirskih storitev za svetovni trg. Since 1997, our operations have passed ISO 9001:2008 certification. Z inovacijami, sodelovanjem in partnerstvom je PyroGenesis razvil zelo napreden, vendar enostaven za uporabo proces, ki se dobro integrira s 3R, vendar prihrani energijo do maksimuma. In/ali si povrne vire iz ogromnih tokov odpadkov, ki jih ustvarjajo občine ali panoge.
Sharc International Systems Inc. (CSE: SHRC), prej znan kot International Wastewater Systems Inc., je vodilni svetovni proizvajalec rekuperacije toplote. The SHARC system can recover the heat energy in wastewater, thereby generating the most energy-efficient and economical system for heating, cooling and hot water in commercial, residential and industrial buildings.
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) designs, finances, builds and operates waste-to-energy plants that process solid municipal, medical and industrial waste to generate electricity. Od leta 1996 je kitajsko-nemška skupina zaključila približno 200 projektov obdelave odpadkov v 13 provincah. Sino-German is one of the most well-known companies in the field of waste energy EPC and BOT projects, and is also a manufacturer of large-scale combustion plants in China. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). Sino-German kot investitor v projektu BOT upravlja tudi elektrarne za pridobivanje energije iz odpadkov. Registrirani sedež družbe ZhongDe Waste Technology AG je v Frankfurtu v Nemčiji. China headquarters is located in Beijing, China. Kitajsko-nemški proizvodni obrat se nahaja v mestu Fuzhou na Kitajskem.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (hčerinska družba Abtech Holdings, Inc.) je podjetje za okoljsko tehnologijo in inženiring s polnimi storitvami, namenjeno zagotavljanju inovativnih rešitev za skupnosti, industrije in vlade. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. Njeni izdelki temeljijo na polimerni tehnologiji, ki lahko odstrani ogljikovodike, usedline in druge tuje elemente iz deževnice (ribniki, jezera in doki), tekoče vode (obcestna drenaža, odtoki cevi, reke in oceani), industrijskih procesov in odpadne vode. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. Ta tehnologija lahko učinkovito zmanjša koliformne bakterije, ki jih najdemo v deževnici, industrijski odpadni vodi in komunalni odpadni vodi. SmartSponge®plus je bil registriran pri agenciji za varstvo okolja (registrska številka 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
BioteQ Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (TSX: BQE.TO) is a service provider specializing in the treatment of mining wastewater and specific hydrometallurgical streams, with a focus on reducing life cycle costs while achieving compliance and introducing sustainability into water management. We have extensive expertise and operational experience in sulfide precipitation, ion exchange, alkali/lime neutralization and SART process technology. In the past ten years, BioteQ has designed and commissioned factories at the mine for leading organizations including Glencore Canada, Freeport McMoRan, Jiangxi Copper and the US EPA, and is currently operating six factories under long-term contracts. These plants remove dissolved metals and sulfates well below the prescribed discharge limits, while reducing or eliminating the generation of sludge and/or recovering valuable metals from waste liquids to be sold, thereby reducing water The life cycle cost of processing. BioteQ ima sedež v Vancouvru v Kanadi, njegova trgovalna koda na TSX pa je BQE.

Canadian Zeolite Corp. (TSX: CNZ.V) je okolju prijazno in zeleno tehnološko podjetje, ki je zelo primerno za današnje gospodarsko okolje. Glede na to, da so naši izdelki preizkušeni, uporabljeni ter dosegajo in presegajo standarde določenih trgov, imamo v industriji zeolitov konkurenčno prednost. Sodelujemo s priznanimi vodilnimi svetovnimi svetovalci za zeolit. Zeolite is a natural mineral found in volcanic ash. What makes zeolite eye-catching is its crystalline structure with fine pores and perforations. Te pore omogočajo, da zeolit ​​deluje kot naravni filter. Zeolit ​​se lahko uporablja v nepredelani surovi obliki ali pa se lahko predela v posebne velikosti, od zrn do prahu glede na uporabo. Uporaba vključujejo kmetijstvo, industrijo, ribogojstvo in čiščenje vode.
Canature Environmental Prod (Shenzhen: 300272.SZ) se ukvarja z raziskavami, razvojem, proizvodnjo, distribucijo in servisiranjem čistilnih naprav in osnovnih komponent. Podjetje nudi opremo za čiščenje vode v habitatih, vključno z opremo za čiščenje vode v gospodinjstvih, opremo za mehčanje vode v gospodinjstvih, komercialno čiščenje vode in opremo za pitno vodo; core components, including multi-channel control valves, composite pressure vessels, etc., as well as fireplaces and spare parts. The company is also involved in providing installation, repair, maintenance and other services of water supply equipment. Njeni izdelki se distribuirajo na domačih in čezmorskih trgih
CLP Environmental Protection (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300172.SZ) (formerly Nanjing CLP Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.) is mainly engaged in the provision of water treatment system solutions, the integration of water treatment equipment systems and the contract construction of related projects. Toplotna energija, jedrska energija, petrokemični, premogovniški, metalurški in drugi industrijski projekti. The company mainly provides condensate polishing treatment, water supply treatment, waste water treatment, steam centralized monitoring and chemical injection pipelines, industrial flue gas treatment, municipal sludge treatment, municipal sewage treatment, etc.
EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES CORP. (NYSE: AQUA) is a leading provider of mission-critical water treatment solutions, providing services, systems and technologies to meet customers' entire water life cycle needs. Evoqua Water Technologies has been committed to protecting water, the environment and its employees for more than 100 years, and has earned a reputation for quality, safety and reliability worldwide. Evoqua Water Technologies s sedežem v Pittsburghu v Pensilvaniji ima 160 podružnic v osmih državah, več kot 200.000 inštalacij in 87 servisnih podružnic ter je vodilna na severnoameriških industrijskih, komercialnih in komunalnih trgih za čiščenje vode.
Formation Fluid Technology (TSX: FFM.V) je razvila terciarno čistilno napravo (Hydro-Cycle), ki za čiščenje odpadne vode uporablja lasten postopek. Each plant is mobile and can process up to 1,000 cubic meters of water per day. The system treats water to meet or exceed CCME guidelines (Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines) to produce reusable water that can be used for: boilers, fracturing water, flooding, and drilling operations. Formation fluids have established the commercial application of hydraulic circulation systems in the oil and gas industry. The main purpose of the wastewater treatment system is to reduce the cost of the manufacturer to treat the produced water. Sistem tudi zadovoljuje potrebo po ponovni uporabi in recikliranju vedno večjih dragocenih virov

General Environmental Management Co., Ltd. (OTC: GEVI) nudi storitve obdelave in popravil industrijskih odpadnih tekočin. It provides on-site service, repair, transportation and on-site treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous materials for the oil and gas industry, industrial customers and domestic waste generators. Podjetje upravlja sisteme za odstranjevanje odpadkov na lokaciji in okoljske nesreče ter zagotavlja storitve čiščenja razlitja.

Jiangsu Weir Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300190.SZ) was established in February 2003. After ten years of development and growth, it has become a pioneer focusing on municipal solid waste and landfill leachate treatment, and has become a leading enterprise in China, providing comprehensive solution. Pollution control and disposal of urban domestic garbage. WELLE is committed to providing customers with overall services from engineering design, equipment supply, waste and leachate treatment plant engineering design, equipment supply, installation and commissioning, and operation management. Currently, Welle has a world-class professional technical staff and management team. The company has executed nearly 100 projects across China. By combining successful experience in infrastructure construction and development at home and abroad into specific engineering applications, Welle insists on realizing the most advanced technology introduction, absorption and redevelopment and innovation. Danes imamo zaščitene tehnologije in patente, povezane z obdelavo izcedne vode in obdelavo trdnih odpadkov, ki so najprimernejši za okoljske izzive Kitajske. WELLE ima pridobljene certifikate o usposobljenosti za izvajalce okoljskega inženiringa in obratovanje objektov za nadzor onesnaževanja okolja. As a member of the Urban Sanitation Technical Committee of the National Standardization Administration of China, the company has also participated in the formulation of several technical agreements and specifications for municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment and leachate treatment. Through comprehensive cooperation with well-known domestic and foreign companies, scientific research institutions and industry associations, we have completed a number of nationally funded environmental research projects and internationally funded cooperation projects.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage sistem zdravljenja. It treats grey water and black water at the same time. The treated water exceeds EU and all local discharge standards and can be reused for irrigation, washing and cleaning.
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) je biotehnološko podjetje, osredotočeno na hitro diagnosticiranje živih celic. Its products can speed up the detection and identification of microorganisms. In addition to medical, defense and homeland security applications, NanoLogix technology is also suitable for pharmaceutical, industrial, veterinary, and environmental testing. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. Varnost okolja in pitne vode

Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Naš oddelek za nafto in plin se nahaja v Stavangerju na Norveškem in je specializiran za obdelavo odpadkov na kopnem in morju, ki nastanejo med raziskovanjem in proizvodnjo nafte in plina. Naša inženirska ekipa je specializirana za načrtovanje, inženiring, namestitev in vzdrževanje rešitev za obdelavo odpadkov na kopnem in morju.
PHI Group, Inc. (OTCQB: PHIL) mainly focuses on acquiring and investing in specific industries and special circumstances that may significantly increase shareholder value. Zagotavlja tudi svetovalne storitve pri združitvah in prevzemih prek svoje hčerinske družbe PHI Capital Holdings, Inc. v 100-odstotni lasti. VODA: PHI EZ Water Tech, Inc. je podjetje iz Wyominga, ki ga je ustanovila skupina PHI in je odgovorno za upravljanje, proizvodnjo in trženje portfelja inovativnih izdelkov za čiščenje vode. The system developed by Dr. Martin Nguyen for agriculture and humans.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) is an international environmental oilfield service provider, established in late 1994, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has offices in the Prairie, Alberta. Podjetje se osredotoča na tehnologijo čistega zraka in deluje v Kanadi, ZDA, Evropi in Aziji. Questor načrtuje in izdeluje visoko učinkovite sežigalnice odpadnih plinov za prodajo ali najem ter nudi tudi storitve naftnih polj, povezane z zgorevanjem. Lastniška tehnologija sežigalnice lahko uniči strupene ali strupene ogljikovodične pline in s tem doseže skladnost s predpisi, varstvo okolja, zaupanje javnosti in zmanjšanje obratovalnih stroškov kupcev. Questor is known for its special expertise in sour gas (H2S) combustion. Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Although Questor's current customer base mainly operates in the crude oil and natural gas industries, the company's combustion technology is also applicable to other industries, such as landfills, water and sewage treatment, tire recycling and agriculture.
SEYCHELLE Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTC: SYEV) is a well-known company in the rapidly growing water filtration industry. V Severni Ameriki in po svetu prodajamo celoten nabor visokokakovostnih prenosnih izdelkov in blagovnih znamk za filtriranje vode. This unique and proprietary product portfolio will enable our customers and joint venture partners to meet their consumers' needs for new, economical and innovative water filtration products and systems, thereby providing safe and clean water on a global scale.
Shanghai Safran Water Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300262.SZ) se ukvarja s čiščenjem industrijske vode, čiščenjem komunalne vode, obdelavo trdnih odpadkov, postajami za pripravo zemeljskega plina in distribuiranimi energetskimi storitvami. It uses self-developed condensate polishing, microfiltration deposition, sludge drying, natural gas conditioning station system and other technologies to provide customers with one-stop solution services, including technical design, engineering design, technical implementation, system integration, system installation, and debugging , Operation service hosting, etc.
Stina Resources Ltd. (CSE: SQA) is currently developing the Bisoni McKay strategic vanadium mine in Nevada. After signing a formal agreement with America Greener Technologies to distribute Soft Wave Technology in Canada, Stina is now also entering the environmental technology industry. Soft Wave je nekemični sistem za čiščenje vode, ki lahko zagotovi številne prihranke pri stroških, okoljske in osebne koristi za gospodinjske uporabnike, podjetja, mestno infrastrukturo za oskrbo z vodo in obsežne industrijske operacije. Soft Wave je nekemični sistem za čiščenje vode, ki lahko zagotovi številne prihranke pri stroških, okoljske in osebne koristi za gospodinjske uporabnike, podjetja, mestno infrastrukturo za oskrbo z vodo in obsežne industrijske operacije. The soft wave dissolves and suspends minerals in the water, thereby preventing the formation of scale in the pipe and eliminating the previous scale. Softwave technology has been developed for more than six years and has been commercially available in the United States in the past three years. During this period, in addition to many other well-known companies in North America, Soft Wave was also installed in locations such as Dole Foods, Fresh Express and Best Western Hotels. Soft Wave is fully scalable, and the operation effect in the home is the same as in the power plant. Benefits include reducing or eliminating all chemical additives in the water system, eliminating calcium and mineral deposits, reducing system maintenance or replacement costs, and saving significant costs while reducing environmental footprint. The application of soft wave technology in industrial cooling tower operations can reduce water evaporation without the need for chemical cleaning, which usually results in an increase in the number of cycles. Kombinacija teh dejavnikov lahko zmanjša potrebo po dopolnilni vodi in zmanjša količino vode za izpihovanje, s čimer prihrani milijone litrov vode, zmanjša odvisnost od kemične obdelave za preprečevanje nabiranja vodnega kamna in skrajša čas izpada proizvodnje. This means that large-scale industrial costs can be saved by reducing component wear, reducing liability, reducing overhead and improving efficiency. There are many potential customers, from power plants to oil refineries, steel plants, agricultural operations, food production plants, urban water supply systems and residential buildings.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Wave and tidal energy: At Alstom, we are at the forefront of developing tidal stream turbine technology to take advantage of the huge energy potential in the tides, and in 2013 we acquired important technology and expertise from Tidal Power Co., Ltd. (TGL ) .
Carnegie Wave Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: CWE.AX) is an inventor listed on the ASX, the owner and developer of the patented CETO wave energy technology, which converts wave expansion into zero-emission renewable energy and desalination freshwater. Carnegie (Carnegie) je zbral več kot 80 milijonov ameriških dolarjev za financiranje razvoja tehnologije CETO in sprejel edinstveno hitro prototipiranje, vključno z računalniško simulacijo, testiranjem valovnih rezervoarjev, v svojem zasebnem raziskovanju energije in na morju/na morju na morju na morju na morju/morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/morju na morju/na morju na morju/na morju na morju/morju na morju/morju na morju/morju na morju/morju na morju/morju na morju/morju na morju/morju na morju/morju na morju. na kraju samem in morsko testiranje v komercialnem obsegu na otoku Garden v zahodni Avstraliji. CETO je zasnovan kot najpreprostejša in najmočnejša valovna tehnologija na svetu. Po 10 letih nenehnega razvoja, testiranja in izboljšav se trenutno prikazuje v komercialnem obsegu v HMAS Stirling, največji avstralski pomorski bazi na Garden Islandu v Zahodni Avstraliji. CETO je edina tehnologija valovne energije, preizkušena v oceanih, ki jo je mogoče popolnoma potopiti in proizvajati elektriko in/ali razsoljevati vodo na obali. CETO technology has been independently verified by EDF-Energies Nouvelles (EDF EN) and French naval contractor DCNS.

Stonehenge Metal Co., Ltd. (ASX: SHE.AX) se ukvarja z raziskovanjem in razvojem projektov urana v Južni Koreji. Podjetje raziskuje tudi vanadij in molibden. Its flagship project is the Daejon project located in the Ogchon Basin. In addition, the company has also participated in the commercialization of Protean wave energy converter technology. Stonehenge is reorganizing its business and funding to focus on the phased commercialization and international promotion of the technology.
The main focus of Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) is to add value to shareholders by developing and maintaining long-term interests in Canadian renewable energy projects and underground natural gas storage assets based on market prices. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Poslovni načrt podjetja Tribute je določiti, dovoliti, razviti in zgraditi projekte, ki izpolnjujejo njegove standarde mejne donosnosti na podlagi njegovih obstoječih sredstev. Tribute ustvarja vrednost z odkrivanjem projektnih priložnosti, zagotavljanjem strokovnega znanja in izkušenj pri razvojnih projektih in ohranjanjem zanimanja za dokončana sredstva, s čimer vzpostavlja dolgoročno stabilen denarni tok uporabne kakovosti prek močne in raznolike baze sredstev, povezanih z energijo. Tide project

ABB Ltd. (NYSE: ABB) is a leader in the field of power and automation technologies that enable utility and industrial customers to improve performance while reducing their environmental impact. The ABB group of companies operates in approximately 100 countries around the world and has approximately 140,000 employees. Rešitve vetrne elektrarne vetrne turbine

Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) is one of the largest renewable energy companies in India, with a current project portfolio of 5,290 MW. AGEL is part of Adani Group's commitment to provide India with a better, cleaner, and greener future. Podjetje, ki ga vodi filozofija »dobre rasti« skupine, razvija, gradi, ima v lasti, upravlja in vzdržuje projekte solarnih in vetrnih elektrarn, povezanih z omrežjem. Proizvedena električna energija se dobavlja centralnim in državnim vladnim subjektom ter podjetjem, ki jih podpira vlada.
AeroVironment, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AVAV) je ponudnik tehnoloških rešitev. AeroVironmentova majhna modularna rešitev za vetrne turbine želi zagotoviti privlačno, dinamično in čisto rešitev za proizvodnjo energije, ki jo je mogoče enostavno vključiti v nove in obstoječe poslovne zgradbe. Za razliko od drugih zasnov majhnih vetrnih turbin, Architectural Wind™ združuje funkcijo in estetiko za ustvarjanje prvega modularnega in strukturno izboljšanega sistema malih vetrnih turbin. AeroVironment's patented design and innovative positioning method take advantage of the natural wind speed acceleration generated by the aerodynamic characteristics of the building. This accelerated wind speed can increase the power generation of the turbine by more than 50% compared to the power generated by the system located outside the acceleration zone. Compared with traditional wind turbine designs, the sleek and modular units also have less noise and vibration during operation.
Alerion Clean Energy Company (Milano: ARN.MI) je industrijska skupina, specializirana za uporabo obnovljive energije za proizvodnjo električne energije, zlasti na področju vetrne energije. Alerion Clean Power je vodilno neodvisno industrijsko podjetje v Italiji, namenjeno proizvodnji zelene energije.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. Distribucijska skupina deluje v Združenih državah Amerike in zagotavlja cenovno nadzorovane storitve oskrbe z vodo, elektriko in zemeljskim plinom za več kot 489.000 strank. The unregulated power generation group owns or owns a portfolio of contracted wind, solar, hydropower, and natural gas power generation facilities located in North America, with an installed capacity of more than 1,050 megawatts. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alliant Energy Corporation (NYSE: LNT) je matična družba dveh komunalnih podjetij (Interstate Power and Lighting Company in Wisconsin Power and Lighting Company) in Alliant Energy Resources, LLC. Alliant Energy Resources, LLC is a non-regulated business of Alliant Energy Parent company. Alliant Energy je ponudnik energetskih storitev, katerega hčerinska družba oskrbuje približno 1 milijon odjemalcev električne energije in 410.000 zemeljskega plina. Providing regulated electricity and natural gas services to customers in the Midwest is the company's main focus. Alliant Energy is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin and is one of the Fortune 1000 companies. The company owns and operates four wind farms in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Alstom (Pariz: ALO.PA) je vodilni svetovni proizvajalec električne energije, prenos in železniška infrastruktura, ki postavlja merila za inovacije in okolju prijazne tehnologije. Alstom je zgradil najhitrejši vlak na svetu in avtomatizirano podzemno železnico z največjo zmogljivostjo, ki zagotavlja integrirane rešitve za elektrarne na ključ in sorodne storitve za različne vire energije, vključno z vodno energijo, jedrsko energijo, zemeljskim plinom, premogom in vetrno energijo, ter ponuja široko paleto rešitev za prenos električne energije , with a focus on smart grids. Alstom has 30 years of experience in the field of wind power, providing global energy solutions, from developing, designing and setting up wind farms to supplying and maintaining wind turbines.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra ima v lasti 247 MW delež te zmogljivosti in letno proizvede več kot 1.250 GWh čiste energije. Alterra ima tudi dva nova projekta v gradnji: Jimmie Creek-62 MW projekt rečne hidroelektrarne, ki meji na obstoječo elektrarno Toba Montrose; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 Projekt MW vetrne energije se nahaja v okrožju Clay v Teksasu; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra naj bi imela 50-odstotno lastništvo (trenutno 100-odstotno). Po zaključku teh dveh projektov bo Alterra upravljala s sedmimi elektrarnami s skupno močjo 819 MW in bo imela 381 MW te moči, kar bo letno proizvedlo več kot 1700 GWh čiste energije. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.

AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. The company's solutions are now powering gigawatts of renewable energy around the world and have improved the performance and reliability of power networks in more than a dozen countries. AMSC je bil ustanovljen leta 1987 in ima sedež v bližini Bostona, Massachusetts, z operacijami v Aziji, Avstraliji, Evropi in Severni Ameriki.
AREVA SA (Pariz: AREVA.PA) je vodilna v svetu na področju jedrske energije. Skupina Areva prav tako vlaga v obnovljive vire energije za razvoj visokotehnoloških rešitev prek partnerstev. Skupina Areva s komplementarnostjo jedrske energije in obnovljivih virov energije prispeva k vzpostavitvi jutrišnjega energetskega modela: čim večjemu številu ljudi zagotoviti varnejšo energijo z manj ogljikovega dioksida. Skupina Areva ima vrsto podjetij na štirih področjih obnovljive energije: vetrna energija na morju, bioenergija, koncentrirana sončna energija in shranjevanje energije. Proizvodnja vetrne energije: Z združevanjem strokovnega znanja o vetrni elektrarni Gamesa in AREVA ter obsežnih izkušenj želi Adwen do leta 2020 postati vodilno podjetje na področju vetrne energije na morju v Evropi s projektom 2,8 GW in skoraj 20-odstotnim tržnim deležem. .
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Te energetske elektrarne vključujejo enociklične in kombinirane elektrarne na zemeljski plin ter naprave za alternativno pridobivanje energije, vključno z biodizlom, etanolom in naprave, ki jih poganjajo obnovljivi viri energije, kot sta veter in sonce. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc

AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) je vodilni mednarodni dobavitelj elektronskih pasivnih komponent in rešitev za medsebojno povezovanje z 21 proizvodnimi in skladiščnimi obrati v 12 državah/regijah po vsem svetu. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE: B) is an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and service provider, serving a wide range of end markets and customers. Barnes Group (Barnes Group) provides highly engineered products, differentiated industrial technologies and innovative solutions for a wide range of applications, providing transportation, manufacturing, healthcare products and technologies to the world. The Seeger-Orbis subsidiary produces a variety of DIN standardized and customized retaining rings and snap rings for the wind power industry. Nudimo tudi izdelke za rezervne dele za vzdrževanje in popravilo menjalnika, ki postaja vse bolj pomembno v celotni industriji vetrne energije.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) is an electricity producer whose core business is dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations. Boralex ima približno 250 zaposlenih in je znan po svojem strokovnem znanju in bogatih izkušnjah na področju štirih vrst proizvodnje energije: vetrne, vodne, termalne in sončne. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
BP plc (NYSE: BP) je eno vodilnih mednarodnih naftnih in plinskih podjetij na svetu. We provide customers with transportation fuels, heat and light energy, lubricants to run engines, and petrochemical products used to make daily necessities (such as paint, clothing, and packaging). BP Wind Energy is the main owner and operator of wind power facilities. As the main owner and operator of wind power facilities (closely related to 16 wind farms in 9 states in the United States), our total power generation capacity is close to 2,600 megawatts. This is enough to provide electricity for a city the size of Washington. Currently, we are building two wind farms, which will increase our total power generation by another 375 megawatts.
Broadwind Energy, Inc. (NasdaqCM: BWEN) leverages decades of deep industry expertise to innovate integrated solutions for customers in the energy and infrastructure markets. Od zobnikov in sistemov zobnikov za uporabo v vetru, jeklu, nafti in plinu ter rudarstvu, do vetrnih stolpov, do popolne predelave menjalnikov in lopatic, do obratovanja in vzdrževalnih storitev ter industrijskega varjenja, nudimo energijo za prihodnost in zagotavljamo rešitev. Broadwind Energy's talented team of employees has branches throughout the United States, dedicated to helping customers maximize their investment performance faster, easier, and smarter.
Brookfield obnovljivi energetski partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) upravlja eno največjih svetovnih javnih platform za čiste obnovljive vire energije. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. Z visokokakovostnim portfeljem sredstev in močnimi obeti za rast lahko podjetje ustvari stabilen dolgoročni denarni tok in podpira redne in naraščajoče razdelitve denarja delničarjem. Projekt vetrne elektrarne: leta 2006 je Brookfield naročil svoj prvi projekt vetrne elektrarne Prince Wind Farm severozahodno od Sault Ste. Mary, Ontario, Kanada. Today, Brookfield has 37 wind power facilities in six countries: Canada, the United States, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Brazil and Portugal
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (São Paulo: ELET6.SA) is the leader of the system, which is composed of six subsidiaries, six power distribution companies, electric power research center (Eletrobras Cepel) and Eletrobras Participações SA (Eletrobras Eletropar), and is the system The owner of Itaipu Binacional has 50% of the share capital. Eletrobras provides power, welfare and development to the Brazilian people through its 180 hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, wind power plants and nuclear power plants, half of Brazil's transmission lines and six power distribution companies. Eletrobras are all over the country. Njeno podjetje je odgovorno za 42987 MW instaliranih zmogljivosti za proizvodnjo električne energije v državi, kar predstavlja 34 % celotne lokalne instalirane zmogljivosti. There are 45 hydroelectric power plants, 125 thermal power plants, 8 wind farms and 2 thermal nuclear power plants.
China Datang Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1798.HK) produces and sells wind energy and other renewable energy in the People's Republic of China. Prav tako razvija, vlaga, gradi in upravlja proizvodnjo vetrne energije; and other renewable energy sources, including solar energy, biomass, and coal-bed methane. In addition, it also participates in energy performance contracting activities; low-carbon technology research, development, application and promotion; research, sales, testing and maintenance of renewable energy related equipment; proizvodnja električne energije; inženiring; domestic and local construction and installation; energetski projekti Popravila in vzdrževanje; uvoz in izvoz opreme in tehnologije za obnovljive vire energije; tuje naložbe; provision of consulting services related to renewable energy; in najem nepremičnin. China Datang Group Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of China Datang Group Corporation.
China High Speed ​​Transmission Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0658.HK) is engaged in the research, design, development, manufacturing and distribution of mechanical transmission equipment in the People's Republic of China and internationally. Njegov portfelj izdelkov vključuje opremo za prenos vetrnih turbin; marine gear transmission equipment; transmission equipment for high-speed locomotives, subways and urban light rail systems; traditional gear transmission equipment; computer numerical control machine tools; in ladijski dizelski motorji, dizelski motorji za proizvodnjo električne energije in bencinski motorji. Izdelki podjetja vključujejo tudi gradbene materiale in metalurško opremo za prenos, opremo za mehanski prenos premoga, opremo za mehanski prenos iz gume in plastike, elektromehansko avtomatsko krmilno opremo in menjalnike za splošne in žerjavne stroje, kot tudi mešalne reduktorje in dvižne naprave za rudnike Škatle, proizvodnja električne energije gearboxes, sugar mill reducers, screw jacks, non-standard gearboxes, diaphragm couplings, crown gear sklopke, zobniške sklopke za visoke hitrosti, gibljive zatične sklopke itd. Poleg tega podjetje proizvaja in prodaja tudi kovano jeklo in njegove dodatke, zobnike, menjalnike in dodatke, opremo za vožnjo ladij, težko opremo in obdelovalne stroje, propelerje, industrijske kotle, oprema za rekuperacijo toplote in sorodni izdelki, izdelki LED in strojna orodja. In addition, it is also engaged in metallurgical engineering and manufacturing and trading businesses. It serves the metallurgy, building materials, transportation, transportation, petrochemical, aerospace and mining industries. The company's products are exported to the United States, India, Japan and Europe.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. In addition, it also runs other projects such as thermal power, solar power, tidal power, biomass power and geothermal power. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. Po letih kopičenja je podjetje postopoma vzpostavilo deset podpornih sistemov za tehnologijo vetrne energije in storitve, v predhodnem merjenju vetrne energije, svetovanju pri oblikovanju, nabavi opreme, spremljanju delovanja, pregledu in vzdrževanju, tehničnih raziskavah in razvoju, tehnični podpori, tehničnem razvoju , tehnična podpora, tehnologija Podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora, tehnična podpora in druga področja so oblikovala edinstvene prednosti. Strokovno usposabljanje.
China Mingyang Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (NYSE: MY) je vodilni proizvajalec vetrnih turbin na Kitajskem, posvečen načrtovanju, proizvodnji, prodaji in vzdrževanju megavatnih vetrnih turbin. Mingyang proizvaja napredne in prilagodljive vetrne turbine z visoko izhodno energijo ter strankam zagotavlja celovite poprodajne storitve. Ming Yang cooperates with aerodyne Energiesysteme, one of the world's leading wind turbine design companies headquartered in Germany, to jointly develop wind turbines. Glede na novo nameščeno zmogljivost je bil Mingyang leta 2013 med desetimi največjimi proizvajalci vetrnih turbin na svetu in največji proizvajalec vetrnih turbin v nedržavni lasti na Kitajskem.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) was established based on the vision of providing clean and manageable “wireless power”. Podjetje razvija in prodaja pametne rešitve za napajanje izven omrežja in storitve upravljanja v oblaku za sončne, vetrne in hibridne sisteme napajanja (kot so ulične luči, varnostni sistemi, telekomunikacijski sistemi, zasilni viri napajanja in oprema za internet stvari). Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. emig se uvršča na tretje mesto med največjimi proizvajalci v Braziliji in prek svoje hčerinske družbe v popolni lasti ima nadzorovano in pridruženo podjetje za proizvodnjo električne energije 65 delujočih elektrarn, od tega 59 hidroelektrarn, tri termoelektrarne in tri vetrne elektrarne. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.
Concord New Energy (HKG: 0182.HK) (prej China Wind Power Group Co., Ltd.) je specializirano za proizvodnjo vetrne in sončne energije. So far, we are the only purely vertically integrated clean energy power generation company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In areas with abundant wind and solar resources, CNE has been actively building wind and solar power plants, creating reliable solutions for the conversion of renewable energy, and providing professional technical support and services. CNE je zavezan zagotavljanju integriranih rešitev za razvoj vetrne in sončne energije. CNE's core business includes wind and solar farm investment, operation and services (early development, design and consulting, construction, operation and maintenance, and new energy equipment manufacturing). CNE has invested in more than 30 wind farms and solar farms in 26 regions including Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangxi, New York, and established in 26 regions The regionalna agencija za upravljanje. Združene države Amerike, Združene države Havajev. Not only that, CNE also has wind and solar design, power project construction and installation companies, professional power plant operation and maintenance companies, wind turbine tower tubes and solar mounting bracket manufacturing companies. In addition, CNE also has consulting and design qualifications in the fields of wind energy and solar energy, and overall contracting of power projects. Trenutno je CNE profesionalno skupinsko podjetje za proizvodnjo vetrne in sončne energije z najpopolnejšo industrijsko verigo na področju proizvodnje vetrne in sončne energije na Kitajskem. CNE has a senior technical human resources and management team
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. Deluje preko integriranih energetskih in drugih področij. Podjetje proizvaja, odkupuje in prodaja električno energijo in zemeljski plin. It generates electricity from hydropower, geothermal and thermal resources, and wind energy. The company is also involved in the sale of liquefied petroleum gas. Služi stanovanjskim, komercialnim in industrijskim strankam. Poleg tega nudi storitve števcev tudi drugim trgovcem na drobno.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. Zagotavlja energetsko učinkovite rešitve LED za zunanje in notranje razsvetljave, vključno z razsvetljavo parkirišč in ulic, reflektorji, semaforji, lučmi in zamenjavami žarnic, fluorescentnimi lučmi in aplikacijami po meri. Podjetje prodaja tudi vetrne turbine WePOWER z navpično osjo, vključno z vetrnimi turbinami na omrežju in izven njega za stanovanjske, komercialne, industrijske in vladne aplikacije; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; and Skystream commercial lighting systems. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) je največja holdinška družba v ZDA, ki približno 7,3 milijona ameriških strank zagotavlja in zagotavlja energijo. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Vetrna energija: Duke Energy ima v lasti in upravlja skupno 11 vetrnih elektrarn: štiri v Wyomingu, tri v Teksasu in eno v Koloradu, Kansasu, Pensilvaniji in Wisconsinu. Duke Energy Renewable Energy will operate four new large-scale wind farms with a total power generation capacity of more than 600 megawatts and zero emissions. These new wind farms include two wind farms in Texas, one wind farm in Kansas and one wind farm in Pennsylvania.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and okolje. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. Od obnovljivih virov energije, kot so fotovoltaika, vetrna energija, biogoriva in gorivne celice, do uporabe naprednih materialov, zaradi katerih je raziskovanje, proizvodnja in transport nafte in plina učinkovitejši, DuPontovi izdelki in storitve pomagajo zagotoviti boljšo učinkovitost, zanesljivost in nižje stroške. , higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Naši izdelki podpirajo tehnologije za shranjevanje energije in varčevanje z energijo v celotnem procesu proizvodnje, distribucije in pretvorbe energije.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy networks and customer solutions are the cornerstones of the new energy world. Wind energy: We use the wind on land and sea to generate environmentally friendly energy. In the ever-growing renewable energy market, we play a key role in the wind energy industry and are already among the top ten wind energy operators in the world-we hope to develop further. In Europe and the United States, we operate landing wind farms with an installed capacity of approximately 4.000 MW. Med njimi je Roscoe v Teksasu, katerega vetrna turbina s 782 MW je ena največjih kopenskih vetrnih elektrarn na svetu. We are the third largest offshore wind farm operator in the world. V sodelovanju z DONG Energy in Masdar smo nedavno dokončali London Array, ki je največja vetrna elektrarna na morju na svetu z instalirano močjo 630 MW. It provides enough clean energy for nearly half of British households. We are currently establishing E.ON's first commercial offshore wind energy project in Germany, namely Amrumbank West. Once completed, Amrumbank West will provide enough electricity for 300,000 German houses each year. We are committed to further large-scale investments and to expand our onshore and offshore capabilities. At the same time, we pursue strict cost reduction targets to make wind energy more competitive and affordable.

Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) is a major investment company that specializes in solar and onshore wind energy and park operations. It does not focus on investing in the Greenfield project from scratch, nor does it assume major development or construction risks. It seeks to withdraw from investment within five to seven years through IPOs, trade sales, secondary purchases or repurchases. Podjetje želi investirati zunaj svoje bilance stanja. Osredotoča se na pridobivanje in upravljanje sončnih in vetrnih elektrarn na ključ s sekundarnega trga. Podjetje lahko vlaga kot soinvestitor. Podjetje Encavis AG je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1996 in ima sedež v Hamburgu v Nemčiji.
Enel Green Power (Milano: EGPW.MI) je zavezan razvoju in upravljanju proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih virov na mednarodni ravni, z dejavnostmi v Evropi in Ameriki. Enel Green Power uses all renewable energy sources to produce energy through a wide portfolio of wind, hydro, geothermal, solar and biomass energy projects. Veter: Naše poslovanje pokriva Evropo, Latinsko Ameriko in Severno Ameriko, zlasti v Združenih državah. Our plan is developing rapidly. We plan to build nearly 1,000 megawatts of electricity in the United States. EnelGreen Power intends to continue its commitment to protecting the country's natural landscape, and to ensure that it attaches great importance to the coordination of wind farms with the surrounding environment and the social development of related areas, while continuously focusing on innovation and new areas of wind energije, kot so elektrarne na morju. Za tovarne, ki so trenutno v gradnji, smernice, ki jih je razvil Enel Green Power, vključujejo uporabo ustreznih velikosti za število turbin na vsakem območju, da se razvije postavitev, ki izpolnjuje zahteve varstva okolja. Other measures have also been taken, such as: low-reflective coatings and “hidden” coatings are being tested in cooperation with several universities, especially for offshore factories.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. Večino energetskih produktov in rešitev je mogoče takoj uvesti, kjer je to potrebno. EHT združuje celoten nabor rešitev za sončno fotovoltaiko, vetrno energijo in baterije za shranjevanje, da izstopa od konkurentov. Rešitev lahko zagotavlja energijo v majhnih in velikih formatih 24 ur na dan. Poleg tradicionalne podpore za vzpostavljena električna omrežja je EHT odličen tudi tam, kjer električnega omrežja ni. Organizacija združuje rešitve za varčevanje z energijo in proizvodnjo energije, da bi zagotovila napredne rešitve za različne industrije. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
Energias de Portugal SA (Lisbon: EDP.LS) is one of the major operators in the energy sector in Europe; smo eden največjih energetskih operaterjev na Iberskem polotoku, največja portugalska industrijska skupina in tretji največji proizvajalec vetrne energije.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Njegov objekt za proizvodnjo električne energije je eden najbolj raznolikih na svetu. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. Hidroenergija je nedvomno glavni vir energije, ki ga je treba razvijati, vendar postajajo vetrna energija, sončna energija, energija biomase in geotermalna energija v energetski strukturi vse pomembnejši.

