DynaCERT Inc. ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual téknologi pangurangan émisi CO2 pikeun mesin durukan internal. Salaku bagian tina ékonomi hidrogén internasional anu beuki penting, kami nganggo téknologi anu dipaténkeun pikeun ngahasilkeun hidrogén sareng oksigén ngaliwatan sistem éléktrolisis anu unik. Gas-gas ieu diwanohkeun ngaliwatan suplai hawa pikeun ngaoptimalkeun durukan, atanapi ngabantosan ngirangan émisi CO2 sareng efisiensi bahan bakar anu langkung luhur. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives. Internét: www.dynaCERT.com
Khamat téknologi Ltd. (TSX: Dumuhun) Ram Someborication LTD., ayana di mississa urang, etanior, betah hawa).
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. Sumberdaya panas bumi konvensional di Samudra Pasifik anu lega nyaéta pasisian.
Reno International Corporation (OTC: RINO) nyaéta perusahaan perlindungan lingkungan sareng rémédiasi di Républik Rahayat Cina. The company is engaged in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of wastewater treatment and flue gas desulfurization equipment mainly used in the steel industry; as well as anti-oxidation products and equipment used in the production of hot-rolled steel plate products. Its products include Lamella inclined tube settler wastewater treatment system, including industrial water treatment equipment, wastewater condensing equipment kits, solid and liquid extraction and dehydration equipment, and coal gas dust removal and cleaning equipment; circulating fluidized bed flue gas desulfurization system for removing steel production Granular sulfur in the flue gas generated during the sintering process; Sistim anti oksidasi-suhu luhur pikeun baja panas-digulung, susunan produk jeung sistem mechanized, nu bisa ngurangan leungitna kaluaran patali oksidasi dina casting kontinyu produksi baja panas-digulung. In addition, it also provides contract processing services for third-party industrial companies.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) is an international environmental oilfield service provider, established in late 1994, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has offices in the Prairie, Alberta. The company focuses on clean air technology and has operations in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia. Questor designs and manufactures high-efficiency waste gas incinerators for sale or lease, and also provides combustion-related oilfield services. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor dipikanyaho pikeun kaahlian husus na dina durukan gas haseum (H2S). Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Although Questor's current customer base mainly operates in the crude oil and natural gas industries, the company's combustion technology is also applicable to other industries, such as landfills, water and sewage treatment, tire recycling and agriculture.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. Dina ngembangkeun kontinyu widang ieu, brand GO cutatan panganyarna kami boga tujuan pikeun ngarojong industri surya sarta méré pamakéna kasempetan pikeun ménta cutatan instalasi bébas tina panyadia solar lokal, bari CO2 Global nyadiakeun jaminan kualitas (QA) jeung kontrol kualitas (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
TOMI™Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTC: TOMZ) is a global bacterial decontamination and infectious disease control company that manufactures, sells and licenses products based on the main platform of hydrogen peroxide through manufacturing, sales and licensing, for indoor surfaces Decontamination provides an environmentally friendly environmental solution. Téknologi ionisasi binér (BIT) nyaéta téknologi paling canggih pikeun ngahasilkeun genep kabut logaritmik anu diwakilan ku merek TOMI (TM) SteraMist (TM). TOMI's products are designed to serve a wide range of commercial structures, including hospitals and medical facilities, cruise ships, office buildings, hotels and motels, schools, restaurants, meat and food processing facilities for non-food safety, military barracks and sports field equipment . TOMI's products and services have also been used in single-family houses and multi-family houses. TOMI ogé ngembangkeun program latihan sareng protokol aplikasi pikeun para nasabahna, sareng mangrupikeun anggota anu hadé dina Asosiasi Biosafety Amérika, Asosiasi Perbankan Organisasi Amérika, Asosiasi Profesional Kontrol Inféksi sareng Epidemiologi, Asosiasi Épidemiologi Médis sareng Kaséhatan Amérika, sareng Asosiasi Perbaikan. . Industry Association, Indoor Air Quality Association and International Ozone Association.
Indéks Kelestarian SAM Australia (^ SAMAU) ngalacak kinerja pamimpin kelestarian Australia
Calvert Global Alternative Energy A (Nasdaq: ^ CGAEX) This investment seeks long-term capital growth. The fund usually invests at least 80% of its net assets (including borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of US and non-US companies whose main business is sustainable energy solutions or have significant businesses in the field of sustainable energy solutions. Cai mibanda sustainable, standar investasi tanggung jawab sosial nu bisa ngagambarkeun tipe husus pausahaan nu dana nyiar pikeun investasi di na avoids investasi di. Dana ieu non-diversified.
Indéks Téknologi Bersih (NYSE: ^ CTIUS) mangrupikeun indéks pasar saham anu munggaran sareng hiji-hijina anu dirancang pikeun ngagambarkeun lonjakan paménta pikeun produk sareng jasa téknologi bersih. By tracking the market performance of the world's leading publicly traded clean technology companies, CTIUS has become an industry standard index, which is the basis for more and more financial products (such as exchange-traded funds). The index is made up of 58 companies that are global leaders in the field of clean technology with a wide range of industries, from alternative energy and energy efficiency to advanced materials, air and energy; water purification, eco-friendly agriculture/nutrition, power transmission Wait.
First Trust Nasdaq® CleanEdge® Smart Grid Infrastructure Index (NasdaqGIDS: GRID) mangrupikeun dana anu didagangkeun ku bursa. The index aims to track the performance of common stocks in the power grid and power infrastructure sectors. The index includes companies primarily engaged in and involved in supporting software used in the fields of power grids, electricity meters and equipment, networks, energy storage and management, and smart grid infrastructure.
Global X Lithium (NYSEArca: LIT) narékahan pikeun nyayogikeun hasil investasi anu umumna pakait sareng harga sareng kinerja panghasilan tina Indéks Litium Global Solactive (teu kalebet biaya sareng biaya).
The Guggenheim Solar ETF (NYSEArca: TAN) seeks to invest in investment results that are usually in line with the performance of the fund's fees and expenses before the stock index called the MAC Global Solar Index. The fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the common stocks that make up the index, ADR and GDR, and depositary receipts representing the common stocks included in the index. Indéks éta kalebet sekuritas saham anu didagangkeun di pasar maju, kalebet kuitansi deposit Amérika sareng kuitansi deposit Amérika. Sacara umum, éta bakal investasi kana sadaya jamu anu diwangun indéks saimbang sareng beurat na di indéks. The fund is non-diversified.
Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund (Nasdaq: GAAEX) This investment seeks long-term capital appreciation. Dana investasi sahenteuna 80% tina aset bersihna (tambah injeuman pikeun tujuan investasi) dina sekuritas ekuitas perusahaan énergi alternatif (AS sareng non-AS). The adviser will invest the assets of the fund in the securities of all market capitalization companies and companies registered in the United States and foreign countries, including companies that are potentially registered or traded in emerging markets. The fund is non-diversified.
iPath Global Carbon ETN (NYSE: GRN) aims to provide investors with an understanding of the Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™. The Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™ (hereinafter referred to as the “Index”) is designed to measure the performance of the most liquid carbon-related credit programs. Unggal skéma kiridit patali karbon kaasup dina indéks digambarkeun ku instrumen paling cair dina pasaran. Indéks ieu diperkirakeun kalebet dina program kiridit anyar anu aya hubunganana sareng karbon di dunya.
iShares S & P Global Indéks Énergi Beresih (NasdaqGIDS: ICLN) usaha pikeun ngalacak S&P Global Énergi Beresih Index TM. A fund usually invests at least 90% of its assets in the constituent securities of the index and investments with basically the same economic characteristics as the constituent securities, and may invest up to 10% of its assets in certain futures, options and swap contracts, Kontan sareng kasabet sareng kasabaran anu henteu kalebet dina indéks. The index aims to track the performance of approximately 30 of the most liquid and tradable securities of global companies involved in clean energy-related businesses. Ieu non-diversified.
Mkt Vectors Glb Alternative Energy ETF (NYSEArca: GEX) Investasi ieu narékahan pikeun niron harga jeung kinerja earnings Ardor Global IndexSM (likuiditas tambahan) sacaket mungkin saméméh waragad na expenses. Dana biasana investasi sahenteuna 80% tina total asetna dina sekuritas anu ngawangun Ardor Global Index. Indéks ieu sabagean konsentrasi dina industri énergi alami sareng sertor téknologi industri sareng inpormasi industri. Utilities and consumer discretionary industries account for a large part of the Ardor global index. Ieu non-diversified.
Market Vectors Solar Energy (NYSEArca: KWT) attempts to replicate the price and earnings performance of the MarketVectors® Global Solar Index as closely as possible before excluding fees and expenses. A dana biasana invests sahenteuna 80% tina total aset na di jaminan anu nyieun indéks patokan dana urang. The solar energy index is the fund's benchmark index, which consists of equity securities of companies whose income is at least 50% from photovoltaics and solar energy, or manufacturers of solar energy equipment/technology and materials or service equipment/technology for solar energy. Ieu non-diversified.
The PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Portfolio (NYSEArca: PBW) is based on the WilderHill Clean Energy Index (Index). Dana biasana investasi sahenteuna 90% tina total aset na dina saham umum anu ngawangun indéks. Indéks ieu diwangun ku saham perusahaan anu didagangkeun sacara umum di Amérika Serikat sareng kalibet dina usaha énergi bersih sareng konservasi énergi. Dana sareng indéks dialokasikeun deui unggal kuartal
PowerShares WilderHill Progressive Energy (NYSEArca: PUW) is based on the WilderHill Progressive Energy Index (Index). Dana biasana investasi sahenteuna 90% tina total aset na dina saham umum anu ngawangun indéks. The index is composed of transitional energy technology companies that are important to improving the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy. The index is composed of companies that focus on the following areas: alternative energy, better efficiency, emission reduction, new energy activities, greener utilities, innovative materials and energy storage. Dana sareng indéks saimbang deui sareng dirombak unggal kuartal.
The SPDR Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: CNRG) seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses are deducted, usually match the total return performance of the Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy Index. Under normal market conditions, a fund usually invests the vast majority (at least 80%) of all its assets in the securities that make up the index. The index aims to capture companies whose products and services are driving clean energy innovation. Dana éta tiasa investasi dina sekuritas ekuitas, kas sareng sarimbag kas atanapi instrumen pasar uang anu henteu kalebet dina indéks, sapertos perjanjian mésér deui sareng dana pasar uang. It is non-diversified.
Trading Emissions Corporation (LSE: TRE.L) beroperasi salaku dana investasi ditutup-tungtung di Inggris. It invests in environmental and emission assets. Dana éta investasi dina séri alat lingkungan, fokus kana unit anu dihasilkeun ku proyék-proyék anu dikembangkeun dina palaksanaan gabungan Mékanisme Pangembangan Beresih sareng "Protokol Kyoto"
VanEck Vectors Low Carbon Energy ETF (NYSEArca: SMOG) strives to replicate the price and income performance of Ardor Global IndexSM Extra Liquid (AGIXLT) as closely as possible before deducting fees and expenses. The index aims to track the overall performance of low-carbon energy companies, which are mainly engaged in alternative energy, including electricity mainly from biofuels (such as ethanol), wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal energy, as well as supporting the production sumberdaya ieu. Rupa-rupa téknologi anu dianggo sareng disimpen
WilderHill Clean Energy Index (NYSE: ^ ECO) A focus of the WilderHill® Index (ECO) is to define and track the field of clean energy: in particular, companies that benefit from the social transition to a society that uses clean energy and saves tanaga. The inventory and industry weights in the ECO index are based on their importance to clean energy, technological impact, and relevance to pollution prevention. We emphasize new solutions that are both ecologically and economically meaningful, and strive to become a leader in this field.
Indéks Énergi Progresif WilderHill (NYSE: ^ WHPRO) diwangun ku perusahaan-perusahaan anu janten jembatan énergi ku cara ningkatkeun panggunaan bahan bakar fosil dina jangka waktu anu caket, ningkatkeun efisiensi sareng ngirangan polusi konvensional, CO2 sareng émisi sanésna. WHPRO is the first company to capture the innovations of modern natural gas. It is a new way to reduce the hazards of major non-renewable energy sources that still dominate the energy industry today. It captures and tracks various means to better reduce the pollution and carbon burden in our current energy structure.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom parantos ngawangun karéta panggancangna di dunya sareng subway otomatis kapasitas pangluhurna, nyayogikeun solusi pembangkit listrik terpadu turnkey sareng jasa anu aya hubunganana pikeun sagala rupa sumber énergi kalebet PLTA, tenaga nuklir, gas alam, batubara sareng énergi angin, sareng nyayogikeun rupa-rupa solusi transmisi listrik. , with a focus on smart grids. Panyimpen énérgi batré: Dumasar pangalaman mangtaun-taun dina éléktronika listrik sareng gardu induk AC, Alstom parantos ngembangkeun set lengkep solusi panyimpen batré calakan Maxsine™ eStorage salaku solusi anu kompetitif pikeun tantangan grid.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) is called Altairnano and is a publicly traded company. Altairnano designs, manufactures and provides energy storage systems for clean and efficient power and energy management. Pausahaan nyadiakeun solusi komérsial nu ngaktipkeun modernisasi grid, integrasi énergi renewable skala utiliti, sarta rojongan pikeun syarat catu daya uninterruptible jauh (UPS), aplikasi militér jeung transportasi.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Kategori anu munggaran nyaéta motor anu disayogikeun ku batré litium, dituturkeun ku motor. Alydi ogé janten énggal profesor universefaya Clarwonshon David David Mitlin nuju program panyimpenan énergi Manyi Medabis. Mitlin suksés ngagunakeun rami (sésana serat rami) pikeun ngawangun nanosheets karbon, anu tiasa bersaing sareng sababaraha lembar nano graphene anu langkung saé sareng langkung saé supercapacitors dina sababaraha aspék. Mitlin nampi patén AS pikeun téknologi panyimpen énergi ganja proprietary na.
American Vanadium Corporation (TSX: AVC.V) is a comprehensive energy storage company and the main North American sales agent for the CellCube energy storage system of GILDEMEISTER Energy Solutions. CellCube mangrupikeun batré aliran vanadium komérsial anu terkemuka di dunya, anu tiasa nyayogikeun solusi jangka panjang pikeun umur jasa langkung ti 20 taun, sareng tiasa dianggo pikeun rupa-rupa aplikasi kalebet integrasi énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui sareng pangurangan biaya paménta. . CellCube is a powerful, durable and reliable energy storage system that ensures clean, emission-free energy is always provided. American Vanadium nuju ngembangkeun proyék Gibellini vanadium di Nevada, anu bakal janten hiji-hijina tambang vanadium khusus di Amérika Serikat, nyayogikeun sumber éléktrolit vanadium anu penting pikeun sistem panyimpen énergi CellCube.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems Company (CSE: CUBE; OTC: CECBF) -baheulana Stina Resources-mangrupikeun perusahaan sumberdaya vanadium anu didedikasikeun pikeun janten produsén éléktrolit vanadium sareng vanadium terpadu dina industri panyimpen batré. Sumberdaya mineral vanadium perusahaan aya di daérah pertambangan Bisoni McKay sareng Bisoni Rio di Nevada kalér. Stina nembé nampi aset Gildemeister, anu ayeuna dioperasikeun ku anak perusahaanna Enerox GmbH sareng diganti namina CellCube Energy Storage Systems Inc., ngamungkinkeun perusahaan ngamodalan paménta global pikeun batré aliran vanadium rédoks pikeun ngabantosan paménta gancang naékna sadunya pikeun syarat énergi sareng neundeun. .
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) sareng anak perusahaanna babarengan komitmen kana pamekaran, pabrik sareng penjualan batré litium énergi tinggi sareng énergi tinggi di Cina sareng internasional. Produk perusahaan dianggo dina sababaraha aplikasi, kalebet kendaraan listrik, sapertos kendaraan listrik, beus listrik, kendaraan listrik hibrida sareng beus; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Pausahaan percaya yén ngaliwatan gawé babarengan jeung konsumén, pamaréntah, organisasi non-pamaréntah sarta pamingpin pamikiran, urang bisa mantuan manggihan solusi pikeun tantangan global, kayaning nyadiakeun cukup dahareun cageur pikeun jalma di sakuliah dunya, ngurangan gumantungna kana suluh fosil sarta Ngajaga hirup jeung lingkungan. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. Éta intends pikeun lisénsi aplikasi téhnologi sarta kasempetan gawé babarengan dina sagala rupa industri jeung aplikasi. Pausahaan ieu baheulana kawanoh salaku ZENN Motor Company Inc. sarta dingaranan EEStor Corporation dina April 2015.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). Penjualan kendaraan listrik, kapasitas produksi batré sareng pembangkit listrik tina énergi anu tiasa diperbarui diperkirakeun ningkat sacara signifikan dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, ku kituna paménta pikeun komoditi target ieu bakal ningkat sasuai. Ieu nyiptakeun kasempetan unik pikeun investasi sareng kéngingkeun royalti dina tambang sareng proyék anu bakal nyayogikeun bahan anu dipikabutuh pikeun révolusi kakuatan. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Aya 6 kombinasi royalti. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) ngadesain, ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun batré Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 proprietary, sistem batré, sareng produk anu aya hubunganana sareng batré pikeun neundeun énergi, transportasi kakuatan bersih sareng aplikasi khusus anu sanés. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya is headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has production facilities in Canada and Germany, and has customers all over the world.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Struktur nanona tiasa dianggo dina batré anu tiasa dicas deui pikeun aplikasi kakuatan-rendah, ogé batré mikro dina pilem mikroskopis. Pausahaan nyadiakeun aluminium oksida anodized nanopore template nu bisa dipaké pikeun nyieun nanostructures sarta sagala rupa aplikasi filtration. Nanopartikel sareng nanopartikel dianggo dina alat panyimpen énergi sapertos supercapacitors sareng katoda batré litium-ion. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) is a global leader in energy storage solutions for industrial applications, manufacturing and distributing backup power and power batteries, chargers, power equipment, battery accessories and outdoor equipment housing solutions for customers around the world. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. Batré kakuatan cadangan dianggo dina industri telekomunikasi sareng utilitas, catu daya anu teu kaganggu, sareng seueur aplikasi anu peryogi solusi énergi panyimpen, kalebet sistem médis, aerospace, sareng pertahanan. Outdoor equipment shell products are used in telecommunications, cables, utilities, transportation industries as well as government and defense customers. The company also provides after-sales and customer support services to customers from more than 100 countries/regions through its sales and manufacturing locations around the world
EnSync, Inc. (NYSE: ESNC) has made the future of electricity increasingly dependent on the expansion of renewable energy through advanced energy management systems that are vital to the global economy. Naha éta bagian tina jaringan transmisi sareng distribusi listrik, atanapi di tukangeun méter dina gedong komersil, industri sareng multi-tenant, téknologi EnSync tiasa nyayogikeun kontrol kakuatan sareng solusi panyimpen énergi anu béda-béda ka lingkungan kakuatan anu nangtang. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid aplikasi . In 2015, EnSync incorporated power purchase agreements (PPA) into its product portfolio, thereby saving customers electricity and providing investors with stable financial returns. EnSync mangrupikeun perusahaan global sareng usaha patungan di Meineng Energy China sareng kerjasama strategis sareng Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana boga leuwih ti 15 taun pangalaman dina nyadiakeun grid-ujung kakuatan parabot éléktronik pikeun sél suluh, photovoltaic sarta aplikasi batré, sarta nyadiakeun kabuktian, awét, solusi kualitas luhur ngaliwatan pabrik kapasitas luhur na di Éropa jeung Amérika Kalér. Eguana has thousands of proprietary energy storage inverters deployed in the European and North American markets and is a leading supplier of power control for solar self-use, grid services, and grid edge on-demand charging applications.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) ngembangkeun sareng ngajual sistem panyimpen énergi litium-ion canggih ("batré") dumasar kana sistem manajemén batré proprietary na (BMS) sareng rékayasa internal sareng desain produk. Dibandingkeun sareng solusi tradisional, solusi panyimpen Flux tiasa nyayogikeun kinerja anu langkung luhur, umur jasa anu langkung panjang sareng hasil investasi anu langkung ageung. Flux sells products directly through a growing distribution relationship. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) ngabayangkeun hal-hal anu teu acan dilakukeun ku batur, ngawangun hal-hal anu henteu tiasa dilakukeun ku batur, sareng nyayogikeun hasil anu ngajantenkeun dunya janten tempat anu langkung saé. Gé ngahijikeun dunya fisik sareng digital ku cara anu teu aya perusahaan sanés anu tiasa cocog. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Panyimpen énergi: Sistem solusi panyimpen énergi GE nyaéta pondasi sistem panyimpen énergi anu konsisten sareng dipercaya anu nyayogikeun kakuatan pikeun sababaraha aplikasi stasioner sareng kakuatan. Panyimpen énergi gé cocog pisan pikeun pembangkit listrik, utiliti, manajemén énergi, microgrid sareng pasar telekomunikasi, sareng tiasa nyayogikeun kinerja siklus anu saé, kapadetan énergi anu luhur sareng réliabilitas anu langkung luhur.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage systems , Mobile and wearable products, electric bicycles, medical equipment, digital and electronic equipment, personal care and household products. The company is also developing emerging applications in the fields of drones, robotics and wireless charging technology. Highpower boga fasilitas produksi canggih di Cina, sarta ngabogaan leuwih ti 100 bahan batré, processing jeung desain patén-patén. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (TSXV: HPQ.V; OTC: URAGF; FWB: UGE) is developing in cooperation with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PYR.V), a company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma basic processes high tech pausahaan. , The PUREVAP TM inovatif "Quartz Reduction Reactor" (QRR), prosés exothermic karbon 2.0 leres (patén pending), bakal ngidinan hiji hambalan pikeun ngarobah quartz (SiO2) kana silikon-purity tinggi (Si), sarta harga na bakal diwanohkeun Na. renewable energy energy potential. The Gen3 PUREVAPTM QRR pilot plant will verify the commercial potential of the process and is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2020. HPQ cooperates with PyroGenesis and is also developing a process that can use high-purity silicon (Si) made by PUREVAPTM and ngahasilkeun eta. Spherical silicon metal nanopowder for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. In the first quarter of 2020, we plan to use the improved Gen2 PUREVAPTM reactor to validate our game-changing manufacturing method to produce spherical silicon metal (Si) nanopowder samples for use by industry participants and research institutions.
At the same time, HPQ is also cooperating with industry leader Apollon Solar to develop manufacturing capabilities that use high-purity silicon (Si) manufactured by PUREVAP™ to manufacture porous silicon wafers required for solid-state lithium-ion batteries. The first silicon wafer should be ready to be delivered to battery manufacturers for testing in the first quarter of 2020 (testing according to NDA). Tungtungna, bareng jeung Apollon Solar, urang nalungtik tur ngamekarkeun cara metalurgi pikeun ngahasilkeun solar-grade silikon logam (SoG Si). It will take full advantage of PUREVAPTM QRR to produce silicon (Si) materials with 4N+ purity and low boron content (<1 ppm) in one step. All in all, HPQ focuses on becoming the lowest cost metal silicon (Si), high-purity metal silicon (Si), spherical silicon nanopowder for next-generation lithium-ion batteries, porous silicon wafers for solid-state lithium-ion batteries, and lithium Porous silicon powder and solar grade silicon metal (SoG-Si) for ion batteries.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) nyaéta parusahaan téhnologi dedicated ka ngaronjatkeun efisiensi konversi kakuatan. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA ngaronjatkeun ukuran, ongkos, efisiensi, kalenturan jeung reliabilitas converters kakuatan éléktronik. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. Pausahaan ogé ngembangkeun transistor simpang ganda dua arah dua arah (B-TRAN™), sareng parantos ngalamar patén, anu berpotensi ningkatkeun efisiensi sareng kapadetan kakuatan saklar kakuatan dua arah. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
International Battery Metals Limited (CSE: IBAT) museurkeun kana ngaidentipikasi, ngevaluasi, sareng investasi dina aset pertambangan sareng téknologi pangolahan/ekstraksi supados tiasa sareng ngajaga kapamimpinan biaya dina nyayogikeun mineral anu paling kritis pikeun industri batré. Saatos evaluasi ati rupa mineral, kamajuan téhnologis, saimbangna antara suplai jeung paménta, sarta kaunggulan internal, International Batre Metals Corporation bakal difokuskeun timah, litium, kobalt jeung tantalum. International Battery Metals will use its global relationships, industry expertise and proven experience to build and manage large-scale operations to achieve its mission.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. We create quality products, services and solutions to optimize the energy and operational efficiency of buildings; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; sareng sistem pedalaman mobil. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. Dina 2015, "Majalah Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan" rengking Johnson Controls salaku perusahaan ka-15 dina taunan "100 Warga Perusahaan Terbaik".
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), through its wholly-owned subsidiary KULR Technology Corporation (“KULR”), develops and commercializes high-performance, space-use thermal management technologies for various electronic products, batteries and other components Electric vehicles, autonomous driving (collectively referred to as E-Mobility) and other applications as well as AI, cloud computing, energy storage and 5G communication technologies. Téknologi inti proprietary KULR nyaéta bahan serat karbon, anu akar dina widang aerospace sareng pertahanan. Eta nyadiakeun konduktivitas termal alus teuing jeung dissipation panas jeung ultra-lampu jeung bahan lemes. By leveraging this breakthrough cooling solution and its long-term development partnerships with NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab and other companies, KULR makes electric vehicles and other products cooler, lighter, and safer.
Leclanché SA (tempat kagenep: LECN) mangrupikeun salah sahiji panyayogikeun solusi panyimpen énergi terpadu vertikal sadunya. Éta nyayogikeun rupa-rupa solusi panyimpen énergi pikeun bumi, kantor leutik, industri ageung, jaringan listrik, sareng sistem transportasi ageung (sapertos armada beus sareng féri) kakuatan hibrida. Leclanché was established in 1909 and has been a trusted battery energy storage solution provider for more than 100 years. Leclanché diadegkeun dina tradisi panemu batré garing, Georges Leclanché, sareng ayeuna gaduh portopolio produk sistem panyimpen énergi batré (BESS) anu beunghar, kalebet sistem batré anu disaluyukeun tina solusi litium-ion anu ngarah di industri.
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; produksi; jeung jualan. The company's products include: E-Box energy storage systems for solar and wind power generation equipment; and EV components that integrate batteries and motors, such as EV controllers that use small computers to control torque drive
Linear Technology Corporation (NasdaqGS: LLTC) mangrupikeun anggota S&P 500 sareng parantos ngarancang, manufaktur sareng ngajual rupa-rupa sirkuit terpadu analog-kinerja tinggi pikeun perusahaan global utama langkung ti 30 taun. Produk perusahaan parantos ngawangun jembatan penting antara dunya analog sareng produk éléktronik digital komunikasi, jaringan, industri, mobil, komputer, médis, instrumentasi, konsumen, sareng sistem militer sareng aeroangkasa. Téknologi Linear ngahasilkeun manajemén kakuatan, konversi data, udar sinyal, RF sareng antarmuka IC, subsistem µModule® sareng produk jaringan sensor nirkabel. carjer batré
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) is a company dedicated to becoming the diamond standard for the magnesium (Mg) market. The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. Produce high-purity SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 and other saleable by-products and by-products; Katilu, ngahasilkeun 99,9% ingot magnésium murni; and IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Maxwell Technologies (NASDAQ: MXWL) is a global leader in the development and manufacture of cost-effective, innovative energy storage and power transmission solutions. Produk supercapacitor kami nyayogikeun solusi kakuatan anu aman sareng dipercaya pikeun aplikasi éléktronik konsumen sareng industri, transportasi sareng telekomunikasi. Klasifikasi tegangan tinggi CONDIS® kami sareng kapasitor gandeng ngabantosan kasalametan sareng reliabilitas infrastruktur kakuatan sareng aplikasi sanésna anu ngalibetkeun pangiriman, distribusi sareng pangukuran énergi listrik tegangan tinggi. Our radiation mitigation microelectronic products include power modules, memory modules, and single-board computers, which combine powerful commercial silicon to provide superior performance and high reliability in aerospace applications.
New Energy System Group (OTC: NEWN), through its subsidiaries, is mainly engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and distribution of mobile power products, solar panels and solar-related products in China. Produk bank daya portabel anu disayogikeun ku perusahaan utamina dianggo dina alat éléktronik konsumen portabel, sapertos telepon pinter, komputer notebook, kaméra digital, kaméra pidéo digital, pamuter MP3, PMP, PDA sareng PSP. It sells its mobile power products directly through its retail network of distribution channels (under the Anytone brand name in China) and its own international brands. The company also produces and sells solar panels and other solar-related products, such as solar lights, solar street lights, solar traffic lights, solar landscape lights, solar power generation system equipment and other solar-related application products, and to solar buildings and Installation company sales.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; mesin industri; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. In addition, the company also provides finance, auto credit and auto leasing, insurance agency, inventory financing services, and card services. In addition, it is also engaged in operations and consulting related to the analysis and determination of raw materials; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; import and export of auto parts and materials; Usaha perumahan; promotion of motor sports; management of football teams and football schools. Nissan improves sustainable travel through extensive use of zero-emission vehicles. Nissan LEAF electric vehicle has the ability to safely and conveniently provide electricity stored in its large-capacity lithium-ion battery to the home through LEAF to the home power system.
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) develops and sells innovative power management components for the computer, consumer, industrial, automotive and communications markets. Products include LED general lighting, backlighting, battery management and power management. O2Micro International gaduh portopolio hak cipta intelektual anu éksténsif, kalayan 28,852 klaim patén anu dipasihkeun sareng langkung ti 29,000 beredar. Pausahaan boga kantor di sakuliah dunya.
Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (TSX: GEM.V) is committed to the sustainable development of its Eco Ridge property in Elliot Lake, Ontario. The Eco Ridge property has unique characteristics that make it an attractive development site, including excellent regional infrastructure, strong local support, and its strategic location in Canada's only historic rare earth mining camp. Pele museurkeun kana kamajuan Eco Ridge salaku nagara tuan rumah pusat pangolahan bumi jarang munggaran di Kanada, sareng ogé ngevaluasi poténsi pembangkit listrik tanaga surya skala ageung sareng proyék panyimpen énergi di Ontario kalér. Eco Ridge's NI 43-101 mineral resources also provides Pele shareholders with leverage to access and capitalize on the growing global demand for rare earths and uranium. Pele is evaluating solar power and storage projects in northern Ontario, as well as smart “behind the meter” control systems. Kaunggulan Bailey di wewengkon ieu ngawengku pangalaman éksténsif generasi proyék di wewengkon kalér jeung hubungan gawé alus jeung pamaréntah jeung komunitas pribumi. Bailey is working with leading providers of renewable energy and energy storage technology to provide a series of customized benefits to power customers.
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) develops, manufactures and sells special microporous membranes for separation and filtration processes. The company's business is divided into three parts: energy storage electronics and EDV, energy storage transportation and industry, and separation media. The company provides a series of patented polypropylene and polyethylene single-layer and multi-layer separators for lithium batteries, which can be used in various applications, such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles (EDV), cordless power tools and energy storage systems . It also provides polymer-based diaphragms for lead-acid batteries used in automobiles and other motor vehicles; as well as filter membranes and components for medical applications, including hemodialysis, blood oxygenation, plasma exchange and other medical applications, as well as various filtration And special applications, such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration and gasification/degassing applications. Pausahaan ngajual produkna ka pabrik sareng prosesor ngaliwatan staf penjualan langsung, distributor sareng agén. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.
Power Ore (TSX: PORE.V) positions itself as the owner of a diversified portfolio of battery metal assets in Canada, and focuses on two points: metal assets are used exclusively for the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries (cobalt) and nickel; Aset canggih kapanggih, pangaweruh ngeunaan mineralisasi jeung infrastruktur di tempat.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. Solusi panyimpen Powin Energy nyayogikeun tautan penting dina pamekaran angin sareng tanaga surya ku cara nyayogikeun téknologi anu ngajantenkeun proyék-proyék ieu langkung éfisién.
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) is a vertically integrated vanadium resource and vanadium redox flow battery development company, headquartered in Australia, with operations and strategic partners in Korea. Ngaliwatan kolaborasi 50% sareng proyék mineral vanadium/uranium Protean Korea Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon mangrupikeun deposit vanadium sédimén / batu tulis unik anu berpotensi ngahasilkeun vanadium pentoksida (V2O5) kalayan kemurnian tinggi. Proyék tiasa nganggo 36,000m tina inti sajarah, ku kituna tés pXRF anu murah sareng henteu ngaruksak tiasa dilakukeun dina bagian metallogenic. Protean, migawé bareng kalayan 50% mitra Koréa Kidul na KORID Energy Ltd, ngembangkeun téhnologi panyimpen énergi vanadium redox flow (VRFB) proprietary, anu disebut V-KOR. The technology has been developed in the past 10 years, has been running for more than 3,000 cycles, and has been extensively tested in Korean factories. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Redflow (ASX: RFX.AX) ngembangkeun, pabrik sareng ngajual batré aliran séng bromida di sakuliah dunya. The company provides 3kW continuous/8kWh zinc bromide flowing electrolyte battery modules, which can be integrated into power storage systems for various stationary applications.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Departemen Bahan Batré Canggih kalibet dina komersialisasi batré litium-ion sareng bahan sél suluh. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) provides products and services to the market, from power solutions to communications and electronic systems. Ngaliwatan rékayasa sareng metode ngarengsekeun masalah kolaboratif, Ultralife nyayogikeun jasa ka pamaréntah, pertahanan sareng konsumén komérsial di sakuliah dunya. The company is headquartered in Newark, New York, and its business units include batteries and energy products and communication systems. Ultralife has operations in North America, Europe and Asia.
Ynvisible Interactive Inc. (TSXV: YNV) (OTCQB: YNVYF) (FRA: 1XNA) nyaéta parusahaan ngarah dina widang percetakan jeung éléktronika fléksibel munculna. Considering the cost and power consumption advantages compared to traditional electronic products, printed electronic products are a key driver for the large-scale adoption of the Internet of Things (“IoT”) and smart objects. Ynvisible gaduh pangalaman, kaahlian sareng harta intelektual dina widang bahan electrochromic, tinta sareng sistem. Ynvisible's interactive printed graphics solution addresses the need for ultra-low power consumption, large-scale deployment and easy-to-use electronic displays and indicators for everyday smart objects, IoT devices and environmental intelligence (smart surfaces). Ynvisible provides hybrid services, materials and technologies for brand owners to develop smart objects and IoT products. Ynvisible Production AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ynvisible Interactive Inc. It is a contract manufacturer of printed electronics and hybrid systems, located in Linköping, Sweden. Green: Ligna Energy's battery partners all come from residual materials in the forest. The first industrial production was carried out at Ynvisible Production in Linköping, Sweden.
ZBB Energy Corporation (NYSE MKT: ZBB) is an application solutions company that provides advanced energy management systems that are critical to the transition from a “coal-centric economy” to a huge expansion relying on renewable energy. Whether it is part of the power transmission and distribution network, or behind the meters in commercial, industrial and multi-tenant buildings, ZBB Energy has solved the important power control and energy storage solutions due to the increasing popularity of renewable energy power generation. Isu paling pencét. aset. ZBB Energy ogé nyayogikeun sistem manajemén énergi pikeun aplikasi off-grid sapertos pulo atanapi kakuatan jauh. ZBB is a multinational company with a joint venture in Anhui Minor Energy, China, and a strategic partnership with Lotte Chemical of South Korea.
Zinc8 Energy Solutions (CSE: ZAIR) formerly known as MGX Renewable-has assembled an experienced team to carry out the development and commercialization of reliable low-cost zinc-air batteries. Sistem panyimpen kapasitas ageung ieu gaduh kaunggulan lingkungan sareng kaunggulan efisiensi. Zinc8 is committed to meeting the growing demand for safe and reliable power supplies.
Aemetis, Inc. (NasdaqGM: AMTX) is an advanced renewable fuels and renewable chemical company dedicated to the acquisition, development and commercialization of innovative technologies that convert first-generation ethanol and biodiesel plants into advanced Biorefineries replace traditional petroleum-based products. Diadegkeun dina 2006, Aemetis gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun fasilitas produksi étanol 60 juta galon di Keyes, California. Aemetis also owns and operates a 50 million gallons per year renewable chemical and advanced fuel production facility on the east coast of India, producing high-quality distilled biodiesel and refined glycerin for customers in India and Europe. Aemetis has a research and development laboratory in the Maryland Biotechnology Center, and has a series of patents and related technology licenses for the production of renewable fuels and biochemical products.
Algae.Tec (ASX: AEB.AX; Frankfurt: GZA.F) mangrupikeun perusahaan produk ganggang canggih anu dikhususkeun pikeun produksi komérsial téknologi ganggang pikeun ngahasilkeun produk anu lestari, kalebet protéin sareng minyak bumi (sapertos biofuel).
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. Allma milik 50% karbohosic, LLC, sareng hak ekslusif di Amérika Kalér (kalebet Kanada, Amérika Serikat) sareng Méksiko sareng Mexico). Carbolosic has an exclusive global license for the patented mechanical/chemical technology “CTS™” developed by the University of Central Florida. CTS technology is able to produce sugar, various fine chemicals, plastics, carbon fiber and other valuable products from almost any plant material, wood or paper by-products, fruit packaging or biological waste.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) nyayogikeun solusi énérgi alternatif pikeun nyumponan paménta énergi pikeun énergi anu tanggung jawab lingkungan sareng ékonomis di pasar dunya. Tujuan utama Alter NRG nyaéta jang meberkeun komersilkeun téknologi gasifikasi plasma Westinghouse ngaliwatan anak perusahaan sapinuhna pikeun nyayogikeun solusi énergi anu tiasa dianyari sareng bersih tina rupa-rupa bahan baku sareng nyayogikeun rupa-rupa kaluaran énergi, kalebet cair sapertos étanol sareng solar. Fuel, electricity and syngas
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Miheulaan perusahaan nyaéta AMEC plc
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) is a comprehensive renewable products company dedicated to achieving sustainable growth for the world's leading brands. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amyris has partnered with TOTAL to develop renewable diesel and jet fuel, aiming to become the best transportation fuel. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Kapadetan tanaga, kinerja mesin sareng kinerja gudang sabanding sareng bahan bakar minyak bumi anu pangsaéna.
(NASDAQ: ANDE) nyaéta hiji pausahaan diversified of Andersons Inc (NasdaqGS: ANDE), jeung operasi di Amérika Kalér, jeung operasi tatanén dina gandum, étanol, gizi tutuwuhan, jeung séktor kareta api. The company also has a consumer retail business.
Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (NYSE: ADM) For more than a century, the people of Archer Daniels Midland Corporation have transformed crops into products that meet the urgent needs of the growing world. Today, we have become one of the world's largest agricultural processors and food ingredients suppliers, serving customers in more than 140 countries/regions. Our global value chain includes more than 460 crop sourcing locations, 300 ingredient production facilities, 40 innovation centers and the world's premier crop transportation network. Urang nyambungkeun Panén jeung kulawarga sarta ngahasilkeun pikeun kadaharan, pakan ternak, kimia jeung Produk pikeun pamakéan énérgi. We produce food ingredients, animal feed and feed ingredients, biofuels and other products. Manufacturers all over the world are using these products to provide healthy food and a better life to millions of people around the world.
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Pembangkit énérgi ieu kalebet pembangkit listrik gas alam siklus tunggal sareng siklus gabungan, ogé fasilitas énérgi alternatif, kalebet biodiesel, étanol, sareng fasilitas anu didamel ku sumber énergi anu tiasa dianyari sapertos angin sareng surya. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
Australian Renewable Fuels Limited (ASX: ARW.AX) is Australia's only national biodiesel company with factories in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Since operations began in 2005, the combined annual fuel production capacity of ARfuels' three plants has been 150 million liters. Biodiesel anu kami hasilkeun nyumponan standar biodiesel anu paling ketat di dunya.
BIOX Corporation (TSX: BX.TO) is a renewable energy company that owns and operates a 67 million liters of continuous-flow biodiesel production facility in Hamilton, Ontario. BIOX has an innovative, proprietary and patented production process that can use a variety of raw materials to produce the highest quality renewable, clean burning and biodegradable biodiesel fuel-from pure seed oil to animal fat to recycled vegetable oil without Change the production process. Bahan bakar biodiesel kualitas luhur BIOX minuhan standar kualitas Amérika Kalér (ASTM D-6751)
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) focuses on developing, owning and operating carbohydrate-based transportation fuel plants or biorefineries in North America. Bio-refinery na ngarobah runtah tatanén, pepelakan biomassa eusi luhur, résidu kai jeung bahan organik kayaning selulosa tina runtah padet kota kana étanol. The company signed a technology licensing agreement with Arkenol, Inc. to use and sublicense Arkenol technology, which converts cellulose and waste materials into ethanol and other high-value chemicals. Éta ogé komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun jasa profésional pikeun biorefineries di sakuliah dunya. Miheulaan perusahaan éta BlueFire Éthanol Fuel Company.
Ceres, Inc. (NasdaqCM: CERE) nyaéta parusahaan biotéhnologi tatanén dedicated ka ngembangkeun sarta diobral siki jeung sipat pikeun ngahasilkeun pepelakan pikeun pakan ternak, gula jeung pasar lianna. The company's advanced plant breeding and biotechnology platform can increase crop productivity, improve quality, reduce crop input and improve farming on marginal lands. It has been widely used in a variety of crops including food, feed, fiber and fuel crops. Ceres sells its seed products under the Blade brand. The company also licenses its biotechnological properties and technologies to other companies and organizations.
China Clean Energy Corporation (OTC: CCGY) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Fujian Zhongde Technology Co., Ltd. and Fujian Zhongde Energy Co., Ltd. is engaged in the development, manufacturing and distribution of biodiesel fuels and specialty chemicals. Produk dijieun tina sumberdaya renewable. Saprak ngadegna, pausahaan geus komitmen ngagunakeun sumberdaya renewable pikeun ngahasilkeun produk kimia husus kualitas luhur. Ngaliwatan panalungtikan sarta pamekaran, pausahaan geus ngembangkeun hiji prosés proprietary nu bisa nimba suluh biodiesel tina lemak runtah sarta minyak nabati tangtu. Through this proprietary process, the company began to produce biodiesel in 2005, and began commercial sales of biodiesel in December 2005. The company is headquartered in Fuqing City, Fujian Province, People's Republic of China (China).
Cielo Waste Solutions (CSE: CMC) is working to commercialize a game-changing technology that can convert many different waste streams into renewable diesel at a much lower cost than biofuel companies. TPA mangrupikeun salah sahiji kontributor global utama pikeun émisi gas rumah kaca, sareng skalana diperkirakeun dua kali dina 7 taun ka hareup. Téknologi proprietary Cielo bisa ngarobah loba bahan baku béda (kaasup runtah padet kota digolongkeun (sampah), kai jeung runtah tatanén, ban, runtah kotak biru, sagala plastik, sarta ampir kabéh runtah selulosa lianna) dina ragam ongkos-éféktif. Cara pikeun ngajawab krisis ieu. The product is converted into high-grade renewable diesel.
Cosan Limited (NYSE: CZZ) sareng anak perusahaanna utamina kalibet dina gula sareng étanol, bahan bakar, jasa logistik, pelumas sareng usaha pipa gas alam di Brazil, daérah sanés Amérika Kidul, Eropa, Wétan Tengah, Asia sareng Amérika Kalér. The company's Raízen Energia division produces and sells a variety of products derived from sugar cane, including raw sugar, anhydrous and hydrated ethanol. The department is also involved in activities related to combined heat and power in bagasse; sarta museurkeun pausahaan kalibet dina panalungtikan sarta pamekaran téknologi anyar.
Crop Energy Corporation (XETRA: CE2.DE; Frankfurt: CE2.F) is one of the leading manufacturers of sustainable bioethanol in the European fuel sector. In our modern production facilities in Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and France, we use grains and sugar beets to produce approximately 1.2 million cubic meters of bioethanol each year. Salaku tambahan, kami ngolah bahan baku janten langkung ti 800,000 ton produk pangan protéin sareng pakan ternak kualitas luhur unggal taun. Compared with fossil fuels, efficient production facilities can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 70% throughout the value-added chain. With a production base in Europe, a unique logistics network and trade offices in Brazil, Chile and the United States, CropEnergies is one of the leading companies in major emerging markets.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) mangrupikeun pangembang sareng produsén bahan-bahan alami anu tiasa didahar sareng teu tiasa didahar, nyayogikeun rupa-rupa bahan sareng produk khusus, pakan, sareng pakan pikeun konsumén farmasi, kadaharan, sareng kadaharan piaraan. Technology, fuel, bioenergy and fertilizer industry. Pausahaan ngoperasikeun di lima buana, ngumpulkeun jeung ngarobah sakabéh aspék aliran produk sato jadi loba dipaké bahan husus kayaning gelatin, gajih plant, feed kelas gajih, protéin sato jeung hidangan, plasma, bahan kadaharan piaraan, pupuk organik, konéng. Gajih, bahan baku suluh, énergi héjo, casings alam jeung kulit. Pausahaan ogé ngadaur mulangkeun limbah minyak goreng sareng résidu baking komérsial sareng ngarobih kana feed sareng komponén bahan bakar anu berharga. In addition, the company provides grease trap services for food service organizations, environmental services for food processors, and sales of edible oil delivery and collection equipment for restaurants. Many of our brands are leading the country in biofuel development. Bio-G 3000 is the first commercial facility in the United States to use oil to produce biodiesel. In 2001, our Rothsay brand launched its first operation in Canada, producing biodiesel from its recycled oils. Our Ecoson and Rendac brands provide biofuels and green energy in Europe and Asia. Taun 2013, Diamond Green Diesel (sareng pasangan urang Valero Energy) mimiti produksi di pabrik panggedéna di Amérika Kalér, anu ngahasilkeun solar anu tiasa dianyari tina lemak sato, limbah minyak anu tiasa didahar sareng minyak nabati.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Pausahaan percaya yén ngaliwatan gawé babarengan jeung konsumén, pamaréntah, organisasi non-pamaréntah sarta pamingpin pamikiran, urang bisa mantuan manggihan solusi pikeun tantangan global, kayaning nyadiakeun cukup dahareun cageur pikeun jalma di sakuliah dunya, ngurangan gumantungna kana suluh fosil sarta Ngajaga hirup jeung lingkungan. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
Dyadic International, Inc. (OTC: DYAI) is a global biotechnology company that uses its patents and know-how to carry out research, development and commercial activities to discover, develop, manufacture and sell enzymes and biofuels for bioenergy and biofuels. Other proteins. Based on the chemical, biopharmaceutical and industrial enzyme industries. Dyadic utilizes an integrated technology platform based on its patent and proprietary C1 microorganisms to develop and mass-produce low-cost enzymes and other proteins to provide various market opportunities. The C1 platform technology can also be used to screen and discover new genes. In addition to selling proprietary enzyme products, Dyadic also actively seeks licensing arrangements and other business opportunities to leverage the value of these technologies by providing its partners and collaborators with the benefits of manufacturing and/or using enzymes and other proteins that these technologies help. . ngahasilkeun. Biofuels: Dyadic uses its most advanced patented C1 platform technology and other proprietary technologies to develop biofuels from agricultural by-products such as corn stalks and wheat stalks. Through licensing and partnerships, Dyadic provides researchers with opportunities to develop advanced and reliable bioenergy solutions, including starch-based and cellulosic ethanol, and high-yield enzymes used in all areas of biofuel production. We believe that our technology may play an important role in the development of biofuels (such as ethanol), whose cost is competitive with oil prices, thereby reducing subsidies and ultimately expanding consumers' use of these renewable energy sources.
Fuel Performance Solutions, Inc. (OTC: IFUE) baheulana kawanoh salaku International Fuel Technology, Inc., mangrupikeun perusahaan anu didedikasikeun pikeun nyayogikeun solusi kinerja bahan bakar pikeun konsumén industri ageung tina karéta api, transportasi jalan, solar stasioner sareng bahan bakar campuran biodiesel Pembangkit listrik sareng laut. industri.
FutureFuel Corp. (NYSE: FF) nyaéta produsén ngarah produk kimia diversified jeung produk basis bio (kaasup biofuel jeung produk kimia husus basis bio). In its chemicals business, FutureFuel manufactures specialty chemicals for specific customers (“custom manufacturing”) and multi-customer specialty chemicals (“performance chemicals”). FutureFuel's custom-manufactured product portfolio includes bleach activators for major detergent manufacturers, proprietary herbicides and intermediates for major life science companies, and chlorinated polyolefin tackifiers and antibacterial agents for major chemical companies. prékursor oksidan. FutureFuel's high-performance chemical product portfolio includes polymer (nylon) modifiers and several small batches of specialty chemicals to meet various application needs. FutureFuel's biofuel business mainly involves the production of biodiesel.
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Mobil héjo: ékonomi suluh, mobil listrik, biofuel jeung mobil sél suluh hidrogén. Kami komitmen ka tegalan alternatif sareng percaya yén biofuel mangrupikeun solusi anu paling penting anu paling penting pikeun ngalambangkeun perlakuan minyak sareng émosion karbon karbon. Kami pamimpin global dina produksi mobil otblelelel anu tiasa nganggo bénsolin sareng e85 entanol dina waktos anu sami, sareng kami nawiskeun modél langkung ti modél anu sanés. Of the 14 million flexible-fuel vehicles on North American roads, more than 8.5 million are General Motors and trucks. Dibandingkeun sareng gas, étanol kaduruk langkung bersih, ngirangan émisi karbon dioksida ku 21%. Customers can fill any of our vans and heavy-duty pickups in 2014 with B20 biodiesel, or choose selected Chevrolet and GMC vans powered by compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas. Konsumén ogé tiasa milih bahan bakar ganda CNG dina treuk pikap Chevrolet Silverado sareng GMC Sierra, anu mulus tiasa ngalih antara sistem bahan bakar CNG sareng béngsin.
Gevo, Inc. (NasdaqCM: GEVO) is a leading company in renewable technologies, chemical products and next-generation biofuels. Gevo has developed a proprietary technology that combines the applications of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, focusing on the production of isobutanol and related products from renewable raw materials. Gevo's strategy is to commercialize petroleum-based bio-substitution products to optimize the assets of fermentation facilities, and its ultimate goal is to maximize the cash flow generated by the operation of these assets. Gevo ngahasilkeun isobutanol, étanol sareng pakan ternak anu bernilai luhur di pabrik fermentasi na di Luwayne, Minnesota. Gevo has also developed technology to produce hydrocarbon products from renewable alcohol. Gevo is currently working with South Hampton Resources Inc. to operate a biorefinery in Silsbee, Texas, which produces renewable jet fuel, octane and for polyester And other plastic raw materials. Gevo ngagaduhan seueur mitra, kalebet The Coca-Cola Company, Toray Industries Inc. sareng Total SA. Gevo is committed to achieving a sustainable bio-based economy to meet the society's needs for abundant food and clean air and water
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) runs on a fully integrated platform that integrates biotechnology and crop improvement research and development through complex management and optimization practices. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. The US Department of Defense develops and continues to operate the largest new crop energy farm in the Americas. Usaha domestik sareng internasional global dilaksanakeun ngaliwatan anak perusahaan anu sapinuhna
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) mangrupikeun bisnis énergi révolusioner héjo sareng terbaharukeun anu rékayasa téknologi biokonversi dianggo pikeun bahan bakar, tatanén sareng manajemén runtah. Strategi kami nyaéta ngembangkeun, ngalamar patén sareng nerapkeun téknologi konvérsi proprietary pikeun biofuel. Ieu nyadiakeun GELV kasempetan pikeun ngamekarkeun dina sababaraha industri, nu ayeuna patali jeung otorisasina pamaréntah. Syarat ieu ningkatkeun énergi anu tiasa diperbarkeun sareng biofuel. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. These technology platforms can quickly , Economically deploy to the waste site, and vice versa. Green Energy Live diposisikan salaku panyadia sumber tunggal anu ngagunakeun téknologi paling canggih anu sayogi pikeun nyayogikeun set lengkep alat pikeun sistem énergi biomassa. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Larang rain gula anu tiasa diperep diperahareran, Ininel (Nasdaqg: Grre) mangrupikeun bisnis pengolah komodik anu diversdiasi anu dieusian, pengobatan usaha jas, opumasi. The company processes more than 10 million tons of corn each year, producing more than one billion gallons of ethanol at full capacity, three million tons of livestock feed and 250 million pounds of industrial-grade corn oil. Green Plains is also a partner in a joint venture that will commercialize advanced technologies for growing and harvesting algal biomass
Green Star Products, Inc. (OTC: GSPI) mangrupikeun perusahaan didaptarkeun anu ramah lingkungan anu didedikasikeun pikeun nyiptakeun produk anu inovatif sareng biaya-éféktif pikeun ningkatkeun kualitas kahirupan sareng lingkungan. GSPI and its consortium participate in the production of green and sustainable commodities, which include renewable resources such as algae biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol and other clean burning biofuels, as well as other green products, including lubricants, detergents, coatings, additives and Devices that reduce emissions and improve the fuel economy of vehicles, machinery and power plants
Greenlane Renewables Inc. (TSXV: GRN) (FRA: 52G) is the world's leading supplier of biogas upgrade systems that can help decarbonize natural gas. Sistem kami ngahasilkeun gas alam bersih, low-karbon, renewable tina sumber runtah organik, kaasup landfills, pabrik pengolahan limbah, peternakan susu jeung runtah kadaharan, cocog pikeun suntik kana grids gas alam atawa langsung dipaké salaku suluh kandaraan. Greenlane mangrupikeun hiji-hijina perusahaan pamutahiran biogas anu nyayogikeun tilu téknologi utama: cuci cai, adsorpsi ayun tekanan sareng pamisahan mémbran. Greenlane has more than 30 years of industry experience, patented know-how, and more than 110 biogas upgrade systems provided to 18 countries around the world (including the world's largest biogas upgrade facility). Hal ieu diideuan ku komitmenna pikeun ngabantosan generator runtah, Utiliti gas alam atanapi komitmen pamekar proyék pikeun ngirangan biaya, produk bernilai luhur dirobih janten sumber daya anu tiasa diperbaharui, rendah karbon.
GreenShift Corporation (OTC: GERS) ngamekarkeun jeung commercializes téknologi bersih pikeun ngamajukeun pamakéan leuwih efisien sumberdaya alam. Today, GreenShift is committed to doing this in the US ethanol industry, where GreenShift innovates and provides technologies that can increase the profitability of licensed ethanol producers.
Pausahaan Minyak Kaisar (OTC: IPMN) sareng anak perusahaanna nuju eksplorasi sareng produksi minyak sareng gas di Amérika Serikat. Éta ogé kalibet dina produksi sareng penjualan biodiesel sareng gliserin atah. The company has a biodiesel production facility in Middletown, Indiana, with a nameplate capacity of approximately 30 MMGPY.
Jatenergy Limited (baheulana Jatoil Limited) (ASX: JAT.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan investasi énergi anu didaptarkeun dina ASX, fokus kana téknologi beneficiation. Téknologi anu tiasa nimba nilai saleresna tina batubara kelas rendah atanapi limbah mineral / bijih. We have indeed established resource projects for conventional coal and second-generation biofuel plantations in Indonesia.
Aset MP Evans Group PLC (LSE: MPE.L) ngawengku perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia (mayoritas jeung minoritas equity), hak sapi daging sapi di Australia sarta pangwangunan perumahan di Malaysia. The core strategy of the group is to continue to expand its oil palm area in Indonesia in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. Sacara tradisional, minyak sawit geus dipaké salaku kadaharan sarta salaku bahan baku pikeun industri biofuel, sarta aya paménta kuat pikeun minyak sawit. In addition to expanding in Indonesia, the group's strategy is to use the value of its business in Australia and Malaysia, and use any sales proceeds to fund the continued development of Indonesia.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agriculture/environmental industry. Its main activity areas include the following three areas: Ecological agriculture (in China, the focus is on planting value-added tree seedlings and nursery products), renewable Energy (renewable energy) (it is engaged in various renewable energy projects around the world, kaasup Cina urang Huangjiao Tanduk), éta bakal nyadiakeun berharga tanduk Huangjiao kalawan siki berharga, sarta pamustunganana nimba minyak tina siki ieu, sarta ngagunakeun Ieu dipaké pikeun ngahasilkeun biodiesel jeung kualitas luhur minyak masak cageur. ) And Canadian MMPR-it seeks opportunities in the medical cannabis industry. Currently, it is seeking the status of a Canadian MMPR licensed producer to grow medical marijuana in Canada for domestic consumption and export to approved countries.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) nyaéta parusahaan konstruksi infrastruktur ngarah jeung operasi utama na sakuliah Amérika Kalér jeung ngawengku sababaraha industri. A Wara standar perusahaan kanggo rékaying, Konstruksi, paminum, pamungkas sareng ningkatkeun énergi, utistrustruktur sareng komunikasi komunikasi, sapertos pangaturan sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; pembangkit listrik, kaasup infrastruktur énergi Renewable; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec is working hard to develop viable biofuel solutions to achieve renewable, reliable and clean burning energy. Kami nuju mingpin dina ngarancang sareng ngawangun fasilitas anu dikuatkeun ku sababaraha sumber énergi anu inovatif, kalebet étanol, biodiesel, sareng biomassa.
Methanex Corporation (TSX: MX.TO; NASDAQGS: MEOH) is a publicly traded company located in Vancouver and is the world's largest methanol producer and supplier to the main international market. Methanol, also known as methanol, is a transparent liquid chemical substance, soluble in water and easily biodegradable. Métanol nyaéta suluh biodegradable ngaduruk bersih. The increasing environmental and economic advantages of methanol make it an attractive alternative fuel for powering vehicles and ships.
Methes Energies International Ltd. (NasdaqCM: MEIL) is a renewable energy company that provides various products and services to biodiesel fuel producers. Methes nawarkeun ogé prosésor biodiesel, nu boga unik, sabenerna kompak, pinuh otomatis téhnologi panganyarna na aliran kontinyu nu bisa dijalankeun dina rupa-rupa bahan baku. Methes pasar suluh biodiesel na dihasilkeun dina tutuwuhan 13 MGY na di Sombra, Ontario ka konsumén di Amérika Serikat jeung Kanada, sarta nyadiakeun konsumén na kalawan rupa-rupa solusi suluh biodiesel. Its services include selling goods to its network of biodiesel producers, selling its biodiesel products and providing customers with proprietary software to operate and control its processors. Methes can also remotely monitor the quality and characteristics of customers' production, upgrade and repair processors, and advise customers to adjust processes to use various raw materials to improve the quality of biodiesel.
Perusahaan pemurnian sareng pamasaran Neste Oyj (Frankfurt: NEF.F; OTC: NTOIF; NasdaqOMX-Helsinki: NESE) mangrupikeun perusahaan pemurnian sareng pamasaran anu ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual rupa-rupa produk minyak bumi di Finlandia sareng internasional. The company operates in four areas: petroleum products, renewable fuels, petroleum retail and others. Petroleum Products Division sells and sells gasoline, diesel, light and heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, base oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), jet fuel, marine fuel, heating oil, base oil, gasoline components, specialty fuels, solvents , Asphalt and other petroleum products, and services provided to the wholesale market. The renewable fuels division sells and sells NEXBTL renewable diesel, NEXBTL renewable aviation fuel, renewable NEXBTL naphtha, NEXBTL propane and NEXBTL isoalkanes for the chemical industry. The petroleum retail sector provides petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, heating oil, heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, lubricants, chemicals and liquefied petroleum gas, as well as directly to end users (such as private motorists, industry, transportation companies) Related jasa, patani jeung konsumén minyak pemanasan. The network segment has 1,034 sites in Finland, northwestern Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Other departments provide technical, design and project management services and solutions for customers in the fields of oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical and biotechnology. Miheulaan perusahaan nyaéta Neste Oil Oyj sareng dingaranan Neste Oyj dina Juni 2015.
Novozymes A/S (Frankfurt: NZM2.F; OTC: NVZMY; NasdaqOMX-Copenhagen: NZYM-B) produces and sells industrial enzymes, microorganisms and biopolymers worldwide. The company provides solutions for the agricultural industry, including enzymes that improve the digestibility and nutritional value of animal feed; microbial solutions that maintain water quality, limit disease risks, and increase aquaculture production; and microbial-based bio-fertility, bio-control and bio-increasing agents Products that can naturally produce healthier crops and increase yields. It also provides a portfolio of enzyme products for biofuel production. Pausahaan nawarkeun portopolio lega énzim kuat, ngahasilkeun luhur pikeun sakabéh wewengkon produksi biofuel, nu kadua pikeun euweuh dina hal kinerja, kualitas jeung reliabilitas. Driven by our rich industry experience and mature expertise, customers can also expect timely delivery and unparalleled technical support. With the huge progress in the field of starch and cellulosic ethanol, Novozymes is currently exploring more possibilities for biodiesel and biogas. This is how we help overcome one of the greatest challenges of the times and realize the prospect of renewable energy.
Orbital Corporation (ASX: OEC.AX) is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and testing of engines, engine management systems and other products worldwide. The company develops and supplies engines, propulsion systems, engine management systems and fuel system components for original equipment manufacturers and the automotive aftermarket. Orbital parantos ngalaksanakeun panalungtikan éksténsif ngeunaan pamakean bahan bakar campuran étanol (sapertos E5, E10 sareng E20), ogé rékayasa canggih sareng proyék panalungtikan ngagunakeun E100 dina aplikasi suntik konvensional sareng langsung.
OriginClear, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) has developed breakthrough water purification technologies for oil, natural gas, algae and other water-consuming industries. Beda sareng téknologi sanés, prosés Electro Water Separation™ perusahaan anu ngantosan patén-patén tiasa gancang sareng efektif ngaleungitkeun zat organik tina cai anu ageung tanpa ngagunakeun bahan kimia. For the emerging algae industry, OriginClear is making large-scale harvesting possible. Ganggang dipaké dina biofuel
Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQCM: PEIX) is a leading producer and marketer of low-carbon renewable fuels in the western United States. Pacific Ethanol also sells by-products, including nutritional animal feed wet distillers grains (“WDG”). Pacific Ethanol provides services to integrated oil companies and gasoline marketers that blend ethanol into gasoline through third-party service providers in the western United States (mainly in California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Oregon, and Colorado). State, Idaho) nyayogikeun transportasi, neundeun sareng transportasi étanol. And Washington. Pacific Ethanol has four ethanol production facilities with a total annual production capacity of 200 million gallons. fasilitas operasi ieu lokasina di Boardman, Burleigh, Idaho, Stockton, California, sarta Madeira, Oregon. Fasilitas ieu caket sareng konsumén bahan bakar sareng feed masing-masing sareng gaduh waktos anu signifikan, biaya transportasi sareng kaunggulan logistik. Kinergy Marketing LLC, a subsidiary of Pacific Ethanol, sells ethanol from Pacific Ethanol's management plant and other third-party production facilities and another subsidiary, Pacific Ag. Products, LLC sells WDG.
Petrobras SA (NYSE: PBR) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi terpadu di daérah ieu: eksplorasi sareng produksi, pemurnian, penjualan, transportasi, petrokimia, distribusi produk minyak bumi, gas alam, listrik, gas kimia sareng biofuel.
Petrotec AG (XETRA: PT8.DE; Frankfurt: PT8.F) ngahasilkeun salah sahiji biodiesel paling sustainable tur ramah-iklim nu bisa dihasilkeun industri. Dina "Diréktif Promosi Énergi Renewable" (RE-D) anu dilaksanakeun dina Juni 2009, Komisi Éropa sertipikasi yén biodiesel anu diproduksi dumasar kana bahan baku sésa-sésa sareng runtah (sapertos gajih konéng) ngagaduhan 83% poténsi pangurangan émisi CO2. . Petrotec ngajual biodiesel na handapeun merek EcoPremium Biodiesel.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Holdings Limited (TSN: PL.TO) is a fast-growing manufacturer and distributor of industrial wood pellets and the third largest producer in the world. The company produces renewable energy sustainable fuels in the form of industrial wood pellets. Large thermal power generators use this fuel as a green alternative to producing reliable base-load renewable energy. Pinnacle mangrupikeun supplier anu dipercaya pikeun para nasabah, sareng aranjeunna peryogi suplai bahan bakar anu dipercaya sareng kualitas luhur pikeun ngamangpaatkeun fasilitasna. Pinnacle bangga kana prakték kaamanan anu ngarah di industri. The company owns seven industrial wood pellet production facilities in Western Canada and a port terminal in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It is currently building a new production facility in Smithers. Pinnacle, British Columbia Perusahaan bisnis parantos nandatanganan kontrak jangka panjang "pay as you go" di Inggris, Eropa sareng Asia, anu bakal ngiringan 106% tina kapasitas produksina ku 2021 sareng 98% tina kapasitas produksina ku 2026.
Radient Technologies Inc. (TSX: RTI.V) uses microwave assisted processing (“MAP™”) to extract natural compounds from a range of biological materials. This patented technology platform provides customers with excellent results in terms of ingredient purity, yield and cost. . Radient serves market leaders in the pharmaceutical, food, beverage, natural health, personal care and biofuel markets through its 20,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Edmonton, Alberta.
Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) mangrupikeun produsén biofuel canggih sareng pamekar bahan kimia anu tiasa dianyari di Amérika Kalér. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. Prenis ngajual biomasibatan Propin-9000 3.000sed solations kana distributor, janten konsumen tiasa kéngingkeun bahan bakar anu ngabakar, anu ngabantosan kompluk énergi. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG ogé ngajual solar sulfur ultra-rendah sareng minyak pemanasan di kalér-wétan sareng tengah-tengah Amérika Serikat.
Rentech Inc. (NasdaqCM: RTK) owns and operates wood fiber processing, wood pellet production and nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing businesses. Rentech Nitrogen ngahasilkeun jeung ngajual produk lian ti pupuk nitrogén di dua pabrik na-di pabrik Dong Dubuque kami, kami geus ngajual DEF, kaasup DEF, ka konsumén industri dina listrik, étanol jeung pasar émisi solar ngaliwatan perjangjian jualan kalawan Yara. Uréa cair. DEF is a urea-based chemical reactant designed to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust system of certain diesel engines in trucks, off-road farms and construction equipment.
Solazyme, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SZYM) ngamekarkeun jeung ngajual minyak-kinerja tinggi jeung bahan anu mangpaat pikeun manusa jeung pangeusina. Dimimitian ku microalgae, produsén minyak bumi asli di dunya, Solazyme parantos nyiptakeun produk anu inovatif, lestari, sareng kinerja tinggi. Ieu kaasup minyak renewable sarta bahan anu bisa dipaké salaku dadasar pikeun kadaharan healthier; high-performance industrial products; unique home and personal care solutions; and more sustainable fuels. Solazyme kantor pusatna di San Fransisco Kidul jeung misi na nyaéta ngagunakeun salah sahiji bentuk kahirupan pangleutikna sarta pangheubeulna di dunya: microalgae pikeun ngajawab sababaraha masalah pangbadagna di dunya. Solazyme gawé bareng jeung pamingpin industri pikeun ngembangkeun biofuel canggih diturunkeun tina microalgae, nu kaduruk cleaner tur kinerja hadé ti suluh dumasar-minyak bumi. The clean, renewable fuel extracted from Solazyme's oil provides solutions to complex problems such as fuel shortage, energy security and environmental impact, and can be installed neatly in existing infrastructure without the use of any engines. .
Taurus Energy (Stockholm: TAUR-B.ST) nyadiakeun metode anyar pikeun ngahasilkeun étanol tina kehutanan sareng runtah tatanén. This method is protected by 13 international patented microbiological methods and can use renewable raw materials that were previously unavailable to produce ethanol. Taurus Energy's method represents a major environmental benefit, while also greatly reducing ethanol production costs compared to existing methods.
Vega Biofuels, Inc. (OTC: VGPR) nyaéta parusahaan énergi ngarah nu ngahasilkeun sarta ngajual produk énergi renewable disebut Bio-Batubara sarta amandemen taneuh disebut Biochar, duanana nu disebut "The téhnologi unik tina "baking" dijieunna tina. runtah kai. Toasting mangrupikeun metode pikeun ngubaran biomassa dina suhu anu luhur dina kaayaan oksigén anu handap.
Verbio Vgt Bioenerg (XETRA: VBK.DE; Frankfurt: VBK.F) nyaéta salah sahiji produser bebas terkemuka Éropa sarta suppliers bahan bakar nabati, sarta hiji-hijina produser skala industri biodiesel, bioetanol jeung biomethane di Éropa. At present, its nominal annual production capacity is approximately 450,000 tons of biodiesel, 270,000 tons of bioethanol and 480 GWh of biomethane. VERBIO ngagunakeun prosés produksi hemat energi sorangan sareng téknologi canggih pikeun ngahasilkeun suluh efisiensi tinggi. Compared with standard gasoline and diesel, VERBIO's biofuel can reduce carbon dioxide by up to 90%.
Pausahaan VIASPACE (OTC: VSPC) tumuwuh GiantKing® Grass renewable salaku suluh low-karbon pikeun generasi kakuatan bersih; for environmentally friendly energy particles; and as a production of biomethane and green cellulose biofuels, biochemical products and biomaterials raw material. Giant Gold® grass is a proprietary, high-yielding, dedicated biomass energy crop. Jukut GiantKing®, anu sering dipotong jangkungna 4 dugi ka 5 kaki, ogé mangrupikeun pakan ternak anu saé. Departemen Pertanian AS nyatujuan penanaman "Giant Golden Grass" di sakuliah Amérika Serikat sareng gawé bareng ékspor ku ngalaksanakeun pamariksaan anu diperyogikeun sareng ngaluarkeun sertipikat phytosanitary pikeun impor. GiantKing® Grass dipelak di California, Hawaii, Santa Cruz Virgin Islands, Nikaragua, Afrika Kidul, Cina, Myanmar, Pakistan, Filipina sareng Guyana.
XcelPlus International Inc (OTC: XLPI) ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual sistem konversi, produk bahan bakar étanol sareng bahan kimia khusus pikeun pasar étanol global. It provides automotive chemical products for the production and consumption of E-85 ethanol, environmentally safe rust removers and deodorant products, and various alternative fuel products and formulations. It provides products for automotive, heavy-duty, aerospace, marine and other applications. The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Saluda, Virginia. XcelPlus International, Inc. is a subsidiary of Clean Energy Pathways, Inc.
4Energy Invest SA (Brussels: ENINV.BR) is a Belgian renewable energy company that aims to create and manage a portfolio of small and medium-sized local embedded projects that directly or indirectly convert biomass into energy. The core business of 4Energy Invest is to directly generate heat and electricity in cogeneration, or indirectly generate renewable solid fuels, such as converting unpolluted wood biomass at the end of life in the forestry sector into energy. Salaku chip kai garing sarta pellets kai bodas.
The A2Z infrared project (formerly known as A2Z Maintenance and Engineering) (NSE: A2ZINFRA-EQ.NS) is involved in the generation of renewable energy from waste. Pausahaan pageuh percaya kana kelestarian énergi renewable, ku kituna vigorously ngagunakeun RDF di tatanén, kehutanan, agro-industri, runtah jeung runtah padet kota salaku suluh sekundér, sarta ngadegkeun hiji proyék pembangkit listrik biomassa. The company envisions being at the forefront of renewable energy power generation across developing countries
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan komersil anu paling penting di Spanyol, ngarah dina pangwangunan sareng ngokolakeun infrastruktur, énergi anu tiasa dianyari, cai sareng jasa. Acciona mangrupikeun pamaén utama dina pasar énergi anu tiasa dianyari, kalayan operasi anu kuat di langkung ti 20 nagara / daérah di lima buana. Pausahaan specializes dina gawé bareng énergi renewable, utamana lima di antarana - tanaga angin, photovoltaic surya, tanaga panas surya, PLTA jeung énergi biomassa.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , kalayan fokus kana grid pinter. Biomass: We are the market leader in dedicated biomass co-firing and installation. With our integrated solutions for biomass preparation, you can maximize the effective use of biomass in power generation.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Miheulaan perusahaan nyaéta AMEC plc
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) nyaéta pamimpin dunya dina kakuatan nuklir. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. Areva Grup boga runtuyan usaha dina opat widang énergi renewable: énergi angin lepas pantai, bioenergy, tanaga surya kentel jeung neundeun énergi. Biomass: AREVA is an industry pioneer in the development of power engineering solutions, with a focus on biomass combustion technology. Salaku tambahan, Grup Areva ngembangkeun FlexBio, solusi durukan biomassa anu unik sareng kompleks, anu seueur pisan di India sareng Asia Tenggara. The organization also added an industrial baking technology to its product portfolio, allowing AREVA to participate in this promising market.
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) focuses on developing, owning and operating carbohydrate-based transportation fuel plants or biorefineries in North America. Bio-refinery na ngarobah runtah tatanén, pepelakan biomassa eusi luhur, résidu kai jeung bahan organik kayaning selulosa tina runtah padet kota kana étanol. The company signed a technology licensing agreement with Arkenol, Inc. to use and sublicense Arkenol technology, which converts cellulose and waste materials into ethanol and other high-value chemicals. Éta ogé komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun jasa profésional pikeun biorefineries di sakuliah dunya. Miheulaan perusahaan éta BlueFire Éthanol Fuel Company.
Clenergen Corporation (OTC: CRGE) komitmen pikeun masang, gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun sistem kakuatan lingkungan anu disebarkeun anu tiasa diperbaharui. The company is engaged in the production of clean energy and the supply of biomass raw materials to meet the needs of renewable and sustainable power supply. Ngagunakeun biomassa dihasilkeun tina bahan penanaman proprietary pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik renewable. The company provides services to captive end users, islands, mining companies, government or private grid systems, and other end users (including private residences). It mainly operates in India, Ghana, Guyana and the Philippines. Pausahaan ieu kantor pusatna di London, Inggris
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu nyekel kakuatan panggedéna di Amérika Serikat, nyayogikeun sareng nganteurkeun énergi ka sakitar 7,3 juta palanggan Amérika. Kami ngahasilkeun kira-kira 570.000 megawatt listrik di Carolina, Midwest sareng Florida, sareng nyayogikeun jasa distribusi gas alam di Ohio sareng Kentucky. Usaha komersil sareng internasional urang gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun sababaraha aset pembangkit listrik di Amérika Kalér sareng Amérika Latin, kalebet portopolio aset énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Biomass energy: In response to my country's increasing demand for base-load power generation, Duke Energy is seeking to use biomass (“biomass power generation”) as a renewable energy source.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy networks and customer solutions are the cornerstones of the new energy world. Biomass In 2008, we put into production Steven's Croft (Steven's Croft), which is Scotland's largest dedicated biomass power plant with a total capacity of 44 MW. Compared with the emissions of traditional power plants, it can not only reliably power approximately 70,000 British homes, but it also allows us to avoid the production of approximately 140,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year. Currently, another dedicated biomass power plant, Blackburn Meadows, is under construction, and E.ON's biomass activities in the UK focus on converting existing coal-fired power plants into biomass combustion. Proyék konvérsi munggaran urang dijalankeun di Ironbridge, sareng rencana sanésna ogé aya dina jalur pipa. Sadaya bahan baku anu dianggo dina pabrik biomassa saluyu sareng kawijakan sumber anu tanggung jawab.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) is committed to the development and management of renewable energy power generation at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. Enel Green Power nganggo sadaya sumber énergi anu tiasa dianyari pikeun ngahasilkeun énergi ngaliwatan portopolio lega proyék énergi angin, hidro, panas bumi, surya sareng biomassa. Énergi biomassa: Rencana Enel Green Power nyayogikeun dukungan pikeun pamekaran industri bioenergi Italia. Kami kerja keras pikeun nyiptakeun daérah pamotongan ékspérimén pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik di padésan anu ayeuna henteu dianggo atanapi ditinggalkeun. Tujuanana nyaéta ngagunakeun biomassa pikeun pembangkit listrik sareng sistem kogenerasi. In addition, we have developed a power plant in cooperation with Scuola Universitaria Sant'Anna University and the University of Pisa in which we intend to test innovative crops to produce high-energy biomass and develop processes and technologies for power generation. Alternatif biofuel béaya rendah.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. PLTA teu diragukeun deui sumber tanaga utama anu dikembangkeun, tapi tanaga angin, tanaga surya, tanaga biomassa sareng énérgi panas bumi janten langkung penting dina struktur énergi.
G2 Technologies Corp (CSE: GTOO) didedikasikeun pikeun produksi pelet kai pikeun tujuan sipil sareng komérsial di Éropa. Kabéh pellets dijieun tina residual sawdust jeung chip kai. G2 Technologies is able to provide cleaner renewable fuels for European power plants that generate electricity and power while meeting the company's goal of reducing carbon footprint.
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) mangrupikeun bisnis énergi révolusioner héjo sareng terbaharukeun anu rékayasa téknologi biokonversi dianggo pikeun bahan bakar, tatanén sareng manajemén runtah. Strategi kami nyaéta ngembangkeun, ngalamar patén sareng nerapkeun téknologi konvérsi proprietary pikeun biofuel. Ieu nyadiakeun GELV kasempetan pikeun ngamekarkeun dina sababaraha industri, nu ayeuna patali jeung otorisasina pamaréntah. Syarat ieu ningkatkeun énergi anu tiasa diperbarkeun sareng biofuel. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. These technology platforms can quickly , Economically deploy to the waste site, and vice versa. Green Energy Live diposisikan salaku panyadia sumber tunggal anu ngagunakeun téknologi paling canggih anu sayogi pikeun nyayogikeun set lengkep alat pikeun sistem énergi biomassa. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Larang rain gula anu tiasa diperep diperahareran, Ininel (Nasdaqg: Grre) mangrupikeun bisnis pengolah komodik anu diversdiasi anu dieusian, pengobatan usaha jas, opumasi. The company processes more than 10 million tons of corn each year, producing more than one billion gallons of ethanol at full capacity, three million tons of livestock feed and 250 million pounds of industrial-grade corn oil. Green Plains is also a partner in a joint venture that will commercialize advanced technologies for growing and harvesting algal biomass
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) mangrupikeun pamaén utama dina industri énergi anu ngembang di India sareng pamilik sareng operator proyék énergi bersih di India. The group is building a risk-free portfolio of wind energy, hydropower, natural gas and biomass assets in India.
Helius Energy (LSE: HEGY.L) diadegkeun pikeun ngaidentipikasi, ngembangkeun, gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun pembangkit listrik tenaga listrik anu tiasa dianyari biomassa. Helius boga pangaweruh éksténsif dina pasar énergi renewable, téhnologi énergi biomassa, sumber bahan bakar biomassa, ngembangkeun proyék, palaksanaan PLTN jeung operasi.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) nyaéta parusahaan konstruksi infrastruktur ngarah jeung operasi utama na sakuliah Amérika Kalér jeung ngawengku sababaraha industri. A Wara standar perusahaan kanggo rékaying, Konstruksi, paminum, pamungkas sareng ningkatkeun énergi, utistrustruktur sareng komunikasi komunikasi, sapertos pangaturan sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran sareng disebaran; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; pembangkit listrik, kaasup infrastruktur énergi Renewable; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec is working hard to develop viable biofuel solutions to achieve renewable, reliable and clean burning energy. Kami nuju mingpin dina ngarancang sareng ngawangun fasilitas anu dikuatkeun ku sababaraha sumber énergi anu inovatif, kalebet étanol, biodiesel, sareng biomassa.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) mangrupa grup énergi jeung téhnologi lingkungan dedicated ka ngembangkeun, produksi jeung jualan sistem jeung produk pikeun ramah lingkungan, énergi efisien sarta low-sumberdaya. Opcon mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar dina sababaraha daérah bisnis. Opcon boga operasi di Swédia, Jérman jeung Britania Raya. Opcon's business area Renewable Energy focuses on carbon dioxide-free power generation based on waste heat, bio-powered thermal power plants, pellet plants, biomass, sludge and natural gas processing systems, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, and flue gas treatment. Sistim hawa sél suluh.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) mangrupikeun pamekar sistem énergi anu dikhususkeun pikeun ngagunakeun téknologi siklus Rankine organik pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi sareng pamulihan panas runtah. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. Téknologi ORC PowerVerde ogé tiasa digabungkeun sareng panas bumi, biomassa sareng sumber panas surya.
