The competent departments of industry and informationization, the departments of finance (bureaus), the insurance regulatory bureaus of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly u...
The growth process of monocrystalline silicon is completely carried out in the thermal field. A good thermal field is conducive to improving the quality of crystals and has a higher crystallization...
Nicola announced the sale of its battery electric vehicle (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) to the Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA).
The sale secures the company’...
Semiconductor device is the core of the modern industrial machine equipment, widely used in computers, consumer electronics, network communications, automotive electronics, and other areas of the c...
In the past, the severity of the fallout has led countries to put on hold plans to speed up construction of nuclear plants and start winding down their use. But last year, nuclear power was on the ...
SiC coating can be prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), precursor transformation, plasma spraying, etc. The coating prepared by CHEMICAL vapor deposition is uniform and compact, and has go...