DynaCERT Inc. waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa tignoolajiyada dhimista qiiqa CO2 ee matoorada gubashada gudaha. Iyada oo qayb ka ah dhaqaalaha haydaroojiyada caalamiga ah ee sii kordheysa ee muhiimka ah, waxaan isticmaalnaa tignoolajiyadayada patented si aan u soo saarno hydrogen iyo ogsijiinta iyada oo loo marayo nidaam elektrolysis gaar ah. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Tignoolajiyadayadu waxay la jaan qaadayaan noocyo badan iyo cabbirro badan oo matoorada naaftada ah, sida kuwa baabuurta lagu isticmaalo, baabuurta qaboojiyaha, dhismooyinka waddooyinka ka baxsan, koronto dhalin, makiinadaha macdanta iyo kaynta, maraakiibta iyo tareennada. Internet: www.dynaCERT.com
BIOREM Inc. (TSX: BRM.V) is a leading clean technology company dedicated to designing, manufacturing and distributing a series of comprehensive high-efficiency air emission control systems to eliminate odors, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and harmful air pollution Objects ( HAPs). BIOREM waxay leedahay xafiisyada iibka iyo wax soo saarka ee qaaradda Afrika oo dhan, machadyo cilmi-baaris gaar ah, shabakad wakiil iibka caalamiga ah, iyo in ka badan 1,000 nidaamyo lagu rakibay adduunka oo dhan, kuwaas oo ku siin kara degmooyinka, shirkadaha warshadaha iyo shirkadaha wax soo saarka ugu horumarsan ee ku salaysan technology, Oggolaanshaha in aad u isticmaal bulshooyinka ku xeeran si fudud.
CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: YES.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., located in Mississauga, Ontario, produces a proprietary activated carbon-like material (SulfaCHAR) that can be used to remove hydrogen sulfide (mainly rich in Methane gas) and foul hawada).
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) waa shirkad tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo kala duwan oo xarunteedu tahay Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. Kheyraadka tamarta ee caadiga ah ee Badweynta Baasifiga ayaa ah Rim.
Reno International Corporation (OTC: RINO) is an environmental protection and remediation company in the People's Republic of China. Shirkaddu waxay ku hawlan tahay naqshadaynta, soo saarista, rakibidda iyo dayactirka daaweynta biyaha wasakhda ah iyo qalabka desulfurization gaaska qiiqa ee inta badan loo isticmaalo warshadaha birta; as well as anti-oxidation products and equipment used in the production of hot-rolled steel plate products. Its products include Lamella inclined tube settler wastewater treatment system, including industrial water treatment equipment, wastewater condensing equipment kits, solid and liquid extraction and dehydration equipment, and coal gas dust removal and cleaning equipment; Nidaamka desulfurization gaaska flue sariirta dareere ah ee sariirta dareere leh si meesha looga saaro wax soo saarka birta granular sulfur ee gaasta qiiqa ee ka dhalata inta lagu jiro habka sintering; a high-temperature anti-oxidation system for hot-rolled steel, a set of products and a mechanized system, which can reduce the output loss related to oxidation in the continuous casting of hot-rolled steel production. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa adeegyada habaynta qandaraasyada shirkadaha warshadaha ee dhinac saddexaad.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Badeecadayada wax soo saarka ee aad u tartan badan waxay isku daraysaa tamarta tafaariiqda iyo alaabada kale, sida dammaanad qaadkayaga qiimaha ugu fiican, tamarta qoraxda lagu farsameeyo, nalalka hufan iyo adeegyada la socodka tamarta, kuwaas oo dhamaantood ah guul dalka oo dhan ah waxay ka caawin kartaa macaamiisheena inay ka gudbaan qiimaha sii kordhaya ee electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
TOMI™Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTC: TOMZ) is a global bacterial decontamination and infectious disease control company that manufactures, sells and licenses products based on the main platform of hydrogen peroxide through manufacturing, sales and licensing, for indoor surfaces Decontamination provides an xalka deegaanka ee jawiga leh ee deegaanka. Binary ionization technology (BIT) is the most advanced technology for producing six logarithmic fog represented by the TOMI (TM) SteraMist (TM) brand. Alaabooyinka TOMI waxaa loogu talagalay inay u adeegaan dhismayaal ganacsi oo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan isbitaalada iyo xarumaha caafimaadka, maraakiibta dalxiiska, dhismayaasha xafiisyada, hoteelada iyo hoteelada, iskuulada, maqaayadaha, hilibka iyo xarumaha cuntada lagu sameeyo ee loogu talagalay badbaadada aan cuntada ahayn, xeryo ciidan iyo qalabka ciyaaraha . TOMI's products and services have also been used in single-family houses and multi-family houses. TOMI also develops training programs and application protocols for its customers, and is a good member of the American Biosafety Association, the American Organization Banking Association, the Professional Association of Infection Control and Epidemiology, the American Medical and Health Epidemiology Association, and the Repair Association . Industry Association, Indoor Air Quality Association and International Ozone Association.
Alger Green FUND (Nasdaq: SPEGX) waxay raadisaa qaddarin raasumaal ah oo muddo dheer ah iyadoo ku maalgelinaysa ugu yaraan 80% hantideeda saafiga ah dammaanadda sinnaanta ee shirkadaha cabbir kasta ha ahaatee. The company believes that companies of this size conduct business in an environmentally sustainable manner , While showing considerable growth potential
Tusaha Sustainability SAM ee Australiya (^ SAMAU) wuxuu la socdaa waxqabadka hogaamiyayaasha waarta ee Australia
Cambium Global Timberland Limited ("Cambium") (LSE: TREE.L) waxay leedahay hanti badan oo dhul kayn ah juquraafi ahaan kala duwan. The company's strategy is to implement the Group's investment in an orderly manner, to maximize value for shareholders, and to return remaining cash to shareholders through temporary capital returns.
Tusaha Tignoolajiyada Nadiifka ah (NYSE: ^ CTIUS) waa tusaha suuqa saamiyada ugu horreeya oo kaliya ee loogu talagalay in uu ka tarjumo sare u kaca baahida alaabada iyo adeegyada tignoolajiyada nadiifka ah. By tracking the market performance of the world's leading publicly traded clean technology companies, CTIUS has become an industry standard index, which is the basis for more and more financial products (such as exchange-traded funds). The index is made up of 58 companies that are global leaders in the field of clean technology with a wide range of industries, from alternative energy and energy efficiency to advanced materials, air and energy; nadiifinta biyaha, beeraha/nafaqada deegaanka ku habboon, gudbinta korontada Sug.
First Trust Global Wind Energy Fund (NYSEArca: FAN) waa sanduuqa sarrifka lacagaha. The fund's investment objective is to seek the investment result of a stock index called the ISE Global Wind Energy Index that is roughly commensurate with the previous price and income of the fund's expenses and expenses.
First Trust Nasdaq® CleanEdge® Smart Grid Infrastructure Index (NasdaqGIDS: GRID) waa sanduuqa wax kala iibsiga. Tusmadu waxay higsanaysaa in ay la socoto waxqabadka kaydka guud ee xadhkaha korantada iyo qaybaha kaabayaasha korantada. Tusmada waxaa ka mid ah shirkadaha ugu horrayn ku hawlan oo ku lug leh taageerada software-ka loo isticmaalo dhinacyada korantada, mitirka korontada iyo qalabka, shabakadaha, kaydinta tamarta iyo maamulka, iyo kaabayaasha korantada smart.
First Trust NASDAQ® CleanEdge® Sanduuqa Tusmada Tamarta Cagaaran (NASDAQGM: QCLN) waa sanduuq wax-is-weydaarsi-ganacsi ah. The index is a revised market capitalization weighted index designed to track the performance of publicly traded clean energy companies in the United States, including companies engaged in manufacturing, development, distribution and installation of emerging clean energy technologies, including but not limited to solar photovoltaics, biofuels And advanced batteries
Sanduuqa Tamarta Tamarta ee Gacanta Koowaad (Nasdaq: ALTEX) waxay maalgelisaa tamarta beddelka ah iyo shirkadaha tignoolajiyada tamarta ee Maraykanka iyo caalamkaba. Ilaha tamarta beddelka ah waxaa ka mid ah tamarta qoraxda, tamarta hydrogen, tamarta dabaysha, tamarta geothermal, tamarta biyaha, tamarta dabaysha, bayofuels iyo tamarta noole.
Guggenheim Solar ETF (NYSEArca: TAN) waxay doonaysaa inay maalgashato natiijooyinka maalgashiga kuwaas oo inta badan la jaan qaadaya waxqabadka khidmadaha iyo kharashyada sanduuqa kahor tusmada saamiyada ee loo yaqaan MAC Global Solar Index. The fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the common stocks that make up the index, ADR and GDR, and depositary receipts representing the common stocks included in the index. The index includes stock securities traded in developed markets, including American depositary receipts and American depositary receipts. Guud ahaan, waxa ay maalgelin doontaa dhammaan dammaanadaha ka kooban tusaha marka loo eego miisaankeeda tusmada. Sanduuqa waa mid aan kala duwanayn.
Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund (Nasdaq: GAAEX) Maalgelintani waxay raadinaysaa qaddarin raasamaal oo mustaqbalka fog ah. The fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of alternative energy companies (US and non-US). The adviser will invest the assets of the fund in the securities of all market capitalization companies and companies registered in the United States and foreign countries, including companies that are potentially registered or traded in emerging markets. The fund is non-diversified.
Kooxda Maareynta Hantida Impax (LSE: IPX.L) iyada oo loo sii marayo kaabayaasheeda waxay siisaa adeegyo maalgashi oo loogu talagalay maalgelinta ku takhasustay suuqa deegaanka, badi ahaan meelaha tamarta kale ee UK, biyaha iyo qashinka. It manages a series of funds and segregated accounts on behalf of institutions and private investors.
iPath Global Carbon ETN (NYSE: GRN) aims to provide investors with an understanding of the Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™. Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™ (oo hadda loo yaqaan "Index") waxaa loogu talagalay in lagu cabbiro waxqabadka barnaamijyada credit-ka ee dareeraha leh ee dareeraha ah. Nidaam kasta oo kaarboon-ku-xiran oo amaah ah oo lagu daray tusmaynta waxa matala qalabka dareeraha badan ee suuqa. The index is expected to be included in new carbon-related credit programs worldwide.
Mkt Vectors Glb Alternative Energy ETF (NYSEArca: GEX) Maalgelintani waxa ay doonaysaa in ay dib ugu soo celiso qiimaha iyo wax qabadka Ardor Global IndexSM (dhaqaale dheeri ah) sida ugu dhow ee suurtogalka ah ka hor khidmadaha iyo kharashyada. Funds usually invest at least 80% of their total assets in securities that make up the Ardor Global Index. Tusmadu waxay inta badan ku urursan tahay warshadaha tamarta beddelka ah iyo qaybaha warshadaha iyo tignoolajiyada macluumaadka. Utilities and consumer discretionary industries account for a large part of the Ardor global index. It is non-diversified.
Market Vectors Solar Energy (NYSEArca: KWT) attempts to replicate the price and earnings performance of the MarketVectors® Global Solar Index as closely as possible before excluding fees and expenses. Sanduuqa ayaa sida caadiga ah ku maalgeliya ugu yaraan 80% hantida guud ee dammaanadaha ee ka kooban tusmada bartilmaameedka sanduuqa. The solar energy index is the fund's benchmark index, which consists of equity securities of companies whose income is at least 50% from photovoltaics and solar energy, or manufacturers of solar energy equipment/technology and materials or service equipment/technology for solar energy. Ma kala duwana.
The investment approach of Portfolio 21 (Nasdaq: PORTX) combines environmental, social and governance analysis with basic investment research. We are keen to find excellent companies. Waxaan aaminsanahay in shirkadahani ay siin karaan maalgashadayaal tartan tartan ah iyadoo xadka bey'adda soo ifbaxayaan, yareynta saameynta deegaanka iyo u shaqeynta hab ixtiraamaya bulshada. Global equity funds exclude mining and fossil fuel production extractive industries, and companies specializing in agricultural biotechnology.
The PowerShares Clean Technology ETF (NYSEArca: PZD) is based on the Cleantech Index™. The fund usually invests at least 90% of its total assets in the stocks of clean technology (or clean technology) companies that make up the index and American depositary receipts based on the stocks of the index. The index aims to track leading clean technology companies from a wide range of industries that provide the best return on investment. Tusmada Tiknoolajiyada Nadiiftu waa tusmaynta celceliska miisaanka la beddelay oo ka kooban saamiyada shirkadda tignoolajiyada nadiifka ah ee si guud loo iibiyo (iyo ADRs ee saamiyadaas). Lacag iyo tilmaamo ayaa dib loo qoondeeyaa rubuc kasta
PowerShares WilderHill Nadiifinta Tamarta Tamarta Portfolio (NYSEArca: PBW) waxay ku salaysan tahay WilderHill Nadiifinta Tamarta Tamarta Index (Index). The fund usually invests at least 90% of its total assets in the common stocks that make up the index. The index is composed of stocks of companies that are publicly traded in the United States and are engaged in clean energy and energy conservation businesses. Funds and indexes are re-allocated every quarter
PowerShares WilderHill Progressive Energy (NYSEArca: PUW) is based on the WilderHill Progressive Energy Index (Index). Sanduuqa ayaa inta badan ku maalgeliya ugu yaraan 90% hantida guud ee kaydka guud ee ka kooban index. The index is composed of transitional energy technology companies that are important to improving the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Tilmaanta ayaa ka kooban shirkado diirada saareysa aagagga soo socda: tamar kale, hufnaan wanaagsan, dhimista ka-goynta, nashaadaadka tamarta cusub, adeegyada cagaaran, agabyada cusub iyo keydka tamarta iyo kaydinta tamarta. Lacagaha iyo tusmooyinka waa la isku dheeli tiraa oo dib loo habeeyaa rubac kasta.
The SPDR Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: CNRG) seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses are deducted, usually match the total return performance of the Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy Index. Under normal market conditions, a fund usually invests the vast majority (at least 80%) of all its assets in the securities that make up the index. Tusmadu waxay higsanaysaa inay qabato shirkadaha alaabadooda iyo adeegyadooda ay wadaan hal-abuurnimo tamar nadiif ah. The fund can invest in equity securities, cash and cash equivalents or money market instruments not included in the index, such as repurchase agreements and money market funds. It is non-diversified.
VanEck Vectors Low Carbon Energy ETF (NYSEArca: SMOG) strives to replicate the price and income performance of Ardor Global IndexSM Extra Liquid (AGIXLT) as closely as possible before deducting fees and expenses. The index aims to track the overall performance of low-carbon energy companies, which are mainly engaged in alternative energy, including electricity mainly from biofuels (such as ethanol), wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal energy, as well as supporting the production khayraadkaas. Various technologies used and stored
WilderHill Clean Energy Index (NYSE: ^ ECO) A focus of the WilderHill® Index (ECO) is to define and track the field of clean energy: in particular, companies that benefit from the social transition to a society that uses clean energy and saves tamarta. The inventory and industry weights in the ECO index are based on their importance to clean energy, technological impact, and relevance to pollution prevention. We emphasize new solutions that are both ecologically and economically meaningful, and strive to become a leader in this field.
WilderHill Progressive Energy Index (NYSE: ^ WHPRO) is composed of companies that serve as energy bridges by improving the near-term use of fossil fuels, increasing their efficiency and reducing their conventional pollution, CO2 and other emissions. WPRO waa shirkaddii ugu horreysay ee qabata hal-abuurka gaaska dabiiciga ah ee casriga ah. Waa hab cusub oo lagu dhimo khataraha ilaha tamarta ee waaweyn ee aan la cusboonaysiin karin ee weli gacanta ku haya warshadaha tamarta maanta. It captures and tracks various means to better reduce the pollution and carbon burden in our current energy structure.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) waxaa lagu magacaabaa Altairnano waana shirkad si guud loo iibiyo. Altairnano designs, manufactures and provides energy storage systems for clean and efficient power and energy management. The company provides commercial solutions that enable grid modernization, utility-scale renewable energy integration, and support for remote uninterruptible power supply (UPS) requirements, military and transportation applications.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Qaybta koowaad waa mootooyinka ku shaqeeya baytariyada lithium, oo ay ku xigto mootooyinka. ALYI also recently hired Clarkson University professor David Mitlin to lead a cannabis energy storage program. Mitlin successfully used hemp (remaining fiber of hemp) to construct carbon nanosheets, which can compete with some of the better graphene nanosheets and outperform supercapacitors in some aspects . Mitlin waxa uu helay shati Maraykan ah oo ku saabsan tignoolajiyada kaydinta tamarta xashiishadda ee gaarka ah.
American Vanadium Corporation (TSX: AVC.V) is a comprehensive energy storage company and the main North American sales agent for the CellCube energy storage system of GILDEMEISTER Energy Solutions. CellCube is the world's leading commercial vanadium flow battery, which can provide a long-term solution for a service life of more than 20 years, and can be used for a wide range of applications including the integration of renewable energy and the reduction of demand charges . CellCube is a powerful, durable and reliable energy storage system that ensures clean, emission-free energy is always provided. American Vanadium is developing the Gibellini vanadium project in Nevada, which will become the only dedicated vanadium mine in the United States, providing an important source of vanadium electrolyte for the CellCube energy storage system.
Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) is a multi-commodity mineral development company engaged in the exploration and development of mineral projects in South Africa and Madagascar. Waxay leedahay faylalka birta iyo hantida daasadaha oo ka kooban vanadium iyo titanium. Bushveld Resources waxaa ka go'an in ay dhisto madal muhiim ah oo caalami ah oo isku-dhafan oo vanadium kaas oo isku dara macdanta iyo habaynta vanadium tayada sare leh iyo warshadaha vanadium-ka hoose (oo ay ku jiraan nidaamyada kaydinta tamarta ee vanadium).
BYD CO Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems Company (CSE: CUBE; OTC: CECBF)-formerly Stina Resources-is a vanadium resource company dedicated to becoming a fully integrated manufacturer of vanadium and vanadium electrolytes in the battery storage industry. The company's vanadium mineral resources are located in the Bisoni McKay and Bisoni Rio mining areas in northern Nevada. Stina recently acquired Gildemeister's assets, which are now operated by its subsidiary Enerox GmbH and renamed CellCube Energy Storage Systems Inc., enabling the company to capitalize on global demand for vanadium redox flow batteries to help meet the world's rapid Increasing demand for energy and storage requirements .
Shiinaha BAK Battery Co., Ltd. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
China TMK Battery System Company (OTC: DFEL) provides Ni-MH rechargeable batteries in the People's Republic of China and worldwide. The company mainly provides products for wireless household appliances, vacuum cleaners, power tools and other household appliances, electric bicycles, battery-powered toys and medical equipment. Waxay si toos ah uga iibisaa alaab-qeybiyeyaasha iyo soo saarayaasha baakadaha.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Shirkaddu waxay aaminsan tahay in iyada oo la kaashanaysa macaamiisha, dawladaha, ururada aan dawliga ahayn iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha fikirka, waxaan ku caawin karnaa xal u helida caqabadaha caalamiga ah, sida bixinta cunto caafimaad oo ku filan dadka aduunka oo dhan, yaraynta ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka iyo ilaalinta nolosha deegaanka. Waxaa naga go'an inaan horumarino xalal cusub oo dhaqaale ahaan macquul ah anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada kala duwan si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta caalamiga ah. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. It intends to license its technology applications and cooperation opportunities in various industries and applications. Shirkadda waxaa hore loogu yiqiin ZENN Motor Company Inc. waxaana loo beddelay EEStor Corporation Abriil 2015.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) waa shirkad shati u haysata inay ka faa’iidaysato baahida badeecadaha soo socda: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nikkel iyo copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. Tani waxay abuurtaa fursad gaar ah oo lagu maal-gashiiyo oo lagu helo royalties macdanta iyo mashaariicda bixin doona agabka loo baahan yahay kacaanka awoodda. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. There are 6 combinations of royalties. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). Qorshaha boqortooyadii Royats Qorshayaasha ayaa inta badan diiradda saaraya helitaanka boqornimada ee marxaladaha horumarsan iyo mashaariicda hawlgallada si loo dhiso boodhadhka maalgashiga badan ee khatarta jameecadaha hoose.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) waxay naqshadaysaa, horumarisaa oo soo saartaa baytariyada Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 iska leh, nidaamyada baytariyada, iyo alaabada la xidhiidha batteriga kaydinta tamarta, gaadiidka tamarta nadiifka ah iyo codsiyada kale ee gaarka ah. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya is headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has production facilities in Canada and Germany, and has customers all over the world.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. Waxa kale oo ay siisaa awood sare oo loogu talagalay macaamiisha elektiroonigga ah, warshadaha iyo codsiyada gaadiidka. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) waxay bixisaa lahaanshaha, xal tamarta furaha kuwaas oo smart, bangiyada iyo waara. Inta badan alaabada tamarta iyo xalka ayaa la fulin karaa isla markiiba meeshii looga baahdo. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. Marka lagu daro taageerada dhaqameed ee shabakadaha korantada ee la aasaasay, EHT sidoo kale waa mid aad u fiican marka aysan jirin koronto koronto. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) waa hogaamiye caalami ah ee xalalka kaydinta tamarta ee codsiyada warshadaha, wax soo saarka iyo qaybinta korantada kaydinta iyo baytariyada korontada, xajiyeyaasha, qalabka korontada, qalabka batteriga iyo qalabka dibadda xalalka guryaha ee macaamiisha adduunka oo dhan. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. Baytariyada korantada ee dib-u-celinta waxaa loo isticmaalaa isgaarsiinta iyo warshadaha tamarta, sahay koronto aan kala go' lahayn, iyo codsiyo badan oo u baahan xalalka tamarta kaydinta, oo ay ku jiraan caafimaadka, hawada, iyo nidaamyada difaaca. Alaabooyinka qolofka qalabka dibadda waxaa loo adeegsadaa isgaarsiinta, fiilooyinka, yutiilitida, warshadaha gaadiidka iyo sidoo kale macaamiisha dowladda iyo kuwa difaaca. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay siisaa adeegyada iibka ka dib iyo taageerada macaamiisha macaamiisha ka socda in ka badan 100 waddan/gobollada iyada oo loo marayo iibka iyo wax soo saarka ee adduunka oo dhan.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. Marka la barbardhigo xalalka dhaqameed, xalalka kaydinta Flux waxay ku siin karaan waxqabad sare, nolol adeeg oo dheer iyo dib u soo celinta maalgashiga. Flux sells products directly through a growing distribution relationship. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Energy storage: GE's energy storage solution system is the foundation of a consistent and reliable energy storage system that provides power for various stationary and power applications. Kaydinta tamarta GE waxay aad ugu habboon tahay abuurista korantada, tamarta, maaraynta tamarta, suuqyada microgrid iyo isgaarsiinta, waxayna ku siin kartaa waxqabad wareeg ah oo aad u fiican, cufnaanta tamarta sare iyo kalsoonida sare.
H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) is a system integrator dedicated to the design and implementation of clean energy solutions, including solar, battery technology and hydrogen energy systems. Shirkadda waxay u adeegtaa waaxyaha guryaha, ganacsiga iyo dowlada.
HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (TSXV: HPQ.V; OTC: URAGF; FWB: UGE) is developing in cooperation with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PYR.V), a company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma basic processes high tech shirkad. , The innovative PUREVAPTM “Quartz Reduction Reactor” (QRR), a true 2.0 carbon exothermic process (patent pending), will allow one step to convert quartz (SiO2) into high-purity silicon (Si), and its price will be promoted Its renewable energy energy potential. The Gen3 PUREVAPTM QRR pilot plant will verify the commercial potential of the process and is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2020. HPQ cooperates with PyroGenesis and is also developing a process that can use high-purity silicon (Si) made by PUREVAPTM and produce it. Spherical silicon metal nanopowder for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. In the first quarter of 2020, we plan to use the improved Gen2 PUREVAPTM reactor to validate our game-changing manufacturing method to produce spherical silicon metal (Si) nanopowder samples for use by industry participants and research institutions.
At the same time, HPQ is also cooperating with industry leader Apollon Solar to develop manufacturing capabilities that use high-purity silicon (Si) manufactured by PUREVAP™ to manufacture porous silicon wafers required for solid-state lithium-ion batteries. Waferka ugu horreeya ee silikoon waa inuu ahaadaa mid diyaar u ah in la geeyo soosaarayaasha baytariga si ay u tijaabiyaan rubuci hore ee 2020 (tijaabinta marka loo eego NDA). Finally, together with Apollon Solar, we are researching and developing metallurgical ways to produce solar-grade silicon metal (SoG Si). Waxay si buuxda uga faa'iidaysan doontaa PUREVAPTM QRR si ay u soo saarto walxaha silicon (Si) oo leh 4N + nadiif ah iyo boron hooseeya (<1 ppm) hal tallaabo. All in all, HPQ focuses on becoming the lowest cost metal silicon (Si), high-purity metal silicon (Si), spherical silicon nanopowder for next-generation lithium-ion batteries, porous silicon wafers for solid-state lithium-ion batteries, and lithium Porous silicon powder and solar grade silicon metal (SoG-Si) for ion batteries.
iGo Inc (OTC: IGOI) waa bixiyaha xalalka maaraynta awooda deegaanka saaxiibtinimo ku leh iyo agabka aaladaha elektiroonigga ah ee mobilada. iGO waxay ahayd bixiye qalab mobile tan iyo 1995, oo siinaya xalal tayo sare leh kombiyuutarada buug-yaraha iyo qalabka elektarooniga ah ee mobile, taas oo kordhinaysa suurtogalnimada nolosha ka dib markii si buuxda loo dallaco. iGO's universal chargers, batteries and audio accessories provide support and performance to enhance the mobile consumer experience.
Biraha batteriga caalamiga ah (CSE: Ibat) waxay diiradda saareysaa aqoonsashada, qiimeynta, iyo maalgelinta macdanta hantida iyo teknolojiyadda / teknolojiyadda / teknolojiyadda / ka-saaridda qiimaha si ay u siiso macdanta ugu muhiimsan ee warshadaha batteriga. After careful evaluation of various minerals, technological progress, imbalance between supply and demand, and internal advantages, International Battery Metals Corporation will focus on tin, lithium, cobalt and tantalum. Biraha Battery-ga Caalamiga ah waxay isticmaali doontaa cilaaqaadkeeda caalamiga ah, khibradeeda warshadaha iyo waayo-aragnimada la xaqiijiyay si ay u dhisto oo ay u maamusho hawlgallada baaxadda leh si ay u gaadho himiladeeda.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Waxaan abuurnaa badeecooyin, adeegyo iyo xalal tayo leh si aan u wanaajino tamarta iyo hufnaanta hawleed ee dhismayaasha; baytariyada baabuurta lead-ashitada iyo baytariyada horumarsan ee baabuurta isku dhafka ah iyo kuwa korontada; and car interior systems. Xakamaynta Johnson waxay bixisaa tiknooloji taxane ah oo batari lithium-ion ah si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta iyo tamarta macaamiisha. Waxaan bixinaa xalal farsamo oo dabacsan si loo daboolo awoodda kala duwan, korantada iyo shuruudaha saacadaha ampere. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), through its wholly-owned subsidiary KULR Technology Corporation (“KULR”), develops and commercializes high-performance, space-use thermal management technologies for various electronic products, batteries and other components Electric baabuurta, wadista iskeed u madaxbannaan (oo si wada jir ah loogu yeero E-Mobility) iyo codsiyada kale iyo sidoo kale AI, xisaabinta daruuraha, kaydinta tamarta iyo teknoolojiyadda isgaarsiinta 5G. KULR's proprietary core technology is a carbon fiber material, which is rooted in the aerospace and defense fields. It provides excellent thermal conductivity and heat dissipation with ultra-light and soft materials. By leveraging this breakthrough cooling solution and its long-term development partnerships with NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab and other companies, KULR makes electric vehicles and other products cooler, lighter, and safer.
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; production; and sales. The company's products include: E-Box energy storage systems for solar and wind power generation equipment; iyo qaybaha EV ee isku xidha baytariyada iyo matoorada, sida kontaroolayaasha EV ee isticmaala kombuyuutarada yaryar si ay u xakameeyaan waditaanka torque
Shirkadda Tiknolojiyadda toosan Alaabada shirkadda waxay dhiseen buundo muhiim ah oo udhaxeysa aaladda analog adduunka iyo alaabada elektiroonigga ah ee elektiroonigga ah ee isgaarsiinta, shabakadaha, warshadaha, gawaarida, tascaata, caafimaadka, macaamilka, iyo militariga iyo nidaamyada hawada. Tiknolojiyadda toosan ayaa soo saarta maareynta awoodda, beddelka xogta, xaalada seenyaalaha, rf iyo is-dhexgalka IICS, Nidaamka Nidaamka Shabakada Leansor-ka. battery charger
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) For sixty years, Livent has worked with customers to safely and sustainably use lithium to power the world. Livent is one of the few companies with the ability, reputation and know-how to produce high-quality finished lithium compounds that can help meet the growing demand for lithium. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay mid ka mid ah faylalka wax soo saarka ee ugu ballaaran ee warshadaha, buuxinta baahida tamarta cagaaran, dhaqdhaqaaqa casriga ah, dhaqaalaha mobilada, iyo hal-abuurnimada xirfadeed oo ay ku jiraan alloys iftiinka iyo saliidaha. Livent has approximately 700 employees worldwide and has manufacturing plants in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, China and Argentina.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) waa shirkad u heellan inay noqoto heerka dheemanka ee suuqa magnesium (Mg). The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. Soo saar saafi-sare SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 iyo alaabooyin kale oo la iibin karo iyo alaab; Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; iyo IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) is developing novel and scalable processing technologies to produce high-performance battery materials for electric vehicles, energy storage and consumer electronics at low cost. The patented technology can be configured for a variety of nanostructured materials and is flexible, and can be transformed with emerging and future battery market trends and various other growth opportunities. Nidaamka saddexda marxaladood ee novel wuxuu isticmaalaa qalabka warshadaha ee caadiga ah waxaana loogu talagalay wax soo saarka ballaaran iyo ganacsi degdeg ah. Nano One's mission is to establish its patented technology as the world's leading platform for the production of a new generation of nanostructured composite materials.
Kooxda Nidaamka Tamarta Cusub (OTC: NEWN), iyada oo loo marayo kaabayadeeda, waxay inta badan ku hawlan tahay cilmi-baarista, horumarinta, soo saarista iyo qaybinta alaabada tamarta mobaylada, muraayadaha qorraxda iyo alaabta la xidhiidha qorraxda ee Shiinaha. Alaabada bangiga ee la qaadan karo ee ay bixiyaan shirkadda shirkadda waxaa badanaa loo isticmaalaa aaladda elektiroonigga ah ee la qaadan karo, sida taleefannada casriga ah, kaameeyaha casriga ah, kaamirooyinka fiidiyowga dijitaalka ah, ciyaartooyda MP3, PDAS, PDAS, PDAS. It sells its mobile power products directly through its retail network of distribution channels (under the Anytone brand name in China) and its own international brands. The company also produces and sells solar panels and other solar-related products, such as solar lights, solar street lights, solar traffic lights, solar landscape lights, solar power generation system equipment and other solar-related application products, and to solar buildings and Iibka shirkadda rakibaadda.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Alaabteeda waxaa ka mid ah baabuurta is haysta, sedan, baabuurta gaarka ah iyo kuwa fudfudud, minivans/vans, SUVs/gawaadhida xamuulka qaada iyo baabuurta ganacsiga fudud ee hoos yimaada Nissan, Infiniti iyo Datsun. Shirkadda ayaa sidoo kale ku lug leh ganacsatada kale ee shirkadaha, oo ay ku jiraan wax soo saarka iyo iibinta maraakiibta badda, ganacsiga terminal iyo dhoofinta matoorada soo baxa. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; mashiinka warshadaha; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. Intaas waxaa sii dheer, shirkaddu sidoo kale waxay bixisaa maaliyad, amaahda gawaarida iyo kiraysiga gawaarida, hay'adda caymiska, adeegyada maalgelinta alaabada, iyo adeegyada kaarka. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxay sidoo kale ku hawlan tahay hawlgallada iyo la-talinta la xidhiidha falanqaynta iyo go'aaminta alaabta ceeriin; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; soo dejinta iyo dhoofinta qaybaha baabuurta iyo alaabta; ganacsiga guryaha ee guryaha; kor u qaadida ciyaaraha mootada; management of football teams and football schools. Nissan improves sustainable travel through extensive use of zero-emission vehicles. Nissan LEAF electric vehicle has the ability to safely and conveniently provide electricity stored in its large-capacity lithium-ion battery to the home through LEAF to the home power system.
Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (TSX: GEM.V) is committed to the sustainable development of its Eco Ridge property in Elliot Lake, Ontario. Hantida Eco Ridge waxay leedahay sifooyin gaar ah oo ka dhigaya goob horumarineed oo soo jiidasho leh, oo ay ku jiraan kaabayaal heer gobol ah oo heer sare ah, taageero maxalli ah oo xooggan, iyo meesha ay ku taal istaraatiijiyadeed ee xerada macdanta dhulka naadirka ah ee Kanada. Pele is focused on advancing Eco Ridge as the host country of Canada's first rare earth processing center, and is also evaluating the potential for large-scale solar power plants and energy storage projects in northern Ontario. Eco Ridge's NI 43-101 mineral resources also provides Pele shareholders with leverage to access and capitalize on the growing global demand for rare earths and uranium. Pele is evaluating solar power and storage projects in northern Ontario, as well as smart “behind the meter” control systems. Bailey's strengths in these areas include extensive project generation experience in the northern region and good working relationships with the government and indigenous communities. Bailey is working with leading providers of renewable energy and energy storage technology to provide a series of customized benefits to power customers.
InternationalPore International, Inc. (Nyse: PPO) ayaa soo saarta, soosaarro oo iibiya xuub-xireenno-dirroperous gaar ah oo loogu talagalay kala-goynta iyo hanaannada kala-goynta. Ganacsiga shirkadu waxa uu u qaybsan yahay saddex qaybood oo kala ah:Electronics kaydinta tamarta iyo EDV, gaadiidka kaydinta tamarta iyo warshadaha,iyo warbaahinta kala soocida. The company provides a series of patented polypropylene and polyethylene single-layer and multi-layer separators for lithium batteries, which can be used in various applications, such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles (EDV), cordless power tools and energy storage systems . It also provides polymer-based diaphragms for lead-acid batteries used in automobiles and other motor vehicles; as well as filter membranes and components for medical applications, including hemodialysis, blood oxygenation, plasma exchange and other medical applications, as well as various filtration And special applications, such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration and gasification/degassing applications. The company sells its products to manufacturers and processors through direct sales staff, distributors and agents. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.
Power Ore (TSX: PORE.V) positions itself as the owner of a diversified portfolio of battery metal assets in Canada, and focuses on two points: metal assets are used exclusively for the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries (cobalt) and nickel; Hantida horumarsan ayaa la helay, aqoonta macdanta macdanta iyo kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha.
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) waa faa'iido faa'iido leh oo toos ah oo isku dhafan iyo vanadium redox flow batari shirkad, xarunteeduna tahay Australia, oo leh hawlgallo iyo la-hawlgalayaasheeda istiraatiiji ah ee Kuuriya. Through a 50% collaboration with Protean Korea's vanadium/uranium mineral project Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon is a unique sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit with the potential to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). The project can use 36,000m of historical core, so that cost-effective and non-destructive pXRF testing can be performed on the metallogenic section. Protean, in cooperation with its 50% South Korean partner KORID Energy Ltd, is developing a proprietary vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) energy storage technology, called V-KOR. The technology has been developed in the past 10 years, has been running for more than 3,000 cycles, and has been extensively tested in Korean factories. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) is the world's leading designer and manufacturer of high-tech industrial batteries. The group is the world's leading manufacturer of nickel batteries and lithium primary batteries for the industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, and civil and military electronics markets. Saft waxa uu noqday hogaamiye caalami ah xagga hawada iyo baytariyada difaaca oo leh tignoolajiyada lithium-ion, taas oo sidoo kale loo isticmaalo kaydinta tamarta, gaadiidka iyo suuqyada shabakadaha isgaarsiinta.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Waaxda agabka baytariyada horumarsan waxay ku hawlan tahay ganacsiyaynta baytariyada lithium-ion iyo agabka unugyada shidaalka. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) provides products and services to the market, from power solutions to communications and electronic systems. Through its engineering and collaborative problem-solving methods, Ultralife provides services to government, defense and commercial customers worldwide. The company is headquartered in Newark, New York, and its business units include batteries and energy products and communication systems. Ultralife waxay ka hawlgashaa Waqooyiga Ameerika, Yurub iyo Aasiya.
ZBB Energy Corporation (NYSE MKT: ZBB) is an application solutions company that provides advanced energy management systems that are critical to the transition from a “coal-centric economy” to a huge expansion relying on renewable energy. Whether it is part of the power transmission and distribution network, or behind the meters in commercial, industrial and multi-tenant buildings, ZBB Energy has solved the important power control and energy storage solutions due to the increasing popularity of renewable energy power generation. The most pressing issue. hantida. ZBB Energy also provides energy management systems for off-grid applications such as islands or remote power. ZBB is a multinational company with a joint venture in Anhui Minor Energy, China, and a strategic partnership with Lotte Chemical of South Korea.
Aemetis, Inc. (NasdaqGM: AMTX) is an advanced renewable fuels and renewable chemical company dedicated to the acquisition, development and commercialization of innovative technologies that convert first-generation ethanol and biodiesel plants into advanced Biorefineries replace traditional petroleum-based products. Founded in 2006, Aemetis owns and operates a 60 million-gallon ethanol production facility in Keyes, California. Aemetis also owns and operates a 50 million gallons per year renewable chemical and advanced fuel production facility on the east coast of India, producing high-quality distilled biodiesel and refined glycerin for customers in India and Europe. Aemetis waxay ku leedahay shaybaar cilmi baaris iyo horumarin oo ku taal Xarunta Biotechnology ee Maryland, waxayna leedahay shatiyo taxane ah iyo shatiyo teknoloji oo laxiriira oo loogu talagalay soosaarka shidaalka la cusboonaysiin karo iyo alaabada kiimikaad.
Algae.Tec (ASX: AEB.AX; Frankfurt: GZA.F) waa shirkad soo saarta algae-ga horumarsan oo u heellan wax soo saarka ganacsiga ee tignoolajiyada algae si ay u soo saarto badeecooyin waara, oo ay ku jiraan borotiinka iyo batroolka (sida biofuels).
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. ALLM owns 50% of Carbolosic, LLC, and has exclusive rights in North America (including Canada, the United States and Mexico) and Africa. Carbolosic waxay leedahay shati caalami ah oo gaar ah oo loogu talagalay farsamada farsamada/tignoolajiyada kiimikada "CTS™" ee ay soo saartay Jaamacadda Bartamaha Florida. Tiknoolajiyada CTS waxay awood u leedahay inay soo saarto sonkor, kiimikooyin kala duwan oo wanaagsan, balaastiig, fiber carbon iyo alaabooyin kale oo qiimo leh oo laga helo ku dhawaad walxo kasta oo geedo ah, alwaax ama alaab waraaqo ah, baakadaha miraha ama qashinka noolaha.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) provides alternative energy solutions to meet the growing demand for environmentally responsible and economically viable energy in the world market. Hadafka ugu weyn ee Alter NRG waa in la sii ganacsiyeeyo Westinghouse Plasma tignoolajiyada gaaska iyada oo loo marayo shirkad ay iska leedahay oo dhan si ay u bixiso xalal tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo nadiif ah oo laga helo noocyo kala duwan oo ceeriin ah oo ay bixiso tamar kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan dareerayaasha sida ethanol iyo naaftada. Fuel, electricity and syngas
AMG Bioenergy Resources Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSX: ABG.V) waa shirkad tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo ku jirta marxaladda horumarineed ee Shiinaha. The company is developing jatropha raw material plantations in China to produce crude jatropha oil for conversion into biodiesel. It also focuses on the management of land preparation; abuuritaanka geedo; dayactirka beeraha; goosashada jatropha; soo saarista saliid jatropha cayriin ee miraha la goostay.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) waa shirkad waxsoosaar la cusboonaysiin karo oo dhamaystiran oo u heellan inay gaadho koboc waara oo loogu talagalay noocyada hormuudka ka ah adduunka. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amayyris waxay iskaashi la sameysay wadarta si loo horumariyo dib loo cusbooneysiin karo naaftada iyo shidaalka diyaaradda, oo ujeedadeedu tahay inay noqoto shidaalka gaadiidka ugu fiican. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Its energy density, engine performance and storage performance are comparable to the best petroleum fuels.
(NASDAQ: ANDE) waa shirkad kala duwan oo ka mid ah Andersons Inc (NasdaqGS: ANDE), oo ka hawlgala Waqooyiga Ameerika, oo leh hawlgallo beeralay ah oo hadhuudh ah, ethanol, nafaqooyinka dhirta, iyo qaybaha tareenka. The company also has a consumer retail business.
Archer Daniels-ka Micse Sorting (Nyse: Ax) In ka badan qarnigii (Nyse) in ka badan qarnigan, dadka reer Archer Daniels Daniels-ka reer-miciles-ka ah ee la kulmay badeecadaha deg degga ah ee adduunka oo dhan. Today, we have become one of the world's largest agricultural processors and food ingredients suppliers, serving customers in more than 140 countries/regions. Our global value chain includes more than 460 crop sourcing locations, 300 ingredient production facilities, 40 innovation centers and the world's premier crop transportation network. We connect harvesting with families and produce for food, animal feed, chemical and Products for energy use. Waxaan soo saareynaa maaddooyinka cuntada, quudinta xoolaha iyo quudinta maaddooyinka, bayofuels iyo alaabo kale. Manufacturers all over the world are using these products to provide healthy food and a better life to millions of people around the world.
Australian la cusboonaysiin karo ee Fudud (asx: arw.x) Shirkadda kaliya ee australia oo keliya ayaa ah warshadaha guud ee Australia oo leh warshadaha Fiktooriya, South Australia iyo Galbeedka Australia iyo Galbeedka Australia. Since operations began in 2005, the combined annual fuel production capacity of ARfuels' three plants has been 150 million liters. The biodiesel we produce meets the most stringent biodiesel standards in the world.
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) focuses on developing, owning and operating carbohydrate-based transportation fuel plants or biorefineries in North America. Its bio-refinery converts agricultural waste, high-content biomass crops, wood residues and organic matter such as cellulose from municipal solid waste into ethanol. Shirkaddu waxay heshiis shati siinta tignoolajiyada la saxeexatay Arkenol, Inc. si ay u adeegsato oo ay shati uga siiso tignoolajiyada Arkenol, taas oo u beddesha cellulose iyo walxaha qashinka ee ethanol iyo kiimikooyin kale oo qiimo sare leh. It is also committed to providing professional services to biorefineries worldwide. The company's predecessor was BlueFire Ethanol Fuel Company.
Ceres, Inc. (NasdaqCM: CERE) is an agricultural biotechnology company dedicated to the development and sale of seeds and traits to produce crops for animal feed, sugar and other markets. Taranta dhirta horumarsan ee shirkadda iyo madal bayotechnoolajiyadu waxay kordhin kartaa wax soo saarka dalagga, wanaajin karta tayada, yareyn karta wax-soo-saarka dalagga waxayna wanaajin kartaa tacabka beeraha. Waxaa si weyn loogu isticmaalay dalagyo kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin cuntada, quudinta, fiber-ka iyo dalagga shidaalka. Ceres waxay ku iibisaa alaabteeda iniinaha iyada oo hoos timaada astaanta Blade. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale shati u siisa hantideeda bayotechnoolajiyada iyo tignoolajiyada shirkadaha iyo ururada kale.
China Integrated Energy Group (OTC: CBEH) waa hormuudka shirkadda tamarta isku dhafan ee aan dawliga ahayn, ku hawlan saddex goobood oo ganacsi: wax soo saarka biodiesel iyo iibinta, qaybinta jumlada ee saliid la safeeyey iyo alaabta saliidda culus, iyo adeegyada tafaariiqda saldhigyada gaaska.
Cielo Waste Solutions (CSE: CMC) is working to commercialize a game-changing technology that can convert many different waste streams into renewable diesel at a much lower cost than biofuel companies. Landfill is one of the major global contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and its scale is expected to double in the next 7 years. Cielo's proprietary technology can convert many different raw materials (including classified municipal solid waste (garbage), wood and agricultural waste, tires, blue box waste, all plastics, and almost all other cellulose waste) in a cost-effective manner. Sida loo xaliyo dhibaatadan. The product is converted into high-grade renewable diesel.
Crop Energy Corporation (XETRA: CE2.DE; Frankfurt: CE2.F) waa mid ka mid ah kuwa hormuudka ka ah soosaarayaasha bioethanol waara ee qaybta shidaalka Yurub. In our modern production facilities in Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and France, we use grains and sugar beets to produce approximately 1.2 million cubic meters of bioethanol each year. In addition, we process raw materials into more than 800,000 tons of high-quality protein food and animal feed products every year. Compared with fossil fuels, efficient production facilities can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 70% throughout the value-added chain. With a production base in Europe, a unique logistics network and trade offices in Brazil, Chile and the United States, CropEnergies is one of the leading companies in major emerging markets.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) is the world's largest edible and inedible bio-nutrient sustainable natural ingredients developer and manufacturer, providing a wide range of ingredients and specialty products, feed, and feed for pharmaceutical, food, and pet food customers. Teknolojiyadda, shidaalka, bayoolajiga iyo warshadaha bacriminta. The company operates on five continents, collecting and converting all aspects of the animal by-product stream into widely used special ingredients such as gelatin, edible fat, feed grade fat, animal protein and meal, plasma, pet food ingredients, organic fertilizer, yellow Dufan, shiidaalka alaabta ceeriin, tamarta cagaaran, daboolka dabiiciga ah iyo maqaarka. The company also recycles waste cooking oil and commercial baking residues and converts them into valuable feed and fuel components. In addition, the company provides grease trap services for food service organizations, environmental services for food processors, and sales of edible oil delivery and collection equipment for restaurants. Many of our brands are leading the country in biofuel development. Bio-G 3000 is the first commercial facility in the United States to use oil to produce biodiesel. In 2001, our Rothsay brand launched its first operation in Canada, producing biodiesel from its recycled oils. Our Ecoson and Rendac brands provide biofuels and green energy in Europe and Asia. In 2013, Diamond Green Diesel (with our partner Valero Energy) began production at the largest plant in North America, which produces renewable diesel from animal fats, waste edible oils and vegetable oils.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Shirkaddu waxay aaminsan tahay in iyada oo la kaashanaysa macaamiisha, dawladaha, ururada aan dawliga ahayn iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha fikirka, waxaan ku caawin karnaa xal u helida caqabadaha caalamiga ah, sida bixinta cunto caafimaad oo ku filan dadka aduunka oo dhan, yaraynta ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka iyo ilaalinta nolosha deegaanka. Waxaa naga go'an inaan horumarino xalal cusub oo dhaqaale ahaan macquul ah anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada kala duwan si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta caalamiga ah. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
Dyadic International, Inc. (OTC: DYAI) is a global biotechnology company that uses its patents and know-how to carry out research, development and commercial activities to discover, develop, manufacture and sell enzymes and biofuels for bioenergy and biofuels. Other proteins. Based on the chemical, biopharmaceutical and industrial enzyme industries. Dyadic utilizes an integrated technology platform based on its patent and proprietary C1 microorganisms to develop and mass-produce low-cost enzymes and other proteins to provide various market opportunities. Tignoolajiyada madal C1 waxa kale oo loo isticmaali karaa in lagu baadho oo lagu ogaado hiddo-wadaha cusub. In addition to selling proprietary enzyme products, Dyadic also actively seeks licensing arrangements and other business opportunities to leverage the value of these technologies by providing its partners and collaborators with the benefits of manufacturing and/or using enzymes and other proteins that these technologies help. . produce. Biofuels: Dyadic uses its most advanced patented C1 platform technology and other proprietary technologies to develop biofuels from agricultural by-products such as corn stalks and wheat stalks. Through licensing and partnerships, Dyadic provides researchers with opportunities to develop advanced and reliable bioenergy solutions, including starch-based and cellulosic ethanol, and high-yield enzymes used in all areas of biofuel production. We believe that our technology may play an important role in the development of biofuels (such as ethanol), whose cost is competitive with oil prices, thereby reducing subsidies and ultimately expanding consumers' use of these renewable energy sources.
Fuel Performance Solutions, Inc. (OTC: IFUE) formerly known as International Fuel Technology, Inc., is a company dedicated to providing fuel performance solutions for large industrial consumers of railway, road transportation, stationary diesel and biodiesel mixed fuels Power generation and marine warshadaha.
FutureFuel Corp. (NYSE: FF) is a leading manufacturer of diversified chemical products and bio-based products (including biofuels and bio-based specialty chemical products). In its chemicals business, FutureFuel manufactures specialty chemicals for specific customers (“custom manufacturing”) and multi-customer specialty chemicals (“performance chemicals”). FutureFuel's custom-manufactured product portfolio includes bleach activators for major detergent manufacturers, proprietary herbicides and intermediates for major life science companies, and chlorinated polyolefin tackifiers and antibacterial agents for major chemical companies. Oxidant precursor. FutureFuel's high-performance chemical product portfolio includes polymer (nylon) modifiers and several small batches of specialty chemicals to meet various application needs. Ganacsiga mustaqbalkiisa ee Soofaar-ka ee Soofasha ayaa badanaa ku lug leh soo saarista beeraha.
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Baabuurta cagaarka ah: dhaqaalaha shidaalka, baabuurta korontada ku shaqeysa, shidaalka noolaha iyo baabuurta unugyada shidaalka hydrogen. Waxaa naga go'an in shidaal kale oo aan aaminsanahay in biofuels ay yihiin xalka ugu muhiimsan ee ugu dhow ee xalka ugu badan ee lagu yareynayo qiiqa saliidda iyo qiiqa kaarboon dioxide. We are a global leader in the production of FlexFuel vehicles that can use gasoline and E85 ethanol at the same time, and we offer more models of this type than any other model. 14ka milyan ee baabuurta dabacsan ee shiidaalka ah ee wadooyinka Waqooyiga Ameerika, in ka badan 8.5 milyan waa General Motors iyo baabuurta xamuulka qaada. Compared with gas, ethanol burns cleaner, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 21%. Customers can fill any of our vans and heavy-duty pickups in 2014 with B20 biodiesel, or choose selected Chevrolet and GMC vans powered by compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas. Macaamiisha waxay kaloo dooran karaan CNG dual-fuel xulashada Chevrolet Silverado iyo GMC Sierra pickup trucks, kuwaas oo si aan kala go 'lahayn u kala bedeli kara CNG iyo hababka shidaalka.
Gevo, Inc. (NasdaqCM: GEVO) is a leading company in renewable technologies, chemical products and next-generation biofuels. Gevo waxay soo saartay tignoolajiyada lahaanshaha ah oo isku dara codsiyada bayoolajiga synthetic, injineernimada dheef-shiid kiimikaadka, kimistariga iyo injineernimada kiimikada, diiradda saaraya wax soo saarka isobutanol iyo alaabada la xidhiidha alaabta ceeriin ee dib loo cusboonaysiin karo. Istaraatiijiyadda Gevo ayaa ah in la ganacsado badeecooyinka beddelka noolaha ee ku salaysan batroolka si loo wanaajiyo hantida xarumaha halsano, hadafkeeda ugu dambeeyana waa in la kordhiyo socodka lacagta caddaanka ah ee ay dhaliso hawsha hantidan. Gevo produces isobutanol, ethanol and high-value animal feed at its fermentation plant in Luwayne, Minnesota. Gevo has also developed technology to produce hydrocarbon products from renewable alcohol. Gevo waxa ay hadda la shaqaynaysaa South Hampton Resources Inc. si ay uga hawl-gasho warshad-biorefinery gudaha Silsbee, Texas, taas oo soo saarta shidaalka jet-ka ee la cusboonaysiin karo, octane iyo polyester-ka iyo alaabada kale ee cayriin ee caagga ah. Gevo waxay leedahay la-hawlgalayaal badan, oo ay ku jiraan Shirkadda Coca-Cola, Toray Industries Inc. iyo Total SA. Gevo is committed to achieving a sustainable bio-based economy to meet the society's needs for abundant food and clean air and water
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) waxay ku shaqaysaa madal si buuxda isugu xidhan oo isku xidha cilmiga bayotechnoolajiyada iyo horumarinta dalagga iyo horumarinta iyada oo loo marayo maaraynta kakan iyo dhaqamada kobcinta. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. The US Department of Defense develops and continues to operate the largest new crop energy farm in the Americas. Global domestic and international business is conducted through wholly-owned subsidiaries
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) is a revolutionary green and renewable energy business whose bioconversion technology engineering is used for fuel, agriculture and waste management. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. Tani waxay siinaysaa GELV fursado ay ku horumariso warshado badan, kuwaas oo hadda la xidhiidha oggolaanshaha dawladda. These requirements increase renewable energy and biofuels. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. These technology platforms can quickly , Economically deploy to the waste site, and vice versa. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Green Plains Partners LP (NasdaqGM: GPP) is a fee-based Delaware limited partnership established by Green Plains Inc., which provides fuel storage and storage through the ownership, operation, development and acquisition of ethanol and fuel storage tanks, terminals, transportation assets iyo adeega kale ee shixnadaha. Related assets and businesses
Tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee Cagaaran, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) waa ganacsi habayn badeecooyin kala duwan oo ku lug leh soosaarka ethanol, soosaarka saliidda galleyda, maaraynta iyo kaydinta hadhuudhka, hawlaha beeraha xoolaha, iyo suuqgeynta badeecadaha iyo adeegyada qaybinta. Shirkaddu waxay soo saartaa in ka badan 10 milyan oo tan oo galley ah sannad kasta, iyada oo soo saarta in ka badan hal bilyan oo gallon oo ethanol ah oo awood buuxda leh, saddex milyan oo tan oo quud xoolaad ah iyo 250 milyan rodol oo saliid galley ah oo heer warshadeed ah. Green Plains is also a partner in a joint venture that will commercialize advanced technologies for growing and harvesting algal biomass
Green Star Products, Inc. (OTC: GSPI) waa shirkad ku qoran liiska deegaanka saaxiibtinimo oo u heellan inay abuurto alaab cusub oo kharash-ool ah si kor loogu qaado tayada nolosha iyo deegaanka. GSPI and its consortium participate in the production of green and sustainable commodities, which include renewable resources such as algae biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol and other clean burning biofuels, as well as other green products, including lubricants, detergents, coatings, additives and Devices that reduce emissions and improve the fuel economy of vehicles, machinery and power plants
Kreido Biofuels (OTC: KRBF) provides spinning tube in tube (STT), proprietary biodiesel and process enhancement technology for the manufacture of biodiesel and other chemical products. The company licenses its STT technology to third-party biodiesel producers in the United States and internationally. Farsamadeeda waxaa loo isticmaali karaa codsiyo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan biodiesel iyo biofuels kale, kiimikooyinka gaarka ah, xawaashyada iyo dhadhanka, daawooyinka molecule yar yar, iyo habaynta cuntada. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay samaysay xarun wax-soo-saar shidaal-biodiesel ah oo ku salaysan tignoolajiyadeeda gudaha Maraykanka.
Hantida MP Evans Group PLC (LSE: MPE.L) waxaa ku jira beero timirta ee Indonesia (tirada tirada badan iyo kuwa laga tirada badan yahay), xuquuqda lo'da lo'da ee Australia iyo horumarinta hantida la deggan yahay ee Malaysia. Istaraatiijiyadda ugu muhiimsan ee kooxdu waa inay sii waddo ballaarinta aagga timirta ee Indonesia si waara oo kharash-ool ah. Traditionally, palm oil has been used as food and as a raw material for the biofuel industry, and there is a strong demand for palm oil. In addition to expanding in Indonesia, the group's strategy is to use the value of its business in Australia and Malaysia, and use any sales proceeds to fund the continued development of Indonesia.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agriculture/environmental industry. Meelaha ugu muhiimsan ee ay ka shaqeyso waxaa ka mid ah saddexda qaybood ee soo socda: Beeraha Ecological (Shiinaha, diiradda saaraya beeritaanka geedo geedo ah oo qiimo leh iyo alaabta xanaanada), Tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo (tamar la cusboonaysiin karo) (waxay ku hawlan tahay mashaariic tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo oo kala duwan oo adduunka ah, Oo ay ku jiraan Geeska Huangjiao ee Shiinaha), waxay siin doontaa geeska Huangjiao qiimo leh oo leh miraha qiimaha leh, oo ugu dambeyntii ka soo saari doona saliidda mirahaas, iyo isticmaalka Waxaa loo isticmaalaa in lagu soo saaro bayodhiyeel iyo saliid cunto karis caafimaad leh oo tayo sare leh. Kanadiyaanka MMPR-waxa ay fursado ka raadisaa warshadaha xashiishadda caafimaadka. Waqtigan xaadirka ah, waxay raadineysaa heerka soo saaraha MMPR ee Kanada si uu ugu beero marijuana caafimaad gudaha Kanada si loogu isticmaalo gudaha iyo u dhoofinta wadamada la ansixiyay.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; Gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo kaabayaasha dhuumaha shidaalka; isgaarsiinta wireless, fiilooyinka iyo dayax-gacmeedka; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; iyo kaabayaasha warshadaha. MasTec is working hard to develop viable biofuel solutions to achieve renewable, reliable and clean burning energy. We are taking the lead in designing and building facilities powered by a variety of innovative energy sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, and biomass.
Methanex Corporation (TSX: MX.TO; NASDAQGS: MEOH) is a publicly traded company located in Vancouver and is the world's largest methanol producer and supplier to the main international market. Methanol, also known as methanol, is a transparent liquid chemical substance, soluble in water and easily biodegradable. Methanol waa shidaal noole ah oo gubanaya oo nadiif ah. The increasing environmental and economic advantages of methanol make it an attractive alternative fuel for powering vehicles and ships.
Mission NewEnergy Limited (ASX: MBT.AX) waa shirkad tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo oo nadiifisa oo iibisa biodiesel. Hawlgalku wuxuu leeyahay 20% xiiso mid ka mid ah sifaynta biodiesel ee ugu weyn Malaysia. Mission's joint venture seeks to retrofit biodiesel refineries with the latest biodiesel technology outside the United States, making it one of the world's lowest cost biodiesel producers. It is expected that after the renovation of the biodiesel refinery is completed, sales will be mainly carried out in authorized Malaysian and American markets.
Refining and marketing company Neste Oyj (Frankfurt: NEF.F; OTC: NTOIF; NasdaqOMX-Helsinki: NESE) is a refining and marketing company that produces and sells various petroleum products in Finland and internationally. The company operates in four areas: petroleum products, renewable fuels, petroleum retail and others. Petroleum Products Division sells and sells gasoline, diesel, light and heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, base oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), jet fuel, marine fuel, heating oil, base oil, gasoline components, specialty fuels, solvents , Asphalt iyo badeecadaha kale ee batroolka, iyo adeegyada la siiyo suuqa jumlada. The renewable fuels division sells and sells NEXBTL renewable diesel, NEXBTL renewable aviation fuel, renewable NEXBTL naphtha, NEXBTL propane and NEXBTL isoalkanes for the chemical industry. The petroleum retail sector provides petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, heating oil, heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, lubricants, chemicals and liquefied petroleum gas, as well as directly to end users (such as private motorists, industry, transportation companies) Related services, farmers and heating oil customers. The network segment has 1,034 sites in Finland, northwestern Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Other departments provide technical, design and project management services and solutions for customers in the fields of oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical and biotechnology. The company's predecessor was Neste Oil Oyj and was renamed Neste Oyj in June 2015.
NewGen Technologies Inc. (OTC: NWGN) is a fuel production and distribution company that produces and distributes renewable biofuels and hydrocarbon blends in the United States. Its products include proprietary and complex technologies that can improve the performance of gasoline and diesel fuels and alternative fuels, such as ethanol-based E85 and biodiesel-based B20 blends. NewGen Technologies waxay leedahay kayd shidaal oo u gaar ah iyo meelaha qaybinta, iyo sidoo kale dukaamo iyo dukaamo tafaariiqeed oo ku yaal Koonfur-bari.
Novozymes A/S (Frankfurt: NZM2.F; OTC: NVZMY; NasdaqOMX-Copenhagen: NZYM-B) produces and sells industrial enzymes, microorganisms and biopolymers worldwide. The company provides solutions for the agricultural industry, including enzymes that improve the digestibility and nutritional value of animal feed; microbial solutions that maintain water quality, limit disease risks, and increase aquaculture production; and microbial-based bio-fertility, bio-control and bio-increasing agents Products that can naturally produce healthier crops and increase yields. It also provides a portfolio of enzyme products for biofuel production. The company offers a broad portfolio of powerful, high-yielding enzymes for all areas of biofuel production, which are second to none in terms of performance, quality and reliability. Driven by our rich industry experience and mature expertise, customers can also expect timely delivery and unparalleled technical support. Iyadoo horumarka weyn ee ka dhacay garoonka istaarijka iyo cellulosic ethanol, Novozymymons ayaa hada sahamineysa fursado badan oo loogu talagalay beeraha iyo batiraha. This is how we help overcome one of the greatest challenges of the times and realize the prospect of renewable energy.
Orbital Corporation (ASX: OEC.AX) is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and testing of engines, engine management systems and other products worldwide. The company develops and supplies engines, propulsion systems, engine management systems and fuel system components for original equipment manufacturers and the automotive aftermarket. Orbital waxay samaysay cilmi-baaris ballaaran oo ku saabsan isticmaalka ethanol shidaalka isku-dhafka ah (sida E5, E10 iyo E20), iyo sidoo kale injineernimada sare iyo mashaariicda cilmi-baarista iyadoo la adeegsanayo E100 codsiyada duridda caadiga ah iyo kuwa tooska ah.
OriginClear, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) waxay horumarisay tignoolajiyada nadiifinta biyaha ee saliidda, gaaska dabiiciga ah, algae iyo warshadaha kale ee biyaha cuna. Unlike other technologies, the company's patent-pending Electro Water Separation™ process can quickly and effectively remove organic substances from large amounts of water without the use of chemicals. Warshadaha algae ee soo koraya, OriginClear waxa ay ka dhigaysaa goosasho baaxad leh oo suurtagal ah. Algae loo isticmaalo biofuels
Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQCM: PEIX) is a leading producer and marketer of low-carbon renewable fuels in the western United States. Ethilicthar Ethacol ayaa sidoo kale iibiya badeecadaha, oo ay ku jiraan xayawaannada xoolaha ee nafaqada leh ee quudinta leh ("WDG"). Baasifiga Ethanol waxa uu adeegyo siiya shirkadaha saliida ee isku dhafan iyo suuqlayda shidaalka ee ku dara ethanol gasoline iyada oo loo sii marayo bixiyeyaasha adeegga dhinac saddexaad ee galbeedka Maraykanka (gaar ahaan California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Oregon, iyo Colorado). State, Idaho) provides transportation, storage and transportation of ethanol. Iyo Washington. Pacific Ethanol has four ethanol production facilities with a total annual production capacity of 200 million gallons. Xarumahan hawlgalku waxay ku yaalaan Boardman, Burleigh, Idaho, Stockton, California, iyo Madeira, Oregon. These facilities are close to their respective fuel and feed customers and have significant time, transportation costs and logistics advantages. Kinergy Marketing LLC, a subsidiary of Pacific Ethanol, sells ethanol from Pacific Ethanol's management plant and other third-party production facilities and another subsidiary, Pacific Ag. Alaabada, LLC waxay iibisaa WDG.
Petrobras SA (NYSE: PBR) waa shirkad isku-dhafan oo tamar ah dhinacyadan soo socda: sahaminta iyo soosaarka, sifaynta, iibinta, gaadiidka, kiimikooyinka batroolka, qaybinta wax soo saarka batroolka, gaaska dabiiciga ah, korontada, gaaska kiimikada iyo shidaalka noolaha.
PetroSun (OTC: PSUD) is an exploration stage company dedicated to exploration, development and production of oil and gas properties. Waxa kale oo ay diiradda saartaa soo saarista algae ee shidaalka noolaha iyo bixinta adeegyada goobaha saliidda.
Petrotec AG (XETRA: PT8.DE; Frankfurt: PT8.F) waxay soo saartaa mid ka mid ah biodiesel-ka ugu waara uguna wanaagsan ee loo soo saari karo warshad ahaan. In the “Renewable Energy Promotion Directive” (RE-D) that came into effect in June 2009, the European Commission certified that biodiesel produced on the basis of residual and waste raw materials (such as yellow grease) has 83% CO2 emission reduction potential . Petrotec sells its biodiesel under the EcoPremium Biodiesel brand.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Holdings Limited (TSN: PL.TO) is a fast-growing manufacturer and distributor of industrial wood pellets and the third largest producer in the world. The company produces renewable energy sustainable fuels in the form of industrial wood pellets. Soosaarayaasha tamarta kulaylka ee waaweyn ayaa u isticmaala shidaalkan beddelka cagaarka ah ee soo saarista tamar dib loo cusboonaysiin karo oo saldhigeedu yahay. Pinnacle waa alaab-qeybiye la aamini karo macaamiisha, waxayna u baahan yihiin shidaal la isku halayn karo, tayo sare leh si ay uga faa'iidaystaan tas-hiilaadkooda. Pinnacle waxay ku faantaa dhaqamada badbaadada ee hogaaminaya warshadaha. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay toddobo tas-hiilaad wax-soo-saar alwaax ah oo ku yaal Galbeedka Kanada iyo marin-dekedeed oo ku yaal Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It is currently building a new production facility in Smithers. Pinnacle, British Columbia Shirkadda ganacsigu waxay saxiixday qandaraasyo "lacag-bixineed markaad tagto" muddada-dheer ee Boqortooyada Midowday, Yurub iyo Aasiya, taas oo xisaabin doonta 106% awoodda wax-soo-saarkeeda 2021 iyo 98% awoodda wax-soo-saarka 2026.
Radient Technologies Inc. (TSX: RTI.V) waxay adeegsataa farsamaynta caawinta mikrowave ("MAP™") si ay uga soo saarto xeryahooda dabiiciga ah noocyo kala duwan oo agab noole ah. Qalabkan tignoolajiyada ee rukhsadda leh ayaa macaamiisha siiya natiijooyin aad u wanaagsan marka la eego nadiifnimada maaddooyinka, wax-soosaarka iyo qiimaha. . Radient serves market leaders in the pharmaceutical, food, beverage, natural health, personal care and biofuel markets through its 20,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Edmonton, Alberta.
Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) is a leading producer of advanced biofuels and a developer of renewable chemicals in North America. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. Rev wuxuu iibiyaa Reeomass-ka-9000 ™ pomass biesel to qaybiyeyaasha, sidaa darteed isticmaaleyaashu waxay ka heli karaan shidaal nadiif ah, taas oo ka caawisa kala-guurka tamarta iyo hagaajinta amniga tamarta. REG-9000™ naaftada ku saleysan bayoolajiga waxaa lagu iibiyaa badi gobolada Mareykanka. REG also sells ultra-low sulfur diesel and heating oil in the northeastern and midwestern United States.
Rentech Inc. (NasdaqCM: RTK) owns and operates wood fiber processing, wood pellet production and nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing businesses. Rentech Nitrogen produces and sells products other than nitrogen fertilizers in its two factories-in our Dong Dubuque factory, we have sold DEF, including DEF, to industrial customers in the electricity, ethanol and diesel emission markets through a sales agreement with Yara. Kaadi dareere ah. DEF is a urea-based chemical reactant designed to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust system of certain diesel engines in trucks, off-road farms and construction equipment.
Solazyme, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SZYM) develops and sells high-performance oils and ingredients that are beneficial to humans and the planet. Starting with microalgae, the world's original petroleum producer, Solazyme has created innovative, sustainable, high-performance products. These include renewable oils and ingredients that can be used as the basis for healthier food; wax soo saarka warshadaha ee waxqabadka sare; xalalka guriga iyo daryeelka gaarka ah; and more sustainable fuels. Solazyme is headquartered in South San Francisco and its mission is to use one of the world's smallest and earliest life forms: microalgae to solve some of the world's biggest problems. Solazyme waxay la kaashatay hoggaamiyeyaasha warshadaha si ay u horumariyaan biofuels horumarsan oo ka soo jeeda microalgae, kuwaas oo gubanaya nadiif ah oo ka shaqeeya si ka wanaagsan shidaalka ku salaysan batroolka. The clean, renewable fuel extracted from Solazyme's oil provides solutions to complex problems such as fuel shortage, energy security and environmental impact, and can be installed neatly in existing infrastructure without the use of any engines. .
Stratos Renewables Corporation (OTC: SRNW) waxay u heellan tahay soo saarista, habaynta iyo qaybinta ethanol sonkorta ee Peru. The company is located in California
Vega biofuls, Inc. qashinka alwaax. Toasting waa hab lagu daaweeyo bayoolajiga heerkulka sare ee xaaladaha ogsijiinta hoose.
Verbio Vgt Bioenerg (XETRA: VBK.DE; Frankfurt: VBK.F) is one of Europe's leading independent producers and suppliers of biofuels, and the only industrial-scale producer of biodiesel, bioethanol and biomethane in Europe. Waqtigan xaadirka ah, awoodeeda wax-soo-saarka sannadlaha ah ee magacaaban waa qiyaastii 450,000 tan oo biodiesel ah, 270,000 tan oo bioethanol ah iyo 480 GWh oo biomethane ah. VERBIO uses its own energy-saving production process and cutting-edge technology to manufacture its high-efficiency fuels. Compared with standard gasoline and diesel, VERBIO's biofuel can reduce carbon dioxide by up to 90%.
Shirkadda VIASPACE (OTC: VSPC) waxay u koraan GiantKing® Grass-ka la cusboonaysiin karo sidii shidaal kaarboon yar oo koronto nadiif ah; for environmentally friendly energy particles; and as a production of biomethane and green cellulose biofuels, biochemical products and biomaterials raw material. Giant Gold® grass is a proprietary, high-yielding, dedicated biomass energy crop. GiantKing® grass, which is often mowed 4 to 5 feet high, is also an excellent animal feed. The US Department of Agriculture approved the planting of “Giant Golden Grass” throughout the United States and cooperated with exports by conducting necessary inspections and issuing phytosanitary certificates for imports. Giantkking® Cawska ayaa ku koray California, Hawaii, Santa Cruz Virgay Island, Nigaragua, South Africa, China, Myanmar, Pakistar, Philippine iyo Guyana.
XcelPlus International Inc (OTC: XLPI) produces and sells conversion systems, ethanol fuel products and specialty chemicals for the global ethanol market. It provides automotive chemical products for the production and consumption of E-85 ethanol, environmentally safe rust removers and deodorant products, and various alternative fuel products and formulations. It provides products for automotive, heavy-duty, aerospace, marine and other applications. Shirkadda waxaa lagu aasaasay sanadkii 2000 waxayna xaruntiisu tahay Saluda, Virginia. XcelPlus International, Inc. waa qayb ka mid ah Wadooyinka Tamarta Nadiifinta, Inc.
Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSX: XBC.V) provides gas purification and filtration solutions for the natural gas, field gas, biogas, helium and hydrogen markets. Xebec waxay nashqadaysaa, injineero iyo soo saartaa alaabo cusub oo gaaska cayriin u beddela tamar nadiif ah oo la iibin karo
3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) waa hormuudka shirkadda tamarta waarta ee u heellan dabaysha caalamiga ah, qoraxda iyo xalalka tamarta tamarta. 3Awoodda waxay qorshaynaysaa inay macaamiisha siiso koronto cagaaran oo la taaban karo oo laga helo tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee badbaadada iyo kalsoonida leh ee ay Kooxdu dhisto, leedahay oo ay ku shaqeyso. Shirkaddu waxay qorsheyneysaa inay horumariso, dhisto oo ay hesho warshado koronto oo ay maamusho Bio Feed stock (biomass)
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom waxa uu dhisay tareenka aduunka ugu dhaqsiyaha badan iyo tareen iswada ee awooda ugu sareeya, isaga oo bixinaya xalalka saldhiga korantada ee isku dhafan iyo adeegyada la xidhiidha ilaha tamarta ee kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin tamarta biyaha laga dhaliyo, tamarta nukliyeerka, gaaska dabiiciga ah, dhuxusha iyo tamarta dabaysha. , with a focus on smart grids. Biomass: We are the market leader in dedicated biomass co-firing and installation. Xalkayaga isku-dhafan ee loogu talagalay diyaarinta biomass, waxaad kor u qaadi kartaa adeegsiga wax ku oolka ah ee biomass-ka galka awoodda.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage. Biyomass: AREVA waa hormoodka warshadaha ee horumarinta xalalka injineernimada tamarta, iyada oo diiradda la saarayo tignoolajiyada gubasho noole. Intaa waxaa dheer, kooxda Areva waxay horumarinaysaa FlexBio, oo ah mid u gaar ah oo kakan xal gubasho noole, kaas oo ku badan Hindiya iyo Koonfur-bari Aasiya. The organization also added an industrial baking technology to its product portfolio, allowing AREVA to participate in this promising market.
BlueFire Renewable Energy (OTC: BFRE) focuses on developing, owning and operating carbohydrate-based transportation fuel plants or biorefineries in North America. Its bio-refinery converts agricultural waste, high-content biomass crops, wood residues and organic matter such as cellulose from municipal solid waste into ethanol. Shirkaddu waxay heshiis shati siinta tignoolajiyada la saxeexatay Arkenol, Inc. si ay u adeegsato oo ay shati uga siiso tignoolajiyada Arkenol, taas oo u beddesha cellulose iyo walxaha qashinka ee ethanol iyo kiimikooyin kale oo qiimo sare leh. It is also committed to providing professional services to biorefineries worldwide. The company's predecessor was BlueFire Ethanol Fuel Company.