Fersa Energias Renovables SA (Madrid: FRS.MC) je bila ustanovljena leta 2000 in je prvo neodvisno podjetje, ki kotira na španski borzi in se posveča razvoju obnovljivih virov energije, predvsem vetrne energije. The company's goal is to use 100% renewable energy to generate electricity. FERSA started the international diversification of its business in 2008 and began to develop its business at the international level. FERSA currently operates on three continents: America, Europe and Asia.
First National Power Company (OTC: FNEC) je razvijalec obnovljivih virov energije, da bi zadostil naraščajočemu povpraševanju po čisti, obnovljivi energiji. First National se osredotoča na zeleno energijo, ki je najhitreje rastoči vir proizvodnje električne energije na svetu. Ekipa izkušenih strokovnjakov First National združuje celovit razvoj projektov, tehnična, finančna in marketinška znanja za načrtovanje, gradnjo in upravljanje vetrnih elektrarn.
Gamesa Corp (Madrid: GAM.MC) has 21 years of experience and has installed 31,200 MW batteries in more than 50 countries/regions. Gamesa is a global technology leader in the wind power industry. Its full response also includes management of operation and maintenance services for wind turbines over 20,700 MW. The company has production centers in the main wind energy markets: Spain and China, as global production and supply centers, while maintaining local production capacity in India, the United States and Brazil. Gemei a je tudi globalno vodilno podjetje pri razvoju, gradnji in prodaji vetrnih elektrarn s 6400 MW nameščenih po vsem svetu. Gemei a forms part of the main international sustainability indexes: FTSE4Good and Ethibel.
GC China Turbine Corp (OTC: GCHT) proizvaja in prodaja vetrne turbine v Ljudski republiki Kitajski. It provides 2-blade and 3-blade 1.0 MW wind power turbines for the utility industry. The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Wuhan, China
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. GE uses the cleanest and most advanced technology and energy solutions to power the world. Wind power: GE Renewable Energy is one of the world's leading suppliers of wind turbines. Naš trenutni portfelj izdelkov vključuje turbine z nazivno zmogljivostjo od 1,7 MW do 3,2 MW. In addition, the support services we provide cover everything from development assistance to operation and maintenance. Whether you are at the starting point of your wind power journey or are looking for development, we can provide you with the services you need.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE:: GOOD.L) is a vertically integrated utility company whose 100% of its electricity comes from renewable energy. Skupina oskrbuje z električno energijo več kot 51.500 gospodinjstev in poslovnih odjemalcev ter zagotavlja zemeljski plin več kot 25.000 gospodinjskim odjemalcem. Zagotavlja tudi več kot 76.000 neodvisnih zelenih generatorjev rastočim skupnostim po vsem Združenem kraljestvu. The group provides electricity in three ways, either from its own renewable energy power generation assets, from other UK renewable energy producers, or directly from the market. The Group obtains approximately 19% of its electricity through its own wind farm in Good Energy Delabole Windfarm Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary. The company owns 9.2MW of onshore wind energy assets in North Cornwall. It also invested in Good Energy's new The renewable energy project Generation Ltd, is planning to build a 4.6 MW wind farm in Aberdeenshire.
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) je pomemben akter v rastoči indijski energetski industriji ter vodilni lastnik in upravljavec projektov čiste energije v Indiji na trgu. Skupina v Indiji gradi netvegan portfelj vetrne energije, vodne energije, zemeljskega plina in biomase.
Greentech Energy Systems (Copenhagen: GES.CO) is an energy company dedicated to the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects and power plants. Greentech se zavzema za mednarodno širitev in želi postati vodilno podjetje na področju obnovljivih virov energije. Greentechovi projekti vetrne energije delujejo in se razvijajo: operativni projekti se nahajajo na Danskem, v Nemčiji, Poljski, Italiji in Španiji; development projects are located in Poland.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) produces and operates various chemical products in India. The company operates through sectors such as chemicals, wind energy business, electricity and theater exhibitions. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); erection procurement and commissioning services; storitve obratovanja in vzdrževanja; splošne infrastrukturne storitve; in storitve razvoja spletnega mesta WTG.

Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) is a leader in providing energy management systems and hybrid solutions for distributed stationary industrial applications, as well as products and solutions for education, training and applied research Technology providers are used in fuel cell, solar, wind and hydrogen technologies. Heliocentrisov sistem upravljanja z energijo ustvarja pametne, daljinsko vodene, zanesljive in učinkovite hibridne energetske rešitve prek različnih komponent (kot so baterije, fotovoltaični moduli, običajni dizelski generatorji in gorivne celice). V primerjavi s konvencionalnimi energetskimi rešitvami za mobilne telekomunikacijske bazne postaje lahko ta rešitev zmanjša emisije CO2 za 50 % in obratovalne stroške v povprečju do 60 %. Heliocentris' fuel cell system can ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical infrastructures (such as TETRA base stations, backbone sites and server stations in mobile networks) and a long operating time. Področje »poučevanja« ponuja vrsto učnih in raziskovalnih sistemov za tehnologijo gorivnih celic in solarnega vodika ter druge tehnologije obnovljivih virov energije. Stranke vključujejo izobraževalne centre, raziskovalne ustanove in industrije.
Helix Wind, Inc. (OTC: HLXW) se ukvarja z alternativno energetsko dejavnostjo malih vetrnih turbin in zagotavlja platformo porazdeljene energetske tehnologije, ki lomi paradigme, katere namen je proizvajati elektriko iz vetra. Since its establishment, Helix Wind has been mainly engaged in the research and development of its proprietary products.
Hexcel Corporation (NYSE: HXL) je vodilno podjetje za napredne kompozitne materiale. Razvija, proizvaja in prodaja lahke, visoko zmogljive strukturne materiale, vključno z ogljikovimi vlakni, ojačitvami, prepregi, satjem, matričnimi sistemi, lepili in kompozitnimi strukturami za komercialno letalstvo, vesoljsko in obrambno ter industrijsko uporabo, kot so lopatice vetrnih turbin.

Iberdrola Renovables SAU (Madrid: IBE.MC) has undergone extensive transformation in the past ten years, making it the number one Spanish energy group and one of the major Spanish companies of Ibex 35. It is a global leader in wind energy by market capitalization . , Is also one of the world's top power companies.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) razvija vetrne elektrarne za prodajo, upravlja sredstva za vetrno energijo in proizvaja Green Power® za prodajo javnim službam in podjetjem. Turnkey implementation of wind power projects from concept to commissioning. Wind energy asset management solutions for installed assets, including operations, invoicing, and revenue collection from project customers. Provide GreenPower® to customers. CER (carbon credit) sales and trading.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) is a professional renewable energy company that develops, constructs, owns and operates renewable energy power generation assets. Ima pravice do 24 vetrnih elektrarn, vključno s 6 vetrnih elektrarnah v operaciji, Avstralija ima skupno instalirano zmogljivost 557 MW; Združene države imajo 18 delujočih vetrnih elektrarn s skupno nameščeno zmogljivostjo 1.089 MW, kot tudi vetrno energijo in razvoj sončne obnovljive energije.

Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho v Združenih državah Amerike. posel. Its asset portfolio currently includes: (i) ownership of 33 operating facilities with a total net installed capacity of 687 MW (total 1,194 MW), including 26 hydropower facilities, 6 wind farms and 1 solar photovoltaic power generation (Ii) Have rights in five projects under development or under construction that have signed power purchase agreements, with a total net installed capacity of 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) potencialni projekti, skupna neto Skupna moč je 3.190 MW (skupaj 3.330 MW).
IXYS Corp. (NASDAQGS: IXYS) manufactures and sells technology-driven products to improve power conversion efficiency, generate solar and wind power, and provide effective motor control for industrial applications. IXYS zagotavlja raznoliko bazo izdelkov za izpolnjevanje globalnih potreb po nadzoru moči, električni učinkovitosti, obnovljivi energiji, telekomunikacijah, medicinski opremi, elektronskih zaslonih in RF napajalnikih.
Japan Wind Development Co., Ltd. (Tokio: 2766.T) JWD si prizadeva spoznati vrednost vetrne energije. JWD ima dobre rezultate pri gradnji in upravljanju stroškovno učinkovitih vetrnih elektrarn. In addition, we will make full use of the knowledge gained through the construction and operation of wind power plants equipped with storage batteries to develop our own green power system integration technology, and prepare to enter the next phase as your energy solution partner
Jinpan International Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: JST) designs, manufactures and sells electrical control and power distribution equipment for demanding industrial applications, utility projects, renewable energy installations and infrastructure projects. The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan is a qualified supplier of China's leading industrial electrical equipment manufacturers, has a wide range of customers in China and has entered the international market. Jinpanove štiri proizvodne baze na Kitajskem se nahajajo v Haikouju, Wuhanu, Šanghaju in Guilinu. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. The company was established in 1993. Its main executive office is located in Haikou, Hainan Province, China, and its US office is located in Karlstadt, New Jersey. Wind energy: Cast resin dry-type transformers for wind energy applications, used in wind farms (in or outside the tower) to increase the voltage of the generated electricity for transmission in the medium-voltage power grid.
Juhl Wind (OTC: JUHL) is a recognized leader in the renewable energy industry, focusing on providing competitive clean energy solutions and community-based wind energy development, ownership and management throughout the United States and Canada. Juhl Energy je bil pionir pri razvoju vetrnih elektrarn v skupnosti, razvil trenutno priznan finančni, operativni in pravni okvir ter zagotovil lokalno lastništvo srednje do velikih vetrnih elektrarn na podeželskih območjih Združenih držav. Doslej je podjetje opravilo 24 projektov vetrnih elektrarn s skupno proizvodnjo električne energije približno 260 MW in zagotavljalo operativno upravljanje in nadzor za celoten portfelj projektov. Juhl Energy zagotavlja storitve za vse vidike razvoja vetrnih elektrarn, vključno s celovitim razvojem in lastništvom, splošnim svetovanjem, vodenjem gradnje ter delovanjem in vzdrževanjem sistema. Juhl Energy ponuja tudi široko paleto rešitev čiste energije.

Landmark Infrastructure Partner LP (NasdaqGM: LMRK) To partnerstvo je komanditno partnerstvo, usmerjeno v rast, namenjeno pridobivanju, lastništvu in upravljanju podjetij, ki dajejo v najem portfelj lastniških naložb v nepremičnine industriji brezžične komunikacije, zunanjega oglaševanja in proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih virov. . The partnership is headquartered in El Segundo, California, and its real estate interests include long-term and permanent easements, tenant lease assignments and a diversified portfolio of fee-based properties located in 49 states and the District of Columbia, giving the partnership rights The na več kot 1400 najemniških mestih se najemnina plačuje iz najemnine. Wind force

MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; proizvodnja električne energije, vključno z infrastrukturo za obnovljivo energijo; in industrijsko infrastrukturo. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Proizvodnja vetrne energije: Naše osebje zagotavlja storitve od konca do konca za industrijo vetrnih elektrarn, vključno s sistemi za zbiranje električne energije, transformatorskimi postajami, storitvami medsebojnega povezovanja in popolnimi rešitvami EPC/BOP za zasebne razvijalce, elektroenergetska podjetja in vladne organizacije po vsej državi. We are equipped with a large number of support and installation cranes, including the two (2) ton 550 ton Demag 250-1 and the 660 ton Demag 2800-1 NT, which allow us to safely handle the tallest parts today and drive The heaviest turbine.
MGE Energy, Inc (NasdaqGS: MGEE) is a public utility holding company. Its main subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE), generates and distributes electricity to 143,000 customers in Dane County, Wisconsin, and purchases and distributes natural gas to 149,000 customers in 7 counties in south central and western Wisconsin. Izvor MGE je mogoče izslediti na območju Madisona pred 150 leti. Wind power: In the past ten years, MGE's wind power capacity has increased from 11 megawatts (MW) to 137 MW.

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. Sedež podjetja NextEra Energy je v mestu Juneau Beach na Floridi, njegove glavne hčerinske družbe pa so Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (ki je eno največjih cenovno nadzorovanih podjetij za električno energijo v Združenih državah) in NextEra Energy Resources, LLC ter z njim povezane osebe. Največji obnovljivi vir energije na svetu prihaja iz vetra in sonca. Prek svojih hčerinskih družb NextEra Energy proizvaja čisto elektriko brez emisij iz osmih komercialnih jedrskih elektrarn na Floridi, New Hampshiru, Iowi in Wisconsinu. Tretje strani so NextEra Energy priznale za svoja prizadevanja na področju trajnosti, korporativne odgovornosti, etike in skladnosti ter raznolikosti, revija Fortune pa jo je imenovala za eno izmed »Najbolj občudovanih podjetij na svetu leta 2015«. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. “As the largest wind and solar renewable energy producer in North America, NextEra Energy Resources is demonstrating an effective way to tackle climate change. Through our use-and consumer support-renewable resources, we can all make a difference
Nordex AG (Frankfurt: NDX1.F) through the continuous production of multi-megawatt wind turbines of the Gamma Nordex N90/2500, N100/2500 and N117/2400 generations, Nordex is able to provide efficient wind turbines for land use. Since 2013, Nordex has provided Delta generation with N100/3300 for places with strong wind, N117/3000 for places with stroke, and N131/3000 for places with light wind. As a developer and manufacturer of wind turbines, we focus on our core competitiveness. Poleg celotne tehnične zasnove je naša lastna tehnologija tudi razvoj rotorskih lopatic, daljših od 64 metrov, ter integrirana električna in krmilna tehnologija za vetrne turbine.
Northland Power Inc. (TSX: NPI.TO; NPI-PA.TO) is an independent power producer, established in 1987, and has been publicly traded since 1997. Northland develops, builds, owns and operates facilities that produce “clean” ( zemeljski plin) in „zelena“ (vetrna, sončna in hidroenergetska energija za zagotavljanje delničarjev, zainteresiranih strani in skupnosti s trajnostno dolgoročno vrednostjo

Orient Green Power Limited (NSE: GREENPOWER-EQ.NS) je neodvisno podjetje za proizvodnjo električne energije iz obnovljivih virov v Indiji. Podjetje se osredotoča na razvoj, lastništvo in upravljanje raznolikih elektrarn na obnovljivo energijo. Naložbeni portfelj družbe vključuje projekte biomase in vetrne energije na različnih stopnjah razvoja.

Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) develops, manufactures and sells insulation, roofing and fiberglass composite materials. The company's market-leading corporate business spans the world and scales humanity. It uses its deep expertise in materials, manufacturing and building science to develop products and systems to save energy and improve the comfort of commercial and residential buildings. S svojo dejavnostjo ojačitve stekla podjetje naredi na tisoče izdelkov lažjih, močnejših in vzdržljivejših. In the end, Owens Corning's employees and products make the world a better place. Wind energy products: Glass fiber reinforced composite materials can be lightweight, insulated, corrosion-resistant, impact-resistant and heat-resistant, and can be used to replace steel, aluminum, wood and other materials. Glass fiber as a reinforcing material can reduce weight while providing strength equal to or better than other materials (such as steel). The lighter weight means higher fuel efficiency in all modes of transportation. With the continuous improvement of strength technology, composite materials also provide higher efficiency and higher economy for wind energy turbines, so that longer, lighter and more productive blades can be used at lower wind speeds.
Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NasdaqGS: PEGI; TSX: PEG.TO) is an independent power company. Pattern Energy ima v lasti portfelj 16 vetrnih elektrarn v ZDA, Kanadi in Čilu, s skupnim lastniškim deležem 2282 MW, z uporabo dokazane prvorazredne tehnologije. Objekti Pattern Energy za proizvodnjo vetrne energije ustvarjajo stabilen dolgoročni denarni tok na privlačnem trgu in postavljajo trdne temelje za nadaljnjo rast poslovanja.

Repower Systems (Switzerland: REPI.SW) is a Swiss-based company engaged in power generation, management, trading, sales, power transmission and distribution. The company also buys and sells natural gas, emission certificates and certificates of origin in selected European markets. Podjetje ima lastna sredstva za proizvodnjo električne energije v Švici (hidroelektrarne), Italiji (elektrarne s kombiniranim ciklom na plin in vetrna energija) in Nemčiji (vetrna energija). The company has trading floors in Poschiavo, Switzerland; Milano, Italija in Praga, Češka. The company provides energy to home and business customers. The company also directly or indirectly provides energy for southern Switzerland through resellers. In Germany, the company sells electricity to medium-sized companies and listed companies, and in Italy, the company also supplies them with natural gas.

Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) je neodvisno naftno in plinsko podjetje po vsem svetu. Deluje prek zgornjih in spodnjih tržnih segmentov. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; pridobiva bitumen iz izkopanega naftnega peska in ga pretvarja v sintetično surovo nafto; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. Poleg tega se podjetje ukvarja s proizvodnjo, dobavo in transportom surove nafte; prodaja goriv, ​​maziv, bitumna in utekočinjenega naftnega plina (UNP) za gospodinjstvo, transport in industrijske namene; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; proizvodnja in prodaja petrokemičnih izdelkov, kot so plastika, premazi in detergentne surovine za industrijske stranke; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; opravlja prevozne storitve; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. The company owns approximately 24 oil refineries; 1500 skladiščnih rezervoarjev; in 150 distribucijskih objektov. Gorivo prodaja pod blagovno znamko Shell V-Power.
RWE AG (Frankfurt: RWE.F) is an electric power and natural gas company responsible for generating, distributing and selling electric power, and producing, distributing and selling natural gas. Kot gorivo za elektrarne uporablja lignit, premog, zemeljski plin, jedrsko energijo, obnovljivo energijo, odpadke in olje; as well as pumped storage and river power plants, and generates heat. The company is also engaged in the supply and trade of electricity, natural gas, coal, petroleum, CO2 certificates, and biomass-based renewable energy in physical and derivative forms; and providing consulting services. Vetrna energija: RWE Innogy upravlja vetrne elektrarne na kopnem v Nemčiji, Združenem kraljestvu, Španiji, na Poljskem, Nizozemskem in v Italiji. Through Rhyl Flats and North Hoyle, we operate the two largest offshore wind farms in the UK. We are currently building the offshore wind farm Nordsee Ost near the coast of Germany, and the 576 MW wind farm Gwynt yMôr will be built near the coast of Wales.
Sauer Energy Corporation (OTC: SENY) je razvijalec in proizvajalec tehnologije, ki se osredotoča na nastajajoči trg obnovljive energije. SEI's first product, WindCutter, is based on the Darrieus principle and has 5 airfoil blades that use the principle of lift to rotate the shaft and mount it on the rod. SEI also plans to provide a patented spiral WindRider model, a vertical axis wind turbine using HelixWind® technology purchased in 2012. Design modifications with higher performance are expected to bring better results. WindRider je nameščen tudi na stebru in se lahko uporablja za aplikacije, ki ne zahtevajo strešne namestitve. SEI also invented and plans to provide WindCharger® brand turbines to provide better roof installation solutions for residential and other small buildings. Tehnologija SEI je odlična, ker zahteva zelo malo delov. To pomeni nižje proizvodne stroške, učinkovitejše delovanje, manj vzdrževanja (manj delov = manjša možnost okvare) in večjo proizvodnjo energije. To bo podjetju SEI zagotovilo novo usmeritev za zajem vetrne energije, kar bo olajšalo širitev od stanovanjskih do energetskih majhnih skupnosti – vse do velikih industrijskih objektov. Tržne priložnosti za to novo, samostojno inovativno tehnologijo so neomejene in hitro rastejo. SEI has several patents, and there are more patents pending, and we look forward to early manufacturing and commercialization. It is also actively seeking financial returns on investments.
Sea Breeze Power Corp. (TSX: SBX.V) je podjetje s sedežem v Vancouvru, namenjeno proizvodnji in prenosu obnovljive energije. Vse večje svetovno povpraševanje po čisti, zeleni energiji je temeljna gonilna sila našega poslovanja. Wind project: Sea Breeze Power Corp., through several subsidiary holding companies, has approximately 50 research periods at sites in British Columbia for wind energy research and development. These areas total approximately 200,000 hectares and are located in five regions of the province. Garrard Hassan je izvedel neodvisno študijo o podjetju British Columbia Hydropower Company, viri vetrne energije Britanske Kolumbije imajo velik potencial
SeaEnergy PLC (LSE.SEA.L) provides strategic innovation for global energy companies. Our pioneering solutions can help oil and gas, renewable energy and other industries fulfill their financial, operational and legal obligations. We combine our rich experience and expertise with creativity and technical knowledge to simplify business processes and contribute to the efficiency, safety and reliability of our customers. Stranke SeaEnergy so predvsem v naftnem in plinskem sektorju, vetrni energiji, inženirstvu, gradbeništvu in javnem sektorju.
Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. (Hongkong: 2345.HK) in njegove hčerinske družbe se na Kitajskem ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem, proizvodnjo in prodajo turbinskih lopatic, natančnih ležajev, pritrdilnih elementov, CNC obdelovalnih strojev itd. And internationally. The company provides turbine blades for large generators, as well as components for the aviation and aerospace markets. Power plants for the energy and aviation industries. Zagotavlja tudi ležajne izdelke za železniški promet, vozila, opremo za prevoz tovora, vesoljsko opremo, motorje in električne naprave ter ležaje in s tem povezane storitve popravil in vzdrževanja. Poleg tega podjetje proizvaja tudi rezalna orodja za hitrorezno jeklo, kot so vrtalna rezalna orodja, orodja za rezanje navojev, rezkalna orodja in orodja za rezanje šarnirjev, orodja za rezanje zobnikov in orodja za rezanje poševnikov; as well as carbide cutting tools, superhard material cutting tools, Coated cutting tools, CNC handles and cutting rods, measuring tools and cemented carbide. Poleg tega ponuja tudi standardne in posebne pritrdilne elemente; pritrdilni elementi visoke trdnosti in sorodna oprema; and fasteners and special parts for the automotive industry, as well as metal forming machines and tools for the metal forming industry. In addition, it is also engaged in technology development, environmental protection project transfer and consulting, as well as ship anti-corrosion and pollution prevention work and related services. In addition, the company also provides related technical services, human services, industrial investment, and domestic trade and commodity re-export trade. Podjetje je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2005 in ima sedež v Šanghaju na Kitajskem. Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Proizvodnja vetrne energije: imamo več kot 30 let izkušenj s proizvodnjo vetrne energije na kopnem in več kot 20 let izkušenj s proizvodnjo energije na morju. We are one of the global market leaders. There are nearly 13,000 wind turbines worldwide with a total capacity of 21 GW, helping to provide the world with clean, renewable energy.

SKF AB (ADR) (OTC: SKFRY) is a leading global supplier of bearings, seals, mechatronics, lubrication systems and services (including technical support, maintenance and reliability services, engineering consulting and training). SKF has operations in more than 130 countries around the world and has approximately 15,000 distributors worldwide. Vetrna energija: SKF oblikuje in razvija ležaje, tesnila, sisteme za spremljanje stanja in sisteme mazanja, da bi dosegli bolj stroškovno učinkovito proizvodnjo vetrne energije. Inženirji SKF sodelujejo s proizvajalci originalne opreme in upravljavci vetrnih elektrarn, da zagotovijo namenske rešitve, ki lahko optimizirajo zanesljivost in učinkovitost novih in starih zasnov vetrnih turbin.

Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uporablja znanje in izkušnje vodstva za zagotavljanje storitev strankam in trenutnim delničarjem z visokokakovostnimi storitvami in opremo, stremi k zadovoljstvu strank in varuje okolje z uporabo pametnih zelenih tehnologij. Blockchain: January 2018-announced the company's initiative to integrate blockchain technology into its renewable energy business model and strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency of grid management of solar and wind farms. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Tehnologija veriženja blokov lahko spremlja nova električna omrežja, izravnava obremenitev in podaljša življenjsko dobo električne opreme.
Suzlon Energy Limited (NSE: SUZLON.NS) s ponosom ustvarja trajno vrednost s trajnostnim razvojem. Trdno verjame v povezovanje svojih temeljnih zmogljivosti za zagotavljanje najboljših rešitev vetrne energije. Skupina je eden vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev vetrnih turbin. In addition to being a technology leader, Suzlon is also committed to protecting the environment, strengthening the community and promoting responsible growth-a model of corporate social responsibility. The group has been driven by the concept of sustainable development for a long time. Its wind turbines are spread all over the world, which is a sign of a pollution-free environment. Suzlon is a market leader in India, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, and North and South America. Over the past two decades, Suzlon has established and consolidated its business in 19 countries/regions through wind power generation facilities spanning 14,600 MW worldwide. Suzlon's global wind energy installations help reduce 44 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The company has 14 manufacturing plants in India, China (joint venture) and the United States. Suzlon has a dynamic workforce of more than 6,900 employees from 19 countries/regions, and we proudly support a culture that respects and empowers employees to become the company's most valuable asset.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. Ti izdelki se uporabljajo na različnih trgih, vključno z: alternativno energijo (sončno in vetrno), medicinsko, jedrsko, obrambno, industrijsko in vesoljsko. TechPrecision's goal is to provide customers with an end-to-end global service provider by providing customized and integrated “turnkey” solutions for complete products that require customized manufacturing and processing, assembly, inspection and testing.
Tektronix Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-A.TO; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-B.TO) develops and produces natural resources in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. Glavni proizvodi podjetja vključujejo proizvodnjo jekla; bakrovi koncentrati in rafinirane bakrene katode; rafiniran cink in cinkovi koncentrati; and lead concentrates. It also produces molybdenum, gold, silver, germanium, indium and cadmium, as well as chemicals and fertilizers. In addition, the company also holds interests in oil sands projects and other interests in the Athabasca region of Alberta; and has interests in mining and processing operations in Canada, the United States, Chile and Peru, and operates metallurgical plants. It is also interested in wind power facilities. Tektronix Resources Co., Ltd., je bil ustanovljen leta 1906 in ima sedež v Vancouvru v Kanadi.
Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY has a strong pipeline of approximately 8,000 MW RES projects, which are in operation, under construction or in advanced stages of development, leading in Greece, with operations in Central Europe, Southeast Europe and the United States. TERNA ENERGIJA aktivno sodeluje tudi v mednarodnih programih za nadaljnje spodbujanje rabe OVE. It is also a member of the European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) je globalni raznovrstni lastnik čistih energetskih sredstev, vključno s projekti sončne, vetrne in hidroelektrarne na privlačnih, hitro rastočih trgih v razvoju.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) je vodilni ponudnik storitev svetovanja, inženiringa, upravljanja procesov in vodenja gradnje. Podjetje podpira komercialne in državne stranke, osredotočene na vodo, okolje, infrastrukturo, upravljanje virov in energijo. Tetra Tech has 13,000 employees worldwide, providing clear solutions to complex problems. Wind energy: Tetra Tech is a leader in the wind energy market and ranks second in wind energy in the Engineering News Record. We provide integrated environment, engineering, construction management and operational service solutions for all stages of wind energy project development. Tetra Tech supports the projects of 20 of the 25 top wind energy developers and 80% of the top wind energy industry OEMs. In the past few years, our team has carried out more than 650 wind energy projects worldwide, with a total generating capacity of more than 25,000 MW. Our project experience covers all 50 states in the United States and 8 provinces in Canada.

