DynaCERT Inc produzéiert a verkeeft CO2 Emissiounsreduktiounstechnologien fir Verbrennungsmotoren. Als Deel vun der ëmmer méi wichteger internationaler Waasserstoffwirtschaft benotze mir eis patentéiert Technologie fir Waasserstoff a Sauerstoff duerch en eenzegaartegt Elektrolysesystem ze produzéieren. Dës Gase ginn duerch d'Loftversuergung agefouert fir d'Verbrennung ze optimiséieren, oder hëlleft CO2 Emissiounen a méi héije Brennstoffeffizienz ze reduzéieren. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives. Internet: www.dynaCERT.com
BIOREM Inc. (TSX: BRM.V) ass eng führend propper Technologiefirma gewidmet fir d'Designen, d'Fabrikatioun an d'Verdeelung vun enger Serie vun ëmfaassenden héicheffizienten Loftemissiounskontrollsystemer fir Gerécher, flüchteg organesch Verbindungen (VOC) a schiedlech Loftverschmotzung Objekter ze eliminéieren. HAPs). BIOREM has sales and manufacturing offices throughout the African continent, specialized research institutions, a global sales representative network, and more than 1,000 installed systems worldwide, which can provide municipalities, industrial companies and enterprises with the most advanced products based on technology , Allowing you to use the communities around them at ease.

CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) ass en Innovateur am Beräich vun der enzymatescher Kuelestofffangung, an ass engagéiert fir d'Entwécklung an d'Kommerzialiséierung vu fixe Kuelestoffverschmotzungsquelltechnologien. CO2 Solutions' technology lowers the cost barrier of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCSU), positioning it as a viable CO2 mitigation tool, and enabling the industry to obtain profitable new products from these emissions. CO2 Solutions has established an extensive patent portfolio covering the use of carbonic anhydrase or its analogues to capture carbon dioxide after effective combustion with low-energy aqueous solvents.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) ass eng diversifizéiert erneierbar Energiefirma mat Sëtz an Australien. Iwwer déi d'Technesch Konstruktioun vun enger Technescher Méiglechkeet hunn, déi néideg wierkt, bekloen Dotorien Mäert, wéi och ëmmer méi héich. Conventional geothermal resources in the vast Pacific Ocean are rim.
Pond Technologies Holdings Inc. (TSX: POND.V) has developed a proprietary growth platform that can convert almost all sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable biological products. Pond works with the cement, steel, oil and gas, and power generation industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create new sources of income. D'Pound Plattform Technologie enthält och d'Entwécklung vun Algen Superfoods fir den nutraceuteschen a Liewensmëtteladditivmäert. Pond's system is capable of growing a variety of algae, including strains that produce antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and protein for human and animal consumption
Reno International Corporation (OTC: RINO) ass eng Ëmweltschutz- a Sanéierungsfirma an der Volleksrepublik China. The company is engaged in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of wastewater treatment and flue gas desulfurization equipment mainly used in the steel industry; souwéi Anti-Oxidatiounsprodukter an Ausrüstung, déi an der Produktioun vu waarmgewalste Stahlplackprodukter benotzt ginn. Seng Produkter enthalen Lamella Schréiegt Rouer Siedler Ofwaasserbehandlungssystem, dorënner industriell Waasserbehandlungsausrüstung, Ofwaasserkondensatiounsausrüstungskits, zolidd a flësseg Extraktioun an Dehydratiounsausrüstung, a Kuelgasstaubentfernung a Botzenausrüstung; circulating fluidized bed flue gas desulfurization system for removing steel production Granular sulfur in the flue gas generated during the sintering process; a high-temperature anti-oxidation system for hot-rolled steel, a set of products and a mechanized system, which can reduce the output loss related to oxidation in the continuous casting of hot-rolled steel production. In addition, it also provides contract processing services for third-party industrial companies.
Questor Technology Inc. D'Entflossung weist op op der Cracity Technologie a huet Bannenhungen a Kanaden, d'USAen, d'Vereenegung. Questor designs and manufactures high-efficiency waste gas incinerators for sale or lease, and also provides combustion-related oilfield services. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor ass bekannt fir seng speziell Expertise am Sauergas (H2S) Verbrennung. Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Och wann dem Questor seng aktuell Clientsbasis haaptsächlech an der Rohöl- an Erdgasindustrie operéiert, ass d'Verbrennungstechnologie vun der Firma och applicabel fir aner Industrien, wéi Deponien, Waasser- a Kläranlag, Pneuenverwäertung a Landwirtschaft.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. An der kontinuéierlecher Entwécklung vun dësem Gebitt zielt eis lescht Mark GO Zitat d'Solarindustrie z'ënnerstëtzen an de Konsumenten d'Méiglechkeet ze ginn fir gratis Installatiounsquote vu lokale Solaranbieter ze kréien, während CO2 Global Qualitéitssécherung (QA) a Qualitéitskontroll (QC) bitt. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
TOMI™Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTC: TOMZ) is a global bacterial decontamination and infectious disease control company that manufactures, sells and licenses products based on the main platform of hydrogen peroxide through manufacturing, sales and licensing, for indoor surfaces Decontamination provides an environmentally friendly environmental solution. Binary ionization technology (BIT) is the most advanced technology for producing six logarithmic fog represented by the TOMI (TM) SteraMist (TM) brand. TOMI's products are designed to serve a wide range of commercial structures, including hospitals and medical facilities, cruise ships, office buildings, hotels and motels, schools, restaurants, meat and food processing facilities for non-food safety, military barracks and sports field equipment . TOMI's products and services have also been used in single-family houses and multi-family houses. TOMI also develops training programs and application protocols for its customers, and is a good member of the American Biosafety Association, the American Organization Banking Association, the Professional Association of Infection Control and Epidemiology, the American Medical and Health Epidemiology Association, and the Repair Association . Industry Association, Indoor Air Quality Association an International Ozone Association.

Australien SAM Nohaltegkeet Index (^ SAMAU) verfollegt d'Performance vun den Australien Nohaltegkeet Leadere

The Clean Technology Index (NYSE: ^ CTIUS) is the first and only stock market index designed to reflect the surge in demand for clean technology products and services. By tracking the market performance of the world's leading publicly traded clean technology companies, CTIUS has become an industry standard index, which is the basis for more and more financial products (such as exchange-traded funds). The index is made up of 58 companies that are global leaders in the field of clean technology with a wide range of industries, from alternative energy and energy efficiency to advanced materials, air and energy; Waasser Offäll, Öko-frëndlech Landwirtschaft / Ernährung, Muecht Transmissioun Waart.

First Trust Nasdaq® CleanEdge® Smart Grid Infrastructure Index (NasdaqGIDS: GRID) is an exchange traded fund. Den Index zielt d'Performance vun de gemeinsame Aktien am Stroumnetz a Kraaftinfrastruktur Secteuren ze verfolgen. The index includes companies primarily engaged in and involved in supporting software used in the fields of power grids, electricity meters and equipment, networks, energy storage and management, and smart grid infrastructure.
First Trust NASDAQ® CleanEdge® Green Energy Index Fund (NASDAQGM: QCLN) is an exchange-traded index fund. Den Index ass e revidéierten Maartkapitaliséierungsgewiichten Index entwéckelt fir d'Performance vun ëffentlech gehandelten propperen Energiefirmen an den USA ze verfolgen, inklusiv Firmen déi an der Fabrikatioun, Entwécklung, Verdeelung an Installatioun vun opkomende propper Energietechnologien engagéiert sinn, abegraff awer net limitéiert op Solar Photovoltaik, biofuels And advanced batteries

Global X Lithium (NYSEArca: LIT) probéiert Investitiounsresultater ze bidden déi allgemeng dem Präis an Akommesleeschtung vum Solactive Global Lithium Index entspriechen (ausser Fraisen an Ausgaben).

iPath Global Carbon ETN (NYSE: GRN) zielt fir Investisseuren e Verständnis vum Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return ™ ze bidden. De Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return ™ (nodréiglech den "Index" bezeechent) ass entwéckelt fir d'Leeschtung vun de flëssegste Kuelestoff-relatéierte Kredittprogrammer ze moossen. Every carbon-related credit scheme included in the index is represented by the most liquid instrument on the market. The index is expected to be included in new carbon-related credit programs worldwide.
iShares S&P Global Clean Energy Index (NasdaqGIDS: ICLN) attempts to track the S&P Global Clean Energy IndexTM. A fund usually invests at least 90% of its assets in the constituent securities of the index and investments with basically the same economic characteristics as the constituent securities, and may invest up to 10% of its assets in certain futures, options and swap contracts, cash And cash equivalents and securities not included in the index. Den Index zielt d'Performance vun ongeféier 30 vun de flëssegsten an verhandelbarste Wäertpabeieren vu weltwäite Firmen ze verfolgen, déi a propper Energie verbonne Geschäfter involvéiert sinn. It is non-diversified.
Ludgate Environmental Fund Limited (LSE: LEF.L) huet Positiounen an de Portefeuillen vu verschiddene Ressource-spueren Firmen ofgehalen.
Mkt Vectors Glb Alternative Energy ETF (NYSEArca: GEX) Dës Investitioun probéiert d'Präis- an Akommesleistung vun Ardor Global IndexSM (zousätzlech Liquiditéit) sou no wéi méiglech virum Käschten an Ausgaben ze replizéieren. Funds usually invest at least 80% of their total assets in securities that make up the Ardor Global Index. The index is mainly concentrated in the alternative energy industry and the industrial and information technology sectors. Utilities and consumer discretionary industries account for a large part of the Ardor global index. Et ass net diversifizéiert.

Market Vectors Solar Energy (NYSEArca: KWT) attempts to replicate the price and earnings performance of the MarketVectors® Global Solar Index as closely as possible before excluding fees and expenses. A fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities that make up the fund's benchmark index. The solar energy index is the fund's benchmark index, which consists of equity securities of companies whose income is at least 50% from photovoltaics and solar energy, or manufacturers of solar energy equipment/technology and materials or service equipment/technology for solar energy. Et ass net diversifizéiert.
Den New Alternative Fund (Nasdaq: NALFX) ass e sozial verantwortleche géigesäitege Fonds deen alternativ Energie an d'Ëmwelt ënnersträicht. Mir sichen Investitioune vun opgezielt Firmen déi e positiven Impakt op d'Ëmwelt hunn. We are different from funds that contribute to the environment only by avoiding damage to the environment.
D'Investitiouns Approche vum Portfolio 21 (Nasdaq: PORTX) kombinéiert Ëmwelt-, Sozial- a Gouvernanceanalyse mat Basisinvestitiounsfuerschung. We are keen to find excellent companies. Mir gleewen datt dës Firme Investisseuren kompetitiv Rendemente kënne bidden, wärend se innerhalb vun den opkomende Ëmweltgrenzen innovéieren, hiren Ëmweltimpakt reduzéieren an op eng Manéier funktionnéieren déi d'Gesellschaft respektéiert. Global Equity Fongen ausgeschloss Biergbau a fossille Brennstoff Produktioun Extraktioun Industrien, a Betriber spezialiséiert op landwirtschaftlech Biotechnologie.
The PowerShares Clean Technology ETF (NYSEArca: PZD) is based on the Cleantech Index™. De Fonds investéiert normalerweis op d'mannst 90% vu sengem Gesamtverméigen an d'Aktien vu propper Technologie (oder propper Technologie) Firmen, déi den Index an den amerikaneschen Depositaire Quittungen ausmaachen op Basis vun den Aktien vum Index. Den Index zielt fir féierend propper Technologiefirmen aus enger breeder Palette vun Industrien ze verfolgen déi de beschte Rendement op Investitioun ubidden. The Clean Technology Index is a modified average weighted index composed of publicly traded clean technology company stocks (and ADRs for such stocks). Funds and indexes are re-allocated every quarter
D'PowerShares Global Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: PBD) baséiert op dem WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (Index). A fund usually invests at least 90% of its total assets in securities containing the index and American Depositary Receipts (ADR) based on the securities in the index. The index aims to provide capital appreciation and is composed of companies that focus on green and general renewable energy and promote clean energy technologies. Fongen an Indizes ginn all Véierel nei verdeelt

PowerShares WilderHill Progressive Energy (NYSEArca: PUW) is based on the WilderHill Progressive Energy Index (Index). The fund usually invests at least 90% of its total assets in the common stocks that make up the index. The index is composed of transitional energy technology companies that are important to improving the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Den Index besteet aus Firmen déi sech op folgend Beräicher konzentréieren: Alternativ Energie, besser Effizienz, Emissiounsreduktioun, nei Energieaktivitéiten, méi gréng Utilities, innovativ Materialien an Energielagerung. Funds and indexes are rebalanced and reorganized every quarter.
The SPDR Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: CNRG) seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses are deducted, usually match the total return performance of the Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy Index. Ënner normale Maartbedéngungen investéiert e Fonds normalerweis déi grouss Majoritéit (op d'mannst 80%) vun all seng Verméigen an de Wäertpabeieren, déi den Index ausmaachen. Den Index zielt Firme festzehalen, deenen hir Produkter a Servicer propper Energieinnovatioun féieren. The fund can invest in equity securities, cash and cash equivalents or money market instruments not included in the index, such as repurchase agreements and money market funds. It is non-diversified.

VanEck Vectors Low Carbon Energy ETF (NYSEArca: SMOG) beméit sech fir d'Präis- an Akommesleistung vun Ardor Global IndexSM Extra Liquid (AGIXLT) sou no wéi méiglech ze replizéieren ier d'Fraisen an d'Ausgaben ofzéien. The index aims to track the overall performance of low-carbon energy companies, which are mainly engaged in alternative energy, including electricity mainly from biofuels (such as ethanol), wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal energy, as well as supporting the production vun dëse Ressourcen. Various technologies used and stored
WilderHill Clean Energy Index (NYSE: ^ ECO) A focus of the WilderHill® Index (ECO) is to define and track the field of clean energy: in particular, companies that benefit from the social transition to a society that uses clean energy and saves Energie. The inventory and industry weights in the ECO index are based on their importance to clean energy, technological impact, and relevance to pollution prevention. We emphasize new solutions that are both ecologically and economically meaningful, and strive to become a leader in this field.

Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) heescht Altairnano an ass eng ëffentlech gehandelt Firma. Altairnano designt, fabrizéiert a liwwert Energiespeichersystemer fir propper an effizient Kraaft an Energieverwaltung. The company provides commercial solutions that enable grid modernization, utility-scale renewable energy integration, and support for remote uninterruptible power supply (UPS) requirements, military and transportation applications.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Déi éischt Kategorie ass Motorrieder mat Lithium Batterien ugedriwwen, gefollegt vu Motorrieder. ALYI huet och viru kuerzem de Clarkson University Professer David Mitlin agestallt fir e Cannabis Energielagerungsprogramm ze féieren. Mitlin huet erfollegräich Hanf benotzt (verbleiwen Faser vun Hanf) fir Kuelestoff Nanosheeten ze konstruéieren, déi mat e puer vun de bessere Graphen Nanosheets konkurréiere kënnen a Supercapacitors an e puer Aspekter besser maachen. Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
American Vanadium Corporation (TSX: AVC.V) ass eng ëmfaassend Energiespeicherfirma an den Haapt Nordamerikanesche Verkafsagent fir den CellCube Energiespeichersystem vu GILDEMEISTER Energy Solutions. CellCube ass déi weltgréisste kommerziell Vanadium Flow Batterie, déi eng laangfristeg Léisung fir e Liewensdauer vu méi wéi 20 Joer liwwere kann, a ka fir eng breet Palette vun Uwendungen benotzt ginn, dorënner d'Integratioun vun erneierbarer Energie an d'Reduktioun vun de Nofrokäschten. . CellCube ass e mächtegen, haltbaren an zouverléissege Energiespeichersystem deen propper, emissiounsfräi Energie garantéiert ëmmer zur Verfügung gestallt gëtt. American Vanadium is developing the Gibellini vanadium project in Nevada, which will become the only dedicated vanadium mine in the United States, providing an important source of vanadium electrolyte for the CellCube energy storage system.
Axion Power Intl Inc (NasdaqCM: AXPW) is an industry leader in lead-carbon energy storage. Its PbC battery technology using proprietary activated carbon electrodes is the only advanced battery that can be assembled on existing lead-acid production lines worldwide. D'Haaptziel vum Axion Power ass e féierende Fournisseur vu Kuelestoffelektrodeversammlungen fir Bläi-Sauer Batteriefirmen weltwäit ze ginn.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) is a leading manufacturer of household and commercial electric vehicles, drive systems and lithium battery storage systems. Mir designen och personaliséiert elektresch Fuersystemléisungen fir weltwäit Camion- a Bushersteller. Balqon Corporation has production and R&D facilities in Seaport, California, and works with local manufacturing partners to manufacture electric buses and trucks in Europe, India and China.
Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) ass eng Multi-Commodity Mineral Entwécklung Firma engagéiert an der Exploratioun an Entwécklung vu Mineralprojeten a Südafrika a Madagaskar. It has a portfolio of iron ore and tin assets containing vanadium and titanium. Bushveld Resources is committed to building an important global vertically integrated vanadium platform that combines the mining and processing of high-quality vanadium and the downstream vanadium industry (including vanadium-based energy storage systems).
BYD Co., Ltd. Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems Company (CSE: CUBE; OTC: CECBF)-formerly Stina Resources-is a vanadium resource company dedicated to becoming a fully integrated manufacturer of vanadium and vanadium electrolytes in the battery storage industry. The company's vanadium mineral resources are located in the Bisoni McKay and Bisoni Rio mining areas in northern Nevada. Stina recently acquired Gildemeister's assets, which are now operated by its subsidiary Enerox GmbH and renamed CellCube Energy Storage Systems Inc., enabling the company to capitalize on global demand for vanadium redox flow batteries to help meet the world's rapid Increasing demand for energy and storage requirements .

Zënter 1802 huet DuPont (NYSE: DD) Weltklass Wëssenschaft an Ingenieurstechnologie op de weltwäite Maart a Form vun innovative Produkter, Materialien a Servicer bruecht. D'Firma mengt datt mir duerch Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten, Regierungen, Net-Regierungsorganisatiounen a Gedankeleader hëllefe kënnen Léisunge fir global Erausfuerderunge fannen, sou wéi genuch gesond Iessen fir Leit op der ganzer Welt ze liwweren, d'Ofhängegkeet vu fossille Brennstoffer ze reduzéieren an d'Liewen ze schützen an ze schützen. d'Ëmwelt. Mir verpflichte innovativ a wirtschaftlech machbar Léisungen duerch eng Vielfalt vun Technologien ze entwéckelen fir weltwäit Energiebedürfnisser ze treffen. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Eis Produkter ënnerstëtzen d'Energielagerung an d'Energiespuertechnologien am ganze Stroumproduktioun, Verdeelung an Konversiounsprozess.

Electrovaya Inc. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya is headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has production facilities in Canada and Germany, and has customers all over the world.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. Zousätzlech bitt d'Firma och Potentiostatsystemer fir Batterien, Kondensatoren, Brennstoffzellen, Solarzellen, Sensoren a Metallkorrosiounsapplikatiounen ze testen. Zousätzlech bitt et Radiofrequenz Identifikatiounstags fir verschidden Uwendungen, dorënner Inventarlager, Flott Tracking, Palette Tracking, Militär Tracking, Log Recording, an Tracking vun Dock a Port Container.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) bitt propriétaire, schlësselfäerdeg Energieléisungen déi intelligent, bankabel an nohalteg sinn. Déi meescht Energieprodukter a Léisunge kënnen direkt ëmgesat ginn, wou néideg. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) ass e weltwäite Leader an Energiespeicherléisungen fir industriell Uwendungen, Fabrikatioun a Verdeelung vu Backup- a Kraaftbatterien, Ladegeräter, Stroumausrüstung, Batterieaccessoiren an Outdoorausrüstungsléisungen fir Clienten ronderëm d'Welt. Power Batterien an Ladegeräter ginn an elektresche Forklifts an aner kommerziell elektresch Gefierer benotzt. Zolltradriktioun Kraaft ginn an der Tele misser verfügbar, onstruuchtten Kraaftmänner an den Auslackungsystemer. Outdoor Ausrüstung Shell Produkter ginn an Telekommunikatioun, Kabel, Utilities, Transportindustrie wéi och Regierungs- a Verteidegungsclienten benotzt. The company also provides after-sales and customer support services to customers from more than 100 countries/regions through its sales and manufacturing locations around the world
EnSync, Inc. Egal ob et Deel vun der Kraaftiwwerdroung a Verdeelungsnetz ass, oder hannert de Meter a kommerziellen, industriellen a Multi-Tenant Gebaier, kann d'EnSync Technologie differenzéiert Kraaftkontrolle an Energiespeicherléisungen an dat usprochsvollen Kraaftëmfeld bréngen. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid Uwendungen. In 2015, EnSync incorporated power purchase agreements (PPA) into its product portfolio, thereby saving customers electricity and providing investors with stable financial returns. EnSync is a global company with a joint venture in China's Meineng Energy and a strategic partnership with Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana huet méi wéi 15 Joer Erfarung fir d'Netzkraaftkraaft-elektronesch Ausrüstung fir Brennstoffzell-, Photovoltaik- a Batterieapplikatiounen ze liwweren, a bitt bewisen, haltbar, qualitativ héichwäerteg Léisungen duerch seng héich Kapazitéit Fabrikatiounsanlagen an Europa an Nordamerika. Eguana huet Dausende vun propriétaire Energiespeicherinverter, déi an den europäeschen an nordamerikanesche Mäert ofgesat ginn an ass e féierende Fournisseur vu Kraaftsteuerung fir Solar Selbstverbrauch, Netzservicer, a Gitterrand On-Demand Opluedapplikatiounen.

Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. Am Verglach mat traditionelle Léisunge kënnen Flux Späicherléisungen méi héich Leeschtung, méi laang Liewensdauer a méi Rendement op Investitioun ubidden. Flux verkeeft Produkter direkt duerch eng wuessend Verdeelungsverletzung. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE fusionéiert déi kierperlech an digital Welten op eng Manéier déi keng aner Firma ka passen. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Energy storage: GE's energy storage solution system is the foundation of a consistent and reliable energy storage system that provides power for various stationary and power applications. GE energy storage is very suitable for power generation, utilities, energy management, microgrid and telecommunications markets, and can provide excellent cycle performance, high energy density and higher reliability.
Greatbatch Inc. (NYSE: GB) duerch seng Marken Greatbatch Medical, Electrochem a QiG Group bidden déi héchst Qualitéitstechnologie fir Industrien déi op zouverlässeg, laang dauerhaft Leeschtung vertrauen. By providing customized battery power and management systems, charging and docking stations, and power supplies for demanding markets around the world, Electrochem is the industry leader in total power solutions for critical applications. Ofgeleet vun der Lithium Batterie erfonnt vun eisem Grënner Wilson Greatbatch fir implantable Pacemakers, eis technesch Expertise an ierflecher aussergewéinlech Qualitéit an Zouverlässegkeet gi benotzt fir Missioun Erfolleg ze garantéieren.

HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (TSXV: HPQ.V; OTC: URAGF; FWB: UGE) is developing in cooperation with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PYR.V), a company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma basic processes high tech Firma. , The innovative PUREVAPTM “Quartz Reduction Reactor” (QRR), a true 2.0 carbon exothermic process (patent pending), will allow one step to convert quartz (SiO2) into high-purity silicon (Si), and its price will be promoted Its renewable energy energy potential. The Gen3 PUREVAPTM QRR pilot plant will verify the commercial potential of the process and is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2020. HPQ cooperates with PyroGenesis and is also developing a process that can use high-purity silicon (Si) made by PUREVAPTM and produzéiere et. Spherical silicon metal nanopowder for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. In the first quarter of 2020, we plan to use the improved Gen2 PUREVAPTM reactor to validate our game-changing manufacturing method to produce spherical silicon metal (Si) nanopowder samples for use by industry participants and research institutions.
Zur selwechter Zäit kooperéiert HPQ och mam Industrieleader Apollon Solar fir Fabrikatiounsfäegkeeten z'entwéckelen déi High-Purity Silicon (Si) fabrizéiert vu PUREVAP ™ benotzen fir poröse Siliziumwafers ze fabrizéieren, déi fir Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batterien néideg sinn. Déi éischt Siliziumwafer soll prett sinn fir un d'Batteriehersteller geliwwert ze ginn fir am éischte Véierel vun 2020 ze testen (Test no NDA). Finally, together with Apollon Solar, we are researching and developing metallurgical ways to produce solar-grade silicon metal (SoG Si). It will take full advantage of PUREVAPTM QRR to produce silicon (Si) materials with 4N+ purity and low boron content (<1 ppm) in one step. Alles an allem konzentréiert HPQ sech op déi niddregst Käschte Metal Silizium (Si), High-Purity Metal Silicon (Si), Kugelgestalt Silizium Nanopowder fir d'nächst Generatioun Lithium-Ion Batterien, poröse Siliziumwafere fir Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batterien, and lithium Porous silicon powder and solar grade silicon metal (SoG-Si) for ion batteries.

iGo Inc (OTC: IGOI) is a provider of environmentally friendly power management solutions and accessories for mobile electronic devices. iGO ass e Fournisseur vu mobilen Accessoiren zënter 1995, bitt qualitativ héichwäerteg Kraaftléisungen fir Notizbuch Computeren an elektronesch mobilen Apparater, an doduerch d'Méiglechkeet vum Liewen ze erhéijen nodeems se voll gelueden sinn. iGO's universal Ladegeräter, Batterien an Audio Accessoiren bidden Ënnerstëtzung a Leeschtung fir d'mobil Konsument Erfahrung ze verbesseren.

Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. We create quality products, services and solutions to optimize the energy and operational efficiency of buildings; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; and car interior systems. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. Déi modulär Architektur mécht eis Lithium-Ion Batterien mächteg awer villsäiteg. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), through its wholly-owned subsidiary KULR Technology Corporation (“KULR”), develops and commercializes high-performance, space-use thermal management technologies for various electronic products, batteries and other components Electric vehicles, autonomous driving (collectively referred to as E-Mobility) and other applications as well as AI, cloud computing, energy storage and 5G communication technologies. KULR's proprietary core technology is a carbon fiber material, which is rooted in the aerospace and defense fields. It provides excellent thermal conductivity and heat dissipation with ultra-light and soft materials. Andeems Dir dës Duerchbroch Killléisung a seng laangfristeg Entwécklungspartnerschafte mat NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab an aner Firmen benotzt, mécht KULR elektresch Gefierer an aner Produkter méi cool, méi hell a méi sécher.

Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; production; and sales. D'Persoun muss déiselwecht enthalen: E-Box Energien Placksplaatz fir Solaren, d'Wandverkéierungsfirma Equipement; and EV components that integrate batteries and motors, such as EV controllers that use small computers to control torque drive
Linear Technology Corporation (NasdaqGS: LLTC) ass Member vum S&P 500 a designt, fabrizéiert a verkaaft eng breet Palette vun héich performant Analog integréiert Circuits fir grouss global Firmen fir méi wéi 30 Joer. D'Produkter vun der Firma hunn eng wichteg Bréck tëscht der Analog Welt an digitale elektronesche Produkter vu Kommunikatiounen, Netzwierker, Industrie, Autoen, Computeren, Medizin, Instrumentatioun, Konsumenten a Militär- a Raumfaartsystemer gebaut. Linear Technologie produzéiert Kraaftmanagement, Datekonversioun, Signalkonditioun, RF an Interface ICs, µModule® Subsystemer a Wireless Sensor Netzwierkprodukter. battery charger
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) For sixty years, Livent has worked with customers to safely and sustainably use lithium to power the world. Livent ass eng vun de wéinege Firmen mat der Fäegkeet, Ruff a Know-how fir qualitativ héichwäerteg fäerdeg Lithiumverbindungen ze produzéieren déi hëllefe kënnen d'wuessend Nofro fir Lithium gerecht ze ginn. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent has approximately 700 employees worldwide and has manufacturing plants in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, China and Argentina.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) ass eng Firma gewidmet fir den Diamantstandard fir de Magnesium (Mg) Maart ze ginn. The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. Produzéiere héich Puritéit SiO2, MgO, Mg (OH) 2 an aner verkaafbar Nebenprodukter an Nebenprodukter; Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; and IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Maxwell Technologies (NASDAQ: MXWL) is a global leader in the development and manufacture of cost-effective, innovative energy storage and power transmission solutions. Eis Supercapacitor Produkter bidden sécher an zouverlässeg Kraaftléisungen fir Konsumenten an Industrieelektronik, Transport an Telekommunikatiounsapplikatiounen. Our CONDIS® high-voltage classification and coupling capacitors help ensure the safety and reliability of power infrastructure and other applications involving the transmission, distribution and measurement of high-voltage electrical energy. Our radiation mitigation microelectronic products include power modules, memory modules, and single-board computers, which combine powerful commercial silicon to provide superior performance and high reliability in aerospace applications.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) is developing novel and scalable processing technologies to produce high-performance battery materials for electric vehicles, energy storage and consumer electronics at low cost. The patented technology can be configured for a variety of nanostructured materials and is flexible, and can be transformed with emerging and future battery market trends and various other growth opportunities. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Dem Nano One seng Missioun ass seng patentéiert Technologie als déi weltgréisste Plattform fir d'Produktioun vun enger neier Generatioun vun nanostrukturéierte Kompositmaterial ze etabléieren.
New Energy System Group (OTC: NEWN), duerch seng Filialen, beschäftegt sech haaptsächlech an der Fuerschung, Entwécklung, Fabrikatioun a Verdeelung vu mobilen Energieprodukter, Solarpanneauen a Solar-relatéierte Produkter a China. The portable power bank products provided by the company are mainly used in portable consumer electronic devices, such as smart phones, notebook computers, digital cameras, digital video cameras, MP3 players, PMPs, PDAs and PSPs. Et verkeeft seng mobil Kraaftprodukter direkt iwwer säi Retailnetz vu Verdeelungskanäl (ënnert dem Anytone Markennumm a China) a seng eege international Marken. D'Firma produzéiert a verkeeft och Solarpanneauen an aner Solar-Zesummenhang Produkter, wéi Solarliichter, Solar Stroosseluuchten, Solarverkéier Luuchten, Solarlandschaftsliichter, Solarenergie Generatioun System Ausrüstung an aner Solar-verbonne Applikatiounsprodukter, a fir Solargebaier an Installatioun Firma Ofsaz.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. D'Produite kreéiert mat kompakten Autoen, gesetzlechen a Liichtesstänn, Minivans / CVS / Papitelen ënner der Nsoucs- a Liichtelelachten Spuren. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. Zousätzlech gëtt et och Gearboxen, Achsen, Motore fir Autoen an Industrieausrüstung, nofëllbar Lithium-Ionbatterien an aner verbonnen Deeler; industrial machinery; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. In addition, the company also provides finance, auto credit and auto leasing, insurance agency, inventory financing services, and card services. In addition, it is also engaged in operations and consulting related to the analysis and determination of raw materials; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; import and export of auto parts and materials; Immobilien Business; promotion of motor sports; management of football teams and football schools. Nissan improves sustainable travel through extensive use of zero-emission vehicles. Nissan LEAF electric vehicle has the ability to safely and conveniently provide electricity stored in its large-capacity lithium-ion battery to the home through LEAF to the home power system.

Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (TSX: GEM.V) is committed to the sustainable development of its Eco Ridge property in Elliot Lake, Ontario. The Eco Ridge property has unique characteristics that make it an attractive development site, including excellent regional infrastructure, strong local support, and its strategic location in Canada's only historic rare earth mining camp. De Pele konzentréiert sech op de Fortschrëtt vum Eco Ridge als Gaaschtland vum Kanada säin éischte rare Äerdveraarbechtungszentrum, an evaluéiert och d'Potenzial fir grouss Solarenergieanlagen an Energielagerungsprojeten am Norden Ontario. Eco Ridge's NI 43-101 mineral resources also provides Pele shareholders with leverage to access and capitalize on the growing global demand for rare earths and uranium. De Pele evaluéiert Solarenergie a Späicherprojeten am nërdlechen Ontario, souwéi intelligent "hannert dem Meter" Kontrollsystemer. Dem Bailey seng Stäerkten an dëse Beräicher enthalen extensiv Projetsgeneratiounserfarung an der nërdlecher Regioun a gutt Aarbechtsbezéiunge mat der Regierung an Naturvölker Gemeinschaften. Bailey is working with leading providers of renewable energy and energy storage technology to provide a series of customized benefits to power customers.
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) develops, manufactures and sells special microporous membranes for separation and filtration processes. The company's business is divided into three parts: energy storage electronics and EDV, energy storage transportation and industry, and separation media. The company provides a series of patented polypropylene and polyethylene single-layer and multi-layer separators for lithium batteries, which can be used in various applications, such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles (EDV), cordless power tools and energy storage systems . Et bitt och Polymer-baséiert Membranen fir Bläi-Säure-Batterien, déi an Autoen an aner Gefierer benotzt ginn; Als gutt wéi eng Filterikenblammen a Komponenten fir medmentialer Applicatiounen, dorënner Hextrisiden, Blutungen an anerem Formenz an den Ofsaz zur Verfügung, Uelegfiltatioun, Uwendungsmeldungen. The company sells its products to manufacturers and processors through direct sales staff, distributors and agents. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.

Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. D'Späicherléisungen vu Powin Energy bidden e vitale Link an der Entwécklung vu Wand- a Solarenergie andeems se Technologien ubidden, déi dës Projete méi effizient maachen.
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) ass eng vertikal integréiert Vanadium Ressource a Vanadium Redox Flow Batterie Entwécklungsfirma, mat Sëtz an Australien, mat Operatiounen a strategesche Partner a Korea. Duerch eng 50% Zesummenaarbecht mam Protean Korea's Vanadium / Uranium Mineralprojet Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon ass eng eenzegaarteg sedimentär Schifer / Schiefer Vanadium Depot mat dem Potenzial fir héich Puritéit Vanadium Pentoxid (V2O5) ze produzéieren. De Projet kann 36.000m vum historesche Kär benotzen, sou datt kosteneffektiv an net-zerstéierend pXRF Tester op der metallogener Sektioun ausgefouert kënne ginn. Protean, an Zesummenaarbecht mat sengem 50% südkoreanesche Partner KORID Energy Ltd, entwéckelt eng propriétaire Vanadium Redox Flow Batterie (VRFB) Energiespeichertechnologie, genannt V-KOR. The technology has been developed in the past 10 years, has been running for more than 3,000 cycles, and has been extensively tested in Korean factories. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Redflow (ASX: RFX.AX) develops, manufactures and sells zinc bromide flow batteries worldwide. D'Firma liwwert 3kW kontinuéierlech / 8kWh Zinkbromid fléissend Elektrolyt Batterie Moduler, déi an Energiespeichersystemer fir verschidde stationär Uwendungen integréiert kënne ginn.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) ass de weltgréisste Designer an Hiersteller vun High-Tech Industriebatterien. An der Grupp ass d'Welt vun Nësellikbarkeete vun Nusel-Bigel vun der Welt vun der Welt u-esteristik fir der Industriberberstaus, an der Industrikter, an der Industrelacistenz a Civil a Militäreschleker. Saft ass e weltwäite Leader am Weltraum- a Verteidegungsbatterien ginn mat senger Lithium-Ion Technologie, déi och an den Energielagerung, Transport an Telekommunikatiounsnetzmäert benotzt gëtt.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment

Ynvisible Interactive Inc. (TSXV: YNV) (OTCQB: YNVYF) (FRA: 1XNA) ass eng féierend Firma an den opkomende Drock- a flexibel Elektronikfelder. Wann Dir d'Käschte an d'Kraaftverbrauchsvirdeeler am Verglach mat traditionellen elektronesche Produkter berücksichtegt, sinn gedréckte elektronesch Produkter e Schlësselfuerer fir déi grouss Skala Adoptioun vum Internet of Things ("IoT") a Smart Objeten. Ynvisible has experience, expertise and intellectual property in the fields of electrochromic materials, inks and systems. Dem Ynvisible seng interaktive gedréckte Grafikléisung adresséiert de Besoin fir ultra-niddereg Stroumverbrauch, grouss Skala Deployment an einfach ze benotzen elektronesch Affichage an Indikatoren fir alldeeglech Smart Objekter, IoT Apparater an Ëmweltintelligenz (Smart Surfaces). Ynvisible provides hybrid services, materials and technologies for brand owners to develop smart objects and IoT products. Ynvisible Production AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ynvisible Interactive Inc. It is a contract manufacturer of printed electronics and hybrid systems, located in Linköping, Sweden. Green: Ligna Energy's battery partners all come from residual materials in the forest. The first industrial production was carried out at Ynvisible Production in Linköping, Sweden.

Aemetis, Inc. (NasdaqGM: AMTX) is an advanced renewable fuels and renewable chemical company dedicated to the acquisition, development and commercialization of innovative technologies that convert first-generation ethanol and biodiesel plants into advanced Biorefineries replace traditional petroleum-based products. Founded in 2006, Aemetis owns and operates a 60 million-gallon ethanol production facility in Keyes, California. Aemetis besëtzt a bedreift och eng 50 Millioune Gallonen pro Joer erneierbar chemesch a fortgeschratt Brennstoffproduktiounsanlag op der Ostküst vun Indien, produzéiert héichqualitativ destilléiert Biodiesel a raffinéiert Glycerin fir Clienten an Indien an Europa. Aemetis has a research and development laboratory in the Maryland Biotechnology Center, and has a series of patents and related technology licenses for the production of renewable fuels and biochemical products.

Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. ALLM besëtzt 50% vun Carbolosic, LLC, an huet exklusiv Rechter an Nordamerika (och Kanada, den USA a Mexiko) an Afrika. De Carlosomatesch huet eng exklusiv Gloger Gläichlinn fir déi patentéiert mechanesch / chemesch Technologie "entwéckelt vun der Universitéit vun der Universitéit vun der Universitéit vu zentrale Florrida. CTS technology is able to produce sugar, various fine chemicals, plastics, carbon fiber and other valuable products from almost any plant material, wood or paper by-products, fruit packaging or biological waste.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) provides alternative energy solutions to meet the growing demand for environmentally responsible and economically viable energy in the world market. D'Haaptziel vum Alter NRG ass d'Westinghouse Plasma Vergasungstechnologie weider kommerzialiséiert duerch seng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft fir erneierbar a propper Energieléisungen aus verschiddene Rohmaterialien ze bidden a verschidde Energieausgaben ze bidden, dorënner Flëssegkeete wéi Ethanol an Diesel. Fuel, electricity and syngas
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. Et bitt Servicer un Uelegfirmen, chemesch Firmen, Utilityfirmen a Regierungsagenturen. De Virgänger vun der Firma war AMEC plc
AMG Bioenergy Resources Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSX: ABG.V) is a renewable energy company in the development stage in China. The company is developing jatropha raw material plantations in China to produce crude jatropha oil for conversion into biodiesel. It also focuses on the management of land preparation; the planting of seedlings; the maintenance of plantations; d'Ernte vu Jatropha; the extraction of crude jatropha oil from the harvested seeds.

Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (NYSE: ADM) Zënter méi wéi engem Joerhonnert hunn d'Leit vun der Archer Daniels Midland Corporation Kulturen an Produkter transforméiert déi dréngend Bedierfnesser vun der wuessender Welt entspriechen. Haut si mir ee vun de gréisste landwirtschaftleche Prozessoren a Liewensmëttel Zutaten Fournisseuren op der Welt ginn, servéiere Clienten a méi wéi 140 Länner/Regiounen. Our global value chain includes more than 460 crop sourcing locations, 300 ingredient production facilities, 40 innovation centers and the world's premier crop transportation network. Dir kënnt mat Fäscht a Produitéiernummer publizéieren, fein, Déierenloslos a Produkter fir Energiequalitéit. Mir produzéieren Iessen Zutaten, Déierefudder a feedigienten, Biografelen an aner Produkter. Hiersteller op der ganzer Welt benotzt dës Produkter fir gesond Iessen an e bessert Liewen an d'Millioune Leit ronderëm d'Welt ze bidden.
Den Haaptgeschäft vun Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) ass den Design an de Bau vu Kraaftwierker duerch seng Gemma Power Systems Duechtergesellschaft. These energy plants include single-cycle and combined-cycle natural gas power plants, as well as alternative energy facilities, including biodiesel, ethanol, and facilities powered by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
Australian Renewable Fuels Limited (ASX: ARW.AX) ass Australien déi eenzeg national Biodieselfirma mat Fabriken zu Victoria, Südaustralien a Western Australia. Since operations began in 2005, the combined annual fuel production capacity of ARfuels' three plants has been 150 million liters. The biodiesel we produce meets the most stringent biodiesel standards in the world.
BDI Biodiesel International (Berlin: D7I.BE; Frankfurt: D7I.F) huet Technologien entwéckelt fir Energie aus Nebenprodukter an Offallprodukter ze generéieren, wärend maximal Schutz vu Ressourcen assuréiert. As a leading professional factory manufacturer, BDI uses in-house developed technology to provide customized turnkey BioDiesel and BioGas factories.
BIOX Corporation (TSX: BX.TO) is a renewable energy company that owns and operates a 67 million liters of continuous-flow biodiesel production facility in Hamilton, Ontario. BIOX huet en innovativen, propriétaire a patentéierte Produktiounsprozess deen eng Vielfalt vu Matière première benotze kann fir déi héchst Qualitéit erneierbar, propper Verbrenne a biodegradéierbar Biodiesel Brennstoff ze produzéieren - vu pure Som Ueleg bis Déierfett bis recycléiert Geméis Ueleg ouni de Produktiounsprozess z'änneren. BIOX's high-quality biodiesel fuel meets North American (ASTM D-6751) quality standards
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) focuses on developing, owning and operating carbohydrate-based transportation fuel plants or biorefineries in North America. Seng Bioraffinerie konvertéiert landwirtschaftlech Offäll, héich Inhalter Biomassekulturen, Holzreschter an organesch Matière wéi Zellulose aus kommunalem festen Offall an Ethanol. D'Firma ënnerschriwwen en Technologie Lizenzvertrag mat Arkenol, Inc. It is also committed to providing professional services to biorefineries worldwide. The company's predecessor was BlueFire Ethanol Fuel Company.
Ceres, Inc. (NasdaqCM: CERE) ass eng landwirtschaftlech Biotechnologiefirma gewidmet fir d'Entwécklung an de Verkaf vu Somen an Eegeschafte fir Ernte fir Déierefudder, Zocker an aner Mäert ze produzéieren. The company's advanced plant breeding and biotechnology platform can increase crop productivity, improve quality, reduce crop input and improve farming on marginal lands. It has been widely used in a variety of crops including food, feed, fiber and fuel crops. Ceres sells its seed products under the Blade brand. The company also licenses its biotechnological properties and technologies to other companies and organizations.

China Integrated Energy Group (OTC: CBEH) ass eng führend net-staatlech integréiert Energiefirma a China, engagéiert an dräi Geschäftsberäicher: Biodiesel Produktioun a Verkaf, Grousshandel Verdeelung vu raffinéiertem Ueleg a schwéier Uelegprodukter, a Retail Service Tankstatiounen.
D'Colo Offall Léisunge (CSES: CMC) ass Aarbecht fir e Spillkonschätzung déi vill verschidde Offallstaube stierwen. D'Bioseissiounen. Landwon ass ee vum grousse globalte Kontore op Kualheet Eheemo Emissiounen op a séng7 Joer muss dann net erwaart design an dran. Dem Cielo seng propriétaire Technologie kann vill verschidde Matière première (dorënner klasséiert kommunale festen Offall (Müll), Holz an landwirtschaftlech Offäll, Pneuen, blo Këscht Offall, all Plastik, a bal all aner Cellulose Offall) op eng kosteneffektiv Manéier ëmsetzen. Way to solve this crisis. De Produit gëtt an héichwäerteg erneierbaren Diesel ëmgewandelt.
Cosan Limited (NYSE: CZZ) and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in sugar and ethanol, fuel, logistics services, lubricants and pipeline natural gas businesses in Brazil, other regions of South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America. The company's Raízen Energia division produces and sells a variety of products derived from sugar cane, including raw sugar, anhydrous and hydrated ethanol. D'Departement ass och an Aktivitéiten am Zesummenhang mat kombinéiert Hëtzt a Kraaft an Bagasse involvéiert; and is interested in companies involved in the research and development of new technologies.

Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) is the world's largest edible and inedible bio-nutrient sustainable natural ingredients developer and manufacturer, providing a wide range of ingredients and specialty products, feed, and feed for pharmaceutical, food, and pet food customers. Technology, fuel, bioenergy and fertilizer industry. The company operates on five continents, collecting and converting all aspects of the animal by-product stream into widely used special ingredients such as gelatin, edible fat, feed grade fat, animal protein and meal, plasma, pet food ingredients, organic fertilizer, yellow Grease, fuel raw materials, green energy, natural casings and leather. D'Firma recycléiert och Offall Kachöl a kommerziell Bakreschter a konvertéiert se a wäertvoll Fudder- a Brennstoffkomponenten. In addition, the company provides grease trap services for food service organizations, environmental services for food processors, and sales of edible oil delivery and collection equipment for restaurants. Vill vun eise Marken féieren d'Land an der Entwécklung vu Biokraftstoff. Bio-G 3000 is the first commercial facility in the United States to use oil to produce biodiesel. Am Joer 2001 huet eis Rothsay Mark seng éischt Operatioun a Kanada lancéiert, Biodiesel aus hire recycléierten Ueleger produzéiert. Our Ecoson and Rendac brands provide biofuels and green energy in Europe and Asia. In 2013, Diamond Green Diesel (with our partner Valero Energy) began production at the largest plant in North America, which produces renewable diesel from animal fats, waste edible oils and vegetable oils.
Zënter 1802 huet DuPont (NYSE: DD) Weltklass Wëssenschaft an Ingenieurstechnologie op de weltwäite Maart a Form vun innovative Produkter, Materialien a Servicer bruecht. D'Firma mengt datt mir duerch Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten, Regierungen, Net-Regierungsorganisatiounen a Gedankeleader hëllefe kënnen Léisunge fir global Erausfuerderunge fannen, sou wéi genuch gesond Iessen fir Leit op der ganzer Welt ze liwweren, d'Ofhängegkeet vu fossille Brennstoffer ze reduzéieren an d'Liewen ze schützen an ze schützen. d'Ëmwelt. Mir verpflichte innovativ a wirtschaftlech machbar Léisungen duerch eng Vielfalt vun Technologien ze entwéckelen fir weltwäit Energiebedürfnisser ze treffen. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Eis Produkter ënnerstëtzen d'Energielagerung an d'Energiespuertechnologien am ganze Stroumproduktioun, Verdeelung an Konversiounsprozess.
Dyadic International, Inc. (OTC: DYAI) is a global biotechnology company that uses its patents and know-how to carry out research, development and commercial activities to discover, develop, manufacture and sell enzymes and biofuels for bioenergy and biofuels. Aner Proteinen. Based on the chemical, biopharmaceutical and industrial enzyme industries. Dyadic benotzt eng integréiert Technologieplattform baséiert op sengem Patent a propriétaire C1 Mikroorganismen fir Low-Cost Enzymen an aner Proteinen z'entwéckelen an ze masséieren fir verschidde Maartméiglechkeeten ze bidden. The C1 platform technology can also be used to screen and discover new genes. In addition to selling proprietary enzyme products, Dyadic also actively seeks licensing arrangements and other business opportunities to leverage the value of these technologies by providing its partners and collaborators with the benefits of manufacturing and/or using enzymes and other proteins that these technologies help. . produce. Biokraftstoff: Dyadic benotzt seng fortgeschratt patentéiert C1 Plattform Technologie an aner propriétaire Technologien fir Biokraftstoff aus landwirtschaftleche Nebenprodukter wéi Maisstämm a Weessstämm z'entwéckelen. Through licensing and partnerships, Dyadic provides researchers with opportunities to develop advanced and reliable bioenergy solutions, including starch-based and cellulosic ethanol, and high-yield enzymes used in all areas of biofuel production. We believe that our technology may play an important role in the development of biofuels (such as ethanol), whose cost is competitive with oil prices, thereby reducing subsidies and ultimately expanding consumers' use of these renewable energy sources.
Fuel Performance Solutions, Inc. (OTC: IFUE) formerly known as International Fuel Technology, Inc., is a company dedicated to providing fuel performance solutions for large industrial consumers of railway, road transportation, stationary diesel and biodiesel mixed fuels Power generation and marine Industrie.
FutureFuel Corp. (NYSE: FF) is a leading manufacturer of diversified chemical products and bio-based products (including biofuels and bio-based specialty chemical products). In its chemicals business, FutureFuel manufactures specialty chemicals for specific customers (“custom manufacturing”) and multi-customer specialty chemicals (“performance chemicals”). FutureFuel's custom-manufactured product portfolio includes bleach activators for major detergent manufacturers, proprietary herbicides and intermediates for major life science companies, and chlorinated polyolefin tackifiers and antibacterial agents for major chemical companies. Oxidant Virgänger. D'Zukunft vun der Zukunft vun der Zukunft-Performance Chemesch Produkt Portofolio enthält Polymer (Nylon) Modifikatioune an e puer kleng Kugelen vu Spezialitéit Chemikalien, déi verschidde Applikatioun Bedierfnesser begéinen. FutureFuel's biofuel business mainly involves the production of biodiesel.
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. We are committed to alternative fuels and believe that biofuels are the most important near-term solution to reduce oil dependence and carbon dioxide emissions. We are a global leader in the production of FlexFuel vehicles that can use gasoline and E85 ethanol at the same time, and we offer more models of this type than any other model. Vun de 14 Millioune flexibel Brennstoff Gefierer op Nordamerikanesch Stroossen, méi wéi 8,5 Millioune si General Motors a Camionen. Am Verglach mam Gas verbrennt Ethanol méi propper, wat d'Kuelendioxidemissiounen ëm 21% reduzéiert. Clienten kënnen all vun eise Camionetten a schwéier-Pflicht Pickups 2014 mat B20 Biodiesel fëllen, oder wielt ausgewielt Chevrolet an GMC Camionetten ugedriwwen duerch kompriméiert Äerdgas a flëssege Petrol Gas. D'Clientë kënnen och CNG Dual-Fuel op ausgewielte Chevrolet Silverado a GMC Sierra Pickup Camionen wielen, déi nahtlos tëscht CNG a Benzin Brennstoffsystemer wiessele kënnen.
Gevo, Inc. (NasdaqCM: GEVO) is a leading company in renewable technologies, chemical products and next-generation biofuels. Gevo has developed a proprietary technology that combines the applications of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, focusing on the production of isobutanol and related products from renewable raw materials. Gevo's strategy is to commercialize petroleum-based bio-substitution products to optimize the assets of fermentation facilities, and its ultimate goal is to maximize the cash flow generated by the operation of these assets. Gevo produzéiert Isobutanol, Ethanol an héichwäerteg Déierefudder op senger Fermentatiounsanlag zu Luwayne, Minnesota. Gevo has also developed technology to produce hydrocarbon products from renewable alcohol. Gevo is currently working with South Hampton Resources Inc. to operate a biorefinery in Silsbee, Texas, which produces renewable jet fuel, octane and for polyester And other plastic raw materials. Gevo has many partners, including The Coca-Cola Company, Toray Industries Inc. and Total SA. Gevo is committed to achieving a sustainable bio-based economy to meet the society's needs for abundant food and clean air and water
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) runs on a fully integrated platform that integrates biotechnology and crop improvement research and development through complex management and optimization practices. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. The US Department of Defense develops and continues to operate the largest new crop energy farm in the Americas. Global national an international Geschäfter ginn duerch ganz Besëtz Filialen gefouert
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) ass e revolutionärt gréngt an erneierbar Energiegeschäft, deem seng Biokonversiounstechnologie fir Brennstoff, Landwirtschaft an Offallmanagement benotzt gëtt. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. This provides GELV with opportunities to develop in multiple industries, which are currently related to government authorizations. Virweigen erhéijen d'Benotzung vun de Bioofulser of. Brennstoff, wärend d'Ofhängegkeet vun auslänneschen Ueleg reduzéiert a Kuelestoffemissiounen reduzéiert gëtt. Den Haaptfokus vu Green Energy Live ass e Leader an der opkomende Offall / Biomass Energie Konversioun an erneierbar Energie Industrien ze ginn. Eis Missioun ass eis propriétaire patentéiert Vergasungs- a Konvertéierungstechnologie ze benotzen fir Offall ze konvertéieren déi momentan an Ethanol, Elektrizitéit an aner wäertvoll Nebenprodukter gedeponéiert ginn. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. Dës Technologieplattforme kënne séier , wirtschaftlech op den Offallplaz ofsetzen, a vice versa. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green Plains Partners LP (NasdaqGM: GPP) is a fee-based Delaware limited partnership established by Green Plains Inc., which provides fuel storage and storage through the ownership, operation, development and acquisition of ethanol and fuel storage tanks, terminals, transportation assets an aner Liwwerung Service. Zesummenhang Verméigen a Geschäfter
Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) is a diversified commodity processing business that involves ethanol production, corn oil production, grain handling and storage, livestock farm operations, and commodity marketing and distribution services. D'Firma veraarbecht méi wéi 10 Milliounen Tonnen Mais all Joer, produzéiert méi wéi eng Milliard Gallonen Ethanol op voller Kapazitéit, dräi Milliounen Tonnen Béischtenfudder an 250 Millioune Pond vun industriellem Mais Ueleg. Green Plains is also a partner in a joint venture that will commercialize advanced technologies for growing and harvesting algal biomass

Greenlane Renewables Inc. (TSXV: GRN) (FRA: 52G) is the world's leading supplier of biogas upgrade systems that can help decarbonize natural gas. Eise System produzéiert propper, Kuelestoffarm, erneierbar Äerdgas aus organeschen Offallquellen, dorënner Deponien, Ofwaasserbehandlungsanlagen, Mëllechbaueren a Liewensmëtteloffall, gëeegent fir Injektioun an Äerdgasnetz oder direkt als Gefierbrennstoff benotzt. Greenlane is the only biogas upgrade company that provides three main technologies: water washing, pressure swing adsorption and membrane separation. Greenlane has more than 30 years of industry experience, patented know-how, and more than 110 biogas upgrade systems provided to 18 countries around the world (including the world's largest biogas upgrade facility). Et ass inspiréiert vu sengem Engagement fir Offall Generatoren ze hëllefen, Äerdgas Utilities oder Projet Entwéckler Engagement fir Käschten ze reduzéieren, héichwäerteg Produkter ginn an héichwäerteg, niddereg-Kuelestoff erneierbar Ressourcen transforméiert.
GreenShift Corporation (OTC: GERS) entwéckelt a kommerzialiséiert propper Technologien fir méi effizient Notzung vun natierleche Ressourcen ze förderen. Haut ass GreenShift engagéiert dëst an der US Ethanolindustrie ze maachen, wou GreenShift innovéiert an Technologien ubitt, déi d'Rentabilitéit vun de lizenzéierte Ethanolproduzenten erhéijen.

Imperial Oil Company (OTC: IPMN) and its subsidiaries are engaged in oil and gas exploration and production in the United States. It is also engaged in the production and sale of biodiesel and crude glycerin. D'Firma huet eng Biodiesel Produktiounsanlag zu Middletown, Indiana, mat enger Nummplackkapazitéit vun ongeféier 30 MMGPY.

Kreido Biofuels (OTC: KRBF) bitt Spinning Tube in Tube (STT), propriétaire Biodiesel a Prozessverbesserungstechnologie fir d'Fabrikatioun vu Biodiesel an aner chemesch Produkter. D'Firma lizenzéiert seng STT Technologie un Drëtt Partei Biodiesel Produzenten an den USA an international. Its technology can be used in a variety of applications, including biodiesel and other biofuels, specialty chemicals, spices and flavors, small molecule drugs, and food processing. The company has also developed a biodiesel fuel production facility based on its technology in the United States.

MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; Äerdgas an Ueleg Pipeline Infrastruktur; Kabel, Kabel a Satellit Kommunikatiounen; Muecht Generatioun, dorënner erneierbar Energien Infrastruktur; an industriell Infrastruktur. MasTec schafft haart fir viabel Biokraftstoffléisungen z'entwéckelen fir erneierbar, zouverlässeg a propper Verbrennungsenergie z'erreechen. We are taking the lead in designing and building facilities powered by a variety of innovative energy sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, and biomass.
Methanex Corporation (TSX: MX.TO; NASDAQGS: MEOH) is a publicly traded company located in Vancouver and is the world's largest methanol producer and supplier to the main international market. Methanol, also known as methanol, is a transparent liquid chemical substance, soluble in water and easily biodegradable. Methanol ass e propper verbrenne biodegradéierbare Brennstoff. Déi ëmmer méi ökologesch a wirtschaftlech Virdeeler vum Methanol maachen et zu engem attraktiven alternativen Brennstoff fir Gefierer a Schëffer ze dréinen.

Mission NewEnergy Limited (ASX: MBT.AX) is a renewable energy company that refines and sells biodiesel. Mission has a 20% interest in one of Malaysia's largest biodiesel refineries. Mission's joint venture seeks to retrofit biodiesel refineries with the latest biodiesel technology outside the United States, making it one of the world's lowest cost biodiesel producers. Et gëtt erwaart datt no der Renovatioun vun der Biodiesel Raffinerie fäerdeg ass, de Verkaf haaptsächlech an autoriséierte malayseschen an amerikanesche Mäert duerchgefouert gëtt.

Orbital Corporation (ASX: OEC.AX) is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and testing of engines, engine management systems and other products worldwide. D'Firma entwéckelt a liwwert Motoren, Propulsiounssystemer, Motormanagementsystemer a Brennstoffsystemkomponenten fir originell Ausrüstungshersteller an den Automotive Aftermarket. Orbital huet extensiv Fuerschung iwwer d'Benotzung vun Ethanol gemëschte Brennstoffer duerchgefouert (wéi E5, E10 an E20), souwéi fortgeschratt Ingenieurs- a Fuerschungsprojete mat E100 a konventionellen an direkten Injektiounsapplikatiounen.
OriginClear, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) has developed breakthrough water purification technologies for oil, natural gas, algae and other water-consuming industries. Am Géigesaz zu aneren Technologien, kann de patentéierte Electro Water Separation™ Prozess vun der Firma séier an effektiv organesch Substanzen aus grousse Quantitéite Waasser ewechhuelen ouni d'Benotzung vu Chemikalien. For the emerging algae industry, OriginClear is making large-scale harvesting possible. Algae used in biofuels
Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQCM: PEIX) is a leading producer and marketer of low-carbon renewable fuels in the western United States. Pacific Ethanol also sells by-products, including nutritional animal feed wet distillers grains (“WDG”). Pazifik Ethanol bitt Servicer fir integréiert Uelegfirmen a Benzinmarker, déi Ethanol a Benzin duerch Drëtt-Partei-Déngschtleeschter an de westlechen USA vermëschen (haaptsächlech a Kalifornien, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Oregon, a Colorado). State, Idaho) provides transportation, storage and transportation of ethanol. And Washington. Pacific Ethanol has four ethanol production facilities with a total annual production capacity of 200 million gallons. These operating facilities are located in Boardman, Burleigh, Idaho, Stockton, California, and Madeira, Oregon. These facilities are close to their respective fuel and feed customers and have significant time, transportation costs and logistics advantages. Kinergy Marketing LLC, a subsidiary of Pacific Ethanol, sells ethanol from Pacific Ethanol's management plant and other third-party production facilities and another subsidiary, Pacific Ag. Products, LLC sells WDG.

Petrotec AG (XETRA: PT8.DE; Frankfurt: PT8.F) produces one of the most sustainable and climate-friendly biodiesel that can be produced industrially. In the “Renewable Energy Promotion Directive” (RE-D) that came into effect in June 2009, the European Commission certified that biodiesel produced on the basis of residual and waste raw materials (such as yellow grease) has 83% CO2 emission reduction potential . Petrotec sells its biodiesel under the EcoPremium Biodiesel brand.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Holdings Limited (TSN: PL.TO) is a fast-growing manufacturer and distributor of industrial wood pellets and the third largest producer in the world. The company produces renewable energy sustainable fuels in the form of industrial wood pellets. Large thermal power generators use this fuel as a green alternative to producing reliable base-load renewable energy. Pinnacle is a trusted supplier to customers, and they need a reliable, high-quality fuel supply to make the most of their facilities. Pinnacle is proud of its industry-leading safety practices. The company owns seven industrial wood pellet production facilities in Western Canada and a port terminal in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It is currently building a new production facility in Smithers. Pinnacle, British Columbia D'Geschäftsfirma huet laangfristeg "Pay as you go" Kontrakter a Groussbritannien, Europa an Asien ënnerschriwwen, déi 106% vu senger Produktiounskapazitéit bis 2021 an 98% vun hirer Produktiounskapazitéit bis 2026 ausmaachen.
Radient Technologies Inc. (TSX: RTI.V) uses microwave assisted processing (“MAP™”) to extract natural compounds from a range of biological materials. This patented technology platform provides customers with excellent results in terms of ingredient purity, yield and cost. . Radient serves market leaders in the pharmaceutical, food, beverage, natural health, personal care and biofuel markets through its 20,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Edmonton, Alberta.
Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) is a leading producer of advanced biofuels and a developer of renewable chemicals in North America. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. REG sells REG-9000™-based biomass diesel to distributors, so consumers can obtain cleaner burning fuel, which helps diversify the energy complex and improve energy security. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG verkeeft och ultra-niddereg Schwiewel Diesel an Heizungsueleg am Nordosten a Mëttelwestleche vun den USA.
Rentech Inc. Rentech Nitrogen produces and sells products other than nitrogen fertilizers in its two factories-in our Dong Dubuque factory, we have sold DEF, including DEF, to industrial customers in the electricity, ethanol and diesel emission markets through a sales agreement with Yara. Of liquid urea. DEF is a urea-based chemical reactant designed to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust system of certain diesel engines in trucks, off-road farms and construction equipment.
Solazyme, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SZYM) develops and sells high-performance oils and ingredients that are beneficial to humans and the planet. Starting with microalgae, the world's original petroleum producer, Solazyme has created innovative, sustainable, high-performance products. These include renewable oils and ingredients that can be used as the basis for healthier food; héich performant industriell Produkter; unique home and personal care solutions; a méi nohalteg Brennstoffer. Solazyme huet säi Sëtz zu South San Francisco a seng Missioun ass eng vun de klengsten an eelste Liewensformen op der Welt ze benotzen: Mikroalgen fir e puer vun de gréisste Problemer vun der Welt ze léisen. Solazyme collaborated with industry leaders to develop advanced biofuels derived from microalgae, which burn cleaner and perform better than petroleum-based fuels. The clean, renewable fuel extracted from Solazyme's oil provides solutions to complex problems such as fuel shortage, energy security and environmental impact, and can be installed neatly in existing infrastructure without the use of any engines. .
Stratos Renewables Corporation (OTC: SRNW) is dedicated to the production, processing and distribution of sugarcane ethanol in Peru. D'Firma ass a Kalifornien etabléiert

Verbio Vgt Bioenerg (XETRA: VBK.DE; Frankfurt: VBK.F) ass ee vun de féierende onofhängege Produzenten a Fournisseuren vu Biokraftstoff an Europa, an deen eenzegen industrielle Produzent vu Biodiesel, Bioethanol a Biomethan an Europa. At present, its nominal annual production capacity is approximately 450,000 tons of biodiesel, 270,000 tons of bioethanol and 480 GWh of biomethane. VERBIO uses its own energy-saving production process and cutting-edge technology to manufacture its high-efficiency fuels. Compared with standard gasoline and diesel, VERBIO's biofuel can reduce carbon dioxide by up to 90%.
VIASPACE Company (OTC: VSPC) grows the renewable GiantKing® Grass as a low-carbon fuel for clean power generation; fir ëmweltfrëndlech Energiepartikelen; and as a production of biomethane and green cellulose biofuels, biochemical products and biomaterials raw material. Giant Gold® grass is a proprietary, high-yielding, dedicated biomass energy crop. GiantKing® grass, which is often mowed 4 to 5 feet high, is also an excellent animal feed. The US Department of Agriculture approved the planting of “Giant Golden Grass” throughout the United States and cooperated with exports by conducting necessary inspections and issuing phytosanitary certificates for imports. GiantKing® Grass is grown in California, Hawaii, Santa Cruz Virgin Islands, Nicaragua, South Africa, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines and Guyana.

3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power plangt Clienten praktesch gréng Kraaft ze bidden aus der sécherer an zouverlässerer erneierbarer Energie déi de Grupp konstruéiert, besëtzt a bedreift. The company plans to develop, build and acquire power plants operated by Bio Feed stock (biomass)

Den A2Z Infraroutprojet (fréier als A2Z Maintenance and Engineering bekannt) (NSE: A2ZINFRA-EQ.NS) ass an der Generatioun vun erneierbaren Energie aus Offall involvéiert. The company firmly believes in the sustainability of renewable energy, so it vigorously uses RDF in agriculture, forestry, agro-industry, waste and municipal solid waste as a secondary fuel, and established a biomass power generation project. The company envisions being at the forefront of renewable energy power generation across developing countries

AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. Et bitt Servicer un Uelegfirmen, chemesch Firmen, Utilityfirmen a Regierungsagenturen. De Virgänger vun der Firma war AMEC plc
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) ass e Welt Leader an der Atomkraaft. D'Areva Group investéiert och an erneierbar Energien fir High-Tech Léisungen duerch Partnerschaften z'entwéckelen. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. Areva Group huet eng Serie vu Geschäfter a véier erneierbaren Energiefelder: Offshore Windenergie, Bioenergie, konzentréiert Solarenergie an Energielagerung. Biomass: AREVA is an industry pioneer in the development of power engineering solutions, with a focus on biomass combustion technology. In addition, Areva Group is developing FlexBio, its own unique and complex biomass combustion solution, which is abundant in India and Southeast Asia. D'Organisatioun huet och eng industriell Baktechnologie zu hirem Produktportfolio bäigefüügt, wat AREVA erlaabt un dësem verspriechende Maart deelzehuelen.
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) focuses on developing, owning and operating carbohydrate-based transportation fuel plants or biorefineries in North America. Seng Bioraffinerie konvertéiert landwirtschaftlech Offäll, héich Inhalter Biomassekulturen, Holzreschter an organesch Matière wéi Zellulose aus kommunalem festen Offall an Ethanol. D'Firma ënnerschriwwen en Technologie Lizenzvertrag mat Arkenol, Inc. It is also committed to providing professional services to biorefineries worldwide. The company's predecessor was BlueFire Ethanol Fuel Company.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ass déi gréisste Power Holding Firma an den USA, liwwert a liwwert Energie un ongeféier 7.3 Milliounen amerikanesch Clienten. Mir generéieren ongeféier 570.000 Megawatt Elektrizitéit zu Carolina, de Mëttlere Westen a Florida, a bidden Äerdgasverdeelungsservicer an Ohio a Kentucky. Eis kommerziell an international Geschäfter besëtzen a bedreiwen verschidde Kraaftproduktiounsverméigen an Nordamerika a Lateinamerika, dorënner Portefeuillen vun erneierbaren Energieverméigen. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Biomass energy: In response to my country's increasing demand for base-load power generation, Duke Energy is seeking to use biomass (“biomass power generation”) as a renewable energy source.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) ass en internationale privaten Energieliwwerant, dee mat fundamentale Verännerunge steet: duerch d'Ëmsetzung vun enger neier Strategie konzentréiert E.ON sech ganz op erneierbar Energien an der Zukunft Energie, Energie networks and customer solutions are the cornerstones of the new energy world. Biomass In 2008, we put into production Steven's Croft (Steven's Croft), which is Scotland's largest dedicated biomass power plant with a total capacity of 44 MW. Compared with the emissions of traditional power plants, it can not only reliably power approximately 70,000 British homes, but it also allows us to avoid the production of approximately 140,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year. Currently, another dedicated biomass power plant, Blackburn Meadows, is under construction, and E.ON's biomass activities in the UK focus on converting existing coal-fired power plants into biomass combustion. Our first conversion project is underway at Ironbridge, and other plans are also in the pipeline. All raw materials used in our biomass plant comply with our responsible sourcing policy.

Enviva Partners, LP (NYSE: EVA) is a publicly issued limited liability partnership whose main business is to polymerize natural resource wood fibers and process them into a transportable form, namely wood chips. The partnership sells most of its wood pellets under payment or payment agreements through long-term agreements with reputable customers in the UK and Europe. The partnership owns and operates six factories in Southampton County, Virginia; Northampton Grofschaft an Ahoskie, North Carolina; Amory an Wiggins, Mississippi; and Cottondale, Florida. Eis alljährlech iwwergräifend Produktiounskapazitéit ass ongeféier 2,2 Milliounen Tonnen. In addition, the partnership has a deep-water marine terminal in the Port of Chesapeake, Virginia, for the export of wood pellets. Enviva Partners also exports pellets through ports in Mobile, Alabama, USA and Panama City, Florida

Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) ass e revolutionärt gréngt an erneierbar Energiegeschäft, deem seng Biokonversiounstechnologie fir Brennstoff, Landwirtschaft an Offallmanagement benotzt gëtt. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. This provides GELV with opportunities to develop in multiple industries, which are currently related to government authorizations. Virweigen erhéijen d'Benotzung vun de Bioofulser of. Brennstoff, wärend d'Ofhängegkeet vun auslänneschen Ueleg reduzéiert a Kuelestoffemissiounen reduzéiert gëtt. Den Haaptfokus vu Green Energy Live ass e Leader an der opkomende Offall / Biomass Energie Konversioun an erneierbar Energie Industrien ze ginn. Eis Missioun ass eis propriétaire patentéiert Vergasungs- a Konvertéierungstechnologie ze benotzen fir Offall ze konvertéieren déi momentan an Ethanol, Elektrizitéit an aner wäertvoll Nebenprodukter gedeponéiert ginn. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. Dës Technologieplattforme kënne séier , wirtschaftlech op den Offallplaz ofsetzen, a vice versa. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) is a diversified commodity processing business that involves ethanol production, corn oil production, grain handling and storage, livestock farm operations, and commodity marketing and distribution services. D'Firma veraarbecht méi wéi 10 Milliounen Tonnen Mais all Joer, produzéiert méi wéi eng Milliard Gallonen Ethanol op voller Kapazitéit, dräi Milliounen Tonnen Béischtenfudder an 250 Millioune Pond vun industriellem Mais Ueleg. Green Plains is also a partner in a joint venture that will commercialize advanced technologies for growing and harvesting algal biomass

Lakshmi Energy and Food Company (BSE: LAKSHMIO.BO) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the production, processing and sale of rice in India and internationally. Et funktionnéiert duerch zwee Deeler baséiert op Landwirtschaft an Energie. It operates a power plant with a capacity of 30 megawatts, which uses rice husks to generate electricity and sell electricity. Lakshmi Energy and Food Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Lakshmi Overseas Industrial Co., Ltd.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; Äerdgas an Ueleg Pipeline Infrastruktur; Kabel, Kabel a Satellit Kommunikatiounen; Muecht Generatioun, dorënner erneierbar Energien Infrastruktur; an industriell Infrastruktur. MasTec schafft haart fir viabel Biokraftstoffléisungen z'entwéckelen fir erneierbar, zouverlässeg a propper Verbrennungsenergie z'erreechen. We are taking the lead in designing and building facilities powered by a variety of innovative energy sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, and biomass.
Opcon Ab (Stockhahm: OPCO. OPCON ass e Maart Leader a verschiddene Geschäftsberäicher. Den4CC huet d'Investatioune vu Schweden, Däitschland an Groussbritzeg gemaach. Dem Opcon säi Geschäftsberäich Erneierbar Energie konzentréiert sech op Kuelendioxid-fräi Energieproduktioun baséiert op Offallhëtzt, bio-powered thermesch Kraaftwierker, Pelletsanlagen, Biomass, Schlamm an Äerdgasveraarbechtungssystemer, industriell Ofkillung, Rookgaskondensatioun, a Rookgasbehandlung. The air system of the fuel cell.

