DynaCERT Inc. پيدا ڪري ٿو ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو CO2 اخراج گھٽائڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجيون اندروني ڪمبشن انجڻ لاءِ. وڌندڙ اهم بين الاقوامي هائيڊروجن معيشت جي حصي جي طور تي، اسان هڪ منفرد اليڪٽرروليسس سسٽم ذريعي هائڊروجن ۽ آڪسيجن پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ اسان جي پيٽنٽ ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندا آهيون. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Our technology is compatible with many types and sizes of diesel engines, such as those used in automobiles, refrigerated trucks, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railway locomotives. Internet: www.dynaCERT.com
BIOREM Inc. (TSX: BRM.V) is a leading clean technology company dedicated to designing, manufacturing and distributing a series of comprehensive high-efficiency air emission control systems to eliminate odors, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and harmful air pollution Objects ( HAPs). BIOREM وٽ سڄي آفريقي براعظم ۾ سيلز ۽ پيداوار جون آفيسون آهن، خاص تحقيقي ادارا، هڪ عالمي سيلز نمائندو نيٽ ورڪ، ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ 1,000 کان وڌيڪ نصب ٿيل سسٽم، جيڪي ميونسپلٽيز، صنعتي ڪمپنيون ۽ ادارن کي ٽيڪنالاجي جي بنياد تي سڀ کان وڌيڪ جديد پروڊڪٽس سان مهيا ڪري سگھن ٿا، توهان کي اجازت ڏين ٿا. use the communities around them at ease.
CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: YES.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., located in Mississauga, Ontario, produces a proprietary activated carbon-like material (SulfaCHAR) that can be used to remove hydrogen sulfide (mainly rich in Methane gas) and foul هوا).
CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) is an innovator in the field of enzymatic carbon capture, and has been committed to the development and commercialization of fixed carbon pollution source technologies. CO2 Solutions' technology lowers the cost barrier of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCSU), positioning it as a viable CO2 mitigation tool, and enabling the industry to obtain profitable new products from these emissions. CO2 حلن هڪ وسيع پيٽنٽ پورٽ فوليو قائم ڪيو آهي جنهن ۾ ڪاربن ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ کي پڪڙڻ لاءِ ڪاربن ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ کي پڪڙڻ لاءِ ڪاربنڪ اينهائيڊريس يا ان جي اينالاگ استعمال کي ڍڪيندو آهي، جنهن ۾ گھٽ توانائي واري آبي محلولن سان موثر دھلجڻ کانپوءِ.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. وسيع پئسفڪ سمنڊ ۾ روايتي جيوتھرمل وسيلا ريم آھن.
Pond Technologies Holdings Inc. (TSX: POND.V) has developed a proprietary growth platform that can convert almost all sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable biological products. Pond works with the cement, steel, oil and gas, and power generation industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create new sources of income. پائونڊ جي پليٽ فارم ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ پڻ شامل آهي algae superfoods جي ترقي لاءِ nutraceutical and food additive markets. Pond's system is capable of growing a variety of algae, including strains that produce antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and protein for human and animal consumption
Reno International Corporation (OTC: RINO) is an environmental protection and remediation company in the People's Republic of China. The company is engaged in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of wastewater treatment and flue gas desulfurization equipment mainly used in the steel industry; as well as anti-oxidation products and equipment used in the production of hot-rolled steel plate products. Its products include Lamella inclined tube settler wastewater treatment system, including industrial water treatment equipment, wastewater condensing equipment kits, solid and liquid extraction and dehydration equipment, and coal gas dust removal and cleaning equipment; گردش ڪندڙ فلوائيزڊ بيڊ فليو گيس ڊيسلفرائيزيشن سسٽم اسٽيل جي پيداوار کي ختم ڪرڻ لاءِ گرينولر سلفر فلو گيس ۾ جيڪو sintering عمل دوران پيدا ٿيو؛ a high-temperature anti-oxidation system for hot-rolled steel, a set of products and a mechanized system, which can reduce the output loss related to oxidation in the continuous casting of hot-rolled steel production. In addition, it also provides contract processing services for third-party industrial companies.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) هڪ بين الاقوامي ماحولياتي آئل فيلڊ سروس فراهم ڪندڙ آهي، جيڪو 1994 جي آخر ۾ قائم ٿيو، هيڊ ڪوارٽر ڪئلگري، البرٽا، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ ان جون آفيسون پريري، البرٽا ۾ آهن. ڪمپني صاف ايئر ٽيڪنالاجي تي فوڪس ڪري ٿي ۽ ڪئناڊا، آمريڪا، يورپ ۽ ايشيا ۾ آپريشنز ٿي چڪي آهي. ڳولا يافته ڊزائن ۽ پاليسين کي وڪرو ڪرڻ يا ڀا quress و وڪرو ڪرڻ جي لاء پيدا ڪري ٿو، ۽ بصيرت سان لاڳاپيل تيل جي فيلڊ سروس فراهم ڪري ٿو. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor is known for its special expertise in sour gas (H2S) combustion. صاف پاور حلن جي ذريعي (ڳولا ڪندڙ جي هڪ ماتحت)، اها ٽيڪنالاجي کي ڪارائتو گندو اڀياس ڪرڻ جو موقعو پيدا ڪري، جيڪا پاڻي جي واپر ۽ طاقت جي خرابي کي استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو. جيتوڻيڪ Questor جو موجوده گراهڪ بنيادي طور تي ڪم ڪري ٿو خام تيل ۽ قدرتي گئس جي صنعتن ۾، ڪمپني جي ڪمبشن ٽيڪنالاجي پڻ ٻين صنعتن تي لاڳو ٿئي ٿي، جهڙوڪ لينڊ فلز، پاڻي ۽ نيڪال جي علاج، ٽائر ريسائڪلنگ ۽ زراعت.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. اسان جي CO2 مارڪيٽ برانڊ جي ذريعي، اسان آسٽريليا جي سڀ کان وڏي ماحولياتي سرٽيفڪيٽ واپارين مان هڪ بڻجي ويا آهيون، ۽ ساڳئي وقت توانائي جي وڌندڙ قيمتن کي منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ GO Energy ذريعي تجارتي شعبي کي سمارٽ، ممڪن ۽ قابل تجديد حل فراهم ڪريون ٿا. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. هن فيلڊ جي مسلسل ترقي ۾، اسان جي جديد برانڊ GO ڪوٽا جو مقصد شمسي صنعت کي سپورٽ ڪرڻ ۽ صارفين کي مقامي شمسي فراهم ڪندڙن کان مفت انسٽاليشن ڪوٽا حاصل ڪرڻ جو موقعو ڏيڻ آهي، جڏهن ته CO2 گلوبل معيار جي ضمانت (QA) ۽ معيار ڪنٽرول (QC) فراهم ڪري ٿو. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
TOMI™Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTC: TOMZ) is a global bacterial decontamination and infectious disease control company that manufactures, sells and licenses products based on the main platform of hydrogen peroxide through manufacturing, sales and licensing, for indoor surfaces Decontamination provides an environmentally friendly environmental solution. بائنري آئنائيزيشن ٽيڪنالاجي (BIT) TOMI (TM) SteraMist (TM) برانڊ جي نمائندگي ڪندڙ ڇھ logarithmic fog پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ سڀ کان وڌيڪ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي آھي. TOMI جي پروڊڪٽس ڊزائين ڪيل آهن تجارتي اڏاوتن جي وسيع رينج جي خدمت ڪرڻ لاء، جن ۾ اسپتالون ۽ طبي سهولتون، کروز ٻيڙيون، آفيس عمارتون، هوٽلون ۽ موٽل، اسڪول، ريسٽورنٽ، گوشت ۽ کاڌي جي پروسيسنگ جون سهولتون غير کاڌي جي حفاظت، فوجي بيرڪ ۽ راندين جي ميدان جو سامان شامل آهن. . TOMI's products and services have also been used in single-family houses and multi-family houses. TOMI پنهنجي گراهڪن لاءِ تربيتي پروگرام ۽ ايپليڪيشن پروٽوڪول پڻ ٺاهي ٿو، ۽ آمريڪي بايو سيفٽي ايسوسيئيشن، آمريڪي آرگنائيزيشن بئنڪنگ ايسوسيئيشن، پروفيشنل ايسوسيئيشن آف انفيڪشن ڪنٽرول اينڊ ايپيڊميولوجي، آمريڪي ميڊيڪل اينڊ هيلٿ ايپيڊميولوجي ايسوسيئيشن، ۽ ريپئر ايسوسيئيشن جو سٺو ميمبر آهي. . Industry Association, Indoor Air Quality Association and International Ozone Association.

Calvert Global Alternative Energy A (Nasdaq: ^ CGAEX) This investment seeks long-term capital growth. The fund usually invests at least 80% of its net assets (including borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of US and non-US companies whose main business is sustainable energy solutions or have significant businesses in the field of sustainable energy solutions. ان ۾ پائيدار، سماجي طور تي ذميوار سيڙپڪاري معيار آهي جيڪي ڪمپنين جي مخصوص قسمن کي سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ چاهيندا آهن ۽ فنڊ ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ چاهيندا آهن.
Cambium Global Timberland Limited (“Cambium”) (LSE: TREE.L) owns many geographically different forest land assets. ڪمپني جي حڪمت عملي آهي گروپ جي سيڙپڪاري کي منظم طريقي سان لاڳو ڪرڻ، شيئر هولڊرز لاءِ وڌ کان وڌ قيمت ڏيڻ، ۽ عارضي سرمائي جي واپسي ذريعي شيئر هولڊرز کي باقي نقد واپس ڪرڻ.

Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund (Nasdaq: GAAEX) This investment seeks long-term capital appreciation. فنڊ ان جي خالص اثاثن جو گھٽ ۾ گھٽ 80٪ (ان سان گڏ سيڙپڪاري جي مقصدن لاءِ ڪو به قرض) متبادل توانائي ڪمپنين (يو ايس ۽ غير يو ايس) جي ايڪوٽي سيڪيورٽيز ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪري ٿو. The adviser will invest the assets of the fund in the securities of all market capitalization companies and companies registered in the United States and foreign countries, including companies that are potentially registered or traded in emerging markets. فنڊ غير متنوع آهي.

iPath Global Carbon ETN (NYSE: GRN) aims to provide investors with an understanding of the Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™. Barclays Global Carbon Index Total Return™ (هتان کان پوءِ ”انڊيڪس“ جي نالي سان حوالو ڏنو ويو آهي) سڀ کان وڌيڪ مائع ڪاربن سان لاڳاپيل ڪريڊٽ پروگرامن جي ڪارڪردگي کي ماپڻ لاءِ ٺهيل آهي. Every carbon-related credit scheme included in the index is represented by the most liquid instrument on the market. The index is expected to be included in new carbon-related credit programs worldwide.

Mkt Vectors Glb Alternative Energy ETF (NYSEArca: GEX) هي سيڙپڪاري Ardor Global IndexSM جي قيمت ۽ آمدني جي ڪارڪردگي کي نقل ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري ٿي (اضافي لياقت) فيس ۽ خرچن کان اڳ جيترو ممڪن ٿي سگهي. فنڊ عام طور تي انهن جي مجموعي اثاثن جو گهٽ ۾ گهٽ 80٪ سيڪيورٽيز ۾ سيڙپ ڪندا آهن جيڪي ٺاهيندا آهن آرڊور گلوبل انڊيڪس. انڊيڪس بنيادي طور تي متبادل توانائي جي صنعت ۽ صنعتي ۽ معلوماتي ٽيڪنالاجي شعبن ۾ مرڪوز آهي. Utilities and consumer discretionary industries account for a large part of the Ardor global index. It is non-diversified.

Market Vectors Solar Energy (NYSEArca: KWT) attempts to replicate the price and earnings performance of the MarketVectors® Global Solar Index as closely as possible before excluding fees and expenses. A fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities that make up the fund's benchmark index. The solar energy index is the fund's benchmark index, which consists of equity securities of companies whose income is at least 50% from photovoltaics and solar energy, or manufacturers of solar energy equipment/technology and materials or service equipment/technology for solar energy. اهو غير متنوع آهي.

The PowerShares Clean Technology ETF (NYSEArca: PZD) is based on the Cleantech Index™. The fund usually invests at least 90% of its total assets in the stocks of clean technology (or clean technology) companies that make up the index and American depositary receipts based on the stocks of the index. انڊيڪس جو مقصد صنعتن جي وسيع رينج مان معروف صاف ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپنين کي ٽريڪ ڪرڻ آهي جيڪي سيڙپڪاري تي بهترين واپسي فراهم ڪن ٿيون. The Clean Technology Index is a modified average weighted index composed of publicly traded clean technology company stocks (and ADRs for such stocks). Funds and indexes are re-allocated every quarter

PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Portfolio (NYSEArca: PBW) WilderHill Clean Energy Index (Index) تي ٻڌل آھي. فنڊ عام طور تي ان جي مجموعي اثاثن جو گهٽ ۾ گهٽ 90٪ عام اسٽاڪ ۾ لڳائيندو آهي جيڪي انڊيڪس ٺاهيندا آهن. انڊيڪس ڪمپنين جي اسٽاڪ مان ٺهيل آهي جيڪي آمريڪا ۾ عام طور تي واپار ڪيا ويا آهن ۽ صاف توانائي ۽ توانائي جي بچاء واري ڪاروبار ۾ مصروف آهن. Funds and indexes are re-allocated every quarter

SPDR Standard & Poor's Kensho Clean Energy ETF (NYSEArca: CNRG) سيڙپڪاري جا نتيجا مهيا ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري ٿو، جيڪي فيس ۽ خرچن جي ڪٽائي وڃڻ کان اڳ، عام طور تي معياري ۽ غريب جي ڪينشو ڪلين انرجي انڊيڪس جي ڪل واپسي ڪارڪردگي سان ملن ٿا. Under normal market conditions, a fund usually invests the vast majority (at least 80%) of all its assets in the securities that make up the index. The index aims to capture companies whose products and services are driving clean energy innovation. The fund can invest in equity securities, cash and cash equivalents or money market instruments not included in the index, such as repurchase agreements and money market funds. اهو غير متنوع آهي.
Trading Emissions Corporation (LSE: TRE.L) operates as a closed-end investment fund in the UK. اهو ماحولياتي ۽ اخراج اثاثن ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪندو آهي. The fund invests in a series of environmental tools, focusing on units generated by projects developed under the joint implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism and the “Kyoto Protocol”
VanEck Vectors Low Carbon Energy ETF (NYSEArca: SMOG) strives to replicate the price and income performance of Ardor Global IndexSM Extra Liquid (AGIXLT) as closely as possible before deducting fees and expenses. The index aims to track the overall performance of low-carbon energy companies, which are mainly engaged in alternative energy, including electricity mainly from biofuels (such as ethanol), wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal energy, as well as supporting the production انهن وسيلن مان. Various technologies used and stored
WilderHill Clean Energy Index (NYSE: ^ ECO) WilderHill® Index (ECO) جو ڌيان صاف توانائي جي شعبي کي بيان ڪرڻ ۽ ٽريڪ ڪرڻ آهي: خاص طور تي، ڪمپنيون جيڪي سماجي منتقلي مان فائدو وٺن ٿيون هڪ سماج ڏانهن جيڪي صاف توانائي استعمال ڪن ٿيون ۽ بچت ڪن ٿيون. energy. The inventory and industry weights in the ECO index are based on their importance to clean energy, technological impact, and relevance to pollution prevention. We emphasize new solutions that are both ecologically and economically meaningful, and strive to become a leader in this field.

WilderHill Progressive Energy Index (NYSE: ^ WHPRO) is composed of companies that serve as energy bridges by improving the near-term use of fossil fuels, increasing their efficiency and reducing their conventional pollution, CO2 and other emissions. WHPRO پهرين ڪمپني آهي جيڪا جديد قدرتي گئس جي جدت تي قبضو ڪري ٿي. It is a new way to reduce the hazards of major non-renewable energy sources that still dominate the energy industry today. It captures and tracks various means to better reduce the pollution and carbon burden in our current energy structure.

Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom دنيا جي تيز ترين ٽرين ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ ظرفيت واري خودڪار سب وي ٺاهي آهي، ٽرنڪي انٽيگريٽڊ پاور اسٽيشن حل ۽ لاڳاپيل خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي مختلف توانائي جي ذريعن لاءِ جن ۾ هائيڊرو پاور، ايٽمي طاقت، قدرتي گئس، ڪوئلي ۽ ونڊ انرجي، ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿي پاور ٽرانسميشن حل جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو. , with a focus on smart grids. Battery energy storage: Based on years of experience in power electronics and AC substations, Alstom has developed a complete set of intelligent battery storage solutions Maxsine™ eStorage as a competitive solution to the grid challenges.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) is called Altairnano and is a publicly traded company. Altairnano صاف ۽ موثر طاقت ۽ توانائي جي انتظام لاء توانائي اسٽوريج سسٽم ٺاهي، ٺاهي ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني تجارتي حل مهيا ڪري ٿي جيڪا گرڊ ماڊرنائيزيشن، يوٽيلٽي-اسڪيل قابل تجديد توانائي جي انضمام، ۽ ريموٽ اڻ رڪاوٽ پاور سپلائي (UPS) جي ضرورتن، فوجي ۽ ٽرانسپورٽ ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ مدد ڪري ٿي.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. پهرين درجي ۾ ليٿيم بيٽرين سان هلندڙ موٽرسائيڪلون آهن، بعد ۾ موٽر سائيڪلون. ALYI پڻ تازو ئي ڪلارڪسن يونيورسٽي جي پروفيسر ڊيوڊ متلن کي ڀنگ جي انرجي اسٽوريج پروگرام جي اڳواڻي ڪرڻ لاءِ رکيو آهي. Mitlin successfully used hemp (remaining fiber of hemp) to construct carbon nanosheets, which can compete with some of the better graphene nanosheets and outperform supercapacitors in some aspects . Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
American Vanadium Corporation (TSX: AVC.V) is a comprehensive energy storage company and the main North American sales agent for the CellCube energy storage system of GILDEMEISTER Energy Solutions. CellCube is the world's leading commercial vanadium flow battery, which can provide a long-term solution for a service life of more than 20 years, and can be used for a wide range of applications including the integration of renewable energy and the reduction of demand charges . CellCube is a powerful, durable and reliable energy storage system that ensures clean, emission-free energy is always provided. American Vanadium is developing the Gibellini vanadium project in Nevada, which will become the only dedicated vanadium mine in the United States, providing an important source of vanadium electrolyte for the CellCube energy storage system.
Axion Power Intl Inc (NasdaqCM: AXPW) ليڊ ڪاربن انرجي اسٽوريج ۾ انڊسٽري ليڊر آهي. ان جي PbC بيٽري ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي ملڪيت جي چالو ڪاربن اليڪٽرروڊس واحد ترقي يافته بيٽري آهي جيڪا پوري دنيا ۾ موجود ليڊ ايسڊ جي پيداوار واري لائنن تي گڏ ڪري سگهجي ٿي. Axion Power جو بنيادي مقصد سڄي دنيا ۾ ليڊ ايسڊ بيٽري ڪمپنين لاءِ ڪاربن اليڪٽرروڊ اسيمبليءَ جو هڪ اهم سپلائر بڻجڻ آهي.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) is a leading manufacturer of household and commercial electric vehicles, drive systems and lithium battery storage systems. اسان عالمي ٽرڪ ۽ بس ٺاهيندڙن لاءِ ڪسٽمائيز برقي ڊرائيو سسٽم حل پڻ ٺاهيندا آهيون. Balqon Corporation has production and R&D facilities in Seaport, California, and works with local manufacturing partners to manufacture electric buses and trucks in Europe, India and China.

CellCube Energy Storage Systems Company (CSE: CUBE; OTC: CECBF)-formerly Stina Resources-is a vanadium resource company dedicated to becoming a fully integrated manufacturer of vanadium and vanadium electrolytes in the battery storage industry. The company's vanadium mineral resources are located in the Bisoni McKay and Bisoni Rio mining areas in northern Nevada. Stina recently acquired Gildemeister's assets, which are now operated by its subsidiary Enerox GmbH and renamed CellCube Energy Storage Systems Inc., enabling the company to capitalize on global demand for vanadium redox flow batteries to help meet the world's rapid Increasing demand for energy and storage requirements .
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) ۽ ان جي ماتحت ڪمپنيون گڏيل طور تي چين ۽ بين الاقوامي سطح تي اعليٰ توانائي ۽ اعليٰ توانائي واري ليٿيم بيٽرين جي ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪري لاءِ پرعزم آهن. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
چائنا TMK بيٽري سسٽم ڪمپني (OTC: DFEL) عوامي جمهوريه چين ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ Ni-MH ريچارج لائق بيٽريون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company mainly provides products for wireless household appliances, vacuum cleaners, power tools and other household appliances, electric bicycles, battery-powered toys and medical equipment. It sells products directly to distributors and packaging manufacturers.
1802 کان وٺي، DuPont (NYSE: DD) عالمي سطح جي سائنس ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيڪنالاجي کي عالمي مارڪيٽ ۾ جديد شين، مواد ۽ خدمتن جي صورت ۾ آندو آهي. ڪمپني کي يقين آهي ته گراهڪن، حڪومتن، غير سرڪاري تنظيمن ۽ سوچ جي اڳواڻن سان تعاون ذريعي، اسان عالمي چئلينجن جو حل ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهون ٿا، جهڙوڪ سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن لاء ڪافي صحتمند کاڌو مهيا ڪرڻ، فوسل ايندھن تي انحصار کي گهٽائڻ ۽ زندگي جي حفاظت ۽. ماحول. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. اهو پنهنجي ٽيڪنالاجي ايپليڪيشنن کي لائسنس ڏيڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو ۽ مختلف صنعتن ۽ ايپليڪيشنن ۾ تعاون جا موقعا. ڪمپني اڳوڻي زين موٽر ڪمپني Inc. ۽ اپريل 2015 ۾ ايستر ڪارپوريشن طور سڃاتو ويو.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. برقيات کي فروغ ڏيو (ڪارون، ريچارجبل بيٽرين، وڏي پيماني تي توانائي اسٽوريج، قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار ۽ ٻيون ايپليڪيشنون). اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين جي وڪرو، بيٽري جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي مان بجلي جي پيداوار ايندڙ ڪجهه سالن ۾ خاص طور تي وڌڻ جو امڪان آهي، تنهنڪري انهن حدف ٿيل شين جي گهرج مطابق وڌي ويندي. اهو هڪ منفرد موقعو پيدا ڪري ٿو سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ ۽ مائنز ۽ منصوبن تي رائلٽي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي توانائي جي انقلاب لاءِ گهربل مواد فراهم ڪندا. گلوبلڪس پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کان علاوه، برقي فرنچائز جي استعمال لاء ارادي جو خط پابند آهي. رائلٽي جا 6 مجموعا آهن. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) designs, develops and manufactures proprietary Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 batteries, battery systems, and battery-related products for energy storage, clean power transportation and other special applications. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر اونٽاريو، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ڪينيڊا ۽ جرمني ۾ پيداوار جون سهولتون آهن، ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ گراهڪ آهن.
فعال ڪريو IPC (OTC: EIPC) آمريڪا ۾ نئين نانو اسٽريچرز کي ترقي ۽ تجارتي ڪري ٿو. ان جي نانو اسٽريچر کي ريچارجبل بيٽرين ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿا گھٽ پاور ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ، گڏو گڏ مائڪرو بيٽرين ۾ خوردبيني فلمن تي. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. نانو ذرات ۽ نانو ذرات جيڪي توانائي اسٽوريج ڊوائيسز ۾ استعمال ڪيا ويا آهن جهڙوڪ سپر ڪيپيسٽرز ۽ ليتيم آئن بيٽري ڪيٿوڊس. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. گهڻيون توانائي جون شيون ۽ حل فوري طور تي لاڳو ڪري سگھجن ٿيون جتي ضرورت هجي. EHT هڪ مڪمل سيٽ شمسي فوٽووولٽڪ، ونڊ انرجي ۽ بيٽري اسٽوريج حلن کي گڏ ڪري ٿو ته جيئن مقابلي کان ٻاهر نڪرڻ لاء. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. اهي مصنوعات کي پرڪشش ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پرڪشش ڪمن، ٿڌن گهرن، نن، اسرار ۽ شهري عمارتون، ۽ عارضي عمارتون.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) صنعتي ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ توانائي اسٽوريج حلن ۾ عالمي ليڊر آهي، بيڪ اپ پاور ۽ پاور بيٽريز، چارجرز، پاور سامان، بيٽري لوازمات ۽ سڄي دنيا جي گراهڪن لاءِ آئوٽ ڊور سامان هائوسنگ حلن جي پيداوار ۽ تقسيم ڪرڻ. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. بيڪ اپ پاور بيٽريون ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن ۽ يوٽيلٽي انڊسٽريز ۾ استعمال ٿينديون آهن، بي ترتيب بجلي جي فراهمي، ۽ ڪيتريون ئي ايپليڪيشنون جيڪي اسٽوريج توانائي جي حل جي ضرورت هونديون آهن، بشمول طبي، ايرو اسپيس، ۽ دفاعي نظام. آئوٽ ڊور سامان شيل پروڊڪٽس ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن، ڪيبلز، يوٽيلٽيز، ٽرانسپورٽ جي صنعتن سان گڏ حڪومتي ۽ دفاعي گراهڪن ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن. ڪمپني پڻ 100 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائڪن کان گراهڪن کي بعد ۾ سيلز ۽ ڪسٽمر سپورٽ خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿي سڄي دنيا ۾ پنهنجي سيلز ۽ پيداواري جڳهن ذريعي

Fengfan ڪمپني (شنگھائي: 600482.SS) ھڪ ڪمپني آھي جنھن جو صدر دفتر چين ۾ آھي، خاص طور تي بيٽري جي تحقيق، ترقي، پيداوار ۽ تقسيم ۾ مصروف آھي. The company's main products are batteries, including low temperature series, low maintenance series, SAIL series, electric vehicle series, ship series, maintenance-free series and complete series, such as lead-acid batteries, motorcycle batteries, industrial batteries. Batteries and lithium-ion batteries, etc. In addition, it is also involved in the manufacturing and distribution of lead alloy products, battery casings and separators.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. Compared with traditional solutions, Flux storage solutions can provide higher performance, longer service life and greater return on investment. Flux مصنوعات وڪرو ڪري ٿو سڌو سنئون وڌندڙ ورهائڻ واري رشتي ذريعي. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.
GE (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: GE) شين کي تصور ڪري ٿو جيڪي ٻين نه ڪيا آهن، شيون ٺاهي ٿو جيڪي ٻيا نٿا ڪري سگهن، ۽ نتيجا مهيا ڪن ٿيون جيڪي دنيا کي هڪ بهتر جڳهه بڻائين. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Energy storage: GE's energy storage solution system is the foundation of a consistent and reliable energy storage system that provides power for various stationary and power applications. GE energy storage is very suitable for power generation, utilities, energy management, microgrid and telecommunications markets, and can provide excellent cycle performance, high energy density and higher reliability.
Greatbatch Inc. (NYSE: GB) پنهنجي برانڊز ذريعي Greatbatch Medical, Electrochem ۽ QiG Group صنعتن لاءِ اعليٰ معيار جي ٽيڪنالاجي مهيا ڪري ٿي جيڪي قابل اعتماد، ڊگھي عرصي واري ڪارڪردگي تي ڀاڙين ٿيون. ڪسٽمائيز بيٽري پاور ۽ مئنيجمينٽ سسٽم مهيا ڪرڻ سان، چارجنگ ۽ ڊاکنگ اسٽيشنون، ۽ سڄي دنيا جي مارڪيٽن جي مطالبن لاء پاور سپلائيز، Electrochem نازڪ ايپليڪيشنن لاء ڪل پاور حل ۾ صنعت جي اڳواڻ آهي. اسان جي باني ولسن گريٽ بيچ جي ايجاد ڪيل ليٿيم بيٽري مان نڪتل آهي امپلانٽيبل پيس ميڪرز لاءِ، اسان جي فني مهارت ۽ وراثت ۾ مليل شاندار معيار ۽ اعتبار جو استعمال مشن جي ڪاميابي کي يقيني بڻائڻ لاءِ ڪيو ويو آهي.

Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage سسٽم، موبائيل ۽ ڪپڙا پروڊڪٽس، برقي سائيڪلون، طبي سامان، ڊجيٽل ۽ اليڪٽرانڪ سامان، ذاتي سنڀال ۽ گهريلو مصنوعات. The company is also developing emerging applications in the fields of drones, robotics and wireless charging technology. Highpower has advanced production facilities in China, and has more than 100 battery materials, processing and design patents. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (TSXV: HPQ.V; OTC: URAGF; FWB: UGE) is developing in cooperation with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PYR.V), a company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma basic processes high tech ڪمپني ، جديد PUREVAPTM “ڪوارٽز ريڊڪشن ري ايڪٽر” (QRR)، هڪ سچو 2.0 ڪاربان ايڪسوٿرمڪ پروسيس (پيٽنٽ التوا ۾)، هڪ قدم کي اجازت ڏيندو ته ڪوارٽز (SiO2) کي اعليٰ پاڪائي واري سلکان (Si) ۾ تبديل ڪري، ۽ ان جي قيمت کي اڳتي وڌايو ويندو. renewable energy energy potential. The Gen3 PUREVAPTM QRR pilot plant will verify the commercial potential of the process and is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2020. HPQ cooperates with PyroGenesis and is also developing a process that can use high-purity silicon (Si) made by PUREVAPTM and produce it. ايندڙ نسل جي ليتيم-آئن بيٽرين لاءِ گولائي سلڪون ڌاتو نانو پاؤڊر. In the first quarter of 2020, we plan to use the improved Gen2 PUREVAPTM reactor to validate our game-changing manufacturing method to produce spherical silicon metal (Si) nanopowder samples for use by industry participants and research institutions.
ساڳئي وقت، HPQ صنعت جي اڳواڻ اپولون سولر سان پڻ تعاون ڪري رهيو آهي پيداواري صلاحيتن کي ترقي ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي PUREVAP™ پاران تيار ڪيل اعليٰ پاڪائي واري سلکان (Si) استعمال ڪن ٿيون ته جيئن سولڊ اسٽيٽ ليٿيم آئن بيٽرين لاءِ گهربل پورس سلکان ويفرز تيار ڪن. 2020 جي پهرين چوٿين ۾ ٽيسٽ لاءِ بيٽري ٺاهيندڙن کي پهچائڻ لاءِ پهريون سلڪون ويفر تيار ٿيڻ گهرجي (اين ڊي اي جي مطابق ٽيسٽ). Finally, together with Apollon Solar, we are researching and developing metallurgical ways to produce solar-grade silicon metal (SoG Si). It will take full advantage of PUREVAPTM QRR to produce silicon (Si) materials with 4N+ purity and low boron content (<1 ppm) in one step. مجموعي طور تي، HPQ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو گھٽ ۾ گھٽ قيمت وارو ڌاتو سلڪون (Si)، اعلي-پاڪدار ڌاتو سلڪون (Si)، ايندڙ نسل جي ليٿيم-آئن بيٽرين لاءِ گولائي سلڪون نانو پاؤڊر، سولڊ اسٽيٽ ليٿيم-آئن بيٽرين لاءِ پورس سلڪون ويفرز، and lithium Porous silicon powder and solar grade silicon metal (SoG-Si) for ion batteries.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا وقف ڪئي وئي آهي طاقت جي تبادلي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ. ڪمپني هڪ ناول پيٽنٽ ٿيل پاور ڪنورشن ٽيڪنالاجي تيار ڪئي آهي جنهن کي پاور پيڪٽ سوئچنگ آرڪيٽيڪچر ("PPSA") سڏيو ويندو آهي. PPSA اليڪٽرڪ پاور ڪنورٽرز جي سائيز، قيمت، ڪارڪردگي، لچڪ ۽ قابل اعتماد کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو. PPSA ڪيترن ئي وڏن ۽ وڌندڙ مارڪيٽن تائين وڌائي سگھي ٿو، جن ۾ سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، متغير فريڪوئنسي ڊرائيو، بيٽري انرجي اسٽوريج، موبائل پاور ۽ مائڪرو گرڊس، ۽ برقي گاڏي چارجنگ شامل آهن. ڪمپني پڻ ترقي ڪري رهي آهي هڪ bidirectional bidirectional Double junction transistor (B-TRAN™)، ۽ هڪ پيٽنٽ لاءِ درخواست ڏني آهي، جنهن ۾ باهمي طاقت جي سوئچز جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ طاقت جي کثافت کي تمام گهڻو بهتر ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت آهي. Ideal Power استعمال ڪري ٿو سرمائيدار-موثر ڪاروباري ماڊل جيڪو ڪمپني کي قابل بنائي ٿو ڪيترن ئي پراڊڪٽ ڊولپمينٽ پروجيڪٽس ۽ مارڪيٽن کي هڪ ئي وقت ۾.

بين الاقوامي بيٽري ڌاتو محدود (سي اي اي: آئي ٽي پي) کي سڃاڻڻ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ، اثاثن ۽ ڪئننگ ​​ٽيڪنالاجيء ۾، اثاثن ۽ ڪئننگ ​​ٽيڪنالاجي فراهم ڪرڻ ۾ ان جي قيمت جي قيدي فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿي ۽ ان جي قيمت جي صنعت لاء سڀ کان وڌيڪ نازڪ معدنيات فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿي. After careful evaluation of various minerals, technological progress, imbalance between supply and demand, and internal advantages, International Battery Metals Corporation will focus on tin, lithium, cobalt and tantalum. بين الاقوامي بيٽري جون ڌنيون، انڊسٽري ماهر، صنعت جي ماهر ۽ ثابت ڪيل تجربي کي پنهنجو مشن حاصل ڪرڻ لاء پيش ڪيو ويو.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. اسان عمارتن جي توانائي ۽ آپريشنل ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ معياري پراڊڪٽس، خدمتون ۽ حل ٺاهيندا آهيون؛ ليڊ ايسڊ ڪار بيٽريون ۽ هائبرڊ ۽ برقي گاڏين لاءِ جديد بيٽريون؛ ۽ ڪار اندروني نظام. جانسن ڪنٽرول ليتيم جي پاور جي بي طاقت ۽ توانائي جي ضرورتن کي پورو ڪرڻ لاء ليتيم آئن بيٽري ٽيڪنالاجي فراهم ڪري ٿو. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. ماڊلر فن تعمير اسان جي ليتيم آئن بيٽرين کي طاقتور پر ورسٽائل بڻائي ٿو. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.

Leclanché SA (sixth place: LECN) is one of the world's leading providers of fully vertically integrated energy storage solutions. اهو گهرن، ننڍڙن آفيسن، وڏين صنعتن، پاور گرڊز، ۽ وڏي ٽرانسپورٽ سسٽم (جهڙوڪ بس فليٽ ۽ ٻيڙيون) هائبرڊ پاور لاءِ توانائي اسٽوريج حل جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو مهيا ڪري ٿو. Leclanché was established in 1909 and has been a trusted battery energy storage solution provider for more than 100 years. Leclanché was founded on the tradition of the inventor of dry batteries, Georges Leclanché, and now has a rich battery energy storage system (BESS) product portfolio, including customized battery systems from industry-leading lithium-ion solutions.
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; پيداوار؛ ۽ وڪرو. ڪمپني جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ شامل آهن: شمسي ۽ ونڊ پاور جنريشن جي سامان لاءِ اي-باڪس توانائي اسٽوريج سسٽم؛ ۽ EV اجزاء جيڪي بيٽرين ۽ موٽرز کي ضم ڪن ٿا، جهڙوڪ EV ڪنٽرولرز جيڪي ننڍڙا ڪمپيوٽر استعمال ڪن ٿا ٽورڪ ڊرائيو کي ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ لاءِ
Linear Technology Corporation (NasdaqGS: LLTC) is a member of S&P 500 and has been designing, manufacturing and selling a wide range of high-performance analog integrated circuits for major global companies for more than 30 years. ڪمپني جي پروڊڪٽس اينالاگ دنيا ۽ ڊجيٽل اليڪٽرانڪ شين جي وچ ۾ هڪ اهم پل تعمير ڪيو آهي مواصلات، نيٽ ورڪ، صنعت، گاڏين، ڪمپيوٽرن، طبي، اوزار، صارفين، ۽ فوجي ۽ ايرو اسپيس سسٽم. Linear Technology produces power management, data conversion, signal conditioning, RF and interface ICs, µModule® subsystems and wireless sensor network products. بيٽري چارجر
LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) سٺ سالن تائين، Livent ڪم ڪيو آهي گراهڪن سان محفوظ ۽ پائيدار طريقي سان استعمال ڪرڻ لاءِ دنيا کي طاقت ڏيڻ لاءِ ليٿيم. Livent is one of the few companies with the ability, reputation and know-how to produce high-quality finished lithium compounds that can help meet the growing demand for lithium. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent has approximately 700 employees worldwide and has manufacturing plants in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, China and Argentina.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) ھڪ ڪمپني آھي جيڪا مگنيشيم (Mg) مارڪيٽ لاءِ ھيرن جو معيار بڻجڻ لاءِ وقف آھي. The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. اعليٰ پاڪائي واري SiO2، MgO، Mg(OH)2 ۽ ٻيون وڪرو ڪرڻ لائق پراڊڪٽس ۽ ضمني پراڊڪٽس؛ Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; and IV. ان جي ميگ پاور فيول سيل/بيٽري جو وڌيڪ ڪمرشلائيزيشن زمين ۽ سمنڊ تي آفت جي رليف ۽ ٻين ايمرجنسي لاءِ ايمرجنسي پاور، لائٽنگ ۽ چارجنگ فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿي.
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.
ميڪسويل ٽيڪنالاجيز (NASDAQ: MXWL) هڪ عالمي ليڊر آهي ترقي ۽ تعمير ۾ قيمتي اثرائتي، جديد توانائي اسٽوريج ۽ پاور ٽرانسميشن حل. Our supercapacitor products provide safe and reliable power solutions for consumer and industrial electronics, transportation and telecommunications applications. Our CONDIS® high-voltage classification and coupling capacitors help ensure the safety and reliability of power infrastructure and other applications involving the transmission, distribution and measurement of high-voltage electrical energy. Our radiation mitigation microelectronic products include power modules, memory modules, and single-board computers, which combine powerful commercial silicon to provide superior performance and high reliability in aerospace applications.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) نئين ۽ اسپيبلبل پروسيسنگ ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ترقي ڪري رهيو آهي ته جيئن گهٽ قيمت تي برقي گاڏين، توانائي جي اسٽوريج ۽ صارفين جي اليڪٽرانڪس لاء اعلي ڪارڪردگي بيٽري مواد پيدا ڪري. پيٽرن واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترتيب ڏئي سگهجي ٿو مختلف قسم جي نانو تعمير ٿيل مواد ۽ لچڪدار آهي، ۽ تبديل ٿي سگهي ٿو اڀرندڙ ۽ مستقبل جي بيٽري مارڪيٽ جي رجحانات ۽ مختلف ٻين ترقي جي موقعن سان. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Nano One's mission is to establish its patented technology as the world's leading platform for the production of a new generation of nanostructured composite materials.
New Energy System Group (OTC: NEWN), through its subsidiaries, is mainly engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and distribution of mobile power products, solar panels and solar-related products in China. ڪمپني پاران مهيا ڪيل پورٽبل پاور بئنڪ پراڊڪٽس خاص طور تي پورٽبل ڪنزيومر اليڪٽرانڪ ڊوائيسز ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن، جهڙوڪ سمارٽ فون، نوٽ بڪ ڪمپيوٽر، ڊجيٽل ڪئميرا، ڊجيٽل ويڊيو ڪيمرا، MP3 پليئر، PMPs، PDAs ۽ PSPs. It sells its mobile power products directly through its retail network of distribution channels (under the Anytone brand name in China) and its own international brands. The company also produces and sells solar panels and other solar-related products, such as solar lights, solar street lights, solar traffic lights, solar landscape lights, solar power generation system equipment and other solar-related application products, and to solar buildings and Installation company sales.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ گيرو باڪس، محور، گاڏين ۽ صنعتي سامان لاء انجڻ، ريچارجبل ليتيم آئن بيٽرين ۽ ٻيا لاڳاپيل حصا پڻ مهيا ڪري ٿو. صنعتي مشينري؛ and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. In addition, the company also provides finance, auto credit and auto leasing, insurance agency, inventory financing services, and card services. In addition, it is also engaged in operations and consulting related to the analysis and determination of raw materials; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; import and export of auto parts and materials; ريئل اسٽيٽ ڪاروبار؛ promotion of motor sports; management of football teams and football schools. Nissan improves sustainable travel through extensive use of zero-emission vehicles. Nissan LEAF electric vehicle has the ability to safely and conveniently provide electricity stored in its large-capacity lithium-ion battery to the home through LEAF to the home power system.

Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (TSX: GEM.V) is committed to the sustainable development of its Eco Ridge property in Elliot Lake, Ontario. The Eco Ridge property has unique characteristics that make it an attractive development site, including excellent regional infrastructure, strong local support, and its strategic location in Canada's only historic rare earth mining camp. پيلي ڪينيڊا جي پهرين ناياب زمين پروسيسنگ سينٽر جي ميزبان ملڪ طور ايڪو ريج کي اڳتي وڌائڻ تي ڌيان ڏئي رهيو آهي، ۽ اتر اونٽاريو ۾ وڏي پيماني تي شمسي پاور پلانٽس ۽ توانائي اسٽوريج منصوبن جي صلاحيت جو پڻ جائزو وٺي رهيو آهي. Eco Ridge's NI 43-101 معدني وسيلا پڻ Pele شيئر هولڊرز کي ناياب زمينن ۽ يورينيم جي وڌندڙ عالمي طلب تي رسائي ۽ سرمائيداري ڪرڻ لاءِ فائدو فراهم ڪري ٿو. پيلي اتر اونٽاريو ۾ شمسي توانائي ۽ اسٽوريج منصوبن جو جائزو وٺي رهيو آهي، انهي سان گڏ سمارٽ ”ميٽر جي پويان“ ڪنٽرول سسٽم. Bailey's strengths in these areas include extensive project generation experience in the northern region and good working relationships with the government and indigenous communities. بيلي قابل تجديد توانائي ۽ توانائي اسٽوريج ٽيڪنالاجي جي معروف فراهم ڪندڙن سان گڏ ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي ته جيئن ڪسٽمائيز فائدن جو هڪ سلسلو پاور گراهڪن کي مهيا ڪري سگهجي.
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) develops, manufactures and sells special microporous membranes for separation and filtration processes. ڪمپني جو ڪاروبار ٽن حصن ۾ ورهايل آهي: توانائي اسٽوريج اليڪٽرانڪس ۽ EDV، توانائي اسٽوريج ٽرانسپورٽ ۽ صنعت، ۽ جداگي ميڊيا. ڪمپني ليتيم بيٽرين لاءِ پيٽنٽ ٿيل پولي پروپيلين ۽ پوليٿيلين سنگل ليئر ۽ ملٽي ليئر سيپريٽرز جو هڪ سلسلو مهيا ڪري ٿي، جيڪي مختلف ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون، جهڙوڪ ڪنزيومر اليڪٽرانڪس، برقي گاڏيون (EDV)، بي تار پاور ٽولز ۽ انرجي اسٽوريج سسٽم. It also provides polymer-based diaphragms for lead-acid batteries used in automobiles and other motor vehicles; گڏوگڏ طبي ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ فلٽر ميمبرن ۽ اجزاء، جن ۾ هيموڊياليسس، بلڊ آڪسيجنشن، پلازما ايڪسچينج ۽ ٻيون طبي ايپليڪيشنون شامل آهن، گڏوگڏ مختلف فلٽريشن ۽ خاص ايپليڪيشنون، جهڙوڪ مائڪرو فلٽريشن، الٽرا فلٽريشن ۽ گيسيشن/ڊيگاسنگ ايپليڪيشنون. The company sells its products to manufacturers and processors through direct sales staff, distributors and agents. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.

PowerStorm Holdings Inc (OTC: PSTO) جديد ماڊيولر انرجي اسٽوريج حل تيار ڪرڻ لاءِ جديد مواد استعمال ڪري رهيو آهي اسان جي گهٽ قيمت، اعليٰ ڪارڪردگي ليتيم آئن بيٽرين سان گڏ جيڪي ايندڙ نسل جي توانائي اسٽوريج ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي ايپليڪيشنن کي طاقت ڏين ٿيون. The basic innovative technology of Powerstorm ESS has been protected by multiple patents.

Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) ھڪ عمدي طور تي مربوط وينڊيم ريسورس ۽ وينڊيم ريڊڪس فلو بيٽري ڊولپمينٽ ڪمپني آھي، جنھن جو ھيڊ ڪوارٽر آسٽريليا ۾ آھي، ڪوريا ۾ آپريشنز ۽ اسٽريٽجڪ پارٽنرز سان گڏ. Through a 50% collaboration with Protean Korea's vanadium/uranium mineral project Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon is a unique sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit with the potential to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). The project can use 36,000m of historical core, so that cost-effective and non-destructive pXRF testing can be performed on the metallogenic section. Protean, in cooperation with its 50% South Korean partner KORID Energy Ltd, is developing a proprietary vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) energy storage technology, called V-KOR. ٽيڪنالاجي گذريل 10 سالن ۾ ترقي ڪئي وئي آهي، 3,000 کان وڌيڪ سائيڪلن لاء هلائي رهيو آهي، ۽ ڪورين فيڪٽريز ۾ وڏي پيماني تي آزمائشي ڪئي وئي آهي. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Redflow (ASX: RFX.AX) develops, manufactures and sells zinc bromide flow batteries worldwide. ڪمپني مهيا ڪري ٿي 3kW لڳاتار/8kWh زنڪ برومائيڊ وهندڙ اليڪٽرولائيٽ بيٽري ماڊلز، جيڪي مختلف اسٽيشنري ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ پاور اسٽوريج سسٽم ۾ ضم ٿي سگهن ٿيون.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) دنيا جي معروف ڊيزائنر ۽ اعليٰ ٽيڪنالاجي صنعتي بيٽرين جو ٺاھيندڙ آھي. The group is the world's leading manufacturer of nickel batteries and lithium primary batteries for the industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, and civil and military electronics markets. Saft پنهنجي ليتيم-آئن ٽيڪنالاجي سان خلائي ۽ دفاعي بيٽرين ۾ عالمي ليڊر بڻجي چڪو آهي، جيڪو پڻ انرجي اسٽوريج، ٽرانسپورٽ ۽ ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن نيٽ ورڪ مارڪيٽن ۾ استعمال ٿيندو آهي.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. ليتيم آئن بيٽرين جي شعبي ۾، ڊپارٽمينٽ مهيا ڪري ٿو SCMGTM anode مواد، VGCFTM ڪاربان نانوٽوبس، بيٽرين لاءِ ايلومينيم ليمينيٽ فلمون ۽ ڪيٿوڊ ڪرنٽ ڪليڪٽرن لاءِ ڪاربن ڪوٽيڊ ايلومينيم ورق. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment

Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) provides products and services to the market, from power solutions to communications and electronic systems. Through its engineering and collaborative problem-solving methods, Ultralife provides services to government, defense and commercial customers worldwide. ڪمپني جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر نيويارڪ، نيو يارڪ ۾ آهي ۽ ان جي ڪاروباري يونٽن ۾ بيٽريون ۽ توانائي جون شيون ۽ ڪميونيڪيشن سسٽم شامل آهن. الٽرا لائف اتر آمريڪا، يورپ ۽ ايشيا ۾ آپريشن ڪئي آهي.
Ynvisible Interactive Inc. (TSXV: YNV) (OTCQB: YNVYF) (FRA: 1XNA) is a leading company in the emerging printing and flexible electronics fields. Considering the cost and power consumption advantages compared to traditional electronic products, printed electronic products are a key driver for the large-scale adoption of the Internet of Things (“IoT”) and smart objects. Ynvisible اليڪٽررو ڪرومڪ مواد، مس ۽ سسٽم جي شعبن ۾ تجربو، ماهر ۽ دانشورانه ملڪيت آهي. Ynvisible جو انٽرايڪٽو پرنٽ ٿيل گرافڪس حل الٽرا گھٽ بجلي جي استعمال، وڏي پيماني تي لڳائڻ ۽ استعمال ۾ آسان اليڪٽرانڪ ڊسپليز ۽ روزمره جي سمارٽ شين، IoT ڊوائيسز ۽ ماحولياتي انٽيليجنس (سمارٽ سطحن) لاءِ اشارن جي ضرورت کي پورو ڪري ٿو. Ynvisible provides hybrid services, materials and technologies for brand owners to develop smart objects and IoT products. Ynvisible Production AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ynvisible Interactive Inc. It is a contract manufacturer of printed electronics and hybrid systems, located in Linköping, Sweden. سائو: Ligna Energy جي بيٽري جا پارٽنر سڀ اچي وڃن ٿا ٻيلي ۾ رهندڙ مواد مان. The first industrial production was carried out at Ynvisible Production in Linköping, Sweden.
ZBB انرجي ڪارپوريشن (NYSE MKT: ZBB) هڪ ايپليڪيشن حل ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ترقي يافته توانائي مينيجمينٽ سسٽم مهيا ڪري ٿي جيڪا قابل تجديد توانائي تي ڀاڙيندڙ "ڪوئلي جي مرڪز معيشت" کان وڏي توسيع ڏانهن منتقلي لاءِ نازڪ آهي. Whether it is part of the power transmission and distribution network, or behind the meters in commercial, industrial and multi-tenant buildings, ZBB Energy has solved the important power control and energy storage solutions due to the increasing popularity of renewable energy power generation. The most pressing issue. assets. ZBB Energy also provides energy management systems for off-grid applications such as islands or remote power. ZBB is a multinational company with a joint venture in Anhui Minor Energy, China, and a strategic partnership with Lotte Chemical of South Korea.

Aemetis, Inc. (NasdaqGM: AMTX) هڪ ترقي يافته قابل تجديد ايندھن ۽ قابل تجديد ڪيميائي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا جديد ٽيڪنالاجيز جي حصول، ترقي ۽ ڪمرشلائيزيشن لاءِ وقف ڪري ٿي جيڪا پهرين نسل جي ايٿانول ۽ بايو ڊيزل ٻوٽن کي ترقي يافته بايو ريفائنريز ۾ تبديل ڪري ٿي. Founded in 2006, Aemetis owns and operates a 60 million-gallon ethanol production facility in Keyes, California. Aemetis also owns and operates a 50 million gallons per year renewable chemical and advanced fuel production facility on the east coast of India, producing high-quality distilled biodiesel and refined glycerin for customers in India and Europe. Aemetis has a research and development laboratory in the Maryland Biotechnology Center, and has a series of patents and related technology licenses for the production of renewable fuels and biochemical products.

Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. ALLM Carbolosic, LLC جو 50٪ مالڪ آهي، ۽ اتر آمريڪا (بشمول ڪئناڊا، آمريڪا ۽ ميڪسيڪو) ۽ آفريڪا ۾ خاص حق رکي ٿو. Carbolosic has an exclusive global license for the patented mechanical/chemical technology “CTS™” developed by the University of Central Florida. CTS technology is able to produce sugar, various fine chemicals, plastics, carbon fiber and other valuable products from almost any plant material, wood or paper by-products, fruit packaging or biological waste.

AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) عالمي تيل ۽ گئس، کان کني، صاف توانائي، ۽ ماحولياتي ۽ انفراسٽرڪچر مارڪيٽن لاءِ مشاورت، انجنيئرنگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني ونڊ انرجي، سولر انرجي، بايوماس ۽ بائيو فيول منصوبن لاءِ انجنيئرنگ، خريداري ۽ تعميراتي حل فراهم ڪري ٿي، ۽ ڪمبشن ۽ ٻاڦ پيدا ڪرڻ واري سامان جي ڊيزائن ۽ سپلائي ۾ مصروف آهي. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. اهو تيل ڪمپنيون، ڪيميائي ڪمپنيون، يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنيون ۽ سرڪاري ادارن کي خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company's predecessor was AMEC plc
AMG Bioenergy Resources Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSX: ABG.V) هڪ قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا چين ۾ ترقي جي مرحلي ۾ آهي. The company is developing jatropha raw material plantations in China to produce crude jatropha oil for conversion into biodiesel. It also focuses on the management of land preparation; the planting of seedlings; ٻوٽن جي سار سنڀال؛ جتروفا جي فصل؛ the extraction of crude jatropha oil from the harvested seeds.
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) is a comprehensive renewable products company dedicated to achieving sustainable growth for the world's leading brands. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. ڪمپني پيش ڪندي ان جي No Compromise (R) پراڊڪٽس خاص مارڪيٽن ۾، جن ۾ خاص ۽ اعليٰ ڪارڪردگي وارا ڪيميڪل، خوشبو وارا اجزا ۽ کاسمیٹڪ ايموليئنٽس شامل آهن. Amyris has partnered with TOTAL to develop renewable diesel and jet fuel, aiming to become the best transportation fuel. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Its energy density, engine performance and storage performance are comparable to the best petroleum fuels.

Archer Daniels Midland Corporation (NYSE: ADM) For more than a century, the people of Archer Daniels Midland Corporation have transformed crops into products that meet the urgent needs of the growing world. اڄ، اسان دنيا جي سڀ کان وڏي زرعي پروسيسرز ۽ کاڌي جي اجزاء جي سپلائرز مان هڪ بڻجي چڪا آهيون، 140 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن / علائقن ۾ گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪري رهيا آهيون. Our global value chain includes more than 460 crop sourcing locations, 300 ingredient production facilities, 40 innovation centers and the world's premier crop transportation network. We connect harvesting with families and produce for food, animal feed, chemical and Products for energy use. اسان خوراڪ جي اجزاء، جانورن جي کاڌ خوراڪ ۽ فيڊ اجزاء، بايو فيول ۽ ٻيون شيون پيدا ڪندا آهيون. Manufacturers all over the world are using these products to provide healthy food and a better life to millions of people around the world.

Australian Renewable Fuels Limited (ASX: ARW.AX) is Australia's only national biodiesel company with factories in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Since operations began in 2005, the combined annual fuel production capacity of ARfuels' three plants has been 150 million liters. اسان جي پيدا ڪيل بايو ڊيزل دنيا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ سخت بايو ڊيزل معيارن کي پورو ڪري ٿو.
BDI Biodiesel International (Berlin: D7I.BE; Frankfurt: D7I.F) has developed technologies to generate energy from by-products and waste products, while ensuring maximum protection of resources. هڪ معروف پيشه ورانه ڪارخانو ٺاهيندڙ جي طور تي، BDI استعمال ڪري ٿو اندروني ترقي يافته ٽيڪنالاجي کي ڪسٽمائيز ٽرنڪي بايو ڊيزل ۽ بايو گيس فيڪٽريز مهيا ڪرڻ لاء.
BIOX Corporation (TSX: BX.TO) is a renewable energy company that owns and operates a 67 million liters of continuous-flow biodiesel production facility in Hamilton, Ontario. BIOX وٽ هڪ جديد، ملڪيتي ۽ پيٽرن وارو پيداواري عمل آهي جيڪو اعليٰ معيار جي قابل تجديد، صاف ٻرندڙ ۽ بايو ڊي گراڊبل بايو ڊيزل ايندھن پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ مختلف قسم جي خام مال کي استعمال ڪري سگھي ٿو- خالص ٻج جي تيل کان وٺي جانورن جي ٿلهي تائين ريسائيڪل سبزي جي تيل تائين پيداوار جي عمل کي تبديل ڪرڻ کان سواءِ. BIOX's high-quality biodiesel fuel meets North American (ASTM D-6751) quality standards

Ceres, Inc. (NasdaqCM: CERE) is an agricultural biotechnology company dedicated to the development and sale of seeds and traits to produce crops for animal feed, sugar and other markets. ڪمپني جي ترقي يافته ٻوٽن جي نسل ۽ بايو ٽيڪنالاجي پليٽ فارم فصلن جي پيداوار کي وڌائي سگھي ٿو، معيار کي بهتر بڻائي، فصلن جي ان پٽ کي گھٽائي سگھي ٿو ۽ حدن واري زمين تي زراعت کي بهتر بڻائي سگھي ٿو. اهو وڏي پئماني تي مختلف فصلن ۾ استعمال ڪيو ويو آهي جنهن ۾ کاڌو، فيڊ، فائبر ۽ ٻارڻ جي فصل شامل آهن. سيرس پنهنجي ٻج جي شين کي بليڊ برانڊ تحت وڪرو ڪري ٿو. The company also licenses its biotechnological properties and technologies to other companies and organizations.
China Clean Energy Corporation (OTC: CCGY) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Fujian Zhongde Technology Co., Ltd. and Fujian Zhongde Energy Co., Ltd. is engaged in the development, manufacturing and distribution of biodiesel fuels and specialty chemicals. Products made from renewable resources. Since its establishment, the company has been committed to using renewable resources to produce high-quality specialty chemical products. تحقيق ۽ ترقي جي ذريعي، ڪمپني هڪ ملڪيت جو عمل پيدا ڪيو آهي جيڪو فضول خرچي ۽ ڪجهه سبزين جي تيل مان ڪ extract و ڪري سگهي ٿو. هن ملڪيت واري عمل ذريعي، ڪمپني 2005 ۾ بايو ڊيزل پيدا ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو، ۽ ڊسمبر 2005 ۾ بايو ڊيزل جي تجارتي وڪرو شروع ڪئي. ڪمپني جو صدر دفتر فوڪنگ شهر، فوجيان صوبي، عوامي جمهوريه چين (چين) ۾ آهي.

Cielo Waste Solutions (CSE: CMC) is working to commercialize a game-changing technology that can convert many different waste streams into renewable diesel at a much lower cost than biofuel companies. Landfill is one of the major global contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and its scale is expected to double in the next 7 years. Cielo's proprietary technology can convert many different raw materials (including classified municipal solid waste (garbage), wood and agricultural waste, tires, blue box waste, all plastics, and almost all other cellulose waste) in a cost-effective manner. هن بحران کي حل ڪرڻ جو طريقو. The product is converted into high-grade renewable diesel.
Cosan Limited (NYSE: CZZ) and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in sugar and ethanol, fuel, logistics services, lubricants and pipeline natural gas businesses in Brazil, other regions of South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America. The company's Raízen Energia division produces and sells a variety of products derived from sugar cane, including raw sugar, anhydrous and hydrated ethanol. The department is also involved in activities related to combined heat and power in bagasse; ۽ نئين ٽيڪنالاجي جي تحقيق ۽ ترقي ۾ ملوث ڪمپنين ۾ دلچسپي رکي ٿي.
Crop Energy Corporation (XETRA: CE2.DE; Frankfurt: CE2.F) is one of the leading manufacturers of sustainable bioethanol in the European fuel sector. In our modern production facilities in Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and France, we use grains and sugar beets to produce approximately 1.2 million cubic meters of bioethanol each year. ان کان علاوه، اسان خام مال کي پروسيس ڪريون ٿا 800,000 ٽين کان وڌيڪ اعلي معيار جي پروٽين کاڌي ۽ جانورن جي کاڌ خوراڪ جي شين جي هر سال. Compared with fossil fuels, efficient production facilities can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 70% throughout the value-added chain. With a production base in Europe, a unique logistics network and trade offices in Brazil, Chile and the United States, CropEnergies is one of the leading companies in major emerging markets.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو خوردني ۽ غير خوردني بايو غذائي پائيدار قدرتي اجزاء ڊولپر ۽ ٺاهيندڙ آهي، جيڪو دواسازي، کاڌو، ۽ پالتو جانورن جي خوراڪ جي گراهڪن لاءِ اجزاء ۽ خاص شين، فيڊ ۽ فيڊ جو وسيع رينج مهيا ڪري ٿو. Technology, fuel, bioenergy and fertilizer industry. The company operates on five continents, collecting and converting all aspects of the animal by-product stream into widely used special ingredients such as gelatin, edible fat, feed grade fat, animal protein and meal, plasma, pet food ingredients, organic fertilizer, yellow گريس، ٻارڻ جي خام مال، سائي توانائي، قدرتي casings ۽ چمڙي. The company also recycles waste cooking oil and commercial baking residues and converts them into valuable feed and fuel components. ان کان علاوه، ڪمپني فوڊ سروس تنظيمن لاء گريس ٽريپ خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي، فوڊ پروسيسرز لاء ماحولياتي خدمتون، ۽ ريسٽورنٽ لاء خوردني تيل جي ترسيل ۽ گڏ ڪرڻ جي سامان جي وڪرو. اسان جا ڪيترائي برانڈز ملڪ جي اڳواڻي ڪري رهيا آهن بائيو فيول جي ترقي ۾. Bio-G 3000 آمريڪا ۾ پهرين تجارتي سهولت آهي جيڪا بايو ڊيزل پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ تيل استعمال ڪندي. In 2001, our Rothsay brand launched its first operation in Canada, producing biodiesel from its recycled oils. Our Ecoson and Rendac brands provide biofuels and green energy in Europe and Asia. 2013 ۾، هيرن گرين ڊيزل (اسان جي پارٽنر ويلرو انرجي سان) اتر آمريڪا جي سڀ کان وڏي پلانٽ تي پيداوار شروع ڪئي، جيڪا جانورن جي ڀاڄين، فضول خوردني تيل ۽ سبزي جي تيل مان قابل تجديد ڊيزل پيدا ڪري ٿي.
1802 کان وٺي، DuPont (NYSE: DD) عالمي سطح جي سائنس ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيڪنالاجي کي عالمي مارڪيٽ ۾ جديد شين، مواد ۽ خدمتن جي صورت ۾ آندو آهي. ڪمپني کي يقين آهي ته گراهڪن، حڪومتن، غير سرڪاري تنظيمن ۽ سوچ جي اڳواڻن سان تعاون ذريعي، اسان عالمي چئلينجن جو حل ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهون ٿا، جهڙوڪ سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن لاء ڪافي صحتمند کاڌو مهيا ڪرڻ، فوسل ايندھن تي انحصار کي گهٽائڻ ۽ زندگي جي حفاظت ۽. ماحول. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
Dyadic International, Inc. (OTC: DYAI) is a global biotechnology company that uses its patents and know-how to carry out research, development and commercial activities to discover, develop, manufacture and sell enzymes and biofuels for bioenergy and biofuels. Other proteins. Based on the chemical, biopharmaceutical and industrial enzyme industries. Dyadic utilizes an integrated technology platform based on its patent and proprietary C1 microorganisms to develop and mass-produce low-cost enzymes and other proteins to provide various market opportunities. C1 پليٽ فارم ٽيڪنالاجي پڻ استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿي اسڪرين ۽ نئين جين کي دريافت ڪرڻ لاء. پراپرائيٽري اينزائم پراڊڪٽس وڪڻڻ کان علاوه، ڊيڊڪ پڻ فعال طور تي لائسنس جي ترتيبن ۽ ٻين ڪاروباري موقعن جي ڳولا ڪري ٿو انهن ٽيڪنالاجي جي قيمت کي فائدو ڏيڻ لاءِ ان جي ڀائيوارن ۽ ڀائيوارن کي فراهم ڪرڻ جي فائدن سان ۽ / يا اينزائمز ۽ ٻين پروٽين کي استعمال ڪندي جيڪي اهي ٽيڪنالاجيون مدد ڪن ٿيون. . produce. بائيو فيول: ڊيڊڪ استعمال ڪري ٿو پنهنجي سڀ کان جديد پيٽنٽ ٿيل C1 پليٽ فارم ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ ٻين ملڪيت واري ٽيڪنالاجيز کي زرعي پيداوار جي شين جهڙوڪ مکين جي اسٽالن ۽ ڪڻڪ جي اسٽالن مان بايو فيول تيار ڪرڻ لاءِ. Through licensing and partnerships, Dyadic provides researchers with opportunities to develop advanced and reliable bioenergy solutions, including starch-based and cellulosic ethanol, and high-yield enzymes used in all areas of biofuel production. We believe that our technology may play an important role in the development of biofuels (such as ethanol), whose cost is competitive with oil prices, thereby reducing subsidies and ultimately expanding consumers' use of these renewable energy sources.
Fuel Performance Solutions, Inc. (OTC: IFUE) formerly known as International Fuel Technology, Inc., is a company dedicated to providing fuel performance solutions for large industrial consumers of railway, road transportation, stationary diesel and biodiesel mixed fuels Power generation and marine صنعت.
FutureFuel Corp. (NYSE: FF) متنوع ڪيميائي شين ۽ بايو-بنياد پراڊڪٽس (بشمول بائيو فيول ۽ بايو بيسڊ اسپيشلٽي ڪيميڪل پراڊڪٽس) جو هڪ معروف ٺاهيندڙ آهي. In its chemicals business, FutureFuel manufactures specialty chemicals for specific customers (“custom manufacturing”) and multi-customer specialty chemicals (“performance chemicals”). FutureFuel's custom-manufactured product portfolio includes bleach activators for major detergent manufacturers, proprietary herbicides and intermediates for major life science companies, and chlorinated polyolefin tackifiers and antibacterial agents for major chemical companies. Oxidant precursor. FutureFuel's high-performance chemical product portfolio includes polymer (nylon) modifiers and several small batches of specialty chemicals to meet various application needs. FutureFuel's biofuel business mainly involves the production of biodiesel.
جنرل مومسٽر ڪمپني (NYSE: ۽ هن جا ساٿي 30 ملڪن ۾) ۽ ڪمپني جي سڀني کان وڏي ۽ تيز ترين وڌندڙ بازار جي وڏي حيثيت رکي ٿي. جنرل موٽرز، ان جا ماتحت ۽ گڏيل منصوبا شيورليٽ، ڪيڊيلڪ، بائوجن، بوڪ، جي ايم سي، هولڊن، جيفينگ، اوپيل، ووڪس هال ۽ وولنگ برانڊز تحت گاڏيون وڪڻن ٿا. گرين ڪارون: ايندھن جي معيشت، برقي ڪار، بايو فيول ۽ هائيڊروجن فيول سيل ڪارون. اسان متبادل ايندھن لاءِ پرعزم آهيون ۽ يقين رکون ٿا ته تيل جي انحصار ۽ ڪاربان ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ جي اخراج کي گهٽائڻ لاءِ بايو فيول سڀ کان اهم ويجهي مدتي حل آهن. اسان FlexFuel گاڏين جي پيداوار ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آهيون جيڪي هڪ ئي وقت ۾ گئسولين ۽ E85 ايٿانول استعمال ڪري سگھن ٿيون، ۽ اسان هن قسم جا وڌيڪ ماڊل پيش ڪريون ٿا ڪنهن ٻئي ماڊل کان. اتر آمريڪي روڊن تي 14 ملين لچڪدار ايندھن واري گاڏين مان، 8.5 ملين کان وڌيڪ جنرل موٽرز ۽ ٽرڪون آھن. گيس جي مقابلي ۾، ايٿانول صاف ڪندڙ جلائي ٿو، ڪاربن ڊاء آڪسائيڊ جي اخراج کي 21٪ گھٽائي ٿو. گراهڪن کي B20 بائيوسميسل سان 2014 ۾ اسان جو ڪو وين ۽ ڳري فرض کڻڻ ۽ چونڊيل شيورليٽ ۽ جي ايم سي وينز کي ٺاهيل شيور وينز کي منتخب ڪري سگهي ٿو. گراهڪ پڻ chiverle Silverrago ۽ GMC SIRAY PURAPUSUPUST ٽرڪز جي وچ ۾ سي اين اين ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو ڊبليو.
Gevo, Inc. (NasdaqCM: GEVO) is a leading company in renewable technologies, chemical products and next-generation biofuels. Gevo has developed a proprietary technology that combines the applications of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, focusing on the production of isobutanol and related products from renewable raw materials. جيوو جي حڪمت عملي آهي ته پيٽروليم جي بنياد تي بايو-متبادل شين کي ڪمرشلائيز ڪرڻ لاءِ خمير جي سهولتن جي اثاثن کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ، ۽ ان جو حتمي مقصد انهن اثاثن جي آپريشن ذريعي پيدا ٿيندڙ نقدي وهڪري کي وڌائڻ آهي. Gevo produces isobutanol, ethanol and high-value animal feed at its fermentation plant in Luwayne, Minnesota. Gevo has also developed technology to produce hydrocarbon products from renewable alcohol. جيوو هن وقت سائوٿ هيمپٽن ريسورسز Inc. سان ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي ته جيئن سلسبي، ٽيڪساس ۾ هڪ بايو ريفائنري هلائڻ لاءِ، جيڪا قابل تجديد جيٽ فيول، اوڪٽين ۽ پوليسٽر ۽ ٻين پلاسٽڪ جي خام مال جي پيداوار ڪري ٿي. Gevo has many partners, including The Coca-Cola Company, Toray Industries Inc. and Total SA. Gevo is committed to achieving a sustainable bio-based economy to meet the society's needs for abundant food and clean air and water
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) runs on a fully integrated platform that integrates biotechnology and crop improvement research and development through complex management and optimization practices. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. آمريڪي ڊپارٽمينٽ آف ڊفينس ترقي ڪري ٿو ۽ آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي نئين فصل توانائي فارم کي هلائڻ جاري رکي ٿو. Global domestic and international business is conducted through wholly-owned subsidiaries
سائو توانائي (او ٽي سي: جيليو) هڪ انقلابي سائي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي وارو ڪاروبار آهي جنهن جي بائيوڪونسولس ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ فضول انتظام لاء استعمال ٿيل آهي. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. This provides GELV with opportunities to develop in multiple industries, which are currently related to government authorizations. اهي ضرورتون قابل تجديد توانائي ۽ بايو ايندھن کي وڌائين ٿيون. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. اهي ٽيڪنالاجي پليٽ فارم جلدي ڪري سگهن ٿا، اقتصادي طور تي فضول سائيٽ تي ترتيب ڏيو، ۽ ان جي برعڪس. گرين انرجي لائيو هڪ واحد ماخذ فراهم ڪندڙ جي حيثيت ۾ رکيل آهي جيڪا بايوماس انرجي سسٽم لاءِ سامان جو مڪمل سيٽ مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ موجود جديد ترين ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿي. سائو توانائي لائيو گراهڪن کي انهن جي مخصوص ضرورتن کي لاڳو ڪرڻ لاء گراهڪن ۽ مدد فراهم ڪندو.

Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) is a diversified commodity processing business that involves ethanol production, corn oil production, grain handling and storage, livestock farm operations, and commodity marketing and distribution services. The company processes more than 10 million tons of corn each year, producing more than one billion gallons of ethanol at full capacity, three million tons of livestock feed and 250 million pounds of industrial-grade corn oil. گرين ميدانن پڻ هڪ گڏيل منصوبي ۾ هڪ ڀائيوار آهي جيڪو algal بايوماس کي وڌائڻ ۽ حاصل ڪرڻ لاء جديد ٽيڪنالاجيز کي تجارتي ڪندو.
Green Star Products, Inc. (OTC: GSPI) is an environmentally friendly listed company dedicated to creating innovative and cost-effective products to improve the quality of life and the environment. GSPI ۽ ان جو ڪنسورشيم سائي ۽ پائيدار شين جي پيداوار ۾ حصو وٺندو آهي، جنهن ۾ قابل تجديد وسيلا شامل آهن جهڙوڪ الگي بايو ڊيزل، سيلولوسڪ ايٿانول ۽ ٻيا صاف جلندڙ بايو فيول، گڏوگڏ ٻيون سائي پراڊڪٽس، جن ۾ لوبريڪنٽ، ڊٽرجنٽ، ڪوٽنگ، اضافو ۽ ڊيوائسز شامل آهن جيڪي گھٽ ڪن ٿا. emissions and improve the fuel economy of vehicles, machinery and power plants
Greenlane Renewables Inc. (TSXV: GRN) (FRA: 52G) is the world's leading supplier of biogas upgrade systems that can help decarbonize natural gas. اسان جو سسٽم صاف، گھٽ ڪاربن، قابل تجديد قدرتي گئس نامياتي فضول ذريعن مان پيدا ڪري ٿو، بشمول لينڊ فلز، گندي پاڻي جي علاج جا پلانٽ، ڊيري فارمز ۽ کاڌي جي فضول، قدرتي گئس گرڊ ۾ انجڻ لاءِ مناسب يا سڌو سنئون گاڏين جي ٻارڻ طور استعمال ٿيل. Greenlane is the only biogas upgrade company that provides three main technologies: water washing, pressure swing adsorption and membrane separation. Greenlane has more than 30 years of industry experience, patented know-how, and more than 110 biogas upgrade systems provided to 18 countries around the world (including the world's largest biogas upgrade facility). It is inspired by its commitment to helping waste generators, natural gas Utilities or project developers' commitment to reduce costs, high-value products are transformed into high-value, low-carbon renewable resources.
GreenShift ڪارپوريشن (OTC: GERS) قدرتي وسيلن جي وڌيڪ موثر استعمال کي فروغ ڏيڻ لاء صاف ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ترقي ۽ تجارتي ڪري ٿو. Today, GreenShift is committed to doing this in the US ethanol industry, where GreenShift innovates and provides technologies that can increase the profitability of licensed ethanol producers.

Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agriculture/environmental industry. ان جي مکيه سرگرمين جي علائقن ۾ هيٺيان ٽي علائقا شامل آهن: ماحولياتي زراعت (چين ۾، توجه قيمتي اضافو وڻن جي ٻج ۽ نرسري جي پيداوار تي آهي)، قابل تجديد توانائي (قابل تجديد توانائي) (اهو دنيا جي مختلف قابل تجديد توانائي منصوبن ۾ مصروف آهي، چين جي Huangjiao هارن سميت)، اهو قيمتي ٻج سان گڏ قيمتي Huangjiao هارن مهيا ڪندو، ۽ آخرڪار انهن ٻج مان تيل ڪڍيو ويندو، ۽ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي بايو ڊيزل ۽ اعلي معيار جو صحتمند کائڻ واري تيل پيدا ڪرڻ لاء. ڪينيڊا ممپ- اهو طبي ڪينابس انڊسٽري ۾ موقعو طلب ڪندو آهي. في الحال، اهو ڪينيڊا جي ايم ايم پي آر لائسنس يافته پيدا ڪندڙ جي حيثيت ڳولي رهيو آهي ڪئناڊا ۾ طبي ماريجوانا وڌائڻ لاءِ گهريلو استعمال ۽ منظور ٿيل ملڪن ڏانهن برآمد ڪرڻ لاءِ.

Methes Energies International Ltd. (NasdaqCM: MEIL) is a renewable energy company that provides various products and services to biodiesel fuel producers. Methes هڪ بايو ڊيزل پروسيسر پڻ پيش ڪري ٿو، جنهن ۾ هڪ منفرد، واقعي ڪمپيڪٽ، مڪمل طور تي خودڪار جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ مسلسل وهڪري آهي جيڪا مختلف خام مال تي هلائي سگهي ٿي. Methes markets its biodiesel fuel produced at its 13 MGY plant in Sombra, Ontario to customers in the United States and Canada, and provides its customers with a variety of biodiesel fuel solutions. Its services include selling goods to its network of biodiesel producers, selling its biodiesel products and providing customers with proprietary software to operate and control its processors. Methes can also remotely monitor the quality and characteristics of customers' production, upgrade and repair processors, and advise customers to adjust processes to use various raw materials to improve the quality of biodiesel.
Mission NewEnergy Limited (ASX: MBT.AX) is a renewable energy company that refines and sells biodiesel. Mission has a 20% interest in one of Malaysia's largest biodiesel refineries. Mission's joint venture seeks to retrofit biodiesel refineries with the latest biodiesel technology outside the United States, making it one of the world's lowest cost biodiesel producers. اميد آهي ته بائيو ڊيزل ريفائنري جي بحاليءَ کان پوءِ، سيلز خاص طور تي بااختيار ملائيشيا ۽ آمريڪي مارڪيٽن ۾ ڪيا ويندا.
Momentum Biofuels (OTC: MMBF) پنهنجي دانشورانه ملڪيت، پروسيس، ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ فارموليشن جي لائسنسنگ ۾ مصروف آهي بايو فيولز ۽ لاڳاپيل مصنوعات تيار ڪرڻ لاء.
Refining and marketing company Neste Oyj (Frankfurt: NEF.F; OTC: NTOIF; NasdaqOMX-Helsinki: NESE) is a refining and marketing company that produces and sells various petroleum products in Finland and internationally. ڪمپني چئن علائقن ۾ هلندي آهي: پيٽروليم جون شيون، تجديد ايندھن، پيٽروليم پرچون ۽ ٻيا. Petroleum Products Division sells and sells gasoline, diesel, light and heavy fuel oil, aviation fuel, base oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), jet fuel, marine fuel, heating oil, base oil, gasoline components, specialty fuels, solvents , Asphalt ۽ ٻيون پيٽروليم پراڊڪٽس، ۽ خدمتون مهيا ڪيل ھول سيل مارڪيٽ ۾. The renewable fuels division sells and sells NEXBTL renewable diesel, NEXBTL renewable aviation fuel, renewable NEXBTL naphtha, NEXBTL propane and NEXBTL isoalkanes for the chemical industry. پيٽروليم ريٽيل سيڪٽر پيٽروليم شين جي فراهمي فراهم ڪري ٿو، جنهن ۾ گئسولين، ڊيزل، هيٽنگ آئل، ڳري ٻارڻ جو تيل، هوائي جهازن جو ٻارڻ، لبرڪنٽ، ڪيميڪل ۽ مائع پيٽروليم گيس، گڏوگڏ سڌو سنئون صارفين (جهڙوڪ نجي موٽرسائيڪل، صنعت، ٽرانسپورٽ ڪمپنيون) سان لاڳاپيل. services, farmers and heating oil customers. The network segment has 1,034 sites in Finland, northwestern Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. ٻيا شعبا ٽيڪنيڪل، ڊيزائن ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ خدمتون ۽ گراهڪن لاء تيل ۽ گئس، پيٽروڪيميڪل، ڪيميائي ۽ بايو ٽيڪنالاجي جي شعبن ۾ حل فراهم ڪن ٿا. ڪمپني جو اڳڪٿي نيسٽ آئل اوجي ۽ جون 2015 ۾ Neste OyJ کي تبديل ڪيو ويو.

Novozymes A/S (Frankfurt: NZM2.F؛ OTC: NVZMY؛ NasdaqOMX-Copenhagen: NZYM-B) سڄي دنيا ۾ صنعتي اينزائمز، مائڪروجنزم ۽ بايوپوليمر پيدا ڪري ٿو ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو. ڪمپني زرعي صنعت لاءِ حل فراهم ڪري ٿي، بشمول اينزائمز جيڪي جانورن جي کاڌ خوراڪ جي هضمي ۽ غذائي قدر کي بهتر ڪن ٿيون؛ مائڪروباليل حل جيڪي پاڻي جي معيار کي برقرار رکندا آهن، بيماري جا خطرات کي برقرار رکندا آهن، ۽ ايڪوٿڪ پيداوار کي وڌائي ڇڏيندا آهن؛ and microbial-based bio-fertility, bio-control and bio-increasing agents Products that can naturally produce healthier crops and increase yields. It also provides a portfolio of enzyme products for biofuel production. ڪمپني بايو فيول جي پيداوار جي سڀني شعبن لاءِ طاقتور، اعليٰ پيداوار ڏيندڙ اينزائمز جو هڪ وسيع پورٽ فوليو پيش ڪري ٿي، جيڪي ڪارڪردگي، معيار ۽ اعتبار جي لحاظ کان ٻئي نمبر تي نه آهن. Driven by our rich industry experience and mature expertise, customers can also expect timely delivery and unparalleled technical support. With the huge progress in the field of starch and cellulosic ethanol, Novozymes is currently exploring more possibilities for biodiesel and biogas. اهڙي طرح اسان وقت جي هڪ وڏي چيلنج کي منهن ڏيڻ ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي امڪان کي محسوس ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪريون ٿا.

OriginClear, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) has developed breakthrough water purification technologies for oil, natural gas, algae and other water-consuming industries. Unlike other technologies, the company's patent-pending Electro Water Separation™ process can quickly and effectively remove organic substances from large amounts of water without the use of chemicals. For the emerging algae industry, OriginClear is making large-scale harvesting possible. Algae جو استعمال biofuels ۾
Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQCM: PEIX) is a leading producer and marketer of low-carbon renewable fuels in the western United States. Pacific Ethanol also sells by-products, including nutritional animal feed wet distillers grains (“WDG”). Pacific Ethanol provides services to integrated oil companies and gasoline marketers that blend ethanol into gasoline through third-party service providers in the western United States (mainly in California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Oregon, and Colorado). State, Idaho) provides transportation, storage and transportation of ethanol. ۽ واشنگٽن. Pacific Ethanol has four ethanol production facilities with a total annual production capacity of 200 million gallons. اهي آپريٽنگ سهولتون بورڊمن، برليگ، آئيڊاهو، اسٽاڪٽن، ڪيليفورنيا، ۽ ميڊيرا، اوريگون ۾ واقع آهن. اهي سهولتون انهن جي لاڳاپيل ايندھن ۽ فيڊ گراهڪن جي ويجهو آهن ۽ اهم وقت، نقل و حمل جي قيمت ۽ رسد جا فائدا آهن. Kinergy Marketing LLC, a subsidiary of Pacific Ethanol, sells ethanol from Pacific Ethanol's management plant and other third-party production facilities and another subsidiary, Pacific Ag. مصنوعات، LLC وڪرو ڪري ٿو WDG.

Petrotec AG (XETRA: PT8.DE; Frankfurt: PT8.F) produces one of the most sustainable and climate-friendly biodiesel that can be produced industrially. In the “Renewable Energy Promotion Directive” (RE-D) that came into effect in June 2009, the European Commission certified that biodiesel produced on the basis of residual and waste raw materials (such as yellow grease) has 83% CO2 emission reduction potential . Petrotec sells its biodiesel under the EcoPremium Biodiesel brand.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Holdings Limited (TSN: PL.TO) هڪ تيزي سان وڌندڙ ڪارخانو آهي ۽ صنعتي ڪاٺ جي ڇنڊن جو ورهائيندڙ ۽ دنيا ۾ ٽيون نمبر وڏو پيدا ڪندڙ آهي. The company produces renewable energy sustainable fuels in the form of industrial wood pellets. Large thermal power generators use this fuel as a green alternative to producing reliable base-load renewable energy. Pinnacle is a trusted supplier to customers, and they need a reliable, high-quality fuel supply to make the most of their facilities. Pinnacle is proud of its industry-leading safety practices. ڪمپني مغربي ڪئناڊا ۾ ست صنعتي ڪاٺ جي پيٽ جي پيداوار جون سهولتون ۽ پرنس روپرٽ، برٽش ڪولمبيا ۾ هڪ پورٽ ٽرمينل جي مالڪ آهي. It is currently building a new production facility in Smithers. Pinnacle, British Columbia The business company has signed long-term “pay as you go” contracts in the UK, Europe and Asia, which will account for 106% of its production capacity by 2021 and 98% of its production capacity by 2026.
Radient Technologies Inc. (TSX: RTI.V) uses microwave assisted processing (“MAP™”) to extract natural compounds from a range of biological materials. This patented technology platform provides customers with excellent results in terms of ingredient purity, yield and cost. . Radient serves market leaders in the pharmaceutical, food, beverage, natural health, personal care and biofuel markets through its 20,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Edmonton, Alberta.
قابل تجديد توانائي گروپ ڪارپوريشن (NasdaqGS: REGI) ترقي يافته بايو فيولز جو هڪ معروف پروڊيوسر ۽ اتر آمريڪا ۾ قابل تجديد ڪيميائي شين جو هڪ ڊولپر آهي. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. REG sells REG-9000™-based biomass diesel to distributors, so consumers can obtain cleaner burning fuel, which helps diversify the energy complex and improve energy security. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG also sells ultra-low sulfur diesel and heating oil in the northeastern and midwestern United States.
Rentech Inc. (NasdaqCM: RTK) owns and operates wood fiber processing, wood pellet production and nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing businesses. Rentech Nitrogen produces and sells products other than nitrogen fertilizers in its two factories-in our Dong Dubuque factory, we have sold DEF, including DEF, to industrial customers in the electricity, ethanol and diesel emission markets through a sales agreement with Yara. يوريا جو مائع. DEF is a urea-based chemical reactant designed to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust system of certain diesel engines in trucks, off-road farms and construction equipment.
Solazyme, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SZYM) develops and sells high-performance oils and ingredients that are beneficial to humans and the planet. Starting with microalgae, the world's original petroleum producer, Solazyme has created innovative, sustainable, high-performance products. These include renewable oils and ingredients that can be used as the basis for healthier food; high-performance industrial products; unique home and personal care solutions; and more sustainable fuels. Solazyme is headquartered in South San Francisco and its mission is to use one of the world's smallest and earliest life forms: microalgae to solve some of the world's biggest problems. سولازيم صنعت جي اڳواڻن سان تعاون ڪيو ته جيئن مائڪروالگي مان نڪتل جديد بايوفيول تيار ڪن، جيڪي صاف ڪن ٿا ۽ پيٽروليم تي ٻڌل ايندھن کان بھتر ڪم ڪن ٿا. The clean, renewable fuel extracted from Solazyme's oil provides solutions to complex problems such as fuel shortage, energy security and environmental impact, and can be installed neatly in existing infrastructure without the use of any engines. .

Taurus Energy (Stockholm: TAUR-B.ST) provides a new method of producing ethanol from forestry and agricultural waste. This method is protected by 13 international patented microbiological methods and can use renewable raw materials that were previously unavailable to produce ethanol. ٽورس انرجي جو طريقو هڪ اهم ماحولياتي فائدي جي نمائندگي ڪري ٿو، جڏهن ته موجوده طريقن جي مقابلي ۾ ايٿانول جي پيداوار جي قيمتن کي پڻ گھٽائي ٿو.
Vega Biofuels, Inc. (OTC: VGPR) is a leading energy company that produces and sells a renewable energy product called Bio-Coal and a soil amendment called Biochar, both of which are called ” The unique technology of “baking” is made from ڪاٺ جو ضايع. ٽوسٽنگ هڪ طريقو آهي بايوماس جي علاج جو طريقو اعلي درجه حرارت تي گهٽ آڪسيجن جي حالتن هيٺ.
Verbio Vgt Bioenerg (XETRA: VBK.DE; Frankfurt: VBK.F) is one of Europe's leading independent producers and suppliers of biofuels, and the only industrial-scale producer of biodiesel, bioethanol and biomethane in Europe. هن وقت، ان جي نامياري سالياني پيداوار جي گنجائش لڳ ڀڳ 450,000 ٽن بايو ڊيزل، 270,000 ٽن بايوٿينول ۽ 480 GWh بائيو ميٿين آهي. VERBIO uses its own energy-saving production process and cutting-edge technology to manufacture its high-efficiency fuels. Compared with standard gasoline and diesel, VERBIO's biofuel can reduce carbon dioxide by up to 90%.
VIASPACE Company (OTC: VSPC) grows the renewable GiantKing® Grass as a low-carbon fuel for clean power generation; for environmentally friendly energy particles; ۽ بائيو ميٿين ۽ گرين سيلولوز بايو فيولز، بايو ڪيميڪل پروڊڪٽس ۽ بايوميٽيريل خام مال جي پيداوار جي طور تي. Giant Gold® گھاس ھڪڙو مالدار، اعلي پيداوار، وقف ٿيل بايوماس توانائي فصل آھي. GiantKing® گھاس، جيڪو اڪثر ڪري 4 کان 5 فوٽ بلند ڪيو ويندو آهي، پڻ هڪ بهترين جانورن جو کاڌو آهي. The US Department of Agriculture approved the planting of “Giant Golden Grass” throughout the United States and cooperated with exports by conducting necessary inspections and issuing phytosanitary certificates for imports. GiantKing® Grass is grown in California, Hawaii, Santa Cruz Virgin Islands, Nicaragua, South Africa, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines and Guyana.

3Power Energy Group (OTC: PSPW) is a leading sustainable energy utility company dedicated to global wind, solar and hydropower solutions. 3Power گراهڪ کي محفوظ ۽ قابل اعتماد قابل تجديد توانائي مان عملي-پيماني تي گرين پاور مهيا ڪرڻ جو منصوبو ٺاهي ٿو جيڪا گروپ ٺاهي، مالڪ ۽ هلائي ٿي. The company plans to develop, build and acquire power plants operated by Bio Feed stock (biomass)
4Energy Invest SA (Brussels: ENINV.BR) هڪ بيلجيم قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو مقصد هڪ پورٽ فوليو ٺاهڻ ۽ منظم ڪرڻ آهي ننڍي ۽ وچولي سائيز جي مقامي ايمبيڊڊ پروجيڪٽ جيڪي سڌي يا اڻ سڌي طرح بايوماس کي توانائي ۾ تبديل ڪن ٿيون. The core business of 4Energy Invest is to directly generate heat and electricity in cogeneration, or indirectly generate renewable solid fuels, such as converting unpolluted wood biomass at the end of life in the forestry sector into energy. As dry wood chips and white wood pellets.

Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Accionا قابل تجديد توانائي مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم پليئر آهي، پنجن براعظمن تي 20 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائقن ۾ مضبوط آپريشنز سان. ڪمپني قابل تجديد توانائي سان ڪم ڪرڻ ۾ ماهر آهي، خاص طور تي انهن مان پنج- ونڊ انرجي، سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، سولر تھرمل انرجي، هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور ۽ بايوماس انرجي.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions, with a focus on smart grids. Biomass: We are the market leader in dedicated biomass co-firing and installation. بايوماس جي تياري لاءِ اسان جي مربوط حلن سان، توهان طاقت جي پيداوار ۾ بايوماس جي اثرائتي استعمال کي وڌائي سگهو ٿا.
AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) عالمي تيل ۽ گئس، کان کني، صاف توانائي، ۽ ماحولياتي ۽ انفراسٽرڪچر مارڪيٽن لاءِ مشاورت، انجنيئرنگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني ونڊ انرجي، سولر انرجي، بايوماس ۽ بائيو فيول منصوبن لاءِ انجنيئرنگ، خريداري ۽ تعميراتي حل فراهم ڪري ٿي، ۽ ڪمبشن ۽ ٻاڦ پيدا ڪرڻ واري سامان جي ڊيزائن ۽ سپلائي ۾ مصروف آهي. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. اهو تيل ڪمپنيون، ڪيميائي ڪمپنيون، يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنيون ۽ سرڪاري ادارن کي خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company's predecessor was AMEC plc
AREVA SA (پيرس: AREVA.PA) ايٽمي طاقت ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. اريوا گروپ پڻ قابل تجديد توانائي ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪري ٿو ته جيئن پارٽنرشپ ذريعي اعلي ٽيڪنالاجي حل پيدا ڪري. ايٽمي توانائي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي مڪمل ٿيڻ جي ذريعي، اريوا گروپ سڀاڻي جي توانائي جي ماڊل جي قيام ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو: ماڻهن جي وڏي تعداد کي محفوظ، گهٽ ڪاربن ڊاء آڪسائيڊ توانائي سان مهيا ڪرڻ لاء. اريوا گروپ چار قابل تجديد توانائي جي شعبن ۾ ڪاروبار جو هڪ سلسلو آهي: آف شور ونڊ انرجي، بايو انرجي، مرڪوز شمسي توانائي ۽ توانائي اسٽوريج. Biomass: AREVA is an industry pioneer in the development of power engineering solutions, with a focus on biomass combustion technology. ان کان علاوه، اريوا گروپ FlexBio ٺاهي رهيو آهي، ان جو پنهنجو منفرد ۽ پيچيده بايوماس ڪمبشن حل، جيڪو هندستان ۽ ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا ۾ گهڻو آهي. The organization also added an industrial baking technology to its product portfolio, allowing AREVA to participate in this promising market.

ڊيوڪ انرجي (NYSE: DUK) آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي پاور هولڊنگ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا تقريبن 7.3 ملين آمريڪي گراهڪن کي توانائي فراهم ڪري ٿي. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. ڊيوڪ انرجي جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر چارليٽ، اتر ڪيولينا ۾ آهي ۽ هڪ فارچون 250 ڪمپني آهي. Biomass energy: In response to my country's increasing demand for base-load power generation, Duke Energy is seeking to use biomass (“biomass power generation”) as a renewable energy source.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy networks and customer solutions are the cornerstones of the new energy world. Biomass In 2008, we put into production Steven's Croft (Steven's Croft), which is Scotland's largest dedicated biomass power plant with a total capacity of 44 MW. روايتي پاور پلانٽس جي اخراج جي مقابلي ۾، اهو نه صرف قابل اعتماد طور تي تقريبن 70,000 برطانوي گهرن کي طاقت ڏئي سگهي ٿو، پر اهو پڻ اسان کي هر سال تقريبن 140,000 ٽن ڪاربان ڊاء آڪسائيڊ جي پيداوار کان بچڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿو. Currently, another dedicated biomass power plant, Blackburn Meadows, is under construction, and E.ON's biomass activities in the UK focus on converting existing coal-fired power plants into biomass combustion. Our first conversion project is underway at Ironbridge, and other plans are also in the pipeline. All raw materials used in our biomass plant comply with our responsible sourcing policy.

Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. گروهه جي مدد سان سماجي تبديلين جو دارومدار نه رڳو معاشي ترقي، سماجي ترقي ۽ قدرتي وسيلن جي تحفظ تي آهي. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. هائيڊرو پاور بلاشڪ ترقي يافته توانائي جو مکيه ذريعو آهي، پر ونڊ انرجي، سولر انرجي، بايوماس انرجي ۽ جيوٿرمل انرجي انرجي ڍانچي ۾ وڌيڪ اهم ٿي رهي آهي.

G2 Technologies Corp. (CSE: GTOO) is dedicated to the production of wood pellets for civilian and commercial purposes in Europe. All pellets are made from residual sawdust and wood chips. G2 ٽيڪنالاجيز يورپي پاور پلانٽس لاءِ صاف ڪندڙ قابل تجديد ايندھن مهيا ڪرڻ جي قابل آهي جيڪي بجلي ۽ بجلي پيدا ڪن ٿيون جڏهن ته ڪمپني جي مقصد کي پورو ڪندي ڪاربان فوٽ پرنٽ کي گهٽائڻ جي.
سائو توانائي (او ٽي سي: جيليو) هڪ انقلابي سائي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي وارو ڪاروبار آهي جنهن جي بائيوڪونسولس ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ فضول انتظام لاء استعمال ٿيل آهي. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. This provides GELV with opportunities to develop in multiple industries, which are currently related to government authorizations. اهي ضرورتون قابل تجديد توانائي ۽ بايو ايندھن کي وڌائين ٿيون. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. اهي ٽيڪنالاجي پليٽ فارم جلدي ڪري سگهن ٿا، اقتصادي طور تي فضول سائيٽ تي ترتيب ڏيو، ۽ ان جي برعڪس. گرين انرجي لائيو هڪ واحد ماخذ فراهم ڪندڙ جي حيثيت ۾ رکيل آهي جيڪا بايوماس انرجي سسٽم لاءِ سامان جو مڪمل سيٽ مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ موجود جديد ترين ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿي. سائو توانائي لائيو گراهڪن کي انهن جي مخصوص ضرورتن کي لاڳو ڪرڻ لاء گراهڪن ۽ مدد فراهم ڪندو.
Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS: GPRE) is a diversified commodity processing business that involves ethanol production, corn oil production, grain handling and storage, livestock farm operations, and commodity marketing and distribution services. The company processes more than 10 million tons of corn each year, producing more than one billion gallons of ethanol at full capacity, three million tons of livestock feed and 250 million pounds of industrial-grade corn oil. گرين ميدانن پڻ هڪ گڏيل منصوبي ۾ هڪ ڀائيوار آهي جيڪو algal بايوماس کي وڌائڻ ۽ حاصل ڪرڻ لاء جديد ٽيڪنالاجيز کي تجارتي ڪندو.
Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) هندستان جي وڌندڙ توانائي جي صنعت ۾ هڪ اهم پليئر آهي ۽ هندستان ۾ صاف توانائي جي منصوبن جو هڪ مارڪيٽ-معروف مالڪ ۽ آپريٽر آهي. The group is building a risk-free portfolio of wind energy, hydropower, natural gas and biomass assets in India.
Helius Energy (LSE: HEGY.L) was established to identify, develop, own and operate biomass-fueled renewable energy power plants. هيليس کي قابل تجديد توانائي مارڪيٽ، بايوماس انرجي ٽيڪنالاجي، بايوماس ايندھن جا ذريعا، منصوبي جي ترقي، پاور پلانٽ تي عملدرآمد ۽ آپريشن ۾ وسيع ڄاڻ آهي.
Lakshmi Energy and Food Company (BSE: LAKSHMIO.BO) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the production, processing and sale of rice in India and internationally. It operates through two parts based on agriculture and energy. It operates a power plant with a capacity of 30 megawatts, which uses rice husks to generate electricity and sell electricity. لڪشمي انرجي اينڊ فوڊ ڪمپني، لميٽيڊ اڳ ۾ لڪشمي اوورسيز انڊسٽريل ڪمپني، لميٽيڊ جي نالي سان مشهور هئي.

Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) is an energy and environmental technology group dedicated to the development, production and sales of systems and products for environmentally friendly, efficient and low-resource energy. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon سويڊن، جرمني ۽ برطانيه ۾ آپريشن ڪيو آهي. Opcon's business area Renewable Energy focuses on carbon dioxide-free power generation based on waste heat, bio-powered thermal power plants, pellet plants, biomass, sludge and natural gas processing systems, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, and flue gas treatment. The air system of the fuel cell.
اورينٽ گرين پاور لميٽيڊ (NSE: GREENPOWER-EQ.NS) هندستان ۾ هڪ آزاد قابل تجديد توانائي توانائي پيدا ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي. ڪمپني کي ترقي، مالڪ ۽ مختلف قسم جي قابل تجديد توانائي پاور پلانٽ کي هلائڻ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو. The company's investment portfolio includes biomass and wind energy projects at different stages of development.
Peat Resources Co., Ltd. (TSX: PET.V) قائم ڪيو ويو پيٽ جي ٻارڻ کي ڳولڻ، ترقي ڪرڻ ۽ پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ، جيڪو هڪ پائيدار حياتياتي وسيلو آهي. The company has developed an environmentally acceptable harvesting and processing system to provide high-quality peat fuel for heat and power generation to utilities and other industrial operations under long-term contracts. The company is also studying the need to develop value-added bio-carbon derivatives from peat particles (such as activated carbon), which has a growing demand in many industrial and household applications.

In order to take advantage of the growing opportunities in the clean energy sector, React Energy (previously known as Kedco plc) (LSE: REAC.L) was established. The group is now a diversified renewable energy company with cash-generating and development assets in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The group focuses on the biomass power and heating industries in the United Kingdom, with a capital cost of approximately £500,000 to £40 million, a power generation capacity of approximately 4 MW to 10 MW, and a heat generation of 200 kW to 1 MW, while the wind energy field It is Ireland. ۽، گرين فيلڊ جي موقعن کان منصوبابندي، گرڊ ۽ تعميراتي مرحلن، ۽ نقد پيدا ڪندڙ اثاثن تائين پروجيڪٽ جي ترسيل تي خاص ڌيان ڏنو ويندو آهي.
قابل تجديد توانائي پاور جنريشن لميٽيڊ (LSE: WIND.L) ترقي ڪري ٿو، تعمير ڪري ٿو، ماليات ۽ هلائي ٿو آنشور قابل تجديد توانائي منصوبن کي برطانيه ۾، ٽن مکيه علائقن ۾ شامل آهي: آنشور ونڊ انرجي، بايوماس توانائي ۽ شمسي توانائي. We generate renewable energy by using patented bio-liquid recovered from waste edible oil to meet the national grid's demand for backup power to maintain the UK's lighting status during unplanned demand.
قابل تجديد توانائي گروپ ڪارپوريشن (NasdaqGS: REGI) ترقي يافته بايو فيولز جو هڪ معروف پروڊيوسر ۽ اتر آمريڪا ۾ قابل تجديد ڪيميائي شين جو هڪ ڊولپر آهي. REG utilizes nationwide production, distribution and logistics systems as part of an integrated value chain model, focusing on converting natural fats, oils and greases into advanced biofuels and converting various raw materials into renewable chemicals. REG has 10 active biorefineries across the country, R&D capabilities, and a diversified and growing intellectual property portfolio, and is committed to becoming a long-term leader in bio-based fuels and chemicals. For more than ten years, REG has been a reliable supplier of advanced biofuels that meet or exceed ASTM quality specifications. REG sells REG-9000™-based biomass diesel to distributors, so consumers can obtain cleaner burning fuel, which helps diversify the energy complex and improve energy security. REG-9000™ biomass-based diesel is sold in most states in the United States. REG also sells ultra-low sulfur diesel and heating oil in the northeastern and midwestern United States.

Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SES) is a Houston-based technology company dedicated to bringing clean, high-value energy to developing countries through its proprietary U-Gas®-based gasification technology , The technology has been licensed by قدرتي گئس ٽيڪنالاجي انسٽيٽيوٽ. SES Gasification ٽيڪنالاجي (SGT) بجلي جي پيداوار، صنعتي ايندھن، ڪيميائي ڀاڻ، ۽ نقل و حمل جي ايندھن لاء صاف، گھٽ قيمت سينگاس پيدا ڪري سگھي ٿي، اھڙيء طرح قيمتي قدرتي گئس توانائي کي تبديل ڪري ٿي. سارڪ کي صاف طور تي ڪلينر ٽرانسپورٽ ايندھن جي طور تي استعمال ڪرڻ لاء اعلي پاڪائي واري هائيڊروجن پڻ پيدا ڪري سگھي ٿو. SGT uses the blue sky to achieve growth and provide greater fuel flexibility for large-scale and efficient small and medium-scale operations near fuel sources. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.

Vega Biofuels, Inc. (OTC: VGPR) is a leading energy company that produces and sells a renewable energy product called Bio-Coal and a soil amendment called Biochar, both of which are called ” The unique technology of “baking” is made from ڪاٺ جو ضايع. ٽوسٽنگ هڪ طريقو آهي بايوماس جي علاج جو طريقو اعلي درجه حرارت تي گهٽ آڪسيجن جي حالتن هيٺ.

2GEnergy AG (XETRA: 2GB.DE) is the world's leading manufacturer of combined heat and power systems (CHP), which realize decentralized energy production and supply through combined heat and power. The company's product portfolio includes systems with capacities between 20 kW and 4,000 kW, which can be used for natural gas, biogas or biomethane and other lean gas operations. So far, 2G has successfully installed thousands of CHPs in 35 countries/regions. In particular, in the performance range of 50 kW to 550 kW, 2G has its own technical internal combustion engine concept, which is characterized by lower specific fuel consumption, higher operational availability and optimized maintenance intervals. The company has invested in an additional production, sales and service base in St. Augustine, Florida, next to its main production base at its headquarters in Sigg, Germany. 2G جا گراهڪ هارين کان وٺي صنعتي گراهڪ، ميونسپلٽيز، ريئل اسٽيٽ انڊسٽري، ميونسپل يوٽيلٽيز ۽ وڏي پبلڪ يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنين تائين آهن. The close service network and the high technical quality and performance of 2G power stations are the basis for establishing a high level of customer satisfaction. Thanks to the combination of their thermoelectric properties, they achieve an overall efficiency of 85% to over 90%. پنهنجي ٽيڪنيڪي قيادت کي وڌيڪ وڌائڻ لاءِ، ڪمپني قدرتي گئس، بايوگاس ۽ سنگاس (جهڙوڪ هائيڊروجن) ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ گئس انجڻين لاءِ R&D سرگرمين ۾ سيڙپڪاري جاري رکي ٿي. The company is located in Westphalia in northwestern Germany, adjacent to a combined heat and power station, and provides integrated solutions from the planning stage, installation to serial service and maintenance work. ان جي غير مرڪب مقام، اسڪيبلبلٽي ۽ پيش گوئي جي دستيابي جي ڪري، CHP پاور پلانٽ صاف توانائي ۽ جديد توانائي جي فراهمي جي تصورن جي مسلسل منتقلي ۾ ذهين نيٽ ورڪ توانائي سسٽم (نام نهاد ورچوئل پاور پلانٽ) جي حصي طور اهم ڪردار ادا ڪندا. جو ڪردار
ايٽمي ٽيڪنالاجي Inc. (TSX: AAT.V) هڪ تيز وڌندڙ سبز ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا تجارتي عمارتن جي عملي ڪارڪردگي بهتر ڪري ٿي. AirTest's leading proprietary sensor technology improves the energy performance, environmental impact and return on investment of the millions of buildings in which we all work, shop, and entertain. We cooperate with existing construction contractors, building owners, property management companies, energy management companies, and large equipment and control manufacturers.
Alternate Energy Holdings (OTC: AEHI) جي مکيه شروعات پيٽيٽ ڪائونٽي، آئيڊاهو ۾ هڪ تجويز ڪيل ايٽمي پاور پلانٽ جي تعمير آهي. AEHI هن موقعي جي سڀ کان اڳيان هوندي، آمريڪا ۾ پهرين عوامي طور تي واپار ڪندڙ آزاد ايٽمي پاور ڪمپني بڻجي ويندي. ان جي موروثي بيوروڪريسي سان، ان جي ڪارڪردگي آساني سان وڏين ايٽمي ۽ فوسل پاور ڪمپنين کان اڳتي وڌي ويندي. AEHI پڻ ڳولي رهيو آهي ننڍيون سبز توانائي ڪمپنيون حاصل ڪرڻ ۽ نيون ڪمپنيون ٺاهڻ. AEHI بهترين انتظام ۽ نيٽ ورڪ صلاحيتن کي مهيا ڪندي مارڪيٽ کي وڌايو، انهي سان گڏ حاصل ڪيل ڪاروبار جي ترقي ۾ مدد ڪندي. ڪمپني وڌيڪ ماحولياتي طاقت جي فراهمي کي خريد ڪندي واڌ جي موقعن کي جاري رکندي. By owning existing power generation resources, AEHI will assist in expediting the regulatory approval of its new energy construction, including joint ventures that produce reactors and nuclear components and other energy sources.
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) is a leading independent provider that provides comprehensive services, energy efficiency, infrastructure upgrades, asset sustainability and renewable energy solutions for companies and organizations in North America and Europe. آمريڪو جي پائيدار خدمتون شامل آهن سهولتن جي توانائي جي بنيادي ڍانچي کي اپ گريڊ ڪرڻ ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي پلانٽس جي ترقي، تعمير ۽ آپريشن. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
American DG Energy Company (NYSE MKT: ADGE) provides its customers with low-cost energy through distributed power generation systems. The company is committed to providing clean and reliable electricity, cooling, hot water and hot water to factories, commercial and small industrial facilities through its On. قيمت مقامي يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنين جي ڀيٽ ۾ گھٽ آهي بغير ڪنهن سرمائي کي توانائي استعمال ڪندڙن لاءِ. يا شروع ٿيندڙ خرچ. -Site Utility energy solution. DG Energy is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. ڪمپني جا حل هاڻي پوري دنيا ۾ گيگا واٽ جي قابل تجديد توانائي کي طاقت ڏئي رهيا آهن ۽ هڪ درجن کان وڌيڪ ملڪن ۾ پاور نيٽ ورڪن جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ اعتبار کي بهتر بڻايو آهي. AMSC was founded in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. ضم ٿيل aspenONE حل سان، پروسيس ٺاهيندڙ پنهنجي انجنيئرنگ، پيداوار ۽ سپلائي چين جي عملن کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ بهترين طريقا لاڳو ڪري سگهن ٿا. نتيجي طور، AspenTech گراهڪ بهتر ڪري سگھن ٿا پيداوار جي صلاحيت وڌائي، منافعو وڌائي، خرچ گھٽائي ۽ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX جي تحقيق ۽ پراڊڪٽس نئين ”سبز“ ٽيڪنالاجيز لاءِ ضروري آهن جيڪي موجوده توانائي کي بچائڻ ۽ قابل اعتماد ۽ سستي نظام ٺاهڻ لاءِ ٺاهيا ويا آهن جيئن ته ونڊ، سولر ۽ هائيڊرو پاور استعمال ڪري قابل تجديد توانائي. AVX ٽيڪنالاجي جي اعتبار کي يقيني بڻائي سگهندي ته هي ۽ ايندڙ نسلن کي انهن سائي ٽيڪنالاجي مان فائدو حاصل ٿيندو. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.

Cap-XX (LSE: CPX.L) designs and manufactures supercapacitors and energy management systems for portable electronic devices and automotive and renewable energy applications. اهو وائرليس حصن ۽ موبائيل ڊوائيسز، جهڙوڪ PCMCIA ۽ ڪمپيڪٽ فليش ميموري پروڊڪٽس، موبائيل فونز، بيٺو PDAs ۽ وائرليس سينسر نيٽ ورڪن لاءِ سپر ڪيپيسٽرز جو هڪ سلسلو مهيا ڪري ٿو. And consumer products, including digital cameras, laptops, digital music players, fusion handheld devices, toys and e-books. The company also provides supercapacitors for commercial products, including durable PDAs, automatic meter readers, medical equipment, location tracking devices and automotive applications. It mainly operates in the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Europe. CAP-XX Limited was formerly known as Energy Storage Systems Pty Limited.
Carillion plc (LSE: CLLN.L) هڪ معروف آئوٽ سورسنگ ڪمپني آهي. اهو دنيا جي حرارتي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي سڀ کان وڏي سپلائرز مان هڪ آهي ۽ ڪاربن جي معيشت ۾ سڀ کان اڳيان آهي. Carillion Energy Services is a modern company that promotes an emerging “green” agenda. اسان ڪاربن جي اخراج کي گهٽائڻ ۾ اهم ڪردار ادا ڪيو آهي ۽ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي شعبن ۾ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهيون.

Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd. CETI (اڳوڻي Probe Manufacturing Company) (OTC: PMFI) هڪ صاف توانائي ۽ ماحوليات جي لحاظ کان پائيدار ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا نه صرف گرميءَ جي بحاليءَ جا حل پراڊڪٽس مهيا ڪري ٿي، پر ٻين توانائيءَ جي بچت ۽ ماحوليات کي پائيدار بڻائڻ تي پڻ ڌيان ڏئي ٿي. ٽيڪنالاجي انجنيئرنگ ۽ پيداوار حل. The company's main product is the Clean Cycle™ generator provided by Heat Recovery Solutions or HRS. ڪمپني جي انجنيئرنگ ۽ پيداوار جا وسيلا ان جي گرمي جي بحالي جي حل جي ڪاروبار کي سپورٽ ڪن ٿا ۽ ٻين اڀرندڙ ترقي ڪندڙ ڪمپنين کي پنهنجي ٽيڪنالاجي، خاص طور تي صاف ٽيڪنالاجي سان سهڪار جاري رکندا آهن. The company intends to identify other technologies or companies to acquire and integrate into engineering and manufacturing platforms focused on clean technologies.
CleanSpark, Inc. (OTCQB: CLSK) جديد توانائي سافٽ ويئر ۽ ڪنٽرول ٽيڪنالاجي مهيا ڪري ٿي، جيڪا جديد توانائي جي چئلينجن کي منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ پلگ ۽ راند انٽرپرائز حلن کي محسوس ڪري سگهي ٿي. Our services include smart energy monitoring, microgrid design and engineering, microgrid consulting services and turnkey microgrid implementation services. CleanSpark's customers include not only energy consumers, but also the entire distributed energy ecosystem: developers, installers, EPC, IPP and energy storage suppliers. CleanSpark's software allows energy users to obtain flexibility and economic optimization. Our software has unique functions, can expand the microgrid according to the specific needs of users, and can be widely implemented in commercial, industrial, military, agricultural and municipal deployments.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. Distrito Federal کان علاوه، Cemig 22 برازيل رياستن ۾ پڻ هلندي آهي، ۽ چلي ۾ هڪ ٽرانسميشن لائن هلائي ٿو جيڪا Alusa سان گڏ ڪنسورشيم ٺاهي ٿي. ڪمپني روشني ۾ پنهنجي حصي کي وڌايو ۽ توانائي جي تقسيم ڪمپني جو ڪنٽرول فرض ڪيو، جيڪو ريو ڊي جينيرو شهر ۽ ساڳئي نالي جي رياست جي ٻين شهرن ۾ خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿو. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig is also the only power company in Latin America to be included in the Global Dow Index. emig ranks third among the largest generators in Brazil, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, controlled and affiliated power generation company has 65 operating plants, of which 59 are hydroelectric power plants, three are thermal power plants, and three are wind power plants. نصب ٿيل گنجائش 6,925 GW آهي. توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي: ڪارڪردگي
ConEdison Solutions، ConEdison Corporation جو هڪ ماتحت ادارو (NYSE: ED)، هڪ معروف توانائي سروسز ڪمپني آهي جيڪا قابل تجديد توانائي، پائيدار خدمتون، قيمتي موثر توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي حل، طلب جي جواب ۽ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي جو معاهدو فراهم ڪري ٿي. The company serves commercial, industrial, residential and government customers as well as universities, public school districts and hospitals across the country. The company provides innovative products, stable finances and a commitment to customer service. It has an office in Valhalla, New York. Burlington, Massachusetts; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Falls Church, Virginia; Tampa, Florida; Nashville, Tennessee, Kansas Land Park; and Bloomington, Minnesota. The company's professional team of energy professionals provides a wide range of energy solutions. Con Edison Solutions provides programs and services designed to help customers achieve their respective energy goals and is recognized as an energy service provider (ESP) by the National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO).
ڪنسليشن انرجي (NYSE: EXC)، Exelon جي هڪ ڪمپني، براعظم آمريڪا ۾ گھرن ۽ ڪاروبارن لاءِ بجلي، قدرتي گئس، قابل تجديد توانائي، ۽ توانائي جي انتظام جي شين ۽ خدمتن جو هڪ اعليٰ مسابقتي سپلائر آهي. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) LED روشنيءَ واري انقلاب جي اڳواڻي ڪري ٿي ۽ روايتي لائٽنگ ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ختم ڪري ٿو جيڪي توانائي جي بچت، پاري کان آزاد LED لائٽنگ استعمال ڪندي توانائي کي ضايع ڪن ٿيون. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. Cree's product line includes LED lamps and bulbs, blue and green LED chips, high-brightness LEDs, lighting-grade power LEDs, power switching devices and RF devices. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.

1802 کان وٺي، DuPont (NYSE: DD) عالمي سطح جي سائنس ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيڪنالاجي کي عالمي مارڪيٽ ۾ جديد شين، مواد ۽ خدمتن جي صورت ۾ آندو آهي. ڪمپني کي يقين آهي ته گراهڪن، حڪومتن، غير سرڪاري تنظيمن ۽ سوچ جي اڳواڻن سان تعاون ذريعي، اسان عالمي چئلينجن جو حل ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهون ٿا، جهڙوڪ سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن لاء ڪافي صحتمند کاڌو مهيا ڪرڻ، فوسل ايندھن تي انحصار کي گهٽائڻ ۽ زندگي جي حفاظت ۽. ماحول. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) is a power management company. Eaton provides energy-saving solutions to help our customers manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more effectively, safely and sustainably. Eaton 175 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن ۾ گراهڪن کي مصنوعات وڪرو ڪري ٿو.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Global related markets. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon پنهنجي گراهڪن کي آپريٽنگ خرچن کي گهٽائڻ، اطمينان ۽ حفاظت کي بهتر ڪرڻ، آمدني وڌائڻ، ۽ موجوده ۽ اڀرندڙ مارڪيٽن ٻنهي ۾ بهتر ڪارڪردگي ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو.

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. گهڻيون توانائي جون شيون ۽ حل فوري طور تي لاڳو ڪري سگھجن ٿيون جتي ضرورت هجي. EHT هڪ مڪمل سيٽ شمسي فوٽووولٽڪ، ونڊ انرجي ۽ بيٽري اسٽوريج حلن کي گڏ ڪري ٿو ته جيئن مقابلي کان ٻاهر نڪرڻ لاء. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. اهي مصنوعات کي پرڪشش ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پرڪشش ڪمن، ٿڌن گهرن، نن، اسرار ۽ شهري عمارتون، ۽ عارضي عمارتون.
Energy Edge Technologies Corporation (OTC: EEDG) آمريڪا ۾ توانائي انجنيئرنگ ۽ ٻيون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company provides energy engineering and services specializing in the development and implementation of advanced turnkey projects to reduce energy loss and improve the efficiency of new and old buildings.
Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ERII) develops award-winning solutions to improve productivity, profitability and energy efficiency in the oil and gas, chemical and water industries. اسان جون پروڊڪٽس پيچيده سسٽم کي آسان ڪن ٿيون ۽ ڪمزور ڊوائيسز جي حفاظت ڪن ٿيون. Energy Recovery is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, with offices in Shanghai and Dubai.
Enerji Ltd (ASX: ERJ.AX) and its subsidiaries sell energy recovery and clean energy power generation solutions in Australia. ڪمپني هڪ سسٽم ٺاهي ۽ ترقي ڪئي جيڪا بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ لاء گرمي استعمال ڪري ٿي. اهو پڻ وڪرو ڪري ٿو Airec گرمي ايڪسچينجرز.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) is a leading provider of cloud-based energy intelligence software (EIS) and services to thousands of corporate customers and utilities worldwide. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. انٽرنيشنل اي سي اي سي ۾ بجيٽنگ، يوٽيلٽي بلنگ مئنيجمينٽ، سهولتن جي اصلاح ۽ رپورٽنگ، منصوبي جي ڳولا، ۽ مطالبو جو جواب. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).
ماحولياتي خدمت جو ماهر، Int. (OTC: نمي جي جانشين ٽيسٽ / اندروني فهرستن کي عوامي طور تي فهرست ڏيڻ واري ڪمپني آهي. ESP ڪاروبار جو هڪ جامع سيٽ رکي ٿو ۽ هلائي ٿو توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي، ماحولياتي مسئلن، ۽ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي مارڪيٽن ۾ ماحولياتي حساس مسئلن کي حل ڪرڻ. ESP مختلف انسپيڪشن سروسز مهيا ڪري ٿي، جنهن ۾ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي ملڪيتن لاءِ توانائي/ڪارڪردگي جا آڊٽ، زهر، نمي جي مداخلت، را، ليڊ، VOC، ۽ ٻيا ڊگھي ۽ ڊگھي مدي واريون منفيات سميت اندرين هوا جي معيار جي معائنن تي ڌيان ڏيڻ. گھر جي اندر آلودگي جو ماحول ۽ رهائشي صحت تي اثر.
Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) گھر جي اپلائنسز جي توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ پاور سپلائيز ۽ موبائيل سيميڪنڊڪٽر ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ڊزائين، ٺاھيو ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿو، موبائل ڊيوائس ٺاهيندڙن کي جديد نيون خاصيتون مهيا ڪرڻ ۽ صنعتي مصنوعات جي ڪارڪردگي کي بھتر ڪرڻ لاءِ. اسان جو عالمي ڪاروبار اندروني ۽ بيروني پيداوار ۽ لچڪدار ملٽي سورس سپلائي چين جي مدد سان آهي. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. اسان جي سيمي ڪنڊڪٽر حل لاءِ آٽوميٽڪ، موبائيل، ايل اي ڊي لائٽنگ ۽ پاور مئنيجمينٽ ايپليڪيشنون اسان جي گراهڪن کي هر روز ڪامياب ٿيڻ ۾ مدد ڪن ٿيون.

Fuel-Tech, Inc. (NASDAQGS: FTEK) هڪ معروف ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا دنيا جي سڀ کان وڌيڪ ترقي يافته ملڪيت واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪرڻ، تجارتي ڪرڻ ۽ لاڳو ڪرڻ لاء وقف ڪري ٿي فضائي آلودگي جي ڪنٽرول، پروسيس کي بهتر ڪرڻ ۽ جديد انجنيئرنگ سروسز لاء. اهي ٽيڪنالاجيون گراهڪن کي توانائي پيدا ڪرڻ ۽ مواد کي پروسيس ڪرڻ جي قابل بنائي ٿو هڪ قيمتي موثر ۽ ماحولياتي پائيدار انداز ۾.
Fujitsu Co., Ltd. (OTC: FJTSY) is Japan's leading information and communication technology (ICT) company, providing a full range of technical products, solutions and services. Fujitsu has approximately 159,000 employees supporting customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. The sustainable development of the balanced economy, society and environment has brought challenges and opportunities to modern enterprises. Organizations that understand the innovative use of IT while focusing on optimization, resource and energy efficiency will benefit from business advantages and social responsibility. Fujitsu can help your organization optimize the efficiency of its ICT equipment and data center, saving you money and reducing greenhouse gases. Our corporate sustainability services align your environmental goals with business goals to achieve sustainable operations. اسان جي ڊيٽا سينٽر جي اصلاح جون خدمتون توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن ٿيون ۽ ڊيٽا سينٽر آپريشن ۽ انتظام جي خرچن کي گھٽائي سگهن ٿيون. Using our sustainability framework, organizations can reduce ICT energy costs by an average of 40% in the first 12 months without increasing capital expenditures.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. وسيع پئسفڪ سمنڊ ۾ روايتي جيوتھرمل وسيلا ريم آھن.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. The company focuses on providing priority or senior capital to established sponsors and debtors with high credit quality to generate long-term, recurring and predictable cash flows. اناپولس، ميري لينڊ ۾ هيڊ ڪوارٽر، Hannon Armstrong هڪ ريئل اسٽيٽ انويسٽمينٽ ٽرسٽ (REIT) چونڊيو جيڪو وفاقي آمدني ٽيڪس جي مقصدن لاءِ ٽيڪس ادا ڪرڻ جو اهل آهي. ان جو ٽيڪس سال ڊسمبر 31، 2013 تي شروع ٿئي ٿو

Hydro66 Holdings Corp. (CSE: SIX) (OTCQB: HYHDF) owns and operates an award-winning colocation data center in Sweden that specializes in high-performance computing (“HPC”) colocation. The company has a third-party IT infrastructure, which uses 100% green power, is among the lowest in the EU, and is in an ISO27001-approved facility. The unique advantage of Hydro66 is that it can take advantage of the blockchain infrastructure and the opportunities in the traditional enterprise colocation data center market. ڪمپني مهيا ڪري ٿي حقيقي سبز توانائي، وقف ڪيل جڳهه ۽ ريفريجريشن، ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن، آئي ٽي سپورٽ خدمتون، ۽ 24/7 فزيڪل سيڪيورٽي بوڊن، سويڊن ۾ پنهنجي سهولتن تي، معروف قيمتن تي. Hydro66 helps enterprises, HPC blockchain companies and system integrators to significantly reduce the cost and carbon footprint of data.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا وقف ڪئي وئي آهي طاقت جي تبادلي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ. ڪمپني هڪ ناول پيٽنٽ ٿيل پاور ڪنورشن ٽيڪنالاجي تيار ڪئي آهي جنهن کي پاور پيڪٽ سوئچنگ آرڪيٽيڪچر ("PPSA") سڏيو ويندو آهي. PPSA اليڪٽرڪ پاور ڪنورٽرز جي سائيز، قيمت، ڪارڪردگي، لچڪ ۽ قابل اعتماد کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو. PPSA ڪيترن ئي وڏن ۽ وڌندڙ مارڪيٽن تائين وڌائي سگھي ٿو، جن ۾ سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، متغير فريڪوئنسي ڊرائيو، بيٽري انرجي اسٽوريج، موبائل پاور ۽ مائڪرو گرڊس، ۽ برقي گاڏي چارجنگ شامل آهن. ڪمپني پڻ ترقي ڪري رهي آهي هڪ bidirectional bidirectional Double junction transistor (B-TRAN™)، ۽ هڪ پيٽنٽ لاءِ درخواست ڏني آهي، جنهن ۾ باهمي طاقت جي سوئچز جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ طاقت جي کثافت کي تمام گهڻو بهتر ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت آهي. Ideal Power استعمال ڪري ٿو سرمائيدار-موثر ڪاروباري ماڊل جيڪو ڪمپني کي قابل بنائي ٿو ڪيترن ئي پراڊڪٽ ڊولپمينٽ پروجيڪٽس ۽ مارڪيٽن کي هڪ ئي وقت ۾.

Infineon Technologies (اڳوڻي انٽرنيشنل ريڪٽيفيئر ڪمپني) (OTC: IFNNY؛ Frankfurt: IFX.F) سيمي ڪنڊڪٽر فيلڊ ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. In January 2015, Infineon acquired the US-based International Rectifier Company, a leading provider of power management technology. International Rectifier Corporation (IR®) is a world leader in power management technology. Leading manufacturers of computers, energy-saving appliances, lighting, automobiles, satellites, aircraft, and defense systems all rely on IR's power management benchmarks to power their next-generation products.
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation (NYSE: IBM) provides information technology (IT) products and services worldwide. Energy and environment: IBM is committed to making our existing products and processes more effective for the environment and business, and at the same time developing new innovative technologies to help the world become smarter, promote economic and operational improvements, increase responsibility and reduce Environmental impact . Today's energy and climate-related issues are the top priority on our strategic agenda. IBM solutions can help customers reduce costs and systematically reduce energy, water, carbon emissions and waste. IBM is helping customers improve energy efficiency, adopt new ways to purchase, manufacture and distribute goods and services in a more sustainable way, achieve safe and renewable energy sources, and manage resources at a macro level, thereby transforming the entire industry. IBM combines our innovative technologies, deep business insights and industry expertise to respond to the challenges of our planet in a comprehensive manner. Together, we can enhance the sustainability of our business and the planet.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; communication systems; software; ۽ ميزباني ۽ صلاحڪار خدمتون. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources.

Just Energy Group, Inc. (TSX: JE.TO; NYSE: JE) is a leading consumer company that specializes in electricity and natural gas commodities, energy efficiency solutions and renewable energy options. Just Energy جون آمريڪا، ڪئناڊا، برطانيه، جرمني، آئرلينڊ ۽ جاپان ۾ آفيسون آهن، جيڪي تقريبن 1.7 ملين رهائشي ۽ تجارتي گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪري رهيون آهن، گهرن ۽ ڪاروبارن لاءِ توانائيءَ جا وسيع حل مهيا ڪري ٿي ته جيئن آرام، سهولت ۽ ڪنٽرول مهيا ڪري سگهجي. Just Energy Group Inc. اميگو انرجي، گرين اسٽار انرجي، هڊسن انرجي، ايج پاور انڪ، تارا انرجي ۽ ٽراپاس جي والدين ڪمپني آهي.

Legend Power Systems Inc. (TSX: LPS.V) is a leading energy saving company that produces and sells patented equipment to help commercial and industrial customers achieve significant energy savings through voltage optimization. ليجنڊ پاور جو اليڪٽريڪل ڪوآرڊينيٽر مدد ڪري سگهي ٿو ڪمپنين کي بجلي جي بلن کي گهٽائڻ، سار سنڀال جي خرچن ۽ برقي سامان جي زندگي کي وڌائڻ ۾، جڏهن ته گرين هائوس گيس جي اخراج کي گهٽائڻ ۾ مدد ڪري ٿي. Lenovo Power is recognized as the best performing clean technology company for TSX/V in 2015.
Lime Energy Co. (NASDAQCM: LIME) is building a new energy future. ننڍڙن ڪاروبارن ۽ تجارتي گراهڪن لاءِ توانائيءَ جي ڪارڪردگيءَ جي هڪ معروف قومي فراهم ڪندڙ جي حيثيت سان، Lime اسان جي يوٽيلٽي گراهڪن لاءِ سڌو تنصيب پروگرام ٺاهيا ۽ لاڳو ڪيا آهن جيڪي مسلسل پروگرام جي بچت جي مقصدن کان وڌيڪ آهن. اسان جو انعام حاصل ڪرڻ واري جامع خدمت جو پلان قابل اعتماد توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي فراهم ڪندو آهي جڏهن گراهڪن جي اطمينان جي اعلي سطح فراهم ڪري. هي ايندڙ نسل جو طريقو سڄي ملڪ ۾ يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنين جي مدد ڪري رهيو آهي سستا، صاف ۽ تيز ترين انرجي ريسورس (توانائي ڪارڪردگي) استعمال ڪرڻ ۾ جيڪي اسان وٽ آهن وڌيڪ ترقي لاءِ.
مائڪرو پپلنيٽ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪور. (TSX: MSX: MSX: MCC: MCCAF) کي هڪ بهتر سطح تائين حاصل ڪيل توانائي جي لاء وولٽيج کي ترقي ڏني وئي آهي. علائقن ۾ اعلي انپٽ وولٽز سان، اهو گراهڪن کي فعال ڪري سگهي ٿو 5٪ کان 12 سيڪڙو تائين گهٽ ۾ گهٽ 12 سيڪڙو کي گهٽائڻ. گھٽ-وولٹیز جي علائقن ۾، مائڪرو پروڊلاويٽنيٽ جي مصنوعات ان کي هڪ پروگرامر سيٽ تي معلومات ان کي وڌائي ۽ خرچن جي معيار کي جلد ۽ خرچن جي سهولت کي بهتر نموني سهولتن جي اجازت ڏين سگهي.
Microsemi Corp. (NasdaqGS: MSCC) provides a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for the communications, defense and security, aerospace and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; ۽ پاور مينيجمينٽ پراڊڪٽس؛ timing and synchronization equipment and precise time solutions that have established world time standards; آواز پروسيسنگ سامان؛ radio frequency solutions; Discrete components; security technology and scalable tamper-proof products; Ethernet solutions; power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; and custom-designed functions and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California. Smart Energy
The National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) transmits and distributes electricity and natural gas. ڪمپني UK بجلي جي ٽرانسميشن، UK گيس ٽرانسميشن، UK گيس جي ورڇ ۽ يو ايس ريگيوليٽري ايجنسين ذريعي هلندي آهي. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. The British natural gas transmission department has a natural gas transmission network in the UK and has liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facilities in the UK. The British Gas Distribution Division operates a natural gas distribution system in the UK. National Grid: National Grid is an electricity and natural gas transmission company that connects nearly 7 million customers to vital energy through its networks in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. اهو اتر اوڀر ۾ سڀ کان وڏو قدرتي گئس ورهائيندڙ آهي. Through its US Connect21 strategy, National Grid is transforming its power and natural gas networks to provide smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions to support the digital economy of the 21st century. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. ان جي ماتحت ادارن ذريعي، NextEra Energy فلوريڊا، نيو هيمپشائر، آئووا ۽ وڪوسنسن ۾ اٺ تجارتي ايٽمي پاور تنصيبات مان صاف، اخراج کان آزاد بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿي. پينٽرا صرف ادارن جي حفاظت لاء حفاظتي اي پارٽين جي قيمت کي پورو ڪيو ويو آهي "2015 پڻ دنيا ۾ شامل ڪيو ويو آهي" 2015 دنيا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ اشتهاري ڪمپنين. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”

ON Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: ON) is promoting energy-saving innovation, enabling customers to reduce global energy consumption. The company is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, providing a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient power and signal management, logic, standard and custom equipment products. ڪمپني جي پروڊڪٽس انجنيئرن کي آٽوميٽڪ، ڪميونيڪيشن، ڪمپيوٽنگ، صارف، صنعتي، طبي، ۽ فوجي/ايئر اسپيس ايپليڪيشنن ۾ سندن منفرد ڊيزائن جي چئلينجن کي حل ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگھن ٿيون. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, as well as a network of manufacturing plants, sales offices, and design centers in major markets in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) is leading the transformation of commercial and industrial buildings through the most advanced energy-saving lighting systems and retrofit lighting solutions. Orion manufactures and sells a series of cutting-edge products, including LED solid-state lighting and high-intensity fluorescent lamps. Orion جي ڪيترن ئي 100 کان وڌيڪ پيٽرن ۽ التوا واري پيٽرن جو تعلق روشني واري نظام سان آهي، جن ۾ بهترين آپٽيڪل ۽ حرارتي ڪارڪردگي آهي، جيڪي مالياتي، ماحولياتي ۽ ڪم اسپيس جا حصا آڻي سگهن ٿا ڪيترن ئي گراهڪن کي بحالي جي مارڪيٽ ۾ فائدا.
Pioneer Technologies (TSX: PTE.V)، هيڊ ڪوارٽر مسيساگا، اونٽاريو ۾ آهي، هڪ ”انرجي سمارٽ“ پراڊڪٽ جي جدت/صارف ڪمپني آهي ۽ اتر آمريڪي کاڌي جي باهه کان بچاءُ واري ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ هڪ اڳواڻ آهي. Pioneering engineers bring energy smart solutions for consumer products to the market, making them safer, smarter or more efficient. Pioneer's patented cooking fire protection technology/products are designed to prevent cooking fires and are the number one cause of home fires in North America (a multi-billion dollar problem). Pioneer's cooking fireproof trademarks include Safe-T-element, SmartBurner, RangeMinder and Safe-T-sensor.

POET Technologies Inc. (TSX: PTK.V; OTC: POETF) (Planar Optoelectronics Technology) is a developer of optoelectronic and photonic manufacturing processes and products. فوٽوونڪس انضمام ضروري آهي ته افعال جي توسيع کي وڌائڻ ۽ موجوده فوٽوونڪس حلن جي قيمت کي گھٽائڻ. POET يقين رکي ٿو ته ان جو ترقي يافته آپٽو اليڪٽرانڪ پروسيسنگ پليٽ فارم سمارٽ آپٽيڪل اجزاء جي پيداوار ۾ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي، اجزاء جي قيمت ۽ سائيز کي خاص طور تي بهتر ڪري سگهي ٿو. The engine drives a variety of applications from data centers to consumer products to military applications. Silicon Valley-based POET جو پيٽنٽ ٿيل سنگل چپ ماڊل پروسيس هڪ ئي چپ تي ڊجيٽل، تيز رفتار اينالاگ ۽ آپٽيڪل ڊوائيسز کي ضم ڪري ٿو، ۽ سمارٽ آپٽيڪل اجزاء لاءِ صنعت جي معيار طور استعمال ٿيڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو. The company's subsidiary DenseLight is a semiconductor process development company dedicated to the development of next-generation semiconductor integrated circuit technology, which integrates optics and electronics on a single chip, thereby extending the physical limitations of Moore's Law in performance and speed.
پاور Clouds Inc. (OTC: PWCL) عالمي سطح تي قابل تجديد توانائي ۽ پائيدار توانائي منصوبن کي ترقي ڪري ٿو، ۽ عالمي سطح تي فوٽووولٽڪ پاور پلانٽس جي منصوبابندي، تخليق ۽ انتظام ۾ مصروف آهي. It determines the best locations for its solar power plants and then supports these projects through business development activities and coordination of strategic resources from engineers, suppliers, skilled builders and partner companies. The company has a production plant in Romania, and business activities in Japan and other parts of the world. The company has a core team composed of international-level experts and project managers who have specific expertise in photovoltaics and green economy. And has the ability to provide the highest level of reliability. Technology and cutting-edge solutions.
Power Efficiency Corporation (OTC: PEFF) designs, develops, sells and sells solid-state electrical equipment that can reduce the energy consumption of AC induction motors. ان جي بنيادي شينٽس پروگرامن ۾ آهن The company also offers digital single-phase MEC products, which can reduce the energy consumption of motors by sensing and controlling the energy consumed by the motors. It provides services to end users, such as retail chains, hotels, airports and bus systems, as well as mining, plastics and manufacturing companies. The company mainly sells products through direct sales, original equipment manufacturers, dealers, distributors and independent representatives mainly in the United States.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (اي ايس سي او سڏيو ويندو آهي). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.

پبلڪ سروس انٽرپرائز گروپ Inc. (NYSE: PEG) پنهنجي ماتحت ادارن ذريعي، هڪ توانائي ڪمپني طور ڪم ڪري ٿي بنيادي طور تي اتر اوڀر آمريڪا ۽ وچ ائٽلانٽڪ ۾. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products that are used to optimize the operation of the grid. ڪمپني پڻ بجليء جي منتقلي؛ and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. In addition, it also provides equipment service and maintenance for customers. Public Service Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1985 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.

SmartCool Systems Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; TSX: SSC.V) provides the most advanced energy saving and energy cost reduction solutions for global enterprises. ECO3 ۽ ESM Smartcool جي منفرد ريٽروفٽ ٽيڪنالاجيون آهن جيڪي ايئر ڪنڊيشننگ، ريفريجريشن ۽ هيٽ پمپ سسٽم ۾ ڪمپريسر جي توانائي جي استعمال کي 15٪ کان 20٪ تائين گھٽائي سگهن ٿيون، اهڙي طرح 12 کان 36 مهينن اندر سيڙپڪاري تي واپسي حاصل ڪري ٿي.
SmartHeat Inc. (OTC: HEAT), through its subsidiaries, mainly designs, manufactures, sells and services clean technology plate heat exchangers (PHE), heat exchangers and related systems for the industrial, residential and commercial markets in China. چين. It provides PHE units, heat meters and heat pumps for commercial and residential buildings. The company also provides spiral heat exchangers and tube heat exchangers, as well as after-sales service, including maintenance, repairs and spare parts supply. هن جون شيون مختلف ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون، جهڙوڪ حرارتي، وينٽيليشن، ۽ ايئر ڪنڊيشن (HVAC) توانائي جي تبديلي؛ and industrial applications, for oil refining, petrochemical, metallurgy, food and beverage, and chemical processing. The company sells its products under the SmartHeat, Taiyu and Sondex brands. SmartHeat, Inc. sells products directly through its sales staff and distributor network. The company is headquartered in Shenyang, China.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) is an energy services holding company headquartered in Folsom, New Jersey, and operates through two main subsidiaries. ڏکڻ جرسي گيس آمريڪا ۾ تيز ترين وڌندڙ قدرتي گئس يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي، جيڪا ڏکڻ نيو جرسي ۾ لڳ ڀڳ 370,000 گراهڪن کي صاف، موثر قدرتي گئس فراهم ڪري ٿي ۽ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي ٿي. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable توانائي؛ for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.

Tecogen Inc. (NasdaqCM: TGEN) موثر، الٽرا ڪلين ڪوجنريشن پراڊڪٽس ڊيزائن، ٺاهي، وڪرو، تنصيب ۽ برقرار رکي ٿي، جنهن ۾ قدرتي گئس انجڻ تي هلندڙ ڪوجنريشن، ايئر ڪنڊيشننگ سسٽم، ۽ رهائشي، تجارتي، تفريحي ۽ اعليٰ ڪارڪردگي وارا واٽر هيٽر شامل آهن. Industrial applications. ڪمپني توانائي جي پيداوار لاءِ پنهنجي قيمتي، ماحول دوست ۽ قابل اعتماد پروڊڪٽس لاءِ سڃاتي وڃي ٿي، جيڪي پيٽنٽ ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجي ذريعي معياري آلودگي کي ختم ڪن ٿيون ۽ گراهڪ جي ڪاربن جي اثر کي خاص طور تي گھٽائي ٿي. Today, after operating for more than 20 years, Tecogen has established a network of engineering, sales and service personnel in the United States, and has shipped more than 2,300 units.
Telkonet (OTC: TKOI) is a leading provider of intelligent automation solutions in the global commercial market. The Internet of Things (IoT) through intelligent network communication, improved asset utilization and data analysis functions can significantly reduce energy costs, increase employee productivity and reduce carbon footprint. ڪٿن جي آنڪس جو رستو رستو پلان پروگرام ڪندي، اعتماد ڪتن سان گڏوگش، ڪيليبلنگ، تجليس جي منصوبن کي اڀيخت فراهم ڪندي. ان ڪري بهتر ۽ سمارٽ اسسٽنٽ کي فراهم ڪندي. Telkonet عمودي مارڪيٽن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو جيڪا ڪمپني کي نيٽ ورڪ، ڪارڪردگي ۽ توانائي جي انتظام جي ٽيڪنالاجيز جو هڪ معروف فراهم ڪندڙ بنايو آهي. انهن مارڪيٽن ۾ هوٽلون، تعليم، فوجي، حڪومت، صحت جون خدمتون ۽ عوامي رهائش شامل آهن. Telkonet جي ڪاروباري يونٽن ۾ شامل آهن EcoSmart(TM)، هڪ نيٽ ورڪ آٽوميشن پليٽ فارم جنهن ۾ Recovery Time(TM) ٽيڪنالاجي آهي، جيڪا خرچ بچائي سگهي ٿي، توانائي جي استعمال کي گهٽائي سگهي ٿي، اثاثن جي استعمال کي بهتر بڻائي سگهي ٿي ۽ آرام کي بهتر بڻائي سگهي ٿي. EthoStream(R) is One of the largest high-speed Internet access in the hotel industry, the world's largest network provides public Internet access to more than 8 million users every month.
Thermal Energy Corporation (TSX: TMG.V) هڪ مشهور عالمي سپلائر آهي جيڪو عالمي صنعتي ۽ ادارتي شعبن لاءِ ثابت ڪيل ملڪيت واري توانائي جي بچت ۽ اخراج جي گھٽتائي جا حل فراهم ڪري ٿو. We save customers' money and increase profits by reducing fuel usage and carbon emissions. Our clients include many Fortune 500 companies and other leading multinational companies from various industries.

Energy Edge Technologies Corporation (OTC: EEDG) آمريڪا ۾ توانائي انجنيئرنگ ۽ ٻيون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company provides energy engineering and services specializing in the development and implementation of advanced turnkey projects to reduce energy loss and improve the efficiency of new and old buildings.

The RPS Group (LSE: RPS.L) consultant company provides advice on the exploration and production of oil and gas and other natural resources; انهي سان گڏ قدرتي ماحول جي ترقي ۽ انتظام. ڪمپني جو انرجي ڊپارٽمينٽ انرجي سائنس، جيوسائنس، انجنيئرنگ ۽ صحت، حفاظت ۽ ماحوليات جي شعبن ۾ مربوط ٽيڪنيڪل، ڪمرشل ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ سپورٽ ۽ ٽريننگ سروسز فراهم ڪري ٿو. Its construction and natural environment department provides consulting services for all aspects of the real estate and infrastructure development and management departments. This part provides consulting services, including environmental assessment, water resources management, due diligence, oceanography, health and safety, risk management, urban and rural planning, architecture, landscape and urban design, survey and transportation planning, and laboratory testing, asbestos consulting , Air quality and noise characteristics. The company provides services in the United Kingdom, North America, Ireland, Asia Pacific, Australia, the Netherlands, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Norway and other countries.
Active Power (NASDAQCM: ACPW) designs and manufactures flywheel uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems and modular infrastructure solutions that enable data centers and other mission-critical operations to remain “on” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ان جي پروڊڪٽس جي طاقت جي کثافت، اعتماد ۽ ملڪيت جي ڪل قيمت جا جامع فائدا مارڪيٽ ۾ بي مثال آهن، دنيا جي معروف ڪمپنين کي انهن جي سڀ کان وڌيڪ اڳتي وڌڻ واري ڊيٽا سينٽر ڊيزائن کي حاصل ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿي. The company's products and solutions have the most advanced ISO 9001:2008 registered manufacturing and testing facilities in Austin, Texas, and are proud of this. Serving global customers through Austin and three regional operation centers in the UK, Germany and China, which support the deployment of systems in more than 50 countries/regions
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 آٽو موٽيو ڪاميابيءَ سان ڊگھي مدي وارا پارٽنرشپ ۽ خاص معاهدا قائم ڪري چڪو آهي مختلف راند کي تبديل ڪرڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجيز لاءِ. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. پنج سيٽن واري ڪاربن فائبر لگزري سيڊان Ibis EV، e-Go جو وڏو ڀاءُ، پڻ ڏيکاريو ويندو e-Go EV سان گڏ آمريڪا ۾ مستقبل جي وڪرو لاءِ.
AFC Energy plc (LSE: AFC.L) is now a leading global developer of low-cost alkaline fuel cell technology. ٽيڪنالاجي وڏي پيماني تي صنعتي ايپليڪيشنن تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو ۽ مڪمل طور تي وسيع ٿي سگهي ٿو طلب تي صاف طاقت مهيا ڪرڻ لاء. Fuel cells have the potential to become a catalyst, changing the way today's industry produces energy for tomorrow.
Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. The company categorizes its activities into natural gas and services, engineering technology and other activities. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. It also provides medical gas, sanitary products, medical equipment and services for hospitals and patients at home. In addition, it also provides gas and services for the production of semiconductors, flat panels and photovoltaic panels. Its engineering and technical activities include design, development and construction of industrial gas production plants. Its other activities include the development of welding and cutting technologies, and the provision of deep-sea diving and swimming equipment. هائيڊروجن

AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) 100 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين، AMEC پاور ڊولپرز، يوٽيلٽيز، صنعتن، ٺيڪيدارن، مالي ادارن، حڪومتن، ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي ٽيڪنالاجي ڊولپرز لاءِ تفصيلي ڊيزائن، انجنيئرنگ ۽ تعميرات مهيا ڪئي آهي. انتظامي خدمتون. اسان وٽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي شعبن ۾ پروجيڪٽ جو تجربو آهي، جن ۾ ونڊ انرجي، بايوماس انرجي، بايو فيول، ويسٽ انرجي، هائيڊروجن، فيول سيلز، ڪاربان جي قبضي ۽ اسٽوريج شامل آهن.

ايونا ايس (پيرس: اسسازا) ايٽمي طاقت ۾ هڪ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. اريوا گروپ پڻ قابل تجديد توانائي ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪري ٿو ته جيئن پارٽنرشپ ذريعي اعلي ٽيڪنالاجي حل پيدا ڪري. Through the complementarity of nuclear energy and renewable energy, the Areva Group contributes to the establishment of tomorrow's energy model: to provide the largest number of people with safer, less carbon dioxide energy. اروا گروپ ۾ چار قابل تجديد توانائي توانائي جو هڪ سيرز آهي: آف شور واء توانائي، بائيو توانائي توانائي ۽ توانائي جي ذخيري. فيول سيل/هائيڊروجن انرجي اسٽوريج: اريوا گروپ وٽ انرجي اسٽوريج ۾ 10 سالن کان وڌيڪ تجربو آهي، خاص ڪري هائيڊروجن فيلڊ ۾. ٽيم ڊزائن، تعمير ۽ صنعتي خاني کي بجلي جي سيلن ۽ هائيڊروجن ذريعي بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ لاء صنعت ۽ پراڊڪٽس ٺاهي ٿو.

بلوم انرجي ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: BE) سولڊ آڪسائيڊ فيول سيل سسٽم ٺاهي، ٺاهي ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿي، هڪ مشن سان سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن کي صاف، قابل اعتماد ۽ سستي توانائي فراهم ڪرڻ لاءِ. The company's product Bloom Energy Server can provide clean, sustainable, highly reliable, uninterrupted 24×7 constant power. Twenty-five of the Fortune 100 companies are Bloom Energy customers, and some of its largest deployments are in Equinix, AT&T, Home Depot, The Wonderful Company, Caltech, Kaiser Permanente and Delmarva Power
BWT AG ORD (Vienna: BWT.VI; Frankfurt: TWB.F) is a water technology company. Fuel cell: FUMATECH, a subsidiary of BWT, as a supplier of innovative membranes (fumion® polymer and fumapem® polymembrane), has been established globally to serve the future global fuel cell market. اهي جديد جھلي جھلي electrode يونٽ بنيادي اجزاء آهن. PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) fuel cell.

Clean Energy Capital Corporation (CSE: MOVE) is an investment company that specializes in opportunistic investment in private and public companies that may involve various industries. اهو في الحال صحت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي صنعتن تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو. In particular, the investment directive focuses on high-return investment opportunities, achieving a reasonable rate of capital appreciation and the ability to seek investment liquidity. The company acquired a 90% stake in PowerTap on October 27. PowerTap, with its environmental protection intellectual property rights, modular design, and product design with the lowest level of hydrogen production costs, and a start-up plan, is leading this expense to establish a cost-effective hydrogen fuel infrastructure.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE؛ Frankfurt: DAI.F؛ OTC: DDAIF) سڄي دنيا ۾ مسافر ڪارن ۽ آف روڊ گاڏين، ٽرڪ، وين ۽ بسن کي ترقي، پيداوار، تقسيم ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. مرسڊيز بينز آٽوموٽو ڊويزن مسافر ڪارون ۽ آف روڊ گاڏيون وڪرو ڪري ٿو جيڪو مرسڊيز بينز برانڊ جي نالي سان رکيو ويو آهي، گڏوگڏ ننڍيون ڪارون جيڪي سمارٽ برانڊز جي نالي سان رکيون ويون آهن. ڊيملر جو ٽرڪ بزنس يونٽ مرسڊيز بينز، فريٽ لائنر، FUSO، ويسٽرن اسٽار، ٿامس جون ٺهيل بسون ۽ ڀارت بينز برانڊز جي نالن سان ٽرڪ وڪڻي ٿو. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division produces and sells combined buses, city and intercity buses, coaches and bus chassis under the Mercedes-Benz and Setra brands. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
ڊانا هولڊنگ ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: DAN) هڪ عالمي ليڊر آهي جنهن ۾ سٺي نموني سان ٺهيل ٽرانسميشن سسٽم، سيلنگ ۽ تھرمل مئنيجمينٽ ٽيڪنالاجيون مهيا ڪيون وينديون آهن جيڪي روايتي ۽ متبادل توانائي پاور ٽرينون استعمال ڪندي گاڏين جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن ٿيون. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. ڪمپني 1904 ۾ ٺهرايو ويو ۽ هيڊ ڪوارٽر Maumee، Ohio ۾ آهي، تقريبن 23,000 ملازمن سان 25 ملڪن / علائقن ۾ ڇهه براعظمن تي. ڊانا مستقبل جي طاقت جي ذريعن تي بالغ ٽيڪنالاجيون لاڳو ڪيون آهن، بشمول ايندھن جي سيل پروڊڪٽس ۽ بعد ۾ مصنوعات. تيز گرمي پد جي مواد جي ترقي ۾ اسان جي تسليم ڪيل ماهر سان، اسان گاڏين جي مارڪيٽ لاء اعلي ايندھن جي شين کي ترقي ۽ تيار ڪريون ٿا، جن ۾ ڪارخانن جو توازن، هائڊروجن ريفارمرز ۽ چمني اسيمبليون شامل آهن. ڏهن سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين، اسان فيول سيل مارڪيٽ ۾ عالمي ليڊر رهيا آهيون ۽ جنرل موٽرس QSTP اوارڊ، PSA سپلائر اوارڊ ۽ f Battery 2010 Gold Award سميت اعزاز حاصل ڪيا آهن. We are committed to meeting your current and future needs. چاهي اهو فيول سيلز هجي، بيٽريون هجن، هائبرڊ برقي گاڏيون هجن يا اندروني ڪمبسشن انجڻون هجن، ڊانا اتي توهان جي مدد ڪرڻ لاءِ جديد ۽ قابل اعتماد متبادل توانائي جون شيون فراهم ڪندي.
Dominovas Energy (OTC: DNRG) is a public company in Nevada. Dominovas Energy Corporation جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر ائٽلانتا، جارجيا، يو ايس اي ۾ آهي ۽ دنيا جي اڀرندڙ مارڪيٽن لاءِ هڪ اهم پاور حل فراهم ڪندڙ آهي. DEC uses its proprietary RUBICON™ solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology to deploy in multi-megawatt power generation plants worldwide. سولڊ آڪسائيڊ فيول سيل ٽيڪنالاجي جي ذريعي عالمي سطح تي صاف ۽ موثر بجلي جي پيداوار جي پيروي ڪرڻ ان جي باني کي ”توانائي حل“ ڪمپني ٺاهڻ لاءِ متاثر ڪيو. Recognizing the huge growth potential of the “green” and “alternative energy” markets, Dominowas Energy Corporation takes active action to immediately allocate its intellectual and financial capital to strategically solve 100% reliable, efficient and measurable green energy solutions Cleaner than generator sets and CCGT . In addition, unlike wind and solar solutions, RUBICON provides base load power 24/7/365 days a year. RUBICON™ کي عالمي سطح تي ٺاھڻ ۽ ترتيب ڏيڻ سان، ڊومينو گيس انرجي نه رڳو گارنٽي ٿيل آمدني وارو وهڪرو پيدا ڪرڻ سان، پر ”انساني ۽ ڪميونٽي سرمائي“ جي قدر کي وڌائڻ سان شيئر هولڊر جي قدر پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ پرعزم آھي. By operating with the utmost honesty and integrity in all business transactions to commit to core values, Dominowas Energy is also committed to respecting the rights of all people, while recognizing and respecting all cultures necessary to support the growth and development of communities and nations. It works in it. The company firmly believes that this unique advanced technology will have an impact on the world, and is determined to fulfill its mission of providing electricity where it is economically feasible.
ڊيوڪ انرجي (NYSE: DUK) آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي پاور هولڊنگ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا تقريبن 7.3 ملين آمريڪي گراهڪن کي توانائي فراهم ڪري ٿي. اسان تقريباً 570,000 ميگا واٽ بجلي پيدا ڪريون ٿا ڪيرولينا، مڊ ويسٽ ۽ فلوريڊا ۾، ۽ اوهائيو ۽ ڪينٽڪي ۾ قدرتي گئس جي ورڇ واريون خدمتون مهيا ڪيون ٿا. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Hydrogen fuel cell: Hydrogen has broad prospects as an environmentally friendly and sustainable means of storing and transferring energy. The challenge is to develop an economical method to extract hydrogen to justify the replacement of existing fuels. In the past few years, we have participated in research and pilot projects to test the feasibility of this fuel source. Our projects include: Homosassa Springs fuel cell, Microcell investment, Palm Garden fuel cell, hydrogen car and hydrogen gas station.
1802 کان وٺي، DuPont (NYSE: DD) عالمي سطح جي سائنس ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيڪنالاجي کي عالمي مارڪيٽ ۾ جديد شين، مواد ۽ خدمتن جي صورت ۾ آندو آهي. ڪمپني کي يقين آهي ته گراهڪن، حڪومتن، غير سرڪاري تنظيمن ۽ سوچ جي اڳواڻن سان تعاون ذريعي، اسان عالمي چئلينجن جو حل ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهون ٿا، جهڙوڪ سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن لاء ڪافي صحتمند کاڌو مهيا ڪرڻ، فوسل ايندھن تي انحصار کي گهٽائڻ ۽ زندگي جي حفاظت ۽. ماحول. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) produces and sells carbon dioxide emission reduction technologies for internal combustion engines. وڌندڙ اهم بين الاقوامي هائيڊروجن معيشت جي حصي جي طور تي، اسان هڪ منفرد اليڪٽرروليسس سسٽم ذريعي هائڊروجن ۽ آڪسيجن پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ اسان جي پيٽنٽ ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندا آهيون. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. اسان جي ٽيڪنالاجي ڪيترن ئي قسمن ۽ ڊيزل انجڻين جي سائزن سان مطابقت رکي ٿي، جيئن آٽو موبائيل، ريفريجريٽيڊ ٽرڪ، آف روڊ تعميرات، بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ، کان کني ۽ ٻيلن جي مشينري، جهازن ۽ ريلوي انجڻين ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ.
Australia's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) is responsible for the production of carbon nanotubes and carbon fibers, nano-material concrete admixtures, hydrogen production, storage and transportation fuel systems (including low-emission hydrogen, hydrogen, methane, coalbed methane and shale gas). ) Interested. برطانيه. All these aspects of Eden's business are part of an integrated strategy that aims to become a major global player in the alternative energy market, especially focusing on the clean energy transportation market, producing carbon-free hydrogen, and transporting hydrogen to Market and provide engines. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. برقيات کي فروغ ڏيو (ڪارون، ريچارجبل بيٽرين، وڏي پيماني تي توانائي اسٽوريج، قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار ۽ ٻيون ايپليڪيشنون). اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين جي وڪرو، بيٽري جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي مان بجلي جي پيداوار ايندڙ ڪجهه سالن ۾ خاص طور تي وڌڻ جو امڪان آهي، تنهنڪري انهن حدف ٿيل شين جي گهرج مطابق وڌي ويندي. اهو هڪ منفرد موقعو پيدا ڪري ٿو سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ ۽ مائنز ۽ منصوبن تي رائلٽي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي توانائي جي انقلاب لاءِ گهربل مواد فراهم ڪندا. گلوبلڪس پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کان علاوه، برقي فرنچائز جي استعمال لاء ارادي جو خط پابند آهي. رائلٽي جا 6 مجموعا آهن. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
فعال ڪريو IPC (OTC: EIPC) آمريڪا ۾ نئين نانو اسٽريچرز کي ترقي ۽ تجارتي ڪري ٿو. ان جي نانو اسٽريچر کي ريچارجبل بيٽرين ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿا گھٽ پاور ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ، گڏو گڏ مائڪرو بيٽرين ۾ خوردبيني فلمن تي. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. نانو ذرات ۽ نانو ذرات جيڪي توانائي اسٽوريج ڊوائيسز ۾ استعمال ڪيا ويا آهن جهڙوڪ سپر ڪيپيسٽرز ۽ ليتيم آئن بيٽري ڪيٿوڊس. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.

Fuel cell energy (NASDAQGS: FCEL) provides an efficient, affordable and clean solution for energy supply, recovery and storage. اسان ميگا واٽ فيول سيل سسٽم جي پروجيڪٽ ڊولپمينٽ، تنصيب، آپريشن ۽ سار سنڀال جي ڊيزائن، ٺاھڻ، ۽ انتظام ڪريون ٿا، ۽ يوٽيلٽيز، صنعتي ۽ وڏي ميونسپل پاور استعمال ڪندڙن لاءِ حل فراهم ڪريون ٿا، جن ۾ يوٽيلٽي اسڪيل ۽ آن سائيٽ پاور جنريشن، ڪاربن ڪيپچر، ۽ لوڪلائيزيشن شامل آھن. transportation and industrial hydrogen production and long-term energy storage. SURESORURENT ٽن براعظم تي مشتمل آهي
General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) and its partners produce cars in 30 countries, and the company has a leading position in the world's largest and fastest-growing automotive market. General Motors, its subsidiaries and joint ventures sell vehicles under the Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun, Buick, GMC, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling brands. Green cars: fuel economy, electric cars, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell cars. Our engineers are exploring future advanced technologies such as fuel cell vehicles. We are at the forefront of this innovation, which enables vehicles to release water vapor instead of carbon dioxide from the exhaust pipe. Our customers have driven more than 3 million miles in our hydrogen fuel cell vehicle test fleet. هي حقيقي موٽ اسان کي ٽيڪنالاجي کي بهتر ڪرڻ، ان جي سائيز کي وڌيڪ گهٽائڻ ۽ استحڪام وڌائڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي.

H / Cell Energy Corporation (OTC: HCCC) ھڪڙو انٽيگريٽر آھي جيڪو صاف توانائي جي حلن کي ڊزائين ڪرڻ ۽ لاڳو ڪرڻ لاء وقف ڪري ٿو، بشمول شمسي، بيٽرين، ايندھن جي سيلز ۽ ھائڊروجن جنريشن سسٽم. In addition, HCCC also provides integration of environmental systems and safety systems through its subsidiaries. HCCC رهائشي، تجارتي ۽ سرڪاري شعبن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو
Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) is a leader in providing energy management systems and hybrid solutions for distributed stationary industrial applications, as well as products and solutions for education, training and applied research Technology providers are ٻارڻ سيل، شمسي، واء ۽ هائيڊروجن ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ استعمال ڪيو. Heliocentris توانائي جي انتظام جو نظام سمارٽ، ريموٽ ڪنٽرول، قابل اعتماد ۽ موثر هائبرڊ توانائي حل ٺاهي ٿو مختلف اجزاء ذريعي (جهڙوڪ بيٽرين، فوٽووولٽڪ ماڊلز، روايتي ڊيزل جنريٽر ۽ ايندھن جي سيلز). Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Heliocentris' fuel cell system can ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical infrastructures (such as TETRA base stations, backbone sites and server stations in mobile networks) and a long operating time. The “teaching” field provides a series of learning and research systems for fuel cell and solar hydrogen technology and other renewable energy technologies. گراهڪن ۾ تربيتي مرڪز، تحقيقي ادارا ۽ صنعتون شامل آهن.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) develops, manufactures and distributes motorcycles, automobiles, power and other products worldwide. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. موٽرسائيڪل ڪاروباري يونٽ راندين جي ماڊلز پيدا ڪري ٿو، بشمول ٽيسٽ ۽ ڪراس ملڪ موٽر سائيڪلس. Commercial and commuting modes; all-terrain vehicles; and utility vehicles. گاڏين جو ڪاروبار يونٽ مسافر ڪارون، هلڪي ٽرڪون ۽ ميني ڪارون مهيا ڪري ٿو، گڏوگڏ متبادل ايندھن، جهڙوڪ قدرتي گئس، ايٿانول، برقي ۽ ايندھن سيل گاڏين سان هلندڙ گاڏيون. The financial services business segment provides a variety of financial services, including retail loans, leasing and other financial services, including wholesale financing to distributors and customers. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers ، ۽ لان ڪٽڻ واري مشين ۽ لان ٽريڪٽر. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. The company sells its products through independent retail distributors, dealership stores and authorized distributors. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. هميشه وانگر، اسان جي ڌيان مستقبل تي مرڪوز آهي. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. هي سڀ هونڊا جي سوچ ۽ عمل جو حصو آهي. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells
متبادل توانائي ڪمپني هائڊروجن انجن سينٽر (او ٽي سي: حيوان)، جيڪو طاقت جي نسل جو نظام پيدا ڪري ٿو ۽ انجن کي انسٽال ڪري ٿو. Its engine runs on hydrogen, natural gas and other kinds of alternative fuels. The company's products include generators and wet sleeve machines. اهو بجلي جي پيداوار، زراعت، ايئرپورٽ سروس گاڏين، بيٺل پاور ۽ ٽرانسپورٽ مارڪيٽ، ۽ صنعتن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو جيڪي متبادل ايندھن کي استعمال ڪن ٿيون، جهڙوڪ هائڊروجن، قدرتي گئس، پروپين، سنٿيسس گيس، اينهائيڊس امونيا ۽ ٻيا ٻارڻ.
HyperSolar Inc. (OTC: HYSR) سج جي روشني ۽ ڪنهن به پاڻي جي ذريعن کي استعمال ڪندي قابل تجديد هائيڊروجن پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ هڪ پيش رفت گهٽ قيمت واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪري رهي آهي، جنهن ۾ سامونڊي پاڻي ۽ گندو پاڻي شامل آهي. Unlike hydrocarbon fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas, hydrocarbon fuels release carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere when they are used, while the use of hydrogen fuel produces pure water as the only by-product. By optimizing nano-scale water electrolysis technology, our low-cost nanoparticles can simulate photosynthesis to effectively use sunlight to separate hydrogen in water to produce environmentally friendly and renewable hydrogen. We intend to use our low-cost method to produce renewable hydrogen to realize a distributed hydrogen production world for renewable electricity and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. The company provides Centennial/Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20, i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. جنهن ۾ ٽرڪون، بسون، خاص گاڏيون ۽ تجارتي گاڏيون شامل آهن جن ۾ بي نقاب ٿيل چيسس پروڊڪٽس، گڏوگڏ ايڪو گاڏيون، جن ۾ سوناٽا-پلگ-ان-هائبرڊ، ix35 فيول سيل ۽ سوناٽا-هائبرڊ گاڏيون شامل آهن. For Canadians as the first car manufacturer to provide Fuel, Hyundai's Cell Electric vehicle enables a zero-emission, zero-carload fuel tank to travel more than 400 kilometers without having to spend hours on charging. Our new thinking has broken through the traditional boundaries, redefining the goals that cars can achieve, a new world, and moving towards a better future.
آئي ٽي ايم پاور (LSE: ITM.L) برطانيه ۾ توانائي جي اسٽوريج ۽ صاف ايندھن جي پيداوار لاء هائڊروجن انرجي سسٽم کي ڊزائين، ٺاهي ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو. The company develops equipment that converts renewable energy into clean fuels; and stores it as green hydrogen for decarbonization in transportation, industrial and natural gas power generation, and residential applications. It provides the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer HPac 40; HFuel, an independent module for refueling hydrogen-powered road vehicles and forklifts; and HGas for natural gas power generation. The company is also involved in research and development of scientific and engineering projects; development and manufacture of prototype products; sales of electrolysis equipment and hydrogen storage solutions.
Johnson Matthey PLC (LSE: JMAT.L) is divided into five departments: emission control technology, process technology, precious metal products, fine chemicals and new business. جانسن ميٿي ايندھن سيل ايندھن جي سيل ڪيٽالسٽ ۽ ڪيٽيليٽڪ اجزاء جي پيداوار ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آھي. This technology is a technology that produces low-carbon power. Johnson Matthey fuel cell is at the forefront of fuel cell component development. ڪمپنيءَ وٽ دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو پيداواري پلانٽ آهي سوئيڊن، برطانيه ۾، هائيڊروجن ۽ ميٿانول فيول سسٽم لاءِ ميمبرين اليڪٽرروڊ اسيمبليءَ (MEA) جي پيداوار لاءِ.
Mag One Products Inc. (CSE: MDD.C) ھڪ ڪمپني آھي جيڪا مگنيشيم (Mg) مارڪيٽ لاءِ ھيرن جو معيار بڻجڻ لاءِ وقف آھي. The company focuses on four initial projects at its processing plant in southern Quebec, Canada: I. Assembly and Sales of magnesium-based structural insulation sheathing boards (ROK-ONIM) used in construction; 2. اعليٰ پاڪائي واري SiO2، MgO، Mg(OH)2 ۽ ٻيون وڪرو ڪرڻ لائق پراڊڪٽس ۽ ضمني پراڊڪٽس؛ Third, produce 99.9% pure magnesium ingot; and IV. ان جي ميگ پاور فيول سيل/بيٽري جو وڌيڪ ڪمرشلائيزيشن زمين ۽ سمنڊ تي آفت جي رليف ۽ ٻين ايمرجنسي لاءِ ايمرجنسي پاور، لائٽنگ ۽ چارجنگ فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿي.

Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Modine products are used in light, medium and heavy vehicles, heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, off-road and industrial equipment, and refrigeration systems. Modine is a global company headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, with operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. ويريئبل اسپيڊ برش لیس فين (EFAN) ٽيڪنالاجي ڊيزل، کمپريسڊ نيچرل گيس (سي اين جي) ۽ هائبرڊ ايپليڪيشنن ۾ گرمي پد کي ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ لاءِ استعمال ڪئي ويندي آهي، ۽ اهو پڻ اڳئين ايندھن جي سيل تي هلندڙ بسن جو حصو آهي.
Neah پاور سسٽم. Inc. (OTC: NPWZ) is a developer of innovative, durable, efficient and safe power solutions for military, transportation and portable electronic applications. Neah's Powerchip(R) ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿي هڪ منفرد، پيٽنٽ ٿيل ۽ انعام حاصل ڪندڙ سلکان تي ٻڌل ڊيزائن جيڪا اعلي طاقت جي کثافت، هوائي ۽ غير هوائي آپريشن، گهٽ قيمت ۽ ڪمپيڪٽ فارم فيڪٽر کي قابل بڻائي ٿي. Neah's BuzzBar™ ۽ BuzzCell™ مائڪرو فيول سيلز استعمال ڪن ٿا پيٽنٽ-پينڊنگ گھٽ قيمت، مختلف ٽيڪنالاجيون صارفين تي ٻڌل مصنوعات ۾
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) is a leading global independent bus manufacturer, providing a comprehensive set of public transportation solutions under the following brands: NewFlyer® (heavy buses), Alexander Dennis Limited (single-layer and Double-decker بس)، پلاڪسٽن (موٽر ٿيل مسافر ڪار)، MCI® (موٽر ٿيل مسافر ڪار)، ARBOC® (گهٽ-چيسس مسافر ڪار ۽ وچولي سائيز مسافر ڪار) ۽ NFI پارٽس™. NFI buses and coaches use the most extensive drive systems, including: clean diesel, natural gas, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles and zero-emission electric vehicles (trolleys, batteries and fuel cells). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
نيڪولا ڪمپني (NASDAQGS: NKLA) عالمي سطح تي ٽرانسپورٽ انڊسٽري کي تبديل ڪري رهي آهي. بيٽري برقي ۽ هائڊروجن برقي گاڏين، برقي گاڏين جي ڊرائيو ٽرين، گاڏين جي اجزاء، توانائي اسٽوريج سسٽم، ۽ هائڊروجن ريفيولنگ ​​اسٽيشن جي بنيادي ڍانچي جي هڪ ڊزائينر ۽ ٺاهيندڙ جي طور تي، نيڪولا ڪاروبار جي اقتصادي ۽ ماحولياتي اثر کي فروغ ڏيڻ لاء پرعزم آهي جيئن اسان اڄ ڄاڻون ٿا. influences. 2015 ۾ نيڪولا ڪارپوريشن 2015 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ فينڪس، ايريزونا ۾ هيڊڪوارٽر آهي.
NioCorp Developments Ltd. (TSX: NB.TO؛ OTC: NIOBF) ڏکڻ اوڀر نبراسڪا ۾ هڪ سپر آلائي مواد پروجيڪٽ ٺاهي رهيو آهي جيڪو نائوبيم، اسڪين ۽ ٽائيٽينيم پيدا ڪندو. Niobium is used in the production of superalloys and high-strength, low-alloy (“HSLA”) steels, which are lightweight, high-strength steels used in automotive, structural and piping applications. Didium اعلي طاقت ۽ اعلي corrosion مزاحمت سان هڪ الٽرا اعلي ڪارڪردگي مصر ٺاهڻ لاء المونيم سان ميلاپ ۾ استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو. Didium is also an important part of advanced solid oxide fuel cells. Titanium مختلف اعلي-درجه حرارت مصر ۾ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي ۽ وڏي پيماني تي ايرو اسپيس، دفاع، ٽرانسپورٽ، طبي ۽ ٻين اپليڪيشن ۾ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي. اهو پڻ ڪاغذ، رنگ ۽ پلاسٽڪ ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ رنگن جو هڪ اهم جزو آهي.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. Its products include compact cars, sedans, special and light vehicles, minivans/vans, SUVs/pickup trucks and light commercial vehicles under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; صنعتي مشينري؛ and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. اليڪٽرڪ ڪار. Nissan is developing fuel cell technology, which can use plant ethanol to power cars.
Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) is an energy and environmental technology group dedicated to the development, production and sales of systems and products for environmentally friendly, efficient and low-resource energy. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon سويڊن، جرمني ۽ برطانيه ۾ آپريشن ڪيو آهي. Opcon's business area Renewable Energy focuses on carbon dioxide-free power generation based on waste heat, bio-powered thermal power plants, pellet plants, biomass, sludge and natural gas processing systems, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, and flue gas treatment. The air system of the fuel cell.

Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. For more than ten years, Praxair has been providing hydrogen fuel and related technical support to fuel cell developers and fleets across the country. Praxair جو جامع هائڊروجن سپلائي سسٽم توهان جي ورهائڻ واري مرڪز کي اجازت ڏئي ٿو ته هائيڊروجن ايندھن جي سيل فورڪ لفٽ پاران مهيا ڪيل گهٽ قيمت ۽ اعلي پيداوار جو پورو فائدو وٺي، جڏهن ته ماهرن کي هائڊروجن جي فراهمي ڇڏيندي.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . It provides a hydrogen fuel cell module that is integrated with an energy storage system to create an electric fuel cell hybrid system to provide electricity during peak demand. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. ڪمپني انجڻ، پاور ٽرين ۽ گيئر باڪس، هائبرڊ ۽ برقي نظام، ۽ گاڏين جي سسٽم لاء ٽيڪنيڪل صلاحڪار خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿي. and environmental consulting services. اهو پڻ هيٺين علائقن ۾ اسٽريٽجڪ صلاحڪار خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿو: ڪارپوريٽ ۽ ڪاروباري حڪمت عمليون، جامع طريقا خرچن کي گهٽائڻ ۽ آپريشن کي بهتر ڪرڻ، مارڪيٽ ۽ اقتصادي تجزيو، مارڪيٽنگ، سيلز ۽ خدمتون، مارڪيٽ جي ضابطن ۽ پاليسين، ضمير ۽ حصول، معيار ۽ اعلي قدر problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. In addition, the company also sells and supports a series of design and analysis software products specifically developed for applications in the powertrain development and vehicle integration process; and provides technical assistance, training and information services. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
گلوبل ڪوانٽم فيول سسٽم ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني، لميٽيڊ (NASDAQCM: QTWW) قدرتي گئس فيول اسٽوريج سسٽم جي جدت، ترقي ۽ پيداوار ۾ هڪ اڳواڻ آهي ۽ گاڏي سسٽم ٽيڪنالاجيز جي انضمام سميت انجڻ ۽ گاڏين جو ڪنٽرول سسٽم ۽ ٽرانسميشن سسٽم. Quantum دنيا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ جديد، ترقي يافته، ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ ٺهيل قدرتي گئس اسٽوريج ٽينڪ پيدا ڪري ٿو. مڪمل طور تي ضم ٿيل قدرتي گئس اسٽوريج ٽينڪ سسٽم کان علاوه، اهو پڻ مهيا ڪري ٿو اهي اسٽوريج ٽينڪ ٽرڪ ۽ گاڏين جي OEMs لاء گڏوگڏ بعد ۾ مارڪيٽ ۽ OEM ٽرڪ انٽيگريٽر. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر Lake Forest، California ۾ آهي، آپريشنز ۽ شاخون آمريڪا، ڪئناڊا ۽ انڊيا ۾ آهن.
SFC Energy Corporation (XETRA: F3C.DE; Frankfurt: F3C.F) is a world-leading enterprise group for mobile energy solutions and power management in the industrial, defense and consumer markets, focusing on the oil and gas industry. The company has sold thousands of fuel cells and has successfully established comprehensive commercialization and award-winning products worldwide. گروپ پڻ ڪاميابي سان ترقي ڪئي، پيدا ڪئي ۽ ورهائي ترقي يافته پاور مئنيجمينٽ اجزاء، جهڙوڪ ڪنورٽرز ۽ سوئچ موڊ پاور سپلائي، عالمي سطح تي. پراڊڪٽس تيزيءَ سان پهچائي رهيا آهن جيئن ته پاور سسٽم حلن جي بنياد تي گراهڪن جي گهرجن جي بنياد تي. SFC DIN ISO 9001:2008 سرٽيفڪيشن پاس ڪري چڪو آهي.

Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. ليتيم آئن بيٽرين جي شعبي ۾، ڊپارٽمينٽ مهيا ڪري ٿو SCMGTM anode مواد، VGCFTM ڪاربان نانوٽوبس، بيٽرين لاءِ ايلومينيم ليمينيٽ فلمون ۽ ڪيٿوڊ ڪرنٽ ڪليڪٽرن لاءِ ڪاربن ڪوٽيڊ ايلومينيم ورق. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment
Solarvest BioEnergy Inc. (TSX: SVS.V) هڪ algae ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جي algae جي پيداوار واري پليٽ فارم ان کي هڪ انتهائي لچڪدار نظام فراهم ڪري ٿي جيڪا هائيڊروجن ۽ صحت جي شين (جهڙوڪ اوميگا تيل) جي صورت ۾ صاف توانائي پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ ترتيب ڏئي سگهجي ٿي. Economically and environmentally sensitive way. Hydrogen fuel can be used for direct energy use, compression and storage, or for power generation, such as in stationary fuel cells. In addition, this green technology will continue to generate carbon credits, which companies can sell or trade.
Telednonsts ٽيڪنالاجي شامل ڪيا ويا (NYSE: ڪارڊ ۽ سافٽ ويئر ۽ سٽا ۽ سافٽ ويئر ۽ سافٽويئر، ايروزالس ۽ سافٽويئر ۽ سافٽويئر ۽ سڪيل ٽيليويني ٽيڪنالاجيز جو ڪاروبار خاص طور تي آمريڪا، ڪئنيڊا، برطانيه ۽ مغربي يورپ ۽ مغربي يورپ ۽ اتر يورپ. فيول سيل: ٽيليڊين سڀني فيول سيل سپورٽ سولينائيڊز، پريشر سينسرز، ريگيوليٽرز، سيفٽي والوز، چيڪ والوز ۽ ٿرمسٽن کي فيول سيل اسٽيڪ جي آخر ۾ ميني فولڊ پليٽ ۾ ضم ڪري سگھي ٿو. هائيڊروجنس: ٽيوڊنڊي انرجي سسٽم، انرجي ايئرز جو مطالبو حاصل ڪرڻ وارن علائقن ۾ هڪ سٽ.
ٽويوٽا موٽر ڪارپوريشن (NYESE: TMES: دنيا جي دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو ڪارروائي آهي، پرين ۽ ميراٽي ايندھن، ليڪسس ۽ اسڪين برانڊ برانڊ لائف اسٽائلس. گذريل 50 سالن ۾، اسان اتر آمريڪا ۾ 25 ملين کان وڌيڪ ڪارون ۽ ٽرڪون ٺاهيا آهن، جتي اسان 14 پيداواري پلانٽ هلائيندا آهيون (10 آمريڪا ۾) ۽ سڌي طرح 42,000 ملازمن کان وڌيڪ (33,000 کان وڌيڪ آمريڪا ۾) ملازمت ڪندا آهيون. 2014 ۾، اسان جون 1,800 اتر آمريڪي ڊيلرشپ (1,500 آمريڪا ۾) 2.67 ملين ڪارون ۽ ٽرڪون وڪڻيون (2.35 ملين کان وڌيڪ آمريڪا ۾) - گذريل 20 سالن ۾، ٽويوٽا گاڏين جو تقريباً 80 سيڪڙو وڪرو ٿيو اڄ به روڊن تي آهي. Around the world, people are working hard to use the energy of hydrogen, which is the most abundant element in the universe. Toyota recognizes the huge potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source and is actively developing and producing fuel cell vehicles (FCV).
Ultralife Corp. (NasdaqGM: ULBI) مارڪيٽ کي پروڊڪٽس ۽ خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي، پاور حلن کان وٺي ڪميونيڪيشن ۽ اليڪٽرانڪ سسٽم تائين. ان جي انجنيئرنگ ۽ تعاون سان مسئلا حل ڪرڻ جي طريقن جي ذريعي، Ultralife سڄي دنيا ۾ حڪومت، دفاعي ۽ تجارتي گراهڪن کي خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. ٽامي نيوارٹلينڊ، نيوڪڪ تي اي آف عوامي اغيرہ ۽ مرض وارن ۾ حامو انويز تي مشتمل آهي. Ultralife has operations in North America, Europe and Asia. We have the ability to integrate batteries, charging solutions, and monitoring, and have established strong partnerships with wind, solar, fuel cell and power management companies to ensure that we can meet the needs of all markets with the right solutions.
United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX) provides high-tech systems and services for the rapidly growing aerospace and construction industries. Fuel cell: Our fuel cell power module (FCPM) powers Navantia's S-80 Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) submarine for the Spanish Navy. S-80 FCPM is qualified and has been put into production. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell energy system provides air-independent power for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). We are developing flexible, reasonably priced, simple and energy-intensive system solutions for underwater vehicles with a diameter of 21 inches and below. اسان وٽ ڏهاڪن جو تجربو آهي ڊيزائن ۽ پيداوار ۾ قابل اعتماد، پائيدار ۽ محفوظ قابل معيار سبسي هارڊويئر.
UQM ٽيڪنالاجيز (NYSE MKT: UQM) هڪ ڊولپر ۽ ٺاهيندڙ آهي پاور-گھنٽي، اعلي ڪارڪردگي برقي موٽر، جنريٽر ۽ پاور اليڪٽرانڪ ڪنٽرولرز تجارتي ٽرڪن، بسين، گاڏين، جهازن، فوجي ۽ صنعتي مارڪيٽن لاء. UQM جو بنيادي مرڪز برقي، هائبرڊ، پلگ ان هائبرڊ ۽ فيول سيل برقي گاڏين لاءِ پروپلشن سسٽم تيار ڪرڻ آهي. UQM is TS 16949 and ISO 14001 certified and is located in Longmont, Colorado
Xebec Inc (TSX: XBC.V) ڪمپنين ۽ حڪومتن لاءِ صاف توانائي جي حل جو عالمي سپلائر آھي جيڪي پنھنجي ڪاربن جي اثر کي گھٽائڻ چاھين ٿيون. Xebec has more than 1,500 customers worldwide, and its innovative products designed, engineered, and manufactured convert raw gas into saleable clean energy. Xebec جي اسٽريٽجڪ فساد گئس جي پاڪائي، قدرتي گئس ڊي هائيڊريشن ۽ فلٽريشن جي وڌندڙ ضرورت قائم ڪرڻ آهي. مونٽارولل (QB)، xec (qbbec) دلتحت ۽ شڪاٽي ۾ وڪري ۽ وڪري واري نيٽ ورڪ تي هڪ خاص فياض قائم آهي ۽ اتر آمريڪا ۾ وڪري واري نيٽ ورڪ. Xebec قدرتي گئس، فيلڊ گيس، بايو گيس، هيليم ۽ هائيڊروجن مارڪيٽن لاءِ گئس صاف ڪرڻ ۽ فلٽريشن حل فراهم ڪري ٿي.
Aboitiz Power Corporation (AP) (Philippines: AP.PH) is engaged in power generation, distribution and retail businesses in the Philippines through its subsidiaries. اهو بجلي جي پيداوار، تقسيم، والدين ڪمپني ۽ ٻين شعبن ذريعي هلندي آهي. The power generation business involves generating and supplying electricity to various customers in accordance with power supply contracts and ancillary service purchase agreements, as well as trading in the wholesale power spot market. This department operates hydroelectric power plants, geothermal power plants and coal-fired power plants. The power distribution sector distributes and sells electricity to industrial, residential, commercial and other customers. The department is interested in eight power distribution utilities that supply power to the concession areas of approximately 18 cities and municipalities in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The parent company and other departments retail electricity to different offtakers; and provide electricity-related services, such as installing electrical equipment.
AES ڪارپوريشن (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: AES) هڪ فارچون 500 گلوبل پاور ڪمپني آهي. اسان 14 ملڪن/علائقن کي سستي ۽ پائيدار توانائي فراهم ڪريون ٿا هڪ متنوع ورهائڻ واري ڪاروبار ۽ حرارتي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ جي سهولتن ذريعي. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom دنيا جي تيز ترين ٽرين ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ ظرفيت واري خودڪار سب وي ٺاهي آهي، ٽرنڪي انٽيگريٽڊ پاور اسٽيشن حل ۽ لاڳاپيل خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي مختلف توانائي جي ذريعن لاءِ جن ۾ هائيڊرو پاور، ايٽمي طاقت، قدرتي گئس، ڪوئلي ۽ ونڊ انرجي، ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿي پاور ٽرانسميشن حل جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو. , with a focus on smart grids. Geothermal: We are at the forefront of geothermal innovation, have a broad portfolio of mature technologies, and are able to create customized solutions for the most challenging geothermal applications.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra هن ظرفيت جي 247 ميگاواٽ شيئر جي مالڪ آهي ۽ هر سال 1,250 GWh کان وڌيڪ صاف توانائي پيدا ڪري ٿي. الٽررا وٽ پڻ ٻه نوان منصوبا زير تعمير آهن: جمي ڪريڪ-62 ميگاواٽ درياءَ هائيڊرو پاور پروجيڪٽ، موجوده ٽوبا مونٽروس پلانٽ جي ڀرسان؛ 2016 جي ٽئين چوٿين ۾ آپريشنل ٿيڻ جي اميد؛ Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). انهن ٻن منصوبن جي مڪمل ٿيڻ کان پوءِ، الٽررا 819 ميگاواٽ جي ڪل ظرفيت سان ست پاور پلانٽس هلائيندو ۽ ان جي گنجائش 381 ميگاواٽ هوندي، جيڪا هر سال 1,700 گيگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ صاف توانائي پيدا ڪندي. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX: BSR.V) ھڪ معدنيات جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي واري ڪمپني آھي جيڪا پنھنجي 100٪ ملڪيت واري Cerro Blanco سون جي مائن ۽ ميتا جيوٿرمل پروجيڪٽ کي گوئٽي مالا ۾ اڳتي وڌائڻ لاءِ وقف ڪري ٿي. The economics of the Cerro Blanco project disclosed in the company's Cerro Blanco preliminary economic assessment (available on www.sedar.com) and Cerro Blanco's latest mineral resource estimates indicate that the project is robust and is expected to produce 952,000 ounces during the 9-year mine life Gold mine. Gold and 3,141,000 ounces of silver. پ ٺٽي جو تخروي زميني ذوڪيو آهي ته سطح آهي 2010 ملين جي منصوبي لاء اندازو لڳايو وڃي ٿو ته ورلڊ گولڊ ڪائونسل جي مجموعي قيمت، جڏهن ته ڪمپني جي عام ۽ انتظامي گهرج تي وضاحت ڪئي وئي آهي. produced.

شيوران ڪارپوريشن (NYESE: CVX) دنيا جي معروف انٽيگري انرجي ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي. ڪمپني انرجي انڊسٽري جي تقريبن هر پهلو ۾ شامل آهي. Chevron explores, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, sells and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; پيدا ڪري ٿو ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو پيٽروڪيميڪل مصنوعات ۽ اضافو؛ بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿو ۽ جيوتھرمل توانائي پيدا ڪري ٿو؛ ۽ ترقي ۽ ترتيب ڏئي ٿو جيڪو ڪاروباري قدر لاءِ ڪمپني آپريشن ٽيڪنالاجي جي سڀني حصن کي بهتر ڪري سگهي ٿو. شيورون جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر سين رامون، ڪيليفورنيا ۾ آهي.
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿي ۽ نيوزي لينڊ ۾ پرچون ڪري ٿي. اهو مربوط توانائي ۽ ٻين شعبن ذريعي هلندي آهي. ڪمپني بجلي ۽ قدرتي گئس پيدا ڪري، خريد ڪري ۽ پرچون ڪري ٿي. اهو هائيڊرو پاور، جيوتھرمل ۽ تھرمل وسيلن، ۽ ونڊ انرجي مان بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿو. The company is also involved in the sale of liquefied petroleum gas. It serves residential, commercial and industrial customers. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ ٻين پرچون ڪندڙن کي ميٽر خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿو.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) يورپ ۽ آمريڪا ۾ آپريشنز سان گڏ، بين الاقوامي سطح تي قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار جي ترقي ۽ انتظام لاءِ پرعزم آهي. اينيل گرين پاور تمام قابل تجديد توانائي جا ذريعا استعمال ڪري ٿو توانائي پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ ونڊ، هائيڊرو، جيوتھرمل، سولر ۽ بايوماس انرجي منصوبن جي وسيع پورٽ فوليو ذريعي. Geothermal: Enel's renewable energy company operates one of the largest geothermal power plants in the world, with 34 facilities, totaling approximately 769 net megawatts, and generating more than 5 TWh per year, which can meet 26% of regional demand and average consumption Approximately 2 ملين اطالوي خاندان. In addition, the heat provided by EGP can heat more than 8,700 residential and commercial customers and approximately 25 hectares of greenhouses. فضيل طاقت طاقت جو ئي توانائي سطح تي اختيب آهي منڊل ماحينائي ۾ پورو ڪرداري انداز جو پورو ڪردار وڃي ٿو. One of them, especially worth mentioning is the United States, where the two Stillwater and Salt Wells plants use one of the most advanced technologies applied in this field: binary circulation and intermediate Enthalpy. Several countries in Central and South America are also defining various investment plans.
The Energy Development Company (Philippines :: EDC.PH) is a pioneer in the geothermal energy industry and has more than 30 years of mature business viability. اهو ريسورس سينٽر تي قابل تجديد توانائي جي ترقي ۽ ڪمرشلائيزيشن لاءِ نوان طريقا ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪئي، قطع نظر هنڌ ۽ حالتن جي. From exploration and production of water-based steam power generation to power generation for commercial purposes, we rely on highly skilled manpower and our own technology to establish some of the world's pioneering and most complex steam fields, which are quickly becoming industry benchmarks.
Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. گروهه جي مدد سان سماجي تبديلين جو دارومدار نه رڳو معاشي ترقي، سماجي ترقي ۽ قدرتي وسيلن جي تحفظ تي آهي. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. هائيڊرو پاور بلاشڪ ترقي يافته توانائي جو مکيه ذريعو آهي، پر ونڊ انرجي، سولر انرجي، بايوماس انرجي ۽ جيوٿرمل انرجي انرجي ڍانچي ۾ وڌيڪ اهم ٿي رهي آهي.

گراهم ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: GHM) گراهم ڪارپوريشن وٽ ويڪيوم ۽ گرمي جي منتقلي ٽيڪنالاجي جي ميدان ۾ دنيا جي مشهور انجنيئرنگ ماهر آهي. It is a global designer, manufacturer and supplier of custom ejectors, pumps, condensers, vacuum systems and heat exchangers . گراهم پاور جنريشن انڊسٽري لاءِ پراڊڪٽس ۽ خدمتن جو فراهم ڪندڙ آهي. Its surface condensers are used for turbine generator services, steam jet ejectors and liquid ring pump systems are used for condenser exhaust devices, and heat exchangers are used for various services. Waste to energy (including landfill methane to energy), combined heat and power, nuclear power, geothermal, combined heat and power, and combined cycle power generation facilities all require our products.
Greenearth Energy (ASX: GER.AX) is a diversified renewable energy company headquartered in Australia. It is interested in technology-focused solutions that involve industrial energy efficiency and carbon dioxide conversion to fuel markets, as well as Australia and more. وسيع پئسفڪ سمنڊ ۾ روايتي جيوتھرمل وسيلا ريم آھن.
HRL Holdings Ltd (ASX: HRL..AX) is engaged in the clean energy industry, exploring and developing its geothermal projects in Victoria, aiming to use the world's best practices to produce clean base load electricity. Two more geothermal exploration licenses (GEP 6 and 8) have recently been renewed for a period of 5 years. تجويز ڪيل ڪم جي منصوبي ۾ 2D زلزلي واري ڊيٽا جي ٻيهر تشريح ڪرڻ، 3D زلزلي جي سروي کي مڪمل ڪرڻ، سوراخ ٿيل پاڻي واري علائقي ۾ تيز وهڪري جي رفتار لاءِ سوراخ ڪرڻ ۽ جانچ شامل آهي.

NRG Yield, Inc. (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: NYLD, NYLD-A) آمريڪا ۾ قابل تجديد، روايتي بجلي جي پيداوار ۽ حرارتي انفراسٽرڪچر اثاثن جو هڪ متنوع پورٽ فوليو آهي، جنهن ۾ فوسل فيول، شمسي ۽ واء شامل آهن جيڪي وڌيڪ مدد فراهم ڪري سگھن ٿا. than 2 million American homes and businesses have power generation facilities. اسان جا حرارتي انفراسٽرڪچر اثاثا ٻاڦ، گرم پاڻي ۽/يا ٿڌو پاڻي، ۽ ڪڏهن ڪڏهن بجلي فراهم ڪن ٿا، تجارتي ادارن، يونيورسٽين، اسپتالن ۽ ڪيترن ئي هنڌن تي سرڪاري کاتن کي.
Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ORA) is a global leader in the field of geothermal power plants. ڪمپني کي جديد ماحول دوست پاور حل تيار ڪرڻ ۾ لڳ ڀڳ 50 سالن جو تجربو آهي. Ormat هڪ عمدي طور تي ضم ٿيل ڪمپني آهي جيڪا خاص طور تي جيوتھرمل ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار جي ڪاروبار ۾ مصروف آهي. The company designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy power plants. موثر سار سنڀال ۽ آپريشنل مسئلن جي بروقت جواب جي ذريعي، انهن آپريشنن مان حاصل ڪيل گهڻي ڄاڻ ڪمپني کي مقابلي ۾ فائدو ڏئي ٿي. آمريڪا ۽ ٻين ملڪن جي جالان / علائقن جي حق ۽ منظم ڪرڻ ۽ هلائڻ، ڪمپني پڻ طاقت جي شين جو سامان ۽ طاقت جي سامان جي مڪمل طور تي ٺاهيل ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو. Ormat هن وقت آمريڪا، گوئٽي مالا ۽ ڪينيا ۾ ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي.
Petratherm Limited (ASX: PTR.AX) تجارتي طور تي پائيدار غير اخراج جيوٿرمل توانائي منصوبن جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي لاءِ پرعزم آهي. پيٽرٿرم لميٽيڊ ايڊيليڊ ۾ جيوتھرمل توانائي جو هڪ معروف پراسپيڪٽر ۽ ڊولپر آهي. ڪمپني فعال طور تي آسٽريليا، اسپين ۽ چين ۾ منصوبن ۾ حصو وٺندو آهي.
PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (Philippines: PERC.PH) focuses on upstream oil exploration and development. PERC خاص طور تي گبون، اولهه آفريڪا ۾ ٽن پيداواري علائقن مان آمدني حاصل ڪري ٿي، ۽ اها واحد فلپائن ڪمپني بڻجي وئي آهي جيڪا بين الاقوامي اپ اسٽريم انٽرنيشنل مان منافعو ڪمائي ٿي. ڪاروباري تنوع جي موقعي کي محسوس ڪندي، PERC گبن جي منافعي کي ڪيترن ئي تيل جي شعبن ۽ فلپائن ۾ قابل تجديد توانائي جي منصوبن ۾ ٻيهر لڳايو. Geothermal

Advanced Metallurgical Group (Euronext Netherlands: AMG) is a global key materials company that is at the forefront of carbon dioxide reduction trends. AMG produces highly engineered specialty metals and mineral products, and provides related vacuum furnace systems and services for transportation, infrastructure, energy, and the end markets of specialty metals and chemicals. اما جو اهم مواد ايلومينيم ماسٽر الوداع ۽ پاؤڊر، فيروزيم، ڪروڊيم، ڪرومڊيم، نيمونڊيم، نيمون ۽ سليڪيم، نيمون، نيمون، نيمون AMG انجنيئرنگ ڊيزائن، انجنيئر ۽ ترقي يافته ويڪيوم فرنس سسٽم پيدا ڪري ٿو، ۽ ويڪيوم گرمي علاج جو سامان هلائي ٿو، خاص طور تي ٽرانسپورٽ ۽ توانائي جي صنعتن ۾ استعمال ٿيندو آهي. AMG operates globally, with production facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Czech Republic, the United States, China, Mexico, Brazil and Sri Lanka, and sales and customer service offices in Russia and Japan.
Alabama Graphite Company (TSX: CSPG.V) هڪ ڪينيڊا جي بنياد تي فليڪ گرافائٽ جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي واري ڪمپني آهي ۽ هڪ امڪاني بيٽري مواد جي پيداوار ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي. The company conducts business through its wholly-owned subsidiary Alabama Graphite Company Inc. (a company registered in Alabama). آمريڪا ۾ فلابا گرافڪ منصوبن جي ترقي سان، الاباما گرافائيٽ ڪارپ هڪ قابل اعتماد آمريڪي ڪمپني بڻجي ٿو. خاص اعلي پاڪ پاڪ پراڊڪٽس پراڊڪٽس جو هڪ تجربو، هڪ تجربيڪار ٽيم گرافٽ منگنگ، گرافٽ پراڊڪٽس ۽ ايپليڪيشنز ۾ 100 سالن کان وڌيڪ تجربي سان ڪمپني جو سبب بڻجندي آهي. Alabama Graphite ڪمپني جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي لاء پرعزم آهي. راجاويه جو سسيٽ پسياتي پروجيڪٽ جي ترقي، العام ڪائونٽي، الابيا جي منصوبي، البو جي تحقيق ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي ترقي ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي تحقيق ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي تحقيق ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي تحقيق the mineral rights of the two US graphite projects located on private land. پروجيڪٽ 43,000 ايڪڙن کان وڌيڪ ايراضيءَ تي پکڙيل آهي ۽ هڪ دائري اختيار ۾ واقع آهي، جيڪو جيو پوليٽيڪل طور تي مستحڪم ۽ منهنجي لاءِ آسان آهي. There are a large number of historical flakes in the flake graphite belt in central Alabama (also known as the Alabama graphite belt) History of graphite production (source: US Bureau of Mines). A large part of the deposits in Alabama are characterized by graphite-containing materials that are oxidized and weathered into extremely soft rock. Both projects have proper infrastructure and are close to major highways, railroads, electricity and water, and are approximately three hours away from the Port of Mobile, Alabama Port Authority's deep sea port and the ninth largest port (via Truck or train). آمريڪا ۾ ٽونج ذريعي بندرگاهن (ذريعو: آمريڪي آرمي ڪور آف انجنيئرز / USICE). Alabama's pleasant climate allows year-round mining operations, and the world's largest marble quarry (Sylacauga, Alabama, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) is less than a 30-minute drive from the Coosa Graphite Project.

بري ووڊ وسيلن لميٽيڊ. (TSX: BKR.V) قدرتي وسيلن جي اثاثن جي حاصلات ۾ مشغول، ڳولا ۽ ترقي ۾ مشغول آهي. It mainly explores gold, copper, nickel, base metal, precious metal and graphite deposits. ڪمپني جي معروضي، برطانوي ڪولمبيا جي ويجهو هڪ فروخت واديڊڊ مائيز آهي. ۽ پطرس Lake ن Lake ن لارين ٽريئر، گرين ويلي، مرڪزي سوال، ڪئنبيڪ، ڪئناڊا. اهو پڻ دلچسپي پڻ آهي LACE GURETE EERTER RUNGE ريجنل ڪائونٽي، ڪئنبين، ڪئناڊا ۾. ۽ Cimandiri ملڪيت Sukabumi، انڊونيشيا ۾ واقع آهي.
Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX: CAZ.AX) آسٽريليا ۾ هڪ متنوع معدنيات جي ڳولا ۽ وسيلن جي ترقي واري ڪمپني آهي. The company mainly explores iron ore, graphite, copper, nickel, base metal, gold, cobalt and zinc ores. It owns various properties located in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

Eagle Graphite Incorporated (TSX: EGA.V; OTC: APMFF; FSE: NJGP;) is an Ontario company that owns one of only two natural flake graphite production facilities in North America, located at 35 west of Nelson, British Columbia Kilometers away, آمريڪا جي واشنگٽن رياست کان 70 ڪلوميٽر اتر طرف بليڪ ڪرسٽل گريفائيٽ ڪواري جي نالي سان مشهور آهي.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. برقيات کي فروغ ڏيو (ڪارون، ريچارجبل بيٽرين، وڏي پيماني تي توانائي اسٽوريج، قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار ۽ ٻيون ايپليڪيشنون). اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين جي وڪرو، بيٽري جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي مان بجلي جي پيداوار ايندڙ ڪجهه سالن ۾ خاص طور تي وڌڻ جو امڪان آهي، تنهنڪري انهن حدف ٿيل شين جي گهرج مطابق وڌي ويندي. اهو هڪ منفرد موقعو پيدا ڪري ٿو سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ ۽ مائنز ۽ منصوبن تي رائلٽي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي توانائي جي انقلاب لاءِ گهربل مواد فراهم ڪندا. گلوبلڪس پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کان علاوه، برقي فرنچائز جي استعمال لاء ارادي جو خط پابند آهي. رائلٽي جا 6 مجموعا آهن. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
ELCORA ADVANCED MATERIALS CORP. (TSX: ERA.V; OTCQB: ECORF) 2011 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ ھاڻي ھڪڙي عمدي طور تي مربوط گرافين ۽ گرافين ڪمپني ۾ ترقي ڪئي آھي جيڪا گريفائٽ کي مائن، پروسيس، ۽ ريفائن ڪري ٿي، ۽ گرافين ۽ آخري استعمال ڪندڙ گرافين ايپليڪيشن تيار ڪري ٿي. . As part of the vertical integration strategy, Elcora is interested in the operation of its Ragedara mine, which has begun production in Sri Lanka, to obtain high-grade graphite and graphene precursor graphite. Elcora ترقي ڪئي آهي هڪ منفرد گھٽ قيمت ۽ اعلي ڪارڪردگي جو طريقو تجارتي طور تي اسپيبلبل اعلي معيار جي گرافائٽ ۽ گرافين پيدا ڪرڻ لاء. This combination means that Elcora has the tools and resources to vertically integrate graphite and graphene.
Energizer Resources Inc. (TSX: EGZ.TO) هڪ معدني ڳولا ۽ معدني ترقي واري ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ٽورنٽو، ڪئناڊا ۾ واقع آهي. The company is developing its 100% owned flagship Molo graphite project in southern Madagascar and in the feasibility study stage.
Entegris (NASDAQGS: ENTG) is a leading provider of various products used to purify, protect and transport critical materials used in the processing and manufacturing of semiconductors and other high-tech industries. Entegris has passed ISO 9001 certification and has manufacturing, customer service and/or research facilities in the United States, China, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Graphite: Poco Graphite-Entegris; POCO materials are used in many different applications and industries. POCO products are produced for the following major markets: semiconductors and general industrial products, biomedicine, glass industrial products and electrical discharge machining (EDM). As a manufacturer of high-tech materials, POCO provides excellent customer support, including specific application information, design capabilities, processing and material testing.
Fangda Carbon New Materials Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600516.SS) هڪ ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر چين ۾ آهي، خاص طور تي ڪاربن شين جي پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي. The company provides graphite electrodes, including ultra-high power, high power and normal power graphite electrodes. Carbon bricks, including ultra-high power graphite electrodes, aluminum carbon bricks, cathode carbon bricks and paste; خاص گريفائٽ پروڊڪٽس، جن ۾ اسپيڪٽرل ڪاربان راڊ، تيز گرمي پد ڪاربن فيلٽس، الٽرا فائن گريفائٽ پائوڊر، فلورو ڪاربن فيلٽس وغيره، نئين ڪاربان مواد ۽ لوهه جو پائوڊر معدنيات وغيره شامل آهن. معدنيات جو مرڪز.