Pikeun ngamangpaatkeun kasempetan ngembang dina sektor énergi bersih, React Energy (baheulana katelah Kedco plc) (LSE: REAC.L) diadegkeun. The group is now a diversified renewable energy company with cash-generating and development assets in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Grup ieu museurkeun kana kakuatan biomassa sareng industri pemanasan di Inggris, kalayan biaya modal sakitar £500,000 dugi ka £40 juta, kapasitas pembangkit listrik sakitar 4 MW dugi ka 10 MW, sareng generasi panas 200 kW dugi ka 1 MW. , while the wind energy field It is Ireland. Sareng, perhatian khusus dibayar ka pangiriman proyék ti kasempetan greenfield ka perencanaan, grid sareng fase konstruksi, sareng aset anu ngahasilkeun artos.
Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) mangrupikeun produsén biofuel canggih sareng pamekar bahan kimia anu tiasa dianyari di Amérika Kalér. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. Prenis ngajual biomasibatan Propin-9000 3.000sed solations kana distributor, janten konsumen tiasa kéngingkeun bahan bakar anu ngabakar, anu ngabantosan kompluk énergi. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG ogé ngajual solar sulfur ultra-rendah sareng minyak pemanasan di kalér-wétan sareng tengah-tengah Amérika Serikat.
Suryachakra Power Corporation Limited (Mumbai: SURYACHAKRA.BO) sareng anak perusahaanna babarengan ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual listrik di India. Éta ngoperasikeun pembangkit listrik anu nganggo solar / bahan bakar biomassa pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik. Pausahaan ieu diadegkeun dina 1995 sarta kantor pusatna di Hyderabad, India.
Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SES) is a Houston-based technology company dedicated to bringing clean, high-value energy to developing countries through its proprietary U-Gas®-based gasification technology , The technology has been licensed by the Natural Gas Technology Institute. SES Gasification Technology (SGT) can produce clean, low-cost syngas for power generation, industrial fuels, chemicals, fertilizers and transportation fuels, thereby replacing expensive natural gas energy. SGT ogé bisa ngahasilkeun hidrogén purity tinggi pikeun pamakéan salaku suluh transportasi cleaner. SGT uses the blue sky to achieve growth and provide greater fuel flexibility for large-scale and efficient small and medium-scale operations near fuel sources. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.
Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY gaduh saluran pipa anu kuat sakitar 8,000 MW RES proyék, anu beroperasi, dina konstruksi atanapi dina tahap pangwangunan anu maju, ngarah di Yunani, sareng operasi di Éropa Tengah, Éropa Tenggara sareng Amérika Serikat. TERNA ENERGY ogé aktip ilubiung dina program internasional pikeun salajengna ngamajukeun pamakéan RES. Éta ogé anggota European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
Vega Biofuels, Inc. (OTC: VGPR) nyaéta parusahaan énergi ngarah nu ngahasilkeun sarta ngajual produk énergi renewable disebut Bio-Batubara sarta amandemen taneuh disebut Biochar, duanana nu disebut "The téhnologi unik tina "baking" dijieunna tina. runtah kai. Toasting mangrupikeun metode pikeun ngubaran biomassa dina suhu anu luhur dina kaayaan oksigén anu handap.
Viridis Energy Inc. (TSX: VRD.V) mangrupikeun produsén "téhnologi bersih" anu didagangkeun sacara umum sareng distributor énergi anu tiasa dianyari anu nyayogikeun biomassa chip kai ka pasar padumukan sareng industri global. Viridis Energy Inc. is located in Vancouver, British Columbia. Éta nahan Ocanagan Pellet perusahaan Ltd. (SM), Scotia Skomass Terbatas (Novhass Encoge) sareng Vividis Lerde.
2GEnergy AG (XETRA: 2GB.DE) is the world's leading manufacturer of combined heat and power systems (CHP), which realize decentralized energy production and supply through combined heat and power. The company's product portfolio includes systems with capacities between 20 kW and 4,000 kW, which can be used for natural gas, biogas or biomethane and other lean gas operations. Sajauh ieu, 2G parantos suksés masang rébuan CHP di 35 nagara/wilayah. Khususna, dina kisaran kinerja 50 kW dugi ka 550 kW, 2G gaduh konsép mesin durukan internal téknis sorangan, anu dicirikeun ku konsumsi bahan bakar khusus anu langkung handap, kasadiaan operasional anu langkung luhur sareng interval pangropéa anu dioptimalkeun. The company has invested in an additional production, sales and service base in St. Augustine, Florida, next to its main production base at its headquarters in Sigg, Germany. 2G's customers range from farmers to industrial customers, municipalities, the real estate industry, to municipal utilities and large public utility companies. Jaringan jasa anu caket sareng kualitas téknis anu luhur sareng kinerja stasiun listrik 2G mangrupikeun dasar pikeun netepkeun tingkat kapuasan pelanggan anu luhur. Hatur nuhun kana kombinasi sipat thermoelectric maranéhanana, aranjeunna ngahontal efisiensi sakabéh 85% nepi ka leuwih 90%. In order to further expand its technological leadership, the company continues to invest in R&D activities for gas engines used in natural gas, biogas and syngas (such as hydrogen). The company is located in Westphalia in northwestern Germany, adjacent to a combined heat and power station, and provides integrated solutions from the planning stage, installation to serial service and maintenance work. Kusabab lokasina desentralisasi, skalabilitas sareng kasadiaan anu tiasa diprediksi, pembangkit listrik CHP bakal maénkeun peran penting salaku bagian tina sistem énergi jaringan cerdas (nu disebut pembangkit listrik virtual) dina transisi kontinyu kana énergi bersih sareng konsép suplai énergi modéren. Peran tina
AirTest Technologies Inc. (TSX: AAT.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi héjo anu ngembang gancang anu khusus dina sénsor anu sacara signifikan tiasa ningkatkeun efisiensi operasional gedong komersial. AirTest's leading proprietary sensor technology improves the energy performance, environmental impact and return on investment of the millions of buildings in which we all work, shop, and entertain. Kami gawé bareng sareng kontraktor konstruksi anu aya, juragan gedong anu aya, perusahaan bersatem, perusahaan méréusahaan miskin, sareng alat ageung.
Inisiatif utama Alternate Energy Holdings (OTC: AEHI) nyaéta pangwangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir anu diusulkeun di Payette County, Idaho. AEHI will be at the forefront of this opportunity, becoming the first publicly traded independent nuclear power company in the United States. With its inherent bureaucracy, its performance will easily surpass large nuclear and fossil power companies. AEHI is also seeking small green energy companies to acquire and create new companies. AEHI ngalegaan pasar ku nyayogikeun manajemén sareng kaahlian jaringan anu saé, ku kituna ngabantosan kamekaran bisnis anu kaala. The company will continue to look for expansion opportunities by purchasing more eco-efficient power supplies. Ku gaduh sumber daya pembangkit listrik anu tos aya, AEHI bakal ngabantosan dina nyepetkeun persetujuan pangaturan pangwangunan énergi énggalna, kalebet usaha patungan anu ngahasilkeun réaktor sareng komponén nuklir sareng sumber énergi anu sanés.
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) is a leading independent provider that provides comprehensive services, energy efficiency, infrastructure upgrades, asset sustainability and renewable energy solutions for companies and organizations in North America and Europe. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco kantor pusatna di Framingham, Massachusetts, boga leuwih ti 1.000 pagawé, jeung nyadiakeun kaahlian lokal di Amérika Serikat, Kanada jeung Britania Raya.
American DG Energy Company (NYSE MKT: ADGE) nyayogikeun para nasabahna énergi béaya rendah ngaliwatan sistem pembangkit listrik anu disebarkeun. The company is committed to providing clean and reliable electricity, cooling, hot water and hot water to factories, commercial and small industrial facilities through its On. The cost is lower than that of local utility companies without bringing any capital to energy users. Atawa waragad ngamimitian. -Site Utiliti solusi énergi. DG Energy kantor pusatna di Waltham, Massachusetts.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Ngaliwatan solusi Windtec (TM), AMSC nyayogikeun sistem kontrol éléktronik turbin angin, sistem, desain sareng jasa rékayasa anu tiasa ngirangan biaya énergi angin. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. The company's solutions are now powering gigawatts of renewable energy around the world and have improved the performance and reliability of power networks in more than a dozen countries. AMSC diadegkeun dina 1987 sareng kantor pusatna caket Boston, Massachusetts, sareng operasi di Asia, Australia, Eropa sareng Amérika Kalér.
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. With the integrated aspenONE solution, process manufacturers can implement best practices to optimize their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. Hasilna, konsumén AspenTech tiasa ningkatkeun kapasitas produksi, ningkatkeun kauntungan, ngirangan biaya sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. Kaandalan téknologi AVX bakal mastikeun yén ieu sareng generasi anu bakal datang bakal nguntungkeun tina téknologi héjo ieu. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Blue Earth, Inc. (NasdaqCM: BBLU) kalibet dina industri téhnologi bersih, utamana fokus dina efisiensi énergi jeung widang énergi alternatif / renewable. Kami narékahan pikeun ilubiung dina gerakan planet pembangunan sustainable global ku nyadiakeun produk jeung jasa nu bisa ngaoptimalkeun pamakéan énérgi, ngurangan émisi lingkungan ngabahayakeun, sarta substansi ngurangan biaya énergi customer.
Cap-XX (LSE: CPX.L) designs and manufactures supercapacitors and energy management systems for portable electronic devices and automotive and renewable energy applications. It provides a series of super capacitors for wireless components and mobile devices, such as PCMCIA and compact flash memory products, mobile phones, rugged PDAs and wireless sensor networks. And consumer products, including digital cameras, laptops, digital music players, fusion handheld devices, toys and e-books. The company also provides supercapacitors for commercial products, including durable PDAs, automatic meter readers, medical equipment, location tracking devices and automotive applications. Utamana beroperasi di daérah Asia-Pasifik, Amérika Kalér sareng Éropa. CAP-XX Limited baheulana kawanoh salaku Energy Storage Systems Pty Limited.
Carillion plc (LSE: CLLN.L) is a leading outsourcing company. Éta mangrupikeun salah sahiji panyadia pemanasan sareng énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui panglegana sareng aya di payuneun ékonomi karbon. Carillion Energy Services mangrupikeun perusahaan modéren anu ngamajukeun agenda "héjo" anu muncul. We have made important contributions to reducing carbon emissions and are committed to improving energy efficiency in residential and commercial sectors.
China Energy Recovery, Inc. (OTC: CGYV) mangrupikeun perusahaan rékayasa khusus dina pamulihan énergi runtah tina rupa-rupa prosés industri kalebet produksi asam sulfat sareng pupuk, pembuatan kertas sareng produk pétrokimia. Energy recovery involves collecting and recovering wasted heat energy in a closed-loop system, thereby significantly reducing costs and pollution. CER provides customers with tailor-made, cost-effective solutions designed to significantly improve operational efficiency and reduce harmful emissions. Due to CER's quality design, construction and installation pioneering projects in China and even the world, CER also has a long history in engineering.
Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd. CETI (baheulana Probe Manufacturing Company) (OTC: PMFI) nyaéta énergi bersih sareng perusahaan téknologi sustainable lingkungan anu henteu ngan ukur nyayogikeun produk solusi pamulihan panas, tapi ogé nyayogikeun fokus kana hemat energi sareng sustainable lingkungan anu sanés. technologies Engineering and manufacturing solutions. The company's main product is the Clean Cycle™ generator provided by Heat Recovery Solutions or HRS. The company's engineering and manufacturing resources support its heat recovery solutions business and continue to support other emerging growth companies with its technology, especially clean technology. The company intends to identify other technologies or companies to acquire and integrate into engineering and manufacturing platforms focused on clean technologies.
CleanSpark, Inc. (OTCQB: CLSK) nyayogikeun parangkat lunak énergi canggih sareng téknologi kontrol, anu tiasa ngawujudkeun solusi perusahaan plug-and-play pikeun nyumponan tantangan énergi modern. Our services include smart energy monitoring, microgrid design and engineering, microgrid consulting services and turnkey microgrid implementation services. CleanSpark's customers include not only energy consumers, but also the entire distributed energy ecosystem: developers, installers, EPC, IPP and energy storage suppliers. CleanSpark's software allows energy users to obtain flexibility and economic optimization. Our software has unique functions, can expand the microgrid according to the specific needs of users, and can be widely implemented in commercial, industrial, military, agricultural and municipal deployments.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. Ieu mangrupikeun perusahaan modal terbuka anu dikawasa ku pamaréntah nagara Minas Gerais, kalayan 114,000 pemegang saham di 44 nagara. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. emig ranks third among the largest generators in Brazil, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, controlled and affiliated power generation company has 65 operating plants, of which 59 are hydroelectric power plants, three are thermal power plants, and three are wind power plants. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW. Energy efficiency: efficiency
ConEdison Solutions, a subsidiary of ConEdison Corporation (NYSE: ED), is a leading energy services company that provides renewable energy, sustainable services, cost-effective energy efficiency solutions, demand response and energy performance contracting. The company serves commercial, industrial, residential and government customers as well as universities, public school districts and hospitals across the country. Pausahaan nyadiakeun produk inovatif, keuangan stabil sarta komitmen pikeun layanan palanggan. It has an office in Valhalla, New York. Burlington, Massachusetts; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Falls Church, Virginia; Tampa, Florida; Nashville, Tennesse, Kansas Land Park; sarta Bloomington, Minnesota. Tim profésional tanaga profésional perusahaan nyayogikeun rupa-rupa solusi énergi. Con Edison Solutions nyayogikeun program sareng jasa anu dirancang pikeun ngabantosan para nasabah ngahontal tujuan énergi masing-masing sareng diakui salaku panyadia jasa énergi (ESP) ku National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO).
Conselation Energy (NYSE: EXC), a company of Exelon, is a leading competitive supplier of electricity, natural gas, renewable energy, and energy management products and services for homes and businesses across the continental United States. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. efisiensi énergi
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) mingpin revolusi pencahyaan LED sareng téknologi pencahayaan tradisional anu luntur anu ngabuang énérgi ku ngagunakeun lampu LED anu hemat energi, tanpa merkuri. Cree mangrupakeun inovator ngarah pasar tina lampu-grade LEDs, lampu LED, sarta produk semikonduktor pikeun kakuatan sarta frékuénsi radio (RF) aplikasi. Cree's product line includes LED lamps and bulbs, blue and green LED chips, high-brightness LEDs, lighting-grade power LEDs, power switching devices and RF devices. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. Kami nyayogikeun platform komunikasi anu tiasa ngirangan pamakean énérgi dina pangukuran sareng pasar cahaya di India, Brazil sareng Cina. Platform jaringan bolong nirkabel kami nyayogikeun sambungan "mil terakhir" antara jutaan alat sareng parangkat lunak perusahaan. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. Salaku tambahan, kami damel sareng mitra kami pikeun nyayogikeun pangrojong kelas munggaran sareng jasa hosting, ogé "software salaku jasa" pikeun ngabantosan perencanaan sareng ngahijikeun solusi kami. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). It is dedicated to electricity meters and is optimized for range, data communication, interoperability, and security. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. Éta tiasa ngahémat seueur listrik ku cara ningkatkeun cara ngadalikeun, ngukur sareng ngatur panggunaan énérgi cahaya umum.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Pausahaan percaya yén ngaliwatan gawé babarengan jeung konsumén, pamaréntah, organisasi non-pamaréntah sarta pamingpin pamikiran, urang bisa mantuan manggihan solusi pikeun tantangan global, kayaning nyadiakeun cukup dahareun cageur pikeun jalma di sakuliah dunya, ngurangan gumantungna kana suluh fosil sarta Ngajaga hirup jeung lingkungan. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) is a power management company. Eaton nyadiakeun solusi hemat energi pikeun mantuan konsumén urang ngatur listrik, hidrolik jeung kakuatan mékanis leuwih éféktif, aman tur sustainably. Eaton ngajual produk ka konsumén di leuwih ti 175 nagara.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. pasar patali global. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon helps its customers reduce operating costs, improve satisfaction and safety, increase revenue, and perform better in both existing and emerging markets.
Emerson Electric Company (New York Bursa Saham: EMR), kantor pusatna di St. Louis, Missouri, mangrupakeun téhnologi jeung rékayasa parusahaan global nu nyadiakeun solusi inovatif ka konsumén dina industri, pasar komérsial sarta padumukan. Our automation solutions business can help process, hybrid and discrete manufacturers maximize output, protect people and the environment, while optimizing their energy and operating costs. Usaha solusi komérsial sareng padumukan urang ngabantosan ngajamin kanyamanan sareng kaséhatan masarakat, ngajagi kualitas sareng kaamanan pangan, ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi, sareng nyiptakeun infrastruktur anu lestari.
Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ERII) ngembangkeun solusi anu meunang pangajén pikeun ningkatkeun produktivitas, kauntungan sareng efisiensi énergi dina industri minyak sareng gas, kimia sareng cai. Our products simplify complex systems and protect vulnerable devices. Energy Recovery is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, with offices in Shanghai and Dubai.
Enerji Ltd (ASX: ERJ.AX) and its subsidiaries sell energy recovery and clean energy power generation solutions in Australia. The company designed and developed a system that uses heat to generate electricity. Éta ogé ngajual penukar panas Airec.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) is a leading provider of cloud-based energy intelligence software (EIS) and services to thousands of corporate customers and utilities worldwide. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. EIS perusahaan kalebet anggaran sareng pengadaan, manajemén tagihan utiliti, optimasi fasilitas, pisibilitas sareng ngalaporkeun, tracking proyék, manajemén paménta, sareng réspon paménta. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).
Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (OTC: EVSP) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu munggaran dina uji kelembaban/industri kualitas hawa jero ruangan anu janten perusahaan anu didaptarkeun umum. ESP owns and operates a comprehensive set of businesses covering energy efficiency, environmental issues, and solving environmentally sensitive issues in the residential and commercial markets. ESP provides a variety of inspection services, including energy/efficiency audits for residential and commercial properties, focusing on indoor air quality inspections for toxic, including mold, moisture intrusion, ra, lead, VOC, and other long-term and long-term negative pangaruh dina jero rohangan Polutan pikeun lingkungan sareng kaséhatan pangeusi.
Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) designs, manufactures and provides power supplies and mobile semiconductor technologies to improve the energy efficiency of home appliances, enabling mobile device manufacturers to provide innovative new features and improve the efficiency of industrial products. Our global business is supported by internal and external manufacturing and a flexible multi-source supply chain. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Solusi semikonduktor kami pikeun aplikasi otomotif, mobile, lampu LED sareng manajemén kakuatan ngabantosan para nasabah suksés unggal dinten.
Fuel System Solutions Company (NASDAQGS: FSYS) is a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of proven, cost-effective alternative fuel components and systems in transportation and industrial applications. Komponén sareng sistem sistem suluh ngadalikeun tekanan sareng aliran bahan bakar alternatif gas (sapertos propana sareng gas alam) anu dianggo dina mesin durukan internal. These components and systems have the company's advanced fuel system technology, which can increase efficiency, increase power output and reduce emissions by electronically sensing and adjusting the appropriate ratio of fuel and air required by the internal combustion engine. In addition to components and systems, the company also provides engineering and system integration services to meet customers' unique requirements for performance, durability and configuration.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. Sumberdaya panas bumi konvensional di Samudra Pasifik anu lega nyaéta pasisian.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. Pausahaan museurkeun kana nyadiakeun prioritas atawa ibukota senior ka ngadegkeun sponsor jeung debtors kalawan kualitas kiridit luhur pikeun ngahasilkeun jangka panjang, ngulang deui jeung bisa diprediksi aliran tunai. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong elected a real estate investment trust (REIT) that is eligible to pay taxes for federal income tax purposes. Taun pajakna dimimitian dina 31 Désémber 2013
Hanwei Energy Service Company (TSX: HE.TO)'s main business is two complementary key areas of the oil and gas industry, both as an equipment supplier in this industry (as high-pressure glass fiber reinforced plastic (“FRP”) pipe produk jeung téknologi Relevan, ngalayanan konsumén énergi utama di pasar énergi global), sarta operasi di operator hak mineral minyak jeung gas na di Leduc Lands, Alberta. Pabrik pabrik pipa GRE perusahaan mangrupikeun salah sahiji fasilitas produksi panggedéna tina jinisna, kalayan 22 jalur produksi anu aya di Daqing, Cina.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) nyaéta parusahaan téhnologi dedicated ka ngaronjatkeun efisiensi konversi kakuatan. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA ngaronjatkeun ukuran, ongkos, efisiensi, kalenturan jeung reliabilitas converters kakuatan éléktronik. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. Pausahaan ogé ngembangkeun transistor simpang ganda dua arah dua arah (B-TRAN™), sareng parantos ngalamar patén, anu berpotensi ningkatkeun efisiensi sareng kapadetan kakuatan saklar kakuatan dua arah. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
Since 1995, iGo Inc (OTC: IGOI) has been providing mobile accessories, providing advanced power solutions for notebook computers and electronic mobile devices, thereby increasing the possibility of a fully charged life. Pangecas universal iGO, batré sareng asesoris audio nyayogikeun dukungan sareng kinerja pikeun ningkatkeun pangalaman konsumen mobile.
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (NYSE: IBM) nyayogikeun produk sareng jasa téknologi informasi (IT) di sakuliah dunya. Energy and environment: IBM is committed to making our existing products and processes more effective for the environment and business, and at the same time developing new innovative technologies to help the world become smarter, promote economic and operational improvements, increase responsibility and reduce Environmental impact . Today's energy and climate-related issues are the top priority on our strategic agenda. Solusi IBM tiasa ngabantosan para palanggan ngirangan biaya sareng sacara sistematis ngirangan énergi, cai, émisi karbon sareng limbah. IBM is helping customers improve energy efficiency, adopt new ways to purchase, manufacture and distribute goods and services in a more sustainable way, achieve safe and renewable energy sources, and manage resources at a macro level, thereby transforming the entire industry. IBM combines our innovative technologies, deep business insights and industry expertise to respond to the challenges of our planet in a comprehensive manner. Kalawan babarengan, urang tiasa ningkatkeun kelestarian bisnis urang sareng pangeusina.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi sareng jasa anu terkemuka di dunya khusus pikeun panggunaan énergi sareng sumber cai. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; sistem komunikasi; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron nerapkeun pangaweruh jeung téhnologi pikeun hadé ngatur énergi jeung sumber cai.
Just Energy Group, Inc. (TSX: JE.TO; NYSE: JE) is a leading consumer company that specializes in electricity and natural gas commodities, energy efficiency solutions and renewable energy options. Just Energy ngagaduhan kantor di Amérika Serikat, Kanada, Inggris, Jérman, Irlandia sareng Jepang, ngalayanan sakitar 1.7 juta palanggan padumukan sareng komérsial, nyayogikeun rupa-rupa solusi énergi pikeun bumi sareng usaha pikeun nyayogikeun kanyamanan, genah sareng kontrol. Just Energy Group Inc. is the parent company of Amigo Energy, Green Star Energy, Hudson Energy, EdgePower Inc., Tara Energy and terrapas
Legend Power Systems Inc. (TSX: LPS.V) is a leading energy saving company that produces and sells patented equipment to help commercial and industrial customers achieve significant energy savings through voltage optimization. Koordinator listrik Legenda Power tiasa ngabantosan perusahaan ngirangan tagihan listrik, biaya perawatan sareng manjangkeun umur alat listrik, bari ngabantosan ngirangan émisi gas rumah kaca. Lenovo Power is recognized as the best performing clean technology company for TSX/V in 2015.
Lime Energy Co. (NASDAQCM: LIME) is building a new energy future. Salaku panyadia nasional ngarah efisiensi énergi pikeun usaha leutik sarta konsumén komérsial, Jeruk Nipis geus dirancang jeung nerapkeun program instalasi langsung pikeun konsumén utiliti urang nu konsistén ngaleuwihan target tabungan program. Rencana jasa komprehensif-unggul pangajén kami nyadiakeun utilitas jeung sumber daya efisiensi énergi dipercaya bari nyadiakeun tingkat pangluhurna kapuasan customer. Pendekatan generasi saterusna ieu ngabantuan pausahaan utiliti di sakuliah nagara ngagunakeun sumberdaya énergi cheapest, cleanest jeung panggancangna (efisiensi énergi) urang boga keur ngembangkeun salajengna.
MicroPlanet Téhnologi Corp (TSX: MP.V; OTC: MCTYF) nyadiakeun téhnologi nyimpen-énergi canggih pikeun padumukan, lingkungan komérsial sarta industri, nu dinamis bisa ngatur tegangan narima ti parusahaan kakuatan ka tingkat optimal. Di daérah kalayan tegangan input anu langkung luhur, ieu tiasa ngamungkinkeun para nasabah ngirangan konsumsi énergi ku 5% dugi ka 12%, sareng ngirangan tagihan listrik tanpa ngarobih kabiasaanna. Di daérah tegangan rendah, produk MicroPlanet tiasa naékkeun kana set point anu tiasa diprogram, ngamungkinkeun perusahaan utilitas gancang sareng efektif ningkatkeun kualitas jasa pikeun konsuménna.
Microsemi Corp. (NasdaqGS: MSCC) provides a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for the communications, defense and security, aerospace and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; and power management products; timing and synchronization equipment and precise time solutions that have established world time standards; voice processing equipment; radio frequency solutions; komponén diskrit; security technology and scalable tamper-proof products; solusi Ethernet; power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; sareng fungsi sareng jasa anu dirancang khusus. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California. Énergi pinter
The National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) transmits and distributes electricity and natural gas. The company operates through UK electricity transmission, UK gas transmission, UK gas distribution and US regulatory agencies. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. Departemén transmisi gas alam Britania boga jaringan transmisi gas alam di Inggris sarta boga fasilitas gudang gas alam cair (LNG) di Inggris. The British Gas Distribution Division operates a natural gas distribution system in the UK. National Grid: National Grid is an electricity and natural gas transmission company that connects nearly 7 million customers to vital energy through its networks in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Ngaliwatan strategi US Connect21, National Grid ngarobih kakuatan sareng jaringan gas alam pikeun nyayogikeun solusi énergi anu langkung pinter, bersih, sareng langkung tahan banting pikeun ngadukung ékonomi digital abad ka-21. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi bersih anu unggul kalayan listrik kirang langkung 44,900 megawatt, kalebet megawatt anu aya hubunganana sareng kapentingan non-kontrol NextEra Energy Partners. NextEra Energy kantor pusatna di Juneau Beach, Florida, jeung subsidiaries utamina nyaeta Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (anu mangrupa salah sahiji pausahaan kakuatan listrik-dikawasa harga panggedena di Amérika Serikat) jeung NextEra Energy Resources, LLC jeung éntitas afiliasi na. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Inovasi sareng rasa tanggung jawab masarakatna pangkat diantara sapuluh perusahaan paling luhur di dunya. ”
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) develops and sells innovative power management components for the computer, consumer, industrial, automotive and communications markets. Products include LED general lighting, backlighting, battery management and power management. O2Micro International gaduh portopolio hak cipta intelektual anu éksténsif, kalayan 28,852 klaim patén anu dipasihkeun sareng langkung ti 29,000 beredar. Pausahaan boga kantor di sakuliah dunya.
ON Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: ON) promosikeun inovasi hemat energi, ngamungkinkeun para nasabah ngirangan konsumsi energi global. The company is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, providing a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient power and signal management, logic, standard and custom equipment products. The company's products can help engineers solve their unique design challenges in automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, medical, and military/aerospace applications. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, as well as a network of manufacturing plants, sales offices, and design centers in major markets in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) mingpin transformasi wangunan komersil sareng industri ngaliwatan sistem pencahayaan hemat energi anu paling canggih sareng solusi lampu retrofit. Orion ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual séri produk canggih, kalebet lampu kaayaan padet LED sareng lampu fluoresensi inténsitas tinggi. Seueur patén-patén Orion langkung ti 100 dipaténkeun sareng ditangguhkeun aya hubunganana sareng sistem pencahyaan, anu gaduh kinerja optik sareng termal anu saé, anu tiasa nyayogikeun aspék kauangan, lingkungan sareng ruang kerja pikeun seueur palanggan di pasar renovasi kauntungan.
Pioneer Technologies (TSX: PTE.V), headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, is an “energy smart” product innovation/consumer company and a leader in North American cooking fire protection technology. Pioneering engineers bring energy smart solutions for consumer products to the market, making them safer, smarter or more efficient. Pioneer's patented cooking fire protection technology/products are designed to prevent cooking fires and are the number one cause of home fires in North America (a multi-billion dollar problem). dagang fireproof masak Pelopor urang kaasup Safe-T-elemen, SmartBurner, RangeMinder jeung Safe-T-sensor.
PMFG, Inc. (NasdaqGS: PMFG) is a leading provider of custom engineered systems and products designed to help ensure safe, efficient and clean energy delivery. Kami ngagambarkeun infrastruktur gas alék, pasar pangobatan Pekrochemical.
POET Technologies Inc. (TSX: PTK.V; OTC: POETF) (Planar Optoelectronics Technology) nyaéta pamekar prosés manufaktur optoeléktronik sareng fotonik sareng produk. Photonics integration is essential to increase the expansion of functions and reduce the cost of current photonics solutions. POET believes that its advanced optoelectronic processing platform can significantly improve the energy efficiency, component cost and size in the production of smart optical components. The engine drives a variety of applications from data centers to consumer products to military applications. Silicon Valley-based POET's patented single-chip module process integrates digital, high-speed analog and optical devices on the same chip, and is intended to be used as an industry standard for smart optical components. The company's subsidiary DenseLight is a semiconductor process development company dedicated to the development of next-generation semiconductor integrated circuit technology, which integrates optics and electronics on a single chip, thereby extending the physical limitations of Moore's Law in performance and speed.
Power Clouds Inc. (OTC: PWCL) develops renewable energy and sustainable energy projects on a global scale, and is engaged in the planning, creation and management of photovoltaic power plants on a global scale. It determines the best locations for its solar power plants and then supports these projects through business development activities and coordination of strategic resources from engineers, suppliers, skilled builders and partner companies. The company has a production plant in Romania, and business activities in Japan and other parts of the world. The company has a core team composed of international-level experts and project managers who have specific expertise in photovoltaics and green economy. Sarta mibanda kamampuhan pikeun nyadiakeun tingkat pangluhurna reliabiliti. Téknologi sareng solusi canggih.
Power Efficiency Corporation (OTC: PEFF) mendesain, ngembangkeun, ngical sareng ngical paralatan listrik solid-state anu tiasa ngirangan konsumsi énérgi motor induksi AC. Its main products include three-phase motor efficiency controllers (MEC), which can be used in industrial and commercial applications such as stone crushers, pelletizers and escalators. The company also offers digital single-phase MEC products, which can reduce the energy consumption of motors by sensing and controlling the energy consumed by the motors. It provides services to end users, such as retail chains, hotels, airports and bus systems, as well as mining, plastics and manufacturing companies. The company mainly sells products through direct sales, original equipment manufacturers, dealers, distributors and independent representatives mainly in the United States.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure nyayogikeun produk sareng jasa dina daérah Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tanaga surya, efisiensi énergi, sareng infrastruktur utiliti. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. Cai mibanda kapasitas generasi kakuatan husus pikeun kaperluan respon paménta; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , Pikeun kapentingan konsumén komérsial, industri jeung institusional salaku pamaké tungtung na langsung ka retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) mangrupikeun pamekar sistem énergi anu dikhususkeun pikeun ngagunakeun téknologi siklus Rankine organik pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi sareng pamulihan panas runtah. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. Téknologi ORC PowerVerde ogé tiasa digabungkeun sareng panas bumi, biomassa sareng sumber panas surya.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. Solusi panyimpen Powin Energy nyayogikeun tautan penting dina pamekaran angin sareng tanaga surya ku cara nyayogikeun téknologi anu ngajantenkeun proyék-proyék ieu langkung éfisién.
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, operates as an energy company primarily in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. Éta ngajual listrik, gas alam, émisi sks sareng runtuyan produk asam énergi anu aya énergi anu patiar kuat pikeun ngaoptimalkeun friant Chrida. Pausahaan ogé ngirimkeun listrik; and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun palayanan alat sareng diropéa pikeun palanggan. Panyatur Layanan Umum Group Co Co., Ltd. didirikeun dina taun 1985 sareng sirahna diarjakeun di Newark, New Jersey.
Sabien Technology Group Plc (LSE: SNT.L) provides private and public organizations worldwide with technologies to reduce carbon emissions and energy use. Éta ngarancang, ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual kontrol optimasi beban boiler M2G anu dipaténkeun sareng produk kontrol manaskeun cai panas langsung M1G, anu tiasa ngirangan konsumsi énérgi sareng émisi karbon tina boiler komérsial sareng industri sareng boiler cai panas langsung dipecat ku 10% ka 25% %.
SmartCool Systems Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; TSX: SSC.V) provides the most advanced energy saving and energy cost reduction solutions for global enterprises. ECO3 sareng ESM mangrupikeun téknologi retrofit unik Smartcool anu tiasa ngirangan konsumsi énergi compressor dina AC, kulkas sareng sistem pompa panas ku 15% dugi ka 20%, ku kituna kéngingkeun investasi dina 12 dugi ka 36 bulan.
SmartHeat Inc. (OTC: HEAT), through its subsidiaries, mainly designs, manufactures, sells and services clean technology plate heat exchangers (PHE), heat exchangers and related systems for the industrial, residential and commercial markets in China. Cina. It provides PHE units, heat meters and heat pumps for commercial and residential buildings. The company also provides spiral heat exchangers and tube heat exchangers, as well as after-sales service, including maintenance, repairs and spare parts supply. Its products can be used in a variety of applications, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) energy conversion; and industrial applications, for oil refining, petrochemical, metallurgy, food and beverage, and chemical processing. The company sells its products under the SmartHeat, Taiyu and Sondex brands. SmartHeat, Inc. sells products directly through its sales staff and distributor network. Pausahaan ieu kantor pusatna di Shenyang, Cina.
Superglass Holdings plc (LSE: SPGH.L) manufactures and sells fiberglass insulation materials in the UK, Ireland and internationally. Perusahaan nyayogikeun séri produk wol mineral termal sareng akustik pikeun industri konstruksi. produk na dipaké pikeun interior, exterior jeung pihak / separation tembok; rongga masonry, pigura kai sareng témbok komposit logam; hateup kayaning loteng, hateup pitched kai jeung hateup komposit logam; sarta ditunda floors kai sarta partitions beton.
SWW Energy (ASX: SWW.AX) researches, develops, produces and sells renewable energy in Australia. Pausahaan ieu baheulana kawanoh salaku Solverdi WorldWide Limited.
Tecogen Inc. (NasdaqCM: TGEN) designs, manufactures, sells, installs and maintains efficient, ultra-clean cogeneration products, including natural gas engine-driven cogeneration, air conditioning systems, and high-efficiency water heaters for residential, commercial, entertainment and Aplikasi industri. The company is known for its cost-effective, environmentally-friendly and reliable products for energy production, which almost eliminate standard pollutants through patented technology and significantly reduce the customer's carbon footprint. Today, after operating for more than 20 years, Tecogen has established a network of engineering, sales and service personnel in the United States, and has shipped more than 2,300 units.
Telkonet (OTC: TKOI) is a leading provider of intelligent automation solutions in the global commercial market. Internet of Things (IoT) ngaliwatan komunikasi jaringan calakan, ningkat utilization asset jeung fungsi analisis data nyata bisa ngurangan biaya énergi, ngaronjatkeun produktivitas pagawe jeung ngurangan tapak suku karbon. Platform IoT sapertos Telkonet's EcoSmart ngamungkinkeun para pangguna pikeun ngawujudkeun tabungan, nilai sareng jasa ngaliwatan sambungan jaringan, ku kituna nyayogikeun monitoring, kontrol, analisa, genah, sareng kamampuan pikeun ilubiung dina jaringan pinter anu muncul ngaliwatan rencana réspon paménta otomatis. Telkonet serves vertical markets that have made the company a leading provider of network, efficiency and energy management technologies. These markets include hotels, education, military, government, healthcare and public housing. Telkonet's business units include EcoSmart(TM), a network automation platform with Recovery Time(TM) technology, which can save costs, reduce energy consumption, optimize asset utilization and improve comfort; EthoStream(R) is One of the largest high-speed Internet access in the hotel industry, the world's largest network provides public Internet access to more than 8 million users every month.
Thermal Energy Corporation (TSX: TMG.V) mangrupikeun panyadia global anu terkenal anu nyayogikeun solusi hemat energi sareng réduksi émisi anu kabuktian pikeun séktor industri sareng institusional global. We save customers' money and increase profits by reducing fuel usage and carbon emissions. Klién kami kalebet seueur perusahaan Fortune 500 sareng perusahaan multinasional terkemuka sanés tina sababaraha industri.
Willdan Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM: WLDN) nyayogikeun konsultasi profésional sareng jasa téknis pikeun utilitas umum, lembaga umum sareng perusahaan swasta di sapanjang Amérika Serikat. Panawaran jasa perusahaan nyertakeun rupa-rupa disiplin pelengkap, kalebet efisiensi énergi sareng kelestarian, rékayasa sareng perencanaan, konsultasi kauangan sareng ékonomi, sareng pertahanan nasional. Willdan provides integrated technical solutions to expand the coverage and resources of its customers and provides all services through its subsidiaries in various market segments.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) provides professional technical engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sector clients in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets. NV5 focuses on five business areas: building quality assurance, infrastructure, engineering and support services, energy, program management and environmental solutions. Pausahaan boga 42 lokasi di Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington jeung Wyoming. Kantor, kantor pusatna di Hollywood, Florida.
Ricardo plc (Lé: RCDO.L) mangrupikeun rékayangan, strateg sareng perusahaan sareng konsultasi lingkungan. Kami diadegkeun ku PI Homry Ricardo dina taun 1915, sareng urang tetep ngabagikeunnaake yisi kami ngarobih efisiensi maksimal sareng runtah ngaleungitkeun sareng lamina ngaleungitkeun.
The RPS Group (LSE: RPS.L) consultant company provides advice on the exploration and production of oil and gas and other natural resources; as well as the development and management of the natural environment. Departemén énergi perusahaan nyayogikeun dukungan téknis, komérsial sareng manajemén proyék sareng jasa pelatihan dina widang élmu énergi, geosains, rékayasa sareng kaséhatan, kaamanan sareng lingkungan. Its construction and natural environment department provides consulting services for all aspects of the real estate and infrastructure development and management departments. This part provides consulting services, including environmental assessment, water resources management, due diligence, oceanography, health and safety, risk management, urban and rural planning, architecture, landscape and urban design, survey and transportation planning, and laboratory testing, asbestos consulting , Air quality and noise characteristics. Perusahaan nyayogikeun jasa di Inggris Raya, Amérika Kalér, Irlandia, Asia Pasifik, Australia, Walanda, Amérika Serikat, Singapura, Malaysia, Kanada, Norwégia sareng nagara-nagara sanés.
Daya aktip (Nasdaqcm: ACPW) sareng pabrik sareng ngalayang suplai listrik (up) sistem infrastruktur sareng operasi minimal modular, 7 dinten misi. Kaunggulan komprehensif ngeunaan kapadetan kakuatan produkna, reliabilitas sareng total biaya kapamilikan teu aya tandinganana di pasar, ngamungkinkeun perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka di dunya pikeun ngahontal desain pusat data anu paling maju. Produk sareng solusi Servicer gaduh anu paling maju 9001: 2008 fasilning panangtaki kadaptar sareng ujian Nampi dina Austin, Texas, sareng bangga ieu. Ngalayanan konsumén global ngaliwatan Austin sareng tilu pusat operasi régional di Inggris, Jérman sareng Cina, anu ngadukung panyebaran sistem di langkung ti 50 nagara/wilayah.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Sababaraha téknologi ieu kalebet bahan bakar alternatif anu tiasa diperbaharui, kendaraan listrik hibrida, batré litium graphene canggih sareng mobil murah serat karbon. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. Garis produksi bakal ngagunakeun mesin robotic pikeun nyieun prosés anyar ngaliwatan prosés anyar, kukituna greatly ngurangan waktu manufaktur sarta biaya bagian serat karbon. Kendaraan listrik e-Go tiasa nampung opat panumpang, gaduh umur batre anu panjang, sareng kusabab kendaraanna hampang, tingkat efisiensi énergi dina nyetir kota saluhur 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.
AFC Energy plc (LSE: AFC.L) ayeuna mangrupikeun pamekar global téknologi sél bahan bakar alkali béaya rendah. Téknologi museurkeun kana aplikasi industri skala ageung sareng tiasa dilegakeun sapinuhna pikeun nyayogikeun kakuatan bersih dina paménta. Fuel cells have the potential to become a catalyst, changing the way today's industry produces energy for tomorrow.
Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. The company categorizes its activities into natural gas and services, engineering technology and other activities. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. It also provides medical gas, sanitary products, medical equipment and services for hospitals and patients at home. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Its engineering and technical activities include design, development and construction of industrial gas production plants. Kagiatan sanésna kalebet pamekaran téknologi las sareng motong, sareng nyayogikeun peralatan nyilem sareng ngojay laut jero. hidrogén
Air Products (NYSE: APD) is a leading industrial gas company. For nearly 75 years, the company has provided atmospheric, process and specialty gases and related equipment to manufacturing markets such as metals, food and beverages, refining and petrochemicals, and natural gas liquefaction. Air Products' Materials Technology Division serves the semiconductor, polyurethane, cleaning and coatings, and adhesive industries. Kalayan langkung ti 20,000 karyawan di 50 nagara/wilayah, Air Products komitmen pikeun ngajantenkeun Air Products perusahaan gas industri anu paling aman sareng paling berprestasi di dunya, nyayogikeun produk anu lestari sareng jasa kualitas ka sadaya para nasabah. Hydrogen Energy: Air Products has more than 50 years of hydrogen experience and is at the forefront of hydrogen energy technology development. Kami nyebarkeun stasiun ngeusian bahan bakar hidrogén munggaran di 1993 sareng ngembangkeun portopolio patén éksténsif ngeunaan suplai hidrogén sareng téknologi distribusi. Air Products provides liquid and gaseous hydrogen and a broad portfolio of refueling infrastructure solutions
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) Pikeun leuwih ti 100 taun, AMEC geus nyadiakeun rarancang lengkep, rékayasa jeung konstruksi pikeun pamekar kakuatan, utilitas, industri, kontraktor, lembaga keuangan, pamaréntah, sarta pamekar téhnologi énergi renewable. jasa manajemén. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
Sumberdaya Kasalametan Amérika (OTC: ARSC), ngalangkungan anak perusahaanna American Hydrogen Corporation, ngembangkeun téknologi pikeun ngarumuskeun hidrogén. Ieu dimaksudkeun pikeun nyadiakeun gas alam reformer-purifier pikeun nyadiakeun hidrogén on demand.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) nyaéta pamimpin dunya dina kakuatan nuklir. Grup Areva ogé investasi dina énergi renewable pikeun ngembangkeun solusi téknologi luhur ngaliwatan partnerships. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. Areva Grup boga runtuyan usaha dina opat widang énergi renewable: énergi angin lepas pantai, bioenergy, tanaga surya kentel jeung neundeun énergi. Panyimpen énergi sél suluh / hidrogén: Grup Areva gaduh pangalaman langkung ti 10 taun dina neundeun énergi, khususna dina widang hidrogén. The team designs, manufactures and industrializes turnkey energy storage solutions and products to generate electricity through fuel cells and hydrogen through electrolysis.
AYRO, Inc. (NASDAQGS: AYRO) mendesain sareng nyayogikeun solusi armada listrik kompak, bébas émisi pikeun pasar kota sareng jarak pondok. Kandaraan AYRO tiasa nyumponan sajumlah kabutuhan bisnis sareng janten pamimpin anu muncul dina transportasi logistik anu aman, terjangkau, efisien sareng lestari. AYRO diadegkeun dina 2017 ku pangusaha, investor sareng eksekutif anu gairah pikeun nyiptakeun solusi kendaraan listrik kota sustainable pikeun manajemén kampus, mil terakhir sareng pangiriman kota, sareng transportasi kampus katutup.
BWT AG ORD (Vienna: BWT.VI; Frankfurt: TWB.F) is a water technology company. Sél bahan bakar: FUMATECH, anak perusahaan BWT, salaku supplier mémbran inovatif (polimér fumion® sareng polimémbran fumapem®), parantos diadegkeun sacara global pikeun ngalayanan pasar sél suluh global anu bakal datang. These innovative membranes are membrane electrode units Core components. PEM (Polimér Éléktrolit Mémbran) sél suluh.
Cabot Corporation (NYSE: CBT) is the world's leading specialty chemicals and functional materials company, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. Portopolio produk aditif karbon kami ngamungkinkeun pamekar batré nimba efisiensi pangluhurna mungkin tina unggal bahan aktip, kukituna promosi kaluaran kakuatan tinggi jeung dénsitas énergi accu litium-ion, kitu ogé manjangkeun umur siklus na muatan narima accu lead-asam. Our carbon additives are also used in super capacitors, fuel cells, lithium air and other energy storage devices.
Clean Energy Capital Corporation (CSE: MOVE) mangrupikeun perusahaan investasi anu khusus dina investasi oportunistik di perusahaan swasta sareng umum anu tiasa ngalibetkeun sababaraha industri. Ayeuna museurkeun kana kaséhatan sareng industri énergi anu tiasa dianyari. In particular, the investment directive focuses on high-return investment opportunities, achieving a reasonable rate of capital appreciation and the ability to seek investment liquidity. The company acquired a 90% stake in PowerTap on October 27. PowerTap, with its environmental protection intellectual property rights, modular design, and product design with the lowest level of hydrogen production costs, and a start-up plan, is leading this expense to ngadegkeun infrastruktur suluh hidrogén ongkos-éféktif.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. The Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles named after the Mercedes-Benz brand, as well as small cars named after smart brands. Daimler's truck business unit sells trucks under the names Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, Thomas-made buses and Bharat Benz brands. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Divisi Beus Daimler ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual beus gabungan, beus kota sareng antarkota, gerbong sareng sasis beus dina merek Mercedes-Benz sareng Setra. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. Pausahaan ieu diadegkeun dina 1904 sarta kantor pusatna di Maumee, Ohio, kalawan kurang leuwih 23.000 pagawé di 25 nagara/wilayah di genep buana. Dana has applied mature technologies to future power sources, including fuel cell products and later products. With our recognized expertise in the development of high temperature materials, we develop and manufacture superior fuel products for the automotive market, including the balance of factories, hydrogen reformers and chimney assemblies. For more than ten years, we have been a global leader in the fuel cell market and have won honors including General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award and f Battery 2010 Gold Award. We are committed to meeting your current and future needs. Naha éta sél suluh, batré, kendaraan listrik hibrida atanapi mesin durukan internal, Dana bakal nyayogikeun produk énergi alternatif anu inovatif sareng dipercaya pikeun ngadukung anjeun di dinya.
Dominovas Energy (OTC: DNRG) mangrupikeun perusahaan publik di Nevada. Dominovas Energy Corporation is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and is a leading power solution provider for emerging markets around the world. DEC ngagunakeun téknologi sél bahan bakar oksida padet RUBICON™ (SOFC) proprietary na pikeun nyebarkeun dina pembangkit listrik multi-megawatt di sakuliah dunya. Pursuing clean and efficient power production globally through solid oxide fuel cell technology inspired its founder to create an “Energy Solutions” company. Recognizing poténsi tumuwuh badag tina pasar "héjo" jeung "énergi alternatif", Dominowas Energy Corporation nyokot tindakan aktif pikeun geuwat allocate ibukota intelektual jeung finansial -na pikeun strategis ngajawab 100% solusi énergi héjo dipercaya, efisien sarta diukur cleaner ti generator set na CCGT. . Salaku tambahan, teu sapertos solusi angin sareng surya, RUBICON nyayogikeun kakuatan beban dasar 24/7/365 dinten sataun. By manufacturing and deploying RUBICON™ on a global scale, Domino Gas Energy is committed to creating shareholder value not only by generating a guaranteed revenue stream, but also by increasing the value of “human and community capital”. By operating with the utmost honesty and integrity in all business transactions to commit to core values, Dominowas Energy is also committed to respecting the rights of all people, while recognizing and respecting all cultures necessary to support the growth and development of communities and nations. Gawéna di dinya. The company firmly believes that this unique advanced technology will have an impact on the world, and is determined to fulfill its mission of providing electricity where it is economically feasible.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu nyekel kakuatan panggedéna di Amérika Serikat, nyayogikeun sareng nganteurkeun énergi ka sakitar 7,3 juta palanggan Amérika. Kami ngahasilkeun kira-kira 570.000 megawatt listrik di Carolina, Midwest sareng Florida, sareng nyayogikeun jasa distribusi gas alam di Ohio sareng Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy kantor pusatna di Charlotte, North Carolina sareng mangrupikeun perusahaan Fortune 250. Hydrogen fuel cell: Hydrogen has broad prospects as an environmentally friendly and sustainable means of storing and transferring energy. The challenge is to develop an economical method to extract hydrogen to justify the replacement of existing fuels. In the past few years, we have participated in research and pilot projects to test the feasibility of this fuel source. Our projects include: Homosassa Springs fuel cell, Microcell investment, Palm Garden fuel cell, hydrogen car and hydrogen gas station.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Pausahaan percaya yén ngaliwatan gawé babarengan jeung konsumén, pamaréntah, organisasi non-pamaréntah sarta pamingpin pamikiran, urang bisa mantuan manggihan solusi pikeun tantangan global, kayaning nyadiakeun cukup dahareun cageur pikeun jalma di sakuliah dunya, ngurangan gumantungna kana suluh fosil sarta Ngajaga hirup jeung lingkungan. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual téknologi pangurangan émisi karbon dioksida pikeun mesin durukan internal. Salaku bagian tina ékonomi hidrogén internasional anu beuki penting, kami nganggo téknologi anu dipaténkeun pikeun ngahasilkeun hidrogén sareng oksigén ngaliwatan sistem éléktrolisis anu unik. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Australia's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) is responsible for the production of carbon nanotubes and carbon fibers, nano-material concrete admixtures, hydrogen production, storage and transportation fuel systems (including low-emission hydrogen, hydrogen, methane, coalbed methane sareng bénsin shale). ) Museurkeun. Karajaan Inggris. All these aspects of Eden's business are part of an integrated strategy that aims to become a major global player in the alternative energy market, especially focusing on the clean energy transportation market, producing carbon-free hydrogen, and transporting hydrogen to Market and provide engines. Optasi dumasar kana jalan-jalan sareng solusi énergi.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). Penjualan kendaraan listrik, kapasitas produksi batré sareng pembangkit listrik tina énergi anu tiasa diperbarui diperkirakeun ningkat sacara signifikan dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, ku kituna paménta pikeun komoditi target ieu bakal ningkat sasuai. Ieu nyiptakeun kasempetan unik pikeun investasi sareng kéngingkeun royalti dina tambang sareng proyék anu bakal nyayogikeun bahan anu dipikabutuh pikeun révolusi kakuatan. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Aya 6 kombinasi royalti. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Struktur nanona tiasa dianggo dina batré anu tiasa dicas deui pikeun aplikasi kakuatan-rendah, ogé batré mikro dina pilem mikroskopis. Pausahaan nyadiakeun aluminium oksida anodized nanopore template nu bisa dipaké pikeun nyieun nanostructures sarta sagala rupa aplikasi filtration. Nanopartikel sareng nanopartikel dianggo dina alat panyimpen énergi sapertos supercapacitors sareng katoda batré litium-ion. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enova Systems, Inc. (OTC code: ENVS) designs, develops and produces drive systems and related components for electric, hybrid and fuel cell systems for mobile applications in the United States, Asia and Europe. Éta nyayogikeun sistem hibrid séri sareng paralel. The company's electric and hybrid electric drive systems as well as power management and power conversion systems are used in applications such as medium and heavy trucks, buses and heavy industrial vehicles.
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana boga leuwih ti 15 taun pangalaman dina nyadiakeun grid-ujung kakuatan parabot éléktronik pikeun sél suluh, photovoltaic sarta aplikasi batré, sarta nyadiakeun kabuktian, awét, solusi kualitas luhur ngaliwatan pabrik kapasitas luhur na di Éropa jeung Amérika Kalér. Eguana has thousands of proprietary energy storage inverters deployed in the European and North American markets and is a leading supplier of power control for solar self-use, grid services, and grid edge on-demand charging applications.
Sacara bumbu bahan bakar (Nasdaqg: FCL) nyayogikeun lakana épisién sareng anu berpotensi sareng panyabutan énergi, pulih sareng neundeun. We design, manufacture, and conduct project development, installation, operation and maintenance of megawatt fuel cell systems, and provide solutions for utilities, industrial and large municipal power users, including utility scale and on-site power generation, carbon capture, and localization For Octingan sareng produksi hidrogén industri sareng gudang anu maksimum jangka panjang. With SureSource™ installed on three continents and generating millions of megawatt hours of ultra-clean clean energy, FuelCell Energy is a global leader in the design, manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of environmentally responsible fuel cell power solutions
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Mobil héjo: Eimonomi Ugur, Mobil Listrik ,tri utama sareng bahan sélulér hidrogrence. Our engineers are exploring future advanced technologies such as fuel cell vehicles. We are at the forefront of this innovation, which enables vehicles to release water vapor instead of carbon dioxide from the exhaust pipe. Our customers have driven more than 3 million miles in our hydrogen fuel cell vehicle test fleet. Eupan balik nyata ieu ngamungkinkeun urang pikeun ngaronjatkeun téhnologi, salajengna ngurangan ukuranana jeung ningkatkeun durability.
GreenCell Inc. (OTC: GCLL) nyaéta parusahaan tahap ngembangkeun dedicated ka ngembangkeun sistem gas jeung alat igniters, sensor oksigén, sél suluh jeung alat-alat pikeun pabrik parabot aslina, pabrik, distributor industri jeung reseller dina parabot rumah tangga produk Pad marake, otomotif. , heating and cooling, and medical industries
Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) is a leader in providing energy management systems and hybrid solutions for distributed stationary industrial applications, as well as products and solutions for education, training and applied research Technology providers are dipaké dina sél suluh, solar, angin jeung téhnologi hidrogén. Heliocentris' energy management system creates smart, remotely controlled, reliable and efficient hybrid energy solutions through various components (such as batteries, photovoltaic modules, conventional diesel generators and fuel cells). Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Sistim sél suluh Heliocentris 'bisa mastikeun suplai kakuatan uninterrupted pikeun infrastruktur kritis (saperti stasiun base TETRA, situs tulang tonggong jeung stasiun server dina jaringan mobile) sarta waktu operasi panjang. Widang "ngajar" nyadiakeun runtuyan learning jeung sistem panalungtikan pikeun sél suluh jeung téhnologi hidrogén surya sarta téknologi énergi renewable lianna. Customers include training centers, research institutions and industries.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. The motorcycle business unit produces sports models, including test and cross-country motorcycles. modeu komérsial sarta commuting; kandaraan sagala rupa bumi; jeung kandaraan utiliti. The automotive business unit provides passenger cars, light trucks and mini cars, as well as vehicles powered by alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol, electric and fuel cell vehicles. Bagéan bisnis jasa finansial nyayogikeun rupa-rupa jasa kauangan, kalebet pinjaman ritel, ngajakan sareng jasa kauangan sanés, kalebet pembiayaan borongan ka distributor sareng nasabah. Produk Daya sareng unit bisnis sanésna aktipitas manufaktur sareng penjualan rupa-rupa produk listrik, kalebet mesin sub-till, generator portabel, mesin tujuan umum, mesin pemotong rumput, mesin laut outboard, pompa cai, blower salju, operator listrik, sprayer listrik. , sarta mowers padang rumput hejo Mesin jeung traktor padang rumput hejo. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. The company sells its products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. As always, our attention is focused on the future. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. Ieu sadayana bagian tina pamikiran sareng tindakan Honda. Kandaraan anu ramah lingkungan: gas alam, kakuatan hibrid sareng sél suluh
Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. Perusahaan nyayogikeun Centennial / Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Aksen, Aksen 5DR, ix20, I20 , i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Including trucks, buses, special vehicles and commercial vehicles with exposed chassis products, as well as Eco vehicles, including Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell and Sonata-Hybrid vehicles. For Canadians as the first car manufacturer to provide Fuel, Hyundai's Cell Electric vehicle enables a zero-emission, zero-carload fuel tank to travel more than 400 kilometers without having to spend hours on charging. Pamikiran anyar urang parantos ngaliwat wates tradisional, ngadefinisikeun deui tujuan anu tiasa dicapai ku mobil, dunya énggal, sareng nuju ka masa depan anu langkung saé.
Itm Power (LSE: ITM.L) designs, manufactures and sells hydrogen energy systems for energy storage and clean fuel production in the UK. The company develops equipment that converts renewable energy into clean fuels; and stores it as green hydrogen for decarbonization in transportation, industrial and natural gas power generation, and residential applications. It provides the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer HPac 40; HFuel, an independent module for refueling hydrogen-powered road vehicles and forklifts; jeung HGas pikeun pembangkit listrik gas alam. The company is also involved in research and development of scientific and engineering projects; development and manufacture of prototype products; sales of electrolysis equipment and hydrogen storage solutions.
Johnson Matthey PLC (LSE: JMAT.L) is divided into five departments: emission control technology, process technology, precious metal products, fine chemicals and new business. Sél suluh Johnson Matthey mangrupikeun pamimpin dunya dina produksi katalis sél suluh sareng komponén katalitik. This technology is a technology that produces low-carbon power. Johnson Matthey fuel cell is at the forefront of fuel cell component development. The company has the world's largest manufacturing plant in Swindon, UK, for the production of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) for hydrogen and methanol fuel systems.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) is a company dedicated to becoming the diamond standard for the magnesium (Mg) market. The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. Produce high-purity SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 and other saleable by-products and by-products; Katilu, ngahasilkeun 99,9% ingot magnésium murni; and IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Produk Modine dianggo dina kendaraan anu hampang, sedeng sareng beurat, pemanasan, ventilasi sareng alat AC, alat-alat luar jalan sareng industri, sareng sistem kulkas. Modine is a global company headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, with operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Variable-speed brushless fan (EFAN) technology is used to control temperature in diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid applications, and is also part of pioneering fuel cell-powered buses.
Neah Power System. Inc. (OTC: NPWZ) is a developer of innovative, durable, efficient and safe power solutions for military, transportation and portable electronic applications. Neah's Powerchip(R) technology uses a unique, patented and award-winning silicon-based design that enables higher power density, air and non-air operation, lower cost and compact form factor. Sél bahan bakar mikro Neah's BuzzBar™ sareng BuzzCell™ nganggo téknologi béaya rendah, dibédakeun patén dina produk berorientasi konsumen.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) is a leading global independent bus manufacturer, providing a comprehensive set of public transportation solutions under the following brands: NewFlyer® (heavy buses), Alexander Dennis Limited (single-layer and Double-decker beus), Plaxton (mobil panumpang motorized), MCI® (mobil panumpang motorized), ARBOC® (mobil panumpang low-chassis jeung mobil panumpang sedeng-ukuran) jeung NFI Parts™. NFI buses and coaches use the most extensive drive systems, including: clean diesel, natural gas, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles and zero-emission electric vehicles (trolleys, batteries and fuel cells). NFI ayeuna ngadukung langkung ti 105,000 beus sareng palatih anu ayeuna dianggo di dunya.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) ngarobih industri transportasi dina skala global. Salaku desainer sareng produsén kendaraan listrik sareng hidrogén listrik, karéta drive kendaraan listrik, komponén kendaraan, sistem panyimpen énérgi, sareng prasarana stasiun pengisian bahan bakar hidrogén, Nikola komitmen pikeun ngamajukeun dampak ékonomi sareng lingkungan bisnis sapertos anu urang terang ayeuna. influences. Nikola Corporation diadegkeun dina 2015 sareng kantor pusatna di Phoenix, Arizona.
NioCorp Developments Ltd. (TSX: NB.TO; OTC: NIOBF) is developing a superalloy material project in southeastern Nebraska that will produce niobium, scan and titanium. Niobium is used in the production of superalloys and high-strength, low-alloy (“HSLA”) steels, which are lightweight, high-strength steels used in automotive, structural and piping applications. Didium bisa dipaké dina kombinasi kalayan aluminium pikeun nyieun hiji alloy kinerja ultra-luhur kalawan kakuatan luhur sarta lalawanan korosi luhur. Didium ogé mangrupa bagian penting sél suluh oksida padet canggih. Titanium dipaké dina sagala rupa alloy-suhu luhur sarta loba dipaké dina aerospace, pertahanan, transportasi, médis sarta aplikasi sejenna. Éta ogé mangrupikeun bahan konci pigmén anu dianggo dina kertas, cet sareng plastik.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; mesin industri; jeung rékayasa, alat éléktronik jeung alat éléktronik. mobil listrik. Nissan is developing fuel cell technology, which can use plant ethanol to power cars.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) mangrupa grup énergi jeung téhnologi lingkungan dedicated ka ngembangkeun, produksi jeung jualan sistem jeung produk pikeun ramah lingkungan, énergi efisien sarta low-sumberdaya. Opcon mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar dina sababaraha daérah bisnis. Opcon boga operasi di Swédia, Jérman jeung Britania Raya. Opcon's business area Renewable Energy focuses on carbon dioxide-free power generation based on waste heat, bio-powered thermal power plants, pellet plants, biomass, sludge and natural gas processing systems, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, and flue gas treatment. Sistim hawa sél suluh.
Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQGS: PLUG) Plug Power is the architect of modern hydrogen and fuel cell technology, and an innovator who applies hydrogen and fuel cell technology from concepts to commercialization. Plug Power has revolutionized the material handling industry with its full-service GenKey solution, which aims to increase productivity, reduce operating costs and reduce carbon footprint in a reliable, cost-effective manner. The company's GenKey solution combines all the necessary elements to provide customers with power, fuel and services. Kalayan produk sélulér hidrogén sareng bahan bakar anu kabuktian, Plug Power ngagentos batré asam timbal pikeun ngagerakkeun kendaraan industri listrik, sapertos forklift anu dianggo ku para nasabah di pusat distribusina. Platform ProGen engine sél suluh modular Plug Power ngalegaan pangaruhna dina pasar kendaraan listrik jalan, ngamungkinkeun OEM sareng integrator sistem gancang ngadopsi téknologi sél suluh hidrogén. ProGen engines are proven to provide thousands of services and support some of the most robust operations in the world. Plug Power is a trusted partner of customers and can push their business into the future.
Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. Pikeun leuwih ti sapuluh taun, Praxair geus nyadiakeun suluh hidrogén jeung rojongan teknis patali ka pamekar sél suluh jeung armada sakuliah nagara. Praxair's comprehensive hydrogen supply system allows your distribution center to take full advantage of the lower cost and higher productivity provided by hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, while leaving the hydrogen supply to experts.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . Éta nyayogikeun modul sél suluh hidrogén anu terpadu sareng sistem panyimpen énergi pikeun nyiptakeun sistem hibrid sél suluh listrik pikeun nyayogikeun listrik nalika paménta puncak. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. Perusahaan nyayogikeun jasa konsultasi téknis pikeun mesin, powertrain sareng kotak gear, sistem hibrida sareng listrik, sareng sistem kendaraan; and environmental consulting services. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan ogé ngajual sareng ngadukung séri desain sareng analisa produk parangkat lunak khusus dikembangkeun pikeun aplikasi dina pamekaran powertrain sareng prosés integrasi kendaraan; sareng masihan bantosan téknis, palatihan sareng jasa. Sajaba ti éta, ogé nyadiakeun produk-kinerja tinggi, ti mesin, transmisi, motor jeung generator, pak batré jeung sistem sél suluh pikeun ngabersihan program mobil husus. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Sistem besula bahan kimia global Co., Ltd. (Nasdaqcm: Qtww) mangrupikeun kapentingan, pamekaran kontribusi sareng sistem pangwangunan anu kalebet mesin sareng sistem pangiriman kendusan. Quantum produces one of the most innovative, advanced, and lightest compressed natural gas storage tanks in the world. Salian sistem tangki panyimpen gas alam anu terintegrasi, éta ogé nyayogikeun tangki panyimpen ieu pikeun treuk sareng OEM otomotif ogé integrator treuk aftermarket sareng OEM. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Kuantalan lulus pagelaran di Toch, California, nganggo Operasi sareng Push Di Amérika Serikat, Banada.
SFC Energy Corporation (XETRA: F3C.DE; Frankfurt: F3C.F) is a world-leading enterprise group for mobile energy solutions and power management in the industrial, defense and consumer markets, focusing on the oil and gas industry. The company has sold thousands of fuel cells and has successfully established comprehensive commercialization and award-winning products worldwide. The group has also successfully developed, produced and distributed advanced power management components, such as converters and switch-mode power supplies, globally. Products are increasingly delivered as power system solutions based on customer requirements. SFC parantos lulus DIN ISO 9001: 2008 sertifikasi.
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of carbon-based products. Our comprehensive product range ranges from carbon and graphite products to carbon fiber and composite materials. Kami komitmen pikeun nyiptakeun solusi sareng nilai inovatif pikeun konsumén urang. Fuel cell components: SGL Group develops and commercializes carbon-based products for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEFC)
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Departemen Bahan Batré Canggih kalibet dina komersialisasi batré litium-ion sareng bahan sél suluh. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Solarvest BioEnergy Inc. (TSX: SVS.V) is an algae technology company whose algae production platform provides it with an extremely flexible system that can be adapted to produce clean energy in the form of hydrogen and health products (such as omega oil). Ékonomi jeung cara sénsitip lingkungan. Suluh hidrogén bisa dipaké pikeun pamakéan énérgi langsung, komprési jeung neundeun, atawa pikeun pembangkit listrik, kayaning dina sél suluh stasioner. Salaku tambahan, téknologi héjo ieu bakal terus ngahasilkeun sks karbon, anu tiasa dijual atanapi didagangkeun ku perusahaan.
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE: TDY) is a leading provider of cutting-edge instruments, digital imaging products and software, aerospace and defense electronics, and engineering systems. Teledyne Technologies' business is mainly located in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Western Europe and Northern Europe. Sél suluh: Teledyne tiasa ngahijikeun sadaya solenoid pangrojong sél suluh, sénsor tekanan, régulator, klep kaamanan, cek klep sareng térmistor kana piring manifold dina tungtung tumpukan sél suluh. Hydrogen: Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. provides a series of on-site on-demand hydrogen generators that can provide ultra-pure hydrogen and oxygen for these and more applications.
Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) mangrupikeun produsén mobil panggedéna di dunya, panyipta kendaraan sél bahan bakar Prius sareng Mirai, didedikasikeun pikeun ngadamel mobil pikeun jalma ngalangkungan gaya hirup merek Toyota, Lexus sareng Scion. In the past 50 years, we have manufactured more than 25 million cars and trucks in North America, where we operate 14 manufacturing plants (10 in the US) and directly employ more than 42,000 employees (more than 33,000 in the US) ). In 2014, our 1,800 North American dealerships (1,500 in the US) sold 2.67 million cars and trucks (over 2.35 million in the US)-in the past 20 years, approximately 80% of Toyota vehicles sold are still Today on the road. Around the world, people are working hard to use the energy of hydrogen, which is the most abundant element in the universe. Toyota ngakuan poténsi hidrogén anu ageung salaku sumber énergi anu bersih sareng aktip ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun kendaraan sél bahan bakar (FCV).
Ultralife Corp (NasdaqGM: ULBI) nyadiakeun produk jeung jasa ka pasar, ti solusi kakuatan pikeun komunikasi jeung sistem éléktronik. Through its engineering and collaborative problem-solving methods, Ultralife provides services to government, defense and commercial customers worldwide. Perusahaan ieu kantor pusatna di Newark, New York, sareng unit bisnisna kalebet batré sareng produk énergi sareng sistem komunikasi. Ultralife beroperasi di Amérika Kalér, Eropa sareng Asia. We have the ability to integrate batteries, charging solutions, and monitoring, and have established strong partnerships with wind, solar, fuel cell and power management companies to ensure that we can meet the needs of all markets with the right solutions.
United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX) provides high-tech systems and services for the rapidly growing aerospace and construction industries. Sél suluh: Modul kakuatan sél bahan bakar kami (FCPM) ngawasa kapal selam S-80 Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) Navantia pikeun Angkatan Laut Spanyol. S-80 FCPM is qualified and has been put into production. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell energy system provides air-independent power for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). We are developing flexible, reasonably priced, simple and energy-intensive system solutions for underwater vehicles with a diameter of 21 inches and below. We have decades of experience in the design and production of reliable, durable and safe qualified subsea hardware.
UQM Technologies (NYSE MKT: UQM) is a developer and manufacturer of power-intensive, high-efficiency electric motors, generators and power electronic controllers for commercial trucks, buses, automobiles, ships, military and industrial markets. The main focus of UQM is to develop propulsion systems for electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles. UQM mangrupikeun sertifikasi TS 16949 sareng ISO 14001 sareng ayana di Longmont, Colorado
Xebec Inc (TSX: XBC.V) mangrupikeun panyadia global solusi énergi bersih pikeun perusahaan sareng pamaréntahan anu hoyong ngirangan tapak suku karbon na. Xebec boga leuwih ti 1.500 konsumén di sakuliah dunya, sarta produk inovatif na dirancang, direkayasa, sarta dijieun ngarobah gas atah kana énergi bersih dijual. Xebec's strategic focus is to establish a leading position in the market with growing demand for gas purification, natural gas dehydration and filtration. Headquartered in Montreal (QC), Xebec is a multinational company with two manufacturing plants in Montreal and Shanghai, and sales and distribution networks in North America and Asia. Xebec provides gas purification and filtration solutions for the natural gas, field gas, biogas, helium and hydrogen markets.
AES Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: AES) is a Fortune 500 global power company. Kami nyayogikeun énérgi anu mampu milik sareng lestari ka 14 nagara/wilayah ngaliwatan usaha distribusi anu rupa-rupa sareng fasilitas pembangkit listrik énergi termal sareng terbarukan. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , kalayan fokus kana grid pinter. Geothermal: We are at the forefront of geothermal innovation, have a broad portfolio of mature technologies, and are able to create customized solutions for the most challenging geothermal applications.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) nyaéta perusahaan énérgi terbaharukeun terkemuka di dunya, ngoperasikeun lima pembangkit listrik kalayan total pembangkit listrik 553 MW, kalebet fasilitas PLTA hulu walungan panggedéna sareng kebon angin panggedéna di British Columbia Sareng dua panas bumi. fasilitas pembangkit listrik di Islandia. Alterra owns a 247 MW share of this capacity and generates more than 1,250 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra gaduh 51% tina saham; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX: BSR.V) is a mineral exploration and development company dedicated to advancing its 100% owned Cerro Blanco gold mine and Mita geothermal project in Guatemala. The economics of the Cerro Blanco project disclosed in the company's Cerro Blanco preliminary economic assessment (available on www.sedar.com) and Cerro Blanco's latest mineral resource estimates indicate that the project is robust and is expected to produce 952,000 ounces during the 9-year mine life Gold mine. Emas jeung 3.141.000 ons pérak. Estimasi pengeluaran modal awal PEA pikeun pangwangunan jeung komisioning diperkirakeun $170,8 juta, sarta total biaya pangropéa tunai (ditetepkeun nurutkeun tungtunan World Gold Council urang, dikurangan waragad umum jeung manajemén parusahaan) diperkirakeun $490 per ons emas. produced.
Calpine Corporation (NYSE: CPN) mangrupikeun produsén gas alam sareng sumber panas bumi panggedéna di Amérika Serikat. Kami ngagaduhan 82 pembangkit listrik kalayan ampir 27,000 MW beroperasi. Urang ngalayanan konsumén di 18 nagara bagian jeung Kanada, specializing dina ngembangkeun, konstruksi, kapamilikan sarta operasi gas alam jeung pembangkit listrik geothermal renewable nu ngagunakeun téknologi canggih pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik dina ragam low-karbon jeung ramah lingkungan. Our clean, efficient, modern and flexible fleet is uniquely positioned to benefit from long-term trends affecting our industry. These trends include affordable clean natural gas supply, stricter environmental regulations, aging power generation infrastructure, and The increasing demand for dispatchable power plants. Suksés ngaintegrasikeun énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui intermittent kana grid. We focus on the fiercely competitive electricity wholesale market and advocate market-oriented solutions to provide investors with non-discriminatory forward price signals
Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies. The company is involved in almost every aspect of the energy industry. Chevron explores, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, sells and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; produces and sells petrochemical products and additives; ngahasilkeun listrik sarta ngahasilkeun énérgi panas bumi; sarta ngamekarkeun tur deploys nu bisa ningkatkeun sagala aspek operasi parusahaan Téhnologi pikeun nilai bisnis. Chevron kantor pusatna di San Ramon, California.
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. It operates through integrated energy and other fields. The company produces, buys and retails electricity and natural gas. Éta ngahasilkeun listrik tina hidropower, geerermal sareng sumber termal, sareng énergi angin. Perusahaan ogé kalibet dina jéntré gasum haneut. Éta ngajantenkeun padumukan, komérsial sareng perusahaan industri. In addition, it also provides meter services to other retailers.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) is committed to the development and management of renewable energy power generation at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. Enel Green Power uses all renewable energy sources to produce energy through a wide portfolio of wind, hydro, geothermal, solar and biomass energy projects. Geothermal: Enel's renewable energy company operates one of the largest geothermal power plants in the world, with 34 facilities, totaling approximately 769 net megawatts, and generating more than 5 TWh per year, which can meet 26% of regional demand and average consumption Approximately 2 million Italian families. In addition, the heat provided by EGP can heat more than 8,700 residential and commercial customers and approximately 25 hectares of greenhouses. Enel Green Power ayeuna komitmen pikeun nguatkeun peranna dina lingkungan global ngaliwatan inisiatif anyar dilaksanakeun di luar negeri. Salah sahijina, utamana patut mentioning nyaéta Amérika Serikat, dimana dua tutuwuhan Stillwater jeung Salt Wells ngagunakeun salah sahiji téknologi paling canggih dilarapkeun dina widang ieu: sirkulasi binér jeung Enthalpy panengah. Sababaraha nagara di Amérika Tengah sareng Kidul ogé netepkeun sababaraha rencana investasi.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. PLTA teu diragukeun deui sumber tanaga utama anu dikembangkeun, tapi tanaga angin, tanaga surya, tanaga biomassa sareng énérgi panas bumi janten langkung penting dina struktur énergi.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation gaduh kaahlian rékayasa anu kasohor di dunya dina widang vakum sareng téknologi transfer panas. Éta mangrupikeun desainer global, produsén sareng panyadia ejektor khusus, pompa, kondenser, sistem vakum sareng penukar panas. Graham is a provider of products and services for the power generation industry. Kondenser permukaanna dianggo pikeun jasa generator turbin, ejectors jet uap sareng sistem pompa cincin cair dianggo pikeun alat-alat knalpot kondenser, sareng penukar panas dianggo pikeun sababaraha jasa. Waste to energy (including landfill methane to energy), combined heat and power, nuclear power, geothermal, combined heat and power, and combined cycle power generation facilities all require our products.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. Sumberdaya panas bumi konvensional di Samudra Pasifik anu lega nyaéta pasisian.
NRG Yield, Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: NYLD, NYLD-A) has a diversified portfolio of contract renewable, conventional power generation and thermal infrastructure assets in the United States, including fossil fuels, solar and wind that can provide more support More than 2 million American homes and businesses have power generation facilities. Aset infrastruktur termal kami nyadiakeun uap, cai panas jeung/atawa cai tiis, sarta kadangkala listrik, ka usaha komérsial, universitas, rumah sakit jeung departemén pamaréntah di sababaraha lokasi.
Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ORA) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina widang pembangkit listrik panas bumi. Pausahaan boga ampir 50 taun pangalaman dina ngamekarkeun solusi kakuatan ramah lingkungan panganyarna. Ormat mangrupikeun perusahaan anu terintegrasi vertikal anu utamina kalibet dina usaha pembangkitan listrik panas bumi sareng energi terbarukan. The company designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy power plants. Ngaliwatan pangropéa anu épéktip sareng réspon anu pas kana masalah operasional, pangaweruh anu jero tina operasi ieu masihan perusahaan kaunggulan kalapa. Salian gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun pembangkit listrik panas bumi di Amérika Serikat sareng nagara/wilayah sanés, perusahaan ogé ngarancang, ngahasilkeun sareng ngical paralatan pembangkit listrik sareng set lengkep pembangkit listrik. Ormat ayeuna gaduh operasi di Amérika Serikat, Guatemala sareng Kenya.
Petratherm Limited (ASX: PTR.AX) komitmen kana éksplorasi sareng pamekaran proyék énérgi panas bumi non-émisi sustainable sacara komersil. Petratherm Limited is a leading prospector and developer of geothermal energy in Adelaide. The company actively participates in projects in Australia, Spain and China.
PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (Philippines: PERC.PH) focuses on upstream oil exploration and development. PERC mainly derives income from three production areas in Gabon, West Africa, and has become the only Philippine company that makes a profit from an international upstream enterprise. Realizing the opportunity of business diversification, PERC reinvested Gabon's profits into several oil fields and renewable energy projects in the Philippines. Panasbumi
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) mangrupikeun pamekar sistem énergi anu dikhususkeun pikeun ngagunakeun téknologi siklus Rankine organik pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi sareng pamulihan panas runtah. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. Téknologi ORC PowerVerde ogé tiasa digabungkeun sareng panas bumi, biomassa sareng sumber panas surya.
Raya Group (ASX: RYG.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi sareng pamekaran panas bumi anu kalibet dina sababaraha proyék di Australia sareng internasional. Raya kantor pusatna di Melbourne, Victoria, sareng proyék di Australia Kidul, Indonésia sareng Amérika Serikat. Miheulaan perusahaan nyaéta Panax Geothermal Co., Ltd.
American Geothermal Company (NYSE MKT: HTM, TSX: GTH.TO) is a leading profitable renewable energy company dedicated to the development, production and sales of geothermal power generation. The company currently operates geothermal power projects in Neal Hot Springs, Oregon; San Emidio, Nevada; and Raft River, Idaho, with a total power generation capacity of approximately 45 megawatts. The company is also developing projects in Geysers, California; fase kadua proyék di San Emidio, Nevada; proyék El Ceibillo deukeut Kota Guatemala, Guatemala; sarta Crescent Valley, Nevada. The growth strategy of US geothermal is to achieve 200 MW of power generation by 2020 through a combination of internal development and strategic acquisitions
Alabama Graphite Company (TSX: CSPG.V) mangrupikeun éksplorasi sareng pamekaran flake grafit berbasis Kanada sareng perusahaan produksi bahan batré sareng téknologi anu ambisius. Pausahaan ngalaksanakeun bisnis ngaliwatan anakna pinuh-milik Alabama Graphite Company Inc. (perusahaan didaptarkeun di Alabama). Kalayan pamekaran proyék grafit flake di Amérika Serikat, Alabama Graphite Corp badé janten perusahaan Amérika jangka panjang anu dipercaya. A supplier of special high-purity graphite products, an experienced team leads the company with more than 100 years of experience in graphite mining, graphite processing, special graphite products and applications, and graphite sales. Alabama Graphite Company komitmen pikeun éksplorasi sareng Pangembangan. The development of the flagship Coosa graphite project in Coosa County, Alabama, the development of the Bama mine project in Chilton County, Alabama, and the research and development of battery material proprietary manufacturing and technical processing technology, Alaba Ma Graphite holds 100% interest in hak mineral dua proyék grafit AS lokasina di tanah swasta. Proyék ieu nyertakeun daérah langkung ti 43,000 hektar sareng ayana dina yurisdiksi anu sacara geopolitik stabil sareng gampang ditambang. There are a large number of historical flakes in the flake graphite belt in central Alabama (also known as the Alabama graphite belt) History of graphite production (source: US Bureau of Mines). A large part of the deposits in Alabama are characterized by graphite-containing materials that are oxidized and weathered into extremely soft rock. Both projects have proper infrastructure and are close to major highways, railroads, electricity and water, and are approximately three hours away from the Port of Mobile, Alabama Port Authority's deep sea port and the ninth largest port (via Truck or train). Palabuhan dumasar tonase di Amérika Serikat (Sumber: US Army Corps of Engineers/USACE). Alabama's pleasant climate allows year-round mining operations, and the world's largest marble quarry (Sylacauga, Alabama, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) is less than a 30-minute drive from the Coosa Graphite Project.
