The first generation of semiconductor materials is represented by traditional silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge), which are the basis for integrated circuit manufacturing. They are widely used in low-...
Non-uniformity of ion bombardment
Dry etching is usually a process that combines physical and chemical effects, in which ion bombardment is an important physical etching method. During the etchin...
“Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bipolar Plate Market Research: Global Status & Forecast by Geography, Type & Application (2016-2026)” the new research report adds in research re...
LOS ANGELES, United States: The global Graphite Tubes Consumables market is carefully researched in the report while largely concentrating on top players and their business tactics, geographical ex...
1. Acknowledgement before cleaning
1) When the PECVD graphite boat/carrier is used more than 100 to 150 times, the operator needs to check the coating condition in time. If there is an abnormal coa...
Isostatic graphite is a very important material in photovoltaics and semiconductors. With the rapid rise of domestic isostatic graphite companies, the monopoly of foreign companies in China has bee...