Focus Graphite Inc. (TSX: FMS.V) هڪ ترقي يافته ڳولا ۽ ترقي واري مائننگ ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو مقصد ڏکڻ اولهه فيئرمونٽ، ڪيوبيڪ ۾ Lac Knife جي ذخيري تي گريفائٽ ڪنٽريٽس پيدا ڪرڻ آهي. ٻئي مرحلي ۾، صوبي جي ٽرانسفارم جي مفادن جي مفادن جي مفادن جي مفادن جي مفادن جي مفادن جي مفادن جي مفادن جي مفادن جو اندازو لڳائڻ جي فزيبلٽ جي قيمت.
گلوبل ليتيم آئن گريفائيٽ ڪمپني (سي ايس اي: LION) تيزي سان وڌندڙ ليتيم آئن بيٽري انڊسٽري لاءِ مکيه گريفائٽ فراهم ڪندڙ بڻجڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو- جنهن ۾ نيواڊا ۾ ٽسلا جو وڏو گيگا فيڪٽري پلانٽ ۽ ٻيا پلانٽ جيڪي عالمي سطح تي کولڻ جي منصوبابندي ڪيا ويا آهن.
Globe Metals & Mining (ASX: GBE.AX) is engaged in the investment, exploration and development of mineral resources in Australia and Africa. The company focuses on the development of its Kanyika niobium project in Malawi. اهو پڻ tantalum، graphite، fluorite ۽ نادر زمين عنصرن کي ڳولي ٿو.
Goa Carbon Company (BSE: GOACARBON.BO) is a manufacturer and seller of calcined petroleum coke in India. ڪمپني ايلومينيم سملٽرز، گرافائٽ اليڪٽرروڊ ۽ ٽائيٽينيم ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ ٺاهيندڙن ۽ ٻين صارفين کي ميٽالرجيڪل ۽ ڪيميائي صنعتن ۾ مصنوعات فراهم ڪري ٿي. The company's calcining plant with an annual capacity of 75,000 tons is located in southern Goa, 40 kilometers from Mormugao Port. ڪمپني جا ٻه ٻيا ڪارخانا بلاسپور ۾ ڇتيس ڳڙهه ۽ پرديپ اوڙيسا ۾ آهن.
Graphite Energy Corp. (CSE: GRE) وٽ جديد کان کني ٽيڪنالاجي آهي جيڪا ماحول دوست آهي. We are mining graphite, which should be the next green energy in the future. Our mine is located in Quebec, Canada, and has historically been a natural resource of graphite. With the growing demand for graphite in some of the most prominent and cutting-edge industries, such as solar cells and lithium batteries in electric vehicles and robotics, we have updated our technology to meet future demands.
Graphite India Ltd. (NSE: GRAPHITE.NS) manufactures and sells graphite electrodes and carbon and graphite specialty products in India and internationally. The company's business scope includes: graphite and carbon, steel and other fields. It provides graphite electrodes for the manufacture of steel and other non-ferrous metals through electric arc furnaces and ladle furnace routes, and as consumables for conducting large currents at low pressure during melting and/or alloying. ڪمپني پڻ پيش ڪري ٿي روڊ ۽ بلاڪ، مائڪرو روڊ، گريفائٽ ٽيوب، گرمي ايڪسچينج ٽيوب، ٺهيل گريفائٽ، آئوٽسٽيڪل طور تي ٺهيل گريفائٽ، ڪاربان ۽ گريفائٽ مشين جا حصا، ڪاربان گريفائٽ / برڪس، ۽ ڪاربان ڪاربان جامع مواد / برڪس ڪڍيل گرافائٽ جو فارم. اسٽيل، غير فيرس metals، metallurgy، شمسي توانائي، semiconductors، ڪيمسٽري، گلاس، quartz ۽ مشينري ۽ ٻين پروسيسنگ صنعتن ۾ نظريي discs لاء مناسب. In addition, it also provides calcined petroleum coke, carbon electrode paste, graphite particles and fine materials, as well as carbon-containing materials used in the aluminum, steel, iron alloy and casting industries. ان کان علاوه، ڪمپني پڻ ناقابل برداشت گريفائٽ گرمي ايڪسچينجرز مهيا ڪري ٿي، جن ۾ ڪنڊينسر، کولر، هيٽر، ريبوائلر، ايپوريٽر، ايڪسچينجرز، ۽ گريفائٽ ٽاورز آسون، جذب ۽ ڌوئڻ، ايجڪٽر سسٽم ۽ سينٽريفيوگل پمپ؛ HCl گيس جنريشن يونٽ HCl synthesis ۽ drying لاءِ، گڏو گڏ H2SO4 / HCl ڪنسنٽريشن ۽ تيزاب ڊليوشن کولنگ يونٽ؛ bursting disc, thermowell, pipes and pipe fittings. In addition, it also provides glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes; joints, such as GRP couplings, laminated joints, flanges, etc.; and GRP elbows, tees, reducers, diffusers, valve three Pass and so on. In addition, the company also provides high-speed, alloy tools and powder metallurgy steel for cutting tools. It is also involved in power generation and sales to the Karnataka power grid through the Hydel Power Plant

Great Lakes Graphite Company (TSX: GLK.V) ھڪڙي صنعتي معدني ڪمپني آھي جيڪا واضع طور تي بيان ڪيل مارڪيٽن ۾ قيمتي اضافو ڪاربن مصنوعات آڻڻ لاءِ وقف آھي. The company's innovation department has signed a long-term agreement for the use of Matheson's micronization facilities and the provision of high-quality natural graphite concentrates. This makes Great Lakes Graphite an emerging domestic manufacturer and supplier of micronized products, serving a growing regional customer base Where prices and demand continue to rise.

IMX Resources (ASX: IXR.AX) هڪ آسٽريلوي وسيلن جي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا 5,400 چورس ڪلوميٽرن جي ملڪيتن جي ڏکڻ اوڀر تنزانيا ۾ آهي. ان جو چيللو پروجيڪٽ تيزي سان ترقي ڪري رهيو آهي ايندڙ عالمي سطح جي گرافائٽ فليڪ پروجيڪٽ ۾. ڪمپني پڻ پنهنجي نڪل پروجيڪٽ ۽ سون جي امڪانن کي بهتر بڻائي رهي آهي.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the two companies. The team focused on key raw materials. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); اعلي حرارتي ڪارڪردگي جي تعمير جي شين لاء مواد (گرافائٽ، سليڪا، نيفيلين)؛ and materials that can improve energy generation efficiency ( dy, neodymium, ha). Leading Edge Materials is in an ideal position to play a key role in the sustainable supply of technology and energy-critical materials

Lomiko Metals Inc. (TSX: LMR.V) is a Canadian exploration stage company. The company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of resource attributes including minerals in order to realize a new green economy. ان جي معدني ملڪيتن ۾ Quatre Milles graphite جائداد ۽ Vines Lake جا خاصيتون شامل آھن جيڪي تازو دريافت ڪيون ويون آھن.
Makino Milling Machine (Tokyo: 6135.T) is a Japanese manufacturing company. ڪمپني ۽ ان جي ماتحت ادارن صنعتي مشينري جي تعمير، وڪرو ۽ سار سنڀال ۾ مصروف آهن. The company provides vertical machining center, horizontal machining center, 5-axis machining center, 5-axis vertical machining center, graphite milling machine, numerical control (NC) electric discharge machine, wire electric discharge machine, computer-aided design (CAD)/ ڪمپيوٽر جي مدد سان پيداوار (CAM) سسٽم ۽ ٻيا
Mason Graphite Inc. (TSX: LLG.V; OTC: MPHHF) is a Canadian mining company dedicated to the exploration and development of the 100% owned Lac Guéret natural graphite deposit in northeastern Quebec. ڪمپني هڪ تجربيڪار ٽيم جي اڳواڻي ۾ آهي جنهن ۾ 50 سالن کان وڌيڪ تجربو گرافائٽ جي پيداوار، وڪرو ۽ تحقيق ۽ ترقي ۾ آهي.

Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. ڪمپني تازو ئي Gecko Namibia (Pty) لميٽيڊ کان منصوبن جو هڪ پورٽ فوليو حاصل ڪيو. ڪوبالٽ، گريفائٽ، ليٿيم، ٽينٽلم، نائوبيم، وينڊيم، سون ۽ لاڳاپيل بنيادي ڌاتن جا فائدا منتشر ڪريو. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
نيشنل گريفائيٽ ڪارپوريشن (OTC: NGRC) هڪ ايڪسپلوريشن اسٽيج ڪمپني آهي جيڪا آمريڪا ۾ معدنيات حاصل ڪري ٿي، دريافت ڪري ٿي ۽ ترقي ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني سون، چاندي، گرافائٽ ۽ ٻين معدني ذخيري کي ڳولي ٿو. اهو سلور هڙتال سلور ملڪيت ۾ دلچسپي رکي ٿو جيڪا تقريباً 1,363 ايڪڙن تي مشتمل آهي Candelaria ۾. The company was formerly known as Lucky Boy Silver Corporation.

جاپان ڪاربن ڪارپوريشن (Tokyo: 5302.T) هڪ جاپاني ڪمپني آهي جيڪا خاص طور تي ڪاربن شين جي پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي. The carbon department is engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of carbon products, including artificial graphite electrodes, impermeable graphite, isotropic high-purity graphite, graphite products for equipment, general-purpose carbon fibers and graphite fibers, lithium ion battery anode materials and ٻيا.

Northern Graphite Corporation (TSX: NGC.V) هڪ گريفائيٽ ڊولپمينٽ ۽ بيٽري ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جي بيسٽ ڪريڪ جمع اڀرندي ڪئناڊا ۾ واقع آهي. Bissett Creek کي ليٿيم آئن بيٽرين جي ميدان ۾ قدرتي مقابلي وارو فائدو حاصل آهي ڇاڪاڻ ته ان ۾ بيٽري جي درجي واري مواد جو اعليٰ فيصد آهي، معدنيات کي انوڊ مواد ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ لاءِ اعليٰ پيداوار، ۽ اصل، انتهائي ترتيب ڏنل ڪرسٽل ڍانچي، ان ڪري قيمت گھٽائي ٿي. purification And higher capacity batteries. ڪمپني مالڪي، ماحولياتي پائيدار ڪوٽنگ ۽ صاف ڪرڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿي انهن فائدن جو فائدو وٺڻ لاءِ بهتر، گهٽ قيمت واري انوڊ مواد تيار ڪرڻ ۽ ان جي پيداوار ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ ماحولياتي نقصانڪار طريقن کي تبديل ڪرڻ لاءِ.
Nouveau Monde Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: NOU.V) owns the Matawini graphite project, in which the company has delineated the indicated category of graphite resource estimates totaling 48.6 Mt, grade 3.97% Cg, grade 34.7 Mt, grade It is 4.08% . Infer Cg in the category. The project is located in the Saint-Michel-des-Saints area, about 130 kilometers north of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It can directly use all the required infrastructure, labor, green environmental protection and affordable hydropower. Nouveau Monde is developing projects with the highest corporate social responsibility standards and the lowest environmental footprint (for net zero carbon emissions operations).
SGL Carbon AG (XETRA: SGL.DE; Frankfurt: SGL.F; OTC: SGLFF) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of carbon-based products. Our comprehensive product range ranges from carbon and graphite products to carbon fiber and composite materials. اسان اسان جي گراهڪن لاء جديد حل ۽ قدر پيدا ڪرڻ لاء پرعزم آهيون.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Carbon Division provides graphite electrodes for electric steelmaking furnaces. These electrodes are essential for steel recycling. شوا ڊنڪو جي گريفائٽ اليڪٽرروڊس کي جاپان سميت سڄي دنيا ۾ گراهڪن طرفان ساراهيو ويو آهي. The division provides high-end products for advanced markets, while developing and selling volume products for the significant growth of emerging economies.

Tokai Carbon Korea Co. (Korea: 064760.KQ) produces and sells various silicon wafers and semiconductor products in Korea. The company provides silicon wafer products, such as high-purity graphite used in silicon crystal drawing and semiconductor processing equipment parts; and SiC coated products, which can be used to grow monocrystalline silicon parts, for semiconductor diffusion and LP-CVD The parts are used for epitaxy and CVD susceptors, for semiconductor heaters and parts for CZ crystal pulling. It also provides a variety of semiconductor materials, including SiC wafers for various applications, including diffusion, LP-CVD, sputtering, virtual wafers for etching, etc.; ۽ EPI لائٽ ايميٽنگ ڊيوڊس، ليزر ڊائڊس ۽ پيادل ويفر ڪيريئر لاءِ. ان کان علاوه، ڪمپني ڪاربن ۽ ڪاربان جامع مواد پڻ مهيا ڪري ٿي، جيڪا ڪرسٽل ڇڪڻ، فرنس جي ساختماني حصن، هيٽر وغيره لاء اجزاء طور استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون. glassy carbon products, used for wafer holders, heat reflectors, bases, guide rings , Plasma etching electrodes, crucibles, etc.; سلڪون ڪيٿوڊ اليڪٽرروڊس ڪيٿوڊس ۽ گيس انجيڪشن حصن جي طور تي ايچنگ جي عمل ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن. Graphite composition

TYK ڪارپوريشن (Tokyo: 5363.T) هڪ ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر جاپان ۾ آهي، خاص طور تي ريفريٽري مواد جي پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي. Together with its subsidiaries and associated companies, the company operates in three business divisions, the refractory materials division, the advanced materials division and other divisions. The Advanced Materials Department is engaged in the manufacture and sales of refractory bricks, amorphous canteens, new ceramics and heat insulation refractory bricks, and the sale of graphite crucibles and graphite flakes.

Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. ACCIONA Construction uses the latest technology to carry out projects. It is at the forefront of the R+D+ field and one of the world's leading construction companies. ACCIONA اڏاوت پوري تعميراتي رينج کي پکڙيل آهي، انجنيئرنگ ڊيزائن کان وٺي انجنيئرنگ ڪارڪردگي ۽ بعد ۾ سار سنڀال، گڏوگڏ عوامي انجنيئرنگ رعايتن جو انتظام، خاص طور تي ٽرانسپورٽ ۽ سماجي انفراسٽرڪچر جي شعبن ۾.
Alumasc Group plc (LSE: ALU.L) برطانيه ۾ معيار جي تعمير ۽ درستي واري انجنيئرنگ مصنوعات جو سپلائر آهي. Most of the group's business is in the area of ​​sustainable building products, enabling customers to manage the use of energy and water in the built environment. We believe that during the entire construction cycle, the growth rate of these industries will exceed the UK industry average.
Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. اهو پڻ فضول مان تعميراتي مواد پيدا ڪري ٿو. ڪمپني SF مواد استعمال ڪري ٿي (فضول پلاسٽڪ ۽ ڪوئلي جي راھ جو مرکب) پيداوار ۽ پيداوار لاءِ. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
Conforce International, Inc. (OTC: CFRI) ڪينيڊا ۾ ليمينيٽ فلورنگ سسٽم ٺاهي ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو. اهو EKO-FLOR فرشنگ سسٽم مهيا ڪري ٿو جيڪو ڪنٽينر، ٽريلر ۽ کروز انڊسٽريز ۾ پراڻي ڪاٺ جي فرش کي تبديل ڪرڻ لاء.
Crown ElectroKinetics (OTC: CRKN) DynamicTint جو عالمي ليڊر آهي- اسان توهان جي شيشي کي سمارٽ ٺاهيو ٿا. اسان جي ٽيڪنالاجي اصل ۾ Hewlett-Packard (HP, Inc.) پاران ايجاد ڪئي وئي هئي، جيڪا ڪنهن به شيشي جي مٿاڇري کي ڪجهه سيڪنڊن ۾ شفاف ۽ اونداهي جي وچ ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي. DynamicTint™ allows the window to transition from transparent to black. Through a wide range of windows including commercial buildings, automobile skylights and residential skylights, Crown cooperates with leading glass and film manufacturers for mass production and distribution. The core of Crown's technology is a film driven by charged pigments. The film can not only replace ordinary curtain shades, but also a more sustainable alternative to traditional curtains.

EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. گهڻيون توانائي جون شيون ۽ حل فوري طور تي لاڳو ڪري سگھجن ٿيون جتي ضرورت هجي. EHT هڪ مڪمل سيٽ شمسي فوٽووولٽڪ، ونڊ انرجي ۽ بيٽري اسٽوريج حلن کي گڏ ڪري ٿو ته جيئن مقابلي کان ٻاهر نڪرڻ لاء. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. اهي مصنوعات کي پرڪشش ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پرڪشش ڪمن، ٿڌن گهرن، نن، اسرار ۽ شهري عمارتون، ۽ عارضي عمارتون.

NCI Building Systems Co., Ltd. (NYSE: NCS) is one of the largest comprehensive manufacturers of non-residential construction metal products in North America. NCI is composed of a series of companies operating production facilities in the United States, Mexico and China, and has other sales and distribution offices in the United States and Canada. گرين پراڊڪٽ حل: تازن سالن ۾، جيئن ته ماحول دوست عمارت سازي جي گهرج وڌي رهي آهي، اين سي آءِ جو زور سائي پروڊڪٽس ٺاهڻ تي پڻ وڌي ويو آهي. When used as part of high-performance buildings, components manufactured by our company network can support environmental, economic and health standards that are considered when determining the overall sustainability of the project. Our products can help buildings meet the requirements of various government and non-governmental agency certification requirements that set green standards, including the US government's ENERGY STAR program and the US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. اسان گراهڪ کي وڌيڪ توانائي-موثر ۽ ماحول دوست عمارتون ٺاهڻ ۾ مدد ڏيڻ لاءِ اسان جي صلاحيت استعمال ڪندا آهيون.

SustainCo Inc. (TSXV: SMS.V) conducts business through its wholly-owned subsidiary VCI CONTROLS Inc. (“VCI”), and is a leading supplier and integrator of proptech's healthy building solutions and services. The company is an industry leader in the development of intelligent building technology, including the use of the latest communication technologies and standards to integrate all building systems. VCI جو ڪاروبار ڊجيٽل ڪنٽرول ۽ ميڪيڪل سروسز، ڪارڪردگي جي نگراني ۽ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي حل تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو. SustainCo جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر ٽورانٽو ۾ آهي، آفيسون هيلفيڪس، مونٽريال، اوٽاوا ۽ وان، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهن.
TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) has been a pioneer in the development of breakthrough science and engineering technology since the 1960s. TRC is a national engineering, environmental consulting and construction management company for energy, environment and infrastructure The market provides integrated services. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. TRC پاران مهيا ڪيل نتيجا گراهڪن کي هڪ پيچيده ۽ بدلجندڙ دنيا ۾ ڪامياب ٿيڻ جي اجازت ڏين ٿا.
Yulong Ecological Materials Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: YECO) ماحولياتي تعميراتي شين جو عمودي طور تي ضم ٿيل ڪارخانو آهي، ۽ هڪ تعميراتي فضول ريسائڪلنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪو Pingdingshan شهر، Henan صوبي، چين ۾ واقع آهي. ڪمپني هن وقت پنگڊنگشن سٽي ۾ فلائي ايش برڪ ۽ ڪنڪريٽ پيدا ڪندڙ معروف ڪمپني آهي، ۽ ان جي ويسٽ مئنيجمينٽ سروسز جي خاص فراهم ڪندڙ آهي.
Carbon Conscious (ASX: CCF.AX) هڪ ASX-لسٽ ڪيل ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ڪاربان ٻيلن جي منصوبن کي ترقي ۽ انتظام ڪري ٿي انهن ادارن يا فردن لاءِ جيڪي آسٽريليا ۽ نيوزي لينڊ ۾ گرين هائوس گيس جي اخراج کي ختم ڪرڻ چاهيندا آهن. More than 22 million trees have been planted on more than 18,000 hectares of land in Australia and New Zealand. After reaching the optimal growth age, these trees will offset 1.4-210,000 tons of CO2-e emissions each year.

گجرات فلورينڊيڊ انڊسٽريز ڪمپني لميٽيڊ (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) هندستان ۾ مختلف ڪيميائي شين جي پيداوار ۽ هلندي آهي. ڪمپني شعبن ذريعي هلندي آهي جهڙوڪ ڪيميائي، ونڊ انرجي ڪاروبار، بجلي ۽ ٿيٽر نمائشون. ونڊ انرجي بزنس يونٽ ونڊ ٽربائنز (WTG) مهيا ڪري ٿي؛ erection procurement and commissioning services; operation and maintenance services; general infrastructure services; and WTG site development services. The power section generates power. The theater exhibition department operates and manages integrated cinemas and cinemas. Gujarat Fluorochemical Co., Ltd. is also engaged in real estate and real estate development activities; and exploration of fluorite mines. GFL has been at the forefront of introducing the concept of carbon credits into India. GFL's CDM project is the first in the world to seek registration from the CDM Executive Committee (United Nations Framework for Climate Change). GFL is the largest CDM player in India and the top five in the world. Through the implementation of this project, GFL attaches great importance to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.
Indowind Energy Limited (BOM: INDOWIND.BO) develops and sells wind farms, manages wind assets, and produces Green Power® for sale to utilities and companies. ونڊ پاور منصوبن جو تصور کان وٺي ڪم ڪرڻ تائين ٽرنڪي تي عملدرآمد. نصب ٿيل اثاثن لاء ونڊ انرجي اثاثن جو انتظام حل، بشمول آپريشن، انوائسنگ، ۽ پروجيڪٽ جي گراهڪن کان آمدني گڏ ڪرڻ. Provide GreenPower® to customers. CER (carbon credit) sales and trading.
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, mainly operates as an energy company in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products to optimize the operation of the energy grid. The company also transmits electricity; and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. ان کان سواء، اهو پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو سامان جي خدمت ۽ گراهڪن لاء سار سنڀال. پبلڪ سروس انٽرپرائز گروپ ڪمپني لميٽيڊ 1985 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ هيڊ ڪوارٽر نيوارڪ، نيو جرسي ۾ آهي.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. اسان جي CO2 مارڪيٽ برانڊ جي ذريعي، اسان آسٽريليا جي سڀ کان وڏي ماحولياتي سرٽيفڪيٽ واپارين مان هڪ بڻجي ويا آهيون، ۽ ساڳئي وقت توانائي جي وڌندڙ قيمتن کي منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ GO Energy ذريعي تجارتي شعبي کي سمارٽ، ممڪن ۽ قابل تجديد حل فراهم ڪريون ٿا. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. هن فيلڊ جي مسلسل ترقي ۾، اسان جي جديد برانڊ GO ڪوٽا جو مقصد شمسي صنعت کي سپورٽ ڪرڻ ۽ صارفين کي مقامي شمسي فراهم ڪندڙن کان مفت انسٽاليشن ڪوٽا حاصل ڪرڻ جو موقعو ڏيڻ آهي، جڏهن ته CO2 گلوبل معيار جي ضمانت (QA) ۽ معيار ڪنٽرول (QC) فراهم ڪري ٿو. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.

AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) عالمي تيل ۽ گئس، کان کني، صاف توانائي، ۽ ماحولياتي ۽ انفراسٽرڪچر مارڪيٽن لاءِ مشاورت، انجنيئرنگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني ونڊ انرجي، سولر انرجي، بايوماس ۽ بائيو فيول منصوبن لاءِ انجنيئرنگ، خريداري ۽ تعميراتي حل فراهم ڪري ٿي، ۽ ڪمبشن ۽ ٻاڦ پيدا ڪرڻ واري سامان جي ڊيزائن ۽ سپلائي ۾ مصروف آهي. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. اهو تيل ڪمپنيون، ڪيميائي ڪمپنيون، يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنيون ۽ سرڪاري ادارن کي خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company's predecessor was AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) is a leading independent provider that provides comprehensive services, energy efficiency, infrastructure upgrades, asset sustainability and renewable energy solutions for companies and organizations in North America and Europe. آمريڪو جي پائيدار خدمتون شامل آهن سهولتن جي توانائي جي بنيادي ڍانچي کي اپ گريڊ ڪرڻ ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي پلانٽس جي ترقي، تعمير ۽ آپريشن. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
American Electric Power Company (NYSE: AEP) is one of the largest power companies in the United States, providing electricity to 5.4 million users in 11 states. AEP is one of the largest power producers in the United States, with nearly 32,000 megawatts of power generation capacity in the United States. AEP پڻ آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي پاور ٽرانسميشن سسٽم جو مالڪ آهي، جيڪو 40,000 ميلن کان وڌيڪ گرڊ آهي، جنهن ۾ 765 kV UHV ٽرانسميشن لائينن کان وڌيڪ پاور شامل آهي. گڏيل قومن ۾ ٻين سڀني ٽرانسميشن سسٽم جو مجموعو. AEP جو ٽرانسميشن سسٽم سڌو يا اڻ سڌي طرح اوڀر جي ڪنيڪشن نيٽ ورڪ ۾ بجلي جي گهرج جو 10٪ پورو ڪري ٿو، جيڪو آمريڪا ۽ اڀرندي ڪئناڊا ۾ 38 اڀرندي ۽ مرڪزي رياستن کي ڍڪي ٿو، جڏهن ته ERCOT ۾ بجلي جي گهرج اٽڪل 11٪ آهي. Covering most of Texas. AEP's utility divisions include AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (located in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (located in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Oklahoma Public Service Company, and Southwest Electric Company (Arkansas, Louisiana and Eastern Texas). AEP is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.
ڪيپسٽون انفراسٽرڪچر ڪارپوريشن (TSX: CSE.TO) جو مشن ڪينيڊا ۽ بين الاقوامي سطح تي بنيادي ڍانچي ۾ ڊگهي مدي واري سيڙپڪاري جي ذميوار انتظام ذريعي سيڙپڪارن کي پرڪشش مجموعي واپسي فراهم ڪرڻ آهي. The company's strategy is to develop, acquire and manage a series of high-quality utility, power and transportation businesses, as well as public-private partnerships that operate in a regulated or contract-defined environment and generate stable cash flow. Capstone currently invests in the European utility business, owns, operates and develops thermal and renewable energy power generation facilities in Canada, with a total installed capacity of 466 MW.

Chicago Iron Bridge Company (NYSE: CBI) is the world's most complete company focused on energy infrastructure. 125 سالن جي تجربي ۽ لڳ ڀڳ 54,000 ملازمن جي مهارت سان، CB&I قابل اعتماد حل مهيا ڪري سگھن ٿا جڏهن ته مسلسل ڪم ڪندي حفاظت ۽ غير سمجهوتي معيار جي معيارن تي.

Exelon Corp. (NYSE: EXC) آمريڪا ۾ هڪ معروف مقابلي واري توانائي فراهم ڪندڙ آهي. Exelen چيڪا ۾ ۽ ڪرمبيا ۾ ڪم ڪيو ويو آهي، ڪولمبيا ۽ ڪينيمبيا جو ضلعو. Exelon is one of the largest competitive generators in the United States, with more than 32,000 MW of its own capacity, making it one of the cleanest and lowest cost generator fleets in the United States. The company's Constellation business unit provides energy products and services to more than 2.5 million residential, public and commercial customers, including two-thirds of Fortune 100 companies. Exelon جون افاديتون 7.8 ملين گراهڪن کي بجلي ۽ قدرتي گئس (BGE) مهيا ڪن ٿيون مرڪزي ميري لينڊ، اتر ايليينوس (ComEd) ۽ ڏکڻ اوڀر پنسلوانيا (PECO).

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: JEC) مختلف صنعتي، تجارتي ۽ سرڪاري گراهڪن کي ٽيڪنيڪل، پروفيشنل ۽ تعميراتي خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The project services it provides include engineering, design, architecture, interior design, planning, environmental and other services; انهي سان گڏ پروسيس، سائنس ۽ سسٽم مشاورتي خدمتون، بشمول سائنسي جاچ، تجزيو ۽ مشاورتي سرگرميون، انفارميشن ٽيڪنالاجي، ۽ سسٽم انجنيئرنگ ۽ انٽيگريشن سرگرميون. Service. Jacobs (Jacobs) is one of the world's largest and most diverse providers of technical expertise and construction services.
KBR, Inc. (NYSE: KBR) is a global technology, engineering, procurement and construction company serving the hydrocarbon and government service industries. It has approximately 25,000 employees in 70 countries/regions and customers in three different Global business, operating in 40 countries/regions: technology and consulting, including know-how in refining, ethylene, ammonia and fertilizer, and gasification; ماتحت ادارن Granherne، Energo ۽ GVA ذريعي خاص صلاحڪار ۽ ماهر مهيا ڪرڻ؛ engineering and Construction, including offshore oil and natural gas; onshore oil and natural gas; LNG/GTL; refined; petrochemical products; chemicals; differentiated EPC and industrial services; government services, including plan management and long-term annuity contracts. KBR proudly cooperates with global customers to provide technology, value-added consulting services, integrated EPC delivery and long-term industrial services to ensure consistent project delivery and predictable results. In KBR, we provide.

NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with a generating capacity of approximately 44,900 MW, including MW related to non-controlling interests in NextEra Energy Partners, LP (NEP), and in 27 The state and Canada had approximately 13,800 employees as of the end of 2014. NextEraEnergy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida. Its main subsidiary is Florida Power & Light Company, which serves approximately 4.8 million customers in Florida and is one of the largest price-controlled power companies in the United States, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities are the world's largest wind and solar renewable energy generators. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. ان جي جدت ۽ ڪميونٽي جي ذميواري جو احساس دنيا جي مٿين ڏهن ڪمپنين ۾ شامل آهي. ”
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . فارچون 200 ڪمپني جي طور تي، اسان قابل اعتماد ۽ ڪارائتو روايتي پاور جنريشن ذريعي قدر پيدا ڪريون ٿا، جڏهن ته شمسي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي، برقي گاڏين جي ماحوليات، ڪاربن ڪيپچر ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ گراهڪ-مرڪزي توانائي جي حلن ۾ جدت کي فروغ ڏين ٿا. اسان جو پرچون بجلي فراهم ڪندڙ سڄي ملڪ ۾ 3 ملين کان وڌيڪ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (اي ايس سي او سڏيو ويندو آهي). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Primoris Services Company (NasdaqGS: PRIM) Primoris 1960 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽، مختلف ماتحت ادارن جي ذريعي، آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي عوامي طور تي واپار ڪندڙ پروفيشنل تعميراتي ۽ انفراسٽرڪچر ڪمپنين مان وڌي وئي آهي. Primoris serves a variety of end markets, providing a wide range of construction, manufacturing, maintenance, replacement, water and wastewater, and engineering services for major utilities, petrochemical companies, energy companies, municipalities, state transportation agencies, and other customers. Through organic growth and growth through acquisitions, the company's nationwide business is now almost all over the country and extends to Canada.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) provides planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape design, survey, environmental science for infrastructure and projects in Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; control panel manufacturing services; نقل و حمل، انفراسٽرڪچر، تعمير ۽ جيوپوٽيڪل خدمتون؛ for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; ۽ برانڊ خدمتون، گڏوگڏ ترقي، ڊيزائن، تنصيب ۽ سالميت جي سار سنڀال جون خدمتون تيل ۽ گئس پائيپ لائين سسٽم ۽ اسٽيشن جي سهولتن لاء. In addition, it also provides professional services in ecology, environmental restoration, water resources and regulatory support for public and private customers in the fields of electricity, transportation, energy and resources, as well as services in cultural resource management and historical protection.

5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. ڪمپني مڪمل طور تي بند ٿيل لوپ ريسائڪلنگ سهولتن سان گڏ آهي، هيڊ ڪوارٽر مونٽريال، ڪيوبيڪ، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ يورپ، آمريڪا ۽ ايشيا جي ڪيترن ئي علائقن ۾ پيداواري پلانٽ ۽ سيلز آفيسون آهن. 5N پلس پروڊڪٽس پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ ملڪيت ۽ ثابت ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجيز جو هڪ سلسلو لڳايو آهي جيڪي ڪيترن ئي جديد دواسازي، اليڪٽرانڪ ۽ صنعتي ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ٿي سگهن ٿيون. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials

Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Accionا قابل تجديد توانائي مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم پليئر آهي، پنجن براعظمن تي 20 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائقن ۾ مضبوط آپريشنز سان. ڪمپني قابل تجديد توانائي سان ڪم ڪرڻ ۾ ماهر آهي، خاص طور تي انهن مان پنج- ونڊ انرجي، سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، سولر تھرمل انرجي، هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور ۽ بايوماس انرجي.

Acorn Energy Corporation (NasdaqCM: ACFN) is a holding company whose three portfolio companies help their customers achieve higher productivity, reliability, safety and efficiency factors, thereby bringing greater profits. DSIT بحري ۽ سامونڊي توانائي جي اثاثن کي پاڻي جي اندر جي خطرن کان سيڪيورٽي حل فراهم ڪري ٿو. گرڊنسنس® ٽرانسميشن سسٽم ۾ سڀني اهم پوائنٽن جي نگراني فراهم ڪري ٿو. OmniMetrix® mainly remotely monitors and controls critical equipment in the form of emergency backup power generation systems and natural gas pipeline corrosion protection systems to improve their reliability and ensure compliance.
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Since 1989, AERT has taken the lead in using recycled polyethylene plastics in the manufacture of composite building materials. With its ever-evolving portfolio of patents and proprietary recycling technologies, AERT has been recognized as a leader in resource conservation innovation and won the EPA Environmental Excellence Award for its process of converting waste plastic into outdoor laminate flooring. The company recently won the ESGR Patriot Award for its support to our guards and reserve forces in the US Armed Forces. AERT converts recycled plastic and wood fiber waste into high-quality outdoor decoration systems, fence systems, and door and window components. The company is the exclusive manufacturer of ChoiceDek® flooring, which is available in a variety of colors and sold in home decoration stores in Lowe nationwide. AERT's MoistureShield® paving program is expanding, and the products are now sold throughout the United States. AERT وٽ Springdale، Arkansas ۽ Lowell ۾ پيداواري پلانٽ آهن، ۽ تازو ئي واٽس، اوڪلاهوما ۾ گرين ايج ريسائڪلنگ پلانٽ تي ڪم شروع ڪيو آهي.
AES ڪارپوريشن (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: AES) هڪ فارچون 500 گلوبل پاور ڪمپني آهي. اسان 14 ملڪن/علائقن کي سستي ۽ پائيدار توانائي فراهم ڪريون ٿا هڪ متنوع ورهائڻ واري ڪاروبار ۽ حرارتي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ جي سهولتن ذريعي. Our employees are committed to operational excellence and meeting the ever-changing power needs of the world. Our 2018 revenue was US$11 billion, and our total assets owned and managed were US$33 billion.
The Alaska Hydropower Corporation (TSX: AKH.V) is engaged in the development of renewable energy projects, which mainly focus on hydropower to develop resources for the northern climate. الاسڪا هائيڊرو هن وقت وڌيڪ ڪريڪ هائيڊرو پاور پروجيڪٽ (“پروجيڪٽ”) کي ترقي ڪري رهيو آهي، جيڪو مور ڪريڪ ۾ واقع آهي، جيڪو اسڪوٽ درياءَ ۾ ڇوڙ ڪري ٿو، اتر اولهه برٽش ڪولمبيا ۾ اسٽيورٽ شهر کان لڳ ڀڳ 130 ڪلوميٽر اتر طرف.
Alcoa (NYSE: AA) Alcoa ھلڪي ڌاتو ٽيڪنالاجي، انجنيئرنگ ۽ پيداوار ۾ عالمي ليڊر آھي، ۽ ان جا نوان ملٽي مادي حل اسان جي دنيا کي بھتر ڪري سگھن ٿا. اسان جي ٽيڪنالاجي گاڏين ۽ تجارتي نقل و حمل کان ايئر اسپيس تائين ٽرانسپورٽ کي بهتر بڻائي، ۽ صنعتي ۽ صارف اليڪٽرانڪس کي بهتر بڻائي سگھي ٿي. اسان سمارٽ عمارتن، پائيدار کاڌي ۽ مشروبات جي پيڪنگنگ، فضائي، زمين ۽ سمنڊ ۾ اعليٰ ڪارڪردگيءَ واري دفاعي گاڏين، تيل ۽ گيس جي اونهي کوٽائي، ۽ وڌيڪ موثر پاور جنريشن جي حمايت ڪريون ٿا. We pioneered the aluminum industry 125 years ago. Today, our more than 60,000 employees in 30 countries/regions provide value-added products made of titanium, nickel and aluminum, and produce first-class bauxite, alumina and raw materials. Aluminum products. Sustainable development, product sustainable development
Alexco Resource Corp. (TSX: AXR.TO; NYSE MKT: AXU) يوڪون، ڪئناڊا ۾ ڪينو هيل جي چانديءَ جي مائن ۾ لڳ ڀڳ سڀني شيئرز جو مالڪ آهي، جنهن ۾ بيليڪينو سلور مائن، فليم اينڊ مٿ، لڪي ڪوئن، برمنگهم ۽ اونڪ جا ذخيرا شامل آهن. and other Other historical and ground resources. Alexco adopts a unique business model, and through its wholly-owned environmental service department, Alexco Environmental Group, provides government and industry customers with mine-related environmental services, restoration technologies, and reclamation and mine closure services.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. تقسيم گروپ آمريڪا ۾ هلندو آهي ۽ 489،000 کان وڌيڪ گراهڪن ۽ قدرتي گئس جي افاديت جون سهولتون فراهم ڪندو آهي. غير منظم طاقت واري گروپ جو مالڪ، سولر، سولر، هائيڊرو پاور، ۽ قدرتي گئس پاور جي هڪ پورٽ فوليو آهي، ۽ قدرتي گيس پاور بجلي جون سهولتون. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. الونسنڪ بجلي ۽ اختيارين ترقي يافته منصوبن کي قابل تجديد توانائي جي تقسيم ۽ ٽرانسميشنشنز جي چئنلينشنز ۽ ٽرانسميشنشنشن جي حصول جي وڌندڙ جزن کي برقرار رکڻ واري واڌاري کي برقرار رکيو آهي.
Alliance BioEnergy Plus, Inc. (OTC: ALLM) is a listed company dedicated to “green” energy and renewable technologies. ALLM's subsidiaries focus on emerging technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biofuels and new technologies. ALLM Carbolosic, LLC جو 50٪ مالڪ آهي، ۽ اتر آمريڪا (بشمول ڪئناڊا، آمريڪا ۽ ميڪسيڪو) ۽ آفريڪا ۾ خاص حق رکي ٿو. Carbolosic has an exclusive global license for the patented mechanical/chemical technology “CTS™” developed by the University of Central Florida. CTS technology is able to produce sugar, various fine chemicals, plastics, carbon fiber and other valuable products from almost any plant material, wood or paper by-products, fruit packaging or biological waste.

Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra هن ظرفيت جي 247 ميگاواٽ شيئر جي مالڪ آهي ۽ هر سال 1,250 GWh کان وڌيڪ صاف توانائي پيدا ڪري ٿي. الٽررا وٽ پڻ ٻه نوان منصوبا زير تعمير آهن: جمي ڪريڪ-62 ميگاواٽ درياءَ هائيڊرو پاور پروجيڪٽ، موجوده ٽوبا مونٽروس پلانٽ جي ڀرسان؛ 2016 جي ٽئين چوٿين ۾ آپريشنل ٿيڻ جي اميد؛ Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). انهن ٻن منصوبن جي مڪمل ٿيڻ کان پوءِ، الٽررا 819 ميگاواٽ جي ڪل ظرفيت سان ست پاور پلانٽس هلائيندو ۽ ان جي گنجائش 381 ميگاواٽ هوندي، جيڪا هر سال 1,700 گيگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ صاف توانائي پيدا ڪندي. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
Alterrus Systems (OTC: ASIUQ) VertiCrop جي ترقي، پيداوار، آپريشن ۽ انضمام ۾ مصروف آهي، ڪئناڊا، برطانيه ۽ آمريڪا ۾ هڪ اعلي کثافت واري عمودي ٻوٽي جو نظام. Its VertiCrop system grows fresh, nutritious and leafy green vegetables on closely spaced shelves, which are arranged vertically on pallets that are moved by an overhead conveyor system.

AMEC Foster Wheeler plc (LSE: AMEC.L) عالمي تيل ۽ گئس، کان کني، صاف توانائي، ۽ ماحولياتي ۽ انفراسٽرڪچر مارڪيٽن لاءِ مشاورت، انجنيئرنگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني ونڊ انرجي، سولر انرجي، بايوماس ۽ بائيو فيول منصوبن لاءِ انجنيئرنگ، خريداري ۽ تعميراتي حل فراهم ڪري ٿي، ۽ ڪمبشن ۽ ٻاڦ پيدا ڪرڻ واري سامان جي ڊيزائن ۽ سپلائي ۾ مصروف آهي. It also provides mining consulting services, including ore resource estimation, mine planning and feasibility studies; and design, project and construction management services. In addition, the company provides consulting, engineering and project management services in the water, transportation and infrastructure, government services, and industrial sectors. اهو تيل ڪمپنيون، ڪيميائي ڪمپنيون، يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنيون ۽ سرڪاري ادارن کي خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company's predecessor was AMEC plc
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) is a leading independent provider that provides comprehensive services, energy efficiency, infrastructure upgrades, asset sustainability and renewable energy solutions for companies and organizations in North America and Europe. آمريڪو جي پائيدار خدمتون شامل آهن سهولتن جي توانائي جي بنيادي ڍانچي کي اپ گريڊ ڪرڻ ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي پلانٽس جي ترقي، تعمير ۽ آپريشن. Ameresco has successfully completed energy-saving and environmentally responsible projects with federal, state and local governments, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Ameresco is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts, has more than 1,000 employees, and provides local expertise in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AMRS) is a comprehensive renewable products company dedicated to achieving sustainable growth for the world's leading brands. Amyris applies its innovative bioscience solutions to convert plant sugars into hydrocarbon molecules, specialty ingredients and consumer products. ڪمپني پيش ڪندي ان جي No Compromise (R) پراڊڪٽس خاص مارڪيٽن ۾، جن ۾ خاص ۽ اعليٰ ڪارڪردگي وارا ڪيميڪل، خوشبو وارا اجزا ۽ کاسمیٹڪ ايموليئنٽس شامل آهن. Amyris has partnered with TOTAL to develop renewable diesel and jet fuel, aiming to become the best transportation fuel. Based on Biofene hydrocarbons, we have developed a renewable fuel in cooperation with Total (one of the world's leading energy companies). Its energy density, engine performance and storage performance are comparable to the best petroleum fuels.

آرچر ڊينيئلز مڊلينڊ ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: ADM) هڪ صدي کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين، آرچر ڊينيئلز مڊلينڊ ڪارپوريشن جي ماڻهن فصلن کي انهن شين ۾ تبديل ڪيو آهي جيڪي وڌندڙ دنيا جي تڪڙي ضرورتن کي پورو ڪن ٿيون. Today, we have become one of the world's largest agricultural processors and food ingredients suppliers, with more than 33,000 employees, serving customers in more than 140 countries/regions. Our global value chain includes more than 460 crop sourcing locations, 300 ingredient production facilities, 40 innovation centers and the world's premier crop transportation network. We connect harvesting with families and produce for food, animal feed, chemical and Products for energy use.
AREVA SA (پيرس: AREVA.PA) ايٽمي طاقت ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. ايٽمي توانائي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي مڪمل ٿيڻ جي ذريعي، اريوا گروپ سڀاڻي جي توانائي جي ماڊل جي قيام ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو: ماڻهن جي وڏي تعداد کي محفوظ، گهٽ ڪاربن ڊاء آڪسائيڊ توانائي سان مهيا ڪرڻ لاء. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage.

Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS: AZPN) is a leading supplier of software for optimized process manufacturing-suitable for energy, chemical, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products through chemical processes. ضم ٿيل aspenONE حل سان، پروسيس ٺاهيندڙ پنهنجي انجنيئرنگ، پيداوار ۽ سپلائي چين جي عملن کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ بهترين طريقا لاڳو ڪري سگهن ٿا. نتيجي طور، AspenTech گراهڪ بهتر ڪري سگھن ٿا پيداوار جي صلاحيت وڌائي، منافعو وڌائي، خرچ گھٽائي ۽ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي.
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) اتر آمريڪا، ڏکڻ آمريڪا، اسپين، الجزائر ۽ ڏکڻ آفريڪا ۾ قابل تجديد توانائي قدرتي گئس، بجلي، ٽرانسميشن لائينز ۽ پاڻي جي اثاثن جو مالڪ ۽ انتظام ڪري ٿو. 31 ڊسمبر 2017 تائين، ڪمپني وٽ 22 اثاثا هئا، جن ۾ 1,446 ميگا واٽ (ميگاواٽ) قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار جا اثاثا، بشمول شمسي ۽ ونڊ پاور پلانٽس؛ 300 MW of natural gas power generation assets, which can use natural gas to generate electricity and steam ; 1,099 miles of power transmission lines; and a desalination plant with a total daily production capacity of 10.5 million cubic feet.
BacTech Environmental Corporation (CSE: BAC; OTC Pink: BCCEF) We are changing the way we clean the environment. اسان جي خامين جي مدد سان، اسان "سبز ڌاتو" جي تصور کي معنيٰ ڏني آهي دھات کي ريسائڪل ڪندي جڏهن ته پروسيس ۾ ڀرپاسي جي ماحول کي بهتر بڻائي. BacTech is promoting the use of its proprietary bioleaching treatment technology to treat the tailings produced in the long-established arsenopyrite concentrate and tailings. Ponce Enriquez (Ponce Enriquez) area in southern Ecuador. BacTech has agreed to participate as a technology partner in a group that hopes to reprocess arsenic stocks in Snow Lake, Manitoba.
Berkeley Energia Ltd (ASX: BKY.AX) clean energy company, engaged in the exploration, evaluation and development of Spanish uranium assets. اهو پنهنجي پرچم بردار Salamanca منصوبي جي ترقي تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو، جنهن ۾ Retortillo، Alameda، Zona 7 ۽ Gambuta ذخيرا، گڏوگڏ مغربي اسپين ۾ سيٽلائيٽ جا ذخيرا شامل آهن. The company's predecessor was Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. and was renamed Berkeley Energy Co., Ltd. in November 2015.

BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) ھڪ ٽيڪنالاجي سروس ڪمپني آھي جيڪا ماحول کي بھتر ڪرڻ لاءِ قيمتي اثرائتي حل مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف ڪري ٿي. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. جڏهن اڪيلو يا ميلاپ استعمال ڪيو ويو آهي، اسان جو حل فضول ٽرانسپورٽ سان لاڳاپيل ڪاربان فوٽ پرنٽ گهٽائي سگهي ٿو ۽ زميني زمين جي استعمال کي گهٽائي سگهي ٿو. ان کان علاوه، اسان هڪ پيٽرن واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي تفويض ڪيو آهي جيڪا ڪلاس رومز، هوٽل يا اسپتالن جي ڪمرن ۽ ٻين ڪيميائيز جي اعلي درجي جي ڀڃڪڙي کي هٿي ڏئي رهي آهي. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.
Bion Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: BNET) جو پيٽنٽ ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجي پليٽ فارم جامع ۽ قيمتي موثر جانورن جي فضول علاج مهيا ڪري ٿو ۽ فضول جي وهڪري مان قيمتي اثاثا بحال ڪري ٿو، بشمول قابل تجديد توانائي، غذائي اجزاء ۽ صاف پاڻي. Bion's technology can save a lot of cost and improve efficiency in two industries: water treatment and dairy/livestock production.

BODISEN BIOTECH (LSE: BODI.L; OTC: BBCZ) is engaged in the development, production and sales of organic fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, insecticides and insecticides in the People's Republic of China, and has developed more than 60 product lines. The company produces its product line, then sells and sells it to distributors, who then sell its products to farmers. پيداوار، سيلز ۽ مارڪيٽنگ جي ڪم کان علاوه، ڪمپني پڻ تحقيق ۽ ترقي ڪري ٿي ته موجوده مصنوعات کي وڌيڪ بهتر بڻائڻ ۽ نئين فارمولن ۽ نئين شين کي ترقي ڪرڻ لاء.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) is an electricity producer whose core business is dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations. بورالڪس وٽ لڳ ڀڳ 250 ملازم آهن ۽ چار قسم جي پاور جنريشن: ونڊ، هائيڊرو، تھرمل ۽ سولر ۾ ان جي ماهريت ۽ وسيع تجربو لاءِ سڃاتي وڃي ٿي. هن وقت، ڪمپني 1,110 ميگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ گنجائش سان ڪئناڊا، فرانس ۽ آمريڪا ۾ اثاثن جو بنياد هلائي ٿو، جنهن مان 950 ميگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ ان جي ڪنٽرول هيٺ آهي. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
براسڪيم SA (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: BAK؛ SAO: BRKM5.SA) ۽ ان جي ماتحت ڪمپنيون گڏجي thermoplastic resins پيدا ۽ وڪرو. The company's polyolefin division produces polyethylene, including LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, UHMWPE and EVA. قابل تجديد وسيلن مان سائي polyethylene؛ ۽ پوليوپروپين (پي پي). segmet مصنوعات مختلف ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون، جهڙوڪ کاڌي ۽ صنعتي پيڪنگنگ لاء پلاسٽڪ فلمون؛ bottles, shopping bags and other consumer goods containers; گاڏين جا حصا؛ ۽ گھربل سامان. The company's US and European branches produce PP in the US and Germany. Its chemical distribution department distributes solvents, including aliphatic, aromatic, synthetic and eco-friendly solvents; انجنيئرنگ پلاسٽڪ هائيڊرو ڪاربن solvents ۽ isoparaffins؛ ۽ عام ڪيميائي، جهڙوڪ پروسيسنگ تيل، ڪيميائي وچولي، مرکب، خاص ڪيميائي، ۽ دواسازي ۽ سانتوبونگ. Braskem SA پڻ درآمد ۽ برآمد ڪري ٿو ڪيميائي، پيٽروڪيميڪل مصنوعات ۽ ايندھن. Produce, supply and sell utilities, such as water and industrial gas; and provide industrial services.

CALCITECH LTD (OTC: CLKTF) develops and commercializes synthetic calcium carbonate (SCC) in Europe. It produces SCC from waste lime and carbon dioxide from air pollution. SCC is a white pigment that can be used in a variety of industrial applications, including paper, polymers, paint, food and pharmaceuticals. ڪمپني پيپر انڊسٽري لاءِ ٽي SCC پراڊڪٽس مهيا ڪري ٿي، جنهن ۾ CalciLS شامل آهن، جن جو مقصد روشنيءَ جي پکيڙ کي وڌائڻ آهي؛ CalciSG, which aims to provide glossy coatings for advanced printing and writing paper; and CalciRG, which is a performance enhancement for the gravure printing market. اضافو. اهو پڻ حساب ڪتاب، فارماسيٽڪ ۽ کاسمني صنعتن لاء پڻ هڪ غير پيپر پراڊڪٽ پيش ڪري ٿو. ۽ حساب ڪتاب، جيڪو پوليمر ايپليڪيشنز جهڙوڪ پلاسٽڪ، سيلز، ربر، ربر ۽ چپکا آهن.
Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (OTC: CVAT) is an innovative leader in the treatment of liquids, fluid mixtures, emulsions and suspended solids. The company focuses on the actual implementation of internal innovations and breakthroughs, and sees its main task as meeting the current and future needs of major industries. CTi was established in 2007 to design and manufacture the most advanced, flow-through, robust, hydrodynamic cavitation-based equipment and systems. ڪمپني ايڊوائيز تيل جي بحالي لاء موثر پروسيسنگ ٽيڪنالاجي ٺاهي ٿي The company is committed to operating in a responsible manner to improve its impact on the environment and is the first to adopt technology to save and protect natural resources. ڪمپني هن جي پيٽرن جي انتظار ۾ داخل ٿي چڪي آهي سيٽي نانونٿيوٽرائٽيزائٽائزيشن® جو عمل، جيڪو قابل ذڪر چربی حاصل ڪري ٿو، جيڪا اهم قيمت بچت ۽ ماحولياتي فائدا فراهم ڪري ٿي. As a complement to the existing neutralization system, the company's patented NanoReactor® enables refineries to significantly reduce processing costs, increase production and improve oil quality. Desmet Ballestra Group، خوردني تيل، گريس ۽ بائيوڊ ڊيزل جي صنعت لاءِ هڪ معروف عالمي حل فراهم ڪندڙ، CTi سان ڀائيواري ڪئي آهي ته جيئن عالمي سطح تي ۽ وڏين ڪارخانن کي هن ترقي يافته ٽيڪنالاجي کي فروغ ڏنو وڃي.
CECO Environmental Corp. (NasdaqGS: CECE) دنيا جي معروف ماحولياتي، توانائي ۽ فلوئڊ پروسيسنگ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي. Through its well-known brands, CECO provides a wide range of products and services, including dampers and diverters, cyclone technology, thermal oxidizers, filtration systems, scrubbers, fluid treatment equipment, and factory engineering services and engineering design and construction. These products play a vital role in helping companies meet strict production standards, meeting growing factory demands and strict global emission control regulations. CECO serves the widest range of markets and industries worldwide, including power, municipal, chemical, industrial manufacturing, oil refining, petrochemical, metals, minerals and mining, hospitals and universities. CECO is committed to building long-term shareholder value by bringing its unique technology, product portfolio and superior operational advantages into strategic key growth markets around the world, while maintaining the highest level of employee development, project execution and safety leadership.

CHAR Technologies Ltd. (TSX: YES.V) CHAR Technologies Ltd., located in Mississauga, Ontario, produces a proprietary activated carbon-like material (SulfaCHAR) that can be used to remove hydrogen sulfide (mainly rich in Methane gas) and foul هوا).
China Agricultural Trade Co., Ltd. (OTC: CHBU) is engaged in the production and sale of non-toxic fertilizers, fungicides and fungicides for agriculture in the People's Republic of China. The company provides organic biochemical agricultural application products, including Xinsheng Lvyuan, a chemical fertilizer product series mainly used to increase agricultural production; Xinsheng Lufeng, هڪ نامياتي مٽي ترميمي سيريز هڪ fungicide طور; and Xinsheng Huang-jin-gai, an amino acid fertilizer product line, This product is designed to help crops absorb calcium and improve its quality. It also provides a new type of humic acid fertilizer product series “New Life Homeland”, which aims to improve the quality of crops; Xinsheng Baile, an amino acid fertilizer product line, which aims to provide supplementary micronutrients for crops and help crops to balance Vegetative growth. In addition, the company also produces other agrochemical products, including difensulfuron, pretilachlor, seed coatings and preparations. China Agricultural Trading Co., Ltd. mainly sells its products through wholesale and retail distributors.
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) produces and distributes humic acid-based compound fertilizers through its wholly-owned subsidiary, namely: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinong”). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gufeng”) and the variable equity entity Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuxing”). ڊسمبر 31، 2014 تائين، جينونگ 120 مختلف ڀاڻ جون شيون تيار ۽ وڪرو ڪيون آهن، جن مان سڀني کي عوامي جمهوريه چين ("چائنا") جي حڪومت پاران سبز کاڌي جي پيداوار واري مواد جي تصديق ڪئي وئي آهي، جيئن بيان ڪيو ويو آهي "چائنا گرين فوڊ. ” . F. Jinong هن وقت 27 صوبن، 4 خودمختيار علائقن، ۽ 3 مرڪزي حڪومت جي ڪنٽرول وارن شهرن ۾ خانگي زرعي هول سيلرز ۽ پرچون فرٽيلرز کي ڀاڻ جون شيون وڪرو ڪري ٿو. ڊسمبر 31، 2014 جي طور تي، Jinong چين ۾ 972 تقسيم ڪندڙ هئا. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.

CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) قائم ڪيو ويو صاف ۽ منظم "وائرلیس پاور" مهيا ڪرڻ جي نظريي جي بنياد تي. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. ڪمپني روشني ۾ پنهنجي حصي کي وڌايو ۽ توانائي جي تقسيم ڪمپني جو ڪنٽرول فرض ڪيو، جيڪو ريو ڊي جينيرو شهر ۽ ساڳئي نالي جي رياست جي ٻين شهرن ۾ خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿو. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig پڻ لاطيني آمريڪا ۾ واحد پاور ڪمپني آهي جيڪا گلوبل ڊو انڊيڪس ۾ شامل ڪئي وئي آهي. emig ranks third among the largest generators in Brazil, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, controlled and affiliated power generation company has 65 operating plants, of which 59 are hydroelectric power plants, three are thermal power plants, and three are wind power plants. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) is a global leader in providing sustainable waste and energy solutions. The company's 45 waste-generation energy facilities use waste to generate clean and renewable energy, providing communities and businesses around the world with environmentally sound solid waste disposal. Every year, Cvantta's modern waste power generation facilities can safely and reliably convert approximately 20 million tons of waste into clean renewable electricity, power approximately 1 million households, and recycle approximately 500,000 tons of metal . فضول مان پيدا ٿيندڙ توانائي جون سهولتون گرين هاؤس گيس کي گھٽائي ٿي، ريسائڪلنگ جي اضافي، ۽ پائيدار سولڊ ويسٽ مئنيجمينٽ جو هڪ اهم حصو آهن.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. It provides energy-efficient LED solutions for exterior and interior space lighting applications, including parking lot and street lighting, floodlights, traffic lights, downlights and bulb replacements, fluorescent lights and custom applications. The company also sells WePOWER vertical axis wind turbines, including on-grid and off-grid wind turbines for residential, commercial, industrial and government applications; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; ۽ Skystream تجارتي لائٽنگ سسٽم. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو خوردني ۽ غير خوردني بايو غذائي پائيدار قدرتي اجزاء ڊولپر ۽ ٺاهيندڙ آهي، جيڪو دواسازي، کاڌو، ۽ پالتو جانورن جي خوراڪ جي گراهڪن لاءِ اجزاء ۽ خاص شين، فيڊ ۽ فيڊ جو وسيع رينج مهيا ڪري ٿو. ٽيڪنالاجي، ٻارڻ، حياتياتي توانائي ۽ ڀاڻ جي صنعت. ڪمپني پنجن براعظمن تي هلندي آهي، گڏ ڪرڻ ۽ جانورن جي پيداوار واري وهڪري جي سڀني حصن کي وڏي پيماني تي استعمال ٿيندڙ خاص اجزاء جهڙوڪ جليٽين، خوردني چربی، فيڊ گريڊ چربی، جانورن جي پروٽين ۽ کاڌي، پلازما، پالتو جانورن جي خوراڪ جي اجزاء، نامياتي ڀاڻ، پيلو. Grease, fuel raw materials, green energy, natural casings and leather. ڪمپني فضول پچائڻ واري تيل ۽ ڪمرشل بيڪنگ جي باقيات کي پڻ ريسائيڪل ڪري ٿي ۽ انهن کي قيمتي فيڊ ۽ ايندھن جي اجزاء ۾ تبديل ڪري ٿي. In addition, the company provides grease trap services for food service organizations, environmental services for food processors, and sales of edible oil delivery and collection equipment for restaurants.
Donaldson Company Inc. (NYSE: DCI) is a leading global supplier of filtration systems and replacement parts. 1915 مان، اسان وٽ لڳن ٿا ۽ اسان جي گراهڪن پاران واڌايو آهي، اسان جي گراهڪن جي وزنن جي اهم نمونيات ۽ وسيع معتطياتي شرطون ۽ وڏي جاگ ​​پاليو.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. اسان جا تجارتي ۽ بين الاقوامي ڪاروبار اتر آمريڪا ۽ لاطيني آمريڪا ۾ مختلف پاور جنريشن اثاثن جا مالڪ ۽ هلائيندا آهن، بشمول قابل تجديد توانائي جي اثاثن جا پورٽ فوليو. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company
Dundee Sustainable Technologies Co., Ltd. (CSE: DST) ماحول دوست ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ترقي ڪرڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي، انهن کي مائننگ انڊسٽري ۾ مادي پروسيسنگ لاءِ استعمال ڪرڻ، ۽ انهن کي ڪمرشلائيز ڪرڻ. پيٽرن جي مالڪي واري عمل جي ترقيءَ ذريعي، ڊي ايس ٽي قيمتي ڌاتن ۽ بنيادي ڌاتن کي معدني مواد مان ڪڍي ٿو، ڪنٽريٽس ۽ ٽيلنگ، جڏهن ته آلودگي کي مستحڪم ڪري ٿو جهڙوڪ آرسنڪ. Due to metallurgical issues or environmental considerations, conventional processes cannot extract or Stabilize these impurities. DST has applied for, issued and obtained patents for these processes in some countries.
1802 کان وٺي، DuPont (NYSE: DD) عالمي سطح جي سائنس ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيڪنالاجي کي عالمي مارڪيٽ ۾ جديد شين، مواد ۽ خدمتن جي صورت ۾ آندو آهي. ڪمپني کي يقين آهي ته گراهڪن، حڪومتن، غير سرڪاري تنظيمن ۽ سوچ جي اڳواڻن سان تعاون ذريعي، اسان عالمي چئلينجن جو حل ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهون ٿا، جهڙوڪ سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن لاء ڪافي صحتمند کاڌو مهيا ڪرڻ، فوسل ايندھن تي انحصار کي گهٽائڻ ۽ زندگي جي حفاظت ۽. ماحول. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy نيٽ ورڪ ۽ ڪسٽمر حل نئين توانائي جي دنيا جي بنياد آهن.
ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) is a leading manufacturer of patented and proprietary solutions for environments where understanding of the presence, movement and/or volume of water is important. The main market areas include: agriculture, golf and turf, scientific research, civil engineering and crude oil production. ESI حل 40 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائقن ۾ ڪاميابيءَ سان متعارف ڪرايا ويا آهن ته جيئن صارفين کي پاڻي جي موجودگي ۽ وهڪري جي نگراني، آبپاشي نظام جي انتظام، ۽ لينڊ فل سائيٽن جي سالميت جي نگراني ڪندي آپريشن کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن. The company's FloPoint™ instrument is designed for the petroleum industry to measure the volume of water pumped during crude oil extraction to characterize and optimize the process. ESI differentiates itself by transforming the best technologies available into practical, easy-to-use solutions. Irrigation managers, reservoir engineers and scientists have adopted ESI products because of their accuracy, ease of use, repeatability and ability to operate in harsh environments.
Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc. (CNSX: EAC) جو مقصد عالمي ماحولياتي پائيدار صنعتي حل مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم رانديگر بڻجڻ آهي. The company cooperates with the latest innovations of microbial technology companies to formulate and apply for patented innovative products. Once these products are specifically used for environmentally harmful chemicals and additives, they can meet the toughest industrial challenges. The company is committed to 1) dust control in the mining industry and 2) environmental sustainability in the agricultural industry.

EcoloCap Solutions Inc. (OTC: ECOS) is an integrated environmental technology company that uses nanotechnology to develop alternative energy products. اسان جي پراڊڪٽ ۽ سروس پورٽ فوليو ۾ ھيٺيون نيون ٽيڪنالاجيون شامل آھن: M-Fuel، بھاري ايندھن جي تيل لاءِ ايملسيفائيڊ فيول، جنھن جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ اخراج سڀني روايتي ايندھن کان وڌيڪ آھي.
Ecoloclean Industries, Inc. (OTC: ECCI) and its subsidiaries together manufacture and sell machines for treating sewage through a process called electrocoagulation. It designs and manufactures portable electrocoagulation devices for groundwater purification; ڌوئڻ جي پاڻي جو علاج؛ drinking water; sewage treatment; cooling towers; radioisotope removal; pretreatment of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and photocatalysis; ٻيهر حاصل ڪيل پاڻي جو ٻيهر استعمال صفر خارج ٿيڻ جي ڪري ٿو. metal recycling; متاثر پاڻي جي معيار جو ڪنٽرول؛ ۽ صنعتي گندو پاڻي. The company provides products and services to the global petroleum exploration, petroleum, chemical, transportation, refining and dairy industries.

Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E&E) (NasdaqGM: EEI) جدت پسندن ۽ مسئلن جي حل ڪندڙن جو هڪ عالمي نيٽ ورڪ آهي، 85 سرشار پروفيسر ۽ صنعت جي اڳواڻن انجنيئرنگ ۽ سائنس جي شعبن ۾، گڏجي ڪم ڪري رهيا آهن حل تيار ڪرڻ ۽ مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ، ماحولياتي استحڪام کي فروغ ڏيڻ لاءِ. and exceed customer expectations.

Ecosphere Technologies Inc (OTC: ESPH) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڊولپمينٽ ۽ دانشورانه ملڪيت جي لائسنسنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا عالمي پاڻي، توانائي ۽ صنعتي مارڪيٽن لاءِ ماحولياتي حل تيار ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف آهي. We help the industry increase production, reduce costs, and protect the environment through a series of unique patented technologies: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® and our recently announced Ecos GrowCube™, which provide you with exclusive and non-exclusive licensing opportunities throughout the industry A wide range of industries and applications everywhere. ايڪوشير جي ادائيگي مبينا ٽيڪنالاجي آهي، جيڪو آمريڪا ۽ گئس جي واعديء جي بنياد تي گراهڪن ۽ گئس جي چئنس ۾ گراهڪن کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو . ڪئناڊا کي مائع ڪيميائيز جي مائع ڪيميائيز کي ملائي ۽ 70 ملين ڪينيڊين ڊالر جي وڪرو، سروس، سهولت ۽ لائسنس جي آمدني ۾ شامل ڪيو. ڪمپني س can ي طرح 50 اوزيون® مشينن کي پڻ منظم ڪيو آهي ۽ انهن کي ڪ can ي ڪاريون پذير ميدانن ۾ هڪ مختلف هائيڊ هائيڊا فيلڊز تائين چريا آهن.

EDP ​​Renovaveis، SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) هڪ معروف عالمي قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا قدر جي تخليق، جدت ۽ پائيدار ترقي لاءِ وقف آهي. اسان عالمي مارڪيٽن ۾ ڪاروبار کي ترقي ڪريون ٿا ۽ اسان جي ڪاروبار کي نون علائقن ڏانهن وڌائڻ جاري رکون ٿا، هر مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم پوزيشن کي برقرار رکڻ ۽ اسٽيڪ هولڊرز ۽ شيئر هولڊرز لاء قدر پيدا ڪرڻ لاء. EDP​​R's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. برقيات کي فروغ ڏيو (ڪارون، ريچارجبل بيٽرين، وڏي پيماني تي توانائي اسٽوريج، قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار ۽ ٻيون ايپليڪيشنون). اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين جي وڪرو، بيٽري جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي مان بجلي جي پيداوار ايندڙ ڪجهه سالن ۾ خاص طور تي وڌڻ جو امڪان آهي، تنهنڪري انهن حدف ٿيل شين جي گهرج مطابق وڌي ويندي. اهو هڪ منفرد موقعو پيدا ڪري ٿو سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ ۽ مائنز ۽ منصوبن تي رائلٽي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي توانائي جي انقلاب لاءِ گهربل مواد فراهم ڪندا. گلوبلڪس پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کان علاوه، برقي فرنچائز جي استعمال لاء ارادي جو خط پابند آهي. رائلٽي جا 6 مجموعا آهن. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
فعال ڪريو IPC (OTC: EIPC) آمريڪا ۾ نئين نانو اسٽريچرز کي ترقي ۽ تجارتي ڪري ٿو. ان جي نانو اسٽريچر کي ريچارجبل بيٽرين ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿا گھٽ پاور ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ، گڏو گڏ مائڪرو بيٽرين ۾ خوردبيني فلمن تي. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. نانو ذرات ۽ نانو ذرات جيڪي توانائي اسٽوريج ڊوائيسز ۾ استعمال ڪيا ويا آهن جهڙوڪ سپر ڪيپيسٽرز ۽ ليتيم آئن بيٽري ڪيٿوڊس. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) is committed to the development and management of renewable energy power generation at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. اينيل گرين پاور تمام قابل تجديد توانائي جا ذريعا استعمال ڪري ٿو توانائي پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ ونڊ، هائيڊرو، جيوتھرمل، سولر ۽ بايوماس انرجي منصوبن جي وسيع پورٽ فوليو ذريعي.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. گهڻيون توانائي جون شيون ۽ حل فوري طور تي لاڳو ڪري سگھجن ٿيون جتي ضرورت هجي. EHT هڪ مڪمل سيٽ شمسي فوٽووولٽڪ، ونڊ انرجي ۽ بيٽري اسٽوريج حلن کي گڏ ڪري ٿو ته جيئن مقابلي کان ٻاهر نڪرڻ لاء. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. اهي مصنوعات کي پرڪشش ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پرڪشش ڪمن، ٿڌن گهرن، نن، اسرار ۽ شهري عمارتون، ۽ عارضي عمارتون.

Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) is a CleanTech company located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It has developed and manufactured the Voraxial® separator, which can be said to be the most efficient, high-capacity, and large-volume separator in the world Fluid and fluid/solid separation technology. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پر انهن تائين محدود نه آهن: تيل جي اسپيل صاف ڪرڻ، فضول کي توانائي ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ، ساحل ۽ آف شور پاڻي جي جداگي، ڀڃڻ وارو پاڻي، مينهن جو پاڻي، ريفائنري جي گندي پاڻي جي صفائي ۽ بايو فيول. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies
EnviroLeach Technologies Inc. (CSE: ETI) کان کني ۽ اي-فضول صنعتن ۾ هائيڊروميٽالرجيڪل قيمتي ڌاتن کي ڪڍڻ لاءِ سيانائيڊ جو هڪ منفرد، قيمتي ۽ ماحول دوست متبادل تيار ڪيو آهي. پيٽنٽ جي انتظار ۾ EnviroLeach پروسيس محفوظ، ماحول دوست آهي، ۽ ليچنگ ڪينيٽيڪس مهيا ڪري سگهي ٿي جيڪا گهڻي طاقت واري سائانائيڊ جي ڀيٽ ۾ تمام گهڻي معدنيات، ڪنسنٽريٽس ۽ ٽيلنگ تي.

Equipment solution provider Environmental Infrastructure Holdings (OTC: EIHC) provides environmentally friendly products, services and engineering solutions through its subsidiary Equisol, LLC. It designs, manufactures and sells equipment systems, including water treatment systems; sells equipment systems and spare parts as well as basic maintenance, repair and operation components; provides optimization, calibration, installation and maintenance services; ۽ ماحولياتي انجنيئرنگ ۽ صلاحڪار خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. It primarily provides services to refineries, power plants, engineering companies, and manufacturing facilities, and primarily supports US commercial, municipal, and government agencies.
ماحولياتي خدمت جو ماهر، Int. (OTC: نمي جي جانشين ٽيسٽ / اندروني فهرستن کي عوامي طور تي فهرست ڏيڻ واري ڪمپني آهي. ESP ڪاروبار جو هڪ جامع سيٽ رکي ٿو ۽ هلائي ٿو توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي، ماحولياتي مسئلن، ۽ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي مارڪيٽن ۾ ماحولياتي حساس مسئلن کي حل ڪرڻ. ESP مختلف انسپيڪشن سروسز مهيا ڪري ٿي، جنهن ۾ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي ملڪيتن لاءِ توانائي/ڪارڪردگي جا آڊٽ، زهر، نمي جي مداخلت، را، ليڊ، VOC، ۽ ٻيا ڊگھي ۽ ڊگھي مدي واريون منفيات سميت اندرين هوا جي معيار جي معائنن تي ڌيان ڏيڻ. گھر جي اندر آلودگي جو ماحول ۽ رهائشي صحت تي اثر.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (OTC: EXPI) is the holding company of many companies, the most famous of which is eXp Realty LLC, which is a Cloud Brokerage™ owned by an agent. It is a full-service real estate agent that can provide 24/7 access to collaboration tools, through its 3D, fully immersive cloud office environment, provides training and socialization for real estate agents and agents. eXp Realty, LLC and eXp Realty of Canada, Inc. have also adopted aggressive revenue-sharing schemes that pay agents a percentage of the total commission income earned by real estate professionals they attract to the company. eXp World Holdings, Inc. also owns 89.4% of First Cloud Mortgage, Inc. This is a Delaware company established in 2015 and is now licensed to initiate mortgages in Arizona, California, Virginia and New Mexico. گهر جي مالڪن لاء ڪاربان آف ايس ٽيز خريد ڪري، پهرين ڪلائوڊ دوستانه گروي واري ڪمپني کي "ڌرتيء جي گروي جي گروي جي پهرين سال جي پهرين گروي جي ڪاربان جي نقش جي پهرين سال جي پهرين سال جي پهرين سال جي شروعات ڪئي وئي آهي

فرسٽ هينڊ ٽيڪنالاجي ويليو فنڊ، Inc. (NASDAQ: SVVC) عوامي طور تي درج ٿيل وينچر ڪيپيٽل فنڊ آهي جيڪو ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ صاف ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپنين ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪري ٿو.
Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. The Facedrive Marketplace offers selected products made from sustainably sourced materials. Facedrive Foods provides a variety of foods for non-contact delivery, with a focus on healthy foods at the door of consumers. Facedrive Health اڄ جي سڀ کان سنگين صحت جي چئلينجن لاءِ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي حل تيار ڪري ٿي. Facedrive سڀني کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ سواري شيئرنگ، کاڌي جي ترسيل، اي ڪامرس، ۽ صحت ٽيڪنالاجي جي داستان کي تبديل ڪري رهيو آهي.
Fuel Tech NV (NasdaqGS: FTEK) is a leading technology company dedicated to the development, commercialization and application of the most advanced proprietary technologies on a global scale for air pollution control, process optimization and advanced engineering services. These technologies enable customers to produce energy and process materials in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. The company's nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction technology includes advanced combustion improvement technology and post-combustion nitrogen oxide control methods, including NOxOUT®, HERT™ and Advanced SNCR systems, ASCR™ advanced selective catalytic reduction systems and I-NOx ™ Integrated NOx reduction system uses various combinations of these systems and ULTRA™ process to safely generate ammonia. انهن ٽيڪنالاجين فيول ٽيڪ کي NOx کي گهٽائڻ ۾ هڪ اڳواڻ بڻائي ڇڏيو آهي، سڄي دنيا ۾ 900 کان وڌيڪ ڊوائيس نصب ٿيل آهن. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology includes electrostatic precipitator (ESP) products and services, including complete turnkey functions for ESP retrofits, and has experience in units below 700 MW. The flue gas conditioning (FGC) system includes the use of sulfur trioxide (SO3) and ammonia (NH3)-based conditioning for treatment to improve the performance of ESP by modifying the performance of fly ash particles. Fuel Tech's particulate control technology has been installed in more than 125 units worldwide. The company's FUELCHEM® technology revolves around the unique application of chemicals. It improves efficiency, reliability, fuel flexibility, boiler thermal efficiency, and environmental conditions of the combustion unit by controlling slagging, scaling, corrosion, opacity and improving boiler operation. The company has experience in this technology in more than 110 units in the form of a customizable FUEL CHEM program. Fuel Tech also provides a range of services, including boiler commissioning and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) optimization services. In addition, flow correction equipment and physical and computational modeling services can be used to optimize flue gas distribution and mixing in power plants and industrial applications. Fuel Tech جون ڪيتريون ئي پراڊڪٽس ۽ خدمتون ڪمپني جي شاندار ڪمپيوٽيشنل فلوئڊ ڊائنامڪس ماڊلنگ صلاحيتن تي تمام گهڻي ڀاڙين ٿيون، جيڪي اندروني طور تي ترقي يافته اعليٰ-آخر بصري سافٽ ويئر پاران بهتر ڪيل آهن. These features, coupled with the company's innovative technology and interdisciplinary team approach, enable Fuel Tech to provide practical solutions to some of its customers' most challenging problems.
Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) ھڪڙو عالمي ڊولپر ۽ مارڪيٽ آھي جيڪو جديد تھرمل مئنيجمينٽ ٽيڪنالاجي جو. ان جي جديد حرارتي انتظام ٽيڪنالاجي مختلف گرمي ۽ کولنگ ۽ گرمي پد ڪنٽرول ايپليڪيشنن لاء مناسب آهي. گاڏين جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ شامل آهن فعال طور تي گرم ۽ ٿڌي سيٽ سسٽم ۽ کپ هولڊر، گرم ۽ وينٽيليڊ سيٽ سسٽم، گرمي اسٽوريج ٽينڪ، گرم ڪار اندروني سسٽم (بشمول گرم سيٽون، اسٽيرنگ ويلز، بازو ۽ ٻيا حصا)، بيٽري تھرمل مينيجمينٽ سسٽم، ڪيبل سسٽم ۽ ٻيا. اليڪٽرانڪ سامان. غير گاڏين جي شين ۾ شامل آهن ريموٽ پاور جنريشن سسٽم، حرارتي ۽ کولنگ فرنيچر، ۽ ٻيون صارف ۽ صنعتي درجه حرارت ڪنٽرول ايپليڪيشنون. ڪمپني جي جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ٽيم ترقي ڪري رهي آهي وڌيڪ اثرائتي thermoelectric مواد، گڏو گڏ فضائي گرمي جي بحالي ۽ بجلي جي پيداوار لاء نئين سسٽم. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.

GIBRALTAR INDUSTRIES INC (NasdaqGS: ROCK) is a leading manufacturer and distributor of construction products for the residential, industrial, infrastructure, and renewable energy and conservation markets. Gibraltar's four pillar strategy focuses on operational improvement, product innovation, product portfolio management and acquisitions, so its mission is to promote top-notch performance. جبرالٽر بنيادي طور تي سڄي اتر آمريڪا ۽ ننڍن ايشيائي علائقن ۾ گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪندو آهي.
گلوبل بايو اينرجي ڪارپوريشن (پيرس: ALGBE) دنيا جي چند ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي ۽ يورپ ۾ اهو واحد عمل آهي جيڪو قابل تجديد وسيلن کي خمير ذريعي هائيڊرو ڪاربن ۾ تبديل ڪري ٿو. The company initially concentrated on the production of isobutene, which is one of the most important petrochemical base materials that can be converted into fuels, plastics, plexiglass and elastomers. Global Bioenergy Corporation continues to improve its process performance, conduct industrial trials, has started operations in its German demonstration plant, and is preparing to build its first large-scale plant through its joint venture IBN-One with Cristal Union. ڪمپني پڻ پنهنجي ڪاميابين کي نقل ڪيو ٻن ميمبرن گيسوس olefin خاندان جي ميمبرن، پروپيلين ۽ بٽاڊين، جيڪي پيٽروڪيميڪل صنعت جي دل ۾ اهم ماليڪيول آهن.
Global Clean Energy Holdings Limited (OTC: GCEH) runs on a fully integrated platform that integrates biotechnology and crop improvement research and development through complex management and optimization practices. Through its operating company, Global has developed proprietary seed varieties and obtained all necessary regulatory approvals for sustainability standards compatible with the US EPA, FDA, CA ARB (LCFS) and RED, and provided the company with 40,000 gallons of Renewable jet fuel. آمريڪي ڊپارٽمينٽ آف ڊفينس ترقي ڪري ٿو ۽ آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي نئين فصل توانائي فارم کي هلائڻ جاري رکي ٿو. Global domestic and international business is conducted through wholly-owned subsidiaries
GreenAngel Energy Corp. (TSX: GAE.V) ھڪڙي آمدني تي ٻڌل مالياتي ڪمپني آھي جيڪا ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ صنعتي ڪمپنين کان مستقبل جي آمدني اسٽريمز خريد ڪري ٿي مغربي ڪئناڊا ۾. هي نئون فنانسنگ آپشن قرض جي فنانسنگ ۽ ايڪيٽي فنانسنگ ٻنهي کي پورو ڪري سگهي ٿو، جڏهن ته انٽرپرينيئرز کي پنهنجي ڪاروبار تي ڪنٽرول برقرار رکڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿو. In addition, GreenAngel continues to manage existing investments in the clean energy sector and provides strategic and business consulting services to ensure the success of these companies.
GREENHUNTER ENERGY (NYSE MKT: GRH) through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GreenHunter Water, LLC, GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC and GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides Total Water Management Solutions™/oilfield fluid management solutions™ in oil fields and their shale. Appalachian Basin جو ڊرامو. GreenHunter Water continues to expand its service package traction by expanding the downhole injection capacity of Type II brine treatment wells and facilities, launching the next generation of modular above-ground fracturing storage tanks (MAG Tank™) and advanced water-including increasing numbers of DOT ratings A fleet of 407 trucks is used to tow condensate and water in the presence of condensate. GreenHunter Water also took the lead in the movement of barge water, because barge transport is a safer and more cost-effective transportation method compared to truck or rail transport. GreenHunter Environmental Solutions, LLC مهيا ڪري ٿو سائيٽ تي ماحولياتي حل سٺي پيڊن ۽ سهولتن تي. ان جي سروس پيڪيج ۾ ٽينڪ ۽ رگ جي صفائي، مائع ۽ سولڊ ويسٽ ختم ڪرڻ/مرمت، مضبوط ڪرڻ ۽ اسپل جواب شامل آهن. اهو سمجھڻ ته هڪ ٻئي سان ڳنڍيل سروس سوٽ E&P فضول اسٽريم مئنيجمينٽ جي ڪنجي آهن GreenHunter وسيلن جي جامع آخر کان آخر تائين خدمت واري طريقي کي شڪل ڏني آهي. GreenHunter Hydrocarbons, LLC provides the service of hydrocarbons (transportation of petroleum, condensate and NGL), and will use our existing asset base and infrastructure to provide hydrocarbons (petroleum) in the Appalachian region soon. , Condensate and NGL) storage, processing and sales. , جنهن ۾ شامل آهن ڇهن تائين مختلف بارج ٽرمينل جڳهيون، جيڪي هن وقت GreenHunter Resources جي ملڪيت يا ليز تي آهن.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. The company focuses on providing priority or senior capital to established sponsors and debtors with high credit quality to generate long-term, recurring and predictable cash flows. اناپولس، ميري لينڊ ۾ هيڊ ڪوارٽر، Hannon Armstrong هڪ ريئل اسٽيٽ انويسٽمينٽ ٽرسٽ (REIT) چونڊيو جيڪو وفاقي آمدني ٽيڪس جي مقصدن لاءِ ٽيڪس ادا ڪرڻ جو اهل آهي. ان جو ٽيڪس سال ڊسمبر 31، 2013 تي شروع ٿئي ٿو

Headwaters Incorporated (NYSE: HW) improves lives through innovation and advancement of building materials in application, design and use. Headwaters هڪ متنوع ترقي واري ڪمپني آهي جيڪا پراڊڪٽس، ٽيڪنالاجيون ۽ خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي عمارت جي مواد ۽ عمارت جي پيداوار مارڪيٽن کي. ان جي ڪوئلي جي دھڻ واري شين جي ذريعي، تعميراتي مصنوعات، ۽ توانائي جي ڪاروبار، ڪمپني قابل قدر وسيلن کي قيمتي شين ۾ تبديل ڪندي استحڪام کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو.
htc خالصين (TSX: HTSX: HTSC.V) ۽ ان جي ماتحت ڊائيڊري ٽيڪنالاجيز (CO2) تي مشتمل آهي ڪاربن ڊاء آڪسائيڊ. It provides LCDesign CO2 capture system; سولوينٽ، هڪ تياري واري سالياني گيس جي مرحلن مان گئس جي مرحلن کي ختم ڪرڻ لاء تيار ڪيو ويو آهي. HTC DELTA سالوينٽس وصولي سسٽم، استعمال ٿيل تباهي واري شين ۽ ذرڙن کي هٽائڻ لاءِ سولوينٽ ۾ معطل ٿيل؛ and PDOEngine design and optimization new Factory, or optimize the operation of existing factories in the chemical, petrochemical and oil/gas industries. ڪمپني پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿي لامينار جيٽ جاذب کي ماپڻ لاءِ رد عمل جي ڪينيٽيڪس ۽ گيس جي پکيڙ کي مائع ۾. And NuVision fertilizer treatment solutions to design, build, retrofit and service new and existing fertilizer plants. In addition, it also provides drilling equipment and services for the oil and gas industry; oilfield products and hydraulic fracturing services; oilfield equipment; dedicated power carriers and maintenance platforms; ۽ گارڊين ميڪسڪس پائپ لائن پروسيسنگ سسٽم.
Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (هانگ ڪانگ: 0958.HK) نئين توانائي منصوبن جي سيڙپڪاري، تعمير ۽ آپريشن لاءِ پرعزم آهي. اهو ونڊ انرجي منصوبن جي ترقي ۽ آپريشن تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو، جڏهن ته شمسي ۽ ٻين قابل تجديد توانائي جي ذريعن جي هم وقت سازي جي ترقي کي فروغ ڏيڻ. ڪمپني سائنسي ترقي تي اصرار ڪري ٿي ۽ منطقي طور تي ڪاروبار کي ورهائي ٿي. Through the operation of large-scale wind farms and distributed wind farms, the utilization of onshore and offshore wind resources, and the emphasis on development and acquisition, the company strives to improve its growth quality and efficiency, and continuously improve its profitability, competitiveness and پائيدار ترقيءَ جون صلاحيتون، تنهن ڪري عوامي جمهوريه چين (چين) ۾ پنهنجي قائم ڪيل پوزيشن کي برقرار رکندي ۽ بين الاقوامي منڊي کي وڌائڻ لاءِ، بين الاقوامي سطح تي مسابقت وارو ۽ اعليٰ قابل تجديد توانائي فراهم ڪندڙ بنجڻ جي نظر سان. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. The company attaches great importance to protecting and improving the environment, fulfilling its social responsibilities, and striving to bring sustainable, stable and growing returns to shareholders.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا وقف ڪئي وئي آهي طاقت جي تبادلي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ. ڪمپني هڪ ناول پيٽنٽ ٿيل پاور ڪنورشن ٽيڪنالاجي تيار ڪئي آهي جنهن کي پاور پيڪٽ سوئچنگ آرڪيٽيڪچر ("PPSA") سڏيو ويندو آهي. PPSA اليڪٽرڪ پاور ڪنورٽرز جي سائيز، قيمت، ڪارڪردگي، لچڪ ۽ قابل اعتماد کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو. PPSA ڪيترن ئي وڏن ۽ وڌندڙ مارڪيٽن تائين وڌائي سگھي ٿو، جن ۾ سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، متغير فريڪوئنسي ڊرائيو، بيٽري انرجي اسٽوريج، موبائل پاور ۽ مائڪرو گرڊس، ۽ برقي گاڏي چارجنگ شامل آهن. ڪمپني پڻ ترقي ڪري رهي آهي هڪ bidirectional bidirectional Double junction transistor (B-TRAN™)، ۽ هڪ پيٽنٽ لاءِ درخواست ڏني آهي، جنهن ۾ باهمي طاقت جي سوئچز جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ طاقت جي کثافت کي تمام گهڻو بهتر ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت آهي. Ideal Power استعمال ڪري ٿو سرمائيدار-موثر ڪاروباري ماڊل جيڪو ڪمپني کي قابل بنائي ٿو ڪيترن ئي پراڊڪٽ ڊولپمينٽ پروجيڪٽس ۽ مارڪيٽن کي هڪ ئي وقت ۾.
ماحولياتي ماحولياتي ٽيڪنالاجي لميٽيڊ (او ٽي سي: اي ٽي سي) اي ٽي ايم ايس اي ٽي ايم ايس جي شين ۽ خدمتن مان گذري ٿو. The company sells and sells its anolyte disinfection solution under the Excelyte® brand. The solution is produced by the company's proprietary EcaFlo™ equipment, which uses an electrolysis process called electrochemical activation to reliably produce an environmentally responsible solution. صفائي لاء، disinfection ۽ disinfection. Excelyte® حل هڪ EPA-رجسٽرڊ سخت سطح جي جراثيم ڪش ۽ جراثيم ڪش آهي. It has been approved for use at the hospital level and has also been approved for use as a disinfectant in oil and gas drilling. The product can be used wherever pathogens, bacteria, viruses and bacteria need to be controlled. ڪمپني جو EcaFlo® سامان پڻ صفائي جو حل پيدا ڪري ٿو، جيڪو ڪمپني ڪيٿوليٽ زيرو™ برانڊ تحت وڪرو ڪري ٿو. Catholyte Zero™ solutions are environmentally friendly cleaners and degreasing agents for cleaning, sanitation and food processing purposes.
Itronics (OTC: ITRO) is a “creative clean technology” company that produces GOLD'n GRO specialty liquid fertilizers and gold and silver. It has a large-scale iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) mine (the rutile project) in the prolific Yellington copper mine in northwestern Nevada. ڪمپني جو مقصد خاص GOLD'n GRO ڀاڻ، چاندي، زن ۽ معدنيات جي نامياتي ترقي کي فروغ ڏيڻ لاء سازگار صاف ٽيڪنالاجي حاصل ڪرڻ آهي. ڪمپني جي ٽيڪنالاجي دھات ۽ معدنيات جي وصولي ۽ استعمال کي وڌائي ٿي. Through its subsidiary Itronics Metallurgical, Inc., Itronics is the only company in the United States that has a fully permitted “beneficial-use photochemical, silver and water recycling” plant that converts waste light liquid into pure silver and GOLD'n GRO Liquid fertilizer . ڪمپني ماحول دوست کان کني ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪري رهي آهي. آئيٽرونڪس ڪيترائي ملڪي ۽ بين الاقوامي انعام حاصل ڪيا آهن ان جي قابليت جي اعتراف ۾ سائنس ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيڪنالاجي کي ڪاميابيءَ سان استعمال ڪرڻ لاءِ نئين ماحول دوست صاف ريسائڪلنگ ۽ فرٽيلائزر ٽيڪنالاجيون ٺاهڻ ۽ لاڳو ڪرڻ لاءِ.
Kadant Inc. (NYSE: KAI) اعلي عالمي قدر سان گڏ اهم اجزاء ۽ انجنيئرنگ سسٽم جو عالمي سپلائر آهي. اهي پروڊڪٽس ۽ پروسيسنگ سسٽم عالمي پروسيسنگ انڊسٽري ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن. The company's products, technologies and services play an indispensable role in improving process efficiency, optimizing energy utilization, and maximizing productivity in resource-intensive industries. Kadant's headquarters are located in Westford, Massachusetts.

نيواڊا ڪمپني LiqTech International, Inc. (NYSE MKT: LIQT) هڪ صاف ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ڏهن سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي کان سيرامڪ سلڪون ڪاربائيڊ فلٽر استعمال ڪندي گئس ۽ مائع صاف ڪرڻ لاءِ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ٺاهي ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿي، خاص ڪري انتهائي خاص فلٽر، ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ لاءِ استعمال ڪيا ويندا آهن. the dust emission particles and liquid filtration of diesel engines. LiqTech uses nanotechnology to develop products using proprietary silicon carbide technology. LiqTech جون پروڊڪٽس هڪ منفرد سلکان ڪاربائيڊ فلم تي ٻڌل آهن جيڪي نئين ايپليڪيشنن کي فروغ ڏئي سگهن ٿيون ۽ موجوده ٽيڪنالاجي کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن ٿيون. In particular, the company's subsidiary Provital Solutions A/S has developed new water filtration technology standards to meet the growing demand for higher water quality. By combining LiqTech's SiC liquid membrane technology with its long-term system design experience and functions, it can provide solutions to the most difficult water pollution problems.
Liteon Semiconductor Group (Taiwan: 5305.TW) designs, develops, encapsulates and tests a series of semiconductor components related to green power supplies. اهي حصا خاص طور تي مواصلات، معلومات، سوئچنگ پاور سپلائيز ۽ سسٽم پاور سپلائيز ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن صارف اليڪٽرانڪس لاءِ. We are also one of the few companies that have a green power platform, through which we can combine our discrete devices, analog ICs and ambient light/proximity sensors through various matrix combinations, so that we can quickly build total power to meet the maximum energy بچت جي ضرورتن جو انتظام حل. Power saving is an inevitable global trend, and its influence has been extended to household appliances and consumer products, which will further promote the demand for global power management solutions. Through continuous efforts to expand the breadth and depth of our products on the GreenPower platform, LSC's goal is to become one of the world's best Green Power Semiconductor component suppliers.
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.

Maple Leaf Green World (TSX: MGW.V) is a Canadian company that focuses on the agricultural/environmental industry. ان جو بنيادي سرگرميون هيٺ ڏنل ٽي امشن شامل آهن: نسبتا لٽرڪ زراعت (چين ۾) چين ۾، لوحڪنيٽس بلند ڪرڻ واري وڻ جو سنسڪرت ۽ نرسريسن جا حصا پوکڻ وارا آهن. Renewable energy (renewable energy) (it is engaged in various renewable energy projects around the world, including China's Huangjiao Horn), it will provide valuable Huangjiao valuable seeds, and ultimately extract oil from these seeds, Used to produce biodiesel and high-quality healthy خوردني تيل. ) ۽ ڪينيڊين ايم ايم پي آر- اهو ڳولي ٿو موقعا طبي ڀنگ جي صنعت ۾. Currently, it is seeking the status of a Canadian MMPR licensed producer to grow medical marijuana in Canada for domestic consumption and export to approved countries.
Mariner's Choice International Inc. (OTC: MCII) develops and sells biodegradable and ecologically safe cleaning products for the entertainment, industrial and commercial marine markets, car care, and swimming pool and spa markets. اهو عملدار، عملدار ۽ ڪنهن به مهمان لاءِ صفائي جو حل پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو، ۽ اهي پراڊڪٽس مهيا ڪري ٿو جيڪي حشرات، حشرات، سج ۽ انتشار واري بيمارين کي روڪين ٿيون. It also offers MUNOX and MUNOX SR, these two ecologically safe products contain microorganisms and pollutants and can be used for bioremediation, bioenhancement and grease removal. The company provides products for the marine sector; and other markets such as household, automotive, aviation, recreational vehicles and bioremediation
Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. (NasdaqGM: MBII) is a growth-oriented company that helps customers operate by discovering, developing and selling innovative biological products for crop protection, plant health and waterway system treatment, thereby leading the world A more sustainable direction to وڌيڪ پائيدار ترقي کي وڌايو، جڏهن ته سيڙپڪاري تي واپسي جي شرح وڌائي. ايم بي آئي پنهنجي پلانٽ ۽ مٽي مائڪروبيومس کي 18000 مائيڪروگنمس ۽ 350 پلانٽ ڪ extract ندي کي ختم ڪرڻ لاء استعمال ڪيو. Advanced molecular technology and natural product chemistry have enhanced their knowledge, thereby rapidly developing seven product series. MBI currently has more than 400 issued and pending patents. These powerful product portfolios support Regalia®, Stargus®, Grandevo®, Venerate®, Majestene®, Haven® and Amplitude®, Zelto®JetOxide® and JetAg® and Zequanox®, a breakthrough biological herbicide and biological fumigant in the company's product line. پرو فارم، فنلينڊ ۾ MBI جي ماتحت، ٻوٽي جي واڌ کي متحرڪ ڪرڻ ۽ ٻوٽن جي صحت کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪاٺ جي فضول مان نڪتل ملڪيت واري ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿي، ان ڪري پيداوار ۽ فصل جي معيار کي وڌايو وڃي ٿو. مصنوعات شامل آهن UBP-110®, LumiBio™, LumiBio Valta™, LumiBio Kelta™, Foramin®.

Micron Waste Technologies Inc. (CSE: MWM) is a well-funded technology company. The company's food and other organic waste system is designed to manage food and other organic waste on-site, turning it into clean water. The company's aerobic digester adopts MOC technology, which can increase the digestion efficiency of microorganisms by up to 95%. The remaining 5% of undigested particles are further processed, and the sewage produced meets the municipal sewage discharge standards. وڌيڪ قيمت جي فڪشن ۽ ٻين نامياتي فضول خرچي جي برابري جي پرواهه ۽ ٻين نامياتي فضول خرچي ڏيڻ کان منع ۾ اضافو، مائيڪين جي ٽيڪنالاجي تي مشتمل آهي، مائيڪون جي ٽيڪنالاجي جو هڪ مثالي حل آهي.

NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) هڪ بايو ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا جاندار سيلن جي تيزيءَ سان تشخيص تي مرکوز آهي. Its products can speed up the detection and identification of microorganisms. In addition to medical, defense and homeland security applications, NanoLogix technology is also suitable for pharmaceutical, industrial, veterinary, and environmental testing. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. ماحولياتي ۽ پيئڻ جي پاڻي جي حفاظت
Natural Blue Resources Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ھڪ ڊولپمينٽ اسٽيج ڪمپني آھي جيڪا مختلف ڳنڍيل سائي ڪاروبارن جي ڳولا، حصول ۽ ترقي ۾ مصروف آھي. The company is engaged in waste stream recycling and plastic and steel recycling business. اهو پڻ آهي پيٽرن جو استعمال ۽ پيداوار جو لائسنس ۽ فضول علاج لاءِ ٽيڪنيڪل حق ڏکڻ ڪوريا ۾ فضول علاج پلانٽس ۾ مائڪرو ويڪرو ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. اسان جي مقرر ڪيل سهولتن تي فضول خرچي ۽ اسان جي نن foot ي فوٽ پرنٽنگ جو استعمال ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت اسان کي فضول علاج جو حل فراهم ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿو. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. اسان جو تيل ۽ گيس ڊپارٽمينٽ اسٽيوانجر، ناروي ۾ واقع آهي ۽ تيل ۽ گئس جي ڳولا ۽ پيداوار دوران پيدا ٿيندڙ فضول جي ساحل ۽ آف شور علاج ۾ ماهر آهي. اسان جي انجنيئرنگ ٽيم آنشور ۽ آف شور فضول علاج جي حل جي ڊيزائن، انجنيئرنگ، تنصيب ۽ سار سنڀال ۾ ماهر آهي.

Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) since its establishment in 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. has become an award-winning global leader in supercapacitor technology innovation and product development. The properties of supercapacitors allow the technology to be used in applications where power, life cycle requirements or environmental conditions limit the applicability of batteries or capacitors. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap وٽ مارڪيٽ تي معياري تجارتي پروڊڪٽس جي سڀ کان مڪمل رينج آهي، 3 فاراد کان 6200 فاراد تائين، سڀ صنعت جي سڃاڻپ ٿيل متبادل نامياتي اليڪٽرولائٽس سان. The company's customers include transportation, power and consumer markets.
Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. (CSE: LUX) هڪ صديءَ جي غير موثر فني ۽ ننڍي پيماني کان کني جي بقايا تاريخي فضول مان آلودگي ۽ بقايا قيمتي دھاتن کي بحال ڪرڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي. The company focuses on politically and socially stable jurisdictions in Latin America. Newlox has reached an agreement with a local artisanal mining cooperative to provide a stable supply of raw materials, and is currently testing the first processing plant in Central America with experienced engineers and metallurgists. The centuries-old history of mining in Latin America and the current inefficiency of manual processing provide the company with ample opportunities to develop its business model. Newlox has found a niche market in the mining industry. Cleantech companies can use innovative processing technologies to not only recover precious metals, but also make positive changes to the environment and social environment through its operations.
The next fuel. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي فراهم ڪندڙ ۽ سروس ڪمپني آهي جيڪا تيل ۽ گئس جي صنعت کي خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿي. The company is committed to developing water treatment technology to provide low-cost, high-volume commercial repair solutions.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. ان جي ماتحت ادارن ذريعي، NextEra Energy فلوريڊا، نيو هيمپشائر، آئووا ۽ وڪوسنسن ۾ اٺ تجارتي ايٽمي پاور تنصيبات مان صاف، اخراج کان آزاد بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿي. پينٽرا صرف ادارن جي حفاظت لاء حفاظتي اي پارٽين جي قيمت کي پورو ڪيو ويو آهي "2015 پڻ دنيا ۾ شامل ڪيو ويو آهي" 2015 دنيا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ اشتهاري ڪمپنين. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. ”

NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . فارچون 200 ڪمپني جي طور تي، اسان قابل اعتماد ۽ ڪارائتو روايتي پاور جنريشن ذريعي قدر پيدا ڪريون ٿا، جڏهن ته شمسي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي، برقي گاڏين جي ماحوليات، ڪاربن ڪيپچر ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ گراهڪ-مرڪزي توانائي جي حلن ۾ جدت کي فروغ ڏين ٿا. اسان جو پرچون بجلي فراهم ڪندڙ سڄي ملڪ ۾ 3 ملين کان وڌيڪ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو.
NuEarth Corporation (OTC: NUEC) آمريڪا ۾ نامياتي ۽ بايوڊيگريڊبل پروڊڪٽس کي ترقي ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو. ڪمپني صاف ۽ سبز مٽي ۽ پاڻي جي بچاء واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪري ٿي. ان جي پراڊڪٽ لائن ۾ شامل آهي NuSoil مائع ۽ گرينولر پروڊڪٽس جيڪي تباهي جي خاصيتن کي پيداواري زمين ۾ تبديل ڪن ٿا؛ SaltBlocker is an organic substance that limits the utilization of salt cations and anions in liquid soil and changes the penetration of soil composites Pressure; NuWater, NuSoil hydrogel additive, helps prevent sand and dust storms; and AquaSolv liquid and granular formula, which can slow down the penetration of water and spread laterally through the root area. The company also provides DustBlocker and RoadBinder anionic polyacrylamide, which enables road managers in mines and construction sites to manage dust and compaction. ان کان علاوه، هن پراڊڪٽس جي CL-40 سيريز پڻ ٺاهيا آهن، جهڙوڪ مختلف صفائي جي ايپليڪيشنن لاء صاف ڪندڙ، جامع اسٽريپرز ۽ گرافيٽي هٽائڻ وارا.

Offsetters Climate Solutions Inc (TSX: COO.V; Frankfurt: 9EA.F) is an international diversified carbon management and agroforestry solutions company. وانڪوور، برٽش ڪولمبيا، ۽ پورٽلينڊ، اوريگون، ۽ بون، جرمني ۽ پاناما ۾ فاريسٽ فائنسٽ ڪنسلٽنگ آفيسن جي آفيسن سان، ان جي انڊسٽري ليڊر ٽيم نه رڳو پراڊڪٽس مهيا ڪري ٿي، پر اعليٰ معيار جي زراعت ۽ ٻيلن ۽ ڪاربن آف سيٽ منصوبن تي پڻ ڌيان ڏئي ٿي. , development and commercialization of a complete set of sustainable development consulting services. Offsetters Advisory Services Group ۽ جرمني جي بنياد تي CO2OL جي ذريعي، ڪمپني تنظيمن جي مدد ڪري سگھي ٿي، سمجھڻ، گھٽائڻ ۽ انھن جي موسم تي اثر انداز ڪرڻ. Offsetters has cooperated with more than 200 leading business organizations, including Aimia, Vancity, lululemon sportsa, Catalyst Paper, Harbor Air, HSE-Entega and Shell Canada Limited.
ORBITE Technologies INC (TSX: ORT.TO؛ OTC: EORBF) (اڳوڻي Orbite Aluminae Inc. جي نالي سان مشهور آهي) هڪ ڪينيڊا جي صاف ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جي جديد ۽ مالڪي واري عمل جي توقع ڪئي وئي آهي ته ايلومينا ۽ ٻيون اعليٰ قيمتي پروڊڪٽس جهڙوڪ نادر زمين ۽ ناياب ڌاتن خام مال کي استعمال ڪندي جنهن ۾ باڪسائٽ، ڪولين، نيفيلائن، باڪسائٽ، باڪسائٽ، ريڊ مڊ، فلائي ايش ۽ ڪرسٽوائل پروسيسنگ پلانٽ مان سرپنٽين جي رهاڻ شامل آهن، پائيدار طريقي سان، صنعت ۾ گهٽ قيمت تي هڪ آڪسائيڊ پيدا ڪري ٿي. يايبائيٽ ۾ هتي في الحال چيٽ چيٽ الویني، قصا (ايس اي اي اي اي او اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي اي ڊي) جي پيداوار واري پلانٽ کي مڪمل ڪرڻ جي بنيادي تعمير مڪمل ڪري رهي آهي Grande-Valée جمع. پهرين دانشورانه ملڪيت جو خاندان ڪئناڊا، آمريڪا، آسٽريليا، آسٽريليا، چين، جا جاپان حاصل ڪيو. ڪمپني لاوال، ڪيوبيڪ ۾ هڪ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ڊولپمينٽ سينٽر پڻ هلائي ٿو، جتي ٽيڪنالاجي ترقي ڪئي وئي آهي ۽ تصديق ڪئي وئي آهي.
پئسفڪ ماحولياتي (ASX: Pex.ax) هڪ ماحولياتي صلاح مشوري ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي حل ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي. اهو EnviroSuite سسٽم مهيا ڪري ٿو ڪسٽمائيز موسم جي اڳڪٿي، هوا جي معيار ۽ شور جي انتظام، ڌماڪي ۽ شڪايت جي انتظام، قومي آلودگي جي فهرستن، ۽ قومي گرين هائوس ۽ توانائي جي رپورٽن لاء. The company also provides air quality and weather services, including air quality modeling and assessment, odor and dust specialization, forecasting and analysis, emission estimation and inventory, pollution reduction plans, process design optimization, regulatory compliance and reporting, and transportation emissions assessment. In addition, the company also provides emissions monitoring, odor sampling and analysis, process and environmental monitoring, workplace monitoring, employee and customer training, CEMS consulting and calibration, and vehicle emission testing services; ماحولياتي نگراني جا طريقا ۽ تحقيقات، ڀڄڻ واري اخراج جي ماپ ۽ ماڊلنگ، حقيقي وقت ڊيٽا جي حصول ۽ انتظام جو نظام ۽ سخت فيلڊ طريقا. In addition, it analyzes, estimates and reports emissions; ڪاربن آڊٽ ڪندو آهي؛ آبهوا جي خطرن جي چڪاس؛ and designs mitigation strategies for carbon management. ان کان علاوه، ڪمپني کي زهريلوالوجي ۽ خطري جي تشخيص فراهم ڪري ٿي. صوتي صلاح مشوري ۽ شور جي نگراني؛ municipal solid waste collection, recycling, and landfill gas management; زميني پاڻي جي نگراني؛ هائيڊروجالالولاٽر جي معيار ۽ فور ليڪٽري؛ سولڊ ويسٽ مينيجمينٽ؛ ۽ آلود ٿيل زمين جي تشخيص جون خدمتون. ان کي آسٽريليا، نيوزيلينڊ، ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا، آفريقا، آفريڪا، آفريڪا ۽ يورپ. ڪمپني تيل، گئس ۽ توانائي جي خدمت ڪري ٿي؛ کان کني بندرگاهن؛ زراعت؛ حڪومت؛ transportation, manufacturing and industry; waste and wastewater treatment sectors.

Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .
پينن (اي ٽي: JB) StretionRLOOPESPREPOMERORPESLOOSon جي دستيابي، فارمي جي ضرورت آهي. Through Nanofilm Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of PEN, the company develops, manufactures and sells nanotechnology-based products, including ULTRACLARITY® brand eyewear cleaners, CLARITY DEFOG IT™ brand defogging products, and CLARITYULTRASEAL® glass and ceramic nano coatings product. The company also sells environmentally friendly HALO™ brand surface protectants, enhancers and cleaners through its wholly-owned subsidiary PEN Technology, LLC. The company's Applied Nanotech, Inc. subsidiary in Austin, Texas serves as a design center, providing R&D services for government and private customers and PEN's new product development, focusing on innovation and advanced technology in the fields of safety, health and sustainability Product solutions.
Perma-Fix Environmental Services (NasdaqCM: PESI) is a nuclear services company and a leading provider of nuclear and mixed waste management services. The company's nuclear waste services include the management and treatment of radioactive and mixed waste for hospitals, research laboratories and institutions, federal agencies (including the US Department of Energy), the Department of Defense (“DOD”) and the commercial nuclear industry. ڪمپني جو ايٽمي سروس ڊپارٽمينٽ گراهڪ کي پروجيڪٽ مينيجمينٽ، فضول انتظام، ماحولياتي ريميڊييشن، ڊڪانٽيميشن ۽ ڊميشننگ، نئين اڏاوت، ۽ تابڪاري تحفظ، حفاظت ۽ صنعتي صفائي جون صلاحيتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company operates four nuclear waste treatment facilities and provides nuclear services in DOE, DOD and commercial facilities nationwide.

QS Energy, Inc. (OTC: QSEP) (previously known as Save The World Air, Inc.) provides patent-protected industrial equipment for the global energy industry and aims to bring measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. خام تيل جي پيداوار ۽ نقل و حمل جي ادارن جي تعاون سان تيار ڪيل QS انرجي اعلي قدر حل، عالمي تيل جي پيداوار ۾ موجوده اضافو کان اڳ ٺهيل ۽ تعمير ٿيل ملڪي ۽ غير ملڪي پائيپ لائين انفراسٽرڪچر جي وڏي گنجائش جي کوٽ جو مسئلو حل ڪري ٿو. In order to support our customers' commitment to responsible energy and environmental management procurement, QS Energy combines scientific research with creative problem solutions to provide energy-efficient “clean technology” solutions, thereby providing upstream, midstream and agglomeration belts Bring new efficiency and reduce operating costs to the department.
Quantum Energy Co., Limited. The company provides solar energy systems, hot water heaters and pool heaters, as well as commercial and industrial building heaters.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) هڪ بين الاقوامي ماحولياتي آئل فيلڊ سروس فراهم ڪندڙ آهي، جيڪو 1994 جي آخر ۾ قائم ٿيو، هيڊ ڪوارٽر ڪئلگري، البرٽا، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ ان جون آفيسون پريري، البرٽا ۾ آهن. ڪمپني صاف ايئر ٽيڪنالاجي تي فوڪس ڪري ٿي ۽ ڪئناڊا، آمريڪا، يورپ ۽ ايشيا ۾ آپريشنز ٿي چڪي آهي. ڳولا يافته ڊزائن ۽ پاليسين کي وڪرو ڪرڻ يا ڀا quress و وڪرو ڪرڻ جي لاء پيدا ڪري ٿو، ۽ بصيرت سان لاڳاپيل تيل جي فيلڊ سروس فراهم ڪري ٿو. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor is known for its special expertise in sour gas (H2S) combustion. صاف پاور حلن جي ذريعي (ڳولا ڪندڙ جي هڪ ماتحت)، اها ٽيڪنالاجي کي ڪارائتو گندو اڀياس ڪرڻ جو موقعو پيدا ڪري، جيڪا پاڻي جي واپر ۽ طاقت جي خرابي کي استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو. جيتوڻيڪ Questor جو موجوده گراهڪ بنيادي طور تي ڪم ڪري ٿو خام تيل ۽ قدرتي گئس جي صنعتن ۾، ڪمپني جي ڪمبشن ٽيڪنالاجي پڻ ٻين صنعتن تي لاڳو ٿئي ٿي، جهڙوڪ لينڊ فلز، پاڻي ۽ نيڪال جي علاج، ٽائر ريسائڪلنگ ۽ زراعت.
صاف توانائي جي شعبي ۾ وڌندڙ موقعن جو فائدو وٺڻ لاءِ، React Energy (اڳ ۾ Kedco plc) (LSE: REAC.L) قائم ڪئي وئي. The group is now a diversified renewable energy company with cash-generating and development assets in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

ريپبلڪ سروسز، Inc. (NYSE: RSG) ريسائڪلنگ ۽ غير خطرناڪ سالڊ ويسٽ ۾ آمريڪي صنعت جو اڳواڻ آهي. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . We will address this issue through the brand's tagline here™, letting customers know that they can rely on Republic to provide an excellent experience, while fostering a sustainable Blue Planet™ for future generations to enjoy a cleaner, safer and healthier world.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. ڪمپني انجڻ، پاور ٽرين ۽ گيئر باڪس، هائبرڊ ۽ برقي نظام، ۽ گاڏين جي سسٽم لاء ٽيڪنيڪل صلاحڪار خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿي. and environmental consulting services. اهو پڻ هيٺين علائقن ۾ اسٽريٽجڪ صلاحڪار خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿو: ڪارپوريٽ ۽ ڪاروباري حڪمت عمليون، جامع طريقا خرچن کي گهٽائڻ ۽ آپريشن کي بهتر ڪرڻ، مارڪيٽ ۽ اقتصادي تجزيو، مارڪيٽنگ، سيلز ۽ خدمتون، مارڪيٽ جي ضابطن ۽ پاليسين، ضمير ۽ حصول، معيار ۽ اعلي قدر problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. In addition, the company also sells and supports a series of design and analysis software products specifically developed for applications in the powertrain development and vehicle integration process; and provides technical assistance, training and information services. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) is an independent oil and gas company worldwide. It operates through upstream and downstream market segments. ڪمپني خام تيل، قدرتي گئس ۽ قدرتي گئس جي مائع کي ڳولي ۽ ڪڍي ٿو. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; مائنڊ آئل ريڊز مان بٽمن ڪڍي ٿو ۽ ان کي مصنوعي خام تيل ۾ تبديل ڪري ٿو. and uses wind energy to generate electricity. In addition, the company is engaged in the manufacture, supply, and transportation of crude oil; sells fuels, lubricants, bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for household, transportation and industrial purposes; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; provides transportation services; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. ڪمپني تقريبن 24 آئل ريفائنريز جي مالڪ آهي. 1,500 storage tanks; ۽ 150 تقسيم جون سهولتون. It sells fuel under the Shell V-Power brand.

Siemens (NYSE: SI) is the world's only integrated technology company. ان جي شين، حل ۽ سهولتون پوري توانائي جي ڪنٽينر کي جن جو گڏيل آهي، ۽ اهو پهريان آهي ته هن عظيم مشڪا پڻ لاء پهرين حقيقتن جا فني حل فراهم ڪن ٿا. سيمينس هميشه پيچيده پراڊڪٽس ۽ حلن ۾ ليڊر رهيو آهي ٽرانسميشن ۽ ڊسٽريبيوشن نيٽورڪ اوزار، نگراني ۽ ڪنٽرول. Therefore, Siemens' smart grid technology has proven its reliability, availability, and cost-effectiveness in many different projects around the world in Austria, Canada, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the UAE, and امريڪا.

SmartCool Systems Inc. (OTC: SSCFF; TSX: SSC.V) provides the most advanced energy saving and energy cost reduction solutions for global enterprises. ECO3 ۽ ESM Smartcool جي منفرد ريٽروفٽ ٽيڪنالاجيون آهن جيڪي ايئر ڪنڊيشننگ، ريفريجريشن ۽ هيٽ پمپ سسٽم ۾ ڪمپريسر جي توانائي جي استعمال کي 15٪ کان 20٪ تائين گھٽائي سگهن ٿيون، اهڙي طرح 12 کان 36 مهينن اندر سيڙپڪاري تي واپسي حاصل ڪري ٿي.
Solarbrook Hydropower Corporation (OTC: SLRW) and its subsidiaries are dedicated to developing, manufacturing and marketing water management and clean energy integrated solutions for the consumer, municipal and industrial markets in the United States. The company designs, builds, sells and installs water filtration and water treatment systems to remove harmful metals, elements and compounds in drinking water and wastewater. It also distributes water filtration systems and provides funding for water treatment systems for households and businesses; and provides municipal aeration and oxygen mixing equipment and dissolved oxygen in water for various industries. In addition, the company also provides wastewater treatment solutions for industrial and government customers. SolarBrook Hydropower بنيادي طور آمريڪا ۽ يورپ ۾ اصل سامان ٺاهيندڙن کي مصنوعات فراهم ڪري ٿي.
Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. اسان جي CO2 مارڪيٽ برانڊ جي ذريعي، اسان آسٽريليا جي سڀ کان وڏي ماحولياتي سرٽيفڪيٽ واپارين مان هڪ بڻجي ويا آهيون، ۽ ساڳئي وقت توانائي جي وڌندڙ قيمتن کي منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ GO Energy ذريعي تجارتي شعبي کي سمارٽ، ممڪن ۽ قابل تجديد حل فراهم ڪريون ٿا. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. هن فيلڊ جي مسلسل ترقي ۾، اسان جي جديد برانڊ GO ڪوٽا جو مقصد شمسي صنعت کي سپورٽ ڪرڻ ۽ صارفين کي مقامي شمسي فراهم ڪندڙن کان مفت انسٽاليشن ڪوٽا حاصل ڪرڻ جو موقعو ڏيڻ آهي، جڏهن ته CO2 گلوبل معيار جي ضمانت (QA) ۽ معيار ڪنٽرول (QC) فراهم ڪري ٿو. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) is an energy services holding company headquartered in Folsom, New Jersey, and operates through two main subsidiaries. ڏکڻ جرسي گيس آمريڪا ۾ تيز ترين وڌندڙ قدرتي گئس يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي، جيڪا ڏکڻ نيو جرسي ۾ لڳ ڀڳ 370,000 گراهڪن کي صاف، موثر قدرتي گئس فراهم ڪري ٿي ۽ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي ٿي. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable توانائي؛ for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.

SPX Corp. (NYSE: SPW) ھڪ عالمي، گھڻ-صنعتي ڪارخانو آھي جيڪو 35 ملڪن ۾ ڪم ڪري ٿو. The company's highly specialized engineering products and technologies focus on flow technology and energy infrastructure. Many of SPX's innovative solutions play an important role in helping meet the growing global demand for electricity, processed food and beverages, especially in emerging markets. The company's products include food processing systems for the food and beverage industry, key flow components for oil and gas processing, power transformers for utility companies, and cooling systems for power plants. The efficiency and commercial viability of developing renewable energy is an important part of the development of a secure power network for the future. اسان وٽ ڪيترن ئي سالن جو تجربو آهي مختلف قسم جا سامان مهيا ڪرڻ ۾، جن ۾ پمپ، فلٽر، ايئر ڪولڊ ڪنڊينسر، اسٽيم جنريٽر، اسٽيم ڪنٽرول والوز ۽ پگھلايل لوڻ مکسر شامل آهن.
Stantec Inc. (TSX: STN.TO) provides planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape design, survey, environmental science for infrastructure and projects in Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, Canada, the United States, the United States, and New York State , Professional consulting services for project management and project economics, and internationally. The company also provides design of mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems for education, medical, commercial, cultural and government agencies; control panel manufacturing services; نقل و حمل، انفراسٽرڪچر، تعمير ۽ جيوپوٽيڪل خدمتون؛ for oil and gas, mining, and electricity Provide automation, electrical and instrumentation engineering services with the industrial sector; ۽ برانڊ خدمتون، گڏوگڏ ترقي، ڊيزائن، تنصيب ۽ سالميت جي سار سنڀال جون خدمتون تيل ۽ گئس پائيپ لائين سسٽم ۽ اسٽيشن جي سهولتن لاء. In addition, it also provides professional services in ecology, environmental restoration, water resources and regulatory support for public and private customers in the fields of electricity, transportation, energy and resources, as well as services in cultural resource management and historical protection.
STT Enviro Corp (TSX: STT.V) (اڳوڻي Semcan Inc) روايتي صنعتي شين لاء قيمتي ۽ وڌندڙ ماحولياتي بهتري فراهم ڪري ٿي. The company's two operating divisions, STT Enviro Corp Systems and Solutions and STT Enviro Corp Tank and Industrial Division, are committed to cost-effectively reducing customers' environmental footprint. STT Enviro Corp's system and solution engineers also provide chemical makeup removal systems to neutralize pollutants (usually acidic water) generated in the ore or petroleum extraction process; and after-sales services, including optimizing the use of chemicals for our customers to reduce Cost and reduce carbon footprint. STT Enviro Corp ٽينڪ ۽ صنعتي انجنيئر سڪي ۽ مائع اسٽوريج ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ بولٽ ٽينڪ فراهم ڪن ٿا جن سان گڏ هڪ ننڍڙي ماحولياتي اثر سان. ماحولياتي عنصر جديد صنعت جي توسيع لاء هڪ شرط آهن. STT Enviro Corp. is committed to becoming a leader and innovator in gradually improving the environment. The company's strategy is to grow organically, and in the long run, to acquire the company at a price with strategic and financial advantages.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: جنوري 2018- اعلان ڪيو ڪمپني جي شروعات بلاڪچين ٽيڪنالاجي کي ان جي قابل تجديد توانائي جي ڪاروباري ماڊل ۽ حڪمت عملي ۾ ضم ڪرڻ، جنهن جو مقصد شمسي ۽ ونڊ فارمز جي گرڊ انتظام جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائڻ آهي. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.

Synex International Inc. (TSX: SXI.TO) وٽ ٻه مڪمل ملڪيت وارا ماتحت ادارا آهن، Synex Energy Resources Ltd ۽ Sigma Engineering Ltd. انهن جا ڪاروبار شامل آهن ترقي، مالڪي ۽ بجلي جي سهولتن جي آپريشن، گڏوگڏ مشوري انجنيئرنگ ۽ ماحولياتي تحفظ جي فراهمي services in the city. Water resources, especially hydropower facilities. Synex برٽش ڪولمبيا (خاص طور تي وينڪوور ٻيٽ تي) ۾ 11 ميگا واٽ هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت سان هڪ آزاد بجلي پيدا ڪندڙ آهي.
Synodon Inc. (TSX: SYD.V) is a technology company that has developed an advanced airborne remote gas remote sensing system based on the Canadian Space Program and technology developed by Synodon scientists, called realSens™. ڪمپني هن وقت تيل ۽ گئس جي صنعت لاءِ جديد ايئربورن پائيپ لائين انٽيگرٽي مئنيجمينٽ خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي، خدمتن جي هڪ سيريز ذريعي، جنهن ۾ قدرتي گئس ۽ مائع هائيڊرو ڪاربن ليڪ جو پتو لڳائڻ، پائيپ لائين جي خطري جي تشخيص، ۽ واٽر وي جي چونڪ جو تجزيو.
Integrated Energy Systems Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SES) is a Houston-based technology company dedicated to bringing clean, high-value energy to developing countries through its proprietary U-Gas®-based gasification technology , The technology has been licensed by قدرتي گئس ٽيڪنالاجي انسٽيٽيوٽ. SES Gasification ٽيڪنالاجي (SGT) بجلي جي پيداوار، صنعتي ايندھن، ڪيميائي ڀاڻ، ۽ نقل و حمل جي ايندھن لاء صاف، گھٽ قيمت سينگاس پيدا ڪري سگھي ٿي، اھڙيء طرح قيمتي قدرتي گئس توانائي کي تبديل ڪري ٿي. سارڪ کي صاف طور تي ڪلينر ٽرانسپورٽ ايندھن جي طور تي استعمال ڪرڻ لاء اعلي پاڪائي واري هائيڊروجن پڻ پيدا ڪري سگھي ٿو. SGT uses the blue sky to achieve growth and provide greater fuel flexibility for large-scale and efficient small and medium-scale operations near fuel sources. Fuel sources include low-grade, low-cost, high-ash, biomass and municipal solid waste raw materials.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. These products are used in various markets, including: alternative energy (solar and wind), medical, nuclear, defense, industrial, and aerospace. TechPrecision جو مقصد آهي گراهڪن کي مڪمل پروڊڪٽس لاءِ ڪسٽمائيز ۽ مربوط ”ٽرنڪي“ حل فراهم ڪندي هڪ آخر کان آخر تائين عالمي سروس فراهم ڪندڙ جنهن کي ڪسٽمائيز پيداوار ۽ پروسيسنگ، اسيمبلي، انسپيڪشن ۽ ٽيسٽ جي ضرورت هوندي آهي.
Tembec (TSX: TMB.TO) ڪاٺ، گوپ، ڪاغذ ۽ خاص سيلولوز ٻيلن جي شين جو هڪ ٺاهيندڙ آهي، ۽ پائيدار جنگل جي انتظام جي عملن ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. The main business is in Canada and France.
Tennant Corporation (NYSE: TNC) is a global leader in the design, manufacturing and marketing of solutions that enable customers to obtain high-quality cleaning performance, significantly reduce their environmental impact and help create a cleaner , A safer and healthier world. Its products include equipment used to maintain surfaces in industrial, commercial and outdoor environments; chemical-free and other sustainable cleaning technologies; and coatings used to protect, repair and upgrade surfaces. Tennant's global field service network is the most extensive in the industry. Tennant has manufacturing operations in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Michigan, the Netherlands; Louisville, Kentucky; Uden, the Netherlands; برطانيا؛ Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Shanghai, China; and through distributors in more than 80 countries in 15 countries Sell ​​products directly.

Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS: TTEK) مشوري، انجنيئرنگ، پروسيس مينيجمينٽ ۽ تعميراتي انتظام جي خدمتن جو هڪ معروف فراهم ڪندڙ آهي. ڪمپني پاڻي، ماحول، انفراسٽرڪچر، وسيلن جي انتظام ۽ توانائي تي مرکوز تجارتي ۽ سرڪاري گراهڪن جي مدد ڪري ٿي. Tetra Tech ۾ سڄي دنيا ۾ 13,000 ملازم آهن، جيڪي پيچيده مسئلن جا واضح حل مهيا ڪن ٿا.
Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; جذب سسٽم، بشمول جذب کولر، گرمي پمپ، سولر کولنگ پروڊڪٽس ۽ ايئر کولڊ گرمي ايڪسچينجرز؛ بوائلر، جهڙوڪ فضول گرمي جي بحالي ۽ شمسي توانائي جو حرارتي نظام، ميونسپل ويسٽ ۽ وڏا صنعتي بوائلر، گرم پاڻي جنريٽر ۽ مڪمل بوائلر؛ ۽ ٻارڻ ۽ حرارتي تيل جا هيٽر. It also provides water treatment, sugar and paper industries, oil fields, green, construction and fireside chemicals, as well as ion exchange resins and fuel additives; اي پي سي پاور پلانٽ؛ solar thermal and photovoltaic solutions; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو توانائي، بحالي ۽ بحالي، گندي پاڻي جي علاج، عام معاهدي جي منصوبي تي عملدرآمد، وڏي بوائلر، ڪسٽمر ٽريننگ، ۽ خاص خدمتون ۽ حل؛ complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; and spare parts. The company provides services for the oil and gas, steel, automotive, food, cement, chemical, refining and petrochemical, power generation, textile, pharmaceutical, paper and pulp, oil depot heating, space heating, sugar, paint, rubber and edible oil industries; ھوٽل ۽ تجارتي ڪمپليڪس؛ EPC پروفيسر ۽ صلاحڪار؛ شراب خانا ۽ ميونسپلٽيز.

TRC Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRR) has been a pioneer in the development of breakthrough science and engineering technology since the 1960s. TRC is a national engineering, environmental consulting and construction management company for energy, environment and infrastructure The market provides integrated services. TRC provides services to a wide range of clients in the government and industry, executing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. TRC پاران مهيا ڪيل نتيجا گراهڪن کي هڪ پيچيده ۽ بدلجندڙ دنيا ۾ ڪامياب ٿيڻ جي اجازت ڏين ٿا.

UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. شمسي توانائي، ونڊ انرجي، LED لائٽنگ
American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) is a leading environmental service provider for commercial and government agencies in North America. ڪمپني گراهڪن جي پيچيده فضول انتظام جي ضرورتن کي پورو ڪري ٿي، خطرناڪ، غير خطرناڪ ۽ تابڪاري فضول جي علاج، نيڪال ۽ ريسائڪلنگ، گڏوگڏ مڪمل طور تي سائيٽ ۽ صنعتي خدمتن جي وسيع رينج مهيا ڪري ٿي. US Ecology حفاظت، ماحولياتي تعميل، ۽ فرسٽ ڪلاس ڪسٽمر سروس تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو، جيڪا اسان کي مؤثر طريقي سان گراهڪ جي ضرورتن کي پورا ڪرڻ ۽ ڊگھي مدي وارا ڪوآپريٽو تعلقات قائم ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.
Victrex plc (LSE: VCT.L) is an innovative global leader in high-performance PEEK polymer-based solutions with more than 35 years of experience. ڪمپني ڪيترن ئي مارڪيٽن جهڙوڪ گاڏين، ايرو اسپيس، اليڪٽرانڪس، توانائي، ۽ طبي، ۽ صنعت جي اڳواڻن سان گڏ ڪم ڪري ٿو انهن جي مکيه چئلينج کي حل ڪرڻ لاء.

West Hill Capital Corporation/Fase Separation Solutions (PS2) (TSX: WMT.V) ڪئناڊا ۾ قائم ڪيل هڪ ماحولياتي حل ڪمپني آهي جيڪا مختلف خطرناڪ ۽ غير خطرناڪ فضول وهڪرن جي گرمي جي علاج ۾ ماهر آهي. ان جي ماتحت ادارن جي ذريعي، اهو هڪ منفرد اڻ سڌي طرح حرارتي، بند-لوپ ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿو جيڪا مٽي ۽ صنعتي ڪچري مان تمام خطرناڪ آلودگي ڪڍي سگهي ٿي، ۽ انهن مان اڪثر کي ٻيهر استعمال جي قابل پيٽروليم ۽ مصنوعي قدرتي گئس ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ جي عمل کي برقرار رکڻ لاء. Compared with traditional hazardous waste destruction technology, this method provides an important opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases. ڪمپني جي انتظامي ٽيم کي خطرناڪ فضول انتظام ۽ آلودگي واري سائيٽ جي علاج ۾ ماهر آهي، ۽ اتر آمريڪا ۽ دنيا جي 15 ملڪن/علائقن ۾ وسيع تجربو آهي. Shanghai phase separation
Winning Brands Corporation (OTC: WNBD) is a manufacturer of advanced environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. www.Vappex.com ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪرڻ کان علاوه ٻاڦ جي جراثيمن کي ڪمرشلائيز ڪرڻ لاءِ www.BlauAire.com هڪ گڏيل منصوبي جي طور تي، Winning Brands پڻ هڪ KIND(R) ڌوٻي پراڊڪٽ، 1000+(TM) صابن، سڀ کان وڌيڪ ورسٽائل صفائي جو حل آهي. world ( TM), (www.1000Plus.ca), Brilliant Wet Cleaning Solutions (www.BrilliantWetCleaning.com) and other products provided through its subsidiary Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd. 1000+ detergent is a multi-purpose cleaning solvent with unique and ideal خاصيتون. Some of the largest retailers in Canada, including Wal-Mart in Canada, Home Depot, Lowe's, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, and many stores in the United States, can use 1,000+ from the coast to the coast. TrackMoist and ReGUARD4 are examples of industry-specific solutions from Winning Brands. TrackMoist enhances the performance of dusty surfaces used in sports and entertainment venues (www.TrackMoist.com). ReGUARD4 is a series of fire safety cleaning solutions for emergency personnel.
WS Atkins Plc (LESE: ATK.L) دنيا جي سڀني معزز ڊزائننگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ جي مئنيجمينٽ مشاورت ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ مشاورت ڪمپنين. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins بحري قابل تجديد توانائي جي انقلاب ۾ سڀ کان اڳيان آهي، قابل اعتماد تصورات ۽ تفصيلي انجنيئرنگ ڊيزائن ۽ مالڪ-انجنيئر خدمتون ونڊ، موج ۽ ٽائل توانائي جي شعبن ۾ مهيا ڪري ٿي.
WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) is one of the world's leading professional service companies. WSP provides technical expertise to clients in real estate, buildings, transportation and infrastructure, environment, industry, and resources (including mining and oil and gas) Knowledge and strategy consulting for natural gas) and power and energy fields. WSP also provides highly specialized services in project delivery and strategic consulting. Its experts include engineers, consultants, technicians, scientists, architects, planners, surveyors and environmental experts, as well as other design, planning and construction management professionals. 40 ملڪن/علائقن ۾ 500 آفيسن ۾ لڳ ڀڳ 34,000 ملازمن سان، WSP وٽ WSP ۽ WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff brands تحت ڪامياب ۽ پائيدار منصوبن جو فائدو آهي. Water: In June 2016, the company announced that it had reached an agreement with Schlumberger, the world's leading oilfield services company, to acquire its industrial water consulting business. اهو ڪاروبار WSP کي پاڻي جي صلاحڪار خدمتون ۽ پروجيڪٽ حل فراهم ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائيندو عالمي صنعتي گراهڪن کي.

ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) designs, finances, builds and operates waste-to-energy plants that process solid municipal, medical and industrial waste to generate electricity. Since 1996, Sino-German Group has completed about 200 waste treatment projects in 13 provinces. Sino-German is one of the most well-known companies in the field of waste energy EPC and BOT projects, and is also a manufacturer of large-scale combustion plants in China. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). BOT پروجيڪٽ ۾ هڪ سيڙپڪار جي حيثيت سان، چين-جرمن پڻ فضول توانائي جا پلانٽ هلائي ٿو. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. China headquarters is located in Beijing, China. Sino-German production plant is located in Fuzhou, China.
5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. ڪمپني مڪمل طور تي بند ٿيل لوپ ريسائڪلنگ سهولتن سان گڏ آهي، هيڊ ڪوارٽر مونٽريال، ڪيوبيڪ، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ يورپ، آمريڪا ۽ ايشيا جي ڪيترن ئي علائقن ۾ پيداواري پلانٽ ۽ سيلز آفيسون آهن. 5N پلس پروڊڪٽس پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ ملڪيت ۽ ثابت ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجيز جو هڪ سلسلو لڳايو آهي جيڪي ڪيترن ئي جديد دواسازي، اليڪٽرانڪ ۽ صنعتي ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ٿي سگهن ٿيون. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials
Huaguan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 6289.TW) is engaged in the development, manufacturing and distribution of light-emitting diode (LED) wafers and LED chips. The company is also involved in providing technical support and after-sales service for LED chips and LED chips. The company's LED products are mainly used in displays, automobiles, consumer electronics, communication products, information products and indicator lights. ڪمپني جي شين کي ملڪي مارڪيٽ ۽ ٻين ايشيائي ملڪن ۾ ورهايو ويو آهي. AOC هاڻي دنيا ۾ ڪيترن ئي معروف LED ٺاهيندڙن جو مکيه سپلائر آهي

CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) قائم ڪيو ويو صاف ۽ منظم "وائرلیس پاور" مهيا ڪرڻ جي نظريي جي بنياد تي. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) LED روشنيءَ واري انقلاب جي اڳواڻي ڪري ٿي ۽ روايتي لائٽنگ ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ختم ڪري ٿو جيڪي توانائي جي بچت، پاري کان آزاد LED لائٽنگ استعمال ڪندي توانائي کي ضايع ڪن ٿيون. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. Cree's product line includes LED lamps and bulbs, blue and green LED chips, high-brightness LEDs, lighting-grade power LEDs, power switching devices and RF devices. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. It provides energy-efficient LED solutions for exterior and interior space lighting applications, including parking lot and street lighting, floodlights, traffic lights, downlights and bulb replacements, fluorescent lights and custom applications. The company also sells WePOWER vertical axis wind turbines, including on-grid and off-grid wind turbines for residential, commercial, industrial and government applications; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; ۽ Skystream تجارتي لائٽنگ سسٽم. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
CRS Electronics Inc. (TSX: LED.V) اڀرندڙ، تيزي سان اڀرندڙ اعليٰ ڪارڪردگيءَ واري روشنيءَ واري ڊيوڊ (“LED”) يا سولڊ اسٽيٽ لائٽنگ (“SSL”) مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اڳواڻ آهي. The main activities of CRS Electronics include the development, manufacture and sale of indoor lighting products, such as LED replacement lights, external LED warning lights for school buses, child safety systems for school buses, LED architectural lighting equipment, and OEM production of LED circuit boards in North America. Since 1998, as an innovator of LED solutions, CRS Electronics Inc. has continued to expand its product portfolio and market share with business partners and customers. KVIC Lighting™ ۽ Lumenova™ ٻه پراڊڪٽ لائينون آھن جيڪي CRS Electronics Inc. جي توسيع جي عزم جي عڪاسي ڪن ٿيون.

Dialight plc (LSE: DIA.L) The group includes the following business units: lighting to meet the growing demand for energy-saving lighting solutions in industrial/hazardous locations; سگنل جيڪي ٽرئفڪ، نقل و حمل ۽ رڪاوٽ سگنلن کي ڍڪيندا آهن؛ ۽ خاص طور تي اليڪٽرانڪس OEM کي وڪرو ڪري ٿو حصن کي ظاهر ڪرڻ لاءِ اسٽيٽس. ڪمپني جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر برطانيه ۾ آهي، ڪاروباري جڳهون آسٽريليا، برازيل، ڊنمارڪ، جرمني، ملائيشيا، ميڪسيڪو، سنگاپور، يو اي اي، برطانيه ۽ آمريڪا ۾ آهن.

Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Global related markets. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon پنهنجي گراهڪن کي آپريٽنگ خرچن کي گهٽائڻ، اطمينان ۽ حفاظت کي بهتر ڪرڻ، آمدني وڌائڻ، ۽ موجوده ۽ اڀرندڙ مارڪيٽن ٻنهي ۾ بهتر ڪارڪردگي ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو.
Energy Focus Inc. (NasdaqCM: EFOI) توانائي جي بچت واري LED لائٽنگ پراڊڪٽس جو هڪ معروف فراهم ڪندڙ ۽ توانائي جي بچت واري روشني ٽيڪنالاجي جو هڪ ڊولپر آهي. Compared with traditional lighting, our LED lighting products can provide advantages in energy saving, aesthetics, safety and maintenance costs. آمريڪي حڪومت سان اسان جي ڊگھي مدي واري شراڪت اسان کي يو ايس نيوي ۽ ملٽري ميري ٽائيم ٽرانسپورٽيشن ڪمانڊ فليٽ لاءِ توانائيءَ جي موثر LED لائٽنگ پروڊڪٽس مهيا ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿي. ڪلائنٽ ۾ يو ايس جي قومي، رياستي ۽ مقامي حڪومتي ادارا ۽ فارچون 500 ڪمپنيون ۽ ٻيا ڪيترائي تجارتي ۽ صنعتي گراهڪ شامل آهن. The world headquarters is located in Solon, Ohio, with other offices in Washington, DC, New York City and Taiwan.
Fairchild Semiconductor (NasdaqGS: FCS) گھر جي اپلائنسز جي توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ پاور سپلائيز ۽ موبائيل سيميڪنڊڪٽر ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ڊزائين، ٺاھيو ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿو، موبائل ڊيوائس ٺاهيندڙن کي جديد نيون خاصيتون مهيا ڪرڻ ۽ صنعتي مصنوعات جي ڪارڪردگي کي بھتر ڪرڻ لاءِ. اسان جو عالمي ڪاروبار اندروني ۽ بيروني پيداوار ۽ لچڪدار ملٽي سورس سپلائي چين جي مدد سان آهي. Fairchild Semiconductor works with customers to understand their business and design challenges. We invest in continuous R&D, advanced materials science and supply chain innovation to maintain a leading position on the demand curve. اسان جي سيمي ڪنڊڪٽر حل لاءِ آٽوميٽڪ، موبائيل، ايل اي ڊي لائٽنگ ۽ پاور مئنيجمينٽ ايپليڪيشنون اسان جي گراهڪن کي هر روز ڪامياب ٿيڻ ۾ مدد ڪن ٿيون.

Heliospectra AB ADR (OTC: HLSPY; FirstNorth: HELIO) specializes in intelligent lighting technology for plant research and greenhouse cultivation. The company's lighting system combines several different sets of general-purpose light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with optical devices, remote sensing technology and powerful heat dissipation solutions to provide effective and long-lasting technology for greenhouse and indoor plant cultivation. This proprietary setting allows growers to control the intensity and wavelength of the emitted light, thereby creating a spectrum that is specifically adjusted for different plant species and growth stages to better promote photosynthesis. The complete, well-designed light produces crops that look better, taste better, and have a longer shelf life than those under HID lights. This technology can not only reduce energy consumption by up to 50%, but also helps to stimulate growth characteristics and improve plant quality. ٻين فائدن ۾ شامل آھن گھٽ روشنيءَ جي آلودگي، گھٽ پاري جو استعمال روايتي HID/HPS بلب کان پاسو ڪندي، ۽ گھٽ ۾ گھٽ HVAC سيڙپڪاري ۽ مھينن جي خرچن جي گھرج. Heliospectra پراڊڪٽس ٻوٽن جي فزيالوجي ۽ فوٽو سنٿيسس جي کوٽائي تي ٻڌل آهن، انهي سان گڏ جديد LED ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي هڪ منفرد طريقو. After six years of development in Sweden, the company has now begun to expand into the international market. The company has raised more than US$21 million in funding and has received more than US$2.6 million through academic scholarships and grants. Its forward-looking technology has also won numerous awards.
Infineon Technologies (اڳوڻي انٽرنيشنل ريڪٽيفيئر ڪمپني) (OTC: IFNNY؛ Frankfurt: IFX.F) سيمي ڪنڊڪٽر فيلڊ ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. Infineon provides products and system solutions that can solve the three main challenges facing modern society: energy efficiency, mobility and safety. In January 2015, Infineon acquired the US-based International Rectifier Company, a leading provider of power management technology. International Rectifier Corporation (IR®) is a world leader in power management technology. Leading manufacturers of computers, energy-saving appliances, lighting, automobiles, satellites, aircraft, and defense systems all rely on IR's power management benchmarks to power their next-generation products.
Iota Communications Inc. (OTC: IOTC) هڪ وائرليس نيٽ ورڪ آپريٽر ۽ سافٽ ويئر ايپليڪيشن فراهم ڪندڙ آهي جيڪو انٽرنيٽ جي شين لاءِ وقف آهي. Iota بار بار آمدني حل وڪرو ڪري ٿو جيڪو توانائي جي استعمال، استحڪام ۽ تجارتي ۽ صنعتي سهولتن جي آپريشن کي سڌو يا ٽئين پارٽي جي رشتن ذريعي بهتر ڪري سگهي ٿو. Iota also provides important ancillary products and services to promote the adoption of its subscription-based services, including solar, LED lighting and HVAC implementation services.
LED International Holdings (LSE: LED.L) participates in the provision of energy management contract services (“EMC contracts”) or energy performance contract services, according to which the Group installs energy-saving products in its customers' houses, including lighting and reactive filtering equipment The electricity is provided by the group, and then the customer saves the electricity bill, and then the electricity is shared by the group with the customer, so that the group generates recurring income instead of one-time sales income. ، گهٽ پاور لائٽ ايميٽنگ ڊيوڊ (ايل اي ڊي) ڊسپلي ۽ ماڊلز ٺاهڻ ۽ وڪڻڻ.
لائٽنگ سائنس گروپ ڪارپوريشن (OTC: LSCG) جديد LED لائٽنگ حلن ۾ عالمي ليڊر آھي جيڪي صارف ۽ تجارتي ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ جديد سمارٽ پروڊڪٽس جي ڊيزائن، ٺاھڻ ۽ مارڪيٽ ڪن ٿا. We are committed to using light science to improve the lives and health of people and our planet by inventing breakthrough bio-friendly LED lights and lighting devices.
نيو نيون هولڊنگس لميٽيڊ (هانگ ڪانگ: 1868.HK) دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو ڪارخانو آهي جيڪو روايتي ۽ LED آرائشي روشنيءَ جو. The company operates light-emitting diode (LED) decorative lighting business, engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of LED decorative lighting products; LED general lighting lighting business unit, engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of LED general lighting lighting products; incandescent lighting lighting department, engaged in incandescent lighting lighting products The entertainment lighting segment is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of entertainment lighting products, and all other segments are engaged in the distribution of lighting product accessories.

Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 2340.TW) is a Taiwanese company mainly engaged in the manufacture of optoelectronic semiconductor components and related products. The company's main products are divided into three categories: light-emitting diode (LED) components, including LED chips and infrared light-emitting diode chips; photodetection diode components, including photodetection diode chips, photodetection semiconductor chips and high-power electronic components, and system products , Including LED information display, LED lighting system and LED car lights. It also provides LED package components. ڪمپني جي شين کي ملڪي مارڪيٽ ۾ ورهايو ويو آهي ۽ غير ملڪي مارڪيٽن سميت يورپ، آمريڪا ۽ ايشيا جي ٻين علائقن ۾.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQCM: OESX) is leading the transformation of commercial and industrial buildings through the most advanced energy-saving lighting systems and retrofit lighting solutions. Orion manufactures and sells a series of cutting-edge products, including LED solid-state lighting and high-intensity fluorescent lamps. Orion جي ڪيترن ئي 100 کان وڌيڪ پيٽرن ۽ التوا واري پيٽرن جو تعلق روشني واري نظام سان آهي، جن ۾ بهترين آپٽيڪل ۽ حرارتي ڪارڪردگي آهي، جيڪي مالياتي، ماحولياتي ۽ ڪم اسپيس جا حصا آڻي سگهن ٿا ڪيترن ئي گراهڪن کي بحالي جي مارڪيٽ ۾ فائدا.

PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (اي ايس سي او سڏيو ويندو آهي). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.
Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM: RVLT) is a leading LED lighting solutions company. We design, manufacture, sell and sell energy-efficient LED and conventional lighting solutions. We have strong strengths in the industrial, commercial and government markets in the United States, Canada and around the world. Revolution Lighting هڪ جديد، ملٽي برانڊ لائٽنگ ڪمپني ٺاهي آهي جيڪا اعليٰ معيار جي انڊور ۽ آئوٽ ڊور LED ليمپس ۽ فيڪسچرز جو هڪ جامع پراڊڪٽ پليٽ فارم مهيا ڪري ٿي، جيڪا ترقي پذير LED لائٽنگ حل مارڪيٽ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿي. Revolution Lighting markets and distributes its products through a network of independent sales representatives and distributors, as well as energy-saving companies, national accounts and its wholly-owned subsidiary Value Lighting. ويليو لائٽنگ گھڻن خاندانن جي گھرن ۽ نئين رھائشي عمارتن لاءِ روشنيءَ جي حل جو ھڪ معروف سپلائر آھي. مارڪيٽ جي RVLT سيريز ۾ ٻين برانڊن ۾ Lumificient شامل آهن، جيڪي سگنل انڊسٽري لاء LED لائٽنگ مهيا ڪن ٿا. ۽ موڪليو، جيڪو انقلابي پيٽرٽ ۽ لائسنس يافته پينٽنگ ۽ سمارٽ گرڊ ڪنٽرول سسٽم لاء مناسب آهي. Revolution Lighting is recognized as a 2014 Deloitte High-Tech High-Growth 500 company.

Rubicon Technology Inc. (NasdaqGS: RBCN) is a vertically integrated provider of advanced electronic materials that specializes in single crystal sapphire for light-emitting diodes (LED), optical systems and special electronic devices. روبيڪن وٽ هڪ بي مثال ٽيڪنالاجي پليٽ فارم ۽ ماهر آهي، ايلومينا جي تياري کان وٺي سفائر ڪرسٽل جي واڌ ۽ پيداوار تائين، وڏي قطر جي پالش ٿيل سيفائر ويفرز ۽ نمونن واري سيفائر سبسٽراٽس (PSS) تائين، روبيڪن کي اعليٰ معيار ۽ درست ڪسٽم سيفائر پروڊڪٽس مهيا ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿي. .

Seoul Semiconductor Company, Ltd. (SSC) (Korea: 046890.KQ) ٺاهي ۽ پيڪيج ڪري ٿي مختلف لائيٽ ايميٽنگ ڊيوڊس (LEDs) جيڪي آٽو موٽو، جنرل لائٽنگ، برقي آلات، نشانين ۽ بيڪ لائٽنگ مارڪيٽن ۾ استعمال ٿيل آهن. ڪمپني دنيا ۾ پنجين وڏي LED فراهم ڪندڙ آهي، سڄي دنيا ۾ 10,000 کان وڌيڪ پيٽرن سان، ۽ "nPola"، ڊيپ الٽرا وائلٽ LED، ۽ "Acrich" (دنيا جي پهرين تجارتي طور تي پيدا ٿيندڙ سڌي روشني جي شعبن ۾ LEDs جي وسيع رينج مهيا ڪري ٿي. ) Technology and production capacity. AC LED and “Acrich MJT-Multi-Junction Technology” proprietary high-voltage LED series.

Solco Ltd (Solco) (ASX: SOO.AX), the parent company of GO Energy Group, is composed of several Australian companies and is in a leading position in the latest high-efficiency energy technologies and services. Since its establishment in 2010, GO Energy Group has rapidly consolidated its pillar position in the national renewable energy field and has achieved extensive success and growth. Solco Limited is an entity listed on the ASX and has merged with GO Energy Group to provide the highest standard of renewable energy strategy. اسان جي CO2 مارڪيٽ برانڊ جي ذريعي، اسان آسٽريليا جي سڀ کان وڏي ماحولياتي سرٽيفڪيٽ واپارين مان هڪ بڻجي ويا آهيون، ۽ ساڳئي وقت توانائي جي وڌندڙ قيمتن کي منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ GO Energy ذريعي تجارتي شعبي کي سمارٽ، ممڪن ۽ قابل تجديد حل فراهم ڪريون ٿا. Our highly competitive bundled product portfolio combines retail energy with other products, such as our best price guarantee, tailor-made solar power generation, efficient lighting and energy monitoring services, all of which are a nationwide Success can help our customers overcome the increasing cost of electricity and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. هن فيلڊ جي مسلسل ترقي ۾، اسان جي جديد برانڊ GO ڪوٽا جو مقصد شمسي صنعت کي سپورٽ ڪرڻ ۽ صارفين کي مقامي شمسي فراهم ڪندڙن کان مفت انسٽاليشن ڪوٽا حاصل ڪرڻ جو موقعو ڏيڻ آهي، جڏهن ته CO2 گلوبل معيار جي ضمانت (QA) ۽ معيار ڪنٽرول (QC) فراهم ڪري ٿو. process is unparalleled, and the global optimization plan for solar products is maintained.
Solis Tek Inc. (OTC: SLTK) هائيڊروپونڪس انڊسٽري لاءِ ڊجيٽل لائٽنگ سامان جو هڪ درآمد ڪندڙ، ورهائيندڙ ۽ مارڪيٽ آهي، جيڪو جديد، توانائي جي بچاءَ واري انڊور/گرين هائوس باغباني جي روشني ۽ معاون سامان جي تحقيق، ڊيزائن، ترقي ۽ پيداوار تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو. ان جي ملڪيت جي ٽيڪنالاجيز مان ڪجھ استعمال ڪندي، ڪمپني پنھنجي بيلٽ، ريفلڪٽر ۽ چراغ جي شين جي ذريعي جديد ڄاڻ مهيا ڪري ٿي. اسان جو مقصد جديد ترقيات کي استعمال ڪرڻ آهي موثر روشني ۽ ڪنٽرول ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ موثر پيداوار واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي مختلف شين کي مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ واضح فائدن سان گرين هائوس ۽ اندروني باغباني مارڪيٽن کي مقابلي واري قيمتن تي. The company's customers include retail stores, distributors and commercial growers in the United States and abroad.

Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) آٽو موبائيل پارٽس، آپٽو اليڪٽرانڪ پراڊڪٽس ۽ ٻيون عام صنعتي پراڊڪٽس ٺاهي ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿي. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; functional components, including fuel tank module components, power transmission system parts, and chassis and transmission systems Parts; internal and external parts; ۽ حفاظتي نظام جون شيون، جهڙوڪ ايئر بيگز، اسٽيرنگ ويلز وغيره. ڪمپني پڻ سولر ايل اي ڊي ۽ ڊيپ الٽرا وائلٽ لائٽ ماڊيول مهيا ڪري ٿي؛ and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights
Transportation Technology Limited (ASX: TTI.AX) is Australia's largest transportation company, dedicated to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions for the transportation industry. ٽريفڪ ٽيڪنالاجيز 2004 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ 2005 ۾ آسٽريليا اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج تي درج ڪيو ويو. ان جي ٻن ڊويزنن، ٽيڪنالاجي مصنوعات ۽ سگنل ڊويزن جي ذريعي، ان صنعتن جي تقاضا ۾ سٺي شهرت حاصل ڪئي. Aldridge LED lighting system

UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. شمسي توانائي، ونڊ انرجي، LED لائٽنگ
Universal Display Corporation (NasdaqGS: OLED) is a leader in the development and provision of the most advanced organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology, materials and services to the display and lighting industries. The company was established in 1994 and currently owns or owns exclusive rights, joint exclusive rights or sole licensing rights globally, involving more than 3,500 issued and pending patents. يونيورسل ڊسپلي ان جي ملڪيت واري ٽيڪنالاجيز کي لائسنس ڏئي ٿو، بشمول ان جي پيش رفت اعلي ڪارڪردگي UniversalPHOLED® فاسفورسنٽ OLED ٽيڪنالاجي، جيڪا گهٽ طاقت ۽ ماحول دوست ڊسپلي ۽ روشني جي ترقي کي قابل بڻائي ٿي. ڪمپني پڻ ترقي ڪري ٿي ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿي اعليٰ معيار جو، جديد يونيورسل PHOLED مواد، جن کي بهترين ڪارڪردگيءَ سان OLEDs ٺاهڻ لاءِ اهم اجزاء سمجهيو وڃي ٿو. In addition, Universal Display also provides innovative and customized solutions to its customers and partners through technology transfer, collaborative technology development and on-site training. Universal Display is headquartered in Ewing, New Jersey, has international offices in Ireland, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, and cooperates with a network of world-class organizations.
Zhejiang Yangkang Group Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600261.SS) هڪ ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر چين ۾ آهي، خاص طور تي روشني جي سامان جي ترقي، تعمير ۽ ورڇ ۾ مصروف آهي. ڪمپنيءَ جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ شامل آهن اليڪٽرونڪ انرجي-سيونگ ليمپس، T5 هاءِ پاور انرجي-سيونگ فلورسنٽ ليمپس ۽ لاڳاپيل لوازمات، اسپيشل ليمپس، لائٽ ايميٽنگ ڊيوڊ (LED) لائٽنگ جو سامان وغيره. Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Asia and other regions.
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 آٽو موٽيو ڪاميابيءَ سان ڊگھي مدي وارا پارٽنرشپ ۽ خاص معاهدا قائم ڪري چڪو آهي مختلف راند کي تبديل ڪرڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجيز لاءِ. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. پنج سيٽن واري ڪاربن فائبر لگزري سيڊان Ibis EV، e-Go جو وڏو ڀاءُ، پڻ ڏيکاريو ويندو e-Go EV سان گڏ آمريڪا ۾ مستقبل جي وڪرو لاءِ.

Aberdeen International (TSX: AAB.TO; OTC: AABVF) is a private equity investor and advisor focused on the global mining and natural resource industries. آفريڪا ۾ Aberdeen جي پهرين سيڙپڪاري Thunder Platinum ڏکڻ آفريڪا ۾ مشهور Bushveld ڪمپليڪس ۾ هڪ گهٽ قيمت پلاٽينم گروپ ڌاتو پيدا ڪندڙ آهي. ابرڊين ارجنٽائن ۾ منافعي واري ڊيابليلوس ليتيم پروجيڪٽ حاصل ڪندي پنهنجي معدني سيڙپڪاري جي ذخيري کي وڌيڪ وڌائيندو.

Advantage Lithium Corp. (TSX: AAL.V) ھڪڙي وسيلن جي ڪمپني آھي جيڪا ليتيم اثاثن جي اسٽريٽجڪ حصول، ڳولا ۽ ترقي ۾ ماهر آھي، ھيڊ ڪوارٽر وانڪوور، برٽش ڪولمبيا ۾ آھي. The company has signed a letter of intent with lithium producer Orocobre to acquire a 100% stake in five projects in Argentina and a 75% stake in the sixth project called Cauchari. Cauchari has near-surface resources of 470,000 tons of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) and 1.62 million tons of potash fertilizer (KCL). Large-scale exploration targets are 5.6mt to 0.25mt LCE and 19mt to 0.9KCL. Cauchari is located only 20 kilometers south of Orocobre's flagship Olaroz lithium battery facility. The company also received investment from Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp., a portfolio of five lithium brine projects in Clayton and Lida Valley, Nevada, of which 70% are in Clayton NE. In addition, the company has acquired 100% of the Stella Marys lithium brine project, which is adjacent to the Salinas Grandes project in Orocobre, which is located in the triangular lithium mine in Argentina, which has inferred near-surface resources.
AJN Resources Inc. (CSE: AJN) is an exploration and development company established for the purpose of acquiring, exploring and developing lithium resource properties under guaranteed and feasible conditions. اسان ثابت ڪيل صلاحيت سان ملڪيت حاصل ڪري ۽ ترقي ڪريون ٿا. The management and directors of AJN have more than 75 years of collective industry experience and are very successful in exploration, financing, and development of major mines around the world.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. پهرين درجي ۾ ليٿيم بيٽرين سان هلندڙ موٽرسائيڪلون آهن، بعد ۾ موٽر سائيڪلون. ALYI پڻ تازو ئي ڪلارڪسن يونيورسٽي جي پروفيسر ڊيوڊ متلن کي ڀنگ جي انرجي اسٽوريج پروگرام جي اڳواڻي ڪرڻ لاءِ رکيو آهي. Mitlin successfully used hemp (remaining fiber of hemp) to construct carbon nanosheets, which can compete with some of the better graphene nanosheets and outperform supercapacitors in some aspects . Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.
Altura Mining Limited (ASX: AJM.AX) is a major player in the global lithium market and is taking advantage of the growing demand for lithium-ion battery raw materials for the manufacture of electric vehicles and static storage. Altura owns and operates a world-class Altura lithium project in Pilgangoora, Pilbara, Western Australia, with an annual production capacity of 220,000 tons of high-quality spodumene concentrate. ڪمپني ٻئي مرحلي جي پيداواري صلاحيت کي 440,000tpa تائين وڌائڻ لاءِ طئياتي فزيبلٽي اسٽڊي مڪمل ڪري ورتي آهي، ۽ پهرين مرحلي جي عملن جو جائزو وٺڻ ۽ نيم پليٽ جي پيداوار کي وڌائڻ کان پوءِ حتمي سيڙپڪاري جو فيصلو ڪيو آهي.
Ariana Resources plc (LSE: AAU.L) is a leading exploration, development and production company currently focusing on Turkey. The company's goal is to discover larger mineral systems mainly in the Western Anatolian Volcano and Extension Zone (WAVE) province in western Turkey. The province has the largest operating gold mine in Turkey, and the discovery of new porphyry and hyperthermal deposits still has high prospects. In the province, Ariana has one advanced development project (Red Rabbit project) and two other advanced exploration projects (Ivrindi and Demirci). The area around the project is called the WAVE project area. مغربي ترڪي ۾ اسان جي وسيلن جي ترقي ۽ ڳولا واري حڪمت عملي جي متوازي، آريانا اتر اوڀر ترڪي ۾ ان جي ڳولا واري پورٽ فوليو سان گڏ هڪ گڏيل منصوبو قائم ڪيو، جيڪو Eldorado Gold Corp. (Eldorado Gold Corp.) قائم ڪري ٿو. Ariana is also a founding investor in Royal Road Minerals (Jersey), which focuses on gold/copper exploration and Asgard Metals (located in Australia) with a focus on technical metal exploration (lithium). The company also continues to evaluate new acquisition or joint venture opportunities in Turkey or elsewhere.

Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (OTC: AVLNF; TSX: AVL.TO) (اڳوڻي Avalon Rare Metals Inc. جي نالي سان مشهور آهي) هڪ ڪينيڊا جي معدني ترقي واري ڪمپني آهي جيڪا اڀرندڙ مارڪيٽن ۾ دھاتن ۽ معدنيات جي ضرورتن تي تحقيق ڪرڻ ۽ نئين شين جي ترقي ۾ ماهر آهي. technologies. طلب وڌندي رهي ٿي. ڪمپني وٽ ٽي ترقي يافته اسٽيج پراجيڪٽ آهن جيڪي سڀئي 100٪ ملڪيت سان گڏ آهن، سيڙپڪارن کي ليٿيم، ٽين ۽ انڊيم ۾ سيڙپڪاري سان گڏوگڏ نادر زمين عناصر، ٽينٽلم، نيوبيم ۽ زرڪونيم ۾ سيڙپڪاري فراهم ڪن ٿا. Avalon is currently focusing on the Separed Rapids lithium project in Kenora, Ontario, and the East Kemptville tin-indium project in Yarmouth, New South Wales. سماجي ذميواري ۽ ماحولياتي انتظام ڪمپني جا بنياد آهن.
Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) is a leading manufacturer of household and commercial electric vehicles, drive systems and lithium battery storage systems. اسان عالمي ٽرڪ ۽ بس ٺاهيندڙن لاءِ ڪسٽمائيز برقي ڊرائيو سسٽم حل پڻ ٺاهيندا آهيون. Balqon Corporation has production and R&D facilities in Seaport, California, and works with local manufacturing partners to manufacture electric buses and trucks in Europe, India and China.

Champion Bear Resources Limited (TSX: CBA.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company that specializes in the historic regions of Ontario. ڪمپني جو مکيه ھدف پلاٽينم گروپ جي ڌاتو آھي، ۽ گھٽ حد تائين سون، پوليٽيڪل ۽ نادر ڌاتو جا ذخيرا. Lithium properties: separated rapids
Chimata Gold Corp. (TSX: CAT.V; CSE: CAT) is a Canadian company founded in 2010 and headquartered in Vancouver, Biltis. Chimata is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of minerals in Canada and abroad (currently in Zimbabwe). موجوده توجه BAM معدنيات ۽ ٽرائلس اتر معدنيات لاءِ تجويز ڪيل ڳولا واري منصوبي تي آهي، ۽ زمبابوي ۾ امڪاني ليتيم معدنيات ۽ اثاثن جي ترقي تي ڪماتيوي ٽين مائن تي واقع آهي. Chimata continues to identify and potentially acquire other property interests, and conduct exploration and evaluation to assess its potential, while identifying strategic alliances, acquisitions or joint ventures.
China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) ۽ ان جي ماتحت ڪمپنيون گڏيل طور تي چين ۽ بين الاقوامي سطح تي اعليٰ توانائي ۽ اعليٰ توانائي واري ليٿيم بيٽرين جي ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪري لاءِ پرعزم آهن. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.

سائپريس ڊولپمينٽ ڪارپوريشن (TSX: CYP.V) هڪ ليتيم-زنڪ-زنڪ-سلور جي ڳولا واري ڪمپني آهي جيڪا نيواڊا، يو ايس اي ۾ منصوبن کي ترقي ڪري ٿي
Daikin Resources Corporation (TSX: DJI.V) is an early energy metal exploration company with 100% interest in 215 placer claims in the Teels Marsh area of ​​Mineral County, Nevada, which is known to contain lithium and boron . Daikin has reached an option agreement with Southern Sun Mining Company (TSX-V: SSI) to explore their alkaline lake area in Esmeralda County, Nevada (located northeast of the Clayton Valley lithium business in Rockwood) 191 placer claims 7 miles (12 kilometers) پري. . Daikin also has a 100% interest in concession or concession applications in Jujuy Province, Argentina, which were acquired in areas where brines with known potassium, lithium and boron values ​​are contained. These concessions are located in the Salinas Grandes/Guayatoque Salt Lake Basin, adjacent to the concessions held by Orocobre Limited (ORL-T: TSX) in cooperation with Toyota Tsusho. داجن تازو ئي ٽريس مورس ڪميونٽي سان هڪ معاهدو ڪيو آهي ته جيئن سين جوز ۽ نيويادڊ رعايتن کي سليناس گرانڊس جي لوڻ مارشز ۾ ڳولڻ لاءِ.
E3 METALS CORP. (TSXV: ETMC) (OTC: EEMMF) is a lithium company that develops an inferred mineral resource of 6.7 Mt LCE in Alberta. By commercializing its proprietary lithium extraction process, E3 plans to rapidly produce high-purity battery-grade lithium hydroxide. E3Metals Corp combines a large amount of resources with the right technical solutions and has the potential to bring lithium products to the market. دنيا جي بهترين عدالتن مان هڪ. Our prolific Leduc Reservoir has lithium-rich brine and has so far mapped 6.7 million tons of LCE inferred mineral resources. In Alberta, the development of this resource through saltwater production is a well-known risky activity, and this saltwater is currently being produced through a large amount of oil and gas development. Although lithium brines and hydrocarbons are mutually exclusive, the Leduc reservoir can support a small amount of brine production touted by other brines, with one well capable of bringing 10,000 m3/day (115 L/s) to the surface. The average and consistent grade of E3 Metals ion exchange technology in Clearwater Resource Area 1 is 77.4 mg/L, which can quickly produce concentrates up to 1500 mg/L2. ساڳئي وقت، 99٪ نجاست ۽ 90٪ جي سراسري وصولي جي شرح کي هٽايو ويو آهي، جيڪو هڪ مرڪوز خام مال پيدا ڪري ٿو جيڪو سڌو سنئون روايتي ليتيم پيداوار جي ٽيڪنالاجي ذريعي پروسيس ڪيو وڃي ٿو ته جيئن اعلي خالص ليٿيم هائيڊروڪسائيڊ (LiOH∙H2O) پيدا ٿئي. . The company's plan is to provide 10,000 tons/year LiOH processing facilities by 2022 and continue to expand to the final 50,000 tons/year.
Edison Cobalt Corp (TSX: EDDY.V) is a Canadian-based junior mining exploration company that focuses on the procurement, exploration and development of cobalt, lithium and other energy metals. ايڊيسن ڪوبالٽ جي حصول واري حڪمت عملي جو مقصد ثابت ڪيل جيولوجيڪل صلاحيت وارن علائقن ۾ مناسب قيمت، قيمتي ۽ اعليٰ درجي جي معدنيات حاصل ڪرڻ تي آهي.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. برقيات کي فروغ ڏيو (ڪارون، ريچارجبل بيٽرين، وڏي پيماني تي توانائي اسٽوريج، قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار ۽ ٻيون ايپليڪيشنون). اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين جي وڪرو، بيٽري جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي مان بجلي جي پيداوار ايندڙ ڪجهه سالن ۾ خاص طور تي وڌڻ جو امڪان آهي، تنهنڪري انهن حدف ٿيل شين جي گهرج مطابق وڌي ويندي. اهو هڪ منفرد موقعو پيدا ڪري ٿو سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ ۽ مائنز ۽ منصوبن تي رائلٽي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي توانائي جي انقلاب لاءِ گهربل مواد فراهم ڪندا. گلوبلڪس پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کان علاوه، برقي فرنچائز جي استعمال لاء ارادي جو خط پابند آهي. رائلٽي جا 6 مجموعا آهن. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.

فعال ڪريو IPC (OTC: EIPC) آمريڪا ۾ نئين نانو اسٽريچرز کي ترقي ۽ تجارتي ڪري ٿو. ان جي نانو اسٽريچر کي ريچارجبل بيٽرين ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿا گھٽ پاور ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ، گڏو گڏ مائڪرو بيٽرين ۾ خوردبيني فلمن تي. The company provides aluminum oxide anodized nanopore templates that can be used to create nanostructures and various filtration applications. نانو ذرات ۽ نانو ذرات جيڪي توانائي اسٽوريج ڊوائيسز ۾ استعمال ڪيا ويا آهن جهڙوڪ سپر ڪيپيسٽرز ۽ ليتيم آئن بيٽري ڪيٿوڊس. It also provides supercapacitors for consumer electronics, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the company also provides potentiostat systems to test batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, solar cells, sensors and metal corrosion applications. In addition, it provides radio frequency identification tags for various applications, including inventory warehouse, fleet tracking, pallet tracking, military tracking, log recording, and tracking of dock and port containers.
Enertopia Corporation (CSE: TOP; OTCQB: ENRT) is committed to using modern technology to build shareholder value. Enertopia هڪ ليتيم وسيلو قائم ڪرڻ لاءِ محنت ڪري رهيو آهي، ۽ ساڳئي وقت صنعت جي معروف بالغ ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي پنهنجي مصنوعي برائن جي حل مان ليٿيم ڪڍڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي. Enertopia Corporation is an exploration and development company that uses modern technology to produce battery-grade lithium carbonate from brine, or produces synthetic brine through the company's lithium projects in Clayton Valley, Nevada, Dandan and Texas. The Steve Placer mine claims to be located near the Silver Peak lithium brine mine in Albemarle.
Far Resources Ltd. (CSE: FAT) is an exploration company publicly traded on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FAT, dedicated to identifying and developing high-potential mineral opportunities in a stable jurisdiction. Yuan Resources may acquire or select value attributes to achieve its current goal, which is to find, advance and release the potential of these mineral opportunities. پري وسيلن وٽ هن وقت ٻه معدني منصوبا آهن. The Zoro Lithium Project covers many known lithium pegmatite deposits and is located near Snow Lake in MB. منٽوبا کي فريزر انسٽيٽيوٽ پاران دنيا ۾ ٻيو نمبر وڏو کان کني سيڙپڪاري جي دائري ۾ رکيو ويو آهي. The second project is the Winston Project in New Mexico, USA, which is another historic mining asset with silver and gold potential. New Mexico is also included in the Fraser Institute list, ranking among the top 25 mining jurisdictions in the world.
Fengfan ڪمپني (شنگھائي: 600482.SS) ھڪ ڪمپني آھي جنھن جو صدر دفتر چين ۾ آھي، خاص طور تي بيٽري جي تحقيق، ترقي، پيداوار ۽ تقسيم ۾ مصروف آھي. The company's main products are batteries, including low temperature series, low maintenance series, SAIL series, electric vehicle series, ship series, maintenance-free series and complete series, such as lead-acid batteries, motorcycle batteries, industrial batteries. Batteries and lithium-ion batteries, etc. In addition, it is also involved in the manufacturing and distribution of lead alloy products, battery casings and separators.
فرسٽ لبرٽي پاور ڪارپوريشن (OTC: FLPC) هڪ متنوع دريافت، ترقي ۽ جونيئر مائننگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪو آمريڪا جي مستقبل لاءِ اسٽريٽجڪ معدنيات مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف ڪري ٿو. فرسٽ لبرٽي پاور هڪ طريقي تي مبني آهي جنهن جو مقصد ڪمپني جي کان کني ۽ پروسيسنگ عملن جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي کي وڌائڻ آهي. ڪمپني جو مقصد منرل کي مارڪيٽ ۾ آڻڻ آهي جڏهن ته هميشه ملازمن جي حفاظت، ماحولياتي سالميت ۽ سٺي ڪمپني گورننس کي يقيني بڻائڻ آهي. FLPC's corporate philosophy is fully demonstrated in its Path to Progress (POP) program, which is an open and transparent communication platform used to inform shareholders, investors and mining partners of company news and progress. First Liberty Power's current mineral product portfolio includes antimony, gold and other strategic metal projects and properties. First Liberty Power is currently evaluating exploration and development opportunities for two lithium mines in Nevada and other claimable areas in the same geological area.
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTC: FLUX) develops and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage systems (“batteries”) based on its proprietary battery management system (BMS) and internal engineering and product design. Compared with traditional solutions, Flux storage solutions can provide higher performance, longer service life and greater return on investment. Flux مصنوعات وڪرو ڪري ٿو سڌو سنئون وڌندڙ ورهائڻ واري رشتي ذريعي. Products include advanced battery packs for power in lifting equipment, tugboats and towing and robotics markets, portable power supplies for military applications and stationary power supplies for grid storage.

گلوبل ليتيم آئن گريفائيٽ ڪمپني (سي ايس اي: LION) تيزي سان وڌندڙ ليتيم آئن بيٽري انڊسٽري لاءِ مکيه گريفائٽ فراهم ڪندڙ بڻجڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو- جنهن ۾ نيواڊا ۾ ٽسلا جو وڏو گيگا فيڪٽري پلانٽ ۽ ٻيا پلانٽ جيڪي عالمي سطح تي کولڻ جي منصوبابندي ڪيا ويا آهن.

گوسان ريسورسز لميٽيڊ (TSX: GSS.V) منٽوبا ۽ اتر اولهه اونٽاريو ۾ معدنيات جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي ۾ مصروف آهي. It has a rich asset portfolio, including gold, platinum group metals and base metals, as well as specialty and minor metals, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium and chromium. The company also has a large number of high-purity, magnesium-rich dolomite deposits and various financial interests in fracturing sand deposits.
Greatbatch Inc. (NYSE: GB) پنهنجي برانڊز ذريعي Greatbatch Medical, Electrochem ۽ QiG Group صنعتن لاءِ اعليٰ معيار جي ٽيڪنالاجي مهيا ڪري ٿي جيڪي قابل اعتماد، ڊگھي عرصي واري ڪارڪردگي تي ڀاڙين ٿيون. ڪسٽمائيز بيٽري پاور ۽ مئنيجمينٽ سسٽم مهيا ڪرڻ سان، چارجنگ ۽ ڊاکنگ اسٽيشنون، ۽ سڄي دنيا جي مارڪيٽن جي مطالبن لاء پاور سپلائيز، Electrochem نازڪ ايپليڪيشنن لاء ڪل پاور حل ۾ صنعت جي اڳواڻ آهي. اسان جي باني ولسن گريٽ بيچ جي ايجاد ڪيل ليٿيم بيٽري مان نڪتل آهي امپلانٽيبل پيس ميڪرز لاءِ، اسان جي فني مهارت ۽ وراثت ۾ مليل شاندار معيار ۽ اعتبار جو استعمال مشن جي ڪاميابي کي يقيني بڻائڻ لاءِ ڪيو ويو آهي.
Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage سسٽم، موبائيل ۽ ڪپڙا پروڊڪٽس، برقي سائيڪلون، طبي سامان، ڊجيٽل ۽ اليڪٽرانڪ سامان، ذاتي سنڀال ۽ گهريلو مصنوعات. The company is also developing emerging applications in the fields of drones, robotics and wireless charging technology. Highpower has advanced production facilities in China, and has more than 100 battery materials, processing and design patents. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.

Iconic Minerals Ltd. (TSX: ICM.V) is an exploration company focusing on the acquisition, exploration and development of outstanding projects in North America. The company's main focus is to discover and develop economical and multi-million ounce gold deposits through exploration of high-quality projects; اهو خاص طور تي نيواڊا ۾ عظيم تاريخي دريافت جي صلاحيت رکندڙ علائقن ۾ واقع آهي، جيڪو ترقي ۽ مائن جي پيداوار جي قيمت گھٽائيندو. Iconic Minerals has established a team of professionals with rich business and expertise in the discovery and development of many valuable gold mines; وسيلا وڌائڻ جي منصوبن لاءِ وينچر سرمائي سميت. Iconic's Bonnie Claire Lithium property: The property covers an area of ​​23,100 acres and is located in a valley approximately 30 kilometers (19 miles) long and 20 kilometers (12 miles) wide. The associated drainage area is 2,070 square kilometers (800 square miles). Quartz-rich volcanic rocks in and near the basin contain abnormal amounts of lithium. The company's geochemical analysis of the local salt flats found lithium values ​​as high as 340 ppm, including the USGS (United States Geological Survey) as high as 500 ppm. The low gravity point in the valley is 20 kilometers (12 miles) long, and the current estimated bedrock depth ranges from 600 to 900 meters (2,000 to 3,000 feet). The current claim scope covers low gravity points and related mudflats.

بين الاقوامي بيٽري ڌاتو محدود (سي اي اي: آئي ٽي پي) کي سڃاڻڻ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ، اثاثن ۽ ڪئننگ ​​ٽيڪنالاجيء ۾، اثاثن ۽ ڪئننگ ​​ٽيڪنالاجي فراهم ڪرڻ ۾ ان جي قيمت جي قيدي فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿي ۽ ان جي قيمت جي صنعت لاء سڀ کان وڌيڪ نازڪ معدنيات فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿي. After careful evaluation of various minerals, technological progress, imbalance between supply and demand, and internal advantages, International Battery Metals Corporation will focus on tin, lithium, cobalt and tantalum. بين الاقوامي بيٽري جون ڌنيون، انڊسٽري ماهر، صنعت جي ماهر ۽ ثابت ڪيل تجربي کي پنهنجو مشن حاصل ڪرڻ لاء پيش ڪيو ويو.
International Lithium Corp. (TSX: ILC.V) is an exploration company with an excellent project portfolio, strong management ownership, strong financial support, as well as a strategic partner and key investor Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. (China's leading lithium Product manufacturer). The company's main focus is the Mariana Lithium Potassium Brine Project, which was established as a joint venture with Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. in the famous South American “Lithium Belt”, which has most of the world's lithium resources, reserves and production. The Mariana project, covering an area of ​​160 square kilometers, strategically covers a complete mineral-rich evaporation basin, which is considered to be one of the most promising salt marshes or “salt lakes” in the region. Complementing the company's lithium brine project are the three rare metal pegmatite minerals in Canada, namely the Mavis, Raleigh and Forgan projects. A project in Ireland (Avalonia Project) covers a 50 km long pegmatite belt. The Mavis and Raleigh projects conducted by strategic partners Ganfeng Lithium and Avis and strategic partners Pioneer Resources Limited (PIO: ASX) are all Avalonia projects. The Mavis, Raleigh and Forgan projects together form the basis of the company's newly created Upper Canada lithium mining pool. The focus of the mining pool is to use previously reported high-concentration lithium to obtain numerous exploration prospects in close proximity to existing infrastructure. . As the demand for high-tech rechargeable batteries used in vehicle propulsion technology and portable electronics continues to increase, lithium is vital to tomorrow's “green technology” and sustainable economy. By positioning with solid development partners and obtaining high-quality grassroots projects in the early stages of exploration, ILC's goal is to become the preferred resource explorer for green technology investors and to create value for its shareholders.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. اسان عمارتن جي توانائي ۽ آپريشنل ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ معياري پراڊڪٽس، خدمتون ۽ حل ٺاهيندا آهيون؛ ليڊ ايسڊ ڪار بيٽريون ۽ هائبرڊ ۽ برقي گاڏين لاءِ جديد بيٽريون؛ ۽ ڪار اندروني نظام. جانسن ڪنٽرول ليتيم جي پاور جي بي طاقت ۽ توانائي جي ضرورتن کي پورو ڪرڻ لاء ليتيم آئن بيٽري ٽيڪنالاجي فراهم ڪري ٿو. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. ماڊلر فن تعمير اسان جي ليتيم آئن بيٽرين کي طاقتور پر ورسٽائل بڻائي ٿو. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.
Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSX: LEM.V) was established in August 2016 through the merger of Tasman Metals Ltd and Flinders Resources Ltd. The board of directors of the two companies recognized the synergies of the companies and the revenue gained from merging the two companies. The team focused on key raw materials. Our assets and research focus are raw materials for lithium-ion batteries (graphite, lithium, high-purity aluminum); اعلي حرارتي ڪارڪردگي جي تعمير جي شين لاء مواد (گرافائٽ، سليڪا، نيفيلين)؛ and materials that can improve energy generation efficiency ( dy, neodymium, ha). Leading Edge Materials is in an ideal position to play a key role in the sustainable supply of technology and energy-critical materials
Li3 Energy, Inc. Li3′s goal is to acquire, develop and commercialize a large number of lithium brine deposits in the Americas. Relying on the interest in the Maricenga project, as well as the completion of the NI 43-101-compliant measurable resource report and the acquisition of Cocina, Li3′s goal is to: a) advance Maricenga to the feasibility study stage; b) support the global implementation of clean and green Energy initiatives; ج) ليتيم مارڪيٽ جي وڌندڙ گهرج کي پورا ڪريو؛ d) Become a mid-range low-cost supplier of lithium, potassium nitrate, iodine and other strategic minerals, serving global customers in the energy, fertilizer and specialty chemical industries.
Liberty One Lithium Corp (TSX: LBY.V؛ OTCQB: LRTTF؛ FRANKFURT: L1T.F) ھڪڙي ڳولا واري ڪمپني آھي جيڪا اعليٰ درجي جي ليتيم برائن جي ذخيرن جي حصول ۽ ترقي لاءِ وقف ڪئي وئي آھي. مغربي ارجنٽائن ۾ Pocitos جي وسيع ملڪيت مشهور "ليتيم مثلث" جي دل ۾ واقع آهي، 25 ڪلوميٽرن جي اندر ڪيترن ئي ليتيم پيدا ڪندڙن جي رجحان ۾. The property is strategically located to produce lithium brine through low-cost and mature evaporation methods, and is adjacent to substantial infrastructure and skilled and experienced labor. Liberty's international team is composed of well-known technical experts who have focused on lithium for decades. The company strictly manages value creation decisions to ensure that the company has sufficient capital and continues to create value for shareholders.

LIVENT CORP. (NYSE: LTHM) سٺ سالن تائين، Livent ڪم ڪيو آهي گراهڪن سان محفوظ ۽ پائيدار طريقي سان استعمال ڪرڻ لاءِ دنيا کي طاقت ڏيڻ لاءِ ليٿيم. Livent is one of the few companies with the ability, reputation and know-how to produce high-quality finished lithium compounds that can help meet the growing demand for lithium. The company has one of the most extensive product portfolios in the industry, meeting the needs for green energy, modern mobility, mobile economy, and professional innovations including light alloys and lubricants. Livent has approximately 700 employees worldwide and has manufacturing plants in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, China and Argentina.
MacArthur Mining Co., Ltd. (TSX: MMS.V) هڪ ڳولا ۽ ترقي واري ڪمپني آهي جيڪا اعليٰ درجي جي ليٿيم جي دريافت ۽ ترقيءَ لاءِ وقف ڪئي وئي آهي ۽ ڪائونٽر سائڪليڪل سيڙپڪاري جيڪي MacArthur جي صلاحيتن کي مڪمل ڪن ٿيون.
Makena Resources Inc. (TSX: MKN.V) is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of minerals in Canada. Projects: Patterson Uranium Project; ڪلون گولڊ پروجيڪٽ؛ ڊي بي هيرن پروجيڪٽ. August 2016: Announced that it has signed a subscription agreement with Bachman Lithium Corp
The mission of Manganese X Energy Corp. (TSX: MN.V) is to acquire and advance the prospects of high-potential manganese ore mining in North America in order to provide value-added materials for lithium-ion batteries and other alternative energy industries . Strive to achieve a green/zero emission manganese treatment solution.

Millennial Lithium Corp. (TSX: ML.V; OTCQX: MLNLF) is an exploration and development company focused on high-quality lithium assets in Argentina. Proyecto Pastos Grandes SA is an important project of the company, has 100% ownership, and is strategically located in the Argentine region of the “Lithium Triangle” (with some of the largest lithium resources in the world). ملڪيت تقريبن 5,500 هيڪٽرن جي ايراضيء تي آهي ۽ سالٽا، ارجنٽائن کان 154 ڪلوميٽر اولهه ۾ واقع آهي. Millennial has also reached an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Cauchari East Lithium Project in Jujuy Province, Argentina (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”). Cauchari East، Cauchari-Olaroz Salar جي اوڀر طرف 2,990 هيڪٽرن تي قبضو ڪري ٿو، سالار ڊي اولاروز جي ڀرسان، اوروڪوبري پاران تيار ڪيل سالار ڊي اولاروز ۽ ليٿيم آمريڪن ڪارپوريشن کان late Cauchari-Olaroz.
Mineral Hill Industries Ltd. (TSX: MHI.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The mine has accumulated a diversified portfolio of high-quality lithium, gold and precious metal properties in Canada. The company's main focus is to put into operation the Liberty Hill gold mine operated by Mineral Hill's subsidiary Veritas Resources Corp., while continuing to explore and develop its four 100% owned hard rock lithium carbonate projects in Quebec (Canada). .
Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. ڪمپني تازو ئي Gecko Namibia (Pty) لميٽيڊ کان منصوبن جو هڪ پورٽ فوليو حاصل ڪيو. ڪوبالٽ، گريفائٽ، ليٿيم، ٽينٽلم، نائوبيم، وينڊيم، سون ۽ لاڳاپيل بنيادي ڌاتن جا فائدا منتشر ڪريو. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.

Neo Lithium Corp. (TSX: NLC.V) جلد ئي پنھنجي اعليٰ معيار جي 3Q منصوبن ۽ تجربيڪار ٽيم سان ليتيم برائن جي ڳولا ۾ ھڪڙو نئون نالو بڻجي ويو. Neo Lithium already has sufficient funds and is rapidly advancing its newly discovered 3Q project-a unique high-end lithium saltwater lake and Salar complex in the lithium triangle of Latin America. The 3Q project is located in Catamarca, Argentina's largest lithium producer. The project covers an area of ​​approximately 35,000 hectares, and the Salar complex in the area is approximately 160 square kilometers. Surface exploration results show that the high-grade lithium target in the northern part of the Salar extends approximately 20 x 5 km, and contains the lowest magnesium and sulfate impurities. Low impurities are a key factor in the traditional low-cost evaporation technology used for final lithium carbonate production. Geothermal hot springs with elevated lithium content are part of the Salar Group's replenishment system. ٽيڪنيڪل ٽيم جنهن هن منفرد لوڻ مارش ڪمپليڪس کي دريافت ڪيو، ليٿيم سالٽ مارش ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ تجربيڪار ٽيمن مان هڪ آهي. He discovered and led the technical work, including resource definition and a comprehensive feasibility study, so as to make Cauchari lithium salt marsh It has become the third largest lithium brine resource in the world.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) آسٽريليا ۾ معدنيات جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي ڪري ٿي. اهو خاص طور تي لٿيم، ٽائيٽينيم، وينڊيم، لوهه جي معدنيات، نکل ۽ بنيادي ڌاتو کي ڳولي ٿو. It owns a 70% interest in the Marion Mountain lithium project; and a 100% interest in the Barrambie titanium vanadium iron project in Western Australia.

New Tech Minerals Corp. (CSE: NTM) has been exploring and developing lithium and potassium salt resources in the Paradox Basin and Southeastern Utah (UT) for more than 8 years. UT's lithium + potassium salt exploration/development right to totally 40,000 acres.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. ان جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ ڪمپيڪٽ ڪارون، سيڊان، خاص ۽ هلڪي گاڏيون، مني وينز/وان، SUVs/پڪ اپ ٽرڪون ۽ نسان، انفنيٽي ۽ ڊيٽسون برانڊز تحت هلڪي ڪمرشل گاڏيون شامل آهن. ڪمپني پڻ مختلف جهازن جي ڪاروبار ۾ شامل آهي، بشمول کروز ٻيڙين جي پيداوار ۽ وڪرو، ٽرمينل ڪاروبار ۽ آئوٽ بورڊ انجڻ جي برآمد. In addition, it also provides gearboxes, axles, engines for automobiles and industrial equipment, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and other related parts; صنعتي مشينري؛ and engineering, electronic equipment and electronic equipment. ان کان علاوه، ڪمپني پڻ فنانس، آٽو ڪريڊٽ ۽ آٽو ليزنگ، انشورنس ايجنسي، انوینٽري فنانسنگ سروسز، ۽ ڪارڊ خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. In addition, it is also engaged in operations and consulting related to the analysis and determination of raw materials; sales, insurance, travel, environment, production technology, facilities, testing grounds, vehicle management, information and logistics services; آٽو حصن ۽ مواد جي درآمد ۽ برآمد؛ ريئل اسٽيٽ ڪاروبار؛ موٽر راندين جي واڌاري؛ management of football teams and football schools.
Noram Ventures Inc. (TSX: NRM.V) is a Canadian-based junior exploration company whose goal is to become a force in the green energy revolution through the development of lithium deposits and to become a low-cost supplier to the booming lithium battery صنعت.
Nordic Mining ASA (Oslo: NOM.OL) is engaged in the exploration, mining and production of industrial minerals and metals in Norway and internationally. It mainly researches deposits of rutile (titanium dioxide), garnet, quartz, lithium/lithium carbonate, nickel, palladium and platinum. The company has an interest in the Engebø rutile gold mine in Naustdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. اهو Kvinnherad ذخيرو ۾ پڻ دلچسپي رکي ٿو، جيڪو هارڊينجر فالٽ زون جي ڏکڻ ۾ پروٽروزوڪ بيڊروڪ ۾ هائيڊرو تھرمل کوارٽز تي مشتمل آهي. اهو پڻ Troms ۽ Finnmark جي Øksfjord ٻيٽ جي ڳولا جي حقن جو مالڪ آهي.

One World Lithium Corporation (CSE: OWLI) هڪ ڪامياب ڳولا ۽ ترقي ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي، ارضيات جي ماهرن سان گڏ گذريل 30 سالن ۾ سون، چاندي، بنيادي ڌاتو ۽ ليتيم ۾ وسيع تجربو رکندڙ.

Piedmont Lithium (NasdaqGS: PLL) holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project located in the Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) of Carolina and develops along the Harman Bundle and Kings Mountain mines, Historically, the Western world has provided most 1950 ۽ 1980 جي وچ ۾ ليٿيم جو. TSB is described as one of the largest lithium provinces in the world and is located about 25 miles west of Charlotte, North Carolina. With its good geological conditions and convenient infrastructure, power, lithium and battery storage R&D centers, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities, it is an important location for the development of integrated lithium businesses.
Pioneer Resources Ltd. (ASX: PIO.AX) is a professional exploration company with proven discovery capabilities and a large multi-commodity residential property portfolio strategically located within 200 kilometers of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia. Pioneer جي موجوده ۽ فعال ڳولا جو مرڪز اهم عالمي مطالبن تي هلندڙ شين تي آهي. To this end, Pioneer has expanded its gold and nickel assets through four powerful lithium projects; the advanced Mavis lithium project in Ontario, Canada, and the potential Donnelly, Pioneer Dome and Phillips River lithium projects in Western Australia.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن مارڪيٽ ۾، پولر سسٽم آف گرڊ ۽ ناقص گرڊ ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ قابل اعتماد ۽ گھٽ قيمت واري توانائي فراهم ڪري ٿو، نازڪ طاقت جي ضرورتن سان. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
Polypore International, Inc. (NYSE: PPO) develops, manufactures and sells special microporous membranes for separation and filtration processes. ڪمپني جو ڪاروبار ٽن حصن ۾ ورهايل آهي: توانائي اسٽوريج اليڪٽرانڪس ۽ EDV، توانائي اسٽوريج ٽرانسپورٽ ۽ صنعت، ۽ جداگي ميڊيا. ڪمپني ليتيم بيٽرين لاءِ پيٽنٽ ٿيل پولي پروپيلين ۽ پوليٿيلين سنگل ليئر ۽ ملٽي ليئر سيپريٽرز جو هڪ سلسلو مهيا ڪري ٿي، جيڪي مختلف ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون، جهڙوڪ ڪنزيومر اليڪٽرانڪس، برقي گاڏيون (EDV)، بي تار پاور ٽولز ۽ انرجي اسٽوريج سسٽم. It also provides polymer-based diaphragms for lead-acid batteries used in automobiles and other motor vehicles; گڏوگڏ طبي ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ فلٽر ميمبرن ۽ اجزاء، جن ۾ هيموڊياليسس، بلڊ آڪسيجنشن، پلازما ايڪسچينج ۽ ٻيون طبي ايپليڪيشنون شامل آهن، گڏوگڏ مختلف فلٽريشن ۽ خاص ايپليڪيشنون، جهڙوڪ مائڪرو فلٽريشن، الٽرا فلٽريشن ۽ گيسيشن/ڊيگاسنگ ايپليڪيشنون. The company sells its products to manufacturers and processors through direct sales staff, distributors and agents. It mainly operates in the United States, Germany, France, China and other countries.

The acquisition strategy of Power Americas Minerals Corp. (TSX: PAM.V) (formerly Victory Ventures) focuses on acquiring affordable, cost-effective and highly regarded minerals in areas with proven geological potential. These areas include historical and currently producing mines with existing infrastructure. The strategy includes obtaining 100% equity in mineral resources without payment terms or work plan commitments, which will not threaten the financial stability of junior mining companies. The company believes that through the implementation of this acquisition strategy, the largest shareholder value can be created effectively and cost-effective. ڪمپني کي يقين آهي ته ڪوبالٽ، ليتيم، مسو ۽ ٻين بنيادي طاقت سان لاڳاپيل مواد جي گهرج پروفائل برقي گاڏين جي موافقت جي ترقي، ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي ۽ سپراللوز جي پيداوار ۾ اضافو ٿيندو. The company is committed to identifying and developing ethical materials within the Americas, aiming to solve the growing demand for energy metals due to the introduction of innovation and new technologies. Power Americas Minerals Corp. ھڪڙو ڪينيڊا جونيئر مائننگ جي ڳولا واري ڪمپني آھي جيڪو اتر ۽ ڏکڻ آمريڪا ۾ ڪوبالٽ، ليتيم، مسو ۽ ٻين توانائي جي دھاتن کي سوسنگ، ڳولڻ ۽ ترقي ڪرڻ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو.
PowerStorm Holdings Inc (OTC: PSTO) جديد ماڊيولر انرجي اسٽوريج حل تيار ڪرڻ لاءِ جديد مواد استعمال ڪري رهيو آهي اسان جي گهٽ قيمت، اعليٰ ڪارڪردگي ليتيم آئن بيٽرين سان گڏ جيڪي ايندڙ نسل جي توانائي اسٽوريج ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي ايپليڪيشنن کي طاقت ڏين ٿيون. The basic innovative technology of Powerstorm ESS has been protected by multiple patents.

Pure Energy Minerals Limited (TSX: PE.V) هڪ ليتيم برائن ريسورس ڊولپر آهي جيڪو اڀرندڙ اتر آمريڪي ليتيم بيٽري جي صنعت ۾ سڀ کان گهٽ قيمت ليتيم فراهم ڪندڙ بڻجي چڪو آهي. Currently, Pure Energy is focusing on developing our anticipated CVS lithium brine project.

ريڊزون ريسورسز لميٽيڊ (TSX: REZ.V؛ OTC: REZZF) ھڪڙي معدنيات جي ڳولا واري ڪمپني آھي جنھن تي ڌاتن کي ٺاھڻ ۽ سپورٽ ڪرڻ تي ڌيان ڏنو ويو آھي جيڪي تيزيءَ سان آمريڪا ۽ پيرو ۾ بيٽرين (ليٿيم) ۾ ترقي ڪري رھيا آھن.
Resources Majescor (TSX: MJX.V) signed an option agreement with Genius Properties Ltd. and two other suppliers to purchase the Montagne B lithium assets (approximately 708 hectares) located approximately 12 kilometers southwest of Nemaska ​​Lithium's world-class Whabouchi Lithium ) . جمعن مرڪزي قبيڪس ۾ آهن. مئنيجڪ پڻ ايم ڪيوم بي جي علائقي ۾ ايشامين سونا جي سونا مائن تي ڪم ڪرڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو.

Rodinia Lithium Inc (TSX: RM.V) هڪ ڪينيڊا جي معدنيات جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي واري ڪمپني آهي، خاص طور تي ارجنٽائن ۾ ليتيم جي ڳولا ۽ ترقي تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو. The company is also actively exploring the commercialization of an important potassium salt by-product, which is expected to be recycled through the lithium harvesting process.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) دنيا جي معروف ڊيزائنر ۽ اعليٰ ٽيڪنالاجي صنعتي بيٽرين جو ٺاھيندڙ آھي. The group is the world's leading manufacturer of nickel batteries and lithium primary batteries for the industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, and civil and military electronics markets. Saft پنهنجي ليتيم-آئن ٽيڪنالاجي سان خلائي ۽ دفاعي بيٽرين ۾ عالمي ليڊر بڻجي چڪو آهي، جيڪو پڻ انرجي اسٽوريج، ٽرانسپورٽ ۽ ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن نيٽ ورڪ مارڪيٽن ۾ استعمال ٿيندو آهي.
سائونا مائننگ لميٽيڊ (ASX:SYA.AX) آسٽريليا ۾ ASX (SYA) تي درج ڪيل هڪ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا تيزيءَ سان ترقي ڪندڙ نيون ٽيڪنالاجيز ۽ سائي ۾ استعمال لاءِ ليٿيم آئن بيٽرين جي تياري لاءِ گهربل خام مال جي خريداري ۽ ترقي لاءِ وقف آهي. technology fields. ڪمپني جو بنيادي مرڪز ڪيوبيڪ، ڪئناڊا ۾ ترقي يافته اسٽيج Authier ليتيم پروجيڪٽ جي ترقي آهي.
Scientific Metals Corp. (TSX: STM.V) formerly known as Suparna Gold Corp-is a Canadian exploration company focused on the global acquisition and development of production-grade lithium deposits. STM مڊ ويسٽ البرٽا ۾ ڊيپ وادي ملڪيت حاصل ڪئي. The property includes a permit area of ​​6,648 hectares (16,427 acres) that covers areas reported to be enriched in lithium brine. As stated in the ERCB report in October, the Deep Valley mine is located in the active Fox Creek-urge fish lake area in Alberta. The formation water in the Leduc aquifer in this area is rich in lithium, potassium, boron, bromine and others. Commodity, 2011, titled “Geological Introduction to Lithium-rich Formation Water”, focused on the Fox Creek area (NTS 83F and 83K) in central and western Alberta.
Showa Denko Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4004.T) operates globally as a chemical company and currently operates six market segments. The Advanced Battery Materials Department is engaged in the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and fuel cell materials. ليتيم آئن بيٽرين جي شعبي ۾، ڊپارٽمينٽ مهيا ڪري ٿو SCMGTM anode مواد، VGCFTM ڪاربان نانوٽوبس، بيٽرين لاءِ ايلومينيم ليمينيٽ فلمون ۽ ڪيٿوڊ ڪرنٽ ڪليڪٽرن لاءِ ڪاربن ڪوٽيڊ ايلومينيم ورق. In the field of fuel cells, it provides carbon-based separators and collectors. The department is actively researching and developing new materials to reduce the impact of its products on the global environment

Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) معدني وسيلن جي ڳولا ۽ تشخيص ۾ مصروف آهي. اهو بنيادي طور تي بيس ۽ قيمتي دھاتن جي ڳولا لاء وقف آهي، جنهن ۾ نکل، مسو، پلاٽينم گروپ جي ڌاتو، سون، هيرا، ٽانتلم ۽ ليتيم شامل آهن. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. The company's main target focus area is Southern Africa. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Zimbabwe's Shamva lithium project (80% of the options can be acquired). Chuatsa ۽ Shamva منصوبن جو تازو حصول بيٽري ميٽل فيلڊ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ جي سالن جو نتيجو آهي، ۽ ڏکڻ آفريڪا جي ڳولا ۽ آپريشن ۾ SI6 جي اهم صلاحيتن ۽ تجربو کي فائدو ڏئي ٿو.

Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA/Chile Chemistry and Mining Co., Ltd. (NYSE: SQM) ھڪ عالمي ڪمپني آھي، جنھن جو ھيڊ ڪوارٽر چلي ۾ آھي، جيڪو 1968 ۾ قائم ٿيو، ۽ ھاڻي پوري دنيا ۾ پنھنجي پنجن شاخن ذريعي صنعتن ۽ ايپليڪيشنن جو وسيع سلسلو آھي. Strong influence business scope: specialty plant nutrition, iodine and its derivatives, lithium and its derivatives, industrial chemicals and potassium
Spearmint Resources Inc. (CSE: SPMT) is a Canadian primary resource exploration company dedicated to actively pursuing world-class deposits. The company focuses on assembling a low-risk, high-return asset portfolio during the exploration phase and developing it to maximize shareholder value. ڪيترائي ايندڙ پروجيڪٽ سنگ ميل Spearmint جي ڪارپوريٽ ترقي جي صلاحيت کي هڪ دلچسپ وقت بڻائي ٿو. Spearmint's Whabouchi Lakes lithium mine is located in the James Bay region of Quebec, about 40 kilometers east of Nemaska ​​community and 228 kilometers northwest of Chibougamau city, next to Nemaska ​​Lithium Inc's Whabouchi deposit. Spearmint also recently acquired a 100% interest in 53 unpatented mineral properties located in the Clayton Valley, Nevada. انهن معدنيات ۾ ليٿيم جا ذخيرا آهن، جن کي ايلون منرل ۽ ميڪ گي منرل چيو وڃي ٿو، مجموعي طور تي 1,420 ايڪڙن تي مشتمل آهي.