Archer Exploration Company (ASX: AXE.AX) is a prospector of graphite, magnesite, manganese, copper, gold and uranium, dedicated to discovering world-class deposits. Pausahaan geus taliti kaala portopolio leuwih ti 10.500 kilométer pasagi proyék di wewengkon Gawler Craton na Adelaide Fold Belt kacida ngajangjikeun Australia Kidul. Sadaya proyék 100% milik perusahaan.
Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource assets. It mainly explores gold, copper, nickel, base metal, precious metal and graphite deposits. The company has an interest in the Prospect Valley gold mine near Merritt, British Columbia; jeung tambang tambaga Peter Lake di Mont Laurier Terrane, Greenville, Quebec Tengah, Kanada. It is also interested in the Lac Guéret East graphite asset located in Manicouagan Regional County, Quebec, Canada. And Cimandiri property located in Sukabumi, Indonesia.
Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX: CAZ.AX) is a diversified mineral exploration and resource development company in Australia. Pausahaan utamana explores bijih beusi, grafit, tambaga, nikel, logam dasar, emas, kobalt jeung bijih séng. It owns various properties located in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
CKR Carbon Corp (TSX: CKR.V) (formerly Caribou King Resources) is committed to producing high-quality natural graphite suitable for lithium-ion batteries and graphite foil. Kami ngan ukur milih proyék-proyék anu modalna rendah sareng waktos anu pondok pikeun pasar.
China Carbon Graphite Group Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHGI) has become a pioneer in manufacturing and distributing graphite products such as electrodes, bipolar plates, precision machined graphite parts/assemblies and graphene-related products in China through its subsidiary Royal Elite New Énergi . Téhnologi (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Royal Elite). The company has established a wide customer base in Europe, America and Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. Our products are in high demand in the steel, metallurgy, non-ferrous metals, photovoltaic, energy storage, optical fiber, semiconductor and chemical industries.
DNI Metals Inc. (CSE: DNI) mangrupikeun perusahaan pertambangan Kanada. Pausahaan ayeuna museurkeun kana tambang grafit Vohisara anu aya di Madagaskar.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). Penjualan kendaraan listrik, kapasitas produksi batré sareng pembangkit listrik tina énergi anu tiasa diperbarui diperkirakeun ningkat sacara signifikan dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, ku kituna paménta pikeun komoditi target ieu bakal ningkat sasuai. Ieu nyiptakeun kasempetan unik pikeun investasi sareng kéngingkeun royalti dina tambang sareng proyék anu bakal nyayogikeun bahan anu dipikabutuh pikeun révolusi kakuatan. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Aya 6 kombinasi royalti. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
ELCORA ADVANCED MATERIALS CORP. (TSX: ERA.V; OTCQB: ECORF) was established in 2011 and has now developed into a vertically integrated graphite and graphene company that mines, processes, and refines graphite, and produces graphene and end-user graphene applications . As part of the vertical integration strategy, Elcora is interested in the operation of its Ragedara mine, which has begun production in Sri Lanka, to obtain high-grade graphite and graphene precursor graphite. Elcora parantos ngembangkeun metodeu béaya rendah sareng efisiensi luhur pikeun ngahasilkeun grafit sareng graphene kualitas luhur anu tiasa skala komersil. Kombinasi ieu ngandung harti yén Elcora boga parabot jeung sumberdaya pikeun vertikal ngahijikeun grafit jeung graphene.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) is a leading provider of various products used to purify, protect and transport critical materials used in the processing and manufacturing of semiconductors and other high-tech industries. Entegris has passed ISO 9001 certification and has manufacturing, customer service and/or research facilities in the United States, China, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Graphite: Poco Graphite-Entegris; Bahan POCO dianggo dina seueur aplikasi sareng industri anu béda. POCO products are produced for the following major markets: semiconductors and general industrial products, biomedicine, glass industrial products and electrical discharge machining (EDM). As a manufacturer of high-tech materials, POCO provides excellent customer support, including specific application information, design capabilities, processing and material testing.
Fangda Carbon New Materials Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600516.SS) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu kantor pusatna di Cina, utamina dina produksi sareng penjualan produk karbon. The company provides graphite electrodes, including ultra-high power, high power and normal power graphite electrodes. Carbon bricks, including ultra-high power graphite electrodes, aluminum carbon bricks, cathode carbon bricks and paste; special graphite products, including spectral carbon rods, high-temperature carbon felts, ultra-fine graphite powder, fluorocarbon felts, etc., new carbon materials and Iron powder ore, etc. In addition, it is also engaged in mining operations and provides iron ore concentrates.
Sumber Flinders terbatas (TSX: Frd.v) mangrupikeun 100% tina Woxna Woxtits and Fasilitas ngolah di Swédia. Flinders Resources ngajalajah sagala kasempetan anu aya pikeun ngawujudkeun produk-nilai tambah sareng ningkatkeun ékonomi bisnis.
Focus Graphite Inc. (TSX: FMS.V) is an advanced exploration and development mining company whose goal is to produce graphite concentrates at the Lac Knife deposit in southwestern Fairmont, Quebec. Dina fase kadua, pikeun nyayogikeun kapentingan stentnana dina transformasi quadeciasi dina propinsi sareng ningkatkeun produk spheral tilu sareng fox.
Global Lithium Ion Graphite Company (CSE: LION) intends pikeun jadi supplier grafit utama pikeun tumuwuh gancang industri batré ion litium-kaasup pabrik Gigafactory badag Tesla di Nevada jeung tutuwuhan lianna nu rencanana pikeun muka global.
Globe Metals & Mining (ASX: GBE.AX) kalibet dina investasi, éksplorasi sareng pamekaran sumber daya mineral di Australia sareng Afrika. Pausahaan museurkeun kana pamekaran proyék Kanyika niobium na di Malawi. Éta ogé ngajalajah tantalum, grafit, fluorit sareng unsur bumi jarang.
Goa Carbon Company (BSE: GOACARBON.BO) is a manufacturer and seller of calcined petroleum coke in India. The company supplies products to aluminum smelters, graphite electrode and titanium dioxide manufacturers, and other users in the metallurgical and chemical industries. Pabrik calcining perusahaan kalayan kapasitas taunan 75.000 ton perenahna di Goa kidul, 40 kilométer ti Pelabuhan Mormugao. Perusahaan gaduh dua pabrik sanésna di Bilaspur di Chhattisgarh sareng Paradep di Orissayah.
Graphite Energy Corp (CSE: GRE) gaduh téknologi pertambangan panganyarna anu ramah lingkungan. Kami grafit minangka, anu ku kituna énergi héjo anu saatos di hareup. Our mine is located in Quebec, Canada, and has historically been a natural resource of graphite. With the growing demand for graphite in some of the most prominent and cutting-edge industries, such as solar cells and lithium batteries in electric vehicles and robotics, we have updated our technology to meet future demands.
Graphite India Ltd. (NSE: GRAPHITE.NS) ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual éléktroda grafit sareng produk khusus karbon sareng grafit di India sareng internasional. The company's business scope includes: graphite and carbon, steel and other fields. Eta nyadiakeun éléktroda grafit pikeun pembuatan baja jeung logam non-ferrous séjén ngaliwatan tungku busur listrik jeung rute tungku ladle, sarta salaku consumables pikeun ngalakonan arus badag dina tekanan low salila lebur jeung / atawa alloying. Pausahaan ogé nawarkeun rod jeung blok, rod mikro, tabung grafit, tabung exchanger panas, grafit dijieun, grafit isostatically dijieun, karbon jeung grafit machined bagian, karbon grafit / bata, sarta karbon-karbon bahan komposit / rem Bentuk grafit extruded. Suitable for optical discs in steel, non-ferrous metals, metallurgy, solar energy, semiconductors, chemistry, glass, quartz and machinery and other processing industries. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun coke petroleum calcined, némpelkeun éléktroda karbon, partikel grafit sareng bahan anu saé, ogé bahan anu ngandung karbon anu dianggo dina industri aluminium, baja, alloy beusi sareng tuang. In addition, the company also provides impermeable graphite heat exchangers, including condensers, coolers, heaters, reboilers, evaporators, exchangers, and graphite towers for distillation, absorption and washing, ejector systems and centrifugals Pump; Unit generasi gas HCl pikeun sintésis jeung drying HCl, kitu ogé konsentrasi H2SO4 / HCl jeung asam éncér cooling Unit; bursting disc, thermowell, pipa na fittings pipe. In addition, it also provides glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes; joints, such as GRP couplings, laminated joints, flanges, etc.; jeung GRP elbows, tees, reducers, diffusers, klep tilu Pass jeung saterusna. In addition, the company also provides high-speed, alloy tools and powder metallurgy steel for cutting tools. Éta ogé kalibet dina pembangkitan listrik sareng penjualan ka jaringan listrik Karnataka ngalangkungan Pembangkit Listrik Hydel
Graphite One Resources Inc.. (TSX: GPH.V) ngalaksanakeun eksplorasi pikeun ngembangkeun proyek Graphite Creek, deposit grafit flake skala ageung di Amérika Serikat, ayana di Semenanjung Seward, Alaska, 60 mil kalér Nome. The project is moving from the exploration stage to the evaluation stage. The work so far has identified large, high-grade and surface resources with simple geology and good mineralization continuity. The project has the potential to produce products that can effectively compete in the high-end battery market (electric vehicles and power storage) and other purified graphite and graphite by-product markets.
GTA Resources and Mining Corporation (TSX: GTA.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan eksplorasi mineral anu kadaptar sacara umum. Hal ieu dipingpin ku hiji tim manajemen ngalaman tur suksés dedicated ka prospecting pikeun emas jeung grafit di Kanada.
HEG Limited (NSE: HEG.NS) is a leading manufacturer and exporter of graphite electrodes in India. HEG mangrupikeun pabrik éléktroda grafit titik tunggal panggedéna di dunya kalayan kapasitas produksi taunan 80,000 MT. Éta mangrupikeun perusahaan anu disertipikasi ISO 9001 sareng ISO 14001. HEG also operates three power generation facilities with a total rated capacity of approximately 77 MW.
Imerys (Paris: NK.PA) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina solusi khusus dumasar mineral dina industri. Imerys parantos ngarobih sababaraha mineral unik pikeun nyayogikeun solusi khusus fungsional (tahan panas, kakuatan mékanis, konduktivitas listrik, sinyalna), Pangaruh halangan, jsb. It is essential to the customer's product and manufacturing process. Grafit: No 1 di dunya grafit pikeun accu basa; No 1 di dunya pikeun flakes grafit alam badag
IMX Resources (ASX: IXR.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan sumber daya Australia anu gaduh 5,400 kilométer pasagi sipat di tenggara Tanzania. Its Chilalo project is rapidly developing into the next world-class graphite flake project. The company is also improving its nickel project and gold prospects.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the dua pausahaan. Tim fokus kana bahan baku konci. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); materials for high thermal efficiency building products (graphite, silica, nepheline); jeung bahan nu bisa ningkatkeun efisiensi generasi énergi (dy, neodymium, ha). Bahan Tepi Anjog aya dina posisi anu idéal pikeun maénkeun peran konci dina suplai sustainable téknologi sareng bahan kritis énergi.
Lithex Resources Ltd. (ASX: LTX.AX) is an exploration company currently committed to unlocking the resource potential of Australia's graphite-rich provinces. The newly acquired graphite deposits are among the best in a series of Lithex projects, and the company is now focusing on graphite exploration in Australia. Fokus perhatian langsung nyaéta éksplorasi proyék grafit Munglinup di Australia Kulon kidul, sareng pamekaran proyék grafit Plumbago di sisi kalér saluran pipa énggal ogé dilaksanakeun dina waktos anu caket.
Makino Milling Machine (Tokyo: 6135.T) is a Japanese manufacturing company. The company and its subsidiaries are engaged in the manufacture, sale and maintenance of industrial machinery. The company provides vertical machining center, horizontal machining center, 5-axis machining center, 5-axis vertical machining center, graphite milling machine, numerical control (NC) electric discharge machine, wire electric discharge machine, computer-aided design (CAD)/ Manufaktur dibantuan komputer (CAM) System jeung sajabana
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. Pausahaan explores heavy earths jarang earths, kobalt, tambaga, litium, tantalum, niobium, nikel, karbonat jeung logam emas, kitu ogé unsur group platinum. Pausahaan nembe kaala portopolio proyék ti Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Ngabubarkeun mangpaat pikeun kobalt, grafit, litium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, emas jeung logam dasar patali. Ayeuna, jalur pipa proyék nyertakeun kisaran tina panemuan poténsial anyar dugi ka penilaian ékonomi awal. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
New Energy Minerals Ltd (ASX: NXE.AX) (formerly Mustang Resources) is exploring the fields of vanadium and graphite mining, exploration and technology. Proyék Caula unik Mozambik badé didamel, sareng aranjeunna bakal nyayogikeun sumber daya kualitas luhur anu penting pikeun pasar énergi énggal anu gancang.
NMDC LTD. (BSE: NMDC.BO) is under the administrative management of the Iron and Steel Department of the Indian Government. Since its establishment, it has been engaged in the exploration of various minerals, including iron ore, copper, phosphate rock, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, bentonite, magnesite, diamond, tin, tungsten, graphite, beach sand, etc. NMDC is the largest single iron ore producer in India.
Northern Graphite Corporation (TSX: NGC.V) mangrupikeun pamekaran grafit sareng perusahaan téknologi batré anu deposit Bissett Creek aya di Kanada wétan. Bissett Creek boga kaunggulan kalapa alam dina widang accu litium-ion sabab boga persentase luhur bahan batré-grade, ngahasilkeun luhur pikeun ngarobah concentrates mineral kana bahan anoda, sarta struktur kristal aslina, kacida maréntahkeun, kukituna ngurangan biaya. purifikasi Jeung batré kapasitas luhur. Pausahaan ngagunakeun proprietary, palapis lingkungan sustainable jeung téhnologi purifikasi pikeun ngamangpaatkeun kaunggulan ieu pikeun ngahasilkeun hadé, bahan anoda murah tur ngaganti prakték ngabahayakeun lingkungan ayeuna dipaké dina manufaktur na.
Nouveau Monde Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: NOU.V) owns the Matawini graphite project, in which the company has delineated the indicated category of graphite resource estimates totaling 48.6 Mt, grade 3.97% Cg, grade 34.7 Mt, grade It is 4.08% . Nyimpulkeun Cg dina kategori. Proyék ieu lokasina di wewengkon Saint-Michel-des-Saints, kira-kira 130 kilométer kaléreun Montréal, Quebec, Kanada. It can directly use all the required infrastructure, labor, green environmental protection and affordable hydropower. Nouveau Monde is developing projects with the highest corporate social responsibility standards and the lowest environmental footprint (for net zero carbon emissions operations).
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of carbon-based products. Our comprehensive product range ranges from carbon and graphite products to carbon fiber and composite materials. Kami komitmen pikeun nyiptakeun solusi sareng nilai inovatif pikeun konsumén urang.
Sinosteel Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 000928.SZ), formerly known as Sinosteel Jilin Carbon Co., Ltd., is a company headquartered in China, mainly engaged in the production and sales of carbon products. Produk utama perusahaan kalebet éléktroda grafit, blok karbon, némpelkeun éléktroda sareng produk serat karbon.
Stratmin Global Resources plc (LSE: STGR.L) mangrupikeun perusahaan produksi sareng éksplorasi grafit skala ageung anu didaptarkeun di London, fokus kana Madagaskar. Its assets include two long-term mining licenses: Loharano and Antsirabe
Sumber daya (AsX: S darat.x) mangrupikeun perusahaan daya mobilah austrational kalayan portopolio anu nyalira di Afrika Tenggara. Proyék Balama grafit sareng vanadium mangrupikeun prioritas utama Syrah, sareng parantos maju gancang tina eksplorasi dugi ka réngsé studi kelayakan.
Tokai Carbon Korea Co. (Korea: 064760.KQ) produces and sells various silicon wafers and semiconductor products in Korea. The company provides silicon wafer products, such as high-purity graphite used in silicon crystal drawing and semiconductor processing equipment parts; Sareng produk dipelatkeun, anu tiasa dianggo melak parton monoochystineine, pikeun umbi skior sareng LP-CVD bagian-bagian anu dipaké pikeun serep oralaya cVal. Ogé nyadiakeun rupa-rupa bahan semikonduktor, kaasup wafers SiC pikeun sagala rupa aplikasi, kaasup difusi, LP-CVD, sputtering, wafers maya pikeun etching, jsb; sarta pikeun EPI diodes lampu-emitting, laser diodes na pedestals Wafer carrier. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan ogé nyayogikeun karbon sareng bahan komposit bonkite karbon, anu tiasa dianggo salaku komponén pikeun panipit kristal, tempat tértér, sareng jsb.; glassy carbon products, used for wafer holders, heat reflectors, bases, guide rings , Plasma etching electrodes, crucibles, etc.; éléktroda katoda silikon dipaké salaku katoda jeung bagian suntik gas dina prosés etching. Komposisi grafit
Toyo Tanso (Tokyo: 5310.T) is a company engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of special graphite products, general carbon products, composite materials and other products. Produk grafit khusus perusahaan kalebet crucibles pikeun tungku tarik silikon kristal tunggal, pamanas, dasar pikeun alat déposisi uap kimia organik logam (MOCVD), kapang tuang kontinyu, éléktroda machining listrik, sareng alat implantasi ion. Electrodes, nuclear core materials and nuclear fusion reactor plasma first wall materials. Produk karbon umumna kalebet bantalan pikeun pompa sareng kompresor, bahan penyegel, geser zum, suku cadang mobil, sikat karbon sareng sikat motor. Its composite materials and other products include bases for Si-Epi devices, plasma first wall materials for nuclear fusion reactors, gaskets for automobiles and bases for MOCVD devices.
TYK Corporation (Tokyo: 5363.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in the production and sales of refractory materials. Kalayan anak perusahaan sareng perusahaan anu aya hubunganana, perusahaan beroperasi dina tilu divisi bisnis, divisi bahan refractory, divisi bahan canggih sareng divisi sanésna. Departemen Bahan Advanced kalibet dina pabrik jeung jualan bata refractory, canteens amorf, keramik anyar jeung insulasi panas bata refractory, sarta diobral crucibles grafit jeung flakes grafit.
Valterra Resource Corp (TSX: VQA.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan grup sumberdaya Manex. Grup nyadiakeun kaahlian dina eksplorasi, manajemén jeung ngembangkeun perusahaan jasa pikeun Valterra Mineral di British Columbia jeung Ontario. Valterra focuses on early properties in areas with superior infrastructure and has the potential to accommodate large deposits. In the past few years, Valterra has acquired and is exploring several key projects, including the Swift Katie and Bobcaygeon graphite mines, which are located near Canada's road, rail, power and resource communities
Zen Graphene Solutions (TSX: ZEN.V) is an emerging graphene technology company dedicated to developing a unique Albany graphite project. This precursor graphene material provides the company with a competitive advantage in the potential graphene market, because independent laboratories in Japan, the United Kingdom, Israel, the United States and Canada have proven that ZEN's Albany Graphite / Naturally PureTM can be easily used in a variety of ways Ground conversion (exfoliation) of graphene into graphene. Métode mékanis jeung kimia basajan.
Zimtu Capital Corp (TSX: ZC.V) mangrupakeun penerbit investasi publik dedicated ka investasi di, nyieun jeung ngamekarkeun pausahaan sumberdaya alam, kukituna nyadiakeun shareholders kalawan cara pikeun ilubiung teu langsung dina prosés pangwangunan pausahaan publik jeung kauntungan tina eta. The company also provides mineral project generation and consulting services to help the company establish contacts with interested properties. Graphite: GTA Resources and Mining Inc. mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi sumberdaya sareng tilu proyék Kanada anu berkualitas tinggi: North Shore, Ivanhoe sareng Oden.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. ACCIONA Construction uses the latest technology to carry out projects. Éta di payuneun widang R+D+ sareng salah sahiji perusahaan konstruksi anu terkemuka di dunya. ACCIONA Construction covers the entire construction range, from engineering design to engineering performance and subsequent maintenance, as well as the management of public engineering concessions, especially in the fields of transportation and social infrastructure.
Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. Éta ogé ngahasilkeun bahan konstruksi tina runtah. Perusahaan ngagunakeun bahan SF (campuran plastik runtah sareng lebu batubara) pikeun ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun produk. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
Conforce International, Inc. (OTC: CFRI) ngamekarkeun jeung ngajual sistem flooring laminate di Kanada. Eta nyadiakeun sistem flooring EKO-FLOR pikeun ngaganti flooring hardwood luntur dina wadahna, trailer jeung industri pesiar.
Crown ElectroKinetics (OTC: CRKN) mangrupikeun pamimpin global DynamicTint-urang ngadamel Glass Smarter™ anjeun. Our technology was originally invented by Hewlett-Packard (HP, Inc.), which allows any glass surface to switch between transparent and dark in a few seconds. DynamicTint™ ngamungkinkeun jandela pikeun transisi tina transparan ka hideung. Through a wide range of windows including commercial buildings, automobile skylights and residential skylights, Crown cooperates with leading glass and film manufacturers for mass production and distribution. The core of Crown's technology is a film driven by charged pigments. The film can not only replace ordinary curtain shades, but also a more sustainable alternative to traditional curtains.
Dynamic Ventures Corp (OTC: DYNV) ngembangkeun sareng ngajual solusi konstruksi efisien pikeun gedong padumukan sareng komérsial. Perusahaan nyayogikeun solusi turnkey anu ngamungkinkeun perusahaan pikeun ngarancang khusus, ngadamel sareng masang struktur anu disertipikasi LEED lengkep.
NCI Building Systems Co., Ltd. (NYSE: NCS) mangrupikeun salah sahiji pabrik komprehensif produk logam konstruksi non-padumukan di Amérika Kalér. NCI is composed of a series of companies operating production facilities in the United States, Mexico and China, and has other sales and distribution offices in the United States and Canada. Green product solutions: In recent years, as the demand for environmentally friendly building materials continues to grow, NCI's emphasis on creating green products has also increased. When used as part of high-performance buildings, components manufactured by our company network can support environmental, economic and health standards that are considered when determining the overall sustainability of the project. Our products can help buildings meet the requirements of various government and non-governmental agency certification requirements that set green standards, including the US government's ENERGY STAR program and the US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. Kami nganggo kaahlian kami pikeun ngabantosan para nasabah ngawangun gedong anu langkung hemat energi sareng ramah lingkungan.
SG Blocks (OTC: SGBXQ) mangrupikeun inovator utama wadah kargo anu dirancang kalayan kode dina lingkungan komérsial sareng swasta. SG Blocks nyayogikeun solusi pikeun sababaraha perusahaan sareng lembaga pamaréntah panggedéna di dunya. Eta nyadiakeun téhnologi konstruksi wadahna ongkos-éféktif nu ngaleuwihan sarat loba peraturan wangunan baku. Urang gawé bareng arsiték, pamekar, pembina jeung konsumén komérsial pikeun mantuan aranjeunna ngagunakeun wadahna pengiriman barang kode-dirancang pikeun ngawangun incredibly aman, struktur kuat tur héjo. We work closely with our partners to find the right packaging box for each project's needs, and then use our unique experience and expertise to expand each packaging box to the exact specifications.
SustainCo Inc. (TSXV: SMS.V) ngalaksanakeun bisnis ngaliwatan anak perusahaan na VCI CONTROLS Inc. ("VCI"), sareng mangrupikeun supplier sareng integrator solusi sareng jasa wangunan séhat proptech. The company is an industry leader in the development of intelligent building technology, including the use of the latest communication technologies and standards to integrate all building systems. VCI's business focuses on digital control and mechanical services, performance monitoring and energy efficiency solutions. SustainCo kantor pusatna di Toronto, sareng kantor di Halifax, Montréal, Ottawa sareng Vaughan, Kanada.
TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) has been a pioneer in the development of breakthrough science and engineering technology since the 1960s. TRC mangrupikeun rékayasa nasional, konsultasi lingkungan sareng perusahaan manajemén konstruksi pikeun énergi, lingkungan sareng infrastruktur Pasar nyayogikeun jasa terpadu. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. The results provided by TRC enable customers to succeed in a complex and changing world.
Yulong Ecological Materials Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: YECO) mangrupikeun produsén produk konstruksi ékologis terpadu vertikal, sareng perusahaan daur ulang runtah konstruksi anu aya di Kota Pingdingshan, Propinsi Henan, Cina. The company is currently the leading fly ash brick and concrete producer in Pingdingshan City, and the exclusive provider of its waste management services.
Carbon Conscious (ASX: CCF.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu kadaptar di ASX anu ngembangkeun sareng ngatur proyék penghutanan karbon pikeun éntitas atanapi individu anu hoyong ngimbangan émisi gas rumah kaca di Australia sareng Selandia Baru. Langkung ti 22 juta tatangkalan parantos dipelak di langkung ti 18,000 héktar lahan di Australia sareng Selandia Baru. After reaching the optimal growth age, these trees will offset 1.4-210,000 tons of CO2-e emissions each year.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) produces and operates various chemical products in India. The company operates through sectors such as chemicals, wind energy business, electricity and theater exhibitions. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); ngayakeun cacakan sarta jasa commissioning; jasa operasi sarta perawatan; jasa infrastruktur umum; sarta jasa ngembangkeun situs WTG. Bagian kakuatan ngahasilkeun kakuatan. The theater exhibition department operates and manages integrated cinemas and cinemas. Gujarat Fluorochemical Co., Ltd. is also engaged in real estate and real estate development activities; jeung eksplorasi tambang fluorit. GFL has been at the forefront of introducing the concept of carbon credits into India. GFL's CDM project is the first in the world to seek registration from the CDM Executive Committee (United Nations Framework for Climate Change). GFL is the largest CDM player in India and the top five in the world. Through the implementation of this project, GFL attaches great importance to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) develops and sells wind farms, manages wind assets, and produces Green Power® for sale to utilities and companies. palaksanaan Turnkey proyék kakuatan angin ti konsép pikeun commissioning. Solusi Manajemén Dibauan Deset Pikeun Asetna dipasang aset, kalebet operasi, anu ngandelkeun, sareng kumpulan kaséhatan tina konsumén proyék proyék. Provide GreenPower® to customers. CER (carbon credit) sales and trading.
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, mainly operates as an energy company in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. Éta ngajual listrik, gas alam, sks émisi sareng séri produk anu aya hubunganana sareng énergi pikeun ngaoptimalkeun operasi jaringan énergi. The company also transmits electricity; sarta distributes listrik sarta gas alam ka konsumén padumukan, komérsial sarta industri, sarta invests dina proyék tanaga surya, sarta implements efisiensi énergi jeung rencana respon paménta. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun jasa peralatan sareng pangropéa pikeun para nasabah. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. Dina ngembangkeun kontinyu widang ieu, brand GO cutatan panganyarna kami boga tujuan pikeun ngarojong industri surya sarta méré pamakéna kasempetan pikeun ménta cutatan instalasi bébas tina panyadia solar lokal, bari CO2 Global nyadiakeun jaminan kualitas (QA) jeung kontrol kualitas (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Didaptarkeun dina indéks bursa saham Ibex-35 selektif, anu mangrupikeun patokan pasar. ACCIONA is positioned as a pioneer in development and sustainable development, demonstrating its ability to meet the challenges of sustainable development in all business areas. A specific commitment of ACCIONA is to gradually reduce its climate footprint and lead the transition to a low-carbon economy.
AECOM Technology Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: ACM) is a leading, fully integrated professional technology services company that designs, builds, finances and operates global infrastructure assets for public and private sector clients. AECOM boga ampir 100.000 pagawé-kaasup arsiték, insinyur, désainer, planners, élmuwan, sarta manajemén jeung jasa konstruksi profésional-nyadiakeun jasa ka konsumén di leuwih ti 150 nagara / wewengkon sakuliah dunya. Revenue from Engineering News Record Among them, AECOM was rated as the first global engineering design company. Annual industry ranking, and was named “the world's most admired company” by “Fortune” magazine. Perusahaan mangrupikeun pamimpin dina sadaya pasar konci anu dilayanan, kalebet transportasi, fasilitas, lingkungan, énergi, minyak sareng gas, cai, gedong-gedong luhur, sareng pamaréntahan. AECOM ngagabungkeun pangaruh global, pangaweruh lokal, inovasi jeung téhnologi unggulan nyadiakeun solusi ngaropéa tur inovatif anu minuhan kaperluan proyék konsumén '.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Miheulaan perusahaan nyaéta AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) is a leading independent provider that provides comprehensive services, energy efficiency, infrastructure upgrades, asset sustainability and renewable energy solutions for companies and organizations in North America and Europe. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco kantor pusatna di Framingham, Massachusetts, boga leuwih ti 1.000 pagawé, jeung nyadiakeun kaahlian lokal di Amérika Serikat, Kanada jeung Britania Raya.
American Electric Power Company (NYSE: AEP) is one of the largest power companies in the United States, providing electricity to 5.4 million users in 11 states. AEP is one of the largest power producers in the United States, with nearly 32,000 megawatts of power generation capacity in the United States. AEP also owns the largest power transmission system in the United States, which is a grid of more than 40,000 miles, which includes more power than 765 kV UHV transmission lines. The sum of all other transmission systems in the United States. AEP's transmission system directly or indirectly meets about 10% of the electricity demand in the eastern interconnection network, which covers 38 eastern and central states in the United States and eastern Canada, while the electricity demand in ERCOT accounts for about 11%. Ngawengku lolobana Texas. AEP's utility divisions include AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (located in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (located in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Oklahoma Public Service Company, and Southwest Electric Company (Arkansas , Louisiana jeung Texas Wétan). AEP kantor pusatna di Columbus, Ohio.
The mission of Capstone Infrastructure Corporation (TSX: CSE.TO) is to provide investors with attractive total returns through the responsible management of long-term investments in core infrastructure in Canada and internationally. Strategi perusahaan nyaéta pikeun ngembangkeun, kéngingkeun sareng ngatur séri utilitas, listrik sareng transportasi anu berkualitas luhur, ogé kemitraan publik-swasta anu beroperasi dina lingkungan anu diatur atanapi dikontrak sareng ngahasilkeun aliran kas anu stabil. Capstone ayeuna invests dina bisnis utiliti Éropa, owns, ngoperasikeun sarta ngamekarkeun fasilitas pembangkit listrik énergi termal jeung renewable di Kanada, kalawan total kapasitas dipasang 466 MW.
CEMEX, SAB de CV (NYSE: CX) nyaéta parusahaan bahan wangunan global nu nyadiakeun produk kualitas sarta jasa dipercaya ka konsumén jeung komunitas di leuwih ti 50 nagara sakuliah dunya. CEMEX komitmen pikeun ngembangkeun solusi industri inovatif sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi, sareng ngamajukeun masa depan anu sustainable, ku kituna ngagaduhan sajarah panjang pikeun ningkatkeun karaharjaan jalma anu dilayanan.
Chicago Iron Bridge Company (NYSE: CBI) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu paling lengkep di dunya anu fokus kana infrastruktur énergi. With 125 years of experience and the expertise of approximately 54,000 employees, CB&I can provide reliable solutions while consistently working on safety and uncompromising quality standards.
China Advanced Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM: CADC) is an advanced, certified environmentally friendly ready-mixed concrete (RMC) manufacturer, and provides related technical services for large-scale and other complex infrastructure projects. Kalawan téhnologi proprietary sarta modél jasa rékayasa nilai-ditambahkeun na, parusahaan geus meunang loba proyek-profil tinggi, kaasup ékspansi 30.000-km tina karéta speed tinggi Cina, Olimpiade Beijing 2008 jeung Stadion Olimpiade Nasional Sarang Burung, Beijing South Railway. Station, Beijing International Airport, and Theater, CCTV headquarters, Beijing Yintai Plaza, China Tower, parking facilities for the Beijing APEC summit, and US and French embassies in China.
Emerson Electric Company (New York Bursa Saham: EMR), kantor pusatna di St. Louis, Missouri, mangrupakeun téhnologi jeung rékayasa parusahaan global nu nyadiakeun solusi inovatif ka konsumén dina industri, pasar komérsial sarta padumukan. Our automation solutions business can help process, hybrid and discrete manufacturers maximize output, protect people and the environment, while optimizing their energy and operating costs. Usaha solusi komérsial sareng padumukan urang ngabantosan ngajamin kanyamanan sareng kaséhatan masarakat, ngajagi kualitas sareng kaamanan pangan, ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi, sareng nyiptakeun infrastruktur anu lestari.
Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) is a global engineering and construction company that designs and builds some of the most complex projects in the world. The company provides customers with innovative and integrated solutions in engineering, procurement, manufacturing, construction, maintenance and project management on a global scale. For more than a century, Fluor has been serving customers in the fields of energy, chemical, government, industry, infrastructure, mining and power markets. Kantor pusatna di Irvine, Texas, Fluor rengking 136th dina daptar Fortune 500.
KBR, Inc. (NYSE: KBR) is a global technology, engineering, procurement and construction company serving the hydrocarbon and government service industries. It has approximately 25,000 employees in 70 countries/regions and customers in three different Global business, operating in 40 countries/regions: technology and consulting, including know-how in refining, ethylene, ammonia and fertilizer, and gasification; nyadiakeun konsultan Ecological sarta kaahlian ngaliwatan subsidiaries Granherne, Energo na GVA; engineering and Construction, including offshore oil and natural gas; minyak bumi sareng gas alam; LNG/GTL; refined; petrochemical products; chemicals; dibédakeun EPC sareng jasa industri; government services, including plan management and long-term annuity contracts. KBR proudly cooperates with global customers to provide technology, value-added consulting services, integrated EPC delivery and long-term industrial services to ensure consistent project delivery and predictable results. In KBR, we provide.
Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation (NYSE: MIC) owns, operates and invests in a diversified infrastructure business, and provides basic services to customers in the United States. Usahana kalebet bisnis terminal cair massal, bisnis terminal tangki neundeun bahan internasional, bisnis jasa bandara, Atlantic Airways, bisnis pamrosésan sareng distribusi gas alam, Gas Hawaii, sareng sababaraha éntitas kalebet énergi kontrak sareng bisnis énergi. MIC dikelola ku anak perusahaan milik Macquarie Group.
Nextera Genere In Inse: nee) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi anu bersih kalayan kapasitas lega dina 44,900 MW, kalebet méré mitra énergi Nextera anu henteu dikawasa ku No-27 nagara sareng Kanada LcTuba approximately 13,800 employees as of the end of 2014. NextEraEnergy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida. Anak perusahaan utama nyaéta Florida Power & Light Company, anu ngalayanan kira-kira 4.8 juta palanggan di Florida sareng mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan listrik anu dikontrol harga panglegana di Amérika Serikat, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC sareng éntitas afiliasina nyaéta angin sareng surya panggedéna di dunya. renewable energy generators. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . Salaku parusahaan Fortune 200, urang nyieun nilai ngaliwatan generasi kakuatan konvensional dipercaya jeung efisien, bari promosi inovasi dina tanaga surya sarta renewable, ékosistem kandaraan listrik, téhnologi néwak karbon jeung solusi énergi customer-centric. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) provides professional technical engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sector clients in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets. NV5 focuses on five business areas: building quality assurance, infrastructure, engineering and support services, energy, program management and environmental solutions. Pausahaan boga 42 lokasi di Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington jeung Wyoming. Kantor, kantor pusatna di Hollywood, Florida.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure nyayogikeun produk sareng jasa dina daérah Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tanaga surya, efisiensi énergi, sareng infrastruktur utiliti. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. Cai mibanda kapasitas generasi kakuatan husus pikeun kaperluan respon paménta; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , Pikeun kapentingan konsumén komérsial, industri jeung institusional salaku pamaké tungtung na langsung ka retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Primoris Services Company (NasdaqGS: PRIM) Primoris was established in 1960 and, through various subsidiaries, has grown into one of the largest publicly traded professional construction and infrastructure companies in the United States. Primoris ngalayanan rupa-rupa pasar tungtung, nyadiakeun rupa-rupa konstruksi, manufaktur, pangropéa, ngagantian, cai jeung wastewater, sarta jasa rékayasa pikeun utilitas utama, pausahaan petrokimia, pausahaan énergi, munisipalitas, agénsi transportasi nagara, sarta konsumén séjén. Through organic growth and growth through acquisitions, the company's nationwide business is now almost all over the country and extends to Canada.
Stante Inc. (TSX: Stn.t.t) nyadiakeun perencanaan, rékayasa, akun, desain organisasi, survey, Amérika Serikat, Amérika Serikat, Amérika the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. Perusahaan ogé nyayogikeun desain mékanis, sistem éléktrolifrat jeung sanena kanggo atikan, médis, Komersial, Kawit sareng pamaréntah. jasa manufaktur panel kontrol; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; and brand services, as well as development, design, installation and integrity maintenance services for oil and gas pipeline systems and station facilities. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun jasa profésional dina ékologi, restorasi lingkungan, sumber cai sareng dukungan pangaturan pikeun konsumén umum sareng swasta dina widang listrik, transportasi, tanaga sareng sumber daya, ogé jasa dina ngokolakeun sumber daya budaya sareng perlindungan sajarah.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power ngarencanakeun pikeun nyayogikeun kakuatan héjo skala praktis pikeun konsumén tina énergi renewable anu aman sareng dipercaya anu diwangun, dipiboga sareng dioperasikeun ku Grup.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) mangrupikeun produsén logam khusus sareng produk kimia. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus parantos nyebarkeun séri téknologi proprietary sareng kabuktian pikeun ngahasilkeun produk anu tiasa dianggo dina seueur aplikasi farmasi, éléktronik sareng industri canggih. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Seueur di antarana mangrupikeun panaratas konci sareng promotor konci, sapertos tanaga surya, dioda pemancar cahaya sareng bahan anu ramah lingkungan.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan komersil anu paling penting di Spanyol, ngarah dina pangwangunan sareng ngokolakeun infrastruktur, énergi anu tiasa dianyari, cai sareng jasa. Acciona mangrupikeun pamaén utama dina pasar énergi anu tiasa dianyari, kalayan operasi anu kuat di langkung ti 20 nagara / daérah di lima buana. Pausahaan specializes dina gawé bareng énergi renewable, utamana lima di antarana - tanaga angin, photovoltaic surya, tanaga panas surya, PLTA jeung énergi biomassa.
Acorn Energy Corporation (NasdaqCM: ACFN) mangrupikeun perusahaan induk anu tilu perusahaan portopolio ngabantosan para nasabahna ngahontal produktivitas, reliabilitas, kaamanan sareng efisiensi anu langkung luhur, ku kituna ngahasilkeun kauntungan anu langkung ageung. DSIT provides security solutions from underwater threats to naval and marine energy assets. GridSense® provides monitoring of all key points in the transmission system. OmniMetrix® utamina ngawaskeun sareng ngatur alat-alat kritis dina bentuk sistem pembangkit listrik cadangan darurat sareng sistem panyalindungan korosi pipa gas alam pikeun ningkatkeun reliabilitas sareng mastikeun patuh.
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Ti saprak 1989, AERT parantos mingpin ngagunakeun plastik poliétilén daur ulang dina pembuatan bahan wangunan komposit. Kalayan portopolio patén-patén sareng téknologi daur ulang proprietary na, AERT parantos diakuan salaku pamimpin inovasi konservasi sumber daya sareng kéngingkeun Penghargaan Keunggulan Lingkungan EPA pikeun prosésna ngarobih plastik runtah janten lantai laminate luar. Perusahaan nembé ngémutan Penghargaan Esriot pikeun ngadukung na pikeun penjaga kami sareng cagar cagerunan dina pasukan angkatan AS. AERT ngarobah palastik daur ulang jeung runtah serat kai kana kualitas luhur sistem hiasan outdoor, sistem pager, sarta panto jeung jandela komponén. Pausahaan teh produsén ekslusif of ChoiceDek ® flooring, nu sadia dina rupa-rupa kelir sarta dijual di toko hiasan imah di Lowe nasional. Program anu nyababkeun cairan AID dilegakeun, sareng produk ayeuna dijual sapanjang tempatna. AERT has manufacturing plants in Springdale, Arkansas and Lowell, and recently started operations at the Green Age recycling plant in Watts, Oklahoma.
AES Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: AES) is a Fortune 500 global power company. Kami nyayogikeun énérgi anu mampu milik sareng lestari ka 14 nagara/wilayah ngaliwatan usaha distribusi anu rupa-rupa sareng fasilitas pembangkit listrik énergi termal sareng terbarukan. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
The Alaska Hydropower Corporation (TSX: AKH.V) kalibet dina ngembangkeun proyék énergi renewable, nu utamana difokuskeun PLTA pikeun ngembangkeun sumberdaya pikeun iklim kalér. Alaska Hydro is currently developing the More Creek Hydropower Project (the “Project”), which is located in More Creek, which flows into the Iskout River, approximately 130 kilometers north of the town of Stewart in northwestern British Columbia.
Alcoa (NYSE: AA) Alcoa mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina téknologi logam ringan, rékayasa sareng manufaktur, sareng solusi multi-material anu inovatif tiasa ningkatkeun dunya urang. Our technology can improve transportation from automobiles and commercial transportation to aerospace, and improve industrial and consumer electronics. We support smart buildings, sustainable food and beverage packaging, high-performance defense vehicles across the air, land and sea, deeper oil and gas drilling, and more efficient power generation. We pioneered the aluminum industry 125 years ago. Today, our more than 60,000 employees in 30 countries/regions provide value-added products made of titanium, nickel and aluminum, and produce first-class bauxite, alumina and raw materials. Produk aluminium. Sustainable development, product sustainable development
Alexco Resource Corp. (TSX: AXR.TO; NYSE MKT: AXU) owns almost all of the shares in the Keno Hill silver mine in Yukon, Canada, including the Bellekeno silver mine, Flame & Moth, Lucky Queen, Bermingham and Onek deposits and other Other historical and ground resources. Alexco adopts model bisnis unik, sarta ngaliwatan departemén jasa lingkungan pinuh-milik na, Alexco Lingkungan Grup, nyadiakeun pamaréntah jeung industri konsumén jasa lingkungan nu patali tambang, téhnologi restorasi, sarta reclamation sarta jasa panutupanana milik.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. Grup pembangkit listrik anu henteu diatur gaduh atanapi gaduh portopolio fasilitas pembangkit listrik angin, surya, PLTA, sareng gas alam anu aya di Amérika Kalér, kalayan kapasitas dipasang langkung ti 1,050 megawatt. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. Allma milik 50% karbohosic, LLC, sareng hak ekslusif di Amérika Kalér (kalebet Kanada, Amérika Serikat) sareng Méksiko sareng Mexico). Carbolosic has an exclusive global license for the patented mechanical/chemical technology “CTS™” developed by the University of Central Florida. CTS technology is able to produce sugar, various fine chemicals, plastics, carbon fiber and other valuable products from almost any plant material, wood or paper by-products, fruit packaging or biological waste.
AleTom (Paris: Alo.Pa) mangrupikeun pimpinan global generasi Granter, Pangiriman sareng pengiriman ravyad, netepkeun bénjo pikeun inovasi sareng téknologi ramah lingkungan. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , kalayan fokus kana grid pinter.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) nyayogikeun solusi énérgi alternatif pikeun nyumponan paménta énergi pikeun énergi anu tanggung jawab lingkungan sareng ékonomis di pasar dunya. Tujuan utama Alter NRG nyaéta jang meberkeun komersilkeun téknologi gasifikasi plasma Westinghouse ngaliwatan anak perusahaan sapinuhna pikeun nyayogikeun solusi énergi anu tiasa dianyari sareng bersih tina rupa-rupa bahan baku sareng nyayogikeun rupa-rupa kaluaran énergi, kalebet cair sapertos étanol sareng solar. Fuel, electricity and syngas
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) nyaéta perusahaan énérgi terbaharukeun terkemuka di dunya, ngoperasikeun lima pembangkit listrik kalayan total pembangkit listrik 553 MW, kalebet fasilitas PLTA hulu walungan panggedéna sareng kebon angin panggedéna di British Columbia Sareng dua panas bumi. fasilitas pembangkit listrik di Islandia. Alterra owns a 247 MW share of this capacity and generates more than 1,250 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra gaduh 51% tina saham; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) provides consulting, engineering and project management services for the global oil and gas, mining, clean energy, and environmental and infrastructure markets. The company provides engineering, procurement and construction solutions for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and biofuel projects, and is engaged in the design and supply of combustion and steam generation equipment. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. It provides services to oil companies, chemical companies, utility companies and government agencies. Miheulaan perusahaan nyaéta AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) is a leading independent provider that provides comprehensive services, energy efficiency, infrastructure upgrades, asset sustainability and renewable energy solutions for companies and organizations in North America and Europe. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco kantor pusatna di Framingham, Massachusetts, boga leuwih ti 1.000 pagawé, jeung nyadiakeun kaahlian lokal di Amérika Serikat, Kanada jeung Britania Raya.
Sumberdaya Kasalametan Amérika (OTC: ARSC), ngalangkungan anak perusahaanna American Hydrogen Corporation, ngembangkeun téknologi pikeun ngarumuskeun hidrogén. Ieu dimaksudkeun pikeun nyadiakeun gas alam reformer-purifier pikeun nyadiakeun hidrogén on demand.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) is a comprehensive renewable products company dedicated to achieving sustainable growth for the world's leading brands. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amyris has partnered with TOTAL to develop renewable diesel and jet fuel, aiming to become the best transportation fuel. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Kapadetan tanaga, kinerja mesin sareng kinerja gudang sabanding sareng bahan bakar minyak bumi anu pangsaéna.
The three business components of the American Equipment Recycling Center (ARCA) (NasdaqCM: ARCI) are in a unique position in the industry and can jointly provide a full set of equipment-related services. ARCA Advanced Processing, LLC uses advanced technology to improve the traditional home appliance recycling technology to achieve the best revenue generation and environmental benefits. ARCA oge agén Amérika Kalér ekslusif of UNTHA Recycling Technology (URT), salah sahiji pabrik ngarah di dunya sistem daur ulang kulkas technologically canggih tur fasilitas daur ulang pikeun panerapan rumah tangga jeung runtah éléktronik. ARCA's regional centers dispose of equipment during the end-of-life process to remove environmentally harmful substances and produce recyclable material by-products for use by utilities in the United States and Canada. 18 stores owned by companies under the name of ApplianceSmart, Inc.® sell new equipment directly to consumers, and provide affordable ENERGYSTAR® options to implement energy-efficient equipment replacement programs
Aquentium, Inc. (OTC: AQNM), a company in the development stage, focuses on providing green technology. It provides ozone sanitation and water purification equipment, such as air systems and water systems. Perusahaan ieu ogé ngahasilkeun alat panyumputkeun mobiling; and structural insulation panels for commercial and residential buildings. It sells products directly and through distributors to food and beverage processing plants, schools, hospitals, hotels and restaurants.
Aquentium, Inc. (OTC: AQNM), a company in the development stage, focuses on providing green technology. It provides ozone sanitation and water purification equipment, such as air systems and water systems. Perusahaan ieu ogé ngahasilkeun alat panyumputkeun mobiling; and structural insulation panels for commercial and residential buildings. It sells products directly and through distributors to food and beverage processing plants, schools, hospitals, hotels and restaurants.
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. With the integrated aspenONE solution, process manufacturers can implement best practices to optimize their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. Hasilna, konsumén AspenTech tiasa ningkatkeun kapasitas produksi, ningkatkeun kauntungan, ngirangan biaya sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi.
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) owns and manages renewable energy natural gas, electricity, transmission lines and water assets in North America, South America, Spain, Algeria and South Africa. As of December 31, 2017, the company had 22 assets, including 1,446 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy power generation assets, including solar and wind power plants; 300 MW of natural gas power generation assets, which can use natural gas to generate electricity and steam ; 1.099 mil jalur transmisi kakuatan; and a desalination plant with a total daily production capacity of 10.5 million cubic feet.
BacTech Environmental Corporation (CSE: BAC; OTC Pink: BCCEF) Urang ngarobah cara urang ngabersihan lingkungan. Kalayan bantuan loopholes kami, kami geus mawa harti kana konsép "héjo logam" ku daur ulang logam bari ngaronjatkeun lingkungan sabudeureun dina prosés. BacTech is promoting the use of its proprietary bioleaching treatment technology to treat the tailings produced in the long-established arsenopyrite concentrate and tailings. Ponce Enriquez (Ponce Enriquez) area in southern Ecuador. BacTech has agreed to participate as a technology partner in a group that hopes to reprocess arsenic stocks in Snow Lake, Manitoba.
Berkeley Energia Ltd (ASX: BKY.AX) clean energy company, engaged in the exploration, evaluation and development of Spanish uranium assets. It focuses on the development of its flagship Salamanca project, which includes the Retortillo, Alameda, Zona 7 and Gambuta deposits, as well as the satellite deposits in western Spain. Miheulaan perusahaan nyaéta Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. sareng diganti nami Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. dina bulan Nopémber 2015.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) nyaéta parusahaan jasa téhnologi dedicated ka nyadiakeun solusi ongkos-éféktif pikeun ngaronjatkeun lingkungan. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. Nalika dianggo nyalira atanapi digabungkeun, solusi kami tiasa ngirangan tapak suku karbon anu aya hubunganana sareng transportasi runtah sareng tiasa ngirangan atanapi ampir ngaleungitkeun panggunaan TPA. Salaku tambahan, kami ogé parantos masihan téknologi anu dipaténkeun anu tiasa ngalaksanakeun disinfeksi tingkat luhur ruang kelas, kamar hotél atanapi rumah sakit sareng daérah anu ditutupan sanés pikeun nolak panyebaran virus sareng baktéri tanpa ngagunakeun bahan kimia anu parah. . Solusi unik kami ngamungkinkeun usaha, lembaga pendidikan sareng kotamadya tina sagala ukuran pikeun ngarengsekeun masalah sapopoe ku cara anu langkung pinter sareng langkung hemat biaya bari ngirangan dampak lingkunganana.
Bio-Clean International, Inc (OTC: BCLE) develops and sells environmentally friendly cleaning products and bioremediation fluids designed for various purposes in the United States. Éta ogé ngalaksanakeun investasi dina sagala jinis usaha ngahiji dina éléktronika sareng sumber alam.
Blue Sphere Corporation (OTC: BLSP) is a clean technology company and an integrator of waste-to-energy projects. Blue Sphere develops waste-to-energy and other renewable energy projects. Pausahaan cita-cita janten pamaén utama dina konvérsi limbah-to-énergi global sareng pasar énergi anu tiasa dianyari.
BODISEN BIOTECH (LSE: BODI.L; OTC: BBCZ) is engaged in the development, production and sales of organic fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, insecticides and insecticides in the People's Republic of China, and has developed more than 60 product lines. The company produces its product line, then sells and sells it to distributors, who then sell its products to farmers. Salian ti manufaktur, penjualan sareng pamasaran, perusahaan ogé ngalaksanakeun riset sareng pamekaran pikeun ningkatkeun deui produk anu aya sareng ngembangkeun rumus sareng produk énggal.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) mangrupikeun produsén listrik anu bisnis inti didédikasikeun pikeun pangwangunan sareng operasi stasiun listrik énergi anu tiasa dianyari. Boralex has approximately 250 employees and is known for its expertise and rich experience in four types of power generation: wind, hydro, thermal and solar. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) and its subsidiaries produce and sell thermoplastic resins together. The company's polyolefin division produces polyethylene, including LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, UHMWPE and EVA. poliétilén héjo tina sumberdaya renewable; and polypropylene (PP). The segmet products can be used in various applications, such as plastic films for food and industrial packaging; botol, kantong balanja jeung wadah barang konsumén séjén; automotive parts; jeung parabot rumah tangga. The company's US and European branches produce PP in the US and Germany. Its chemical distribution department distributes solvents, including aliphatic, aromatic, synthetic and eco-friendly solvents; engineering plastic hydrocarbon solvents and isoparaffins; and general chemicals such as processing oils, chemical intermediates, mixtures, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceuticals And Santubong. Braskem SA also imports and exports chemicals, petrochemical products and fuels. Produce, supply and sell utilities, such as water and industrial gas; sarta nyadiakeun layanan industri.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) ngajalankeun salah sahiji platform énergi renewable murni anu didagangkeun sacara umum di dunya. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders.
Cemtrex (NasdaqCM: CETX) mangrupikeun perusahaan industri sareng manufaktur anu unggul di dunya anu nyayogikeun rupa-rupa solusi pikeun nyumponan tantangan téknis ayeuna. Cemtrex provides advanced custom engineered electronic products, emission monitors and instruments for industrial processes, and manufacturing services for environmental control and air filtration systems for industry and utilities.
Téknologi Ékologis Sunshine Abad. Hldg. (Hong Kong 0509.HK) ngalaksanakeun bisnis di Hong Kong jeung Républik Rahayat Cina. The company operates in four areas: ecological fertilizer business, magnesium alloy business, metallurgical flux business and financial service business. Kaméra-anakna kalebet sumber magnatium Saish Bou., Ltd., GliShi Co Spe., Ltd., modal Pribumi Orim Erologi, LTD. Thdd. Sunuh ., Century Sunshine (Nanping) Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. jeung Century Sunshine (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., jsb.
Khamat téknologi Ltd. (TSX: Dumuhun) Ram Someborication LTD., ayana di mississa urang, etanior, betah hawa).
China Agricultural Trade Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHBU) is engaged in the production and sale of non-toxic fertilizers, fungicides and fungicides for agriculture in the People's Republic of China. The company provides organic biochemical agricultural application products, including Xinsheng Lvyuan, a chemical fertilizer product series mainly used to increase agricultural production; Xinsheng Lufeng, an organic soil amendment series as a fungicide; and Xinsheng Huang-jin-gai, an amino acid fertilizer product line, This product is designed to help crops absorb calcium and improve its quality. Ogé nyadiakeun tipe anyar tina séri produk pupuk asam humic "New Life Homeland", anu boga tujuan pikeun ngaronjatkeun kualitas pepelakan; Xinsheng Baile, an amino acid fertilizer product line, which aims to provide supplementary micronutrients for crops and help crops to balance Vegetative growth. In addition, the company also produces other agrochemical products, including difensulfuron, pretilachlor, seed coatings and preparations. China Agricultural Trading Co., Ltd. utamana ngajual produkna ngaliwatan distributor borongan sareng ritel.
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) ngahasilkeun sareng ngadistribusikaeun pupuk sanyawa dumasar-asam humic ngaliwatan anak perusahaanna, nyaéta: Tim Téknis Shaanxi Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (saterusna disebut "Jinong"). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gufeng”) and the variable equity entity Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuxing”). As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ” . F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.
Clean Harbors Inc (NYSE: CLH) mangrupikeun panyadia jasa lingkungan, tanaga sareng industri terkemuka di Amérika Kalér. Pausahaan ngalayanan basis palanggan anu rupa-rupa dina kimia, tanaga, manufaktur sareng pasar sanésna ogé seueur instansi pamaréntah, kalebet kalolobaan perusahaan Fortune 500. These customers rely on Clean Harbors to provide a wide range of services, such as end-to-end hazardous waste management, emergency spill response, industrial cleaning and maintenance, and recycling services. Through its Safety-Kleen subsidiary, Clean Harbors is also the largest waste oil refiner and recycler in North America and a leading provider of parts washing machines and environmental services to commercial, industrial and automotive customers. Clean Harbor was established in 1980 and is headquartered in Massachusetts, with operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) diadegkeun dumasar kana visi nyayogikeun "kakuatan nirkabel" anu bersih sareng tiasa diurus. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue nyaeta dina brand Illumient na, Ogé sells tanaga surya jeung angin outdoor sistem cahaya.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina nyayogikeun solusi runtah sareng énergi anu lestari. The company's 45 waste-generation energy facilities use waste to generate clean and renewable energy, providing communities and businesses around the world with environmentally sound solid waste disposal. Every year, Cvantta's modern waste power generation facilities can safely and reliably convert approximately 20 million tons of waste into clean renewable electricity, power approximately 1 million households, and recycle approximately 500,000 tons of metal . Fasilitas énergi anu dibangkitkeun tina runtah ngirangan gas rumah kaca, daur ulang suplement, sareng mangrupikeun bagian penting tina ngokolakeun runtah padet anu lestari.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. It provides energy-efficient LED solutions for exterior and interior space lighting applications, including parking lot and street lighting, floodlights, traffic lights, downlights and bulb replacements, fluorescent lights and custom applications. The company also sells WePOWER vertical axis wind turbines, including on-grid and off-grid wind turbines for residential, commercial, industrial and government applications; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; sarta Skystream sistem cahaya komérsial. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. Pausahaan nyadiakeun ladenan ka pausahaan swasta, pausahaan publik, instansi pamaréntah, lembaga atikan jeung komunitas padumukan.
Donaldson Company Inc. (NYSE: DCI) is a leading global supplier of filtration systems and replacement parts. Kusabab 1915, kami terus-terusan ningkatkeun sareng ngagunakeun téknologi inovatif kami, hubungan palanggan anu kuat sareng pangaruh geografis anu éksténsif pikeun nyumponan kabutuhan palanggan anu parobihan.
Dundee Sustainable Technologies Co., Ltd. (CSE: DST) komitmen pikeun ngembangkeun téknologi anu ramah lingkungan, ngagunakeunana pikeun pamrosésan bahan dina industri pertambangan, sareng komersilkeunana. Through the development of a patented proprietary process, DST extracts precious metals and base metals from mineralized materials, concentrates and tailings, while stabilizing pollutants such as arsenic. Due to metallurgical issues or environmental considerations, conventional processes cannot extract or Stabilize these impurities. DST has applied for, issued and obtained patents for these processes in some countries.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Pausahaan percaya yén ngaliwatan gawé babarengan jeung konsumén, pamaréntah, organisasi non-pamaréntah sarta pamingpin pamikiran, urang bisa mantuan manggihan solusi pikeun tantangan global, kayaning nyadiakeun cukup dahareun cageur pikeun jalma di sakuliah dunya, ngurangan gumantungna kana suluh fosil sarta Ngajaga hirup jeung lingkungan. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy jaringan sareng solusi palanggan mangrupikeun pondasi dunya énergi énggal.
eCobalt Solutions Inc. (TSX: ECS.TO) is a well-known Toronto Stock Exchange listed company that is committed to providing safe, responsible manufacturing, ethical and environmentally friendly battery-grade cobalt salts, which is important for rapid growth The field of batré rechargeable jeung énergi renewable penting pisan jeung transparan di Amérika Serikat.
EcoloCap Solutions Inc. (OTC: ECOS) is an integrated environmental technology company that uses nanotechnology to develop alternative energy products. Portopolio produk sareng jasa kami kalebet téknologi anyar ieu: M-Fuel, bahan bakar émulsi pikeun minyak suluh beurat, anu kinerja sareng émisina ngaleuwihan sadaya bahan bakar konvensional.
Ecoloclean Industries, Inc. (OTC: ECCI) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and sell machines for treating sewage through a process called electrocoagulation. Ieu ngarancang jeung manufactures alat electrocoagulation portabel pikeun purifikasi cai taneuh; treatment of rinse water; cai nginum; perlakuan runtah; munara cooling; ngaleupaskeun radio pretreatment of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and photocatalysis; reclaimed water Reuse leads to zero discharge; daur ulang logam; influent water quality control; sareng limbah industri. The company provides products and services to the global petroleum exploration, petroleum, chemical, transportation, refining and dairy industries.
Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E&E) (NasdaqGM: EEI) is a global network of innovators and problem solvers, 85 dedicated professionals and industry leaders in engineering and science disciplines, working together to develop and provide solutions , In order to promote environmental sustainability sarta ngaleuwihan ekspektasi customer.
EcoPlus, Inc. (OTC: ECPL) provides a comprehensive solution for the management of fats and oils in food service organizations and food processors. EcoPlus is mainly oriented to cities, counties and wastewater treatment organizations. Perusahaan-perusahaan ieu bakal ngalaman masalah dina nyerep FOG kaleuleuwihan nalika ngolah cai limbah. The final product of the EcoPlus process (US Patent No. 7,384,562) is a granular solid with the highest and best uses and is a green alternative fuel product.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) mangrupikeun pamekaran téknologi sareng perusahaan lisénsi hak cipta intelektual anu didedikasikeun pikeun ngembangkeun solusi lingkungan pikeun pasar cai, énergi sareng industri global. Kami ngabantosan industri nambihan produksi, ngirangan biaya, sareng ngajagi lingkungan ngaliwatan hawa téknologi anu misahkeun., Salakuasan Kemisal sareng non-unggul., AciPire ™ rupa-rupa industri jeung aplikasi madhab. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Kanada ogé ngaleungitkeun jutaan kimia galon bahan kimia cair sareng ngahasilkeun langkung ti 70 juta dolar Kanada, ladénan, sareng lomba. The company has also successfully manufactured approximately 50 Ozonix® machines and deployed them to various major hydraulic fracturing shale oil fields throughout the United States and Canada.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Kami ngembangkeun bisnis di pasar global sareng terus ngalegaan bisnis urang ka daérah énggal, komitmen pikeun ngajaga posisi anu unggul dina unggal pasar sareng nyiptakeun nilai pikeun pamangku kapentingan sareng pemegang saham. EDPR's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. Internalisasi tina tilu tahapan konci pangwangunan proyék ieu sareng dorongan pikeun perbaikan kontinyu penting pisan pikeun nampi nilai anu paling ageung tina aset urang.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). Penjualan kendaraan listrik, kapasitas produksi batré sareng pembangkit listrik tina énergi anu tiasa diperbarui diperkirakeun ningkat sacara signifikan dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, ku kituna paménta pikeun komoditi target ieu bakal ningkat sasuai. Ieu nyiptakeun kasempetan unik pikeun investasi sareng kéngingkeun royalti dina tambang sareng proyék anu bakal nyayogikeun bahan anu dipikabutuh pikeun révolusi kakuatan. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Aya 6 kombinasi royalti. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Struktur nanona tiasa dianggo dina batré anu tiasa dicas deui pikeun aplikasi kakuatan-rendah, ogé batré mikro dina pilem mikroskopis. Pausahaan nyadiakeun aluminium oksida anodized nanopore template nu bisa dipaké pikeun nyieun nanostructures sarta sagala rupa aplikasi filtration. Nanopartikel sareng nanopartikel dianggo dina alat panyimpen énergi sapertos supercapacitors sareng katoda batré litium-ion. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
EnSync, Inc. (NYSE: ESNC) has made the future of electricity increasingly dependent on the expansion of renewable energy through advanced energy management systems that are vital to the global economy. Naha éta bagian tina jaringan transmisi sareng distribusi listrik, atanapi di tukangeun méter dina gedong komersil, industri sareng multi-tenant, téknologi EnSync tiasa nyayogikeun kontrol kakuatan sareng solusi panyimpen énergi anu béda-béda ka lingkungan kakuatan anu nangtang. Our technology also seamlessly integrates a variety of power generation and storage assets to provide power in remote and community-level environments that are not grid-serviced or choose to use grids that are inferior to microgrid assets, thereby acting as system-level intelligence in microgrid aplikasi . In 2015, EnSync incorporated power purchase agreements (PPA) into its product portfolio, thereby saving customers electricity and providing investors with stable financial returns. EnSync mangrupikeun perusahaan global sareng usaha patungan di Meineng Energy China sareng kerjasama strategis sareng Solar Power, Inc. (SPI).
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) nyaéta parusahaan CleanTech lokasina di Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It has developed and manufactured the Voraxial® separator, which can be said to be the most efficient, high-capacity, and large-volume separator in the world Fluid and fluid/solid separation technology. Voraxial® tiasa dipisahkeun tanpa serelek tekanan. Applications include but are not limited to: oil spill cleanup, waste conversion into energy, onshore and offshore water separation, fracturing water, rainwater, refinery wastewater cleanup and biofuels. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies
Environmental Control Corporation (OTC: EVCC) develops and sells emission control devices for small spark ignition internal combustion engines. The company provides catalytic mufflers that are used to reduce emissions from spark-ignition engines, including personal transportation equipment, off-road recreational vehicles, personal boats, and water pumps. Its catalytic muffler is also used in rotary lawn mowers, rear-engine lawn mowers, front-engine lawn tractors, garden tractors, walk-behind rotary tillers, snow plows, commercial turf mid-mounted walk-behind rotary lawn machines, Commercial turf riding turbulators, gergaji ranté-powered béngsin, blower leungeun-dicekel béngsin-powered, blower knapsack-powered béngsin, trimmers-powered béngsin / cutters sikat, sarta béngsin-powered pager hirup trimmers. Pausahaan museurkeun kana pasar Amérika Kalér pikeun pabrik mesin aslina.
Equipment solution provider Environmental Infrastructure Holdings (OTC: EIHC) provides environmentally friendly products, services and engineering solutions through its subsidiary Equisol, LLC. Ieu mendesain, manufactures sarta ngical paralatan sistem, kaasup sistem perlakuan cai; sells equipment systems and spare parts as well as basic maintenance, repair and operation components; provides optimization, calibration, installation and maintenance services; and provides environmental engineering and consulting services. Utamana nyayogikeun jasa pikeun kilang, pembangkit listrik, perusahaan rékayasa, sareng fasilitas manufaktur, sareng utamina ngadukung agénsi komérsial, kotamadya, sareng pamaréntah AS.
Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (OTC: EVSP) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu munggaran dina uji kelembaban/industri kualitas hawa jero ruangan anu janten perusahaan anu didaptarkeun umum. ESP owns and operates a comprehensive set of businesses covering energy efficiency, environmental issues, and solving environmentally sensitive issues in the residential and commercial markets. ESP provides a variety of inspection services, including energy/efficiency audits for residential and commercial properties, focusing on indoor air quality inspections for toxic, including mold, moisture intrusion, ra, lead, VOC, and other long-term and long-term negative pangaruh dina jero rohangan Polutan pikeun lingkungan sareng kaséhatan pangeusi.
Global Environmental Solutions Corporation (OTC: ESWW) produces and sells a variety of proprietary catalytic emission conversion, emission control and emission support products and technologies for transportation, construction, railroad, marine, utility and other markets. Produk ieu utamana dirancang pikeun aplikasi mesin solar, kaasup treuk sedeng jeung beurat, beus sakola, treuk pangiriman, jeung treuk pangumpulan sampah. In addition to land vehicles, ESW Group technology is also used in large marine engines. The company sells its emission control products through a sales network established by more than 30 distribution networks throughout the United States, supplemented by a team of experienced business development professionals, engineers, and field technicians who focus on emissions. ESW Group also operates ESW America, an engine emission testing, certification and verification facility recognized by EPA and CARB as capable of executing engine emission verification and certification testing protocols for the OEM supply chain.
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (OTC: EXPI) is the holding company of many companies, the most famous of which is eXp Realty LLC, which is a Cloud Brokerage™ owned by an agent. It is a full-service real estate agent that can provide 24/7 access to collaboration tools, through its 3D, fully immersive cloud office environment, provides training and socialization for real estate agents and agents. eXp Realty, LLC jeung eXp Realty of Canada, Inc. ogé geus diadopsi skéma sharing sharing agrésif nu mayar agén perséntase tina total panghasilan komisi earned ku real estate professional aranjeunna mikat ka pausahaan. eXp World Holdings, Inc. also owns 89.4% of First Cloud Mortgage, Inc. This is a Delaware company established in 2015 and is now licensed to initiate mortgages in Arizona, California, Virginia and New Mexico. By purchasing carbon offsets for homeowners, First Cloud Mortgage has positioned itself as a “planet-friendly mortgage company”, thus offsetting the first year of the typical house carbon footprint of every mortgage initiated through First Cloud Mortgage, Inc..
Exro Technologies Inc. (CSE: XRO) nyaéta parusahaan basis Vancouver nu commercializes téknologi dipaténkeun aimed dina ngaronjatkeun aya mesin listrik puteran. This technology enables electric motors and generator systems to operate more efficiently, thereby bringing benefits to the sustainable and renewable power generation market and variable load industrial and commercial applications of electric motors.
Firsthand Technology Value Fund, Inc. (NASDAQ: SVVC) mangrupikeun dana modal usaha anu didaptarkeun umum anu investasi dina téknologi sareng perusahaan téknologi bersih.
Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. Pasar Facedrive nawiskeun produk anu dipilih didamel tina bahan anu sumberna lestari. Facedrive Foods nyayogikeun rupa-rupa tuangeun pikeun pangiriman non-kontak, kalayan fokus kana tuangeun anu séhat di lawang konsumén. Facedrive Health develops innovative technological solutions for today's most serious health challenges. Facedrive is changing the narrative of ride sharing, food delivery, e-commerce, and health technology to make everyone better.
Fuel Tech NV (NasdaqGS: FTEK) is a leading technology company dedicated to the development, commercialization and application of the most advanced proprietary technologies on a global scale for air pollution control, process optimization and advanced engineering services. These technologies enable customers to produce energy and process materials in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. The company's nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction technology includes advanced combustion improvement technology and post-combustion nitrogen oxide control methods, including NOxOUT®, HERT™ and Advanced SNCR systems, ASCR™ advanced selective catalytic reduction systems and I-NOx ™ Integrated NOx reduction system uses various combinations of these systems and ULTRA™ process to safely generate ammonia. These technologies have made Fuel Tech a leader in reducing NOx, with more than 900 devices installed worldwide. Téknologi kontrol partikulat Fuel Tech kalebet produk sareng jasa éléktrostatik precipitator (ESP), kalebet fungsi turnkey lengkep pikeun retrofits ESP, sareng gaduh pangalaman dina unit sahandapeun 700 MW. Sistem udar gas flue (FGC) kalebet panggunaan udar sulfur trioksida (SO3) sareng amonia (NH3) pikeun pengobatan ningkatkeun kinerja ESP ku ngarobih kinerja partikel lebu ngapung. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology has been installed in more than 125 units worldwide. téhnologi FUELCHEM® parusahaan revolves sabudeureun aplikasi unik bahan kimia. It improves efficiency, reliability, fuel flexibility, boiler thermal efficiency, and environmental conditions of the combustion unit by controlling slagging, scaling, corrosion, opacity and improving boiler operation. The company has experience in this technology in more than 110 units in the form of a customizable FUEL CHEM program. Fuel Tech also provides a range of services, including boiler commissioning and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) optimization services. In addition, flow correction equipment and physical and computational modeling services can be used to optimize flue gas distribution and mixing in power plants and industrial applications. Many of Fuel Tech's products and services rely heavily on the company's excellent computational fluid dynamics modeling capabilities, which are enhanced by internally developed high-end visualization software. These features, coupled with the company's innovative technology and interdisciplinary team approach, enable Fuel Tech to provide practical solutions to some of its customers' most challenging problems.
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) mangrupikeun pamekar global sareng pemasar téknologi manajemén termal anu inovatif. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Automotive products include actively heated and cooled seat systems and cup holders, heated and ventilated seat systems, heat storage tanks, heated car interior systems (including heated seats, steering wheels, armrests and other components), battery thermal management System, cable system and other parabot éléktronik. Non-automotive products include remote power generation systems, heating and cooling furniture, and other consumer and industrial temperature control applications. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Wobduran ngagaduhan sahenteuna 10,000 karyawan di Amérika Serikat, basa Jerman, Kanada, Cina, Hungin, Corya, Menara, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta
GIBRALTAR INDUSTRIES INC (NasdaqGS: ROCK) is a leading manufacturer and distributor of construction products for the residential, industrial, infrastructure, and renewable energy and conservation markets. Strategi opat pilar Gibraltar museurkeun kana perbaikan operasional, inovasi produk, manajemén portopolio produk sareng akuisisi, ku kituna misina nyaéta pikeun ngamajukeun kinerja anu paling luhur. Gibraltar primarily serves customers throughout North America and smaller Asian regions.
Global Bioenergy Corporation (Paris: ALGBE) is one of the few companies in the world and the only process in Europe that converts renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation. Pausahaan mimitina konsentrasi dina produksi isobutene, nu salah sahiji bahan dasar pétrokimia pangpentingna nu bisa dirobah jadi suluh, plastik, plexiglass na elastomers. Global Bioenergy Corporation continues to improve its process performance, conduct industrial trials, has started operations in its German demonstration plant, and is preparing to build its first large-scale plant through its joint venture IBN-One with Cristal Union. Pausahaan ogé nyalin prestasi na ka dua anggota kulawarga olefin gas, propiléna jeung butadiena, nu mangrupakeun molekul konci dina jantung industri pétrokimia.
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) runs on a fully integrated platform that integrates biotechnology and crop improvement research and development through complex management and optimization practices. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. The US Department of Defense develops and continues to operate the largest new crop energy farm in the Americas. Usaha domestik sareng internasional global dilaksanakeun ngaliwatan anak perusahaan anu sapinuhna
GREENHUNTER ENERGY (NYSE MKT: GRH) ngaliwatan anak perusahaan na GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC sareng GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC nyadiakeun Total Water Management Solutions ™ / solusi manajemen cairan ladang minyak ™ dina widang minyak sareng shale na. Drama of the Appalachian Basin. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT ratings A fleet of 407 trucks is used to tow condensate and water in the presence of condensate. GreenHunter Water also took the lead in the movement of barge water, because barge transport is a safer and more cost-effective transportation method compared to truck or rail transport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC provides on-site environmental solutions on well pads and facilities. Its service package includes tank and rig cleaning, liquid and solid waste removal/repair, solidification and spill response. The understanding that interconnected service suites are the key to E&P waste stream management has shaped GreenHunter Resources' comprehensive end-to-end service approach. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides the service of hydrocarbons (transportation of petroleum, condensate and NGL), and will use our existing asset base and infrastructure to provide hydrocarbons (petroleum) in the Appalachian region soon. , Condensate and NGL) storage, processing and sales. , Which includes up to six different barge terminal locations, currently owned or leased by GreenHunter Resources.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. Pausahaan museurkeun kana nyadiakeun prioritas atawa ibukota senior ka ngadegkeun sponsor jeung debtors kalawan kualitas kiridit luhur pikeun ngahasilkeun jangka panjang, ngulang deui jeung bisa diprediksi aliran tunai. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong elected a real estate investment trust (REIT) that is eligible to pay taxes for federal income tax purposes. Taun pajakna dimimitian dina 31 Désémber 2013
Hanwei Energy Service Company (TSX: HE.TO)'s main business is two complementary key areas of the oil and gas industry, both as an equipment supplier in this industry (as high-pressure glass fiber reinforced plastic (“FRP”) pipe produk jeung téknologi Relevan, ngalayanan konsumén énergi utama di pasar énergi global), sarta operasi di operator hak mineral minyak jeung gas na di Leduc Lands, Alberta. Pabrik pabrik pipa GRE perusahaan mangrupikeun salah sahiji fasilitas produksi panggedéna tina jinisna, kalayan 22 jalur produksi anu aya di Daqing, Cina.
Headwaters Incorporated (NYSE: HW) ningkatkeun kahirupan ngaliwatan inovasi sareng kamajuan bahan wangunan dina aplikasi, desain sareng panggunaan. Headwaters mangrupikeun perusahaan pertumbuhan anu rupa-rupa anu nyayogikeun produk, téknologi sareng jasa pikeun bahan wangunan sareng pasar produk wangunan. Ngaliwatan produk durukan batubara, produk konstruksi, sareng usaha énergi, perusahaan tiasa ningkatkeun kelestarian ku cara ngarobah sumber daya anu teu dimanfaatkeun janten produk anu berharga.
HTC Purenergy (TSX: HTC.V) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the development, integration and commercialization of proprietary technologies related to carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and CO2 solvent recovery. It provides LCDesign CO2 capture system; RS solvent, a preparation solvent used to remove gas phase impurities from gas streams; HTC DELTA solvent recovery system, used to remove degradation products and particles suspended in the solvent; sareng PDOEngine ngarancang sareng ngaoptimalkeun Pabrik énggal, atanapi ngaoptimalkeun operasi pabrik anu aya dina industri kimia, pétrokimia sareng minyak/gas. The company also provides laminar jet absorbers to measure reaction kinetics and gas diffusion into liquids. And NuVision fertilizer treatment solutions to design, build, retrofit and service new and existing fertilizer plants. In addition, it also provides drilling equipment and services for the oil and gas industry; oilfield products and hydraulic fracturing services; parabot ladang minyak; dedicated power carriers and maintenance platforms; sarta Sistem ngolah pipa Guardian Maxx.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) komitmen kana investasi, konstruksi jeung operasi proyék énergi anyar. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. Pausahaan insists on ngembangkeun ilmiah sarta rationally distributes bisnis. Through the operation of large-scale wind farms and distributed wind farms, the utilization of onshore and offshore wind resources, and the emphasis on development and acquisition, the company strives to improve its growth quality and efficiency, and continuously improve its profitability, competitiveness and sustainability Development capabilities, therefore maintaining its established position in the People's Republic of China (China) and expanding the international market, with a view to becoming an internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. Pausahaan nempelkeun pentingna pikeun ngajaga sareng ningkatkeun lingkungan, ngalaksanakeun tanggung jawab sosialna, sareng narékahan pikeun ngahasilkeun hasil anu sustainable, stabil sareng ngembang ka para pemegang saham.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) nyaéta parusahaan téhnologi dedicated ka ngaronjatkeun efisiensi konversi kakuatan. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA ngaronjatkeun ukuran, ongkos, efisiensi, kalenturan jeung reliabilitas converters kakuatan éléktronik. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. Pausahaan ogé ngembangkeun transistor simpang ganda dua arah dua arah (B-TRAN™), sareng parantos ngalamar patén, anu berpotensi ningkatkeun efisiensi sareng kapadetan kakuatan saklar kakuatan dua arah. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd. (OTC: IEVM) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu kadaptar umum anu beroperasi ngaliwatan anak perusahaanna IET, Inc. Sadaya produk sareng jasa perusahaan dijual sareng dijual dina mérek dagang umum EcoTreatments™. The company sells and sells its anolyte disinfection solution under the Excelyte® brand. The solution is produced by the company's proprietary EcaFlo™ equipment, which uses an electrolysis process called electrochemical activation to reliably produce an environmentally responsible solution. Pikeun beberesih, disinfeksi sareng disinfeksi. The Excelyte® solution is an EPA-registered hard surface disinfectant and disinfectant. It has been approved for use at the hospital level and has also been approved for use as a disinfectant in oil and gas drilling. The product can be used wherever pathogens, bacteria, viruses and bacteria need to be controlled. The company's EcaFlo® equipment also produces a cleaning solution, which the company sells under the Catholyte Zero™ brand. Catholyte Zero™ solutions are environmentally friendly cleaners and degreasing agents for cleaning, sanitation and food processing purposes.
Itronics (OTC: ITRO) is a “creative clean technology” company that produces GOLD'n GRO specialty liquid fertilizers and gold and silver. Cai mibanda tambang beusi oksida tambaga emas (IOCG) skala badag (proyék rutile) di tambang tambaga Yellington prolific di barat laut Nevada. Tujuan perusahaan nyaéta pikeun ngahontal téknologi bersih anu nguntungkeun pikeun ngamajukeun kamekaran organik khusus pupuk GOLD'n GRO, pérak, séng sareng mineral. Téknologi perusahaan ngamaksimalkeun pamulihan sareng panggunaan logam sareng mineral. Through its subsidiary Itronics Metallurgical, Inc., Itronics is the only company in the United States that has a fully permitted “beneficial-use photochemical, silver and water recycling” plant that converts waste light liquid into pure silver and GOLD'n GRO Liquid fertilizer . The company is developing environmentally friendly mining technology. Itronics has received numerous domestic and international awards in recognition of its ability to successfully use science and engineering techniques to create and implement new environmentally friendly clean recycling and fertilizer technologies.
