Different from S1C discrete devices which pursue high voltage, high power, high frequency and high temperature characteristics, the research goal of SiC integrated circuit is mainly to obtain high ...
How to use silicon carbide crucible for metal purification?
The reason why silicon carbide crucible has strong practical application value is because of its common properties. Silicon carbide...
The semiconductor industry is an emerging science and technology industry, which has attracted great attention in recent years, more and more companies have begun to enter the semiconductor industr...
On November 8th, at the invitation of the party, Mr. Ma Wen, President of the United States Blythe Company, and a group of 4 people went to Fangda Carbon for business visits. Fang Tianjun, general ...
The global coated graphite tube market in 2020 is mainly focused on market trends, market share, scale and forecasts. This is a brief professional analysis of the current situation of the global co...
Silicon carbide nozzles play an important role in electronic semiconductor manufacturing. They are a device used to spray liquids or gases, often used for wet chemical treatment in semiconductor ma...