As the basis of modern electronic devices, semiconductor material are undergo unprecedented change. today, diamond is gradually screening its great potential as a fourth-coevals semiconductor mater...
Fuel cells can be divided into proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and direct methanol fuel cells according to the electrolyte properties and fuel used
(DMFC), phosphoric acid fuel cell (PA...
1. What is hydrogen energy
Hydrogen, the number one element in the periodic table, has the lowest number of protons, just one. The hydrogen atom is also the smallest and lightest of all atoms. Hydr...
The “High-grade Isostatic Graphite Market” research report added to the market research report provides a brief analysis of recent market trends. In addition, the report also provides a...
The origin of the name epitaxial wafer
First, let’s popularize a small concept: wafer preparation includes two major links: substrate preparation and epitaxial process. The substrate is a wafer m...