According to the overall arrangement of the standardization work, 10 mandatory national standard plan items such as the “Graphite Product Energy Consumption Rating” will be published (see Annex 1), and the deadline is November 13, 2019. If you have different opinions on the proposed standard project, please fill out the “Standard Project Feedback Form” (see Attachment 2) during the publicity period and send it back to the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and send it to ( The subject of the email states: standard project announcement feedback).
Manzil: Sanoat va axborot texnologiyalari vazirligi Fan va texnologiyalar departamenti, Pekin, G'arbiy Chang'an ko'chasi, 13-uy
Pochta indeksi: 100846
Aloqa raqami: 010-68205241
Eʼlon qilish vaqti: 2019 yil 14 oktyabr, 2019 yil 13 noyabr
1. "Grafit mahsulotining energiya iste'moli reytingi" (Izoh uchun loyiha) kabi 10 ta majburiy milliy standart reja loyihalari.doc
2. Loyihaning standart fikr-mulohaza shakli.doc
Qo'shimchalarni olish uchun WeChat 86010866 qo'shing
Manba: Sanoat va axborot texnologiyalari vazirligi
Yuborilgan vaqt: 2019-yil 17-oktabr