Kadant Inc. (NYSE: KAI) is a global supplier of key components and engineering systems with high global value. Produk sareng sistem prosés ieu dianggo dina industri prosés global. The company's products, technologies and services play an indispensable role in improving process efficiency, optimizing energy utilization, and maximizing productivity in resource-intensive industries. Kadant's headquarters are located in Westford, Massachusetts.
Liteon Semiconductor Group (Taiwan: 5305.TW) designs, develops, encapsulates and tests a series of semiconductor components related to green power supplies. These components are mainly used in communication, information, switching power supplies and system power supplies for consumer electronics. We are also one of the few companies that have a green power platform, through which we can combine our discrete devices, analog ICs and ambient light/proximity sensors through various matrix combinations, so that we can quickly build total power to meet the maximum energy ngahemat kabutuhan solusi Manajemén. Power saving is an inevitable global trend, and its influence has been extended to household appliances and consumer products, which will further promote the demand for global power management solutions. Through continuous efforts to expand the breadth and depth of our products on the GreenPower platform, LSC's goal is to become one of the world's best Green Power Semiconductor component suppliers.
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agricultural/environmental industry. Its main activities include the following three aspects: Ecological agriculture (in China, the focus is on planting high value-added tree seedlings and nursery products). Énergi renewable (énergi renewable) (eta kalibet dina sagala rupa proyék énergi renewable sakuliah dunya, kaasup Cina urang Huangjiao Tanduk), bakal nyadiakeun berharga siki Huangjiao berharga, sarta pamustunganana nimba minyak tina siki ieu, Dipaké pikeun ngahasilkeun biodiesel jeung kualitas luhur cageur. edible oil. ) And Canadian MMPR-it seeks opportunities in the medical cannabis industry. Currently, it is seeking the status of a Canadian MMPR licensed producer to grow medical marijuana in Canada for domestic consumption and export to approved countries.
Mariner's Choice International Inc. (OTC: MCII) develops and sells biodegradable and ecologically safe cleaning products for the entertainment, industrial and commercial marine markets, car care, and swimming pool and spa markets. It also provides sanitary solutions for the crew, crew and any guests, and provides products that prevent insects, insects, sun and infectious diseases. It also offers MUNOX and MUNOX SR, these two ecologically safe products contain microorganisms and pollutants and can be used for bioremediation, bioenhancement and grease removal. Pausahaan nyadiakeun produk pikeun séktor laut; sareng pasar sanés sapertos rumah tangga, otomotif, penerbangan, kendaraan rekreasi sareng bioremediasi
Natural Blue Resources, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) is a development stage company engaged in the exploration, acquisition and development of various interconnected green businesses. Pausahaan ieu kalibet dina daur ulang stream runtah sarta bisnis daur ulang plastik jeung baja. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar dina ngolah limbah laut (Marpol) sareng limbah lepas pantai, kalayan pangalaman langkung ti 25 taun dina ngumpulkeun sareng ngolah. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Our engineering team specializes in the design, engineering, installation and maintenance of onshore and offshore waste treatment solutions.
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) since its establishment in 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. has become an award-winning global leader in supercapacitor technology innovation and product development. The properties of supercapacitors allow the technology to be used in applications where power, life cycle requirements or environmental conditions limit the applicability of batteries or capacitors. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap has the most complete range of standard commercial products on the market, from 3 farads to 6200 farads, all with industry-recognized alternative organic electrolytes. Konsumén perusahaan kalebet transportasi, listrik sareng pasar konsumen.
Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. (CSE: LUX) is committed to recovering pollutants and residual precious metals from residual historical waste from a century of inefficient artisanal and small-scale mining. Perusahaan museurkeun kana yuris kritik sareng sosial stabil dina Amérika Latin. Newlox has reached an agreement with a local artisanal mining cooperative to provide a stable supply of raw materials, and is currently testing the first processing plant in Central America with experienced engineers and metallurgists. The centuries-old history of mining in Latin America and the current inefficiency of manual processing provide the company with ample opportunities to develop its business model. Newlox parantos mendakan pasar ceruk dina industri pertambangan. Cleantech companies can use innovative processing technologies to not only recover precious metals, but also make positive changes to the environment and social environment through its operations.
The next fuel. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) is a technology provider and service company that provides services to the oil and gas industry. Pausahaan ieu komitmen pikeun ngembangkeun téhnologi perlakuan cai nyadiakeun béaya rendah,-volume tinggi solusi perbaikan komérsial.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi bersih anu unggul kalayan listrik kirang langkung 44,900 megawatt, kalebet megawatt anu aya hubunganana sareng kapentingan non-kontrol NextEra Energy Partners. NextEra Energy kantor pusatna di Juneau Beach, Florida, jeung subsidiaries utamina nyaeta Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (anu mangrupa salah sahiji pausahaan kakuatan listrik-dikawasa harga panggedena di Amérika Serikat) jeung NextEra Energy Resources, LLC jeung éntitas afiliasi na. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Inovasi sareng rasa tanggung jawab masarakatna pangkat diantara sapuluh perusahaan paling luhur di dunya. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . Salaku parusahaan Fortune 200, urang nyieun nilai ngaliwatan generasi kakuatan konvensional dipercaya jeung efisien, bari promosi inovasi dina tanaga surya sarta renewable, ékosistem kandaraan listrik, téhnologi néwak karbon jeung solusi énergi customer-centric. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country.
NuEarth Corporation (OTC: NUEC) ngamekarkeun jeung ngajual produk organik jeung biodegradable di Amérika Serikat. Pausahaan ngembangkeun taneuh beresih jeung héjo sarta téknologi konservasi cai. Garis produkna kalebet produk cair sareng granular NuSoil pikeun ngarobih sipat erosi janten lahan produktif; SaltBlocker is an organic substance that limits the utilization of salt cations and anions in liquid soil and changes the penetration of soil composites Pressure; NuWater, aditif hydrogel NuSoil, ngabantosan nyegah badai keusik sareng lebu; sarta AquaSolv cair jeung rumus granular, nu bisa ngalambatkeun turun penetrasi cai sarta nyebarkeun laterally ngaliwatan wewengkon akar. The company also provides DustBlocker and RoadBinder anionic polyacrylamide, which enables road managers in mines and construction sites to manage dust and compaction. In addition, it has also developed the CL-40 series of products, such as cleaners for various cleaning applications, composite strippers and graffiti removers.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) provides professional technical engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sector clients in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets. NV5 focuses on five business areas: building quality assurance, infrastructure, engineering and support services, energy, program management and environmental solutions. Pausahaan boga 42 lokasi di Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington jeung Wyoming. Kantor, kantor pusatna di Hollywood, Florida.
Orbitnology Orbit Incite (TSX: ort.t.t. Otc: Eorbf) (baheula teu dikenal salaku Orbitine Gr.) Mopét anu langka nganggo bahan baku kalebet baolite, Kaolin, Norcel, baulite, bauanite beureum tina produksi chryesin. Orbite is currently finalizing its first commercial high-purity alumina (HPA) production plant in Cap-Chat, Quebec, and has completed the basic construction of the proposed smelter-grade alumina (SGA) production plant, which will use mined clay Withdraw from his deposit Grande-Vallée. Kulawarga intelektual munggaran nampi patén-patén di Kanada, Amérika Serikat, Australia, Cina, Jepang sareng Rusia. Pausahaan ogé ngoperasikeun pusat pangembangan téknologi canggih di Laval, Quebec, dimana téknologi parantos dikembangkeun sareng diverifikasi.
Pacific Environment Limited (ASX: PEH.AX) is an environmental consulting and technology solutions company. It provides the EnviroSuite system for customized weather forecasts, air quality and noise management, explosion and complaint management, national pollutant inventories, and national greenhouse and energy reports. The company also provides air quality and weather services, including air quality modeling and assessment, odor and dust specialization, forecasting and analysis, emission estimation and inventory, pollution reduction plans, process design optimization, regulatory compliance and reporting, and transportation emissions assessment. In addition, the company also provides emissions monitoring, odor sampling and analysis, process and environmental monitoring, workplace monitoring, employee and customer training, CEMS consulting and calibration, and vehicle emission testing services; environmental monitoring procedures and investigations, fugitive emissions measurement and modeling , Real-time data acquisition and management system and intensive field procedures. Salaku tambahan, éta nganalisa, estimasi sareng ngalaporkeun émisi; ngalaksanakeun audit karbon; checks climate risks; jeung ngarancang strategi mitigasi pikeun ngokolakeun karbon. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan nyayogikeun toksikologi sareng penilaian résiko; konsultasi akustik sareng ngawaskeun bising; pengumpulan runtah padet kota, daur ulang, sareng ngokolakeun gas TPA; groundwater monitoring; kualitas cai hidrogéologi jeung kimia; solid waste management; sarta jasa assessment taneuh kacemar. Éta ngagaduhan operasi di Australia, Selandia Baru, Asia Tenggara, Afrika, Amérika sareng Eropa. Pausahaan ngalayanan minyak, gas sareng énergi; mining; ports; agriculture; government; transportasi, manufaktur jeung industri; séktor pengolahan limbah sareng cai limbah.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .
Perma-Fix Environmental Services (NasdaqCM: PESI) mangrupikeun perusahaan jasa nuklir sareng panyayogikeun jasa manajemén limbah nuklir sareng campuran. Ladenan limbah nuklir perusahaan kalebet ngokolakeun sareng ngokolakeun limbah radioaktif sareng campuran pikeun rumah sakit, laboratorium panalungtikan sareng lembaga, agénsi féderal (kaasup Departemen Énergi AS), Departemen Pertahanan ("DOD") sareng industri nuklir komérsial. The company's nuclear service department provides customers with project management, waste management, environmental remediation, decontamination and decommissioning, new construction, and radiation protection, safety and industrial hygiene capabilities. The company operates four nuclear waste treatment facilities and provides nuclear services in DOE, DOD and commercial facilities nationwide.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) mangrupikeun pamekar sistem énergi anu dikhususkeun pikeun ngagunakeun téknologi siklus Rankine organik pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi sareng pamulihan panas runtah. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. Téknologi ORC PowerVerde ogé tiasa digabungkeun sareng panas bumi, biomassa sareng sumber panas surya.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. Solusi panyimpen Powin Energy nyayogikeun tautan penting dina pamekaran angin sareng tanaga surya ku cara nyayogikeun téknologi anu ngajantenkeun proyék-proyék ieu langkung éfisién.
Pura Naturals' (OTC: PNAT) household cleaning products absorb grease and dirt while providing a unique soap infusion function without harmful chemicals or bacterial buildups that are common in typical sponge products. Téknologi busa Pura Naturals dikembangkeun pikeun ngaréspon kana tumpahan minyak Teluk. Busa revolusioner nyerep gajih, bari ngusir cai sareng ngahambat pertumbuhan baktéri sareng bau. The earth-conscious company prides itself on its plant-based products, which are made from renewable resources and have no petroleum by-products. Produk Pura Naturals dijual di CVS Pharmacies, English Market, Kroger, Meijer, Sprout Farmers Market, Target, Walmart and Whole Foods Market nasional.
Pyxis Tanker Company (NasdaqCM: PXS) gaduh armada modéren 6 tanker, kalibet dina transportasi maritim produk minyak olahan sareng cairan bulk sanés. Kami museurkeun ngembangkeun armada urang Medium anu sedeng anu naksikeun perpotors operasi sareng berpotensi ngakibatkeun "Ecication (Ecictioned atanapi Épéku anu dirobih). Kalayan struktur biaya anu kompetitif, hubungan palanggan anu kuat sareng tim manajemen anu berpengalaman, kami aya dina kasempetan anu nguntungkeun pikeun ngalegaan armada kami sareng nyaluyukeun kapentinganna sareng kapentingan para pemegang saham.
QS Energy, Inc. (OTC: QSEP) (saméméhna katelah Save The World Air, Inc.) nyadiakeun peralatan industri anu ditangtayungan patén pikeun industri énergi global sarta boga tujuan pikeun nyangking perbaikan kinerja anu bisa diukur kana pipa minyak bumi. Solusi nilai luhur QS Energy dikembangkeun ku gawé bareng sareng produksi minyak bumi sareng éntitas transportasi anu ngabéréskeun masalah kakurangan kapasitas ageung infrastruktur pipa domestik sareng asing anu dirarancang sareng diwangun sateuacan lonjakan produksi minyak global ayeuna. In order to support our customers' commitment to responsible energy and environmental management procurement, QS Energy combines scientific research with creative problem solutions to provide energy-efficient “clean technology” solutions, thereby providing upstream, midstream and agglomeration belts Bring new efficiency and reduce operating waragad ka departemen.
Quantum Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: QTM.AX) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and distribute energy-efficient hot water, heating and cooling systems for residential and commercial markets in Australia and internationally. Pausahaan nyadiakeun sistem tanaga surya, pamanas cai panas sarta pamanas kolam renang, kitu ogé pamanas wangunan komérsial sarta industri.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) is an international environmental oilfield service provider, established in late 1994, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has offices in the Prairie, Alberta. The company focuses on clean air technology and has operations in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia. Questor designs and manufactures high-efficiency waste gas incinerators for sale or lease, and also provides combustion-related oilfield services. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor dipikanyaho pikeun kaahlian husus na dina durukan gas haseum (H2S). Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Although Questor's current customer base mainly operates in the crude oil and natural gas industries, the company's combustion technology is also applicable to other industries, such as landfills, water and sewage treatment, tire recycling and agriculture.
Pikeun ngamangpaatkeun kasempetan ngembang dina sektor énergi bersih, React Energy (baheulana katelah Kedco plc) (LSE: REAC.L) diadegkeun. The group is now a diversified renewable energy company with cash-generating and development assets in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
REG Technologies Inc (TSX: RRE.V; OTC: REGRF) is developing a commercialized improved axial vane rotary engine called Rand Cam (R) / RadMax (TM) rotation technology for lightweight and High-efficiency revolutionary design. Mesin, compressor sareng pompa. Compared with the 40 moving parts in a simple four-cylinder piston engine, the RadMax™ engine has only two unique moving parts, namely the blades (up to 12) and the rotor. This innovative design makes it possible to generate up to 24 continuous power pulses per revolution, without vibration and extremely quiet. RadMax(TM) engines also have multiple functions that enable them to run on fuels including gasoline, natural gas, hydrogen, propane and diesel.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Ngaliwatan anak perusahaanna, perusahaan koléksi Républik, pusat daur ulang, stasiun transfer sareng TPA komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun palanggan komérsial, industri, kotamadya, padumukan sareng ladang minyak kalayan solusi anu épéktip pikeun ngagampangkeun pembuangan limbah anu leres. Kami bakal ngabéréskeun masalah ieu ngalangkungan tagline merek di dieu ™, ngabéjaan para nasabah yén aranjeunna tiasa ngandelkeun Republik pikeun masihan pangalaman anu saé, bari ngabina Blue Planet ™ anu sustainable pikeun generasi anu bakal datang pikeun nikmati dunya anu langkung bersih, langkung aman sareng langkung séhat.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. Perusahaan nyayogikeun jasa konsultasi téknis pikeun mesin, powertrain sareng kotak gear, sistem hibrida sareng listrik, sareng sistem kendaraan; and environmental consulting services. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan ogé ngajual sareng ngadukung séri desain sareng analisa produk parangkat lunak khusus dikembangkeun pikeun aplikasi dina pamekaran powertrain sareng prosés integrasi kendaraan; sareng masihan bantosan téknis, palatihan sareng jasa. Sajaba ti éta, ogé nyadiakeun produk-kinerja tinggi, ti mesin, transmisi, motor jeung generator, pak batré jeung sistem sél suluh pikeun ngabersihan program mobil husus. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) mangrupikeun perusahaan minyak sareng gas mandiri di sakuliah dunya. Ieu ngoperasikeun ngaliwatan bagéan pasar hulu jeung hilir. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; ekstrak bitumen tina pasir minyak ditambang tur ngarobahna kana minyak atah sintétik; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. Sajaba ti éta, pausahaan ieu kalibet dina manufaktur, suplai, jeung transportasi minyak atah; ngajual suluh, pelumas, bitumen sareng gas petroleum cair (LPG) pikeun kaperluan rumah tangga, transportasi sareng industri; ngarobah minyak atah kana runtuyan produk refined, kaasup béngsin jeung solar , Minyak pemanasan, suluh aviation, suluh laut, pelumas, aspal, walirang jeung gas minyak bumi liquefied; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; provides transportation services; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. Pausahaan owns kira 24 refineries minyak; 1,500 storage tanks; and 150 distribution facilities. Éta ngajual bahan bakar dina merek Shell V-Power.
RusHydro (Russia: MICEX: HYDR) is one of the largest power generation companies in Russia. RusHydro mangrupikeun produsén énérgi anu tiasa dianyari Rusia, kalayan langkung ti 70 fasilitas pembangkit listrik di Rusia sareng mancanagara. The company also manages many R&D, engineering and power retail companies. The thermal assets of the group are operated by the subsidiary RAO Eastern Energy Systems in the Russian Far East.
Siemens (NYSE: SI) is the world's only integrated technology company. Its products, solutions and services are integrated, covering the entire energy conversion chain, and are the first to provide technical solutions to make this smart grid a reality. Siemens has always been a leader in complex products and solutions for transmission and distribution network instrumentation, monitoring and control. Ku alatan éta, téknologi grid pinter Siemens parantos ngabuktikeun réliabilitas, kasadiaan, sareng éféktivitas biaya dina seueur proyék anu béda-béda di sakumna dunya di Austria, Kanada, Cina, Inggris Raya, Jérman, Selandia Anyar, Arab Saudi, Swédia, UAE, sareng Amérika Sarikat.
Sierra Monitor Corporation (OTC: SRMC) addresses the industrial and commercial facility management markets with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions that connect and protect high-value infrastructure assets. System integrators and OEMs use the company's FieldServer branded protocol gateway to implement local and remote monitoring of assets and facilities. FieldServer has more than 100,000 products, supports more than 140 protocols installed in commercial and industrial facilities, and is the industry's leading multi-protocol gateway. Industrial and commercial facility managers use Sierra Monitor's Sentry IT fire and gas detection solutions to protect their personnel and property. Sentry IT brand controllers, sensor modules and software have been installed in thousands of facilities, such as natural gas vehicle refueling and maintenance stations, wastewater treatment plants, oil and gas refineries and pipelines, parking lots, US Navy ships and underground telephone warehouses. Monitor Sierra mangrupikeun kantor pusat dina jantung silikon di militas, California. It was founded in 1979 and has been a public company since 1989. By combining its outstanding performance in the field of industrial sensing and automation with emerging IoT technologies (such as cloud connectivity, big data, and analysis and analysis, Sierra Monitor is at the forefront of emerging IIoT trends.
SmartCool Systems Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; TSX: SSC.V) provides the most advanced energy saving and energy cost reduction solutions for global enterprises. ECO3 sareng ESM mangrupikeun téknologi retrofit unik Smartcool anu tiasa ngirangan konsumsi énergi compressor dina AC, kulkas sareng sistem pompa panas ku 15% dugi ka 20%, ku kituna kéngingkeun investasi dina 12 dugi ka 36 bulan.
Solarbrook Hydropower Corporation (OTC: SLRW) sareng anak perusahaanna didédikasikeun pikeun ngembangkeun, manufaktur sareng pamasaran manajemén cai sareng solusi terpadu énergi bersih pikeun pasar konsumen, kota sareng industri di Amérika Serikat. The company designs, builds, sells and installs water filtration and water treatment systems to remove harmful metals, elements and compounds in drinking water and wastewater. Éta ogé nyebarkeun sistem filtrasi cai sareng nyayogikeun dana pikeun sistem perawatan cai pikeun rumah tangga sareng usaha; and provides municipal aeration and oxygen mixing equipment and dissolved oxygen in water for various industries. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan ogé nyayogikeun solusi perawatan cai limbah pikeun konsumén industri sareng pamaréntah. Gradoper gramopower utamina di nyayogikeun produk perangkat di Amérika Serikat di Amérika Serikat sareng Éropa.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. Dina ngembangkeun kontinyu widang ieu, brand GO cutatan panganyarna kami boga tujuan pikeun ngarojong industri surya sarta méré pamakéna kasempetan pikeun ménta cutatan instalasi bébas tina panyadia solar lokal, bari CO2 Global nyadiakeun jaminan kualitas (QA) jeung kontrol kualitas (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
SPX Corp. (NYSE: SPW) is a global, multi-industry manufacturer with operations in 35 countries. Produk rékayi perusahaan khusus sareng téknologi fokus pikeun téknologi aliran sareng infustruktur énergi. Many of SPX's innovative solutions play an important role in helping meet the growing global demand for electricity, processed food and beverages, especially in emerging markets. The company's products include food processing systems for the food and beverage industry, key flow components for oil and gas processing, power transformers for utility companies, and cooling systems for power plants. The efficiency and commercial viability of developing renewable energy is an important part of the development of a secure power network for the future. We have many years of experience in providing various types of equipment, including pumps, filters, air-cooled condensers, steam generators, steam control valves and molten salt mixers.
Stante Inc. (TSX: Stn.t.t) nyadiakeun perencanaan, rékayasa, akun, desain organisasi, survey, Amérika Serikat, Amérika Serikat, Amérika the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. Perusahaan ogé nyayogikeun desain mékanis, sistem éléktrolifrat jeung sanena kanggo atikan, médis, Komersial, Kawit sareng pamaréntah. jasa manufaktur panel kontrol; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; and brand services, as well as development, design, installation and integrity maintenance services for oil and gas pipeline systems and station facilities. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun jasa profésional dina ékologi, restorasi lingkungan, sumber cai sareng dukungan pangaturan pikeun konsumén umum sareng swasta dina widang listrik, transportasi, tanaga sareng sumber daya, ogé jasa dina ngokolakeun sumber daya budaya sareng perlindungan sajarah.
STT Enviro Corp (TSX: STT.V) (formerly Semcan Inc) provides cost-effective and incremental environmental improvements for traditional industrial products. The company's two operating divisions, STT Enviro Corp Systems and Solutions and STT Enviro Corp Tank and Industrial Division, are committed to cost-effectively reducing customers' environmental footprint. STT Enviro Corp's system and solution engineers also provide chemical makeup removal systems to neutralize pollutants (usually acidic water) generated in the ore or petroleum extraction process; Sareng jasa penjualan, kalebet optimal nganggo pamakean bahan kimia pikeun para nasabah pikeun ngirangan biaya sareng ngirangan tapak suku karbon. STT Enviro Corp tanks and industrial engineers provide bolted tanks for dry and liquid storage applications with a small environmental footprint. Faktor lingkungan mangrupikeun kaseueuran pikeun ékspansi industri modéren. STT Eliro Corp.. Anggap pamimpin sareng inovator di laun-laun ningkatkeun lingkungan. The company's strategy is to grow organically, and in the long run, to acquire the company at a price with strategic and financial advantages.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: Januari 2018-ngumumkeun prakarsa parusahaan pikeun ngahijikeun téhnologi blockchain kana model bisnis énergi renewable sarta strategi, aimed di ngaronjatkeun efisiensi tina manajemen grid kebon surya sarta angin. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.
Supreme Metals Corp. (CSE: ABJ) mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi Kanada anu fokus kana logam héjo sareng énergi di Dunya Kulon, padeukeut sareng proyék-proyék manufaktur hilir anu diantisipasi, anu aya dina paménta anu luhur pikeun logam ieu.
Synex International Inc. (TSX: SXI.TO) has two wholly-owned subsidiaries, Synex Energy Resources Ltd and Sigma Engineering Ltd. Their businesses involve the development, ownership and operation of power facilities, as well as the provision of consulting engineering and environmental jasa di kota. Water resources, especially hydropower facilities. Synex is an independent power producer with 11 megawatts of hydroelectric power generation capacity in British Columbia (mainly on Vancouver Island).
Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SES) is a Houston-based technology company dedicated to bringing clean, high-value energy to developing countries through its proprietary U-Gas®-based gasification technology , The technology has been licensed by the Natural Gas Technology Institute. SES Gasification Technology (SGT) can produce clean, low-cost syngas for power generation, industrial fuels, chemicals, fertilizers and transportation fuels, thereby replacing expensive natural gas energy. SGT ogé bisa ngahasilkeun hidrogén purity tinggi pikeun pamakéan salaku suluh transportasi cleaner. SGT uses the blue sky to achieve growth and provide greater fuel flexibility for large-scale and efficient small and medium-scale operations near fuel sources. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. Produk ieu dianggo di sababaraha pasar, kalebet: énergi alternatif (panonpoé sareng angin), médis, nuklir, pertahanan, industri, sareng aerospace. TechPrecision's goal is to provide customers with an end-to-end global service provider by providing customized and integrated “turnkey” solutions for complete products that require customized manufacturing and processing, assembly, inspection and testing.
Tennant Corporation (NYSE: TNC) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina desain, manufaktur sareng pamasaran solusi anu ngamungkinkeun para nasabah kéngingkeun kinerja beberesih kualitas luhur, sacara signifikan ngirangan dampak lingkunganana sareng ngabantosan nyiptakeun dunya anu langkung bersih, langkung aman sareng langkung séhat. Produkna kalebet alat-alat anu dianggo pikeun ngajaga permukaan di lingkungan industri, komérsial sareng luar; chemical-free and other sustainable cleaning technologies; and coatings used to protect, repair and upgrade surfaces. Tennant's global field service network is the most extensive in the industry. Tennant has manufacturing operations in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Michigan, the Netherlands; Louisville, Kentucky; Uden, the Netherlands; the United Kingdom; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Shanghai, China; sareng ngalangkungan distributor langkung ti 80 nagara di 15 nagara ngajual produk langsung.
Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY gaduh saluran pipa anu kuat sakitar 8,000 MW RES proyék, anu beroperasi, dina konstruksi atanapi dina tahap pangwangunan anu maju, ngarah di Yunani, sareng operasi di Éropa Tengah, Éropa Tenggara sareng Amérika Serikat. TERNA ENERGY ogé aktip ilubiung dina program internasional pikeun salajengna ngamajukeun pamakéan RES. Éta ogé anggota European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) mangrupakeun pamilik diversified global aset énergi bersih, kaasup surya, angin jeung PLTA proyék di pikaresepeun, tumuwuhna luhur pasar munculna.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) mangrupakeun panyadia ngarah tina konsultan, rékayasa, manajemén prosés jeung jasa manajemén konstruksi. Pausahaan ngarojong konsumén komérsial sarta pamaréntah fokus kana cai, lingkungan, infrastruktur, manajemén sumberdaya jeung énergi. Tetra Tech has 13,000 employees worldwide, providing clear solutions to complex problems.
Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) nyayogikeun solusi rékayasa pikeun industri énergi sareng lingkungan di India sareng internasional. Ieu dibagi jadi dua bagian: énergi jeung lingkungan. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; absorption systems, including absorption coolers, heat pumps, solar cooling products and air-cooled heat exchangers; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; sareng suluh sareng pemanasan minyak termal. Ogé nyadiakeun perlakuan cai, gula jeung industri kertas, widang minyak, héjo, konstruksi jeung fireside kimiawi, kitu ogé résin bursa ion jeung aditif suluh; EPC power plants; solar thermal and photovoltaic solutions; jeung cai jeung runtah sistem jeung solusi , Sapertos perlakuan cai, wastewater jeung perlakuan kokotor jeung daur ulang, jeung sistem incineration jeung solusi. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; jeung suku cadang. The company provides services for the oil and gas, steel, automotive, food, cement, chemical, refining and petrochemical, power generation, textile, pharmaceutical, paper and pulp, oil depot heating, space heating, sugar, paint, rubber and edible oil industri; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Toro Corporation (NYSE: TTC) is a leading global provider of innovative solutions for outdoor environments, including turf, snow removal and ground equipment, irrigation and outdoor lighting solutions. Toro ngagaduhan operasi global di langkung ti 90 nagara. Through continuous innovation and a caring relationship based on trust and integrity, Toro and its brand family have established an outstanding heritage by helping customers take care of golf courses, landscapes, sports fields, public green spaces, commercial and residential properties, and agriculture.
TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) has been a pioneer in the development of breakthrough science and engineering technology since the 1960s. TRC mangrupikeun rékayasa nasional, konsultasi lingkungan sareng perusahaan manajemén konstruksi pikeun énergi, lingkungan sareng infrastruktur Pasar nyayogikeun jasa terpadu. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. The results provided by TRC enable customers to succeed in a complex and changing world.
Trex Co. Inc. (NYSE: TREX) is the world's largest manufacturer of high-performance wood substitute paving and railings, with more than 20 years of product experience. Produk hirup luar Trex sayogi di langkung ti 6,700 toko ritel di sakumna dunya, nawiskeun sababaraha pilihan gaya. Compared with wood, it requires less routine maintenance and is an environmentally responsible choice.
Fokus utama Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) nyaéta pikeun nambihan nilai ka para pemegang saham ku cara mekarkeun sareng ngajaga kapentingan jangka panjang dina proyék énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui Kanada sareng aset gudang gas alam bawah tanah dumasar kana harga pasar. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Tribute's business plan is to determine, allow, develop and build projects that meet its threshold return standards based on its existing assets. Tribute creates value by identifying project opportunities, providing expertise in development projects, and maintaining interest in completed assets, thereby establishing a long-term stable utility-quality cash flow through a strong and diversified energy-related asset base.
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. Kami gaduh pangalaman langkung ti 300 MW di sakuliah dunya, sareng kami komitmen pikeun nguatkeun dunya anu langkung sustainable unggal dinten. Énergi surya, énergi angin, lampu LED
Victrex plc (LSE: VCT.L) is an innovative global leader in high-performance PEEK polymer-based solutions with more than 35 years of experience. Pausahaan ngalayanan sababaraha pasar sapertos otomotif, aerospace, éléktronika, tanaga, sareng médis, sareng damel sareng pamimpin industri pikeun nyayogikeun solusi pikeun tantangan utama.
Waste Management Co., Ltd. (NYSE: WM), headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a leading provider of integrated waste management services in North America. Pausahaan nyadiakeun koleksi, mindahkeun, daur ulang jeung recovery sumberdaya sarta jasa pembuangan ngaliwatan subsidiaries na. It is also the leading developer, operator and owner of landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States. The company's customers include residential, commercial, industrial and municipal customers throughout North America.
West Hill Capital Corporation / Phase Separation Solutions (PS2) (TSX: WMT.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan solusi lingkungan anu diadegkeun di Kanada anu khusus dina perlakuan panas tina sagala rupa aliran limbah anu bahaya sareng henteu bahaya. Through its subsidiaries, it uses a unique indirect heating, closed-loop technology that can extract the most dangerous pollutants from soil and industrial sludge, and convert most of them into reusable petroleum and synthetic natural gas to maintain The process. Dibandingkeun sareng téknologi pemusnah runtah picilakaeun tradisional, metode ieu nyayogikeun kasempetan anu penting pikeun ngirangan gas rumah kaca. The company's management team has expertise in hazardous waste management and contaminated site remediation, and has extensive experience in North America and 15 countries/regions around the world. Shanghai phase separation
Winning Brands Corporation (OTC: WNBD) nyaéta produsén solusi beberesih ramah lingkungan canggih. In addition to using www.Vappex.com technology to commercialize steam disinfectant www.BlauAire.com as a joint venture, Winning Brands is also a KIND(R) laundry product, 1000+(TM) detergent, the most versatile cleaning solution in the world ( TM), (www.1000Plus.ca), Brilliant Wet Cleaning Solutions (www.BrilliantWetCleaning.com) and other products provided through its subsidiary Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd. 1000+ detergent is a multi-purpose cleaning solvent with unique and ideal ciri. Sababaraha pangecér panggedéna di Kanada, kalebet Wal-Mart di Kanada, Home Depot, Lowe's, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, sareng seueur toko di Amérika Serikat, tiasa nganggo 1,000+ ti basisir ka basisir. TrackMoist and ReGUARD4 are examples of industry-specific solutions from Winning Brands. TrackMoist ningkatkeun kinerja permukaan berdebu anu dianggo di tempat olahraga sareng hiburan (www.TrackMoist.com). ReGUARD4 is a series of fire safety cleaning solutions for emergency personnel.
WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan jasa profésional terkemuka di dunya. WSP nyadiakeun kaahlian teknis ka klien di real estate, wangunan, transportasi jeung infrastruktur, lingkungan, industri, jeung sumber daya (kaasup pertambangan jeung minyak jeung gas) pangaweruh jeung konsultan strategi pikeun gas alam) jeung widang kakuatan jeung énergi. WSP ogé nyayogikeun jasa anu khusus dina pangiriman proyék sareng konsultasi strategis. Its experts include engineers, consultants, technicians, scientists, architects, planners, surveyors and environmental experts, as well as other design, planning and construction management professionals. With approximately 34,000 employees in 500 offices in 40 countries/regions, WSP has the advantage of successful and sustainable projects under the WSP and WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff brands. Water: In June 2016, the company announced that it had reached an agreement with Schlumberger, the world's leading oilfield services company, to acquire its industrial water consulting business. Usaha ieu bakal ngamungkinkeun WSP nyayogikeun jasa konsultasi cai sareng solusi proyék pikeun konsumén industri global.
Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. (OTC: WUHN) is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and sales of industrial blowers for steam-driven power plants in the People's Republic of China. produk blower na kaasup fans axial, nu bisa nyadiakeun aliran badag sarta hawa-tekanan low pikeun stasiun kakuatan badag; centrifugal blowers and centrifugal blowers, which provide a small amount of air at higher pressures, and can be used in medium-sized power stations to blow pulverized coal into the furnace , And aeration in sewage treatment plants. The company also produces steam and water turbines, including conventional steam turbines and cogeneration steam turbines, for use in electric and hydroelectric power plants. In addition, it also produces blower silencers, connectors and other common parts for blowers and electrical equipment. Wuhan General Motors Group (China) Co., Ltd. mainly sells products to steel companies, power plants, chemical plants, paper mills and hydropower plants.
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) designs, finances, builds and operates waste-to-energy plants that process solid municipal, medical and industrial waste to generate electricity. Since 1996, Sino-German Group has completed about 200 waste treatment projects in 13 provinces. Sino-Jerman mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan anu paling terkenal dina widang énergi runtah EPC sareng proyék BOT, sareng ogé produsén pabrik durukan skala ageung di Cina. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). As an investor in the BOT project, Sino-German also operates waste energy plants. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. China headquarters is located in Beijing, China. Sino-German production plant is located in Fuzhou, China.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) mangrupikeun produsén logam khusus sareng produk kimia. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus parantos nyebarkeun séri téknologi proprietary sareng kabuktian pikeun ngahasilkeun produk anu tiasa dianggo dina seueur aplikasi farmasi, éléktronik sareng industri canggih. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Seueur di antarana mangrupikeun panaratas konci sareng promotor konci, sapertos tanaga surya, dioda pemancar cahaya sareng bahan anu ramah lingkungan.
Huaguan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 6289.TW) kalibet dina ngembangkeun, manufaktur jeung distribusi wafers dioda lampu-emitting (LED) jeung chip LED. The company is also involved in providing technical support and after-sales service for LED chips and LED chips. The company's LED products are mainly used in displays, automobiles, consumer electronics, communication products, information products and indicator lights. The company's products are distributed in the domestic market and other Asian countries. AOC is now the main supplier of many leading LED manufacturers in the world
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) diadegkeun dumasar kana visi nyayogikeun "kakuatan nirkabel" anu bersih sareng tiasa diurus. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue nyaeta dina brand Illumient na, Ogé sells tanaga surya jeung angin outdoor sistem cahaya.
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) mingpin revolusi pencahyaan LED sareng téknologi pencahayaan tradisional anu luntur anu ngabuang énérgi ku ngagunakeun lampu LED anu hemat energi, tanpa merkuri. Cree mangrupakeun inovator ngarah pasar tina lampu-grade LEDs, lampu LED, sarta produk semikonduktor pikeun kakuatan sarta frékuénsi radio (RF) aplikasi. Cree's product line includes LED lamps and bulbs, blue and green LED chips, high-brightness LEDs, lighting-grade power LEDs, power switching devices and RF devices. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. It provides energy-efficient LED solutions for exterior and interior space lighting applications, including parking lot and street lighting, floodlights, traffic lights, downlights and bulb replacements, fluorescent lights and custom applications. The company also sells WePOWER vertical axis wind turbines, including on-grid and off-grid wind turbines for residential, commercial, industrial and government applications; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; sarta Skystream sistem cahaya komérsial. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. Pausahaan nyadiakeun ladenan ka pausahaan swasta, pausahaan publik, instansi pamaréntah, lembaga atikan jeung komunitas padumukan.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. Kami nyayogikeun platform komunikasi anu tiasa ngirangan pamakean énérgi dina pangukuran sareng pasar cahaya di India, Brazil sareng Cina. Platform jaringan bolong nirkabel kami nyayogikeun sambungan "mil terakhir" antara jutaan alat sareng parangkat lunak perusahaan. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. Salaku tambahan, kami damel sareng mitra kami pikeun nyayogikeun pangrojong kelas munggaran sareng jasa hosting, ogé "software salaku jasa" pikeun ngabantosan perencanaan sareng ngahijikeun solusi kami. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). It is dedicated to electricity meters and is optimized for range, data communication, interoperability, and security. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. Éta tiasa ngahémat seueur listrik ku cara ningkatkeun cara ngadalikeun, ngukur sareng ngatur panggunaan énérgi cahaya umum.
Diguang International Development Co., Ltd. (OTC: DGNG) utamana kalibet dina rarancang, produksi jeung distribusi dioda emitting lampu leutik jeung sedeng jeung lampu tukang fluoresensi katoda tiis pikeun pausahaan badag tur sedeng-ukuran. It provides backlighting for LCD displays in various applications, such as color displays for mobile phones, car TVs and navigation systems, digital cameras, TVs, computer monitors, camcorders, PDAs, DVDs, CDs and MP3/MP4 players, and home appliance displays, As well as indoor and outdoor lighting and home and office use. The company mainly sells products to customers in Taiwan, Hong Kong, North America, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and Mainland China.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. pasar patali global. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon helps its customers reduce operating costs, improve satisfaction and safety, increase revenue, and perform better in both existing and emerging markets.
Energy Focus Inc. (NasdaqCM: EFOI) is a leading provider of energy-saving LED lighting products and a developer of energy-saving lighting technology. Dibandingkeun sareng lampu tradisional, produk lampu LED kami tiasa masihan kaunggulan dina hemat energi, éstétika, kaamanan sareng biaya pangropéa. Our long-term partnership with the US government continues to enable us to provide energy-efficient LED lighting products for the US Navy and Military Maritime Transportation Command fleet. Clients include US national, state and local government agencies and Fortune 500 companies as well as many other commercial and industrial clients. The world headquarters is located in Solon, Ohio, with other offices in Washington, DC, New York City and Taiwan.
Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) designs, manufactures and provides power supplies and mobile semiconductor technologies to improve the energy efficiency of home appliances, enabling mobile device manufacturers to provide innovative new features and improve the efficiency of industrial products. Our global business is supported by internal and external manufacturing and a flexible multi-source supply chain. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Solusi semikonduktor kami pikeun aplikasi otomotif, mobile, lampu LED sareng manajemén kakuatan ngabantosan para nasabah suksés unggal dinten.
Heliospectra AB ADR (OTC: HLSPY; FirstNorth: HELIO) specializes dina téhnologi cahaya calakan pikeun panalungtikan tutuwuhan jeung budidaya rumah kaca. The company's lighting system combines several different sets of general-purpose light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with optical devices, remote sensing technology and powerful heat dissipation solutions to provide effective and long-lasting technology for greenhouse and indoor plant cultivation. Setelan proprietary ieu ngamungkinkeun para pekebun ngadalikeun inténsitas sareng panjang gelombang cahaya anu dipancarkeun, ku kituna nyiptakeun spéktrum anu disaluyukeun khusus pikeun spésiés pepelakan anu béda-béda sareng tahap kamekaran pikeun ngamajukeun fotosintésis anu langkung saé. Lampu anu lengkep sareng dirarancang saé ngahasilkeun pepelakan anu katingalina langkung saé, raos langkung saé, sareng gaduh umur rak anu langkung panjang tibatan lampu HID. This technology can not only reduce energy consumption by up to 50%, but also helps to stimulate growth characteristics and improve plant quality. Other benefits include reduced light pollution, reduced mercury usage by avoiding traditional HID/HPS bulbs, and reduced HVAC investment and monthly expense requirements. Heliospectra products are based on an in-depth understanding of plant physiology and photosynthesis, as well as a unique method using modern LED technology. Saatos genep taun pamekaran di Swédia, perusahaan ayeuna parantos ngasilkeun janten pasar internasional. The company has raised more than US$21 million in funding and has received more than US$2.6 million through academic scholarships and grants. Its forward-looking technology has also won numerous awards.
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) nyaéta operator jaringan nirkabel sareng panyadia aplikasi parangkat lunak anu didedikasikeun pikeun Internet of Things. Iota sells recurring revenue solutions that can optimize the energy use, sustainability and operations of commercial and industrial facilities directly or through third-party relationships. Iota also provides important ancillary products and services to promote the adoption of its subscription-based services, including solar, LED lighting and HVAC implementation services.
O2Micro International Limited (NasdaqGS: OIIM) develops and sells innovative power management components for the computer, consumer, industrial, automotive and communications markets. Products include LED general lighting, backlighting, battery management and power management. O2Micro International gaduh portopolio hak cipta intelektual anu éksténsif, kalayan 28,852 klaim patén anu dipasihkeun sareng langkung ti 29,000 beredar. Pausahaan boga kantor di sakuliah dunya.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) mingpin transformasi wangunan komersil sareng industri ngaliwatan sistem pencahayaan hemat energi anu paling canggih sareng solusi lampu retrofit. Orion ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual séri produk canggih, kalebet lampu kaayaan padet LED sareng lampu fluoresensi inténsitas tinggi. Seueur patén-patén Orion langkung ti 100 dipaténkeun sareng ditangguhkeun aya hubunganana sareng sistem pencahyaan, anu gaduh kinerja optik sareng termal anu saé, anu tiasa nyayogikeun aspék kauangan, lingkungan sareng ruang kerja pikeun seueur palanggan di pasar renovasi kauntungan.
Photonstar LED Group (LSE: PSL.L) mangrupikeun desainer sareng produsén solusi pencahayaan pinter di Inggris. The group's proprietary technology HalcyonTM is an interconnected lighting platform that includes hardware and software for wireless, microprocessor-controlled retrofit LED lighting and control systems, optimized for energy saving, circadian rhythm and data-centric applications .
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure nyayogikeun produk sareng jasa dina daérah Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tanaga surya, efisiensi énergi, sareng infrastruktur utiliti. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. Cai mibanda kapasitas generasi kakuatan husus pikeun kaperluan respon paménta; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , Pikeun kapentingan konsumén komérsial, industri jeung institusional salaku pamaké tungtung na langsung ka retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM: RVLT) is a leading LED lighting solutions company. We design, manufacture, sell and sell energy-efficient LED and conventional lighting solutions. We have strong strengths in the industrial, commercial and government markets in the United States, Canada and around the world. Revolution Lighting has created an innovative, multi-brand lighting company that provides a comprehensive product platform of high-quality indoor and outdoor LED lamps and fixtures, with a focus on the developing LED lighting solutions market. Revolution Lighting pasar sareng ngadistribusikaeun produkna ngaliwatan jaringan perwakilan penjualan sareng distributor mandiri, ogé perusahaan hemat energi, rekening nasional sareng anak perusahaanna Value Lighting. Nilai Pencahayaan mangrupakeun supplier ngarah tina solusi cahaya pikeun imah multi-kulawarga jeung wangunan padumukan anyar. Other brands in the market's RVLT series include Lumificient, which provides LED lighting for the signage industry. Jeung Sentinel, nu revolusioner dipaténkeun tur dilisensikeun monitoring sarta sistem kontrol grid pinter cocog pikeun aplikasi cahaya outdoor. Revolution Lighting is recognized as a 2014 Deloitte High-Tech High-Growth 500 company.
Rubicon Technology Inc. (NasdaqGS: RBCN) is a vertically integrated provider of advanced electronic materials that specializes in single crystal sapphire for light-emitting diodes (LED), optical systems and special electronic devices. Rubicon has an unparalleled technology platform and expertise, from the preparation of alumina to the growth and manufacturing of sapphire crystals, to large-diameter polished sapphire wafers and patterned sapphire substrates (PSS), enabling Rubicon to provide high-quality and precise Custom sapphire products .
SavWatt USA, Inc. (OTC: SAVW) museurkeun kana ngamekarkeun solusi pencahayaan LED anu inovatif, hemat energi sareng biaya-éféktif. By providing value-added, purpose-specific LED lighting systems, we can significantly reduce energy costs and minimize our global carbon footprint. SavWatt is leading the LED lighting revolution and is preparing for the elimination of incandescent bulbs. SavWatt's product line includes LED lamps, bulbs, street lights and parking lights.
Seoul Semiconductor Company, Ltd. (SSC) (Korea: 046890.KQ) produces and packages various light-emitting diodes (LEDs) used in the automotive, general lighting, electrical appliances, signage and backlighting markets. The company is the fifth largest LED supplier in the world, with more than 10,000 patents worldwide, and provides a wide range of LEDs in the fields of “nPola”, deep ultraviolet LED, and “Acrich” (the world's first commercially produced direct lighting ) Téknologi jeung kapasitas produksi. AC LED sareng "Acrich MJT-Multi-Junction Technology" proprietary high-voltage LED series.
SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) sareng anak perusahaanna ngadamel sareng ngajual produk surya babarengan. Its business scope includes the manufacture and sale of solar products, solar power generation, factory operations and services, and the manufacture and sale of light-emitting diode (LED) products.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. Dina ngembangkeun kontinyu widang ieu, brand GO cutatan panganyarna kami boga tujuan pikeun ngarojong industri surya sarta méré pamakéna kasempetan pikeun ménta cutatan instalasi bébas tina panyadia solar lokal, bari CO2 Global nyadiakeun jaminan kualitas (QA) jeung kontrol kualitas (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Stanley Electric (TYO: 6923.T; OTC: STAEF) ngahasilkeun alat-alat cahaya otomotif sareng komponenana éléktronik. It operates in the automotive equipment business, electronic parts business, and applied electronic product business units. The automotive equipment business department provides automotive equipment products, including headlights, rear combination lights, high-position brake lights, fog lights, automotive bulbs, HID related products, etc. The electronic components business department provides electronic components, such as LEDs, infrared LED lamps and applied electronic products, including LED lighting products, LCD backlights, LCD flashes, cameras, operating panels, etc. The company also provides LED headlights for motorcycles and automobiles. 3D dicitak circuit board. It mainly sells its products to automotive and electric companies, as well as auto parts suppliers mainly in Japan, America, Europe, Asia Pacific and China.
Transportation Technology Limited (ASX: TTI.AX) is Australia's largest transportation company, dedicated to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions for the transportation industry. Traffic Technologies was established in 2004 and was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2005. Through its two divisions, Technology Products and Signage Division, it has won a good reputation in demanding industries. Sistim cahaya LED Aldridge
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. Kami gaduh pangalaman langkung ti 300 MW di sakuliah dunya, sareng kami komitmen pikeun nguatkeun dunya anu langkung sustainable unggal dinten. Énergi surya, énergi angin, lampu LED
Universal Display Corporation (NasdaqGS: OLED) mangrupikeun pamimpin dina pamekaran sareng panyediaan téknologi, bahan sareng jasa dioda organik (OLED) anu paling canggih pikeun industri tampilan sareng pencahayaan. Pausahaan diadegkeun dina 1994 sareng ayeuna gaduh atanapi gaduh hak ekslusif, hak ekslusif gabungan atanapi hak lisénsi tunggal sacara global, ngalibetkeun langkung ti 3,500 patén anu dikaluarkeun sareng ngantosan. Universal Display ngalisensikeun téknologi proprietaryna, kalebet téknologi OLED phosphorescent UniversalPHOLED® efisiensi tinggi na, anu ngamungkinkeun pamekaran tampilan sareng pencahayaan anu daya rendah sareng ramah lingkungan. Pausahaan ogé ngembangkeun sareng nyayogikeun bahan UniversalPHOLED anu kualitas luhur, canggih, anu dianggap bahan konci pikeun ngadamel OLED kalayan kinerja anu pangsaéna. Sajaba ti éta, Universal Display ogé nyadiakeun solusi inovatif tur ngaropéa ka konsumén jeung mitra na ngaliwatan mindahkeun téhnologi, ngembangkeun téhnologis kolaborasi jeung latihan dina loka. Universal Display kantor pusatna di Ewing, New Jersey, gaduh kantor internasional di Irlandia, Koréa Kidul, Hong Kong, Jepang sareng Taiwan, sareng gawé bareng jaringan organisasi kelas dunya.
Zhejiang Yangkang Group Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600261.SS) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu kantor pusatna di Cina, utamina dina pamekaran, pabrik sareng distribusi alat-alat pencahayaan. The company's products include integrated electronic energy-saving lamps, T5 high-power energy-saving fluorescent lamps and related accessories, special lamps, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting equipment, etc. Its products are distributed in domestic and foreign markets, including Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Asia and other regions.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Sababaraha téknologi ieu kalebet bahan bakar alternatif anu tiasa diperbaharui, kendaraan listrik hibrida, batré litium graphene canggih sareng mobil murah serat karbon. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. Garis produksi bakal ngagunakeun mesin robotic pikeun nyieun prosés anyar ngaliwatan prosés anyar, kukituna greatly ngurangan waktu manufaktur sarta biaya bagian serat karbon. Kendaraan listrik e-Go tiasa nampung opat panumpang, gaduh umur batre anu panjang, sareng kusabab kendaraanna hampang, tingkat efisiensi énergi dina nyetir kota saluhur 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.
Kauntungannana Lithium Corp (TSX: AAL.V) nyaéta parusahaan sumberdaya specializing dina akuisisi strategis, Éksplorasi tur ngembangkeun aset litium, kantor pusatna di Vancouver, British Columbia. The company has signed a letter of intent with lithium producer Orocobre to acquire a 100% stake in five projects in Argentina and a 75% stake in the sixth project called Cauchari. Cauchari gaduh sumber daya caket permukaan 470,000 ton sarimbag litium karbonat (LCE) sareng 1,62 juta ton pupuk potash (KCL). Target éksplorasi skala ageung nyaéta 5.6mt dugi ka 0.25mt LCE sareng 19mt dugi ka 0.9KCL. Cauchari ngan ukur 20 kilométer kiduleun fasilitas batré litium Olaroz unggulan Orocobre. The company also received investment from Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp., a portfolio of five lithium brine projects in Clayton and Lida Valley, Nevada, of which 70% are in Clayton NE. In addition, the company has acquired 100% of the Stella Marys lithium brine project, which is adjacent to the Salinas Grandes project in Orocobre, which is located in the triangular lithium mine in Argentina, which has inferred near-surface resources.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Kategori anu munggaran nyaéta motor anu disayogikeun ku batré litium, dituturkeun ku motor. Alydi ogé janten énggal profesor universefaya Clarwonshon David David Mitlin nuju program panyimpenan énergi Manyi Medabis. Mitlin suksés ngagunakeun rami (sésana serat rami) pikeun ngawangun nanosheets karbon, anu tiasa bersaing sareng sababaraha lembar nano graphene anu langkung saé sareng langkung saé supercapacitors dina sababaraha aspék. Mitlin nampi patén AS pikeun téknologi panyimpen énergi ganja proprietary na.
Altura Mining Limited (ASX: AJM.AX) is a major player in the global lithium market and is taking advantage of the growing demand for lithium-ion battery raw materials for the manufacture of electric vehicles and static storage. Altura owns and operates a world-class Altura lithium project in Pilgangoora, Pilbara, Western Australia, with an annual production capacity of 220,000 tons of high-quality spodumene concentrate. Pausahaan geus réngsé studi feasibility deterministik rék dilegakeun kapasitas produksi fase kadua pikeun 440.000tpa, sarta nyieun kaputusan investasi final sanggeus reviewing operasi-fase kahiji sarta ngaronjatkeun kaluaran nameplate.
Ariana Resources plc (LSE: AAU.L) mangrupikeun perusahaan eksplorasi, pamekaran sareng produksi anu ayeuna fokus di Turki. Tujuan perusahaan nyaéta pikeun mendakan sistem mineral anu langkung ageung utamina di propinsi Kulon Anatolian Volcano and Extension Zone (WAVE) di Turki barat. Propinsi ieu boga tambang emas operasi pangbadagna di Turki, sarta kapanggihna porphyry anyar jeung deposit hyperthermal masih boga prospek tinggi. Di propinsi, Ariana boga hiji proyék pangwangunan canggih (proyék Kelinci Beureum) jeung dua proyék éksplorasi canggih lianna (Ivrindi jeung Demirci). Wewengkon sabudeureun proyék disebut wewengkon proyék WAVE. Parallel to our resource development and exploration strategy in western Turkey, Ariana established a joint venture with its exploration portfolio in northeastern Turkey to establish Eldorado Gold Corp. (Eldorado Gold Corp.). Arina ogé ngatur investor anu mesced di batu minangka Rohal (Jerey), anu Fokus kana Expressasi emas sareng kanalard di Australia). Kawean ogé terus ngijinkeun akuisisi atanapi kasempetan Venture sasarengan di Turki atanapi di tempat sanés.
Ashburton Ventures Inc. (TSX: ABR.V) is a junior exploration company that actively seeks mineral and energy opportunities for the benefit of all stakeholders. Ashburton ayeuna nuju damel di dua proyék di British Columbia, kalebet tambang litium sareng tambang tambaga.
Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (OTC: AVLNF; TSX: AVL.TO) (formerly known as Avalon Rare Metals Inc.) is a Canadian mineral development company that specializes in researching the needs of metals and minerals in emerging markets and the development of new téknologi. The demand continues to grow. The company has three advanced stage projects all with 100% ownership, providing investors with investments in lithium, tin and indium, as well as rare earth elements, tantalum, niobium and zirconium. Avalon ayeuna fokus kana proyék litium Separed Rapids di Kenora, Ontario, sareng proyék tin-indium East Kemptville di Yarmouth, New South Wales. Social responsibility and environmental management are the cornerstones of the company.
Bearing Lithium Corp. (TSX: BRZ.V) is a mineral exploration and development company that focuses primarily on lithium. Its main asset is a 17.7% interest in Chile's Maricunga lithium brine project. Proyék Maricunga mangrupikeun salah sahiji uyah brine litium kelas pangluhurna di dunya sareng hiji-hijina proyék pra-produksi di Chili.
Champion Bear Resources Limited (TSX: CBA.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company that specializes in the historic regions of Ontario. Sasaran utama perusahaan nyaéta logam grup platinum, sareng sakedik deposit emas, polimetal sareng logam langka. Lithium properties: separated rapids
Chimata Gold Corp (TSX: CAT.V; CSE: CAT) nyaéta parusahaan Kanada diadegkeun dina 2010 sarta kantor pusatna di Vancouver, Biltis. Chimata is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of minerals in Canada and abroad (currently in Zimbabwe). The current focus is on the proposed exploration plan for the BAM mineral and Troilus North minerals, and the development of potential lithium minerals and assets in Zimbabwe located at the Kamativi Tin mine. Chimata continues to identify and potentially acquire other property interests, and conduct exploration and evaluation to assess its potential, while identifying strategic alliances, acquisitions or joint ventures.
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) sareng anak perusahaanna babarengan komitmen kana pamekaran, pabrik sareng penjualan batré litium énergi tinggi sareng énergi tinggi di Cina sareng internasional. Produk perusahaan dianggo dina sababaraha aplikasi, kalebet kendaraan listrik, sapertos kendaraan listrik, beus listrik, kendaraan listrik hibrida sareng beus; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
Critical Elements Corporation (TSX: CRE.V) is a junior mining company in the exploration stage. Proyék tantalum tantalum litium unggulan na perenahna di Quebec, kalayan aksés dina situs kana infrastruktur sapertos jalur listrik, jalan, bandara, karéta api sareng kemah.
Daikin Resources Corporation (TSX: DJI.V) is an early energy metal exploration company with 100% interest in 215 placer claims in the Teels Marsh area of Mineral County, Nevada, which is known to contain lithium and boron . Daikin has reached an option agreement with Southern Sun Mining Company (TSX-V: SSI) to explore their alkaline lake area in Esmeralda County, Nevada (located northeast of the Clayton Valley lithium business in Rockwood) 191 placer claims 7 miles (12 kilometers) away. . Daikin also has a 100% interest in concession or concession applications in Jujuy Province, Argentina, which were acquired in areas where brines with known potassium, lithium and boron values are contained. These concessions are located in the Salinas Grandes/Guayatoque Salt Lake Basin, adjacent to the concessions held by Orocobre Limited (ORL-T: TSX) in cooperation with Toyota Tsusho. Dajin nembe ngahontal kasapukan sareng komunitas Tres Morres pikeun ngajalajah konsési San Jose sareng Navidad dina rawa uyah Salinas Grandes.
E3 METALS CORP. (TSXV: ETMC) (OTC: EEMMF) is a lithium company that develops an inferred mineral resource of 6.7 Mt LCE in Alberta. By commercializing its proprietary lithium extraction process, E3 plans to rapidly produce high-purity battery-grade lithium hydroxide. E3Metals Corp combines a large amount of resources with the right technical solutions and has the potential to bring lithium products to the market. One of the best jurisdictions in the world. Our prolific Leduc Reservoir has lithium-rich brine and has so far mapped 6.7 million tons of LCE inferred mineral resources. In Alberta, the development of this resource through saltwater production is a well-known risky activity, and this saltwater is currently being produced through a large amount of oil and gas development. Sanajan brines litium jeung hidrokarbon anu saling ekslusif, embung Leduc bisa ngarojong jumlah leutik produksi brine touted ku brine séjén, kalawan hiji sumur sanggup bringing 10.000 m3 / dinten (115 L / s) kana beungeut cai. The average and consistent grade of E3 Metals ion exchange technology in Clearwater Resource Area 1 is 77.4 mg/L, which can quickly produce concentrates up to 1500 mg/L2. At the same time, 99% of impurities and an average recovery rate of 90% are removed, which produces a concentrated raw material that is likely to be processed directly through conventional lithium production technology to produce high-purity lithium hydroxide (LiOH∙H2O ) . The company's plan is to provide 10,000 tons/year LiOH processing facilities by 2022 and continue to expand to the final 50,000 tons/year.
Edison Cobalt Corp (TSX: EDDY.V) is a Canadian-based junior mining exploration company that focuses on the procurement, exploration and development of cobalt, lithium and other energy metals. Strategi akuisisi Edison Cobalt museurkeun kana mésér mineral anu hargana lumayan, biaya-éféktif sareng dianggap luhur di daérah anu poténsial géologis anu kabuktian.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). Penjualan kendaraan listrik, kapasitas produksi batré sareng pembangkit listrik tina énergi anu tiasa diperbarui diperkirakeun ningkat sacara signifikan dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, ku kituna paménta pikeun komoditi target ieu bakal ningkat sasuai. Ieu nyiptakeun kasempetan unik pikeun investasi sareng kéngingkeun royalti dina tambang sareng proyék anu bakal nyayogikeun bahan anu dipikabutuh pikeun révolusi kakuatan. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Aya 6 kombinasi royalti. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) ngadesain, ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun proprietary litium-ion super polymer 2.0(R) accu, sistem batré sareng produk anu aya hubunganana sareng batré pikeun neundeun énergi, transportasi kakuatan bersih sareng aplikasi khusus anu sanés. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION(TM) ceramic separators, with a production capacity of approximately 500MWh per year. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company that protects its technology through a combined Canadian and German group that has approximately 500 patents. Electrovaya kantor pusatna di Ontario, Kanada, boga fasilitas produksi di Kanada sareng Jerman, sarta boga konsumén di sakuliah dunya.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Struktur nanona tiasa dianggo dina batré anu tiasa dicas deui pikeun aplikasi kakuatan-rendah, ogé batré mikro dina pilem mikroskopis. Pausahaan nyadiakeun aluminium oksida anodized nanopore template nu bisa dipaké pikeun nyieun nanostructures sarta sagala rupa aplikasi filtration. Nanopartikel sareng nanopartikel dianggo dina alat panyimpen énergi sapertos supercapacitors sareng katoda batré litium-ion. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enertopia Corporation (CSE: TOP; OTCQB: ENRT) is committed to using modern technology to build shareholder value. Enertopia is working hard to establish a lithium resource, and at the same time is committed to extracting lithium from its synthetic brine solution by using industry-leading mature technology. Enertopia Corporation is an exploration and development company that uses modern technology to produce battery-grade lithium carbonate from brine, or produces synthetic brine through the company's lithium projects in Clayton Valley, Nevada, Dandan and Texas. Tambang Steve Placer ngaku ayana di deukeut tambang brine litium Silver Peak di Albemarle.
First Liberty Power Corp. (OTC: FLPC) is a diversified exploration, development and junior mining company dedicated to providing strategic minerals for the future of the United States. First Liberty Power is based on a methodology aimed at advancing the exploration and development of the company's mining and processing operations. Tujuan parusahaan nyaéta pikeun mawa mineral ka pasar bari salawasna mastikeun kasalametan pagawe, integritas lingkungan jeung good governance parusahaan. FLPC's corporate philosophy is fully demonstrated in its Path to Progress (POP) program, which is an open and transparent communication platform used to inform shareholders, investors and mining partners of company news and progress. Portopolio produk mineral First Liberty Power ayeuna kalebet antimony, emas sareng proyék sareng sipat logam strategis sanés. First Liberty Power is currently evaluating exploration and development opportunities for two lithium mines in Nevada and other claimable areas in the same geological area.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) ngembangkeun sareng ngajual sistem panyimpen énergi litium-ion canggih ("batré") dumasar kana sistem manajemén batré proprietary na (BMS) sareng rékayasa internal sareng desain produk. Dibandingkeun sareng solusi tradisional, solusi panyimpen Flux tiasa nyayogikeun kinerja anu langkung luhur, umur jasa anu langkung panjang sareng hasil investasi anu langkung ageung. Flux sells products directly through a growing distribution relationship. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.
Frontier Lithium Inc. (TSX: FL.V) aims to become a low-cost, fully integrated lithium and tantalum producer by developing the PAK lithium deposit in Ontario, Canada. Frontier maintains a close share structure, and management ownership exceeds 30% of the company. From 2013 to 2017, 4.5 million Canadian dollars of exploration work was carried out on the deposit, which is characterized by the rare, high-purity, low-iron lithium in spodumene. In order to avoid unnecessary equity dilution, the company has adopted a phased growth approach to exploration and development, which is the company's strategic priority. Target pasar awal nyaéta industri keramik kaca, anu ngonsumsi kira-kira sapertilu tina pasokan litium global sareng ayeuna dina kaayaan monopoli. Salaku tambahan, produsina litnek hasokor ngawangun kalintang overing pikeun ngadukung manufaktur batre.
Galan Lithium Limited (ASX: GLN.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan eksplorasi mineral Australia anu diadegkeun pikeun nyiptakeun kabeungharan pemegang saham ku cara ngaidentipikasi, kéngingkeun sareng / atanapi ngembangkeun proyék mineral. The company's project is located in the South American lithium triangle of the Hombre Muerto Basin, which is one of the most important and productive salt marshes in Argentina and the world. Sakumaha anu urang terang, eusi najis tina baskom ieu mangrupikeun panghandapna diantara sadaya Salars anu diproduksi di Argentina, sareng parantos diproduksi langkung ti 20 taun.
Galaxy Resources (ASX: GXY.AX), a resource company focused on lithium, explores and produces lithium carbonate minerals. The company's flagship project is the Sal de Vida lithium and potash brine project in Argentina. Ogé boga kapentingan dina tambang gunung Cattlin Spodumene di Australia Kulon; jeung proyék litium pegmatite James Bay di Quebec, Kanada.
Glen Eagle Sumberdaya Nyarita (TSX: GER.V) kalibet dina akuisisi, eksplorasi, evaluasi sarta ngembangkeun aset pertambangan di Kanada. The company has an interest in the Authier lithium project in La Motte, Quebec. You can also choose to purchase Moose Lake and Lac Lisette phosphates located in Lac St-Jean, Quebec. It also has interests in Nicaragua and Honduras.
Global Lithium Ion Graphite Company (CSE: LION) intends pikeun jadi supplier grafit utama pikeun tumuwuh gancang industri batré ion litium-kaasup pabrik Gigafactory badag Tesla di Nevada jeung tutuwuhan lianna nu rencanana pikeun muka global.
Global X Lithium and Battery Technology ETF (NYSEArca: LIT) Investasi ieu narékahan pikeun nyadiakeun hasil investasi anu umumna pakait jeung harga jeung kinerja earnings (teu kaasup waragad na expenses) tina Indéks Litium Global Solactive. The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the underlying index and American depositary receipts (“ADRs”) and global depositary receipts (“GDR”) of securities based on the underlying index. Indéks dasarna tujuanana pikeun ngukur kinerja lega pasar saham perusahaan global anu milu dina industri litium. Dana ieu non-diversified.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) kalibet dina éksplorasi mineral sareng pamekaran di Manitoba sareng barat laut Ontario. It has a rich asset portfolio, including gold, platinum group metals and base metals, as well as specialty and minor metals, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium and chromium. Pausahaan ogé boga angka nu gede ngarupakeun purity tinggi, magnésium-euyeub deposit dolomit sarta sagala rupa kapentingan finansial di fracturing deposit keusik.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage systems , Mobile and wearable products, electric bicycles, medical equipment, digital and electronic equipment, personal care and household products. The company is also developing emerging applications in the fields of drones, robotics and wireless charging technology. Highpower boga fasilitas produksi canggih di Cina, sarta ngabogaan leuwih ti 100 bahan batré, processing jeung desain patén-patén. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
Infinity Lithium Co., Ltd. (ASX: INF.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan mineral anu didaptarkeun di Australia, migawé bareng kalayan Valoriza Mineria, narékahan pikeun ngembangkeun proyék litium San Jose sareng ngahasilkeun litium hidroksida kelas batré. By supplying power to the large battery plants currently under construction, a supply response is needed to meet Europe's rapidly growing energy storage demand. The San Jose deposit is a highly advanced, previously mined brownfield mine development opportunity and represents one of the largest lithium deposits in Europe. Infinity Lithium bakal nambang sumber mika mika keras sareng ngembangkeun fasilitas pangolahan pikeun nyayogikeun hiji-hijina bisnis litium hidroksida produk tambang-to-tungtung di Éropa.
International Battery Metals Limited (CSE: IBAT) museurkeun kana ngaidentipikasi, ngevaluasi, sareng investasi dina aset pertambangan sareng téknologi pangolahan/ekstraksi supados tiasa sareng ngajaga kapamimpinan biaya dina nyayogikeun mineral anu paling kritis pikeun industri batré. Saatos evaluasi ati rupa mineral, kamajuan téhnologis, saimbangna antara suplai jeung paménta, sarta kaunggulan internal, International Batre Metals Corporation bakal difokuskeun timah, litium, kobalt jeung tantalum. International Battery Metals will use its global relationships, industry expertise and proven experience to build and manage large-scale operations to achieve its mission.
International Lithium Corp. (TSX: ILC.V) is an exploration company with an excellent project portfolio, strong management ownership, strong financial support, as well as a strategic partner and key investor Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. (China's leading lithium Product manufacturer ). The company's main focus is the Mariana Lithium Potassium Brine Project, which was established as a joint venture with Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. in the famous South American “Lithium Belt”, which has most of the world's lithium resources, reserves and production. The Mariana project, covering an area of 160 square kilometers, strategically covers a complete mineral-rich evaporation basin, which is considered to be one of the most promising salt marshes or “salt lakes” in the region. Complementing the company's lithium brine project are the three rare metal pegmatite minerals in Canada, namely the Mavis, Raleigh and Forgan projects. A project in Ireland (Avalonia Project) covers a 50 km long pegmatite belt. Proyék Mavis sareng Raleigh anu dilakukeun ku mitra strategis Ganfeng Lithium sareng Avis sareng mitra strategis Pioneer Resources Limited (PIO: ASX) mangrupikeun proyék Avalonia. The Mavis, Raleigh and Forgan projects together form the basis of the company's newly created Upper Canada lithium mining pool. Fokus kolam renang pertambangan nyaéta ngagunakeun litium konsentrasi luhur anu dilaporkeun saméméhna pikeun kéngingkeun seueur prospek eksplorasi anu caket sareng infrastruktur anu tos aya. . Kusabab paménta pikeun batré rechargeable téknologi tinggi anu dianggo dina téknologi propulsion kendaraan sareng éléktronika portabel terus ningkat, litium penting pisan pikeun "téknologi héjo" énjing sareng ékonomi sustainable. By positioning with solid development partners and obtaining high-quality grassroots projects in the early stages of exploration, ILC's goal is to become the preferred resource explorer for green technology investors and to create value for its shareholders.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. We create quality products, services and solutions to optimize the energy and operational efficiency of buildings; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; sareng sistem pedalaman mobil. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. Dina 2015, "Majalah Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan" rengking Johnson Controls salaku perusahaan ka-15 dina taunan "100 Warga Perusahaan Terbaik".
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the dua pausahaan. Tim fokus kana bahan baku konci. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); materials for high thermal efficiency building products (graphite, silica, nepheline); jeung bahan nu bisa ningkatkeun efisiensi generasi énergi (dy, neodymium, ha). Bahan Tepi Anjog aya dina posisi anu idéal pikeun maénkeun peran konci dina suplai sustainable téknologi sareng bahan kritis énergi.
Li3 Energy, Inc. (OTC:LIEG) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu kadaptar dina tahap eksplorasi pertambangan litium sareng énergi. Li3′s goal is to acquire, develop and commercialize a large number of lithium brine deposits in the Americas. Relying on the interest in the Maricenga project, as well as the completion of the NI 43-101-compliant measurable resource report and the acquisition of Cocina, Li3′s goal is to: a) advance Maricenga to the feasibility study stage; b) ngarojong palaksanaan global inisiatif Energy beresih jeung héjo; c) Meet the growing demand for lithium market; d) Become a mid-range low-cost supplier of lithium, potassium nitrate, iodine and other strategic minerals, serving global customers in the energy, fertilizer and specialty chemical industries.
Liberty One Lithium Corp (TSX: LBY.V; OTCQB: LRTTF; FRANKFURT: L1T.F) is an exploration company dedicated to the acquisition and development of high-grade lithium brine deposits. The extensive property of Pocitos in western Argentina is located in the heart of the famous “Lithium Triangle”, in the trend of several lithium producers within 25 kilometers. The property is strategically located to produce lithium brine through low-cost and mature evaporation methods, and is adjacent to substantial infrastructure and skilled and experienced labor. Tim internasional Liberty diwangun ku para ahli téknis anu terkenal anu parantos fokus kana litium mangtaun-taun. Pausahaan sacara ketat ngatur kaputusan nyiptakeun nilai pikeun mastikeun yén perusahaan ngagaduhan modal anu cekap sareng terus nyiptakeun nilai pikeun pemegang saham.
Lithium X (TSX: LIX.V) is a lithium exploration and development company dedicated to becoming a low-cost supplier in the emerging lithium battery industry. Pausahaan ieu ngembangkeun proyék Sal Sal los Los Angeles na, nu nyertakeun leuwih ti 95% tina Salar de Diablillos di Salta Province, Argentina. It is also exploring a large land in the Clayton Valley in Nevada, adjacent to North America's only lithium production business owned and operated by Albemarle, the world's largest lithium producer.
Makena Resources Inc. (TSX: MKN.V) is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of minerals in Canada. Projects: Patterson Uranium Project; Clone Gold Project; Deb inten. August 2016: Announced that it has signed a subscription agreement with Bachman Lithium Corp
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Matamec Explorations Inc. (TSX: MAT.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi pertambangan junior anu fokus utamina dina pamekaran deposit usaha patungan Kipawa HREE. Perusahaan gaduh 72% perusahaan sareng 28% tina Sumberdaya Quebec; Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd. (Japan Nagoya) holds a 10% royalties on the net profit of this deposit. In addition, the company is exploring a strike length of more than 35 kilometers in the Kipawa alkali mining area through its Zeus mine for rare earth-yttrium-zirconium-niobium-tantalum mineralization. The company is also exploring gold, base metals and platinum group metals. In Quebec, the company is using its Tansim minerals to find strategic metals such as lithium, tantalum and beryllium, and to look for precious and base metals in its Sakami, Valmont and Vulcain minerals.
MGX Minerals Inc. (CSE: XMG) is a diversified Canadian mining company engaged in the acquisition and development of industrial minerals in Western Canada. Mineral ieu gaduh poténsi produksi jangka pondok kalayan halangan minimal pikeun asupna sareng pengeluaran modal awal anu rendah. Pausahaan ngoperasikeun litium, magnésium jeung silikon proyék sakuliah British Columbia jeung Alberta, kaasup proyék magnésium Driftwood. MGX nembe nampi persetujuan pikeun ngajakan pertambangan 20 taun Driftwood sareng ayeuna nuju ngalaksanakeun sampling angkatan.
Millennial Lithium Corp. (TSX: ML.V; OTCQX: MLNLF) is an exploration and development company focused on high-quality lithium assets in Argentina. Proyecto Pastos Grandes SA mangrupa proyék penting pausahaan, boga 100% kapamilikan, sarta lokasina strategis di wewengkon Argentina "Litium Triangle" (kalawan sababaraha sumberdaya litium pangbadagna di dunya). Properti ieu ngagaduhan legana kirang langkung 5,500 héktar sareng ayana 154 kilométer kuloneun Salta, Argentina. Millennial ogé geus ngahontal hiji perjangjian pilihan pikeun acquire kapentingan 100% dina Cauchari East Lithium Project di Propinsi Jujuy, Argentina (hereinafter disebut salaku "Proyék"). Cauchari East nempatan 2.990 héktar di sisi wétan Cauchari-Olaroz Salar, padeukeut jeung Salar de Olaroz dihasilkeun Orocobre jeung ahir Cauchari-Olaroz ti Lithium Americas Corp.
Mineral Hill Industries Ltd. (TSX: MHI.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The mine has accumulated a diversified portfolio of high-quality lithium, gold and precious metal properties in Canada. The company's main focus is to put into operation the Liberty Hill gold mine operated by Mineral Hill's subsidiary Veritas Resources Corp., while continuing to explore and develop its four 100% owned hard rock lithium carbonate projects in Quebec (Canada). .
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. Pausahaan explores heavy earths jarang earths, kobalt, tambaga, litium, tantalum, niobium, nikel, karbonat jeung logam emas, kitu ogé unsur group platinum. Pausahaan nembe kaala portopolio proyék ti Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Ngabubarkeun mangpaat pikeun kobalt, grafit, litium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, emas jeung logam dasar patali. Ayeuna, jalur pipa proyék nyertakeun kisaran tina panemuan poténsial anyar dugi ka penilaian ékonomi awal. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Nemaska Lithium Inc. (TSX: NMX.V) intends to become a supplier of lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate to the emerging lithium battery market. Pausahaan ieu ngamekarkeun salah sahiji spodumene litium deposit hard rock pangpentingna di dunya dina kuantitas jeung kelas. Spodumene concentrate produced at Nemaska's Whabouchi mine will be shipped to the company's lithium compound processing plant in Shawinigan, Quebec. Tutuwuhan bakal ngagunakeun métode proprietary dikembangkeun ku pausahaan pikeun ngarobah spodumene konsentrasi kana-purity tinggi litium hidroksida jeung karbonat, sarta geus dilarapkeun pikeun patén a.
Neo Lithium Corp. (TSX: NLC.V) quickly became a famous new name in lithium brine exploration with its high-quality 3Q projects and experienced team. Neo Lithium already has sufficient funds and is rapidly advancing its newly discovered 3Q project-a unique high-end lithium saltwater lake and Salar complex in the lithium triangle of Latin America. Proyék 3Q perenahna di Catamarca, produser litium panggedéna di Argentina. Proyék ieu nyertakeun legana kirang langkung 35.000 héktar, sareng komplek Salar di daérah éta kirang langkung 160 kilométer pasagi. Hasil eksplorasi permukaan nunjukkeun yén target litium kelas luhur di bagian kalér Salar ngalegaan kira-kira 20 x 5 km, sareng ngandung najis magnesium sareng sulfat panghandapna. Kotoran rendah mangrupikeun faktor konci dina téknologi évaporasi béaya rendah tradisional anu dianggo pikeun produksi litium karbonat akhir. Sumber cai panas panas bumi sareng eusi litium anu luhur mangrupikeun bagian tina sistem replenishment Grup Salar. Tim téknis anu mendakan kompleks rawa uyah unik ieu mangrupikeun salah sahiji tim anu paling berpengalaman dina rawa uyah litium. He discovered and led the technical work, including resource definition and a comprehensive feasibility study, so as to make Cauchari lithium salt marsh It has become the third largest lithium brine resource in the world.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) ngajajah jeung ngamekarkeun mineral di Australia. Utamana ngajajah litium, titanium, vanadium, bijih beusi, nikel sareng logam dasar. It owns a 70% interest in the Marion Mountain lithium project; sareng minat 100% dina proyék beusi titanium vanadium Barrambie di Australia Kulon.
Nevada Energy Metals Corporation (TSX: BFF.V; OTC: SSMLF; Frankfurt: NMK.F) mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi sareng pamekaran anu kantor pusatna di Kanada, utamina didaptarkeun di TSX Venture Exchange. Fokus utama perusahaan nyaéta target eksplorasi litium brine anu aya di nagara-nagara ramah pertambangan di Nevada.
Nevada Sunrise Gold Company (TSX: NEV.V) is a junior mineral exploration company with a strong technical team located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Pausahaan museurkeun salapan proyék éksplorasi mineral di Nevada, AS. Nevada Sunrise Company began to acquire Nevada's lithium assets in September 2015, including options to obtain 100% equity in the Neptune and Clayton Northeast projects and the option of 100% equity in the Aquarius project in the Clayton Valley area right. Pausahaan ogé boga pilihan pikeun ménta 100% equity dina proyék Jackson Wash na Atlantis, sarta ngabogaan 50% equity partisipasi dina proyék Gemini. Unggal proyék parantos Tempatna di Playas caket Clayton Valley. The company's three main gold assets include a 21% interest in a joint venture with Pilot Gold Inc. (PLG.TO) in Kingsley Hills near Wendover, a 100% interest in the Golden Arrow project near Tonopah, and 100% interest in the Golden Proyék panah deukeut Tonopah. The roulette gold assets in the southeast of Carlin tend to be near Yili, and each asset has a certain production and use fee.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun kotak gear, as, mesin pikeun mobil sareng alat-alat industri, batré litium-ion anu tiasa dicas deui sareng bagian anu aya hubunganana; industrial machinery; jeung rékayasa, alat éléktronik jeung alat éléktronik. In addition, the company also provides finance, auto credit and auto leasing, insurance agency, inventory financing services, and card services. In addition, it is also engaged in operations and consulting related to the analysis and determination of raw materials; jualan, asuransi, iinditan, lingkungan, téhnologi produksi, fasilitas, grounds nguji, manajemén wahana, informasi sarta jasa logistik; import and export of auto parts and materials; real estate Business; promosi olahraga motor; manajemén tim maén bal jeung sakola maén bal.
Noram Ventures Inc. (TSX: NRM.V) is a Canadian-based junior exploration company whose goal is to become a force in the green energy revolution through the development of lithium deposits and to become a low-cost supplier to the booming lithium battery industri.
Nordic Mining ASA (Oslo: NOM.OL) is engaged in the exploration, mining and production of industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally. Ieu utamana researches deposit rutile (titanium dioksida), garnet, quartz, litium / litium karbonat, nikel, palladium jeung platina. The company has an interest in the Engebø rutile gold mine in Naustdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. It is also interested in the Kvinnherad deposit, which consists of hydrothermal quartz in the Proterozoic bedrock south of the Hardanger fault zone. It also owns the exploration rights of Troms and Finnmark's Øksfjord peninsula.
One World Lithium Corporation (CSE: OWLI) mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi sareng pamekaran anu suksés sareng ahli géologi anu gaduh pangalaman éksténsif dina emas, pérak, logam dasar sareng litium dina 30 taun katukang.
