Silicon carbide is also known as gold steel sand or refractory sand. Silicon carbide is made of quartz sand, petroleum coke (or coal coke), wood chips (production of green silicon carbide needs to ...
Sichuan Province is vast in area and rich in mineral resources. Among them, the prospecting potential of emerging strategic resources is huge. A few days ago, it was led by Sichuan Natural Resourc...
Material properties under friction, wear and high temperature environments are increasingly demanding, and the emergence of press-free sintered silicon carbide materials provides us with an innovat...
Some organic and inorganic substances are required to participate in semiconductor manufacturing. In addition, since the process is always carried out in a clean room with human participation, semi...
Sputtering targets are mainly used in the electronics and information industries, such as integrated circuits, information storage, liquid crystal displays, laser memories, electronic control devic...
The report carefully studied the global vanadium redox battery market, while focusing on top players and their business strategies, geographic expansion, market segmentation, competitive landscape,...