Application and characteristics of graphite sagger crucible
Crucible can be used for intensity heating of a large number of crystals. Crucible can be divided into graphite crucible and quartz cruc...
The core technology for the growth of SiC epitaxial materials is firstly defect control technology, especially for defect control technology that is prone to device failure or reliability degradati...
Carbon & Graphite Felt
Carbon and Graphite felt is a soft flexible high-temperature refractory insulation typically used in vacuum and protected atmosphere environments up to 5432℉ (3000℃). Hi...
The global automotive electric water pump market size is projected to reach USD 6690.8 million by 2026, surging at a CAGR of…
The global automotive electric water pump market size is projected to r...
Detailed analysis of heating principle of graphite rod
Graphite rod is often used as the electric heater of high-temperature vacuum furnace. It is easy to oxidize at high temperature. Except...