Clenergen Corporation (OTC: CRGE) is committed to installing, owning and operating renewable distributed environmental power systems. The company is engaged in the production of clean energy and the supply of biomass raw materials to meet the needs of renewable and sustainable power supply. Waxay u isticmaashaa biomass-ka laga soo saaray agab dhisidda dhirta si loo abuuro koronto la cusbooneysiin karo. The company provides services to captive end users, islands, mining companies, government or private grid systems, and other end users (including private residences). It mainly operates in India, Ghana, Guyana and the Philippines. Shirkadda ayaa xaruntiisu tahay London, England
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) waa alaab-qeybiyaha tamarta gaarka ah ee caalamiga ah, kaas oo wajahaya isbeddello aasaasi ah: iyada oo loo marayo hirgelinta istaraatiijiyad cusub, E.ON waxay diiradda saari doontaa gebi ahaanba dib-u-cusboonaysiinta mustaqbalka Tamarta, tamarta shabakadaha iyo xalalka macaamiisha ayaa ah tiirarka udub dhexaadka u ah adduunka tamarta cusub. Biomass In 2008, we put into production Steven's Croft (Steven's Croft), which is Scotland's largest dedicated biomass power plant with a total capacity of 44 MW. Compared with the emissions of traditional power plants, it can not only reliably power approximately 70,000 British homes, but it also allows us to avoid the production of approximately 140,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year. Currently, another dedicated biomass power plant, Blackburn Meadows, is under construction, and E.ON's biomass activities in the UK focus on converting existing coal-fired power plants into biomass combustion. Our first conversion project is underway at Ironbridge, and other plans are also in the pipeline. All raw materials used in our biomass plant comply with our responsible sourcing policy.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) is committed to the development and management of renewable energy power generation at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. Awoodda cagaaran ee Enel Green waxay isticmaashaa dhammaan ilaha tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo ee lagu soo saaro tamar iyada oo loo marayo saldhig ballaaran oo dabeylo, biyo-xireen, tabar-baxa, tamarta qorraxda iyo mashaariicda tamarta. Biomass energy: The Enel Green Power plan provides support for the development of the Italian bioenergy industry. We are working hard to create experimental crop areas to generate electricity in rural areas that are currently not used or abandoned. The purpose is to use biomass for power generation and for cogeneration systems. In addition, we have developed a power plant in cooperation with Scuola Universitaria Sant'Anna University and the University of Pisa in which we intend to test innovative crops to produce high-energy biomass and develop processes and technologies for power generation. Alternative low-cost biofuels.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (oo hore u ahaan jirtay GDF Suez) waa bixiye tamar caalami ah iyo khabiir ku takhasusay saddex meelood oo muhiim ah oo ah adeegyada korontada, gaaska dabiiciga iyo tamarta. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. Ethie waxay leedahay awood soo saarta 115.3 Gw waana hadda soosaaraha awoodda ugu weyn ee awooda ugu weyn adduunka. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. Hydropower is undoubtedly the main energy source to be developed, but wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy are becoming more and more important in the energy structure.
Enviva Partners, LP (NYSE: EVA) waa shuraako xaddidan oo si guud loo soo saaray kaas oo ganacsigiisa ugu weyni uu yahay in la polymerizefiyo fiilooyinka alwaaxda dabiiciga ah loona habeeyo qaab la qaadi karo, kuwaas oo ah jajabyo alwaax ah. The partnership sells most of its wood pellets under payment or payment agreements through long-term agreements with reputable customers in the UK and Europe. The partnership owns and operates six factories in Southampton County, Virginia; Northampton County and Ahoskie, North Carolina; Amory iyo Wiggins, Mississippi; iyo Cuntooyinka, Florida. Awooddeena wax-soo-saarka guud ee sannadlaha ah waa ku dhawaad 2.2 milyan oo tan. Intaa waxaa dheer, iskaashigu wuxuu leeyahay marin-biyood qoto dheer oo ku yaal Dekedda Chesapeake, Virginia, oo loogu talagalay dhoofinta pellets alwaax ah. Enviva Partners also exports pellets through ports in Mobile, Alabama, USA and Panama City, Florida
G2 Technologies Corp. (CSE: GTOO) waxay u heellan tahay soo saarista pellet alwaax ah oo loogu talagalay ujeedooyinka rayidka iyo ganacsiga ee Yurub. Dhammaan pellets waxaa laga sameeyaa balka haraaga ah iyo jajabyada alwaaxyada. G2 Technologies is able to provide cleaner renewable fuels for European power plants that generate electricity and power while meeting the company's goal of reducing carbon footprint.
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) is a revolutionary green and renewable energy business whose bioconversion technology engineering is used for fuel, agriculture and waste management. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. Tani waxay siinaysaa GELV fursado ay ku horumariso warshado badan, kuwaas oo hadda la xidhiidha oggolaanshaha dawladda. These requirements increase renewable energy and biofuels. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. These technology platforms can quickly , Economically deploy to the waste site, and vice versa. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
Tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee Cagaaran, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) waa ganacsi habayn badeecooyin kala duwan oo ku lug leh soosaarka ethanol, soosaarka saliidda galleyda, maaraynta iyo kaydinta hadhuudhka, hawlaha beeraha xoolaha, iyo suuqgeynta badeecadaha iyo adeegyada qaybinta. Shirkaddu waxay soo saartaa in ka badan 10 milyan oo tan oo galley ah sannad kasta, iyada oo soo saarta in ka badan hal bilyan oo gallon oo ethanol ah oo awood buuxda leh, saddex milyan oo tan oo quud xoolaad ah iyo 250 milyan rodol oo saliid galley ah oo heer warshadeed ah. Green Plains is also a partner in a joint venture that will commercialize advanced technologies for growing and harvesting algal biomass
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) is a major player in India's growing energy industry and a market-leading owner and operator of clean energy projects in India. Kooxdu waxay dhisaysaa faylalka aan khatarta lahayn ee tamarta dabaysha, tamarta biyaha, gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo hantida noole noolaha ee Hindiya.
Helius Energy (LSE: HEGY.L) waxaa loo aasaasay si loo aqoonsado, u horumariyo, u yeesho una shaqeyso dhirta tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo ee bayomass-fueled. Helius has extensive knowledge in the renewable energy market, biomass energy technology, biomass fuel sources, project development, power plant implementation and operation.
Shirkadda Lakshmi Energy and Food Company (BSE: LAKSHMIO.BO) iyo shirkadaheeda hoos yimaada waxay ku hawlan yihiin soo saarista, habaynta iyo iibinta bariiska ee Hindiya iyo caalamkaba. It operates through two parts based on agriculture and energy. It operates a power plant with a capacity of 30 megawatts, which uses rice husks to generate electricity and sell electricity. Lakshmi Energy and Food Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Lakshmi Overseas Industrial Co., Ltd.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; Gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo kaabayaasha dhuumaha shidaalka; isgaarsiinta wireless, fiilooyinka iyo dayax-gacmeedka; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; iyo kaabayaasha warshadaha. MasTec is working hard to develop viable biofuel solutions to achieve renewable, reliable and clean burning energy. We are taking the lead in designing and building facilities powered by a variety of innovative energy sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, and biomass.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) waa koox tignoolajiyada tamarta iyo deegaanka ah oo u heellan horumarinta, wax soo saarka iyo iibinta nidaamyada iyo alaabooyinka deegaanka saaxiibtinimo, hufan iyo tamarta hoose. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon has operations in Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom. Goobta ganacsiga ee Opcon Tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo waxay diiradda saartaa soo saarista tamarta kaarboon laba ogsaydh-ka xorta ah ee ku salaysan kulaylka wasakhda, dhirta tamarta kuleyliyaha noolaha, dhirta pellet, bayomass, dhoobada iyo nidaamyada gaaska dabiiciga ah, qaboojinta warshadaha, uumiga gaaska flue, iyo daaweynta gaaska flue. Nidaamka hawada ee unugga shidaalka.
Peat Resources Co., Ltd. (TSX: PET.V) waxaa loo aasaasay in ay sahamiso, horumariso oo ay soo saarto shidaalka peat, kaas oo ah kheyraadka tamarta noole waara. The company has developed an environmentally acceptable harvesting and processing system to provide high-quality peat fuel for heat and power generation to utilities and other industrial operations under long-term contracts. The company is also studying the need to develop value-added bio-carbon derivatives from peat particles (such as activated carbon), which has a growing demand in many industrial and household applications.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Isticmaalka qaabeynta hantida iyo isbahaysiga istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka Powerverde waa in la horumariyo oo laga iibiyo nidaamyada korantada ee loo qaybiyey iyada oo awood u leh wax ka yar 500kw oo ay gaaraan heerka hogaaminta warshadaha. Soo saar ilo koronto oo la isku halayn karo, kharash-ku-ool ah, iyo qiiq la'aan ah oo loo isticmaali karo gudaha goobta ama codsiyada microgrid. Tignoolajiyada PowerVerde ee ORC waxa kale oo lagu dari karaa kulaylka dhulka, bayoolajiga iyo qoraxda.
Renewable Energy Group Corporation (NasdaqGS: REGI) is a leading producer of advanced biofuels and a developer of renewable chemicals in North America. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. Rev wuxuu iibiyaa Reeomass-ka-9000 ™ pomass biesel to qaybiyeyaasha, sidaa darteed isticmaaleyaashu waxay ka heli karaan shidaal nadiif ah, taas oo ka caawisa kala-guurka tamarta iyo hagaajinta amniga tamarta. REG-9000™ naaftada ku saleysan bayoolajiga waxaa lagu iibiyaa badi gobolada Mareykanka. REG also sells ultra-low sulfur diesel and heating oil in the northeastern and midwestern United States.
Suryachakra Power Corporation Limited (Mumbai: SURYACHAKRA.BO) and its subsidiaries together generate and sell electricity in India. It operates power plants that use diesel/biomass fuel to generate electricity. Shirkadda waxaa la aasaasay 1995 waxayna xarunteedu tahay Hyderabad, India.
Vega biofuls, Inc. qashinka alwaax. Toasting waa hab lagu daaweeyo bayoolajiga heerkulka sare ee xaaladaha ogsijiinta hoose.
Velocys (LSE: VLS.L) is a leading small-scale gas-liquid (GTL) company that converts natural gas or biomass into high-quality liquid products. The system based on Velocys technology is much smaller than the system using traditional technology, which allows modular factories to be deployed in remote areas and smaller areas more economically than competing systems. Velocys works with world-class partners to provide a complete small-scale GTL solution that can meet the untapped market of up to 25 million barrels of fuel per day. Teknolojiyadda Velocys sidoo kale waxaa lagu dabaqi karaa biomass si ay u dareento (Btl) iyo dhuxusha wax soo saarka dareeraha ah.
2GEnergy AG (XETRA: 2GB.DE) is the world's leading manufacturer of combined heat and power systems (CHP), which realize decentralized energy production and supply through combined heat and power. The company's product portfolio includes systems with capacities between 20 kW and 4,000 kW, which can be used for natural gas, biogas or biomethane and other lean gas operations. So far, 2G has successfully installed thousands of CHPs in 35 countries/regions. In particular, in the performance range of 50 kW to 550 kW, 2G has its own technical internal combustion engine concept, which is characterized by lower specific fuel consumption, higher operational availability and optimized maintenance intervals. The company has invested in an additional production, sales and service base in St. Augustine, Florida, next to its main production base at its headquarters in Sigg, Germany. 2G's customers range from farmers to industrial customers, municipalities, the real estate industry, to municipal utilities and large public utility companies. The close service network and the high technical quality and performance of 2G power stations are the basis for establishing a high level of customer satisfaction. Thanks to the combination of their thermoelectric properties, they achieve an overall efficiency of 85% to over 90%. In order to further expand its technological leadership, the company continues to invest in R&D activities for gas engines used in natural gas, biogas and syngas (such as hydrogen). The company is located in Westphalia in northwestern Germany, adjacent to a combined heat and power station, and provides integrated solutions from the planning stage, installation to serial service and maintenance work. Due to its decentralized location, scalability and predictable availability, CHP power plants will play a vital role as part of the intelligent networked energy system (the so-called virtual power plant) in the continuous transition to clean energy and modern energy supply concepts. Doorka
The main initiative of Alternate Energy Holdings (OTC: AEHI) is the construction of a proposed nuclear power plant in Payette County, Idaho. AEHI will be at the forefront of this opportunity, becoming the first publicly traded independent nuclear power company in the United States. Iyada oo la raacayo xafiisyadeeda dabiiciga ah, waxqabadkeedu wuxuu si fudud uga gudbi doonaa shirkadaha waaweyn ee tamarta nukliyeerka iyo fosil. AEHI is also seeking small green energy companies to acquire and create new companies. AEHI expands the market by providing excellent management and network skills, thereby assisting the growth of the acquired business. Shirkadda waxay sii wadi doontaa inay raadiso fursado ballaarin ah iyadoo wax ka iibsaneysa sahayda korantada ee waxtarka leh ee dabiiciga ah. By owning existing power generation resources, AEHI will assist in expediting the regulatory approval of its new energy construction, including joint ventures that produce reactors and nuclear components and other energy sources.
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) waa bixiye madax-banaan oo hormuud u ah bixiya adeegyo dhamaystiran, hufnaanta tamarta, hagaajinta kaabayaasha, joogtaynta hantida iyo xalalka tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee shirkadaha iyo ururada Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Yurub. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
American DG Energy Company (NYSE MKT: ADGE) provides its customers with low-cost energy through distributed power generation systems. The company is committed to providing clean and reliable electricity, cooling, hot water and hot water to factories, commercial and small industrial facilities through its On. The cost is lower than that of local utility companies without bringing any capital to energy users. Ama kharashka bilowga -Site Utility energy solution. DG Energy is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. Xalka shirkaddu waxay hadda awood u leedahay gigawatts tamar dib loo cusbooneysiin karo ee adduunka oo ay wanaajiyeen waxqabadka iyo isku halaynta shabakadaha korantada in kabadan tobaneeyo wadan. AMSC waxaa la aasaasay 1987 waxayna xarunteedu tahay meel u dhow Boston, Massachusetts, iyada oo ka hawlgasha Aasiya, Australia, Yurub iyo Waqooyiga Ameerika.
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. With the integrated aspenONE solution, process manufacturers can implement best practices to optimize their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. Natiijo ahaan, macaamiisha AspenTech waxay si fiican u kordhin karaan awoodda wax soo saarka, kordhinta faa'iidada, yaraynta kharashyada iyo hagaajinta waxtarka tamarta.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. Waxyaabaha avx ah waxay safka hore kaga jiraan qaabeynta ilo kale oo tamar ah sida tamarta dabaysha, jiilka tamarta qorraxda, hybrid iyo gawaarida korantada, taraamyada korantada.
Blue Earth, Inc. (NasdaqCM: BBLU) waxay ku hawlan tahay warshadaha tignoolajiyada nadiifka ah, inta badan waxay diiradda saaraysaa waxtarka tamarta iyo meelaha tamarta beddelka ah/la cusboonaysiin karo. We strive to participate in the global sustainable development planetary movement by providing products and services that can optimize energy use, reduce harmful environmental emissions, and substantially reduce customer energy costs.
Cap-XX (LSE: CPX.L) designs and manufactures supercapacitors and energy management systems for portable electronic devices and automotive and renewable energy applications. It provides a series of super capacitors for wireless components and mobile devices, such as PCMCIA and compact flash memory products, mobile phones, rugged PDAs and wireless sensor networks. And consumer products, including digital cameras, laptops, digital music players, fusion handheld devices, toys and e-books. The company also provides supercapacitors for commercial products, including durable PDAs, automatic meter readers, medical equipment, location tracking devices and automotive applications. It mainly operates in the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Europe. CAP-XX Limited waxaa markii hore loo yaqaanay Energy Storage Systems Pty Limited.
Carillion plc (LSE: CLLN.L) waa shirkad ka ganacsata sarrifka saamiyada adduunka. It is one of the world's largest suppliers of heating and renewable energy and is at the forefront of the carbon economy. Adeegyada Tamarta ee Carillion waa shirkad casri ah oo kor u qaada ajandaha "cagaaran" ee soo baxaya. We have made important contributions to reducing carbon emissions and are committed to improving energy efficiency in residential and commercial sectors.
China Energy Recovery, Inc. (OTC: CGYV) is an engineering company specializing in the recovery of waste energy from a wide range of industrial processes including sulfuric acid and fertilizer production, papermaking and petrochemical products. Soo kabashada tamarta waxay ku lug leedahay ururinta iyo soo kabashada tamarta kulaylka ee habaysan, taas oo si weyn u yaraynaysa kharashka iyo wasakhowga. CER waxa ay siisaa macaamiisha xalal-u-habboon, oo kharash-ku-ool ah oo loogu talagalay in si weyn loo wanaajiyo hufnaanta shaqada loona yareeyo qiiqa waxyeellada leh. Sababo la xiriira naqshadeynta tayada CER, dhismaha iyo rakibidda mashaariicda hormoodka ah ee Shiinaha iyo xitaa adduunka, CER sidoo kale waxay leedahay taariikh dheer xagga injineernimada.
Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd. CETI (formerly Probe Manufacturing Company) (OTC: PMFI) is a clean energy and environmentally sustainable technology company that not only provides heat recovery solution products, but also provides focus on other energy-saving and environmentally sustainable teknoolajiyada injineernimada iyo xalalka wax soo saarka. The company's main product is the Clean Cycle™ generator provided by Heat Recovery Solutions or HRS. Ilaha injineernimada iyo wax soo saarka shirkadu waxay taageeraan ganacsigeeda xalalka soo kabashada kulaylka waxayna sii wadaan inay ku taageeraan shirkadaha kale ee kobcinta tiknoolajiyadeed, gaar ahaan tignoolajiyada nadiifka ah. Shirkaddu waxay ku talo jirtaa inay aqoonsato teknoolojiyadda kale ama shirkadaha si ay u hesho oo ay ugu biirto injineernimada iyo aaladaha wax soo saarka ee diiradda saaraya teknoolojiyadda nadiifka ah.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. Marka lagu daro Distrito Federal, Cemig sidoo kale wuxuu ka shaqeeyaa 22 gobol oo Brazil ah, wuxuuna ka shaqeeyaa khadka gudbinta ee Chile kaas oo samaysa isbahaysi la leh Alusa. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. emig ranks third among the largest generators in Brazil, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, controlled and affiliated power generation company has 65 operating plants, of which 59 are hydroelectric power plants, three are thermal power plants, and three are wind power plants. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW. Energy efficiency: efficiency
ConEdison Solutions, a subsidiary of ConEdison Corporation (NYSE: ED), is a leading energy services company that provides renewable energy, sustainable services, cost-effective energy efficiency solutions, demand response and energy performance contracting. The company serves commercial, industrial, residential and government customers as well as universities, public school districts and hospitals across the country. Shirkaddu waxay bixisaa badeecooyin cusub, dhaqaale deggan iyo u heellanaanta adeegga macaamiisha. It has an office in Valhalla, New York. Burlington, Massachusetts; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Falls Church, Virginia; Tampa, Florida; Nashville, Tennessee, Kansas Land Park; iyo Bloomington, Minnesota. The company's professional team of energy professionals provides a wide range of energy solutions. Con Edison Solutions provides programs and services designed to help customers achieve their respective energy goals and is recognized as an energy service provider (ESP) by the National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO).
Conselation Energy (NYSE: EXC), a company of Exelon, is a leading competitive supplier of electricity, natural gas, renewable energy, and energy management products and services for homes and businesses across the continental United States. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. waxtarka tamarta
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Shabakaddayada mesh-ka ee bilaa-waayirka ah ayaa bixisa isku xirka "mayl u dambeeya" ee u dhexeeya malaayiin qalab iyo software shirkadeed. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. In addition, we work with our partners to provide first-class support and hosting services, as well as “software as a service” to assist in planning and integrating our solutions. Cyleck xalka isku dhafka ah ee Cran ee loo diro howlgalka mitirka ee Smart Mitir, isagoo siinaya dariiqa socdaalka ee aqrinta mitirka otomaatiga ah (AMR) ee kaabayaasha mitir ee horumarsan (AMI). It is dedicated to electricity meters and is optimized for range, data communication, interoperability, and security. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. It can save a lot of electricity by enhancing the way of controlling, measuring and managing public lighting energy use.
Cyberlux Corporation (OTC: CYBL) waa soo-saare tayo sare leh, tamar-ku-ool ah nalka dawlad- adag (SSL) oo ka kooban LED-yada qaar ka mid ah soo-saareyaasha wax soo saarka LED-ka ugu wanaagsan. Marka laga soo tago soo saarista alaabteeda, Cyberlux waxay sidoo kale la shaqeysaa shirkadaha naga doonaya inaan naqshadeyno oo soo saarno alaabta iftiinka si ay u dhamaystirto alaabteeda hadda jirta iyo alaabta cusub ee iftiinka si kor loogu qaado faylalka alaabta hadda jira.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Shirkaddu waxay aaminsan tahay in iyada oo la kaashanaysa macaamiisha, dawladaha, ururada aan dawliga ahayn iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha fikirka, waxaan ku caawin karnaa xal u helida caqabadaha caalamiga ah, sida bixinta cunto caafimaad oo ku filan dadka aduunka oo dhan, yaraynta ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka iyo ilaalinta nolosha deegaanka. Waxaa naga go'an inaan horumarino xalal cusub oo dhaqaale ahaan macquul ah anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada kala duwan si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta caalamiga ah. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Global related markets. Iyada oo qayb ka ah masraxa Ezot ™, Echeloon wuxuu iibiyaa badeecooyinkeeda iftiinka ee ku xusan nooca 'Echelon Brand Brand's LandEMave Frands Lemewado, iyo sidoo kale qalalaasaha dhismaha iyo badeecadaha kale ee la xiriira ee la xiriira. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon waxay ka caawisaa macaamiisheeda inay dhimaan kharashaadka hawlgalka, hagaajinta qanacsanaanta iyo badbaadada, kordhinta dakhliga, iyo inay si fiican uga shaqeeyaan suuqyada jira iyo kuwa soo korayaba.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) waxay bixisaa lahaanshaha, xal tamarta furaha kuwaas oo smart, bangiyada iyo waara. Inta badan alaabada tamarta iyo xalka ayaa la fulin karaa isla markiiba meeshii looga baahdo. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. Marka lagu daro taageerada dhaqameed ee shabakadaha korantada ee la aasaasay, EHT sidoo kale waa mid aad u fiican marka aysan jirin koronto koronto. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ERII) develops award-winning solutions to improve productivity, profitability and energy efficiency in the oil and gas, chemical and water industries. Our products simplify complex systems and protect vulnerable devices. Soo kabashada tamarta waxay xarunteedu tahay aagga San Francisco Bay, oo xafiisyo ku leh Shanghai iyo Dubai.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) is a leading provider of cloud-based energy intelligence software (EIS) and services to thousands of corporate customers and utilities worldwide. EnerNOC's Xalka EIS ee macaamiisha shirkadu waxay wanaajisaa wax soo saarka tamarta iyaga oo wanaajinaya hababka wax iibsiga, isticmaalka iyo wakhtiga isticmaalka. Enterprise EIS includes budgeting and procurement, utility billing management, facility optimization, visibility and reporting, project tracking, demand management, and demand response. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).
Sechilchil Semiconductor (Nasdaqgs: Qaab-dhismeedka FCS, soo-saareyaasha iyo waxay bixisaa sahayda korantada iyo teknolojiyadda power-ka ee Semiconductor ee aaladda guryaha, oo ay u saamaxeyso soosaarayaasha aaladda mobilada si ay u siiso astaamaha cusub ee aaladda cusub si loo wanaajiyo waxtarka badeecooyinka warshadaha. Ganacsigeena caalamiga ah waxaa taageera wax soo saarka gudaha iyo dibadda iyo silsilad sahayda ilo badan oo dabacsan. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Our semiconductor solutions for automotive, mobile, LED lighting and power management applications help our customers succeed every day.
Fuel System Solutions Company (NASDAQGS: FSYS) is a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of proven, cost-effective alternative fuel components and systems in transportation and industrial applications. The components and systems of the fuel system control the pressure and flow of gaseous alternative fuels (such as propane and natural gas) used in internal combustion engines. Qaybahaas iyo nidaamyadani waxay leeyihiin tignoolajiyada casriga ah ee nidaamka shidaalka ee shirkadda, taas oo kordhin karta waxtarka, kordhinta tamarta iyo yaraynta qiiqa qiiqa iyada oo si elektaroonik ah loo dareemo loona habeeyo saamiga ku habboon ee shidaalka iyo hawada looga baahan yahay matoorka gubashada gudaha. In addition to components and systems, the company also provides engineering and system integration services to meet customers' unique requirements for performance, durability and configuration.
Fuel-Tech, Inc. (NASDAQGS: FTEK) is a leading technology company dedicated to developing, commercializing and applying the most advanced proprietary technologies worldwide for air pollution control, process optimization and advanced engineering services. Farsamooyinkani waxay u suurtageliyaan macaamiisha inay soo saaraan tamarta iyo habka agabka si kharash-ku-ool ah iyo hab deegaan ahaan waara.
Fujitsu Co., Ltd. (OTC: FJTSY) is Japan's leading information and communication technology (ICT) company, providing a full range of technical products, solutions and services. Fujitsu has approximately 159,000 employees supporting customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. The sustainable development of the balanced economy, society and environment has brought challenges and opportunities to modern enterprises. Organizations that understand the innovative use of IT while focusing on optimization, resource and energy efficiency will benefit from business advantages and social responsibility. Fujitsu can help your organization optimize the efficiency of its ICT equipment and data center, saving you money and reducing greenhouse gases. Our corporate sustainability services align your environmental goals with business goals to achieve sustainable operations. Adeegyada tayaynta xarunta xogta waxay wanaajin kartaa hufnaanta tamarta waxayna yaraynaysaa hawlgalka xarunta xogta iyo kharashaadka maamulka. Using our sustainability framework, organizations can reduce ICT energy costs by an average of 40% in the first 12 months without increasing capital expenditures.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) waa shirkad tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo kala duwan oo xarunteedu tahay Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. Kheyraadka tamarta ee caadiga ah ee Badweynta Baasifiga ayaa ah Rim.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. Shirkaddu waxay diiradda saartaa bixinta mudnaanta ama raasamaal sare si ay kafaala-qaadayaasha iyo deymaha leh tayada credit sare si ay u abuuraan muddo dheer, soo noqnoqda iyo socodka lacagta caddaanka ah ee la saadaalin karo. Xarunteedu tahay Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong waxay dooratay hay'ad maalgashi ma-guurto ah (REIT) taas oo u qalanta inay bixiso cashuuraha ujeedooyinka cashuurta dakhliga federaalka. Its tax year begins on December 31, 2013
Hydro66 Holdings Corp. (CSE: SIX) (OTCQB: HYHDF) owns and operates an award-winning colocation data center in Sweden that specializes in high-performance computing (“HPC”) colocation. The company has a third-party IT infrastructure, which uses 100% green power, is among the lowest in the EU, and is in an ISO27001-approved facility. Faa'iidada gaarka ah ee hydro66 waa in ay ka faa'iideysan karto kaabayaasha go'doominta iyo fursadaha ka dhex jira suuqa kala-goynta ee shirkadaha shirkadaha. The company provides real green energy, dedicated space and refrigeration, telecommunications, IT support services, and 24/7 physical security at its facilities in Boden, Sweden, at leading prices. Hydro66 helps enterprises, HPC blockchain companies and system integrators to significantly reduce the cost and carbon footprint of data.
Laga soo bilaabo 1995, IGO Inc (OTC: Igoi) waxay siisay qalab mobiil, oo siinta xalka awooda sare ee kumbuyuutarrada xusuus-qorka ah iyo aaladaha mortalka ee elektiroonigga ah, taas oo ay ku kordhiso suurtagalnimada nolol xushmad leh. iGO's universal chargers, batteries and audio accessories provide support and performance to enhance the mobile consumer experience.
Infineon Technologies (oo hore u ahaan jirtay Shirkadda Rectifier International) (OTC: IFNNY; Frankfurt: IFX.F) waa hogaamiye caalami ah goobta semiconductor. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. Bishii Janaayo 2015, INFINFON waxay soo saartay shirkadda timireed ee ku saleysan Mareykanka, oo ah bixiye horyaal ah oo tikniyoolajiyadda maareynta korantada. Shirkadda Tijaabada Fiican (IR®) waa hogaamiyaha adduunka ee tikniyoolajiyadda maaraynta awoodda. Leading manufacturers of computers, energy-saving appliances, lighting, automobiles, satellites, aircraft, and defense systems all rely on IR's power management benchmarks to power their next-generation products.
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (NYSE: IBM) provides information technology (IT) products and services worldwide. Energy and environment: IBM is committed to making our existing products and processes more effective for the environment and business, and at the same time developing new innovative technologies to help the world become smarter, promote economic and operational improvements, increase responsibility and reduce Environmental impact . Arrimaha tamarta iyo cimilada ee maanta ayaa ah mudnaanta koowaad ee ajandaha istaraatiijiyadeed. Xalalka IBM waxay ka caawin karaan macaamiisha inay dhimaan kharashaadka oo ay si nidaamsan u dhimaan tamarta, biyaha, qiiqa kaarboonka iyo qashinka. IBM is helping customers improve energy efficiency, adopt new ways to purchase, manufacture and distribute goods and services in a more sustainable way, achieve safe and renewable energy sources, and manage resources at a macro level, thereby transforming the entire industry. IBM waxay isku daraysaa tignoolajiyadayada hal-abuurka leh, fikrado ganacsi oo qoto dheer iyo khibrada warshadaha si ay uga jawaabto caqabadaha meeraheena si dhamaystiran. Si wadajir ah, waxaan kor ugu qaadi karnaa joogtaynta ganacsigeena iyo meeraha.
Kaliya kooxda tamarta, Inc. (TSX: JE.To; Nyse: Je) waa shirkad hogaamineysa macaamiisha oo ku takhasustay korantada iyo badeecadaha gaaska dabiiciga ah, xalka tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo iyo xulashooyinka tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo. Kaliya tamarta waxay xafiis ku leedahay Mareykanka, Kanada, United oo ah Boqortooyada, Jarmalka, Ireland iyo Japan, waxay u adeegaan tamar badan oo tamarta iyo ganacsiyada si ay u siiyaan raaxo, fududeyn iyo xakameyn. Just Energy Group Inc. is the parent company of Amigo Energy, Green Star Energy, Hudson Energy, EdgePower Inc., Tara Energy and terrapas
Kontrol Energy Corp. (CSE: KRN) is a leader in energy efficiency solutions and technologies. Iyada oo loo marayo istaraatiijiyad adag oo isku dhafan iyo korriin dabiici ah, Kontrol Energy Corp. waxay siisaa macaamiisheena xalal tamar ku salaysan oo ujeedadeedu tahay in la dhimo kharashkooda guud ee tamarta iyada oo u dhiganta yaraynta gaaska aqalka dhirta lagu koriyo (GHG).
Lime Energy Co. (NASDAQCM: LIME) waxay dhisaysaa mustaqbal tamareed oo cusub. As a leading national provider of energy efficiency for small businesses and commercial customers, Lime has designed and implemented direct installation programs for our utility customers that consistently exceed program savings goals. Our award-winning comprehensive service plan provides utilities with reliable energy efficiency resources while providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. Habkan jiilka soo socda ayaa ka caawinaya shirkadaha tamarta ee dalka oo dhan inay isticmaalaan tamarta ugu jaban, ugu nadiifsan uguna dhaqsaha badan tamarta (waxtarka tamarta) ee aan u haysano horumar dheeraad ah.
MicroPlanet Technology Corp. (TSX: MP.V; OTC: MCTYF) provides advanced energy-saving technology for residential, commercial and industrial environments, which can dynamically manage the voltage received from the power company to an optimal level. Meelaha korontadu ka sarreyso, tani waxay u sahlaysa macaamiisha inay hoos u dhigaan isticmaalka tamarta 5% ilaa 12%, oo ay yareeyaan biilasha korontada iyaga oo aan beddelin dhaqankooda. Aagagga korantada yar, alaabta MicroPlanet waxay kor u qaadi kartaa barta la dejisan karo, taas oo u oggolaanaysa shirkadaha adeegga inay si dhakhso ah oo kharash-ool ah u hagaajiyaan tayada adeegga macaamiishooda.
Microsemi Corp. (NasdaqGS: MSCC) provides a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for the communications, defense and security, aerospace and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; iyo alaabta maamulka korontada; timing and synchronization equipment and precise time solutions that have established world time standards; voice processing equipment; radio frequency solutions; Qaybaha kala duwan; security technology and scalable tamper-proof products; Xalalka Ethernet; power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; and custom-designed functions and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California. Tamarta Wacan
The National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) transmits and distributes electricity and natural gas. The company operates through UK electricity transmission, UK gas transmission, UK gas distribution and US regulatory agencies. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. Waaxda gudbinta gaaska dabiiciga ah ee Ingiriiska waxay leedahay shabakad gudbinta gaaska dabiiciga ah gudaha UK waxayna leedahay kaydka gaaska dabiiciga ah (LNG) gudaha UK. The British Gas Distribution Division operates a natural gas distribution system in the UK. National Grid: National Grid waa koronto iyo shirkad gudbinta gaaska dabiiciga ah oo ku xirta ku dhawaad 7 milyan oo macaamiil tamar muhiim ah iyada oo loo marayo shabakadaha New York, Massachusetts iyo Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Through its US Connect21 strategy, National Grid is transforming its power and natural gas networks to provide smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions to support the digital economy of the 21st century. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) waa shirkad hormood u ah tamarta nadiifka ah oo leh ku dhawaad 44,900 megawatts oo koronto ah, oo ay ku jiraan megawatts oo la xidhiidha NextEra Energy Partners danaha aan la xakamayn. NextEra Energy waxay xarunteedu tahay Juneau Beach, Florida, shirkadaheeda ugu waaweynna waa Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (taas oo ah mid ka mid ah shirkadaha korantada ee ugu weyn ee lagu xakameeyo qiimaha ee Maraykanka) iyo NextEra Energy Resources, LLC iyo hay'adaha xiriirka la leh. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Iyada oo loo marayo kaabayaasheeda, NextEra Energy waxay soo saartaa koronto nadiif ah, oo aan sii dayn lahayn siddeed xarumood oo tamarta nukliyeerka ah ee Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa iyo Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”
ON Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: ON) waxay kor u qaadaysaa hal-abuurka tamarta-badbaadinta, taasoo u oggolaanaysa macaamiisha inay yareeyaan isticmaalka tamarta adduunka. The company is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, providing a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient power and signal management, logic, standard and custom equipment products. Alaabooyinka shirkadu waxay ka caawin karaan injineerada inay xalliyaan caqabadahooda naqshadaynta gaarka ah ee baabuurta, isgaarsiinta, xisaabinta, macaamiisha, warshadaha, caafimaadka, iyo codsiyada militariga/ hawada sare. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, as well as a network of manufacturing plants, sales offices, and design centers in major markets in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) is leading the transformation of commercial and industrial buildings through the most advanced energy-saving lighting systems and retrofit lighting solutions. Orion waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa alaabooyin taxane ah, oo ay ku jiraan LED-ka nalka adag iyo nalalka dhaadheer ee xoogga badan. Many of Orion's more than 100 patented and pending patents are related to lighting systems, which have excellent optical and thermal performance, which can bring financial, environmental and workspace aspects to many customers in the renovation market the benefits of.
Teknolojiyada gabayada Inc. Isku-dhafka Photonics waa lagama maarmaan si loo kordhiyo ballaarinta shaqooyinka lana yareeyo qiimaha xalalka photonics ee hadda jira. POET believes that its advanced optoelectronic processing platform can significantly improve the energy efficiency, component cost and size in the production of smart optical components. Matoorku wuxuu kaxeeyaa codsiyo kala duwan oo ka imanaya xarumaha xogta ilaa alaabta macaamiisha ilaa codsiyada militariga. Silicon Valley-based POET's patented single-chip module process integrates digital, high-speed analog and optical devices on the same chip, and is intended to be used as an industry standard for smart optical components. The company's subsidiary DenseLight is a semiconductor process development company dedicated to the development of next-generation semiconductor integrated circuit technology, which integrates optics and electronics on a single chip, thereby extending the physical limitations of Moore's Law in performance and speed.
Power Efficiency Corporation (OTC: PEFF) designs, develops, sells and sells solid-state electrical equipment that can reduce the energy consumption of AC induction motors. Alaabooyinka ugu muhiimsan waxaa ka mid ah kontaroolayaasha waxtarka dhaqdhaqaaqa ee saddex-waji ah (MEC), kuwaas oo loo isticmaali karo warshadaha iyo codsiyada ganacsiga sida burburinta dhagaxyada, pelletizers iyo kororiyeyaasha. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay soo saartaa alaabada MEC ee hal-waji ah oo dhijitaal ah, taas oo yarayn karta isticmaalka tamarta matoorada iyada oo la daremaysa oo xakamaynaysa tamarta ay isticmaalaan matoorada. Waxay siisaa adeegyo ay ku dhammaato isticmaalayaasha, sida silsiladaha tafaariiqda, hoteelada, garoomada diyaaradaha iyo nidaamka basaska, iyo sidoo kale macdanta, balaastikada iyo shirkadaha wax soo saarka. Shirkadda ayaa inta badan ka iibisa alaabada iyada oo loo marayo iibka tooska ah, soosaarayaasha qalabka asalka ah, ganacsatada, qaybiyeyaasha iyo wakiillada madaxa-bannaan inta badan Mareykanka.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) waa bixiye hormuud u ah adeegyada iyo tignoolajiyada tamarta ee shirkadaha korontada iyo macaamiishooda warshadaha, hay'adaha iyo ganacsiga. PowerSecure waxa ay bixisa badeecooyin iyo adeegyo dhinacyada Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tamarta qoraxda, hufnaanta tamarta, iyo kaabayaasha tamarta. Shirkaddu waa hormuudka horumarinta nidaamyada korantada ee IDG® oo leh hawlo horumarsan oo xariif ah, oo ay ku jiraan awoodaha soo socda: 1) Saadaali baahida tamarta oo geyso nidaamka si elektaroonig ah si ay u bixiso awood hufan oo deegaan ahaan u wanaagsan saacadaha ugu sarreeya; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (oo loo yaqaan ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Isticmaalka qaabeynta hantida iyo isbahaysiga istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka Powerverde waa in la horumariyo oo laga iibiyo nidaamyada korantada ee loo qaybiyey iyada oo awood u leh wax ka yar 500kw oo ay gaaraan heerka hogaaminta warshadaha. Soo saar ilo koronto oo la isku halayn karo, kharash-ku-ool ah, iyo qiiq la'aan ah oo loo isticmaali karo gudaha goobta ama codsiyada microgrid. Tignoolajiyada PowerVerde ee ORC waxa kale oo lagu dari karaa kulaylka dhulka, bayoolajiga iyo qoraxda.
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, operates as an energy company primarily in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products that are used to optimize the operation of the grid. The company also transmits electricity; Oo korantada u qaybiya korantada iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah ee macaamiisha, ganacsiga, waxayna ku maal gashanayaan mashaariicda tamarta qorraxda, waxayna fulisaa waxtarka tamarta iyo baahida qorshayaasha waxqabadka. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
Royal Philips Electronics NV (NYSE: PHG) waa shirkad tignoolajiyadeed kala duwan oo u heellan horumarinta nolosha dadka iyada oo loo marayo hal-abuurnimo macno leh oo ku saabsan daryeelka caafimaadka, qaab nololeedka macaamiisha iyo iftiinka. Shirkaddu waa hormuudka dhinacyada daryeelka caafimaadka wadnaha, xaaladaha degdegga ah iyo daryeelka caafimaadka guriga, xalalka iftiinka tamarta-badbaadinta iyo codsiyada nalka cusub, iyo sidoo kale xiirashada iyo quruxda ragga, iyo daryeelka caafimaadka afka.
SmartHeat Inc. (OTC: HEAT), through its subsidiaries, mainly designs, manufactures, sells and services clean technology plate heat exchangers (PHE), heat exchangers and related systems for the industrial, residential and commercial markets in China. Shiinaha. It provides PHE units, heat meters and heat pumps for commercial and residential buildings. The company also provides spiral heat exchangers and tube heat exchangers, as well as after-sales service, including maintenance, repairs and spare parts supply. Its products can be used in a variety of applications, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) energy conversion; and industrial applications, for oil refining, petrochemical, metallurgy, food and beverage, and chemical processing. The company sells its products under the SmartHeat, Taiyu and Sondex brands. SmartHeat, Inc. sells products directly through its sales staff and distributor network. The company is headquartered in Shenyang, China.
Superglass Holdings plc (LSE: SPGH.L) manufactures and sells fiberglass insulation materials in the UK, Ireland and internationally. Shirkadu waxay bixisaa taxane ah kulaylka iyo acoustic macdanta dhogorta warshadaha warshadaha dhismaha. Its products are used for interior, exterior and party/separation walls; masonry cavities, wooden frames and metal composite walls; roofs such as attics, wooden pitched roofs and metal composite roofs; iyo dabaqyo alwaax ah oo la hakiyey iyo qaybo shub ah.
SWW Energy (ASX: SWW.AX) waxay baartaa, horumarisaa, soo saartaa oo iibisaa tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo gudaha Australia. Shirkadda ayaa horey loogu yaqaanay Solverdide Adduunka oo xadidan.
Tecogen Inc. (NasdaqCM: TGEN) designs, manufactures, sells, installs and maintains efficient, ultra-clean cogeneration products, including natural gas engine-driven cogeneration, air conditioning systems, and high-efficiency water heaters for residential, commercial, entertainment and Industrial applications. The company is known for its cost-effective, environmentally-friendly and reliable products for energy production, which almost eliminate standard pollutants through patented technology and significantly reduce the customer's carbon footprint. Maanta, ka dib markii ay shaqaynaysay in ka badan 20 sano, Tecogen waxay samaysay shabakad isku xiran oo injineernimada, iibka iyo adeegga ee Maraykanka, waxayna soo dirtay in ka badan 2,300 oo unug.
Telkonet (OTC: TKOI) is a leading provider of intelligent automation solutions in the global commercial market. Internetka Waxyaabaha (IoT) iyada oo loo marayo isgaadhsiinta shabakada caqliga leh, isticmaalka hantida oo la wanaajiyey iyo hawlaha falanqaynta xogta waxay si weyn u dhimi kartaa kharashka tamarta, kordhinta wax soo saarka shaqaalaha waxayna yareyn kartaa raadadka kaarboonka. IoT platforms such as Telkonet's EcoSmart enable users to realize savings, value and services through network connections, thereby providing monitoring, control, analysis, convenience, and the ability to participate in the emerging smart grid through automated demand response plans. Telkonet serves vertical markets that have made the company a leading provider of network, efficiency and energy management technologies. These markets include hotels, education, military, government, healthcare and public housing. Telkonet's business units include EcoSmart(TM), a network automation platform with Recovery Time(TM) technology, which can save costs, reduce energy consumption, optimize asset utilization and improve comfort; EthoStream(R) is One of the largest high-speed Internet access in the hotel industry, the world's largest network provides public Internet access to more than 8 million users every month.
Kooxda Willdan, Inc. (NasdaqGM: WLDN) waxay siisaa la-talin-xirfadeed iyo adeegyo farsamo adeegyada dadweynaha, hay'adaha dowliga ah iyo shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay ee ku baahsan Mareykanka. Bixinta adeegga shirkadu waxay daboolaysaa noocyo badan oo kaabayaal ah, oo ay ku jiraan hufnaanta tamarta iyo joogtaynta, injineernimada iyo qorsheynta, la-talinta dhaqaalaha iyo dhaqaalaha, iyo difaaca qaranka. Willdan provides integrated technical solutions to expand the coverage and resources of its customers and provides all services through its subsidiaries in various market segments.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) provides professional technical engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sector clients in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets. NV5 focuses on five business areas: building quality assurance, infrastructure, engineering and support services, energy, program management and environmental solutions. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay 42 goobood oo ku yaal Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington iyo Wyoming. Office, headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. Dunida weligeed koraysa ee baabuurta korantada, e-Go EV waa fikrad cusub oo kacaan ah. Kani waxa uu noqon doonaa gaadhiga kaliya ee korontada ku shaqeeya ee leh jidh fiber carbon ah iyo qaybo. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.
Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. The company categorizes its activities into natural gas and services, engineering technology and other activities. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. Waxa kale oo ay siisaa gaasta caafimaadka, alaabta nadaafadda, qalab caafimaad iyo adeegyo cisbitaalada iyo bukaanka guriga. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Shaqadeeda injineernimada iyo farsamada waxaa ka mid ah naqshadeynta, horumarinta iyo dhismaha dhirta wax soo saarka gaaska warshadaha. Its other activities include the development of welding and cutting technologies, and the provision of deep-sea diving and swimming equipment. hydrogen
Air Products (NYSE: APD) is a leading industrial gas company. Ku dhawaad 75 sano, shirkaddu waxay bixisay jawiga, habka iyo gaaska khaaska ah iyo qalabka la xidhiidha suuqyada wax soo saarka sida biraha, cuntada iyo cabitaannada, sifaynta iyo kiimikooyinka petrochemicals, iyo dareeraha gaaska dabiiciga ah. Air Products' Materials Technology Division serves the semiconductor, polyurethane, cleaning and coatings, and adhesive industries. With more than 20,000 employees in 50 countries/regions, Air Products is committed to making Air Products the safest and best-performing industrial gas company in the world, providing sustainable products and quality services to all customers. Hydrogen Energy: Air Products has more than 50 years of hydrogen experience and is at the forefront of hydrogen energy technology development. We deployed the first hydrogen refueling station in 1993 and developed an extensive patent portfolio related to hydrogen supply and distribution technology. Air Products provides liquid and gaseous hydrogen and a broad portfolio of refueling infrastructure solutions
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. Kooxda Areva waxay leedahay ganacsiyo taxane ah oo ah afarta qaybood ee tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo Kaydinta tamarta unugga shidaalka/hydrogen: Kooxda Areva waxay leedahay waayo-aragnimo 10 sano ka badan oo ku saabsan kaydinta tamarta, gaar ahaan goobta hydrogen. Naqshadeynta kooxdu, soo-saareyaasha iyo warshadaha-warshadeynta Burcad tamar tamar iyo alaabooyinka si ay koronto u abuuraan unugyada shidaalka iyo hydrogen-ka iyada oo loo marayo elektrolysis.
Nidaamyada Parturd (Nasdaqgm)
BWT AG ORD (Vienna: BWT.VI; Frankfurt: TWB.F) is a water technology company. Fuel cell: FUMATECH, a subsidiary of BWT, as a supplier of innovative membranes (fumion® polymer and fumapem® polymembrane), has been established globally to serve the future global fuel cell market. These innovative membranes are membrane electrode units Core components. PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) unugga shidaalka.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. Qeybta Gawaarida ee Mercedes-Benz waxay iibisaa baabuurta rakaabka ah iyo kuwa wadada ka baxsan ee loogu magacdaray astaanta Mercedes-Benz, iyo sidoo kale baabuurta yar yar ee loogu magac daray noocyada casriga ah. Qaybta ganacsiga xamuulka qaada ee Daimler waxay ku iibisaa baabuurta sida Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, basaska Thomas-made iyo noocyada Bharat Benz. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Qaybta Baska ee Daimler waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa basaska la isku daray, basaska magaalada iyo kuwa magaalada dhexmara, tababarayaasha iyo baska baska ee hoos yimaada calaamadaha Mercedes-Benz iyo Setra. Qaybta Adeegyada Maaliyadeed ee Daimler waxay siisaa macaamiisha iyo ganacsatada adeegyada maalgelinta iyo kireynta, caymiska, maaraynta maraakiibta, alaabada maalgashiga iyo kaararka deynta, iyo sidoo kale adeegyada safarka ee kala duwan. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. The company was founded in 1904 and is headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, with approximately 23,000 employees in 25 countries/regions on six continents. Dana has applied mature technologies to future power sources, including fuel cell products and later products. With our recognized expertise in the development of high temperature materials, we develop and manufacture superior fuel products for the automotive market, including the balance of factories, hydrogen reformers and chimney assemblies. For more than ten years, we have been a global leader in the fuel cell market and have won honors including General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award and f Battery 2010 Gold Award. Waxaa naga go'an inaan daboolno baahiyahaaga hadda iyo mustaqbalka. Whether it is fuel cells, batteries, hybrid electric vehicles or internal combustion engines, Dana will provide innovative and reliable alternative energy products to support you there.
Dominovas Energy (OTC: DNRG) is a public company in Nevada. Dominovas Energy Corporation is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and is a leading power solution provider for emerging markets around the world. DEC uses its proprietary RUBICON™ solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology to deploy in multi-megawatt power generation plants worldwide. Pursuing clean and efficient power production globally through solid oxide fuel cell technology inspired its founder to create an “Energy Solutions” company. Aqoonsiga suuragalka kobaca ee weyn ee "cagaaran" iyo "suuqyada kale ee" Shirkadda Tamarta ee Dominowas waxay qaadataa tallaabo firfircoon si ay si dhaqso leh u qoondeeyaan si isdaraafureed iyo tamar ah oo si hufan oo wax loo qiyaasi karo oo la cabiro . In addition, unlike wind and solar solutions, RUBICON provides base load power 24/7/365 days a year. Soo saarista iyo geynta RUBICON ™ heer caalami ah, Domino Gas Energy waxaa ka go'an in ay abuurto qiimaha saamilayda ma aha oo kaliya in ay abuurto dakhli dammaanad ah, laakiin sidoo kale iyada oo la kordhinayo qiimaha "raasamaalka dadka iyo bulshada". By operating with the utmost honesty and integrity in all business transactions to commit to core values, Dominowas Energy is also committed to respecting the rights of all people, while recognizing and respecting all cultures necessary to support the growth and development of communities and nations. It works in it. The company firmly believes that this unique advanced technology will have an impact on the world, and is determined to fulfill its mission of providing electricity where it is economically feasible.
Shirkadda Duke We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy waxay xarunteedu tahay Charlotte, North Carolina waana shirkad Fortune 250 ah. Hydrogen fuel cell: Hydrogen has broad prospects as an environmentally friendly and sustainable means of storing and transferring energy. The challenge is to develop an economical method to extract hydrogen to justify the replacement of existing fuels. In the past few years, we have participated in research and pilot projects to test the feasibility of this fuel source. Our projects include: Homosassa Springs fuel cell, Microcell investment, Palm Garden fuel cell, hydrogen car and hydrogen gas station.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Shirkaddu waxay aaminsan tahay in iyada oo la kaashanaysa macaamiisha, dawladaha, ururada aan dawliga ahayn iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha fikirka, waxaan ku caawin karnaa xal u helida caqabadaha caalamiga ah, sida bixinta cunto caafimaad oo ku filan dadka aduunka oo dhan, yaraynta ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka iyo ilaalinta nolosha deegaanka. Waxaa naga go'an inaan horumarino xalal cusub oo dhaqaale ahaan macquul ah anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada kala duwan si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta caalamiga ah. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa tignoolajiyada yaraynta sii deynta carbon dioxide ee matoorada gubashada gudaha. Iyada oo qayb ka ah dhaqaalaha haydaroojiyada caalamiga ah ee sii kordheysa ee muhiimka ah, waxaan isticmaalnaa tignoolajiyadayada patented si aan u soo saarno hydrogen iyo ogsijiinta iyada oo loo marayo nidaam elektrolysis gaar ah. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Shirkadda Eden Energy Corporation ee Australia (ASX: EDE.AX) waxay mas'uul ka tahay soo saarista kaarboon nanotubes iyo fiilooyinka kaarboon, isku darka nano-material shubka ah, wax soo saarka hydrogen, kaydinta iyo hababka shidaalka gaadiidka (ay ku jiraan hydrogen-ka hooseeya, hydrogen, methane, methane dhuxul leh. and shale gas). ) Interested. United Kingdom. Dhammaan dhinacyadan ganacsiga Eden waa qayb ka mid ah istaraatiijiyad isku dhafan oo ujeeddadeedu tahay in ay noqoto ciyaaryahan weyn oo caalami ah oo ku jira suuqa tamarta kale, gaar ahaan diiradda saaraya suuqa gaadiidka tamarta nadiifka ah, soo saarista hydrogen-ka bilaashka ah, iyo u qaadida hydrogen suuqa iyo bixinta matoorada. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) waa shirkad shati u haysata inay ka faa’iidaysato baahida badeecadaha soo socda: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nikkel iyo copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. Tani waxay abuurtaa fursad gaar ah oo lagu maal-gashiiyo oo lagu helo royalties macdanta iyo mashaariicda bixin doona agabka loo baahan yahay kacaanka awoodda. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. There are 6 combinations of royalties. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). Qorshaha boqortooyadii Royats Qorshayaasha ayaa inta badan diiradda saaraya helitaanka boqornimada ee marxaladaha horumarsan iyo mashaariicda hawlgallada si loo dhiso boodhadhka maalgashiga badan ee khatarta jameecadaha hoose.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. Waxa kale oo ay siisaa awood sare oo loogu talagalay macaamiisha elektiroonigga ah, warshadaha iyo codsiyada gaadiidka. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enova Systems, Inc. (OTC code: ENVS) designs, develops and produces drive systems and related components for electric, hybrid and fuel cell systems for mobile applications in the United States, Asia and Europe. It provides series and parallel hybrid systems. Nidaamka wadista korantada ee korontada iyo isku-darka ee shirkadda iyo sidoo kale maaraynta awoodda iyo nidaamyada korantada iyo nidaamyada korantada waxaa loo isticmaalaa codsiyada sida gawaarida dhexdhexaadka ah iyo gawaarida culus, basaska iyo gawaarida warshadaha culus.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) is a leading provider of various products used to purify, protect and transport critical materials used in the processing and manufacturing of semiconductors and other high-tech industries. Entegris has passed ISO 9001 certification and has manufacturing, customer service and/or research facilities in the United States, China, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Unugga Shidaalka: Aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee Entegris ee sayniska agabka polymerka iyo soo saarista waxay awood noo siinaysaa horumarinta unugyada shidaalka agabka unugyada shidaalka horumarsan, qaybo, qaybo-hoosaadyo iyo adeegyo qiimo leh
Tamarta unugyada shidaalka (NASDAQGS: FCEL) waxay siisaa xal hufan, la awoodi karo oo nadiif ah sahayda tamarta, soo kabashada iyo kaydinta. We design, manufacture, and conduct project development, installation, operation and maintenance of megawatt fuel cell systems, and provide solutions for utilities, industrial and large municipal power users, including utility scale and on-site power generation, carbon capture, and localization For transportation and industrial hydrogen production and long-term energy storage. With SureSource™ installed on three continents and generating millions of megawatt hours of ultra-clean clean energy, FuelCell Energy is a global leader in the design, manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of environmentally responsible fuel cell power solutions
Shirkadda General Motors (NYSE: GM) iyo la-hawlgalayaasheeda waxay soo saartaa baabuurta 30 waddan, shirkaddu waxay leedahay jago hormood ah suuqa baabuurta adduunka ugu weyn uguna dhaqsaha badan. General Motors, la-hawlgalayaasheeda iyo ganacsiyada wadajirka ah waxay ku iibiyaan baabuurta hoos yimaada noocyada Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall iyo Wuling. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. Our engineers are exploring future advanced technologies such as fuel cell vehicles. We are at the forefront of this innovation, which enables vehicles to release water vapor instead of carbon dioxide from the exhaust pipe. Our customers have driven more than 3 million miles in our hydrogen fuel cell vehicle test fleet. This real feedback allows us to improve the technology, further reduce its size and increase durability.
Greencell Inc. (OTC: GCll) waa shirkad marxalad horumarineed oo u heellan horumarinta nidaamyada gaaska iyo qalabka shidaalka, waxyaabaha shidaalka ah ee soo-saareyaasha, kuwa wax soosaarayaasha ah iyo dib-u-soo-uruurinta qalabka guryaha, baabuurta. , heating and cooling, and medical industries
H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) is an integrator dedicated to designing and implementing clean energy solutions, including solar, batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen generation systems. In addition, HCCC also provides integration of environmental systems and safety systems through its subsidiaries. HCCC waxay u adeegtaa waaxyaha guryaha, ganacsiga iyo dowlada
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. The motorcycle business unit produces sports models, including test and cross-country motorcycles. Qaababka ganacsiga iyo socodka; all-terrain vehicles; iyo baabuurta tamarta. The automotive business unit provides passenger cars, light trucks and mini cars, as well as vehicles powered by alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol, electric and fuel cell vehicles. Qaybta ganacsiga ee adeegyada maaliyadeed waxay bixisaa adeegyo maaliyadeed oo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan deymaha tafaariiqda, kiraynta iyo adeegyada kale ee maaliyadeed, oo ay ku jiraan maalgelinta jumlada qaybiyeyaasha iyo macaamiisha. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers Mashiinnada cawska iyo cawska cawska lagu jaro. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. The company sells its products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. As always, our attention is focused on the future. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. This is all part of Honda's thinking and action. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells
HypoSlal Inc. (OTC: HYSR) wuxuu horumarinayaa tikniyoolajiyad qaali ah oo qiimo jaban si loo soo saaro hydrogen-ka la cusboonaysiin karo iyadoo la adeegsanayo iftiinka qorraxda iyo il biyood kasta, oo ay ku jiraan biyaha biyaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah. Si ka duwan shidaalka hydrocarbonow sida saliida, dhuxusha iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah, shidaalka hydrocarbon-ka ayaa siidaaya kaarboon dioxide iyo wasakhooyinka kale ee jawiga ah ee ka soo baxa biyaha hydrogen-ka ah waxay soo saaraan biyo saafi ah oo ah sheyga kaliya ee sheyga kaliya. By optimizing nano-scale water electrolysis technology, our low-cost nanoparticles can simulate photosynthesis to effectively use sunlight to separate hydrogen in water to produce environmentally friendly and renewable hydrogen. Waxaan dooneynaa inaan isticmaalno habkayaga qiimaha jaban si aan u soo saarno haydarojiin la cusboonaysiin karo si aan u xaqiijino adduunka wax soo saarka haydaroojiin ee loo qaybiyey koronto la cusboonaysiin karo iyo baabuurta unugyada shidaalka hydrogen.
Shirkadda baabuurta ee Hyundai (Korea: 005380.KS) iyo kaabayaasheeda ayaa soo saara oo qaybiya baabuurta iyo qaybo adduunka oo dhan ah. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. Shirkaddu waxay bixisaa Centennial / Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, lahjad, lahjad 5DR, ix20 , I20 , i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Oo ay ku jiraan baabuurta xamuulka ah, basaska, baabuurta gaarka ah iyo baabuurta ganacsiga ee leh alaabta chassis-ka, iyo sidoo kale baabuurta Eco, oo ay ku jiraan Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell iyo Sonata-Hybrid baabuurta. Dadka Kanadiyaanka ah ee soo saara baabuurta ugu horreeya ee bixiya Shidaalka, Baabuurka Korontada Unugga ee Hyundai ayaa awood u siinaya sii daynta eber, taangiga shidaalka eber-caruur ah in ay u safarto in ka badan 400 kiiloomitir iyada oo aan saacado ku qaadan in lagu dallaco. Fekerkeena cusub waxa uu jabiyay xuduudihii soo jireenka ahaa, isaga oo dib u qeexaya yoolalka ay baabuurtu ku guulaysan karaan, adduun cusub, una dhaqaaqay dhanka mustaqbal wanaagsan.
Itm Power (LSE: ITM.L) designs, manufactures and sells hydrogen energy systems for energy storage and clean fuel production in the UK. The company develops equipment that converts renewable energy into clean fuels; and stores it as green hydrogen for decarbonization in transportation, industrial and natural gas power generation, and residential applications. It provides the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer HPac 40; HFuel, an independent module for refueling hydrogen-powered road vehicles and forklifts; and HGas for natural gas power generation. The company is also involved in research and development of scientific and engineering projects; horumarinta iyo soo saarista alaabta prototype; iibinta qalabka korantada iyo xalalka kaydinta hydrogen.
Johnson Matthey PLC (LSE: JMAT.L) is divided into five departments: emission control technology, process technology, precious metal products, fine chemicals and new business. Unugga shidaalka ee Johnson Matthey waa hogaamiye caalami ah oo soo saara kicinta unugyada shidaalka iyo qaybaha kicinta. Farsamadan waa tignoolajiyada soo saarta tamarta kaarboon-yar. Unugga shidaalka ee Johnson Matthey ayaa safka hore kaga jira horumarinta qaybta shidaalka. The company has the world's largest manufacturing plant in Swindon, UK, for the production of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) for hydrogen and methanol fuel systems.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) waa shirkad u heellan inay noqoto heerka dheemanka ee suuqa magnesium (Mg). The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. Soo saar saafi-sare SiO2, MgO, Mg(OH)2 iyo alaabooyin kale oo la iibin karo iyo alaab; Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; iyo IV. The further commercialization of its MagPower fuel cell/battery can provide emergency power, lighting and charging for disaster relief and other emergencies on land and sea
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. (OTC: MVTG) is a clean technology incubator that adopts and commercializes innovative and emerging technologies. The company, through its subsidiary Mantra Energy Alternatives, is currently developing two pioneering electrochemical technologies aimed at making the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions profitable, namely ERC (Electrical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide) and MRFC (Mixed Reaction Fuel Cell). ERC is a form of “carbon capture and utilization” (CCU) that converts the polluting greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into useful and valuable products, including formic acid and formate. Adigoo adeegsanaya koronto nadiif ah, hanaankani wuxuu siinayaa dhirta warshadaha leh suurtagalnimada yareynta qiiqa, iyadoo la abuuro badeecooyin suuq la iibsan karo iyo macaashka. MrFC waa unug shidaal aan caadi ahayn oo adeegsanaya isku dhafka shidaalka iyo oxidaant, kaas oo si weyn u yareeya kakanaanta iyo qiimaha nidaamka unugyada shidaalka. MRFC is ideal for portable applications and is cheaper, lighter and more compact than traditional fuel cell technology.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) waa hormuudka soo saaraha basaska madax banaan ee caalamiga ah, oo bixiya xalal dhamaystiran oo gaadiidka dadweynaha hoos yimaada noocyada soo socda: NewFlyer® (bas culus), Alexander Dennis Limited (lakab-lakab ah iyo Double-decker baska), Plaxton (baabuurka rakaabka matoorka ah), MCI® (baabuurka rakaabka matoorka ah), ARBOC® (baabuurka rakaabka yar-yar iyo baabuurka rakaabka dhexdhexaadka ah) iyo NFI Parts™. NFI buses and coaches use the most extensive drive systems, including: clean diesel, natural gas, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles and zero-emission electric vehicles (trolleys, batteries and fuel cells). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. Intaas waxaa sii dheer, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa sanduuqyo gaar ah, faasas, matoorro loogu talagalay gawaarida iyo qalabka warshadaha, batariyada dib-u-soo-celinta ee lithaar-oON iyo qaybo kale oo la xiriira; industrial machinery; iyo injineernimada, qalabka elektarooniga ah iyo qalabka elektarooniga ah. electric car. Nissan is developing fuel cell technology, which can use plant ethanol to power cars.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) waa koox tignoolajiyada tamarta iyo deegaanka ah oo u heellan horumarinta, wax soo saarka iyo iibinta nidaamyada iyo alaabooyinka deegaanka saaxiibtinimo, hufan iyo tamarta hoose. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon has operations in Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom. Goobta ganacsiga ee Opcon Tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo waxay diiradda saartaa soo saarista tamarta kaarboon laba ogsaydh-ka xorta ah ee ku salaysan kulaylka wasakhda, dhirta tamarta kuleyliyaha noolaha, dhirta pellet, bayomass, dhoobada iyo nidaamyada gaaska dabiiciga ah, qaboojinta warshadaha, uumiga gaaska flue, iyo daaweynta gaaska flue. Nidaamka hawada ee unugga shidaalka.
Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQGS: PLUG) Plug Power is the architect of modern hydrogen and fuel cell technology, and an innovator who applies hydrogen and fuel cell technology from concepts to commercialization. Plug Power has revolutionized the material handling industry with its full-service GenKey solution, which aims to increase productivity, reduce operating costs and reduce carbon footprint in a reliable, cost-effective manner. The company's GenKey solution combines all the necessary elements to provide customers with power, fuel and services. With proven hydrogen and fuel cell products, Plug Power replaces lead-acid batteries to power electric industrial vehicles, such as forklifts used by customers in their distribution centers. Plug Power's modular engine engine-ka unugyada shidaalka ee ProGen Platform wuxuu kordhiyaa saamaynta uu ku leeyahay suuqa baabuurta korantada ee wadada, taasoo u sahlaysa OEM-yada iyo isku dhafka nidaamka inay si dhakhso ah u qaataan tignoolajiyada unugyada shidaalka hydrogen. Matoorada ProGen waxaa la caddeeyey inay bixiyaan kumanaan adeegyo oo ay taageeraan qaar ka mid ah hawlgallada ugu adag adduunka. Plug Power waa lammaane la aamini karo ee macaamiisha waxayna u riixi kartaa ganacsigooda mustaqbalka.
Praxair (NYSE: PX) waa shirkad Fortune 250 ah, waa shirkadda ugu weyn ee gaaska warshadaha ee Waqooyiga iyo Koonfurta Ameerika, waana mid ka mid ah shirkadaha gaaska warshadaha ee ugu weyn adduunka. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. For more than ten years, Praxair has been providing hydrogen fuel and related technical support to fuel cell developers and fleets across the country. Praxair's comprehensive hydrogen supply system allows your distribution center to take full advantage of the lower cost and higher productivity provided by hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, while leaving the hydrogen supply to experts.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . Waxay bixisaa moduleka unugyada shidaalka hydrogen kaas oo lagu dhex daray nidaamka kaydinta tamarta si loo abuuro nidaam isku-dhafan unug shidaal koronto ah si loo bixiyo koronto inta lagu jiro baahida ugu sarreysa. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Quantum waxay soo saartaa mid ka mid ah taangiyada kaydinta gaaska dabiiciga ah ee ugu casrisan, horumarsan, uguna fudud. Ka sokow nidaamyada taangiyada keydka gaaska dabiiciga ah ee dabiiciga ah, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa haamahaan kaydinta xamuulka iyo gawaarida gawaarida iyo sidoo kale qalabka wax lagu beddelo iyo kuwa wata ee xamuulka qaada. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum is headquartered in Lake Forest, California, with operations and branches in the United States, Canada and India.
SFC Energy Corporation (XETRA: F3C.DE; Frankfurt: F3C.F) waa koox ganacsi oo caalami ah oo hogaamineysa xalalka tamarta wareega iyo maamulka awooda warshadaha, difaaca iyo suuqyada macaamiisha, diiradda saaraya warshadaha saliida iyo gaaska. The company has sold thousands of fuel cells and has successfully established comprehensive commercialization and award-winning products worldwide. The group has also successfully developed, produced and distributed advanced power management components, such as converters and switch-mode power supplies, globally. Alaabooyinka waxaa si isa soo taraysa loo dhiibaa sidii xalal nidaam awoodeed oo ku salaysan shuruudaha macaamiisha. SFC has passed DIN ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Waaxda agabka baytariyada horumarsan waxay ku hawlan tahay ganacsiyaynta baytariyada lithium-ion iyo agabka unugyada shidaalka. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Ultralife Corp. (NasdaqGM: ULBI) waxay siisaa alaabooyin iyo adeegyo suuqa, laga bilaabo xalalka tamarta ilaa isgaarsiinta iyo nidaamyada elektiroonigga ah. Iyada oo loo marayo injineerkiisa iyo isgaarsiinta hababka xallinta dhibaatada, Ultralife waxay adeegyo siisaa dowladda, difaaca iyo macaamiisha ganacsiga adduunka oo dhan. The company is headquartered in Newark, New York, and its business units include batteries and energy products and communication systems. Ultralife has operations in North America, Europe and Asia. We have the ability to integrate batteries, charging solutions, and monitoring, and have established strong partnerships with wind, solar, fuel cell and power management companies to ensure that we can meet the needs of all markets with the right solutions.
United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX) provides high-tech systems and services for the rapidly growing aerospace and construction industries. Unugga shidaalka: Qaybtayada tamarta unugga shidaalka (FCPM) waxay awood u leedahay Navantia's S-80 Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) submarine ee Ciidanka Badda Isbaanishka. S-80 FCPM is qualified and has been put into production. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell energy system provides air-independent power for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). We are developing flexible, reasonably priced, simple and energy-intensive system solutions for underwater vehicles with a diameter of 21 inches and below. Waxaan leenahay tobanaan sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah naqshadeynta iyo soo saarista qalab la isku halleyn karo, waara oo badbaado leh oo u qalma badda hoosteeda.
Aboitiz Power Corporation (AP) (Philippines: AP.PH) is engaged in power generation, distribution and retail businesses in the Philippines through its subsidiaries. It operates through power generation, distribution, parent company and other departments. The power generation business involves generating and supplying electricity to various customers in accordance with power supply contracts and ancillary service purchase agreements, as well as trading in the wholesale power spot market. This department operates hydroelectric power plants, geothermal power plants and coal-fired power plants. The power distribution sector distributes and sells electricity to industrial, residential, commercial and other customers. Wasaaraddu waxay danaynaysaa sideed adeegyo korantada korantada oo awood u leh awoodda aagagga dhimirka ee qiyaastii 18 magaalo iyo degmooyin ku yaal Luzon, Vieyas iyo Mindanao. The parent company and other departments retail electricity to different offtakers; oo ay bixiyaan adeegyo la xidhiidha korontadda, sida rakibidda qalabka korontada.
Hay'adda AES Shirkadda (New York Square Sraftation: AES) waa Fortune 500 shirkad koronto oo caalami ah. Waxaan siinaa tamar la awoodi karo oo waara 14 waddan/gobollada iyada oo loo marayo ganacsi qaybin kala duwan iyo kulayl iyo tas-hiilaad koronto la cusboonaysiin karo. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) waa hogaamiye caalami ah xagga tamarta, gudbinta iyo kaabayaasha tareenada, oo dejinaya halbeegga hal-abuurka iyo teknoolojiyadda deegaanka u saaxiibka ah. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Geothermal: Waxaan ku jirnaa safka hore ee hal-abuurnimada geothermal, waxaanu haysanaa faylal ballaadhan oo tignoolajiyada qaan-gaadhka ah, waxaanan awoodnaa in aan abuurno xalal la habeeyey oo loogu talagalay codsiyada kuleyliyaha ee ugu adag.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal Xarumaha jiilka awooda ee Iceland. Alterra waxay leedahay saamiga 247 MW ee awooddan waxayna soo saartaa in ka badan 1,250 GWh oo tamar nadiif ah sannadkii. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; la filayo in uu hawl galo rubuci saddexaad ee 2016; Wax ka badara wuxuu leeyahay 51% saamiyada; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; Waxaa la filayaa in ay shaqeyso rubuc afraad ee sanadka 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX: BSR.V) is a mineral exploration and development company dedicated to advancing its 100% owned Cerro Blanco gold mine and Mita geothermal project in Guatemala. The economics of the Cerro Blanco project disclosed in the company's Cerro Blanco preliminary economic assessment (available on www.sedar.com) and Cerro Blanco's latest mineral resource estimates indicate that the project is robust and is expected to produce 952,000 ounces during the 9-year mine life Gold mine. Dahab iyo 3,141,000 wiqiyadood oo lacag ah. Qiyaasta kharashka raasumaalka bilowga ah ee PEA ee dhismaha iyo hawlgelinta ayaa lagu qiyaasay $170.8 milyan, iyo wadarta kharashka dayactirka lacagta caddaanka ah (oo lagu qeexay habraaca Golaha Dahabka Adduunka, laga jaray kharashka guud iyo maamulka shirkadda) waxaa lagu qiyaasay $490 halkii wiqiyadood oo dahab ah. produced.
Calpine Corporation (NYSE: CPN) is the largest producer of natural gas and geothermal resources in the United States. We have 82 power plants with nearly 27,000 MW in operation. We serve customers in 18 states and Canada, specializing in the development, construction, ownership and operation of natural gas and renewable geothermal power plants that use advanced technologies to generate electricity in a low-carbon and environmentally friendly manner. Maraakiibteena nadiifka ah, hufan, casriga ah iyo kuwa dabacsan waxay si gaar ah u taagan yihiin inay ka faa'iidaystaan isbeddellada muddada-dheer ee saameeya warshadeena. These trends include affordable clean natural gas supply, stricter environmental regulations, aging power generation infrastructure, and The increasing demand for dispatchable power plants. Successfully integrated intermittent renewable energy into the grid. We focus on the fiercely competitive electricity wholesale market and advocate market-oriented solutions to provide investors with non-discriminatory forward price signals
The Energy Development Company (Philippines :: EDC.PH) is a pioneer in the geothermal energy industry and has more than 30 years of mature business viability. Waxay gacan ka gaysatay in la helo habab cusub oo loogu talagalay horumarinta iyo ka ganacsiga tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee xarunta kheyraadka, iyadoon loo eegin goobta iyo xaaladaha. From exploration and production of water-based steam power generation to power generation for commercial purposes, we rely on highly skilled manpower and our own technology to establish some of the world's pioneering and most complex steam fields, which are quickly becoming industry benchmarks.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (oo hore u ahaan jirtay GDF Suez) waa bixiye tamar caalami ah iyo khabiir ku takhasusay saddex meelood oo muhiim ah oo ah adeegyada korontada, gaaska dabiiciga iyo tamarta. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. Ethie waxay leedahay awood soo saarta 115.3 Gw waana hadda soosaaraha awoodda ugu weyn ee awooda ugu weyn adduunka. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. Hydropower is undoubtedly the main energy source to be developed, but wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy are becoming more and more important in the energy structure.
Geodynamics Ltd. (ASX: GDY.AX) explores and develops geothermal energy in Australia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. It is committed to developing zero-emissions and generating renewable energy through enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). The company is interested in the Innamincka (EGS) project, located in approximately 2,300 square kilometers in the Cooper Basin, South Australia; two geothermal exploration permits in the Hunter Valley; iyo xaqa rajada ee bariga Tasmania. It is also interested in geothermal power projects on Savo Island in the Solomon Islands and Efate in Vanuatu.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) waa shirkad tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo kala duwan oo xarunteedu tahay Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. Kheyraadka tamarta ee caadiga ah ee Badweynta Baasifiga ayaa ah Rim.
HRL Holdings Ltd (ASX: HRL..AX) is engaged in the clean energy industry, exploring and developing its geothermal projects in Victoria, aiming to use the world's best practices to produce clean base load electricity. Two more geothermal exploration licenses (GEP 6 and 8) have recently been renewed for a period of 5 years. Qorshaha shaqada ee la soo jeediyay waxaa ka mid ah dib u soo celinta xogta 2D ee Seisical, oo dhameystirtay sahannada 3D ee Semissic, qodista iyo tijaabinta xawaaraha socodka qulqulka ee biyaha biyaha kulul ee biyaha kulul
Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ORA) is a global leader in the field of geothermal power plants. The company has nearly 50 years of experience in developing the latest environmentally friendly power solutions. Ormat is a vertically integrated company mainly engaged in geothermal and renewable energy power generation business. The company designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy power plants. Through effective maintenance and timely response to operational issues, the in-depth knowledge gained from these operations gives the company a competitive advantage. In addition to owning and operating geothermal power plants in the United States and other countries/regions, the company also designs, manufactures and sells power generation equipment and complete sets of power plants. Ormat wuxuu hadda hawlo ka wadaa Maraykanka, Guatemala iyo Kenya.
Petratherm Limited (ASX: PTR.AX) is committed to the exploration and development of commercially sustainable non-emissions geothermal energy projects. Petratherm Limited is a leading prospector and developer of geothermal energy in Adelaide. Shirkaddu waxay si firfircoon uga qaybqaadataa mashaariicda Australia, Spain iyo Shiinaha.
PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (Philippines: PERC.PH) focuses on upstream oil exploration and development. PERC waxay inta badan dakhli ka heshaa saddex goobood oo wax soo saar ah oo ku yaal Gabon, Galbeedka Afrika, waxayna noqotay shirkadda keliya ee Filibiin ee macaash ka hesha shirkad caalami ah. Iyaga oo ogaanaya fursada kala duwanaanshaha ganacsiga, PERC waxa ay dib u gelisay faa'iidada Gabon dhawr goobood oo saliid ah iyo mashruucyo tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo Filibiin ah. Geothermal
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Isticmaalka qaabeynta hantida iyo isbahaysiga istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka Powerverde waa in la horumariyo oo laga iibiyo nidaamyada korantada ee loo qaybiyey iyada oo awood u leh wax ka yar 500kw oo ay gaaraan heerka hogaaminta warshadaha. Soo saar ilo koronto oo la isku halayn karo, kharash-ku-ool ah, iyo qiiq la'aan ah oo loo isticmaali karo gudaha goobta ama codsiyada microgrid. Tignoolajiyada PowerVerde ee ORC waxa kale oo lagu dari karaa kulaylka dhulka, bayoolajiga iyo qoraxda.
Raya Group (ASX: RYG.AX) is a geothermal exploration and development company engaged in a series of projects in Australia and internationally. Raya waxay xarunteedu tahay Melbourne, Victoria, iyada oo mashaariic laga sameeyay Koonfurta Australia, Indonesia iyo Maraykanka. Shirkadda ka hor waxay ahayd Panax Geothermal Co., Ltd.
Shirkadda American Geothermal (NYSE MKT: HTM, TSX: GTH.TO) waa hormuudka faa'iidada leh ee shirkad tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo oo u heellan horumarinta, wax soo saarka iyo iibinta koronto-soo-saarka dhulka. Shirkadda ayaa hadda ka shaqeysa mashaariicda awooda deberaamayaasha ee Nort ilo kulul, Oregon; San Emidio, Nevada; and Raft River, Idaho, with a total power generation capacity of approximately 45 megawatts. The company is also developing projects in Geysers, California; the second phase of the project in San Emidio, Nevada; the El Ceibillo project near Guatemala City, Guatemala; iyo Crescent Valley, Nevada. The growth strategy of US geothermal is to achieve 200 MW of power generation by 2020 through a combination of internal development and strategic acquisitions
Advanced Metallurgical Group (Euronext Netherlands: AMG) is a global key materials company that is at the forefront of carbon dioxide reduction trends. Amg waxay soo saartaa biraha takhasuska ah ee injineerku aad u sarreysay iyo alaabada macdanta, waxayna bixiyaan nidaamyo foorno oo furan oo laxiriira. AMG's key materials produce aluminum master alloys and powders, titanium alloys and coatings, ferrovanadium, natural graphite, chromium metal, antimony, tantalum, niobium and silicon metal. AMG Engineering designs, engineers and produces advanced vacuum furnace systems, and operates vacuum heat treatment equipment, mainly used in the transportation and energy industries. AMG operates globally, with production facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Czech Republic, the United States, China, Mexico, Brazil and Sri Lanka, and sales and customer service offices in Russia and Japan.
Alabama Graphite Company (TSX: CSPG.V) is a Canadian-based flake graphite exploration and development company and an ambitious battery material production and technology company. Shirkaddu waxay ku samaysaa ganacsi iyada oo loo marayo shirkad ay iska leedahay Alabama Graphite Company Inc. (shirkad ka diiwaan gashan Alabama). Iyadoo horumarinta mashaariicda garaafyada flake ee Maraykanka, Alabama Graphite Corp waxay ku talo jirtaa inay noqoto shirkad Maraykan ah oo muddo dheer la isku halayn karo. Iibiyaha alaabada garaafka sare ee nadiifka ah ee gaarka ah, koox khibrad leh ayaa hogaamineysa shirkada leh in ka badan 100 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah oo ku saabsan macdanta graphite, processing graphite, alaabada garaafka gaarka ah iyo codsiyada, iyo iibinta garaafyada. Alabama Graphite Company is committed to exploration and Development. The development of the flagship Coosa graphite project in Coosa County, Alabama, the development of the Bama mine project in Chilton County, Alabama, and the research and development of battery material proprietary manufacturing and technical processing technology, Alaba Ma Graphite holds 100% interest in xuquuqda macdanta labada mashruuc ee garaafyada US ee ku yaal dhulka gaarka ah. Mashruucu wuxuu daboolayaa dhul ka badan 43,000 acres wuxuuna ku yaalaa xukun juqraafi ahaan xasiloon oo si fudud loo heli karo. There are a large number of historical flakes in the flake graphite belt in central Alabama (also known as the Alabama graphite belt) History of graphite production (source: US Bureau of Mines). A large part of the deposits in Alabama are characterized by graphite-containing materials that are oxidized and weathered into extremely soft rock. Both projects have proper infrastructure and are close to major highways, railroads, electricity and water, and are approximately three hours away from the Port of Mobile, Alabama Port Authority's deep sea port and the ninth largest port (via Truck or train). Dekadaha tiro badan oo ku yaala Maraykanka (Isha: US Army Corps of Engineers/USACE). Alabama's pleasant climate allows year-round mining operations, and the world's largest marble quarry (Sylacauga, Alabama, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) is less than a 30-minute drive from the Coosa Graphite Project.
Archer Exploration Company (ASX: AXE.AX) is a prospector of graphite, magnesite, manganese, copper, gold and uranium, dedicated to discovering world-class deposits. The company has carefully acquired a portfolio of more than 10,500 square kilometers of projects in the highly promising Gawler Craton and Adelaide Fold Belt areas of South Australia. Dhammaan mashaariicda 100% waxaa iska leh shirkadda.
CKR Carbon Corp (TSX: CKR.V) (oo hore u ahaan jirtay Caribou King Resources) waxaa ka go'an inay soo saarto garaaf dabiici ah oo tayo sare leh oo ku haboon baytariyada lithium-ion iyo foil garaafyada. We only choose projects with low capital and short time to market.
China Carbon Graphite Group Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHGI) has become a pioneer in manufacturing and distributing graphite products such as electrodes, bipolar plates, precision machined graphite parts/assemblies and graphene-related products in China through its subsidiary Royal Elite New Energy . Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Royal Elite). The company has established a wide customer base in Europe, America and Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. Badeecadahayadu waxay ku jiraan baahida sare ee birta, birta, biraha aan birta ahayn, photovoltaic, kaydinta tamarta, fiber indhaha, semiconductor iyo warshadaha kiimikada.
Eagle Graphite Incorporated (TSX: EGA.V; OTC: APMFF; FSE: NJGP;) waa shirkad Ontario ah oo leh mid ka mid ah laba xarumood oo wax soo saarka garaafiga dabiiciga ah ee Waqooyiga Ameerika, oo ku yaal 35 galbeedka Nelson, British Columbia Kiiloomitir, 70 kilometers north of Washington State, USA, is known as the Black Crystal Graphite Quarry.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) waa shirkad shati u haysata inay ka faa’iidaysato baahida badeecadaha soo socda: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nikkel iyo copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. Tani waxay abuurtaa fursad gaar ah oo lagu maal-gashiiyo oo lagu helo royalties macdanta iyo mashaariicda bixin doona agabka loo baahan yahay kacaanka awoodda. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. There are 6 combinations of royalties. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). Qorshaha boqortooyadii Royats Qorshayaasha ayaa inta badan diiradda saaraya helitaanka boqornimada ee marxaladaha horumarsan iyo mashaariicda hawlgallada si loo dhiso boodhadhka maalgashiga badan ee khatarta jameecadaha hoose.
ELCORA ADVANCED MATERIALS CORP. (TSX: ERA.V; OTCQB: ECORF) waxaa la aasaasay 2011 waxayna hadda u samaysay shirkad garaafeed toos ah oo isku dhafan oo miinada, socodsiisa oo nadiifisa garaafka, soona saarta codsiyada graphene iyo isticmaalaha dhamaadka. . As part of the vertical integration strategy, Elcora is interested in the operation of its Ragedara mine, which has begun production in Sri Lanka, to obtain high-grade graphite and graphene precursor graphite. Elcora has developed a unique low-cost and high-efficiency method to produce commercially scalable high-quality graphite and graphene. This combination means that Elcora has the tools and resources to vertically integrate graphite and graphene.
Energizer Resources Inc. (TSX: EGZ.TO) waa shirkad sahaminta macdanta iyo horumarinta macdanta ah oo ku taal Toronto, Canada. The company is developing its 100% owned flagship Molo graphite project in southern Madagascar and in the feasibility study stage.
Gartida (Nasdaqgs: ENGG) waa bixiye hogaamineed oo ah alaabooyin kala duwan oo loo isticmaalo nadiifinta, ilaalinta iyo gaadiidka agabyada muhiimka ah ee loo adeegsado howsha iyo wax soosaarka semicontucters iyo warshadaha kale ee farsamada. Entegris has passed ISO 9001 certification and has manufacturing, customer service and/or research facilities in the United States, China, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Graphite: Poco Graphite-Entegris; Qalabka POCO waxaa loo isticmaalaa codsiyo iyo warshado badan oo kala duwan. POCO products are produced for the following major markets: semiconductors and general industrial products, biomedicine, glass industrial products and electrical discharge machining (EDM). As a manufacturer of high-tech materials, POCO provides excellent customer support, including specific application information, design capabilities, processing and material testing.
Global Lithium Ion Graphite Company (CSE: LION) waxay rabta inay noqoto alaab-qeybiyaha ugu weyn ee garaafyada ee warshadaha batariyada lithium ion sida degdega ah u koraya - oo ay ku jiraan Tesla's warshad weyn oo Gigafactory ah oo ku taal Nevada iyo dhirta kale ee la qorsheeyay in lagu furo adduunka oo dhan.
Globe Metals & Mining (ASX: GBE.AX) is engaged in the investment, exploration and development of mineral resources in Australia and Africa. The company focuses on the development of its Kanyika niobium project in Malawi. Waxa kale oo ay sahamisaa tantalum, graphite, fluorite iyo curiyayaasha dhulka naadirka ah.
Goa Carbon Company (BSE: GOACARBON.BO) is a manufacturer and seller of calcined petroleum coke in India. Shirkaddu waxay siisaa alaabooyinka alwaaxyada aluminiumka, graphite electrode iyo soosaarayaasha titanium dioxide, iyo isticmaalayaasha kale ee warshadaha macdanta iyo kiimikada. The company's calcining plant with an annual capacity of 75,000 tons is located in southern Goa, 40 kilometers from Mormugao Port. The company has two other factories in Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh and Paradeep in Orissa.
Graphite Energy Corp. (CSE: GRE) waxay leedahay tignoolajiyada macdanta ugu dambaysay ee deegaanka u wanaagsan. We are mining graphite, which should be the next green energy in the future. Our mine is located in Quebec, Canada, and has historically been a natural resource of graphite. With the growing demand for graphite in some of the most prominent and cutting-edge industries, such as solar cells and lithium batteries in electric vehicles and robotics, we have updated our technology to meet future demands.
Graphite India Ltd. (NSE: GRAPHITE.NS) manufactures and sells graphite electrodes and carbon and graphite specialty products in India and internationally. The company's business scope includes: graphite and carbon, steel and other fields. Waxay siisaa electrodes graphite ee soo saarista birta iyo biraha kale ee aan birta ahayn iyada oo loo marayo foornooyinka korantada iyo dariiqyada foornada, iyo sida isticmaalka loogu talagalay samaynta qulqulo waaweyn oo cadaadis hooseeya inta lagu jiro dhalaalidda iyo / ama alloying. Shirkaddu waxay kaloo bixisaa ulo iyo baloogyo, ulo yaryar, tuubooyinka garaafyada, tuubooyinka kulaylka, garaafyada caaryada leh, garaafyada qaabaysan ee isostatically, kaarboonka iyo qaybaha mishiinnada garaafka, garaafka kaarboonka / lebenka, iyo walxaha kaarboon-carbon-ka kooban / biriiga Foomka graphite extruded. Suitable for optical discs in steel, non-ferrous metals, metallurgy, solar energy, semiconductors, chemistry, glass, quartz and machinery and other processing industries. In addition, it also provides calcined petroleum coke, carbon electrode paste, graphite particles and fine materials, as well as carbon-containing materials used in the aluminum, steel, iron alloy and casting industries. In addition, the company also provides impermeable graphite heat exchangers, including condensers, coolers, heaters, reboilers, evaporators, exchangers, and graphite towers for distillation, absorption and washing, ejector systems and centrifugals Pump; HCl gas generation unit for HCl synthesis and drying, as well as H2SO4 / HCl concentration and acid dilution cooling unit; bursting disc, thermowell, pipes and pipe fittings. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa tuubooyinka caagga ah ee la xoojiyay ee fiber-ka ah (GRP); joints, such as GRP couplings, laminated joints, flanges, etc.; Iyo xusullada, mucmeerka, yareynta, kala-bixiyeyaasha, tuubbada sadex pass iyo wixii la mid ah. In addition, the company also provides high-speed, alloy tools and powder metallurgy steel for cutting tools. It is also involved in power generation and sales to the Karnataka power grid through the Hydel Power Plant
Shirkad weyn oo haro ah oo haro ah Waaxda hal-abuurka shirkadda ayaa saxeexday heshiis muddo dheer ah adeegsiga tas-hiilaadka milifyada ee Matheson iyo bixinta tayada sawir-qaadka dabiiciga ah ee tayo sare leh. Tani waxay ka dhigeysaa harooyinka waaweyn ee soosaaraha gudaha ee soo-saaraha gudaha iyo alaab-qeybiyeyaasha miraha micro leh, iyagoo u adeegaya saldhigga macaamiisha ee gobolka ee koraya halkaasoo qiimahoodu kaco.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) waxaa la aasaasay bishii Agoosto 2016 iyada oo loo marayo isku darka Tasman Metals Ltd iyo Flinders Resources Ltd. Guddiga maamulka labada shirkadood waxay aqoonsadeen isku-dhafka shirkadaha iyo dakhliga ka helay isku-dhafka shirkadda. laba shirkadood. Kooxdu waxay diiradda saartay alaabta ceeriin ee muhiimka ah. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); agabka loogu talagalay wax soo saarka kuleyliyaha sare ee waxtarka leh (graphite, silica, nepheline); and materials that can improve energy generation efficiency ( dy, neodymium, ha). Walaxda hogaanka u ah Edge waxay ku jirtaa booska ugu fiican si ay door muhiim ah uga ciyaaraan sahayda joogtada ah ee tignoolajiyada iyo agabka tamarta muhiimka ah
Macdanta Lincoln copper, lead, zinc and silver , Nickel cobalt, uranium and gold projects in the same province.
Lithex Resources Ltd. (ASX: LTX.AX) waa shirkad sahaminta hadda ka go'an in ay furto awoodda kheyraadka gobollada garaafka qaniga ku ah Australia. The newly acquired graphite deposits are among the best in a series of Lithex projects, and the company is now focusing on graphite exploration in Australia. Diirada dareenka degdega ah waa sahaminta mashruuca garaafyada Munglinup ee koonfurta Galbeedka Australia, iyo horumarinta mashruuca graphite Plumbago ee dhinaca waqooyi ee dhuumaha cusub ayaa sidoo kale socda mustaqbalka dhow.
Makino Milling Machine (Tokyo: 6135.T) is a Japanese manufacturing company. The company and its subsidiaries are engaged in the manufacture, sale and maintenance of industrial machinery. The company provides vertical machining center, horizontal machining center, 5-axis machining center, 5-axis vertical machining center, graphite milling machine, numerical control (NC) electric discharge machine, wire electric discharge machine, computer-aided design (CAD)/ Nidaamka wax-soo-saarka ku-caawinta-kumbuyuutarka (CAM) iyo kuwa kale
Mason Sahanka Inc. (TSX: LLG.V; OTC: mphhf) waa shirkad macdan qodista Kanada oo u heellan sahaminta iyo horumarka ee 100% waxay leeyihiin Lac Guéret Sahaminta Sahaminta dabiiciga ah ee Waqooyi-bari. The company is led by an experienced team with more than fifty years of experience in graphite production, sales and research and development.
Mersen SA (Paris: MRN.PA) waa khabiir caalami ah oo ku takhasusay qalabka korontada iyo garaafyada. Mersen has designed innovative solutions to meet the specific needs of customers, allowing them to optimize their manufacturing processes in the energy, transportation, electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical and processing industries.
Khayraadka Meteoric NL (ASX: MEI.AX) waa baarayaal macdan oo kala duwan oo leh dheeman, dahab, naxaas, dahab iyo khayraad bir ah Australia iyo macdanta graphite ee Spain. Out of interest in graphite as a high-tech and potentially high-value commodity, Meteoric has applied for an investigation permit covering old graphite mines and occurrence locations in a graphite mining area in Huelva, SW Huelva, southwestern Spain.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. Shirkaddu waxay sahamisaa dhulalka dhifka ah ee culus, kobalt, naxaas, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nikkel, karboonayt iyo biraha dahabka, iyo sidoo kale walxaha kooxda platinum. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. Kala-duwanaanshahani wuxuu siinayaa shirkadaha dabacsanaan weyn si ay u beegsadaan alaabada kor u qaada qiimaha saamilayda.
National Graphite Corporation (OTC: NGRC) waa shirkad marxaladda sahaminta ka hesha, sahamisa oo horumarisa macdanta gudaha Maraykanka. Shirkaddu waxay sahaminaysaa dahabka, qalinka, graphite iyo macdano kale. Waxay xiisaynaysaa hantida Silver Strike Silver oo daboolaysa qiyaastii 1,363 acres oo ku taal Candelaria. Shirkadda waxaa hore loogu yiqiin Lucky Boy Silver Corporation.
Hay'adda Kaarboon ee Japan (Tokyo: 5302.t) waa shirkad Japan ah oo inta badan ku hawlan wax soo saarka iyo iibka alaabada kaarboon. The carbon department is engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of carbon products, including artificial graphite electrodes, impermeable graphite, isotropic high-purity graphite, graphite products for equipment, general-purpose carbon fibers and graphite fibers, lithium ion battery anode materials and others.
NMDC LTD. (BSE: NMDC.BO) waxay hoos timaadaa maamulka maamulka Waaxda Birta iyo Birta ee Dowladda Hindiya. Since its establishment, it has been engaged in the exploration of various minerals, including iron ore, copper, phosphate rock, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, bentonite, magnesite, diamond, tin, tungsten, graphite, beach sand, etc. NMDC is the largest single iron ore producer in India.
Northern Graphite Corporation (TSX: NGC.V) is a graphite development and battery technology company whose Bissett Creek deposit is located in eastern Canada. Bissett Creek has a natural competitive advantage in the field of lithium-ion batteries because it has a high percentage of battery-grade materials, high yields for converting mineral concentrates into anode materials, and original, highly ordered crystal structure, thereby reducing the cost of purification And higher capacity batteries. Shirkaddu waxay isticmaashaa teknooloojiyada lahaanshaha, dahaarka deegaanka waara iyo sifaynta si ay uga faa'iidaysato faa'iidooyinkan si ay u soo saarto wax ka wanaagsan, agabka anode-ka jaban oo ay u bedesho dhaqamada waxyeelada leh ee hadda lagu isticmaalo wax soo saarkeeda.
Nouveau Monde Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: NOU.V) owns the Matawini graphite project, in which the company has delineated the indicated category of graphite resource estimates totaling 48.6 Mt, grade 3.97% Cg, grade 34.7 Mt, grade It is 4.08% . Infer Cg ee qaybta. The project is located in the Saint-Michel-des-Saints area, about 130 kilometers north of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It can directly use all the required infrastructure, labor, green environmental protection and affordable hydropower. Nouveau Monde is developing projects with the highest corporate social responsibility standards and the lowest environmental footprint (for net zero carbon emissions operations).
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) waa mid ka mid ah soosaarayaasha hormuudka ka ah alaabooyinka kaarboon-ku-salaysan. Badeecadayada dhamaystiran waxay u dhaxaysaa kaarboonka iyo alaabta graphite ilaa fiber carbon iyo walxaha isku dhafan. We are committed to creating innovative solutions and value for our customers.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) waxay si caalami ah uga shaqaysaa sidii shirkad kiimiko ah waxayna hadda ka shaqeysaa lix qaybood oo suuqa ah. The Carbon Division provides graphite electrodes for electric steelmaking furnaces. These electrodes are essential for steel recycling. Electrodes graphite Showa Denko waxaa aad u amaanay macaamiisha aduunka oo dhan, oo ay ku jirto Japan. Qaybtu waxay siisaa badeecooyin heersare ah oo loogu talagalay suuqyada horumarsan, iyadoo la horumarinayo lana iibinayo wax soo saarka mugga kobaca dhaqaalaha soo koraya.
Sinosteel Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 000928.SZ), formerly known as Sinosteel Jilin Carbon Co., Ltd., is a company headquartered in China, mainly engaged in the production and sales of carbon products. Alaabada ugu muhiimsan ee shirkadu waxaa ka mid ah graphite electrodes, carbon blocks, koollada elektiroonigga ah iyo alaabada fiber-carbon.
Stratmin Global Resources plc (LSE: STGR.L) is a large-scale flake graphite production and exploration company listed in London, focusing on Madagascar. Hantida waxaa ka mid ah laba ruqsad-yar oo muddada-dheer ah: Loharano iyo antSirabe
Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) waa shirkad kheyraad Australian ah oo leh faylal sahaminta kala duwan ee Koonfur-bari Afrika. The Balama graphite and vanadium project is Syrah's top priority, and it has progressed rapidly from exploration to completion of feasibility studies.
Tobon Kelai Kuuriya CO. (Korea: 064760.KQ) waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa oo iibiya silicon wafers iyo waxyaabo semiconductor ah oo ku yaal Kuuriya. Shirkaddu waxay bixisaa alaabada wafer silikoon, sida graphite-nadiifinta sare leh ee loo isticmaalo sawir gacmeedka silikoon iyo qaybaha qalabka farsamaynta semiconductor; iyo alaabta dahaarka ah ee SiC, kuwaas oo loo isticmaali karo si ay u koraan qaybaha silicon monocrystalline, waayo semiconductor faafin iyo LP-CVD Qaybaha waxaa loo isticmaalaa epitaxy iyo susceptors CVD, ee kuleyliyaha semiconductor iyo qaybo for CZ crystal jiidaya. It also provides a variety of semiconductor materials, including SiC wafers for various applications, including diffusion, LP-CVD, sputtering, virtual wafers for etching, etc.; and for EPI light-emitting diodes, laser diodes and pedestals Wafer carrier. In addition, the company also provides carbon and carbon composite materials, which can be used as components for crystal pullers, furnace structural parts, heaters, etc.; glassy carbon products, used for wafer holders, heat reflectors, bases, guide rings , Plasma etching electrodes, crucibles, etc.; silicon cathode electrodes are used as cathodes and gas injection parts in the etching process. Graphite composition
TYK Corporation (Tokyo: 5363.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in the production and sales of refractory materials. Together with its subsidiaries and associated companies, the company operates in three business divisions, the refractory materials division, the advanced materials division and other divisions. Waaxda Walaxda Hormarsan waxay ku hawlan tahay soo saarista iyo iibinta lebennada refractory, canteens amorphous, ceramics cusub iyo leben ka celin kulaylka, iyo iibinta graphite crucibles iyo graphite flakes.
Valterra Resource Corp. (TSX: VQA.V) is a Manex resource group company. The group provides expertise in exploration, management and corporate development services for Valterra Minerals in British Columbia and Ontario. Valterra waxay diiradda saartaa guryaha hore ee meelaha leh kaabayaasha sare waxayna awood u leedahay inay dejiso dhigaal badan. Dhowrkii sano ee la soo dhaafay, Valterra waxa ay heshay oo ay sahamisay dhawr mashruuc oo muhiim ah, oo ay ku jiraan Swift Katie iyo Bobcaygeon mine graphite, kuwaas oo ku yaal meel u dhow waddooyinka Kanada, tareenada, tamarta iyo bulshooyinka kheyraadka.
Zen Graphene Solutions (TSX: ZEN.V) is an emerging graphene technology company dedicated to developing a unique Albany graphite project. This precursor graphene material provides the company with a competitive advantage in the potential graphene market, because independent laboratories in Japan, the United Kingdom, Israel, the United States and Canada have proven that ZEN's Albany Graphite / Naturally PureTM can be easily used in a variety Dariiqooyinka u beddelka dhulka (exfoliation) ee graphene oo loo beddelo graphene. Simple mechanical and chemical methods.
Zimtu Capital Corp. (TSX: ZC.V) is a public investment issuer dedicated to investing in, creating and developing natural resource companies, thereby providing shareholders with a way to indirectly participate in the process of public company construction and profit from it. Shirkadda ayaa sidoo kale bixisa jiil mashruuc macdanta iyo adeegyo latalin si looga caawiyo shirkadda inay xiriir la yeeshaan xiriirro leh guryaha danaynaya. Graphite: GTA Resources and Mining Inc. is a resource exploration company with three high-quality Canadian projects: North Shore, Ivanhoe and Oden.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. ACCIONA Construction waxay isticmaashaa tignoolajiyada ugu dambeysay si ay u fuliso mashaariicda. Waxay safka hore kaga jirtaa garoonka R+D+ iyo mid ka mid ah shirkadaha ugu horreeya xagga dhismaha. ACCIONA Construction covers the entire construction range, from engineering design to engineering performance and subsequent maintenance, as well as the management of public engineering concessions, especially in the fields of transportation and social infrastructure.
Alumasc Group plc (LSE: ALU.L) waa iibiyaha tayada dhismaha iyo alaabta injineernimada saxda ah gudaha UK. Inta badan ganacsiga kooxdu wuxuu ku yaalaa aagga alaabta dhismaha ee waara, taasoo u sahlaysa macaamiisha inay maareeyaan isticmaalka tamarta iyo biyaha deegaanka la dhisay. We believe that during the entire construction cycle, the growth rate of these industries will exceed the UK industry average.
Shirkadda Caalamiga ah ee Changan (OTC: CAON) waa shirkad marxalad horumarineed oo ku hawlan dib u warshadaynta qashinka iyo dib u isticmaalka ganacsiga Jamhuuriyadda Dadka Shiinaha. It also produces construction materials from waste. Shirkaddu waxay isticmaashaa agabka SF (isku-dhafka caagagga qashinka ah iyo dambaska dhuxusha) si ay u horumariyaan una soo saaraan alaabooyinka. Khadkeeda wax soo saarka waxaa ka mid ah darbiyada derbiyada iyo daboolka dibadda ee dhismaha. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
Conforce International, Inc. (OTC: CFRI) waxay horumarisaa oo iibisaa nidaamyada sagxadaha sagxadaha ee Kanada. It provides EKO-FLOR flooring system to replace outdated hardwood flooring in the container, trailer and cruise industries.
Crown ElectroKinetics (OTC: CRKN) waa hogaamiyaha caalamiga ah ee DynamicTint-waxaanu samaynaa muraayadaada Smarter™. Our technology was originally invented by Hewlett-Packard (HP, Inc.), which allows any glass surface to switch between transparent and dark in a few seconds. DynamicTint™ waxay u ogolaataa daaqadda inay ka gudubto daah-furnaanta una guurto madow. Through a wide range of windows including commercial buildings, automobile skylights and residential skylights, Crown cooperates with leading glass and film manufacturers for mass production and distribution. The core of Crown's technology is a film driven by charged pigments. The film can not only replace ordinary curtain shades, but also a more sustainable alternative to traditional curtains.
Dynamic Ventures Corp (OTC: DYNV) develops and sells efficient construction solutions for residential and commercial buildings. Shirkaddu waxay bixisa furaha furaha kaas oo awood u siinaya shirkadda in ay naqshadayso, soo saarto oo rakibto dhismayaal LEED oo dhamaystiran.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) waxay bixisaa lahaanshaha, xal tamarta furaha kuwaas oo smart, bangiyada iyo waara. Inta badan alaabada tamarta iyo xalka ayaa la fulin karaa isla markiiba meeshii looga baahdo. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. Marka lagu daro taageerada dhaqameed ee shabakadaha korantada ee la aasaasay, EHT sidoo kale waa mid aad u fiican marka aysan jirin koronto koronto. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
SG Blocks (OTC: SGBXQ) is the leading innovator of freight containers designed with codes in commercial and private environments. SG Blocks provides solutions for some of the world's largest companies and government agencies. Waxay bixisaa tignoolajiyada dhismaha weelka kharash-ku-ool ah oo ka sarreeya shuruudaha xeerar dhismo oo badan. We work with architects, developers, builders and commercial customers to help them use code-designed shipping containers to build incredibly safe, strong and green structures. We work closely with our partners to find the right packaging box for each project's needs, and then use our unique experience and expertise to expand each packaging box to the exact specifications.
SustainCo Inc. (TSXV: SMS.V) conducts business through its wholly-owned subsidiary VCI CONTROLS Inc. (“VCI”), and is a leading supplier and integrator of proptech's healthy building solutions and services. The company is an industry leader in the development of intelligent building technology, including the use of the latest communication technologies and standards to integrate all building systems. Ganacsiga VCI wuxuu diiradda saaraa xakamaynta dhijitaalka ah iyo adeegyada farsamada, la socodka waxqabadka iyo xalalka waxtarka tamarta. SustainCo waxay xarunteedu tahay Toronto, waxayna xafiisyo ku leedahay Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa iyo Vaughan, Canada.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) waxay soo saartaa oo ka shaqeysaa alaabooyin kiimiko oo kala duwan gudaha Hindiya. The company operates through sectors such as chemicals, wind energy business, electricity and theater exhibitions. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); erection procurement and commissioning services; operation and maintenance services; general infrastructure services; and WTG site development services. Qaybta korantadu waxay abuurtaa awood. The theater exhibition department operates and manages integrated cinemas and cinemas. Gujarat Fluorochemical Co., Ltd. is also engaged in real estate and real estate development activities; iyo sahaminta miinooyinka fluorite-ka. GFL has been at the forefront of introducing the concept of carbon credits into India. GFL's CDM project is the first in the world to seek registration from the CDM Executive Committee (United Nations Framework for Climate Change). GFL waa cayaaryahanka CDM ugu weyn Hindiya iyo shanta ugu sareysa adduunka. Iyada oo la adeegsanayo hirgelinta mashruucan, GFL waxay muhiimad weyn siinaysaa horumar waara iyo mas'uuliyadda bulsho ee shirkadda.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) develops and sells wind farms, manages wind assets, and produces Green Power® for sale to utilities and companies. Hirgelinta furaha mashaariicda tamarta dabaysha laga bilaabo fikradda ilaa hawlgelinta. Xalka maareynta hantida tamarta dabaysha ee hantida rakiban, oo ay ku jiraan hawlgalada, qaansheegadka, iyo ururinta dakhliga macaamiisha mashruuca. Provide GreenPower® to customers. CER (carbon credit) sales and trading.
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, mainly operates as an energy company in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products to optimize the operation of the energy grid. The company also transmits electricity; oo u qaybiya korontada iyo gaaska dabiiciga macaamiisha deegaanka, ganacsiga iyo warshadaha, oo ay maalgashadaan mashaariicda tamarta qoraxda, oo ay fuliso hufnaanta tamarta iyo baahida qorshooyinka. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Badeecadayada wax soo saarka ee aad u tartan badan waxay isku daraysaa tamarta tafaariiqda iyo alaabada kale, sida dammaanad qaadkayaga qiimaha ugu fiican, tamarta qoraxda lagu farsameeyo, nalalka hufan iyo adeegyada la socodka tamarta, kuwaas oo dhamaantood ah guul dalka oo dhan ah waxay ka caawin kartaa macaamiisheena inay ka gudbaan qiimaha sii kordhaya ee electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Ku taxan liiska isweydaarsiga saamiyada Ibex-35, kaas oo ah bartilmaameedka suuqa. ACCIONA is positioned as a pioneer in development and sustainable development, demonstrating its ability to meet the challenges of sustainable development in all business areas. Ballanqaad gaar ah oo ACCIONA ah waa in ay si tartiib tartiib ah u yareyso raadkeeda cimilada oo ay u horseeddo u gudubka dhaqaalaha kaarboon-yar.
AECOM Technology Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: ACM) waa hormuud, si buuxda isku dhafan shirkad adeegyada tignoolajiyada xirfadeed taas oo naqshadaysa, dhista, maalgelinta iyo ka shaqeeya hantida caalamiga ah hantida dadweynaha iyo kuwa gaarka ah macaamiisha. AECOM has nearly 100,000 employees-including architects, engineers, designers, planners, scientists, and management and construction service professionals-providing services to customers in more than 150 countries/regions around the world. Dakhliga ka yimaada diiwaanka wararka injineerka dhexdooda, Adecom waxaa lagu qiimeeyay shirkadda naqshadeynta ugu horeeya ee caasinimada caalamiga ah. Annual industry ranking, and was named “the world's most admired company” by “Fortune” magazine. The company is a leader in all key markets it serves, including transportation, facilities, environment, energy, oil and gas, water, high-rise buildings, and government. AECOM waxay isku daraysaa saamaynta caalamiga ah, aqoonta maxalliga ah, hal-abuurka iyo tignoolajiyada sare si ay u bixiso xalal habaysan oo cusub oo buuxiya baahiyaha mashaariicda macaamiisha.
AltaGas Ltd. (TSX: ALA.TO) waa shirkad kaabayaasha tamarta ah oo diiradda saaraysa gaaska dabiiciga ah, korontada iyo yutiilitida nidaamsan. AltaGas waxay abuurtaa qiime iyadoo horumarinaysa oo wanaajinaysa kaabayaasha tamarta (oo ay ku jirto diiradda tamarta nadiifka ah).
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) waa bixiye madax-banaan oo hormuud u ah bixiya adeegyo dhamaystiran, hufnaanta tamarta, hagaajinta kaabayaasha, joogtaynta hantida iyo xalalka tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee shirkadaha iyo ururada Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Yurub. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
American Electric Power Company (NYSE: AEP) is one of the largest power companies in the United States, providing electricity to 5.4 million users in 11 states. AEP is one of the largest power producers in the United States, with nearly 32,000 megawatts of power generation capacity in the United States. AEP sidoo kale waxay leedahay nidaamka ugu weyn ee gudbinta awoodda ee Mareykanka, kaas oo ah koridka in kabadan 40 miles, oo ay kujirto awood badan oo ka badan 765 KV UHV khadadka gudbinta. Wadarta dhammaan hababka kale ee gudbinta ee Maraykanka. Nidaamka gudbinta ee AEP ayaa si toos ah iyo si dadbanba u daboola ilaa 10% baahida koronto ee shabakada isku xidhka bariga, kaas oo ka kooban 38 gobol oo bari iyo badhtamaha Maraykanka ah iyo bariga Kanada, halka baahida koronto ee ERCOT ay tahay 11%. Daboolaya inta badan Texas. Qaybaha tasiilaadka ee AEP waxaa ka mid ah AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (oo ku yaal Virginia iyo West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (oo ku taal Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Oklahoma Company Service Public Company, iyo Southwest Electric Company (Arkansas). , Louisiana and Eastern Texas). AEP waxay xarunteedu tahay Columbus, Ohio.
CEMEX, SAB de CV (NYSE: CX) waa shirkad caalami ah oo qalabka dhismaha ah oo siisa alaabo tayo leh iyo adeegyo la isku halayn karo macaamiisha iyo bulshooyinka ku nool in ka badan 50 waddan oo adduunka ah. CEMEX waxaa ka go'an in ay horumariso xalal warshadeed hal-abuur leh iyo hagaajinta hufnaanta, iyo kor u qaadida mustaqbal waara, sidaa darteed waxa ay leedahay taariikh dheer oo lagu hagaajinayo wanaagga kuwa ay u adeegto.
Exelon Corp. (NYSE: EXC) is a leading competitive energy provider in the United States. Exelon is headquartered in Chicago and has operations in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. Exelon waa mid ka mid ah koronto-dhaliyeyaasha ugu weyn ee Maraykanka, oo leh in ka badan 32,000 MW oo awooddeeda ah, taas oo ka dhigaysa mid ka mid ah kuwa ugu nadiifsan uguna jaban maraakiibta tamarta ee Maraykanka. The company's Constellation business unit provides energy products and services to more than 2.5 million residential, public and commercial customers, including two-thirds of Fortune 100 companies. Exelon's utilities provide electricity and natural gas (BGE) to 7.8 million customers in central Maryland, northern Illinois (ComEd) and southeastern Pennsylvania (PECO).
Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) waa injineer caalami ah iyo shirkad dhisme oo naqshadaysa oo dhista qaar ka mid ah mashaariicda ugu adag adduunka. Shirkaddu waxay siisaa macaamiisha xalal cusub oo isku dhafan oo ku saabsan injineernimada, soo iibsiga, wax soo saarka, dhismaha, dayactirka iyo maareynta mashruuca oo heer caalami ah. In ka badan qarni, Fluor waxa ay u adeegaysay macaamiisha dhinacyada tamarta, kiimikada, dawladda, warshadaha, kaabayaasha, macdanta iyo suuqyada tamarta. Headquartered in Irvine, Texas, Fluor is ranked 136th on the Fortune 500 list.
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (New York Stock Exchange: JEC) waxay siisaa adeegyo farsamo, xirfadeed iyo dhismo macaamiisha kala duwan ee warshadaha, ganacsiga iyo dawladda. Adeegyada Mashruuca Waa ay bixisaa injineerrin, naqshadeeye, qaab dhismeedka, naqshada gudaha, qorshaynta, deegaanka iyo adeegyada kale; iyo sidoo kale habka, adeegyada la-talinta sayniska iyo nidaamka, oo ay ku jiraan imtixaannada sayniska, falanqaynta iyo hawlaha la-talinta, tignoolajiyada macluumaadka, iyo hawlaha injineernimada iyo isdhexgalka. Adeegga Jacobs (Jacobs) waa mid ka mid ah bixiyeyaasha ugu weyn adduunka ugu weyn uguna ballaaran ee khibradda iyo adeegyada dhismaha.
KBR, Inc. (NYSE: KBR) waa tignoolajiyada caalamiga ah, injineernimada, soo iibsiga iyo shirkad dhisme oo u adeegta hydrocarbon iyo warshadaha adeegga dawladda. It has approximately 25,000 employees in 70 countries/regions and customers in three different Global business, operating in 40 countries/regions: technology and consulting, including know-how in refining, ethylene, ammonia and fertilizer, and gasification; providing niche consulting and expertise through subsidiaries Granherne, Energo and GVA; engineering and Construction, including offshore oil and natural gas; saliidda badda iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah; LNG/GTL; refined; petrochemical products; chemicals; differentiated EPC and industrial services; government services, including plan management and long-term annuity contracts. KBR waxay si sharaf leh ula shaqeysaa macaamiisha caalamiga ah si ay u bixiso tignoolajiyada, adeegyada la-talinta ee qiimaha leh, gaarsiinta EPC ee isku dhafan iyo adeegyada warshadaha muddada-dheer si loo hubiyo bixinta mashruuc joogto ah iyo natiijooyin la saadaalin karo. In KBR, we provide.
Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation (NYSE: MIC) owns, operates and invests in a diversified infrastructure business, and provides basic services to customers in the United States. Its business includes bulk liquid terminal business, international material storage tank terminal business, airport service business, Atlantic Airways, natural gas processing and distribution business, Hawaiian Gas, and multiple entities including contract energy and energy business. MIC waxaa maamusha shirkad la wada leeyahay oo Macquarie Group ah.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with a generating capacity of approximately 44,900 MW, including MW related to non-controlling interests in NextEra Energy Partners, LP (NEP), and in 27 The state and Canada had ku dhawaad 13,800 shaqaale ah ilaa dhamaadka 2014. NextEraEnergy waxay xarunteedu tahay Juneau Beach, Florida. Its main subsidiary is Florida Power & Light Company, which serves approximately 4.8 million customers in Florida and is one of the largest price-controlled power companies in the United States, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities are the world's largest wind and solar renewable energy generators. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) ayaa hogaaminaysa isbeddelka ku jihaysan macmiilka ee warshadaha tamarta ee Maraykanka iyadoo bixisa tamar nadiif ah oo ka caqli badan isla markaana ku dhisaysa faylalka ugu wayn uguna kala duwan ee badeecadaha awooda tartanka ee Maraykanka. Shirkadda Fortune 200 ahaan, waxaan ku abuureynaa qiimo iyada oo la isku halayn karo oo hufan koronto, iyadoo kor loo qaadayo hal-abuurka tamarta qoraxda iyo tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo, nidaamka deegaanka baabuurta korantada, tignoolajiyada qabashada kaarboonka iyo xalalka tamarta macaamiisha udub dhexaad u ah. Iibiyahayaga tafaariiqda korantada wuxuu u adeegaa in ka badan 3 milyan oo macaamiisha deegaanka iyo ganacsiga ah ee dalka oo dhan.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) provides professional technical engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sector clients in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets. NV5 focuses on five business areas: building quality assurance, infrastructure, engineering and support services, energy, program management and environmental solutions. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay 42 goobood oo ku yaal Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington iyo Wyoming. Office, headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) waa bixiye hormuud u ah adeegyada iyo tignoolajiyada tamarta ee shirkadaha korontada iyo macaamiishooda warshadaha, hay'adaha iyo ganacsiga. PowerSecure waxa ay bixisa badeecooyin iyo adeegyo dhinacyada Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tamarta qoraxda, hufnaanta tamarta, iyo kaabayaasha tamarta. Shirkaddu waa hormuudka horumarinta nidaamyada korantada ee IDG® oo leh hawlo horumarsan oo xariif ah, oo ay ku jiraan awoodaha soo socda: 1) Saadaali baahida tamarta oo geyso nidaamka si elektaroonig ah si ay u bixiso awood hufan oo deegaan ahaan u wanaagsan saacadaha ugu sarreeya; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (oo loo yaqaan ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) waxay bixisaa qorshaynta, injineernimada, naqshadaha, naqshadaynta gudaha, naqshadaynta muuqaalka, sahanka, sayniska deegaanka ee kaabayaasha iyo mashaariicda gudaha Kanada, Maraykanka, Kanada, Maraykanka, Kanada, Maraykanka, the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; adeegyada wax soo saarka guddiga xakamaynta; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; iyo adeegyada summada, iyo sidoo kale horumarinta, nakhshadeynta, rakibidda iyo dayactirka daacadnimada ee nidaamyada dhuumaha saliidda iyo gaaska iyo xarumaha saldhigyada. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxa ay sidoo kale bixisaa adeegyada xirfadeed ee ecology, soo celinta deegaanka, khayraadka biyaha iyo taageero sharci macaamiisha dadweynaha iyo kuwa gaarka ah ee beeraha korontada, gaadiidka, tamarta iyo khayraadka, iyo sidoo kale adeegyada maamulka khayraadka dhaqanka iyo ilaalinta taariikhiga ah.
Hay'adda AES Shirkadda (New York Square Sraftation: AES) waa Fortune 500 shirkad koronto oo caalami ah. Waxaan siinaa tamar la awoodi karo oo waara 14 waddan/gobollada iyada oo loo marayo ganacsi qaybin kala duwan iyo kulayl iyo tas-hiilaad koronto la cusboonaysiin karo. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
Alcoa (NYSE: AA) Alcoa is a global leader in light metal technology, engineering and manufacturing, and its innovative multi-material solutions can improve our world. Our technology can improve transportation from automobiles and commercial transportation to aerospace, and improve industrial and consumer electronics. We support smart buildings, sustainable food and beverage packaging, high-performance defense vehicles across the air, land and sea, deeper oil and gas drilling, and more efficient power generation. Waxaan hormuud ka ahayn warshadaha aluminium 125 sano ka hor. Maanta, in kabadan 60,000 oo shaqaale ah oo 30 milyan oo wadan ah / gobol ayaa bixiya badeecooyin qiimahoodu ka samaysan yahay itanium, nikkel iyo aluminiumka, iyo aluminite-ka koowaad, aluminina iyo alaabada ceyriinka ah. Aluminum products. Sustainable development, product sustainable development
Alexco Resource Corp. (TSX: AXR.TO; NYSE MKT: AXU) owns almost all of the shares in the Keno Hill silver mine in Yukon, Canada, including the Bellekeno silver mine, Flame & Moth, Lucky Queen, Bermingham and Onek deposits iyo ilaha kale ee taariikhiga ah iyo dhulka. Alexco adopts a unique business model, and through its wholly-owned environmental service department, Alexco Environmental Group, provides government and industry customers with mine-related environmental services, restoration technologies, and reclamation and mine closure services.
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. ALLM owns 50% of Carbolosic, LLC, and has exclusive rights in North America (including Canada, the United States and Mexico) and Africa. Carbolosic waxay leedahay shati caalami ah oo gaar ah oo loogu talagalay farsamada farsamada/tignoolajiyada kiimikada "CTS™" ee ay soo saartay Jaamacadda Bartamaha Florida. Tiknoolajiyada CTS waxay awood u leedahay inay soo saarto sonkor, kiimikooyin kala duwan oo wanaagsan, balaastiig, fiber carbon iyo alaabooyin kale oo qiimo leh oo laga helo ku dhawaad walxo kasta oo geedo ah, alwaax ama alaab waraaqo ah, baakadaha miraha ama qashinka noolaha.
Alter NRG (TSX: NRG.TO) provides alternative energy solutions to meet the growing demand for environmentally responsible and economically viable energy in the world market. Hadafka ugu weyn ee Alter NRG waa in la sii ganacsiyeeyo Westinghouse Plasma tignoolajiyada gaaska iyada oo loo marayo shirkad ay iska leedahay oo dhan si ay u bixiso xalal tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo nadiif ah oo laga helo noocyo kala duwan oo ceeriin ah oo ay bixiso tamar kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan dareerayaasha sida ethanol iyo naaftada. Fuel, electricity and syngas
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal Xarumaha jiilka awooda ee Iceland. Alterra waxay leedahay saamiga 247 MW ee awooddan waxayna soo saartaa in ka badan 1,250 GWh oo tamar nadiif ah sannadkii. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; la filayo in uu hawl galo rubuci saddexaad ee 2016; Wax ka badara wuxuu leeyahay 51% saamiyada; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; Waxaa la filayaa in ay shaqeyso rubuc afraad ee sanadka 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) waa bixiye madax-banaan oo hormuud u ah bixiya adeegyo dhamaystiran, hufnaanta tamarta, hagaajinta kaabayaasha, joogtaynta hantida iyo xalalka tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee shirkadaha iyo ururada Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Yurub. Ameresco's sustainability services include the upgrade of facility energy infrastructure and the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) waa shirkad waxsoosaar la cusboonaysiin karo oo dhamaystiran oo u heellan inay gaadho koboc waara oo loogu talagalay noocyada hormuudka ka ah adduunka. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. The company will offer its No Compromise(R) products in specialized markets, including specialty and high-performance chemicals, fragrance ingredients and cosmetic emollients. Amayyris waxay iskaashi la sameysay wadarta si loo horumariyo dib loo cusbooneysiin karo naaftada iyo shidaalka diyaaradda, oo ujeedadeedu tahay inay noqoto shidaalka gaadiidka ugu fiican. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Its energy density, engine performance and storage performance are comparable to the best petroleum fuels.
Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (NYSE: ADM) For more than a century, the people of Archer Daniels Midland Corporation have transformed crops into products that meet the urgent needs of the growing world. Maanta, waxaan noqonay mid ka mid ah warshadeeyayaasha ugu waaweyn adduunka iyo soo-saareyaasha cuntada, in ka badan 33,000 oo shaqaale ah, oo u adeega macaamiisha in ka badan 140 waddan/gobollada. Our global value chain includes more than 460 crop sourcing locations, 300 ingredient production facilities, 40 innovation centers and the world's premier crop transportation network. Waxaan isku xiraa goosashada qoysaska waxaana soo saara cunto, quudinta xoolaha, kiimikooyinka iyo Alaabooyinka isticmaalka tamarta.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Iyada oo la adeegsanayo dhammaystirka tamarta nukliyeerka iyo tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, kooxda Areva waxay gacan ka geysataa sameynta moodalka tamarta berri: si ay u siiso tirada ugu badan ee dadka leh badbaado, tamar kaarboon ogsaydh yar. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage.
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. With the integrated aspenONE solution, process manufacturers can implement best practices to optimize their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. Natiijo ahaan, macaamiisha AspenTech waxay si fiican u kordhin karaan awoodda wax soo saarka, kordhinta faa'iidada, yaraynta kharashyada iyo hagaajinta waxtarka tamarta.
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) waxay leedahay oo maamushaa tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo gaaska dabiiciga ah, korontada, xadhkaha gudbinta iyo hantida biyaha ee Waqooyiga Ameerika, Koonfurta Ameerika, Spain, Algeria iyo Koonfur Afrika. Laga bilaabo Diisambar 31, 2017, shirkaddu waxay lahayd 22 hanti, oo ay ku jiraan 1,446 megawatts (MW) hantida tamarta tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, oo ay ku jiraan dhirta tamarta qorraxda iyo dabaysha; 300 MW hantida tamarta gaaska dabiiciga ah, kaas oo isticmaali kara gaaska dabiiciga ah si uu u dhaliyo koronto iyo uumi; 1,099 miles of power transmission lines; and a desalination plant with a total daily production capacity of 10.5 million cubic feet.
BacTech Environmental Corporation (CSE: BAC; OTC Pink: BCCEF) We are changing the way we clean the environment. Iyada oo la kaashanayo xarkahayaga, waxaan u keenay macno fikradda ah "birta cagaaran" ee dib u warshadeynta birta inta aan hagaajinayo jawiga ku xeeran hawsha. BacTech is promoting the use of its proprietary bioleaching treatment technology to treat the tailings produced in the long-established arsenopyrite concentrate and tailings. Ponce Enriquez (Ponce Enriquez) ee koonfurta Ecuador. BacTech has agreed to participate as a technology partner in a group that hopes to reprocess arsenic stocks in Snow Lake, Manitoba.
Berkeley Energia Ltd (ASX: BKY.AX) clean energy company, engaged in the exploration, evaluation and development of Spanish uranium assets. Waxay diiradda saartaa horumarinta mashruuceeda calanka Salamanca, oo ay ku jiraan Retortillo, Alameda, Zona 7 iyo Gambuta, iyo sidoo kale kaydka dayax-gacmeedka ee galbeedka Spain. The company's predecessor was Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. and was renamed Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. in November 2015.
Beeraha xalka dalaga (Nyse: Biox) waa bixiye isku dhafan oo isku dhafan oo ah teknolojiyada wax soo saarka ee dalagga ee loogu talagalay in lagu kala sooco kala-guurka beeraha si dhexdhexaad ah. To this end, Bioceres' solutions provide farmers and other stakeholders with economic incentives to adopt more environmentally friendly production methods. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay madal bayotechnoolajiyadeed oo gaar ah oo leh tignoolajiyada rukhsad sare leh ee abuurka iyo agabka beeraha ee microbial, iyo sidoo kale jiilka xiga ee nafaqada iyo xalalka ilaalinta. Through the HB4® program, the company will bring digital solutions to support the decision-making of growers and provide end-to-end traceability of production output.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) is a technology service company dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions to improve the environment. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Bion Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: BNET)'s madal tignoolajiyada patented waxay bixisaa daaweyn dhamaystiran oo kharash-ool ah oo qashinka xoolaha ah waxayna ka soo ceshataa hantida qiimaha leh ee qulqulka qashinka, oo ay ku jiraan tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, nafaqooyinka iyo biyo nadiif ah. Bion's technology can save a lot of cost and improve efficiency in two industries: water treatment and dairy/livestock production.
BODISEN BIOTECH (LSE: BODI.L; OTC: BBCZ) waxay ku hawlan tahay horumarinta, wax soo saarka iyo iibinta bacriminta organic, bacrimiyeyaasha dareeraha ah, cayayaanka iyo cayayaanka ee Jamhuuriyadda Dadka Shiinaha, waxayna soo saartay in ka badan 60 khadadka alaabta. The company produces its product line, then sells and sells it to distributors, who then sell its products to farmers. Marka laga soo tago shaqada wax-soo-saarka, iibinta iyo suuq-geynta, shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale sameysaa cilmi-baaris iyo horumarin si loo sii wanaajiyo badeecadaha jira loona horumariyo qaabab cusub iyo alaabooyin cusub.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) waa soo saare koronto oo ganacsigiisa udub dhexaad u yahay horumarinta iyo hawlgalka xarumaha tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo. Boralex waxay leedahay qiyaastii 250 shaqaale ah waxayna caan ku tahay khibradeeda iyo khibradeeda hodanka ah ee afarta nooc ee korontada: dabaysha, biyaha, kulaylka iyo qoraxda. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
Braskem SA (New York Stock Exchange: BAK; SAO: BRKM5.SA) and its subsidiaries produce and sell thermoplastic resins together. Qaybta polyolefin ee shirkadu waxay soo saartaa polyetylen, oo ay ku jiraan LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, UHMWPE iyo EVA. polyetylen cagaaran oo laga helo ilaha la cusboonaysiin karo; and polypropylene (PP). The segmet products can be used in various applications, such as plastic films for food and industrial packaging; bottles, shopping bags and other consumer goods containers; automotive parts; and household appliances. The company's US and European branches produce PP in the US and Germany. Its chemical distribution department distributes solvents, including aliphatic, aromatic, synthetic and eco-friendly solvents; engineering plastic hydrocarbon solvents and isoparaffins; and general chemicals such as processing oils, chemical intermediates, mixtures, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceuticals And Santubong. Braskem SA also imports and exports chemicals, petrochemical products and fuels. Soo saarida, keenida iyo iibinta adeegyada, sida biyaha iyo gaasta warshadaha; iyo bixinta adeegyada warshadaha.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) waxay ka shaqeysaa mid ka mid ah aaladaha tamarta saafiga ah ee la cusboonaysiin karo ee ugu weyn adduunka. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders.
CALCITECH LTD (OTC: CLKTF) develops and commercializes synthetic calcium carbonate (SCC) in Europe. Waxay SCC ka soo saartaa lime-ka wasakhda ah iyo kaarboon laba ogsaydh oo wasakhowga hawada ah. SCC is a white pigment that can be used in a variety of industrial applications, including paper, polymers, paint, food and pharmaceuticals. The company provides three SCC products for the paper industry, including CalciLS, which aims to maximize light scattering; CalciSG, kaas oo ujeedadiisu tahay inuu bixiyo dahaar dhalaalaya oo daabacan iyo warqad qoraal ah oo horumarsan; and CalciRG, which is a performance enhancement for the gravure printing market. additive. It also offers CalciSP, a non-paper product for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries; and CalciRC, which targets polymer applications such as plastics, sealants, rubber and adhesives.
Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (OTC: CVAT) is an innovative leader in the treatment of liquids, fluid mixtures, emulsions and suspended solids. The company focuses on the actual implementation of internal innovations and breakthroughs, and sees its main task as meeting the current and future needs of major industries. CTi was established in 2007 to design and manufacture the most advanced, flow-through, robust, hydrodynamic cavitation-based equipment and systems. Shirkadda waxay horumarineysaa teknolojiyadda wax ku oolka ah ee lagu sameeyo tikniyoolajiyadda saliida la cuni karo, soo saarista saliida ee algae iyo soosaarka shidaalka ee la cusbooneysiin karo, kor u qaadista cabitaanka aalkolada, daaweynta khamriga, daaweynta biyaha iyo casriga ee batroolka. Shirkadda waxaa ka go'an inay ka shaqeyso hab mas'uuliyad leh si loo wanaajiyo saameynta ay ku leedahay deegaanka waana tan ugu horreysa ee la qaadayo tikniyoolajiyadda si loo badbaadiyo loona ilaaliyo ilaha dabiiciga ah. Shirkaddu waxay ganacsi ku sameysay nidaamka 'patent-ka' As a complement to the existing neutralization system, the company's patented NanoReactor® enables refineries to significantly reduce processing costs, increase production and improve oil quality. The Desmet Ballestra Group, a leading global solution provider for the edible oil, grease and biodiesel industry, has partnered with CTi to promote this breakthrough technology globally and to large factories.
CECO Environmental Corp. (NasdaqGS: CECE) is the world's leading environmental, energy and fluid processing technology company. Iyada oo loo marayo magacyadeeda caanka ah, CECO waxay bixisaa badeecooyin iyo adeegyo kala duwan oo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan dampers iyo weeciyeyaasha, tignoolajiyada duufaanka, oksaydhiyeyaasha kulaylka, nidaamyada sifaynta, xoqida, qalabka daaweynta dareeraha, iyo adeegyada injineernimada warshadaha iyo naqshadaynta injineernimada iyo dhismaha. Alaabooyinkani waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan caawinta shirkadaha inay ka soo baxaan heerarka wax soo saarka ee adag, buuxinta baahida warshadeed ee sii kordheysa iyo xeerarka adag ee xakamaynta qiiqa aduunka. CECO serves the widest range of markets and industries worldwide, including power, municipal, chemical, industrial manufacturing, oil refining, petrochemical, metals, minerals and mining, hospitals and universities. CECO is committed to building long-term shareholder value by bringing its unique technology, product portfolio and superior operational advantages into strategic key growth markets around the world, while maintaining the highest level of employee development, project execution and safety leadership.
Tiknoolajiyada deegaanka ee Qorraxda ee qarniga. Hldg. (Hong Kong 0509.HK) conduct business in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China. The company operates in four areas: ecological fertilizer business, magnesium alloy business, metallurgical flux business and financial service business. Its subsidiaries include Baishan Tianan Magnesium Resources Co., Ltd., Guangshi Group Co., Ltd., CapitaLand Investment Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine (Jiangxi) Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., Century Sunshine (Nanping) Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. and Century Sunshine (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., etc.
CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: YES.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., located in Mississauga, Ontario, produces a proprietary activated carbon-like material (SulfaCHAR) that can be used to remove hydrogen sulfide (mainly rich in Methane gas) and foul hawada).
China Agricultural Trade Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHBU) is engaged in the production and sale of non-toxic fertilizers, fungicides and fungicides for agriculture in the People's Republic of China. Shirkaddu waxay bixisaa alaabada codsiga beeraha biochemical, oo ay ku jiraan Xinsheng Lvyuan, taxane bacriminta kiimikada inta badan loo isticmaalo si loo kordhiyo wax soo saarka beeraha; Xinsheng Lufeng, taxane ah oo wax ka beddelka ciidda organic sida fungicide ah; iyo Xinsheng Huang-jin-gai, line wax soo saarka bacriminta amino acid, Alaabta Tani waxaa loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo dalagyada nuugaan calcium iyo hagaajinta tayada. It also provides a new type of humic acid fertilizer product series “New Life Homeland”, which aims to improve the quality of crops; Xinsheng Baile, an amino acid fertilizer product line, which aims to provide supplementary micronutrients for crops and help crops to balance Vegetative growth. In addition, the company also produces other agrochemical products, including difensulfuron, pretilachlor, seed coatings and preparations. China Agricultural Trading Co., Ltd. mainly sells its products through wholesale and retail distributors.
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) produces and distributes humic acid-based compound fertilizers through its wholly-owned subsidiary, namely: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinong”). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gufeng”) and the variable equity entity Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuxing”). Laga bilaabo Diseembar 31, 2014, Jinong waxay soo saartay oo iibisay 120 bacrimin ah oo kala duwan, kuwaas oo dhammaantood ay siisay dawladda Jamhuuriyadda Dadka ee Shiinaha ("Shiinaha") qalabka wax soo saarka cuntada cagaaran, sida lagu qeexay "Cuntada Cagaaran ee Shiinaha ” . F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.
China Water Affairs Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0855.HK; OTC: CWAFF) maintains its current leading position in China's integrated water service market through investment, acquisition, merger and expansion of existing facilities. Shiinaha, mashaariicda isku dhafka ah ee kooxda ayaa daboolaya sahayda biyaha ceyriinka ah, bixinta biyaha qasabada, daaweynta bulaacada, dhismaha shabakada tuubooyinka biyaha, rakibida mitirka biyaha ee lagu daray ganacsiga iyo mashaariicda ilaha biyaha.
CLICK CLECK Technolojiyada International (TSX: CBLU.V) waxaa la aasaasay iyadoo lagu saleynayo aragtida ah in la bixiyo wax nadiif ah oo nadiif ah oo maareyn karo ". The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig sidoo kale waa shirkadda kaliya ee korontada ee Latin America ee lagu daro Global Dow Index. Emig wuxuu ka sarreeyaa seddexaad oo ka mid ah matoorrada ugu weyn ee Brazil, iyo shirkadiisa ka mid ah ee ay leedahay, oo ay ku shaqeeyaan dhirta korantada ee 65, sedex waa dhirta korantada kuleylka, saddexna waa dhirta korantada dabaysha. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.
Shirkadda Tamarta Cusboonaysiinta ee Isku-darka (OTC: CWNR) waxay bixisaa xalka tikniyoolajiyadda tamarta cusboonaysiinta ee heerka caalamiga ah. Waxay bixisaa xalka tamarta ee tamarta leh ee loo yaqaan 'Earker' ee loogu talagalay barnaamijyada nalalka bannaanka ee bannaanka, oo ay ku jiraan gawaarida la dhigto iyo nalalka waddooyinka, nalalka daadadka, nalalka taraafikada, nalalka nalalka, nalalka nalka. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay iibisaa WePOWER marawaxadaha dabaysha ee dhidibka toosan, oo ay ku jiraan marawaxadaha dabaysha ee ka baxa guryaha, ganacsiga, warshadaha iyo codsiyada dawladda; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; and Skystream commercial lighting systems. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) is the world's largest edible and inedible bio-nutrient sustainable natural ingredients developer and manufacturer, providing a wide range of ingredients and specialty products, feed, and feed for pharmaceutical, food, and pet food customers. Tignoolajiyada, shidaalka, tamarta noolaha iyo warshadaha bacriminta. The company operates on five continents, collecting and converting all aspects of the animal by-product stream into widely used special ingredients such as gelatin, edible fat, feed grade fat, animal protein and meal, plasma, pet food ingredients, organic fertilizer, yellow Grease, fuel raw materials, green energy, natural casings and leather. The company also recycles waste cooking oil and commercial baking residues and converts them into valuable feed and fuel components. In addition, the company provides grease trap services for food service organizations, environmental services for food processors, and sales of edible oil delivery and collection equipment for restaurants.
Donaldson Company Inc. (NYSE: DCI) is a leading global supplier of filtration systems and replacement parts. Laga soo bilaabo 1915, waxaanu si joogto ah u wanaajinay oo aanu isticmaalnay tignoolajiyadayada cusub, xidhiidhada macaamiisha xooggan iyo saamaynta juquraafiyeed ee baaxadda leh si aan u daboolno baahiyaha isbeddelka ee macaamiisheena.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Ganacsiyadayada ganacsi iyo kuwa caalamiga ah waxay leeyihiin oo ku shaqeeyaan hanti koronto oo kala duwan Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Latin America, oo ay ku jiraan faylalka hantida tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company
Dundee Sustainable Technologies Co., Ltd. (CSE: DST) waxaa ka go'an inay horumariso tignoolajiyada deegaanka u saaxiibka ah, iyada oo u adeegsanaysa habaynta agabka warshadaha macdanta, iyo ka ganacsiyaynta. Through the development of a patented proprietary process, DST extracts precious metals and base metals from mineralized materials, concentrates and tailings, while stabilizing pollutants such as arsenic. Due to metallurgical issues or environmental considerations, conventional processes cannot extract or Stabilize these impurities. DST has applied for, issued and obtained patents for these processes in some countries.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Shirkaddu waxay aaminsan tahay in iyada oo la kaashanaysa macaamiisha, dawladaha, ururada aan dawliga ahayn iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha fikirka, waxaan ku caawin karnaa xal u helida caqabadaha caalamiga ah, sida bixinta cunto caafimaad oo ku filan dadka aduunka oo dhan, yaraynta ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka iyo ilaalinta nolosha deegaanka. Waxaa naga go'an inaan horumarino xalal cusub oo dhaqaale ahaan macquul ah anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada kala duwan si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta caalamiga ah. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) is a leading manufacturer of patented and proprietary solutions for environments where understanding of the presence, movement and/or volume of water is important. The main market areas include: agriculture, golf and turf, scientific research, civil engineering and crude oil production. ESI solutions have been successfully introduced in more than 40 countries/regions to enable customers to optimize operations by monitoring the presence and flow of water, managing irrigation systems, and monitoring the integrity of landfill sites. Qalabka shirkadda FloPoint™ waxaa loogu talagalay warshadaha batroolka si loo cabbiro mugga biyaha la shubo inta lagu jiro soo saarista saliidda cayriin si loo asteeyo loona wanaajiyo habka. ESI way kala saartaa iyada oo u beddesha tignoolajiyada ugu fiican ee la heli karo xalal wax ku ool ah oo si fudud loo isticmaali karo. Irrigation managers, reservoir engineers and scientists have adopted ESI products because of their accuracy, ease of use, repeatability and ability to operate in harsh environments.
Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc. (CNSX: EAC) waxay rabta inay noqoto ciyaaryahan weyn suuqa xalalka warshadaha waara ee caalamiga ah. The company cooperates with the latest innovations of microbial technology companies to formulate and apply for patented innovative products. Once these products are specifically used for environmentally harmful chemicals and additives, they can meet the toughest industrial challenges. The company is committed to 1) dust control in the mining industry and 2) environmental sustainability in the agricultural industry.
eCobalt Solutions Inc. (TSX: ECS.TO) waa shirkad si fiican loo yaqaan Toronto Stock Exchange shirkad ay ka go'an tahay in ay bixiso ammaan, wax soo saarka mas'uul ka ah, anshax iyo deegaanka saaxiibtinimo leh cusbada kobalt heerka batari, taas oo muhiim u ah koritaanka degdegga ah beerta rechargeable batteries and renewable energy is vital and transparent in the United States.
Xallinta Ecolocap Inc. (OTC: Ecos) waa shirkad isku dhafan deegaanno isku dhafan oo adeegsada nanotechnology-ga si loo horumariyo badeecadaha kale ee tamarta. Badeecadayada iyo adeegayada faylalka waxaa ka mid ah tignoolajiyada cusub ee soo socda: M-Fuel, shidaal emulsified oo loogu talagalay saliidda shidaalka culus, kaas oo waxqabadkiisa iyo qiiqiisa uu ka sarreeyo dhammaan shidaalka caadiga ah.
Ecoloclean Industries, Inc. (OTC: ECCI) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and sell machines for treating sewage through a process called electrocoagulation. It designs and manufactures portable electrocoagulation devices for groundwater purification; daaweynta biyo raaci; drinking water; sewage treatment; cooling towers; radioisotope removal; pretreatment of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and photocatalysis; Biyaha la soo ceshaday Dib-u-isticmaalka waxay keenaysaa dheecaan eber ah; metal recycling; ilaalinta tayada biyaha ee saamaynta leh; and industrial wastewater. Shirkaddu waxay siisaa badeecooyin iyo adeegyo sahaminta batroolka caalamiga ah, Batroolka, kiimikooyinka, gaadiidka, sifaynta iyo warshadaha caanaha.
ECOLOGIX Resources Group (OTC: EXRG) waa shirkad kheyraad dabiici ah oo u heellan jarista iyo iibinta alwaaxda. Shirkaddu waxay ku hawlan tahay gurashada dhammaan noocyada alwaaxyada adag. It also involves the production of alternative energy solutions, such as ethanol and biodiesel.
Ecology iyo Environment, Inc. and exceed customer expectations.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) is a technology development and intellectual property licensing company dedicated to developing environmental solutions for the global water, energy and industrial markets. Waxaan ka caawinnaa warshadaha inay kordhiyaan wax soo saarka, yareynta qarashka, oo ka ilaaliyaa deegaanka tikniyoolajiyad u gaar ah oo ah tekpube ™, kaas oo ku siinaya fursado shati bixinno gaar ah iyo mid aan gaar ahayn oo ka mid ah warshadaha oo dhan. wide range of industries and applications everywhere. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Canada also eliminated millions of gallons of liquid chemicals and generated more than 70 million Canadian dollars in revenue from equipment sales, service, and licensing. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale si guul leh u soo saartay ku dhawaad 50 mashiinnada Ozonix® oo ay geysay noocyo kala duwan oo saliid ah oo hawo-biyoodyo ah oo burbursan oo saliidda ka sameysan oo ku baahsan Mareykanka iyo Kanada.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Waxaan ganacsi ku yeelnaa suuqyada caalamiga ah oo aan sii wadno inaan ballaarinno ganacsigeenna gobollada cusub, oo ka go'an joogtaynta booska hogaaminta suuq kasta iyo abuurista qiimo loogu talagalay daneeyayaasha iyo saamilayda. EDPR's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) waa shirkad shati u haysata inay ka faa’iidaysato baahida badeecadaha soo socda: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nikkel iyo copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. Tani waxay abuurtaa fursad gaar ah oo lagu maal-gashiiyo oo lagu helo royalties macdanta iyo mashaariicda bixin doona agabka loo baahan yahay kacaanka awoodda. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. There are 6 combinations of royalties. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). Qorshaha boqortooyadii Royats Qorshayaasha ayaa inta badan diiradda saaraya helitaanka boqornimada ee marxaladaha horumarsan iyo mashaariicda hawlgallada si loo dhiso boodhadhka maalgashiga badan ee khatarta jameecadaha hoose.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. Waxa kale oo ay siisaa awood sare oo loogu talagalay macaamiisha elektiroonigga ah, warshadaha iyo codsiyada gaadiidka. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) waxay bixisaa lahaanshaha, xal tamarta furaha kuwaas oo smart, bangiyada iyo waara. Inta badan alaabada tamarta iyo xalka ayaa la fulin karaa isla markiiba meeshii looga baahdo. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. Marka lagu daro taageerada dhaqameed ee shabakadaha korantada ee la aasaasay, EHT sidoo kale waa mid aad u fiican marka aysan jirin koronto koronto. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) is a CleanTech company located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Waxay samaysay oo soo saartay kala-soocida Voraxial®, kaas oo la odhan karo waa kan ugu waxtarka badan, ugu awoodda badan, iyo kala-soocida mugga weyn ee adduunka dareeraha iyo tignoolajiyada kala goynta dareeraha / adag. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. Codsiyada waxaa ka mid ah laakiin aan ku xaddidnayn: nadiifinta daadinta saliidda, u beddelashada qashinka tamar, kala soocidda biyaha badda iyo badda, biyaha dillaaca, biyaha roobka, nadiifinta biyaha wasakhda ah iyo shidaal noole. Suuqa kala-goynta waxaa ku jira qaybo badan oo doollar suuqyo badan oo doolar ah, oo daboolaya warshado badan iyo codsiyo adduunka oo dhan. Nidaamka kala-goynta Volaxial® ee EVTN wuxuu dhameystiray mashaariic leh shirkadaha badan ee shirkadaha ugu sareeya adduunka
Shirkadda Xakamaynta Deegaanka (OTC: EVCC) waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa qalabka xakamaynta qiiqa ee matoorada gubashada gudaha ee yaryar. The company provides catalytic mufflers that are used to reduce emissions from spark-ignition engines, including personal transportation equipment, off-road recreational vehicles, personal boats, and water pumps. Its catalytic muffler is also used in rotary lawn mowers, rear-engine lawn mowers, front-engine lawn tractors, garden tractors, walk-behind rotary tillers, snow plows, commercial turf mid-mounted walk-behind rotary lawn machines, Commercial turf riding turbulators, gasoline-powered chain saws, gasoline-powered hand-held blowers, gasoline-powered knapsack blowers, gasoline-powered trimmers/brush cutters, and gasoline-powered hedge trimmers. The company focuses on the North American market for original engine manufacturers.
Bixiyaha xallinta qalabka ee Kaabayaasha Deegaanka (OTC: EIHC) waxay siisaa alaabooyin, adeegyo iyo xalal injineernimo u wanaagsan deegaanka iyada oo loo marayo shirkaddeeda Equisol, LLC. It designs, manufactures and sells equipment systems, including water treatment systems; sells equipment systems and spare parts as well as basic maintenance, repair and operation components; provides optimization, calibration, installation and maintenance services; and provides environmental engineering and consulting services. It primarily provides services to refineries, power plants, engineering companies, and manufacturing facilities, and primarily supports US commercial, municipal, and government agencies.
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (OTC: EXPI) is the holding company of many companies, the most famous of which is eXp Realty LLC, which is a Cloud Brokerage™ owned by an agent. It is a full-service real estate agent that can provide 24/7 access to collaboration tools, through its 3D, fully immersive cloud office environment, provides training and socialization for real estate agents and agents. eXp Realty, LLC and eXp Realty of Canada, Inc. have also adopted aggressive revenue-sharing schemes that pay agents a percentage of the total commission income earned by real estate professionals they attract to the company. eXp World Holdings, Inc. also owns 89.4% of First Cloud Mortgage, Inc. This is a Delaware company established in 2015 and is now licensed to initiate mortgages in Arizona, California, Virginia and New Mexico. Iibsashada kaarboonka kaarboonka mulkiilayaasha guryaha, First Cloud Mortgage waxay isu dejisay sidii "shirkad dayn-deymeed-saaxiibtinimo leh", sidaas awgeed waxay u dhigantaa sanadka ugu horreeya ee raadraaca kaarboonka guriga caadiga ah ee deyn kasta oo la bilaabay iyada oo loo marayo First Cloud Mortgage, Inc..
Exro Technologies Inc. (CSE: XRO) waa shirkad fadhigeedu yahay Vancouver oo ka ganacsata tignoolajiyada la aqoonsan yahay ee loogu talagalay in lagu wanaajiyo mishiinnada korantada ee wareega ee jira. This technology enables electric motors and generator systems to operate more efficiently, thereby bringing benefits to the sustainable and renewable power generation market and variable load industrial and commercial applications of electric motors.
Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare waa shirkaddii ugu horeysay ee bixisa xalalka gaadiidka cagaaran ee booska TaaS, beerista kumanaan geedo ah iyo siinta isticmaalayaasha ikhtiyaar u dhexeeya gawaarida korontada, gawaarida isku dhafan iyo baabuurta dhaqameed. The Facedrive Marketplace offers selected products made from sustainably sourced materials. Facedrive Foods provides a variety of foods for non-contact delivery, with a focus on healthy foods at the door of consumers. Facedrive Health develops innovative technological solutions for today's most serious health challenges. Facedrive is changing the narrative of ride sharing, food delivery, e-commerce, and health technology to make everyone better.
