The first generation of semiconductor materials is represented by traditional silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge), which are the basis for integrated circuit manufacturing. They are widely used in low-...
Green hydrogen: rapid expansion of global development pipelines and projects
A new report from Aurora energy research highlights how quickly companies are responding to this opportunity and develo...
LOS ANGELES, United States: The global Graphite Tubes Consumables market is carefully researched in the report while largely concentrating on top players and their business tactics, geographical ex...
Vanadium redox battery industry 2020 global market research report studies the latest vanadium redox battery industry market size, share, trends, opportunities and strategies to promote growth, bus...
On May 16, 2019, the US “Forbes” magazine released the list of “Top 2000 Global Listed Companies” in 2019, and Fangda Carbon was selected. The list ranked 1838 by stock mark...
Titanium felt is a versatile and widely used material. It is made of titanium and has unique properties and characteristics. In industrial, aerospace, medical and other fields, titanium felt plays ...