Semiconductor device production mainly includes discrete devices, integrated circuits and their packaging processes.
Semiconductor production can be divided into three stages: product body materia...
Petronas visited our company on June 21 and communicated with us on hydrogen fuel cell membrane electrode, MEA membrane, CCM membrane and other products.
When does a Vacuum Pump benefit an engine?
A vacuum pump, in general, is an added benefit to any engine that is high performance enough to create a significant amount of blow-by. A vacuum pump will...
Market Expertz has recently published a study titled ‘Global Graphite Sheet Market Research Report.’ In this report, analysts have provided a detailed evaluation of the global Graphite Sheet market...
How Redox Flow Batteries Work
The separation of power and energy is a key distinction of RFBs, compared to other electrochemical storage systems. As described above, the system energy is stored in ...
AEM is to some extent a hybrid of PEM and traditional diaphragm based lye electrolysis. The principle of AEM electrolytic cell is shown in Figure 3. At the cathode, water is reduced to produce hydr...