Theolia (Paris: TEO.PA) is a French wind energy project developer and operator. The company's business mainly focuses on the development of wind farm projects and the construction of wind power generation facilities for the company group itself and third parties, as well as the operation of wind farms in France, Germany, Morocco and Italy. It also involves the sale of wind farm systems in two to four years (excluding trade activities). Dejavnosti in poslovne storitve Theolia SA so uporabne za celotno vrednostno verigo industrije vetrne energije, od določitve lokacije do naročanja delovanja vetrnih elektrarn, vključno s postopkom pridobivanja gradnje in upravljanja, izbiro vetrnih turbin, raziskav za dvig funds, and construction of operating farms And sales.
Pan Asia Petroleum and Energy Development Corporation (Philippines: TA.PH) In the foreseeable future, in view of the rapid growth of local energy demand, there are many opportunities. Power generation and power supply are Pan Asia's core business. Kot zagovornik trajnostne energije podjetje vlaga tudi v obnovljive vire energije, kot sta vetrna in geotermalna energija, za katere verjame, da so ključ do dolgoročne vzdržnosti gospodarskega razvoja države.
TransAlta Corporation (TSX: TA.TO; NYSE: TAC) is a power generation and wholesale marketing company dedicated to creating long-term shareholder value. TransAlta ohranja nizko do srednje tveganje z upravljanjem visoko skrčenega portfelja sredstev v Kanadi, Združenih državah in Avstraliji. TransAlta's focus is on efficiently operating wind, water, natural gas and coal facilities in order to provide customers with reliable and low-cost energy. For more than 100 years, TransAlta has been a responsible operator and has made outstanding contributions to the communities in which it works and lives. Od leta 2009 je podjetje Sustainalytics TransAlta izbralo kot eno izmed 50 najbolj družbeno odgovornih podjetij v Kanadi, FTSE4Good pa ga je svetovno priznal za vodilni položaj na področju standardov trajnosti in odgovornosti podjetij.
TransAlta Renewable Energy Company (TSX: RNW.TO; OTC: TRSWF) has 16 wind power and 12 hydroelectric power generation facilities, and in TransAlta's Sarnia thermal power plant, Le Nordais wind farm, uneven chute hydroelectric power station, Wyoming Wind Farm and Australia have economically beneficial assets with a total installed capacity of 2,467 MW, of which they have a net lastniški delež 2,291 MW. Gospodarski interesi družbe TransAlta Renewables v avstralskih sredstvih vključujejo 425 MW proizvodnje električne energije iz šestih operativnih sredstev, ki se upravljajo in so podpisana v skladu z dolgoročnimi pogodbami, ter projekt South Hedland s 150 MW, ki je trenutno v izgradnji in je bil nedavno v izgradnji. The project commissioned 270 kilometers of natural gas pipelines. TransAlta Renewables has the largest power generation capacity of any publicly traded renewable independent power producer (“IPP”) in Canada, and its wind power capacity is more than any other publicly traded IPP in Canada. TransAlta Renewables' strategy focuses on the efficient operation of its asset portfolio and expands its asset base by acquiring high-quality contract renewable energy and natural gas power generation facilities and other infrastructure assets. Our goal is to (i) create stable and consistent returns for investors through ownership of contract renewable energy and potential natural gas power generation and other infrastructure assets, and these assets through reputable counterparties (including TransAlta Corporation) The long-term contracts provide stable cash flow; (ii) seek and use strategic growth opportunities in the areas of renewable energy, natural gas power generation and other infrastructure; (iii) pay a portion of the cash that can be allocated to the company's shareholders every month.
Glavni poudarek Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) je dodati vrednost delničarjem z razvojem in vzdrževanjem dolgoročnih interesov v kanadskih projektih obnovljive energije in podzemnih sredstvih za shranjevanje zemeljskega plina, ki temeljijo na tržnih cenah. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Tribute's business plan is to determine, allow, develop and build projects that meet its threshold return standards based on its existing assets. Tribute creates value by identifying project opportunities, providing expertise in development projects, and maintaining interest in completed assets, thereby establishing a long-term stable utility-quality cash flow through a strong and diversified energy-related asset base. Wind Energy Project

TrustPower Limited (NZE: TPW.NZ) is engaged in the production and retail of electricity. The company's power generation department develops, owns and operates renewable energy power generation facilities. Departma ima 34 hidroelektrarn in 2 vetrni elektrarni na Novi Zelandiji; in 2 vetrni elektrarni v Južni Avstraliji. Njegova maloprodajna divizija vključuje maloprodajo električne energije, zemeljskega plina in telekomunikacijskih storitev.
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) podjetjem zagotavlja takojšnje prihranke stroškov s čistejšo elektriko. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. Solar energy, wind energy, LED lighting
Vestas Wind Energy Systems (OTC: VWSYF) is the only global energy company dedicated exclusively to wind energy-increasing the certainty of the business case and reducing energy costs for customers. Vestas works closely with customers to provide the most effective solutions for achieving energy independence. Our core business is the development, manufacturing, sales and maintenance of wind power plants. Njegove zmogljivosti pokrivajo vse vidike vrednostne verige od terenskih raziskav do storitev in vzdrževanja.
Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) je podjetje za obnovljivo energijo. The company focuses on identifying, developing and funding alternatives to clean air energy production, such as solar power, wind farms and hydropower. It explores green energy production opportunities, such as large-scale commercial wind farms in Europe, and solar and hydropower prospects in North America and internationally.
Wind Works Power Corp. (OTC: WWPW) now operates 4.6 megawatts (MW) in Germany. The company has 49% ownership and is expected to double to 9.2 MW by the end of the year. Poleg tega Wind Works sodeluje s Capstone Infrastructures (hčerinsko družbo Macquarie Infrastructures) pri razvoju pogodbenega projekta odkupnih cen za 50 MW v Ontariu in povečanju lastne moči za 10 MW; a later project in Germany 77 MW; and a project pipeline in the United States. Our mission is to provide people with opportunities to participate in the development of renewable wind energy projects. We believe that reasonable investments that are good for the environment are good for our shareholders and our planet. In order to eliminate a person's annual carbon footprint of 10 tons (for Germany), it only takes about 2 days to produce a modern windmill, which can save 2 tons. 20.000 kWh čiste energije in energije brez emisij.

Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) is a major power and natural gas company in the United States with regulated operations in eight Western and Midwestern states. Xcel Energy zagotavlja obsežen portfelj izdelkov in storitev, povezanih z energijo, za 3,5 milijona uporabnikov električne energije in 2 milijona uporabnikov zemeljskega plina prek svojih reguliranih operativnih podjetij. Sedež podjetja je v Minneapolisu. Glavni obrati za proizvodnjo električne energije, ki jih upravljamo, uporabljajo različna goriva, vključno s premogom, zemeljskim plinom, jedrskim gorivom, vodo (vodo), nafto in odpadki; we also have facilities that use wind energy to generate electricity.
Xinjiang Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002202.SZ; OTC: XJNGF; Hong Kong: 2208.HK) je podjetje za vetrno energijo v celinski Kitajski in po svetu. Podjetje deluje prek treh divizij: proizvodnja WTG, storitve proizvodnje vetrne energije ter investicije, razvoj in prodaja vetrnih elektrarn. It is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and sales of wind turbine generators and wind power components; the development and operation of wind farms; and provides wind power related consulting, wind farm construction, maintenance and transportation services. The company's main products include 1.5 megawatt (MW) and 2.5 MW permanent magnet direct drive (PMDD) wind turbines. It is also engaged in the manufacture and sale of wind energy equipment and accessories; machinery and technology trade; and the construction and operation of wind power and solar power projects.
Xzeres Corp (OTC: XPWR) is a global renewable energy company. Podjetje načrtuje in proizvaja sisteme vetrnih turbin, povezane z omrežjem in zunaj omrežja, ter rešitve za energetsko učinkovitost za komercialne, lahke industrijske in stanovanjske trge. XZERES products can reduce energy costs and carbon footprint. Mednarodna distribucijska mreža podjetja ima sedež v Wilsonvillu v Oregonu in podpira uvedbo svojih izdelkov v 110 državah/regijah na sedmih celinah.
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