Innovation, zoo heev thiab kev ntseeg siab yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm peb txoj kev lag luam. Cov hauv paus ntsiab lus niaj hnub no ntxiv tshaj li niaj hnub tsim lub hauv paus ntawm peb txoj kev vam meej raws li kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb mid-loj ruaj khov rau ODM Chaw Tsim Tshuaj Tshiab Cov Khoom Kub Kub Purity Graphite Electrode Graphite Qws , Ua neej nyob los ntawm kev ua tau zoo, kev txhim kho los ntawm credit yog peb txoj kev nrhiav mus ib txhis, We firmly believe that tom qab koj tuaj xyuas peb yuav dhau los ua cov neeg koom tes ntev.
Innovation, zoo heev thiab kev ntseeg siab yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm peb txoj kev lag luam. Cov hauv paus ntsiab lus niaj hnub no ntxiv ntau dua li ib txwm ua lub hauv paus ntawm peb txoj kev vam meej raws li kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb kev ua haujlwm nruab nrab rauTuam Tshoj Graphite Qws thiab Isostatic Graphite Qws, Peb zoo siab tos txais koj tuaj xyuas peb lub tuam txhab, lub Hoobkas thiab peb chav ua yeeb yam tso tawm ntau yam khoom uas yuav ua tau raws li koj qhov kev cia siab, lub sijhawm no, nws yooj yim los mus saib peb lub vev xaib, peb cov neeg ua haujlwm muag yuav sim lawv cov kev pabcuam zoo tshaj plaws rau koj. Yog tias koj xav paub ntau ntxiv, koj yuav tsum tsis txhob yig tiv tauj peb ntawm E-mail lossis xov tooj.
Graphite tube nta:
Siab zog, siab mechanical zog
High corrosion resistant, kub kub ...
Haum rau:
Thrust washers, Bushings & bearings
Feem ntau nyob rau hauv furnaces thiab cua sov ntsiab
Degassing shafts thiab impellers, fluxing thiab txhaj tshuaj
Feem ntau ntawm cov ntsiab lus thiab tej zaum muaj kev ntxhov siab.
Qib ntawm Graphite Material | ||||||||
Khoom npe | Hom No | Kev ceev ceev | SpecificResistance | Flexural zog | Compressive zog | Ash Max | Particle loj | Kev ua haujlwm |
g/cm3 | μΩm | Mpa | Mpa | % | Max | |||
Electrode Graphite | VT-RP | ≥1.55 ~ 1.75 | 7.5-8.5 Nws | ≥8.5 | ≥ 20 | ≤0.3 | ≤ 8 ~ 10mm | Impregnation yeem |
Vibration Graphite | VTZ2-3 | ≥1.72 | 7 ~ 9 | ≥13.5 | ≥35 | ≤0.3 | ≤0.8 hli | Ob Impregnation Peb Ci |
VTZ1-2 | ≥1.62 | 7 ~ 9 | ≥9 | ≥ 22 | ≤0.3 | ≤ 2 hli | Ib ImpregnationOb ci | |
Extruded Graphite | VTJ1-2 | ≥1.68 | 7.5-8.5 Nws | ≥19 | ≥38 | ≤0.3 | ≤0.2 hli | Ib ImpregnationOb ci |
Moulded Graphite | VTM 2-3 | ≥1.80 | 10 ~ 13 | ≥40 | ≥60 | ≤0.1 | ≤0.043 hli | Ob Impregnation Peb Ci |
VTM 3-4 | ≥1.85 | 10 ~ 13 | ≥47 | ≥75 | ≤ 0.05 | ≤0.043 hli | Peb ImpregnationFour Baking | |
Isostatic Graphite | VTD2-3 | ≥1.82 | 11-13 : kuv | ≥38 | ≥85 | ≤0.1 | 2μm, 6μm, 8μm, 15μm, thiab lwm yam ... | Ob Impregnation Peb Ci |
VTD3-4 | ≥1.88 | 11-13 : kuv | ≥60 | ≥100 | ≤ 0.05 | ≤0.015 hli | Peb ImpregnationFour Baking |
Carbon Graphite Khoom
Q: Koj puas yog tuam txhab lag luam lossis chaw tsim khoom?
A: Peb yog ntau tshaj 10 vears Hoobkas nrog iso9001 ntawv pov thawj
Q: Koj lub sijhawm xa khoom ntev npaum li cas?
A: Feem ntau nws yog 3-5 hnub yog tias cov khoom muaj nyob hauv Tshuag, lossis 10-15 hnub yog tias cov khoom tsis nyob hauv Tshuag, nws yog raws li koj qhov ntau.
Q: Yuav ua li cas thiaj li tau txais cov qauv los kuaj koj qhov zoo?
A: Tom qab tus nqi lees paub, koj tuaj yeem xav tau cov qauv los kuaj xyuas peb cov khoom zoo. Yog tias koj tsuas yog xav tau tus qauv dawb los kuaj xyuas tus qauv tsim thiab zoo, peb yuav muab cov qauv dawb rau koj ntev npaum li koj them tus nqi thauj khoom.
Q: Koj cov nqe lus them nqi yog dab tsi?
A: Peb lees txais kev them nyiaj los ntawm Western union, Pavpal, Alibaba, T / TL / Cetc.. rau kev txiav txim ntau, peb ua 30% tso nyiaj tshuav ua ntej xa khoom.
Yog tias koj muaj lus nug ntxiv, pls xav tiv tauj peb raws li hauv qab no
Innovation, zoo heev thiab kev ntseeg siab yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm peb txoj kev lag luam. Cov hauv paus ntsiab lus niaj hnub no ntxiv dua li puas tau tsim lub hauv paus ntawm peb txoj kev vam meej raws li kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb mid-loj ruaj khov rau ODM Chaw Tsim Tshuaj Tshiab Cov Khoom Kub Kub Purity Graphite Electrode Graphite Qws , Ua neej nyob zoo, kev txhim kho los ntawm credit yog peb txoj kev nrhiav mus ib txhis, We firmly believe that tom qab koj tuaj xyuas peb yuav dhau los ua cov neeg koom tes ntev.
ODM Chaw tsim tshuaj pausTuam Tshoj Graphite Qws thiab Isostatic Graphite Qws, Peb zoo siab tos txais koj tuaj xyuas peb lub tuam txhab, lub Hoobkas thiab peb chav ua yeeb yam tso tawm ntau yam khoom uas yuav ua tau raws li koj qhov kev cia siab, lub sijhawm no, nws yooj yim los mus saib peb lub vev xaib, peb cov neeg ua haujlwm muag yuav sim lawv cov kev pabcuam zoo tshaj plaws rau koj. Yog tias koj xav paub ntau ntxiv, koj yuav tsum tsis txhob yig tiv tauj peb ntawm E-mail lossis xov tooj.
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