Different from S1C discrete devices which pursue high voltage, high power, high frequency and high temperature characteristics, the research goal of SiC integrated circuit is mainly to obtain high ...
Advantages of zirconia ceramic injection molding:
1. High degree of mechanization and automation in the forming process.
2, injection molding out of zirconia ceramic products with extremely high di...
Titanium felt is a versatile and widely used material. It is made of titanium and has unique properties and characteristics. In industrial, aerospace, medical and other fields, titanium felt plays ...
A fuel cell system uses the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels to cleanly and efficiently produce electricity. If hydrogen is the fuel, the only products are electricity, water, and heat. F...
On May 16, 2019, the US “Forbes” magazine released the list of “Top 2000 Global Listed Companies” in 2019, and Fangda Carbon was selected. The list ranked 1838 by stock mark...
Seven European countries, led by Germany, submitted a written request to the European Commission to reject the EU’s green transport transition goals, reigniting a debate with France over nucl...