Fuel Tech NV (NasdaqGS: FTEK) is a leading technology company dedicated to the development, commercialization and application of the most advanced proprietary technologies on a global scale for air pollution control, process optimization and advanced engineering services. These technologies enable customers to produce energy and process materials in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. Tiknoolajiyada yaraynta nitrogen oxide (NOx) ee shirkadda waxa ka mid ah tignoolajiyada hagaajinta gubashada horumarsan iyo hababka xakamaynta oksaydhka nitrogen ka dib, oo ay ku jiraan NOxOUT®, HERT ™ iyo nidaamyada SNCR Advanced, ASCR ™ nidaamyada dhimista kor u kaca ee xulashada iyo I-NOx ™ Nidaamka dhimista NOx isku dhafan Wuxuu adeegsadaa isku darka kala duwan ee nidaamyadan iyo habka loo yaqaan 'ultra line' si amaan looga badbaadiyo ammonia. These technologies have made Fuel Tech a leader in reducing NOx, with more than 900 devices installed worldwide. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology includes electrostatic precipitator (ESP) products and services, including complete turnkey functions for ESP retrofits, and has experience in units below 700 MW. The flue gas conditioning (FGC) system includes the use of sulfur trioxide (SO3) and ammonia (NH3)-based conditioning for treatment to improve the performance of ESP by modifying the performance of fly ash particles. Tignoolajiyada xakamaynta qaybeed ee Fuel Tech ayaa lagu rakibay in ka badan 125 unug adduunka oo dhan. The company's FUELCHEM® technology revolves around the unique application of chemicals. It improves efficiency, reliability, fuel flexibility, boiler thermal efficiency, and environmental conditions of the combustion unit by controlling slagging, scaling, corrosion, opacity and improving boiler operation. The company has experience in this technology in more than 110 units in the form of a customizable FUEL CHEM program. Fuel Tech also provides a range of services, including boiler commissioning and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) optimization services. In addition, flow correction equipment and physical and computational modeling services can be used to optimize flue gas distribution and mixing in power plants and industrial applications. Many of Fuel Tech's products and services rely heavily on the company's excellent computational fluid dynamics modeling capabilities, which are enhanced by internally developed high-end visualization software. Astaamahan, oo ay weheliyaan farsamada casriga ah ee shirkadda iyo habka kooxda isku dhafka ah, waxay awood u siinaysaa Fuel Tech inay bixiso xalal wax ku ool ah oo ka mid ah dhibaatooyinka ugu adag ee macaamiisheeda.
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) waa horumariye caalami ah iyo suuqgeeye tignoolajiyada maaraynta kulaylka cusub. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Alaabooyinka baabuurta waxaa ka mid ah nidaamka kursiga si firfircoon loo kululeeyay oo la qaboojiyey iyo koob-haystayaal, nidaamka kursiga kululaynta iyo hawo-siinta, taangiyada kaydinta kulaylka, nidaamka gudaha ee baabuurka kulul (oo ay ku jiraan kuraasta kulul, isteerinka, gacanta iyo qaybaha kale), Nidaamka maamulka kulaylka baytari, nidaamka fiilada iyo kuwa kale Qalabka elektiroonigga ah. Non-automotive products include remote power generation systems, heating and cooling furniture, and other consumer and industrial temperature control applications. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.
Global Bioenergy Corporation (Paris: ALGBE) is one of the few companies in the world and the only process in Europe that converts renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation. Shirkaddu waxay markii hore xoogga saartay soo saarista isobutene, oo ah mid ka mid ah walxaha saldhigga ugu muhiimsan ee petrochemical oo loo beddeli karo shidaal, balaastiig, plexiglass iyo elastomers. Global Bioenergy Corporation continues to improve its process performance, conduct industrial trials, has started operations in its German demonstration plant, and is preparing to build its first large-scale plant through its joint venture IBN-One with Cristal Union. The company also copied its achievements to two members of the gaseous olefin family, propylene and butadiene, which are key molecules at the heart of the petrochemical industry.
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) waxay ku shaqaysaa madal si buuxda isugu xidhan oo isku xidha cilmiga bayotechnoolajiyada iyo horumarinta dalagga iyo horumarinta iyada oo loo marayo maaraynta kakan iyo dhaqamada kobcinta. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. The US Department of Defense develops and continues to operate the largest new crop energy farm in the Americas. Global domestic and international business is conducted through wholly-owned subsidiaries
GREENHUNTER ENERGY (NYSE MKT: GRH) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC and GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides Total Water Management Solutions™/oilfield fluid management solutions™ in oil fields and their shale. Riwaayadda Dooxada Appalachian. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT ratings A fleet of 407 trucks is used to tow condensate and water in the presence of condensate. GreenHunter Water also took the lead in the movement of barge water, because barge transport is a safer and more cost-effective transportation method compared to truck or rail transport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC provides on-site environmental solutions on well pads and facilities. Xidhmada adeegeeda waxa ka mid ah nadiifinta taangiga iyo riigaga, daadinta dareeraha iyo wasakhda adkaha ah, adkaynta iyo jawaabta daadinta. Fahamka ah in adeegyada isku xidhani ay fure u yihiin maaraynta qulqulka wasakhda E&P waxay qaabaysay habka adeega dhammays tiran ee GreenHunter Resources. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC waxay bixisaa adeegga hydrocarbons (gaadiidka batroolka, condensate iyo NGL), waxayna isticmaali doontaa saldhigga hantida ee jira iyo kaabayaasha si aan u bixinno hydrocarbons (batrool) gobolka Appalachian dhawaan. , Condensate and NGL) storage, processing and sales. , Which includes up to six different barge terminal locations, currently owned or leased by GreenHunter Resources.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. Shirkaddu waxay diiradda saartaa bixinta mudnaanta ama raasamaal sare si ay kafaala-qaadayaasha iyo deymaha leh tayada credit sare si ay u abuuraan muddo dheer, soo noqnoqda iyo socodka lacagta caddaanka ah ee la saadaalin karo. Xarunteedu tahay Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong waxay dooratay hay'ad maalgashi ma-guurto ah (REIT) taas oo u qalanta inay bixiso cashuuraha ujeedooyinka cashuurta dakhliga federaalka. Its tax year begins on December 31, 2013
HTC Puineeshig (TSX: HTC.V) oo kabihiisa ka mid ah waxay ku hawlanaayeen horumarka, is dhexgalka iyo ganacsiga iyo ganacsiga tikniyoolajiyadda lahaanshaha ee la xiriira kaarboon dioxide (Co2) soo kabashada iyo Co2 xallinta Co2. It provides LCDesign CO2 capture system; RS solvent, a preparation solvent used to remove gas phase impurities from gas streams; HTC DELTA nidaamka soo kabashada dareeraha, loo isticmaalo in meesha laga saaro alaabta xaalufka ah iyo walxaha la hakiyey dareeraha; and PDOEngine design and optimization new Factory, or optimize the operation of existing factories in the chemical, petrochemical and oil/gas industries. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale bixisaa nuugayaasha jet-ka laminar si loo cabbiro kinetics falcelinta iyo fidinta gaaska dareerayaasha. Iyo xalalka daaweynta bacriminta NuVision si loo qaabeeyo, loo dhiso, dib loogu habeeyo loona adeego dhirta bacriminta cusub iyo kuwa jira. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa qalabka qodista iyo adeegyada warshadaha saliidda iyo gaaska; Alaabooyinka saliidda iyo adeegyada jabinta hawo-biyoodka; oilfield equipment; sidayaal koronto oo go'an iyo goobo dayactir; and Guardian Maxx pipeline processing systems.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) is committed to the investment, construction and operation of new energy projects. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. The company insists on scientific development and rationally distributes business. Through the operation of large-scale wind farms and distributed wind farms, the utilization of onshore and offshore wind resources, and the emphasis on development and acquisition, the company strives to improve its growth quality and efficiency, and continuously improve its profitability, competitiveness and waarta Awoodaha Horumarinta, sidaas darteed ilaalinta booskeeda la aasaasay ee Jamhuuriyadda Dadka Shiinaha (Shiinaha) iyo ballaarinta suuqa caalamiga ah, iyada oo ujeedadu tahay in ay noqoto internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. The company attaches great importance to protecting and improving the environment, fulfilling its social responsibilities, and striving to bring sustainable, stable and growing returns to shareholders.
Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd. (OTC: IEVM) waa shirkad si guud u taxan oo ka dhex shaqaynaysa kaabadeeda IET, Inc. Dhammaan badeecadaha iyo adeegyada shirkadda waxaa lagu iibiyaa oo lagu iibiyaa iyada oo la raacayo astaanta ganacsiga guud ee EcoTreatments™. The company sells and sells its anolyte disinfection solution under the Excelyte® brand. The solution is produced by the company's proprietary EcaFlo™ equipment, which uses an electrolysis process called electrochemical activation to reliably produce an environmentally responsible solution. Nadiifinta, jeermiska ka-hortagga iyo jeermiska jeermiska. The Excelyte® solution is an EPA-registered hard surface disinfectant and disinfectant. Waxaa loo oggolaaday in loo isticmaalo heerka cisbitaalka waxaana sidoo kale loo oggolaaday in loo isticmaalo jeermis-dile ahaan qodista saliidda iyo gaasta. The product can be used wherever pathogens, bacteria, viruses and bacteria need to be controlled. The company's EcaFlo® equipment also produces a cleaning solution, which the company sells under the Catholyte Zero™ brand. Catholyte Zero™ solutions are environmentally friendly cleaners and degreasing agents for cleaning, sanitation and food processing purposes.
Itronics (OTC: ITRO) is a “creative clean technology” company that produces GOLD'n GRO specialty liquid fertilizers and gold and silver. It has a large-scale iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) mine (the rutile project) in the prolific Yellington copper mine in northwestern Nevada. The company's goal is to achieve favorable clean technologies to promote the organic growth of specialty GOLD'n GRO fertilizers, silver, zinc and minerals. The company's technology maximizes the recovery and utilization of metals and minerals. Iyada oo loo marayo hoosaadkeeda Itronics Metallurgical, Inc., Itronics waa shirkadda kaliya ee Maraykanka si buuxda u oggolaatay "faa'iido-isticmaalka sawir-kiimikada, qalinka iyo dib-u-warshadaynta biyaha" taas oo u beddeleysa dareeraha khafiifka ah lacag saafi ah iyo GOLD'n GRO Bacriminta dareeraha ah. . The company is developing environmentally friendly mining technology. Itronics waxay heshay abaalmarino badan oo gudaha iyo kuwa caalamiga ah iyadoo lagu aqoonsanayo awoodda ay u leedahay inay si guul leh u isticmaasho sayniska iyo farsamooyinka injineernimada si ay u abuurto oo ay u hirgeliso tignoolajiyada cusub ee dib-u-warshadaynta nadiifka ah iyo bacriminta deegaanka.
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Mantra Venture Group Ltd. (OTC: MVTG) is a clean technology incubator that adopts and commercializes innovative and emerging technologies. The company, through its subsidiary Mantra Energy Alternatives, is currently developing two pioneering electrochemical technologies aimed at making the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions profitable, namely ERC (Electrical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide) and MRFC (Mixed Reaction Fuel Cell). ERC is a form of “carbon capture and utilization” (CCU) that converts the polluting greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into useful and valuable products, including formic acid and formate. Adigoo adeegsanaya koronto nadiif ah, hanaankani wuxuu siinayaa dhirta warshadaha leh suurtagalnimada yareynta qiiqa, iyadoo la abuuro badeecooyin suuq la iibsan karo iyo macaashka. MrFC waa unug shidaal aan caadi ahayn oo adeegsanaya isku dhafka shidaalka iyo oxidaant, kaas oo si weyn u yareeya kakanaanta iyo qiimaha nidaamka unugyada shidaalka. MRFC is ideal for portable applications and is cheaper, lighter and more compact than traditional fuel cell technology.
Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) waa shirkad Canadian ah oo diiradda saarta warshadaha beeraha/deegaanka. Its main activities include the following three aspects: Ecological agriculture (in China, the focus is on planting high value-added tree seedlings and nursery products). Renewable energy (renewable energy) (it is engaged in various renewable energy projects around the world, including China's Huangjiao Horn), it will provide valuable Huangjiao valuable seeds, and ultimately extract oil from these seeds, Used to produce biodiesel and high-quality healthy edible oil. ) And Canadian MMPR-it seeks opportunities in the medical cannabis industry. Currently, it is seeking the status of a Canadian MMPR licensed producer to grow medical marijuana in Canada for domestic consumption and export to approved countries.
Mariner's Choice International Inc. (OTC: MCII) develops and sells biodegradable and ecologically safe cleaning products for the entertainment, industrial and commercial marine markets, car care, and swimming pool and spa markets. Waxay kaloo bixisaa xalal fayadhowr u ah shaqaalaha shaqaalaha, shaqaalaha iyo martida kasta, waxayna bixiyaan alaabo kahortaga cayayaanka, cayayaanka, cayayaanka, qorraxda iyo cudurada faafa. Waxay kaloo bixisaa MUNOX iyo MUNOX SR, labadan alaab deegaan ahaan badbaado leh waxay ka kooban yihiin microorganisms iyo pollutants waxaana loo isticmaali karaa nadiifinta bioremediation, bioenhancement iyo saarista dufanka. The company provides products for the marine sector; and other markets such as household, automotive, aviation, recreational vehicles and bioremediation
Meridian Waste Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: MRDN) waa go'aankeena, taas oo ah, sida ay nooga go'an tahay in aan ugu adeegno macaamiisheena ixtiraam aan leexleexad lahayn, caddaalad iyo daryeel. Waxaan diirada saareynaa raadinta iyo hirgelinta xalalka baahida kheyraadka macaamiisha iyo caqabadaha, hadafkeena aasaasiga ah waa inaan u helno xalal abaal marin leh iyadoo loo marayo tignoolajiyada iyo hal-abuurka. Our healthcare business is committed to creating community-based synergies through collaboration and software solutions. Our innovative business (www.attisinnovations.com) strives to create value from recycled resources.
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) waa shirkad bayoolaji ah oo diiradda saaraysa ogaanshaha degdega ah ee unugyada nool. Its products can speed up the detection and identification of microorganisms. Marka lagu daro codsiyada caafimaadka, difaaca iyo amniga dalka, tignoolajiyada NanoLogix waxay sidoo kale ku habboon tahay dawooyinka, warshadaha, caafimaadka xoolaha, iyo tijaabinta deegaanka. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. Environment and drinking water safety
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Kooxdayada injineernimada waxay ku takhasusaan naqshadeynta, injineernimada, rakibidda iyo dayactirka xalalka daaweynta qashinka ee xeebaha iyo badda.
Neptune Marine Service Co., Ltd. (ASX: NMS.AX) waa bixiyaha hormuudka ah ee kormeerka isku dhafan, dayactirka iyo dayactirka ee saliidda iyo gaaska, badda iyo warshadaha tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo. Xarunteedu tahay Perth, Western Australia, Neptune waxay hawlo ku leedahay Australia, Perth, Darwin, Darwin, Melbourne iyo Gladstone, iyo sidoo kale xarumo hawlgal oo ku yaal Boqortooyada Ingiriiska iyo Aasiya.
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) tan iyo markii la aasaasay 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. waxay noqotay hoggaamiye caalami ah oo abaal-marin ku guuleystay hal-abuurnimada tignoolajiyada sare iyo horumarinta alaabta. The properties of supercapacitors allow the technology to be used in applications where power, life cycle requirements or environmental conditions limit the applicability of batteries or capacitors. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap waxay haysataa badeecadaha ganacsiga caadiga ah ee ugu dhammaystiran ee suuqa, laga bilaabo 3 farad ilaa 6200 farad, dhammaantoodna waxay wataan elektrolytka kale ee warshaduhu aqoonsan yihiin. The company's customers include transportation, power and consumer markets.
Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. (CSE: LUX) is committed to recovering pollutants and residual precious metals from residual historical waste from a century of inefficient artisanal and small-scale mining. Shirkaddu waxay diiradda saartaa siyaasad ahaan iyo xukun bulsho ahaan deggan ee Latin America. Newlox has reached an agreement with a local artisanal mining cooperative to provide a stable supply of raw materials, and is currently testing the first processing plant in Central America with experienced engineers and metallurgists. The centuries-old history of mining in Latin America and the current inefficiency of manual processing provide the company with ample opportunities to develop its business model. Newlox has found a niche market in the mining industry. Shirkadaha nadiifka ah waxay u isticmaali karaan tikniyoolajiyadda wax-ka-qabashada ee hal-abuurka ah oo aan kaliya soo kaban karin biraha qaaliga ah, laakiin sidoo kale isbeddello wanaagsan ku samee deegaanka iyo jawiga bulshada iyada oo loo marayo hawlgallada.
Shidaalka xiga. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) is a technology provider and service company that provides services to the oil and gas industry. The company is committed to developing water treatment technology to provide low-cost, high-volume commercial repair solutions.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) waa shirkad hormood u ah tamarta nadiifka ah oo leh ku dhawaad 44,900 megawatts oo koronto ah, oo ay ku jiraan megawatts oo la xidhiidha NextEra Energy Partners danaha aan la xakamayn. NextEra Energy waxay xarunteedu tahay Juneau Beach, Florida, shirkadaheeda ugu waaweynna waa Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (taas oo ah mid ka mid ah shirkadaha korantada ee ugu weyn ee lagu xakameeyo qiimaha ee Maraykanka) iyo NextEra Energy Resources, LLC iyo hay'adaha xiriirka la leh. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Iyada oo loo marayo kaabayaasheeda, NextEra Energy waxay soo saartaa koronto nadiif ah, oo aan sii dayn lahayn siddeed xarumood oo tamarta nukliyeerka ah ee Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa iyo Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) ayaa hogaaminaysa isbeddelka ku jihaysan macmiilka ee warshadaha tamarta ee Maraykanka iyadoo bixisa tamar nadiif ah oo ka caqli badan isla markaana ku dhisaysa faylalka ugu wayn uguna kala duwan ee badeecadaha awooda tartanka ee Maraykanka. Shirkadda Fortune 200 ahaan, waxaan ku abuureynaa qiimo iyada oo la isku halayn karo oo hufan koronto, iyadoo kor loo qaadayo hal-abuurka tamarta qoraxda iyo tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo, nidaamka deegaanka baabuurta korantada, tignoolajiyada qabashada kaarboonka iyo xalalka tamarta macaamiisha udub dhexaad u ah. Iibiyahayaga tafaariiqda korantada wuxuu u adeegaa in ka badan 3 milyan oo macaamiisha deegaanka iyo ganacsiga ah ee dalka oo dhan.
Shirkadda NuEarth (OTC: NUEC) waxay horumarisaa oo iibisaa alaabada organic iyo noolaha laga yaabo in ay gudaha Maraykanka. Shirkaddu waxay horumarisaa tignoolajiyada ilaalinta biyaha iyo ciidda nadiifka ah oo cagaaran. Its product line includes NuSoil liquid and granular products to change the properties of erosion into productive land; Cusbada 'Maltblocker' waa walax dabiici ah oo xadidaya ka faa'iideysiga cusbada cusbada iyo xallinta ciidda dareeraha ah waxayna isbedelaysaa gelitaanka cadaadiska carrada; NuWater, NuSoil hydrogel additive, helps prevent sand and dust storms; and AquaSolv liquid and granular formula, which can slow down the penetration of water and spread laterally through the root area. Shirkaddu sidoo kale waxay bixisaa boorsooyin iyo wado-jaritaan anionic polyacriamide, oo u sahlaysa maamulayaasha waddooyinka ee miinooyinka iyo goobaha dhismaha si loo maareeyo boodhka iyo xisaabinta. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxay sidoo kale soo saartay CL-40 taxane ah oo alaabooyin ah, sida nadiifiyeyaasha codsiyada nadiifinta ee kala duwan, xargaha isku dhafan iyo kuwa wax lagu qoro.
NV5 Holdings (NASDAQCM: NVEE) provides professional technical engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sector clients in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets. NV5 focuses on five business areas: building quality assurance, infrastructure, engineering and support services, energy, program management and environmental solutions. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay 42 goobood oo ku yaal Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington iyo Wyoming. Office, headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
Pacific Environment Limited (ASX: PEH.AX) is an environmental consulting and technology solutions company. It provides the EnviroSuite system for customized weather forecasts, air quality and noise management, explosion and complaint management, national pollutant inventories, and national greenhouse and energy reports. The company also provides air quality and weather services, including air quality modeling and assessment, odor and dust specialization, forecasting and analysis, emission estimation and inventory, pollution reduction plans, process design optimization, regulatory compliance and reporting, and transportation emissions assessment. In addition, the company also provides emissions monitoring, odor sampling and analysis, process and environmental monitoring, workplace monitoring, employee and customer training, CEMS consulting and calibration, and vehicle emission testing services; environmental monitoring procedures and investigations, fugitive emissions measurement and modeling , Real-time data acquisition and management system and intensive field procedures. Intaas waxaa sii dheer, waxay falanqayneysaa, qiyaasataa oo warbixin ku saabsan miisaaniyada; conducts carbon audits; checks climate risks; and designs mitigation strategies for carbon management. In addition, the company provides toxicology and risk assessment; acoustic consulting and noise monitoring; municipal solid waste collection, recycling, and landfill gas management; la socodka biyaha dhulka hoostiisa; hydrogeological water quality and chemistry; maareynta qashinka adag; and contaminated land assessment services. It has operations in Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Africa, America and Europe. The company serves oil, gas and energy; macdanta; dekedaha; beeraha; dawladda; transportation, manufacturing and industry; waste and wastewater treatment sectors.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .
PEN Inc. (OTC: PENC) waa hormuudka caalamiga ah ee horumarinta, ganacsiga iyo suuqgeynta macaamiisha ku salaysan nanotechnology iyo alaabta warshadaha taas oo xallin karta dhibaatooyinka maalinlaha ah ee macaamiisha ee qalabka indhaha, gaadiidka, militariga, isboortiga, iyo warshadaha amniga. Through Nanofilm Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of PEN, the company develops, manufactures and sells nanotechnology-based products, including ULTRACLARITY® brand eyewear cleaners, CLARITY DEFOG IT™ brand defogging products, and CLARITYULTRASEAL® glass and ceramic nano coatings product. The company also sells environmentally friendly HALO™ brand surface protectants, enhancers and cleaners through its wholly-owned subsidiary PEN Technology, LLC. The company's Applied Nanotech, Inc. subsidiary in Austin, Texas serves as a design center, providing R&D services for government and private customers and PEN's new product development, focusing on innovation and advanced technology in the fields of safety, health and sustainability Product solutions.
Perma-Fix Environmental Services (NasdaqCM: PESI) is a nuclear services company and a leading provider of nuclear and mixed waste management services. Adeegyada qashinka nukliyeerka ee shirkadda waxaa ka mid ah maareynta iyo daaweynta qashinka shucaaca iyo qashinka isku dhafan ee isbitaallada, shaybaarrada cilmi-baarista iyo hay'adaha, wakaaladaha federaalka (oo ay ku jirto Waaxda Tamarta ee Mareykanka), Wasaaradda Difaaca ("DOD") iyo warshadaha ganacsiga nukliyeerka. The company's nuclear service department provides customers with project management, waste management, environmental remediation, decontamination and decommissioning, new construction, and radiation protection, safety and industrial hygiene capabilities. The company operates four nuclear waste treatment facilities and provides nuclear services in DOE, DOD and commercial facilities nationwide.
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Isticmaalka qaabeynta hantida iyo isbahaysiga istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka Powerverde waa in la horumariyo oo laga iibiyo nidaamyada korantada ee loo qaybiyey iyada oo awood u leh wax ka yar 500kw oo ay gaaraan heerka hogaaminta warshadaha. Soo saar ilo koronto oo la isku halayn karo, kharash-ku-ool ah, iyo qiiq la'aan ah oo loo isticmaali karo gudaha goobta ama codsiyada microgrid. Tignoolajiyada PowerVerde ee ORC waxa kale oo lagu dari karaa kulaylka dhulka, bayoolajiga iyo qoraxda.
Pura Naturals' (OTC: PNAT) household cleaning products absorb grease and dirt while providing a unique soap infusion function without harmful chemicals or bacterial buildups that are common in typical sponge products. Pura Naturals' foam technology was developed in response to the Gulf oil spill. The revolutionary foam absorbs grease, while repelling water and inhibiting bacterial growth and odor. The earth-conscious company prides itself on its plant-based products, which are made from renewable resources and have no petroleum by-products. Waxyaabaha loo yaqaan 'pura Naclilas' waxaa lagu iibiyaa farmasiyeyaasha CVS, suuqa kareemka, Kroger, Meijer, Suuqa Beeraleyda, Barmart, Walmart, Walmart, Walmart iyo Cunnooyinka oo dhan Suuqa Qaranka.
Shirkadda Taangiyada ee Pyxis (NasdaqCM: PXS) waxay leedahay raxan casri ah oo ka kooban 6 booyadood, oo ku hawlan gaadiidka badda ee batroolka la sifeeyay iyo cabitaanno kale oo badan. We are focused on developing our fleet of medium-sized product tankers that offer operational flexibility and enhanced profit potential due to their “ecological” functions and modifications (eco-efficient or ecologically modified design). With a competitive cost structure, strong customer relationships and an experienced management team, we are at a favorable opportunity to expand our fleet and align its interests with the interests of our shareholders.
Quantum Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: QTM.AX) iyo kaabayaasheeda ayaa si wadajir ah u soo saara oo u qaybiya biyaha kulul ee tamar wanaagsan leh, hababka kululaynta iyo qaboojinta guryaha iyo ganacsiga ee Australia iyo caalamkaba. Shirkadda waxay siisaa nidaamyada tamarta cad, kuleyliyeyaasha biyaha kulul iyo kuleyliyeyaasha barkadaha, iyo sidoo kale kuleyliyeyaasha dhismaha iyo warshadaha.
Reg tikniyoolajiyadda Inc (TSX: RRE.V; OTC: Expref) wuxuu horumarinayaa ganacsi ganacsi oo la wanaajiyey Muuji (R) / Ranmax (TM) ee loo yaqaan 'TECMAX' ee khafiifinta qalfoofka fudud iyo naqshadeynta kacaanka sare. Matoorka, kombaresarada iyo bamka. Marka la barbar dhigo 40-ka qaybood ee dhaqdhaqaaqa ee mishiinka bistoonka afar-dhululubo ah ee fudud, matoorka RadMax™ waxa uu leeyahay laba qaybood oo kala guur ah oo keliya, kuwaas oo kala ah daabyada (illaa 12) iyo rotor-ka. This innovative design makes it possible to generate up to 24 continuous power pulses per revolution, without vibration and extremely quiet. Matoorada RadMax(TM) waxay kaloo leeyihiin hawlo badan oo awood u siinaya inay ku shaqeeyaan shidaal ay ka mid yihiin shidaalka, gaaska dabiiciga ah, hydrogen, propane iyo naaftada.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) waa shirkad saliid iyo gaas madax-bannaan oo adduunka oo dhan ah. Waxay ka shaqeysaa qeybaha sare ee suuqa iyo hoos udhaca suuqa. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; extracts bitumen from mined oil sands and converts it into synthetic crude oil; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. In addition, the company is engaged in the manufacture, supply, and transportation of crude oil; sells fuels, lubricants, bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for household, transportation and industrial purposes; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; iyo ganacsiga tamarta beddelka ah. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; waxay bixisaa adeegyada gaadiidka; waxayna soo saartaa kiimikooyinka aasaasiga ah oo ay ku jiraan ethylene, propylene iyo aromatics, iyo kiimikooyinka dhexdhexaadka ah sida styrene monomer, propylene oxide, dareerayaasha, iyo saabuunta khamriga, ethylene oxide iyo ethylene glycol. The company owns approximately 24 oil refineries; 1,500 storage tanks; iyo 150 tas-hiilaad qaybinta. Waxay ku iibisaa shidaalka hoos yimaada sumadda ruushka ee qolofta leh.
RusHydro (Ruushka: MICEX: HYDR) waa mid ka mid ah shirkadaha ugu waaweyn ee korontada ka dhaliya Ruushka. RusHydro is Russia's leading producer of renewable energy, with more than 70 power generation facilities in Russia and abroad. The company also manages many R&D, engineering and power retail companies. The thermal assets of the group are operated by the subsidiary RAO Eastern Energy Systems in the Russian Far East.
Siemens (NYSE: SI) is the world's only integrated technology company. Its products, solutions and services are integrated, covering the entire energy conversion chain, and are the first to provide technical solutions to make this smart grid a reality. Siemens has always been a leader in complex products and solutions for transmission and distribution network instrumentation, monitoring and control. Therefore, Siemens' smart grid technology has proven its reliability, availability, and cost-effectiveness in many different projects around the world in Austria, Canada, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the UAE, and Maraykanka.
Sierra Monitor Corporation (OTC: SRMC) waxay wax ka qabataa suuqyada maareynta xarumaha warshadaha iyo ganacsiga iyadoo leh xalalka Internetka Warshadaha ee Waxyaabaha (IIoT) ee isku xira oo ilaaliya hantida kaabayaasha qiimaha sare leh. System integrators and OEMs use the company's FieldServer branded protocol gateway to implement local and remote monitoring of assets and facilities. Abuurka ayaa leh in kabadan 100,000 oo wax soo saar, waxay taageertaa in kabadan 140 borotokool lagu rakibay xarumaha ganacsiga iyo warshadaha, waana hordhaca ah ee wadaha. Maamulayaasha xarunta ganacsiga iyo ganacsiga ayaa u adeegsada askartii kormeerka ee Sierrat-ka ee Sierrather-ka ay u dirto xalka dabka iyo gaaska si loo ilaaliyo shaqaalahooda iyo hantidooda. Sentry IT brand controllers, sensor modules and software have been installed in thousands of facilities, such as natural gas vehicle refueling and maintenance stations, wastewater treatment plants, oil and gas refineries and pipelines, parking lots, US Navy ships and underground telephone warehouses. Sierra Monitor waxay xarunteedu tahay wadnaha Silicon Valley ee Milpitas, California. It was founded in 1979 and has been a public company since 1989. By combining its outstanding performance in the field of industrial sensing and automation with emerging IoT technologies (such as cloud connectivity, big data, and analysis and analysis, Sierra Monitor is at the forefront of emerging IIoT trends.
Solarbrook Hydropower Corporation (OTC: SLRW) and its subsidiaries are dedicated to developing, manufacturing and marketing water management and clean energy integrated solutions for the consumer, municipal and industrial markets in the United States. The company designs, builds, sells and installs water filtration and water treatment systems to remove harmful metals, elements and compounds in drinking water and wastewater. It also distributes water filtration systems and provides funding for water treatment systems for households and businesses; and provides municipal aeration and oxygen mixing equipment and dissolved oxygen in water for various industries. Intaa waxaa dheer, shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale bixisaa xalalka daaweynta biyaha wasakhda ah ee macaamiisha warshadaha iyo dawladda. SolarBrook Hydropower mainly supplies products to original equipment manufacturers in the United States and Europe.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Badeecadayada wax soo saarka ee aad u tartan badan waxay isku daraysaa tamarta tafaariiqda iyo alaabada kale, sida dammaanad qaadkayaga qiimaha ugu fiican, tamarta qoraxda lagu farsameeyo, nalalka hufan iyo adeegyada la socodka tamarta, kuwaas oo dhamaantood ah guul dalka oo dhan ah waxay ka caawin kartaa macaamiisheena inay ka gudbaan qiimaha sii kordhaya ee electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) waxay bixisaa qorshaynta, injineernimada, naqshadaha, naqshadaynta gudaha, naqshadaynta muuqaalka, sahanka, sayniska deegaanka ee kaabayaasha iyo mashaariicda gudaha Kanada, Maraykanka, Kanada, Maraykanka, Kanada, Maraykanka, the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; adeegyada wax soo saarka guddiga xakamaynta; transportation, infrastructure, construction and geospatial services; for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; iyo adeegyada summada, iyo sidoo kale horumarinta, nakhshadeynta, rakibidda iyo dayactirka daacadnimada ee nidaamyada dhuumaha saliidda iyo gaaska iyo xarumaha saldhigyada. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxa ay sidoo kale bixisaa adeegyada xirfadeed ee ecology, soo celinta deegaanka, khayraadka biyaha iyo taageero sharci macaamiisha dadweynaha iyo kuwa gaarka ah ee beeraha korontada, gaadiidka, tamarta iyo khayraadka, iyo sidoo kale adeegyada maamulka khayraadka dhaqanka iyo ilaalinta taariikhiga ah.
STT Enviro Corp (TSX: STT.V) (formerly Semcan Inc) provides cost-effective and incremental environmental improvements for traditional industrial products. The company's two operating divisions, STT Enviro Corp Systems and Solutions and STT Enviro Corp Tank and Industrial Division, are committed to cost-effectively reducing customers' environmental footprint. STT Enviro Corp's system and solution engineers also provide chemical makeup removal systems to neutralize pollutants (usually acidic water) generated in the ore or petroleum extraction process; and after-sales services, including optimizing the use of chemicals for our customers to reduce Cost and reduce carbon footprint. Taangiyada STT Enviro Corp iyo injineerada warshaduhu waxay bixiyaan taangiyo xidhxidhan codsiyada kaydinta qalalan iyo dareeraha leh raad yar oo deegaanka ah. Environmental factors are a prerequisite for the expansion of modern industry. STT Enviro Corp. is committed to becoming a leader and innovator in gradually improving the environment. The company's strategy is to grow organically, and in the long run, to acquire the company at a price with strategic and financial advantages.
Synex International Inc. (TSX: SXI.TO) waxay leedahay laba shirkadood oo ay wada leeyihiin, Synex Energy Resources Ltd iyo Sigma Engineering Ltd. Ganacsigoodu waxay ku lug leeyihiin horumarinta, lahaanshaha iyo hawlgalka xarumaha tamarta, iyo sidoo kale bixinta la-talinta injineernimada iyo deegaanka. services in the city. Water resources, especially hydropower facilities. Synex is an independent power producer with 11 megawatts of hydroelectric power generation capacity in British Columbia (mainly on Vancouver Island).
Tennant Corporation (NYSE: TNC) is a global leader in the design, manufacturing and marketing of solutions that enable customers to obtain high-quality cleaning performance, significantly reduce their environmental impact and help create a cleaner , A safer and healthier world. Alaabteeda waxaa ka mid ah qalabka loo isticmaalo in lagu ilaaliyo sagxadaha warshadaha, ganacsiga iyo deegaanka bannaanka; chemical-free and other sustainable cleaning technologies; and coatings used to protect, repair and upgrade surfaces. Shabakadda Adeegga Goobta Goobta Galabal Caya ee Tennant waa kuwa ugu badan ee warshadaha. Tennant has manufacturing operations in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Michigan, the Netherlands; Louisville, Kentucky; Uden, the Netherlands; the United Kingdom; Sao Paulo, Brazil; iyo Shanghai, china; iyo iyada oo loo sii marayo qaybiyeyaasha in ka badan 80 waddan oo ku yaal 15 waddan Si toos ah u iibiya alaabta.
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) waa milkiile caalami ah oo kala duwan oo leh hantida tamarta nadiifka ah, oo ay ku jiraan mashaariicda tamarta qoraxda, dabaysha iyo biyaha ee soo jiidashada, kobaca sare ee suuqyada.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) waa bixiye hormuud u ah latalinta, injineernimada, maaraynta habka iyo adeegyada maaraynta dhismaha. Shirkaddu waxay taageertaa macaamiisha ganacsiga iyo dawladda ee diiradda saaraya biyaha, deegaanka, kaabayaasha, maareynta kheyraadka iyo tamarta. Tetra Tech has 13,000 employees worldwide, providing clear solutions to complex problems.
Trex Co. Inc. (NYSE: TREX) is the world's largest manufacturer of high-performance wood substitute paving and railings, with more than 20 years of product experience. Trex outdoor living products are available in more than 6,700 retail stores around the world, offering a variety of style options. Marka la barbardhigo alwaax, waxay u baahan tahay dayactir joogto ah oo yar waana doorasho mas'uul deegaan ah.
Axdiga ugu weyn ee diiradda lagu saarayo Sings Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) waa in lagu daro qiimaha saamiyada adoo horumarinaya oo lagu dayactirayo danaha muddada-dheer ee mashaariicda tamarta ee Kanada oo lagu saleynayo qiimaha suuqa ee ku saleysan qiimaha suuqa. Tribute's goal is to build a company that can achieve and maintain long-term growth per share by developing energy projects that can generate stable long-term cash flow when fully operational. Tribute's business plan is to determine, allow, develop and build projects that meet its threshold return standards based on its existing assets. Tribute waxay abuurtaa qiimo iyada oo la aqoonsanayo fursadaha mashruuca, bixinta khibradda mashaariicda horumarinta, iyo ilaalinta xiisaha hantida la dhammeeyey, si loo dhiso socodka lacagta caddaanka ah ee tayada tamarta ee muddada-dheer iyada oo loo marayo saldhig xoog leh oo kala duwan oo tamarta ah.
American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) is a leading environmental service provider for commercial and government agencies in North America. The company meets customers' complex waste management needs, providing hazardous, non-hazardous and radioactive waste treatment, disposal and recycling, as well as a wide range of complementary on-site and industrial services. US Ecology waxay diiradda saartaa badbaadada, u hoggaansanaanta deegaanka, iyo adeegga macaamiisha heerka koowaad, taas oo noo oggolaanaysa inaan si wax ku ool ah u daboolno baahiyaha macaamiisha oo aan aasaasno xiriirro iskaashi oo waqti dheer ah. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.
Victrex plc (LSE: VCT.L) waa hogaamiye caalami ah oo hal-abuur leh xalal wax-qabad sare leh oo ku salaysan PEEK polymer oo leh in ka badan 35 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah. The company serves multiple markets such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy, and medical, and works with industry leaders to provide solutions to their main challenges.
Maareynta Qashinka Co., Ltd. (Nyse: WM-ka oo ku yaal Houston, Texas, ayaa ah bixiye hogaamiya adeegyada maaraynta qashinka ee isku dhafan ee Waqooyiga Ameerika. Shirkaddu waxay bixisa adeegyada ururinta, wareejinta, dib-u-warshadaynta iyo soo kabashada iyo adeegyada qashin-qubka iyada oo loo marayo shirkadaheeda. It is also the leading developer, operator and owner of landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States. The company's customers include residential, commercial, industrial and municipal customers throughout North America.
West Hill Capital Corporation/Phase Separation Solutions (PS2) (TSX: WMT.V) is an environmental solutions company established in Canada that specializes in the heat treatment of various hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams. Iyada oo loo marayo kaabayadeeda, waxay isticmaashaa kuleyl toos ah oo aan toos ahayn, tignoolajiyada xidhan oo ka soo saari karta wasakhaha ugu khatarta badan ciidda iyo dhoobada warshadaha, una beddela badidooda batroolka dib loo isticmaali karo iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah ee synthetic si loo ilaaliyo geeddi-socodka. Compared with traditional hazardous waste destruction technology, this method provides an important opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases. The company's management team has expertise in hazardous waste management and contaminated site remediation, and has extensive experience in North America and 15 countries/regions around the world. Shanghai phase separation
Winning Brands Corporation (OTC: WNBD) is a manufacturer of advanced environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. Marka laga soo tago adeegsiga tignoolajiyada www.Vappex.com si looga ganacsado jeermiska uumiga www.BlauAire.com si wadajir ah, Winning Brands sidoo kale waa KIND(R) alaabta dharka lagu dhaqdo, saabuunta 1000+(TM), oo ah xalka ugu nadiifinta badan world ( TM), (www.1000Plus.ca), Brilliant Wet Cleaning Solutions (www.BrilliantWetCleaning.com) and other products provided through its subsidiary Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd. 1000+ detergent is a multi-purpose cleaning solvent with unique and ideal characteristics. Some of the largest retailers in Canada, including Wal-Mart in Canada, Home Depot, Lowe's, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, and many stores in the United States, can use 1,000+ from the coast to the coast. TrackMoist and ReGUARD4 are examples of industry-specific solutions from Winning Brands. TrackMoist enhances the performance of dusty surfaces used in sports and entertainment venues (www.TrackMoist.com). ReGUARD4 is a series of fire safety cleaning solutions for emergency personnel.
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) is one of the most respected design, engineering and project management consulting companies in the world. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins waxa uu safka hore kaga jiraa kacaanka tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo ee badda, isaga oo bixisa fikrado la isku halayn karo iyo qaabaynta injineernimada oo faahfaahsan iyo adeegyada milkiilaha-injineernimada ee dhinacyada dabaysha, hirarka iyo tamarta hirarka.
Wuhan General General Group (china) Co., Ltd. Its blower products include axial fans, which can provide large flow and low-pressure air for large power stations; Burcad-biyoodka Centrifugal iyo dhumucda Centrifugal, oo hawada yar ka bixiya cadaadiska sare, waxaana loo isticmaali karaa saldhigyo korantada dhexdhexaadka ah si ay ugu aflaxaan dhuxusha suuxsan ee foornada, iyo isku darka bullaacadda bullaacadda bullaacadda. The company also produces steam and water turbines, including conventional steam turbines and cogeneration steam turbines, for use in electric and hydroelectric power plants. In addition, it also produces blower silencers, connectors and other common parts for blowers and electrical equipment. Wuhan General General Group (china) Co., Ltd. Inta badan waxay keentaa alaabada shirkadaha birta, dhirta korantada, dhirta kiimikada, xaashiyaha xaashiyaha iyo dhirta hawo-mareenka iyo dhirta biyo-galka ah.
Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSX: XBC.V) provides gas purification and filtration solutions for the natural gas, field gas, biogas, helium and hydrogen markets. Xebec waxay nashqadaysaa, injineero iyo soo saartaa alaabo cusub oo gaaska cayriin u beddela tamar nadiif ah oo la iibin karo
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) waxay nakhshadaysaa, maalgelisaa, dhistaa oo ka shaqeysaa dhirta wasakhda-tamarta ah ee farsamaysa qashinka adag ee degmada, caafimaadka iyo warshadaha si ay u dhaliyaan koronto. Since 1996, Sino-German Group has completed about 200 waste treatment projects in 13 provinces. Sino-German is one of the most well-known companies in the field of waste energy EPC and BOT projects, and is also a manufacturer of large-scale combustion plants in China. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). As an investor in the BOT project, Sino-German also operates waste energy plants. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. Xarunta Shiinaha ee Shiinaha waxay ku taalaa Beijing, china. Sino-German production plant is located in Fuzhou, China.
Huaguan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 6289.TW) waxay ku hawlan tahay horumarinta, soo saarista iyo qaybinta shaandhada iftiinka iftiinka (LED) iyo chips LED. Shirkadda ayaa sidoo kale ku lug leh bixinta taageerada farsamada iyo adeegga iibka ka dib ee chips LED iyo chips LED. The company's LED products are mainly used in displays, automobiles, consumer electronics, communication products, information products and indicator lights. Wax soo saarka shirkadu waxa loo qaybiyaa suuqyada gudaha iyo wadamada kale ee Aasiya. AOC hadda waa alaab-qeybiyaha ugu weyn ee soo saareyaasha LED-ka badan ee adduunka
Bluglass Limited (ASX: BLG.AX) is engaged in the research and development of Class III nitrides to develop new processes and equipment for manufacturing LEDs and solar cells. The company develops and commercializes remote plasma chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD), a technology for manufacturing semiconductor materials. It provides foundry services for manufacturing custom nitride templates and device wafers, and provides characterization services, including X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope, high-resolution full-wafer photoluminescence (PL) and thickness mapping, and Hall measurement , Mikroskoob indhaha ah iyo tijaabada degdega ah ee LED.
BYD CO Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.
CLICK CLECK Technolojiyada International (TSX: CBLU.V) waxaa la aasaasay iyadoo lagu saleynayo aragtida ah in la bixiyo wax nadiif ah oo nadiif ah oo maareyn karo ". The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Shirkadda Tamarta Cusboonaysiinta ee Isku-darka (OTC: CWNR) waxay bixisaa xalka tikniyoolajiyadda tamarta cusboonaysiinta ee heerka caalamiga ah. Waxay bixisaa xalka tamarta ee tamarta leh ee loo yaqaan 'Earker' ee loogu talagalay barnaamijyada nalalka bannaanka ee bannaanka, oo ay ku jiraan gawaarida la dhigto iyo nalalka waddooyinka, nalalka daadadka, nalalka taraafikada, nalalka nalalka, nalalka nalka. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay iibisaa WePOWER marawaxadaha dabaysha ee dhidibka toosan, oo ay ku jiraan marawaxadaha dabaysha ee ka baxa guryaha, ganacsiga, warshadaha iyo codsiyada dawladda; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; and Skystream commercial lighting systems. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
CRS Electronics Inc. (TSX: LED.V) waa hormuudka suuqa soo baxaya, dhaqsaha badan u koraya ee waxtarka sare leh ee iftiinka-bixiya ("LED") ama nalka adag ("SSL"). The main activities of CRS Electronics include the development, manufacture and sale of indoor lighting products, such as LED replacement lights, external LED warning lights for school buses, child safety systems for school buses, LED architectural lighting equipment, and OEM production of LED circuit boards in North America. Tan iyo 1998, sida hal-abuure ee xalalka LED, CRS Electronics Inc. waxay sii waday inay ballaariso faylalka wax soo saarka iyo saamiga suuqa ee la-hawlgalayaasha ganacsiga iyo macaamiisha. KVIC Lighting™ iyo Lumenova™ waa laba khad wax soo saar oo ka tarjumaya ballanqaadka CRS Electronics Inc. ee ballaarinta.
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Shabakaddayada mesh-ka ee bilaa-waayirka ah ayaa bixisa isku xirka "mayl u dambeeya" ee u dhexeeya malaayiin qalab iyo software shirkadeed. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. In addition, we work with our partners to provide first-class support and hosting services, as well as “software as a service” to assist in planning and integrating our solutions. Cyleck xalka isku dhafka ah ee Cran ee loo diro howlgalka mitirka ee Smart Mitir, isagoo siinaya dariiqa socdaalka ee aqrinta mitirka otomaatiga ah (AMR) ee kaabayaasha mitir ee horumarsan (AMI). It is dedicated to electricity meters and is optimized for range, data communication, interoperability, and security. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. It can save a lot of electricity by enhancing the way of controlling, measuring and managing public lighting energy use.
Cyberlux Corporation (OTC: CYBL) waa soo-saare tayo sare leh, tamar-ku-ool ah nalka dawlad- adag (SSL) oo ka kooban LED-yada qaar ka mid ah soo-saareyaasha wax soo saarka LED-ka ugu wanaagsan. Marka laga soo tago soo saarista alaabteeda, Cyberlux waxay sidoo kale la shaqeysaa shirkadaha naga doonaya inaan naqshadeyno oo soo saarno alaabta iftiinka si ay u dhamaystirto alaabteeda hadda jirta iyo alaabta cusub ee iftiinka si kor loogu qaado faylalka alaabta hadda jira.
Dialight plc (LSE: DI.L) Kooxda waxaa ku jira qaybaha ganacsiga ee soo socda: nalka si loo daboolo baahida sii kordheysa ee xalalka nalka tamarta-badbaadinta ee goobaha warshadaha/khatarta ah; calaamadaha daboolaya taraafikada, gaadiidka iyo calaamadaha caqabadaha; and mainly to electronics OEM sells components to indicate status. The company is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with business locations in Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, the UAE, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Diguang International Development Co., Ltd. (OTC: DGNG) is mainly engaged in the design, production and distribution of small and medium light emitting diodes and cold cathode fluorescent lamp backlights for large and medium-sized companies. Waxay siisaa dib-u-dhac ku saabsan soo bandhigidda LCD ee codsiyada kala duwan, sida muuqaalka midabka ee taleefannada mobilada, hawada gawaarida, kormeerayaasha kombiyuutarka, PDAs, DVD-yada, CD-yada iyo MP4 / MP4, iyo bandhigyada qalabka guryaha, iyo astaamaha. Iyo sidoo kale nalka gudaha iyo dibadda iyo isticmaalka guriga iyo xafiiska. Shirkadda ayaa inta badan ka iibisa wax soo saarka macaamiisha ku nool Taiwan, Hong Kong, Waqooyiga Ameerika, Yurub, Japan, Koonfur-bari Aasiya iyo Mainland, Shiinaha.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Global related markets. Iyada oo qayb ka ah masraxa Ezot ™, Echeloon wuxuu iibiyaa badeecooyinkeeda iftiinka ee ku xusan nooca 'Echelon Brand Brand's LandEMave Frands Lemewado, iyo sidoo kale qalalaasaha dhismaha iyo badeecadaha kale ee la xiriira ee la xiriira. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon waxay ka caawisaa macaamiisheeda inay dhimaan kharashaadka hawlgalka, hagaajinta qanacsanaanta iyo badbaadada, kordhinta dakhliga, iyo inay si fiican uga shaqeeyaan suuqyada jira iyo kuwa soo korayaba.
Sechilchil Semiconductor (Nasdaqgs: Qaab-dhismeedka FCS, soo-saareyaasha iyo waxay bixisaa sahayda korantada iyo teknolojiyadda power-ka ee Semiconductor ee aaladda guryaha, oo ay u saamaxeyso soosaarayaasha aaladda mobilada si ay u siiso astaamaha cusub ee aaladda cusub si loo wanaajiyo waxtarka badeecooyinka warshadaha. Ganacsigeena caalamiga ah waxaa taageera wax soo saarka gudaha iyo dibadda iyo silsilad sahayda ilo badan oo dabacsan. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. Our semiconductor solutions for automotive, mobile, LED lighting and power management applications help our customers succeed every day.
ForceField Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: FNRG) waa qaybiyaha iyo bixiyaha alaabta iftiinka LED iyo xalalka tayada sare leh. ForceField Energy Inc. iyo la-hawlgalayaasheeda waxay bixiyaan alaabta iftiinka iyo xalalka si kor loogu qaado waxtarka tamarta ee Shiinaha iyo Maraykanka. It distributes light-emitting diodes and other commercial lighting products and fixtures.
Heliospectra AB ADR (OTC: HLSPY; FirstNorth: HELIO) waxay ku takhasustay tignoolajiyada iftiinka caqliga leh ee cilmi baarista dhirta iyo beerashada aqalka dhirta lagu koriyo. The company's lighting system combines several different sets of general-purpose light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with optical devices, remote sensing technology and powerful heat dissipation solutions to provide effective and long-lasting technology for greenhouse and indoor plant cultivation. This proprietary setting allows growers to control the intensity and wavelength of the emitted light, thereby creating a spectrum that is specifically adjusted for different plant species and growth stages to better promote photosynthesis. The complete, well-designed light produces crops that look better, taste better, and have a longer shelf life than those under HID lights. This technology can not only reduce energy consumption by up to 50%, but also helps to stimulate growth characteristics and improve plant quality. Other benefits include reduced light pollution, reduced mercury usage by avoiding traditional HID/HPS bulbs, and reduced HVAC investment and monthly expense requirements. Heliospectra products are based on an in-depth understanding of plant physiology and photosynthesis, as well as a unique method using modern LED technology. After six years of development in Sweden, the company has now begun to expand into the international market. The company has raised more than US$21 million in funding and has received more than US$2.6 million through academic scholarships and grants. Tiknoolajiyadeeda hore ee u muuqata ayaa sidoo kale ku guuleysatay abaalmarinno badan.
Infineon Technologies (oo hore u ahaan jirtay Shirkadda Rectifier International) (OTC: IFNNY; Frankfurt: IFX.F) waa hogaamiye caalami ah goobta semiconductor. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. Bishii Janaayo 2015, INFINFON waxay soo saartay shirkadda timireed ee ku saleysan Mareykanka, oo ah bixiye horyaal ah oo tikniyoolajiyadda maareynta korantada. Shirkadda Tijaabada Fiican (IR®) waa hogaamiyaha adduunka ee tikniyoolajiyadda maaraynta awoodda. Leading manufacturers of computers, energy-saving appliances, lighting, automobiles, satellites, aircraft, and defense systems all rely on IR's power management benchmarks to power their next-generation products.
New Neon Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 1868.HK) waa soo saaraha adduunka ugu weyn ee soo saara nalalka qurxinta dhaqameed iyo LED. The company operates light-emitting diode (LED) decorative lighting business, engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of LED decorative lighting products; LED general lighting lighting business unit, engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of LED general lighting lighting products; incandescent lighting lighting department, engaged in incandescent lighting lighting products The entertainment lighting segment is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of entertainment lighting products, and all other segments are engaged in the distribution of lighting product accessories.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) is leading the transformation of commercial and industrial buildings through the most advanced energy-saving lighting systems and retrofit lighting solutions. Orion waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa alaabooyin taxane ah, oo ay ku jiraan LED-ka nalka adag iyo nalalka dhaadheer ee xoogga badan. Many of Orion's more than 100 patented and pending patents are related to lighting systems, which have excellent optical and thermal performance, which can bring financial, environmental and workspace aspects to many customers in the renovation market the benefits of.
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) waa bixiye hormuud u ah adeegyada iyo tignoolajiyada tamarta ee shirkadaha korontada iyo macaamiishooda warshadaha, hay'adaha iyo ganacsiga. PowerSecure waxa ay bixisa badeecooyin iyo adeegyo dhinacyada Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tamarta qoraxda, hufnaanta tamarta, iyo kaabayaasha tamarta. Shirkaddu waa hormuudka horumarinta nidaamyada korantada ee IDG® oo leh hawlo horumarsan oo xariif ah, oo ay ku jiraan awoodaha soo socda: 1) Saadaali baahida tamarta oo geyso nidaamka si elektaroonig ah si ay u bixiso awood hufan oo deegaan ahaan u wanaagsan saacadaha ugu sarreeya; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (oo loo yaqaan ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM: RVLT) is a leading LED lighting solutions company. Waxaan naqshadeynaa, soo saar, iibineynaa oo waxaan iibinaa xalka tamarta ee wax ku oolka ah iyo kuwa caadiga ah. Waxaan awood adag u leenahay suuqyada warshadaha, ganacsiga iyo dawladda ee Mareykanka, Kanada iyo adduunka oo dhan. Iftiiminta kacaanka ayaa abuuray shirkad cusub, nal yar oo nal-am ah oo bixisa saldhigyo dhameystiran oo ah laambad tayo sare leh iyo laambadh ah, oo diiradda lagu saarayo horumarinta suuqa nalalka nalalka. Revolution Lighting markets and distributes its products through a network of independent sales representatives and distributors, as well as energy-saving companies, national accounts and its wholly-owned subsidiary Value Lighting. Iftiinka Qiimaha waa bixiyaha hormuudka ah ee xalalka nalka ee guryaha qoysas badan iyo dhismayaal cusub oo la dego. Other brands in the market's RVLT series include Lumificient, which provides LED lighting for the signage industry. And Sentinel, which is a revolutionary patented and licensed monitoring and smart grid control system suitable for outdoor lighting applications. Revolution Lighting is recognized as a 2014 Deloitte High-Tech High-Growth 500 company.
Royal Philips Electronics NV (NYSE: PHG) waa shirkad tignoolajiyadeed kala duwan oo u heellan horumarinta nolosha dadka iyada oo loo marayo hal-abuurnimo macno leh oo ku saabsan daryeelka caafimaadka, qaab nololeedka macaamiisha iyo iftiinka. Shirkaddu waa hormuudka dhinacyada daryeelka caafimaadka wadnaha, xaaladaha degdegga ah iyo daryeelka caafimaadka guriga, xalalka iftiinka tamarta-badbaadinta iyo codsiyada nalka cusub, iyo sidoo kale xiirashada iyo quruxda ragga, iyo daryeelka caafimaadka afka.
Rubicon Technology Inc. (NasdaqGS: RBCN) waa bixiye toosan oo isku dhafan oo ah bixiyaha qalabka elektaroonigga ah ee horumarsan oo ku takhasusay sapphire-ka-kristal ee isku-dheellitirka iftiinka-iftiinka (LED), nidaamyada indhaha iyo aaladaha elektiroonigga ah ee gaarka ah. Rubicon has an unparalleled technology platform and expertise, from the preparation of alumina to the growth and manufacturing of sapphire crystals, to large-diameter polished sapphire wafers and patterned sapphire substrates (PSS), enabling Rubicon to provide high-quality and precise Custom sapphire products .
SavWatt USA, Inc. (OTC: SAVW) focuses on developing innovative, energy-saving and cost-effective LED lighting solutions. By providing value-added, purpose-specific LED lighting systems, we can significantly reduce energy costs and minimize our global carbon footprint. SavWatt ayaa hogaamineysa kacaanka nalalka LED-ka waxayna isku diyaarineysaa ciribtirka nalalka iftiinka. SavWatt's product line includes LED lamps, bulbs, street lights and parking lights.
SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) iyo shirkadaheeda hoos yimaada waxay soo saaraan oo iibiyaan alaabta qorraxda. Its business scope includes the manufacture and sale of solar products, solar power generation, factory operations and services, and the manufacture and sale of light-emitting diode (LED) products.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. Through our CO2markets brand, we have become one of Australia's largest environmental certificate traders, and at the same time provide smart, feasible and renewable solutions to the commercial sector through GO Energy to address rising energy costs. Badeecadayada wax soo saarka ee aad u tartan badan waxay isku daraysaa tamarta tafaariiqda iyo alaabada kale, sida dammaanad qaadkayaga qiimaha ugu fiican, tamarta qoraxda lagu farsameeyo, nalalka hufan iyo adeegyada la socodka tamarta, kuwaas oo dhamaantood ah guul dalka oo dhan ah waxay ka caawin kartaa macaamiisheena inay ka gudbaan qiimaha sii kordhaya ee electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. In the continuous development of this field, our latest brand GO quotation aims to support the solar industry and give consumers the opportunity to obtain free installation quotations from local solar providers, while CO2 Global provides quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) The process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Solis Tek Inc. (OTC: SLTK) is an importer, distributor and marketer of digital lighting equipment for the hydroponics industry, focusing on the research, design, development and manufacturing of advanced, energy-saving indoor/greenhouse gardening lighting and auxiliary equipment . By using some of its proprietary technologies, the company provides innovative intelligence through its ballast, reflector and lamp products. Himiladeenna waa in aan u isticmaalno horumarka ugu dambeeyay ee nalka iyo xakameynta tikniyoolajiyadda oo wax ku ool ah oo la soo saaray tikniyoolajiyad si aad u siiso alaabooyin kaladuwan oo leh faa'iidooyin muuqda oo lagu faafiyo suuqyada cagaaran iyo suuqyada beeraha ee gudaha. The company's customers include retail stores, distributors and commercial growers in the United States and abroad.
Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) produces and sells automobile parts, optoelectronic products and other general industrial products. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; functional components, including fuel tank module components, power transmission system parts, and chassis and transmission systems Parts; qaybaha gudaha iyo dibadda; and safety system products, such as airbags, steering wheels, etc. The company also provides solar LED and deep ultraviolet light source modules; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights
Transportation Technology Limited (ASX: TTI.AX) is Australia's largest transportation company, dedicated to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions for the transportation industry. Traffic Technologies was established in 2004 and was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2005. Through its two divisions, Technology Products and Signage Division, it has won a good reputation in demanding industries. Nidaamka nalka ee Aldridge LED
Universal Display Corporation (NasdaqGS: OLED) is a leader in the development and provision of the most advanced organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology, materials and services to the display and lighting industries. The company was established in 1994 and currently owns or owns exclusive rights, joint exclusive rights or sole licensing rights globally, involving more than 3,500 issued and pending patents. Universal Display licenses its proprietary technologies, including its breakthrough high-efficiency UniversalPHOLED® phosphorescent OLED technology, which enables the development of low-power and environmentally friendly displays and lighting. The company also develops and provides high-quality, state-of-the-art UniversalPHOLED materials, which are considered to be the key ingredients for making OLEDs with the best performance. Intaa waxaa dheer, Bandhiga Caalamiga ah wuxuu sidoo kale bixiyaa xalal cusub oo la habeeyey macaamiisheeda iyo la-hawlgalayaasheeda iyada oo loo marayo wareejinta tignoolajiyada, horumarinta tignoolajiyada iskaashiga iyo tababarka goobta. Bandhiga Caalamiga ah wuxuu xaruntiisu tahay Ewing, New Jersey, waxay xafiisyo caalami ah ku leedahay Ireland, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan iyo Taiwan, waxayna la shaqaysaa shabakad ururo heer caalami ah.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. Dunida weligeed koraysa ee baabuurta korantada, e-Go EV waa fikrad cusub oo kacaan ah. Kani waxa uu noqon doonaa gaadhiga kaliya ee korontada ku shaqeeya ee leh jidh fiber carbon ah iyo qaybo. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.
Advantage Lithium Corp. (TSX: AAL.V) waa shirkad kheyraad oo ku takhasustay iibsiga istaraatiijiga ah, sahaminta iyo horumarinta hantida lithium, xarunteeduna tahay Vancouver, British Columbia. Shirkaddu waxay la saxeexatay warqad ujeedo soo saaraha lithium Orocobre si ay u hesho 100% saamiga shan mashruuc oo Argentina ah iyo 75% saamiga mashruuca lixaad ee lagu magacaabo Cauchari. Cauchari waxay leedahay kheyraad u dhow oogada 470,000 tan oo lithium carbonate u dhiganta (LCE) iyo 1.62 milyan tan oo bacriminta potash (KCL). Bartilmaameedyada sahaminta baaxadda leh waa 5.6mt ilaa 0.25mt LCE iyo 19mt ilaa 0.9KCL. Cauchari is located only 20 kilometers south of Orocobre's flagship Olaroz lithium battery facility. The company also received investment from Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp., a portfolio of five lithium brine projects in Clayton and Lida Valley, Nevada, of which 70% are in Clayton NE. In addition, the company has acquired 100% of the Stella Marys lithium brine project, which is adjacent to the Salinas Grandes project in Orocobre, which is located in the triangular lithium mine in Argentina, which has inferred near-surface resources.
AJN Resources Inc. (CSE: AJN) is an exploration and development company established for the purpose of acquiring, exploring and developing lithium resource properties under guaranteed and feasible conditions. We acquire and develop properties with proven potential. Maamulka iyo agaasimayaasha AJN waxay leeyihiin wax ka badan 75 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah warshadaha wadajirka ah waxayna ku guuleystaan sahaminta, maalgelinta, iyo horumarinta miinooyinka waaweyn ee adduunka.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Qaybta koowaad waa mootooyinka ku shaqeeya baytariyada lithium, oo ay ku xigto mootooyinka. ALYI also recently hired Clarkson University professor David Mitlin to lead a cannabis energy storage program. Mitlin successfully used hemp (remaining fiber of hemp) to construct carbon nanosheets, which can compete with some of the better graphene nanosheets and outperform supercapacitors in some aspects . Mitlin waxa uu helay shati Maraykan ah oo ku saabsan tignoolajiyada kaydinta tamarta xashiishadda ee gaarka ah.
Altura Mining Limited (ASX: AJM.AX) is a major player in the global lithium market and is taking advantage of the growing demand for lithium-ion battery raw materials for the manufacture of electric vehicles and static storage. Altura owns and operates a world-class Altura lithium project in Pilgangoora, Pilbara, Western Australia, with an annual production capacity of 220,000 tons of high-quality spodumene concentrate. Shirkaddu waxay dhamaystirtay daraasadda suurtagalka ah ee go'aaminta si ay u ballaariso awoodda wax-soo-saarka wejiga labaad ilaa 440,000tpa, waxayna samaysay go'aankii maalgashiga ugu dambeeyay ka dib markii ay dib u eegis ku sameeyeen hawlgallada wejiga koowaad iyo kordhinta wax soo saarka magaca.
Ariana Resources plc (LSE: AAU.L) is a leading exploration, development and production company currently focusing on Turkey. The company's goal is to discover larger mineral systems mainly in the Western Anatolian Volcano and Extension Zone (WAVE) province in western Turkey. The province has the largest operating gold mine in Turkey, and the discovery of new porphyry and hyperthermal deposits still has high prospects. In the province, Ariana has one advanced development project (Red Rabbit project) and two other advanced exploration projects (Ivrindi and Demirci). Aagga ku xeeran mashruuca waxaa lagu magacaabaa aagga mashruuca jawiga. Marka la barbar dhigo istaraatiijiyada horumarinta kheyraadka iyo sahaminta ee galbeedka Turkiga, Ariana waxa ay iskaashi la wadaagtay faylalka sahaminta ee waqooyi bari Turkiga si loo dhiso Eldorado Gold Corp. (Eldorado Gold Corp.). Ariana sidoo kale waa maal-galiyaha aasaasiga ah ee Royal Road Minerals (Jersey), kaas oo diiradda saaraya sahaminta dahabka / naxaasta iyo Asgard Metals (oo ku yaal Australia) iyada oo diiradda saareysa sahaminta biraha farsamada (lithium). Shirkaddu sidoo kale waxay sii waddaa qiimeynta ka helista cusub ama fursadaha shirkadaha wadajirka ah ee Turkiga ama meel kale.
Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (OTC: AVLNF; TSX: AVL.TO) (formerly known as Avalon Rare Metals Inc.) is a Canadian mineral development company that specializes in researching the needs of metals and minerals in emerging markets and the development of new technologies. The demand continues to grow. The company has three advanced stage projects all with 100% ownership, providing investors with investments in lithium, tin and indium, as well as rare earth elements, tantalum, niobium and zirconium. Avalon is currently focusing on the Separed Rapids lithium project in Kenora, Ontario, and the East Kemptville tin-indium project in Yarmouth, New South Wales. Mas'uuliyadda bulshada iyo maareynta deegaanka ayaa ah tiirarka shirkadda.
Bearing Lithium Corp. (TSX: BRZ.V) waa shirkad sahaminta iyo horumarinta macdanta ah oo inta badan diiradda saarta lithium. Hantideeda ugu weyn waa 17.7% xiisaha mashruuca Maricunga lithium brine ee Chile. The Maricunga project is one of the world's highest-grade lithium brine salts and the only pre-production project in Chile.
Champion Bear Resources Limited (TSX: CBA.V) waa shirkad sahaminta macdanta iyo horumarinta Canadian ah oo ku takhasustay gobollada taariikhiga ah ee Ontario. The company's main target is platinum group metals, and to a lesser extent gold, polymetallic and rare metal deposits. Lithium properties: separated rapids
Chimata Gold Corp. (TSX: CAT.V; CSE: CAT) is a Canadian company founded in 2010 and headquartered in Vancouver, Biltis. Chimata is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of minerals in Canada and abroad (currently in Zimbabwe). Diirada hadda waxay ku wajahan tahay qorshaha sahaminta la soo jeediyay ee macdanta BAM iyo macdanta Troilus North, iyo horumarinta macdanaha iyo hantida lithium ee suurtagalka ah ee Zimbabwe oo ku taal Kamativi Tin mine. Chimata waxay sii wadaa inay aqoonsato oo ay suurtogal tahay inay hesho danaha kale ee hantida, oo ay samayso sahaminta iyo qiimaynta si ay u qiimeyso awoodeeda, iyada oo aqoonsanaysa xulafada istiraatijiyadeed, iibsashada ama ganacsiyada wadajirka ah.
Shiinaha BAK Battery Co., Ltd. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
Daikin Resources Corporation (TSX: DJI.V) waa shirkad sahaminta birta hore ee tamarta leh 100% xiisaha 215 sheegashooyinka booska Teels Marsh ee Gobolka Macdanta, Nevada, oo la og yahay inay ku jiraan lithium iyo boron. Daikin waxa uu heshiis ikhtiyaar ah la gaadhay Shirkadda Macdanta ee Koonfurta Sun (TSX-V: SSI) si ay u sahamiyaan aagga harada alkaline ee degmada Esmeralda, Nevada (oo ku taal waqooyi bari ee ganacsiga lithium ee Clayton Valley ee Rockwood) 191 placer ayaa sheeganaya 7 mayl (12 kiiloomitir). fogaan. . Daikin waxa kale oo ay 100% danaynaysaa tanaasulka ama codsiyada tanaasulka ee Gobolka Jujuy, Argentina, kuwaas oo laga helay aagagga ay ku jiraan brines leh qiyamka potassium, lithium iyo boron. Heshiisyadani waxay ku yaalaan Salinas Grandes/Guayatoque Salt Lake Basin, oo ku dheggan heshiisyada ay qabato Orocobre Limited (ORL-T: TSX) iyadoo la kaashanaysa Toyota Tsusho. Dajin recently reached an agreement with the Tres Morres community to explore the San Jose and Navidad concessions within the Salinas Grandes salt marshes.
E3 METALS CORP. (TSXV: ETMC) (OTC: EEMMF) is a lithium company that develops an inferred mineral resource of 6.7 Mt LCE in Alberta. By commercializing its proprietary lithium extraction process, E3 plans to rapidly produce high-purity battery-grade lithium hydroxide. E3Metals Corp combines a large amount of resources with the right technical solutions and has the potential to bring lithium products to the market. One of the best jurisdictions in the world. Kaydkayaga Leduc ee wax-soo-saarka leh waxa uu leeyahay brine-lithium qani ah waxana uu ilaa hadda sawiray 6.7 milyan oo tan oo kheyraad macdan ah oo LCE ah. Alberta, horumarinta kheyraadkan wax soo saarka biyaha cusbada leh waa nashaad khatar weyn oo caan ah, isla markaana dadkan cusbada leh ayaa hadda lagu soo saaray tiro aad u badan oo ah horumarinta saliida iyo gaaska. Although lithium brines and hydrocarbons are mutually exclusive, the Leduc reservoir can support a small amount of brine production touted by other brines, with one well capable of bringing 10,000 m3/day (115 L/s) to the surface. The average and consistent grade of E3 Metals ion exchange technology in Clearwater Resource Area 1 is 77.4 mg/L, which can quickly produce concentrates up to 1500 mg/L2. At the same time, 99% of impurities and an average recovery rate of 90% are removed, which produces a concentrated raw material that is likely to be processed directly through conventional lithium production technology to produce high-purity lithium hydroxide (LiOH∙H2O ) . The company's plan is to provide 10,000 tons/year LiOH processing facilities by 2022 and continue to expand to the final 50,000 tons/year.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) waa shirkad shati u haysata inay ka faa’iidaysato baahida badeecadaha soo socda: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nikkel iyo copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. Tani waxay abuurtaa fursad gaar ah oo lagu maal-gashiiyo oo lagu helo royalties macdanta iyo mashaariicda bixin doona agabka loo baahan yahay kacaanka awoodda. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. There are 6 combinations of royalties. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). Qorshaha boqortooyadii Royats Qorshayaasha ayaa inta badan diiradda saaraya helitaanka boqornimada ee marxaladaha horumarsan iyo mashaariicda hawlgallada si loo dhiso boodhadhka maalgashiga badan ee khatarta jameecadaha hoose.
Enable IPC (OTC: EIPC) develops and commercializes new nanostructures in the United States. Its nanostructures can be used in rechargeable batteries for low-power applications, as well as micro batteries on microscopic films. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. Nanoparticles and nanoparticles used in energy storage devices such as supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery cathodes. Waxa kale oo ay siisaa awood sare oo loogu talagalay macaamiisha elektiroonigga ah, warshadaha iyo codsiyada gaadiidka. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enertopia Corporation (CSE: TOP; OTCQB: ENRT) is committed to using modern technology to build shareholder value. Enertopia is working hard to establish a lithium resource, and at the same time is committed to extracting lithium from its synthetic brine solution by using industry-leading mature technology. Enertopia Corporation waa shirkad sahaminta iyo horumarinta adeegsata tignoolajiyada casriga ah si ay u soo saarto lithium carbonate-ka brine-ka ah, ama soo saarta brine synthetic iyada oo loo marayo mashaariicda lithium ee shirkadda ee Clayton Valley, Nevada, Dandan iyo Texas. The Steve Placer mine claims to be located near the Silver Peak lithium brine mine in Albemarle.
Far Resources Ltd. (CSE: FAT) is an exploration company publicly traded on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FAT, dedicated to identifying and developing high-potential mineral opportunities in a stable jurisdiction. Yuan Resources waxa laga yaabaa inay hesho ama doorato sifooyinka qiimaha si ay u gaadho yoolkeeda hadda, kaas oo ah in la helo, hore u qaado oo la sii daayo fursadaha macdantan. Far Resources currently has two mineral projects. The Zoro Lithium Project covers many known lithium pegmatite deposits and is located near Snow Lake in MB. Manitoba is ranked as the second largest mining investment jurisdiction in the world by the Fraser Institute. The second project is the Winston Project in New Mexico, USA, which is another historic mining asset with silver and gold potential. New Mexico is also included in the Fraser Institute list, ranking among the top 25 mining jurisdictions in the world.
First Liberty Power Corp. (OTC: FLPC) is a diversified exploration, development and junior mining company dedicated to providing strategic minerals for the future of the United States. First Liberty Power is based on a methodology aimed at advancing the exploration and development of the company's mining and processing operations. The company's goal is to bring minerals to the market while always ensuring employee safety, environmental integrity and good company governance. FLPC's corporate philosophy is fully demonstrated in its Path to Progress (POP) program, which is an open and transparent communication platform used to inform shareholders, investors and mining partners of company news and progress. First Liberty Power's current mineral product portfolio includes antimony, gold and other strategic metal projects and properties. Awoodda xorriyadda ugu horeeya ayaa hadda qiimaynaysa sahaminta sahaminta iyo fursadaha horumarinta ee laba miinooyin oo litada ah oo ku yaal Nevada iyo aagagga kale ee la sheegan karo ee isla aagga juqraafiyeed.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. Marka la barbardhigo xalalka dhaqameed, xalalka kaydinta Flux waxay ku siin karaan waxqabad sare, nolol adeeg oo dheer iyo dib u soo celinta maalgashiga. Flux sells products directly through a growing distribution relationship. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.
Frontier Lithium Inc. (TSX: FL.V) aims to become a low-cost, fully integrated lithium and tantalum producer by developing the PAK lithium deposit in Ontario, Canada. Frontier maintains a close share structure, and management ownership exceeds 30% of the company. From 2013 to 2017, 4.5 million Canadian dollars of exploration work was carried out on the deposit, which is characterized by the rare, high-purity, low-iron lithium in spodumene. In order to avoid unnecessary equity dilution, the company has adopted a phased growth approach to exploration and development, which is the company's strategic priority. The initial target market is the glass ceramic industry, which consumes approximately one-third of the global supply of lithium and is currently in a monopolistic state. Intaa waxaa dheer, soosaarayaasha waaweyn ee lithium-ka ayaa si isa soo taraya u rogaya wax soo saarkooda si ay u taageeraan soo saarista batteriga.
Glen Eagle Resources Inc. (TSX: GER.V) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, evaluation and development of mining assets in Canada. The company has an interest in the Authier lithium project in La Motte, Quebec. Waxa kale oo aad dooran kartaa inaad iibsato Moose Lake iyo Lac Lisette phosphates oo ku yaal Lac St-Jean, Quebec. Waxay kaloo dano ka leedahay Nicaragua iyo Honduras.
Global Lithium Ion Graphite Company (CSE: LION) waxay rabta inay noqoto alaab-qeybiyaha ugu weyn ee garaafyada ee warshadaha batariyada lithium ion sida degdega ah u koraya - oo ay ku jiraan Tesla's warshad weyn oo Gigafactory ah oo ku taal Nevada iyo dhirta kale ee la qorsheeyay in lagu furo adduunka oo dhan.
