“Where is the fuel car bad, why should we develop new energy vehicles?” This should be the primary question most people think about the current “wind direction” of the automobile industry. Under th...
Silicon is an atomic crystal, whose atoms are connected to each other by covalent bonds, forming a spatial network structure. In this structure, the covalent bonds between atoms are very directiona...
1. As refractory material: Graphite and its products have the properties of high temperature resistance and high strength. They are mainly used in the metallurgical industry to manufacture graphite...
When does a Vacuum Pump benefit an engine?
A vacuum pump, in general, is an added benefit to any engine that is high performance enough to create a significant amount of blow-by. A vacuum pump will...
The recent report on the global SiC Coating market published by the Market Data Analytics includes the impact of COVID-19 on the SiC Coating market. Severe economic crisis are being faced by each a...
According to a statement from the European Commission, the first enabling Act defines the necessary conditions for hydrogen, hydrogen-based fuels or other energy carriers to be classified as renewa...