A semiconductor is a material whose electrical conductivity at room temperature is between that of a conductor and an insulator. Like copper wire in everyday life, aluminum wire is a conductor, and...
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is the most widely used technology in the semiconductor industry for depositing a variety of materials, including a wide range of insulating materials, most metal ma...
Italian, Austrian and German companies have unveiled plans to combine their hydrogen pipeline projects to create a 3,300km hydrogen preparation pipeline, which they say could deliver 40% of Eu...
Alkaline cell hydrogen production is a relatively mature electrolytic hydrogen production technology. Alkaline cell is safe and reliable, with a life span of 15 years, and has been widely used comm...
The Fuel cell CCM electrode film, catalyst is platinum black 1mgcm2 made in China from Vet Energy, which is one of the manufacturers and suppliers in China. Buy Fuel cell CCM electrode film, cataly...
Manufacturing method of graphite heating rod in vacuum furnace
Vacuum furnace graphite rod is also called vacuum furnace graphite heating rod. In the early days, people turned graphite into c...