Pacific North West Capital Corp (TSX: PFN.V) is a mineral exploration company dedicated to the River Valley PGM project in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. This is one of Canada's largest platinum group metal (PGM) primary deposits Exploration and development. Divisi Litium perusahaan anu nembé diadegkeun bakal fokus kana akuisisi, eksplorasi sareng pamekaran proyék litium Kanada. Di Amérika Serikat, perusahaan bakal ngagunakeun anak perusahaan AS anu sapinuhna milikna pikeun nyandak sareng ngembangkeun proyék-proyék di tambang aktip di Nevada, Arizona sareng California. Pacific Northwest Capital Corporation is a member of International Metals Corporation, an organization of professionals with extensive experience in all aspects of the mining industry.
Piedmont Lithium (NasdaqGS: PLL) holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project located in the Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) of Carolina and develops along the Harman Bundle and Kings Mountain mines, Historically, the Western world has provided most tina litium antara 1950-an jeung 1980-an. TSB didadarkeun salaku salah sahiji propinsi litium panggedéna di dunya sareng perenahna sakitar 25 mil kuloneun Charlotte, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. With its good geological conditions and convenient infrastructure, power, lithium and battery storage R&D centers, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities, it is an important location for the development of integrated lithium businesses.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . Dina pasar telekomunikasi, sistem Polar nyadiakeun énérgi dipercaya jeung béaya rendah pikeun aplikasi off-grid jeung jaringan goréng kalayan kabutuhan kakuatan kritis. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) develops, manufactures and sells special microporous membranes for separation and filtration processes. The company's business is divided into three parts: energy storage electronics and EDV, energy storage transportation and industry, and separation media. The company provides a series of patented polypropylene and polyethylene single-layer and multi-layer separators for lithium batteries, which can be used in various applications, such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles (EDV), cordless power tools and energy storage systems . It also provides polymer-based diaphragms for lead-acid batteries used in automobiles and other motor vehicles; as well as filter membranes and components for medical applications, including hemodialysis, blood oxygenation, plasma exchange and other medical applications, as well as various filtration And special applications, such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration and gasification/degassing applications. Pausahaan ngajual produkna ka pabrik sareng prosesor ngaliwatan staf penjualan langsung, distributor sareng agén. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.
Portofino Resources (TSX: POR.V; FSE: POT) is a company based in Vancouver, Canada, dedicated to the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resources projects in the Americas. Pausahaan boga leuwih ti 17.000 héktar poténsi aset solusi uyah litium di Catamarca, Argentina.
The acquisition strategy of Power Americas Minerals Corp. (TSX: PAM.V) (formerly Victory Ventures) focuses on acquiring affordable, cost-effective and highly regarded minerals in areas with proven geological potential. These areas include historical and currently producing mines with existing infrastructure. Strategi ieu kalebet kéngingkeun 100% equity dina sumber daya mineral tanpa syarat pembayaran atanapi komitmen rencana kerja, anu moal ngancem stabilitas kauangan perusahaan pertambangan junior. The company believes that through the implementation of this acquisition strategy, the largest shareholder value can be created effectively and cost-effective. Pausahaan percaya yén profil paménta kobalt, litium, tambaga sareng bahan-bahan dasar anu aya hubunganana listrik bakal didominasi ku kamekaran adaptif kendaraan listrik, sareng kanaékan produksi énergi renewable sareng superalloys. The company is committed to identifying and developing ethical materials within the Americas, aiming to solve the growing demand for energy metals due to the introduction of innovation and new technologies. Power Americas Minerals Corp nyaéta perusahaan éksplorasi pertambangan junior Kanada anu fokus kana sumber, ngajalajah sareng ngembangkeun kobalt, litium, tambaga sareng logam énergi anu sanés di Amérika Kalér sareng Kidul.
Premier African Minerals (LSE: PREM.L) mangrupikeun perusahaan sumber daya alam multi-komoditas anu aktip dina éksplorasi, évaluasi sareng pamekaran cadangan mineral di Afrika Kulon sareng Kidul. Pausahaan ngajajah runtuyan proyék multi-komoditas, kaasup tungsten, emas, liat, fosfat, bijih nikel laterit, timah, séng, uranium, unsur bumi jarang, fluorit jeung litium. It mainly focuses on the RHA, Zulu and Katete projects in Zimbabwe.
QMC Quantum Minerals Corporation (TSX.V: QMC) (OTC: QMCQF) (FSE: 3LQ) is a company headquartered in British Columbia, engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of resource assets. Tujuanana nyaéta pikeun manggihan sarta ngamekarkeun ékonomis berharga, logam dasar, logam langka tur atribut sumberdaya. The company's assets include the Irgon lithium mine project and two VMS assets, namely Rocky Lake and Rocky-Namew, collectively referred to as the Namew Lake Project. Ayeuna, sadaya pasipatan perusahaan aya di Manitoba
Resources Majescor (TSX: MJX.V) signed an option agreement with Genius Properties Ltd. and two other suppliers to purchase the Montagne B lithium assets (approximately 708 hectares) located approximately 12 kilometers southwest of Nemaska Lithium's world-class Whabouchi Lithium ) . Deposit aya di sentral Quebec. Majescor also plans to work on the Eastmain gold mine in the James Bay area of Quebec.
Scientific Metals Corp. (TSX: STM.V) formerly known as Suparna Gold Corp-is a Canadian exploration company focused on the global acquisition and development of production-grade lithium deposits. STM acquired the Deep Valley property in Midwest Alberta. The property includes a permit area of 6,648 hectares (16,427 acres) that covers areas reported to be enriched in lithium brine. As stated in the ERCB report in October, the Deep Valley mine is located in the active Fox Creek-urge fish lake area in Alberta. Cai formasi dina akuifer Leduc di wewengkon ieu beunghar litium, kalium, boron, bromin jeung sajabana. komoditi, 2011, judulna "Perkenalan Géologis ka Litium-euyeub Formasi Cai", fokus kana wewengkon Fox Creek (NTS 83F na 83K) di Alberta sentral jeung kulon.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Departemen Bahan Batré Canggih kalibet dina komersialisasi batré litium-ion sareng bahan sél suluh. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Sienna Resources Inc (TSX: SIE.V; OTC: SNNAF) is engaged in the identification, acquisition, exploration and evaluation of mineral properties in Canada. Ieu explores sipat emas, pérak, litium jeung aluminium liat. It is interested in the Clayton Valley Deep Basin Lithium Brine Project and the Esmeralda Lithium Project in Clayton Valley, Nevada
Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. It is mainly dedicated to the exploration of base and precious metals, including nickel, copper, platinum group metals, gold, diamond, tantalum and lithium. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. Wewengkon fokus utama perusahaan nyaéta Afrika Kidul. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Proyék litium Shamva Zimbabwé (80% tina pilihan tiasa kaala). The recent acquisition of the Chuatsa and Shamva projects is the result of years of focusing on the battery metal field, and leverages SI6′s important skills and experience in Southern Africa's exploration and operations.
Slam Exploration Ltd. (TSX: SXL.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan sumber daya anu ngahasilkeun proyék sareng portopolio proyék emas sareng logam dasar di Kanada Wétan. Proyék tambang emas Menneval mangrupikeun hasil tambang emas Maisie anu dipendakan ku tim investigasi senior SLAM di 2012. Proyék pertambangan emas sanésna kalebet proyék emas Reserve Creek sareng Miminiska di Ontario. SLAM has NSR royalties on the Superjack and Nash zinc-lead copper-silver-silver deposits. SLAM nembe ngumumkeun yén éta parantos ngaku klaim ngalawan tujuh litium sareng mineral anu aya hubunganana di tenggara New Brunswick.
Standard Lithium (TSX.V: SLL) (OTC: STLHF) is a specialty chemicals company dedicated to unlocking the value of the existing large-scale lithium brine resources in the United States. The company believes that by minimizing project risks in the selection phase (resources, politics, geography, regulations, and permits), and leveraging advances in lithium extraction technology and processes, new lithium production can be quickly achieved. Proyék unggulan perusahaan aya di kiduleun Arkansas sareng nganggo téknologi ékstraksi selektif proprietary perusahaan pikeun nguji sareng ngabuktikeun kelayakan komérsial pikeun ékstraksi litium tina 150,000 hektar operasi brine anu dilisensikeun. The company is also seeking resources to develop more than 30,000 acres of individual brine leases in southwestern Arkansas, and approximately 45,000 acres of mineral leases in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California.
Tianqi Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002466.SZ) mangrupikeun perusahaan bahan énérgi énggal di Cina sareng dunya. Urang nyandak litium salaku inti. Usaha kami kalebet pertambangan sareng produksi konsentrasi litium sareng manufaktur sanyawa litium. We have established mineral operations, manufacturing plants and subsidiaries in China (Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangsu) and Australia, enabling the company to provide services to customers worldwide.
Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) provides products and services to the market, from power solutions to communications and electronic systems. Through its engineering and collaborative problem-solving methods, Ultralife provides services to government, defense and commercial customers worldwide. Perusahaan ieu kantor pusatna di Newark, New York, sareng unit bisnisna kalebet batré sareng produk énergi sareng sistem komunikasi. Ultralife beroperasi di Amérika Kalér, Eropa sareng Asia. Batteries and energy products provide various high-energy non-rechargeable and rechargeable power sources and charging systems for defense and commercial applications. Ultralife uses various chemicals including lithium manganese dioxide, nickel nickel hydride, lithium manganate, polymer lithium and lithium thionyl chloride to manufacture batteries. Sababaraha gaduh kapadetan énergi pangluhurna ayeuna aya. Salaku pamimpin pasar dina nyayogikeun batré pikeun panggunaan militér, Ultralife ogé gaduh yayasan téknis anu kuat dina desain batré sareng batré dina alat-alat komérsial sareng médis, pangukuran kaamanan, telematika sareng widang industri anu sanés. Our battery technology usually provides turnkey solutions based on customer requirements and specifications, and cooperates with other battery manufacturers to provide the best solutions when necessary.
Ultra Lithium Inc. (TSX: ULI.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi sareng pamekaran didaptarkeun Kanada anu museurkeun kana akuisisi sareng pamekaran aset litium. The company is currently focusing on North American acquisitions and exploring its Great Smoky Valley project in Nevada, USA. In the United States, the company holds a 100% interest in the Great Smoke Valley project in Nevada. The company is also exploring lithium in a Balkan project in Serbia.
Lithium Corporation of America (OTC: LITH) mangrupikeun perusahaan éksplorasi sareng pamekaran anu difokuskeun di Amérika Kalér, khusus pikeun nyayogikeun litium sareng sumber daya anu aya hubunganana pikeun industri panyimpen énergi anu gancang. Pausahaan ngaharepkeun ngamangpaatkeun kasempetan dina widang batré litium, kaasup nyadiakeun batré litium pikeun pasar batré generasi saterusna ngembangna. According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs, demand for lithium is expected to triple by 2025. For many analysts, lithium is considered the new gasoline of the future. Nalika paménta litium ningkat, American Lithium Corporation badé janten bagian tina industri anu munculna ieu. Fokus kami ayeuna nyaéta dina baskom sareng propinsi gunung Nevada. Proyék Silver Peak Albemarle perenahna di hiji-hijina tambang di Amérika Kalér anu ngahasilkeun litium. Deséka Mimiti, EIP, aya di Curton Balang, Penganjangna Pakem pijil sareng sababaraha pamekaran anu sanésna. Pamekar.
Voltaic Minerals Corp. (TSX: VLT.V) is a lithium exploration company based in Vancouver, established as a joint venture with Equitorial Exploration Corp., and owns 100% green energy lithium projects. Proyék énergi héjo nyertakeun 4.160 héktar diperlukeun ku Administrasi Manajemén Land (BLM) sarta perenahna di Grand County, Utah, 30 mil kuloneun Moab. Litium sarta mineral lianna lumangsung dina brine supersaturated (40% mineral, 60% cai) kapanggih salila éksplorasi minyak dina proyék, nalika sumur pangeboran intercepted No.. 14 ranjang klastik Formasi Paradox.
Fortune Minerals Co., Ltd. (TSX: WML.V; OTC: WMLLF) is a mineral resources company with interests in Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile. The company's main focus is the acquisition of lithium projects in South America. To date, the company has positioned itself to develop Aguas Caliente Norte, Pujsa and Quisquiro Salars in Chile, and to cooperate with existing producers of the prolific Atacama Salar. The company continues to actively seek new acquisitions in the region. The dynamic changes in the lithium market and the rapid rise in metal prices are the result of far-reaching structural issues in the industry meeting expected future demand. Wealth positions itself as the main beneficiary of the mismatch between supply and demand in the future. Pausahaan ogé mertahankeun sarta terus evaluate portopolio investasi logam mulia jeung logam dasar proyék fase éksplorasi.
Western Lithium USA Corporation (TSX: WLC.TO) is developing its lithium deposit in Kings Valley, Nevada, into a strategic, scalable and reliable source of high-quality lithium products. The company positions itself as a major US supplier to support the growing global demand for lithium, and the use of hybrid/electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and consumer and industrial lithium battery storage applications is expected to increase. Salaku tambahan, Western Lithium milarian kasempetan pikeun janten supplier aditif pangeboran khusus, Hectatone™, sareng organoclays sanés anu tiasa dianggo dina minyak sareng gas sareng industri sanés.
Capstone Turbine Corporation (NASDAQCM: CPST) is a leading global manufacturer of low-emission micro-turbine systems and the first company to sell commercially viable micro-turbine energy products. Capstone Turbine has delivered more than 8,500 Capstone Microturbine systems to customers worldwide. Sistem anu meunang pangajén ieu ngarékam jutaan runtimes anu dirékam. Capstone Turbine mangrupikeun anggota program gabungan panas sareng kakuatan Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan AS, anu dikhususkeun pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi infrastruktur énergi AS sareng ngirangan polutan sareng émisi gas rumah kaca. Capstone is a UL-certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified company, headquartered in the Los Angeles area, with sales and/or service centers in the New York metropolitan area, the United Kingdom, Mexico City, Shanghai and Singapore.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is a full-service environmental technology and engineering company dedicated to providing innovative solutions for communities, industries and governments. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. Produkna dumasar kana téknologi polimér anu tiasa ngaleungitkeun hidrokarbon, sédimén sareng unsur asing sanés tina aliran cai hujan (balong, danau sareng dermaga), cai ngocor (drainase sisi jalan, aliran pipa kaluar, walungan sareng lautan), prosés industri sareng cai limbah. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. This technology can effectively reduce coliform bacteria found in rainwater, industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater. SmartSponge®Plus parantos kadaptar sareng Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan (nomer pendaptaran 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
Basic Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE: BAS) nyayogikeun jasa situs sumur, anu penting pikeun ngajaga produksi sumur minyak sareng gas dina lingkup bisnisna. Pausahaan employs 4.400 di leuwih ti 100 titik jasa di wewengkon produksi minyak jeung gas utama di Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Kansas, jeung Rocky Pagunungan jeung Appalachians. Multiple employees. Basic nyadiakeun rupa-rupa fungsi pikeun ngubaran sakabéh aliran oilfield wastewater ti dewatering cairan pangeboran pikeun ngolah fracturing cairan flowback sarta ngahasilkeun cai pikeun dipake deui. Our services include chlorine dioxide (ClO2) treatment in downhole and surface water applications, including treatment of fresh water, produced water and hydraulic fracturing (fracture) water. Basic's water solution service focuses on two key areas: circulating water and bacteria control. Dina unggal tugas, urang bakal gawé bareng konsumén pikeun ngembangkeun rencana strategis sabudeureun kaayaan proyék, nu tailored kana operasi husus maranéhanana. Palayanan kami ngirangan kabutuhan cai tawar, transportasi cai, pembuangan sareng kamacetan dina taneuh. As a result, we help save customers time, money and water, the most precious natural resource.
BioLargo, Inc. (OTC: BLGO) improves lives by providing products based on sustainable technologies that can help solve some of the most widespread problems that threaten the world's water, food, agriculture, healthcare, and energy supply. For more information about the company and its subsidiaries, please visit www.BioLargo.com. Its subsidiary BioLargo Water, Inc. (www.BioLargoWater.com) demonstrated an advanced oxidation system, including its AOS filter-a product under development, specifically designed to eliminate common, troublesome and dangerous (toxic) pollution in water Part of the thing. The time and cost of current technology. Éta nampi pangajén "Téhnologi Star" tina majalah "Téhnologi Anyar" pikeun inovasi narabasna dina industri minyak bumi, sareng ditunjuk ku Frost & Sullivan salaku pamimpin inovasi téknologi dina pasar perawatan cai. BioLargo ogé gaduh kapentingan 50% dina Sistem Isan, anu dilélér gelar "Top 50 Water Company dina 21st Century" ku proyék Artemis. The company has now been commercialized with a license from Clarion Water, Inc. Odor-No-More Inc., a subsidiary of BioLargo, provides award-winning products that serve the pet, horse, military supplies and consumer markets, including the Nature's BestSolution ® sareng merek Deodorall® (www.OdorNoMore.com). Clyra Médis Panyiaran, Inc. (www.ClyraMedical.com), cabangna BioLargo, museurkeun kana manajemén perawatan tatu canggih.
Bird River Resources Inc. (CSE: BDR) mangrupikeun perusahaan sumber daya rupa-rupa anu aya di Winnipeg, Manitoba. BDR has interests in ten oil and gas wells in production in southern Manitou Brazil. BDR also provides various environmental services and sells a range of environmental absorption products for oil and industrial spills and farms.
Petro-Canada Extraction and Rehabilitation Enterprise Limited (TSX: CVR.V) is a petroleum services company headquartered in Canada. CORRE nyayogikeun solusi manajemén minyak limbah siklus pinuh pikeun industri minyak bumi. CORRE's customers are mainly in the upstream oil sector (oil production and drilling companies) and the downstream oil sector (refining, transportation and distribution companies). CORRE's production line includes remediation of oil-contaminated soil; treatment of sludge, oil-based mud and drilling waste, oil production; automated storage tank cleaning, oil and gas engineering and project management. CORRE provides its advanced environmental solutions through strategic operating partnerships with some of the world's most prominent companies.
Cypress Energy Partners (Cypress Energy Partners, LP) (NYSE: CELP) is a growth-oriented limited partnership for energy, exploration and production and midstream companies in the United States and Canada and their supply The supplier provides midstream services, including pipeline inspection, jasa nguji integritas jeung tekanan hidrostatik. Cypress also provides salt water treatment and other water and environmental services to the US Energy Exploration and Production Corporation and its suppliers in North Dakota in the Williston Basin and West Texas in the Permian Basin. In these three business areas, Cypress works closely with customers to help them comply with increasingly complex and stringent environmental and safety regulations and reduce operating costs. Cypress is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) mangrupikeun pamekaran téknologi sareng perusahaan lisénsi hak cipta intelektual anu didedikasikeun pikeun ngembangkeun solusi lingkungan pikeun pasar cai, énergi sareng industri global. Kami ngabantosan industri nambihan produksi, ngirangan biaya, sareng ngajagi lingkungan ngaliwatan hawa téknologi anu misahkeun., Salakuasan Kemisal sareng non-unggul., AciPire ™ rupa-rupa industri jeung aplikasi madhab. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Kanada ogé ngaleungitkeun jutaan kimia galon bahan kimia cair sareng ngahasilkeun langkung ti 70 juta dolar Kanada, ladénan, sareng lomba. The company has also successfully manufactured approximately 50 Ozonix® machines and deployed them to various major hydraulic fracturing shale oil fields throughout the United States and Canada.
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) nyaéta parusahaan CleanTech lokasina di Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It has developed and manufactured the Voraxial® separator, which can be said to be the most efficient, high-capacity, and large-volume separator in the world Fluid and fluid/solid separation technology. Voraxial® tiasa dipisahkeun tanpa serelek tekanan. Applications include but are not limited to: oil spill cleanup, waste conversion into energy, onshore and offshore water separation, fracturing water, rainwater, refinery wastewater cleanup and biofuels. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies
ESP Resources, Inc. (OTC: ESPI) produces, mixes, distributes and sells specialty chemicals and analytical services for the oil and gas industry in the United States. The company provides specialty chemicals for various oil and gas field applications, including killing bacteria, separating suspended water and other pollutants from crude oil, separating oil from natural gas, enhancing pumping and cleaning pumps, and various fluids used And additives. During the drilling and production process. Produkna kalebet produk pétrokimia parantosan, anu biasana dianggo dina tahap parantosan sumur minyak atanapi gas alam anu dibor dina sababaraha formasi shale. Produk perusahaan ogé kalebet produksi tangkal tangkal pukrokimia, sapertos burriitis dipaké pikeun nungkulan produksi produksi sareng suntikan; well completion and workover chemicals, which can maximize the productivity of new and existing wells; and biocides can kill water transmission The growth of bacteria; sanyawa skala nu nyegah atawa ngubaran deposit skala; sambetan korosi nyaéta sanyawa organik anu tiasa ngabentuk pilem pelindung dina permukaan logam pikeun ngasingkeun logam tina lingkungan korosif; defoamers dipaké pikeun ngadalikeun masalah foaming; emulsification Agents for crude oil containing produced water; inhibit and/or dissolve paraffin to prevent accumulation of paraffin chemicals; sarta purifiers cai pikeun purifikasi tina kokotor. In addition, it provides various services for the upstream, midstream and downstream industries of the energy industry, including new construction, modification of operations support for onshore and offshore production, collection, refining facilities and pipelines.
Freestone Resources Inc. (OTC: FSNR) is an oil and gas technology development company located in Dallas, Texas. Tujuan perusahaan anu terus-terusan nyaéta pikeun ngembangkeun téknologi anyar pikeun ngamangpaatkeun sumber daya urang anu ageung dina cara anu tanggung jawab lingkungan sareng biaya-éféktif. Freestone sok ngajalajah téknologi anyar sareng inovatif. New technologies increase revenue by leveraging our revolutionary oil sand extraction and oil remediation technologies and other state-of-the-art products. Technical field
FTI Food Technology International (TSX: FTI.V) operates in Canada's surplus commodity industry. It involves the resale of liquidated goods. Tablet pemurnian cai klorin dioksida perusahaan tiasa dianggo pikeun ngolah cai pikeun sababaraha tujuan, kalebet cai nginum, ngojay, kabersihan industri sareng kontrol hama, ogé sababaraha aplikasi dina industri gas alam sareng pertambangan.
Genoil Inc (OTC: GNOLF) is a Canadian engineering technology development company headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with offices in Calgary, Sherwood Park, New York, Constanta, Romania, Dubai and Abu Dhabi Place. Genoil provides a series of clean technology petroleum technologies. Genoon komitmen kana pangwangunan sustainable sareng gaduh dua lembaga panalungtikan di Kanada sareng Romania. It owns and operates a world-class 10 bpd hydrogenation conversion upgrader (GHU), which is equipped with an independent water electrolysis device for high-purity hydrogen supply, hydrogen compressor, substation, combustion heater, and low pressure for gas-liquid separation Separator and PLC for automation operation control of Canada Two Hills. Genoil's research and development (R&D) personnel have developed advanced methods and new breakthrough patents to find solutions to complex global energy problems. Genoil also holds a number of patents related to GHU, which involve water purification, well testing, sand washing technology and environmental remediation technology. Genoil has successfully applied for patents for these new technologies and obtained the latest patents for its sand washing technology. Ngaliwatan struktur perusahaan anyar, Genoil ngaharepkeun pikeun ngamangpaatkeun pinuh ku pasar dunya recovering. Through numerous technologies and market applications, Genoil has tracked multiple components and indicators to lead the way forward.
Gibson Energy Company (TSX: GEI.TO) is a large independent integrated service provider for the oil and gas industry, with operations in major North American production areas. Gibsons is engaged in the transportation, storage, blending, processing, marketing and distribution of crude oil, condensate, natural gas liquids, water, oilfield waste and refined products. The company uses an integrated network of terminals, pipelines, storage tanks and trucks throughout Western Canada, as well as an important network of trucking and gas stations in the United States to transport energy products. Pausahaan ogé nyayogikeun pamrosésan émulsi, perawatan cai sareng jasa ngokolakeun limbah lapangan minyak ngalangkungan jaringan ngolah, daur ulang sareng fasilitas pembuangan di Kanada sareng Amérika Serikat, sareng mangrupikeun perusahaan distribusi propana industri kadua panggedéna di Kanada. Operasi terpadu parusahaan ngamungkinkeun pikeun ilubiung dina sakabéh ranté nilai énergi midstream di Kanada jeung wewengkon ngahasilkeun hidrokarbon AS ngaliwatan lokasi strategis parusahaan di Hardisty na Edmonton, Alberta, sarta stasiun suntik jeung terminal di Amérika Serikat. . , Provided to end users or refineries in North America.
GreenHunter Water LLC (NYSE MKT: GRH) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC and GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides Total Water Management Solutions™/Oilfield Fluid Management Solutions™ in oil fields and their fields. Shale gas in the Appalachian Basin. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT ratings A fleet of 407 trucks is used to tow condensate and water in the presence of condensate. GreenHunter Water ogé mingpin gerakan cai kapal tongkang, sabab angkutan tongkang mangrupikeun metode transportasi anu langkung aman sareng langkung murah dibandingkeun sareng angkutan treuk atanapi karéta api. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC provides on-site environmental solutions on well pads and facilities. Bungkusan layanan na ngalebur tank sareng beberesih Rig, cair sareng ngaleupaskeun runtah / ngalereskeun, solidikasi sareng réspon spill. The understanding that interconnected service suites are the key to E&P waste stream management has shaped GreenHunter Resources' comprehensive end-to-end service approach. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides the service of hydrocarbons (transportation of petroleum, condensate and NGL), and will use our existing asset base and infrastructure to provide hydrocarbons (petroleum) in the Appalachian region soon. , Condensate na NGL) neundeun, ngolah jeung jualan. , Nu ngawengku nepi ka genep lokasi terminal tongkang béda, ayeuna dipiboga atawa diséwakeun ku GreenHunter Resources.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar dina ngolah limbah laut (Marpol) sareng limbah lepas pantai, kalayan pangalaman langkung ti 25 taun dina ngumpulkeun sareng ngolah. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Our engineering team specializes in the design, engineering, installation and maintenance of onshore and offshore waste treatment solutions.
The next fuel. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) is a technology provider and service company that provides services to the oil and gas industry. Pausahaan ieu komitmen pikeun ngembangkeun téhnologi perlakuan cai nyadiakeun béaya rendah,-volume tinggi solusi perbaikan komérsial.
OriginOil, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) is a leading provider of water treatment solutions and a developer of breakthrough water purification technologies for the fast-growing world market. Through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, OriginClear provides systems and services to treat water in many industries including municipal, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, industrial, oil and gas. Pikeun gancang ngembangkeun unit bisnis ieu, kami sacara strategis ngagaduhan perusahaan perawatan cai anu lumayan sareng diurus saé, anu ngamungkinkeun urang pikeun ngalegaan pangsa pasar global sareng kaahlian téknis. Pikeun nyiptakeun jaman anyar tina bersih sacara bersih sareng sosial pribadi, urangimkeun cai eléktro Cai mangrupikeun sumber daya urang anu paling berharga. The mission of “Clear Origin Family Business” is to improve the quality of water and help restore it to its original, clear state.
Planet Resource Recovery, Inc. (OTC: PRRY) is the developer, manufacturer and seller of the Earth-friendly products of the PetroLuxus™ technology platform. Ayeuna kalebet produk séri PetroLuxus™ pikeun industri minyak sareng gas sareng industri minyak sareng gas. AquaLuxus mangrupakeun produk perlakuan non-toksik pikeun industri cai.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Ngaliwatan anak perusahaanna, perusahaan koléksi Républik, pusat daur ulang, stasiun transfer sareng TPA komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun palanggan komérsial, industri, kotamadya, padumukan sareng ladang minyak kalayan solusi anu épéktip pikeun ngagampangkeun pembuangan limbah anu leres. Kami bakal ngabéréskeun masalah ieu ngalangkungan tagline merek di dieu ™, ngabéjaan para nasabah yén aranjeunna tiasa ngandelkeun Republik pikeun masihan pangalaman anu saé, bari ngabina Blue Planet ™ anu sustainable pikeun generasi anu bakal datang pikeun nikmati dunya anu langkung bersih, langkung aman sareng langkung séhat.
Robix Environmental Technologies Inc. (CSE: RZX; Frankfurt: ROX) is an “industrial products/technology” company that provides investors with a rare opportunity to participate in leading companies engaged in patent ownership business, and From commercial development to global expansion through various business arrangements. Robix owns the Clean Ocean Vessel (“COV”) patent, which is an oil spill recovery vessel design that can recover oil in rough and debris-laden sea conditions. Robix has recognized the global market opportunity for effective containment, recycling and disposal of equipment, especially in the oil spill protection industry, and it proposes to develop into a service provider and/or equipment provider business based on licensing agreements with other industry participants Mode, dimana Robix bakal ngagunakeun solusi desain anu dipaténkeun COV na.
Seair Inc. (TSX: SDS.V) is a water technology company active at the core of the hydropower relationship, providing proprietary diffusion technology, and providing global services in multiple industries including oil and gas, mining, municipal and industrial wastewater Sexual application. The company's proprietary commercial technology solves the key oil-water separation (deoiling) problem in a cost-effective and efficient manner by more effectively diffusing oxygen, ozone, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide into the liquid and reducing energy consumption. Seair has been working with clients in the oil and gas industry for more than five years. Seair's applications include oil sand SAGD aqueous solutions, fracturing and produced water treatment, industrial pond treatment, mine dehydration/treatment, end-to-end sewage treatment in permanent residential areas and remote work camps, golf course irrigation and pond treatment, and industrial waste perlakuan gas.
Sionix Corporation (OTC: SINX) has designed an innovative and advanced mobile water treatment system (MWTS) with our patented and proprietary DAF technology as the core of the system. Sistem kami dirancang pikeun tanaga, fasilitas pamaréntah, fasilitas kasehatan, suplai cai darurat nalika bencana alam, proyék pangwangunan perumahan, pretreatment of desalination seawater jeung aplikasi filtration mémbran séjén, sarta sagala rupa aplikasi kaasup fracturing underground dina minyak jeung gas Industri pangeboran prosés.
Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) nyayogikeun solusi rékayasa pikeun industri énergi sareng lingkungan di India sareng internasional. Ieu dibagi jadi dua bagian: énergi jeung lingkungan. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; absorption systems, including absorption coolers, heat pumps, solar cooling products and air-cooled heat exchangers; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; sareng suluh sareng pemanasan minyak termal. Ogé nyadiakeun perlakuan cai, gula jeung industri kertas, widang minyak, héjo, konstruksi jeung fireside kimiawi, kitu ogé résin bursa ion jeung aditif suluh; EPC power plants; solar thermal and photovoltaic solutions; jeung cai jeung runtah sistem jeung solusi , Sapertos perlakuan cai, wastewater jeung perlakuan kokotor jeung daur ulang, jeung sistem incineration jeung solusi. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; jeung suku cadang. The company provides services for the oil and gas, steel, automotive, food, cement, chemical, refining and petrochemical, power generation, textile, pharmaceutical, paper and pulp, oil depot heating, space heating, sugar, paint, rubber and edible oil industri; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Titanium Corporation Inc. (TSX: TIC.V) téhnologi CVW™ nyadiakeun solusi sustainable pikeun ngurangan tapak suku lingkungan industri keusik minyak. Our technology reduces the environmental impact of oil sands tailings, while economically recovering valuable products that would otherwise be lost. CVW™ recovers bitumen, solvents and minerals from the tailings, thereby preventing these commodities from entering the tailing pond and the atmosphere: fundamentally reducing the emission of volatile organic compounds and greenhouse gases; kualitas cai tailings panas bisa ningkat. Daur ulang; residual tailings can be thickened more easily.
Trican Well Service Ltd (TSX: TCW.TO) nyayogikeun rupa-rupa produk profésional, peralatan sareng jasa anu tiasa dianggo dina éksplorasi sareng pamekaran cadangan minyak sareng gas. EcoClean-LW™ is a linear water fracturing fluid designed to eliminate the risk of contamination to geological structures, aquifers and product handlers. Sistem EcoClean-LW ngandung aditif non-toksik, biodegradable atanapi non-bioakumulasi anu dianggo nyalira atanapi digabungkeun. Unggal aditif bakal lulus tés Microtox® anu ketat. Products or chemicals that pass the Microtox® test are considered safe to be used in drinking water, and generally meet the standards specified in other regulatory inspections.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.
Wavefront Energy and Environmental Services (TSX: WEE.V; OTC: WFTSF) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina téknologi suntikan cairan dumasar-teknologi pikeun ningkatkeun / ningkatkeun pamulihan minyak sareng remediasi cai taneuh.
WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan jasa profésional terkemuka di dunya. WSP nyadiakeun kaahlian teknis ka klien di real estate, wangunan, transportasi jeung infrastruktur, lingkungan, industri, jeung sumber daya (kaasup pertambangan jeung minyak jeung gas) pangaweruh jeung konsultan strategi pikeun gas alam) jeung widang kakuatan jeung énergi. WSP ogé nyayogikeun jasa anu khusus dina pangiriman proyék sareng konsultasi strategis. Its experts include engineers, consultants, technicians, scientists, architects, planners, surveyors and environmental experts, as well as other design, planning and construction management professionals. With approximately 34,000 employees in 500 offices in 40 countries/regions, WSP has the advantage of successful and sustainable projects under the WSP and WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff brands. Water: In June 2016, the company announced that it had reached an agreement with Schlumberger, the world's leading oilfield services company, to acquire its industrial water consulting business. Usaha ieu bakal ngamungkinkeun WSP nyayogikeun jasa konsultasi cai sareng solusi proyék pikeun konsumén industri global.
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power ngarencanakeun pikeun nyayogikeun kakuatan héjo skala praktis pikeun konsumén tina énergi renewable anu aman sareng dipercaya anu diwangun, dipiboga sareng dioperasikeun ku Grup.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) mangrupikeun produsén logam khusus sareng produk kimia. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus parantos nyebarkeun séri téknologi proprietary sareng kabuktian pikeun ngahasilkeun produk anu tiasa dianggo dina seueur aplikasi farmasi, éléktronik sareng industri canggih. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Seueur di antarana mangrupikeun panaratas konci sareng promotor konci, sapertos tanaga surya, dioda pemancar cahaya sareng bahan anu ramah lingkungan.
7C Solarparken AG (XETRA: HRPK.DE; Frankfurt: HRPK.F) mendesain sareng ngawangun fasilitas surya turnkey pikeun konsumén swasta, kotamadya, industri sareng komérsial. Pausahaan ogé ngoperasikeun rupa-rupa pembangkit listrik tanaga surya di Jerman sareng Italia kalayan total kapasitas dipasang 26 MWp. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun sababaraha jasa, sapertos dukungan téknis, ngawaskeun jarak jauh, pamariksaan sareng pangropéa, ngungkulan sareng perbaikan, ngalaporkeun, arsip data, ogé jasa nasihat sareng dukungan pikeun operasi, monitoring sareng perawatan sistem tatasurya.
ABCO Energy, Inc. (OTC: ABCE) sareng anak perusahaanna beroperasi salaku produk listrik sareng panyadia jasa di Amérika Serikat. The company sells and installs solar photovoltaic power systems to enable customers to generate electricity on their residential or commercial properties. Éta ogé ngajual sareng masang produk lampu hemat energi, lampu jalan surya sareng asesoris lampu pikeun konsumén padumukan sareng komérsial. In addition, the company provides solar leasing and long-term financing plans for its customers and other marketing and installation organizations
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan komersil anu paling penting di Spanyol, ngarah dina pangwangunan sareng ngokolakeun infrastruktur, énergi anu tiasa dianyari, cai sareng jasa. Acciona mangrupikeun pamaén utama dina pasar énergi anu tiasa dianyari, kalayan operasi anu kuat di langkung ti 20 nagara / daérah di lima buana. Pausahaan specializes dina gawé bareng énergi renewable, utamana lima di antarana - tanaga angin, photovoltaic surya, tanaga panas surya, PLTA jeung énergi biomassa.
ARRAY Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGS: ARRY) is one of the world's largest manufacturers of ground installation systems for solar projects. Produk utama perusahaan nyaéta sistem terpadu kurung baja, motor listrik, kotak gear, pangendali éléktronik sareng parangkat lunak, biasana disebut "trackers" sumbu tunggal. Tracker ngagerakkeun panél surya sapopoe pikeun ngajaga arah anu pangsaéna ka arah panonpoé, ku kituna sacara signifikan ningkatkeun produksi énergina. Dibandingkeun sareng proyék éta nganggo proyék konvensional "Diturnanya" Parts instalemén Pamasangan, proyék Tatararat anu nganggo Lacak tiasa ngahasilkeun dugi ka 25% umumna. Array Technologies is headquartered in the United States, with offices in Europe, Central America and Australia.
Aurora SolarTechnologies Inc. (TSX: ACU.V) ngembangkeun, pabrik jeung ngajual sistem pangukuran online pikeun industri photovoltaic. Kantor pusatna di Vancouver Utara, Kanada, diadegkeun ku pamimpin anu berpengalaman dina pangukuran prosés, manufaktur semikonduktor sareng otomatisasi industri, produk online, pangukuran sareng kontrol real-time perusahaan nyayogikeun produsén sél photovoltaic ku cara pikeun ngirangan biaya produksi sareng ningkatkeun kauntungan.
Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) is one of the largest renewable energy companies in India, with a current project portfolio of 5,290 MW. AGEL is part of Adani Group's commitment to provide India with a better, cleaner, and greener future. Driven by the group's “good growth” philosophy, the company develops, constructs, owns, operates and maintains utility-scale grid-connected solar and wind farm projects. Listrik anu dihasilkeun disayogikeun ka badan pamaréntah pusat sareng nagara bagian sareng perusahaan anu didukung pamaréntah.
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AEIS) is a global leader in innovative power and control technology for high-growth, precision power conversion solutions. Advanced Energy kantor pusatna di Fort Collins, Colorado, sareng gaduh dukungan khusus sareng lokasi jasa di sakumna dunya. Advanced Energy is a global leader in reliable power conversion solutions used in thin-film plasma manufacturing processes and solar power generation.
Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. The company categorizes its activities into natural gas and services, engineering technology and other activities. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. It also provides medical gas, sanitary products, medical equipment and services for hospitals and patients at home. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Aktivitas rékaran sareng téknis kalebet desain, pengembangan sareng ngawangun pepelakan produksi gas industri. Kagiatan sanésna kalebet pamekaran téknologi las sareng motong, sareng nyayogikeun peralatan nyilem sareng ngojay laut jero.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO) mangrupikeun perusahaan pembangkit listrik, transmisi sareng distribusi listrik di Amérika Kalér. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. The unregulated power generation group owns or owns a portfolio of contracted wind, solar, hydropower, and natural gas power generation facilities located in North America, with an installed capacity of more than 1,050 megawatts. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina pembangkit listrik, transmisi sareng infrastruktur karéta api, netepkeun patokan pikeun inovasi sareng téknologi anu ramah lingkungan. Alstom parantos ngawangun karéta panggancangna di dunya sareng subway otomatis kapasitas pangluhurna, nyayogikeun solusi pembangkit listrik terpadu turnkey sareng jasa anu aya hubunganana pikeun sagala rupa sumber énergi kalebet PLTA, tenaga nuklir, gas alam, batubara sareng énergi angin, sareng nyayogikeun rupa-rupa solusi transmisi listrik. , with a focus on smart grids. Solar energy: Our technology can be adapted to all types and scales of projects, including hybrid power generation and all-solar power plants.
Alternus Energy Inc. (OTC: ALTN) mangrupikeun produser listrik mandiri global ("IPP"). We develop, own and operate solar photovoltaic parks directly connected to the national grid. Our current source of revenue comes from long-term, fixed-price, long-term supply contracts stipulated by the government. These contracts are in the form of government feed-in tariffs (“FiT”) and other energy incentives, and are valid for 15 to 20 years. Kontrak kami ayeuna nyayogikeun pendapatan taunan, anu sakitar 75% asalna tina sumber-sumber ieu, sareng 25% sésana asalna tina pendapatan anu dibangkitkeun tina Perjangjian Pembelian Tenaga Kontrak ("PPAs") ditandatanganan sareng operator énergi sanés sareng penjualan ka pasar énergi umum. The countries in which we operate. Gemblengna, kontrak ieu ngahasilkeun rata-rata laju penjualan per kilowatt-jam énergi héjo anu dihasilkeun ku taman surya urang. Fokus kami ayeuna nyaéta pasar photovoltaic surya Éropa. However, we are also actively exploring opportunities in other countries outside of Europe.
Amtech Systems, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ASYS) is a global supplier of advanced heat treatment equipment for the solar, semiconductor/electronic and LED manufacturing markets. Amtech's equipment includes diffusion, ALD and PECVD systems, ion implanters and solder reflow systems. Amtech also provides wafer processing automation and polishing equipment and related consumables. The company's wafer processing, heat treatment and consumable products currently address the diffusion, oxidation and deposition steps used in the polishing of solar cells, LEDs, semiconductors, MEMS, printed circuit boards, semiconductor packaging, and freshly cut sapphire and silicon. . Wafer.
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Pembangkit énérgi ieu kalebet pembangkit listrik gas alam siklus tunggal sareng siklus gabungan, ogé fasilitas énérgi alternatif, kalebet biodiesel, étanol, sareng fasilitas anu didamel ku sumber énergi anu tiasa dianyari sapertos angin sareng surya. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
Atlantic Wind & Solar Inc. (OTC: AWSL) mangrupakeun pamekar pembangkit listrik tanaga renewable skala utiliti kalawan leuwih ti 750 proyék MW dina hambalan béda pangwangunan di Kanada, Amérika Kidul, Asia jeung Karibia. Its product portfolio is mainly solar photovoltaic, with a total capacity of approximately 650 megawatts at various development stages. It has diversified in Ontario, 22 cities in Canada, and 5 regions in Central and South America (including Ecuador and Peru).
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) gaduh sareng ngokolakeun gas alam énergi renewable, listrik, jalur transmisi sareng aset cai di Amérika Kalér, Amérika Kidul, Spanyol, Aljazair sareng Afrika Kidul. Aset pembangkit listrik énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui kalebet pembangkit listrik tenaga surya sareng angin.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. Kaandalan téknologi AVX bakal mastikeun yén ieu sareng generasi anu bakal datang bakal nguntungkeun tina téknologi héjo ieu. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
BioSolar, Inc (OTC: BSRC), a manufacturer of innovative bio-based solar products, is currently developing a breakthrough energy storage technology to reduce the cost of storing solar energy. Existing battery technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, can store energy for a long time, but cannot charge or discharge quickly. This feature limits the use of batteries for backup power applications. Inspired by nature, BioSolar is developing a low-cost polymer-based supercapacitor that charges and discharges hundreds of times faster than batteries, and will complement the batteries used to store solar energy. Ku ngahijikeun superkapasitor BioSolar kana pak batré salaku kakuatan luhur hareup-tungtung, jumlah bungkus batré diperlukeun kirang ti biasana diperlukeun, sarta tanaga surya beurang bisa gancang jeung ongkos-éféktif disimpen keur dipake peuting di hiji ongkos handap. Téknologi anu berpotensi ngarobih kaulinan ieu bakal ngamungkinkeun para pangguna sistem tatasurya ngirangan katergantunganna atanapi leres-leres megatkeun sambungan tina jaringan utiliti.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) mangrupikeun produsén listrik anu bisnis inti didédikasikeun pikeun pangwangunan sareng operasi stasiun listrik énergi anu tiasa dianyari. Boralex has approximately 250 employees and is known for its expertise and rich experience in four types of power generation: wind, hydro, thermal and solar.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) ngajalankeun salah sahiji platform énergi renewable murni anu didagangkeun sacara umum di dunya. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders.
Canadian Solar Company (NasdaqGM: CSIQ), headquartered in Ontario, Canada, is a global energy provider with successful business subsidiaries in 18 countries/regions on 6 continents. Pasar panggedéna kami kalebet Kanada, Amérika Serikat, Jepang, Cina, Jérman sareng India. Mibanda 8 anak perusahaan manufaktur pinuh di Cina jeung Kanada
Cemtrex (NasdaqCM: CETX) is a world-leading diversified industrial and manufacturing company that provides a wide range of solutions to meet today's technical challenges. Cemtrex provides advanced custom engineered electronic products, emission monitors and instruments for industrial processes, and manufacturing services for environmental control and air filtration systems for industry and utilities. Perusahaan ngarencanakeun kanggo usaha énergi énergi anu tiasa dicandak. The company plans to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary in India to build and operate a 100-megawatt solar power plant to achieve its goal of expanding into the renewable energy sector.
Chevron Energy Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, and its subsidiaries operate globally. The company explores, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, sells and distributes transportation fuels and other energy products; produces and sells petrochemical products; ngahasilkeun listrik sarta ngahasilkeun énérgi panas bumi; provides energy efficiency solutions; and develops the future including biofuels energy. Chevron kantor pusatna di San Ramon, California.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. Sajaba ti éta, ogé ngajalankeun proyék séjén kayaning kakuatan termal, tanaga surya, kakuatan pasang surut, kakuatan biomassa jeung panas bumi. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. After years of accumulation, the company has gradually established ten wind power technology and service support systems, in the preliminary measurement of wind power, design consultation, equipment procurement, operation monitoring, inspection and maintenance, technical research and development, technical support, technical development, technical support, technology Support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support and other fields have formed unique advantages. Pelatihan profésional.
China Solar Energy and Clean Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (OTC: CSOL) mendesain sareng nyayogikeun solusi énergi anu terintegrasi pikeun konsumén industri sareng pamekar perumahan di Cina sareng dunya. Perusahaan nyayogikeun tabung Vireum sareng piring piring asuran; biomass furnaces and interval heating devices and industrial waste heat recovery systems, including heat pipe heat exchangers, high temperature hot blast stoves, heat pipe evaporators, dust removal and desulfurization systems, constant pressure hot water boilers and smokeless Coal-fired boilers and bio-material furnaces. It also provides industrial waste heat recovery systems and heating products, such as heating tubes, heat exchangers, special heating tubes and tubes, high temperature hot blast stoves, heating filters, atmospheric hot water boilers and radiators. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan ogé nyayogikeun pamanas tubular konvensional kalayan sinyalna padet; sarta sells suku cadang pikeun produk na, sarta nyadiakeun sanggeus-jualan pangropéa sarta jasa perbaikan. Solusi tanaga surya sareng bersih Cina ngajual produk ngaliwatan jaringan distributor, grosir, agén penjualan sareng pangecér.
Chofu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5946.T) is a Japanese company mainly engaged in the manufacture of hot water supply equipment, air conditioning equipment, system equipment and solar equipment. Its main products include hot water supply equipment, such as oil-fired water heaters, gas water heaters, electric water heaters, ecological water heaters and cogeneration systems; alat-alat AC, kayaning AC somah, sistem cai panas sarta alat-alat pemanasan minyak-dipecat; system equipment, such as system bathrooms, systems Kitchen and bathroom toilets, as well as solar energy equipment, including solar power generation equipment, under-floor ventilation fans and solar water heaters. The company is also engaged in the production and sales of software through one of its subsidiaries.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) diadegkeun dumasar kana visi nyayogikeun "kakuatan nirkabel" anu bersih sareng tiasa diurus. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue nyaeta dina brand Illumient na, Ogé sells tanaga surya jeung angin outdoor sistem cahaya.
Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS: COHR) mangrupikeun salah sahiji panyadia panyaluran laser, téknologi berbasis laser sareng solusi sistem dumasar laser pikeun konsumén ilmiah, komérsial sareng industri. Our common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market and is part of the Russell 2000 Index and the S&P SmallCap 600 Index. Surya
Conselation Energy (NasdaqGS: EXC), hiji pausahaan Exelon, mangrupakeun supplier kalapa ngarah listrik, gas alam, énergi renewable, sarta produk jeung jasa manajemén énergi pikeun imah jeung usaha di buana Amérika Sarikat. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. Solar energy
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) mingpin revolusi pencahyaan LED sareng téknologi pencahayaan tradisional anu luntur anu ngabuang énérgi ku ngagunakeun lampu LED anu hemat energi, tanpa merkuri. Cree mangrupakeun inovator ngarah pasar tina lampu-grade LEDs, lampu LED, sarta produk semikonduktor pikeun kakuatan sarta frékuénsi radio (RF) aplikasi. Cree's product line includes LED lamps and bulbs, blue and green LED chips, high-brightness LEDs, lighting-grade power LEDs, power switching devices and RF devices. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.
CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 200012.SZ) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of glass and the solar energy industry. Usaha kaca datar parusahaan utamana nyadiakeun kaca ngambang, kaca husus, keusik quartz, jsb Bagean kaca rékayasa utamana nyadiakeun ramah lingkungan sarta hemat energi low-emissivity kaca coated. The fine glass business mainly provides color filters, screening glass, etc.; the solar field mainly provides high-purity polysilicon materials and solar cells and modules. Produk perusahaan disebarkeun di pasar domestik sareng luar negeri, kalebet Hong Kong, Eropa, Amérika Kalér sareng Australia.
CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQCM: CVV) mangrupikeun desainer sareng produsén alat-alat canggih sareng standar pikeun panalungtikan sareng pamekaran, desain sareng pabrik komponén éléktronik canggih, bahan sareng palapis pikeun panalungtikan sareng aplikasi industri. CVD provides a wide range of chemical vapor deposition, gas control and other equipment, customers can use them to research, design and manufacture semiconductors, solar cells, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, LEDs, MEMS, smart glass coatings, batteries , Supercapacitors, coatings médis, coatings industri jeung permukaan Gunung parabot pikeun komponén circuit dicitak. CVD's application laboratory focuses on the manufacturing of nanoscale and nanoscale to macroscopic materials through a wide range of growth markets, which are sold through our wholly-owned subsidiary CVD Materials Corporation.
Daegu New Energy Corporation (NYSE: DQ) is a leading manufacturer of high-purity polysilicon for the global solar photovoltaic industry. The company was established in 2008 and is one of the world's lowest-cost high-purity polysilicon producers. Fasilitas produksi efisiensi tinggi sareng téknologi canggih Daqo di Xinjiang, Cina ayeuna gaduh kapasitas produksi polysilicon taunan 18,000 ton, sareng perusahaan ngalegaan kapasitas produksina, anu bakal ngahontal 30,000 ton polysilicon taunan ku tungtung 2018.
Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) ampir 6 juta konsumén ti 19 nagara bagian ngagunakeun listrik atawa gas alam ti Richmond, Virginia basis Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) kakuatan imah jeung usaha maranéhanana. The company is committed to achieving sustainable, reliable, affordable, safe and secure energy. It is one of the largest energy producers and transporters in the United States, with more than $78 billion in assets that can provide power generation, transmission and distribution, As well as natural gas storage, power transmission, distribution and import and export services. As one of the leading solar operators in the United States, the company plans to reduce carbon intensity by 50% by 2030. Through its Dominion Energy Charity Foundation, EnergyShare and other programs, Dominion Energy plans to donate more than $30 million to the community in 2018. Cause the entire footprint and other reasons.
The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) combines the power of science and technology to enthusiastically innovate what is essential to human progress. Pausahaan ngamajukeun inovasi pikeun nimba nilai tina persimpangan élmu kimia, fisik sareng biologis pikeun ngabantosan seueur masalah anu paling nangtang di dunya, sapertos paménta cai bersih, generasi sareng panyalindungan énergi bersih, sareng paningkatan tatanén. productivity . Integrasi berorientasi pasar Dow Chemical Company, kimia khusus anu ngarah di industri, bahan canggih, élmu pertanian sareng portopolio bisnis plastik, nyayogikeun rupa-rupa produk dumasar-téknologi pikeun konsumén di kira-kira 180 nagara sareng widang-widang pertumbuhan luhur sapertos bungkusan sareng éléktronika. . Products and solutions, water, paint and agriculture. Dow Solar
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. Kami ngahasilkeun kira-kira 570.000 megawatt listrik di Carolina, Midwest sareng Florida, sareng nyayogikeun jasa distribusi gas alam di Ohio sareng Kentucky. Usaha komersil sareng internasional urang gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun sababaraha aset pembangkit listrik di Amérika Kalér sareng Amérika Latin, kalebet portopolio aset énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Solar energy: More and more people in the United States are looking for more renewable energy options, and solar energy is playing an increasingly important role in the way Duke Energy provides electricity to its customers. It is already helping homeowners, businesses and government organizations meet some of their energy needs. And as the cost of solar installation continues to decline across the country, it has become easier for customers to choose solar. Duke Energy is committed to providing customers with more options for using solar energy and other forms of renewable energy. Di daérah jasa genep nagara urang, para nasabah Duke Energy nampi kira-kira 7.000 MW pembangkit listrik tanaga surya di genep nagara bagian anu kami layani, ngahasilkeun 700 MW pembangkit listrik tanaga surya, dimana 70 MW tina pamasangan Solar rooftop.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering technology to the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Pausahaan percaya yén ngaliwatan gawé babarengan jeung konsumén, pamaréntah, organisasi non-pamaréntah sarta pamingpin pamikiran, urang bisa mantuan manggihan solusi pikeun tantangan global, kayaning nyadiakeun cukup dahareun cageur pikeun jalma di sakuliah dunya, ngurangan gumantungna kana suluh fosil sarta Ngajaga hirup jeung lingkungan. DuPont Solar: Nyadiakeun kombinasi panglegana bahan dina photovoltaics (PV) jeung nyadiakeun genep tina dalapan bahan paling kritis pikeun manufaktur modul surya.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY) is an international private energy supplier, and it is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of new strategies, E.ON will focus entirely on renewable energy, energy networks and customer solutions in the future. They are all obstacles to building a new energy world. Énergi surya: Énergi surya mangrupikeun daérah téknis konci tina strategi énergi anu tiasa dianyari E.ON, fokus kana kebon taneuh fotovoltaik. We currently operate about 60 MW of photovoltaic power generation capacity in Southern Europe and about 20 MW of photovoltaic power generation capacity in the United States, and are a shareholder of the Spanish CSP project. We are working hard to bring the solar business to the same level of maturity as the wind energy business, and strive to reduce power generation costs by 35%.
EB original company (Tokyo: 6361.T) produces and sells industrial machinery in Asia, North America and the world. The fluid machinery and systems provided by the company include a series of pumps for the power, water, oil and gas, petrochemical, general industrial and construction infrastructure markets, as well as blowers, compressors, turbines, fans, refrigeration and heating equipment, Products sapertos coolers sareng cooling tower. It also provides engineering, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance services for environmental and energy-related infrastructure, such as municipal and industrial waste incineration plants, biomass power plants, water treatment plants, etc. In addition, the company develops, manufactures and distributes various semiconductor manufacturing equipment and components, including dry vacuum pumps, chemical mechanical polishing equipment, electroplating equipment, gas reduction systems, etc. Solar battery
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Kami ngembangkeun bisnis di pasar global sareng terus ngalegaan bisnis urang ka daérah énggal, komitmen pikeun ngajaga posisi anu unggul dina unggal pasar sareng nyiptakeun nilai pikeun pamangku kapentingan sareng pemegang saham. EDPR's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. Internalisasi tina tilu tahapan konci pangwangunan proyék ieu sareng dorongan pikeun perbaikan kontinyu penting pisan pikeun nampi nilai anu paling ageung tina aset urang.
Aige Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600537.SS) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi tinggi anu khusus dina panalungtikan, pamekaran, produksi sareng penjualan produk fotovoltaik. Sistem terpadu vertikal na ngagabungkeun ingot, wafers, accu, bungkusan modul jeung generasi tanaga surya. Kapasitas produksi taunan EGing nyaéta 1GW silikon monocrystalline sareng modul surya silikon polikristalin. EGing Photovoltaic Group has established Jiangsu EGing Photovoltaic Engineering College, Jiangsu Solar Materials Research Center, Module and Battery Laboratory (its module laboratory has obtained VDE and TDAP certification), Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center, and National Postdoctoral Research Station.
Elecnor SA (MCE: ENO.MC) is a Spanish company engaged in the promotion, development and management of projects in the fields of energy, telecommunications, transportation and the environment. The company operates through four business areas: infrastructure, renewable energy, concessions, and Deimos. Its products and services include the production and distribution of electricity, the distribution of natural gas, the operation of telecommunications systems, the provision of support services to airports and railway stations, the supply of drinking water and waste treatment; jeung pangwangunan, manajemén jeung pangropéa tutuwuhan industri. Solar energy
Electronic Solar Energy (OTC: ESRG) provides solar and green energy solutions for homeowners, businesses, non-profit organizations and government organizations in the United States. The company provides solar power systems or photovoltaic systems, battery backup systems, solar water heating systems, solar attic fans, reflective roof coatings, solar pool heating systems, pool purification systems and rainwater collection systems. Éta ogé nyayogikeun jasa pamasangan.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) mangrupikeun perusahaan investasi utama anu ngahususkeun dina tanaga surya sareng angin darat sareng operasi taman. Teu fokus kana investasi dina proyék Greenfield ti scratch, atawa teu nganggap ngembangkeun utama atawa resiko konstruksi. It seeks to withdraw from investment within five to seven years through IPOs, trade sales, secondary purchases or repurchases. Pausahaan narékahan pikeun investasi di luar neraca na. Ieu museurkeun kana acquiring sarta operasi turnkey solar jeung angin kebon ti pasar sekundér. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company, provides smart, easy-to-use solutions that connect solar power generation, storage, and management on a smart platform. Pausahaan revolutionized tanaga surya ngaliwatan téhnologi mikro-inverter sarta ngahasilkeun hijina sabenerna terpadu tanaga surya solusi panyimpen énérgi. Enphase has delivered more than 17 million microinverters and deployed more than 790,000 Enphase systems in more than 120 countries/regions.
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana boga leuwih ti 15 taun pangalaman dina nyadiakeun grid-ujung kakuatan parabot éléktronik pikeun sél suluh, photovoltaic sarta aplikasi batré, sarta nyadiakeun kabuktian, awét, solusi kualitas luhur ngaliwatan pabrik kapasitas luhur na di Éropa jeung Amérika Kalér. Eguana has thousands of proprietary energy storage inverters deployed in the European and North American markets and is a leading supplier of power control for solar self-use, grid services, and grid edge on-demand charging applications.
ESI Energy Services Inc. (CSE: OPI) is a plumbing equipment leasing and sales company with main operations in Leduc, Alberta and Phoenix, Arizona. The company supplies (leases) backfill separators (“fillers”) to mainline pipeline contractors through its operating subsidiaries ESI Pipeline Services Limited (“ESIPSL”) and Ozzie's Pipeline Padder, Inc. (“OPI”). , Pipa Oilfield jeung kontraktor konstruksi, kontraktor konstruksi utiliti jeung tanaga renewable (angin jeung surya) kontraktor.
Ferrotec Corporation (Tokyo: 6890.T) nyaéta parusahaan téhnologi diversified jeung operasi di sakuliah dunya, ngalibetkeun rupa-rupa produk ahir, sistem manufaktur jeung industri. Kami nyayogikeun palanggan sareng bahan mandang, komponén sareng ngasakan solusi sareng ngamajukeun ieu gawé, langkung akurat, sareng langkung gampang. Dumasar kana inti téhnologis cairan magnét Ferrofluid jeung produk sealing Ferrofluidic®, parusahaan urang jeung portopolio produk urang geus tumuwuh pikeun minuhan kabutuhan kantos-ngarobah konsumén. Ferrotec ayeuna mangrupikeun perusahaan global, anu dicirikeun ku sajumlah ageung kerjasama antar perusahaan dina panalungtikan produk, manufaktur sareng pamasaran. PV
Fujipream Corporation (Tokyo: 4237.T) utamana kalibet dina pabrik jeung diobral saringan optik pikeun panels tampilan plasma (PDP), alat optik jeung alat photovoltaic. The company operates two business units. The flat panel display division is engaged in the manufacture and sale of optical filters for PDPs, which are used in flat panel displays and products related to touch screen sensor substrates. The field of clean ecological energy involves the development, manufacturing and sales of various solar cell modules; the design, construction and sales of residential and industrial solar power systems, as well as the manufacturing, installation and sales of thin-film laminated glass and double-layer glass for thermal insulation, etc. .
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE: GOOD.L) purchases, generates electricity and sells electricity from renewable energy sources in the UK through its subsidiaries. The company operates through supply companies, power generation companies and power generation development departments. Éta ngahasilkeun listrik ngaliwatan turbin angin sareng panél surya. And provide on-grid electricity price management services for micro generators. The company also sells natural gas; and provides services related to the development of micro-renewable power generation and power generation sites.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC: GSFI) is a Wyoming-based company with satellite offices in Malibu, California and New York City, New York. It is committed to developing an unsatisfied market in the solar field and is currently in Nevada California is licensed, Arizona, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Colorado, Hawaii and Canada. The company's next-generation solar greenhouse is constructed and managed by the Nevada branch Green Rain Solar, LLC, using the proprietary greenhouse technology and trademark design developed by the world-renowned architect Mr. Anthony Morali. Pausahaan ayeuna nargétkeun pasar surya pertumbuhan tinggi sareng rumah kaca surya canggih sareng produk sél surya canggih. The company has a growing share of the New York City solar market that is in short supply, and the company plans to use 50,000 to 100,000 square feet of roof space for solar panels. Green Stream ngaharepkeun pikeun ngadegkeun partnerships konci kalayan grup investasi utama pikeun ngamangpaatkeun rupa kasempetan investasi unik dina pasar surya komérsial. Perusahaan komitmen janten pamuter utama dina daérah kritis ieu. Through its innovative solar products and industry partnerships, the company is well positioned to become an important participant in the solar field.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (New York Stock Exchange: HMC) nyaéta produsén mesin panglegana, ngahasilkeun leuwih ti 27 juta mesin unggal taun pikeun sagala rupa produk, kaasup: kapal terbang, motor, kandaraan sagala rupa bumi, generator, jeung kapal Mesin. , parabot padang rumput hejo jeung kebon ogé mobil lagu Honda jeung Ac. Honda Solar: Cigs thin-film solar cells-instead of silicon, Honda has developed CIGS solar cells, which are composed of thin films and can generate electricity made of copper, indium, gallium and selenide. Ieu ngurangan ketebalan pilem tina 80 microns ngandung silikon mun ukur 2-3 microns. This reduces the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions during the production process, making them harmless to the environment. Struktur sél surya ieu tiasa ngahasilkeun listrik sacara stabil sanajan bagian tina sél surya aya dina kalangkang tanpa turunna tegangan anu signifikan.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) nyaéta parusahaan téhnologi dedicated ka ngaronjatkeun efisiensi konversi kakuatan. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA ngaronjatkeun ukuran, ongkos, efisiensi, kalenturan jeung reliabilitas converters kakuatan éléktronik. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. Pausahaan ogé ngembangkeun transistor simpang ganda dua arah dua arah (B-TRAN™), sareng parantos ngalamar patén, anu berpotensi ningkatkeun efisiensi sareng kapadetan kakuatan saklar kakuatan dua arah. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) is a professional renewable energy company that develops, constructs, owns and operates renewable energy power generation assets. Cai mibanda hak pikeun 24 kebon angin, kaasup 6 kebon angin di operasi, Australia boga total kapasitas dipasang 557 MW; the United States has 18 operating wind farms with a total installed capacity of 1,089 MW, as well as wind power and The pipeline of solar renewable energy development.
Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Kusabab ngadegna taun 1990, pausahaan geus komitmen pikeun ngembangkeun, kapamilikan sarta operasi fasilitas PLTA, kebon angin jeung pembangkit listrik photovoltaic surya sapanjang hulu walungan, sarta geus dimekarkeun di Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia jeung Idaho. in the United States. usaha. Its asset portfolio currently includes: (i) ownership of 33 operating facilities with a total net installed capacity of 687 MW (total 1,194 MW), including 26 hydropower facilities, 6 wind farms and 1 solar photovoltaic power generation (Ii) Have rights in five proyék-proyék dina pangwangunan atawa dina konstruksi anu geus nandatanganan pasatujuan meuli kakuatan, kalawan total kapasitas net dipasang 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) proyék poténsial, total net Kapasitas total 3.190 MW (total 3.330 MW).
Integrated Electrical Services Inc. (NASDAQGM: IESC) is a holding company that owns and manages various operating subsidiaries, including providers of industrial products and infrastructure services for various end markets. 2.700 karyawan urang nyadiakeun layanan ka konsumén di Amérika Serikat jeung mancanagara. Solar energy: IES Commercial and Industrial provides multiple building functions, including custom residential, commercial, industrial, power transmission and distribution, and alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, and electric vehicles. Each of our branches focuses on multiple disciplines and conducts business across the United States, and some branches operate nationwide.
Intevac Inc. (NasdaqGS: IVAC) was established in 1991 and has two businesses: thin film equipment and photonics. Dina bisnis alat pilem ipis kami, kami mangrupikeun pamimpin dina rarancang sareng pamekaran sistem pamrosesan pilem ipis produktivitas tinggi. Our production-proven platform is designed for mass production of substrates with precise thin-film properties, such as the hard disk drive media we currently serve, display covers and solar photovoltaic markets.
Invesco Solar ETF (NYSEArca: TAN) The investment result sought by this investment is usually in line with the performance of the fund's fees and expenses before the stock index called the MAC Global Solar Index. Dana bakal investasi sahenteuna 90% tina total aset na dina saham umum anu ngawangun indéks, ADR sareng GDR, sareng kuitansi deposit ngalambangkeun saham umum anu kalebet dina indéks. The index includes stock securities traded in developed markets, including American depositary receipts and American depositary receipts. Generally, it will invest in all securities that make up the index in proportion to its weight in the index. The fund is non-diversified.
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTC: IOTC) nyaéta operator jaringan nirkabel sareng panyadia aplikasi parangkat lunak anu didedikasikeun pikeun Internet of Things. Iota sells recurring revenue solutions that can optimize the energy use, sustainability and operations of commercial and industrial facilities directly or through third-party relationships. Iota also provides important ancillary products and services to promote the adoption of its subscription-based services, including solar, LED lighting and HVAC implementation services.
Ishii Weapon Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6336.T) is engaged in the development, production and distribution of manufacturing equipment for motor parts, displays and electronic components, and solar cell wafers. The company is active in three business units. The motor parts manufacturing equipment department provides printed circuit board (PCB), semiconductor and solar cell wafer manufacturing equipment; scrubbers jet keramik; flatbed grinders and inkjet printers. The display and electronic parts department provides membrane switch panels, excel switch panels, printed boards, silk-screen products, precision steel plates, nameplates and plastic enclosures. Other departments specialize in solar cells.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi sareng jasa anu terkemuka di dunya khusus pikeun panggunaan énergi sareng sumber cai. Kami nyayogikeun solusi komprehensif pikeun ngukur, ngatur sareng nganalisa énergi sareng cai. portopolio produk lega kami ngawengku listrik, gas alam, cai jeung alat ukur énergi termal jeung téhnologi kontrol; communication systems; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources. Itron Total Solar: Itron, pamimpin global dina pangukuran, pangumpulan data sareng téknologi sareng jasa manajemén, ngakuan kabutuhan industri surya. Based on our success, Itron provides solar energy providers and utilities with a unique portfolio of solutions and managed services, aiming to meet the business challenges of distributed power generation and build a more flexible and resilient grid for the future. Itron Total Solar packs together our existing industry-leading capabilities in solar metering, communications, asset monitoring and data management, analysis and load forecasting, and managed services through a simplified subscription-based pricing structure.
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (NASDAQGS: JASO) mangrupakeun produsén ngarah produk solar-kinerja tinggi. The company sells its products to solar manufacturers worldwide, which assemble and integrate solar cells into modules and systems that convert sunlight into electricity for residential, commercial, and utility-scale power generation.
JinkoSolar Holdings Limited (NYSE: JKS) is a global leader in the solar energy industry. JinkoSolar distributes solar products and sells its solutions and services to a diversified international utility, commercial and residential customer base in China, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Chile, South Africa, India, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States United Arab Emirates, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and other countries and regions. JinkoSolar also sells electricity in China and has connected about 500 MW of solar projects to the grid. JinkoSolar gaduh 4 fasilitas produksi di Jiangxi sareng Zhejiang, Cina, Portugal sareng Afrika Kidul, sareng 12 kantor penjualan global di Cina, Spanyol, sareng Amérika Serikat. Karajaan, Uni Émirat Arab, Yordania, Arab Saudi, Mesir, Maroko, Ghana, Brazil, Kosta Rika sareng Méksiko, ogé 11 anak perusahaan luar negeri di Jerman, Italia, Swiss, Amérika Serikat, Kanada, Australia, Singapura, Jepang, India. , South Africa and Chile
Jusung Engineering Co., Ltd. (Koréa: 036930.KQ) pabrik jeung ngajual sél surya, semikonduktor jeung alat tampilan di Korea jeung internasional. The company's solar cell equipment product line includes thin film deposition equipment; alat sél surya pilem silikon ipis; thin film amorphous silicon building integrated photovoltaic equipment; jeung alat sél surya silikon kristalin. It also provides flat panel display equipment, such as plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition equipment and organic light emitting diode products. The company's semiconductor equipment product line includes Cyclone Plus air separation chemical vapor deposition (CVD) equipment. TRUFIL HDP CVD, téknologi pikeun ngabentuk film ipis sapertos SiO2; Genaon dry etching equipment for polymerization and metal processing; alat-alat CVD vakum ultra luhur pikeun meresihan lingkungan déposisi; Cyclone Plus semi-batch low-pressure CVD equipment for furnace type Batch equipment; and metal-organic CVD equipment used in semiconductor production lines for dielectric and metal film applications. Salaku tambahan, éta nyayogikeun alat CVD organik logam gallium nitride, anu tiasa dianggo pikeun produksi masal lampu LED héjo, biru sareng bodas.
KANEKA CORPORATION (Tokyo: 4118.T) is a Japanese chemical company. When Kaneka was founded, our main product lines included caustic soda, soap, cosmetics, edible oil and electrical wires. But as Kaneka grew, we began to focus on R&D and began to look forward to the rapidly changing global market. Ayeuna, lini produk utama Kaneka kalebet bahan kimia, produk plastik fungsional sareng tiasa dilegakeun, kadaharan, produk élmu kahirupan, serat sintétik sareng modul surya. Kaneka Solar: Kaneka ngagunakeun leuwih ti 60 taun pangaweruh bahan canggih urang jeung kamampuhan inti salaku produsén produk kimia pikeun panalungtikan, ngamekarkeun jeung pabrik solar panels sorangan.
North River Seiki Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6327.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in the business of industrial machinery. Mesin Precision Beichuan ogé ngagunakeun téknologi canggih pikeun ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun produk dina widang pembangkit listrik fotovoltaik. Pembangkit listrik fotovoltaik mangrupikeun sumber énergi bersih anu beuki narik perhatian masarakat. Our multi-opening photovoltaic module laminator can significantly increase productivity while reducing space and labor requirements. Mesin laminating Kitagawa Seiki tiasa ngadamel sababaraha jinis modul, kalebet kristal, pilem ipis sareng silikon buleud, bari nyayogikeun kualitas luhur sareng béaya rendah.
KLA-Tencor Corporation (NasdaqGS: KLAC) mangrupakeun panyadia ngarah tina kontrol prosés jeung solusi manajemén ngahasilkeun, cooperating jeung konsumén di sakuliah dunya pikeun babarengan ngamekarkeun deteksi panganyarna na téhnologi metrology. Téknologi ieu ngalayanan semikonduktor, LED sareng industri nanoelectronic anu aya hubunganana. Kalayan portopolio produk standar industri sareng tim insinyur sareng ilmuwan kelas dunya, perusahaan parantos nyayogikeun solusi anu saé pikeun konsumén ampir 40 taun. KLA-Tencor kantor pusatna di Milpitas, California, sarta geus dedicated operasi customer sarta puseur layanan di sakuliah dunya. MicroXAM-800 interferometer optik ngarojong R&D jeung produksi, aplikasi tina ukuran tékstur, jangkungna hambalan jeung bentuk. Hal ieu dipaké dina sagala rupa industri: LED, alat-alat listrik, alat-alat médis, MEMS, semikonduktor, tanaga surya sarta beungeut precision.
Lam Research Coporation (NasdaqGS: LRCX) is a reliable global supplier of innovative wafer manufacturing equipment and services for the semiconductor industry. Déposisi éksténsif ngarah pasar Lam, etching, stripping sareng solusi beberesih wafer portopolio produk ngajantenkeun alat-alat fungsina 1,000 kali langkung alit tibatan partikel pasir, ku kituna ngamungkinkeun para nasabah ngahontal kasuksésan, ku kituna ngamungkinkeun para nasabah ngahontal kasuksésan, ku kituna ngahontal langkung alit sareng langkung gancang sareng langkung énergi. -efisien tawar chip. Through collaboration, continuous innovation and fulfilling promises, Lam is transforming atomic engineering and enabling customers to shape the future of technology. The company's subsidiary Silfex Incorporated is the world's largest supplier of high-purity customized silicon components and components that can serve a wide range of high-tech markets. As a market leader in advanced materials, Silfex provides integrated silicon solutions for the solar, optical and semiconductor equipment markets. Solar equipment and materials
Longji Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 601012.SS) has always adhered to single crystal technology, keeping in mind the responsibility of improving human production and life, and providing sustainable energy for sustainable development. LONGi produces and sells monocrystalline silicon products worldwide. Éta nyayogikeun rod silikon monocrystalline sareng wafer. The company's predecessor was Xi'an Longi Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. and was renamed Longi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. in January 2017.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) nyaéta parusahaan konstruksi infrastruktur ngarah jeung operasi utama na sakuliah Amérika Kalér jeung ngawengku sababaraha industri. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; infrastruktur pipa gas alam jeung minyak; komunikasi nirkabel, kabel jeung satelit; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; jeung infrastruktur industri. Palanggan MasTec utamina dina industri ieu. Solar energy: We are a leading solar energy facility contractor, providing engineering, construction and power system integration services to government, corporate and residential customers across the country. Kami ngarancang, ngawangun, dilegakeun sareng ngajaga fasilitas surya anu efisien, biaya-éféktif ti mimiti pikeun ngabantosan para palanggan urang nyumponan paménta anu ningkat pikeun énergi anu bersih, sustainable sareng hemat energi kontinyu.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) is a diversified manufacturer. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries nyadiakeun sakabéh prosés ti konstruksi nepi ka layanan purna jual pikeun sagala rupa fasilitas pembangkit listrik, kaasup pembangkit listrik termal nu ngahontal efisiensi generasi kakuatan pangluhurna di dunya jeung tingkat émisi karbon dioksida handap, kitu ogé pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir jeung angin, jadi nyadiakeun kakuatan stabil sarta hadé Kontribusi kana kualitas kahirupan maranéhanana. Sektor pembangkit listrik tanaga renewable ngawengku modul photovoltaic film ipis
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 5711.T) is mainly engaged in specialty metals business. Produk sél surya
Mosel Vitelic Inc. (Taiwan: 2342.TW) is engaged in casting and solar cell business in Taiwan. Eta nyadiakeun rupa jasa foundry IC; kitu ogé sél surya monocrystalline na polycrystalline, kitu ogé instalasi tur pamaliharaan sistem tatasurya pikeun rooftop, pamasangan taneuh, pembangkit listrik sarta aplikasi cahaya panonpoe. Pausahaan ieu lokasina di Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Motech Industries Co (Taiwan: 6244.TWO) manufactures solar cells, modules and inverters. Motech is committed to developing and creating high-quality products and services, including solar cells, solar modules and solar power generation systems. Motech mangrupakeun salah sahiji luhureun sapuluh pabrik sél surya di dunya.
MVV Energie AG (Frankfurt: MVV1.F) and its subsidiaries mainly provide electricity, natural gas, district heating and water in Germany. The company's power generation and infrastructure division operates conventional power plants. And waste and biomass power plants, as well as water plants and wind farms. The department also operates grid facilities for electricity, heat, natural gas and water, and technical service units allocated to the grid business area for the distribution of electricity, heat, natural gas and water based on the grid. Departemén perdagangan sareng manajemén portopolio nyayogikeun pengadaan énergi sareng manajemén portofolio ogé jasa perdagangan énergi. Departemén penjualan sareng jasa perusahaan nyayogikeun listrik, panas, gas alam sareng cai pikeun ngeureunkeun palanggan. Sareng nyayogikeun jasa anu aya hubunganana. Photovoltaic / surya
Neo Solar Power Corp. (Taiwan: 3576.TW) is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and sales of solar cells and modules in Taiwan and internationally. Eta nyadiakeun monocrystalline na polycrystalline sél surya silikon; monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar modules.
Nisshinbo Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 3105.T), as a group of “Environment and Energy Companies”, will provide solutions to solve global environmental problems that pose the greatest challenge to human society. Ngamangpaatkeun rupa-rupa téknologi akumulasi jadi jauh, urang kalibet dina éléktronika, rem mobil, instrumen precision, kimia, tékstil, papermaking jeung bisnis real estate, kaasup "komunikasi nirkabel sarta éléktronika", "bagian mobil jeung alat", "gaya hirup jeung bahan" ". , and “New Energy and Smart Society” as our four strategic business areas. Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc. Sajaba ti éta, pausahaan ieu kalibet dina pamasangan sistem pembangkit listrik photovoltaic jeung ngembangkeun bahan sél photovoltaic pikeun ngajawab masalah generasi kakuatan photovoltaic. The company intends to continue its efforts to develop products to improve reliability and reduce the cost of solar cells (the most representative clean energy).
Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6641.T) mangrupikeun produsén alat listrik. Unit usaha Énergi Renewable sareng Lingkungan nyumponan kabutuhan sosial anu ditangtukeun dina skala global, sapertos panggunaan énergi anu tiasa dianyari, paménta salajengna pikeun sistem listrik anu langkung stabil, perbaikan infrastruktur listrik sareng kakurangan sumber cai. Dina bisnis énergi renewable, kami nyadiakeun kondisioner kakuatan sarta sistem pembangkit listrik photovoltaic, kitu ogé produk pikeun ngawangun transmisi kakuatan generasi saterusna sarta sistem distribusi (smart grids). Dina bisnis lingkungan, kami nyayogikeun produk anu aya hubunganana sareng peralatan listrik sareng sistem manajemén énergi (EMS) pikeun fasilitas perawatan cai.
Norsk Hydro ASA (Oslo: NHY.OL) is a global aluminum company. Dina sakabéh ranté nilai, ti bauxite, alumina jeung produksi énérgi pikeun produksi jeung daur ulang aluminium primér sarta produk digulung, éta boga produksi, jualan na Trading kagiatan. Perusahaan ieu kantor pusatna di Norwégia sareng gaduh kagiatan di langkung ti 50 nagara di sadaya buana. With more than a century of experience in renewable energy production, technology development, and evolving partnerships, Hydro is committed to enhancing the viability of the customers and communities we serve. Solar solutions: Aluminum is becoming the material of choice for long-lasting, beautiful and environmentally sound solar solutions.
Northland Power Nyarita (TSX: NPI.TO; NPI-PA.TO) mangrupa produser kakuatan bebas, ngadeg di 1987, sarta geus traded publik saprak 1997. Northland ngamekarkeun, ngawangun, owns tur ngoperasikeun fasilitas nu ngahasilkeun "bersih" ( natural gas) and “green” (wind, solar, and hydro) energy to provide shareholders, stakeholders and communities with sustainable long-term value.
