As the basis of modern electronic devices, semiconductor material are undergo unprecedented change. today, diamond is gradually screening its great potential as a fourth-coevals semiconductor mater...
The preferred material for precision parts of photolithography machines
In the semiconductor field, silicon carbide ceramic materials are mainly used in key equipment for integrated circuit manuf...
Graphite ring is a kind of multifunctional material which is widely used in various fields. It is made of graphite and has unique properties and characteristics. In science, industry and other fiel...
AEM is to some extent a hybrid of PEM and traditional diaphragm based lye electrolysis. The principle of AEM electrolytic cell is shown in Figure 3. At the cathode, water is reduced to produce hydr...
This report called “Global Carbon Mould Market” is a comprehensive document that covers valuable information about market factors, such as driving factors, constraints, competitive land...