In the metallurgical industry, the use of high-quality materials is paramount to ensure the efficient and reliable production of metals and alloys. Among the various materials employ...
Japan: Developed the Strategic Roadmap for Oxygen Energy and Fuel Cells in 2014, and entered the recovery economy in 2040.
European Union: The European Road Map: A Sustainable Development Path for...
Meaning and principle of graphite boat
Meaning of graphite boat:
The graphite boat dish is a groove mold, which comprises a plurality of W-shaped two-way inclined grooves with opposite two gr...
Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands are building advanced relations and cooperation in a number of areas, with energy and clean hydrogen at the top of the list. Saudi Energy Minister Abdulaziz bin Sal...
Seals play a key role in the industrial field, and graphite bearings, as an important seal, are gradually showing broad application prospects. Especially in fields such as semiconductor manufacturi...