Tianqi Lithium انڊسٽري ڪمپنيء، لميٽيڊ (Shenzhen: 002466.SZ) چين ۽ دنيا ۾ هڪ معروف نئين توانائي مواد ڪمپني آهي. اسان ليتيم کي بنيادي طور وٺون ٿا. Our business includes the mining and production of lithium concentrates and the manufacturing of lithium compounds. We have established mineral operations, manufacturing plants and subsidiaries in China (Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangsu) and Australia, enabling the company to provide services to customers worldwide.
Ultralife Corp. (NASDAQGM: ULBI) provides products and services to the market, from power solutions to communications and electronic systems. Through its engineering and collaborative problem-solving methods, Ultralife provides services to government, defense and commercial customers worldwide. The company is headquartered in Newark, New York, and its business units include batteries and energy products and communication systems. Ultralife has operations in North America, Europe and Asia. بيٽريون ۽ انرجي پروڊڪٽس مختلف اعليٰ توانائي جي غير ريچارج لائق ۽ ريچارج لائق پاور ذريعن ۽ دفاعي ۽ تجارتي ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ چارجنگ سسٽم مهيا ڪن ٿيون. الٽرا لائف بيٽرين ٺاهڻ لاءِ مختلف ڪيميائي مادا استعمال ڪري ٿي جن ۾ ليٿيم مينگنيز ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ، نڪيل نڪل هائيڊرائڊ، ليٿيم مينگنيٽ، پوليمر ليٿيم ۽ ليٿيم ٿائنيل کلورائڊ شامل آهن. Some have the highest energy density currently available. As a market leader in providing batteries for military use, Ultralife also has a solid technical foundation in battery and battery design in commercial and medical equipment, security metering, telematics and other industrial fields. Our battery technology usually provides turnkey solutions based on customer requirements and specifications, and cooperates with other battery manufacturers to provide the best solutions when necessary.
Ultra Lithium Inc. (TSX: ULI.V) is a Canadian listed exploration and development company that focuses on the acquisition and development of lithium assets. ڪمپني هن وقت اتر آمريڪي حاصلات تي ڌيان ڏئي رهي آهي ۽ نيواڊا، يو ايس اي ۾ پنهنجي وڏي سگريٽ وادي کي ڳولي رهيو آهي. In the United States, the company holds a 100% interest in the Great Smoke Valley project in Nevada. ڪمپني پڻ سربيا ۾ بلقان منصوبي ۾ ليتيم جي ڳولا ڪري رهي آهي.
Lithium Corporation of America (OTC: LITH) is an exploration and development company focused on North America, dedicated to providing lithium and related resources for the fast-growing energy storage industry. The company hopes to take advantage of opportunities in the field of lithium batteries, including providing lithium batteries for the expanding next-generation battery market. According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs, demand for lithium is expected to triple by 2025. For many analysts, lithium is considered the new gasoline of the future. جيئن ته ليتيم جي طلب وڌي ٿي، آمريڪي ليتيم ڪارپوريشن هن اڀرندڙ صنعت جو حصو بڻجڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿي. Our current focus is on the basin and mountain provinces of Nevada. Albemarle جي سلور چوٽي پروجيڪٽ اتر آمريڪا ۾ واحد کان ۾ واقع آهي جيڪا ليتيم پيدا ڪري ٿي. Our first project, Elon, is located in Clayton Valley, close to Silver Peak and several other active explorers and developers.
Venus Metals Corporation Ltd. (ASX: VMC.AX) مغربي آسٽريليا ۾ معدني وسيلن جي ڳولا ۾ مصروف آهي. It mainly studies vanadium, cobalt, nickel, gold and lithium.

Fortune Minerals Co., Ltd. (TSX: WML.V; OTC: WMLLF) is a mineral resources company with interests in Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile. The company's main focus is the acquisition of lithium projects in South America. To date, the company has positioned itself to develop Aguas Caliente Norte, Pujsa and Quisquiro Salars in Chile, and to cooperate with existing producers of the prolific Atacama Salar. The company continues to actively seek new acquisitions in the region. ليتيم مارڪيٽ ۾ متحرڪ تبديليون ۽ دات جي قيمتن ۾ تيز اڀار صنعت ۾ پري تائين پهچندڙ ساخت جي مسئلن جو نتيجو آهن مستقبل جي مطالبن جي توقع. Wealth positions itself as the main beneficiary of the mismatch between supply and demand in the future. The company also maintains and continues to evaluate the investment portfolio of precious metals and base metals exploration phase projects.
Western Lithium USA Corporation (TSX: WLC.TO) is developing its lithium deposit in Kings Valley, Nevada, into a strategic, scalable and reliable source of high-quality lithium products. ڪمپني پاڻ کي هڪ وڏي آمريڪي سپلائر جي حيثيت ۾ رکي ٿي جيڪا ليتيم جي وڌندڙ عالمي طلب کي هٿي وٺندي، ۽ هائبرڊ / برقي گاڏين، صارفين جي اليڪٽرانڪس، ۽ صارف ۽ صنعتي ليتيم بيٽري اسٽوريج ايپليڪيشنن جو استعمال وڌائڻ جي اميد آهي. In addition, Western Lithium is seeking opportunities to become a supplier of specialty drilling additives, Hectatone™, and other organoclays that may be used in oil and gas and other industries.
ڪيپسٽون ٽربائن ڪارپوريشن (NASDAQCM: CPST) گھٽ-اخراج مائڪرو ٽربائن سسٽم جو هڪ معروف عالمي ڪارخانو آهي ۽ تجارتي طور تي قابل عمل مائڪرو ٽربائن انرجي پروڊڪٽس وڪڻڻ واري پهرين ڪمپني آهي. Capstone Turbine has delivered more than 8,500 Capstone Microturbine systems to customers worldwide. These award-winning systems record millions of recorded runtimes. ڪيپسٽون ٽربائن يو ايس جي ماحولياتي تحفظ واري ايجنسي جي گڏيل گرمي ۽ پاور پروگرام جو ميمبر آهي، جيڪو آمريڪي توانائي جي انفراسٽرڪچر جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ ۽ آلودگي ۽ گرين هائوس گيس جي اخراج کي گهٽائڻ لاءِ وقف آهي. Capstone هڪ UL-تصديق ٿيل ISO 9001:2008 ۽ ISO 14001:2004 تصديق ٿيل ڪمپني آهي، جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر لاس اينجلس جي علائقي ۾ آهي، سيلز ۽/يا سروس سينٽرن سان نيويارڪ ميٽروپوليٽن ايريا، برطانيه، ميڪسيڪو سٽي، شنگھائي ۽ سنگاپور ۾.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (Abtech Holdings, Inc. جو هڪ ماتحت) هڪ مڪمل خدمت ڪندڙ ماحولياتي ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ انجنيئرنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ڪميونٽي، صنعتن ۽ حڪومتن لاءِ جديد حل فراهم ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف آهي. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. ان جي شينڪز پائين ٿا جيڪو طاقت وارو آهي، ٻرندڙ ۽ خشڪ عملن کان سواء سمورا عنصر ختم ڪري سگھن ٿا، پختو عنصر. ABETCH جي مصنوعات ۾ هڪ برقي نئين اينٽي بيڪٽليڪل ٽيڪنالاجي شامل آهي. This technology can effectively reduce coliform bacteria found in rainwater, industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater. SmartSponge®Plus کي ماحولياتي تحفظ واري ايجنسي سان رجسٽر ڪيو ويو آهي (رجسٽريشن نمبر 86256-1). AbTech جي ٽيم واٽر ٽريٽمينٽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي ماهرن، سول ۽ ماحولياتي انجنيئرز، ۽ فيلڊ آپريشنز جي ماهرن اسان جي محدود پاڻي جي وسيلن جي معيار کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ حل تيار ڪري ٿي. ايون انجنيئرنگ (اي بي اي پي هافسنگ جو هڪ ماتحت، Inc.) هڪ آزاد سول ۽ ماحولياتي انجنيئرنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا مٿين تحقيقاتي يونيورسٽين سان گڏ ڪم ڪري ٿي. پاڻي جي بنيادي ڍانچي جي شعبي ۾ نئين انجنيئرنگ ۽ ٽيڪنيڪي جدت کي متعارف ڪرائڻ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ سان، AEWS برسات جي پاڻي جي بهترين انتظام جي طريقن جي ترقي ۾ سڀ کان اڳيان آهي ۽ پنهنجي گراهڪن کي جديد ۽ شاندار ڊيزائن مهيا ڪري ٿي.
Basic Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE: BAS) provides well site services, which are critical to maintaining the production of oil and gas wells within its business scope. ڪمپني ٽيڪساس، لوزيانا، اوڪلاهوما، نيو ميڪسيڪو، آرڪنساس، ڪنساس، ۽ راڪي جبلن ۽ اپالاچين ۾ وڏن تيل ۽ گئس جي پيداوار وارن علائقن ۾ 100 کان وڌيڪ سروس پوائنٽس ۾ 4,400 ملازمت ڪري ٿي. گهڻن ملازمن. Basic provides a wide range of functions to treat the entire oilfield wastewater stream from dewatering drilling fluid to processing fracturing flowback fluid and produced water for reuse. Our services include chlorine dioxide (ClO2) treatment in downhole and surface water applications, including treatment of fresh water, produced water and hydraulic fracturing (fracture) water. بنيادي پاڻي جي حل جي خدمت ٻن اهم علائقن تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو: گردش ڪندڙ پاڻي ۽ بيڪٽيريا ڪنٽرول. In each task, we will work with customers to develop strategic plans around project conditions, which are tailored to their specific operations. Our service reduces the need for fresh water, water transportation, disposal and congestion on the ground. As a result, we help save customers time, money and water, the most precious natural resource.

Bird River Resources Inc. (CSE: BDR) هڪ متنوع وسيلن جي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ونپيگ، منيٽوبا ۾ واقع آهي. BDR ڏکڻ مينيتو برازيل ۾ پيداوار ۾ ڏهن تيل ۽ گئس جي کوهن ۾ دلچسپي رکي ٿي. BDR also provides various environmental services and sells a range of environmental absorption products for oil and industrial spills and farms.
Petro-Canada Extraction and Rehabilitation Enterprise Limited (TSX: CVR.V) is a petroleum services company headquartered in Canada. CORRE پيٽروليم انڊسٽري لاءِ مڪمل-سائيڪل فضول تيل جي انتظام جو حل فراهم ڪري ٿو. CORRE's customers are mainly in the upstream oil sector (oil production and drilling companies) and the downstream oil sector (refining, transportation and distribution companies). CORRE's production line includes remediation of oil-contaminated soil; treatment of sludge, oil-based mud and drilling waste, oil production; خودڪار اسٽوريج ٽينڪ صفائي، تيل ۽ گئس انجنيئرنگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ جو انتظام. CORRE provides its advanced environmental solutions through strategic operating partnerships with some of the world's most prominent companies.

Cypress Energy Partners (Cypress Energy Partners, LP) (NYSE: CELP) is a growth-oriented limited partnership for energy, exploration and production and midstream companies in the United States and Canada and their supply The supplier provides midstream services, including pipeline inspection, integrity and hydrostatic pressure testing services. Cypress also provides salt water treatment and other water and environmental services to the US Energy Exploration and Production Corporation and its suppliers in North Dakota in the Williston Basin and West Texas in the Permian Basin. انهن ٽن ڪاروباري علائقن ۾، سائپرس گراهڪن سان ويجهي ڪم ڪري ٿو انهن کي وڌندڙ پيچيده ۽ سخت ماحولياتي ۽ حفاظت جي ضابطن تي عمل ڪرڻ ۽ آپريٽنگ خرچن کي گهٽائڻ ۾ مدد ڏيڻ لاءِ. سائپرس جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر تلسا، اوڪلاهوما ۾ آهي.
ESI Environmental Sensors Inc. (TSX: ESV.V) is a leading manufacturer of patented and proprietary solutions for environments where understanding of the presence, movement and/or volume of water is important. The main market areas include: agriculture, golf and turf, scientific research, civil engineering and crude oil production. ESI حل 40 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائقن ۾ ڪاميابيءَ سان متعارف ڪرايا ويا آهن ته جيئن صارفين کي پاڻي جي موجودگي ۽ وهڪري جي نگراني، آبپاشي نظام جي انتظام، ۽ لينڊ فل سائيٽن جي سالميت جي نگراني ڪندي آپريشن کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن. The company's FloPoint™ instrument is designed for the petroleum industry to measure the volume of water pumped during crude oil extraction to characterize and optimize the process. ESI differentiates itself by transforming the best technologies available into practical, easy-to-use solutions. Irrigation managers, reservoir engineers and scientists have adopted ESI products because of their accuracy, ease of use, repeatability and ability to operate in harsh environments.
Eco-Stim Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM: ESES) is an oilfield service and technology company focused on the environment, providing proprietary on-site management technology for oil and gas producers drilling in the fast-growing international unconventional shale market. محرڪ ۽ مڪمل ڪرڻ جون خدمتون. EcoStim's proprietary methodology and technology can reduce the number of stimulation stages in a shale reservoir through a unique process that can predict high-probability production areas and use the latest generation of downhole diagnostic tools to identify these production areas. ان کان علاوه، EcoStim پڻ پنهنجي گراهڪن کي مڪمل ٽيڪنالاجي سان مهيا ڪري ٿو جيڪا تمام گهڻي گھٽائي سگھي ٿي هارس پاور جي گهرج، اخراج، سطح جي پيرن جو نشان ۽ پاڻي جي استعمال. ايڪو اسٽيم عالمي غير روايتي تيل ۽ گيس جي پيداوار ڪندڙن کي بهتر ٽيڪنالاجي، بهتر ماحوليات ۽ خاص طور تي بهتر معاشي فائدن سان گڏ مڪمل خدمتون مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي.
Ecosphere Technologies Inc (OTC: ESPH) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڊولپمينٽ ۽ دانشورانه ملڪيت جي لائسنسنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا عالمي پاڻي، توانائي ۽ صنعتي مارڪيٽن لاءِ ماحولياتي حل تيار ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف آهي. We help the industry increase production, reduce costs, and protect the environment through a series of unique patented technologies: Ozonix®, EcosPowerCube® and our recently announced Ecos GrowCube™, which provide you with exclusive and non-exclusive licensing opportunities throughout the industry A wide range of industries and applications everywhere. ايڪوشير جي ادائيگي مبينا ٽيڪنالاجي آهي، جيڪو آمريڪا ۽ گئس جي واعديء جي بنياد تي گراهڪن ۽ گئس جي چئنس ۾ گراهڪن کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو . ڪئناڊا کي مائع ڪيميائيز جي مائع ڪيميائيز کي ملائي ۽ 70 ملين ڪينيڊين ڊالر جي وڪرو، سروس، سهولت ۽ لائسنس جي آمدني ۾ شامل ڪيو. ڪمپني س can ي طرح 50 اوزيون® مشينن کي پڻ منظم ڪيو آهي ۽ انهن کي ڪ can ي ڪاريون پذير ميدانن ۾ هڪ مختلف هائيڊ هائيڊا فيلڊز تائين چريا آهن.

Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. (OTC: EVTN) is a CleanTech company located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It has developed and manufactured the Voraxial® separator, which can be said to be the most efficient, high-capacity, and large-volume separator in the world Fluid and fluid/solid separation technology. Voraxial® can be separated without pressure drop. ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پر انهن تائين محدود نه آهن: تيل جي اسپيل صاف ڪرڻ، فضول کي توانائي ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ، ساحل ۽ آف شور پاڻي جي جداگي، ڀڃڻ وارو پاڻي، مينهن جو پاڻي، ريفائنري جي گندي پاڻي جي صفائي ۽ بايو فيول. The separation market includes many multi-billion dollar market segments, covering many industries and applications worldwide. EVTN's Voraxial® separation system has completed projects with many of the world's top industrial companies
ESP Resources, Inc. (OTC: ESPI) produces, mixes, distributes and sells specialty chemicals and analytical services for the oil and gas industry in the United States. ڪمپني مختلف آئل ۽ گيس فيلڊ ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ خاص ڪيميڪل فراهم ڪري ٿي، جنهن ۾ بيڪٽيريا کي مارڻ، معطل ٿيل پاڻي ۽ ٻين آلودگي کي خام تيل کان ڌار ڪرڻ، تيل کي قدرتي گئس مان الڳ ڪرڻ، پمپنگ ۽ صفائي جي پمپ کي وڌائڻ، ۽ استعمال ٿيندڙ مختلف مايعات ۽ اضافو شامل آهن. During the drilling and production process. ان جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ مڪمل ٿيندڙ پيٽروڪيميڪل پروڊڪٽس شامل آهن، جيڪي خاص طور تي تيل يا قدرتي گئس جي کوهن جي مڪمل ٿيڻ واري مرحلي ۾ استعمال ٿينديون آهن جيڪي مختلف شيل فارميشنز ۾ ڊرل ڪيون وينديون آهن. ڪمپني جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ پيٽروڪيميڪل شين جي پيداوار پڻ شامل آهي، جهڙوڪ سرفڪٽينٽ پيداوار ۽ انجڻ جي مسئلن کي منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي؛ well completion and workover chemicals, which can maximize the productivity of new and existing wells; and biocides can kill water transmission The growth of bacteria; scale compounds that prevent or treat scale deposits; corrosion inhibitors are organic compounds that can form a protective film on the metal surface to isolate the metal from the corrosive environment; defoamers used to control foaming problems; emulsification Agents for crude oil containing produced water; inhibit and/or dissolve paraffin to prevent accumulation of paraffin chemicals; and water purifiers for purification of sewage. ان کان علاوه، انرجي انڊسٽري جي اپ اسٽريم، مڊ اسٽريم ۽ لانڊ اسٽريم انڊسٽريز لاءِ مختلف خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي، جن ۾ نئين اڏاوت، آنشور ۽ آف شور پيداوار لاءِ آپريشن سپورٽ جي ترميم، گڏ ڪرڻ، ريفائننگ جون سهولتون ۽ پائپ لائنون شامل آهن.
Freestone Resources Inc. (OTC: FSNR) is an oil and gas technology development company located in Dallas, Texas. ڪمپني جو جاري مقصد اسان جي وسيع وسيلن کي ماحولياتي ذميوار ۽ قيمتي طريقي سان استعمال ڪرڻ لاء نئين ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪرڻ آهي. Freestone is always exploring new and innovative technologies. New technologies increase revenue by leveraging our revolutionary oil sand extraction and oil remediation technologies and other state-of-the-art products. ٽيڪنيڪل ميدان

FTI Food Technology International (TSX: FTI.V) operates in Canada's surplus commodity industry. ان ۾ شامل ٿيل سامان جي ٻيهر وڪرو شامل آهي. ڪمپني جي ڪلورين ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ پاڻي صاف ڪرڻ واريون ٽيبلون مختلف مقصدن لاءِ پاڻي جي علاج لاءِ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون، جن ۾ پيئڻ جو پاڻي، ترڻ، صنعتي حفظان صحت ۽ پيٽ ڪنٽرول، گڏوگڏ قدرتي گئس ۽ مائننگ جي صنعتن ۾ مختلف ايپليڪيشنون شامل آهن.
Genoil Inc (OTC: GNOLF) is a Canadian engineering technology development company headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with offices in Calgary, Sherwood Park, New York, Constanta, Romania, Dubai and Abu Dhabi Place. Genoil صاف ٽيڪنالاجي پيٽروليم ٽيڪنالاجي جو هڪ سلسلو مهيا ڪري ٿو. Genoil is committed to sustainable development and has two major research institutions in Canada and Romania. It owns and operates a world-class 10 bpd hydrogenation conversion upgrader (GHU), which is equipped with an independent water electrolysis device for high-purity hydrogen supply, hydrogen compressor, substation, combustion heater, and low pressure for gas-liquid separation Separator and PLC for automation operation control of Canada Two Hills. جنرلل عالمي سطح تي تحقيق ۽ ترقي (آر اينڊ) جي اعلي ترقي يافته ترقي يافته پيٽن کي ترقي يافته پيٽنا پيش ڪيا آهن. جينيل پڻ GHU سان لاڳاپيل پيٽرن جو تعداد رکي ٿو، جنهن ۾ پاڻي جي پاڪائي، سٺي جانچ، سينڊ ڌوئڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ ماحولياتي بحالي ٽيڪنالاجي. جينوئيل ڪاميابيءَ سان انهن نئين ٽيڪنالاجيءَ لاءِ پيٽنٽ لاءِ درخواست ڏني آهي ۽ ان جي سينڊ واشنگ ٽيڪنالاجي لاءِ جديد پيٽنٽ حاصل ڪيا آهن. نئين ڪمپني جي جوڙجڪ ذريعي، جينيل اميد آهي ته جينيل ورلڊ مارڪيٽ جو پورو فائدو وٺي. Through numerous technologies and market applications, Genoil has tracked multiple components and indicators to lead the way forward.
گبسن انرجي ڪمپني (TSX: GEI.TO) تيل ۽ گئس جي صنعت لاءِ هڪ وڏو آزاد انٽيگريٽيڊ سروس فراهم ڪندڙ آهي، جنهن ۾ اتر آمريڪي پيداواري علائقن جي وڏين ڪاررواين سان. Gibsons is engaged in the transportation, storage, blending, processing, marketing and distribution of crude oil, condensate, natural gas liquids, water, oilfield waste and refined products. ڪمپني ٽرمينلز، پائپ لائنن، اسٽين ڪئنين ۽ ٽرڪونز جي گڏيل ٽڪڙن ۽ ٽرڪز جو هڪ گڏيل نيٽ ورڪ ۽ گئس جي اسٽيشنن جو هڪ اهم نيٽ ورڪ ۽ گئس جي اسٽيشنن جو هڪ اهم نيٽورڪ. The company also provides emulsion processing, water treatment and oilfield waste management services through its network of processing, recycling and disposal facilities in Canada and the United States, and is Canada's second largest industrial propane distribution company. The company's integrated operations enable it to participate in the entire midstream energy value chain in Canada and the US hydrocarbon producing regions through the company's strategic locations in Hardisty and Edmonton, Alberta, and injection stations and terminals in the United States. . , Provided to end users or refineries in North America.

Intercept Energy Services Inc. (OTC: IESCF; Toronto Stock Exchange: IES.V) uses innovative and proprietary technology to provide the most efficient hot water for use by oil and gas exploration and production companies; ڪئناڊا ۾ ۽ آمريڪا ۾ ڀڃڻ جي عمل دوران. By using HE Heaters(TM), IES can reduce fuel consumption and emissions, improve safety and productivity, and achieve extreme cold weather operation with extremely low operating costs, thereby bringing its customers a direct competitive advantage.

Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. اسان جي مقرر ڪيل سهولتن تي فضول خرچي ۽ اسان جي نن foot ي فوٽ پرنٽنگ جو استعمال ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت اسان کي فضول علاج جو حل فراهم ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿو. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. اسان جو تيل ۽ گيس ڊپارٽمينٽ اسٽيوانجر، ناروي ۾ واقع آهي ۽ تيل ۽ گئس جي ڳولا ۽ پيداوار دوران پيدا ٿيندڙ فضول جي ساحل ۽ آف شور علاج ۾ ماهر آهي. اسان جي انجنيئرنگ ٽيم آنشور ۽ آف شور فضول علاج جي حل جي ڊيزائن، انجنيئرنگ، تنصيب ۽ سار سنڀال ۾ ماهر آهي.
The next fuel. Inc. (OTC: NXFI) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي فراهم ڪندڙ ۽ سروس ڪمپني آهي جيڪا تيل ۽ گئس جي صنعت کي خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿي. The company is committed to developing water treatment technology to provide low-cost, high-volume commercial repair solutions.
Nuverra Environmental Solutions (NYSE: NES) آمريڪا جي سڀ کان وڏي ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي، جيڪا گراهڪن کي توانائي مارڪيٽ ۾ جامع ۽ مڪمل چڪر واري ماحولياتي حلن سان مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي. Nuverra focuses on the transportation, collection, treatment, recycling and disposal of restricted solids, water, wastewater, waste liquids and hydrocarbons. The company continues to expand its suite of solutions that meet environmental requirements and sustainable development to customers who require service providers' stricter environmental compliance and responsibility.
OriginOil, Inc. (OTC: OOIL) is a leading provider of water treatment solutions and a developer of breakthrough water purification technologies for the fast-growing world market. Through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, OriginClear provides systems and services to treat water in many industries including municipal, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, industrial, oil and gas. In order to rapidly develop this business unit, we strategically acquired a lucrative and well-managed water treatment company, which allowed us to expand our global market share and technical expertise. صاف ۽ سماجي طور تي ذميوار پاڻي جي علاج جي حل جو هڪ نئون دور پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ، اسان Electro Water Separation™ ايجاد ڪيو، هڪ ڪاميابي ملٽي اسٽيج اليڪٽروليسس تيز رفتار پاڻي صاف ڪرڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجي، جنهن کي لائسنس ڏنو ويو آهي پاڻي صاف ڪرڻ واري سامان ٺاهيندڙن کي سڄي دنيا ۾. پاڻي اسان جو سڀ کان قيمتي وسيلو آهي. ”صاف اصل خانداني ڪاروبار“ جو مشن پاڻي جي معيار کي بهتر بنائڻ ۽ ان کي ان جي اصل، صاف حالت ۾ بحال ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪرڻ آهي.

ريپبلڪ سروسز، Inc. (NYSE: RSG) ريسائڪلنگ ۽ غير خطرناڪ سالڊ ويسٽ ۾ آمريڪي صنعت جو اڳواڻ آهي. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . We will address this issue through the brand's tagline here™, letting customers know that they can rely on Republic to provide an excellent experience, while fostering a sustainable Blue Planet™ for future generations to enjoy a cleaner, safer and healthier world.
Robix Env​​​​ironmental Technologies Inc. (CSE: RZX; Frankfurt: ROX) is an “industrial products/technology” company that provides investors with a rare opportunity to participate in leading companies engaged in patent ownership business, and From commercial development to global expansion through various business arrangements. Robix Clean Ocean Vessel (“COV”) پيٽنٽ جو مالڪ آهي، جيڪو هڪ آئل اسپيل ريڪوري ويسل ڊيزائن آهي جيڪو خراب ۽ ملبي سان ڀريل سامونڊي حالتن ۾ تيل بحال ڪري سگهي ٿو. Robix عالمي منڊي جي موقعي کي تسليم ڪيو آهي موثر ڪنٽرول، ريسائڪلنگ ۽ سامان جي نيڪال لاءِ، خاص طور تي تيل جي اسپيل تحفظ واري صنعت ۾، ۽ اهو تجويز ڪري ٿو ته خدمت فراهم ڪندڙ ۽/يا سامان فراهم ڪندڙ ڪاروبار جي بنياد تي لائسنسنگ معاهدن جي بنياد تي ٻين صنعت جي شرڪت ڪندڙن سان موڊ، in which Robix will use its COV patented design solution.
Seair Inc. (TSX: SDS.V) is a water technology company active at the core of the hydropower relationship, providing proprietary diffusion technology, and providing global services in multiple industries including oil and gas, mining, municipal and industrial wastewater Sexual application. ڪمپني جي ملڪيت واري تجارتي ٽيڪنالاجي اهم تيل-پاڻي جي علحدگي (ڊائيلنگ) جي مسئلي کي قيمتي ۽ موثر انداز ۾ حل ڪري ٿي آڪسيجن، اوزون، نائٽروجن، ۽ ڪاربن ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ کي وڌيڪ موثر طريقي سان مائع ۾ ڦهلائي ۽ توانائي جي استعمال کي گھٽائي. سامونڊي يا گئس جي صنعت ۾ تيل ۽ گئس انڊسٽري ۾ ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي. سيئر جي ايپليڪيشنن ۾ آئل سينڊ SAGD آبي حل، فرڪچرنگ ۽ تيار ڪيل پاڻي جي علاج، صنعتي تلاءَ جي علاج، مائن ڊي هائيڊريشن/علاج، مستقل رهائشي علائقن ۽ ريموٽ ڪم ڪيمپن ۾ ختم ٿيڻ کان آخر تائين گندي پاڻي جي علاج، گولف ڪورس آبپاشي ۽ تلاءَ جو علاج، ۽ صنعتي فضلا شامل آهن. gas treatment.
Sionix Corporation (OTC: SINX) هڪ جديد ۽ جديد موبائيل واٽر ٽريٽمينٽ سسٽم (MWTS) کي ڊزائين ڪيو آهي اسان جي پيٽرن ۽ ملڪيت واري DAF ٽيڪنالاجي سان سسٽم جي بنيادي طور تي. Our systems are designed for energy, government facilities, healthcare facilities, emergency water supply during natural disasters, housing development projects, pretreatment of seawater desalination and other membrane filtration applications, and various applications including underground fracturing in oil and gas Industrial process drilling.
Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; جذب سسٽم، بشمول جذب کولر، گرمي پمپ، سولر کولنگ پروڊڪٽس ۽ ايئر کولڊ گرمي ايڪسچينجرز؛ بوائلر، جهڙوڪ فضول گرمي جي بحالي ۽ شمسي توانائي جو حرارتي نظام، ميونسپل ويسٽ ۽ وڏا صنعتي بوائلر، گرم پاڻي جنريٽر ۽ مڪمل بوائلر؛ ۽ ٻارڻ ۽ حرارتي تيل جا هيٽر. It also provides water treatment, sugar and paper industries, oil fields, green, construction and fireside chemicals, as well as ion exchange resins and fuel additives; اي پي سي پاور پلانٽ؛ solar thermal and photovoltaic solutions; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو توانائي، بحالي ۽ بحالي، گندي پاڻي جي علاج، عام معاهدي جي منصوبي تي عملدرآمد، وڏي بوائلر، ڪسٽمر ٽريننگ، ۽ خاص خدمتون ۽ حل؛ complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; and spare parts. The company provides services for the oil and gas, steel, automotive, food, cement, chemical, refining and petrochemical, power generation, textile, pharmaceutical, paper and pulp, oil depot heating, space heating, sugar, paint, rubber and edible oil industries; ھوٽل ۽ تجارتي ڪمپليڪس؛ EPC پروفيسر ۽ صلاحڪار؛ شراب خانا ۽ ميونسپلٽيز.
Titanium Corporation Inc. (TSX: TIC.V) CVW™ technology provides sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of the oil sands industry. اسان جي ٽيڪنالوجي آئل رينڊ tailings جي ماحولياتي اثر کي گھٽائي ٿي، جڏهن ته اقتصادي طور تي قيمتي شين کي بحال ڪري ٿي جيڪا ٻي صورت ۾ گم ٿي ويندي. CVW™ recovers bitumen, solvents and minerals from the tailings, thereby preventing these commodities from entering the tailing pond and the atmosphere: fundamentally reducing the emission of volatile organic compounds and greenhouse gases; the quality of hot tailings water can be improved. Recycling; باقي بچيل ٽنگون وڌيڪ آساني سان ڳري سگھجن ٿيون.
Trican Well Service Ltd (TSX: TCW.TO) provides a wide range of professional products, equipment and services that can be used in the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves. EcoClean-LW™ هڪ لڪير وارو پاڻي ڀڃڻ وارو سيال آهي جيڪو جيولوجيڪل اڏاوتن، آبي ذخيرن ۽ پيداوار جي سنڀال ڪندڙن کي آلودگي جي خطري کي ختم ڪرڻ لاءِ ٺاهيو ويو آهي. EcoClean-LW سسٽم ۾ شامل آهن غير زهر، بايوڊيگريڊبل يا غير بايو جمع ڪرڻ وارا اضافو اڪيلو يا ميلاپ ۾ استعمال ٿيل آهن. هر اضافو سخت Microtox® ٽيسٽ پاس ڪندو. Products or chemicals that pass the Microtox® test are considered safe to be used in drinking water, and generally meet the standards specified in other regulatory inspections.
Veolia Environnement (NYSE: VE; Paris: VIE.PA) helps cities and industries manage, optimize and fully utilize their resources. ڪمپني پاڻي، توانائي ۽ مواد سان لاڳاپيل حل فراهم ڪري ٿو ته فضول خرچي تي منتقلي- هڪ سرڪل معيشت تي منتقلي لاء.
ويسٽ ڪنيڪشن ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: WCN) هڪ جامع سولڊ ويسٽ سروس ڪمپني آهي جيڪا خاص طور تي مالڪي ۽ ثانوي مارڪيٽن ۾ فضول گڏ ڪرڻ، منتقلي، نيڪال ۽ ريسائڪلنگ جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. ڪمپني پئسفڪ نارٿ ويسٽ ۾ ڪارگو ۽ سولڊ ويسٽ ڪنٽينر ٽرانسپورٽيشن لاءِ انٽرموڊل خدمتون پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿي. Waste Connections, Inc. قائم ڪئي وئي سيپٽمبر 1997 ۾ ۽ هيڊ ڪوارٽر Woodlands, Texas ۾ آهي.

WSP Global Inc (TSX: WSP.TO) is one of the world's leading professional service companies. WSP provides technical expertise to clients in real estate, buildings, transportation and infrastructure, environment, industry, and resources (including mining and oil and gas) Knowledge and strategy consulting for natural gas) and power and energy fields. WSP also provides highly specialized services in project delivery and strategic consulting. Its experts include engineers, consultants, technicians, scientists, architects, planners, surveyors and environmental experts, as well as other design, planning and construction management professionals. 40 ملڪن/علائقن ۾ 500 آفيسن ۾ لڳ ڀڳ 34,000 ملازمن سان، WSP وٽ WSP ۽ WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff brands تحت ڪامياب ۽ پائيدار منصوبن جو فائدو آهي. Water: In June 2016, the company announced that it had reached an agreement with Schlumberger, the world's leading oilfield services company, to acquire its industrial water consulting business. اهو ڪاروبار WSP کي پاڻي جي صلاحڪار خدمتون ۽ پروجيڪٽ حل فراهم ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائيندو عالمي صنعتي گراهڪن کي.

5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. ڪمپني مڪمل طور تي بند ٿيل لوپ ريسائڪلنگ سهولتن سان گڏ آهي، هيڊ ڪوارٽر مونٽريال، ڪيوبيڪ، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ يورپ، آمريڪا ۽ ايشيا جي ڪيترن ئي علائقن ۾ پيداواري پلانٽ ۽ سيلز آفيسون آهن. 5N پلس پروڊڪٽس پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ ملڪيت ۽ ثابت ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجيز جو هڪ سلسلو لڳايو آهي جيڪي ڪيترن ئي جديد دواسازي، اليڪٽرانڪ ۽ صنعتي ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ٿي سگهن ٿيون. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials
7C Solarparken AG (XETRA: HRPK.DE; Frankfurt: HRPK.F) designs and builds turnkey solar facilities for private, municipal, industrial and commercial customers. ڪمپني پڻ جرمني ۽ اٽلي ۾ 26 ميگاواٽ جي ڪل نصب ٿيل گنجائش سان مختلف شمسي پاور پلانٽ هلائي ٿو. In addition, it also provides a series of services, such as technical support, remote monitoring, inspection and maintenance, troubleshooting and repair, reporting, data archiving, as well as advice and support services for solar system operation, monitoring and maintenance.
ابوڪو توانائي، Inc. (OTC: ۽ ان جا سبسڪرائيمس) آمريڪا ۾ برقي شيون فراهم ڪندڙ طور تي هلن ٿا. ڪمپني وڪرو ڪري ٿي ۽ انسٽال ڪري ٿي شمسي فوٽووولٽڪ پاور سسٽم گراهڪن کي انهن جي رهائشي يا تجارتي ملڪيتن تي بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ جي قابل ڪرڻ لاءِ. It also sells and installs energy-saving lighting products, solar street lights and lighting accessories to residential and commercial customers. In addition, the company provides solar leasing and long-term financing plans for its customers and other marketing and installation organizations
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Accionا قابل تجديد توانائي مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم پليئر آهي، پنجن براعظمن تي 20 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائقن ۾ مضبوط آپريشنز سان. ڪمپني قابل تجديد توانائي سان ڪم ڪرڻ ۾ ماهر آهي، خاص طور تي انهن مان پنج- ونڊ انرجي، سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، سولر تھرمل انرجي، هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور ۽ بايوماس انرجي.
ARRAY Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGS: ARRY) is one of the world's largest manufacturers of ground installation systems for solar projects. The company's main products are an integrated system of steel brackets, electric motors, gearboxes, electronic controllers and software, usually called single-axis “trackers”. The tracker moves the solar panels throughout the day to maintain the best direction towards the sun, thereby significantly increasing its energy production. انهن منصوبن جي مقابلي ۾ جيڪي روايتي "مقرر ٿيل ٽولٽ" انسٽاليشن سسٽم استعمال ڪندا آهن جيڪي سنگل پروڊس استعمال ڪندا آهن جيڪي ٽريڪٽرز استعمال ڪن ٿا ۽ گهٽ سراسري توانائي جي قيمت پيدا ڪري سگهن ٿا. Array Technologies is headquartered in the United States, with offices in Europe, Central America and Australia.

Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) is one of the largest renewable energy companies in India, with a current project portfolio of 5,290 MW. AGEL is part of Adani Group's commitment to provide India with a better, cleaner, and greener future. Driven by the group's “good growth” philosophy, the company develops, constructs, owns, operates and maintains utility-scale grid-connected solar and wind farm projects. پيدا ٿيل بجلي مرڪزي ۽ رياستي حڪومتي ادارن ۽ حڪومت جي مدد سان ڪمپنين کي فراهم ڪئي ويندي آهي.

Air Liquide Group (Paris: AI.PA) is a provider of gas, technology and services for a range of industries, such as the steel industry, food and beverage, electronics or pharmaceuticals. The company categorizes its activities into natural gas and services, engineering technology and other activities. Its gas and service activities provide various gas, application equipment and related services for technology, research, materials, energy, automotive, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, handicraft, and network industries. اهو پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو طبي گيس، صفائي جون شيون، طبي سامان ۽ خدمتون اسپتالن ۽ گهر ۾ مريضن لاءِ. ان کان علاوه، اهو سيمي ڪنڊڪٽرز، فليٽ پينلز ۽ فوٽووولٽڪ پينلز جي پيداوار لاءِ گئس ۽ خدمتون پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو. ان جي انجنيئرنگ ۽ ٽيڪنيڪل سرگرمين ۾ صنعتي گيس جي پيداواري پلانٽ جي ڊيزائن، ترقي ۽ تعمير شامل آهن. ان جي ٻين سرگرمين ۾ شامل آهن ويلڊنگ ۽ ڪٽڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجي جي ترقي، ۽ گہرے سمنڊ ۾ ڊائيونگ ۽ ترڻ جي سامان جي فراهمي.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. The distribution group operates in the United States and provides price-controlled water, electricity and natural gas utility services to more than 489,000 customers. The unregulated power generation group owns or owns a portfolio of contracted wind, solar, hydropower, and natural gas power generation facilities located in North America, with an installed capacity of more than 1,050 megawatts. ٽرانسميشن گروپ آمريڪا ۽ ڪئناڊا ۾ ريٽ ريگيولڊ پاور ٽرانسميشن ۽ قدرتي گئس پائيپ لائين سسٽم ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪئي آهي. Algonquin Power & Utilities has achieved sustained growth through expanding channels of renewable energy development projects, organic growth within regulated power distribution and transmission businesses, and the pursuit of value-added acquisitions.

Alternus Energy Inc. (OTC: ALTN) is a global independent electricity producer (“IPP”). We develop, own and operate solar photovoltaic parks directly connected to the national grid. Our current source of revenue comes from long-term, fixed-price, long-term supply contracts stipulated by the government. These contracts are in the form of government feed-in tariffs (“FiT”) and other energy incentives, and are valid for 15 to 20 years. Our current contracts provide annual revenue, of which approximately 75% comes from these sources, and the remaining 25% comes from revenue generated from Contract Energy Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) signed with other energy operators and sales to the general energy market. The countries in which we operate. Overall, these contracts generate an average sales rate per kilowatt-hour of green energy generated by our solar park. Our current focus is the European solar photovoltaic market. جڏهن ته، اسان پڻ فعال طور تي يورپ کان ٻاهر ٻين ملڪن ۾ موقعا ڳولي رهيا آهيون.
Amtech Systems, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ASYS) is a global supplier of advanced heat treatment equipment for the solar, semiconductor/electronic and LED manufacturing markets. Amtech's equipment includes diffusion, ALD and PECVD systems, ion implanters and solder reflow systems. Amtech also provides wafer processing automation and polishing equipment and related consumables. The company's wafer processing, heat treatment and consumable products currently address the diffusion, oxidation and deposition steps used in the polishing of solar cells, LEDs, semiconductors, MEMS, printed circuit boards, semiconductor packaging, and freshly cut sapphire and silicon. . Wafer.

Atlantic Wind & Solar Inc. (OTC: AWSL) 750 ميگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ منصوبن سان گڏ ڪيناڊا، ڏکڻ آمريڪا، ايشيا ۽ ڪيريبين ۾ ترقي جي مختلف مرحلن ۾ يوٽيلٽي-اسڪيل قابل تجديد توانائي پاور پلانٽس جو ڊولپر آهي. Its product portfolio is mainly solar photovoltaic, with a total capacity of approximately 650 megawatts at various development stages. It has diversified in Ontario, 22 cities in Canada, and 5 regions in Central and South America (including Ecuador and Peru).
Atlantica Yield PLC (NasdaqGS: AY) owns and manages renewable energy natural gas, electricity, transmission lines and water assets in North America, South America, Spain, Algeria and South Africa. ڇا پاڪ توانائي بجلي جا بجلي جا اثا شرٽ اٿار ۽ واء بجلي جا حصا آهن.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX جي تحقيق ۽ پراڊڪٽس نئين ”سبز“ ٽيڪنالاجيز لاءِ ضروري آهن جيڪي موجوده توانائي کي بچائڻ ۽ قابل اعتماد ۽ سستي نظام ٺاهڻ لاءِ ٺاهيا ويا آهن جيئن ته ونڊ، سولر ۽ هائيڊرو پاور استعمال ڪري قابل تجديد توانائي. AVX ٽيڪنالاجي جي اعتبار کي يقيني بڻائي سگهندي ته هي ۽ ايندڙ نسلن کي انهن سائي ٽيڪنالاجي مان فائدو حاصل ٿيندو. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.

BioSolar, Inc (OTC: BSRC)، جديد بايو بيسڊ سولر پراڊڪٽس جو ٺاھيندڙ، ھن وقت شمسي توانائي کي ذخيرو ڪرڻ جي قيمت گھٽائڻ لاءِ جديد توانائي اسٽوريج ٽيڪنالاجي تيار ڪري رھيو آھي. Existing battery technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, can store energy for a long time, but cannot charge or discharge quickly. This feature limits the use of batteries for backup power applications. Inspired by nature, BioSolar is developing a low-cost polymer-based supercapacitor that charges and discharges hundreds of times faster than batteries, and will complement the batteries used to store solar energy. بايو سولر سپر ڪيپيسٽرز کي بيٽري پيڪ ۾ هڪ اعليٰ طاقت واري فرنٽ-اينڊ جي طور تي ضم ڪرڻ سان، بيٽري پيڪن جو تعداد عام طور تي گهربل ضرورتن کان گهٽ آهي، ۽ ڏينهن جي دوران شمسي توانائي کي جلدي ۽ قيمتي طريقي سان محفوظ ڪري سگهجي ٿو رات جي وقت استعمال لاءِ. گھٽ قيمت. This potentially game-changing technology will enable users of solar systems to reduce their dependence on or completely disconnect from the utility grid

Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) ھڪڙو بجلي پيدا ڪندڙ آھي جنھن جو بنيادي ڪاروبار قابل تجديد توانائي پاور اسٽيشنن جي ترقي ۽ آپريشن لاء وقف آھي. بورالڪس وٽ لڳ ڀڳ 250 ملازم آهن ۽ چار قسم جي پاور جنريشن: ونڊ، هائيڊرو، تھرمل ۽ سولر ۾ ان جي ماهريت ۽ وسيع تجربو لاءِ سڃاتي وڃي ٿي.

China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. In addition, it also runs other projects such as thermal power, solar power, tidal power, biomass power and geothermal power. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. سالن جي جمع ٿيڻ کان پوءِ، ڪمپنيءَ آهستي آهستي ڏهه ونڊ پاور ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ سروس سپورٽ سسٽم قائم ڪيا آهن، جن ۾ ونڊ پاور جي ابتدائي ماپ، ڊيزائن جي صلاح، سامان جي خريداري، آپريشن مانيٽرنگ، انسپيڪشن ۽ سار سنڀال، ٽيڪنيڪل ريسرچ ۽ ڊولپمينٽ، ٽيڪنيڪل سپورٽ، ٽيڪنيڪل ترقي. , technical support, technology Support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support and other fields have formed unique advantages. پروفيشنل ٽريننگ.
China Solar Energy and Clean Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (OTC: CSOL) designs and provides integrated renewable energy solutions for industrial customers and real estate developers in China and the world. The company provides vacuum tube and flat plate solar water heaters; بهر اسو، ۽ انويز جي فزلن جي فضيلتن ۾ فضيلتن کي سپلائي نظام، گرم پاڻي واري دٻي واري نظام، گرم پاڻي واري بوائلرز ۽ بیکارڊ ڪپلنگ سسٽم furnaces. اهو صنعتي فضول گرمي جي بحالي واري نظام ۽ حرارتي شين کي پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو، جهڙوڪ حرارتي ٽيوب، هيٽ ايڪسچينجرز، خاص حرارتي ٽيوب ۽ ٽيوب، تيز درجه حرارت گرم ڌماڪي وارو اسٽو، حرارتي فلٽر، هوا جي گرم پاڻيء جي بوائلر ۽ ريڊيٽرز. In addition, the company also provides conventional tubular heaters with dense coverage; and sells spare parts for its products, and provides after-sales maintenance and repair services. China's solar and clean energy solutions sell products through a network of distributors, wholesalers, sales agents and retailers.
Chofu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5946.T) is a Japanese company mainly engaged in the manufacture of hot water supply equipment, air conditioning equipment, system equipment and solar equipment. ان جي مکيه شين ۾ گرم پاڻي جي فراهمي جو سامان شامل آهي، جهڙوڪ تيل سان ڀريل واٽر هيٽر، گيس واٽر هيٽر، برقي واٽر هيٽر، ماحولياتي واٽر هيٽر ۽ ڪوجنريشن سسٽم؛ air-conditioning equipment, such as household air conditioners, hot water systems and oil-fired heating equipment; system equipment, such as system bathrooms, systems Kitchen and bathroom toilets, as well as solar energy equipment, including solar power generation equipment, under-floor ventilation fans and solar water heaters. ڪمپني پڻ پنهنجي ماتحت ادارن مان هڪ ذريعي سافٽ ويئر جي پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي.
CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) قائم ڪيو ويو صاف ۽ منظم "وائرلیس پاور" مهيا ڪرڻ جي نظريي جي بنياد تي. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS: COHR) is one of the world's leading providers of lasers, laser-based technologies and laser-based system solutions for scientific, commercial and industrial customers. Our common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market and is part of the Russell 2000 Index and the S&P SmallCap 600 Index. شمسي
Conselation Energy (NasdaqGS: EXC), a company of Exelon, is a leading competitive supplier of electricity, natural gas, renewable energy, and energy management products and services for homes and businesses in the continental United States. We provide comprehensive energy solutions-from electricity and natural gas procurement and renewable energy supply to demand-side management solutions-which can help customers strategically purchase, manage and use their energy. شمسي توانائي
Cree Inc. (NASDAQGS: CREE) LED روشنيءَ واري انقلاب جي اڳواڻي ڪري ٿي ۽ روايتي لائٽنگ ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ختم ڪري ٿو جيڪي توانائي جي بچت، پاري کان آزاد LED لائٽنگ استعمال ڪندي توانائي کي ضايع ڪن ٿيون. Cree is a market-leading innovator of lighting-grade LEDs, LED lighting, and semiconductor products for power and radio frequency (RF) applications. Cree's product line includes LED lamps and bulbs, blue and green LED chips, high-brightness LEDs, lighting-grade power LEDs, power switching devices and RF devices. Cree® products are driving improvements in applications such as general lighting, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters.
CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 200012.SZ) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of glass and the solar energy industry. The company's flat glass business mainly provides float glass, special glass, quartz sand, etc. The engineering glass segment mainly provides environmentally friendly and energy-saving low-emissivity coated glass. The fine glass business mainly provides color filters, screening glass, etc.; the solar field mainly provides high-purity polysilicon materials and solar cells and modules. ڪمپني جون شيون گهريلو ۽ غير ملڪي مارڪيٽن ۾ ورهايل آهن، جن ۾ هانگ ڪانگ، يورپ، اتر آمريڪا ۽ آسٽريليا شامل آهن.

Daegu New Energy Corporation (NYSE: DQ) is a leading manufacturer of high-purity polysilicon for the global solar photovoltaic industry. The company was established in 2008 and is one of the world's lowest-cost high-purity polysilicon producers. DOQO جي اعلي ڪارڪردگي ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي طور تي 18،000 کان مٿي جي سالياني پيداوار، جيڪا 2018 جي ​​آخر ۾ هڪ سالياني ا polical polsicicicicons پيدا ڪري رهي آهي، جيڪا 2018 جي ​​آخر ۾ 30،000 ٽينس جي هڪ سالياني پوليسن کي اذيثي پيدا ڪري رهي آهي، جيڪا 30،000 ٽينس جي آخر تائين هڪ سالياني گولي آهي، جيڪا 2018 جي ​​آخر تائين هڪ سالياني گولي آهي، جيڪا 30،000 ٽينس جي آخر تائين هڪ سالياني جملن جي اختلاف پيدا ڪري رهي آهي
Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) nearly 6 million customers from 19 states use electricity or natural gas from Richmond, Virginia-based Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) to power their houses and businesses. ڪمپني پائيدار، قابل اعتماد، سستي، محفوظ ۽ محفوظ توانائي حاصل ڪرڻ لاء پرعزم آهي. اهو آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏو توانائي پيدا ڪندڙ ۽ ٽرانسپورٽرن مان هڪ آهي، جنهن وٽ 78 بلين ڊالر کان وڌيڪ جا اثاثا آهن جيڪي مهيا ڪري سگهن ٿا بجلي جي پيداوار، ٽرانسميشن ۽ تقسيم، گڏوگڏ قدرتي گئس اسٽوريج، پاور ٽرانسميشن، تقسيم ۽ درآمد ۽ برآمد جون خدمتون. As one of the leading solar operators in the United States, the company plans to reduce carbon intensity by 50% by 2030. Through its Dominion Energy Charity Foundation, EnergyShare and other programs, Dominion Energy plans to donate more than $30 million to the community in 2018. Cause the entire footprint and other reasons.
The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) combines the power of science and technology to enthusiastically innovate what is essential to human progress. The company is promoting innovation to extract value from the intersection of chemical, physical and biological sciences to help solve many of the world's most challenging problems, such as the demand for clean water, the generation and protection of clean energy, and the increase in agricultural پيداوار The Dow Chemical Company's market-oriented integration, industry-leading specialty chemistry, advanced materials, agricultural science and plastics business portfolio, provides a wide range of technology-based products for customers in approximately 180 countries and high-growth fields such as packaging and electronics . مصنوعات ۽ حل، پاڻي، رنگ ۽ زراعت. ڊو سولر
ڊيوڪ انرجي (NYSE: DUK) آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي پاور هولڊنگ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا تقريبن 7.3 ملين آمريڪي گراهڪن کي توانائي فراهم ڪري ٿي. اسان تقريباً 570,000 ميگا واٽ بجلي پيدا ڪريون ٿا ڪيرولينا، مڊ ويسٽ ۽ فلوريڊا ۾، ۽ اوهائيو ۽ ڪينٽڪي ۾ قدرتي گئس جي ورڇ واريون خدمتون مهيا ڪيون ٿا. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. ڊيوڪ انرجي جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر چارليٽ، اتر ڪيولينا ۾ آهي ۽ هڪ فارچون 250 ڪمپني آهي. Solar energy: More and more people in the United States are looking for more renewable energy options, and solar energy is playing an increasingly important role in the way Duke Energy provides electricity to its customers. It is already helping homeowners, businesses and government organizations meet some of their energy needs. ۽ جيئن ته سڄي ملڪ ۾ شمسي تنصيب جي قيمت ۾ گهٽتائي جاري آهي، اهو گراهڪن لاء سولر چونڊڻ آسان ٿي ويو آهي. Duke Energy is committed to providing customers with more options for using solar energy and other forms of renewable energy. In our six-state service area, Duke Energy's customers have received approximately 7,000 MW of solar power generation in the six states we serve, generating 700 MW of solar power generation, of which 70 MW is from the rooftop Solar installation.
Since 1802, DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering technology to the global market in the form of innovative products, materials and services. The company believes that through cooperation with customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and thought leaders, we can help find solutions to global challenges, such as providing enough healthy food for people all over the world, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and Protect life and ماحول. DuPont Solar: Provides the widest combination of materials in photovoltaics (PV) and provides six of the eight most critical materials for manufacturing solar modules.

EDP ​​Renovaveis، SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) هڪ معروف عالمي قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا قدر جي تخليق، جدت ۽ پائيدار ترقي لاءِ وقف آهي. اسان عالمي مارڪيٽن ۾ ڪاروبار کي ترقي ڪريون ٿا ۽ اسان جي ڪاروبار کي نون علائقن ڏانهن وڌائڻ جاري رکون ٿا، هر مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم پوزيشن کي برقرار رکڻ ۽ اسٽيڪ هولڊرز ۽ شيئر هولڊرز لاء قدر پيدا ڪرڻ لاء. EDP​​R's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.
Aige Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai: 600537.SS) is a high-tech company specializing in the research, development, production and sales of photovoltaic products. Its vertically integrated system combines ingots, wafers, batteries, module packaging and solar power generation. EGing جي سالياني پيداوار جي صلاحيت 1GW monocrystalline silicon ۽ polycrystalline silicon سولر ماڊلز آهي. EGing Photovoltaic Group قائم ڪيو آهي Jiangsu EGing Photovoltaic انجنيئرنگ ڪاليج، Jiangsu Solar Materials Research Center، Module and Battery Laboratory (ان جي ماڊل ليبارٽري VDE ۽ TDAP سرٽيفڪيشن حاصل ڪئي آهي)، Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center، ۽ National Postdoctoral Research Station.
Elecnor SA (MCE: ENO.MC) is a Spanish company engaged in the promotion, development and management of projects in the fields of energy, telecommunications, transportation and the environment. ڪمپني چار ڪاروباري علائقن ذريعي هلندي آهي: انفراسٽرڪچر، قابل تجديد توانائي، رعايتون، ۽ ڊيموس. Its products and services include the production and distribution of electricity, the distribution of natural gas, the operation of telecommunications systems, the provision of support services to airports and railway stations, the supply of drinking water and waste treatment; and the construction, management and maintenance of industrial plants. Solar energy
Electronic Solar Energy (OTC: ESRG) provides solar and green energy solutions for homeowners, businesses, non-profit organizations and government organizations in the United States. ڪمپني فراهم ڪري ٿي سولر پاور سسٽم يا فوٽووولٽڪ سسٽم، بيٽري بيڪ اپ سسٽم، سولر واٽر هيٽنگ سسٽم، سولر ايٽيڪ فين، ريفليڪٽو روف ڪوٽنگ، سولر پول هيٽنگ سسٽم، پول صاف ڪرڻ وارو نظام ۽ مينهن جو پاڻي گڏ ڪرڻ جو نظام. It also provides installation services.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) is a major investment company that specializes in solar and onshore wind energy and park operations. اهو شروع کان گرين فيلڊ پروجيڪٽ ۾ سيڙپڪاري تي ڌيان نٿو ڏئي، ۽ نه ئي اهو فرض ڪري ٿو وڏي ترقي يا تعميراتي خطرات. اهو IPOs، واپاري سيلز، ثانوي خريداري يا ٻيهر خريداري ذريعي پنجن کان ست سالن اندر سيڙپڪاري مان ڪڍڻ چاهي ٿو. The company seeks to invest outside of its balance sheet. It focuses on acquiring and operating turnkey solar and wind farms from the secondary market. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. گهڻيون توانائي جون شيون ۽ حل فوري طور تي لاڳو ڪري سگھجن ٿيون جتي ضرورت هجي. EHT هڪ مڪمل سيٽ شمسي فوٽووولٽڪ، ونڊ انرجي ۽ بيٽري اسٽوريج حلن کي گڏ ڪري ٿو ته جيئن مقابلي کان ٻاهر نڪرڻ لاء. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. اهي مصنوعات کي پرڪشش ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پرڪشش ڪمن، ٿڌن گهرن، نن، اسرار ۽ شهري عمارتون، ۽ عارضي عمارتون.

ESI Energy Services Inc. (CSE: OPI) هڪ پلمبنگ سامان ليز تي ڏيڻ ۽ وڪرو ڪرڻ واري ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ليڊڪ، البرٽا ۽ فينڪس، ايريزونا ۾ مکيه عملن سان گڏ آهي. The company supplies (leases) backfill separators (“fillers”) to mainline pipeline contractors through its operating subsidiaries ESI Pipeline Services Limited (“ESIPSL”) and Ozzie's Pipeline Padder, Inc. (“OPI”). , Oilfield pipeline and construction contractors, utility construction contractors and renewable energy (wind and solar) contractors.

Ferrotec Corporation (Tokyo: 6890.T) is a diversified technology company with operations all over the world, involving a wide range of final products, manufacturing systems and industries. We provide customers with advanced materials, components and assembly solutions to make their products work better, more accurately, and more reliably. Based on the technological core of Ferrofluid magnetic fluid and Ferrofluidic® sealing products, our company and our product portfolio have grown to meet the ever-changing needs of customers. Ferrotec is now a global enterprise, which is characterized by a large number of inter-company cooperation in product research, manufacturing and marketing. پي وي

Fujipream Corporation (Tokyo: 4237.T) is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of optical filters for plasma display panels (PDP), optical equipment and photovoltaic equipment. The company operates two business units. The flat panel display division is engaged in the manufacture and sale of optical filters for PDPs, which are used in flat panel displays and products related to touch screen sensor substrates. صاف ماحولياتي توانائي جي شعبي ۾ مختلف شمسي سيل ماڊلز جي ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪرو شامل آهن. the design, construction and sales of residential and industrial solar power systems, as well as the manufacturing, installation and sales of thin-film laminated glass and double-layer glass for thermal insulation, etc. .

جنرل اليڪٽرڪ (NYSE: GE) شين کي تصور ڪري ٿو جيڪي ٻين نه ڪيا آهن، شيون ٺاهي ٿو جيڪي ٻيا نٿا ڪري سگهن، ۽ نتيجا مهيا ڪن ٿيون جيڪي دنيا کي هڪ بهتر جڳهه ٺاهي. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE پنهنجي ليبارٽريز ۽ ڪارخانن ۾ ايندڙ صنعتي دور پيدا ڪيو آهي ۽ دنيا کي منتقل ڪرڻ، طاقت ڏيڻ، تعمير ڪرڻ ۽ شفا ڏيڻ لاءِ گراهڪن سان گڏ زميني تعاون. Solar energy: GE provides a complete solar energy solution, which considers each customer's situation and goals. Whether it is used for commercial, industrial, utility or mixed applications, GE can use the breadth and depth of its products and expertise to help customers choose the right technology combination.
Good Energy Group, PLC (LSE: GOOD.L) خريد ڪري ٿو، بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿو ۽ پنهنجي ماتحت ادارن ذريعي برطانيه ۾ قابل تجديد توانائي جي ذريعن مان بجلي وڪرو ڪري ٿو. The company operates through supply companies, power generation companies and power generation development departments. It generates electricity through wind turbines and solar panels. And provide on-grid electricity price management services for micro generators. The company also sells natural gas; and provides services related to the development of micro-renewable power generation and power generation sites.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC: GSFI) هڪ وومنگ تي ٻڌل ڪمپني آهي جنهن جون سيٽلائيٽ آفيسون مليبو، ڪيليفورنيا ۽ نيو يارڪ شهر، نيو يارڪ ۾ آهن. اهو شمسي شعبي ۾ غير مطمئن مارڪيٽ کي ترقي ڪرڻ لاء پرعزم آهي ۽ هن وقت نيواڊا ۾ آهي ڪيليفورنيا لائسنس يافته آهي، ايريزونا، واشنگٽن، نيو يارڪ، نيو جرسي، ميساچوسٽس، نيو ميڪسيڪو، کولوراڊو، هوائي ۽ ڪئناڊا. The company's next-generation solar greenhouse is constructed and managed by the Nevada branch Green Rain Solar, LLC, using the proprietary greenhouse technology and trademark design developed by the world-renowned architect Mr. Anthony Morali. The company currently targets the high-growth solar market with advanced solar greenhouses and advanced solar cell products. The company has a growing share of the New York City solar market that is in short supply, and the company plans to use 50,000 to 100,000 square feet of roof space for solar panels. گرين اسٽريم اميد رکي ٿو ته وڏين سيڙپڪاري گروپن سان اهم پارٽنرشپ قائم ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪمرشل سولر مارڪيٽ ۾ مختلف منفرد سيڙپڪاري جا موقعا حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ. ڪمپني هن نازڪ علائقي ۾ هڪ اهم پليئر بڻجڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي. ان جي جديد شمسي پراڊڪٽس ۽ صنعت پارٽنرشپ جي ذريعي، ڪمپني سولر فيلڊ ۾ هڪ اهم حصو وٺندڙ بڻجڻ جي پوزيشن ۾ آهي.

Hara Minato Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8894.T) is mainly engaged in real estate business. The real estate distribution part involves the distribution and sale of apartments, as well as the planning, design and sale of detached houses, as well as real estate transactions and brokerage. The real estate leasing and management department is engaged in the management of rental apartments in Yamaguchi Prefecture and the operation and management of nursing homes for the elderly. شمسي توانائي جو ڪاروبار
هونڊا موٽر ڪمپني، لميٽيڊ (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: HMC) دنيا جي سڀ کان وڏي انجڻ ٺاهيندڙ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا هر سال مختلف شين لاءِ 27 ملين کان وڌيڪ انجڻون ٺاهي ٿي، جنهن ۾ شامل آهن: هوائي جهاز، موٽر سائيڪلون، آل ٽرين گاڏيون، جنريٽر ۽ جهاز انجڻ. , lawn and garden equipment as well as Honda and Ac song cars. Honda Solar: Cigs thin-film solar cells-instead of silicon, Honda has developed CIGS solar cells, which are composed of thin films and can generate electricity made of copper, indium, gallium and selenide. This reduces the thickness of the film from 80 microns containing silicon to only 2-3 microns. This reduces the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions during the production process, making them harmless to the environment. The structure of these solar cells can generate electricity stably even when part of the solar cells are in the shadow without a significant drop in voltage.
HyperSolar Inc. (OTC: HYSR) سج جي روشني ۽ ڪنهن به پاڻي جي ذريعن کي استعمال ڪندي قابل تجديد هائيڊروجن پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ هڪ پيش رفت گهٽ قيمت واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪري رهي آهي، جنهن ۾ سامونڊي پاڻي ۽ گندو پاڻي شامل آهي. Unlike hydrocarbon fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas, hydrocarbon fuels release carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere when they are used, while the use of hydrogen fuel produces pure water as the only by-product. By optimizing nano-scale water electrolysis technology, our low-cost nanoparticles can simulate photosynthesis to effectively use sunlight to separate hydrogen in water to produce environmentally friendly and renewable hydrogen. We intend to use our low-cost method to produce renewable hydrogen to realize a distributed hydrogen production world for renewable electricity and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا وقف ڪئي وئي آهي طاقت جي تبادلي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ. ڪمپني هڪ ناول پيٽنٽ ٿيل پاور ڪنورشن ٽيڪنالاجي تيار ڪئي آهي جنهن کي پاور پيڪٽ سوئچنگ آرڪيٽيڪچر ("PPSA") سڏيو ويندو آهي. PPSA اليڪٽرڪ پاور ڪنورٽرز جي سائيز، قيمت، ڪارڪردگي، لچڪ ۽ قابل اعتماد کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو. PPSA ڪيترن ئي وڏن ۽ وڌندڙ مارڪيٽن تائين وڌائي سگھي ٿو، جن ۾ سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، متغير فريڪوئنسي ڊرائيو، بيٽري انرجي اسٽوريج، موبائل پاور ۽ مائڪرو گرڊس، ۽ برقي گاڏي چارجنگ شامل آهن. ڪمپني پڻ ترقي ڪري رهي آهي هڪ bidirectional bidirectional Double junction transistor (B-TRAN™)، ۽ هڪ پيٽنٽ لاءِ درخواست ڏني آهي، جنهن ۾ باهمي طاقت جي سوئچز جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ طاقت جي کثافت کي تمام گهڻو بهتر ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت آهي. Ideal Power استعمال ڪري ٿو سرمائيدار-موثر ڪاروباري ماڊل جيڪو ڪمپني کي قابل بنائي ٿو ڪيترن ئي پراڊڪٽ ڊولپمينٽ پروجيڪٽس ۽ مارڪيٽن کي هڪ ئي وقت ۾.
Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) هڪ پیشہ ور قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار جي اثاثن کي ترقي، تعمير، مالڪ ۽ هلائي ٿي. It has rights to 24 wind farms, including 6 wind farms in operation, Australia has a total installed capacity of 557 MW; the United States has 18 operating wind farms with a total installed capacity of 1,089 MW, as well as wind power and The pipeline of solar renewable energy development.
Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) ڪينيڊا جي معروف آزاد قابل تجديد توانائي پيدا ڪندڙ آھي. 1990 ۾ پنهنجي قيام کان وٺي، ڪمپنيءَ جي ترقي، مالڪي ۽ آپريشن لاءِ پرعزم آهي هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور سهولتن، ونڊ فارمز ۽ شمسي ڦوٽو وولٽڪ پاور پلانٽس درياءَ جي مٿئين حصي تي، ۽ ڪيوبيڪ، اونٽاريو، برٽش ڪولمبيا ۽ آئيڊاهو ۾ ترقي ڪئي آهي. آمريڪا ۾. ڪاروبار. ان جي اثاثن واري پورٽ فوليو ۾ هن وقت شامل آهن: (i) 687 ميگاواٽ (ڪل 1,194 ميگاواٽ) جي ڪل خالص نصب ٿيل گنجائش سان 33 آپريٽنگ سهولتن جي ملڪيت، جنهن ۾ 26 هائيڊرو پاور سهولتون، 6 ونڊ فارمز ۽ 1 سولر فوٽووولٽڪ پاور جنريشن (Ii) پنجن ۾ حق آهن. ترقي هيٺ يا تعمير هيٺ منصوبا جن بجلي خريد ڪرڻ جا معاهدا ڪيا آهن، جن ۾ ڪل 208 ميگاواٽ (ڪل 319 ميگاواٽ) جي خالص نصب گنجائش؛ (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).
Integrated Electrical Services Inc. (NASDAQGM: IESC) is a holding company that owns and manages various operating subsidiaries, including providers of industrial products and infrastructure services for various end markets. اسان جا 2,700 ملازم آمريڪا ۽ ٻاهرين ملڪن ۾ گراهڪن کي خدمتون مهيا ڪن ٿا. Solar energy: IES Commercial and Industrial provides multiple building functions, including custom residential, commercial, industrial, power transmission and distribution, and alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, and electric vehicles. Each of our branches focuses on multiple disciplines and conducts business across the United States, and some branches operate nationwide.
Intevac Inc. (NasdaqGS: IVAC) was established in 1991 and has two businesses: thin film equipment and photonics. اسان جي پتلي فلم سامان جي ڪاروبار ۾، اسان اعلي پيداوار پتلي فلم پروسيسنگ سسٽم جي ڊيزائن ۽ ترقي ۾ اڳواڻ آهيون. اسان جو پروڊڪشن-ثابت ٿيل پليٽ فارم ٺهيل آهي وڏي پئماني تي پيداوار لاءِ ذيلي ذخيري جي صحيح پتلي-فلم خاصيتن سان، جهڙوڪ هارڊ ڊسڪ ڊرائيو ميڊيا جنهن کي اسين هن وقت خدمت ڪريون ٿا، ڊسپلي ڪور ۽ سولر فوٽووولٽڪ مارڪيٽ.

Iota Communications Inc. (OTC: IOTC) هڪ وائرليس نيٽ ورڪ آپريٽر ۽ سافٽ ويئر ايپليڪيشن فراهم ڪندڙ آهي جيڪو انٽرنيٽ جي شين لاءِ وقف آهي. Iota بار بار آمدني حل وڪرو ڪري ٿو جيڪو توانائي جي استعمال، استحڪام ۽ تجارتي ۽ صنعتي سهولتن جي آپريشن کي سڌو يا ٽئين پارٽي جي رشتن ذريعي بهتر ڪري سگهي ٿو. Iota also provides important ancillary products and services to promote the adoption of its subscription-based services, including solar, LED lighting and HVAC implementation services.
Ishii Weapon Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6336.T) is engaged in the development, production and distribution of manufacturing equipment for motor parts, displays and electronic components, and solar cell wafers. The company is active in three business units. The motor parts manufacturing equipment department provides printed circuit board (PCB), semiconductor and solar cell wafer manufacturing equipment; ceramic جيٽ scrubbers؛ flatbed grinders and inkjet printers. The display and electronic parts department provides membrane switch panels, excel switch panels, printed boards, silk-screen products, precision steel plates, nameplates and plastic enclosures. Other departments specialize in solar cells.
ITOCHU Corporation (Tokyo: 8001.T) is engaged in domestic trade, import and export trade and overseas trade of various products such as textiles, machinery, metals, minerals, energy, chemicals, food, information and communication technology, real estate, and عام مصنوعات. , Insurance, logistics services, construction and finance, and business investment in Japan and overseas. شمسي توانائي
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) هڪ دنيا جي معروف ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ سروس ڪمپني آهي جيڪا توانائي ۽ پاڻي جي وسيلن جي استعمال لاء وقف آهي. اسان توانائي ۽ پاڻي کي ماپڻ، انتظام ڪرڻ ۽ تجزيو ڪرڻ لاءِ جامع حل فراهم ڪندا آهيون. اسان جي وسيع پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو ۾ شامل آهي بجلي، قدرتي گئس، پاڻي ۽ حرارتي توانائي جي ماپ جو سامان ۽ ڪنٽرول ٽيڪنالاجي؛ communication systems; software; and hosting and consulting services. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources. Itron Total Solar: Itron, a global leader in measurement, data collection and management technology and services, recognizes the emerging needs of the solar industry. Based on our success, Itron provides solar energy providers and utilities with a unique portfolio of solutions and managed services, aiming to meet the business challenges of distributed power generation and build a more flexible and resilient grid for the future. Itron Total Solar اسان جي موجوده صنعت جي معروف صلاحيتن کي گڏ ڪري ٿو شمسي ميٽرنگ، ڪميونيڪيشن، اثاثن جي نگراني ۽ ڊيٽا مينيجمينٽ، تجزيو ۽ لوڊ جي اڳڪٿي ڪرڻ، ۽ منظم ڪيل خدمتن ۾ هڪ آسان سبسڪرپشن جي بنياد تي قيمتن جي جوڙجڪ ذريعي.

JinkoSolar Holdings Limited (NYSE: JKS) شمسي توانائي جي صنعت ۾ عالمي ليڊر آھي. JinkoSolar distributes solar products and sells its solutions and services to a diversified international utility, commercial and residential customer base in China, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Chile, South Africa, India, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States United Arab Emirates, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and other countries and regions. JinkoSolar also sells electricity in China and has connected about 500 MW of solar projects to the grid. JinkoSolar has 4 production facilities in Jiangxi and Zhejiang, China, Portugal and South Africa, and 12 global sales offices in China, Spain, and the United States. Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico, as well as 11 overseas subsidiaries in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan, India, South Africa and Chile
Jusung Engineering Co., Ltd. (Korea: 036930.KQ) manufactures and sells solar cells, semiconductors and display equipment in Korea and internationally. The company's solar cell equipment product line includes thin film deposition equipment; thin film silicon solar cell equipment; thin film amorphous silicon building integrated photovoltaic equipment; and crystalline silicon solar cell equipment. It also provides flat panel display equipment, such as plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition equipment and organic light emitting diode products. The company's semiconductor equipment product line includes Cyclone Plus air separation chemical vapor deposition (CVD) equipment. TRUFIL HDP CVD، پتلي فلمون ٺاهڻ جي ٽيڪنالاجي جهڙوڪ SiO2؛ Genaon dry etching equipment for polymerization and metal processing; ultra-high vacuum CVD equipment for cleaning the deposition environment; Cyclone Plus semi-batch low-pressure CVD equipment for furnace type Batch equipment; and metal-organic CVD equipment used in semiconductor production lines for dielectric and metal film applications. In addition, it provides gallium nitride metal organic CVD equipment, which can be used for mass production of green, blue and white LED lights.

KLA-Tencor Corporation (NasdaqGS: KLAC) is a leading provider of process control and yield management solutions, cooperating with customers around the world to jointly develop the latest detection and metrology technologies. These technologies serve the semiconductor, LED and other related nanoelectronic industries. صنعت جي معياري پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو ۽ انجنيئرن ۽ سائنسدانن جي عالمي سطح جي ٽيم سان، ڪمپني تقريبن 40 سالن تائين گراهڪن کي شاندار حل فراهم ڪري رهي آهي. KLA-Tencor جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر Milpitas، ڪيليفورنيا ۾ آهي، ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ ڪسٽمر آپريشنز ۽ سروس سينٽرز کي وقف ڪري ڇڏيو آهي. MicroXAM-800 آپٽيڪل انٽرفيروميٽر آر اينڊ ڊي ۽ پيداوار کي سپورٽ ڪري ٿو، ماپ جي بناوت جي ايپليڪيشن، قدم جي اوچائي ۽ شڪل. It is used in various industries: LED, power equipment, medical equipment, MEMS, semiconductor, solar energy and precision surface.
Lam Research Coporation (NasdaqGS: LRCX) is a reliable global supplier of innovative wafer manufacturing equipment and services for the semiconductor industry. لام جي وسيع مارڪيٽ جي نمايان ذخيري، ايچنگ، اسٽريپنگ ۽ ويفر جي صفائي جي حل جو پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو سامان جي ڪم کي 1,000 ڀيرا ريل جي ذرڙن کان ننڍو بڻائي ٿو، ان ڪري گراهڪن کي ڪاميابي حاصل ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿو، ان ڪري گراهڪن کي ڪاميابي حاصل ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿو، ان ڪري حاصل ڪري ٿو ننڍا ۽ وڌيڪ تيز ۽ وڌيڪ توانائي. - ڪارائتو سودا چپس. Through collaboration, continuous innovation and fulfilling promises, Lam is transforming atomic engineering and enabling customers to shape the future of technology. ڪمپني جي ماتحت Silfex Incorporated دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو سپلائر آهي اعلي پاڪائي واري ڪسٽمائيز سلڪون اجزاء ۽ اجزاء جو جيڪو اعلي ٽيڪنالاجي مارڪيٽن جي وسيع رينج جي خدمت ڪري سگهي ٿو. As a market leader in advanced materials, Silfex provides integrated silicon solutions for the solar, optical and semiconductor equipment markets. Solar equipment and materials

MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) هڪ معروف بنيادي ڍانچي جي تعميراتي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جي مکيه آپريشن سڄي اتر آمريڪا ۾ آهي ۽ ڪيترن ئي صنعتن کي ڍڪيندي آهي. ڪمپني جي مکيه سرگرمين ۾ شامل آهن انجنيئرنگ، تعمير، تنصيب، سار سنڀال ۽ توانائي جي اپ گريڊ، افاديت ۽ مواصلاتي انفراسٽرڪچر، جهڙوڪ: يوٽيلٽي ٽرانسميشن ۽ تقسيم؛ natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Solar energy: We are a leading solar energy facility contractor, providing engineering, construction and power system integration services to government, corporate and residential customers across the country. We design, build, expand and maintain efficient, cost-effective solar facilities from the ground up to help our customers meet the growing demand for clean, sustainable energy and continuous energy saving.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) ھڪ متنوع ڪارخانو آھي. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries provides the entire process from construction to after-sales service for various power generation facilities, including thermal power plants that achieve the world's highest power generation efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions levels, as well as nuclear and wind power plants, so as to provide stable power and better Contributed to their quality of life. The renewable energy power plant sector includes thin-film photovoltaic modules
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 5711.T) is mainly engaged in specialty metals business. شمسي سيل مصنوعات
Mosel Vitelic Inc. (تائيوان: 2342.TW) تائيوان ۾ ڪاسٽنگ ۽ سولر سيل جي ڪاروبار ۾ مصروف آهي. It provides various IC foundry services; as well as monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar cells, as well as installation and maintenance of solar systems for rooftop, ground installation, power plants and solar lighting applications. ڪمپني Hsinchu، تائيوان ۾ واقع آهي.

MVV Energie AG (Frankfurt: MVV1.F) and its subsidiaries mainly provide electricity, natural gas, district heating and water in Germany. The company's power generation and infrastructure division operates conventional power plants. And waste and biomass power plants, as well as water plants and wind farms. The department also operates grid facilities for electricity, heat, natural gas and water, and technical service units allocated to the grid business area for the distribution of electricity, heat, natural gas and water based on the grid. Its trade and portfolio management department provides energy procurement and portfolio management as well as energy trading services. ڪمپني جي سيلز ۽ سروس ڊپارٽمينٽ کي بجلي، گرمي، قدرتي گئس ۽ پاڻي فراهم ڪري ٿو صارفين کي ختم ڪرڻ لاء. And provide energy-related services. Photovoltaic/solar
Neo Solar Power Corp. (تائيوان: 3576.TW) تائيوان ۽ بين الاقوامي سطح تي شمسي سيلز ۽ ماڊلز جي تحقيق، ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي. اهو monocrystalline ۽ polycrystalline silicon شمسي سيلز مهيا ڪري؛ monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar modules.
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) لڳ ڀڳ 44,900 ميگا واٽ بجلي سان گڏ هڪ معروف صاف توانائي ڪمپني آهي، جنهن ۾ NextEra Energy Partners جي غير ڪنٽرول مفادن سان لاڳاپيل ميگا واٽس شامل آهن. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juneau Beach, Florida, and its main subsidiaries are Florida Electricity and Lighting Company (which is one of the largest price-controlled electric power companies in the United States) and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. ان جي جدت ۽ ڪميونٽي جي ذميواري جو احساس دنيا جي مٿين ڏهن ڪمپنين ۾ شامل آهي. ”شمسي دور
Japan Thin Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 5202.T) is one of the world's leading glass and glass system manufacturers in three main business areas; تعميراتي مصنوعات، گاڏين ۽ ٽيڪنيڪل گلاس. آرڪيٽيڪچرل گلاس تعمير ۽ شمسي ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ٿيندو آهي.
Nisshinbo Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 3105.T)، "ماحول ۽ توانائي ڪمپنيون" جي هڪ گروپ جي طور تي، عالمي ماحولياتي مسئلن کي حل ڪرڻ لاء حل فراهم ڪندو جيڪي انساني سماج لاء سڀ کان وڏو چئلينج پيش ڪن ٿا. Utilizing various technologies accumulated so far, we are engaged in electronics, automobile brakes, precision instruments, chemistry, textiles, papermaking and real estate businesses, including “wireless communications and electronics”, “auto parts and equipment”, “lifestyle and materials” “ ، ۽ "نئين توانائي ۽ سمارٽ سوسائٽي" اسان جي چار اسٽريٽجڪ ڪاروباري علائقن جي طور تي. Nishhinbo Mechatronics Inc. مهيا ڪري ٿي فوٽووولٽڪ ماڊل ٺاھڻ جو سامان نه رڳو جاپان کي پر دنيا جي معروف ماڊل ٺاهيندڙن کي پڻ. In addition, the company is engaged in the installation of photovoltaic power generation systems and the development of photovoltaic cell materials to solve the problem of photovoltaic power generation. The company intends to continue its efforts to develop products to improve reliability and reduce the cost of solar cells (the most representative clean energy).
Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6641.T) is a manufacturer of electrical equipment. The Renewable Energy and Environment business unit meets the social needs determined on a global scale, such as the use of renewable energy, the subsequent demand for a more stable power system, the improvement of power infrastructure and the shortage of water resources. قابل تجديد توانائي جي ڪاروبار ۾، اسان پاور ڪنڊيشنرز ۽ فوٽووولٽڪ پاور جنريشن سسٽم مهيا ڪندا آهيون، گڏوگڏ ايندڙ نسل جي پاور ٽرانسميشن ۽ ڊسٽريبيوشن سسٽم (سمارٽ گرڊز) جي تعمير لاءِ پروڊڪٽس. In the environmental business, we provide products related to electrical equipment and energy management systems (EMS) for water treatment facilities.

Northland Power Inc. (TSX: NPI.TO; NPI-PA.TO) is an independent power producer, established in 1987, and has been publicly traded since 1997. Northland develops, builds, owns and operates facilities that produce “clean” ( قدرتي گئس) ۽ "سبز" (واء، شمسي، ۽ هائيڊرو) توانائي فراهم ڪرڻ لاء شيئر هولڊرز، اسٽيڪ هولڊرز ۽ ڪميونٽي کي پائيدار ڊگهي مدت جي قيمت سان.
OC Oerlikon Corporation AG (OTC: OERLF) is a world-leading technology group dedicated to providing market-leading technologies and services for surface solutions, man-made fiber manufacturing, drive systems, and vacuum pumps and components in growth markets. These advanced technologies benefit customers by improving product performance, productivity, efficient use of energy and resources, and contributing to a more sustainable environment. شمسي سيلز لاء ويڪيوم حل
Origin Energy Limited (ASX: ORG.AX) is an integrated energy company mainly engaged in oil and gas exploration and production in Australia and New Zealand. اهو توانائي مارڪيٽ، ڳولا ۽ پيداوار، مائع قدرتي گئس ۽ ڳنڍيل توانائي جي شعبن ذريعي هلندي آهي. ڪمپني پڻ پاور پيداوار ۾ ملوث آهي. And the wholesale and retail of electricity and natural gas. It has an interest in the BassGas project in Victoria; the Kupe Gas project in New Zealand; the Otway Gas project in Victoria; the gas field, the coalbed methane field in Queensland, and other onshore production facilities located in Surat and Bowen, Queensland. Basins, Perth Basin in Western Australia and Taranaki Basin in New Zealand. The company's product portfolio includes electricity and natural gas; green energy, including green energy, natural gas and renewable energy certificates; origin intelligence to track and manage electricity consumption; solar energy; hot water solutions, including solar hot water systems, hot water solutions Program, centralized hot water system and hot water service access; and heating and cooling products, including split air conditioning, space heating, pipe evaporative cooling, pipe heating and pipe reverse cycle air conditioning products. It also provides charging products for electric vehicles; ۽ مائع پيٽروليم گيس.

PanaHome Corporation (Tokyo: 1924.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in housing business. The company is engaged in the basic design of houses called PanaHome, as well as the manufacture, construction and sale of materials for house systems. Through its subsidiaries, the company is also engaged in the manufacture, construction and sale of houses under the name PanaHome, the sale of independent units and construction land, as well as the brokerage, leasing, management and reform of real estate, and the design, construction and supervision of landscaping. PanaHome uses a variety of technologies and the comprehensive strength of the Panasonic Group to provide a smart living environment for the next generation. (شمسي ڇت سميت)
Panasonic Corporation (Tokyo: 6752.T) is a Japanese company. The home appliance department is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of white goods, beauty and life appliances, and health products. The Environmental Solutions Division is engaged in the development, manufacturing and sales of lighting equipment, lamps, lighting equipment, wiring equipment, switchboards, housing-related materials and equipment, photovoltaic power generation systems, batteries, and ventilation fans. The AVC network department is engaged in the development and manufacturing of digital cameras and mobile phones. گاڏين ۽ صنعتي سسٽم ڊپارٽمينٽ ۾ مصروف آهي ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪرو سان لاڳاپيل مصنوعات ۽ صنعتي سان لاڳاپيل سامان. Other divisions are engaged in other related businesses.
Panda Green Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0686.HK) is an investment holding company engaged in the investment, development, operation and management of solar and other renewable energy power plants in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom .
Phoenix Solar AG (FRA: PS4.F) is active in the important core photovoltaic market, and has a number of subsidiaries, and provides its products and services on a global scale. Our goal is to generate electricity for the future. We have set global standards for achieving this goal. اسان ڪيترن ئي ميگا واٽ تائين سولر پاور پلانٽس ۽ سسٽم کي ترقي، منصوبابندي، تعمير ۽ هلائيندا آهيون، ۽ اسان فوٽو وولٽڪ پاور پلانٽس ۽ سسٽم، سولر ماڊلز، انورٽرز، ۽ فوٽو وولٽڪ پاور پلانٽس ۽ سسٽم جي ٻين سڀني حصن جي مڪمل سيٽن جو هڪ پيشه ورانه وڪرو ڪندڙ آهيون. Solar energy is still the safest energy source in the future.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن مارڪيٽ ۾، پولر سسٽم آف گرڊ ۽ ناقص گرڊ ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ قابل اعتماد ۽ گھٽ قيمت واري توانائي فراهم ڪري ٿو، نازڪ طاقت جي ضرورتن سان. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off

PPL Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: PPL) is one of the largest companies in the US utility sector. PPL's ​​seven award-winning high-performance utility companies serve 10 million customers in the United States and the United Kingdom. The company has more than 12,000 employees and is committed to providing customers with excellent customer service and reliability, and creating outstanding value for shareholders. شمسي توانائي: جون 2018- حاصل ڪئي Safari Energy LLC، يو ايس جي تجارتي گراهڪن لاءِ شمسي حل فراهم ڪندڙ هڪ معروف فراهم ڪندڙ. Safari Safari develops highly structured turnkey solutions for customers, from development to financing, design, and engineering Manage projects at all stages, permitting, construction, interconnection and asset management. سفاري انرجي جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر نيو يارڪ شهر ۾ آهي ۽ 19 رياستن ۾ 200 کان وڌيڪ سولر منصوبا مڪمل ڪري چڪو آهي ۽ هن وقت 80 کان وڌيڪ منصوبن تي ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي.
Premier Power Renewable Energy (OTC: PPRW), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, is committed to designing, developing and integrating ground and roof solar systems for commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural and equity fund clients in North America, Europe and Asia. اهو شمسي گراهڪن لاءِ تنصيب جي خدمتن جو هڪ سلسلو پڻ مهيا ڪري ٿو، جنهن ۾ ڊيزائن، انجنيئرنگ، خريداري، لائسنس، تعمير، گرڊ ڪنيڪشن، وارنٽي، سسٽم جي نگراني ۽ سار سنڀال جون خدمتون شامل آهن. ان کان علاوه، ڪمپني سولر سسٽم جا حصا پڻ ورهائي ٿي (جنهن ۾ ريڪ، وائرنگ، انورٽر، سولر ماڊلز ۽ ٻيا لاڳاپيل جزا شامل آهن) ننڍن سولر ڊولپرز ۽ انٽيگريٽرز کي.
عوامي طاقت وارو ڪارپوريشن ايس (ايٿنس: پي پي سي. ڪمپني 1950 ۾ ٺهرايو ويو ۽ هيڊ ڪوارٽر ايٿنس، يونان ۾ آهي. گذريل ڪجھ سالن ۾، ڪمپني متبادل توانائي جي ذريعن (ونڊ، سولر ۽ جيوتھرمل انرجي) ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪري رھي آھي ان کان علاوه نئين تھرمل پاور پلانٽس (لگنائيٽ، فيول آئل ۽ قدرتي گئس) ۽ ھائيڊرو پاور پلانٽس جي تعمير ۾. PPC renewable energy-solar
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG), through its subsidiaries, mainly operates as an energy company in the northeastern United States and the mid-Atlantic. It sells electricity, natural gas, emission credits and a series of energy-related products to optimize the operation of the energy grid. The company also transmits electricity; and distributes electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and invests in solar power projects, and implements energy efficiency and demand response plans. ان کان سواء، اهو پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو سامان جي خدمت ۽ گراهڪن لاء سار سنڀال. پبلڪ سروس انٽرپرائز گروپ ڪمپني لميٽيڊ 1985 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ هيڊ ڪوارٽر نيوارڪ، نيو جرسي ۾ آهي.

PVA TePla AG (Frankfurt: TPE.F) جرمني ۾ هڪ ڪارخانو آهي جيڪو صنعتي مواد جي پيداوار ۽ پروسيسنگ لاءِ سامان فراهم ڪري ٿو. The company conducts business through two divisions: Industrial Systems and Semiconductor Systems. سيمڪنڊڪٽر سسٽم سيمڪنڊڪٽر ۽ سولر انڊسٽريز لاءِ هاءِ ٽيڪ سسٽم فراهم ڪن ٿا، سيمڪانڊڪٽر ۾ سلڪون ڪرسٽل پيداواري نظام کان وٺي، سولر ۽ فوٽووولٽڪ انڊسٽريز کان وٺي پلازما پروسيسنگ سسٽم تائين سيمي ڪنڊڪٽر حصن ۾.
Quantum Energy Limited (ASX: QTM.AX) produces and distributes energy-efficient hot water, heating and cooling systems for residential and commercial markets in Australia and internationally. ڪمپني فراهم ڪري ٿي سولر انرجي سسٽم، گرم واٽر هيٽر ۽ پول هيٽر، گڏوگڏ تجارتي ۽ صنعتي بلڊنگ هيٽر.

Renesola (NYSE: SOL) is an international leading brand and technology provider of green energy products. With its global business and extensive OEM and sales network, ReneSola is able to provide the highest quality green energy products and on-time services for global EPCs, installers and green energy projects. شمسي مصنوعات
RGS Energy (NasdaqCM: RGSE) is one of the leading solar equipment roof installers in the United States, serving residential and small business customers in the continental United States and Hawaii. Since the first batch of photovoltaic panels sold in 1978, the company has installed tens of thousands of solar power systems. آر جي ايس انرجي گراهڪ لاءِ انرجي خرچن کي بچائڻ لاءِ تمام آسان بڻائي ٿي ڊيزائن، فنانسنگ، اجازت ۽ انسٽاليشن کان وٺي مسلسل نگراني، سار سنڀال ۽ مدد تائين جامع سولر حل فراهم ڪندي.
Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4204.T) هڪ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ٽن ڪاروباري ڊويزنن ۾ ڪم ڪري ٿي: هائوسنگ ڊويزن، ماحوليات ۽ لائف لائن ڊويزن، ۽ اعليٰ ڪارڪردگي واري پلاسٽڪ ڊويزن. Housing companies conduct business based on the principle of providing environmentally friendly housing with a safe and comfortable life for at least 60 years. Our representative product is “Zero Utility Cost Housing”, which can reduce the family's environmental impact in the long term. In addition, the total number of “houses with solar power generation systems” built exceeds 160,000, ranking first in the residential construction industry.
Sekisui Jushi Corporation (Tokyo: 4212.T) is a Japanese manufacturing company. The urban environment department manufactures, processes and sells soundproof wall materials, traffic signs, signage, pavement labels, electronic system related products, road safety materials, solar products, artificial grass and artificial wood, etc. The street and living department manufactures, processes and پيادلن ۽ ڪارن لاءِ باڙ، برف جي باڙ، تعميراتي فٽ پاٿ، ريلنگ، پارڪ جو سامان، پناهه گاهه، سولر لائٽنگ، آرائشي بلڊنگ جو سامان، ميش باڙ وغيره وڪرو ڪري ٿو. صنعتي ۽ رهائشي شعبا پيڪنگنگ مواد، زرعي مواد، باغ جي سهولت تيار، پروسيس ۽ وڪرو ڪن ٿا. مواد، خشڪ مصنوعات، اسٽوريج پراڊڪٽس، اسيمبلي سسٽم پائپ، ڊجيٽل چونڊي سسٽم، وغيره.
SES Solar Inc (OTC: SESI) develops and provides products in the field of photovoltaic energy in Switzerland. ڪمپني فوٽو وولٽڪ پراڊڪٽس جو هڪ سلسلو مهيا ڪري ٿي، جهڙوڪ سولر ٽائلس، جيڪي معياري پينلز ۽ فليٽ يا ڍلون ڇت تي مشتمل هونديون آهن، خاص طور تي شهري يا ڳوٺاڻن علائقن ۾ استعمال ٿينديون آهن؛ and custom/building integrated panels made of glass/glass felt for industrial and Residential building glass, light holes and balcony roofs. It also handles project management services from design to completion, and provides monitoring (supervision), maintenance and operation services.
Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (HT-SAAE) (Shanghai: 600151.SS) is a Chinese company engaged in the development of new energy. ڪمپني مهيا ڪري ٿي نئين توانائي ڦوٽوولٽڪ (PV)، بشمول پولي سليڪون، سولر سيل ماڊلز، وغيره.
Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 2727.HK) is one of the largest equipment manufacturing conglomerates in China. اهو جديد سامان، مڪمل سامان، ۽ انجنيئرنگ ۽ ٺيڪيداري جي جامع روزي ۾ اهم فائدن آهي. شمسي توانائي
Sharp Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6753.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of electronic communications, electrical and electronic equipment. تيز شمسي: 50 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين، شارپ جي تحقيق ۽ ترقي جي ڪوششن جي نتيجي ۾ شمسي حل جو سبب بڻيا آهن.
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 4063.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in chemical business. At present, the company provides unparalleled high-tech materials in the fields of synthetic quartz, optical fiber preforms and semiconductor silicon. Shin-Etsu is the world's first company to commercially produce 300mm wafers and is a global market leader in wafers of various sizes. Shin-Etsu Chemical has become a manufacturer with the world's largest market share in a number of key areas, and at the same time is in a leading position in more areas. Photovoltaics: Pyrolytic Boron Nitride (PBN) is a high-purity ceramic with excellent chemical resistance and strength at high temperatures. This is the first time Shin-Etsu Chemical has successfully produced PBN in Japan. PBN ان جي خاصيتن کي استعمال ڪري ٿو مرڪب سيميڪنڊڪٽرز ۽ ماليڪيولر بيم ايپيٽيڪسي پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ. The potential uses of PBN are expanding, such as high-performance PG/PBN heaters in the semiconductor field and CIGS-based thin films for photovoltaic power generation.
SHOWA SHELL SEKIYU KK (Tokyo: 5002.T) oal پنهنجي ٻن مکيه ڌنڌين جي طور تي تيل ۽ توانائي جي حلن تي ڌيان ڏيندو، گراهڪن کي محفوظ ۽ پائيدار توانائي حل فراهم ڪندڙ مهيا ڪندڙ پنهنجي گراهڪن ۽ سماج جي مدد ڪرڻ لاءِ. شمسي توانائي: شوا شيل سيڪييو ترقي ڪئي آهي ٽيڪنالاجي جيڪا ايندڙ نسل جي CIS پتلي فلم شمسي پينل ٺاهڻ لاءِ استعمال ٿيندي آهي. اسان جي ماتحت سولر فرنٽيئر KK جي ملڪيت جي پيداوار پلانٽ جي ڪل سالياني پيداوار جي صلاحيت اٽڪل 1GW آهي، ۽ اسان جا CIS ماڊل يورپ، آمريڪا، وچ اوڀر ۽ ايشيا، ۽ جاپان ۾ وڪرو ڪيا ويا آهن. Solar Frontier KK provides a wide range of services, from plant engineering to plant operations, to the sale of these plants to end users or investors related to the development of solar power plants.

Sika AG (SIX:: SIK.SW, Switzerland) is a company headquartered in Switzerland, active in the specialty chemicals industry. The company mainly produces products for the automotive and auto parts, renewable energy, and equipment and parts industries. Solar energy: The solar energy industry is committed to reducing costs, optimizing processes and improving performance. Optimized adhesive technology enables photovoltaic, CSP and solar collector system providers to seek new design solutions, save materials and improve processes to meet these challenges. Extensively tested and inspected products ensure the long-term performance of bonded joints and systems. ڪاميابيءَ سان ترقي ۽ عمل درآمد ڪرڻ لاءِ، سيڪا گراهڪ کي جامع پروجيڪٽ سپورٽ فراهم ڪري ٿي، تعميراتي صلاحڪار، فنڪشنل ٽيسٽنگ، ايپليڪيشن ۽ پروسيسنگ ٽيڪنيڪل مشوري کان وٺي عملي جي ٽريننگ کي اسپري ڪرڻ تائين.

SINGLEPOINT INC. (OTCQB: SING) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو ڌيان ڪمپنيون حاصل ڪرڻ تي آهي جيڪي ترقي جي سرمائيداري انجيڪشن ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي انضمام مان فائدو وٺندا. The company's product portfolio includes mobile payments, daily fantasy sports, assisted cannabis services and blockchain solutions. Through acquisitions in the horizontal market, SinglePoint builds its investment portfolio by acquiring the interests of undervalued companies, thereby providing a rich and diversified holding base. ان جي ماتحت SingleSeed ذريعي، ڪمپني ڀنگ جي صنعت کي پراڊڪٽس ۽ خدمتون فراهم ڪري رهي آهي. سولر: Direct Solar ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ حاصل ڪرڻ واري ڪمپني SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING) جو هڪ ماتحت آهي. Direct Solar America is a solar brokerage company with more than 3,500 housing installations, which enables residential solar customers to purchase options to find the best housing options. Like rocket mortgages or loan trees, direct solar representatives provide homeowners with various financing and service providers; this makes the process of homeowners purchasing solar energy easier. Direct Solar already operates in eight states and will continue to expand its residential solar footprint. سڌو سولر ڪمرشل انهن گراهڪن کي خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿو جيڪي تجارتي ملڪيتن جا مالڪ ۽/يا انتظام ڪن ٿا. In addition to Direct Solar Capital, an alternative energy financing solution, commercial projects can also receive US$50,000 to US$3 million in solar installation funding.
Sino-American Silicon Products Co., Ltd. (Taiwan: 5483.TWO) is currently the largest 3″~12″ wafer supplier in China with a complete production line. Our main products include semiconductors, solar and sapphire, and the application range extends to solar, photovoltaic and daily energy. اسان جي اعليٰ قيمتي پروڊڪٽس ۾ CZ/FZ/NTD سلڪون انگٽس، Epi wafers، پالش ٿيل ويفرز، antimony-doped wafers، etched wafers، TVS wafers، arsenic-doped wafers، Ultra-thin wafers، deep diffusion wafers ۽ solaring Wafers، Solaring Wafers شامل آهن. batteries, modules And sapphire wafers. Due to the joint contributions of the management team and all employees, SAS's operational performance has consistently hit new highs. Whether it is in providing technology and information, co-developing products or in terms of sales/service quality, SAS has been firmly recognized by customers at home and abroad, and has been rated as the best-selling product of the year.

SMA سولر ٽيڪنالاجي (Xetra: S92.DE؛ Frankfurt: S92.F) فوٽووولٽڪ انورٽرز، فوٽووولٽڪ سهولت مانيٽرنگ سسٽم ۽ ريلوي ٽيڪنالاجي اليڪٽرانڪ اجزاء کي ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿي. Photovoltaic inverter ڪنهن به شمسي نظام جو بنيادي جزو آهي. SMA دنيا ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ هر قسم جي فوٽووولٽڪ ماڊل ۽ مختلف قسم جي گرڊ سان ڳنڍيل، الڳ ٿيل ۽ اسٽينڊ بائي آپريشن ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ صحيح انورٽر مهيا ڪري سگهي ٿي. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Solar A/S (Copenhagen: SOLAR-B.CO) is a Danish-based company engaged in the distribution of electrical, heating, plumbing and ventilation components. ڪمپني جو وڪرو هڪ صنعت جي حصي ۾ ورهايو ويو آهي ۽ هڪ ٺيڪيدار حصو. ڪمپني مهيا ڪري ٿي (ٻين جي وچ ۾) روشني، بوائلر ۽ ريڊيٽرز، واٽر هيٽر، گرمي پمپ، سوئچ ۽ ساکٽ، پتو لڳائڻ ۽ بٽڻ، مداح ۽ ايئر هينڊلنگ يونٽ، سولر حرارتي يونٽ، فائر الارم سسٽم، رابطي ۽ بلڊنگ ڪيبل، سامونڊي ۽ آف شور ۽ telecommunications industries.

