As the basis of modern electronic devices, semiconductor material are undergo unprecedented change. today, diamond is gradually screening its great potential as a fourth-coevals semiconductor mater...
Fuel cells can be divided into proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and direct methanol fuel cells according to the electrolyte properties and fuel used
(DMFC), phosphoric acid fuel cell (PA...
SiC single crystal is a Group IV-IV compound semiconductor material composed of two elements, Si and C, in a stoichiometric ratio of 1:1. Its hardness is second only to diamond.
The carbon reducti...
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This paper analyzes the current activated carbon market, conducts an in-depth analys...
The rising price of raw materials is the main driver of the recent price rise of graphite electrode products. the background of the national “carbon neutralization” target and the stric...
Graphite is a non-metallic mineral resource with a variety of special properties such as high temperature resistance, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, lubrication, chemical stability,...