Semiconductor device production mainly includes discrete devices, integrated circuits and their packaging processes.
Semiconductor production can be divided into three stages: product body materia...
Fuel cells have become a viable eco-friendly power source, and advancements in the technology continue to be made. As fuel cell technology improves, the importance of using high-purity fuel cell gr...
Sphere carbon black:
• High mesopore ratio : High surface area
• High crystallinity and strong adhesion : High anti-corrosion and stability
Carbon NanoFiber:
• Uniform edge surface : High el...
Dual-Damascene is a process technology used to manufacture metal interconnects in integrated circuits. It is a further development of the Damascus process. By forming through holes and grooves at t...
Green Hydrogen International, a Us-Based start-up, will build the world’s largest green hydrogen project in Texas, where it plans to produce hydrogen using 60GW of solar and wind power and sa...
Semiconductor device is the core of the modern industrial machine equipment, widely used in computers, consumer electronics, network communications, automotive electronics, and other areas of the c...