Solar Enertech Corp. (OTC: SOEN) is a manufacturer of solar energy products. The company produces solar cells and modules in China. The company's products include monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon solar cells and solar cell modules. ڪمپني خاص طور تي سولر سيل ماڊلز کي سولر پينل انسٽالرز کي وڪرو ڪري ٿي جيڪي پنهنجي ماڊلز کي پنهنجي پاور جنريشن سسٽم ۾ ضم ڪن ٿا ۽ پوءِ انهن کي يورپ، آسٽريليا، اتر آمريڪا ۽ چين ۾ گراهڪن کي ختم ڪرڻ لاءِ وڪرو ڪن ٿا.
Solar Integrated Roofing Corporation (OTC: SIRC) هڪ مربوط شمسي ۽ ڇت لڳائڻ واري ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا تجارتي ۽ رهائشي ملڪيت جي ڪاروبار ۾ ماهر آهي، سڄي ملڪ ۾ پيرن جو نشانو بڻائڻ لاءِ ساڳين ڪمپنين کي حاصل ڪرڻ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿي.
SolarCity Corporation (NasdaqGS: SCTY) provides clean energy. The company disrupted the century-old energy industry by directly providing renewable electricity to homeowners, businesses and government organizations at a cost less than utility bills. SolarCity صارفين کي بجلي جي بلن جي وڌڻ کان بچائڻ لاءِ انهن جي توانائي جي قيمتن تي ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿي. The company makes solar energy easy through everything from design to licensing to monitoring and maintenance.
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS: SEDG) is a global leader in smart energy technology. By leveraging world-class engineering capabilities and unremitting attention to innovation, SolarEdge has created smart energy solutions that power our lives and advance future progress. SolarEdge هڪ سمارٽ انورٽر حل تيار ڪيو آهي جيڪو تبديل ڪري ٿو ته جيئن برقي توانائي گڏ ڪئي وڃي ۽ فوٽووولٽڪ (PV) سسٽم ۾ منظم ڪيو وڃي. SolarEdge DC-optimized inverters strive to maximize power generation while reducing energy costs generated by photovoltaic systems. Continuously developing smart energy, SolarEdge meets a wide range of energy market areas through its photovoltaic, energy storage, electric vehicle charging, UPS and grid service solutions.
Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0757.HK) is engaged in the manufacturing, processing and trading of polycrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon ingots and wafers in the People's Republic of China. The company also produces photovoltaic cells and modules; designs and installs photovoltaic systems; and operates photovoltaic power plants. Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited provides services to manufacturers or traders of silicon solar wafers, cells or modules. ڪمپني جون شيون خاص طور تي جاپان، برطانيه، اتر آمريڪا، جرمني، اسپين، تائيوان، فرانس ۽ جرمني ڏانهن برآمد ڪيا ويا آهن. سولارگيگا انرجي هولڊنگس لميٽيڊ جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر وانچائي، هانگ ڪانگ ۾ آهي

Solartron Co., Ltd. (Thailand: SOLAR.BK) سولر ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ مختلف قسم جا اعليٰ معيار وارا سولر ماڊلز ۽ سسٽم بيلنس فراهم ڪري ٿي. اسان پڻ ملڪ جي انسٽاليشن خدمتون مهيا ڪندا آهيون.
New Jersey Industrial Corporation (NYSE: SJI) is an energy services holding company headquartered in Folsom, New Jersey, and operates through two main subsidiaries. ڏکڻ جرسي گيس آمريڪا ۾ تيز ترين وڌندڙ قدرتي گئس يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي، جيڪا ڏکڻ نيو جرسي ۾ لڳ ڀڳ 370,000 گراهڪن کي صاف، موثر قدرتي گئس فراهم ڪري ٿي ۽ توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي ٿي. SJI's non-regulated business under the New Jersey Department of Energy Solutions, through the development, ownership and operation of on-site energy production facilities (including cogeneration, solar energy, and district heating and cooling projects) to improve efficiency, clean technology and renewable توانائي؛ for Retail customers acquire and sell natural gas and electricity; provide wholesale commodity sales and fuel supply management services; and provide HVAC and other energy efficiency-related services.
Spectacular Solar, Inc. (OTC: SPSO) هڪ متنوع ڪمپني آهي جيڪا شمسي توانائي جي نظام جي تنصيب ۾ مصروف آهي، سيڙپڪاري فنڊ جي انتظام ۽ ان جي ماتحت ادارن ذريعي ڇت جي معاهدي ۾. DC Solar Integrators designed and installed the most advanced solar energy conversion equipment for homes and business owners. Star Power Services is a bonded and licensed roofing contractor with expertise in the installation, repair and maintenance of new roofs. The Solar Investor Fund contributes to ongoing insurance costs directly related to the installation of solar systems. In return, the fund will receive a portion of tax incentives and continuous income from electricity sales.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) تجارتي، رهائشي، سرڪاري ۽ يوٽيلٽي گراهڪ ۽ سيڙپڪارن لاءِ فوٽووولٽڪ (“PV”) حل جو عالمي فراهم ڪندڙ آهي. The solar photovoltaic project developed by the company can be sold to a third-party operator, or it can be owned and operated by the company to sell electricity to the power grids of many countries in Asia, North America and Europe. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. The company's operational headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California, and maintains global operations in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Green Auto-Announced the launch of EdisonFuture, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPI Energy, to design and develop electric vehicles (“EV”) and EV charging solutions.

STF گروپ (OTC: SLTZ) ھڪڙي ڪمپني آھي جيڪو مستقبل تي مرکوز آھي. We pride ourselves on being able to focus on new ideas while using current technology to protect today's tomorrow. Our green technologies have affected many different markets, including energy production and conservation, cargo transportation, storage and housing. We are honored to provide the best warranty for solar panels made in the US. We view our business model as a model that promotes environmental responsibility as everyone's obligation, while also enabling our customers to save money. جيئن ته نوان چئلينج سامهون اچن ٿا، اسان جو مقصد جاري رهندو حل پيدا ڪرڻ جيڪي نه رڳو بامعني آهن پر هڪ فرق پڻ.

Sumitomo Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8053.T) پنهنجي جامع ڪارپوريٽ طاقت جو پورو استعمال ڪندي مختلف ڪاروباري سرگرمين ۾ مشغول آهي. انهن ڪاروباري سرگرمين ۾ شامل آهن مختلف پراڊڪٽس ۽ سروسز جي جاپان اندر سيلز، درآمد ۽ برآمد، ٽي طرفي واپار، ۽ ملڪي ۽ بين الاقوامي ڪاروباري سيڙپڪاري. The environment and infrastructure business sector includes solar and photovoltaic power generation
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: جنوري 2018- اعلان ڪيو ڪمپني جي شروعات بلاڪچين ٽيڪنالاجي کي ان جي قابل تجديد توانائي جي ڪاروباري ماڊل ۽ حڪمت عملي ۾ ضم ڪرڻ، جنهن جو مقصد شمسي ۽ ونڊ فارمز جي گرڊ انتظام جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائڻ آهي. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.

Sunrun Inc. (NasdaqGS: RUN) is a leading residential solar, energy storage and energy service company in the United States. 2007 کان وٺي، سنرون جو مشن سج جي ذريعي هلندڙ هڪ سيارو ٺاهڻ جو آهي، صنعت کي "سولر ايز اي سروس" ماڊل سان گڏ، جيڪو گهرن کي صاف توانائي فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿو تقريبن بغير ڪنهن به قيمت جي، ۽ روايتي کان گهٽ قيمتي آهي. electricity Cost. . The company designs, installs, finances, insurance, monitors and maintains the system, and families can get predictable prices for 20 years or more. The company also offers Sunrun Brightbox, a home solar battery service, which manages home solar, energy storage and utility power through smart inverter technology.
Sunvalley Solar, Inc. (OTC: SSOL) is one of the world's leading solar technology, solar system integrators and full-service solar solution companies. Sunvalley Solar Inc. لاس اينجلس، ڪيليفورنيا جي 20 منٽ اوڀر ۾ واقع آهي، ۽ روايتي توانائي کان شمسي توانائي جي منتقلي ذريعي عالمي ڪاربن جي پيرن جي نشانن کي گهٽائڻ ۽ آمريڪا ۾ مکيه وهڪرو توانائي جو ذريعو بڻجڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي.
SunVault Energy, Inc. (OTC: SVLT) is committed to bringing cost-effective energy production and energy storage to the solar industry through novel ways of seamlessly integrating energy production and storage. هي ٽيڪنيڪل طريقه پهريون آهي ۽ اعليٰ ڪارڪردگيءَ سان گهٽ ۾ گهٽ مجموعي نظام جي قيمت حاصل ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت رکي ٿو. SunVault ڪمپني يا اثاثن جي حصول جي ذريعي وڌيڪ متنوع ڪيو آهي جيڪي فوري طور تي وڌندا آهن، جيڪي اعلي معيار جي غير سائيڪل اثاثن ۾ مدد ڪندي.
Sunworks Inc. (NasdaqCM: SUNW) is a major provider of solar energy solutions for consumers and businesses. اسان اعلي معيار جي تعمير جي عمل لاء قائم آهيون جيڪا هميشه صنعت جي معيار کان وڌي ۽ اسان جي اخلاقي ۽ حفاظتي تصورات تي عمل ڪيو. Today, Sunworks continues to expand its business scope, expanding through regional and local offices nationwide. اسان مسلسل اعلي معيار، ڪارڪردگي تي مبني حل فراهم ڪرڻ لاء پرعزم آهيون، زرعي، تجارتي، وفاقي، عوامي ڪم، رهائشي ۽ يوٽيلٽي صنعتن لاء. اسان جي فضيلت لاءِ وقف اسان جي 25 سالن جي وارنٽي ۾ عڪاسي ٿئي ٿي، جيڪو اسان لاءِ معيار آهي ته اسان گراهڪن کي مدد فراهم ڪريون جيڪي سندن اميدن کان وڌيڪ هجن. Sunworks وٽ هڪ تجربيڪار ۽ متنوع افرادي قوت آهي، جنهن ۾ شاندار ويٽرنس شامل آهن جيڪي بهترين ڪسٽمر تجربو مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهن. From technicians to executives, all our employees abide by the company's guiding principles every day. Sunworks is a member of the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) and a proud advocate of solar energy development.
TABUCHI ELECTRIC CO. , LTD. (Tokyo: 6624.T) هڪ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا اليڪٽرانڪ ۽ برقي سامان، اوزار ۽ اجزاء جي پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي. The power supply business includes: assembly of solar photovoltaic inverters, hybrid inverters for photovoltaics and batteries, switching power supplies, AC adapters, battery chargers, electronic ballasts for lamps, inverters for magnetrons , Power supply for LED lighting and various other equipment.
Tata Power Co., Ltd. (BOM: TATAPOWER.BO) is India's largest integrated power company and holds an important position in the world. ايندھن ۽ رسد کان وٺي بجلي جي پيداوار ۽ ٽرانسميشن تائين بجلي جي ورڇ ۽ واپار تائين - هندستان ۾ مختلف قابل تجديد توانائي جي ذريعن جي ڳولا ۽ عالمي سطح تي - ٽاٽا پاور هاڻي ونڊ، شمسي، هائيڊرو ۽ جيوتھرمل توانائي جي شعبن ۾ هڪ اهم پوزيشن آهي.
Datong Company (Taiwan: 2371.TW) has 3 business divisions, including 7 business divisions, such as digital display solutions and digital accessories business, household appliances business, new energy business, ICT and energy solutions business, heavy power business, Wire and cable ڪاروبار ۽ موٽر BU. In order to maintain strong and long-term growth, Datong Company is particularly focused on the development of advanced technology and global operating network. With the development of its branches in 12 countries/regions around the world, Tatung is in a solid position to deliver products more efficiently and improve customer service efficiency. Datong provides its customers with huge advantages in terms of cost, speed and seamless back-end support to maintain a leading position in today's rapidly changing business environment. Datong Company specializes in ODM/OEM business and provides services to brand customers worldwide. As a large conglomerate, Datong's investment targets involve major industries such as optoelectronics, energy, telecommunications, system integration, industrial systems, brand channels and asset development.
TBEA ڪمپني، لميٽيڊ (شنگھائي: 600089.SS) خاص طور تي پاور ٽرانسميشن ۽ ٽرانسفارميشن سامان جي تعمير ۽ وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي. The company provides transformers, including power transformers, reactors, transformers, composite substations and distribution boxes, etc.; wires and cables, including power cables, plastic insulated control cables, electromagnetic wires and special cables, etc., as well as photovoltaic products and auxiliary engineering Wait. The company is also involved in the construction of power transmission and transformation projects and photovoltaic projects, as well as the trade of other products.
TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. These products are used in various markets, including: alternative energy (solar and wind), medical, nuclear, defense, industrial, and aerospace. TechPrecision جو مقصد آهي گراهڪن کي مڪمل پروڊڪٽس لاءِ ڪسٽمائيز ۽ مربوط ”ٽرنڪي“ حل فراهم ڪندي هڪ آخر کان آخر تائين عالمي سروس فراهم ڪندڙ جنهن کي ڪسٽمائيز پيداوار ۽ پروسيسنگ، اسيمبلي، انسپيڪشن ۽ ٽيسٽ جي ضرورت هوندي آهي.

Thermax (BSE: THERMAX.BO) provides engineering solutions for the energy and environmental industries in India and internationally. It is divided into two parts: energy and environment. The company provides air pollution control products, including bag filters, wet scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators; جذب سسٽم، بشمول جذب کولر، گرمي پمپ، سولر کولنگ پروڊڪٽس ۽ ايئر کولڊ گرمي ايڪسچينجرز؛ بوائلر، جهڙوڪ فضول گرمي جي بحالي ۽ شمسي توانائي جو حرارتي نظام، ميونسپل ويسٽ ۽ وڏا صنعتي بوائلر، گرم پاڻي جنريٽر ۽ مڪمل بوائلر؛ ۽ ٻارڻ ۽ حرارتي تيل جا هيٽر. It also provides water treatment, sugar and paper industries, oil fields, green, construction and fireside chemicals, as well as ion exchange resins and fuel additives; اي پي سي پاور پلانٽ؛ solar thermal and photovoltaic solutions; and water and waste management systems and solutions , Such as water treatment, wastewater and sewage treatment and recycling, and incineration systems and solutions. In addition, the company also provides steam accessories, including condensate recovery systems, steam traps, prefabricated modules, decompression stations, decompression and ultra-high temperature heating systems, valves, steam pipeline installations, boiler room products and monitoring equipment, and special product. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو توانائي، بحالي ۽ بحالي، گندي پاڻي جي علاج، عام معاهدي جي منصوبي تي عملدرآمد، وڏي بوائلر، ڪسٽمر ٽريننگ، ۽ خاص خدمتون ۽ حل؛ complete sets of boilers and peripheral equipment, as well as power plant operation and maintenance services; and spare parts. The company provides services for the oil and gas, steel, automotive, food, cement, chemical, refining and petrochemical, power generation, textile, pharmaceutical, paper and pulp, oil depot heating, space heating, sugar, paint, rubber and edible oil industries; ھوٽل ۽ تجارتي ڪمپليڪس؛ EPC پروفيسر ۽ صلاحڪار؛ شراب خانا ۽ ميونسپلٽيز.

Topco Scientific Co. Ltd. (تائيوان: 5434.TW) تائيوان ۽ دنيا ۾ سيمي ڪنڊڪٽر، آپٽو اليڪٽرڪ ۽ گرين انرجي سان لاڳاپيل صنعتن لاءِ مواد، سامان ۽ سهولتون فراهم ڪري ٿي. It provides semiconductor-related products, including lithography, diffusion, thin film/etching and materials related to wafer and wafer processing, as well as chemical mechanical polishing processing materials and wafer carriers. The company also provides optoelectronic related products, such as packaging and testing related materials, LED related materials and equipment, LCD related materials and equipment, and advanced materials and equipment. In addition, it also provides solar energy materials, equipment and integration services including solar energy-related materials and renewable energy applications, as well as engineering, procurement and construction services for solar systems.
Topray Solar Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002218.SZ) is a fully vertically integrated solar manufacturing and distribution company whose product lines range from crystalline solar cells and modules, thin-film solar modules, solar independent systems to ultra-transparent photovoltaic cell glass. 1992 ۾ ان جي قيام کان وٺي، Topray، چين ۾ سڀ کان وڏي پتلي-فلم فوٽووولٽڪ ماڊل ٺاهيندڙ جي طور تي، 2005 کان مونوڪريسٽل ۽ پوليڪريسٽل جي پيداوار ۾ مصروف آهي، چين ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ متنوع شمسي ڪارخانو بڻجي رهيو آهي. Topray has been proud to cooperate with global distributors and installers to provide customers with our high-quality products, sustainable energy solutions and high-quality sales services through global offices throughout Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.

Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7282) آٽو موبائيل پارٽس، آپٽو اليڪٽرانڪ پراڊڪٽس ۽ ٻيون عام صنعتي پراڊڪٽس ٺاهي ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿي. It provides weather strip products, such as open trim weather strips, door glass slides, door and exterior weather strips and luggage compartment weather strips; functional components, including fuel tank module components, power transmission system parts, and chassis and transmission systems Parts; internal and external parts; ۽ حفاظتي نظام جون شيون، جهڙوڪ ايئر بيگز، اسٽيرنگ ويلز وغيره. ڪمپني پڻ سولر ايل اي ڊي ۽ ڊيپ الٽرا وائلٽ لائٽ ماڊيول مهيا ڪري ٿي؛ and general industrial products, such as air-conditioning products, home building parts, construction and industrial machinery parts, and LED generator lights

UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. شمسي توانائي، ونڊ انرجي، LED لائٽنگ
ULVAC، Inc. (Tokyo: 6728.T) خاص طور تي ويڪيوم مشينري جي ڪاروبار ۾ مصروف آهي. ڪاروباري علائقن ۾ شامل آهن: ترقي، پيداوار، سيلز، گراهڪ جي مدد، ۽ درآمد ۽ برآمد سرگرميون ويڪيوم سامان، پردي سامان، ويڪيوم اجزاء ۽ ڊسپلي لاء مواد، شمسي سيلز، سيمڪنڊڪٽرز، اليڪٽرانڪس، برقي، ڌاتو، مشينري، گاڏيون، ۽ ڪيميائي. ، کاڌ خوراڪ ۽ دواسازي جي صنعتن سان گڏوگڏ يونيورسٽيون ۽ تحقيقي مرڪز مختلف شعبن ۾ ويڪيوم ٽيڪنالاجي جي تحقيق جي هدايت ۽ ٽيڪنيڪل مشاورت.
Umicore Group (Brussels: UMI.BR) is a global materials technology and recycling group. Most of Umicore's revenue comes from clean technologies, such as recycling, emission control catalysts, rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic materials. The Substrates ڪاروبار 1 ملين کان وڌيڪ تنصيب سان جرميميم ويفرز جو دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو ڪارخانو آھي. Our germanium wafers can be used in a variety of applications: ground solar cells (CPV), space solar cells, high-brightness LEDs and various semiconductor applications.
Veeco Instruments Inc (NASDAQGS: VECO)'s process equipment solutions make it possible to manufacture LEDs, flexible OLED displays, power electronics, compound semiconductors, hard disk drives, semiconductors, MEMS and wireless chips. We are the market leader in MOCVD, MBE, ion beam, wet etching single wafer processing and other advanced thin film processing technologies. Veeco جو شمسي ٽيڪنالاجي سامان سيل جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ پيداوار جي منافعي کي نئين سطح تائين وڌائڻ ۾ مدد ڪري رهيو آهي. Our industry-leading MOCVD platform for CPV (Concentration Photovoltaics) and the world's only production-proven thermal deposition source manufactured by CIGS utilize our unique expertise and industry-leading resources.
Visionstate Corp. (TSX: VIS.V) هڪ ترقي تي مبني ڪمپني آهي جيڪا استحڪام، تجزياتي ۽ هر شي جي انٽرنيٽ جي شعبن ۾ ترقي يافته نئين ٽيڪنالاجيز جي تحقيق ۽ ترقي ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪري ٿي. Visionstate سيڙپڪارن کي حق فراهم ڪري ٿي ته انهن کي تباهه ڪندڙ ٽيڪنالاجيون شامل آهن جن ۾ مصنوعي ذهانت (AI)، بلاڪچين پليٽ فارمز ۽ شمسي توانائي شامل آهن. Through Visionstate Inc., the company can use its advanced equipment to track and monitor visitor activities and requests to help companies increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. WANDA™ سمارٽ ڊوائيسز جو نقشو هاڻي اتر آمريڪا ۾ اسپتالن، ايئرپورٽس، شاپنگ مالز ۽ ٻين عوامي سهولتن تائين پکڙيل آهي. تعاون واري ٽيڪنالاجيز جي هڪ سيريز جي قيام جي ذريعي، Visionstate Corp. جدت جاري رکندي، ماحولياتي اثر کي گهٽائڻ ۽ صارفين جي تجربي کي تبديل ڪندي.
Wacker Chemie AG (FRA: WCH.F) is a chemical industry company headquartered in Germany. ڪمپني چار ڪاروباري يونٽ هلندي آهي: WACKER سليڪونز، جيڪي سلڪون پروڊڪٽس پيدا ڪن ٿيون، سلين کان سلائيون سيال، ايموليشن، ايلسٽومر، سيلن ۽ ريزين تائين، پائروجنڪ سليڪا تائين. WACKER POLYMERS provides a variety of polymer binders and additives; WACKER Polysilicon, which provides polysilicon, and WACKER Biotech, a company's life science department, provide solutions and products for the food, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. ڪمپني جون پروڊڪٽس ڪيترن ئي شعبن لاءِ موزون آهن، جن ۾ صارفين جون شيون، کاڌو، دواسازي، ٽيڪسٽائيل ۽ سولر انرجي، اليڪٽريڪل/اليڪٽرانڪس، بنيادي ڪيميائي صنعت، طبي ٽيڪنالاجي، بايو ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ ميڪيڪل انجنيئرنگ، آٽو موبائيل ۽ تعمير شامل آهن. The company also supplies silicon wafers to the semiconductor industry.

ويبسول انرجي سسٽم لميٽيڊ (بوم: ويمسوارر) بوٽوولڪ مونوڪويرلينڪ سيلزل سيلز ۽ ماڊلز جو وڏو ڪارروائي آهي. Since 1994, Websol has firmly delivered advanced and high-quality products with its state-of-the-art integrated production facilities in the Falta Special Economic Zone (Falta SEZ) in the second district of Falta, West Bengal-a commitment to quality Trusted by customers worldwide. Over the years, the company has established a reputation for manufacturing highly reliable photovoltaic modules suitable for various household, commercial and industrial applications.
Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) is a renewable energy company. ڪمپني صاف هوا جي توانائي جي پيداوار لاءِ متبادل جي سڃاڻپ، ترقي ۽ فنڊنگ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿي، جهڙوڪ شمسي توانائي، ونڊ فارمز ۽ هائيڊرو پاور. اهو سبز توانائي جي پيداوار جا موقعا ڳولي ٿو، جهڙوڪ يورپ ۾ وڏي پيماني تي تجارتي ونڊ فارمز، ۽ اتر آمريڪا ۽ بين الاقوامي طور تي شمسي ۽ هائيڊرو پاور جا امڪان.
Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited (Hong Kong: 0868.HK) provides complete solutions for glass products, including high-quality float glass, automotive glass, engineering glass and electronic glass. By realizing a one-stop solution with optimized costs, we can deliver products to global customers through a professional logistics network. Xinyi Glass is the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality float glass and currently has a 12200T/D high-quality float glass production line. Our environmentally friendly special glass products are mainly used in the deep processing of energy-saving glass to meet the needs of automobiles, LOW-E, insulating glass and other engineering glass; in addition, we also provide a variety of colored glass to meet the different needs of customers at home and abroad. Xinyi Glass جون شيون ۽ حل، جيڪي 20 سيڪڙو کان وڌيڪ عالمي گاڏين جي شيشي جي متبادل مارڪيٽ جي حساب سان آهن، دنيا جي 100 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن ۽ علائقن ۾ لاڳو ڪيا ويا آهن. ڪمپني ۽ ان جون شيون پاس ڪيون ويون آهن ISO / Ts16949: SOM14001، OUSAS18001، جرمن وي ڊي اي، اي اي اي سي اي سي ۽ چين 3 سي 3 سي 3 سي 3 سي 3 سي. گروپ چين جي برانڊز جهڙوڪ چيري، بيڪي فوٽوون ۽ يوٽونگ سان ڊگھي مدي واري اسٽريٽجڪ پارٽنرشپ قائم ڪئي آهي، ۽ سڄي آٽو ميڪر سان گڏ آر اينڊ ڊي ڪرڻ جي قابل آهي. هن وقت، Xynyi شيشي جي حساب سان اٽڪل 15 سيڪڙو گهٽ ۾ گهٽ شيشي واري شيشي جي مارڪيٽ ۽ چين ۾ زميني عمارتن ۾ وڏين ۽ وچين درجي جي عمارتن لاء اعلي معيار واري انجنيئرنگ شيشي جون شيون مهيا ڪيون آهن 2010 شنگھائي ورلڊ ايڪسپو). , The main stadium of the World University Games, Digital Beijing Building, Guangzhou Victory Square, Shenzhen Excellence Times Square, Tokyo Tower in Japan, Bio Valley in Singapore, etc. Xinyi has domestic leading technical strength, and its R&D center was rated as the صوبائي ادارو اسٽيٽ سينٽر 1997 ۾ قائم ڪيل ٽيڪنالاجي. ڪمپني توانائي جي بچت ۽ ماحولياتي شين جي تحقيق ۽ ترقي ڪئي آهي، جيڪا گهٽ ۾ گهٽ آهي ۽ ٻيا ماحول دوست گلاس. دوستانه پروڊڪٽس، HUD گلاس، پاڻي ڀڃڻ وارو گلاس، photocatalytic گلاس، سپر هاء-permeability تيز رفتار ٽرين شيشي ۽ ٻين نئين شين. Xinyi Glass pursues new technologies and invests in research and development to meet the individual needs of the market and customers. اسان ڪوشش ڪريون ٿا ته اسان جي ڀائيوارن سان هڪ کٽڻ واري ڪاروباري تعاون قائم ڪرڻ ۽ سماج ۾ حصو وٺن.
ايڪس ايل انرجي لميٽيڊ (ڀارت: XLENERGY.BO; XLENERGY.NS) هندستان جي معروف آخر کان آخر تائين حل فراهم ڪندڙن مان هڪ آهي. It was established in the solar field in 1992 and has expertise in the production of solar photovoltaic modules. XL has more than 17 years of experience in manufacturing solar photovoltaic modules and systems for many agents in India and overseas.
Yamada SXL Home Co, Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 1919.T) is a company headquartered in Japan, mainly engaged in housing business. The housing segment is engaged in contracts, design and construction of detached houses, development and construction of commercial facilities, manufacturing and sales of industrialized housing materials, and construction work. The department is also engaged in the construction and sales of detached houses and apartments, the sales of agency and general-purpose building materials, the provision of supervision and guidance services, and the business of house franchising. The decoration division is engaged in house decoration. ريئل اسٽيٽ ليزنگ جو حصو ريئل اسٽيٽ ليزنگ ۾ مصروف آهي. The company's “smart housing” design includes batteries, solar power systems, electric car charging stations, LED lighting and other “energy saving, energy creation and energy storage” solutions.

5N PLUS INC (TSX: VNP.TO) is a leading manufacturer of specialty metals and chemical products. ڪمپني مڪمل طور تي بند ٿيل لوپ ريسائڪلنگ سهولتن سان گڏ آهي، هيڊ ڪوارٽر مونٽريال، ڪيوبيڪ، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ يورپ، آمريڪا ۽ ايشيا جي ڪيترن ئي علائقن ۾ پيداواري پلانٽ ۽ سيلز آفيسون آهن. 5N پلس پروڊڪٽس پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ ملڪيت ۽ ثابت ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجيز جو هڪ سلسلو لڳايو آهي جيڪي ڪيترن ئي جديد دواسازي، اليڪٽرانڪ ۽ صنعتي ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ٿي سگهن ٿيون. Typical products include pure metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium and tellurium, inorganic chemicals based on these metals, and compound semiconductor wafers. Many of them are key pioneers and key promoters, such as solar energy, light-emitting diodes and environmentally friendly materials
Advanced Environmental Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. (OTC: AERT) Since 1989, AERT has taken the lead in using recycled polyethylene plastics in the manufacture of composite building materials. With its ever-evolving portfolio of patents and proprietary recycling technologies, AERT has been recognized as a leader in resource conservation innovation and won the EPA Environmental Excellence Award for its process of converting waste plastic into outdoor laminate flooring. The company recently won the ESGR Patriot Award for its support to our guards and reserve forces in the US Armed Forces. AERT converts recycled plastic and wood fiber waste into high-quality outdoor decoration systems, fence systems, and door and window components. The company is the exclusive manufacturer of ChoiceDek® flooring, which is available in a variety of colors and sold in home decoration stores in Lowe nationwide. AERT's MoistureShield® paving program is expanding, and the products are now sold throughout the United States. AERT وٽ Springdale، Arkansas ۽ Lowell ۾ پيداواري پلانٽ آهن، ۽ تازو ئي واٽس، اوڪلاهوما ۾ گرين ايج ريسائڪلنگ پلانٽ تي ڪم شروع ڪيو آهي.
American Manganese Inc. (TSX: AMY.V) هڪ متنوع خاص ڌاتن ۽ اهم دھاتن جي ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا گهٽ قيمت جي پيداوار يا اليڪٽرولائيٽ مينگنيز جي شين جي ريسائڪلنگ لاءِ پرعزم آهي، ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ برقي گاڏين ليٿيم آئن ريچارجبل بيٽرين جي ري سائيڪلنگ، مڪمل استعمال ڪريو. of its patented intellectual property battery. ڪمپني جي پيٽرن واري عمل ۾ دلچسپي آمريڪي مينگنيز ڪارپوريشن جو ڌيان ڦيرايو آهي ته ان جي پيٽرن واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ٻين مقصدن ۽ مواد لاء استعمال ڪيو وڃي. آمريڪن مينگنيز Inc. جو مقصد پنهنجي پيٽنٽ ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجي کي استعمال ڪرڻ آهي ۽ ڄاڻو ته ڪيئن فضول برقي گاڏين جي ليٿيم آئن بيٽرين جي ريسائڪلنگ ۾ ڪيٿوڊ ڪيميڪلز سان گڏ هڪ انڊسٽري ليڊر بڻجي وڃي، جنهن ۾ شامل آهن: ليٿيم ڪوبالٽ، ليٿيم ڪوبالٽ نکل نڪيل مينگنيز، ليتيم مينگنيز
Armco Metals, Inc (NYSE: AMCO) چين ۾ ڌاتو جي معدنيات ۽ غير فيرس دھاتن جي وڪرو ۽ تقسيم ۾ مصروف آهي، ۽ چين ۾ ريزائنگنگ ڪاروبار ۾ مصروف آهي. Armco Metals' customers include some of the fastest growing steel mills and foundries across China. The raw materials are obtained from a group of global suppliers located in different countries (including but not limited to Brazil, India, Indonesia, Ukraine and the United States). Armco Metals' product line includes iron ore and non-ferrous metal ore, iron ore, chromium ore, nickel ore, magnesium, copper ore, manganese ore, steel billet, recycled scrap metal, logs and barley.
AnaeCo (ASX: ANQ.AX) is a publicly listed Australian technology developer and a designer of advanced resource recovery and recycling systems based on the patented AnaeCo™ system. AnaeCo جي ٽيڪنالاجي ماحولياتي طور تي پائيدار، سماجي طور تي تسليم ٿيل ۽ اقتصادي طور تي ممڪن علاج جو حل فراهم ڪري ٿي جيڪا 75٪ يا وڌيڪ گهريلو فضول کي ريسائيڪل ڪري سگهي ٿي جيڪا اصل ۾ لينڊ فل يا جلائڻ لاءِ استعمال ڪئي وئي هئي هڪ قيمتي وسيلن جي طور تي. AnaeCo's diverse team of engineers and technicians has extensive experience in waste technology and the management and operation of solid waste treatment facilities. We provide engineering design and technical services to support the planning, design, development, implementation and operation of resource recovery and recycling solutions based on the AnaeCo™ system
Aqua Metals Inc. (NasdaqCM: AQMS) has developed AquaRefining(TM), a modular electrochemical process that can produce ultra-pure lead from used lead-acid batteries in an effective and socially responsible manner. ليڊ سملٽنگ جي برعڪس (ليڊ ايسڊ بيٽرين کي ريسائڪل ڪرڻ جو موجوده طريقو)، AquaRefining لڳ ڀڳ ڪو به اخراج پيدا نٿو ڪري. Compared with lead smelting, AquaRefining also consumes less total energy and is more cost-effective. Aqua Metals has an office in Alameda, California, and is building its initial commercial lead production AquaRefining facility in the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center in Nevada.
Augean PLC (LSE: AUG.L) برطانيه ۾ خطرناڪ فضول انتظام جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني جامع خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي، بشمول عام فضول گڏ ڪرڻ؛ recycling and sales through open market pricing options and revenue sharing; hazardous and problematic waste treatment and disposal; آفيس فضول علاج؛ training and support; رپورٽن جو هڪ سيٽ فضول اسٽريمز، ريسائڪلنگ ۽ مقام جي لحاظ کان آمدني؛ and consulting services for recycling, landfill avoidance and recycling for large and medium-sized manufacturing customers. It also manages waste from land remediation, construction and demolition projects; ڪچري کان پاور پلانٽ تائين راھ کي سنڀاليندو آهي؛ holds a large number of mining rights that can be used to supply various aggregates to the market; operates three hazardous and non-hazardous waste landfills Field; بند ٿيل زمين مان توانائي پيدا ڪرڻ؛ ۽ ليبارٽري خدمتون مهيا ڪري. In addition, the company also provides waste management and waste treatment services for offshore oil and gas operators in the North Sea; as well as industrial cleaning, oil recovery and tanker flushing services for the oil and gas industry.

Cascades Inc (TSX: CAS.TO) was established in 1964. Cascades produces, processes and sells packaging and tissue products mainly composed of recycled fibers. The company has nearly 11,000 employees working in more than 90 production departments in North America and Europe. ان جي انتظامي فلسفي سان، ريسائڪلنگ جي اڌ صديءَ کان وڌيڪ تجربو ۽ تحقيق ۽ ترقيءَ لاءِ ڊرائيونگ فورس جي طور تي لڳاتار ڪوششون، Cascades جديد پروڊڪٽس مهيا ڪرڻ جاري رکي ٿو جن تي گراهڪ ڀروسو ڪن ٿا.

Changan International Company (OTC: CAON) is a development stage company engaged in waste recycling and reuse business in the People's Republic of China. اهو پڻ فضول مان تعميراتي مواد پيدا ڪري ٿو. ڪمپني SF مواد استعمال ڪري ٿي (فضول پلاسٽڪ ۽ ڪوئلي جي راھ جو مرکب) پيداوار ۽ پيداوار لاءِ. Its product line includes wall panels and exterior covers for construction. Changan International Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Harbin, China
China Green Agriculture (NYSE: CGA) produces and distributes humic acid-based compound fertilizers through its wholly-owned subsidiary, namely: Shaanxi Technical Team Jinong Humic Acid Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinong”). Varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products. ), Beijing Gufeng Chemical Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gufeng”) and the variable equity entity Xi'an Lake County Yuxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuxing”). ڊسمبر 31، 2014 تائين، جينونگ 120 مختلف ڀاڻ جون شيون تيار ۽ وڪرو ڪيون آهن، جن مان سڀني کي عوامي جمهوريه چين ("چائنا") جي حڪومت پاران سبز کاڌي جي پيداوار واري مواد جي تصديق ڪئي وئي آهي، جيئن بيان ڪيو ويو آهي "چائنا گرين فوڊ. ” . F. Jinong هن وقت 27 صوبن، 4 خودمختيار علائقن، ۽ 3 مرڪزي حڪومت جي ڪنٽرول وارن شهرن ۾ خانگي زرعي هول سيلرز ۽ پرچون فرٽيلرز کي ڀاڻ جون شيون وڪرو ڪري ٿو. ڊسمبر 31، 2014 جي طور تي، Jinong چين ۾ 972 تقسيم ڪندڙ هئا. Gufeng and its wholly-owned subsidiary Beijing Tianjuyuan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. are Beijing-based producers of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers and compound fertilizers. Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.

CO2 Solution Inc. (TSX: CST.V) is an innovator in the field of enzymatic carbon capture, and has been committed to the development and commercialization of fixed carbon pollution source technologies. CO2 Solutions' technology lowers the cost barrier of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCSU), positioning it as a viable CO2 mitigation tool, and enabling the industry to obtain profitable new products from these emissions. CO2 حلن هڪ وسيع پيٽنٽ پورٽ فوليو قائم ڪيو آهي جنهن ۾ ڪاربن ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ کي پڪڙڻ لاءِ ڪاربن ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ کي پڪڙڻ لاءِ ڪاربنڪ اينهائيڊريس يا ان جي اينالاگ استعمال کي ڍڪيندو آهي، جنهن ۾ گھٽ توانائي واري آبي محلولن سان موثر دھلجڻ کانپوءِ.
Commercial Metals Corporation (NYSE: CMC) and its subsidiaries manufacture, recycle and sell steel and steel through a network including small steel mills, steel manufacturing and processing plants, construction-related product warehouses, metal recycling facilities and marketing Sales and distribution offices for metal ڪوڪيز، اسانگ ۾ اضافو، تعاون ۽ بين الاقوامييئر آفيسز ۾ لاڳاپيل مواد شامل.

DS Smith PLC (LSE: SMDC.L) through its subsidiaries designs and manufactures recycled packaging for consumer products in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and internationally. The company provides retail and shelf-ready, online and electronic retail, transportation and transportation, consumer goods, industrial goods, dangerous goods and multi-material packaging products, as well as wrap-around packaging, pallet and box packaging; corrugated paper sales point and point of purchase display racks , Packaging machine system, modular display racks and pallets, corrugated paper racks and Sheetfeeding products; Sizzlepak is a special paper filling material that can be folded into a zigzag shape, cut into narrow strips, and can also provide packaging consulting services. It provides packaging products and services for the food and beverage, consumer goods, industrial, e-commerce and distribution, and converter markets. The company also provides comprehensive recycling and waste management services, such as paper, cardboard, dry blends, plastics, organics and food, construction and demolition waste, general waste recycling services, and confidential shredding services; and value-added services, including supply cycles Management, carbon management, regulatory compliance, CSR reporting and brand reputation, for large and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises in the retail, manufacturing, printing and publishing, and paper industries. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ پيدا ڪري ٿو ريسائيڪل ٿيل ناريل باڪس مواد ۽ خاص پيپرز، ۽ لاڳاپيل ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ سپلائي چين جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي؛ it also manufactures and sells flexible packaging and distribution solutions for the beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, fresh produce, construction and retail industries, and rigid Packaging solutions and foam products.
Enpar Technologies Inc. (TSX: ENP.V) develops environmental protection and remedial technologies. اهو پيٽرن مهيا ڪري ٿو ۽ گندي پاڻي ۽ پيئڻ جي پاڻي کي ڪيئن علاج ڪرڻ جي ڄاڻ ڏئي ٿو، جيڪي معدنيات يا معدنيات سان لاڳاپيل آهن جيڪي معدنيات، دھات جي پروسيسنگ، ڪيميائي، زرعي، ميونسپل، ۽ فضول انتظام شعبن سان لاڳاپيل آهن؛ and from waste materials related to the mining industry Nickel and other valuable metals are recovered from the sulfide tailings of the plant. ڪمپني مهيا ڪري ٿي ESD، هڪ capacitive deionizer جو استعمال ڪيو ويو ڪل حل ٿيل سولڊز کي ختم ڪرڻ لاءِ. AmmEL treats ammonia-contaminated water; the NitrEL system, an electrochemical water treatment process that reduces pollution by directly converting nitrate to nitrogen. The concentration of nitrate in drinking water, groundwater and industrial process wastewater. It also provides ExtrEL, which is a hydrometallurgical alternative for recovering metals from sulfide tailings and ore; and AmdEL system, an electrochemical system that prevents sulfide minerals in tailings or waste stones Oxidation. The company provides its products to customers in the global public and private sectors.
انٽرنيشنل انوائرمينٽل ويسٽ ڪارپوريشن (EWI) (TSX: EWS.V) ماحولياتي تحفظ واري نظام ۾ ماهر آهي جيڪي نامياتي مواد جهڙوڪ ٽائرن کي ختم ڪن ٿا. EWI has used 15 years of engineering systems to integrate EWI's patented Reverse Polymerization™ process with a proprietary microwave transmission system. EWI's unique microwave technology can safely process and recycle waste tires, while creating high-value commodity output for the carbon black, petroleum and steel industries. The design of each unit is energy-saving, and where possible, an economically certain model is established for the recovery of various hydrocarbon oils and natural gas.

گرين ارٿ ٽيڪنالاجيز (OTC: GETG) هڪ ”مڪمل طور تي سرسبز“ صاف ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا مقامي طور تي استعمال ٿيندڙ ٻوٽن تي ٻڌل قابل تجديد ۽ ٻيهر استعمال لائق فيڊ اجزاء کي گڏ ڪري ٿي، ۽ هڪ مالڪي واري شڪل جيڪا سبز ٽيڪنالاجي جي چئن نظرين جي چوڌاري ٺهيل آهي: بايوڊيگريڊبل، ري سائيڪل، قابل تجديد ۽ ماحولياتي safe. GET uses G-CLEAN(R) and G-OIL(R) as its brands to produce a full range of “clean and green” American-made environmentally friendly products, some of which are specially designed to help overcome fracturing and pressure worldwide. The challenge of disintegration allows consumers and customers concerned about the environment and American energy independence to do their part without sacrificing value or performance. Save the planet-what to give.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) هڪ جديد فضول کان توانائي ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي. ان ۾ لينڊ فلز ۾ استعمال ٿيل فضول ٽائر ۽ مخلوط پلاسٽڪ کي اعليٰ درجي جي موٽر آئل ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ لاءِ پيٽنٽ انتظار ۾ آهي. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. اهو طريقو هر سال 14,400,00 پائونڊ مخلوط، غير ريسائيڪل پوسٽ ڪنزيومر پلاسٽڪ في سسٽم ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ ۽ تقريباً 36,000 بيرل تيل پيدا ڪرڻ جي قابل پڻ آهي. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.

Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) ٽيڪنالاجي هڪ ثابت، موثر ريفائننگ ۽ ڪيميائي عمل آهي، شروعاتي طور تي عالمي پاور انڊسٽري پاران استعمال ٿيندڙ ملٽي بلين ڊالر ٽرانسفارمر آئل مارڪيٽ جو مقصد آهي. At present, waste oil is processed in two commercial factories. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. بي ضرر. اهو عمل پڻ مڪمل طور تي ختم ڪري ٿو زهر اضافي پي سي بيز بين الاقوامي ضابطن پاران منع ٿيل. هائيڊروڊيڪ جا ٻوٽا Canton، Ohio، USA ۽ Young، New South Wales، Australia ۾ واقع آهن. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group is the UK's largest collector, amalgamator and processor of waste lubricants, as well as a seller of processed fuel oil, and has oil storage and transshipment facilities nationwide. Station network. او ايس ايس جي اسٽورپورٽ پلانٽ ۾ فضول تيل کي پروسيس ٿيل ايندھن جي تيل ۾ تبديل ڪيو ويندو آهي، جيڪو خاص طور تي برطانيه ۾ کوارين ۽ پاور انڊسٽري کي وڪرو ڪيو ويندو آهي. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
American Industrial Services Corporation (NasdaqCM: IDSA) is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. The American Industrial Services Corporation هڪ عوامي طور تي واپار ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا خريد ڪري ٿي، پروسيس ڪري ٿي ۽ وڪڻي ٿي فيرس ۽ غير فيرس دھات ۽ ٻيون ٻيهر استعمال ٿيندڙ شيون، ۽ تجارتي گراهڪن کي فضول انتظام مهيا ڪري ٿي. Procedures and equipment, and sell second-hand auto parts.
Kurita Water Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 6370.T; OTC: KTWIF) provides various water treatment solutions in Japan, Asia, North America, Europe and internationally. The company operates through two parts: water treatment chemicals and water treatment facilities. The water treatment chemicals department provides boiler water treatment chemicals, cooling water treatment chemicals, wastewater treatment chemicals, process treatment chemicals, packaging contracts, chemical injection and metering equipment, etc.; ۽ سار سنڀال جون خدمتون. The water treatment facility department provides ultra-pure water production systems, general industrial wastewater treatment systems, wastewater treatment systems and wastewater recycling systems. ڊپارٽمينٽ الٽرا خالص پاڻي جي فراهمي، ڪيميائي صفائي، اوزار جي صفائي ۽ مٽي ۽ زميني پاڻي جي مرمت جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي، ۽ سار سنڀال جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي.
Lizhan ماحولياتي تحفظ ڪمپني (OTC: LZENF) پنهنجي ماتحت ادارن ذريعي چين جي عوام جي جمهوريه ۾ مصنوعي چمڙي ۽ چمڙي جي فضول ۽ ٻين مواد مان ٺهيل ٻين ڪپڙن جي پيداوار، ورڇ، مارڪيٽنگ ۽ برآمد ۾ مصروف آهي. It offers a variety of synthetic leather fabric products, including super suede products, reclaimed leather flocking fabrics, microfiber towel fabrics, tufted fabrics and colgre products, as well as others made of flocking powder, suede fabrics, short pile and honeycomb A fabric composed of perforated cotton. ڪمپني پڻ مصنوعي چمڙي جي پيداوار سان لاڳاپيل تحقيق ۽ ترقي ۾ ملوث آهي. Its products are used in a variety of consumer applications, including residential and office furniture, clothing and automotive interior products. ڪمپني خاص طور تي پنهنجي پروڊڪٽس کي فرنيچر ٺاهيندڙن ۽ ڪپڙي جي تقسيم ڪندڙن کي وڪرو ڪري ٿو. Its products are exported to the United States, Nicaragua, Germany, Belgium, France and South Korea.

Metalico, Inc. (NYSE MKT: MEA) and its subsidiaries operate non-ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap recycling stations, including PGM and secondary metal recycling facilities. ڪمپني جي ري سائیکلنگ جڳهن کي نيويارڪ، پينسليلينيا، اوسينلوانيا، اوليووينيا، نيو جرمن، نيو جرسي ۽ مسسيپي ۾ شامل آهن.
نيشنل ويسٽ مئنيجمينٽ هولڊنگس لميٽيڊ (OTC: NWMH) هڪ اڀرندڙ اڀرندڙ عمودي طور تي مربوط سالڊ ويسٽ مئنيجمينٽ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا C&D گڏ ڪرڻ، ٽرانسپورٽيشن ۽ ريسائڪلنگ تي ڌيان ڏئي رهي آهي. نيشنل ويسٽ سروس فلوريڊا جي اولهه سامونڊي ڪناري تي ۽ نيو يارڪ جي اپ اسٽيٽ سولڊ ويسٽ سروسز ۾ هڪ شاندار اڳواڻ آهي.
Natural Blue Resources Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ھڪ ڊولپمينٽ اسٽيج ڪمپني آھي جيڪا مختلف ڳنڍيل سائي ڪاروبارن جي ڳولا، حصول ۽ ترقي ۾ مصروف آھي. The company is engaged in waste stream recycling and plastic and steel recycling business. اهو پڻ آهي پيٽرن جو استعمال ۽ پيداوار جو لائسنس ۽ فضول علاج لاءِ ٽيڪنيڪل حق ڏکڻ ڪوريا ۾ فضول علاج پلانٽس ۾ مائڪرو ويڪرو ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي.

PRO-PAC Packaging Limited (ASX: PPG.AX) manufactures and distributes industrial, protective and rigid packaging products in Australia. The company operates through industrial packaging and rigid packaging divisions. صنعتي پيڪنگنگ ڊپارٽمينٽ صنعتي پيڪنگنگ مواد ۽ لاڳاپيل مصنوعات ۽ خدمتون ٺاهي، خريد ڪري ۽ تقسيم ڪري ٿو. The department also installs, supports and maintains packaging machines. The rigid packaging department manufactures, purchases and distributes containers and closures and related products and services. Pro-Pac Packaging Limited also provides flexible packaging films, cardboard boxes and cardboard packaging products, agricultural products packaging products, and toilet and cleaning products; and sells and services various packaging tools, machines and systems. It provides services to the general industrial and primary packaging, safety and personal protective equipment, food service and food processing sectors. Biodegradable مصنوعات
Pure Cycle Corp. (NASDAQCM: PCYO) ڪولوراڊو ۾ ڪيترن ئي واٽر شيڊز ۾ پاڻي جي اثاثن جو مالڪ آهي ۽ ڊنور، ڪولوراڊو ۾ ڪجهه خاص آبي زمينون. Pure Cycle provides water and wastewater services to customers located in downtown Denver, including the design, construction, operation and maintenance of water and wastewater systems. Pure Cycle also owns approximately 14,600 acres of land in southeastern Colorado, leased to farmers in the area.
Quest Resource Holding Corp (NasdaqCM: QRHC) ڪمپنين کي ون اسٽاپ مئنيجمينٽ پروگرام مهيا ڪري ٿي ته جيئن انهن جي ڪاروبار مان پيدا ٿيندڙ مختلف فضول اسٽريمز ۽ ريسائيبلبلز کي ٻيهر استعمال ڪرڻ، ٻيهر استعمال ڪرڻ ۽ ڊسپوز ڪرڻ لاءِ، ۽ ماحوليات تي ٻڌل سوشل ميڊيا ۽ آن لائن ڊيٽا کي هلائي ٿو جنهن ۾ معلومات جي پليٽ فارم ۽ ضروري آهي. instructions for authorizing consumers and consumer product companies to recycle or properly dispose of household products and materials. Quest جو جامع ٻيهر استعمال، ريسائڪلنگ ۽ مناسب ڊسپوزل مئنيجمينٽ پروگرام علائقائي ۽ قومي گراهڪن کي مختلف فضول اسٽريمز ۽ ريسائيبلبلز کي منظم ڪرڻ لاءِ رابطي جو هڪ نقطو ڏيڻ لاءِ ٺهيل آهي. Quest's catalog of local recycling and proper disposal methods can directly enhance the capabilities of consumers and enable consumer products companies to provide customers with the correct recycling or disposal of various household products and materials (including “why, where, and how to “recycle”. “ Quest اهي پروگرام ان جي ماتحت ادارن Quest Resource Management Group, LLC ۽ Earth911, Inc جي ذريعي مهيا ڪيا ويا آهن. Quest ڪمپني جي ڪوششن جي مدد ڪري ٿو ته جيئن منافعو وڌائي ۽ خطرن کي گھٽائي سگهجي، جڏهن ته Quest جي گراهڪن کي ان جي ماحولياتي اثرن کي گھٽ ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪيترن ئي صنعتن جي شعبن ۾ شامل ڪيو وڃي، جنهن ۾ کاڌي جي خدمت، مهمان نوازي، medical, manufacturing, construction, automotive aftermarket and fleet industries. Quest provides customers with comprehensive sustainability plans, innovative recycling solutions and environmental protection. Quest provides specific solutions for each customer Proud of the target solution for the needs.
Redishred Capital Corp (TSX: KUT.V) is the owner of the PROSHRED® trademark and intellectual property in the United States and internationally. PROSHRED® آمريڪا ۾ مختلف صنعتن ۾ هزارين گراهڪن لاءِ ڳجهي دستاويزن ۽ ملڪيت واري مواد کي ڇنڊڇاڻ ۽ ٻيهر استعمال ڪري ٿو. پروڊيلڊ® موبائل دستاويزن جي تباهي ۽ ري سائیکلنگ انڊسٽري ۾ هڪ پائنر آهي ۽ حاصل ڪيو آهي ISO 9001 سرٽيفڪيشن. PROSHRED®'s vision is to become a “selection system” and provide shredding and recycling services worldwide. PROSHRED® في الحال آمريڪا ۾ 35 مارڪيٽن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو.
ريپبلڪ سروسز، Inc. (NYSE: RSG) ريسائڪلنگ ۽ غير خطرناڪ سالڊ ويسٽ ۾ آمريڪي صنعت جو اڳواڻ آهي. Through its subsidiaries, Republic's collection companies, recycling centers, transfer stations and landfills are committed to providing their commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and oilfield customers with effective solutions to make it easy to carry out proper waste disposal . We will address this issue through the brand's tagline here™, letting customers know that they can rely on Republic to provide an excellent experience, while fostering a sustainable Blue Planet™ for future generations to enjoy a cleaner, safer and healthier world.
Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc. (NasdaqGS: SCHN) is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of recycled metal products in the United States, with operations in 24 states, Puerto Rico and Western Canada. Schnitzer وٽ اوڀر ۽ اولهه جي ساحلن تي ست گہرا پاڻي برآمد ڪرڻ جون سهولتون آهن، انهي سان گڏ Hawaii ۽ Puerto Rico. The company's integrated operating platform also includes auto parts stores and steel manufacturing. ڪمپني جي اسٽيل جي پيداوار واري ڪاروبار ۾ تقريبن 800,000 ٽين جي اثرائتي سالياني پيداوار جي صلاحيت آهي، جيڪا تيار ٿيل اسٽيل جي شين جي پيداوار ڪري سگهي ٿي جنهن ۾ ريبار، وائر راڊ ۽ ٻيون خاص شيون شامل آهن. The company began operations in Portland, Oregon in 1906.

Sims Metal Management Ltd. (OTC: SMSMY; ASX: SGM.AX) دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو درج ٿيل ڌاتو ريسائيڪل ڪندڙ آھي، جنھن ۾ سڄي دنيا ۾ 250 کان وڌيڪ ڪارخانا ۽ 5,700 ملازم آھن. Sims' core business is metal recycling and electronic recycling. Approximately 60% of Sims Metal Management's revenue comes from North American operations.

تريا ڪارپوريشن (TSX: TSX: هڪ معروف فضول حل فراهم ڪندڙ، فضول ۽ گئس، کنگل ۽ صنعتي شعبن ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، ریزل حل فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، ریزل حل فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ ۽ نيڪال جي سهولت فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪرڻ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ ۽ نيڪال جي سهولت فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ ۽ نيڪالين جي سهولت فراهم ڪندڙ، علاج فراهم ڪندڙ، رينڊلنگ ۽ نيڪالين. We serve our customers on-site through facilities in Canada and the United States. For 40 years, Tervita has been committed to providing safe and efficient solutions at all stages of the project, while minimizing the impact and maximizing benefits™. اسان جا وقف ۽ تجربا ملازم آهن اسان جي گراهڪن جا قابل اعتماد ڀائيوار پائيدار ترقي لاءِ. Safety is our top priority: it affects our behavior and shapes our culture.
Tomra Systems (Oslo: TOM.OL) provides sensor-based solutions to achieve the best resource productivity in the world. اهو "جمع حل" ۽ "درجه بندي حل" جي ذيلي تقسيم ذريعي هلندي آهي. گڏ ڪرڻ جو حل ڊپارٽمينٽ ترقي ڪري ٿو، پيدا ڪري ٿو، وڪرو ڪري ٿو، ليز تي، ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿو خودڪار گڏ ڪرڻ وارو نظام خدمتن لاءِ، جنهن ۾ ڊيٽا مئنيجمينٽ سسٽم شامل آهي جيڪو گڏ ڪيل مواد ۽ لاڳاپيل جمع ٽرانزيڪشن جي نگراني ڪري سگهي ٿو. اهو پڻ پيش ڪري ٿو مشروب ٺاهيندڙن / فلرز کي کڻڻ ۾، نقل و حمل ۽ هٿ ڪرڻ ۾ خالي مشروبات جي ڪنٽينرز؛ production of small and medium-sized compactors. This market segment provides solutions under the TOMRA brand of the European food retail industry. The classification solutions department provides classification and processing technology for the fresh and processed food industry; classification systems for waste and metal material streams; کني جي صنعت لاء ترتيب ڏيڻ جو نظام؛ and sensor-based sorting and processing technologies for the tobacco and raw material industries. This market segment offers its solutions under the brand names of TITECH, Commodas Ultrasort, ODENBERG and BEST.
Tox Free Solutions Limited (ASX: TOX.AX) provides industrial and waste management services in Australia. The company is divided into three parts: technical and environmental services, industrial services and waste services. The Waste Services Department is engaged in the collection, resource recovery, recycling and disposal of solid, industrial, urban and commercial waste in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Southwest regions of Western Australia and Queensland. هي سيڪشن پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو بلڪ مائع ۽ ڪل فضول انتظام، وسيلن جي بحالي ۽ ريسائڪلنگ، ۽ فضول ٽريڪنگ ۽ رپورٽنگ خدمتون. قسم جي ضستي ۽ گزگيز، وائسن، وهندڙ، وڏي ڊزڪ ۽ ڊئنڪز کي فسطن لاء مهيا ڪري ٿو، وسيع پاڻي يا رعادي ۽ پاڻي مائٽس. waste collection services. اهو حصو پڻ پائپ لائن سنڀاليندڙ، ڪنڪريٽ، صاف ڪرڻ، صنعتي ڪوٽنگ، صاف ڪرڻ وارو ڪٽڻ، صاف ڪرڻ، ويڪروم، غير تباهي وارو انتظام ۽ فضول انتظام. ٽيڪنيڪل ۽ انوائرمينٽل سروسز ڊپارٽمينٽ ڪويانا، هينڊرسن، ڪرراٿا، پورٽ هيڊلينڊ، ڪالگورلي، سڊني، برسبين ۽ ميلبورن ۾ مائع ۽ خطرناڪ فضول انتظام جي سهولتن جو هڪ نيٽ ورڪ آهي. This section provides hazardous and chemical waste, hazardous waste management, bulk liquid waste, household hazardous waste, fluorescent tube and lamp recycling and emergency response services, as well as contaminated site repair, waste audit, environmental compliance and waste tracking services.
Transpacific Industries (ASX: TPI.AX) بنيادي طور تي آسٽريليا ۾ ريسائڪلنگ، فضول انتظام ۽ صنعتي خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. The company operates through Cleanaway, Industrials and New Zealand divisions. اهو ڪمپورنگ، ميٽل ۽ سابدي سبب مختلف سبسسل جو مجموعو، درآمد، درآمد ڪرڻ لاء. It also owns and manages waste transfer stations, resource recovery and recycling facilities, ensures product destruction, quarantine treatment operations and landfills, and sells paper, cardboard, metal and plastic. ان کان علاوه، ڪمپني مائع ۽ خطرناڪ فضول جي گڏ ڪرڻ، علاج، پروسيسنگ ۽ ريسائڪلنگ ۾ پڻ ملوث آهي، جهڙوڪ صنعتي فضول، گريس ٽريپ ويسٽ، آئلي واٽر، ۽ فضول معدني تيل ۽ خوردني تيل پيڪيج ٿيل ۽ بلڪ فارمن ۾. انهي سان گڏ ريفائننگ ۽ ريسائڪلنگ استعمال ٿيل معدني تيل کي ٻارڻ جو تيل ۽ بنيادي تيل پيدا ڪرڻ لاء. In addition, it also provides industrial solutions, including industrial cleaning, vacuum tanker loading, site repair, sludge management, parts cleaning, concrete repair, closed-circuit television, corrosion protection and emergency response services.
Trius Investments Inc. (TSX: TRU.V) هڪ سيڙپڪاري ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي. The company controls and operates Trius Disposal Systems Ltd., an innovative commercial/residential waste treatment company. The company makes real estate investments in the United States through its other wholly-owned subsidiary, TRU Investments, LLC.
American Ecological Corporation (NASDAQGS: ECOL) is a leading environmental service provider for commercial and government agencies in North America. ڪمپني گراهڪن جي پيچيده فضول انتظام جي ضرورتن کي پورو ڪري ٿي، خطرناڪ، غير خطرناڪ ۽ تابڪاري فضول جي علاج، نيڪال ۽ ريسائڪلنگ، گڏوگڏ مڪمل طور تي سائيٽ ۽ صنعتي خدمتن جي وسيع رينج مهيا ڪري ٿي. US Ecology حفاظت، ماحولياتي تعميل، ۽ فرسٽ ڪلاس ڪسٽمر سروس تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو، جيڪا اسان کي مؤثر طريقي سان گراهڪ جي ضرورتن کي پورا ڪرڻ ۽ ڊگھي مدي وارا ڪوآپريٽو تعلقات قائم ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي. The company is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, has operations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and has been committed to protecting the environment since 1952.
Veolia Environnement (NYSE: VE; Paris: VIE.PA) helps cities and industries manage, optimize and fully utilize their resources. ڪمپني پاڻي، توانائي ۽ مواد سان لاڳاپيل حل فراهم ڪري ٿو ته فضول خرچي تي منتقلي- هڪ سرڪل معيشت تي منتقلي لاء.
Vertex Energy Inc. (NasdaqCM: VTNR) is a leading environmental services company that recycles industrial waste streams and substandard commercial chemical products. ان جو بنيادي ڌيان استعمال ٿيل موٽر آئل ۽ ٻين پيٽروليم جي پيداوار واري اسٽريم جي بحالي آهي. Vertex Energy purchases these streams from an established network of local and regional collectors and generators. Vertex Energy also manages the transportation, storage and delivery of aggregated raw materials and product flows to end users, and manages the refining of a portion of its aggregated petroleum streams to sell them as high-value final products. ورٽيڪس انرجي پنهنجي گڏ ڪيل تيل جي وهڪري کي فيڊ اسٽاڪ طور ٻين ريفائنرز ۽ فيول ميڪرز کي وڪرو ڪري ٿي، يا صنعتي برنرز ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ متبادل ايندھن جي طور تي. ورٽيڪس انرجي پاران منظم ڪيل موٽر آئل جي ريفائننگ ان جي پلانٽ تي ٿيندي آهي، جيڪا هڪ ملڪيت واري ٿرمو ڪيميڪل ايڪسٽريشن پروسيس (TCEP) ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي آهي. هوٽڪس انرجي هوسٽن، ٽيڪساس، ۽ چيڪاگو، جارجيا، نيواڊيا، نيواڊيا ۾ آفيسون آهن.
ويسٽ ڪنيڪشن ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: WCN) هڪ جامع سولڊ ويسٽ سروس ڪمپني آهي جيڪا خاص طور تي مالڪي ۽ ثانوي مارڪيٽن ۾ فضول گڏ ڪرڻ، منتقلي، نيڪال ۽ ريسائڪلنگ جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. Through its R360 Environmental Solutions subsidiary, the company is also a provider of waste treatment, recycling and disposal services for several of the most active natural resource producing areas in the United States (including the Permian Basin, Bakken Basin and Eagle Ford Basin). Leading provider. . Waste Connection Corporation serves more than 2 million residential, commercial, industrial, and exploration and production customers through a network of operations in 32 states. ڪمپني پئسفڪ نارٿ ويسٽ ۾ ڪارگو ۽ سولڊ ويسٽ ڪنٽينر ٽرانسپورٽيشن لاءِ انٽرموڊل خدمتون پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿي. Waste Connections, Inc. قائم ڪئي وئي سيپٽمبر 1997 ۾ ۽ هيڊ ڪوارٽر Woodlands, Texas ۾ آهي.

Yulong Ecological Materials Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: YECO) ماحولياتي تعميراتي شين جو عمودي طور تي ضم ٿيل ڪارخانو آهي، ۽ هڪ تعميراتي فضول ريسائڪلنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪو Pingdingshan شهر، Henan صوبي، چين ۾ واقع آهي. ڪمپني هن وقت پنگڊنگشن سٽي ۾ فلائي ايش برڪ ۽ ڪنڪريٽ پيدا ڪندڙ معروف ڪمپني آهي، ۽ ان جي ويسٽ مئنيجمينٽ سروسز جي خاص فراهم ڪندڙ آهي.

AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). ان جي Windtec(TM) حلن ذريعي، AMSC ونڊ ٽربائن برقي ڪنٽرول سسٽم، سسٽم، ڊيزائن ۽ انجنيئرنگ خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي جيڪا ونڊ انرجي جي قيمتن کي گھٽائي سگھي ٿي. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. The company's solutions are now powering gigawatts of renewable energy around the world and have improved the performance and reliability of power networks in more than a dozen countries. AMSC was established in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America

Digi International (NasdaqGS: DGII) is your mission-critical M2M solution expert, providing some of the industry's most extensive wireless products, a cloud computing platform tailored for devices, and development services to help customers use wireless devices and applications to quickly push To the مارڪيٽ. . Digi جو سمورو حل سيٽ ڪنهن به ڊوائيس کي دنيا جي ڪنهن به ايپليڪيشن سان رابطو ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏيڻ لاءِ تيار ڪيو ويو آهي. اسمارٽ گرڊ: ڊيجي يوٽيلٽيز کي مدد ڪري رهيو آهي ڊجيٽل انٽيليجنس جي هڪ پرت کي انهن جي گرڊ ۾ شامل ڪريو. These smart grids use sensors, meters, digital controls, and analysis tools to automate, monitor, and control the bidirectional energy flow from the power plant to the plug. پاتل ڪمپنيون چٽي وڌائي سگهن ٿيون، طاقت جي ڪارڪردگي روڪيون ڪري سگهن ٿيون، محافظن کي سڌو ڪارروائي جي توانائي ڊوائيس تي سڌو سامان منظم ڪري ڇڏين ٿيون، ۽ گراهڪن جي توانائي جا سامان سڌو سنجامين کي سڌو سنئون توانائي جا ڪارروائي ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏين
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. اسان جا تجارتي ۽ بين الاقوامي ڪاروبار اتر آمريڪا ۽ لاطيني آمريڪا ۾ مختلف پاور جنريشن اثاثن جا مالڪ ۽ هلائيندا آهن، بشمول قابل تجديد توانائي جي اثاثن جا پورٽ فوليو. ڊيوڪ انرجي جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر چارليٽ، اتر ڪيولينا ۾ آهي ۽ هڪ فارچون 250 ڪمپني آهي. Smart grid: We are committed to helping customers control energy use through a smarter grid. When we deploy this advanced grid technology, we are happy to work with you to shape the future of energy use.
Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is a pioneer in the development of an open standard control network platform, providing an industrial-strength “device community” in the design, installation, monitoring and control of lighting, building automation, Internet of Things, and industrial applications All the elements needed. Global related markets. As part of the EzoT™ platform, Echelon sells its lighting products under the Echelon brand's Lumewave brand, as well as its building automation and other IIoT-related products. Echelon has installed more than 100 million Echelon-powered devices worldwide, which can help customers easily and safely migrate existing control systems to the most modern platform, while bringing new devices and applications into the ever-evolving global industry the Internet. Echelon پنهنجي گراهڪن کي آپريٽنگ خرچن کي گهٽائڻ، اطمينان ۽ حفاظت کي بهتر ڪرڻ، آمدني وڌائڻ، ۽ موجوده ۽ اڀرندڙ مارڪيٽن ٻنهي ۾ بهتر ڪارڪردگي ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو.
EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQGS: ENOC) is a leading provider of cloud-based energy intelligence software (EIS) and services to thousands of corporate customers and utilities worldwide. EnerNOC's EIS solutions for corporate customers improve energy productivity by optimizing purchase methods, usage and usage time. انٽرنيشنل اي سي اي سي ۾ بجيٽنگ، يوٽيلٽي بلنگ مئنيجمينٽ، سهولتن جي اصلاح ۽ رپورٽنگ، منصوبي جي ڳولا، ۽ مطالبو جو جواب. EnerNOC's utility EIS solutions help maximize customer engagement and the value of demand-side resources, including demand response and energy efficiency. EnerNOC supports customer success with its world-class professional service team and 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC).

ESCO Technologies Inc (NYSE: ESE)، سينٽ لوئس ۾ هيڊ ڪوارٽر، عالمي هوائي اڏي، ايرو اسپيس ۽ پروسيسنگ مارڪيٽن لاءِ انجنيئرڊ فلٽريشن پراڊڪٽس مهيا ڪري ٿي، ۽ آر ايف شيلڊنگ ۽ اي ايم سي ٽيسٽنگ پروڊڪٽس ۾ انڊسٽري ليڊر آهي. ان جي، ڪمپني به ددت وارن برپلائيز، خدمتون، خدمتن جي عالمي بنياد فراهم ڪندي يا عالمي توانائي واري القوامي اهم ڪارڪنن کي فائدو ڏيڻ جو عالمي عالمي عالمي عالمي عالمي وڪري جي عالمي عالمي عالمي عالمي وڪري جي عالمي عالمي عالمي اڻ مهيا ٿئي ٿي.
جنرل ڪيبل ڪمپني (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: BGC) Fortune 500 ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي. It is engaged in the development, design, manufacturing, and marketing of copper, aluminum and optical fiber wire and cable products and systems for the energy, industrial, specialty, and construction industries And the global leader in distribution and communications market.
GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. GE دنيا کي طاقت ڏيڻ لاء صاف ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ توانائي حل استعمال ڪري ٿو. From FlexEfciency combined cycle power generation, to smart grids that can help utilities manage electricity demand, to gas engines fueled by organic waste, our technology is currently helping to provide a quarter of the world's electricity. GE آئل اينڊ گيس في الحال 120 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائقن ۾ ڪم ڪري ٿو ۽ تيل جي ميدان ۾ محفوظ، سڀ کان وڌيڪ قابل اعتماد ۽ قيمتي اثرائتي جدت لاءِ پرعزم آهي.
Honeywell (NYSE: HON) is a diversified technology and manufacturing leader for Fortune 100 companies, providing aerospace products and services to customers worldwide. عمارتون، گھر ۽ صنعتن لاء ڪنٽرول ٽيڪنالاجي؛ turbochargers; and performance materials. سمارٽ گرڊ: گذريل 30 سالن ۾، هني ويل جي سمارٽ گرڊ سوليوشنز (SGS) ٽيم سڄي دنيا ۾ 60 کان وڌيڪ يوٽيلٽي ڪمپنين جي مدد ڪئي آهي توانائيءَ جي ڪارڪردگيءَ ۽ مطالبن جي جواب جي هدفن کان وڌيڪ، ۽ مجموعي طور تي صارفين جي مصروفيت ۽ اطمينان کي بهتر بڻائي رهي آهي. At the same time manage the grid.
Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) ڪمپيوٽنگ جدت ۾ هڪ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. The company designed and built key technologies that are the foundation of the world's computing equipment. ڪارپوريٽ ذميواري ۽ پائيدار ترقي ۾ اڳواڻ جي طور تي، Intel دنيا جو پهريون تجارتي طور تي دستياب "تنازع کان آزاد" مائڪرو پروسيسر پڻ پيدا ڪيو آهي. Smart grid
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (NYSE: IBM) In 2007, IBM formed a consortium of innovative utility companies to accelerate the use of smart grid technology and drive the industry forward through its most challenging transformation development of. گلوبل سمارٽ يوٽيلٽيز نيٽورڪ الائنس اميد رکي ٿو ته بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ، ورهائڻ ۽ استعمال ڪرڻ جو طريقو تبديل ڪرڻ جو موجوده نظام ۾ ڊجيٽل انٽيليجنس شامل ڪري بجلي جي بندش ۽ ناڪامين کي گهٽائڻ، طلب کي منظم ڪرڻ، ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي ذريعن کي ضم ڪرڻ (جهڙوڪ ونڊ ۽ بجلي). Members include Alliander, CenterPoint Energy, CPFL, DONG Energy, eRDF, Essential Energy, North Delhi Electric Co., Ltd., Oncor, Pepco Holdings, Inc, Progress Energy and San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
ITC Holdings Corp (NYSE: ITC) is the largest independent power transmission company in the United States. ITC Novi، Michigan ۾ واقع آهي. ان کي معاوضي کي وڌائڻ لاء ٽرانسميشن گرڊ ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪئي وئي آهي، انرجي جي رسائي کي وڌائڻ لاء، توانائي جي وسيلن کي محدود ڪرڻ ۽ نئين نسل جي وسيلن کي ان جي ٽرانسميشن سسٽم سان ڳن to ڻ جي اجازت ڏني وڃي. ان جي ضابطي واري ماتحت آئي ٽي سي ٽرانسميشن، مشي گن پاور ٽرانسميشن ڪمپني، آئي ٽي سي مڊ ويسٽ ۽ آئي ٽي سي عظيم ميدانن ذريعي، آئي ٽي سي مشي گن، آئووا، مينيسوٽا، ايليينوس، مسوري، ڪنساس ۽ اوڪلاهوما ۾ آهي، رياست جي مالڪ آهي ۽ هلندي آهي هاءِ وولٽيج ٽرانسميشن سهولتون، مجموعي طور تي. load exceeding 26,000 megawatts traveling approximately 15,600 miles along the transmission line. آئيڪ آئي جي سي آئي سي سرزش هلندي هوندي آهي ته واپار جي حد تائين معياري انچلزريس ۽ هڪ گهرائي بلاازن انداز ۾ گهريل ۽ معصول ۽ بين الاقوامي روشني وجھڻ جي مسئلن تي گهرن ۽ بين الاقوامي تبليمين جي پيداوار جي غور ۾ شامل بڻايو.
Itron Inc. (NASDAQGS: ITRI) is a world-leading technology and service company dedicated to the use of energy and water resources. We provide comprehensive solutions for measuring, managing and analyzing energy and water. Our broad product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, water and thermal energy measurement equipment and control technology; communication systems; software; ۽ ميزباني ۽ صلاحڪار خدمتون. Itron applies knowledge and technology to better manage energy and water resources.
Jinpan International Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: JST) designs, manufactures and sells electrical control and power distribution equipment for demanding industrial applications, utility projects, renewable energy installations and infrastructure projects. The main products include cast resin transformers, VPI transformers and reactors, switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan is a qualified supplier of China's leading industrial electrical equipment manufacturers, has a wide range of customers in China and has entered the international market. Jinpan's four production bases in China are located in Haikou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Guilin. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. ڪمپني 1993 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي. ان جي مکيه ايگزيڪيوٽو آفيس Haikou، Hainan صوبي، چين ۾ واقع آهي، ۽ ان جي آمريڪي آفيس ڪارلسٽٽٽ، نيو جرسي ۾ واقع آهي.
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) هڪ معروف بنيادي ڍانچي جي تعميراتي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جي مکيه آپريشن سڄي اتر آمريڪا ۾ آهي ۽ ڪيترن ئي صنعتن کي ڍڪيندي آهي. The company's main activities include engineering, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of energy, utilities and communications infrastructure, such as: utility transmission and distribution; natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries.
The National Grid Corporation (NYSE:NGG:LSE:NG.L) transmits and distributes electricity and natural gas. ڪمپني UK بجلي جي ٽرانسميشن، UK گيس ٽرانسميشن، UK گيس جي ورڇ ۽ يو ايس ريگيوليٽري ايجنسين ذريعي هلندي آهي. The British Transmission Department owns and operates high-voltage transmission networks in the UK. The British natural gas transmission department has a natural gas transmission network in the UK and has liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facilities in the UK. The British Gas Distribution Division operates a natural gas distribution system in the UK. National Grid: National Grid is an electricity and natural gas transmission company that connects nearly 7 million customers to vital energy through its networks in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. اهو اتر اوڀر ۾ سڀ کان وڏو قدرتي گئس ورهائيندڙ آهي. Through its US Connect21 strategy, National Grid is transforming its power and natural gas networks to provide smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions to support the digital economy of the 21st century. Connect21 is critical to the long-term economic and environmental health of our communities and is aligned with the regulatory initiatives of New York State (REV: Reforming Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization).
NGK insulator (Tokyo: 5333.T) and its subsidiaries manufacture and sell power-related equipment in Japan and internationally. It is divided into three parts: power supply, ceramic products and electronic parts. The power sector produces and sells insulators and equipment for power companies and heavy electrical equipment manufacturers. هي مارڪيٽ ڀاڱو مهيا ڪري ٿو انسولٽر، انسولٽر جزو هارڊويئر، موجوده محدود ڪرڻ واري بو هارن، ڪيسنگ شيل، فيوز فيوز، اي پي ايم ۽ لائين گرفتار ڪندڙ، ۽ NAS (سوڊيم سلفر بيٽريز). سيرامڪ پراڊڪٽس ڊويزن آٽوميٽڪ نڪرڻ واري صفائي، صنعتي پروسيسنگ سامان، ۽ صنعتي حرارتي نظام ۽ ريفريٽري مواد لاء اجزاء پيدا ڪري ٿي. هي ڊپارٽمينٽ ايگزاسٽ گيس صاف ڪرڻ لاءِ آٽوميٽڪ سيرامڪس فراهم ڪري ٿو، ڪيميائي صنعت لاءِ سنکنرن خلاف مزاحمتي سيرامڪ سامان، گيس اينالائيزر، صنعتي حرارتي نظام، ريفريٽري پروڊڪٽس ۽ ريڊيويڪل ويسٽ ٽريٽمينٽ سسٽم. اليڪٽرونڪس ڊپارٽمينٽ بريليئم ڪاپر جي جعلسازي جون شيون، مولڊز ۽ سيرامڪ پراڊڪٽس مهيا ڪري ٿو اليڪٽرانڪس ۽ سيمڪڊڪٽر جي پيداواري سامان لاءِ.
پورٽ لينڊ جنرل اليڪٽرڪ ڪمپني (NYSE: POR) هڪ عمدي طور تي مربوط پاور ڪمپني آهي جيڪا تقريبن 849,000 رهائشي، تجارتي ۽ صنعتي گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪري ٿي پورٽلينڊ/سليم ميٽروپوليٽن ايريا آف اوريگن ۾. اسمارٽ گرڊ
PowerSecure International Inc. (NYSE: POWR) is a leading provider of utilities and energy technologies for power companies and their industrial, institutional and commercial customers. PowerSecure provides products and services in the areas of Interactive Distributed Generation® (IDG®), solar energy, energy efficiency, and utility infrastructure. The company is a pioneer in the development of IDG® power systems with advanced smart grid functions, including the following capabilities: 1) Predict power demand and deploy the system electronically to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly power during peak hours; 2) Provide public utilities cause. It has specialized power generation capacity for demand response purposes; 3) Provide customers with the most reliable backup power in the industry. Its proprietary distributed power generation system design utilizes a variety of technologies to deliver electricity, including renewable energy. The company's energy-saving products and services include energy-saving lighting solutions that use LED technology to improve lighting quality, as well as the design, installation and maintenance of energy-saving measures that we mainly provide as a subcontractor to large energy service company providers (اي ايس سي او سڏيو ويندو آهي). , To the interests of commercial, industrial and institutional customers as end users and directly to retailers. PowerSecure also provides power companies with maintenance and construction services for transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as engineering and regulatory consulting services.

شنائيڊر اليڪٽرڪ (پيرس: SU.PA) توانائي کي محفوظ، قابل اعتماد، ڪارائتو، پيداواري ۽ سبز بڻائڻ لاءِ ٽيڪنالاجيون ۽ حل ٺاهي ٿي. The Group invests in research and development to maintain innovation and differentiation, and is firmly committed to sustainable development.
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. Siemens Smart Grid and Energy Automation: It adopts new methods and new technologies to meet new challenges. Siemens توهان کي پوري سمارٽ گرڊ سسٽم ۾ جديد پروڊڪٽس، حل ۽ خدمتن، بي مثال ماهر ۽ عالمي مارڪيٽ جي ماهر ذريعي حل فراهم ڪري ٿي.
SMA سولر ٽيڪنالاجي (Xetra: S92.DE؛ Frankfurt: S92.F) فوٽووولٽڪ انورٽرز، فوٽووولٽڪ سهولت مانيٽرنگ سسٽم ۽ ريلوي ٽيڪنالاجي اليڪٽرانڪ اجزاء کي ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿي. Photovoltaic inverter ڪنهن به شمسي نظام جو بنيادي جزو آهي. SMA دنيا ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ هر قسم جي فوٽووولٽڪ ماڊل ۽ مختلف قسم جي گرڊ سان ڳنڍيل، الڳ ٿيل ۽ اسٽينڊ بائي آپريشن ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ صحيح انورٽر مهيا ڪري سگهي ٿي. SMA is the global market leader in photovoltaic inverters.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: جنوري 2018- اعلان ڪيو ڪمپني جي شروعات بلاڪچين ٽيڪنالاجي کي ان جي قابل تجديد توانائي جي ڪاروباري ماڊل ۽ حڪمت عملي ۾ ضم ڪرڻ، جنهن جو مقصد شمسي ۽ ونڊ فارمز جي گرڊ انتظام جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائڻ آهي. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.

ويسڪو انٽرنيشنل ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: WCC) هڪ فارچون 500 ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر پٽسبرگ، پنسلوانيا ۾ آهي. اهو هڪ برقي، صنعتي ۽ مواصلاتي سار سنڀال، مرمت ۽ آپريشنز ("MRO") ۽ اصل سامان ٺاهيندڙ ("OEM") معروف فراهم ڪندڙ") پراڊڪٽس، تعميراتي مواد ۽ ترقي يافته سپلائي چين مينيجمينٽ ۽ لوجسٽڪ خدمتون. گراهڪن ۾ تجارتي ۽ صنعتي ادارا، ٺيڪيدار، سرڪاري ايجنسيون، ايجنسيون، ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن فراهم ڪندڙ ۽ افاديت شامل آهن. WESCO is in North America and internationally There are 9 fully automated distribution centers and approximately 485 full-service branches operating in the market, providing customers with local businesses and global networks to serve multi-location enterprises and multinational companies
2050 Motor Company (OTC: ETFM) is a public company incorporated in Nevada in 2012. The 2050 Automobile Company was established to develop and produce the next generation of clean, lightweight, and efficient vehicles and related technologies. Some of these technologies include alternative renewable fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, advanced graphene lithium batteries and carbon fiber low-cost cars. 2050 آٽو موٽيو ڪاميابيءَ سان ڊگھي مدي وارا پارٽنرشپ ۽ خاص معاهدا قائم ڪري چڪو آهي مختلف راند کي تبديل ڪرڻ واري ٽيڪنالاجيز لاءِ. 2050 Motor Company has reached an agreement with Jiangsu Aoxin New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., located in Jiangsu Province, China, to distribute a new type of electric vehicle called e-Go EV (Electric Vehicle) in the United States. In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, e-Go EV is a revolutionary new concept. This will be the only electric car with a carbon fiber body and parts. The production line will use robotic machines to make new processes through new processes, thereby greatly reducing the manufacturing time and cost of carbon fiber parts. The e-Go electric vehicle can accommodate four passengers, has a long battery life, and because the vehicle is lightweight, the energy efficiency level in city driving is as high as 150+ MPG-E. پنج سيٽن واري ڪاربن فائبر لگزري سيڊان Ibis EV، e-Go جو وڏو ڀاءُ، پڻ ڏيکاريو ويندو e-Go EV سان گڏ آمريڪا ۾ مستقبل جي وڪرو لاءِ.

ترقي يافته انجڻ ٽيڪنالاجي (او ٽي سي: اي اين اي ڊي) آڪس 2 جي اندروني بزنسشن انجڻ جي ترقي ۽ تجارتي ڳالهه ۾ مصروف آهي. OX2 is a four-stroke internal combustion engine that runs on a variety of fossil fuels, including gasoline, diesel, natural gas and liquid propane gas. ڪمپني پيش ڪري ٿي OX2 اندروني ڪمبسشن انجڻ جا ٽي پروٽوٽائپ، ان سان گڏ ٻيا حصا انجڻ جي ترقيءَ لاءِ ۽ ٻين پروٽوٽائپس جي پيداوار لاءِ. In addition, it has sublicenses to manufacture, distribute and sell OX2 engines in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The company's products are used in stationary generators, automotive, marine and aircraft applications, as well as lawn mowers, chainsaws, brush cutters, marine inboard/outboard, pumps, welders, aircraft, and automotive and industrial engines.

ALPS Clean Energy ETF (NYSEARCA: ACES) seeks investment results (before fees and expenses) that generally correspond to the performance of its underlying index, CIBC Atlas Clean Energy Index (stock code NACEX) (the “base index”). The fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in securities that make up the underlying index. The base index uses a rule-based approach developed by CIBC National Trust Corporation (“Index Provider”), which aims to provide a diversified portfolio of US and Canadian companies (including renewable energy and clean technology) involved in the clean energy sector Risk exposure . The fund is non-diversified.
ALPS Disruptive Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: DTEC) پاران طلب ڪيل سيڙپڪاري جا نتيجا (فيس ڪٽجڻ کان اڳ) عام طور تي Indxx Disruptive Technology Index ("بيس انڊيڪس") جي ڪارڪردگي سان ملن ٿا. The fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in securities that make up the underlying index. The basic index aims to identify companies using disruptive technologies in each of ten subject areas: medical innovation, Internet of Things, clean energy and smart grid, cloud computing, data and analysis, financial technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence , Internet security, 3D printing and mobile payment. The fund is non-diversified.
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (OTC: ALTI) is called Altairnano and is a publicly traded company. Altairnano صاف ۽ موثر طاقت ۽ توانائي جي انتظام لاء توانائي اسٽوريج سسٽم ٺاهي، ٺاهي ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿي. ڪمپني تجارتي حل مهيا ڪري ٿي جيڪا گرڊ ماڊرنائيزيشن، يوٽيلٽي-اسڪيل قابل تجديد توانائي جي انضمام، ۽ ريموٽ اڻ رڪاوٽ پاور سپلائي (UPS) جي ضرورتن، فوجي ۽ ٽرانسپورٽ ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ مدد ڪري ٿي.
Alternet Systems (OTC: ALYI) focuses on providing various environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions for target markets, including consumer electric vehicles and military applications. پهرين درجي ۾ ليٿيم بيٽرين سان هلندڙ موٽرسائيڪلون آهن، بعد ۾ موٽر سائيڪلون. ALYI پڻ تازو ئي ڪلارڪسن يونيورسٽي جي پروفيسر ڊيوڊ متلن کي ڀنگ جي انرجي اسٽوريج پروگرام جي اڳواڻي ڪرڻ لاءِ رکيو آهي. Mitlin successfully used hemp (remaining fiber of hemp) to construct carbon nanosheets, which can compete with some of the better graphene nanosheets and outperform supercapacitors in some aspects . Mitlin received a US patent for its proprietary cannabis energy storage technology.

Armor Electric Inc. (OTC: ARME) produces and sells electric vehicles. اهو برقي گاڏين لاءِ برقي پروپلشن ۽ بيٽري پاور سسٽم پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو. NuAge Electric, Inc.، آرمر اليڪٽرڪ، Inc. سان معاهدي جي مطابق، اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين تي اليڪٽرڪ پروپولشن سسٽم کي نصب ڪرڻ لاء خاص ملڪيت واري ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪرڻ جو حق آهي، جن ۾ جبلن جي سائيڪلون، باقاعده سائيڪلون، ٻارن جي سائيڪل جا رانديڪا ۽ سائيڪل هلائڻ واريون سائيڪلون، تفريحي ATV يونٽ شامل آهن. , scooters, motorcycles, karts, neighborhood electric cars, racing cars, ordinary passenger cars, buses and other types of two- and three-wheeled vehicles, water vehicles and other vehicles and products.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX جي تحقيق ۽ پراڊڪٽس نئين ”سبز“ ٽيڪنالاجيز لاءِ ضروري آهن جيڪي موجوده توانائي کي بچائڻ ۽ قابل اعتماد ۽ سستي نظام ٺاهڻ لاءِ ٺاهيا ويا آهن جيئن ته ونڊ، سولر ۽ هائيڊرو پاور استعمال ڪري قابل تجديد توانائي. AVX ٽيڪنالاجي جي اعتبار کي يقيني بڻائي سگهندي ته هي ۽ ايندڙ نسلن کي انهن سائي ٽيڪنالاجي مان فائدو حاصل ٿيندو. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.

Balqon Corporation (OTC: BLQN) is a leading manufacturer of household and commercial electric vehicles, drive systems and lithium battery storage systems. اسان عالمي ٽرڪ ۽ بس ٺاهيندڙن لاءِ ڪسٽمائيز برقي ڊرائيو سسٽم حل پڻ ٺاهيندا آهيون. Balqon Corporation has production and R&D facilities in Seaport, California, and works with local manufacturing partners to manufacture electric buses and trucks in Europe, India and China.

BorgWarner Corporation (NYSE: BWA) هڪ گلوبل پراڊڪٽ ليڊر آهي اعلي انجنيئر حصن ۽ سسٽم ۾ پاور ٽرين لاء. The company operates manufacturing and technical facilities at 57 locations in 18 countries, providing innovative powertrain solutions to improve fuel economy, reduce emissions, and improve performance.

Canoo Inc. (NasdaqGS: GOEV) is a Los Angeles-based company that has developed ground-breaking electric vehicles. هن گاڏين جي صنعت کي نئين شڪل ڏني آهي باهمي ڊيزائن جي جدت، بنيادي ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ منفرد ڪاروباري ماڊل سان. This business model ignores Traditional ownership puts the customer first. Canoo is differentiated by an experienced team (more than 350 employees from leading technology and automotive companies) and designed a modular electric platform to provide the largest vehicle interior space and be able to provide consumers and enterprises with a wide range of automotive applications stand by.
Car Charging Group, Inc. (OTC: CCGI) is a pioneer in nationwide public electric vehicle (EV) charging services, which allows EV drivers to easily charge all over the United States. ميامي ساحل، فلوريڊا ۾ هيڊ ڪوارٽر، سين جوز، ڪيليفورنيا ۾ آفيسن سان؛ New York, New York; and Phoenix, Arizona; CarCharging's business model aims to accelerate the adoption of public EV charging. CarCharging has established strategic partnerships with multiple commercial areas, including multi-family residential and commercial properties, parking lots, shopping centers, retail parking lots and municipalities.

China BAK Battery Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: CBAK) ۽ ان جي ماتحت ڪمپنيون گڏيل طور تي چين ۽ بين الاقوامي سطح تي اعليٰ توانائي ۽ اعليٰ توانائي واري ليٿيم بيٽرين جي ترقي، پيداوار ۽ وڪري لاءِ پرعزم آهن. The company's products are used in various applications, including electric vehicles, such as electric vehicles, electric buses, hybrid electric vehicles and buses; light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, electric motors, and sightseeing cars; and electric tools, energy storage, and Intermittent power supplies and other high-power applications.
Clean Air Power Corporation (LSE: CAP.L) ڊولپر ۽ عالمي ليڊر آھي Dual-Fuel™ ڪمبشن ٽيڪنالاجي لاءِ بھاري ڊيوٽي ڊيزل انجڻ. فليگ شپ ٽيڪنالاجي پيٽنٽ ٿيل Dual-Fuel™ سسٽم آهي، جيڪا ڳري ڊيوٽي ڊيزل انجڻن کي قدرتي گئس ۽ ڊيزل جي ميلاپ تي هلڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي. هي گراهڪن کي ڊيزل انجڻ جي ڪارڪردگي، اهم ايندھن جي بچت ۽ گهٽ اخراج سان مهيا ڪري ٿو، ڊيزل انجڻ جي خاصيت يا قابل اعتمادي کي قربان ڪرڻ کان سواء.

Clean Energy Fuel Company (NasdaqGS: CLNE) اتر آمريڪا ۾ نقل و حمل لاءِ قدرتي گئس ٻارڻ جو سڀ کان وڏو سپلائر آهي. اسان CNG ۽ LNG فلنگ اسٽيشن ٺاهي ۽ هلائيندا آهيون؛ manufacture CNG and LNG equipment and technologies for ourselves and other companies; آر اين جي پيداوار جون سهولتون ٺاهڻ؛ and provide more CNG, LNG and Redem RNG fuels than any other company in the United States
Coates International Ltd. (OTC: COTE) نيو جرسي ۾ واقع هڪ درستي واري انجنيئرنگ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا ٽيڪنالاجي جي ترقيءَ ۾ ماهر آهي جيڪا معياري اندروني ڪمبشن انجڻ کي بهتر ڪري سگهي ٿي ته جيئن ٻارڻ جي ڪارڪردگيءَ ۽ بجليءَ جي پيداوار کي خاص طور تي وڌائي، نقصانڪار اخراج کي گهٽائي، ۽ ڊگهي مدي تائين ڪم ڪري. سار سنڀال جي قيمت.

Cummins Corporation (New York Stock Exchange: CMI) is the world's leading electric power company. اها هڪ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا مڪمل ڪندڙ ڪاروباري يونٽن تي مشتمل آهي جيڪا ڊيزل ۽ قدرتي گئس جي انجڻين ۽ لاڳاپيل ٽيڪنالاجيز جي ڊيزائن، ٺاهي، تقسيم ۽ مرمت ڪري ٿي، جنهن ۾ فيول سسٽم، ڪنٽرول، ايئر علاج، فلٽريشن، اخراج حل ۽ پاور جنريشن سسٽم شامل آهن. Cummins is headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, USA. It currently has approximately 55,400 employees worldwide and serves customers in approximately 190 countries and regions through a network of approximately 600 company-owned and independent distributor locations and approximately 7,400 dealer locations.
Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. (OTC: CYPW) is the developer of the award-winning Cyclone Engine, which is a full-fuel, clean-tech engine with powerful functions and versatility that can run generators from waste energy , Everything from solar thermal systems to cars, trucks and locomotives. Invented by the company's founder and CEO Harry Schoell (Harry Schoell), the patented cyclone engine is an environmentally friendly internal combustion engine, its ingenious design aims to achieve high thermal efficiency through a compact heat storage process, and is almost usable Run on any fuel (including biodiesel), syngas or solar-while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating pollutants into the air. The cyclone engine was named “2008 Invention Award” by “Popular Science” magazine, and won the AEI Technology Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers in 2006 and 2008. In addition, the cyclone engine was recently awarded the title of “Environmental Business of سال" برووارڊ طرفان. ڪائونٽي انوائرمينٽل پروٽيڪشن ايجنسي.
Daimler AG (XETRA: DAI.DE؛ Frankfurt: DAI.F؛ OTC: DDAIF) سڄي دنيا ۾ مسافر ڪارن ۽ آف روڊ گاڏين، ٽرڪ، وين ۽ بسن کي ترقي، پيداوار، تقسيم ۽ وڪرو ڪري ٿو. It operates through Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. مرسڊيز بينز آٽوموٽو ڊويزن مسافر ڪارون ۽ آف روڊ گاڏيون وڪرو ڪري ٿو جيڪو مرسڊيز بينز برانڊ جي نالي سان رکيو ويو آهي، گڏوگڏ ننڍيون ڪارون جيڪي سمارٽ برانڊز جي نالي سان رکيون ويون آهن. ڊيملر جو ٽرڪ بزنس يونٽ مرسڊيز بينز، فريٽ لائنر، FUSO، ويسٽرن اسٽار، ٿامس جون ٺهيل بسون ۽ ڀارت بينز برانڊز جي نالن سان ٽرڪ وڪڻي ٿو. The Mercedes-Benz truck segment mainly sells trucks under the Mercedes-Benz and Fleetrina brands. Daimler's Bus Division produces and sells combined buses, city and intercity buses, coaches and bus chassis under the Mercedes-Benz and Setra brands. Daimler Financial Services Division provides customers and dealers with financing and leasing services, insurance, fleet management, investment products and credit cards, as well as various travel services. The company also sells spare parts for its vehicles. Fuel cell: Since 1994, Daimler has been studying the use of fuel cell technology to power road vehicles. The 180 patent applications in this technical field highlight the group's pioneering achievements.
ڊانا هولڊنگ ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: DAN) هڪ عالمي ليڊر آهي جنهن ۾ سٺي نموني سان ٺهيل ٽرانسميشن سسٽم، سيلنگ ۽ تھرمل مئنيجمينٽ ٽيڪنالاجيون مهيا ڪيون وينديون آهن جيڪي روايتي ۽ متبادل توانائي پاور ٽرينون استعمال ڪندي گاڏين جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن ٿيون. Dana serves three major markets-passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-highway equipment-Dana provides local product and service support to global OEMs and aftermarkets through a network of nearly 100 engineering, manufacturing and distribution facilities. ڪمپني 1904 ۾ ٺهرايو ويو ۽ هيڊ ڪوارٽر Maumee، Ohio ۾ آهي، تقريبن 23,000 ملازمن سان 25 ملڪن / علائقن ۾ ڇهه براعظمن تي. ڊانا مستقبل جي طاقت جي ذريعن تي بالغ ٽيڪنالاجيون لاڳو ڪيون آهن، بشمول ايندھن جي سيل پروڊڪٽس ۽ بعد ۾ مصنوعات. تيز گرمي پد جي مواد جي ترقي ۾ اسان جي تسليم ڪيل ماهر سان، اسان گاڏين جي مارڪيٽ لاء اعلي ايندھن جي شين کي ترقي ۽ تيار ڪريون ٿا، جن ۾ ڪارخانن جو توازن، هائڊروجن ريفارمرز ۽ چمني اسيمبليون شامل آهن. ڏهن سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين، اسان فيول سيل مارڪيٽ ۾ عالمي ليڊر رهيا آهيون ۽ جنرل موٽرس QSTP اوارڊ، PSA سپلائر اوارڊ ۽ f Battery 2010 Gold Award سميت اعزاز حاصل ڪيا آهن. We are committed to meeting your current and future needs. چاهي اهو فيول سيلز هجي، بيٽريون هجن، هائبرڊ برقي گاڏيون هجن يا اندروني ڪمبسشن انجڻون هجن، ڊانا اتي توهان جي مدد ڪرڻ لاءِ جديد ۽ قابل اعتماد متبادل توانائي جون شيون فراهم ڪندي.

dPollution International Inc. (OTC: RMGX) has the right to manufacture and distribute patented fuel conditioning technology. ڪمپني جي ٽيڪنالاجي مختلف قسم جي بند ڪمبشن انجڻ تي لاڳو ٿئي ٿي، جن ۾ ڪارن، ٽرڪ، بس، ٽرين، جنريٽر ۽ ڳري سامان ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ شامل آهن. ان ۾ ٽي پيٽنٽ ٿيل فيول ريگيوليشن ڊوائيسز جا حق آهن، جيڪي گئس يا ڊيزل انجڻين جي ڪمبشن ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن ٿا، آلودگي جي اخراج کي گهٽائي سگهن ٿا ۽ مائليج وڌائي سگهن ٿا. The company is committed to providing solutions for consumers, businesses and governments.
DynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA.TO) produces and sells carbon dioxide emission reduction technologies for internal combustion engines. وڌندڙ اهم بين الاقوامي هائيڊروجن معيشت جي حصي جي طور تي، اسان هڪ منفرد اليڪٽرروليسس سسٽم ذريعي هائڊروجن ۽ آڪسيجن پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ اسان جي پيٽنٽ ٿيل ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندا آهيون. These gases are introduced through the air supply to optimize combustion, or help reduce CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. اسان جي ٽيڪنالاجي ڪيترن ئي قسمن ۽ ڊيزل انجڻين جي سائزن سان مطابقت رکي ٿي، جيئن آٽو موبائيل، ريفريجريٽيڊ ٽرڪ، آف روڊ تعميرات، بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ، کان کني ۽ ٻيلن جي مشينري، جهازن ۽ ريلوي انجڻين ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ.
Eaton Corporation (NYSE: ETN) is a power management company. Eaton اسان جي گراهڪن کي اليڪٽرڪ، هائيڊولڪ ۽ ميڪيڪل پاور کي وڌيڪ اثرائتي، محفوظ ۽ پائيدار طريقي سان منظم ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڏيڻ لاءِ توانائي جي بچت جا حل فراهم ڪري ٿو. Eaton sells products to customers in more than 175 countries. Transportation: Eaton's transportation products include user interfaces, controls and switches, as well as important power conversion and distribution solutions for effective power management of vehicles.
Australia's Eden Energy Corporation (ASX: EDE.AX) is responsible for the production of carbon nanotubes and carbon fibers, nano-material concrete admixtures, hydrogen production, storage and transportation fuel systems (including low-emission hydrogen, hydrogen, methane, coalbed methane and shale gas). ) Interested. برطانيه. All these aspects of Eden's business are part of an integrated strategy that aims to become a major global player in the alternative energy market, especially focusing on the clean energy transportation market, producing carbon-free hydrogen, and transporting hydrogen to Market and provide engines. Hydrogen-based transportation and energy solutions.
EEStor Corporation (TSX: ESU.V), through its subsidiary EEStor, Inc., is committed to providing energy storage solutions and related technologies for the automotive industry. اهو پنهنجي ٽيڪنالاجي ايپليڪيشنن کي لائسنس ڏيڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو ۽ مختلف صنعتن ۽ ايپليڪيشنن ۾ تعاون جا موقعا. ڪمپني اڳوڻي زين موٽر ڪمپني Inc. ۽ اپريل 2015 ۾ ايستر ڪارپوريشن طور سڃاتو ويو.
Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp. (NasdaqCM: SOLO) is a designer and manufacturer of electric vehicles. ڪمپني جديد آل اليڪٽرڪ SOLO پيدا ڪري ٿي، هڪ واحد مسافر ڪار ٺاهي ٿي جيڪا ماڻهن جي سفر ۾ انقلاب آڻڻ لاءِ ٺاهي ٿي، ۽ Tofino، هڪ خوبصورت اعليٰ ڪارڪردگي ٻن سيٽن واري برقي اسپورٽس ڪار. ٻنهي ڪارن کي ترتيب ڏنو ويو آهي ته جيئن توهان جي سفر کي وڌيڪ ڪارائتو، اقتصادي ۽ ماحول دوست بڻائيندي حتمي ڊرائيونگ تجربو مهيا ڪري. Intermeccanica، Electra Meccanica جي ماتحت ڪمپني، 59 سالن تائين ڪاميابيءَ سان اعليٰ درجي جون خاص گاڏيون تيار ڪيون آهن. Electra Meccanica سيريز عوام کي سستي برقي ڪارن جي ايندڙ نسل فراهم ڪري رهي آهي.
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. برقيات کي فروغ ڏيو (ڪارون، ريچارجبل بيٽرين، وڏي پيماني تي توانائي اسٽوريج، قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار ۽ ٻيون ايپليڪيشنون). اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين جي وڪرو، بيٽري جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي مان بجلي جي پيداوار ايندڙ ڪجهه سالن ۾ خاص طور تي وڌڻ جو امڪان آهي، تنهنڪري انهن حدف ٿيل شين جي گهرج مطابق وڌي ويندي. اهو هڪ منفرد موقعو پيدا ڪري ٿو سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ ۽ مائنز ۽ منصوبن تي رائلٽي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي توانائي جي انقلاب لاءِ گهربل مواد فراهم ڪندا. گلوبلڪس پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کان علاوه، برقي فرنچائز جي استعمال لاء ارادي جو خط پابند آهي. رائلٽي جا 6 مجموعا آهن. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL.TO) designs, develops and manufactures proprietary Li-ion Super Polymer® 2.0 batteries, battery systems, and battery-related products for energy storage, clean power transportation and other special applications. Electrovaya, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Litarion GmbH, also produces electrodes and SEPARION™ ceramic diaphragms, with an annual production capacity of approximately 500MWh. Electrovaya is a technology-focused company, through the merger of the Canadian and German groups, about 500 patents protect its technology. Electrovaya جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر اونٽاريو، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ڪينيڊا ۽ جرمني ۾ پيداوار جون سهولتون آهن، ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ گراهڪ آهن.
EnerSys (NYSE: ENS) صنعتي ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ توانائي اسٽوريج حلن ۾ عالمي ليڊر آهي، بيڪ اپ پاور ۽ پاور بيٽريز، چارجرز، پاور سامان، بيٽري لوازمات ۽ سڄي دنيا جي گراهڪن لاءِ آئوٽ ڊور سامان هائوسنگ حلن جي پيداوار ۽ تقسيم ڪرڻ. Power batteries and chargers are used in electric forklifts and other commercial electric vehicles. بيڪ اپ پاور بيٽريون ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن ۽ يوٽيلٽي انڊسٽريز ۾ استعمال ٿينديون آهن، بي ترتيب بجلي جي فراهمي، ۽ ڪيتريون ئي ايپليڪيشنون جيڪي اسٽوريج توانائي جي حل جي ضرورت هونديون آهن، بشمول طبي، ايرو اسپيس، ۽ دفاعي نظام. آئوٽ ڊور سامان شيل پروڊڪٽس ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن، ڪيبلز، يوٽيلٽيز، ٽرانسپورٽ جي صنعتن سان گڏ حڪومتي ۽ دفاعي گراهڪن ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن. ڪمپني پڻ 100 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائڪن کان گراهڪن کي بعد ۾ سيلز ۽ ڪسٽمر سپورٽ خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿي سڄي دنيا ۾ پنهنجي سيلز ۽ پيداواري جڳهن ذريعي

Facedrive (TSXV: FD; OTC: FDVRF) is a multi-faceted “people-oriented” platform that provides socially responsible services to local communities and is firmly committed to fair, just and sustainable business. Facedrive Rideshare is the first company to provide green transportation solutions in the TaaS space, planting thousands of trees and providing users with a choice between electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and traditional vehicles. The Facedrive Marketplace offers selected products made from sustainably sourced materials. Facedrive Foods provides a variety of foods for non-contact delivery, with a focus on healthy foods at the door of consumers. Facedrive Health اڄ جي سڀ کان سنگين صحت جي چئلينجن لاءِ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي حل تيار ڪري ٿي. Facedrive سڀني کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ سواري شيئرنگ، کاڌي جي ترسيل، اي ڪامرس، ۽ صحت ٽيڪنالاجي جي داستان کي تبديل ڪري رهيو آهي.
Faurecia (Paris: EO.PA) Faurecia was established in 1997 and has grown into a leader in the global automotive industry. Faurecia وٽ 34 ملڪن/علائقن ۾ 330 پيداواري سائيٽون آهن، جن ۾ 30 R&D مرڪز شامل آهن، ۽ هاڻي ان جي ٽن ڪاروباري علائقن ۾ عالمي ليڊر بڻجي چڪو آهي: ڪار سيٽون، اندروني نظام ۽ صاف متحرڪ. It provides automakers with the most advanced technology to promote smart life on board and sustainable transportation.
The investment results sought by the First Trust Nasdaq Global Automotive Index Fund (NasdaqGM: CARZ) are usually the same as the price and return of a stock index called the Nasdaq OMX Global Automotive Index (SM) (before the fund's fees and expenses) Corresponding . هڪ فنڊ عام طور تي ان جي خالص اثاثن جو گهٽ ۾ گهٽ 90٪ (سيڙپڪاري قرضن سميت) عام اسٽاڪ ۽ ذخيرو رسيدن ۾ سيڙپ ڪندو آهي جيڪي انڊيڪس ٺاهيندا آهن. The index aims to track the performance of the largest and most liquid companies engaged in automobile manufacturing. The fund is non-diversified.

