1. Third-generation semiconductors
The first-generation semiconductor technology was developed based on semiconductor materials such as Si and Ge. It is the material basis for the development of tr...
Recently, silicon carbide crystal boats have attracted global media attention. It is an amazing crystal boat made of silicon carbide technology. Not only does it have incredible looks, but it also ...
Atmospheric pressure sintered silicon carbide is no longer just used as an abrasive, but more as a new material, and is widely used in high-tech products, such as ceramics made of silicon carbide m...
In the back-end process stage, the wafer (silicon wafer with circuits on the front) needs to be thinned on the back before subsequent dicing, welding and packaging to reduce the package mounting he...
This report called “Global Carbon Mould Market” is a comprehensive document that covers valuable information about market factors, such as driving factors, constraints, competitive land...