The first generation of semiconductor materials is represented by traditional silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge), which are the basis for integrated circuit manufacturing. They are widely used in low-...
A lithium battery is a type of battery using a lithium metal or a lithium alloy as a negative electrode material and a nonaqueous electrolyte solution. Lithium batteries are mainly used in digital ...
Sphere carbon black:
• High mesopore ratio : High surface area
• High crystallinity and strong adhesion : High anti-corrosion and stability
Carbon NanoFiber:
• Uniform edge surface : High el...
Nicola announced the sale of its battery electric vehicle (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) to the Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA).
The sale secures the company’...
What are the characteristics of expandable graphite after heating into expandable graphite?
The expansion characteristics of expandable graphite sheet are different from other expansion agent...