General Electric (NYSE: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE has created the next industrial era in its laboratories and factories and ground cooperation with customers to move, power, build and heal the world. Transportation: GE promotes world development in the safest, fastest and most effective way. We are using the world's largest and most efficient jet engine to promote the development of airlines. We use the most advanced locomotives and signal systems to transport goods. We even manufacture helicopter engines for lifesaving missions. جيڪڏهن ماڻهن ۽ سامان جي نقل و حمل جو هڪ بهتر طريقو آهي، GE مدد فراهم ڪندو

Gentherm Inc. (NasdaqGS: THRM) ھڪڙو عالمي ڊولپر ۽ مارڪيٽ آھي جيڪو جديد تھرمل مئنيجمينٽ ٽيڪنالاجي جو. ان جي جديد حرارتي انتظام ٽيڪنالاجي مختلف گرمي ۽ کولنگ ۽ گرمي پد ڪنٽرول ايپليڪيشنن لاء مناسب آهي. گاڏين جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ شامل آهن فعال طور تي گرم ۽ ٿڌي سيٽ سسٽم ۽ کپ هولڊر، گرم ۽ وينٽيليڊ سيٽ سسٽم، گرمي اسٽوريج ٽينڪ، گرم ڪار اندروني سسٽم (بشمول گرم سيٽون، اسٽيرنگ ويلز، بازو ۽ ٻيا حصا)، بيٽري تھرمل مينيجمينٽ سسٽم، ڪيبل سسٽم ۽ ٻيا. اليڪٽرانڪ سامان. غير گاڏين جي شين ۾ شامل آهن ريموٽ پاور جنريشن سسٽم، حرارتي ۽ کولنگ فرنيچر، ۽ ٻيون صارف ۽ صنعتي درجه حرارت ڪنٽرول ايپليڪيشنون. ڪمپني جي جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ٽيم ترقي ڪري رهي آهي وڌيڪ اثرائتي thermoelectric مواد، گڏو گڏ فضائي گرمي جي بحالي ۽ بجلي جي پيداوار لاء نئين سسٽم. Gentherm has nearly 10,000 employees in the United States, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Ukraine and Vietnam.
The Global X Autonomy and Electric Vehicle ETF (NasdaqGM: DRIV) strives to provide investment results that correspond to the price and earnings performance (excluding expenses and expenses) of the Solactive Autonomy and Electric Vehicle Index as a whole. The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the index. انڊيڪس جو مقصد اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين ۽/يا خودمختيار گاڏين جي ترقي ۾ حصو وٺندڙ ايڪسچينج-لسٽ ٿيل ڪمپنين کي خطري جي نمائش مهيا ڪرڻ آهي، بشمول ڪمپنيون جيڪي برقي/هائبرڊ گاڏيون، برقي/هائبرڊ گاڏين جا حصا ۽ مواد، خودمختيار ڊرائيونگ ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ نيٽ ورڪ ٺاهينديون آهن. ڳنڍيل ٽرانسپورٽ خدمتون. اهو غير متنوع آهي.

گرين ڪار ڪمپني (OTC: GACR) جو بنيادي مقصد ڊيزل، قدرتي گئس ۽ سي اين جي مسافر ڪارن جي پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ڪرڻ ۾ مصروف ڪمپنين کي حاصل ڪرڻ آهي، انهي سان گڏ ڪمپنيون برقي مسافر ڪار ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪندي. GACR is the parent company of Newport Coachworks. Inc (NCI) is a wholly-owned subsidiary that operates a 40,000-square-foot passenger car manufacturing plant in Riverside, California. NCI recently introduced electric bus technology, with 15 to 23 seats E-Patriot models and 27 to 33 seats E-Atlas models. GACR and NCI President/CEO Carter Read (Carter Read) is an industry leader in the bus and luxury car manufacturing business. He has more than 25 years of experience in the transportation manufacturing industry, making GACR the most innovative public in the North. One of the car manufacturers in the United States. GACR focuses on the development, manufacture and sales of the highest quality conventional and electric high-quality shuttle buses, initially serving the North American market, but ultimately also serving exports. The Newport Coachworks facility in Riverside, California can accommodate all stages of the bus development process, from design and prototyping to various mass production and assembly stages, through to completion and delivery to the dealer network. The company uses the most advanced equipment and technology to make the coach's manufacturing with a very high level of craftsmanship and reliability at a competitive price.
گرين ارٿ ٽيڪنالاجيز (OTC: GETG) هڪ ”مڪمل طور تي سرسبز“ صاف ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا مقامي طور تي استعمال ٿيندڙ ٻوٽن تي ٻڌل قابل تجديد ۽ ٻيهر استعمال لائق فيڊ اجزاء کي گڏ ڪري ٿي، ۽ هڪ مالڪي واري شڪل جيڪا سبز ٽيڪنالاجي جي چئن نظرين جي چوڌاري ٺهيل آهي: بايوڊيگريڊبل، ري سائيڪل، قابل تجديد ۽ ماحولياتي safe. GET uses G-CLEAN(R) and G-OIL(R) as its brands to produce a full range of “clean and green” American-made environmentally friendly products, some of which are specially designed to help overcome fracturing and pressure worldwide. The challenge of disintegration allows consumers and customers concerned about the environment and American energy independence to do their part without sacrificing value or performance. Save the planet-what to give.

GreenPower Motor Company Inc. (NasdaqGS: GP) وڏين ۽ گهٽ اڀرندڙ گاڏين جي مڪمل رينج ٺاهي، ٺاهي ۽ ورهائي ٿي، بشمول ٽرانسپورٽ بسون، اسڪول بسون، شٽل بسون ۽ ڊبل ڊيڪر بسون. گرين پاور مٽيء جي مفت پيپر ڊزائن کي ٺاهيندو آهي، جيڪو سڀ برقي بسون ٺاهڻ لاء، جيڪي صفر اخراج جي بيٽري جي طاقت لاء ٺاهيا ويا آهن.

Highpower International, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HPJ) was established in 2001 to produce high-quality lithium and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries, as well as battery systems used in various applications, such as electric buses, energy storage سسٽم، موبائيل ۽ ڪپڙا پروڊڪٽس، برقي سائيڪلون، طبي سامان، ڊجيٽل ۽ اليڪٽرانڪ سامان، ذاتي سنڀال ۽ گهريلو مصنوعات. The company is also developing emerging applications in the fields of drones, robotics and wireless charging technology. Highpower has advanced production facilities in China, and has more than 100 battery materials, processing and design patents. Highpower is committed to clean technology and environmentally friendly production. Highpower's target customers are Fortune 500 companies and the top 10 companies in each vertical market segment. Most of Highpower's products are mainly sold in the global market, mainly in the United States, Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) سڄي دنيا ۾ موٽر سائيڪلون، گاڏيون، پاور ۽ ٻيون پراڊڪٽس ٺاهي، ٺاهي ۽ ورهائي ٿي. The company is divided into four divisions: motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power products and other businesses. The motorcycle business unit produces sports models, including test and cross-country motorcycles. Commercial and commuting modes; سموريون گاڏيون؛ ۽ يوٽيلٽي گاڏيون. گاڏين جو ڪاروبار يونٽ مسافر ڪارون، هلڪي ٽرڪون ۽ ميني ڪارون مهيا ڪري ٿو، گڏوگڏ متبادل ايندھن، جهڙوڪ قدرتي گئس، ايٿانول، برقي ۽ ايندھن سيل گاڏين سان هلندڙ گاڏيون. The financial services business segment provides a variety of financial services, including retail loans, leasing and other financial services, including wholesale financing to distributors and customers. Power Products and other business units are engaged in the manufacture and sale of various power products, including sub-till machines, portable generators, general-purpose engines, lawn mowers, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow blowers, power carriers, power sprayers, and lawn mowers Machine and lawn tractor. This market segment also offers compact household cogeneration units. ڪمپني آزاد پرچون ورهائڻ وارن، ڊيلرشپ اسٽورن ۽ بااختيار ورهائيندڙن ذريعي مصنوعات وڪرو ڪري ٿي. Honda's legacy of innovation is unparalleled in the automotive industry. As always, our attention is focused on the future. For example, some drivers in California are now driving FCX Clarity fuel cell electric vehicles. This is all part of Honda's thinking and action. Environmentally friendly vehicles: natural gas, hybrid power and fuel cells
متبادل توانائي ڪمپني هائڊروجن انجن سينٽر (او ٽي سي: حيوان)، جيڪو طاقت جي نسل جو نظام پيدا ڪري ٿو ۽ انجن کي انسٽال ڪري ٿو. Its engine runs on hydrogen, natural gas and other kinds of alternative fuels. The company's products include generators and wet sleeve machines. اهو بجلي جي پيداوار، زراعت، ايئرپورٽ سروس گاڏين، بيٺل پاور ۽ ٽرانسپورٽ مارڪيٽ، ۽ صنعتن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو جيڪي متبادل ايندھن کي استعمال ڪن ٿيون، جهڙوڪ هائڊروجن، قدرتي گئس، پروپين، سنٿيسس گيس، اينهائيڊس امونيا ۽ ٻيا ٻارڻ.
Hydrodec Group plc (LSE: HYR.L) ٽيڪنالاجي هڪ ثابت، موثر ريفائننگ ۽ ڪيميائي عمل آهي، شروعاتي طور تي عالمي پاور انڊسٽري پاران استعمال ٿيندڙ ملٽي بلين ڊالر ٽرانسفارمر آئل مارڪيٽ جو مقصد آهي. At present, waste oil is processed in two commercial factories. They have a high recovery rate (close to 100%) and have obvious competitive advantages. They produce “new” high-quality oil at a competitive cost, and are environmentally friendly. بي ضرر. اهو عمل پڻ مڪمل طور تي ختم ڪري ٿو زهر اضافي پي سي بيز بين الاقوامي ضابطن پاران منع ٿيل. هائيڊروڊيڪ جا ٻوٽا Canton، Ohio، USA ۽ Young، New South Wales، Australia ۾ واقع آهن. In 2013, Hydrodec acquired the business and assets of OSS Group. OSS Group is the UK's largest collector, amalgamator and processor of waste lubricants, as well as a seller of processed fuel oil, and has oil storage and transshipment facilities nationwide. Station network. او ايس ايس جي اسٽورپورٽ پلانٽ ۾ فضول تيل کي پروسيس ٿيل ايندھن جي تيل ۾ تبديل ڪيو ويندو آهي، جيڪو خاص طور تي برطانيه ۾ کوارين ۽ پاور انڊسٽري کي وڪرو ڪيو ويندو آهي. In April 2015, Hydrodec further acquired the business and assets of Eco Oil, which is the UK's leading waste oil collector and renewable industrial fuel oil supplier, which can be used in the electricity and road stone industries. It is also one of the four important providers of marine industrial waste management services in the UK, especially oil pollution or marine pollutants (MARPOL). In order to comply with our established intention to develop a base oil refinery in the UK, we signed an exclusive license agreement with a chemical engineering partner (CEP) located in California to develop CEP wiped film evaporation and hydrogenation technology in the UK as the basis for an annual output of 75 million liters The basic engineering of an oil refinery.
HyperSolar Inc. (OTC: HYSR) سج جي روشني ۽ ڪنهن به پاڻي جي ذريعن کي استعمال ڪندي قابل تجديد هائيڊروجن پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ هڪ پيش رفت گهٽ قيمت واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترقي ڪري رهي آهي، جنهن ۾ سامونڊي پاڻي ۽ گندو پاڻي شامل آهي. Unlike hydrocarbon fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas, hydrocarbon fuels release carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere when they are used, while the use of hydrogen fuel produces pure water as the only by-product. By optimizing nano-scale water electrolysis technology, our low-cost nanoparticles can simulate photosynthesis to effectively use sunlight to separate hydrogen in water to produce environmentally friendly and renewable hydrogen. We intend to use our low-cost method to produce renewable hydrogen to realize a distributed hydrogen production world for renewable electricity and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Hyundai Motor Company (Korea: 005380.KS) and its subsidiaries produce and distribute automobiles and parts worldwide. It operates in vehicles, finance and other fields. The company provides Centennial/Equus, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Azera, Sonata, Sonata Turbo, i40, i40 Sedan, Elantra, Elantra Coupe, i30, i30 Wagon, i30 3DR, Veloster, Veloster Turbo, Accent, Accent 5DR, ix20 , I20, i20 Coupe, Elite i20, HB20, Xcent, Grand i10, New Generation i10 and Eon names. It also offers SUVs under the names Grand Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Tucson and Creta. جنهن ۾ ٽرڪون، بسون، خاص گاڏيون ۽ تجارتي گاڏيون شامل آهن جن ۾ بي نقاب ٿيل چيسس پروڊڪٽس، گڏوگڏ ايڪو گاڏيون، جن ۾ سوناٽا-پلگ-ان-هائبرڊ، ix35 فيول سيل ۽ سوناٽا-هائبرڊ گاڏيون شامل آهن. For Canadians as the first car manufacturer to provide Fuel, Hyundai's Cell Electric vehicle enables a zero-emission, zero-carload fuel tank to travel more than 400 kilometers without having to spend hours on charging. Our new thinking has broken through the traditional boundaries, redefining the goals that cars can achieve, a new world, and moving towards a better future.
Ideal Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM: IPWR) هڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا وقف ڪئي وئي آهي طاقت جي تبادلي جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ. ڪمپني هڪ ناول پيٽنٽ ٿيل پاور ڪنورشن ٽيڪنالاجي تيار ڪئي آهي جنهن کي پاور پيڪٽ سوئچنگ آرڪيٽيڪچر ("PPSA") سڏيو ويندو آهي. PPSA اليڪٽرڪ پاور ڪنورٽرز جي سائيز، قيمت، ڪارڪردگي، لچڪ ۽ قابل اعتماد کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو. PPSA ڪيترن ئي وڏن ۽ وڌندڙ مارڪيٽن تائين وڌائي سگھي ٿو، جن ۾ سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، متغير فريڪوئنسي ڊرائيو، بيٽري انرجي اسٽوريج، موبائل پاور ۽ مائڪرو گرڊس، ۽ برقي گاڏي چارجنگ شامل آهن. ڪمپني پڻ ترقي ڪري رهي آهي هڪ bidirectional bidirectional Double junction transistor (B-TRAN™)، ۽ هڪ پيٽنٽ لاءِ درخواست ڏني آهي، جنهن ۾ باهمي طاقت جي سوئچز جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ طاقت جي کثافت کي تمام گهڻو بهتر ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت آهي. Ideal Power استعمال ڪري ٿو سرمائيدار-موثر ڪاروباري ماڊل جيڪو ڪمپني کي قابل بنائي ٿو ڪيترن ئي پراڊڪٽ ڊولپمينٽ پروجيڪٽس ۽ مارڪيٽن کي هڪ ئي وقت ۾.
The Innovation Shares NextGen Vehicle and Technology ETF (NYSEARCA: EKAR) seeks to provide investment results to track the performance of the Innovation Lab Next Generation Vehicle Index (“the index”) before deducting fees and expenses. The fund usually invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of the index. انڊيڪس جو مقصد "نئين توانائي گاڏين" يا "خود ڊرائيونگ ڪارن" جي ترقي يا استعمال يا سيڙپڪاري ۾ ملوث ڪمپنين جي پورٽ فوليو جي ڪارڪردگي کي ماپڻ آهي (مثال طور، شروع کان پنهنجون ڪارون هلائڻ جي قابل ٿيڻ). Use various in-vehicle technologies and sensors to reach the intended destination in “automatic driving” mode.
Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is a global diversified technology and industry leader, serving customers in more than 150 countries/regions. اسان عمارتن جي توانائي ۽ آپريشنل ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ معياري پراڊڪٽس، خدمتون ۽ حل ٺاهيندا آهيون؛ ليڊ ايسڊ ڪار بيٽريون ۽ هائبرڊ ۽ برقي گاڏين لاءِ جديد بيٽريون؛ ۽ ڪار اندروني نظام. جانسن ڪنٽرول ليتيم جي پاور جي بي طاقت ۽ توانائي جي ضرورتن کي پورو ڪرڻ لاء ليتيم آئن بيٽري ٽيڪنالاجي فراهم ڪري ٿو. We provide flexible technical solutions to meet different capacity, voltage and ampere hour requirements. ماڊلر فن تعمير اسان جي ليتيم آئن بيٽرين کي طاقتور پر ورسٽائل بڻائي ٿو. We use cylindrical or prismatic batteries and design them to be integrated into various vehicles with different space and energy requirements. Our commitment to sustainable development dates back to 1885 when we invented the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategy and growing market share, we are committed to creating value for shareholders and making our customers successful. In 2015, “Corporate Responsibility Magazine” ranked Johnson Controls as the 15th company in the annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens”.

KraneShares اليڪٽرڪ گاڏيون ۽ مستقبل جي موبلٽي ETF (NYSEARCA: KARS) سيڙپڪاري جا نتيجا مهيا ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري ٿو جيڪي عام طور تي برقي گاڏين جي قيمت ۽ آمدني جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ مستقبل جي موبلٽي انڊيڪس سان ملن ٿيون. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets in the component parts of the index, the depositary receipts (including ADRs) representing the component parts and the securities that serve as depositary receipts in the index. The index is designed to track the stock market performance of companies engaged in the production of electric vehicles or their parts, or participate in other initiatives that may change the way of travel in the future (as determined by the index provider). The fund is non-diversified.

Last Mile Holdings (TSXV: MILE)، جيڪو اڳ ۾ OjO اليڪٽرڪ جي نالي سان مشهور هو، آمريڪا جي سڀ کان وڏي مني ڪار ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي، جيڪا صنعت ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ وسيع پراڊڪٽ سوٽ پيش ڪري ٿي. Last Mile وٽ OjO ۽ Gotcha برانڊز تحت 30 يونيورسٽيون آھن ۽ 50 ميونسپل ڪانٽريڪٽ شيئر ٽريول سسٽم آھن. The acquisition of Gotcha in the first quarter of 2020 provides a broad growth channel and provides a product portfolio including electric bicycles, tricycles, scooters and cruisers.
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; پيداوار؛ ۽ وڪرو. ڪمپني جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ شامل آهن: شمسي ۽ ونڊ پاور جنريشن جي سامان لاءِ اي-باڪس توانائي اسٽوريج سسٽم؛ ۽ EV اجزاء جيڪي بيٽرين ۽ موٽرز کي ضم ڪن ٿا، جهڙوڪ EV ڪنٽرولرز جيڪي ننڍڙا ڪمپيوٽر استعمال ڪن ٿا ٽورڪ ڊرائيو کي ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ لاءِ

Lumentum Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: LITE) is a market-leading manufacturer of innovative optical and photonic products, and its products serve optical networks and commercial laser customers worldwide. Lumentum's optical components and subsystems are actually part of every type of telecom, enterprise and data center network. Lumentum جا ڪمرشل ليزر ترقي يافته پيداواري ٽيڪنالاجيز ۽ ڪيترن ئي ايپليڪيشنن کي سپورٽ ڪن ٿا جن ۾ ايندڙ نسل جي 3D سينسنگ صلاحيتون شامل آهن. 3D sensing capabilities are changing the way we interact with technology every day. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and autonomous vehicles are just a few examples of new applications that are coming.

Magna International (TSX: MG.TO; New York Stock Exchange: MGA) is a leading global automotive supplier with 319 manufacturing operations and 85 product development, engineering and sales centers in 29 countries/regions. اسان جي پيداوار جي صلاحيتن ۾ جسم، چيسس، اندروني، ٻاهرئين، سيٽن، پاور ٽرين، اليڪٽرانڪس، ويزن، ملفوظات ۽ ڇت سسٽم ۽ ماڊلز، گڏوگڏ مڪمل گاڏين جي انجنيئرنگ ۽ ڪانٽريڪٽ جي پيداوار شامل آهن.
MiX Telematics Limited (NYSE: MIXT) is the world's leading provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions, provided to customers in more than 120 countries/regions in the form of SaaS. ڪمپني جون پراڊڪٽس ۽ خدمتون ڪارپوريٽ جهازن، ننڍن جهازن ۽ صارفين لاءِ محفوظ، موثر، خطري ۽ حفاظت جا حل فراهم ڪن ٿيون. MiX Telematics 1996 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ ڏکڻ آفريڪا، برطانيه، آمريڪا، يوگنڊا، برازيل، آسٽريليا، رومانيا، ٿائيلينڊ ۽ گڏيل عرب امارات ۾ آفيسون آهن، ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ 130 کان وڌيڪ ٽيم پارٽنر آهن.
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE: MOD) specializes in thermal management systems and components, bringing highly engineered heating and cooling technologies and solutions to a diversified global market. Modine products are used in light, medium and heavy vehicles, heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, off-road and industrial equipment, and refrigeration systems. Modine is a global company headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, with operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Modine's new cooling system uses lightweight, high-strength heat exchanger technology to meet the latest clean air requirements and improve the fuel economy of buses. ويريئبل اسپيڊ برش لیس فين (EFAN) ٽيڪنالاجي ڊيزل، کمپريسڊ نيچرل گيس (سي اين جي) ۽ هائبرڊ ايپليڪيشنن ۾ گرمي پد کي ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ لاءِ استعمال ڪئي ويندي آهي، ۽ اهو پڻ اڳئين ايندھن جي سيل تي هلندڙ بسن جو حصو آهي.
Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NNO.V) نئين ۽ اسپيبلبل پروسيسنگ ٽيڪنالاجيز کي ترقي ڪري رهيو آهي ته جيئن گهٽ قيمت تي برقي گاڏين، توانائي جي اسٽوريج ۽ صارفين جي اليڪٽرانڪس لاء اعلي ڪارڪردگي بيٽري مواد پيدا ڪري. پيٽرن واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي ترتيب ڏئي سگهجي ٿو مختلف قسم جي نانو تعمير ٿيل مواد ۽ لچڪدار آهي، ۽ تبديل ٿي سگهي ٿو اڀرندڙ ۽ مستقبل جي بيٽري مارڪيٽ جي رجحانات ۽ مختلف ٻين ترقي جي موقعن سان. The novel three-stage process uses common industrial equipment and is designed for mass production and rapid commercialization. Nano One's mission is to establish its patented technology as the world's leading platform for the production of a new generation of nanostructured composite materials.
Neah پاور سسٽم. Inc. (OTC: NPWZ) is a developer of innovative, durable, efficient and safe power solutions for military, transportation and portable electronic applications. Neah's Powerchip(R) ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿي هڪ منفرد، پيٽنٽ ٿيل ۽ انعام حاصل ڪندڙ سلکان تي ٻڌل ڊيزائن جيڪا اعلي طاقت جي کثافت، هوائي ۽ غير هوائي آپريشن، گهٽ قيمت ۽ ڪمپيڪٽ فارم فيڪٽر کي قابل بڻائي ٿي. Neah's BuzzBar™ ۽ BuzzCell™ مائڪرو فيول سيلز استعمال ڪن ٿا پيٽنٽ-پينڊنگ گھٽ قيمت، مختلف ٽيڪنالاجيون صارفين تي ٻڌل مصنوعات ۾
Nesscap Energy Inc. (TSX: NCE.V) since its establishment in 1999, Nesscap Energy Inc. has become an award-winning global leader in supercapacitor technology innovation and product development. The properties of supercapacitors allow the technology to be used in applications where power, life cycle requirements or environmental conditions limit the applicability of batteries or capacitors. Nesscap products can be used in batteries and modules to enhance the performance of modern applications, from portable electronic devices to high-performance windmills and high-tech “green” cars. Nesscap وٽ مارڪيٽ تي معياري تجارتي پروڊڪٽس جي سڀ کان مڪمل رينج آهي، 3 فاراد کان 6200 فاراد تائين، سڀ صنعت جي سڃاڻپ ٿيل متبادل نامياتي اليڪٽرولائٽس سان. The company's customers include transportation, power and consumer markets.
NFI Group Inc. (TSX: NFI.TO) is a leading global independent bus manufacturer, providing a comprehensive set of public transportation solutions under the following brands: NewFlyer® (heavy buses), Alexander Dennis Limited (single-layer and Double-decker بس)، پلاڪسٽن (موٽر ٿيل مسافر ڪار)، MCI® (موٽر ٿيل مسافر ڪار)، ARBOC® (گهٽ-چيسس مسافر ڪار ۽ وچولي سائيز مسافر ڪار) ۽ NFI پارٽس™. NFI buses and coaches use the most extensive drive systems, including: clean diesel, natural gas, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles and zero-emission electric vehicles (trolleys, batteries and fuel cells). NFI now supports a total of more than 105,000 buses and coaches currently in use worldwide.
نيڪولا ڪمپني (NASDAQGS: NKLA) عالمي سطح تي ٽرانسپورٽ انڊسٽري کي تبديل ڪري رهي آهي. بيٽري برقي ۽ هائڊروجن برقي گاڏين، برقي گاڏين جي ڊرائيو ٽرين، گاڏين جي اجزاء، توانائي اسٽوريج سسٽم، ۽ هائڊروجن ريفيولنگ ​​اسٽيشن جي بنيادي ڍانچي جي هڪ ڊزائينر ۽ ٺاهيندڙ جي طور تي، نيڪولا ڪاروبار جي اقتصادي ۽ ماحولياتي اثر کي فروغ ڏيڻ لاء پرعزم آهي جيئن اسان اڄ ڄاڻون ٿا. influences. 2015 ۾ نيڪولا ڪارپوريشن 2015 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ فينڪس، ايريزونا ۾ هيڊڪوارٽر آهي.
NIO (New York Stock Exchange: NIO) was established in November 2014 and is a pioneer in China's high-end electric vehicle market. NIO جو مشن اعليٰ ترين سمارٽ برقي گاڏيون مهيا ڪرڻ ۽ بهترين صارف ڪمپني بڻجڻ سان خوشگوار طرز زندگي کي ترتيب ڏيڻ آهي. NIO designs, jointly manufactures and sells smart and interconnected high-quality electric vehicles, thereby promoting next-generation technology innovations in connectivity, autonomous driving and artificial intelligence. NIO صارف جي تجربي کي نئين سر بيان ڪري ٿو ۽ صارفين کي جامع، آسان ۽ جديد چارجنگ حل ۽ ٻيون صارف-مرڪز خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي. Weilai Automobile began to deliver the 7-seat high-performance electric SUV ES8 in China in June 2018, and plans to launch the 5-seat electric SUV ES6 by the end of 2018.
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY; TYO: 7201.T) produces and sells automobiles, marine products and related parts in Japan and internationally. ان جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ ڪمپيڪٽ ڪارون، سيڊان، خاص ۽ هلڪي گاڏيون، مني وينز/وان، SUVs/پڪ اپ ٽرڪون ۽ نسان، انفنيٽي ۽ ڊيٽسون برانڊز تحت هلڪي ڪمرشل گاڏيون شامل آهن. The company is also involved in various ship businesses, including the production and sales of cruise ships, terminal business and the export of outboard engines. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ گيرو باڪس، محور، گاڏين ۽ صنعتي سامان لاء انجڻ، ريچارجبل ليتيم آئن بيٽرين ۽ ٻيا لاڳاپيل حصا پڻ مهيا ڪري ٿو. industrial machinery; ۽ انجنيئرنگ، اليڪٽرانڪ سامان ۽ اليڪٽرانڪ سامان. اليڪٽرڪ ڪار
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is leading the customer-oriented transformation of the US energy industry by providing cleaner and smarter energy options and building on the largest and most diverse portfolio of competitive power products in the US . فارچون 200 ڪمپني جي طور تي، اسان قابل اعتماد ۽ ڪارائتو روايتي پاور جنريشن ذريعي قدر پيدا ڪريون ٿا، جڏهن ته شمسي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي، برقي گاڏين جي ماحوليات، ڪاربن ڪيپچر ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ گراهڪ-مرڪزي توانائي جي حلن ۾ جدت کي فروغ ڏين ٿا. اسان جو پرچون بجلي فراهم ڪندڙ سڄي ملڪ ۾ 3 ملين کان وڌيڪ رهائشي ۽ تجارتي گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪري ٿو.
Polar Power (NasdaqCM: POLA) designs, manufactures and sells DC or DC systems, lithium battery-powered hybrid solar systems for the telecommunications market, and other markets, including military, electric vehicle charging, cogeneration, distributed power and non- Intermittent power supply . ٽيليڪميونيڪيشن مارڪيٽ ۾، پولر سسٽم آف گرڊ ۽ ناقص گرڊ ايپليڪيشنن لاءِ قابل اعتماد ۽ گھٽ قيمت واري توانائي فراهم ڪري ٿو، نازڪ طاقت جي ضرورتن سان. If the utility grid fails, these needs must be powered off
Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII) اليڪٽرڪ اسپورٽس انڊسٽري ۾ هڪ مڃيل اڳواڻ آهي. Polaris designs, designs, manufactures and sells innovative and high-quality off-road vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and side-by-side vehicles, snowmobiles, motorcycles and road electric/hybrid vehicles. Polaris is one of the global sales leaders of snowmobiles and off-road vehicles, and has a place in the heavyweight cruiser and touring motorcycle market. In addition, Polaris continues to invest in the global road small electric/hybrid vehicle industry through Global Electric Vehicles (GEM), Goupil Industrie SA, Aixam Mega SAS and internally developed cars. پولارس سواري جي تجربي کي بهتر بڻائي ٿو پولارس انجنيئرنگ حصن، لوازمات ۽ ڪپڙن، ڪليم برانڊ جا ڪپڙا ۽ ORV لوازمات جي مڪمل سيٽ سان. Polaris Industries Inc. (Polaris Industries Inc.) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and the company has been included in the Standard & Poor's Mid-Cap 400 Index Price Index.

Power Solutions International, Inc. (NasdaqCM: PSIX) (PSI) is a leader in the design, manufacture and manufacture of emission-certified alternative fuel power systems. PSI provides integrated turnkey solutions for the world's leading original equipment manufacturers in the industrial and highway markets. ڪمپني جي منفرد اندروني ڊيزائن، پروٽوٽائپنگ، انجنيئرنگ ڊيزائن ۽ جانچ جي صلاحيتن سان، PSI صاف، اعلي ڪارڪردگي انجڻ کي ترتيب ڏئي سگھي ٿو جيڪي مختلف قسم جي ايندھن کي استعمال ڪري سگھن ٿيون، جن ۾ قدرتي گئس، پروپين، بايو گيس، ڊيزل ۽ گيسولين شامل آھن. PSI has developed and provided a complete 0.97 to 22 liter power system, including an 8.8 liter engine for the industrial and road markets, including medium-sized fleets, delivery trucks, school buses and garbage/garbage trucks. PSI power systems are currently used worldwide for generators, forklifts, aerial work vehicles and industrial sweepers, as well as oil and gas, aircraft ground support, agricultural and construction equipment
Praxair (NYSE: PX) is a Fortune 250 company, the largest industrial gas company in North and South America, and one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair's products, services and technologies bring efficiency and environmental benefits to many industries such as aerospace, chemistry, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and major metals, thereby making our planet more Efficient. Hydrogen supply from fuel cells: Praxair's hydrogen fuels everything from vehicles with record-breaking land speeds to passenger cars, buses and now forklifts. For more than ten years, Praxair has been providing hydrogen fuel and related technical support to fuel cell developers and fleets across the country. Praxair جو جامع هائڊروجن سپلائي سسٽم توهان جي ورهائڻ واري مرڪز کي اجازت ڏئي ٿو ته هائيڊروجن ايندھن جي سيل فورڪ لفٽ پاران مهيا ڪيل گهٽ قيمت ۽ اعلي پيداوار جو پورو فائدو وٺي، جڏهن ته ماهرن کي هائڊروجن جي فراهمي ڇڏيندي.
Proton Power Systems Plc (LSE: PPS.L), through its subsidiary Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, designs, develops, manufactures and tests fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid power systems and related technical components in Germany and other parts of Europe, and internationally . It provides a hydrogen fuel cell module that is integrated with an energy storage system to create an electric fuel cell hybrid system to provide electricity during peak demand. The company provides products to various market sectors, including city buses, passenger ferries, watch and light vehicles, auxiliary power units, and power systems for IT and infrastructure.
گلوبل ڪوانٽم فيول سسٽم ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني، لميٽيڊ (NASDAQCM: QTWW) قدرتي گئس فيول اسٽوريج سسٽم جي جدت، ترقي ۽ پيداوار ۾ هڪ اڳواڻ آهي ۽ گاڏي سسٽم ٽيڪنالاجيز جي انضمام سميت انجڻ ۽ گاڏين جو ڪنٽرول سسٽم ۽ ٽرانسميشن سسٽم. Quantum دنيا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ جديد، ترقي يافته، ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ ٺهيل قدرتي گئس اسٽوريج ٽينڪ پيدا ڪري ٿو. مڪمل طور تي ضم ٿيل قدرتي گئس اسٽوريج ٽينڪ سسٽم کان علاوه، اهو پڻ مهيا ڪري ٿو اهي اسٽوريج ٽينڪ ٽرڪ ۽ گاڏين جي OEMs لاء گڏوگڏ بعد ۾ مارڪيٽ ۽ OEM ٽرڪ انٽيگريٽر. Quantum provides low-emission and fast-to-market solutions to support the integration and production of natural gas fuel and storage systems, hybrids, fuel cells and special vehicles, and modular, portable hydrogen refueling stations. Quantum جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر Lake Forest، California ۾ آهي، آپريشنز ۽ شاخون آمريڪا، ڪئناڊا ۽ انڊيا ۾ آهن.
Ricardo plc (LSE: RCDO.L) provides technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting services for global transportation original equipment manufacturers, supply chain organizations, energy companies, financial institutions and government agencies. ڪمپني انجڻ، پاور ٽرين ۽ گيئر باڪس، هائبرڊ ۽ برقي نظام، ۽ گاڏين جي سسٽم لاء ٽيڪنيڪل صلاحڪار خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿي. and environmental consulting services. اهو پڻ هيٺين علائقن ۾ اسٽريٽجڪ صلاحڪار خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿو: ڪارپوريٽ ۽ ڪاروباري حڪمت عمليون، جامع طريقا خرچن کي گهٽائڻ ۽ آپريشن کي بهتر ڪرڻ، مارڪيٽ ۽ اقتصادي تجزيو، مارڪيٽنگ، سيلز ۽ خدمتون، مارڪيٽ جي ضابطن ۽ پاليسين، ضمير ۽ حصول، معيار ۽ اعلي قدر problem solutions, Research and development management of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial vehicles, aerospace, railways, ships, high-performance vehicles and racing cars, motorcycles and personal transportation, strategy and implementation of electric vehicles, and key technology analysis. In addition, the company also sells and supports a series of design and analysis software products specifically developed for applications in the powertrain development and vehicle integration process; and provides technical assistance, training and information services. In addition, it also provides high-performance products, from engines, transmissions, motors and generators, battery packs and fuel cell systems to clean special car programs. The company also serves customers in the agricultural and industrial vehicles, clean energy and power generation, commercial vehicles, defense, high-performance vehicles and racing, ships, motorcycles and personal transportation, passenger vehicles and railroad markets.
Saft Groupe SA (Paris: SAFT.PA) دنيا جي معروف ڊيزائنر ۽ اعليٰ ٽيڪنالاجي صنعتي بيٽرين جو ٺاھيندڙ آھي. The group is the world's leading manufacturer of nickel batteries and lithium primary batteries for the industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, and civil and military electronics markets. Saft has become a global leader in space and defense batteries with its lithium-ion technology, which is also used in the energy storage, transportation and telecommunications network markets. بجلي جون گاڏيون: بجليء جون هاء ٽيڪ بيٽري سسٽم-اي وي، اي ايم اي اي پي اي پي کي گهٽائڻ جو هڪ پائيدار حل فراهم ڪريو.
Sevcon، INC (NASADQCCM: SEV) برقي ۽ هائبرڊ گاڏين جو هڪ عالمي اخراج آهي، ڪنٽرول ۽ هائبرڊ گاڏين لاء. هن جون شيون روڊ ۽ آف روڊ گاڏين جي رفتار ۽ حرڪت کي ڪنٽرول ڪن ٿيون، خاص ڪمن کي ضم ڪن ٿيون، توانائي جي استعمال کي بهتر ڪن ٿيون ۽ هوا جي آلودگي کي گهٽائڻ ۾ مدد ڪن ٿيون. سيوڪون جي باسي ڊويزن برقي گاڏين لاءِ بيٽري چارجرز پيدا ڪري ٿي؛ power management and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for industrial, medical and telecommunications applications; electronic instruments for battery laboratories. ڪمپني آمريڪا، برطانيه، فرانس، جرمني، اٽلي، ڪئناڊا، چين ۽ ايشيا-پئسفڪ علائقي ۾ پنهنجي عملن ذريعي، ۽ هڪ بين الاقوامي ڊيلر نيٽ ورڪ ذريعي گراهڪن جي خدمت ڪري ٿي.
Smart Energy Solutions Inc. (OTC: SMGY) گاڏين جي بيٽرين لاءِ اليڪٽرانڪ ڪنٽرول پيدا ڪري ٿي. The company provides a battery box (Battery Brain), which is a box-shaped device that can be connected to the car's battery to prevent battery failure and theft. Battery Brain is used for various types of motor vehicles, including passenger cars, light to heavy trucks, buses, tractors, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, ships, disabled vehicles and other motor vehicles that rely on batteries. The company sells its products to automotive retail, automotive dealers, automotive original equipment manufacturers, automotive professionals, fleets, military, heavy trucks/buses, RV/RV and maritime sectors. اسمارٽ توانائي جو حل جيڪو آمريڪا، برطانيا، امريڪا، امريڪا، امريڪا، فرانس، ميڪسيڪو، ميڪسيڪو، ايشيا، ايشيا، ايشيا، ايشيا، ايشيا ۽ اسرائيل. And retail through the Internet.
SPDR Kensho Smart Mobility ETF (NYSEARCA: XKST) seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses are deducted, usually correspond to the total return performance of the Standard & Poor's Kensho Smart Transportation Index. عام مارڪيٽ جي حالتن جي تحت، هڪ فنڊ عام طور تي ان جي سڀني اثاثن جي وڏي اڪثريت (گهٽ ۾ گهٽ 80٪) سيڪيورٽيز ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪري ٿو جيڪا انڊيڪس ٺاهي ٿي. انڊيڪس اسٽاڪن تي مشتمل آهي (جنهن ۾ جمع ٿيل رسيدون شامل آهن) آمريڪا ۾ درج ڪيل ڪمپنيون جيڪي دنيا جي ترقي يافته ۽ اڀرندڙ مارڪيٽن ۾ رهن ٿيون. اهي اسٽاڪ ذهانت واري نقل و حمل جي شعبي ۾ شامل آهن، جيڪي انڊيڪس فراهم ڪندڙ پاران قائم ڪيل درجه بندي جي معيار سان طئي ڪيا ويا آهن. The fund is non-diversified.
SPI Energy Limited (NASDAQ: SPI) تجارتي، رهائشي، سرڪاري ۽ يوٽيلٽي گراهڪ ۽ سيڙپڪارن لاءِ فوٽووولٽڪ (“PV”) حل جو عالمي فراهم ڪندڙ آهي. The solar photovoltaic project developed by the company can be sold to a third-party operator, or it can be owned and operated by the company to sell electricity to the power grids of many countries in Asia, North America and Europe. The company's Australian subsidiary mainly sells solar photovoltaic modules to retail customers and solar project developers. The company's operational headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California, and maintains global operations in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Green Auto-Announced the launch of EdisonFuture, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPI Energy, to design and develop electric vehicles (“EV”) and EV charging solutions.
T3 Motion, Inc. (NYSE MKT: TTTM) پروفيشنل مارڪيٽن (بشمول قانون نافذ ڪرڻ، سيڪيورٽي، پرچون، حڪومت ۽ فوجي) لاءِ قيمتي اثرائتي صاف برقي گاڏين جي ٽيڪنالاجي حلن جي ڊيزائن ۽ پيداوار ۾ ماهر آهي. ڪمپني گاڏين جي ماحولياتي معيار کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاء پرعزم آهي ۽ سبز توانائي جي حل لاء معيار.
Tanfield Group (LSE: TAN.L) is classified as an investment company. ڪمپني Snorkel International Holdings ۾ 49% رڪنيت جي دلچسپي رکي ٿي ۽ Smiths Electric Vehicles Corp ۾ 5.76% دلچسپي رکي ٿي. Smith Electric Vehicles Corp مختصر فاصلي جي شهري جهازن لاءِ تمام اليڪٽرڪ ڪمرشل گاڏين جو هڪ معروف ڊزائينر ۽ ٺاهيندڙ آهي. Smith's zero-emission vehicles have significantly better performance than traditional diesel trucks, and have higher operating efficiency and lower costs. Smith's mission is to become a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency, zero-emission vehicles in the commercial transportation industry, using its unique platform to cooperate with world-class brands to transform its entire fleet, help them operate more profitably, and return energy to گرڊ

Torotrak plc (LSE: TRL.L) ڪار ٺاهيندڙن لاءِ ٽيڪنالاجي ڊيزائن، ترقي ۽ ڪمرشلائيز ڪري ٿي. The company is divided into three parts: license agreement, engineering services and development activities. It provides a flybrid, flywheel hybrid power system, which can recover mechanical kinetic energy. V-Charge, a variable drive supercharger for gasoline and diesel engines; Torotrak continuously variable transmission enables the engine to run under optimal conditions. The company is also engaged in sheet metal manufacturing; مڪمل مشين ورڪشاپ جي آپريشن؛ اسٽيل، المونيم ۽ ميگنيشيم جي ويلڊنگ؛ and manufacturing hubs for high-speed flywheels and carbon fiber-wound rims. In addition, it is also involved in design, modeling, product development, prototyping and testing activities. ڪمپني پنهنجي پروڊڪٽس کي آن-۽ آف-هاءِ وي ڪمرشل گاڏين، مسافر گاڏين ۽ ٻين مارڪيٽن ۾ وڪرو ڪري ٿي.
ٽويوٽا موٽر ڪارپوريشن (NYESE: TMES: دنيا جي دنيا جو سڀ کان وڏو ڪارروائي آهي، پرين ۽ ميراٽي ايندھن، ليڪسس ۽ اسڪين برانڊ برانڊ لائف اسٽائلس. گذريل 50 سالن ۾، اسان اتر آمريڪا ۾ 25 ملين کان وڌيڪ ڪارون ۽ ٽرڪون ٺاهيا آهن، جتي اسان 14 پيداواري پلانٽ هلائيندا آهيون (10 آمريڪا ۾) ۽ سڌي طرح 42,000 ملازمن کان وڌيڪ (33,000 کان وڌيڪ آمريڪا ۾) ملازمت ڪندا آهيون. 2014 ۾، اسان جون 1,800 اتر آمريڪي ڊيلرشپ (1,500 آمريڪا ۾) 2.67 ملين ڪارون ۽ ٽرڪون وڪڻيون (2.35 ملين کان وڌيڪ آمريڪا ۾) - گذريل 20 سالن ۾، ٽويوٽا گاڏين جو تقريباً 80 سيڪڙو وڪرو ٿيو اڄ به روڊن تي آهي. Around the world, people are working hard to use the energy of hydrogen, which is the most abundant element in the universe. Toyota recognizes the huge potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source and is actively developing and producing fuel cell vehicles (FCV).
Turbodyne Technologies, Inc. (OTC: TRBD) گيسولين ۽ ڊيزل اندروني ڪمبشن انجڻين لاءِ برقي ڊجيٽل ڪنٽرول ٿيل چارجنگ سسٽم جو ڊولپر آهي. Its patented design reduces carbon dioxide emissions, improves performance and realizes miniaturization of gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines.
The mission of Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: UBER) is to create opportunities through sports. We started to solve a simple problem in 2010: can you get ride service at the touch of a button? After more than 10 billion trips, we are developing products to bring people closer to where they want. شهرن ۾ ماڻهن، کاڌي ۽ شين جي وهڪري کي تبديل ڪرڻ سان، Uber هڪ پليٽ فارم آهي جيڪو دنيا لاءِ نوان امڪان کولي ٿو.
UQM ٽيڪنالاجيز (NYSE MKT: UQM) هڪ ڊولپر ۽ ٺاهيندڙ آهي پاور-گھنٽي، اعلي ڪارڪردگي برقي موٽر، جنريٽر ۽ پاور اليڪٽرانڪ ڪنٽرولرز تجارتي ٽرڪن، بسين، گاڏين، جهازن، فوجي ۽ صنعتي مارڪيٽن لاء. UQM جو بنيادي مرڪز برقي، هائبرڊ، پلگ ان هائبرڊ ۽ فيول سيل برقي گاڏين لاءِ پروپلشن سسٽم تيار ڪرڻ آهي. UQM is TS 16949 and ISO 14001 certified and is located in Longmont, Colorado
Vmoto Limited (ASX: VMT.AX) دنيا جو معروف اسڪوٽر ٺاهيندڙ ۽ ورهائڻ وارو گروپ آهي، جيڪو اليڪٽرڪ ٻه ڦيٿين ۾ ماهر آهي. Vmoto's electric two-wheeler products have stylish European design and German engineering design. Vmoto is also involved in the manufacture and distribution of gasoline scooters and four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles. Vmoto has one of the most extensive global distribution networks of any electric scooter manufacturer in the world, with more than 28 distributors in 27 countries/regions in geographic regions such as Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, South America and South Africa. The group operates two main brands: Vmoto and E-Max. The company also provides products to many customers in an OEM manner.
Vydrotech Inc. (OTC: VYDR)، هوسٽن، ٽيڪساس ۾ ٻڌل هڪ گرين ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا ٽرڪ، بس ۽ بحري صنعتن ۾ استعمال ٿيندڙ تجارتي ڊيزل انجڻين لاءِ هائڊروجن-وڌايل ايندھن جي نظام کي ڊزائين ڪرڻ، ترقي ڪرڻ ۽ تيار ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف آهي.
Westport Fuel Systems (NasdaqGS: WPRT; TSX: WPT.TO) engineers, manufacture and provide the world's most advanced alternative fuel systems and components. نه رڳو ايترو، اسان بنيادي طور تي دنيا جي رستن، ريل گاڏين ۽ سمنڊ تي سفر ڪرڻ جو طريقو تبديل ڪيو آهي. Our innovative and cost-effective solutions can improve efficiency and reduce emissions while maintaining performance. We provide a variety of leading brands for transportation and industrial applications, and we serve customers in more than 70 countries, including some of the world's largest and fastest-growing markets.
Workhorse Group Inc. (OTC ڪوڊ: WKHS) ھڪڙو اصل سامان ٺاھيندڙ آھي آمريڪا ۾. اهو هڪ وچولي سائيز جي EPA-منظور ٿيل بيٽري برقي ترسيل ٽرڪ آهي ۽ مڪمل طور تي مربوط ٽرڪ لانچ ٿيل ڊرون آهي جيڪو FAA گهرجن (UAS) ڊليوري ڊرون کي پورو ڪري ٿو. Historically, the main truck has been sold to the largest fleets in the United States and Canada for last-mile delivery and related uses.
XPeng Inc. (NYSE: XPEV) چين ۾ هڪ معروف سمارٽ برقي گاڏين جي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا سمارٽ برقي گاڏين کي ڊزائين ڪرڻ، ترقي ڪرڻ، پيداوار ۽ وڪرو ڪرڻ لاء وقف ڪري ٿي جيڪا چين جي وڏي ۽ وڌندڙ ٽيڪنالاجي جي ڄاڻ رکندڙ وچولي طبقي جي صارفين کي راغب ڪري ٿي. Its mission is to promote the transformation of smart electric vehicles through technology and data to shape the future of mobile experience. In order to optimize the customer's travel experience, XPeng internally developed full-stack autonomous driving technology and in-car intelligent operating system, as well as core vehicle systems including powertrain and electrification/electronic architecture. XPeng is headquartered in Guangzhou, China, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley and San Diego in the United States. ڪمپني جي سمارٽ برقي گاڏيون Zhaoqing ۽ Zhengzhou پلانٽس ۾ پيدا ڪيون ويون آهن.
ZAP Jonway (OTC: ZAAP) اعلي معيار، سستي نئين توانائي ۽ برقي گاڏين (EV) کي ڊزائين ۽ ٺاهي ٿو. Yongyuan آٽو موبائيل چين ۾ ISO 9000 پيداوار جون سهولتون آهن ۽ EV پيداوار ۽ انجنيئرنگ، سيلز ۽ ڪسٽمر سروس سهولتن جي سرٽيفڪيشن منظور ڪري چڪو آهي. Jonway 50,000 گاڏين جي سالياني پيداوار جي صلاحيت رکي ٿو، فيڪٽري جي ايراضي 1 ملين چورس فوٽ کان وڌيڪ آهي، چين ۾ 65 ايڪڙ کان وڌيڪ زمين آهي ۽ سيلز ۽ تقسيم نيٽ ورڪ قائم ڪيو آهي. ZAP is an early pioneer of electric vehicles, bringing a wide range of electric vehicle product technologies to the two companies. ZAP is headquartered in Santa Rosa, California, and Jonway Auto is located in Zhejiang Province, the People's Republic of China.
بايوم ٽيڪنالاجيز (LSE: BIOM.L) هڪ ترقي تي مبني ڪاروبار تي ٻڌل ٽيڪنالاجي گروپ آهي. گروپ جي بنيادي سرگرمي ان جي تيز رفتار وڌندڙ بايوپلاسٽڪ ڪاروبار کي ترقي ڪرڻ آهي. اهو بايوڊيگريڊبل قدرتي پوليمر جو هڪ معروف جدت پسند ۽ فراهم ڪندڙ آهي جيڪو تيل تي ٻڌل مواد مان روايتي طور تي ٺاهيل شين کي تبديل ۽ وڌائي سگھي ٿو. اسان مختلف قسم جي بايوپلاسٽڪ پيش ڪندا آهيون جيڪي مختلف قسم جي ايپليڪيشنن ۾ موجود تيل تي ٻڌل مواد کي تبديل ڪري سگھن ٿيون. Our plastic polymers are of natural origin, have a high sustainable content, and can be recycled back to nature.

Cardia Bioplastics Limited (ASX: CNN.AX) is a global developer, manufacturer and marketer of sustainable resins derived from renewable resources. اسان جي بائيو بلڊنگ ۽ ڪمپوسٽبل ريزين پيڪنگنگ ۽ پلاسٽڪ جي شين لاءِ گهٽ ڪاربن فوٽ پرنٽ مهيا ڪن ٿا.

Good Natured Products Inc. (TSX: GDNP.V) has more than 100 plant-based food packaging designs, 10 grades of bioplastic membranes, 30 home and business organization products, and a team of scientists, business builders and retail A world-class team of manufacturers, the company is producing and distributing one of the most extensive consumer products and packaging products in North America. These products and packaging are made of the highest possible percentage of renewable plant-based materials and are BPA-free. فليٽليٽ يا ٻين ڪيميائي جا ٻيا ڪيميائي. Kindness TM انهن شين کي ڪرڻ لاءِ پرعزم آهي جيڪي ڌرتيءَ ۽ ڪمپني لاءِ فائديمند آهن، ۽ بهتر روزاني پروڊڪٽس TM ٺاهي رهي آهي، جديد بايوپلاسٽڪ ٽيڪنالاجي کي جديد پائيدار ڊيزائن جي خاصيتن سان گڏ ڪري، جيڪا نه رڳو خوبصورت آهي، پر شيلف جي جاءِ کي به وڌائي ٿي ۽ وڌائي ٿي. sales, enhanced logistics and improved environmental efficiency are all bundled in a fresh and friendly brand.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) هڪ جديد فضول کان توانائي ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي. ان ۾ لينڊ فلز ۾ استعمال ٿيل فضول ٽائر ۽ مخلوط پلاسٽڪ کي اعليٰ درجي جي موٽر آئل ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ لاءِ پيٽنٽ انتظار ۾ آهي. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. اهو طريقو هر سال 14,400,00 پائونڊ مخلوط، غير ريسائيڪل پوسٽ ڪنزيومر پلاسٽڪ في سسٽم ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ ۽ تقريباً 36,000 بيرل تيل پيدا ڪرڻ جي قابل پڻ آهي. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.

ميٽابولڪس، Inc. (NASDAQCM: MBALCCIC) هڪ جدت وارو خاص مواد ڪمپني آهي. Metabolix's Mirel® biopolymers قابل تجديد وسيلن مان نڪتل آهن ۽ PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate) جي بنياد تي بايو-بنياد ڪارڪردگي اضافو ۽ خاص ريزين جو هڪ سلسلو آهن. Metabolix جي ملڪيت جي بايو ٽيڪنالاجي پليٽ فارم خاص بايوپوليمر جي تخليق کي قابل بنائي ٿو جيڪي مختلف ايپليڪيشنن ۾ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون، جهڙوڪ تعميراتي ۽ پيڪنگنگ مواد ۽ گڏوگڏ صنعتي، صارفين ۽ ذاتي سنڀال جون شيون.

Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Limited (NYSE: HASI) provides debt and equity financing for the energy efficiency and renewable energy markets. The company focuses on providing priority or senior capital to established sponsors and debtors with high credit quality to generate long-term, recurring and predictable cash flows. اناپولس، ميري لينڊ ۾ هيڊ ڪوارٽر، Hannon Armstrong هڪ ريئل اسٽيٽ انويسٽمينٽ ٽرسٽ (REIT) چونڊيو جيڪو وفاقي آمدني ٽيڪس جي مقصدن لاءِ ٽيڪس ادا ڪرڻ جو اهل آهي. ان جو ٽيڪس سال ڊسمبر 31، 2013 تي شروع ٿئي ٿو

Aura Energy Limited (ASX: AEE.AX) is an Australian mining company that owns large-scale polymetallic and uranium projects in Europe and Africa, and has substantial resources. Since it went public in 2006, it has grown rapidly through the acquisition of new projects in areas with known polymetallic and uranium deposits such as Sweden and undeveloped areas such as Mauritania. Now, Aura's focus is on the Häggån project in the Swedish bauxite shale province, which is one of the world's largest vanadium deposits with significant polymetallic added value; ۽ موريتانيا جو واعدو ڪندڙ ريگيبٽ صوبو.

Bushveld Mining Co., Ltd. (LSE: BMN.L) and its subsidiaries are engaged in exploration and development of mineral projects in South Africa. It is divided into three parts: vanadium and iron ore, coal exploration, and vanadium mining and production. اهو وينڊيم، ٽائيٽينيم، لوهه جي معدنيات، فاسفيٽ، ٽين ۽ پاور ڪوئلي جي ذخيرن کي ڳولي ٿو. The company's flagship project is the Bushveld vanadium project, which includes the Vametco assets, as well as the Brits and Mokopane vanadium projects located in the north limb of the Bushveld complex in Limpopo, South Africa.
CellCube Energy Storage Systems (CSE: CUBE) focuses on the fast-growing energy storage industry, which is driven by the substantial increase in demand for renewable energy. CellCube provides vertically integrated energy storage systems for the power industry. It recently acquired the assets of Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. Gildemeister Energy Storage Co., Ltd. has now been renamed Enerox GmbH, which is the developer and manufacturer of CellCube energy storage systems. Other related subsidiaries of CellCube are EnerCube Switchgear Systems and Power Haz Energy Mobile Solutions Inc. The company has also invested in Braggawatt Energy Inc, an online renewable energy financing platform. CellCube develops, manufactures and sells energy storage systems based on vanadium redox flow. ٽيڪنالاجي، ۽ 130 کان وڌيڪ پروجيڪٽ تنصيب ۽ 10 سالن جو آپريٽنگ رڪارڊ آهي. Its highly integrated energy storage system solution has 99% of the remaining energy capacity after 11,000 cycles, with a focus on large container modules. The basic building blocks consist of FB modular 250kW units with 4, 6 and 8 hours energy changes. CellCube has obvious vanadium-rich characteristics in Nevada. The Bisoni-McKay and Bisoni-Rio properties in Nevada contain pure vanadium resources. Unlike most other vanadium deposits (where vanadium is mixed with other metals such as iron or uranium), Bisoni McKay and Bisoni-Rio feature pure vanadium in carbonaceous shale.
Chalice Gold Mines Limited (TSX: CXN.TO; ASX: CHN.AX) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of minerals in Australia and Canada. ڪمپني سون، مسو، وينڊيم ۽ نڪيل ذخيرو ڳولي ٿو.
ڪوزيرون وسيلا محدود آهن The supplier Mr. Mark Creasy retains 15% ownership of the project. All projects have infrastructure solutions. انهن کي انھن سر جو مگريتون ۽ ڪننگز زماني ۾ آينيز آھن جن جي قسمن جا سلسلا ختم ٿيا، بشمول ڪنٽر، بندر، بيارن، ٽائنيڊيم، ٽائنيڊيم، ٽائنيڊيم، ٽائنيڊيم، ٽائنيڊيا، ٽائنيڊيم، ٽائنيڊيا، ٽائنيڊيا، ٽائنيڊيم، ٽائنيڊيا، ٽائنيڊيم، ٽائنيڊيا، ٽائنيم، ٽائنيم، ٽائنيڊيا، ٽٻيريا
Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSX: ELEC.V) is a licensed company that aims to take advantage of the demand for the following commodities: lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel and copper. برقيات کي فروغ ڏيو (ڪارون، ريچارجبل بيٽرين، وڏي پيماني تي توانائي اسٽوريج، قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار ۽ ٻيون ايپليڪيشنون). اليڪٽرڪ گاڏين جي وڪرو، بيٽري جي پيداوار جي صلاحيت ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي مان بجلي جي پيداوار ايندڙ ڪجهه سالن ۾ خاص طور تي وڌڻ جو امڪان آهي، تنهنڪري انهن حدف ٿيل شين جي گهرج مطابق وڌي ويندي. اهو هڪ منفرد موقعو پيدا ڪري ٿو سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ ۽ مائنز ۽ منصوبن تي رائلٽي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي توانائي جي انقلاب لاءِ گهربل مواد فراهم ڪندا. گلوبلڪس پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کان علاوه، برقي فرنچائز جي استعمال لاء ارادي جو خط پابند آهي. رائلٽي جا 6 مجموعا آهن. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of conditions (including regulatory approval). The power royalties plan mainly focuses on obtaining royalties in advanced stages and operational projects to build a diversified investment portfolio in jurisdictions with lower geopolitical risks.
Energy Fuel Company (TSX: EFR.TO; NYSE: UUUU) is a leading, integrated uranium mining company based in the United States that supplies U3O8 to major nuclear power companies. Its corporate office is located in Denver, Colorado, and all its assets and employees are located in the western United States. توانائي وهندڙ زمين ۾ زمينن جي پيداوار واري مرڪز ۾، ولي ميکا مل تي موجود آهي، ۽ ايلٽا ميسا جي پروسيسنگ پلانٽ. The White Mesa mill is the only conventional uranium mill operating in the United States today, with a licensed capacity of more than 8 million pounds of U3O8 per year. The Nichols Ranch Processing Plant is an ISR production center with a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds of U3O8 per year. Alta Mesa is currently the ISR production center engaged in maintenance and maintenance. انرجي فيول ڪمپني آمريڪا ۾ يورينيم وسيلن جي سڀ کان وڏي پيداوار جي مالڪ پڻ آهي جيڪا NI 43-101 سان ملندي آهي، انهي سان گڏ مغربي آمريڪا جي ڪيترن ئي رياستن ۾ يورينيم جي مائننگ جا منصوبا، جن ۾ هڪ ISR پروجيڪٽ، اسٽينڊ بائي مائنز ۽ معدنيات شامل آهن مختلف مرحلن ۾. لائسنس ۽ ترقي. The company also produces vanadium and uranium from certain mines in the Colorado Plateau based on market conditions.
Ethos Gold Corp. (TSXV: ECC) (OTCQB: ETHOF) is exploring the La Purisima gold project in Chihuahua, Mexico (100% revenue), and the Iron Point Carlin gold project (50% revenue from Victory Metals Inc.) ), located 22 miles east of the United States. Winnemucca in Nevada and the Perk-Rocky copper-gold porphyry project 220 kilometers west of Williams Lake in British Columbia (100% revenue). La Purisima is a near-surface, large-tonnage, gold oxide target, and the virgin drilling program will soon begin. آئرن پوائنٽ هڪ ڪارلن گولڊ ٽارگيٽ آهي جيڪو هيٺين پليٽ تي ڪيو ويندو آهي، ۽ هن ٽارگيٽ کي ٽن عمودي سوراخن ۾ جانچڻ جو منصوبو جلد ئي ڊاڪٽر ڪوئنٽن هينني جي نگراني هيٺ شروع ڪيو ويندو. Perk-Rocky ڪاپر-گولڊ پورفيري جو هدف آهي، ۽ تفصيلي هوائي جيو فزڪس، زميني سروي ۽ نمونن سميت ڳولا جو منصوبو مختصر مدت ۾ شروع ڪيو ويندو. Ethos currently has approximately 6.8 million Canadian dollars in cash and 54.6 million outstanding shares. Ethos 2019 ۾ La Purisima ۽ Iron Point تي پهرين ڊرلنگ پروگرام ۽ Perk-Rocky تي شروعاتي ڪم جي پروگرام تي مجموعي طور تي لڳ ڀڳ 1.8 ملين ڊالر خرچ ڪرڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو. Ethos also profited from the Pine Pass and Ursula vanadium projects in north-central British Columbia (100% profit). In March 2019, Ethos received a notice from British Columbia that the mineral property rights constituting its Pine Pass vanadium project are included in the area under consideration to immediately suspend the development proposal and possibly include it in the expanded environmental protection area, and consider By this notice, work on its vanadium project has been suspended.
First Vanadium Corp (TSX: FVAN.V) (OTCQX: FVANF) (FSE: 1PY) (formerly known as Cornerstone Metals Inc.) can choose to obtain a 100% interest in the Carlin Vanadium project in Elko County, 6 miles south. وٺو I-80 ڪارلن جي شهر، نيواڊا کان. The Carlin Vanadium Project owns the Carlin Vanadium deposit, which is flat to shallow and shallowly buried, 0-60 m (0-200 ft) below the surface.
گولڊن جي ڊپس محدود (ASX: GED.AX) معدني ڳولا تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو ۽ نميبيا جي جمهوريه ۾ دلچسپي رکي ٿو. ڪمپني فعال طور تي نميبيا ۾ ان جي لائسنس جي ڳولا ڪري رهي آهي. جستجو جي منصوبي جو مقصد اقتصادي معدنيات کي دريافت ڪرڻ آهي جديد ڳولا جي ٽيڪنالاجي جي منظم طريقي سان. Grootfontein Basic Metals Project (GBP) اتر نميبيا ۾ Otawi Mountains (OML) تي واقع آهي، پرمٽ ايريا 632 چورس ڪلوميٽرن کان وڌيڪ آهي. The area is roughly connected by a triangle that connects Tsumeb and Groot The towns of Fontaine and Otavi. The region has several globally important copper, zinc, lead, silver and vanadium mines, including Tsumeb, Khusib Springs, Abenab, Berg Aukas and Kombat mines.
Gossan Resources Limited (TSX: GSS.V) has a broad portfolio of multi-element assets, which is expected to accommodate gold, platinum group elements and base metals as well as special “green battery metals”, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium ۽ ڪروميم. Gossan also owns a large number of high-purity, magnesium-rich dolomite deposits, and prepays USD 100,000 for production and exploitation rights per year in fracturing sand deposits. All of Gossan's mineral exploration and development assets are located in Manitoba and Northwest Ontario.

Namibia Key Metals Corporation (TSXV: NMI.V) is engaged in the exploration and development of key metal properties in Namibia. The company explores heavy rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium, tantalum, niobium, nickel, carbonate and gold metals, as well as platinum group elements. ڪمپني تازو ئي Gecko Namibia (Pty) لميٽيڊ کان منصوبن جو هڪ پورٽ فوليو حاصل ڪيو. ڪوبالٽ، گريفائٽ، ليٿيم، ٽينٽلم، نائوبيم، وينڊيم، سون ۽ لاڳاپيل بنيادي ڌاتن جا فائدا منتشر ڪريو. Now, the project pipeline covers the range from the recent discovery of potential to the preliminary economic assessment. All projects are located in Namibia, which is a stable mining jurisdiction in Southern Africa. This diversification provides companies with great flexibility to target products that maximize shareholder value.
Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT.AX) صنعتي معدنيات ۽ جديد مواد جي منصوبن جو هڪ ڊولپر آهي. نيمرٽس جا ٻه مکيه ڊويزن آهن ٻئي ملڪيت جي ٽيڪنالاجيز جي مدد سان آهن جيڪي آمدني کي وڌائڻ ۽ لاڳت جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر ڪرڻ سان هيٺيون وهڪرو انضمام جي مدد ڪري سگهن ٿيون. Neometals ڪلگورلي جي ويجهو Mt Marion ليٿيم مائن جو مالڪ آهي ۽ 13.8 سيڪڙو شيئرز جو مالڪ آهي. ڪمپني دنيا جي سڀ کان وڏي ليتيم مرڪيز مان هڪ آهي. نيمرلٽز هڪ آف اختيار آهي جيڪو مڪمل طور تي ضم ٿيل لفدم ڪاروبار لاء مثالي بنيادن ۽ ليتيم هائڊروڊيم ريڊيمس ري سائیکروم ري سائیکروم ريڊيشنز عملن ۾ شامل آهي. مغحڙ 5 سيڪڙو اولههخرو دورو ئي آسٽريليا ۾ نوطانن جو وهڪرو ميڊيا شايعان جو هڪ آهي، جنهن جي شراب جي جمع تي هڪ آهي، جنهن تي خانه ٽاندو گرل!

پروپيسي ڊولپمينٽ ڪارپوريشن (TSX: PCY، OTCQX: PRPCF، Frankfurt: 1P2) Gibellini پروجيڪٽ کي ترقي ڪري رهيو آهي- اتر آمريڪا ۾ پنهنجي قسم جو واحد وڏي پيماني تي اوپن ايئر، هيپ ليچنگ وينڊيم پروجيڪٽ. Gibellini is located in Nevada and has the largest NI 43-101 standard known in the United States. This standard has been measured and indicated in the United States as the main vanadium resource. EPCM is currently underway and development is allowed
Protean Energy Limited (ASX: POW.AX) ھڪ عمدي طور تي مربوط وينڊيم ريسورس ۽ وينڊيم ريڊڪس فلو بيٽري ڊولپمينٽ ڪمپني آھي، جنھن جو ھيڊ ڪوارٽر آسٽريليا ۾ آھي، ڪوريا ۾ آپريشنز ۽ اسٽريٽجڪ پارٽنرز سان گڏ. Through a 50% collaboration with Protean Korea's vanadium/uranium mineral project Stonehenge Korea Ltd, Daejeon is a unique sedimentary shale/slate vanadium deposit with the potential to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). The project can use 36,000m of historical core, so that cost-effective and non-destructive pXRF testing can be performed on the metallogenic section. Protean, in cooperation with its 50% South Korean partner KORID Energy Ltd, is developing a proprietary vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) energy storage technology, called V-KOR. ٽيڪنالاجي گذريل 10 سالن ۾ ترقي ڪئي وئي آهي، 3,000 کان وڌيڪ سائيڪلن لاء هلائي رهيو آهي، ۽ ڪورين فيڪٽريز ۾ وڏي پيماني تي آزمائشي ڪئي وئي آهي. In June 2018, K-VOR batteries were deployed in commercial applications in Perth, Australia.
Pursuit Minerals (ASX: PUR.AX) هڪ معدنيات جي ڳولا ۽ پروجيڪٽ ڊولپمينٽ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا دنيا جي معيار جي ڌاتو صوبن ۾ ٽامي، زنڪ ۽ وينڊيم منصوبن کي اڳتي وڌائڻ لاءِ وقف ڪري ٿي. Pursuit Minerals زنڪ مائن پروجيڪٽ ۾ جبل عيسيٰ سپر بيسن جي دل ۾ واقع آهي. موجوده علائقائي انفراسٽرڪچر جي ڀرسان عالمي سطح جي معدني ذخيرن کي ڳولڻ ۽ ان جي موجوده معدني وسيلن مان قيمت ڪڍڻ جي ڪوشش ۾ ان ۾ هڪ منفرد قدر پيدا ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت آهي. 2018 ۾، Pursuit سويڊن ۽ فنلينڊ ۾ کليل جڳهن ۾ اعلي معيار جي وينڊيم منصوبن لاء درخواست ڪندي پنهنجي پروجيڪٽ پورٽ فوليو کي وڌايو.
QEM Limited (ASX: QEM.AX) is engaged in the exploration and development of vanadium and oil shale projects in Australia. اهو جوليا ڪريڪ پروجيڪٽ ۾ 100٪ دلچسپي رکي ٿو، جنهن ۾ 3 ايڪسپلوريشن لائسنس شامل آهن ۽ اتر اولهه ڪوئنزلينڊ، آسٽريليا ۾ جوليا ڪريڪ واري علائقي ۾ واقع آهي، جيڪو 176 چورس ڪلوميٽرن جي ايراضيءَ تي پکڙيل آهي.

The exploration portfolio of Sabre Resources Limited (ASX: SBR.AX) supports a business model designed to facilitate the discovery and development of economic mineral deposits. Sabre's main focus is the exploration and development of the Otavi Mountain Land Base Metals project in northern Namibia. Our two licensed areas cover more than 800 square kilometers and contain more than 60 known deposits of copper, lead, zinc and vanadium. صابر جي ڳولا جو دائرو دائرو بنيادي جيوچميڪل جي حد تائين گچا کان کچري سينٽر تائين، زچ کان کچري جي وضاحت تي، زنجير ۽ هوڪ جي رجحان تي زنڪ ليڊ جي جمع ڪرائڻ لاء

Six Sigma Metals Co., Ltd. (ASX: SI6.AX) معدني وسيلن جي ڳولا ۽ تشخيص ۾ مصروف آهي. اهو بنيادي طور تي بيس ۽ قيمتي دھاتن جي ڳولا لاء وقف آهي، جنهن ۾ نکل، مسو، پلاٽينم گروپ جي ڌاتو، سون، هيرا، ٽانتلم ۽ ليتيم شامل آهن. Is an exploration company operating in Southern Africa, specifically targeting projects containing “battery or new world” metals to take advantage of the growing interest in the field due to recent global technological advancements and increased demand for these commodities. The company's main target focus area is Southern Africa. The SI6 project portfolio includes the recently acquired: Chuatsa vanadium and titanium project in Zimbabwe (80% of the options can be acquired); Zimbabwe's Shamva lithium project (80% of the options can be acquired). Chuatsa ۽ Shamva منصوبن جو تازو حصول بيٽري ميٽل فيلڊ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ جي سالن جو نتيجو آهي، ۽ ڏکڻ آفريڪا جي ڳولا ۽ آپريشن ۾ SI6 جي اهم صلاحيتن ۽ تجربو کي فائدو ڏئي ٿو.
Southern Cross Exploration NL (ASX: SXX.AX) is engaged in the exploration of metals and other minerals in Australia. It mainly explores uranium, gold and other minerals. ڪمپني جي وڏي پيماني تي يو اين ايم ڊي جي هڪ بنيادي اثاثن مان هڪ آهي، جيڪو هڪ بنيادي اثاثن مان هڪ آهي، جيڪو هڪ گڏيل بلڊين انرجي (PDDIN) ۽ PDDIN EXED (PDNEN) سان گڏ. The Bigrlyi project has a large amount of uranium and vanadium resources that meet JORC requirements.
Sparton Resources Inc. (TSXV: SRI.V) is an exploration and development stage company that focuses on the exploration and evaluation of Canadian and Chinese properties. The company's main projects are the Chebucto gas field in the Sable Island area offshore Nova Scotia; and VanSpar's vanadium and battery commissioning project in China. اهو پڻ فراهم ڪري ٿو معاهدو سوراخ ڪرڻ واريون خدمتون.

Syrah Resources (ASX: SYR.AX) is an industrial minerals and technology company based in Australia. Syrah owns and built the Balama Graphite Project (Balama) in Mozambique. Balama is a high-grade, long-lived asset, and the world's largest natural graphite mine. بالااما جون آپريشنون 2018 جي ​​شروعات ۾ شروع ٿيون. مارڪيٽ جي طلب مطابق، سيرا وقت سان گڏ 350ktpa نالي پليٽ جي ظرفيت کي وڌايو. Parama also contains a large amount of vanadium resources, which is a by-product currently being reported in Parama tailings. Balama's vanadium optionality. بالااما ۾ وينڊيم وسيلن جي وڏي مقدار تي مشتمل آهي، جيڪو امڪاني قدر اضافو موقعا فراهم ڪري ٿو. vanadium releases by-products in the graphite production process and may be refined into saleable products (V2O5) by processing materials currently reported to Balama tailings.
Tando Resources Limited (ASX: TNO.AX) is a junior exploration company that recently obtained 73.95% of the rights to the world's important vanadium project (SPD project). سائيٽ تي ڊرلنگ ۽ ٻيون سرگرميون جاري آهن، جن جو مقصد جلدي ٽريڪ ڪرڻ ۽ ويجهي پيداوار جي باقاعدي سان. Tando also owns 100% of 3 projects located in Pilbara, Western Australia. اعليٰ درجي جي زنڪ ۽ ٽامي جي معدنيات کي اڳي ئي ڪوارٽز بور پروجيڪٽ ۾ ڊرل ڪيو ويو آهي، ۽ Mt سڊني پروجيڪٽ رمبل ريسورسز جي برائسائيڊ پروجيڪٽ جي هڙتال واري سائيٽ تي واقع آهي.

TNG Limited (ASX: TNG.AX) is an Australian resources company dedicated to the evaluation and development of the Mount Peake vanadium-titanium iron project. TNG جو بنيادي مرڪز 100٪-مالڪ مائونٽ Peake vanadium-titanium آئرن پروجيڪٽ جو جائزو ۽ ترقي آهي، جيڪو ترقي يافته Alenta Geological Province ۾ واقع آهي، 80 ڪلوميٽر اتر اوڀر ۾ ايلس اسپرنگس جي اتر اوڀر ۾. شروعاتي 2008 ۾ دريافت ڪيو ويو آهي ته مائونٽ پيپل پروجيڪٽ 00 VI205٪ V2055، 5.3٪ TUI2 ۽ 23 سيڪڙو جي گريڊن جي گريڊن جي گريڊن تي مشتمل آهي

United Battery Metals Corporation (CSE: UBM؛ OTC: UBMCF) ھڪڙي وينڊيم ۽ يورينيم جي ڳولا واري ڪمپني آھي جيڪا اتر آمريڪا ۾ پھرين وينڊيم پيدا ڪندڙ آھي. Vanadium has many uses in today's modern world. It is widely used in vanadium redox flow batteries, car charging stations, nuclear power plants and steel manufacturing. وينڊيم 35 معدنيات مان هڪ آهي، جيڪي آمريڪا جي قومي سلامتي ۽ معيشت لاءِ اهم سمجهيا وڃن ٿا.
Vanadium One Energy (TSXV: VONE.V) هڪ معدني ڳولا ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر ٽورانٽو، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي. ڪمپني چبوگاباو، ڪيوبيڪ ۾ فو وانڊيم ميگنيٽائٽ پروجيڪٽ کي اڳتي وڌائڻ تي مرکوز آهي. The purpose is to determine the scope of this resource and prove its economic viability.
VanadiumCorp Resource Inc. (TSX: VRB.V) plans to develop VEPT in Canada and co-license VEPT to targeted global jurisdictions to directly recover battery-grade vanadium products, Vanadium ElectrolyteTM, and products such as iron and titanium from many sources The by-products of oxidation and harmful elements such as silica. هي جديد ڪيميائي عمل، گڏيل طور تي ترقي يافته ۽ اليڪٽرروڪيم جي ملڪيت آهي، وينڊيم ٽائيٽينيم ميگنيٽائٽ ”VTM“، ميگنيٽائٽ، هيماتائٽ ۽ ايلمينائٽ، گڏوگڏ اسٽيل سليگ، calcination ۽ تيل جي باقيات کي عالمي سطح تي گھٽ ڪاربن فوٽ پرنٽ مان اهم ڌاتن کي بحال ڪري سگھي ٿو. VanadiumCorp also has an important resource base of vanadium-titanium bearings in the mining industry in Quebec, Canada.

مغربي يورينيم ۽ وينڊيم ڪارپ (سي ايس ايس: ويڪ: ويڪڪ: وينڪوف) ڪوليشيم ۽ وينڊيم کنيڊا ۾ واقع آهي. اهو مغربي آمريڪا ۾ يورينيم ۽ وينڊيم جي گهٽ قيمت جي تازي پيداوار جي ترقي ۽ ايپليڪيشن لاء پرعزم آهي، انهي سان گڏ ايبليشن مائننگ ٽيڪنالاجي.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) 100 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين، AMEC پاور ڊولپرز، يوٽيلٽيز، صنعتن، ٺيڪيدارن، مالي ادارن، حڪومتن، ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي ٽيڪنالاجي ڊولپرز لاءِ تفصيلي ڊيزائن، انجنيئرنگ ۽ تعميرات مهيا ڪئي آهي. انتظامي خدمتون. اسان وٽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي شعبن ۾ پروجيڪٽ جو تجربو آهي، جن ۾ ونڊ انرجي، بايوماس انرجي، بايو فيول، ويسٽ انرجي، هائيڊروجن، فيول سيلز، ڪاربان جي قبضي ۽ اسٽوريج شامل آهن.
BioHiTech Global (NasdaqGS: BHTG) ھڪ ٽيڪنالاجي سروس ڪمپني آھي جيڪا ماحول کي بھتر ڪرڻ لاءِ قيمتي اثرائتي حل مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف ڪري ٿي. Our waste management technology includes the processing of patented municipal solid waste into valuable renewable fuels, on-site biological treatment of food waste, and proprietary real-time data analysis tools to reduce the production of food waste. جڏهن اڪيلو يا ميلاپ استعمال ڪيو ويو آهي، اسان جو حل فضول ٽرانسپورٽ سان لاڳاپيل ڪاربان فوٽ پرنٽ گهٽائي سگهي ٿو ۽ زميني زمين جي استعمال کي گهٽائي سگهي ٿو. ان کان علاوه، اسان هڪ پيٽرن واري ٽيڪنالاجي کي تفويض ڪيو آهي جيڪا ڪلاس رومز، هوٽل يا اسپتالن جي ڪمرن ۽ ٻين ڪيميائيز جي اعلي درجي جي ڀڃڪڙي کي هٿي ڏئي رهي آهي. . Our unique solutions enable businesses, educational institutions and municipalities of all sizes to solve daily problems in a smarter and more cost-effective way while reducing their environmental impact.

چائنا ريسائيڪلنگ انرجي ڪارپوريشن (NasdaqGM: CREG)، هيڊ ڪوارٽر شيان، چين ۾ آهي، ماحول دوست فضول کان توانائي واري ٽيڪنالاجيون مهيا ڪري ٿي جيڪي چين جي اسٽيل پلانٽس، سيمينٽ پلانٽس ۽ ڪوڪنگ پلانٽس لاءِ صنعتي ضمني پراڊڪٽس کي بحال ڪري سگهن ٿيون. ضمني پراڊڪٽس شامل آهن گرمي، ٻاڦ، دٻاء ۽ نڪرڻ واري گئس وڏي مقدار ۾ گھٽ قيمت بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ ۽ خارجي طاقت جي ذريعن جي ضرورت کي گھٽائڻ لاء. The Chinese government has adopted policies to encourage the use of recycling technologies to optimize resource allocation and reduce pollution. موجوده، قابل تجديد توانائي صرف 1 سيڪڙو ڪل توانائي جو استعمال آهي. ماحول جي وڌندڙ تشويش ۽ چين جي معيشت جي مسلسل ترقي ۽ توانائي جي وڌندڙ قيمت جي ڪري، هي قابل تجديد توانائي هڪ وڌندڙ مارڪيٽ جي طور تي سمجهيو ويندو آهي. انتظام ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيم چين جي صنعتي توانائي جي بحالي ۾ تجربو جي 20 سالن کان وڌيڪ آهي.
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA) is a global leader in providing sustainable waste and energy solutions. The company's 45 waste-generation energy facilities use waste to generate clean and renewable energy, providing communities and businesses around the world with environmentally sound solid waste disposal. Every year, Cvantta's modern waste power generation facilities can safely and reliably convert approximately 20 million tons of waste into clean renewable electricity, power approximately 1 million households, and recycle approximately 500,000 tons of metal . فضول مان پيدا ٿيندڙ توانائي جون سهولتون گرين هاؤس گيس کي گھٽائي ٿي، ريسائڪلنگ جي اضافي، ۽ پائيدار سولڊ ويسٽ مئنيجمينٽ جو هڪ اهم حصو آهن.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the largest power holding company in the United States, providing and delivering energy to approximately 7.3 million American customers. We generate approximately 570,000 megawatts of electricity in Carolina, the Midwest and Florida, and provide natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Waste to energy: Duke Energy participates in a number of landfill gas projects, which convert waste emissions into electricity for customers to use. جڏهن وڏن لينڊ فلز ۾ نامياتي مادو ختم ٿئي ٿو، لينڊ فل گيس، جيڪا خاص طور تي ميٿين تي مشتمل آهي، پيدا ٿئي ٿي. When dissipating heat in the atmosphere, methane is 20 times more effective than carbon dioxide. Capturing methane and using it as fuel is a more sustainable option for burning it as waste.
Free Energy International Inc (TSX: FEE.V) تھرمل سپر ڪنڊڪٽر ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي مصنوعات کي ترقي ڪرڻ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو.
Global Clean Energy Corporation (OTC: GCEI) is a waste-to-energy company with offices in Texas and Montreal. The company focuses on commercially-proven technologies that convert waste into high-value energy, a process known by the company as Converting Environmental Rescue into Clean Usable Energy (RESCUE). GCE focuses on the vertical products of waste plastics, tires and PGM recycling (platinum group metals) in the North American market. GCE تيزيءَ سان ترقي حاصل ڪرڻ، ٽيڪنيڪل خطرن کي گھٽائڻ، ۽ آپريشنز ۽ سيڙپڪاري کي تيز ڪرڻ لاءِ پوري دنيا ۾ پنھنجي وسيع عملن ۾ ٽيڪنالاجي کي شامل ڪري ٿو.
گراهم ڪارپوريشن (NYSE: GHM) گراهم ڪارپوريشن وٽ ويڪيوم ۽ گرمي جي منتقلي ٽيڪنالاجي جي ميدان ۾ دنيا جي مشهور انجنيئرنگ ماهر آهي. It is a global designer, manufacturer and supplier of custom ejectors, pumps, condensers, vacuum systems and heat exchangers . گراهم پاور جنريشن انڊسٽري لاءِ پراڊڪٽس ۽ خدمتن جو فراهم ڪندڙ آهي. Its surface condensers are used for turbine generator services, steam jet ejectors and liquid ring pump systems are used for condenser exhaust devices, and heat exchangers are used for various services. Waste to energy (including landfill methane to energy), combined heat and power, nuclear power, geothermal, combined heat and power, and combined cycle power generation facilities all require our products.
سائو توانائي (او ٽي سي: جيليو) هڪ انقلابي سائي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي وارو ڪاروبار آهي جنهن جي بائيوڪونسولس ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ فضول انتظام لاء استعمال ٿيل آهي. Our strategy is to develop, apply for patents and implement proprietary conversion technologies for biofuels. This provides GELV with opportunities to develop in multiple industries, which are currently related to government authorizations. اهي ضرورتون قابل تجديد توانائي ۽ بايو ايندھن کي وڌائين ٿيون. Fuel, while reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions. The main focus of Green Energy Live is to become a leader in the emerging waste/biomass energy conversion and renewable energy industries. Our mission is to use our proprietary patented gasification and conversion technology to convert waste currently being landfilled into ethanol, electricity and other valuable by-products. Our business plan includes the acquisition or development of proprietary technologies that will extract the sugar and starch captured in these wastes with a smaller footprint, lower capital costs and lower operating costs. اهي ٽيڪنالاجي پليٽ فارم جلدي ڪري سگهن ٿا، اقتصادي طور تي فضول سائيٽ تي ترتيب ڏيو، ۽ ان جي برعڪس. گرين انرجي لائيو هڪ واحد ماخذ فراهم ڪندڙ جي حيثيت ۾ رکيل آهي جيڪا بايوماس انرجي سسٽم لاءِ سامان جو مڪمل سيٽ مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ موجود جديد ترين ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪري ٿي. سائو توانائي لائيو گراهڪن کي انهن جي مخصوص ضرورتن کي لاڳو ڪرڻ لاء گراهڪن ۽ مدد فراهم ڪندو.
Green EnviroTech Corp (OTC:GETH) هڪ جديد فضول کان توانائي ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي. ان ۾ لينڊ فلز ۾ استعمال ٿيل فضول ٽائر ۽ مخلوط پلاسٽڪ کي اعليٰ درجي جي موٽر آئل ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ لاءِ پيٽنٽ انتظار ۾ آهي. The company has received a contract to purchase Geth oil from ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). The GETH process helps solve many pressing environmental problems in the United States. Each GETH system can convert approximately 650,000 tires into more than 19,000 barrels of oil and other valuable by-products (syngas, carbon and steel) per year. اهو طريقو هر سال 14,400,00 پائونڊ مخلوط، غير ريسائيڪل پوسٽ ڪنزيومر پلاسٽڪ في سسٽم ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ ۽ تقريباً 36,000 بيرل تيل پيدا ڪرڻ جي قابل پڻ آهي. The GETH process does not produce harmful emissions, nor does it have a negative impact on the environment.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage علاج جو نظام. It treats grey water and black water at the same time. The treated water exceeds EU and all local discharge standards and can be reused for irrigation, washing and cleaning.

Opcon AB (Stockholm: OPCO.ST) is an energy and environmental technology group dedicated to the development, production and sales of systems and products for environmentally friendly, efficient and low-resource energy. Opcon is a market leader in multiple business areas. Opcon سويڊن، جرمني ۽ برطانيه ۾ آپريشن ڪيو آهي. Opcon's business area Renewable Energy focuses on carbon dioxide-free power generation based on waste heat, bio-powered thermal power plants, pellet plants, biomass, sludge and natural gas processing systems, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, and flue gas treatment. The air system of the fuel cell.
PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX: PYR.V) is the TSX Venture50® cleaning technology company, which is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing and commercialization of advanced plasma processes. اسان مهيا ڪريون ٿا انجنيئرنگ ۽ پيداوار جي ماهر، جديد معاهدي جي تحقيق، ۽ ٽرنڪي پروسيس سامان پيڪيجز دفاع لاءِ، دھات سازي، کان کني، جديد مواد (بشمول 3D پرنٽنگ)، تيل ۽ گئس، ۽ ماحولياتي صنعتن لاءِ. PyroGenesis has a team of experienced engineers, scientists and technicians who work in our Montreal office and 3,800 square meters manufacturing plant. Therefore, PyroGenesis is always at the forefront of technology development and commercialization, thus maintaining a competitive advantage . اسان جي بنيادي صلاحيت PyroGenesis کي عالمي مارڪيٽ لاءِ جديد پلازما مشعل، پلازما فضول علاج، pyrometallurgical پروسيس ۽ انجنيئرنگ خدمتون مهيا ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿي. Since 1997, our operations have passed ISO 9001:2008 certification. Through innovation, cooperation and partnership, PyroGenesis has developed a highly advanced but easy-to-operate process that integrates well with 3R, but saves energy to the maximum. And/or recover resources from the massive waste streams generated by municipalities or industries.
Sharc International Systems Inc. (CSE: SHRC), formerly known as International Wastewater Systems Inc.-is a world leader in heat recovery. SHARC سسٽم فضول پاڻي ۾ گرمي توانائي کي بحال ڪري سگهي ٿو، اهڙي طرح تجارتي، رهائشي ۽ صنعتي عمارتن ۾ گرمي، کولنگ ۽ گرم پاڻي لاء سڀ کان وڌيڪ توانائي-موثر ۽ اقتصادي نظام پيدا ڪري ٿو.
ZhongDe Waste Technology AG (Frankfurt: ZEF.F) designs, finances, builds and operates waste-to-energy plants that process solid municipal, medical and industrial waste to generate electricity. Since 1996, Sino-German Group has completed about 200 waste treatment projects in 13 provinces. Sino-German is one of the most well-known companies in the field of waste energy EPC and BOT projects, and is also a manufacturer of large-scale combustion plants in China. As the general contractor of the EPC project, Sino-Germany is responsible for the design, procurement, construction and installation of waste energy plants using various technologies (such as grate, fluidized bed, pyrolysis kiln or rotary kiln). BOT پروجيڪٽ ۾ هڪ سيڙپڪار جي حيثيت سان، چين-جرمن پڻ فضول توانائي جا پلانٽ هلائي ٿو. The registered office of ZhongDe Waste Technology AG is located in Frankfurt, Germany. China headquarters is located in Beijing, China. Sino-German production plant is located in Fuzhou, China.
AbTech Holdings, Inc (OTC: ABHD) AbTech Industries, Inc. (Abtech Holdings, Inc. جو هڪ ماتحت) هڪ مڪمل خدمت ڪندڙ ماحولياتي ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ انجنيئرنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ڪميونٽي، صنعتن ۽ حڪومتن لاءِ جديد حل فراهم ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف آهي. To solve water pollution problems and pollution. ان جي شينڪز پائين ٿا جيڪو طاقت وارو آهي، ٻرندڙ ۽ خشڪ عملن کان سواء سمورا عنصر ختم ڪري سگھن ٿا، پختو عنصر. ABETCH جي مصنوعات ۾ هڪ برقي نئين اينٽي بيڪٽليڪل ٽيڪنالاجي شامل آهي. This technology can effectively reduce coliform bacteria found in rainwater, industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater. SmartSponge®Plus کي ماحولياتي تحفظ واري ايجنسي سان رجسٽر ڪيو ويو آهي (رجسٽريشن نمبر 86256-1). AbTech جي ٽيم واٽر ٽريٽمينٽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي ماهرن، سول ۽ ماحولياتي انجنيئرز، ۽ فيلڊ آپريشنز جي ماهرن اسان جي محدود پاڻي جي وسيلن جي معيار کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ حل تيار ڪري ٿي. ايون انجنيئرنگ (اي بي اي پي هافسنگ جو هڪ ماتحت، Inc.) هڪ آزاد سول ۽ ماحولياتي انجنيئرنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا مٿين تحقيقاتي يونيورسٽين سان گڏ ڪم ڪري ٿي. پاڻي جي بنيادي ڍانچي جي شعبي ۾ نئين انجنيئرنگ ۽ ٽيڪنيڪي جدت کي متعارف ڪرائڻ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ سان، AEWS برسات جي پاڻي جي بهترين انتظام جي طريقن جي ترقي ۾ سڀ کان اڳيان آهي ۽ پنهنجي گراهڪن کي جديد ۽ شاندار ڊيزائن مهيا ڪري ٿي.
BioteQ Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (TSX: BQE.TO) is a service provider specializing in the treatment of mining wastewater and specific hydrometallurgical streams, with a focus on reducing life cycle costs while achieving compliance and introducing sustainability into water management. We have extensive expertise and operational experience in sulfide precipitation, ion exchange, alkali/lime neutralization and SART process technology. In the past ten years, BioteQ has designed and commissioned factories at the mine for leading organizations including Glencore Canada, Freeport McMoRan, Jiangxi Copper and the US EPA, and is currently operating six factories under long-term contracts. These plants remove dissolved metals and sulfates well below the prescribed discharge limits, while reducing or eliminating the generation of sludge and/or recovering valuable metals from waste liquids to be sold, thereby reducing water The life cycle cost of processing. BioteQ جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر وينڪوور، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ TSX تي ان جو واپاري ڪوڊ BQE آهي.