OC Oerlikon Corporation AG (OTC: OERLF) nyaéta grup téhnologi ngarah dunya dedicated ka nyadiakeun téhnologi ngarah pasar sarta jasa pikeun solusi permukaan, manufaktur serat jieunan manusa, sistem drive, sarta pompa vakum sareng komponenana di pasar tumuwuh. Téknologi canggih ieu nguntungkeun para nasabah ku cara ningkatkeun kinerja produk, produktivitas, pamakean énergi sareng sumber éfisién, sareng nyumbang kana lingkungan anu langkung sustainable. Vacuum solutions for solar cells
Origin Energy Limited (ASX: ORG.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi terpadu anu utamina kalibet dina éksplorasi sareng produksi minyak sareng gas di Australia sareng Selandia Baru. It operates through the energy market, exploration and production, liquefied natural gas and connected energy sectors. The company is also involved in power generation. Sareng grosir sareng ritel listrik sareng gas alam. It has an interest in the BassGas project in Victoria; the Kupe Gas project in New Zealand; the Otway Gas project in Victoria; the gas field, the coalbed methane field in Queensland, and other onshore production facilities located in Surat and Bowen, Queensland. Basins, Perth Basin in Western Australia and Taranaki Basin in New Zealand. portopolio produk parusahaan ngawengku listrik jeung gas alam; green energy, including green energy, natural gas and renewable energy certificates; origin intelligence to track and manage electricity consumption; solar energy; solusi cai panas, kaasup sistem cai panas surya, program solusi cai panas, sistem cai panas terpusat sarta aksés jasa cai panas; and heating and cooling products, including split air conditioning, space heating, pipe evaporative cooling, pipe heating and pipe reverse cycle air conditioning products. It also provides charging products for electric vehicles; and liquefied petroleum gas.
P2 Solar, Inc. (OTC: PTOS), salaku pamekar tanaga surya photovoltaic (PV) jeung proyék PLTA leutik, milu dina pasar énergi renewable lucrative. Recognizing the growing global demand for clean energy, the increasing competitive advantage of renewable energy in grid power, and commercial efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for greenhouse gas emissions, P2 Solar invests and directs its resources to Benefit from these global trends.
PanaHome Corporation (Tokyo: 1924.T) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu kantor pusatna di Jepang, utamina dina bisnis perumahan. The company is engaged in the basic design of houses called PanaHome, as well as the manufacture, construction and sale of materials for house systems. Through its subsidiaries, the company is also engaged in the manufacture, construction and sale of houses under the name PanaHome, the sale of independent units and construction land, as well as the brokerage, leasing, management and reform of real estate, and the design, construction and supervision of landscaping. PanaHome uses a variety of technologies and the comprehensive strength of the Panasonic Group to provide a smart living environment for the next generation. (Including solar roof)
Panasonic Corporation (Tokyo: 6752.T) is a Japanese company. The home appliance department is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of white goods, beauty and life appliances, and health products. Divisi Solusi Lingkungan kalibet dina pamekaran, manufaktur sareng penjualan alat-alat pencahayaan, lampu, alat-alat pencahayaan, peralatan kabel, papan saklar, bahan sareng alat-alat anu aya hubunganana sareng perumahan, sistem pembangkit listrik fotovoltaik, batré, sareng kipas ventilasi. The AVC network department is engaged in the development and manufacturing of digital cameras and mobile phones. The Automotive and Industrial Systems Department is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of automotive-related products and industrial-related equipment. Other divisions are engaged in other related businesses.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . Dina pasar telekomunikasi, sistem Polar nyadiakeun énérgi dipercaya jeung béaya rendah pikeun aplikasi off-grid jeung jaringan goréng kalayan kabutuhan kakuatan kritis. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) mangrupikeun pamekar sistem énergi anu dikhususkeun pikeun ngagunakeun téknologi siklus Rankine organik pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi énergi sareng pamulihan panas runtah. Utilizing its proprietary design and strategic alliance, PowerVerde's goal is to develop and sell distributed power systems with a power of less than 500kW and reach the industry-leading level. Produce reliable, cost-effective, and emission-free power sources that can be used in the field or for microgrid applications. Téknologi ORC PowerVerde ogé tiasa digabungkeun sareng panas bumi, biomassa sareng sumber panas surya.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. Solusi panyimpen Powin Energy nyayogikeun tautan penting dina pamekaran angin sareng tanaga surya ku cara nyayogikeun téknologi anu ngajantenkeun proyék-proyék ieu langkung éfisién.
PPL Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: PPL) is one of the largest companies in the US utility sector. Tujuh perusahaan utiliti berkinerja tinggi anu meunang pangajén PPL ngalayanan 10 juta palanggan di Amérika Serikat sareng Inggris. The company has more than 12,000 employees and is committed to providing customers with excellent customer service and reliability, and creating outstanding value for shareholders. Énergi surya: Juni 2018-Acquired Safari Energy LLC, panyadia ngarah tina solusi surya pikeun konsumén komérsial AS. Safari Safari develops highly structured turnkey solutions for customers, from development to financing, design, and engineering Manage projects at all stages, permitting, construction, interconnection and asset management. Safari Energy is headquartered in New York City and has completed more than 200 solar projects in 19 states and is currently working on more than 80 projects.
Premier Power Renewable Energy (OTC: PPRW), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, is committed to designing, developing and integrating ground and roof solar systems for commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural and equity fund clients in North America, Europe and Asia. It also provides a series of installation services for solar customers, including design, engineering, procurement, licensing, construction, grid connection, warranty, system monitoring and maintenance services. Sajaba ti éta, parusahaan ogé distributes komponén sistem tatasurya (kaasup rak, wiring, inverters, modul surya sarta komponén patali séjén) ka pamekar surya leutik tur integrators.
Public Power Corporation SA (Athens: PPC.AT) and its subsidiaries together generate, transmit and distribute electricity in Greece. The company was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Athens, Greece. In the past few years, the company has been investing in alternative energy sources (wind, solar and geothermal energy) in addition to building new thermal power plants (lignite, fuel oil and natural gas) and hydropower plants. PPC renewable énergi-solar
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, mainly operates as an energy company in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. Éta ngajual listrik, gas alam, sks émisi sareng séri produk anu aya hubunganana sareng énergi pikeun ngaoptimalkeun operasi jaringan énergi. The company also transmits electricity; sarta distributes listrik sarta gas alam ka konsumén padumukan, komérsial sarta industri, sarta invests dina proyék tanaga surya, sarta implements efisiensi énergi jeung rencana respon paménta. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun jasa peralatan sareng pangropéa pikeun para nasabah. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
PVA TePla AG (Frankfurt: TPE.F) is a factory in Germany that provides equipment for the production and processing of industrial materials. The company conducts business through two divisions: Industrial Systems and Semiconductor Systems. Sistem semikonduktor nyayogikeun sistem téknologi tinggi pikeun industri semikonduktor sareng surya, tina sistem produksi kristal silikon dina industri semikonduktor, surya sareng fotovoltaik dugi ka sistem pamrosesan plasma dina komponén semikonduktor.
Quantum Energy Limited (ASX: QTM.AX) ngahasilkeun sarta ngadistribusikaeun cai panas, pemanasan sarta cooling efisien énergi pikeun pasar padumukan jeung komérsial di Australia sarta internasional. Pausahaan nyadiakeun sistem tanaga surya, pamanas cai panas sarta pamanas kolam renang, kitu ogé pamanas wangunan komérsial sarta industri.
REC (Norway: REC.OL) is a global leader in silyl-based high-purity silicon materials. REC Silicon ASA mangrupakeun produsén ngarah bahan silikon canggih, nyadiakeun polysilicon-purity tinggi na gas silikon ka solar jeung industri éléktronika sakuliah dunya.
Renesola (NYSE: SOL) mangrupikeun merek internasional sareng panyadia téknologi produk énergi héjo. Kalayan bisnis globalna sareng eksternal oi jeung jaringan penjualan, Gitesola sanggup nyayogikeun produk énergi énergi anu hadé pikeun produksi global anu pangluhurna, dipasang sareng Proyék énergi Grey. Produk solar
Sekisui Jushi Corporation (Tokyo: 4212.T) is a Japanese manufacturing company. The urban environment department manufactures, processes and sells soundproof wall materials, traffic signs, signage, pavement labels, electronic system related products, road safety materials, solar products, artificial grass and artificial wood, etc. The street and living department manufactures, processes and ngajual pager pikeun pedestrian jeung mobil, pager salju, trotoar konstruksi, railings, bahan taman, saung, cahaya panonpoe, bahan wangunan hiasan, pager bolong, jsb Sektor industri jeung padumukan pabrik, ngolah jeung ngajual bahan bungkusan, bahan tatanén, fasilitas taman. materials, dry products, storage products, assembly system pipes, digital picking systems, etc.
SES Solar Inc (OTC: SESI) develops and provides products in the field of photovoltaic energy in Switzerland. The company provides a series of photovoltaic products, such as solar tiles, which consist of standard panels and flat or sloping roofs mainly used in urban or rural areas; sarta custom / wangunan panels terpadu dijieunna tina kaca / kaca dirasakeun pikeun kaca wangunan industri jeung padumukan, liang lampu na hateup balkon. It also handles project management services from design to completion, and provides monitoring (supervision), maintenance and operation services.
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4063.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in chemical business. Ayeuna, perusahaan nyayogikeun bahan téknologi tinggi anu teu aya tandingan dina widang quartz sintétik, preforms serat optik sareng silikon semikonduktor. Shin-Etsu mangrupikeun perusahaan munggaran di dunya anu ngahasilkeun sacara komersil wafer 300mm sareng mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar global dina wafer tina sababaraha ukuran. Shin-Etsu Chemical geus jadi pabrik jeung pangsa pasar pangbadagna di dunya dina sajumlah wewengkon konci, sarta dina waktos anu sareng dina posisi ngarah di leuwih wewengkon. Photovoltaics: Pyrolytic Boron Nitride (PBN) is a high-purity ceramic with excellent chemical resistance and strength at high temperatures. This is the first time Shin-Etsu Chemical has successfully produced PBN in Japan. PBN ngagunakeun ciri-cirina pikeun ngahasilkeun semikonduktor sanyawa sareng epitaksi sinar molekular dina crucible. The potential uses of PBN are expanding, such as high-performance PG/PBN heaters in the semiconductor field and CIGS-based thin films for photovoltaic power generation.
SHOWA SHELL SEKIYU KK (Tokyo: 5002.T) oal bakal difokuskeun solusi minyak jeung énergi salaku dua usaha utama na, nyadiakeun konsumén jeung panyadia solusi énergi aman tur sustainable pikeun ngarojong konsumén jeung masarakat. Énergi surya: Showa Shell Sekiyu parantos ngembangkeun téknologi anu dianggo pikeun ngahasilkeun panél surya pilem ipis CIS generasi salajengna. Total kapasitas produksi taunan pabrik produksi milik anakna Solar Frontier KK urang téh ngeunaan 1GW, sarta modul CIS urang geus dijual di Éropa, Amérika Serikat, Wétan Tengah jeung Asia, sarta Jepang. Solar Frontier KK nyayogikeun rupa-rupa jasa, ti rékayasa pabrik dugi ka operasi pabrik, dugi ka penjualan pabrik ieu ka pangguna akhir atanapi investor anu aya hubunganana sareng pamekaran pembangkit listrik tenaga surya.
SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) sareng anak perusahaanna ngadamel sareng ngajual produk surya babarengan. Its business scope includes the manufacture and sale of solar products, solar power generation, factory operations and services, and the manufacture and sale of light-emitting diode (LED) products.
Sika AG (SIX:: SIK.SW, Switzerland) is a company headquartered in Switzerland, active in the specialty chemicals industry. Pausahaan utamana ngahasilkeun produk pikeun otomotif jeung suku cadang mobil, énergi renewable, sarta alat-alat jeung industri bagian. Énergi surya: Industri tanaga surya komitmen pikeun ngirangan biaya, ngaoptimalkeun prosés sareng ningkatkeun kinerja. Optimized adhesive technology enables photovoltaic, CSP and solar collector system providers to seek new design solutions, save materials and improve processes to meet these challenges. Extensively tested and inspected products ensure the long-term performance of bonded joints and systems. Dina raraga hasil ngalaksanakeun ngembangkeun sarta palaksanaan, Sika nyadiakeun konsumén jeung rojongan proyék komprehensif, ti konsultan konstruksi, nguji fungsional, aplikasi tur nasehat teknis prosés pikeun nyemprot latihan tanaga.
Silex Systems Limited (ASX: SLX.AX: OTC: SILXY) is engaged in the research, development and commercialization of nuclear energy, solar energy, and advanced materials and instrument technologies. The company develops and commercializes SILEX technology, which is a laser isotope separation process for uranium enrichment; and researches, develops and commercializes dense array concentrated photovoltaic systems for utility-scale solar power plants. Éta ogé milu dina panalungtikan, pamekaran sareng komersialisasi bahan oksida bumi jarang pikeun pabrik alat-alat dina semikonduktor, éléktronika listrik sareng industri photovoltaic; the development and commercialization of high-precision timing and control products based on proprietary USB-inSync technology. Di pasar instrumen éléktronik.
SINGLEPOINT INC. (OTCQB: SING) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi anu fokus kana akuisisi perusahaan anu bakal nguntungkeun tina suntikan modal pertumbuhan sareng integrasi téknologi. Portopolio produk perusahaan kalebet pamayaran mobile, olahraga fantasi sapopoé, jasa ganja anu dibantuan sareng solusi blockchain. Through acquisitions in the horizontal market, SinglePoint builds its investment portfolio by acquiring the interests of undervalued companies, thereby providing a rich and diversified holding base. Ngaliwatan anak perusahaan na SingleSeed, perusahaan nyayogikeun produk sareng jasa pikeun industri ganja. Solar: Direct Solar is a subsidiary of technology and acquisition company SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING). Direct Solar America is a solar brokerage company with more than 3,500 housing installations, which enables residential solar customers to purchase options to find the best housing options. Kawas mortgages rokét atawa tangkal injeuman, wawakil solar langsung nyadiakeun homeowners jeung sagala rupa pembiayaan sarta panyadia ladenan; ieu ngajadikeun prosés nu boga imah purchasing tanaga surya gampang. Direct Solar parantos beroperasi di dalapan nagara bagian sareng bakal terus ngalegaan tapak suku surya padumukan na. Direct Solar Commercial nyayogikeun jasa ka para nasabah anu gaduh sareng/atawa ngatur harta komersil. In addition to Direct Solar Capital, an alternative energy financing solution, commercial projects can also receive US$50,000 to US$3 million in solar installation funding.
Sino-American Silicon Products Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 5483.TWO) is currently the largest 3″~12″ wafer supplier in China with a complete production line. Our main products include semiconductors, solar and sapphire, and the application range extends to solar, photovoltaic and daily energy. Produk bernilai tinggi kami kalebet ingot silikon CZ/FZ/NTD, wafer Epi, wafer dipoles, wafer antimony-doped, wafers etched, wafer TVS, wafers arsenik-doped, wafer ultra-ipis, wafer difusi jero, ingot surya sareng wafer, batteries, modules And sapphire wafers. Due to the joint contributions of the management team and all employees, SAS's operational performance has consistently hit new highs. Whether it is in providing technology and information, co-developing products or in terms of sales/service quality, SAS has been firmly recognized by customers at home and abroad, and has been rated as the best-selling product of the year.
SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. Inverter photovoltaic mangrupikeun komponén inti tina sistem tatasurya. SMA tiasa nyayogikeun inverter anu leres pikeun unggal jinis modul photovoltaic anu dianggo di dunya sareng sababaraha jinis aplikasi operasi anu nyambungkeun grid, terasing sareng sayaga. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Solar A/S (Kopenhagen: SOLAR-B.CO) nyaéta parusahaan basis Denmark kalibet dina distribusi komponén listrik, pemanasan, plumbing jeung ventilasi. The company's sales are divided into an industry part and a contractor part. The company provides (among others) lightning, boilers and radiators, water heaters, heat pumps, switches and sockets, detection and buttons, fans and air handling units, solar heating units, fire alarm systems, contactors and building cables, marine And offshore and telecommunications industries.
Solar Alliance Energy Inc. (TSX: SOLR.V) is an energy solution provider focusing on residential, commercial and industrial solar installations. Pausahaan boga operasi di California, Tennesse, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara jeung Karolina Kidul jeung Kentucky, sarta boga saluran ngembangna pikeun proyék-proyék surya. Kusabab ngadegna di 2003, parusahaan geus ngembangkeun hiji proyék angin jeung surya $ 1 milyar nu bisa nyadiakeun cukup listrik pikeun 150.000 rumah tangga. Gairah kami nyaéta pikeun ningkatkeun kahirupan ku orisinalitas, kesederhanaan sareng kabébasan pilihan. The Solar Alliance reduces or eliminates the vulnerability of customers to rising energy costs, provides an environmentally friendly source of power generation, and provides affordable, turn-key clean energy solutions.
Solar Applied Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 1785.TWO) is the world's largest manufacturer of optical data storage films. SOLAR diakuan salaku salah sahiji pausahaan ngarah di dunya dina widang logam mulia jeung bahan langka pemurnian, molding husus sarta ngolah, nyadiakeun konsumén jeung bahan konci na model jasa terpadu pikeun aplikasi maranéhanana dina optoeléktronik, informasi, pétrokimia jeung industri éléktronika konsumén. The main products include four categories: precious chemicals/materials, special chemicals, resource recovery and film application targets/materials
Carmader Soarcity (Nasmiqgs: Sambih) nyayogikeun énergi anu bersih. The company disrupted the century-old energy industry by directly providing renewable electricity to homeowners, businesses and government organizations at a cost less than utility bills. SolarCity ngamungkinkeun para nasabah ngadalikeun biaya énergi pikeun ngajagi aranjeunna tina tagihan listrik naék. The company makes solar energy easy through everything from design to licensing to monitoring and maintenance.
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SEDG) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina téknologi énergi pinter. By leveraging world-class engineering capabilities and unremitting attention to innovation, SolarEdge has created smart energy solutions that power our lives and advance future progress. SolarEdge parantos ngembangkeun solusi inverter pinter anu ngarobih cara énérgi listrik dikumpulkeun sareng diurus dina sistem photovoltaic (PV). SolarEdge DC-optimized inverters strive to maximize power generation while reducing energy costs generated by photovoltaic systems. Continuously developing smart energy, SolarEdge meets a wide range of energy market areas through its photovoltaic, energy storage, electric vehicle charging, UPS and grid service solutions.
Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0757.HK) is engaged in the manufacturing, processing and trading of polycrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon ingots and wafers in the People's Republic of China. Pausahaan ogé ngahasilkeun sél photovoltaic sarta modul; ngarancang jeung masang sistem photovoltaic; sarta ngoperasikeun pembangkit listrik photovoltaic. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited provides services to manufacturers or traders of silicon solar wafers, cells or modules. The company's products are mainly exported to Japan, Britain, North America, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, France and Germany. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited is headquartered in Wanchai, Hong Kong
Solaria Energíay Medio Ambiente (Spain: SLR.MC) is the only solar company on the Spanish Stock Exchange, producing photovoltaic modules and batteries in its two production facilities in Spain with a capacity of 250 MW. In addition, the company also develops turnkey projects for its own and third-party large-scale facilities, provides operation and maintenance services, and generates electricity through its own photovoltaic power plants all over Europe, with a total power generation of 45 MW, which geus earned panghasilan biasa. Ensure strong financial strength and reaffirm its commitment to solar photovoltaic energy
Spectacular Solar, Inc. (OTC: SPSO) is a diversified company engaged in the installation of solar energy systems, investment fund management and roof contracting through its subsidiaries. DC Solar Integrators designed and installed the most advanced solar energy conversion equipment for homes and business owners. Star Power Services is a bonded and licensed roofing contractor with expertise in the installation, repair and maintenance of new roofs. Dana Investor Solar nyumbang kana waragad asuransi lumangsung langsung patali jeung pamasangan sistem tatasurya. Sabalikna, dana bakal nampi sabagian insentif pajeg sareng panghasilan kontinyu tina penjualan listrik.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) mangrupikeun panyadia global solusi photovoltaic ("PV") pikeun konsumén komérsial, padumukan, pamaréntah sareng utilitas sareng investor. Proyék photovoltaic surya anu dikembangkeun ku perusahaan tiasa dijual ka operator pihak katilu, atanapi tiasa dipiboga sareng dioperasikeun ku perusahaan pikeun ngajual listrik ka jaringan listrik seueur nagara di Asia, Amérika Kalér sareng Eropa. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. The company's operational headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California, and maintains global operations in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Green Auto-Announced the launch of EdisonFuture, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPI Energy, to design and develop electric vehicles (“EV”) and EV charging solutions.
STF Group (OTC: SLTZ) is a company focused on the future. Kami bangga tiasa difokuskeun ideu anyar bari nganggo téknologi ayeuna pikeun ngajagaan énjing ayeuna. Our green technologies have affected many different markets, including energy production and conservation, cargo transportation, storage and housing. Kami ngahormatan pikeun nyayogikeun garansi anu pangsaéna pikeun panél surya anu dilakukeun di AS. We view our business model as a model that promotes environmental responsibility as everyone's obligation, while also enabling our customers to save money. As new challenges emerge, our goal will continue to be to create solutions that are not only meaningful but also make a difference.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: Januari 2018-ngumumkeun prakarsa parusahaan pikeun ngahijikeun téhnologi blockchain kana model bisnis énergi renewable sarta strategi, aimed di ngaronjatkeun efisiensi tina manajemen grid kebon surya sarta angin. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.
Sunrun Inc. (NasdaqGS: RUN) mangrupikeun perusahaan surya padumukan, panyimpen énergi sareng jasa énergi di Amérika Serikat. Since 2007, Sunrun's mission has been to build a planet run by the sun, leading the industry with a “solar as a service” model, which can provide clean energy to households with almost no or no upfront costs, and is less expensive than traditional electricity Cost. . Pausahaan ngarancang, masang, ngabiayaan, asuransi, ngawas sareng ngajaga sistem, sareng kulawarga tiasa nampi harga anu tiasa diprediksi salami 20 taun atanapi langkung. The company also offers Sunrun Brightbox, a home solar battery service, which manages home solar, energy storage and utility power through smart inverter technology.
Sunvalley Solar, Inc. (OTC: SSOL) mangrupikeun salah sahiji téknologi tatasurya terkemuka di dunya, integrator sistem tatasurya sareng perusahaan solusi surya jasa pinuh. Sunvalley Solar Inc. perenahna 20 menit wétaneun Los Angeles, California, sareng komitmen pikeun ngirangan tapak suku karbon global ngaliwatan transisi tina énergi tradisional kana tanaga surya sareng janten sumber énergi utama di Amérika Serikat.
Sunworks Inc. (NasdaqCM: SUNW) mangrupikeun panyadia utama solusi tanaga surya pikeun konsumén sareng usaha. We are committed to high-quality construction practices that always exceed industry standards and adhere to our ethical and safety concepts. Today, Sunworks continues to expand its business scope, expanding through regional and local offices nationwide. We are committed to consistently providing high-quality, performance-oriented solutions for the agricultural, commercial, federal, public works, residential and utility industries. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our 25-year warranty, which is the benchmark for us to provide customers with support that exceeds their expectations. Sunworks has an experienced and diverse workforce, including outstanding veterans who are committed to providing the best customer experience. Ti teknisi ka eksekutif, sadaya karyawan urang patuh kana prinsip panduan perusahaan unggal dinten. Sunworks mangrupikeun anggota Asosiasi Industri Tenaga Surya (SEIA) sareng ngajengkeun reueus pangwangunan tanaga surya.
Tata Power Co., Ltd. (BOM: TATAPOWER.BO) mangrupikeun perusahaan listrik terpadu panggedéna di India sareng nyepeng jabatan penting di dunya. From fuels and logistics to power generation and transmission to power distribution and trade-exploring various renewable energy sources in India and globally-Tata Power now has an important position in the fields of wind, solar, hydro and geothermal energy.
Datong Company (Taiwan: 2371.TW) has 3 business divisions, including 7 business divisions, such as digital display solutions and digital accessories business, household appliances business, new energy business, ICT and energy solutions business, heavy power business, Wire and cable bisnis jeung Motor BU. In order to maintain strong and long-term growth, Datong Company is particularly focused on the development of advanced technology and global operating network. With the development of its branches in 12 countries/regions around the world, Tatung is in a solid position to deliver products more efficiently and improve customer service efficiency. Datong provides its customers with huge advantages in terms of cost, speed and seamless back-end support to maintain a leading position in today's rapidly changing business environment. Datong Company specializes di ODM / bisnis OEM jeung nyadiakeun layanan ka konsumén brand sakuliah dunya. Salaku konglomerat badag, udagan investasi Datong ngalibetkeun industri utama sapertos optoeléktronik, énergi, telekomunikasi, integrasi sistem, sistem industri, saluran merek sareng pamekaran aset.
TBEA Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600089.SS) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of power transmission and transformation equipment. Perusahaan nyayogikeun trafo, kalebet trafo kakuatan, réaktor, trafo, gardu komposit sareng kotak distribusi, jsb. wires and cables, including power cables, plastic insulated control cables, electromagnetic wires and special cables, etc., as well as photovoltaic products and auxiliary engineering Wait. The company is also involved in the construction of power transmission and transformation projects and photovoltaic projects, as well as the trade of other products.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. Produk ieu dianggo di sababaraha pasar, kalebet: énergi alternatif (panonpoé sareng angin), médis, nuklir, pertahanan, industri, sareng aerospace. TechPrecision's goal is to provide customers with an end-to-end global service provider by providing customized and integrated “turnkey” solutions for complete products that require customized manufacturing and processing, assembly, inspection and testing.
Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY gaduh saluran pipa anu kuat sakitar 8,000 MW RES proyék, anu beroperasi, dina konstruksi atanapi dina tahap pangwangunan anu maju, ngarah di Yunani, sareng operasi di Éropa Tengah, Éropa Tenggara sareng Amérika Serikat. TERNA ENERGY ogé aktip ilubiung dina program internasional pikeun salajengna ngamajukeun pamakéan RES. Éta ogé anggota European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) nyayogikeun solusi rékayasa pikeun industri énergi sareng lingkungan di India sareng internasional. Ieu dibagi jadi dua bagian: énergi jeung lingkungan. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; absorption systems, including absorption coolers, heat pumps, solar cooling products and air-cooled heat exchangers; boilers, such as waste heat recovery and solar power Thermal systems, municipal waste and large industrial boilers, hot water generators and complete boilers; sareng suluh sareng pemanasan minyak termal. Ogé nyadiakeun perlakuan cai, gula jeung industri kertas, widang minyak, héjo, konstruksi jeung fireside kimiawi, kitu ogé résin bursa ion jeung aditif suluh; EPC power plants; solar thermal and photovoltaic solutions; jeung cai jeung runtah sistem jeung solusi , Sapertos perlakuan cai, wastewater jeung perlakuan kokotor jeung daur ulang, jeung sistem incineration jeung solusi. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. In addition, it also provides energy, renovation and refurbishment, wastewater treatment, general contract project execution, large boilers, customer training, and specialized services and solutions; complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; jeung suku cadang. The company provides services for the oil and gas, steel, automotive, food, cement, chemical, refining and petrochemical, power generation, textile, pharmaceutical, paper and pulp, oil depot heating, space heating, sugar, paint, rubber and edible oil industri; Hotels and commercial complexes; EPC professionals and consultants; wineries and municipalities.
Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600550.SS) utamana kalibet dina pabrik jeung distribusi produk transmisi kakuatan. The company's main products include generator transformers, transformers with split-phase windings, transformers for power transmission and distribution, reactors and traction transformers. The company also produces new energy products, including wind power equipment, wind turbines, polysilicon products and thin-film solar cells. Produk perusahaan disebarkeun di pasar domestik sareng luar negeri.
Tokuyrier perusahaan (Tokyo: 4043.T) utamina primulasi sareng ngajual bahan kimia, produk khusus, semén sareng bahan fungsina. Unit Usaha Produk Khusus nyayogikeun produk pikeun rupa-rupa widang sapertos énergi, éléktronika sareng lingkungan. Our high-purity polysilicon is used in semiconductors and solar cells. Tokuyama mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan anu unggul dina pasar polysilicon global.
Topco Scientific Co. Ltd. (Taiwan: 5434.TW) provides materials, equipment and facilities for the semiconductor, optoelectronic and green energy related industries in Taiwan and the world. It provides semiconductor-related products, including lithography, diffusion, thin film/etching and materials related to wafer and wafer processing, as well as chemical mechanical polishing processing materials and wafer carriers. The company also provides optoelectronic related products, such as packaging and testing related materials, LED related materials and equipment, LCD related materials and equipment, and advanced materials and equipment. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun bahan énergi tanaga laun, jasa integrasi kalebet bahan-bahan énergi anu aya hubunganana, sareng nyayogikeun jasa suram.
Topray Solar Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002218.SZ) mangrupikeun perusahaan manufaktur sareng distribusi surya terpadu pinuh vertikal anu garis produkna tina sél surya kristalin sareng modul, modul surya pilem ipis, sistem mandiri surya ka sél fotovoltaik ultra-transparan. kaca. Kusabab ngadegna taun 1992, Topray, salaku produsén modul photovoltaic film ipis panggedena di Cina, geus kalibet dina produksi monocrystalline na polycrystalline saprak 2005, jadi produsén solar paling diversified di Cina saprak lajeng. Topray has been proud to cooperate with global distributors and installers to provide customers with our high-quality products, sustainable energy solutions and high-quality sales services through global offices throughout Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. Kami gaduh pangalaman langkung ti 300 MW di sakuliah dunya, sareng kami komitmen pikeun nguatkeun dunya anu langkung sustainable unggal dinten. Énergi surya, énergi angin, lampu LED
ULVAC, Inc. (Tokyo: 6728.T) is mainly engaged in vacuum machinery business. Business areas include: development, manufacturing, sales, customer support, and import and export activities of vacuum equipment, peripheral equipment, vacuum components and materials for displays, solar cells, semiconductors, electronics, electrical, metal, machinery, automobiles, and chemicals. , Industri pangan jeung farmasi, kitu ogé universitas sarta puseur panalungtikan dina sagala rupa aspék hidayah panalungtikan téhnologi vakum jeung konsultan teknis.
Umicore Group (Brussels: UMI.BR) nyaéta téknologi bahan global sareng grup daur ulang. Most of Umicore's revenue comes from clean technologies, such as recycling, emission control catalysts, rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic materials. The Substrates business is the world's largest manufacturer of germanium wafers with more than 1 million installations. Our germanium wafers can be used in a variety of applications: ground solar cells (CPV), space solar cells, high-brightness LEDs and various semiconductor applications.
Solusi alat prosés Veeco Instruments Inc (NASDAQGS: VECO) ngamungkinkeun pikeun ngahasilkeun LED, tampilan OLED anu fleksibel, éléktronika listrik, semikonduktor sanyawa, hard disk drive, semikonduktor, MEMS sareng chip nirkabel. We are the market leader in MOCVD, MBE, ion beam, wet etching single wafer processing and other advanced thin film processing technologies. Veeco's solar technology equipment is helping to increase cell efficiency and manufacturing profits to new levels. Our industry-leading MOCVD platform for CPV (Concentration Photovoltaics) and the world's only production-proven thermal deposition source manufactured by CIGS utilize our unique expertise and industry-leading resources.
Visionstate Corp. (TSX: VIS.V) is a growth-oriented company that invests in the research and development of promising new technologies in the areas of sustainability, analytics and the Internet of Everything. Visionstate nyayogikeun hak investor pikeun gaduh téknologi disruptive kalebet intelijen buatan (AI), platform blockchain sareng tanaga surya. Through Visionstate Inc., the company can use its advanced equipment to track and monitor visitor activities and requests to help companies increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. The footprint of WANDA™ smart devices has now expanded to hospitals, airports, shopping malls and other public facilities throughout North America. Through the establishment of a series of collaborative technologies, Visionstate Corp. will continue to innovate, reduce environmental impact and change the consumer experience.
Wacker Chemie AG (FRA: WCH.F) mangrupikeun perusahaan industri kimia anu kantor pusatna di Jerman. The company operates four business units: WACKER Silicones, which produces silicone products, ranging from silanes to silicone fluids, emulsions, elastomers, sealants and resins, to pyrogenic silica. POLIMér WACKER nyadiakeun rupa-rupa binders polimér jeung aditif; WACKER Polysilicon, anu nyayogikeun polysilicon, sareng WACKER Biotech, departemen élmu kahirupan perusahaan, nyayogikeun solusi sareng produk pikeun industri pangan, farmasi sareng agrokimia. The company's products are suitable for many fields, including consumer products, food, pharmaceuticals, textiles and solar energy, electrical/electronics, basic chemical industry, medical technology, biotechnology and mechanical engineering, automobiles and construction. The company also supplies silicon wafers to the semiconductor industry.
Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi anu tiasa dianyari. The company focuses on identifying, developing and funding alternatives to clean air energy production, such as solar power, wind farms and hydropower. It explores green energy production opportunities, such as large-scale commercial wind farms in Europe, and solar and hydropower prospects in North America and internationally.
Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0868.HK) provides complete solutions for glass products, including high-quality float glass, automotive glass, engineering glass and electronic glass. By realizing a one-stop solution with optimized costs, we can deliver products to global customers through a professional logistics network. Xinyi Glass is the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality float glass and currently has a 12200T/D high-quality float glass production line. Produk kaca husus ramah lingkungan urang utamana dipaké dina ngolah jero kaca nyimpen-énergi pikeun minuhan kaperluan mobil, LOW-E, insulating kaca jeung kaca rékayasa séjén; Sajaba ti éta, urang ogé nyadiakeun rupa-rupa kaca berwarna pikeun minuhan kabutuhan béda konsumén di imah jeung di mancanagara. Produk sareng solusi kaca Xeni, akunna langkung ti 20% pasar sisi otomatis otomatis anu otomatis, parantos diterapkeun dina 100 nagara sareng daérah di sakumna dunya. Perusahaan sareng produkna parantos lulus ISO / TS16949: 2002, ISO14001: 2004, OHSAS18001, VDA Jerman, DOT Amérika, EU ECE sareng standar 3C Cina. Kelompok parantos ngadegkeun gratramripothis strategis jangka panjang sareng merek ceurat ti Cina sapertos Cacyy, Bhiqi Foton sareng Yuteut, sareng tiasa ngalakukeun sacara Udaker R & D sareng Autaker. At present, Xinyi Glass accounts for about 15% of the LOW-E energy conversion glass market and has provided high-quality engineering glass products for landmark buildings in large and medium-sized cities in China and other countries (such as the China Pavilion at 2010 Shanghai World Expo). , The main stadium of the World University Games, Digital Beijing Building, Guangzhou Victory Square, Shenzhen Excellence Times Square, Tokyo Tower in Japan, Bio Valley in Singapore, etc. Xinyi has domestic leading technical strength, and its R&D center was rated as the puseur téhnologi perusahaan propinsi ngadeg di 1997. Pausahaan geus komitmen kana panalungtikan sarta pamekaran produk hemat energi jeung ramah lingkungan, sarta geus ngembangkeun kaca LOW-E nu bisa tempered tur ngagulung, SOLAR-X panas-reflective kaca otomotif tur kaca ramah lingkungan séjén. Produk ramah, kaca HUD, kaca panolak cai, kaca photocatalytic, super tinggi-perméabilitas kaca karéta speed tinggi jeung produk anyar lianna. Xinyi Glass pursues new technologies and invests in research and development to meet the individual needs of the market and customers. We strive to establish a win-win business cooperation with our partners and contribute to society.
XL Energy Ltd. (India: XLENERGY.BO; XLENERGY.NS) nyaéta salah sahiji panyadia solusi tungtung-to-tungtung ngarah India. Diadegkeun dina widang surya di 1992 sareng gaduh kaahlian dina produksi modul photovoltaic surya. XL has more than 17 years of experience in manufacturing solar photovoltaic modules and systems for many agents in India and overseas.
Yamada SXL Home Co, Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 1919.T) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu kantor pusatna di Jepang, utamina dina bisnis perumahan. The housing segment is engaged in contracts, design and construction of detached houses, development and construction of commercial facilities, manufacturing and sales of industrialized housing materials, and construction work. The department is also engaged in the construction and sales of detached houses and apartments, the sales of agency and general-purpose building materials, the provision of supervision and guidance services, and the business of house franchising. The decoration division is engaged in house decoration. Bagéan leasing real estate kalibet dina leasing real estate. The company's “smart housing” design includes batteries, solar power systems, electric car charging stations, LED lighting and other “energy saving, energy creation and energy storage” solutions.
Yingli Green Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: YGEHY) mangrupikeun salah sahiji pabrik panél surya pangpayunna di dunya. Pabrikan Yingli Green Energy nyertakeun ranté nilai photovoltaic tina tuang ingot, pamrosésan wafer silikon pikeun produksi sél surya sareng panel surya. Yingli Green Energy is headquartered in Baoding, China, has more than 30 regional subsidiaries and branches, and has distributed more than 10 GW of solar panels to customers worldwide.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) mangrupikeun produsén logam khusus sareng produk kimia. The company is fully integrated with closed-loop recycling facilities, is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has manufacturing plants and sales offices in multiple regions in Europe, America and Asia. 5N Plus parantos nyebarkeun séri téknologi proprietary sareng kabuktian pikeun ngahasilkeun produk anu tiasa dianggo dina seueur aplikasi farmasi, éléktronik sareng industri canggih. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Seueur di antarana mangrupikeun panaratas konci sareng promotor konci, sapertos tanaga surya, dioda pemancar cahaya sareng bahan anu ramah lingkungan.
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Ti saprak 1989, AERT parantos mingpin ngagunakeun plastik poliétilén daur ulang dina pembuatan bahan wangunan komposit. Kalayan portopolio patén-patén sareng téknologi daur ulang proprietary na, AERT parantos diakuan salaku pamimpin inovasi konservasi sumber daya sareng kéngingkeun Penghargaan Keunggulan Lingkungan EPA pikeun prosésna ngarobih plastik runtah janten lantai laminate luar. Perusahaan nembé ngémutan Penghargaan Esriot pikeun ngadukung na pikeun penjaga kami sareng cagar cagerunan dina pasukan angkatan AS. AERT ngarobah palastik daur ulang jeung runtah serat kai kana kualitas luhur sistem hiasan outdoor, sistem pager, sarta panto jeung jandela komponén. Pausahaan teh produsén ekslusif of ChoiceDek ® flooring, nu sadia dina rupa-rupa kelir sarta dijual di toko hiasan imah di Lowe nasional. Program anu nyababkeun cairan AID dilegakeun, sareng produk ayeuna dijual sapanjang tempatna. AERT has manufacturing plants in Springdale, Arkansas and Lowell, and recently started operations at the Green Age recycling plant in Watts, Oklahoma.
Armco Metals, Inc (NYSE: AMCO) is engaged in the sales and distribution of metal ores and non-ferrous metals in China, and is engaged in the recycling business in China. Palanggan Armco Metals kalebet sababaraha pabrik baja sareng pabrik baja panggancangna di sakuliah Cina. Bahan baku dicandak ti grup suppliers global lokasina di nagara béda (kaasup tapi teu diwatesan ka Brazil, India, Indonesia, Ukraina jeung Amérika Serikat). Garis produk Armco Metals kalebet bijih beusi sareng bijih logam non-ferrous, bijih beusi, bijih kromium, bijih nikel, magnesium, bijih tambaga, bijih mangan, billet baja, besi tua daur ulang, log sareng sa'ir.
AnaeCo (ASX: ANQ.AX) mangrupikeun pamekar téknologi Australia anu didaptarkeun umum sareng desainer sistem pamulihan sumber daya canggih sareng sistem daur ulang dumasar kana sistem AnaeCo™ anu dipaténkeun. AnaeCo's technology provides an environmentally sustainable, socially recognized and economically feasible treatment solution that can recycle 75% or more of the domestic waste that was originally used for landfill or incineration as a valuable resource. AnaeCo's diverse team of engineers and technicians has extensive experience in waste technology and the management and operation of solid waste treatment facilities. We provide engineering design and technical services to support the planning, design, development, implementation and operation of resource recovery and recycling solutions based on the AnaeCo™ system
Augean PLC (LSE: AUG.L) provides hazardous waste management services in the UK. Pausahaan nyadiakeun layanan komprehensif, kaasup ngumpulkeun runtah umum; recycling and sales through open market pricing options and revenue sharing; hazardous and problematic waste treatment and disposal; office waste treatment; training and support; susunan laporan digolongkeun ku aliran runtah, Panghasilan ku daur ulang tur dumasar lokasi; and consulting services for recycling, landfill avoidance and recycling for large and medium-sized manufacturing customers. It also manages waste from land remediation, construction and demolition projects; handles ash from waste to power plants; nyepeng sajumlah ageung hak pertambangan anu tiasa dianggo pikeun nyayogikeun rupa-rupa agrégat ka pasar; ngoperasikeun tilu TPA picilakaeun sarta non-picilakaeun TPA Sawah; generate energy from a closed landfill; and provide laboratory services. Sajaba ti éta, pausahaan ogé nyadiakeun manajemén runtah sarta jasa pengolahan runtah pikeun operator minyak jeung gas lepas pantai di Laut Kalér; as well as industrial cleaning, oil recovery and tanker flushing services for the oil and gas industry.
BioHiTech Global (OTC: BHTG) is headquartered in Chestnut Ridge, New York, and is dedicated to the development and deployment of innovative destructive waste management technologies. Portopolio produk BioHiTech Global nyayogikeun palanggan kami ku set lengkep solusi pembuangan dumasar-téknologi anu tiasa gaduh dampak anu signifikan dina runtah bari nyayogikeun lingkungan TPA anu leres-leres nol-runtah. Kalayan sababaraha pilihan kanggo perlakuan biologisual sareng off-situs sareng BhiHitech Gagangkatplér nyaéta pamingpin dina nyayogikeun solusi Nasional sareng Pamaréntahan Aliran.
Boliden AB (Stockholm: BOL.ST; OTC: BDNNF) nyaéta parusahaan logam dedicated ka ngembangkeun sustainable. Our roots are in Northern Europe, but our business is global. The company's core competitiveness is in the fields of exploration, mining, smelting and metal recovery.
Cascades Inc (TSX: CAS.TO) was established in 1964. Cascades produces, processes and sells packaging and tissue products mainly composed of recycled fibers. Pausahaan boga ampir 11.000 pagawé digawé di leuwih ti 90 departemén produksi di Amérika Kalér jeung Éropa. With its management philosophy, more than half a century of recycling experience and continuous efforts as a driving force for research and development, Cascades continues to provide innovative products that customers rely on.
Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. Éta ogé ngahasilkeun bahan konstruksi tina runtah. Perusahaan ngagunakeun bahan SF (campuran plastik runtah sareng lebu batubara) pikeun ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun produk. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) ngahasilkeun sareng ngadistribusikaeun pupuk sanyawa dumasar-asam humic ngaliwatan anak perusahaanna, nyaéta: Tim Téknis Shaanxi Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (saterusna disebut "Jinong"). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gufeng”) and the variable equity entity Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuxing”). As of December 31, 2014, Jinong has produced and sold 120 different fertilizer products, all of which have been certified by the government of the People's Republic of China (“China”) for green food production materials, as described in “China Green Food ” . F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.
China Industrial Waste Management Co., Ltd. (OTC: CIWT) provides environmental services and solutions in Northeast China. The company collects, stores, processes, disposes and recycles industrial solid waste through incineration and/or landfill, physical and/or chemical treatment, material processing, packaging, analysis and storage. It is also involved in the treatment of municipal sewage and sludge from sewage treatment facilities in and around Dalian. The company has sewage treatment facilities and sludge treatment facilities in Dalian, and provides environmental pollution restoration services to the Dalian Municipal Government. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun perlindungan lingkungan, konsultasi téknis, perawatan polusi, perawatan desain manajemén runtah, perawatan runtah, transportasi runtah sareng jasa manajemén runtah di tempat. Pausahaan ngajual bahan daur ulang na (kaasup tambaga sulfat), logam jeung métana diala tina perlakuan sludge ka padagang komoditi jeung pausahaan metalurgi.
Deep Green Waste & Recycling, Inc. (OTC: DGWR) is re-establishing its position as an innovative waste and recycling company, providing sustainable waste and recycling management services, and simplifying processes to help commercial customers achieve cost savings. Prosés ieu ngabantosan ngirangan, ngagunakeun deui sareng ngadaur ulang runtah.
DS Smith PLC (LSE: SMDC.L) ngaliwatan cabangna ngadesain sareng ngadamel bungkusan daur ulang pikeun produk konsumen di Inggris, Perancis, Jerman, Italia sareng internasional. The company provides retail and shelf-ready, online and electronic retail, transportation and transportation, consumer goods, industrial goods, dangerous goods and multi-material packaging products, as well as wrap-around packaging, pallet and box packaging; corrugated paper sales point and point of purchase display racks , Packaging machine system, modular display racks and pallets, corrugated paper racks and Sheetfeeding products; Sizzlepak mangrupikeun bahan ngeusian kertas khusus anu tiasa narilep kana bentuk zigzag, dipotong kana jalur sempit, sareng ogé tiasa nyayogikeun jasa konsultasi bungkusan. It provides packaging products and services for the food and beverage, consumer goods, industrial, e-commerce and distribution, and converter markets. The company also provides comprehensive recycling and waste management services, such as paper, cardboard, dry blends, plastics, organics and food, construction and demolition waste, general waste recycling services, and confidential shredding services; and value-added services, including supply cycles Management, carbon management, regulatory compliance, CSR reporting and brand reputation, for large and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises in the retail, manufacturing, printing and publishing, and paper industries. In addition, it also produces recycled corrugated box materials and specialty papers, and provides related technology and supply chain services; it also manufactures and sells flexible packaging and distribution solutions for the beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, fresh produce, construction and retail industries, and rigid Packaging solutions and foam products.
Enpar Technologies Inc. (TSX: ENP.V) develops environmental protection and remedial technologies. Eta nyadiakeun patén-patén jeung pangaweruh-kumaha pikeun ngubaran wastewater jeung cai nginum, nu kacemar ku logam atawa zat gizi patali pertambangan, pamrosésan logam, kimia, tatanén, kotamadya, jeung séktor manajemén runtah; sarta tina bahan runtah nu patali jeung industri pertambangan Nikel jeung logam berharga lianna pulih tina tailings sulfida pabrik. The company provides ESD, a capacitive deionizer used to remove total dissolved solids; AmmEL ngubaran cai anu kacemar amonia; the NitrEL system, an electrochemical water treatment process that reduces pollution by directly converting nitrate to nitrogen. Konsentrasi nitrat dina cai nginum, cai taneuh sareng cai limbah prosés industri. It also provides ExtrEL, which is a hydrometallurgical alternative for recovering metals from sulfide tailings and ore; Sareng sistem Amdel, sistem éléktrokimia anu nyegah mineral sulfida dina buning atanapi ngabersihan kana oksidasi batu. Parial nyayogikeun produk na kana konsumén di séktor anu umum sareng swaster.
The International Environmental Waste Corporation (EWI) (TSX: EWS.V) specializes in environmental protection systems that decompose organic materials such as tires. EWI parantos ngagunakeun 15 taun sistem rékayasa pikeun ngahijikeun prosés Reverse Polymerization™ EWI anu dipaténkeun sareng sistem transmisi gelombang mikro proprietary. Téknologi gelombang mikro unik EWI tiasa aman ngolah sareng ngadaur ulang ban runtah, bari nyiptakeun kaluaran komoditi anu bernilai luhur pikeun industri karbon hideung, minyak bumi sareng baja. Rarancang unggal unit nyaéta hemat energi, sareng upami mungkin, modél ékonomis tangtu diadegkeun pikeun pamulihan rupa-rupa minyak hidrokarbon sareng gas alam.
GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) is a green chemical company with a patent-pending technology that can convert hazardous waste into green products. GlyEco Technology™ has a unique ability to clean up polluted glycol from all five waste-producing industries: HVAC, textile, automotive, aviation and medical. Téknologi ieu tiasa ngadaur ulang runtah étiléna glikol pikeun nyumponan spésifikasi ASTM Tipe 1-kamurnianna sami sareng étiléna glikol kelas kilang.
Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi bersih "héjo lengkep" anu ngagabungkeun bahan-bahan pakan anu tiasa dirobih sareng tiasa dianggo deui dumasar kana pepelakan domestik, sareng bentuk proprietary anu diwangun dina opat ideologi Téhnologi héjo: Biodegradable, didaur ulang, renewable sareng lingkungan. safe. GET uses G-CLEAN(R) and G-OIL(R) as its brands to produce a full range of “clean and green” American-made environmentally friendly products, some of which are specially designed to help overcome fracturing and pressure worldwide. The challenge of disintegration allows consumers and customers concerned about the environment and American energy independence to do their part without sacrificing value or performance. Nyalametkeun planét-naon anu bakal dipasihkeun.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC: GETH) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi limbah-to-énergi inovatif. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industries. Téknologi perusahaan, kalebet anu dianggo dina alat cetakan suntikan, campuran proprietary résin plastik daur ulang, sareng desain palet anu dipaténkeun, ngamungkinkeun produksi gancang palet kualitas luhur kalayan biaya anu langkung handap tibatan seueur prosés. Plastik daur ulang dipaké pikeun palet mantuan ngadalikeun biaya bahan bari ngurangan runtah lingkungan, sarta ngabogaan kaunggulan ongkos leuwih pamaké résin parawan. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Gedompok hidrok PCC (Leud: HreR.L) anu dibuktikeun, prosés anu efan sareng prosés kimia, mimitina diolah dompasén dompas. Ayeuna, minyak limbah diolah di dua pabrik komersil. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. teu bahaya. The process also completely eliminates the toxic additive PCBs prohibited by international regulations. Pabrik Hydrodec aya di Canton, Ohio, AS sareng Young, New South Wales, Australia. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. Grup Os nyaéta Kolektor anu gedé di Inggris, amalgameator sareng prosesor limbah, ogé anu ngajual penjual minyak suluh anu diperyogikeun minyak sareng fisiara listrik. Jaringan stasiun. Minyak miceunan kana minyak suluh anu hasil di hasil In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. Éta ogé salah sahiji tina panyadia Pahaba Pilihan industri Limbus Market Nu teras di Inggris di Inggris di Inggris atanapi Kasarutkan Panyanduk (Merpol). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
American Industrial Services Corporation (NasdaqCM: IDSA) kantor pusatna di Louisville, Kentucky. The American Industrial Services Corporation is a publicly traded company that purchases, processes and sells ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other recyclable commodities, and provides waste management to commercial customers. Prosedur jeung alat, sarta ngajual suku cadang mobil kadua.
Kurita Water Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6370.T; OTC: KTWIF) provides various water treatment solutions in Japan, Asia, North America, Europe and internationally. The company operates through two parts: water treatment chemicals and water treatment facilities. Departemen kimia perlakuan cai nyadiakeun bahan kimia perlakuan cai alat keur ngagolakkeun, cooling kimia perlakuan cai, kimia perlakuan wastewater, kimia perlakuan prosés, kontrak bungkusan, suntik kimiawi jeung alat pangukuran, jsb; sarta jasa pangropéa. Departemén fasilitas perawatan cai nyayogikeun sistem produksi cai ultra-murni, sistem perawatan cai limbah industri umum, sistem perawatan cai limbah sareng sistem daur ulang limbah. Jajiban ogé masihan pasokan cai umum, beberesih ékréktrék, alat pemberesihan sareng taneuh sareng jasa peracak cai, sareng nyayogikeun jasa pangropéa.
Lizhan Environmental Protection Company (OTC: LZENF) is engaged in the production, distribution, marketing and export of synthetic leather and other fabrics made of leather waste and other materials in the People's Republic of China through its subsidiaries. It offers a variety of synthetic leather fabric products, including super suede products, reclaimed leather flocking fabrics, microfiber towel fabrics, tufted fabrics and colgre products, as well as others made of flocking powder, suede fabrics, short pile and honeycomb A fabric composed of perforated cotton. The company is also involved in research and development related to synthetic leather production. Its products are used in a variety of consumer applications, including residential and office furniture, clothing and automotive interior products. The company mainly sells its products to furniture manufacturers and fabric distributors. Produkna diékspor ka Amérika Serikat, Nikaragua, Jérman, Bélgia, Perancis sareng Koréa Kidul.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) is a technology and licensing company whose mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable plastics and get rid of dependence on fossil fuels. Loop parantos patali téknologi Proprésietary anu tiasa tiasa ngiringan pladicyess limbah piaraan anu dikaluarkeun sareng harga kalér, kalebet botol plases bumi ditumpukan warna sareng taneuh, transparan jeung kaayaan plastik , kana komponén dasarna (monomer). Monomer ieu disaring, dimurnikeun sareng dipolimerisasi pikeun ngahasilkeun résin plastik PET merek Loop™ asli sareng serat poliéster anu cocog pikeun bungkusan kelas dahareun, anu dijual ka perusahaan produk konsumen pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna ngahontal tujuan kelestarian. Through our customers and production partners, Loop leads the world by raising awareness of the importance of preventing and recycling waste plastics from the environment to ensure that plastics remain in the economy, thereby creating a more sustainable future for everyone Towards a circular economy.
Metalico, Inc. (NYSE MKT: MEA) and its subsidiaries operate non-ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap recycling stations, including PGM and secondary metal recycling facilities. lokasi daur ulang parusahaan ngawengku tilu shredders mobil lokasina di New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia Kulon, New Jersey jeung Mississippi.
Natural Blue Resources, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) is a development stage company engaged in the exploration, acquisition and development of various interconnected green businesses. Pausahaan ieu kalibet dina daur ulang stream runtah sarta bisnis daur ulang plastik jeung baja. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Newalta Corporation (TSX: NAL.TO) mangrupikeun panyayogikeun solusi lingkungan rékayasa inovatif anu ngamungkinkeun para nasabah ngirangan pembuangan, ningkatkeun tingkat daur ulang sareng pulih sumberdaya berharga tina éksplorasi minyak sareng gas sareng aliran limbah produksi. We simplify the key challenges of sustainable environmental practices by using advanced processing capabilities deployed through differentiated business models. We directly provide on-site services to customers through our service network throughout North America. Our reliable processes and excellent safety record make us the preferred provider of sustainability enhancement services for oil and gas customers. Newalta has a team of highly skilled personnel, a record of two decades of innovation and a commitment to commercialization of new solutions, laying the foundation for continued growth and improvement in the future. Kami Disederhanakeun pikeun Pangwangunan Sustainable™
Perf Go Green, Holdings Inc. (OTC: PGOG) mangrupikeun perusahaan palastik biodegradable di Amérika Serikat sareng Kanada. It focuses on the development and sales of environmentally friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable plastic products that meet food contact requirements. The company's biodegradable plastic products provide a practical solution for reducing plastic waste in the environment. Its products include biodegradable garbage bags, biodegradable plastic drip cloth, biodegradable dog responsibility bags and Cat liners, PerfPower alkaline batteries and Perf Go Clean cleaning products.
PRO-PAC Packaging Limited (ASX: PPG.AX) manufactures and distributes industrial, protective and rigid packaging products in Australia. Pausahaan ngoperasikeun ngaliwatan bungkusan industri sareng divisi bungkusan kaku. Departemén bungkusan industri ngahasilkeun, ngagaleuh sareng nyebarkeun bahan bungkusan industri sareng produk sareng jasa anu aya hubunganana. Departemén ogé masang, ngadukung sareng ngajaga mesin bungkusan. Departemén bungkusan kaku ngahasilkeun, ngagaleuh sareng ngadistribusikaeun wadah sareng panutupanana sareng produk sareng jasa anu aya hubunganana. Pro-Pac Packaging Limited ogé nyayogikeun pilem bungkusan anu fleksibel, kotak kardus sareng produk bungkusan kardus, produk bungkusan produk pertanian, sareng produk toilét sareng beberesih; sarta sells sarta jasa rupa parabot bungkusan, mesin jeung sistem. It provides services to the general industrial and primary packaging, safety and personal protective equipment, food service and food processing sectors. Biodegradable products
Redishred Capital Corp (TSX: KUT.V) is the owner of the PROSHRED® trademark and intellectual property in the United States and internationally. PROSHRED® ngarecah sareng ngadaur ulang dokumén rahasia sareng bahan proprietary pikeun rébuan konsumén dina sagala rupa industri di Amérika Serikat. PROSHRED® is a pioneer in the mobile document destruction and recycling industry and has obtained ISO 9001 certification. PROSHRED®'s vision is to become a “selection system” and provide shredding and recycling services worldwide. PROSHRED® currently serves 35 markets in the United States.
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) is the US industry leader in recycling and non-hazardous solid waste. Ngaliwatan anak perusahaanna, perusahaan koléksi Républik, pusat daur ulang, stasiun transfer sareng TPA komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun palanggan komérsial, industri, kotamadya, padumukan sareng ladang minyak kalayan solusi anu épéktip pikeun ngagampangkeun pembuangan limbah anu leres. Kami bakal ngabéréskeun masalah ieu ngalangkungan tagline merek di dieu ™, ngabéjaan para nasabah yén aranjeunna tiasa ngandelkeun Republik pikeun masihan pangalaman anu saé, bari ngabina Blue Planet ™ anu sustainable pikeun generasi anu bakal datang pikeun nikmati dunya anu langkung bersih, langkung aman sareng langkung séhat.
Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc. (NasdaqGS: SCHN) is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of recycled metal products in the United States, with operations in 24 states, Puerto Rico and Western Canada. Schnitzer has seven deepwater export facilities on the east and west coasts, as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The company's integrated operating platform also includes auto parts stores and steel manufacturing. The company's steel manufacturing business has an effective annual production capacity of approximately 800,000 tons, which can produce finished steel products including rebar, wire rod and other special products. Pausahaan mimiti operasi di Portland, Oregon di 1906.
Sims Metal Management Ltd. (OTC: SMSMY; ASX: SGM.AX) nyaéta pangdaur ulang logam didaptarkeun panggedena di dunya, kalawan leuwih ti 250 pabrik jeung 5.700 pagawé di sakuliah dunya. Sims' core business is metal recycling and electronic recycling. Kurang leuwih jangkung 6% tina hasil Metgetik Chim na asalna ti operasi Amérika kalér.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) spésialisasi dina pamekaran sareng penjualan rupa-rupa produk plastik sareng téknologi lingkungan anu sanés, sareng beroperasi sacara global. The company is a global leader in the development and marketing of life-controlled plastics, and sells pro-degradation additives and finished plastic products through a constantly growing network of international distributors and agents. Pausahaan ogé ngajual rupa-rupa tradisional, non-degradable, produk plastik fléksibel. Tim parantos milih saksama subkontract ieu dianggo sareng diulas subkontrots di sakumna dunya. This flexibility provides the group and its customers with supply security, local availability, and significant cost advantages. Degradable finished products and additives are sold directly to customers worldwide, or sold to the world through an expanding network of authorized distributors and agents. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Tervita Corporation (TSX: TEV) is a leading waste management and environmental solutions provider, providing waste treatment, treatment, recycling and disposal services to customers in the oil and gas, mining and industrial sectors. Urang ngalayanan konsumén urang dina situs ngaliwatan fasilitas di Kanada sareng Amérika Serikat. Salila 40 taun, Tervita parantos komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun solusi anu aman sareng efisien dina sadaya tahapan proyék, bari ngaminimalkeun dampak sareng maksimalkeun kauntungan™. Karyawan anu dédikasi sareng berpengalaman mangrupikeun mitra anu dipercaya pikeun palanggan pikeun pangwangunan anu sustainable. Kasalametan mangrupikeun prioritas utama urang: mangaruhan paripolah urang sareng ngawangun budaya urang.
Tomra Systems (Oslo: TOM.OL) provides sensor-based solutions to achieve the best resource productivity in the world. It operates through subdivisions of “collection solutions” and “classification solutions”. The collection solutions department develops, produces, sells, leases, and provides automatic collection systems for services, including a data management system that can monitor the collected materials and related deposit transactions. Éta ogé ngagambarkeun produsén inuman inuman nu diadarét, transportasi sareng tendak wadahna perkebunan; produksi compactors leutik jeung sedeng-ukuran. This market segment provides solutions under the TOMRA brand of the European food retail industry. The classification solutions department provides classification and processing technology for the fresh and processed food industry; Sistem klasifikasi pikeun runtah sareng aliran bahan logam; sistem asihan bijih pikeun industri pertambangan; and sensor-based sorting and processing technologies for the tobacco and raw material industries. This market segment offers its solutions under the brand names of TITECH, Commodas Ultrasort, ODENBERG and BEST.
Tox Free Solutions Limited (ASX: TOX.AX) provides industrial and waste management services in Australia. The company is divided into three parts: technical and environmental services, industrial services and waste services. Departemen Layanan Runtah kalibet dina ngumpulkeun, recovery sumberdaya, daur ulang jeung pembuangan runtah padet, industri, urban jeung komérsial di wewengkon Kimberley, Pilbara jeung Kulon Kulon Australia sarta Queensland. This section also provides bulk liquid and total waste management, resource recovery and recycling, and waste tracking and reporting services. Departemen Layanan Industri nyayogikeun jasa beberesih industri dina situs pikeun minyak sareng gas, pertambangan, manufaktur beurat, infrastruktur sipil, séktor utilitas kota sareng umum, kalebet tanki sareng beberesih solokan, jet cai tekanan tinggi, loading vakum, sareng cair sareng industri. waste collection services. Bagian ieu ogé nyayogikeun pangropéa pipa sareng CCTV, motong beton, beberesih, palapis industri, loading vakum, penggalian non-destructive sareng jasa manajemén runtah. Departemen Téknis jeung Lingkungan Layanan boga jaringan fasilitas manajemén runtah cair jeung picilakaeun di Kwinana, Henderson, Karratha, Port Hedland, Kalgoorlie, Sydney, Brisbane jeung Melbourne. Bagian ieu nyadiakeun runtah picilakaeun jeung kimiawi, manajemén runtah picilakaeun, runtah cair bulk, runtah picilakaeun rumah tangga, tabung fluoresensi sarta daur ulang lampu sarta jasa tanggap darurat, kitu ogé perbaikan situs kacemar, Inok runtah, minuhan lingkungan jeung jasa tracking runtah.
Industri transpacrikik (asx: TPI.x) utamina nyayogikeun ngaminci, manajemén runtah sareng jasa industri di Australia. The company operates through Cleanaway, Industrials and New Zealand divisions. Eta nyadiakeun ladenan komersil, industri, kotamadya jeung padumukan pikeun sagala rupa jenis aliran runtah padet, kaasup runtah umum, runtah recyclable, konstruksi jeung runtah demolition, sarta jasa médis jeung toilet. It also owns and manages waste transfer stations, resource recovery and recycling facilities, ensures product destruction, quarantine treatment operations and landfills, and sells paper, cardboard, metal and plastic. In addition, the company is also involved in the collection, treatment, processing and recycling of liquid and hazardous waste, such as industrial waste, grease trap waste, oily water, and waste mineral oil and edible oil in packaged and bulk forms. As well as refining and recycling used mineral oil to produce fuel oil and base oil. In addition, it also provides industrial solutions, including industrial cleaning, vacuum tanker loading, site repair, sludge management, parts cleaning, concrete repair, closed-circuit television, corrosion protection and emergency response services.
Trius Investments Inc. (TSX: TRU.V) is an investment holding company. Pausahaan ngadalikeun sarta ngoperasikeun Trius Disposal Systems Ltd., hiji komersil inovatif / parusahaan pengolahan runtah padumukan. Pausahaan ngadamel investasi real estate di Amérika Serikat ngaliwatan anak perusahaan anu sanés milikna, TRU Investments, LLC.
Vertex Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: VTNR) is a leading environmental services company that recycles industrial waste streams and substandard commercial chemical products. Fokus utamina nyaéta pamulihan oli motor anu dianggo sareng aliran produk minyak bumi sanés. Vertex Energy ngagaleuh aliran ieu tina jaringan kolektor lokal sareng régional sareng generator. Vertex Energy ogé ngatur transportasi, neundeun sareng pangiriman bahan baku agrégat sareng aliran produk ka pangguna akhir, sareng ngatur pemurnian bagian tina aliran minyak bumi agrégat pikeun dijual salaku produk akhir anu bernilai luhur. Vertex Energy sells its collected oil streams as feedstock to other refiners and fuel mixers, or as an alternative fuel used in industrial burners. The refining of used motor oil managed by Vertex Energy takes place at its plant, which uses a proprietary thermochemical extraction process (TCEP) technology. Vertex Energy is headquartered in Houston, Texas, and has offices in California, Chicago, Georgia, Nevada, and Ohio.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.
Waste Management Co., Ltd. (NYSE: WM), headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a leading provider of integrated waste management services in North America. Pausahaan nyadiakeun koleksi, mindahkeun, daur ulang jeung recovery sumberdaya sarta jasa pembuangan ngaliwatan subsidiaries na. It is also the leading developer, operator and owner of landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States. The company's customers include residential, commercial, industrial and municipal customers throughout North America.
Yulong Ecological Materials Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: YECO) mangrupikeun produsén produk konstruksi ékologis terpadu vertikal, sareng perusahaan daur ulang runtah konstruksi anu aya di Kota Pingdingshan, Propinsi Henan, Cina. The company is currently the leading fly ash brick and concrete producer in Pingdingshan City, and the exclusive provider of its waste management services.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom parantos ngawangun karéta panggancangna di dunya sareng subway otomatis kapasitas pangluhurna, nyayogikeun solusi pembangkit listrik terpadu turnkey sareng jasa anu aya hubunganana pikeun sagala rupa sumber énergi kalebet PLTA, tenaga nuklir, gas alam, batubara sareng énergi angin, sareng nyayogikeun rupa-rupa solusi transmisi listrik. , kalayan fokus kana grid pinter. Smart grid: Alstom Grid is the core of the smart grid revolution, and its solutions combine its key technologies to bring direct benefits to energy producers, utilities, industries and end users.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. Kami nyayogikeun platform komunikasi anu tiasa ngirangan pamakean énérgi dina pangukuran sareng pasar cahaya di India, Brazil sareng Cina. Platform jaringan bolong nirkabel kami nyayogikeun sambungan "mil terakhir" antara jutaan alat sareng parangkat lunak perusahaan. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. Salaku tambahan, kami damel sareng mitra kami pikeun nyayogikeun pangrojong kelas munggaran sareng jasa hosting, ogé "software salaku jasa" pikeun ngabantosan perencanaan sareng ngahijikeun solusi kami. CyLec is Cyan's integrated solution for smart meter deployment, providing a migration path from automatic meter reading (AMR) to a complete advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). It is dedicated to electricity meters and is optimized for range, data communication, interoperability, and security. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. Éta tiasa ngahémat seueur listrik ku cara ningkatkeun cara ngadalikeun, ngukur sareng ngatur panggunaan énérgi cahaya umum.
Digi International (NasdaqGS: DGII) is your mission-critical M2M solution expert, providing some of the industry's most extensive wireless products, a cloud computing platform tailored for devices, and development services to help customers use wireless devices and applications to quickly push To the pasar. . Digi's entire solution set is tailored to allow any device to communicate with any application around the world. Smart grid: Digi is helping utilities add a layer of digital intelligence to their grid. These smart grids use sensors, meters, digital controls, and analysis tools to automate, monitor, and control the bidirectional energy flow from the power plant to the plug. Power companies can optimize grid performance, prevent power outages, restore power outages faster, and allow consumers to directly manage the energy use of individual network devices
Énergi Deete (NYSSE: DUK) nyaéta perusahaan anu ngayakeun Gawasan Kawat di Amérika Serikat, nyayogikeun énergi kanggo langkung kira-kira 7,3 memikan konsumén Amérika. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Bajak komersil sareng Internasional urang "sareng ngalacak sababaraha réaksi Gedar Power di Amérika Kalér sareng Amérika Kalér sareng Amérika Latin, kalebet portololi énergi anu tiasa didapab. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Smart grid: We are committed to helping customers control energy use through a smarter grid. Nalika kami nyebarkeun téknologi grid canggih ieu, kami senang bisa gawé bareng anjeun pikeun ngabentuk masa depan pamakéan énérgi.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. pasar patali global. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon helps its customers reduce operating costs, improve satisfaction and safety, increase revenue, and perform better in both existing and emerging markets.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) is a leading provider of cloud-based energy intelligence software (EIS) and services to thousands of corporate customers and utilities worldwide. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. EIS perusahaan kalebet anggaran sareng pengadaan, manajemén tagihan utiliti, optimasi fasilitas, pisibilitas sareng ngalaporkeun, tracking proyék, manajemén paménta, sareng réspon paménta. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).
Eguana Technologies Inc. (TSX: EGT.V; OTC: EGTYF) designs and manufactures high-performance power controllers for residential and commercial energy storage systems. Eguana boga leuwih ti 15 taun pangalaman dina nyadiakeun grid-ujung kakuatan parabot éléktronik pikeun sél suluh, photovoltaic sarta aplikasi batré, sarta nyadiakeun kabuktian, awét, solusi kualitas luhur ngaliwatan pabrik kapasitas luhur na di Éropa jeung Amérika Kalér. Eguana has thousands of proprietary energy storage inverters deployed in the European and North American markets and is a leading supplier of power control for solar self-use, grid services, and grid edge on-demand charging applications.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) ngabayangkeun hal-hal anu teu acan dilakukeun ku batur, ngawangun hal-hal anu henteu tiasa dilakukeun ku batur, sareng nyayogikeun hasil anu ngajantenkeun dunya janten tempat anu langkung saé. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE parantos nyiptakeun jaman industri salajengna di laboratorium sareng pabrik sareng kerjasama taneuh sareng para nasabah pikeun mindahkeun, ngawasa, ngawangun sareng nyageurkeun dunya. GE uses the cleanest and most advanced technology and energy solutions to power the world. Ti FlexEfciency ngagabung generasi kakuatan siklus, nepi ka grid pinter nu bisa mantuan utilitas ngatur paménta listrik, nepi ka mesin gas ngalarti ku runtah organik, téhnologi urang ayeuna mantuan nyadiakeun saparapat tina listrik dunya. GE Minyak sareng Gas ayeuna beroperasi di langkung ti 120 nagara / daérah sareng komitmen kana inovasi anu paling aman, paling dipercaya sareng paling murah dina widang minyak.
Honeywell (NYSE: HON) is a diversified technology and manufacturing leader for Fortune 100 companies, providing aerospace products and services to customers worldwide. Téknologi kontrol pikeun gedong, bumi sareng industri; turbocharger; and performance materials. Smart grid: Salila 30 taun katukang, tim Honeywell's Smart Grid Solutions (SGS) parantos ngabantosan langkung ti 60 perusahaan utilitas di sakuliah dunya ngalangkungan efisiensi énergi sareng target réspon paménta, sareng ningkatkeun keterlibatan sareng kapuasan palanggan sacara umum. Dina waktu nu sarua ngatur grid nu.
Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) mangrupikeun pamimpin dunya dina inovasi komputasi. The company designed and built key technologies that are the foundation of the world's computing equipment. Salaku pamimpin tanggung jawab perusahaan sareng pangwangunan anu lestari, Intel ogé parantos ngahasilkeun mikroprosesor "bebas konflik" anu munggaran di dunya. Smart grid
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (NYSE: IBM) In 2007, IBM formed a consortium of innovative utility companies to accelerate the use of smart grid technology and drive the industry forward through its most challenging transformation development of. Global Smart Utilities Network Alliance ngaharepkeun ngarobih cara listrik dibangkitkeun, disebarkeun sareng dianggo ku nambihan intelijen digital kana sistem ayeuna pikeun ngirangan pareum listrik sareng gagalna, ngatur paménta, sareng ngahijikeun sumber énergi anu tiasa dianyari (sapertos angin sareng listrik). Members include Alliander, CenterPoint Energy, CPFL, DONG Energy, eRDF, Essential Energy, North Delhi Electric Co., Ltd., Oncor, Pepco Holdings, Inc, Progress Energy and San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
ITC Holdings Corp (NYSE: ITC) mangrupikeun perusahaan transmisi listrik mandiri panggedéna di Amérika Serikat. ITC is located in Novi, Michigan. ITC geus invested dina grid transmisi pikeun ngaronjatkeun reliabilitas, dilegakeun aksés pasar, ngurangan total biaya énergi dikirimkeun sarta ngidinan sumberdaya generasi anyar interconnected kalawan sistem transmisi na. Through its regulated subsidiary ITC Transmission, Michigan Power Transmission Company, ITC Midwest and ITC Great Plains, ITC is in Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma The state owns and operates high-voltage transmission facilities, with a total peak load exceeding 26,000 megawatts traveling approximately 15,600 miles along the transmission line. Pangembangan grid ITC fokus kalebet pertumbuhan ngaliwatan investasi infrastruktur standar, sareng ékspansi domestik sareng internasional ngalangkungan padagang sareng kasempetan pangembangan bisnis sanés.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi sareng jasa anu terkemuka di dunya khusus pikeun panggunaan énergi sareng sumber cai. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; sistem komunikasi; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron nerapkeun pangaweruh jeung téhnologi pikeun hadé ngatur énergi jeung sumber cai.
JogE® Co., LtD. (Nasdaqg: Jst) desain, pabrik sareng ngajual fentustris sareng proyék frékuitas pemberikan anu tiasa tiasa kembangan. Produk utama kalebet trafo résin tuang, trafo VPI sareng réaktor, kabinet switch sareng gardu unit. Jinpan is a qualified supplier of China's leading industrial electrical equipment manufacturers, has a wide range of customers in China and has entered the international market. Jinpan's four production bases in China are located in Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. Perusahaan diadeg dina taun 1993. Tantun Eksekutif Utama aya dina Haikikou, Wirin Kepinat, Dasar, sareng kantor masna di Karystadt, Jersey.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) nyaéta parusahaan konstruksi infrastruktur ngarah jeung operasi utama na sakuliah Amérika Kalér jeung ngawengku sababaraha industri. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; infrastruktur pipa gas alam jeung minyak; komunikasi nirkabel, kabel jeung satelit; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; jeung infrastruktur industri. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries.
The National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) transmits and distributes electricity and natural gas. The company operates through UK electricity transmission, UK gas transmission, UK gas distribution and US regulatory agencies. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. Departemén transmisi gas alam Britania boga jaringan transmisi gas alam di Inggris sarta boga fasilitas gudang gas alam cair (LNG) di Inggris. The British Gas Distribution Division operates a natural gas distribution system in the UK. National Grid: National Grid is an electricity and natural gas transmission company that connects nearly 7 million customers to vital energy through its networks in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Ngaliwatan strategi US Connect21, National Grid ngarobih kakuatan sareng jaringan gas alam pikeun nyayogikeun solusi énergi anu langkung pinter, bersih, sareng langkung tahan banting pikeun ngadukung ékonomi digital abad ka-21. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
Insulator NGK (Tokyo: 5333.T) sareng anak perusahaanna ngadamel sareng ngical paralatan anu aya hubunganana sareng listrik di Jepang sareng internasional. Ieu dibagi kana tilu bagian: catu daya, produk keramik jeung bagian éléktronik. Sektor listrik ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual insulator sareng alat pikeun perusahaan listrik sareng pabrik alat listrik beurat. This market segment provides insulators, insulator component hardware, current limiting bow horns, casing shells, fuse fuses, APM and line arresters, and NAS (sodium-sulfur batteries). The ceramic products division produces components for automotive exhaust purification, industrial processing equipment, and industrial heating systems and refractory materials. Departemén ieu nyayogikeun keramik otomotif pikeun ngamurnikeun gas haseup, alat keramik tahan korosi pikeun industri kimia, analisa gas, sistem pemanasan industri, produk refractory sareng sistem perawatan limbah radioaktif. The electronics department provides beryllium copper forged products, molds and ceramic components for electronics and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Portland General Electric Company (NYSE: POR) mangrupikeun perusahaan listrik terpadu vertikal anu ngalayanan kirang langkung 849,000 palanggan padumukan, komérsial sareng industri di daérah metropolitan Portland / Salem Oregon. Smart grid
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure nyayogikeun produk sareng jasa dina daérah Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tanaga surya, efisiensi énergi, sareng infrastruktur utiliti. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. Cai mibanda kapasitas generasi kakuatan husus pikeun kaperluan respon paménta; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (called ESCO). , Pikeun kapentingan konsumén komérsial, industri jeung institusional salaku pamaké tungtung na langsung ka retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. Solusi panyimpen Powin Energy nyayogikeun tautan penting dina pamekaran angin sareng tanaga surya ku cara nyayogikeun téknologi anu ngajantenkeun proyék-proyék ieu langkung éfisién.
Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR) mangrupikeun perusahaan jasa kontrak profésional ngarah anu nyayogikeun solusi infrastruktur pikeun industri listrik, minyak sareng gas. Ladenan komprehensif Quanta kalebet desain, pamasangan, perbaikan sareng pangropéa infrastruktur énergi. Quanta boga operasi di Amérika Serikat, Kanada jeung Australia, sarta beroperasi dina sababaraha pasar internasional lianna. Éta gaduh sumber daya manusa, sumber daya sareng kaahlian pikeun ngarengsekeun proyék lokal, régional, nasional atanapi internasional kalayan aman.
Schneider Electric (Paris: SU.PA) ngembangkeun téknologi sareng solusi pikeun ngajantenkeun énergi aman, dipercaya, éfisién, produktif sareng héjo. Grup investasi dina panalungtikan sareng pamekaran pikeun ngajaga inovasi sareng diferensiasi, sareng komitmen teguh kana pangwangunan sustainable.
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Siemens Smart Grid sareng Energy Automation: Ngadopsi metode anyar sareng téknologi anyar pikeun nyumponan tantangan anyar. Siemens provides you with solutions in the entire smart grid system through innovative products, solutions and services, unparalleled expertise and global market expertise.
SMA Solar Technology (Xetra: S92.DE; Frankfurt: S92.F) develops, produces and sells photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic facility monitoring systems and railway technology electronic components. Inverter photovoltaic mangrupikeun komponén inti tina sistem tatasurya. SMA tiasa nyayogikeun inverter anu leres pikeun unggal jinis modul photovoltaic anu dianggo di dunya sareng sababaraha jinis aplikasi operasi anu nyambungkeun grid, terasing sareng sayaga. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: Januari 2018-ngumumkeun prakarsa parusahaan pikeun ngahijikeun téhnologi blockchain kana model bisnis énergi renewable sarta strategi, aimed di ngaronjatkeun efisiensi tina manajemen grid kebon surya sarta angin. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.
Valmont Industries Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: VMI) is a global leader in the design and manufacture of highly engineered products that support global infrastructure development and agricultural productivity. Produkna pikeun infrastruktur ngalayanan jalan tol, transportasi, komunikasi nirkabel, transmisi listrik, sareng konstruksi industri sareng pasar énergi. The mechanized irrigation equipment used for large-scale agriculture not only improves agricultural productivity, but also saves fresh water resources. Salaku tambahan, Valmont ogé nyayogikeun jasa palapis pikeun nyegah korosi sareng ningkatkeun umur jasa baja sareng produk logam sanés.
WESCO International Corporation (NYSE: WCC) is a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Éta mangrupikeun pangropéa listrik, industri sareng komunikasi, perbaikan sareng operasi ("MRO") sareng produsén alat asli ("OEM") Panyadia Anjog"), bahan konstruksi sareng manajemén ranté suplai sareng jasa logistik. Customers include commercial and industrial enterprises, contractors, government agencies, agencies, telecommunications providers and utilities. WESCO is in North America and internationally There are 9 fully automated distribution centers and approximately 485 full-service branches operating in the market, providing customers with local businesses and global networks to serve multi-location enterprises and multinational companies
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Sababaraha téknologi ieu kalebet bahan bakar alternatif anu tiasa diperbaharui, kendaraan listrik hibrida, batré litium graphene canggih sareng mobil murah serat karbon. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. Garis produksi bakal ngagunakeun mesin robotic pikeun nyieun prosés anyar ngaliwatan prosés anyar, kukituna greatly ngurangan waktu manufaktur sarta biaya bagian serat karbon. Kendaraan listrik e-Go tiasa nampung opat panumpang, gaduh umur batre anu panjang, sareng kusabab kendaraanna hampang, tingkat efisiensi énergi dina nyetir kota saluhur 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.
ADOMANI Inc. (NasdaqCM: ADOM) ADOMANI, Inc. in California provides zero-emission vehicles and plug-in hybrid solutions for school bus and fleet operators. ADOMANI ngahijikeun téknologi sistem drive listrik anu dipaténkeun, produk khusus sareng mitra jasa anu dipercaya pikeun ngirangan total biaya kapamilikan, ningkatkeun réliabilitas kendaraan sareng ngaleungitkeun seueur mangpaat téknologi héjo.