Peat Resources Co., Ltd. The company has developed an environmentally acceptable harvesting and processing system to provide high-quality peat fuel for heat and power generation to utilities and other industrial operations under long-term contracts. The company is also studying the need to develop value-added bio-carbon derivatives from peat particles (such as activated carbon), which has a growing demand in many industrial and household applications.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produzéiert zouverlässeg, kosteneffektiv an emissiounsfräi Kraaftquellen déi am Feld oder fir Mikrogrid Uwendungen benotzt kënne ginn. PowerVerde's ORC Technologie kann och mat Geothermie, Biomass a Solarwärmequellen kombinéiert ginn.
Fir vun de wuessende Méiglechkeeten am propperen Energiesecteur ze profitéieren, gouf React Energy (virdrun bekannt als Kedco plc) (LSE: REAC.L) gegrënnt. The group is now a diversified renewable energy company with cash-generating and development assets in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The group focuses on the biomass power and heating industries in the United Kingdom, with a capital cost of approximately £500,000 to £40 million, a power generation capacity of approximately 4 MW to 10 MW, and a heat generation of 200 kW to 1 MW, while the wind energy field It is Ireland. And, special attention is paid to project delivery from greenfield opportunities to planning, grid and construction phases, and cash-generating assets.
Renewable Energy Power Generation Limited (LSE: WIND.L) develops, constructs, finances and operates onshore renewable energy projects in the UK, involving three main areas: onshore wind energy, biomass energy and solar energy. Mir generéieren erneierbar Energie andeems mir patentéierte Bio-Flëssegkeet benotzt, déi aus Offall Iessueleg erholl gëtt, fir d'Demande vun der nationaler Gitter fir Backupkraaft z'erhalen fir de UK Beliichtungsstatus während ongeplangten Nofro z'erhalen.
Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) is a leading producer of advanced biofuels and a developer of renewable chemicals in North America. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. REG sells REG-9000™-based biomass diesel to distributors, so consumers can obtain cleaner burning fuel, which helps diversify the energy complex and improve energy security. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG verkeeft och ultra-niddereg Schwiewel Diesel an Heizungsueleg am Nordosten a Mëttelwestleche vun den USA.
Suryachakra Power Corporation Limited (Mumbai: SURYACHAKRA.BO) and its subsidiaries together generate and sell electricity in India. Et bedreift Kraaftwierker déi Diesel / Biomass Brennstoff benotzen fir Stroum ze generéieren. D'Firma gouf 1995 gegrënnt an huet säi Sëtz zu Hyderabad, Indien.
Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. the Natural Gas Technology Institute. SES Gasification Technology (SGT) kann propper, bëlleg Syngas fir Kraaftproduktioun, industriell Brennstoffer, Chemikalien, Dünger an Transportbrennstoffer produzéieren, an doduerch deier Äerdgasenergie ersetzen. SGT can also produce high-purity hydrogen for use as a cleaner transportation fuel. SGT benotzt de bloen Himmel fir Wuesstum z'erreechen a méi grouss Brennstoffflexibilitéit fir grouss-Skala an effizient kleng a mëttel-Skala Operatiounen bei Brennstoffquellen ze bidden. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.

2GENergy AG (XETRA: 2GB.DE) ass de weltgréisste Hiersteller vu kombinéierte Wärme- a Kraaftsystemer (CHP), déi dezentraliséierter Energieproduktioun a Versuergung duerch kombinéiert Hëtzt a Kraaft realiséieren. The company's product portfolio includes systems with capacities between 20 kW and 4,000 kW, which can be used for natural gas, biogas or biomethane and other lean gas operations. Bis elo huet 2G erfollegräich Dausende vu CHPs an 35 Länner / Regiounen installéiert. Besonnesch, am Leeschtungsberäich vu 50 kW bis 550 kW, huet 2G säin eegent technescht Verbrennungsmotorkonzept, dat sech duerch méi nidderegen spezifesche Brennstoffverbrauch, méi héijer operationeller Disponibilitéit an optiméierten Ënnerhaltintervaller charakteriséiert. D'Firma huet an eng zousätzlech Produktioun, Verkaf an Service Basis an St. D'Clientë vun 2G reie vu Baueren bis Industrieclienten, Gemengen, Immobilienindustrie, bis zu kommunale Utilities a grouss ëffentlech Utilityfirmen. The close service network and the high technical quality and performance of 2G power stations are the basis for establishing a high level of customer satisfaction. Thanks to the combination of their thermoelectric properties, they achieve an overall efficiency of 85% to over 90%. Fir hir technologesch Leedung weider auszebauen, investéiert d'Firma weider a R&D Aktivitéite fir Gasmotoren, déi am Naturgas, Biogas a Syngas (wéi Waasserstoff) benotzt ginn. D'Firma läit a Westfalen am Nordweste vun Däitschland, nieft enger Wärme- a Kraaftwierk, a bitt integréiert Léisunge vun der Planungsphase, Installatioun bis Serienservice an Ënnerhaltsaarbechten. Due to its decentralized location, scalability and predictable availability, CHP power plants will play a vital role as part of the intelligent networked energy system (the so-called virtual power plant) in the continuous transition to clean energy and modern energy supply concepts. D'Roll vun
AirTest Technologies Inc. AirTest's leading proprietary sensor technology improves the energy performance, environmental impact and return on investment of the millions of buildings in which we all work, shop, and entertain. We cooperate with existing construction contractors, building owners, property management companies, energy management companies, and large equipment and control manufacturers.
The main initiative of Alternate Energy Holdings (OTC: AEHI) is the construction of a proposed nuclear power plant in Payette County, Idaho. AEHI wäert un der Spëtzt vun dëser Geleeënheet sinn, déi éischt ëffentlech gehandelt onofhängeg Atomkraaftfirma an den USA ze ginn. Mat senger inherenter Bürokratie wäert seng Leeschtung einfach grouss nuklear a fossille Kraaftfirmen iwwertreffen. AEHI sicht och kleng gréng Energiefirmen fir nei Firmen ze kréien an ze kreéieren. AEHI erweidert de Maart andeems se exzellent Gestioun an Netzwierkfäegkeeten ubidden, an doduerch de Wuesstum vum kaafte Geschäft hëllefe. D'Firma wäert weider no Expansiounsméiglechkeeten sichen andeems se méi ökologesch effizient Energieversuergung kafen. By owning existing power generation resources, AEHI will assist in expediting the regulatory approval of its new energy construction, including joint ventures that produce reactors and nuclear components and other energy sources.

American DG Energy Company (NYSE MKT: ADGE) provides its customers with low-cost energy through distributed power generation systems. The company is committed to providing clean and reliable electricity, cooling, hot water and hot water to factories, commercial and small industrial facilities through its On. The cost is lower than that of local utility companies without bringing any capital to energy users. Oder Startup Käschten. -Site Utility energy solution. DG Energy is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Duerch seng Windtec (TM) Léisunge liwwert AMSC Wandturbinen elektronesch Kontrollsystemer, Systemer, Design an Ingenieursservicer déi d'Wandenergiekäschte reduzéieren. Duerch seng Gridtec (TM) Léisung liwwert AMSC Ingenieursplanungsservicer a fortgeschratt Gittersystemer fir d'Netzverlässegkeet, Effizienz a Leeschtung ze optimiséieren. D'Léisungen vun der Firma ginn elo Gigawatt vun erneierbaren Energie weltwäit an hunn d'Performance an d'Zouverlässegkeet vun de Stroumnetzwierker a méi wéi enger Dose Länner verbessert. AMSC was founded in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
Aspen Technology, Inc. With the integrated aspenONE solution, process manufacturers can implement best practices to optimize their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. As a result, AspenTech customers can better increase production capacity, increase profits, reduce costs and improve energy efficiency.

Cap-XX (LSE: CPX.L) designt a fabrizéiert Superkondensatoren an Energiemanagementsystemer fir portable elektronesch Geräter an Automobil- an erneierbar Energieapplikatiounen. It provides a series of super capacitors for wireless components and mobile devices, such as PCMCIA and compact flash memory products, mobile phones, rugged PDAs and wireless sensor networks. And consumer products, including digital cameras, laptops, digital music players, fusion handheld devices, toys and e-books. The company also provides supercapacitors for commercial products, including durable PDAs, automatic meter readers, medical equipment, location tracking devices and automotive applications. It mainly operates in the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Europe. CAP-XX Limited was formerly known as Energy Storage Systems Pty Limited.

CleanSpark, Inc. Our services include smart energy monitoring, microgrid design and engineering, microgrid consulting services and turnkey microgrid implementation services. CleanSpark's customers include not only energy consumers, but also the entire distributed energy ecosystem: developers, installers, EPC, IPP and energy storage suppliers. CleanSpark's software allows energy users to obtain flexibility and economic optimization. Our software has unique functions, can expand the microgrid according to the specific needs of users, and can be widely implemented in commercial, industrial, military, agricultural and municipal deployments.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. Dëst ass eng oppe Kapitalfirma kontrolléiert vun der Staatsregierung vu Minas Gerais, mat 114,000 Aktionären a 44 Länner. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. D'Firma erweidert hiren Aktionär am Light an huet d'Kontroll vun der Energieverdeelungsfirma iwwerholl, déi Servicer fir d'Stad Rio de Janeiro an aner Stied am Staat mam selwechten Numm ubitt. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. emig ranks third among the largest generators in Brazil, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, controlled and affiliated power generation company has 65 operating plants, of which 59 are hydroelectric power plants, three are thermal power plants, and three are wind power plants. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW. Energy efficiency: efficiency
ConEdison Solutions, a subsidiary of ConEdison Corporation (NYSE: ED), is a leading energy services company that provides renewable energy, sustainable services, cost-effective energy efficiency solutions, demand response and energy performance contracting. D'Firma servéiert kommerziell, industriell, Wunn- a Regierungsclienten souwéi Universitéiten, ëffentlech Schoulbezierker a Spideeler am ganze Land. D'Firma bitt innovativ Produkter, stabil Finanzen an en Engagement fir Clientsservice. It has an office in Valhalla, New York. Burlington, Massachusetts; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Falls Kierch, Virginia; Tampa, Florida; Nashville, Tennessee, Kansas Land Park; and Bloomington, Minnesota. D'Firma professionnell Team vun Energiefachmann bitt eng breet Palette vun Energieléisungen. Con Edison Solutions bitt Programmer a Servicer entwéckelt fir Clienten ze hëllefen hir jeeweileg Energieziler z'erreechen an ass als Energieserviceprovider (ESP) vun der National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO) unerkannt.
Conselation Energy (NYSE: EXC), a company of Exelon, is a leading competitive supplier of electricity, natural gas, renewable energy, and energy management products and services for homes and businesses across the continental United States. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. Energieeffizienz
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) leads the LED lighting revolution and obsolete traditional lighting technologies that waste energy by using energy-saving, mercury-free LED lighting. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. D'Cree Produktlinn enthält LED Luuchten a Knollen, blo a gréng LED Chips, High-Hellness LEDs, Beliichtungsgrad Power LEDs, Power Switching Geräter a RF Apparater. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.

Zënter 1802 huet DuPont (NYSE: DD) Weltklass Wëssenschaft an Ingenieurstechnologie op de weltwäite Maart a Form vun innovative Produkter, Materialien a Servicer bruecht. D'Firma mengt datt mir duerch Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten, Regierungen, Net-Regierungsorganisatiounen a Gedankeleader hëllefe kënnen Léisunge fir global Erausfuerderunge fannen, sou wéi genuch gesond Iessen fir Leit op der ganzer Welt ze liwweren, d'Ofhängegkeet vu fossille Brennstoffer ze reduzéieren an d'Liewen ze schützen an ze schützen. d'Ëmwelt. Mir verpflichte innovativ a wirtschaftlech machbar Léisungen duerch eng Vielfalt vun Technologien ze entwéckelen fir weltwäit Energiebedürfnisser ze treffen. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Eis Produkter ënnerstëtzen d'Energielagerung an d'Energiespuertechnologien am ganze Stroumproduktioun, Verdeelung an Konversiounsprozess.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) is a power management company. Eaton bitt energiespuerend Léisunge fir eise Clienten ze hëllefen elektresch, hydraulesch a mechanesch Kraaft méi effektiv, sécher an nohalteg ze managen. Eaton sells products to customers in more than 175 countries.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) ass e Pionéier an der Entwécklung vun enger oppener Standard Kontrollnetzplattform, déi eng industriell Kraaft "Gerätgemeinschaft" am Design, Installatioun, Iwwerwaachung a Kontroll vu Beliichtung, Bauautomatiséierung, Internet of Things, an industriell Uwendungen All déi néideg Elementer. Global related markets. Als Deel vun der Ezot ™ Plattform, Echelon verkeeft seng Luuchtprodukter ënner der Lumenli Fongwave, souwéi säi Gebai Authation an aner ikiatlässeg Produkter. Echelon huet méi wéi 100 Milliounen Echelon-ugedriwwen Apparater weltwäit installéiert, déi Clienten hëllefe kënnen einfach a sécher existéierend Kontrollsystemer op déi modernst Plattform migréieren, wärend nei Apparater an Uwendungen an déi ëmmer evoluéierend global Industrie um Internet bréngen. EmoLlolisl o hëlleft säi Clienten reduzéierend Aarbechtsiwwer a a Sécherheetsbesser verbesseren, a Passrauchen d'Readame eng besser aus ,zéien.
Emerson Electric Company (New York Stock Exchange: EMR), headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is a global technology and engineering company that provides innovative solutions to customers in the industrial, commercial and residential markets. Our automation solutions business can help process, hybrid and discrete manufacturers maximize output, protect people and the environment, while optimizing their energy and operating costs. Eis kommerziell a Wunnléisungsgeschäft hëlleft de Komfort a Gesondheet vun de Leit ze garantéieren, d'Liewensmëttelqualitéit a Sécherheet ze schützen, d'Energieeffizienz ze verbesseren an eng nohalteg Infrastruktur ze kreéieren.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) bitt propriétaire, schlësselfäerdeg Energieléisungen déi intelligent, bankabel an nohalteg sinn. Déi meescht Energieprodukter a Léisunge kënnen direkt ëmgesat ginn, wou néideg. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.

Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ERII) develops award-winning solutions to improve productivity, profitability and energy efficiency in the oil and gas, chemical and water industries. Eis Produkter vereinfachen komplex Systemer a schützen vulnerabel Geräter. Energy Recovery huet säi Sëtz am San Francisco Bay Area, mat Büroen zu Shanghai an Dubai.

EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) ass e féierende Fournisseur vu Cloud-baséiert Energie Intelligenz Software (EIS) a Servicer fir Dausende vu Firmeclienten an Utilities weltwäit. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. Enterprise EIS enthält Budgetéierung a Beschaffung, Utility Billing Gestioun, Ariichtungsoptimiséierung, Visibilitéit a Berichterstattung, Projet Tracking, Nofro Management, an Nofro Äntwert. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).
Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (OTC: EVSP) ass déi éischt Firma an der Feuchtigkeittestung / Indoor Loftqualitéit Industrie fir eng ëffentlech opgezielt Firma ze ginn. ESP besëtzt a bedreift eng ëmfaassend Set vu Geschäfter déi Energieeffizienz, Ëmweltproblemer decken an ëmweltsensibel Themen an de Wunn- a kommerzielle Mäert léisen. ESP provides a variety of inspection services, including energy/efficiency audits for residential and commercial properties, focusing on indoor air quality inspections for toxic, including mold, moisture intrusion, ra, lead, VOC, and other long-term and long-term negative effects on indoors Pollutants to the environment and occupant health.

Fujitsu Co., Ltd. Fujitsu has approximately 159,000 employees supporting customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. The sustainable development of the balanced economy, society and environment has brought challenges and opportunities to modern enterprises. Organizations that understand the innovative use of IT while focusing on optimization, resource and energy efficiency will benefit from business advantages and social responsibility. Fujitsu can help your organization optimize the efficiency of its ICT equipment and data center, saving you money and reducing greenhouse gases. Eis Firmennohaltegkeetsservicer alignéieren Är Ëmweltziler mat Geschäftsziler fir nohalteg Operatiounen z'erreechen. Our data center optimization services can improve energy efficiency and reduce data center operation and management costs. D'Haaptzäitfahrzeäft, Elterort, Organisatiounen kënne mat engem Duerchschnëtt 40% reduzéieren oder an den éischten 12 Méint wierken ouni Groussplazen.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) ass eng diversifizéiert erneierbar Energiefirma mat Sëtz an Australien. Iwwer déi d'Technesch Konstruktioun vun enger Technescher Méiglechkeet hunn, déi néideg wierkt, bekloen Dotorien Mäert, wéi och ëmmer méi héich. Conventional geothermal resources in the vast Pacific Ocean are rim.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. D'Firma konzentréiert sech op Prioritéit oder Senior Kapital un etabléierte Sponsoren a Scholden mat héijer Kredittqualitéit ze liwweren fir laangfristeg, widderhuelend a prévisibel Cashflows ze generéieren. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong elected a real estate investment trust (REIT) that is eligible to pay taxes for federal income tax purposes. Its tax year begins on December 31, 2013

Infineon Technologies (fréier International Rectifier Company) (OTC: IFNNY; Frankfurt: IFX.F) ass e Welt Leader am Halbleiterfeld. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. Am Januar 2015 huet Infineon d'US-baséiert International Rectifier Company kaaft, e féierende Fournisseur vu Power Management Technologie. International Rectifier Corporation (IR®) ass e weltwäite Leader an der Power Management Technologie. Leading manufacturers of computers, energy-saving appliances, lighting, automobiles, satellites, aircraft, and defense systems all rely on IR's power management benchmarks to power their next-generation products.
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (NYSE: IBM) provides information technology (IT) products and services worldwide. Energy and environment: IBM is committed to making our existing products and processes more effective for the environment and business, and at the same time developing new innovative technologies to help the world become smarter, promote economic and operational improvements, increase responsibility and reduce Environmental impact . D'Energie- a Klima-Zesummenhang vun haut sinn d'Haaptprioritéit op eiser strategescher Agenda. IBM Léisunge kënnen d'Clienten hëllefen d'Käschte ze reduzéieren an systematesch Energie, Waasser, Kuelestoffemissiounen an Offall ze reduzéieren. IBM hëlleft Clienten d'Energieeffizienz ze verbesseren, nei Weeër ze adoptéieren fir Wueren a Servicer op eng méi nohalteg Manéier ze kafen, ze fabrizéieren an ze verdeelen, sécher an erneierbar Energiequellen z'erreechen, a Ressourcen op Makro-Niveau ze verwalten, an domat déi ganz Industrie transforméieren. IBM kombinéiert eis innovativ Technologien, déif geschäftlech Abléck an Industrieexpertise fir op d'Erausfuerderunge vun eisem Planéit op eng ëmfaassend Manéier ze reagéieren. Zesummen Mir kënnen d'no Verfassungung vun eisem Staf an de Planschaft béret.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; Kommunikatioun Systemer; Software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources.

Just Energy Group, Inc. (TSX: JE.TO; NYSE: JE) ass eng féierend Konsumentfirma déi spezialiséiert ass op Elektrizitéit an Äerdgaskommoditéiten, Energieeffizienzléisungen an erneierbar Energieoptiounen. Just Energy huet Büroen an den USA, Kanada, Vereenegt Kinnekräich, Däitschland, Irland a Japan, servéiert ongeféier 1,7 Millioune Wunn- a kommerziell Clienten, déi eng breet Palette vun Energieléisungen fir Haiser a Geschäfter ubidden fir Komfort, Komfort a Kontroll ze bidden. Just Energiegrupp Inc. ass d'Eltere Company vun Amigo Energy, grénge Stär Energie, HUDSON Energy Energy, Cardpower Inc., tarapet

Legend Power Systems Inc. Dem Legend Power säin elektresche Koordinator kann Firmen hëllefen Stroumrechnungen ze reduzéieren, Ënnerhaltskäschten an d'Liewen vun elektrescher Ausrüstung ze verlängeren, wärend hëlleft Treibhausgasemissiounen ze reduzéieren. Lenovo Power is recognized as the best performing clean technology company for TSX/V in 2015.
Lime Energy Co. (NASDAQCM: LIME) is building a new energy future. Als féierende nationalen Fournisseur vun Energieeffizienz fir kleng Geschäfter a kommerziell Clienten huet Lime direkt Installatiounsprogrammer fir eis Utility-Clienten entworf an ëmgesat, déi konsequent Programmspuerziler iwwerschreiden. Eise Präis-Zouschlag ëmfaassend Service Plang bitt Utilities zouverlässeg Energieeffizienz Ressourcen iwwerdeems déi héchsten Niveau vun Client Zefriddenheet. This next-generation approach is helping utility companies across the country use the cheapest, cleanest and fastest energy resource (energy efficiency) we have for further development.
MicroPlanet Technology Corp. (TSX: MP.V; OTC: MCTYF) provides advanced energy-saving technology for residential, commercial and industrial environments, which can dynamically manage the voltage received from the power company to an optimal level. In areas with higher input voltage, this can enable customers to reduce energy consumption by 5% to 12%, and reduce electricity bills without changing their behavior. A Low-Volt Beräicher kënnen d'Produite vum MicroPlanet et op e programméierbare Setpunkt erhéijen, sou datt Utilityfirmen d'Qualitéit vum Service fir hir Clienten séier a kosteneffizient verbesseren.
Microsemi Corp. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; an Muecht Gestioun Produiten; Timing- a Synchroniséierungsausrüstung a präzis Zäitléisungen déi Weltzäitnormen etabléiert hunn; voice processing equipment; radio frequency solutions; Discrete components; security technology and scalable tamper-proof products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs an midspans; a Mooss-entworf Funktiounen a Servicer. Microsemi huet säi Sëtz zu Aliso Viejo, Kalifornien. Smart Energy
D'National Grid Corporation (NYSE: NGG: LSE: NG.L) iwwerdréit a verdeelt Elektrizitéit an Äerdgas. The company operates through UK electricity transmission, UK gas transmission, UK gas distribution and US regulatory agencies. Déi britesch Transmissiounsdepartement besëtzt a bedreift Héichspannungsnetzwierker a Groussbritannien. The British natural gas transmission department has a natural gas transmission network in the UK and has liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facilities in the UK. Déi British Gas Distribution Division bedreift en Äerdgasverdeelungssystem a Groussbritannien. National Grid: National Grid is an electricity and natural gas transmission company that connects nearly 7 million customers to vital energy through its networks in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Through its US Connect21 strategy, National Grid is transforming its power and natural gas networks to provide smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions to support the digital economy of the 21st century. Connectets (Gridenmuecht, déi wirtschaftlech wirtschaftlech Gesondheetsënnerleiungen a mat de Regministratiounssäit vun der Regionéierung
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "

ON Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: ON) fördert energiespuerend Innovatioun, wat Clienten erlaabt de globale Energieverbrauch ze reduzéieren. The company is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, providing a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient power and signal management, logic, standard and custom equipment products. The company's products can help engineers solve their unique design challenges in automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, medical, and military/aerospace applications. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, as well as a network of manufacturing plants, sales offices, and design centers in major markets in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

Pioneer Technologies (TSX: PTE.V), mat Sëtz zu Mississauga, Ontario, ass eng "Energie Smart" Produktinnovatioun / Konsumentfirma an e Leader an der nordamerikanescher Kachen Feierschutztechnologie. Pioneering engineers bring energy smart solutions for consumer products to the market, making them safer, smarter or more efficient. Pioneer's patented cooking fire protection technology/products are designed to prevent cooking fires and are the number one cause of home fires in North America (a multi-billion dollar problem). Pioneer Kachen Feierbeständeg Marken enthalen Safe-T-Element, SmartBurner, RangeMinder a Safe-T-Sensor.
PMFG, Inc. (NasdaqGS: PMFG) is a leading provider of custom engineered systems and products designed to help ensure safe, efficient and clean energy delivery. Mir déngen haaptsächlech d'Naturgasinfrastruktur, d'Kraaftproduktioun a petrochemesch Veraarbechtungsmäert.
POET Technologies Inc. (TSX: PTK.V; OTC: POETF) (Planar Optoelectronics Technology) ass en Entwéckler vun optoelektronesche a photonesche Fabrikatiounsprozesser a Produkter. Photonics integration is essential to increase the expansion of functions and reduce the cost of current photonics solutions. POET believes that its advanced optoelectronic processing platform can significantly improve the energy efficiency, component cost and size in the production of smart optical components. The engine drives a variety of applications from data centers to consumer products to military applications. Silicon Valley-baséiert POET patentéiert Single-Chip Modul Prozess integréiert digital, héich-Vitesse Analog an opteschen Apparater op der selwechter Chip, an ass geduecht als Industrie Standard fir Smart opteschen Komponente benotzt ginn. D'Firma Duechtergesellschaft DenseLight ass eng Halbleiterprozessentwécklungsfirma gewidmet fir d'Entwécklung vun der nächster Generatioun Semiconductor Integréiert Circuit Technologie, déi Optik an Elektronik op engem eenzegen Chip integréiert, an doduerch déi kierperlech Aschränkungen vum Moore Gesetz a Leeschtung a Geschwindegkeet verlängeren.
Power Clouds Inc. It determines the best locations for its solar power plants and then supports these projects through business development activities and coordination of strategic resources from engineers, suppliers, skilled builders and partner companies. The company has a production plant in Romania, and business activities in Japan and other parts of the world. The company has a core team composed of international-level experts and project managers who have specific expertise in photovoltaics and green economy. And has the ability to provide the highest level of reliability. Technology and cutting-edge solutions.
Power Efficiency Corporation (OTC: PEFF) designs, develops, sells and sells solid-state electrical equipment that can reduce the energy consumption of AC induction motors. Seng Haaptprodukter enthalen dräi-Phase Motor Effizienz Controller (MEC), déi an industriell a kommerziell Uwendungen wéi Steen Crushers benotzt ginn, Pelletizer an escalators. D'Firma bitt och digital Single-Phase MEC Produkter, déi d'Energieverbrauch vu Motore reduzéieren andeems d'Energie verbraucht vun de Motore senséiert a kontrolléiert. It provides services to end users, such as retail chains, hotels, airports and bus systems, as well as mining, plastics and manufacturing companies. The company mainly sells products through direct sales, original equipment manufacturers, dealers, distributors and independent representatives mainly in the United States.
Power Integrations (NASDAQGS: POWI) ass e féierende Innovateur vun der Hallefleittechnologie fir Héichspannungsmuechtkonversioun. The company's products are key building blocks in the clean energy ecosystem, enabling the generation of renewable energy and efficient power transmission and consumption in milliwatt to megawatt applications.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. D'Firma ass e Pionéier an der Entwécklung vun IDG® Kraaftsystemer mat fortgeschratt Smart Grid Funktiounen, dorënner de folgende Fäegkeeten: 1) Viraussoen d'Kraaftfuerderung an de System elektronesch ofsetzen fir méi effizient an ëmweltfrëndlech Kraaft während de Spëtzestonnen ze bidden; 2) Gitt ëffentlech Utilitéite verursaachen. Et huet spezialiséiert Muecht Generatioun Kapazitéit fir Nofro Äntwert Zwecker; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Huet säi proprietaresch verdeelt Power-Generatiounssconddispostizisten, déi verschidde Technologien uginn fir Stroum ze lafen, och ëmmer vernünftbar Energie. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produzéiert zouverlässeg, kosteneffektiv an emissiounsfräi Kraaftquellen déi am Feld oder fir Mikrogrid Uwendungen benotzt kënne ginn. PowerVerde's ORC Technologie kann och mat Geothermie, Biomass a Solarwärmequellen kombinéiert ginn.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. D'Späicherléisungen vu Powin Energy bidden e vitale Link an der Entwécklung vu Wand- a Solarenergie andeems se Technologien ubidden, déi dës Projete méi effizient maachen.
D'Provirmemberen Entreprise vun Amésélé: Zensen: Pre), duerch sengtoulsiderësch ass als Energieschbienstänn an och haaptsächlech an den onverännert Staaten anerkannt. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products that are used to optimize the operation of the grid. The company also transmits electricity; a verdeelt Elektrizitéit an Äerdgas zu Wunn-, kommerziell an industriell Clienten, an investéiert an Solarenergie Projeten, an ëmsetzt Energieeffizienz an Nofro Äntwert Pläng. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. gouf am 1985 gegrënnt an huet säi Sëtz zu Newark, New Jersey.

Sabien Technology Group Plc (LSE: SNT.L) provides private and public organizations worldwide with technologies to reduce carbon emissions and energy use. Et designt, fabrizéiert a verkeeft patentéiert M2G Kessellastoptimiséierungskontroll a M1G direkt gebrannt Heisswaasserheizungssteuerprodukter, déi den Energieverbrauch a Kuelestoffemissioune vu kommerziellen an industrielle Kesselen an direkt gebrannten Heisswaasserkessel ëm 10% bis 25% reduzéieren. %.
Smartcole Systemer Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; tsx: SSC.V) liwwert déi fortgeschratt Energie spueren an Energiekäschten Reduktiounssituren. ECO3 an ESM sinn Smartcool seng eenzegaarteg Retrofit-Technologien, déi den Energieverbrauch vu Kompressere bei Klimaanlag-, Kälte- a Wärmepompelsystemer ëm 15% bis 20% reduzéiere kënnen, an domat e Rendement op Investitioun bannent 12 bis 36 Méint kréien
SmartHeat Inc. China. Et bitt PHE Eenheeten, Wärmemeter an Wärmepompelen fir kommerziell a Wunngebaier. The company also provides spiral heat exchangers and tube heat exchangers, as well as after-sales service, including maintenance, repairs and spare parts supply. Seng Produkter kënnen an enger Rei vun Uwendungen benotzt ginn, wéi Heizung, Belëftung a Klimaanlag (HVAC) Energiekonversioun; An industrientopséiers, daueren, dann zefällert, Petachmescher, Metouky, Iessen an Zesummenaarbecht, charry, charry. D'Firma verkeeft seng Produkter ënner dem Smarthetat, Taiyu a sondex Marken. Smartheat, Inc. Sellen Produkter direkt duerch säi Verkafspersonal an Distributeurféierungsnetz. The company is headquartered in Shenyang, China.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) is an energy services holding company headquartered in Folsom, New Jersey, and operates through two main subsidiaries. South Jersey Gas is one of the fastest-growing natural gas utility companies in the United States, providing clean, efficient natural gas to approximately 370,000 customers in southern New Jersey and improving energy efficiency. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable energy; for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; Grousshandel Commodity Verkaf a Brennstoffversuergungsmanagement Servicer ubidden; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.
Superglass Holdings plc (LSE: SPGH.L) fabrizéiert a verkeeft Glasfaser Isolatiounsmaterialien a Groussbritannien, Irland an international. D'Firma bitt eng Serie vun thermeschen an akusteschen Mineralwollprodukter fir d'Bauindustrie. Seng Produkter gi fir Interieur, Aussen- a Party- / Trennmauer benotzt; masonry cavities, wooden frames and metal composite walls; roofs such as attics, wooden pitched roofs and metal composite roofs; an suspendéiert hëlze Buedem a konkret Partitions.
SWW Energy (ASX: SWW.AX) fuerscht, entwéckelt, produzéiert a verkeeft erneierbar Energien an Australien. The company was formerly known as Solverdi WorldWide Limited.
Tecogen Inc. (NasdaqCM: TGEN) designs, manufactures, sells, installs and maintains efficient, ultra-clean cogeneration products, including natural gas engine-driven cogeneration, air conditioning systems, and high-efficiency water heaters for residential, commercial, entertainment and Industrial applications. The company is known for its cost-effective, environmentally-friendly and reliable products for energy production, which almost eliminate standard pollutants through patented technology and significantly reduce the customer's carbon footprint. Haut, nodeems se fir méi wéi 20 Joer operéiert sinn, huet Tecogen en Netz vun Ingenieuren, Verkafs- a Servicepersonal an den USA gegrënnt, an huet méi wéi 2,300 Eenheeten verschéckt.
Telkonet (OTC: TKOI) ass e féierende Fournisseur vun intelligenten Automatisatiounsléisungen um weltwäite kommerziellen Maart. Den Internet vun de Saachen (IoT) duerch intelligent Netzwierkkommunikatioun, verbessert Verméigennotzung an Datenanalysefunktiounen kënnen d'Energiekäschte wesentlech reduzéieren, d'Produktivitéit vun de Mataarbechter erhéijen an de Kuelestoffofdrock reduzéieren. IoT platforms such as Telkonet's EcoSmart enable users to realize savings, value and services through network connections, thereby providing monitoring, control, analysis, convenience, and the ability to participate in the emerging smart grid through automated demand response plans. Telkonet serves vertical markets that have made the company a leading provider of network, efficiency and energy management technologies. Dës Mäert hunn Hotelle bei Alte, d'Fipriichtung, Europäesch, Regierung déi an ëffentlech Wunneng. Telkonet's Geschäftsunitéiten enthalen Ökosmart (TM), eng Netzwierk Authatiounsplattform mat der Erhuelung Zäit (TM) Technologie, déi Energiekonsultatioun fuert a sech spuert. EthoStream(R) is One of the largest high-speed Internet access in the hotel industry, the world's largest network provides public Internet access to more than 8 million users every month.
Thermal Energy Corporation (TSX: TMG.V) is a well-known global supplier that provides proven proprietary energy-saving and emission-reduction solutions for global industrial and institutional sectors. We save customers' money and increase profits by reducing fuel usage and carbon emissions. Eis Clientë enthalen vill FORTUNE 500 Firmen an aner féierend Multinationalfirmen vu verschiddene Industrien.

ARCADIS NV (Euronext Amsterdam Code: ARCAD; OTC Code: ARCAY) ass déi weltgréisste natierlech an architektonesch Asset Design a Berodungsfirma, schafft mat Clienten fir Exzellenz duerch Applikatiounsdesign, Berodung, Ingenieurs-, Projekt- a Managementservicer An nohalteg Resultater ze bidden.

NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) bitt berufflech technesch Ingenieurs- a Berodungsléisungen fir ëffentlechen a private Secteur Clienten an der Infrastruktur, Energie, Bau, Immobilien an Ëmweltmäert. NV5 konzentréiert sech op fënnef Geschäftsberäicher: Bauqualitéitssécherung, Infrastruktur, Ingenieurs- an Ënnerstëtzungsservicer, Energie, Programmmanagement an Ëmweltléisungen. The company has 42 locations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Office, headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
Ricardo PLC (LSE: RCDO.L) is a global engineering, strategy and environmental consulting company. Mir goufen vum Sir Harry Ricardo am 1915 gegrënnt, a mir deelen nach ëmmer mat him eis Visioun fir maximal Effizienz z'erreechen an Offall ze eliminéieren.
D'RPS Group (LSE: RPS.L) Beroderfirma bitt Berodung iwwer d'Exploratioun an d'Produktioun vun Ueleg a Gas an aner natierlech Ressourcen; wéi och d'Entwécklung an d'Gestioun vun der natierlecher Ëmwelt. The company's energy department provides integrated technical, commercial and project management support and training services in the fields of energy science, geoscience, engineering and health, safety and environment. Its construction and natural environment department provides consulting services for all aspects of the real estate and infrastructure development and management departments. Dësen Deel bitt Berodungsservicer, dorënner Ëmweltbewäertung, Waasserressourcenmanagement, Due Diligence, Ozeanographie, Gesondheet a Sécherheet, Risikomanagement, Stad- a ländleche Planung, Architektur, Landschafts- an Staddesign, Ëmfro an Transportplanung, a Labortestung, Asbestberodung, Loftqualitéit a Kaméidi Charakteristiken. D'Firma bitt Servicer a Groussbritannien, Nordamerika, Irland, Asien Pazifik, Australien, Holland, den USA, Singapur, Malaysia, Kanada, Norwegen an aner Länner.
Active Power (NASDAQCM: ACPW) designt a fabrizéiert Schwéngrad Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systemer a modulare Infrastrukturléisungen, déi Datenzenteren an aner missionskritesch Operatiounen erlaben "op" ze bleiwen 24 Stonnen den Dag, 7 Deeg an der Woch. Déi ëmfaassend Virdeeler vun der Kraaftdicht, Zouverlässegkeet an de Gesamtkäschte vun hire Produkter sinn onparalleléiert um Maart, wat de weltgréisste Firmen erméiglechen, hir viraussiichtlechst Rechenzenter Designen z'erreechen. The company's products and solutions have the most advanced ISO 9001:2008 registered manufacturing and testing facilities in Austin, Texas, and are proud of this. Déngscht weltwäit Clienten duerch Austin an dräi regional Operatiounszentren a Groussbritannien, Däitschland a China, déi d'Deployment vu Systemer a méi wéi 50 Länner / Regiounen ënnerstëtzen
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) ass eng ëffentlech Firma, déi zu Nevada am Joer 2012 integréiert ass. D'2050 Automobile Company gouf gegrënnt fir déi nächst Generatioun vu propperen, liichtgewiichtegen an effiziente Gefierer a verbonne Technologien z'entwéckelen an ze produzéieren. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.

Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. D'Firma kategoriséiert hir Aktivitéiten an Äerdgas a Servicer, Ingenieurstechnologie an aner Aktivitéiten. Seng Gas- a Serviceaktivitéite bidden verschidde Gas, Uwendungsausrüstung a verbonne Servicer fir Technologie, Fuerschung, Materialien, Energie, Automotive, Fabrikatioun, Liewensmëttel, pharmazeutesch, Handwierk, an Netzwierkindustrie. It also provides medical gas, sanitary products, medical equipment and services for hospitals and patients at home. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Seng Ingenieurs- an technesch Aktivitéiten enthalen Design, Entwécklung a Bau vun industrielle Gasproduktiounsanlagen. Its other activities include the development of welding and cutting technologies, and the provision of deep-sea diving and swimming equipment. Waasserstoff
Air Products (NYSE: APD) ass eng féierend industriell Gasfirma. For nearly 75 years, the company has provided atmospheric, process and specialty gases and related equipment to manufacturing markets such as metals, food and beverages, refining and petrochemicals, and natural gas liquefaction. Air Products' Materials Technology Division serves the semiconductor, polyurethane, cleaning and coatings, and adhesive industries. With more than 20,000 employees in 50 countries/regions, Air Products is committed to making Air Products the safest and best-performing industrial gas company in the world, providing sustainable products and quality services to all customers. Waasserstoff Energie: Air Products huet méi wéi 50 Joer Waasserstoff Erfahrung an ass op der Spëtzt vun Waasserstoff Energie Technologie Entwécklung. We deployed the first hydrogen refueling station in 1993 and developed an extensive patent portfolio related to hydrogen supply and distribution technology. Air Products provides liquid and gaseous hydrogen and a broad portfolio of refueling infrastructure solutions
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) For more than 100 years, AMEC has provided detailed design, engineering and construction for power developers, utilities, industries, contractors, financial institutions, governments, and renewable energy technology developers. Management Servicer. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.

AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) ass e Welt Leader an der Atomkraaft. D'Areva Group investéiert och an erneierbar Energien fir High-Tech Léisungen duerch Partnerschaften z'entwéckelen. Duerch d'Komplementaritéit vun der Atomenergie an der erneierbarer Energie dréit den Areva Group zur Grënnung vum Energiemodell vu muer bäi: déi gréisst Zuel vu Leit méi sécher a manner Kuelendioxid Energie ze bidden. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage. Fuel cell/hydrogen energy storage: Areva Group has more than 10 years of experience in energy storage, especially in the hydrogen field. The team designs, manufactures and industrializes turnkey energy storage solutions and products to generate electricity through fuel cells and hydrogen through electrolysis.
AYRO, Inc. Dem AYRO seng Gefierer kënnen eng breet Palette vu Geschäftsbedürfnisser erfëllen a sinn opkomende Leader am sécheren, bezuelbare, effizienten an nohaltege Logistiktransport. AYRO was founded in 2017 by entrepreneurs, investors and executives who are passionate about creating sustainable urban electric vehicle solutions for campus management, last mile and city delivery, and closed campus transportation.

BWT AG ORD (Vienna: BWT.VI; Frankfurt: TWB.F) is a water technology company. Fuel cell: FUMATECH, a subsidiary of BWT, as a supplier of innovative membranes (fumion® polymer and fumapem® polymembrane), has been established globally to serve the future global fuel cell market. Dës innovativ Membranen sinn Membran Elektroden Unitéiten Kär Komponente. PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membran) Brennstoffzelle.

Ceres Power Holdings (LSE: CWR.L) is a leading global developer of low-cost next-generation fuel cell technology. Eis Stahlgitter, déi an dezentraliséierter Energieprodukter benotzt ginn, hunn d'Art a Weis wéi Haiser a Geschäfter Elektrizitéit generéieren geännert, Energiekäschte reduzéiert, CO2 Emissiounen reduzéiert, verbessert Effizienz a verbessert Energiesécherheet an Zouverlässegkeet.
Clean Energy Capital Corporation (CSE: MOVE) ass eng Investitiounsfirma déi spezialiséiert ass op opportunistesch Investitiounen a privaten an ëffentleche Firmen, déi verschidden Industrien involvéiere kënnen. Et konzentréiert sech de Moment op d'Gesondheet an d'erneierbar Energieindustrie. Besonnesch d'Investitiounsdirektiv konzentréiert sech op Investitiounsméiglechkeeten mat héije Rendement, e raisonnabelen Taux vun der Kapitalschätzung z'erreechen an d'Fäegkeet fir Investitiounsliquiditéit ze sichen. The company acquired a 90% stake in PowerTap on October 27. PowerTap, with its environmental protection intellectual property rights, modular design, and product design with the lowest level of hydrogen production costs, and a start-up plan, is leading this expense to Etabléieren eng Käschten-effikass Waasserstoff Brennstoff Infrastruktur.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. Et bedreift duerch Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses an Daimler Financial Services. D'Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division verkeeft Passagéierautoen an Offroad Gefierer no der Mark Mercedes-Benz benannt, souwéi kleng Autoen no Smart Marken benannt. Daimler's truck business unit sells trucks under the names Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, Thomas-made buses and Bharat Benz brands. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division produces and sells combined buses, city and intercity buses, coaches and bus chassis under the Mercedes-Benz and Setra brands. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Brennstoffzelle: Zënter 1994 huet Daimler d'Benotzung vun der Brennstoffzelltechnologie studéiert fir Stroossefahrzeugen z'ënnerstëtzen. Déi 180 Patentanmeldungen an dësem technesche Beräich ënnersträichen d'Pionéierleeschtungen vum Grupp.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. The company was founded in 1904 and is headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, with approximately 23,000 employees in 25 countries/regions on six continents. Dana has applied mature technologies to future power sources, including fuel cell products and later products. Mat eiser unerkannter Expertise an der Entwécklung vun héichtemperaturmaterialien, entwéckelen a fabrizéiere mir superieure Brennstoffprodukter fir den Automobilmaart, dorënner d'Gläichgewiicht vu Fabriken, Waasserstoffreformeren a Kamäinversammlungen. For more than ten years, we have been a global leader in the fuel cell market and have won honors including General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award and f Battery 2010 Gold Award. We are committed to meeting your current and future needs. Whether it is fuel cells, batteries, hybrid electric vehicles or internal combustion engines, Dana will provide innovative and reliable alternative energy products to support you there.
Dominovas Energy (OTC: DNRG) is a public company in Nevada. Dominovas Energy Corporation is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and is a leading power solution provider for emerging markets around the world. DEC uses its proprietary RUBICON™ solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology to deploy in multi-megawatt power generation plants worldwide. Pursuing clean and efficient power production globally through solid oxide fuel cell technology inspired its founder to create an “Energy Solutions” company. Recognizing the huge growth potential of the “green” and “alternative energy” markets, Dominowas Energy Corporation takes active action to immediately allocate its intellectual and financial capital to strategically solve 100% reliable, efficient and measurable green energy solutions Cleaner than generator sets and CCGT . In addition, unlike wind and solar solutions, RUBICON provides base load power 24/7/365 days a year. By manufacturing and deploying RUBICON™ on a global scale, Domino Gas Energy is committed to creating shareholder value not only by generating a guaranteed revenue stream, but also by increasing the value of “human and community capital”. By operating with the utmost honesty and integrity in all business transactions to commit to core values, Dominowas Energy is also committed to respecting the rights of all people, while recognizing and respecting all cultures necessary to support the growth and development of communities and nations. It works in it. The company firmly believes that this unique advanced technology will have an impact on the world, and is determined to fulfill its mission of providing electricity where it is economically feasible.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ass déi gréisste Power Holding Firma an den USA, liwwert a liwwert Energie un ongeféier 7.3 Milliounen amerikanesch Clienten. Mir generéieren ongeféier 570.000 Megawatt Elektrizitéit zu Carolina, de Mëttlere Westen a Florida, a bidden Äerdgasverdeelungsservicer an Ohio a Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Waasserstoff Brennstoffzell: Waasserstoff huet breet Perspektiven als ëmweltfrëndlecht an nohaltegt Mëttel fir Energie ze späicheren an ze transferéieren. D'Erausfuerderung ass eng wirtschaftlech Method z'entwéckelen fir Waasserstoff ze extrahieren fir den Ersatz vun existente Brennstoffer ze justifiéieren. In the past few years, we have participated in research and pilot projects to test the feasibility of this fuel source. Eis Projeten enthalen: Homosassa Springs Brennstoffzell, Microcell Investitioun, Palm Garden Brennstoffzell, Waasserstoffauto a Waasserstofftankstatioun.
Zënter 1802 huet DuPont (NYSE: DD) Weltklass Wëssenschaft an Ingenieurstechnologie op de weltwäite Maart a Form vun innovative Produkter, Materialien a Servicer bruecht. D'Firma mengt datt mir duerch Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten, Regierungen, Net-Regierungsorganisatiounen a Gedankeleader hëllefe kënnen Léisunge fir global Erausfuerderunge fannen, sou wéi genuch gesond Iessen fir Leit op der ganzer Welt ze liwweren, d'Ofhängegkeet vu fossille Brennstoffer ze reduzéieren an d'Liewen ze schützen an ze schützen. d'Ëmwelt. Mir verpflichte innovativ a wirtschaftlech machbar Léisungen duerch eng Vielfalt vun Technologien ze entwéckelen fir weltwäit Energiebedürfnisser ze treffen. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Eis Produkter ënnerstëtzen d'Energielagerung an d'Energiespuertechnologien am ganze Stroumproduktioun, Verdeelung an Konversiounsprozess.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) produzéiert a verkeeft Kuelendioxid Emissioun Reduktioun Technologien fir Verbrennungsmotor Motore. Als Deel vun der ëmmer méi wichteger internationaler Waasserstoffwirtschaft benotze mir eis patentéiert Technologie fir Waasserstoff a Sauerstoff duerch en eenzegaartegt Elektrolysesystem ze produzéieren. Dës Gase ginn duerch d'Loftversuergung agefouert fir d'Verbrennung ze optimiséieren, oder hëlleft CO2 Emissiounen a méi héije Brennstoffeffizienz ze reduzéieren. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Australien's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) ass verantwortlech fir d'Produktioun vu Kuelestoff Nanotubes a Kuelestofffasern, Nano-Material Beton-Admixturen, Waasserstoffproduktioun, Lagerung an Transport Brennstoffsystemer (inklusiv Low-Emissioun Waasserstoff, Waasserstoff, Methan, Kuelbett Methan and shale gas). ) Interested. Vereenegt Kinnekräich. All dës Aspekter vum Edens Geschäft sinn Deel vun enger integréierter Strategie déi zielt fir e grousse globalen Spiller am alternativen Energiemaart ze ginn, besonnesch fokusséiert op de propperen Energietransportmaart, d'Produktioun vu Kuelestofffräi Wasserstoff, an den Transport vu Waasserstoff op de Maart a bitt Motoren. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.

Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. Zousätzlech bitt d'Firma och Potentiostatsystemer fir Batterien, Kondensatoren, Brennstoffzellen, Solarzellen, Sensoren a Metallkorrosiounsapplikatiounen ze testen. Zousätzlech bitt et Radiofrequenz Identifikatiounstags fir verschidden Uwendungen, dorënner Inventarlager, Flott Tracking, Palette Tracking, Militär Tracking, Log Recording, an Tracking vun Dock a Port Container.
Enova Systems, Inc. Et bitt Serien a Parallel Hybrid Systemer. The company's electric and hybrid electric drive systems as well as power management and power conversion systems are used in applications such as medium and heavy trucks, buses and heavy industrial vehicles.
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana huet méi wéi 15 Joer Erfarung fir d'Netzkraaftkraaft-elektronesch Ausrüstung fir Brennstoffzell-, Photovoltaik- a Batterieapplikatiounen ze liwweren, a bitt bewisen, haltbar, qualitativ héichwäerteg Léisungen duerch seng héich Kapazitéit Fabrikatiounsanlagen an Europa an Nordamerika. Eguana huet Dausende vun propriétaire Energiespeicherinverter, déi an den europäeschen an nordamerikanesche Mäert ofgesat ginn an ass e féierende Fournisseur vu Kraaftsteuerung fir Solar Selbstverbrauch, Netzservicer, a Gitterrand On-Demand Opluedapplikatiounen.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) ass e féierende Fournisseur vu verschiddene Produkter, déi benotzt gi fir kritesch Materialien ze purifizéieren, ze schützen an ze transportéieren, déi an der Veraarbechtung an der Fabrikatioun vun Halbleiteren an aner High-Tech Industrien benotzt ginn. Entegris has passed ISO 9001 certification and has manufacturing, customer service and/or research facilities in the United States, China, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Brennstoffzell: Entegris 'Kärkompetenz an der Wëssenschaft an der Fabrikatioun vu Polymermaterial erlaabt eis Brennstoffzellentwéckler fortgeschratt Brennstoffzellmaterialien, Komponenten, Ënnerkomponenten a Wäerterzoustandsservicer ze bidden

General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, seng Filialen a Joint Venture verkafen Gefierer ënner de Marken Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall a Wuling. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. Eis Ingenieuren entdecken zukünfteg fortgeschratt Technologien wéi Brennstoffzell Gefierer. Mir sinn un der Spëtzt vun dëser Innovatioun, déi Gefierer erlaabt Waasserdamp amplaz Kuelendioxid aus der Auspuffleitung erauszekréien. Our customers have driven more than 3 million miles in our hydrogen fuel cell vehicle test fleet. This real feedback allows us to improve the technology, further reduce its size and increase durability.

H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) is an integrator dedicated to designing and implementing clean energy solutions, including solar, batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen generation systems. Zousätzlech bitt HCCC och Integratioun vun Ëmweltsystemer a Sécherheetssystemer duerch seng Filialen. HCCC servéiert de Wunn-, kommerziell a Regierungssektor
Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) ass e Leader fir Energiemanagementsystemer an Hybridléisungen fir verdeelt stationär industriell Uwendungen ze liwweren, souwéi Produkter a Léisunge fir Ausbildung, Training an ugewandt Fuerschung Technologie Ubidder sinn benotzt an Brennstoffzell-, Solar-, Wand- a Waasserstofftechnologien. Heliocentris' energy management system creates smart, remotely controlled, reliable and efficient hybrid energy solutions through various components (such as batteries, photovoltaic modules, conventional diesel generators and fuel cells). Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Heliocentris' fuel cell system can ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical infrastructures (such as TETRA base stations, backbone sites and server stations in mobile networks) and a long operating time. The “teaching” field provides a series of learning and research systems for fuel cell and solar hydrogen technology and other renewable energy technologies. Customers include training centers, research institutions and industries.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. The motorcycle business unit produces sports models, including test and cross-country motorcycles. Commercial and commuting modes; all-terrain vehicles; and utility vehicles. D'Automobilgeschäft Eenheet liwwert Passagéierautoen, liicht Camionen a Mini Autoen, souwéi Gefierer ugedriwwen duerch alternativ Brennstoffer, wéi Äerdgas, Ethanol, elektresch a Brennstoffzelle Gefierer. The financial services business segment provides a variety of financial services, including retail loans, leasing and other financial services, including wholesale financing to distributors and customers. Power Products an aner Geschäftsunitéiten beschäftegt sech mat der Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu verschiddene Kraaftprodukter, dorënner Sub-Till Maschinnen, portable Generatoren, allgemeng Zweckmotoren, Rasenmäheren, Baussenboordmotoren, Waasserpompelen, Schnéiblower, Kraaftdréier, Kraaftsprayer. , a Rasenmäher Maschinn a Rasentraktor. Dëse Budg vum Budget a bitt och fir déi kingsesch Bensongsstruktiounen. D'Firma verkeeft hir Produkter duerch onofhängeg Retail Distributeuren, Händlergeschäfter an autoriséiert Distributeuren. Dem Honda seng Ierfschaft vun der Innovatioun ass oniwwertraff an der Automobilindustrie. As always, our attention is focused on the future. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. This is all part of Honda's thinking and action. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells
Alternativ Energie Company Wasserstoff Engine Center (OTC: HYEG), déi produzéiert an installéiert Muecht Generatioun Systemer a Motore. Its engine runs on hydrogen, natural gas and other kinds of alternative fuels. The company's products include generators and wet sleeve machines. It serves power generation, agriculture, airport service vehicles, stranded power and transportation markets, and industries that use alternative fuels, such as hydrogen, natural gas, propane, synthesis gas, anhydrous ammonia and other fuels.

Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) a seng Filialen produzéieren a verdeelen Autoen an Deeler weltwäit. Et funktionnéiert a Gefierer, Finanzen an aner Felder. The company provides Centennial/Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20, i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Including trucks, buses, special vehicles and commercial vehicles with exposed chassis products, as well as Eco vehicles, including Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell and Sonata-Hybrid vehicles. For Canadians as the first car manufacturer to provide Fuel, Hyundai's Cell Electric vehicle enables a zero-emission, zero-carload fuel tank to travel more than 400 kilometers without having to spend hours on charging. Our new thinking has broken through the traditional boundaries, redefining the goals that cars can achieve, a new world, and moving towards a better future.
Itm Power (LSE: ITM.L) designt, fabrizéiert a verkeeft Waasserstoffenergiesystemer fir Energielagerung a propper Brennstoffproduktioun am UK. D'Firma entwéckelt Ausrüstung déi erneierbar Energie an propper Brennstoffer ëmgewandelt; A ausserdeem ass et méi wéi zefriddestellend Nodeeler a mam Réckzstierfnis, induste verpandeliag a reestraden Uüster ugers a lustriecht. It provides the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer HPac 40; HFuel, an independent module for refueling hydrogen-powered road vehicles and forklifts; and HGas for natural gas power generation. D'Firma entsprécht der Fuerschung an Entwécklung vu Conseilschaftsmeiquisioun op an där Epouresse development and manufacture of prototype products; Verkaf vun electrolysis Equipement an Wasserstoff Stockage Léisungen.
Johnson Matthey PLC (LSE: JMAT.L) is divided into five departments: emission control technology, process technology, precious metal products, fine chemicals and new business. De Johnson Matthee Brennstoff Zell ass e Weltpunkt an d'Produktioun vu Brennstoffzellager beduecht a markypystonstonen. Dës Technologenz ass eng Technologie déi niddereg-karbon Kraaft produzéiert. Johnson Matthey Brennstoffzell ass un der Spëtzt vun der Brennstoffzellkomponententwécklung. The company has the world's largest manufacturing plant in Swindon, UK, for the production of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) for hydrogen and methanol fuel systems.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) ass eng Firma gewidmet fir den Diamantstandard fir de Magnesium (Mg) Maart ze ginn. The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. Produzéiere héich Puritéit SiO2, MgO, Mg (OH) 2 an aner verkaafbar Nebenprodukter an Nebenprodukter; Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; and IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. The company, through its subsidiary Mantra Energy Alternatives, is currently developing two pioneering electrochemical technologies aimed at making the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions profitable, namely ERC (Electrical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide) and MRFC (Mixed Reaction Fuel Cell). ERC is a form of “carbon capture and utilization” (CCU) that converts the polluting greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into useful and valuable products, including formic acid and formate. By using clean electricity, this process provides industrial plants with the potential to reduce emissions, while generating marketable products and profits. MRFC is an unconventional fuel cell that uses a mixture of fuel and oxidant, which greatly reduces the complexity and cost of the fuel cell system. MRFC is ideal for portable applications and is cheaper, lighter and more compact than traditional fuel cell technology.
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Modine Produkter ginn a liicht, mëttel a schwéier Gefierer, Heizungs-, Belëftungs- a Klimaanlagen, Off-Road- an Industrieausrüstung, a Kältesystemer benotzt. Modine ass eng global Firma mat Sëtz zu Racine, Wisconsin, USA, mat Operatiounen an Nordamerika, Südamerika, Europa, Asien an Afrika. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Variable-speed brushless fan (EFAN) technology is used to control temperature in diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid applications, and is also part of pioneering fuel cell-powered buses.
Neah Power System. Inc. (OTC: NPWZ) ass en Entwéckler vun innovativen, haltbaren, effizienten a séchere Kraaftléisungen fir Militär, Transport a portable elektronesch Uwendungen. Neah's Powerchip(R) Technologie benotzt en eenzegaartegen, patentéierten a preisgekréinte Silizium-baséierten Design, deen eng méi héich Kraaftdicht, Loft- an Net-Loftbetrieb, méi niddreg Käschten a kompakt Formfaktor erméiglecht. Neah's BuzzBar ™ a BuzzCell ™ Mikro Brennstoffzellen benotzen patentéiert Low-Cost, differenzéiert Technologien a Konsument-orientéierte Produkter
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) is a leading global independent bus manufacturer, providing a comprehensive set of public transportation solutions under the following brands: NewFlyer® (heavy buses), Alexander Dennis Limited (single-layer and Double-decker Bus), Plaxton (motoriséiert Passagéierauto), MCI® (motoriséiert Passagéierauto), ARBOC® (niddereg Chassis Passagéierauto a mëttelgrousse Passagéierauto) an NFI Parts ™. NFI Bussen an Traineren benotzen déi extensivst Drive Systemer, dorënner: propper Diesel, Äerdgas, Diesel-elektresch Hybrid Gefierer an Null-Emissioun elektresch Gefierer (Trolleys, Batterien a Brennstoff Zellen). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) is changing the transportation industry on a global scale. As a designer and manufacturer of battery electric and hydrogen electric vehicles, electric vehicle drive trains, vehicle components, energy storage systems, and hydrogen refueling station infrastructure, Nikola is committed to promoting the economic and environmental impact of business as we know it today. Afloss. Nikola Corporation was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
NioCorp Developments Ltd. (TSX: NB.TO; OTC: NIOBF) is developing a superalloy material project in southeastern Nebraska that will produce niobium, scan and titanium. Niobium gëtt an der Produktioun vu Superlegierungen an Héichstäerkt, Low-Legierung ("HSLA") Stahle benotzt, déi liicht, héichstäerkt Stahle sinn, déi an Automobil-, Struktur- a Pipingapplikatiounen benotzt ginn. Didium kann a Kombinatioun mat Aluminium benotzt ginn fir eng ultra héich performant Legierung mat méi héijer Kraaft a méi héijer Korrosiounsbeständegkeet ze maachen. Didium is also an important part of advanced solid oxide fuel cells. Titan gëtt a verschiddenen Héichtemperaturlegierungen benotzt a gëtt wäit an der Raumfaart, Verteidegung, Transport, medizinesch an aner Uwendungen benotzt. Et ass och e Schlëssel Zutat vu Pigmiter, déi a Pabeier benotzt, molen a Plastik.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industriell Maschinnen; an Ingenieur, elektronesch Ausrüstung an elektronesch Ausrüstung. electric car. Nissan entwéckelt Brennstoffzelltechnologie, déi Planz Ethanol benotze kann fir Autoen unzedreiwen.
Opcon Ab (Stockhahm: OPCO. OPCON ass e Maart Leader a verschiddene Geschäftsberäicher. Den4CC huet d'Investatioune vu Schweden, Däitschland an Groussbritzeg gemaach. Dem Opcon säi Geschäftsberäich Erneierbar Energie konzentréiert sech op Kuelendioxid-fräi Energieproduktioun baséiert op Offallhëtzt, bio-powered thermesch Kraaftwierker, Pelletsanlagen, Biomass, Schlamm an Äerdgasveraarbechtungssystemer, industriell Ofkillung, Rookgaskondensatioun, a Rookgasbehandlung. The air system of the fuel cell.

Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. For more than ten years, Praxair has been providing hydrogen fuel and related technical support to fuel cell developers and fleets across the country. Praxair d'iwwergräifend Wasserstoff Fourniture System erlaabt Är Verdeelung Zentrum voll Virdeel vun der méi niddreg Käschten an héich Produktivitéit vun Wasserstoff Brennstoff Zell forklifts ze huelen, iwwerdeems d'Waasserstoff Fourniture ze Experten verloossen.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . It provides a hydrogen fuel cell module that is integrated with an energy storage system to create an electric fuel cell hybrid system to provide electricity during peak demand. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. The company provides technical consulting services for engines, powertrain and gearboxes, hybrid and electrical systems, and vehicle systems; an Ëmweltberodung Servicer. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value Problemléisungen, Fuerschung an Entwécklung Gestioun vu Passagéier Gefierer, kommerziell Gefierer, landwirtschaftlech an industriell Gefierer, Loftfaart, Eisebunn, Schëffer, héich-Performance Gefierer an Racing Autoen, Motocycletten a perséinlechen Transport, Strategie an Ëmsetzung vun elektresche Gefierer, a Schlëssel Technologie Analyse. Zousätzlech verkeeft an ënnerstëtzt d'Firma och eng Serie vun Design- an Analysesoftwareprodukter, déi speziell fir Uwendungen an der Powertrain-Entwécklung an der Gefierintegratiounsprozess entwéckelt goufen; and provides technical assistance, training and information services. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Quantum produces one of the most innovative, advanced, and lightest compressed natural gas storage tanks in the world. In addition to fully integrated natural gas storage tank systems, it also provides these storage tanks for truck and automotive OEMs as well as aftermarket and OEM truck integrators. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum huet säi Sëtz am Lake Forest, Kalifornien, mat Operatiounen a Filialen an den USA, Kanada an Indien.
SFC Energy Corporation (XETRA: F3C.DE; Frankfurt: F3C.F) is a world-leading enterprise group for mobile energy solutions and power management in the industrial, defense and consumer markets, focusing on the oil and gas industry. D'Firma huet Dausende vu Brennstoffzellen verkaaft an huet erfollegräich ëmfaassend Kommerzialiséierung a preisgekréinte Produkter weltwäit etabléiert. The group has also successfully developed, produced and distributed advanced power management components, such as converters and switch-mode power supplies, globally. Produkter ginn ëmmer méi als Kraaftsystemléisungen geliwwert baséiert op Ufuerderunge vum Client. SFC has passed DIN ISO 9001:2008 certification.
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of carbon-based products. Eis ëmfaassend Produktpalette rangéiert vu Kuelestoff a Grafitprodukter bis Kuelestofffaser a Kompositmaterialien. We are committed to creating innovative solutions and value for our customers. Brennstoffzellkomponenten: SGL Group entwéckelt a kommerzialiséiert Kuelestoffbaséiert Produkter fir Polymer Elektrolyt Membran Brennstoffzellen (PEFC)
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment

Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) ass de weltgréissten Automaker, de Schëpfer vu Prius a Mirai Brennstoffzell Gefierer, gewidmet fir Autoe fir Leit duerch eis Toyota, Lexus a Scion Mark Liewensstil ze maachen. An de leschte 50 Joer hu mir méi wéi 25 Milliounen Autoen a Camionen an Nordamerika hiergestallt, wou mir 14 Fabrikatiounsanlagen bedreiwen (10 an den USA) an direkt méi wéi 42.000 Mataarbechter beschäftegen (méi wéi 33.000 an den USA)). Am Joer 2014 hunn eis 1.800 Nordamerikanesch Händler (1.500 an den USA) 2.67 Milliounen Autoen a Camionen verkaaft (iwwer 2.35 Milliounen an den USA) - an de leschten 20 Joer sinn ongeféier 80% vun Toyota verkaafte Gefierer nach haut op der Strooss. Ronderëm d'Welt schaffen d'Leit haart fir d'Energie vum Waasserstoff ze benotzen, dat ass dat reichst Element am Universum. Toyota erkennt dat enormt Potenzialszützer vum Waasserstoff als propper Energiequell a ginn aktiv d'Zomme Collettingen (FCV).

United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX) bitt High-Tech Systemer a Servicer fir déi séier wuessend Raumfaart- a Bauindustrie. Fuel cell: Our fuel cell power module (FCPM) powers Navantia's S-80 Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) submarine for the Spanish Navy. S-80 FCPM is qualified and has been put into production. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell energy system provides air-independent power for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). Mir entwéckelen flexibel, falsch Präisser, einfach an eng enaner Aktivitéiten fir Ënnerwäsch fir Ënnerwaasserspeuren mat engem Duerchmiessel vun 21 Zoller ze entwéckelen. We have decades of experience in the design and production of reliable, durable and safe qualified subsea hardware.

Xebec Inc (TSX: XBC.V) is a global supplier of clean energy solutions for companies and governments that want to reduce their carbon footprint. Xebec has more than 1,500 customers worldwide, and its innovative products designed, engineered, and manufactured convert raw gas into saleable clean energy. Xebec's strategic focus is to establish a leading position in the market with growing demand for gas purification, natural gas dehydration and filtration. Headquartered in Montreal (QC), Xebec is a multinational company with two manufacturing plants in Montreal and Shanghai, and sales and distribution networks in North America and Asia. Xebec bitt Gasreinigungs- a Filtratiounsléisungen fir den Äerdgas, Feldgas, Biogas, Helium a Waasserstoffmäert.

AES Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: AES) is a Fortune 500 global power company. Mir bidden bezuelbar an nohalteg Energie zu 14 Länner / Regiounen duerch eng diversifizéiert Verdeelungsgeschäft an thermesch an erneierbar Energie Kraaft Generatiounsanlagen. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) ass e weltwäite Leader an der Kraaftproduktioun, Iwwerdroung an Eisebunnsinfrastruktur, setzt de Benchmark fir Innovatioun an ëmweltfrëndlech Technologien. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Geothermie: Mir sinn un der Spëtzt vun der geothermescher Innovatioun, hunn e breede Portfolio vu reife Technologien, a si fäeg personaliséiert Léisunge fir déi schwieregste geothermesch Uwendungen ze kreéieren.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) ass déi weltgréisste erneierbar Energiefirma, déi fënnef Kraaftwierker mat enger Gesamtkraaftproduktioun vu 553 MW bedreift, dorënner de gréisste Floss upstream Waasserkraaftwierk an de gréisste Wandhaff a British Columbia An zwee Geothermie Muecht Generatioun Ariichtungen an Island. Alterra owns a 247 MW share of this capacity and generates more than 1,250 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra gehéiert 51% vun den Aktien; Shannon-204 D'MW Wandenergie Projet läit am Clay Grofschaft, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX: BSR.V) is a mineral exploration and development company dedicated to advancing its 100% owned Cerro Blanco gold mine and Mita geothermal project in Guatemala. D'Wirtschaft vum Cerro Blanco-Projet verëffentlecht an der Firma Cerro Blanco virleefeg wirtschaftlech Bewäertung (verfügbar op www.sedar.com) an dem Cerro Blanco seng lescht Mineralressource Schätzunge weisen datt de Projet robust ass an erwaart gëtt 952,000 Unzen während dem 9-Joer ze produzéieren mine life Gold mine. Gold and 3,141,000 ounces of silver. The PEA's estimated initial capital expenditure for construction and commissioning is estimated at $170.8 million, and the total maintenance cash cost (defined according to the World Gold Council's guidelines, minus the company's general and management costs) is estimated at $490 per ounce of gold. produced.
Calpine Corporation (NYSE: CPN) is the largest producer of natural gas and geothermal resources in the United States. We have 82 power plants with nearly 27,000 MW in operation. Mir d 'Verseche fir eng 18 Staaten a Spannung, spezialiséiert auszesetzen. Our clean, efficient, modern and flexible fleet is uniquely positioned to benefit from long-term trends affecting our industry. Dës Trends enthalen bezuelbar propper Erdgasversuergung, méi streng Ëmweltreglementer, alternd Kraaftgeneratiounsinfrastruktur, an Déi ëmmer méi Nofro fir verschécke Kraaftwierker. Successfully integrated intermittent renewable energy into the grid. Mir konzentréieren eis op de staark kompetitiven Elektrizitéitsgrosshandelsmaart a plädéiere fir Maartorientéiert Léisunge fir Investisseuren net-diskriminatoresch Forward-Präissignaler ze bidden
Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) ass eng vun der weltlecher integréierter Interaktiounsfirmen vun der Welt. D'Firma ass am Bitlécours ageschriwwen fir all Aspekt vun der Energieverheorien involvéiert. Chevron Expourses, produzéiert a transportéiert graduell an natierleche Gas; Ref déie gereele respektiv Transport Fëschtft a Knourianten; produces and sells petrochemical products and additives; generates electricity and generates geothermal energy; an entwéckelt an ofleeden datt all Aspekter vun der Firma Operatiounen Technologie fir Geschäftswäert verbesseren kann. Chevron is headquartered in San Ramon, California.
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. It operates through integrated energy and other fields. The company produces, buys and retails electricity and natural gas. It generates electricity from hydropower, geothermal and thermal resources, and wind energy. D'Firma ass och am Verkaf vu flëssege Petrolgas involvéiert. It serves residential, commercial and industrial customers. In addition, it also provides meter services to other retailers.
Enl Gréng Muecht (Mian: Egpw.mi) ass eng Entwécklung an d'Entwécklung vun der ernegativ Energien Generatiouns Generatiouns Generatiounen am Internationalen Niveau, mat Operatiounen an Europa an Europa an Europa. D'Klines Weiberut Poweral ca benotzen all Verméigen all Energiekellen, firergien, mä en e breede Portfoliege a Spillen, Geothienmëttel Propriéade kënnen de Sonnschen. Geothermie: Dem Enel seng erneierbar Energiefirma bedreift eng vun de gréisste geothermesche Kraaftwierker op der Welt, mat 34 Ariichtungen, am Ganzen ongeféier 769 Netto Megawatt, a generéiert méi wéi 5 TWh pro Joer, wat 26% vun der regionaler Nofro an der Moyenne Verbrauch Ongeféier 2 entsprécht. Milliounen italienesch Famillen. Zousätzlech kann d'Hëtzt vun der EGP méi wéi 8.700 Wunn- a kommerziell Clienten an ongeféier 25 Hektar Zären erhëtzen. Enel Green Power ass de Moment engagéiert fir seng Roll am globalen Ëmfeld ze stäerken duerch nei Initiativen, déi am Ausland ëmgesat ginn. Ee vun hinnen, besonnesch derwäert ze ernimmen ass d'USA, wou den zwee Stäerkt an d'Salzsklasse méi héich am meeschte fortgeschratt Technologien ugewannt gëtt: binär Zirmulatioun an engem Feld. Verschidde Länner an Zentral- a Südamerika definéieren och verschidden Investitiounspläng.
The Energy Development Company (Philippines :: EDC.PH) is a pioneer in the geothermal energy industry and has more than 30 years of mature business viability. It helped discover new methods for the development and commercialization of renewable energy at the resource center, regardless of location and conditions. Vun der Exploratioun an der Produktioun vu Waasserbaséierter Dampkraaftproduktioun bis zur Kraaftgeneratioun fir kommerziell Zwecker, vertrauen mir op héichqualifizéierten Aarbechtskräften an eis eegen Technologie fir e puer vun de Weltpionéier- a komplexsten Dampfelder z'etabléieren, déi séier Industriebenchmarks ginn.

