First, the principle of mixing
By stirring the blades and the revolving frame to rotate each other, the mechanical suspension is generated and maintained, and the mass transfer between the liquid a...
Sichuan Province is vast in area and rich in mineral resources. Among them, the prospecting potential of emerging strategic resources is huge. A few days ago, it was led by Sichuan Natural Resourc...
The function of bipolar plate (also known as diaphragm) is to provide gas flow channel, prevent the collusion between hydrogen and oxygen in the battery gas chamber, and establish a current path be...
In high temperature applications, the choice of materials is critical. Among them, the reaction-sintered silicon carbide material has become a popular choice due to its excellent performance. React...
fan out wafer degree packaging ( FOWLP ) in the semiconductor industry is know for being cost-effective, but it is not without its challenge. One of the main issue confront is warp and bit beginni...
Graphite paper
Graphite paper is made of high carbon phosphorus graphite by chemical treatment and high temperature expansion rolling. It is the basic material for manufacturing all kinds of grap...