Semiconductor device is the core of the modern industrial machine equipment, widely used in computers, consumer electronics, network communications, automotive electronics, and other areas of the c...
Graphite Bearing is made by Electro-Graphite, Carbon Graphite, Metal Graphite, and Resin-Bonded Graphit, Two types are incluided that are Radial Bearing and Axial Bearing.
The global Graphite Beari...
If companies want to maintain a leading position in today’s fast-developing business environment, then the Japanese high-grade isostatic graphite market report will be their final solution.
A wafer is a slice of silicon roughly 1 millimeter thick that has an extremely flat surface thanks to procedures that are technically very demanding. The subsequent use ...
2. Epitaxial thin film growth
The substrate provides a physical support layer or conductive layer for Ga2O3 power devices. The next important layer is the channel layer or epitaxial layer used f...
Toyota Motor Corporation has announced that it will develop PEM electrolytic hydrogen production equipment in the field of hydrogen energy, which is based on fuel cell (FC) reactor and Mirai techno...