Geodynamics Ltd. (ASX: GDY.AX) explores and develops geothermal energy in Australia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. It is committed to developing zero-emissions and generating renewable energy through enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). D'Firma interesséiert sech fir den Innamincka (EGS) Projet, deen op ongeféier 2.300 Quadratkilometer am Cooper Basin, Südaustralien läit; two geothermal exploration permits in the Hunter Valley; and the prospecting right in eastern Tasmania. It is also interested in geothermal power projects on Savo Island in the Solomon Islands and Efate in Vanuatu.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation has world-renowned engineering expertise in the field of vacuum and heat transfer technology. It is a global designer, manufacturer and supplier of custom ejectors, pumps, condensers, vacuum systems and heat exchangers . Graham is a provider of products and services for the power generation industry. Seng Uewerfläch condensers gi fir Turbine Generator Servicer benotzt, Damp Jet ejectors a Flëssegket Ring Pompel Systemer gi fir condenser Auspuff Apparater benotzt, an Wärmetauscher gi fir verschidde Servicer benotzt. Waste to energy (including landfill methane to energy), combined heat and power, nuclear power, geothermal, combined heat and power, and combined cycle power generation facilities all require our products.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) ass eng diversifizéiert erneierbar Energiefirma mat Sëtz an Australien. Iwwer déi d'Technesch Konstruktioun vun enger Technescher Méiglechkeet hunn, déi néideg wierkt, bekloen Dotorien Mäert, wéi och ëmmer méi héich. Conventional geothermal resources in the vast Pacific Ocean are rim.
HRL Holdings Ltd (ASX: HRL..AX) engagéiert sech an der propperer Energieindustrie, exploréiert an entwéckelt seng geothermesch Projeten zu Victoria, zielt fir déi bescht Praktiken vun der Welt ze benotzen fir propper Basislaascht Elektrizitéit ze produzéieren. Zwou méi geothermesch Exploratiounslizenzen (GEP 6 an 8) goufen viru kuerzem fir eng Period vu 5 Joer erneiert. De proposéierten Aarbechtsplang beinhalt d'Wiederinterpretatioun vun den 2D seismeschen Donnéeën, d'Ofschloss vun 3D seismeschen Ëmfroen, d'Bohrung an d'Tester fir déi héich Flowgeschwindegkeet am waarme Waasserberäich an der gebracher Aquifer.
LSB Industries, Inc. (NYSE: LXU) ass eng Fabrikatioun a Verkafsfirma. D'Haaptgeschäft Aktivitéite vun LSB och d'Produktioun a Verkaf vun chemesche Produiten fir landwirtschaftlech, Biergbau an industriell Mäert; An den Fabrikular, verzielt sot etabléiert an aner Coolé a grousse bekannlechen Loftfrëndlech, sou besonnesch Waasserkribs an d'Jobsomfalk opmuster an Ge-Merci.

Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ORA) ass e weltwäite Leader am Beräich vun geothermesche Kraaftwierker. D'Gesellschaft huet bal 50 Joer Erfarung op d'rän limitéiert Patienten entwéckelen déi ëmweltfrëndlech Kraaft Léisungen. Ormat ass eng vertikal integréiert Firma haaptsächlech an Geothermesch an erneierbar Energien Generatiounsgeschäftgeschäft. D'Firma designt, entwéckelt, baut, besëtzt a bedreift geothermesch an erholl Energie Kraaftwierker. Through effective maintenance and timely response to operational issues, the in-depth knowledge gained from these operations gives the company a competitive advantage. In addition to owning and operating geothermal power plants in the United States and other countries/regions, the company also designs, manufactures and sells power generation equipment and complete sets of power plants. Ormat currently has operations in the United States, Guatemala and Kenya.

PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (Philippines: PERC.PH) focuses on upstream oil exploration and development. PERC kritt haaptsächlech Akommes aus dräi Produktiounsberäicher a Gabon, Westafrika, an ass déi eenzeg philippinesch Firma ginn, déi e Gewënn vun enger internationaler Upstream-Entreprise mécht. Realizing the opportunity of business diversification, PERC reinvested Gabon's profits into several oil fields and renewable energy projects in the Philippines. Geothermie
Polaris Infrastructure Corporation (formerly Ram Power, Corp.) (TSX: PIF.TO) is a renewable energy company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of geothermal assets and is interested in geothermal projects in the United States, Canada And Latin Amerika.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produzéiert zouverlässeg, kosteneffektiv an emissiounsfräi Kraaftquellen déi am Feld oder fir Mikrogrid Uwendungen benotzt kënne ginn. PowerVerde's ORC Technologie kann och mat Geothermie, Biomass a Solarwärmequellen kombinéiert ginn.

Amerikica geklermalescher Gesellschaft (NYSE MKT: HTM, FEX: GG.O) Ass eng komplett centwäkbar Erfindung fir d'Entwécklung an de Avantalioun Generals eng Entwécklung agesëlleg. The company currently operates geothermal power projects in Neal Hot Springs, Oregon; San Emidio, Nevada; and Raft River, Idaho, with a total power generation capacity of approximately 45 megawatts. The company is also developing projects in Geysers, California; the second phase of the project in San Emidio, Nevada; the El Ceibillo project near Guatemala City, Guatemala; and Crescent Valley, Nevada. D'Wuesstumsstrategie vum US Geothermal ass 200 MW vun der Kraaft Generation vun 2020 duerch eng Kombinatioun vun der interbescher Entwécklung a strategesch Acquisitioune ze erreechen
Advanced Metallurgical Group (Euronext Netherlands: AMG) is a global key materials company that is at the forefront of carbon dioxide reduction trends. AMG produzéiert héich manipuléiert Spezialmetaller a Mineralprodukter, a liwwert verbonne Vakuumofensystemer a Servicer fir Transport, Infrastruktur, Energie, an d'Ennmäert vu Spezialmetaller a Chemikalien. AMG's key materials produce aluminum master alloys and powders, titanium alloys and coatings, ferrovanadium, natural graphite, chromium metal, antimony, tantalum, niobium and silicon metal. AMG Engineering designs, engineers and produces advanced vacuum furnace systems, and operates vacuum heat treatment equipment, mainly used in the transportation and energy industries. AMG operates globally, with production facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Czech Republic, the United States, China, Mexico, Brazil and Sri Lanka, and sales and customer service offices in Russia and Japan.
ALABAMA Grafite Firma (TSX: CSSG.V) ass eng kanadesch-baséiert Flakite an der Entwécklung Firma an eng ambitiéise Batterie Company an Technologie D'Firma féiert Geschäfter duerch seng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft Alabama Graphite Company Inc. (eng Firma registréiert an Alabama). Mat der Entwécklung vu Flake Grafite Projekter an den USA, Alabama Grafit Corp wëll d'zouverléisseg laangfristeg amerikanesch Firma ginn. E Liwwerant vu speziellen héije Pektiv Alabama Graphite Company is committed to exploration and Development. D'Entwécklung vum Fändelseh ze huelen Coaaba Ma am Kaosea hält 100% Interesse an the mineral rights of the two US graphite projects located on private land. The project covers an area of ​​more than 43,000 acres and is located in a jurisdiction that is geopolitically stable and easy to mine. Et ginn eng grouss Zuel vun historesche Flakelen am Flak Grasive Gürtel an der Zentral Alabama (och bekannt als Alabama Graffrace Gürtel) Geschicht vu Grafikproduktioun (Quellung: US Bureau of Mineau E groussen Deel vun den Oflagerungen an Alabama zeechent sech duerch graphithalteg Materialien, déi oxidéiert an extrem mëll Fiels verwiddert ginn. Béid Prodeparat hunn déi nei Mier Port an den néngten gréissten Deel (iwwer Camionette oder Zuch). Ports by tonnage in the United States (Source: US Army Corps of Engineers/USACE). Den Alama ass d'Loscht vum COOSA Grafikprojet.

Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource assets. It mainly explores gold, copper, nickel, base metal, precious metal and graphite deposits. The company has an interest in the Prospect Valley gold mine near Merritt, British Columbia; and the Peter Lake copper mine in Mont Laurier Terrane, Greenville, Central Quebec, Canada. Et ass och interesséiert am Lac Guéret East Grafit Verméigen am Manicouagan Regional County, Québec, Kanada. An Cimandiri Immobilie zu Sukabumi, Indonesien.
D'Firma Cazaly Resources Limited baséiert op Vereenegt Staaten. D'Firma exploréiert haaptsächlech Eisenäerz, Graphit, Kupfer, Néckel, Basismetall, Gold, Kobalt a Zinkäerz. Et besëtzt verschidde Properties, déi a Western Australia an am Northern Territory sinn.
Ceylon Graphite Co., Ltd. (TSX: CYL.V) is a listed company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX VENTURE: CYL). Its business is to explore and develop graphite mines in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan government has granted the company the right to explore more than 100 square kilometers of land. Dës Exploratiounsgitter bedecken all relevant Beräicher mat enger Geschicht vun der Graphitproduktioun am fréie 20. Dem Ceylon säi Grafit ass dat purest op der Welt, a mécht de Moment manner wéi 1% vun der Weltausgab aus.

China Carbon Graphite Group Co., Ltd. Energie. Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Royal Elite). D'Firma huet eng breet Clientbasis an Europa, Amerika an d'Südostasien an aner Deeler vun der Welt gegrënnt. Eis Produkter sinn an der Grenz am Stol, Metallurgurg, net-forgolebolebools, Energilacommet, optesch Faser, Halleffelchen a chemesch Industrien.

Eagle Grafite integréiert (Tsx: Ega.v; otc: FSE: NJGP; 70 Kilometer nërdlech vum Washington State, USA, ass bekannt als Black Crystal Graphite Quarry.

E Elcora fortgeschratt Materialien Corp. (Tsx: era.v; ocqqb: Ecropf) gouf 1991 agebaut an huet sech an ëmmer zivilzestéiert ginn. . Am Kader vun der vertikaler Integratiounsstrategie ass d'Elcora interesséiert an der Operatioun vu senger Rabara Mina, déi d'Produktioun zu Ser Lankka ugefaang huet héich Lanka ze kréien, quasi Grafrice a Gripfeeler. Elcora huet eng eenzegaarteg Low-Cost an High-Effizienz Method entwéckelt fir kommerziell skalierbar héichqualitativ Graphit a Graphen ze produzéieren. Dës Kombinatioun bedeit datt Elcora d'Tools a Ressourcen huet fir Graphit a Graphen vertikal z'integréieren.
Energizer Resources Inc. (TSX: EGZ.TO) is a mineral exploration and mineral development company located in Toronto, Canada. D'Firma entwéckelt säin 100% Besëtzer Flaggschëff Molo Grafitprojet am Süde vu Madagaskar an an der Machbarkeetstudie.

Fangda Carbon New Materials Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600516.SS) is a company headquartered in China, mainly engaged in the production and sales of carbon products. D'Firma bitt GRAPHITE Elektroden, dorënner ultra-héich Muecht, héich Muecht an normal Muecht GRAPHITE Elektroden. Carbon Zillen, dorënner ultra-héich Muecht GRAPHITE Elektroden, Al Kuelestoff Zillen, cathode Kuelestoff Zillen a Paste; special graphite products, including spectral carbon rods, high-temperature carbon felts, ultra-fine graphite powder, fluorocarbon felts, etc., new carbon materials and Iron powder ore, etc. In addition, it is also engaged in mining operations and provides iron ore Konzentrater.
Flinders Resources Limited (TSX: FDR.V) is the 100% owner of the Woxna graphite mine and processing facility in Sweden. Flinders Ressourcen exploréiert all verfügbare Méiglechkeeten fir Valeur-dobäi Produkter ze realiséieren an d'Geschäftswirtschaft ze verbesseren.
Focus Graphite Inc. (TSX: FMS.V) ass eng fortgeschratt Exploratiouns- an Entwécklungsminingfirma, där hir Zil ass d'Graphitkonzentraten am Lac Knife Depot am Südweste Fairmont, Québec ze produzéieren. An der zweeter Phase, fir d'Interesse vun den Akteuren an der Québec Transformatioun an der Provënz z'erreechen an d'Aktionärwäerter ze erhéijen, evaluéiert Fox d'Machbarkeet fir Valeur-Added-Grafitprodukter ze produzéieren, dorënner Batterie-Grad Kugelgrafit.

Globe Metals & Mining (ASX: GBE.AX) beschäftegt sech mat der Investitioun, Exploratioun an Entwécklung vu Mineralressourcen an Australien an Afrika. The company focuses on the development of its Kanyika niobium project in Malawi. It also explores tantalum, graphite, fluorite and rare earth elements.
Goa Carbon Company (BSE: GOACARBON.BO) ass e Fabrikant a Verkeefer vu kalzinéierte Petrol Kock an Indien. The company supplies products to aluminum smelters, graphite electrode and titanium dioxide manufacturers, and other users in the metallurgical and chemical industries. D'Kalcinéierungsanlag vun der Firma mat enger jährlecher Kapazitéit vu 75.000 Tonnen ass am Süde vu Goa, 40 Kilometer vum Mormugao Port. The company has two other factories in Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh and Paradeep in Orissa.
Graphite Energy Corp. (CSE: GRE) has the latest mining technology that is environmentally friendly. We are mining graphite, which should be the next green energy in the future. Our mine is located in Quebec, Canada, and has historically been a natural resource of graphite. Mat der wuessender Nofro fir Grafit an e puer vun de prominentsten a modernsten Industrien, wéi Solarzellen a Lithiumbatterien an elektresche Gefierer a Robotik, hu mir eis Technologie aktualiséiert fir zukünfteg Ufuerderungen ze treffen.
Graphite India Ltd. (NSE: GRAPHITE.NS) manufactures and sells graphite electrodes and carbon and graphite specialty products in India and internationally. De Betribsraum vun der Firma enthält: Grafit a Kuelestoff, Stol an aner Felder. It provides graphite electrodes for the manufacture of steel and other non-ferrous metals through electric arc furnaces and ladle furnace routes, and as consumables for conducting large currents at low pressure during melting and/or alloying. The company also offers rods and blocks, micro rods, graphite tubes, heat exchanger tubes, molded graphite, isostatically molded graphite, carbon and graphite machined parts, carbon graphite/bricks, and carbon-carbon composite materials/brakes Form of extruded graphite. Suitable for optical discs in steel, non-ferrous metals, metallurgy, solar energy, semiconductors, chemistry, glass, quartz and machinery and other processing industries. In addition, it also provides calcined petroleum coke, carbon electrode paste, graphite particles and fine materials, as well as carbon-containing materials used in the aluminum, steel, iron alloy and casting industries. In addition, the company also provides impermeable graphite heat exchangers, including condensers, coolers, heaters, reboilers, evaporators, exchangers, and graphite towers for distillation, absorption and washing, ejector systems and centrifugals Pump; HCl gas generation unit for HCl synthesis and drying, as well as H2SO4 / HCl concentration and acid dilution cooling unit; bursting disc, thermowell, pipes and pipe fittings. In addition, it also provides glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes; joints, such as GRP couplings, laminated joints, flanges, etc.; and GRP elbows, tees, reducers, diffusers, valve three Pass and so on. In addition, the company also provides high-speed, alloy tools and powder metallurgy steel for cutting tools. It is also involved in power generation and sales to the Karnataka power grid through the Hydel Power Plant
Graphite One Resources Inc. (TSX: GPH.V) is conducting exploration to develop the Graphite Creek project, the largest large-scale flake graphite deposit in the United States, located on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 60 miles north of Nome . The project is moving from the exploration stage to the evaluation stage. The work so far has identified large, high-grade and surface resources with simple geology and good mineralization continuity. De Projet huet d'Potenzial fir Produkter ze produzéieren déi effektiv am High-End Batteriemaart konkurréiere kënnen (Elektresch Gefierer a Kraaftlagerung) an aner gereinegt Grafit- a Grafit-Neproduktmäert.
Graftech International Ltd. (NYSE: GTI) is a global company that has redefined the limit for more than 125 years. Mir bidden innovativ GRAPHITE Material Léisunge fir Clienten an vill Industrien an Enn Mäert, dorënner Stol Fabrikatioun, fortgeschratt Energie Uwendungen an der läscht Generatioun vun elektronesch Produiten. GrafTech has 18 major manufacturing plants on four continents, and its products are sold in more than 70 countries.

Imerys (Paris: NK.PA) is a global leader in mineral-based specialty solutions in the industry. Imerys huet eng Serie vun eenzegaartege Mineralstoffer transforméiert fir funktionell Spezialléisungen ze bidden (Hëtztbeständegkeet, mechanesch Kraaft, elektresch Konduktivitéit, Ofdeckung), Barriäreffekt, asw.). It is essential to the customer's product and manufacturing process. Graphite: No. 1 in the world of graphite for alkaline batteries; No. 1 in the world for large natural graphite flakes

Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the zwou Firmen. The team focused on key raw materials. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); materials for high thermal efficiency building products (graphite, silica, nepheline); and materials that can improve energy generation efficiency ( dy, neodymium, ha). Leading Edge Materials is in an ideal position to play a key role in the sustainable supply of technology and energy-critical materials

Lithex Resources Ltd. (ASX: LTX.AX) is an exploration company currently committed to unlocking the resource potential of Australia's graphite-rich provinces. Déi nei kaaft Grafitdepositioune gehéieren zu de beschten an enger Serie vu Lithex Projeten, an d'Firma konzentréiert sech elo op d'Exploratioun vun der Grafit an Australien. De Fokus vun der direkter Opmierksamkeet ass d'Exploratioun vum Munglinup Grafitprojet am Südweste vun Australien, an d'Entwécklung vum Plumbago Graphitprojet op der Nordsäit vun der neier Pipeline ass och an der nächster Zukunft amgaang.

Mason Graphite Inc. (TSX: LLG.V; OTC: MPHHF) ass eng kanadesch Miningfirma gewidmet fir d'Exploratioun an d'Entwécklung vum 100% Besëtz Lac Guéret natierleche Grafitdepot am Nordoste vu Québec. The company is led by an experienced team with more than fifty years of experience in graphite production, sales and research and development.
Mersen SA (Paris: MRN.PA) is a global expert in electrical and graphite-based materials. Mersen huet innovativ Léisungen entworf fir de spezifesche Bedierfnesser vun de Clienten gerecht ze ginn, wat hinnen erlaabt hir Fabrikatiounsprozesser an der Energie, Transport, Elektronik, chemescher, pharmazeutescher a Veraarbechtungsindustrie ze optimiséieren.
Meteoric Resources NL (ASX: MEI.AX) ass eng diversifizéiert Mineralprospekter mat Diamanten, Gold, Kupfer, Gold an Eisen Ressourcen an Australien a Grafit Mineralien a Spuenien. Aus Interessi fir Graphit als High-Tech a potenziell héichwäertege Wueren, huet Meteoric fir eng Enquêteerlaabnes ugefrot déi al Graphitminen an Optriedeplazen an engem Grafit-Mininggebitt zu Huelva, SW Huelva, Südwestlech Spuenien deckt.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Loes leet d'Pipeine de rutscher vun der realer Entkéier vum Potenzial un der virléiser wirtschaftlecher Edimitéit. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
National Graphite Corporation (OTC: NGRC) ass eng Exploratiounsstadiumfirma déi Mineralstoffer an den USA kaaft, exploréiert an entwéckelt. The company explores gold, silver, graphite and other mineral deposits. It is interested in the Silver Strike Silver property covering approximately 1,363 acres in Candelaria. The company was formerly known as Lucky Boy Silver Corporation.
New Energy Minerals Ltd (ASX: NXE.AX) (fréier Mustang Ressourcen) exploréiert d'Felder vum Vanadium- a Graphit-Mining, Exploratioun an Technologie. Mozambique's unique Caula project is about to be put into production, and they will provide vital high-quality resources for the fast-growing new energy market.

Northern Graphite Corporation (TSX: NGC.V) is a graphite development and battery technology company whose Bissett Creek deposit is located in eastern Canada. Bissett Creek has a natural competitive advantage in the field of lithium-ion batteries because it has a high percentage of battery-grade materials, high yields for converting mineral concentrates into anode materials, and original, highly ordered crystal structure, thereby reducing the cost of Reinigung A méi héich Kapazitéit Batterien. The company uses proprietary, environmentally sustainable coating and purification technologies to take advantage of these advantages to manufacture better, lower-cost anode materials and replace environmentally harmful practices currently used in its manufacturing.
Nouveau Monde Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: NOU.V) owns the Matawini graphite project, in which the company has delineated the indicated category of graphite resource estimates totaling 48.6 Mt, grade 3.97% Cg, grade 34.7 Mt, grade It is 4.08% . Infer Cg an der Kategorie. De Projet läit an der Regioun Saint-Michel-des-Saints, ongeféier 130 Kilometer nërdlech vu Montreal, Québec, Kanada. It can directly use all the required infrastructure, labor, green environmental protection and affordable hydropower. Nouveau Monde entwéckelt Projeten mat den héchste Gesellschaftssozialverantwortungsnormen an dem niddregsten Ëmweltofdrock (fir Netto Null Kuelestoff Emissiounen Operatiounen).

Showa Denko Co., Ltd. The Carbon Division provides graphite electrodes for electric steelmaking furnaces. These electrodes are essential for steel recycling. Showa Denko's graphite electrodes are highly praised by customers all over the world, including Japan. The division provides high-end products for advanced markets, while developing and selling volume products for the significant growth of emerging economies.

Stratmin Global Resources plc (LSE: STGR.L) ass eng grouss-Skala Flake graphite Produktioun an Exploratioun Firma zu London opgezielt, op Madagaskar fokusséiert. Seng Verméigen enthalen zwee laangfristeg Biergbaulizenzen: Loharano an Antsirabe
Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) ass eng australesch Ressourcefirma mat engem diversifizéierten Exploratiounsportfolio a Südosteafrika. The Balama graphite and vanadium project is Syrah's top priority, and it has progressed rapidly from exploration to completion of feasibility studies.

Tokai Carbon Korea Co. (Korea: 064760.KQ) produces and sells various silicon wafers and semiconductor products in Korea. D'Firma bitt Siliziumwaferprodukter, wéi High-Purity-Graphit, déi an Silizium-Kristall-Zeechnen an Hallefleitveraarbechtungsausrüstungsdeeler benotzt gëtt; and SiC coated products, which can be used to grow monocrystalline silicon parts, for semiconductor diffusion and LP-CVD The parts are used for epitaxy and CVD susceptors, for semiconductor heaters and parts for CZ crystal pulling. It also provides a variety of semiconductor materials, including SiC wafers for various applications, including diffusion, LP-CVD, sputtering, virtual wafers for etching, etc.; and for EPI light-emitting diodes, laser diodes and pedestals Wafer carrier. In addition, the company also provides carbon and carbon composite materials, which can be used as components for crystal pullers, furnace structural parts, heaters, etc.; glassy carbon products, used for wafer holders, heat reflectors, bases, guide rings , Plasma etching electrodes, crucibles, etc.; silicon cathode electrodes are used as cathodes and gas injection parts in the etching process. Graphite composition
Toyo Tanso (Tokyo: 5310.T) is a company engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of special graphite products, general carbon products, composite materials and other products. The company's special graphite products include crucibles for single crystal silicon pulling furnaces, heaters, bases for metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) devices, continuous casting molds, electrical discharge machining electrodes, and ion implantation equipment. Electrodes, nuclear core materials and nuclear fusion reactor plasma first wall materials. Seng üblech Kuelestoffprodukter enthalen Lager fir Pompelen a Kompressoren, Dichtungsmaterialien, Zoom Schieber, Autosdeeler, Kuelebürsten a Motorbürsten. Seng Kompositmaterialien an aner Produkter enthalen Base fir Si-Epi Geräter, Plasma éischt Mauermaterialien fir Nuklearfusiounsreaktoren, Dichtungen fir Autoen a Base fir MOCVD Apparater.
TYK Corporation (Tokyo: 5363.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in the production and sales of refractory materials. Zesumme mat sengen Filialen an assoziéierten Firmen operéiert d'Firma an dräi Geschäftsdivisiounen, der refractaire Material Divisioun, der Advanced Material Division an aner Divisiounen. De Advanced Materials Department beschäftegt sech mat der Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu refractaire Zillen, amorphen Kantinen, nei Keramik a Wärmeisolatioun refractaire Zillen, an de Verkaf vu Graphit-Kräizen a Graphitflakken.
Valterra Resource Corp. (TSX: VQA.V) ass eng Manex Ressource Group Firma. The group provides expertise in exploration, management and corporate development services for Valterra Minerals in British Columbia and Ontario. Valterra focuses on early properties in areas with superior infrastructure and has the potential to accommodate large deposits. In the past few years, Valterra has acquired and is exploring several key projects, including the Swift Katie and Bobcaygeon graphite mines, which are located near Canada's road, rail, power and resource communities

Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) ass eng vun de wichtegste kommerzielle Firmen vu Spuenien, déi an der Entwécklung a Gestioun vun Infrastruktur, erneierbarer Energie, Waasser a Servicer féieren. ACCIONA Construction benotzt déi lescht Technologie fir Projeten auszeféieren. Et ass un der Spëtzt vum R+D+ Feld an eng vun de weltgréisste Baufirmen. ACCIONA Construction covers the entire construction range, from engineering design to engineering performance and subsequent maintenance, as well as the management of public engineering concessions, especially in the fields of transportation and social infrastructure.

Crown ElectroKinetics (OTC: CRKN) is the global leader of DynamicTint-we make your Glass Smarter™. Eis Technologie gouf ursprénglech vum Hewlett-Packard (HP, Inc.) erfonnt, wat all Glasoberfläche erlaabt an e puer Sekonnen tëscht transparent an donkel ze wiesselen. DynamicTint™ allows the window to transition from transparent to black. Duerch eng breet Palette vu Fënstere inklusiv kommerziell Gebaier, Autosdachfenster a Wunnlichter, kooperéiert Crown mat féierende Glas- a Filmhersteller fir Masseproduktioun a Verdeelung. The core of Crown's technology is a film driven by charged pigments. The film can not only replace ordinary curtain shades, but also a more sustainable alternative to traditional curtains.

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) bitt propriétaire, schlësselfäerdeg Energieléisungen déi intelligent, bankabel an nohalteg sinn. Déi meescht Energieprodukter a Léisunge kënnen direkt ëmgesat ginn, wou néideg. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
International Barrier Technology Inc. Barrier's award-winning fire-resistant wood board uses a patented, non-toxic, non-flammable coating that has an extraordinary function: it releases water in the heat. In each target fire test and application, these panels exceed the requirements of the “model” building code and are unique in terms of combined characteristics that can increase panel strength and minimize the impact on the environment and humans. Barrier's product series provide customers with high-quality material choices that can meet the increasingly challenging combination of requirements in residential and commercial construction.
NCI Building Systems Co., Ltd. (NYSE: NCS) is one of the largest comprehensive manufacturers of non-residential construction metal products in North America. NCI besteet aus enger Serie vu Firmen déi Produktiounsanlagen an den USA, Mexiko a China operéieren, an huet aner Verkafs- a Verdeelungsbüroen an den USA a Kanada. Green product solutions: In recent years, as the demand for environmentally friendly building materials continues to grow, NCI's emphasis on creating green products has also increased. When used as part of high-performance buildings, components manufactured by our company network can support environmental, economic and health standards that are considered when determining the overall sustainability of the project. Our products can help buildings meet the requirements of various government and non-governmental agency certification requirements that set green standards, including the US government's ENERGY STAR program and the US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. Mir benotzen eis Expertise fir Clienten ze hëllefen méi energieeffizient an ëmweltfrëndlech Gebaier ze bauen.
SG Blocks (OTC: SGBXQ) is the leading innovator of freight containers designed with codes in commercial and private environments. SG Blocks bitt Léisunge fir e puer vun de weltgréisste Firmen a Regierungsagenturen. It provides cost-effective container construction technology that exceeds the requirements of many standard building regulations. We work with architects, developers, builders and commercial customers to help them use code-designed shipping containers to build incredibly safe, strong and green structures. We work closely with our partners to find the right packaging box for each project's needs, and then use our unique experience and expertise to expand each packaging box to the exact specifications.
SustainCo Inc. (TSXV: SMS.V) féiert Geschäfter duerch seng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft VCI CONTROLS Inc. ("VCI"), an ass e féierende Zouliwwerer an Integrator vu Proptech gesonde Gebaierléisungen a Servicer. The company is an industry leader in the development of intelligent building technology, including the use of the latest communication technologies and standards to integrate all building systems. VCI's business focuses on digital control and mechanical services, performance monitoring and energy efficiency solutions. SustainCo is headquartered in Toronto, with offices in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa and Vaughan, Canada.
TRC Companies, Inc. TRC is a national engineering, environmental consulting and construction management company for energy, environment and infrastructure The market provides integrated services. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. D'Resultater vun TRC erméiglechen de Clienten Erfolleg an enger komplexer a verännerter Welt.
Yulong Ecological Materials Co., Ltd. The company is currently the leading fly ash brick and concrete producer in Pingdingshan City, and the exclusive provider of its waste management services.
Carbon Conscious (ASX: CCF.AX) ass eng ASX-opgezielt Firma déi Kuelestoffbestatiounsprojete fir Entitéiten oder Individuen entwéckelt a geréiert déi Treibhausgasemissiounen an Australien an Neuseeland kompenséieren wëllen. More than 22 million trees have been planted on more than 18,000 hectares of land in Australia and New Zealand. After reaching the optimal growth age, these trees will offset 1.4-210,000 tons of CO2-e emissions each year.
China CDM Exchange (ISDX: CCEP) ass eng Firma, déi zu Jersey integréiert ass, déi Brokerage, Berodung a Fuerschungsservicer am Zesummenhang mat der Reduktioun vun Treibhausgase (GHGs) an Asien ubitt. It works with companies and projects that generate carbon credits, and assists project owners in identifying buyers and sellers of these carbon credits.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) produces and operates various chemical products in India. D'Firma huet duerch Trottoir, déi d'Chemikalien opgebrach, Wandbuergungsbestallt, Elektrizitéit an Infosteller. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); erection procurement and commissioning services; Operatioun an den Ënnerhaltsservicer; allgemeng Infrastruktur vu Generrastation a a wtg Site Entwécklungsservicer. D'Kraaft Sektioun generéiert Kraaft. Den Theater Ausstellung Departement funktionnéiert a gesetzleche Kino a Kinoen. Gujarat Fluorochemical Co., Ltd. is also engaged in real estate and real estate development activities; an d'Exploratioun vu Fluorite Minièren. GFL has been at the forefront of introducing the concept of carbon credits into India. Dem GFL säin CDM Projet ass deen éischten op der Welt fir Umeldung vum CDM Exekutivkomitee (United Nations Framework for Climate Change) ze sichen. GFL ass de gréisste CDM Spiller an Indien an déi Top fënnef op der Welt. Duerch d'Ëmsetzung vun dësem Projet leet GFL grouss Bedeitung fir nohalteg Entwécklung a Gesellschaftsverantwortung.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) develops and sells wind farms, manages wind assets, and produces Green Power® for sale to utilities and companies. Turnkey implementation of wind power projects from concept to commissioning. Wind energy asset management solutions for installed assets, including operations, invoicing, and revenue collection from project customers. Gitt GreenPower® u Clienten. CER (Kuelestoffkredit) Verkaf an Handel.
Ëffentlech Service Enterprise Group Inc. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products to optimize the operation of the energy grid. The company also transmits electricity; and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. An der kontinuéierlecher Entwécklung vun dësem Gebitt zielt eis lescht Mark GO Zitat d'Solarindustrie z'ënnerstëtzen an de Konsumenten d'Méiglechkeet ze ginn fir gratis Installatiounsquote vu lokale Solaranbieter ze kréien, während CO2 Global Qualitéitssécherung (QA) a Qualitéitskontroll (QC) bitt. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.

Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) ass eng vun de wichtegste kommerzielle Firmen vu Spuenien, déi an der Entwécklung a Gestioun vun Infrastruktur, erneierbarer Energie, Waasser a Servicer féieren. Listed on the selective Ibex-35 stock exchange index, which is the benchmark of the market. ACCIONA is positioned as a pioneer in development and sustainable development, demonstrating its ability to meet the challenges of sustainable development in all business areas. A specific commitment of ACCIONA is to gradually reduce its climate footprint and lead the transition to a low-carbon economy.

AltaGas Ltd. (TSX: ALA.TO) ass eng Energieinfrastrukturfirma konzentréiert sech op Äerdgas, Elektrizitéit a reglementéiert Utilities. AltaGas schaaft Wäert andeems se seng Energieinfrastrukturen entwéckelen an optimiséieren (inklusive Fokus op propper Energie).
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. Et bitt Servicer un Uelegfirmen, chemesch Firmen, Utilityfirmen a Regierungsagenturen. De Virgänger vun der Firma war AMEC plc

American Electric Power Company (NYSE: AEP) is one of the largest power companies in the United States, providing electricity to 5.4 million users in 11 states. AEP is one of the largest power producers in the United States, with nearly 32,000 megawatts of power generation capacity in the United States. AEP also owns the largest power transmission system in the United States, which is a grid of more than 40,000 miles, which includes more power than 765 kV UHV transmission lines. The sum of all other transmission systems in the United States. AEP's transmission system directly or indirectly meets about 10% of the electricity demand in the eastern interconnection network, which covers 38 eastern and central states in the United States and eastern Canada, while the electricity demand in ERCOT accounts for about 11%. Deckt déi meescht vun Texas. AEP's utility divisions include AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (located in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (located in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Oklahoma Public Service Company, and Southwest Electric Company (Arkansas, Louisiana and Eastern Texas). AEP is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.
D'Missioun vun der Capstone Infrastructure Corporation (TSX: CSE.TO) ass Investisseuren attraktiv Gesamtrendementer ze bidden duerch déi verantwortlech Gestioun vu laangfristeg Investitiounen an Kärinfrastrukturen a Kanada an international. D'Strategie vun der Firma ass eng Serie vu qualitativ héichwäerteg Utility-, Kraaft- an Transportgeschäfter z'entwéckelen, ze kréien an ze verwalten, souwéi ëffentlech-privat Partnerschaften déi an engem reglementéierten oder kontraktdefinéierten Ëmfeld funktionnéieren a stabile Cashflow generéieren. Capstone currently invests in the European utility business, owns, operates and develops thermal and renewable energy power generation facilities in Canada, with a total installed capacity of 466 MW.

China Advanced Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM: CADC) is an advanced, certified environmentally friendly ready-mixed concrete (RMC) manufacturer, and provides related technical services for large-scale and other complex infrastructure projects. With its proprietary technology and value-added engineering service model, the company has won many high-profile projects, including the 30,000-km expansion of China's high-speed railway, the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the National Olympic Stadium Bird's Nest, Beijing South Railway Station, Peking International Airport, an Theater, CCTV Sëtz, Peking Yintai Plaza, China Tower, Parkplazen fir de Peking APEC Sommet, an US a franséisch Ambassaden a China.
Emerson Electric Company (New York Stock Exchange: EMR), headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is a global technology and engineering company that provides innovative solutions to customers in the industrial, commercial and residential markets. Our automation solutions business can help process, hybrid and discrete manufacturers maximize output, protect people and the environment, while optimizing their energy and operating costs. Eis kommerziell a Wunnléisungsgeschäft hëlleft de Komfort a Gesondheet vun de Leit ze garantéieren, d'Liewensmëttelqualitéit a Sécherheet ze schützen, d'Energieeffizienz ze verbesseren an eng nohalteg Infrastruktur ze kreéieren.

Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) ass eng global Ingenieurs- a Baufirma déi e puer vun de komplexste Projeten op der Welt designt a baut. The company provides customers with innovative and integrated solutions in engineering, procurement, manufacturing, construction, maintenance and project management on a global scale. For more than a century, Fluor has been serving customers in the fields of energy, chemical, government, industry, infrastructure, mining and power markets. Headquartered in Irvine, Texas, Fluor is ranked 136th on the Fortune 500 list.
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: JEC) provides technical, professional and construction services to various industrial, commercial and government clients. MINT D'J Ënnerstëtzung Servicer proposéiert Dir Engmeindown, Design, Design, Akocoridësch, Interieur, Iwwerstrochungen a aner Servicer; souwéi Prozess-, Wëssenschaft- a Systemberodungsservicer, dorënner wëssenschaftlech Testen, Analyse a Berodungsaktivitéiten, Informatiounstechnologie, a Systemtechnik an Integratiounsaktivitéiten. Service. Jacobs (Jacobs) is one of the world's largest and most diverse providers of technical expertise and construction services.
KBR, Inc. (NYSE: KBR) is a global technology, engineering, procurement and construction company serving the hydrocarbon and government service industries. It has approximately 25,000 employees in 70 countries/regions and customers in three different Global business, operating in 40 countries/regions: technology and consulting, including know-how in refining, ethylene, ammonia and fertilizer, and gasification; providing niche consulting and expertise through subsidiaries Granherne, Energo and GVA; engineering and Construction, including offshore oil and natural gas; onshore Ueleg an Äerdgas; LNG/GTL; raffinéiert; petrochemesch Produkter; Chemikalien; differentiated EPC and industrial services; government services, including plan management and long-term annuity contracts. KBR proudly cooperates with global customers to provide technology, value-added consulting services, integrated EPC delivery and long-term industrial services to ensure consistent project delivery and predictable results. An KBR, mir bidden.

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with a generating capacity of approximately 44,900 MW, including MW related to non-controlling interests in NextEra Energy Partners, LP (NEP), and in 27 The state and Canada had approximately 13,800 employees as of the end of 2014. NextEraEnergy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida. Its main subsidiary is Florida Power & Light Company, which serves approximately 4.8 million customers in Florida and is one of the largest price-controlled power companies in the United States, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities are the world's largest wind and solar renewable energy generators. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "

NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) bitt berufflech technesch Ingenieurs- a Berodungsléisungen fir ëffentlechen a private Secteur Clienten an der Infrastruktur, Energie, Bau, Immobilien an Ëmweltmäert. NV5 konzentréiert sech op fënnef Geschäftsberäicher: Bauqualitéitssécherung, Infrastruktur, Ingenieurs- an Ënnerstëtzungsservicer, Energie, Programmmanagement an Ëmweltléisungen. The company has 42 locations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Office, headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. D'Firma ass e Pionéier an der Entwécklung vun IDG® Kraaftsystemer mat fortgeschratt Smart Grid Funktiounen, dorënner de folgende Fäegkeeten: 1) Viraussoen d'Kraaftfuerderung an de System elektronesch ofsetzen fir méi effizient an ëmweltfrëndlech Kraaft während de Spëtzestonnen ze bidden; 2) Gitt ëffentlech Utilitéite verursaachen. Et huet spezialiséiert Muecht Generatioun Kapazitéit fir Nofro Äntwert Zwecker; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Huet säi proprietaresch verdeelt Power-Generatiounssconddispostizisten, déi verschidde Technologien uginn fir Stroum ze lafen, och ëmmer vernünftbar Energie. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.

Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) provides planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape design, survey, environmental science for infrastructure and projects in Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; Kontroll Panel Fabrikatioun Servicer; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; and brand services, as well as development, design, installation and integrity maintenance services for oil and gas pipeline systems and station facilities. Ausserdeem gëtt et och professionell Servicer an der Ökologie, der Ëmweltrestauratioun, Waasserressourcen a reglementaresche Support fir ëffentlech a privat Clienten an de Beräicher Elektrizitéit, Transport, Energie a Ressourcen, souwéi Servicer am kulturelle Ressourcemanagement an historesche Schutz.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power plangt Clienten praktesch gréng Kraaft ze bidden aus der sécherer an zouverlässerer erneierbarer Energie déi de Grupp konstruéiert, besëtzt a bedreift.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. D'Firma ass komplett integréiert mat zougemaache Recyclingsanlagen, huet säi Sëtz zu Montreal, Québec, Kanada, an huet Fabrikatiounsanlagen a Verkafsbüroen a ville Regiounen an Europa, Amerika an Asien. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials
A-Power Energy Power Generation System Co., Ltd. Focusing on energy-saving and environmentally-friendly distributed power generation projects ranging from 25 to 400 MW, A-Power also operates one of the largest wind turbine manufacturing plants in China.

Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Since 1989, AERT has taken the lead in using recycled polyethylene plastics in the manufacture of composite building materials. Mat sengem ëmmer evoluéierende Portfolio vu Patenter a propriétaire Recyclingstechnologien ass AERT als Leader an der Ressourcekonservatioun Innovatioun unerkannt ginn an den EPA Environmental Excellence Award gewonnen fir säi Prozess fir Offallplastik an Outdoor Laminatbuedem ze konvertéieren. The company recently won the ESGR Patriot Award for its support to our guards and reserve forces in the US Armed Forces. AERT konvertéiert recycléiertem Plastik an Holzfaseroffall an héichqualitativ Outdoordekoratiounssystemer, Zaitsystemer, an Dier- a Fënsterkomponenten. The company is the exclusive manufacturer of ChoiceDek® flooring, which is available in a variety of colors and sold in home decoration stores in Lowe nationwide. AERT's MoistureShield® paving program is expanding, and the products are now sold throughout the United States. AERT huet Fabrikatiounsanlagen zu Springdale, Arkansas a Lowell, a kierzlech ugefaang Operatiounen op der Green Age Recyclingsanlag zu Watts, Oklahoma.
AES Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: AES) is a Fortune 500 global power company. Mir bidden bezuelbar an nohalteg Energie zu 14 Länner / Regiounen duerch eng diversifizéiert Verdeelungsgeschäft an thermesch an erneierbar Energie Kraaft Generatiounsanlagen. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA) Alcoa is a global leader in light metal technology, engineering and manufacturing, and its innovative multi-material solutions can improve our world. Our technology can improve transportation from automobiles and commercial transportation to aerospace, and improve industrial and consumer electronics. Mir ënnerstëtzen intelligent Gebaier, nohalteg Liewensmëttel- a Gedrénksverpackungen, High-Performance Verteidegungsautoen iwwer d'Loft, Land a Mier, méi déif Ueleg- a Gasbueren, a méi effizient Kraaftproduktioun. Mir hunn d'Aluminiumindustrie virun 125 Joer Pionéier gemaach. Today, our more than 60,000 employees in 30 countries/regions provide value-added products made of titanium, nickel and aluminum, and produce first-class bauxite, alumina and raw materials. Aluminiumprodukter. Sustainable development, product sustainable development

Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) ass eng diversifizéiert Kraaftproduktioun, Iwwerdroung a Verdeelungsfirma an Nordamerika. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. Déi onreguléiert Kraaftproduktiounsgrupp besëtzt oder besëtzt e Portfolio vu kontraktéierte Wand-, Solar-, Waasserkraaft-, an Äerdgasenergieproduktiounsanlagen an Nordamerika, mat enger installéierter Kapazitéit vu méi wéi 1.050 Megawatt. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. ALLM besëtzt 50% vun Carbolosic, LLC, an huet exklusiv Rechter an Nordamerika (och Kanada, den USA a Mexiko) an Afrika. De Carlosomatesch huet eng exklusiv Gloger Gläichlinn fir déi patentéiert mechanesch / chemesch Technologie "entwéckelt vun der Universitéit vun der Universitéit vun der Universitéit vu zentrale Florrida. CTS technology is able to produce sugar, various fine chemicals, plastics, carbon fiber and other valuable products from almost any plant material, wood or paper by-products, fruit packaging or biological waste.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom huet de schnellsten Zuch vun der Welt an déi héchst Kapazitéit automatiséiert Subway gebaut, déi schlësselfäerdeg integréiert Kraaftstatiounsléisungen a verwandte Servicer fir verschidden Energiequellen inklusiv Waasserkraaft, Atomkraaft, Äerdgas, Kuel a Wandenergie ubitt, a bitt eng breet Palette vu Kraafttransmissionsléisungen. , with a focus on smart grids.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) provides alternative energy solutions to meet the growing demand for environmentally responsible and economically viable energy in the world market. D'Haaptziel vum Alter NRG ass d'Westinghouse Plasma Vergasungstechnologie weider kommerzialiséiert duerch seng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft fir erneierbar a propper Energieléisungen aus verschiddene Rohmaterialien ze bidden a verschidde Energieausgaben ze bidden, dorënner Flëssegkeete wéi Ethanol an Diesel. Fuel, electricity and syngas
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) ass déi weltgréisste erneierbar Energiefirma, déi fënnef Kraaftwierker mat enger Gesamtkraaftproduktioun vu 553 MW bedreift, dorënner de gréisste Floss upstream Waasserkraaftwierk an de gréisste Wandhaff a British Columbia An zwee Geothermie Muecht Generatioun Ariichtungen an Island. Alterra owns a 247 MW share of this capacity and generates more than 1,250 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra gehéiert 51% vun den Aktien; Shannon-204 D'MW Wandenergie Projet läit am Clay Grofschaft, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.

Amanasu Environment Corporation (OTC: AMSU) ass eng Entwécklungsphasefirma déi sech mat Technologieacquisitioun, Produktmarketing an Testen vun Ëmwelttechnologie fir kommerziell Verkaf a Japan an international beschäftegt. The company's technology includes the Amanasu furnace, which processes toxic and hazardous waste through a high-temperature combustion system. Hot water boiler technology, incineration of waste tires in a non-polluting way, and extracting heat energy from the incineration process; the loop-pipe desalination method can purify seawater and remove harmful pollutants in wastewater.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. Et bitt Servicer un Uelegfirmen, chemesch Firmen, Utilityfirmen a Regierungsagenturen. De Virgänger vun der Firma war AMEC plc

Déi dräi Geschäftskomponente vum American Equipment Recycling Center (ARCA) (NasdaqCM: ARCI) sinn an enger eenzegaarteger Positioun an der Industrie a kënnen zesummen e komplette Set vun Ausrüstungsservicer ubidden. ARCA Advanced Processing, LLC uses advanced technology to improve the traditional home appliance recycling technology to achieve the best revenue generation and environmental benefits. ARCA is also the exclusive North American agent of UNTHA Recycling Technology (URT), one of the world's leading manufacturers of technologically advanced refrigerator recycling systems and recycling facilities for household appliances and electronic waste. ARCA's regional centers dispose of equipment during the end-of-life process to remove environmentally harmful substances and produce recyclable material by-products for use by utilities in the United States and Canada. 18 stores owned by companies under the name of ApplianceSmart, Inc.® sell new equipment directly to consumers, and provide affordable ENERGYSTAR® options to implement energy-efficient equipment replacement programs
Aquentium, Inc. (OTC: AQNM), eng Firma an der Entwécklungsphase, konzentréiert sech op déi gréng Technologie. Et bitt Ozon Sanitatioun a Waasserreinigungsausrüstung, wéi Loftsystemer a Waassersystemer. D'Firma produzéiert och mobil Spullapparaten; a strukturell Isolatioun Brieder fir kommerziell a Wunngebaier. Et verkeeft Produkter direkt an duerch Distributeuren u Liewensmëttel- a Gedrénksveraarbechtungsanlagen, Schoulen, Spideeler, Hoteler a Restauranten.
ARCADIS NV (Euronext Amsterdam Code: ARCAD; OTC Code: ARCAY) ass déi weltgréisste natierlech an architektonesch Asset Design a Berodungsfirma, schafft mat Clienten fir Exzellenz duerch Applikatiounsdesign, Berodung, Ingenieurs-, Projekt- a Managementservicer An nohalteg Resultater ze bidden.

AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. D'Juv Grupp Gruppen an de vernuede Staden ze entwéckelen sech héich Léisungen duerch d'Partnerschafte vun Partnerschaftschaft ze entwéckelen. Duerch d'Komplementaritéit vun der Atomenergie an der erneierbarer Energie dréit den Areva Group zur Grënnung vum Energiemodell vu muer bäi: déi gréisst Zuel vu Leit méi sécher a manner Kuelendioxid Energie ze bidden. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage.
Aquentium, Inc. (OTC: AQNM), eng Firma an der Entwécklungsphase, konzentréiert sech op déi gréng Technologie. Et bitt Ozon Sanitatioun a Waasserreinigungsausrüstung, wéi Loftsystemer a Waassersystemer. D'Firma produzéiert och mobil Spullapparaten; a strukturell Isolatioun Brieder fir kommerziell a Wunngebaier. Et verkeeft Produkter direkt an duerch Distributeuren u Liewensmëttel- a Gedrénksveraarbechtungsanlagen, Schoulen, Spideeler, Hoteler a Restauranten.
Aspen Technology, Inc. With the integrated aspenONE solution, process manufacturers can implement best practices to optimize their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. As a result, AspenTech customers can better increase production capacity, increase profits, reduce costs and improve energy efficiency.
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) owns and manages renewable energy natural gas, electricity, transmission lines and water assets in North America, South America, Spain, Algeria and South Africa. As of December 31, 2017, the company had 22 assets, including 1,446 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy power generation assets, including solar and wind power plants; 300 MW vun Äerdgas Kraaft Generatioun Verméigen, déi Naturgas benotze kënnen fir Stroum an Damp ze generéieren; 1,099 miles of power transmission lines; an eng Desalinatiounsanlag mat enger totaler deeglecher Produktiounskapazitéit vun 10,5 Millioune Kubikmeter.

Berkeley Energia Ltd (ASX: BKY.AX) clean energy company, engaged in the exploration, evaluation and development of Spanish uranium assets. It focuses on the development of its flagship Salamanca project, which includes the Retortillo, Alameda, Zona 7 and Gambuta deposits, as well as the satellite deposits in western Spain. De Virgänger vun der Firma war Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. a gouf am November 2015 ëmbenannt Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd.

BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) ass eng Technologieservicefirma gewidmet fir kosteneffektiv Léisunge fir d'Ëmwelt ze verbesseren. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Bion Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: BNET)'s patented technology platform provides comprehensive and cost-effective livestock waste treatment and recovers valuable assets from the waste stream, including renewable energy, nutrients and clean water. D'Technologie kann vill Käschte spueren an d'Effizienz an zwou Industrienung verbesseren: Waasserbehandlung a Mëllech / Béischtproduktioun.
Bio-Clean International, Inc (OTC: BCLE) entwéckelt a verkeeft ëmweltfrëndlech Botzprodukter a Bioremediatiounsflëssegkeeten fir verschidden Zwecker an den USA entworf. It also holds investments in various joint ventures in electronics and natural resources.
Blue Sphere Corporation (OTC: BLSP) ass eng propper Technologiefirma an en Integrator vun Offall-zu-Energie Projeten. Blue Sphere entwéckelt Offall-zu-Energie an aner erneierbar Energieprojeten. The company aspires to become a major player in the global waste-to-energy conversion and renewable energy market.

Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) is an electricity producer whose core business is dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations. Boralex has approximately 250 employees and is known for its expertise and rich experience in four types of power generation: wind, hydro, thermal and solar. De Moment bedreift d'Firma eng Verméigensbasis a Kanada, Frankräich an den USA mat enger Kapazitéit vu méi wéi 1.110 MW, vun deenen méi wéi 950 MW ënner senger Kontroll ass. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) and its subsidiaries produce and sell thermoplastic resins together. The company's polyolefin division produces polyethylene, including LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, UHMWPE and EVA. Gréng Polyethylen aus erneierbaren Ressourcen; an polypropylene (PP). The segmet products can be used in various applications, such as plastic films for food and industrial packaging; bottles, shopping bags and other consumer goods containers; automotive parts; and household appliances. The company's US and European branches produce PP in the US and Germany. Its chemical distribution department distributes solvents, including aliphatic, aromatic, synthetic and eco-friendly solvents; engineering plastic hydrocarbon solvents and isoparaffins; and general chemicals such as processing oils, chemical intermediates, mixtures, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceuticals And Santubong. Braskem SA also imports and exports chemicals, petrochemical products and fuels. Produce, supply and sell utilities, such as water and industrial gas; and provide industrial services.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) bedreift eng vun de weltgréissten ëffentlech gehandelte pure erneierbaren Energieplattformen. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders.
CALCITECH LTD (OTC: CLKTF) entwéckelt a kommerzialiséiert synthetesch Kalziumkarbonat (SCC) an Europa. Et produzéiert SCC aus Offall Kalk a Kuelendioxid aus Loftverschmotzung. SCC ass e wäiss Pigment dat a ville industriellen Uwendungen benotzt ka ginn, dorënner Pabeier, Polymer, Faarwen, Liewensmëttel a Medikamenter. D'Firma bitt dräi SCC-Produkter fir d'Pabeierindustrie, dorënner CalciLS, déi d'Liichtstreet maximéiere soll; CalciSG, déi zielt fir glänzend Beschichtungen fir fortgeschratt Dréck- a Schreifpabeier ze bidden; a CalciRG, wat eng Leeschtungsverbesserung fir den Gravuredruckmaart ass. additiv. Et bitt och CalciSP, en Net-Pabeierprodukt fir d'Liewensmëttel-, pharmazeutesch a kosmetesch Industrien; a CalciRC, déi Polymerapplikatioune wéi Plastik, Dichtmëttel, Gummi a Klebstoff zielt.

CECO Environmental Corp. (NasdaqGS: CECE) is the world's leading environmental, energy and fluid processing technology company. Duerch seng bekannte Marken stellt CECO eng breet Palette vu Produkter a Servicer, dorënner Dampers an Diverter, Zyklontechnologie, thermesch Oxidatoren, Filtratiounssystemer, Scrubbers, Flëssegkeetsbehandlungsausrüstung, a Fabrécksingenieursservicer an Ingenieursdesign a Bau. These products play a vital role in helping companies meet strict production standards, meeting growing factory demands and strict global emission control regulations. CECO servéiert déi breetste Palette vu Mäert an Industrien weltwäit, dorënner Kraaft, kommunal, chemesch, industriell Fabrikatioun, Uelegraffinéierung, petrochemesch, Metaller, Mineralstoffer a Biergbau, Spideeler an Universitéiten. CECO is committed to building long-term shareholder value by bringing its unique technology, product portfolio and superior operational advantages into strategic key growth markets around the world, while maintaining the highest level of employee development, project execution and safety leadership.

Century Sunshine Ecological Technology. Hldg. (Hong Kong 0509.HK) conduct business in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China. The company operates in four areas: ecological fertilizer business, magnesium alloy business, metallurgical flux business and financial service business. Its subsidiaries include Baishan Tianan Magnesium Resources Co., Ltd., Guangshi Group Co., Ltd., CapitaLand Investment Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine (Jiangxi) Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine (Nanping) Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. and Century Sunshine (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., etc.

China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) produces and distributes humic acid-based compound fertilizers through its wholly-owned subsidiary, namely: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinong”). Naréisse fiert falsch Dertrertiler an Landwirtschaftlech Produkter. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ". F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.

Clean Harbors Inc (NYSE: CLH) ass e féierende Ëmwelt-, Energie- an Industriedéngschtleeschter an Nordamerika. The company serves a diverse customer base in chemical, energy, manufacturing and other markets as well as many government agencies, including most of the Fortune 500 companies. These customers rely on Clean Harbors to provide a wide range of services, such as end-to-end hazardous waste management, emergency spill response, industrial cleaning and maintenance, and recycling services. Through its Safety-Kleen subsidiary, Clean Harbors is also the largest waste oil refiner and recycler in North America and a leading provider of parts washing machines and environmental services to commercial, industrial and automotive customers. Clean Harbor was established in 1980 and is headquartered in Massachusetts, with operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. Nieft Distrito Federal bedreift Cemig och an 22 brasilianesche Staaten, a bedreift eng Transmissiounslinn am Chile, déi e Konsortium mat Alusa bilden. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. EMigi réckelt den Drëttel ënnert de gréissten Genenteuer zu Brazemieur, an dräi sinn 59 Generalektric Aarbechter 65 Kraaftwierker, déi 59 integréiert Mataarbechtung Minoritéite Modernektrianzmuster, déi 59 häerd Politik Genoss huet. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) is a global leader in providing sustainable waste and energy solutions. D'Firma 45 Energieanlagen fir Offallgeneratioun benotzen Offall fir propper an erneierbar Energien ze generéieren, fir Gemeinschaften a Geschäfter ronderëm d'Welt mat ëmweltfrëndleche festen Offallentsuergung ze bidden. All Joer kënnen dem Cvantta seng modern Offallkraaftproduktiounsanlagen sécher an zouverlässeg ongeféier 20 Milliounen Tonnen Offall a propper erneierbaren Elektrizitéit ëmwandelen, ongeféier 1 Millioun Stéit Stroum an ongeféier 500,000 Tonnen Metall recycléieren. Energieanlagen, déi aus Offall generéiert ginn, reduzéieren Treibhausgase, ergänzen d'Recycling, a sinn e wichtege Bestanddeel vun der nohalteger zolitter Offallverwaltung

Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) is the world's largest edible and inedible bio-nutrient sustainable natural ingredients developer and manufacturer, providing a wide range of ingredients and specialty products, feed, and feed for pharmaceutical, food, and pet food customers. Technology, fuel, bioenergy and fertilizer industry. The company operates on five continents, collecting and converting all aspects of the animal by-product stream into widely used special ingredients such as gelatin, edible fat, feed grade fat, animal protein and meal, plasma, pet food ingredients, organic fertilizer, yellow Grease, fuel raw materials, green energy, natural casings and leather. D'Firma recycléiert och Offall Kachöl a kommerziell Bakreschter a konvertéiert se a wäertvoll Fudder- a Brennstoffkomponenten. In addition, the company provides grease trap services for food service organizations, environmental services for food processors, and sales of edible oil delivery and collection equipment for restaurants.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. Mir generéieren ongeféier 570.000 Megawatt Elektrizitéit zu Carolina, de Mëttlere Westen a Florida, a bidden Äerdgasverdeelungsservicer an Ohio a Kentucky. Eis kommerziell an international Geschäfter besëtzen a bedreiwen verschidde Kraaftproduktiounsverméigen an Nordamerika a Lateinamerika, dorënner Portefeuillen vun erneierbaren Energieverméigen. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company
Dundee Sustainable Technologies Co., Ltd. Through the development of a patented proprietary process, DST extracts precious metals and base metals from mineralized materials, concentrates and tailings, while stabilizing pollutants such as arsenic. Wéinst metallurgeschen Themen oder Ëmweltproblemer kënnen konventionell Prozesser dës Gëftstoffer net extrahéieren oder stabiliséieren. DST huet Patenter fir dës Prozesser an e puer Länner ugewannt, erausginn a kritt.
Zënter 1802 huet DuPont (NYSE: DD) Weltklass Wëssenschaft an Ingenieurstechnologie op de weltwäite Maart a Form vun innovative Produkter, Materialien a Servicer bruecht. D'Firma mengt datt mir duerch Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten, Regierungen, Net-Regierungsorganisatiounen a Gedankeleader hëllefe kënnen Léisunge fir global Erausfuerderunge fannen, sou wéi genuch gesond Iessen fir Leit op der ganzer Welt ze liwweren, d'Ofhängegkeet vu fossille Brennstoffer ze reduzéieren an d'Liewen ze schützen an ze schützen. d'Ëmwelt. Mir verpflichte innovativ a wirtschaftlech machbar Léisungen duerch eng Vielfalt vun Technologien ze entwéckelen fir weltwäit Energiebedürfnisser ze treffen. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Eis Produkter ënnerstëtzen d'Energielagerung an d'Energiespuertechnologien am ganze Stroumproduktioun, Verdeelung an Konversiounsprozess.

ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) is a leading manufacturer of patented and proprietary solutions for environments where understanding of the presence, movement and/or volume of water is important. The main market areas include: agriculture, golf and turf, scientific research, civil engineering and crude oil production. ESI-Léisungen sinn erfollegräich a méi wéi 40 Länner / Regiounen agefouert ginn fir Clienten z'erméiglechen Operatiounen ze optimiséieren andeems d'Präsenz an de Floss vum Waasser iwwerwaacht, Bewässerungssystemer verwalten an d'Integritéit vun Deponieplazen iwwerwaachen. D'Firma FloPoint ™ Instrument ass fir d'Pëtrolsindustrie entwéckelt fir de Volume vum Waasser ze moossen, deen während der Rohölextraktioun gepompelt gëtt, fir de Prozess ze charakteriséieren an ze optimiséieren. ESI differenzéiert sech andeems déi bescht verfügbar Technologien an praktesch, einfach ze benotzen Léisungen transforméiert ginn. Bewässerungsmanager, Reservoiringenieuren a Wëssenschaftler hunn ESI Produkter ugeholl wéinst hirer Genauegkeet, einfacher Benotzung, Widderhuelbarkeet a Fäegkeet fir an haarden Ëmfeld ze bedreiwen.
Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc. (CNSX: EAC) aims to become a major player in the global environmentally sustainable industrial solutions market. D'Firma kooperéiert mat de leschten Innovatiounen vu mikrobiellen Technologiefirmen fir patentéiert innovativ Produkter ze formuléieren an ze bewerben. Wann dës Produkter speziell fir ëmweltschiedlech Chemikalien an Additive benotzt ginn, kënne se déi härteste industriell Erausfuerderunge treffen. D'Firma engagéiert sech fir 1) Stëbs Kontroll an der Biergbau Industrie an 2) Ëmwelt- Nohaltegkeet an der Landwirtschaft Industrie.
eCobalt Solutions Inc. (TSX: ECS.TO) ass eng bekannte Toronto Bourse opgezielt Firma déi engagéiert ass fir sécher, verantwortlech Fabrikatioun, ethesch an ëmweltfrëndlech Batteriegrad Kobaltsalze ze bidden, wat wichteg ass fir séier Wuesstum. nofëllbar Batterien an erneierbar Energie ass vital an transparent an den USA.

Ecoloclean Industries, Inc. (OTC: ECCI) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and sell machines for treating sewage through a process called electrocoagulation. It designs and manufactures portable electrocoagulation devices for groundwater purification; Behandlung vu Spülenwasser; drinking water; sewage treatment; cooling towers; radioisotope removal; pretreatment of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and photocatalysis; reclaimed Waasser Wiederverbrauch féiert zu Null Entladung; metal recycling; influent water quality control; and industrial wastewater. The company provides products and services to the global petroleum exploration, petroleum, chemical, transportation, refining and dairy industries.

EcoPlus, Inc. (OTC: ECPL) provides a comprehensive solution for the management of fats and oils in food service organizations and food processors. EcoPlus is mainly oriented to cities, counties and wastewater treatment organizations. Dës Firme wäerte Probleemer begéinen fir exzessiv FOG bei der Ofwaasserbehandlung ze absorbéieren. D'Finale Produkt vum EcoPlus Prozess (US Patent Nr. 7,384,562) ass e granuläre Feststoff mat den héchsten a beschten Utilisatiounen an ass e gréngen alternativen Brennstoffprodukt.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) ass eng Technologieentwécklung an Intellektuell Eegentum Lizenzfirma gewidmet fir Ëmweltléisungen fir déi global Waasser-, Energie- an Industriemäert z'entwéckelen. We help the industry increase production, reduce costs, and protect the environment through a series of unique patented technologies: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® and our recently announced Ecos GrowCube™, which provide you with exclusive and non-exclusive licensing opportunities throughout the industry A Breet Palette vun Industrien an Uwendungen iwwerall. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Canada also eliminated millions of gallons of liquid chemicals and generated more than 70 million Canadian dollars in revenue from equipment sales, service, and licensing. The company has also successfully manufactured approximately 50 Ozonix® machines and deployed them to various major hydraulic fracturing shale oil fields throughout the United States and Canada.

EDP​​ Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Mir entwéckelen d'Geschäft op weltwäite Mäert a fuerdere weider eise Geschäft an nei Regiounen auszebauen, engagéiert fir eng féierend Positioun an all Maart z'erhalen a Wäert fir Akteuren an Aktionären ze kreéieren. EDP​​R's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.

Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. Zousätzlech bitt d'Firma och Potentiostatsystemer fir Batterien, Kondensatoren, Brennstoffzellen, Solarzellen, Sensoren a Metallkorrosiounsapplikatiounen ze testen. Zousätzlech bitt et Radiofrequenz Identifikatiounstags fir verschidden Uwendungen, dorënner Inventarlager, Flott Tracking, Palette Tracking, Militär Tracking, Log Recording, an Tracking vun Dock a Port Container.

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) bitt propriétaire, schlësselfäerdeg Energieléisungen déi intelligent, bankabel an nohalteg sinn. Déi meescht Energieprodukter a Léisunge kënnen direkt ëmgesat ginn, wou néideg. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.

EnSync, Inc. Egal ob et Deel vun der Kraaftiwwerdroung a Verdeelungsnetz ass, oder hannert de Meter a kommerziellen, industriellen a Multi-Tenant Gebaier, kann d'EnSync Technologie differenzéiert Kraaftkontrolle an Energiespeicherléisungen an dat usprochsvollen Kraaftëmfeld bréngen. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid Uwendungen. In 2015, EnSync incorporated power purchase agreements (PPA) into its product portfolio, thereby saving customers electricity and providing investors with stable financial returns. EnSync is a global company with a joint venture in China's Meineng Energy and a strategic partnership with Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) is a CleanTech company located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Et huet de Voraxial®-Separator entwéckelt a fabrizéiert, dee ka gesot ginn als déi effizientsten, héich Kapazitéit a grouss-Volumen-Separator an der Welt Fluid- a Flësseg / Fest-Trennungstechnologie. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. Uwendungen enthalen awer sinn net limitéiert op: Uelegpestreinigung, Offall Konversioun an Energie, Onshore an Offshore Waasser Trennung, Fraktur Waasser, Reewaasser, Raffinerie Ofwaasser Botzen a Biokraftstoffer. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies

Environmental Control Corporation (OTC: EVCC) entwéckelt a verkeeft Emissiounssteuergeräter fir kleng Spark ignition Verbrennungsmotoren. The company provides catalytic mufflers that are used to reduce emissions from spark-ignition engines, including personal transportation equipment, off-road recreational vehicles, personal boats, and water pumps. Its catalytic muffler is also used in rotary lawn mowers, rear-engine lawn mowers, front-engine lawn tractors, garden tractors, walk-behind rotary tillers, snow plows, commercial turf mid-mounted walk-behind rotary lawn machines, Commercial turf riding turbulators, gasoline-powered chain saws, gasoline-powered hand-held blowers, gasoline-powered knapsack blowers, gasoline-powered trimmers/brush cutters, and gasoline-powered hedge trimmers. The company focuses on the North American market for original engine manufacturers.
Equipment solution provider Environmental Infrastructure Holdings (OTC: EIHC) provides environmentally friendly products, services and engineering solutions through its subsidiary Equisol, LLC. It designs, manufactures and sells equipment systems, including water treatment systems; sells equipment systems and spare parts as well as basic maintenance, repair and operation components; bitt Optimisatioun, Eechung, Installatioun an Ënnerhalt Servicer; and provides environmental engineering and consulting services. It primarily provides services to refineries, power plants, engineering companies, and manufacturing facilities, and primarily supports US commercial, municipal, and government agencies.
Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (OTC: EVSP) ass déi éischt Firma an der Feuchtigkeittestung / Indoor Loftqualitéit Industrie fir eng ëffentlech opgezielt Firma ze ginn. ESP besëtzt a bedreift eng ëmfaassend Set vu Geschäfter déi Energieeffizienz, Ëmweltproblemer decken an ëmweltsensibel Themen an de Wunn- a kommerzielle Mäert léisen. ESP provides a variety of inspection services, including energy/efficiency audits for residential and commercial properties, focusing on indoor air quality inspections for toxic, including mold, moisture intrusion, ra, lead, VOC, and other long-term and long-term negative effects on indoors Pollutants to the environment and occupant health.
Global Environmental Solutions Corporation (OTC: ESWW) produzéiert a verkeeft eng Vielfalt vu propriétaire katalyteschen Emissiounskonversioun, Emissiounskontroll an Emissiounssupport Produkter an Technologien fir Transport, Bau, Eisebunn, Marine, Utility an aner Mäert. Dës Produkter sinn haaptsächlech fir Dieselmotor Uwendungen entworf, dorënner mëttel- a schwéier Camionen, Schoulbussen, Liwwer Camionen, an Dreck Kollektioun Camionen. In addition to land vehicles, ESW Group technology is also used in large marine engines. D'Firma verkeeft seng Emissiounskontrollprodukter duerch e Verkafsnetz, dat vu méi wéi 30 Verdeelungsnetzwierker uechter d'USA etabléiert ass, ergänzt vun engem Team vun erfuerene Geschäftsentwécklungsfachleit, Ingenieuren a Feldtechniker, déi sech op Emissiounen konzentréieren. ESW Group bedreift och ESW America, eng Motor Emissioun Testen, Zertifizéierung a Verifizéierungsanlag unerkannt vun EPA a CARB als fäeg fir Motoremissiounsverifizéierung an Zertifizéierungstestprotokoller fir d'OEM Versuergungskette auszeféieren.

Exro Technologies Inc. (CSE: XRO) is a Vancouver-based company that commercializes patented technologies aimed at improving existing rotating electric machines. Dës Technologie erlaabt Elektromotoren a Generatorsystemer méi effizient ze bedreiwen, doduerch Virdeeler fir den nohaltege an erneierbaren Kraaftproduktiounsmaart a variabelen Laascht industriell a kommerziell Uwendungen vun Elektromotoren ze bréngen.

Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. The Facedrive Marketplace offers selected products made from sustainably sourced materials. Facedrive Foods provides a variety of foods for non-contact delivery, with a focus on healthy foods at the door of consumers. Facedrive Health entwéckelt innovativ technologesch Léisunge fir déi seriösste Gesondheetserausfuerderunge vun haut. Facedrive ännert d'Narrativ vum Ride Sharing, Liewensmëttel Liwwerung, E-Commerce, a Gesondheetstechnologie fir jiddereen besser ze maachen.
Fuel Tech NV (NasdaqGS: FTEK) ass eng féierend Technologiefirma gewidmet fir d'Entwécklung, Kommerzialiséierung an Uwendung vun de modernsten propriétaire Technologien op enger globaler Skala fir Loftverschmotzungskontroll, Prozessoptimiséierung a fortgeschratt Ingenieursservicer. Dës Technologie ass de Clientsaterial a Spezialmaterialhomheetschaften an eng cäschte effektiv an ëmweltfrëndlech Manéier ze produzéieren déi eng domat effektiv einfach esou nohalteg Manéier produzéieren. D'Firma Stickstoffoxid (NOx) Reduktiounstechnologie enthält fortgeschratt Verbrennungsverbesserungstechnologie a Post-Verbrennung Stickstoffoxid Kontrollmethoden, dorënner NOxOUT®, HERT ™ an Advanced SNCR Systemer, ASCR ™ fortgeschratt selektiv katalytesch Reduktiounssystemer an I-NOx ™ Integréiert NOx Reduktiounssystem benotzt verschidde Kombinatioune vun dëse Systemer an Ultra ™ Prozess fir Ammonia ze generéieren. Dës Technologien hunn de Brennstoff en Leader gemaach fir noxéieren, mat méi wéi 900 Geräter déi weltwäit installéiert hunn. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology includes electrostatic precipitator (ESP) products and services, including complete turnkey functions for ESP retrofits, and has experience in units below 700 MW. The flue gas conditioning (FGC) system includes the use of sulfur trioxide (SO3) and ammonia (NH3)-based conditioning for treatment to improve the performance of ESP by modifying the performance of fly ash particles. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology has been installed in more than 125 units worldwide. The company's FUELCHEM® technology revolves around the unique application of chemicals. It improves efficiency, reliability, fuel flexibility, boiler thermal efficiency, and environmental conditions of the combustion unit by controlling slagging, scaling, corrosion, opacity and improving boiler operation. The company has experience in this technology in more than 110 units in the form of a customizable FUEL CHEM program. Fuel Tech also provides a range of services, including boiler commissioning and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) optimization services. In addition, flow correction equipment and physical and computational modeling services can be used to optimize flue gas distribution and mixing in power plants and industrial applications. Vill vun de Fuel Tech Produkter a Servicer vertrauen staark op d'Firma exzellent computational Fluid Dynamik Modelléierungsfäegkeeten, déi duerch intern entwéckelt High-End Visualiséierungssoftware verbessert ginn. Dës Fonctiounen, gekoppelt mat der innovativer Technologie vun der Firma an der interdisziplinärer Team Approche, erméiglechen Fuel Tech praktesch Léisunge fir e puer vun hire Clienten hir schwieregste Probleemer ze bidden.