Canadian Zeolite Corp. (TSX: CNZ.V) is an environmentally friendly and green technology company that is very suitable for today's economic environment. Given that our products have been tested, applied and met and exceeded the standards of specific markets, we have a competitive advantage in the zeolite industry. We are working with recognized global leading zeolite consultants. Zeolite is a natural mineral found in volcanic ash. جيڪا شيءِ زيوليٽ کي دلڪش بڻائيندي آهي اها آهي ان جي ڪرسٽل ڍانچي جي نفيس سوراخن ۽ سوراخن سان. These pores allow the zeolite to act as a natural filter. The zeolite can be used in its unprocessed raw form, or it can be processed into specific sizes ranging from granular to powder according to the application. Uses include agriculture, industry, aquaculture and water treatment.
Canature Environmental Prod (Shenzhen: 300272.SZ) is engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, distribution and service of water treatment units and core components. The company provides habitat water treatment equipment, including household water purification equipment, household water softening equipment, commercial water purification and drinking water equipment; core components, including multi-channel control valves, composite pressure vessels, etc., as well as fireplaces and spare parts. ڪمپني پڻ پاڻي جي فراهمي جي سامان جي تنصيب، مرمت، سار سنڀال ۽ ٻيون خدمتون مهيا ڪرڻ ۾ ملوث آهي. Its products are distributed in domestic and overseas markets
CLP Environmental Protection (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300172.SZ) (formerly Nanjing CLP Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.) is mainly engaged in the provision of water treatment system solutions, the integration of water treatment equipment systems and لاڳاپيل منصوبن جي تعمير جو معاهدو. Thermal power, nuclear power, petrochemical, coal chemical, metallurgical and other industrial projects. The company mainly provides condensate polishing treatment, water supply treatment, waste water treatment, steam centralized monitoring and chemical injection pipelines, industrial flue gas treatment, municipal sludge treatment, municipal sewage treatment, etc.
EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES CORP. (NYSE: AQUA) هڪ اهم فراهم ڪندڙ آهي مشن-نازڪ پاڻي جي علاج جو حل، خدمتون مهيا ڪرڻ، سسٽم ۽ ٽيڪنالاجيون مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ گراهڪن جي پاڻي جي زندگي جي سموري ضرورتن کي پورو ڪرڻ لاءِ. Evoqua Water Technologies has been committed to protecting water, the environment and its employees for more than 100 years, and has earned a reputation for quality, safety and reliability worldwide. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Evoqua Water Technologies has 160 branches in eight countries, more than 200,000 installations and 87 service branches, and is a leader in the North American industrial, commercial and municipal water treatment markets.
Formation Fluid Technology (TSX: FFM.V) هڪ ٽيٽيري ويسٽ واٽر ٽريٽمينٽ پلانٽ (هائيڊرو-سائيڪل) تيار ڪيو آهي، جيڪو گندي پاڻي کي صاف ڪرڻ لاءِ هڪ مالڪي وارو عمل استعمال ڪري ٿو. Each plant is mobile and can process up to 1,000 cubic meters of water per day. The system treats water to meet or exceed CCME guidelines (Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines) to produce reusable water that can be used for: boilers, fracturing water, flooding, and drilling operations. ٺهڻ fluids تيل ۽ گئس جي صنعت ۾ هائيڊولڪ گردش نظام جي تجارتي درخواست قائم ڪيو آهي. The main purpose of the wastewater treatment system is to reduce the cost of the manufacturer to treat the produced water. The system also satisfies the need to reuse and recycle the growing precious resources
FTI Food Technology International (TSX: FTI.V) operates in Canada's surplus commodity industry. ان ۾ شامل ٿيل سامان جي ٻيهر وڪرو شامل آهي. ڪمپني جي ڪلورين ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ پاڻي صاف ڪرڻ واريون ٽيبلون مختلف مقصدن لاءِ پاڻي جي علاج لاءِ استعمال ڪري سگھجن ٿيون، جن ۾ پيئڻ جو پاڻي، ترڻ، صنعتي حفظان صحت ۽ پيٽ ڪنٽرول، گڏوگڏ قدرتي گئس ۽ مائننگ جي صنعتن ۾ مختلف ايپليڪيشنون شامل آهن.
General Environmental Management Co., Ltd. (OTC: GEVI) provides industrial waste liquid treatment and repair services. It provides on-site service, repair, transportation and on-site treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous materials for the oil and gas industry, industrial customers and domestic waste generators. ڪمپني سائيٽ تي فضول ضايع ڪرڻ واري نظام ۽ ماحولياتي واقعن کي منظم ڪري ٿي، ۽ سپل صاف ڪرڻ جون خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي.
Hyflux (Singapore: 600.SI) هڪ معروف عالمي مڪمل طور تي مربوط پاڻي حل ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا صاف، محفوظ، سستي ۽ استعمال ۾ آسان پاڻي پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف آهي. اسان جا منصوبا ۽ آپريشن سڄي دنيا ۾ شامل آهن، جن ۾ تاريخي منصوبا شامل آهن، جهڙوڪ سنگاپور، چين ۽ الجيريا ۾ دنيا جا سڀ کان وڏا سامونڊي پاڻي ريورس آسموسس ڊسيلينيشن پلانٽ. اسان پائيدار حل فراهم ڪندا آهيون جھلي جي بنياد تي صاف ڪرڻ، پاڻي جي ريسائڪلنگ، گندي پاڻي جي علاج (بشمول جھلي بايو ريڪٽر (MBR) ٽيڪنالاجي) ۽ پيئڻ جي پاڻي جي علاج ۾.
Jiangsu Weir Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 300190.SZ) was established in February 2003. After ten years of development and growth, it has become a pioneer focusing on municipal solid waste and landfill leachate treatment, and has become a leading چين ۾ انٽرپرائز، جامع حل فراهم ڪرڻ. آلودگي ڪنٽرول ۽ شهري گهريلو گندگي جو خاتمو. WELLE is committed to providing customers with overall services from engineering design, equipment supply, waste and leachate treatment plant engineering design, equipment supply, installation and commissioning, and operation management. Currently, Welle has a world-class professional technical staff and management team. The company has executed nearly 100 projects across China. ڪامياب تجربو کي گڏ ڪرڻ سان گڏ خاص انجنيئرنگ جي تعمير ۽ ترقي ۾ خاص انجنيئرنگ ايپليڪيشنن ۾، ويلي ايپليڪيشنن ۾، ولي ۾ ترقي يافته ٽيڪنالاجي جو تعينات، ويلي جي تمام جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ جدت کي احساس ڪندي. Today, we have proprietary technologies and patents related to leachate treatment and solid waste treatment, which are most suitable for China's environmental challenges. WELLE has obtained qualification certificates for environmental engineering contractors and environmental pollution control facilities operation. چين جي قومي معيار جي تقليد انتظاميه جي قومي تقسيم جي ميمبر جي ميمبر جي طور تي، ڪمپني اڃا تائين ٽيڪنيڪل خراب برتن ۽ وضاحتن لاء ڪيترن فني معاهدي ۽ مخصوص معاهدين جي ترتيب ۾ شرڪت ڪئي آهي. جامعت ۽ پرامن کي صنعتڪارزياتي تحقيق ۽ صنبي تحقيقطن کي هڪ طور تي حڪومتياتي منصوبن لاء هڪ عدالتن پروڊ اينديون آهن.
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTC: LQWC) provides wastewater treatment (ETP) and wastewater treatment (STP) solutions. Biopipe is a wholly-owned subsidiary that has developed a patented 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low-cost, ecological and almost maintenance-free on-site sewage علاج جو نظام. It treats grey water and black water at the same time. The treated water exceeds EU and all local discharge standards and can be reused for irrigation, washing and cleaning.
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX) هڪ بايو ٽيڪنالاجي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا جاندار سيلن جي تيزيءَ سان تشخيص تي مرکوز آهي. Its products can speed up the detection and identification of microorganisms. In addition to medical, defense and homeland security applications, NanoLogix technology is also suitable for pharmaceutical, industrial, veterinary, and environmental testing. The patents granted by NanoLogix can be used in the fields of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and antibiotic sensitivity. ماحولياتي ۽ پيئڻ جي پاڻي جي حفاظت
Natural Blue Resources Inc. (OTC: NTUR) ھڪ ڊولپمينٽ اسٽيج ڪمپني آھي جيڪا مختلف ڳنڍيل سائي ڪاروبارن جي ڳولا، حصول ۽ ترقي ۾ مصروف آھي. The company is engaged in waste stream recycling and plastic and steel recycling business. اهو پڻ آهي پيٽرن جو استعمال ۽ پيداوار جو لائسنس ۽ فضول علاج لاءِ ٽيڪنيڪل حق ڏکڻ ڪوريا ۾ فضول علاج پلانٽس ۾ مائڪرو ويڪرو ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي.
Nature Group (LSE: NGR.L) is a market leader in processing marine (Marpol) and offshore waste, with more than 25 years of experience in collection and processing. اسان جي مقرر ڪيل سهولتن تي فضول خرچي ۽ اسان جي نن foot ي فوٽ پرنٽنگ جو استعمال ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت اسان کي فضول علاج جو حل فراهم ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿو. Our engineering capabilities facilitate the design and delivery of customized waste treatment facilities and modules. Our port reception facilities in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Gibraltar, Lisbon (Portugal) and Texas Gulf Coast (United States) collect and treat marine waste in accordance with the “Malpol Annex IV”. اسان جو تيل ۽ گيس ڊپارٽمينٽ اسٽيوانجر، ناروي ۾ واقع آهي ۽ تيل ۽ گئس جي ڳولا ۽ پيداوار دوران پيدا ٿيندڙ فضول جي ساحل ۽ آف شور علاج ۾ ماهر آهي. اسان جي انجنيئرنگ ٽيم آنشور ۽ آف شور فضول علاج جي حل جي ڊيزائن، انجنيئرنگ، تنصيب ۽ سار سنڀال ۾ ماهر آهي.
PHI Group, Inc. (OTCQB: PHIL) mainly focuses on acquiring and investing in specific industries and special circumstances that may significantly increase shareholder value. اهو پڻ M&A مشاورتي خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿو پنهنجي مڪمل ملڪيت واري ماتحت اداري PHI Capital Holdings Inc. WATER: PHI EZ Water Tech, Inc. هڪ Wyoming ڪمپني آهي جيڪا PHI گروپ پاران قائم ڪئي وئي آهي، جيڪا انتظام، پيداوار ۽ مارڪيٽنگ لاءِ ذميوار آهي نئين پاڻي جي علاج جي مصنوعات جي پورٽ فوليو. The system developed by Dr. Martin Nguyen for agriculture and humans.
Questor Technology Inc. (TSX: QST.V) هڪ بين الاقوامي ماحولياتي آئل فيلڊ سروس فراهم ڪندڙ آهي، جيڪو 1994 جي آخر ۾ قائم ٿيو، هيڊ ڪوارٽر ڪئلگري، البرٽا، ڪئناڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ ان جون آفيسون پريري، البرٽا ۾ آهن. ڪمپني صاف ايئر ٽيڪنالاجي تي فوڪس ڪري ٿي ۽ ڪئناڊا، آمريڪا، يورپ ۽ ايشيا ۾ آپريشنز ٿي چڪي آهي. ڳولا يافته ڊزائن ۽ پاليسين کي وڪرو ڪرڻ يا ڀا quress و وڪرو ڪرڻ جي لاء پيدا ڪري ٿو، ۽ بصيرت سان لاڳاپيل تيل جي فيلڊ سروس فراهم ڪري ٿو. The company's proprietary incinerator technology can destroy toxic or toxic hydrocarbon gases, thereby achieving regulatory compliance, environmental protection, public confidence and reducing customers' operating costs. Questor is known for its special expertise in sour gas (H2S) combustion. صاف پاور حلن جي ذريعي (ڳولا ڪندڙ جي هڪ ماتحت)، اها ٽيڪنالاجي کي ڪارائتو گندو اڀياس ڪرڻ جو موقعو پيدا ڪري، جيڪا پاڻي جي واپر ۽ طاقت جي خرابي کي استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو. جيتوڻيڪ Questor جو موجوده گراهڪ بنيادي طور تي ڪم ڪري ٿو خام تيل ۽ قدرتي گئس جي صنعتن ۾، ڪمپني جي ڪمبشن ٽيڪنالاجي پڻ ٻين صنعتن تي لاڳو ٿئي ٿي، جهڙوڪ لينڊ فلز، پاڻي ۽ نيڪال جي علاج، ٽائر ريسائڪلنگ ۽ زراعت.
SEYCHELLE Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTC: SYEV) is a well-known company in the rapidly growing water filtration industry. اسان وڪرو ڪندا آهيون هڪ مڪمل سيٽ اعلي معيار جي پورٽبل واٽر فلٽريشن پروڊڪٽس ۽ برانڊز اتر آمريڪا ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾. This unique and proprietary product portfolio will enable our customers and joint venture partners to meet their consumers' needs for new, economical and innovative water filtration products and systems, thereby providing safe and clean water on a global scale.

Stina Resources Ltd. (CSE: SQA) is currently developing the Bisoni McKay strategic vanadium mine in Nevada. آمريڪا گرينر ٽيڪنالاجيز سان هڪ رسمي معاهدي تي دستخط ڪرڻ کان پوء ڪئناڊا ۾ سافٽ ويو ٽيڪنالاجي کي ورهائڻ لاء، اسٽينا هاڻي پڻ ماحولياتي ٽيڪنالاجي صنعت ۾ داخل ٿي رهي آهي. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. Soft Wave is a non-chemical water treatment system that can provide many cost savings, environmental and personal benefits for household users, businesses, urban water supply infrastructure and large-scale industrial operations. The soft wave dissolves and suspends minerals in the water, thereby preventing the formation of scale in the pipe and eliminating the previous scale. Softwave technology has been developed for more than six years and has been commercially available in the United States in the past three years. During this period, in addition to many other well-known companies in North America, Soft Wave was also installed in locations such as Dole Foods, Fresh Express and Best Western Hotels. Soft Wave is fully scalable, and the operation effect in the home is the same as in the power plant. Benefits include reducing or eliminating all chemical additives in the water system, eliminating calcium and mineral deposits, reducing system maintenance or replacement costs, and saving significant costs while reducing environmental footprint. The application of soft wave technology in industrial cooling tower operations can reduce water evaporation without the need for chemical cleaning, which usually results in an increase in the number of cycles. The combination of these factors can reduce the need for make-up water and reduce blowdown water, thereby saving millions of gallons of water, reducing reliance on chemical treatment to prevent scaling and reducing production downtime. This means that large-scale industrial costs can be saved by reducing component wear, reducing liability, reducing overhead and improving efficiency. There are many potential customers, from power plants to oil refineries, steel plants, agricultural operations, food production plants, urban water supply systems and residential buildings.
Altsom (پئرس: عليه.PAB.PABSEBRER ۾ هڪ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي، هڪ عالمي مشنز سان عالمي اڳواڻ آهي، هڪ ڪنوڊم ۽ ماحول لاء جسوتي ائپلٽ. Alstom دنيا جي تيز ترين ٽرين ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ ظرفيت واري خودڪار سب وي ٺاهي آهي، ٽرنڪي انٽيگريٽڊ پاور اسٽيشن حل ۽ لاڳاپيل خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿي مختلف توانائي جي ذريعن لاءِ جن ۾ هائيڊرو پاور، ايٽمي طاقت، قدرتي گئس، ڪوئلي ۽ ونڊ انرجي، ۽ مهيا ڪري ٿي پاور ٽرانسميشن حل جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو. ، سمارٽ گرڊ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ سان. لهر ۽ سامونڊي توانائي: اليسوم ۾، اسان ترقي يافته ٽربائن ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ شاندار طاقت واري ٽيڪنالاجي جو سڀ کان وڏو ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ مهارت حاصل ڪرڻ لاء اهم ٽيڪنالاجي جو فائدو ورتو، ۽ 2013 ۾ اهم ٽيڪنالاجي جو فائدو ورتو ) .
Carnegie Wave Energy Co., Ltd. (ASX: CWE.AX) ھڪڙو موجد آھي جيڪو ASX تي درج ڪيو ويو آھي، پيٽنٽ ٿيل CETO ويو انرجي ٽيڪنالاجي جو مالڪ ۽ ڊولپر آھي، جيڪو موج جي توسيع کي صفر-اخراج قابل تجديد توانائي ۾ تبديل ڪري ٿو ۽ تازو پاڻي نيڪال ڪري ٿو. ڪارنيگي (ڪارنيگي) CETO ٽيڪنالاجي جي ترقي لاءِ فنڊ ڏيڻ لاءِ 80 ملين آمريڪي ڊالرن کان وڌيڪ گڏ ڪيو ۽ منفرد تيز پروٽوٽائپنگ اختيار ڪيو، جنهن ۾ ڪمپيوٽيشنل سموليشن، موج ٽينڪ ٽيسٽنگ، ان جي پرائيويٽ ويو انرجي ريسرچ فيڪلٽي تي، ۽ آنشور/آف شور ٽيسٽنگ وڏي پيماني تي سامونڊي جاچ at the site and commercial-scale marine testing at Garden Island in Western Australia. CETO دنيا ۾ آسان ۽ طاقتور موج ٽيڪنالاجي طور ٺهيل آهي. After 10 years of continuous development, testing and improvement, it is currently being demonstrated on a commercial scale at HMAS Stirling, Australia's largest naval base on Garden Island, Western Australia. CETO is the world's only ocean-tested wave energy technology that can be completely submerged and generate electricity and/or desalinate water on shore. CETO technology has been independently verified by EDF-Energies Nouvelles (EDF EN) and French naval contractor DCNS.
Ocean Power Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGM: OPTT) قابل تجديد موج انرجي ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ هڪ علمبردار آهي جيڪا سامونڊي لهرن جي توانائي کي بجلي ۾ بدلائي ٿي. OPT جي مالڪي واري PowerBuoy® ٽيڪنالاجي هڪ ماڊلر ڊيزائن تي ٻڌل آهي ۽ 1997 کان وٺي باقاعده سمندري جاچ مان گذري رهي آهي. OPT قيمتي اثرائتي ۽ ماحوليات جي لحاظ کان سائونڊ ويو پاور جنريشن ۽ مئنيجمينٽ ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ ماهر آهي.

The main focus of Tribute Resources Inc. (TSX: TRB.V) is to add value to shareholders by developing and maintaining long-term interests in Canadian renewable energy projects and underground natural gas storage assets based on market prices. خراج تحسين جو مقصد هڪ ڪمپني تعمير ڪرڻ آهي جيڪو توانائي جي منصوبن کي ترقي ڪري ٿو ۽ مڪمل طور تي ترقياتي منصوبا پيدا ڪري ٿو جيڪو مڪمل طور تي عملياتي نقد وهڪرو پيدا ڪري سگهي ٿو جڏهن مڪمل طور تي ڪيش فلو. خراج تحسين جو ڪاروباري منصوبو طئي ڪرڻو آهي، ترقي يافته، اجازت ۽ منصوبا جيڪي ان جي حدن جي واپسي جي بنياد تي ان جي حد تائين واپسي واري معيار کي ملن ٿا. قبيلو پروجيڪٽ جي موقعي جي موقعن کي سڃاڻڻ جي قدر پيدا ڪندي قدر پيدا ڪري، ترقي يافته منصوبن کي مضبوط ۽ مختلف اثاثن سان لاڳاپيل اثاثا جي بنياد تي مفاهمت واري ڪيش فليٽ- ڪيش فليٽ- ڪيش فليٽ- ڪيش فليٽ- ڪيش فليٽ- ڪيش فليٽ- ڪيش فليٽ- ڪيش فليٽ جي بنياد تي. Tide project
WS Atkins Plc (LESE: ATK.L) دنيا جي سڀني معزز ڊزائننگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ جي مئنيجمينٽ مشاورت ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ مشاورت ڪمپنين. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins بحري قابل تجديد توانائي جي انقلاب ۾ سڀ کان اڳيان آهي، قابل اعتماد تصورات ۽ تفصيلي انجنيئرنگ ڊيزائن ۽ مالڪ-انجنيئر خدمتون ونڊ، موج ۽ ٽائل توانائي جي شعبن ۾ مهيا ڪري ٿي.

ABB لميٽيڊ (NYSE: ABB) پاور ۽ آٽوميشن ٽيڪنالاجيز جي شعبي ۾ هڪ اڳواڻ آهي جيڪا افاديت ۽ صنعتي گراهڪن کي ڪارڪردگي بهتر ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿي جڏهن ته انهن جي ماحولياتي اثر کي گھٽائي ٿي. The ABB group of companies operates in approximately 100 countries around the world and has approximately 140,000 employees. Wind power solutions wind turbines
Acciona SA (OTC: ACXIF; MCE: ANA.MC) is one of Spain's most important commercial companies, leading in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Accionا قابل تجديد توانائي مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم پليئر آهي، پنجن براعظمن تي 20 کان وڌيڪ ملڪن/علائقن ۾ مضبوط آپريشنز سان. ڪمپني قابل تجديد توانائي سان ڪم ڪرڻ ۾ ماهر آهي، خاص طور تي انهن مان پنج- ونڊ انرجي، سولر فوٽووولٽڪ، سولر تھرمل انرجي، هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور ۽ بايوماس انرجي.
Adani Green Energy Company (India: Adanigreen.BO) is one of the largest renewable energy companies in India, with a current project portfolio of 5,290 MW. AGEL is part of Adani Group's commitment to provide India with a better, cleaner, and greener future. Driven by the group's “good growth” philosophy, the company develops, constructs, owns, operates and maintains utility-scale grid-connected solar and wind farm projects. پيدا ٿيل بجلي مرڪزي ۽ رياستي حڪومتي ادارن ۽ حڪومت جي مدد سان ڪمپنين کي فراهم ڪئي ويندي آهي.

Alerion Clean Energy Company (Milan: ARN.MI) is an industrial group specializing in the use of renewable energy to generate electricity, especially in the field of wind power. Alerion Clean Power اٽلي ۾ هڪ معروف آزاد صنعتي ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا سائي توانائي جي پيداوار لاءِ وقف آهي.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (TSX: AQN.TO; OTC: AQUNF) is a diversified power generation, transmission and distribution company in North America. تقسيم گروپ آمريڪا ۾ هلندو آهي ۽ 489،000 کان وڌيڪ گراهڪن ۽ قدرتي گئس جي افاديت جون سهولتون فراهم ڪندو آهي. غير منظم طاقت واري گروپ جو مالڪ، سولر، سولر، هائيڊرو پاور، ۽ قدرتي گئس پاور جي هڪ پورٽ فوليو آهي، ۽ قدرتي گيس پاور بجلي جون سهولتون. The Transmission Group has invested in rate-regulated power transmission and natural gas pipeline systems in the United States and Canada. الونسنڪ بجلي ۽ اختيارين ترقي يافته منصوبن کي قابل تجديد توانائي جي تقسيم ۽ ٽرانسميشنشنز جي چئنلينشنز ۽ ٽرانسميشنشنشن جي حصول جي وڌندڙ جزن کي برقرار رکڻ واري واڌاري کي برقرار رکيو آهي.
اليشنل انرجي ڪارپوريشن (NYESE: ٻن خساري جي ڪمپنين جي والدين ۽ برقي توانائي واري ڪمپني) جو آهي (باهمي طاقت، ايل سي سي. Alliant Energy Resources, LLC is a non-regulated business of Alliant Energy Parent company. Alliant Energy is an energy service provider whose utility subsidiary serves approximately 1 million electricity and 410,000 natural gas customers. Providing regulated electricity and natural gas services to customers in the Midwest is the company's main focus. Alliant Energy is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin and is one of the Fortune 1000 companies. The company owns and operates four wind farms in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Alstom (Paris: ALO.PA) is a global leader in power generation, transmission and railway infrastructure, setting the benchmark for innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom has built the world's fastest train and the highest capacity automated subway, providing turnkey integrated power station solutions and related services for various energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, natural gas, coal and wind energy, and provides A wide range of power transmission solutions ، سمارٽ گرڊ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ سان. Alstom has 30 years of experience in the field of wind power, providing global energy solutions, from developing, designing and setting up wind farms to supplying and maintaining wind turbines.
Alterra Power Corp. (TSX: AXY.TO) is the world's leading renewable energy company, operating five power plants with a total power generation of 553 MW, including the largest river upstream hydropower facility and the largest wind farm in British Columbia And two geothermal power generation facilities in Iceland. Alterra هن ظرفيت جي 247 ميگاواٽ شيئر جي مالڪ آهي ۽ هر سال 1,250 GWh کان وڌيڪ صاف توانائي پيدا ڪري ٿي. الٽررا وٽ پڻ ٻه نوان منصوبا زير تعمير آهن: جمي ڪريڪ-62 ميگاواٽ درياءَ هائيڊرو پاور پروجيڪٽ، موجوده ٽوبا مونٽروس پلانٽ جي ڀرسان؛ 2016 جي ٽئين چوٿين ۾ آپريشنل ٿيڻ جي اميد؛ Alterra owns 51% of the shares; Shannon-204 The MW wind energy project is located in Clay County, Texas; it is expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2015; Alterra is expected to have 50% ownership (currently 100%). انهن ٻن منصوبن جي مڪمل ٿيڻ کان پوءِ، الٽررا 819 ميگاواٽ جي ڪل ظرفيت سان ست پاور پلانٽس هلائيندو ۽ ان جي گنجائش 381 ميگاواٽ هوندي، جيڪا هر سال 1,700 گيگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ صاف توانائي پيدا ڪندي. Alterra has an extensive portfolio of exploration and development projects, and a team of skilled international developers, builders and operators to support its growth plans.
AMEC Foster Wheeler (LSE: AMEC.L) 100 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين، AMEC پاور ڊولپرز، يوٽيلٽيز، صنعتن، ٺيڪيدارن، مالي ادارن، حڪومتن، ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي ٽيڪنالاجي ڊولپرز لاءِ تفصيلي ڊيزائن، انجنيئرنگ ۽ تعميرات مهيا ڪئي آهي. انتظامي خدمتون. اسان وٽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي شعبن ۾ پروجيڪٽ جو تجربو آهي، جن ۾ ونڊ انرجي، بايوماس انرجي، بايو فيول، ويسٽ انرجي، هائيڊروجن، فيول سيلز، ڪاربان جي قبضي ۽ اسٽوريج شامل آهن.
AMSC (NASDAQGS: AMSC) has put forward various ideas, technologies and solutions to meet the world's demand for smarter, cleaner…better energy(TM). Through its Windtec(TM) solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic control systems, systems, design and engineering services that can reduce wind energy costs. Through its Gridtec(TM) solution, AMSC provides engineering planning services and advanced grid systems to optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance. ڪمپني جا حل هاڻي پوري دنيا ۾ گيگا واٽ جي قابل تجديد توانائي کي طاقت ڏئي رهيا آهن ۽ هڪ درجن کان وڌيڪ ملڪن ۾ پاور نيٽ ورڪن جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ اعتبار کي بهتر بڻايو آهي. AMSC was founded in 1987 and is headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, with operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
AREVA SA (پيرس: AREVA.PA) ايٽمي طاقت ۾ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. The Areva Group also invests in renewable energy to develop high-tech solutions through partnerships. ايٽمي توانائي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي مڪمل ٿيڻ جي ذريعي، اريوا گروپ سڀاڻي جي توانائي جي ماڊل جي قيام ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو: ماڻهن جي وڏي تعداد کي محفوظ، گهٽ ڪاربن ڊاء آڪسائيڊ توانائي سان مهيا ڪرڻ لاء. Areva Group has a series of businesses in four renewable energy fields: offshore wind energy, bioenergy, concentrated solar energy and energy storage. Wind power generation: Combining the wind power expertise of Gamesa and AREVA and extensive track record, Adwen aims to become a leading company in offshore wind power in Europe by 2020 with a 2.8 GW project pipeline and a market share of nearly 20%. .

Atlantic Wind & Solar Inc. (OTC: AWSL) قابل تجديد توانائي جي اثاثن جو عوامي طور تي واپار ڪندڙ ڊولپر آهي، جيڪو فوٽووولٽڪ سولر (PV) ۽ ونڊ انرجي جي ترقي تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو.
AVX Corp. (NYSE: AVX) is a leading international supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions, with 21 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in 12 countries/regions around the world. AVX provides a wide range of equipment, including capacitors, resistors, filters, couplers, timing and circuit protection equipment, and connectors. AVX جي تحقيق ۽ پراڊڪٽس نئين ”سبز“ ٽيڪنالاجيز لاءِ ضروري آهن جيڪي موجوده توانائي کي بچائڻ ۽ قابل اعتماد ۽ سستي نظام ٺاهڻ لاءِ ٺاهيا ويا آهن جيئن ته ونڊ، سولر ۽ هائيڊرو پاور استعمال ڪري قابل تجديد توانائي. AVX ٽيڪنالاجي جي اعتبار کي يقيني بڻائي سگهندي ته هي ۽ ايندڙ نسلن کي انهن سائي ٽيڪنالاجي مان فائدو حاصل ٿيندو. AVX components are at the forefront of the design of alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar power generation, hybrid and electric vehicles, trams and high-speed trains.
Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE: B) is an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and service provider, serving a wide range of end markets and customers. Barnes Group (Barnes Group) provides highly engineered products, differentiated industrial technologies and innovative solutions for a wide range of applications, providing transportation, manufacturing, healthcare products and technologies to the world. Seeger-Orbis ماتحت ڪمپني مختلف قسم جي DIN معياري ۽ ڪسٽمائيز برقرار رکڻ واري رِنگز ۽ ونڊ پاور انڊسٽري لاءِ سنيپ رِنگز پيدا ڪري ٿي. اسان گيئر باڪس جي سار سنڀال ۽ مرمت لاءِ اسپيئر پارٽس پراڊڪٽس پڻ فراهم ڪندا آهيون، جيڪا پوري ونڊ پاور انڊسٽري ۾ وڌيڪ اهم ٿي رهي آهي.
Boralex Inc (TSX: BLX.TO) is an electricity producer whose core business is dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations. بورالڪس وٽ لڳ ڀڳ 250 ملازم آهن ۽ چار قسم جي پاور جنريشن: ونڊ، هائيڊرو، تھرمل ۽ سولر ۾ ان جي ماهريت ۽ وسيع تجربو لاءِ سڃاتي وڃي ٿي. هن وقت، ڪمپني 1,110 ميگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ گنجائش سان ڪئناڊا، فرانس ۽ آمريڪا ۾ اثاثن جو بنياد هلائي ٿو، جنهن مان 950 ميگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ ان جي ڪنٽرول هيٺ آهي. Boralex is also developing a number of energy projects with a power of more than 150 MW independently or with partners, and will be put into production before the end of 2017.
BP plc (NYSE: BP) دنيا جي معروف بين الاقوامي تيل ۽ گئس ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي. We provide customers with transportation fuels, heat and light energy, lubricants to run engines, and petrochemical products used to make daily necessities (such as paint, clothing, and packaging). BP Wind Energy is the main owner and operator of wind power facilities. As the main owner and operator of wind power facilities (closely related to 16 wind farms in 9 states in the United States), our total power generation capacity is close to 2,600 megawatts. واشنگٽن جي سائيز جي شهر لاءِ بجلي فراهم ڪرڻ لاءِ هي ڪافي آهي. هن وقت اسان ٻه ونڊ فارم ٺاهي رهيا آهيون، جنهن سان اسان جي ڪل بجلي جي پيداوار ۾ 375 ميگا واٽ جو اضافو ٿيندو.
Broadwind Energy, Inc. (NasdaqCM: BWEN) توانائي ۽ انفراسٽرڪچر مارڪيٽن ۾ گراهڪن لاءِ مربوط حلن کي جدت ڪرڻ لاءِ ڏهاڪن جي گہرے صنعت جي ماهرن جو فائدو وٺي ٿو. From gears and gear systems for wind, steel, oil and gas, and mining applications, to wind towers, to full remanufacturing of gearboxes and blades, to operation and maintenance services, and industrial welding, we provide energy for the future provide the solution. ملازمن جي شاگردن جي باصلاحيت ٽيم کي براڊ ڪيو ويو آهي، توهان جي س across ي آمريڪا ۾ شاخون آهن، گراهڪن جي سهولتن جي ڪارڪردگي تيز، آسان، آسان، آسان، آسان، آسان، آسان، آسان، آسان ۽ تيز.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partner LP (TSX: BEP-UN.TO) operates one of the world's largest publicly traded pure renewable energy platforms. ڪمپني جو پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو 74 درياهه سسٽم ۽ اتر آمريڪا، لاطيني آمريڪا ۽ يورپ ۾ 14 پاور مارڪيٽن تي مشتمل آهي، خاص طور تي هائيڊرو پاور، جنهن جي ڪل نصب ٿيل گنجائش 7,000 ميگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ آهي. هڪ اعلي معيار جي اثاثن واري پورٽ فوليو ۽ مضبوط ترقي جي امڪانن سان، ڪاروبار ٺاهي سگهي ٿو مستحڪم ڊگھي مدي واري نقد وهڪري ۽ باقاعدي ۽ وڌندڙ نقد ورهاست کي شيئر هولڊرز جي مدد ڪري. Wind power project: In 2006, Brookfield commissioned its first wind power project, Prince Wind Farm northwest of Sault Ste. مريم، اونٽاريو، ڪئناڊا. اڄ، بروڪ فيلڊ ڇهن ملڪن ۾ 37 ونڊ پاور سهولتون آهن: ڪئناڊا، آمريڪا، آئرلينڊ جي جمهوريه ۽ اتر آئرلينڊ، برازيل ۽ پرتگال
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (ساؤ پولو: ELET6.SA) نظام جو اڳواڻ آھي، جيڪو ڇھ ماتحت ادارن، ڇھ پاور ڊسٽريبيوشن ڪمپنين، اليڪٽرڪ پاور ريسرچ سينٽر (Eletrobras Cepel) ۽ Eletrobras Participações SA (Eletrobras Eletropar) تي مشتمل آھي، ۽ آھي. سسٽم Itaipu Binacional جي مالڪ وٽ 50٪ شيئر سرمائيداري آهي. Eletrobras برازيل جي عوام کي پنهنجي 180 هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور پلانٽس، تھرمل پاور پلانٽس، ونڊ پاور پلانٽس ۽ ايٽمي پاور پلانٽس، برازيل جي اڌ ٽرانسميشن لائينن ۽ ڇهه پاور ڊسٽريبيوشن ڪمپنين ذريعي برازيل جي عوام کي بجلي، ڀلائي ۽ ترقي فراهم ڪري ٿي. Electrobras سڄي ملڪ ۾ آهن. ان جي ڪمپني ملڪ جي 42987 ميگاواٽ نصب ٿيل بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت جي ذميوار آهي، جيڪا ڪل مقامي نصب ٿيل گنجائش جو 34 سيڪڙو آهي. هتي 45 هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور پلانٽس، 125 تھرمل پاور پلانٽس، 8 ونڊ فارمز ۽ 2 تھرمل ائٽمي پاور پلانٽس آھن.
China Datang Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 1798.HK) produces and sells wind energy and other renewable energy in the People's Republic of China. اهو پڻ تيار، نقصان جيڪي پيدا ڪن، ۽ هو طاقت پيدا ڪرڻ ۽ ترقي ڪندڙ طاقت آهي؛ and other renewable energy sources, including solar energy, biomass, and coal-bed methane. In addition, it also participates in energy performance contracting activities; low-carbon technology research, development, application and promotion; قابل تجديد توانائي سان لاڳاپيل سامان جي تحقيق، وڪرو، جانچ ۽ سار سنڀال؛ بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ؛ انجنيئرنگ؛ گھربل ۽ مقامي تعمير ۽ تنصيب؛ power projects Repair and maintenance; قابل تجديد توانائي جي سامان ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي درآمد ۽ برآمد؛ پرڏيهي سيڙپڪاري؛ provision of consulting services related to renewable energy; ۽ ملڪيت ليز تي ڏيڻ. چائنا داتانگ گروپ قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني لميٽيڊ چائنا داتانگ گروپ ڪارپوريشن جو ماتحت آهي.
چائنا هاءِ اسپيڊ ٽرانسميشن سامان ٺاهيندڙ ڪمپني، لميٽيڊ (هانگ ڪانگ: 0658.HK) عوامي جمهوريه چين ۽ بين الاقوامي سطح تي مشيني ٽرانسميشن سامان جي تحقيق، ڊيزائن، ترقي، پيداوار ۽ ورڇ ۾ مصروف آهي. ان جي پراڊڪٽ پورٽ فوليو ۾ ونڊ ٽربائن ٽرانسميشن جو سامان شامل آهي؛ marine gear transmission equipment; transmission equipment for high-speed locomotives, subways and urban light rail systems; traditional gear transmission equipment; computer numerical control machine tools; and marine diesel engines, diesel engines for power generation, and gasoline engines. The company's products also include building materials and metallurgical transmission equipment, coal mechanical transmission equipment, rubber and plastic mechanical transmission equipment, electromechanical automatic control equipment and gearboxes for general and crane machinery, as well as mixer reducers and lifting gears for mines Boxes, power generation gearboxes, sugar mill reducers, screw jacks, non-standard gearboxes, diaphragm couplings, crown gear couplings, high-speed gear couplings, flexible pin couplings, etc. In addition, the company also produces and sells forged steel and its accessories, gears, gearboxes and accessories, ship driving equipment, heavy equipment and machine tools, propellers, industrial boilers, heat recovery equipment and related products, LED products and machine tools. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ ميٽالرجيڪل انجنيئرنگ ۽ پيداوار ۽ واپاري ڪاروبار ۾ مصروف آهي. It serves the metallurgy, building materials, transportation, transportation, petrochemical, aerospace and mining industries. ڪمپني جون شيون آمريڪا، هندستان، جاپان ۽ يورپ ڏانهن برآمد ڪيون ويون آهن.
China Longyuan Power Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong: 0916.HK) is mainly engaged in the design, development, construction, management and operation of wind farms. In addition, it also runs other projects such as thermal power, solar power, tidal power, biomass power and geothermal power. At the same time, it provides services for wind farms, including consulting, repairs, maintenance and training. سالن جي جمع ٿيڻ کان پوءِ، ڪمپنيءَ آهستي آهستي ڏهه ونڊ پاور ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ سروس سپورٽ سسٽم قائم ڪيا آهن، جن ۾ ونڊ پاور جي ابتدائي ماپ، ڊيزائن جي صلاح، سامان جي خريداري، آپريشن مانيٽرنگ، انسپيڪشن ۽ سار سنڀال، ٽيڪنيڪل ريسرچ ۽ ڊولپمينٽ، ٽيڪنيڪل سپورٽ، ٽيڪنيڪل ترقي. , technical support, technology Support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support, technical support and other fields have formed unique advantages. پروفيشنل ٽريننگ.

CLEAR BLUE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL (TSX: CBLU.V) قائم ڪيو ويو صاف ۽ منظم "وائرلیس پاور" مهيا ڪرڻ جي نظريي جي بنياد تي. The company develops and sells smart off-grid power solutions and cloud-based management services for solar, wind, and hybrid power systems (such as street lights, security systems, telecommunications systems, emergency power supplies, and Internet of Things equipment. Clear Blue is under its Illumient brand , Also sells solar and wind energy outdoor lighting systems.
Minas Gerais Energy Corporation (CEMIG) (NYSE: CIG) is one of the most important and important groups in the Brazilian electric energy sector because it owns or owns shares in 103 companies and 15 consortia. This is an open capital company controlled by the state government of Minas Gerais, with 114,000 shareholders in 44 countries. In addition to Distrito Federal, Cemig also operates in 22 Brazilian states, and operates a transmission line in Chile that forms a consortium with Alusa. ڪمپني روشني ۾ پنهنجي حصي کي وڌايو ۽ توانائي جي تقسيم ڪمپني جو ڪنٽرول فرض ڪيو، جيڪو ريو ڊي جينيرو شهر ۽ ساڳئي نالي جي رياست جي ٻين شهرن ۾ خدمتون فراهم ڪري ٿو. It also owns equity in power transmission companies (TBE and Taesa), gas division (Gasmig), telecommunications (Cemig Telecom) and energy efficiency (Efficientia). Cemig پڻ لاطيني آمريڪا ۾ واحد پاور ڪمپني آهي جيڪا گلوبل ڊو انڊيڪس ۾ شامل ڪئي وئي آهي. emig ranks third among the largest generators in Brazil, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, controlled and affiliated power generation company has 65 operating plants, of which 59 are hydroelectric power plants, three are thermal power plants, and three are wind power plants. The installed capacity is 6,925 GW.
Concord New Energy (HKG: 0182.HK) (formerly China Wind Power Group Co., Ltd.) specializes in wind and solar power generation business. So far, we are the only purely vertically integrated clean energy power generation company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. وسيع واء ۽ شمسي وسيلن سان علائقن ۾، CNE فعال طور تي ونڊ ۽ سولر پاور پلانٽس ٺاهي رهيو آهي، قابل تجديد توانائي جي تبديلي لاءِ قابل اعتماد حل پيدا ڪري رهيو آهي، ۽ پيشه ور ٽيڪنيڪل سپورٽ ۽ خدمتون مهيا ڪري رهيو آهي. CNE واء ۽ شمسي توانائي جي ترقي لاء مربوط حل مهيا ڪرڻ لاء پرعزم آهي. CNE's core business includes wind and solar farm investment, operation and services (early development, design and consulting, construction, operation and maintenance, and new energy equipment manufacturing). CNE has invested in more than 30 wind farms and solar farms in 26 regions including Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangxi, New York, and established in 26 regions The علائقائي انتظاميا ايجنسي. The United States, the United States of Hawaii. نه رڳو ايترو، سي اين اي وٽ ونڊ ۽ سولر ڊيزائن، پاور پراجيڪٽ جي تعمير ۽ تنصيب ڪمپنيون، پروفيشنل پاور پلانٽ آپريشن ۽ مينٽيننس ڪمپنيون، ونڊ ٽربائن ٽاور ٽيوبز ۽ سولر مائونٽنگ بريڪٽس ٺاهيندڙ ڪمپنيون پڻ آهن. In addition, CNE also has consulting and design qualifications in the fields of wind energy and solar energy, and overall contracting of power projects. At present, CNE is a professional wind and solar power generation group company with the most complete industrial chain in the field of wind and solar power generation in China. CNE has a senior technical human resources and management team
Contact Energy Ltd. (New Zealand: CEN.NZ) بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿي ۽ نيوزي لينڊ ۾ پرچون ڪري ٿي. اهو مربوط توانائي ۽ ٻين شعبن ذريعي هلندي آهي. ڪمپني بجلي ۽ قدرتي گئس پيدا ڪري، خريد ڪري ۽ پرچون ڪري ٿي. اهو هائيڊرو پاور، جيوتھرمل ۽ تھرمل وسيلن، ۽ ونڊ انرجي مان بجلي پيدا ڪري ٿو. The company is also involved in the sale of liquefied petroleum gas. It serves residential, commercial and industrial customers. ان کان علاوه، اهو پڻ ٻين پرچون ڪندڙن کي ميٽر خدمتون مهيا ڪري ٿو.
Crosswind Renewable Energy Company (OTC: CWNR) provides renewable energy technology solutions on a global scale. It provides energy-efficient LED solutions for exterior and interior space lighting applications, including parking lot and street lighting, floodlights, traffic lights, downlights and bulb replacements, fluorescent lights and custom applications. The company also sells WePOWER vertical axis wind turbines, including on-grid and off-grid wind turbines for residential, commercial, industrial and government applications; Stackdraft Energy advanced flue technology for industrial applications; ۽ Skystream تجارتي لائٽنگ سسٽم. In addition, it also provides a series of renewable energy solutions, including sales, warranty, installation and monitoring services. The company provides services to private companies, public companies, government agencies, educational institutions and residential communities.
ڊيوڪ انرجي (NYSE: DUK) آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي پاور هولڊنگ ڪمپني آهي، جيڪا تقريبن 7.3 ملين آمريڪي گراهڪن کي توانائي فراهم ڪري ٿي. اسان تقريباً 570,000 ميگا واٽ بجلي پيدا ڪريون ٿا ڪيرولينا، مڊ ويسٽ ۽ فلوريڊا ۾، ۽ اوهائيو ۽ ڪينٽڪي ۾ قدرتي گئس جي ورڇ واريون خدمتون مهيا ڪيون ٿا. Our commercial and international businesses own and operate various power generation assets in North America and Latin America, including portfolios of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and is a Fortune 250 company. Wind energy: Duke Energy owns and operates a total of 11 wind farms: four in Wyoming, three in Texas, and one in Colorado, Kansas, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. ڊيوڪ انرجي قابل تجديد توانائي 600 ميگا واٽ کان وڌيڪ ۽ صفر اخراج جي ڪل پاور پيداوار جي گنجائش سان چار نوان وڏي پيماني تي ونڊ فارمز کي هلائيندي. These new wind farms include two wind farms in Texas, one wind farm in Kansas and one wind farm in Pennsylvania.
1802 کان وٺي، DuPont (NYSE: DD) عالمي سطح جي سائنس ۽ انجنيئرنگ ٽيڪنالاجي کي عالمي مارڪيٽ ۾ جديد شين، مواد ۽ خدمتن جي صورت ۾ آندو آهي. ڪمپني کي يقين آهي ته گراهڪن، حڪومتن، غير سرڪاري تنظيمن ۽ سوچ جي اڳواڻن سان تعاون ذريعي، اسان عالمي چئلينجن جو حل ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهون ٿا، جهڙوڪ سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن لاء ڪافي صحتمند کاڌو مهيا ڪرڻ، فوسل ايندھن تي انحصار کي گهٽائڻ ۽ زندگي جي حفاظت ۽. ماحول. We are committed to developing innovative and economically feasible solutions through a variety of technologies to meet global energy needs. From renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind energy, biofuels and fuel cells to the application of advanced materials, making the exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas more efficient, DuPont's products and services help provide better performance, reliability, and lower Cost, higher safety and reduced environmental footprint. Our products support energy storage and energy-saving technologies throughout the power generation, distribution and conversion process.
E.ON SE (OTC: EONGY; Frankfurt: EOAN.F) is an international private energy supplier, which is facing fundamental changes: through the implementation of a new strategy, E.ON will focus entirely on renewables in the future Energy, energy نيٽ ورڪ ۽ ڪسٽمر حل نئين توانائي جي دنيا جي بنياد آهن. ونڊ انرجي: اسان ماحول دوست توانائي پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ زمين ۽ سمنڊ تي واءُ استعمال ڪندا آهيون. In the ever-growing renewable energy market, we play a key role in the wind energy industry and are already among the top ten wind energy operators in the world-we hope to develop further. يورپ ۽ آمريڪا ۾، اسان تقريبن 4.000 ميگاواٽ جي نصب ٿيل گنجائش سان لينڊنگ ونڊ فارمز کي هلائيندا آهيون. انهن ۾ Roscoe، Texas شامل آهن، جن جي 782 ميگاواٽ ونڊ ٽربائن دنيا جي سڀ کان وڏي آنشور ونڊ فارمز مان هڪ آهي. اسان دنيا ۾ ٽيون نمبر وڏو آف شور ونڊ فارم آپريٽر آهيون. Through cooperation with DONG Energy and Masdar, we recently completed the London Array, which is the world's largest offshore wind farm with an installed capacity of 630 MW. It provides enough clean energy for nearly half of British households. We are currently establishing E.ON's first commercial offshore wind energy project in Germany, namely Amrumbank West. Once completed, Amrumbank West will provide enough electricity for 300,000 German houses each year. We are committed to further large-scale investments and to expand our onshore and offshore capabilities. At the same time, we pursue strict cost reduction targets to make wind energy more competitive and affordable.
EDP ​​Renovaveis، SA (Lisbon: EDPR.LS) هڪ معروف عالمي قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا قدر جي تخليق، جدت ۽ پائيدار ترقي لاءِ وقف آهي. اسان عالمي مارڪيٽن ۾ ڪاروبار کي ترقي ڪريون ٿا ۽ اسان جي ڪاروبار کي نون علائقن ڏانهن وڌائڻ جاري رکون ٿا، هر مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ اهم پوزيشن کي برقرار رکڻ ۽ اسٽيڪ هولڊرز ۽ شيئر هولڊرز لاء قدر پيدا ڪرڻ لاء. EDP​​R's business includes the development, construction and operation of high-quality wind farms and solar power plants on a global scale. The internalization of these three key stages of project development and the drive for continuous improvement are essential to get the most value from our assets.
Encavis AG (Xetra: CAP.DE) is a major investment company that specializes in solar and onshore wind energy and park operations. اهو شروع کان گرين فيلڊ پروجيڪٽ ۾ سيڙپڪاري تي ڌيان نٿو ڏئي، ۽ نه ئي اهو فرض ڪري ٿو وڏي ترقي يا تعميراتي خطرات. اهو IPOs، واپاري سيلز، ثانوي خريداري يا ٻيهر خريداري ذريعي پنجن کان ست سالن اندر سيڙپڪاري مان ڪڍڻ چاهي ٿو. The company seeks to invest outside of its balance sheet. It focuses on acquiring and operating turnkey solar and wind farms from the secondary market. The company can invest as a co-investor. Encavis AG was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
Enel Green Power (Milan: EGPW.MI) يورپ ۽ آمريڪا ۾ آپريشنز سان گڏ، بين الاقوامي سطح تي قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار جي ترقي ۽ انتظام لاءِ پرعزم آهي. Enel Green Power uses all renewable energy sources to produce energy through a wide portfolio of wind, hydro, geothermal, solar and biomass energy projects. Wind: Our business covers Europe, Latin America and North America, especially in the United States. Our plan is developing rapidly. We plan to build nearly 1,000 megawatts of electricity in the United States. EnelGreen Power intends to continue its commitment to protecting the country's natural landscape, and to ensure that it attaches great importance to the coordination of wind farms with the surrounding environment and the social development of related areas, while continuously focusing on innovation and new areas of wind power, such as offshore power plants. فيڪٽرين لاءِ جيڪي هن وقت تعمير هيٺ آهن، اينيل گرين پاور پاران تيار ڪيل هدايتن ۾ شامل آهن مناسب سائيز جو استعمال هر علائقي ۾ ٽربائنن جي تعداد لاءِ هڪ ترتيب تيار ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪو ماحولياتي تحفظ جي گهرجن کي پورو ڪري ٿو. Other measures have also been taken, such as: low-reflective coatings and “hidden” coatings are being tested in cooperation with several universities, especially for offshore factories.
EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. (TSX: EHT.V) provides proprietary, turn-key energy solutions that are smart, bankable and sustainable. گهڻيون توانائي جون شيون ۽ حل فوري طور تي لاڳو ڪري سگھجن ٿيون جتي ضرورت هجي. EHT هڪ مڪمل سيٽ شمسي فوٽووولٽڪ، ونڊ انرجي ۽ بيٽري اسٽوريج حلن کي گڏ ڪري ٿو ته جيئن مقابلي کان ٻاهر نڪرڻ لاء. The solution can provide energy in small and large-scale formats 24 hours a day. In addition to traditional support for established power grids, EHT is also excellent where there is no power grid. The organization combines energy saving and energy generation solutions to provide advanced solutions for various industries. EHT's expertise includes the development of modular structures and full integration with smart energy solutions. اهي مصنوعات کي پرڪشش ايپليڪيشنن ۾ شامل آهن پرڪشش ڪمن، ٿڌن گهرن، نن، اسرار ۽ شهري عمارتون، ۽ عارضي عمارتون.

Engie (Paris: GSZ.PA) (formerly GDF Suez) is a global energy supplier and an expert operator in three key areas of electricity, natural gas and energy services. گروهه جي مدد سان سماجي تبديلين جو دارومدار نه رڳو معاشي ترقي، سماجي ترقي ۽ قدرتي وسيلن جي تحفظ تي آهي. ENGIE has a generating capacity of 115.3 GW and is currently the world's largest independent power producer. Its power generation facility is one of the most diverse in the world. Since the increase in electricity production will not harm the environmental balance, ENGIE is committed to developing new infrastructure and favors solutions with the highest efficiency and the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. So far, 22% of the group's electricity comes from renewable resources. هائيڊرو پاور بلاشڪ ترقي يافته توانائي جو مکيه ذريعو آهي، پر ونڊ انرجي، سولر انرجي، بايوماس انرجي ۽ جيوٿرمل انرجي انرجي ڍانچي ۾ وڌيڪ اهم ٿي رهي آهي.
ESI Energy Services Inc. (CSE: OPI) هڪ پلمبنگ سامان ليز تي ڏيڻ ۽ وڪرو ڪرڻ واري ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ليڊڪ، البرٽا ۽ فينڪس، ايريزونا ۾ مکيه عملن سان گڏ آهي. The company supplies (leases) backfill separators (“fillers”) to mainline pipeline contractors through its operating subsidiaries ESI Pipeline Services Limited (“ESIPSL”) and Ozzie's Pipeline Padder, Inc. (“OPI”). , Oilfield pipeline and construction contractors, utility construction contractors and renewable energy (wind and solar) contractors.
پري ايسٽ ونڊ پاور (OTC: FEWP) عوامي جمهوريه چين ۾ يوٽيلٽي-اسڪيل ونڊ انرجي منصوبن جي ترقي، تعمير ۽ آپريشن تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو.
Fersa Energias Renovables SA (ميڊرڊ: FRS.MC) 2000 ۾ قائم ڪئي وئي ۽ اسپينش اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج تي درج ٿيل پھرين آزاد ڪمپني آھي، جيڪا قابل تجديد توانائي جي ترقيءَ لاءِ وقف آھي، خاص ڪري ونڊ انرجي. The company's goal is to use 100% renewable energy to generate electricity. FERSA started the international diversification of its business in 2008 and began to develop its business at the international level. FERSA currently operates on three continents: America, Europe and Asia.
فرسٽ نيشنل پاور ڪمپني (OTC: FNEC) صاف، قابل تجديد توانائي جي وڌندڙ گهرج کي پورو ڪرڻ لاءِ قابل تجديد توانائي جي ترقي ڪندڙ آهي. پهرين نيشنل جو ڌيان گرين انرجي تي آهي، جيڪو دنيا ۾ بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ جو تيز ترين وڌندڙ ذريعو آهي. First National's team of experienced professionals brings together comprehensive project development, technical, financial and marketing skills to design, construct and operate wind power facilities.
Gamesa Corp (Madrid: GAM.MC) has 21 years of experience and has installed 31,200 MW batteries in more than 50 countries/regions. Gamesa is a global technology leader in the wind power industry. ان جي مڪمل جواب ۾ 20,700 ميگاواٽ کان وڌيڪ ونڊ ٽربائنز لاءِ آپريشن ۽ مينٽيننس سروسز جو انتظام پڻ شامل آهي. ڪمپني جا مکيه ونڊ انرجي مارڪيٽن ۾ پيداواري مرڪز آهن: اسپين ۽ چين، عالمي پيداوار ۽ سپلائي سينٽرن جي طور تي، جڏهن ته هندستان، آمريڪا ۽ برازيل ۾ مقامي پيداواري صلاحيت برقرار رکي ٿي. Gemei a دنيا ۾ 6,400 ميگاواٽ نصب ٿيل ونڊ فارمز جي ترقي، تعمير ۽ وڪرو ۾ پڻ عالمي اڳواڻ آهي. Gemei a forms part of the main international sustainability indexes: FTSE4Good and Ethibel.

GE (New York Stock Exchange: GE) imagines things that others have not done, builds things that others cannot do, and provides results that make the world a better place. GE merges the physical and digital worlds in a way that no other company can match. GE پنهنجي ليبارٽريز ۽ ڪارخانن ۾ ايندڙ صنعتي دور پيدا ڪيو آهي ۽ دنيا کي منتقل ڪرڻ، طاقت ڏيڻ، تعمير ڪرڻ ۽ شفا ڏيڻ لاءِ گراهڪن سان گڏ زميني تعاون. GE دنيا کي طاقت ڏيڻ لاء صاف ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ توانائي حل استعمال ڪري ٿو. Wind power: GE Renewable Energy is one of the world's leading suppliers of wind turbines. Our current product portfolio includes turbines with a rated capacity of 1.7 MW to 3.2 MW. In addition, the support services we provide cover everything from development assistance to operation and maintenance. Whether you are at the starting point of your wind power journey or are looking for development, we can provide you with the services you need.

Greenko Group plc (LSE: GKO.L) هندستان جي وڌندڙ توانائي جي صنعت ۾ هڪ اهم پليئر آهي ۽ هندستان ۾ صاف توانائي جي منصوبن جو هڪ مارڪيٽ-معروف مالڪ ۽ آپريٽر آهي. The group is building a risk-free portfolio of wind energy, hydropower, natural gas and biomass assets in India.

گجرات فلورينڊيڊ انڊسٽريز ڪمپني لميٽيڊ (GFL) (BSE: GUJFLUORO.BO) هندستان ۾ مختلف ڪيميائي شين جي پيداوار ۽ هلندي آهي. ڪمپني شعبن ذريعي هلندي آهي جهڙوڪ ڪيميائي، ونڊ انرجي ڪاروبار، بجلي ۽ ٿيٽر نمائشون. The wind energy business unit provides wind turbines (WTG); erection procurement and commissioning services; operation and maintenance services; general infrastructure services; and WTG site development services.

Heliocentris Fuel Cell Company (XETRA: H2F.DE; Frankfurt: H2FA.F) is a leader in providing energy management systems and hybrid solutions for distributed stationary industrial applications, as well as products and solutions for education, training and applied research Technology providers are ٻارڻ سيل، شمسي، واء ۽ هائيڊروجن ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ استعمال ڪيو. Heliocentris توانائي جي انتظام جو نظام سمارٽ، ريموٽ ڪنٽرول، قابل اعتماد ۽ موثر هائبرڊ توانائي حل ٺاهي ٿو مختلف اجزاء ذريعي (جهڙوڪ بيٽرين، فوٽووولٽڪ ماڊلز، روايتي ڊيزل جنريٽر ۽ ايندھن جي سيلز). Compared with conventional energy solutions for mobile telecommunication base stations, this solution can reduce CO2 emissions by 50% and operating costs by up to 60% on average. Heliocentris' fuel cell system can ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical infrastructures (such as TETRA base stations, backbone sites and server stations in mobile networks) and a long operating time. The “teaching” field provides a series of learning and research systems for fuel cell and solar hydrogen technology and other renewable energy technologies. گراهڪن ۾ تربيتي مرڪز، تحقيقي ادارا ۽ صنعتون شامل آهن.

Huangxin Energy Co., Ltd. (هانگ ڪانگ: 0958.HK) نئين توانائي منصوبن جي سيڙپڪاري، تعمير ۽ آپريشن لاءِ پرعزم آهي. اهو ونڊ انرجي منصوبن جي ترقي ۽ آپريشن تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو، جڏهن ته شمسي ۽ ٻين قابل تجديد توانائي جي ذريعن جي هم وقت سازي جي ترقي کي فروغ ڏيڻ. ڪمپني سائنسي ترقي تي اصرار ڪري ٿي ۽ منطقي طور تي ڪاروبار کي ورهائي ٿي. Through the operation of large-scale wind farms and distributed wind farms, the utilization of onshore and offshore wind resources, and the emphasis on development and acquisition, the company strives to improve its growth quality and efficiency, and continuously improve its profitability, competitiveness and پائيدار ترقيءَ جون صلاحيتون، تنهن ڪري عوامي جمهوريه چين (چين) ۾ پنهنجي قائم ڪيل پوزيشن کي برقرار رکندي ۽ بين الاقوامي منڊي کي وڌائڻ لاءِ، بين الاقوامي سطح تي مسابقت وارو ۽ اعليٰ قابل تجديد توانائي فراهم ڪندڙ بنجڻ جي نظر سان. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the mission of green energy development and clean energy production. The company attaches great importance to protecting and improving the environment, fulfilling its social responsibilities, and striving to bring sustainable, stable and growing returns to shareholders.
Iberdrola Renovables SAU (Madrid: IBE.MC) has undergone extensive transformation in the past ten years, making it the number one Spanish energy group and one of the major Spanish companies of Ibex 35. It is a global leader in wind energy by market capitalization . , Is also one of the world's top power companies.

Infigen Energy (ASX: IFN.AX) هڪ پیشہ ور قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا قابل تجديد توانائي جي پيداوار جي اثاثن کي ترقي، تعمير، مالڪ ۽ هلائي ٿي. It has rights to 24 wind farms, including 6 wind farms in operation, Australia has a total installed capacity of 557 MW; the United States has 18 operating wind farms with a total installed capacity of 1,089 MW, as well as wind power and The pipeline of solar renewable energy development.
India Infrastructure (LSE: IIP.L) is a closed-end investment company incorporated in the Isle of Man, providing investors with opportunities to invest in Indian infrastructure assets. ونڊ انرجي: انڊين انرجي لميٽيڊ (IEL) IEL ھڪ آزاد بجلي پيدا ڪندڙ آھي جيڪو ٻن آپريٽنگ ونڊ فارمن سان گڏ 41.3 ميگاواٽ جي گنجائش سان.
Innergex Renewable Energy Company (TSX: INE.TO) ڪينيڊا جي معروف آزاد قابل تجديد توانائي پيدا ڪندڙ آھي. 1990 ۾ پنهنجي قيام کان وٺي، ڪمپنيءَ جي ترقي، مالڪي ۽ آپريشن لاءِ پرعزم آهي هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور سهولتن، ونڊ فارمز ۽ شمسي ڦوٽو وولٽڪ پاور پلانٽس درياءَ جي مٿئين حصي تي، ۽ ڪيوبيڪ، اونٽاريو، برٽش ڪولمبيا ۽ آئيڊاهو ۾ ترقي ڪئي آهي. آمريڪا ۾. ڪاروبار. ان جي اثاثن واري پورٽ فوليو ۾ هن وقت شامل آهن: (i) 687 ميگاواٽ (ڪل 1,194 ميگاواٽ) جي ڪل خالص نصب ٿيل گنجائش سان 33 آپريٽنگ سهولتن جي ملڪيت، جنهن ۾ 26 هائيڊرو پاور سهولتون، 6 ونڊ فارمز ۽ 1 سولر فوٽووولٽڪ پاور جنريشن (Ii) پنجن ۾ حق آهن. ترقي هيٺ يا تعمير هيٺ منصوبا جن بجلي خريد ڪرڻ جا معاهدا ڪيا آهن، جن ۾ ڪل 208 ميگاواٽ (ڪل 319 ميگاواٽ) جي خالص نصب گنجائش؛ (iii) potential projects, total net The total capacity is 3,190 MW (total 3,330 MW).

Jinpan International Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS: JST) designs, manufactures and sells electrical control and power distribution equipment for demanding industrial applications, utility projects, renewable energy installations and infrastructure projects. مکيه شين ۾ شامل آهن cast resin transformers, VPI transformers ۽ reactors, Switch cabinets and unit substations. Jinpan چين جي معروف صنعتي برقي سامان ٺاهيندڙن جو هڪ قابل سپلائر آهي، چين ۾ گراهڪن جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو آهي ۽ بين الاقوامي مارڪيٽ ۾ داخل ٿيو آهي. چين ۾ جنپان جا چار پيداواري مرڪز هائيڪو، ووهان، شنگھائي ۽ گيلين ۾ واقع آهن. The company's manufacturing plant in China has the country's largest production capacity for cast resin transformers. The company was established in 1993. Its main executive office is located in Haikou, Hainan Province, China, and its US office is located in Karlstadt, New Jersey. Wind energy: Cast resin dry-type transformers for wind energy applications, used in wind farms (in or outside the tower) to increase the voltage of the generated electricity for transmission in the medium-voltage power grid.

Kalahari Greentech Inc. (OTC: KHGT) هڪ ترقياتي ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ونڊ ۽ سولر انرجي منصوبن جي ترقي، تعمير ۽ آپريشن لاءِ وقف آهي، ان سان گڏوگڏ قابل تجديد توانائي جي ترقيءَ لاءِ پنهنجي ٽيڪنالاجي کي استعمال ڪرڻ جا موقعا ڳولي رهي آهي.
Landmark Infrastructure Partner LP (NasdaqGM: LMRK) This partnership is a growth-oriented limited partnership aimed at acquiring, owning and managing companies that lease to the wireless communications, outdoor advertising and renewable energy power generation industries Real estate equity investment portfolio. . The partnership is headquartered in El Segundo, California, and its real estate interests include long-term and permanent easements, tenant lease assignments and a diversified portfolio of fee-based properties located in 49 states and the District of Columbia, giving the partnership rights The rent is paid from the lease on more than 1,400 tenant sites. واءُ جو زور
Leo Motors, Inc (OTC: LEOM) through its subsidiary Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. is engaged in the research and development (R&D) of a variety of products, prototypes and conceptual designs based on power generation, drivetrain and storage technologies. Leo Motors, Co. Ltd. operates through four independent departments: new product research and development (R&D), product development and other late-stage R&D development; پيداوار؛ ۽ وڪرو. ڪمپني جي پروڊڪٽس ۾ شامل آهن: شمسي ۽ ونڊ پاور جنريشن جي سامان لاءِ اي-باڪس توانائي اسٽوريج سسٽم؛ ۽ EV اجزاء جيڪي بيٽرين ۽ موٽرز کي ضم ڪن ٿا، جهڙوڪ EV ڪنٽرولرز جيڪي ننڍڙا ڪمپيوٽر استعمال ڪن ٿا ٽورڪ ڊرائيو کي ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ لاءِ
MasTec, Inc. (NYSE: MTZ) is a leading infrastructure construction company with its main operations throughout North America and covering multiple industries. ڪمپني جي مکيه سرگرمين ۾ شامل آهن انجنيئرنگ، تعمير، تنصيب، سار سنڀال ۽ توانائي جي اپ گريڊ، افاديت ۽ مواصلاتي انفراسٽرڪچر، جهڙوڪ: يوٽيلٽي ٽرانسميشن ۽ تقسيم؛ natural gas and oil pipeline infrastructure; wireless, wired and satellite communications; power generation, including Renewable energy infrastructure; and industrial infrastructure. MasTec's customers are mainly in these industries. Wind power generation: Our staff provide end-to-end services for the wind farm industry, including power collection systems, substations, interconnection services, and complete EPC/BOP solutions for private developers, power companies and government organizations across the country. We are equipped with a large number of support and installation cranes, including the two (2) ton 550 ton Demag 250-1 and the 660 ton Demag 2800-1 NT, which allow us to safely handle the tallest parts today and drive The heaviest ٽربائن
MGE Energy, Inc (NasdaqGS: MGEE) هڪ عوامي يوٽيلٽي هولڊنگ ڪمپني آهي. Its main subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE), generates and distributes electricity to 143,000 customers in Dane County, Wisconsin, and purchases and distributes natural gas to 149,000 customers in 7 counties in south central and western Wisconsin. The origin of MGE can be traced back to the Madison area 150 years ago. Wind power: In the past ten years, MGE's wind power capacity has increased from 11 megawatts (MW) to 137 MW.
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8031.T) has developed a wide range of businesses in six core areas: metals, machinery and infrastructure, chemistry, energy, lifestyle, and innovation and corporate development. ونڊ انرجي: حرارتي پاور اسٽيشنز ۽ هائيڊرو اليڪٽرڪ پاور اسٽيشنز، ٽرانسميشن ۽ سب اسٽيشن جون سهولتون، ونڊ پاور پلانٽ ۽ ٻيون قابل تجديد توانائي پاور جنريشن
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 7011.T) is a diversified manufacturer. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ جي مختلف سهولتن لاءِ تعمير کان پوءِ سيلز سروس تائين سڄو عمل مهيا ڪري ٿي، جنهن ۾ تھرمل پاور پلانٽس جيڪي دنيا جي اعليٰ ترين پاور جنريشن ڪارڪردگيءَ ۽ ڪاربن ڊاءِ آڪسائيڊ جي اخراج جي گھٽ سطح کي حاصل ڪن ٿا، گڏوگڏ ايٽمي ۽ ونڊ پاور پلانٽس، جيئن ته to provide stable power and better Contributed to their quality of life. Wind turbines: MHI has been engaged in the research and development of wind turbines since 1980. Since then, we have developed induction and variable speed motors from 250kW to 2,400kW. To date, we have manufactured and delivered more than 2,250 units worldwide. Based on the global experience of MWT series wind turbines, we will continue to develop better technologies to further optimize the use of wind, which is one of the main energy sources for clean and environmental protection.
NaiKun Wind Energy Group Limited (TSX: NKW.V) هڪ قابل تجديد توانائي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر برٽش ڪولمبيا ۾ آهي. NaiKun Wind برٽش ڪولمبيا جي اتر اولهه سامونڊي ڪناري تي واقع آهي. Wind resources are one of the most powerful and stable wind resources in the world. Its 400MW offshore wind energy project will generate enough energy to power 200,000 households in British Columbia. If the project continues, it is expected to bring 500 jobs during the construction period, provide 50 permanent jobs for maintenance and operation, and bring more than 400 million Canadian dollars in direct expenditure to the province during the construction period, of which 2.5 C$100 million will benefit North Coast communities
NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with approximately 44,900 megawatts of electricity, including megawatts related to NextEra Energy Partners' non-controlling interests. NextEra Energy جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر جوناؤ بيچ، فلوريڊا ۾ آهي، ۽ ان جا مکيه ماتحت ادارا آهن فلوريڊا اليڪٽرڪ اينڊ لائيٽنگ ڪمپني (جيڪا آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڏي قيمت تي ڪنٽرول ڪندڙ اليڪٽرڪ پاور ڪمپنين مان هڪ آهي) ۽ NextEra Energy Resources, LLC ۽ ان سان لاڳاپيل ادارا. The world's largest renewable energy source comes from wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emission-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power installations in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. NextEra Energy has been recognized by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and was named one of the “2015 Most Admired Companies in the World” by Fortune Magazine. Its innovation and sense of community responsibility rank among the top ten companies in the world. “As the largest wind and solar renewable energy producer in North America, NextEra Energy Resources is demonstrating an effective way to tackle climate change. اسان جي استعمال ۽ صارفين جي مدد سان قابل تجديد وسيلن جي ذريعي، اسان سڀ فرق ڪري سگهون ٿا
Nordex AG (Frankfurt: NDX1.F) through the continuous production of multi-megawatt wind turbines of the Gamma Nordex N90/2500, N100/2500 and N117/2400 generations, Nordex is able to provide efficient wind turbines for land use. Since 2013, Nordex has provided Delta generation with N100/3300 for places with strong wind, N117/3000 for places with stroke, and N131/3000 for places with light wind. As a developer and manufacturer of wind turbines, we focus on our core competitiveness. مجموعي ٽيڪنيڪل ڊيزائن کان علاوه، اسان جي ملڪيت واري ٽيڪنالاجي 64 ميٽرن کان ڊگھي روٽر بليڊ جي ترقي ۽ ونڊ ٽربائنز لاءِ مربوط اليڪٽريڪل ۽ ڪنٽرول ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ پڻ جڙيل آهي.

NRG Yield, Inc. (نيو يارڪ اسٽاڪ ايڪسچينج: NYLD, NYLD-A) آمريڪا ۾ قابل تجديد، روايتي بجلي جي پيداوار ۽ حرارتي انفراسٽرڪچر اثاثن جو هڪ متنوع پورٽ فوليو آهي، جنهن ۾ فوسل فيول، شمسي ۽ واء شامل آهن جيڪي وڌيڪ مدد فراهم ڪري سگھن ٿا. than 2 million American homes and businesses have power generation facilities. اسان جا حرارتي انفراسٽرڪچر اثاثا ٻاڦ، گرم پاڻي ۽/يا ٿڌو پاڻي، ۽ ڪڏهن ڪڏهن بجلي فراهم ڪن ٿا، تجارتي ادارن، يونيورسٽين، اسپتالن ۽ ڪيترن ئي هنڌن تي سرڪاري کاتن کي.
اورينٽ گرين پاور لميٽيڊ (NSE: GREENPOWER-EQ.NS) هندستان ۾ هڪ آزاد قابل تجديد توانائي توانائي پيدا ڪندڙ ڪمپني آهي. ڪمپني کي ترقي، مالڪ ۽ مختلف قسم جي قابل تجديد توانائي پاور پلانٽ کي هلائڻ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو. The company's investment portfolio includes biomass and wind energy projects at different stages of development.

Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) develops, manufactures and sells insulation, roofing and fiberglass composite materials. ڪمپني جي مارڪيٽ جي معروف ڪارپوريٽ ڪاروبار سڄي دنيا کي ڦهلائي ٿو ۽ انسانيت کي ماپ ڪري ٿو. It uses its deep expertise in materials, manufacturing and building science to develop products and systems to save energy and improve the comfort of commercial and residential buildings. ان جي شيشي کي مضبوط ڪرڻ واري ڪاروبار ذريعي، ڪمپني هزارين شين کي هلڪو، مضبوط ۽ وڌيڪ پائيدار بڻائي ٿو. In the end, Owens Corning's employees and products make the world a better place. Wind energy products: Glass fiber reinforced composite materials can be lightweight, insulated, corrosion-resistant, impact-resistant and heat-resistant, and can be used to replace steel, aluminum, wood and other materials. Glass fiber as a reinforcing material can reduce weight while providing strength equal to or better than other materials (such as steel). The lighter weight means higher fuel efficiency in all modes of transportation. With the continuous improvement of strength technology, composite materials also provide higher efficiency and higher economy for wind energy turbines, so that longer, lighter and more productive blades can be used at lower wind speeds.
Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NasdaqGS: PEGI; TSX: PEG.TO) is an independent power company. پيٽرن انرجي آمريڪا، ڪئناڊا ۽ چلي ۾ 16 ونڊ پاور جنريشن سهولتن جي هڪ پورٽ فوليو جي مالڪ آهي، جنهن جي ڪل ملڪيت 2282 ميگاواٽ آهي، ثابت ٿيل فرسٽ ڪلاس ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي. Pattern Energy's wind power generation facilities generate stable long-term cash flow in an attractive market and lay a solid foundation for the continued growth of the business.

Polish Energy Partners (Poland) (Warsaw: PEP) پاور انڊسٽري ۾ پولينڊ جو پهريون پرائيويٽ گروپ آهي جيڪو عمودي طور تي ضم ٿيل ڪمپنين تي مشتمل آهي جيڪي روايتي ۽ قابل تجديد توانائي جي استعمال ۾ پاور جنريشن ۽ ورهائڻ ۽ برقي توانائي جي واپار ۾ ڪردار ادا ڪن ٿيون. ونڊ پاور: آنشور ونڊ فارمز: پولينرجيا گروپ وٽ ٽي آپريٽنگ ونڊ فارمز آهن جن جي ڪل پيداواري صلاحيت 80 ميگا واٽ آهي. Another three power plants with a total power of 104 MW are under construction or are about to start construction. In addition, the group is currently implementing 13 development projects with a total generating capacity of 775 MW, and will build 277 MW by the end of 2016. The offshore wind farm Bora Energy Group has been developing two wind farm projects in the Baltic Sea with 1.2 GW جي ڪل گنجائش، جيڪا PSE پاران جاري ڪيل گرڊ ڪنيڪشن گهرجن کي پورو ڪري ٿي.

Repower Systems (Switzerland: REPI.SW) is a Swiss-based company engaged in power generation, management, trading, sales, power transmission and distribution. The company also buys and sells natural gas, emission certificates and certificates of origin in selected European markets. The company has its own power generation assets in Switzerland (hydropower), Italy (combined cycle gas-fired power plants and wind power) and Germany (wind power). ڪمپنيءَ وٽ واپاري منزلون آهن Poschiavo، سوئٽزرلينڊ؛ Milan, Italy and Prague, Czech Republic. The company provides energy to home and business customers. The company also directly or indirectly provides energy for southern Switzerland through resellers. In Germany, the company sells electricity to medium-sized companies and listed companies, and in Italy, the company also supplies them with natural gas.
Renewable Energy Power Generation Limited (LSE: WIND.L) develops, constructs, finances and operates onshore renewable energy projects in the UK, involving three main areas: onshore wind energy, biomass energy and solar energy. اسان جي وڌندڙ ونڊ فارس جي وڌندڙ ونڊ فارس ۾ پکڙيل آهي، گهڻي ضرورت کان وڌيڪ گهربل توانائي فراهم ڪري سگهي ٿي. The investment in our team of experienced industry experts means that we have internal resources to identify and develop projects to plan internal permits, as well as build and manage wind farms. اسان جا مضبوط مالي وسيلا اسان کي اجازت ڏين ٿا ته منصوبي کي جلدي مڪمل ڪرڻ لاءِ معاهدي کان آپريشن تائين.
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-B) is an independent oil and gas company worldwide. It operates through upstream and downstream market segments. ڪمپني خام تيل، قدرتي گئس ۽ قدرتي گئس جي مائع کي ڳولي ۽ ڪڍي ٿو. It also converts natural gas into liquids to provide fuel and other products. The market trades natural gas; مائنڊ آئل ريڊز مان بٽمن ڪڍي ٿو ۽ ان کي مصنوعي خام تيل ۾ تبديل ڪري ٿو. and uses wind energy to generate electricity. In addition, the company is engaged in the manufacture, supply, and transportation of crude oil; sells fuels, lubricants, bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for household, transportation and industrial purposes; converts crude oil into a series of refined products, including gasoline and diesel , Heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, asphalt, sulfur and liquefied petroleum gas; production and sales of petrochemical products, such as plastics, coatings and detergent raw materials for industrial customers; and alternative energy business. In addition, it also trades hydrocarbons and other energy-related products; provides transportation services; and produces basic chemicals including ethylene, propylene and aromatics, and intermediate chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents, and detergents Alcohol, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. ڪمپني تقريبن 24 آئل ريفائنريز جي مالڪ آهي. 1,500 storage tanks; ۽ 150 تقسيم جون سهولتون. It sells fuel under the Shell V-Power brand.
RWE AG (Frankfurt: RWE.F) هڪ اليڪٽرڪ پاور ۽ قدرتي گئس ڪمپني آهي جيڪا بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ، ورهائڻ ۽ وڪڻڻ، ۽ قدرتي گئس جي پيداوار، تقسيم ۽ وڪرو ڪرڻ جي ذميوار آهي. It uses lignite, coal, natural gas, nuclear power, renewable energy, waste and oil as fuels for power plants; as well as pumped storage and river power plants, and generates heat. The company is also engaged in the supply and trade of electricity, natural gas, coal, petroleum, CO2 certificates, and biomass-based renewable energy in physical and derivative forms; and providing consulting services. Wind power: RWE Innogy operates onshore wind farms in Germany, the UK, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. Through Rhyl Flats and North Hoyle, we operate the two largest offshore wind farms in the UK. We are currently building the offshore wind farm Nordsee Ost near the coast of Germany, and the 576 MW wind farm Gwynt yMôr will be built near the coast of Wales.
Sauer Energy Corporation (OTC: SENY) is a technology developer and manufacturer focusing on the emerging renewable energy market. SEI's first product, WindCutter, is based on the Darrieus principle and has 5 airfoil blades that use the principle of lift to rotate the shaft and mount it on the rod. SEI هڪ پيٽنٽ ٿيل سرپل WindRider ماڊل، 2012 ۾ خريد ڪيل HelixWind® ٽيڪنالاجي استعمال ڪندي هڪ عمودي محور ونڊ ٽربائن مهيا ڪرڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو. اعليٰ ڪارڪردگيءَ سان ڊيزائن جي تبديلين جي اميد آهي ته بهتر نتيجا آڻين. WindRider is also installed on the pole and can be used for applications that do not require roof installation. SEI also invented and plans to provide WindCharger® brand turbines to provide better roof installation solutions for residential and other small buildings. SEI's technology is excellent because it requires very few parts. This means lower manufacturing costs, more efficient operation, less maintenance (fewer parts = less chance of failure) and greater power generation. This will provide SEI with a new direction for wind energy capture, making it easier to expand from residential to power small communities-all the way to large industrial facilities. The market opportunities for this new, self-contained innovative technology are limitless and are growing rapidly. SEI وٽ ڪيترائي پيٽرن آھن، ۽ اتي وڌيڪ پيٽرن التوا ۾ آھن، ۽ اسان شروعاتي پيداوار ۽ تجارتي ڪرڻ جو منتظر آھيون. اهو پڻ فعال طور تي سيڙپڪاري تي مالي واپسي جي طلب ڪري رهيو آهي.
سمنڊ جي هوا جي پاور ڪارپوريشن (TSX: SBX.V) هڪ وينڪوور تي ٻڌل ڪمپني آهي جيڪا تجديد توانائي جي منتقلي لاء وقف ڪئي وئي آهي. The world's increasing demand for clean, green power is the fundamental driving force for our business. Wind project: Sea Breeze Power Corp., through several subsidiary holding companies, has approximately 50 research periods at sites in British Columbia for wind energy research and development. اهي علائقا ڪل لڳ ڀڳ 200,000 هيڪٽرن تي مشتمل آهن ۽ صوبي جي پنجن علائقن ۾ واقع آهن. گريڊ حسن برطانوي ڪولمبيا هائڊروپروپروپ ڪمپني، برطانوي ڪولمبيا جي ونڊا جي واء جي توانائي جا وسيلا آهن

شنگھائي پرائم مشينري ڪمپني لميٽيڊ (هانگ ڪانگ: 2345.HK) ۽ ان جون ماتحت ڪمپنيون چين ۾ ٽربائن بليڊ، پريزيشن بيئرنگ، فاسٽنرز، سي اين سي مشين ٽولز وغيره جي ڊيزائن، ٺاھڻ ۽ وڪرو ڪرڻ ۾ مصروف آھن. And internationally. The company provides turbine blades for large generators, as well as components for the aviation and aerospace markets. Power plants for the energy and aviation industries. It also provides bearing products for railway transportation, vehicles, cargo transportation equipment, aerospace equipment, motors and electrical appliances, as well as bearings and related repair and maintenance services. In addition, the company also produces high-speed steel cutting tools, such as boring cutting tools, thread cutting tools, milling and hinge cutting tools, gear cutting tools and broach cutting tools; as well as carbide cutting tools, superhard material cutting tools, Coated cutting tools, CNC handles and cutting rods, measuring tools and cemented carbide. In addition, it also provides standard and special fasteners; high-strength fasteners and related equipment; and fasteners and special parts for the automotive industry, as well as metal forming machines and tools for the metal forming industry. In addition, it is also engaged in technology development, environmental protection project transfer and consulting, as well as ship anti-corrosion and pollution prevention work and related services. In addition, the company also provides related technical services, human services, industrial investment, and domestic trade and commodity re-export trade. The company was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Shanghai, China. Shanghai Prime Machinery Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation
Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) is a global technology giant whose outstanding engineering, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality represent more than 165 years of history. ونڊ پاور جنريشن: اسان وٽ 30 سالن کان وڌيڪ تجربو آهي آنشور ونڊ پاور جنريشن ۾ ۽ 20 سالن کان وڌيڪ تجربو آف شور پاور جنريشن ۾. اسان عالمي مارڪيٽ جي اڳواڻن مان هڪ آهيون. There are nearly 13,000 wind turbines worldwide with a total capacity of 21 GW, helping to provide the world with clean, renewable energy.
چائنا پاور ونڊ پاور گروپ ڪمپني لميٽيڊ (شنگھائي: 601558.SH) چين جو پهريون اعليٰ ٽيڪنالاجي ادارو آهي جيڪو آزاد ترقي، ڊيزائن، پيداوار ۽ وڏي پيماني تي آنشور، آف شور ۽ انٽرٽيڊل ونڊ ٽربائن جي وڪرو ۾ ماهر آهي. These wind turbines are suitable for global use Various wind energy and environmental conditions, and it is the first company in China to independently develop the world's advanced 5MW and 6MW series wind turbines.
SKF AB (ADR) (OTC: SKFRY) بيرنگ، سيل، ميچاترونڪس، لوبريڪيشن سسٽم ۽ خدمتن جو هڪ معروف عالمي سپلائر آهي (بشمول ٽيڪنيڪل سپورٽ، سار سنڀال ۽ قابل اعتماد خدمتون، انجنيئرنگ مشاورت ۽ تربيت). SKF has operations in more than 130 countries around the world and has approximately 15,000 distributors worldwide. Wind energy: SKF is designing and developing bearings, seals, condition monitoring systems and lubrication systems to achieve more cost-effective wind power generation. SKF انجنيئر اصل سامان ٺاهيندڙن ۽ ونڊ فارم آپريٽرز سان ڪم ڪن ٿا وقف حل مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي نئين ۽ پراڻي ونڊ ٽربائن جي ڊيزائن جي اعتبار ۽ ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائي سگهن ٿا.
Sky Harvest Energy Corp. (OTC: SKYH), a developing company, is committed to using wind energy to generate electricity in Canada. The company has a leasehold interest in some 15,000 acres of land in southwestern Saskatchewan to build wind power facilities for generating and selling electricity. اهو عمودي محور ونڊ ٽربائن جي ڊيزائن، تعمير ۽ وڪرو ۾ پڻ شامل آهي. The company's predecessor was Sky Harvest Windpower Corp..
Solar Wind Energy Tower Inc. (OTC: SWET) Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc. and its wholly-owned commercial subsidiary Solar Wind Energy, Inc. were established in 2010 and are the inventors of the patented Solar Wind Downdraft Tower. سڀ کان وڌيڪ جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ بلڊنگ سسٽم استعمال ڪندي، سستي بجلي جو هڪ وڏو مقدار هڪ ڏينهن ۾ 24 ڪلاڪ، هفتي ۾ 7 ڏينهن پيدا ڪيو ويندو آهي. The company's core goal and focus is to become the main promoter of clean and efficient renewable energy in the world's communities at a reasonable cost without causing the destructive residues of fossil fuels, while continuing to develop innovative technical solutions to meet future electricity demand.
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCQB: SNPW) uses the knowledge and experience of the management to provide services to customers and current shareholders through high-quality services and equipment, strive to satisfy customers, and protect the environment by using smart green technologies. Blockchain: جنوري 2018- اعلان ڪيو ڪمپني جي شروعات بلاڪچين ٽيڪنالاجي کي ان جي قابل تجديد توانائي جي ڪاروباري ماڊل ۽ حڪمت عملي ۾ ضم ڪرڻ، جنهن جو مقصد شمسي ۽ ونڊ فارمز جي گرڊ انتظام جي ڪارڪردگي کي بهتر بڻائڻ آهي. Sun Pacific also announced plans to use the The project brings the project closer to the future. Blockchain technology can monitor new power grids, load balance and extend the service life of electrical equipment.

TechPrecision Corporation (OTC: TPCS), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Ranor, Inc. and Wuxi Key Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., produces large-scale, metal-manufactured and processed precision parts worldwide. These products are used in various markets, including: alternative energy (solar and wind), medical, nuclear, defense, industrial, and aerospace. TechPrecision جو مقصد آهي گراهڪن کي مڪمل پروڊڪٽس لاءِ ڪسٽمائيز ۽ مربوط ”ٽرنڪي“ حل فراهم ڪندي هڪ آخر کان آخر تائين عالمي سروس فراهم ڪندڙ جنهن کي ڪسٽمائيز پيداوار ۽ پروسيسنگ، اسيمبلي، انسپيڪشن ۽ ٽيسٽ جي ضرورت هوندي آهي.
Tektronix Resources Ltd. (NYSE: TCK; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-A.TO; Toronto Stock Exchange: TCK-B.TO) develops and produces natural resources in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. ڪمپني جي مکيه شين ۾ شامل آهن اسٽيل ٺاهڻ؛ ٽامي جو مرڪز ۽ سڌريل ٽامي ڪيٿوڊس؛ refined zinc and zinc concentrates; and lead concentrates. It also produces molybdenum, gold, silver, germanium, indium and cadmium, as well as chemicals and fertilizers. In addition, the company also holds interests in oil sands projects and other interests in the Athabasca region of Alberta; and has interests in mining and processing operations in Canada, the United States, Chile and Peru, and operates metallurgical plants. It is also interested in wind power facilities. Tektronix Resources Co., Ltd. was established in 1906 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.

ٿيوليا (پيرس: TEO.PA) هڪ فرانسيسي ونڊ انرجي پروجيڪٽ ڊولپر ۽ آپريٽر آهي. The company's business mainly focuses on the development of wind farm projects and the construction of wind power generation facilities for the company group itself and third parties, as well as the operation of wind farms in France, Germany, Morocco and Italy. It also involves the sale of wind farm systems in two to four years (excluding trade activities). Theolia SA جون سرگرميون ۽ ڪاروباري خدمتون ونڊ انرجي انڊسٽري جي پوري ويليو چين تي لاڳو آهن، جڳه جي تعين کان وٺي ونڊ فارمز جي آپريشن کي ڪميشن ڪرڻ تائين، جنهن ۾ تعمير ۽ آپريشن جي اجازت حاصل ڪرڻ جو عمل، ونڊ ٽربائنن جي چونڊ، ريسرچ کي وڌائڻ لاءِ. فنڊ، ۽ آپريٽنگ فارمين ۽ وڪرو جي تعمير.
پين ايشيا پيٽروليم ۽ انرجي ڊولپمينٽ ڪارپوريشن (فلپائن: TA.PH) ويجهي مستقبل ۾، مقامي توانائي جي طلب جي تيزيءَ سان واڌ جي نظر ۾، ڪيترائي موقعا آهن. Power generation and power supply are Pan Asia's core business. As an advocate of sustainable energy, the company also invests in renewable energy such as wind and geothermal energy, which it believes is the key to the long-term sustainability of the country's economic development.
TransAlta Corporation (TSX: TA.TO؛ NYSE: TAC) هڪ پاور جنريشن ۽ هول سيل مارڪيٽنگ ڪمپني آهي جيڪا ڊگهي مدي واري شيئر هولڊر جي قيمت پيدا ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف آهي. TransAlta maintains low to medium risk by operating a highly contracted portfolio of assets in Canada, the United States and Australia. TransAlta جو ڌيان موثر طريقي سان ونڊ، پاڻي، قدرتي گئس ۽ ڪوئلي جي سهولتن تي آهي ته جيئن گراهڪن کي قابل اعتماد ۽ گهٽ قيمت واري توانائي فراهم ڪري سگهجي. For more than 100 years, TransAlta has been a responsible operator and has made outstanding contributions to the communities in which it works and lives. Since 2009, TransAlta has been selected by Sustainalytics as one of the 50 most socially responsible companies in Canada, and has been recognized globally by FTSE4Good for its leadership in sustainability and corporate responsibility standards.
TransAlta Renewable Energy Company (TSX: RNW.TO; OTC: TRSWF) has 16 wind power and 12 hydroelectric power generation facilities, and in TransAlta's Sarnia thermal power plant, Le Nordais wind farm, uneven chute hydroelectric power station, Wyoming Wind Farm and Australia اقتصادي طور تي بازياتي اثاثا 2،467 mw جي ڪل نصب ٿيل گنجائش سان، جنهن مان انهن جو 2.291 ميگاواٽ آهي. آسٽريلوي اثاثن ۾ TransAlta Renewables جي اقتصادي مفادن ۾ شامل آھن 425 ميگاواٽ بجلي جي پيداوار ڇھ آپريٽنگ اثاثن مان جيڪي ھلائي رھيا آھن ۽ ڊگھي مدي واري معاھدن تحت دستخط ڪيا ويا آھن، گڏوگڏ 150 ميگاواٽ سائوٿ ھيڊلينڊ پروجيڪٽ ھن وقت تعمير هيٺ ۽ تازو ئي تعمير هيٺ آھي. منصوبي ۾ 270 ڪلوميٽر قدرتي گئس پائيپ لائين وڇائي وئي. TransAlta Renewables وٽ ڪينيڊا ۾ ڪنهن به عوامي طور تي واپار ڪيل قابل تجديد آزاد پاور پروڊيوسر (“IPP”) جي سڀ کان وڏي بجلي پيدا ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت آهي، ۽ ان جي ونڊ پاور جي صلاحيت ڪئناڊا ۾ ڪنهن به عوامي طور تي واپار ڪندڙ IPP کان وڌيڪ آهي. TransAlta Renewables' strategy focuses on the efficient operation of its asset portfolio and expands its asset base by acquiring high-quality contract renewable energy and natural gas power generation facilities and other infrastructure assets. اسان جو مقصد آهي (i) سيڙپڪارن لاءِ مستحڪم ۽ لاڳيتو واپسي پيدا ڪرڻ جي ذريعي معاهدي جي قابل تجديد توانائي ۽ امڪاني قدرتي گئس پاور جنريشن ۽ ٻين انفراسٽرڪچر اثاثن جي مالڪي، ۽ اهي اثاثا معزز هم منصبن جي ذريعي (بشمول TransAlta ڪارپوريشن) ڊگهي مدي وارا معاهدا مستحڪم نقد فراهم ڪن ٿا. flow; (ii) seek and use strategic growth opportunities in the areas of renewable energy, natural gas power generation and other infrastructure; (iii) pay a portion of the cash that can be allocated to the company's shareholders every month.

Trinity Industries, Inc. (NYSE: TRN), headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is a diversified industrial company with market-leading businesses that provide products and services to the energy, transportation, chemical, and construction industries. Trinity reports the financial performance of five main business units: Railway Group, Railway Vehicle Leasing and Management Services Group, Inland Barge Group, Construction Products Group and Energy Equipment Group. Trinity Structural Towers Inc. (TSTI) اتر آمريڪا ۾ اڏاوتي ونڊ ٽاورز جو مکيه ڪارخانو آھي. TSTI works with Trinity's logistics company to provide transportation support and services to facilitate the delivery of structural wind towers to wind farms.
TrustPower Limited (NZE: TPW.NZ) بجلي جي پيداوار ۽ پرچون ۾ مصروف آهي. The company's power generation department develops, owns and operates renewable energy power generation facilities. The department has 34 hydroelectric power stations and 2 wind farms in New Zealand; and 2 wind farms in South Australia. Its retail division involves the retail of electricity, natural gas and telecommunications services.
UGE International Ltd. (TSX: UGE.V) (OTC: UGEIF) provides companies with immediate cost savings through cleaner electricity. We help commercial and industrial customers to improve their competitiveness through the low cost of distributed renewable energy. We have more than 300 MW of experience worldwide, and we are committed to powering a more sustainable world every day. شمسي توانائي، ونڊ انرجي، LED لائٽنگ
Vestas Wind Energy Systems (OTC: VWSYF) is the only global energy company dedicated exclusively to wind energy-increasing the certainty of the business case and reducing energy costs for customers. ويسٽا گراهڪن سان ويجهي ڪم ڪري ٿو ته جيئن توانائي جي آزادي حاصل ڪرڻ لاء سڀ کان وڌيڪ موثر حل مهيا ڪن. Our core business is the development, manufacturing, sales and maintenance of wind power plants. Its capabilities cover all aspects of the value chain from field research to service and maintenance.
Wild Brush Energy (OTC: WBRE) is a renewable energy company. ڪمپني صاف هوا جي توانائي جي پيداوار لاءِ متبادل جي سڃاڻپ، ترقي ۽ فنڊنگ تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿي، جهڙوڪ شمسي توانائي، ونڊ فارمز ۽ هائيڊرو پاور. اهو سبز توانائي جي پيداوار جا موقعا ڳولي ٿو، جهڙوڪ يورپ ۾ وڏي پيماني تي تجارتي ونڊ فارمز، ۽ اتر آمريڪا ۽ بين الاقوامي طور تي شمسي ۽ هائيڊرو پاور جا امڪان.
Wind Works Power Corp. (OTC: WWPW) ھاڻي جرمني ۾ 4.6 ميگا واٽ (MW) ھلائي ٿي. The company has 49% ownership and is expected to double to 9.2 MW by the end of the year. ان کان علاوه، Wind Works Capstone Infrastructures (Maquarie Infrastructures جو هڪ ماتحت ادارو) سان گڏ ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي اونٽاريو ۾ هڪ 50 ميگاواٽ فيڊ-اِن ٽيرف ڪانٽريڪٽ پروجيڪٽ تيار ڪرڻ ۽ پنهنجو 10 ميگاواٽ وڌائڻ؛ جرمني 77 mw ۾ هڪ بعد ۾ منصوبو؛ and a project pipeline in the United States. اسان جو مشن ماڻهن کي قابل تجديد ونڊ انرجي منصوبن جي ترقي ۾ حصو وٺڻ جا موقعا فراهم ڪرڻ آهي. We believe that reasonable investments that are good for the environment are good for our shareholders and our planet. In order to eliminate a person's annual carbon footprint of 10 tons (for Germany), it only takes about 2 days to produce a modern windmill, which can save 2 tons. 20,000 kWh of clean energy and zero-emission energy.
Windflow Tech ADR (NZSE: WTL.NZ) ھڪ اڀرندڙ نيوزيلينڊ ڪارخانو آھي جيڪو ونڊ ٽربائنز ۽ لاڳاپيل سائيٽ جي تشخيص، تنصيب ۽ فني خدمتون توانائي ۽ ونڊ فارم ڊولپرز کي مهيا ڪري ٿو.
WS Atkins Plc (LESE: ATK.L) دنيا جي سڀني معزز ڊزائننگ ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ جي مئنيجمينٽ مشاورت ۽ پروجيڪٽ مئنيجمينٽ مشاورت ڪمپنين. We have established long-term and trustworthy partnerships to create a world that enriches lives by implementing our ideas. Atkins بحري قابل تجديد توانائي جي انقلاب ۾ سڀ کان اڳيان آهي، قابل اعتماد تصورات ۽ تفصيلي انجنيئرنگ ڊيزائن ۽ مالڪ-انجنيئر خدمتون ونڊ، موج ۽ ٽائل توانائي جي شعبن ۾ مهيا ڪري ٿي.
Woodward Corporation (NasdaqGS: WWD) is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control system solutions and components for the aviation and energy markets. ڪمپنيءَ جو جديد فلائڊ، ڪمبشن، اليڪٽريڪل ۽ موشن ڪنٽرول سسٽم گراهڪن کي صاف، وڌيڪ قابل اعتماد ۽ وڌيڪ ڪارائتو سامان مهيا ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگھن ٿا. Our customers include leading original equipment manufacturers and end users of their products. Woodward هڪ عالمي ڪمپني آهي جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر فورٽ کولنز، ڪولوراڊو، آمريڪا ۾ آهي. Wind power: Woodward is one of the leading suppliers of wind converters for renewable energy power generation. More than 9,500 converters that Woodward has installed in onshore and offshore applications provide Woodward with the ability and experience to become a leader in the wind energy business. CONCYCLE's precise and intelligent control algorithm® wind power converter, in combination with variable speed generators, creates a power generation system optimized for power plant quality.
Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) is a major power and natural gas company in the United States with regulated operations in eight Western and Midwestern states. Xcel Energy provides a comprehensive portfolio of energy-related products and services to 3.5 million electricity users and 2 million natural gas users through its regulated operating companies. ڪمپني جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر مينيپوليس ۾ واقع آهي. The main power generation facilities we operate use a variety of fuels, including coal, natural gas, nuclear fuel, water (water), oil and garbage; we also have facilities that use wind energy to generate electricity.
Xinjiang Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002202.SZ; OTC: XJNGF; Hong Kong: 2208.HK) is a wind power company in mainland China and internationally. The company operates through three divisions: WTG manufacturing, wind power generation services, and wind farm investment, development and sales. اهو تحقيق، ترقي، پيداوار ۽ ونڊ ٽربائن جنريٽر ۽ ونڊ پاور حصن جي وڪرو ۾ مصروف آهي. the development and operation of wind farms; and provides wind power related consulting, wind farm construction, maintenance and transportation services. ڪمپني جي مکيه شين ۾ شامل آهن 1.5 ميگا واٽ (ميگاواٽ) ۽ 2.5 ميگاواٽ مستقل مقناطيس سڌو ڊرائيو (PMDD) ونڊ ٽربائن. It is also engaged in the manufacture and sale of wind energy equipment and accessories; machinery and technology trade; and the construction and operation of wind power and solar power projects.
Xzeres Corp (OTC: XPWR) is a global renewable energy company. The company designs and manufactures grid-connected and off-grid wind turbine systems and energy efficiency solutions for the commercial, light industrial and residential markets. XZERES products can reduce energy costs and carbon footprint. ڪمپني جي بين الاقوامي تقسيم نيٽ ورڪ جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر ولسن ويل، اوريگون ۾ آهي، ۽ ستن براعظمن تي 110 ملڪن/علائقن ۾ پنهنجي پراڊڪٽس جي تعیناتي جي حمايت ڪري ٿو.
اسان جي ويب سائيٽ مخصوص سفارشون مهيا نه ڪندي آهي ۽ سيڙپڪارن کي حوصلا افزائي ڪري ٿي ته هو پنهنجي پنهنجي محنت کي پورو ڪن. Our list is compiled from internal and external research sources. اسان جي لسٽ صرف هڪ جزوي طور تي هڪ جزوي ذريعن جي طور تي استعمال ٿيندي آهي.

بايوٽيڪ اسٽاڪ نيوز ڪينابيس اسٽاڪ ڪينابيس اسٽاڪ نيوز ليٽر صاف توانائي جون خبرون دفاعي اسٽاڪ توانائي اسٽاڪ سون ۽ مائننگ خبرون Cryptocurrency ۾ سيڙپڪاري ۽ بلاڪچين سيڙپڪارن جا خيال، واپاري خيالات ۽ اسٽاڪ ڏسڻ لاءِ Investorideas.com نيوز وائر ميوزڪ اسٽاڪس قابل تجديد توانائي جون خبرون اسپورٽس اسٽاڪ واٽر اسٽاڪ ٽيڪنالاجي ٽريپٽو ڪرنسي Inventory

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