Global X Lithium and Battery Technology ETF (NYSEArca: LIT) Maalgelintani waxay doonaysaa inay bixiso natiijooyinka maalgashiga ee guud ahaan u dhigma qiimaha iyo waxqabadka dakhliga (marka laga reebo khidmadaha iyo kharashyada) Tusmada Lithium Global Solactive. The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the underlying index and American depositary receipts (“ADRs”) and global depositary receipts (“GDR”) of securities based on the underlying index. The underlying index aims to measure the broad performance of the stock market of global companies participating in the lithium industry. Sanduuqa waa mid aan kala duwanayn.
Iconic Minerals Ltd. (TSX: ICM.V) is an exploration company focusing on the acquisition, exploration and development of outstanding projects in North America. Ujeeddada ugu weyn ee shirkadu waa in ay daahfurto oo ay horumariso kayd dhaqaale iyo malaayiin wiqiyadood oo dahab ah iyada oo loo marayo sahaminta mashaariic tayo sare leh; it is mainly located in areas with great historical discovery potential in Nevada, which will make development and mine production costs low. Iconic Minerals has established a team of professionals with rich business and expertise in the discovery and development of many valuable gold mines; including venture capital for resource-raising projects. Iconic's Bonnie Claire Lithium hantida: Gurigu wuxuu daboolayaa dhul dhan 23,100 acres wuxuuna ku yaal dooxo qiyaastii 30 kiiloomitir (19 mayl) dheer iyo 20 kiiloomitir (12 mayl) ballaaran. The associated drainage area is 2,070 square kilometers (800 square miles). Quartz-rich volcanic rocks in and near the basin contain abnormal amounts of lithium. Falanqaynta juqraafiyeed ee shirkadda ee guryaha milixda maxalliga ah waxay heshay qiyamka lithium-ku sida ugu sarreeya 340 ppm, oo ay ku jiraan USGS (Sahaminta Juquraafi ee Maraykanka) oo sarreeya ilaa 500 ppm. The low gravity point in the valley is 20 kilometers (12 miles) long, and the current estimated bedrock depth ranges from 600 to 900 meters (2,000 to 3,000 feet). The current claim scope covers low gravity points and related mudflats.
Infinity Lithium Co., Ltd. (ASX: INF.AX) is a mineral company listed in Australia, in cooperation with Valoriza Mineria, is seeking to develop the San Jose lithium project and produce battery-grade lithium hydroxide. By supplying power to the large battery plants currently under construction, a supply response is needed to meet Europe's rapidly growing energy storage demand. Debaajiga San Jose waa fursad horumarineed oo aad u horumarsan, oo hore loo miineeyey oo ka dhigan mid ka mid ah dhigaalka lithium-ka ugu weyn Yurub. Infinity Lithium will mine hard mica mica resources and develop processing facilities to provide the only mine-to-end product lithium hydroxide business in Europe.
Biraha batteriga caalamiga ah (CSE: Ibat) waxay diiradda saareysaa aqoonsashada, qiimeynta, iyo maalgelinta macdanta hantida iyo teknolojiyadda / teknolojiyadda / teknolojiyadda / ka-saaridda qiimaha si ay u siiso macdanta ugu muhiimsan ee warshadaha batteriga. After careful evaluation of various minerals, technological progress, imbalance between supply and demand, and internal advantages, International Battery Metals Corporation will focus on tin, lithium, cobalt and tantalum. Biraha Battery-ga Caalamiga ah waxay isticmaali doontaa cilaaqaadkeeda caalamiga ah, khibradeeda warshadaha iyo waayo-aragnimada la xaqiijiyay si ay u dhisto oo ay u maamusho hawlgallada baaxadda leh si ay u gaadho himiladeeda.
International Lithium Corp. (TSX: ILC.V) waa shirkad sahaminta oo leh mashruuc mashruuc oo aad u wanaagsan, lahaanshaha maamulka xooggan, taageero dhaqaale oo xoog leh, iyo sidoo kale lamaane istiraatiji ah iyo maalgaliyaha muhiimka ah Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. ). The company's main focus is the Mariana Lithium Potassium Brine Project, which was established as a joint venture with Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. in the famous South American “Lithium Belt”, which has most of the world's lithium resources, reserves and production. The Mariana project, covering an area of 160 square kilometers, strategically covers a complete mineral-rich evaporation basin, which is considered to be one of the most promising salt marshes or “salt lakes” in the region. Buuxinta mashruuca lithium brine ee shirkadda waa saddexda macdanta birta ah ee naadirka ah ee Kanada, kuwaas oo kala ah mashaariicda Mavis, Raleigh iyo Forgan. A project in Ireland (Avalonia Project) covers a 50 km long pegmatite belt. The Mavis and Raleigh projects conducted by strategic partners Ganfeng Lithium and Avis and strategic partners Pioneer Resources Limited (PIO: ASX) are all Avalonia projects. The Mavis, Raleigh and Forgan projects together form the basis of the company's newly created Upper Canada lithium mining pool. Diirada barkadda macdanta ayaa ah in la isticmaalo lithium-xoojin sare oo hore loo sheegay si loo helo rajooyin sahaminta badan oo u dhow kaabayaasha jira. . As the demand for high-tech rechargeable batteries used in vehicle propulsion technology and portable electronics continues to increase, lithium is vital to tomorrow's “green technology” and sustainable economy. By positioning with solid development partners and obtaining high-quality grassroots projects in the early stages of exploration, ILC's goal is to become the preferred resource explorer for green technology investors and to create value for its shareholders.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Waxaan abuurnaa badeecooyin, adeegyo iyo xalal tayo leh si aan u wanaajino tamarta iyo hufnaanta hawleed ee dhismayaasha; baytariyada baabuurta lead-ashitada iyo baytariyada horumarsan ee baabuurta isku dhafka ah iyo kuwa korontada; and car interior systems. Xakamaynta Johnson waxay bixisaa tiknooloji taxane ah oo batari lithium-ion ah si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta iyo tamarta macaamiisha. Waxaan bixinaa xalal farsamo oo dabacsan si loo daboolo awoodda kala duwan, korantada iyo shuruudaha saacadaha ampere. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) waxaa la aasaasay bishii Agoosto 2016 iyada oo loo marayo isku darka Tasman Metals Ltd iyo Flinders Resources Ltd. Guddiga maamulka labada shirkadood waxay aqoonsadeen isku-dhafka shirkadaha iyo dakhliga ka helay isku-dhafka shirkadda. laba shirkadood. Kooxdu waxay diiradda saartay alaabta ceeriin ee muhiimka ah. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); agabka loogu talagalay wax soo saarka kuleyliyaha sare ee waxtarka leh (graphite, silica, nepheline); and materials that can improve energy generation efficiency ( dy, neodymium, ha). Walaxda hogaanka u ah Edge waxay ku jirtaa booska ugu fiican si ay door muhiim ah uga ciyaaraan sahayda joogtada ah ee tignoolajiyada iyo agabka tamarta muhiimka ah
Li3 Energy, Inc. (OTC:LIEG) is a listed company in the exploration stage of lithium mining and energy. Li3′s goal is to acquire, develop and commercialize a large number of lithium brine deposits in the Americas. Ku-tiirsanaanta xiisaha mashruuca Maricenga, iyo sidoo kale dhammaystirka NI 43-101-waafaqsan warbixinta kheyraadka la cabbiri karo iyo helitaanka Cocina, hadafka Li3 waa in: a) u hormariyo Maricenga heerka daraasadda suurtagalka ah; b) support the global implementation of clean and green Energy initiatives; c) Meet the growing demand for lithium market; d) Become a mid-range low-cost supplier of lithium, potassium nitrate, iodine and other strategic minerals, serving global customers in the energy, fertilizer and specialty chemical industries.
Liberty One Lithium Corp (TSX: LBY.V; OTCQB: LRTTF; FRANKFURT: L1T.F) is an exploration company dedicated to the acquisition and development of high-grade lithium brine deposits. The extensive property of Pocitos in western Argentina is located in the heart of the famous “Lithium Triangle”, in the trend of several lithium producers within 25 kilometers. Gurigu wuxuu ku yaal meel istaraatiiji ah si loo soo saaro brine lithium iyada oo loo marayo habab uumi-bax ah oo jaban iyo qaan gaar ah, waxayna ku dheggan tahay kaabayaasha la taaban karo iyo shaqaale xirfad iyo khibrad leh. Kooxda caalamiga ah ee Liberty waxay ka kooban tahay khabiiro farsamo oo caan ah kuwaas oo diiradda saarayay lithium tobanaan sano. The company strictly manages value creation decisions to ensure that the company has sufficient capital and continues to create value for shareholders.
Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR.AX) is engaged in mineral exploration and evaluation in Australia. The company explores for lithium, gold, vanadium and nickel. Waxay xiisaynaysaa Mashruuca Lithium Tantalum ee Dooxada Katherine, Mashruuca Lithium Buldania, Mashruuca Killaloe iyo Mashruuca Norcott ee Galbeedka Australia. Iyo mashruuca Toolebuc vanadium ee Queensland.
Lithion Energy Corporation (TSX: LNC.V) waa milkiilaha 100% ee laba macdan lithium oo rajo leh oo Nevada iyo Arizona ah. Sifooyinka Dooxada Tareenada Nevada waxay la mid yihiin bartilmaameedka lithium brine ee dooxada Clayton, iyo Canyon Black Canyon waa bartilmaameedka dhoobada lithium.
Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX: LAC.TO; OTC: LHMAF) waxay ku hawlan tahay sahaminta iyo qiimaynta lithium, potassium iyo macdanta kale ee Koonfurta Ameerika. The company owns approximately 161,000 hectares of land use rights in five salt lakes in the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, Argentina. Its main property is the Cauchari-Olaroz lithium project, which is located near the Cauchari and Olaroz salt lakes in Jujuy, Argentina, covering an area of approximately 81,000 hectares.
Lithium Corporation (OTC: LTUM) is an exploration company located in Nevada, dedicated to the exploration of energy storage-related resources throughout North America, hoping to take advantage of opportunities in the expanding market for next-generation batteries. Shirkaddu waxay ku haysaa isbahaysi istiraatijiyadeed oo ay la leedahay Altura Mining, oo ah shirkad horumarinta khayraadka dabiiciga ah ee ku taxan Sarrifka saamiyada Australia. The company is currently seeking an offtake contract for its 100% owned world-class Pilgangoora lithium pegmatite mineral in Western Australia.
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) For sixty years, Livent has worked with customers to safely and sustainably use lithium to power the world. Livent is one of the few companies with the ability, reputation and know-how to produce high-quality finished lithium compounds that can help meet the growing demand for lithium. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay mid ka mid ah faylalka wax soo saarka ee ugu ballaaran ee warshadaha, buuxinta baahida tamarta cagaaran, dhaqdhaqaaqa casriga ah, dhaqaalaha mobilada, iyo hal-abuurnimada xirfadeed oo ay ku jiraan alloys iftiinka iyo saliidaha. Livent has approximately 700 employees worldwide and has manufacturing plants in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, China and Argentina.
Makena Resources Inc. (TSX: MKN.V) is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of minerals in Canada. Mashaariicda: Mashruuca Patterson Uranium; Clone Gold Project; DB Diamond Project. August 2016: Announced that it has signed a subscription agreement with Bachman Lithium Corp
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
Sahaminta Matamec (TSX: mat.V) waa shirkad sahamin macdanta yar oo diiradda ugu weyn ay ku jirto horumarinta deebaajiga wadajirka ah ee kipawa. The company owns 72% of the company and 28% of Quebec Resources; Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd. (Japan Nagoya) holds a 10% royalties on the net profit of this deposit. In addition, the company is exploring a strike length of more than 35 kilometers in the Kipawa alkali mining area through its Zeus mine for rare earth-yttrium-zirconium-niobium-tantalum mineralization. The company is also exploring gold, base metals and platinum group metals. In Quebec, the company is using its Tansim minerals to find strategic metals such as lithium, tantalum and beryllium, and to look for precious and base metals in its Sakami, Valmont and Vulcain minerals.
Millennial Lithium Corp. (TSX: ML.V; OTCQX: MLNLF) is an exploration and development company focused on high-quality lithium assets in Argentina. Proyecto Pastos Grandes SA is an important project of the company, has 100% ownership, and is strategically located in the Argentine region of the “Lithium Triangle” (with some of the largest lithium resources in the world). Gurigu wuxuu leeyahay aag qiyaastii 5,500 hektar wuxuuna ku yaal 154 kiiloomitir galbeedka Salta, Argentina. Millennial has also reached an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Cauchari East Lithium Project in Jujuy Province, Argentina (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”). Cauchari East occupies 2,990 hectares on the east side of Cauchari-Olaroz Salar, adjacent to Salar de Olaroz produced by Orocobre and late Cauchari-Olaroz from Lithium Americas Corp..
Mineral Hill Industries Ltd. (TSX: MHI.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The mine has accumulated a diversified portfolio of high-quality lithium, gold and precious metal properties in Canada. The company's main focus is to put into operation the Liberty Hill gold mine operated by Mineral Hill's subsidiary Veritas Resources Corp., while continuing to explore and develop its four 100% owned hard rock lithium carbonate projects in Quebec (Canada). .
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. Shirkaddu waxay sahamisaa dhulalka dhifka ah ee culus, kobalt, naxaas, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nikkel, karboonayt iyo biraha dahabka, iyo sidoo kale walxaha kooxda platinum. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. Kala-duwanaanshahani wuxuu siinayaa shirkadaha dabacsanaan weyn si ay u beegsadaan alaabada kor u qaada qiimaha saamilayda.
Nemaska Lithium Inc. (TSX: NMX.V) waxay ku tala jirtaa inay noqoto alaab-qeybiye lithium hydroxide iyo lithium carbonate suuqa baytariyada lithium ee soo baxaya. The company is developing one of the most important spodumene lithium hard rock deposits in the world in quantity and grade. Xoog-saarista Spodumene ee laga soo saaro miinada Nemaska's Whabouchi waxaa loo rari doonaa warshadda farsamaynta isku dhafka lithium ee shirkadda ee Shawinigan, Quebec. The plant will use a proprietary method developed by the company to convert spodumene concentrate into high-purity lithium hydroxide and carbonate, and has applied for a patent.
Neo Lithium Corp. (TSX: NLC.V) waxay si dhakhso ah u noqotay magac cusub oo caan ah oo ku jira sahaminta lithium brine oo leh mashruuceeda 3Q ee tayada sare leh iyo koox khibrad leh. Neo Lithium waxay hore u haysatay lacag ku filan waxayna si degdeg ah u horumarinaysaa mashruuceeda cusub ee 3Q - harada cusbada lithium-ka ee u gaarka ah iyo dhismaha Salar ee saddexagalka lithium ee Latin America. The 3Q project is located in Catamarca, Argentina's largest lithium producer. Mashruucu wuxuu daboolayaa dhul ku dhow 35,000 hektar, dhismaha Salar ee aaggana waa qiyaastii 160 kiiloomitir oo laba jibbaaran. Surface exploration results show that the high-grade lithium target in the northern part of the Salar extends approximately 20 x 5 km, and contains the lowest magnesium and sulfate impurities. Low impurities are a key factor in the traditional low-cost evaporation technology used for final lithium carbonate production. Geothermal hot springs with elevated lithium content are part of the Salar Group's replenishment system. The technical team who discovered this unique salt marsh complex is one of the most experienced teams in the lithium salt marsh. He discovered and led the technical work, including resource definition and a comprehensive feasibility study, so as to make Cauchari lithium salt marsh It has become the third largest lithium brine resource in the world.
Shirkadda dahabiga ah ee Nevanada (TSX: Nev.V) waa shirkad sahamin macdanta leh oo leh koox farsamo oo adag oo ku taal Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The company is interested in nine mineral exploration projects in Nevada, USA. Shirkadda Nepanada Sunrise waxay bilaabatay inay hesho hantida litda's litada bisha Sebtember 2015, oo ay ku jiraan fuliska si loo helo sinnaanta 100% ee Clartons-ka ah ee Nortricens iyo Clarton-ka Clartons iyo Clarton-ka Clarton-ka iyo Mashruuca 100% sinnaanta ee Mashruuca Aquarius ee aagga Clayton Valley. Shirkadda sidoo kale waxay leedahay ikhtiyaar si ay u hesho sinnaanta 100% ee mashaariicda Jackson Dhaqyada iyo Atlanta, waxayna leedahay awood 50% si caddaalad ah mashruuca Gemini. Each project has Located in Playas near Clayton Valley. The company's three main gold assets include a 21% interest in a joint venture with Pilot Gold Inc. (PLG.TO) in Kingsley Hills near Wendover, a 100% interest in the Golden Arrow project near Tonopah, and 100% interest in the Golden Arrow project near Tonopah. The roulette gold assets in the southeast of Carlin tend to be near Yili, and each asset has a certain production and use fee.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay ku hawlan tahay ganacsiyo kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin wax-soo-saarka iyo iibinta maraakiibta dalxiiska, ganacsiga terminalka iyo dhoofinta matoorada dibadda ah. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; mashiinka warshadaha; iyo injineerinka, qalabka elektiroonigga ah iyo qalabka elektiroonigga ah. Intaas waxaa sii dheer, shirkaddu sidoo kale waxay bixisaa maaliyad, amaahda gawaarida iyo kiraysiga gawaarida, hay'adda caymiska, adeegyada maalgelinta alaabada, iyo adeegyada kaarka. In addition, it is also engaged in operations and consulting related to the analysis and determination of raw materials; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; soo dejinta iyo dhoofinta qaybaha baabuurta iyo alaabta; real estate Business; kor u qaadida ciyaaraha mootada; maamulka kooxaha kubbadda cagta iyo dugsiyada kubbadda cagta.
Noram Ventures Inc. (TSX: NRM.V) is a Canadian-based junior exploration company whose goal is to become a force in the green energy revolution through the development of lithium deposits and to become a low-cost supplier to the booming lithium battery warshadaha.
Nordic Mining ASA (Oslo: NOM.OL) waxay ku hawlan tahay sahaminta, qodista iyo soo saarista macdanta iyo macdanta warshadaha ee Norway iyo caalamkaba. Waxay inta badan baartaa kaydadka rutile (titanium dioxide), garnet, quartz, lithium/lithium carbonate, nikkel, palladium iyo platinum. Shirkaddu waxay danaynaysaa macdanta dahabka ee Engebø rutile ee Naustdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. Waxa kale oo ay xiisaynaysaa deebaajiga Kvinnherad, kaas oo ka kooban quartz hydrothermal oo ku yaal sariirta Proterozoic ee koonfurta aagga qaladka Hardanger. Waxa kale oo ay leedahay xuquuqda sahaminta ee Troms iyo jasiiradda Øksfjord ee Finnmark.
Orocobre Limited (ASX: ORE.AX; TSX: ORL.TO) waxay dhisaysaa shirkad warshadeed oo wayn oo Argentine ah iyadoo dhisaysa oo ka shaqaynaysa faylalka mashruuca lithium, potassium iyo boron iyo tas-hiilaadkeeda gobolka Puna ee waqooyiga Argentina. Shirkaddu waxay iskaashi la samaysay Toyota Tsusho Corporation iyo JEMSE si ay u dhisto mashruucii ugu horreeyay ee ballaaran ee cagaaran ee ku salaysan lithium ee Salar de Olaroz muddo 20 sano ah, waxayna qorsheyneysaa inay soo saarto 17,500 tan oo qiimo jaban oo ah lithium carbonate ah oo batari ah sannadkii.
Pacific North West Capital Corp (TSX: PFN.V) is a mineral exploration company dedicated to the River Valley PGM project in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. This is one of Canada's largest platinum group metal (PGM) primary deposits Exploration and development. The company's newly established Lithium Division will focus on the acquisition, exploration and development of Canadian lithium projects. Dalka Mareykanka, shirkaddu waxay u isticmaali doontaa kaabadeeda Mareykanka oo dhan si ay u hesho oo ay u horumariso mashaariicda miinooyinka firfircoon ee Nevada, Arizona iyo California. Pacific Northwest Capital Corporation is a member of International Metals Corporation, an organization of professionals with extensive experience in all aspects of the mining industry.
Piedmont Lithium (NasdaqGS: PLL) holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project located in the Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) of Carolina and develops along the Harman Bundle and Kings Mountain mines, Historically, the Western world has provided most Lithium-kii intii u dhaxaysay 1950-meeyadii iyo 1980-aadkii. TSB is described as one of the largest lithium provinces in the world and is located about 25 miles west of Charlotte, North Carolina. With its good geological conditions and convenient infrastructure, power, lithium and battery storage R&D centers, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities, it is an important location for the development of integrated lithium businesses.
Pioneer Resources Ltd. (ASX: PIO.AX) is a professional exploration company with proven discovery capabilities and a large multi-commodity residential property portfolio strategically located within 200 kilometers of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia. Pioneer ee hadda jira ee sahaminta ee hadda jira ayaa ah badeecadaha ugu muhiimsan ee badeecadaha loo baahan yahay ee loo baahan yahay ee loo baahan yahay. To this end, Pioneer has expanded its gold and nickel assets through four powerful lithium projects; the advanced Mavis lithium project in Ontario, Canada, and the potential Donnelly, Pioneer Dome and Phillips River lithium projects in Western Australia.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
InternationalPore International, Inc. (Nyse: PPO) ayaa soo saarta, soosaarro oo iibiya xuub-xireenno-dirroperous gaar ah oo loogu talagalay kala-goynta iyo hanaannada kala-goynta. Ganacsiga shirkadu waxa uu u qaybsan yahay saddex qaybood oo kala ah:Electronics kaydinta tamarta iyo EDV, gaadiidka kaydinta tamarta iyo warshadaha,iyo warbaahinta kala soocida. The company provides a series of patented polypropylene and polyethylene single-layer and multi-layer separators for lithium batteries, which can be used in various applications, such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles (EDV), cordless power tools and energy storage systems . It also provides polymer-based diaphragms for lead-acid batteries used in automobiles and other motor vehicles; as well as filter membranes and components for medical applications, including hemodialysis, blood oxygenation, plasma exchange and other medical applications, as well as various filtration And special applications, such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration and gasification/degassing applications. The company sells its products to manufacturers and processors through direct sales staff, distributors and agents. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.
Istaraatiijiyada iibka ee Power Americas Minerals Corp. (TSX: PAM.V) (oo hore u ahaan jirtey Victory Ventures) waxay diiradda saartaa helitaanka macdan la awoodi karo, kharash-ool ah oo aadka loo tixgeliyo meelaha leh awood juqraafiga la xaqiijiyay. Meelahaas waxaa ka mid ah kuwa taariikhi ah oo hadda laga soo saaro miinooyin leh kaabayaasha jira. Istaraatiijiyada waxaa ka mid ah in la helo 100% sinnaanta kheyraadka macdanta iyada oo aan la bixin shuruudo lacag bixin ah ama ballan-qaadyo qorshe shaqo, taas oo aan khatar gelin doonin xasilloonida maaliyadeed ee shirkadaha macdanta yaryar. Shirkaddu waxay aaminsan tahay in iyada oo loo marayo hirgelinta istaraatiijiyadan iibsiga, qiimaha saamiga ugu weyn ayaa loo abuuri karaa si wax ku ool ah oo kharash-ool ah. The company believes that the demand profile of cobalt, lithium, copper and other basic power-related materials will be dominated by the adaptive growth of electric vehicles, and the increase in production of renewable energy and superalloys. The company is committed to identifying and developing ethical materials within the Americas, aiming to solve the growing demand for energy metals due to the introduction of innovation and new technologies. Power Americas Minerals Corp. is a Canadian junior mining exploration company focused on sourcing, exploring and developing cobalt, lithium, copper and other energy metals in North and South America.
Resources Majescor (TSX: MJX.V) signed an option agreement with Genius Properties Ltd. and two other suppliers to purchase the Montagne B lithium assets (approximately 708 hectares) located approximately 12 kilometers southwest of Nemaska Lithium's world-class Whabouchi Lithium ) . Deposits are in central Quebec. Majescor also plans to work on the Eastmain gold mine in the James Bay area of Quebec.
Rodinia Lithium Inc (TSX: RM.V) waa shirkad sahaminta macdanta iyo horumarinta Kanada, inta badan waxay diiradda saartaa sahaminta iyo horumarinta lithium ee Argentina. The company is also actively exploring the commercialization of an important potassium salt by-product, which is expected to be recycled through the lithium harvesting process.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) is the world's leading designer and manufacturer of high-tech industrial batteries. The group is the world's leading manufacturer of nickel batteries and lithium primary batteries for the industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, and civil and military electronics markets. Saft waxa uu noqday hogaamiye caalami ah xagga hawada iyo baytariyada difaaca oo leh tignoolajiyada lithium-ion, taas oo sidoo kale loo isticmaalo kaydinta tamarta, gaadiidka iyo suuqyada shabakadaha isgaarsiinta.
Sayona Mining Limited (ASX: SYA.AX) waa shirkad ku taxan ASX (SYA) ee Australia, u heellan soo iibinta iyo horumarinta alaabta ceeriin ee looga baahan yahay soo saarista baytariyada lithium-ion si loogu isticmaalo si degdeg ah horumarinta tignoolajiyada cusub iyo cagaarka. Meelaha tikniyoolajiyadda. Ujeeddada ugu weyn ee shirkadu waa horumarinta heerka sare ee mashruuca Authier lithium ee Quebec, Canada.
Scientific Metals Corp. (TSX: STM.V) formerly known as Suparna Gold Corp-is a Canadian exploration company focused on the global acquisition and development of production-grade lithium deposits. STM acquired the Deep Valley property in Midwest Alberta. Hantida waxaa ku jira aag ruqsad ah oo ah 6,648 hektar (16,427 acres) oo daboolaya aagagga la sheegay in lagu saleeyo brine lithium. Sida lagu sheegay warbixinta ERCB bishii Oktoobar, miinada Deep Valley waxay ku taal agagaarka harada kalluunka ee Fox Creek ee Alberta. Samaynta biyaha ee Leduc aquifer ee aaggan waxay qani ku yihiin lithium, potassium, boron, bromine iyo kuwa kale. Commodity, 2011, titled “Geological Introduction to Lithium-rich Formation Water”, focused on the Fox Creek area (NTS 83F and 83K) in central and western Alberta.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. Waaxda agabka baytariyada horumarsan waxay ku hawlan tahay ganacsiyaynta baytariyada lithium-ion iyo agabka unugyada shidaalka. In the field of lithium-ion batteries, the department provides SCMGTM anode materials, VGCFTM carbon nanotubes, aluminum laminate films for batteries and carbon-coated aluminum foils for cathode current collectors. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Slam Exploration Ltd. (TSX: SXL.V) is a project-generating resource company with a portfolio of gold and base metal projects in Eastern Canada. Mashruuca macdanta dahabka ee Menneval waa natiijadii macdanta dahabka ee Maisie ee ay heleen kooxda sare ee baadhista SLAM sanadkii 2012. Mashaariicda kale ee dahabka macdanta waxaa ka mid ah Reserve Creek iyo mashaariicda dahabka ee Miminiska ee Ontario. SLAM waxay haysataa royalties NSR ee kaydadka Superjack iyo Nash zinc-lead naxaasta-silver-silver. SLAM waxay dhawaan ku dhawaaqday inay sheegatay sheegasho ka dhan ah todoba lithium iyo macdan la xidhiidha koonfur bari ee New Brunswick.
KHUDBADAHA KHUDBADAHA Inc. (CSE: SPMT) waa shirkadda sahaminta kheyraadka aasaasiga ah ee Kanada oo u heellan inay si firfircoon ula socoto kaydadka fasalka adduunka. Shirkaddu waxay diiradda saartaa ururinta faylalka hantida ee khatarta hoose leh, soo celinta sare leh inta lagu jiro marxaladda sahaminta iyo horumarinta si ay u kordhiso qiimaha saamilayda. Several upcoming project milestones make Spearmint's corporate growth potential an exciting time. Spearmint's Whabouchi Lakes lithium mine is located in the James Bay region of Quebec, about 40 kilometers east of Nemaska community and 228 kilometers northwest of Chibougamau city, next to Nemaska Lithium Inc's Whabouchi deposit. Spearmint also recently acquired a 100% interest in 53 unpatented mineral properties located in the Clayton Valley, Nevada. These minerals have lithium reserves, known as the Elon Mineral and McGee Minerals, covering a total of 1,420 acres.
Lithium Standard (TSX.V: SLL) (OTC: STLHF) waa shirkad kiimikooyin khaas ah oo u heellan inay furto qiimaha kheyraadka brine-ka ee baaxadda weyn ee jira ee gudaha Mareykanka. The company believes that by minimizing project risks in the selection phase (resources, politics, geography, regulations, and permits), and leveraging advances in lithium extraction technology and processes, new lithium production can be quickly achieved. The company's flagship project is located in southern Arkansas and uses the company's proprietary selective extraction technology to test and prove the commercial feasibility of extracting lithium from 150,000 acres of licensed brine operations. The company is also seeking resources to develop more than 30,000 acres of individual brine leases in southwestern Arkansas, and approximately 45,000 acres of mineral leases in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California.
Ultra Lithium Inc. (TSX: ULI.V) waa shirkad Canadian ah oo liiska sahaminta iyo horumarinta ah diiradda saarta soo iibsiga iyo horumarinta hantida lithium. The company is currently focusing on North American acquisitions and exploring its Great Smoky Valley project in Nevada, USA. Dalka Mareykanka, shirkaddu waxay 100% ku haysaa xiisaha mashruuca Dooxada Sigaarka Weyn ee Nevada. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale sahaminaysaa lithium mashruuc Balkan ka ah Serbia.
Lithium Corporation of America (OTC: LITH) is an exploration and development company focused on North America, dedicated to providing lithium and related resources for the fast-growing energy storage industry. The company hopes to take advantage of opportunities in the field of lithium batteries, including providing lithium batteries for the expanding next-generation battery market. According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs, demand for lithium is expected to triple by 2025. For many analysts, lithium is considered the new gasoline of the future. Sida baahida lithium-ka ay u korto, American Lithium Corporation waxay ku talo jirtaa inay qayb ka noqoto warshadahan soo baxaya. Diiradayada hadda waxay ku wajahan tahay basinka iyo gobollada buuraha ee Nevada. Albemarle's Silver Peak mashruuca waxa uu ku yaalaa miinada kaliya ee Waqooyiga Ameerika ee soo saarta lithium. Our first project, Elon, is located in Clayton Valley, close to Silver Peak and several other active explorers and developers.
Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. (ASX: VMC.AX) waxay ku hawlan tahay sahaminta kheyraadka macdanta Galbeedka Australia. It mainly studies vanadium, cobalt, nickel, gold and lithium.
Capstone Turbine Corporation (NASDAQCM: CPST) is a leading global manufacturer of low-emission micro-turbine systems and the first company to sell commercially viable micro-turbine energy products. Capstone Turbine has delivered more than 8,500 Capstone Microturbine systems to customers worldwide. These award-winning systems record millions of recorded runtimes. Capstone Turbine is a member of the US Environmental Protection Agency's combined heat and power program, which is dedicated to improving the efficiency of the US energy infrastructure and reducing pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. Capstone waa UL-certified ISO 9001: 2008 iyo ISO 14001: 2004 shirkad shahaado, xarunteedu tahay Los Angeles, oo leh xarumaha iibka iyo/ama adeegyada ee agagaarka magaalada New York, United Kingdom, Mexico City, Shanghai iyo Singapore.
ABTech Hindilada, Inc (OTC: ABHD) Warshadaha Abtech, Inc. (ABHESS (ABTEHT) Hanti-joogidda ABTEHE, Inc. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. Alaabtooyinkeeda waxay ku saleysan yihiin tikniyoolajiyadda polymer-ka ee ka saari kara hydrocarbons, qalcadyada iyo waxyaabaha kale ee shisheeye biyaha roobka (balliyada, baalasha, dheecaannada jidadka, wabiyada iyo badaha), hanaanka warshadaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. Farsamadani waxay si wax ku ool ah u yaraynaysaa bakteeriyada coliform ee laga helo biyaha roobka, biyaha wasakhda ah ee warshadaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah ee dawlada hoose. SmartSponge®Plus waxaa laga diiwaangaliyay Hay'adda Ilaalinta Deegaanka (lambarka diiwaangelinta 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (oo hoos timaada Abtech Holdings, Inc.) waa shirkad madax-bannaan oo injineernimada madaniga ah iyo deegaanka oo la shaqeysa jaamacadaha cilmi-baarista iyo injineernimada sare. Adiga oo diiradda saaraya soo bandhigida injineernimada cusub iyo tignoolajiyada cusub ee qaybta kaabayaasha biyaha, AEWS waxay ku jirtaa safka hore ee horumarinta hababka maaraynta ugu wanaagsan ee biyaha roobka waxayna siisaa macaamiisheeda naqshadihii ugu dambeeyay iyo kuwa ugu wanaagsan.
Basic Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE: BAS) provides well site services, which are critical to maintaining the production of oil and gas wells within its business scope. The company employs 4,400 in more than 100 service points in major oil and gas production areas in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Kansas, and the Rocky Mountains and Appalachians. Multiple employees. Aasaasigu waxa uu bixiyaa hawlo badan oo kala duwan si loo daweeyo dhammaan qulqulka biyaha wasakhda ah ee saliidda laga bilaabo dareeraha qodista qodista si loo habeeyo dareeraha qulqulka jaban oo soo saaray biyo dib loogu isticmaalo. Our services include chlorine dioxide (ClO2) treatment in downhole and surface water applications, including treatment of fresh water, produced water and hydraulic fracturing (fracture) water. Basic's water solution service focuses on two key areas: circulating water and bacteria control. Hawl kasta, waxaan la shaqeyn doonnaa macaamiisha si aan u horumarinno qorshayaasha istiraatiijiyadeed ee ku saabsan xaaladaha mashruuca, oo ku habboon howlahooda gaarka ah. Adeeggeennu waxay yareysaa baahida loo qabo biyo nadiif ah, gaadiid biyo ah, qashin-qubka iyo ciriiriga dhulka. Sidaas darteed, waxaan gacan ka geysaneynaa badbaadinta macaamiisha waqti, lacag iyo biyo, kheyraadka dabiiciga ee ugu qaalisan.
BioLargo, Inc. (OTC: BLGO) waxay wanaajisaa nolosha iyadoo la siinayo alaabooyin ku salaysan tignoolajiyada waara ee kaa caawin kara xallinta qaar ka mid ah dhibaatooyinka ugu baahsan ee khatarta ku ah biyaha, cuntada, beeraha, daryeelka caafimaadka, iyo tamarta adduunka. For more information about the company and its subsidiaries, please visit www.BioLargo.com. Its subsidiary BioLargo Water, Inc. (www.BioLargoWater.com) demonstrated an advanced oxidation system, including its AOS filter-a product under development, specifically designed to eliminate common, troublesome and dangerous (toxic) pollution in water Part of the thing. Waqtiga iyo qiimaha tignoolajiyada hadda jira. It received the “Technology Star” award from “New Technology” magazine for its breakthrough innovation in the petroleum industry, and was appointed by Frost & Sullivan as a technological innovation leader in the water treatment market. BioLargo also owns a 50% interest in Isan System, which was awarded the title of “Top 50 Water Company in the 21st Century” by the Artemis project. The company has now been commercialized with a license from Clarion Water, Inc. Odor-No-More Inc., a subsidiary of BioLargo, provides award-winning products that serve the pet, horse, military supplies and consumer markets, including the Nature's BestSolution ® iyo noocyada Deodorall® (www.OdorNoMore.com). Teknolojiyada Caafimaadka ee Clyara Caafimaadka, Inc.
Bird River Resources Inc. (CSE: BDR) waa shirkad kheyraad kala duwan leh oo ku taal Winnipeg, Manitoba. BDR has interests in ten oil and gas wells in production in southern Manitou Brazil. BDR also provides various environmental services and sells a range of environmental absorption products for oil and industrial spills and farms.
Petro-Canada Extraction and Rehabilitation Enterprise Limited (TSX: CVR.V) waa shirkad adeegyo batroolka ah oo xarunteedu tahay Kanada. CORRE provides full-cycle waste oil management solutions for the petroleum industry. CORRE's customers are mainly in the upstream oil sector (oil production and drilling companies) and the downstream oil sector (refining, transportation and distribution companies). CORRE's production line includes remediation of oil-contaminated soil; daaweynta dhoobada, dhoobada saliidda ku salaysan iyo qashinka qodista, soosaarka saliidda; Nadiifinta haanta kaydinta otomaatiga ah, injineernimada saliida iyo gaaska iyo maaraynta mashruuca. CORRE provides its advanced environmental solutions through strategic operating partnerships with some of the world's most prominent companies.
Cypress Energy Partners (Cypress Energy Partners, LP) (NYSE: CELP) is a growth-oriented limited partnership for energy, exploration and production and midstream companies in the United States and Canada and their supply The supplier provides midstream services, including pipeline inspection, integrity and hydrostatic pressure testing services. Cypress waxa kale oo ay siisaa daaweynta biyaha milixda ah iyo adeegyada kale ee biyaha iyo deegaanka Shirkadda Sahminta iyo Wax-soosaarka Tamarta ee Maraykanka iyo alaab-qeybiyeyaasheeda Waqooyiga Dakota ee Williston Basin iyo Galbeedka Texas ee gudaha Permian Basin. Saddexdaas goobood ee ganacsi, Cypress waxay si dhow ula shaqeysaa macaamiisha si ay uga caawiso inay u hoggaansamaan sii kordheysa ee adag ee adag xeerarka deegaanka iyo badbaadada iyo dhimista kharashaadka hawlgalka. Cypress waa ku saleysan Tulsa, Oklahoma.
ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) is a leading manufacturer of patented and proprietary solutions for environments where understanding of the presence, movement and/or volume of water is important. The main market areas include: agriculture, golf and turf, scientific research, civil engineering and crude oil production. ESI solutions have been successfully introduced in more than 40 countries/regions to enable customers to optimize operations by monitoring the presence and flow of water, managing irrigation systems, and monitoring the integrity of landfill sites. Qalabka shirkadda FloPoint™ waxaa loogu talagalay warshadaha batroolka si loo cabbiro mugga biyaha la shubo inta lagu jiro soo saarista saliidda cayriin si loo asteeyo loona wanaajiyo habka. ESI way kala saartaa iyada oo u beddesha tignoolajiyada ugu fiican ee la heli karo xalal wax ku ool ah oo si fudud loo isticmaali karo. Irrigation managers, reservoir engineers and scientists have adopted ESI products because of their accuracy, ease of use, repeatability and ability to operate in harsh environments.
Eco-Stim Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM: ESES) waa adeeg saliideed iyo shirkad tignoolajiyadeed diiradda saaraya deegaanka, oo bixisa tignoolajiyada maaraynta goobta ee soosaarayaasha saliidda iyo gaaska qodista ee si dhakhso leh u koraya suuqa caalamiga ah ee aan caadiga ahayn. Stimulation and completion services. Habka iyo tignoolajiyada lahaanshaha ee EcoStim waxay yarayn kartaa tirada marxaladaha kicinta ee kaydka shale iyada oo loo marayo hannaan gaar ah oo saadaalin kara meelaha wax-soosaarka ixtimaalka sare leh iyo adeegsiga jiilkii ugu dambeeyay ee aaladaha ogaanshaha godka hoose si loo aqoonsado meelahan wax soo saarka. In addition, EcoStim also provides its customers with completion technologies that can greatly reduce horsepower requirements, emissions, surface footprint and water use. EcoStim is committed to providing global unconventional oil and gas producers with well completion services with better technology, better ecology and significantly improved economic benefits.
Ecosphere Technologies, Inc (OTC: ESPH) is a technology development and intellectual property licensing company dedicated to developing environmental solutions for the global water, energy and industrial markets. Waxaan ka caawinnaa warshadaha inay kordhiyaan wax soo saarka, yareynta qarashka, oo ka ilaaliyaa deegaanka tikniyoolajiyad u gaar ah oo ah tekpube ™, kaas oo ku siinaya fursado shati bixinno gaar ah iyo mid aan gaar ahayn oo ka mid ah warshadaha oo dhan. wide range of industries and applications everywhere. Ecosphere's patented Ozonix® technology is a revolutionary ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) that enables customers in the oil and gas industry to process, recover, and reuse 5 billion gallons of water from more than 1,200 oil and gas wells in the United States . Canada also eliminated millions of gallons of liquid chemicals and generated more than 70 million Canadian dollars in revenue from equipment sales, service, and licensing. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale si guul leh u soo saartay ku dhawaad 50 mashiinnada Ozonix® oo ay geysay noocyo kala duwan oo saliid ah oo hawo-biyoodyo ah oo burbursan oo saliidda ka sameysan oo ku baahsan Mareykanka iyo Kanada.
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) is a CleanTech company located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Waxay samaysay oo soo saartay kala-soocida Voraxial®, kaas oo la odhan karo waa kan ugu waxtarka badan, ugu awoodda badan, iyo kala-soocida mugga weyn ee adduunka dareeraha iyo tignoolajiyada kala goynta dareeraha / adag. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. Codsiyada waxaa ka mid ah laakiin aan ku xaddidnayn: nadiifinta daadinta saliidda, u beddelashada qashinka tamar, kala soocidda biyaha badda iyo badda, biyaha dillaaca, biyaha roobka, nadiifinta biyaha wasakhda ah iyo shidaal noole. Suuqa kala-goynta waxaa ku jira qaybo badan oo doollar suuqyo badan oo doolar ah, oo daboolaya warshado badan iyo codsiyo adduunka oo dhan. Nidaamka kala-goynta Volaxial® ee EVTN wuxuu dhameystiray mashaariic leh shirkadaha badan ee shirkadaha ugu sareeya adduunka
ESP Resources, Inc. (OTC: ESPI) produces, mixes, distributes and sells specialty chemicals and analytical services for the oil and gas industry in the United States. Shirkaddu waxay siisaa kiimikooyin khaas ah oo loogu talagalay codsiyada kala duwan ee saliidda iyo gaaska, oo ay ku jiraan bakteeriyada dila, kala soocida biyaha xayiran iyo wasakhowga kale ee saliidda cayriin, ka saarista saliidda gaaska dabiiciga ah, kor u qaadida bamgareynta iyo nadiifinta, iyo dareerayaasha kala duwan ee loo isticmaalo iyo kuwa lagu daro. During the drilling and production process. Its products include completion petrochemical products, which are mainly used in the completion stage of oil or natural gas wells drilled in various shale formations. The company's products also include the production of petrochemical products, such as surfactants used to deal with production and injection problems; well completion and workover chemicals, which can maximize the productivity of new and existing wells; and biocides can kill water transmission The growth of bacteria; scale compounds that prevent or treat scale deposits; corrosion inhibitors are organic compounds that can form a protective film on the metal surface to isolate the metal from the corrosive environment; defoamers used to control foaming problems; emulsification Agents for crude oil containing produced water; inhibit and/or dissolve paraffin to prevent accumulation of paraffin chemicals; and water purifiers for purification of sewage. In addition, it provides various services for the upstream, midstream and downstream industries of the energy industry, including new construction, modification of operations support for onshore and offshore production, collection, refining facilities and pipelines.
Frontier Oilfield Services, Inc. (OTC: FOSI) waxay ku hawlan tahay gaadiidka iyo tuurista brine iyo dareerayaasha kale ee saliidda ee Texas. The company owns and operates 11 disposal wells in Texas. It provides services to national, integrated and independent oil and gas exploration companies.
Genoil Inc (OTC: GNOLF) is a Canadian engineering technology development company headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with offices in Calgary, Sherwood Park, New York, Constanta, Romania, Dubai and Abu Dhabi Place. Genoil provides a series of clean technology petroleum technologies. Genoil is committed to sustainable development and has two major research institutions in Canada and Romania. It owns and operates a world-class 10 bpd hydrogenation conversion upgrader (GHU), which is equipped with an independent water electrolysis device for high-purity hydrogen supply, hydrogen compressor, substation, combustion heater, and low pressure for gas-liquid separation Separator and PLC for automation operation control of Canada Two Hills. Genoil's research and development (R&D) personnel have developed advanced methods and new breakthrough patents to find solutions to complex global energy problems. Genoil waxa kale oo ay haysaa tiro shatiyo ah oo la xidhiidha GHU, kuwaas oo ku lug leh nadiifinta biyaha, tijaabinta ceelasha, tignoolajiyada ciid dhaqida iyo farsamada dib u habeynta deegaanka. Genoil has successfully applied for patents for these new technologies and obtained the latest patents for its sand washing technology. Through the new company structure, Genoil hopes to take full advantage of the recovering world market. Through numerous technologies and market applications, Genoil has tracked multiple components and indicators to lead the way forward.
Shirkadda Tamarta ee Gibson (TSX: GEI.TO) waa adeeg bixiye heer-madax-bannaan oo madax-bannaan oo loogu talagalay warshadaha saliida iyo gaaska, oo ay ku jiraan howlgalada ka jira meelaha wax soo saarka ee woqooyiga Mareykanka. Gibsons is engaged in the transportation, storage, blending, processing, marketing and distribution of crude oil, condensate, natural gas liquids, water, oilfield waste and refined products. The company uses an integrated network of terminals, pipelines, storage tanks and trucks throughout Western Canada, as well as an important network of trucking and gas stations in the United States to transport energy products. The company also provides emulsion processing, water treatment and oilfield waste management services through its network of processing, recycling and disposal facilities in Canada and the United States, and is Canada's second largest industrial propane distribution company. Hawlgallada isku dhafan ee shirkadu waxay awood u siinaysaa inay ka qayb qaadato dhammaan silsiladda qiimaha tamarta dhexe ee Kanada iyo gobollada soo saara hydrocarbon ee Maraykanka iyada oo loo marayo goobaha istaraatiijiga ah ee shirkadda ee Hardisty iyo Edmonton, Alberta, iyo saldhigyada duritaanka iyo terminalka ee Maraykanka. . , La siiyay si loo joojiyo isticmaalayaasha ama warshadaha sifaynta ee Waqooyiga Ameerika.
GreenHunter Water LLC (NYSE MKT: GRH) iyada oo loo marayo kaabayadeeda ay wada leeyihiin GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC iyo GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC waxay bixisaa Wadarta Maareynta Maareynta Biyaha ™/Oilfield Solutions Management Fluid ™ ee saliidda iyo beerahooda. Shale gas in the Appalachian Basin. GreenHunter Water waxay sii wadaysaa inay balaadhiso xirmo adeegeeda iyada oo balaadhinaysa awoodda duritaanka godka hoostiisa ee ceelasha daawaynta brine Nooca II iyo tas-hiilaadka, iyada oo bilaabaysa jiilka xiga ee taangiyada kaydinta jabka ee dhulka sare ah (MAG Tank ™) iyo biyo horumarsan oo ay ku jiraan tirada sii kordheysa ee DOT ratings A fleet of 407 trucks is used to tow condensate and water in the presence of condensate. GreenHunter Water also took the lead in the movement of barge water, because barge transport is a safer and more cost-effective transportation method compared to truck or rail transport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC provides on-site environmental solutions on well pads and facilities. Its service package includes tank and rig cleaning, liquid and solid waste removal/repair, solidification and spill response. The understanding that interconnected service suites are the key to E&P waste stream management has shaped GreenHunter Resources' comprehensive end-to-end service approach. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides the service of hydrocarbons (transportation of petroleum, condensate and NGL), and will use our existing asset base and infrastructure to provide hydrocarbons (petroleum) in the Appalachian region soon. , Condensate and NGL) storage, processing and sales. , Which includes up to six different barge terminal locations, currently owned or leased by GreenHunter Resources.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Kooxdayada injineernimada waxay ku takhasusaan naqshadeynta, injineernimada, rakibidda iyo dayactirka xalalka daaweynta qashinka ee xeebaha iyo badda.
Shidaalka xiga. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) is a technology provider and service company that provides services to the oil and gas industry. The company is committed to developing water treatment technology to provide low-cost, high-volume commercial repair solutions.
OriginOil, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) is a leading provider of water treatment solutions and a developer of breakthrough water purification technologies for the fast-growing world market. Through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, OriginClear provides systems and services to treat water in many industries including municipal, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, industrial, oil and gas. Si aan si degdeg ah u horumarino qaybtan ganacsi, waxaanu si istiraatiji ah u helnay shirkad sifaysa biyaha oo si fiican loo maamulo, taasoo noo ogolaatay inaanu balaadhino saamigeena suuqa caalamiga ah iyo khibradda farsamada. In order to create a new era of clean and socially responsible water treatment solutions, we invented Electro Water Separation™, a breakthrough multi-stage electrolysis high-speed water purification technology, which has been licensed to water treatment equipment manufacturers worldwide . Water is our most precious resource. The mission of “Clear Origin Family Business” is to improve the quality of water and help restore it to its original, clear state.
Robix Environmental Technologies Inc. (CSE: RZX; Frankfurt: ROX) is an “industrial products/technology” company that provides investors with a rare opportunity to participate in leading companies engaged in patent ownership business, and From commercial development balaadhinta caalamiga ah iyada oo loo marayo habab ganacsi oo kala duwan. Robix waxa uu leeyahay shati-gacmeedka Clean Ocean Vessel ("COV"), kaas oo ah nashqada weelka soo kabashada saliidda ee soo ceshan kara saliidda xaaladaha badda ee qallafsan iyo wasakhda leh. Robix has recognized the global market opportunity for effective containment, recycling and disposal of equipment, especially in the oil spill protection industry, and it proposes to develop into a service provider and/or equipment provider business based on licensing agreements with other industry participants Mode, in which Robix will use its COV patented design solution.
Seair Inc. (TSX: SDS.V) is a water technology company active at the core of the hydropower relationship, providing proprietary diffusion technology, and providing global services in multiple industries including oil and gas, mining, municipal and industrial wastewater Sexual application. Tiknoolajiyada ganacsiga ee shirkaddu waxay xallisaa mushkiladda kala-soocidda saliidda-biyaha (deoiling) ee muhiimka ah si kharash-ku-ool ah oo wax-ku-ool ah iyadoo si wax ku ool ah u faafinaysa ogsajiinta, ozone, nitrogen, iyo carbon dioxide ee dareeraha ah waxayna yaraynaysaa isticmaalka tamarta. Seair has been working with clients in the oil and gas industry for more than five years. Seair's applications include oil sand SAGD aqueous solutions, fracturing and produced water treatment, industrial pond treatment, mine dehydration/treatment, end-to-end sewage treatment in permanent residential areas and remote work camps, golf course irrigation and pond treatment, and industrial waste gas treatment.
Titanium Corporation Inc. (TSX: TIC.V) CVW™ technology provides sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of the oil sands industry. Our technology reduces the environmental impact of oil sands tailings, while economically recovering valuable products that would otherwise be lost. CVW™ recovers bitumen, solvents and minerals from the tailings, thereby preventing these commodities from entering the tailing pond and the atmosphere: fundamentally reducing the emission of volatile organic compounds and greenhouse gases; the quality of hot tailings water can be improved. Dib u warshadaynta; residual tailings can be thickened more easily.
Trican Well Service Ltd (TSX: TCW.TO) provides a wide range of professional products, equipment and services that can be used in the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves. EcoClean-LW™ is a linear water fracturing fluid designed to eliminate the risk of contamination to geological structures, aquifers and product handlers. The EcoClean-LW system contains non-toxic, biodegradable or non-bioaccumulating additives used alone or in combination. Wax kasta oo lagu daro ah ayaa ka gudbi doona imtixaanada adag ee Microtox®. Products or chemicals that pass the Microtox® test are considered safe to be used in drinking water, and generally meet the standards specified in other regulatory inspections.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.
7C Solarparken AG (XETRA: HRPK.DE; Frankfurt: HRPK.F) designs and builds turnkey solar facilities for private, municipal, industrial and commercial customers. The company also operates various solar power plants in Germany and Italy with a total installed capacity of 26 MWp. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa adeegyo taxane ah, sida taageerada farsamada, kormeerka fog, kormeerka iyo dayactirka, cilad-bixinta iyo dayactirka, warbixinta, kaydinta xogta, iyo sidoo kale adeegyada la-talinta iyo taageerada hawlgalka nidaamka qoraxda, kormeerka iyo dayactirka.
Aurora SolarTechnologies Inc. (TSX: ACU.V) develops, manufactures and sells online measurement systems for the photovoltaic industry. Xarunteedu tahay Waqooyiga Vancouver, Canada, oo ay aasaaseen hoggaamiyeyaal khibrad leh oo ku saabsan cabbiraadda habka, wax soo saarka semiconductor iyo automation warshadaha, internetka ee shirkadda, cabbirka waqtiga-dhabta ah iyo alaabta xakamaynta ayaa bixiya soosaarayaasha unugyada sawir-qaadista hab lagu yareeyo kharashka wax soo saarka iyo kordhinta faa'iidada.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. Kooxda qaybinta waxay ka hawlgashaa Maraykanka waxayna siisaa adeegyada biyaha, korontada iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah ee qiimaha lagu xakameeyo in ka badan 489,000 oo macaamiil ah. The unregulated power generation group owns or owns a portfolio of contracted wind, solar, hydropower, and natural gas power generation facilities located in North America, with an installed capacity of more than 1,050 megawatts. Kooxda Gudbintu waxay ku maalgelisay heerka-gudbinta korantada iyo hababka dhuumaha gaaska dabiiciga ah ee Maraykanka iyo Kanada. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.
Alternus Energy Inc. (OTC: ALTN) is a global independent electricity producer (“IPP”). We develop, own and operate solar photovoltaic parks directly connected to the national grid. Our current source of revenue comes from long-term, fixed-price, long-term supply contracts stipulated by the government. These contracts are in the form of government feed-in tariffs (“FiT”) and other energy incentives, and are valid for 15 to 20 years. Our current contracts provide annual revenue, of which approximately 75% comes from these sources, and the remaining 25% comes from revenue generated from Contract Energy Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) signed with other energy operators and sales to the general energy market. The countries in which we operate. Overall, these contracts generate an average sales rate per kilowatt-hour of green energy generated by our solar park. Our current focus is the European solar photovoltaic market. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaan sidoo kale si firfircoon u sahaminta fursadaha dalalka kale ee ka baxsan Yurub.
Amtech Systems, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ASYS) waa alaab-qeybiye caalami ah oo soo saara qalabka daaweynta kulaylka sare ee suuqyada wax soo saarka ee qoraxda, semiconductor/electronic iyo LED. Amtech's equipment includes diffusion, ALD and PECVD systems, ion implanters and solder reflow systems. Amtech also provides wafer processing automation and polishing equipment and related consumables. Qalabka waferka ee shirkadda, daawaynta kulaylka iyo alaabada la isticmaali karo ayaa hadda wax ka qabata faafinta, oksaydhka iyo tillaabooyinka meel dhigista ee loo isticmaalo sifaynta unugyada cadceedda, LED-yada, semiconductors, MEMS, looxyada wareegga daabacan, baakadaha semiconductor, iyo sapphire iyo silikoon cusub oo la jarjaray. . Wafer.
Apollo Power Ltd (Tel Aviv: APLP.TA) waxay soo saartaa xalal farsamo oo cusub iyo alaabooyin ku yaal berrinka qorraxda. The company's flagship product is a flexible solar film designed to convert any surface under the sun into energy. Apollo Power has one approved patent and five pending patents in different approval stages.
Applied Materials Corporation (NASDAQGS: AMAT) waa hogaamiye caalami ah ee xalalka injineernimada qalabka saxda ah ee semiconductor, bandhig guddi flat iyo warshadaha photovoltaic qoraxda. Our technology helps make innovative products such as smartphones, flat-screen TVs and solar panels more affordable and available to consumers and businesses around the world.
Atlantic Wind & Solar Inc. (OTC: AWSL) is a developer of utility-scale renewable energy power plants with more than 750 MW projects in different stages of development in Canada, South America, Asia and the Caribbean. Badeecada wax soo saarkeedu inta badan waa sawir-qaade cadceedda, oo leh awood wadarta ku dhawaad 650 megawatts heerar kala duwan oo horumarineed. Waxay ku baahday Ontaariyo, 22 magaalo oo Kanada ah, iyo 5 gobol oo ku yaal Bartamaha iyo Koonfurta Ameerika (oo ay ku jiraan Ecuador iyo Peru).
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. Waxyaabaha avx ah waxay safka hore kaga jiraan qaabeynta ilo kale oo tamar ah sida tamarta dabaysha, jiilka tamarta qorraxda, hybrid iyo gawaarida korantada, taraamyada korantada.
Azure Power (NYSE: AZRE) waa hormuudka soo saaraha soolarka madax banaan ee Hindiya, taasoo soo saarta in ka badan 1,630 MW 22 gobol/gobollada. With its internal engineering, procurement and construction expertise and advanced internal operations and maintenance capabilities, Azure Power provides low-cost and reliable solar solutions to customers throughout India.
BioSolar, Inc (OTC: BSRC), soo saaraha wax soo saarka cadceedda ku salaysan ee noolaha, ayaa hadda horumarinaysa tignoolajiyada kaydinta tamarta si loo yareeyo kharashka kaydinta tamarta qoraxda. Existing battery technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, can store energy for a long time, but cannot charge or discharge quickly. This feature limits the use of batteries for backup power applications. Inspired by nature, BioSolar is developing a low-cost polymer-based supercapacitor that charges and discharges hundreds of times faster than batteries, and will complement the batteries used to store solar energy. By integrating BioSolar supercapacitors into the battery pack as a high-power front-end, the number of battery packs required is less than usually required, and the solar energy during the day can be quickly and cost-effectively stored for use at night at a qiimo jaban. This potentially game-changing technology will enable users of solar systems to reduce their dependence on or completely disconnect from the utility grid
Bluglass Limited (ASX: BLG.AX) is engaged in the research and development of Class III nitrides to develop new processes and equipment for manufacturing LEDs and solar cells. The company develops and commercializes remote plasma chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD), a technology for manufacturing semiconductor materials. It provides foundry services for manufacturing custom nitride templates and device wafers, and provides characterization services, including X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope, high-resolution full-wafer photoluminescence (PL) and thickness mapping, and Hall measurement , Mikroskoob indhaha ah iyo tijaabada degdega ah ee LED.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) is an electricity producer whose core business is dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations. Boralex waxay leedahay qiyaastii 250 shaqaale ah waxayna caan ku tahay khibradeeda iyo khibradeeda hodanka ah ee afarta nooc ee korontada: dabaysha, biyaha, kulaylka iyo qoraxda.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) waxay ka shaqeysaa mid ka mid ah aaladaha tamarta saafiga ah ee la cusboonaysiin karo ee ugu weyn adduunka. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders.
BYD CO Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.
Canadian Solar Company (NasdaqGM: CSIQ), headquartered in Ontario, Canada, is a global energy provider with successful business subsidiaries in 18 countries/regions on 6 continents. Suuqyadayada ugu waaweyn waxaa ka mid ah Kanada, Mareykanka, Japan, China, Jarmalka iyo India. Waxay leedahay 8 kabixintii wax soo saar ee gebi ahaanba ee Shiinaha iyo Kanada
China Solar Energy and Clean Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (OTC: CSOL) designs and provides integrated renewable energy solutions for industrial customers and real estate developers in China and the world. The company provides vacuum tube and flat plate solar water heaters; foornooyinka biomass iyo qalabka kulaylka u dhexeeya iyo hababka soo kabashada qashinka qashinka warshadaha, oo ay ku jiraan kuleyliyaha tuubooyinka kulaylka, shooladaha kulul ee kulaylka kulul, uumi tuubooyinka kulaylka, ka saarista boodhka iyo nidaamka desulfurization, cadaadis joogto ah kululeeyaha biyaha kulul iyo kuleyliyaha Dhuxusha qiiqa lahayn iyo bio-material. furnaces. Waxa kale oo ay bixisaa hababka soo kabashada kulaylka qashinka warshadaha iyo alaabta kululaynta, sida tuubooyinka kulaylinta, kulaylka beddelashada, tuubooyinka kululaynta gaarka ah iyo tuubooyinka, kululaynta kululaynta heerkulka sare, filtarrada kululaynta, atmospheric biyaha kululeeyaha iyo radiators. In addition, the company also provides conventional tubular heaters with dense coverage; and sells spare parts for its products, and provides after-sales maintenance and repair services. China's solar and clean energy solutions sell products through a network of distributors, wholesalers, sales agents and retailers.
Chofu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5946.T) waa shirkad Japan ah oo inta badan ku hawlan soo saarista qalabka biyaha kulul, qalabka qaboojiyaha, qalabka nidaamka iyo qalabka qoraxda. Its main products include hot water supply equipment, such as oil-fired water heaters, gas water heaters, electric water heaters, ecological water heaters and cogeneration systems; qalabka qaboojiyaha, sida qaboojiyaha guriga, nidaamyada biyaha kulul iyo qalabka kuleylinta saliidda; system equipment, such as system bathrooms, systems Kitchen and bathroom toilets, as well as solar energy equipment, including solar power generation equipment, under-floor ventilation fans and solar water heaters. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale ku hawlan tahay soo saarista iyo iibinta software-ka iyada oo loo marayo mid ka mid ah faraceeda.
CLICK CLECK Technolojiyada International (TSX: CBLU.V) waxaa la aasaasay iyadoo lagu saleynayo aragtida ah in la bixiyo wax nadiif ah oo nadiif ah oo maareyn karo ". The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS: COHR) is one of the world's leading providers of lasers, laser-based technologies and laser-based system solutions for scientific, commercial and industrial customers. Saamiyadayada guud waxay ku taxan yihiin Suuqa Xulashada Caalamiga ah ee Nasdaq oo waa qayb ka mid ah Russell 2000 Index iyo S&P SmallCap 600 Index. Qorraxda
Conselation Energy (NasdaqGS: EXC), oo ah shirkad Exelon, waa alaab-qeybiyaha ugu horreeya tartanka korontada, gaaska dabiiciga ah, tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo, iyo agabka maamulka tamarta iyo adeegyada guryaha iyo ganacsiyada ee qaaradda Mareykanka. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. Tamarta qorraxda
CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQCM: CVV) is a designer and manufacturer of customized and standard state-of-the-art equipment for research and development, design and manufacture of advanced electronic components, materials and coatings for research and industrial applications. CVD provides a wide range of chemical vapor deposition, gas control and other equipment, customers can use them to research, design and manufacture semiconductors, solar cells, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, LEDs, MEMS, smart glass coatings, batteries , Supercapacitors, dahaarka caafimaadka, dahaarka warshadaha iyo dusha sare qalabka ee qaybaha wareegga daabacan. CVD's application laboratory focuses on the manufacturing of nanoscale and nanoscale to macroscopic materials through a wide range of growth markets, which are sold through our wholly-owned subsidiary CVD Materials Corporation.
Shirkadda Dominion Energy (Nyse: D) Ku dhawaad 6 milyan oo macaamiil ah oo ka kooban 19-ka dowladood waxay adeegsadaan korantada ama gaaska dabiiciga ah ee ka yimaada hantida ku saleysan Virchinia (Nyse: d) inay awoodaan guryahooda iyo ganacsigooda. The company is committed to achieving sustainable, reliable, affordable, safe and secure energy. Waa mid ka mid ah kuwa ugu waaweyn ee soo saara tamarta iyo gaadiidleyda dalka Maraykanka, iyada oo haysata in ka badan $78 bilyan oo hanti ah oo bixin karta koronto, gudbinta iyo qaybinta, iyo sidoo kale kaydinta gaaska dabiiciga ah, gudbinta tamarta, qaybinta iyo soo dejinta iyo adeegyada dhoofinta. Sida mid ka mid ah shirkadaha hormuudka ka ah qoraxda ee Maraykanka, shirkaddu waxay qorsheyneysaa inay hoos u dhigto xoojinta kaarboonka 50% marka la gaaro 2030. Iyadoo loo marayo Dominion Energy Charity Foundation, EnergyShare iyo barnaamijyo kale, Dominion Energy waxay qorsheyneysaa inay ku deeqdo in ka badan $ 30 milyan oo loogu talagalay bulshada 2018. Cause the entire footprint and other reasons.
The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) combines the power of science and technology to enthusiastically innovate what is essential to human progress. The company is promoting innovation to extract value from the intersection of chemical, physical and biological sciences to help solve many of the world's most challenging problems, such as the demand for clean water, the generation and protection of clean energy, and the increase in agricultural productivity . The Dow Chemical Company's market-oriented integration, industry-leading specialty chemistry, advanced materials, agricultural science and plastics business portfolio, provides a wide range of technology-based products for customers in approximately 180 countries and high-growth fields such as packaging and electronics . Products and solutions, water, paint and agriculture. Dow Solar
Shirkadda Duke Waxaan ka soo qaadin ku dhawaad 570,000 Megawatts ee korantada ee Carolina, Midwest iyo Florida, oo ay ku siiso adeegyada gaaska dabiiciga ah ee Ohio iyo Kentucky. Ganacsigeenna ganacsiga iyo kuwa caalamiga ah ayaa iska leh oo ku shaqeeya hantida qarniga kala duwan ee waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Latin America, oo ay ku jiraan deganaanshaha hantida tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Solar energy: More and more people in the United States are looking for more renewable energy options, and solar energy is playing an increasingly important role in the way Duke Energy provides electricity to its customers. It is already helping homeowners, businesses and government organizations meet some of their energy needs. And as the cost of solar installation continues to decline across the country, it has become easier for customers to choose solar. Duke Energy is committed to providing customers with more options for using solar energy and other forms of renewable energy. In our six-state service area, Duke Energy's customers have received approximately 7,000 MW of solar power generation in the six states we serve, generating 700 MW of solar power generation, of which 70 MW is from the rooftop Solar installation.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering technology to the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and deegaanka. Dupont Solr: Waxay bixisaa isku-darka ballaadhan ee agabyada sawir-qaadista ee sawir-galka (PV) waxayna siisaa lix ka mid ah sideed sideed meelood oo muhiim ah ee wax soo saarka qorraxda.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Waxaan ganacsi ku yeelnaa suuqyada caalamiga ah oo aan sii wadno inaan ballaarinno ganacsigeenna gobollada cusub, oo ka go'an joogtaynta booska hogaaminta suuq kasta iyo abuurista qiimo loogu talagalay daneeyayaasha iyo saamilayda. EDPR's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.
Aige Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600537.SS) waa shirkad teknoolojiyad sare ah oo ku takhasustay cilmi-baarista, horumarinta, soo-saarka iyo iibinta alaabta sawir-qaadista. Its vertically integrated system combines ingots, wafers, batteries, module packaging and solar power generation. Awoodda wax-soo-saarka sannadlaha ah ee EGing waa 1GW monocrystalline silicon iyo polycrystalline silicon solar modules. EGing Photovoltaic Group has established Jiangsu EGing Photovoltaic Engineering College, Jiangsu Solar Materials Research Center, Module and Battery Laboratory (its module laboratory has obtained VDE and TDAP certification), Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center, and National Postdoctoral Research Station.
Elecnor SA (MCE: ENO.MC) waa shirkad Isbaanish ah oo ku hawlan horumarinta, horumarinta iyo maamulka mashaariicda dhinacyada tamarta, isgaarsiinta, gaadiidka iyo deegaanka. Shirkaddu waxay ka shaqeysaa afar goobood oo ganacsi: kaabayaasha, tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, tanaasulaad, iyo Deimos. Its products and services include the production and distribution of electricity, the distribution of natural gas, the operation of telecommunications systems, the provision of support services to airports and railway stations, the supply of drinking water and waste treatment; and the construction, management and maintenance of industrial plants. Tamarta qorraxda
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) is a major investment company that specializes in solar and onshore wind energy and park operations. It does not focus on investing in the Greenfield project from scratch, nor does it assume major development or construction risks. It seeks to withdraw from investment within five to seven years through IPOs, trade sales, secondary purchases or repurchases. The company seeks to invest outside of its balance sheet. It focuses on acquiring and operating turnkey solar and wind farms from the secondary market. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG waxaa la aasaasay 1996 waxayna xarunteedu tahay Hamburg, Germany.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) waxay bixisaa lahaanshaha, xal tamarta furaha kuwaas oo smart, bangiyada iyo waara. Inta badan alaabada tamarta iyo xalka ayaa la fulin karaa isla markiiba meeshii looga baahdo. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. Marka lagu daro taageerada dhaqameed ee shabakadaha korantada ee la aasaasay, EHT sidoo kale waa mid aad u fiican marka aysan jirin koronto koronto. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
Enerkon Solar International, Inc. (OTC: ENKS) Qorshaha istiraatijiyadeed ee muddada-dheer, Hiigsiga 2028 waa khariidad mustaqbalka fog ah si aan u gaarno yoolalka koritaanka iyo tignoolajiyada iyo himilooyinka hoggaaminta qiimaha. Markaan fulineyno qorshooyinka istiraatijiyadeed ee muddada-dheer, waxaan diiradda saareynaa adeegsiga cutubyadayada si aan u bixinno cabbirka tamarta tamarta qoraxda xalalka suuqyada juqraafiga ah. Waxaan aaminsanahay in suuqyadan muhiimka ah ay si degdeg ah ugu baahan yihiin koronto koronto oo ballaaran oo sawir-qaade ah, oo ay ku jiraan Ameerika oo dhan, Aasiya, Bariga Dhexe iyo Afrika, Helitaanka shirkadaha istaraatiijiga ah ee guddiga iyo beeraha tignoolajiyada iyo shirkadaha kale ee yaryar iyo kuwa dhexdhexaadka ah ee tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo waa also an important part of our recent plans.
Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company, provides smart, easy-to-use solutions that connect solar power generation, storage, and management on a smart platform. Shirkaddu waxa ay ku beddeshay tamarta cadceedda iyada oo adeegsanaysa tignoolajiyadeeda inverter-ka-yar oo ay soo saartay tamarta qorraxda kaliya ee isku dhafan ee adduunka oo lagu daray xalka kaydinta tamarta. Enphase waxa ay keentay in ka badan 17 milyan oo microinverter ah waxana ay geysay in ka badan 790,000 hababka Enphase in ka badan 120 wadan/gobolo.
Envision Solar International, Inc (OTC: EVSI) designs, manufactures and deploys unique, architectural structures, renewable energy EV charging, media and brand systems through the drag and drop infrastructure™ product line. The company's products include the patent-pending EV ARC™, the patented SolarTree® and SolarTree®Socket™ arrays with EnvisionTrak™ solar tracking, the SunCharge™ column-integrated electric vehicle charging station, and the ARC™ technology energy storage solution. Shirkaddu waxay xarunteedu tahay San Diego waxayna ku daraysaa qaybaha tayada ugu sarreeya ee alaabteeda "Made in America".
Shirkadda Etrion (TSX: ETX.TO) waa soo-saare madax-bannaan oo horumarisa, dhista, leh oo ka shaqeysta dhirta tamarta qorraxda ee cabbirka tamarta. Shirkaddu waxay haysataa 130 MW oo ah awoodda cadceedda ee lagu rakibay Talyaaniga iyo Chile. Etrion has 34 MW of solar power projects under construction in Japan, and is also actively developing greenfield solar power projects in Japan and Chile.
Fujipream Corporation (Tokyo: 4237.T) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of optical filters for plasma display panels (PDP), optical equipment and photovoltaic equipment. The company operates two business units. The flat panel display division is engaged in the manufacture and sale of optical filters for PDPs, which are used in flat panel displays and products related to touch screen sensor substrates. Goobta tamarta deegaanka ee nadiifka ah waxay ku lug leedahay horumarinta, wax soo saarka iyo iibinta qaybaha kala duwan ee unugyada qorraxda; the design, construction and sales of residential and industrial solar power systems, as well as the manufacturing, installation and sales of thin-film laminated glass and double-layer glass for thermal insulation, etc. .
GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 3800.HK) operates as a solar photovoltaic company in China and internationally. Waxay ku shaqeysaa iyada oo loo marayo ganacsiga agabka qoraxda, ganacsiga beeraha qoraxda iyo unug ganacsi oo cusub oo tamarta.
General Electric (NYSE: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE waxay ku biirtaa adduunyada jidheed iyo dhijitaalka ah si aanay shirkad kale u dhigmi karin. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Solar energy: GE provides a complete solar energy solution, which considers each customer's situation and goals. Whether it is used for commercial, industrial, utility or mixed applications, GE can use the breadth and depth of its products and expertise to help customers choose the right technology combination.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE: GOOD.L) waxay iibsadaan, dhaliyaan koronto oo ay ka iibiyaan korontada ilaha tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee UK iyada oo loo marayo shirkadaheeda. Shirkadda waxay ka shaqeysaa shirkadaha sahayda, shirkadaha jiilka awooda iyo waaxaha horumarinta jiil sare. Waxay ku abuurtaa koronto marayawaxayaasha dabaysha iyo saqafka qoraxda. And provide on-grid electricity price management services for micro generators. The company also sells natural gas; waxayna bixiyaan adeegyo la xiriira horumarinta jiilka awoodda yar ee la cusboonaysiin karo iyo goobaha jiilka korantada.
Caasimadda GreenBriar (TSX: GRB.V) waa hormuud hormuud ah oo tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo, alaabada tamar ee waara iyo Smart Tamarta Smart. Greenbriar has long-term, high-impact contractual sales agreements at key project locations, and is led by a successful industry-recognized operations and development team that targets high-value assets with the goal of increasing shareholder value. Tamarta qorraxda: Waxay ku taallaa xeebta galbeed ee Puerto Rico, heerka qorraxdu aad ayuu u sarreeyaa, kaas oo ah kan ugu sarreeya Puerto Rico.
H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) is a system integrator dedicated to the design and implementation of clean energy solutions, including solar, battery technology and hydrogen energy systems. Shirkadda waxay u adeegtaa waaxyaha guryaha, ganacsiga iyo dowlada.