GIBRALTAR INDUSTRIES INC (NasdaqGS: ROCK) ass e féierende Hiersteller an Distributeur vu Bauprodukter fir Wunn-, Industrie-, Infrastruktur- an erneierbar Energie- a Konservatiounsmäert. Dem Gibraltar seng véier Pilierstrategie konzentréiert sech op operationell Verbesserung, Produktinnovatioun, Produktportfoliomanagement an Acquisitioune, sou datt seng Missioun ass Top-Notch Performance ze förderen. Gibraltar primarily serves customers throughout North America and smaller Asian regions.
Global Bioenergy Corporation (Paris: ALGBE) is one of the few companies in the world and the only process in Europe that converts renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation. The company initially concentrated on the production of isobutene, which is one of the most important petrochemical base materials that can be converted into fuels, plastics, plexiglass and elastomers. Global Bioenergy Corporation continues to improve its process performance, conduct industrial trials, has started operations in its German demonstration plant, and is preparing to build its first large-scale plant through its joint venture IBN-One with Cristal Union. D'Firma huet och seng Leeschtungen un zwee Membere vun der gasfërmeger Olefinfamill kopéiert, Propylen a Butadien, déi Schlësselmoleküle am Häerz vun der petrochemescher Industrie sinn.
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) runs on a fully integrated platform that integrates biotechnology and crop improvement research and development through complex management and optimization practices. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. The US Department of Defense develops and continues to operate the largest new crop energy farm in the Americas. Global national an international Geschäfter ginn duerch ganz Besëtz Filialen gefouert
GreenAngel Energy Corp. (TSX: GAE.V) ass eng Akommes-baséiert Finanzéierungsfirma, déi zukünfteg Akommesstroum vun Technologie- an Industriefirmen a Western Kanada kaaft. Dës nei Finanzéierungsoptioun kann souwuel Scholdefinanzéierung wéi och Eegekapitalfinanzéierung ergänzen, wärend Entrepreneuren et erlaben d'Kontroll iwwer hir eegen Geschäfter ze halen. In addition, GreenAngel continues to manage existing investments in the clean energy sector and provides strategic and business consulting services to ensure the success of these companies.
GREENHUNTER ENERGY (NYSE MKT: GRH) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC and GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides Total Water Management Solutions™/oilfield fluid management solutions™ in oil fields and their shale. Drama of the Appalachian Basin. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT Bewäertungen Eng Flott vu 407 Camionen gëtt benotzt fir Kondensat a Waasser a Präsenz vu Kondensat ze zéien. GreenHunter Water also took the lead in the movement of barge water, because barge transport is a safer and more cost-effective transportation method compared to truck or rail transport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC provides on-site environmental solutions on well pads and facilities. Its service package includes tank and rig cleaning, liquid and solid waste removal/repair, solidification and spill response. The understanding that interconnected service suites are the key to E&P waste stream management has shaped GreenHunter Resources' comprehensive end-to-end service approach. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides the service of hydrocarbons (transportation of petroleum, condensate and NGL), and will use our existing asset base and infrastructure to provide hydrocarbons (petroleum) in the Appalachian region soon. , Condensate and NGL) storage, processing and sales. , Which includes up to six different barge terminal locations, currently owned or leased by GreenHunter Resources.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. D'Firma konzentréiert sech op Prioritéit oder Senior Kapital un etabléierte Sponsoren a Scholden mat héijer Kredittqualitéit ze liwweren fir laangfristeg, widderhuelend a prévisibel Cashflows ze generéieren. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong elected a real estate investment trust (REIT) that is eligible to pay taxes for federal income tax purposes. Its tax year begins on December 31, 2013

Headwaters Incorporated (NYSE: HW) verbessert d'Liewen duerch Innovatioun a Fortschrëtt vu Baumaterial an der Uwendung, Design a Gebrauch. Headwaters ass eng diversifizéiert Wuesstumsfirma déi Produkter, Technologien a Servicer un de Baumaterial a Bauproduktmäert ubitt. Through its coal combustion products, construction products, and energy businesses, the company is able to improve sustainability by turning underutilized resources into valuable products.
HTC Purenergy (TSX: HTC.V) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the development, integration and commercialization of proprietary technologies related to carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and CO2 solvent recovery. It provides LCDesign CO2 capture system; RS solvent, a preparation solvent used to remove gas phase impurities from gas streams; HTC DELTA solvent recovery system, used to remove degradation products and particles suspended in the solvent; an PDOEngine Design an Optimisatioun nei Factory, oder optimiséieren der Operatioun vun bestehend Fabriken an der chemescher, petrochemical an Ueleg / Gas Industrien. The company also provides laminar jet absorbers to measure reaction kinetics and gas diffusion into liquids. And NuVision fertilizer treatment solutions to design, build, retrofit and service new and existing fertilizer plants. In addition, it also provides drilling equipment and services for the oil and gas industry; oilfield products and hydraulic fracturing services; oilfield equipment; dedicated power carriers and maintenance platforms; and Guardian Maxx pipeline processing systems.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) engagéiert sech fir d'Investitioun, Bau an Operatioun vun neien Energieprojeten. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. D'Firma insistéiert op wëssenschaftlech Entwécklung a rational verdeelt Geschäfter. Duerch d'Operatioun vu grousse Wandparken a verdeelt Windparks, d'Notzung vun Onshore an Offshore Windressourcen, an de Schwéierpunkt op Entwécklung an Acquisitioun, beméit d'Firma hir Wuesstumsqualitéit an Effizienz ze verbesseren, a kontinuéierlech seng Rentabilitéit, Kompetitivitéit a Konsequenz ze verbesseren. sustainability Development capabilities, therefore maintaining its established position in the People's Republic of China (China) and expanding the international market, with a view to becoming an internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Zënter hirer Grënnung huet d'Firma sech op d'Missioun vun der grénger Energie Entwécklung a propperer Energieproduktioun konzentréiert. D'Gesellschaft kann superlech wichteg sinn, fir d'Ëmwelt ze beschëllegen an seng Ëmwelt Responsabilitéit net erfëllen, déi esou definitivt, stabilen, stabilitéit zu Hafter bréngen.

Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd. (OTC: IEVM) ass eng ëffentlech opgezielt Firma déi duerch seng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft IET, Inc. All d'Produkter a Servicer vun der Firma verkaaft a verkaf ginn ënner dem allgemenge Mark vun EcoTreatments™. The company sells and sells its anolyte disinfection solution under the Excelyte® brand. D'Léisung gëtt ëmbruecht vun der Firma kréien hir propriateraire Ecafle ™ Equipement, deen benotzt en elektronysesche Prozess dee sech elektroCicaliciatesch reproduzéiert gëtt fir de relial Verantwortung ze erliewen. For cleaning, disinfection and disinfection. The Excelyte® solution is an EPA-registered hard surface disinfectant and disinfectant. It has been approved for use at the hospital level and has also been approved for use as a disinfectant in oil and gas drilling. D'Produkt ka benotzt ginn iwwerall wou Pathogenen, Bakterien, Viren a Bakterien musse kontrolléiert ginn. D'Firma EcaFlo® Ausrüstung produzéiert och eng Botzléisung, déi d'Firma ënner der Mark Catholyte Zero ™ verkeeft. Catholyte Zero ™ Léisunge sinn ëmweltfrëndlech Botzmëttelen an Entfettungsmëttel fir Botzen, Sanitär a Liewensmëttelveraarbechtungszwecker.
Itronics (OTC: ITRO) is a “creative clean technology” company that produces GOLD'n GRO specialty liquid fertilizers and gold and silver. It has a large-scale iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) mine (the rutile project) in the prolific Yellington copper mine in northwestern Nevada. The company's goal is to achieve favorable clean technologies to promote the organic growth of specialty GOLD'n GRO fertilizers, silver, zinc and minerals. The company's technology maximizes the recovery and utilization of metals and minerals. Through its subsidiary Itronics Metallurgical, Inc., Itronics is the only company in the United States that has a fully permitted “beneficial-use photochemical, silver and water recycling” plant that converts waste light liquid into pure silver and GOLD'n GRO Liquid fertilizer . The company is developing environmentally friendly mining technology. Itronics has received numerous domestic and international awards in recognition of its ability to successfully use science and engineering techniques to create and implement new environmentally friendly clean recycling and fertilizer technologies.
Kadant Inc. (NYSE: KAI) is a global supplier of key components and engineering systems with high global value. Dës Produkter a Prozesssystemer ginn an der globaler Prozessindustrie benotzt. D'Produkter, Technologien a Servicer vun der Firma spillen eng onverzichtbar Roll fir d'Prozeseffizienz ze verbesseren, d'Energieverbrauch ze optimiséieren an d'Produktivitéit an de Ressourceintensiven Industrien ze maximéieren. Kadant's headquarters are located in Westford, Massachusetts.
Leaf Clean Energy Company (LSE: LEAF.L) is a renewable energy and sustainable technology investment company that provides venture capital and growth capital throughout the renewable energy industry to support innovative, well-managed, and rapidly growing companies. Leaf huet d'Ënnerstëtzung vun e puer vun de weltgréissten institutionellen Investisseuren.
Nevada Firma LiqTech International, Inc. (NYSE MKT: LIQT) ass eng propper Technologiefirma déi déi lescht Technologie fir Gas- a Flëssegkeetsreinigung entwéckelt a geliwwert huet mat Keramik Siliziumkarbidfilter fir méi wéi zéng Joer, besonnesch héich spezialiséiert Filteren, benotzt fir ze kontrolléieren the dust emission particles and liquid filtration of diesel engines. LiqTech uses nanotechnology to develop products using proprietary silicon carbide technology. LiqTech's products are based on a unique silicon carbide film that can promote new applications and improve existing technologies. In particular, the company's subsidiary Provital Solutions A/S has developed new water filtration technology standards to meet the growing demand for higher water quality. By combining LiqTech's SiC liquid membrane technology with its long-term system design experience and functions, it can provide solutions to the most difficult water pollution problems.
Liteon Semiconductor Group (Taiwan: 5305.TW) designs, develops, encapsulates and tests a series of semiconductor components related to green power supplies. These components are mainly used in communication, information, switching power supplies and system power supplies for consumer electronics. Mir sinn och eng vun de wéinege Firmen déi eng gréng Kraaftplattform hunn, duerch déi mir eis diskret Geräter, Analog ICs an Ambient Liicht / Proximitéit Sensoren duerch verschidde Matrixkombinatiounen kombinéiere kënnen, sou datt mir séier total Kraaft bauen fir déi maximal Energie z'erreechen. saving needs Management solutions. Power saving is an inevitable global trend, and its influence has been extended to household appliances and consumer products, which will further promote the demand for global power management solutions. Duerch kontinuéierlech Efforten fir d'Breet an d'Tiefe vun eise Produkter op der GreenPower Plattform auszebauen, ass dem LSC säin Zil ee vun de beschten Green Power Semiconductor Komponent Fournisseuren op der Welt ze ginn.
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. The company, through its subsidiary Mantra Energy Alternatives, is currently developing two pioneering electrochemical technologies aimed at making the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions profitable, namely ERC (Electrical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide) and MRFC (Mixed Reaction Fuel Cell). ERC is a form of “carbon capture and utilization” (CCU) that converts the polluting greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into useful and valuable products, including formic acid and formate. By using clean electricity, this process provides industrial plants with the potential to reduce emissions, while generating marketable products and profits. MRFC is an unconventional fuel cell that uses a mixture of fuel and oxidant, which greatly reduces the complexity and cost of the fuel cell system. MRFC is ideal for portable applications and is cheaper, lighter and more compact than traditional fuel cell technology.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agricultural/environmental industry. Its main activities include the following three aspects: Ecological agriculture (in China, the focus is on planting high value-added tree seedlings and nursery products). Renewable energy (renewable energy) (it is engaged in various renewable energy projects around the world, including China's Huangjiao Horn), it will provide valuable Huangjiao valuable seeds, and ultimately extract oil from these seeds, Used to produce biodiesel and high-quality healthy edible oil. ) A kanadesche MMPR-et sicht Méiglechkeeten an der medizinescher Cannabisindustrie. De Moment sicht et de Status vun engem kanadesche MMPR lizenzéierte Produzent fir medizinesch Marihuana a Kanada ze wuessen fir den Hauskonsum an den Export an genehmegt Länner.

Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. (NasdaqGM: MBII) is a growth-oriented company that helps customers operate by discovering, developing and selling innovative biological products for crop protection, plant health and waterway system treatment, thereby leading the world A more sustainable direction to develop more sustainable development, while increasing the rate of return on investment. MBI used its in-depth understanding of the plant and soil microbiome to screen out more than 18,000 microorganisms and 350 plant extracts. Advanced molecular technology and natural product chemistry have enhanced their knowledge, thereby rapidly developing seven product series. MBI currently has more than 400 issued and pending patents. These powerful product portfolios support Regalia®, Stargus®, Grandevo®, Venerate®, Majestene®, Haven® and Amplitude®, Zelto®JetOxide® and JetAg® and Zequanox®, a breakthrough biological herbicide and biological fumigant in the company's product line. Dem MBI seng Duechtergesellschaft zu Pro Farm, Finnland, benotzt propriétaire Technologien, déi aus Holzoffall ofgeleet ginn, fir de Planzewachstum ze stimuléieren an d'Planzegesondheet ze verbesseren, doduerch d'Ausbezuelung an d'Erntequalitéit ze erhéijen. Products include UBP-110®, LumiBio™, LumiBio Valta™, LumiBio Kelta™, Foramin®.
Maxtech Ventures Inc. (CSE: MVT) ass eng diversifizéiert industriell Firma mat Gold a Mangan Eegeschafte mat Sëtz a Kanada. Its focus is on mining and its derivatives. The company intends to first develop manganese deposits and eventually become an important force in green manganese ore, and eventually become an important low-cost manganese supplier in the industrial and emerging LMC battery market. Maxtech Ventures huet Projet Interesse an etabléiert strategesch Partnerschaften a Südamerika, Afrika, Indien a Kanada.
Mechanical Technology Company (OTC Pink: MKTY) through its subsidiary MTI Instruments, Inc. is engaged in the design, manufacture and sales of test and measuring instruments and systems, and through its latest subsidiary EcoChain, it develops a renewable energy-powered cryptocurrency mining Business, Inc.
Meridian Waste Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: MRDN) is our commitment, that is, our commitment to serve our customers with unwavering respect, fairness and care. We focus on finding and implementing solutions for our customers' resource needs and challenges, and our basic goal is to find rewarding solutions through technology and innovation. Eist Gesondheetsgeschäft ass engagéiert fir Gemeinschaftsbaséiert Synergien duerch Zesummenaarbecht a Softwareléisungen ze kreéieren. Eist innovativt Geschäft (www.attisinnovations.com) beméit sech fir Wäert aus recycléierte Ressourcen ze kreéieren.
Micron Waste Technologies Inc. (CSE: MWM) is a well-funded technology company. The company's food and other organic waste system is designed to manage food and other organic waste on-site, turning it into clean water. D'Firma aerobe Verdauung adoptéiert MOC Technologie, déi d'Verdauungseffizienz vu Mikroorganismen ëm bis zu 95% erhéijen kann. Déi reschtlech 5% vun onverdaute Partikele gi weider veraarbecht, an d'Kläranlag entsprécht de kommunale Kläranlag Normen. In view of the promotion of further cost efficiency and the implementation of increasingly strict regulations to prohibit food and other organic waste from entering landfills around the world, Micron's technology is an ideal solution for on-site processing of food and other organic waste.
MFRI, Inc (NASDAQ: MFRI) fabrizéiert virisoléiert speziell Päifsystemer fir Ueleg- a Gassammlung, Fernheizung a Killmëttel, an aner Uwendungen. D'Gesellschaft Ganz Reaktivéiere och Ärer industriez Indial Feestratiounspromaterial fir Deel an aner Loftbeschställ ze entfernen.

Natural Blue Resources, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ass eng Entwécklungsphasefirma déi sech an der Exploratioun, Acquisitioun an Entwécklung vu verschiddene verbonne gréng Geschäfter engagéiert. The company is engaged in waste stream recycling and plastic and steel recycling business. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Eis Hafenempfangsanlagen zu Rotterdam (Holland), Gibraltar, Lissabon (Portugal) an Texas Gulf Coast (USA) sammelen a behandelen Marineoffall am Aklang mat der "Malpol Annex IV". Eis Ueleg- a Gasdepartement ass zu Stavanger, Norwegen a spezialiséiert op Onshore- an Offshorebehandlung vun Offall entstinn während Ueleg- a Gasfuerschung a Produktioun. Our engineering team specializes in the design, engineering, installation and maintenance of onshore and offshore waste treatment solutions.

Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. (CSE: LUX) is committed to recovering pollutants and residual precious metals from residual historical waste from a century of inefficient artisanal and small-scale mining. The company focuses on politically and socially stable jurisdictions in Latin America. Newlox has reached an agreement with a local artisanal mining cooperative to provide a stable supply of raw materials, and is currently testing the first processing plant in Central America with experienced engineers and metallurgists. The centuries-old history of mining in Latin America and the current inefficiency of manual processing provide the company with ample opportunities to develop its business model. Newlox huet en Nischmaart an der Miningindustrie fonnt. Cleantech companies can use innovative processing technologies to not only recover precious metals, but also make positive changes to the environment and social environment through its operations.

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "

NuEarth Corporation (OTC: NUEC) develops and sells organic and biodegradable products in the United States. The company develops clean and green soil and water conservation technologies. Its product line includes NuSoil liquid and granular products to change the properties of erosion into productive land; SaltBlocker is an organic substance that limits the utilization of salt cations and anions in liquid soil and changes the penetration of soil composites Pressure; NuWater, NuSoil hydrogel additive, helps prevent sand and dust storms; an AquaSolv flësseg a granulär Formel, déi d'Penetratioun vum Waasser verlangsamen a lateral duerch d'Wurzelgebitt verbreet. D'Firma liwwert och DustBlocker a RoadBinder anionesch Polyacrylamid, wat et erméiglecht Stroossemanager a Minen a Bauplazen Stëbs a Verdichtung ze managen. Zousätzlech huet et och d'CL-40 Serie vu Produkter entwéckelt, wéi Botzmëttel fir verschidde Botzapplikatiounen, Komposit Stripper a Graffiti Remover.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) bitt berufflech technesch Ingenieurs- a Berodungsléisungen fir ëffentlechen a private Secteur Clienten an der Infrastruktur, Energie, Bau, Immobilien an Ëmweltmäert. NV5 konzentréiert sech op fënnef Geschäftsberäicher: Bauqualitéitssécherung, Infrastruktur, Ingenieurs- an Ënnerstëtzungsservicer, Energie, Programmmanagement an Ëmweltléisungen. The company has 42 locations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Office, headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
Offsetters Climate Solutions Inc (TSX: COO.V; Frankfurt: 9EA.F) is an international diversified carbon management and agroforestry solutions company. Mat Offsetters Büroen zu Vancouver, British Columbia, a Portland, Oregon, a Forest Finest Consulting Büroen zu Bonn, Däitschland a Panama, bitt seng Industrie Leader Team net nëmme Produkter, mee konzentréiert sech och op héichqualitativ Landwirtschaft a Bëschaarbecht a Kuelestoff Offset Projeten Initiatioun , development and commercialization of a complete set of sustainable development consulting services. Through the Offsetters Advisory Services Group and Germany-based CO2OL, the company can help organizations understand, reduce and offset their impact on the climate. Offsetters has cooperated with more than 200 leading business organizations, including Aimia, Vancity, lululemon sportsa, Catalyst Paper, Harbor Air, HSE-Entega and Shell Canada Limited.
ORBITE Technologies INC (TSX: ORT.TO; OTC: EORBF) (fréier bekannt als Orbite Aluminae Inc.) ass eng kanadesch propper Technologiefirma där hir innovativ a propriétaire Prozesser erwaart ginn Aluminiumoxid an aner héichwäerteg Produkter ze produzéieren wéi seelen Äerd a rare metals Using raw materials including bauxite, kaolin, nepheline, bauxite, bauxite, red mud, fly ash and serpentine residues from chrysotile processing plants, in a sustainable manner, at the lowest cost in the industry One produces oxides. Orbite is currently finalizing its first commercial high-purity alumina (HPA) production plant in Cap-Chat, Quebec, and has completed the basic construction of the proposed smelter-grade alumina (SGA) production plant, which will use mined clay Withdraw from his Grande-Vallée Depot. The first intellectual property family obtained patents in Canada, the United States, Australia, China, Japan and Russia. The company also operates an advanced technology development center in Laval, Quebec, where technology has been developed and verified.
Pacific Environment Limited (ASX: PEH.AX) is an environmental consulting and technology solutions company. Et bitt den EnviroSuite System fir personaliséiert Wiederprevisiounen, Loftqualitéit a Kaméidimanagement, Explosiouns- a Reklamatiounsmanagement, national pollutant Inventairen, an national Treibhause- an Energieberichter. The company also provides air quality and weather services, including air quality modeling and assessment, odor and dust specialization, forecasting and analysis, emission estimation and inventory, pollution reduction plans, process design optimization, regulatory compliance and reporting, and transportation emissions assessment. Dësen Zousätzlech ass d'Firma och Emisse nach per Eemerorteren an der selwechter Expositioun, déi Empirementsichéiere an engem Iwwersësssaagsiwwersung hutt, Aarbechtsplazen zevillpaart; environmental monitoring procedures and investigations, fugitive emissions measurement and modeling , Real-time data acquisition and management system and intensive field procedures. Ausserdeem analyséiert, schätzt a bericht d'Emissiounen; conducts carbon audits; checks climate risks; and designs mitigation strategies for carbon management. In addition, the company provides toxicology and risk assessment; akustesch Berodung a Kaméidi Iwwerwaachung; Gemengerot festen Offall Kollektioun, Recycling, an Deponie Gas Gestioun; groundwater monitoring; hydrogeologesch Waasserqualitéit a Chemie; solid waste management; a kontaminéierte Land Bewäertungsservicer. It has operations in Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Africa, America and Europe. D'Firma déngt Ueleg, Gas an Energie; mining; ports; agriculture; government; transportation, manufacturing and industry; waste and wastewater treatment sectors.

Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .
PEN Inc. (OTC: PENC) is a global leader in the development, commercialization and marketing of nanotechnology-based consumer and industrial products that can solve the daily problems of customers in the optics, transportation, military, sports, and security industries. Through Nanofilm Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of PEN, the company develops, manufactures and sells nanotechnology-based products, including ULTRACLARITY® brand eyewear cleaners, CLARITY DEFOG IT™ brand defogging products, and CLARITYULTRASEAL® glass and ceramic nano coatings product. D'Gesellschaft verkeeft och ëmweltfrëndlech Helo} bemäerzleche Schüler, Verhënnerungs- an Offäll, de Lellebillesser Bannert Desolidysschologie. LLDC. D'Firma Applied Nanotech, Inc. Duechtergesellschaft zu Austin, Texas déngt als Designzentrum, liwwert R&D Servicer fir Regierung a Privatclienten an dem PEN seng nei Produktentwécklung, konzentréiert sech op Innovatioun a fortgeschratt Technologie an de Beräicher Sécherheet, Gesondheet an Nohaltegkeet Produktléisungen.
Perma-Fix Environmental Services (NasdaqCM: PESI) ass eng nuklear Servicer Firma an e féierende Fournisseur vun nuklear a gemëscht Offall Management Servicer. The company's nuclear waste services include the management and treatment of radioactive and mixed waste for hospitals, research laboratories and institutions, federal agencies (including the US Department of Energy), the Department of Defense (“DOD”) and the commercial nuclear industry. The company's nuclear service department provides customers with project management, waste management, environmental remediation, decontamination and decommissioning, new construction, and radiation protection, safety and industrial hygiene capabilities. D'Firma bedreift véier nuklear Offallbehandlungsanlagen a bitt nuklear Servicer an DOE, DOD a kommerziell Ariichtungen am ganze Land.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produzéiert zouverlässeg, kosteneffektiv an emissiounsfräi Kraaftquellen déi am Feld oder fir Mikrogrid Uwendungen benotzt kënne ginn. PowerVerde's ORC Technologie kann och mat Geothermie, Biomass a Solarwärmequellen kombinéiert ginn.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. D'Späicherléisungen vu Powin Energy bidden e vitale Link an der Entwécklung vu Wand- a Solarenergie andeems se Technologien ubidden, déi dës Projete méi effizient maachen.

Pyxis Tanker Company (NasdaqCM: PXS) has a modern fleet of 6 tankers, engaged in the maritime transportation of refined petroleum products and other bulk liquids. Mir konzentréieren eis op d'Entwécklung vun eiser Flott vu mëttelgrousse Produkttanker, déi operationell Flexibilitéit a verstäerkte Gewënnpotenzial ubidden wéinst hiren "ökologeschen" Funktiounen an Ännerungen (ökologesch effizient oder ökologesch modifizéiert Design). With a competitive cost structure, strong customer relationships and an experienced management team, we are at a favorable opportunity to expand our fleet and align its interests with the interests of our shareholders.
QS Energy, Inc. (OTC: QSEP) (virdrun bekannt als Save The World Air, Inc.) bitt patentéiert geschützt Industrieausrüstung fir d'global Energieindustrie an zielt fir moossbar Leeschtungsverbesserunge fir Rohölleitungen ze bréngen. The QS Energy high-value solution developed in cooperation with leading crude oil production and transportation entities solves the huge capacity shortage problem of domestic and foreign pipeline infrastructure designed and constructed before the current surge in global oil production. In order to support our customers' commitment to responsible energy and environmental management procurement, QS Energy combines scientific research with creative problem solutions to provide energy-efficient “clean technology” solutions, thereby providing upstream, midstream and agglomeration belts Bring new efficiency and reduce operating Käschten fir d'Departement.
Quantum Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: QTM.AX) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and distribute energy-efficient hot water, heating and cooling systems for residential and commercial markets in Australia and internationally. D'Firma bitt Solarenergiesystemer, Heisswaasserheizungen a Poolheizungen, souwéi kommerziell an industriell Gebaiheizungen.
Questor Technology Inc. D'Entflossung weist op op der Cracity Technologie a huet Bannenhungen a Kanaden, d'USAen, d'Vereenegung. Questor designs and manufactures high-efficiency waste gas incinerators for sale or lease, and also provides combustion-related oilfield services. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor ass bekannt fir seng speziell Expertise am Sauergas (H2S) Verbrennung. Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Och wann dem Questor seng aktuell Clientsbasis haaptsächlech an der Rohöl- an Erdgasindustrie operéiert, ass d'Verbrennungstechnologie vun der Firma och applicabel fir aner Industrien, wéi Deponien, Waasser- a Kläranlag, Pneuenverwäertung a Landwirtschaft.

REG Technologies Inc (TSX: RRE.V; OTC: REGRF) is developing a commercialized improved axial vane rotary engine called Rand Cam (R) / RadMax (TM) rotation technology for lightweight and High-efficiency revolutionary design. Engine, compressor and pump. Verglach mat der 40 bewegende Deeler an engem einfachen véier-Zylinder Piston Esterood, den Radmax ™ Motor huet nëmmen zwee eenzegaarteg. An de Rator. Dësen innovativen Design mécht et méiglech bis zu 24 kontinuéierlech Muecht Impulser pro Revolutioun ze generéieren, ouni Schwéngung an extrem roueg. RadMax(TM) engines also have multiple functions that enable them to run on fuels including gasoline, natural gas, hydrogen, propane and diesel.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . Mir wäerten dëst Thema duerch d'Mark vun der Mark hei ™ adresséieren, a léisst Cliente wëssen datt se op d'Republik kënne vertrauen fir eng exzellent Erfahrung ze bidden, wärend en nohaltege Blue Planet ™ fir zukünfteg Generatiounen förderen fir eng propper, méi sécher a méi gesond Welt ze genéissen.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. The company provides technical consulting services for engines, powertrain and gearboxes, hybrid and electrical systems, and vehicle systems; an Ëmweltberodung Servicer. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value Problemléisungen, Fuerschung an Entwécklung Gestioun vu Passagéier Gefierer, kommerziell Gefierer, landwirtschaftlech an industriell Gefierer, Loftfaart, Eisebunn, Schëffer, héich-Performance Gefierer an Racing Autoen, Motocycletten a perséinlechen Transport, Strategie an Ëmsetzung vun elektresche Gefierer, a Schlëssel Technologie Analyse. Zousätzlech verkeeft an ënnerstëtzt d'Firma och eng Serie vun Design- an Analysesoftwareprodukter, déi speziell fir Uwendungen an der Powertrain-Entwécklung an der Gefierintegratiounsprozess entwéckelt goufen; and provides technical assistance, training and information services. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) ass eng onofhängeg Ueleg- a Gasfirma weltwäit. It operates through upstream and downstream market segments. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; extracts bitumen from mined oil sands and converts it into synthetic crude oil; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. In addition, the company is engaged in the manufacture, supply, and transportation of crude oil; sells fuels, lubricants, bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for household, transportation and industrial purposes; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; provides transportation services; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. The company owns approximately 24 oil refineries; 1,500 storage tanks; and 150 distribution facilities. It sells fuel under the Shell V-Power brand.
RusHydro (Russia: MICEX: HYDR) is one of the largest power generation companies in Russia. RusHydro is Russia's leading producer of renewable energy, with more than 70 power generation facilities in Russia and abroad. The company also manages many R&D, engineering and power retail companies. D'thermesch Verméigen vum Grupp ginn vun der Duechtergesellschaft RAO Eastern Energy Systems am russesche Fernen Osten operéiert.
Siemens (NYSE: SI) ass déi eenzeg integréiert Technologiefirma op der Welt. Its products, solutions and services are integrated, covering the entire energy conversion chain, and are the first to provide technical solutions to make this smart grid a reality. Siemens war ëmmer e Leader a komplexe Produkter a Léisunge fir Iwwerdroung a Verdeelungsnetzinstrumentatioun, Iwwerwaachung a Kontroll. Therefore, Siemens' smart grid technology has proven its reliability, availability, and cost-effectiveness in many different projects around the world in Austria, Canada, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the UAE, and the United States.
Sierra Monitor Corporation (OTC: SRMC) addresses the industrial and commercial facility management markets with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions that connect and protect high-value infrastructure assets. System integrators and OEMs use the company's FieldServer branded protocol gateway to implement local and remote monitoring of assets and facilities. FieldServer huet méi wéi 100.000 Produkter, ënnerstëtzt méi wéi 140 Protokoller installéiert a kommerziellen an industriellen Ariichtungen, an ass de féierende Multi-Protokoll Gateway vun der Industrie. Industriell a kommerziell Ariichtungsmanager benotzen Sierra Monitor's Sentry IT Feier- a Gaserkennungsléisungen fir hiert Personal a Besëtz ze schützen. Sentry IT brand controllers, sensor modules and software have been installed in thousands of facilities, such as natural gas vehicle refueling and maintenance stations, wastewater treatment plants, oil and gas refineries and pipelines, parking lots, US Navy ships and underground telephone warehouses. Sierra Monitor is headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley in Milpitas, California. It was founded in 1979 and has been a public company since 1989. By combining its outstanding performance in the field of industrial sensing and automation with emerging IoT technologies (such as cloud connectivity, big data, and analysis and analysis, Sierra Monitor is at the forefront of emerging IIoT trends.
Smartcole Systemer Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; tsx: SSC.V) liwwert déi fortgeschratt Energie spueren an Energiekäschten Reduktiounssituren. ECO3 an ESM sinn Smartcool seng eenzegaarteg Retrofit-Technologien, déi den Energieverbrauch vu Kompressere bei Klimaanlag-, Kälte- a Wärmepompelsystemer ëm 15% bis 20% reduzéiere kënnen, an domat e Rendement op Investitioun bannent 12 bis 36 Méint kréien
Solarbrook Hydropower Corporation (OTC: SLRW) a seng Filialen si fir d'Entwécklung, d'Fabrikatioun an d'Vermaartung vu Waassermanagement a propper Energie integréiert Léisunge fir de Konsument-, Gemengen- an Industriemäert an den USA gewidmet. The company designs, builds, sells and installs water filtration and water treatment systems to remove harmful metals, elements and compounds in drinking water and wastewater. It also distributes water filtration systems and provides funding for water treatment systems for households and businesses; and provides municipal aeration and oxygen mixing equipment and dissolved oxygen in water for various industries. In addition, the company also provides wastewater treatment solutions for industrial and government customers. SolarBrook Hydropower mainly supplies products to original equipment manufacturers in the United States and Europe.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. An der kontinuéierlecher Entwécklung vun dësem Gebitt zielt eis lescht Mark GO Zitat d'Solarindustrie z'ënnerstëtzen an de Konsumenten d'Méiglechkeet ze ginn fir gratis Installatiounsquote vu lokale Solaranbieter ze kréien, während CO2 Global Qualitéitssécherung (QA) a Qualitéitskontroll (QC) bitt. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) is an energy services holding company headquartered in Folsom, New Jersey, and operates through two main subsidiaries. South Jersey Gas is one of the fastest-growing natural gas utility companies in the United States, providing clean, efficient natural gas to approximately 370,000 customers in southern New Jersey and improving energy efficiency. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable energy; for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; Grousshandel Commodity Verkaf a Brennstoffversuergungsmanagement Servicer ubidden; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.

SPX Corp. (NYSE: SPW) is a global, multi-industry manufacturer with operations in 35 countries. The company's highly specialized engineering products and technologies focus on flow technology and energy infrastructure. Many of SPX's innovative solutions play an important role in helping meet the growing global demand for electricity, processed food and beverages, especially in emerging markets. The company's products include food processing systems for the food and beverage industry, key flow components for oil and gas processing, power transformers for utility companies, and cooling systems for power plants. D'Effizienz a kommerziell Viabilitéit vun der Entwécklung vun erneierbaren Energie ass e wichtege Bestanddeel vun der Entwécklung vun engem séchere Stroumnetz fir d'Zukunft. Mir hu vill Joer Erfarung fir verschidden Aarte vun Ausrüstung ze bidden, dorënner Pompelen, Filteren, Loftgekillte Kondensatoren, Dampgeneratoren, Dampkontrollventile a geschmollte Salzmixer.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) provides planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape design, survey, environmental science for infrastructure and projects in Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; Kontroll Panel Fabrikatioun Servicer; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; and brand services, as well as development, design, installation and integrity maintenance services for oil and gas pipeline systems and station facilities. Ausserdeem gëtt et och professionell Servicer an der Ökologie, der Ëmweltrestauratioun, Waasserressourcen a reglementaresche Support fir ëffentlech a privat Clienten an de Beräicher Elektrizitéit, Transport, Energie a Ressourcen, souwéi Servicer am kulturelle Ressourcemanagement an historesche Schutz.
STT Enviro Corp (TSX: STT.V) (formerly Semcan Inc) provides cost-effective and incremental environmental improvements for traditional industrial products. D'Firma hir zwou Virzweisen ze bedéieren an den Aarbechter an d'Léisung an STT-Cornerivele sprealeschen Divanz, sinn en International Divisioun ofzeginn. Stt endino Corp's System an d'Léisung Ingenieuren bidden och chemesch Make-Timepervensméiglechkeeten fir Pollutralanten (normalerweis sauerem Waasser) generéiert an der Äerzlecher and after-sales services, including optimizing the use of chemicals for our customers to reduce Cost and reduce carbon footprint. Stt Enviro Corps Panzer an Industrie Ingenieur liwweren Panzer fir trocken a flësseg Späicherwendungen mat engem klengen Ëmfeld. Environmental factors are a prerequisite for the expansion of modern industry. STT Enviro Corp. ass engagéiert fir e Leader an Innovator ze ginn fir d'Ëmwelt graduell ze verbesseren. D'Strategie vun der Firma ass organesch ze wuessen, a laangfristeg d'Firma zu engem Präis mat strategesche a finanzielle Virdeeler ze kréien.
Sun Pazifik Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SnPL BESLOS) Blockchin: Januar 2018 € d'Initiativer annoncéiert d'Kontrollzwassungskursung an hir ernatierlech Energiegeschäfter Modellie, fir d'Effizienz vu Glanzungsgestin vu Véierelgrousse Wisen. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain Technologie kann nei Stroumnetzer iwwerwaachen, Belaaschtungsbalance an d'Liewensdauer vun elektreschen Ausrüstung verlängeren.

Synex International Inc. Servicer an der Stad. Water resources, especially hydropower facilities. Synex is an independent power producer with 11 megawatts of hydroelectric power generation capacity in British Columbia (mainly on Vancouver Island).
Synodon Inc. (TSX: SYD.V) ass eng Technologiefirma déi e fortgeschrattene Airborne Remote Gas Fernsensorsystem entwéckelt huet baséiert op dem kanadesche Weltraumprogramm an Technologie entwéckelt vu Synodon Wëssenschaftler, genannt realSens ™. The company currently provides advanced airborne pipeline integrity management services for the oil and gas industry through a series of services, including natural gas and liquid hydrocarbon leak detection, pipeline threat assessment, and waterway intersection analysis.
Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. the Natural Gas Technology Institute. SES Gasification Technology (SGT) kann propper, bëlleg Syngas fir Kraaftproduktioun, industriell Brennstoffer, Chemikalien, Dünger an Transportbrennstoffer produzéieren, an doduerch deier Äerdgasenergie ersetzen. SGT can also produce high-purity hydrogen for use as a cleaner transportation fuel. SGT benotzt de bloen Himmel fir Wuesstum z'erreechen a méi grouss Brennstoffflexibilitéit fir grouss-Skala an effizient kleng a mëttel-Skala Operatiounen bei Brennstoffquellen ze bidden. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.

Tembec (TSX: TMB.TO) is a manufacturer of wood, pulp, paper and specialty cellulose forest products, and a global leader in sustainable forest management practices. Den Haaptgeschäft ass a Kanada a Frankräich.
Tennant Corporation (NYSE: TNC) is a global leader in the design, manufacturing and marketing of solutions that enable customers to obtain high-quality cleaning performance, significantly reduce their environmental impact and help create a cleaner , A safer and healthier world. Seng Produkter enthalen Ausrüstung déi benotzt gëtt fir Flächen an industriellen, kommerziellen an Outdoor Ëmfeld z'erhalen; chemical-free and other sustainable cleaning technologies; and coatings used to protect, repair and upgrade surfaces. Tennant's global field service network is the most extensive in the industry. Tennant has manufacturing operations in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Michigan, Holland; Louisville, Kentucky; Uden, the Netherlands; the United Kingdom; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Shanghai, China; an duerch Distributeuren a méi wéi 80 Länner a 15 Länner Verkaaft Produkter direkt.

TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) ass e globalen diversifizéierte Besëtzer vu propperen Energieverméigen, dorënner Solar-, Wand- a Waasserkraaftprojeten an attraktiven, héije Wuesstum opkomende Mäert.

Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; Absorptiounssystemer, dorënner Absorptiounskühler, Wärmepompelen, Solarkühlungsprodukter a loftgekillte Wärmetauscher; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; an Brennstoff an thermesch Ueleg Heizungen. It also provides water treatment, sugar and paper industries, oil fields, green, construction and fireside chemicals, as well as ion exchange resins and fuel additives; EPC Kraaftwierker; thermesch a photovoltaesch Solarléisungen; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; an Ersatzdeeler. D'Firma bitt Servicer fir Ueleg a Gas, Stol, Automotive, Liewensmëttel, Zement, chemesch, Raffinéierung a petrochemesch, Kraaftproduktioun, Textil, pharmazeutesch, Pabeier a Pulp, Uelegdepotheizung, Raumheizung, Zocker, Faarwen, Gummi an Iessueleg industries; Hoteler a kommerziell Komplexen; EPC Fachleit a Beroder; Wënzer a Gemengen.

TRC Companies, Inc. TRC is a national engineering, environmental consulting and construction management company for energy, environment and infrastructure The market provides integrated services. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. D'Resultater vun TRC erméiglechen de Clienten Erfolleg an enger komplexer a verännerter Welt.
Trex Co. Inc. (NYSE: TREX) ass de weltgréisste Hiersteller vun héich performant Holz Ersatzstécker a Gelänner, mat méi wéi 20 Joer Produkterfarung. Trex Outdoor Living Produkter sinn a méi wéi 6,700 Geschäfter weltwäit verfügbar, déi eng Vielfalt vu Stiloptiounen ubidden. Am Verglach mam Holz erfuerdert et manner Routinehaltung an ass eng ëmweltverantwortlech Wiel.

American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) is a leading environmental service provider for commercial and government agencies in North America. The company meets customers' complex waste management needs, providing hazardous, non-hazardous and radioactive waste treatment, disposal and recycling, as well as a wide range of complementary on-site and industrial services. D'US Ökologie konzentréiert sech op Sécherheet, Ëmweltkonformitéit, an éischtklasseg Clientsservice, wat eis erlaabt effektiv Clientebedürfnisser z'erreechen an laangfristeg Kooperatiounsverhältnisser opzebauen. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.

West Hill Capital Corporation / Phase Separation Solutions (PS2) (TSX: WMT.V) ass eng Ëmweltléisungsfirma a Kanada etabléiert déi spezialiséiert ass op d'Hëtztbehandlung vu verschiddene geféierlechen an net-geféierlechen Offallstroum. Through its subsidiaries, it uses a unique indirect heating, closed-loop technology that can extract the most dangerous pollutants from soil and industrial sludge, and convert most of them into reusable petroleum and synthetic natural gas to maintain The process. Compared with traditional hazardous waste destruction technology, this method provides an important opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases. The company's management team has expertise in hazardous waste management and contaminated site remediation, and has extensive experience in North America and 15 countries/regions around the world. Shanghai phase separation
Winning Brands Corporation (OTC: WNBD) is a manufacturer of advanced environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. In addition to using www.Vappex.com technology to commercialize steam disinfectant www.BlauAire.com as a joint venture, Winning Brands is also a KIND(R) laundry product, 1000+(TM) detergent, the most versatile cleaning solution in the Welt (TM), (www.1000Plus.ca), Brilliant Wet Cleaning Solutions (www.BrilliantWetCleaning.com) an aner Produkter geliwwert duerch seng Duechtergesellschaft Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd. Charakteristiken. Some of the largest retailers in Canada, including Wal-Mart in Canada, Home Depot, Lowe's, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, and many stores in the United States, can use 1,000+ from the coast to the coast. TrackMoist and ReGUARD4 are examples of industry-specific solutions from Winning Brands. TrackMoist enhances the performance of dusty surfaces used in sports and entertainment venues (www.TrackMoist.com). ReGUARD4 is a series of fire safety cleaning solutions for emergency personnel.
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) ass eng vun de meescht respektéierten Design-, Ingenieurs- a Projektmanagement Berodungsfirmen op der Welt. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins is at the forefront of the maritime renewable energy revolution, providing reliable concepts and detailed engineering design and owner-engineer services in the fields of wind, wave and tidal energy.
WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) is one of the world's leading professional service companies. LSSSburg AN TEISEN Technririire fir Immaltere Leit, an der Ëmfrastikfahrung oder Ueleg- an Ressourcen, déi zum nigoringen Gas) ënnerloossen (Owesiessen an Gas Nidderkegkeet a Faart (Gas ënnersträischen. WSP bitt och héich spezialiséiert Servicer an der Liwwerung vu Projeten a strategesch Berodung. Its experts include engineers, consultants, technicians, scientists, architects, planners, surveyors and environmental experts, as well as other design, planning and construction management professionals. With approximately 34,000 employees in 500 offices in 40 countries/regions, WSP has the advantage of successful and sustainable projects under the WSP and WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff brands. Water: In June 2016, the company announced that it had reached an agreement with Schlumberger, the world's leading oilfield services company, to acquire its industrial water consulting business. This business will enable WSP to provide water consulting services and project solutions to global industrial customers.
Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. (OTC: WUHN) is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and sales of industrial blowers for steam-driven power plants in the People's Republic of China. Its blower products include axial fans, which can provide large flow and low-pressure air for large power stations; centrifugal blowers and centrifugal blowers, which provide a small amount of air at higher pressures, and can be used in medium-sized power stations to blow pulverized coal into the furnace , And aeration in sewage treatment plants. The company also produces steam and water turbines, including conventional steam turbines and cogeneration steam turbines, for use in electric and hydroelectric power plants. Zousätzlech produzéiert et och Blower Silencers, Stecker an aner gemeinsam Deeler fir Blower an elektresch Ausrüstung. Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. mainly sells products to steel companies, power plants, chemical plants, paper mills and hydropower plants.

5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. D'Firma ass komplett integréiert mat zougemaache Recyclingsanlagen, huet säi Sëtz zu Montreal, Québec, Kanada, an huet Fabrikatiounsanlagen a Verkafsbüroen a ville Regiounen an Europa, Amerika an Asien. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials
Huaguan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. The company is also involved in providing technical support and after-sales service for LED chips and LED chips. The company's LED products are mainly used in displays, automobiles, consumer electronics, communication products, information products and indicator lights. The company's products are distributed in the domestic market and other Asian countries. AOC ass elo den Haaptlieferant vu ville féierende LED Hiersteller op der Welt

BYD Co., Ltd. Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.

Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) leads the LED lighting revolution and obsolete traditional lighting technologies that waste energy by using energy-saving, mercury-free LED lighting. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. D'Cree Produktlinn enthält LED Luuchten a Knollen, blo a gréng LED Chips, High-Hellness LEDs, Beliichtungsgrad Power LEDs, Power Switching Geräter a RF Apparater. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.

CRS Electronics Inc. (TSX: LED.V) ass e Leader am opkomende, séier wuessende High-Effizienz Light-Emitting Diode ("LED") oder Solid-State Beliichtung ("SSL") Maart. Déi Haaptaktiven Aktivitéiten vun den Cam ass d'Elepper-accare, Fabetakruppen an Zuchsprodukter Produkter, sou wéi d'Propriussienm a Betterbilldonnagen fir Schoulkannermoulliséierung fir Schoulkannermoucherung fir Schoulkannermoucherung fir Schoulk verluer Ersicht keng Ersatzspiller Brieder an Nordamerika. Since 1998, as an innovator of LED solutions, CRS Electronics Inc. has continued to expand its product portfolio and market share with business partners and customers. KVIC Lighting™ and Lumenova™ are two product lines that reflect CRS Electronics Inc.'s commitment to expansion.

Dialight plc (LSE: DIA.L) The group includes the following business units: lighting to meet the growing demand for energy-saving lighting solutions in industrial/hazardous locations; signals covering traffic, transportation and obstacle signals; and mainly to electronics OEM sells components to indicate status. D'Firma huet säi Sëtz a Groussbritannien, mat Geschäftsplazen an Australien, Brasilien, Dänemark, Däitschland, Malaysia, Mexiko, Singapur, de VAE, Groussbritannien an den USA.

Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) ass e Pionéier an der Entwécklung vun enger oppener Standard Kontrollnetzplattform, déi eng industriell Kraaft "Gerätgemeinschaft" am Design, Installatioun, Iwwerwaachung a Kontroll vu Beliichtung, Bauautomatiséierung, Internet of Things, an industriell Uwendungen All déi néideg Elementer. Global related markets. Als Deel vun der Ezot ™ Plattform, Echelon verkeeft seng Luuchtprodukter ënner der Lumenli Fongwave, souwéi säi Gebai Authation an aner ikiatlässeg Produkter. Echelon huet méi wéi 100 Milliounen Echelon-ugedriwwen Apparater weltwäit installéiert, déi Clienten hëllefe kënnen einfach a sécher existéierend Kontrollsystemer op déi modernst Plattform migréieren, wärend nei Apparater an Uwendungen an déi ëmmer evoluéierend global Industrie um Internet bréngen. EmoLlolisl o hëlleft säi Clienten reduzéierend Aarbechtsiwwer a a Sécherheetsbesser verbesseren, a Passrauchen d'Readame eng besser aus ,zéien.

ForceField Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: FNRG) ass en Distributeur a Fournisseur vu qualitativ héichwäerteg LED Beliichtungsprodukter a Léisungen. ForceField Energy Inc. a seng Filialen bidden Beliichtungsprodukter a Léisunge fir d'Energieeffizienz a China an den USA ze verbesseren. Et verdeelt Liichtdioden an aner kommerziell Beliichtungsprodukter an Armaturen.
Heliospectra AB ADR (OTC: HLSPY; FirstNorth: HELIO) specializes in intelligent lighting technology for plant research and greenhouse cultivation. The company's lighting system combines several different sets of general-purpose light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with optical devices, remote sensing technology and powerful heat dissipation solutions to provide effective and long-lasting technology for greenhouse and indoor plant cultivation. Dëse propriétaire Kader erlaabt d'Baueren d'Intensitéit an d'Wellelängt vum emittéierte Liicht ze kontrolléieren, doduerch e Spektrum ze kreéieren dee speziell fir verschidde Planzenaarten a Wuesstumsstadien ugepasst ass fir d'Fotosynthese besser ze förderen. The complete, well-designed light produces crops that look better, taste better, and have a longer shelf life than those under HID lights. This technology can not only reduce energy consumption by up to 50%, but also helps to stimulate growth characteristics and improve plant quality. Aner Virdeeler enthalen reduzéierter Liichtverschmotzung, reduzéierter Quecksëlwerverbrauch andeems traditionell HID / HPS Glühbirnen vermeit ginn, a reduzéiert HVAC Investitioun a monatlecht Käschtefuerderunge. Heliospectra Produkter baséieren op engem am-Déift Verständnis vun der Pflanzenphysiologie an der Fotosynthese, wéi och eng eenzegaarteg Method mat moderner LED Technologie. After six years of development in Sweden, the company has now begun to expand into the international market. The company has raised more than US$21 million in funding and has received more than US$2.6 million through academic scholarships and grants. Its forward-looking technology has also won numerous awards.
Infineon Technologies (fréier International Rectifier Company) (OTC: IFNNY; Frankfurt: IFX.F) ass e Welt Leader am Halbleiterfeld. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. Am Januar 2015 huet Infineon d'US-baséiert International Rectifier Company kaaft, e féierende Fournisseur vu Power Management Technologie. International Rectifier Corporation (IR®) ass e weltwäite Leader an der Power Management Technologie. Leading manufacturers of computers, energy-saving appliances, lighting, automobiles, satellites, aircraft, and defense systems all rely on IR's power management benchmarks to power their next-generation products.
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) is a wireless network operator and software application provider dedicated to the Internet of Things. Iota sells recurring revenue solutions that can optimize the energy use, sustainability and operations of commercial and industrial facilities directly or through third-party relationships. Iota bitt och wichteg Nieweprodukter a Servicer fir d'Adoptioun vu sengen Abonnement-baséiert Servicer ze förderen, dorënner Solar, LED Beliichtung an HVAC Implementatiounsservicer.

New Neon Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 1868.HK) ass de weltgréisste Hiersteller vun traditioneller an LED dekorativ Beliichtung. The company operates light-emitting diode (LED) decorative lighting business, engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of LED decorative lighting products; LED general lighting lighting business unit, engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of LED general lighting lighting products; Glühwäin Beliichtung Beliichtung Departement, engagéiert an Glühwäin Beliichtung Beliichtung Produkter D'Ënnerhalung Beliichtung Segment ass an der Fabrikatioun an Verdeelung vun Ënnerhalung Beliichtung Produiten engagéiert, an all aner Segmenter sinn an der Verdeelung vun Beliichtung Produit Accessoiren engagéiert.

Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 2340.TW) ass eng taiwanesesch Firma déi haaptsächlech an der Fabrikatioun vun optoelektronesche Hallefleitkomponenten a verbonne Produkter engagéiert ass. The company's main products are divided into three categories: light-emitting diode (LED) components, including LED chips and infrared light-emitting diode chips; photodetection diode components, including photodetection diode chips, photodetection semiconductor chips and high-power electronic components, and system products , Including LED information display, LED lighting system and LED car lights. Et bitt och LED Package Komponenten. The company's products are distributed in the domestic market and overseas markets including Europe, America and other regions in Asia.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. D'Firma ass e Pionéier an der Entwécklung vun IDG® Kraaftsystemer mat fortgeschratt Smart Grid Funktiounen, dorënner de folgende Fäegkeeten: 1) Viraussoen d'Kraaftfuerderung an de System elektronesch ofsetzen fir méi effizient an ëmweltfrëndlech Kraaft während de Spëtzestonnen ze bidden; 2) Gitt ëffentlech Utilitéite verursaachen. Et huet spezialiséiert Muecht Generatioun Kapazitéit fir Nofro Äntwert Zwecker; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Huet säi proprietaresch verdeelt Power-Generatiounssconddispostizisten, déi verschidde Technologien uginn fir Stroum ze lafen, och ëmmer vernünftbar Energie. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM: RVLT) is a leading LED lighting solutions company. We design, manufacture, sell and sell energy-efficient LED and conventional lighting solutions. We have strong strengths in the industrial, commercial and government markets in the United States, Canada and around the world. Revolution Lighting has created an innovative, multi-brand lighting company that provides a comprehensive product platform of high-quality indoor and outdoor LED lamps and fixtures, with a focus on the developing LED lighting solutions market. Revolution Lighting markets and distributes its products through a network of independent sales representatives and distributors, as well as energy-saving companies, national accounts and its wholly-owned subsidiary Value Lighting. Value Lighting is a leading supplier of lighting solutions for multi-family homes and new residential buildings. Other brands in the market's RVLT series include Lumificient, which provides LED lighting for the signage industry. And Sentinel, which is a revolutionary patented and licensed monitoring and smart grid control system suitable for outdoor lighting applications. Revolution Lighting gëtt als 2014 Deloitte High-Tech High-Growth 500 Firma unerkannt.

Rubicon Technology Inc. (NasdaqGS: RBCN) is a vertically integrated provider of advanced electronic materials that specializes in single crystal sapphire for light-emitting diodes (LED), optical systems and special electronic devices. Rubicon has an unparalleled technology platform and expertise, from the preparation of alumina to the growth and manufacturing of sapphire crystals, to large-diameter polished sapphire wafers and patterned sapphire substrates (PSS), enabling Rubicon to provide high-quality and precise Custom sapphire products .

SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) and its subsidiaries manufacture and sell solar products together. Säi geschäftlechen Ëmfang enthält d'Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu Solarprodukter, Solarenergieproduktioun, Fabrikoperatioune a Servicer, an d'Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu Liichtdioden (LED) Produkter.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. An der kontinuéierlecher Entwécklung vun dësem Gebitt zielt eis lescht Mark GO Zitat d'Solarindustrie z'ënnerstëtzen an de Konsumenten d'Méiglechkeet ze ginn fir gratis Installatiounsquote vu lokale Solaranbieter ze kréien, während CO2 Global Qualitéitssécherung (QA) a Qualitéitskontroll (QC) bitt. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.

Stanley Electric (TYO: 6923.T; OTC: STAEF) produzéiert automobile Beliichtung Equipement an elektronesch Komponente. Et operéiert am Autosausrüstungsgeschäft, elektroneschen Deelergeschäft, an ugewandte elektronesche Produkter Geschäftsunitéiten. The automotive equipment business department provides automotive equipment products, including headlights, rear combination lights, high-position brake lights, fog lights, automotive bulbs, HID related products, etc. The electronic components business department provides electronic components, such as LEDs, infrared LED lamps and applied electronic products, including LED lighting products, LCD backlights, LCD flashes, cameras, operating panels, etc. The company also provides LED headlights for motorcycles and automobiles. 3D printed circuit board. Et verkeeft haaptsächlech seng Produkter un Automobil- an Elektrofirmen, souwéi Autosdeeler Liwweranten haaptsächlech a Japan, Amerika, Europa, Asien Pazifik a China.
Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) produces and sells automobile parts, optoelectronic products and other general industrial products. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; funktionell Komponente, dorënner Brennstoff Tank Modul Komponente, Muecht Transmissioun System Deeler, an Chassis an Transmissioun Systemer Parts; internal and external parts; a Sécherheet System Produiten, wéi airbags, Lenkrad, etc.. D'Firma gëtt och Solar LED an déif ultraviolet Liichtjoer Quell Moduler; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights

Trans-lux Corporation (OTC: TNLX) is a leading designer and manufacturer of TL Vision digital video displays and TL Energy LED lighting solutions. Seng Produkter sinn gëeegent fir finanziell, Sport an Ënnerhalung, Spillerinne, Educatioun, Regierung a kommerziell Mäert. With a comprehensive LED large screen system, LCD flat panel display, data wall and scoreboard (sold by Trans-Lux under Fair-Play), Trans-Lux provides a comprehensive video display solution suitable for indoor and outdoor display needs of any scale venue . TL Energy enables organizations to significantly reduce energy-related costs through green lighting solutions.

Universal Display Corporation (NasdaqGS: OLED) is a leader in the development and provision of the most advanced organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology, materials and services to the display and lighting industries. The company was established in 1994 and currently owns or owns exclusive rights, joint exclusive rights or sole licensing rights globally, involving more than 3,500 issued and pending patents. Universal Display lizenzéiert seng propriétaire Technologien, dorënner seng Duerchbroch héicheffizient UniversalPHOLED® phosphorescent OLED Technologie, déi d'Entwécklung vu Low-Power an ëmweltfrëndlech Displays a Beliichtung erméiglecht. The company also develops and provides high-quality, state-of-the-art UniversalPHOLED materials, which are considered to be the key ingredients for making OLEDs with the best performance. In addition, Universal Display also provides innovative and customized solutions to its customers and partners through technology transfer, collaborative technology development and on-site training. Universal Display is headquartered in Ewing, New Jersey, has international offices in Ireland, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, and cooperates with a network of world-class organizations.
Zhejiang Yangkang Group Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600261.SS) is a company headquartered in China, mainly engaged in the development, manufacture and distribution of lighting appliances. The company's products include integrated electronic energy-saving lamps, T5 high-power energy-saving fluorescent lamps and related accessories, special lamps, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting equipment, etc. Its products are distributed in domestic and foreign markets, including Europa, Latäinamerika, Nordamerika, Afrika, Asien an aner Regiounen.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) ass eng ëffentlech Firma, déi zu Nevada am Joer 2012 integréiert ass. D'2050 Automobile Company gouf gegrënnt fir déi nächst Generatioun vu propperen, liichtgewiichtegen an effiziente Gefierer a verbonne Technologien z'entwéckelen an ze produzéieren. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.

Advantage Lithium Corp. (TSX: AAL.V) is a resources company specializing in the strategic acquisition, exploration and development of lithium assets, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. The company has signed a letter of intent with lithium producer Orocobre to acquire a 100% stake in five projects in Argentina and a 75% stake in the sixth project called Cauchari. Cauchari huet no Uewerfläch Ressourcen vu 470.000 Tonnen Lithiumkarbonat-Äquivalent (LCE) an 1,62 Milliounen Tonnen Kaliumdünger (KCL). Large-scale exploration targets are 5.6mt to 0.25mt LCE and 19mt to 0.9KCL. Cauchari is located only 20 kilometers south of Orocobre's flagship Olaroz lithium battery facility. The company also received investment from Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp., a portfolio of five lithium brine projects in Clayton and Lida Valley, Nevada, of which 70% are in Clayton NE. In addition, the company has acquired 100% of the Stella Marys lithium brine project, which is adjacent to the Salinas Grandes project in Orocobre, which is located in the triangular lithium mine in Argentina, which has inferred near-surface resources.
AJN Resources Inc. (CSE: AJN) is an exploration and development company established for the purpose of acquiring, exploring and developing lithium resource properties under guaranteed and feasible conditions. Mir kréien an entwéckelen Eegeschafte mat bewährte Potenzial. The management and directors of AJN have more than 75 years of collective industry experience and are very successful in exploration, financing, and development of major mines around the world.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Déi éischt Kategorie ass Motorrieder mat Lithium Batterien ugedriwwen, gefollegt vu Motorrieder. ALYI huet och viru kuerzem de Clarkson University Professer David Mitlin agestallt fir e Cannabis Energielagerungsprogramm ze féieren. Mitlin huet erfollegräich Hanf benotzt (verbleiwen Faser vun Hanf) fir Kuelestoff Nanosheeten ze konstruéieren, déi mat e puer vun de bessere Graphen Nanosheets konkurréiere kënnen a Supercapacitors an e puer Aspekter besser maachen. Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
Altura Mining Limited (ASX: AJM.AX) ass e grousse Spiller um weltwäite Lithiummaart a profitéiert vun der wuessender Nofro fir Lithium-Ion Batterie Rohmaterial fir d'Fabrikatioun vun elektresche Gefierer a statesche Lagerung. Altura owns and operates a world-class Altura lithium project in Pilgangoora, Pilbara, Western Australia, with an annual production capacity of 220,000 tons of high-quality spodumene concentrate. The company has completed the deterministic feasibility study to expand the second-phase production capacity to 440,000tpa, and made the final investment decision after reviewing the first-phase operations and increasing the nameplate output.
Ariana Resources plc (LSE: AAU.L) ass eng féierend Exploratiouns-, Entwécklungs- a Produktiounsfirma déi momentan op d'Tierkei fokusséiert. The company's goal is to discover larger mineral systems mainly in the Western Anatolian Volcano and Extension Zone (WAVE) province in western Turkey. The province has the largest operating gold mine in Turkey, and the discovery of new porphyry and hyperthermal deposits still has high prospects. An der Provënz huet Ariana een fortgeschratt Entwécklungsprojet (Red Rabbit Projet) an zwee aner fortgeschratt Exploratiounsprojeten (Ivrindi an Demirci). The area around the project is called the WAVE project area. Parallel to our resource development and exploration strategy in western Turkey, Ariana established a joint venture with its exploration portfolio in northeastern Turkey to establish Eldorado Gold Corp. (Eldorado Gold Corp.). Ariana is also a founding investor in Royal Road Minerals (Jersey), which focuses on gold/copper exploration and Asgard Metals (located in Australia) with a focus on technical metal exploration (lithium). D'Firma evaluéiert och weider nei Acquisitioun oder Joint Venture Méiglechkeeten an der Tierkei oder soss anzwousch.
Ashburton Ventures Inc. (TSX: ABR.V) ass eng Junior Exploratiounsfirma déi aktiv Mineral- an Energieméiglechkeeten fir de Benefice vun allen Akteuren sicht. Ashburton schafft momentan un zwee Projeten a British Columbia, dorënner eng Lithiummin an eng Kupfergruef.
Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (OTC: AVLNF; TSX: AVL.TO) (formerly known as Avalon Rare Metals Inc.) is a Canadian mineral development company that specializes in researching the needs of metals and minerals in emerging markets and the development of new technologies. D'Nofro geet weider. The company has three advanced stage projects all with 100% ownership, providing investors with investments in lithium, tin and indium, as well as rare earth elements, tantalum, niobium and zirconium. Avalon is currently focusing on the Separed Rapids lithium project in Kenora, Ontario, and the East Kemptville tin-indium project in Yarmouth, New South Wales. Social responsibility and environmental management are the cornerstones of the company.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) is a leading manufacturer of household and commercial electric vehicles, drive systems and lithium battery storage systems. Mir designen och personaliséiert elektresch Fuersystemléisungen fir weltwäit Camion- a Bushersteller. Balqon Corporation has production and R&D facilities in Seaport, California, and works with local manufacturing partners to manufacture electric buses and trucks in Europe, India and China.

Critical Elements Corporation (TSX: CRE.V) is a junior mining company in the exploration stage. Säi Flaggschëff rose Lithium Tantal Tantalum Projet ass am Québec, mat Zougang zu Infrastrukturen op der Plaz wéi Stroumleitungen, Stroossen, Fluchhafen, Eisebunn a Lageren.

Daikin Resources Corporation (TSX: DJI.V) ass eng fréi Energie Metall Exploratiounsfirma mat 100% Interesse an 215 Placer Fuerderungen an der Teels Marsh Regioun vun Mineral County, Nevada, déi bekannt ass Lithium a Bor ze enthalen. Daikin huet en Optiounsofkommes mat Southern Sun Mining Company (TSX-V: SSI) erreecht fir hir alkalesch Séigebitt an Esmeralda County, Nevada (nordëstlech vum Clayton Valley Lithiumgeschäft zu Rockwood) z'entdecken 191 Placer behaapt 7 Meilen (12 Kilometer) ewech. . Daikin huet och en 100% Interesse u Konzessiouns- oder Konzessiounsapplikatiounen an der Jujuy Provënz, Argentinien, déi a Gebidder opkaf goufen, wou Salzlake mat bekannte Kalium-, Lithium- a Borwäerter enthalen sinn. Dës Konzessiounen sinn am Salinas Grandes / Guayatoque Salt Lake Basin, nieft de Konzessiounen, déi vun Orocobre Limited (ORL-T: TSX) an Zesummenaarbecht mat Toyota Tsusho gehal ginn. Dajänzen op en Ëmkommes dauert en Team och ëm d'Krenschafte fir d'San Joust an Navastlaad Niischtebléien am Nomzénk vu Side maachen.
E3 METALS CORP. (TSXV: ETMC) (OTC: EEMMF) is a lithium company that develops an inferred mineral resource of 6.7 Mt LCE in Alberta. Andeems hien säi propriétaire Lithium-Extraktiounsprozess kommerzialiséiert, plangt E3 séier héich Puritéit Batterie-Grad Lithiumhydroxid ze produzéieren. E3Metals Corp kombinéiert eng grouss Quantitéit vu Ressourcen mat de richtegen technesche Léisungen an huet d'Potenzial fir Lithiumprodukter op de Maart ze bréngen. Ee vun de beschte Juridictiounen op der Welt. Eis produktiv Leduc Reservoir huet lithium-räich Salzlake an huet bis elo 6.7 Milliounen Tonnen vun LCE ofgeleet Mineralressourcen kartéiert. An Alberta ass d'Entwécklung vun dëser Ressource duerch d'Salzwaasserproduktioun eng bekannte riskant Aktivitéit, an dëst Salzwaasser gëtt am Moment duerch eng grouss Quantitéit vun Ueleg- a Gasentwécklung produzéiert. Although lithium brines and hydrocarbons are mutually exclusive, the Leduc reservoir can support a small amount of brine production touted by other brines, with one well capable of bringing 10,000 m3/day (115 L/s) to the surface. The average and consistent grade of E3 Metals ion exchange technology in Clearwater Resource Area 1 is 77.4 mg/L, which can quickly produce concentrates up to 1500 mg/L2. At the same time, 99% of impurities and an average recovery rate of 90% are removed, which produces a concentrated raw material that is likely to be processed directly through conventional lithium production technology to produce high-purity lithium hydroxide (LiOH∙H2O ) . The company's plan is to provide 10,000 tons/year LiOH processing facilities by 2022 and continue to expand to the final 50,000 tons/year.

Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) designs, develops and manufactures proprietary lithium-ion super polymer 2.0(R) batteries, battery systems and battery-related products for energy storage, clean power transportation and other special applications . Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION(TM) ceramic separators, with a production capacity of approximately 500MWh per year. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company that protects its technology through a combined Canadian and German group that has approximately 500 patents. Electrovaya huet säi Sëtz zu Ontario, Kanada, huet Produktiounsanlagen a Kanada an Däitschland, an huet Clienten op der ganzer Welt.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. Zousätzlech bitt d'Firma och Potentiostatsystemer fir Batterien, Kondensatoren, Brennstoffzellen, Solarzellen, Sensoren a Metallkorrosiounsapplikatiounen ze testen. Zousätzlech bitt et Radiofrequenz Identifikatiounstags fir verschidden Uwendungen, dorënner Inventarlager, Flott Tracking, Palette Tracking, Militär Tracking, Log Recording, an Tracking vun Dock a Port Container.

Far Resources Ltd. (CSE: FAT) is an exploration company publicly traded on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FAT, dedicated to identifying and developing high-potential mineral opportunities in a stable jurisdiction. Yuan Resources may acquire or select value attributes to achieve its current goal, which is to find, advance and release the potential of these mineral opportunities. Far Resources currently has two mineral projects. The Zoro Lithium Project covers many known lithium pegmatite deposits and is located near Snow Lake in MB. Manitoba is ranked as the second largest mining investment jurisdiction in the world by the Fraser Institute. Den zweete Projet ass de Winston Project zu New Mexico, USA, deen en anere historesche Biergbau mat Sëlwer- a Goldpotenzial ass. New Mexico ass och an der Fraser Institut Lëscht abegraff, Ranking ënnert den Top 25 Biergbau Juridictioune vun der Welt.

First Liberty Power Corp. (OTC: FLPC) ass eng diversifizéiert Exploratiouns-, Entwécklungs- a Junior-Miningfirma fir strategesch Mineralstoffer fir d'Zukunft vun den USA ze liwweren. First Liberty Power baséiert op enger Methodologie fir d'Erfuerschung an d'Entwécklung vun de Mining- a Veraarbechtungsoperatiounen vun der Firma ze förderen. The company's goal is to bring minerals to the market while always ensuring employee safety, environmental integrity and good company governance. FLPC's corporate philosophy is fully demonstrated in its Path to Progress (POP) program, which is an open and transparent communication platform used to inform shareholders, investors and mining partners of company news and progress. Dem First Liberty Power säin aktuelle Mineralproduktportfolio enthält Antimon, Gold an aner strategesch Metallprojeten an Eegeschaften. First Liberty Power is currently evaluating exploration and development opportunities for two lithium mines in Nevada and other claimable areas in the same geological area.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. Am Verglach mat traditionelle Léisunge kënnen Flux Späicherléisungen méi héich Leeschtung, méi laang Liewensdauer a méi Rendement op Investitioun ubidden. Flux verkeeft Produkter direkt duerch eng wuessend Verdeelungsverletzung. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.
Frontier Lithium Inc. (TSX: FL.V) aims to become a low-cost, fully integrated lithium and tantalum producer by developing the PAK lithium deposit in Ontario, Canada. Frontier maintains a close share structure, and management ownership exceeds 30% of the company. Vun 2013 bis 2017 goufen 4,5 Millioune kanadesch Dollar vun Exploratiounsaarbechten op der Depot duerchgefouert, déi sech duerch de seltenen, héichreiniger, nidderegen Eisen Lithium am Spodumene charakteriséiert. In order to avoid unnecessary equity dilution, the company has adopted a phased growth approach to exploration and development, which is the company's strategic priority. The initial target market is the glass ceramic industry, which consumes approximately one-third of the global supply of lithium and is currently in a monopolistic state. Zousätzlech dréien grouss Lithiumproduzenten ëmmer méi hir Ausgab fir d'Batteriefabrikatioun z'ënnerstëtzen.

Galaxy Resources (ASX: GXY.AX), eng Ressourcefirma konzentréiert sech op Lithium, entdeckt a produzéiert Lithiumkarbonat Mineralstoffer. De Flaggschëffprojet vun der Firma ass de Sal de Vida Lithium- a Kalium-Salkprojet an Argentinien. It also has interests in the Cattlin Spodumene mountain mine in Western Australia; an den James Bay Lithium-Pegmatit-Projet zu Québec, Kanada.
Glen Eagle Resources Inc. D'Firma huet en Interessi am Authier Lithium Projet zu La Motte, Québec. Dir kënnt och wielen Moose Lake a Lac Lisette phosphates ze kafen zu Lac St-Jean, Québec. It also has interests in Nicaragua and Honduras.

Global X Lithium and Battery Technology ETF (NYSEArca: LIT) This investment seeks to provide investment results that correspond generally to the price and earnings performance (excluding fees and expenses) of the Solactive Global Lithium Index. The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the underlying index and American depositary receipts (“ADRs”) and global depositary receipts (“GDR”) of securities based on the underlying index. De Basisdaten Index zielt fir déi breet Leeschtung vum Börsemaart vu weltwäite Firmen ze moossen, déi an der Lithiumindustrie deelhuelen. The fund is non-diversified.

Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) is engaged in mineral exploration and development in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario. Et huet e räiche Verméigenportfolio, dorënner Gold, Platin Grupp Metaller a Basismetaller, souwéi Spezialitéit a kleng Metaller, Vanadium, Titan, Tantal, Lithium a Chrom. The company also has a large number of high-purity, magnesium-rich dolomite deposits and various financial interests in fracturing sand deposits.
Greatbatch Inc. (NYSE: GB) duerch seng Marken Greatbatch Medical, Electrochem a QiG Group bidden déi héchst Qualitéitstechnologie fir Industrien déi op zouverlässeg, laang dauerhaft Leeschtung vertrauen. By providing customized battery power and management systems, charging and docking stations, and power supplies for demanding markets around the world, Electrochem is the industry leader in total power solutions for critical applications. Ofgeleet vun der Lithium Batterie erfonnt vun eisem Grënner Wilson Greatbatch fir implantable Pacemakers, eis technesch Expertise an ierflecher aussergewéinlech Qualitéit an Zouverlässegkeet gi benotzt fir Missioun Erfolleg ze garantéieren.

