Mangataka hevitra ampahibemaso momba ny tetikasa drafitry ny fenitra nasionaly 10 tsy maintsy atao toy ny "Taotran'ny fanjifana angovo amin'ny vokatra grafit"

According to the overall arrangement of the standardization work, 10 mandatory national standard plan items such as the “Graphite Product Energy Consumption Rating” will be published (see Annex 1), and the deadline is November 13, 2019. If you have different opinions on the proposed standard project, please fill out the “Standard Project Feedback Form” (see Attachment 2) during the publicity period and send it back to the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and send it to ( The subject of the email states: standard project announcement feedback).

Adiresy: Departemantan'ny Siansa sy Teknolojia, Minisiteran'ny Indostria sy ny Teknolojian'ny Fampahalalam-baovao, 13 West Chang'an Street, Beijing
Paositra momba ny paositra: 100846
Laharana fifandraisana: 010-68205241
Fotoana fampahafantarana: 14 Oktobra 2019, 13 Novambra 2019

1. Tetik'asa drafitra manara-penitra nasionaly 10 tsy maintsy atao toy ny “Graphite Product Energy Consumption Rating” (Draft for Comment).doc
2. Form fanehoan-kevitra momba ny tetikasa.doc
Ampio WeChat 86010866 handraisana ireo attaché
Loharano: Minisiteran'ny Indostria sy ny Teknolojian'ny Fampahalalam-baovao

Fotoana fandefasana: Oct-17-2019
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