New energy vehicles are not equipped with fuel engines, so how do they achieve vacuum-assisted braking during braking? New energy vehicles mainly achieve brake assist through two methods:
According to a statement from the European Commission, the first enabling Act defines the necessary conditions for hydrogen, hydrogen-based fuels or other energy carriers to be classified as renewa...
The performance of zirconia ceramic products is susceptible to the following factors:
1. The influence of raw materials
High quality zirconia powder is selected, and the performance factors and co...
How much water is consumed by electrolysis
Step one: Hydrogen production
Water consumption comes from two steps: hydrogen production and upstream energy carrier production. For hydrogen production,...
In the silicon carbide single crystal growth process, physical vapor transport is the current mainstream industrialization method. For the PVT growth method, silicon carbide powder has a great infl...
Introduction to Graphite Electrodes
Graphite electrode is mainly made of petroleum coke and needle coke as raw materials, coal tar pitch is used as a binder, and it is made by calcination, batchin...