Iconic Minerals Ltd. (TSX: ICM.V) is an exploration company focusing on the acquisition, exploration and development of outstanding projects in North America. The company's main focus is to discover and develop economical and multi-million ounce gold deposits through exploration of high-quality projects; it is mainly located in areas with great historical discovery potential in Nevada, which will make development and mine production costs low. Iconic Minerals has established a team of professionals with rich business and expertise in the discovery and development of many valuable gold mines; dorënner Venture Kapital fir Ressource-Erhéijung Projeten. Iconic's Bonnie Claire Lithium property: The property covers an area of ​​23,100 acres and is located in a valley approximately 30 kilometers (19 miles) long and 20 kilometers (12 miles) wide. The associated drainage area is 2,070 square kilometers (800 square miles). Quarz-räich vulkanesch Fielsen an an der Géigend vum Basin enthalen anormal Quantitéite vu Lithium. The company's geochemical analysis of the local salt flats found lithium values ​​as high as 340 ppm, including the USGS (United States Geological Survey) as high as 500 ppm. The low gravity point in the valley is 20 kilometers (12 miles) long, and the current estimated bedrock depth ranges from 600 to 900 meters (2,000 to 3,000 feet). The current claim scope covers low gravity points and related mudflats.

International Lithium Corp. (TSX: ILC.V) is an exploration company with an excellent project portfolio, strong management ownership, strong financial support, as well as a strategic partner and key investor Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. (China's leading lithium Product manufacturer ). The company's main focus is the Mariana Lithium Potassium Brine Project, which was established as a joint venture with Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. in the famous South American “Lithium Belt”, which has most of the world's lithium resources, reserves and production. The Mariana project, covering an area of ​​160 square kilometers, strategically covers a complete mineral-rich evaporation basin, which is considered to be one of the most promising salt marshes or “salt lakes” in the region. D'Entrevise vum Eckhum Binzident Projet sinn déi dräi rare Metal pulmatit am Kanada, riedereg Projeten, Rälth. E Projet an Irland (Avalonia Project) deckt e 50 km laange Pegmatitgurt. The Mavis and Raleigh projects conducted by strategic partners Ganfeng Lithium and Avis and strategic partners Pioneer Resources Limited (PIO: ASX) are all Avalonia projects. D'Mavis, Raleigh a Forgan Projete bilden zesummen d'Basis vun der Firma hir nei erstallt Upper Canada Lithium Mining Pool. De Fokus vum Mining Pool ass fir virdrun héich Konzentratioun Lithium ze benotzen fir vill Exploratiounsperspektiven an enger Proximitéit fir existent Infrastruktur ze kréien. . Wéi d'Demand fir den héijen blakege Batriederlechkeet, déi am Gefierausstokologie gebraucht huet, a pageber Elektron "Gritaliséierung." Gréngsstonnée. "Green." Green Andeems Dir mat zolidden Entwécklungspartner positionéiert an héichqualitativ Basisprojeten an de fréie Stadien vun der Exploratioun kritt, ass d'ILC Zil de bevorzugten Ressource Explorer fir gréng Technologieinvestisseuren ze ginn a Wäert fir seng Aktionären ze kreéieren.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. We create quality products, services and solutions to optimize the energy and operational efficiency of buildings; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; and car interior systems. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. Déi modulär Architektur mécht eis Lithium-Ion Batterien mächteg awer villsäiteg. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the zwou Firmen. The team focused on key raw materials. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); materials for high thermal efficiency building products (graphite, silica, nepheline); and materials that can improve energy generation efficiency ( dy, neodymium, ha). Leading Edge Materials is in an ideal position to play a key role in the sustainable supply of technology and energy-critical materials

Liberty One Lithium Corp (TSX: LBY.V; OTCQB: LRTTF; FRANKFURT: L1T.F) is an exploration company dedicated to the acquisition and development of high-grade lithium brine deposits. The extensive property of Pocitos in western Argentina is located in the heart of the famous “Lithium Triangle”, in the trend of several lithium producers within 25 kilometers. D'Propriétéit ass strategesch lokaliséiert fir Lithium Salzlake duerch bëlleg a reife Verdampfungsmethoden ze produzéieren, an ass nieft substantiell Infrastruktur a qualifizéierten an erfuerene Aarbecht. Liberty's international team is composed of well-known technical experts who have focused on lithium for decades. The company strictly manages value creation decisions to ensure that the company has sufficient capital and continues to create value for shareholders.
D'Aktien vun der Liontown Resources Limited haut, Präis vun LTR.AX Aktie online, de Präis vun der Liontown Resources Limited. D'Firma exploréiert fir Lithium, Gold, Vanadium an Néckel. It is interested in the Katherine Valley Lithium Tantalum Project, Buldania Lithium Project, Killaloe Project and Norcott Project in Western Australia. And the Toolebuc vanadium project in Queensland.

Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX: LAC.TO; OTC: LHMAF) beschäftegt sech mat der Exploratioun an der Evaluatioun vu Lithium, Kalium an aner Mineralressourcen a Südamerika. D'Firma besëtzt ongeféier 161.000 Hektar Landverbrauchsrechter a fënnef Salzséien an de Provënzen Jujuy a Salta, Argentinien. Its main property is the Cauchari-Olaroz lithium project, which is located near the Cauchari and Olaroz salt lakes in Jujuy, Argentina, covering an area of ​​approximately 81,000 hectares.

LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) For sixty years, Livent has worked with customers to safely and sustainably use lithium to power the world. Livent ass eng vun de wéinege Firmen mat der Fäegkeet, Ruff a Know-how fir qualitativ héichwäerteg fäerdeg Lithiumverbindungen ze produzéieren déi hëllefe kënnen d'wuessend Nofro fir Lithium gerecht ze ginn. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent has approximately 700 employees worldwide and has manufacturing plants in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, China and Argentina.

The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.

MGX Minerals Inc. (CSE: XMG) is a diversified Canadian mining company engaged in the acquisition and development of industrial minerals in Western Canada. These minerals have near-term production potential with minimal barriers to entry and low initial capital expenditures. D'Firma bedreift Lithium-, Magnesium- a Siliziumprojeten uechter British Columbia an Alberta, dorënner de Driftwood Magnesiumprojet. MGX krut viru kuerzem d'Zustimmung fir Driftwood's 20-Joer Mining Lease a mécht de Moment Batchprobe.
Millennial Lithium Corp. (TSX: ML.V; OTCQX: MLNLF) is an exploration and development company focused on high-quality lithium assets in Argentina. Proyecto Pastos Grandes SA is an important project of the company, has 100% ownership, and is strategically located in the Argentine region of the “Lithium Triangle” (with some of the largest lithium resources in the world). D'Propriétéit huet eng Fläch vu ronn 5.500 Hektar a läit 154 Kilometer westlech vu Salta, Argentinien. Millennial huet och en Optiounsofkommes erreecht fir en 100% Interesse am Cauchari East Lithium Project an der Jujuy Provënz, Argentinien ze kréien (nodréiglech als "Projet" bezeechent). Cauchari Ost besetzt 2.990 Hektar op der Ostsäit vum Cauchari-Olaroz Salar, nieft dem Salar de Olaroz produzéiert vum Orocobre a spéide Cauchari-Olaroz vu Lithium Americas Corp.
Mineral Hill Industries Ltd. (TSX: MHI.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The mine has accumulated a diversified portfolio of high-quality lithium, gold and precious metal properties in Canada. The company's main focus is to put into operation the Liberty Hill gold mine operated by Mineral Hill's subsidiary Veritas Resources Corp., while continuing to explore and develop its four 100% owned hard rock lithium carbonate projects in Quebec (Canada). .
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Loes leet d'Pipeine de rutscher vun der realer Entkéier vum Potenzial un der virléiser wirtschaftlecher Edimitéit. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Nemaska ​​Lithium Inc. (TSX: NMX.V) intends to become a supplier of lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate to the emerging lithium battery market. The company is developing one of the most important spodumene lithium hard rock deposits in the world in quantity and grade. Spodumene concentrate produced at Nemaska's Whabouchi mine will be shipped to the company's lithium compound processing plant in Shawinigan, Quebec. D'Planz wäert eng propriétaire Method benotzen, déi vun der Firma entwéckelt gouf, fir Spodumene Konzentrat an héich Puritéit Lithiumhydroxid a Karbonat ëmzewandelen, an huet fir e Patent ugewannt.
Neo Lithium Corp. (TSX: NLC.V) quickly became a famous new name in lithium brine exploration with its high-quality 3Q projects and experienced team. Neo Lithium already has sufficient funds and is rapidly advancing its newly discovered 3Q project-a unique high-end lithium saltwater lake and Salar complex in the lithium triangle of Latin America. The 3Q project is located in Catamarca, Argentina's largest lithium producer. The project covers an area of ​​approximately 35,000 hectares, and the Salar complex in the area is approximately 160 square kilometers. Uewerfläch Exploratiounsresultater weisen datt dat héichwäertegt Lithium Zil am nërdlechen Deel vun der Salar ongeféier 20 x 5 km verlängert, an enthält déi ënnescht Magnesium a Sulfat Gëftstoffer. Low impurities are a key factor in the traditional low-cost evaporation technology used for final lithium carbonate production. Geothermal hot springs with elevated lithium content are part of the Salar Group's replenishment system. The technical team who discovered this unique salt marsh complex is one of the most experienced teams in the lithium salt marsh. Hien entdeckt a gefouert déi technesch Aarbecht, dorënner Ressource Definitioun an eng ëmfaassend Machbarkeet Etude, sou wéi Cauchari Lithium Salz Marsh ze maachen Et ass déi drëtt gréisste Lithium Salzlake Ressource an der Welt ginn.

Nevada Sunrise Gold Company (TSX: NEV.V) ass eng Junior Mineral Exploratiounsfirma mat engem staarken techneschen Team zu Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada. The company is interested in nine mineral exploration projects in Nevada, USA. Nevada Sunrise Company began to acquire Nevada's lithium assets in September 2015, including options to obtain 100% equity in the Neptune and Clayton Northeast projects and the option of 100% equity in the Aquarius project in the Clayton Valley area right. The company also has the option to obtain 100% equity in the Jackson Wash and Atlantis projects, and has a 50% participation equity in the Gemini project. Each project has Located in Playas near Clayton Valley. The company's three main gold assets include a 21% interest in a joint venture with Pilot Gold Inc. (PLG.TO) in Kingsley Hills near Wendover, a 100% interest in the Golden Arrow project near Tonopah, and 100% interest in the Golden Arrow project near Tonopah. The roulette gold assets in the southeast of Carlin tend to be near Yili, and each asset has a certain production and use fee.
New Tech Minerals Corp. (CSE: NTM) has been exploring and developing lithium and potassium salt resources in the Paradox Basin and Southeastern Utah (UT) for more than 8 years. Ut's Lithium + Potassium Salz Exploratiouns- / Entwécklungsgesellschafte total ongeféier 40.000 Hektar.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industriell Maschinnen; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. In addition, the company also provides finance, auto credit and auto leasing, insurance agency, inventory financing services, and card services. In addition, it is also engaged in operations and consulting related to the analysis and determination of raw materials; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; import and export of auto parts and materials; Immobilien Business; promotion of motor sports; management of football teams and football schools.
Noram Ventures Inc. (TSX: NRM.V) ass eng kanadesch-baséiert Junior Exploratiounsfirma, deem säin Zil ass eng Kraaft an der grénger Energie Revolutioun ze ginn duerch d'Entwécklung vu Lithiumablagerungen an e Low-Cost Supplier fir déi boomende Lithium Batterie ze ginn Industrie.
Nordic Mining ASA (Oslo: NOM.OL) is engaged in the exploration, mining and production of industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally. Et fuerscht haaptsächlech Oflagerunge vu Rutil (Titandioxid), Granat, Quarz, Lithium/Lithiumkarbonat, Néckel, Palladium a Platin. D'Firma huet en Interesse an der Engebø rutil Goldmine zu Naustdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norwegen. It is also interested in the Kvinnherad deposit, which consists of hydrothermal quartz in the Proterozoic bedrock south of the Hardanger fault zone. Et besëtzt och d'Exploratiounsrechter vun Troms a Finnmark's Øksfjord Hallefinsel.
Nortec Minerals Corp. (TSX: NVT.V) ass eng Mineral Exploratioun an Entwécklung Firma mat Sëtz zu Vancouver, British Columbia. D'Firma huet en 100% Interesse am Tammela Gold Lithium Projet am Südweste vu Finnland. The company also holds a majority stake in Finore Mining Inc. Finore controls 100% of the Finnish Lantinen Koillismaa PGE-Au-Cu-Ni deposit by acquiring Nortec Minerals Oy from Nortec.

Pacific North West Capital Corp (TSX: PFN.V) ass eng Mineral Exploratiounsfirma gewidmet fir de River Valley PGM Projet zu Sudbury, Ontario, Kanada. This is one of Canada's largest platinum group metal (PGM) primary deposits Exploration and development. The company's newly established Lithium Division will focus on the acquisition, exploration and development of Canadian lithium projects. An den USA wäert d'Firma hir ganz Besëtzer US Duechtergesellschaft benotzen fir Projeten an aktive Minen an Nevada, Arizona a Kalifornien z'entwéckelen an z'entwéckelen. Pacific Northwest Capital Corporation ass e Member vun der International Metals Corporation, eng Organisatioun vu Fachleit mat extensiv Erfahrung an all Aspekter vun der Biergbau Industrie.
Piedmont Lithium (NasdaqGS: PLL) holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project located in the Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) of Carolina and develops along the Harman Bundle and Kings Mountain mines, Historically, the Western world has provided most of the lithium between the 1950s and 1980s. Den TSB gëtt als ee vun de gréisste Lithium Provënzen op der Welt beschriwwen an ass ongeféier 25 Meilen Westen West vu Charlotte, North Carolina. With its good geological conditions and convenient infrastructure, power, lithium and battery storage R&D centers, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities, it is an important location for the development of integrated lithium businesses.
Pioneer Ressourcen Ltd. Dem Pioneer säin aktuellen an aktive Exploratiounsfokus ass op Schlëssel global Nofro-Undriff Commodities. Zu dësem Zweck huet Pioneer seng Gold- a Nickelverméigen duerch véier mächteg Lithiumprojeten erweidert; the advanced Mavis lithium project in Ontario, Canada, and the potential Donnelly, Pioneer Dome and Phillips River lithium projects in Western Australia.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . Am Telekommunikatiounsmaart liwwert de System vum Polar zouverlässeg a bëlleg Energie fir Off-Grid a schlecht Gitterapplikatiounen mat kriteschen Kraaftbedürfnisser. Wann d'Utility-Gitter klappt, mussen dës Bedierfnesser ausgeschalt ginn
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) develops, manufactures and sells special microporous membranes for separation and filtration processes. The company's business is divided into three parts: energy storage electronics and EDV, energy storage transportation and industry, and separation media. The company provides a series of patented polypropylene and polyethylene single-layer and multi-layer separators for lithium batteries, which can be used in various applications, such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles (EDV), cordless power tools and energy storage systems . Et bitt och Polymer-baséiert Membranen fir Bläi-Säure-Batterien, déi an Autoen an aner Gefierer benotzt ginn; Als gutt wéi eng Filterikenblammen a Komponenten fir medmentialer Applicatiounen, dorënner Hextrisiden, Blutungen an anerem Formenz an den Ofsaz zur Verfügung, Uelegfiltatioun, Uwendungsmeldungen. The company sells its products to manufacturers and processors through direct sales staff, distributors and agents. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.
Portofino Resources (TSX: POR.V; FSE: POT) is a company based in Vancouver, Canada, dedicated to the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resources projects in the Americas. D'Firma huet méi wéi 17.000 Hektar potenziell Lithium Salzléisung Verméigen zu Catamarca, Argentinien.
D'Acquisitiounsstrategie vu Power Americas Minerals Corp. (TSX: PAM.V) (fréier Victory Ventures) konzentréiert sech op bezuelbar, kosteneffizient an héich ugesi Mineralien a Beräicher mat bewährte geologesche Potenzial. These areas include historical and currently producing mines with existing infrastructure. The strategy includes obtaining 100% equity in mineral resources without payment terms or work plan commitments, which will not threaten the financial stability of junior mining companies. The company believes that through the implementation of this acquisition strategy, the largest shareholder value can be created effectively and cost-effective. The company believes that the demand profile of cobalt, lithium, copper and other basic power-related materials will be dominated by the adaptive growth of electric vehicles, and the increase in production of renewable energy and superalloys. The company is committed to identifying and developing ethical materials within the Americas, aiming to solve the growing demand for energy metals due to the introduction of innovation and new technologies. Power Americas Minerals Corp. ass eng kanadesch Junior Mining Exploratiounsfirma konzentréiert sech op Sourcing, Exploratioun an Entwécklung vu Kobalt, Lithium, Kupfer an aner Energiemetaller an Nord- a Südamerika.

Pure Energy Minerals Limited (TSX: PE.V) ass e Lithium Salzlake Ressource Entwéckler deen de niddregsten Käschte Lithium Fournisseur an der opkomende Nordamerikanesch Lithium Batterie Industrie ginn ass. Moment ugeschgeränkt ausser sech opzebauen op der Entwécklung ze entwéckelenen CVS déien Iwwreinschaft Projet ze hunn.
QMC Quantum Minerals Corporation (TSX.V: QMC) (OTC: QMCQF) (FSE: 3LQ) is a company headquartered in British Columbia, engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of resource assets. Säin Zil ass wirtschaftlech wäertvoll Basismetaller, selten Metaller a Ressourceattributer ze fannen an z'entwéckelen. D'Verméigen vun der Firma enthalen den Irgon Lithiummineprojet an zwee VMS Verméigen, nämlech Rocky Lake a Rocky-Namew, kollektiv als den Namew Lake Project bezeechent. Currently, all of the company's properties are located in Manitoba
Redzone Resources Ltd. (TSX: REZ.V; OTC: REZZF) ass eng Mineral Exploratiounsfirma konzentréiert sech op d'Formatioun an d'Ënnerstëtzung vu Metaller déi sech séier a Batterien (Lithium) an den USA a Peru entwéckelen.
Ressourcen Majescor (TSX: MJX.V) ënnerschriwwen en Optiounsvertrag mat Genius Properties Ltd. an zwee aner Fournisseuren fir d'Montagne B Lithium Verméigen (ongeféier 708 Hektar) ze kafen, ongeféier 12 Kilometer südwestlech vum Nemaska ​​Lithium Weltklass Whabouchi Lithium) . Deposits are in central Quebec. Majescor plangt och un der Eastmain Goldmine an der James Bay Regioun vu Québec ze schaffen.
Rock Tech Lithium Inc. (TSX: RCK.V) ass eng Mineral Exploratiounsfirma konzentréiert op d'Lithiumindustrie. The company is headquartered in Vancouver and listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. Its international board of directors provides true global influence and unique access to capital and projects.
Rodinia Lithium Inc (TSX: RM.V) ass eng kanadesch Mineral Exploratioun an Entwécklungsfirma, haaptsächlech op Lithium Exploratioun an Entwécklung an Argentinien fokusséiert. The company is also actively exploring the commercialization of an important potassium salt by-product, which is expected to be recycled through the lithium harvesting process.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) ass de weltgréisste Designer an Hiersteller vun High-Tech Industriebatterien. An der Grupp ass d'Welt vun Nësellikbarkeete vun Nusel-Bigel vun der Welt vun der Welt u-esteristik fir der Industriberberstaus, an der Industrikter, an der Industrelacistenz a Civil a Militäreschleker. Saft ass e weltwäite Leader am Weltraum- a Verteidegungsbatterien ginn mat senger Lithium-Ion Technologie, déi och an den Energielagerung, Transport an Telekommunikatiounsnetzmäert benotzt gëtt.

Scientific Metals Corp. (TSX: STM.V) fréier bekannt als Suparna Gold Corp-ass eng kanadesch Exploratiounsfirma konzentréiert sech op d'global Acquisitioun an Entwécklung vu Produktiounsgrad Lithiumablagerungen. STM acquired the Deep Valley property in Midwest Alberta. The property includes a permit area of ​​6,648 hectares (16,427 acres) that covers areas reported to be enriched in lithium brine. As stated in the ERCB report in October, the Deep Valley mine is located in the active Fox Creek-urge fish lake area in Alberta. The formation water in the Leduc aquifer in this area is rich in lithium, potassium, boron, bromine and others. Commodity, 2011, titled “Geological Introduction to Lithium-rich Formation Water”, focused on the Fox Creek area (NTS 83F and 83K) in central and western Alberta.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Sienna Resources Inc (TSX: SIE.V; OTC: SNNAF) is engaged in the identification, acquisition, exploration and evaluation of mineral properties in Canada. Et entdeckt d'Eegeschafte vu Gold, Sëlwer, Lithium an Aluminium Lehm. It is interested in the Clayton Valley Deep Basin Lithium Brine Project and the Esmeralda Lithium Project in Clayton Valley, Nevada
Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. It is mainly dedicated to the exploration of base and precious metals, including nickel, copper, platinum group metals, gold, diamond, tantalum and lithium. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. D'Haaptziel vun der Firma ass Südafrika. De SI6-Projetportfolio enthält de kierzlech kaaft: Chuatsa Vanadium- a Titanprojet an Simbabwe (80% vun den Optiounen ka kaaft ginn); Zimbabwe's Shamva lithium project (80% of the options can be acquired). The recent acquisition of the Chuatsa and Shamva projects is the result of years of focusing on the battery metal field, and leverages SI6′s important skills and experience in Southern Africa's exploration and operations.

Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA/Chile Chemistry and Mining Co., Ltd. Strong influence business scope: specialty plant nutrition, iodine and its derivatives, lithium and its derivatives, industrial chemicals and potassium
Spearmint Resources Inc. (CSE: SPMT) is a Canadian primary resource exploration company dedicated to actively pursuing world-class deposits. The company focuses on assembling a low-risk, high-return asset portfolio during the exploration phase and developing it to maximize shareholder value. Several upcoming project milestones make Spearmint's corporate growth potential an exciting time. Dem Spearmint säin Winabacki-Litura Rituuchi-Depot. Spearmint also recently acquired a 100% interest in 53 unpatented mineral properties located in the Clayton Valley, Nevada. These minerals have lithium reserves, known as the Elon Mineral and McGee Minerals, covering a total of 1,420 acres.
Standard Lithium (TSX.V: SLL) (OTC: STLHF) is a specialty chemicals company dedicated to unlocking the value of the existing large-scale lithium brine resources in the United States. D'Firma mengt datt duerch d'Minimaliséierung vu Projetsrisiken an der Selektiounsphase (Ressourcen, Politik, Geographie, Reglementer a Genehmegungen), a Fortschrëtter an der Lithium-Extraktiounstechnologie a Prozesser ze profitéieren, nei Lithiumproduktioun ka séier erreecht ginn. D'Firma vum Betriber vum Betriber vum Betriber vum Betriber vun der Firma a benotzt d'Firma eng Extraktiounsaktivitéit Technologie Technologie fir d'kommerzelllech Mitréiere vun 15.000 Hektar. The company is also seeking resources to develop more than 30,000 acres of individual brine leases in southwestern Arkansas, and approximately 45,000 acres of mineral leases in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California.

Tianqi Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002466.SZ) ass eng féierend nei Energiematerialfirma a China an der Welt. Mir huelen Lithium als Kär. Our business includes the mining and production of lithium concentrates and the manufacturing of lithium compounds. Mir hunn Mineraloperatioune, Fabrikatiounsanlagen a Filialen a China (Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangsu) an Australien etabléiert, wat d'Firma erlaabt Servicer fir Clienten weltwäit ze bidden.

Ultra Lithium Inc. (TSX: ULI.V) ass eng kanadesch opgezielt Exploratiouns- an Entwécklungsfirma déi sech op d'Acquisitioun an d'Entwécklung vu Lithium Verméigen konzentréiert. D'Firma konzentréiert sech de Moment op Nordamerikanesch Acquisitioune an exploréiert säi Great Smoky Valley Projet zu Nevada, USA. An den USA huet d'Firma en 100% Interesse am Great Smoke Valley Projet zu Nevada. D'Firma exploréiert och Lithium an engem Balkanprojet a Serbien.
Lithium Corporation of America (OTC: LITH) ass eng Exploratiouns- an Entwécklungsfirma konzentréiert op Nordamerika, gewidmet fir Lithium a verbonne Ressourcen fir déi séier wuessend Energiespeicherindustrie ze liwweren. D'Firma hofft d'Chancen am Beräich vu Lithium Batterien ze profitéieren, dorënner Lithium Batterien fir den erweiderten Batteriemaart vun der nächster Generatioun. According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs, demand for lithium is expected to triple by 2025. For many analysts, lithium is considered the new gasoline of the future. As the demand for lithium grows, American Lithium Corporation intends to become a part of this emerging industry. Our current focus is on the basin and mountain provinces of Nevada. Albemarle's Silver Peak project is located in the only mine in North America that produces lithium. Our first project, Elon, is located in Clayton Valley, close to Silver Peak and several other active explorers and developers.
D'Aktien vun der Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. Et studéiert haaptsächlech Vanadium, Kobalt, Néckel, Gold a Lithium.
Voltaic Minerals Corp. (TSX: VLT.V) ass eng Lithium Exploratiounsfirma baséiert zu Vancouver, etabléiert als Joint Venture mat Equitorial Exploration Corp., a besëtzt 100% gréng Energie Lithium Projeten. The green energy project covers 4,160 acres required by the Land Management Administration (BLM) and is located in Grand County, Utah, 30 miles west of Moab. Lithium and other minerals occurred in the supersaturated brine (40% minerals, 60% water) discovered during oil exploration in the project, when the drilling well intercepted the No. 14 clastic bed of the Paradox Formation.
Fortune Minerals Co., Ltd. (TSX: WML.V; OTC: WMLLF) is a mineral resources company with interests in Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile. The company's main focus is the acquisition of lithium projects in South America. Bis haut huet d'Firma sech positionéiert fir Aguas Caliente Norte, Pujsa a Quisquiro Salars am Chile z'entwéckelen, a mat existéierende Produzente vun der produktiver Atacama Salar ze kooperéieren. The company continues to actively seek new acquisitions in the region. Déi dynamesch Ännerungen am Lithiummaart an de schnelle Steigerung vun de Metallpräisser sinn d'Resultat vu wäitreegend strukturell Themen an der Industrie, déi erwaart zukünfteg Nofro treffen. Wealth positions itself as the main beneficiary of the mismatch between supply and demand in the future. The company also maintains and continues to evaluate the investment portfolio of precious metals and base metals exploration phase projects.
Western Lithium USA Corporation (TSX: WLC.TO) is developing its lithium deposit in Kings Valley, Nevada, into a strategic, scalable and reliable source of high-quality lithium products. The company positions itself as a major US supplier to support the growing global demand for lithium, and the use of hybrid/electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and consumer and industrial lithium battery storage applications is expected to increase. Zousätzlech sicht Western Lithium Méiglechkeete fir e Fournisseur vu Spezialbohradditive, Hectatone ™, an aner Organoclays ze ginn, déi an Ueleg a Gas an aner Industrien benotzt kënne ginn.

AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries Inc. Fir Waasserverschmotzungsproblemer a Verschmotzung ze léisen. Its products are based on polymer technology that can remove hydrocarbons, sediments and other foreign elements from rainwater runoff (ponds, lakes and docks), running water (roadside drainage, pipe outflows, rivers and oceans), industrial processes and wastewater. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. This technology can effectively reduce coliform bacteria found in rainwater, industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater. SmartSponge®Plus has been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (registration number 86256-1). AbTech Team vun Waasserbehandlungstechnologiesexperten, Zivil- an Ëmweltingenieuren, an Feldoperatiounsexperten entwéckelen Léisunge fir d'Qualitéit vun eise limitéierten Waasserressourcen ze verbesseren. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
Basic Energy Services, Inc. D'Firma beschäftegt 4.400 a méi wéi 100 Servicepunkten a grousse Ueleg- a Gasproduktiounsberäicher an Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Kansas, an de Rocky Mountains an Appalachians. Multiple employees. Basic provides a wide range of functions to treat the entire oilfield wastewater stream from dewatering drilling fluid to processing fracturing flowback fluid and produced water for reuse. Our services include chlorine dioxide (ClO2) treatment in downhole and surface water applications, including treatment of fresh water, produced water and hydraulic fracturing (fracture) water. Basic's water solution service focuses on two key areas: circulating water and bacteria control. In each task, we will work with customers to develop strategic plans around project conditions, which are tailored to their specific operations. Our service reduces the need for fresh water, water transportation, disposal and congestion on the ground. As a result, we help save customers time, money and water, the most precious natural resource.
BioLargo, Inc. For more information about the company and its subsidiaries, please visit www.BioLargo.com. Its subsidiary BioLargo Water, Inc. (www.BioLargoWater.com) demonstrated an advanced oxidation system, including its AOS filter-a product under development, specifically designed to eliminate common, troublesome and dangerous (toxic) pollution in water Part of the thing. The time and cost of current technology. It received the “Technology Star” award from “New Technology” magazine for its breakthrough innovation in the petroleum industry, and was appointed by Frost & Sullivan as a technological innovation leader in the water treatment market. BioLargo also owns a 50% interest in Isan System, which was awarded the title of “Top 50 Water Company in the 21st Century” by the Artemis project. The company has now been commercialized with a license from Clarion Water, Inc. Odor-No-More Inc., a subsidiary of BioLargo, provides award-winning products that serve the pet, horse, military supplies and consumer markets, including the Nature's BestSolution® and Deodorall® brands (www.OdorNoMore.com). Clyra Medical Technologies, Inc. (www.ClyraMedical.com), a subsidiary of BioLargo, focuses on advanced wound care management.

Seba Energy Services (TSX: CEI.V) bitt spezialiséiert Servicer fir d'Energieindustrie, besonnesch fir Firmen, déi an der Öl- a Gasfuerschung, Extraktioun a Produktioun am Western Kanada engagéiert sinn. Ceiba develops and builds facilities near customers to provide crude oil emulsion processing, oil storage, storage and sales, and production water disposal.

ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) is a leading manufacturer of patented and proprietary solutions for environments where understanding of the presence, movement and/or volume of water is important. The main market areas include: agriculture, golf and turf, scientific research, civil engineering and crude oil production. ESI-Léisungen sinn erfollegräich a méi wéi 40 Länner / Regiounen agefouert ginn fir Clienten z'erméiglechen Operatiounen ze optimiséieren andeems d'Präsenz an de Floss vum Waasser iwwerwaacht, Bewässerungssystemer verwalten an d'Integritéit vun Deponieplazen iwwerwaachen. D'Firma FloPoint ™ Instrument ass fir d'Pëtrolsindustrie entwéckelt fir de Volume vum Waasser ze moossen, deen während der Rohölextraktioun gepompelt gëtt, fir de Prozess ze charakteriséieren an ze optimiséieren. ESI differenzéiert sech andeems déi bescht verfügbar Technologien an praktesch, einfach ze benotzen Léisungen transforméiert ginn. Bewässerungsmanager, Reservoiringenieuren a Wëssenschaftler hunn ESI Produkter ugeholl wéinst hirer Genauegkeet, einfacher Benotzung, Widderhuelbarkeet a Fäegkeet fir an haarden Ëmfeld ze bedreiwen.
Eco-Stim Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM: ESES) is an oilfield service and technology company focused on the environment, providing proprietary on-site management technology for oil and gas producers drilling in the fast-growing international unconventional shale market. Stimulatioun an Ofschloss Servicer. Dem EcoStim seng propriétaire Methodik an Technologie kann d'Zuel vun de Stimulatiounsstadien an engem Schifer-Reservoir reduzéieren duerch en eenzegaartege Prozess deen héich-Wahrscheinlechkeet Produktiounsberäicher viraussoe kann an déi lescht Generatioun vun Downhole-Diagnostik-Tools benotze fir dës Produktiounsberäicher z'identifizéieren. In addition, EcoStim also provides its customers with completion technologies that can greatly reduce horsepower requirements, emissions, surface footprint and water use. EcoStim ass engagéiert fir global onkonventionell Ueleg- a Gasproduzenten gutt Ofschlossservicer mat besserer Technologie, besserer Ökologie a wesentlech verbesserte wirtschaftleche Virdeeler ze bidden.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) ass eng Technologieentwécklung an Intellektuell Eegentum Lizenzfirma gewidmet fir Ëmweltléisungen fir déi global Waasser-, Energie- an Industriemäert z'entwéckelen. We help the industry increase production, reduce costs, and protect the environment through a series of unique patented technologies: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® and our recently announced Ecos GrowCube™, which provide you with exclusive and non-exclusive licensing opportunities throughout the industry A Breet Palette vun Industrien an Uwendungen iwwerall. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Canada also eliminated millions of gallons of liquid chemicals and generated more than 70 million Canadian dollars in revenue from equipment sales, service, and licensing. The company has also successfully manufactured approximately 50 Ozonix® machines and deployed them to various major hydraulic fracturing shale oil fields throughout the United States and Canada.
Enservco Corporation (NYSE MKT: ENSV) duerch seng verschidde Betribsdochtergesellschaften, ENSERVCO ass ee vun de féierende Fournisseuren vun thermeschen Ueleg ginn, acidification, fracturing Waasser Heizung a Flëssegket Gestioun Servicer an der Energie Service Industrie a siwe grouss Gewalt Ueleg a Gas Felder. Serving customers in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, Wyoming and West Virginia
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) is a CleanTech company located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Et huet de Voraxial®-Separator entwéckelt a fabrizéiert, dee ka gesot ginn als déi effizientsten, héich Kapazitéit a grouss-Volumen-Separator an der Welt Fluid- a Flësseg / Fest-Trennungstechnologie. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. Uwendungen enthalen awer sinn net limitéiert op: Uelegpestreinigung, Offall Konversioun an Energie, Onshore an Offshore Waasser Trennung, Fraktur Waasser, Reewaasser, Raffinerie Ofwaasser Botzen a Biokraftstoffer. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies
ESP Resources, Inc. (OTC: ESPI) produces, mixes, distributes and sells specialty chemicals and analytical services for the oil and gas industry in the United States. D'Firma bitt d'Spezialitéit Chemikalien fir verschidde Flëssegkeet- a verschidde Flëssegkeeten, déi trennen, trennen, trenne Sethoring Waasser an aner Pollutanten vu Rauzanten aus Rauzanten, trennt sech vu wumwutkoyden, trennt sech vu numeregt Ueleg vu numergaséierende Pompjeeën, déi an Zauberer an Zousatzméiglechkeeten trennt, trennt. Wärend dem Buer- a Produktiounsprozess. Its products include completion petrochemical products, which are mainly used in the completion stage of oil or natural gas wells drilled in various shale formations. The company's products also include the production of petrochemical products, such as surfactants used to deal with production and injection problems; well completion and workover chemicals, which can maximize the productivity of new and existing wells; and biocides can kill water transmission The growth of bacteria; scale compounds that prevent or treat scale deposits; corrosion inhibitors are organic compounds that can form a protective film on the metal surface to isolate the metal from the corrosive environment; defoamers benotzt Schaum Problemer ze kontrolléieren; emulsification Agents for crude oil containing produced water; inhibit and/or dissolve paraffin to prevent accumulation of paraffin chemicals; and water purifiers for purification of sewage. Zousätzlech bitt et verschidde Servicer fir d'Upstream, Midstream an Downstream Industrien vun der Energieindustrie, dorënner Neibau, Modifikatioun vun Operatiounssupport fir Onshore an Offshore Produktioun, Sammlung, Raffinéierungsanlagen a Pipelines.
Freestone Resources Inc. (OTC: FSNR) ass eng Ueleg- a Gastechnologie Entwécklungsfirma zu Dallas, Texas. The company's ongoing goal is to develop new technologies to utilize our vast resources in an environmentally responsible and cost-effective manner. Freestone exploréiert ëmmer nei an innovativ Technologien. Nei Technologien erhéijen Einnahmen andeems eis revolutionär Uelegsand Extraktioun an Uelegsanéierungstechnologien an aner modernste Produkter benotzt ginn. Technical field

Genoil Inc (OTC: GNOLF) ass eng kanadesch Ingenieurstechnologie Entwécklungsfirma mat Sëtz zu Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada, mat Büroen zu Calgary, Sherwood Park, New York, Constanta, Rumänien, Dubai an Abu Dhabi Place. Genoil provides a series of clean technology petroleum technologies. Genoil engagéiert sech fir nohalteg Entwécklung an huet zwou grouss Fuerschungsinstituter a Kanada a Rumänien. It owns and operates a world-class 10 bpd hydrogenation conversion upgrader (GHU), which is equipped with an independent water electrolysis device for high-purity hydrogen supply, hydrogen compressor, substation, combustion heater, and low pressure for gas-liquid separation Separator an PLC fir Automatisatiounsoperatiounskontroll vu Kanada Two Hills. Genoil's research and development (R&D) personnel have developed advanced methods and new breakthrough patents to find solutions to complex global energy problems. Genoil also holds a number of patents related to GHU, which involve water purification, well testing, sand washing technology and environmental remediation technology. Genoil has successfully applied for patents for these new technologies and obtained the latest patents for its sand washing technology. Through the new company structure, Genoil hopes to take full advantage of the recovering world market. Duerch vill Technologien a Maartapplikatiounen huet Genoil verschidde Komponenten an Indikatoren verfollegt fir de Wee no vir ze féieren.
Gibson Energy Company (TSX: GEI.TO) is a large independent integrated service provider for the oil and gas industry, with operations in major North American production areas. Gibsons is engaged in the transportation, storage, blending, processing, marketing and distribution of crude oil, condensate, natural gas liquids, water, oilfield waste and refined products. The company uses an integrated network of terminals, pipelines, storage tanks and trucks throughout Western Canada, as well as an important network of trucking and gas stations in the United States to transport energy products. The company also provides emulsion processing, water treatment and oilfield waste management services through its network of processing, recycling and disposal facilities in Canada and the United States, and is Canada's second largest industrial propane distribution company. D'integréiert Operatiounen vun der Firma erméiglechen et un der ganzer Midstream Energiewäerterkette a Kanada an den US Kuelewaasserstoffproduzéierende Regiounen deelzehuelen duerch d'strategesch Plazen vun der Firma zu Hardisty an Edmonton, Alberta, an Injektiounsstatiounen an Terminaler an den USA. . , Provided to end users or refineries in North America.
GreenHunter Water LLC (NYSE MKT: GRH) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC and GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides Total Water Management Solutions™/Oilfield Fluid Management Solutions™ in oil fields and their fields. Shale gas in the Appalachian Basin. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT Bewäertunge vun der Flott vu 407 Camionen gëtt benotzt fir kündlech a Waasser an der Präsenz vu Kondensat ze künderten. GreenHunter Water huet och d'Leedung an der Bewegung vu Bargewaasser geholl, well Bargetransport eng méi sécher a méi kosteneffektiv Transportmethod ass am Verglach zum Camion oder Schinnentransport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC provides on-site environmental solutions on well pads and facilities. Its service package includes tank and rig cleaning, liquid and solid waste removal/repair, solidification and spill response. D'Versteesdemech datt interconnected Service Suiten de Schlëssel fir E&P Offallstroummanagement sinn, huet GreenHunter Resources seng ëmfaassend End-to-End Service Approche geformt. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides the service of hydrocarbons (transportation of petroleum, condensate and NGL), and will use our existing asset base and infrastructure to provide hydrocarbons (petroleum) in the Appalachian region soon. , Condensate and NGL) storage, processing and sales. , Which includes up to six different barge terminal locations, currently owned or leased by GreenHunter Resources.
Intercept Energy Services Inc. (OTC: IESCF; Toronto Stock Exchange: IES.V) uses innovative and proprietary technology to provide the most efficient hot water for use by oil and gas exploration and production companies; a Kanada a Wärend dem Frakturprozess an den USA. Andeems Dir HE Heizungen (TM) benotzt, kann IES de Brennstoffverbrauch an d'Emissiounen reduzéieren, d'Sécherheet an d'Produktivitéit verbesseren an extrem kale Wiederbetrieb mat extrem nidderegen Operatiounskäschte erreechen, an doduerch seng Clienten en direkten kompetitive Virdeel bréngen.

Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Eis Hafenempfangsanlagen zu Rotterdam (Holland), Gibraltar, Lissabon (Portugal) an Texas Gulf Coast (USA) sammelen a behandelen Marineoffall am Aklang mat der "Malpol Annex IV". Eis Ueleg- a Gasdepartement ass zu Stavanger, Norwegen a spezialiséiert op Onshore- an Offshorebehandlung vun Offall entstinn während Ueleg- a Gasfuerschung a Produktioun. Our engineering team specializes in the design, engineering, installation and maintenance of onshore and offshore waste treatment solutions.

Origingostoil, Inc. (OTC: Ooil) ass e féierende Sécherheetsbehandlässegkeetsversécherung an engem Entwéckler vun der rieseg Weltmaart Technologien fir déi séier Weltmaart Duerch seng ganz Besëtzer Filialen liwwert OriginClear Systemer a Servicer fir Waasser a ville Industrien ze behandelen, dorënner kommunal, pharmazeutesch, Hallefleit, Industrie, Ueleg a Gas. In order to rapidly develop this business unit, we strategically acquired a lucrative and well-managed water treatment company, which allowed us to expand our global market share and technical expertise. Fir eng nei Ära vu propperen a sozial verantwortungsvollen Waasserbehandlungsléisungen ze kreéieren, hu mir Electro Water Separation ™ erfonnt, eng Duerchbroch Multi-Stage Elektrolyse High-Speed-Waasserreinigungstechnologie, déi lizenzéiert gouf fir Waasserbehandlungsausrüstungshersteller weltwäit. Waasser ass eis wäertvollst Ressource. D'Zeknung realiséiert "Tance Hierkonftfrathaart"
Planet Resource Recovery, Inc. (OTC: PRRY) ass den Entwéckler, Hiersteller a Verkeefer vun den Äerdfrëndleche Produkter vun der PetroLuxus™ Technologieplattform. It currently includes the PetroLuxus™ series products for the oil and gas industry and the oil and gas industry. AquaLuxus is a non-toxic treatment product for the water industry.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . Mir wäerten dëst Thema duerch d'Mark vun der Mark hei ™ adresséieren, a léisst Cliente wëssen datt se op d'Republik kënne vertrauen fir eng exzellent Erfahrung ze bidden, wärend en nohaltege Blue Planet ™ fir zukünfteg Generatiounen förderen fir eng propper, méi sécher a méi gesond Welt ze genéissen.
Robix Env​​​​ironmental Technologies Inc. (CSE: RZX; Frankfurt: ROX) is an “industrial products/technology” company that provides investors with a rare opportunity to participate in leading companies engaged in patent ownership business, and From commercial development to global expansion through various business arrangements. Robix owns the Clean Ocean Vessel (“COV”) patent, which is an oil spill recovery vessel design that can recover oil in rough and debris-laden sea conditions. Robix has recognized the global market opportunity for effective containment, recycling and disposal of equipment, especially in the oil spill protection industry, and it proposes to develop into a service provider and/or equipment provider business based on licensing agreements with other industry participants Mode, an deem Robix seng COV patentéiert Designléisung benotzt.
Seair Inc. (TSX: SDS.V) is a water technology company active at the core of the hydropower relationship, providing proprietary diffusion technology, and providing global services in multiple industries including oil and gas, mining, municipal and industrial wastewater Sexual application. D'Firma propriétaire kommerziell Technologie léist de Schlëssel Ueleg-Waasser-Trennung (Deoiling) Problem op eng kosteneffektiv an effizient Manéier andeems Sauerstoff, Ozon, Stickstoff a Kuelendioxid an d'Flëssegkeet méi effektiv diffuséiert ginn an den Energieverbrauch reduzéiert. Seair has been working with clients in the oil and gas industry for more than five years. Dem Seair seng Uwendungen enthalen Uelegsand SAGD wässerlech Léisungen, Frakturéierung a produzéiert Waasserbehandlung, Industrieweiderbehandlung, Minen Dehydratioun / Behandlung, End-to-End Kläranlag an permanente Wunnberäicher a Fernaarbechtslageren, Golfplaz Bewässerung a Weierbehandlung, an Industrieoffall gas treatment.
Sionix Corporation (OTC: SINX) huet en innovativen a fortgeschratt mobilen Waasserbehandlungssystem (MWTS) entwéckelt mat eiser patentéierter a propriétaire DAF Technologie als Kär vum System. Eis Systemer si fir Energie, Regierungsanlagen, Gesondheetsariichtungen, Noutwaasserversuergung während Naturkatastrophen, Wunnengsentwécklungsprojeten entworf, Virbehandlung vu Mierwaasser Desalinatioun an aner Membranfiltratiounsapplikatiounen, a verschidde Uwendungen, dorënner ënnerierdesch Frakturéierung an Ueleg a Gas Industrieprozessbueren.
Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; Absorptiounssystemer, dorënner Absorptiounskühler, Wärmepompelen, Solarkühlungsprodukter a loftgekillte Wärmetauscher; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; an Brennstoff an thermesch Ueleg Heizungen. It also provides water treatment, sugar and paper industries, oil fields, green, construction and fireside chemicals, as well as ion exchange resins and fuel additives; EPC Kraaftwierker; thermesch a photovoltaesch Solarléisungen; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; an Ersatzdeeler. D'Firma bitt Servicer fir Ueleg a Gas, Stol, Automotive, Liewensmëttel, Zement, chemesch, Raffinéierung a petrochemesch, Kraaftproduktioun, Textil, pharmazeutesch, Pabeier a Pulp, Uelegdepotheizung, Raumheizung, Zocker, Faarwen, Gummi an Iessueleg industries; Hoteler a kommerziell Komplexen; EPC Fachleit a Beroder; Wënzer a Gemengen.
Titanium Corporation Inc. (TSX: TIC.V) CVW™ technology provides sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of the oil sands industry. Our technology reduces the environmental impact of oil sands tailings, while economically recovering valuable products that would otherwise be lost. CVW ™ recuperéiert Bitumen, Léisungsmëttelen a Mineralstoffer aus de Schläifen, doduerch datt dës Wueren an de Schwäifdéier an d'Atmosphär verhënnert ginn: grondsätzlech d'Emissioun vu flüchtege organesche Verbindungen an Treibhausgase reduzéieren; the quality of hot tailings water can be improved. Recycling; residual tailings can be thickened more easily.

Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading Provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.

WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) is one of the world's leading professional service companies. LSSSburg AN TEISEN Technririire fir Immaltere Leit, an der Ëmfrastikfahrung oder Ueleg- an Ressourcen, déi zum nigoringen Gas) ënnerloossen (Owesiessen an Gas Nidderkegkeet a Faart (Gas ënnersträischen. WSP bitt och héich spezialiséiert Servicer an der Liwwerung vu Projeten a strategesch Berodung. Its experts include engineers, consultants, technicians, scientists, architects, planners, surveyors and environmental experts, as well as other design, planning and construction management professionals. With approximately 34,000 employees in 500 offices in 40 countries/regions, WSP has the advantage of successful and sustainable projects under the WSP and WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff brands. Water: In June 2016, the company announced that it had reached an agreement with Schlumberger, the world's leading oilfield services company, to acquire its industrial water consulting business. This business will enable WSP to provide water consulting services and project solutions to global industrial customers.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power plangt Clienten praktesch gréng Kraaft ze bidden aus der sécherer an zouverlässerer erneierbarer Energie déi de Grupp konstruéiert, besëtzt a bedreift.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. D'Firma ass komplett integréiert mat zougemaache Recyclingsanlagen, huet säi Sëtz zu Montreal, Québec, Kanada, an huet Fabrikatiounsanlagen a Verkafsbüroen a ville Regiounen an Europa, Amerika an Asien. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials
7C Solarparken AG (XETRA: HRPK.DE; Frankfurt: HRPK.F) designs and builds turnkey solar facilities for private, municipal, industrial and commercial customers. D'Firma op der Gesellschaft funktionnéiert och verschidde Sidormenzplanzen an Däitschland an Däitschland an Italienescher Organisatioun vu 26 MWp. In addition, it also provides a series of services, such as technical support, remote monitoring, inspection and maintenance, troubleshooting and repair, reporting, data archiving, as well as advice and support services for solar system operation, monitoring and maintenance.
ABCO Energy, Inc. (OTC: ABCE) and its subsidiaries operate as electrical products and service providers in the United States. The company sells and installs solar photovoltaic power systems to enable customers to generate electricity on their residential or commercial properties. It also sells and installs energy-saving lighting products, solar street lights and lighting accessories to residential and commercial customers. Zousätzlech bitt d'Firma Solar Leasing a laangfristeg Finanzéierungspläng fir seng Clienten an aner Marketing- an Installatiounsorganisatiounen.

ARRAY Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGS: ARRY) is one of the world's largest manufacturers of ground installation systems for solar projects. The company's main products are an integrated system of steel brackets, electric motors, gearboxes, electronic controllers and software, usually called single-axis “trackers”. The tracker moves the solar panels throughout the day to maintain the best direction towards the sun, thereby significantly increasing its energy production. Am Verglach mat Projeten, déi konventionell "fix Schréiegt" Installatiounssystemer benotzen, kënnen Solarprojeten, déi Tracker benotzen, bis zu 25% vun der Energie generéieren an eng méi niddreg duerchschnëttlech Energiekäschte ubidden. Array Technologies is headquartered in the United States, with offices in Europe, Central America and Australia.

Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. D'Firma kategoriséiert hir Aktivitéiten an Äerdgas a Servicer, Ingenieurstechnologie an aner Aktivitéiten. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. It also provides medical gas, sanitary products, medical equipment and services for hospitals and patients at home. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Seng Ingenieurs- an technesch Aktivitéiten enthalen Design, Entwécklung a Bau vun industrielle Gasproduktiounsanlagen. Seng aner Aktivitéiten enthalen d'Entwécklung vu Schweiß- a Schneidtechnologien, an d'Bereetstellung vun Deep-Sea Tauch- a Schwammenausrüstung.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. D'Verdeelungsgrupp operéiert an den USA a liwwert Präiskontrolléiert Waasser, Elektrizitéit an Äerdgasservicer u méi wéi 489.000 Clienten. The unregulated power generation group owns or owns a portfolio of contracted wind, solar, hydropower, and natural gas power generation facilities located in North America, with an installed capacity of more than 1,050 megawatts. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alfotom (Paräis: al.Pa) ass e global Leader bei der Muechtfration, den Benemu Subravode. Alstom huet de schnellsten Zuch vun der Welt an déi héchst Kapazitéit automatiséiert Subway gebaut, déi schlësselfäerdeg integréiert Kraaftstatiounsléisungen a verwandte Servicer fir verschidden Energiequellen inklusiv Waasserkraaft, Atomkraaft, Äerdgas, Kuel a Wandenergie ubitt, a bitt eng breet Palette vu Kraafttransmissionsléisungen. , mat engem Fokus op Smart Gitter. Solar energy: Our technology can be adapted to all types and scales of projects, including hybrid power generation and all-solar power plants.
Alternus Energy Inc. (OTC: ALTN) ass e weltwäiten onofhängege Stroumproduzent ("IPP"). Mir entwéckelen, besëtzen a bedreiwen Solar-Photovoltaikparken direkt un d'Nationalnetz verbonnen. Our current source of revenue comes from long-term, fixed-price, long-term supply contracts stipulated by the government. These contracts are in the form of government feed-in tariffs (“FiT”) and other energy incentives, and are valid for 15 to 20 years. Eis aktuell Kontrakter liwweren alljährlechen Einnahmen, vun deenen ongeféier 75% aus dëse Quelle kommen, an déi reschtlech 25% kommen aus Einnahmen generéiert aus Contract Energy Purchase Agreements ("PPAs") ënnerschriwwen mat aneren Energiebetreiber a Verkaf un den allgemengen Energiemaart. D'Länner an deenen mir schaffen. Overall, these contracts generate an average sales rate per kilowatt-hour of green energy generated by our solar park. Eise aktuelle Konkokous huet den Europäeschte Boostvoliseesche Maart. However, we are also actively exploring opportunities in other countries outside of Europe.
AMTCH Systemer, Inc. (NASAQGS: AYYS) Ass e globeschte Fournisseur vu fortgeschratten Hëtzt Behandlungsausrüstung. D'Ausrüstung vun Amtech enthält Diffusioun, ALD a PECVD Systemer, Ionimplantater a Solder Reflow Systemer. Amtech bitt och Waferveraarbechtungsautomatiséierung a Polierausrüstung a verbonne Verbrauchsmaterial. D'Veraarbechtung, de Wueriwwerfläch ze schaffen, Happinbiounen a vermëschen Produitater fir Engliwwerung addéieren, Oxidatioun an d'Regierungsruppkollektiounen, ginn d'Seancenenweree, an der Séissekachen, déi an der Sammhu sture kënnen. . Wafer.

Den Haaptgeschäft vun Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) ass den Design an de Bau vu Kraaftwierker duerch seng Gemma Power Systems Duechtergesellschaft. These energy plants include single-cycle and combined-cycle natural gas power plants, as well as alternative energy facilities, including biodiesel, ethanol, and facilities powered by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc

BioSolar, Inc (OTC: BSRC), en Hiersteller vun innovative Bio-baséiert Solarprodukter, entwéckelt de Moment eng Duerchbroch Energiespeichertechnologie fir d'Käschte fir d'Späichere vun der Solarenergie ze reduzéieren. Existing battery technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, can store energy for a long time, but cannot charge or discharge quickly. This feature limits the use of batteries for backup power applications. Inspiréiert vun der Natur, entwéckelt BioSolar e Low-Cost Polymer-baséiert Supercapacitor, deen Honnerte vu Mol méi séier wéi Batterien gelueden an entléisst, a wäert d'Batterien ergänzen, déi benotzt gi fir Solarenergie ze späicheren. By integrating BioSolar supercapacitors into the battery pack as a high-power front-end, the number of battery packs required is less than usually required, and the solar energy during the day can be quickly and cost-effectively stored for use at night at a manner Käschten. Dës potenziell Spillverännerend Technologie erlaabt d'Benotzer vu Sonnesystemer hir Ofhängegkeet op oder komplett aus dem Déngschtnetz ze trennen

Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) bedreift eng vun de weltgréissten ëffentlech gehandelte pure erneierbaren Energieplattformen. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders.
BYD Co., Ltd. Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.

Cemtrex (NasdaqCM: CETX) is a world-leading diversified industrial and manufacturing company that provides a wide range of solutions to meet today's technical challenges. Cemtrex bitt fortgeschratt personaliséiert elektronesch Produkter, Emissiounsmonitoren an Instrumenter fir industriell Prozesser, a Fabrikatiounsservicer fir Ëmweltkontroll a Loftfiltratiounssystemer fir Industrie an Utilities. D'Firma Pläng ze verléieren an d'Induewer ernämmbaren Energeur. D'Firma plangt eng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft an Indien ze grënnen fir eng 100-Megawatt Solarkraaftwierk ze bauen an ze bedreiwen fir säin Zil z'erreechen an den erneierbaren Energiesektor auszebauen.
Chevron Energy Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, and its subsidiaries operate globally. The company explores, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, sells and distributes transportation fuels and other energy products; produzéiert a verkeeft petrochemesch Produkter; generates electricity and generates geothermal energy; provides energy efficiency solutions; and develops the future including biofuels energy. Chevron is headquartered in San Ramon, California.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. In addition, it also runs other projects such as thermal power, solar power, tidal power, biomass power and geothermal power. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. No Jore vun Akkumulation, huet d'Firma lues a lues zéng Wandkraaft Technologie a Service Support Systemer etabléiert, an der virleefeg Miessung vun Wandkraaft, Design Consultatioun, Ausrüstung Akaaf, Operatioun Iwwerwachung, Inspektioun an Ënnerhalt, technesch Fuerschung an Entwécklung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Entwécklung , technesch Ënnerstëtzung, Technologie Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung an aner Felder hunn eenzegaarteg Virdeeler geformt. Berufflech Formatioun.
China Solar Energy and Clean Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (OTC: CSOL) designs and provides integrated renewable energy solutions for industrial customers and real estate developers in China and the world. The company provides vacuum tube and flat plate solar water heaters; Biomass Schmelzen an Intervall Heizungsapparater an industriell Offall Wärme Erhuelung Systemer, dorënner Hëtzt Päif Wärmetauscher, héich Temperatur waarm Héichiewe Uewen, Hëtzt Päif evaporators, Stëbs Ewechhuele an Desulfurization Systemer, konstant Drock waarm Waasser Chaudière an Rauchlos Kuel-fired Chaudière a Bio-Material furnaces. It also provides industrial waste heat recovery systems and heating products, such as heating tubes, heat exchangers, special heating tubes and tubes, high temperature hot blast stoves, heating filters, atmospheric hot water boilers and radiators. In addition, the company also provides conventional tubular heaters with dense coverage; and sells spare parts for its products, and provides after-sales maintenance and repair services. China's solar and clean energy solutions sell products through a network of distributors, wholesalers, sales agents and retailers.
Chofu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5946.T) ass eng japanesch Firma déi haaptsächlech an der Fabrikatioun vu waarme Waasserversuergungsausrüstung, Klimaanlag, Systemausrüstung a Solarausrüstung engagéiert ass. Its main products include hot water supply equipment, such as oil-fired water heaters, gas water heaters, electric water heaters, ecological water heaters and cogeneration systems; Klimaanlag Ausrüstung, wéi Haushaltsklimaanlagen, waarmt Waassersystemer an Uelegheizungsausrüstung; system equipment, such as system bathrooms, systems Kitchen and bathroom toilets, as well as solar energy equipment, including solar power generation equipment, under-floor ventilation fans and solar water heaters. The company is also engaged in the production and sales of software through one of its subsidiaries.

Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS: COHR) is one of the world's leading providers of lasers, laser-based technologies and laser-based system solutions for scientific, commercial and industrial customers. Our common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market and is part of the Russell 2000 Index and the S&P SmallCap 600 Index. Solar

Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) leads the LED lighting revolution and obsolete traditional lighting technologies that waste energy by using energy-saving, mercury-free LED lighting. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. D'Cree Produktlinn enthält LED Luuchten a Knollen, blo a gréng LED Chips, High-Hellness LEDs, Beliichtungsgrad Power LEDs, Power Switching Geräter a RF Apparater. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.
CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 200012.SZ) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of glass and the solar energy industry. The company's flat glass business mainly provides float glass, special glass, quartz sand, etc. The engineering glass segment mainly provides environmentally friendly and energy-saving low-emissivity coated glass. The fine glass business mainly provides color filters, screening glass, etc.; d'Solarfeld bitt haaptsächlech héichreineg Polysilikonmaterialien a Solarzellen a Moduler. D'Produkter vun der Firma ginn an den Inlands- an iwwerséiesche Mäert verdeelt, dorënner Hong Kong, Europa, Nordamerika an Australien.
CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQCM: CVV) ass en Designer an Hiersteller vu personaliséierten a Standard-Stand-vun-der-Konscht Ausrüstung fir Fuerschung an Entwécklung, Design an Fabrikatioun vun fortgeschratt elektronesche Komponenten, Materialien a Beschichtungen fir Fuerschung an industriell Uwendungen. CVD provides a wide range of chemical vapor deposition, gas control and other equipment, customers can use them to research, design and manufacture semiconductors, solar cells, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, LEDs, MEMS, smart glass coatings, batteries , Supercapacitors, medical coatings, industrial coatings and surface mount equipment for printed circuit components. Dem CVD säin Applikatiounslaboratoire konzentréiert sech op d'Fabrikatioun vun Nanoskala an Nanoskala bis makroskopesch Materialien duerch eng breet Palette vu Wuesstumsmäert, déi duerch eis ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft CVD Materials Corporation verkaaft ginn.

The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) combines the power of science and technology to enthusiastically innovate what is essential to human progress. The company is promoting innovation to extract value from the intersection of chemical, physical and biological sciences to help solve many of the world's most challenging problems, such as the demand for clean water, the generation and protection of clean energy, and the increase in agricultural Produktivitéit. The Dow Chemical Company's market-oriented integration, industry-leading specialty chemistry, advanced materials, agricultural science and plastics business portfolio, provides a wide range of technology-based products for customers in approximately 180 countries and high-growth fields such as packaging and electronics . Products and solutions, water, paint and agriculture. Dow Solar
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Eis kommerziell an international Geschäfter besëtzen a bedreiwen verschidde Kraaftproduktiounsverméigen an Nordamerika a Lateinamerika, dorënner Portefeuillen vun erneierbaren Energieverméigen. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Solarenergie: Méi a méi Leit an den USA sichen no méi erneierbaren Energieoptiounen, a Solarenergie spillt eng ëmmer méi wichteg Roll an der Aart a Weis wéi Duke Energy Stroum u senge Clienten liwwert. It is already helping homeowners, businesses and government organizations meet some of their energy needs. And as the cost of solar installation continues to decline across the country, it has become easier for customers to choose solar. Duke Energy is committed to providing customers with more options for using solar energy and other forms of renewable energy. In our six-state service area, Duke Energy's customers have received approximately 7,000 MW of solar power generation in the six states we serve, generating 700 MW of solar power generation, of which 70 MW is from the rooftop Solar installation.
Zënter 1802 huet DuPont (NYSE: DD) Weltklass Wëssenschaft an Ingenieurstechnologie op de weltwäite Maart a Form vun innovative Produkter, Materialien a Servicer bruecht. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and d'Ëmwelt. DuPont Solar: Provides the widest combination of materials in photovoltaics (PV) and provides six of the eight most critical materials for manufacturing solar modules.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY) is an international private energy supplier, and it is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of new strategies, E.ON will focus entirely on renewable energy, energy networks and customer solutions in the future. They are all obstacles to building a new energy world. Solar energy: Solar energy is a key technical area of ​​E.ON's renewable energy strategy, focusing on photovoltaic ground farms. Mir bedreiwen de Moment ongeféier 60 MW vun der photovoltaescher Kraaftproduktiounskapazitéit a Südeuropa an ongeféier 20 MW vun der Photovoltaik-Kraaftproduktiounskapazitéit an den USA, a sinn Aktionär vum spuenesche CSP-Projet. Mir schaffen haart fir de Solargeschäft op deeselwechte Reifeniveau ze bréngen wéi d'Windenergiegeschäft, a beméien eis d'Kraaftproduktiounskäschte ëm 35% ze reduzéieren.
EB Original Firma (Tokyo: 6361.T) produzéiert a verkeeft industriell Maschinnen an Asien, Nordamerika an der Welt. The fluid machinery and systems provided by the company include a series of pumps for the power, water, oil and gas, petrochemical, general industrial and construction infrastructure markets, as well as blowers, compressors, turbines, fans, refrigeration and heating equipment, Products wéi Coolers a Killtuerm. It also provides engineering, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance services for environmental and energy-related infrastructure, such as municipal and industrial waste incineration plants, biomass power plants, water treatment plants, etc. In addition, the company develops, manufactures and distributes various semiconductor manufacturing equipment and components, including dry vacuum pumps, chemical mechanical polishing equipment, electroplating equipment, gas reduction systems, etc. Solar battery
EDP​​ Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Mir entwéckelen d'Geschäft op weltwäite Mäert a fuerdere weider eise Geschäft an nei Regiounen auszebauen, engagéiert fir eng féierend Positioun an all Maart z'erhalen a Wäert fir Akteuren an Aktionären ze kreéieren. EDP​​R's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.

Elecnor SA (MCE: ENO.MC) is a Spanish company engaged in the promotion, development and management of projects in the fields of energy, telecommunications, transportation and the environment. The company operates through four business areas: infrastructure, renewable energy, concessions, and Deimos. Its products and services include the production and distribution of electricity, the distribution of natural gas, the operation of telecommunications systems, the provision of support services to airports and railway stations, the supply of drinking water and waste treatment; an de Bau, Gestioun an Ënnerhalt vun industriell Planzen. Solar energy
Electronic Solar Energy (OTC: ESRG) provides solar and green energy solutions for homeowners, businesses, non-profit organizations and government organizations in the United States. The company provides solar power systems or photovoltaic systems, battery backup systems, solar water heating systems, solar attic fans, reflective roof coatings, solar pool heating systems, pool purification systems and rainwater collection systems. Et bitt och Installatiounsservicer.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) ass eng grouss Investitiounsfirma déi spezialiséiert ass op Solar- an Onshore Windenergie a Parkoperatiounen. It does not focus on investing in the Greenfield project from scratch, nor does it assume major development or construction risks. Et probéiert aus Investitiounen bannent fënnef bis siwe Joer duerch IPOs, Handelsverkaaf, sekundär Akeef oder Réckkaafen zréckzezéien. D'Firma probéiert ausserhalb vu sengem Bilan ze investéieren. Et konzentréiert sech op d'Acquisitioun an d'Operatioun vun schlësselfäerdegen Solar- a Wandfarmen aus dem Secondaire Maart. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) bitt propriétaire, schlësselfäerdeg Energieléisungen déi intelligent, bankabel an nohalteg sinn. Déi meescht Energieprodukter a Léisunge kënnen direkt ëmgesat ginn, wou néideg. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
Enerkon Solar International, Inc. (OTC: ENKS) long-term strategic plan, Vision 2028 is a long-term roadmap to achieve our growth goals and technology and cost leadership goals. Wann Dir laangfristeg strategesch Pläng implementéiert, konzentréiere mir eis op d'Benotzung vun eise Moduler fir Utility-Skala photovoltaesch Solarléisungen op grouss geographesch Mäert ze bidden. Mir gleewen datt dës Schlësselmäert dréngend grouss-Skala photovoltaesch Kraaftproduktioun brauchen, inklusiv ganz Amerika, Asien, de Mëttleren Osten an Afrika. och e wichtege Bestanddeel vun eise rezente Pläng.

Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana huet méi wéi 15 Joer Erfarung fir d'Netzkraaftkraaft-elektronesch Ausrüstung fir Brennstoffzell-, Photovoltaik- a Batterieapplikatiounen ze liwweren, a bitt bewisen, haltbar, qualitativ héichwäerteg Léisungen duerch seng héich Kapazitéit Fabrikatiounsanlagen an Europa an Nordamerika. Eguana huet Dausende vun propriétaire Energiespeicherinverter, déi an den europäeschen an nordamerikanesche Mäert ofgesat ginn an ass e féierende Fournisseur vu Kraaftsteuerung fir Solar Selbstverbrauch, Netzservicer, a Gitterrand On-Demand Opluedapplikatiounen.

Etrion Corporation (TSX: ETX.TO) is an independent power producer that develops, builds, owns and operates utility-scale solar power plants. The company has 130 MW of installed solar capacity in Italy and Chile. Etrion huet 34 MW Solarenergieprojeten am Bau a Japan, an entwéckelt och aktiv Greenfield Solarenergieprojeten a Japan a Chile.
Ferrotec Corporation (Tokyo: 6890.T) is a diversified technology company with operations all over the world, involving a wide range of final products, manufacturing systems and industries. We provide customers with advanced materials, components and assembly solutions to make their products work better, more accurately, and more reliably. Baséierend op dem technologesche Kär vu Ferrofluid Magnéitflëssegkeet a Ferrofluidic® Dichtungsprodukter, sinn eis Firma an eise Produktportfolio gewuess fir déi ëmmer verännerend Bedierfnesser vun de Clienten ze treffen. Ferrotec is now a global enterprise, which is characterized by a large number of inter-company cooperation in product research, manufacturing and marketing. PV

Fujipream Corporation (Tokyo: 4237.T) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of optical filters for plasma display panels (PDP), optical equipment and photovoltaic equipment. D'Firma bedreift zwou Geschäftsunitéiten. D'Flaach Panel Display Divisioun beschäftegt sech mat der Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vun opteschen Filtere fir PDPs, déi a Flat Panel Displays a Produkter am Zesummenhang mat Touchscreen Sensor Substrate benotzt ginn. Am Beräich vun der propperer ökologescher Energie geet et ëm d'Entwécklung, d'Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu verschiddene Solarzellmoduler; the design, construction and sales of residential and industrial solar power systems, as well as the manufacturing, installation and sales of thin-film laminated glass and double-layer glass for thermal insulation, etc. .

General Electric (NYSE: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE fusionéiert déi kierperlech an digital Welten op eng Manéier déi keng aner Firma ka passen. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Solarenergie: GE bitt eng komplett Solarenergieléisung, déi d'Situatioun an d'Ziler vun all Client berücksichtegt. Whether it is used for commercial, industrial, utility or mixed applications, GE can use the breadth and depth of its products and expertise to help customers choose the right technology combination.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE: GOOD.L) purchases, generates electricity and sells electricity from renewable energy sources in the UK through its subsidiaries. D'Firma operéiert duerch Versuergungsfirmen, Kraaftgeneratiounsfirmen a Kraaftgeneratiounsentwécklungsdepartementer. Et generéiert Stroum duerch Wandturbinen a Solarpanneauen. A liwwert on-grid Stroumpräismanagement Servicer fir Mikrogeneratoren. The company also sells natural gas; a bitt Servicer am Zesummenhang mat der Entwécklung vu Mikro-erneierbarer Kraaftproduktioun a Kraaftgeneratiounsplazen.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC: GSFI) is a Wyoming-based company with satellite offices in Malibu, California and New York City, New York. Et ass engagéiert en onzefriddenen Maart am Solarfeld z'entwéckelen an ass am Moment zu Nevada Kalifornien ass lizenzéiert, Arizona, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Colorado, Hawaii a Kanada. D'Firma d'nächst Generatioun Solar Treibhauseffekt gebaut a geréiert vun der Nevada Branche Green Rain Solar, LLC, mat der propriétaire Treibhauseffekt Technologie an Markendesign entwéckelt vum weltbekannte Architekt Mr. Anthony Morali. The company currently targets the high-growth solar market with advanced solar greenhouses and advanced solar cell products. D'Firma huet e wuessenden Undeel vum New York City Solarmaart, deen a kuerzer Versuergung ass, an d'Firma plangt 50.000 bis 100.000 Quadratmeter Daachraum fir Solarpanneauen ze benotzen. Green Stream hopes to establish key partnerships with major investment groups to take advantage of various unique investment opportunities in the commercial solar market. The company is committed to becoming a major player in this critical area. Through its innovative solar products and industry partnerships, the company is well positioned to become an important participant in the solar field.

Hara Minato Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8894.T) is mainly engaged in real estate business. The real estate distribution part involves the distribution and sale of apartments, as well as the planning, design and sale of detached houses, as well as real estate transactions and brokerage. The real estate leasing and management department is engaged in the management of rental apartments in Yamaguchi Prefecture and the operation and management of nursing homes for the elderly. Solarenergiegeschäft
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. , lawn and garden equipment as well as Honda and Ac song cars. Honda Solar: Cigs Dënnfilm Solarzellen - amplaz Silizium huet Honda CIGS Solarzellen entwéckelt, déi aus dënnen Filmer zesummegesat sinn a Stroum aus Kupfer, Indium, Gallium a Selenid generéiere kënnen. This reduces the thickness of the film from 80 microns containing silicon to only 2-3 microns. This reduces the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions during the production process, making them harmless to the environment. D'Struktur vun dëse Solarzellen kann Elektrizitéit stabil generéieren, och wann en Deel vun de Solarzellen am Schied sinn ouni e wesentleche Spannungsfall.

Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho in the United States. Geschäft. Säi Verméigenportfolio enthält de Moment: (i) Besëtz vun 33 Betribsanlagen mat enger totaler Nettoinstallatiounskapazitéit vu 687 MW (total 1.194 MW), dorënner 26 Waasserkraaft Ariichtungen, 6 Wandparken an 1 Solar Photovoltaik Kraaft Generatioun (Ii) Hutt Rechter a fënnef projects under development or under construction that have signed power purchase agreements, with a total net installed capacity of 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).

Invesco Solar ETF (NYSEArca: TAN) The investment result sought by this investment is usually in line with the performance of the fund's fees and expenses before the stock index called the MAC Global Solar Index. The fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the common stocks that make up the index, ADR and GDR, and depositary receipts representing the common stocks included in the index. Den Index enthält Aktie Wäertpabeieren, déi an den entwéckelte Mäert gehandelt ginn, dorënner amerikanesch Depotbezuelen an amerikanesch Depotbezuelen. Generally, it will invest in all securities that make up the index in proportion to its weight in the index. The fund is non-diversified.
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) is a wireless network operator and software application provider dedicated to the Internet of Things. Iota sells recurring revenue solutions that can optimize the energy use, sustainability and operations of commercial and industrial facilities directly or through third-party relationships. Iota bitt och wichteg Nieweprodukter a Servicer fir d'Adoptioun vu sengen Abonnement-baséiert Servicer ze förderen, dorënner Solar, LED Beliichtung an HVAC Implementatiounsservicer.
Ishii Weapon Co., Ltd. The company is active in three business units. The motor parts manufacturing equipment department provides printed circuit board (PCB), semiconductor and solar cell wafer manufacturing equipment; ceramic jet scrubbers; flatbed grinders and inkjet printers. D'Display an d'elektronesch Deeler Departement liwwert Membranschalter Panelen, Excel Schalter Panelen, gedréckte Brieder, Seid-Écran Produkter, Präzisiounsstahlplacke, Nummplacken a Plastikschloss. Other departments specialize in solar cells.

