Industry according to the technical route of hydrogen energy and carbon emissions and naming, generally with color to distinguish, green hydrogen, blue hydrogen, gray hydrogen is the most familiar ...
Non-uniformity of ion bombardment
Dry etching is usually a process that combines physical and chemical effects, in which ion bombardment is an important physical etching method. During the etchin...
Carbon-carbon composites are a type of carbon fiber composites, with carbon fiber as the reinforcement material and deposited carbon as the matrix material. The matrix of C/C composites is carbon. ...
The released “Global Automotive Electric Vacuum Pump Market Evaluation Record” has found out the size, share and dynamics of the protected market, which is an illustrative model to illu...
Thin film deposition is to coat a layer of film on the main substrate material of the semiconductor. This film can be made of various materials, such as insulating compound silicon dioxide, semicon...