Different from S1C discrete devices which pursue high voltage, high power, high frequency and high temperature characteristics, the research goal of SiC integrated circuit is mainly to obtain high ...
Graphite electrode is mainly made of petroleum coke and needle coke as raw materials and coal asphalt as binder through calcination, batching, kneading, molding, roasting, graphitization and machin...
As the carrier of normal silicon wafers in the production of coating process, the graphite boat has many boat wafers with a certain interval in the structure, and there is a very narrow space betwe...
In 1966, General Electric Company developed water electrolytic cell based on proton conduction concept, using polymer membrane as electrolyte. PEM cells were commercialized by General Electric in 1...
The global automotive electric water pump market size is projected to reach USD 6690.8 million by 2026, surging at a CAGR of…
The global automotive electric water pump market size is projected to r...