Imon Inc. (NASAQGs: Eti) ass eng weltwäit Technologie a Service Firma, déi d'Benotzung vun Energie- a Waassertresultater bedauert. Mir ginn eis ëmstreveseschen Léisungen fir Mooss, Manageningersetzen an Energie a Waasser an analyséieren. Eis breet Produktportfolio enthält Elektrizitéit, Äerdgas, Waasser an thermesch Energiemiessungsausrüstung a Kontrolltechnologie; communication systems; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources. Itron Total Solar: Itron, a global leader in measurement, data collection and management technology and services, recognizes the emerging needs of the solar industry. Baséierend op eisem Erfolleg, liwwert Itron Solarenergie Ubidder an Utilities mat engem eenzegaartege Portfolio vu Léisungen a verwalteten Servicer, fir d'Geschäft Erausfuerderunge vun der verdeelerer Kraaftproduktioun z'erreechen an e méi flexibelt a elastescht Netzwierk fir d'Zukunft ze bauen. Itron Total Solar packt eis existent Industrieführend Fäegkeeten an der Solarmessung, Kommunikatioun, Asset Iwwerwaachung an Datemanagement, Analyse a Lastprognosen, a verwaltete Servicer duerch eng vereinfacht Abonnement-baséiert Präisstruktur.

JinkoSolar Holdings Limited (NYSE: JKS) is a global leader in the solar energy industry. JinkoSolar distributes solar products and sells its solutions and services to a diversified international utility, commercial and residential customer base in China, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Chile, South Africa, India, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States United Arab Emirates, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and other countries and regions. JinkoSolar also sells electricity in China and has connected about 500 MW of solar projects to the grid. JinkoSolar huet 4 Produktiounsanlagen zu Jiangxi an Zhejiang, China, Portugal a Südafrika, an 12 global Verkafsbüroen a China, Spuenien an den USA. Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico, as well as 11 overseas subsidiaries in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan, India, South Africa and Chile
Jusung Engineering Co., Ltd. (Korea: 036930.KQ) manufactures and sells solar cells, semiconductors and display equipment in Korea and internationally. The company's solar cell equipment product line includes thin film deposition equipment; thin film silicon solar cell equipment; dënnem Film amorph Silizium Gebai integréiert photovoltaic Equipement; and crystalline silicon solar cell equipment. Et bitt och flaach Panel Display Ausrüstung, sou wéi Plasma verstäerkte chemesch Dampdepositiounsausrüstung an organesch liicht emittéierend Diode Produkter. The company's semiconductor equipment product line includes Cyclone Plus air separation chemical vapor deposition (CVD) equipment. TRUFIL HDP CVD, a technology for forming thin films such as SiO2; Genaon dréchen Ätz Ausrüstung fir Polymeriséierung a Metallveraarbechtung; ultra-héich Vakuum CVD Ausrüstung fir d'Oflagerungsëmfeld ze botzen; Cyclone Plus semi-batch niddereg-Drock CVD Equipement fir Schmelzhäre Typ Batch Equipement; a metall-organesch CVD Ausrüstung, déi an Hallefleitproduktiounslinne fir dielektresch a Metallfilmapplikatiounen benotzt gëtt. Zousätzlech gëtt et Galliumnitrid Metall organesch CVD Ausrüstung, déi fir Masseproduktioun vu gréngen, bloen a wäisse LED Luuchten benotzt kënne ginn.
KANEKA CORPORATION (Tokyo: 4118.T) is a Japanese chemical company. When Kaneka was founded, our main product lines included caustic soda, soap, cosmetics, edible oil and electrical wires. But as Kaneka grew, we began to focus on R&D and began to look forward to the rapidly changing global market. Today, Kaneka's main product lines include chemicals, functional and expandable plastic products, food, life science products, synthetic fibers and solar modules. Kaneka Solar: Kaneka benotzt eis méi wéi 60 Joer fortgeschratt Materialkenntnisser a Kärfäegkeeten als chemesche Produkthersteller fir seng eege Solarpanneauen ze fuerschen, z'entwéckelen an ze fabrizéieren.
North River Seiki Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6327.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in the business of industrial machinery. Beichuan Precision Machinery also uses advanced technology to develop and manufacture products in the field of photovoltaic power generation. Photovoltaesch Energieproduktioun ass eng propper Energiequell déi ëmmer méi ëffentlech Opmierksamkeet unzitt. Eise Multi-Ouverture Photovoltaik Modul Laminator kann d'Produktivitéit wesentlech erhéijen, während d'Plaz an d'Aarbechtsfuerderunge reduzéieren. Kitagawa Seiki's laminating machine can handle various types of modules, including crystal, thin film and spherical silicon, while providing high quality and low cost.
KLA-Tencor Corporation (NasdaqGS: KLAC) is a leading provider of process control and yield management solutions, cooperating with customers around the world to jointly develop the latest detection and metrology technologies. These technologies serve the semiconductor, LED and other related nanoelectronic industries. Mat engem Industrie-Standard Produktportfolio an engem Weltklass Team vun Ingenieuren a Wëssenschaftler huet d'Firma Cliente mat exzellente Léisunge fir bal 40 Joer geliwwert. KLA-Tencor huet säi Sëtz zu Milpitas, Kalifornien, an huet engagéiert Client Operatiounen a Service Zentren ronderëm d'Welt. MicroXAM-800 opteschen Interferometer ënnerstëtzt R&D a Produktioun, Uwendung vun Messungstextur, Schrëtt Héicht a Form. Et gëtt a verschiddenen Industrien benotzt: LED, Kraaftausrüstung, medizinescht Ausrüstung, MEMS, Hallefleit, Solarenergie a Präzisiounsfläch.
Lam Research Coporation (NasdaqGS: LRCX) ass en zouverléissege globalen Zouliwwerer vun innovativen Wafer-Fabrikatiounsausrüstung a Servicer fir d'Hallefferindustrie. Lam's extensive market-leading deposition, etching, stripping and wafer cleaning solutions product portfolio makes the equipment function 1,000 times smaller than sand particles, thereby enabling customers to achieve success, thereby enabling customers to achieve success, thereby achieving smaller and more Faster and more energy -E genuch Verhandlunge Chips. Through collaboration, continuous innovation and fulfilling promises, Lam is transforming atomic engineering and enabling customers to shape the future of technology. The company's subsidiary Silfex Incorporated is the world's largest supplier of high-purity customized silicon components and components that can serve a wide range of high-tech markets. Als Maart Leader an fortgeschratt Materialien, Silfex stellt integréiert Silicon Léisunge fir d'Solar, opteschen an Hallefleit Equipement Mäert. Solar Ausrüstung a Materialien

MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; Muecht Generatioun, dorënner erneierbar Energien Infrastruktur; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Solar energy: We are a leading solar energy facility contractor, providing engineering, construction and power system integration services to government, corporate and residential customers across the country. We design, build, expand and maintain efficient, cost-effective solar facilities from the ground up to help our customers meet the growing demand for clean, sustainable energy and continuous energy saving.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) is a diversified manufacturer. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries provides the entire process from construction to after-sales service for various power generation facilities, including thermal power plants that achieve the world's highest power generation efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions levels, as well as nuclear and wind power plants, so as stabil Kraaft ze bidden a besser zu hirer Liewensqualitéit bäigedroen. The renewable energy power plant sector includes thin-film photovoltaic modules

Mospec Semiconductor Corporation (Taiwan: 2434.TW) ass eng vertikal integréiert Power Semiconductor Firma. Mir sinn déi technologesch fortgeschratt Kraaft Hallefleitfirma an Taiwan mat enger breet Palette vu Produktlinnen. Our core power products include power transistors, Schottky rectifiers, ultra-fast and fast recovery rectifiers, TVS diodes and surface mount devices (SMD). MOSPEC spezialiséiert och an Silicon wafer Technologie, produzéiert epitaxial Silicon wafers, Matière wafers an kristallin Silicon Sonnesystem Zellen.

MVV Energie AG (Frankfurt: MVV1.F) and its subsidiaries mainly provide electricity, natural gas, district heating and water in Germany. The company's power generation and infrastructure division operates conventional power plants. An Offall- a Biomass Kraaftwierker, souwéi Waasseranlagen a Wandhaff. The department also operates grid facilities for electricity, heat, natural gas and water, and technical service units allocated to the grid business area for the distribution of electricity, heat, natural gas and water based on the grid. Säin Handel- a Portfoliomanagement Departement bitt Energiebeschaffung a Portfoliomanagement souwéi Energiehandelsservicer. The company's sales and service department provides electricity, heat, natural gas and water to end customers. And provide energy-related services. Photovoltaic/solar

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy huet säi Sëtz zu Juneau Beach, Florida, a seng Haaptfilialer sinn Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (wat eng vun de gréisste Präiskontrolléiert elektresch Kraaftfirmen an den USA ass) an NextEra Energy Resources, LLC a seng verbonne Entitéiten. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "D'Solarzäit

Nisshinbo Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 3105.T), as a group of “Environment and Energy Companies”, will provide solutions to solve global environmental problems that pose the greatest challenge to human society. Mat verschiddenen Technologien, déi bis elo gesammelt goufen, beschäftegen mir eis an Elektronik, Autosbremsen, Präzisiounsinstrumenter, Chimie, Textilien, Pabeierfabrikatioun an Immobiliengeschäfter, dorënner "wireless Kommunikatioun an Elektronik", "Autosdeeler an Ausrüstung", "Lifestyle a Material" " , and “New Energy and Smart Society” as our four strategic business areas. Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc. provides photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment not only to Japan but also to leading module manufacturers around the world. In addition, the company is engaged in the installation of photovoltaic power generation systems and the development of photovoltaic cell materials to solve the problem of photovoltaic power generation. D'Firma wëll seng Efforte weiderfuere fir Produkter z'entwéckelen fir d'Zouverlässegkeet ze verbesseren an d'Käschte vun de Solarzellen ze reduzéieren (déi representativst propper Energie).
Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6641.T) ass en Hiersteller vun elektreschen Ausrüstung. The Renewable Energy and Environment business unit meets the social needs determined on a global scale, such as the use of renewable energy, the subsequent demand for a more stable power system, the improvement of power infrastructure and the shortage of water resources. In the renewable energy business, we provide power conditioners and photovoltaic power generation systems, as well as products for building next-generation power transmission and distribution systems (smart grids). Am Ëmweltgeschäft liwwere mir Produkter am Zesummenhang mat elektreschen Ausrüstung an Energiemanagementsystemer (EMS) fir Waasserbehandlungsanlagen.

Northland Power Inc. (TSX: NPI.TO; NPI-PA.TO) ass en onofhängege Stroumproduzent, gegrënnt an 1987, an ass zënter 1997 ëffentlech gehandelt. Northland entwéckelt, baut, besëtzt a bedreift Ariichtungen déi "propper" produzéieren ( natural gas) and “green” (wind, solar, and hydro) energy to provide shareholders, stakeholders and communities with sustainable long-term value.
OC Oerlikon Corporation AG (OTC: OERLF) ass eng weltführend Technologiegrupp gewidmet fir Maartféierend Technologien a Servicer fir Uewerflächeléisungen, kënschtlech Faserfabrikatioun, Fuertsystemer a Vakuumpompelen a Komponenten a Wuesstumsmäert ze liwweren. These advanced technologies benefit customers by improving product performance, productivity, efficient use of energy and resources, and contributing to a more sustainable environment. Vacuum solutions for solar cells
Origin Energy Limited (ASX: ORG.AX) is an integrated energy company mainly engaged in oil and gas exploration and production in Australia and New Zealand. Et boent den Energi Maart, der Verfahrt erkollt, Factéieren,. D'Firma gëtt och un Kraaft Generatioun geholl. An déi Grousshandel an Handel vun Elektrizitéit an natierlecher Gas. Et huet en Intérêt am Bassggege Projet zu Victoria; the Kupe Gas project in New Zealand; den Otway Gas Projet zu Victoria; d'Gas Feld, der coalbed Methan Feld zu Queensland, an aner onshore Produktioun Ariichtungen zu Surat an Bowen, Queensland. Basengen, Perth Basin a Western Australia an Taranaki Basin an Neuseeland. De Produktportfolio vun der Firma enthält Stroum an Äerdgas; gréng Energie, dorënner gréng Energie, Äerdgas an erneierbar Energie Certificaten; Urspronk Intelligenz fir Stroumverbrauch ze verfolgen an ze managen; Solarenergie; waarm Waasser Léisungen, dorënner Solar waarm Waasser Systemer, waarm Waasser Léisungen Programm, zentraliséiert waarm Waasser System a waarm Waasser Service Zougang; and heating and cooling products, including split air conditioning, space heating, pipe evaporative cooling, pipe heating and pipe reverse cycle air conditioning products. Et bitt och Opluedprodukter fir elektresch Gefierer; a flëssege Petrol Gas.
P2 Solar, Inc. (OTC: PTOS), als Entwéckler vu Solar Photovoltaik (PV) Kraaft a kleng Waasserkraaftprojeten, bedeelegt sech um lukrativen erneierbaren Energiemaart. Recognizing the growing global demand for clean energy, the increasing competitive advantage of renewable energy in grid power, and commercial efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for greenhouse gas emissions, P2 Solar invests and directs its resources to Benefit from these global trends.
PanaHome Corporation (Tokyo: 1924.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in housing business. The company is engaged in the basic design of houses called PanaHome, as well as the manufacture, construction and sale of materials for house systems. Through its subsidiaries, the company is also engaged in the manufacture, construction and sale of houses under the name PanaHome, the sale of independent units and construction land, as well as the brokerage, leasing, management and reform of real estate, and the design, construction and supervision of landscaping. PanaHome benotzt eng Vielfalt vun Technologien an déi ëmfaassend Stäerkt vun der Panasonic Group fir e Smart Liewensëmfeld fir déi nächst Generatioun ze bidden. (Inklusiv Sonnendach)
Panasonic Corporation (Tokyo: 6752.T) ass eng japanesch Firma. The home appliance department is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of white goods, beauty and life appliances, and health products. The Environmental Solutions Division is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of lighting equipment, lamps, lighting equipment, wiring equipment, switchboards, housing-related materials and equipment, photovoltaic power generation systems, batteries, and ventilation fans. The AVC network department is engaged in the development and manufacturing of digital cameras and mobile phones. The Automotive and Industrial Systems Department is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of automotive-related products and industrial-related equipment. Other divisions are engaged in other related businesses.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .

Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . Am Telekommunikatiounsmaart liwwert de System vum Polar zouverlässeg a bëlleg Energie fir Off-Grid a schlecht Gitterapplikatiounen mat kriteschen Kraaftbedürfnisser. Wann d'Utility-Gitter klappt, mussen dës Bedierfnesser ausgeschalt ginn
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produzéiert zouverlässeg, kosteneffektiv an emissiounsfräi Kraaftquellen déi am Feld oder fir Mikrogrid Uwendungen benotzt kënne ginn. PowerVerde's ORC Technologie kann och mat Geothermie, Biomass a Solarwärmequellen kombinéiert ginn.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. D'Späicherléisungen vu Powin Energy bidden e vitale Link an der Entwécklung vu Wand- a Solarenergie andeems se Technologien ubidden, déi dës Projete méi effizient maachen.
PPL Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: PPL) is one of the largest companies in the US utility sector. PPL's ​​siwe preisgeknäppte High-Performance Utilityfirmen déngen 10 Millioune Clienten an den USA a Groussbritannien. The company has more than 12,000 employees and is committed to providing customers with excellent customer service and reliability, and creating outstanding value for shareholders. Solar energy: June 2018-Acquired Safari Energy LLC, a leading provider of solar solutions for US commercial customers. Safari Safari develops highly structured turnkey solutions for customers, from development to financing, design, and engineering Manage projects at all stages, permitting, construction, interconnection and asset management. Safari Energy is headquartered in New York City and has completed more than 200 solar projects in 19 states and is currently working on more than 80 projects.
Premier Power Renewable Energy (OTC: PPRW), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, is committed to designing, developing and integrating ground and roof solar systems for commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural and equity fund clients in North America, Europe and Asia. Et bitt och eng Serie vun Installatiounsservicer fir Solar Clienten, dorënner Design, Ingenieur, Beschaffung, Lizenz, Konstruktioun, Netzverbindung, Garantie, System Iwwerwachung an Ënnerhalt Servicer. In addition, the company also distributes solar system components (including racks, wiring, inverters, solar modules and other related components) to smaller solar developers and integrators.
Public Power Corporation SA (Athens: PPC.AT) and its subsidiaries together generate, transmit and distribute electricity in Greece. The company was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Athens, Greece. An de leschte Joren huet d'Firma an alternativ Energiequellen (Wand-, Solar- a Geothermieenergie) investéiert nieft dem Bau vun neie Wärmekraaftwierker (Broun, Brennstoff an Äerdgas) an Waasserkraaftwierker. PPC erneierbar Energie-Solar
Ëffentlech Service Enterprise Group Inc. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products to optimize the operation of the energy grid. The company also transmits electricity; and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
PV Crystalox Solar (LSE: PVCS.L) is a highly specialized supplier of the world's leading solar cell manufacturers, producing polysilicon wafers for solar power generation systems. Eis Clientë sinn déi weltgréisste Solarzellen Hiersteller, déi dës Waferen a Solarmodule integréieren fir propper, roueg an erneierbar Energie vun der Sonn ze benotzen. We play a central role in making the cost of solar power generation competitive with conventional hydrocarbon power generation. Therefore, we will continue to work hard to reduce production costs while increasing solar cell efficiency.

Renesola (NYSE: SOL) is an international leading brand and technology provider of green energy products. Mat sengem globalen Geschäft an extensiv OEM- a Verkafsnetz, ass ReneSola fäeg déi héchst Qualitéit gréng Energieprodukter an on-time Servicer fir global EPCs, Installateuren a gréng Energieprojeten ze bidden. Solarprodukter
RGS Energy (NasdaqCM: RGSE) is one of the leading solar equipment roof installers in the United States, serving residential and small business customers in the continental United States and Hawaii. Zënter der éischter Partie vu Photovoltaikplacke verkaaft am Joer 1978, huet d'Firma Zéngdausende vu Solarenergiesystemer installéiert. RGS Energy makes it very convenient for customers to save energy costs by providing comprehensive solar solutions from design, financing, permitting and installation to continuous monitoring, maintenance and support
Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4204.T) is a company operating in three business divisions: the housing division, the environment and lifeline division, and the high-performance plastic division. Wunnengsbau Betriber maachen Affär baséiert op de Prinzip vun enger ëmweltfrëndlech Wunneng mat engem sécher a komfortabel Liewen fir op d'mannst 60 Joer. Eis representativ Produkt ass "Zero Utility Cost Housing", wat den Ëmweltimpakt vun der Famill laangfristeg reduzéiere kann. In addition, the total number of “houses with solar power generation systems” built exceeds 160,000, ranking first in the residential construction industry.
Sekisui Jushi Corporation (Tokyo: 4212.T) ass eng japanesch Fabrikatiounsfirma. The urban environment department manufactures, processes and sells soundproof wall materials, traffic signs, signage, pavement labels, electronic system related products, road safety materials, solar products, artificial grass and artificial wood, etc. The street and living department manufactures, processes and sells fences for pedestrians and cars, snow fences, construction sidewalks, railings, park materials, shelters, solar lighting, decorative building materials, mesh fences, etc. The industrial and residential sectors manufacture, process and sell packaging materials, agricultural materials, garden facility materials, dry products, storage products, assembly system pipes, digital picking systems, etc.
SES Solar Inc (OTC: SESI) entwéckelt a liwwert Produkter am Beräich vun der Photovoltaikenergie an der Schwäiz. The company provides a series of photovoltaic products, such as solar tiles, which consist of standard panels and flat or sloping roofs mainly used in urban or rural areas; and custom/building integrated panels made of glass/glass felt for industrial and Residential building glass, light holes and balcony roofs. It also handles project management services from design to completion, and provides monitoring (supervision), maintenance and operation services.

SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) and its subsidiaries manufacture and sell solar products together. Säi geschäftlechen Ëmfang enthält d'Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu Solarprodukter, Solarenergieproduktioun, Fabrikoperatioune a Servicer, an d'Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu Liichtdioden (LED) Produkter.
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Solarenergie: Siemens huet ëmfaassend Léisunge fir d'Erausfuerderunge vum wuessende Maart entwéckelt. Today, Siemens has become a one-stop supplier of all key components of solar power plants.
Sika AG (SIX:: SIK.SW, Switzerland) is a company headquartered in Switzerland, active in the specialty chemicals industry. The company mainly produces products for the automotive and auto parts, renewable energy, and equipment and parts industries. Solarenergie: D'Solarenergieindustrie ass engagéiert fir Käschten ze reduzéieren, Prozesser ze optimiséieren an d'Performance ze verbesseren. Optimized adhesive technology enables photovoltaic, CSP and solar collector system providers to seek new design solutions, save materials and improve processes to meet these challenges. Extensively tested and inspected products ensure the long-term performance of bonded joints and systems. Fir d'Entwécklung an d'Ëmsetzung erfollegräich auszeféieren, liwwert Sika Clienten ëmfaassend Projet Ënnerstëtzung, vu Konstruktiounsberodung, funktionell Tester, Applikatioun a Prozesstechnesch Berodung bis d'Personaltraining ze sprëtzen.
Silex Systems Limited (ASX: SLX.AX: OTC: SILXY) is engaged in the research, development and commercialization of nuclear energy, solar energy, and advanced materials and instrument technologies. The company develops and commercializes SILEX technology, which is a laser isotope separation process for uranium enrichment; and researches, develops and commercializes dense array concentrated photovoltaic systems for utility-scale solar power plants. Et huet och un der Fuerschung, der Entwécklung an der Kommerzialiséierung vu rare Äerdoxidmaterialien fir d'Fabrikatioun vun Ausrüstung an der Hallefleitung, der Kraaftelektronik an der Photovoltaikindustrie deelgeholl; the development and commercialization of high-precision timing and control products based on proprietary USB-inSync technology. In the electronic instrument market.
SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: Sing) ass eng Technologiefirma deem säi Fokus iwwer d'Firmen ze profitéieren déi vu Wuesstuminkompetitioun an Technikerinternation an Technikologie ass. De Produktportfolio vun der Firma enthält mobil Bezuelungen, deeglech Fantasiesport, assistéiert Cannabis Servicer a Blockchain Léisungen. D'Berufung am Horizontalmaart gëtt all Investitioun Portportio buger fir d'Interviewéiere vun ovisidéiert Entrée ze kréien, dëst enthält d'Entwécklung vun den ontegenten beherrschtlech Beschessung, d'Invéierung vun hinne Beträg. Duerch seng Duechtergesellschaft SingleSeed liwwert d'Firma Produkter a Servicer fir d'Cannabisindustrie. Solar: Direct Solar ass eng Duechtergesellschaft vun der Technologie- an Acquisitiounsfirma SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING). Direct Solar America is a solar brokerage company with more than 3,500 housing installations, which enables residential solar customers to purchase options to find the best housing options. Like rocket mortgages or loan trees, direct solar representatives provide homeowners with various financing and service providers; dëst mécht de Prozess vun Hausbesëtzer kafen Solarenergie méi einfach. Direct Solar already operates in eight states and will continue to expand its residential solar footprint. Direct Solar Commercial provides services to customers who own and/or manage commercial properties. In addition to Direct Solar Capital, an alternative energy financing solution, commercial projects can also receive US$50,000 to US$3 million in solar installation funding.

Sky Solar Holdings Ltd (NasdaqCM: SKYS) ass eng Investitiounsholdingfirma an en onofhängege Stroumproduzent weltwäit. The company mainly develops, owns and operates solar parks in the downstream solar market. It also sells solar systems including pipelines. As well as engineering, construction and procurement services, and engaged in the construction and transfer of solar parks.
SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. De Photovoltaik-Inverter ass de Kärkomponent vun all Sonnesystem. SMA can provide the correct inverters for every type of photovoltaic module used in the world and various types of grid-connected, isolated and standby operation applications. SMA ass de weltwäite Maart Leader am Photovoltaik Inverter.

Solar Alliance Energy Inc. (TSX: SOLR.V) is an energy solution provider focusing on residential, commercial and industrial solar installations. The company has operations in California, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina and Kentucky, and has an expanding channel for solar projects. Zënter hirer Grënnung am Joer 2003 huet d'Firma e Wand- a Solarprojet vun 1 Milliard Dollar entwéckelt, dee genuch Stroum fir 150.000 Stéit liwwere kann. Our passion is to improve lives through originality, simplicity and freedom of choice. D'Solar Alliance reduzéiert oder eliminéiert d'Schwachheet vu Clienten fir eropgoen Energiekäschten, bitt eng ëmweltfrëndlech Quell vu Stroumproduktioun a bitt bezuelbar, schlësselfäerdeg propper Energieléisungen.
Solar Applied Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 1785.TWO) ass de weltgréissten Hiersteller vun opteschen Datelagerfilmer. SOLAR is recognized as one of the world's leading companies in the field of precious metals and rare materials refining, special molding and processing, providing customers with key materials and integrated service models for their applications in the optoelectronics, information, petrochemical and consumer electronics industries. The main products include four categories: precious chemicals/materials, special chemicals, resource recovery and film application targets/materials

D'Firma Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited baséiert op Vereenegt Staaten. The company also produces photovoltaic cells and modules; designs and installs photovoltaic systems; and operates photovoltaic power plants. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited provides services to manufacturers or traders of silicon solar wafers, cells or modules. The company's products are mainly exported to Japan, Britain, North America, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, France and Germany. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited is headquartered in Wanchai, Hong Kong
Solaria Energíay Medio Ambiente (Spain: SLR.MC) is the only solar company on the Spanish Stock Exchange, producing photovoltaic modules and batteries in its two production facilities in Spain with a capacity of 250 MW. In addition, the company also develops turnkey projects for its own and third-party large-scale facilities, provides operation and maintenance services, and generates electricity through its own photovoltaic power plants all over Europe, with a total power generation of 45 MW, which has earned regular income. Gitt eng staark finanziell Kraaft a bestätegen säin Engagement fir d'Solar Photovoltaik Energie
Solartron Co., Ltd. We also provide nationwide installation services.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) is an energy services holding company headquartered in Folsom, New Jersey, and operates through two main subsidiaries. South Jersey Gas is one of the fastest-growing natural gas utility companies in the United States, providing clean, efficient natural gas to approximately 370,000 customers in southern New Jersey and improving energy efficiency. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable energy; for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; Grousshandel Commodity Verkaf a Brennstoffversuergungsmanagement Servicer ubidden; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.
Spektakulär Solar, Inc. DC Solar Integrators designed and installed the most advanced solar energy conversion equipment for homes and business owners. Star Power Services is a bonded and licensed roofing contractor with expertise in the installation, repair and maintenance of new roofs. The Solar Investor Fund contributes to ongoing insurance costs directly related to the installation of solar systems. In return, the fund will receive a portion of tax incentives and continuous income from electricity sales.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) is a global provider of photovoltaic (“PV”) solutions for commercial, residential, government and utility customers and investors. De Solar-Photovoltaikprojet, dee vun der Firma entwéckelt gouf, kann un en Drëtt-Partei-Bedreiwer verkaaft ginn, oder et ka vun der Firma gehéiert a bedriwwe ginn fir Elektrizitéit un de Stroumnetz vu ville Länner an Asien, Nordamerika an Europa ze verkafen. D'australesch Duechtergesellschaft vun der Firma verkeeft haaptsächlech Solar-Photovoltaik-Module fir Retail Clienten a Solarprojektentwéckler. The company's operational headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California, and maintains global operations in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Green Auto-Annoncéiert de Start vun EdisonFuture, Inc., eng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft vu SPI Energy, fir elektresch Gefierer ("EV") an EV Ladeléisungen ze designen an z'entwéckelen.
Spire Corporation (OTC: SPIR) ass eng global Solarfirma déi Technologie, Ausrüstung a schlësselfäerdeg Produktiounslinnen ubitt fir Photovoltaikmoduler ze fabrizéieren an Solarmoduler ze charakteriséieren.

STR Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: STRI) is a global supplier of high-quality, high-performance sealants for the photovoltaic (PV) module industry, serving more than 80 solar module manufacturers worldwide. Mat der Erfindung vum EVA Dichtstoff huet d'Firma virun 30 Joer de Solar Dichtstoffmaart opgemaach. Haut ass et weider ze innovéieren duerch säin extensiv R&D Programm, wat zu der Aféierung vun neien Technologien gefouert huet

Sun Pazifik Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SnPL BESLOS) Blockchin: Januar 2018 € d'Initiativer annoncéiert d'Kontrollzwassungskursung an hir ernatierlech Energiegeschäfter Modellie, fir d'Effizienz vu Glanzungsgestin vu Véierelgrousse Wisen. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain Technologie kann nei Stroumnetzer iwwerwaachen, Belaaschtungsbalance an d'Liewensdauer vun elektreschen Ausrüstung verlängeren.

SunPower Corp. (NASDAQGS: SPWR) designs, manufactures and provides the highest efficiency and highest reliability solar panels and systems available today. Residential, corporate, government and utility customers rely on SunPower's 30 years of experience and guaranteed performance to provide the greatest return on investment during the entire life of the solar system. SunPower huet säi Sëtz zu San Jose, Kalifornien, mat Büroen an Nord- a Südamerika, Europa, Australien, Afrika an Asien.
Sunrun Inc. (NasdaqGS: RUN) ass eng féierend Solar-, Energielagerung an Energieservicefirma an den USA. Zënter 2007 ass dem Sunrun seng Missioun e Planéit ze bauen, dee vun der Sonn leeft, an d'Industrie mat engem "Solar als Service" Modell féiert, deen Stéit propper Energie ka liwweren mat bal keng oder guer keng Upfront Käschten, a manner deier ass wéi traditionell Stroum Käschten. . The company designs, installs, finances, insurance, monitors and maintains the system, and families can get predictable prices for 20 years or more. The company also offers Sunrun Brightbox, a home solar battery service, which manages home solar, energy storage and utility power through smart inverter technology.

Sonneneweitbiller In In 20. (NASDAQCM: SonnenTuerm) ass e grousse Ënnerresormen fir Konsmaen an de Betriber. Mir verpflichte qualitativ héichwäerteg Baupraktiken déi ëmmer Industrienormen iwwerschreiden an eis ethesch a Sécherheetskonzepter halen. D'Arbenz ausgesäit sech op säin Geschäftsruppen ausbauen, no duerchbestrend duerch regional a lokal Büroen aus der Regional an de leschten Offäll Mir hunn eis eng englesch Qualitéit, déi eenslech Saachenwirtschaftlech ass, Cunical, kommerziell, wunne Publikeiung, Regel funktionnéiert. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our 25-year warranty, which is the benchmark for us to provide customers with support that exceeds their expectations. Sunworks has an experienced and diverse workforce, including outstanding veterans who are committed to providing the best customer experience. From technicians to executives, all our employees abide by the company's guiding principles every day. Sunworks ass Member vun der Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) an en houfreg Affekot vun der Entwécklung vun der Solarenergie.
TABUCHI ELECTRIC CO. , LTD. (Tokyo: 6624.T) ass eng Firma déi an der Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vun elektroneschen an elektreschen Ausrüstung, Tools a Komponenten engagéiert ass. D'Energieversuergungsgeschäft enthält: Montage vu Solar-Photovoltaik-Inverter, Hybrid-Inverter fir Photovoltaik a Batterien, Schaltkraaftversuergung, AC-Adapter, Batterieladeger, elektronesch Ballaster fir Luuchten, Inverter fir Magnetronen, Stroumversuergung fir LED Beliichtung a verschidde aner Ausrüstung.

Datong Company (Taiwan: 2371.TW) has 3 business divisions, including 7 business divisions, such as digital display solutions and digital accessories business, household appliances business, new energy business, ICT and energy solutions business, heavy power business, Wire and cable business and Motor BU. In order to maintain strong and long-term growth, Datong Company is particularly focused on the development of advanced technology and global operating network. Mat der Entwécklung vu senge Filialen an 12 Länner/Regiounen ronderëm d'Welt ass Tatung an enger zolitter Positioun fir Produkter méi effizient ze liwweren an d'Effizienz vum Client Service ze verbesseren. Datong provides its customers with huge advantages in terms of cost, speed and seamless back-end support to maintain a leading position in today's rapidly changing business environment. Datong Company specializes in ODM/OEM business and provides services to brand customers worldwide. As a large conglomerate, Datong's investment targets involve major industries such as optoelectronics, energy, telecommunications, system integration, industrial systems, brand channels and asset development.
TBEA Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600089.SS) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of power transmission and transformation equipment. D'Firma bitt Transformatoren, dorënner Kraafttransformatoren, Reaktoren, Transformatoren, Komposit-Ënnerstatiounen a Verdeelungsboxen, asw. wires and cables, including power cables, plastic insulated control cables, electromagnetic wires and special cables, etc., as well as photovoltaic products and auxiliary engineering Wait. The company is also involved in the construction of power transmission and transformation projects and photovoltaic projects, as well as the trade of other products.

Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; Absorptiounssystemer, dorënner Absorptiounskühler, Wärmepompelen, Solarkühlungsprodukter a loftgekillte Wärmetauscher; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; an Brennstoff an thermesch Ueleg Heizungen. It also provides water treatment, sugar and paper industries, oil fields, green, construction and fireside chemicals, as well as ion exchange resins and fuel additives; EPC Kraaftwierker; thermesch a photovoltaesch Solarléisungen; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; an Ersatzdeeler. D'Firma bitt Servicer fir Ueleg a Gas, Stol, Automotive, Liewensmëttel, Zement, chemesch, Raffinéierung a petrochemesch, Kraaftproduktioun, Textil, pharmazeutesch, Pabeier a Pulp, Uelegdepotheizung, Raumheizung, Zocker, Faarwen, Gummi an Iessueleg industries; Hoteler a kommerziell Komplexen; EPC Fachleit a Beroder; Wënzer a Gemengen.

Tokuyama Corporation (Tokyo: 4043.T) produzéiert a verkeeft haaptsächlech Chemikalien, Spezialprodukter, Zement a funktionell Materialien. D'Special Products Business Unit bitt Produkter fir eng breet Palette vu Felder wéi Energie, Elektronik an Ëmwelt. Eis héich Rengheet Polysilicium gëtt an Hallefleit a Solarzellen benotzt. Tokuyama ass eng vun de féierende Firmen um weltwäite Polysiliciummaart.

Topray Solar Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002218.SZ) is a fully vertically integrated solar manufacturing and distribution company whose product lines range from crystalline solar cells and modules, thin-film solar modules, solar independent systems to ultra-transparent photovoltaic cell glass. Zënter senger Grënnung am 1992, ass Topray, als de gréissten Dënnfilm Photovoltaikmodulhersteller a China, eng monokristallin a polykristallin Produktioun zënter 2005 engagéiert, a gëtt zënterhier den diversifizéiertste Solarfabrikant a China. Topray has been proud to cooperate with global distributors and installers to provide customers with our high-quality products, sustainable energy solutions and high-quality sales services through global offices throughout Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.
Total (NYSE: TOT) is a global integrated energy producer and provider, a leading international oil and gas company, and SunPower's second-largest solar operator in the world. Als verantwortleche Gesellschaftsbierger si mir engagéiert fir sécherzestellen datt eise Betrib a méi wéi 130 Länner/Regiounen konsequent wirtschaftlech, sozial an Ëmweltvirdeeler bréngt.
Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) produces and sells automobile parts, optoelectronic products and other general industrial products. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; funktionell Komponente, dorënner Brennstoff Tank Modul Komponente, Muecht Transmissioun System Deeler, an Chassis an Transmissioun Systemer Parts; internal and external parts; a Sécherheet System Produiten, wéi airbags, Lenkrad, etc.. D'Firma gëtt och Solar LED an déif ultraviolet Liichtjoer Quell Moduler; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights
TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc. It also provides various components, including panels, pumps, water tanks, controllers and sensors. The company provides services to residential and commercial customers.

Umicore Group (Bréissel: UMI.BR) ass eng global Material Technologie a Recycling Grupp. Most of Umicore's revenue comes from clean technologies, such as recycling, emission control catalysts, rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic materials. De Substratgeschäft ass de weltgréisste Produzent vu Germanium Wafers mat méi wéi 1 Millioun Installatiounen. Our germanium wafers can be used in a variety of applications: ground solar cells (CPV), space solar cells, high-brightness LEDs and various semiconductor applications.
Veeco Instruments Inc (NASDAQGS: VECO)'s process equipment solutions make it possible to manufacture LEDs, flexible OLED displays, power electronics, compound semiconductors, hard disk drives, semiconductors, MEMS and wireless chips. Mir sinn de Maart Leader am MOCVD, MBE, Ionenstrahl, naass Ätzen Single Wafer Veraarbechtung an aner fortgeschratt Dënnfilmveraarbechtungstechnologien. Veeco's solar technology equipment is helping to increase cell efficiency and manufacturing profits to new levels. Eis Industrie-féierende MoCVD Plattform fir CPV (Konzentratiouns Photoritéitspololcetik) an der Welt ass nëmmen Produktiounsqualiséierung an d'Industrie, déi eis eenzegaarteg Exputéierung an d'Industrie benotze.
Visionstate Corp. (TSX: VIS.V) ass eng Wuesstumsorientéiert Firma, déi an d'Fuerschung an d'Entwécklung vun villverspriechend nei Technologien an de Beräicher vun Nohaltegkeet, Analyse an Internet vun Alles investéiert. Visionstate provides investors with the right to own disruptive technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain platforms and solar energy. Through Visionstate Inc., the company can use its advanced equipment to track and monitor visitor activities and requests to help companies increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. The footprint of WANDA™ smart devices has now expanded to hospitals, airports, shopping malls and other public facilities throughout North America. Through the establishment of a series of collaborative technologies, Visionstate Corp. will continue to innovate, reduce environmental impact and change the consumer experience.
Wacker Chemie AG (FRA: WCH.F) is a chemical industry company headquartered in Germany. The company operates four business units: WACKER Silicones, which produces silicone products, ranging from silanes to silicone fluids, emulsions, elastomers, sealants and resins, to pyrogenic silica. WACKER POLYMERS provides a variety of polymer binders and additives; WACKER Polysilicon, which provides polysilicon, and WACKER Biotech, a company's life science department, provide solutions and products for the food, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. The company's products are suitable for many fields, including consumer products, food, pharmaceuticals, textiles and solar energy, electrical/electronics, basic chemical industry, medical technology, biotechnology and mechanical engineering, automobiles and construction. D'Firma liwwert och Siliziumwafere fir d'Hallefuederindustrie.

Websol Energy Systems Ltd. Since 1994, Websol has firmly delivered advanced and high-quality products with its state-of-the-art integrated production facilities in the Falta Special Economic Zone (Falta SEZ) in the second district of Falta, West Bengal-a commitment to quality Trusted by customers worldwide. Over the years, the company has established a reputation for manufacturing highly reliable photovoltaic modules suitable for various household, commercial and industrial applications.

Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0868.HK) provides complete solutions for glass products, including high-quality float glass, automotive glass, engineering glass and electronic glass. By realizing a one-stop solution with optimized costs, we can deliver products to global customers through a professional logistics network. Xinyi Glass ass de weltgréisste Hiersteller vu qualitativ héichwäertegt Floatglas an huet de Moment eng 12200T / D héichqualitativ Floatglas Produktiounslinn. Eis ëmweltfrëndlech speziell Glas Produite sinn haaptsächlech an der déif Veraarbechtung vun Energie-spueren Glas benotzt de Besoine vun Autoen ze treffen, LOW-E, Isoléierglas an aner Ingenieur Glas; in addition, we also provide a variety of colored glass to meet the different needs of customers at home and abroad. The products and solutions of Xinyi Glass, which account for more than 20% of the global automotive glass substitute market, have been applied in more than 100 countries and regions around the world. The company and its products have passed ISO/TS16949: 2002, ISO14001: 2004, OHSAS18001, German VDA, American DOT, EU ECE and China 3C standards. The group has established long-term strategic partnerships with Chinese brands such as Chery, Beiqi Foton and Yutong, and is able to conduct simultaneous R&D with the entire automaker. At present, Xinyi Glass accounts for about 15% of the LOW-E energy conversion glass market and has provided high-quality engineering glass products for landmark buildings in large and medium-sized cities in China and other countries (such as the China Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo). , The main stadium of the World University Games, Digital Beijing Building, Guangzhou Victory Square, Shenzhen Excellence Times Square, Tokyo Tower in Japan, Bio Valley in Singapore, etc. Xinyi has domestic leading technical strength, and its R&D center was rated as the provincial enterprise technology center established in 1997. The company has been committed to the research and development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly products, and has developed LOW-E glass that can be tempered and bent, SOLAR-X heat-reflective automotive glass and other environmentally friendly glass. Frëndschaftsmeschter Informatioun, Hud GHID, Waassende Ghëllefen an aner nei Produkter. Xinyi Glass pursues new technologies and invests in research and development to meet the individual needs of the market and customers. We strive to establish a win-win business cooperation with our partners and contribute to society.
XL Energy Ltd. (Indien: XLENERGY.BO; XLENERGY.NS) ass ee vun de féierende End-to-End Léisungsanbieter vun Indien. It was established in the solar field in 1992 and has expertise in the production of solar photovoltaic modules. XL has more than 17 years of experience in manufacturing solar photovoltaic modules and systems for many agents in India and overseas.
Yamada SXL Home Co, Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 1919.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in housing business. D'Wunnengssegment beschäftegt sech mat Kontrakter, Design a Bau vun Eefamilljenhaiser, Entwécklung a Bau vu kommerziellen Ariichtungen, Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vun industrialiséierte Wunnengsmaterialien, a Bauaarbechten. D'Departement ass och am Bau a Verkaf vun Eefamilljenhaiser an Appartementer engagéiert, de Verkaf vun Agence an allgemeng Zweck Baumaterial, d'Bereetstellung vun Iwwerwaachung a Leedung Servicer, an d'Geschäft vun Haus Franchising. The decoration division is engaged in house decoration. The real estate leasing segment is engaged in real estate leasing. D'Firma "Smart Wunnengen" Design ëmfaasst Batterien, Solarenergie Systemer, elektresch Auto Opluedstatiounen, LED Beliichtung an aner "Energie spueren, Energie Kreatioun an Energie Stockage" Léisungen.

5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. D'Firma ass komplett integréiert mat zougemaache Recyclingsanlagen, huet säi Sëtz zu Montreal, Québec, Kanada, an huet Fabrikatiounsanlagen a Verkafsbüroen a ville Regiounen an Europa, Amerika an Asien. 5N Plus has deployed a series of proprietary and proven technologies to produce products that can be used in many advanced pharmaceutical, electronic and industrial applications. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Since 1989, AERT has taken the lead in using recycled polyethylene plastics in the manufacture of composite building materials. Mat sengem ëmmer evoluéierende Portfolio vu Patenter a propriétaire Recyclingstechnologien ass AERT als Leader an der Ressourcekonservatioun Innovatioun unerkannt ginn an den EPA Environmental Excellence Award gewonnen fir säi Prozess fir Offallplastik an Outdoor Laminatbuedem ze konvertéieren. The company recently won the ESGR Patriot Award for its support to our guards and reserve forces in the US Armed Forces. AERT konvertéiert recycléiertem Plastik an Holzfaseroffall an héichqualitativ Outdoordekoratiounssystemer, Zaitsystemer, an Dier- a Fënsterkomponenten. The company is the exclusive manufacturer of ChoiceDek® flooring, which is available in a variety of colors and sold in home decoration stores in Lowe nationwide. AERT's MoistureShield® paving program is expanding, and the products are now sold throughout the United States. AERT huet Fabrikatiounsanlagen zu Springdale, Arkansas a Lowell, a kierzlech ugefaang Operatiounen op der Green Age Recyclingsanlag zu Watts, Oklahoma.
American Manganese Inc. (TSX: AMY.V) ass eng diversifizéiert Spezialmetall- a Schlësselmetallfirma, engagéiert fir Low-Cost Produktioun oder Recycling vun elektrolytesche Manganprodukter, a Recycling vun gebrauchten elektresche Gefierer Lithium-Ion nofëllbar Batterien weltwäit , Maacht voll Notzung of its patented intellectual property battery. The interest in the company's patented process has turned the focus of American Manganese Corporation to use its patented technology for other purposes and materials. American Manganese Inc. aims to use its patented technology and know-how to become an industry leader in the recycling of waste electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries with cathode chemicals, including: lithium cobalt, lithium cobalt nickel nickel manganese, lithium manganese
Armco Metals, Inc (NYSE: AMCO) is engaged in the sales and distribution of metal ores and non-ferrous metals in China, and is engaged in the recycling business in China. Armco Metals' customers include some of the fastest growing steel mills and foundries across China. D'Rohmaterialien ginn aus enger Grupp vu weltwäite Fournisseuren a verschiddene Länner kritt (och awer net limitéiert op Brasilien, Indien, Indonesien, Ukraine an d'USA). Armco Metals' product line includes iron ore and non-ferrous metal ore, iron ore, chromium ore, nickel ore, magnesium, copper ore, manganese ore, steel billet, recycled scrap metal, logs and barley.

Aqua Metals Inc. (NasdaqCM: AQMS) has developed AquaRefining(TM), a modular electrochemical process that can produce ultra-pure lead from used lead-acid batteries in an effective and socially responsible manner. Am Géigesaz zu Bläi Schmelzen (déi aktuell Method fir Bläi-Säure-Batterien ze recycléieren), produzéiert AquaRefining bal keng Emissiounen. Compared with lead smelting, AquaRefining also consumes less total energy and is more cost-effective. Aqua Metals has an office in Alameda, California, and is building its initial commercial lead production AquaRefining facility in the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center in Nevada.
Augean PLC (LSE: AUG.L) provides hazardous waste management services in the UK. The company provides comprehensive services, including general waste collection; recycling and sales through open market pricing options and revenue sharing; geféierlech a problematesch Offallbehandlung an Entsuergung; Büro Offall Behandlung; Training an Ënnerstëtzung; a set of reports classified by waste streams, Revenue by recycling and by location; a Berodungsservicer fir Recycling, Deponie vermeiden a Recycling fir grouss a mëttelgrouss Fabrikatiounsclienten. Et geréiert och Offall aus Land Sanéierung, Bau an Ofbau Projeten; handles ash from waste to power plants; hält eng grouss Zuel vu Biergbau Rechter déi benotzt kënne verschidde Aggregaten op de Maart ze liwweren; bedreift dräi geféierlech an Net-geféierlech Offall Deponien Field; generate energy from a closed landfill; and provide laboratory services. In addition, the company also provides waste management and waste treatment services for offshore oil and gas operators in the North Sea; as well as industrial cleaning, oil recovery and tanker flushing services for the oil and gas industry.
BioHiTech Global (OTC: BHTG) is headquartered in Chestnut Ridge, New York, and is dedicated to the development and deployment of innovative destructive waste management technologies. Dem BioHiTech Global säi Portfolio vu Produkter liwwert eise Clienten e komplette Set vun Technologie-baséiert Entsuergungsléisungen, déi e wesentlechen Impakt op den Offall kënnen hunn, wärend e wierklech Null-Offall Deponie Ëmfeld ubitt. With multiple options for on-site and off-site biological treatment of waste, BioHiTech Global is a leader in providing zero waste solutions for businesses and governments of all sizes.

Casella Waste Systems, Inc.

China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) produces and distributes humic acid-based compound fertilizers through its wholly-owned subsidiary, namely: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinong”). Naréisse fiert falsch Dertrertiler an Landwirtschaftlech Produkter. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ". F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.
China Industrial Waste Management Co., Ltd. (OTC: CIWT) bitt Ëmweltservicer a Léisungen am Nordoste vu China. The company collects, stores, processes, disposes and recycles industrial solid waste through incineration and/or landfill, physical and/or chemical treatment, material processing, packaging, analysis and storage. Et ass och an der Behandlung vu kommunale Kläranlag a Schlamm aus Kläranlag Ariichtungen an a ronderëm Dalian involvéiert. The company has sewage treatment facilities and sludge treatment facilities in Dalian, and provides environmental pollution restoration services to the Dalian Municipal Government. In addition, it also provides environmental protection, technical consulting, pollution treatment, waste management design treatment, waste treatment, waste transportation and on-site waste management services. The company sells its recycled materials (including copper sulfate), metals and methane obtained from sludge treatment to commodity traders and metallurgical companies.
CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) ass en Innovateur am Beräich vun der enzymatescher Kuelestofffangung, an ass engagéiert fir d'Entwécklung an d'Kommerzialiséierung vu fixe Kuelestoffverschmotzungsquelltechnologien. CO2 Solutions' technology lowers the cost barrier of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCSU), positioning it as a viable CO2 mitigation tool, and enabling the industry to obtain profitable new products from these emissions. CO2 Solutions has established an extensive patent portfolio covering the use of carbonic anhydrase or its analogues to capture carbon dioxide after effective combustion with low-energy aqueous solvents.

DS Smith PLC (LSE: SMDC.L) through its subsidiaries designs and manufactures recycled packaging for consumer products in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and internationally. The company provides retail and shelf-ready, online and electronic retail, transportation and transportation, consumer goods, industrial goods, dangerous goods and multi-material packaging products, as well as wrap-around packaging, pallet and box packaging; corrugated paper sales point and point of purchase display racks , Packaging machine system, modular display racks and pallets, corrugated paper racks and Sheetfeeding products; Sizzlepak is a special paper filling material that can be folded into a zigzag shape, cut into narrow strips, and can also provide packaging consulting services. Et bitt Verpackungsprodukter a Servicer fir Iessen a Gedrénks, Konsumgidder, Industrie, E-Commerce a Verdeelung, an Konvertermäert. The company also provides comprehensive recycling and waste management services, such as paper, cardboard, dry blends, plastics, organics and food, construction and demolition waste, general waste recycling services, and confidential shredding services; and value-added services, including supply cycles Management, carbon management, regulatory compliance, CSR reporting and brand reputation, for large and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises in the retail, manufacturing, printing and publishing, and paper industries. Zousätzlech produzéiert et och recycléiert gewellte Këschtmaterialien a Spezialpabeier, a bitt verbonne Technologie a Versuergungskette Servicer; it also manufactures and sells flexible packaging and distribution solutions for the beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, fresh produce, construction and retail industries, and rigid Packaging solutions and foam products.
Enpar Technologies Inc. (TSX: ENP.V) develops environmental protection and remedial technologies. Et bitt Pantent a weess - wéi e Offäll méi drénken Waasserwaasser a Drénke kontaminéiere vu Metresen oder Nimmiechelementer, an Wahlregistriuchte verbueden; and from waste materials related to the mining industry Nickel and other valuable metals are recovered from the sulfide tailings of the plant. The company provides ESD, a capacitive deionizer used to remove total dissolved solids; AmmEL treats ammonia-contaminated water; the NitrEL system, an electrochemical water treatment process that reduces pollution by directly converting nitrate to nitrogen. D'Konzentratioun vun Nitrat am Drénkwaasser, Grondwaasser an industriell Prozess Ofwaasser. It also provides ExtrEL, which is a hydrometallurgical alternative for recovering metals from sulfide tailings and ore; and AmdEL system, an electrochemical system that prevents sulfide minerals in tailings or waste stones Oxidation. The company provides its products to customers in the global public and private sectors.
The International Environmental Waste Corporation (EWI) (TSX: EWS.V) specializes in environmental protection systems that decompose organic materials such as tires. EWI has used 15 years of engineering systems to integrate EWI's patented Reverse Polymerization™ process with a proprietary microwave transmission system. EWI's unique microwave technology can safely process and recycle waste tires, while creating high-value commodity output for the carbon black, petroleum and steel industries. Den Design vun all Eenheet ass energiespuerend, a wa méiglech ass e wirtschaftleche bestëmmte Modell fir d'Erhuelung vu verschiddene Kuelewaasserstoffölen an Äerdgas etabléiert.

Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) is a “completely green” clean technology company that combines domestically sourced plant-based renewable and reusable feed ingredients, and a proprietary shape built around the four ideologies of green Technology: Biodegradable, recyclable, renewable and environmentally safe. GET uses G-CLEAN(R) and G-OIL(R) as its brands to produce a full range of “clean and green” American-made environmentally friendly products, some of which are specially designed to help overcome fracturing and pressure worldwide. D'Erausfuerderung vun der Zerfall erlaabt Konsumenten a Clienten besuergt iwwer d'Ëmwelt an d'amerikanesch Energieonofhängegkeet hiren Deel ze maachen ouni Wäert oder Leeschtung ofzeginn. Save the planet-what to give.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) is an innovative waste-to-energy technology company. Et huet e Patent ofgeschloss fir Offall Pneuen a gemëschte Plastik, déi an Deponien benotzt ginn, an héichwäerteg Motorueleg ëmzewandelen. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). De GETH Prozess hëlleft vill dréngend Ëmweltproblemer an den USA ze léisen. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) ass eng "gréng" Fabrikatiouns- a Leasingfirma déi recycléiert Plastik reprocesséiert a verkeeft, an designt, fabrizéiert, verkeeft a leaset héichqualitativ 100% recycléiert Plastikpaletten déi eng breet Palette vu Logistikléisungen ubidden. sinn an der Liewensmëttel a Gedrénks, Landwirtschaft, Automotive, chemesch, pharmazeuteschen an Konsument Wueren Industrien gebraucht. D'Technologie vun der Firma, och déi, déi a senger Sprëtzformausrüstung benotzt ginn, eng propriétaire Mëschung aus recycléiertem Plastikharzen, an e patentéierte Palette-Design, erméiglecht d'rapid Produktioun vu qualitativ héichwäerteg Paletten zu méi niddrege Käschten wéi vill Prozesser. De recycléierte Plastik, deen fir Paletten benotzt gëtt, hëlleft d'Materialkäschte ze kontrolléieren, wärend d'Ëmweltoffäll reduzéiert gëtt, an huet e Käschtevirdeel iwwer d'Benotzer vu virgin Harz. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) technology is a proven, efficient refining and chemical process, initially aimed at the multi-billion dollar transformer oil market used by the global power industry. Am Moment gëtt Offallöl an zwou kommerziellen Fabriken veraarbecht. Si hunn eng héich Erhuelungsquote (no bei 100%) an hunn offensichtlech kompetitiv Virdeeler. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. harmlos. The process also completely eliminates the toxic additive PCBs prohibited by international regulations. Hydrodec's plants are located in Canton, Ohio, USA and Young, New South Wales, Australia. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group is the UK's largest collector, amalgamator and processor of waste lubricants, as well as a seller of processed fuel oil, and has oil storage and transshipment facilities nationwide. Station network. The waste oil is converted into processed fuel oil at OSS's Stourport plant, which is mainly sold to quarries and the power industry in the UK. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). Fir eis etabléiert Absicht ze respektéieren fir eng Basis Uelegraffinerie a Groussbritannien z'entwéckelen, hu mir en exklusive Lizenzvertrag mat engem chemeschen Ingenieurspartner (CEP) a Kalifornien ënnerschriwwen fir d'CEP Wiped Film Verdampfung an Hydrogenéierungstechnologie a Groussbritannien als Basis z'entwéckelen for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
American Industrial Services Corporation (NasdaqCM: IDSA) is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. D'American Industrial Services Corporation ass eng ëffentlech gehandelt Firma déi ferro- an net-ferrometaller an aner recycléierbar Wueren kaaft, veraarbecht a verkeeft, an Offallmanagement u kommerziell Clienten ubitt. Procedures and equipment, and sell second-hand auto parts.
Kurita Water Industry Co., Ltd (Tokyo: 6370.T; OTC: KTWIF) bitt verschidde Waasserbehandlungsléisungen a Japan, Asien, Nordamerika, Europa an international. The company operates through two parts: water treatment chemicals and water treatment facilities. The water treatment chemicals department provides boiler water treatment chemicals, cooling water treatment chemicals, wastewater treatment chemicals, process treatment chemicals, packaging contracts, chemical injection and metering equipment, etc.; and maintenance services. The water treatment facility department provides ultra-pure water production systems, general industrial wastewater treatment systems, wastewater treatment systems and wastewater recycling systems. D'Departement bitt och ultra-pure Waasserversuergung, chemesch Botzen, Toolreinigung a Buedem- a Grondwaasserreparaturservicer, a bitt Ënnerhaltsservicer.

Metalico, Inc. D'Recyclingsplaze vun der Firma enthalen dräi Autoschredder zu New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, New Jersey a Mississippi.

Natural Blue Resources, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ass eng Entwécklungsphasefirma déi sech an der Exploratioun, Acquisitioun an Entwécklung vu verschiddene verbonne gréng Geschäfter engagéiert. The company is engaged in waste stream recycling and plastic and steel recycling business. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Newalta Corporation (TSX: NAL.TO) ass e féierende Fournisseur vun innovativen konstruéierten Ëmweltléisungen, déi Clienten erlaben d'Entsuergung ze reduzéieren, d'Recyclingsraten z'erhéijen a wäertvoll Ressourcen aus Ueleg- a Gasfuerschung a Produktiounsoffallstroum ze recuperéieren. Mir ënnerstëtzen déi Responsabilitéit fir déi onfruichtung vun der nohalteger Entwécklungszichterd dorell duerchzeféieren se duerch d'Benotzung vun de Businessiothod Noitatiz. We directly provide on-site services to customers through our service network throughout North America. Weider zouveréisseg Informatioun an exzellente Sécherheetsordgang eis de jilitäreschen Uefect Ersuergungsverstanensprozesser fir Uelegin Servicer fir Ueleg- un Ueleg- Newalta huet en Team vun héichqualifizéierten Personal, e Rekord vun zwee Joerzéngte vun Innovatioun an en Engagement fir Kommerzialiséierung vun neie Léisungen, déi d'Fundament fir weider Wuesstum a Verbesserung an der Zukunft leeën. We are Simplified for Sustainable Development™
Perf Go Green, Holdings Inc. (OTC: PGOG) ass eng biodegradéierbar Plastikfirma an den USA a Kanada. D'Weiderkon op d'Entwécklung an d'Iwwerzeechnungskranksen no der {* * miexlativwaarfspiller Produkter, déi Woud Kontakt Ufuerderungen. D'Biodegradéierbar Plastikprodukter vun der Firma bidden eng praktesch Léisung fir Plastiksoffall an der Ëmwelt ze reduzéieren. Its products include biodegradable garbage bags, biodegradable plastic drip cloth, biodegradable dog responsibility bags and Cat liners, PerfPower alkaline batteries and Perf Go Clean cleaning products.
PRO-PAC Packaging Limited (ASX: PPG.AX) manufactures and distributes industrial, protective and rigid packaging products in Australia. The company operates through industrial packaging and rigid packaging divisions. The industrial packaging department manufactures, purchases and distributes industrial packaging materials and related products and services. The department also installs, supports and maintains packaging machines. The rigid packaging department manufactures, purchases and distributes containers and closures and related products and services. Pro-Pac Packaging Limited also provides flexible packaging films, cardboard boxes and cardboard packaging products, agricultural products packaging products, and toilet and cleaning products; and sells and services various packaging tools, machines and systems. Event Endlech gëtt Servicer de Begrëfferei, Sécherheetsaktioun a priferoger Equipementer, Liewensmëttelbeterinitiv Equipment, Liewensmëttel Reaktioun a Fleegveraarbechtung. Biodegradable products
Pure Cycle Corp. (NASDAQCM: PCYO) owns water assets in several watersheds in Colorado and certain aquifers in Denver, Colorado. Pure Cycle liwwert Waasser- an Ofwaasserservicer u Clienten am Zentrum vun Denver, dorënner den Design, Bau, Operatioun an Ënnerhalt vu Waasser- a Ofwaassersystemer. Pure Cycle also owns approximately 14,600 acres of land in southeastern Colorado, leased to farmers in the area.
Quest Resource Holding Corp (NasdaqCM: QRHC) provides companies with a one-stop management program to reuse, recycle and dispose of various waste streams and recyclables generated by their business, and operates environmentally-based social media and online data containing information Platform and necessary instructions for authorizing consumers and consumer product companies to recycle or properly dispose of household products and materials. Dem Quest seng ëmfaassend Wiederverwendung, Recycling an entspriechend Entsuergungsmanagementprogramm ass entwéckelt fir regional an national Clienten e Kontaktpunkt ze ginn fir verschidde Offallstroum a recycléierbar ze managen. Dem Quest säi Katalog vu lokalen Recycling a proper Entsuergungsmethoden kënnen d'Fäegkeete vun de Konsumenten direkt verbesseren an d'Konsumentenproduktiounsfirmen erméiglechen de Clienten déi richteg Recycling oder Entsuergung vu verschiddene Haushaltsprodukter a Materialien ze bidden (inklusiv "Firwat, wou, a wéi "recycléieren". ” Quest These programs are provided through its subsidiaries Quest Resource Management Group, LLC and Earth911, Inc. Quest supports the company's efforts to maximize profits and mitigate risks while minimizing its ecological footprint. Quest's customers span multiple Industry sectors, including food service, hospitality, medezinesch, Fabrikatioun, Konstruktioun, automotive aftermarket an Flott Industrien stellt Clienten iwwergräifend Nohaltegkeet Pläng, innovative Recycling Léisungen an Ëmweltschutz Quest stellt spezifesch Léisungen fir all Client Stolz vun der Zil- Léisung fir d'Bedierfnesser.
Redishred Capital Corp (TSX: KUT.V) ass de Besëtzer vun der PROSHRED® Mark an intellektuell Eegentum an den USA an international. PROSHRED® shreds and recycles confidential documents and proprietary materials for thousands of customers in various industries in the United States. PROSHRED® is a pioneer in the mobile document destruction and recycling industry and has obtained ISO 9001 certification. PROSHRED®'s vision is to become a “selection system” and provide shredding and recycling services worldwide. PROSHRED® currently serves 35 markets in the United States.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . Mir wäerten dëst Thema duerch d'Mark vun der Mark hei ™ adresséieren, a léisst Cliente wëssen datt se op d'Republik kënne vertrauen fir eng exzellent Erfahrung ze bidden, wärend en nohaltege Blue Planet ™ fir zukünfteg Generatiounen förderen fir eng propper, méi sécher a méi gesond Welt ze genéissen.
Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc. Schnitzer huet siwen Deepwater Export Ariichtungen op der Ost- a Westküst, souwéi Hawaii a Puerto Rico. The company's integrated operating platform also includes auto parts stores and steel manufacturing. D'Firma Stol Fabrikatioun Geschäft huet eng effektiv alljährlechen Produktioun Kapazitéit vun ongeféier 800,000 Tonnen, déi fäerdeg Stol Produiten dorënner rebar produzéiere kann, Drot Staang an aner speziell Produiten. D'Firma huet Operatiounen zu Portland, Oregon am Joer 1906 ugefaang.

Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) specializes in the development and sales of various plastic products and other environmental technologies, and operates globally. The company is a global leader in the development and marketing of life-controlled plastics, and sells pro-degradation additives and finished plastic products through a constantly growing network of international distributors and agents. The company also sells a variety of traditional, non-degradable, flexible plastic products. The team has chosen to carefully subcontract this work to selected and reviewed subcontractors around the world. Dës Flexibilitéit bitt de Grupp a senge Cliente Versuergungssécherheet, lokal Disponibilitéit a bedeitend Käschtevirdeeler. Degradable finished products and additives are sold directly to customers worldwide, or sold to the world through an expanding network of authorized distributors and agents. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Tervita Corporation (TSX: TEV) is a leading waste management and environmental solutions provider, providing waste treatment, treatment, recycling and disposal services to customers in the oil and gas, mining and industrial sectors. We serve our customers on-site through facilities in Canada and the United States. Fir 40 Joer ass Tervita engagéiert fir sécher an effizient Léisungen op all Etappe vum Projet ze bidden, wärend den Impakt miniméiert an d'Virdeeler maximéiert ™. Our dedicated and experienced employees are our customers' trustworthy partners for sustainable development. Sécherheet ass eis Haaptprioritéit: et beaflosst eist Verhalen a formt eis Kultur.
Tomra Systems (Oslo: TOM.OL) provides sensor-based solutions to achieve the best resource productivity in the world. It operates through subdivisions of “collection solutions” and “classification solutions”. D'Sammlungsléisungsdepartement entwéckelt, produzéiert, verkeeft, leaset a bitt automatesch Sammlungssystemer fir Servicer, dorënner en Datemanagementsystem, deen d'gesammelt Materialien an d'Zesummenhang Depottransaktiounen iwwerwaache kann. Et stellt och Gedrénks Hiersteller / Filler am Pickup, Transport an Ëmgank mat eidel Gedrénks Container; production of small and medium-sized compactors. Dëse Maartsegment bitt Léisungen ënner der Mark TOMRA vun der europäescher Liewensmëttelhandelsindustrie. D'Klassifikatioun Léisungen Departement gëtt Klassifikatioun an Veraarbechtung Technologie fir d'frësch a veraarbecht Liewensmëttel Industrie; Klassifikatioun Systemer fir Offall a Metal Material Baachen; ore sorting systems for the mining industry; a Sensor-baséiert Sortéierungs- a Veraarbechtungstechnologien fir d'Tubak- a Rohmaterialindustrie. Dëse Maartsegment bitt seng Léisungen ënner de Markennimm vun TITECH, Commodas Ultrasort, ODENBERG a BEST.
TOX GRATIS Léisunge limitéiert (ASX: Tox.ax) liwwert industriell an Offallmanagement Servicer an Australien. The company is divided into three parts: technical and environmental services, industrial services and waste services. The Waste Services Department is engaged in the collection, resource recovery, recycling and disposal of solid, industrial, urban and commercial waste in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Southwest regions of Western Australia and Queensland. Dës Sektioun bitt och bulk Flëssegkeet an Total Offallgestioun, Ressource Erhuelung an Verwäertung, an Offallweeër a Berichtungen. The Industrial Services Department provides on-site industrial cleaning services for the oil and gas, mining, heavy manufacturing, civil infrastructure, municipal and public utilities sectors, including tank and drain cleaning, high-pressure water jetting, vacuum loading, and liquid and industrial Offall Sammelt Servicer. This part also provides pipeline maintenance and CCTV, concrete cutting, cleaning, industrial coating, vacuum loading, non-destructive excavation and waste management services. The Technical and Environmental Services Department has a network of liquid and hazardous waste management facilities in Kwinana, Henderson, Karratha, Port Hedland, Kalgoorlie, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. Dës Sektioun liwwert geféierlecht a chemescht Offall, Geféierlech Offallmanagement, Bulk Flëssegkeetsoffall, Haushaltsgeféierlech Offall, Leuchtstoffröhre a Lampe Recycling an Noutreaktiounsservicer, souwéi kontaminéiert Site Reparatur, Offallaudit, Ëmweltkonformitéit an Offall Tracking Servicer.

American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) is a leading environmental service provider for commercial and government agencies in North America. The company meets customers' complex waste management needs, providing hazardous, non-hazardous and radioactive waste treatment, disposal and recycling, as well as a wide range of complementary on-site and industrial services. D'US Ökologie konzentréiert sech op Sécherheet, Ëmweltkonformitéit, an éischtklasseg Clientsservice, wat eis erlaabt effektiv Clientebedürfnisser z'erreechen an laangfristeg Kooperatiounsverhältnisser opzebauen. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.

Vertex Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: VTNR) ass eng féierend Ëmweltservicerfirma déi industriell Offallstroum an substandard kommerziell chemesch Produkter recycléiert. Its main focus is the recovery of used motor oil and other petroleum by-product streams. Vertex Energy purchases these streams from an established network of local and regional collectors and generators. Vertex Energy geréiert och den Transport, d'Lagerung an d'Liwwerung vun aggregéierte Rohmaterialien a Produktfloss un d'Ennbenotzer, a geréiert d'Verfeinerung vun engem Deel vu senge aggregéierte Petroleumstroum fir se als héichwäerteg Endprodukter ze verkafen. Vertex Energy sells its collected oil streams as feedstock to other refiners and fuel mixers, or as an alternative fuel used in industrial burners. The refining of used motor oil managed by Vertex Energy takes place at its plant, which uses a proprietary thermochemical extraction process (TCEP) technology. Vertex Energy is headquartered in Houston, Texas, and has offices in California, Chicago, Georgia, Nevada, and Ohio.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading Provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.

Yulong Ecological Materials Co., Ltd. The company is currently the leading fly ash brick and concrete producer in Pingdingshan City, and the exclusive provider of its waste management services.

Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom huet de schnellsten Zuch vun der Welt an déi héchst Kapazitéit automatiséiert Subway gebaut, déi schlësselfäerdeg integréiert Kraaftstatiounsléisungen a verwandte Servicer fir verschidden Energiequellen inklusiv Waasserkraaft, Atomkraaft, Äerdgas, Kuel a Wandenergie ubitt, a bitt eng breet Palette vu Kraafttransmissionsléisungen. , with a focus on smart grids. Smart grid: Alstom Grid is the core of the smart grid revolution, and its solutions combine its key technologies to bring direct benefits to energy producers, utilities, industries and end users.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Duerch seng Gridtec (TM) Léisung liwwert AMSC Ingenieursplanungsservicer a fortgeschratt Gittersystemer fir d'Netzverlässegkeet, Effizienz a Leeschtung ze optimiséieren. D'Léisungen vun der Firma ginn elo Gigawatt vun erneierbaren Energie weltwäit an hunn d'Performance an d'Zouverlässegkeet vun de Stroumnetzwierker a méi wéi enger Dose Länner verbessert. AMSC was established in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS: CSCO) is a global leader in the IT field. Et hëlleft d'Firma d'Méiglechkeeten vu muer ze beweisen, déi d'Evenement kënne geschéien, wann Dir net konnektéiert hutt, déi net virdru verbonne sinn. Smart grid: interconnected grid services, ecosystem partners, local area networks, grid operations, grid security, grid block architecture, geoeconomics, transmission and substations, interconnected grids Cisco Developer Network (CDN)

Digi International (NasdaqGS: DGII) is your mission-critical M2M solution expert, providing some of the industry's most extensive wireless products, a cloud computing platform tailored for devices, and development services to help customers use wireless devices and applications to quickly push To the Maart. . De ganze Léisung vum Digi ass ofgeleet fir all Apparat ze erlaben fir mat all Uwendung ronderëm d'Welt ze kommunizéieren. Smart grid: Digi is helping utilities add a layer of digital intelligence to their grid. These smart grids use sensors, meters, digital controls, and analysis tools to automate, monitor, and control the bidirectional energy flow from the power plant to the plug. Power companies can optimize grid performance, prevent power outages, restore power outages faster, and allow consumers to directly manage the energy use of individual network devices

Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) ass e Pionéier an der Entwécklung vun enger oppener Standard Kontrollnetzplattform, déi eng industriell Kraaft "Gerätgemeinschaft" am Design, Installatioun, Iwwerwaachung a Kontroll vu Beliichtung, Bauautomatiséierung, Internet of Things, an industriell Uwendungen All déi néideg Elementer. Global related markets. Als Deel vun der Ezot ™ Plattform, Echelon verkeeft seng Luuchtprodukter ënner der Lumenli Fongwave, souwéi säi Gebai Authation an aner ikiatlässeg Produkter. Echelon huet méi wéi 100 Milliounen Echelon-ugedriwwen Apparater weltwäit installéiert, déi Clienten hëllefe kënnen einfach a sécher existéierend Kontrollsystemer op déi modernst Plattform migréieren, wärend nei Apparater an Uwendungen an déi ëmmer evoluéierend global Industrie um Internet bréngen. EmoLlolisl o hëlleft säi Clienten reduzéierend Aarbechtsiwwer a a Sécherheetsbesser verbesseren, a Passrauchen d'Readame eng besser aus ,zéien.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) ass e féierende Fournisseur vu Cloud-baséiert Energie Intelligenz Software (EIS) a Servicer fir Dausende vu Firmeclienten an Utilities weltwäit. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. Enterprise EIS enthält Budgetéierung a Beschaffung, Utility Billing Gestioun, Ariichtungsoptimiséierung, Visibilitéit a Berichterstattung, Projet Tracking, Nofro Management, an Nofro Äntwert. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana huet méi wéi 15 Joer Erfarung fir d'Netzkraaftkraaft-elektronesch Ausrüstung fir Brennstoffzell-, Photovoltaik- a Batterieapplikatiounen ze liwweren, a bitt bewisen, haltbar, qualitativ héichwäerteg Léisungen duerch seng héich Kapazitéit Fabrikatiounsanlagen an Europa an Nordamerika. Eguana huet Dausende vun propriétaire Energiespeicherinverter, déi an den europäeschen an nordamerikanesche Mäert ofgesat ginn an ass e féierende Fournisseur vu Kraaftsteuerung fir Solar Selbstverbrauch, Netzservicer, a Gitterrand On-Demand Opluedapplikatiounen.

