Different from S1C discrete devices which pursue high voltage, high power, high frequency and high temperature characteristics, the research goal of SiC integrated circuit is mainly to obtain high ...
Silicon carbide coating, commonly known as SiC coating, refers to the process of applying a layer of silicon carbide onto surfaces through methods such as Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), Physical ...
Green hydrogen projects in Egypt could receive tax credits of up to 55 per cent, according to a new draft bill approved by the government, as part of the country’s attempt to strengthen its p...
2. Epitaxial thin film growth
The substrate provides a physical support layer or conductive layer for Ga2O3 power devices. The next important layer is the channel layer or epitaxial layer used f...
Textured Cu substrates are composed of three layers (thickness of 0.1mm, width of 10mm) (Photo: Business Wire)
Textured Cu substrates are composed of three layers (thickness of 0.1mm, width of 10mm...
Silicon carbide coating technology is a method of forming silicon carbide layer on the surface of materials, usually using chemical vapor deposition, physicochemical vapor deposition, melt impregna...