Detailed analysis of heating principle of graphite rod
Graphite rod is often used as the electric heater of high-temperature vacuum furnace. It is easy to oxidize at high temperature. Except...
EDM graphite electrode material properties:
1.CNC processing speed, high machinability, easy to trim
The graphite machine has a fast processing speed of 3 to 5 times that of the copper electrode, a...
Recrystallized silicon carbide is an innovative material with superior properties. It has superior mechanical properties and high corrosion resistance, and has a wide range of applications in aeros...
As the carrier of normal silicon wafers in the production of coating process, the graphite boat has many boat wafers with a certain interval in the structure, and there is a very narrow space betwe...
How much water is consumed by electrolysis
Step one: Hydrogen production
Water consumption comes from two steps: hydrogen production and upstream energy carrier production. For hydrogen production,...