Hara Minato Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8894.T) is mainly engaged in real estate business. Qeybta qaybinta guryaha ee guryaha ayaa ku lug leh qaybinta iyo iibinta guryaha, iyo sidoo kale qorshaynta, naqshadeynta iyo iibinta guryaha guryaha lagu dejiyey, iyo sidoo kale macaamil xawilaadyada iyo hagenimada. Waaxda kireeya ee kireysiga guryaha kireeya ayaa ku hawlan maaraynta guryaha kirada ah ee ka jira gobolka Yaaguchi iyo howlgalka iyo maareynta guryaha daryeelka dadka da'da ah. Ganacsiga tamarta qoraxda
HypoSlal Inc. (OTC: HYSR) wuxuu horumarinayaa tikniyoolajiyad qaali ah oo qiimo jaban si loo soo saaro hydrogen-ka la cusboonaysiin karo iyadoo la adeegsanayo iftiinka qorraxda iyo il biyood kasta, oo ay ku jiraan biyaha biyaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah. Si ka duwan shidaalka hydrocarbonow sida saliida, dhuxusha iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah, shidaalka hydrocarbon-ka ayaa siidaaya kaarboon dioxide iyo wasakhooyinka kale ee jawiga ah ee ka soo baxa biyaha hydrogen-ka ah waxay soo saaraan biyo saafi ah oo ah sheyga kaliya ee sheyga kaliya. By optimizing nano-scale water electrolysis technology, our low-cost nanoparticles can simulate photosynthesis to effectively use sunlight to separate hydrogen in water to produce environmentally friendly and renewable hydrogen. Waxaan dooneynaa inaan isticmaalno habkayaga qiimaha jaban si aan u soo saarno haydarojiin la cusboonaysiin karo si aan u xaqiijino adduunka wax soo saarka haydaroojiin ee loo qaybiyey koronto la cusboonaysiin karo iyo baabuurta unugyada shidaalka hydrogen.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) waa shirkad tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo xirfad leh oo horumarisa, dhista, leh oo ka shaqeysa hantida tamarta tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo. It has rights to 24 wind farms, including 6 wind farms in operation, Australia has a total installed capacity of 557 MW; Maraykanku waxa uu leeyahay 18 beeralayda dabaysha ah oo wadarta guud lagu rakibay 1,089 MW, iyo sidoo kale tamarta dabaysha iyo dhuumaha horumarinta tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee qoraxda.
Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho in the United States. ganacsi Hantida hantida ayaa hadda ka mid ah: (i) lahaanshaha 33 tas-hiilaad howleed oo leh awood saafi ah oo ah 687 mw (wadarta guud ee 1,194 MW), 6 Beeraha dabaysha iyo 1 Beeraha Qorraxda Qorraxda (II) waxay leeyihiin xuquuq shan projects under development or under construction that have signed power purchase agreements, with a total net installed capacity of 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; communication systems; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron waxay khusaysaa aqoonta iyo tignoolajiyada si loo maareeyo tamarta iyo ilaha biyaha. Itron Total Solar: Itron, a global leader in measurement, data collection and management technology and services, recognizes the emerging needs of the solar industry. Based on our success, Itron provides solar energy providers and utilities with a unique portfolio of solutions and managed services, aiming to meet the business challenges of distributed power generation and build a more flexible and resilient grid for the future. Itron Total Solar waxay isu keentaa awoodeena hogaaminta warshadaha ee hada jirta ee cabiraada qoraxda, isgaarsiinta, la socodka hantida iyo maaraynta xogta, falanqaynta iyo saadaasha culayska, iyo adeegyada la maareeyay iyada oo loo marayo qaab dhismeedka qiimaynta ku salaysan is-diiwaangalinta la fududeeyay.
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (NASDAQGS: JASO) is a leading manufacturer of high-performance solar products. Shirkaddu waxay alaabteeda ka iibisaa soosaarayaasha cadceedda ee adduunka oo dhan, kuwaas oo ururiya oo isku dara unugyada cadceedda qaybo iyo nidaam u beddela iftiinka qorraxda koronto si ay u helaan deegaan, ganacsi, iyo koronto-soo-saarka tamarta.
JinkoSolar Holdings Limited (NYSE: JKS) waa hogaamiyaha caalamiga ah ee warshadaha tamarta qoraxda. JinkoSolar waxay u qaybisaa alaabta cadceedda waxayna ka iibisaa xalalkeeda iyo adeegyadeeda kala duwanaansho caalami ah, ganacsi iyo saldhig macaamiil oo ku yaal Shiinaha, Maraykanka, Japan, Jarmalka, Boqortooyada Ingiriiska, Chile, Koonfur Afrika, Hindiya, Mexico, Brazil, iyo United United Arab Emirates, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium iyo dalal iyo gobolo kale. JinkoSolar waxa ay sidoo kale iibisaa Korontada Shiinaha waxa ayna ku xidhidhisay ilaa 500 MW oo ah Mashruuc cadceeda ku shaqeeya. JinkoSolar has 4 production facilities in Jiangxi and Zhejiang, China, Portugal and South Africa, and 12 global sales offices in China, Spain, and the United States. Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico, as well as 11 overseas subsidiaries in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan, India, South Africa and Chile
Lam Research Coporation (NasdaqGS: LRCX) is a reliable global supplier of innovative wafer manufacturing equipment and services for the semiconductor industry. Lam's extensive market-leading deposition, etching, stripping and wafer cleaning solutions product portfolio makes the equipment function 1,000 times smaller than sand particles, thereby enabling customers to achieve success, thereby enabling customers to achieve success, thereby achieving smaller and more Faster and more energy - chips gorgortan hufan. Through collaboration, continuous innovation and fulfilling promises, Lam is transforming atomic engineering and enabling customers to shape the future of technology. The company's subsidiary Silfex Incorporated is the world's largest supplier of high-purity customized silicon components and components that can serve a wide range of high-tech markets. As a market leader in advanced materials, Silfex provides integrated silicon solutions for the solar, optical and semiconductor equipment markets. Qalabka qoraxda iyo agabka
Longji Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 601012.SS) ayaa had iyo jeer u hoggaansamaan tignoolajiyada hal crystal, iyadoo maskaxda lagu hayo mas'uuliyadda hagaajinta wax soo saarka aadanaha iyo nolosha, iyo bixinta tamar waara horumarka waara. LONGi produces and sells monocrystalline silicon products worldwide. It provides monocrystalline silicon rods and wafers. Shirkadda ka hor waxa ay ahayd Xi'an Longi Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. waxaana loo beddelay Longi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd bishii Janaayo 2017.
Automation-ka The company was founded in 1987 and has expertise in seven technical fields: automation, metrology, laser processing, vacuum coating, wet chemistry, printing and coating, and roll-to-roll processes. Manz has deployed and further developed these technologies in the three business areas of “electronics”, “solar energy” and “energy storage”.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. Hawlaha ugu muhiimsan ee shirkadu waxaa ka mid ah injineernimada, dhismaha, rakibidda, dayactirka iyo tayeynta tamarta, tamarta iyo kaabayaasha isgaarsiinta, sida: gudbinta iyo qaybinta utility; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Solar energy: We are a leading solar energy facility contractor, providing engineering, construction and power system integration services to government, corporate and residential customers across the country. We design, build, expand and maintain efficient, cost-effective solar facilities from the ground up to help our customers meet the growing demand for clean, sustainable energy and continuous energy saving.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6503.T) is one of the world's leading brands in the manufacturing and sales of electrical and electronic products and systems used in a wide range of fields and applications. As a leading global green company, we are applying our technology to contribute to society and daily life around the world. Alaabada qoraxda ee Mitsubishi ee Erayada Mitsubishi-ka waxaa ka mid ah modules photoltaic oo ka soo qaadaya tamarta qorraxda oo u sii daaya tamarta korantada ee awoodda ka dhigan karta gurigaaga ama xafiiskaaga. Mitsubishi Electric ayaa kor u qaaday isticmaalka baahsan ee tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo iyada oo loo marayo tignoolajiyada qorraxda.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) is a diversified manufacturer. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries provides the entire process from construction to after-sales service for various power generation facilities, including thermal power plants that achieve the world's highest power generation efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions levels, as well as nuclear and wind power plants, so as to provide stable power and better Contributed to their quality of life. Qeybta dhirta tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo waxaa ku jira moduleles photovoltaic-ka khafiifka ah
Mosel Vitelic Inc. (Taiwan: 2342.TW) wuxuu ku hawlan yahay ka ganacsiga unugyada cadceedda ee Taiwan. It provides various IC foundry services; Sidoo kale unugyada Monocrystalline iyo unugyada qoraxda ee polycrystalline iyo sidoo kale rakibaadda iyo dayactirka nidaamyada qoraxda ee saqafka, rakibidda dhulka, dhirta korantada iyo codsiyada iftiinka qoraxda iyo codsiyada iftiinka qoraxda. The company is located in Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Mospec Semiconductor Corporation (Taiwan: 2434.TW) waa shirkad koronto toosan isku dhafan. We are the most technologically advanced power semiconductor company in Taiwan with a wide range of product lines. Our core power products include power transistors, Schottky rectifiers, ultra-fast and fast recovery rectifiers, TVS diodes and surface mount devices (SMD). MOSPEC waxay sidoo kale ku takhasustay tignoolajiyada wafer silikoon, soo saarista wafers silikoon epitaxial, maraqa cayriin iyo unugyada cadceedda silikoon crystalline.
MVV Energie AG (Frankfurt: MVV1.F) and its subsidiaries mainly provide electricity, natural gas, district heating and water in Germany. The company's power generation and infrastructure division operates conventional power plants. Iyo qashinka iyo dhirta korantada biomas, iyo sidoo kale dhirta biyaha iyo beeraha dabaysha. Waaxdu waxa kale oo ay ka hawlgashaa tas-hiilaadka koronto, kulaylka, gaasta dabiiciga ah iyo biyaha, iyo waaxaha adeega farsamada ee loo qoondeeyay goobta ganacsiga ee kala qaybinta korontada, kulaylka, gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo biyaha oo ku salaysan shabaqyada. Waaxdeeda ganacsiga iyo maareynta faylalka ayaa bixisa soo iibsiga tamarta iyo maareynta faylalka iyo sidoo kale adeegyada ganacsiga tamarta. The company's sales and service department provides electricity, heat, natural gas and water to end customers. Oo bixi adeegyada la xiriira tamarta. Photovoltaic / Solar
Japan Thin Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5202.T) waa mid ka mid ah soosaarayaasha nidaamka galaasyada iyo galaaska ugu horreeya ee saddex goobood oo ganacsi oo waaweyn; architectural products, automotive and technical glass. Architectural glass is used in construction and solar applications.
Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6641.T) waa soo saaraha qalabka korontada. Qeybta tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo iyo qeybta ganacsiga deegaanka ayaa la kulma baahiyaha bulshada ee lagu go'aamiyay cabir caalami ah, sida adeegsiga tamar dib loo cusbooneysiin karo, baahida ku xigta ee ku-meel-gaarka ah, hagaajinta kaabayaasha korantada oo aad u deggan iyo ilaha biyaha. Ganacsiga tamarta dib loo cusbooneysiin karo, waxaan bixinaa qaboojiyeyaasha ama nidaamyada awoodda Photovoltaic, iyo sidoo kale badeecada dhisida iyo nidaamyada qaybinta korantada iyo nidaamyada qaybinta). In the environmental business, we provide products related to electrical equipment and energy management systems (EMS) for water treatment facilities.
Northland Power Inc. (TSX: NPI.TO; NPI-PA.TO) is an independent power producer, established in 1987, and has been publicly traded since 1997. Northland develops, builds, owns and operates facilities that produce “clean” ( Gaaska dabiiciga ah) iyo "cagaaran" (Dabayl, Qorrax, biyo-ku-biyood) tamarta si ay u siiso saamilayda, daneeyayaasha iyo jaaliyadaha oo leh qiime waqti-dheer oo waara.
Origin Energy Limited (ASX: ORG.AX) is an integrated energy company mainly engaged in oil and gas exploration and production in Australia and New Zealand. Waxay ka shaqeysaa suuqa tamarta, sahaminta iyo soosaarka, gaaska dabiiciga ah ee dareeraha ah iyo qaybaha tamarta isku xiran. Shirkaddu waxay kaloo ku hawlan tahay koronto-dhalinta. Iyo jumlada iyo tafaariiqda korontada iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah. Waxay danaynaysaa mashruuca BassGas ee Fiktooriya; the Kupe Gas project in New Zealand; the Otway Gas project in Victoria; the gas field, the coalbed methane field in Queensland, and other onshore production facilities located in Surat and Bowen, Queensland. Basins, Perth Basin in Western Australia and Taranaki Basin in New Zealand. Wax soo saarka shirkadda waxaa ka mid ah koronto iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah; green energy, including green energy, natural gas and renewable energy certificates; origin intelligence to track and manage electricity consumption; solar energy; hot water solutions, including solar hot water systems, hot water solutions Program, centralized hot water system and hot water service access; iyo kuleylinta iyo qaboojinta alaabta, oo ay ku jiraan qaboojinta kala go'a, kuleylinta meel bannaan, qaboojinta uumiga tuubada, kuleylinta tuubooyinka iyo alaabta qaboojinta wareegga wareegga. It also provides charging products for electric vehicles; and liquefied petroleum gas.
P2 Solar, Inc. (OTC: PTOS), as a developer of solar photovoltaic (PV) power and small hydropower projects, participates in the lucrative renewable energy market. Aqoonsiga baahida sii kordheysa ee caalamiga ah ee tamarta nadiifka ah, faa'iidada tartanka ee sii kordheysa ee tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee tamarta koronto, iyo dadaallada ganacsi ee lagu dhimayo ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka fosil ee qiiqa gaaska aqalka dhirta lagu koriyo, P2 Solar waxay maalgelisaa oo u jiheysaa kheyraadkeeda si ay uga faa'ideysato isbeddelladan caalamiga ah.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .
Phoenix Solar AG (FRA: PS4.F) is active in the important core photovoltaic market, and has a number of subsidiaries, and provides its products and services on a global scale. Our goal is to generate electricity for the future. We have set global standards for achieving this goal. Waxaan horumarinaa, qorsheynaa, dhiseynaa oo aan ku shaqeyneynaa dhirta tamarta qoraxda iyo nidaamyada ilaa dhowr megawatts, waxaanan nahay jumlale xirfadle ah oo ka kooban qaybo dhamaystiran oo ah dhirta korontada iyo nidaamyada, modules qoraxda, rogayaasha, iyo dhammaan qaybaha kale ee dhirta korontada iyo nidaamyada. Tamarta qorraxda ayaa wali ah isha tamarta ugu ammaansan mustaqbalka.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
PowerVerde Energy Corporation (OTC: PWVI) is an energy system developer dedicated to using organic Rankine cycle technology to improve energy efficiency and waste heat recovery. Isticmaalka qaabeynta hantida iyo isbahaysiga istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka istiraatiijiyadeed, hadafka Powerverde waa in la horumariyo oo laga iibiyo nidaamyada korantada ee loo qaybiyey iyada oo awood u leh wax ka yar 500kw oo ay gaaraan heerka hogaaminta warshadaha. Soo saar ilo koronto oo la isku halayn karo, kharash-ku-ool ah, iyo qiiq la'aan ah oo loo isticmaali karo gudaha goobta ama codsiyada microgrid. Tignoolajiyada PowerVerde ee ORC waxa kale oo lagu dari karaa kulaylka dhulka, bayoolajiga iyo qoraxda.
Shirkadda PPL-ka (Sork York Swedent Scrextress: PPL) waa mid ka mid ah shirkadaha ugu waaweyn ee waaxda korantada ee Mareykanka. PPL's seven award-winning high-performance utility companies serve 10 million customers in the United States and the United Kingdom. The company has more than 12,000 employees and is committed to providing customers with excellent customer service and reliability, and creating outstanding value for shareholders. Solar energy: June 2018-Acquired Safari Energy LLC, a leading provider of solar solutions for US commercial customers. Safari Safari waxay macaamiisha u samaysaa xalal toosan oo habaysan, laga bilaabo horumarinta ilaa maalgelinta, naqshadaynta, iyo injineernimada Maamul mashaariicda marxaladaha oo dhan, oggolaanshaha, dhismaha, isku xidhka iyo maaraynta hantida. Tamarta Safari waxay xaruntiisu tahay magaalada New York ee magaalada New York waxayna dhamaatay in ka badan 200 mashruuc qorras ah 19 dowladood waxaana uu hadda ka shaqeynayaa in kabadan 80 mashruuc.
Public Power Corporation SA (Athens: PPC.AT) and its subsidiaries together generate, transmit and distribute electricity in Greece. The company was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Athens, Greece. Dhowrkii sano ee la soo dhaafay, shirkaddu waxa ay maalgelinaysay ilo kale oo tamareed (dabaysha, tamarta qoraxda iyo tamarta geotermal) marka lagu daro dhismaha warshado cusub oo kuleyl ah (lignite, oil oil iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah) iyo warshado koronto. PPC renewable energy-solar
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, mainly operates as an energy company in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products to optimize the operation of the energy grid. The company also transmits electricity; oo u qaybiya korontada iyo gaaska dabiiciga macaamiisha deegaanka, ganacsiga iyo warshadaha, oo ay maalgashadaan mashaariicda tamarta qoraxda, oo ay fuliso hufnaanta tamarta iyo baahida qorshooyinka. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.
Quantum Energy Limited (ASX: QTM.AX) waxay soo saartaa oo u qaybisaa tamar hufan biyaha kulul, hababka kuleylka iyo qaboojinta ee suuqyada deegaanka iyo ganacsiga ee Australia iyo caalamkaba. The company provides solar energy systems, hot water heaters and pool heaters, as well as commercial and industrial building heaters.
REC (Norway: REC.OL) waa hogaamiye caalami ah agabka silikoonka nadiifka ah ee silyl-ku salaysan. REC Silicon ASA is a leading manufacturer of advanced silicon materials, providing high-purity polysilicon and silicon gas to the solar and electronics industries worldwide.
Renesola (NYSE: SOL) waa astaan caalami ah oo hormuud ka ah iyo bixiye tignoolajiyada wax soo saarka tamarta cagaaran. With its global business and extensive OEM and sales network, ReneSola is able to provide the highest quality green energy products and on-time services for global EPCs, installers and green energy projects. Solar products
RGS Energy (NasdaqCM: RGSE) is one of the leading solar equipment roof installers in the United States, serving residential and small business customers in the continental United States and Hawaii. Since the first batch of photovoltaic panels sold in 1978, the company has installed tens of thousands of solar power systems. Tamarta RGS waxay ka dhigaysa mid aad ugu habboon macaamiisha si ay u badbaadiyaan kharashyada tamarta iyagoo siinaya xalal dhammaystiran oo qoraxda laga bilaabo naqshadeynta, maalgelinta, oggolaanshaha iyo rakibidda kormeer joogto ah, dayactir iyo taageero
Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4204.T) is a company operating in three business divisions: the housing division, the environment and lifeline division, and the high-performance plastic division. Shirkadaha guryeynta waxay sameeyaan ganacsi ku salaysan mabda'a ah bixinta guri deegaan u wanaagsan nolol ammaan ah oo raaxo leh ugu yaraan 60 sano. Our representative product is “Zero Utility Cost Housing”, which can reduce the family's environmental impact in the long term. Intaa waxaa dheer, tirada guud ee "guryaha leh nidaamyada tamarta qoraxda" ee la dhisay ayaa kor u dhaaftay 160,000, oo ah kaalinta koowaad ee warshadaha dhismaha guryaha.
Sekisui Jushi Corporation (Tokyo: 4212.T) waa shirkad wax soo saar oo Jabbaan ah. Waaxda jawiga bay'ada, habraacyada oo iibiya agabyo derbiga ah, calaamadaha taraafikada, sumadaha jidka, alaabada qorraxda, iwm. sells fences for pedestrians and cars, snow fences, construction sidewalks, railings, park materials, shelters, solar lighting, decorative building materials, mesh fences, etc. The industrial and residential sectors manufacture, process and sell packaging materials, agricultural materials, garden facility materials, dry products, storage products, assembly system pipes, digital picking systems, etc.
Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 2727.HK) waa mid ka mid ah shirkadaha wax soo saarka ugu weyn ee Shiinaha. It has key advantages in the comprehensive provision of modern equipment, complete equipment, and engineering and contracting. Solar energy
SHOW SHELL SEKIYU KK (Tokyo: 5002.T) oal waxay diiradda saari doontaa xalalka saliidda iyo tamarta sida labada ganacsi ee ugu waaweyn, siinta macaamiisha leh ammaan iyo waara bixiyeyaasha xal tamarta si ay u taageeraan macaamiisheeda iyo bulshada. Tamarta cadceedda: Showa Shell Sekiyu waxa ay samaysay tignoolajiyada loo isticmaalo in lagu soo saaro jiilka xiga ee CIS-film cadceedda. The total annual production capacity of the production plant owned by our subsidiary Solar Frontier KK is about 1GW, and our CIS modules have been sold in Europe, the United States, the Middle East and Asia, and Japan. Solar Frontier KK provides a wide range of services, from plant engineering to plant operations, to the sale of these plants to end users or investors related to the development of solar power plants.
SF International Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1165.HK) iyo shirkadaheeda hoos yimaada waxay soo saaraan oo iibiyaan alaabta qorraxda. Its business scope includes the manufacture and sale of solar products, solar power generation, factory operations and services, and the manufacture and sale of light-emitting diode (LED) products.
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Energy Enermels: Siemens waxay horumarisay xalal dhameystiran caqabadaha ku jira suuqa sii kordhaya. Maanta, Siemens waxa ay noqotay iibiye hal-joojin ah dhammaan qaybaha muhiimka ah ee dhirta tamarta qoraxda.
Sika AG (SIX:: SIK.SW, Switzerland) is a company headquartered in Switzerland, active in the specialty chemicals industry. Shirkaddu inta badan waxay soo saartaa alaabada baabuurta iyo qaybaha baabuurta, tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, iyo qalabka iyo warshadaha qaybaha. Solar energy: The solar energy industry is committed to reducing costs, optimizing processes and improving performance. Optimized adhesive technology enables photovoltaic, CSP and solar collector system providers to seek new design solutions, save materials and improve processes to meet these challenges. Extensively tested and inspected products ensure the long-term performance of bonded joints and systems. In order to successfully carry out development and implementation, Sika provides customers with comprehensive project support, from construction consulting, functional testing, application and process technical advice to spraying personnel training.
Silex Systems Limited (ASX: SLX.AX: OTC: SILXY) is engaged in the research, development and commercialization of nuclear energy, solar energy, and advanced materials and instrument technologies. The company develops and commercializes SILEX technology, which is a laser isotope separation process for uranium enrichment; and researches, develops and commercializes dense array concentrated photovoltaic systems for utility-scale solar power plants. Waxay kaloo ka qayb qaadatay cilmi-baarista, horumarka iyo ganacsiga iyo ganacsiga dhif ee agabka dhulka ee dhif ah ee soo-saaridda qalabka ee qalabka semiconductor, korantada korantada iyo warshadaha photovoltaic; horumarinta iyo ganacsiga ee wakhtiga saxda ah ee saxda ah iyo alaabta xakamaynta ee ku salaysan tignoolajiyada USB-inSync. In the electronic instrument market.
Hal-ku-dhigga Inc. The company's product portfolio includes mobile payments, daily fantasy sports, assisted cannabis services and blockchain solutions. Through acquisitions in the horizontal market, SinglePoint builds its investment portfolio by acquiring the interests of undervalued companies, thereby providing a rich and diversified holding base. Through its subsidiary SingleSeed, the company is providing products and services to the cannabis industry. Qorraxda: Direct Solar waa qayb ka mid ah tignoolajiyada iyo soo iibsiga shirkadda SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING). Direct Solar America waa shirkad ubaxlate oo qorraxda ah oo leh in ka badan 3,500 oo rakibaadda guryaha, taas oo awood u siineysa macaamiisha qoraxda inay iibsadaan xulashooyinka si ay u helaan xulashooyinka guryaha ugu fiican. Like rocket mortgages or loan trees, direct solar representatives provide homeowners with various financing and service providers; this makes the process of homeowners purchasing solar energy easier. Direct Solar already operates in eight states and will continue to expand its residential solar footprint. Direct Solar Commercial provides services to customers who own and/or manage commercial properties. Marka lagu daro Direct Solar Capital, oo ah xal kale oo maalgelin tamareed, mashaariicda ganacsigu waxay sidoo kale heli karaan US$50,000 ilaa US$3 milyan maalgelinta rakibaadda qoraxda.
Sino-American Silicon Products Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 5483.TWO) is currently the largest 3″~12″ wafer supplier in China with a complete production line. Alaabtayada ugu muhiimsan waxaa ka mid ah semiconductors, solar iyo sapphire, iyo kala duwanaanta codsigu waxay ku fidsan tahay qoraxda, sawir-qaadista iyo tamarta maalinlaha ah. Our high-value products include CZ/FZ/NTD silicon ingots, Epi wafers, polished wafers, antimony-doped wafers, etched wafers, TVS wafers, arsenic-doped wafers, ultra-thin wafers, deep diffusion wafers, solar ingots and wafers, baytariyada, modules iyo maraqa sapphire. Wax ku darsiga wadajirka ah ee kooxda maamulka iyo dhammaan shaqaalaha awgeed, SAS waxqabadkeeda hawleed ayaa si joogto ah u gaadhay heerar cusub. Whether it is in providing technology and information, co-developing products or in terms of sales/service quality, SAS has been firmly recognized by customers at home and abroad, and has been rated as the best-selling product of the year.
Sky Solar Holdings Ltd. (NasdaqCM: SKYS) waa shirkad haysata maalgashi iyo soo saare koronto madax banaan oo adduunka oo dhan ah. The company mainly develops, owns and operates solar parks in the downstream solar market. Waxay kaloo iibisaa nidaamyada qorraxda oo ay ku jiraan dhuumaha. As well as engineering, construction and procurement services, and engaged in the construction and transfer of solar parks.
Solar Alliance Energy Inc. (TSX: SOLR.V) is an energy solution provider focusing on residential, commercial and industrial solar installations. Shirkaddu waxay ka hawlgashaa California, Tennessee, North Carolina iyo South Carolina iyo Kentucky, waxayna leedahay kanaal balaarinaysa mashaariicda qoraxda. Tan iyo markii la aasaasay sannadkii 2003, shirkaddu waxay samaysay mashruuc dabaysha iyo qorraxda ah oo ku kacaya $ 1 bilyan oo siin kara koronto ku filan 150,000 qoys. Our passion is to improve lives through originality, simplicity and freedom of choice. Isbahaysiga Qorraxdu wuxuu yareeyaa ama meesha ka saaraa nuglaanshaha macaamiisha ee kor u kaca kharashka tamarta, wuxuu bixiyaa il deegaanka u saaxiibka ah ee koronto, wuxuuna bixiyaa la awoodi karo, furaha xalal tamar nadiif ah.
Solar Enertech Corp. (OTC: SOEN) is a manufacturer of solar energy products. The company produces solar cells and modules in China. The company's products include monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon solar cells and solar cell modules. Shirkaddu waxay inta badan ka iibisaa qalabka unugyada cadceedda rakibayaasha muraayadaha cadceedda kuwaas oo ku dara moduleskooda nidaamkooda koronto ka dibna ka iibiya si ay u dhameeyaan macaamiisha Yurub, Australia, Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Shiinaha.
SolarCity Corporation (NasdaqGS: SCTY) provides clean energy. Shirkadda waxay carqaladeysay warshadaha tamarta qarnigii hore ee tamar ahaaneed oo si toos ah u siiya koronto cusboonaysiin ah milkiileyaasha guryaha, ganacsiyada iyo ururada dowladda ee ku kacaya biilasha korantada. SolarCity enables customers to control their energy costs to protect them from rising electricity bills. The company makes solar energy easy through everything from design to licensing to monitoring and maintenance.
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SEDG) is a global leader in smart energy technology. Anagoo ka faa'iidaysanayna awoodaha injineernimada heerka-caalmiga ah iyo dareenka aan kala go'a lahayn ee hal-abuurka, SolarEdge waxay abuurtay xalal tamar caqli gal ah oo xoojiya nolosheena horumarna horumarka mustaqbalka. SolarEdge has developed a smart inverter solution that changes the way that electrical energy is collected and managed in photovoltaic (PV) systems. SolarEdge DC-optimized inverters strive to maximize power generation while reducing energy costs generated by photovoltaic systems. Continuously developing smart energy, SolarEdge meets a wide range of energy market areas through its photovoltaic, energy storage, electric vehicle charging, UPS and grid service solutions.
Spectacular Solar, Inc. (OTC: SPSO) waa shirkad kala duwan oo ku hawlan rakibidda nidaamyada tamarta qoraxda, maaraynta sanduuqa maalgashiga iyo qandaraasyada saqafka iyada oo loo marayo shirkadaheeda. DC Solar Integrators designed and installed the most advanced solar energy conversion equipment for homes and business owners. Star Power Services is a bonded and licensed roofing contractor with expertise in the installation, repair and maintenance of new roofs. The Solar Investor Fund contributes to ongoing insurance costs directly related to the installation of solar systems. In return, the fund will receive a portion of tax incentives and continuous income from electricity sales.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) waa bixiye caalami ah oo bixiya xalalka sawir-qaadista ("PV") ee ganacsiga, deegaanka, dawladda iyo macaamiisha tamarta iyo maalgashadayaasha. The solar photovoltaic project developed by the company can be sold to a third-party operator, or it can be owned and operated by the company to sell electricity to the power grids of many countries in Asia, North America and Europe. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. Xarunta guud ee shirkadu waxay ku taal Santa Clara, California, waxayna ilaalisaa hawlaha caalamiga ah ee Aasiya, Yurub, Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Australia. Cagaaran Auto-Waxay ku dhawaaqday bilawga EdisonFuture, Inc., oo ah shirkad ay iska leedahay SPI Energy, si loo naqshadeeyo loona horumariyo baabuurta korantada ("EV") iyo xalalka EV.
Spire Corporation (OTC: SPIR) waa shirkad caalami ah oo qoraxda ka shaqaysa oo bixisa tignoolajiyada, qalabka iyo khadadka wax soo saarka furaha si ay u soo saarto qaybo sawir-qaade ah oo ay ku sifowdo qaybaha qorraxda.
STF Group (OTC: SLTZ) is a company focused on the future. Waxaan ku faanaa inaan awoodno inaan diirada saarno fikradaha cusub anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada hadda jirta si aan u ilaalino berrito maanta. Tignoolajiyada cagaaran waxay saameeyeen suuqyo badan oo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan wax soo saarka tamarta iyo ilaalinta, gaadiidka xamuulka, kaydinta iyo guryaha. We are honored to provide the best warranty for solar panels made in the US. We view our business model as a model that promotes environmental responsibility as everyone's obligation, while also enabling our customers to save money. As new challenges emerge, our goal will continue to be to create solutions that are not only meaningful but also make a difference.
SUNNOVA ENERGY INTERNATIONAL INC. (NYSE: NOVA) waa bixiyaha adeega kaydinta tamarta qoraxda iyo tamarta, oo u adeegta in ka badan 63,000 macaamiisha in ka badan 20 gobol iyo gobolada Maraykanka. Hadafkayagu waa inaan noqono bixiye hormuud u ah macmiisha tamar nadiif ah, la awoodi karo oo la isku halayn karo, hadafkayaga ganacsiguna waa mid fudud: si aan u gaarno madax banaanida tamarta.
SunPower Corp. (NASDAQGS: SPWR) waxay naqshadaysaa, soo saartaa oo waxay bixisaa waxtarka ugu sarreeya iyo isku halaynta ugu sarreeya ee qoraxda iyo nidaamyada maanta la heli karo. Residential, corporate, government and utility customers rely on SunPower's 30 years of experience and guaranteed performance to provide the greatest return on investment during the entire life of the solar system. SunPower is headquartered in San Jose, California, with offices in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia.
Sunrun Inc. (NasdaqGS: RUN) is a leading residential solar, energy storage and energy service company in the United States. Since 2007, Sunrun's mission has been to build a planet run by the sun, leading the industry with a “solar as a service” model, which can provide clean energy to households with almost no or no upfront costs, and is less expensive than traditional electricity Cost. . The company designs, installs, finances, insurance, monitors and maintains the system, and families can get predictable prices for 20 years or more. The company also offers Sunrun Brightbox, a home solar battery service, which manages home solar, energy storage and utility power through smart inverter technology.
Sunworks Inc. (NasdaqCM: SUNW) is a major provider of solar energy solutions for consumers and businesses. Waxaa naga go'an in aan dhisno qaab-dhismeed tayo sare leh oo had iyo jeer ka sarreeya heerarka warshadaha oo u hoggaansamaya fikradahayaga anshaxa iyo badbaadada. Maanta, Sunworks waxay sii waddaa inay ballaariso baaxadeeda ganacsi, iyadoo ku fideysa xafiisyada heer gobol iyo heer degmo ee dalka oo dhan. Waxaa naga go'an inaan si joogto ah u bixino xalal tayo sare leh oo ku jihaysan waxqabadka beeraha, ganacsiga, federaalka, shaqooyinka guud, guryaha iyo warshadaha tamarta. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our 25-year warranty, which is the benchmark for us to provide customers with support that exceeds their expectations. Sunworks waxay leedahay shaqaale khibrad leh oo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan halyeeyo heer sare ah oo ay ka go'an tahay inay bixiyaan khibradda ugu fiican ee macaamiisha. Laga soo bilaabo farsamayaqaannada ilaa madaxda, dhammaan shaqaalaheennu waxay u hoggaansamaan mabaadi'da hagidda shirkadda maalin kasta. Sunworks is a member of the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) and a proud advocate of solar energy development.
Shirkadda Datong (Taiwan: 2371.TW) waxay leedahay 3 qaybood oo ganacsi, oo ay ku jiraan qaybaha ganacsiga ee 7, sida xalalka bandhiga dhijitaalka ah iyo ganacsiga qalabyada dhijitaalka ah, ganacsiga qalabka guriga, ganacsiga tamarta cusub, ICT iyo ganacsiga xalalka tamarta, ganacsiga tamarta culus, Wire iyo cable business and Motor BU. In order to maintain strong and long-term growth, Datong Company is particularly focused on the development of advanced technology and global operating network. With the development of its branches in 12 countries/regions around the world, Tatung is in a solid position to deliver products more efficiently and improve customer service efficiency. Datong provides its customers with huge advantages in terms of cost, speed and seamless back-end support to maintain a leading position in today's rapidly changing business environment. Shirkadda Datong waxay ku takhasustay ODM / OEM Meheradda waxayna adeegyo siisaa macaamiisha astaan u ah adduunka oo dhan. Sida urur weyn, yoolalka maalgashiga Datong waxay ku lug leeyihiin warshadaha waaweyn sida optoelectronics, tamarta, isgaarsiinta, isdhexgalka nidaamka, nidaamyada warshadaha, kanaalada sumadda iyo horumarinta hantida.
Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600550.SS) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and distribution of power transmission products. Alaabta ugu weyn ee shirkadda waxaa ka mid ah Transformers-ka Grand -nate, oo leh wejiga wareega-wejiga, transformersers-ka korantada korantada iyo qaybinta, dib-u-haynta iyo jajabyada transalka. Shirkaddu waxay kaloo soo saartaa alaabo tamareed oo cusub, oo ay ku jiraan qalabka tamarta dabaysha, marawaxadaha dabaysha, alaab polysilicon ah iyo unugyo khafiif ah oo cadceedda ah. Alaabada shirkadu waxay u qaybsantaa suuqyada gudaha iyo dibadaba.
Toppr Solr Co., Ltd. glass. Tan iyo markii la aasaasay 1992, toray, sida ugu weyn ee sawir-qaade-ka-soo-saaraha Photovoltaic ee ugu weyn ee Shiinaha, ayaa ku hawlanaa wax soo saarka Monocrystaleine iyo Polycrystalline ilaa 2005, isagoo noqday soo-saareyaasha qoraxda ee ugu badan ee Shiinaha tan iyo markaas. Topray has been proud to cooperate with global distributors and installers to provide customers with our high-quality products, sustainable energy solutions and high-quality sales services through global offices throughout Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.
Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) produces and sells automobile parts, optoelectronic products and other general industrial products. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; functional components, including fuel tank module components, power transmission system parts, and chassis and transmission systems Parts; qaybaha gudaha iyo dibadda; and safety system products, such as airbags, steering wheels, etc. The company also provides solar LED and deep ultraviolet light source modules; and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights
Umicore Group (Brussels: UMI.BR) is a global materials technology and recycling group. Most of Umicore's revenue comes from clean technologies, such as recycling, emission control catalysts, rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic materials. Ganacsiga Substrates waa soo saaraha ugu weyn aduunka ee wafers germanium oo leh in ka badan 1 milyan oo rakibo. Our germanium wafers can be used in a variety of applications: ground solar cells (CPV), space solar cells, high-brightness LEDs and various semiconductor applications.
Qalabka qalabka ee Veeco Instruments Inc (NASDAQGS: VECO) wuxuu suurtogal ka dhigayaa in la soo saaro LED-yada, bandhigyada OLED ee dabacsan, korantada korantada, semiconductors-ka isku dhafan, darawalada diskka adag, semiconductors, MEMS iyo chips wireless. Waxaan nahay hogaamiyaha suuqa ee MOCVD, MBE, ion beam, qoyan etching hal wafer processing iyo kuwa kale oo horumarsan teknoolajiyada processing filimada khafiif ah. Qalabka tignoolajiyada cadceedda ee Veeco ayaa gacan ka geysanaya kordhinta waxtarka unugyada iyo faa'iidada wax soo saarka ilaa heerar cusub. Our industry-leading MOCVD platform for CPV (Concentration Photovoltaics) and the world's only production-proven thermal deposition source manufactured by CIGS utilize our unique expertise and industry-leading resources.
Websol Energy Systems Ltd. (BOM: WEBELSOLAR.BO) is India's leading manufacturer of photovoltaic monocrystalline solar cells and modules. Tan iyo 1994, Websol waxay si adag u soo bandhigtay alaabooyin horumarsan oo tayo sare leh oo leh tas-hiilaadkeeda wax-soo-saarka isku-dhafka ah ee casriga ah ee Aagga Dhaqaalaha Gaarka ah ee Falta (Falta SEZ) ee degmada labaad ee Falta, Galbeedka Bengal - ballanqaad tayo leh oo la aamini karo by customers worldwide. Over the years, the company has established a reputation for manufacturing highly reliable photovoltaic modules suitable for various household, commercial and industrial applications.
Armco Metals, Inc (NYSE: AMCO) is engaged in the sales and distribution of metal ores and non-ferrous metals in China, and is engaged in the recycling business in China. Armco Metals' customers include some of the fastest growing steel mills and foundries across China. The raw materials are obtained from a group of global suppliers located in different countries (including but not limited to Brazil, India, Indonesia, Ukraine and the United States). Khadka wax soo saarka ee arcco waxaa ku jira bir bir iyo bir bir ah, bir bir ah, chromium ore, magnesium ore, magnese toe, birta birta, birta xoqan, digaag iyo shaciir.
Aqua Metals Inc. (NasdaqCM: AQMS) has developed AquaRefining(TM), a modular electrochemical process that can produce ultra-pure lead from used lead-acid batteries in an effective and socially responsible manner. Unlike lead smelting (the current method of recycling lead-acid batteries), AquaRefining produces almost no emissions. Marka la barbar dhigo sunta rasaasta, aquareitment wuxuu sidoo kale cunaa tamar yar oo ka yar waana qaali. Aqua Metals has an office in Alameda, California, and is building its initial commercial lead production AquaRefining facility in the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center in Nevada.
Augean PLC (LSE: AUG.L) provides hazardous waste management services in the UK. The company provides comprehensive services, including general waste collection; recycling and sales through open market pricing options and revenue sharing; hazardous and problematic waste treatment and disposal; office waste treatment; training and support; a set of reports classified by waste streams, Revenue by recycling and by location; and consulting services for recycling, landfill avoidance and recycling for large and medium-sized manufacturing customers. It also manages waste from land remediation, construction and demolition projects; handles ash from waste to power plants; holds a large number of mining rights that can be used to supply various aggregates to the market; Waxay ka shaqeysaa saddex goob oo qashin-qubka oo halis ah iyo kuwo aan khatar ahayn; generate energy from a closed landfill; and provide laboratory services. In addition, the company also provides waste management and waste treatment services for offshore oil and gas operators in the North Sea; as well as industrial cleaning, oil recovery and tanker flushing services for the oil and gas industry.
Boliden AB (Stockholm: BOL.ST; OTC: BDNNF) is a metal company dedicated to sustainable development. Our roots are in Northern Europe, but our business is global. Udub dhexaad u ah tartanka shirkadu waa dhinacyada sahaminta, macdanta, dhalada iyo soo kabashada birta.
Cascades Inc (TSX: CAS.TO) was established in 1964. Cascades produces, processes and sells packaging and tissue products mainly composed of recycled fibers. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay ku dhawaad 11,000 oo shaqaale ah oo ka shaqeeya in ka badan 90 waaxood oo wax soo saar ah oo ku yaal Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Yurub. With its management philosophy, more than half a century of recycling experience and continuous efforts as a driving force for research and development, Cascades continues to provide innovative products that customers rely on.
Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS: CWST) waa shirkad adeeg oo isku dhafan oo heer gobol ah oo inta badan siisa ururinta, wareejinta, daadinta, dib u warshadaynta iyo adeegyada maaraynta khayraadka macaamiisha deegaanka, warshadaha iyo ganacsiga ee bariga Maraykanka.
Shirkadda Caalamiga ah ee Changan (OTC: CAON) waa shirkad marxalad horumarineed oo ku hawlan dib u warshadaynta qashinka iyo dib u isticmaalka ganacsiga Jamhuuriyadda Dadka Shiinaha. It also produces construction materials from waste. Shirkaddu waxay isticmaashaa agabka SF (isku-dhafka caagagga qashinka ah iyo dambaska dhuxusha) si ay u horumariyaan una soo saaraan alaabooyinka. Khadkeeda wax soo saarka waxaa ka mid ah darbiyada derbiyada iyo daboolka dibadda ee dhismaha. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) produces and distributes humic acid-based compound fertilizers through its wholly-owned subsidiary, namely: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinong”). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gufeng”) and the variable equity entity Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuxing”). Laga bilaabo Diseembar 31, 2014, Jinong waxay soo saartay oo iibisay 120 bacrimin ah oo kala duwan, kuwaas oo dhammaantood ay siisay dawladda Jamhuuriyadda Dadka ee Shiinaha ("Shiinaha") qalabka wax soo saarka cuntada cagaaran, sida lagu qeexay "Cuntada Cagaaran ee Shiinaha ” . F. Jinong currently sells fertilizer products to private agricultural wholesalers and retailers in 27 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 central government-controlled cities in China. As of December 31, 2014, Jinong had 972 distributors in China. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.
Deep Green Waste & Recycling, Inc. (OTC: DGWR) is re-establishing its position as an innovative waste and recycling company, providing sustainable waste and recycling management services, and simplifying processes to help commercial customers achieve cost savings. Nidaamku wuxuu caawiyaa dhimista, dib u isticmaalida iyo dib u warshadaynta qashinka.
DS Smith PLC (LSE: SMDC.L) iyada oo u maraysa naqshadaynta kaabadeeda waxayna soo saartaa baakadaha dib loo warshadeeyey ee alaabta macaamiisha ee UK, France, Germany, Italy iyo caalamkaba. Shirkaddu waxay bixisaa tafaariiqda iyo shelf-diyaar ah, tafaariiqda internetka iyo elektarooniga ah, gaadiidka iyo gaadiidka, alaabta macaamiisha, alaabta warshadaha, alaabta khatarta ah iyo alaabta baakadaha badan, iyo sidoo kale baakadaha ku wareegsan, palette iyo sanduuqa; corrugated paper sales point and point of purchase display racks , Packaging machine system, modular display racks and pallets, corrugated paper racks and Sheetfeeding products; Sizzlepak waa walax gaar ah oo buuxinaysa warqad oo lagu laalaabi karo qaabka zigzag, googooyn kara xariijimo cidhiidhi ah, iyo sidoo kale bixin kara adeegyada la-talinta baakadaha. Waxay siisaa badeecooyinka iyo adeegyada cuntada iyo cabitaanka, badeecadaha macaamiisha, warshadaha, ganacsiga e-ganacsiga iyo qaybinta, iyo suuqyada beddelka. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay bixisaa adeegyo dib-u-warshadayn iyo maaraynta qashinka oo dhammaystiran, sida waraaqaha, kartoonada, isku-dhafka qallalan, caagadaha, organics iyo cuntada, qashinka dhismaha iyo burburinta, adeegyada dib-u-warshadaynta guud, iyo adeegyada burburinta sirta ah; and value-added services, including supply cycles Management, carbon management, regulatory compliance, CSR reporting and brand reputation, for large and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises in the retail, manufacturing, printing and publishing, and paper industries. In addition, it also produces recycled corrugated box materials and specialty papers, and provides related technology and supply chain services; it also manufactures and sells flexible packaging and distribution solutions for the beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, fresh produce, construction and retail industries, and rigid Packaging solutions and foam products.
GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) is a green chemical company with a patent-pending technology that can convert hazardous waste into green products. GlyEco Technology ™ waxay leedahay awood gaar ah oo ay ku nadiifiso glycol wasakhaysan dhammaan shanta warshadood ee qashinka soo saara: HVAC, dharka, baabuurta, duulista iyo caafimaadka. This technology can recycle waste ethylene glycol to meet ASTM Type 1 specifications-the purity is the same as refinery grade ethylene glycol.
Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) waa shirkad tignoolajiyada nadiif ah oo “gebi ahaanba cagaar ah” taas oo isku daraysa dhirta gudaha laga keenay ee dib loo cusboonaysiin karo iyo maaddooyinka quudinta dib loo isticmaali karo, iyo qaab gaar ah oo lagu dhisay afarta fikradood ee tignoolajiyada cagaaran: Biyodegradable, dib loo warshadayn karo, la cusboonaysiin karo iyo deegaan ahaan. safe. GET waxay isticmaashaa G-CLEAN(R) iyo G-OIL(R) si ay u soo saarto noocyo kala duwan oo "nadiif iyo cagaar" ah oo Maraykan ah oo deegaan ahaan u saaxiib ah, kuwaas oo qaar ka mid ah si gaar ah loogu talagalay inay ka caawiyaan ka hortagga jabka iyo cadaadiska adduunka oo dhan. The challenge of disintegration allows consumers and customers concerned about the environment and American energy independence to do their part without sacrificing value or performance. Badbaadi meeraha-waxa la siinayo.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions ayaa looga baahan yahay cuntada iyo cabitaanka, beeraha, baabuurta, kiimikooyinka, dawooyinka iyo warshadaha alaabta isticmaala. The company's technology, including those used in its injection molding equipment, a proprietary blend of recycled plastic resins, and a patented pallet design, enables the rapid production of high-quality pallets at a lower cost than many processes. The recycled plastic used for pallets helps control material costs while reducing environmental waste, and has a cost advantage over users of virgin resin. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) technology is a proven, efficient refining and chemical process, initially aimed at the multi-billion dollar transformer oil market used by the global power industry. Waqtigan xaadirka ah, saliidda qashinka waxaa lagu farsameeyaa laba warshadood oo ganacsi. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. harmless. The process also completely eliminates the toxic additive PCBs prohibited by international regulations. Hydrodec's plants are located in Canton, Ohio, USA and Young, New South Wales, Australia. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group waa ururinta ugu weyn UK, isku-darka iyo farsameeya saliidaha qashinka, sidoo kale waa iibisa saliida shidaalka la warshadeeyey, waxayna leedahay kaydka saliidda iyo wareejinta dalka oo dhan. Shabakad saldhiga ah. Saliidda qashinka waxaa loo beddelaa saliida shidaalka ee la farsameeyay ee loo yaqaan 'oss's's stourport dhirta, oo inta badan lagu iibiyo qorif iyo warshadaha korantada ee Boqortooyada Midowday. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
Kurita Water Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6370.T; OTC: KTWIF) provides various water treatment solutions in Japan, Asia, North America, Europe and internationally. The company operates through two parts: water treatment chemicals and water treatment facilities. The water treatment chemicals department provides boiler water treatment chemicals, cooling water treatment chemicals, wastewater treatment chemicals, process treatment chemicals, packaging contracts, chemical injection and metering equipment, etc.; and maintenance services. Xarunta daaweynta biyaha ayaa bixisa nidaamyada wax soo saarka biyaha aadka u saafiga ah, nidaamyada guud ee daaweynta biyaha wasakhda ah ee warshadaha, hababka daaweynta biyaha wasakhda ah iyo hababka dib u warshadaynta biyaha wasakhda ah. The department also provides ultra-pure water supply, chemical cleaning, tool cleaning and soil and groundwater repair services, and provides maintenance services.
Shirkadda Ilaalinta Deegaanka ee Lizhan (OTC: LZENF) waxay ku hawlan tahay wax soo saarka, qaybinta, suuq-geynta iyo dhoofinta hargaha synthetic iyo dharka kale ee ka samaysan qashinka hargaha iyo agabka kale ee Jamhuuriyadda Dadka Shiinaha iyada oo loo marayo shirkadaheeda. Waxay bixisaa noocyo kala duwan oo ah alaabta maqaar synthetic, oo ay ku jiraan alaabada suede ee super, maro-maqaar ah oo dib loo soo celiyay, dhar tuwaal microfiber ah, maro tufaax ah iyo alaabada colgre, iyo sidoo kale kuwa kale oo ka samaysan budada dhogorta, dharka suede, raso gaaban iyo malabka Dharka oo ka kooban cudbi fiican leh. The company is also involved in research and development related to synthetic leather production. Its products are used in a variety of consumer applications, including residential and office furniture, clothing and automotive interior products. Shirkadda ayaa inta badan ka iibisa badeecadeeda wax soo saarka alaabta guryaha iyo dharka qaybiinta dharka. Its products are exported to the United States, Nicaragua, Germany, Belgium, France and South Korea.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) waa shirkad tignoolajiyada iyo shati bixisa oo shaqadeedu tahay in ay dardargeliso u gudubka aduunka ee balaastikada waara oo ay meesha ka saarto ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka fosil Loop has patented and proprietary technology that can depolymerize priceless and low-priced waste PET plastics and polyester fibers, including plastic bottles and packaging, carpets and polyester textiles of any color, transparency or condition, and even be exposed to sunlight and salt Degraded marine plastic , ilaa qaybteeda aasaasiga ah ( monomer). These monomers are filtered, purified and repolymerized to produce the original quality Loop™ brand PET plastic resin and polyester fibers suitable for food-grade packaging, which are sold to consumer products companies to help them achieve their sustainability goals. Through our customers and production partners, Loop leads the world by raising awareness of the importance of preventing and recycling waste plastics from the environment to ensure that plastics remain in the economy, thereby creating a more sustainable future for everyone Towards a circular economy.
Perf Go Green, Holdings Inc. (OTC: PGOG) is a biodegradable plastic company in the United States and Canada. It focuses on the development and sales of environmentally friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable plastic products that meet food contact requirements. Alaabooyinka balaastiigga ah ee shirkaddu leedahay ayaa siinaya xal wax ku ool ah oo lagu dhimayo qashinka caagga ah ee deegaanka. Its products include biodegradable garbage bags, biodegradable plastic drip cloth, biodegradable dog responsibility bags and Cat liners, PerfPower alkaline batteries and Perf Go Clean cleaning products.
PRO-PAC Packaging Limited (ASX: PPG.AX) waxay soo saartaa oo qaybisaa alaabta baakadaha warshadaha, ilaalinta iyo adag gudaha Australia. The company operates through industrial packaging and rigid packaging divisions. Waaxda Baakadaha Baakadaha warshadaha soosaarka, iibsashada oo u qaybiya agabyada baakadaha warshadaha iyo alaabada iyo adeegyada la xiriira. Waaxdu waxay kaloo rakibtaa, taageertaa oo ilaalisaa mishiinnada baakadaha. Waaxda baakadaha adag waxay soo saartaa, iibisaa oo qaybisaa weelasha iyo xidhitaanka iyo alaabada iyo adeegyada la xidhiidha. Baakadaha PRO-PAC ee xadidan ayaa waliba bixiya filimaan ka buuqa oo dabacsan, sanaadiiqda kartoonnada iyo alaabada baakadaha baakadaha, alaabada beeraha ee baakadaha alaabada, iyo musqusha iyo nadiifinta; oo iibiya oo u adeega agabka baakadaha kala duwan, mashiinada iyo nidaamyada. It provides services to the general industrial and primary packaging, safety and personal protective equipment, food service and food processing sectors. Biodegradable products
Pure Cycle Corp. (NASDAQCM: PCYO) owns water assets in several watersheds in Colorado and certain aquifers in Denver, Colorado. Cycle Pure waxay siisaa adeegyada biyaha iyo biyaha wasakhda macaamiisha ku nool bartamaha magaalada Denver, oo ay ku jiraan naqshadeynta, dhismaha, hawlgalka iyo dayactirka nidaamyada biyaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah. Pure Cycle wuxuu kaloo leeyahay ku dhawaad 14,600 acres oo dhul ah koonfurta bari ee Colorado, oo laga kireeyay beeralayda aagga.
Quest Resource Holding Corp (NasdaqCM: QRHC) provides companies with a one-stop management program to reuse, recycle and dispose of various waste streams and recyclables generated by their business, and operates environmentally-based social media and online data containing information Platform and necessary instructions for authorizing consumers and consumer product companies to recycle or properly dispose of household products and materials. Quest's comprehensive reuse, recycling and appropriate disposal management program is designed to give regional and national customers a point of contact to manage various waste streams and recyclables. Quest's catalog of local recycling and proper disposal methods can directly enhance the capabilities of consumers and enable consumer products companies to provide customers with the correct recycling or disposal of various household products and materials (including “why, where, and how to “recycle”. Quest Barnaamijyadan waxa lagu bixiyaa iyada oo loo sii maraayo shuraakadaheeda Quest Resource Management Group, LLC iyo Earth911, Inc. Quest waxa ay taageertaa dadaalka shirkadda ee lagu kordhinayo faa'iidada and mitigate risks while minimizing its ecological footprint. Quest's customers span multiple Industry sectors, including food service, hospitality, medical, manufacturing, construction, automotive aftermarket and fleet industries. Quest provides customers with comprehensive sustainability plans, innovative recycling solutions and environmental protection. Quest waxay siisaa xalal gaar ah macaamiil kasta Ku faan xalka bartilmaameedka ee baahiyaha.
Warshadaha Schnitzer Steel Steels (Nasdaqgs: Schn) waa mid ka mid ah soo-saareyaasha ugu waaweyn iyo dhoofinta alaabada birta dib loo warshadeeyay ee Mareykanka, oo ay ku jiraan howlgalo ka dhacay 24 dowladood, Puerto Rico iyo Galbeedka Canada. Schnitzer has seven deepwater export facilities on the east and west coasts, as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The company's integrated operating platform also includes auto parts stores and steel manufacturing. The company's steel manufacturing business has an effective annual production capacity of approximately 800,000 tons, which can produce finished steel products including rebar, wire rod and other special products. The company began operations in Portland, Oregon in 1906.
Sims Metal Management Ltd. Sims' core business is metal recycling and electronic recycling. Approximately 60% of Sims Metal Management's revenue comes from North American operations.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) specializes in the development and sales of various plastic products and other environmental technologies, and operates globally. The company is a global leader in the development and marketing of life-controlled plastics, and sells pro-degradation additives and finished plastic products through a constantly growing network of international distributors and agents. The company also sells a variety of traditional, non-degradable, flexible plastic products. Kooxdu waxay doorteen inay si taxadir leh ugula wareegaan shaqadan qandaraas-hoosaadyo la doortay oo dib loo eegay adduunka oo dhan. This flexibility provides the group and its customers with supply security, local availability, and significant cost advantages. Degradable finished products and additives are sold directly to customers worldwide, or sold to the world through an expanding network of authorized distributors and agents. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Tervita Corporation (TSX: TEV) is a leading waste management and environmental solutions provider, providing waste treatment, treatment, recycling and disposal services to customers in the oil and gas, mining and industrial sectors. We serve our customers on-site through facilities in Canada and the United States. For 40 years, Tervita has been committed to providing safe and efficient solutions at all stages of the project, while minimizing the impact and maximizing benefits™. Shaqaaleheena u heellan iyo kuwa khibradda leh ayaa ah shuraakada aaminka ah ee macaamiishayada si loo helo horumar waara. Badbaadadu waa mudnaantayada koowaad: waxay saamaysaa hab-dhaqankeena waxayna qaabaysaa dhaqankeena.
Nidaamyada Tomra Waxay ka shaqeysaa hoosaadyo "xalka xalka" iyo "xalka kala-saaridda". Waaxda xalinta ururinta waxay horumarisaa, soo saartaa, iibisaa, kiraysataa, waxayna siisaa hababka ururinta tooska ah ee adeegyada, oo ay ku jiraan nidaamka maaraynta xogta kaas oo la socon kara agabka la ururiyay iyo wax kala iibsiga deebaajiga ee la xidhiidha. Waxa kale oo ay ka dhigan tahay soo-saareyaasha/buuxiyeyaasha cabitaannada soo-qaadista, gaadiidka iyo maaraynta weelasha cabitaanka ee madhan; production of small and medium-sized compactors. This market segment provides solutions under the TOMRA brand of the European food retail industry. The classification solutions department provides classification and processing technology for the fresh and processed food industry; Nidaamyada kala soocida qashinka iyo qulqulka walxaha birta; ore sorting systems for the mining industry; iyo tignoolajiyada kala soocida iyo habaynta dareenka ku salaysan ee tubaakada iyo warshadaha alaabta ceeriin. Qeybta suuqaani waxay bixisaa xalalkeeda hoos yimaada magacyada calaamadaha TITECH, Commodas Ultrasort, ODENBERG iyo BEST.
Tox Free Solutions Limited (ASX: TOX.AX) provides industrial and waste management services in Australia. The company is divided into three parts: technical and environmental services, industrial services and waste services. The Waste Services Department is engaged in the collection, resource recovery, recycling and disposal of solid, industrial, urban and commercial waste in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Southwest regions of Western Australia and Queensland. Qaybtani waxay sidoo kale bixisaa dareere badan iyo wadarta maareynta qashinka, soo kabashada Kheyraadka iyo dib-u-warshadaynta, iyo raadinta qashinka iyo adeegyada warbixinta. The Industrial Services Department provides on-site industrial cleaning services for the oil and gas, mining, heavy manufacturing, civil infrastructure, municipal and public utilities sectors, including tank and drain cleaning, high-pressure water jetting, vacuum loading, and liquid and industrial adeegyada ururinta qashinka. Qaybtani waxay sidoo kale bixisaa dayactirka dhuumaha iyo CCTV, jarista shubka, nadiifinta, dahaarka warshadaha, rarka faakuumka, qodista aan burburin iyo adeegyada maaraynta qashinka. The Technical and Environmental Services Department has a network of liquid and hazardous waste management facilities in Kwinana, Henderson, Karratha, Port Hedland, Kalgoorlie, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. This section provides hazardous and chemical waste, hazardous waste management, bulk liquid waste, household hazardous waste, fluorescent tube and lamp recycling and emergency response services, as well as contaminated site repair, waste audit, environmental compliance and waste tracking services.
Transpacific Industries (ASX: TPI.AX) mainly provides recycling, waste management and industrial services in Australia. The company operates through Cleanaway, Industrials and New Zealand divisions. It provides commercial, industrial, municipal and residential collection services for various types of solid waste streams, including general waste, recyclable waste, construction and demolition waste, and medical and toilet services. It also owns and manages waste transfer stations, resource recovery and recycling facilities, ensures product destruction, quarantine treatment operations and landfills, and sells paper, cardboard, metal and plastic. Intaas waxaa sii dheer, shirkadda ayaa sidoo kale ku lug leh aruurinta, daaweynta, ka shaqeynta iyo dib-u-warshadaynta qashinka iyo qashinka khatarta ah, sida qashinka warshadeed, iyo saliida macdanta, iyo saliidda la cuni karo ee foomamka iyo balaaran. Sidoo kale sifaynta iyo dib-u-warshadaynta loo isticmaalo saliidda macdanta si loo soo saaro saliidda shidaalka iyo saliidda saldhigga. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa xalal warshadeed, oo ay ku jiraan nadiifinta warshadaha, rarista booyadaha faakuumka, dayactirka goobta, maareynta wasakhda, nadiifinta qaybaha, dayactirka la taaban karo, telefishinka xiran, ilaalinta daxalka iyo adeegyada gurmadka.
Trius maal-gashiga Inc. (TSX: TRU.V) waa shirkad maalgalin maalgashi. Shirkaddu waxay maamushaa oo ay ka shaqeysaa Trius Disposal Systems Ltd., shirkad ganacsi ama shirkad nadiifisa qashinka hal-abuurka leh. Shirkaddu waxay ku samaysaa maalgelinta hantida ma-guurtada ah ee Maraykanka iyada oo u sii marinaysa shirkaddeeda kale ee ay wada leeyihiin, TRU Investments, LLC.
American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) is a leading environmental service provider for commercial and government agencies in North America. The company meets customers' complex waste management needs, providing hazardous, non-hazardous and radioactive waste treatment, disposal and recycling, as well as a wide range of complementary on-site and industrial services. US Ecology waxay diiradda saartaa badbaadada, u hoggaansanaanta deegaanka, iyo adeegga macaamiisha heerka koowaad, taas oo noo oggolaanaysa inaan si wax ku ool ah u daboolno baahiyaha macaamiisha oo aan aasaasno xiriirro iskaashi oo waqti dheer ah. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.
Vertex Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: VTNR) is a leading environmental services company that recycles industrial waste streams and substandard commercial chemical products. Diiradadeeda ugu weyn waa soo kabashada saliidda baabuurta ee la isticmaalay iyo durdurrada batroolka ee kale. Tamarta Vertex waxay ka iibsataa durdurradan shabakad dhisan oo ururiyeyaal iyo koronto-dhaliyeyaal maxalli iyo gobol ah. Tamarta Vertex waxay sidoo kale maamushaa gaadiidka, kaydinta iyo keenista alaabta ceeriin ee la isku daray iyo qulqulka alaabta si ay u dhammaato isticmaalayaasha, waxayna maamushaa sifaynta qayb ka mid ah durdurrada batroolka ee la isku daray si ay ugu iibiso alaab qiimo sare leh. Vertex Energy sells its collected oil streams as feedstock to other refiners and fuel mixers, or as an alternative fuel used in industrial burners. The refining of used motor oil managed by Vertex Energy takes place at its plant, which uses a proprietary thermochemical extraction process (TCEP) technology. Vertex Energy waxay xarunteedu tahay Houston, Texas, waxayna xafiisyo ku leedahay California, Chicago, Georgia, Nevada, iyo Ohio.
Waste Connection Corporation (NYSE: WCN) is a comprehensive solid waste service company that mainly provides waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services in proprietary and secondary markets. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. The company also provides intermodal services for cargo and solid waste container transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Waste Connections, Inc. was established in September 1997 and is headquartered in Woodlands, Texas.
Maareynta Qashinka Co., Ltd. (Nyse: WM-ka oo ku yaal Houston, Texas, ayaa ah bixiye hogaamiya adeegyada maaraynta qashinka ee isku dhafan ee Waqooyiga Ameerika. Shirkaddu waxay bixisa adeegyada ururinta, wareejinta, dib-u-warshadaynta iyo soo kabashada iyo adeegyada qashin-qubka iyada oo loo marayo shirkadaheeda. It is also the leading developer, operator and owner of landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States. The company's customers include residential, commercial, industrial and municipal customers throughout North America.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Shabakadda casriga ah: Alstom Grid waa udub dhexaadka kacaanka xariif ah ee caqliga leh, xalalkeeduna waxay isku daraan tignoolajiyada muhiimka ah si ay faa'iidooyin toos ah ugu keenaan soosaarayaasha tamarta, tamarta, warshadaha iyo isticmaalayaasha dhamaadka.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. Xalalka shirkadu waxay hadda awood u siinayaan gigawatts tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo adduunka oo dhan waxayna hagaajiyeen waxqabadka iyo isku halaynta shabakadaha korantada in ka badan toban waddan. AMSC was established in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America
Cyan Holdings plc (LSE: CYAN.L) is an integrated system design company headquartered in Cambridge, England. We provide a communication platform that can reduce energy consumption in the metering and lighting markets in India, Brazil and China. Shabakaddayada mesh-ka ee bilaa-waayirka ah ayaa bixisa isku xirka "mayl u dambeeya" ee u dhexeeya malaayiin qalab iyo software shirkadeed. Cyan's network consists of our hardware, such as communication modules and data concentrator units, CyNet mesh network software, and application communication platforms for complete end-to-end system integration. In addition, we work with our partners to provide first-class support and hosting services, as well as “software as a service” to assist in planning and integrating our solutions. Cyleck xalka isku dhafka ah ee Cran ee loo diro howlgalka mitirka ee Smart Mitir, isagoo siinaya dariiqa socdaalka ee aqrinta mitirka otomaatiga ah (AMR) ee kaabayaasha mitir ee horumarsan (AMI). It is dedicated to electricity meters and is optimized for range, data communication, interoperability, and security. CyLux is Cyan's enterprise-level lighting control and management system. It can save a lot of electricity by enhancing the way of controlling, measuring and managing public lighting energy use.
Digi International (NasdaqGS: DGII) is your mission-critical M2M solution expert, providing some of the industry's most extensive wireless products, a cloud computing platform tailored for devices, and development services to help customers use wireless devices and applications to quickly push To the suuqa. . Digi's entire solution set is tailored to allow any device to communicate with any application around the world. Smart grid: Digi is helping utilities add a layer of digital intelligence to their grid. Shabakadahan casriga ah waxay adeegsadaan dareemayaasha, mitirka, kontaroolada dhijitaalka ah, iyo agabka falanqaynta si ay otomaatig ugu sameeyaan, ula socdaan, oo ay u xakameeyaan socodka tamarta laba jiho ee ka imanaya warshadda korantada ilaa filada. Power companies can optimize grid performance, prevent power outages, restore power outages faster, and allow consumers to directly manage the energy use of individual network devices
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) waa shirkadda ugu weyn ee heysata tamarta gudaha Mareykanka, iyadoo siisa oo gaarsiineysa tamar ku dhawaad 7.3 milyan oo macaamiisha Mareykanka ah. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Smart grid: We are committed to helping customers control energy use through a smarter grid. When we deploy this advanced grid technology, we are happy to work with you to shape the future of energy use.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Global related markets. Iyada oo qayb ka ah masraxa Ezot ™, Echeloon wuxuu iibiyaa badeecooyinkeeda iftiinka ee ku xusan nooca 'Echelon Brand Brand's LandEMave Frands Lemewado, iyo sidoo kale qalalaasaha dhismaha iyo badeecadaha kale ee la xiriira ee la xiriira. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon waxay ka caawisaa macaamiisheeda inay dhimaan kharashaadka hawlgalka, hagaajinta qanacsanaanta iyo badbaadada, kordhinta dakhliga, iyo inay si fiican uga shaqeeyaan suuqyada jira iyo kuwa soo korayaba.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) is a leading provider of cloud-based energy intelligence software (EIS) and services to thousands of corporate customers and utilities worldwide. EnerNOC's Xalka EIS ee macaamiisha shirkadu waxay wanaajisaa wax soo saarka tamarta iyaga oo wanaajinaya hababka wax iibsiga, isticmaalka iyo wakhtiga isticmaalka. Enterprise EIS includes budgeting and procurement, utility billing management, facility optimization, visibility and reporting, project tracking, demand management, and demand response. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).
General Cable Company (New York Stock Exchange: BGC) is one of the Fortune 500 companies. Waxay ku hawlan tahay horumarinta, naqshadeynta, wax soo saarka, iyo suuq-geynta ee naxaasta, aluminium iyo fiilooyinka fiber-ka iyo qalabka iyo nidaamyada tamarta, warshadaha, takhasuska, iyo warshadaha dhismaha iyo hogaamiyaha caalamiga ah ee qaybinta iyo suuqa isgaarsiinta.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE waxay ku biirtaa adduunyada jidheed iyo dhijitaalka ah si aanay shirkad kale u dhigmi karin. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. GE uses the cleanest and most advanced technology and energy solutions to power the world. Laga soo bilaabo FlexEfciency isku darka korantada wareegga, ilaa xariiqyo caqli badan oo ka caawin kara yutiilitida inay maareeyaan baahida korantada, matoorada gaaska ee ay kaxeeyaan qashinka dabiiciga ah, tignoolajiyadayada ayaa hadda gacan ka geysaneysa bixinta rubuc ka mid ah korontada adduunka. GE Oil and Gas waxay hadda ka shaqeysaa in ka badan 120 waddan/gobollada waxaana ka go'an hal-abuurka ugu badbaadsan, ugu kalsoonida badan uguna kharash-oolsan ee goobta saliidda.
Honeywell (NYSE: HON) is a diversified technology and manufacturing leader for Fortune 100 companies, providing aerospace products and services to customers worldwide. Control technology for buildings, houses and industries; turbochargers; and performance materials. Smart grid: Over the past 30 years, Honeywell's Smart Grid Solutions (SGS) team has helped more than 60 utility companies across the world exceed energy efficiency and demand response targets, and is improving overall customer engagement and satisfaction. Isla markaana maamul shabkada
Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) waa hormuudka caalamiga ah ee xisaabinta hal-abuurka. Shirkaddu waxay naqshadaysay oo dhistay tignoolajiyada muhiimka ah ee aasaaska u ah qalabka xisaabinta adduunka. Iyada oo ah hogaamiye mas'uuliyad shirkadeed iyo horumar waara, Intel ayaa sidoo kale soo saaray ganacsigii ugu horreeyay ee adduunka oo dhan "isku dhac ka-hortagga" Micproces-ka. Smart grid
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (NYSE: IBM) In 2007, IBM formed a consortium of innovative utility companies to accelerate the use of smart grid technology and drive the industry forward through its most challenging transformation development of. The Global Smart Utilities Network Alliance hopes to change the way electricity is generated, distributed and used by adding digital intelligence to the current system to reduce power outages and failures, manage demand, and integrate renewable energy sources (such as wind and electricity). Xubnaha waxaa ka mid ah Alliander, CenterPoint Energy, CPFL, DONG Energy, eRDF, Essential Energy, North Delhi Electric Co., Ltd., Oncor, Pepco Holdings, Inc, Progress Energy iyo San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
ITC Holdings Corp (NYSE: ITC) is the largest independent power transmission company in the United States. ITC waxay ku taal Novi, Michigan. ITC has invested in the transmission grid to improve reliability, expand market access, reduce the total cost of energy delivered and allow new generation resources to be interconnected with its transmission system. Iyada oo loo marayo gudbinta hoosaadkeeda ee ITC, ITC Power gudbinta, ITC MidWEST iyo TECC-da ITC, Illinoma, Minsoma, Kansanoma, oo ka shaqeeya Xarumaha Gudbinta Korantada Korantada, oo ay wadaagaan load exceeding 26,000 megawatts traveling approximately 15,600 miles along the transmission line. Korovation-ka Grid ee ITC wuxuu diiradda saarayaa koritaanka iyada oo loo marayo maalgashiga kaabayaasha caadiga ah, iyo fiditaanka gudaha iyo ballaarinta caalamiga ee ganacsatada iyo fursadaha kale ee ganacsiga.
Jinpan International Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: JST) waxay naqshadeysaa, soo saartaa oo iibisaa kontoroolka korantada iyo qalabka qaybinta tamarta ee dalabaadka codsiyada warshadaha, mashaariicda tamarta, rakibaadda tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo iyo mashaariicda kaabayaasha. The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan is a qualified supplier of China's leading industrial electrical equipment manufacturers, has a wide range of customers in China and has entered the international market. Jinpan's four production bases in China are located in Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. Shirkadda waxaa la aasaasay 1993. Xafiiskeeda ugu weyn wuxuu ku yaalaa Haikou, Gobolka Hainan, Shiinaha, xafiiskeeduna wuxuu ku yaalaa Karlstadt, New Jersey.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; Gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo kaabayaasha dhuumaha shidaalka; isgaarsiinta wireless, fiilooyinka iyo dayax-gacmeedka; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; iyo kaabayaasha warshadaha. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries.
The National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) transmits and distributes electricity and natural gas. The company operates through UK electricity transmission, UK gas transmission, UK gas distribution and US regulatory agencies. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. Waaxda gudbinta gaaska dabiiciga ah ee Ingiriiska waxay leedahay shabakad gudbinta gaaska dabiiciga ah gudaha UK waxayna leedahay kaydka gaaska dabiiciga ah (LNG) gudaha UK. The British Gas Distribution Division operates a natural gas distribution system in the UK. National Grid: National Grid waa koronto iyo shirkad gudbinta gaaska dabiiciga ah oo ku xirta ku dhawaad 7 milyan oo macaamiil tamar muhiim ah iyada oo loo marayo shabakadaha New York, Massachusetts iyo Rhode Island. It is the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeast. Through its US Connect21 strategy, National Grid is transforming its power and natural gas networks to provide smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions to support the digital economy of the 21st century. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
NGK insulator (Tokyo: 5333.T) iyo shirkadaheeda hoos yimaada waxay soo saaraan oo iibiyaan qalabka la xiriira korontada ee Japan iyo caalamkaba. It is divided into three parts: power supply, ceramic products and electronic parts. Qaybta korontadu waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa dahaarka iyo qalabka shirkadaha korontada iyo soosaarayaasha qalabka korontada ee culus. This market segment provides insulators, insulator component hardware, current limiting bow horns, casing shells, fuse fuses, APM and line arresters, and NAS (sodium-sulfur batteries). The ceramic products division produces components for automotive exhaust purification, industrial processing equipment, and industrial heating systems and refractory materials. Waaxdani waxay bixisa dhoobada baabuurta ee nadiifinta gaaska qiiqa, qalabka dhoobada u adkaysta daxalka ee warshadaha kiimikada, falanqeeyayaasha gaaska, nidaamyada kulaylinta warshadaha, alaabta refractory iyo hababka daaweynta qashinka shucaaca. Waaxda elektiroonigga ah waxay bixisa beryllium naxaasta badeecooyinka been abuurka ah, caaryada iyo qaybaha dhoobada ee qalabka elektiroonigga ah iyo qalabka wax soo saarka semiconductor.
Shirkadda Korontada Guud ee Portland (Nyse: POR) waa shirkad awood u leh isku-dhafan oo u adeegta ku dhawaad 849,000 macaamiil ganacsi, ganacsi oo loo yaqaan 'Salem's Metropolitan oo Oregon ah. Smart grid
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) waa bixiye hormuud u ah adeegyada iyo tignoolajiyada tamarta ee shirkadaha korontada iyo macaamiishooda warshadaha, hay'adaha iyo ganacsiga. PowerSecure waxa ay bixisa badeecooyin iyo adeegyo dhinacyada Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), tamarta qoraxda, hufnaanta tamarta, iyo kaabayaasha tamarta. Shirkaddu waa hormuudka horumarinta nidaamyada korantada ee IDG® oo leh hawlo horumarsan oo xariif ah, oo ay ku jiraan awoodaha soo socda: 1) Saadaali baahida tamarta oo geyso nidaamka si elektaroonig ah si ay u bixiso awood hufan oo deegaan ahaan u wanaagsan saacadaha ugu sarreeya; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (oo loo yaqaan ESCO). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Adeegyada Quruxda, Inc. (Nyse: PWRE) waa shirkad hogaamineysa oo ah shirkada adeegyada qandaraaska ah ee qandaraaska ah ee bixiya xalka kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha ee awooda, saliida iyo gaaska. Quanta's comprehensive services include design, installation, repair and maintenance of energy infrastructure. Quanta has operations in the United States, Canada and Australia, and operates in some other international markets. It has human resources, resources and expertise to safely complete local, regional, national or international projects.