General Cable Company (New York Stock Exchange: BGC) is one of the Fortune 500 companies. Et ass engagéiert an der Entwécklung, Design, Fabrikatioun, a Marketing vu Kupfer, Aluminium an optesch Glasfaser Drot a Kabel Produkter a Systemer fir d'Energie, Industrie, Spezialitéit, a Bauindustrie An de weltwäite Leader am Verdeelungs- a Kommunikatiounsmaart.
GE (New York Captomet Ge schus ass déi kierperlech an digital Welten op eng Manéier déi keng aner Firma passen. GE huet déi nächst industriell Ära a senge Laboratoiren a Fabriken a Buedem Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten erstallt fir d'Welt ze beweegen, ze bauen, ze bauen an ze heelen. GE benotzt déi proppersten an déi fortgeschratt Technologie an Energieléisungen fir d'Welt ze stäerken. Vun FlexEfciency kombinéiert Zyklus Kraaft Generatioun, zu Smart Gitter, déi Utilities hëllefe kënnen d'Elektrizitéitsfuerderung ze managen, bis Gasmotoren, déi vun organeschen Offall ugedriwwe ginn, hëlleft eis Technologie de Moment e Véierel vun der Welt Stroum ze liwweren. GE Oil and Gas currently operates in more than 120 countries/regions and is committed to the safest, most reliable and most cost-effective innovation in the oil field
Honeywell (NYSE: HON) is a diversified technology and manufacturing leader for Fortune 100 companies, providing aerospace products and services to customers worldwide. Control technology for buildings, houses and industries; turbochargers; and performance materials. Smart Grid: Iwwer déi lescht 30 Joer huet Honeywell's Smart Grid Solutions (SGS) Team méi wéi 60 Utilityfirmen op der ganzer Welt gehollef d'Energieeffizienz an d'Nofro Äntwert Ziler ze iwwerschreiden, a verbessert d'allgemeng Clientengagement an Zefriddenheet. At the same time manage the grid.
Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designed and built key technologies that are the foundation of the world's computing equipment. As a leader in corporate responsibility and sustainable development, Intel has also produced the world's first commercially available “conflict-free” microprocessor. Smart Gitter
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (NYSE: IBM) In 2007, IBM formed a consortium of innovative utility companies to accelerate the use of smart grid technology and drive the industry forward through its most challenging transformation development of. The Global Smart Utilities Network Alliance hopes to change the way electricity is generated, distributed and used by adding digital intelligence to the current system to reduce power outages and failures, manage demand, and integrate renewable energy sources (such as wind and electricity). Memberen enthalen Alliander, CenterPoint Energy, CPFL, DONG Energy, eRDF, Essential Energy, North Delhi Electric Co., Ltd., Oncor, Pepco Holdings, Inc, Progress Energy a San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
ITC Holdings Corp (NYSE: ITC) ass déi gréissten onofhängeg Kraafttransmissionsfirma an den USA. ITC is located in Novi, Michigan. ITC has invested in the transmission grid to improve reliability, expand market access, reduce the total cost of energy delivered and allow new generation resources to be interconnected with its transmission system. Through its regulated subsidiary ITC Transmission, Michigan Power Transmission Company, ITC Midwest and ITC Great Plains, ITC is in Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma The state owns and operates high-voltage transmission facilities, with a total peak load exceeding 26,000 megawatts traveling approximately 15,600 miles along the transmission line. ITC's grid development focuses include growth through standardized infrastructure investment, and domestic and international expansion through merchants and other business development opportunities.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; Kommunikatioun Systemer; Software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources.
Jinpan International Co., Ltd. The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan ass e qualifizéierten Zouliwwerer vu China's féierende industriellen elektreschen Ausrüstungshersteller, huet eng breet Palette vu Clienten a China an ass den internationale Maart agaangen. Jinpan's four production bases in China are located in Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. D'Firma gouf gegrënnt an 1993. Seng Haaptexekutivbüro ass zu Haikou, Hainan Provënz, China, a seng US Büro ass zu Karlstadt, New Jersey.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; Muecht Generatioun, dorënner erneierbar Energien Infrastruktur; and industrial infrastructure. Dem MasTec seng Clientë sinn haaptsächlech an dësen Industrien.
D'National Grid Corporation (NYSE: NGG: LSE: NG.L) iwwerdréit a verdeelt Elektrizitéit an Äerdgas. The company operates through UK electricity transmission, UK gas transmission, UK gas distribution and US regulatory agencies. Déi britesch Transmissiounsdepartement besëtzt a bedreift Héichspannungsnetzwierker a Groussbritannien. The British natural gas transmission department has a natural gas transmission network in the UK and has liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facilities in the UK. Déi British Gas Distribution Division bedreift en Äerdgasverdeelungssystem a Groussbritannien. National Grid: National Grid is an electricity and natural gas transmission company that connects nearly 7 million customers to vital energy through its networks in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Through its US Connect21 strategy, National Grid is transforming its power and natural gas networks to provide smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions to support the digital economy of the 21st century. Connectets (Gridenmuecht, déi wirtschaftlech wirtschaftlech Gesondheetsënnerleiungen a mat de Regministratiounssäit vun der Regionéierung
NGK insulator (Tokyo: 5333.T) and its subsidiaries manufacture and sell power-related equipment in Japan and internationally. It is divided into three parts: power supply, ceramic products and electronic parts. The power sector produces and sells insulators and equipment for power companies and heavy electrical equipment manufacturers. This market segment provides insulators, insulator component hardware, current limiting bow horns, casing shells, fuse fuses, APM and line arresters, and NAS (sodium-sulfur batteries). D'Keramikprodukter Divisioun produzéiert Komponente fir Autosauspuffreinung, industriell Veraarbechtungsausrüstung, an industriell Heizsystemer a refractaire Materialien. This department provides automotive ceramics for exhaust gas purification, corrosion-resistant ceramic equipment for the chemical industry, gas analyzers, industrial heating systems, refractory products and radioactive waste treatment systems. The electronics department provides beryllium copper forged products, molds and ceramic components for electronics and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. D'Firma ass e Pionéier an der Entwécklung vun IDG® Kraaftsystemer mat fortgeschratt Smart Grid Funktiounen, dorënner de folgende Fäegkeeten: 1) Viraussoen d'Kraaftfuerderung an de System elektronesch ofsetzen fir méi effizient an ëmweltfrëndlech Kraaft während de Spëtzestonnen ze bidden; 2) Gitt ëffentlech Utilitéite verursaachen. Et huet spezialiséiert Muecht Generatioun Kapazitéit fir Nofro Äntwert Zwecker; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Huet säi proprietaresch verdeelt Power-Generatiounssconddispostizisten, déi verschidde Technologien uginn fir Stroum ze lafen, och ëmmer vernünftbar Energie. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. D'Späicherléisungen vu Powin Energy bidden e vitale Link an der Entwécklung vu Wand- a Solarenergie andeems se Technologien ubidden, déi dës Projete méi effizient maachen.
Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR) is a leading professional contracting services company that provides infrastructure solutions for the power, oil and gas industries. Quanta's comprehensive services include design, installation, repair and maintenance of energy infrastructure. Quanta has operations in the United States, Canada and Australia, and operates in some other international markets. Et huet mënschlech Ressourcen, Ressourcen an Expertise fir sécher lokal, regional, national oder international Projeten ofzeschléissen.

SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. De Photovoltaik-Inverter ass de Kärkomponent vun all Sonnesystem. SMA can provide the correct inverters for every type of photovoltaic module used in the world and various types of grid-connected, isolated and standby operation applications. SMA ass de weltwäite Maart Leader am Photovoltaik Inverter.
Sun Pazifik Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SnPL BESLOS) Blockchin: Januar 2018 € d'Initiativer annoncéiert d'Kontrollzwassungskursung an hir ernatierlech Energiegeschäfter Modellie, fir d'Effizienz vu Glanzungsgestin vu Véierelgrousse Wisen. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain Technologie kann nei Stroumnetzer iwwerwaachen, Belaaschtungsbalance an d'Liewensdauer vun elektreschen Ausrüstung verlängeren.
Valmont Industries Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: VMI) is a global leader in the design and manufacture of highly engineered products that support global infrastructure development and agricultural productivity. Seng Produkter fir Infrastruktur servéieren Autobunnen, Transport, drahtlose Kommunikatiounen, Kraaftiwwerdroung, an industriell Bau an Energiemäert. Déi mechaniséiert Bewässerungsausrüstung, déi fir grouss Landwirtschaft benotzt gëtt, verbessert net nëmmen d'landwirtschaftlech Produktivitéit, awer spuert och frësch Waasserressourcen. In addition, Valmont also provides coating services to prevent corrosion and improve the service life of steel and other metal products.
WESCO International Corporation (NYSE: WCC) ass eng Fortune 500 Firma mat Sëtz zu Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is an electrical, industrial and communications maintenance, repair and operations (“MRO”) and original equipment manufacturer (” OEM”) Leading provider”) products, construction materials and advanced supply chain management and logistics services. D'Clientë enthalen kommerziell an industriell Entreprisen, Optraghueler, Regierungsagenturen, Agenturen, Telekommunikatiounsanbieter an Utilities. WESCO is in North America and internationally There are 9 fully automated distribution centers and approximately 485 full-service branches operating in the market, providing customers with local businesses and global networks to serve multi-location enterprises and multinational companies
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) ass eng ëffentlech Firma, déi zu Nevada am Joer 2012 integréiert ass. D'2050 Automobile Company gouf gegrënnt fir déi nächst Generatioun vu propperen, liichtgewiichtegen an effiziente Gefierer a verbonne Technologien z'entwéckelen an ze produzéieren. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.
ADOMANI Inc. (NasdaqCM: ADOM) ADOMANI, Inc. in California provides zero-emission vehicles and plug-in hybrid solutions for school bus and fleet operators. ADOMANI bréngt bewährte patentéierte elektresche Fuersystemtechnologie, personaliséierte Produkter a vertrauenswürdege Servicepartner zesummen fir d'Gesamtkäschte vum Besëtz ze reduzéieren, d'Zouverlässegkeet vum Gefier ze verbesseren an déi vill Virdeeler vun der grénger Technologie ze entlaaschten.

Advanced Engine Technology (OTC: AENG) is engaged in the development and commercialization of the OX2 internal combustion engine. OX2 ass e Véier-Schlag Verbrennungsmotor deen op verschidde fossil Brennstoffer leeft, dorënner Benzin, Diesel, Äerdgas a flëssege Propangas. The company offers three prototypes of the OX2 internal combustion engine, as well as other parts for engine development and manufacturing other prototypes. Zousätzlech huet se Sukelatiounen un d'Art opstellt, verdeeden an den USA Obstaaft an den Unitänn, Bluddeg an Mexiko. The company's products are used in stationary generators, automotive, marine and aircraft applications, as well as lawn mowers, chainsaws, brush cutters, marine inboard/outboard, pumps, welders, aircraft, and automotive and industrial engines.

ALPS Clean Energy ETF (NYSEARCA: ACES) sicht Investitiounsresultater (virun Käschten an Ausgaben) déi allgemeng mat der Leeschtung vu sengem Basisindex entspriechen, CIBC Atlas Clean Energy Index (Aktiecode NACEX) (de "Basisindex"). The fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in securities that make up the underlying index. De Basisindex benotzt eng Regelbaséiert Approche entwéckelt vun der CIBC National Trust Corporation ("Index Provider"), déi zielt fir en diversifizéierte Portfolio vun US a kanadesche Firmen (inklusiv erneierbar Energie a propper Technologie) ze bidden, déi am propperen Energiesektor involvéiert sinn. . De Fonds ass net diversifizéiert.
The investment results sought by the ALPS Disruptive Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: DTEC) (before fees are deducted) usually correspond to the performance of the Indxx Disruptive Technology Index (“Base Index”). The fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in securities that make up the underlying index. De Basisindex zielt Firmen ze identifizéieren déi disruptiv Technologien an all zéng Fachberäicher benotzen: medizinesch Innovatioun, Internet vun de Saachen, propper Energie a Smart Grid, Cloud Computing, Daten an Analyse, Finanztechnologie, Robotik, a kënschtlech Intelligenz, Internet Sécherheet, 3D printing and mobile payment. The fund is non-diversified.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) heescht Altairnano an ass eng ëffentlech gehandelt Firma. Altairnano designt, fabrizéiert a liwwert Energiespeichersystemer fir propper an effizient Kraaft an Energieverwaltung. The company provides commercial solutions that enable grid modernization, utility-scale renewable energy integration, and support for remote uninterruptible power supply (UPS) requirements, military and transportation applications.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Déi éischt Kategorie ass Motorrieder mat Lithium Batterien ugedriwwen, gefollegt vu Motorrieder. ALYI huet och viru kuerzem de Clarkson University Professer David Mitlin agestallt fir e Cannabis Energielagerungsprogramm ze féieren. Mitlin huet erfollegräich Hanf benotzt (verbleiwen Faser vun Hanf) fir Kuelestoff Nanosheeten ze konstruéieren, déi mat e puer vun de bessere Graphen Nanosheets konkurréiere kënnen a Supercapacitors an e puer Aspekter besser maachen. Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
American Power Corporation (OTC: APGI), a subsidiary of American Power Corporation, provides cost-effective products and services that promote the economic and environmental benefits of our alternative fuels and emission reduction technologies. Our patented Turbocharged NaturalGas® dual-fuel conversion technology is a unique non-invasive software-driven solution that can convert existing vehicle-mounted and stationary diesel engines into diesel and various forms of natural gas (including compressed Natural gas, liquefied natural gas, natural gas in good conditions) run on top/ditch gas or biomethane gas, and can return to 100% diesel operation at any time. Ofhängeg vun der Brennstoffquell an de Betribsbedéngungen, kann eis EPA a CARB guttgeheescht Dual Brennstoff Konvertéierung nahtlos 45% -65% vum Diesel ersetzen duerch méi propper verbrennt Äerdgas, doduerch moossbar Reduktioun vu Stickstoffoxid (NOx) an aner Emissiounen am Zesummenhang mat Diesel. Through our Trident associated gas collection and recovery technology, we provide oil and gas producers with flare capture service solutions to solve the associated gas generated in remote and stranded well sites. These producers are under increasingly severe regulatory pressures to capture and liquefy the burned methane gas at their remote and stranded well sites, otherwise they will face a sharp drop in oil production. With our proprietary Flare to Fuel™ process technology, we can convert these captured gases into natural gas liquids (NGL), which can be sold as heating fluids, emulsifiers or further processed by refineries. In view of the upcoming federal methane capture regulations, we expect our next-generation NGL treatment system will have the ability to convert residual combustion methane into pipeline-quality natural gas, which can be sold for a variety of dedicated and dual-fuel vehicles, Stationary, industrial and domestic use.

AYRO, Inc. Dem AYRO seng Gefierer kënnen eng breet Palette vu Geschäftsbedürfnisser erfëllen a sinn opkomende Leader am sécheren, bezuelbare, effizienten an nohaltege Logistiktransport. AYRO was founded in 2017 by entrepreneurs, investors and executives who are passionate about creating sustainable urban electric vehicle solutions for campus management, last mile and city delivery, and closed campus transportation.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) is a leading manufacturer of household and commercial electric vehicles, drive systems and lithium battery storage systems. Mir designen och personaliséiert elektresch Fuersystemléisungen fir weltwäit Camion- a Bushersteller. Balqon Corporation has production and R&D facilities in Seaport, California, and works with local manufacturing partners to manufacture electric buses and trucks in Europe, India and China.
Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQCM: BLNK, BLNKW) is one of the national leaders in public electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, allowing EV drivers to easily charge around the United States. Headquartered in Florida, Blink Charging has offices in Arizona and California, and its business aims to accelerate the popularity of electric vehicles. Blink Charging provides EV charging equipment and connects with Blink Network. Blink Network is a cloud-based software that can operate, manage and track Blink EV charging stations and all related data. Blink Charging also owns and operates EV charging equipment mainly under the Blink brand, and uses many other charging station equipment manufacturers, such as ChargePoint, General Electric (GE) and SemaConnect. Blink Charging huet strategesch Immobiliepartner a ville kommerziellen Beräicher, dorënner Multi-Famill Wunn- a kommerziell Immobilien, Fluchhafen, Colleges, Gemengen, Parkplazen, Akafszentren, Retail Parkplazen, Schoulen an Aarbechtsplazen.

BYD Co., Ltd. Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.

Cerence Inc. (NASDAQ: CRNC) is a global industry leader in creating unique and engaging experiences for the automotive world. Our expertise is advanced AI, natural language understanding, voice biometrics, gesture and gaze technology, and augmented reality. Als Innovatiounspartner vun de weltgréissten Automobilisten hëllefen mir d'Art a Weis wéi Autoen fillen, reagéieren a léieren ze änneren. This record is based on 20 years of knowledge and nearly 300 million cars. Whether it is connected cars, autonomous driving or electric cars, we are planning the road for the future.

Clean Diesel Technology Co., Ltd. CDTi (NasdaqCM: CDTI) uses its advanced material technology to manufacture and distribute vehicle emission control products. CDTi benotzt seng propriétaire gemëscht Phase Katalysator (MPC (R)) Technologie an aner verbonne Technologien fir héichwäerteg nohalteg Léisungen ze bidden fir Emissiounen ze reduzéieren, d'Energieeffizienz ze verbesseren an d'Kuelestoffintensitéit vun On- an Off-Road Verbrennungsmotor Systemer ze reduzéieren. In order to reflect its continued focus on innovation, CDTi is developing and commercializing proprietary advanced low-platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts, including enhanced PGM (SPGM™) and zero PGM (ZPGM™) catalysts. CDTi is headquartered in Oxnard, California, and has operations in the UK, Canada, France, Japan and Sweden.
Clean Energy Fuel Company (NasdaqGS: CLNE) is North America's largest supplier of natural gas fuel for transportation. We build and operate CNG and LNG filling stations; manufacture CNG and LNG equipment and technologies for ourselves and other companies; entwéckelen rng Produktiounsorungen; and provide more CNG, LNG and Redem RNG fuels than any other company in the United States

CPS Technologies Corporation (NasdaqCM: CPSH) ass e weltwäite Leader an der Produktioun vu Metallmatrix-Kompositkomponenten, déi benotzt gi fir d'Zouverlässegkeet an d'Leeschtung vu verschiddenen elektresche Systemer ze verbesseren. CPS products are used in motor controllers for hybrid and electric vehicles, high-speed trains, subways and wind turbines. They are also used as heat sinks in Internet switches, routers and high-performance microprocessors. CPS also develops and produces metal matrix composite armor
Cummins Corporation (New York Bourse: CMI) ass déi weltwäit elektresch Kraaftfirma. Et ass eng Firma, déi aus komplementäre Geschäftsunitéiten zesummegesat ass, déi Diesel- an Äerdgasmotoren designen, fabrizéieren, verdeelen a reparéieren a verbonne Technologien, dorënner Brennstoffsystemer, Kontroll, Loftbehandlung, Filtratioun, Emissiounsléisungen a Kraaftgeneratiounssystemer. Cummins ass am Columbus, Indiana, USA. Et huet de Moment ongeféier 55.400 Mataarbechter weltwäit a servéiert Clienten an ongeféier 190 Länner a Regiounen duerch en Netz vun ongeféier 600 Firmebesëtz an onofhängeg Distributeurplazen an ongeféier 7.400 Händlerplazen.
Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. (OTC: CYPW) is the developer of the award-winning Cyclone Engine, which is a full-fuel, clean-tech engine with powerful functions and versatility that can run generators from waste energy , Everything from solar thermal systems op Autoen, Camionen a Lokomotiven. Invented by the company's founder and CEO Harry Schoell (Harry Schoell), the patented cyclone engine is an environmentally friendly internal combustion engine, its ingenious design aims to achieve high thermal efficiency through a compact heat storage process, and is almost usable Run on any fuel (including biodiesel), syngas or solar-while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating pollutants into the air. D'Zyklonmotor gouf "2008 Erfindung Award" vum Magazin "Popular Science" genannt, a gewonnen den AEI Technology Award vun der Society of Automotive Engineers 2006 an 2008. Zousätzlech, war de Cyclone Motor viru kuerzem den Titel vun "Environmental Business of the Year” by Broward. Grofschaft Emweltschutz Agence.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. Et bedreift duerch Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses an Daimler Financial Services. D'Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division verkeeft Passagéierautoen an Offroad Gefierer no der Mark Mercedes-Benz benannt, souwéi kleng Autoen no Smart Marken benannt. Daimler's truck business unit sells trucks under the names Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, Thomas-made buses and Bharat Benz brands. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division produces and sells combined buses, city and intercity buses, coaches and bus chassis under the Mercedes-Benz and Setra brands. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Brennstoffzelle: Zënter 1994 huet Daimler d'Benotzung vun der Brennstoffzelltechnologie studéiert fir Stroossefahrzeugen z'ënnerstëtzen. Déi 180 Patentanmeldungen an dësem technesche Beräich ënnersträichen d'Pionéierleeschtungen vum Grupp.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. The company was founded in 1904 and is headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, with approximately 23,000 employees in 25 countries/regions on six continents. Dana has applied mature technologies to future power sources, including fuel cell products and later products. Mat eiser unerkannter Expertise an der Entwécklung vun héichtemperaturmaterialien, entwéckelen a fabrizéiere mir superieure Brennstoffprodukter fir den Automobilmaart, dorënner d'Gläichgewiicht vu Fabriken, Waasserstoffreformeren a Kamäinversammlungen. For more than ten years, we have been a global leader in the fuel cell market and have won honors including General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award and f Battery 2010 Gold Award. We are committed to meeting your current and future needs. Whether it is fuel cells, batteries, hybrid electric vehicles or internal combustion engines, Dana will provide innovative and reliable alternative energy products to support you there.
Delphi (NYSE: DLPH) ass eng High-Tech Firma déi méi sécher, méi gréng a méi verbonne Léisunge fir d'Automobilindustrie integréiert. Delphi is headquartered in Gillingham, UK, with technical centers, production bases and customer support services in 44 countries/regions.
dPollution International Inc. (OTC: RMGX) has the right to manufacture and distribute patented fuel conditioning technology. The company's technology is applicable to a variety of closed combustion engines, including those used in cars, trucks, buses, trains, generators and heavy equipment. Et huet d'Rechter op dräi patentéiert Brennstoffreguléierungsapparater, déi d'Verbrennungseffizienz vu Gas- oder Dieselmotoren verbesseren, d'Verschmotzungsemissiounen reduzéieren an d'Kilometerzuel erhéijen. The company is committed to providing solutions for consumers, businesses and governments.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) produzéiert a verkeeft Kuelendioxid Emissioun Reduktioun Technologien fir Verbrennungsmotor Motore. Als Deel vun der ëmmer méi wichteger internationaler Waasserstoffwirtschaft benotze mir eis patentéiert Technologie fir Waasserstoff a Sauerstoff duerch en eenzegaartegt Elektrolysesystem ze produzéieren. Dës Gase ginn duerch d'Loftversuergung agefouert fir d'Verbrennung ze optimiséieren, oder hëlleft CO2 Emissiounen a méi héije Brennstoffeffizienz ze reduzéieren. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) ass eng Power Management Firma. Eaton bitt energiespuerend Léisunge fir eise Clienten ze hëllefen elektresch, hydraulesch a mechanesch Kraaft méi effektiv, sécher an nohalteg ze managen. Eaton verkeeft Produkter u Clienten a méi wéi 175 Länner. Transport: D'Eaton Transportprodukter enthalen Benotzerinterfaces, Kontrollen a Schalter, souwéi wichteg Kraaftkonversioun a Verdeelungsléisungen fir effektiv Energieverwaltung vu Gefierer.
Australien's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) ass verantwortlech fir d'Produktioun vu Kuelestoff Nanotubes a Kuelestofffasern, Nano-Material Beton-Admixturen, Waasserstoffproduktioun, Lagerung an Transport Brennstoffsystemer (inklusiv Low-Emissioun Waasserstoff, Waasserstoff, Methan, Kuelbett Methan and shale gas). ) Interested. Vereenegt Kinnekräich. All dës Aspekter vum Edens Geschäft sinn Deel vun enger integréierter Strategie déi zielt fir e grousse globalen Spiller am alternativen Energiemaart ze ginn, besonnesch fokusséiert op de propperen Energietransportmaart, d'Produktioun vu Kuelestofffräi Wasserstoff, an den Transport vu Waasserstoff op de Maart a bitt Motoren. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.

Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp. (NasdaqCM: SOLO) is a designer and manufacturer of electric vehicles. D'Firma produzéiert innovativ all-elektresch SOLO, engem eenzege Passagéier Auto entwéckelt fir d'Art a Weis wéi d'Leit pendelen ze revolutionéieren, an Tofino, en elegante High-Performance Zwee-Sëtzer elektreschen Sportauto. Béid Autoe goufen ugepasst fir déi ultimativ Fahrerfahrung ze bidden wärend Är Pendel méi effizient, ekonomesch an ëmweltfrëndlech mécht. Intermeccanica, a subsidiary of Electra Meccanica, has successfully manufactured high-end special vehicles for 59 years. The Electra Meccanica series is providing the next generation of affordable electric cars to the public.

Electrovaya Inc. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya is headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has production facilities in Canada and Germany, and has customers all over the world.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) ass e weltwäite Leader an Energiespeicherléisungen fir industriell Uwendungen, Fabrikatioun a Verdeelung vu Backup- a Kraaftbatterien, Ladegeräter, Stroumausrüstung, Batterieaccessoiren an Outdoorausrüstungsléisungen fir Clienten ronderëm d'Welt. Power Batterien an Ladegeräter ginn an elektresche Forklifts an aner kommerziell elektresch Gefierer benotzt. Zolltradriktioun Kraaft ginn an der Tele misser verfügbar, onstruuchtten Kraaftmänner an den Auslackungsystemer. Outdoor Ausrüstung Shell Produkter ginn an Telekommunikatioun, Kabel, Utilities, Transportindustrie wéi och Regierungs- a Verteidegungsclienten benotzt. The company also provides after-sales and customer support services to customers from more than 100 countries/regions through its sales and manufacturing locations around the world
Enova Systems, Inc. Et bitt Serien a Parallel Hybrid Systemer. The company's electric and hybrid electric drive systems as well as power management and power conversion systems are used in applications such as medium and heavy trucks, buses and heavy industrial vehicles.
Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. The Facedrive Marketplace offers selected products made from sustainably sourced materials. Facedrive Foods provides a variety of foods for non-contact delivery, with a focus on healthy foods at the door of consumers. Facedrive Health entwéckelt innovativ technologesch Léisunge fir déi seriösste Gesondheetserausfuerderunge vun haut. Facedrive ännert d'Narrativ vum Ride Sharing, Liewensmëttel Liwwerung, E-Commerce, a Gesondheetstechnologie fir jiddereen besser ze maachen.

The investment results sought by the First Trust Nasdaq Global Automotive Index Fund (NasdaqGM: CARZ) are usually the same as the price and return of a stock index called the Nasdaq OMX Global Automotive Index (SM) (before the fund's fees and expenses) Corresponding . A fund usually invests at least 90% of its net assets (including investment borrowings) in the common stocks and depositary receipts that make up the index. Den Index zielt fir d'Performance vun de gréissten an déi meescht flëssegst Firmen ze verfollegen, déi an der Autokoller Fabrikatioun engagéieren. The fund is non-diversified.

General Electric (NYSE: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Transportation: GE promotes world development in the safest, fastest and most effective way. We are using the world's largest and most efficient jet engine to promote the development of airlines. Mir benotzen déi fortgeschratt Lokomotiven a Signalsystemer fir Wueren ze transportéieren. We even manufacture helicopter engines for lifesaving missions. Wann et e bessere Wee gëtt fir Leit a Wueren ze transportéieren, gëtt GE Ënnerstëtzung
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, seng Filialen a Joint Venture verkafen Gefierer ënner de Marken Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall a Wuling. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars

D'Global X Autonomy and Electric Vehicle ETF (NasdaqGM: DRIV) beméit sech fir Investitiounsresultater ze bidden, déi dem Präis an Akommesleistung (ausser Ausgaben an Ausgaben) vum Solactive Autonomy and Electric Vehicle Index als Ganzt entspriechen. The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the index. The index aims to provide risk exposure to exchange-listed companies participating in the development of electric vehicles and/or autonomous vehicles, including companies that produce electric/hybrid vehicles, electric/hybrid vehicle parts and materials, autonomous driving technology and networks . Verbonnen Transport Servicer. It is non-diversified.

Grande West Transportation Group Inc. (TSX: BUS.V) is a Canadian bus manufacturer that designs, projects and manufactures medium-sized buses for transportation authorities and commercial enterprises. Grande West's Best-in-Class Vicinity buses are available in 27.5, 30 and 35-foot long models, powered by clean diesel or CNG, and are designed with affordability, accessibility and global responsibility in mind. Its cost is much lower than that of a conventional 40-foot bus, it burns less fuel and emits less harmful gases. The company provides new buses to municipal transportation agencies and private operators in Canada and the United States, and has customers in 8 of the 10 coastal provinces across Canada. Grande West entsprécht den Ufuerderunge vu Buy America an, zesumme mat sengem exklusiven US Distributeur ABG, liwwert aktiv Vicinity mat US ëffentlechen a privaten Transport Flott Operatiounsservicer
The main focus of the Green Car Company (OTC: GACR) is to acquire companies engaged in manufacturing and selling diesel, natural gas and CNG passenger cars, as well as companies developing electric passenger car technology. GACR is the parent company of Newport Coachworks. Inc (NCI) is a wholly-owned subsidiary that operates a 40,000-square-foot passenger car manufacturing plant in Riverside, California. NCI recently introduced electric bus technology, with 15 to 23 seats E-Patriot models and 27 to 33 seats E-Atlas models. GACR an NCI President / CEO Carter Read (Carter Read) ass en Industrie Leader am Bus- a Luxusautofabrikatiounsgeschäft. He has more than 25 years of experience in the transportation manufacturing industry, making GACR the most innovative public in the North. Ee vun den Autosfabrikanten an den USA. GACR focuses on the development, manufacture and sales of the highest quality conventional and electric high-quality shuttle buses, initially serving the North American market, but ultimately also serving exports. D'Newport Coachworks Ariichtung zu Riverside, Kalifornien kann all Etappe vum Busentwécklungsprozess aménagéieren, vum Design a Prototyping op verschidde Masseproduktioun a Montagestadien, bis zur Fäerdegstellung an der Liwwerung an den Händlernetz. The company uses the most advanced equipment and technology to make the coach's manufacturing with a very high level of craftsmanship and reliability at a competitive price.
Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) is a “completely green” clean technology company that combines domestically sourced plant-based renewable and reusable feed ingredients, and a proprietary shape built around the four ideologies of green Technology: Biodegradable, recyclable, renewable and environmentally safe. GET uses G-CLEAN(R) and G-OIL(R) as its brands to produce a full range of “clean and green” American-made environmentally friendly products, some of which are specially designed to help overcome fracturing and pressure worldwide. D'Erausfuerderung vun der Zerfall erlaabt Konsumenten a Clienten besuergt iwwer d'Ëmwelt an d'amerikanesch Energieonofhängegkeet hiren Deel ze maachen ouni Wäert oder Leeschtung ofzeginn. Save the planet-what to give.

GreenPower Motor Company Inc. GreenPower uses dust-free paper design to manufacture all-electric buses, which are designed for zero-emission battery power.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) ass eng "gréng" Fabrikatiouns- a Leasingfirma déi recycléiert Plastik reprocesséiert a verkeeft, an designt, fabrizéiert, verkeeft a leaset héichqualitativ 100% recycléiert Plastikpaletten déi eng breet Palette vu Logistikléisungen ubidden. sinn an der Liewensmëttel a Gedrénks, Landwirtschaft, Automotive, chemesch, pharmazeuteschen an Konsument Wueren Industrien gebraucht. D'Technologie vun der Firma, och déi, déi a senger Sprëtzformausrüstung benotzt ginn, eng propriétaire Mëschung aus recycléiertem Plastikharzen, an e patentéierte Palette-Design, erméiglecht d'rapid Produktioun vu qualitativ héichwäerteg Paletten zu méi niddrege Käschten wéi vill Prozesser. De recycléierte Plastik, deen fir Paletten benotzt gëtt, hëlleft d'Materialkäschte ze kontrolléieren, wärend d'Ëmweltoffäll reduzéiert gëtt, an huet e Käschtevirdeel iwwer d'Benotzer vu virgin Harz. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. D'Motorradgeschäft Eenheet produzéiert Sportmodeller, dorënner Test- a Cross-Country Motocycletten. Commercial and commuting modes; all-terrain vehicles; and utility vehicles. The automotive business unit provides passenger cars, light trucks and mini cars, as well as vehicles powered by alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol, electric and fuel cell vehicles. The financial services business segment provides a variety of financial services, including retail loans, leasing and other financial services, including wholesale financing to distributors and customers. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers , a Rasenmäher Maschinn a Rasentraktor. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. The company sells products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. As always, our attention is focused on the future. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. Dëst ass alles Deel vum Honda sengem Denken an Handlung. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells
Alternativ Energie Company Wasserstoff Engine Center (OTC: HYEG), déi produzéiert an installéiert Muecht Generatioun Systemer a Motore. Its engine runs on hydrogen, natural gas and other kinds of alternative fuels. The company's products include generators and wet sleeve machines. It serves power generation, agriculture, airport service vehicles, stranded power and transportation markets, and industries that use alternative fuels, such as hydrogen, natural gas, propane, synthesis gas, anhydrous ammonia and other fuels.
Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) technology is a proven, efficient refining and chemical process, initially aimed at the multi-billion dollar transformer oil market used by the global power industry. Am Moment gëtt Offallöl an zwou kommerziellen Fabriken veraarbecht. Si hunn eng héich Erhuelungsquote (no bei 100%) an hunn offensichtlech kompetitiv Virdeeler. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. harmlos. The process also completely eliminates the toxic additive PCBs prohibited by international regulations. Hydrodec's plants are located in Canton, Ohio, USA and Young, New South Wales, Australia. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group is the UK's largest collector, amalgamator and processor of waste lubricants, as well as a seller of processed fuel oil, and has oil storage and transshipment facilities nationwide. Station network. The waste oil is converted into processed fuel oil at OSS's Stourport plant, which is mainly sold to quarries and the power industry in the UK. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). Fir eis etabléiert Absicht ze respektéieren fir eng Basis Uelegraffinerie a Groussbritannien z'entwéckelen, hu mir en exklusive Lizenzvertrag mat engem chemeschen Ingenieurspartner (CEP) a Kalifornien ënnerschriwwen fir d'CEP Wiped Film Verdampfung an Hydrogenéierungstechnologie a Groussbritannien als Basis z'entwéckelen for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.

Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) a seng Filialen produzéieren a verdeelen Autoen an Deeler weltwäit. Et funktionnéiert a Gefierer, Finanzen an aner Felder. The company provides Centennial/Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20, i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Including trucks, buses, special vehicles and commercial vehicles with exposed chassis products, as well as Eco vehicles, including Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell and Sonata-Hybrid vehicles. For Canadians as the first car manufacturer to provide Fuel, Hyundai's Cell Electric vehicle enables a zero-emission, zero-carload fuel tank to travel more than 400 kilometers without having to spend hours on charging. Our new thinking has broken through the traditional boundaries, redefining the goals that cars can achieve, a new world, and moving towards a better future.

The Innovation Shares NextGen Vehicle and Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: EKAR) seeks to provide investment results to track the performance of the Innovation Lab Next Generation Vehicle Index (“the index”) before deducting fees and expenses. De Fonds investéiert normalerweis op d'mannst 80% vu sengem Gesamtverméigen a Wäertpabeieren vum Index. The index aims to measure the performance of the portfolio of companies involved in the development or use or investment of “new energy vehicles” or “self-driving cars” (for example, being able to drive their own cars from the beginning). Use various in-vehicle technologies and sensors to reach the intended destination in “automatic driving” mode.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. We create quality products, services and solutions to optimize the energy and operational efficiency of buildings; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; and car interior systems. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. Déi modulär Architektur mécht eis Lithium-Ion Batterien mächteg awer villsäiteg. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.
Kandi Technologies, Corp. (NasdaqGS: KNDI) huet säi Sëtz zu Jinhua City, Zhejiang Provënz, gewidmet fir d'Fuerschung an d'Entwécklung, d'Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vu verschiddenen Autosprodukter. Kandi has become one of the leading manufacturers of pure electric vehicle (EV) parts, electric vehicle products and off-road vehicles in China.
KraneShares Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility ETF (NYSEARCA: KARS) seeks to provide investment results that generally correspond to the price and earnings performance of electric vehicles and the Future Mobility Index. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets in the component parts of the index, the depositary receipts (including ADRs) representing the component parts and the securities that serve as depositary receipts in the index. Den Index ass entwéckelt fir d'Börseleistung vun de Firmen ze verfolgen, déi an der Produktioun vun elektresche Gefierer oder hiren Deeler engagéiert sinn, oder un aner Initiativen deelzehuelen, déi de Wee vun der Rees an Zukunft änneren (wéi vum Index Provider bestëmmt). The fund is non-diversified.
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), through its wholly-owned subsidiary KULR Technology Corporation (“KULR”), develops and commercializes high-performance, space-use thermal management technologies for various electronic products, batteries and other components Electric vehicles, autonomous driving (collectively referred to as E-Mobility) and other applications as well as AI, cloud computing, energy storage and 5G communication technologies. KULR's proprietary core technology is a carbon fiber material, which is rooted in the aerospace and defense fields. It provides excellent thermal conductivity and heat dissipation with ultra-light and soft materials. Andeems Dir dës Duerchbroch Killléisung a seng laangfristeg Entwécklungspartnerschafte mat NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab an aner Firmen benotzt, mécht KULR elektresch Gefierer an aner Produkter méi cool, méi hell a méi sécher.
Last Mile Holdings (TSXV: MILE), formerly known as OjO Electric, is one of the largest mini-car companies in the United States, offering the most extensive product suite in the industry. Last Mile has 30 universities under the OjO and Gotcha brands and 50 municipal contract shared travel systems. D'Acquisitioun vu Gotcha am éischte Véierel vun 2020 bitt e breede Wuesstumskanal a bitt e Produktportfolio mat elektresche Vëloen, Tricycles, Scooter a Cruiser.
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; production; and sales. D'Persoun muss déiselwecht enthalen: E-Box Energien Placksplaatz fir Solaren, d'Wandverkéierungsfirma Equipement; and EV components that integrate batteries and motors, such as EV controllers that use small computers to control torque drive

LOOPShare Ltd. (TSX: LOOP.V) is a Vancouver company founded in 2009, focusing on carpooling, micro travel and sustainable transportation. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Saturna Green Systems Inc., has integrated the first generation of wireless rugged 7 Inch touch screen dashboard is commercialized, and the telematics function of electric inner city vehicles LOOPShare highly specialized display can provide a wide range of services for consumers, tourism or commercial purposes. The purpose of LOOPShare is to develop and deploy end-to-end vehicles for inner city transportation vehicles. End-to-end interconnection solutions, especially gearboxes dedicated to transportation as a service (“TaaS”). LOOPShare will implement TaaS solutions through global regional operators, with LOOPShare's unique focus on commuting/travel/business, the latest technology to provide subscribers with commuting convenience and travel applications wireless two-wheel electric sharing technology, “Loop” is LOOPShare Ltd .'S Mark.

Lyft, Inc. We are committed to improving people's lives through the best transportation in the world, and we are committed to building reliable, affordable and sustainable transportation.
Magna International (TSX: MG.TO; New York Stock Exchange: MGA) is a leading global automotive supplier with 319 manufacturing operations and 85 product development, engineering and sales centers in 29 countries/regions. Eis Produktfäegkeeten enthalen d'Produktioun vu Kierper, Chassis, Interieur, Aussen-, Sëtzer, Powertrain, Elektronik, Visioun, Uschloss an Dachsystemer a Moduler, souwéi komplett Gefiertechnik a Kontraktfabrikatioun.

Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Modine Produkter ginn a liicht, mëttel a schwéier Gefierer, Heizungs-, Belëftungs- a Klimaanlagen, Off-Road- an Industrieausrüstung, a Kältesystemer benotzt. Modine ass eng global Firma mat Sëtz zu Racine, Wisconsin, USA, mat Operatiounen an Nordamerika, Südamerika, Europa, Asien an Afrika. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Variable-speed brushless fan (EFAN) technology is used to control temperature in diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid applications, and is also part of pioneering fuel cell-powered buses.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) is developing novel and scalable processing technologies to produce high-performance battery materials for electric vehicles, energy storage and consumer electronics at low cost. The patented technology can be configured for a variety of nanostructured materials and is flexible, and can be transformed with emerging and future battery market trends and various other growth opportunities. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Dem Nano One seng Missioun ass seng patentéiert Technologie als déi weltgréisste Plattform fir d'Produktioun vun enger neier Generatioun vun nanostrukturéierte Kompositmaterial ze etabléieren.
Neah Power System. Inc. (OTC: NPWZ) ass en Entwéckler vun innovativen, haltbaren, effizienten a séchere Kraaftléisungen fir Militär, Transport a portable elektronesch Uwendungen. Neah's Powerchip(R) Technologie benotzt en eenzegaartegen, patentéierten a preisgekréinte Silizium-baséierten Design, deen eng méi héich Kraaftdicht, Loft- an Net-Loftbetrieb, méi niddreg Käschten a kompakt Formfaktor erméiglecht. Neah's BuzzBar ™ a BuzzCell ™ Mikro Brennstoffzellen benotzen patentéiert Low-Cost, differenzéiert Technologien a Konsument-orientéierte Produkter

NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) is a leading global independent bus manufacturer, providing a comprehensive set of public transportation solutions under the following brands: NewFlyer® (heavy buses), Alexander Dennis Limited (single-layer and Double-decker Bus), Plaxton (motoriséiert Passagéierauto), MCI® (motoriséiert Passagéierauto), ARBOC® (niddereg Chassis Passagéierauto a mëttelgrousse Passagéierauto) an NFI Parts ™. NFI Bussen an Traineren benotzen déi extensivst Drive Systemer, dorënner: propper Diesel, Äerdgas, Diesel-elektresch Hybrid Gefierer an Null-Emissioun elektresch Gefierer (Trolleys, Batterien a Brennstoff Zellen). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) is changing the transportation industry on a global scale. As a designer and manufacturer of battery electric and hydrogen electric vehicles, electric vehicle drive trains, vehicle components, energy storage systems, and hydrogen refueling station infrastructure, Nikola is committed to promoting the economic and environmental impact of business as we know it today. Afloss. Nikola Corporation was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
NIO (New York Stock Exchange: NIO) was established in November 2014 and is a pioneer in China's high-end electric vehicle market. The mission of NIO is to shape a happy lifestyle by providing high-end smart electric vehicles and becoming the best user company. NIO designs, jointly manufactures and sells smart and interconnected high-quality electric vehicles, thereby promoting next-generation technology innovations in connectivity, autonomous driving and artificial intelligence. NIO nei definéiert d'Benotzererfarung a liwwert d'Benotzer ëmfaassend, praktesch an innovativ Opluedléisungen an aner user-centric Servicer. Weilai Automobile huet ugefaang de 7-Sëtzer High-Performance elektresche SUV ES8 a China am Juni 2018 ze liwweren, a plangt de 5-Sëtz elektreschen SUV ES6 bis Enn 2018 ze lancéieren.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. D'Firma ass och a verschiddene Schëffergeschäfter involvéiert, dorënner d'Produktioun a Verkaf vu Croisièreschëffer, Terminalgeschäft an den Export vun Baussenbordmotoren. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; industrial machinery; an Ingenieur, elektronesch Ausrüstung an elektronesch Ausrüstung. elektreschen Auto

Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . Am Telekommunikatiounsmaart liwwert de System vum Polar zouverlässeg a bëlleg Energie fir Off-Grid a schlecht Gitterapplikatiounen mat kriteschen Kraaftbedürfnisser. Wann d'Utility-Gitter klappt, mussen dës Bedierfnesser ausgeschalt ginn
Polaris Industries, Inc. (NYSE: PII) is a recognized leader in the electric sports industry. Polaris designt, designt, fabrizéiert a verkeeft innovativ a qualitativ héichwäerteg Off-Road Gefierer, dorënner all-terrain Gefierer (ATV) a Side-by-Side Gefierer, Schnéimobilen, Motorrieder a Strooss elektresch / Hybrid Gefierer. Polaris ass ee vun de weltwäite Verkafsleit vu Schnéimobilen an Offroad Gefierer, an huet eng Plaz am Schwéiergewiicht Cruiser an Touring Motorrad Maart. In addition, Polaris continues to invest in the global road small electric/hybrid vehicle industry through Global Electric Vehicles (GEM), Goupil Industrie SA, Aixam Mega SAS and internally developed cars. Polaris verbessert d'Reiden Erfahrung mat engem komplette Set vun Polaris Ingenieur Deeler, Accessoiren a Kleeder, Klim Mark Kleeder an ORV Accessoiren. Polaris Industries Inc. (Polaris Industries Inc.) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and the company has been included in the Standard & Poor's Mid-Cap 400 Index Price Index.

Power Solutions International, Inc. (NasdaqCM: PSIX) (PSI) is a leader in the design, manufacture and manufacture of emission-certified alternative fuel power systems. PSI provides integrated turnkey solutions for the world's leading original equipment manufacturers in the industrial and highway markets. Mat der Firma eenzegaartegen internen Design, Prototyping, Ingenieursdesign an Testfäegkeeten, kann PSI propper, héich performant Motore personaliséieren, déi verschidde Brennstoffer benotze kënnen, dorënner Äerdgas, Propan, Biogas, Diesel a Benzin. PSI has developed and provided a complete 0.97 to 22 liter power system, including an 8.8 liter engine for the industrial and road markets, including medium-sized fleets, delivery trucks, school buses and garbage/garbage trucks. PSI Kraaftsystemer ginn am Moment weltwäit benotzt fir Generatoren, Forklifts, Loftaarbechtsgefierer an industrielle Sweepers, souwéi Ueleg a Gas, Fliger Terrain Ënnerstëtzung, landwirtschaftlech a Bau Equipement
Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. For more than ten years, Praxair has been providing hydrogen fuel and related technical support to fuel cell developers and fleets across the country. Praxair d'iwwergräifend Wasserstoff Fourniture System erlaabt Är Verdeelung Zentrum voll Virdeel vun der méi niddreg Käschten an héich Produktivitéit vun Wasserstoff Brennstoff Zell forklifts ze huelen, iwwerdeems d'Waasserstoff Fourniture ze Experten verloossen.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . It provides a hydrogen fuel cell module that is integrated with an energy storage system to create an electric fuel cell hybrid system to provide electricity during peak demand. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Quantum produces one of the most innovative, advanced, and lightest compressed natural gas storage tanks in the world. In addition to fully integrated natural gas storage tank systems, it also provides these storage tanks for truck and automotive OEMs as well as aftermarket and OEM truck integrators. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum huet säi Sëtz am Lake Forest, Kalifornien, mat Operatiounen a Filialen an den USA, Kanada an Indien.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. The company provides technical consulting services for engines, powertrain and gearboxes, hybrid and electrical systems, and vehicle systems; an Ëmweltberodung Servicer. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value Problemléisungen, Fuerschung an Entwécklung Gestioun vu Passagéier Gefierer, kommerziell Gefierer, landwirtschaftlech an industriell Gefierer, Loftfaart, Eisebunn, Schëffer, héich-Performance Gefierer an Racing Autoen, Motocycletten a perséinlechen Transport, Strategie an Ëmsetzung vun elektresche Gefierer, a Schlëssel Technologie Analyse. Zousätzlech verkeeft an ënnerstëtzt d'Firma och eng Serie vun Design- an Analysesoftwareprodukter, déi speziell fir Uwendungen an der Powertrain-Entwécklung an der Gefierintegratiounsprozess entwéckelt goufen; and provides technical assistance, training and information services. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) ass de weltgréisste Designer an Hiersteller vun High-Tech Industriebatterien. D'Grupp ass de weltgréissten Hiersteller vun Nickelbatterien a Lithium Primärbatterien fir d'industriell Infrastruktur a Prozesser, Transport, an zivil a militäresch Elektronikmäert. Saft ass e weltwäite Leader am Weltraum- a Verteidegungsbatterien ginn mat senger Lithium-Ion Technologie, déi och an den Energielagerung, Transport an Telekommunikatiounsnetzmäert benotzt gëtt. Elektresch Gefierer: Elektresch Gefierer ugedriwwen vum Saft's High-Tech Batteriesystem-EV, HEV a PHEV, bidden eng nohalteg Léisung fir CO2 Emissiounen ze reduzéieren, reglementaresch Ziler z'erreechen, de Brennstoffverbrauch an de globale Ëmweltofdrock ze limitéieren.
Sevcon, Inc (NasdaqCM: SEV) is a global supplier of zero-emission, control and power solutions for electric and hybrid vehicles. Its products control the speed and movement of road and off-road vehicles, integrate specialized functions, optimize energy consumption and help reduce air pollution. Sevcon's Bassi Divisioun produzéiert Batterieladeger fir elektresch Gefierer; power management and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for industrial, medical and telecommunications applications; electronic instruments for battery laboratories. The company serves customers through its operations in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, China and the Asia-Pacific region, and through an international dealer network.
Smart Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTC: SMGY) produces electronic controls for vehicle batteries. The company provides a battery box (Battery Brain), which is a box-shaped device that can be connected to the car's battery to prevent battery failure and theft. Battery Brain is used for various types of motor vehicles, including passenger cars, light to heavy trucks, buses, tractors, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, ships, disabled vehicles and other motor vehicles that rely on batteries. The company sells its products to automotive retail, automotive dealers, automotive original equipment manufacturers, automotive professionals, fleets, military, heavy trucks/buses, RV/RV and maritime sectors. Smart Energy Solutions verkeeft seng Produkter Grousshandel duerch Distributeuren haaptsächlech an den USA, Kanada, Vereenegt Kinnekräich, Frankräich, Mexiko, Asien an Israel. And retail through the Internet.
SPDR Kensho Smart Mobility ETF (NYSEARCA: XKST) seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses are deducted, usually correspond to the total return performance of the Standard & Poor's Kensho Smart Transportation Index. Ënner normale Maartbedéngungen investéiert e Fonds normalerweis déi grouss Majoritéit (op d'mannst 80%) vun all seng Verméigen an de Wäertpabeieren, déi den Index ausmaachen. Den Index besteet aus Aktien (inklusiv Depotbezuelen) an den USA opgezielt vu Firmen déi an entwéckelten an opkomende Mäert ronderëm d'Welt liewen. These stocks are included in the field of intelligent transportation, which is determined by the classification standards established by the index provider. The fund is non-diversified.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) is a global provider of photovoltaic (“PV”) solutions for commercial, residential, government and utility customers and investors. De Solar-Photovoltaikprojet, dee vun der Firma entwéckelt gouf, kann un en Drëtt-Partei-Bedreiwer verkaaft ginn, oder et ka vun der Firma gehéiert a bedriwwe ginn fir Elektrizitéit un de Stroumnetz vu ville Länner an Asien, Nordamerika an Europa ze verkafen. D'australesch Duechtergesellschaft vun der Firma verkeeft haaptsächlech Solar-Photovoltaik-Module fir Retail Clienten a Solarprojektentwéckler. The company's operational headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California, and maintains global operations in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Green Auto-Annoncéiert de Start vun EdisonFuture, Inc., eng ganz Besëtzer Duechtergesellschaft vu SPI Energy, fir elektresch Gefierer ("EV") an EV Ladeléisungen ze designen an z'entwéckelen.
T3 Motion, Inc. The company is committed to improving vehicle environmental standards and standards for green energy solutions.
Tanfield Group (LSE: TAN.L) ass als Investitiounsfirma klasséiert. The company has a 49% membership interest in Snorkel International Holdings and a 5.76% interest in Smiths Electric Vehicles Corp. Smith Electric Vehicles Corp is a leading designer and manufacturer of all-electric commercial vehicles for short-distance urban fleets. Dem Smith seng Null-Emissioun Gefierer hu wesentlech besser Leeschtung wéi traditionell Diesel Camionen, an hunn méi héich Betribssystemer Effizienz a manner Käschten. Dem Smith seng Missioun ass e féierende Hiersteller vun héicheffizienten Null-Emissiounsautoen an der kommerziell Transportindustrie ze ginn, seng eenzegaarteg Plattform ze benotzen fir mat Weltklass Marken ze kooperéieren fir seng ganz Flott ze transforméieren, hinnen ze hëllefen méi rentabel ze bedreiwen an Energie zréckzebréngen. Gitter

Torotrak plc (LSE: TRL.L) designt, entwéckelt a kommerzialiséiert Technologie fir Autoshersteller. The company is divided into three parts: license agreement, engineering services and development activities. It provides a flybrid, flywheel hybrid power system, which can recover mechanical kinetic energy. V-Charge, a variable drive supercharger for gasoline and diesel engines; Torotrak continuously variable transmission enables the engine to run under optimal conditions. The company is also engaged in sheet metal manufacturing; operation of complete machine workshops; welding of steel, aluminum and magnesium; and manufacturing hubs for high-speed flywheels and carbon fiber-wound rims. In addition, it is also involved in design, modeling, product development, prototyping and testing activities. D'Firma verkeeft hir Produkter op- an Off-Autobunn kommerziell Gefierer, Passagéier Gefierer an aner Mäert.
Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) ass de weltgréissten Automaker, de Schëpfer vu Prius a Mirai Brennstoffzell Gefierer, gewidmet fir Autoe fir Leit duerch eis Toyota, Lexus a Scion Mark Liewensstil ze maachen. An de leschte 50 Joer hu mir méi wéi 25 Milliounen Autoen a Camionen an Nordamerika hiergestallt, wou mir 14 Fabrikatiounsanlagen bedreiwen (10 an den USA) an direkt méi wéi 42.000 Mataarbechter beschäftegen (méi wéi 33.000 an den USA)). Am Joer 2014 hunn eis 1.800 Nordamerikanesch Händler (1.500 an den USA) 2.67 Milliounen Autoen a Camionen verkaaft (iwwer 2.35 Milliounen an den USA) - an de leschten 20 Joer sinn ongeféier 80% vun Toyota verkaafte Gefierer nach haut op der Strooss. Ronderëm d'Welt schaffen d'Leit haart fir d'Energie vum Waasserstoff ze benotzen, dat ass dat reichst Element am Universum. Toyota erkennt dat enormt Potenzialszützer vum Waasserstoff als propper Energiequell a ginn aktiv d'Zomme Collettingen (FCV).
Turbodyne Technologies, Inc. Its patented design reduces carbon dioxide emissions, improves performance and realizes miniaturization of gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines.
The mission of Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: UBER) is to create opportunities through sports. We started to solve a simple problem in 2010: can you get ride service at the touch of a button? No méi wéi 10 Milliarde Reesen entwéckelen mir Produkter fir d'Leit méi no ze bréngen wou se wëllen. Andeems Dir d'Art a Weis wéi d'Leit, d'Iessen an d'Saachen an de Stied fléissen änneren, ass Uber eng Plattform déi nei Méiglechkeete fir d'Welt opmaacht.

Vmoto Limit (asx: vmt.ax) ass de féierende Scooter Hiersteller a Verdeelungsgrupp, spezialiséiert op elektresch zwee-Wheeler. Vmoto's electric two-wheeler products have stylish European design and German engineering design. Vmoto ass och an der Fabrikatioun an Verdeelung vun Bensin Scooter a véier-wheeled all-terrain Gefierer involvéiert. Vmoto has one of the most extensive global distribution networks of any electric scooter manufacturer in the world, with more than 28 distributors in 27 countries/regions in geographic regions such as Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, South America and South Africa. De Grupp bedreift zwou Haaptmarken: Vmoto an E-Max. D'Firma liwwert och Produkter u ville Clienten op eng OEM Manéier.

XPeng Inc. (NYSE: XPEV) ass eng féierend intelligent elektresch Gefierfirma a China gewidmet fir den Design, d'Entwécklung, d'Fabrikatioun a Verkaf vun intelligenten elektresche Gefierer déi China's grouss a wuessend technologesch erfuerderlech Mëttelklass Konsumenten unzéien. Its mission is to promote the transformation of smart electric vehicles through technology and data to shape the future of mobile experience. In order to optimize the customer's travel experience, XPeng internally developed full-stack autonomous driving technology and in-car intelligent operating system, as well as core vehicle systems including powertrain and electrification/electronic architecture. XPeng huet säi Sëtz zu Guangzhou, China, an huet Büroen zu Peking, Shanghai, Silicon Valley a San Diego an den USA. The company's smart electric vehicles are produced in Zhaoqing and Zhengzhou plants.
ZAP Jonway (OTC: ZAAP) designt a fabrizéiert héichwäerteg, bezuelbar nei Energie an elektresch Gefierer (EV). Yongyuan Automobile huet ISO 9000 Produktiounsanlagen a China an huet d'Zertifizéierung vun EV Fabrikatioun an Ingenieur, Verkafs- a Clientsservice Ariichtungen passéiert. Jonway has an annual production capacity of up to 50,000 vehicles, a factory area of ​​more than 1 million square feet, has more than 65 acres of land in China and established a sales and distribution network. ZAP ass e fréie Pionéier vun elektresche Gefierer, bréngt eng breet Palette vun elektresche Gefiererprodukttechnologien un déi zwou Firmen. ZAP is headquartered in Santa Rosa, California, and Jonway Auto is located in Zhejiang Province, the People's Republic of China.

Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) is the largest producer of thermoplastic resins in the Americas. The company has 36 plants in Brazil, the United States and Germany, and produces more than 35 billion pounds of thermoplastic resin and other petrochemical products annually. Braskem ass de weltgréisste Produzent vu Biopolymeren, mat enger jährlecher Produktiounskapazitéit vun 200 Tonnen Polyethylen aus Zockerrouer Ethanol.
Cardia Bioplastics Limited (ASX: CNN.AX) ass e globalen Entwéckler, Hiersteller a Vermaartung vun nohaltege Harzen aus erneierbaren Ressourcen. Our bio-blending and compostable resins provide a lower carbon footprint for packaging and plastic products.
Lingling Global Corporation (NASDAQ: FORK) is a professional manufacturer and distributor of environmentally friendly plastic service software, with precision manufacturing plants in the United States and China. D'Plastikserviceprodukter vun der Firma enthalen disposéierbar Geschir, Stréi, Coupë, Telleren an aner Plastiksprodukter, déi vu méi wéi honnert Clienten haaptsächlech aus den USA an Europa benotzt ginn, dorënner Subway, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC (nëmmen China), Wal-Mart, McKesson and Woolworths.
Good Natured Products Inc. (TSX: GDNP.V) has more than 100 plant-based food packaging designs, 10 grades of bioplastic membranes, 30 home and business organization products, and a team of scientists, business builders and retail A world-class Team vun Hiersteller, d'Firma produzéiert a verdeelt ee vun den extensivsten Konsumentprodukter a Verpackungsprodukter an Nordamerika. These products and packaging are made of the highest possible percentage of renewable plant-based materials and are BPA-free. Phthalates or other chemicals of concern. Kindness TM is committed to doing things that are beneficial to the planet and the company, and is creating better daily products TM, combining advanced bioplastic technology with the latest sustainable design features, which is not only beautiful, but also maximizes shelf space and promotes Incremental sales, enhanced logistics and improved environmental efficiency are all bundled in a fresh and friendly brand.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) is an innovative waste-to-energy technology company. Et huet e Patent ofgeschloss fir Offall Pneuen a gemëschte Plastik, déi an Deponien benotzt ginn, an héichwäerteg Motorueleg ëmzewandelen. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). De GETH Prozess hëlleft vill dréngend Ëmweltproblemer an den USA ze léisen. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) ass eng "gréng" Fabrikatiouns- a Leasingfirma déi recycléiert Plastik reprocesséiert a verkeeft, an designt, fabrizéiert, verkeeft a leaset héichqualitativ 100% recycléiert Plastikpaletten déi eng breet Palette vu Logistikléisungen ubidden. sinn an der Liewensmëttel a Gedrénks, Landwirtschaft, Automotive, chemesch, pharmazeuteschen an Konsument Wueren Industrien gebraucht. D'Technologie vun der Firma, och déi, déi a senger Sprëtzformausrüstung benotzt ginn, eng propriétaire Mëschung aus recycléiertem Plastikharzen, an e patentéierte Palette-Design, erméiglecht d'rapid Produktioun vu qualitativ héichwäerteg Paletten zu méi niddrege Käschten wéi vill Prozesser. De recycléierte Plastik, deen fir Paletten benotzt gëtt, hëlleft d'Materialkäschte ze kontrolléieren, wärend d'Ëmweltoffäll reduzéiert gëtt, an huet e Käschtevirdeel iwwer d'Benotzer vu virgin Harz. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.

Metabolix, Inc. (NasdaqCM: MBLX) is an innovation-driven specialty materials company dedicated to providing customers in the plastics industry with high-performance biopolymer solutions. Metabolix's Mirel® Biopolymere ginn aus erneierbaren Ressourcen ofgeleet a sinn eng Serie vu biobaséierte Leeschtungsadditive a Spezialharze baséiert op PHA (Polyhydroxyalkanoat). Metabolix's proprietary biotechnology platform enables the creation of special biopolymers that can be used in various applications, such as construction and packaging materials as well as industrial, consumer and personal care products.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) specializes in the development and sales of various plastic products and other environmental technologies, and operates globally. The company is a global leader in the development and marketing of life-controlled plastics, and sells pro-degradation additives and finished plastic products through a constantly growing network of international distributors and agents. The company also sells a variety of traditional, non-degradable, flexible plastic products. The team has chosen to carefully subcontract this work to selected and reviewed subcontractors around the world. Dës Flexibilitéit bitt de Grupp a senge Cliente Versuergungssécherheet, lokal Disponibilitéit a bedeitend Käschtevirdeeler. Degradable finished products and additives are sold directly to customers worldwide, or sold to the world through an expanding network of authorized distributors and agents. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. D'Firma konzentréiert sech op Prioritéit oder Senior Kapital un etabléierte Sponsoren a Scholden mat héijer Kredittqualitéit ze liwweren fir laangfristeg, widderhuelend a prévisibel Cashflows ze generéieren. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong elected a real estate investment trust (REIT) that is eligible to pay taxes for federal income tax purposes. Its tax year begins on December 31, 2013
Arafura Resources NL (ASX: ARU.AX) explores and develops minerals in Australia. The company explores rare earth minerals, base and precious metals, tungsten and iron vanadium. Säin Haaptprojet ass den Nolans-Projet, e rare Äerdphosphatdepot deen Neodym an Ase Produkter am Norden Territoire vun Australien liwwere kann. The company is also involved in mining and related infrastructure and social and environmental feasibility assessments.

Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) and its subsidiaries are engaged in exploration and development of mineral projects in South Africa. Et ass an dräi Deeler ënnerdeelt: Vanadium an Eisenerz, Kuel Exploratioun, an Vanadium Biergbau a Produktioun. Déi Updres betruecht de Titanium, den Titaneschen, schoel, am Alterhad an Stroumcaiten. De Flaggschëffprojet vun der Firma ass de Bushveld Vanadium Projet, deen d'Vametco Verméigen enthält, souwéi d'Briten a Mokopane Vanadium Projeten, déi am Norde vum Bushveld Komplex zu Limpopo, Südafrika sinn.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems (CSE: CUBE) focuses on the fast-growing energy storage industry, which is driven by the substantial increase in demand for renewable energy. CellCube provides vertically integrated energy storage systems for the power industry. It recently acquired the assets of Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. has now been renamed Enerox GmbH, which is the developer and manufacturer of CellCube energy storage systems. Other related subsidiaries of CellCube are EnerCube Switchgear Systems and Power Haz Energy Mobile Solutions Inc. The company has also invested in Braggawatt Energy Inc, an online renewable energy financing platform. CellCube entwéckelt, fabrizéiert a verkeeft Energiespeichersystemer baséiert op Vanadium Redox Flow. Technology, and has more than 130 project installations and 10-year operating records. Its highly integrated energy storage system solution has 99% of the remaining energy capacity after 11,000 cycles, with a focus on large container modules. D'Basis Bausteng besteet aus FB modulare 250kW Eenheeten mat 4, 6 an 8 Stonnen Energieverännerungen. CellCube has obvious vanadium-rich characteristics in Nevada. The Bisoni-McKay and Bisoni-Rio properties in Nevada contain pure vanadium resources. Unlike most other vanadium deposits (where vanadium is mixed with other metals such as iron or uranium), Bisoni McKay and Bisoni-Rio feature pure vanadium in carbonaceous shale.

Coziron Resources Limited (ASX: CZR.AX) besëtzt 85% vun den dräi Projeten a Western Australia, Yarraloola, KingX-Earaheedy a Buddadoo, déi Rohmaterial Mineralstoffer aus vertikal integréierte Stolmillen berichten. The supplier Mr. Mark Creasy retains 15% ownership of the project. All projects have infrastructure solutions. Eisenäerz a Mangandepositioune ginn an dëse Wunnengen exploréiert, awer aner Aarte vu Mineraliséierung goufen och gemellt, dorënner Gold, Kupfer, Basismetaller, Titan, Vanadium an Uran.

Energy Fuel Company (TSX: EFR.TO; NYSE: UUUU) is a leading, integrated uranium mining company based in the United States that supplies U3O8 to major nuclear power companies. Its corporate office is located in Denver, Colorado, and all its assets and employees are located in the western United States. Energy Fuels owns three major uranium production centers in the United States, located at the White Mesa Mill in Utah, the Nichols Ranch Processing Plant in Wyoming, and the Alta Mesa Project in Texas. D'White Mesa Mill ass déi eenzeg konventionell Uraniummillen déi haut an den USA operéiert ass, mat enger lizenzéierter Kapazitéit vu méi wéi 8 Millioune Pond U3O8 pro Joer. The Nichols Ranch Processing Plant is an ISR production center with a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds of U3O8 per year. Alta Mesa is currently the ISR production center engaged in maintenance and maintenance. Energy Fuel Company also owns the largest producer of uranium resources in the United States that meets NI 43-101, as well as uranium mining projects in multiple states in the western United States, including an ISR project, standby mines and minerals in different stages. Licensing and development. The company also produces vanadium and uranium from certain mines in the Colorado Plateau based on market conditions.
Ethos Gold Corp. (TSXV: ECC) (OTCQB: ETHOF) is exploring the La Purisima gold project in Chihuahua, Mexico (100% revenue), and the Iron Point Carlin gold project (50% revenue from Victory Metals Inc.) ), located 22 miles east of the United States. Winnemucca zu Nevada an de Perk-Rocky Kupfer-Gold Porphyry Projet 220 Kilometer westlech vum Williams Lake a British Columbia (100% Recetten). La Purisima is a near-surface, large-tonnage, gold oxide target, and the virgin drilling program will soon begin. Iron Point ass e Carlin Gold Zil, deen op der ënneschter Plack gedroen gëtt, a Pläng fir dëst Zil an dräi vertikale Lächer ze testen fänken kuerz ënner der Opsiicht vum Dr Quinton Hennigh un. Perk-Rocky is the target of copper-gold porphyry, and the exploration plan including detailed airborne geophysics, ground surveying and sampling will be launched in the short term. Ethos currently has approximately 6.8 million Canadian dollars in cash and 54.6 million outstanding shares. Ethos plans to spend a total of approximately $1.8 million on the first drilling program at La Purisima and Iron Point in 2019 and the initial work program at Perk-Rocky. Ethos also profited from the Pine Pass and Ursula vanadium projects in north-central British Columbia (100% profit). Am Mäerz 2019 krut den Ethos eng Notifikatioun vu British Columbia datt d'Mineraleigendomsrechter, déi säi Pine Pass Vanadium-Projet ausmaachen, an der berécksiichtegt Regioun abegraff sinn fir d'Entwécklungspropositioun direkt z'ënnerbriechen an eventuell an dat erweidert Ëmweltschutzgebitt opzehuelen, a berécksiichtegt Vun dësem notice, work on its vanadium project has been suspended.
First Vanadium Corp (TSX: FVAN.V) (OTCQX: FVANF) (FSE: 1PY) (formerly known as Cornerstone Metals Inc.) can choose to obtain a 100% interest in the Carlin Vanadium project in Elko County, 6 miles south. Huelt ech 80 aus der Stad vum Carlin, Nevada. The Carlin Vanadium Project owns the Carlin Vanadium deposit, which is flat to shallow and shallowly buried, 0-60 m (0-200 ft) below the surface.
Golden Deeps Limited (ASX: GED.AX) focuses on mineral exploration and is interested in projects in the Republic of Namibia. The company is actively exploring for its license in Namibia. The purpose of the exploration plan is to discover economic minerals through the systematic application of modern exploration techniques. The Grootfontein Basic Metals Project (GBP) is located on the Otawi Mountains (OML) in northern Namibia, with a permit area of ​​more than 632 square kilometers. The area is roughly connected by a triangle that connects Tsumeb and Groot The towns of Fontaine and Otavi. D'Regioun huet verschidde weltwäit wichteg Kupfer-, Zink-, Bläi-, Sëlwer- a Vanadiumminen, dorënner Tsumeb, Khusib Springs, Abenab, Berg Aukas a Kombat Minen.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) has a broad portfolio of multi-element assets, which is expected to accommodate gold, platinum group elements and base metals as well as special “green battery metals”, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium an Chrom. Gossan also owns a large number of high-purity, magnesium-rich dolomite deposits, and prepays USD 100,000 for production and exploitation rights per year in fracturing sand deposits. All of Gossan's mineral exploration and development assets are located in Manitoba and Northwest Ontario.

Jinhe Resources Co., Ltd. (ASX: KRR.AX) (formerly Jinhe Copper) is developing 100% of its global scale and VANADIUM resources. Zousätzlech exploréiert de KRR Gold, Sëlwer a Koffer. The company has a mineral lease of 785 square kilometers, covering a unique geological feature of Kimberley in eastern Western Australia called the Speewah Dome.

D'Aktien vun der Liontown Resources Limited haut, Präis vun LTR.AX Aktie online, de Präis vun der Liontown Resources Limited. D'Firma exploréiert fir Lithium, Gold, Vanadium an Néckel. It is interested in the Katherine Valley Lithium Tantalum Project, Buldania Lithium Project, Killaloe Project and Norcott Project in Western Australia. And the Toolebuc vanadium project in Queensland.

Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Loes leet d'Pipeine de rutscher vun der realer Entkéier vum Potenzial un der virléiser wirtschaftlecher Edimitéit. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) is a developer of industrial minerals and advanced materials projects. Neometals has two main divisions-fully integrated lithium business and titanium vanadium development business. Both are supported by proprietary technologies that can assist downstream integration by increasing revenue and improving cost efficiency. Neometals gehéiert d'Mt Marion Lithiummine bei Kalgoorlie a besëtzt 13,8% vun den Aktien. D'Firma ass ee vun de weltgréisste Lithiumkonzentratoren. Neometals has an off-take option that forms the ideal basis for its fully integrated lithium business, which includes lithium hydroxide refineries and lithium-ion battery recycling processes. Den 100% Besëtz Barrambie Titan-Vanadium Projet a Western Australia ass ee vun den héchste Grad Hard Rock Titan-Vanadium Dépôten op der Welt.
Nevado Resources Corporation (TSX: VDO-HV) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and evaluation of mining assets in Canada. Et hält en 100% Interessi un La Blache's Titan-Vanadium-Eisen Verméigen, vun deenen 48 Fuerderungen 2,653 Hektar am Norde Québec involvéieren.