Advanced Engine Technology (OTC: AENG) kalibet dina pamekaran sareng komersialisasi mesin durukan internal OX2. OX2 is a four-stroke internal combustion engine that runs on a variety of fossil fuels, including gasoline, diesel, natural gas and liquid propane gas. The company offers three prototypes of the OX2 internal combustion engine, as well as other parts for engine development and manufacturing other prototypes. In addition, it has sublicenses to manufacture, distribute and sell OX2 engines in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The company's products are used in stationary generators, automotive, marine and aircraft applications, as well as lawn mowers, chainsaws, brush cutters, marine inboard/outboard, pumps, welders, aircraft, and automotive and industrial engines.
AeroVironment, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AVAV) mangrupikeun panyadia solusi téknologi anu dikhususkeun pikeun desain, pamekaran, produksi, dukungan sareng operasi sistem pesawat tanpa awak canggih (UAS) sareng portofolio solusi transportasi listrik. Solusi transportasi listrik AeroVironment kalebet sistem ngecas kendaraan listrik (EV) komprehensif, pamasangan sareng jasa jaringan pikeun konsumen, produsén mobil, utilitas, sareng lembaga pamaréntah, siklus listrik sareng sistem uji pikeun pamekar EV, sareng pangguna sistem ngecas kendaraan listrik industri pikeun armada komérsial.
ALPS Clean Energy ETF (NYSEARCA: ACES) seeks investment results (before fees and expenses) that generally correspond to the performance of its underlying index, CIBC Atlas Clean Energy Index (stock code NACEX) (the “base index”). The fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in securities that make up the underlying index. The base index uses a rule-based approach developed by CIBC National Trust Corporation (“Index Provider”), which aims to provide a diversified portfolio of US and Canadian companies (including renewable energy and clean technology) involved in the clean energy sector Risk exposure . The fund is non-diversified.
Hasil investasi ditéang ku ALPS Disruptive Téhnologi ETF (NYSEARCA: DTEC) (sateuacan waragad anu deducted) biasana pakait jeung kinerja Indxx Disruptive Téhnologi Index ("Base Index"). The fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in securities that make up the underlying index. The basic index aims to identify companies using disruptive technologies in each of ten subject areas: medical innovation, Internet of Things, clean energy and smart grid, cloud computing, data and analysis, financial technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence , Internet security, 3D printing and mobile payment. The fund is non-diversified.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) is called Altairnano and is a publicly traded company. Altairnano designs, manufactures and provides energy storage systems for clean and efficient power and energy management. Pausahaan nyadiakeun solusi komérsial nu ngaktipkeun modernisasi grid, integrasi énergi renewable skala utiliti, sarta rojongan pikeun syarat catu daya uninterruptible jauh (UPS), aplikasi militér jeung transportasi.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Kategori anu munggaran nyaéta motor anu disayogikeun ku batré litium, dituturkeun ku motor. Alydi ogé janten énggal profesor universefaya Clarwonshon David David Mitlin nuju program panyimpenan énergi Manyi Medabis. Mitlin suksés ngagunakeun rami (sésana serat rami) pikeun ngawangun nanosheets karbon, anu tiasa bersaing sareng sababaraha lembar nano graphene anu langkung saé sareng langkung saé supercapacitors dina sababaraha aspék. Mitlin nampi patén AS pikeun téknologi panyimpen énergi ganja proprietary na.
American Power Corporation (OTC: APGI), a subsidiary of American Power Corporation, provides cost-effective products and services that promote the economic and environmental benefits of our alternative fuels and emission reduction technologies. Our patented Turbocharged NaturalGas® dual-fuel conversion technology is a unique non-invasive software-driven solution that can convert existing vehicle-mounted and stationary diesel engines into diesel and various forms of natural gas (including compressed Natural gas, liquefied natural gas, natural gas in good conditions) run on top/ditch gas or biomethane gas, and can return to 100% diesel operation at any time. Depending on the fuel source and operating conditions, our EPA and CARB approved dual fuel conversion can seamlessly replace 45%-65% of diesel with cleaner burning natural gas, thereby measurably reducing nitrous oxide (NOx) and others Emissions related to diesel. Ngaliwatan pangumpulan gas sareng téknologi pamulihan anu aya hubunganana sareng Trident, kami nyayogikeun produsén minyak sareng gas kalayan solusi jasa panangkepan flare pikeun ngabéréskeun gas anu aya hubunganana anu dihasilkeun dina situs sumur anu jauh sareng terdampar. These producers are under increasingly severe regulatory pressures to capture and liquefy the burned methane gas at their remote and stranded well sites, otherwise they will face a sharp drop in oil production. Kalayan téknologi prosés Flare to Fuel™ proprietary kami, kami tiasa ngarobih gas-gas anu direbut ieu janten cair gas alam (NGL), anu tiasa dijual salaku cairan pemanasan, pangémulsi atanapi diolah deui ku kilang. In view of the upcoming federal methane capture regulations, we expect our next-generation NGL treatment system will have the ability to convert residual combustion methane into pipeline-quality natural gas, which can be sold for a variety of dedicated and dual-fuel vehicles, Stationary, industrial and domestic use.
Armor Electric Inc. (OTC: ARME) produces and sells electric vehicles. Ogé nyadiakeun propulsion éléktronik jeung sistem kakuatan batré pikeun kandaraan listrik. According to the agreement with NuAge Electric, Inc., Armor Electric, Inc. has the right to use certain proprietary technologies to install electric propulsion systems on electric vehicles, including mountain bikes, regular bicycles, children's bicycle toys and cycling bicycles, Recreational ATV units , skuter, motor, kart, mobil listrik lingkungan, mobil balap, mobil panumpang biasa, beus jeung tipe séjén kandaraan roda dua jeung tilu, kandaraan cai jeung kandaraan sejen tur produk.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. Kaandalan téknologi AVX bakal mastikeun yén ieu sareng generasi anu bakal datang bakal nguntungkeun tina téknologi héjo ieu. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
AYRO, Inc. (NASDAQGS: AYRO) mendesain sareng nyayogikeun solusi armada listrik kompak, bébas émisi pikeun pasar kota sareng jarak pondok. Kandaraan AYRO tiasa nyumponan sajumlah kabutuhan bisnis sareng janten pamimpin anu muncul dina transportasi logistik anu aman, terjangkau, efisien sareng lestari. AYRO diadegkeun dina 2017 ku pangusaha, investor sareng eksekutif anu gairah pikeun nyiptakeun solusi kendaraan listrik kota sustainable pikeun manajemén kampus, mil terakhir sareng pangiriman kota, sareng transportasi kampus katutup.
Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQCM: BLNK, BLNKW) mangrupikeun salah sahiji pamimpin nasional dina alat sareng jasa ngecas kendaraan listrik umum (EV), ngamungkinkeun supir EV gampang ngecas di sabudeureun Amérika Serikat. Headquartered in Florida, Blink Charging has offices in Arizona and California, and its business aims to accelerate the popularity of electric vehicles. Blink Charging provides EV charging equipment and connects with Blink Network. Blink Network is a cloud-based software that can operate, manage and track Blink EV charging stations and all related data. Blink Charging also owns and operates EV charging equipment mainly under the Blink brand, and uses many other charging station equipment manufacturers, such as ChargePoint, General Electric (GE) and SemaConnect. Blink Charging gaduh mitra perumahan strategis di sababaraha daérah komersial, kalebet perumahan multi-kulawarga sareng perumahan komersial, bandara, akademi, kotamadya, tempat parkir, pusat balanja, tempat parkir ritel, sakola sareng tempat kerja.
Canoo Inc. (NasdaqGS: GOEV) is a Los Angeles-based company that has developed ground-breaking electric vehicles. It has reshaped the automotive industry with bold design innovations, groundbreaking technologies and unique business models. Modél bisnis ieu ignores kapamilikan Tradisional nempatkeun nasabah munggaran. Canoo is differentiated by an experienced team (more than 350 employees from leading technology and automotive companies) and designed a modular electric platform to provide the largest vehicle interior space and be able to provide consumers and enterprises with a wide range of automotive applications stand by.
Car Charging Group, Inc. (OTC: CCGI) is a pioneer in nationwide public electric vehicle (EV) charging services, which allows EV drivers to easily charge all over the United States. Headquartered in Miami Beach, Florida, with offices in San Jose, California; York énggal, York énggal; jeung Phoenix, Arizona; Modél bisnis CarCharging tujuanana pikeun ngagancangkeun nyoko kana ngecas EV umum. CarCharging has established strategic partnerships with multiple commercial areas, including multi-family residential and commercial properties, parking lots, shopping centers, retail parking lots and municipalities.
Cerence Inc. (NASDAQ: CRNC) mangrupikeun pamimpin industri global dina nyiptakeun pangalaman unik sareng pikaresepeun pikeun dunya otomotif. Our expertise is advanced AI, natural language understanding, voice biometrics, gesture and gaze technology, and augmented reality. As an innovation partner of the world's leading automakers, we are helping to change the way cars feel, respond and learn. Catetan ieu dumasar kana 20 taun pangaweruh jeung ampir 300 juta mobil. Naha éta mobil disambungkeun, nyetir otonom atanapi mobil listrik, kami ngarencanakeun jalan pikeun masa depan.
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) sareng anak perusahaanna babarengan komitmen kana pamekaran, pabrik sareng penjualan batré litium énergi tinggi sareng énergi tinggi di Cina sareng internasional. Produk perusahaan dianggo dina sababaraha aplikasi, kalebet kendaraan listrik, sapertos kendaraan listrik, beus listrik, kendaraan listrik hibrida sareng beus; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
Clean Air Power Corporation (LSE: CAP.L) nyaéta pamekar sareng pamimpin global téknologi durukan Dual-Fuel™ pikeun mesin solar tugas beurat. Téknologi unggulan nyaéta sistem Dual-Fuel™ anu dipaténkeun, anu ngamungkinkeun mesin solar tugas beurat jalan dina kombinasi gas alam sareng solar. Ieu nyadiakeun konsumén jeung kinerja mesin solar, tabungan suluh signifikan jeung émisi low, tanpa sacrificing efisiensi ciri atawa reliabilitas mesin solar.
Clean Diesel Technology Co., Ltd. CDTi (NasdaqCM: CDTI) uses its advanced material technology to manufacture and distribute vehicle emission control products. CDTi ngagunakeun téknologi katalis fase campuran proprietary na (MPC(R)) jeung téknologi patali séjén pikeun nyadiakeun solusi sustainable-nilai luhur pikeun ngurangan émisi, ngaronjatkeun efisiensi énergi, sarta ngurangan inténsitas karbon on- sareng off-road sistem mesin durukan internal. In order to reflect its continued focus on innovation, CDTi is developing and commercializing proprietary advanced low-platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts, including enhanced PGM (SPGM™) and zero PGM (ZPGM™) catalysts. CDTi is headquartered in Oxnard, California, and has operations in the UK, Canada, France, Japan and Sweden.
Perusahaan Bahan Bakar Energi Bersih (NasdaqGS: CLNE) mangrupikeun panyalur bahan bakar gas alam panggedéna di Amérika Kalér pikeun transportasi. Kami ngawangun sareng ngoperasikeun stasiun ngeusian CNG sareng LNG; pabrik CNG jeung LNG parabot jeung téknologi pikeun diri urang jeung pausahaan séjén; develop RNG production facilities; sareng nyayogikeun langkung seueur bahan bakar CNG, LNG sareng Redem RNG tibatan perusahaan sanés di Amérika Serikat
Coates International Ltd. (OTC: COTE) is a precision engineering company located in New Jersey, specializing in the development of technologies that can improve standard internal combustion engines to significantly increase fuel efficiency and power generation, reduce harmful emissions, and perform long-term biaya pangropéa.
CPS Technologies Corporation (NasdaqCM: CPSH) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina produksi komponén komposit matriks logam anu dianggo pikeun ningkatkeun réliabilitas sareng kinerja sababaraha sistem listrik. CPS products are used in motor controllers for hybrid and electric vehicles, high-speed trains, subways and wind turbines. They are also used as heat sinks in Internet switches, routers and high-performance microprocessors. CPS also develops and produces metal matrix composite armor
Cummins Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: CMI) is the world's leading electric power company. It is a company composed of complementary business units that design, manufacture, distribute and repair diesel and natural gas engines and related technologies, including fuel systems, control, Air treatment, filtration, emission solutions and power generation systems. Cummins kantor pusatna di Columbus, Indiana, AS. Ayeuna gaduh kirang langkung 55.400 karyawan di sakuliah dunya sareng ngalayanan para nasabah di kirang langkung 190 nagara sareng wilayah ngalangkungan jaringan kirang langkung 600 lokasi distributor perusahaan sareng mandiri sareng kirang langkung 7.400 lokasi dealer.
Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. (OTC: CYPW) mangrupikeun pamekar Cyclone Engine anu meunang-panghargaan, anu mangrupikeun bahan bakar pinuh, mesin téknologi bersih kalayan fungsi anu kuat sareng serbaguna anu tiasa ngajalankeun generator tina énergi runtah , Sagalana tina sistem termal surya. kana mobil, treuk jeung lokomotif. Invented by the company's founder and CEO Harry Schoell (Harry Schoell), the patented cyclone engine is an environmentally friendly internal combustion engine, its ingenious design aims to achieve high thermal efficiency through a compact heat storage process, and is almost usable Run on any fuel (including biodiesel), syngas or solar-while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating pollutants into the air. The cyclone engine was named “2008 Invention Award” by “Popular Science” magazine, and won the AEI Technology Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers in 2006 and 2008. In addition, the cyclone engine was recently awarded the title of “Environmental Business of the Year” by Broward. County Environmental Protection Agency.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. The Mercedes-Benz Automotive Division sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles named after the Mercedes-Benz brand, as well as small cars named after smart brands. Daimler's truck business unit sells trucks under the names Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, Thomas-made buses and Bharat Benz brands. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Divisi Beus Daimler ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual beus gabungan, beus kota sareng antarkota, gerbong sareng sasis beus dina merek Mercedes-Benz sareng Setra. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. Pausahaan ieu diadegkeun dina 1904 sarta kantor pusatna di Maumee, Ohio, kalawan kurang leuwih 23.000 pagawé di 25 nagara/wilayah di genep buana. Dana has applied mature technologies to future power sources, including fuel cell products and later products. With our recognized expertise in the development of high temperature materials, we develop and manufacture superior fuel products for the automotive market, including the balance of factories, hydrogen reformers and chimney assemblies. For more than ten years, we have been a global leader in the fuel cell market and have won honors including General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award and f Battery 2010 Gold Award. We are committed to meeting your current and future needs. Naha éta sél suluh, batré, kendaraan listrik hibrida atanapi mesin durukan internal, Dana bakal nyayogikeun produk énergi alternatif anu inovatif sareng dipercaya pikeun ngadukung anjeun di dinya.
dPollution International Inc. (OTC: RMGX) boga hak pikeun nyieun jeung ngadistribusikaeun téhnologi udar bahan bakar dipaténkeun. Téknologi perusahaan lumaku pikeun rupa-rupa mesin durukan katutup, kalebet anu dianggo dina mobil, treuk, beus, karéta, generator sareng alat-alat beurat. It has the rights to three patented fuel regulation devices, which can improve the combustion efficiency of gas or diesel engines, reduce pollution emissions and increase mileage. The company is committed to providing solutions for consumers, businesses and governments.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual téknologi pangurangan émisi karbon dioksida pikeun mesin durukan internal. Salaku bagian tina ékonomi hidrogén internasional anu beuki penting, kami nganggo téknologi anu dipaténkeun pikeun ngahasilkeun hidrogén sareng oksigén ngaliwatan sistem éléktrolisis anu unik. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) is a power management company. Eaton nyadiakeun solusi hemat energi pikeun mantuan konsumén urang ngatur listrik, hidrolik jeung kakuatan mékanis leuwih éféktif, aman tur sustainably. Eaton ngajual produk ka konsumén di leuwih ti 175 nagara. Transportasi: Produk transportasi Eaton kalebet antarmuka pangguna, kontrol sareng saklar, ogé solusi konvérsi kakuatan sareng distribusi anu penting pikeun manajemén kakuatan kendaraan anu efektif.
Australia's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) is responsible for the production of carbon nanotubes and carbon fibers, nano-material concrete admixtures, hydrogen production, storage and transportation fuel systems (including low-emission hydrogen, hydrogen, methane, coalbed methane sareng bénsin shale). ) Museurkeun. Karajaan Inggris. All these aspects of Eden's business are part of an integrated strategy that aims to become a major global player in the alternative energy market, especially focusing on the clean energy transportation market, producing carbon-free hydrogen, and transporting hydrogen to Market and provide engines. Optasi dumasar kana jalan-jalan sareng solusi énergi.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. Éta intends pikeun lisénsi aplikasi téhnologi sarta kasempetan gawé babarengan dina sagala rupa industri jeung aplikasi. Pausahaan ieu baheulana kawanoh salaku ZENN Motor Company Inc. sarta dingaranan EEStor Corporation dina April 2015.
Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp (NasdaqCM: SOLO) mangrupikeun desainer sareng produsén kendaraan listrik. Pausahaan ngahasilkeun SOLO sadaya-listrik inovatif, mobil panumpang tunggal dikembangkeun pikeun revolutionize cara jalma pasuliwer, sarta Tofino, hiji-kinerja tinggi dua-seater mobil olahraga listrik elegan. Kadua mobil parantos disaluyukeun pikeun nyayogikeun pangalaman nyetir anu saé bari ngajantenkeun perjalanan anjeun langkung éfisién, ekonomis sareng ramah lingkungan. Intermeccanica, anak perusahaan Electra Meccanica, parantos suksés ngadamel kendaraan khusus anu luhur salami 59 taun. Séri Electra Meccanica nyayogikeun generasi mobil listrik anu mampu milik ka masarakat.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). Penjualan kendaraan listrik, kapasitas produksi batré sareng pembangkit listrik tina énergi anu tiasa diperbarui diperkirakeun ningkat sacara signifikan dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, ku kituna paménta pikeun komoditi target ieu bakal ningkat sasuai. Ieu nyiptakeun kasempetan unik pikeun investasi sareng kéngingkeun royalti dina tambang sareng proyék anu bakal nyayogikeun bahan anu dipikabutuh pikeun révolusi kakuatan. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Aya 6 kombinasi royalti. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) ngadesain, ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun batré Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 proprietary, sistem batré, sareng produk anu aya hubunganana sareng batré pikeun neundeun énergi, transportasi kakuatan bersih sareng aplikasi khusus anu sanés. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya is headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has production facilities in Canada and Germany, and has customers all over the world.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) is a global leader in energy storage solutions for industrial applications, manufacturing and distributing backup power and power batteries, chargers, power equipment, battery accessories and outdoor equipment housing solutions for customers around the world. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. Batré kakuatan cadangan dianggo dina industri telekomunikasi sareng utilitas, catu daya anu teu kaganggu, sareng seueur aplikasi anu peryogi solusi énergi panyimpen, kalebet sistem médis, aerospace, sareng pertahanan. Outdoor equipment shell products are used in telecommunications, cables, utilities, transportation industries as well as government and defense customers. The company also provides after-sales and customer support services to customers from more than 100 countries/regions through its sales and manufacturing locations around the world
Enova Systems, Inc. (OTC code: ENVS) designs, develops and produces drive systems and related components for electric, hybrid and fuel cell systems for mobile applications in the United States, Asia and Europe. Éta nyayogikeun sistem hibrid séri sareng paralel. The company's electric and hybrid electric drive systems as well as power management and power conversion systems are used in applications such as medium and heavy trucks, buses and heavy industrial vehicles.
Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. Pasar Facedrive nawiskeun produk anu dipilih didamel tina bahan anu sumberna lestari. Facedrive Foods nyayogikeun rupa-rupa tuangeun pikeun pangiriman non-kontak, kalayan fokus kana tuangeun anu séhat di lawang konsumén. Facedrive Health develops innovative technological solutions for today's most serious health challenges. Facedrive is changing the narrative of ride sharing, food delivery, e-commerce, and health technology to make everyone better.
Hasil investasi anu dipilarian ku First Trust Nasdaq Global Automotive Index Fund (NasdaqGM: CARZ) biasana sami sareng harga sareng ngabalikeun indéks saham anu disebut Nasdaq OMX Global Automotive Index (SM) (saméméh waragad sareng biaya dana) . A fund usually invests at least 90% of its net assets (including investment borrowings) in the common stocks and depositary receipts that make up the index. Indéks ieu ditujukeun pikeun ngalacak kinerja perusahaan anu panggedéna sareng paling cair dina aktipitas manufaktur mobil. The fund is non-diversified.
Fuel System Solutions Company (NASDAQGS: FSYS) is a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of proven, cost-effective alternative fuel components and systems in transportation and industrial applications. Komponén sareng sistem sistem suluh ngadalikeun tekanan sareng aliran bahan bakar alternatif gas (sapertos propana sareng gas alam) anu dianggo dina mesin durukan internal. These components and systems have the company's advanced fuel system technology, which can increase efficiency, increase power output and reduce emissions by electronically sensing and adjusting the appropriate ratio of fuel and air required by the internal combustion engine. In addition to components and systems, the company also provides engineering and system integration services to meet customers' unique requirements for performance, durability and configuration.
General Electric (NYSE: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Transportasi: GE ngamajukeun pangwangunan dunya ku cara anu paling aman, panggancangna sareng paling efektif. We are using the world's largest and most efficient jet engine to promote the development of airlines. We use the most advanced locomotives and signal systems to transport goods. We even manufacture helicopter engines for lifesaving missions. If there is a better way of transporting people and goods, GE will provide support
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) sareng mitra-mitrana ngahasilkeun mobil di 30 nagara, sareng perusahaan ngagaduhan posisi anu unggul dina pasar otomotif panggedéna sareng paling gancang-tumuwuh di dunya. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Mobil héjo: ékonomi suluh, mobil listrik, biofuel jeung mobil sél suluh hidrogén
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) mangrupikeun pamekar global sareng pemasar téknologi manajemén termal anu inovatif. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Automotive products include actively heated and cooled seat systems and cup holders, heated and ventilated seat systems, heat storage tanks, heated car interior systems (including heated seats, steering wheels, armrests and other components), battery thermal management System, cable system and other parabot éléktronik. Non-automotive products include remote power generation systems, heating and cooling furniture, and other consumer and industrial temperature control applications. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Wobduran ngagaduhan sahenteuna 10,000 karyawan di Amérika Serikat, basa Jerman, Kanada, Cina, Hungin, Corya, Menara, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta, Mei, Merta
The Global X Autonomy and Electric Vehicle ETF (NasdaqGM: DRIV) strives to provide investment results that correspond to the price and earnings performance (excluding expenses and expenses) of the Solactive Autonomy and Electric Vehicle Index as a whole. Dana investasi sahenteuna 80% tina total aset na dina jaminan indéks. The index aims to provide risk exposure to exchange-listed companies participating in the development of electric vehicles and/or autonomous vehicles, including companies that produce electric/hybrid vehicles, electric/hybrid vehicle parts and materials, autonomous driving technology and networks . jasa angkutan disambungkeun. Ieu non-diversified.
GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) is a green chemical company with a patent-pending technology that can convert hazardous waste into green products. GlyEco Technology™ has a unique ability to clean up polluted glycol from all five waste-producing industries: HVAC, textile, automotive, aviation and medical. Téknologi ieu tiasa ngadaur ulang runtah étiléna glikol pikeun nyumponan spésifikasi ASTM Tipe 1-kamurnianna sami sareng étiléna glikol kelas kilang.
Grande West Transportation Group Inc. (TSX: BUS.V) mangrupikeun produsén beus Kanada anu ngarancang, ngarencanakeun sareng ngadamel beus ukuran sedeng pikeun otoritas transportasi sareng perusahaan komersial. Beus Vicinity Best-in-Class Grande West sayogi dina model panjang 27,5, 30 sareng 35-suku, didamel ku solar bersih atanapi CNG, sareng dirancang kalayan kabébasan, aksés sareng tanggung jawab global dina pikiran. Its cost is much lower than that of a conventional 40-foot bus, it burns less fuel and emits less harmful gases. Pausahaan nyadiakeun beus anyar pikeun agénsi transportasi kota jeung operator swasta di Kanada sareng Amérika Serikat, sarta boga konsumén di 8 ti 10 propinsi basisir sakuliah Kanada. Grande West meets the requirements of Buy America and, together with its exclusive US distributor ABG, actively provides Vicinity with US public and private transportation fleet operations services
Kokum utama tina perusahaan mobil héjo (Otc: Gacr) nyaéta kalkual perusahaan ngiringan sareng ngajual penyebaran, gas alam sareng perusahaan Cngenang. GACR mangrupikeun perusahaan induk Newport Coachworks. Inc (NCI) mangrupikeun cabangna milik sapinuhna anu ngoperasikeun pabrik mobil penumpang 40,000-square-foot di Riverside, California. NCi nembe diwanohkeun téknologi mobil mobil, sareng 15 ka 23 korsi E-Pariksa model sareng 27 ka 33 korsi e-Atlas. GACR sareng Présidén NCI / CEO Carter Read (Carter Read) mangrupikeun pamimpin industri dina bisnis beus sareng mobil méwah. Anjeunna boga leuwih ti 25 taun pangalaman dina industri manufaktur transportasi, sahingga GACR publik paling inovatif di Kalér. Salah sahiji pabrik mobil di Amérika Serikat. GACR focuses on the development, manufacture and sales of the highest quality conventional and electric high-quality shuttle buses, initially serving the North American market, but ultimately also serving exports. The Newport Coachworks facility in Riverside, California can accommodate all stages of the bus development process, from design and prototyping to various mass production and assembly stages, through to completion and delivery to the dealer network. The company uses the most advanced equipment and technology to make the coach's manufacturing with a very high level of craftsmanship and reliability at a competitive price.
Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi bersih "héjo lengkep" anu ngagabungkeun bahan-bahan pakan anu tiasa dirobih sareng tiasa dianggo deui dumasar kana pepelakan domestik, sareng bentuk proprietary anu diwangun dina opat ideologi Téhnologi héjo: Biodegradable, didaur ulang, renewable sareng lingkungan. safe. GET uses G-CLEAN(R) and G-OIL(R) as its brands to produce a full range of “clean and green” American-made environmentally friendly products, some of which are specially designed to help overcome fracturing and pressure worldwide. The challenge of disintegration allows consumers and customers concerned about the environment and American energy independence to do their part without sacrificing value or performance. Nyalametkeun planét-naon anu bakal dipasihkeun.
GreenCell Inc. (OTC: GCLL) nyaéta parusahaan tahap ngembangkeun dedicated ka ngembangkeun sistem gas jeung alat igniters, sensor oksigén, sél suluh jeung alat-alat pikeun pabrik parabot aslina, pabrik, distributor industri jeung reseller dina parabot rumah tangga produk Pad marake, otomotif. , heating and cooling, and medical industries
GreenPower Motor Company Inc. (NasdaqGS: GP) designs, manufactures and distributes a full range of high- and low-rise vehicles, including transportation buses, school buses, shuttle buses and double-decker buses. GreenPower ngagunakeun desain kertas bébas debu pikeun ngahasilkeun beus sadaya-listrik, nu dirancang pikeun daya batré nol-émisi.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industries. Téknologi perusahaan, kalebet anu dianggo dina alat cetakan suntikan, campuran proprietary résin plastik daur ulang, sareng desain palet anu dipaténkeun, ngamungkinkeun produksi gancang palet kualitas luhur kalayan biaya anu langkung handap tibatan seueur prosés. Plastik daur ulang dipaké pikeun palet mantuan ngadalikeun biaya bahan bari ngurangan runtah lingkungan, sarta ngabogaan kaunggulan ongkos leuwih pamaké résin parawan. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage systems , Mobile and wearable products, electric bicycles, medical equipment, digital and electronic equipment, personal care and household products. The company is also developing emerging applications in the fields of drones, robotics and wireless charging technology. Highpower boga fasilitas produksi canggih di Cina, sarta ngabogaan leuwih ti 100 bahan batré, processing jeung desain patén-patén. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. Perusahaan dibagi jadi opat pembaguan: bisnis motor, moal bisnis komputer, bisnis pager kauangan, sareng usaha kakuatan sanésna sareng usaha pikeun usaha séjén. The motorcycle business unit produces sports models, including test and cross-country motorcycles. Mode komérsial sareng komuter; kendaraan altain sadaya; sareng kendaraan utiliti. The automotive business unit provides passenger cars, light trucks and mini cars, as well as vehicles powered by alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol, electric and fuel cell vehicles. The financial services business segment provides a variety of financial services, including retail loans, leasing and other financial services, including wholesale financing to distributors and customers. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers , sarta mowers padang rumput hejo Mesin jeung traktor padang rumput hejo. Segmen pasar ieu ogé nawiskeun unit Conogen Kompak. The company sells products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Désa Honda ngeunaan inovasi henteu cocog dina industri otomotip. Sakumaha salawasna, perhatian kami museurkeun kana hareup. Salaku conto, sababaraha supir di California parantos nyetir Komunitas FCM Subyity Bupati. Ieu sadayana bagian tina pamikiran sareng tindakan Honda. Kandaraan anu ramah lingkungan: gas alam, kakuatan hibrid sareng sél suluh
Gedompok hidrok PCC (Leud: HreR.L) anu dibuktikeun, prosés anu efan sareng prosés kimia, mimitina diolah dompasén dompas. Ayeuna, minyak limbah diolah di dua pabrik komersil. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. teu bahaya. The process also completely eliminates the toxic additive PCBs prohibited by international regulations. Pabrik Hydrodec aya di Canton, Ohio, AS sareng Young, New South Wales, Australia. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. Grup Os nyaéta Kolektor anu gedé di Inggris, amalgameator sareng prosesor limbah, ogé anu ngajual penjual minyak suluh anu diperyogikeun minyak sareng fisiara listrik. Jaringan stasiun. Minyak miceunan kana minyak suluh anu hasil di hasil In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. Éta ogé salah sahiji tina panyadia Pahaba Pilihan industri Limbus Market Nu teras di Inggris di Inggris di Inggris atanapi Kasarutkan Panyanduk (Merpol). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. Perusahaan nyayogikeun Centennial / Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Aksen, Aksen 5DR, ix20, I20 , i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Including trucks, buses, special vehicles and commercial vehicles with exposed chassis products, as well as Eco vehicles, including Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell and Sonata-Hybrid vehicles. For Canadians as the first car manufacturer to provide Fuel, Hyundai's Cell Electric vehicle enables a zero-emission, zero-carload fuel tank to travel more than 400 kilometers without having to spend hours on charging. Pamikiran anyar urang parantos ngaliwat wates tradisional, ngadefinisikeun deui tujuan anu tiasa dicapai ku mobil, dunya énggal, sareng nuju ka masa depan anu langkung saé.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) nyaéta parusahaan téhnologi dedicated ka ngaronjatkeun efisiensi konversi kakuatan. The company has developed a novel patented power conversion technology called Power Packet Switching Architecture (“PPSA”). PPSA ngaronjatkeun ukuran, ongkos, efisiensi, kalenturan jeung reliabilitas converters kakuatan éléktronik. PPSA can expand to several large and growing markets, including solar photovoltaics, variable frequency drives, battery energy storage, mobile power and microgrids, and electric vehicle charging. Pausahaan ogé ngembangkeun transistor simpang ganda dua arah dua arah (B-TRAN™), sareng parantos ngalamar patén, anu berpotensi ningkatkeun efisiensi sareng kapadetan kakuatan saklar kakuatan dua arah. Ideal Power uses a capital-efficient business model that enables the company to handle multiple product development projects and markets simultaneously.
The Innovation Shares NextGen Vehicle and Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: EKAR) narékahan pikeun nyadiakeun hasil investasi pikeun ngalacak kinerja Innovation Lab Next Generation Vehicle Index ("indéks") sateuacan ngirangan biaya sareng biaya. The fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the index. Indéks ieu dimaksudkeun pikeun ngukur kinerja portopolio pausahaan anu kalibet dina ngembangkeun atawa pamakéan atawa investasi "kandaraan énergi anyar" atawa "mobil timer nyetir" (contona, bisa ngajalankeun mobil sorangan ti mimiti). Anggo sababaraha téknologi sareng sénsor dina kendaraan pikeun ngahontal tujuan anu dimaksud dina modeu "nyetir otomatis".
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. We create quality products, services and solutions to optimize the energy and operational efficiency of buildings; lead-acid car batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; sareng sistem pedalaman mobil. Johnson Controls provides a series of lithium-ion battery technologies to meet customers' power and energy needs. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. Dina 2015, "Majalah Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan" rengking Johnson Controls salaku perusahaan ka-15 dina taunan "100 Warga Perusahaan Terbaik".
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), through its wholly-owned subsidiary KULR Technology Corporation (“KULR”), develops and commercializes high-performance, space-use thermal management technologies for various electronic products, batteries and other components Electric vehicles, autonomous driving (collectively referred to as E-Mobility) and other applications as well as AI, cloud computing, energy storage and 5G communication technologies. Téknologi inti proprietary KULR nyaéta bahan serat karbon, anu akar dina widang aerospace sareng pertahanan. Eta nyadiakeun konduktivitas termal alus teuing jeung dissipation panas jeung ultra-lampu jeung bahan lemes. By leveraging this breakthrough cooling solution and its long-term development partnerships with NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab and other companies, KULR makes electric vehicles and other products cooler, lighter, and safer.
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; produksi; jeung jualan. The company's products include: E-Box energy storage systems for solar and wind power generation equipment; and EV components that integrate batteries and motors, such as EV controllers that use small computers to control torque drive
LOOPShare Ltd. (TSX: LOOP.V) is a Vancouver company founded in 2009, focusing on carpooling, micro travel and sustainable transportation. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Saturna Green Systems Inc., has integrated the first generation of wireless rugged 7 Inch touch screen dashboard is commercialized, and the telematics function of electric inner city vehicles LOOPShare highly specialized display can provide a wide range of services for consumers , pariwisata atawa tujuan komérsial. Tujuan LOOPShare nyaéta pikeun ngembangkeun sareng nyebarkeun kandaraan tungtung-ka-tungtung pikeun kandaraan transportasi jero kota. Solusi interkonéksi tungtung-ka-tungtung, khususna kotak gear khusus pikeun transportasi salaku jasa ("TaaS"). LOOPShare will implement TaaS solutions through global regional operators, with LOOPShare's unique focus on commuting/travel/business, the latest technology to provide subscribers with commuting convenience and travel applications wireless two-wheel electric sharing technology, “Loop” is LOOPShare Ltd .'S trademark.
Lumentum Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: LITE) mangrupakeun produsén ngarah pasar produk optik jeung fotonik inovatif, sarta produk na ngawula jaringan optik jeung konsumén laser komérsial sakuliah dunya. Lumentum's optical components and subsystems are actually part of every type of telecom, enterprise and data center network. Lumentum's commercial lasers support advanced manufacturing technologies and multiple applications including next-generation 3D sensing capabilities. Kamampuhan sensing 3D ngarobih cara urang berinteraksi sareng téknologi unggal dinten. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) sareng kendaraan otonom mangrupikeun sababaraha conto aplikasi anyar anu bakal datang.
Lyft, Inc. (NasdaqGS: LYFT) was established in 2012 and has more than 30 million riders and 2 million drivers. Kami komitmen pikeun ningkatkeun kahirupan masarakat ngaliwatan transportasi anu pangsaéna di dunya, sareng kami komitmen pikeun ngawangun transportasi anu dipercaya, terjangkau sareng lestari.
Magna International (TSX: MG.TO; New York Stock Exchange: MGA) is a leading global automotive supplier with 319 manufacturing operations and 85 product development, engineering and sales centers in 29 countries/regions. Kamampuhan produk urang kalebet produksi awak, chassis, interior, exterior, korsi, powertrain, éléktronika, visi, kandang sareng sistem hateup sareng modul, ogé rékayasa kendaraan lengkep sareng manufaktur kontrak.
MiX Telematics Limited (NYSE: MIXT) is the world's leading provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions, provided to customers in more than 120 countries/regions in the form of SaaS. The company's products and services provide safe, efficient, risk and safety solutions for corporate fleets, small fleets and consumers. MiX Telematics diadegkeun dina 1996 sareng gaduh kantor di Afrika Kidul, Inggris, Amérika Serikat, Uganda, Brazil, Australia, Romania, Thailand sareng Uni Émirat Arab, sareng gaduh langkung ti 130 mitra tim di sakuliah dunya.
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Produk Modine dianggo dina kendaraan anu hampang, sedeng sareng beurat, pemanasan, ventilasi sareng alat AC, alat-alat luar jalan sareng industri, sareng sistem kulkas. Modine is a global company headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, with operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. Variable-speed brushless fan (EFAN) technology is used to control temperature in diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid applications, and is also part of pioneering fuel cell-powered buses.
Neah Power System. Inc. (OTC: NPWZ) is a developer of innovative, durable, efficient and safe power solutions for military, transportation and portable electronic applications. Neah's Powerchip(R) technology uses a unique, patented and award-winning silicon-based design that enables higher power density, air and non-air operation, lower cost and compact form factor. Sél bahan bakar mikro Neah's BuzzBar™ sareng BuzzCell™ nganggo téknologi béaya rendah, dibédakeun patén dina produk berorientasi konsumen.
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) since its establishment in 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. has become an award-winning global leader in supercapacitor technology innovation and product development. The properties of supercapacitors allow the technology to be used in applications where power, life cycle requirements or environmental conditions limit the applicability of batteries or capacitors. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap has the most complete range of standard commercial products on the market, from 3 farads to 6200 farads, all with industry-recognized alternative organic electrolytes. Konsumén perusahaan kalebet transportasi, listrik sareng pasar konsumen.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) is a leading global independent bus manufacturer, providing a comprehensive set of public transportation solutions under the following brands: NewFlyer® (heavy buses), Alexander Dennis Limited (single-layer and Double-decker beus), Plaxton (mobil panumpang motorized), MCI® (mobil panumpang motorized), ARBOC® (mobil panumpang low-chassis jeung mobil panumpang sedeng-ukuran) jeung NFI Parts™. NFI buses and coaches use the most extensive drive systems, including: clean diesel, natural gas, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles and zero-emission electric vehicles (trolleys, batteries and fuel cells). NFI ayeuna ngadukung langkung ti 105,000 beus sareng palatih anu ayeuna dianggo di dunya.
Nikola Company (NASDAQGS: NKLA) ngarobih industri transportasi dina skala global. Salaku desainer sareng produsén kendaraan listrik sareng hidrogén listrik, karéta drive kendaraan listrik, komponén kendaraan, sistem panyimpen énérgi, sareng prasarana stasiun pengisian bahan bakar hidrogén, Nikola komitmen pikeun ngamajukeun dampak ékonomi sareng lingkungan bisnis sapertos anu urang terang ayeuna. influences. Nikola Corporation diadegkeun dina 2015 sareng kantor pusatna di Phoenix, Arizona.
NIO (New York Stock Exchange: NIO) was established in November 2014 and is a pioneer in China's high-end electric vehicle market. The mission of NIO is to shape a happy lifestyle by providing high-end smart electric vehicles and becoming the best user company. NIO designs, jointly manufactures and sells smart and interconnected high-quality electric vehicles, thereby promoting next-generation technology innovations in connectivity, autonomous driving and artificial intelligence. Tambi warte pangalaman para pangguna sareng mérakeun para instrak kuat, fif fated sareng inovatif sareng jasa pitipik anu sanés. Weilai Automobile mimiti nganteurkeun 7-korsi-kinerja tinggi SUV listrik ES8 di Cina dina Juni 2018, sarta ngarencanakeun pikeun ngajalankeun 5-korsi SUV listrik ES6 dina ahir 2018.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual mobil, produk laut sareng bagian anu aya hubunganana di Jepang sareng internasional. Produkna kalebet mobil kompak, sedan, kendaraan khusus sareng ringan, minivan/van, SUV/truk pikap sareng kendaraan komersial ringan dina merek Nissan, Infiniti sareng Datsun. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé nyayogikeun kotak gear, as, mesin pikeun mobil sareng alat-alat industri, batré litium-ion anu tiasa dicas deui sareng bagian anu aya hubunganana; mesin industri; sareng adat adat, parabot sareng alat éléktronik. mobil listrik
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . Salaku parusahaan Fortune 200, urang nyieun nilai ngaliwatan generasi kakuatan konvensional dipercaya jeung efisien, bari promosi inovasi dina tanaga surya sarta renewable, ékosistem kandaraan listrik, téhnologi néwak karbon jeung solusi énergi customer-centric. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . Dina pasar telekomunikasi, sistem Polar nyadiakeun énérgi dipercaya jeung béaya rendah pikeun aplikasi off-grid jeung jaringan goréng kalayan kabutuhan kakuatan kritis. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
Industri Polaris, Int. (Nyse: Pii) mangrupikeun pamimpin anu diakui di industri olahraga listrik. Polaris ngadesain, ngadesain, ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual kendaraan luar jalan anu inovatif sareng kualitas luhur, kalebet kendaraan sadaya rupa bumi (ATV) sareng kendaraan sisi-demi-sisi, mobil salju, motor sareng kendaraan listrik/hibrid jalan. Polaris is one of the global sales leaders of snowmobiles and off-road vehicles, and has a place in the heavyweight cruiser and touring motorcycle market. Salaku tambahan, Piketika terus investasi di jalan global listrik / Industri Kriender WrdID handap ngalangkungan Korsi listrik (Geme), gemie strath sareng mobil dikembangkeun. Polarii ningkatkeun pangalaman tunggang sareng set pinuh bagian-paruttik polong, hiasan sareng pakean, Klim Maluke Lex sareng asesoris. Partaria Indjel Inc. (Polarisis industri Inc.) didagakan di Nurnal Stop Work, sareng perusahaan parantos dipasang dina standar anu standar & CHED.
Power Ore (TSX: PORE.V) positions itself as the owner of a diversified portfolio of battery metal assets in Canada, and focuses on two points: metal assets are used exclusively for the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries (cobalt) and nickel; Aset canggih kapanggih, pangaweruh ngeunaan mineralisasi jeung infrastruktur di tempat.
Power Solutions International, Inc. (NasdaqCM: PSIX) (PSI) is a leader in the design, manufacture and manufacture of emission-certified alternative fuel power systems. PSI nyayogikeun solusi turnkey terpadu pikeun produsén peralatan asli anu unggul di dunya dina pasar industri sareng jalan raya. With the company's unique internal design, prototyping, engineering design and testing capabilities, PSI can customize clean, high-performance engines that can use a variety of fuels, including natural gas, propane, biogas, diesel and gasoline. PSI has developed and provided a complete 0.97 to 22 liter power system, including an 8.8 liter engine for the industrial and road markets, including medium-sized fleets, delivery trucks, school buses and garbage/garbage trucks. PSI power systems are currently used worldwide for generators, forklifts, aerial work vehicles and industrial sweepers, as well as oil and gas, aircraft ground support, agricultural and construction equipment
Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. Pikeun leuwih ti sapuluh taun, Praxair geus nyadiakeun suluh hidrogén jeung rojongan teknis patali ka pamekar sél suluh jeung armada sakuliah nagara. Praxair's comprehensive hydrogen supply system allows your distribution center to take full advantage of the lower cost and higher productivity provided by hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, while leaving the hydrogen supply to experts.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . Éta nyayogikeun modul sél suluh hidrogén anu terpadu sareng sistem panyimpen énergi pikeun nyiptakeun sistem hibrid sél suluh listrik pikeun nyayogikeun listrik nalika paménta puncak. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Sistem besula bahan kimia global Co., Ltd. (Nasdaqcm: Qtww) mangrupikeun kapentingan, pamekaran kontribusi sareng sistem pangwangunan anu kalebet mesin sareng sistem pangiriman kendusan. Quantum produces one of the most innovative, advanced, and lightest compressed natural gas storage tanks in the world. Salian sistem tangki panyimpen gas alam anu terintegrasi, éta ogé nyayogikeun tangki panyimpen ieu pikeun treuk sareng OEM otomotif ogé integrator treuk aftermarket sareng OEM. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Kuantalan lulus pagelaran di Toch, California, nganggo Operasi sareng Push Di Amérika Serikat, Banada.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. Perusahaan nyayogikeun jasa konsultasi téknis pikeun mesin, powertrain sareng kotak gear, sistem hibrida sareng listrik, sareng sistem kendaraan; and environmental consulting services. It also provides strategic consulting services in the following areas: corporate and business strategies, comprehensive methods to reduce costs and improve operations, market and economic analysis, marketing, sales and services, market regulations and policies, mergers and acquisitions, quality and high-value problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan ogé ngajual sareng ngadukung séri desain sareng analisa produk parangkat lunak khusus dikembangkeun pikeun aplikasi dina pamekaran powertrain sareng prosés integrasi kendaraan; sareng masihan bantosan téknis, palatihan sareng jasa. Sajaba ti éta, ogé nyadiakeun produk-kinerja tinggi, ti mesin, transmisi, motor jeung generator, pak batré jeung sistem sél suluh pikeun ngabersihan program mobil husus. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) is the world's leading designer and manufacturer of high-tech industrial batteries. Grup ieu mangrupikeun produsén batré nikel sareng batré primér litium pikeun infrastruktur industri sareng prosés, transportasi, sareng pasar éléktronika sipil sareng militér. Saft has become a global leader in space and defense batteries with its lithium-ion technology, which is also used in the energy storage, transportation and telecommunications network markets. Electric vehicles: Electric vehicles powered by Saft's high-tech battery system-EV, HEV and PHEV, provide a sustainable solution to reduce CO2 emissions, meet regulatory targets, limit fuel consumption and overall environmental footprint.
Sevcon, Inc (NasdaqCM: SEV) is a global supplier of zero-emission, control and power solutions for electric and hybrid vehicles. Produkna ngadalikeun laju sareng gerak kendaraan jalan sareng jalan-jalan, ngahijikeun fungsi khusus, ngaoptimalkeun konsumsi énergi sareng ngabantosan ngirangan polusi udara. Divisi Bassi Sevcon ngahasilkeun pangecas batré pikeun kendaraan listrik; manajemén kakuatan sarta uninterruptible catu daya (UPS) sistem pikeun aplikasi industri, médis sarta telekomunikasi; alat éléktronik pikeun laboratorium batré. Pausahaan ngalayanan konsumén ngaliwatan operasi na di Amérika Serikat, Britania Raya, Perancis, Jerman, Italia, Kanada, Cina jeung wewengkon Asia-Pasifik, sarta ngaliwatan jaringan dealer internasional.
Smart Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTC: SMGY) produces electronic controls for vehicle batteries. Pausahaan nyadiakeun kotak batré (Battery Brain), nyaéta alat anu bentukna kotak anu tiasa dihubungkeun sareng batré mobil pikeun nyegah kagagalan batré sareng maling. Batré Brain dipaké pikeun rupa-rupa jenis kandaraan motor, kaasup mobil penumpang, treuk hampang nepi ka beurat, beus, traktor, kandaraan rekreasi, motor, kapal, kandaraan ditumpurkeun jeung kandaraan motor lianna nu ngandelkeun accu. Pausahaan ngajual produkna ka ritel otomotif, dealer otomotif, pabrik alat-alat asli otomotif, profésional otomotif, armada, militér, treuk beurat / beus, RV / RV sareng séktor maritim. Smart Energy Solutions ngajual produkna sacara borongan ngaliwatan distributor utamina di Amérika Serikat, Kanada, Inggris, Perancis, Méksiko, Asia sareng Israél. And retail through the Internet.
SPDR Kensho Smart Mobility ETF (NYSEARCA: XKST) narékahan pikeun masihan hasil investasi anu, sateuacan biaya sareng biaya dikurangan, biasana saluyu sareng kinerja pangbalikan tina Standard & Poor's Kensho Smart Transportation Index. Under normal market conditions, a fund usually invests the vast majority (at least 80%) of all its assets in the securities that make up the index. Indéks ieu diwangun ku saham (kaasup kuitansi depositary) didaptarkeun di Amérika Serikat ku pausahaan hirup di pasar maju jeung munculna sakuliah dunya. These stocks are included in the field of intelligent transportation, which is determined by the classification standards established by the index provider. Dana ieu non-diversified.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) mangrupikeun panyadia global solusi photovoltaic ("PV") pikeun konsumén komérsial, padumukan, pamaréntah sareng utilitas sareng investor. Proyék photovoltaic surya anu dikembangkeun ku perusahaan tiasa dijual ka operator pihak katilu, atanapi tiasa dipiboga sareng dioperasikeun ku perusahaan pikeun ngajual listrik ka jaringan listrik seueur nagara di Asia, Amérika Kalér sareng Eropa. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. The company's operational headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California, and maintains global operations in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Green Auto-Announced the launch of EdisonFuture, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPI Energy, to design and develop electric vehicles (“EV”) and EV charging solutions.
Tanfield Group (LSE: TAN.L) is classified as an investment company. The company has a 49% membership interest in Snorkel International Holdings and a 5.76% interest in Smiths Electric Vehicles Corp. Smith Electric Vehicles Corp is a leading designer and manufacturer of all-electric commercial vehicles for short-distance urban fleets. Kendaraan emisi enol Smith gaduh kinerja anu langkung saé tibatan treuk solar tradisional, sareng gaduh efisiensi operasi anu langkung luhur sareng biaya anu langkung handap. Smith's mission is to become a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency, zero-emission vehicles in the commercial transportation industry, using its unique platform to cooperate with world-class brands to transform its entire fleet, help them operate more profitably, and return energy to Grid
Tesla Motors (Nasdaqgs: desain TSLA), Bigung, Panyiapkeun sareng ngajual panguasaan listrik, komponén énergi listrik di Amérika Serikat, Cina. Éta ogé nyayogikeun jasa pangembangan pikeun produsén mobil sanés pikeun ngembangkeun komponén sareng sistem powertrain kendaraan listrik. The company sells its products through the Tesla store and gallery network and the Internet.
Torotrak plc (LSE: TRL.L) designs, develops and commercializes technology for car manufacturers. Perusahaan kabagi kana tilu bagéan: perjanjian lisénsi, jasa rékayasa sareng kagiatan pangembangan. It provides a flybrid, flywheel hybrid power system, which can recover mechanical kinetic energy. V-Charge, supercharger drive variabel pikeun mesin béngsin sareng solar; Torotrak transmisi variabel kontinyu ngamungkinkeun mesin pikeun ngajalankeun dina kaayaan optimal. Perusahaan ogé aktipitas manufaktur logam leyur; operasi bengkel mesin lengkep; las tina baja, aluminium sarta magnésium; Sareng kurs manufaktun pikeun flywheels laju sareng fill-up karbon latar dahsyat. In addition, it is also involved in design, modeling, product development, prototyping and testing activities. The company sells its products to on- and off-highway commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles and other markets.
Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) mangrupikeun produsén mobil panggedéna di dunya, panyipta kendaraan sél bahan bakar Prius sareng Mirai, didedikasikeun pikeun ngadamel mobil pikeun jalma ngalangkungan gaya hirup merek Toyota, Lexus sareng Scion. In the past 50 years, we have manufactured more than 25 million cars and trucks in North America, where we operate 14 manufacturing plants (10 in the US) and directly employ more than 42,000 employees (more than 33,000 in the US) ). In 2014, our 1,800 North American dealerships (1,500 in the US) sold 2.67 million cars and trucks (over 2.35 million in the US)-in the past 20 years, approximately 80% of Toyota vehicles sold are still Today on the road. Around the world, people are working hard to use the energy of hydrogen, which is the most abundant element in the universe. Toyota ngakuan poténsi hidrogén anu ageung salaku sumber énergi anu bersih sareng aktip ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun kendaraan sél bahan bakar (FCV).
Turbodyne Technologies, Inc. (OTC: TRBD) mangrupikeun pamekar sistem ngecas listrik anu dikontrol sacara digital pikeun mesin durukan internal béngsin sareng solar. Its patented design reduces carbon dioxide emissions, improves performance and realizes miniaturization of gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines.
The mission of Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: UBER) is to create opportunities through sports. Urang mimitian ngabéréskeun masalah basajan dina 2010: Dupi anjeun meunang layanan numpak dina touch hiji tombol? Saatos langkung ti 10 milyar perjalanan, kami ngembangkeun produk pikeun ngadeukeutkeun jalma ka tempat anu dipikahoyong. Ku cara ngarobah jalma, kadaharan jeung hal ngalir di kota, Uber mangrupakeun platform nu muka nepi kemungkinan anyar pikeun dunya.
UQM Technologies (NYSE MKT: UQM) is a developer and manufacturer of power-intensive, high-efficiency electric motors, generators and power electronic controllers for commercial trucks, buses, automobiles, ships, military and industrial markets. The main focus of UQM is to develop propulsion systems for electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles. UQM mangrupikeun sertifikasi TS 16949 sareng ISO 14001 sareng ayana di Longmont, Colorado
Vmoto Limited (ASX: VMT.AX) is the world's leading scooter manufacturer and distribution group, specializing in electric two-wheelers. Vmoto's electric two-wheeler products have stylish European design and German engineering design. Vmoto is also involved in the manufacture and distribution of gasoline scooters and four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles. Vmoto has one of the most extensive global distribution networks of any electric scooter manufacturer in the world, with more than 28 distributors in 27 countries/regions in geographic regions such as Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, South America and South Africa. The group operates two main brands: Vmoto and E-Max. Pausahaan ogé nyayogikeun produk ka seueur palanggan ku cara OEM.
Vydrotech Inc. (OTC: VYDR), dumasar di Houston, Texas, nyaéta parusahaan téhnologi héjo dedicated ka ngarancang, ngamekarkeun jeung manufaktur sistem bahan bakar hidrogén-ditingkatkeun pikeun mesin solar komérsial dipaké dina treuk, beus jeung industri laut.
Workhorse Group Inc. (kode OTC: WKHS) mangrupikeun produsén peralatan asli di Amérika Serikat. It is a medium-sized EPA-approved battery electric delivery truck and fully integrated truck-launched drone that meets FAA requirements (UAS) Delivery drone. Dina sajarahna, treuk utama geus dijual ka armada panggedéna di Amérika Serikat jeung Kanada pikeun pangiriman-mil panungtungan sarta kagunaan patali.
XPeng Inc. (NYSE: XPEV) mangrupikeun perusahaan kandaraan listrik pinter di Cina anu didedikasikeun pikeun ngarancang, ngembangkeun, manufaktur sareng ngajual kandaraan listrik pinter anu narik para konsumen kelas menengah anu pinter téknologi anu ageung sareng berkembang. Its mission is to promote the transformation of smart electric vehicles through technology and data to shape the future of mobile experience. In order to optimize the customer's travel experience, XPeng internally developed full-stack autonomous driving technology and in-car intelligent operating system, as well as core vehicle systems including powertrain and electrification/electronic architecture. XPeng is headquartered in Guangzhou, China, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley and San Diego in the United States. The company's smart electric vehicles are produced in Zhaoqing and Zhengzhou plants.
ZAP Jonway (OTC: ZAAP) designs and manufactures high-quality, affordable new energy and electric vehicles (EV). Yongyuan Automobile has ISO 9000 production facilities in China and has passed the certification of EV manufacturing and engineering, sales and customer service facilities. Jonway boga kapasitas produksi taunan nepi ka 50.000 kandaraan, wewengkon pabrik leuwih ti 1 juta suku pasagi, boga leuwih ti 65 acres lahan di Cina jeung ngadegkeun jaringan jualan jeung distribusi. ZAP is an early pioneer of electric vehicles, bringing a wide range of electric vehicle product technologies to the two companies. ZAP is headquartered in Santa Rosa, California, and Jonway Auto is located in Zhejiang Province, the People's Republic of China.
Biome Technologies (LSE: BIOM.L) mangrupikeun grup téknologi anu didorong ku bisnis anu berorientasi pertumbuhan. Kagiatan utama grup nyaéta pikeun ngembangkeun bisnis bioplastik anu ngembang pesat. It is a leading innovator and supplier of biodegradable natural polymers that can replace and enhance products traditionally made from oil-based materials. Kami nawiskeun rupa-rupa bioplastik anu tiasa ngagentos bahan dumasar minyak anu aya dina sababaraha aplikasi. polimér plastik urang asalna alam, boga eusi sustainable tinggi, sarta bisa didaur ulang deui ka alam.
Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) is the largest producer of thermoplastic resins in the Americas. Perusahaan ngagaduhan 36 pabrik di Brazil, Amérika Serikat sareng Jerman, sareng ngahasilkeun langkung ti 35 milyar pon résin termoplastik sareng produk pétrokimia sanés unggal taun. Braskem is the world's leading producer of biopolymers, with an annual production capacity of 200 tons of polyethylene made from sugar cane ethanol.
Levling Butlonal Berda (NasdaQ: garpu) nyaéta produsén profésional sareng Unlibory Ladroro Software Fortiwakta, Cina. The company's plastic service products include disposable tableware, straws, cups, plates and other plastic products, which are used by more than one hundred customers mainly from the United States and Europe, including Subway, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC (China only) , Wal-Mart, McKesson and Woolworths.
Good Natured Products Inc. (TSX: GDNP.V) boga leuwih ti 100 desain bungkusan kadaharan dumasar tutuwuhan, 10 sasmita mémbran bioplastik, 30 produk imah jeung organisasi bisnis, sarta tim élmuwan, pembina bisnis jeung ritel A-kelas dunya. Tim Produksi, perusahaan ngaluarkeun sareng nyebarkeun salah sahiji produk pakér anu ketim sareng produk bungkusan di Amérika Kalér. Produk sareng bungkus ieu didamel tina persakan anu paling luhur tumeun kana bahan-bahan dumasar pepelakan sareng bpa-gratis. Phthalates or other chemicals of concern. Kindness TM is committed to doing things that are beneficial to the planet and the company, and is creating better daily products TM, combining advanced bioplastic technology with the latest sustainable design features, which is not only beautiful, but also maximizes shelf space and promotes Incremental Penjualan, Logistik anu ditingkatkeun sareng efisiensi lingkungan ningkat pisan sadayana dina merek anu seger sareng ramah.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC: GETH) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi limbah-to-énergi inovatif. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions are needed in the food and beverage, agriculture, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods industries. Téknologi perusahaan, kalebet anu dianggo dina alat cetakan suntikan, campuran proprietary résin plastik daur ulang, sareng desain palet anu dipaténkeun, ngamungkinkeun produksi gancang palet kualitas luhur kalayan biaya anu langkung handap tibatan seueur prosés. Plastik daur ulang dipaké pikeun palet mantuan ngadalikeun biaya bahan bari ngurangan runtah lingkungan, sarta ngabogaan kaunggulan ongkos leuwih pamaké résin parawan. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) is a technology and licensing company whose mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable plastics and get rid of dependence on fossil fuels. Loop parantos patali téknologi Proprésietary anu tiasa tiasa ngiringan pladicyess limbah piaraan anu dikaluarkeun sareng harga kalér, kalebet botol plases bumi ditumpukan warna sareng taneuh, transparan jeung kaayaan plastik , kana komponén dasarna (monomer). Monomer ieu disaring, dimurnikeun sareng dipolimerisasi pikeun ngahasilkeun résin plastik PET merek Loop™ asli sareng serat poliéster anu cocog pikeun bungkusan kelas dahareun, anu dijual ka perusahaan produk konsumen pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna ngahontal tujuan kelestarian. Through our customers and production partners, Loop leads the world by raising awareness of the importance of preventing and recycling waste plastics from the environment to ensure that plastics remain in the economy, thereby creating a more sustainable future for everyone Towards a circular economy.
Metabolix, Inc. (NasdaqCM: MBLX) is an innovation-driven specialty materials company dedicated to providing customers in the plastics industry with high-performance biopolymer solutions. Metabolix's Mirel® biopolymers are derived from renewable resources and are a series of bio-based performance additives and specialty resins based on PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate). Platform biotéhnologi proprietary Metabolix ngamungkinkeun nyiptakeun biopolimér khusus anu tiasa dianggo dina sababaraha aplikasi, sapertos bahan konstruksi sareng bungkusan ogé produk industri, konsumen sareng perawatan pribadi.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) spésialisasi dina pamekaran sareng penjualan rupa-rupa produk plastik sareng téknologi lingkungan anu sanés, sareng beroperasi sacara global. The company is a global leader in the development and marketing of life-controlled plastics, and sells pro-degradation additives and finished plastic products through a constantly growing network of international distributors and agents. Pausahaan ogé ngajual rupa-rupa tradisional, non-degradable, produk plastik fléksibel. Tim parantos milih saksama subkontract ieu dianggo sareng diulas subkontrots di sakumna dunya. This flexibility provides the group and its customers with supply security, local availability, and significant cost advantages. Degradable finished products and additives are sold directly to customers worldwide, or sold to the world through an expanding network of authorized distributors and agents. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. Pausahaan museurkeun kana nyadiakeun prioritas atawa ibukota senior ka ngadegkeun sponsor jeung debtors kalawan kualitas kiridit luhur pikeun ngahasilkeun jangka panjang, ngulang deui jeung bisa diprediksi aliran tunai. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong elected a real estate investment trust (REIT) that is eligible to pay taxes for federal income tax purposes. Taun pajakna dimimitian dina 31 Désémber 2013
Arafura Resources NL (ASX: ARU.AX) ngajajah sareng ngembangkeun mineral di Australia. The company explores rare earth minerals, base and precious metals, tungsten and iron vanadium. Its main project is the Nolans project, a rare earth phosphate deposit that can provide neodymium and ase products in the Northern Territory of Australia. The company is also involved in mining and related infrastructure and social and environmental feasibility assessments.
Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) kalibet dina akuisisi, éksplorasi sareng pamekaran sipat sumber daya alam di Kanada. Pausahaan nyepeng 100% kapentingan dina sipat Kobalt Lipat, nu 40 klaim ngawengku 2.176,19 héktar di wewengkon Basisir-Nord Quebec; proyék Roscoe Vanadium ngandung 40 klaim, ngalibetkeun kira-kira 2,189,19 héktar di daérah kalér Basisir Gading.
Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) sareng anak perusahaan na nuju eksplorasi sareng pamekaran proyék mineral di Afrika Kidul. Ieu dibagi kana tilu bagian: vanadium jeung bijih beusi, éksplorasi batubara, sarta pertambangan jeung produksi vanadium. It explores vanadium, titanium, iron ore, phosphate, tin and power coal deposits. Proyék unggulan perusahaan nyaéta proyék Bushveld vanadium, anu kalebet aset Vametco, ogé proyék vanadium Brits sareng Mokopane anu aya di bagian kalér kompleks Bushveld di Limpopo, Afrika Kidul.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems (CSE: CUBE) focuses on the fast-growing energy storage industry, which is driven by the substantial increase in demand for renewable energy. Cellcube nyepetkeun sistem neundeun ati -enerik integ sacara sacara tegis pikeun industri kakuatan. It recently acquired the assets of Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. has now been renamed Enerox GmbH, which is the developer and manufacturer of CellCube energy storage systems. Anak perusahaan anu aya hubunganana sareng CellCube nyaéta EnerCube Switchgear Systems sareng Power Haz Energy Mobile Solutions Inc. Pausahaan ogé parantos investasi di Braggawatt Energy Inc, platform pembiayaan énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui online. CellCube develops, manufactures and sells energy storage systems based on vanadium redox flow. Teknologi, sareng ngagaduhan di 130 waleran proyék sareng catetan operasi 10-taun. Solusi sistem panyimpen énergi anu terintegrasi pisan ngagaduhan 99% tina kapasitas énergi sésana saatos 11,000 siklus, kalayan fokus kana modul wadah ageung. The basic building blocks consist of FB modular 250kW units with 4, 6 and 8 hours energy changes. CellCube has obvious vanadium-rich characteristics in Nevada. BIononi-McKay sareng sipat bisa-roono di Nevada Goroskeun Sumber Daya Beus. Unlike most other vanadium deposits (where vanadium is mixed with other metals such as iron or uranium), Bisoni McKay and Bisoni-Rio feature pure vanadium in carbonaceous shale.
Chalice mines édik terbatas (TSX: Cxn.to; AsX: Chn.AX) muncul kana akuisip sareng pengembangan a Atralia sareng Kanada. The company explores gold, copper, vanadium and nickel deposits.
Coziron Resources Limited (ASX: CZR.AX) owns 85% of the three projects in Western Australia, Yarraloola, KingX-Earaheedy and Buddadoo, which report raw material minerals from vertically integrated steel mills. The supplier Mr. Mark Creasy retains 15% ownership of the project. Sadaya proyék gaduh solusi infrastruktur. Iron ore and manganese deposits are being explored in these tenements, but other types of mineralization have also been reported, including gold, copper, base metals, titanium, vanadium and uranium.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). Penjualan kendaraan listrik, kapasitas produksi batré sareng pembangkit listrik tina énergi anu tiasa diperbarui diperkirakeun ningkat sacara signifikan dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, ku kituna paménta pikeun komoditi target ieu bakal ningkat sasuai. Ieu nyiptakeun kasempetan unik pikeun investasi sareng kéngingkeun royalti dina tambang sareng proyék anu bakal nyayogikeun bahan anu dipikabutuh pikeun révolusi kakuatan. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. Aya 6 kombinasi royalti. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Energy Fuel Company (TSX: EFR.TO; NYSE: UUUU) mangrupikeun perusahaan pertambangan uranium terpadu anu berbasis di Amérika Serikat anu nyayogikeun U3O8 ka perusahaan tenaga nuklir utama. Its corporate office is located in Denver, Colorado, and all its assets and employees are located in the western United States. Energy Fuels owns three major uranium production centers in the United States, located at the White Mesa Mill in Utah, the Nichols Ranch Processing Plant in Wyoming, and the Alta Mesa Project in Texas. Pabrik White Mesa mangrupikeun hiji-hijina pabrik uranium konvensional anu beroperasi di Amérika Serikat ayeuna, kalayan kapasitas anu dilisensikeun langkung ti 8 juta pon U3O8 per taun. The Nichols Ranch Processing Plant is an ISR production center with a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds of U3O8 per year. Alta Mesa is currently the ISR production center engaged in maintenance and maintenance. Energy Suluh Company ogé owns produser pangbadagna sumberdaya uranium di Amérika Serikat nu meets NI 43-101, kitu ogé proyék pertambangan uranium di sababaraha nagara bagian di Amérika Serikat barat, kaasup hiji proyék ISR, Pertambangan sayaga sarta mineral dina tahap béda. Licensing and development. The company also produces vanadium and uranium from certain mines in the Colorado Plateau based on market conditions.
Ethos Gold Corp. (TSXV: ECC) (OTCQB: ETHOF) is exploring the La Purisima gold project in Chihuahua, Mexico (100% revenue), and the Iron Point Carlin gold project (50% revenue from Victory Metals Inc.) ), located 22 miles east of the United States. Winnemucca in Nevada and the Perk-Rocky copper-gold porphyry project 220 kilometers west of Williams Lake in British Columbia (100% revenue). La Purisima is a near-surface, large-tonnage, gold oxide target, and the virgin drilling program will soon begin. Beusi Point mangrupakeun udagan emas Carlin dilumangsungkeun dina piring handap, sarta ngarencanakeun pikeun nguji target ieu dina tilu liang nangtung baris dimimitian pas dina pangawasan Dr.. Quinton Hennigh. Perk-Rocky mangrupikeun udagan porfiri tambaga-emas, sareng rencana eksplorasi kalebet géofisika hawa hawa, survey taneuh sareng sampling bakal diluncurkeun dina jangka pondok. Ethos currently has approximately 6.8 million Canadian dollars in cash and 54.6 million outstanding shares. Ethos plans to spend a total of approximately $1.8 million on the first drilling program at La Purisima and Iron Point in 2019 and the initial work program at Perk-Rocky. Ethos also profited from the Pine Pass and Ursula vanadium projects in north-central British Columbia (100% profit). In March 2019, Ethos received a notice from British Columbia that the mineral property rights constituting its Pine Pass vanadium project are included in the area under consideration to immediately suspend the development proposal and possibly include it in the expanded environmental protection area, and consider By this notice, work on its vanadium project has been suspended.
Golden Deeps Limited (ASX: GED.AX) focuses on mineral exploration and is interested in projects in the Republic of Namibia. The company is actively exploring for its license in Namibia. The purpose of the exploration plan is to discover economic minerals through the systematic application of modern exploration techniques. Proyék Logam Dasar Grootfontein (GBP) perenahna di Pagunungan Otawi (OML) di kalér Namibia, kalayan aréa idin langkung ti 632 kilométer pasagi. The area is roughly connected by a triangle that connects Tsumeb and Groot The towns of Fontaine and Otavi. Wewengkon ieu ngagaduhan sababaraha tambang tambaga, séng, timah, pérak sareng vanadium anu penting sacara global, kalebet tambang Tsumeb, Khusib Springs, Abenab, Berg Aukas sareng Kombat.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) boga portopolio lega aset multi-elemen, nu diperkirakeun nampung emas, elemen grup platinum jeung logam dasar ogé husus "logam batré héjo", vanadium, titanium, tantalum, litium. jeung kromium. Gossan also owns a large number of high-purity, magnesium-rich dolomite deposits, and prepays USD 100,000 for production and exploitation rights per year in fracturing sand deposits. All of Gossan's mineral exploration and development assets are located in Manitoba and Northwest Ontario.
Jinhe Resources Co., Ltd. (ASX: KRR.AX) (baheulana Jinhe Copper) ngembangkeun 100% tina skala global sareng sumber VANADIUM. Sajaba ti éta, KRR ngajajah emas, pérak jeung tambaga. The company has a mineral lease of 785 square kilometers, covering a unique geological feature of Kimberley in eastern Western Australia called the Speewah Dome.
Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX: LGO.TO; OTC: LGORF) is a strategic mining company headquartered in Toronto, focusing on the production of vanadium flakes, high-purity vanadium flakes and high-purity vanadium at the Maracás Menchen mine in Bahia. Bubuk, Brazil.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. Pausahaan explores heavy earths jarang earths, kobalt, tambaga, litium, tantalum, niobium, nikel, karbonat jeung logam emas, kitu ogé unsur group platinum. Pausahaan nembe kaala portopolio proyék ti Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Ngabubarkeun mangpaat pikeun kobalt, grafit, litium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, emas jeung logam dasar patali. Ayeuna, jalur pipa proyék nyertakeun kisaran tina panemuan poténsial anyar dugi ka penilaian ékonomi awal. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) is a developer of industrial minerals and advanced materials projects. Neometals has two main divisions-fully integrated lithium business and titanium vanadium development business. Duanana dirojong ku téknologi proprietary anu tiasa ngabantosan integrasi hilir ku cara ningkatkeun pendapatan sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi biaya. Neometals gaduh tambang litium Mt Marion caket Kalgoorlie sareng gaduh 13,8% saham. Perusahaan mangrupikeun salah sahiji konsentrator litium panggedéna di dunya. Neometals boga hiji pilihan off-nyokot anu jadi dadasar idéal pikeun bisnis litium terpadu pinuh na, nu ngawengku litium hidroksida refineries jeung prosés daur ulang batré litium-ion. Proyék Barrambie titanium-vanadium milik 100% di Australia Kulon mangrupikeun salah sahiji deposit titanium-vanadium hard rock kelas pangluhurna di dunya.
New Energy Minerals Ltd (ASX: NXE.AX) (baheulana Mustang Resources) ngajalajah widang pertambangan vanadium sareng grafit, eksplorasi sareng téknologi. As Mozambique's unique Caula project is about to go into production, they will provide high-quality resources that are vital to the fast-growing new energy market.
Prophecy Development Corp. (TSX: PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) is developing the Gibellini project-the only large-scale open-air, heap leaching vanadium project of its kind in North America. Gibellini is located in Nevada and has the largest NI 43-101 standard known in the United States. Standar ieu parantos diukur sareng dituduhkeun di Amérika Serikat salaku sumber vanadium utama. EPCM ayeuna dijalankeun sareng pangwangunan diidinan
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) is a vertically integrated vanadium resource and vanadium redox flow battery development company, headquartered in Australia, with operations and strategic partners in Korea. Ngaliwatan kolaborasi 50% sareng proyék mineral vanadium/uranium Protean Korea Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon mangrupikeun deposit vanadium sédimén / batu tulis unik anu berpotensi ngahasilkeun vanadium pentoksida (V2O5) kalayan kemurnian tinggi. Proyék tiasa nganggo 36,000m tina inti sajarah, ku kituna tés pXRF anu murah sareng henteu ngaruksak tiasa dilakukeun dina bagian metallogenic. Protean, migawé bareng kalayan 50% mitra Koréa Kidul na KORID Energy Ltd, ngembangkeun téhnologi panyimpen énergi vanadium redox flow (VRFB) proprietary, anu disebut V-KOR. The technology has been developed in the past 10 years, has been running for more than 3,000 cycles, and has been extensively tested in Korean factories. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. It is mainly dedicated to the exploration of base and precious metals, including nickel, copper, platinum group metals, gold, diamond, tantalum and lithium. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. Wewengkon fokus utama perusahaan nyaéta Afrika Kidul. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Proyék litium Shamva Zimbabwé (80% tina pilihan tiasa kaala). The recent acquisition of the Chuatsa and Shamva projects is the result of years of focusing on the battery metal field, and leverages SI6′s important skills and experience in Southern Africa's exploration and operations.
Southern Cross Exploration NL (ASX: SXX.AX) kalibet dina eksplorasi logam jeung mineral lianna di Australia. Ieu utamana explores uranium, emas jeung mineral lianna. Minat perusahaan dina usaha patungan tambang uranium Bigrlyi mangrupikeun salah sahiji aset utami, anu mangrupikeun usaha patungan sareng dua perusahaan multi-miliar dolar ngalangkungan operator Energy Metals Ltd (EME) sareng Paladin Energy Ltd (PDN) sareng CGNPC. Proyék Bigrlyi gaduh seueur sumber uranium sareng vanadium anu nyumponan sarat JORC.
Surefire Resources NL (ASX: SRN.AX) ngajalajah sareng ngaevaluasi kapamilikan hak mineral Australia. The company is interested in the Kooline lead-silver project in Ashburton, Western Australia, covering an area of 386 square kilometers; proyék Unaly Hill sareng Victory Bore vanadium di Midwestern Australia Kulon.
Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) mangrupikeun perusahaan mineral sareng téknologi industri anu berbasis di Australia. Syrah gaduh sareng ngawangun Balama Graphite Project (Balama) di Mozambik. Balama mangrupikeun aset kelas luhur, umur panjang, sareng tambang grafit alam panggedéna di dunya. Operasi balama dimimitian dina awal taun 2018. Numutkeun pameunteu pasar, Syrah ngaruktikeun kaluaran pikeun 350ka medlate dina waktos. Parum ogé ngandung sajumlah béda sumberdaya vanadium, anu mangrupikeun produk ayeuna diangkat dina Bantan Parumah. Balama's vanadium optionality. Balama ngandung jumlah sumberdaya Bocalium, anu nyayogikeun kasempetan nilai-tambah anu ditambihkeun; vanadium ngaluarkeun produk sampingan dina prosés produksi grafit sareng tiasa disampurnakeun janten produk anu tiasa dijual (V2O5) ku ngolah bahan anu ayeuna dilaporkeun ka tailing Balama.
The Australian Technical Metals Corporation (ASX: TMT.AX) focuses on the development of the 100% owned Gabanintha vanadium project in Western Australia. TMT ayeuna nuju ngalaksanakeun studi kelayakan otorisasi (DFS).
TNG Limited (ASX: TNG.AX) is an Australian resources company dedicated to the evaluation and development of the Mount Peake vanadium-titanium iron project. Fokus utama TNG nyaéta evaluasi sareng pamekaran proyék beusi vanadium-titanium Gunung Puncak 100%, anu perenahna di Propinsi Géologi Alenta anu ngajangjikeun, 80 kilométer kalér-wétaneun Alice Springs di Téritori Kalér. TNG kapanggih dina awal 2008 yén proyék Gunung Puncak ngandung 160 ton sumberdaya indikator JORC kalawan sasmita 0,28% V205, 5,3% TiO2 jeung 23% beusi, sahingga salah sahiji proyék vanadium panggedéna di Australia.
U3O8 Corp. (TSX: UWE.TO) focuses on the exploration and development of uranium and battery commodities in South America. The battery commodities that appear with uranium resources include vanadium, nickel, zinc and phosphate. Perkiraan sumber mineral perusahaan dumasar kana alat nasional 43-101 sareng kalebet dina deposit ieu: Argentina nunjukkeun-tanduk ieu ngagaduhan biaya produksi anu lemah; PEA shows , Berlin also has low-cost uranium production potential deposits due to income generated by phosphate, vanadium, nickel, rare earth (yttrium and neodymium) and other metal by-products.
Vanadium One Energy (TSXV: VONE.V) is a mineral exploration company headquartered in Toronto, Canada. The company is focused on advancing the Fu Vanadium Magnetite Project in Chibugabao, Quebec. Tujuanana nyaéta pikeun nangtukeun wengkuan sumberdaya ieu sareng ngabuktikeun daya tahan ékonomi na.
VanadiumCorp Resource Inc. (TSX: VRB.V) plans to develop VEPT in Canada and co-license VEPT to targeted global jurisdictions to directly recover battery-grade vanadium products, Vanadium ElectrolyteTM, and products such as iron and titanium from many sources The by -produk oksidasi sareng unsur ngabahayakeun sapertos silika. prosés kimiawi inovatif ieu, babarengan dimekarkeun tur dipiboga ku Electrochem, bisa cageur logam konci ti vanadium-titanium magnetite "VTM", magnetite, hematite na ilmenite, kitu ogé slag baja, calcination jeung minyak résidu sakuliah dunya Low karbon tapak . VanadiumCorp also has an important resource base of vanadium-titanium bearings in the mining industry in Quebec, Canada.
Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp (CSE: WUC; OTCQX: WSTRF) mangrupikeun perusahaan pertambangan uranium sareng vanadium konvensional anu aya di Colorado. It is committed to the development and application of low-cost recent production of uranium and vanadium in the western United States, as well as ablation mining technology.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) Pikeun leuwih ti 100 taun, AMEC geus nyadiakeun rarancang lengkep, rékayasa jeung konstruksi pikeun pamekar kakuatan, utilitas, industri, kontraktor, lembaga keuangan, pamaréntah, sarta pamekar téhnologi énergi renewable. jasa manajemén. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) nyaéta parusahaan jasa téhnologi dedicated ka nyadiakeun solusi ongkos-éféktif pikeun ngaronjatkeun lingkungan. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. Nalika dianggo nyalira atanapi digabungkeun, solusi kami tiasa ngirangan tapak suku karbon anu aya hubunganana sareng transportasi runtah sareng tiasa ngirangan atanapi ampir ngaleungitkeun panggunaan TPA. Salaku tambahan, kami ogé parantos masihan téknologi anu dipaténkeun anu tiasa ngalaksanakeun disinfeksi tingkat luhur ruang kelas, kamar hotél atanapi rumah sakit sareng daérah anu ditutupan sanés pikeun nolak panyebaran virus sareng baktéri tanpa ngagunakeun bahan kimia anu parah. . Solusi unik kami ngamungkinkeun usaha, lembaga pendidikan sareng kotamadya tina sagala ukuran pikeun ngarengsekeun masalah sapopoe ku cara anu langkung pinter sareng langkung hemat biaya bari ngirangan dampak lingkunganana.
Blue Sphere Corporation (OTC: BLSP) is a clean technology company and an integrator of waste-to-energy projects. Blue Sphere develops waste-to-energy and other renewable energy projects. Pausahaan cita-cita janten pamaén utama dina konvérsi limbah-to-énergi global sareng pasar énergi anu tiasa dianyari.