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Siemens Smart Grid iyo Automation Tamarta: Waxay qabataa habab cusub iyo teknoolojiyad cusub si ay ula kulanto caqabadaha cusub. Siemens waxay ku siinaysaa xalal guud ahaan nidaamka grid smart iyada oo loo marayo alaabooyin cusub, xalal iyo adeegyo, khibrad aan la mid ahayn iyo khibradda suuqa caalamiga ah.
WESCO International Corporation (NYSE: WCC) waa Fortune 500 shirkad xarunteeduna tahay Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is an electrical, industrial and communications maintenance, repair and operations (“MRO”) and original equipment manufacturer (” OEM”) Leading provider”) products, construction materials and advanced supply chain management and logistics services. Customers include commercial and industrial enterprises, contractors, government agencies, agencies, telecommunications providers and utilities. WESCO is in North America and internationally There are 9 fully automated distribution centers and approximately 485 full-service branches operating in the market, providing customers with local businesses and global networks to serve multi-location enterprises and multinational companies
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 Automotive has successfully established long-term partnerships and exclusive contracts for various game-changing technologies. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. Dunida weligeed koraysa ee baabuurta korantada, e-Go EV waa fikrad cusub oo kacaan ah. Kani waxa uu noqon doonaa gaadhiga kaliya ee korontada ku shaqeeya ee leh jidh fiber carbon ah iyo qaybo. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. The five-seater carbon fiber luxury sedan Ibis EV, e-Go's big brother, will also be displayed alongside the e-Go EV for future sales in the United States.
ADOMANI Inc. (NasdaqCM: ADOM) ADOMANI, Inc. in California provides zero-emission vehicles and plug-in hybrid solutions for school bus and fleet operators. ADOMANI waxay isu keentaa tignoolajiyada nidaamka wadista korantada ee la xaqiijiyay, alaabada la habeeyey iyo la-hawlgalayaasha adeega la aamini karo si loo dhimo wadarta qiimaha lahaanshaha, wanaajiso isku halaynta baabuurka iyo soo bandhigista faa'iidooyinka badan ee tignoolajiyada cagaaran.
ALPS Clean Energy ETF (NYSEARCA: ACES) seeks investment results (before fees and expenses) that generally correspond to the performance of its underlying index, CIBC Atlas Clean Energy Index (stock code NACEX) (the “base index”). Sanduuqa ayaa maalgelin doona ugu yaraan 80% hantideeda saafiga ah ee dammaanadda ah ee ka kooban tusmada hoose. The base index uses a rule-based approach developed by CIBC National Trust Corporation (“Index Provider”), which aims to provide a diversified portfolio of US and Canadian companies (including renewable energy and clean technology) involved in the clean energy sector Risk exposure . The fund is non-diversified.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) waxaa lagu magacaabaa Altairnano waana shirkad si guud loo iibiyo. Altairnano designs, manufactures and provides energy storage systems for clean and efficient power and energy management. The company provides commercial solutions that enable grid modernization, utility-scale renewable energy integration, and support for remote uninterruptible power supply (UPS) requirements, military and transportation applications.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. Qaybta koowaad waa mootooyinka ku shaqeeya baytariyada lithium, oo ay ku xigto mootooyinka. ALYI also recently hired Clarkson University professor David Mitlin to lead a cannabis energy storage program. Mitlin successfully used hemp (remaining fiber of hemp) to construct carbon nanosheets, which can compete with some of the better graphene nanosheets and outperform supercapacitors in some aspects . Mitlin waxa uu helay shati Maraykan ah oo ku saabsan tignoolajiyada kaydinta tamarta xashiishadda ee gaarka ah.
Shirkadda Korontada Mareykanka (OTC: APGI), oo hoos timaada Shirkadda Korontada Mareykanka, waxay bixisa alaabo iyo adeegyo kharash-ku-ool ah oo kor u qaada faa'iidooyinka dhaqaale iyo deegaan ee shidaalkeenna beddelka ah iyo teknoolojiyadda dhimista qiiqa. Turbocharged NaturalGas® tignoolajiyada beddelka laba-fuel ee patented waa xal u gaar ah software-ku-shaqeeya oo u beddeli kara baabuurta ku rakiban iyo matoorada naaftada taagan ee naaftada iyo noocyo kala duwan oo gaaska dabiiciga ah (oo ay ku jiraan gaaska dabiiciga ah ee la cadaadiyo, gaaska dabiiciga ah ee dareeraha ah, dabiiciga ah. gas in good conditions) run on top/ditch gas or biomethane gas, and can return to 100% diesel operation at any time. Depending on the fuel source and operating conditions, our EPA and CARB approved dual fuel conversion can seamlessly replace 45%-65% of diesel with cleaner burning natural gas, thereby measurably reducing nitrous oxide (NOx) and others Emissions related to diesel. Through our Trident associated gas collection and recovery technology, we provide oil and gas producers with flare capture service solutions to solve the associated gas generated in remote and stranded well sites. Soosaarayaashan ayaa waxaa saaran cadaadis aad u daran si ay u qabtaan oo ay u shubaan gaaska methane ee gubtay ee ku yaala goobahooda fog fog iyo kuwa go'doonsan ee ceelasha, haddii kale waxa ay la kulmi doonaan hoos u dhac weyn oo ku saabsan soosaarka saliidda. With our proprietary Flare to Fuel™ process technology, we can convert these captured gases into natural gas liquids (NGL), which can be sold as heating fluids, emulsifiers or further processed by refineries. In view of the upcoming federal methane capture regulations, we expect our next-generation NGL treatment system will have the ability to convert residual combustion methane into pipeline-quality natural gas, which can be sold for a variety of dedicated and dual-fuel vehicles, Stationary, industrial and domestic use.
Arcimoto, Inc. (NasdaqCM: FUV) waxay naqshadaynaysaa tignoolajiyada cusub iyo hababka safarka si wadajir ah loogu wanaajiyo waxtarka deegaanka, booska sagxadda iyo heerarka la awoodi karo. Arcimoto's Fun utility vehicle is now available for pre-order. It is one of the lightest, most affordable, and most suitable electric vehicles for everyday drivers.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. Waxyaabaha avx ah waxay safka hore kaga jiraan qaabeynta ilo kale oo tamar ah sida tamarta dabaysha, jiilka tamarta qorraxda, hybrid iyo gawaarida korantada, taraamyada korantada.
Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQCM: BLNK, BLNKW) is one of the national leaders in public electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, allowing EV drivers to easily charge around the United States. Xarunteedu tahay Florida, Blink Charging waxay xafiisyo ku leedahay Arizona iyo California, ganacsigeeduna wuxuu higsanayaa inuu dardargeliyo caannimada baabuurta korontada. Blink Charging provides EV charging equipment and connects with Blink Network. Blink Network is a cloud-based software that can operate, manage and track Blink EV charging stations and all related data. Blink Charging also owns and operates EV charging equipment mainly under the Blink brand, and uses many other charging station equipment manufacturers, such as ChargePoint, General Electric (GE) and SemaConnect. Blink Charging waxay leedahay la-hawlgalayaal istiraatijiyadeed oo hanti ma-guurto ah oo ku yaal meelo badan oo ganacsi, oo ay ku jiraan guryo qoys oo badan iyo hanti ma-guurto ah, garoomo diyaaradeed, kulliyado, degmooyin, baarkinno, goobo dukaamo, baarkin tafaariiqeed, dugsiyo iyo goobo shaqo.
BorgWarner Corporation (NYSE: BWA) is a global product leader in highly engineered components and systems for powertrains. Shirkaddu waxay ka shaqeysaa tas-hiilaadka wax soo saarka iyo farsamada ee goobaha 57 ee wadamada 18, iyadoo bixisa xalal cusub oo koronto ah si loo hagaajiyo dhaqaalaha shidaalka, loo yareeyo qiiqa, iyo horumarinta waxqabadka.
BYD CO Power vehicles and new energy vehicles, while taking advantage of our technology, actively develop other new energy products, such as solar farms, energy storage stations, electric vehicles, LEDs, electric forklifts, etc.
Canoo Inc. (NasdaqGS: GOEV) is a Los Angeles-based company that has developed ground-breaking electric vehicles. Waxay dib u habayn ku samaysay warshadaha baabuurta oo leh hal-abuuro nashqad geesinimo leh, tignoolajiyada wax-soo-saarka leh iyo moodooyinka ganacsi ee gaarka ah. This business model ignores Traditional ownership puts the customer first. Canoo is differentiated by an experienced team (more than 350 employees from leading technology and automotive companies) and designed a modular electric platform to provide the largest vehicle interior space and be able to provide consumers and enterprises with a wide range of automotive applications stand by.
Car Charging Group, Inc. (OTC: CCGI) waa hormuudka adeegyada dallaca gaadiidka korontada dadweynaha (EV), kaas oo u ogolaanaya darawalada EV inay si fudud lacag uga qaadaan Maraykanka oo dhan. Headquartered in Miami Beach, Florida, with offices in San Jose, California; New York, New York; iyo Phoenix, Arizona; CarCharging's business model aims to accelerate the adoption of public EV charging. CarCharging waxay samaysatay iskaashi istiraatijiyadeed oo ay la leedahay goobo ganacsi oo badan, oo ay ku jiraan guryo qoys oo badan iyo guryo ganacsi, meelo baabuurta la dhigto, xarumaha wax laga iibsado, meelaha baabuurta la dhigto ee tafaariiqda ah iyo degmooyinka.
Cerence Inc. (NASDAQ: CRNC) is a global industry leader in creating unique and engaging experiences for the automotive world. Khibraddeenu waa AI horumarsan, faham luqadda dabiiciga ah, biometrics codka, tignoolajiyada dhaq-dhaqaaqa iyo eegmada, iyo xaqiiqada la kordhiyay. Iyada oo ah lammaanaha hal-abuurka ee shirkadda hogaamisa ee awaduulaha, waxaan gacan ka geysaneynaa sidii gawaarida loo beddelo, ka jawaabayaan oo wax bartaa. Diiwaankani wuxuu ku saleysan yahay 20 sano oo aqoon iyo ku dhawaad 300 milyan oo baabuur. Haddii ay tahay gawaarida isku xidha, wadista baabuurta iskeed ama gawaarida korantada, waxaan qorsheyneynaa wadada mustaqbalka.
Shiinaha BAK Battery Co., Ltd. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
Clean Air Power Corporation (LSE: CAP.L) is the developer and global leader of Dual-Fuel™ combustion technology for heavy-duty diesel engines. Tignoolajiyada calanka ahi waa nidaamka Dual-Fuel™, kaas oo u oggolaanaya matoorada naaftada culus inay ku shaqeeyaan isku darka gaasta dabiiciga ah iyo naaftada. Tani waxay siisaa macaamiisha waxqabadka mishiinka naaftada, kayd shidaal oo muhiim ah iyo qiiqa sii daaya oo hooseeya, iyada oo aan la hurin hufnaanta sifada ama kalsoonida matoorada naaftada.
Shirkadda Shidaalka Shidaalka Tamarta (Nasdaqgs: Clne) waa iibiyaha ugu weyn ee waqooyiga Mareykanka ee shidaalka gaaska dabiiciga ah ee gaadiidka. We build and operate CNG and LNG filling stations; manufacture CNG and LNG equipment and technologies for ourselves and other companies; develop RNG production facilities; and provide more CNG, LNG and Redem RNG fuels than any other company in the United States
Coates International Ltd. (OTC: COTE) is a precision engineering company located in New Jersey, specializing in the development of technologies that can improve standard internal combustion engines to significantly increase fuel efficiency and power generation, reduce harmful emissions, and perform long-term kharashka dayactirka.
CPS Technologies Corporation (NasdaqCM: CPSH) is a global leader in the production of metal matrix composite components used to improve the reliability and performance of various electrical systems. CPS products are used in motor controllers for hybrid and electric vehicles, high-speed trains, subways and wind turbines. Waxa kale oo loo istcimaalaa kulaylka dab-damiska interneedka, router-yada iyo microprocessors-ka waxqabadka sareeyo. CPS also develops and produces metal matrix composite armor
Cummins Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: CMI) waa shirkadda korantada ee hormuudka ka ah adduunka. It is a company composed of complementary business units that design, manufacture, distribute and repair diesel and natural gas engines and related technologies, including fuel systems, control, Air treatment, filtration, emission solutions and power generation systems. Cummins waxay xarunteedu tahay Columbus, Indiana, USA. It currently has approximately 55,400 employees worldwide and serves customers in approximately 190 countries and regions through a network of approximately 600 company-owned and independent distributor locations and approximately 7,400 dealer locations.
Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. (OTC: CYPW) is the developer of the award-winning Cyclone Engine, which is a full-fuel, clean-tech engine with powerful functions and versatility that can run generators from waste energy , Everything from solar thermal systems baabuurta, kuwa xamuulka qaada iyo kuwa lugeeya. Invented by the company's founder and CEO Harry Schoell (Harry Schoell), the patented cyclone engine is an environmentally friendly internal combustion engine, its ingenious design aims to achieve high thermal efficiency through a compact heat storage process, and is almost usable Run on any fuel (including biodiesel), syngas or solar-while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating pollutants into the air. The cyclone engine was named “2008 Invention Award” by “Popular Science” magazine, and won the AEI Technology Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers in 2006 and 2008. In addition, the cyclone engine was recently awarded the title of “Environmental Business of the Year” by Broward. County Environmental Protection Agency.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE; Frankfurt: DAI.F; OTC: DDAIF) develops, produces, distributes and sells passenger cars and off-road vehicles, trucks, vans and buses worldwide. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. Qeybta Gawaarida ee Mercedes-Benz waxay iibisaa baabuurta rakaabka ah iyo kuwa wadada ka baxsan ee loogu magacdaray astaanta Mercedes-Benz, iyo sidoo kale baabuurta yar yar ee loogu magac daray noocyada casriga ah. Qaybta ganacsiga xamuulka qaada ee Daimler waxay ku iibisaa baabuurta sida Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, FUSO, Western Star, basaska Thomas-made iyo noocyada Bharat Benz. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Qaybta Baska ee Daimler waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa basaska la isku daray, basaska magaalada iyo kuwa magaalada dhexmara, tababarayaasha iyo baska baska ee hoos yimaada calaamadaha Mercedes-Benz iyo Setra. Qaybta Adeegyada Maaliyadeed ee Daimler waxay siisaa macaamiisha iyo ganacsatada adeegyada maalgelinta iyo kireynta, caymiska, maaraynta maraakiibta, alaabada maalgashiga iyo kaararka deynta, iyo sidoo kale adeegyada safarka ee kala duwan. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a global leader in providing well-designed transmission systems, sealing and thermal management technologies that can improve the efficiency and performance of vehicles using conventional and alternative energy powertrains. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. The company was founded in 1904 and is headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, with approximately 23,000 employees in 25 countries/regions on six continents. Dana has applied mature technologies to future power sources, including fuel cell products and later products. With our recognized expertise in the development of high temperature materials, we develop and manufacture superior fuel products for the automotive market, including the balance of factories, hydrogen reformers and chimney assemblies. For more than ten years, we have been a global leader in the fuel cell market and have won honors including General Motors QSTP Award, PSA Supplier Award and f Battery 2010 Gold Award. Waxaa naga go'an inaan daboolno baahiyahaaga hadda iyo mustaqbalka. Whether it is fuel cells, batteries, hybrid electric vehicles or internal combustion engines, Dana will provide innovative and reliable alternative energy products to support you there.
Delphi (NYSE: DLPH) waa shirkad tignoolajiyada sare leh oo isku xidha badbaado, cagaar iyo xalal isku xidhan oo loogu talagalay warshadaha baabuurta. Delphi waxay xarunteedu tahay Gillingham, UK, oo leh xarumo farsamo, saldhigyo wax soo saar iyo adeegyada taageerada macaamiisha ee 44 waddan/gobollada.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) waxay soo saartaa oo iibisaa tignoolajiyada yaraynta sii deynta carbon dioxide ee matoorada gubashada gudaha. Iyada oo qayb ka ah dhaqaalaha haydaroojiyada caalamiga ah ee sii kordheysa ee muhiimka ah, waxaan isticmaalnaa tignoolajiyadayada patented si aan u soo saarno hydrogen iyo ogsijiinta iyada oo loo marayo nidaam elektrolysis gaar ah. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) waa shirkad maareyn koronto. Eaton provides energy-saving solutions to help our customers manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more effectively, safely and sustainably. Eaton waxay alaab ka iibisa macaamiisha in ka badan 175 wadan. Transportation: Eaton's transportation products include user interfaces, controls and switches, as well as important power conversion and distribution solutions for effective power management of vehicles.
Shirkadda Eden Energy Corporation ee Australia (ASX: EDE.AX) waxay mas'uul ka tahay soo saarista kaarboon nanotubes iyo fiilooyinka kaarboon, isku darka nano-material shubka ah, wax soo saarka hydrogen, kaydinta iyo hababka shidaalka gaadiidka (ay ku jiraan hydrogen-ka hooseeya, hydrogen, methane, methane dhuxul leh. and shale gas). ) Interested. United Kingdom. Dhammaan dhinacyadan ganacsiga Eden waa qayb ka mid ah istaraatiijiyad isku dhafan oo ujeeddadeedu tahay in ay noqoto ciyaaryahan weyn oo caalami ah oo ku jira suuqa tamarta kale, gaar ahaan diiradda saaraya suuqa gaadiidka tamarta nadiifka ah, soo saarista hydrogen-ka bilaashka ah, iyo u qaadida hydrogen suuqa iyo bixinta matoorada. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. It intends to license its technology applications and cooperation opportunities in various industries and applications. Shirkadda waxaa hore loogu yiqiin ZENN Motor Company Inc. waxaana loo beddelay EEStor Corporation Abriil 2015.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) waa shirkad shati u haysata inay ka faa’iidaysato baahida badeecadaha soo socda: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nikkel iyo copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. Tani waxay abuurtaa fursad gaar ah oo lagu maal-gashiiyo oo lagu helo royalties macdanta iyo mashaariicda bixin doona agabka loo baahan yahay kacaanka awoodda. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. There are 6 combinations of royalties. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). Qorshaha boqortooyadii Royats Qorshayaasha ayaa inta badan diiradda saaraya helitaanka boqornimada ee marxaladaha horumarsan iyo mashaariicda hawlgallada si loo dhiso boodhadhka maalgashiga badan ee khatarta jameecadaha hoose.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) waxay naqshadaysaa, horumarisaa oo soo saartaa baytariyada Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 iska leh, nidaamyada baytariyada, iyo alaabada la xidhiidha batteriga kaydinta tamarta, gaadiidka tamarta nadiifka ah iyo codsiyada kale ee gaarka ah. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya is headquartered in Ontario, Canada, has production facilities in Canada and Germany, and has customers all over the world.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) waa hogaamiye caalami ah ee xalalka kaydinta tamarta ee codsiyada warshadaha, wax soo saarka iyo qaybinta korantada kaydinta iyo baytariyada korontada, xajiyeyaasha, qalabka korontada, qalabka batteriga iyo qalabka dibadda xalalka guryaha ee macaamiisha adduunka oo dhan. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. Baytariyada korantada ee dib-u-celinta waxaa loo isticmaalaa isgaarsiinta iyo warshadaha tamarta, sahay koronto aan kala go' lahayn, iyo codsiyo badan oo u baahan xalalka tamarta kaydinta, oo ay ku jiraan caafimaadka, hawada, iyo nidaamyada difaaca. Alaabooyinka qolofka qalabka dibadda waxaa loo adeegsadaa isgaarsiinta, fiilooyinka, yutiilitida, warshadaha gaadiidka iyo sidoo kale macaamiisha dowladda iyo kuwa difaaca. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay siisaa adeegyada iibka ka dib iyo taageerada macaamiisha macaamiisha ka socda in ka badan 100 waddan/gobollada iyada oo loo marayo iibka iyo wax soo saarka ee adduunka oo dhan.
Enova Systems, Inc. (OTC code: ENVS) designs, develops and produces drive systems and related components for electric, hybrid and fuel cell systems for mobile applications in the United States, Asia and Europe. It provides series and parallel hybrid systems. Nidaamka wadista korantada ee korontada iyo isku-darka ee shirkadda iyo sidoo kale maaraynta awoodda iyo nidaamyada korantada iyo nidaamyada korantada waxaa loo isticmaalaa codsiyada sida gawaarida dhexdhexaadka ah iyo gawaarida culus, basaska iyo gawaarida warshadaha culus.
Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare waa shirkaddii ugu horeysay ee bixisa xalalka gaadiidka cagaaran ee booska TaaS, beerista kumanaan geedo ah iyo siinta isticmaalayaasha ikhtiyaar u dhexeeya gawaarida korontada, gawaarida isku dhafan iyo baabuurta dhaqameed. The Facedrive Marketplace offers selected products made from sustainably sourced materials. Facedrive Foods provides a variety of foods for non-contact delivery, with a focus on healthy foods at the door of consumers. Facedrive Health develops innovative technological solutions for today's most serious health challenges. Facedrive is changing the narrative of ride sharing, food delivery, e-commerce, and health technology to make everyone better.
Faurecia (Paris: EO.PA) Faurecia waxaa la aasaasay 1997 waxayna ku kortay hormuudka warshadaha baabuurta caalamiga ah. Faurecia waxay leedahay 330 goobood oo wax soo saar ah oo ku yaal 34 waddan / gobol, oo ay ku jiraan xarumaha 30 R&D, waxayna hadda noqotay hogaamiye caalami ah seddexdeeda goobood ee ganacsiga: kuraasta baabuurta, nidaamyada gudaha iyo dhaqdhaqaaqa nadiifka ah. It provides automakers with the most advanced technology to promote smart life on board and sustainable transportation.
The investment results sought by the First Trust Nasdaq Global Automotive Index Fund (NasdaqGM: CARZ) are usually the same as the price and return of a stock index called the Nasdaq OMX Global Automotive Index (SM) (before the fund's fees and expenses) Corresponding . A fund usually invests at least 90% of its net assets (including investment borrowings) in the common stocks and depositary receipts that make up the index. The index aims to track the performance of the largest and most liquid companies engaged in automobile manufacturing. Sanduuqa waa mid aan kala duwanayn.
Fisker Inc. (NYSE: FSR), Fisker Inc., California fadhigeedu yahay, ayaa wax ka beddelaysa warshadaha baabuurta iyada oo horumarinaysa baabuurta korantada ee aadka loo jecel yahay uguna saaxiibtinimo ee meeraha. Driven by everyone's vision for a clean future, the company's mission is to become the number one electric vehicle service provider with the world's most sustainable vehicles.
Fuel System Solutions Company (NASDAQGS: FSYS) is a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of proven, cost-effective alternative fuel components and systems in transportation and industrial applications. The components and systems of the fuel system control the pressure and flow of gaseous alternative fuels (such as propane and natural gas) used in internal combustion engines. Qaybahaas iyo nidaamyadani waxay leeyihiin tignoolajiyada casriga ah ee nidaamka shidaalka ee shirkadda, taas oo kordhin karta waxtarka, kordhinta tamarta iyo yaraynta qiiqa qiiqa iyada oo si elektaroonik ah loo dareemo loona habeeyo saamiga ku habboon ee shidaalka iyo hawada looga baahan yahay matoorka gubashada gudaha. In addition to components and systems, the company also provides engineering and system integration services to meet customers' unique requirements for performance, durability and configuration.
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. GRENT MOMES, Kiis-bixiyeyaasheeda iyo shirkadaha iskaashatada ayaa iibiya gawaarida hoos yimaada Chevrolet, Cadick, Buick, Meirick, GMC, Jiing, Opelen, Valushall iyo fudeen Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) waa horumariye caalami ah iyo suuqgeeye tignoolajiyada maaraynta kulaylka cusub. Its innovative thermal management technology is suitable for various heating and cooling and temperature control applications. Alaabooyinka baabuurta waxaa ka mid ah nidaamka kursiga si firfircoon loo kululeeyay oo la qaboojiyey iyo koob-haystayaal, nidaamka kursiga kululaynta iyo hawo-siinta, taangiyada kaydinta kulaylka, nidaamka gudaha ee baabuurka kulul (oo ay ku jiraan kuraasta kulul, isteerinka, gacanta iyo qaybaha kale), Nidaamka maamulka kulaylka baytari, nidaamka fiilada iyo kuwa kale Qalabka elektiroonigga ah. Non-automotive products include remote power generation systems, heating and cooling furniture, and other consumer and industrial temperature control applications. The company's advanced technology team is developing more effective thermoelectric materials, as well as new systems for waste heat recovery and power generation. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.
The Global X Autonomy and Electric Vehicle ETF (NasdaqGM: DRIV) strives to provide investment results that correspond to the price and earnings performance (excluding expenses and expenses) of the Solactive Autonomy and Electric Vehicle Index as a whole. Sanduuqa wuxuu maalgeliyaa ugu yaraan 80% hantidiisa guud ee dammaanadda tusmada. The index aims to provide risk exposure to exchange-listed companies participating in the development of electric vehicles and/or autonomous vehicles, including companies that produce electric/hybrid vehicles, electric/hybrid vehicle parts and materials, autonomous driving technology and networks . Adeegyada gaadiidka ee ku xiran. Waa wax aan kala soocnayn.
GlyEco, Inc. (OTC: GLYE) is a green chemical company with a patent-pending technology that can convert hazardous waste into green products. GlyEco Technology ™ waxay leedahay awood gaar ah oo ay ku nadiifiso glycol wasakhaysan dhammaan shanta warshadood ee qashinka soo saara: HVAC, dharka, baabuurta, duulista iyo caafimaadka. This technology can recycle waste ethylene glycol to meet ASTM Type 1 specifications-the purity is the same as refinery grade ethylene glycol.
Grande West Transportation Group Inc. (TSX: BUS.V) waa shirkad soo saarta basaska Kanada oo naqshadaysa, mashruucisa oo soo saarta basaska dhexdhexaadka ah ee maamulka gaadiidka iyo shirkadaha ganacsiga. Basaska agagaarka ugu-wanaagsan ee Grande West waxaa laga heli karaa 27.5, 30 iyo 35 cagood moodooyin dhaadheer, oo ay ku shaqeeyaan naafto nadiif ah ama CNG, waxaana loo qaabeeyey iyadoo la awoodi karo, helitaan iyo masuuliyad caalami ah maskaxda lagu hayo. Its cost is much lower than that of a conventional 40-foot bus, it burns less fuel and emits less harmful gases. The company provides new buses to municipal transportation agencies and private operators in Canada and the United States, and has customers in 8 of the 10 coastal provinces across Canada. Grande West meets the requirements of Buy America and, together with its exclusive US distributor ABG, actively provides Vicinity with US public and private transportation fleet operations services
Green Earth Technologies (OTC: GETG) waa shirkad tignoolajiyada nadiif ah oo “gebi ahaanba cagaar ah” taas oo isku daraysa dhirta gudaha laga keenay ee dib loo cusboonaysiin karo iyo maaddooyinka quudinta dib loo isticmaali karo, iyo qaab gaar ah oo lagu dhisay afarta fikradood ee tignoolajiyada cagaaran: Biyodegradable, dib loo warshadayn karo, la cusboonaysiin karo iyo deegaan ahaan. safe. GET waxay isticmaashaa G-CLEAN(R) iyo G-OIL(R) si ay u soo saarto noocyo kala duwan oo "nadiif iyo cagaar" ah oo Maraykan ah oo deegaan ahaan u saaxiib ah, kuwaas oo qaar ka mid ah si gaar ah loogu talagalay inay ka caawiyaan ka hortagga jabka iyo cadaadiska adduunka oo dhan. The challenge of disintegration allows consumers and customers concerned about the environment and American energy independence to do their part without sacrificing value or performance. Badbaadi meeraha-waxa la siinayo.
Greencell Inc. (OTC: GCll) waa shirkad marxalad horumarineed oo u heellan horumarinta nidaamyada gaaska iyo qalabka shidaalka, waxyaabaha shidaalka ah ee soo-saareyaasha, kuwa wax soosaarayaasha ah iyo dib-u-soo-uruurinta qalabka guryaha, baabuurta. , heating and cooling, and medical industries
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions ayaa looga baahan yahay cuntada iyo cabitaanka, beeraha, baabuurta, kiimikooyinka, dawooyinka iyo warshadaha alaabta isticmaala. The company's technology, including those used in its injection molding equipment, a proprietary blend of recycled plastic resins, and a patented pallet design, enables the rapid production of high-quality pallets at a lower cost than many processes. The recycled plastic used for pallets helps control material costs while reducing environmental waste, and has a cost advantage over users of virgin resin. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. The motorcycle business unit produces sports models, including test and cross-country motorcycles. Commercial and commuting modes; baabuurta dhulka oo dhan; iyo baabuurta tamarta. Qaybta ganacsiga baabuurta waxay bixisaa baabuurta rakaabka, kuwa fudud iyo baabuurta yaryar, iyo sidoo kale baabuurta ku shaqeeya shidaal kale, sida gaaska dabiiciga ah, ethanol, korontada iyo baabuurta unugyada shidaalka. Qeybta maaliyadeed ee Adeegyada Maaliyadeed waxay bixisaa adeegyo maaliyadeed oo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan amaahda tafaariiqda, kiraynta iyo adeegyada kale ee maaliyadeed, oo ay ku jiraan maalgalinta jumladaha ee loo qeybiyo iyo macaamiisha. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers, and lawn mowers Machine and lawn tractor. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. The company sells products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. As always, our attention is focused on the future. Tusaale ahaan, wadayaasha qaar ka mid ah Kaliforniya ayaa hadda kaxeeya FCX caddeynta gawaarida korantada ee shidaalka. Tani waa qayb ka mid ah fikirka iyo ficilka Honda. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells
Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) technology is a proven, efficient refining and chemical process, initially aimed at the multi-billion dollar transformer oil market used by the global power industry. Waqtigan xaadirka ah, saliidda qashinka waxaa lagu farsameeyaa laba warshadood oo ganacsi. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. harmless. The process also completely eliminates the toxic additive PCBs prohibited by international regulations. Hydrodec's plants are located in Canton, Ohio, USA and Young, New South Wales, Australia. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group waa ururinta ugu weyn UK, isku-darka iyo farsameeya saliidaha qashinka, sidoo kale waa iibisa saliida shidaalka la warshadeeyey, waxayna leedahay kaydka saliidda iyo wareejinta dalka oo dhan. Shabakad saldhiga ah. Saliidda qashinka waxaa loo beddelaa saliida shidaalka ee la farsameeyay ee loo yaqaan 'oss's's stourport dhirta, oo inta badan lagu iibiyo qorif iyo warshadaha korantada ee Boqortooyada Midowday. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
HypoSlal Inc. (OTC: HYSR) wuxuu horumarinayaa tikniyoolajiyad qaali ah oo qiimo jaban si loo soo saaro hydrogen-ka la cusboonaysiin karo iyadoo la adeegsanayo iftiinka qorraxda iyo il biyood kasta, oo ay ku jiraan biyaha biyaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah. Si ka duwan shidaalka hydrocarbonow sida saliida, dhuxusha iyo gaaska dabiiciga ah, shidaalka hydrocarbon-ka ayaa siidaaya kaarboon dioxide iyo wasakhooyinka kale ee jawiga ah ee ka soo baxa biyaha hydrogen-ka ah waxay soo saaraan biyo saafi ah oo ah sheyga kaliya ee sheyga kaliya. By optimizing nano-scale water electrolysis technology, our low-cost nanoparticles can simulate photosynthesis to effectively use sunlight to separate hydrogen in water to produce environmentally friendly and renewable hydrogen. Waxaan dooneynaa inaan isticmaalno habkayaga qiimaha jaban si aan u soo saarno haydarojiin la cusboonaysiin karo si aan u xaqiijino adduunka wax soo saarka haydaroojiin ee loo qaybiyey koronto la cusboonaysiin karo iyo baabuurta unugyada shidaalka hydrogen.
Shirkadda baabuurta ee Hyundai (Korea: 005380.KS) iyo kaabayaasheeda ayaa soo saara oo qaybiya baabuurta iyo qaybo adduunka oo dhan ah. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. Shirkaddu waxay bixisaa Centennial / Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, lahjad, lahjad 5DR, ix20 , I20 , i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. Oo ay ku jiraan baabuurta xamuulka ah, basaska, baabuurta gaarka ah iyo baabuurta ganacsiga ee leh alaabta chassis-ka, iyo sidoo kale baabuurta Eco, oo ay ku jiraan Sonata-Plug-in-Hybrid, ix35 Fuel Cell iyo Sonata-Hybrid baabuurta. Dadka Kanadiyaanka ah ee soo saara baabuurta ugu horreeya ee bixiya Shidaalka, Baabuurka Korontada Unugga ee Hyundai ayaa awood u siinaya sii daynta eber, taangiga shidaalka eber-caruur ah in ay u safarto in ka badan 400 kiiloomitir iyada oo aan saacado ku qaadan in lagu dallaco. Fekerkeena cusub waxa uu jabiyay xuduudihii soo jireenka ahaa, isaga oo dib u qeexaya yoolalka ay baabuurtu ku guulaysan karaan, adduun cusub, una dhaqaaqay dhanka mustaqbal wanaagsan.
Innovation Shares NextGen Vehicle and Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: EKAR) waxay doonaysaa inay bixiso natiijooyin maalgashi si ay ula socoto waxqabadka Innovation Lab Next Generation Vehicle Index ("index") ka hor inta aan laga jarin khidmadaha iyo kharashyada. The fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the index. Tusmadu waxay ujeedadeedu tahay in lagu cabbiro waxqabadka faylalka shirkadaha ee ku lug leh horumarinta ama isticmaalka ama maalgashiga "baabuurta tamarta cusub" ama "baabuurta iskood isu wada" (tusaale ahaan, inay awood u leeyihiin inay kaxeeyaan baabuurtooda bilowga). Use various in-vehicle technologies and sensors to reach the intended destination in “automatic driving” mode.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. Waxaan abuurnaa badeecooyin, adeegyo iyo xalal tayo leh si aan u wanaajino tamarta iyo hufnaanta hawleed ee dhismayaasha; baytariyada baabuurta lead-ashitada iyo baytariyada horumarsan ee baabuurta isku dhafka ah iyo kuwa korontada; and car interior systems. Xakamaynta Johnson waxay bixisaa tiknooloji taxane ah oo batari lithium-ion ah si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta iyo tamarta macaamiisha. Waxaan bixinaa xalal farsamo oo dabacsan si loo daboolo awoodda kala duwan, korantada iyo shuruudaha saacadaha ampere. The modular architecture makes our lithium-ion batteries powerful but versatile. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.
Teknolojiyada Kandi (Corp) (Nasdaqgs: KNDI) wuxuu ku yaalliin gobolka magaalada Jinhua, gobolka Zhejiang, oo loo hibeeyay cilmi-baarista iyo horumarka, waxsoosaarka iyo iibinta alaabada kala duwan ee gawaarida. Kandi has become one of the leading manufacturers of pure electric vehicle (EV) parts, electric vehicle products and off-road vehicles in China.
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTC: KUTG), through its wholly-owned subsidiary KULR Technology Corporation (“KULR”), develops and commercializes high-performance, space-use thermal management technologies for various electronic products, batteries and other components Electric baabuurta, wadista iskeed u madaxbannaan (oo si wada jir ah loogu yeero E-Mobility) iyo codsiyada kale iyo sidoo kale AI, xisaabinta daruuraha, kaydinta tamarta iyo teknoolojiyadda isgaarsiinta 5G. KULR's proprietary core technology is a carbon fiber material, which is rooted in the aerospace and defense fields. It provides excellent thermal conductivity and heat dissipation with ultra-light and soft materials. By leveraging this breakthrough cooling solution and its long-term development partnerships with NASA, Jet Propulsion Lab and other companies, KULR makes electric vehicles and other products cooler, lighter, and safer.
Last Mile Holdings (TSXV: MILE), oo hore loo yiqiin OjO Electric, waa mid ka mid ah shirkadaha baabuurta yar yar ee ugu weyn Maraykanka, oo bixiya alaabta ugu ballaadhan ee warshadaha. Mile Last waxay leedahay 30 jaamacadood oo hoos yimaada calaamadaha OjO iyo Gotcha iyo 50 qandaraas oo ay degmadu leedahay nidaamka socdaalka. The acquisition of Gotcha in the first quarter of 2020 provides a broad growth channel and provides a product portfolio including electric bicycles, tricycles, scooters and cruisers.
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; production; and sales. The company's products include: E-Box energy storage systems for solar and wind power generation equipment; iyo qaybaha EV ee isku xidha baytariyada iyo matoorada, sida kontaroolayaasha EV ee isticmaala kombuyuutarada yaryar si ay u xakameeyaan waditaanka torque
Nevada Shirkadda Liiqtech International, Inc. (Nyse Mkt: Lyse Mkt: Liqt) waa shirkad tikniyoolajiyad nadiif ah oo nadiif ah oo ku saabsan nadiifinta gaaska iyo dareeraha ah iyadoo la adeegsanayo shaandhada 'Claicamic' in ka badan toban sano, gaar ahaan miirayaasha aadka u gaarka ah, loo isticmaalo xakameynta the dust emission particles and liquid filtration of diesel engines. LiqTech waxay isticmaashaa nanotechnology si ay u horumariso alaabada iyadoo la isticmaalayo tignoolajiyada carbide silikoon iska leh. LiqTech's products are based on a unique silicon carbide film that can promote new applications and improve existing technologies.
LOOPShare Ltd. (TSX: LOOP.V) is a Vancouver company founded in 2009, focusing on carpooling, micro travel and sustainable transportation. Shirkadda Saturna Green Systems Inc., waxay ku biirisay jiilkii ugu horreeyay ee dashboard-ka shaashadda taabashada ah ee 7 Inch waa la iibiyay, iyo shaqada telematics ee baabuurta gudaha ee magaalada LOOPShare soo bandhigid aad u khaas ah ayaa siin kara adeegyo fara badan oo macaamiisha ah. , tourism or commercial purposes. Ujeedada LOOPShare waa in la horumariyo oo la geeyo baabuurta dhamaadka-ilaa-dhamaadka baabuurta gaadiidka gudaha magaalada. End-to-end interconnection solutions, especially gearboxes dedicated to transportation as a service (“TaaS”). LOOPShare will implement TaaS solutions through global regional operators, with LOOPShare's unique focus on commuting/travel/business, the latest technology to provide subscribers with commuting convenience and travel applications wireless two-wheel electric sharing technology, “Loop” is LOOPShare Ltd .'S trademark.
LYFT, Inc. (Nasdaqgs: Lyft) waxaa la aasaasay sanadkii 2012 waxaana uu leeyahay in ka badan 30 milyan oo rakaab ah iyo 2 milyan oo darawal ah. We are committed to improving people's lives through the best transportation in the world, and we are committed to building reliable, affordable and sustainable transportation.
Magna International (TSX: MG.TO; New York Stock Exchange: MGA) is a leading global automotive supplier with 319 manufacturing operations and 85 product development, engineering and sales centers in 29 countries/regions. Awoodaha alaabtayada waxaa ka mid ah wax soo saarka jirka, chassis, gudaha, dibadda, kuraasta, powertrain, elektarooniga, aragga, xiritaanka iyo nidaamyada saqafka iyo modules, iyo sidoo kale injineernimada baabuurta oo dhamaystiran iyo wax soo saarka qandaraas.
Isku qas tebraykan xadidan (nyse: luul) waa bixiyaha ugu horreeya ee adduunka ee loo yaqaan 'Flett' iyo xalka maaraynta hantida ee mouset, oo la siinayo macaamiisha in kabadan 120 wadan / gobol oo ah qaab saas ah. The company's products and services provide safe, efficient, risk and safety solutions for corporate fleets, small fleets and consumers. MiX Telematics waxaa la aasaasay 1996 waxayna xafiisyo ku leedahay Koonfur Afrika, Boqortooyada Ingiriiska, Maraykanka, Uganda, Brazil, Australia, Romania, Thailand iyo Imaaraadka Carabta, waxayna leedahay in ka badan 130 la-hawlgalayaal kooxeed oo adduunka ah.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) is developing novel and scalable processing technologies to produce high-performance battery materials for electric vehicles, energy storage and consumer electronics at low cost. The patented technology can be configured for a variety of nanostructured materials and is flexible, and can be transformed with emerging and future battery market trends and various other growth opportunities. Nidaamka saddexda marxaladood ee novel wuxuu isticmaalaa qalabka warshadaha ee caadiga ah waxaana loogu talagalay wax soo saarka ballaaran iyo ganacsi degdeg ah. Nano One's mission is to establish its patented technology as the world's leading platform for the production of a new generation of nanostructured composite materials.
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) tan iyo markii la aasaasay 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. waxay noqotay hoggaamiye caalami ah oo abaal-marin ku guuleystay hal-abuurnimada tignoolajiyada sare iyo horumarinta alaabta. The properties of supercapacitors allow the technology to be used in applications where power, life cycle requirements or environmental conditions limit the applicability of batteries or capacitors. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap waxay haysataa badeecadaha ganacsiga caadiga ah ee ugu dhammaystiran ee suuqa, laga bilaabo 3 farad ilaa 6200 farad, dhammaantoodna waxay wataan elektrolytka kale ee warshaduhu aqoonsan yihiin. The company's customers include transportation, power and consumer markets.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) waa hormuudka soo saaraha basaska madax banaan ee caalamiga ah, oo bixiya xalal dhamaystiran oo gaadiidka dadweynaha hoos yimaada noocyada soo socda: NewFlyer® (bas culus), Alexander Dennis Limited (lakab-lakab ah iyo Double-decker baska), Plaxton (baabuurka rakaabka matoorka ah), MCI® (baabuurka rakaabka matoorka ah), ARBOC® (baabuurka rakaabka yar-yar iyo baabuurka rakaabka dhexdhexaadka ah) iyo NFI Parts™. NFI buses and coaches use the most extensive drive systems, including: clean diesel, natural gas, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles and zero-emission electric vehicles (trolleys, batteries and fuel cells). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
Nissan Gawaarida, Ltd. Alaabteeda waxaa ka mid ah baabuurta is haysta, sedan, baabuurta gaarka ah iyo kuwa fudfudud, minivans/vans, SUVs/gawaadhida xamuulka qaada iyo baabuurta ganacsiga fudud ee hoos yimaada Nissan, Infiniti iyo Datsun. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay ku hawlan tahay ganacsiyo kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin wax-soo-saarka iyo iibinta maraakiibta dalxiiska, ganacsiga terminalka iyo dhoofinta matoorada dibadda ah. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; mashiinka warshadaha; and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. baabuur koronto
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) ayaa hogaaminaysa isbeddelka ku jihaysan macmiilka ee warshadaha tamarta ee Maraykanka iyadoo bixisa tamar nadiif ah oo ka caqli badan isla markaana ku dhisaysa faylalka ugu wayn uguna kala duwan ee badeecadaha awooda tartanka ee Maraykanka. Shirkadda Fortune 200 ahaan, waxaan ku abuureynaa qiimo iyada oo la isku halayn karo oo hufan koronto, iyadoo kor loo qaadayo hal-abuurka tamarta qoraxda iyo tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo, nidaamka deegaanka baabuurta korantada, tignoolajiyada qabashada kaarboonka iyo xalalka tamarta macaamiisha udub dhexaad u ah. Iibiyahayaga tafaariiqda korantada wuxuu u adeegaa in ka badan 3 milyan oo macaamiisha deegaanka iyo ganacsiga ah ee dalka oo dhan.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . In the telecommunications market, Polar's system provides reliable and low-cost energy for off-grid and poor grid applications with critical power needs. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
Warshadaha Polaris, Inc. (Nyse: Piim) waa hogaamiye la aqoonsan yahay warshadaha isboorti ee korantada. Polaris designs, designs, manufactures and sells innovative and high-quality off-road vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and side-by-side vehicles, snowmobiles, motorcycles and road electric/hybrid vehicles. Polaris is one of the global sales leaders of snowmobiles and off-road vehicles, and has a place in the heavyweight cruiser and touring motorcycle market. In addition, Polaris continues to invest in the global road small electric/hybrid vehicle industry through Global Electric Vehicles (GEM), Goupil Industrie SA, Aixam Mega SAS and internally developed cars. Polaris improves the riding experience with a full set of Polaris engineering parts, accessories and clothing, Klim brand clothing and ORV accessories. Polaris Industries Inc. (Polaris Industries Inc.) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and the company has been included in the Standard & Poor's Mid-Cap 400 Index Price Index.
Power Ore (TSX: PORE.V) positions itself as the owner of a diversified portfolio of battery metal assets in Canada, and focuses on two points: metal assets are used exclusively for the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries (cobalt) and nickel; Hantida horumarsan ayaa la helay, aqoonta macdanta macdanta iyo kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha.
Power Solutions International, Inc. (NasdaqCM: PSIX) (PSI) waa hormuudka naqshadeynta, soo saarista iyo soo saarista nidaamyada tamarta beddelka ah ee shidaalka ee la xaqiijiyay. PSI provides integrated turnkey solutions for the world's leading original equipment manufacturers in the industrial and highway markets. Iyada oo ay shirkaddu leedahay nakhshad gaar ah oo gudaha ah, qaab-samaynta, naqshadaynta injineernimada iyo awoodaha tijaabinta, PSI waxay habayn kartaa matoorada nadiifka ah, waxqabadka sarreeya ee isticmaali kara noocyo kala duwan oo shidaal ah, oo ay ku jiraan gaaska dabiiciga ah, propane, biogas, naaftada iyo shidaalka. PSI has developed and provided a complete 0.97 to 22 liter power system, including an 8.8 liter engine for the industrial and road markets, including medium-sized fleets, delivery trucks, school buses and garbage/garbage trucks. PSI power systems are currently used worldwide for generators, forklifts, aerial work vehicles and industrial sweepers, as well as oil and gas, aircraft ground support, agricultural and construction equipment
Praxair (NYSE: PX) waa shirkad Fortune 250 ah, waa shirkadda ugu weyn ee gaaska warshadaha ee Waqooyiga iyo Koonfurta Ameerika, waana mid ka mid ah shirkadaha gaaska warshadaha ee ugu weyn adduunka. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. For more than ten years, Praxair has been providing hydrogen fuel and related technical support to fuel cell developers and fleets across the country. Praxair's comprehensive hydrogen supply system allows your distribution center to take full advantage of the lower cost and higher productivity provided by hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, while leaving the hydrogen supply to experts.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . Waxay bixisaa moduleka unugyada shidaalka hydrogen kaas oo lagu dhex daray nidaamka kaydinta tamarta si loo abuuro nidaam isku-dhafan unug shidaal koronto ah si loo bixiyo koronto inta lagu jiro baahida ugu sarreysa. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Global Quantum Fuel System Technology Co., Ltd. (NASDAQCM: QTWW) is a leader in the innovation, development and production of natural gas fuel storage systems and the integration of vehicle system technologies including engine and vehicle control systems and transmission systems. Quantum waxay soo saartaa mid ka mid ah taangiyada kaydinta gaaska dabiiciga ah ee ugu casrisan, horumarsan, uguna fudud. Ka sokow nidaamyada taangiyada keydka gaaska dabiiciga ah ee dabiiciga ah, waxay sidoo kale bixisaa haamahaan kaydinta xamuulka iyo gawaarida gawaarida iyo sidoo kale qalabka wax lagu beddelo iyo kuwa wata ee xamuulka qaada. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum is headquartered in Lake Forest, California, with operations and branches in the United States, Canada and India.
Sevcon, Inc. Its products control the speed and movement of road and off-road vehicles, integrate specialized functions, optimize energy consumption and help reduce air pollution. Sevcon's Bassi division produces battery chargers for electric vehicles; power management and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for industrial, medical and telecommunications applications; electronic instruments for battery laboratories. Shirkadda waxay macaamiisha u shaqaysaa howlaheeda Mareykanka, Boqortooyada Ingiriiska, France, Jarmalka, Talyaaniga, Shiinaha, Gobolka Aasiya, iyo shabakad caalami ah oo caalami ah.
Smart Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTC: SMGY) produces electronic controls for vehicle batteries. The company provides a battery box (Battery Brain), which is a box-shaped device that can be connected to the car's battery to prevent battery failure and theft. Maskaxda Battery waxaa loo isticmaalaa noocyada kala duwan ee baabuurta, sida baabuurta rakaabka, kuwa fudud ilaa kuwa culculus, basaska, cagafyada, baabuurta madadaalada, mootooyinka, maraakiibta, baabuurta naafada iyo baabuurta kale ee ku tiirsan baytariyada. The company sells its products to automotive retail, automotive dealers, automotive original equipment manufacturers, automotive professionals, fleets, military, heavy trucks/buses, RV/RV and maritime sectors. Smart Energy Solutions sells its products wholesale through distributors mainly in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Asia and Israel. And retail through the Internet.
SPDR Kensho Smart Mobility ETF (NYSEARCA: XKST) seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses are deducted, usually correspond to the total return performance of the Standard & Poor's Kensho Smart Transportation Index. Under normal market conditions, a fund usually invests the vast majority (at least 80%) of all its assets in the securities that make up the index. The index is composed of stocks (including depositary receipts) listed in the United States by companies living in developed and emerging markets around the world. These stocks are included in the field of intelligent transportation, which is determined by the classification standards established by the index provider. Sanduuqa waa mid aan kala duwanayn.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) waa bixiye caalami ah oo bixiya xalalka sawir-qaadista ("PV") ee ganacsiga, deegaanka, dawladda iyo macaamiisha tamarta iyo maalgashadayaasha. The solar photovoltaic project developed by the company can be sold to a third-party operator, or it can be owned and operated by the company to sell electricity to the power grids of many countries in Asia, North America and Europe. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. Xarunta guud ee shirkadu waxay ku taal Santa Clara, California, waxayna ilaalisaa hawlaha caalamiga ah ee Aasiya, Yurub, Waqooyiga Ameerika iyo Australia. Cagaaran Auto-Waxay ku dhawaaqday bilawga EdisonFuture, Inc., oo ah shirkad ay iska leedahay SPI Energy, si loo naqshadeeyo loona horumariyo baabuurta korantada ("EV") iyo xalalka EV.
T3 Motion, Inc. (NYSE MKT: TTTM) waxay ku takhasustay naqshadaynta iyo soo saarista qiimaha wax ku oolka ah ee xalalka tignoolajiyada baabuurta korantada ee suuqyada xirfadleyda (oo ay ku jiraan sharci fulinta, amniga, tafaariiqda, dawladda iyo militariga). Shirkadda waxaa ka go'an in ay horumariso heerarka deegaanka ee gaadiidka iyo heerarka xalalka tamarta cagaaran.
Tanfield Group (LSE: TAN.L) is classified as an investment company. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay 49% xiisaha xubinimada Snorkel International Holdings iyo 5.76% xiisaha Smiths Electric Vehicles Corp. Smith's zero-emission vehicles have significantly better performance than traditional diesel trucks, and have higher operating efficiency and lower costs. Smith's mission is to become a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency, zero-emission vehicles in the commercial transportation industry, using its unique platform to cooperate with world-class brands to transform its entire fleet, help them operate more profitably, and return energy to Xarig
Turbodyne Technologies, Inc. (OTC: TRBD) waa horumariye korantada habdhisyada korantada ee dhijitaalka ah ee lagu dallaco shidaalka iyo naaftada matoorada gubashada gudaha. Its patented design reduces carbon dioxide emissions, improves performance and realizes miniaturization of gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines.
The mission of Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: UBER) is to create opportunities through sports. Waxaan bilownay inaan xallino dhibaato fudud 2010: ma heli kartaa adeegga raacitaanka markaad taabato badhanka? After more than 10 billion trips, we are developing products to bring people closer to where they want. By changing the way people, food and things flow in cities, Uber is a platform that opens up new possibilities to the world.
Vmoto Limited (ASX: VMT.AX) is the world's leading scooter manufacturer and distribution group, specializing in electric two-wheelers. Vmoto's electric two-wheeler products have stylish European design and German engineering design. Vmoto sidoo kale waxay ku lug leedahay soo saarista iyo qaybinta mootada gaaska iyo gawaarida afarta-giraangiraha ah ee afar-giraangiraha leh. Vmoto has one of the most extensive global distribution networks of any electric scooter manufacturer in the world, with more than 28 distributors in 27 countries/regions in geographic regions such as Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, South America and South Africa. The group operates two main brands: Vmoto and E-Max. The company also provides products to many customers in an OEM manner.
Vydrotech Inc. (OTC: VYDR), oo xarunteedu tahay Houston, Texas, waa shirkad tignoolajiyada cagaaran u heellan naqshadaynta, horumarinta iyo soo saarista hababka shidaalka hydrogen-ka ee matoorada naaftada ganacsiga ee loo isticmaalo baabuurta xamuulka, baska iyo warshadaha badda.
Workhorse Group Inc. (OTC code: WKHS) is an original equipment manufacturer in the United States. Waa gawaarida gudbinta korantada ee la ansixiyay korantada ee EPA-ga ee la ansixiyay korantada ee EPA-ga ee EPA-galay oo si buuxda loo bilaabay drone-ga xamuul ah oo la kulma shuruudaha FA-yada (UAS) keenista. Taariikh ahaan, baabuurka weyn waxaa laga iibiyay maraakiibta ugu waaweyn Maraykanka iyo Kanada si ay u geeyaan mayl-ga u dambeeya iyo isticmaalka la xidhiidha.
XPeng Inc. (NYSE: XPEV) is a leading smart electric vehicle company in China dedicated to designing, developing, manufacturing and selling smart electric vehicles that attract China's large and growing technology-savvy middle-class consumers. Its mission is to promote the transformation of smart electric vehicles through technology and data to shape the future of mobile experience. In order to optimize the customer's travel experience, XPeng internally developed full-stack autonomous driving technology and in-car intelligent operating system, as well as core vehicle systems including powertrain and electrification/electronic architecture. XPeng is headquartered in Guangzhou, China, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley and San Diego in the United States. Gawaarida korontada ee casriga ah ee shirkadda waxaa lagu soo saaraa dhirta Zhaoqing iyo Zhengzhou.
ZAP Jonway (OTC: ZAAP) designs and manufactures high-quality, affordable new energy and electric vehicles (EV). Yongyuan Automobile leeyahay ISO 9000 wax soo saarka ee Shiinaha oo ka gudbay shahaado wax soo saarka EV iyo injineernimada, iibka iyo adeegyada macaamiisha. Jonway has an annual production capacity of up to 50,000 vehicles, a factory area of more than 1 million square feet, has more than 65 acres of land in China and established a sales and distribution network. ZAP is an early pioneer of electric vehicles, bringing a wide range of electric vehicle product technologies to the two companies. ZAP waxay xarunteedu tahay Santa Rosa, California, Jonway Auto waxay ku taal Gobolka Zhejiang, Jamhuuriyadda Dadka ee Shiinaha.
Biome Technologies (LSE: BIOM.L) is a growth-oriented business-driven technology group. Waxqabadka ugu weyn ee kooxda ayaa ah in la sameeyo ganacsigiisa-ganacsiga-soosaarka ee soosaarka ah. It is a leading innovator and supplier of biodegradable natural polymers that can replace and enhance products traditionally made from oil-based materials. We offer a variety of bioplastics that can replace existing oil-based materials in a variety of applications. Our plastic polymers are of natural origin, have a high sustainable content, and can be recycled back to nature.
Cardia Bioplastics Limited (ASX: CNN.AX) waa soo-saare caalami ah, soo saare iyo suuqgeyneed resins waara oo laga helay kheyraadka la cusboonaysiin karo. Our bio-blending and compostable resins provide a lower carbon footprint for packaging and plastic products.
Lingling Global Corporation (NASDAQ: FORK) is a professional manufacturer and distributor of environmentally friendly plastic service software, with precision manufacturing plants in the United States and China. The company's plastic service products include disposable tableware, straws, cups, plates and other plastic products, which are used by more than one hundred customers mainly from the United States and Europe, including Subway, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC (China only) , Wal-Mart, McKesson iyo Woolworths.
Good Natured Products Inc. (TSX: GDNP.V) has more than 100 plant-based food packaging designs, 10 grades of bioplastic membranes, 30 home and business organization products, and a team of scientists, business builders and retail A world-class team of manufacturers, the company is producing and distributing one of the most extensive consumer products and packaging products in North America. These products and packaging are made of the highest possible percentage of renewable plant-based materials and are BPA-free. Phthalates ama kiimikooyinka kale ee walaaca leh. Kindness TM is committed to doing things that are beneficial to the planet and the company, and is creating better daily products TM, combining advanced bioplastic technology with the latest sustainable design features, which is not only beautiful, but also maximizes shelf space and promotes Incremental iibka, saadka oo la xoojiyey iyo hufnaanta deegaanka oo la wanaajiyey ayaa dhamaantood lagu soo ururiyey nooc cusub oo saaxiibtinimo leh.
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTC: GLGI) is a “green” manufacturing and leasing company that reprocesses and sells recycled plastics, and designs, manufactures, sells and leases high-quality 100% recycled plastic pallets that provide A wide range of logistics solutions ayaa looga baahan yahay cuntada iyo cabitaanka, beeraha, baabuurta, kiimikooyinka, dawooyinka iyo warshadaha alaabta isticmaala. The company's technology, including those used in its injection molding equipment, a proprietary blend of recycled plastic resins, and a patented pallet design, enables the rapid production of high-quality pallets at a lower cost than many processes. The recycled plastic used for pallets helps control material costs while reducing environmental waste, and has a cost advantage over users of virgin resin. Excess plastic not used in pallet production will be reprocessed for resale.
Loop Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM: LOOP) waa shirkad tignoolajiyada iyo shati bixisa oo shaqadeedu tahay in ay dardargeliso u gudubka aduunka ee balaastikada waara oo ay meesha ka saarto ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka fosil Loop has patented and proprietary technology that can depolymerize priceless and low-priced waste PET plastics and polyester fibers, including plastic bottles and packaging, carpets and polyester textiles of any color, transparency or condition, and even be exposed to sunlight and salt Degraded marine plastic , ilaa qaybteeda aasaasiga ah ( monomer). These monomers are filtered, purified and repolymerized to produce the original quality Loop™ brand PET plastic resin and polyester fibers suitable for food-grade packaging, which are sold to consumer products companies to help them achieve their sustainability goals. Through our customers and production partners, Loop leads the world by raising awareness of the importance of preventing and recycling waste plastics from the environment to ensure that plastics remain in the economy, thereby creating a more sustainable future for everyone Towards a circular economy.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LSE: SYM.L) specializes in the development and sales of various plastic products and other environmental technologies, and operates globally. The company is a global leader in the development and marketing of life-controlled plastics, and sells pro-degradation additives and finished plastic products through a constantly growing network of international distributors and agents. The company also sells a variety of traditional, non-degradable, flexible plastic products. Kooxdu waxay doorteen inay si taxadir leh ugula wareegaan shaqadan qandaraas-hoosaadyo la doortay oo dib loo eegay adduunka oo dhan. This flexibility provides the group and its customers with supply security, local availability, and significant cost advantages. Degradable finished products and additives are sold directly to customers worldwide, or sold to the world through an expanding network of authorized distributors and agents. The company has two wholly-owned subsidiaries-Symphony Environmental Ltd, which focuses on environmentally friendly plastic solutions, and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd, which focuses on recycling useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products. Symphony is a member of the Oxygen Biodegradable Plastics Association (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the Chemical Industry Association (UK) and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), American Standards Organization (ASTM), European Standards Organization (CEN) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. Shirkaddu waxay diiradda saartaa bixinta mudnaanta ama raasamaal sare si ay kafaala-qaadayaasha iyo deymaha leh tayada credit sare si ay u abuuraan muddo dheer, soo noqnoqda iyo socodka lacagta caddaanka ah ee la saadaalin karo. Xarunteedu tahay Annapolis, Maryland, Hannon Armstrong waxay dooratay hay'ad maalgashi ma-guurto ah (REIT) taas oo u qalanta inay bixiso cashuuraha ujeedooyinka cashuurta dakhliga federaalka. Its tax year begins on December 31, 2013
Arafura Resources NL (ASX: ARU.AX) explores and develops minerals in Australia. The company explores rare earth minerals, base and precious metals, tungsten and iron vanadium. Mashruuca ugu weyn waa Mashruuca Nolans, oo ah mid naadir ah deebaaji ah oo ku deeqi kara wax soo saarka nexysmium iyo aseye ee ku yaal waqooyiga ee Australia. The company is also involved in mining and related infrastructure and social and environmental feasibility assessments.
Australian Vanadium Limited (ASX: AVL.AX) intends to create value for shareholders by supplying its high-grade vanadium to the steel market and global battery manufacturers. Waqtigan xaadirka ah, macdanta Australiyaanka ah ee vanadium waxay horumarinaysaa mashruuca Gabanintha vanadium ee u dhow Meekatharra, Galbeedka Australia, taas oo ah mid ka mid ah mashaariicda vanadium ee ugu sarreeya adduunka.
Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX: BKR.V) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource properties in Canada. The company holds a 100% interest in the Cobalt Fold property, of which 40 claims involve 2,176.19 hectares in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec; Mashruuca Roscoe Vanadium wuxuu ka kooban yahay 40 sheegasho, oo ku lug leh qiyaastii 2,189.19 hektar oo ku yaal aagga waqooyiga ee Côte d'Ivoire.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems (CSE: CUBE) focuses on the fast-growing energy storage industry, which is driven by the substantial increase in demand for renewable energy. CellCube wuxuu bixiyaa nidaamyo kaydinta tamarta isku-dhafan ee tooska ah ee warshadaha korantada. Waxa ay dhawaan heshay hantida Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. Qaybaha kale ee la xidhiidha CellCube waa EnerCube Switchgear Systems iyo Power Haz Energy Mobile Solutions Inc. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale maalgelisay Braggawatt Energy Inc, oo ah madal maalgelin tamareed oo la cusboonaysiin karo oo internetka ah. CellCube develops, manufactures and sells energy storage systems based on vanadium redox flow. Technology, and has more than 130 project installations and 10-year operating records. Its highly integrated energy storage system solution has 99% of the remaining energy capacity after 11,000 cycles, with a focus on large container modules. The basic building blocks consist of FB modular 250kW units with 4, 6 and 8 hours energy changes. CellCube has obvious vanadium-rich characteristics in Nevada. The Bisoni-McKay and Bisoni-Rio properties in Nevada contain pure vanadium resources. Unlike most other vanadium deposits (where vanadium is mixed with other metals such as iron or uranium), Bisoni McKay and Bisoni-Rio feature pure vanadium in carbonaceous shale.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) waa shirkad shati u haysata inay ka faa’iidaysato baahida badeecadaha soo socda: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nikkel iyo copper. Promote electrification (cars, rechargeable batteries, large-scale energy storage, renewable energy power generation and other applications). The sales of electric vehicles, battery production capacity and power generation from renewable energy are expected to increase significantly in the next few years, so the demand for these target commodities will increase accordingly. Tani waxay abuurtaa fursad gaar ah oo lagu maal-gashiiyo oo lagu helo royalties macdanta iyo mashaariicda bixin doona agabka loo baahan yahay kacaanka awoodda. In addition to the Globex product portfolio, the letter of intent for the use of electrical franchise is binding. There are 6 combinations of royalties. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). Qorshaha boqortooyadii Royats Qorshayaasha ayaa inta badan diiradda saaraya helitaanka boqornimada ee marxaladaha horumarsan iyo mashaariicda hawlgallada si loo dhiso boodhadhka maalgashiga badan ee khatarta jameecadaha hoose.
Shirkadda Shidaalka Tamarta (TSX: EFR.TO; NYSE: UUUU) waa hormuud, shirkad isku dhafan oo macdanta uranium-ka ah oo fadhigeedu yahay Maraykanka taasoo siisa U3O8 shirkadaha waaweyn ee tamarta nukliyeerka. Its corporate office is located in Denver, Colorado, and all its assets and employees are located in the western United States. Energy Fuels owns three major uranium production centers in the United States, located at the White Mesa Mill in Utah, the Nichols Ranch Processing Plant in Wyoming, and the Alta Mesa Project in Texas. Warshada Mesa White waa warshadda uranium-ka caadiga ah ee ka shaqeysa Maraykanka maanta, iyada oo awood shati u leh in ka badan 8 milyan oo rodol oo U3O8 sannadkii. Warshada farsamaynta Ranch ee Nichols waa xarun wax soo saar ISR ah oo leh awood shati u leh 2 milyan oo rodol U3O8 sanadkii. Alta Mesa hadda waa xarunta wax soo saarka ISR ku hawlan dayactirka iyo dayactirka. Shirkadda Shidaalka Tamarta ayaa sidoo kale leh soo-saaraha ugu weyn ee kheyraadka uranium-ka ee Maraykanka oo la kulma NI 43-101, iyo sidoo kale mashaariicda macdanta uranium ee gobolo badan oo ku yaal galbeedka Maraykanka, oo ay ku jiraan mashruuca ISR, miinooyinka heeganka ah iyo macdanta heerar kala duwan. Licensing and development. Shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale soo saartaa vanadium iyo uranium ka miinooyinka qaarkood ee Colorado Plateau iyadoo lagu saleynayo xaaladaha suuqa.
Ethos Gold Corp. (TSXV: ECC) (OTCQB: ETHOF) is exploring the La Purisima gold project in Chihuahua, Mexico (100% revenue), and the Iron Point Carlin gold project (50% revenue from Victory Metals Inc.) ), located 22 miles east of the United States. Winnemucca in Nevada and the Perk-Rocky copper-gold porphyry project 220 kilometers west of Williams Lake in British Columbia (100% revenue). La Purisima is a near-surface, large-tonnage, gold oxide target, and the virgin drilling program will soon begin. Iron Point is a Carlin gold target carried on the lower plate, and plans to test this target in three vertical holes will begin shortly under the supervision of Dr. Quinton Hennigh. Perk-Rocky is the target of copper-gold porphyry, and the exploration plan including detailed airborne geophysics, ground surveying and sampling will be launched in the short term. Ethos currently has approximately 6.8 million Canadian dollars in cash and 54.6 million outstanding shares. Ethos plans to spend a total of approximately $1.8 million on the first drilling program at La Purisima and Iron Point in 2019 and the initial work program at Perk-Rocky. Ethos waxa kale oo ay ka faa'iidaysataa mashaariicda Pine Pass iyo Ursula vanadium ee waqooyiga-bartamaha British Columbia (100% faa'iido). In March 2019, Ethos received a notice from British Columbia that the mineral property rights constituting its Pine Pass vanadium project are included in the area under consideration to immediately suspend the development proposal and possibly include it in the expanded environmental protection area, and consider By this notice, work on its vanadium project has been suspended.
Golden Deeps Limited (ASX: GED.AX) waxay diiradda saartaa sahaminta macdanta waxayna xiisaynaysaa mashaariicda Jamhuuriyadda Namibia. The company is actively exploring for its license in Namibia. The purpose of the exploration plan is to discover economic minerals through the systematic application of modern exploration techniques. The Grootfontein Basic Metals Project (GBP) is located on the Otawi Mountains (OML) in northern Namibia, with a permit area of more than 632 square kilometers. Aagga ayaa si caadi ah ugu xidhan saddex xagal ku xira Tsumeb iyo Grot magaalooyinka Fontaine iyo Otavi. Gobolku waxa uu leeyahay dhowr naxaas oo caalami ah oo muhiim ah, zinc, lead, silver iyo vanadium miinooyinka, oo ay ku jiraan Tsumeb, Khusib Springs, Abenab, Berg Aukas iyo miinooyinka Kombat.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) has a broad portfolio of multi-element assets, which is expected to accommodate gold, platinum group elements and base metals as well as special “green battery metals”, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium and chromium. Gossan waxa kale oo uu leeyahay tiro badan oo nadiif ah, kayd dolomite-ka hodanka ku ah magnesium, waxana uu u siidiyaa USD 100,000 xuquuqda wax soo saarka iyo ka faa'iidaysiga sannadkiiba ee jabinta kaydadka ciidda. All of Gossan's mineral exploration and development assets are located in Manitoba and Northwest Ontario.
Jinhe Resources Co., Ltd. (ASX: KRR.AX) (oo hore u ahaan jirtay Jinhe Copper) waxay horumarinaysaa 100% miisaankeeda caalamiga ah iyo agabkeeda VANADIUM. In addition, KRR is exploring gold, silver and copper. The company has a mineral lease of 785 square kilometers, covering a unique geological feature of Kimberley in eastern Western Australia called the Speewah Dome.
Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR.AX) is engaged in mineral exploration and evaluation in Australia. The company explores for lithium, gold, vanadium and nickel. Waxay xiisaynaysaa Mashruuca Lithium Tantalum ee Dooxada Katherine, Mashruuca Lithium Buldania, Mashruuca Killaloe iyo Mashruuca Norcott ee Galbeedka Australia. Iyo mashruuca Toolebuc vanadium ee Queensland.
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. Shirkaddu waxay sahamisaa dhulalka dhifka ah ee culus, kobalt, naxaas, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nikkel, karboonayt iyo biraha dahabka, iyo sidoo kale walxaha kooxda platinum. The company recently acquired a portfolio of projects from Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Disperse the benefits to cobalt, graphite, lithium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, gold and related base metals. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. Kala-duwanaanshahani wuxuu siinayaa shirkadaha dabacsanaan weyn si ay u beegsadaan alaabada kor u qaada qiimaha saamilayda.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) waa horumariye macdanta warshadaha iyo mashaariicda agabka horumarsan. Neometals has two main divisions-fully integrated lithium business and titanium vanadium development business. Both are supported by proprietary technologies that can assist downstream integration by increasing revenue and improving cost efficiency. Neometals owns the Mt Marion lithium mine near Kalgoorlie and owns 13.8% of the shares. The company is one of the world's largest lithium concentrators. Neometals has an off-take option that forms the ideal basis for its fully integrated lithium business, which includes lithium hydroxide refineries and lithium-ion battery recycling processes. The 100%-owned Barrambie titanium-vanadium project in Western Australia is one of the highest-grade hard rock titanium-vanadium deposits in the world.
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) waa faa'iido faa'iido leh oo toos ah oo isku dhafan iyo vanadium redox flow batari shirkad, xarunteeduna tahay Australia, oo leh hawlgallo iyo la-hawlgalayaasheeda istiraatiiji ah ee Kuuriya. Through a 50% collaboration with Protean Korea's vanadium/uranium mineral project Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon is a unique sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit with the potential to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). The project can use 36,000m of historical core, so that cost-effective and non-destructive pXRF testing can be performed on the metallogenic section. Protean, in cooperation with its 50% South Korean partner KORID Energy Ltd, is developing a proprietary vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) energy storage technology, called V-KOR. The technology has been developed in the past 10 years, has been running for more than 3,000 cycles, and has been extensively tested in Korean factories. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Pursuit Minerals (ASX: PUR.AX) is a mineral exploration and project development company dedicated to advancing copper, zinc and vanadium projects in the world-class metal provinces. Pursuit Minerals waxay ku taal mashruuca macdanta zinc ee wadnaha Mount Isa Super Basin. It has a unique value creation ability in seeking to discover world-class mineral deposits adjacent to the existing regional infrastructure and extract value from its existing mineral resources. In 2018, Pursuit expanded its project portfolio by applying for high-quality vanadium projects in open spaces in Sweden and Finland.
QEM Limited (ASX: QEM.AX) is engaged in the exploration and development of vanadium and oil shale projects in Australia. Waxay 100% xiiso u qabtaa mashruuca Julia Creek, oo ay ku jiraan 3 shati sahaminta waxayna ku taal aagga Julia Creek ee waqooyi-galbeed ee Queensland, Australia, oo daboolaysa dhul dhan 176 kiiloomitir laba jibaaran.
Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR.AX) waxay ku hawlan tahay iibsiga, sahaminta iyo qiimaynta mashaariicda birta ah ee aasaasiga ah iyo kuwa qaaliga ah ee Australia iyo Canada. The company explores zinc, lead, copper, silver, vanadium, gold, nickel and cobalt deposits, as well as platinum group metals.
Jadwalka saami qaybsiga ee Saber Resources Limited (ASX: SBR.AX) waxay taageertaa qaab ganacsi oo loogu talagalay in lagu fududeeyo helitaanka iyo horumarinta kaydka macdanta dhaqaalaha. Sabre's main focus is the exploration and development of the Otavi Mountain Land Base Metals project in northern Namibia. Our two licensed areas cover more than 800 square kilometers and contain more than 60 known deposits of copper, lead, zinc and vanadium. Sabre's exploration scope ranges from basic geochemical targets all the way to resource descriptions at the Guchab Mining Center, to the feasibility study of zinc-lead deposits on Pavian and Hoek Trends.
Sparton Resources Inc. (TSXV: SRI.V) is an exploration and development stage company that focuses on the exploration and evaluation of Canadian and Chinese properties. Mashaariicda ugu muhiimsan ee shirkadu waa gaaska Chebucto ee agagaarka Jasiiradda Sable ee ka baxsan xeebta Nova Scotia; and VanSpar's vanadium and battery commissioning project in China. Waxa kale oo ay bixisaa adeegyada qodista qandaraasyada.
Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) is an industrial minerals and technology company based in Australia. Syrah owns and built the Balama Graphite Project (Balama) in Mozambique. Balama waa hanti aad u heer sareysa, oo cimri dheer, iyo miinada garaafiga dabiiciga ah ee ugu weyn aduunka. Balama's operations began in early 2018. According to market demand, Syrah increased its output to 350ktpa nameplate capacity over time. Parama also contains a large amount of vanadium resources, which is a by-product currently being reported in Parama tailings. Balama's vanadium optionality. Balama contains a large amount of vanadium resources, which provides potential value-added opportunities; Vadaduim waxay sii deysaa badeecadaha wax soo saarka garaafka waxaana laga yaabaa in lagu dhejiyo badeecadaha la isku halleyn karo (v2O5) iyada oo loo marayo ashyaa'da hadda loo soo sheego balias.
Tando Resources Limited (ASX: TNO.AX) is a junior exploration company that recently obtained 73.95% of the rights to the world's important vanadium project (SPD project). Qodista goobta iyo hawlo kale ayaa socda, iyada oo ujeedadu tahay in si dhakhso ah loo raad raaco wax soo saar joogto ah oo dhow. Tando also owns 100% of 3 projects located in Pilbara, Western Australia. High-grade zinc and copper mineralization has previously been drilled in the Quartz Bore project, and the Mt Sydney project is located at the strike site of Rumble Resources' Braeside project.
The Australian Technical Metals Corporation (ASX: TMT.AX) focuses on the development of the 100% owned Gabanintha vanadium project in Western Australia. TMT waxay hadda wadaa daraasad awood leh (DFS).