Prophecy Development Corp. (TSX: PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) is developing the Gibellini project-the only large-scale open-air, heap leaching vanadium project of its kind in North America. Gibellini läit am Nevada an huet de gréisste NI 43-101 Standard an den USA bekannt. Dësen Norm ass gemooss an an den USA uginn wéi d'Haapt Vogadium Ressource. EPCM is currently underway and development is allowed
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) ass eng vertikal integréiert Vanadium Ressource a Vanadium Redox Flow Batterie Entwécklungsfirma, mat Sëtz an Australien, mat Operatiounen a strategesche Partner a Korea. Duerch eng 50% Zesummenaarbecht mam Protean Korea's Vanadium / Uranium Mineralprojet Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon ass eng eenzegaarteg sedimentär Schifer / Schiefer Vanadium Depot mat dem Potenzial fir héich Puritéit Vanadium Pentoxid (V2O5) ze produzéieren. De Projet kann 36.000m vum historesche Kär benotzen, sou datt kosteneffektiv an net-zerstéierend pXRF Tester op der metallogener Sektioun ausgefouert kënne ginn. Protean, an Zesummenaarbecht mat sengem 50% südkoreanesche Partner KORID Energy Ltd, entwéckelt eng propriétaire Vanadium Redox Flow Batterie (VRFB) Energiespeichertechnologie, genannt V-KOR. The technology has been developed in the past 10 years, has been running for more than 3,000 cycles, and has been extensively tested in Korean factories. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.

QEM Limited (ASX: QEM.AX) is engaged in the exploration and development of vanadium and oil shale projects in Australia. Et hält en 100% Interessi am Julia Creek Projet, deen 3 Exploratiounslizenzen enthält an ass an der Julia Creek Regioun am Nordweste vu Queensland, Australien, mat enger Fläch vun 176 Quadratkilometer.
Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR.AX) beschäftegt sech mat der Acquisitioun, Exploratioun an Evaluatioun vu Basis- a Edelmetallprojeten an Australien a Kanada. The company explores zinc, lead, copper, silver, vanadium, gold, nickel and cobalt deposits, as well as platinum group metals.

Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. It is mainly dedicated to the exploration of base and precious metals, including nickel, copper, platinum group metals, gold, diamond, tantalum and lithium. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. D'Haaptziel vun der Firma ass Südafrika. De SI6-Projetportfolio enthält de kierzlech kaaft: Chuatsa Vanadium- a Titanprojet an Simbabwe (80% vun den Optiounen ka kaaft ginn); Zimbabwe's Shamva lithium project (80% of the options can be acquired). The recent acquisition of the Chuatsa and Shamva projects is the result of years of focusing on the battery metal field, and leverages SI6′s important skills and experience in Southern Africa's exploration and operations.
Southern Cross Exploration NL (ASX: SXX.AX) beschäftegt sech mat der Exploratioun vu Metaller an aner Mineralstoffer an Australien. Et entdeckt haaptsächlech Uran, Gold an aner Mineralstoffer. The company's interest in the Bigrlyi uranium mine joint venture is one of its main assets, which is a joint venture with two multi-billion dollar companies through the operators Energy Metals Ltd (EME) and Paladin Energy Ltd (PDN) with CGNPC. The Bigrlyi project has a large amount of uranium and vanadium resources that meet JORC requirements.

The Australian Technical Metals Corporation (ASX: TMT.AX) focuses on the development of the 100% owned Gabanintha vanadium project in Western Australia. TMT féiert momentan eng autoritativ Machbarkeetstudie (DFS).
TNG Limited (ASX: TNG.AX) ass eng australesch Ressourcefirma gewidmet fir d'Evaluatioun an d'Entwécklung vum Mount Peake Vanadium-Titanium Eisenprojet. Den Haaptfokus vun TNG ass d'Evaluatioun an d'Entwécklung vum 100% Besëtz Mount Peake Vanadium-Titanium Eisenprojet, deen an der verspriechender Alenta Geologescher Provënz läit, 80 Kilometer nordëstlech vun Alice Springs am Norden Territoire. TNG discovered in early 2008 that the Mount Peake project contained 160 tons of JORC indicator resources with grades of 0.28% V205, 5.3% TiO2 and 23% iron, making it one of the largest vanadium projects in Australia.

United Battery Metals Corporation (CSE: UBM; OTC: UBMCF) is a vanadium and uranium exploration company dedicated to becoming the first vanadium producer in North America. Vanadium has many uses in today's modern world. It is widely used in vanadium redox flow batteries, car charging stations, nuclear power plants and steel manufacturing. Vanadium ass ee vun 35 Mineralstoffer déi als vital fir d'national Sécherheet an d'Wirtschaft vun den USA ugesi ginn.

VanadiumCorp Resource Inc. (TSX: VRB.V) plans to develop VEPT in Canada and co-license VEPT to targeted global jurisdictions to directly recover battery-grade vanadium products, Vanadium ElectrolyteTM, and products such as iron and titanium from many sources The by-products of oxidation and harmful elements such as silica. This innovative chemical process, jointly developed and owned by Electrochem, can recover key metals from vanadium-titanium magnetite “VTM”, magnetite, hematite and ilmenite, as well as steel slag, calcination and oil residue worldwide Low carbon footprint. VanadiumCorp huet och eng wichteg Ressourcebasis vu Vanadium-Titanlager an der Miningindustrie zu Québec, Kanada.
Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. (ASX: VMC.AX) is engaged in the exploration of mineral resources in Western Australia. Et studéiert haaptsächlech Vanadium, Kobalt, Néckel, Gold a Lithium. Youanmi Vanadium Projet
Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp (CSE: WUC; OTCQX: WSTRF) is a conventional uranium and vanadium mining company located in Colorado. Et ass engagéiert fir d'Entwécklung an d'Applikatioun vun der bëlleger rezenter Produktioun vun Uran a Vanadium an de westlechen USA, souwéi Ablatiounsmining Technologie.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) For more than 100 years, AMEC has provided detailed design, engineering and construction for power developers, utilities, industries, contractors, financial institutions, governments, and renewable energy technology developers. Management Servicer. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) ass eng Technologieservicefirma gewidmet fir kosteneffektiv Léisunge fir d'Ëmwelt ze verbesseren. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Blue Sphere Corporation (OTC: BLSP) ass eng propper Technologiefirma an en Integrator vun Offall-zu-Energie Projeten. Blue Sphere entwéckelt Offall-zu-Energie an aner erneierbar Energieprojeten. The company aspires to become a major player in the global waste-to-energy conversion and renewable energy market.
Chines, déi moderner Energioration (nasdaqgm: Creb), Sëtz an xai, Chines an Chinoréieren an der Energiespréich, d'Industresologie vu-Produkter. By-products include heat, steam, pressure and exhaust gas to generate large amounts of low-cost electricity and reduce the need for external power sources. The Chinese government has adopted policies to encourage the use of recycling technologies to optimize resource allocation and reduce pollution. At present, renewable energy only accounts for 1% of total energy consumption. Wéinst der ëmmer méi Suergen fir d'Ëmwelt an de kontinuéierleche Wuesstum vu Chinesescher Wirtschaft an déi duerchschnëttlech Energie gëtt dës Ernärung als e wuessende Maart betruecht. D'Gestioun an d'Ingenieurteam huet méi wéi 20 Joer Erfahrung an der industrieller Energieercuperatioun vu China.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) is a global leader in providing sustainable waste and energy solutions. D'Firma 45 Energieanlagen fir Offallgeneratioun benotzen Offall fir propper an erneierbar Energien ze generéieren, fir Gemeinschaften a Geschäfter ronderëm d'Welt mat ëmweltfrëndleche festen Offallentsuergung ze bidden. All Joer kënnen dem Cvantta seng modern Offallkraaftproduktiounsanlagen sécher an zouverlässeg ongeféier 20 Milliounen Tonnen Offall a propper erneierbaren Elektrizitéit ëmwandelen, ongeféier 1 Millioun Stéit Stroum an ongeféier 500,000 Tonnen Metall recycléieren. Energieanlagen, déi aus Offall generéiert ginn, reduzéieren Treibhausgase, ergänzen d'Recycling, a sinn e wichtege Bestanddeel vun der nohalteger zolitter Offallverwaltung
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Offall an Energie: Duke Energy bedeelegt sech un enger Rei vu Deponiegasprojeten, déi Offallemissiounen an Elektrizitéit konvertéieren fir Clienten ze benotzen. When the organic matter in large landfills decomposes, landfill gas, which is mainly composed of methane, is produced. Wann d'Hëtzt an der Atmosphär ofléisst, ass Methan 20 Mol méi effektiv wéi Kuelendioxid. Methan erfaassen an als Brennstoff benotzen ass eng méi nohalteg Optioun fir et als Offall ze verbrennen.

Global Clean Energy Corporation (OTC: GCEI) is a waste-to-energy company with offices in Texas and Montreal. D'Firma konzentréiert sech op kommerziell bewährte Technologien déi Offall an héichwäerteg Energie konvertéieren, e Prozess dee vun der Firma bekannt ass, ëmweltfrëndlech Rettung an Clean Usable Energy (RESCUE). GCE focuses on the vertical products of waste plastics, tires and PGM recycling (platinum group metals) in the North American market. GCE incorporates technology into its extensive operations worldwide to achieve faster growth, reduce technical risks, and accelerate operations and investment.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation has world-renowned engineering expertise in the field of vacuum and heat transfer technology. It is a global designer, manufacturer and supplier of custom ejectors, pumps, condensers, vacuum systems and heat exchangers . Graham is a provider of products and services for the power generation industry. Seng Uewerfläch condensers gi fir Turbine Generator Servicer benotzt, Damp Jet ejectors a Flëssegket Ring Pompel Systemer gi fir condenser Auspuff Apparater benotzt, an Wärmetauscher gi fir verschidde Servicer benotzt. Waste to energy (including landfill methane to energy), combined heat and power, nuclear power, geothermal, combined heat and power, and combined cycle power generation facilities all require our products.
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) ass e revolutionärt gréngt an erneierbar Energiegeschäft, deem seng Biokonversiounstechnologie fir Brennstoff, Landwirtschaft an Offallmanagement benotzt gëtt. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. This provides GELV with opportunities to develop in multiple industries, which are currently related to government authorizations. Virweigen erhéijen d'Benotzung vun de Bioofulser of. Brennstoff, wärend d'Ofhängegkeet vun auslänneschen Ueleg reduzéiert a Kuelestoffemissiounen reduzéiert gëtt. Den Haaptfokus vu Green Energy Live ass e Leader an der opkomende Offall / Biomass Energie Konversioun an erneierbar Energie Industrien ze ginn. Eis Missioun ass eis propriétaire patentéiert Vergasungs- a Konvertéierungstechnologie ze benotzen fir Offall ze konvertéieren déi momentan an Ethanol, Elektrizitéit an aner wäertvoll Nebenprodukter gedeponéiert ginn. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. Dës Technologieplattforme kënne séier , wirtschaftlech op den Offallplaz ofsetzen, a vice versa. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) is an innovative waste-to-energy technology company. Et huet e Patent ofgeschloss fir Offall Pneuen a gemëschte Plastik, déi an Deponien benotzt ginn, an héichwäerteg Motorueleg ëmzewandelen. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). De GETH Prozess hëlleft vill dréngend Ëmweltproblemer an den USA ze léisen. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage treatment system . It treats grey water and black water at the same time. D'behandelt Waasser iwwerschreift d'EU an all lokal Oflaafsnormen a ka fir Bewässerung, Wäschen a Botzen erëmbenotzt ginn.
Magnegas Corporation (NasdaqCM: MNGA), located in Tampa, MagneGas® Corporation was established in 2007 as a technology company. Its invention is a patented technology that converts liquid waste into hydrogen-based fuel. The company currently sells MagneGas® to the metal processing market to replace acetylene. It also sells equipment for sterilizing biologically contaminated liquid waste for various industrial and agricultural markets. Zousätzlech benotzt d'Firma seng héich Flamtemperatur fir Kuelewaasserstoffbrennstoffer mat anere Brennstoffer ze verbrennen fir verschidde Hëllefsnotzunge vu MagneGas® Brennstoffer z'entwéckelen.

Opcon Ab (Stockhahm: OPCO. OPCON ass e Maart Leader a verschiddene Geschäftsberäicher. Den4CC huet d'Investatioune vu Schweden, Däitschland an Groussbritzeg gemaach. Dem Opcon säi Geschäftsberäich Erneierbar Energie konzentréiert sech op Kuelendioxid-fräi Energieproduktioun baséiert op Offallhëtzt, bio-powered thermesch Kraaftwierker, Pelletsanlagen, Biomass, Schlamm an Äerdgasveraarbechtungssystemer, industriell Ofkillung, Rookgaskondensatioun, a Rookgasbehandlung. The air system of the fuel cell.
PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX: PYR.V) ass d'TSX Venture50® Botztechnologiefirma, déi e Welt Leader am Design, Entwécklung, Fabrikatioun a Kommerzialiséierung vu fortgeschrattem Plasma Prozesser ass. We provide engineering and manufacturing expertise, cutting-edge contract research, and turnkey process equipment packages for defense, metallurgy, mining, advanced materials (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. PyroGenesis huet en Team vun erfuerene Ingenieuren, Wëssenschaftler an Techniker déi an eisem Montreal Büro schaffen an 3,800 Quadratmeter Fabrikatiounsanlag. Dofir ass also pyrogendes ëmmer ëmmer mat der Pondmontinatioun vun der Technologie Entwécklung an de kommerzellentzizéiert, da behält sech aus engem Kompetitiv Virdeeler. Eis Kärkompetenz erméiglecht PyroGenesis innovativ Plasma Fackelen, Plasma Offallbehandlung, pyrometallurgesche Prozesser an Ingenieursservicer fir de weltwäite Maart ze bidden. Zënter 1997 hunn eis Operatiounen den Iso 9001 gestaant: 2008 Zertifizéierung. Through innovation, cooperation and partnership, PyroGenesis has developed a highly advanced but easy-to-operate process that integrates well with 3R, but saves energy to the maximum. An / oder erholen Ressourcen aus der massiver Offäller Streams generéiert vu Gemengen oder Industrien.
Sharc International Systems Inc. (CSE: SHRC), fréier bekannt als International Wastewater Systems Inc.-ass e Welt Leader an der Hëtzt Erhuelung. The SHARC system can recover the heat energy in wastewater, thereby generating the most energy-efficient and economical system for heating, cooling and hot water in commercial, residential and industrial buildings.

AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries Inc. Fir Waasserverschmotzungsproblemer a Verschmotzung ze léisen. Its products are based on polymer technology that can remove hydrocarbons, sediments and other foreign elements from rainwater runoff (ponds, lakes and docks), running water (roadside drainage, pipe outflows, rivers and oceans), industrial processes and wastewater. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. This technology can effectively reduce coliform bacteria found in rainwater, industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater. SmartSponge®Plus has been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (registration number 86256-1). AbTech Team vun Waasserbehandlungstechnologiesexperten, Zivil- an Ëmweltingenieuren, an Feldoperatiounsexperten entwéckelen Léisunge fir d'Qualitéit vun eise limitéierten Waasserressourcen ze verbesseren. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
BioteQ Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. We have extensive expertise and operational experience in sulfide precipitation, ion exchange, alkali/lime neutralization and SART process technology. An de leschten zéng Joer huet BioteQ Fabriken an der Mine fir führend Organisatiounen entworf an opgestallt, dorënner Glencore Canada, Freeport McMoRan, Jiangxi Copper an d'US EPA, a bedreift de Moment sechs Fabriken ënner laangfristeg Kontrakter. These plants remove dissolved metals and sulfates well below the prescribed discharge limits, while reducing or eliminating the generation of sludge and/or recovering valuable metals from waste liquids to be sold, thereby reducing water The life cycle cost of processing. BIOTEQ ass Sëtz am Vancouver, Kanada, an säin Handelsmodell op Tsx ass BQe.
Calix Limited (ASX: CXL.AX) gouf am 2005 gegrënnt a stellt eng Rei vu Offall- a Waasserbehandlungsprojeten op Basis vu senger eegener Technologie, dorënner Verbindungen déi an d'Kanalisatioun bäigefüügt kënne ginn fir Malodors ze kontrolléieren.
Canadian Zeolite Corp. (TSX: CNZ.V) ass eng ëmweltfrëndlech a gréng Technologiefirma déi ganz gëeegent ass fir d'wirtschaftlech Ëmfeld vun haut. Gitt datt eis Produkter getest, applizéiert an erfëllt goufen an d'Standarden vu spezifesche Mäert iwwerschratt hunn, hu mir e kompetitive Virdeel an der Zeolitindustrie. We are working with recognized global leading zeolite consultants. Zeolite is a natural mineral found in volcanic ash. What makes zeolite eye-catching is its crystalline structure with fine pores and perforations. These pores allow the zeolite to act as a natural filter. The zeolite can be used in its unprocessed raw form, or it can be processed into specific sizes ranging from granular to powder according to the application. Uses include agriculture, industry, aquaculture and water treatment.
Canature Environmental Prod (Shenzhen: 300272.SZ) engagéiert sech an der Fuerschung, Entwécklung, Fabrikatioun, Verdeelung a Service vu Waasserbehandlungsunitéiten a Kärkomponenten. D'Firma bitt Liewensraum Waasser Behandlung Equipement, dorënner Stot Waasser Offäll Equipement, Stot Waasser softening Equipement, kommerziell Waasser Offäll an Drénkwaasser Equipement; Kär Komponenten, dorënner Multi-Channel Kontroll Ventile, Komposit Drockbehälter, etc., souwéi Kamäiner an Ersatzdeeler. The company is also involved in providing installation, repair, maintenance and other services of water supply equipment. Its products are distributed in domestic and overseas markets

EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES CORP. (NYSE: AQUA) ass e féierende Fournisseur vu missionskriteschen Waasserbehandlungsléisungen, déi Servicer, Systemer an Technologien ubitt fir de ganze Waasserliewenszyklus Bedierfnesser ze treffen. Evoqua Water Technologies ass engagéiert fir Waasser, d'Ëmwelt a seng Mataarbechter fir méi wéi 100 Joer ze schützen, an huet e Ruff fir Qualitéit, Sécherheet an Zouverlässegkeet weltwäit verdéngt. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Evoqua Water Technologies has 160 branches in eight countries, more than 200,000 installations and 87 service branches, and is a leader in the North American industrial, commercial and municipal water treatment markets.
Formation Fluid Technology (TSX: FFM.V) huet eng tertiär Ofwaasserbehandlungsanlag entwéckelt (Hydro-Cycle), déi e propriétaire Prozess benotzt fir Ofwaasser ze purifizéieren. All Planz ass mobil a ka bis zu 1.000 Kubikmeter Waasser pro Dag veraarbechten. The system treats water to meet or exceed CCME guidelines (Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines) to produce reusable water that can be used for: boilers, fracturing water, flooding, and drilling operations. Formation fluids have established the commercial application of hydraulic circulation systems in the oil and gas industry. The main purpose of the wastewater treatment system is to reduce the cost of the manufacturer to treat the produced water. The system also satisfies the need to reuse and recycle the growing precious resources

Hyflux (Singapore: 600.SI) is a leading global fully integrated water solutions company dedicated to producing clean, safe, affordable and easy-to-use water. Our projects and operations span the world, including landmark projects such as some of the world's largest seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants in Singapore, China and Algeria. Mir bidden nohalteg Léisungen an der Membran-baséierter Desalinatioun, Waasserrecycling, Ofwaasserbehandlung (inklusiv Membran Bioreaktor (MBR) Technologie) an Drénkwaasserbehandlung.
Jiangsu Weir Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. Entreprise a China, déi ëmfaassend Léisung ubitt. Verschmotzung Kontroll an Entsuergung vun urban Hausmüll. Aussergewéinert awer d'Kommissioun, an d'Operatioun ugebuede gëtt. Currently, Welle has a world-class professional technical staff and management team. The company has executed nearly 100 projects across China. By combining successful experience in infrastructure construction and development at home and abroad into specific engineering applications, Welle insists on realizing the most advanced technology introduction, absorption and redevelopment and innovation. Today, we have proprietary technologies and patents related to leachate treatment and solid waste treatment, which are most suitable for China's environmental challenges. WELLE has obtained qualification certificates for environmental engineering contractors and environmental pollution control facilities operation. As a member of the Urban Sanitation Technical Committee of the National Standardization Administration of China, the company has also participated in the formulation of several technical agreements and specifications for municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment and leachate treatment. Through comprehensive cooperation with well-known domestic and foreign companies, scientific research institutions and industry associations, we have completed a number of nationally funded environmental research projects and internationally funded cooperation projects.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage treatment system . It treats grey water and black water at the same time. D'behandelt Waasser iwwerschreift d'EU an all lokal Oflaafsnormen a ka fir Bewässerung, Wäschen a Botzen erëmbenotzt ginn.

Natural Blue Resources, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ass eng Entwécklungsphasefirma déi sech an der Exploratioun, Acquisitioun an Entwécklung vu verschiddene verbonne gréng Geschäfter engagéiert. The company is engaged in waste stream recycling and plastic and steel recycling business. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Eis Hafenempfangsanlagen zu Rotterdam (Holland), Gibraltar, Lissabon (Portugal) an Texas Gulf Coast (USA) sammelen a behandelen Marineoffall am Aklang mat der "Malpol Annex IV". Eis Ueleg- a Gasdepartement ass zu Stavanger, Norwegen a spezialiséiert op Onshore- an Offshorebehandlung vun Offall entstinn während Ueleg- a Gasfuerschung a Produktioun. Our engineering team specializes in the design, engineering, installation and maintenance of onshore and offshore waste treatment solutions.
PHI Group, Inc. (OTCQB: PHIL) mainly focuses on acquiring and investing in specific industries and special circumstances that may significantly increase shareholder value. It also provides M&A advisory services through its wholly-owned subsidiary PHI Capital Holdings, Inc. WATER: PHI EZ Water Tech, Inc. is a Wyoming company established by the PHI Group, responsible for managing, manufacturing and marketing innovative water treatment product portfolios. De System entwéckelt vum Dr Martin Nguyen fir Landwirtschaft a Mënschen.
Questor Technology Inc. D'Entflossung weist op op der Cracity Technologie a huet Bannenhungen a Kanaden, d'USAen, d'Vereenegung. Questor designs and manufactures high-efficiency waste gas incinerators for sale or lease, and also provides combustion-related oilfield services. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor ass bekannt fir seng speziell Expertise am Sauergas (H2S) Verbrennung. Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Och wann dem Questor seng aktuell Clientsbasis haaptsächlech an der Rohöl- an Erdgasindustrie operéiert, ass d'Verbrennungstechnologie vun der Firma och applicabel fir aner Industrien, wéi Deponien, Waasser- a Kläranlag, Pneuenverwäertung a Landwirtschaft.

Shanghai Safran Water Co., Ltd. It uses self-developed condensate polishing, microfiltration deposition, sludge drying, natural gas conditioning station system and other technologies to provide customers with one-stop solution services, including technical design, engineering design, technical implementation, system integration, system installation, and debugging , Operation service hosting, etc.
Stina Resources Ltd. (CSE: SQA) is currently developing the Bisoni McKay strategic vanadium mine in Nevada. Nodeem e formellen Accord mat America Greener Technologies ënnerschriwwe gouf fir Soft Wave Technology a Kanada ze verdeelen, geet d'Stina elo och an d'Ëmwelttechnologieindustrie. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. The soft wave dissolves and suspends minerals in the water, thereby preventing the formation of scale in the pipe and eliminating the previous scale. Softwave technology has been developed for more than six years and has been commercially available in the United States in the past three years. Wärend dëser Period, nieft villen anere bekannte Firmen an Nordamerika, gouf Soft Wave och op Plazen wéi Dole Foods, Fresh Express a Best Western Hotels installéiert. Soft Wave ass voll skalierbar, an den Operatiounseffekt am Heem ass d'selwecht wéi an der Kraaftwierk. Benefits include reducing or eliminating all chemical additives in the water system, eliminating calcium and mineral deposits, reducing system maintenance or replacement costs, and saving significant costs while reducing environmental footprint. D'Applikatioun vu mëller Wellentechnologie an industrielle Killtuerm Operatiounen kann d'Waasserverdampfung reduzéieren ouni d'Bedierfnes fir chemesch Botzen, wat normalerweis zu enger Erhéijung vun der Zuel vun den Zyklen resultéiert. The combination of these factors can reduce the need for make-up water and reduce blowdown water, thereby saving millions of gallons of water, reducing reliance on chemical treatment to prevent scaling and reducing production downtime. This means that large-scale industrial costs can be saved by reducing component wear, reducing liability, reducing overhead and improving efficiency. There are many potential customers, from power plants to oil refineries, steel plants, agricultural operations, food production plants, urban water supply systems and residential buildings.

Carnegie Wave Energy Co., Ltd. Den Carguerie (CarNGIIE) erhéicht méi wéi 80 Mille Nolater fir d'Entwécklung vun der Cero Time-Skato testen, op ugeschabel Sime Dohafen, Ween modern Sexteur ass adoins Tankstelle gezielt, Zréckduerchmuecht, Gréisseren Haltung "ausgeschafft. at the site and commercial-scale marine testing at Garden Island in Western Australia. CETO is designed as the simplest and most powerful wave technology in the world. No 10 Joer kontinuéierlecher Entwécklung, Testen a Verbesserung gëtt et am Moment op kommerziell Skala bei HMAS Stirling demonstréiert, Australien déi gréisste Marinebasis op Garden Island, Western Australia. CETO is the world's only ocean-tested wave energy technology that can be completely submerged and generate electricity and/or desalinate water on shore. CETO Technologie gouf onofhängeg vun EDF-Energies Nouvelles (EDF EN) a franséische Marinekontrakter DCNS verifizéiert.
Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. OPT propriétaire PowerBuoy® Technologie baséiert op engem modulare Design an huet regelméisseg Marine Tester weiderentwéckelt zënter 1997. OPT spezialiséiert op Käschten-effikass an ëmweltfrëndlech Welle Muecht Generatioun a Gestioun Technologie.
Stonehenge Metal Co., Ltd. (ASX: SHE.AX) is engaged in the exploration and development of uranium projects in South Korea. D'Firma exploréiert och Vanadium a Molybdän. Säi Flaggschëffprojet ass den Daejon Projet am Ogchon Basin. Zousätzlech huet d'Firma och un der Kommerzialiséierung vun der Protean-Wellenenergie-Konvertertechnologie deelgeholl. Stonehenge reorganiséiert säi Geschäft a Finanzéierung fir sech op déi faséiert Kommerzialiséierung an international Promotioun vun der Technologie ze fokusséieren.
The main focus of Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) is to add value to shareholders by developing and maintaining long-term interests in Canadian renewable energy projects and underground natural gas storage assets based on market prices. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Tribute's business plan is to determine, allow, develop and build projects that meet its threshold return standards based on its existing assets. Tribute creates value by identifying project opportunities, providing expertise in development projects, and maintaining interest in completed assets, thereby establishing a long-term stable utility-quality cash flow through a strong and diversified energy-related asset base. Gezäite Projet
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) ass eng vun de meescht respektéierten Design-, Ingenieurs- a Projektmanagement Berodungsfirmen op der Welt. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins is at the forefront of the maritime renewable energy revolution, providing reliable concepts and detailed engineering design and owner-engineer services in the fields of wind, wave and tidal energy.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power plangt Clienten praktesch gréng Kraaft ze bidden aus der sécherer an zouverlässerer erneierbarer Energie déi de Grupp konstruéiert, besëtzt a bedreift.
A-Power Energy Power Generation System Co., Ltd. Focusing on energy-saving and environmentally-friendly distributed power generation projects ranging from 25 to 400 MW, A-Power also operates one of the largest wind turbine manufacturing plants in China.

Alerion Clean Energy Company (Milan: ARN.MI) ass en industrielle Grupp spezialiséiert op d'Benotzung vun erneierbaren Energie fir Stroum ze generéieren, besonnesch am Beräich vun der Wandkraaft. Alerion Clean Power is a leading independent industrial company in Italy, dedicated to the production of green energy.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) ass eng diversifizéiert Kraaftproduktioun, Iwwerdroung a Verdeelungsfirma an Nordamerika. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. Déi onreguléiert Kraaftproduktiounsgrupp besëtzt oder besëtzt e Portfolio vu kontraktéierte Wand-, Solar-, Waasserkraaft-, an Äerdgasenergieproduktiounsanlagen an Nordamerika, mat enger installéierter Kapazitéit vu méi wéi 1.050 Megawatt. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alliant Energy Corporation (NYSE: LNT) ass d'Muttergesellschaft vun zwou Utilityfirmen (Interstate Power and Lighting Company a Wisconsin Power and Lighting Company) an Alliant Energy Resources, LLC. Alliant Energy Resources, LLC is a non-regulated business of Alliant Energy Parent company. Alliant Energy is an energy service provider whose utility subsidiary serves approximately 1 million electricity and 410,000 natural gas customers. Providing regulated electricity and natural gas services to customers in the Midwest is the company's main focus. Alliant Energy is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin and is one of the Fortune 1000 companies. D'Firma besëtzt a bedreift véier Wandhaff an Iowa, Minnesota a Wisconsin.

Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) ass déi weltgréisste erneierbar Energiefirma, déi fënnef Kraaftwierker mat enger Gesamtkraaftproduktioun vu 553 MW bedreift, dorënner de gréisste Floss upstream Waasserkraaftwierk an de gréisste Wandhaff a British Columbia An zwee Geothermie Muecht Generatioun Ariichtungen an Island. Alterra owns a 247 MW share of this capacity and generates more than 1,250 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra gehéiert 51% vun den Aktien; Shannon-204 D'MW Wandenergie Projet läit am Clay Grofschaft, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) For more than 100 years, AMEC has provided detailed design, engineering and construction for power developers, utilities, industries, contractors, financial institutions, governments, and renewable energy technology developers. Management Servicer. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Duerch seng Windtec (TM) Léisunge liwwert AMSC Wandturbinen elektronesch Kontrollsystemer, Systemer, Design an Ingenieursservicer déi d'Wandenergiekäschte reduzéieren. Duerch seng Gridtec (TM) Léisung liwwert AMSC Ingenieursplanungsservicer a fortgeschratt Gittersystemer fir d'Netzverlässegkeet, Effizienz a Leeschtung ze optimiséieren. D'Léisungen vun der Firma ginn elo Gigawatt vun erneierbaren Energie weltwäit an hunn d'Performance an d'Zouverlässegkeet vun de Stroumnetzwierker a méi wéi enger Dose Länner verbessert. AMSC was founded in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Duerch den Tempace huet duerch den Nukleent eng Kompetenzen, de LAVEIER D'EIS Kaarticate bäidréit. Beivafrupp Eng Serie vu Geschäfter a véier gesënnbleablen Energielausel: Offshe Energie, Biergmuerf, konntenréiert, Biergerguerrmemberen, wëllkommen a Energierstréimtuerm. Windenergie Generatioun: D'Kombinatioun vun der Windenergie Expertise vu Gamesa an AREVA an extensiv Streck Rekord, Adwen zielt eng féierend Firma an Offshore Windkraft an Europa ze ginn bis 2020 mat enger 2,8 GW Projet Pipeline an engem Maartundeel vu bal 20%. .
Den Haaptgeschäft vun Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) ass den Design an de Bau vu Kraaftwierker duerch seng Gemma Power Systems Duechtergesellschaft. These energy plants include single-cycle and combined-cycle natural gas power plants, as well as alternative energy facilities, including biodiesel, ethanol, and facilities powered by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc

Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE: B) is an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and service provider, serving a wide range of end markets and customers. Barnes Group (Barnes Group) provides highly engineered products, differentiated industrial technologies and innovative solutions for a wide range of applications, providing transportation, manufacturing, healthcare products and technologies to the world. D'Seeger-Orbis Duechtergesellschaft produzéiert eng Vielfalt vun DIN standardiséierte a personaliséiert Haltringen a Schnappringen fir d'Windkraftindustrie. We also provide spare parts products for gearbox maintenance and repair, which is becoming more and more important in the entire wind power industry.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) is an electricity producer whose core business is dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations. Boralex has approximately 250 employees and is known for its expertise and rich experience in four types of power generation: wind, hydro, thermal and solar. De Moment bedreift d'Firma eng Verméigensbasis a Kanada, Frankräich an den USA mat enger Kapazitéit vu méi wéi 1.110 MW, vun deenen méi wéi 950 MW ënner senger Kontroll ass. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
BP plc (NYSE: BP) is one of the world's leading international oil and gas companies. We provide customers with transportation fuels, heat and light energy, lubricants to run engines, and petrochemical products used to make daily necessities (such as paint, clothing, and packaging). BP Wind Energy ass den Haaptbesëtzer a Bedreiwer vu Wandkraaftanlagen. As the main owner and operator of wind power facilities (closely related to 16 wind farms in 9 states in the United States), our total power generation capacity is close to 2,600 megawatts. This is enough to provide electricity for a city the size of Washington. Currently, we are building two wind farms, which will increase our total power generation by another 375 megawatts.

Brookfield erneierbar Energiepartner LP (Tsx: BeP-un.To) bedreift eng vun de Weltgemembere vernoléissegt reng uerdentlechem Ëmfeld Plattformen. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders. Wind power project: In 2006, Brookfield commissioned its first wind power project, Prince Wind Farm northwest of Sault Ste. Mary, Ontario, Kanada. Today, Brookfield has 37 wind power facilities in six countries: Canada, the United States, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Brazil and Portugal
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (São Paulo: ELET6.SA) is the leader of the system, which is composed of six subsidiaries, six power distribution companies, electric power research center (Eletrobras Cepel) and Eletrobras Participações SA (Eletrobras Eletropar), and is the system The owner of Itaipu Binacional has 50% of the share capital. Eletrobras provides power, welfare and development to the Brazilian people through its 180 hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, wind power plants and nuclear power plants, half of Brazil's transmission lines and six power distribution companies. Eletrobras sinn iwwerall am Land. Its company is responsible for the country's 42987 MW of installed power generation capacity, which accounts for 34% of the total local installed capacity. There are 45 hydroelectric power plants, 125 thermal power plants, 8 wind farms and 2 thermal nuclear power plants.
China Datang Renewable Energy Co., Ltd (Hong Kong: 1798.HK) produzéiert a verkeeft Wandenergie an aner erneierbar Energien an der Volleksrepublik China. It also develops, invests, builds, and manages wind power generation; and other renewable energy sources, including solar energy, biomass, and coal-bed methane. In addition, it also participates in energy performance contracting activities; niddereg-Kuelestoff Technologie Fuerschung, Entwécklung, Applikatioun a Promotioun; Fuerschung, Verkaf, Testen an Ënnerhalt vun erneierbaren Energie Zesummenhang Ausrüstung; Stroum Generatioun; Engineering; Gewalt a lokal Bau an Installatioun; power projects Repair and maintenance; Import an Export vun erneierbaren Energieausrüstung an Technologie; auslännesch Investitioun; Versuergung vu Berodungsservicer am Zesummenhang mat erneierbaren Energien; and property leasing. China Datang Group Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. ass eng Duechtergesellschaft vun China Datang Group Corporation.
China Héichgeschwindegkeet Transmissiounsausrüstung Fabrikatioun CO., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0658.hk) ass eng international Transaktiounsausrüstung an der Vollekszielung vun der Fuerschung. Its product portfolio includes wind turbine transmission equipment; marine gear transmission equipment; transmission equipment for high-speed locomotives, subways and urban light rail systems; traditional gear transmission equipment; computer numerical control machine tools; a Marine Diesel Motore, Diesel Motore fir Muecht Generatioun, a Bensin Motore. The company's products also include building materials and metallurgical transmission equipment, coal mechanical transmission equipment, rubber and plastic mechanical transmission equipment, electromechanical automatic control equipment and gearboxes for general and crane machinery, as well as mixer reducers and lifting gears for mines Boxes, power generation gearboxes, sugar mill reducers, screw jacks, non-standard gearboxes, diaphragm couplings, crown gear couplings, high-speed gear couplings, flexible pin couplings, etc. In addition, the company also produces and sells forged steel and its accessories, gears, gearboxes and accessories, ship driving equipment, heavy equipment and machine tools, propellers, industrial boilers, heat recovery equipment and related products, LED products and machine tools. In addition, it is also engaged in metallurgical engineering and manufacturing and trading businesses. It serves the metallurgy, building materials, transportation, transportation, petrochemical, aerospace and mining industries. The company's products are exported to the United States, India, Japan and Europe.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. In addition, it also runs other projects such as thermal power, solar power, tidal power, biomass power and geothermal power. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. No Jore vun Akkumulation, huet d'Firma lues a lues zéng Wandkraaft Technologie a Service Support Systemer etabléiert, an der virleefeg Miessung vun Wandkraaft, Design Consultatioun, Ausrüstung Akaaf, Operatioun Iwwerwachung, Inspektioun an Ënnerhalt, technesch Fuerschung an Entwécklung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Entwécklung , technesch Ënnerstëtzung, Technologie Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung, technesch Ënnerstëtzung an aner Felder hunn eenzegaarteg Virdeeler geformt. Berufflech Formatioun.
China Mingyang Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (NYSE: MY) ass e féierende Wandkraaftwierk a China, deen sech fir den Design, Fabrikatioun, Verkaf an Ënnerhalt vu Megawatt Windturbinen gewidmet ass. Mingyang produces advanced and adaptable wind turbines with high energy output, and provides customers with comprehensive after-sales services. Ming Yang cooperates with aerodyne Energiesysteme, one of the world's leading wind turbine design companies headquartered in Germany, to jointly develop wind turbines. In terms of new installed capacity, Mingyang was the world's top ten wind turbine manufacturer in 2013 and the largest non-state-owned wind turbine manufacturer in China.

Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. Nieft Distrito Federal bedreift Cemig och an 22 brasilianesche Staaten, a bedreift eng Transmissiounslinn am Chile, déi e Konsortium mat Alusa bilden. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. EMigi réckelt den Drëttel ënnert de gréissten Genenteuer zu Brazemieur, an dräi sinn 59 Generalektric Aarbechter 65 Kraaftwierker, déi 59 integréiert Mataarbechtung Minoritéite Modernektrianzmuster, déi 59 häerd Politik Genoss huet. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.
Concord New Energy (HKG: 0182.HK) (fréier China Wind Power Group Co., Ltd.) spezialiséiert op Wand- a Solarenergie Generatiounsgeschäft. Bis elo si mir déi eenzeg reng vertikal integréiert propper Energie Kraaft Generatioun Firma op der Hong Kong Bourse opgezielt. In areas with abundant wind and solar resources, CNE has been actively building wind and solar power plants, creating reliable solutions for the conversion of renewable energy, and providing professional technical support and services. CNE ass engagéiert fir integréiert Léisunge fir d'Entwécklung vu Wand- a Solarenergie ze bidden. CNE's core business includes wind and solar farm investment, operation and services (early development, design and consulting, construction, operation and maintenance, and new energy equipment manufacturing). CNE has invested in more than 30 wind farms and solar farms in 26 regions including Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangxi, New York, and established in 26 regions The regional management agency. The United States, the United States of Hawaii. Not only that, CNE also has wind and solar design, power project construction and installation companies, professional power plant operation and maintenance companies, wind turbine tower tubes and solar mounting bracket manufacturing companies. In addition, CNE also has consulting and design qualifications in the fields of wind energy and solar energy, and overall contracting of power projects. At present, CNE is a professional wind and solar power generation group company with the most complete industrial chain in the field of wind and solar power generation in China. CNE has a senior technical human resources and management team
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. It operates through integrated energy and other fields. The company produces, buys and retails electricity and natural gas. It generates electricity from hydropower, geothermal and thermal resources, and wind energy. D'Firma ass och am Verkaf vu flëssege Petrolgas involvéiert. It serves residential, commercial and industrial customers. In addition, it also provides meter services to other retailers.

Zënter 1802 huet DuPont (NYSE: DD) Weltklass Wëssenschaft an Ingenieurstechnologie op de weltwäite Maart a Form vun innovative Produkter, Materialien a Servicer bruecht. D'Firma mengt datt mir duerch Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten, Regierungen, Net-Regierungsorganisatiounen a Gedankeleader hëllefe kënnen Léisunge fir global Erausfuerderunge fannen, sou wéi genuch gesond Iessen fir Leit op der ganzer Welt ze liwweren, d'Ofhängegkeet vu fossille Brennstoffer ze reduzéieren an d'Liewen ze schützen an ze schützen. d'Ëmwelt. Mir verpflichte innovativ a wirtschaftlech machbar Léisungen duerch eng Vielfalt vun Technologien ze entwéckelen fir weltwäit Energiebedürfnisser ze treffen. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Eis Produkter ënnerstëtzen d'Energielagerung an d'Energiespuertechnologien am ganze Stroumproduktioun, Verdeelung an Konversiounsprozess.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy networks and customer solutions are the cornerstones of the new energy world. Wind energy: We use the wind on land and sea to generate environmentally friendly energy. Am ëmmer wuessenden erneierbaren Energiemaart spille mir eng Schlësselroll an der Windenergieindustrie a si schonn zu den Top Ten Windenergiebetreiber op der Welt - mir hoffen weider ze entwéckelen. In Europe and the United States, we operate landing wind farms with an installed capacity of approximately 4.000 MW. These include Roscoe, Texas, whose 782 MW wind turbine is one of the largest onshore wind farms in the world. Mir sinn den drëttgréissten Offshore Windfarm Bedreiwer op der Welt. Through cooperation with DONG Energy and Masdar, we recently completed the London Array, which is the world's largest offshore wind farm with an installed capacity of 630 MW. It provides enough clean energy for nearly half of British households. We are currently establishing E.ON's first commercial offshore wind energy project in Germany, namely Amrumbank West. Once completed, Amrumbank West will provide enough electricity for 300,000 German houses each year. We are committed to further large-scale investments and to expand our onshore and offshore capabilities. At the same time, we pursue strict cost reduction targets to make wind energy more competitive and affordable.
EDP​​ Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Mir entwéckelen d'Geschäft op weltwäite Mäert a fuerdere weider eise Geschäft an nei Regiounen auszebauen, engagéiert fir eng féierend Positioun an all Maart z'erhalen a Wäert fir Akteuren an Aktionären ze kreéieren. EDP​​R's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) ass eng grouss Investitiounsfirma déi spezialiséiert ass op Solar- an Onshore Windenergie a Parkoperatiounen. It does not focus on investing in the Greenfield project from scratch, nor does it assume major development or construction risks. Et probéiert aus Investitiounen bannent fënnef bis siwe Joer duerch IPOs, Handelsverkaaf, sekundär Akeef oder Réckkaafen zréckzezéien. D'Firma probéiert ausserhalb vu sengem Bilan ze investéieren. Et konzentréiert sech op d'Acquisitioun an d'Operatioun vun schlësselfäerdegen Solar- a Wandfarmen aus dem Secondaire Maart. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) bitt propriétaire, schlësselfäerdeg Energieléisungen déi intelligent, bankabel an nohalteg sinn. Déi meescht Energieprodukter a Léisunge kënnen direkt ëmgesat ginn, wou néideg. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.

Far East Wind Power (OTC: FEWP) konzentréiert sech op d'Entwécklung, Bau an Operatioun vun Utility-Skala Wandenergieprojeten an der Volleksrepublik China.

GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE huet déi nächst industriell Ära a senge Laboratoiren a Fabriken a Buedem Zesummenaarbecht mat Clienten erstallt fir d'Welt ze beweegen, ze bauen, ze bauen an ze heelen. GE uses the cleanest and most advanced technology and energy solutions to power the world. Wind power: GE Renewable Energy is one of the world's leading suppliers of wind turbines. Our current product portfolio includes turbines with a rated capacity of 1.7 MW to 3.2 MW. Zousätzlech decken d'Ënnerstëtzungsservicer déi mir ubidden alles vun Entwécklungshëllef bis Operatioun an Ënnerhalt. Egal ob Dir um Startpunkt vun Ärer Wandenergie Rees sidd oder no Entwécklung sicht, mir kënnen Iech déi Servicer ubidden déi Dir braucht.

Greentech Energy Systems (Copenhagen: GES.CO) is an energy company dedicated to the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects and power plants. Greentech engagéiert sech fir international Expansioun an zielt eng féierend Firma am Beräich vun erneierbarer Energie ze ginn. Greentech d'Windenergie Projeten sinn am Betrib an Entwécklung: Betribssystemer Projeten sinn an Dänemark, Däitschland, Polen, Italien a Spuenien; development projects are located in Poland.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) produces and operates various chemical products in India. The company operates through sectors such as chemicals, wind energy business, electricity and theater exhibitions. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); Opriichte Beschaffung an Opbau Servicer; Operatioun an Ënnerhalt Servicer; general infrastructure services; and WTG site development services.

Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) ass e Leader fir Energiemanagementsystemer an Hybridléisungen fir verdeelt stationär industriell Uwendungen ze liwweren, souwéi Produkter a Léisunge fir Ausbildung, Training an ugewandt Fuerschung Technologie Ubidder sinn benotzt an Brennstoffzell-, Solar-, Wand- a Waasserstofftechnologien. Heliocentris' energy management system creates smart, remotely controlled, reliable and efficient hybrid energy solutions through various components (such as batteries, photovoltaic modules, conventional diesel generators and fuel cells). Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Heliocentris' fuel cell system can ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical infrastructures (such as TETRA base stations, backbone sites and server stations in mobile networks) and a long operating time. The “teaching” field provides a series of learning and research systems for fuel cell and solar hydrogen technology and other renewable energy technologies. Customers include training centers, research institutions and industries.

Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) engagéiert sech fir d'Investitioun, Bau an Operatioun vun neien Energieprojeten. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. D'Firma insistéiert op wëssenschaftlech Entwécklung a rational verdeelt Geschäfter. Duerch d'Operatioun vu grousse Wandparken a verdeelt Windparks, d'Notzung vun Onshore an Offshore Windressourcen, an de Schwéierpunkt op Entwécklung an Acquisitioun, beméit d'Firma hir Wuesstumsqualitéit an Effizienz ze verbesseren, a kontinuéierlech seng Rentabilitéit, Kompetitivitéit a Konsequenz ze verbesseren. sustainability Development capabilities, therefore maintaining its established position in the People's Republic of China (China) and expanding the international market, with a view to becoming an internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Zënter hirer Grënnung huet d'Firma sech op d'Missioun vun der grénger Energie Entwécklung a propperer Energieproduktioun konzentréiert. D'Gesellschaft kann superlech wichteg sinn, fir d'Ëmwelt ze beschëllegen an seng Ëmwelt Responsabilitéit net erfëllen, déi esou definitivt, stabilen, stabilitéit zu Hafter bréngen.
Iberdrola Renovables SAU (Madrid: IBE.MC) has undergone extensive transformation in the past ten years, making it the number one Spanish energy group and one of the major Spanish companies of Ibex 35. It is a global leader in wind energy by market capitalization . , Is also one of the world's top power companies.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) develops wind farms to be sold, manages wind energy assets, and generates Green Power® for sale to utilities and companies. Turnkey implementation of wind power projects from concept to commissioning. Wind energy asset management solutions for installed assets, including operations, invoicing, and revenue collection from project customers. Gitt GreenPower® u Clienten. CER (carbon credit) sales and trading.

Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho in the United States. Geschäft. Säi Verméigenportfolio enthält de Moment: (i) Besëtz vun 33 Betribsanlagen mat enger totaler Nettoinstallatiounskapazitéit vu 687 MW (total 1.194 MW), dorënner 26 Waasserkraaft Ariichtungen, 6 Wandparken an 1 Solar Photovoltaik Kraaft Generatioun (Ii) Hutt Rechter a fënnef projects under development or under construction that have signed power purchase agreements, with a total net installed capacity of 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).

Jinpan International Co., Ltd. The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan ass e qualifizéierten Zouliwwerer vu China's féierende industriellen elektreschen Ausrüstungshersteller, huet eng breet Palette vu Clienten a China an ass den internationale Maart agaangen. Jinpan seng véier Produktiounsbasen a China sinn zu Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai a Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. The company was established in 1993. Its main executive office is located in Haikou, Hainan Province, China, and its US office is located in Karlstadt, New Jersey. Wandenergie: Gossharz-Trock-Typ Transformatoren fir Wandenergieapplikatiounen, déi a Wandhaff benotzt ginn (am oder ausserhalb vum Tuerm) fir d'Spannung vun der generéierter Elektrizitéit fir d'Transmissioun am Mëttelspannungsnetz ze erhéijen.
Juhl Wind (OTC: JUHL) is a recognized leader in the renewable energy industry, focusing on providing competitive clean energy solutions and community-based wind energy development, ownership and management throughout the United States and Canada. Juhl Energy pioneered the development of community-based wind farms, developed the currently recognized financial, operational and legal framework, and provided local ownership of medium to large wind farms in rural areas of the United States. So far, the company has completed 24 wind farm projects with a total power generation of approximately 260 MW, and has provided operational management and supervision for the entire project portfolio. Juhl Energy bitt Servicer fir all Aspekter vun der Entwécklung vum Wandhaff, dorënner eng ëmfaassend Entwécklung a Besëtz, allgemeng Berodung, Baumanagement, a Systembetreiung an Ënnerhalt. Juhl Energy also provides a wide range of clean energy solutions.

Landmark Infrastructure Partner LP (NasdaqGM: LMRK) Dës Partnerschaft ass eng Wuesstumsorientéiert limitéiert Partnerschaft fir Firmen ze kafen, ze besëtzen an ze verwalten, déi fir drahtlose Kommunikatiounen, Outdoor Reklammen an erneierbar Energie Kraaft Generatioun Industrien Immobilien Equity Investitiounsportfolio lounen. . The partnership is headquartered in El Segundo, California, and its real estate interests include long-term and permanent easements, tenant lease assignments and a diversified portfolio of fee-based properties located in 49 states and the District of Columbia, giving the partnership rights The rent is paid from the lease on more than 1,400 tenant sites. Wind force
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; production; and sales. D'Persoun muss déiselwecht enthalen: E-Box Energien Placksplaatz fir Solaren, d'Wandverkéierungsfirma Equipement; and EV components that integrate batteries and motors, such as EV controllers that use small computers to control torque drive
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; and industrial infrastructure. Dem MasTec seng Clientë sinn haaptsächlech an dësen Industrien. Wind power generation: Our staff provide end-to-end services for the wind farm industry, including power collection systems, substations, interconnection services, and complete EPC/BOP solutions for private developers, power companies and government organizations across the country. We are equipped with a large number of support and installation cranes, including the two (2) ton 550 ton Demag 250-1 and the 660 ton Demag 2800-1 NT, which allow us to safely handle the tallest parts today and drive The heaviest turbine.
MGE Energy, Inc (NasdaqGS: MGEE) is a public utility holding company. Its main subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE), generates and distributes electricity to 143,000 customers in Dane County, Wisconsin, and purchases and distributes natural gas to 149,000 customers in 7 counties in south central and western Wisconsin. The origin of MGE can be traced back to the Madison area 150 years ago. Wandkraaft: An de leschten zéng Joer ass dem MGE seng Wandkraaftkapazitéit vun 11 Megawatt (MW) op 137 MW eropgaang.

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy huet säi Sëtz zu Juneau Beach, Florida, a seng Haaptfilialer sinn Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (wat eng vun de gréisste Präiskontrolléiert elektresch Kraaftfirmen an den USA ass) an NextEra Energy Resources, LLC a seng verbonne Entitéiten. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. “As the largest wind and solar renewable energy producer in North America, NextEra Energy Resources is demonstrating an effective way to tackle climate change. Duerch eis Benotzungs- a Konsumentehëllef-erneierbar Ressourcen kënne mir all en Ënnerscheed maachen

NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . Als Fortune 200 Firma kreéiere mir Wäert duerch zouverlässeg an effizient konventionell Kraaftgeneratioun, wärend Innovatioun an der Solarenergie an erneierbarer Energie fördert, elektresch Gefierer-Ökosystemer, Kuelestofffangtechnologie a Client-centric Energieléisungen. Eise Retail Stroumliwwerer servéiert méi wéi 3 Millioune Wunn- a kommerziell Clienten am ganze Land. We have more than 150 renewable energy projects around the world, and we are using technology to ensure a sustainable, clean energy future. Wéi mir weider international entwéckelen, wäerten eis Solar-, Wand- a Microgrid-Léisungen haut a muer méi propper sinn

Otter Tail Corporation (NASDAQGS: OTTR) is interested in diversified operations including power utilities and manufacturing operations. Wandkraaft: Mir hunn ongeféier 138 MW Energie a kaaft méi wéi 107 MW emissiounsfräi erneierbar Wandenergie, wat 19% vun eisem Retailverkaf ausmécht. Between 2017 and 2021, we will consider adding 300 megawatts of wind energy to our portfolio.
Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) develops, manufactures and sells insulation, roofing and fiberglass composite materials. The company's market-leading corporate business spans the world and scales humanity. It uses its deep expertise in materials, manufacturing and building science to develop products and systems to save energy and improve the comfort of commercial and residential buildings. Duerch säi Glas Verstäerkungsgeschäft mécht d'Firma Dausende vu Produkter méi hell, méi staark a méi haltbar. Um Enn maachen dem Owens Corning seng Mataarbechter a Produkter d'Welt eng besser Plaz. Wandenergieprodukter: Glasfaserverstäerkt Kompositmaterial kënne liicht, isoléiert, korrosionsbeständeg, schlagbeständeg an Hëtztbeständeg sinn a kënne benotzt ginn fir Stahl, Aluminium, Holz an aner Materialien z'ersetzen. Glass fiber as a reinforcing material can reduce weight while providing strength equal to or better than other materials (such as steel). The lighter weight means higher fuel efficiency in all modes of transportation. With the continuous improvement of strength technology, composite materials also provide higher efficiency and higher economy for wind energy turbines, so that longer, lighter and more productive blades can be used at lower wind speeds.

PNE Wind AG (Frankfurt: PNE3.F) is Germany's international wind power pioneer and one of the most experienced developers of onshore and offshore wind farms. Companies combine economic success with ecological responsibility. The two brands operated by PNE WIND Group are PNE WIND and WKN. Vun der initialer Site Ëmfro an Genehmegungsprozeduren, Finanzéierung an allgemeng Kontraktkonstruktioun, bis zur Operatioun an nei Energieversuergung um Enn vum Service Liewen vum System, decken d'Servicer all Etappe vum Wandenergieprojet.
Polish Energy Partners (Poland) (Warsaw: PEP) is Poland's first private group in the power industry composed of vertically integrated companies that play a role in the use of conventional and renewable energy for power generation and distribution and trade of electrical energy . Wind power: Onshore wind farms: The Polenergia Group has three operating wind farms with a total generating capacity of 80 megawatts. Weider dräi Kraaftwierker mat enger Gesamtleeschtung vun 104 MW sinn am Bau oder amgaang ze bauen. Zousätzlech implementéiert de Grupp am Moment 13 Entwécklungsprojeten mat enger Gesamtproduktiounskapazitéit vu 775 MW, a wäert bis Enn 2016 277 MW bauen. Den Offshore Windfarm Bora Energy Group huet zwee Wandparkprojeten an der Baltescher Mier entwéckelt. eng total Kapazitéit vun 1,2 GW, wat entsprécht dem Gitterverbindung vun der Pse.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. D'Späicherléisungen vu Powin Energy bidden e vitale Link an der Entwécklung vu Wand- a Solarenergie andeems se Technologien ubidden, déi dës Projete méi effizient maachen.

Renewable Energy Power Generation Limited (LSE: WIND.L) develops, constructs, finances and operates onshore renewable energy projects in the UK, involving three main areas: onshore wind energy, biomass energy and solar energy. Our growing fleet of onshore wind farms spread across the country can provide much-needed clean energy. The investment in our team of experienced industry experts means that we have internal resources to identify and develop projects to plan internal permits, as well as build and manage wind farms. Eis staark finanziell Ressourcen erméiglechen eis de Projet vun Accord bis Operatioun séier ofzeschléissen.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) ass eng onofhängeg Ueleg- a Gasfirma weltwäit. It operates through upstream and downstream market segments. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; extracts bitumen from mined oil sands and converts it into synthetic crude oil; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. In addition, the company is engaged in the manufacture, supply, and transportation of crude oil; sells fuels, lubricants, bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for household, transportation and industrial purposes; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; provides transportation services; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. The company owns approximately 24 oil refineries; 1,500 storage tanks; and 150 distribution facilities. It sells fuel under the Shell V-Power brand.
RWE AG (Frankfurt: RWE.F) ass eng elektresch Kraaft- an Äerdgasfirma verantwortlech fir d'Generatioun, d'Verdeelung an d'Verkaaf vun elektresche Stroum, an d'Produktioun, d'Verdeelung an d'Verkaf vun Äerdgas. It uses lignite, coal, natural gas, nuclear power, renewable energy, waste and oil as fuels for power plants; as well as pumped storage and river power plants, and generates heat. The company is also engaged in the supply and trade of electricity, natural gas, coal, petroleum, CO2 certificates, and biomass-based renewable energy in physical and derivative forms; a liwwert Berodungsservicer. Wind power: RWE Innogy operates onshore wind farms in Germany, the UK, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. Through Rhyl Flats and North Hoyle, we operate the two largest offshore wind farms in the UK. Mir bauen de Moment den Offshore-Windpark Nordsee Ost bei der Küst vun Däitschland, an de 576 MW Wandpark Gwynt yMôr gëtt bei der Küst vu Wales gebaut.
Sauer Energy Corporation (OTC: SENY) is a technology developer and manufacturer focusing on the emerging renewable energy market. SEI's first product, WindCutter, is based on the Darrieus principle and has 5 airfoil blades that use the principle of lift to rotate the shaft and mount it on the rod. SEI och plangt och e patentéierte Spiral Windrider Modell ze bidden, eng vertikal Achswind Wind Turbine mat Hëllef vun Helxwind® Technologie kaaft. Designbifikatioune mat méi héijer Leeschtung WindRider is also installed on the pole and can be used for applications that do not require roof installation. De Secriber anspekt a Pläng fir Windschrat fir Naturkummer ze bidden fir eng besser Dowinaritéit ze bidden. SEI's technology is excellent because it requires very few parts. Dëst bedeit manner Fabrikatiounskäschte, méi effizient Operatioun, manner Ënnerhalt (manner Deeler = manner Chance fir Ausfall) a méi grouss Energieproduktioun. Dëst gëtt SEI mat enger neier Richtung fir Wandenergie Erfaassung, mécht et méi einfach aus Wunn- zu Muecht kleng Communautéiten expandéiert-all de Wee zu grouss industriell Ariichtungen. The market opportunities for this new, self-contained innovative technology are limitless and are growing rapidly. SEI has several patents, and there are more patents pending, and we look forward to early manufacturing and commercialization. It is also actively seeking financial returns on investments.
Sea Breeze Power Corp. (TSX: SBX.V) is a Vancouver-based company dedicated to the production and transmission of renewable energy. Déi ëmmer méi Nofro vun der Welt fir propper, gréng Kraaft ass d'fundamental Drivkraft fir eist Geschäft. Wandprojet: Sea Breeze Power Corp., duerch e puer Duechtergesellschaft Holdings, huet ongeféier 50 Fuerschungsperioden op Siten a British Columbia fir Windenergiefuerschung an Entwécklung. These areas total approximately 200,000 hectares and are located in five regions of the province. Garrard Hassan conducted an independent study on the British Columbia Hydropower Company, British Columbia's wind energy resources have great potential
SeaEnergy PLC (LSE.SEA.L) bitt strategesch Innovatioun fir global Energiefirmen. Our pioneering solutions can help oil and gas, renewable energy and other industries fulfill their financial, operational and legal obligations. We combine our rich experience and expertise with creativity and technical knowledge to simplify business processes and contribute to the efficiency, safety and reliability of our customers. SeaEnergy's customers are mainly in the oil and gas, wind energy, engineering, construction and public sectors.
Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. And internationally. The company provides turbine blades for large generators, as well as components for the aviation and aerospace markets. Kraaftwierker fir d'Energie- a Loftfaartindustrie. It also provides bearing products for railway transportation, vehicles, cargo transportation equipment, aerospace equipment, motors and electrical appliances, as well as bearings and related repair and maintenance services. In addition, the company also produces high-speed steel cutting tools, such as boring cutting tools, thread cutting tools, milling and hinge cutting tools, gear cutting tools and broach cutting tools; as well as carbide cutting tools, superhard material cutting tools, Coated cutting tools, CNC handles and cutting rods, measuring tools and cemented carbide. In addition, it also provides standard and special fasteners; high-strength fasteners and related equipment; and fasteners and special parts for the automotive industry, as well as metal forming machines and tools for the metal forming industry. In addition, it is also engaged in technology development, environmental protection project transfer and consulting, as well as ship anti-corrosion and pollution prevention work and related services. Zousätzlech liwwert d'Firma och verbonne technesch Servicer, mënschlech Servicer, industriell Investitiounen, an den Inlandshandel a Commodity Re-Export Handel. D'Firma gouf 2005 gegrënnt an huet säi Sëtz zu Shanghai, China. Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) ass e weltwäiten Technologiegigant deem seng aussergewéinlech Ingenieur, Innovatioun, Qualitéit, Zouverlässegkeet an Internationalitéit méi wéi 165 Joer Geschicht representéieren. Wind power generation: We have more than 30 years of experience in onshore wind power generation and more than 20 years of experience in offshore power generation. We are one of the global market leaders. There are nearly 13,000 wind turbines worldwide with a total capacity of 21 GW, helping to provide the world with clean, renewable energy.

Sky Harvest Energy Corp. (OTC: SKYH), a developing company, is committed to using wind energy to generate electricity in Canada. D'Firma huet e Leasehold Interesse an e puer 15.000 Hektar Land am Südweste vu Saskatchewan fir Wandkraaftanlagen ze bauen fir Stroum ze generéieren an ze verkafen. It is also involved in the design, manufacture and sale of vertical axis wind turbines. The company's predecessor was Sky Harvest Windpower Corp..
Solar Wind Energy Tower Inc. (OTC: SWET) Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc. and its wholly-owned commercial subsidiary Solar Wind Energy, Inc. were established in 2010 and are the inventors of the patented Solar Wind Downdraft Tower. Using the most advanced technology and building systems, a large amount of cheap electricity is produced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. D'Haaptziel an de Fokus vun der Firma ass den Haaptpromotor vu propperer an effizienter erneierbarer Energie an de Weltgemeinschaften zu vernünftege Käschte ze ginn ouni déi zerstéierend Reschter vu fossille Brennstoffer ze verursaachen, wärend weider innovativ technesch Léisungen entwéckelen fir zukünfteg Stroumfuerderung z'erreechen.
Sun Pazifik Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SnPL BESLOS) Blockchin: Januar 2018 € d'Initiativer annoncéiert d'Kontrollzwassungskursung an hir ernatierlech Energiegeschäfter Modellie, fir d'Effizienz vu Glanzungsgestin vu Véierelgrousse Wisen. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain Technologie kann nei Stroumnetzer iwwerwaachen, Belaaschtungsbalance an d'Liewensdauer vun elektreschen Ausrüstung verlängeren.

Tektronix Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-A.TO; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-B.TO) develops and produces natural resources in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. D'Haaptrei Produite vun der Firma och steelmaking; Kupferkonzentraten a raffinéierte Kupferkathoden; raffinéiert Zink an Zinkkonzentraten; and lead concentrates. It also produces molybdenum, gold, silver, germanium, indium and cadmium, as well as chemicals and fertilizers. Zousätzlech hält d'Firma och Interesse an Uelegsandprojeten an aner Interessen an der Athabasca Regioun vun Alberta; an huet Interessen am Biergbau a Veraarbechtung Operatiounen am Kanada, den USA, Chile a Peru, a bedreift metallurgical Planzen. It is also interested in wind power facilities. Tektronix Resources Co., Ltd. was established in 1906 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.

TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) ass e globalen diversifizéierte Besëtzer vu propperen Energieverméigen, dorënner Solar-, Wand- a Waasserkraaftprojeten an attraktiven, héije Wuesstum opkomende Mäert.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) is a leading provider of consulting, engineering, process management and construction management services. D'Firma ënnerstëtzt kommerziell a staatlech Clienten déi op Waasser, Ëmwelt, Infrastruktur, Ressourcemanagement an Energie fokusséiert sinn. Tetra Tech has 13,000 employees worldwide, providing clear solutions to complex problems. Wind energy: Tetra Tech is a leader in the wind energy market and ranks second in wind energy in the Engineering News Record. We provide integrated environment, engineering, construction management and operational service solutions for all stages of wind energy project development. Tetra Tech supports the projects of 20 of the 25 top wind energy developers and 80% of the top wind energy industry OEMs. In the past few years, our team has carried out more than 650 wind energy projects worldwide, with a total generating capacity of more than 25,000 MW. Eis Projetserfahrung deckt all 50 Staaten an den USA an 8 Provënzen a Kanada.

Theolia (Paris: TEO.PA) ass e franséische Wandenergieprojet Entwéckler a Bedreiwer. The company's business mainly focuses on the development of wind farm projects and the construction of wind power generation facilities for the company group itself and third parties, as well as the operation of wind farms in France, Germany, Morocco and Italy. It also involves the sale of wind farm systems in two to four years (excluding trade activities). The activities and business services of Theolia SA are applicable to the entire value chain of the wind energy industry, from location determination to commissioning the operation of wind farms, including the process of obtaining construction and operation authorization, selection of wind turbines, research to raise Fongen, a Bau vun Betribssystemer Bauerenhaff An Ofsaz.
Pan Asia Petroleum and Energy Development Corporation (Philippinen: TA.PH) An absehbarer Zukunft, am Hibléck op de rapide Wuesstum vun der lokaler Energiebedarf, ginn et vill Méiglechkeeten. Energieproduktioun a Stroumversuergung sinn de Kärgeschäft vu Pan Asia. As an advocate of sustainable energy, the company also invests in renewable energy such as wind and geothermal energy, which it believes is the key to the long-term sustainability of the country's economic development.
TransAlta Corporation (TSX: TA.TO; NYSE: TAC) is a power generation and wholesale marketing company dedicated to creating long-term shareholder value. TransAlta hält niddereg bis mëttlere Risiko andeems en héich kontraktéierte Portfolio vu Verméigen a Kanada, den USA an Australien operéiert. Den Transalaa huet weider konzentréiert sech op narat effizient leideregen léisst Waasser an de Client an de Clienten mat zouenenkompeleéiler. For more than 100 years, TransAlta has been a responsible operator and has made outstanding contributions to the communities in which it works and lives. Since 2009, TransAlta has been selected by Sustainalytics as one of the 50 most socially responsible companies in Canada, and has been recognized globally by FTSE4Good for its leadership in sustainability and corporate responsibility standards.
TransAlta Renewable Energy Company (TSX: RNW.TO; OTC: TRSWF) has 16 wind power and 12 hydroelectric power generation facilities, and in TransAlta's Sarnia thermal power plant, Le Nordais wind farm, uneven chute hydroelectric power station, Wyoming Wind Farm and Australia have economically beneficial assets with a total installed capacity of 2,467 MW, of which they have a net ownership interest of 2.291 MW. TransAlta Renewables' economic interests in Australian assets include 425 MW of power generation from six operating assets that are operated and signed under long-term contracts, as well as the 150 MW South Hedland project currently under construction and recently under construction. The project commissioned 270 kilometers of natural gas pipelines. TransAlta Renewables has the largest power generation capacity of any publicly traded renewable independent power producer (“IPP”) in Canada, and its wind power capacity is more than any other publicly traded IPP in Canada. D'Strategie vun TransAlta Renewables konzentréiert sech op déi effizient Operatioun vu sengem Verméigenportfolio an erweidert seng Verméigenbasis andeems se héichqualitativ Kontrakter erneierbar Energien an Äerdgas Kraaft Generatiounsanlagen an aner Infrastrukturverméigen kréien. Our goal is to (i) create stable and consistent returns for investors through ownership of contract renewable energy and potential natural gas power generation and other infrastructure assets, and these assets through reputable counterparties (including TransAlta Corporation) The long-term contracts provide stable cash fléissen; (ii) strategesch Wuesstumsméiglechkeeten an de Beräicher vun erneierbarer Energie, Äerdgaskraaftproduktioun an aner Infrastrukturen ze sichen a benotzen; (iii) pay a portion of the cash that can be allocated to the company's shareholders every month.
The main focus of Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) is to add value to shareholders by developing and maintaining long-term interests in Canadian renewable energy projects and underground natural gas storage assets based on market prices. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Dem Tribut säi Geschäftsplang ass ze bestëmmen, erlaben, erlaben, z'entwéckelen an ze bauen, déi seng Erfëllung zréckbezuelen baséiert op senger existent Verméigen. Tribute creates value by identifying project opportunities, providing expertise in development projects, and maintaining interest in completed assets, thereby establishing a long-term stable utility-quality cash flow through a strong and diversified energy-related asset base. Wind Energy Project
Trinity Industries, Inc. (NYSE: TRN), mat Sëtz zu Dallas, Texas, ass eng diversifizéiert Industriefirma mat Maartféierende Geschäfter, déi Produkter a Servicer un d'Energie, Transport, chemesch a Bauindustrie ubidden. Trinity reports the financial performance of five main business units: Railway Group, Railway Vehicle Leasing and Management Services Group, Inland Barge Group, Construction Products Group and Energy Equipment Group. Trinity Structural Towers, Inc. (TSTI) is the leading manufacturer of structural wind towers in North America. TSTI schafft mat der Logistikfirma vun Trinity fir Transportunterstëtzung a Servicer ze bidden fir d'Liwwerung vu strukturelle Wandtuerm op Wandhaff ze erliichteren.

WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) ass eng vun de meescht respektéierten Design-, Ingenieurs- a Projektmanagement Berodungsfirmen op der Welt. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins is at the forefront of the maritime renewable energy revolution, providing reliable concepts and detailed engineering design and owner-engineer services in the fields of wind, wave and tidal energy.
Woodward Corporation (NasdaqGS: WWD) is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control system solutions and components for the aviation and energy markets. D'Firma innovativ Flëssegkeets-, Verbrennungs-, elektresch a Bewegungssteuersystemer kënne Clienten hëllefen, méi propper, méi zouverlässeg a méi effizient Ausrüstung ze bidden. Eis Clientë enthalen féierend originell Ausrüstungshersteller an Ennbenotzer vun hire Produkter. Woodward is a global company headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Wind power: Woodward is one of the leading suppliers of wind converters for renewable energy power generation. Méi wéi 9,500 Konverter, déi Woodward an Onshore an Offshore Uwendungen installéiert huet, bidden Woodward d'Fäegkeet an d'Erfahrung fir e Leader am Wandenergiegeschäft ze ginn. CONCYCLE's precise and intelligent control algorithm® wind power converter, in combination with variable speed generators, creates a power generation system optimized for power plant quality.

Xinjiang Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002202.SZ; OTC: XJNGF; Hong Kong: 2208.HK) is a wind power company in mainland China and internationally. The company operates through three divisions: WTG manufacturing, wind power generation services, and wind farm investment, development and sales. It is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and sales of wind turbine generators and wind power components; the development and operation of wind farms; a bitt Wandkraaft-Zesummenhang Berodung, Wandbaubau, Ënnerhalt an Transportservicer. The company's main products include 1.5 megawatt (MW) and 2.5 MW permanent magnet direct drive (PMDD) wind turbines. It is also engaged in the manufacture and sale of wind energy equipment and accessories; machinery and technology trade; and the construction and operation of wind power and solar power projects.
Xzeres Corp (OTC: XPWR) ass eng global erneierbar Energiefirma. The company designs and manufactures grid-connected and off-grid wind turbine systems and energy efficiency solutions for the commercial, light industrial and residential markets. XZERES products can reduce energy costs and carbon footprint. The company's international distribution network is headquartered in Wilsonville, Oregon, and supports the deployment of its products in 110 countries/regions on seven continents.

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