China Recycling Energy Corporation (NasdaqGM: CREG), kantor pusatna di Xi'an, Cina, nyayogikeun téknologi limbah-to-énergi anu ramah lingkungan anu tiasa nyageurkeun produk sampingan industri pikeun pabrik baja Cina, pabrik semén sareng pabrik coking. By-products include heat, steam, pressure and exhaust gas to generate large amounts of low-cost electricity and reduce the need for external power sources. Pamaréntah Cina parantos ngadopsi kawijakan pikeun nyorong panggunaan téknologi daur ulang pikeun ngaoptimalkeun alokasi sumber daya sareng ngirangan polusi. At present, renewable energy only accounts for 1% of total energy consumption. Due to the increasing concern for the environment and the continuous growth of China's economy and the rising energy cost, this renewable energy is regarded as a growing market. Tim manajemén sareng rékayasa gaduh langkung ti 20 taun pangalaman dina pamulihan énergi industri Cina.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina nyayogikeun solusi runtah sareng énergi anu lestari. The company's 45 waste-generation energy facilities use waste to generate clean and renewable energy, providing communities and businesses around the world with environmentally sound solid waste disposal. Every year, Cvantta's modern waste power generation facilities can safely and reliably convert approximately 20 million tons of waste into clean renewable electricity, power approximately 1 million households, and recycle approximately 500,000 tons of metal . Fasilitas énergi anu dibangkitkeun tina runtah ngirangan gas rumah kaca, daur ulang suplement, sareng mangrupikeun bagian penting tina ngokolakeun runtah padet anu lestari.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Usaha komersil sareng internasional urang gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun sababaraha aset pembangkit listrik di Amérika Kalér sareng Amérika Latin, kalebet portopolio aset énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui. Duke Energy kantor pusatna di Charlotte, North Carolina sareng mangrupikeun perusahaan Fortune 250. Waste to energy: Duke Energy participates in a number of landfill gas projects, which convert waste emissions into electricity for customers to use. Nalika bahan organik di TPA badag terurai, gas TPA, nu utamana diwangun ku métana, dihasilkeun. Nalika ngabubarkeun panas di atmosfir, métana 20 kali langkung efektif tibatan karbon dioksida. Nangkep métana sareng dianggo salaku suluh mangrupikeun pilihan anu langkung sustainable pikeun ngadurukna janten runtah.
Caronal énergi Grobal (Otc: GIPI) mangrupikeun perusahaan full-to-énergi sareng kantor di Texas sareng Montréal. Pausahaan museurkeun kana téknologi anu kabuktian sacara komersil anu ngarobih runtah janten énergi anu bernilai luhur, prosés anu dikenal ku perusahaan salaku Converting Environmental Rescue into Clean Usable Energy (RESCUE). GCE focuses on the vertical products of waste plastics, tires and PGM recycling (platinum group metals) in the North American market. GCE ngasupkeun téknologi kana operasi éksténsif na di sakuliah dunya pikeun ngahontal tumuwuhna gancang, ngurangan resiko teknis, sarta ngagancangkeun operasi sarta investasi.
Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) Graham Corporation gaduh kaahlian rékayasa anu kasohor di dunya dina widang vakum sareng téknologi transfer panas. Éta mangrupikeun desainer global, produsén sareng panyadia ejektor khusus, pompa, kondenser, sistem vakum sareng penukar panas. Graham is a provider of products and services for the power generation industry. Kondenser permukaanna dianggo pikeun jasa generator turbin, ejectors jet uap sareng sistem pompa cincin cair dianggo pikeun alat-alat knalpot kondenser, sareng penukar panas dianggo pikeun sababaraha jasa. Waste to energy (including landfill methane to energy), combined heat and power, nuclear power, geothermal, combined heat and power, and combined cycle power generation facilities all require our products.
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) mangrupikeun bisnis énergi révolusioner héjo sareng terbaharukeun anu rékayasa téknologi biokonversi dianggo pikeun bahan bakar, tatanén sareng manajemén runtah. Strategi kami nyaéta ngembangkeun, ngalamar patén sareng nerapkeun téknologi konvérsi proprietary pikeun biofuel. Ieu nyadiakeun GELV kasempetan pikeun ngamekarkeun dina sababaraha industri, nu ayeuna patali jeung otorisasina pamaréntah. Syarat ieu ningkatkeun énergi anu tiasa diperbarkeun sareng biofuel. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. These technology platforms can quickly , Economically deploy to the waste site, and vice versa. Green Energy Live diposisikan salaku panyadia sumber tunggal anu ngagunakeun téknologi paling canggih anu sayogi pikeun nyayogikeun set lengkep alat pikeun sistem énergi biomassa. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC: GETH) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi limbah-to-énergi inovatif. It has a patent pending for converting waste tires and mixed plastics used in landfills into high-grade motor oil. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. The method is also capable of converting 14,400,00 pounds of mixed, unrecycled post-consumer plastics per system per year and producing approximately 36,000 barrels of oil. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) nyayogikeun solusi perawatan cai limbah (ETP) sareng solusi cai limbah (STP). Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage sistem perlakuan. Éta ngubaran cai abu sareng cai hideung dina waktos anu sami. The treated water exceeds EU and all local discharge standards and can be reused for irrigation, washing and cleaning.
Magnegas Corporation (NasdaqCM: MNGA), located in Tampa, MagneGas® Corporation was established in 2007 as a technology company. Its invention is a patented technology that converts liquid waste into hydrogen-based fuel. The company currently sells MagneGas® to the metal processing market to replace acetylene. Éta ogé ngical paralatan pikeun sterilisasi limbah cair anu kacemar sacara biologis pikeun sagala rupa pasar industri sareng pertanian. Salaku tambahan, perusahaan ngagunakeun suhu seuneu anu luhur pikeun ngaduruk bahan bakar hidrokarbon sareng bahan bakar sanés pikeun ngembangkeun rupa-rupa kagunaan bantu tina bahan bakar MagneGas®.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) mangrupa grup énergi jeung téhnologi lingkungan dedicated ka ngembangkeun, produksi jeung jualan sistem jeung produk pikeun ramah lingkungan, énergi efisien sarta low-sumberdaya. Opcon mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar dina sababaraha daérah bisnis. Opcon boga operasi di Swédia, Jérman jeung Britania Raya. Opcon's business area Renewable Energy focuses on carbon dioxide-free power generation based on waste heat, bio-powered thermal power plants, pellet plants, biomass, sludge and natural gas processing systems, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, and flue gas treatment. Sistim hawa sél suluh.
PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX: PYR.V) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi beberesih TSX Venture50®, anu mangrupikeun pamimpin dunya dina desain, pamekaran, manufaktur sareng komersialisasi prosés plasma canggih. We provide engineering and manufacturing expertise, cutting-edge contract research, and turnkey process equipment packages for defense, metallurgy, mining, advanced materials (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. PyroGenesis has a team of experienced engineers, scientists and technicians who work in our Montreal office and 3,800 square meters manufacturing plant. Therefore, PyroGenesis is always at the forefront of technology development and commercialization, thus maintaining a competitive advantage . Our core competence enables PyroGenesis to provide innovative plasma torches, plasma waste treatment, pyrometallurgical processes and engineering services for the global market. Since 1997, our operations have passed ISO 9001:2008 certification. Through innovation, cooperation and partnership, PyroGenesis has developed a highly advanced but easy-to-operate process that integrates well with 3R, but saves energy to the maximum. And/or recover resources from the massive waste streams generated by municipalities or industries.
Sharc International Systems Inc. (CSE: SHRC), baheulana kawanoh salaku International Wastewater Systems Inc.-mangrupa pamimpin dunya dina recovery panas. Sistem SHARC tiasa nyageurkeun énergi panas dina cai limbah, ku kituna ngahasilkeun sistem paling éfisién sareng ekonomis pikeun pemanasan, penyejukan sareng cai panas di gedong komersil, padumukan sareng industri.
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) designs, finances, builds and operates waste-to-energy plants that process solid municipal, medical and industrial waste to generate electricity. Since 1996, Sino-German Group has completed about 200 waste treatment projects in 13 provinces. Sino-Jerman mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan anu paling terkenal dina widang énergi runtah EPC sareng proyék BOT, sareng ogé produsén pabrik durukan skala ageung di Cina. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). As an investor in the BOT project, Sino-German also operates waste energy plants. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. China headquarters is located in Beijing, China. Sino-German production plant is located in Fuzhou, China.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is a full-service environmental technology and engineering company dedicated to providing innovative solutions for communities, industries and governments. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. Produkna dumasar kana téknologi polimér anu tiasa ngaleungitkeun hidrokarbon, sédimén sareng unsur asing sanés tina aliran cai hujan (balong, danau sareng dermaga), cai ngocor (drainase sisi jalan, aliran pipa kaluar, walungan sareng lautan), prosés industri sareng cai limbah. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. This technology can effectively reduce coliform bacteria found in rainwater, industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater. SmartSponge®Plus parantos kadaptar sareng Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan (nomer pendaptaran 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (a subsidiary of Abtech Holdings, Inc.) is an independent civil and environmental engineering company that works with top research and engineering universities. By focusing on introducing new engineering and technological innovations into the water infrastructure sector, AEWS is positioned at the forefront of the development of rainwater best management practices and provides its customers with the latest and excellent designs.
BioteQ Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (TSX: BQE.TO) mangrupikeun panyadia jasa anu khusus dina ngolah cai limbah pertambangan sareng aliran hidrometalurgi khusus, kalayan fokus kana ngirangan biaya siklus kahirupan bari ngahontal patuh sareng ngenalkeun kelestarian kana manajemén cai. We have extensive expertise and operational experience in sulfide precipitation, ion exchange, alkali/lime neutralization and SART process technology. Dina sapuluh taun katukang, BioteQ parantos ngarancang sareng ngadamel pabrik-pabrik di tambang pikeun organisasi-organisasi terkemuka kalebet Glencore Canada, Freeport McMoRan, Jiangxi Copper sareng EPA AS, sareng ayeuna nuju ngoperasikeun genep pabrik dina kontrak jangka panjang. Tutuwuhan ieu miceun logam leyur jeung sulfat ogé handap wates ngurangan prescribed, bari ngurangan atawa ngaleungitkeun generasi sludge jeung/atawa recovering logam berharga tina cair runtah pikeun dijual, kukituna ngurangan cai Biaya siklus hirup processing. BioteQ kantor pusatna di Vancouver, Kanada, sareng kode dagang na di TSX nyaéta BQE.
Canadian Zeolite Corp. (TSX: CNZ.V) is an environmentally friendly and green technology company that is very suitable for today's economic environment. Nunjukkeun yen produk urang geus diuji, dilarapkeun jeung papanggih jeung ngaleuwihan standar pasar husus, urang boga kaunggulan kalapa dina industri zeolit. We are working with recognized global leading zeolite consultants. Zeolite is a natural mineral found in volcanic ash. What makes zeolite eye-catching is its crystalline structure with fine pores and perforations. These pores allow the zeolite to act as a natural filter. Séolit bisa dipaké dina bentuk atah unprocessed na, atawa bisa diolah kana ukuran husus mimitian ti granular ka bubuk nurutkeun aplikasi. Uses include agriculture, industry, aquaculture and water treatment.
Canature Environmental Prod (Shenzhen: 300272.SZ) is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, distribution and service of water treatment units and core components. The company provides habitat water treatment equipment, including household water purification equipment, household water softening equipment, commercial water purification and drinking water equipment; core components, including multi-channel control valves, composite pressure vessels, etc., as well as fireplaces and spare parts. Pausahaan ogé kalibet dina nyayogikeun pamasangan, perbaikan, pangropéa sareng jasa-jasa sanés pikeun alat-alat suplai cai. Produkna disebarkeun di pasar domestik sareng luar negeri
Protection Lingkungan CLP (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300172.SZ) (baheulana Nanjing CLP Protection Lingkungan Co., Ltd.) utamana kalibet dina penyediaan solusi sistem perlakuan cai, integrasi sistem parabot perlakuan cai jeung konstruksi kontrak proyék patali. Thermal power, nuclear power, petrochemical, coal chemical, metallurgical and other industrial projects. The company mainly provides condensate polishing treatment, water supply treatment, waste water treatment, steam centralized monitoring and chemical injection pipelines, industrial flue gas treatment, municipal sludge treatment, municipal sewage treatment, etc.
EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES CORP (NYSE: AQUA) nyaéta panyadia ngarah tina solusi perawatan cai anu penting-misi, nyayogikeun jasa, sistem sareng téknologi pikeun nyumponan kabutuhan siklus kahirupan cai para nasabah. Evoqua Water Technologies has been committed to protecting water, the environment and its employees for more than 100 years, and has earned a reputation for quality, safety and reliability worldwide. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Evoqua Water Technologies has 160 branches in eight countries, more than 200,000 installations and 87 service branches, and is a leader in the North American industrial, commercial and municipal water treatment markets.
Formation Fluid Technology (TSX: FFM.V) has developed a tertiary wastewater treatment plant (Hydro-Cycle), which uses a proprietary process to purify wastewater. Each plant is mobile and can process up to 1,000 cubic meters of water per day. The system treats water to meet or exceed CCME guidelines (Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines) to produce reusable water that can be used for: boilers, fracturing water, flooding, and drilling operations. Cairan formasi parantos ngadegkeun aplikasi komérsial sistem sirkulasi hidrolik dina industri minyak sareng gas. Tujuan utama sistem pangubaran ledahan nyaéta ngirangan biaya produsén pikeun ngubaran cai anu ngahasilkeun. Sistim ieu ogé nyugemakeun kedah dianggo deui sareng daur ulang sumber daya prédah
FTI Food Technology International (TSX: FTI.V) operates in Canada's surplus commodity industry. It involves the resale of liquidated goods. Tablet pemurnian cai klorin dioksida perusahaan tiasa dianggo pikeun ngolah cai pikeun sababaraha tujuan, kalebet cai nginum, ngojay, kabersihan industri sareng kontrol hama, ogé sababaraha aplikasi dina industri gas alam sareng pertambangan.
Jiangsu Weir Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300190.SZ) was established in February 2003. After ten years of development and growth, it has become a pioneer focusing on municipal solid waste and landfill leachate treatment, and has become a leading enterprise in China, providing comprehensive solution. Pollution control and disposal of urban domestic garbage. WELLE komitmen ka nyadiakeun konsumén jeung layanan sakabéh ti desain rékayasa, suplai parabot, runtah sarta desain rékayasa tutuwuhan perlakuan leachate, suplai parabot, instalasi tur commissioning, sarta manajemén operasi. Ayeuna, Welle gaduh staf téknis profésional kelas dunya sareng tim manajemen. Pausahaan geus dieksekusi ampir 100 proyék sakuliah Cina. By combining successful experience in infrastructure construction and development at home and abroad into specific engineering applications, Welle insists on realizing the most advanced technology introduction, absorption and redevelopment and innovation. Today, we have proprietary technologies and patents related to leachate treatment and solid waste treatment, which are most suitable for China's environmental challenges. WELLE parantos nampi sertipikat kualifikasi pikeun kontraktor rékayasa lingkungan sareng operasi fasilitas kontrol polusi lingkungan. As a member of the Urban Sanitation Technical Committee of the National Standardization Administration of China, the company has also participated in the formulation of several technical agreements and specifications for municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment and leachate treatment. Through comprehensive cooperation with well-known domestic and foreign companies, scientific research institutions and industry associations, we have completed a number of nationally funded environmental research projects and internationally funded cooperation projects.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) nyayogikeun solusi perawatan cai limbah (ETP) sareng solusi cai limbah (STP). Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage sistem perlakuan. Éta ngubaran cai abu sareng cai hideung dina waktos anu sami. The treated water exceeds EU and all local discharge standards and can be reused for irrigation, washing and cleaning.
Natural Blue Resources, Inc. (OTC: NTUR) is a development stage company engaged in the exploration, acquisition and development of various interconnected green businesses. Pausahaan ieu kalibet dina daur ulang stream runtah sarta bisnis daur ulang plastik jeung baja. It also has the use and manufacturing license of patents and technical rights for waste treatment using microwave technology in waste treatment plants in South Korea.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar dina ngolah limbah laut (Marpol) sareng limbah lepas pantai, kalayan pangalaman langkung ti 25 taun dina ngumpulkeun sareng ngolah. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Our engineering team specializes in the design, engineering, installation and maintenance of onshore and offshore waste treatment solutions.
PHI Group, Inc. (OTCQB: PHIL) utamana museurkeun kana acquiring jeung investasi dina industri husus jeung kaayaan husus nu bisa nyata ngaronjatkeun nilai shareholders. It also provides M&A advisory services through its wholly-owned subsidiary PHI Capital Holdings, Inc. WATER: PHI EZ Water Tech, Inc. is a Wyoming company established by the PHI Group, responsible for managing, manufacturing and marketing innovative water treatment product portfolios. The system developed by Dr. Martin Nguyen for agriculture and humans.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) is an international environmental oilfield service provider, established in late 1994, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has offices in the Prairie, Alberta. The company focuses on clean air technology and has operations in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia. Questor designs and manufactures high-efficiency waste gas incinerators for sale or lease, and also provides combustion-related oilfield services. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor dipikanyaho pikeun kaahlian husus na dina durukan gas haseum (H2S). Through ClearPower Solutions (a subsidiary of Questor), this technology creates an opportunity to utilize the heat generated by efficient combustion, which can be used for water vapor evaporation, process heat and power generation. Although Questor's current customer base mainly operates in the crude oil and natural gas industries, the company's combustion technology is also applicable to other industries, such as landfills, water and sewage treatment, tire recycling and agriculture.
SEYCHELLE Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTC: SYEV) is a well-known company in the rapidly growing water filtration industry. We sell a complete set of high-quality portable water filtration products and brands in North America and worldwide. Portopolio produk unik sareng proprietary ieu bakal ngamungkinkeun para nasabah sareng mitra usaha patungan pikeun nyumponan kabutuhan konsuménna pikeun produk sareng sistem filtrasi cai anu énggal, ekonomis sareng inovatif, sahingga nyayogikeun cai anu aman sareng bersih dina skala global.
Shanghai Safran Cai Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300262.SZ) kalibet dina perlakuan cai industri, perlakuan cai kota, perlakuan runtah padet, stasiun udar gas alam jeung jasa énergi disebarkeun. It uses self-developed condensate polishing, microfiltration deposition, sludge drying, natural gas conditioning station system and other technologies to provide customers with one-stop solution services, including technical design, engineering design, technical implementation, system integration, system installation, and debugging , Operasi jasa hosting, jsb.
Stina Resources Ltd. (CSE: SQA) is currently developing the Bisoni McKay strategic vanadium mine in Nevada. Saatos nandatanganan perjanjian resmi sareng America Greener Technologies pikeun nyebarkeun Téknologi Gelombang Lembut di Kanada, Stina ayeuna ogé asup kana industri téknologi lingkungan. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. The soft wave dissolves and suspends minerals in the water, thereby preventing the formation of scale in the pipe and eliminating the previous scale. Téknologi Softwave parantos dikembangkeun langkung ti genep taun sareng parantos sayogi komersil di Amérika Serikat dina tilu taun ka pengker. During this period, in addition to many other well-known companies in North America, Soft Wave was also installed in locations such as Dole Foods, Fresh Express and Best Western Hotels. Gelombang lemes pinuh scalable, sareng pangaruh operasi di bumi sami sareng pembangkit listrik. Kauntungannana kalebet ngirangan atanapi ngaleungitkeun sadaya aditif kimia dina sistem cai, ngaleungitkeun deposit kalsium sareng mineral, ngirangan biaya pangropéa atanapi ngagantian sistem, sareng ngahémat biaya anu signifikan bari ngirangan tapak suku lingkungan. The application of soft wave technology in industrial cooling tower operations can reduce water evaporation without the need for chemical cleaning, which usually results in an increase in the number of cycles. Kombinasi faktor ieu bisa ngurangan kabutuhan cai make-up jeung ngurangan cai blowdown, kukituna nyimpen jutaan galon cai, ngurangan reliance on perlakuan kimiawi pikeun nyegah skala jeung ngurangan downtime produksi. This means that large-scale industrial costs can be saved by reducing component wear, reducing liability, reducing overhead and improving efficiency. There are many potential customers, from power plants to oil refineries, steel plants, agricultural operations, food production plants, urban water supply systems and residential buildings.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) mangrupikeun pamimpin global dina pembangkit listrik, transmisi sareng infrastruktur karéta api, netepkeun patokan pikeun inovasi sareng téknologi anu ramah lingkungan. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , kalayan fokus kana grid pinter. Wave and tidal energy: At Alstom, we are at the forefront of developing tidal stream turbine technology to take advantage of the huge energy potential in the tides, and in 2013 we acquired important technology and expertise from Tidal Power Co., Ltd. (TGL) .
Carnegie Wave Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: CWE.AX) is an inventor listed on the ASX, the owner and developer of the patented CETO wave energy technology, which converts wave expansion into zero-emission renewable energy and desalination freshwater. Carnegie (Carnegie) raised more than 80 million US dollars to fund the development of CETO technology and adopted unique rapid prototyping, including computational simulation, wave tank testing, at its private wave energy research facility, and onshore/offshore testing Large-scale marine testing di situs sareng tés laut skala komérsial di Garden Island di Australia Kulon. CETO dirancang salaku téknologi gelombang pangbasajanna sareng pangkuatna di dunya. After 10 years of continuous development, testing and improvement, it is currently being demonstrated on a commercial scale at HMAS Stirling, Australia's largest naval base on Garden Island, Western Australia. CETO is the world's only ocean-tested wave energy technology that can be completely submerged and generate electricity and/or desalinate water on shore. CETO technology has been independently verified by EDF-Energies Nouvelles (EDF EN) and French naval contractor DCNS.
Stonehenge Metal Co., Ltd. (ASX: SHE.AX) kalibet dina éksplorasi sareng pamekaran proyék uranium di Koréa Kidul. Pausahaan ogé ngajajah vanadium sareng molybdenum. Proyék andalannya nyaéta proyék Daejon anu aya di Lembah Ogchon. In addition, the company has also participated in the commercialization of Protean wave energy converter technology. Stonehenge is reorganizing its business and funding to focus on the phased commercialization and international promotion of the technology.
Fokus utama Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) nyaéta pikeun nambihan nilai ka para pemegang saham ku cara mekarkeun sareng ngajaga kapentingan jangka panjang dina proyék énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui Kanada sareng aset gudang gas alam bawah tanah dumasar kana harga pasar. Tujuan Tribute nyaéta pikeun ngawangun perusahaan anu tiasa ngahontal sareng ngajaga pertumbuhan jangka panjang per saham ku ngamekarkeun proyék énergi anu tiasa ngahasilkeun aliran kas jangka panjang anu stabil nalika operasional pinuh. Rencana bisnis Tribute nyaéta pikeun nangtoskeun, ngijinkeun, ngembangkeun sareng ngawangun proyék anu nyumponan standar ambang balikna dumasar kana aset anu aya. Tribute creates value by identifying project opportunities, providing expertise in development projects, and maintaining interest in completed assets, thereby establishing a long-term stable utility-quality cash flow through a strong and diversified energy-related asset base. Tide project
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power ngarencanakeun pikeun nyayogikeun kakuatan héjo skala praktis pikeun konsumén tina énergi renewable anu aman sareng dipercaya anu diwangun, dipiboga sareng dioperasikeun ku Grup.
ABB Ltd. (NYSE: ABB) is a leader in the field of power and automation technologies that enable utility and industrial customers to improve performance while reducing their environmental impact. The ABB group of companies operates in approximately 100 countries around the world and has approximately 140,000 employees. solusi kakuatan angin turbin angin
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan komersil anu paling penting di Spanyol, ngarah dina pangwangunan sareng ngokolakeun infrastruktur, énergi anu tiasa dianyari, cai sareng jasa. Acciona mangrupikeun pamaén utama dina pasar énergi anu tiasa dianyari, kalayan operasi anu kuat di langkung ti 20 nagara / daérah di lima buana. Pausahaan specializes dina gawé bareng énergi renewable, utamana lima di antarana - tanaga angin, photovoltaic surya, tanaga panas surya, PLTA jeung énergi biomassa.
Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) is one of the largest renewable energy companies in India, with a current project portfolio of 5,290 MW. AGEL is part of Adani Group's commitment to provide India with a better, cleaner, and greener future. Driven by the group's “good growth” philosophy, the company develops, constructs, owns, operates and maintains utility-scale grid-connected solar and wind farm projects. Listrik anu dihasilkeun disayogikeun ka badan pamaréntah pusat sareng nagara bagian sareng perusahaan anu didukung pamaréntah.
AeroVironment, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AVAV) is a technology solution provider. AeroVironment's small modular wind turbine solution aims to provide an attractive, dynamic, and clean energy generation solution that can be easily integrated into new and existing commercial buildings. Beda sareng desain turbin angin leutik anu sanés, Architectural Wind™ ngagabungkeun fungsi sareng éstétika pikeun nyiptakeun sistem turbin angin leutik modular sareng ditingkatkeun sacara struktural. Desain dipaténkeun AeroVironment sareng metode posisi anu inovatif ngamangpaatkeun akselerasi laju angin alami anu dibangkitkeun ku ciri aerodinamika wangunan. This accelerated wind speed can increase the power generation of the turbine by more than 50% compared to the power generated by the system located outside the acceleration zone. Dibandingkeun sareng desain turbin angin tradisional, unit sleek sareng modular ogé kirang bising sareng geter nalika operasi.
Alerion Clean Energy Company (Milan: ARN.MI) mangrupikeun grup industri anu khusus dina panggunaan énergi anu tiasa dianyari pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik, khususna dina widang tanaga angin. Alerion Clean Power mangrupikeun perusahaan industri mandiri anu unggul di Italia, khusus pikeun produksi énergi héjo.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. Grup pembangkit listrik anu henteu diatur gaduh atanapi gaduh portopolio fasilitas pembangkit listrik angin, surya, PLTA, sareng gas alam anu aya di Amérika Kalér, kalayan kapasitas dipasang langkung ti 1,050 megawatt. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alliant Energy Corporation (NYSE: LNT) mangrupikeun perusahaan induk dua perusahaan utiliti (Interstate Power and Lighting Company sareng Wisconsin Power and Lighting Company) sareng Alliant Energy Resources, LLC. Alliant Energy Resources, LLC is a non-regulated business of Alliant Energy Parent company. Alliant Energy is an energy service provider whose utility subsidiary serves approximately 1 million electricity and 410,000 natural gas customers. Nyadiakeun jasa listrik sareng gas alam anu diatur ka konsumén di Midwest mangrupikeun fokus utama perusahaan. Alliant Energy kantor pusatna di Madison, Wisconsin sarta mangrupa salah sahiji Fortune 1000 pausahaan. The company owns and operates four wind farms in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Alstom gaduh 30 taun pangalaman dina widang tanaga angin, nyadiakeun solusi énergi global, ti ngembangkeun, ngarancang jeung nyetel kebon angin pikeun supplying jeung ngajaga turbin angin.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) nyaéta perusahaan énérgi terbaharukeun terkemuka di dunya, ngoperasikeun lima pembangkit listrik kalayan total pembangkit listrik 553 MW, kalebet fasilitas PLTA hulu walungan panggedéna sareng kebon angin panggedéna di British Columbia Sareng dua panas bumi. fasilitas pembangkit listrik di Islandia. Alterra owns a 247 MW share of this capacity and generates more than 1,250 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2016; Alterra gaduh 51% tina saham; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) Pikeun leuwih ti 100 taun, AMEC geus nyadiakeun rarancang lengkep, rékayasa jeung konstruksi pikeun pamekar kakuatan, utilitas, industri, kontraktor, lembaga keuangan, pamaréntah, sarta pamekar téhnologi énergi renewable. jasa manajemén. We have project experience in key renewable energy fields, including wind energy, biomass energy, biofuels, waste energy, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture and storage.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Ngaliwatan solusi Windtec (TM), AMSC nyayogikeun sistem kontrol éléktronik turbin angin, sistem, desain sareng jasa rékayasa anu tiasa ngirangan biaya énergi angin. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. The company's solutions are now powering gigawatts of renewable energy around the world and have improved the performance and reliability of power networks in more than a dozen countries. AMSC diadegkeun dina 1987 sareng kantor pusatna caket Boston, Massachusetts, sareng operasi di Asia, Australia, Eropa sareng Amérika Kalér.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. Grup Areva ogé investasi dina énergi renewable pikeun ngembangkeun solusi téknologi luhur ngaliwatan partnerships. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage. Wind power generation: Combining the wind power expertise of Gamesa and AREVA and extensive track record, Adwen aims to become a leading company in offshore wind power in Europe by 2020 with a 2.8 GW project pipeline and a market share of nearly 20%. .
The main business of Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) is the design and construction of power plants through its Gemma Power Systems subsidiary. Pembangkit énérgi ieu kalebet pembangkit listrik gas alam siklus tunggal sareng siklus gabungan, ogé fasilitas énérgi alternatif, kalebet biodiesel, étanol, sareng fasilitas anu didamel ku sumber énergi anu tiasa dianyari sapertos angin sareng surya. Argan also owns Southern Maryland Cable, Inc
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. Kaandalan téknologi AVX bakal mastikeun yén ieu sareng generasi anu bakal datang bakal nguntungkeun tina téknologi héjo ieu. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE: B) is an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and service provider, serving a wide range of end markets and customers. Barnes Group (Barnes Group) nyayogikeun produk anu direkayasa pisan, téknologi industri anu dibédakeun sareng solusi inovatif pikeun rupa-rupa aplikasi, nyayogikeun transportasi, manufaktur, produk kasehatan sareng téknologi ka dunya. The Seeger-Orbis subsidiary produces a variety of DIN standardized and customized retaining rings and snap rings for the wind power industry. We also provide spare parts products for gearbox maintenance and repair, which is becoming more and more important in the entire wind power industry.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) mangrupikeun produsén listrik anu bisnis inti didédikasikeun pikeun pangwangunan sareng operasi stasiun listrik énergi anu tiasa dianyari. Boralex has approximately 250 employees and is known for its expertise and rich experience in four types of power generation: wind, hydro, thermal and solar. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
BP plc (NYSE: BP) mangrupikeun salah sahiji perusahaan minyak sareng gas internasional terkemuka di dunya. Urang nyadiakeun konsumén jeung suluh transportasi, panas jeung énergi lampu, pelumas pikeun ngajalankeun mesin, jeung produk pétrokimia dipaké pikeun nyieun kaperluan sapopoé (saperti cet, pakean, jeung bungkusan). BP Wind Energy mangrupikeun pamilik utama sareng operator fasilitas listrik angin. As the main owner and operator of wind power facilities (closely related to 16 wind farms in 9 states in the United States), our total power generation capacity is close to 2,600 megawatts. Ieu cekap nyayogikeun listrik pikeun kota ukuran Washington. Ayeuna, urang nuju ngawangun dua kebon angin, anu bakal ningkatkeun total pembangkit listrik urang ku 375 megawatts deui.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) ngajalankeun salah sahiji platform énergi renewable murni anu didagangkeun sacara umum di dunya. Portopolio produk perusahaan nyertakeun 74 sistem walungan sareng 14 pasar listrik di Amérika Kalér, Amérika Latin sareng Éropa, utamina PLTA, kalayan total kapasitas dipasang langkung ti 7,000 MW. Kalayan portopolio aset kualitas luhur sareng prospek pertumbuhan anu kuat, bisnis tiasa ngahasilkeun aliran kas jangka panjang anu stabil sareng ngadukung distribusi kas biasa sareng ngembang ka para pemegang saham. Wind power project: In 2006, Brookfield commissioned its first wind power project, Prince Wind Farm northwest of Sault Ste. Mary, Ontario, Canada. Ayeuna, Brookfield ngagaduhan 37 fasilitas listrik angin di genep nagara: Kanada, Amérika Serikat, Républik Irlandia sareng Irlandia Kalér, Brazil sareng Portugal.
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (São Paulo: ELET6.SA) is the leader of the system, which is composed of six subsidiaries, six power distribution companies, electric power research center (Eletrobras Cepel) and Eletrobras Participações SA (Eletrobras Eletropar), and is Sistim nu boga Itaipu Binacional boga 50% tina ibukota dibagikeun. Eletrobras provides power, welfare and development to the Brazilian people through its 180 hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, wind power plants and nuclear power plants, half of Brazil's transmission lines and six power distribution companies. Eletrobras aya di sakuliah nagara. Its company is responsible for the country's 42987 MW of installed power generation capacity, which accounts for 34% of the total local installed capacity. There are 45 hydroelectric power plants, 125 thermal power plants, 8 wind farms and 2 thermal nuclear power plants.
China Datang Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1798.HK) ngahasilkeun jeung ngajual énergi angin jeung énergi renewable séjén di Républik Rahayat Cina. Éta ogé ngembangkeun, investasi, ngawangun, sareng ngatur pembangkit listrik angin; sarta sumber énergi renewable séjén, kaasup tanaga surya, biomassa, jeung batubara-ranjang métana. Sajaba ti éta, ogé ilubiung dina kagiatan kontrak kinerja énergi; panalungtikan téhnologi low-karbon, ngembangkeun, aplikasi tur promosi; panalungtikan, jualan, nguji jeung pangropéa pakakas patali énergi renewable; generasi kakuatan; rékayasa; konstruksi jeung instalasi domestik jeung lokal; power projects Repair and maintenance; impor jeung ékspor pakakas jeung téhnologi énergi renewable; investasi asing; penyediaan jasa konsultan patali énergi renewable; jeung leasing harta. China Datang Group Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. nyaéta anak perusahaan ti China Datang Group Corporation.
China High Speed Transmission Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0658.HK) is engaged in the research, design, development, manufacturing and distribution of mechanical transmission equipment in the People's Republic of China and internationally. Its product portfolio includes wind turbine transmission equipment; alat-alat transmisi gear laut; transmission equipment for high-speed locomotives, subways and urban light rail systems; alat transmisi gear tradisional; alat mesin kontrol numerik komputer; and marine diesel engines, diesel engines for power generation, and gasoline engines. The company's products also include building materials and metallurgical transmission equipment, coal mechanical transmission equipment, rubber and plastic mechanical transmission equipment, electromechanical automatic control equipment and gearboxes for general and crane machinery, as well as mixer reducers and lifting gears for mines Boxes, power generation gearboxes, sugar mill reducers, screw jacks, non-standard gearboxes, diaphragm couplings, crown gear couplings, high-speed gear couplings, flexible pin couplings, etc. In addition, the company also produces and sells forged steel and its accessories, gears, gearboxes and accessories, ship driving equipment, heavy equipment and machine tools, propellers, industrial boilers, heat recovery equipment and related products, LED products and machine tools. In addition, it is also engaged in metallurgical engineering and manufacturing and trading businesses. It serves the metallurgy, building materials, transportation, transportation, petrochemical, aerospace and mining industries. Produk perusahaan diekspor ka Amérika Serikat, India, Jepang sareng Éropa.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. Sajaba ti éta, ogé ngajalankeun proyék séjén kayaning kakuatan termal, tanaga surya, kakuatan pasang surut, kakuatan biomassa jeung panas bumi. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. After years of accumulation, the company has gradually established ten wind power technology and service support systems, in the preliminary measurement of wind power, design consultation, equipment procurement, operation monitoring, inspection and maintenance, technical research and development, technical support, technical development, technical support, technology Support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support and other fields have formed unique advantages. Pelatihan profésional.
China Mingyang Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (NYSE: MY) is a leading wind turbine manufacturer in China, dedicated to the design, manufacture, sales and maintenance of megawatt wind turbines. Mingyang ngahasilkeun turbin angin canggih tur adaptable kalawan kaluaran énergi tinggi, sarta nyadiakeun konsumén jeung layanan sanggeus-jualan komprehensif. Ming Yang cooperates with aerodyne Energiesysteme, one of the world's leading wind turbine design companies headquartered in Germany, to jointly develop wind turbines. In terms of new installed capacity, Mingyang was the world's top ten wind turbine manufacturer in 2013 and the largest non-state-owned wind turbine manufacturer in China.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) diadegkeun dumasar kana visi nyayogikeun "kakuatan nirkabel" anu bersih sareng tiasa diurus. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue nyaeta dina brand Illumient na, Ogé sells tanaga surya jeung angin outdoor sistem cahaya.
Concord New Energy (HKG: 0182.HK) (formerly China Wind Power Group Co., Ltd.) specializes in wind and solar power generation business. Sajauh ieu, kami mangrupikeun hiji-hijina perusahaan pembangkit listrik tanaga bersih terpadu murni vertikal anu didaptarkeun di Bursa Saham Hong Kong. In areas with abundant wind and solar resources, CNE has been actively building wind and solar power plants, creating reliable solutions for the conversion of renewable energy, and providing professional technical support and services. CNE komitmen ka nyadiakeun solusi terpadu pikeun ngembangkeun angin jeung tanaga surya. CNE's core business includes wind and solar farm investment, operation and services (early development, design and consulting, construction, operation and maintenance, and new energy equipment manufacturing). CNE has invested in more than 30 wind farms and solar farms in 26 regions including Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangxi, New York, and established in 26 regions The regional management agency. The United States, the United States of Hawaii. Not only that, CNE also has wind and solar design, power project construction and installation companies, professional power plant operation and maintenance companies, wind turbine tower tubes and solar mounting bracket manufacturing companies. Sajaba ti éta, CNE ogé boga konsultan jeung desain kualifikasi dina widang énergi angin jeung tanaga surya, sarta kontrak sakabéh proyék kakuatan. At present, CNE is a professional wind and solar power generation group company with the most complete industrial chain in the field of wind and solar power generation in China. CNE boga SDM teknis senior jeung tim manajemen
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) generates electricity and retails in New Zealand. It operates through integrated energy and other fields. The company produces, buys and retails electricity and natural gas. Éta ngahasilkeun listrik tina hidropower, geerermal sareng sumber termal, sareng énergi angin. Perusahaan ogé kalibet dina jéntré gasum haneut. Éta ngajantenkeun padumukan, komérsial sareng perusahaan industri. In addition, it also provides meter services to other retailers.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. It provides energy-efficient LED solutions for exterior and interior space lighting applications, including parking lot and street lighting, floodlights, traffic lights, downlights and bulb replacements, fluorescent lights and custom applications. The company also sells WePOWER vertical axis wind turbines, including on-grid and off-grid wind turbines for residential, commercial, industrial and government applications; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; sarta Skystream sistem cahaya komérsial. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. Pausahaan nyadiakeun ladenan ka pausahaan swasta, pausahaan publik, instansi pamaréntah, lembaga atikan jeung komunitas padumukan.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu nyekel kakuatan panggedéna di Amérika Serikat, nyayogikeun sareng nganteurkeun énergi ka sakitar 7,3 juta palanggan Amérika. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. énergi angin: Adipati Energy owns tur ngoperasikeun jumlahna aya 11 kebon angin: opat di Wyoming, tilu di Texas, sarta hiji di Colorado, Kansas, Pennsylvania jeung Wisconsin. Duke Energy Renewable Energy will operate four new large-scale wind farms with a total power generation capacity of more than 600 megawatts and zero emissions. Ladang angin anyar ieu kalebet dua kebon angin di Texas, hiji kebon angin di Kansas sareng hiji kebon angin di Pennsylvania.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Pausahaan percaya yén ngaliwatan gawé babarengan jeung konsumén, pamaréntah, organisasi non-pamaréntah sarta pamingpin pamikiran, urang bisa mantuan manggihan solusi pikeun tantangan global, kayaning nyadiakeun cukup dahareun cageur pikeun jalma di sakuliah dunya, ngurangan gumantungna kana suluh fosil sarta Ngajaga hirup jeung lingkungan. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) mangrupa supplier énérgi swasta internasional, anu nyanghareupan parobahan fundamental: ngaliwatan palaksanaan strategi anyar, E.ON bakal museurkeun sagemblengna dina renewables dina énergi hareup, énergi. jaringan sareng solusi palanggan mangrupikeun pondasi dunya énergi énggal. Wind energy: We use the wind on land and sea to generate environmentally friendly energy. In the ever-growing renewable energy market, we play a key role in the wind energy industry and are already among the top ten wind energy operators in the world-we hope to develop further. Di Éropa sareng Amérika Serikat, urang ngoperasikeun kebon angin badarat kalayan kapasitas dipasang sakitar 4.000 MW. These include Roscoe, Texas, whose 782 MW wind turbine is one of the largest onshore wind farms in the world. We are the third largest offshore wind farm operator in the world. Ngaliwatan gawé bareng DONG Energy sarta Masdar, urang nembe réngsé London Array, nu panggedena di dunya tegalan angin lepas pantai kalawan kapasitas dipasang 630 MW. It provides enough clean energy for nearly half of British households. We are currently establishing E.ON's first commercial offshore wind energy project in Germany, namely Amrumbank West. Once completed, Amrumbank West will provide enough electricity for 300,000 German houses each year. We are committed to further large-scale investments and to expand our onshore and offshore capabilities. At the same time, we pursue strict cost reduction targets to make wind energy more competitive and affordable.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Kami ngembangkeun bisnis di pasar global sareng terus ngalegaan bisnis urang ka daérah énggal, komitmen pikeun ngajaga posisi anu unggul dina unggal pasar sareng nyiptakeun nilai pikeun pamangku kapentingan sareng pemegang saham. EDPR's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. Internalisasi tina tilu tahapan konci pangwangunan proyék ieu sareng dorongan pikeun perbaikan kontinyu penting pisan pikeun nampi nilai anu paling ageung tina aset urang.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) mangrupikeun perusahaan investasi utama anu ngahususkeun dina tanaga surya sareng angin darat sareng operasi taman. Teu fokus kana investasi dina proyék Greenfield ti scratch, atawa teu nganggap ngembangkeun utama atawa resiko konstruksi. It seeks to withdraw from investment within five to seven years through IPOs, trade sales, secondary purchases or repurchases. Pausahaan narékahan pikeun investasi di luar neraca na. Ieu museurkeun kana acquiring sarta operasi turnkey solar jeung angin kebon ti pasar sekundér. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) is committed to the development and management of renewable energy power generation at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. Enel Green Power uses all renewable energy sources to produce energy through a wide portfolio of wind, hydro, geothermal, solar and biomass energy projects. Wind: Our business covers Europe, Latin America and North America, especially in the United States. Rencana urang ngembang pesat. We plan to build nearly 1,000 megawatts of electricity in the United States. EnelGreen Power intends to continue its commitment to protecting the country's natural landscape, and to ensure that it attaches great importance to the coordination of wind farms with the surrounding environment and the social development of related areas, while continuously focusing on innovation and new areas of wind power, such as offshore power plants. For factories currently under construction, the guidelines developed by Enel Green Power include the use of appropriate sizes for the number of turbines in each area to develop a layout that meets environmental protection requirements. Other measures have also been taken, such as: low-reflective coatings and “hidden” coatings are being tested in cooperation with several universities, especially for offshore factories.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. PLTA teu diragukeun deui sumber tanaga utama anu dikembangkeun, tapi tanaga angin, tanaga surya, tanaga biomassa sareng énérgi panas bumi janten langkung penting dina struktur énergi.
ESI Energy Services Inc. (CSE: OPI) is a plumbing equipment leasing and sales company with main operations in Leduc, Alberta and Phoenix, Arizona. The company supplies (leases) backfill separators (“fillers”) to mainline pipeline contractors through its operating subsidiaries ESI Pipeline Services Limited (“ESIPSL”) and Ozzie's Pipeline Padder, Inc. (“OPI”). , Pipa Oilfield jeung kontraktor konstruksi, kontraktor konstruksi utiliti jeung tanaga renewable (angin jeung surya) kontraktor.
Fersa Energias Renovables SA (Madrid: FRS.MC) was established in 2000 and is the first independent company listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange, dedicated to the development of renewable energy, mainly wind energy. The company's goal is to use 100% renewable energy to generate electricity. FERSA started the international diversification of its business in 2008 and began to develop its business at the international level. FERSA ayeuna beroperasi dina tilu buana: Amérika, Eropa jeung Asia.
Perusahaan kakuatan Nasional Paké munggaran (otc: FNEC) nyaéta pamungkin énergi anu tiasa katahan pikeun nyumponan paménta beresih, khususna pangambihan. Fokus First National nyaéta énergi héjo, anu mangrupikeun sumber pembangkit listrik panggancangna di dunya. First National's team of experienced professionals brings together comprehensive project development, technical, financial and marketing skills to design, construct and operate wind power facilities.
Gamesa Corp (Madrid: GAM.MC) has 21 years of experience and has installed 31,200 MW batteries in more than 50 countries/regions. Gamesa is a global technology leader in the wind power industry. Réspon lengkepna ogé kalebet manajemén jasa operasi sareng pangropéa pikeun turbin angin langkung ti 20.700 MW. The company has production centers in the main wind energy markets: Spain and China, as global production and supply centers, while maintaining local production capacity in India, the United States and Brazil. Gemei a is also a global leader in the development, construction and sales of wind farms, with 6,400 MW installed worldwide. Gemei a forms part of the main international sustainability indexes: FTSE4Good and Ethibel.
GC China Turbine Corp (OTC: GCHT) pabrik jeung ngajual turbin angin di Républik Rahayat Cina. It provides 2-blade and 3-blade 1.0 MW wind power turbines for the utility industry. The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Wuhan, China
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. Gé ngahijikeun dunya fisik sareng digital ku cara anu teu aya perusahaan sanés anu tiasa cocog. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. GE nganggo téknologi sareng solusi énergi anu paling bersih sareng paling canggih pikeun ngawasa dunya. Daya angin: GE Renewable Energy mangrupikeun salah sahiji panyalur turbin angin pangpayunna di dunya. Portopolio produk kami ayeuna kalebet turbin kalayan kapasitas dipeunteun 1,7 MW dugi ka 3,2 MW. In addition, the support services we provide cover everything from development assistance to operation and maintenance. Whether you are at the starting point of your wind power journey or are looking for development, we can provide you with the services you need.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE:: GOOD.L) is a vertically integrated utility company whose 100% of its electricity comes from renewable energy. Grup éta nyayogikeun listrik ka langkung ti 51,500 rumah tangga sareng konsumén komérsial, sareng nyayogikeun gas alam ka langkung ti 25,000 konsumén rumah tangga. Éta ogé nyayogikeun langkung ti 76,000 generator héjo mandiri pikeun komunitas ngembang di Inggris. The group provides electricity in three ways, either from its own renewable energy power generation assets, from other UK renewable energy producers, or directly from the market. The Group obtains approximately 19% of its electricity through its own wind farm in Good Energy Delabole Windfarm Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary. The company owns 9.2MW of onshore wind energy assets in North Cornwall. It also invested in Good Energy's new The renewable energy project Generation Ltd, is planning to build a 4.6 MW wind farm in Aberdeenshire.
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) mangrupikeun pamaén utama dina industri énergi anu ngembang di India sareng pamilik sareng operator proyék énergi bersih di India. The group is building a risk-free portfolio of wind energy, hydropower, natural gas and biomass assets in India.
Greentech Energy Systems (Copenhagen: GES.CO) is an energy company dedicated to the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects and power plants. Greentech komitmen kana ékspansi internasional sareng tujuanana pikeun janten perusahaan anu unggul dina widang énergi anu tiasa dianyari. Proyék énergi angin Greentech nuju operasi sareng pangwangunan: proyék operasi aya di Dénmark, Jérman, Polandia, Italia sareng Spanyol; development projects are located in Poland.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) ngahasilkeun sareng ngoperasikeun rupa-rupa produk kimia di India. Pausahaan ngoperasikeun ngaliwatan séktor kayaning kimia, bisnis énergi angin, listrik jeung paméran téater. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); erection procurement and commissioning services; operation and maintenance services; general infrastructure services; and WTG site development services.
Gurit Holding AG (Swiss: GUR.SW) geus jadi pamekar jeung innovator dina industri bahan komposit, positioning sorangan salaku supplier global ngarah bahan komposit, jasa rékayasa, parabot jeung alat, jeung bagian jeung sistem dipilih. With more than 30 years of experience in the practical application of composite materials in various market fields and projects from small parts to large structures, Gurit can provide complete composite material solutions combined with unique technical methods. Wind energy: In the past 15 years, Gurit has developed material solutions for wind turbine blade manufacturers to continuously improve the efficiency of wind energy equipment.
Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) is a leader in providing energy management systems and hybrid solutions for distributed stationary industrial applications, as well as products and solutions for education, training and applied research Technology providers are dipaké dina sél suluh, solar, angin jeung téhnologi hidrogén. Heliocentris' energy management system creates smart, remotely controlled, reliable and efficient hybrid energy solutions through various components (such as batteries, photovoltaic modules, conventional diesel generators and fuel cells). Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Sistim sél suluh Heliocentris 'bisa mastikeun suplai kakuatan uninterrupted pikeun infrastruktur kritis (saperti stasiun base TETRA, situs tulang tonggong jeung stasiun server dina jaringan mobile) sarta waktu operasi panjang. Widang "ngajar" nyadiakeun runtuyan learning jeung sistem panalungtikan pikeun sél suluh jeung téhnologi hidrogén surya sarta téknologi énergi renewable lianna. Customers include training centers, research institutions and industries.
Hexcel Corporation (NYSE: HXL) nyaéta parusahaan bahan komposit canggih ngarah. It develops, manufactures and sells lightweight, high-performance structural materials, including carbon fibers, reinforcements, prepregs, honeycombs, matrix systems, adhesives and composite structures for commercial aviation, aerospace and defense, and industrial applications, such as Wind turbine blades.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) komitmen kana investasi, konstruksi jeung operasi proyék énergi anyar. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. Pausahaan insists on ngembangkeun ilmiah sarta rationally distributes bisnis. Through the operation of large-scale wind farms and distributed wind farms, the utilization of onshore and offshore wind resources, and the emphasis on development and acquisition, the company strives to improve its growth quality and efficiency, and continuously improve its profitability, competitiveness and sustainability Development capabilities, therefore maintaining its established position in the People's Republic of China (China) and expanding the international market, with a view to becoming an internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. Pausahaan nempelkeun pentingna pikeun ngajaga sareng ningkatkeun lingkungan, ngalaksanakeun tanggung jawab sosialna, sareng narékahan pikeun ngahasilkeun hasil anu sustainable, stabil sareng ngembang ka para pemegang saham.
Iberdrola Renovables SAU (Madrid: IBE.MC) has undergone extensive transformation in the past ten years, making it the number one Spanish energy group and one of the major Spanish companies of Ibex 35. It is a global leader in wind energy by market capitalization . , Is also one of the world's top power companies.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) is a professional renewable energy company that develops, constructs, owns and operates renewable energy power generation assets. Cai mibanda hak pikeun 24 kebon angin, kaasup 6 kebon angin di operasi, Australia boga total kapasitas dipasang 557 MW; the United States has 18 operating wind farms with a total installed capacity of 1,089 MW, as well as wind power and The pipeline of solar renewable energy development.
Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Kusabab ngadegna taun 1990, pausahaan geus komitmen pikeun ngembangkeun, kapamilikan sarta operasi fasilitas PLTA, kebon angin jeung pembangkit listrik photovoltaic surya sapanjang hulu walungan, sarta geus dimekarkeun di Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia jeung Idaho. in the United States. usaha. Its asset portfolio currently includes: (i) ownership of 33 operating facilities with a total net installed capacity of 687 MW (total 1,194 MW), including 26 hydropower facilities, 6 wind farms and 1 solar photovoltaic power generation (Ii) Have rights in five proyék-proyék dina pangwangunan atawa dina konstruksi anu geus nandatanganan pasatujuan meuli kakuatan, kalawan total kapasitas net dipasang 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) proyék poténsial, total net Kapasitas total 3.190 MW (total 3.330 MW).
Japan Wind Development Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 2766.T) JWD strives to realize the value of wind power. JWD has a good track record in building and operating cost-effective wind power plants. Salaku tambahan, urang bakal ngagunakeun pinuh ku pangaweruh anu diala ku pangwangunan sareng operasi pembangkit listrik angin anu dilengkepan batré panyimpen pikeun ngembangkeun téknologi integrasi sistem kakuatan héjo urang sorangan, sareng nyiapkeun lebet kana fase salajengna salaku pasangan solusi énergi anjeun.
Jinpan International Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: JST) mendesain, ngahasilkeun sareng ngajual alat kontrol listrik sareng distribusi listrik pikeun nungtut aplikasi industri, proyék utiliti, pamasangan énergi anu tiasa dianyari sareng proyék infrastruktur. The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan is a qualified supplier of China's leading industrial electrical equipment manufacturers, has a wide range of customers in China and has entered the international market. Jinpan's four production bases in China are located in Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. The company was established in 1993. Its main executive office is located in Haikou, Hainan Province, China, and its US office is located in Karlstadt, New Jersey. Énergi angin: Transformers tipe garing résin tuang pikeun aplikasi énergi angin, dipaké di kebon angin (dina atawa di luar munara) pikeun ngaronjatkeun tegangan listrik dihasilkeun pikeun transmisi dina grid kakuatan sedeng-tegangan.
Juhl Wind (OTC: JUHL) is a recognized leader in the renewable energy industry, focusing on providing competitive clean energy solutions and community-based wind energy development, ownership and management throughout the United States and Canada. Juhl Energy naratas ngembangkeun kebon angin dumasar-komunitas, dimekarkeun ayeuna dipikawanoh finansial, kerangka operasional jeung hukum, sarta nyadiakeun kapamilikan lokal sedeng pikeun kebon angin badag di padesaan di Amérika Serikat. So far, the company has completed 24 wind farm projects with a total power generation of approximately 260 MW, and has provided operational management and supervision for the entire project portfolio. Juhl Energy provides services for all aspects of wind farm development, including comprehensive development and ownership, general consulting, construction management, and system operation and maintenance. Juhl Energy also provides a wide range of clean energy solutions.
Landmark Infrastructure Partner LP (NasdaqGM: LMRK) This partnership is a growth-oriented limited partnership aimed at acquiring, owning and managing companies that lease to the wireless communications, outdoor advertising and renewable energy power generation industries Real estate equity investment portfolio. . Partnership ieu kantor pusatna di El Segundo, California, jeung kapentingan real estate na ngawengku easements jangka panjang sarta permanén, assignments ngajakan tenant sarta portopolio diversified sipat basis fee lokasina di 49 nagara bagian jeung District of Columbia, mere hak partnership The. rent is paid from the lease on more than 1,400 tenant sites. Wind force
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; produksi; jeung jualan. The company's products include: E-Box energy storage systems for solar and wind power generation equipment; and EV components that integrate batteries and motors, such as EV controllers that use small computers to control torque drive
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Generasi listrik angin: Staf kami nyayogikeun jasa tungtung-ka-tungtung pikeun industri peternakan angin, kalebet sistem pangumpulan listrik, gardu induk, jasa interkonéksi, sareng solusi EPC / BOP lengkep pikeun pamekar swasta, perusahaan listrik sareng organisasi pamaréntah di sakuliah nagara. We are equipped with a large number of support and installation cranes, including the two (2) ton 550 ton Demag 250-1 and the 660 ton Demag 2800-1 NT, which allow us to safely handle the tallest parts today and drive The heaviest turbin.
MGE Energy, Inc (NasdaqGS: MGEE) mangrupikeun perusahaan anu nyepeng utiliti umum. Its main subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE), generates and distributes electricity to 143,000 customers in Dane County, Wisconsin, and purchases and distributes natural gas to 149,000 customers in 7 counties in south central and western Wisconsin. The origin of MGE can be traced back to the Madison area 150 years ago. Wind power: In the past ten years, MGE's wind power capacity has increased from 11 megawatts (MW) to 137 MW.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) is a diversified manufacturer. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries nyadiakeun sakabéh prosés ti konstruksi nepi ka layanan purna jual pikeun sagala rupa fasilitas pembangkit listrik, kaasup pembangkit listrik termal nu ngahontal efisiensi generasi kakuatan pangluhurna di dunya jeung tingkat émisi karbon dioksida handap, kitu ogé pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir jeung angin, jadi nyadiakeun kakuatan stabil sarta hadé Kontribusi kana kualitas kahirupan maranéhanana. Wind turbines: MHI has been engaged in the research and development of wind turbines since 1980. Since then, we have developed induction and variable speed motors from 250kW to 2,400kW. To date, we have manufactured and delivered more than 2,250 units worldwide. Based on the global experience of MWT series wind turbines, we will continue to develop better technologies to further optimize the use of wind, which is one of the main energy sources for clean and environmental protection.
NaiKun Wind Energy Group Limited (TSX: NKW.V) is a renewable energy company headquartered in British Columbia. NaiKun Wind is located on the northwest coast of British Columbia. Wind resources are one of the most powerful and stable wind resources in the world. Its 400MW offshore wind energy project will generate enough energy to power 200,000 households in British Columbia. Lamun proyek terus, eta diperkirakeun mawa 500 jobs salila periode konstruksi, nyadiakeun 50 jobs permanén pikeun pangropéa sarta operasi, sarta mawa leuwih ti 400 juta dollar Kanada dina pengeluaran langsung ka propinsi salila periode konstruksi, nu 2,5 C $ 100. million will benefit North Coast communities
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi bersih anu unggul kalayan listrik kirang langkung 44,900 megawatt, kalebet megawatt anu aya hubunganana sareng kapentingan non-kontrol NextEra Energy Partners. NextEra Energy kantor pusatna di Juneau Beach, Florida, jeung subsidiaries utamina nyaeta Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (anu mangrupa salah sahiji pausahaan kakuatan listrik-dikawasa harga panggedena di Amérika Serikat) jeung NextEra Energy Resources, LLC jeung éntitas afiliasi na. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "Salaku produser énérgi renewable angin sareng surya panggedéna di Amérika Kalér, NextEra Energy Resources nunjukkeun cara anu épéktip pikeun ngatasi perubahan iklim. Through our use-and consumer support-renewable resources, we can all make a difference
Nordex AG (Frankfurt: NDX1.F) ngaliwatan produksi kontinyu turbin angin multi-megawatt tina generasi Gamma Nordex N90/2500, N100/2500 jeung N117/2400, Nordex téh bisa nyadiakeun turbin angin efisien pikeun pamakéan lahan. Kusabab 2013, Nordex parantos nyayogikeun generasi Delta sareng N100 / 3300 pikeun tempat anu angin kuat, N117 / 3000 pikeun tempat anu stroke, sareng N131 / 3000 pikeun tempat anu anginna hampang. As a developer and manufacturer of wind turbines, we focus on our core competitiveness. In addition to the overall technical design, our proprietary technology also lies in the development of rotor blades longer than 64 meters and integrated electrical and control technology for wind turbines.
NRG Yield, Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: NYLD, NYLD-A) has a diversified portfolio of contract renewable, conventional power generation and thermal infrastructure assets in the United States, including fossil fuels, solar and wind that can provide more support More than 2 million American homes and businesses have power generation facilities. Aset infrastruktur termal kami nyadiakeun uap, cai panas jeung/atawa cai tiis, sarta kadangkala listrik, ka usaha komérsial, universitas, rumah sakit jeung departemén pamaréntah di sababaraha lokasi.
Otter Tail Corporation (NASDAQGS: OTTR) is interested in diversified operations including power utilities and manufacturing operations. Daya angin: Urang gaduh kirang langkung 138 MW tanaga sareng ngagaleuh langkung ti 107 MW tanaga angin anu tiasa diénggalan tanpa émisi, anu nyababkeun 19% tina penjualan ritel urang. Between 2017 and 2021, we will consider adding 300 megawatts of wind energy to our portfolio.
Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) ngembangkeun, pabrik jeung ngajual insulasi, roofing jeung bahan komposit fiberglass. The company's market-leading corporate business spans the world and scales humanity. Éta ngagunakeun kaahlian anu jero dina bahan, manufaktur sareng élmu wangunan pikeun ngembangkeun produk sareng sistem pikeun ngahémat énergi sareng ningkatkeun kanyamanan gedong komersil sareng padumukan. Ngaliwatan bisnis tulangan kaca na, pausahaan ngajadikeun rébuan produk torek, kuat, sarta leuwih awét. Tungtungna, karyawan sareng produk Owens Corning ngajantenkeun dunya janten tempat anu langkung saé. Produk énergi angin: Bahan komposit anu diperkuat serat kaca tiasa hampang, insulated, tahan korosi, tahan dampak sareng tahan panas, sareng tiasa dianggo pikeun ngagentos baja, aluminium, kai sareng bahan sanésna. Glass fiber as a reinforcing material can reduce weight while providing strength equal to or better than other materials (such as steel). Beurat anu langkung hampang hartosna efisiensi bahan bakar langkung luhur dina sadaya moda transportasi. Kalayan kamajuan téknologi kakuatan anu terus-terusan, bahan komposit ogé nyayogikeun efisiensi anu langkung luhur sareng ékonomi anu langkung luhur pikeun turbin énergi angin, ku kituna bilah anu langkung panjang, torek sareng langkung produktif tiasa dianggo dina laju angin anu langkung handap.
PNE Wind AG (Frankfurt: PNE3.F) is Germany's international wind power pioneer and one of the most experienced developers of onshore and offshore wind farms. Companies combine economic success with ecological responsibility. Dua merek anu dioperasikeun ku PNE WIND Group nyaéta PNE WIND sareng WKN. Tina survey situs awal sareng prosedur persetujuan, pembiayaan sareng konstruksi kontrak umum, dugi ka operasi sareng catu daya deui dina tungtung umur jasa sistem, jasa anu disayogikeun nutupan sadaya tahapan proyék kakuatan angin.
Powin Energy (OTC: PWON) is a leading provider of scalable energy storage technology in grid-level applications for power companies and their commercial, industrial and institutional customers. Solusi panyimpen Powin Energy nyayogikeun tautan penting dina pamekaran angin sareng tanaga surya ku cara nyayogikeun téknologi anu ngajantenkeun proyék-proyék ieu langkung éfisién.
Repower Systems (Switzerland: REPI.SW) is a Swiss-based company engaged in power generation, management, trading, sales, power transmission and distribution. The company also buys and sells natural gas, emission certificates and certificates of origin in selected European markets. The company has its own power generation assets in Switzerland (hydropower), Italy (combined cycle gas-fired power plants and wind power) and Germany (wind power). The company has trading floors in Poschiavo, Switzerland; Milan, Italia jeung Praha, Céko. Pausahaan nyadiakeun énergi pikeun konsumén imah jeung bisnis. Pausahaan ogé langsung atawa henteu langsung nyadiakeun énergi pikeun Swiss kidul ngaliwatan resellers. Di Jerman, perusahaan ngajual listrik ka perusahaan ukuran sedeng sareng perusahaan anu didaptarkeun, sareng di Italia, perusahaan ogé nyayogikeun gas alam.
Renewable Energy Power Generation Limited (LSE: WIND.L) develops, constructs, finances and operates onshore renewable energy projects in the UK, involving three main areas: onshore wind energy, biomass energy and solar energy. Our growing fleet of onshore wind farms spread across the country can provide much-needed clean energy. The investment in our team of experienced industry experts means that we have internal resources to identify and develop projects to plan internal permits, as well as build and manage wind farms. Sumberdaya kauangan anu kuat ngamungkinkeun urang pikeun gancang ngarengsekeun proyék ti perjanjian ka operasi.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) mangrupikeun perusahaan minyak sareng gas mandiri di sakuliah dunya. Ieu ngoperasikeun ngaliwatan bagéan pasar hulu jeung hilir. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; ekstrak bitumen tina pasir minyak ditambang tur ngarobahna kana minyak atah sintétik; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. Sajaba ti éta, pausahaan ieu kalibet dina manufaktur, suplai, jeung transportasi minyak atah; ngajual suluh, pelumas, bitumen sareng gas petroleum cair (LPG) pikeun kaperluan rumah tangga, transportasi sareng industri; ngarobah minyak atah kana runtuyan produk refined, kaasup béngsin jeung solar , Minyak pemanasan, suluh aviation, suluh laut, pelumas, aspal, walirang jeung gas minyak bumi liquefied; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; provides transportation services; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. Pausahaan owns kira 24 refineries minyak; 1,500 storage tanks; and 150 distribution facilities. Éta ngajual bahan bakar dina merek Shell V-Power.
RWE AG (Frankfurt: RWE.F) is an electric power and natural gas company responsible for generating, distributing and selling electric power, and producing, distributing and selling natural gas. Ngagunakeun lignit, batubara, gas alam, tanaga nuklir, énergi renewable, runtah jeung minyak salaku suluh pikeun pembangkit listrik; kitu ogé gudang ngompa jeung pembangkit listrik walungan, sarta ngahasilkeun panas. Pausahaan ogé kalibet dina suplai jeung dagang listrik, gas alam, batubara, minyak bumi, sertipikat CO2, sarta énergi renewable dumasar biomassa dina bentuk fisik jeung turunan; sareng nyayogikeun jasa konsultasi. Wind power: RWE Innogy operates onshore wind farms in Germany, the UK, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. Through Rhyl Flats and North Hoyle, we operate the two largest offshore wind farms in the UK. We are currently building the offshore wind farm Nordsee Ost near the coast of Germany, and the 576 MW wind farm Gwynt yMôr will be built near the coast of Wales.
Sauer Energy Corporation (OTC: SENY) is a technology developer and manufacturer focusing on the emerging renewable energy market. SEI's first product, WindCutter, is based on the Darrieus principle and has 5 airfoil blades that use the principle of lift to rotate the shaft and mount it on the rod. SEI ogé ngarencanakeun nyadiakeun model WindRider spiral dipaténkeun, turbin angin sumbu nangtung maké téhnologi HelixWind® dibeuli di 2012. Modifikasi desain kalawan kinerja luhur diperkirakeun mawa hasil hadé. WindRider is also installed on the pole and can be used for applications that do not require roof installation. SEI also invented and plans to provide WindCharger® brand turbines to provide better roof installation solutions for residential and other small buildings. SEI's technology is excellent because it requires very few parts. This means lower manufacturing costs, more efficient operation, less maintenance (fewer parts = less chance of failure) and greater power generation. This will provide SEI with a new direction for wind energy capture, making it easier to expand from residential to power small communities-all the way to large industrial facilities. The market opportunities for this new, self-contained innovative technology are limitless and are growing rapidly. SEI boga sababaraha patén-patén, tur aya leuwih patén-patén pending, sarta kami kasampak maju ka mimiti manufaktur sarta commercialization. Éta ogé aktip milarian pamulangan kauangan pikeun investasi.
Sea Breeze Power Corp (TSX: SBX.V) nyaéta parusahaan basis Vancouver dedicated ka produksi jeung transmisi énergi renewable. Naékna paménta dunya pikeun kakuatan anu bersih, héjo mangrupikeun kakuatan panggerak dasar pikeun bisnis urang. Wind project: Sea Breeze Power Corp., through several subsidiary holding companies, has approximately 50 research periods at sites in British Columbia for wind energy research and development. These areas total approximately 200,000 hectares and are located in five regions of the province. Garrard Hassan conducted an independent study on the British Columbia Hydropower Company, British Columbia's wind energy resources have great potential
SeaEnergy PLC (LSE.SEA.L) nyayogikeun inovasi strategis pikeun perusahaan énergi global. Solusi pioneering kami tiasa ngabantosan minyak sareng gas, énergi anu tiasa dianyari sareng industri sanés pikeun minuhan kawajiban kauangan, operasional sareng hukumna. We combine our rich experience and expertise with creativity and technical knowledge to simplify business processes and contribute to the efficiency, safety and reliability of our customers. Konsumén SeaEnergy utamina dina minyak sareng gas, énergi angin, rékayasa, konstruksi sareng séktor umum.
Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 2345.HK) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of turbine blades, precision bearings, fasteners, CNC machine tools, etc. in China. And internationally. The company provides turbine blades for large generators, as well as components for the aviation and aerospace markets. Power plants for the energy and aviation industries. Éta ogé nyayogikeun produk bantalan pikeun transportasi karéta api, kendaraan, alat transportasi kargo, alat aeroangkasa, motor sareng alat listrik, ogé bantalan sareng jasa perbaikan sareng perawatan anu aya hubunganana. In addition, the company also produces high-speed steel cutting tools, such as boring cutting tools, thread cutting tools, milling and hinge cutting tools, gear cutting tools and broach cutting tools; as well as carbide cutting tools, superhard material cutting tools, Coated cutting tools, CNC handles and cutting rods, measuring tools and cemented carbide. In addition, it also provides standard and special fasteners; high-strength fasteners and related equipment; and fasteners and special parts for the automotive industry, as well as metal forming machines and tools for the metal forming industry. Salaku tambahan, éta ogé kalibet dina pamekaran téknologi, mindahkeun proyék perlindungan lingkungan sareng konsultasi, ogé kapal anti korosi sareng pencegahan polusi sareng jasa anu aya hubunganana. In addition, the company also provides related technical services, human services, industrial investment, and domestic trade and commodity re-export trade. The company was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Shanghai, China. Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Generasi kakuatan angin: Urang gaduh pangalaman langkung ti 30 taun dina pembangkit listrik angin darat sareng langkung ti 20 taun pangalaman dina pembangkit listrik lepas pantai. Kami salah sahiji pamingpin pasar global. There are nearly 13,000 wind turbines worldwide with a total capacity of 21 GW, helping to provide the world with clean, renewable energy.
China Power Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 601558.SH) mangrupikeun perusahaan téknologi tinggi munggaran di Cina khusus dina pamekaran mandiri, desain, manufaktur sareng penjualan turbin angin darat, lepas pantai sareng intertidal skala ageung. These wind turbines are suitable for global use Various wind energy and environmental conditions, and it is the first company in China to independently develop the world's advanced 5MW and 6MW series wind turbines.
Sky Harvest Energy Corp. (OTC: SKYH), perusahaan ngembang, komitmen ngagunakeun tanaga angin pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik di Kanada. Pausahaan boga kapentingan leasehold di sababaraha 15.000 acres lahan di kidul-kulon Saskatchewan pikeun ngawangun fasilitas kakuatan angin pikeun ngahasilkeun jeung ngajual listrik. Hal ieu ogé kalibet dina rarancang, pabrik jeung diobral tina turbin angin sumbu nangtung. The company's predecessor was Sky Harvest Windpower Corp..
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: Januari 2018-ngumumkeun prakarsa parusahaan pikeun ngahijikeun téhnologi blockchain kana model bisnis énergi renewable sarta strategi, aimed di ngaronjatkeun efisiensi tina manajemen grid kebon surya sarta angin. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.
Suzlon Energy Limited (NSE: SUZLON.NS) is proud to create lasting value through sustainable development. It firmly believes in connecting its core capabilities to provide the best wind power solutions. The group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of wind turbines. In addition to being a technology leader, Suzlon is also committed to protecting the environment, strengthening the community and promoting responsible growth-a model of corporate social responsibility. The group has been driven by the concept of sustainable development for a long time. Turbin angin na sumebar ka sakuliah dunya, anu mangrupakeun tanda lingkungan anu bebas polusi. Suzlon mangrupikeun pamimpin pasar di India, sareng operasi di Asia, Australia, Eropa, Afrika, sareng Amérika Kalér sareng Kidul. Over the past two decades, Suzlon has established and consolidated its business in 19 countries/regions through wind power generation facilities spanning 14,600 MW worldwide. Suzlon's global wind energy installations help reduce 44 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. Pausahaan boga 14 pabrik manufaktur di India, Cina (joint venture) jeung Amérika Serikat. Suzlon gaduh tenaga kerja dinamis langkung ti 6.900 karyawan ti 19 nagara/wilayah, sareng urang bangga ngadukung budaya anu ngahormatan sareng nguatkeun karyawan pikeun janten aset anu paling berharga pikeun perusahaan.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. Produk ieu dianggo di sababaraha pasar, kalebet: énergi alternatif (panonpoé sareng angin), médis, nuklir, pertahanan, industri, sareng aerospace. TechPrecision's goal is to provide customers with an end-to-end global service provider by providing customized and integrated “turnkey” solutions for complete products that require customized manufacturing and processing, assembly, inspection and testing.
Tektronix Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-A.TO; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-B.TO) develops and produces natural resources in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. The company's main products include steelmaking; copper concentrates and refined copper cathodes; refined zinc and zinc concentrates; sarta konsentrasi kalungguhan. It also produces molybdenum, gold, silver, germanium, indium and cadmium, as well as chemicals and fertilizers. In addition, the company also holds interests in oil sands projects and other interests in the Athabasca region of Alberta; and has interests in mining and processing operations in Canada, the United States, Chile and Peru, and operates metallurgical plants. Éta ogé museurkeun fasilitas kakuatan angin. Tektronix Resources Co., Ltd. was established in 1906 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.
Terna Energy SA (Athens: TENERG.AT) is a vertically organized renewable energy company engaged in the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, waste management). TERNA ENERGY gaduh saluran pipa anu kuat sakitar 8,000 MW RES proyék, anu beroperasi, dina konstruksi atanapi dina tahap pangwangunan anu maju, ngarah di Yunani, sareng operasi di Éropa Tengah, Éropa Tenggara sareng Amérika Serikat. TERNA ENERGY ogé aktip ilubiung dina program internasional pikeun salajengna ngamajukeun pamakéan RES. Éta ogé anggota European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF)
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) mangrupakeun pamilik diversified global aset énergi bersih, kaasup surya, angin jeung PLTA proyék di pikaresepeun, tumuwuhna luhur pasar munculna.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) is a leading provider of consulting, engineering, process management and construction management services. Pausahaan ngarojong konsumén komérsial sarta pamaréntah fokus kana cai, lingkungan, infrastruktur, manajemén sumberdaya jeung énergi. Tetra Tech boga 13.000 pagawé di sakuliah dunya, nyadiakeun solusi jelas keur masalah kompléks. Wind energy: Tetra Tech is a leader in the wind energy market and ranks second in wind energy in the Engineering News Record. We provide integrated environment, engineering, construction management and operational service solutions for all stages of wind energy project development. Tetra Tech supports the projects of 20 of the 25 top wind energy developers and 80% of the top wind energy industry OEMs. In the past few years, our team has carried out more than 650 wind energy projects worldwide, with a total generating capacity of more than 25,000 MW. Our project experience covers all 50 states in the United States and 8 provinces in Canada.
Theolia (Paris: TEO.PA) mangrupikeun pamekar sareng operator proyék énergi angin Perancis. The company's business mainly focuses on the development of wind farm projects and the construction of wind power generation facilities for the company group itself and third parties, as well as the operation of wind farms in France, Germany, Morocco and Italy. It also involves the sale of wind farm systems in two to four years (excluding trade activities). The activities and business services of Theolia SA are applicable to the entire value chain of the wind energy industry, from location determination to commissioning the operation of wind farms, including the process of obtaining construction and operation authorization, selection of wind turbines, research to raise funds, and construction of operating farms And sales.
TransAlta Renewable Energy Company (TSX: RNW.TO; OTC: TRSWF) gaduh 16 kakuatan angin sareng 12 fasilitas pembangkit listrik PLTA, sareng di pembangkit listrik termal TransAlta Sarnia, tegalan angin Le Nordais, pembangkit listrik PLTA parasut henteu rata, Wyoming Wind Farm sareng Australia. gaduh aset ekonomis mangpaat kalayan total kapasitas dipasang 2.467 MW, nu boga kapentingan kapamilikan bersih 2.291 MW. TransAlta Renewables' economic interests in Australian assets include 425 MW of power generation from six operating assets that are operated and signed under long-term contracts, as well as the 150 MW South Hedland project currently under construction and recently under construction. The project commissioned 270 kilometers of natural gas pipelines. TransAlta Renewables boga kapasitas pembangkit listrik pangbadagna ti mana wae produser kakuatan renewable bebas traded publik ("IPP") di Kanada, sarta kapasitas kakuatan angin na leuwih ti sagala IPP traded publik lianna di Kanada. Strategi TransAlta Renewables museurkeun kana operasi éfisién portopolio aset na sareng ngalegaan dasar asetna ku kéngingkeun kontrak kualitas luhur énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui sareng fasilitas pembangkit listrik gas alam sareng aset infrastruktur sanés. Our goal is to (i) create stable and consistent returns for investors through ownership of contract renewable energy and potential natural gas power generation and other infrastructure assets, and these assets through reputable counterparties (including TransAlta Corporation) The long-term contracts provide stable cash flow; (ii) seek and use strategic growth opportunities in the areas of renewable energy, natural gas power generation and other infrastructure; (iii) pay a portion of the cash that can be allocated to the company's shareholders every month.
Fokus utama Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) nyaéta pikeun nambihan nilai ka para pemegang saham ku cara mekarkeun sareng ngajaga kapentingan jangka panjang dina proyék énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui Kanada sareng aset gudang gas alam bawah tanah dumasar kana harga pasar. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Rencana bisnis Tribute nyaéta pikeun nangtoskeun, ngijinkeun, ngembangkeun sareng ngawangun proyék anu nyumponan standar ambang balikna dumasar kana aset anu aya. Tribute nyiptakeun nilai ku cara ngaidentipikasi kasempetan proyék, nyayogikeun kaahlian dina proyék pangwangunan, sareng ngajaga minat kana aset anu réngsé, ku kituna nyiptakeun aliran kas kualitas utiliti jangka panjang anu stabil ngaliwatan dasar aset anu aya hubunganana sareng énergi anu kuat sareng beragam. Proyék Énergi Angin
TrustPower Limited (NZE: TPW.NZ) aktipitas produksi jeung ritel listrik. Departemén pembangkit listrik perusahaan ngembangkeun, gaduh sareng ngoperasikeun fasilitas pembangkit listrik énergi anu tiasa diperbaharui. The department has 34 hydroelectric power stations and 2 wind farms in New Zealand; and 2 wind farms in South Australia. Its retail division involves the retail of electricity, natural gas and telecommunications services.
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. Kami gaduh pangalaman langkung ti 300 MW di sakuliah dunya, sareng kami komitmen pikeun nguatkeun dunya anu langkung sustainable unggal dinten. Énergi surya, énergi angin, lampu LED
Vestas Wind Energy Systems (OTC: VWSYF) is the only global energy company dedicated exclusively to wind energy-increasing the certainty of the business case and reducing energy costs for customers. Vestas jalan raket jeung konsumén pikeun nyadiakeun solusi paling éféktif pikeun ngahontal kamerdikaan énergi. Bisnis inti kami nyaéta ngembangkeun, manufaktur, penjualan sareng pangropéa pembangkit listrik angin. Kamampuhanana nyertakeun sagala aspek ranté nilai tina panalungtikan lapangan dugi ka jasa sareng pangropéa.
Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) mangrupikeun perusahaan énergi anu tiasa dianyari. The company focuses on identifying, developing and funding alternatives to clean air energy production, such as solar power, wind farms and hydropower. It explores green energy production opportunities, such as large-scale commercial wind farms in Europe, and solar and hydropower prospects in North America and internationally.
Wind Works Power Corp (OTC: WWPW) ayeuna ngoperasikeun 4,6 megawatts (MW) di Jerman. The company has 49% ownership and is expected to double to 9.2 MW by the end of the year. In addition, Wind Works is working with Capstone Infrastructures (a subsidiary of Macquarie Infrastructures) to develop a 50 MW feed-in tariff contract project in Ontario and increase its own 10 MW; proyék engké di Jerman 77 MW; sarta pipa proyék di Amérika Serikat. Our mission is to provide people with opportunities to participate in the development of renewable wind energy projects. We believe that reasonable investments that are good for the environment are good for our shareholders and our planet. In order to eliminate a person's annual carbon footprint of 10 tons (for Germany), it only takes about 2 days to produce a modern windmill, which can save 2 tons. 20.000 kWh énergi beresih jeung énergi enol-émisi.
Woodward Corporation (NasdaqGS: WWD) is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control system solutions and components for the aviation and energy markets. The company's innovative fluid, combustion, electrical and motion control systems can help customers provide cleaner, more reliable and more efficient equipment. Palanggan kami kalebet produsén peralatan asli sareng pangguna akhir produkna. Woodward is a global company headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Wind power: Woodward is one of the leading suppliers of wind converters for renewable energy power generation. More than 9,500 converters that Woodward has installed in onshore and offshore applications provide Woodward with the ability and experience to become a leader in the wind energy business. CONCYCLE's precise and intelligent control algorithm® wind power converter, in combination with variable speed generators, creates a power generation system optimized for power plant quality.
Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) is a major power and natural gas company in the United States with regulated operations in eight Western and Midwestern states. Xcel Energy nyadiakeun portopolio komprehensif ngeunaan produk jeung jasa patali énergi pikeun 3,5 juta pamaké listrik jeung 2 juta pamaké gas alam ngaliwatan pausahaan operasi diatur na. The company's headquarters are located in Minneapolis. The main power generation facilities we operate use a variety of fuels, including coal, natural gas, nuclear fuel, water (water), oil and garbage; urang ogé boga fasilitas anu ngagunakeun tanaga angin pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik.
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waktos pos: Jan-12-2021