United Battery Metals Corporation (CSE: UBM; OTC: UBMCF) is a vanadium and uranium exploration company dedicated to becoming the first vanadium producer in North America. Vanadium waxa uu leeyahay adeegsi badan dunidan casriga ah ee maanta. It is widely used in vanadium redox flow batteries, car charging stations, nuclear power plants and steel manufacturing. Vanadium is one of 35 minerals that are considered vital to the national security and economy of the United States.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) is a technology service company dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions to improve the environment. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. When used alone or in combination, our solutions can reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation and can reduce or virtually eliminate the use of landfills. In addition, we have also assigned a patented technology that can perform high-level disinfection of classrooms, hotel or hospital rooms and other enclosed areas to resist the spread of viruses and bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Shirkadda Tamarta Dib-u-warshadaynta Shiinaha (NasdaqGM: CREG), oo xarunteedu tahay Xi'an, Shiinaha, waxay siisaa teknoolojiyadda wasakhda-tamarta deegaanka u saaxiib ah oo soo kabsan karta alaabada warshadaha ee dhirta birta ee Shiinaha, dhirta sibidhka iyo dhirta coking. Alaabooyinka laga soo saaro waxaa ka mid ah kulaylka, uumiga, cadaadiska iyo gaasta qiiqa si loo dhaliyo xaddi badan oo koronto jaban ah loona yareeyo baahida ilo koronto oo dibadda ah. The Chinese government has adopted policies to encourage the use of recycling technologies to optimize resource allocation and reduce pollution. At present, renewable energy only accounts for 1% of total energy consumption. Sababo la xiriira walaaca sii kordhaya ee deegaanka iyo kobaca joogtada ah ee dhaqaalaha Shiinaha iyo kor u kaca qiimaha tamarta, tamartaan dib loo cusboonaysiin karo ayaa loo arkaa suuq soo koraya. The management and engineering team has more than 20 years of experience in China's industrial energy recovery.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy waxay xarunteedu tahay Charlotte, North Carolina waana shirkad Fortune 250 ah. Waste to energy: Duke Energy participates in a number of landfill gas projects, which convert waste emissions into electricity for customers to use. When the organic matter in large landfills decomposes, landfill gas, which is mainly composed of methane, is produced. Marka uu kulaylka hawada ka saarayo, methane ayaa 20 jeer ka waxtar badan kaarboon laba ogsaydh. Capturing methane and using it as fuel is a more sustainable option for burning it as waste.
Free Energy International Inc (TSX: FEE.V) waxay diiradda saartaa horumarinta alaabada iyadoo la adeegsanayo tignoolajiyada heerkulbeegga sare.
Green Energy Live (OTC: GELV) is a revolutionary green and renewable energy business whose bioconversion technology engineering is used for fuel, agriculture and waste management. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. Tani waxay siinaysaa GELV fursado ay ku horumariso warshado badan, kuwaas oo hadda la xidhiidha oggolaanshaha dawladda. These requirements increase renewable energy and biofuels. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. These technology platforms can quickly , Economically deploy to the waste site, and vice versa. Green Energy Live is positioned as a single-source provider that uses the most advanced technology available to provide a complete set of equipment for the biomass energy system. Green Energy Live will provide customers with engineering and assistance to apply the biomass fuel system to their specific needs and will provide a complete equipment package.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage treatment system . It treats grey water and black water at the same time. Biyaha la daweeyay ayaa ka sarreeya EU iyo dhammaan heerarka dareeraha deegaanka waxaana dib loogu isticmaali karaa waraabka, dhaqida iyo nadiifinta.
Magnegas Corporation (NasdaqCM: MNGA), located in Tampa, MagneGas® Corporation was established in 2007 as a technology company. Hal-abuurkeedu waa teknooloji la dammaanad qaaday oo qashinka dareeraha ah u beddelaysa shidaal ku salaysan hydrogen. The company currently sells MagneGas® to the metal processing market to replace acetylene. It also sells equipment for sterilizing biologically contaminated liquid waste for various industrial and agricultural markets. Intaa waxaa dheer, shirkaddu waxay adeegsanaysaa heerkulkeeda ololka sare si ay ugu gubato tamarta kaarboonka iyo shidaal kale si ay u horumariso isticmaalka kaaliyaha ee kala duwan ee shidaalka MagneGas®.
N-Viro International Corp. (OTC: NVIC) is a leader in the conversion of organic materials from industrial, agricultural and municipal sources. Teknolojiyadda shirkadda ee shirkadda, adeegyada gaarka ah iyo khabiir maareyn oo wax lagu qabto ah ayaa isku daraya si loo bixiyo xalka loo yaqaan kobdsiyadda carrada ee kobcinta carrada iyo horumarka shidaalka kale.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) waa koox tignoolajiyada tamarta iyo deegaanka ah oo u heellan horumarinta, wax soo saarka iyo iibinta nidaamyada iyo alaabooyinka deegaanka saaxiibtinimo, hufan iyo tamarta hoose. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon has operations in Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom. Goobta ganacsiga ee Opcon Tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo waxay diiradda saartaa soo saarista tamarta kaarboon laba ogsaydh-ka xorta ah ee ku salaysan kulaylka wasakhda, dhirta tamarta kuleyliyaha noolaha, dhirta pellet, bayomass, dhoobada iyo nidaamyada gaaska dabiiciga ah, qaboojinta warshadaha, uumiga gaaska flue, iyo daaweynta gaaska flue. Nidaamka hawada ee unugga shidaalka.
PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX: PYR.V) is the TSX Venture50® cleaning technology company, which is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing and commercialization of advanced plasma processes. We provide engineering and manufacturing expertise, cutting-edge contract research, and turnkey process equipment packages for defense, metallurgy, mining, advanced materials (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. PyroGenesis waxay leedahay koox injineero khibrad leh, saynis yahano iyo farsamoyaqaano ah oo ka shaqeeya xafiiskayaga Montreal iyo 3,800 mitir oo laba jibbaaran warshad wax soo saarka. Therefore, PyroGenesis is always at the forefront of technology development and commercialization, thus maintaining a competitive advantage . Our core competence enables PyroGenesis to provide innovative plasma torches, plasma waste treatment, pyrometallurgical processes and engineering services for the global market. Since 1997, our operations have passed ISO 9001:2008 certification. Iyada oo loo marayo hal-abuurka, iskaashiga iyo iskaashiga, Pyrogenesis wuxuu sameeyay hanaan horumar sare leh laakiin si sahlan u shaqeeya oo si fiican ula dhexgalaya 3R, laakiin wuxuu badbaadiyaa tamar ugu badnaan. And/or recover resources from the massive waste streams generated by municipalities or industries.
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) waxay nakhshadaysaa, maalgelisaa, dhistaa oo ka shaqeysaa dhirta wasakhda-tamarta ah ee farsamaysa qashinka adag ee degmada, caafimaadka iyo warshadaha si ay u dhaliyaan koronto. Since 1996, Sino-German Group has completed about 200 waste treatment projects in 13 provinces. Sino-German is one of the most well-known companies in the field of waste energy EPC and BOT projects, and is also a manufacturer of large-scale combustion plants in China. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). As an investor in the BOT project, Sino-German also operates waste energy plants. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. Xarunta Shiinaha ee Shiinaha waxay ku taalaa Beijing, china. Sino-German production plant is located in Fuzhou, China.
ABTech Hindilada, Inc (OTC: ABHD) Warshadaha Abtech, Inc. (ABHESS (ABTEHT) Hanti-joogidda ABTEHE, Inc. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. Alaabtooyinkeeda waxay ku saleysan yihiin tikniyoolajiyadda polymer-ka ee ka saari kara hydrocarbons, qalcadyada iyo waxyaabaha kale ee shisheeye biyaha roobka (balliyada, baalasha, dheecaannada jidadka, wabiyada iyo badaha), hanaanka warshadaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah. AbTech's products include a breakthrough new antibacterial technology called SmartSponge®Plus. Farsamadani waxay si wax ku ool ah u yaraynaysaa bakteeriyada coliform ee laga helo biyaha roobka, biyaha wasakhda ah ee warshadaha iyo biyaha wasakhda ah ee dawlada hoose. SmartSponge®Plus waxaa laga diiwaangaliyay Hay'adda Ilaalinta Deegaanka (lambarka diiwaangelinta 86256-1). AbTech's team of water treatment technology experts, civil and environmental engineers, and field operations experts develop solutions to improve the quality of our limited water resources. AEWS Engineering (oo hoos timaada Abtech Holdings, Inc.) waa shirkad madax-bannaan oo injineernimada madaniga ah iyo deegaanka oo la shaqeysa jaamacadaha cilmi-baarista iyo injineernimada sare. Adiga oo diiradda saaraya soo bandhigida injineernimada cusub iyo tignoolajiyada cusub ee qaybta kaabayaasha biyaha, AEWS waxay ku jirtaa safka hore ee horumarinta hababka maaraynta ugu wanaagsan ee biyaha roobka waxayna siisaa macaamiisheeda naqshadihii ugu dambeeyay iyo kuwa ugu wanaagsan.
CLP Environmental Protection (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300172.SZ) (formerly Nanjing CLP Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.) is mainly engaged in the provision of water treatment system solutions, the integration of water treatment equipment systems and dhismaha qandaraasyada mashaariicda la xidhiidha. Thermal power, nuclear power, petrochemical, coal chemical, metallurgical and other industrial projects. Shirkaddu inta badan waxay bixisaa daawaynta kondensate, daaweynta sahayda biyaha, daaweynta biyaha wasakhda ah, kormeerka dhexe ee uumiga iyo tuubooyinka duritaanka kiimikada, daaweynta gaaska qiiqa warshadaha, daawaynta wasakhda degmada, daaweynta wasakhda degmada, iwm.
General Environmental Management Co., Ltd. (OTC: GEVI) provides industrial waste liquid treatment and repair services. Waxay bixisaa adeegga goobta, dayactirka, gaadiidka iyo daaweynta goobta ee walxaha khatarta ah iyo kuwa aan khatarta ahayn ee warshadaha saliidda iyo gaaska, macaamiisha warshadaha iyo soosaarayaasha qashinka guriga. The company manages on-site waste disposal systems and environmental incidents, and provides spill cleanup services.
Jiangsu Weir Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300190.SZ) was established in February 2003. After ten years of development and growth, it has become a pioneer focusing on municipal solid waste and landfill leachate treatment, and has become a leading enterprise in China, providing comprehensive solution. Pollution control and disposal of urban domestic garbage. WELLE is committed to providing customers with overall services from engineering design, equipment supply, waste and leachate treatment plant engineering design, equipment supply, installation and commissioning, and operation management. Currently, Welle has a world-class professional technical staff and management team. Shirkaddu waxay ka fulisay Shiinaha ku dhawaad 100 mashruuc. By combining successful experience in infrastructure construction and development at home and abroad into specific engineering applications, Welle insists on realizing the most advanced technology introduction, absorption and redevelopment and innovation. Today, we have proprietary technologies and patents related to leachate treatment and solid waste treatment, which are most suitable for China's environmental challenges. WELLE has obtained qualification certificates for environmental engineering contractors and environmental pollution control facilities operation. As a member of the Urban Sanitation Technical Committee of the National Standardization Administration of China, the company has also participated in the formulation of several technical agreements and specifications for municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment and leachate treatment. Through comprehensive cooperation with well-known domestic and foreign companies, scientific research institutions and industry associations, we have completed a number of nationally funded environmental research projects and internationally funded cooperation projects.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage treatment system . It treats grey water and black water at the same time. Biyaha la daweeyay ayaa ka sarreeya EU iyo dhammaan heerarka dareeraha deegaanka waxaana dib loogu isticmaali karaa waraabka, dhaqida iyo nadiifinta.
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) waa shirkad bayoolaji ah oo diiradda saaraysa ogaanshaha degdega ah ee unugyada nool. Its products can speed up the detection and identification of microorganisms. Marka lagu daro codsiyada caafimaadka, difaaca iyo amniga dalka, tignoolajiyada NanoLogix waxay sidoo kale ku habboon tahay dawooyinka, warshadaha, caafimaadka xoolaha, iyo tijaabinta deegaanka. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. Environment and drinking water safety
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. The ability to treat waste at our fixed facilities and the ability to utilize our small footprint mobile treatment unit allows us to provide waste treatment solutions that meet the needs of the maritime, oil and gas industries. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. Our oil and gas department is located in Stavanger, Norway and specializes in onshore and offshore treatment of waste generated during oil and gas exploration and production. Kooxdayada injineernimada waxay ku takhasusaan naqshadeynta, injineernimada, rakibidda iyo dayactirka xalalka daaweynta qashinka ee xeebaha iyo badda.
Shanghai Safran Water Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300262.SZ) is engaged in industrial water treatment, municipal water treatment, solid waste treatment, natural gas conditioning stations and distributed energy services. It uses self-developed condensate polishing, microfiltration deposition, sludge drying, natural gas conditioning station system and other technologies to provide customers with one-stop solution services, including technical design, engineering design, technical implementation, system integration, system installation, and debugging , Martigelinta adeegga hawlgalka, iwm.
Stina Kheyraadka LTD. (CSE: SQA) ayaa hadda horumarinaysa taatikada istiraatiijiyadeed ee Baisoy ee 'Biski McKay' oo ah Nevada. Ka dib markii ay heshiis rasmi ah la saxiixatay America Greener Technologies si ay ugu qaybiso Soft Wave Technology gudaha Kanada, Stina hadda waxay sidoo kale gelaysaa warshadaha tignoolajiyada deegaanka. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. The soft wave dissolves and suspends minerals in the water, thereby preventing the formation of scale in the pipe and eliminating the previous scale. Softwave technology has been developed for more than six years and has been commercially available in the United States in the past three years. During this period, in addition to many other well-known companies in North America, Soft Wave was also installed in locations such as Dole Foods, Fresh Express and Best Western Hotels. Soft Wave is fully scalable, and the operation effect in the home is the same as in the power plant. Benefits include reducing or eliminating all chemical additives in the water system, eliminating calcium and mineral deposits, reducing system maintenance or replacement costs, and saving significant costs while reducing environmental footprint. The application of soft wave technology in industrial cooling tower operations can reduce water evaporation without the need for chemical cleaning, which usually results in an increase in the number of cycles. Isku-darka arrimahan ayaa yareyn kara baahida loo qabo biyo-uruurinta iyo yareynta biyaha sigaarka, taasoo ku badbaadinaysa malaayiin galaan oo biyo ah, yareynta ku tiirsanaanta daaweynta kiimikada si looga hortago is-yareynta iyo yaraynta wax soo saarka. Taas macnaheedu waa in qarashka warshadaha-waaweyn lagu badbaadin karo iyadoo la yareeyo qaybta dharka, yareynta mas'uuliyadda, yareynta dusha sare iyo hagaajinta hufnaanta. Waxaa jira macaamiil badan oo suurogal ah, oo ka imanaya dhirta korantada ilaa dib-u-dhaca saliida, dhirta birta, howlaha wax soo saarka beeraha, dhirta wax soo saarka cuntada, nidaamyada biyaha ee magaalooyinka iyo dhismayaasha guryaha ee magaalooyinka iyo dhismayaasha guryaha.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) waa hogaamiye caalami ah xagga tamarta, gudbinta iyo kaabayaasha tareenada, oo dejinaya halbeegga hal-abuurka iyo teknoolojiyadda deegaanka u saaxiibka ah. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Wave and tidal energy: At Alstom, we are at the forefront of developing tidal stream turbine technology to take advantage of the huge energy potential in the tides, and in 2013 we acquired important technology and expertise from Tidal Power Co., Ltd. (TGL) .
CWE Carnegie (Carnegie) raised more than 80 million US dollars to fund the development of CETO technology and adopted unique rapid prototyping, including computational simulation, wave tank testing, at its private wave energy research facility, and onshore/offshore testing Large-scale marine testing at the site and commercial-scale marine testing at Garden Island in Western Australia. CETO waxaa loo qaabeeyey inay tahay tignoolajiyada mawjada ugu fudud uguna awoodda badan adduunka. After 10 years of continuous development, testing and improvement, it is currently being demonstrated on a commercial scale at HMAS Stirling, Australia's largest naval base on Garden Island, Western Australia. CETO is the world's only ocean-tested wave energy technology that can be completely submerged and generate electricity and/or desalinate water on shore. Tignoolajiyada CETO waxaa si madaxbanaan u xaqiijiyay EDF-Energies Nouvelles (EDF EN) iyo qandaraaslaha ciidamada badda ee Faransiiska DCNS.
Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM: OPTT) waa hormuudka tignoolajiyada tamarta hirarka la cusboonaysiin karo oo tamarta hirarka badda u beddela koronto. Tignoolajiyada lahaanshaha ee OPT ee PowerBuoy® waxay ku salaysan tahay nakhshad qaabaysan waxayna maraysay tijaabada badda joogta ah tan iyo 1997. OPT waxay ku takhasustay soo saarista tamarta mawjadaha wax ku oolka ah iyo deegaanka iyo farsamada gacanta.
Stonefenge Birta CO. The company also explores vanadium and molybdenum. Its flagship project is the Daejon project located in the Ogchon Basin. In addition, the company has also participated in the commercialization of Protean wave energy converter technology. Stonehenge is reorganizing its business and funding to focus on the phased commercialization and international promotion of the technology.
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) is one of the most respected design, engineering and project management consulting companies in the world. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins waxa uu safka hore kaga jiraa kacaanka tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo ee badda, isaga oo bixisa fikrado la isku halayn karo iyo qaabaynta injineernimada oo faahfaahsan iyo adeegyada milkiilaha-injineernimada ee dhinacyada dabaysha, hirarka iyo tamarta hirarka.
ABB Ltd. (NYSE: ABB) waa hogaamiye dhinaca awooda iyo teknoolojiyadda iswada ee awood u siinaya utility iyo macaamiisha warshadaha si ay u wanaajiyaan waxqabadka iyagoo yareynaya saameyntooda deegaanka. The ABB group of companies operates in approximately 100 countries around the world and has approximately 140,000 employees. Wind power solutions wind turbines
Alliant Energy Corporation (NYSE: LNT) waa shirkadda waalidka ee laba shirkadood oo tamarta ah (Interstate Power and Lighting Company iyo Wisconsin Power and Lighting Company) iyo Alliant Energy Resources, LLC. Alliant Energy Resources, LLC is a non-regulated business of Alliant Energy Parent company. Alliant Energy is an energy service provider whose utility subsidiary serves approximately 1 million electricity and 410,000 natural gas customers. Providing regulated electricity and natural gas services to customers in the Midwest is the company's main focus. Alliant Energy is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin and is one of the Fortune 1000 companies. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay oo ay ka shaqeysaa afar warshadood oo dabaysha ah oo ku yaal Iowa, Minnesota iyo Wisconsin.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions , iyadoo diiradda la saarayo xariijimaha smart. Alstom waxa uu khibrad 30 sano ah u leeyahay dhinaca tamarta dabaysha, isaga oo siinaya xalal tamar caalami ah, laga bilaabo horumarinta, qaabaynta iyo dejinta beeraha dabaysha ilaa bixinta iyo ilaalinta marawaxadaha dabaysha.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal Xarumaha jiilka awooda ee Iceland. Alterra waxay leedahay saamiga 247 MW ee awooddan waxayna soo saartaa in ka badan 1,250 GWh oo tamar nadiif ah sannadkii. Alterra also has two new projects under construction: Jimmie Creek-62 MW river hydropower project, adjacent to the existing Toba Montrose plant; la filayo in uu hawl galo rubuci saddexaad ee 2016; Wax ka badara wuxuu leeyahay 51% saamiyada; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; Waxaa la filayaa in ay shaqeyso rubuc afraad ee sanadka 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). After the completion of these two projects, Alterra will operate seven power plants with a total capacity of 819 MW and will have 381 MW of that capacity, which will generate more than 1,700 GWh of clean energy annually. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. Xalka shirkaddu waxay hadda awood u leedahay gigawatts tamar dib loo cusbooneysiin karo ee adduunka oo ay wanaajiyeen waxqabadka iyo isku halaynta shabakadaha korantada in kabadan tobaneeyo wadan. AMSC waxaa la aasaasay 1987 waxayna xarunteedu tahay meel u dhow Boston, Massachusetts, iyada oo ka hawlgasha Aasiya, Australia, Yurub iyo Waqooyiga Ameerika.
AREVA SA (Paris: AREVA.PA) is a world leader in nuclear power. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. Kooxda Areva waxay leedahay ganacsiyo taxane ah oo ku jira afar goobood oo tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo: tamarta dabaysha xeebaha, tamarta noolaha, tamarta qorraxda oo uruursan iyo kaydinta tamarta. Wind power generation: Combining the wind power expertise of Gamesa and AREVA and extensive track record, Adwen aims to become a leading company in offshore wind power in Europe by 2020 with a 2.8 GW project pipeline and a market share of nearly 20%. .
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX's research and products are essential for new “green” technologies that are designed to save existing energy and create reliable and affordable systems to use renewable energy such as wind, solar and hydropower. The reliability of AVX technology will ensure that this and future generations will benefit from these green technologies. Waxyaabaha avx ah waxay safka hore kaga jiraan qaabeynta ilo kale oo tamar ah sida tamarta dabaysha, jiilka tamarta qorraxda, hybrid iyo gawaarida korantada, taraamyada korantada.
Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE: B) waa shirkad caalami ah oo warshadeed iyo hawada hawada soo saarta iyo bixiye adeeg, oo u adeega suuqyo iyo macaamiil aad u tiro badan. Kooxda Barnes (Kooxda Barnes) waxay siisaa badeecooyin si heersare ah loo farsameeyay, teknoolojiyad warshadeed oo kala duwan iyo xalal cusub oo loogu talagalay codsiyo badan oo kala duwan, siinta gaadiidka, wax soo saarka, alaabada daryeelka caafimaadka iyo tignoolajiyada adduunka. The Seeger-Orbis subsidiary produces a variety of DIN standardized and customized retaining rings and snap rings for the wind power industry. We also provide spare parts products for gearbox maintenance and repair, which is becoming more and more important in the entire wind power industry.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) waa soo saare koronto oo ganacsigiisa udub dhexaad u yahay horumarinta iyo hawlgalka xarumaha tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo. Boralex waxay leedahay qiyaastii 250 shaqaale ah waxayna caan ku tahay khibradeeda iyo khibradeeda hodanka ah ee afarta nooc ee korontada: dabaysha, biyaha, kulaylka iyo qoraxda. Currently, the company operates an asset base in Canada, France and the United States with a capacity of more than 1,110 MW, of which more than 950 MW is under its control. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) operates one of the world's largest publicly traded pure renewable energy platforms. The company's product portfolio covers 74 river systems and 14 power markets in North America, Latin America and Europe, mainly hydropower, with a total installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW. With a high-quality asset portfolio and strong growth prospects, the business can generate stable long-term cash flow and support regular and growing cash distributions to shareholders. Wind power project: In 2006, Brookfield commissioned its first wind power project, Prince Wind Farm northwest of Sault Ste. Mary, Ontario, Kanada. Today, Brookfield has 37 wind power facilities in six countries: Canada, the United States, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Brazil and Portugal
China Datang Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1798.HK) produces and sells wind energy and other renewable energy in the People's Republic of China. It also develops, invests, builds, and manages wind power generation; iyo ilaha kale ee tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, oo ay ku jiraan tamarta qoraxda, biomass, iyo methane sariirta dhuxusha. In addition, it also participates in energy performance contracting activities; low-carbon technology research, development, application and promotion; research, sales, testing and maintenance of renewable energy related equipment; koronto dhalin; injineernimada; domestic and local construction and installation; mashaariicda korontada Dayactirka iyo dayactirka; import and export of renewable energy equipment and technology; maalgashiga shisheeye; provision of consulting services related to renewable energy; iyo kiraynta hantida. China Datang Group Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of China Datang Group Corporation.
Qalabka gudbinta xawaaraha ee Shiinaha ee soosaarka xawaaraha Co., Ltd. Its product portfolio includes wind turbine transmission equipment; qalabka gudbinta marshada badda; transmission equipment for high-speed locomotives, subways and urban light rail systems; traditional gear transmission equipment; computer numerical control machine tools; and marine diesel engines, diesel engines for power generation, and gasoline engines. The company's products also include building materials and metallurgical transmission equipment, coal mechanical transmission equipment, rubber and plastic mechanical transmission equipment, electromechanical automatic control equipment and gearboxes for general and crane machinery, as well as mixer reducers and lifting gears for mines Boxes, power generation gearboxes, sugar mill reducers, screw jacks, non-standard gearboxes, diaphragm couplings, crown gear couplings, high-speed gear couplings, flexible pin couplings, etc. In addition, the company also produces and sells forged steel and its accessories, gears, gearboxes and accessories, ship driving equipment, heavy equipment and machine tools, propellers, industrial boilers, heat recovery equipment and related products, LED products and machine tools. In addition, it is also engaged in metallurgical engineering and manufacturing and trading businesses. It serves the metallurgy, building materials, transportation, transportation, petrochemical, aerospace and mining industries. The company's products are exported to the United States, India, Japan and Europe.
China Mingyang Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. Mingyang produces advanced and adaptable wind turbines with high energy output, and provides customers with comprehensive after-sales services. Ming Yang cooperates with aerodyne Energiesysteme, one of the world's leading wind turbine design companies headquartered in Germany, to jointly develop wind turbines. Marka la eego awoodda cusub ee la rakibay, Mingyang waxa uu ahaa tobanka ugu sarreeya adduunka ee soo saaraha marawaxadaha dabaysha 2013 iyo soo saaraha marawaxadaha dabaysha ee ugu weyn ee aan dawladdu lahayn ee Shiinaha.
CLICK CLECK Technolojiyada International (TSX: CBLU.V) waxaa la aasaasay iyadoo lagu saleynayo aragtida ah in la bixiyo wax nadiif ah oo nadiif ah oo maareyn karo ". The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. The company expanded its stake in Light and assumed control of the energy distribution company, which provides services to the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the state of the same name. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig sidoo kale waa shirkadda kaliya ee korontada ee Latin America ee lagu daro Global Dow Index. Emig wuxuu ka sarreeyaa seddexaad oo ka mid ah matoorrada ugu weyn ee Brazil, iyo shirkadiisa ka mid ah ee ay leedahay, oo ay ku shaqeeyaan dhirta korantada ee 65, sedex waa dhirta korantada kuleylka, saddexna waa dhirta korantada dabaysha. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.
Concord New Energy (HKG: 0182.HK) (oo hore u ahaan jirtay China Wind Power Group Co., Ltd.) waxay ku takhasustay ganacsiga dabaysha iyo tamarta qoraxda. So far, we are the only purely vertically integrated clean energy power generation company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Meelaha leh kheyraadka dabaysha iyo qorraxda badan, CNE waxay si firfircoon u dhisaysay dabaysha iyo dhirta tamarta qoraxda, abuurista xalal lagu kalsoonaan karo oo loogu talagalay beddelka tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, iyo bixinta taageero farsamo iyo adeegyo xirfadeed. CNE waxaa ka go'an in ay bixiso xalal isku dhafan oo loogu talagalay horumarinta dabaysha iyo tamarta qorraxda. CNE's core business includes wind and solar farm investment, operation and services (early development, design and consulting, construction, operation and maintenance, and new energy equipment manufacturing). CNE has invested in more than 30 wind farms and solar farms in 26 regions including Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangxi, New York, and established in 26 regions The regional management agency. The United States, the United States of Hawaii. Not only that, CNE also has wind and solar design, power project construction and installation companies, professional power plant operation and maintenance companies, wind turbine tower tubes and solar mounting bracket manufacturing companies. Intaa waxaa dheer, CNE waxay sidoo kale leedahay la-talin iyo shahaadooyin naqshadeynta dhinacyada tamarta dabaysha iyo tamarta qorraxda, iyo qandaraasyada guud ee mashaariicda korontada. Waqtigan xaadirka ah, CNE waa shirkad xirfad leh oo dabaysha iyo korantada qoraxda leh oo leh silsiladda warshadaha ugu dhameystiran ee dabaysha iyo tamarta qorraxda ee Shiinaha. CNE has a senior technical human resources and management team
Shirkadda Tamarta Cusboonaysiinta ee Isku-darka (OTC: CWNR) waxay bixisaa xalka tikniyoolajiyadda tamarta cusboonaysiinta ee heerka caalamiga ah. Waxay bixisaa xalka tamarta ee tamarta leh ee loo yaqaan 'Earker' ee loogu talagalay barnaamijyada nalalka bannaanka ee bannaanka, oo ay ku jiraan gawaarida la dhigto iyo nalalka waddooyinka, nalalka daadadka, nalalka taraafikada, nalalka nalalka, nalalka nalka. Shirkaddu waxa kale oo ay iibisaa WePOWER marawaxadaha dabaysha ee dhidibka toosan, oo ay ku jiraan marawaxadaha dabaysha ee ka baxa guryaha, ganacsiga, warshadaha iyo codsiyada dawladda; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; and Skystream commercial lighting systems. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) waa shirkadda ugu weyn ee heysata tamarta gudaha Mareykanka, iyadoo siisa oo gaarsiineysa tamar ku dhawaad 7.3 milyan oo macaamiisha Mareykanka ah. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Wind energy: Duke Energy owns and operates a total of 11 wind farms: four in Wyoming, three in Texas, and one in Colorado, Kansas, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Duke Energy Renewable Energy will operate four new large-scale wind farms with a total power generation capacity of more than 600 megawatts and zero emissions. Beerahan cusub ee dabaysha waxaa ka mid ah laba beerood oo dabaysha oo Texas ah, hal beer dabaysha oo Kansas ah iyo hal beer dabaysha oo ku taal Pennsylvania.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has brought world-class science and engineering technology into the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. Shirkaddu waxay aaminsan tahay in iyada oo la kaashanaysa macaamiisha, dawladaha, ururada aan dawliga ahayn iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha fikirka, waxaan ku caawin karnaa xal u helida caqabadaha caalamiga ah, sida bixinta cunto caafimaad oo ku filan dadka aduunka oo dhan, yaraynta ku tiirsanaanta shidaalka iyo ilaalinta nolosha deegaanka. Waxaa naga go'an inaan horumarino xalal cusub oo dhaqaale ahaan macquul ah anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada kala duwan si loo daboolo baahiyaha tamarta caalamiga ah. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
E.On SE (OTC: EOngyrt: Eoan.f) waa alaab-qeybiyeyaal gaar loo leeyahay oo gaar loo leeyahay, oo loo maro isbadal aasaasi ah, E.On waxay diiradda saari doontaa gabi ahaanba dib u cusboonaysiinta tamarta mustaqbalka, tamarta networks and customer solutions are the cornerstones of the new energy world. Wind energy: We use the wind on land and sea to generate environmentally friendly energy. Suuqa tamar ee weligeed la cusbooneysiin kara, waxaan door muhiim ah ka ciyaarnaa warshadaha tamarta dabaysha oo waxaan ka mid nahay tobanka hawl wadeennada tamarta ee adduunka ee adduunka - waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan horumar dheeraad aheyn. In Europe and the United States, we operate landing wind farms with an installed capacity of approximately 4.000 MW. Kuwaas waxaa ka mid ah Roscoe, Texas, oo 782 MW marawaxadaha dabaysha ay tahay mid ka mid ah beeraha dabaysha ee ugu weyn adduunka. We are the third largest offshore wind farm operator in the world. Through cooperation with DONG Energy and Masdar, we recently completed the London Array, which is the world's largest offshore wind farm with an installed capacity of 630 MW. Waxay siisaa tamar nadiif ah oo ku filan ku dhawaad kala bar qoysaska Ingiriiska. We are currently establishing E.ON's first commercial offshore wind energy project in Germany, namely Amrumbank West. Once completed, Amrumbank West will provide enough electricity for 300,000 German houses each year. We are committed to further large-scale investments and to expand our onshore and offshore capabilities. At the same time, we pursue strict cost reduction targets to make wind energy more competitive and affordable.
EDP Renovaveis, SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) is a leading global renewable energy company dedicated to value creation, innovation and sustainable development. Waxaan ganacsi ku yeelnaa suuqyada caalamiga ah oo aan sii wadno inaan ballaarinno ganacsigeenna gobollada cusub, oo ka go'an joogtaynta booska hogaaminta suuq kasta iyo abuurista qiimo loogu talagalay daneeyayaasha iyo saamilayda. EDPR's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) is a major investment company that specializes in solar and onshore wind energy and park operations. It does not focus on investing in the Greenfield project from scratch, nor does it assume major development or construction risks. It seeks to withdraw from investment within five to seven years through IPOs, trade sales, secondary purchases or repurchases. The company seeks to invest outside of its balance sheet. It focuses on acquiring and operating turnkey solar and wind farms from the secondary market. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG waxaa la aasaasay 1996 waxayna xarunteedu tahay Hamburg, Germany.
Ereel Green Power (Milan: Egpw.mi) waxaa ka go'an horumarinta iyo maareynta jiilka tamarta tamarta ee la cusbooneysiin karo ee heerka caalamiga ah, iyadoo howl gashan Yurub iyo Ameerika. Enel Green Power uses all renewable energy sources to produce energy through a wide portfolio of wind, hydro, geothermal, solar and biomass energy projects. Wind: Our business covers Europe, Latin America and North America, especially in the United States. Our plan is developing rapidly. We plan to build nearly 1,000 megawatts of electricity in the United States. EnelGreen Power waxa ay doonaysaa in ay sii wado ballanqaadkeeda ku aaddan ilaalinta muuqaalka dabiiciga ah ee dalka, iyo in ay hubiso in ay muhiimad weyn siinayso isku-dubbaridka beeraha dabaysha ee deegaanka ku xeeran iyo horumarinta bulshada ee meelaha la xidhiidha, iyada oo si joogto ah diiradda u saaraysa hal-abuurka iyo meelaha cusub ee dabaysha. power, such as offshore power plants. For factories currently under construction, the guidelines developed by Enel Green Power include the use of appropriate sizes for the number of turbines in each area to develop a layout that meets environmental protection requirements. Other measures have also been taken, such as: low-reflective coatings and “hidden” coatings are being tested in cooperation with several universities, especially for offshore factories.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) waxay bixisaa lahaanshaha, xal tamarta furaha kuwaas oo smart, bangiyada iyo waara. Inta badan alaabada tamarta iyo xalka ayaa la fulin karaa isla markiiba meeshii looga baahdo. EHT combines a complete set of solar photovoltaic, wind energy and battery storage solutions to stand out from competitors. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. Marka lagu daro taageerada dhaqameed ee shabakadaha korantada ee la aasaasay, EHT sidoo kale waa mid aad u fiican marka aysan jirin koronto koronto. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. These products are processed through EHT production technology into attractive applications: modular houses, cold storage, schools, residential and commercial buildings, and emergency/temporary shelters.
Energias de Portugal SA (Lisbon: EDP.LS) waa mid ka mid ah hawl-wadeennada ugu waaweyn ee qaybta tamarta ee Yurub; we are one of the largest energy operators in the Iberian Peninsula, the largest Portuguese industrial group and the third largest wind energy producer.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (oo hore u ahaan jirtay GDF Suez) waa bixiye tamar caalami ah iyo khabiir ku takhasusay saddex meelood oo muhiim ah oo ah adeegyada korontada, gaaska dabiiciga iyo tamarta. The social changes supported by the group depend not only on economic growth, social progress and the protection of natural resources. Ethie waxay leedahay awood soo saarta 115.3 Gw waana hadda soosaaraha awoodda ugu weyn ee awooda ugu weyn adduunka. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. Hydropower is undoubtedly the main energy source to be developed, but wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy are becoming more and more important in the energy structure.
Awoodda dabaysha ee Bariga Fog (OTC: FEWP) waxay diiradda saartaa horumarinta, dhismaha iyo hawlgalka mashaariicda tamarta dabaysha ee cabbirka tamarta ee Jamhuuriyadda Dadka Shiinaha.
Fersa Energias Renovables SA (Madrid: FRS.MC) waxaa la aasaasay 2000 waana shirkaddii ugu horreysay ee madax bannaan ee ku taxan Isweydaarsiga saamiyada Isbaanishka, oo u heellan horumarinta tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo, badiyaa tamarta dabaysha. The company's goal is to use 100% renewable energy to generate electricity. FERSA started the international diversification of its business in 2008 and began to develop its business at the international level. FERSA currently operates on three continents: America, Europe and Asia.
Shirkadda Korontada Qaranka ee Koowaad (OTC: FNEC) waa horumariye tamar la cusboonaysiin karo si loo daboolo baahida sii kordheysa ee tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo. First National's focus is on green energy, which is the fastest growing source of power generation in the world. First National's team of experienced professionals brings together comprehensive project development, technical, financial and marketing skills to design, construct and operate wind power facilities.
Gamesa Corp (Madrid: GAM.MC) has 21 years of experience and has installed 31,200 MW batteries in more than 50 countries/regions. Gamesa waa hogaamiyaha tignoolajiyada caalamiga ah ee warshadaha tamarta dabaysha. Its full response also includes management of operation and maintenance services for wind turbines over 20,700 MW. The company has production centers in the main wind energy markets: Spain and China, as global production and supply centers, while maintaining local production capacity in India, the United States and Brazil. Gemei a is also a global leader in the development, construction and sales of wind farms, with 6,400 MW installed worldwide. Gemei a forms part of the main international sustainability indexes: FTSE4Good and Ethibel.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) waxa uu qiyaasaa waxyaalo aanay dadka kale samayn, waxa ay dhistaa waxyaalo aanay dadka kale samayn karin,waxana ay bixisaa natiijooyin ka dhigaya aduunka meel wanaagsan. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE waxay abuurtay xilliga warshadaha soo socda ee shaybaarada iyo warshadaha iyo iskaashiga dhulka macaamiisha si ay u guurto, awood, dhisto oo u bogsiiso aduunka. GE waxay isticmaashaa tignoolajiyada ugu nadiifsan uguna horumarsan iyo xalalka tamarta si ay u awooddo aduunka. Awoodda dabaysha: GE Tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo waa mid ka mid ah alaab-qeybiyeyaasha ugu horreeya adduunka ee marawaxadaha dabaysha. Badeecadayada wax soo saarka ee hadda waxaa ku jira marawaxadaha leh awoodda lagu qiimeeyay 1.7 MW ilaa 3.2 MW. In addition, the support services we provide cover everything from development assistance to operation and maintenance. Whether you are at the starting point of your wind power journey or are looking for development, we can provide you with the services you need.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE:: GOOD.L) is a vertically integrated utility company whose 100% of its electricity comes from renewable energy. Kooxdu waxay siisaa koronto in ka badan 51,500 qoys iyo macaamiisha ganacsiga, waxayna siisaa gaasta dabiiciga ah in ka badan 25,000 macaamiisha guryaha ah. It also provides more than 76,000 independent green generators to growing communities throughout the UK. The group provides electricity in three ways, either from its own renewable energy power generation assets, from other UK renewable energy producers, or directly from the market. The Group obtains approximately 19% of its electricity through its own wind farm in Good Energy Delabole Windfarm Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary. The company owns 9.2MW of onshore wind energy assets in North Cornwall. It also invested in Good Energy's new The renewable energy project Generation Ltd, is planning to build a 4.6 MW wind farm in Aberdeenshire.
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) is a major player in India's growing energy industry and a market-leading owner and operator of clean energy projects in India. Kooxdu waxay dhisaysaa faylalka aan khatarta lahayn ee tamarta dabaysha, tamarta biyaha, gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo hantida noole noolaha ee Hindiya.
Gujarat Fluorinated Industries Co., Ltd. (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) produces and operates various chemical products in India. The company operates through sectors such as chemicals, wind energy business, electricity and theater exhibitions. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); erection procurement and commissioning services; operation and maintenance services; general infrastructure services; iyo adeegyada horumarinta goobta WTG.
Gurit Holding AG (Switzerland: GUR.SW) has become a developer and innovator in the composite materials industry, positioning itself as a leading global supplier of composite materials, engineering services, tools and equipment, and selected parts and systems. Iyada oo in ka badan 30 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah oo ku saabsan codsiga la taaban karo ee qalabka isku dhafan ee suuqyada kala duwan iyo mashaariicda laga soo bilaabo qaybo yaryar ilaa dhismayaal waaweyn, Gurit waxay bixin kartaa xalal isku dhafan oo dhamaystiran oo ay weheliso habab farsamo oo gaar ah. Tamarta dabaysha: 15kii sano ee la soo dhaafay, Gurit waxa ay soo saartay xalal agab ah oo loogu talagalay soosaarayaasha marawaxadaha dabaysha si ay si joogto ah u wanaajiyaan waxtarka qalabka tamarta dabaysha.
Hexcel Corporation waa shirkad ka ganacsata sarrifka saamiyada adduunka. It develops, manufactures and sells lightweight, high-performance structural materials, including carbon fibers, reinforcements, prepregs, honeycombs, matrix systems, adhesives and composite structures for commercial aviation, aerospace and defense, and industrial applications, such as Wind turbine blades.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0958.HK) is committed to the investment, construction and operation of new energy projects. It focuses on the development and operation of wind energy projects, while promoting the synergistic growth of solar and other renewable energy sources. The company insists on scientific development and rationally distributes business. Through the operation of large-scale wind farms and distributed wind farms, the utilization of onshore and offshore wind resources, and the emphasis on development and acquisition, the company strives to improve its growth quality and efficiency, and continuously improve its profitability, competitiveness and waarta Awoodaha Horumarinta, sidaas darteed ilaalinta booskeeda la aasaasay ee Jamhuuriyadda Dadka Shiinaha (Shiinaha) iyo ballaarinta suuqa caalamiga ah, iyada oo ujeedadu tahay in ay noqoto internationally competitive and premier renewable energy supplier. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. The company attaches great importance to protecting and improving the environment, fulfilling its social responsibilities, and striving to bring sustainable, stable and growing returns to shareholders.
Iberdrola Renovables SAU (Madrid: IBE.MC) has undergone extensive transformation in the past ten years, making it the number one Spanish energy group and one of the major Spanish companies of Ibex 35. It is a global leader in wind energy by market capitalization . , Is also one of the world's top power companies.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) waxay horumarisaa beeraha dabaysha si loo iibiyo, waxay maamushaa hantida tamarta dabaysha, waxayna soo saartaa Green Power® iibka tamarta iyo shirkadaha. Turnkey implementation of wind power projects from concept to commissioning. Wind energy asset management solutions for installed assets, including operations, invoicing, and revenue collection from project customers. Provide GreenPower® to customers. CER (carbon credit) sales and trading.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) waa shirkad tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo xirfad leh oo horumarisa, dhista, leh oo ka shaqeysa hantida tamarta tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo. It has rights to 24 wind farms, including 6 wind farms in operation, Australia has a total installed capacity of 557 MW; Maraykanku waxa uu leeyahay 18 beeralayda dabaysha ah oo wadarta guud lagu rakibay 1,089 MW, iyo sidoo kale tamarta dabaysha iyo dhuumaha horumarinta tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee qoraxda.
India Infrastructure (LSE: IIP.L) is a closed-end investment company incorporated in the Isle of Man, providing investors with opportunities to invest in Indian infrastructure assets. Tamarta dabaysha: Indian Energy Limited (IEL) IEL waa soo saare koronto oo madax banaan oo leh laba beerood oo dabaysha ku shaqeeya oo leh awood 41.3 MW.
Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) is Canada's leading independent renewable energy producer. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to the development, ownership and operation of hydroelectric power facilities, wind farms and solar photovoltaic power plants along the upper reaches of the river, and has developed in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Idaho in the United States. ganacsi Hantida hantida ayaa hadda ka mid ah: (i) lahaanshaha 33 tas-hiilaad howleed oo leh awood saafi ah oo ah 687 mw (wadarta guud ee 1,194 MW), 6 Beeraha dabaysha iyo 1 Beeraha Qorraxda Qorraxda (II) waxay leeyihiin xuquuq shan projects under development or under construction that have signed power purchase agreements, with a total net installed capacity of 208 MW (total 319 MW); (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).
Japan Wind Development Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 2766.T) JWD waxay ku dadaalaysaa inay xaqiiqsato qiimaha tamarta dabaysha. JWD waxay leedahay rikoor wanaagsan xagga dhismaha iyo ka shaqaynta dhirta tamarta dabaysha ee waxtarka leh. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxaan si buuxda uga faa'iideysan doonnaa aqoonta aan ka helnay dhismaha iyo hawlgalka warshadaha tamarta dabaysha oo ku qalabaysan baytariyada kaydinta si aan u horumarino farsamada isdhexgalka nidaamka tamarta cagaaran, una diyaargarowno inaan galno wejiga xiga sida lammaanahaaga xalka tamarta
Juhl Wind (OTC: JUHL) is a recognized leader in the renewable energy industry, focusing on providing competitive clean energy solutions and community-based wind energy development, ownership and management throughout the United States and Canada. Juhl Energy pioneered the development of community-based wind farms, developed the currently recognized financial, operational and legal framework, and provided local ownership of medium to large wind farms in rural areas of the United States. So far, the company has completed 24 wind farm projects with a total power generation of approximately 260 MW, and has provided operational management and supervision for the entire project portfolio. Juhl Energy waxay bixisaa adeegyo dhammaan dhinacyada horumarinta beeraha dabaysha, oo ay ku jiraan horumarinta iyo lahaanshaha, la-talinta guud, maamulka dhismaha, iyo hawlgalka nidaamka iyo dayactirka. Juhl Energy also provides a wide range of clean energy solutions.
Landmark Infrastructure Partner LP (NasdaqGM: LMRK) Iskaashigu waa iskaashi xaddidan oo korriin ku jihaysan oo ujeedadiisu tahay helitaanka, lahaanshaha iyo maaraynta shirkadaha kiraynta isgaarsiinta wireless-ka, xayaysiis dibadda ah iyo warshadaha tamarta tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo faylalka maalgashiga sinnaanta hantida maguurtada ah. . Wadashaqeyntu waxay xarunteedu tahay El Segundo, California, danaha hantida ma-guurtada ah waxaa ka mid ah fududaynta muddada dheer iyo tan joogtada ah, meelaynta ijaarka kiraystaha iyo faylalka kala duwan ee guryaha ku saleysan kharashka ee ku yaal 49 gobol iyo Degmada Columbia, iyadoo siinaya xuquuqda iskaashiga rent is paid from the lease on more than 1,400 tenant sites. Wind force
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; production; and sales. The company's products include: E-Box energy storage systems for solar and wind power generation equipment; iyo qaybaha EV ee isku xidha baytariyada iyo matoorada, sida kontaroolayaasha EV ee isticmaala kombuyuutarada yaryar si ay u xakameeyaan waditaanka torque
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Korontada dabaysha: Shaqaalaheenu waxay bixiyaan adeegyo dhammaadka-ilaa-dhamaadka ah ee warshadaha beeraha dabaysha, oo ay ku jiraan nidaamyada ururinta korantada, saldhigyada, adeegyada isku xidhka, iyo dhamaystirka xalalka EPC/BOP ee horumarinta gaarka ah, shirkadaha korontada iyo ururada dawladda ee dalka oo dhan. We are equipped with a large number of support and installation cranes, including the two (2) ton 550 ton Demag 250-1 and the 660 ton Demag 2800-1 NT, which allow us to safely handle the tallest parts today and drive The heaviest Trafrine.
MGE Energy, Inc (NasdaqGS: MGEE) is a public utility holding company. Shirkaddeeda ugu weyn, Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE), waxay soo saartaa oo u qaybisaa macaamiisha 143,000 ee Dane County, Wisconsin, waxayna iibisaa oo u qaybisaa gaaska dabiiciga ah macaamiisha 149,000 ee 7da degmo ee koonfurta dhexe iyo galbeedka Wisconsin. The origin of MGE can be traced back to the Madison area 150 years ago. Wind power: In the past ten years, MGE's wind power capacity has increased from 11 megawatts (MW) to 137 MW.
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8031.T) waxay samaysay ganacsiyo kala duwan oo kala duwan oo ka kooban lix qaybood oo muhiim ah: biraha, mishiinada iyo kaabayaasha, kimistariga, tamarta, qaab nololeedka, iyo hal-abuurka iyo horumarinta shirkadaha. Wind energy: thermal power stations and hydroelectric power stations, transmission and substation facilities, wind power plants and other renewable energy power generation
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) is a diversified manufacturer. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries waxay bixisaa nidaamka oo dhan laga bilaabo dhismaha ilaa adeegga iibka ka dib ee tas-hiilaad koronto oo kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan dhirta kulaylka ah ee lagu gaaro waxtarka ugu sarreeya ee tamarta adduunka iyo hoos u dhigista heerarka qiiqa kaarboon dioxide, iyo sidoo kale nukliyeerka iyo dhirta dabaysha, si to provide stable power and better Contributed to their quality of life. Marawaxadaha dabaysha: MHI waxa ay ku hawlanayd cilmi baadhista iyo horumarinta marawaxadaha dabaysha ilaa 1980. Ilaa wakhtigaas, waxa aanu samaynay soo saaris iyo matoorada xawaarahooda doorsooma laga bilaabo 250kW ilaa 2,400kW. To date, we have manufactured and delivered more than 2,250 units worldwide. Iyada oo ku saleysan khibradda caalamiga ah ee marawaxadaha dabaysha ee taxanaha MWT, waxaan sii wadi doonaa horumarinta tignoolajiyada wanaagsan si aan u wanaajino isticmaalka dabaysha, taas oo ah mid ka mid ah ilaha tamarta ugu muhiimsan ee ilaalinta deegaanka iyo nadiifinta.
NaiKun Wind Energy Group Limited (TSX: NKW.V) is a renewable energy company headquartered in British Columbia. NaiKun Wind is located on the northwest coast of British Columbia. Wind resources are one of the most powerful and stable wind resources in the world. Mashruuceeda tamarta dabaysha ee 400MW ayaa soo saari doonta tamar ku filan oo ay ku dhaliso 200,000 qoys oo ku nool British Columbia. If the project continues, it is expected to bring 500 jobs during the construction period, provide 50 permanent jobs for maintenance and operation, and bring more than 400 million Canadian dollars in direct expenditure to the province during the construction period, of which 2.5 C$100 million will benefit North Coast communities
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) waa shirkad hormood u ah tamarta nadiifka ah oo leh ku dhawaad 44,900 megawatts oo koronto ah, oo ay ku jiraan megawatts oo la xidhiidha NextEra Energy Partners danaha aan la xakamayn. NextEra Energy waxay xarunteedu tahay Juneau Beach, Florida, shirkadaheeda ugu waaweynna waa Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (taas oo ah mid ka mid ah shirkadaha korantada ee ugu weyn ee lagu xakameeyo qiimaha ee Maraykanka) iyo NextEra Energy Resources, LLC iyo hay'adaha xiriirka la leh. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Iyada oo loo marayo kaabayaasheeda, NextEra Energy waxay soo saartaa koronto nadiif ah, oo aan sii dayn lahayn siddeed xarumood oo tamarta nukliyeerka ah ee Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa iyo Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. "Sida dabaysha ugu weyn iyo soosaarka tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo ee Waqooyiga Ameerika, NextEra Energy Resources waxay muujinaysaa hab wax ku ool ah oo wax looga qabanayo isbeddelka cimilada. Through our use-and consumer support-renewable resources, we can all make a difference
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . As a Fortune 200 company, we create value through reliable and efficient conventional power generation, while promoting innovation in solar and renewable energy, electric vehicle ecosystems, carbon capture technology and customer-centric energy solutions. Our retail electricity supplier serves more than 3 million residential and commercial customers across the country. We have more than 150 renewable energy projects around the world, and we are using technology to ensure a sustainable, clean energy future. Sida aan u sii wadno horumarinta caalamiga ah, xalalkayaga qoraxda, dabaysha iyo microgrid waxay noqon doonaan kuwo nadiif ah maanta iyo berrito
Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) develops, manufactures and sells insulation, roofing and fiberglass composite materials. The company's market-leading corporate business spans the world and scales humanity. It uses its deep expertise in materials, manufacturing and building science to develop products and systems to save energy and improve the comfort of commercial and residential buildings. Through its glass reinforcement business, the company makes thousands of products lighter, stronger, and more durable. In the end, Owens Corning's employees and products make the world a better place. Wind energy products: Glass fiber reinforced composite materials can be lightweight, insulated, corrosion-resistant, impact-resistant and heat-resistant, and can be used to replace steel, aluminum, wood and other materials. Glass fiber as a reinforcing material can reduce weight while providing strength equal to or better than other materials (such as steel). The lighter weight means higher fuel efficiency in all modes of transportation. Horumarka joogtada ah ee tignoolajiyada xoogga, qalabka isku dhafan ayaa sidoo kale bixiya waxtar sare iyo dhaqaale sare oo loogu talagalay marawaxadaha tamarta dabaysha, si dheer, khafiif ah oo wax soo saar leh ayaa loo isticmaali karaa xawaaraha dabaysha hoose.
Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NasdaqGS: PEGI; TSX: PEG.TO) is an independent power company. Qaab-dhismeedka tamarta waxay leedahay faylalka 16 xarumood ee jihada dabaysha ee Mareykanka, Kanada iyo Chile, oo leh dano lahaansho oo dhan 2282 MW, iyadoo la adeegsanayo tikniyoolajiyadda fasalka koowaad ee la xaqiijiyey. Pattern Energy's wind power generation facilities generate stable long-term cash flow in an attractive market and lay a solid foundation for the continued growth of the business.
PNE Wind AG (Frankfurt: PNE3.F) waa hormoodka korantada dabaysha caalamiga ah ee Jarmalka iyo mid ka mid ah kuwa ugu khibrada badan horumarinta beeraha dabaysha ee xeebaha iyo xeebaha. Shirkaduhu waxay isku daraan guusha dhaqaalaha ee mas'uuliyadda deegaanka. Labada nooc ee ay maamusho kooxda dabaysha ee Pne waa Pne Dabayl iyo Wkn. Laga soo bilaabo sahanka goobta bilowga ah iyo hababka ansixinta, maalgelinta iyo dhismaha qandaraaska guud, hawlgalka iyo dib u soo celinta tamarta dhammaadka nolosha adeegga nidaamka, adeegyada la bixiyo ayaa daboolaya dhammaan heerarka mashruuca tamarta dabaysha.
Polish Energy Partners (Poland) (Warsaw: PEP) is Poland's first private group in the power industry composed of vertically integrated companies that play a role in the use of conventional and renewable energy for power generation and distribution and trade of electrical energy . Wind power: Onshore wind farms: The Polenergia Group has three operating wind farms with a total generating capacity of 80 megawatts. Another three power plants with a total power of 104 MW are under construction or are about to start construction. Intaa waxaa dheer, kooxdan ayaa hadda fulinaysa 13 mashruuc oo horumarineed ah oo awoodeedu yahay 775 MW, waxayna dhisi doonaan 277 MW dhammaadka 2016. Wershadda dabaysha ee Bora Energy Group waxay wadday laba mashruuc oo dhinaca dabaysha ah oo ay ka fulinayso badda Baltic. a total capacity of 1.2 GW, which meets the grid connection requirements issued by PSE.
Repower Systems (Switzerland: REPI.SW) is a Swiss-based company engaged in power generation, management, trading, sales, power transmission and distribution. The company also buys and sells natural gas, emission certificates and certificates of origin in selected European markets. The company has its own power generation assets in Switzerland (hydropower), Italy (combined cycle gas-fired power plants and wind power) and Germany (wind power). The company has trading floors in Poschiavo, Switzerland; Milan, Italy and Prague, Czech Republic. Shirkaddu waxay siisaa tamarta guriga iyo macaamiisha ganacsiga. Shirkadda ayaa sidoo kale si toos ah ama si dadban u siisa tamarta koonfurta Switzerland iyada oo u sii marinaysa iibiyeyaasha. Dalka Jarmalka, shirkaddu waxay korontada ka iibisaa shirkado dhexdhexaad ah iyo shirkado liiska ku jira, Talyaanigana, shirkaddu waxay siisaa gaaska dabiiciga ah.
Renewable Energy Power Generation Limited (LSE: WIND.L) develops, constructs, finances and operates onshore renewable energy projects in the UK, involving three main areas: onshore wind energy, biomass energy and solar energy. Raxanteenna sii kordhaya ee beeraha dabaysha ee ku baahsan dalka oo dhan waxay ku siin karaan tamar nadiif ah oo aadka loogu baahan yahay. Maalgelinta kooxdayada khubarada khibradda leh waxay ka dhigan tahay in aan haysanno ilo gudaha ah si aan u aqoonsanno oo aan u horumarino mashaariicda lagu qorsheynayo ogolaanshaha gudaha, iyo sidoo kale dhismaha iyo maareynta beeraha dabaysha. Our strong financial resources enable us to quickly complete the project from agreement to operation.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) waa shirkad saliid iyo gaas madax-bannaan oo adduunka oo dhan ah. Waxay ka shaqeysaa qeybaha sare ee suuqa iyo hoos udhaca suuqa. The company explores and extracts crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; extracts bitumen from mined oil sands and converts it into synthetic crude oil; and uses wind energy to generate electricity. In addition, the company is engaged in the manufacture, supply, and transportation of crude oil; sells fuels, lubricants, bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for household, transportation and industrial purposes; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; iyo ganacsiga tamarta beddelka ah. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; waxay bixisaa adeegyada gaadiidka; waxayna soo saartaa kiimikooyinka aasaasiga ah oo ay ku jiraan ethylene, propylene iyo aromatics, iyo kiimikooyinka dhexdhexaadka ah sida styrene monomer, propylene oxide, dareerayaasha, iyo saabuunta khamriga, ethylene oxide iyo ethylene glycol. The company owns approximately 24 oil refineries; 1,500 storage tanks; iyo 150 tas-hiilaad qaybinta. Waxay ku iibisaa shidaalka hoos yimaada sumadda ruushka ee qolofta leh.
Sauer Energy Corporation (OTC: SENY) is a technology developer and manufacturer focusing on the emerging renewable energy market. SEI's first product, WindCutter, is based on the Darrieus principle and has 5 airfoil blades that use the principle of lift to rotate the shaft and mount it on the rod. SEI waxa kale oo ay qorshaynaysaa in ay bixiso model spiral WindRider, toosan marawaxadaha dabaysha iyada oo la isticmaalayo HelixWind® technology iibsatay 2012. Wax ka beddelka design ee waxqabadka sare ayaa la filayaa in ay keenaan natiijooyin wanaagsan. WindRider sidoo kale waxaa lagu rakibay tiirka waxaana loo isticmaali karaa codsiyada aan u baahnayn rakibidda saqafka. SEI also invented and plans to provide WindCharger® brand turbines to provide better roof installation solutions for residential and other small buildings. SEI's technology is excellent because it requires very few parts. This means lower manufacturing costs, more efficient operation, less maintenance (fewer parts = less chance of failure) and greater power generation. This will provide SEI with a new direction for wind energy capture, making it easier to expand from residential to power small communities-all the way to large industrial facilities. The market opportunities for this new, self-contained innovative technology are limitless and are growing rapidly. SEI has several patents, and there are more patents pending, and we look forward to early manufacturing and commercialization. Waxa kale oo ay si firfircoon u raadinaysaa soo-celinta maaliyadeed ee maalgashiga.
Sea Breeze Power Corp. (TSX: SBX.V) is a Vancouver-based company dedicated to the production and transmission of renewable energy. The world's increasing demand for clean, green power is the fundamental driving force for our business. Wind project: Sea Breeze Power Corp., through several subsidiary holding companies, has approximately 50 research periods at sites in British Columbia for wind energy research and development. These areas total approximately 200,000 hectares and are located in five regions of the province. Garrard Hassan waxa uu daraasad madax-banaan ku sameeyay shirkadda British Columbia Hydropower Company, khayraadka tamarta dabaysha ee British Columbia waxa ay leeyihiin awood weyn
SeaEnergy PLC (LSE.SEA.L) provides strategic innovation for global energy companies. Our pioneering solutions can help oil and gas, renewable energy and other industries fulfill their financial, operational and legal obligations. Waxaan isku darnaa khibradeena qani ah iyo khibrada leh hal-abuurka iyo aqoonta farsamada si aan u fududeyno hababka ganacsiga oo aan gacan uga geysanno waxtarka, badbaadada iyo kalsoonida macaamiisheenna. SeaEnergy's customers are mainly in the oil and gas, wind energy, engineering, construction and public sectors.
Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 2345.HK) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of turbine blades, precision bearings, fasteners, CNC machine tools, etc. in China. And internationally. The company provides turbine blades for large generators, as well as components for the aviation and aerospace markets. Power plants for the energy and aviation industries. It also provides bearing products for railway transportation, vehicles, cargo transportation equipment, aerospace equipment, motors and electrical appliances, as well as bearings and related repair and maintenance services. In addition, the company also produces high-speed steel cutting tools, such as boring cutting tools, thread cutting tools, milling and hinge cutting tools, gear cutting tools and broach cutting tools; as well as carbide cutting tools, superhard material cutting tools, Coated cutting tools, CNC handles and cutting rods, measuring tools and cemented carbide. In addition, it also provides standard and special fasteners; xirmooyinka xoogga badan iyo qalabka la xiriira; and fasteners and special parts for the automotive industry, as well as metal forming machines and tools for the metal forming industry. In addition, it is also engaged in technology development, environmental protection project transfer and consulting, as well as ship anti-corrosion and pollution prevention work and related services. Intaa waxaa dheer, shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale bixisaa adeegyo farsamo oo la xiriira, adeegyada aadanaha, maalgashiga warshadaha, iyo ganacsiga gudaha iyo dib u dhoofinta badeecadaha. Shirkadda waxaa la aasaasay 2005 waxayna xarunteedu tahay Shanghai, Shiinaha. Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Wind power generation: We have more than 30 years of experience in onshore wind power generation and more than 20 years of experience in offshore power generation. Waxaan ka mid nahay hogaamiyayaasha suuqyada caalamka. There are nearly 13,000 wind turbines worldwide with a total capacity of 21 GW, helping to provide the world with clean, renewable energy.
SKF AB (ADR) (OTC: SKFRY) is a leading global supplier of bearings, seals, mechatronics, lubrication systems and services (including technical support, maintenance and reliability services, engineering consulting and training). SKF waxay ka hawlgashaa in ka badan 130 waddan oo adduunka ah waxayna leedahay ku dhawaad 15,000 oo qaybiyayaal adduunka oo dhan ah. Tamarta dabaysha: SKF waxa ay nakhshadaynaysaa oo horumarinaysaa xajmiyada, shaabadaynta, hababka la socodka xaalada iyo nidaamyada sifaynta si loo gaadho kharash badan oo wax ku ool ah koronta dabaysha. Injineerada SKF waxay la shaqeeyaan soosaarayaasha qalabka asalka ah iyo hawl wadeenada beeraha dabaysha si ay u bixiyaan xalal u heellan oo kor u qaadi kara isku halaynta iyo waxqabadka maaraynta maraqa.
Suzlon Energy Limited (NSE: SUZLON.NS) is proud to create lasting value through sustainable development. It firmly believes in connecting its core capabilities to provide the best wind power solutions. The group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of wind turbines. Marka laga soo tago inuu noqdo hogaamiyaha tikniyoolajiyadda, Suzlon waxaa sidoo kale ka go'an ilaalinta jawiga, xoojinta bulshada iyo kor u qaadida kobaca mas'uulka ka ah-Moodeelka mas'uuliyadda bulshada ee shirkadda. The group has been driven by the concept of sustainable development for a long time. Its wind turbines are spread all over the world, which is a sign of a pollution-free environment. Suzlon waa hogaamiyaha suuqa ee Hindiya, oo ka hawlgala Aasiya, Australia, Yurub, Afrika, iyo Waqooyiga iyo Koonfurta Ameerika. Labaatankii sano ee la soo dhaafay, Suzlon ayaa aasaasay oo ku xoojiyey ganacsigeedii 19 dal / gobol iyada oo loo marayo xarumaha jiilka tamarta dabaysha 14,600 MW adduunka oo dhan. Ku rakibida tamarta dabaysha caalamiga ah ee Suzlon waxay caawisaa dhimista 44 milyan oo tan oo qiiqa kaarboon laba ogsaydh sanad walba. Shirkaddu waxay leedahay 14 warshadood oo wax soo saar ah oo ku yaal Hindiya, Shiinaha (shirkad wadaag ah) iyo Maraykanka. Suzlon has a dynamic workforce of more than 6,900 employees from 19 countries/regions, and we proudly support a culture that respects and empowers employees to become the company's most valuable asset.
Tektronix Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-A.TO; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-B.TO) waxay horumarisaa oo soo saartaa kheyraadka dabiiciga ah ee Ameerika, Aasiya Pacific iyo Yurub. The company's main products include steelmaking; copper concentrates and refined copper cathodes; refined zinc and zinc concentrates; and lead concentrates. It also produces molybdenum, gold, silver, germanium, indium and cadmium, as well as chemicals and fertilizers. In addition, the company also holds interests in oil sands projects and other interests in the Athabasca region of Alberta; and has interests in mining and processing operations in Canada, the United States, Chile and Peru, and operates metallurgical plants. It is also interested in wind power facilities. Tektronix Resources Co., Ltd. was established in 1906 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.
TerraForm Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GLBL) waa milkiile caalami ah oo kala duwan oo leh hantida tamarta nadiifka ah, oo ay ku jiraan mashaariicda tamarta qoraxda, dabaysha iyo biyaha ee soo jiidashada, kobaca sare ee suuqyada.
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) is a leading provider of consulting, engineering, process management and construction management services. The company supports commercial and government customers focused on water, environment, infrastructure, resource management and energy. Tetra Tech has 13,000 employees worldwide, providing clear solutions to complex problems. Wind energy: Tetra Tech is a leader in the wind energy market and ranks second in wind energy in the Engineering News Record. Waxaan bixinaa jawi isku dhafan, injineernimada, maareynta dhismaha iyo xalalka adeegga hawlgalka dhammaan heerarka horumarinta mashruuca tamarta dabaysha. Tetra Tech waxay taageertaa mashaariicda 20 ee 25 ka mid ah horumarinta tamarta dabaysha iyo 80% ee warshadaha tamarta dabaysha ee ugu sarreeya OEMs. In the past few years, our team has carried out more than 650 wind energy projects worldwide, with a total generating capacity of more than 25,000 MW. Our project experience covers all 50 states in the United States and 8 provinces in Canada.
Theolia (Paris: TEO.PA) waa horumariye iyo hawlwadeen mashruuc tamarta dabaysha Faransiiska. Ganacsiga shirkadu wuxuu inta badan diiradda saaraa horumarinta mashaariicda dabaysha iyo dhismaha xarumaha tamarta dabaysha ee kooxda shirkadda lafteeda iyo qaybaha saddexaad, iyo sidoo kale hawlgalka beeraha dabaysha ee France, Germany, Morocco iyo Italy. It also involves the sale of wind farm systems in two to four years (excluding trade activities). The activities and business services of Theolia SA are applicable to the entire value chain of the wind energy industry, from location determination to commissioning the operation of wind farms, including the process of obtaining construction and operation authorization, selection of wind turbines, research to raise funds, and construction of operating farms And sales.
Pan Asia Petroleum and Energy Development Corporation (Philippines: TA.PH) In the foreseeable future, in view of the rapid growth of local energy demand, there are many opportunities. Power generation and power supply are Pan Asia's core business. Sida u doodaha tamarta waarta, shirkaddu waxay sidoo kale maalgelisaa tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo sida dabaysha iyo tamarta dhulka hoostiisa, taas oo ay aaminsan tahay in ay fure u tahay joogteynta mustaqbalka fog ee horumarka dhaqaalaha dalka.
TranStal Hay'adda (TSX: ta.To; Nyse: TAC: TAC) waa jiil awood iyo shirkad suuq geyn oo u heellan abuuritaanka qiimo-wadaag waqti-dheer. TransAlta waxa ay ilaalisaa khatar hoose iyo mid dhexe iyada oo ka shaqaynaysa galka hantida qandaraaska sare leh ee Kanada, Maraykanka iyo Australia. TransAlta's focus is on efficiently operating wind, water, natural gas and coal facilities in order to provide customers with reliable and low-cost energy. For more than 100 years, TransAlta has been a responsible operator and has made outstanding contributions to the communities in which it works and lives. Since 2009, TransAlta has been selected by Sustainalytics as one of the 50 most socially responsible companies in Canada, and has been recognized globally by FTSE4Good for its leadership in sustainability and corporate responsibility standards.
TransAlta Renewable Energy Company (TSX: RNW.TO; OTC: TRSWF) has 16 wind power and 12 hydroelectric power generation facilities, and in TransAlta's Sarnia thermal power plant, Le Nordais wind farm, uneven chute hydroelectric power station, Wyoming Wind Farm and Australia have economically beneficial assets with a total installed capacity of 2,467 MW, of which they have a net ownership interest of 2.291 MW. Garsooraha 'Grantta' Danaha dhaqaale ee ka dhaca hantida Australiyaanka waxaa ka mid ah 425 mw oo ah jiilka awooda ee ka socda lixda hanti ee ka shaqeysa oo lagu sameeyo qandaraasyo muddada dheer ah, iyo sidoo kale 150 MW South Hedland oo hadda socda oo dhawaan ka socda dhismaha. The project commissioned 270 kilometers of natural gas pipelines. TransAlta Renewables has the largest power generation capacity of any publicly traded renewable independent power producer (“IPP”) in Canada, and its wind power capacity is more than any other publicly traded IPP in Canada. TransAlta Renewables' strategy focuses on the efficient operation of its asset portfolio and expands its asset base by acquiring high-quality contract renewable energy and natural gas power generation facilities and other infrastructure assets. Hadafkayagu waa in aan (i) u abuurno soo celin xasilloon oo joogto ah maalgashadayaasha iyada oo loo marayo lahaanshaha qandaraaska tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo iyo soo saarista tamarta gaaska dabiiciga ah ee suurtagalka ah iyo hantida kale ee kaabayaasha, iyo hantidaas iyada oo loo marayo saaxiibo sumcad leh (oo ay ku jiraan TransAlta Corporation) Qandaraasyada muddada-dheer waxay bixiyaan lacag caddaan ah oo xasilloon. socodka; (ii) Raadi oo u isticmaal fursadaha kobaca istiraatiijiyadeed ee aagagga tamarta la cusboonaysiin karo, jiilka awooda gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo kaabayaasha kale; (iii) Bixiyaan qayb ka mid ah lacagta caddaanka ah ee loo qoondeyn karo saamileyda shirkadda bil kasta.
TrustPower Limited (NZE: TPW.NZ) is engaged in the production and retail of electricity. The company's power generation department develops, owns and operates renewable energy power generation facilities. The department has 34 hydroelectric power stations and 2 wind farms in New Zealand; and 2 wind farms in South Australia. Qeybta tafaariiqda ayaa ku lug leh tafaariiqda korantada, gaaska dabiiciga ah iyo adeegyada isgaarsiinta.
Vestas Wind Energy Systems (OTC: VWSYF) is the only global energy company dedicated exclusively to wind energy-increasing the certainty of the business case and reducing energy costs for customers. Vestas works closely with customers to provide the most effective solutions for achieving energy independence. Our core business is the development, manufacturing, sales and maintenance of wind power plants. Awoodeeda waxay daboolaysaa dhammaan qaybaha silsiladda qiimaha laga bilaabo cilmi-baarista goobta ilaa adeegga iyo dayactirka.
Wind Works Power Corp. (OTC: WWPW) now operates 4.6 megawatts (MW) in Germany. The company has 49% ownership and is expected to double to 9.2 MW by the end of the year. In addition, Wind Works is working with Capstone Infrastructures (a subsidiary of Macquarie Infrastructures) to develop a 50 MW feed-in tariff contract project in Ontario and increase its own 10 MW; Mashruuc dambe oo Germany laga sameeyay 77 MW; iyo dhuumaha mashruuca ee Maraykanka. Our mission is to provide people with opportunities to participate in the development of renewable wind energy projects. We believe that reasonable investments that are good for the environment are good for our shareholders and our planet. In order to eliminate a person's annual carbon footprint of 10 tons (for Germany), it only takes about 2 days to produce a modern windmill, which can save 2 tons. 20,000 kWh of clean energy and zero-emission energy.
WindFlow Tech Adr (NZSE: Wtl.nz) waa soo-saare soosaare New Zealand ah oo siisa marawaxadaha dabaysha iyo qiimeynta goobta laxiriira, rakibidda iyo adeegyada beeraha ee tamarta.
WS Atkins plc (LSE: ATK.L) is one of the most respected design, engineering and project management consulting companies in the world. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins waxa uu safka hore kaga jiraa kacaanka tamarta dib loo cusboonaysiin karo ee badda, isaga oo bixisa fikrado la isku halayn karo iyo qaabaynta injineernimada oo faahfaahsan iyo adeegyada milkiilaha-injineernimada ee dhinacyada dabaysha, hirarka iyo tamarta hirarka.
Woodward Corporation (NasdaqGS: WWD) is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control system solutions and components for the aviation and energy markets. The company's innovative fluid, combustion, electrical and motion control systems can help customers provide cleaner, more reliable and more efficient equipment. Our customers include leading original equipment manufacturers and end users of their products. Woodward waa shirkad caalami ah oo xarunteedu tahay Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Wind power: Woodward is one of the leading suppliers of wind converters for renewable energy power generation. More than 9,500 converters that Woodward has installed in onshore and offshore applications provide Woodward with the ability and experience to become a leader in the wind energy business. CONCYCLE's precise and intelligent control algorithm® wind power converter, in combination with variable speed generators, creates a power generation system optimized for power plant quality.
Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) is a major power and natural gas company in the United States with regulated operations in eight Western and Midwestern states. Xcel Energy waxay siisaa faylal dhammaystiran oo badeecooyin iyo adeegyo la xidhiidha tamarta 3.5 milyan isticmaaleyaasha korantada iyo 2 milyan isticmaaleyaasha gaaska dabiiciga ah iyada oo u sii marinaysa shirkadaheeda shaqo ee nidaamsan. Xarunta shirkadu waxay ku taal Minneapolis. The main power generation facilities we operate use a variety of fuels, including coal, natural gas, nuclear fuel, water (water), oil and garbage; we also have facilities that use wind energy to generate electricity.
Xiinjiang Goldwing Coghcyos tik., Ltd. The company operates through three divisions: WTG manufacturing, wind power generation services, and wind farm investment, development and sales. Waxay ku hawlan tahay cilmi-baarista, horumarinta, wax-soo-saarka iyo iibinta mishiinnada marawaxadaha dabaysha iyo qaybaha tamarta dabaysha; the development and operation of wind farms; and provides wind power related consulting, wind farm construction, maintenance and transportation services. The company's main products include 1.5 megawatt (MW) and 2.5 MW permanent magnet direct drive (PMDD) wind turbines. It is also engaged in the manufacture and sale of wind energy equipment and accessories; machinery and technology trade; and the construction and operation of wind power and solar power projects.
Xzeres Corp (OTC: XPWR) waa shirkad tamar la cusboonaysiin karo oo caalami ah. The company designs and manufactures grid-connected and off-grid wind turbine systems and energy efficiency solutions for the commercial, light industrial and residential markets. XZERES products can reduce energy costs and carbon footprint. The company's international distribution network is headquartered in Wilsonville, Oregon, and supports the deployment of its products in 110 countries/regions on seven continents.
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